#had the game for 3 days and i already have over 24 hours on it
umblrspectrum · 9 months
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thanks iz
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mylonelylittlestar · 4 months
My little star
Characters: Xavier Summary: random relationship headcanons with Xavier Warnings: None A/N: I've completely fallen in love with Love and Deepspace, especially with Xavier. It's truly hopeless
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the type of boyfriend to get you matching pyjamas
he gets you so many that they slowly start to replace all of your own
likes to match with you even if you don't live together, so sometimes he just texts you to ask which pyjamas you're wearing so he can change into the matching one after he showered
if you ever gift him slippers, blankets, or pillows, he will keep them forever (even if it's something goofy like those big fluffy bunny slippers)
the best person to ask for good midnight snacks. He can recommend fantastic instant noodles, chips, crackers, or other snacks that are light and won't give you stomach aches late at night or negatively impact your sleep in any other way
very interested in your skincare routine (if you have one) and will try out any mask or cream that you give him
if you come up with a routine for him (a simple one, maybe, like the basic cleanser > toner > moisturizer), he will follow it diligently, dragging himself out of bed before he sleeps every day to do it because you were the one to pick those products for him and he doesn't want to waste that
he feels like it connects you to him, even if your routine is completely different and a bit more complicated
never cries during movies, no matter how sad they might be, but he does (on very rare occasions) get a bit teary-eyed
he will hold you if you cry during a movie, and he would never even think about making fun of you for it
he does secretly think that it's cute that you get so worked up about a movie
can sleep through anything. a bomb could go off in his house and he wouldn't know that it happened until he woke up
has seen every single episode of any shitty sitcom you can think of at least three times because he occasionally watches them while he sleeps
sometimes he quotes them but because he knows each of these shows so well now he always quotes the lesser known scenes and no one gets what he's talking about
you start to understand his references after a while, so sometimes he will quote some obscure scene from a super unpopular sitcom that got cancelled after one season and you're the only one laughing
secretly sneaks to the arcade sometimes to practice the claw machine game because he wants to get you the plushies you don't have yet (and to impress you)
he ends up getting dozens of repeats of plushies that you already own. he collects in a small storage room in his apartment that used to be empty
he ends up giving them away when the collection gets out of control, donating them to a children's hospital nearby
gets all shy when you find out about it, blushing bright red like a tomato (or a wasabi octopus)
knows about every single 24 hour store in the city because of his odd sleeping habits and always knows what to do no matter what time it is
you can't sleep and want to go on a date at 3:27 am? he knows a place
if someone is mean to you he will try his hardest to deescalate the situation, but he's also fully willing to fight the person if that doesn't work
I mean have you read his Anecdotes 2? He doesn't give a fuck. He'd prefer not to fight, sure, but if it's unavoidable? What is he gonna do? Not fight and defend you? Ridiculous.
The fandom has already started turning him into this soft uwu stereotype, but the thing is that that's... just not him? He's sweet and kind, yes, but that's not all he is. He's complicated! He has layers!
if he ever falls asleep during a date he would feel awful about it for days, even if you reassure him that it's fine and that you're glad that he feels safe enough around you to fall asleep
he tries to make it up to you with a different date and he falls asleep again, which starts a vicious, endless cycle
when he finally does get over his guilt it's only because you fall asleep during a date after you had a long day at work
knows when you cheat in kitty cards, but sometimes he just lets you get away with it, especially if he knows you had a stressful day at work. He hopes that the win will cheer you up
his good night kisses are forehead kisses while his good morning kisses are on top of your head if you didn't sleep over or on the cheek if you did
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rinniessance · 6 months
BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE ༊*·˚ - leon kennedy x fem!reader x satoru gojo
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leon kennedy has been announced mia after 24 hours of no contact. high brass doesn't care that you only came back from a mission a day prior, injured no less. when you're dispatched to spain, the last thing you expect is to get a special kind of rescue mission.
this is my entry for @rinhaler's gaming collab - MASTERLIST 🎮
꒰ warnings: nsfw - mdni .ᐟ.ᐟ resident evil au. kind of following the plot of resident evil 4. aphrodysiac sex, unprotected sex, pet names (it's my staple <3), oral sex (f receiving), slight dacraphyllia, squirting, two dicks in one hole, cream pie. forgive me if i forgot any tags ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ // word count: 5.8k ꒱ ꒰ notes: we love pure self-indulgence in this house .ᐟ.ᐟ tagging @mymegumi and @lilacliliess because they support my delusions about fucking two blue eyed men:3 ꒱
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it’s been uneasy 24 hours in the D.O.S headquarters – ever since leon kennedy stopped responding to any attempts at communication, he’s been announced MIA this morning. given the sensitive mission of retrieving president’s daughter, the urgency to dispatch someone for another rescue is being pushed by the high brass, sending everyone on a search to find an agent capable enough of handling the job. as it turns out, out of dozens of people working in this forsaken organization, you’re the only one qualified.
“are you shitting me, hunnigan? i just came back from the mission last night. did you not see the stabbing wound?” for dramatic effect, you raise your t-shirt, showing freshly bandaged area where the deep cut resides. coming into the work this morning, the most stressful part of your day was expected to be the tons of paperwork you would’ve had to go through – yet as soon as you stepped into your office, you were greeted by leon’s handler, bearing the news from your superiors.
“sorry, you know it’s not up to me. whatever the president says goes.”
“are there literally no one else in this entire building who can be ordered to go instead?”
slumping over your desk, you put your head on top of your folded arms – it takes everything in you not to scream. your own mission was already problematic enough: bioweapon developers have become exceptional in making new B.O.Ws deadlier and deadlier, and knowing leon’s resume, there is a very high chance he was sent to deal with the worst of it.
“you’re one of the few partners kennedy has had while working for D.O.S. you know how he operates; it makes sense they are sending you.”
you know there is no point in arguing – if it’s been decided by the president, you have no choice but to go. it doesn’t mean, however, you can’t be irritated by the whole situation.
“do i at least get paid overtime?” you sign with exasperation, sulking deeper into your chair, hearing hunnigan let out a breathy chuckle.
“maybe if you bring golden boy’s ass back in one piece.”
“great. can i at least go home and make sure i didn’t leave the kettle on or something.”
“you’re not getting out of it, agent,” she says with a smile, and you can only groan. leon will be paying for all your meals for the next 6 months. “the helicopter is already waiting, actually, so you better gear your ass up and head to the helipad.”
“more amazing news.”
hunnigan only pats you on the shoulder – nothing she can say will make this situation suck any less – and leaves the room, letting you wallow in your misery.
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“can you just fucking die already?” you yell in pure annoyance, trying to shoot the same person for the third time (you aren’t sure you can call these things human anymore). when the creature finally goes down, hopefully once and for all this time, the view in front of you is grotesque: hideous tentacle sprang out of the poor man’s head when you shot him between the eyes; it keeps moving, taunting you to waste more of your ammo. still holding onto your gun, you cautiously approach the body, slightly poking it with your boot – it doesn’t stir anymore. a sigh of relief escapes your lungs.
“just what the fuck is going on here,” you quietly mumble to yourself, looting any useful items nearby.
you arrived in spain this morning. surprisingly, leon made it easy enough to retrace his steps – he stopped by the local law enforcement which in turned let you know two of their men also went missing after they escorted kennedy to the area of interest. no one volunteered to come with you once you acquired the location of the small village somewhere north of here – apparently people have been going missing in the mountains for a while now – which was fine by you. everything you needed was the car you could use, and you were on your merry way.
in your 5 year long career as a government agent, the kind working in anti-bioweapon divisions, you’ve seen a multitude of… monsters, for lack of a better word. nothing could’ve prepared you for what you’ve witnessed when you arrived at your destination though: villagers turned into something sinister, creatures with no will of their own. you noticed it right away: their bulging veins pulsing with black viscous liquid, eyes shadowed with madness. what a surprise it was that when you finally started shooting them (hey, they started it), mandible-like limbs, shape closer to tentacles, with eyes growing out of them, erupted from their dead bodies, as if a swarm of crazy cultists wasn’t already enough.
you quickly glance at the still convulsing body on the ground, parasitic tendrils clinging onto their last living seconds; just looking at it makes you want to vomit. the smell of puss, heavy in the air, doesn’t help your desire to empty the insides of your stomach. you do not know what causes them to mutate, and you make a note to avoid any unknown substances – you also log a mental check not to get bitten by one of them (just in case).
after escaping a village, getting access to this stupid castle trying to find stupid stupid leon kennedy (you’re sure that what s. in leon s. kennedy stands for), you overheard some of the cultists talking about two prisoners on the basement level. leon and ashley? the goal now is to figure out how to get to the basement (and why does it always have to be the basement).
with careful precision, you finish analyzing the room you found yourself in – it’s a storage space of some kind, and nothing about it is particularly helpful to you. letting out a deep sigh, you sit down to re-collect your thoughts. wandering around this castle with no purpose will only stall you further – and time is something you do not have luxury of wasting.
just as you were about to get up from the chair, you knee bumps into something underneath the table. bingo. you quickly try to search for a keyhole or a puzzle piece to fit in to open the hidden compartment. but the gods are smiling down on you today – it only takes a simple click of a lock for the secret drawer to unlatch. before opening it, you stand to the side (the gunshot wound would mean deaths of all parties you’re trying to get out of here), and slowly push it forward with the knife.
“no way.”
the gods are smiling down on you– inside the drawer you don’t find a loaded shotgun, a poisonous smoke or anything else aimed at taking you out. instead, you find yourself looking at the map. something akin to relief makes your hands tremble as you unfold the treasured piece of paper, looking at the building blueprints, as fresh as if this was drawn yesterday.
tracing the way down to the basement level, you try to decide the easiest and shortest way. some of the rooms might require a key, deducting it’d be smarter to stick to the main rooms which are less likely to be locked. shoving the map back into your side bag, you reload the gun and slowly leave the room, looking for any signs of being followed. making sure the coast is clear, you start your way down.
leon, you better be still fucking alive.
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leon wakes up from another torturous nap. he doesn’t know how long it’s been: could be 2 days, could be a week. to keep his sanity, he keeps trying to count the meals they bring them, figuring out the passage of time. why is salazar even feeding them? they’d worth more to him dead.
“good morning, sunshine.”
leon groans as soon as he hears the voice coming from his side. he doesn’t need to turn his head to know that satoru gojo is, despite the circumstances they found themselves in, still smiling.
“god, do you ever stop talking? they should starve you,” leon sighs heavily, and leans against the wall. his arms hurt – they have been cuffed to the ceiling this whole time, and the constant chatting from his unwanted companion makes this situation ten times worse.
“oh, common, don’t you have faith in your government? or you’re not important enough to rescue?”
“i might not be but the girl definitely is.”
it seems to shut satoru up, even if for a moment. his comments did make leon wonder if the headquarters organized the search party yet – more time they spent here means more time for the cult leaders to complete whatever it is they want with ashley. him and satoru have been infected with las plagas parasite too, their time is running short.
sighing deeply, gojo also slumps against the wall. both men can feel… whatever they were infected with moving inside their bodies, crawling their way into their brains. satoru is not sure what makes him and leon so special, but no signs of any infection have been visible yet. he wonders if it is a waiting game now: waiting for the moment they start losing their minds. what a sight that would be.
just as he was going to make another comment about their current predicament, both agents hear gunshots coming from the hallway, just outside the prison cells. blood curling screaming follows, rippling through the air, the unknown person emptying their clip into the guards until the room is engulfed in the oppressive silence.
to leon’s great surprise, and a great relief he must admit, it’s not a crazed guard running through the doors this time around – instead, two locked-up agents are met by your face. you hold your gun out, hand outstretched in front of you, ready to shoot the last remnants of the infected. it’s only when your gaze meets leon’s and you don’t identify any immediate danger, the gun is lowered, and you are rushing towards the cell.
“holy shit, it’s nice to see a familiar face,” leon cannot help but smile at the sight of you standing outside the cell bars, trying to break the lock.
“you won’t believe but the feeling is mutual. one too many mutated cultists, and even i started missing your ugly mug,” you throw back, returning his smile. your eyes move to gojo. “who’s that?”
“his partner.”
“no one.”
two men say that in unison, exchanging a heated glance afterwards.
“okaaaay,” you drawl out, “i don’t really care, you can bicker later. what we need to do it we need to get the fuck outta here like right now.”
you rush to uncuff the men with the keys you stole form the guards you shot earlier, and wait until they are able to push themselves on their feet.
“i am satoru gojo,” mysterious blond introduces himself properly, and extends his arm. you shake his hand and mumble your name back. you don’t know why but he makes you nervous.
“okay, all formalities for later. both of us are infected with that new plaga parasite, we need to extract it immediately,” leon interrupts the intense staring contest you entered with satoru, making you snap your attention back to him.
“well, then you’re in luck. i passed something that looked like a laboratory on the way here. it’s not too far either, only one floor up.”
“okay, great, no time to waste.”
kennedy steps out the room first, you and gojo following close behind. you’re on full alert – it doesn’t matter that you just took half of the castle down, somehow, new infected keep popping out like bunnies out of woodwork. it doesn’t take long the three of you to reach the desired destination, lab laying just behind the door straight off the stairs.
you cautiously look inside – no one seems to be here. after entering the room, you stand on guard while satoru and leon are looking for anything that might look like the cure. it seems that gods are smiling once again on you today because leon is able to find the last two vials of the vaccine sample. you have never seen him grinning so widely – it would’ve been almost heartwarming if not for the grim circumstances all of you ended up in.
before they can inject themselves with the medicine, the door swings opened and you’re thrown into the shelf, located on the opposite side of the entrance. multiple bottles with unknown substances fall on top of you, one of them breaking and infusing the air with a white powder. before you realize what happened, you inhale the mysterious concoction, immediately bursting into a coughing fit.
“fuck, are you okay?” leon yells your name somewhere from the side, and you try to wave him off. gojo is distracting whoever rammed through the doors, shooting the gun you presented him back in the prison cell. it takes exactly three more headshots for the mutated cultist to drop dead, and you’re pushing yourself off the ground and back on your feet. satoru is eyeing you suspiciously – you’re too busy brushing off your clothes and getting your breathing in order to notice.
“common, jab yourselves with the vaccine and let’s go, we have no time to lose,” you say with coarse voice. leon is also looking at you with worry but decides not to mention anything. both men inject themselves with the medicine, hoping and praying it’ll work, before rushing out of the doors and back on track to find ashley.
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running through the corridors of the castle, you can feel yourself getting weaker – there is a sheer layer of sweat covering your spine, goosebumps are dancing on your skin, and a very familiar heat is pooling between your legs. your head feels heavy, you’re barely able to string two coherent thoughts together so you resort to slowly trailing after two men who haven’t stopped arguing about the next course of action.
“i don’t care what you came here for, satoru. i have my rescue mission that still needs to be completed,” leon sighs heavily as he pushes through the heavy doors into the next room.
“sure,” the other blond man quickly agrees, “but don’t you think you government would say ‘thank you’ if you helped securing the source of this outbreak?” gojo questions as he follows leon through the doors. you want to weigh your opinion in but before you can open your mouth, as you cross the threshold of the room, you trip on your own feets and send yourself flying towards the floor. the loud bang makes both men turn their attention back to you.
“god, are you okay?” leon’s by your side in mere seconds, supporting you by the elbow so you can get up. the waves of his body heat wash over you, and you want nothing more but to curl into his body and kiss the spot underneath his jaw. has he always been so handsome? you’re so concentrated looking at leon, you don’t notice satoru standing near you now. he touches your forehead, and it takes all of your willpower not to moan. fuck, his cold hands feel so nice on your feverish skin.
“shit, she’s burning up.”
“you think it’s because of whatever substance she inhaled back in the lab?”
“i don’t know, everything’s possible.”
two agents move you to sit on the table in the corner of the room – they can clearly see how foggy your eyes are, a layer of milky mist dancing across your vision – and leon’s fingers find your pulse point. this time, you are not fast enough to stifle the low whine that escapes your lips. at any other time, you’d be dying of embarrassment but now your body is begging for release, and you’re ready to do anything to get it. anything to soothe the ache building up in your throbbing clit.
“’m so hot…” you mumble as you start taking off tactical t-shirt, baring your sports bra to the two men in the room. “and it really hurts.”
satoru and leon look at each other before they look at you – kennedy will have to work with you in the future so he’s really trying not to look at your perky nipple, shape visible through the fabric, unlike gojo, who’s taking in your current condition with almost sick satisfaction.
“where does it hurt?” satoru asks before leon is able to butt in. as if wanting to confirm his suspicion, you take his hand and guide it to your sex, cupping it.
leon is not even able to react before gojo is lunging forward and capturing your lips in a bruising kiss, making your head bang slightly against the wall. you let yourself moan into his mouth, satoru greedily claiming all the sounds to himself. it’s not nearly enough to pacify your accelerated heartbeat, but it’s still making you shudder. you’re spreading your legs to accommodate gojo’s tall frame – but before he is able to move any closer, he is thrown back by leon; loss of his warmth makes you whine.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” kennedy hisses through his teeth, moving away from you and towards gojo.
“what does it look like? don’t pretend like you don’t know this is exactly what she needs right now,” satoru spits back. you think they continue arguing but their voices are being drowned out by the ringing in your ears. heat spreading through you sets everything on fire, and your pants join your t-shirt somewhere on the floor in your desperate attempt to relieve yourself of this scorching feeling. your partner notices it and sharply turns to face you.
“what the hell are you doi-” before leon can finish his sentence, you wrap you legs around him and press your body into his.
“leon, please…” you sob, hot tears pooling in the corners of your eyes, beads of salty water wetting your eyelashes and blurring your vision. hearing your pathetic plea, voice thick with lust and desire, looking at your tears-stained face, mouth slightly agape, and watching your lips, red and messy from satoru’s kiss, glistening in the moonlight – everything about you now screams ruin me and leon is not a strong enough man to resist it.
“what are you asking me to do, sweetheart?” he whispers against your lips in a teasing tone. his switch is almost jarring but you don’t have the brain capacity to mull over his sudden mood change. he moves his hand between your legs now, touching your pussy through your panties. leon’s fleeting touch is sending shivers down your spine, and you culr yourself into him more, whining and panting against his mouth. “jesus, she’s so fucking wet already.”
“i told you, didn’t i? she needs someone to stuff her full of cum,” satoru’s dirty talk comes somewhere from the side. too distracted by leon’s deep blue eyes, gojo’s touch makes you tremble in surprise and turn your head towards him. looking at his face, you’re met by baby blues – it felt like being thrown from the ocean into the endless skies. you think men with blue eyes will be the death of you.
gojo leans down to capture your lips again, re-exploring the sacred geometry of your kiss, while leon is planting wet kisses along your jawline. you mewl in euphoric pleasure, their touches soothing to your burning skin, and you’re completely giving yourself away to the bliss rolling over you in waves. leon’s digits are teasing your clit through the fabric of your panties, and your hips instinctively buck into his hand, making him chuckle into your neck.
“she’s dripping, gojo. i bet she can take both of us unprepped,” leon says to the other agent, still busy with sucking on your lips, invading your mouth with his tongue. at his words, you shiver under men’s bodies, tingling sensation rushing through you.
“i want you in my lap, pretty girl,” satoru whispers against your lips, and you jump off into leon’s arms so the other man can sit on the table first. you move to climb on top of gojo, legs on either side of his thighs, ready to ride him, but your partner’s strong arm stops you from turning around.
“nah-ah, let him hold you spread open for me, i want to taste you first,” leon breathes against your ear, teasing the sensitive spot, making you quiver in his hold. you turn yourself towards gojo and see him grinning as he beckons you with two fingers to come closer. when you end up in his arms, he spins you around, his chest to your back, and makes you sit between his legs on the table, opening you up.
satoru’s masterful fingers unclasp your bra with ease while leon makes a quick work of your panties, shoving them into his pocket, unbeknownst to you. who knows how your relationship will work out after this – he needs something to remember this moment by. you are now sprawled completely naked for the two men’s hungry gazes: your cheeks are flushed, mouth shaped into a perfect “o”, short breaths escaping your lungs – you are truly a sight to behold. gojo wastes no time in cupping your breasts with his hands, trailing his lips on the side of your neck, sucking in hickeys as part of his claim.
kennedy gets on his knees in front of you, looking up into your eyes. gojo’s fingers are playing with your hardened nipple, making your hips buck upwards – right into leon’s mouth. his first languid swipe of the tongue comes just as satoru pinches your sensitive nubs, and you cannot help the pornographic moan escaping your lips.
“jesus, doll, who knew you’d sound so pretty,” it’s gojo’s voice against the shell of your ear, making you shudder. one of his hands keeps massaging your boob, twisting the nipple between his digits, while his other hand goes all the way down and spreads your folds for leon’s easy access. he hums in appreciation, and starts flicking his tongue up and down, drawing tight circles on your clit, sucking on it when he feels your legs tighten around his head.
agent’s movements make you squirm in satoru’s hold, dropping your head against his shoulder as leon continues eating you out. you’re absolutely incoherent now – your fever never dropped so your muscles are aching, toes curling in anticipation of the long awaited release, as you continue moaning through quick breaths.
“finger her.”
leon follows gojo’s command immediately, shoving his middle digit inside, while still lapping at your pussy. your walls clench against him almost instinctively, intrusion sudden but not unwelcome – he groans feeling the embracing heat of your cunt.
“fuck, she’s so fucking tight.”
gojo keeps your legs spread, you trying to close them around leon’s head as he keeps up his assault with his tongue. he’s nibbling on your clit, putting extra pressure with the tip of his tongue, licking it back and forth in quick succession, before flatting it to lick between your sticky folds, all the way down to the drooling hole. leon adds a second finger now, setting up a merciless pace – he is curling his digits in a heavenly way, able to hit the soft, spongy spot inside that makes you see stars and your pussy throb; you gasp loudly.
“i wish we had a phone to record this. you look so divine.”
you clench at gojo’s words, making leon groan. he’s now playing with your tits, rolling your nipple, tugging at them to add the painful sensation to the lit-up nerves. your desperate moans are bouncing among the walls, and gojo decides he wants to hear the squelching sounds of your pussy around leon’s fingers and his tongue’s wet sounds as he sloppily eats you out so he shuts you up with a kiss.
you feel your tummy begins tensing up as two men continue their ministrations: it’s satoru’s hot mouth on yours and his hands squeezing your tits, fingers playing with erect nipples; it’s leon’s tongue lapping at your pussy, precise circles on your clit and his digits scissoring you at a perfect speed, hitting the nerve bundle that rushes to send you over the end. your legs start shaking and you grab onto satoru’s arm around you to ground yourself.
“nnggh-…” you whimper into gojo’s mouth, and he finally lets you catch a breath. “’m so close,” you sob again, “’m gonna cum.”
“yeah, you want to cream all over agent kennedy’s face?” satoru taunts you from behind. “that’s so unprofessional,” he makes a tsk sound with his mouth and squeezes your cheeks to look at him.
“we’re feeling generous today, i think,” he quickly throws a glance down at leon, who only smirks as his tongue keeps licking and sucking at your clit. satoru looks you straight in the eyes as he slowly drawls his next words, “you may cum.”
the orgasm washed over you in glorious waves, rattling your entire existence. you’re scrunching your eyebrows, mouth agape with a sinful moan, as your thighs clasp around leon’s head. you’re quivering in gojo’s hold, his hands forcing your hips down, pressing them more against kennedy’s face. the latter doesn’t stop his onslaught, lips suctioning around the throbbing pearl, fingers still curled at earth-shattering angle. you try to move away but neither man lets you.
“uh-uh, where are you trying to run away? let him drink everything.”
and everything does leon kennedy drink – agent is lapping at your juices like a kitten at a fresh bowl of milk, now substituting his digits with his tongue as he keeps fucking in and out of your needy cunt. ministrations don’t stop, not even when your moans turn into little sobs as your body starts feeling overstimulated. your puffy clit is now ruined from satoru’s finger pads playing with it.
both men can feel your form shaking almost violently, gojo’s gathering your falling tears with his tongue. leon’s finally pulling his face away from your sex, standing up to look at your ruined state.
“god, i only ate her out and she already looks fucked out,” he chuckles to the other blond man, and moves to stand between your legs.
“let me taste her,” before you can react, gojo’s grabbing leon by the back of his head and capturing his lips in a heated kiss. trapped between a rock and a hard place, you can do nothing but observe the most passionate display of carnage you’ve ever witnessed – they were slobbering over each other’s faces, and it made your pussy clench around nothing. god, you can’t wait to fuck them both.
“she’s sweet, just how i like them,” satoru smirks against leon’s lips, turning his attention back to you immediately. “common, princess, you’re going to have to ride me if you want both of us.”
you’re quickly climbing on the table, straddling him. kennedy situates himself right behind you, warmth radiating off him like in suffocating waves. you’re trying to unbuckle satoru’s jeans to free his heavy cock, still trapped in confines of his boxer briefs, but leon smacks your ass, sending you forward into gojo’s embrace. it stings, the outline of his hand already forming a bruise, and you’d be mad if you pussy lips didn’t flutter at the slap.
“you’re taking too long, sweetheart,” you hear satoru, both men undoing their belts and zippers before you can, pulling out their leaking cocks. from your position you could only see satoru’s hard dick as he stroked himself near your aching hole, but what you’ve seen was enough to make you almost scared – gojo’s dick was long and blessed with a perfect curve, just upwards, one thick vein running prominently from the bottom of his shaft ending just before his mushroom head. you’re sure leon’s looked just as pretty.
“you haven’t said a word. you wanna ask nicely for what you want?” you hear leon behind you as he’s pushing you forward again, right into satoru’s chest, and teasing your waiting cunt with his thick tip – the mixture of his spit, your slick and his precum is dripping down satoru’s cock from where he’s positioned just underneath you, and the messiness of it all makes leon groan.
“please, i want your cocks inside me… please,” you sob out again, vocal cords heavy with tears.
“i think this will be our reward for saving us, how about that, huh?” there is a teasing tilt in satoru’s voice, and you grab at his shoulders, mewling like a needy animal in heat.
“yes, yes, anything,” you’re blabbering with teary voice, making men hard at the mere image of you: a capable agent reduced to a cock-drunk slut, an image that makes their cocks twitch.
leon grabs gojo’s member, giving it a couple strokes, surprising the white-haired man but hearing no complaints. his thumb is playing with the drooling slit of his tip, beads of pre-cum decorating the entrance to his flushed dick, and kennedy can’t help but smirk at how blissed out satoru looks. he’s guiding his heavy and red cock inside you, while his other hand rests on your waist. gojo’s forcing your hips down while bucking his up, and he fills you up in one long thrust.
“ah!” you cry out, biting your lip to the blood, metallic taste in your mouth almost overwhelming on top of the mix of pain and pleasure burning through your body. you’re whimpering into satoru’s mouth, while his hand is running soothing circles on your back.
“here you go, such a good fucking girl. taking me in so well, huh? all it took is one thrust, so perfect,” he’s blabbering against your skin as he starts sinking in and out of your sloppy hole. looking down, you can see the bulge in your tummy, and it makes you purr – you not only feel him splitting you in two, you are able to witness it. his reddened tip is meeting your cervix in a bruising kiss, and god, he’s making you fell so good.
you’re so lost in the rapturous sensation of gojo’s huge cock pushing against your gummy walls, you don’t notice leon’s presence behind you – he is grabbing your hips with one hand while his other is jerking his dick, prepping himself to enter you. his tip is near your whole when you finally realize what’s he’s trying to do.
“no! no, it’s too mu- ah!” he doesn’t let you finish before he start pushing himself inside, sliding alongside satoru’s heavy member, making the man grunt.
“fuck, feels so tight and warm,” you hear behind you as kennedy sets a punishing pace, sheathing himself into your abused hole. they are stretching you out to heavens, leon looking at your gaping cunt with pride. it’s fluttering and clenching around their huge cocks, your walls spasming in pleasure as their lengths are grinding against your soft spots. you can hear your pussy queefing, and the filthy sounds of skin slapping against skin add to the dirty symphony.
“ngg, ngg- feels so, so goo-” you’re unable to finish your sentence as they keep bouncing you on their cocks, manhandling your body however they seem fit. you’ve never felt so full – both men keep drilling into you, like you’re no more than their little personal toy to play with. satoru grabs you by the back of your neck, biting at your lips, sloppily making out with you, while leon grabs your hair, forcing you back on his dick.
you can feel both cocks twitching inside you, approaching climax evident by their shallow breathing, moans hitching at every thrust of the hips. your walls are tightening around their cocks, and men’s whimpering and groaning is sinful to listen to, yet they are determined to make you climax first.
“common, gorgeous, cum around our cocks,” gojo hoaxes from underneath you. leon pushes your hips even closer into satoru’s body, your clit now grinding against his pubic bone, and it’s making you teeter on the edge of your bliss.
your bladder feels pressure you’ve never experienced before as gojo’s cock pressing against it from a perfect angle. leon is digging his fingers into the plush skin of your ass, rutting in and out of you, pushing against your back walls. all of your nerves are on fire, exploding fireworks in your brain, sending all your pleasure receptors into the overdrive. as your second orgasm washes over you, you’re left trembling in the men’s arms, leon’s chest against your back, your sweaty tits against satoru’s broad front.
“that’s a good girl, look at how cock-drunk you are,” you can hear them chuckle between themselves, not slowing down for a second. leon can see the white creamy ring enveloping the base of his cock in a soft embrace – it’s making him lose last of his slipping composure as he starts thrusting extra hard, thus speeding gojo up.
you bounce like a rag doll on top of gojo, having no semblance of control, being completely used by two agents. the pressure in your bladder comes back, and you throw your head back – your body continues quivering uncontrollably as you start sobbing again, tears drawing salty rivers on your cheeks, result of your body riding into stimulation. before you know it, something warm and so fucking wet starts gushing out of you. you want to look down, but men react first by groaning, voice impossibly thick with lust and awe.
“fuck, baby, didn’t expect you to squirt this much. so fucking filthy, i bet you waited to do this the whole time,” gojo grunts from underneath you, and you can only purr in response. it only takes couple more thrusts before leon and satoru synchronize their orgasms, shooting the ribbons of cum inside your womb, painting it pearly white, fucking it in warm and cozy. the squelching sounds ricocheting among the walls are nothing but sinful, and your cheeks flush red from the realization of what just transpired.
as both men pull out of your abused, stretched out hole, the combined mixture of all the fluids trickle down your thighs, making you groan in disgust. now that aphrodisiac has been fucked out from your system, you can’t even bring yourself to look them in the eyes. you hurry to pick up your clothes, but your legs give out underneath you – you’d end up flat on your ass, if not for leon who caught you mid fall.
tension in the air is palpable, electricity dancing on your skin is able to set everything on fire again. you’re ready to break the silence when satoru speaks first.
“you know, kennedy, next time you want to touch my cock, you don’t need to bring a woman between us.”
he leaves the room before either of you are able to force a reaction, and you wish you’d left both of them for dead instead.
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© rinniessance do not steal, plagiarize or translate my works. do not recommend me on tiktok, thank you
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which eddie munson and you absolutely hate each other's guts. what happens when your friends make a bet that you can't spend more than twenty four hours consecutively together?
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, eventual smut, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ pairings: modern!college!eddie x college!fem!reader
→ wc: 3.7k+
→ a/n: quick question - would you guys like me to include chapter summaries at the beginning of each chapter? is that a thing we'd like lol? lemme know! quick edit: totally forgot to thank @boomhauer for the genius idea of the flip phone!!
spotify playlist.
◁ previous part, next part▷
3:00 ──ㅇ──────────────── 24:00
The pounding on the door is frenetic, nonstop as you stand and make no move to unlock it. It doesn’t take long before Eddie starts to beg.
He tries to repeatedly say your name at first, over and over, voice pathetic and cracking by the seventh time. 
“Just open the door!” he finally shouts in frustration, “I- It’s- Those are private!” 
You look down at the open spread once more, shaking your head, the deviant smile never once leaving your face. “What’s the magic word?”
“Magic word? I- Jesus Christ, you’re fucking impossible!” 
“Sorry,” you say, taking a few steps closer to the door, “‘Fraid it’s none of those.” 
The same thumping from before sounds as Eddie sighs deeply enough for you to hear, and you realize he’s lightly banging his forehead against the door now. 
You start to feel bad, honestly. It was an invasion of his privacy, and if the roles were reversed, you’d be fuming. Kindness wasn’t something you offered to the likes of Eddie, and if he had ever locked you out of your own bedroom and raided your own stash of personal porn, you’d be downright hateful. 
But then you remember his words. 
“Why my friends are so enamored with you, I will never understand.”
Maybe he deserves this. Maybe he deserves all the hatefulness and spitefulness you can manage. 
The two sides of your brain bicker, and Eddie continues to thump his head against the door. It’s a losing battle as the kinder part of you wins over. 
You take a step closer to the door, until the wood is all that separates the two of you, “Try again.” 
Your voice is softer and gentler, and not quite as teasing. 
The banging ceases. 
He doesn’t speak for a few moments and you begin to worry that he walked away. That this latest game of cat and mouse has ended, that he’s decided you aren’t worth the trouble. You don’t understand the pang in your chest at the idea – it’s not like this was supposed to be fun. Arguing with Eddie was something that ruined your day, that always strung out your last nerves and led to you grinding your teeth in your sleep. He had just shot to kill with his words to you; you shouldn’t be on the other side of a wooden door with a fickle spark of hope that he’s still waiting for you. 
“Please,” he says in monotone, almost a hint of pain as if to spit the word out was like pulling blood from stone. 
The spark of hope vanishes just as quickly as it had appeared. Already forgotten.
You open the door reluctantly, still gripping the open and curled magazine in your fist, “The magic word was sorry.” 
He wasn’t expecting you to give up so quickly, clear as his head snaps up and he looks over you with genuine shock. 
“Sorry?” he echoes, “You’re the one who stormed my room and stole my… magazine.” 
“And I wouldn’t have had to if you weren’t such an asshole.” 
His eyebrows disappear behind his disheveled bangs. “Because I said that I… I wouldn’t care if you disappeared?” 
It’s more than that. You both know it. He says it with restraint, he pauses because he knows that that wasn’t the comment that struck you hardest. 
“I’m sorry,” he swallows his pride with surprising ease, straightening up, “I assumed the feeling was mutual.” 
“Well, it’s not.” 
“You wouldn’t celebrate my death?” 
There it was. You’re surprised he’s even willing to repeat the words. Acknowledging them is the first step, you suppose. 
You want to say no, but instead settle on, “I wouldn’t tell you to your face.” 
You wouldn’t even think it to begin with. Because while Eddie was awful to you, he wasn’t a bad person. You’d seen his ability to play nice with others, to treat others with the respect that they deserved. For some odd reason, you were the only exception when it came to him. Even the strangers that he’d keep up a brooding act with had never met the sharpness of his tongue when he was within proximity to you. 
He opens his mouth, but you don’t think you can stomach an insincere apology, so you lift the magazine into both your views instead, “Whatever. It’s water under the bridge. I’m far more intrigued by this now.” 
The moment he catches sight of the laminated photo, his expression goes from something similar to remorse to a full-fledged blush. Eddie Munson is blushing because you’re holding his Playboy magazine.
His hand shoots out for it, but you’re faster than him, pulling it out of his reach with ease, “Nope! Not so fast, Munson.” 
“Give that bac-” he starts with ardent desperation, following you with each step back you take.
You shake your head and hide the magazine behind your back, “Over my dead body.” 
He goes rigid, as if it reminds him of his cruel words, before his efforts double. There’s no hesitation in occupying your space as he begins to reach behind you to snatch back the private item. 
You’re not quite sure how it happens. It’s a quick succession of mistakes made on both of your parts; he’s grown too determined to get the Playboy back in his grasp, and your mind is solely focused on keeping it away from him. You don’t notice the way your two bodies shuffle farther into the room as you struggle with him. You don’t notice when your knees hit the edge of his mattress. Neither of you do. 
Not until it’s too late. 
One moment, you’re standing upright and Eddie’s arms are wrapping around you. The next, your back is connecting with soft sheets that erupt in the scent of boy upon impact, the entirety of Eddie’s weight now on top of you with a hand trapped beneath your lower back. 
He lets out a soft oof directly into your chest. 
Directly into your boobs. 
Both of you freeze, unsure of what to do. The magazine has fallen to your side, opening to a different marked page, but you can’t even turn your head to properly see it. 
The warmth of him suffocates you, twisting your gut as it sinks into your skin.  You can feel his heartbeat drumming in his ribcage against your own. Racing, racing, racing. Just like your own.
“Get off me,” you grunt, shoving at his shoulders to roll him off of you, the closeness suddenly too much. If you two stay this way a second long, you’re sure you may die. 
As he does lift off of you, still looking aghast, his hand remains pinned against your back. Your shirt had ridden up ever so slightly, a sliver of skin exposed that his palm brushes. It sends shockwaves up your spine. 
Without his weight caging you in, you’re quick to leap back onto your feet, away from him and away from his touch. Your movement must break whatever spell of embarrassment he had been lost in, because Eddie is just as quick as he searches for the Playboy and grabs it so roughly the pages might rip. 
You catch a glimpse of the second marked page. The similarities remain. It could have been the same model, for all you know.
You tell yourself that that’s what it is. It’s not a matter of the model looking like you. Eddie just has a thing for that specific model. It’s all left to chance that you share similar features, that the plush of her thighs resemble yours and that your hips follow the same curve as hers. It’s a coincidence. 
“I can’t believe yo-” you begin to chastise him, chest heaving still as you glare down at him. It must be a residual symptom of anger, of shock. The way your heart hammers is out of contempt. It has to be.
He cuts you off, “That was not my fault.” 
“You were being an…. a….” you falter. You can’t think straight.
“An asshole?” he supplies, sitting up now and looking at you with expectancy. 
Why was it so hard to find your words? This was a dance you’d done a thousand times before with Eddie – the fighting, the bickering, the hurting of feelings and the absence of genuine apologies. What changed? 
His body against yours. The brush of his breath on your chest. His weight firm between your- 
You cut off the ridiculous thoughts and focus on him, “Yes. You were an asshole.” 
He scoffs, “Yeah, well, you’ve already mentioned that. Next time, don’t go through my shit.” 
If you weren’t still recovering, you’d bring up the model looking like you. If you were in your right mind, you’d take that gift from the Universe and put it to good use, sending the dagger straight into his back. 
But your mind has gone hazy for the time being. It swirls with hesitancy and confusion and why the fuck weren’t you laying it into him right now? Where the fuck were you usual words of viciousness? 
“If you’re done staring me down with evil eyes,” he sighs and nods to the clock, “Nancy said we have to send a picture this hour. Or no cash, bet’s off.” 
At first, you’re beyond belief he can brush past it all so easily. It’s damning that it’s only affecting you so vehemently. But then you take a moment to glance over him, to really look at the boy sat on the bed before you.
He’s still blushing, violently so. Rosey cheeks and red nose, his neck aflame with the evidence that he’s not brushing it off. He’s avoiding it. He’s avoiding talking about the magazine, just as he’s avoiding talking about the position the two of you had just been in, just as he avoided apologizing for cruel words spoken so casually. Eddie Munson is avoidant to a dangerous degree. 
“Okay,” you finally supply in defeat. Even if he wasn’t avoiding the topics, what is there to say? 
Oh, hey. I can’t fucking think straight because that’s the closest we’ve ever been after a year of hating each other, and I have no idea why. Care to explain? 
He stands and moves out of the room, down the hallway, to the living room. He doesn’t even check to make sure you follow. You have to pause to grab your phone off of the ground before you’re speedwalking to catch up with him. 
It’s stupid. It’s stupid and ridiculous. 
“So how are we doing this?” he asks once you’re both in the living room. He’s already sitting down on the end of the couch that he’d taken to the first few hours, looking everywhere but you. “Do we just, like, send a photo? Do we take separate photos?” 
“They want a selfie,” you inform him as if he hadn’t been in the room during all of the discussions of the limitations of this bet. As if he hadn’t encouraged it, even.
He nods to your phone clutched in your sweaty palm, “Let’s get it over with, then.” 
“Remind me again why it has to be my phone?” you question, deciding to sit on the opposite end of the couch. As long as you both were visible in the photo, it should be fine. “You have a phone, too. I know you do - Nancy called you.” 
“I do have a phone,” he nods, watching as you unlock your cell and tap until you’ve opened the camera app, “It’s just not a smart phone.” 
You stop all actions, looking up from where you’d just flipped to the front camera setting, “What?”
“I don’t have a smart ph-”
“I heard what you said. What the fuck do you have then? Do you just communicate with two tin cans and a string?” 
He rolls his eyes, but his hand is still moving to his pocket, tugging out a small flip phone, “No, I just have a phone.”
It’s black and shiny, downright tiny as it sits carefully in the palm of his hand on show for you. You have to bite back your laughter. 
“Oh my God. Why do you have a flip phone? Jesus Christ, what year is it?” 
“Fuck off,” he quips, fingers curling around the phone protectively, “I just… I don’t like all the technology and shit. It can get overwhelming, but this?” he holds up the phone for emphasis, gripping it loosely between his pointer finger and thumb as he waves it around, “This is simple. This doesn’t need a new update every week, or to be replaced every year for the shiniest model, or-”
You reach over and snatch the phone from him, and his hand is still frozen in midair, fingers still pinched from where they’d held the phone, “Oh, what’s this? I think it’s ringing. Let me get that for you,” you dramatically flip the phone open, taking some glee in the nostalgic action before bringing the phone up to your ear and humming tauntingly. Eddie still makes no move to stop you, face contorting in bitter amusement at your unexpected antics, “Yeah? Uh huh, okay. I’ll tell him,” it’s even more fun than you remember to snap the phone shut with one hand. It almost has you reconsidering joining Eddie’s anti-technology cause. You face him and try to pull a straight face, but you can’t help laughing at your own joke before you even finish it, “It was the early 2000’s. They’re calling because they want their prehistoric technology back.” 
You’re giggling at yourself as Eddie sucks in a deep breath. He’s about to break, you know he is. The corners of his mouth are twitching terribly, so you go in for the kill. Not the type of kill you had expected to be delivering tonight, but a kill all the same. 
“Also, I had to put the 80’s on hold. I think they’re calling to ask for their hair back,” you nod towards his dark curls, wild and frizzy around his face. 
That’s all it takes for him to break. Right before your eyes, the stoic and cold front that Eddie Munson had put up crumbles. A smile breaks out across his lips, slowly spreading as he shakes his head and his shoulders shake with the effort to withhold any actual laughs from escaping him. 
He has dimples. You’d never noticed that before.
“Fuck off,” he says with a voice still wavering from unheard laughter. You can’t recall a single time before in which he’d said those words to you in such a lighthearted tone. 
“I’m serious,” you press on, still caught up on his dimples, “I think it might be Jon Bon Jovi himself!” 
He snorts. The battle against the laughter is lost as the apartment fills with your childish giggles. 
“My hair is way better than that old assh-” he’s cut off by the sudden buzzing from your phone on the couch. It effectively shatters whatever resemblance of a moment the two of you were having, and you push back the disappointment at that. 
If it hadn’t been the phone, it would have been something else: jokes taken too far, insults tossed out carelessly, one of you remembering that you shouldn’t be joking around this way. You shouldn’t be joking around friends. 
You glance down at your screen and the notifications that have begun to roll in. 
STEVE-O: you guys have a minute before you both owe me $500
ROBIN 🐦: and me!
STEVE-O: and robin
“Who is it?” Eddie asks, leaning over to grab at your phone. Similar to how you had done to him with the magazine, you throw your hand out of his reach, narrowing your eyes in his direction. Unlike with the magazine, he doesn’t make a move to grab it. He keeps as much space between the two of you as possible. 
“Excuse you,” you huff, glancing back down at the group message, preparing to take the quick photo and send it off. 
“What? You can steal my phone but I can’t steal yours?” he questions, almost whines. 
You glance at him, thumbs still hovering over the keyboard, “It was Steve. There, now you don’t need to steal my phone.” 
“Let me respond to him,” he simply makes grabby hands this time, not reaching into your personal space. 
“Oh, c’mon.”
“Maybe you should have a smart phone like the rest of us so you could be part of the group chat.” 
“You guys have a fucking group chat?” 
“Yeah, without you.” 
If it hurts his feelings, he doesn’t let it show. He simply pouts in his corner of the couch. 
You’re about to swipe up, hit the camera icon and get the photo over with, but Eddie interrupts again. 
“C’mon, just real quick. I just have something to say to Steve.” 
He’s holding out his palm again. Another buzz of your phone, surely another text from Steve. 
You don’t know why you do it. But you succumb. You take a leap of faith, and you reach out to drop your phone into Eddie Munson’s waiting hand. 
Once it’s in his grasp, he wastes no time to bring it in close to him. For someone who has a goddamn flip phone, he’s quick with his thumbs, typing out whatever message he had been so desperate to send with ease. You don’t notice that you’ve scooted closer to watch him over his shoulder until he’s hitting send. 
Patience, Harrington. We’re just trying to find my good angle. - E
“E?” you snort, “God, first the flip phone, now the cryptic messages. You’re either a serial killer or a drug dealer.” 
He only flips you off as he hands back the phone. 
Finally, finally, you’re able to open the camera app without interruption, stretching your arm out as you turn your back to Eddie and move your hand until you’re both in frame. Eddie keeps his middle finger held high and forces a scowl onto his face. You huff out, trying to not appear entertained before you flash a half-assed smile and thumbs up. 
If the two of you were friends, it’d be a cute photo. 
But you’re not, and as you hit send in the groupchat, providing them with the proof they so desperately crave, you consider deleting the photo. What use will it serve you after tonight? 
You should probably delete the photo, but you don’t. 
“Don’t look so overjoyed over there,” you comment as you finally lock your phone upon seeing the photo successfully sent, “You look miserable.”
“I am miserable.” 
“You weren’t, like, ten seconds ago,” you’re quick to point out, discarding the smartphone onto his coffee table and facing him once more. You’re closer than before, “You were actually laughing at my jokes. It’s okay to admit I’m funny, y’know?” 
You should probably scoot back over and put the distance back between the two of you, but you don’t. 
“You were funny once,” he puts severe emphasis on the once, “That’s a rare occasion for you, sweetheart.” 
There’s something different in the way he enunciated the nickname this time. He doesn’t sound out each syllable with the purpose of annoying you, and instead it seems to slip effortlessly off his tongue. You try to not think too much of it. 
“Bullshit,” you shake your head and refuse to believe, only because you have proof to back your words up, “I’ve seen you laugh at my jokes when we’re out with everyone. You do this stupid thing when you start to laugh, and then you cough into your fist like you’re trying to cover it up. And everyone knows it’s not a real cough because when you really cough, you cover it with your elbow like a normal person.” 
You probably shouldn’t take so much notice of his mannerisms, but you do. 
To emphasize your point, you bring your arm to wrap around your head as if you were coughing, “Like this. Like… Like Dracula or something.” 
He simply stares, one eyebrow slightly raised as he watches you. Normally, you’d interpret look as unimpressed. But something tugs in your chest, and you nearly convince yourself that he’s watching you with mirth. 
“Oh, come on! Stop staring at me like I’m the giant nerd here for referencing a vampire everyone knows,” you complain, finally scooting under the burn of his gaze.
“You’re not a giant nerd,” he corrects, and it almost seems as if his mouth is working faster than his brain as he continues, “You’re a fucking dork.” 
He lets the word hang heavy between the two of you. Dork. A stranger might find it to be dripping in adorement, all because they don’t know better. But you know better, and you know it can’t possibly be dripping of anything. It’s dry. It’s nothing. 
“I’m a dork?” you counter, “You’re the one with an action figure of Gandalf the Great in your living room.” 
“Oh, so you know who Gandalf is? Maybe you are a nerd.” 
The dimples are back. This time, you try to not stare at them, to now acknowledge their existence. Because every time you do, you think of his hand passing over that sliver of skin on your lower back. Because every time you do, you remember the time when you thought there was hope for you and Eddie to be friends. 
For a moment, it’s been easy. The banter has been friendly between the two of you, and if you close your eyes, you could pretend you’re having just another night in with Steve or Robin. Another day of sitting in Nancy’s living room as she asks for your opinions on her latest articles or another afternoon of smoking with Argyle. If you close your eyes, it’s not Eddie you’re here with, it’s a friend.
The realization seems to hit the two of you at the exact same time. All the merriment of the banter drains out of both of you. Eddie clears his throat, and you scoot back to your original placement on the couch. 
You’re not here with a friend. You’re here with Eddie, the boy who has gone out of his way to make you miserable at every chance he’s offered. Eddie, the boy who’s made you cry twice now. 
You probably shouldn’t still cling to the what-could-have-beens of a friendship with Eddie that had long since been buried, but you do.
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @amira0303 @blushingquincy @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @big-ope-vibes @jadequeen88 @sylviin @emma77645 @notbeforelong @lolalanaie @lo-siento-ama @happy-and-alone @micheledawn1975 @aysheashea @moon-huny @munsonswrld @bambipowerblueaddition @averagestudent03 @bakugouswh0r3 @mattefic @mxcheese @bietchz @nativity-in-black @tlclick73 @stezzil @vngelis @coley0823 @folklorebau
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littledovesnow · 5 months
a/n: hi hello here is 2.4kl of young!coriolanus x fem!reader <3 should i continueeeeee?
The margins of your notebook paper were running out of room, and Dean Highbottom didn’t seem to be nearing the end of his lecture. You weren’t even sure of why there were lessons and lectures about the war, you and your classmates were all old enough to remember living through it a mere decade ago.
You stifled a yawn, perking up when you saw the Hunger Games creator plop back onto the chair in the center of the lecture hall, hands already reaching for the bottle of morphling on his desk.
“Don’t forget, the top 24 students are to meet tomorrow morning in the Great Room. Do not be late.”
The rush of students leaving the room caused you to slow as you gathered your things, chewing on your lower lip out of nerves. No one knew what required the students to come back after hours, but there were rumors of it involving the Plinth Prize.
Coriolanus met you outside of the hall, small smile on his face. You were thankful for Tigris for setting you and her cousin up, as the icy blond known for his wits and sharp demeanor, was often the sole ray of light in your day-to-day.
“Have you heard for certain that this meeting tomorrow is about the Plinth Prize?” You asked, lacing your fingers with your boyfriend’s slender ones.
Coriolanus frowned, shaking his head. “No, I doubt it is about that. More than likely some absurd dedication gala, perhaps Plinth paid his way into University early.”
It was no secret the Capitol students thought lowly of their fellow classmate, ostracizing him not long after the Plinths gained access into the Capitol.
“Hm, I suppose so.” You pondered.
“Why? Did Dean Highbottom say anything?”
Shaking your head, you thanked Coriolanus as he opened the door for you, following you out into the brisk, afternoon air. “No, but Festus was gossiping again to the others. Saying how he’s got a lucky ticket into the Plinths’ pockets.”
“Festus didn’t even complete Dr. Gaul’s assignment last week.”
You let out a small laugh, coming to a stop at the roundabout in front of Citadel, looking up at your boyfriend. “You know, you and your family are always welcome for dinner. My mother has been wanting a reason to show of the new dinnerware one of the Avoxes found.”
Having been friends with Tigris for so long, and dating Coriolanus over the last few years, you weren’t privy to their financial woes, but you never pushed your own family’s wealth onto him.
“I promised Grandma’am I would help prune her roses tonight.”
“Oh, you softie. Better not let Arachne hear you have a heart, Corio. Word might get out.” You poked him in the bicep, teasing smile on your face.
Coriolanus rolled his eyes, pressing his lips to your own before parting ways.
The room was alive and the chatter was loud when you stepped into the meeting hall for Dean Highbottom’s announcement and the reaping.
Having spotted your boyfriend and fellow classmates, you marched over, heels ponding on the marble floor.
“Oh, there she is. Your Coryo has been lost without you.” Arachne quipped, flute of posca in her hand.
“Well, at least someone cares about me. Can’t say the same for you.” You bit back, Coriolanus choking on his own posca as he wrapped his free arm around you.
Felix Ravenstill, who had just been at the buffet table, openly laughed at your remark.
“Now, now, children, let’s not ruin the mood.” Clemensia teased, giving a warm smile to you and Coriolanus.
“This lamb is scandalous; you guys have to try it!” Felix said, sucking the juice of his finger.
You made a face, stepping closer to your boyfriend as Festus chided Felix for his lack of manners.
“Hey, we’re here for the Plinth Prize, right?” Felix asked, setting his now empty plate on the tray of a passing Avox. “Because I heard my father mention that Dr. Gaul is here.”
You felt Coriolanus tense at the mention of the head Gamemaker. “What? Why would she be here for that?”
The group shrugged, Arachne catching the attention of the group as she chided the family of the hour, who had just strolled in. “Why the face, Y/N? Not a fan of your boyfriend’s friend?” She asked, smirk on her face.
“He’s not my friend, Arachne. I simply tolerate him.” Coriolanus spit back. “He’s District.”
You softly jabbed your elbow into your boyfriend’s ribs, noticing Sejanus was walking over to the circle.
“Hi, Sejanus.” You greeted him with a friendly smile, much to the dismay of your boyfriend. “Made it to the reaping.”
“Yeah, for once.” Festus added, earning a chuckle from Felix and Arachne.
Sejanus smiled at you, though his voiced a reply to Festus. “Yes, and you made it to graduation, Festus. We’re both shocked.”
You hid a smile in Coriolanus’ arm, Arachne’s questioning about the Plinth Prize garnering your attention.
“Now, now, I’m not going to ruin my father’s news. I know no one here actually likes him, but they do like his money.” Sejanus spoke, looking at the red-lipped girl. “You know what that’s like, right Arachne?”
Before anyone could reply, Dean Highbottom called the room to attention, and the anthem began playing, signaling everyone to take their seats.
You slipped into a chair between Coriolanus and Clemensia, tucking your cheek between your teeth. Coriolanus took your right hand in his left, twisting the ring on your pointer finger mindlessly.
“Good luck, Coryo.” You whispered, though you knew he was a shoe-in to win the Plinth Prize.
He didn’t reply, seemingly in a trance as he stared at Dr. Gaul.
“Clem,” You whispered, leaning to your other side. “Why you do think Dr. Gaul is here? The reaping doesn’t usually require her attendance.”
Shrugging, Clemensia had the same look as you. “Maybe something special for the tenth anniversary?”
You pondered that thought, only for your questions to be shut down when Dean Highbottom and Dr. Gaul announced that this year, the top 24 students would be mentoring a tribute. “The best mentor will receive the Plinth Prize.”
“What?” You asked, the sudden question capturing the attention of the students around you. “What do you mean best mentor? The best mentor will be the one who’s tribute wins the Games!”
“Miss Rosewing, mind your manners or I will demerit you on the spot.” Dean Highbottom spoke, silencing you.
Coriolanus’ knee was shaking, a telltale of the anxiety coursing through him. His family was depending on the Plinth Prize to keep there apartment, to afford food, to survive.
Arachne, who was just as distraught as you, spoke up this time. “What if I get the pathetic runt girl from one of the poor districts like 8 or 12? They’ll die in two minutes just as they did last year!”
“Now, now, Miss Crane, your role,” Dean Highbottom spoke, gesturing to the two dozen Academy rouge uniforms seated in front of him. “Is to create spectacles out of these tributes. Victory is only part of the considerations for the Plinth Prize. Your future rests on this last project.”
You heard Coriolanus swear under his breath, his hand moving from your own to on your knee, something to ground him in the moment.
“Oh, one more thing,” Dean Highbottom added, grabbing a small index card form his desk. “If you are caught cheating and giving your tribute an unfair advantage, you will have no future at all.”
You all sat in silence as the reaping played on the large screen in front of you, some cheers rang out from students who got tributes from the first few districts, though Sejanus’ outburst at getting a tribute from his home district broke the tension.
“District ten boy, Y/N Rosewing. Girl, Arachne Crane.” You hummed, looking at the boy in the screen.
“Oh, you’ll Iike this one, Miss Crane.” Dean Highbottom smirked from his spot. “District 12 girl, Coriolanus Snow.”
You snapped your neck to look at your boyfriend, who wore an unreadable expression on his face. “Coryo,” you whispered, sorrow in your voice.
He was one of the first out of his seat when the group was dismissed, and you were quick to follow.
Behind a pillar out front, you found Coriolanus staring out into the main road, watching cars go to and fro, silent.
You stepped next to him, looking up at his face. “It’ll be okay, Coryo.”
“Hah,” he laughed bitterly, looking down at you. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. You can just go back to your fancy house and and maids and full kitchen. I needed the Plinth Prize, Y/N.” He spoke, pure anger in his face.
You were taken aback, not used to seeing this side of Coriolanus. “Then make sure you show that tribute how to win the Games.”
“You saw her sing when she was up on that stage. Give the Capitol a show. A reason to want he to win.” You suggested. “We have time to meet with the tributes tomorrow at the zoo. Figure out what she’s good at, then use it to your advantage, Coryo. Use it to win.”
You were livid when you walked into the zoo, seeing your boyfriend in the cage with the tributes- the animals.
Lucky Flickerman was talking to them, and you nearly burst a blood vessel when you saw their linked hands. This was not what you meant when you advised your boyfriend to figure out what Lucy Gray was good at.
Once the cameras and microphones were out of the way, you marched over to where the two were still talking. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Lucy Gray looked between you and Coriolanus, who had half a mind to have a sheepish look on his face. “Who’s askin’?”
You looked her up and down, in the bright dress Arachne likened to a clown the previous day. “Did you force him into that cage? Get your little friends to threaten him?” “Hey, Y/N, she didn’t do anything.” Coriolanus spoke up, stepping between the two of you even though there was a gate in the way. “This is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
Lucy Gray’s lips formed an O, and she had an apologetic look on her face. “I wasn’t aware, I do apologize.”
You hummed, taking one last look at your boyfriend before heading over towards Arachne and your tribute, water bottle in hand.
“Tanner,” you smiled, passing the water bottle between the fence posts. “Do you need any medicine, are they feeding you?” You asked, kneeling to get some bread out of your bag.
Your tribute, Tanner, was grateful and kind as you two spoke, a stark contrast to Arachne and her tribute, Brandy, who she was teasing with water.
“Arachne, watch-” You began to advise the girl, though her tribute was too quick, and in the blink of an eye all Hell broke loose.
You watched in what felt like slow motion as Brandy smashed the glass bottle into Arachne, piercing her in the neck.
“No!” You cried, moving to cover the wounds with your hands. You vaguely felt glass poking and breaking skin in your hands, and gunshots from the Peacekeepers.
Arachne wasn’t a friend, but she was a classmate, someone who you had spent most of your life sitting around. You tried to save her, but the blood gurgled up and out, life draining from her eyes.
“Arachne, hey- don’t, it’ll be okay! Someone’s coming, just hold on!” You cried, aware of arms pulling you off of the deceased mentor.
Coriolanus was discussing getting a guitar for Lucy Gray when he heard the noise.
Looking over, he felt his heart shoot into his throat when he saw Arachne, you, and a mess of blood on the ground. “Y/N!” He called, trying to evade the Peacekeepers between the two of you.
The tributes were ushered back against the wall of the cage, the public and mentors ushered out of the zoo.
Coriolanus saw the dead tribute on the ground, and you were on top of Arachne, hands to her bleeding neck. “Let me go, that’s my girlfriend!” He begged the Peacekeepers, their hold on him unwavering.
He finally broke free of their grasp when one of the tributes threw a rock over, and Coriolanus darted over towards you, pulling you off of Arachne’s body.
“It’s okay, hey, look at me.” Coriolanus walked the two of you away from the scene, all while you were still in a panicked daze.
“Can you hear me?” He asked, moving some hair out of your face. “I need to know you’re with me.”
You finally met your boyfriend’s eyes, breath slowing down a bit. “Arachne- she-”
“I know, I know.” Coriolanus felt his heart break at the look on your face. “Deep breaths, okay?”
You nodded softly, taking a few shaky breaths, looking down at your hands.
Coriolanus followed your gaze, frowning when he saw a few pieces of glass in the palms of your hands.
He led you over to one of the medics, who seemed to be the zoo’s veterinarian. “She was cut trying to save our classmate. Can you help?”
The vet nodded, having you sit on the ledge near him. “I don’t have any morphling, this will hurt. I apologize.”
You nodded, still breathing heavily from the adrenaline leaving your body. Coriolanus stood next to you, rubbing your upper back and keeping an eye on everyone around.
“Will she need stitches?” Coriolanus asked, frowning when he felt you wince as a larger piece of glass was taken out of your palm.
Nodding, the vet pointed to a small section under your thumb. “Only here I believe. You will want to get this looked at in a proper hospital. Make sure no infection is present.”
You nodded once, looking away as the vet began threading a needle to stitch your skin.
Coriolanus fished a water bottle out of his bag, unscrewing the top and offering it to you. “Dr. Gaul better just call off these games. One tribute is already dead, what is the point?”
You hummed, thanking the vet as he finished stitching your hand. “I don’t want to think about the Games right now.”
Nodding, you and Coriolanus slowly walked back to the Corso, back to the Snow penthouse.
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yawujin · 20 days
So I don't know if you're opposed to writing for the v2 boys but if you aren't
Could you please write v2 boys x s/o who is very hard working so when they get focused they forget to eat or drink water a lot &(if you're comfy trans male reader) they forget to take their binder off and rest.
ofc i'll write the sdr2 boys i love them
request | sdr2 boys x an S/O who is hard working
type | react , light hearted , non killing game , established relationship , trans male reader
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hajime hinata ♡
respects you for working so hard
always reminding you to take a break
hajime's a good listener so you can go to him to talk about work troubles you have
he secretly daydreams of another life where you two can just relax 24/7 so you do not have to worry so much about work
admires and appreciates all that you do
gets really excited when you finally finish your work for the day
kazuichi souda ♡
he gets it
relates to you bc he has had to stay up late working and fixing things
he learned the hard way that he must always keep water or something to hydrate himself while working
he's lowkey the type to ask "have you eaten yet?"
he cares sm about you
even though sometimes he also forgets to pack some lunch for himself for work lol
you two look out for each other always <3
fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
you already know he's the type to text you constantly throughout the day
"you're going to eat right?" "there has to be something in the vending machines there you can buy."
angry texts when you say all you had so far was some crappy instant coffee
even angrier texts when you tell him you're working after hours
always insistant on you taking a break (even if you just started working on something)
"i love you so much and if somehow someday you collapse while working i'll never forgive myself"
gundham tanaka ♡
orders you to stop working and take a break
no seriously, he orders you to take some time off
"the supreme overlord of ice commands you to STOP!"
he demands you come to bed and keep him warm
but first he reminds you to take off your armor (referring to your binder)
you still had it on oops
you just laugh a little bit and change
finally, you both can get some rest after a long day
nekomaru nidai ♡
he reminds you not to push yourself too hard
"it's kind of like training, you must know your limits!"
is willing to make a list for with designated times for breaks in your schedule
gets hyped up when you have a day off so you two can finally have a date/datenight
has a whole lot of respect for you and your ability to push through especially hard days
"just keep it in the back of your mind that i'll always be here if you need me for something, got it?"
ultimate imposter ♡
brings food to you
gently urges you to take a break
hugs from behind while you work
prefers it when you work from home
picks you up from work whenever he can
teruteru hanamura ♡
when you come home, the first thing he does is feed you
he makes all your favorite dishes ofc
he can always tell if you neglected yourself during work hours
"can't fool me, as your boyfriend i know what you need!"
keeps track of your days off incase you try to get a head start in working on something new
"nope sorry! can't have that today. you and i are due for a date at the diner"
sends you positive and encouraging and rather suggestive messages while you are at work
nagito komaeda ♡
very persuasive when he's trying to get you to rest after a long work day
you finally choose rest and nagito over more paperwork you need to sort out
"tomorrow's always there" he reassures you
"oh and, make sure to take that off" he says, looking at your binder
you almost finished changing without doing so
nagito gives you some affirmations while you drift off to sleep
"you work too hard..." he sighs sadly. "goodnight~"
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starlostastronaut · 5 months
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PAIRING: kim seungmin x reader
GENRE: fluff
WC: 1.07k
CW: the snow fight gets kinda violent, but it's a part of the game
PROMPT: snow battle
this is the last one!! we finally, finally made it to the end of mctc! woo! a little late, but i still have two hours before midnight so i'm finishing this still in 2023. i had so much writing this, so i hope you enjoy reading <3
title from alone together - fall out boy
general masterlist here
<< previous | mctc masterlist
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“Oh, you’re a dead man, Seungmin,” Jisung whistled as the whole group watched the carefully put-together snowball fly across the field and right into the left side of your face. The hit was so strong that it made you take a few steps back. You wiped the rest of the snow off your cheek. It burned a little, and you were sure you were going to end up with a red mark. Glaring at Seungmin, you angrily wiped your hands on your pants and crouched down. With passion that could equal a bull that just saw a red flag, you began pushing the snow around you, compiling your own snowball with the intention of making it much bigger and firmer than Seungmin's.
Felix and Chan, who were on their way to make sure you were okay, immediately back away at the sight of the quickly forming snowball. As did the rest of the members. The whole group retreated into safety, with Hyunjin attempting to hide behind Changbin. At any other moment, that would be amusing, but now the dancer looked genuinely scared. He didn’t need to, though, because all your rage was directed towards a certain puppy-like singer.
To give credit where it's due, Seungmin realized his mistake fairly soon, shouting a quick “Sorry!” but to no avail. You had already gathered your snowball, and it would be sad to see it go to waste. When Seungmin saw you marching towards him, snowball in hand, he tried to run away. He didn’t get far because Minho suddenly emerged from the side, wrapping his strong arms around the singer. He kept Seungmin's hands locked to his sides, holding him hostage as he tried to break free. But Minho was too strong for him, so Seungmin had no choice but to await his fate. As you got closer, Minho ducked behind him to avoid the snow.
With a ruthless look on your face, you shoved the snow inside Seungmin's jacket. At that moment, Minho let go and ran back to hide behind Chan, peeking from behind his shoulder as Seungmin squirmed.
“It's on, darling,” Seungmin muttered when he managed to get out as much snow as he could from inside his clothes. He watched you carefully, waiting for a moment when you let your guard down. Feeling victorious, you turned away from him, intending to high-five Jisung and Jeongin, who were laughing at Seungmin's misery. And that was your fatal mistake. At that moment, Seungmin charged forward, launching himself onto you, and you both fell into the snow. You rolled around for a bit before Seungmin managed to pin you under him, sitting on your hips, smirking victoriously. Seungmin reached next to your head, grabbing a handful of snow and raising his hand to show you exactly what was awaiting you.
The members stayed aside, watching you intently. Even Chan, who was usually the first one to stop these kinds of activities, let you have your "fun," as you would call it. However, as soon as the air pierced a shriek because the snow somehow made it inside someone's pants, he had enough. Chan began walking towards you, intending to break the fight. “Okay, that's maybe-” 
“Just let the kids play, Channie.” Minho placed a hand on the leader's shoulder, clearly amused by the way you managed to switch your positions, now sitting on top of Seungmin. “Young love, how beautiful,” he sighed, placing his other hand over his heart, pretending to be touched by the rather violent fight breaking out in front of them as you and Seungmin were back to rolling around, shoving snow into your faces, behind each other's clothes, anywhere you could reach.
It was quite an interesting relationship that you and Seungmin had. It was a constant push-and-pull, with both of you being very competitive, so it wasn't uncommon to see you playfully fighting with each other even before you started dating. Because it was all just a game, no matter how violent it got. In Chan's eyes, it only worsened after you and Seungmin became official. Nowadays, there were absolutely no limits to what you could do. Of course, you knew each other's limits and when to stop. You and Seungmin placed absolute trust in each other, secure in the knowledge that neither of you would ever do something to seriously hurt the other.
You knew that after the fight, Seungmin would help you dry your clothes, wrap you up in a blanket, and make you a hot cup of tea to warm up. He would sit next to you, snuggle into your side, watch some shitty drama with you, and spend the whole time making snarky remarks about the plot.
Now, though, it was all out. It was a fight to the death, and you were determined to be the last one standing. However, Seungmin was set on the same. And so the members watched in part horror, part amusement, and part fascination, anxiously anticipating the outcome. It never came because Chan became fed up with your antics, and with Changbin’s help, he broke up the fight. He took one look at your drenched clothes before sending you back to the dorm to dry and warm up. With a disappointed look on his face, he watched you slowly leave the park, holding hands and giggling.
True to your prediction, as soon as you crossed the threshold of the dorm, Seungmin helped you take your clothes off, throwing them on the ground with his jacket. He went to his room and brought back loose shorts and a hoodie, handing them to you and sending you off to the shower, saying he would take care of the clothes. You smiled and thanked him, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss to his lips.
Later, he came to join you under the hot water, helping you wash your hair. Even when you were done, he stayed with you in the stall, partly because he wanted to enjoy the moment a while longer and partly to piss off Minho by using up the hot water. You smiled, pure happiness radiating from your face as he hugged you, peppering kisses onto your wet skin and muttering apologies for the snow, even though you weren’t really mad. Because no matter how far your games went, it was these small, gentle moments that truly defined your relationship.
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings @darkypooo @sleepyleeji
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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whitedemon-ladydeath · 5 months
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Preparing, Cooking and Curing Venison
ok so I'm from rural Iowa, right. and Hunting is a big, big thing. I have a very vivid memory of a hunter hanging a deer upside down in his backyard to bleed it dry
and while rereading the first few chapters and reading the "few hours" in terms of curing the meat, it had me a bit 🤨. even tho I had never hunted myself, it did trigger an alarm in my head so I went deep diving. never in my life did I think I'd be looking into curing meat and here we are
there's several ways to cure meat but the most traditional is dry curing with salt. I see 'traditional' I see 'old school'. This is like medieval times so it seemed the most logical and ideal form of curing
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1) eating raw venison is a Risk. no one who is actually versed in hunting and eating game is going to risk getting sick when they're already starving. Diarrhea and loss of fluids is a huge risk factor
2) Feyre said she alloted a "few hours" to curing meat. it needs a MINIMUM of 24 hours to 5 DAYS in order to properly cure. as stated above, would people be willing to pay for a "few hours of curing" when 1) curing meat was a common practice 2) with it being a common practice are people really going to gamble with a "few hours" of curing with the risks of illness from unproperly preserved meat 3) it needs a ton of salt in order to do cure. Salt was a luxury for a lot of medieval folks. it probably cost them a decent sum to be able to aquire
while venison is "easy" to cook, it can be tricky as it can easily get overcooked and very tough. As we can see, it's roasted. roasting is predominantly done in an oven or a crockpot. considering it's medieval times, I'm gonna guess an oven. Ovens were very rare and very expensive in the home and community ovens are more likely to be used.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say they cooked it over a fire. it's a few minutes to prevent over-cooking. it's not a typical food that would be cooked in a more lavish lifestyle and since Feyre could not cook, I'm going to wager that it took a little bit of trial and error for one of the sisters to learn how
"but Atlas!" you say. "Its just fantasy. Who CARES if it's not accurate!"
don't care
she could have done the research needed for hunting if her main character is gonna be flouncing around as a "huntress"
I feel like this is just further elaboration of SJM speed running the beginning of acotar to get to Bigger Plot Points tbh. she makes being a Huntress™️ Feyres whole ass theme that Jumpstarts the series. She cannot cook. She cures the meat. her sisters and father get labeled as Lazy. so who cooks?
a little bit of consistency pls
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
For Matthew
One of our dear crewmates, Stephanie, lost her son back in 2022. They both watched S1 together, and tragically he passed away not long after. Stephanie has been an active member of our crew for years now, and she reached out to Rhys and he made a lovely Cameo for her.
Some of you may have already seen it as she's been kind enough to share it with us previously, but after talking with Stephanie and hearing about who Matthew was, I wanted to put together a small dedication to him, and share Stephanie's words with you with her permission. 
-- Dedication --
Matthew was 39 years old when he passed away, one of the original OFMD crewmates. He was a quirky, deaf, funny, and talented man who gave the world kindness despite the struggles he went through. He loved theatre, movies, video games, local art, and independent restaurants, and made a positive impact on everyone he met.
Matthew made his debut as a professional backyard wrestler in 2002 in the Phoenix New Times, and he worked on many well known video games in the industry doing development and quality assurance. He was truly a child a learning, and a true pilar of support in the community, and spent a great deal of time laughing and bringing light and joy to the world.
With his last wish, he donated his body to science, continuing on his loving and supportive legacy. Matthew was a wonderful man that was lost far too soon and his mother Stephanie, as well as anyone who knew him miss him so very much. Below is his obituary if you'd like to learn more about this wonderful crewmate of ours. 
We salute you Matthew. You are the embodiment of all the kindness, acceptance, support, and loving things that embody Our Flag Means Death as well, and we're honored to have you amongst us in spirit. You are greatly missed, but never forgotten. 
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--- Stephanie ---
"...I wanted to share something with the fandom about my journey with OFMD and wondered if any of you have experienced some personal growth right along with Ed and Stede (and of course many others in the crew).
My 39-year old son told me there was a show we had to watch that just dropped. He says "you'll love it because Taika's in it and we love pirates.” I laughed and said, “I’m in.”
I had no idea what it was about, but he and I had watched Black Sails together and he’s right—we love pirates. Within minutes of the pilot, I was completely won over and enjoying every moment of piracy on the Revenge. “What we’re about to do will be perilous . . . . “. From that moment on, I was in deep. We binged the first 3 episodes, rewinding to replay scenes and went mental when we realized that we had to wait a full week for 2 more episodes. My son and I would text about it non-stop and we both started quoting lines and getting even more invested. He was sending me meme's and screenshots and we started living our best pirate life.
By the end of the season, we had laughed, cried, and thoroughly discussed every aspect of Ed and Stede's growing relationship. We felt the pain of the cliffhanger and became “mentally devastated by what [we’ve] witnessed” and we certainly didn’t bottle it up.
We talked non-stop about the show. It became a daily thing. Articles, interviews, pictures and joining in the quest for renewal. Once it got renewed (PRIDE month), we were on the lookout for any posts or information about signs of filming, etc. We couldn't wait for the second season and were counting down the months after we knew filming wrapped.
Then the unthinkable happened. My son went into the hospital after having a slow recovery to multiple surgeries. Cliff Notes version: He was admitted and within 24 hours, he was in ICU on life support. My son had an extensive medical history beginning when he was an infant. 42+ surgeries and many air-evacs to Children’s Hospital so it was kind of the norm to go in and be out within a few days or week and be on the road to recovery again.
If you met him, you wouldn’t even know he had all the medical issues he had because he worked full time and carried himself like a stand-up comedian--always laughing and telling stories. He was a video gamer who had worked in the industry for 7 years until he had to take a leave to handle his medical issues and have a job that didn’t exceed 40 hours.. He was really a character and had a lot of funny mannerisms. 
This time was different. He didn’t rally and 10 days later he tragically died from a fungal infection that they couldn’t identify until it was too late to treat.
He died in June, 2022, and the grief has been unrelenting and unbearable. I have literally shut down and spent the months grieving and in so much pain that I can barely leave the house and see anyone. It has broken me. When I saw the actual date that S2 would drop, my emotions were so intense because I didn't know how I could possibly watch it without him. I finally went on and rewatched Season 1 to prepare for Season 2 and found myself crying through the entire 10 episodes every time I thought of his witty banter during the season.
I wasn’t sure I could handle Season 2 without him. I talked about it a lot in Grief therapy and decided I would watch it with him and for him. I would try the first episode and see if I could do it. I would imagine all the conversations we would have had.
Matthew understood being different. He was Deaf and spent so much time in and out of hospitals and was bullied and teased his whole childhood. Even with all of that, he grew up to be loving, kind, accepting of all, and a VERY FUNNY guy.
On the day I started S2, I remembered that Matthew enjoyed being on the groups on Reddit for OFMD. Having never done Reddit, I was nervous, but decided I would see if the online community would be something that would give me the thing I missed so much . . . his commentary.
I couldn't believe how it opened my world up. Everyone was so nice and open to discussion about OFMD. The banter, information and excitement has been so restorative for me. It has given me a lot of healing to say the least. 
I binged the first 3 episodes for S2 and went through it with all of you watching Blackbeard fall into the worst version of the Kraken that he had been and felt every emotion during the s2e3 Merman scene. Laughing and crying, laughing and crying, I waited for each week craving their reunion would finally happen and celebrated on-line with the entire fandom as we shared our analysis and thoughts.
Having a show that means so much to me has truly made me so happy. I loved that Ed and Stede are a middle aged couple and that they both had to grow so much to get to the point where they could be together in life as a beautiful and loving couple. I appreciated the writing so much because DJ and crew did really give us what he said he would, but in a far better way than I could have ever imagined.
I still need a s3 because I want to see Ed and Stede mature even more as a couple--no more leaving each other! I also want to see them meet up with their found family.
I want to see the new Revenge adventures, Spanish Jackie and Swede, Izzy legacy moments, Zheng, Oluwande, Wee John, Jim, Archie, Fang, Frenchie, Black Pete, Lucius, Buttons the sea gull, the perfect music and emotional parallels to past episodes and, of course, revenge for Minor Prince Ricky, Is that asking too much? I'm sure I left out so much else I want to see, but you all get it because you are stuck in this vortex right along side of me.
I dream of HBO/Max renewing this sooner rather than later so I can start thinking of when they will be filming and following all the hints that unfold. This show means so much to me and I am grateful that it exists. 
I feel like I can be a better version of an ally to the community I love so much by immersing myself within all the representation in this treasure trove of storytelling. I learn so much by seeing these relationships develop into deep and committed love and have such respect for all of us who just want to see these relationships normalized everywhere in society. We all benefit from inclusion and I am very very grateful for this show. It means more to me than I could ever explain.
I'm sorry I rambled, but I am just so appreciative of all the people in this group who just share and talk and roll around in all our in-depth chatter.
I celebrate this series and everyone that worked so hard to provide this beautiful story. I feel my son's presence every moment I watch it (on repeat) and discuss it every single day.
Izzy's (Con's) death scene touched me deeply . . . thinking about losing my son and how that felt and how I held onto him for as long as I could so I wouldn’t forget how it felt to hold him. Taika's commitment to the pain of losing Izzy felt like it paralleled all my feelings since the loss. Izzy's deathbed voice and words have lived in my heart ever since.
Con and Taika were top tier and seeing all the crew's emotions as they watched what was happening felt so raw and touching. I also felt so much from s2e3 when Ed is dead and Stede is begging him to live . . . I lived that as well, convinced that my son would somehow prove them all wrong and open his eyes. I said it over and over and when Ed opened his eyes, I just felt every single emotional hurdle.
Yes, I was a bucket of tears through it all, but I also felt a lot of healing. I’d love to hear from any of you who have had some kind of evolution or growth from this gift of a show."
You can reach out to Stephanie here on twitter if you'd like to discuss some of your experiences as well.  SRC: Stephanie's words per her permission. If someone doesn't have access to tumblr, they can read about Matthew on the Repo:
Cameo: Rhys Darby - For Matthew
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Hi so I’m an incoming freshman I have autism and ADHD I was wondering do you have any tips for high school specifically for people with autism and ADHD like me? Thank you for your time!!
Hi there,
It’s been out of school since 2015, so I’m rusty with tips. However I did find one article listing 12 tips that might help:
1. You don’t need ONE study space.
A well-stocked desk in a quiet place at home is key, but sometimes you need variety. Coffee shops, libraries, parks, or even just moving to the kitchen table will give you a change of scenery which can prompt your brain to retain information better.
2. Track more than HW in your school planner.
Keeping a calendar helps you plan ahead—but you’ve got more going on than just homework assignments! Make sure you’re marking your extracurricular, work, and social commitments, too. (Tests, band practice, away games, SAT dates, half-days and holidays are just a few examples of reminders for your planner.)
3. Start small.
If you’ve got a big assignment looming, like a research paper, stay motivated by completing a piece of the project every few days. Write one paragraph each night. Or, do 5 algebra problems from your problem set at a time, and then take a break.
4. School supplies (alone) don’t make you organized.
Come up with a system and keep to it. Do you keep one big binder for all your classes with color-coded tabs? Or do you prefer to keep separate notebooks and a folder for handouts? Keep the system simple—if it’s too fancy or complicated, you are less likely to keep it up everyday.
5. Get into a routine.
When will you make the time to do your homework every day? Find the time of day that works best for you (this can change day-to-day, depending on your schedule!), and make a plan to hit the books.
6. Learn how to create a distraction-free zone.
A study on workplace distractions found that it takes workers an average of 25 minutes to return to what they were working on pre-interruption. Try turning off your phone notifications or blocking Twitter (temporarily) on your computer so you can concentrate on the homework tasks at hand.
7. Get real.
When you’re looking at the homework you have to get done tonight, be realistic about how long things actually take. Gauging that reading a history chapter will take an hour and writing a response will take another 30 minutes will help you plan how you spend your time.
8. Use class time wisely.
Is your teacher finished lecturing, but you still have 10 minutes of class left? Get a jump on your chemistry homework while it’s still fresh in your mind. Or use the time to ask your teacher about concepts that were fuzzy the first time.
9. Look over your notes each night to make sure you've got it.
Fill in details, edit the parts that don’t make sense, and star or highlight the bits of information that you know are most important. Interacting with your notes will help you remember them. You can also use Homework Help to get your questions answered 24/7.
10. Study a little every day.
Cramming Spanish vocabulary for a quiz might work in the short-term, but when comes time to study for midterms, you’ll be back at square 1. You might remember the vocab list long enough to ace the quiz, but reviewing the terms later will help you store them for the long haul.
11. Don’t let a bad grade keep you down.
A rough start to the semester doesn’t have to sink your GPA. Take proactive steps by checking your grades regularly online and getting a tutor if you need one.
12. Make a friend in every class.
Find a few people you can contact from each of your classes if you have a homework question or had to miss class (and do the same for them!).  Then when it comes time to study for exams, you'll already have a study group.
The article will be below:
I hope this helps. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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wildglitch · 2 months
How What if...Zombies Spidey gets to the DCU
Here's the second part of this post
This is about how Zombie!Peter (And possibly others) got to the DCU. the third part will be the HC on what he is going to be doing overther, but for now wh need to know how he got there
Also,I accidentally uploaded my original draft for this but it wasn't finished so I had to delete it so I lost all of that writing TnT
-Starting this off with more timeline explanations! Let's goooooooo
Ok so anything that happens on Earth has absolutely no effect on the rest of the universe, that means that all of the guardian movies and Thor Ragnarok happens when they originally did in the OG timeline.
"But Thor and Loki met Strange 3 days before Infinity war" SHhhhhhh, trust and listen. Since Loki really didn't want to deal with his dad, Instead of just sending him to Earth, She sends him to a different reality Earth. How? But studying the space stone of course. Not to mention he spent a good while researching and studying the aether when he was king and before they sent it to the collector. With this in mind, Loki taught himself how to access and travel to different realities (Remember this)
That means that Bruce B. gets back on Earth at the same time he did in the original, in 2018. Infinity war takes place in about a day or so and seeing as Thanos is on Earth by the end of the episode, let's say that the episode takes place over a time period of about 24-48 hours. A weekend if you will.
That, adding onto the fact I made the zombie apocalypse 7-8 months long instead of 1 month changes a few things timeline wise. Not only does it push Ant-Man & The Wasp back many months, It also means that there's a high chance Bucky's brainwashing isn't 100% gone, and that the apocalypse started around a year or so after Homecoming.
Do with that info as you please :D
-What is happening without space friends? Well...
Loki wasnt Fucking Stupid and died like and idiot here!
(Your the god of fucking mischief and yet the only thing you can think to do is a knife?!? A fucking Knife? Not even to the back as has been stated you have done in your own goddamn show, But right in the face where he can very clearly see it you short dumbass!)
N E Ways- Loki did something, yk, smart and joined up with Thanos cause like, Dude the guy was winning! Loki was gonna play a long game and work with him again to get his opening. . .Then they killed his fucking brother! Yeah this has not been a good day for him- He is sent to stalk Earth with the other dudes but he decides to stay on the ship and
Loki looking down at Earth though the ship's surveillance systems: WTF did the mortals do!?!?
Alien helper Loki asked for and somehow got: Would you like to go down there sir?
Loki getting comfortable and changing his clothes into something cozy after a very traumatic day: Norse no, Get me a bigger monitor and some food, I wanna see where this goes.
And then Loki just watches like the agent of chaos he is. (Remember this too)
What about Thor? Well Thor doesn't really die, Loki just sees the explosion of the ship and just assumes. He still teams up with half the guardians and everything still happens like the movie for him until he gets to Wakanda.
(The Guardians? Canon. Literally the only difference could be that maybe Peter Q. and Co. die immediately on Titan without the space roadtrip trio.)
-Wakanda? Gone
Okoye Was sent to America and everything went to hell lol.
No but Seriously, The King was gone, Okoye went to look for him, and Wakanda was left pretty defenseless. I say that the country was already compromised before she left, but it only started causing trouble after she left, so she has no clue what happened. the important thing isn't Okoye though, no the important thing is Thor. More specifically, Thor, Rocket and Groot when they get there. I can see 2 things happening.
1-they get infected immediately and all of a sudden you get a Zombified God with an axe walking around with a tree and a raccoon. All there while his brother is watching the man, he thought was dead, truly die. ( he gets the feeling that this is Karma) Or,
2- They fight the Zombies thinking they are part of Thanoses army like total badasses, not knowing what they are fighting or getting infected. All while Loki I absolutely shell shocked watching this from a 5th monster mouth agape. (Ones watching visions base with the king and witch, Twos watching the group trying to get to the base, Threes watching some old guy sitting in a park absolutely unbothered, And Forths could be the other dead people from the last post, idk, the separate continuity for the AU gets a mention lol)}
Loki in ver. 1: Absolute depression
Loki in ver. 2: Slacked jawed as he watches his brother be a complete dumbass
-So, How did they he skip dimension?
Well everything from the episode happens the same. Maybe a bit more emotional because they are closer, but every one we see die, Dies. Why? Uhh duh, angst and plot potential, why else?
and its, Everyone one we see die. Let me explain. Anyone we see get turned or killed on screen, It's death. If a character dies off screen but the situation is bad and impossible for said person to get out of, it's death. BUT, if a character is killed off screen but theoretically they could escape, they can live.
Ex For this rule: Happy is hit by a speeding car off screen that implies death= Death, Reason? He's a normal dude T'Challa is hit by a speeding car off screen that implies death= Can Live, Reason? He has the powers of the Black Panther
You Got That? cool. with that in mind, and what I can remember atm, this is the list of people who live
Peter P.- Scott L.- King T'Challa.- Bruce B.- Bucky B.- Rocket R.- Groot-Thor- Loki. Igs, if you want the guys from the more hero’s Idea to be here then you can add them ig. That's the list of survivor a
(Why aren't there more women? Idk, take it up with Disney for killing all of them)
Why these guys? Simple. Cause they all are on Earth
-Loki, being a god, takes a look at Zombie Thanos and thinks "Oh no...Oh Hellas no" And decides to do something about it.
Seriously, You expect me to believe that anything other stone then the space and reality one can send them to another reality? No, I don't think so. And who did I say studied and used these stones before? hmmm? So my proposition for you today is simple. take our god Loki with his obsession with the space stone and have him cast a spell to have every living being on the planet left, come with him to whatever other reality he's taking them to. and thus the crossover commences.
-Peter and the others are now screwed.
They all travel and end up at the same place they were in their original universe. (Omg I just realized Loki could end up at the watchtower lol)
They could be in different realities, but they all are in the same position they were before traveling
Peter: Is on plane before Dimension hopping
Peter: falling to his death after dimension hopping
Peter: Paink!
And then they get split up...hurray!
That's the end for this post. The other will be more focused on Peter But we needed This one as a way to get to the next world. Will I change some stuff? Sure, maybe later, But for now I'm pretty tired and I don't have much else to do at this point.
With that said, I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you think
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canibeyoungforever · 1 year
Heyy there, I wanted to request a Kylian Mbappé, where maybe the reader and Hakimi’s wife are best friends and maybe just them living the WAG life, maybe a date night with the husbands
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thank you so much for your request <33
Kylian Mbappé Imagines: Living the dream
Kylian and you first meet when you were 16 and it was the total definition of love at first sight. When you were both 19 and that he told you he was going in Russia you were so happy for him and even more when he came back with the World Cup.Unlike everybody you have known him when he was absolutely nobody and it make you become the person he trusted the most but also the only one he wanted to share his new life with.
You weren’t really aware of the concept of WAG at first you actually learned it by tiktok when you saw your own face on the app. Now Kylian and you are both 24 and still live the perfect love but also now married.You were going to leave the house when:
"Baby where are you going?" You turn around to see Kylian "I already told you i’m going to see Hiba" He run toward you and put his arms around you "Please don’t leave me" You hug him back "It’s been planned for 3 days" "And so?" "Kylian,Kylian,Kylian..". "Please stay here and let’s cuddle all day" He beg and began kissing your neck. "You are cruel" You say. "But you love me" He clap back You get into his game and start kissing him back. You put your hands all over on his lower body and give a squeeze to his butt. Taken by surprise he relaxes his hands from your body which allows you to escape: "No!" "Bye Ky!I love you" You leave the house and half an hour later meet Hiba in a coffee shop
"Hi girl" "What took you so long?" She ask. "Kylian Clingy Mbappé" She laugh "I don’t know why but it doesn’t surprise me" You laugh You two spend the entire day together shopping,doing your nails,spa and everything you could ever dream of At the end of the day around 6 pm you finally enter your house: "Baby?" You go outside and find him working out half naked and all sweaty,he knows what he is doing. "Hi" He check you out.
He come towards you and kiss you "So Hiba’s good?" He ask. "No,because she had to wait because you were all over me" You say While talking you’re playing with the waistband of his shorts "Stop doing that y/n." "It’s just some payback for what you did this morning" Someone knock at the door "Fuck." Kylian say "No bad words Mbappé" You go open the door and it happen to be just a delivery man
The next day: "Y/n?" "Mhmm?" "Do you wanna go out eating with Achraf and Hiba?" "Like tonight?" You ask "Yeah" "Okay" A few hours later You two arrive at the restaurant and join your friends "Bonjour" Kylian say "Hello my friends" Achraf answer "Hi" You answer You all sit "He finally let you go" Hiba say "Yeah it was hard" You answer "Dude what are they talking about?" Achraf ask Kylian "It’s nothing it’s all lie" Kylian answer winking Achraf laugh
a/n: english is not my first language
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(tw: two dead animals are mentioned, and animal cruelty is threatened but does not actually occur) 
Young Steve Harrington was 9 years, 24 weeks, 4 days, and 3 minutes exactly when he discovered just how much he wasn’t like the other children. 
Up until that exact moment, not a second later, Steve had been a normal boy. Normal boy from the totally normal, totally unremarkable little town of Hawkins, Indiana. And normal — normal was good. At least according to Steve’s father. Normal was important.
Normal was the watchword. 
Because normal boys did normal things – football, fist fights, and war games. Normal boys did not prefer the company of their mothers. Did not prefer watching old movies and dancing in the living room. Did not prefer spending hours in the kitchen baking pies. 
Normal boys spent their days rough-housing at Skull Rock. Playing king of the mountain and walk-the-plank. 
It was on that warm August afternoon, so many years ago, that Steve was faced with the shocking truth that he was in fact, as far from normal as normal could get. 
They’ve been out here for what feels like hours already, and Steve is tired and grumpy and too hot. Steve likes a walk through the woods as much as the next kid. Loves it actually —remembers when he was younger and he and his mother would take walks together on the trails behind their old house that wound through oak trees that felt like giants when he was so small, running through the tall, swaying grass that tickled his cheeks and made his mother laugh. Smile in that way she so rarely did anymore.
Tommy and Jason never wanted to stop and look at anything, and the only time Steve had dared to bring one of the well-loved notebooks he’d filled with drawings of whatever he’d found interesting at the time and one of his mother’s old field guides, they’d laughed at him, shoved him so hard that he’d dropped them in the mud.
At least he’d waited until he’d gotten home to cry about it. 
Normal boys, according to his father, did not cry. 
Steve had gotten distracted by an empty bird’s nest he’d found, fascinated by the little stones and bits of mud woven into it, the remnants of the eggshells left behind. Mercifully, the other boys were too wrapped up in whatever dumb game they were doing to make fun of him for examining it, let alone to bother waiting for him. 
He’s still brushing dust off the knees of his jeans, heading toward the clearing when he hears them.
Hey freak! What are you doing out here, freak? Look at the crybaby! What are you cryin’ about, crybaby? 
Steve can see the bright red of Jason’s baseball cap come into view. He and Tommy are circled around something — somebody — like a pack of ravenous wolves about to take down their prey. And yeah, normally (shamefully), Steve would just fade into the background, try and make himself invisible whenever they did stuff like this. Because the thought of participating just made that sick feeling bloom in Steve’s chest because before he wised up to the Way Things Were, he was used to being on the receiving end. 
He knows what it feels like. 
And looking back, perhaps that would have been the wisest course. The most sensible course. The normal course.
Because right there on his knees, arms curved protectively over something Steve can’t quite see, is Eddie Munson. 
Eddie Munson was pretty much the opposite of whatever normal was, at least around here. And unfortunately, that made him a prime target. The fact that he lived in the trailer park, wore ratty hand-me-downs that never quite fit him right, how his hair was too long and hung into his face. And despite the fact that most of their classmates seemed intent on making his life a living hell, Eddie never just took it. 
Steve found himself feeling jealous, which was absurd. He didn’t want to be a freak. Not like the Munson kid. 
But then he looks down and sees what the other boy is trying so desperately to protect — a rabbit. Now that he’s stepped a little closer, he can just barely see the soft gray of its fur peeking out from under Eddie’s elbow. 
And its distinct lack of breathing. Because the rabbit, Steve realizes, is dead. Now the stick he finally notices in Jason’s grip as he creeps even closer to the group makes sense — poking a dead rabbit as a fun activity actually made sense considering the blonde boy’s perfect storm of below average intelligence and above average aggression.
Like now when Steve can see that, yes, despite the fact that there were definitely tears in Eddie Munson’s freakishly big brown eyes, his mouth was curved into a feral smile. When Steve hazards a glance in his direction, it seems  to be at least somewhat effective if the unsteady look in Tommy’s eyes meant anything. 
Between the two of them, Jason was always meaner. Crueler in a way that made Steve’s teeth ache.
Normal boys probably didn’t notice things like other boys’ eyes. Maybe it’s just the fact that Steve’s never really looked at Eddie up close. Had never noticed how bright and wide those eyes of his really were, and despite the fact that they were obviously wet with tears, when Eddie’s  gaze finally fixes itself to him, it’s like he’s daring Steve to try something too. 
Steve doesn’t actually remember making the conscious decision to do something. It’s like he’s not even in control of his own body, the way his gut coils like a snake burning a hole through his belly when he shoves Jason Carver to the ground. 
“Leave him alone.” 
The funny thing was, although Steve may not particularly enjoy sports, he was good at them. Better than Jason, even, which Steve guesses probably had something to do with how pissy he always was around him. Steve was also bigger. Stronger. Faster.
Being fast was also probably why Tommy wasn’t able to get the drop on him either (although Eddie’s frantic pointing over his shoulder and the way he yells Steve! is certainly helpful ), wasn’t able to dodge the sucker-punch Steve lands right in his face.
Blood streams down Tommy’s face, his own hands flying to his likely-broken nose, and it’s so distracting, and honestly, alarming, it’s Jason who very nearly takes him down, having gotten to his feet without Steve’s notice. 
“Fuck you!”
That’s Eddie’s voice — when he turns to look, he sees him standing over Jason, fists balled at his side, who’d been clearly shoved to his feet again.
The other two boys likely hadn’t considered the fact that they’d be evenly matched. Tommy and Jason tended to prefer fights where they had the obvious advantage, and judging from how nervous they both looked suddenly.
“You really want to be a freak like Munson, Steve? Throw your lot in with him?”
“I’ll take my chances.” 
Tommy and Jason turn and run, tails between their legs, Steve watching them go, hands on his hips, with all the intensity of a guard dog ready to strike. It’s only when he can no longer see them, even through the gaps in the trees that he finally remembers Eddie is there.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” Eddie says, voice sounding slightly hollow as he stands over the tiny, limp body he’d been so desperate to protect. “Now they’re going to go after you.”
 “Yeah, well — I wasn’t going to let them…” and he’s not even sure how to explain what he doesn’t even understand himself yet, so he just shrugs and crouches down to look at the rabbit sprawled out over a pile of leaves. 
Steve has seen a dead body before. Only one. His grandfather’s — but he’d looked much the same as he always had in that coffin, same bespoke suit, same glasses. Eyes shut like he was taking one of his La-Z-Boy naps while Steve watched the tv on the rug in front of him.
The rabbit looked much like that — asleep. “Did you find it like this?”
Eddie seems taken aback, and likely is. Steve might not be a bully like the other kids, but he didn’t do anything to stop it. Steve might only be 9, but even he knows that’s somehow worse. “Uh – yeah, I mean – it’s just a baby and when I saw what Jason was trying to do —”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, though he’s not sure to what, because for whatever reason, he’s reaching out to brush a finger over the thing’s fuzzy ear, just barely grazes it, before normal is tossed right out the window. Hurled off the cliff and into the abyss. 
Because the second Steve touches the animal, he feels a spark kind of like when he runs across the carpet wearing socks and touches something, a static shock. 
The rabbit is up and off so quickly, bounding into the trees before Steve even knows what’s happened. And something – something had happened. His brain might be trying to convince him otherwise — it was just stunned, injured, asleep. 
Because dead things stayed dead, obviously. 
“Holy shit, did you just —” 
“I think it was just stunned,” Steve says, biting his lip and ruffling his hair. 
“It was dead. It wasn’t breathing. I saw it — what did you do?” 
“Nothing, man. I don’t now what you’re talk—”
Both of them jolt, their conversation interrupted by a thud just a few feet away. When they turn around and venture close enough to see what it is, what’s lying there on the grass as still and lifeless as that baby rabbit had been only minutes before.
Because there, spread out onto the grass, wings akimbo, was a large spotted owl.
Eddie and he share exactly one long look before Steve turns tail and flees. Doesn’t stop running until he reaches his bike, left just by the treeline. When he gets home, he goes straight to his room and doesn’t come out for the rest of the night.
He doesn’t see Eddie Munson again.
Not for a long time.
The facts were these:
Steve is exactly 25 years, 4 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, and 18 minutes old when he finally does.
Because Eddie Munson was 26 years, 50 weeks, 19 hours, and 4 minutes old when he died.
And that’s exactly how old he is when Steve Harrington brings him back to life. 
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samooooo1 · 3 months
based on my digimon master online game, how would be like a 24 year old fem! tamer who found in her doorstep a cardboard box with 4 digieggs (wizardmon, terriermon, (fem!) lopmon (she is terriermon's younger twin sister) and meicoomon) and when they hatch as lil keemon, zerimon, kokomon, and a fluffier looking snow botamon with faint light markings (that sign that she is a meicoomon when she grows and evolve to her actual form);
and the lil keemon is the one who loves y/n a lot compared to the other 3 who like her too; with a timeskip of 2 years later with him now as a wiz giving her a flower before confessing his feelings for her and gladly she accepts his feelings.
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(Credit to the artist (Artist is mentioned down there on the right side))
(Sorry but I cant picture myself this scenario, as you would have been like a mother figure to them which is why I will do platonic version but no more or less, sorry since it probably would be heading a entirely diffrent way then you wanted but such scenarios are also platonic in my eyes.)
B/f x reader
Growing closer
It was a cold nice day, finally after 8 painfully long hours of working, since you gotta make a living somehow, you took office job and after it was finally over and since it was over, first thing you done was to watch TV, there way to many TV Series that have to be finished by you and to little time to sadly do it. After watching a couple series for some hours, you heard a sound from the door you went there, thinking what or who would do such thing this late at the day.
You have gone to your door and opended it and found.. a cardboard with some eggs in it? You were weirded out having never seen such eggs.. and big at that to, you first thought these were Ostrich eggs.. so you tried to cook them but they were to hard and couldnt break which frustrated you.
Sooo, like any person with the average IQ of -5, you used Google to try and find out what these eggs were or better say from which animal or organism they came. To your suprise, they werent any ordinary eggs.. these eggs were called Digieggs and after some throughout research you found out what will come out of these eggs, some Digimons named Botamon, Kokomon, Zerimon and Keemon, they were fictional characters from your childhood Show 20 years ago, you used to watch it so much but sadly have forgotten most of these times.
So you made sure to take them with you everywhere, as to make sure that when they hatch you can see it in a instant. After some further hours of waiting they hatched ! You saw and felt like a Mum VvV, seeing their kids being born, you were very happy :D
Now the funny part.. you dont know what they eat, nor what they can eat or not, they arent any organic organism but you decided milk and some meat should be ok for now.
You searched up their names and what they could "evolve" into, or as people would say "digievolve" into. Now you got a Keemon, small and friendly but sometimes somehow angry, how? I dont know, a Botamon, a chaotic little energy ball, a Kokomon very cute choco looking like digimon and lastly Zerimon, weird but also cute.
Now there was another small problem, you never had to take care of any kids, much less since you were a only child and pretty much got always what you wanted, you never had to do anything. Now that you were a fully responsible adult and moved away from your parents and took a job to pay rent and your living expsenes, you didnt know if you were able to take care of these little Digimon.
Sooo, you called your bestfriend over, he was at first not believing a single word you have said but the moment he was in with you.. He was fascinated, such cute little creatures? But then he asked for what reason did you actually call him.
"So... hehe, basicly if I would this alone, there be to much for me to work off... and I dont wanna be a single mum, and since we both are already bestfriends why dont you help ne :D Also these little kids need a dad."
"Wait wait wait wait- a dad? But why me!"
You mentaly slapped yourself and just gave him a unfazed stare.
"Who is a man, is my closet friend, can weirdly be a good dad, can help me and is always there for me :D"
He just sighned and.. even though to us its obvious and you being a blind person ( in terms of reading the room), he has feelings for you and taking care of them with you.
"You will be the mother?"
You just nodded VvV. "Then... eh.. should I adress you as honey then, infront of the kids?" At that point you just stared at him. Would that title suit you?... Yes, yes it would.You happily nodded.
"So we be parents then? :D" you asked, he just embarrasedly nodded and you jumped in the air, feeling all happy and friendly, atleast you wont be having to deal all this alone, you have someone by your side during all of this.He just smilled at you, how could you be so blind to his feelings but because of you.. he be doing this, out of love for you.
2 Years Timeskip~
After some years parenting, both you and B/f have come far, your small little kids that you named happily, Botamon, you named him after your Uncle, his name was Kai, and little Botamon gave some Ninjago Kai vibes off, and he always watched that show as he grew up.Kokomon, you named them Choc, because of his chocolate coulered self and his affinity to liking sweets that are always sided with chocolate flavor.Zerimon was named Lemon, he is coloured like a Lemon and loves Citrus fruits, noice which is why the both you of named him Lemon and he is the exact opposites of his sister Zerimon.Keemon was the weirdest of the bunch, he was like a clingy dog which is why ya named him Max, he wouldnt leave neither your or B/f sides, always calling you both Mum and Dad, which at times made you chuckle and B/f a blushing mess, yet as they digivoled all into their respective forms you couldnt help but smile at them and B/f and even thought it might have seemed as if you were oblivious to B/fs feelings, you werent, you also liked him but wanted just to tease him so much it also made you realise how thankful you were that he was by your side, supporting and helping you no matter what or without any complaints, so one day when it was late and the kids were sleeping, you invited him to the livingroom since before you both have sleeped seperately but now you wanted to be more then just friends, you took him to the livingroom and confessed to him.
When he heard those words from you "I like you more then a simple friend".. he cried, he was happy beyond any thing that could be scaled, this one was one of the hapiest day of his life, and yes finally after so long you are finally his. He took you by arms and hugged you, its safe to say that you both went to bed after that confession but didnt did the deed as you both were faithful followers of the lord, you saved yourself for day you both will marry.
But the both of you pray and hope that the lord will bless you both with more such happy moments , the moment that the both of you will spend together, as lovers and one flesh, just as the lord always had planned for the both of you.
Thanks for making a request but please, any kind of family bond should also be kept as one, but I hope you all enjoyed this small fic and wish ya all a blessed day/night.
God bless ya all!
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gobletofmilk · 4 months
hours of the day ranked
1. 6pm 6pm is the best hour of every day because this is when you are eating dinner. sometimes it doesn't happen in this hour but when it does, this is why we are on earth. dinner. it's also good because you eat dinner then. 
2. 7pm i love this hour because if you have eaten dinner already you have a good 4-5 hours of true free time. you can literally do whatever, spend time with friends, read, write, watch a movie, or do what god herself placed us on this earth to do which is rot in bed and look at phone.
3. 12pm yummy lunch time 
4. 4am I'll fight all of you on this but 4am is here because of that sweet sweet rem. you know how good sleep feels at 4am? you kidding me? this is why i LIVE.
5. 12am there's just something special about midnight you know. it's just cool. if you're still awake the vibes are kinda crazy you know. if you're with friends then the vibes are even crazy er. i love it when it is midnight. 
6. 3pm i haven't been in school for years (like millions of years), but there is no denying the power of 3pm. home time. it's also the peak time in the afternoon. lots of shenanigans to be had at 3pm you know
7. 5pm this is like like school ending but for adults although i don't have a job that ends at 5 i just kind of work whenever and it is so bad for my work life balance because i end up working at the worst times and don't give myself enough time to relax but if i had a normal job this would be the best time
8. 10pm sleepy vibes you know
9. 8pm i really like this time because i'm usually right into a movie or something or playing a game or rotting in bed usually rotting 
10. 4pm it's interesting at this point we are starting to get to the hours i'm not too fond of. don't get me wrong i'm a fan of 4pm, but my brain just turns off around this time every day. i can't get anything done. it sucks. i'm not a morning person or an afternoon person or an evening person tbh.
11. 11pm hey that's a good placement
12. 5am such a risky hour. if you're getting good rem then it is the greatest hour in the world. but if you wake up at 5am and still want to have a little more sleep. god. kill me. it happened to me this morning and it has just ruined my day
13. 9pm it's kind of sad at 9pm because the night is coming to an end and it's like sad and stuff??
14. 1pm i ated all my lunch :(
15. 10am hey this is usually like a snack time so that is good. but you have a whole work day ahead of you and it's like ugh lame you know. if it is a day off though 10am can be pretty exciting. i'm usually rotting in bed around 10am
16. 2pm controversial maybe but this time isn't it. i want to go home you know i don't have three hours of work left in me.
17. 11am the most nothing hour ever created what even happens at 11am
18. 1am not for me
19. 2am like 1am but slightly worse 
20. 3am like 2am but slightly worse
21. 8am of all of the morning hours, this one is the least offensive. you're usually eating breakfast or just commuting and listening to music so hey, it gets a pass i suppose. morning sux.
22. 7am the only good thing about 7am is your bed is so comfortable, but like why can't we take that comfort and move it to other parts of the day. i gotta get up at 7am, don't do that to me.
23. 6am kill me now it's so over
24. 9am imagine being henry time, inventor of time, and thinking you know what is a good idea? 9am? what a fool. i'm so upset this time should not exist. so sick and twisted.
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robobarbie · 2 years
Happy one year to BP. Have some thoughts I'm typing on my phone while I avoid my IRL job responsibilities.
I'm not interested in getting too repetitive, so let me quickly get a couple things out of the way that I've already said in a million other places:
1. The reception to BP has been quite the unexpected ride, and shockingly is still ongoing
2. I'm thrilled to see that BP helped people find their creativity in the same was that similar other media helped me back then
Yes, technically the anniversary of BP was on 06/30, but I was too busy downloading a bucket of otojam titles. It was a really impressive turn out this year -- nice job to everyone who participated, old or new devs alike. For the new devs, I hope you learned a lot from your experience and I know you'll only improve further. I certainly know BP taught me a lot.
Let's get into some of that, actually.
1. Imperfection is sort of sick.
BP is by far NOT a perfect product. There's small bugs still lingering, a few typos, some odd characterizations, rushed plot beats, all of that. But by letting myself be at peace with that and ship it, I allowed myself the brain space to focus on other projects and not dwell eternally on hunting down issues and rewriting bogs of text. I still vividly remember the first few times I saw people streaming BP -- ohhhh how I hated BP back then. All I saw in the streams was every mistake I had let slip through. But as I kept watching more and more, I saw what people actually cared about -- the heart of the story and the sexiness of my BOYS!! So, I chilled out. It made me realize that it's okay to release something a bit imperfect, because I know my heart will still be heard.
2. Cringe is cool.
Don't be ashamed of what you are passionate about. Cringe culture is dead. If I had let cringe stop me over the past year, there's no way I would have released BP at all -- the premise of the game alone would have rocketed me to another dimension. I think most of the coolest games out there take something a chunk of people might call "cringe" and make it fucken rad as hell by injecting their whole ass self into the project and making it scream "this is me. this is me." Think like undertale, or pony island, or dream daddy, or monster prom. They're unique and engaging and I'm happy they exist.
3. Unfortunately, you do not live on Mars.
There's a lot of reasons this is unfortunate. Mars sunsets look really fucken eerie and cool, for example. And I'm 99.9% sure that if you dig down far enough under the surface, you'll probably find strange alien skeletons. But, more importantly, Mars has ~25 hours in a day -- and we only have 24. You have to sleep. You need to eat. If you have a day job, you need to make sure you are doing it to keep paying your bills. At one point, I got so lost in the sauce that I nearly checked myself into the ER from not eating/sleeping enough and having some spooky side effects. I had to force myself to stick to a regimen for eating/sleeping, and while it did slow down some parts of the xyx route development (and current Adonia development), I am in a way better spot than I would have been had I not made these deliberate choices. Manage your time, take care of your life, and don't lose sight of yourself.
4. You are not the reviews.
If this is especially your first time in the review rodeo where people are rating something you put your heart into, I salute you. I did not realize how hard it would be to see reviews when I started out. Like with the imperfections, I had strong depressive moments when someone left a less-than-favorable review. It was almost like, at first, that they were reviewing ME, because of how important this project was to me. But I learned to let it go and try to glean the small useful knowledge points from them and then turn to the happy reviews as chasers. People are free to like what they like and vice versa -- it doesn't mean your game is bad, or that you are incompetent, it's just not for them. Reviewers also, frankly, don't know what went on during development and why things ended up the way they did. You cannot humanly please everyone, and chasing that down is a recipe for disaster. Your game will reach the people it's meant to, and that's what matters.
4.5 ...This includes the positive reviews.
"But wait! I thought you said the positive reviews helped you?" They did. They still do. But it's like taking an ibuprofen after a headache, or getting high after a nasty day -- a temporary solution. If you live in the reviews and feedback, you'll find yourself trying to keep those exact comments coming and slip into a "do what the players want only" mindset. Don't do that. Keep yourself at the front -- this is your story. I've already accepted, for example, that a chunk of BP players will not like Adonia, and that's okay. It's another personal story, and I'm making it for me first. If I lose sight of that, I lose myself. Game dev is supposed to be fun, not a mimic of me trying to please my family.
5. Fame is only sometimes cool.
I've talked about this at length in private, but not really publicly. I mean, I've mentioned that the popularity of BP was overwhelming and unexpected, but not much about what it's like shifting from a fan in fan spaces to a known creator in fan spaces. I don't think I can make any genuine fan-to-fan connections in spaces where BP is known, for example -- admirers see you through rose-colored glasses, and when they crack, you crack with it. Because I was so involved in otome communities before all this, it sort of feels like a larger loss for me than it might for others. This will come across as humble bragging to some people ("oh noooo my game got so popular that I'm too well known and too many people respect meeeeee") but it really has been one of the hardest things for me to face over the last year. I miss the days where I was just a nobody online doing whacky shit for fun with only a few eyes on me, I genuinely do. But I've come to terms with what my online life is now, and for those of you about to go through something similar, godspeed and good luck. It'll be okay. I did eventually find ways to navigate in spaces where people didn't look at me like that, and I'm much happier now.
6. Diversity matters.
If I have one regret for BP, it's that I played everything too safe. The designs of the og 3 are very typical otoge -- for better or for worse. They were designed to be instantly likeable by most otoge players. Otoge has a large trend of having mostly light-skinned love interests, and BP is part of that bucket. I'm happy Xyx is in the game as a LI, but I could have done more. People want to see people who look like them in games, and I heard that from so many comments/reviews and took it to heart. Adonia is part of that process. Another thing I played too safe was the lack of explicitly LGBT content in the game -- sure, i have 2 he/theys and everyone is technically bisexual (or a lesbian), but it's never really played out or evidenced in game. Like, Quest never says, "my ex-boyfriend said..." or anything along those lines. This isn't to say every game has to be very gay, but it is to say that I actively worked around that to try to please all fronts. I was afraid of pushback from some hardcore otoge fans that I've seen go after other devs for daring to include those things more openly in their games -- take the DUFE review bombing, for example. But, like I said before, you can't please everyone and chasing that down to make a clean, completely inoffensive game is maddening and a waste of time. I'm doing my best to ignore those fears -- mad props to everyone else succeeding far better than me. You are an inspiration.
That was a lot of rambling, but if you made it this far, thanks for reading some of the things I've learned. I learn something new with every day that passes, and I can't wait to see what lessons the development of Adonia will teach me. Godspeed to all of u as well on your creative journeys. You are stronger and more capable than you think.
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