#hahah it was long overdue
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Blanket Nest | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,840 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Season/Series 08, Wingfic, Nesting, Angel Culture & Customs (Supernatural), Wing Grooming, Fluff, Light Angst, First Kiss, Grace-Soul Bonding (Supernatural), Interspecies Romance Summary: Dean sits on the bed and Castiel repositions to make room for him. Strong, careful fingers begin combing his plumage and he immediately fluffs up slightly in response, which is something he can’t control. Castiel has been refusing to acknowledge for years how strong their bond has become, and he ignored it further in purgatory because their lives were constantly under threat, but now… now, in the safety of the bunker, Dean’s new home, he’s losing the struggle to not finally address it.
Wet Hot American Hunter | @blessyourhondahurley
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3,055 Main Tags/Warnings: First Kiss, First Time, Wing Grooming, Wing Kink, Rutting, Massage, Coming In Pants, POV Alternating Summary: Dean and Cas take a nice hike together on a sunny day. An unexpected development on their excursion results in some long-overdue changes to their relationship status. TL;DR: Cas's wings pop out, so Dean and Cas fuck a little.
Un-Simple Miracles | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Mature Word Count: 4,122 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Season/Series 15, Heavy Angst, Castiel Out of the Empty (Supernatural), Winged Castiel (Supernatural), Suicidal Dean Winchester, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Miscommunication, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Animal Death, Angel Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: It’s so stupid. Dean doesn’t even fucking like dogs.
Fractis Alis | @unanimous-anonymous
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7,669 Main Tags/Warnings: Wing Kink, Wing Grooming, Hurt/Comfort, First Time Confessions, Internalized Homophobia, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has Anger Issues, Pushy Bottoms, Loss of Virginity, Happy Ending, Post-Leviathans Summary: [This fic takes place after Leviathan!Cas when tensions are high and Cas's guilt is thick. Cas appears in Dean's motel room, injured after an altercation with the angels. Dean plays nursemaid.] “Uh, Cas,” Dean cleared his throat. "How come I can still see your wings? I usually never see them for more than a couple’a seconds at a time.” Dean peered over Cas’s shoulder, letting the washcloth lag over his collarbone as curiosity got the better of him. Cas took in a sharp breath and retreated just slightly from Dean’s proximity. “I seem to be having trouble stowing them away entirely. My apologies, they became slightly damaged in the altercation.” Dean furrowed his brow. “What do you mean, ‘entirely?’” “What you see is only their shadow; not their physical form. I keep them in a different plane of existence, but when they need tending to it becomes… more difficult to keep them hidden.” Cas’s body language was steely, as usual, and hard to read. “You mean what I’ve been seeing is just some heavenly jacked-up angel-juice projection? You have actual, physical wings, like with feathers and crap?” Dean raised his eyebrows in amazement, but Cas seemed tense.
Wish Upon a star | @malicmalic
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 10,000 Main Tags/Warnings: WingFic, BlanketForts, Nesting, FallenAngel Castiel, Angel/Human relationship, Human AU, meet cute Summary: Prompts: - wingfic (wing grooming is especially a bonus) - snow fort building OR blanket fort building after a day in the snow. basically: forts and comfort - nightmares and h/c - picnic (cloud watching, homemade food, etc etc) but honestly i’m not picky - as long as it’s destiel, i’ll devour it hahah Or the one where MalicMalic decided to write ALL the prompts.
Flight Back to You | @sunshine-zenith
Rating: General Word Count: 11,924 Main Tags/Warnings: Resurrection; Fallen Angels; Exes to Lovers (Dean and Cas); Supportive Sam; past minor character death; past Amelia Novak/Castiel; Castiel/Michael and Jimmy/Dean in a way but not really Summary: Dean's exhausted, wracked with strange dreams that bring back memories of a teenage fling he had years ago. While on the way to check out a potential case with his brother, his exhaustion catches up with him, nearly sending both him and Sam over a cliff's ledge. Luckily, a familiar face from Dean's past comes at the perfect moment to provide them shelter for the night. The thing is, as it turns out, they actually have a lot more history than Dean initially remembers. And all three of them apparently have a lot more feathers than Dean is comfortable with.
My Soul Whispers Your Name | @casblackfeathers
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15,933 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent, winged Dean, wing kink, wing grooming, soul and grace bond, fluff, hand jobs, blow jobs, bunker, domestic, happy ending, mutual pining, jealous Castiel, protective Castiel, sweet Dean, getting together, hurt and comfort Summary: When Amara tells Dean that she will give him what he needs most, the last thing he's expecting is to sprout fucking wings and to be able to sense what his own soul — and heart — really want, making it impossible for him to ignore all the feelings he's been harboring for Cas over the years. It’s no shock that Dean’s soul is drawn to Cas like gravity and now that Dean can perceive Cas’ grace all the time, he’s constantly reminded how stupidly breathtaking it is. He had been a goner since the second he laid eyes on Cas, and this just seals the deal. Now that he’s stuck like this, he might as well pull his head out of his ass, give it a shot, and finally get what he always wanted.
Cupid in Love | Destielshipper4Cas (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 18,285 Main Tags/Warnings: Strangers to Lovers, Pining, Retired Hunter Dean, Angel Castiel, Oil Gland Kink, Wingfic, Bottom Cas, Top Dean, Omega Cas, Alpha Dean, Happy Ending Summary: Castiel’s success rate for matching humans who stay together for the rest of their lives is the best among his kind. Enter Dean Winchester, an alpha who breaks up with the perfect match Castiel found for him not once, but twice. If he wants to save his reputation as a cupid, Castiel has no other choice than to go to Earth in order to find out what this alpha’s issues are. It is supposed to be a quick trip. But things don’t always go as planned…
We're Butter off Together | @whichstiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 27,207 Main Tags/Warnings: Butter sculptures, Bed sharing, Magic, True love's kiss, Bed and breakfast Summary: Set immediately after the Season Five episode “The End” this canon-divergent story begins with Dean and Sam heading to the Wisconsin State Fair to check out a butter sculpture of an angel that sounds awfully similar to Castiel. Sure enough, when they arrive the incomplete sculpture looks a lot like Cas - enough so that the Winchesters call in the angel himself to help investigate it. Castiel, upon arrival, is mistaken as Dean’s partner - as in “life partner” - and they’re forced to share a room at a local B&B during the investigation. When Cas falls prey to the dark powers at work, Dean must confront his feelings in order to save Castiel.
Calming the Weather | @seidenapfel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 35,490 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post 15x18 – Despair, the finale never happened, Angel Dean Winchester, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Angel Wings, Repressed Dean, Internalized Homophobia, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Dean Winchester in Denial About Sexuality, Dean Winchester Has Sexuality Realizations, Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eventual Smut, Kid Jack Kline, Minor Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester Use Their Words, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Angelic Grace (Supernatural), Castiel's True Form (Supernatural), Castiel/Dean Winchester Wing Kink, Wing Kink, Mild Smut, Angel Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: Rescued from the Empty, Cas is fully human, and miserable. So, rather than acknowledge what happened in the dungeon, Dean searches for a way to change that. He finds it in a simple spell. The spell gives ordinary humans a limited dose of angelic powers. Too afraid it might harm Cas, Dean tests it on himself. But it backfires. Thanks to a piece of Grace bound to his soul, Dean wakes up fully powered, wings and all. With their roles reversed, it is up to Castiel to teach Dean how to wield angelic powers, and for Dean to share the peaks and lows of humanity with Castiel. Misconceptions come to light as they learn from each other. Meanwhile, a storm is brewing. In order to stop it, Dean not only has to get a hold on his emotions, but he must face a revelation about himself, one he had repressed all his life.
The Angel's Widower (WIP) | @pray4jensen
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 60,416 Main Tags/Warnings: top!cas, bottom!dean, soul bond, mating rituals, wing kink, enemies to lovers, s12 canon divergent, angst with a happy ending Summary: After Castiel dies, a portal to another world opens and obliterates the universe that Sam and Dean know. A world with new rules and new consequences, a world where humans live in camps enclosed by high walls to keep angels out, where angels will do anything and everything to seduce and lure humans away. Why and to where beyond the wall, no one knows. But then one night, on the other side of the wall, in the middle of a snowy blizzard and under the cover of darkness, an angel with beautiful black wings and a familiar face appears. His name is Castiel. And he asks Dean to go with him.
Dangerous Temptation | trenchcoat_paradigm (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 101,143 Main Tags/Warnings: Curse Breaking, Mutual Pining, Dreamsharing, dream walking, Castiel Gets Wings Back (Supernatural), Wing Kink, Dean Winchester Can See Castiel's Wings, Mutual Pining, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Smut Summary: “The fuck is that?” Dean grabbed his wrist before fingers could make contact with his forehead. The gold talisman swings wildly with the sudden and fierce motion from Castiel’s clutched fist. Dean’s posture slumped in discontent as green eyes met his stare. “Damnit, Cas.” -------- When a childhood fairy tale comes to life, Team Free Will 2.0 is left with the challenge of finding and destroying an enchanted talisman known as the ‘Crown of Luck’. A mystical medallion so powerful that it is said to grant the wearers' most deep-seated desire. But the boys know all too well from past experience how detrimental that can be. However, Castiel is oblivious to its true power, (even if it managed to fully reconstruct his wings) he already knows the one thing his heart truly desires is something he can never have. Dean thinks he’s going crazy, he’s always had a little crush on his best friend, a ‘look but don’t touch’ kind of thing. But with his head giving him ideas, dreams shared with his favourite angel (and with him flaunting those damn wings all the time!) it’s making his little infatuation harder to ignore.
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vxlentinescookies · 2 days
That'll be the last request i fulfill for now! as I'll be working on the masterlist now! which is, long overdue hahah
if i finish it earlier then i'll work on more requests, but if not then i wont be working on requests until next monday, thats all!
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writingmeraki · 6 months
CHOOSE WHAT I SHOULD FINISH AND UPLOAD <3 ( very long overdue my fellas im so sorry :"] )
only prioritising these as of now! because they are incomplete and I have them already began but I will obviously work on other works haha ( seventeen fics hahah)
just incase you don't know what I'm talking about :
hazy eyes clear thoughts
hot & cold
eyes don't lie masterlist !
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ARI MLL IM SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SENT OUT SO LATE HSJSJS. I FEEL SO BAD FOR NOT REPLYING EARLIER 😭 it was assessment week and istg everyday was just filled with assignments/exams/pracs etc. i just wanna go back to high school already!! i’m not mentally prepared for this ☹️☹️
UR SO REAL ABT THE JJK DILFS THO. like they’ve raised my standards up for men so high haksjsj. i so badly want, no, NEED a college bf! geto in my life to make my very own uni life a lil more bearable. HES SO BF CODED OMG 😻 okok but hear me out. geto playing guitar?? i repeat. GETO PLAYING GUITAR??? more specifically ELECTRIC GUITAR PHEWWW. i’m sorry it’s been plaguing my mind for the past few days but i so believe that geto can play guitar w ease. hsjsjsj guitarist! geto has me melting icl 😭✋ with his piercings nd tattoos nd the reading glasses he wears at home hshshshs. its not a want, it’s a need 😔
AHHH UR SO RIGHT ABT STEM GIRLIES AND LIBERAL ARTS GIRLIES HOLDING HANDS HSJJSJ. us stem girlies have sm respect for you guys 🙇‍♀️ from what i’ve heard, lit is a pretty tough major (i took lit as an atar subject back in hs and i FAILED LMAOO). plus lit girlies are so knowledgeable it js blows my mind away. like give me ur brain please 🙏
i’ve tried getting out of my reading slump (WE’RE GETTING THERE WOOHOO!!) like i’ve recently started little woman by louis may alcott (a classic ik idk why i’m even referencing it shshs) and so far it’s pretty good! sometimes the dialogue throws me off a little since it was written so long ago and my mind just goes blank as soon as i read anything that’s not modern day english (i’m talking anything published before the 2000s 😭). i watched the movie a while ago so i’m kinda excited to see if there’s any major differences between the books and the movies. apparently there are a few but i didnt listen in further bc i didn’t wanna spoil myself hahah. welp ig i’ll k when i commit to actually finishing the book.
i haven’t heard abt the travelling cat chronicles yet but i’ll sure be adding it to my tbr 🫡 I LOVE LOVE LOVE CATS SMMM!! ive always just preferred cats more than dogs idkk. speaking abt cats, i have two ragdoll cats hsjsjs. funnily enough, someone pointed out that they somewhat remind them of gojo 😹😹 whelp i fear that i might as well grow up to be an old cat lady hsjsj. not that i’m complaining tho 🤭 really out of the blue question but dy have any pets? 👀 i’m just curious hahah.
also thank u so so so much for the advice ari! i’ll definitely be checking out the summaries + quotes for any future books i wanna read. and nooo ur not incompetent at all, don’t worry!! and thank u sm for being so supportive bby i have sm love for you 💗 AND YEAH I AGREE, READING IS SM FUN WHEN YOU’RE NOT BEING FORCED INTO IT.
and aww the tags were absolutely no problem at all! ur geto drabble was written SO WELL. like ari bby you are so talented and i cannot emphasise that enough. you have a way with words and it’s so admirable!! ++ you nailed geto’s characterisation so well, i was genuinely in awe while reading it. ahhh i still think abt it even to this day!! cult leader geto plagues my mind once a week istg. SAME W HIM AND HIS DYNAMIC W SATORU. like hello?? every time i hear abt satosugu i wanna BAWL MY EYES OUT. they’re soulmates (both platonically and somewhat romantically?? idk if you can have both hahah). but omigosh they’re so tragic shskajsjs. brb i’m not crying, i’m chopping up onions!! !! !! 😃
OMG THAT RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN GOJO AND RHE KITTY CAT OMFDDHDH. someone tell me they’re twins and i’ll believe every. single. word. thank u sm for the treat ari, i hope ur day/night is going well!! i’m so sorry that this is long overdue but i genuinely LOVE talking to you bby <333 remember to take care of urself too! ilysm 💞🥹
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p.s hes so fine i swearrrr 😍 i saw this on twitter and it’s been my roman empire ever since
first of alllll i hope your studies n work have gone well!!!!!! 🥺🥺 you know i’m always cheering you on hehe. i just have a month left n then i’m free but i’m not sure how it is for you :’3 i hope you’ll get to rest properly soon!!!!
ANDDDDDDDD GUITARIST!SUGU. GOOD GOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 your hcs of him made me LOSE it i hope you know that…… he’s literally so bf…… PLSSS PIERCINGS AND TATTOOS AND READING GLASSES ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 OUGHHH UKI I NEED HIM SO BAD….. he would strum his pretty guitar for you on nights you couldn’t sleep 🥺🥺 i just know he would!!!!! he’s such a loverboy…..
LIBERAL ARTS GIRLIES 🤝 STEM GIRLIES FR….. from my perspective stem subjects are a LOT more difficult i rlly can’t overstate how impressed i am by how much you guys study …… 😭😭 i’ve heard . horror stories abt it LMAO…..
AND THE BOOKSSSSS i’m so proud of you for trying to get out of your reading slump uki!!!!!! i actually haven’t read little women yet hehe, pls tell me if it ends up being good!!!!! i’ve heard great things abt it….. AND AND ANDDD i get you!!!! i think it’s important to pick books that are written in ways that you like!!! it’s easy to think that older books are like . harder to read and relate to but that’s usually more bc of the author than the time period!!! i prefer mine to be from around the 1800s-1900s and they aren’t difficult to understand at all!! some classics are super hard to get into bc of how just. Heavy they are writing wise (side eyeing shakespeare n dostoevsky rn) but others aren’t!!! one classic i absolutely adore is the stranger by albert camus, idk if you’re interested in existentialism but!!! the writing is very pretty :3
anyway anyway…. FELLOW CAT PERSONNNN i knew i could trust you!!!! and you have ragdolls!!! 🥺🥺 my current housemate has four of them LMAO and they all look like gojo ngl …. act like him too……. this little guy just follows me around n sleeps in my lap and yaps <33333
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BUT YES i think you’d really love the travelling cat chronicles!!!! i read it so quickly bc it’s just. so lovely!!!! and pretty!!!!! and cute n sweet :(((( i love it lots!!!!! but it made me sob so much… so pls make sure you have tissues close by if you read it……
ANDDDD again 🥺🥺🥺 thank you sooooo much for being so sweet …. you rlly are too kind!!!!! i’m so happy you like my geto, i loveloveloveee yours too <33333 AND . YES. i cry over stsg all the time too…. sniffle……. they’re soulmates both platonically and romantically imo :’3 they just . belong together no matter what!!!!!! wish they weren’t so doomed by the narrative tho…..
THANK YOU SO MUCHHH FOR CHATTING W ME SWEETIE <33333 i hope you’re doing soso well!!!!! and i rlly am sorry abt how long you’ve had to wait for this response 😭😭 my brain has Not been braining correctly recently. but i adore you sb 🥺
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
Theodore Groves x Reader: For You
Word Count: 459 Summary: The Reader has not seen Theo in days, he finally gets an opportunity to visit. Notes: Fem!Reader. Theodore Groves and the Reader are romantically involved. A/N: It’s been around 5 years, but I finally went back and finished this hahah.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
   Night had since swept over Port Royal and sleep remained miles out of your reach.    You had been marking down the days since you had last seen your beloved Theodore Groves. Worry and longing intermingled whenever you were reminded of the details of his job. That was precisely the reason why you found yourself out of your bedroom and roaming the quiet house.    As you were being drawn to one of the bookshelves of the room, a knock came from the front door. You paused, your fingertips brushing the spine of a book. It was a rare occurrence for anyone to visit at such a late hour. With the exception of an important message being delivered to your high ranking officer of a father.    After nearly a minute’s time, and your curiosity rising, your questions were answered.    “Good evening, sir,” the clear but faint voice of Theodore Groves spoke to your father. “I sincerely apologize for such a late and unexpected visit.”    Laughing, your father replied. “There’s no need. It has been a while since I’ve seen you off of a ship. You’re here to see my daughter, I assume?”    “Yes, sir.”    “I’ll go get her. I’m surprised she is awake at such an hour. She probably wondered over toward the books again,” he chuckled. “Unless she heard us already.”    Upon those words, you tightened your night-robe and made your way over to the archway dividing the two rooms. As you rounded the corner and met eyes with your father, hushed laughter ensued between the pair of you.    “I assume you know who’s here. I’ll give you two some time,” he smiled. “I’ll be in the other room if you need me.” With that said, he left.    After about two moments, you took quick strides to reach the patiently waiting naval officer.    “Theodore, you’re alright,” you sighed into his embrace.    “Hello, darling,” he greeted as you peppered the side of his face with adoring kisses. “I swear to you, I’m well. More so now.”    Ceasing your obvious display of affection, you held his face between your palms to look at him. “Where have you been?”    “Sailing around the Caribbean.”    “No kidding,” your humor presenting itself more dryly before you pecked his lips with yours.    “The Navy gave Captain Sparrow a day’s head start before we again pursued him.”    “No wonder I haven’t seen you, Theo,” you said, kissing him again.    Theodore’s eyelids fluttered dreamily. “I’m glad you’re not an interrogator.”    “What do you mean?”    He smiled. “I can’t keep anything from you. Not that I would.”    This time, it was him who initiated the well overdue affection. With his lips to yours and his hands softly keeping you close to him, you felt every past worry wash away.
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lightlycareless · 2 years
Chapter 25 - thoughts.
Another long overdue behind-the-scenes post! It was a combination of being busy, and not being able to write, but here it is!
I think this is the most anticipated one, due to all that happened throughout the chapter hahah I hope I deliver with the behind the scenes :>
Also, as expected, don’t read this post if you haven’t read chapter 25, which you can find on ao3, on this link here. Because you’ll just get a bunch of no-context spoilers (but if you want, go ahead 😏)
Now, without further ado, I hope you enjoy these behind-the-scene comments!
Now, without any further ado, here are the behind the scenes.
As I started previously, I was really nervous to write this chapter, because it represented a big shift on the future of the story, as well as considering how the last chapter ended lol.
But it makes it exciting as well!! This is hands down my favorite chapter :> for the past reasons hehe.
Anyways, I knew there would be many questions regarding with… everything. From what happened immediately after Y/N had that conversation with Jinichi, Naoya, and Naoaki. Specially this last one 👀
Let’s start by the beginning, and the one topic most comments spoke of: Naoaki and Jinichi.
Did his words imply something else?
Perhaps—although I can argue that he was more caught off guard by Naoaki’s mention than anything else. It’s been stated in the manga that basically anyone who lives in the estate goes through hell.
However, I do think that hell for each and every inhabitant must be different.
I do not think Naoaki suffered the same as Toji did (or that twins in that matter) considering that the first was, in a way, still good enough to become a sorcerer—just not good enough to be the next leader. There was still a point in his life where everyone around him venerated him as some kind of savior, until he lost it all, so that’s a different kind of struggle. Toji, Mai, Maki never had anything—Naoaki had it all.
I wish Gege would’ve told us more about the things that Toji and the twins went through at the Zen’in clan, at this point, I had to limit myself to just imagining Toji to be some kind of punching bag, while Mai and Maki were pushed to the side to become simple nameless servants for no one to see or hear about (with Maki being able to join the kukuru unit because… insistence? Only becoming a sorcerer because she wanted, Mai being dragged along to do the same for… idk, resentment?)
Anyways, as Naoaki stated, Jinichi’s words might’ve come from bitterness/frustration for not being able to do much for his own brother, as well as thinking of him as some kind of… well, ungrateful, privileged kid compared to his own brother—like a “I suffered more” kind of competition, although it’s really not.
And while I still consider Jinichi to be leaning more onto the good side of his morals, he still has allot of things to unpack due to the suffering he endured by the clan, leading him to do things… well, that could be interpreted the wrong way.
I mean, didn’t he basically trauma dump Y/N? Well, it was a moment where he allowed himself to remember his brother. I like to think that he cared for Toji one way or the other.
If it’s ever stated otherwise, I’ll be disappointed, but oh well 😭
From there, Naoaki!
I completely understand how… bad Jinichi’s words might make Naoaki look, as well as how the last avoided talking about certain topics, so I’m not surprised some started to believe he was planning something.
But I really don’t find a better explanation than what is already stated on the chapter (and the previous notes hehe)
It wasn’t in his place to talk about Toji, or anyone else’s suffering in that matter. He didn’t like speaking of his own, only doing so to relate a bit better to Y/N, but other than that, he likes to keep to himself. Naoaki is ashamed of all that he had to endure :/ because deep inside him, he believes that if only he’d been better in certain things, none of that would’ve happened.
Besides, after her initial reaction to his backstory, I don’t think he was willing to put her through that again 😬 it’s kind of sad because it seems that everything related to the Zen’in clan is straight up bad lol. Talking about having shitty in-laws.
I really hated writing Naoaki in a less than desirable way hahahahaha It’s like I’m trying to break that perfect persona I made for him, but I can’t help it… he’s precious to me 😂 And these kind of things end up with making up scenes that make my heart melt so I think it was all worth it ❤
Anyways, now that that’s set… let’s move onto Naoya.
Ok so, there’s no denying that all that happened is sending Naoya down a different path—whether for good or bad, we don’t know. But it’s something that I’m excited to explore :> I’m still upset that Gege just wanted Naoya to be like… straight up bad, but not even in the good sense. Almost cartoonish hahaha, we get it, Zen’in=bad… but I wasn’t satisfied with their portrayal.
Well, since I don’t believe we’re going to see much of the clans anymore, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Let’s start with what happened after Y/N left.
There’s no denying that Naoya was angry, and more than ready to enact some kind of punishment on his supposedly errant wife—and while I do understand the rage that comes from being hurt, he was completely tone deaf as to why that happened.
I mean sure, he got hurt—but he was attacking her first, and way worse. What was he expecting to happen? That she would just take it and move on with her life?
Well, just as he spent this time away cooling off from receiving the death sentence of his wife, (and apparently leaving her in some kind of daycare for her to become a better wife, per Junko’s words) Y/N did the same too—she’d turned into the woman that wasn’t going to take his BS anymore, while Naoya just came back the same, if not worse.
However, for the whole night to go without incident meant that something bigger must’ve happened meanwhile.
And that’s what I like writing about Naoya lol he likes to act all though, as if nothing stands on his way… but then Naobito comes along and reminds him of his place. (Which kind of serves as a foreshadowing? I also hinted at that in the last chapter with that conversation about children, and their roles/stereotypes in the families)
Anyways, Naoya is really scared of his father, I mean, Naobito is a frightening power figure with tendencies of getting drunk and lose his cool, and add the whole situation with the L/N clan… yeah :> Naoya isn’t really in any position to fight this authority.
Also, when Ranta hinted that Naobito was lurking around just to see what his son was going to do with his wife, well… that’s kinda creepy 😳 However, I do believe it was coincidental… as well as brought forward because Y/N was quite loud with her rejection towards Naoya. (I believe he was just going to get water or something)
Still, it’s kind of in character for Naobito to do this. To be waiting for the moment others fail just to rub it in their face—more so when that person has been seemingly failing constantly in this one aspect. And now that Naoaki is also part of the equation… well, it’s like free entertainment. But I just think that he was just passing by when everything went down, and since it was also pretty late at night, doing just about anything that isn’t sneaking or sleeping, well, it’s bound to get you in trouble.
But moving on!
From there, it’s easy to assume that Naoya did not have a good night—or a good morning. As soon as everyone heard what happened through the murmurs of the guards that were on patrol last night, or from seeing the bandage on his face, they were quick to put two and two together and the rumors just got out of control.
Poor Ranta tried his best to offer advice (which served to mirror the Mariya—Y/N dynamic, but like, if it were on crack and super toxic) but once Naoya has something in his mind, nothing can stop him (asides from his dad of course LMAO)
And then, one of my favorite scenes unfolds.
As certain parts of the story, this is something that I always intended to occur, more so after giving it much thought and deciding there was nothing more I could think of that could possibly entail some kind of change from Naoya hahah
I was like, how do I make this insufferable man a bit more human? Maybe even cause some kind of pity?
Loneliness. That’s it.
I assumed that Naoya must feel lonely most of the time, like genuinely lonely—nobody likes him, most of his relatives are quick to attack him, even his own dad was like nope, someone out there is better and he’s becoming the leader.
And the people that compliment/admire him are… well, while he likes it, but he doesn’t think it’s genuine. Or their words are more like a dime a dozen, for example, those compliments would mean the world if they came from Toji—or Y/N.
I don’t think he’s been cherished, ever¸ in his life. And that’s something that definitely fuels his terrible attitude.
There are allot of things Naoya wishes to be recipient of when it comes to his wife. Her attention has to be on the top of the list, but more than that, he wants her support, her admiration. Remember that scene at the mall, where Naoya was kind of being harassed by this obnoxious laughing woman and he was like I think Y/N’s laughter is prettier? Yeah. He doesn’t care if other’s laugh when he tells a joke or whatever. He wants Y/N to react at him.
So, there you have it, he wants everything from her… but he wants it for him because of him.
To see you happy with Naoaki, or how well the servants speak of you… EVEN JINICHI!!! Well, can’t say anything more than it was enough to shake the foundations of his marriage, if only for a second, to ask himself why them and not him? before his anger comes back and places him back to another one of his priorities, which was his mission.
Talking more about this scene, I initially just wanted Y/N to laugh and move on with the conversation, but I was like you know what? I want to indulge more of Naoaki, and make Naoya see it all, suffer, thus, we got that somewhat intimate moment between the two. Spit and kick Naoya while he’s down—he deserves it hahahahahahah
Now, I don’t have much to say about the exam, except that I was inspired by Naruto and My Hero Academia, more into the last one. I just liked how their exams tend to be a bit… theatrical in a way? All Might comes to mind throughout this whole charade, due to him being the inspiration for the instructor playing the villain/enemy haha.
However, I did feel like maybe my interpretation would’ve been like… silly, in a way? I really don’t know how high ranked sorcerers get evaluated. I constantly felt like this exam would be easy for them to take, but then I remembered:
“Well, if you’re a very talented sorcerer, then I guess everything is easy by default”
 So, I moved on from that dilemma pretty quickly. (It was still a difficult task to write something different, but I’m pretty satisfied hehe practice makes perfect)
Which takes me to another point that I also liked writing, which was Naoya’s distraction, and eventually, his failure :>
Once more, I wanted to show just how affected he was by Y/N coldness towards him. Let’s remember that he’s never seen anything positive come from her, and with good reason! He does not deserve it!!!
It’s at this point that I think he slightly understands that he could do anything, achieve everything, and Y/N would not bat an eye. She doesn’t care about him. She seemingly only has eyes for everyone else—specifically Naoaki, the man whom he and the rest of the clan considered a failure!
What does his brother have that he doesn’t??? Naoya is the one paying for everything regarding your livelihood, as well as being a promising sorcerer and heir of the clan.
Why is Y/N so interested in Naoaki? Are there feelings involved?
And if this were the truth, then why would anything matter anymore?
Just as he’s quick to indulge in the reflection of how he truly feels about what’s going on in his marriage, he’s quick to return to snap out of it and go back into his mission, using his emotions as fuel to get it done with.
Had he not committed the small (grave) mistake he did.
This was very satisfying—like, he wants to portray himself as some kind of strong man, whose emotions never cloud his vision because that’s “woman stuff” and yet… that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Naoya is human at the end of the day, and his (one of many) weakness has to be the emotions he’s always tended to ignore—which is now making way to other areas of his life.
Y/N has such a grip on him (always had, I suppose) and I wanted to show that, since all we’ve seen was just him taking advantage of her (to the point where many believed if Naoya even cared for her at all)
And now that this is presented, karma was bound to get him.
From there, the start of his downfall.
The next scene was like another one that I’ve been wanting to write since FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER since it’s just a sliver of consequences Naoya has to face for the first time in his life maybe 😂 (as well as being angst between the main couple, and who doesn’t love some angst?) but I also had to be very careful to how I presented it, cause I believe it might be misinterpreted.
I mean, I totally understand how Y/N “defending” Naoya could be seen as—the man literally abused her!
However, the intended message is not about that.
Kind of a “life isn’t black or white” situation, I’ve always been a fierce believer that it’s not good to take the law into our own hands, or treat others badly because we’ve been treated badly.
Believe me, I’ve been there, and as much as I’ve wanted to get my revenge, I don’t think that’s the healthy nor the best option to choose. Besides, there’s nothing better than thriving and making the others realize they can’t get to you.
Now that this is stablished, this scene was also placed to further show that indeed, Naoya does not deserve Y/N nor has he done anything to obtain her respect, as well as how Y/N is like, the bigger person of the two, why everyone around her likes her.
And omg that part where he was like, ah yes, finally, she sees me as her husband and it was only a matter of time before she came around….
Talking about being delusional 😭
Thank God she was quick to set him back to reality when she told him he was worse than his father, and the subsequent way she showed how regretful she was of saving him. Get his ass, Y/N.
Also, how Y/N and Naoaki were leaving??? I posted about the staff thinking they were totally having an affair, and while that might’ve been a joke… I’m sure one or two servants DO BELIEVE THAT.
No, but really. This is something that needed to be exposed in a way, further cement the broken relationship Naoya and Y/N have. That the woman he seemingly loves, does not give a shit about him.
It was the beginning of some self-reflection, and after questioning why his marriage is failing and why Y/N is acting differently towards him vs the rest of the world… it seems that he’s finally understanding why.
Or maybe not, this is still Naoya that we’re talking about. Ah, but isn’t that exciting 😭?
Aaaaand…. That’s it.
I think most of the general points are completed. Now, onto the questions I’ve been asked somewhat frequently :>
Did Naobito abuse Naoya as well?
I have no doubt that he has. I mean, he’s abusive with the rest of his kids, what difference would it make with Naoya? If anything, I feel like he could’ve been stricter with him in certain moments because he is the heir? (Endeavor, Shoto, you know the drill 😔)
But because Naoya is more talented than the others, he often avoided those situations all together thanks to it—however, because he’s so perfect, his mistakes are often highlighted more than the usually required… even the smallest thing, it’s like blown so out of proportion, that it adds stress into Naoya to follow everything the clan wants, just how they want it.
That’s the dark side of being the preferred one.
I was slowly trying to building up the levels of abuse that the Zen’in clan suffers, as a way to motivate Y/N to still have some kind of connection towards Naoya. After all, had it not been for the characters that she encountered I think she would’ve been completely detached from everyone lol.
First, we start with the more obvious. Women and non-sorcerers. Pretty self-explanatory, the most viewed in the story. Y/N, Junko, Mai, Maki, and Toji are here. Y/N already expected this, so she wasn’t surprised.
From there, those that are in power, but not necessarily at the same expectations as others. This is were Naoaki and his brothers are—a topic that I like to discuss because appearances are often deceiving :> It’s quite easy to believe that because they’re not in the lower end of the pyramid, they’re living a good lifestyle, when that’s just… not the truth. However, they don’t have it as hard as the ones “beneath” them. Y/N was really… disgusted by this, which only made her hatred toward the ones on the top of the pyramid (and subsequently her husband) even stronger, as well as readjusting her perception of reality.
And finally, the ones on the “top” Naoya, Naobito, Ougi… I guess Jinichi sometimes too hahah. The ones with most of the power, the ones you’d think they stick to each other and be collectively evil together… when they can be as vicious to one another as they are to others. If not more, because they have access to more… tools, as well as having apparently more to lose than the other tiers. The hardest pill to swallow, but ultimately the reason why she decided to step in when Naoya was being reprimanded.
I also tried to avoid explicitly stating that Naobito was abusive towards Naoya as well, as to keep it a surprise lmao, although we could already guess that was happening by the way Naoya reacted to his father whenever he was around lol
Well, Naobito is a terrible man over all. With his wife, children, and I guess everyone that doesn’t act as he wants? That's something that I've always believed ever since I saw Naoya all too happy to hear he was dead, combine that with the expectations he must've instilled in his children….
There was no way he didn't lose his patience once or twice in his life, and probably gotten abusive at one point. So yeah, that’s what I think of the Naoya—Naobito dynamic.
Now, onto another question :>
Did Naoaki know Naoya was being abused too?
Yes… No. Maybe.
I think he had the vague idea that that could’ve happened, however, because Naoaki was distancing himself from his father and brother, and well… how Naoya thinks of him, as well as how he’s preferred over the rest of the siblings, the evidence is pointing towards him not getting the same treatment as he did.
After all, he’s the child Naobito always wanted; you know? Why would he go down the same path?
And even if he got to see that kind of familiar abusive reaction when Naoya got back from his exam, the combination of his own ptsd, as well as having Y/N out there and exposed to be victim of his father’s rampage, I think he was more concerned with getting her out of there (and subsequently comforting her) than questioning if his brother was being hurt as well. Their relationship is broken at that point, and I can’t blame him from not caring for Naoya at all.
If I were to detail what he wanted to do right now, it’s probably spend all of his free time with Y/N lol.
At the end of the day… we’re entitled to suffer our own pain. And be selfish when it comes to it—as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else— it’s kind of funny, because Naoya is super selfish, thus, he has to learn the exact opposite, which is to be benevolent :>
And that’s all of my behind the scenes for chapter 25! I think I got most of the questions that were asked to be about this chapter, but if I’m missing any, be sure to let me know! (This is what I get for writing this after a while) Of course, all within nothing that will spoil the future of the story 😂
As always, thank you so much for your support ❤ as well as for sticking with me during my hiatus/break.
Take care y’all, and hope to see you soon!!
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anauro · 1 year
Hahah it is!
It’s been long overdue ��
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tambay-things · 2 years
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june 10, friday
hello! i woke up rly great todayy HAHAH like a giddyy fuzzy mood? :>> i woke up an hour earlier than usual and scrolled through some inspiring accounts. i tried a new dish for lunch too
this afternoon was productive
did a brain dump of plans and ideas
scheduled all my habits and goals into my daily/weekly calendar
cleaned my white shoes >_< a long overdue task
watched some calming morning and night routine videos
in 5 years, id have graduated college and hopefully at least 6 months into a corporate job. fingers crossed everything will be fine till i graduate.
im also planning to move out our family house after 2 years of work :>> thO,, my higher dream is to have a vacation and move to korea the next trip. thats way out of my league. BUT YK. ULL NEVER KNOW :D
my cats
im getting addicted to this lifestyle😳😳 hoping for the best for the future me who has to rearrange her whole routine for back to school😶
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fzrticv · 1 year
@lust-sinner​ from here
"whaattt, don't ya trust your favorite??? I feel hurt! I'm always up for a challenge, you know that hahah ! Besides, what's a small stomach bludge ~ " they still laughed, with the tone of voice it was hard to say if the jester was serious or just joking. it might be very weel both. Fizz enjoyed having a good time with sin of course and more or less aim to be better than anybody else. In some shape or form anyway.
" They will be too drunk and high to notices shitttt" their arm extended, stroking one of the small heads " pretty sure you can still level a city if push comes to shove, but those suckers well are too drunk out of their mind to care. "
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" After all this partying is done with we gonna have a nice long time in the hot tup" plunks one of his feathers" Like, no offense, but your dear king are overdue for some preening" A chuckle " Well, after your milking that is, haha !"
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funsize-mermaid · 10 months
Yes or No
Rules: Providing explanation is optional. Be honest.
1. Do you easily forgive people?
2. Have you ever felt like killing someone?
3. Do you trust people easily?
4. Do you have a dirty secret that no-one knows?
5. Are you scared to die?
6. Do you consider yourself a good person?
7. Have you ever made someone cry?
8. Do people usually get the wrong impression of you?
9. Do you consider yourself smart?
10. Are you happy with your life right now?
1. Yes. Or it depends din pala sa ginawa nya pero in general, ayokong masyadong nag ddwell into negatives haha. World Peace! ❤️
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes. I think everyone has? Charrr.
5. No. As of now I’m enjoying my life, pag namatay, no regrets.
6. No. HAHAHAHAHA char. Pero I’m good to people who are also good to me ❤️
7. Yes. Mga pinsang bata. Sarap paiyakin.
8. No. Expressive ako kasi.
9. Hirap naman neto. Pwede bang half HAHAHAA bobo sa ibang bagay smart din sa iba. Ganon hirap naman.
10. YES! ❤️
Hellooo @ameownymous, sorry for the long overdue answering this ask hahah thank uu ❤️
0 notes
the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
Embrasse-Moi (Part 2) - Eisuke Ichinomiya x Soryu Oh
For, @kbtbbposts. Hi. It’s been a while. (Lmfao utter lies, it’s been over a month). I’m sorry for the delay <3
‘Embrasse moi’: French for ‘Kiss me’.
Disclaimer: Guy x Guy, Suggestive. Also there’s cussing here so tread carefully who am I kidding all of us love an Eisuke and a Soryu who say fuck and also do it later on. Also, this chapter includes the PoVs of both characters, i.e Eisuke and Soryu (totally not just for the heck of it) First it’s Eisuke, then Soryu and then back to Eisuke. The change of banners will tell you.
Word count: 3022. Lol the least I can do in an attempt to make up for the delay is publish a long ass chapter.
P.S.: I’m always open for feedback. Feel free to hit my asks anytime, about any of my works (you can ask as anonymous if you don’t want me to know who you are lol)
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I wake up to the sound of something chiming near my head.
With one of my arms draped lazily over Soryu’s sleeping figure, I reach out for my mobile with the other. As soon as I type in the password and check the mail, I almost immediately regret it. Sighing, I place the phone back on the nightstand and turn around to face Soryu’s back, conveniently ignoring the message, ready to doze off again for a little bit. 
The moment my eyes close, my phone starts buzzing. An annoyed huff escapes me before I manage to find the device again and answer the call.
“Good morning, Ichinomiya!” Jason says on the other end of the line, his voice retaining its usual cheeriness even at 7AM in the morning. Does this man not sleep, or what.
“What do you want.”
“Yes, yes, Eisuke. I’m doing well, thank you for asking,” the fucker says, sarcasm practically dripping from his words, “How about yourself?”
“Bye.” I mutter, about to hang up. Don’t get me wrong, but I have neither the time nor the desire to be happy go lucky for someone who ruined my peaceful morning.
“Hold your horses, mister. I called for a reason, actually.”
Then get to it already, damnit. 
“I wanted to let you know we’re meeting at my office at ten-thirty today. Works for you?”
“Mm,” I reply, sitting up as I think. I feel Soryu stir beside me and I pause, not wanting to wake him up.  But instead of opening his eyes and waking up, he just turns around and wraps an arm around my lap, nestling into it as if I was a body pillow. “Yeah. I’ll be there.”
“Okay, see you then.”
I hang up and run my fingers through my hair, letting myself enjoy the calm for a minute more before I need to get up. The moment I lift myself off the bed, I feel Soryu stir again at the loss of contact, but he manages to grab on to a nearby pillow to make up for it.
I’ll admit, for a moment I am tempted to rip that pillow out of his hands and get back into the bed with him, because Eisuke Ichinomiya doesn’t take kindly to being replaced, but I quickly shake my head to dismiss the thought.
I take a quick shower and put on my shirt, opting for my usual formal attire. Every little movement of mine is made quietly with the desire to not wake him up, because I know he needs the sleep if he doesn’t want to face the full wrath of a terrible hangover.
“Mmm,” he groans, still fully asleep, having no idea of the tough morning that awaits him. Speaking of hangovers, I walk over to the landline in the room and dial up the reception, trying to choose between the ideas of letting his hangover kill him or being a good citizen and saving his sorry ass.
“Morning, I’d like a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water in my room, and make it quick,” I tell the receptionist and hang up, my eyes catching the sight of a small notebook and pen on the nightstand.
I grab the pen and open the notebook, smirking as I write down a few words.
“I’m out to meet Jason for the business you definitely fucked up yesterday. I hope you’re no longer a man-child who yells ‘I am batman’ out of nowhere. On the off chance you are, let me remind you that puking on the bed is something you shouldn’t be doing.” “P.S. Yes, you did actually yell ‘I am batman’ yesterday.” 
I tear the piece of paper and place the note beside him on my side of the bed, already imaging his reaction in my head.
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I wake up with the unquenchable desire to throw my head into either a toilet or a paper bag.
The light blaring into the room through the windows feels nothing less than needles pricking into my eyes. As soon as my eyes adjust to the light, I get off the bed and make my way towards the bathroom, although barely in time. My hands grab on to the sides of the toilet seat as if it were a life support and my stomach somersaults as I vomit its contents out. 
It, no doubt, is one of the worst hangovers of my life. This is also the first time the hangover is so bad that I feel the need to puke, that it doesn’t just stop at a headache. I can hold my liquor well, and have never had to face a lot of them, but this one is so violent that the back of my throat stings. 
What in the hecks did I drink last night? How bad was it?
The memories of last night start to flood in, although they are fragmented beyond repair. The last thing I remember as clear as day is the time Eisuke and I met Jason at the bar. I vaguely recall us having a discussion over a few drinks and Eisuke walking out to take a call.
“That bastard,” I hiss, remembering the part where Jason showed me a new drink, the name of which I don’t remember, and asked me to try it. That’s where my brain starts getting fuzzy again.
A broken, foggy memory of the man laughing at my intoxicated ass passes through the front of my mind.
I got drunk.
Scratch that, I got wasted.
I got wasted at a meeting where I was supposed to remain in control of myself.
Damn it, Soryu. Could it get any worse?
That’s when I realise, yes, it could. And yes, it definitely did.
Wait a second. What happened after that? How did I make it back to the fucking room? Don’t tell me, did Eisuke bring me back?
I slowly lift myself up and walk back to the door of the bathroom. I try to remember what happened after I got completely inebriated but nothing comes to mind. My eyes sweep the room for a sign of anything that would help me at least piece the broken fragments of last night in some sort of a cohesive sequence. I don’t find any sign of Eisuke, but instead, my eyes stop at a note lying on his side of the bed.
Before I can so much as take a step in its direction, though, I feel the world go for a toss and my body once again turns back to the support of the toilet… only to throw up again. I hold the commode tightly as my body heaves, tired after spilling the contents of last night twice now. I take a moment to calm down and then get up and make my way towards the note I remember seeing.
Out of all the things to do, why the fuck did I do that?
Sweet mother of holy crap.
If Eisuke is to be believed, which he mostly is, the only way to describe my behaviour last night would be complete madness. My fingers clench around the paper in embarrassment, clutching it hard while my feet carry me back to the bathroom to clean myself up. Just when I think I have regained control over my exhausted self, I feel my stomach do a practice run-through of a gymnastics session as my body lurches forward, spilling its remaining contents into the toilet.
“Ah, shit,” I mutter, resting my head on the back of my palm, my eyes stinging with the pain of throwing up thrice this time, “I’m never drinking anything Jason gives me, ever again.”
“That sounds like a wise decision,” Ichinomiya butts in. Funny, because he doesn’t have a butt, really. Although cracking jokes right now isn’t really my best option.
My body agrees, because his voice coming out of nowhere makes my shoulders jump in an almost comedic way and I whip my head to look back at him like a literal deer caught in headlights. He’s keeping his jacket on the bed and chuckling at my reaction as we speak.
“I see you didn’t puke on the bed,” He smirks, undoing the top button of his shirt. “Very considerate of you.”
“Shut up, Ichinomiya,” I say, turning around and sitting down so that my back is against the toilet seat.
I hear his footsteps as I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I roll my head back, regretting everything that has led me to this situation. Before long, a dull pain starts pulsating through my head and that’s all it takes for me to know I’m in for a crappy headache for breakfast. Just as I am about to let out an annoyed groan, I hear Eisuke’s footsteps cease a short distance away. “Here, have this.”
I open my eyes slowly and blink a couple of times before looking up at him. He is leaning against the door leading to the bathroom, holding a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of ibuprofen in the other.
I reach out to grab the bottle and take a pill out, muttering a low thanks, and take the glass of water from him. It doesn’t take me long to swallow the pill gratefully, and I notice Eisuke take a few steps forward and sit down beside me on the floor. My fingers freeze in the middle of tightening the bottle cap as I stare at him, then at the spot he is sitting on, then back at him.
Is this Ichinomiya? Or am I in some fucked up fantasy land?
I blink for a second or two before looking at him again.
There is no way in hell this pain in the ass without an ass is sitting on the floor right now. 
“What.” He asks when he sees me staring at him for a whole minute… or at least a whole minute.
“Are you okay?”
He turns his head to look at me, raising a brow.
“Why is Your Royal Highness sitting on the floor of a bathroom?” I ask, overlooking the throbbing in my head for a moment to smirk at him. Of course, it’s just for a moment because the moment that moment gets over, my headache comes back to me with full force.
Needless to say, he ignores the jab. Instead, he bends his body a little closer to my own and looks up at me, and I almost lose my shit again at the actual look of concern he gives me. “Feeling better?” he asks, his face close enough that I can smell his cologne.
Which is worth noticing, because he doesn’t wear strong scents. “I… yeah, I’m fine,” I say, focusing on the way a few strands of his hair fall over his eyes. I’m not sure why I have a faint feeling that he is about to kiss me.
The moment that thought enters my mind, a few more fragments from yesterday come back to me. I vaguely remember bits and pieces of the scene where Eisuke helped me out of my business clothes and put on the casual ones. I recall a small bit where I brought my face closer to his and before I can walk through it any further, the memory cuts out, leaving a throbbing pain in its wake.
Wait… does that mean we kissed last night?
“Okay, enough small talk,” he says, stopping me from thinking any further, “We have a long day ahead of us and you might want to freshen up if you want to play a productive role in it.”
“Give me a break, my head feels like someone has opened a club in here.”
“You’ve got 20 minutes.”
... Motherfucker.
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Soryu places the platinum key card in front of the card reader and the door to our room slides open to allow the both of us to enter. It is now eight-thirty in the evening, and the both of us are a little tired because wow, it was a long day. 
Since I already finished the business part of our trip this morning with Jason, Soryu and I were free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. I took him out for brunch to a private little restaurant just a little way away from the main city and gave him a run-down of the crux of what happened in the meeting this morning. After brunch, we went for a little sightseeing around town and on Soryu’s suggestion, checked out some of the local spots he knew about - much to my dismay, of course. 
Why? Well, the crowds here are no joke, and we couldn’t take the limo so we had to walk around the city. Yes, we had to walk around the streets. In a city full of people. People left and right. People front and back. People here, people there. Basically every fucking where. No wonder I was drained out.
“Let’s pack our bags before calling it a night, yeah?” Soryu says, pulling me out of my reverie. I look around the room and find it to be just as clean and fresh as it was the night we checked in. 
“Mm,” I hum, walking into the room and towards my suitcase. Placing it on the bed, I walk over and open the door to my side of the closet and take a handful of clothes. I start packing my bags and I see Soryu following suit.
He starts gathering his clothes and after he is done packing the ones in the closet, he reaches out to the ones we wore yesterday. They are placed on one side of the bed, clean and folded, thanks to the room service. As soon as his fingers come in contact with the blue shirt I made him wear to bed last night, I notice him pause mid-way.
“What is it?” I ask when he doesn’t move for a few moments. He doesn’t answer me immediately, looking almost as if he was in the middle of thinking something deep. “Earth to Soryu,” I call out again, and he finally gives a non-committal hum. “What is it?” I ask one more time, even though I hate repeating myself.
“Uh, some pieces of last night are coming back to me,” he says, closing his eyes as one of his hands starts massaging his temple.
That should be a good thing, right? What’s got him so serious?
I stop thinking when I see his eyes open in my periphery, and he slowly lifts his head up to look at me. “Did we kiss? I-I mean, did I kiss you last night?” He blurts out, and I look at him only to see his face looking in my direction without its usual emotionlessness. 
Wait, is that even a word?
“I don’t-” he cuts in, stopping my thoughts midway, “Th- I don’t think that’s possib-”
“Yes.” I interrupt, not wanting him to dismiss it just like that. “Yes, we kissed last night.” He freezes completely. He just looks at me in what seems like complete shock, and doesn’t speak for a few moments before he finally comes to his senses.
“Fuck, I’m sorr-”
“There’s nothing to apologise for,” I say, taking a step towards him. “So, don’t.”
“No, Eisuke,” He says, taking a small step back, “You don’t get it. I was completely out of my mind and I shouldn’t have-”
“You don’t regret it, do you?” I ask, taking another step towards him to cut him off.
He takes another step back and pauses, contemplating. He looks like someone just asked him to give up on omelettes, which would be comical enough to make me chuckle any other day except right now, I am not in the mood for jokes.
“The kiss,” I repeat, taking another step in his direction. 
Goddamnit, how many more times will I have to repeat myself in this one god forsaken day?
“Do you regret it, Soryu?” I ask, my voice low, and he tries to take another step back - only to bump into the wall behind him.
“Should I?” He suddenly says, looking up, his eyes staring into my own. I take the one last step towards him that brings us just mere inches away from each other.
“I don’t know about you,” I whisper, and I see his breath quicken, “But I don’t.”
“You don’t?” He repeats, his voice cracking. A light blush creeps into his cheeks as I take one small step forward, now almost pressing our bodies to each other’s.
I bring a finger up to his face and graze his jawline with it, slowly trailing it down his chin and along his neck. His eyes involuntarily close at the contact and he takes a sharp breath. “No, Soryu,” I whisper, my other hand finding its way to his side, lightly scratching over the cloth, “I don’t.”
I hear his breathing pick up some more pace as he dips his head, his forehead barely touching my shoulder. I bring my face closer to his ear and I feel him catch his breath, his body ceasing all movement.
“There seems to be a lot of confusion between us,” I whisper, and I watch as his body shudders slightly the moment those words leave my mouth, “How about we do something to ensure there is no more confusion?”
“A-and what is that?” He chokes out, nearly melting when my tongue slides down his ear.
Fuck, Soryu.
He lets out a pleased hum at the touch, and I barely manage to keep it all together.
Oh god, this is going to be the death of me.
His hands come to rest on my chest, his fingers folding against my shirt.
“Soryu Oh,” I whisper, my fingers reaching out to hold him by the back of his neck while my teeth nibbled on  his earlobe, “Let me fucking kiss you.”
He gasps, his fingers coiling around the fabric of my shirt. After a pause, he answers me in breath so shallow I almost don’t catch it.
An answer that makes me lose my fucking mind.
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harrystanslouis · 5 years
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I’ll Stand By You 
by: harrystanslouis
Written as a part of the @hlmpregficexchange for Chloe. I wrote this fic so long ago and just kept forgetting to make my post for it. I stumbled upon my photo-set today and figured I should probably post it! 
6.3k. Explicit. Harry and Louis have been hooking up for two years. What happens when an unexpected surprise is thrown into their world?
-An mpreg, A/B/O AU featuring stupid boys in love, lots of pining, and a happy ending.
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feboee · 3 years
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Classic Hollywood Ennis (Baccano!) Ref: Florence Flair
Could there be a series more fit for this niche cross-over style? This is probably long overdue, hahah!
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nagipops · 3 years
For the event: Isagi/Check <3 Thank you and congrats on 300!!
FEATURING: isagi yoichi!
PROMPT: person a checks in on person b following an emotionally distressing incident to make sure they're okay.
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the door to your bedroom swung open and the face of your holy grail appeared in the doorway, contorting into a concerned expression as soon as he laid his eyes on your pitiful self hunched over on the edge of your bed.
isagi rushed over to you in an instant as he wrapped his steady arms around your trembling body. “hey, hey…” he soothed, rubbing a calming hand down your back. “it’s going to be okay. i’m here for you.”
you felt hot tears continue to cascade down your cheeks, but the rest of your face was numb. how could your beloved grandmother pass away so suddenly?
it was then that you realized your arms were frozen to your sides, neglecting to return his hug. raising your arms, you slowly, excruciatingly wrapped your arms around his back, squeezing tightly. he pushed deeper into the hug as you did so, as if he were expressing his gratitude.
he held you like that for what felt like ages.
“i-isagi— you’re going to suffocate me,” you choked out.
his arms immediately retracted to his sides, his complexion flushing tenfold. “oh, i’m so— aghh, i’m so sorry, i just got so worried about you and—”
you giggled softly, wiping away a stray tear from your eye. “it’s okay. i feel a lot better now.” you gave him the most genuine smile you could muster. “thank you, isagi.”
his face turned an even deeper shade of crimson as he bashfully averted his gaze. “ahh, it’s no problem…” he furrowed his brow, looking up at you with a concerned expression. “are you sure you’re going to be okay, though? do you need me to get anything for you?”
you shook your head softly, feeling affection soar in your chest at his endearing concern for you.
his entire face lit up, and you could almost see the lightbulb go off in his head. “i could run to the store! i could get drinks, you know those fizzy soda ones that we always used to get… or i could get some snacks! how about chocolates? or maybe something salty instead? hmm…”
you chuckled again, louder this time, as isagi continued to ramble on and on, putting his chin in his hands and cocking his head as if he were talking to himself. “isagi.”
“but what if you don’t want to eat or drink anything? ooh, should we go to karaoke? nah, it’s too early for that…”
he appeared to snap out of his trance as his blue eyes latched onto yours. “huh?”
a laugh escaped from your lips, a loud, genuine, bubbly laugh. “isagi, i’m going to be fine.”
isagi seemed to realize just then how long he had been blathering on as his thoughtful expression melted into an abashed one. “oh— how long was i talking for?”
a cheeky grin appeared on your face as you patted the spot next to you on the bed. “long enough. come, sit.”
he complied, heaving a sigh as he leaned his shoulder against yours like the two of you had done when you were just little kids on the sidewalk curb. “you worried me sick!”
“i know, i’m sorry. but you know, ‘sagi, you have a real knack for cheering people up.” you flashed your best friend a bright smile. “thanks.”
he returned the grin softly, basking in the compliment. “thanks yourself.”
you two stared into eachother’s eyes for a long moment before you threw your arms around him in a bone-crushing hug.
although a trickle of pain remained in your heart, you relished the feeling of your arms wrapped tightly around one of your favorite people in the world.
your grandmother would be so happy for you.
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) here’s the link to the event! have a lovely day everyone <3
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mysticscorpia · 2 years
No joke, you liking and reblogging some of my older prompts made me want to revisit other prompts I’ve neglected. So thank you so much for your encouragement!
No joke, but I'm a serious fan!! I had the fortune of stumbling upon your beautiful profile on FFN and being awed (continuously!) by your work and talent.
(and then finding LordJazor because of ironically finding a link to your work on Pinterest that lead to tumblr!) that lead to a whole wormhole hahah...
The *amount* of times I was rolling over in laughter from some of the recordings you made together of Wheel or Fish's work and other shenanigans that occurred... And everything else... Well it's certainly long overdue that I am able to do something in return for your lovely work! I feel bad I was never brave enough before to download tumblr haha and say so! But it's so nice to catch up on all the writing of yours I've missed in the mean time haha! And reblogging, well it's the least I could do! 🙏
I love all of your writing and only aspire to write as well as you do one day ~ 😇 your writing has really helped me through bad times! I love seeing your Erik in action haha! (he's adorable - and it makes me happy and less guilty for loving his character as I do, when I read your writing. You write him with such care and love, and it shows).. :')
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tihgnari · 2 years
I spent idk about an hour or so BINGE READING YIUR GOOD 4 U SERIES AND I'M HOOKED !?!?
You just earned a follower bae
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I love, love em too much. It's only been 1 hour reading too fuck
man my answer to this ask i think is long overdue HAHAH BUT ILY THANK U FOR READING MY STUFF 🥺
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