#haikyuu holidays
junosmindpalace · 6 months
☾ ft. tetsuro kuroo
☾ sfw. because who doesn't find the tradition amusing? 920
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somebody on the nekoma boys volleyball team thought it would be funny to hang mistletoe above the clubroom door. it was all in good fun, taking advantage of a year old holiday tradition to laugh at the embarrassed and defensive expressions of his fellow teammates as they tried to escape from the obligatory kiss in a fluster.
it was kuroo. kuroo was the somebody who thought it would be funny.
it was actually holly, and he’d explain the differences in the plant without anyone asking or caring, but the tradition still stood. his mom had asked him to rummage around in a box tucked away with old decor to see if she could find anything remotely festive to celebrate the holiday season. as he was rummaging around through bunches of tangled strings of fairy lights with dead bulbs and old gingerbread kits, his eyes brightened in curiosity as he retrieved a small plastic holly plant from the very bottom of the pile. 
and he’s sure glad he went through with his plan to bring it into school, too, because the look on yaku’s face as he grew red with anger and shouted over his embarrassment at walking under the plant with lev was absolutely priceless. 
“now the two of you gotta kiss.” he laughed as he leaned against the lockers, arms crossed over his chest. yaku gave him a murderous look. 
“we aren’t doing anything!” 
lev, too amused with admiring and flicking the mistletoe (which was shorter than him), didn’t pay much mind to yaku’s disgust, though if had noticed, he probably would’ve taken a disappointedly offended stance at his suggestion. 
“guess you’re in a festive mood, kuroo.” kai muttered as he glanced at him with a sort of nervous smile, removing his jacket. kuroo chuckled. 
“just thought it would be fun. i thought you of all people would get a kick out of it, yamamoto.” kuroo turned toward his junior with the distinct blonde mohawk, who only scowled at him from over his shoulder as he opened his locker. 
“you better watch your back, kuroo. you’re next!” he pointed an accusatory finger at him, still disgruntled over the fact that he had (nearly) walked into the club room in sync with kenma. kuroo scoffed. 
“like you could get me!” 
“yeah? stand under the doorway, then!” yaku chimed in, shooting him an irritated glare. kuroo’s eyes darted between him and the mistletoe at the door. there was only a brief pause in between before kuroo strided toward the door and lingered at the threshold, teasingly taking steps in and out of the club room. yaku hissed. 
“see? can’t get me.” he smirked, and with that, the rest of his body, along with his face, disappeared behind the wall and heading to unlock the gym. 
on his return back, kuroo puffed out a breath of fog and shivered. it had snowed the night before, leaving a strong chill in the dry air, and he was eager to get inside the club room as quickly as possible to where the heat was. 
just as he was about to step inside, however, he heard a voice, and immediately recognizing it, his heart somersaulted in his chest.
“kuroo!” it cried, and it sounded close too, so close that kuroo instantly felt his face warm when he turned around and was immediately met with your face only inches from him.
your cheeks were rosy from the cold, even despite a scarf wrapped snug around your neck and a hat keeping your head warm. your jacket also zipped up to your chin, and he couldn’t help but grow increasingly nervous with every passing moment he spent looking at your eager expression. 
it only took kuroo a single semester’s worth of partnerwork for him to grow utterly hopeless around you--and everyone knew it. it was hard for anyone to miss his clumsy demeanour or tinted cheeks around you, so much so it was a miracle that somehow you hadn’t picked up on all the signs. 
fumbling with his hands, tripping over his words, prolonged eye contact; he shrinks when he thinks about how he's reduced to a klutz around you.
“kuroo, hey! i'm glad i was able to catch you! i have these papers from minaho sensei that you missed when you were on your away game.” 
you extended a hand to hand him said papers, slightly crumpled in your freezing grip. he quickly took them from you upon noticing. 
“oh, thank you so much. i don’t know what i would do without—“ 
“ooooooou, kuroo, you sly bastard! you had to have planned that!” 
the two of you both looked in toward the classroom at a disgruntled, shirtless yamamoto, who seemed so distressed you were almost taken aback. kuroo narrowed his eyes.  
“what the hell are you talking abo—-?”
and then the green above his head caught his peripherals, and amidst the cold, kuroo started to sweat. 
the two of you slowly looked up in unison at the mistletoe, the mischief device of kuroo’s own division, gleaming in the sun. you had stepped onto the threshold under the mistletoe, resulting in the two of you now both stuck having to fulfill in a year old tradition. 
truly, it was a miracle you didn’t catch the signs. 
yaku’s eyebrow shot up in satisfaction, fulfilling kuroo's previous position with his arms crossed over his shoulder and leaning against the lockers. “got you.” 
the two of you slowly turn toward one another with wide eyes and flustered expressions. 
truly, it wasn't so much a miracle that kuroo didn’t catch the signs either.
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apparently-artless · 6 months
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dedicated to Mica (@koushuwu)
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h4mmiee · 1 year
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happy valentine’s day to all who celebrate 
(as in not sakusa)
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samwitcch · 1 year
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meatbuns after practice :D
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scanoyachi · 6 months
Haikyuu-Bu Chapter 137: Santa Broke Into A House In Tama
as always, i'm still learning, so translations may not be 100% accurate!
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if you enjoyed the chapter and would like to support my work, please consider leaving a tip (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
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jamminlocks · 6 months
A Very Full Bed {Ushijima x Reader}
Tags: F/M, M/M, post timeskip, Fluff, Hand holding, establish relationship, ushijima is soft, reader's gender is unspecified, one shot, not beta read, sfw word count: 1262 Summary: its the first time Ushijima entered your room and you have a bed full of plushies A/N: the fic mentioned from this post [ao3]
"Oh" in a mildly surprised tone is the first thing Wakatoshi says when he enters your room, having to duck down the door frame. It's obvious what this is about. The first thing anyone sees in your room is the many, many stuffed animals that sit on your bed and pillows, talking up almost half the bed space. They are stacked by height, smaller plushies on top of bigger, wider ones. Bigger, cute animals leaning on the headboard.
You quietly laugh to yourself before speaking to him. "Yeah. it's like a kid's bed, right?"
He doesn't say anything, simply humming in agreement as he scans the bed. You wait for some kind of comment from him, something along the lines of "you're a child at heart", "you didn't outgrow them", or "aren't you too old for this?".
You doubt that Wakatoshi is the kind to say something like the last line, but everyone who always had something to say.
Still he is quiet, just standing by the door. Finding no reason to talk about it more, you move on to why you two are actually here: finding the damn charger for your laptop. Just when you two were about to start sorting through your drive to see shots you took of Wakatoshi in his game, your laptop died.
"Can you look near my bed? I'll check the drawers here." You instruct. Opening one the first drawer you can reach and dig through the items.
"How many stuffed animals do you have?" Wakatoshi asked.
You didn't think he'd still be on that. With your hand still in the drawer, you look up to the ceiling and recount each plushie you know you have. "I dunno. I know I got 4 big ones on the bed. There's another two in my closet somewhere.” attention moving to the door of the closet, recalling if you’ve recently done rearrangements in there.
"You must be sleeping well at night with them around," he said
"I don't sleep with most of them, actually. Every night I move the bigger ones over there”, you point at the armchair.
Not really being in a hurry to find the charger, you stopped searching and walked up to the bed then let yourself fall onto the mattress. Some plushies squished under your weight.
"See, if I sleep with them every night like this, it's gonna get messy." You twist and climb on properly. Some plushies sitting near the edge were either moved to sit atop the bigger stuffed toys or thrown to the armchair. Once there was enough space, you lay down on your back, holding onto a large headed koala plushie. “But, yeah, It's really comfy here though,”
Wakatoshi gently smiles. It may seem the same from his indifferent expression, there's enough to see that he is happy.
You pat the vacant space beside you, “here.”
Wakatoshi initially hesitates to take the invitation. You’re insistent, moving other stuffed toys aside to make room for him. Giving in, he does his best to help you, placing of the smaller plushies to sit atop the pillow sized ones, huddling together. Though, there are still others by the foot of the bed that stayed.
The mattress sinks from his weight and you feel it. The weight of an athlete is not one you usually perceive. Wow can it move you. He does the best he can to not russell the bed that much as he settles himself. Some of the plushies fall back to blankets. His broad and muscled shoulders and arms squash the soft materials of the stuffed toys and he rests his head on the blue, seal shaped pillow. You hand him the large, round plush of a Shiba Inu, placing it over his chest. To which he takes and coversnhis stomach with.
You change your position to rest on your side, facing Wakatoshi. “How is it?”
As you patiently wait for his answer, he shifts in small motions. A hand petting the stuffed dog. You can’t help but think how silly this is right now. 
With his usual deep, monotone voice, he says, “everything is soft.”
You smile. “Sure is, huh?”
He holds out the stuffed Shiba Inu, turning to its front side for him to see its face. It has round black eyes, tongue sticking out and pink blush.
“And very cute,” he followed up. Hands squishing the sides of its head. Thumbs pressing on the cheeks. "This is the first for me"
Somehow, this is a surprising reveal to you. Not that you ever thought he was the kind to enjoy plushies as much as you do. You have thought of him as someone who could care less about them. “What, laying in a bed full of stuffed toys?” you ask in light sarcasm, just to be a little funny.
Wakatoshi hums in agreement, still playing with the dog. 
“Really? Even as a kid?” you ask, turning to your side so not to fall asleep. “You didn't have a lot of stuffed toys growing up?"
“They gave me some when I was young. I don’t believe I slept holding one or having one at my bed, however,” he said. 
He takes interest in a small cat plush wearing a dotted dress sitting by your head and takes it, toying with its paws. “Now I feel like I’ve missed out on something so simple.”
You take your favorite purple penguin to wrap your arms on and you cheerfully say to Wakatoshi, “good thing you have now, huh?”
His attention returns to you. Eyes a surprise from what you said. Then, the familiar subtle fondness you’ve observed from him shows through calm eyes and a very rare natural smile.
“You're right,” he said.
You turn and push yourself up. It gives you a good look at Wakatoshi, ever so politely lying straight on your bed surrounded by the cutest and most adorable soft toys. It's silly really. You never thought you’d ever see him like this, given how serious he comes off whether he realizes it or not. You smile at him. Plopping yourself beside him a little closer and on eye-level to him.
“How come there’s so many?” he asked, shifting to have his body face you.
The two of you stay in bed, talking about how and when you got the plushies. Which ones you got as a kid, those you bought with your own money or won on crane games, and those you got as a gift, along with who they were from. Wakatoshi listens attentively, asking questions after you answer. He listens to you babble on, saying his simple yet unintentionally funny remarks here and there. You’d laugh. Its nice and relaxing. 
At one point, when your voice got soft and slower as you tell the story of how you got a very expensive pokemon plush in a crane game after three times and barely spending, He sneaks his hand to yours that is resting on the mattress, lacing them together. You continue to talk as you return the gesture by playing with the grip of your fingers on his hand. Face to Face to each other.
Suddenly, Wakatoshi said, tenderness the most clear in his expression it has ever been, "we should do this more often."   
You want him to clarify what he meant by that. Does he mean just lying down together? Talking about random stuff? Or, just lying in bed. Lying on your bed? Does he want you spending time on his bed?
Whichever it is, your heart wholly agrees. 
A/N: imma be real with you chief, i dont even know if they kissed after that 😅
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mari-writes · 6 months
Koutarou attends The Nutcracker for his sister, Kai, who's dancing as the Snow Queen. 
This is her second year in the role, but he missed last time, so he’s so excited! He can’t wait to see his big sister dance! 
And then he sees him. 
In the role of the Snow King is a young prodigy named Akaashi Keiji. He’s a year younger than Koutarou, and his sister says Akaashi is “the best dance partner she’s ever had.”
Koutarou is immediately enamored. His eyes follow Akaashi wherever he goes on stage, despite Kai being the focal point of the routine. He’s lean, but obviously so strong, capable of lifting, throwing and catching his sister flawlessly. Effortlessly.
(Also, those tights look so good on him.)
Koutarou pretty much begs his sister to introduce them. “Please! I’ll do anything!” He cries as he unleashes the full force of his pout. “I don’t even care if he’s not available or interested in me! I just want to meet him!”
She finally relents after a week of his hassling. Koutarou attends the show again on closing night. He’s a bit nervous. The Nutcracker has been a huge hit, with critics and audiences alike praising the Snow Queen and King specifically. Akaashi’s name is on everyone’s lips; he's “the next big thing” in the Tokyo dance scene.
“Calm down, Kou,” Kai hisses as she leads him down the hall and towards the theater’s green room. “He’s just a person just like you. Trust me, it’ll be fine.”
Koutarou nods. Swallows. He holds his breath as they finally step into the room.
They find Akaashi casually leaning against the back wall, munching on an apple and swiping through his phone. Koutarou’s eyes roam his form. He’s wearing a cropped, midnight blue hoodie that cuts off at the hem of his black joggers, displaying his slim build. His feet are covered in a pair of beat-up sneakers.
“Keiji dear, do you have a moment?”
Akaashi looks up, and Koutarou sucks in a breath. The man has perhaps the prettiest eyes Koutarou has ever seen. A devastating mix of blue-green-grey, piercing, with heavy lids and long lashes.
Surprisingly, those eyes widen when as they land on Koutarou, and his mouth drops open. “Of course,” he nods, “um, hello.” His voice is like velvet, soft yet with a gravely texture that send a shiver through Koutarou. He also can’t help but notice that Akaashi is a few inches shorter, which forces the man to look up at him as they approach.
Oh my god, he's an actual angel.
Kai pulls her brother forward until the two men are a few paces apart. She squeezes his arm, a gesture she’s been using since they were kids to lend him comfort, encouragement. He leans appreciatively into the warm touch.
“It’s, um, it’s wonderful to finally meet you, Bokuto-san.”
Koutarou blinks, confused. Akaashi is addressing him as if he knows who he is. “Oh! Uh, it’s nice to meet you, too!” He grins sheepishly. “Did Kai tell you I was coming, or..?”
The man shakes his head. Now that they’re so close, Koutarou notices leftover sparkles and flecks of fake snow still clinging to Akaashi’s wavy black hair.
“Well, I did know you were her brother… but I didn’t know you would be here tonight.” His eyes narrow at Kai, who chuckles.
“Keiji here is a big fan of volleyball,” she smirks at her brother, who nearly chokes at the new information. "He watched every single one your matches at the last Olympics. Apparently.”
“Really?!” Koutarou can’t believe his ears. Akaashi Keiji, the beautiful man who he’s been obsessing over the last few weeks, is a fan of him, too? It’s a bonafide Christmas miracle!
“Yes,” Akaashi’s lips twitch upward. It’s not quite a smile, but close. “I’ve, ah, been hoping Kai would introduce us someday.”
Koutarou beams. He can’t even be angry at his sister for keeping the secret. He’s just too happy right now. "I'm so glad she did!"
They end up at the closing night after party, sitting side by side in a booth, surrounded by family and friends. Conversation flows easily. Akaashi is rather quiet, but he seems content to just listen to Koutarou talk. He occasionally barks out a dry, sarcastic comment that only enamors Koutarou further.
He also smells nice. Like sandalwood and rose. Koutarou has to restrain himself from taking a big, long whiff.
“Y-you know, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi says, words slurring a bit from the whiskey shots he’d just downed. “I actually played a bit volleyball when I was younger.”
Koutarou gasps. “You did?!” 
Akaashi giggles, then hiccups, and it’s the cutest thing Koutarou has ever heard. “I did,” Akaashi nods, “but only into middle school. Dance sort of took over my life after that. I’ve continued to follow the sport, though.”
Koutarou is having trouble containing his excitement. He grips his beer with one hand and reaches to grip Akaashi’s forearm lightly with the other. “You have to play with me someday!”
Akaashi snorts (wait, no, that is the cutest thing Koutarou has ever heard) and shakes his head. “I couldn’t possibly keep up with a pro player like you…”
“And I can’t keep up with your dancing,” Koutarou winks. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do that with you sometime. If you want, that is...”
For a brief moment, Akaashi just stares, and Koutarou wonders if he’s being too forward. But then Akaashi’s lips settle into a sweet smile, and he glances down into his drink. His sharp cheekbones bloom with color. “Are you asking me on a date, Bokuto-san?”
Well then. Koutarou hadn’t expected things to progress this quickly, but sometimes, fate has other plans. “I mean,” he clears his throat, “maybe..?”
Akaashi looks up, and Koutarou is suddenly drowning. He swears his sees an entire future in those stormy eyes, just waiting to pull him under. 
(And Koutarou would go, gladly.)
“I would love to,” Akaashi says, leaning forward to clank their glasses together. “Merry Christmas, Bokuto-san.”
A short advert ft. The Nutcracker's snow scene 💙❄️
Thank you for reading this sappy little thing I wrote after working a week straight of Nutcracker performances (eight shows in one week; it was insane). If you enjoyed this, PLEASE reblog! It really helps me out, way more than just a like (though I appreciate those, too). You can also share my post on Twitter! Thanks everyone for your support this year. It’s been rough, for many reasons. I hope you all have a happy holiday season. Here’s to 2024! 🥰
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neon-gin · 1 year
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Still my favorite atsuhina that I’ve made💕❄️
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koushuwu · 6 months
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𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐊𝐞𝐢 ↳ for @peskyfirefly | happy holidays, mishmish ♡
If the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you. Drive highways and byways to be there with you. Over and over, the only truth; Everything comes back to you.
holiday special masterpost
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hadilsblog · 1 month
There are about two weeks left until school ends 🥹🥹
Omg I really miss summer
This is the worst school year I have ever had
I will be in my final year of high school next year 🥲
The problem is that I am the only one in the final year
This is terrifying
What are you planning to do in the summer?
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azaarchiive · 9 months
holiday girlfriend - ON HOLD
- semi eita
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tags: pregnancy trope, semi being a dick at first, y/n is the sweetest soul, y/n is black but anyone can read tbh
synopsis; you were one of semi’s many flings every time he flew to (country), always waiting for him with open arms. what happens when he comes back to a baby bump?
notes: omg first ever fic on tumble ahh i’m nervous, someone pls tell me how to do that like thing where you can press a word and it gets you to the next chapter pls and thank you. i am still learning about this beautiful site so bare with me while i’m in my archaic era 💀 anyways, tysm for actually reading, hope to see you in the next chapter!
1- fuck semi eita
2- reality check
3- not so surprise visit
4- daddy’s home
5- pie
6- paint, sip and growth
7- for papa
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bleach-your-panties · 6 months
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Sincember Event ❄️❄️
Rating: Light Smut🍡
Requested By: @yfneccentric
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Tetsurou Kuroo is a businessman. 
No, more like a business genius.
Graduated top of his class from one of Tokyo’s elite business schools.
He enjoys his career as a sports promotion agent. It not only rakes in big bucks, but also allows him to form lifelong friendships with his clients. 
Such as one Tobio Kageyama. 
They met back in high school during a practice match between their respective volleyball teams.
Those were all fond memories back then, but now? 
He's trying to resist slamming the dark-haired professional setter's head into a bowl of potato salad that was set out on the buffet table.
He didn't want to come to this stupid office party in the first place, but no, you insisted.
You even stayed up all night making a dessert to contribute to the company Christmas potluck.
How cute you are.
Though right now you were something less than cute and more lascivious as you flaunted yourself around, chatting and shaking hands with company executives and athletes alike.
And Kageyama.
Kuroo's dark, narrowed eyes didn't miss the flounce of your skirt as you twirled around Tobio, engaging him enthusiastically in conversation and rubbing all along his covered forearms.
The man in question didn’t even seem bothered that you were falling all over him, pretending to be interested in whatever he had to say, which Kuroo knew to be only boring sports jargon and a lot of other shit that he knew you didn't understand. 
Now, Tetsurou wouldn't consider himself a jealous man usually, but the dress you'd decided to wear tonight left just enough to the imagination to where he wouldn't have to snap Kageyama's neck for letting those dull blue eyes linger on your body for far too long.
Oh, but Kuroo knows just how to fix you, though…
“'m sorry, Tetsu! Please!” 
Your moans circulated throughout the large, empty bathroom as your boyfriend pressed you up against the marble sink.
The crotch of his gray pinstriped suit pants rubbed against your bare ass while his long, slim fingers thrust upwards into your soaking cunt.
Kuroo had lost track of how long you'd been in here, how long he'd had you pressed against the counter babbling his name in broken syllables while he finger-fucked you in earnest.
“Hm, you're sorry, kitten? Sorry for what, exactly?” 
His opposite palm came up to slap against your swollen ass cheek, the sound like firecrackers popping off in the empty space. 
“Sorry for practically slutting yourself out for Tobio in front of everyone? Is that what you're sorry for? Answer me, slut, or I'll stop.”
You nodded profusely, tears seeping down your cheeks and ruining your meticulously done makeup. Not that you really cared.
“Yes, Tetsu! I'm so, so sorry! Please let me cum!”
With a soft chuckle, Kuroo withdrew his fingers and lifted them to his lips, sucking them loudly and causing you to let out a desperate whine. 
“You'd better hope that no one has to use the bathroom, Y/N, because I'm about to have you folded against this mirror in a second. That should teach you a lesson about flirting with my clients, huh?” 
ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ🫶🏽
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spacespheal · 1 year
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Not me falling down my bokuaka obsession once again bc of the catalan dub...
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twopunksexitapoolhall · 6 months
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Haikyuu for the Holidays
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maplesleep · 6 months
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Please check out my piece for the Haikyuu Holiday Exchange Event here and my super cool giftee, monlands!!! <3
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crnl-chicken-tots · 5 months
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I hope the new year treats all of you well!
Happy holidays! 😊
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