#happy birthday victor ❤
darling-dummy-blogs · 5 months
A Birthday Surprise...?- Victor Li
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Cassandra tries to plan a birthday surprise with her daughter for her beloved husband while he is away on business the day of his birthday. Unaware of the fact that he ended up returning home earlier than she expected…
Word Count: 1.3k
It's been a while since I've posted haha.. I've taken a break from writing due to my personal life unfortunately
And recently, my account has been giving me issues in receiving messages with friends so I've been dealing with that lately as well
But those issues aside, of course, I had to post something for my favorite and beloved CEO~ How could I not!
Happy Birthday, My Love!, My Greatest Miracle, May this day fill you with happiness and contentment. I am forever grateful to you for being in my life. <3
Told in Cassandra's POV.
“Mommy, Mommy!” 
My four-year-old toddler squeals, scrambling into the kitchen where I was briefly tending to the cake propped on a cake stand. Looking down at my daughter, I smiled.
“Yes, my sweet girl? What is it?” 
“I finished wrapping Daddy’s gift! Look!” 
She beams excitedly, feeling quite proud of her work, she removes her tiny arms from behind her back, revealing the wrapped gift in question, wrapped up in crinkled wrapping paper topped with a slightly uneven and off-centered bow. Her wrapping skills were most definitely not the greatest but for a four-year-old, it seemed pretty up to par. I couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle at her attempt to wrap the gift she got for him. 
“It looks beautiful, baby. You did such a good job! Daddy will love it.” 
“Yay!” She bounced up and down cheerfully, her soft raven curls bouncing everywhere as she did so. 
“Go put your gift with the others in the living room, sweetie. Then you can help me with the  finishing touches to the cake.” I tell her with a smile, ruffling her hair with my free hand.
“Okay!” She dashed back to the living room whilst I continued decorating the last finishing touches of frosting.
For his birthday cake, I made a 3 layered vanilla cake, topped with a homemade buttercream frosting dyed a vibrant red and decorated with a white chocolate drip along the top. I then added a simple buttercream border to the bottom of the cake and as well as little dollops to the top of the cake. All Isa needed to do was add the sliced strawberries to those dollops and the cake would be complete.  
Isabella comes rushing back into the kitchen and right over to me. 
“I’m ready!” She beams, excitedly. She’s been so excited for his birthday all week, she could hardly contain herself. I couldn’t help but smile, lifting her up into my arms.
“Alright, you get to be the lucky one to finish decorating the cake. All you need to do is add these little strawberries to these little guys right here. Can you do that for Mommy?” 
She nods, “Yes!”
I handed her a strawberry slice, which she took happily, as I then leaned her closer to the cake so she could place it. She focused entirely on placing it carefully on the first dollop of buttercream, before repeating the same process with the others. 
“Good girl! You did a great job!” I said looking over her work before smiling at her, showering her cheek with kisses once she finished. 
Isa only giggled happily, wrapping her tiny arms around me, in a gentle hug.
“Come on now, let’s bring this cake to the living room. We have to go pick up Daddy soon from the airport,” I tell her, as I set her down. Isa nods as she heads back to the living room excitedly, only to see her father, Victor standing in the doorway of the living room looking at all the colorful decorations that were scattered throughout the living room–from various colors of balloons along the railing of the stairs, the streamers scattered throughout the room and along the wall, to a large and shiny ‘happy birthday’ banner hung up along the windows with a surprised expression on his face. 
When she noticed him, her face lit up with joy as she immediately ran over to him, 
“Daddy! You’re home!” She cheers happily, practically throwing herself into his arms. 
Victor’s expression changes from one of surprise to one of contentment as he lifts up his daughter into his arms, showering her in kisses. 
“Hello princess, I’ve missed you so much.” He smiled, as she hugged him tightly, giggling as she received several more kisses from him.
“I missed you too!”
Upon hearing his voice, I immediately left the kitchen, surprised that he was standing there in the living room and confused as to how he got home sooner than I expected him to. With the cake stand in my hand, I briefly set it down on the coffee table beside the gifts, as my mind questioned how he got home before we could leave to pick him up. I could have sworn I had more time…
When did his flight come in? How did he get home?? 
Trying to hide my confusion, I shake off the questions lingering in my head and walk over to greet him, smiling. 
“ Hi, my love! I didn’t know you’d be here already.. We were just about to go pick you up from the airport, why didn’t you let me know you landed?” 
Victor set down Isa, letting her go play with her toys whilst he pulled me into his arms, smiling with a chuckle, 
“There’s my beautiful wife, I did, but I did not get a response from you. So I had Goldman drive me back home instead. I did not expect to see all this when I came in though..”
“Well…Surprise..?” I laughed slightly, “I was planning to keep it as a surprise for when we got back home… but then you came home..” I pouted slightly, a little saddened that the surprise didn't go as planned.
He pulled me into a soft kiss, one I couldn't help but melt into, smiling once we pulled away. 
 “I was still surprised, my love. I can tell you both worked very hard on this. Thank you. I did have a feeling you'd plan something like this.” He chuckles. 
“Of course, I would! This is such an important day to me. I will always celebrate this day for as long as I am with you, my love. This day is the day you were born. Today, I get to show how much I love and appreciate you being in my life. How much you being alive has made my own life a much better place. How much I love celebrating you. This is the one day a year that will always be special to me, just like how you and Isabella are special to me. I love you. Happy Birthday.” I softly say, kissing him gently once more. 
Victor smiled against my lips, returning the kiss with one of his own, holding me close, a look of contentment and happiness could easily be seen on his face once we pulled away. This. This is exactly how I hoped he would react. 
“Thank you, sweetheart. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you and our precious little girl in our lives but I am so grateful. I love you both so much. Only you have made this day, what used to be so mundane and boring, so special and bright for me. I always look forward to whatever surprises you have in store for this day and no matter what, I will always look forward to celebrating my birthday as long as I have my special girls with me. Thank you for being in my life and for making me feel special.” 
I couldn’t help but smile so wide, proud and overjoyed, I pulled away from his embrace, taking hold of his hand. I led him over to the couch and had him sit down where his birthday cake and all his gifts both from me and Isabella were on the coffee table. Isa comes rushing over, climbing her way up onto the couch and onto Victor’s lap which he gladly accepted, holding her close in his arms, kissing the top of her head. 
I lit the candles on the cake, bringing the cake closer, while doing so I started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. He smiled once I finished, with Isa happily clapping her hands. He leaned over, kissing my cheek. 
“Thank you, my love. Truly. This day turned out to be better than I could have ever expected.” 
“You’re welcome, my sweet. Here, make a wish and blow out the candles.” I smiled. 
He looked at the cake briefly, before looking at me and Isabella in his arms, smiling he gently took hold of my hand with his free one, lacing our fingers together.
“My wish…has already come true.”
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apopo0 · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VICTOR! (❤´艸`❤) please continue being the best idv boy. we all love you. 
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curseofbreadbear · 10 months
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@fczbecrspizzc ❤’d! ( cassie for victor! )
[As Cassie was escorted out of the Daycare, she was overcome with a whirlwind of emotion; rebooting the attendants had apparently rejuvenated them, making them more reminiscent of the loving, devoted caretakers she remembered from when she was little. They even wished her a happy birthday, and with all that was happening tonight, the reminder could've made her cry. Instead, she was rushed out of the doors for "safety" ( when, in reality, the result would be the opposite ) -- she was immediately greeted with an oppressive atmosphere. There were endoskeletons all around her, and the darkness was imposing. Thank goodness for her flashlight.]
[Cassie took a breath, finding reassurance from the last-minute gratitude she heard from Sun. It was haunting to see how much they'd changed, how...broken they'd become. At least she'd fixed them -- they seemed happy now, and that was what mattered, even if they were living under a false assumption that this place was still open. Maybe she'd visit again later, when Gregory was safe...]
[A thud from the Lucky Stars Gift Shop interrupted her; amid everything, she hadn't stopped to realize that there was someone -- or something -- rummaging around back there. None of the endoskeletons out here were active, but...maybe one of the ones back there had "woken up?" Maybe it was one of the other animatronics -- the party rooms were around here, so she'd understand them lingering...]
[Cautiously, she approached the gift shop; aware that its door opened automatically, she stuck to its side and crouched behind the wall. As anticipated, the door sensed her presence and opened...but what she saw startled her more than an animatronic would.]
[It was another person, and he was raiding the gift shop. That probably shouldn't be shocking -- the bright and cheery decorations that had covered this place wall-to-wall had since been covered by graffiti, and most of the shops had been ransacked already -- but the sight still stunned her. Even after all this time, she couldn't believe that somebody would take advantage of the way Fazbear Entertainment abandoned this place.]
[Beyond that, the endoskeleton that had resided in the gift shop looked like it had taken a beating -- had he done that? Now that she thought about it, a bunch of the endoskeletons from earlier had been frozen or crushed beside the arcade cabinets outside of the Daycare. Still, she didn't want to think anybody would hurt the animatronics, or even their insides, intentionally...even if the endos were kinda scary.]
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[Suddenly, Gregory started calling to her from her Roxy-talky, and she yelped -- oh, no. No, no, no. She fumbled around with it, nearly dropping it, and scurried away from the door -- hopefully, when it closed, he wouldn't be able to hear their conversation. It wasn't likely, but she was kind of intimidated by anybody who would sneak into the Pizzaplex and raid it like this.]
[Since Cassie hadn't contacted him first, it was a typical "checking in" conversation -- which, more often than not, was Gregory rushing her to save him. Not that she could blame him; he was the one in danger, and she was the one getting distracted by people stealing from the Pizzaplex. It sucked, but she couldn't let it get to her right now.]
❝ Hang in there, Gregory. I promise, I'll be there soon. ❞ [She tucked her Roxy-talky back into her back pocket, praying that she hadn't been too loud -- she needed to be discreet here. No distractions.]
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putufelisia · 1 year
[ MLQC Victor ] Today is his birthday. Well wishes for him ❤❤❤
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spiceygoblin · 2 days
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(Also the day of the apocalypse but I sure the two don't correlate 😌)
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suka51 · 2 years
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cloudberry-sims · 2 years
A Decade Through Time: The Alderberg Legacy: Year 1582 part 2
Let’s continue the year! 
From the Beginning I Currently
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It would take William a while until he returned home to Outland.
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Rebecca had handful taking care of two small children , head filled with angry thoughts over her family actually believing that letter about Susie’s death.
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Her mother was a great help and Griffyn adored her, but Rebecca could see how much this situation haunted her. 
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Susanna was Joan’s youngest , even though she and Rebecca were twins. Any mother would mourn and fret if she found out her child had died.But until the body has returned to them , Rebecca will hold into the hope that this was all a lie. 
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While her father was still away in Praveen , little Margery had her 2nd birthday. Like her older brother she inherited her mothers dark red hair , yet her eyes were blue like her grandmother Mary’s.  
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William returned a new days after with the baby , much to Rebecca’s distaste- she was not gonna raise a coco bird!
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 But William didn’t listen to Rebecca’s nonsense , she will come around eventually, he was just happy to be back home and that the children were safe and sound. 
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Margery was extra happy to see her father again  ❤
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At the Horthall resident, Eleanor was beaming with joy and pride as her lovely Avigail turned 6 years old. She couldn’t have wished for a sweeter or lovelier girl.
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Avigail was very attached to her mother and father , who always wish to be by either one’s side or tears might fall. A sensitive little lady , unlike her brave and slightly foolish brother August or cowardly but good Abel. 
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Margery is a horse girl in the making 
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After William have returned , Rebecca was feeling more nauseous after. It seems that she will once again have another child. 
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3 months later after her cousin , Sybil Wardeby  celebrate her 6th year of life as well. 
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Worshiping the watcher was a important aspect of a sims life , yet Sybil seem to take it more seriously. She was very pious for a little girl and would go to church everyday after her chores while her family only went on Sundays and holy-days. 
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This years was filled with difficulties , yet with many lovely things , William thought. The death of Susanna did plague the minds of those she left behind , but her memory will live on with her child. 
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His nieces were living and thriving , so was his own family. By next year Griffyn will turn 6 years old and a new little one will be joining his family. 
 If your wondering why Sybil is pious - she got never nude and I had no idea what that could translate to lol 😂 If she get’s married and have kids her family might become puritans! Oh it’s gonna be fun naming her potential kids or grand kids those virtue names , I find them hilarious . 
Maybe if I’m lucky she has 3 daughters or granddaughters named Honesty , Hope and Honor or maybe Patience, Pleasance and Prudence, or son/grandsons named Victor , Worth and  Willing -  I’m sorry I’m gonna stop now before I go out of hand. 
I don’t send my sims to church often either except for weddings or funerals , mostly because the  days roll by so quickly and I don’t notice it’s Sunday , so I just say they go to church behind the scenes. 
Maybe if Sybil rolls a marriage roll she could marry a priest and then we might switch to their household to hold service at the church, but who knows.  it’s still a long way until Sybil will roll again and we have a plague event in 1592 , 10 years from now. 
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otome0heart · 4 years
Hi! I saw that you opened requests, and since I loved "Precious Bonds" so much, can I ask for a follow-up? There's never enough homely Victor fluff... ♡ Congratulations on your milestone and happy b-day in advance!
Hello! Sorry for the long wait, and thank you very much for requesting and for your good wishes! ^^
And I agree with you! We need more domestic Victor fluff, he deserves some peace and lots of love, so thank you for asking for another one. I’m really happy that you enjoyed “Precious Bonds” and I hope this continuation is to your liking too ❤❤❤
Title: Nocturnal Wanderings
Genre: Mainly fluff
Words: 4165
Notes: The first request from my birthday/followers’ celebration finally came out ^^ I ask you to be lenient with it too, I’ve never been pregnant so I don’t know if what’s described here is accurate (though I did my research), but if you see any mistakes, please, point them out to me so I can correct them :) I hope you like this long piece of fluff
Even before opening her eyes, the young woman knew that she was alone in bed. Her hand, extended in front of her, flattened on the cold sheet under it and hiding her face in the pillow with a small groan, she let her fingers run up the mattress as her slightly clouded pupils focused, furrowing her brows upon seeing the empty space next to her without a trace of having being used.
Inhaling deeply, she lifted herself with the help of her elbow and hands and scanned the spacious room, in search of her husband, but there was not a trace of him there, nor did a sound come, through the half-open door, from the bathroom across the corridor that could give her a clue of his whereabouts. With a tired sigh and moving slowly, she turned around, kicking the pillow between her knees and the light covers, and sat on the bed, her legs hanging from the edge of the mattress and her breath hitching in her throat when the child inside her kneaded her after being disturbed. She rubbed her swollen belly, trying to calm the baby’s fuss.
“Sorry… But it’s your dad’s fault…”
Her low murmurs seemed to calm the movements until they stopped. She, then, squinted in the darkness, trying to read the time on the screen of her smartphone, and did not repress an annoyed sigh. Five to three. Victor would better have a very good explanation for it.
She stood up and went to the window, drawing the curtain slightly to look outside. Loveland City was awake, as always, especially in the early hours of a Saturday, when people were still out, enjoying themselves after a long week of work. Numerous buildings were illuminated by thousands of tiny lit windows and neon signs, and a fluid line of vehicles travelled along its streets.
Sometimes, her husband had the necessity of some fresh air when something was in his mind, and he could be found in the terrace, either leaning on the balustrade or lying on the floor, gazing at the city’s night sky. But not this time.
She yawned, letting the curtain fall and, ignoring the dull ache that was starting to set on her lower back, she went to the door and opened it fully.
“Victor?” she called into the dark empty corridor, receiving no response.
He had told her that he had to finish reading some documents and hold a short videoconference with an international business partner about a problem with a contract which had arisen in the last minute, but that it would not take long so she could go to bed ahead. That had been almost five hours before.
She knew that at times, he could be a complete workaholic, it was where he had focused his efforts and found his relief for years, and even though he had started to share his time and worries with her when they had started their relationship, she knew that his company was what occupied his mind most of the day. However, his evenings and nights belonged to her since their wedding, and she was not willing to give up any of them to his work unless it was strictly necessary.
She walked along the corridor barefoot, opening a few doors in her way to see if, by any chance, he was reading in the cosy library on that floor or watching a foreign film in the theatre room, to no avail. She crossed her arms, trying to imagine where he could be at that time of the night.
The young woman reached the railing that ran along the last part of the corridor, which faced the living room and she glanced below. Everything was in darkness, except for the soft lights of the garden, projecting the shadows of swaying branches from the trees and outlining the empty seats. She called him again without getting an answer, and she let out a heavy sigh, eyeing the staircase warily. As the months passed by and she could see less and less of the floor under her feet, that was the part of the house she tried to use only when it was necessary. She had never had the best balance and deep inside, she feared that her clumsiness could end up hurting her child. However, if she had to choose whether to go back to the bedroom alone or search for Victor downstairs, she preferred the latter. For a few weeks now, she was feeling more anxious, emotional and restless. At work, she noticed it less since she was constantly in the company of her coworkers, and deeply concentrated in their projects, but as soon as the sun began to set and she started to collect her things, those sensations gripped her heart and magnified, especially if Victor had a dinner appointment or needed to stay at the office for a few more hours. So, she turned on the lights and went down the stairs, gripping the balustrade tightly and taking each step carefully.
She took a moment to breathe deeply once she arrived at the bottom and made her way to the kitchen. It was dark and she looked around, disconcerted. She was sure she would find him there, having a warm drink or baking something, and for a moment she wondered if she was having a dream as a result of her fears. Maybe she was still asleep on their bed and Victor was beside her. However, the cold of the tiles under her feet and the gradual emptiness that she felt inside told her she was awake. And alone. After checking that the light of the stairs which led to the wine cellar was turned off too, she returned to the living room and went around the grand piano, making her way to the only place left to search, anger already bubbling inside her.
She opened the door without knocking, ready to let him know the extent of her annoyance, but to her surprise, the room was almost dark, except for the lamp next to the sofa, and his desk perfectly neat, his laptop shut down. She looked around, starting to get worried. The first thing that crossed her mind was that an emergency had come up and he had rushed out of the house, but deep inside, she knew that he would never go without telling her and that he would never leave her alone with her so far along in her pregnancy.
She entered the study to call him on his smartphone and when she had the receiver in her hand, pressing the numbers already, she turned to lean on the desk only to find him lying down on the sofa, deeply asleep.
He was on his side, one of his hands under his head and the other resting on his shoulder. His knees were bent to accommodate his height to the size of the sofa and he had taken off his shoes, tie and belt, and undone the first buttons of his shirt.
She left the device in its place and approached him without making a noise, watching him under the light of the lamp. There were signs of tiredness in his features and a slight frown drew a thin line between his brows, and she felt all her annoyance dissolve. When had it been the last time she had seen him so fatigued? Had she been so focused on the baby that she had unconsciously neglected her husband?
She felt a slight pang of guilt. Since the moment he had known about her pregnancy and even though he had stated that he was not going to spoil her, he had done quite the opposite, in his own way. He had organised his schedule around her doctor’s appointments so he could go with her and tried to reduce his social engagements at a minimum to spend more time with her at home. He had prepared her relaxing baths, held her whenever she had not felt well, and indulged her food cravings, learning to prepare new dishes on the go when she had wished for one unfamiliar to him.
She had appreciated all that and gifted him with smiles and displays of affection, but now she could see that whenever he changed something for her, he probably had to compensate LFG with his own time of rest and relaxation.
“Victor” she murmured.
He did not respond, though his frown deepened, and she put her hand on his shoulder, calling him again in a slightly louder voice.
He woke up with a start, and his eyes fell on her, widening immediately. He sat down, combing his dishevelled hair backwards with his fingers, letting the dark strands fall in disorder on his forehead.
“Are you well?” he asked, laying his tired pupils on her.
She could not help a smile, even though she knew that she should show at least a bit of her earlier irritation. However, once more, his first worry in that situation was that she and their child were safe, and she could not win against that.
“I’m fine, but I woke up and I didn’t find you in bed, so I came to look for you…” he sighed and then, covered his eyes with one hand, rubbing his eyes.
“Sorry…” he leant his elbows on his thighs, letting his hands hang between them. “I finished late and I didn’t want to bother you so I decided to take a nap here.”
“You wouldn’t bother me, and you know it” she said putting her hands on her hips. “You always say I sleep like a log, and especially these last weeks.”
“Well, you’re here now, right?” he looked at her lifting a brow to make his point clear.
“Because I turned around and you weren’t there, so” she made a dramatic pause. “This little one and I had to search for you around the house.”
His expression softened as his sight fell in the round belly in front of him. Victor put his hand on her stomach and immediately he was rewarded with a few strong kicks. She smiled smugly.
“See? The baby is angry with you too.”
He lifted his head again to look at her. Her eyes sparkled with mirth and victory, and he swallowed a comment about how she did not look upset at all, and the baby could not show emotions either. 
“Well, I can’t win against you two…”
With a triumphant smile, she took his hand and pulled, earning a sceptic glace from her husband, who did not say anything and stood up, careful to balance his strength to avoid any movements that could destabilize her.
Without letting go of his hand, she led the way back to the bedroom just after he turned off the lamp next to the sofa. Silently, they walked back the corridor and crossed the living room, stopping just at the bottom of the staircase. She looked up at the long flight of stairs and, even in the dim light, Victor could see her dismayed expression.
“Do you want me to carry you upstairs?”
Despite his kind offer and her feelings, she could hear the tiredness in his voice and she shook her head.
“No need…” she grabbed the railing and put her foot on the first step. “I don’t want to add that to your fatigue and remember that the doctor told me this morning I have to do a bit more exercise to avoid some health problems.”
Inwardly, Victor felt relieved. If she had needed him, he would not have thought it twice to do it, but being so tired and in the semi-darkness, he had feared to put her and their child in danger just for being an idiot and not going back to her.
He went up to the third step, where she already was, and circled her waist with one arm, helping her and supporting part of her weight when she held onto his back. When they reached the top of the stairs, she breathed deeply, eyeing briefly the comfortable chair that Victor had placed for her near the enormous window in front of them a few weeks ago, which overlooked the garden.
“Do you want to rest for a bit?”
Before she could answer, a moan escaped her lips, a surprised expression appearing on her features as she cupped her stomach.
Victor’s eyes were on her, panic and fear flashing in them, as his hand unconsciously tightened his hold on her.
His wife breathed deeply trying to ease the tightness she had felt inside, and with great care, Victor took her to the seat. She sat with a groan and inhaled again.
“Shall I bring the car to the entrance?”
He had kneeled beside her, the hand still at her back rubbing softly and his free one taking hers, the only thing he could think of doing to comfort her a bit. She lifted her head to him and smiled weakly.
“I don’t think it’s necessary…” her features seemed to relax a bit. “It’s still too early.”
“But” he frowned. “There are times where labour starts early…”
Her smile widened. She had seen Victor read books about pregnancy and parenthood one after another, taking notes from time to time. She was sure that he had everything ready for the moment when the baby arrived when she had just started to think about the end of her pregnancy and the labour process. That made her feel safe and calmer.
“Not today…”
She sighed and leant back on the chair, Victor’s hand coming to rest on her side, feeling her muscles relax little by little.
“Are you sure?” he murmured, his eyes laying on her belly.
“I am, it was just a practice contraction” she took his hand and put it on her stomach, so he could experience what she felt, and also, the fluttering movements of the baby turning inside her.
He swallowed hard, his eyes sparkling with wonder. His wife had shared the child’s kicks with him several times before, they had even ‘played’ and ‘touched’ each other through her belly, but it was the first time their little one had decided to shift around so much and his heart twisted painfully in his chest, so full of feelings that he could barely hold them. He had read that at that time of the pregnancy, they became more sensitive to sound, light or touch, and, deep in his soul, he hoped that the baby could recognise him after birth.
“Let’s go” she said with a smile, patting his hand softly.
She lifted herself slowly and he stood up as well, watching every single of her movements just in case she needed his help. Then, as she was going to take the first step, he grabbed her wrist and put it around his neck, bending to take her in his arms.
“Victor!” she exclaimed as he lifted her, holding her protectively against his chest. “It’s not necessary! You’re tired!”
“Not as much as to be unable to carry you to the bedroom” he met her gaze and she saw traces of fear still there, and his despair for feeling so useless to her, for just staying by her side.
His wife nodded and leant her cheek on his shoulder, tightening her hold on his neck. Hiding a smile when perceiving how well she understood him, he kissed her temple, lingering for just a moment before starting to walk.
When they reached the bedroom, he walked to her side of the bed and placed her on the mattress gently. Then, after a few seconds of doubt, he sat next to her.
“Are you completely sure you’re alright?”
His voice, normally confident and strong, was low and it still carried a hint of insecurity.
“I am” she smiled at him. “As I told you, it was a practice contraction. I’ll get a lot of those during these months so we better start getting used to them.”
He did not reply, even hearing the bubbly tone of her words trying to cheer him up.
“I’m sorry” he whispered and she took his hand in both of hers, squeezing tightly.
“You don’t have to apologise” she replied, smiling softly. “I just…” she blushed lightly. “I just need you around… As the days pass by, I feel more restless, and I don’t like being alone.”
His mauve eyes searched hers, his expression turning serious.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Because I didn’t want to worry you even more. You’ve got enough in your mind with LFG, the purchase of that company you’re so interested in and the international negotiations you’ve just entered into.”
He watched her as her thumbs caressed his skin, a wistful smile playing on her lips, her hair falling over her cheeks, half covering the beautiful shade of pink that tinted her skin.
“And you think I can’t deal with my pregnant wife too?”
She chuckled hearing the slightly offended tone of his voice.
“I know that you’re perfectly capable of it too, you’re the mighty King after all. However” her eyes turned determined. “I don’t want you to get distracted because I feel afraid or like crying at that moment.”
She paused for a moment.
“Victor, I’ve seen how tired you really are” she paused for a moment, gazing into his eyes. “You’re trying to get to everything, as always, and also carry my burden too” she cupped his cheek lovingly. “But don’t forget that you’re human and there’s a limit to your strength. Let me share at least a bit and offer you whatever comfort I can. I’m not going to break.”
His gaze shifted, filling with pride and love, and he covered her hand with his.
“I know that you don’t like it” she pursed her lips. “But I think that using your evol from time to time could not be a bad thing.”
He seemed to consider it for a moment.
“Maybe I could make some nights a bit longer, for both of us.”
She giggled.
“I won’t say no to that.”
“Also” he brushed his mouth across her wrist. “I promise you won’t have to go and find me again. I’ll always come back to you.”
“Thank you” she smiled and leant forward to kiss him.
However, she stopped midway and sighed a bit frustrated, looking at her belly, when she could not bend further. Victor smiled and then, closed the distance moving forward to make her more comfortable.
She relished in the familiar comfort his kisses gave her, in the faint scent of his cologne that still lingered in his skin and clothes after so many hours. They were all she needed to leave momentarily behind the anxiety that the changes in her body and emotions brought so frequently as of late. One of her hands loosened its hold around his neck, trailing slowly down his shoulder and collarbone, the feeling of his surprisingly soft skin marvelling her once again as her fingers undid a few more of his buttons and slid under his shirt, brushing against his ribs. A soft groan left his throat and she shivered, her stomach clenching in response.
Victor shifted, pressing his body carefully against hers, supporting his weight on the headboard with one arm, the other cupping the back of her head. Despite his weariness, he was becoming more and more intoxicated with each caress and every sigh he drew from her. However, he was also conscious of the effort that she had made a few minutes before, and even though he wished to let himself fall into whatever turmoil their shared desire swept them into, he kept his passion in control, waiting for the smallest sign that could give him a clue of what to do next. If she was willing to continue, it would not be him who denied her what would be one of the last times they could enjoy their intimacy before the birth of their child.
She gasped against his lips and he broke the kiss, feeling on his own abdomen how her muscles flexed and tightened.
“Are you feeling alright?” his pupils had dilated, sparkling with concern, and his body tensed
She bowed her head, shifting uncomfortably and then, used his arms to slide down and lie on her side, her back to him.
“Yes, it was just another practice contraction.”
“Are you sure?”
And before she could answer, he questioned her about the pain, duration and what she experienced. She laughed softly, turning a little and putting a hand on his thigh.
“Stop worrying, I’ve had them before today and I consulted the doctor, remember? Besides, he assured us this morning that everything was fine and following its course.”
He nodded, recalling something about her calling her physician some weeks before, but it was the first time he was a witness of those contractions and his inexperience was driving his feelings out of control.
He patted her hand and lifted himself off the bed, inhaling deeply to try to calm himself. She watched him as he took out his pyjamas and finished unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his fair skin, the muscles in his back rippling as he hung the garment over the back of a chair. She lowered her eyes, feeling her cheeks burn and the tingling of desire stir in her veins again, and busied herself arranging the pillow between her knees. She knew that her body was demanding rest after the strain of the day and the disruption of her sleep, and that Victor would not touch her after having experimented the contractions in such a sudden way. She had seen his eyes filled with insecurity and fear, much like after finding out about her pregnancy when he had treated her like a beautiful glass figurine which could break with the softest caress until the doctor had patiently answered all his questions and he had started his readings.
Her husband slid down under the covers, a frown in his face seeing her shift around so much.
“Can I do anything?”
She shook her head, finally feeling more comfortable and sighing contented. He lied on his side, bringing himself to her. He cupped her head and nuzzled her temple.
“Victor…” she murmured, lifting her gaze to him. “I wanted… before…”
“I know, but it doesn’t matter anymore” he replied in a soft voice, a small tender smile on his lips, combing her hair. “There’ll be another chance when we’re not so exhausted” he brushed his lips across her forehead. “Now, let’s sleep, it’s really late.”
“And whose fault is it?” she replied with a small pout, snuggling up under the thin bedspread.
He inhaled, inwardly amused, deciding to take the bite to see what she wanted from him after hearing the not-so-subtle hint of blackmailing in her words.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“Really?” she sounded hopeful, and he chuckled. She was so easy to predict...
“Then, I want to sleep in tomorrow. It’s Saturday, after all…”
“Okay” he sighed in her hair and closed his eyes.
It was not really what he had expected, as his suspicions had directed him to one of the special meals or desserts on the banned-during-pregnancy list he kept on the fridge. Or maybe the promise of continuing their lovemaking.
“And, I want you to stay in bed with me.”
He opened them again, incredulity reflected on his expression.
“I’m not lazing around” he stated after a pause. “And those are two things.”
She pushed at his chest lightly, meeting his gaze with a serious expression.
“Victor, you need to rest, and besides,” she arched a brow and her eyes twinkled mischievously. “Who disrupted my sleep and made me go downstairs to look for him?”
He was silent, not really believing that his very pregnant wife was trying to coerce him taking advantage of her condition
“Fine” he sounded defeated, and she giggled delighted, hiding her face in his neck and brushing her lips against his throat whispering a few words that barely reached his ears. A light shiver run down Victor’s back.
“Go to sleep. Now.”
“Yes, Sir…” her voice was playful and he repeated the last word again, trying to turn it into a stern order.
Silence fell between them and she breathed deeply, her fingers coming to rest lightly on his chest while Victor played with her hair in a soothing way. The child stirred in her stomach and he placed his hand on it, stroking gently.
“Sorry for needing you so much…” she murmured against his skin, sleepiness lacing her words.
“I want you to need me…” he replied in a low, calming voice, and she sighed contented.
“I love you…”
His fingers left her belly briefly to caress her cheek and, when her breathing became even, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips on her hair.
“So do I…”
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anon-drabble · 4 years
Oh my god! You two have the same birthday? You're so lucky! 🥳HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳❤ Your fan fics are the best btw❣
hahaha, that we do. it's one of the reasons i got so attached to victor. he's voiced by my favorite seiyuu in japanese, he shares a birthday, and the heavy jumin vibes. 😂
but i've never felt lucky having a birthday so close to the holidays. no birthday presents, no parties, and in school i always had finals on my birthday. in my last year of high school, i had honors chem and trig finals on my birthday and it was terrible 😂
but thank you! 💞 i'll be an even older egg in a few days. a new wrinkle in the yolk, a new crack in the shell. 🤣
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My Grand Miracle- Victor Li
Summary: Victor recieved a letter from his loving wife on the morning of his birthday. 
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 374 words
Happy Birthday, Mon Coeur ❤ 
A little gift for my beloved CEO~ 
Good Morning, My Beloved Husband. 
I wanted to write to you because I had to leave very early this morning to do a few things. I also took Isa with me. (She wanted to help!) I turned off your alarm this morning and informed Goldman that you will have the day off today for your birthday festivities I have planned. (Which will remain a surprise!) I have also left you a delicious breakfast in the microwave. All you have to do is eat and wait for me. 
I know you may be pouting and sulking because we are not there with you right now to spend the morning with you, but I promise I'll be back to retrieve you soon! 
I just wanted to take the time to say that I am so grateful to have you. You are the blessing I never thought I needed in my life. My heart. My soulmate. My everything. 
Thank you, for being in my life. And for being in this world. You never fail to make me feel like the happiest woman in the whole world. 
I'm incredibly lucky to have you as my husband and as the father to our beautiful and sweet baby girl Isabella, who loves you so much. 
I am so thankful for all the memories, moments, events, and celebrations we've made over the years, and I will forever look forward to what the future has to hold for us. 
I am so happy to be able to witness everlasting happiness and love whenever I'm with you. I will cherish it for as long as I am living. 
I will never forget the moment we met in your office. Who would have thought then, that I met the love of my life.
I…don't regret a single second of it. Because I'm so happy, so loved, cared for, and appreciated.
 And it's all thanks to you. 
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for saving me. Thank you… For being my grand miracle. 
Je t'aime tellement, mon coeur. 
I'll see you soon. 
Happy Birthday ❤
Love, Your Beloved Wife, Cassandra
P.S Isa misses you and is excited to see you later!  Don't keep us waiting, will you? ❤
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creedslove · 5 years
Ok so your Christmas with victor got me thinking and know I wanna know how you think he would celebrate the other holidays in the year and which ones would be his favourites!!!
Awww that's very cute anon!!! ❤❤❤
- Well once Victor found his frail and built his pack, he started enjoying holidays more and each of them has a special taste because he is not alone
- I guess he'd like Christmas because it is a beautiful date with lots of lights, decorations and presents, which makes his frail happy and you know that if you are happy, Vic is happy!
- He absolutely loves Easter because he's got a sweet tooth and he can eat so much chocolate omg that man is sick at the end of the day even with a healing factor because he can't stop eating candies
- For Mother's Day Victor would take the kids to buy you lots of presents and prepare a nice big lunch!
- For Father's Day you return the favor by buying him nice things while the kids give him sweet cards and letters telling him how much they love him and while you prepare him breakfast, they all jump in bed to wake up their dad and cuddle him
- Halloween too because he can take the kids trick or treating, he can scare the bullies in the neighborhood and also have you dressed up for him at night
- The kids birthday too! He'd love throwing them a beautiful bday party and he'd invite many people including the X-Men (THE PARTY CAN BE AT THE INSTITUTE BECAUSE XAVIER WILL BE THE GODFATHER ALONG WITH ERIK!!!)
- Your wedding anniversary! Victor never forgets the date and he always takes you in a romantic trip so you can enjoy yourselves!
Awww isn't this just the sweetest?
Got more headcanon requests? Send them in!
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putufelisia · 1 year
Happy birthday, Victor ❤❤❤
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darling-dummy-blogs · 2 years
Birthday Wishes- Victor Li
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Summary: Victor is away on a business trip rather close to his birthday. Mia misses him dearly while he is away. However she comes up with the idea to call him just as the clock struck midnight on the 13th. 
Pairing: Victor Li X F!MC (Mia)  
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice 
Word Count: 872 words
- This is Part 1 of My Gift to Victor <3 Happy Birthday, My Love. 
- Enjoy!~ 
Mia stared intently at the dimly lit clock that rested on the nightstand as she laid in bed. Deep in thought. The bed felt rather lonely without the one person she wished to be with most at this moment 
Letting out a resigned sigh, before moving from her position to reach out and grab her phone, turning on the once black screen encasing her in a bright light. A stark contrast from the dark bedroom she was in. 
Should she bother him? He is probably busy. Chewing on her bottom lip she swiped open her phone, instinctively finding her contacts. 
Tapping on the first contact immediately. Her thumb landed over the call button however she once again hesitated. Her thoughts getting to her once again. 
'Maybe it's not the best idea.' 
She gazed at the time on her phone once again. 11:50PM. 
Mia took a deep breath, shaking her head. She wanted to do this. It was simply tradition. 
With it being the day before Victor's birthday. He had to leave for an impromptu business trip. He had called her earlier that afternoon to tell her he'll be out of town and will be returning the next day but at a much later time. 
Mia ever since then has been moping around. Feeling rather disappointed and saddened that he wouldn't be here in time to celebrate his birthday with her.  
She had so many ideas and had so many plans for his birthday and was prepared to execute them accordingly when the time arrived. 
However, after that call. All of that went down the drain. Coming home to an empty house once the work day was done didn't improve much of her dampened mood. 
She did nothing but lounged around on the sofa in their living room. Pudding was her companion and kept her in high spirits. Resting in her lap and occasionally pawing at her to play and pet him.  
But it wasn't even remotely enough, without her lover being there by her side.  
Mia then pressed the call button without any hesitation this time. She wanted to hear from him. 
A few rings echoed quietly within the desolate room and the sound of her light breathing accompanied it. 
Until the other end of the phone picked up. She then heard that familiar baritone voice speak out to her. Instantly bringing her heart into a flutter. 
Hearing his voice once again brought a goofy smile to her lips. 
"Hey Victor...Are you busy right now?" 
"No. I just finished the last of my work… Why are you still up, Dummy… It's almost midnight for you."  
"...I just wanted to talk to you. I missed you… It's pretty lonely over here. Pudding even missed you too." 
A small chuckle could be heard from the other end of the phone before he spoke again, in a much softer voice. 
"I miss you too. I hope you and Pudding aren't causing any trouble while I'm away." He added in a teasing tone. 
She let out a small laugh, as she rolled over, ending up on Victor's side of the bed. She could faintly smell his scent which filled her heart with warmth. 
"I promise you, we aren't. He's the troublemaker out of both of us though. If anything I'd be the one cleaning up the messes he makes." 
Victor let out a chuckle. "Well the hope is that when I return I'd be coming back to a house that isn't in shambles." 
She gazed at the clock: 11:58. A few more minutes till midnight She smiled again. "Can't make any promises."  
"...Maybe it was a mistake leaving two helpless kitties by themselves." He spoke as he finished clearing his desk. Putting away paperwork before standing.
He made his way to the large window of his hotel room, gazing out at the dark sky. The two of them grew into a comfortable silence for a few minutes. 
Mia spoke up. 
"Hey Victor?" 
"...Happy birthday." She spoke, her voice filled with love and adoration. 
He couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face. 
"Thank you, my little dummy. Is that the reason you called this late?" 
She let out a small laugh. "Well if I told you that, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it?" 
"You and your surprises…" He shook his head, his smile growing wider. 
"You know you love them! You just refuse to admit it." She teased, making him laugh again. The sound made her heart flutter once again. 
She then added. "Do you have any wishes you'd like to make?"  
Victor gazed out the window longingly, as he stood silent for a few minutes. 
"..My wishes have already come true…" He finally spoke. "But if I were to have one right now…" He drifted off. 
"It would be to be by your side. Right now." He spoke in a soft whisper. 
Mia listened, her heart pounding within her chest as she could feel her cheeks heating up from his response.  
However a bigger and brighter smile graced her lips as she couldn't help but say. 
"I love you, Victor… Happy birthday… I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."
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putufelisia · 2 years
Almost 2 years playing and finally I can have completed Victor's birthday karmas! 🥳🥳🥳
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Penantian ini sungguh berarti. Setelah hampir dua tahun bermain di server berbeda, akhirnya saya bisa mendapatkan kartu ultahnya lengkap ❤
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Happy birthday, Zeyan Gege ... I am so speechless. You gave me so many things through these years with you ❤
Thank you ❤
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putufelisia · 2 years
As someone who has been mentally ill from verbal abusing, I used to hate Victor. But as time goes by, my thought about the 'tyrant' capitalist changed. From the moment Victor arranged the crystal shards into a whole glass, it was then that I realized. Victor is not someone who just bullying people, he is also someone who is willing to do everything for someone he calls 'a certain dummy'.
Happy birthday, Victor. Almost two years with you, I learned a lot. About courage, about making decisions, about forgetting bitterness.
I just happy being with you and I hope I can be with you always ❤
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Selamat ulang tahun, Victor! 2 tahun ini sangatlah berarti ❤
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