#have some Vicky getting into trouble!
selfless1978 · 1 year
ok, I feel like I should explain a few things before I throw my AU stuff out there. first off, my OCs Vicky and Cris live in "this" world. They go back and forth between dimensions by using a portal Donnie made. Second, Vicky and Leo share a mindlink. That happened after she got mildly mutated. This Particular story takes place "here" where the turtle lair is "there".
I hope this doesn't confuse too many folks lol
My eyes narrowed as I took the situation in. It wasn't a good one. There were a large amount of bodies between me and my target, and I didn't have much time. I ended up cursing my typical bad luck as I scanned the area, trying to plan the best course of action in this situation. Almost immediately I came to the conclusion that a frontal rush would be the best solution here. I took a deep breath to steady myself, then took off in a run.
Using the agility I had spent countless hours training, I easily dodge through the mass of bodies in front of me. The old lady pushing the shopping cart was a bit of a problem but I solved that by just vaulting over it, to her opened mouth shock. I ignored it as I kept going. I had more important matters on my mind. That buxom blonde bimbo was getting too close and I had a lot of ground to make up. She knew I was coming too but she got hung up in her own rush of bodies. I smirked at her as I pulled ahead, and that promptly earned me a faceplant with an end of aisle display that I didn't see. Of course if I had been watching where I was going...
I rolled back to my feet leaving the tipped over shelving unit and it's contents where it fell, flipped over another cart pushing customer and hit the floor running. Cursing the mistake of talking on the phone on the way in about what I was wanting to get. And then seeing even from across the store that there was only one left. And this bitch thought it would be a good idea to get it too all of a sudden. Dumb broad...just couldn't come up with her own idea and had to steal mine. I knew that's what she was wanting to do as soon as I saw her eyes light up. And with a "Hell fucking no!" the chase was on.
Great...now there were two carts in front of me, both spaced out a bit apart. I would lose time if I tried to do a double jump or tried to weave my way around them. In a split second I chose another route. I flipped up onto the top of the shelves, my feet knocking everything over off of the cluttered thing, running along it to the delightful squeal of the toddler in one of the carts that caught sight of me. Of course by the time his mother turned to see what had him giggling away I was already past them.
My eyes narrowed when I noticed that smackaho was closer than me and I put on some more speed, stepped off of the edge of the shelf and landed in front of her right before she reached out to grab it. With an immense feeling of triumph my hands landed on it first and I picked it up and held on tight. Then I turned and gave her the most evil grin I could before I sauntered off to the checkout counter. This was my Valentine's present dammit and I was going to give it to Leo.
I quickly lost my smug feeling when I turned and noticed the destruction I left behind me. Ooops... I took the long way around, hit the self checkout counter and hauled ass outta there right about the time a few cop cars pulled in. Well...I wasn't coming back to this store again. Didn't bother me a bit though as I clutched my prize and slipped into my Jeep and headed home before they even got out of the patrol car. I'd have to ask Donnie, on the sly, to see if he could erase all the evidence this little mishap caused. You know, the video feeds, police reports...shit like that.
It was with a large feeling of relief when I finally made it home, to find Cris and Marina waiting for me by the door. Both of them were looking at me as if they had just spent a large amount of time laughing at me.
"What?" I asked my chuckling friends as I slipped out of the Jeep.
"Did it ever occur to you to hang up the phone before you went on your rampage?" Cris asked me back.
"We heard it all." Marna laughed. "Cris put it on speaker phone. Donnie is already working on cleaning up your mess."
"Oh..." I blushed. Ok...so I wouldn't ask him on the sly. "Leo doesn't know...does he?"
"No." Cris grinned. "He was in the lair meditating. Still is actually. You're off the hook on that one...for now. Well, let's see it. It better be worth the effort you put in to get it."
I sheepishly opened the back door and carefully pulled it out.
"Oh Vicky... It's perfect for him." Marina's eyes actually misted up a little and Cris quietly nodded her agreement.
I blushed again at their reaction as I carefully brought it into the house. "I'm...going to bring it to him now. Nowhere really to hide it for later and he's in the right spot for me to give it to him."
Cris smiled. "You go do that."
So I did. I walked through my house, trying not to pay Donnie any attention as he gave me a quick glare as he muttered and worked, and into the lair. My footsteps carried me towards the dojo, through it and to the little room adjoining it where he usually meditated when he didn't sit in his father's room. I hesitantly brought up a hand and knocked on the doorframe as the other held the present close to me.
Leo sat cross legged on a mat in the dim room, his eyes closed and his face softly lit by the scented candles that flickered on the low table in front of him. "Come in dear one." His blue eyes opened.
I looked around the room that was otherwise bare of furnishings. Leo never really did need much so his meditation area was just as bare as his room was. "I have something for you."
His head tilted curiously as he noticed the item I was carrying. "A picture by the looks of it." He got to his feet.
I nodded and turned the large frame around so he could see as I held it out to him. "Happy Valentine's Day. I know it's not the typical Valentine's gift, but I didn't want to get you some cheesy ass teddy bear stuffed in a mug... I wanted to give you something special."
His eyes grew wide as he took it from me, then they took in every detail of the Japanese painting I had found...and trashed a department store to get. He held it with one hand and ran the fingers of the other over the pristine landscape pinned under the glass, the colors mixed perfectly to highlight the mountains in the background, the forests on each side and the quiet little village tucked in the middle field. Even the clouds were perfect and seemed to float across the painting. Then those eyes looked at me.
"I...I thought it would be nice to hang it in here... Give you something pretty to look at if you can't sett-"
He cut me off with a kiss after he pulled me too him, careful to keep the painting out to the side. That went on for a minute or two. Was a little busy to keep track of the time there.
"Thank you Vicky." He told me when he finally gave me a chance to breathe again. Leo then turned and carefully placed it on the low table between the candles and leaned it against the wall. Then he stepped back to look at it as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "It's perfect."
"I did good?" I smiled the question at him.
"Very good." He smiled back. Then an eyeridge came up. "But did you really have to destroy the houseware section of the store to get it?"
My jaw dropped open. How did he...
'You forgot to shut some memories out dear one.'
God damn it...
His laughter filled the room then as he turned me to him and pulled me into a hug. "Oh Vicky... I do love you."
"I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to end up on America's most wanted for nothing..."
Leo chuckled as he shook his head in amusement.
"I'll go pester Donnie for a hammer and nails." I tried to leave the room, only to have him pull me back to him.
I squeaked in startlement as he spun me back around, then I shivered when I noticed that look in his eyes. "That can wait..." He murmured. His mouth came in again for another kiss even as his hand reached behind me to close the door. Right after that Leo guided me to the mat, the first churr of many filling the room.
Leo's meditation room was used for something besides meditation that afternoon. The painting bearing silent witness to our love making as our candlelit reflections mirrored off of the glass. A perfectly beautiful painting that was almost as perfectly beautiful as the love we shared for each other.
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vntagetee-a · 1 year
ship tags ( new tags )
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mrchiipchrome · 3 months
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
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W.C.- 2 k
a/n: This is part of the 'Parents' universe, also i need a better title for it sooo please give me suggestions:)
“Aye María, you’re trending on twitter.” Mapi’s head snaps in your direction, eyes gleaming with excitement. She has no reason to be skeptical, you look truthful as always, blinding smile stretching across your lips. 
“Really?!-” Just as she was about to ask why she was trending, you interrupt her. 
“No.” Your tone was one of complete seriousness, deadpan beyond comprehension. You look on in delight as your teammate’s smile drops off the vicinity of her face, lips contorting into a disappointed frown. 
The back of your head stings with the hands coming down to hit it, a slap to the back of the head never hurt anyone, except you of course.
“Y/n, that’s not nice.” Alexia chides as you rub over the sensitive parts of your head, still stinging from the brutal hits. She looks at you through her peripheral vision, seeing the smile that’s still stretched across your lips, rolling her eyes at your childish nature. 
What did she expect though when they brought in a child?
“Neither was the prank she pulled on me last week but you didn’t tell her off for that, did you?” Annoyance seeps into your tone, slapping away the hand ruffling your hair. Alexia rolls her eyes at you again and you can barely resist telling her that they might get stuck like that if she continues, it was always fun to rile the woman up.
“You wanna test me cariño? I can make your life hell.” She interprets the huff you let out as acceptance, rising from the table to throw her trash away. 
On the other side of the room, you’re startled as lips press to your temple, hands placed on your shoulders.
“Causing trouble again, are you bubba?” Lucy plops down in the seat to your left, Keira occupying Alexia’s old seat to your right. You can’t help smiling again as your parents settle at your sides, they were a bit late to lunch as they were talking with Jona.
“No more than usual Robert, I wonder where I got it from. You think I need to go see the physios? Excessive childishness in a 15 year old is fatal from what I’ve heard.” You teased the older woman, who in response pushed her fingers between your ribs, the feeling way more ticklish than it should be.
“Leave the tot alone Luce, she’s got enough on her mind without you annoying her.” Keira says as she wraps her arm around your neck, pulling you into a headlock of sorts as she kisses your forehead over and over. 
“No way, I mean I can accept bubs and bubba, but tot? I’m fifteen.” It was almost like a toddler whining after its favourite toy, all tied together by the way your feet pound against the floor in protest.
“Mhm, sure. You’ll have to deal with every embarrassing nickname in the book until you take your last breath, bubs. Now, have you eaten enough? You know that we’ve got another training session after this.” Lucy reminds you hastily, pushing a granola bar into your hands as Keira hands you an apple.
“Yes I’ve eaten, no you two won’t be calling me ‘tot’ and ‘bubba’ when I’m 60, and yes I did in fact know that we’ve got training after lunch. Also, can I go over to Vicky’s after training? I need help with some homework.” You’re nearly through the doors of the meal room as you shout out the question, both Lucy and Keira nodding their heads in agreement.
Thinking no one’s watching you in the hallways is your fatal mistake, as you dance around in your spot you can hear the very distinct giggles from your usual partners in crime. Your eyes scan the space and in milliseconds you notice the short frames of Pina and Patri, the latter of the two holding up her phone in such a manner that convinced you that she was recording you.
“Having fun there osito?” Patri asks teasingly, as if you didn’t have plenty of incriminating videos of her doing things she definitely shouldn’t have been doing. The only response you give her is starting to run towards her at an alarming speed, the two women looking at each other in panic. 
Making the smart choice, they split up so that only one unfortunate soul had to deal with you, the one being Pina since she was easier for you to tackle to the ground if that was to be needed. She was also handed Patri’s phone when they were running, a sneaky attempt to keep the video.
“Come on, Osito, let’s not do anything drastic here.” Of course she was trying to negotiate when she was backed up against the wall, a nervous smile overtaking her face. “We’re amigos, remember?” When your eyes narrow, she knows she’s in trouble. Just as the shorter girl is about to try her chances at running away again, two stable hands land on your shoulders.
Pina nearly cries tears of joy as she sees Ingrid staring back at her, the norwegian’s arm now clasped tightly around your shoulders as she tries to pull you away from the short spaniard. But when you look back at her, thumb running across your own throat in a not so nice gesture, she begins to sweat again. 
It was no secret that you had dirt on her and Patri.
When Ingrid notices your obscene gesture she makes sure to slap the back of your head extra hard, obviously disapproving. 
“Why does everyone keep doing that?”
“Narla’s blue now, looks like a smurf bit her.” You tell Lucy who sits opposite of you at the kitchen table, Keira cooking dinner not too far away. Lucy’s head snaps up from where it was turned down to look at her phone.
“What are you talking about? Are you kidding me?” Her accent is way thicker than normal, clouding her words more than usual. Your perfected poker face was always useful, but especially in situations like this, it was extremely difficult not to burst out into laughter at her expression. 
“Yeah I am. Why would she be blue?” The first part is said fully deadpanned, it is only when you ask her why that you allow the laughter to seep through into your voice. 
Lucy’s chair falls to the floor as she stands up, hands placed on the table like she’s about to do a speech. Instead what she does is walk around to your side of the table, tackling you to the floor like it’s no problem.
The two of you wrestle on the floor like schoolboys for a few moments until Keira calls out for you both, the woman already seeming fed up with whatever’s going on.
“Kids, dinner is ready, go set the table.” She tells you, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips looking at you two in disappointment. Though most of it was channeled towards Lucy, she was supposed to be an adult after all.
The brit in question unlocks her strong arms from your midsection as you release her head from your grip, Lucy rushing to stand up.
“Careful now Luce, or I’ll get my pay back in the ring.” You hold your hands up in front of your face in the typical boxer stance, punching them out in a pattern. Right, right, left, right, left, left. At the same time you’re moving your feet against the floor rapidly, kicking them out whilst still keeping them against the floor.
“Calm it Sugar Ray.” She calls out from the kitchen, between the sounds of plates clacking together and utensils clinging. 
“Actually I was going for more of an Ali vibe.” You respond, fighting the smile willing itself onto your face. 
“Actually, Keira said ‘kids’ meaning both of us, so come here and help me.” Keira laughs at the playful shake of your head as you pass her by, her hands stretching up to mess your hair up even more. Dodging her hand as you slip into the kitchen has you triumphant, putting your hands up in celebration like Rocky.
It’s short lived though as Keira comes up behind you to complete her earlier action. You grumble in fake annoyance as you bring out the plates and place them on the table, sitting down in your seat with an overexaggerated  angry expression on your face.
It all washes away though as Keira pinched your cheek lovingly, a genuine smile coating your lips. Dinner was spent in pleasant conversation, spent like a family.
“Jorge Vilda: father to be.” Exclamations of disgust, shock and pure hatred ring out through the Barcelona locker room, some even pausing in the middle of getting dressed to look at you. You yourself were staring down at your phone pretending to read an article. “The former Spain coach announced the pregnancy on his instagram earlier this morning.” 
“What the actual fuck?” Mapi finally gets out after nearly a minute of choking sounds, her face contorted into an expression of disgust.
“This has to be some kind of joke, Satan can’t have children.” Patri adds on, looking slightly green. You’d be more concerned about it if it weren’t for the facepaint you and Pina had applied onto her when she fell asleep first at the sleepover the night before. 
“Of course she’s joking, there’s no article.” Irene takes your phone from your hands, showing the girls in the room what you actually were doing. “She’s playing 2048, we don’t have to worry.” Relieved sighs cling out throughout the room before they realize what you did, multiple hands coming down to slap your head again.
“Stop the abuse, did any of you actually think any woman would get within ten meters of that man? I wouldn’t even if I got a million euros.” Most of the women in the room shake their heads in amusement, though agreeing with you.
“You have got to stop doing that osito.” Mapi laughs out, knuckles digging into your head affectionately.
“I’ll stop when you all stop messing with my hair.” You grumble, smoothing your hair down against your now hurting head, Mapi’s knuckles leaving bruises.
“Luis Rubiales dead at 46 due to unknown caus-” You were cut off in the middle of reading the title of the ‘article’, some of the women in the room jumping up to stand on their chairs, others cheering loudly.
"Hallelujah!” Was heard from multiple people, others settling on just dancing in their spots like they’d won the lottery.
Trying to slip out of the room to avoid having to tell them it was a prank and ruining the joy, you were quickly pulled back by a suspicious Alexia Putellas, her glare so intense that you were shying back from looking at her. 
“Stop the celebrations, cariño was just pranking us again.” Even though Alexia tried to be the stern and serious captain, she couldn’t help the smile stretching across her face at the prank. She could admit when a prank was funny and the fact that everyone believed you, knowing full well that you’d done the exact same thing only weeks before made it that much more hilarious.
“Come onnnnnn, I thought we talked about not doing this bubs.” Lucy calls out to you sternly, but you knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t really mad at you, both her and Keira had amused half smiles on their faces.
“Okay, okay I promise that was the last time. Besides, I don’t think any reaction will ever top the one you just gave me.” 
The women in the room looked at each other and then back at you, seemingly deciding that the best course of action would be to smother you with their hugs and kisses. It was impossible to get away from the mob, the ones closest to you covering your face in platonic kisses, the rest just looked on in amusement, waiting for their own turn to torture you.
And even though it took about 10 minutes to get all the women off you, and back to your parents, you wouldn’t do anything to change them ever. You loved them all, even if they messed up your hair daily.
Osito - teddy/teddy bear
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sundaynightlive · 11 months
Soft (Steddie + Platonic Stobin)
Hey Steve?”
“Can I say something? And can you promise not to get mad at me?”
Steve looks over at her curiously. He can hardly imagine what she could say that would really upset him, or why she’d feel the need to preface anything she had on her mind with a question like that. Usually, she’s all gung-ho about pissing him off—it’s just how they are, constantly bickering like an old married couple. Steve really doesn’t blame anyone for thinking they’re together—they sure act like it, in a roundabout sort of way.
“Say you promise.” Steve rolls his eyes.
“Seriously, Rob, I’m not gonna—”
“Say you promise.”
That actually slightly unnerves him. He keeps his eyebrows raised, but relents.
“Alright, I promise.” She shifts in her seat, glances up at Eddie and the kids on stage, all chattering about something he doesn’t understand—attack rolls? Natural 20s? Owlbears?
“He makes you soft,” she says. Steve follows her gaze.
Oh. She noticed.
Steve tends to be oblivious, but he had noticed this, mostly because it was so… new. Irregular. Confusing. Around Eddie he just… softens. That’s about the best way to describe it—he’s glad Robin said so, because now he can put a name to the feeling. His brain seems to stop its mile-a-minute, mamma-bear rampage and just… quiet. He can’t put a finger on why—well he can, but it’s… a lot. He’s spent many a night staring up at the ceiling, trying to discern whether he really is romantically attracted to Eddie, or if he’s projecting. Maybe he’s been alone so long he just can’t tell anymore. Maybe his and Nancy’s little dance around each other is just confusing to the point of insanity.
But Robin noticed. And they should talk.
“Can we move back a few rows?”
They stand and none of the kids nor Eddie take notice. Their voices are getting progressively louder, and Ed is perched in his chair like he could spring up on to the table at any moment, hands motioning excitedly in all sorts of ways. He talks with his hands, just like Nance and Robin.
“Are you mad?”
“No,” Steve says as they take seats in the mid-section, a little farther towards the back of the auditorium. He settles in, both to the seat and his own uncomfortability, not sure how to start the things he needs to say. He has questions, answers, concerns—but where to begin?
The beginning, probably.
“Do you remember that night the three of us were hanging and then Vickie came and picked you up and I told you I left right after?”
“I didn’t.”
He looks over to make eye-contact with her, and finds just Rob, gazing at him. A little curiosity, a little surprise at his blatant lie—but he hadn’t known how to talk to her about it. Or how to explain himself. He had thought it easier just to hide that he and Eddie could ever get along without her, because she felt like an essential intermediary. A reason that it isn’t what it actually is.
He can’t really explain himself. He doesn’t really get why he lied, either.
“Liar,” Rob accuses, but there’s no bite.
“I stayed,” Steve confirms, breaking their shared gaze to look back out toward Ed. He’s got this feeling in his guts like he’s about to get into trouble, like he’s broken one of his mom’s nice antiques and is about to lose his swimming pool privileges—
“We talked for the entire night. Until six in the morning. And then I went home, and I wanted to call him. And I… I’ve been having these thoughts like maybe I like him? And I don’t get it because—” Robin takes his hand “—I like girls, you know? I know I do, you know I do—”
“Can I interrupt? Just a two second thought.” Steve nods, “Some people like boys and girls, it’s called being bisexual. I just want you to have that in mind for the rest of this conversation.” Steve blinks at her. Nods slowly.
Maybe he should’ve gone to her sooner.
Not maybe. Definitely.
“Okay… right. So… I’m fucking stupid,” Steve breathes. Robin shakes her head vigorously, adding a second hand to the mix.
“No no no,” she insists quickly, “But I want you to—“
“No, I like him,” Steve realizes, a million—maybe a billion—thoughts and feelings invading him all at once. Fear, uncertainty, excitement, relief, anxiety—he can’t even latch on to one of those. He doesn't know how to feel or think or anything except for this stark, pervasive understanding— “Holy shit, Robin.”
“Steve, you’re getting ahead of yourself—”
“No, I’m not,” Steve shakes his head, kind of probably in shock, “No, I… I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks. I should’ve just… Oh my god.”
He puts his free hand over his face, absolutely mortified. Not about liking Eddie, of course, but because he had stupidly never considered that liking girls didn’t automatically make him unable to like guys.
Jesus, he's an idiot.
“I’m sorry,” Robin says, and for what, Steve has no idea. She’s just fixed his whole problem—or at least, half the problem. Now he has a crush he has to deal with, and of course Nancy, but at least— “It’s not a bad thing, though. I know it’s a lot to deal with and if you need anything I’m here. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“Rob, I’m fine,” Steve assures her, “Other than having a fucking pathetic crush on Eddie.”
“So… you’re good with liking guys?” Steve looks up at her, sighing again for what feels like the hundredth time in this conversation.
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’s just I totally could’ve been doing something about it if I had just asked you sooner.”
Robin stares at him.
He stares back.
What, is he supposed to have some sort of breakdown? He’s had all sorts of thoughts about Billy and Tommy and Harrison Ford—of course he likes guys. Of course that’s not a “straight person” thing, he’s not stupid. But if he’d just applied a tiny bit of critical thinking—
“Are you serious right now?”
“Of course I’m serious,” Steve scoffs, “I could’ve already had, like, eight boyfriends if I had just thought about it. But I’m a fucking meathead.”
The unintentional hilarity of that statement doesn’t miss either of them, but now’s probably not the time.
She stares.
He stares back.
“You astound me, Harrington.”
“Do you think Eddie likes guys?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Of course I’m—seriously, do you think he likes dudes?”
“I hate that you just said dudes.”
“How many times has he suggested we watch Rocky Horror?”
“Enough for us to shorten the name.”
“There’s your answer,” she says, still sounding flabbergasted at his nonchalance, “Man, I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I cried for forty-eight hours after I realized I liked girls.”
“Do you want me to cry?”
Robin grimaces, “You’re right, I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought.”
She shakes her head, clearly done with him. It’s uniquely comforting how quickly she can go from a supportive shoulder to a hateful best-friend. He admires that about her, the many facets of her personality that make her, her. He truly doesn’t know what he’d do without her. He wishes they had talked in high school, that he could’ve been someone else in those days, especially seeing where being the “coolest guy in town” has really gotten him.
Nowhere, that’s where.
“I love you,” he says. She’s still holding his hand, and she stays holding it.
“I love you, too.”
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bellawoso · 15 days
say yes to heaven.
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
desc: gfs documentary made me cry so i had to write some fluff to make me feel better!!
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you and aitana had been friends ever since you joined barcelona just a year ago. although the midfielder befriended and stuck with every newbie on the team until they found their closest friends, you and her instantly clicked and became best friends in no time.
what you werent expecting was for your platonic feelings for the brunette to blossom into a crush, which although you deemed would go away soon, never did and only became stronger.
you never acted on your feelings though, always too scared that she would never feel the same way, i mean you didnt even know if aitana was into girls or not, let alone whether she liked you back as well.
you had more or less successfully managed to suppress your feelings though. the multiple shots that mapi encouraged you to take at the club you and the team were at, seemed to make you temporarily forget about your tragically unrequited love for your best friend.
unfortunately, aitana wasnt the only one known in the team for not dating. and honestly, if anyone knew why you were laying off dating, they would not be able to blame you. however, as aitana wasnt one for teasing and pranking her teammates, they chose to not tease her for her inability to settle with anyone. opposite to aitana, you loved joining prank wars with vicky, jana, bruna, salma, pina and patri. which left you on the receiving end of relentless bullying about your lack of love life.
this night out in london was no exception, except this time, the group had decided to instead try help you find someone, and had now made it a contest of who could find someone for you first.
the rest of the team including aitana, who were much more mature than your group, had decided to come up to your table and sit with you all, making sure you wouldnt get into trouble. they had soon caught onto what your group was trying to do, and seeing the permanent pout on your face made it even funnier.
one person who was not amused though, was aitana herself, with her heart racing with fear every time someone pointed a random person out for you, and a scowl each time you winced when patri elbowed your ribs for saying no.
eventually it became too much for the midfielder to handle, as she told the group to grow up and stop being so immature and childish, before pulling you onto her lap.
your eyes widened in surprise and your cheeks flushed red as aitana then decided to loop her arms around your waist, her fingertips just dipping under the waistband of your skirt to rub small circles into your skin. your spine involuntarily shivered at the prospect of having aitana this close, and you blushed once again as she lent towards your ear to whisper something to you.
was this best friend behaviour in spain? honestly you werent too sure, but judging by the smirk that lucy sent your way, you were guessing that what you and aitana were doing was leaning more to the couple side of things.
most other people on the team who were sat around the table also seemed surprised and also amused at aitanas sudden behaviour. until vicky burst out laughing, interrupting everyones conversations as she said “i think i know someone whos perfect for y/n!” as she sent a very obvious wink at aitana, making you throw a cup coaster from the table at her head.
however it seemed that aitana hadnt found what vicky said amusing, as you felt her tense up behind you and her hands unravelled themselves from around your waist, before lightly shoving you off her lap onto the seat next to you, claiming she needed to use the bathroom.
you didnt see aitana for the rest of the night, she clung very closely to keira and ona much to your dismay. so to distract yourself from your crushes unusual and confusing behaviour, you decided to fully let loose. and what better way to do that than let pina and patri almost control your whole night, the duo were infamously known for their wild partying antics. so this came to a shock to everyone when you teamed up with them for the night, as you were know for your love to have a peaceful night in by yourself.
one of pina and patris dares was for you to somehow you and them free drinks, they waited at the end of the bar for you, incase they noticed you feeling uncomfortable and to also collect their drinks after. aitana and almost all of the rest of the team who had gone out that night were sat back down at the booth, all in their own little conversations.
you however had managed to find a spanish girl who looked to be in her late thirties, who you were almost certain looked easy enough to convince to get you free drinks. although your slightly tipsy state had you misunderstanding the dare, thinking they meant to get drinks for the entire table, which in theory it was almost impossible to get someone to buy that many drinks for a stranger. but you were a woman on a mission, and you didnt want to fail this dare at all, and you were determined to have a better night than aitana, who seemed to be completely ignoring you.
after talking and flirting with the woman for a bit, she offered to buy you a drink, to which you responded you were supposed to be getting your whole table drinks now. but as soon as you saw her pull a sleek black card out of her wallet, you knew you would be winning this dare. you managed to remember most peoples drinks, and glanced over to pina and patri who had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces at the number of drinks being made for you.
it was even better when she offered to take the two trays over to your booth after you claimed your arms were aching, pina and patri quickly trailed behind, curious at how exactly you had pulled that off.
as soon as she placed the trays of drinks down, her phone began to ring, as she spoke some fast, accented words in spanish to you, which your very tipsy brain couldnt comprehend, you quickly said adios to her followed with a drunken wave.
as pina and patri told the table the dare and how you had gotten it wrong, alexia, sandra, marta and irene shook their heads and lectured you for your actions, claiming that it was a stupid idea. whereas lucy clapped her hand on your back shouting “thanks mate” in your ear.
until ona spoke, drawing all the attention over to a very confused you “i cant believe she said that to you y/n”
you honestly had no idea what her words were, only comprehending the word “noche” making you guess she wished you a good night. “what do you mean ona? i didnt really understand it”
this made patri laugh “oh amiga, she said she wished she could have expanded her night with you, and said ‘preferably to get you in his bed’ you must have really been flirting with her”
upon hearing your newfound knowledge of what the woman said, aitana muttered under her breath of how she was tired and was going home, as she threw a glare your way, your stance visibly deflated and a deep frown settled on your face. you hated arguing with aitana, and it was so much worse that you had absolutely no idea what you have done.
you also excused yourself and began to follow aitana out, stumbling a few times as an effect of your ridiculously high heels and the large amount of alcohol youve had. you managed to catch up to her just as she was getting in her car, aitana hadnt had too much to drink tonight, so planned on driving herself home, even though she knew she would not be able to sleep with thoughts of you clouding her mind.
if you were sober, there was no way you would just rag open aitanas car door and fall straight on to the seat, but the drinks you had gave you the confidence and desperation you needed to to ask and find out what you did wrong.
“dios mio y/n! you terrified me, you cant just do that!” aitana shouted, your abrupt entrance had terrified the brunette, but you brushed her temporary shock to the side, a burning question on the tip of your tongue. “aitana have i upset you? why have you been ignoring me?” you asked with a frown on your face, completely averting your eyes from aitana. you were a sad drunk, often getting way too emotional, and the last thing you wanted to do was drunk cry in front of your crush.
“no, no- y/n, you havent! i- i just, im confused, okay? thats all, im not mad at you” aitana reassured, she avoided you tonight solely due to her confusion of her anger towards the people that your teammates had been picking out for you at the bar. if she knew how upset and anxious it had made you, then she would have stayed with you all night if it meant you were okay.
“do- do you want to come back to mine? or you can go to yours! thats fine too- honestly! i-” aitana noticed her rambling and cut herself of as she felt her cheeks heat up. “aita, i want to go back to yours please” you said softly to the midfielder. “vale cari, lets go” she responded.
as aitana navigated the streets of barcelona towards her apartment, you could help but laugh at her soft angered mutters of the irritating barcelona traffic and the dozens of traffic lights she had to stop at that she insisted were “unnecessary and a waste of time and money” as you approached a 24 hour food place on the side of the road, aitana moved her hand over to your thigh making your breath hitch. her question of whether you were hungry or not went unanswered, as you were too busy overthinking the hand on your thigh. as aitana pulled into a parking space she asked again however she was now met with your extremely flustered face.
this told aitana all she needed to know on whether her feelings for you were reciprocated or not, and the newfound knowledge that they were supplied her with enough confidence to lean over the centre console. aitana then grabbed your jawline softly, she noticed you glancing at her lips which gave her the confirmation she needed to press her lips onto yours.
the kiss started off slow, aitana not wanting you to feel uncomfortable and like you were rushing things. until you decided you wanted more and tangled your hands in her hair pulling her impossibly closer which prompted her to slip her tongue into your mouth, the kiss becoming rougher and more desperate. the kiss only ended when you were near to a point of gasping for air, and as you were still trying to catch your breath, aitana decided it would be a good time to ask “go on a date with me”. you couldnt tell if she had meant to demand you to go out with her, or whether she just forgot to form a question when translating what she wanted to say. either way, you didnt hesitate when responding “vale” with a small laugh at her way of asking you, as she turned to you with a smile at hearing the spanish fall from your lips.
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caption: shes not a very good driver 😇😇
liked by: alexiaputellas, lucybronze and 54,324 others.
lucybronze: i think we all know who that is..
-> yourinstagram: i think we all know who you left with last night (your not as subtle as you think you are)
fbcfemeni: is that caption really true?
-> yourinstagram: aitana get off barcelonas account 😭
-> fbcfemeni: its not aitana!!
-> yourinstagram: mentirosa 😬😬
user1: omg its a for aitana!!!
user2: has everyone seen barcas comments 😭
user3: not aita on the teams account 😭
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pinkyqil · 1 month
lucy bronze x reader
platonic where r struggles with anxiety and Lucy supports her
either at England camp or in Barca
It okay not to be okay // lucy bronze
You've honestly been trying really hard too improve yourself socially, from getting your first England call up to playing for Barcelona it required a lot of hard work and socializing which you're able to do expect the socializing part.
That were you meet Lucy bronze she was one of the older girls. who had taken a liking to you and Lauren James despite the age gap she had mange to get you out of you shell and got you to come around a few of the england girlies before.
So when she heard the news about you transferring to barcelona your bound had become stronger and you could go to her for whatever problems you had.
But you'd always been very anxious when it comes to meeting new people.so here you were at a team night out standing all alone while the rest of the girls where either having fun together or pulling some type of prank on the older girls.
But you were always felt uneasy whenever it came to socializing with other's faulty at your anxiety one of the main reasons you always found yourself stressed out or struggling.
You always wanted to join in on what the other youngsters where doing but despite trying you would overthink it cause of you were afraid to be regretted or casted outside so most of the time you kept to yourself.
But lucy was always there to spot you and help you be more outgoing like right now.
"Oi kid why aren't you with the other's causing trouble isn't that what teenagers like you love doing". she asked you
"Nothing I don't really know".you told her while starring at your shoes.
"Don't bush around the corner kid why don't you try talking to some of the other girl I'm pretty sure they've been wanting to get to know you".
"I wil just need space right now I'll be right back". you told her before making a run to the bathroom.
Looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror trying to get yourself to breath properly.it wasn't always easy telling someone to just go out there a "make friends".
For some reason you started struggling to breathe tears falling down your face.vicky had open the bathroom door and saw you shaking and her mind went immediately to call in lucy.
Lucy came rushing in when she heard Vicky say something about you not breathing right and bathroom.
"Oh bug I'm so sorry deep breathes okay take it slow in and out". she told you vicky was right next to her rubbing your back to ease it out for you.
After calming down for what seemed like ages to you vicky came run right pass you before yelling.
"Tag your it".
"Aye that not fair".you told her before chasing her around along with the other girl losing lucy glance on you she finally relaxed knowing you were all well now.
244 notes · View notes
starryeyedjanai · 9 months
sitting between comfort and chaos
steddie | 5.7k | rated: teen
5 times everyone thought Steve and Eddie were dating before they got together + the first time Steve tells someone after they actually get together
happy birthday @legitcookie!!! i hope you had a fantastic day!💗
read on ao3
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Thinking back on it all, Steve thinks he should have known something was up when Dustin started letting Eddie sit up front when he drove them places, a spot reserved only for Robin or Erica when Dustin was riding with him.
Steve has seen that kid - who's not really a kid anymore, he's in college now which is so weird to think about - elbow his friends in the neck trying to get to the car first so he could ride shotgun. So giving up the coveted spot for anyone - even Eddie - should have been a giant red flag.
Steve brings up Dustin letting Eddie sit up front to Robin and gets an eye roll for his trouble.
"What?" he asks. "It's not like it isn't weird. The kid will literally only let you or Erica sit up front and he only lets Erica do it because he's afraid of her."
"Yeah, and he let me sit up front because he thought that we were a thing or about to become a thing or whatever," Robin says, like that explains anything.
"Right," he says, not quite getting what she's getting at.
Dustin knows better now and has stopped bothering them about it, stopped asking Steve when he's going to finally ask Robin out. It only took a million years, but he thinks Dustin gets it now.
He still lets Robin sit up front out of habit - and because Steve refused to start the car the one time Dustin tried to bully his way up front with Robin after figuring out they would never be a 'thing'.
"You know he still kind of idolizes both of you and now that you're, you know-" Robin says trailing off.
Steve lost the thread a little bit, but he nods. "Sure, sure," he says.
Now that he and Eddie are friends, Dustin has stopped bugging them about about each other. Maybe Robin's right. Dustin is still just idolizing Eddie and that's why he lets him sit up front.
Steve still thinks it's weird though.
The first instance Steve can remember something weird happening even before Dustin started letting Eddie sit up front was at a club in Indianapolis.
Robin's sitting in between him and Vickie in the booth, talking about her classes this semester, when she stops short.
"Rob?" Steve asks, and then waves a hand in front of her face when she doesn't respond.
She snaps out of it when he boops her nose lightly. "Uh, um. Don't look, but-"
He immediately looks in the direction she was looking in when she spaced out and tries to scope out what she saw that caught her attention so hard she stopped talking. He sees the crowd of dancing people in his line of sight, but he doesn't see anything out of place.
"I said don't look!" she snaps at him and he turns back to her.
"What? I don't see anything!" he says, feeling chagrined at her snapping at him like that. "You can't say 'don't look' and expect me not to look."
"Just- Eddie's, like, dancing on someone right now," she says, tone almost apologetic.
Steve fails to see what's so special about that. Eddie's always hooking up with someone when he and Steve come out together. He doesn't even think it's the first time Robin's seen it, so he isn't sure why she's so shocked. Vickie has a sympathetic look on her face when Steve glances at her to see if she thinks it's weird that Robin is bringing this up.
"Okay?" he says, voice lilting high at the end like a question.
"And you're okay with that?" Robin asks, her eyebrows furrowing.
"Uh, should I not be? He's always hooking up when we go out," he says, looking back over and yep - he's got his tongue down some guy's throat on the dance floor, the guy's hands gripping Eddie's ass to bring their hips together. Steve feels a ribbon of want float through him - it's been a while since he hooked up with someone.
"So, you've got like an arrangement where you can hook up with other people?" Robin asks, confused.
And Steve is also confused. The way she says 'arrangement' like it has connotations that he should understand. Why would he and Eddie have even talked about hooking up with anyone?
His slightly tipsy brain tries to rationalize it - maybe she's talking about when they go out just the two of them, like if Eddie hooks up with someone, Robin's assuming Steve would be all alone. He doesn't have a problem with it - he's a social butterfly when he's drunk and even if he wasn't, Eddie running off to go dance or make out or hook up with someone gives Steve time to find someone to hook up with himself. It's not like he's ever bored when he goes out with Eddie.
So he tells her, "He can literally do whatever he wants, Bobbie."
She sips her drink and stares at him, her gaze scrutinizing, and whatever she sees must appease her because she drops it and starts talking about her courses again.
When he remembers that conversation the next day, all he can think about is how bizarre Robin was acting.
The next weird occurrence he can remember happening, he didn't even find out until after the fact that something was awry.
He's on vacation with most of the older crew, staying at a house near the ocean, just a small little bungalow, for the week that they're in California.
When Steve and Eddie go to drop their suitcases off in the room Nancy shuffles them towards, they pause.
There's only one bed.
He and Eddie look at each other and Eddie says, "Maybe all the rooms have one bed?"
"Yeah, yeah, probably," he says, dragging his suitcase to the far side of the room.
"We probably shouldn't say anything, right?" Eddie asks, later, before they all head out to the beach. "Like, about the room?"
Steve thinks about it. He knows Nancy is the one who got the keys to the house through her parent's friends and she got here earlier than them and scoped out the place. If there was another option to them sharing the same bed, Nancy would have told them. "Yeah, I mean. It's fine, right? You don't have a problem sleeping next to me?"
Eddie shakes his head. "Oh, of course not. I'm good sharing if you are."
"Yeah, it's no problem," Steve says. He kind of can't remember the last time he shared a bed with someone other than Robin when she stays over at his apartment sometimes.
"Okay, then we'll just. Keep it to ourselves. Besides, I feel like Nancy would skin us if we tried to complain about a place we aren't even paying for," Eddie says with a grin. The perk of Nancy's parent's friend having a vacation house is that even though it's a little small, they let them use it for free. And it's empty because they only use it when it's winter in Hawkins.
"She one hundred percent would," Steve agrees, so they drop it and don't bring it up. Too few beds isn't the end of the world.
Waking up with Eddie's arm firmly wrapped around his waist is fine, nice even. If Steve turns off the alarm that woke him, snuggling back into the embrace, making them both late for breakfast when they finally do wake up, that's no one's business but his own.
It's later, after they're home, that Eddie stops by and tells him about the extremely bizarre conversation he had with Nancy the last day there.
He says, "So something weird happened on vacation and I don't know what to make of it and I'm only telling you because you're the only other person it affected," as soon as Steve opens the door.
"What happened," Steve asks, instantly worried. He lets him in and Eddie starts pacing in the living room. Steve goes to sit on the couch.
"So, that last day on vacation, Nancy asked me to come sit on her suitcase because it wouldn't close with all the souvenirs she bought. I went into her and Jonathan's room and there were two beds," Eddie says, stopping in place to look at Steve to gauge his reaction.
His eyebrows shoot up. "Oh," he says. He's really not sure what to make of that either.
Eddie starts pacing again.
"Yeah. So I asked her why there were two beds in their room, but not two beds in our room - kind of put my foot in my mouth if I'm being honest. I didn't mean to just blurt it out, but then she said 'we were just trying to make sure everyone was comfortable'," he says, inflecting his voice higher to mimic Nancy.
"What the hell does that mean?" Steve asks, trying to wrack his brain and see if he remembers her telling him anything about her and Jonathan's relationship being shaky. He thought they were good. There were some rocky times before Vecna, with the distance and everything, but once they were both in the same place again, things seemed to smooth out between them. They've been happy together for years as far as he could tell.
"Exactly!" Eddie says, finally coming to sit on the couch next to him. "I literally asked her what does that mean? Because I had no idea. Still have no idea. She said 'what? It's not like you have a problem sharing with Steve', which honestly something about her tone made me feel like I was stepping on her toes, so I just dropped it. But I can't stop thinking about it. Are she and Jonathan okay?"
"As far as I know," Steve says. "That's so weird. But if there is something happening between them, it would make sense that they'd call dibs on the one room that has two beds. I gotta talk to her and see what's going on."
"Don't, like, tell her I told you or anything," Eddie says to him. Steve still thinks it's hilarious that Eddie is patently afraid of Nancy and her guns, which are mostly retired and locked up.
"'Course not," he says. "I'll just ask how they're doing the next time we hang out. I hope it's something they can get through at least."
"Yeah," Eddie sighs. "If they don't make it, how are the rest of us supposed to have a chance?"
Steve does ask Nancy about it later, just casually asks how she and Jonathan are doing.
She kind of narrows her eyes at him and says they're fine, but her voice is suspicious like she isn't sure what he's getting at. He drops it because he's also a little afraid of her.
The entire situation just leaves him confused, though.
He doesn't bring it up to Nancy again, but he does talk to Robin about it because his conversation with Nancy left a weird feeling in his chest.
"Eddie told me Nancy and Jonathan had separate beds on vacation," Steve blurts out, trying to go for casual, but absolutely failing.
She looks over at him with a weird expression on her face and says, "Yeah, I thought you knew that? It was just how it all shook out. Nancy just wanted everyone to be comfortable." And those words are eerily similar to what Eddie told him Nancy said about it.
He asks, "What do you know?"
"What do you mean?" she counters.
"You know something," he says, narrowing his eyes. "Are she and Jonathan alright? I tried asking her, but I felt like she was gonna bite my head off."
"They're fine," Robin says. "Nancy and Jonathan were just taking one for the team."
Steve's still so confused.
Robin must see the confusion on his face because she grabs his hand and says, "Look, we don't really ever talk about it, and that's totally fine by the way, but we all just want you to be happy."
Steve isn't sure where that came from or what it has to do with Nancy and Jonathan, but he's touched that his friends want him to be happy, he supposes.
It's when he and Eddie get an apartment together that Robin brings up the thing she said at the club, jogging his memory of that bizarre night.
She's helping him unpack his room, putting stuff in the drawers, leaving space in some of them like she expects half of his wardrobe to be filled with something else. He thinks it's just another one of her weird quirks. Does she keep yarn for her knitting projects in half of her dresser or something?
He's hanging some shirts and she's folding his jeans when she blurts out, "You know, you don't have to let him 'do whatever he wants' just because it's what he wants, right? You're allowed to have a say in it too, you know."
It takes him a minute to realize who she's even talking about and even longer to realize she's referring to the conversation they had at the club years ago now.
"What- Eddie?" he asks confused. She nods, so he asks, "Why, because we live together now and that should, like, change something?"
Robin sighs, setting the folded jeans in the drawer. "I just mean, this doesn't exactly seem like the type of thing you'd be into. You've never mentioned wanting-"
He cuts her off, and says, "I mean, it's not like I don't also hook up with people when we go out."
That shuts her up for a solid minute. He watches as she processes it and almost wants to roll his eyes. His friends really think he has no love life whatsoever, huh?
He knows he hasn't dated anyone in a long time, but he's fine hooking up with people when he and Eddie go out sometimes. He can't say he doesn't miss having someone, or being in a relationship, but he's fine for now. He's still young, he still has time, you know?
Robin looks at him and says, "Okay. Okay, if that's something you want. Only if it's what you want, though. Don't just let Eddie talk you into something you don't want to do. Don't let him walk all over you."
"Yeah, of course," he says easily. "And if you're worried about us bringing people back here and it causing tension or whatever, we have rules in place and everything."
Robin says, "That- that's good! Rules are good."
'Rules' might be stretching it, but they did talk about guests not staying for longer than one night and trying to keep it down when they do have guests and that's good enough for Steve.
Luckily, Robin seems content to let him drop the subject and talk about how they're thinking of decorating the living room.
The invitation comes in the mail.
Max popped the question - surprising Lucas, who had been agonizing for weeks over how to propose - a few months ago.
They knew the invitations were coming. Max told him over the phone that they'd be coming soon and that she expected them to send back an RSVP even though she already knew they'd be coming.
Steve checks the mail and is surprised to find just one invitation addressed To Steve & Eddie.
He takes the mail inside and shows the invitation to Eddie, who's eating his breakfast, still a little bleary-eyed and soft from sleep.
He drags the chair at the kitchen table closer to Eddie's chair and drops into it as he watches Eddie frown at the envelope in his hands.
He looks at Steve and asks, "Just the one came?"
Steve nods and Eddie opens the envelope to pull out the invitation.
They look over the invitation and Steve notices the RSVP section doesn't have options to add a plus one for either of them.
"Wow," Eddie says, dragging the word out. "None of our friends think either of us would manage to convince someone to come with us to the wedding, huh?"
Steve hums in agreement. He knows Robin, Dustin, El, and Erica helped Max and Lucas with the invitations and no one saw an issue with this one.
"God, are we both so extremely single that not one of our friends thinks we could find a date?" Steve asks, putting his head in his hands.
"Truly and deeply so fucking single, dude," Eddie says, rubbing a hand over Steve's back to lament with him.
"Hey, can we talk?" Eddie asks him after dinner one night and Steve's heart immediately starts beating out of his chest.
That phrase, even uttered by a friend, out of blue, makes him think something is wrong. He has the irrational thought that he's about to get friend-broken up with or that maybe Eddie wants to get his own place or something, which would really fucking suck.
They've lived together for a long time and are kind of co-parents to a cat now - it would just be a supremely inopportune time for Eddie to suddenly decide he wants out.
Eddie must see the anxiety in his expression because he quickly says, "No, it's nothing bad. It's just- it's actually something good, I'm hoping."
"Uh, okay," Steve says, wringing his hands a little with worry.
Eddie takes a deep breath and says, "So you know how I haven't really been interested in going out or hooking up lately?"
Steve nods, his heart finally calming down a little. Eddie hasn't wanted to go out lately, but it's fine - Steve hasn't really been all that interested either, more content to just lounge around the apartment with Eddie than to go out and try to meet new people.
"It's because there's someone I'm kind of interested in right now, but I'm not sure if he likes me back. It's a close friend, so I've been debating whether or not to say anything because I don't want to screw things up if he doesn't feel the same," Eddie says.
Steve's eyebrows furrow trying to think of who Eddie could be into. The thought that he might be into Jeff or Grant or Gareth, one of his closest friends, makes something in Steve's stomach swirl. He's not sure he likes that. Eddie dating a close friend, moving out to move in with him, sharing a life with him - that leaves a bad taste in Steve's mouth.
But it's Eddie - and Eddie deserves to be happy - so he says, "I think if you like someone, even a friend, you should tell him. If he's into guys, I mean. He'd be a fool to say no to you, whoever he is."
The smile that lights up Eddie's face is a little painful to see for some reason.
"I was hoping you'd say that," Eddie says.
Steve expects Eddie to get up and leave, to go find whoever it is he's into, but he stays put, on the couch next to Steve.
He reaches out and takes one of Steve's hands in his, still looking at him, like he's waiting for something.
Thoughts churn through his brain, first wondering why Eddie would hold his hand when he's apparently in love with one of his friends, and then realizing that he's probably also in the category of people Eddie considers a close friend and then-
"Me?" Steve whispers, eyes wide.
That smile is still there, fond and happy.
"You," Eddie says, squeezing his hand.
"But why though?" he blurts out.
Eddie laughs. "We kind of share a life together, dude. We have a cat together and a home. And like, I don't think I've ever wanted anyone the way I want you, so there's also that."
Steve looks at him and thinks about their friendship up until this point, thinks about them deciding to move in together, to keep the stray cat Eddie found, the natural stop to them going out to clubs and bars in favor of staying in together and curling up on the couch.
He thinks of waking up for a week straight on vacation with Eddie's arms wrapped around him, feeling safe in his arms.
He thinks about the feelings that wrap around his heart and squeeze when he looks at Eddie sometimes.
He thinks about Eddie's hand in his right now.
He squeezes his hand back.
"I did say whoever you were into would be stupid to say no to you," he says.
"You did say that," Eddie says. His cheeks are a little flushed and Steve is overcome with the urge to pepper kisses all over them.
He scoots closer on the couch and says, "I meant it."
Eddie leans in closer and says, "I want to kiss you, but I want to be sure that we're on the same page. Like, it's not just about wanting to fuck you, which I do by the way-"
Steve interrupts and says, "I mean, I kind of got that when you said you didn't want to ruin your friendship if I didn't feel the same."
"Shut up, I'm trying to confess my love to you," Eddie says.
"Love?" Steve teases.
The blush on Eddie's face deepens, spreading down his neck. "Kind of. I mean, I've known you for how long now? I think it's kind of impossible to know you and not love you."
There's heat prickling behind Steve's eyes, embarrassingly enough. "I'm gonna kiss you," he says, instead of addressing how that one line has absolutely swept him off his feet.
He pushes closer, closing the small distance between them, getting his mouth on Eddie's for the first time.
Eddie sighs against his mouth, this pleased little sound that lights Steve up from the inside. He wants to kiss Eddie until he's dazed with it, wants to hear all the noises Eddie can make, wants to draw them out of him with his mouth and his hands.
Eddie kisses him and kisses him and kisses him until his mouth feels tender under Eddie's.
He pushes Steve backwards on the couch to lay on top of him, his hips in the cradle of Steve's thighs. He keeps kissing him as he settles his weight on top of Steve, their bodies pressed flush together.
They lick into each other's mouths for a long minute, just tongues tasting each other and mouths moving together.
Steve is working up the courage to touch Eddie, to put his hands on him, when he hears him hiss in pain. He pulls away from Eddie's mouth and sees Trick clawing her way up Eddie's arm to get on the couch.
Eddie sits up and pulls her off his arm and deposits her on Steve's chest. She immediately steps on his windpipe in an attempt to curl up near his head.
"God, your daughter is so mean to me," Steve says as he moves her off his neck.
"To you?" Eddie asks, looking at his arm to make sure he's not bleeding. "It was my arm that she clawed."
Eddie's still perched between Steve's legs, but with Tricky on the couch, there's no way they can go back to making out.
"I have to tell Robin," Steve says.
Eddie grins at him and asks, "Immediately after our first kiss? You're gonna run over to her place?" There's no judgment in his voice and that makes something in Steve's chest feel tender - that Eddie knows how he is with Robin and isn't weird about it.
"Yeah, it won't take long. I'll be back before you know it." Steve watches as Eddie climbs off him and adjusts himself in his pants. He covers Patricia's ears and says, "Trick won't like it, but when I get back, we can lock her out of the bedroom so she can't interrupt us next time."
"Oh yeah? And what are we gonna do 'next time'?" Eddie asks.
"Whatever you want," Steve says, watching the flush return to Eddie's face.
He bites back a grin and says, "Hurry back. I'll, uh, I don't know. I'll get myself ready or something."
Heat floods Steve's veins. "You gonna be waiting for me with a rose in your mouth when I get back?" he teases, trying to dissipate some of that heat.
"I think you're the roses boyfriend, not me."
"Boyfriend?" Steve asks, standing up from the couch.
"Boyfriend," Eddie says, cupping his jaw and kissing him again. It's easy to get swept up in it, the feeling of Eddie's mouth moving against his, the feeling of Eddie's hands on his waist.
He pulls back from the kiss with a slick noise and says, "I'll be back in like twenty minutes."
Eddie nods and lets him go.
Steve grabs his keys and heads over to Robin and Vickie's apartment where he knows Robin will be.
"Bobbin," he calls out as soon as he opens the door to her apartment.
"In here," she calls back from the kitchen.
He rounds the corner of the kitchen and says, "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Eddie."
He watches several emotions pass over her face, none of them excitement, and deflates a little bit.
She says, "Okay?" like it's a question, like she's confused.
"Like, we're dating now and I'm. We like each other and I'm pretty sure it's more than that for both of us," he say, hoping to get some kind of reaction from her.
"I don't understand," she says.
"What's not to understand? Eddie and I- we're together now," he says, in case she didn't get it the first time.
Robin squints at him and says, "Okay, but you've never wanted to talk about it before. What's changed?"
"What do you mean, what's changed? We kissed and he said he was confessing his love to me. I thought you'd be happy?" His chest feels a little tight at the thought of Robin not approving. He really thought she'd be happy.
"Did you, like, break up and not tell me? Why would him confessing his love to you warrant a house call? Where is this coming from?" she asks, and Steve's moment of hurt is replaced with a deep sense of confusion because they are somehow not on the same page about this.
What the hell is she talking about?
"Rob, what do you mean break up?" he asks, feeling off-balance.
"I mean, you and Eddie have been together for years nowso I'm not sure what you're talking about." She looks in his eyes and then lights up. "Oh, are you trying to tell me you're exclusive now? That's exciting!"
Steve just stares at her for a minute, memories of the weird things his friends say to him and Eddie and the weird things that happen coming rushing to the surface. The weird conversations he's had with Robin over the years, feeling like they were talking about two different things. The first vacation where they shared a bed together even though there was a room with two beds, and how it happened again the next time they all went on vacation together. Dustin letting Eddie sit in the front seat of his car. The one, singular wedding invitation.
He's not even sure how to broach the fact that his friends all apparently thought he and Eddie have been together for years, but he says, "Eddie and I weren't dating before now. We literally just got together. We, like, literally just had our first kiss less than fifteen minutes ago."
"That's not funny, Steve. You guys have been in each other's pockets for closing in on five years now," Robin says, coming to sit on a bar stool at the kitchen island. "You, you live together and have a cat together."
He can see her mentally going through all the things she thought about them as he comes to sit next to her.
He gently says, "We weren't together before. We were only friends before today. I'm not sure what we did to make you think that we were together, but you know I'd talk to you about anyone I was dating, even Eddie."
"It's not just me!" Robin says, looking at him again with a piercing stare. "It's everyone! We all know. Or we thought you were together. I'm so confused. How is it possible that you've never kissed before? Like, wait a minute."
She stops talking and puts her head in her hands.
"What are you doing?" he asks her when she doesn't say anything for a couple minutes.
She pinches the bridge of her nose as she says, "I'm trying to channel my memories. Because there has to be a time where I asked you point blank if you were seeing Eddie and you said yes."
"I can guarantee you won't find that memory. Because it doesn't exist. Because Eddie and I weren't dating. Until now," he says.
"You went to Max and Lucas' wedding together!" she says, looking at him triumphantly.
"Not really," he says. "We thought everyone just thought we were both terminally single or something and that's why they sat us together."
Robin smacks her hand against her forehead. "This makes no sense to me. Wait, I asked you if you were in an open relationship before! We talked about it at the club and again when you moved in together. How do you explain that?" she asks.
"That time at the club, I thought you were talking about him ditching me to hook up. It didn't bother me. That's literally all I said. Not that we were in an open rela- wait, you really thought I'd be in an open relationship with someone?"
"I know! It never made sense to me! You're like the most monogamous person I know," Robin says. "Okay, I get that we crossed wires there, but what about when you moved in together? I talked to you about it then too. You said you had rules about hooking up."
He can see how saying that might have been misleading. He says, "I meant like, rules about keeping it down, not about us dating and hooking up with other people." He feels a headache coming on.
Robin looks just as exasperated as he feels. She looks like she's grasping at straws when she says, "You're always together and you touch each other all the time. When I've seen you cook together, you're always bumping his hip or hand-feeding him extra ingredients."
"We live together, of course we found a groove cooking together." he says.
"A groove, okay," she says, rolling her eyes. "But even before then, you were always hanging out."
"Because he's my closest guy friend? Closest friend in general other than you," he says, still so unsure how he missed his entire friend group thinking they were together.
Steve doesn't know how this happened - how all his friends could have thought they were together when he didn't even know how he felt about Eddie until today. How could he have missed this?
But listen.
Steve has never claimed to be a smart man.
If anything, he thinks Eddie should have caught on long before he ever did, so he's holding strong that it's not his fault he didn't see the signs. If Eddie couldn't see them either, how the hell was Steve supposed to be able to?
"And now you're boyfriends," Robin says, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"And now we're boyfriends," he agrees.
She grins over at him and says, "That's the first time you've said the b-word. This is the first time we've talked about it and you said the b-word. You really weren't dating before now."
He shakes his head. "We really weren't. And I seriously can't believe you ever bought me saying we were in an open relationship. It's like you don't know me at all," he says with a sniff.
"No, I was extremely confused about it, but you were happier with him than anyone else I've ever seen you with, so it didn't matter what I thought, you know?"
Steve's face smooths out at that and his heart melts a little. He loves her so much.
He hugs her to his side and she playfully shoves him away.
"I can't believe I've had it wrong - we've all had it wrong - this whole time. The more I think about it, though, the more it makes sense that you weren't together. Like, I expected you to be talking about him all the time, but you never really gushed about him to me. At first, I thought it was because it was your first boyfriend, you know?" she says.
He nods. He can get that. What he can't get is- "You were okay with me not talking about him, sure. But you really think I wouldn't kiss a guy I was dating in front of you? Or hold his hand?"
Robin shrugs and runs a hand over her forehead like she's getting a headache from thinking about it. "I thought you were just shy at first. Again, the boy thing. And then it was just habit not to or maybe Eddie wasn't into PDA- I was just guessing. And, I, everyone thought it, so it's not just me. You guys literally adopted a cat together, how were we supposed to take that any other way?" she asks in an exasperated tone.
"She's Eddie's, technically."
"You're telling me Patricia's not your daughter?" Robin asks.
"No, she is. But Eddie's the one that found her, so I'm just her step-dad," he says.
Robin stands up from where she's seated and says, "See! You say shit like that all the time and expect us not to think you're dating him?"
He winces. "Yeah, I kind of see it now. Well, good news is that we are dating now and I'm gonna go home and fuck him about it."
Robin rolls her eyes. "Christ, I can't believe I ever thought you could be dating him and be anything other than like that about him."
"Oh Robbie, when we come up for air, you're gonna wish we weren't like that about each other. Apparently, we've got like five years of PDA to make up for," he says with a grin.
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bylrlve · 3 days
Warning! Spoilers for Stranger Things 5 mentioned,
Rewatching episode 2, and I’m genuinely staggered by how many times Mike peeks at Will. It’s very clear his mind is on Will, in fact. I am also staggered by just how many small byler details are in here.
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His whole face drops after no. 4 too, as @starbylers observed here.
I also want to include these @chirpsythismorning gifs from the roller rink scene, as they’re brilliant:
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Mike watching Will get out of the van, and seemingly offering a hand to him.
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Mike openly watching Will as they take their skates.
(X) (X)
These are very deliberate acting choices from Finn Wolfhard, and he was certainly doing it on instruction.
Some other notes on 402:
The transition from Mike and El being fake -> Murray looking up looking like he’s experiencing his Seeing Clearly -> Robin talking about Vickie laughing ‘and not like a cheap, fake laugh, but a real, genuine laugh’, right after we saw Mike hiding his genuine disgust at burritos for breakfast behind a tone of fake laughter.
Mike’s whole face just drops into an unhappy, spaced-out espression when it zooms in on El - this is after Will ignored his sock joke (video here by @buckybxarnes)
As many have observed, Mike and El look genuinely miserable when viewed from Angela’s perspective, as opposed to the shot of them skating with Will miserable behind them
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It’s occurred to me that in s2, 3, and 4, the byler plot really takes off in episode 2. I’m wondering if that’s also the case with s5 - I’ve reconsidered my theory that the Mike + El rooftop scene takes place after the hospital plot in ep 2, as I’ve heard that the paparazzi at the filming site were told it was in episode 1.
The door slam/open transition between Joyce going to the bank to get the 40k random for Hopper, utterly singleminded, and Mike barging into the womens’ bathroom, being kicked out, and subsequently starting an argy-bargy with Will as opposed to continuing to prioritise El… well!
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The disparity in time is so interesting. El counts off 185 days since she last saw Mike - which is roughly six months, as is canon within the show (Sept-Oct 1985-March 1986). And here Mike is, saying ‘you knew she was having trouble for, like, a year’ and Will saying ‘it’s been a year, Mike’ and, in 404, Mike saying ‘the last year has been weird.’ It’s pretty obvious the last one is Mike referring to their fight nine months earlier, plus the time prior that Mike had spent pulling away from the rest of the Party to focus on El. The second one is Will potentially referencing the time that elapsed since their fight - even if it’s moreso subtext from the writers. What, then, to make of Mike saying Will knew El was having trouble for, like, a year? What subtext could be meant by this? I’d love to hear your guys’ thoughts because u can’t quite deduce this.
Mike listing off everything Will did is so hilarious given the surveillance he carried out all day on the boy, and given the fact that poor El being humiliated publicly and assaulted with liquid before she skated off bawling did not, apparently, ruin the day. On second thoughts, I understand what Will meant… she’s in trouble having Mike’s gay ass for a boyfriend.
What’s striking me now is that this fight + El’s iconic roller skate moment, are the real emotional climaxes of this episode’s M/E/W plot. It could have been Mike finding El and comforting her before she lashed out at Angela. It could have been him talking to her afterwards. It could have been at the house - him following her up to her room and silently comforting her until she fell asleep. No, no. Mike and Will airing out their grievances (and Mike betraying which of the two truly emotionally affects him more) + El handling her own shit, while Mike thoroughly disapproves.
The way that Will just wants to be Mike’s friend, but it’s Mike making it so deeply weird.
The way, also, that they stick together at the rink even after the fight, and Mike openly is more preoccupied by Will in the van. I’ve seen it observed before: the parallel between El and Will staring out the same window in the van crying: Mike looks at Will in the shot. He does not look at El in the shot.
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I think it’s hilarious that Mike ends the fight by feigning concern for El - he offered her no comfort whatsoever, actively stood away from her when she was waiting for Jonathan and Argyle to arrive, ignored her crying in the van, and of course:
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She didn’t look fine.
Mike and Will are blocked together, not Mike and El
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The sincerity of Mike’s concern over El juxtaposed with the rank falseness of ‘no, that’s…that’s not true, maybe I was a little upset in the moment’ etc really sticks out - the defensiveness is reminiscent of the tone he took with Will during the fight, but even then he was more sincere-sounding because he was more emotionally affected.
Bylers don’t talk enough about the insanity of ‘who… who said that I didn’t?’ In context, thinking logically, Mike is very likely referring to Will here (the bullies were shouting at her, he could hear what they were saying)- and why would his mind immediately go to ‘Will thinks I don’t love El, and has told her his suspicions?’ Why would he take a defensive tone?
Seriously, 402-403 M/W/E may well be the plot that (potentially) spells out byler endgame the most.
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Camp Crystal Lake: Chapter 7
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone.
The night was low key. I could tell everyone was at least a little tired from working, and playing, in the hot sun all day. Mark sat on the porch with a book in his lap, and as I entered the cabin from exploring the grounds a little I saw Vicki wander over to sit beside him.
When I entered the cabin, Jeff and Sandra sat in the living room toying with an old record player. Scott laid the length of the couch with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. I saw he had an ear pod in and was gently bobbing his head to whatever music was playing.
Joel looked over his shoulder from where he was retrieving hot dogs and hamburgers from the fridge and smirked subtly at me as I entered. I smiled back and toyed with a few stray strands of hair by my forehead.
“(Y/N),” Sandra called, waving me over.
I wandered over toward where she held a few albums in her arm like a pair of books. “Hey, did you guys get in trouble?” I asked quietly.
She shook her head. “Nah. Joel just told us not to go back over there.”
“Did you see anything creepy?”
“We didn't get that far,” Jeff claimed. “The cop picked us up before we could go inside any of the old cabins.”
“Anyone want burgers or dogs?” Joel asked aloud. He held a package of hotdogs in the air as we all glanced over.
Jeff held a hand up and then Sandra did the same. I gave a nod and Scott sat up from where he laid.
“Food?” He asked, removing his ear pods.
Joel snickered and confirmed with a nod. “Food.”
Annie appeared at the top of the open staircase toying with her damp, towel-dried hair. “Shower’s free if anyone needs to get in.” Her croc-clad feet peppered down the stairs. “I'll be back in a little bit.”
“You want anything to eat?” Joel asked her.
“I made myself a big salad about an hour ago,” she claimed. “And I'll probably have a s'more or two when I get back.”
“Beware of Ralph,” Joel said to her, half-kidding.
“Ha ha.” Annie threw her hair up into a high bun. “If I see him, I'll give him an ice cream sandwich. I'm going to check out the ice cream inventory.”
“Take a break,” Joel encouraged. “Do it in the morning.”
She waved a hand at him. “I'll be twenty minutes.”
“Mark,” Jeff shouted through the screen of the porch window. “You guys want hot dogs and burgers?”
“One of each for me,” he called back.
“I'll take a cheeseburger if you're offering,” Vicki said next.
“You hear that boss?” Jeff asked Joel.
“Loud and clear.”
“Where's Teri?” I looked around the open floor plan.
“Upstairs,” Sandra claimed.
“Anyone want to give me a hand bringing some of this stuff out to the grill?” Joel asked.
Jeff began to raise his hand but Sandra nudged his stomach with her elbow.
“Ow,” he said quietly, glancing at her.
“Go,” Sandra whispered to me, as Joel nonchalantly retrieved cheese, lettuce and tomato from the fridge.
I chuckled and cleared my throat. “I'll help,” I volunteered.
“Great, thanks,” Joel said back.
I gazed at Sandra and we shared a smirk. I pulled her in to whisper discreetly. “We need to talk later.”
“What happened?” She whispered back.
“I'll tell you later.”
Joel and I made eye contact across the room and I wandered over to grab two oversized dishes he’d laid out. When he placed a knife on top of them I glanced up at him.
“Might need you to slice a tomato or two while I heat up the grill,” he explained.
“No problem.” I retrieved the lettuce and tomato, scooped up the plates and followed him out the back door onto a little deck. The light by the back door illuminated the grilling area as the atmosphere darkened under the cover of the trees.
I placed the plates down on a small table beside the grill and retrieved a tomato as Joel squatted to turn the gas tank on. My back was to him as I began to slice the red sphere. My body stiffened and I felt a rush of adrenaline power through me when Joel’s hand topped mine on the knife. His body brushed up against mine and I let out a breath without looking back.
Joel’s hand pressed down and I went with the motion, cutting the tomato once, twice, three times.
“You’re very good at that,” he practically purred in my ear. Feeling his breath land against my neck as he spoke made me weak in the knees, and my toes curled beneath my white Nikes.
I swallowed hard, taking completely off guard but also totally on board with Joel’s advances. “Thank you,” I choked out.
“I knew how you felt about me the second I met you,” he spoke quietly. His fingers tucked a few stray strands of hair behind my ear.
There was no use in denying it. “How?” I whispered back.
“A man can tell.”
A man. He certainly was a man. The tumultuous emotions that brewed inside of me were unlike anything I’d ever felt before when it came to sex, romance and dating. My whole body was hot and if there would have been no repercussions I would have uncharacteristically turned and jumped his bones right there. 
The knife left my hand and he turned my body to face his. Joel dove in for a kiss, an extension of what was interrupted in the shed by the sheriff earlier in the day. I had been thinking about it ever since.
Can anyone see us? The concern was a fleeting one and I continued to indulge in him until Joel was the one to pull back with a breath. When he proceeded to peck my lips just after I wasn’t ready for it and simply closed my eyes without reciprocating. His hand landed on the side of my face and my eyes flickered open again. Joel let out a breath through his nose.
“Are you involved with anyone?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No. Are.. you?”
Joel mirrored my response. “No.”
“Good.” I laughed lightly as I said that.
“You, uh.. You want to agree to a summer romance?”
I laughed a little louder and Joel laughed with me. “What are the terms of that?”
“Why don’t we make them right now?”
“Okay.” I felt my body heat up even more and I couldn’t keep a wide grin from my face.
“Don’t pursue anyone else at the camp.” The statement came out sort of as a question, “And I won’t either.”
I nodded. That was more than reasonable. “I’ll agree to that.”
“Unless you’re not into this once we try-”
“I’m into it,” I said right away, making him chuckle. I added, “A man really can tell, I guess because I’m.. very into this.”
“Good.” Joel smirked, “Because I am, too.” He pulled me back to him and our lips met again. I could feel him smiling into the kiss the same way I was.
“Do we have to keep this, like, a secret?” I asked.
“Doesn’t Sandra already know?”
My eyes widened and I swallowed hard. “Well.. not.. Exactly.”
“She’s smart,” Joel said with a smirk, “She knows.”
“Well, she’s suspected.. I didn’t say anything.”
“We’re all adults here,” he reminded me, “I’m just the organizer of this place. You all seem like good workers so there’s no favoritism.” Joel toyed with my hair again, “As long as you’re not embarrassed about it, it doesn’t bother me.”
“Why would I be embarrassed?”
“Because of our age difference.”
I laughed lightly, “No guys in their twenties made me feel what you’ve made me feel in the short time I’ve known you.”
Joel looked pleased by my words and smiled smally, mostly to himself. It almost looked like he was giving himself props in his mind. It made me chuckle again.
“So.” He held a hand out in front of him, “Do we agree to the terms?”
I glanced down and shook his hand. “I agree.”
“And you’re a townie, like me,” Joel added. “So, if things go really well, maybe we can even go apple picking in the fall.”
My heart grew a size. “I’ll be around.”
“Good.” He leaned in and kissed me lips again as he reached for a spatula.
@gissellec1 @cattt777 @mellymbee @armybts20137@bbiophiliaa @littleblackcatinwonderland @mermaidgirl30 @brittmb115 @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz @beltzboys2015-blog blog @lwfics @pedropascal111 @mellymbee @itscatrodriguez-thepearl
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onboardsorasora · 20 days
Maybe Max is new to his neighborhood and hears about his direct neighbor, Daniel but never sees him. Realizes he sees lights in the townhouse next door at very random times but no one else seems worried.
Their mutual neighbour Vicky checks on the house for Daniel often. Because he apparently keeps weird hours. She feeds is fish for him.
Anyway he's heard a lot about this guy, the neighbors at their end of the cul de sac love him, even though he's often absent. And they take care of things for him. Daniel's lawn never gets unruly, and someone takes in his mail for him. Max wonders just how safe it is for so many people to have a key to your home. Especially if they know you're not there. They always talk about seeing him and Max can never say hes had the pleasure.
It's probably almost 3 months of that when Max gets home late one evening from a night out. He sees a lone lamp light on in Daniel's house and the front door is open. Max is on alert.
He goes to the house, slowly. He has Vicky on speed dial but it's like 1 am so he'll assess then call the police if anything. He goes up the stairs and pushes the door open, there's shuffling upstairs- definitely the sound of someone rummaging.
Max is no hero, he calls the police. Fifteen minutes later and there's a patrol car. The officer that gets out, Esteban, doesn't seem too worried about the situation. Which makes Max annoyed because he very clearly stated that the robber person was still in the house.
Esteban walks to the front door, doesn't even draw his gun.
"ki Ki ki" he calls out, weirdly. Max furrows his brow in confusion
"rraaa rrraa!" Calls from inside. Esteban chuckles and enters the house, Max follows him.
"Danny, you left your door unlocked again. Your neighbor is worried." Esteban reprimands up the stairs.
"ah shit. Right. My bad." A sharp accented voice groans then there was the sound of rapid footsteps down the staircase. A man jumped onto the bottom landing and Max swallowed thickly.
A tangle of curly hair, framed a hot face pulled back in a chagrined smile. Corded muscle bulged as he rubbed the back of his head. He wore a dirty tight blue shirt and large, navy almost cargo pants that Max recognized as those from a fireman.
His hot neighbor was a fireman.
"Sorry about all the trouble. Thanks for like looking out though." His neighbor, Danny, greeted, sticking his hand out for a handshake. Which Max took.
"oh it's- it's no problem. Can't be too safe y'know? I'm Max by the way."
"Daniel. Sorry we're literally meeting like a thief in the night or whatever. Vicky told me you'd moved in, but we've been short shifted at the station." Daniel explained and Max blushed that Vicky had updated Daniel about him.
"are we all good here? I'm gonna tell dispatch that you're buying a box of donuts for the night shift." Esteban teased and Daniel groaned again
"I'll remember to close the door!" He called when Esteban left.
"I take it this happens often?" Max asked and Daniel blushed.
"too often," he grumbled. "When I do a double or triple I tend to forget that doors aren't like self closing outside of the station."
Max snorted, he could see the problem.
"I hope I'm not coming off as creepy or anything but do you wanna like get some coffee? After I've maybe slept for thirteen hours?" Daniel hedged and Max smiled.
"We can have it at my place." Max offered and Daniel grinned back.
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sparkle-fiend · 1 year
Inspired by this post by @kedreeva (I’m not sure I quite did the original prompt justice, but hopefully some of the emotion comes across.)
It’s been a while since Steve attended a high school party. It feels weird to go to one now, a year out from his own graduation, but Robin was insistent.
“Please Steve? Vickie invited me to come, but I don’t want to show up on my own – what if she’s busy and I end up standing in the corner by myself like some kind of loser?”
She knows that she doesn’t actually have to work so hard to convince him, but that’s part of the routine. Robin begs and pleads, and Steve agrees after making a big show of complaining about it (as if he wouldn’t walk through fire for her).
“Fine, fine! But you owe me one.”
“Yesssss, thank you!”
Now, as he surveys the crowded interior of Robbie Ferguson’s house, he thinks she owes him more than one. This isn’t just a high school party – it’s a band party. He doesn’t see a single familiar face in the crowd of high school students and recent graduates, although odds are most of the people here will recognize him. And the memories probably aren’t fond ones.
“Robin!” he hisses through his teeth. 
She rolls her eyes at him. “They’re band geeks Steve, they don’t bite.”
He gives her one of his most annoyed looks, and she backpedals.
“I know, I know,” she says sheepishly, “but look! Eddie is here!” She points toward the corner of the room. Sure enough, Eddie is standing near the punch bowl with Gareth, Jeff, and Dave. He’s abandoned his usual layers in the summer heat, wearing just a red flannel shirt over a black tank top. 
Steve is surprised to see him. Even though Eddie was cleared of all charges, there have still been some rough moments; a few holdouts causing trouble (mostly friends of Jason Carver). It’s made him understandably hesitant to go out much.
So to see him here, enjoying a party with his friends – it’s good. Really good.
“I take it that dopey grin means I’m forgiven?” Robin asks slyly. She knows all about his crush, teasing him whenever she gets the chance.
“Nice try,” he grumbles. “You’re covering all my shifts with Keith for the next two weeks.”
Before she can protest this outrageous demand, Vickie finds them.
 “Robin, you made it!”
It’s Robin’s turn to be distracted, melting like chocolate under a summer sun as Vickie links an arm through hers – which is Steve’s cue to step aside.
“I’ll be over there with Eddie.”
Robin nods without looking, still gazing lovingly at Vickie. Steve snorts and heads for the punch bowl. 
He grabs a solo cup and ladles in some of the vibrant red punch, wincing when he takes a sip – that shit is strong. Someone laced it a little too generously with vodka.
“Steve!” Eddie chirps when he joins the group, raising a cup in salute. “Look who it is gentlemen – our illustrious majesty, the former King of Hawkins High himself!”
Steve tries to hide his wince. He hates being called that, even if Eddie’s bright grin does take some of the sting out of the teasing. He taps the rim of his cup against the one in Eddie’s hand and says, “How many of those have you had already?”
“Too many and not enough milord,” Eddie says, slinging a friendly arm around his shoulders. Steve leans into the touch, just a little, and nods in greeting to the rest of the Hellfire club members. Jeff and Dave smile back politely, but Gareth just scowls - nose wrinkling like he’s smelling something foul. Even after all the time Steve’s spent hanging around lately, Gareth still hasn’t warmed up to him.
As usual, Eddie ignores the tension between them, launching into a discussion about how the newly released Aliens movie compares to the original. Since they recently watched both movies together, this is a conversation Steve can actually participate in.
It’s devolved into a heated debate on the merits of sequels in general by the time Robin and Vickie join them.
“Are we interrupting?” Robin asks drily. 
“Not at all,” Eddie replies smoothly. “I know you’ve got some strong opinions on the art of cinema Buckley, what do you think of…”
“Annnnd that’s enough of that,” Steve interrupts. If the two of them start arguing about movies, they’ll be at it for the rest of the night (as Steve knows from unfortunate experience). “Who’s your friend?”
A vaguely familiar blond followed the girls over, watching the boys with wide eyes.
“Oh, this is Claire! She’s a flute player – she’ll be taking over as first chair next year.”
That means absolutely nothing to Steve, although he nods like it makes total sense (ignoring Robin’s knowing snort of laughter). 
Claire seems happy to meet Steve, but she clams up when the rest of the gang is introduced – which leads to everyone standing around in a moment of awkward silence.
Surprisingly, Dave is the one to come to the rescue. “We should play a game. Truth or Dare maybe?”
The girls glance at each other and nod, and Steve shrugs. It’s certainly not the worst party game they could choose.
With a stop to refresh everyone’s punch, they migrate to the screened porch at the back of the house and settle into a circle on the floor.
It ends up being a lot of fun. The last time Steve played was with Tommy and Carol, and they were brutal about it – daring people to streak through the house or take hot sauce shooters until they puked. This game is much more lighthearted.
Although that’s not to say Steve doesn’t still have a bit of mean streak. 
“Eddie, I dare you to sing Careless Whisper by Wham.”
“Ugh, critical hit!” Eddie yelps and falls to the floor, writhing like he’s been fatally wounded. Steve laughs and nudges his hip with one foot.
“Come on, you have to sing – or else you forfeit.”
“Have you no mercy? I thought we were friends.”
Steve just grins and starts humming the melody. Robin, Vickie, and Claire all join in until Eddie concedes; standing up to belt out the hated song with gusto. He makes it to the first rendition of the chorus before he collapses into helpless giggles.
“I don’t know, does it count if he didn’t sing the whole song?”
“It counts, it counts!” Eddie gasps.
The game continues in that vein - until Claire chooses ‘truth’. “Hmmm,” Vickie says thoughtfully. “Have you ever had a crush on anyone at this party?”
It’s the sort of question that could easily be answered with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ – no need for any revealing details. But Claire stares straight at Steve, fluttering her eyelashes flirtatiously as she says, “I think every girl at Hawkins had a crush on King Steve. I heard girls talk all the time about what an amazing kisser he is.”
Robin rolls her eyes and turns her head, pretending to gag. A year ago, Steve would have jumped at the chance to flirt right back. Now, it just makes him uncomfortable. Claire is like most of the girls he’s been with before - curious about his reputation, attracted by his looks or his popularity or his parents’ money. Completely uninterested in him as a person.
He wants to glance at Eddie, get a read on what the other boy might be thinking; but he’s afraid of what he’ll see. Or maybe afraid of what he won’t see – that Eddie will be totally unaffected by the fact that some girl is blatantly flirting with Steve right in front of him. 
He doesn’t have long to worry about it, because Gareth is up next. He clears his throat loudly and points at Steve. “Truth or Dare Harrington.”
There’s no right answer here – Gareth is clearly eager to fuck with him, whatever he picks. 
The look of unholy glee in Gareth’s eyes should have been Steve’s warning.
“Well now that we’ve heard all about King Steve’s magic mouth, I think we need a demonstration. I dare you to kiss…” he draws it out, moving his finger around the circle like he’s taking his time deciding.
Claire looks eager, Vickie looks slightly uncomfortable, and Robin looks like she’s staring down the gullet of a slobbering demogorgon.
Don’t pick Vickie or Robin, he thinks fiercely. Don’t you do it. If Gareth picks either Vickie or Robin, his ass is toast. He doesn’t particularly want Claire all over him, but it would be the better option by far. 
He never even considered the possibility that Gareth would choose… “Eddie!”
Steve must have had more to drink than he thought, because his head is suddenly spinning. He hasn’t felt his stomach drop like this since he was locked in a Russian elevator, plummeting to an uncertain fate.
The group erupts with shouts and laughter. Eddie jumps to his feet, waving his arms around grandly. “I see I’m collateral damage here! Guess I’ll have to take one for the team!” He bows and laughs, the same way he did when dared to sing Careless Whisper.
He’s so… casual about it. Totally unphased. 
This is all a joke to Eddie. It doesn’t mean anything – not like it does for Steve. Everyone in the group just laughs and laughs, as if they wouldn’t look at him in disgust if they knew he wanted to kiss Eddie for real.
He meets Robin’s eyes briefly across the circle - the only one here that knows what’s going on in his head. She looks like she’s in pain.
Steve swallows hard and reaches for the cool, casual mask he used to wear so well. This is a game – just a party game. Exactly like the time he kissed Tommy on a dare at Jimmy Allen’s birthday party. He can do this.
He smirks and stands up, keeping his shoulders loose, subtly wiping his clammy palms against the rough denim of his jeans. He and Eddie face each other in the center of the circle. 
The older boy has a faint smattering of freckles over the bridge of his nose, and a tiny shaving nick by the corner of his mouth, near the scar that traces his jaw. His lips are so full, the prettiest mouth Steve’s ever seen. He doesn’t dare even look into those dark eyes.
Just a quick kiss and done, easy – no big deal. Steve licks his lips reflexively, wishing he’d put on some Chapstick or something, before he starts to lean forward. But then Eddie pretends to swoon, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead like some southern belle in a movie.
Would he be this dramatic if they were kissing for real? Steve’s imagined it so often, a different way each time – sometimes soft and tender, sometimes silly and fun; just like Eddie.
He certainly never imagined the laughter in the background, or Dave shouting, “Come on man, do it already!”
Steve freezes. At the urging of his friends, Eddie takes the initiative and steps closer – until he’s stopped by a hand pressed flat against his chest. 
“Stop. Please stop.” Is that Steve’s voice? He didn’t mean to say anything - but with that crack in composure the whole mask starts to fall apart, like a dam splitting open.
“I can’t do this. Not… not like this.”
Eddie frowns in confusion. 
Of course he’s confused – it’s just a game. Everyone was having fun until Steve had to go and ruin it. He choked on the dare, and now he’s even tearing up - like an idiot, right in front of everyone.
There’s no salvaging this. He ducks away with a mumbled excuse about needing some air, practically running from the house. Hopefully everyone is tipsy enough that they’ll all just forget about it in the morning. 
He doesn’t make it very far before he hears Robin behind him. 
“Steve! Hey… wait up!”
He stops at the edge of the yard, where the house lights fall away into shadow, and waits for her to catch up.
“Are you okay?”
“Sure.” Even he can hear the choked waver in his voice. 
“It’s okay Rob, really.” It’s far from okay, and they both know it. “I think the punch just went to my head.”
They stare at each other, sharing one of those silent moments of communication that Dustin always points to as proof that they share a telepathic bond.
“You should go home then,” she says softly. “I’ll catch a ride with Vickie.” 
He’s sure she’ll want to talk about it later, but for now… she’s giving him an out. “Thanks Rob.”
He watches until she’s back inside, just breathing in the smells of fresh-cut grass and a nearby cigarette – deep breaths in and out. Then he finds his car (thankfully not blocked in) and hightails it home.
(Continued in Part 2)
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 6 months
Receptionist Danny working in the main Wayne lobby
First few days at the job site and Danny was already regretting getting this job.
Because this exact scenario had been repeated five times already just today. Not as persistent as THIS one though. God he is so tired of this bull. It got tiring after the third time now he's just tired and annoyed.
A bad combo considering Danny the "Town Menace Phantom" Fenton was beginning to lose the little patients he had left.
' just count down from ten like Jazz had taught me years ago'. Danny gave a sigh and kept repeating the mantra in his mind.
He has to stay strong he fought ghost for years! What is a few minutes worth of questions from a few eager journalist? He could handle Wes how could they be any worse?
Oh who was he kidding certainly not himself! Not after having suffered a day full of questions about shit he didn't know squat about.
This situation with this gender bent Wes was WORSE considering Danny couldn't just tell her to piss off. The others had just asked a few questions or had gotten turned down regarding questions. Not TO bad. He could handle it. He still kinda liked this job. Well, he likes the work benefits. It was the main reason he applied after all.
So give him some credit this was the sixth harpy "journalist" to come sniffing around after having gotten wind of a new employee in the main office. Though their sources must be bad. He was just a receptionist! Not the new head of the financing department or Bruce Wayne's new secretary, leave him alone!
He doesn't know what the company boss does??? Why ask him? How would lil' old receptionist Danny Fenton know!
Has he not suffered enough?? His suffering with this specific harpy had been going on for the past twenty five minutes.
"So, where does Bruce Wayne leave for during his meetings? A new woman? Man? Trouble in the family?"
Vicky Vale as she had introduced herself before had officially made Danny hear his last strained thread of patients fraying. He could only take so much before the menace in him gott done with this nonsense. Time for Ms Vale to go away, fuck off and not come back. Danny menace mode ON now.
Smiling the most customer service™ smile he could manage Danny responded in the flattest tone he was capable of.
"Well to fuck your mom of course, Ms Vale."
And of course at just the moment the older receptionist Ms Linda Smith that had been in charge of showing Danny the territory before retirement finally came back. With two coffee cups in her hands. She had taken off on her break the moment she spotted Ms Vale walking towards the front desk. She promised to grab him a coffee on her way back. Truly abandoning him to the wolves. Or wolf. She had bribed him and Danny hadn't even known what kind of suffering awaited him. Ms Linda had started speaking.
"Okay Danny no we don't---
Danny didn't know exactly what was up with the big boss and his family. Something was definitely up but he didn't think it was bad.
"And your dad, because we here at Wayne enterprises support the LBGTQIA community. Thank you and leave.
((((((((((((End )))))))))))) :)
Thank you for reading! I might do some more for this idea again. This is basically just the idea by @some-rotten-nest link below. I've had a similar idea about Danny being an evil assistant before. Not a receptionist though. It was fun writing this I keep thinking about all the interesting scenarios that could play out in this (Au?) Idea. Also I just wanted to test the waters. I've never written anything and actually posted it before. I hope this was okay. Um bye and have a good day oh am I kidding have a good night!
This idea is based on this https://www.tumblr.com/some-rotten-nest/725017913035276288/danny-fenton-a-new-receptionist-at-wayne by the amazing @some-rotten-nest ! I was just so inspired by it, all of my creative instincts were just itching to make something for this<3
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 months
You are who you choose to be; Eddie Munson x reader
Well this is probably the first update of the new year idk but this idea's been buzzing around my head over the weekend and it took me just a couple of days to write it all down. Now awhile back someone mentioned a SKY HIGH AU! With Eddie Munson, now that got me thinking 'hell yeah I loved Sky High growing up and yeah I love the idea of him potentially being like Warren Peace with fire but then again, what if I took it another direction, and made him a waterbender/bloodbender'?
I won't give too much away you'll just have to read on to find out but here you guys go. Now some warnings since this is a MA style of super hero fics.
Warnings: swearing, bad parenting, kidnapping, mentions of r*pe (not on reader or any of the main cast of characters but it is mentioned so just heads up), some angst, and a bit of fluff.
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Lunchtime at Hawkins Academy was always a hustle and bustle.  Everyone in a rush to grab the first chocolate pudding cup or be the first in line to get their lunch and meet their friends.  But when those students all have some type of super-power, you know there’s bound to be trouble.
Thankfully I managed to get my lunch just before the first wave of students got there (minus those with super speed or teleportation) and I was the first person to reserve our table.  As more students came piling into the cafeteria I soon spotted the first group of my circle of friends.  I waved them over and soon they came over.
“Hey (n/n) surprised to see you here first.” Said Robin.
“Hey when it’s double stuffed crust pizza day I’ve gotta be first. Or at least be after the speedsters and teleporters.” I told her.
“I hear yah, although I don’t understand how you can stomach all of that grease.” Said Vicki.
“I told you not to eat the double stuffed crust at Giovanni’s. You eat that bad pizza and it scars you from pizza forever.” I reprimanded her.
“I just don’t see how either of you can stomach dairy products or anything meat wise. Don’t you know that I’ve been half of those animals?” Robin lectured us.
“Yes Robin we know.” Who would’ve thought that being an animal shapeshifter would turn a person into a hardcore vegetarian.  Even though Robin’s got this laid-back, snarky, sassy attitude, she can be pretty hardcore when it comes to vegetarian products needing to be enforced.  Hell I remember last year how she and Steve nearly tore their friendship apart from their Meat vs. Veggies menu planner for the school lunches.
“I swear if I have to hear coach Boomer scream at me one more time, I’m not only gonna need some hearing aids by the time I graduate, but a titanium skeleton.” Steve said as he and Nancy soon came walking side by side.
“The coach on your case again, Harrington?” asked Robin as they sat down.  Steve to Robin’s left while Nancy sat beside me.
“More than that. Think his last sonic boom he gave me made me throw my shoulder out. Probably gotta skip my next class just to go see the nurse.” He said rubbing his shoulder.
“So Nance, how’s your brother and his friends coming along so far?” I asked her.
“I’m told Mike, Dustin and Will got put into Hero Support while Lucas and Max were placed in the Hero class.”
“Damn, see this is why I hate the Hero vs Hero Support system of High school. Those boys have been together since preschool. And Max really got in with the guys when she joined them back when they were in 7th grade.” I said waving my spoon around before dipping it into my pudding cup and taking a big chunk of pudding into my mouth.
“Mike and Dustin don’t seem to really mind it. After all Mike still hasn’t really gotten his powers yet.”
“Still?” I asked incredulously and Nancy nodded.
“And I’ve tried working with Dustin’s powers but the glowing thing it-it—I’m sorry but it’s not a power. No matter how many times he says it is.” Steve said.
“Do you think we should offer them a place to sit here? At least for today?” I suggested.
“I wouldn’t worry about it. Seems your boy’s already heard the news and has offered a few spots at his round table.” Robin teased as she gestured behind us.  A few tables over was what everyone deemed ‘The Mizfitz table’.  A table where hero or sidekick could sit equally without the forced conformity being placed over them.
Running the table was one of the more infamous students known to Hawkin’s Academy, Eddie Munson.  On the outside he may look mean and scary with his many tribal tattoos, his wild, unruly mane that he calls hair, or the many rings he sports on his fingers.  But he’s one of the most powerful Water-benders this school has ever known.
I had seen for myself how when he was first placed in the Hero class, he actually managed to pull water from the air as well as from the plants that had been made by another student to create a water cloak (basically creating a barrier made of numerous tentacle-like arms).  However it wasn’t his Waterbending skills that got people talking, but his heritage.
You see while most of the students here are either the sons and daughters of either two heroes, or one hero and civilian, Eddie Munson was the child of both a hero and a villain.  His mother, before her passing in childbirth (or so I’m told), was known as Lunar Eclipse with the power to use the light of the Moon to push and pull the tides and bend water to her will.  His father, however, that’s what marred Eddie Munson as a villain to everyone in Hawkins, and not just here in school.
His father’s name was Alan Munson aka The Puppetmaster.  A man with the ability to control the water in another person’s body, enforcing his own will over theirs.  He ran the town’s deep underground criminal ring and got away with nearly every trail until the one that my Father actually worked on.  Thanks to him and his two partners, they were able to put Alan Munson away quadruple life sentences.
But even though it was my father’s ‘daytime job’ that put him away, the times I’ve interacted with Eddie were never hostile.  In fact he seemed glad to be rid of his father.  His uncle (who never got his powers) ended up raising Eddie after his father had been sent to jail.  And Eddie has said that he’s never felt more happier than he’s been since being raised by his uncle.
And I also won’t deny that for the past few years I’ve been secretly harboring a crush on the ‘bad boy’ of Hawkin’s Academy.
“Really (Y/n)? I can’t understand why you’re falling for someone like him?” Steve asked as he ate his banana.
“Oh leave her alone Steve!” Robin shoved him. “Let our little (Y/n) fawn for her blood-bending bad boy.”
“He doesn’t blood-bend! He hates it when people assume he does!” I snapped at her.  Everyone looked at me wide-eyed as I sat back down and felt my face burning up.
“Boy you’ve got it bad.” Nancy told me.
“Shut up! I just hate it when people judge him based on his bloodline. I mean hell Steve, just because you’re the son of The Commander and Jetstream didn’t mean that at first you were the humble idiot you are today.”
“She is right. You were a douchebag back in the day before the whole Vecna thing happened our 3rd year.” Robin said.
“Yeah, and even when we were dating at the time all you talked about was yourself or which freshman you were going to give the first swirly to.” Nancy chimed up.
“Alright, alright yeesh. I know I was a real asshole back then. No need to rub it in.” Steve said as he went back to his banana.
“If you like him so much, why don’t you ask him out?” asked Vicki.
“I—I don’t think he’d ever want to go on a date with me.” I said fiddling with my pudding.
“Is it because of your dad putting his dad away?”
“Actually no, they talk pretty much anytime they cross each other. All on friendly terms, perhaps a bit too friendly.” Nancy teased as she poked me in the ribs to which I let out a squeak and punched her in the arm.  She rubbed her arm and I said to Vicki.
“What I mean is, I don’t think I’m his type. I mean he actually has powers, I’m just a girl who can do acrobatic skills.”
“(Y/n), you’re the daughter of Daredevil—” Robin spoke but I interrupted her.
“Adopted daughter.”
“Details. My point is, Eddie is like the King of non-conformist. If he didn’t want to date you because of your lack of powers, then he’s a hypocrite. And that’s about the worst type of villain you can ask for. Well except for corporate, misogynistic pricks that try to force women who they should love or what they eat.” Vicki took her hand and gently squeezed it.  Robin took a deep breath and rested her head onto Vicki’s shoulder and the two cuddled close to each other.
“Just think, that could be you and Eddie if you grow a pair and talk to him.” Said Nancy.  I turned over towards the Mizfitz table and saw as Eddie was being his usual animated self and the guys all around him were laughing at whatever story he was spinning.
“How can he also be so adorable just by getting animated when telling a story?” Nancy and Vicki giggled at my statement while Robin and Steve rolled their eyes muttering lowly.
“Oh please.” I kept my eyes on Eddie and I swore for a brief moment I saw him look straight back at me and give me a wink to which I blushed and gave him a small wave.
By the end of the day it was now my last class and one of the other classes I shared with Eddie, Heroism Athletics.  Today’s practice was the traditional ‘Save the Citizen’ where two people could either be Heroes or Villains and the heroes only had 2 minutes to stop their villains and save the citizen before they were killed.
So far the reigning Kings for the past three years were the Heroes Tommy Hagan and Billy Hargrove, however if you ask me those boys are far from what you would call ‘Heroes’.  Steve used to hang with Tommy back in the day and Tommy practically poisoned Steve’s mind with arrogance and ego.  But when Billy came along and knocked Steve as the ‘King of Hawkins Academy’, Tommy ditched Steve and teamed up with Billy.
And when it came to ‘Save the citizen’ those two did everything in the book to cheat.  Even when someone would call out to Coach Boomer about an illegal move, he’s merely brush it aside unless the attack was directed towards him.  Like before, Tommy and Billy were slaughtering the villains that were Mako and Bolin.
“Those brothers really do know how to bend Earth and Fire together.” Eddie’s voice soon came up beside me.  I jumped at the sudden voice to which Eddie raised his hands in surrender, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, no it’s-it’s okay. Yeah I was just lost in the match.”
“I get it. Now I’ve seen those brothers bounce back at the last second, hopefully they’ll knock those douchebags down a peg or three.”
“Yeah. God knows they deserve it. It’s not every day you see a horse with two rear-ends.” Eddie gawked and let out a laugh.
“Damn you’re brutal. Remind me to never get on your bad side.” We then watched as the brothers had been defeated and the citizen had been saved.  Tommy slamming the mannequin down to the floor like she was a football and chest bumping with Billy as the students all cheered.  I turned to see Mako help his little brother stand up and the two hobbled away.  “Looks like a healing session is in order for Bolin before Hellfire tonight.”
“Hellfire? Is that your band name or something?”
“Actually yes it is. Since Jeff and Gareth moved out of the state, turns out Bolin plays a wicked drum solo and Mako’s not half bad on bass. We’ve got a gig coming up this Saturday. You should come see us.”
“Really? You’re inviting me?”
“Of course. I mean it’s not the Garden but gotta start somewhere right? Plus we do get a crowd. Of about five—drunks. At least with you you’d be sober.” I laughed as Coach Boomer announced.
“Alright, one last round before we clock out. Hargrove, Hagan, Heroes of Villains?”
“Heroes!” proclaimed Tommy.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” the coach muttered before saying in his normal loud tone, “Alright choose your villains.” The two of them looked at each other before announcing.
“Munson and (L/n).” My eyes widened as I turned to Eddie while Coach Boomer proclaimed.
“Alright, Munson, (L/n). Gear up!” Eddie and I stood up and we walked down towards the arena and put on the padding that was required for ‘Save the citizen’.  Once we came out onto the arena, we saw as the two of them smirked maliciously at us.
“Let me handle Hargrove, Hagan is all yours.” Eddie told me.  I turned to him and asked.
“You sure?” I remember how last year when Eddie and Billy fought against each other for a Hero vs. Villian exam, Billy nearly put Eddie into a coma.  He nodded and told me.
“Trust me, you don’t wanna go against Hargrove.” He rubbed his shoulder from when I had actually heard Billy break the bone that held his left shoulder in place.  “Plus, Tommy won’t expect what else you’ve been working on.” I softly grinned and we both turned to our Heroes as we stood side by side in first fighter’s stance.
“BEGIN!!” The clock began the countdown and the four of us charged at each other.  Billy flew in the air and immediately fired his laser eyes towards Eddie but Eddie created water tentacles around his arms and quickly sprung out of the way leaving Tommy and I to meet each other head on.
Tommy Hagan was a weapons specialist. Like any good back-stabbing son of a bitch, he always seemed to have any type of small sharp weapons hidden within his person.  Be it arrows, shurikens, small daggers and knives, and even flying ninja stars, Tommy is a force to be reckoned with, but when it comes to speed he’s not so good.
As he fired a few arrows toward me, I cartwheeled out of the way before doing a summersault and took out my dad’s old billy-clubs he had given to me on my 1st year here at school.  A little bit of extra protection he called it, plus it was like having the infamous ‘Man without fear’ being there at my side.  When he shot out five kunais in my direction, I used the billy clubs to block and redirect them before charging at him again but he shot out several more arrows in my direction.
Using the wall to my advantage, I leapt up and ran across and over it dodging any arrow that came my way before finally flipping gracefully right behind Tommy and finally got to use my secret move I had discovered at the end of last year.
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Holding my hand in a snake-like position, I used my thumb, index and tall finger to jab Tommy right at the center of his shoulder which made his right arm go limp.  Then using my proximal interphalangeal joint of both my hands, I jab them into the center of his lower back, shoulder blades and the section where his neck met his spine.
Tommy let out a pained grunt with each jab until he collapsed to the ground and snarled up at me.
“You’ll pay for that you bitch!”
“Consider that payback for what you did to Mako and Bolin earlier.” We then heard a loud boom and I saw as Billy had Eddie pinned to the floor of the gym, his hands squeezing his throat about to choke Eddie out.  Eddie struggled to free himself but Billy’s enhanced strength was too much for him to handle on his own.
“You know the one way to stop me Munson, show them who you really are.” He sneered.  As Eddie’s choked out gasps filled the stadium I quickly threw my billy-club which made a direct hit to Billy’s head and even made him bleed.  He released Eddie as Eddie let out a series of hard coughs.  Billy raised his hand to his head and once he saw the blood, his eyes glowed red at me.  “You shouldn’t have done that, Princess.”
He then fired his laser eyes toward me but I summersaulted out of the way before racing up the walls once again.  His laser beamed eyes trailed close behind me until I had no choice but to jump off and stand on top of one of the higher platforms in the arena.  Billy flew up towards me and flew right through the platform obliterating it and sending me falling 9ft towards the ground.  But with my billy-clubs I was able to shoot one of the clubs towards the railing and swing down to the ground.
Billy landed with a large thud creating a crater beneath him and he cracked his neck.  He then roared as he charged at me but I flipped over him.  Blinded by his rage, I used it to my advantage and toyed with him until I saw my shot and repeatedly stabbed my PIJ’s up his back until he collapsed to the ground.
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“I’ve seen the hardcore vigilantes be better heroes than you, Hargrove.” Suddenly I felt myself going towards the wall and saw myself being pinned by the ends of my uniform by three shurikens.  Tommy stood just a few feet in front of my and summoned out three more shurikens to sit between his fingers.
“I told you, you’d pay for that little trick.” He then threw his other arm outward and soon about a dozen arrows were heading my way.  That’s when an ice wall appeared before me and blocked the arrows just before they could skewer me like a shish kabob.  I looked to see Eddie had gotten back on his feet then he used the ice wall to create ice daggers and one by one fire them at Tommy allowing me time to pull the shuriken’s off my uniform and duck out of the way.
I took notice of the clock counting down and it seems to me that these two are pulling the same move as they did for Mako and Bolin.  Trying to tire us out to they can finish us off at the final second then save the citizen.  But what if we turned their tactic against them?  I raced towards the citizen but was stopped by Billy’s powerful fire blast creating a firewall between me and the Citizen dangling closer and closer to the razor pit.
“You’re not going anywhere.” He snarled at me.
“I have no need, I’m just getting started. Or are you feeling a bit winded, coming from you I wouldn’t be surprised. And I thought you’d be better than your old man.” The one thing Billy Hargrove hated more than anything in this world was when someone made him feel inferior to his father.  Billy let out a roar and fired two blue fire blasts from his hands to which Eddie surrounded us in an ice barrier.
“You’re really trying to push his buttons aren’t you?”
“Don’t you see, they’re trying to get us to tire out just so they can finish it all at the last second.”
“Like what they did to Mako and Bolin?” I nodded.
“Get us closer to the civilian, I’ve got an idea.” Eddie nodded then made us an escape route and allowed the water and Billy’s fire to create a large and powerful mist of fog.  So thick that hardly anyone could see the front of their noses.
And thanks to dad’s training, I was able to help guide Eddie through the fog with ease.  We got closer to the civilian’s imprisonment, I had Eddie create an ice platform right in front of the civilian’s chain then I told him to disband the fog.  With a wave of his arms, the fog quickly diminished around us and Tommy cried out.
“THERE THEY ARE!!” Both he and Billy fired their attacks but we quickly got out of the way and Tommy’s arrows pieced the civilian mannequin while Billy’s fire broke the chain and sent the civilian down to their untimely death.  Coach Boomer blew his whistle and proclaimed.
“Hargrove! Hagan! You two have not only failed to stop your villains but also skewered your civilian. You both FAAAIIILLLLLED!!” he sent his sonic boom sent them both flying across the gym.  “The winners our first set of villains since 1986, Edward Munson and (Y/n) Murdock!” the class cheered as Eddie gave me a gentle nudge and we waved to the others.
At the end of the day my friends and I all gathered at my house for a celebration.  Everyone including Eddie and the Mizfitz were all talking about mine and Eddie’s big win against Billy and Tommy.
“I seriously cannot believe you managed to knock my step-brother off his ass and finally put him in his place. I would’ve paid big money to have seen that.” Said Max as she reached over and ate some skittles.
“You guys really should’ve seen it. Her new ability is too cool that even Vecna himself would be petrified of.” Eddie praised.
“Eddie you’re too much. Besides it only works half the time. They still were somehow able to get up and use their powers again after a while. The first time I used it on some would-be robbers they could barely move.”
“You just need to keep working on it, after all you used it on normal humans. Not supers.” Robin told me.
“Yeah, yeah and the anatomy between the two is different, gotta find the right pressure points, blah, blah, blah.” I then heard the door open and the sound of a cane clanking along the wooden floors signaled to me that dad was home.
“Well this is a surprise. I come home after a long, hard-day’s work and find my daughter throwing a party without her old man’s permission.” The gang all turned to face my father but from the grin across his face, we knew he was just playing around.
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“You’re hilarious.” I said sarcastically.
“If you think that, you should’ve seen me and your uncle Foggy in our college days. I was a riot.”
“Evening Mr. Murdock.” My friends all chorused out with a wave.
“Evening children. I take it from everyone being here in our small apartment that something big must’ve happened at school today.” He said as he took off his jacket and hung it over the coat-rack as well as placed his suitcase down beside it.
“You bet. Eddie and (Y/n) took victory at ‘Save the Citizen’!” exclaimed Dustin.
“Really? Last I heard of any new champions was when Hargrove and that kid Tommy became the champs. I take it you two were the villains in the scenario?”
“Yep. Not pissed about it are yah?” I asked with a hint of nervousness.
“You’d be surprised to know that I’ve played both Hero and Villain at Save the citizen in my time at school.” Dad said as he began to prep himself a sandwich.  “Oh by the way Robin, about that meeting you had planned to take with our PA Karen, she’s unfortunately going to have to reschedule. A case has suddenly come up and she’s needed out of state for this matter.”
“Damnit! Now where am I going to find a PA to interview in two weeks?”
“I told you yah should’ve tried to interview her as early as possible.” I lectured in a sing-song tone before taking a bite out of a salsa-dipped chip.
“Isn’t there another PA, oh what’s her name uhh—” Steve snapped his fingers trying to remember the name.
“I believe you’re referring to Jessica Jones?” my dad piped in.
“That’s the one! What about her?”
“Steve, if you don’t know Jessica Jones, you’ll know she’s not the easiest person to talk to. The woman is so hardcore, not even the cruelest Russian forms of torture could break her.” Said Lucas.
“Jessica Jones has a past and certain things happened to her that is her right to not speak about to others.” My dad stated using his ‘lawyer tone’.  “However Jones does owe me a favor, perhaps I could cash in that favor for you.”
“Seriously? Oh my god Mr. Murdock thank you! You’re amazing!”
“However I would take my daughter’s advice. Don’t hold things off till the last minute.” Suddenly the TV that we had on as background noise stopped playing the current show that was on and brought up the News Bulletin.
“We interrupt this program to bring you this urgent announcement. Earlier today, Former Crime Under-lord and infamous villain The Puppetmaster Alan Munson has escaped from his prison hold. 13 years ago Alan Munson was sentenced to four consecutive life sentences, possibility of parole after his third sentence. He was known as the Puppetmaster due to a rare ability known only to the Waterbenders known as blood-bending. Which may have been the aid he needed to escape his prison cell.”
As we all tuned out the news reporter, our attention turned to Eddie who looked unreadable but deep down I knew he was a mixture of emotions.
“Authorities have issued an urgent curfew until for the time being. No one is allowed out after sunset and must not be near any large bodies of water. Absolutely no one is to leave their homes after dark for this week a full moon arises, which is the only time Bloodbending can happen. If anyone has any news in regards to Alan Munson’s whereabouts, don’t hesitate to contact the local authorities.”
Yeah that wouldn’t really matter much anyway.  While it is true that Bloodbending could only happen during a full moon, Eddie’s father was one of those rare diamonds in the rough that could actually bloodbend without the need of a full moon.  That’s why he’s so dangerous and why everyone gives Eddie a hard time.  People at the school believe he has his father’s unique ability as well and try to egg him on to use it just so they can ‘prove a point’ (whatever the hell that means).
“I think it’s time you kids started heading home.” My dad spoke in his ‘Daredevil’ voice.  The guys all began packing their stuff and bid me goodbye, all except for Eddie who just remained still as a statue.
“Eddie?” I asked cautiously.  Slowly I walked over to him and slowly reached out and touched his hand.  He flinched back and looked at me, his eyes a mixture of rage and fear and he immediately said.
“I—I gotta go.” Without another word, he grabbed his stuff and raced out of the apartment.  I turned to my dad and he looked in my general direction.
“Things are already hard on him as it is at school. Now that word’s gotten out about his dad escaping, people will really be on his ass now. What do I do daddy?” Dad sighed deeply and came over to me.
“Treat him as you always have. You and your friends are all he really has outside of his uncle.” I looked down solemnly but I felt my dad’s hand on my shoulder gently squeezing it comfortingly, “But if I’m honest, I think all he’ll really need is you.”
“Did you have to go and listen to his heart?” I asked accusingly.
“Not really, even a blind man can see just how in love you both are for one another.” I groaned as he softly chuckled. “I’m gonna be out late tonight, don’t wait up on me.”
“Do you have to?” I asked worriedly.
“The city’s gonna be in mass panic, especially for the non-supers in this city. All heroes and vigilantes are required to make finding The Puppetmaster their first priority.” I nodded solemnly.
“Just be careful. I know you’re one of the rare heroes that keeps both identities of Daredevil and Matt Murdock separate to your enemies, but I don’t wish to be an orphan a second time.” Dad took my hand and placed it on his chest, I could feel the steady beat of his heart as he said to me.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to come back to you.” This was a common thing between us ever since he adopted me and I found out about his ‘other job’.  Most heroes tend to lie and say they are invisible and will come back no matter what.
However my dad isn’t like most heroes.  He can’t fly, he doesn’t have super healing abilities, or super strength, not even control over the elements.  All he is is a guy with enhanced senses that enables him to see the world even though all he sees is a ‘World on fire’.  He’s been trained in almost every style of martial arts but it took him decades of training and he didn’t get it right away like most heroes would.
And growing up with a dad who always burdened himself with ‘protecting the city he loves’ it put a strain on us for a while.  Until one day I got the courage to express to him my concerns and he didn’t reprimand me nor did I him.  I just wanted him to know that I was scared that I was going to one day get the news of Daredevil found dead in dumpster and that once again I’ll be alone without a family.
So this was our vow.  Since he taught me that there’s a spike in people’s hearts when they lie, whenever it came to uncertainty missions that required his attention, he’d place my hand over his heart as he’d speak that very phrase.  And every time he said it, there was never a spike in his heart.
I hugged him as hard as I could burying my face into his chest.  He rubbed my back and rocked me softly.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
“I love you too daddy.” He kissed the crown of my head before finally separating from me and went over to his old wardrobe where his suit was kept.  In an old trunk that once belonged to his dad who was a well-known boxer back in the day.
I was currently in my room having just finished the rest of my homework when I heard a soft knock at my door and there my dad stood in his full Daredevil suit.  The red devil eyes from his mask had been known to send fear up even the darkest of criminals spines.  His billy clubs rested in a holster at side of his left thigh.
“Be careful, Daredevil.” He gave me a nod and said.
“Lights out by ten, and make sure to brush your teeth.” I softly laughed.
“If only people could hear the infamous ‘Man without fear’ tell his adopted daughter to make sure she did her teeth and got to bed on time.” I couldn’t help but tease.
“Probably would make them even more afraid of me.” He teased back.
“Child labor at its finest.” I teased again as dad softly scoffed.  He then used the fire escape and in his Daredevil fashion, he disappeared into the night and acrobatically scaled down the building before going on the hunt for the Puppetmaster.  “Love you dad.” And so I was left to man down the fort until it was bedtime.
The next few days, as I had predicted, were chaotic at school.  Due to the Heroes still not being able to find Eddie’s father, all after school activities were cancelled until further notice.  Which meant not Starlight Flying, no track meets, not even gymnastics (which I’ll admit I am bummed about but I get why they’re doing it).  And every student has had it out for Eddie.
Just the other day after the Big Championship game had to be cancelled between our rivalry school, Eddie got beans, mashed potatoes and chocolate pudding dumped on him by Jason and his lackies.  Before he could even start something, I held him back and told him they weren’t worth it.  They were trying to rile him up and get him to prove to them that he’s the monster they think he is.
And now all day today he’s been up on the rooftop gardens were Lily and the other earth-benders have their club meetings.  Creating new plants and practicing their Earthbending.  I found Dustin, Mike, Will and Lucas sitting outside their normal D&D room and asked them.
“Is Eddie still on the roof?”
“Gareth and Jeff just told us he’s refusing to ever come down. He didn’t even go home last night to his uncle.” Dustin told me.  I looked up at the ceiling worriedly before sighing.
“You guys get on the next bus, I’ll talk to him.”
“You sure?” asked Mike.
“Yeah. Besides Nancy told me you three have a big midterm coming up so I suggest you study. First semester Midterms are no joke, especially to first years. No matter if you’re in Heroes class or Hero Support.”
“Good luck (Y/n).” Will said as they walked off to the bus ramp to get back down to the ground (yeah the academy is actually levitated high up in the sky).  I went up the stair way that lead up to the gardens and there I saw Eddie bending the water within some vines, making them shift and move around the columns they were wrapped around.
“Do you have room for one more?” Eddie jumped and turned towards me but when he saw it was me, he calmed down and said.
“Knock yourself out.” I came over to him and sat down beside him on the bench he was sitting on.  He continued his bending until he just stopped and was deep in his head again.  I reached out and touched his hands, softly fingering around his rings and said.
“What’s going on up there Eddie?”
“My mother’s name doesn’t even matter. All anyone can see me is my old man’s son. The son of the infamous Puppetmaster. Believe me if I had the power to choose, I would’ve had my old man be a normal human who just ran out on me. But nope, I got the shortest end of the stick and no matter what I do, nothing I say or do is ever gonna change that!” his voice raised in anger as he paced while he ranted.  “I don’t……Sometimes I just wish I had died alongside my mother. Or better yet never have been born. She should’ve gotten rid of me when she had the chance.”
“Stop! Don’t ever say that!” I snapped as I stood up.
“Oh c’mon (Y/n) we both know that it’s true! My mother was assaulted by him, I am a product of a rape. Who could ever love someone like that?” a single tear secretly fell down his face as he seethed that self-hatred line.  “But since I’m too much of a coward to kill myself, I start to think fuck it. Why not just go down the path of a villain? Everyone else has decided that for me already.”
“Even though you have the power to go down that road, you’ll never take that step.”
“How do you know that?!”
“Because I know the real Eddie Munson. The boy who takes in the sidekicks who think they’re not worthy being in this school. The boy who spends his time feeding the stray cats at his trailer park, and not just them but the dogs you free from the underground dogfights. The boy who reads fantasy books and comes up with the wildest campaigns for his friends. That is the Eddie Munson I know.” And that’s the boy who I’ve always loved and will always love.
“What did you just say?” he suddenly asked.
“Do you really need me to repeat that whole rant I just did?”
“Just the last part.”
“That that’s the Eddie Munson I know.”
“After that.” After that? What’s he talking about?
“That you save dogs from underground dogfights.”
“No you said that in the middle after the stray cat feeding at my trailer park. I meant the very last thing you said.” The last thing I—oh god. Oooooh no…..please don’t tell me I actually verbally—oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! Fucking hell no! Please god don’t tell me that didn’t stay in a though bubble!
My thoughts were broken by Eddie cupping the side of my face, my eyes staring deeply into his chocolate brown ones.
“What did you say sweetheart?” I swallowed hardly as my heart began to skyrocket out of my chest and I choked out.
“I—I-I……” Eddie chuckled and said.
“You always were cute whenever you got flustered like this.”
“Are-are you making fun of me?”
“Not at all.” He brushed the strands of hair out of my eyes before slowly leaning forward and he whispered, “Just use your new little technique if you want me to stop.” I shook my head no and wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him down to my lips.
He let out a muffled grunt but his body soon relaxed under our kiss as his arms slowly wrapped around my back bringing me in close.  Ever so slowly, my right leg raised up as I tightened my grip around Eddie’s neck and he deepened the kiss.  I then felt him lift me off my feet as we continued to kiss one another until we were left breathless and drunk on our love.
We caught the last bus from the school and now Eddie was driving us back to his trailer for us to spend a little one on one time before the city curfew could ruin this perfect moment another second.  Our hands were intertwined with the other’s and we refused to break that bond, at least not yet.  Every now and then, he’d raise our hands up and kiss the back of my hand and I did the same to him.
But as we pulled up to his trailer, Eddie’s love-sick expression soon turned to dread as he looked upon his uncle’s trailer home.  My expression grew fearful as I too saw what it looked like.  It had been completely torn to shreds, the door was busted right off it’s hinges and the ground was soaked with mud and water.  Eddie immediately raced inside and I followed after him.
The inside didn’t look much better.  The furniture was turned up like the place had been burglarized, but nothing was taken.  The curtains and blinds looked like they had been sliced up by something and there were occasional wet puddles on the inside of the floor and carpets.  But what had us both fearful and enraged was that Eddie’s uncle is usually home by this time, but the trailer was like a graveyard, empty and silent.
Eddie slowly walked further in and grabbed an old picture of him and his uncle just shortly after he had been taken in my him after his father was imprisoned.  I could see that the glass frame was completely cracked but I could also see Eddie’s body shaking with rage until he let out the most gut-wrenching, rageful, and mournful scream I had ever heard out of a man.
I took Eddie back to my apartment and gave him a cup of warm tea but he just sat there with a stoic, broken expression on his face.  Tearstains glistened on his cheeks, his eyes bloodshot red.  I sat down beside him and slowly wrapped my arms over him and I placed my head on his shoulder.
The door opened and in came my dad.  But before he could greet us, he licked his lips and stood at attention.  I knew he could taste the salt from our tears and he asked us.
“What happened?”
“It’s Wayne.” I told him somberly.  My father’s brows raised in shock and he quickly came down over to us kneeling down before us.
“Are you both alright?”
“We—Wayne was already gone when we got there. The trailer was completely destroyed.” Dad let out deep sigh before kissing my forehead and turned toward Eddie.
“Another reason why I can’t stand heroes. They claim to be going day and night to finding my old man, and yet he hasn’t been caught. And now he has my uncle, the only person in this whole world that even gave a shit about me!” Eddie snarled lowly, hos body seething with rage and I knew dad could sense it a hell of a lot more than I could.
“I understand your frustrated…..” Eddie stood up from the couch and unleashed his fury.
“OF COURSE I’M FRUSTRATED!! My psychopathic bastard of a father escapes a prison that is supposedly impenetrable and made my life hell this past week! Now the one time I’m not there for my uncle he captures him and will most likely kill him and this WHOLE TIME THE HEROES ARENT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT WHILE I’M STUCK HERE AND YOU TWO CAN’T EVEN HELP ME!!” Dad and I stared at him in shock.  His rageful expression softened as he realized just who he was talking to.  He collapsed back down onto the couch beside me and said in a calmer, softer tone, “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.”
I took his hand in both of mine and gently kissed his knuckles and I told him.
“It’s alright. You’ve been piling up everything that’s happened this past week inside of you. You hardly scratched the surface earlier this afternoon.”
“But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you or your dad.” He said regretfully.
“She knows you didn’t really mean what you said. And neither do I.” my dad spoke up.  Eddie let out a deep sigh and said.
“I’m just trying to understand why all of this is happening, and why now. But nothing makes any sense. And now—now that Wayne is involved I…..” tears once again filled his eyes as he buried his face into his hands, sniffling into his palms.
“Eddie,” my father started as he knelt down in front of him.  He reached up and grasped his shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze as he continued, “I know you’re feeling lost and frustrated right now. And it’s alright to feel that way, everyone whether hero or normal civilian feels something like this every day. Even Daredevil himself once felt this way when the Kingpin forced him to choose between saving his friends or his child.”
That was a day I never hoped to remember, it reminded me so much of the first time I came across ‘The man without fear’ back when I was a child and my parents were killed in front of me and I was taken by child traffickers.  They would’ve sold me to the highest bidder had Daredevil not found me in time.
After finding out I had lost both my parents and that I had no other family in the city to take care of me, I was taken to the orphanage and within a couple of weeks Matt Murdock came into my life and adopted me.  And the rest was history.  But when Fisk had found out about my father’s true identity, he had a villain named Bullseye take me and hold me hostage while apparently Foggy and Karen were being watched by the corrupt cops Fisk had under his belt ready to take them out.
“He—I can’t even begin to imagine what I would’ve done if that were me.” Eddie said as he took my dad’s story to heart.
“But he knew he couldn’t lose himself. He had to keep his calm and composure to try and work a way to save them both. And not only did he accomplish that, he also managed to put Fisk away for a long time with a proposition of his own.”
“Compared to my dad, Kingpin’s a saint. He won’t bargain anything or with anyone. How is anyone supposed to defeat him?”
“He’s been convicted and captured once before, not every villain is invincible. All it takes if for the right hero to stop him for good.” My dad stood up and walked over to the kitchen as he also told him, “Since your trailer is an active crime scene, you’re welcome to stay here. But I strictly advise you newly appointed lovebirds, no hanky-panky in this apartment. Don’t ask me how I’ll know, I just will.”
“Dad!” I groaned out.  He smirked and started to prepare us dinner.  After dinner Eddie and I sat on top of the roof looking out over the city.  My arms wrapped around his right arm while my head rested on his shoulder. “We’ll find him Eddie, one way or another.”
“I swear if he even lays a hand on him I swear to fucking God I’ll—” I rubbed his arm soothingly trying to ease his anger.
“One thing you should know is that my dad always knows what to say. I know you’re pissed, your scared, you’re high-strung. But all this tense anxiety won’t do you any good. Take a deep breath and focus.” He took a deep breath in before exhaling.  “I know we were too young when he was first arrested but, is there any place you think he’d take Wayne? Some place of meaning between the two of them?”
“I doubt it. They were never really close with one another even as kids. Even though Wayne was the older brother, since he never got his powers he was considered the black sheep of the family while my father was the prodigal son.” I nodded in understandment. “It’s getting late and the curfew is still in place. Why don’t you head inside?”
“You sure?” I asked.
“Yeah, plus I can practically feel your exhaustion.” I groaned quietly as I felt Eddie chuckle.  “Go on sweetheart, I’ll be there in a bit.” I looked up at him and we both kissed each other.
“I love you so much.” I told him softly.
“I love you more.” He softly kissed my forehead before I stood up and got ready for bed after a long, confessional and stressful day.
*Eddie’s POV*
Just as (Y/n) got inside, ironically enough it started to rain.  Of course to not people the rain was a nuisance especially to most heroes when it came to night patrols.  But to me, rain was life and a relief.  Mix that with the full moon that shone above the city I could feel myself feeling more alive than I’ve ever been in my entire life.
I realized at this point, I couldn’t wait any longer.  If the heroes weren’t going to do anything to find my father, then I would.  I went over to my van and grabbed a special bag that not even (Y/n) had known about.  I came back inside the apartment and unzipped it to reveal my graduation gift my uncle had made for me.
A traditional Waterbender warrior uniform (with my own modifications).  At the belt’s center design engraving instead of the traditional Water symbol, I had engraved a carving of the moon, the same moon carving that my mother once bore on her armor.  The sleeves I had torn off and had them replaced by black elbow-length fingerless gloves with the center forearm of the gloves wrapped up in war tape.
I also began to give myself the traditional war paint of the waterbenders.  Black markings under my eyes and the symbol of water at the center of my forehead.  I then pulled up my face mask to cover the lower half of my face because in order to find my father, I was going to need to get in touch with some of his old friends, and I couldn’t risk them seeing my face.  But there was one last thing I needed to do.
I went into (Y/n)’s room and saw her deep asleep as the brief flashes of lightning lit up her room.  I silently walked over to her and gingerly brushed the strands of hair out of her face and saw her left hand resting not too far from her face, her palm exposed.  I took off my wolf fang necklace and placed it into her palm.  Truthfully I don’t know if I will come out of this alive or not, but what I have to do in order to save Wayne, I’d rather her remember me as I was instead of who I’m about to become.
Having just confessed our feelings to one another only to lose her now, that’s the damage my father brings out in people.  But I don’t want her to be involved in this anymore than Wayne is now forced to be in.  I saw as her palm closed over my necklace and I whispered to her.
“I love you sweetheart, always remember that.” I then went back to the roof and took a deep breath in before exhaling and waved my arms around to have the rain water spin around me before I shot out into the sky, a flash of lightning coming down then I used the rain to forge a water patch for me to jump across.  Each step I took, water formed under me until I was running on the raindrops.
I soon came to one of my dad’s old dealers Yakone.  Yeah I may have been a kid but my old man certainly liked to take me out to all of his dealings and I got to meet every single bloodbender, drug dealer, and crime boss this city had to offer.  I peeked inside the window and saw Yakone counting up his money even though he had just gotten out of prison and was currently on parole.
Once a crime boss, always a crime boss.  I used my power to spill his whiskey across the counter which forced him to stand up and walk out to get something to clean up the mess.  Once he was gone, I slipped inside his office and waited.  The second he came back in, he froze on the spot before suddenly jerking his arm up.  He groaned as his arm soon shot to the left then the right, his bones snapping with each jerk until he was forced to bend forward.
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I made myself known with my left hand in a knife-hand position at my face level before lowering it downward while at the same time his body fully went down to the ground.
“You’re going to tell me where Wayne Munson is and don’t even think about lying.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” sneered Yakone.  I took a step forward and pushing with my other arm as I extended it, Yakone’s upperbody was forced upward and I snapped at him.
“You were once Alan Munson’s second in command. If he ever broke out of prison, the first person he’d go to is you. I won’t ask a third time; where. Is. Wayne Munson!?” Yakone continued to groan in agony as I bloodbended him.
“Tenth and Cicero X! He took that nonbender of a brother of his to the docks along Tenth and Cicero X!” I narrowed my eyes and with a wave of my arms, he was throw across the room, his back hitting the corner of the wall and he let out a pained groan.
“If I find out he’s not there, you won’t have to worry about the heroes finding out about your parole breaking. Cause I’ll see to it that you will be stopped permanently.” Then I used my Bloodbending to knock him out before finally leaving the scene as if nothing happened.
I stood along the rooftop of one of the buildings that overlooked the docks of the city and saw the old warehouse where Yakone said Wayne was being kept hostage.  I could see guards patrolling around the warehouse all either carrying guns or specialized arrows.  Odd that my old man would hire assassins and non-benders to guard my uncle, but no matter they’ll be out of my way soon enough.
I snuck my way down the fire escape of the building and crept up towards the warehouse before diving head first into a bay.  I created a water-helm for me to breath as I swam towards the edge of the warehouse.  I then summoned out a water tendril and reached out for one of the guards and pulled him out into the bay.  I then created a whirlpool tornado and shot myself upward.
“OPEN FIRE!!” one of the guards called out and a hellfire of guns and arrows were shot at me.  Creating an ice barrier I shielded myself before coming down with a back axe-kick which caused the whirlpool to follow me and push half of the men into the street knocking them out.
Using the remaining water, I created a water whip and proceeded to fire ice shards at the rest of the men.  Knocking their weapons out of their hands and then piercing them to either the walls or old shipping carts.  When the first set of guards I had knocked out started to get up, I proceeded to bloodbend all of them stopping them in their tracks.
Forcefully controlling them to stay where they were and getting down on their knees when suddenly I felt something metal hit me in the back of my head forcing me to release them.  I reached behind me and felt blood on the back of my head and I heard the sound of someone landing in front of me.  From the light of the full moon there was no denying who the man in the red suit was that stood before me.  One billy club in his hand, the devil helmet and those piercing red eyes from the mask staring at me.  The Man without Fear aka Daredevil had come.
“You need to back off.” He warned me in the voice that had been known to send shivers down any criminals spine.
“And you shouldn’t interfere with family affairs.” I seethed back at him.  I formed water tendrils around my arms and went on the offense but Daredevil proved to be just as fast as me, if not faster.
“You’re making a mistake.” He told me.
“You made the mistake by coming here!” One of my tendril arms froze over as I went to skewer him but he dodged out of the way forcing the ice shard to pierce through the asphalt of the street.  I broke my arm free of the ice and dropped the other tendril before stepping into a front stance and held my arms parallel of each other to use the rain to knock him off his feet but once again Daredevil’s agility was something.
Each time two waves of water tried to knock him down, he was able to either to flip between them, roll underneath them, or bend so far back against the ground there was no chance of the water touching him.  I growled impatiently and charged at him this time.
However only just two punches he not only dodged them but got me to my knees and had my in a chokehold.
“First rule of combat, never attack in anger.”
“I’m not angry! I’m annoyed there’s a difference!” I snapped as I tried to break myself free from his grip but he held firm.
“I can tell, but that’s the first rule they teach in combat. Now listen to me, you can still turn back. Let me finish the job and you can be reunited with your uncle by morning, your father will go back to prison, and all of this can be put behind you.”
“It won’t matter.”
“Yes it will. You’re young, you have a future to look forward to, you still have a choice. But if you cross this line, the journey back isn’t easy. Trust me, I know.” Looking down at the water I did a few finger flicks which caused a water whip to wrap around his neck and pull him off of me.  I then used my Bloodbending to keep him in place.  He let out a cry of agony as I forced him to stand at attention.
“It’s already too late, I’ve made my choice. One way or another, Alan Munson is dying tonight. He crossed the line when he kidnapped my uncle, who’s to stop him from going after my friends? My—” I trailed off thinking about (Y/n).  The torture alone that my old man could put her through, especially since she doesn’t have any powers to fight him back with.  “If he ever got to her, I’d never forgive myself.”
“Got to her ehh?” I tensed as I released Daredevil and turned to see the man I’d hope I’d never see again.  His hair was longer and madded and the eyes I inherited from him were soulless and cold.  He somehow managed to find his old armor once again and in his grip, he had Wayne levitating in the air.  “Now this I’d love to hear more of, especially if you did all of this for your excuse of an uncle.”
  My heart was pounding in my ears as my blood boiled in rage.  Extending my arms outward in a T position but with my hands standing upward, I made the rain pause around us and slowly form a shield around all of us.
“Release him.” I ordered.
“Or what little man? You gonna kill me?” the Puppetmaster mocked.
“If I have to.” I said soullessly.
“Sounds a bit dark for the son of Lunar Eclipse. But if you were my son, you’d do it without hesitation.”
“Eddie…..don’t do it son.” I heard Wayne groan out.  “Even if you do attack, he’ll use me as a shield.” He said again.
“He’s telling the truth.” Daredevil soon spoke.
“I can protect him.”
“You’re blinded by rage and won’t be able to stop it in time!” Daredevil spoke up again.  “Your uncle raised you to be a hero, not a murderer!”
“I’m already a murderer.” I soullessly stated referring to the men I had just taken out.
“They’re still alive, I can hear their heartbeats. Your father knew those men wouldn’t be worth your time because he knew the only one you were willing to kill was him.”
“Eddie, son listen…..” my uncle strained out.  “Take a good look at the man standing before you, is this the man you’ll want to become if you do this? Because you were the one to break the chain and not be like him ever since you were born. You chose to walk away from his path and choose your mother’s.”
“Listen to your uncle Eddie Munson, you’ve got people who care about you, even love you. One of them especially. Your father, he has no one. No one to call family, friends or even a partner to love and cherish. If you do this, you’ll never see any of your friends or your beloved again! So don’t. Do it!” My body trembled in rage as I stared daggers at my old man.
I waved my arms and let out a rageful cry as the shield dropped and formed into a thousand ice sharps varying in size and flew right towards him.  But just as some pierced the ground and Wayne’s body was moved directly in front of my father’s, I stopped the attack.
The ice shards floating in mid-air before I stood there in the rain and the ice shards immediately turned back into water, drenching both my uncle and father.  My father tossed Wayne aside as Daredevil went over to check on him as my father said to me.
“Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak.”
“You’re wrong.” After 13 years, I was able to stare my father down not in fear and surprisingly not in rage (at least anymore).  “I always wondered just what kind of man you are to have done the things you’ve done. Now that I see, I think I understand. There’s just nothing inside of you, nothing at all. You’re pathetic, sad and empty. And as much as I hate you—I just can’t find it in me to kill you. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t come prepared.” Next thing he knew, he was trapped by a zero anti-gravity forcefield and the entire Heroes Council soon came on the scene.
“Alan Munson, you are under arrest by the City of Hawkins.” Proclaimed Chief Hopper.  Ms. Byers and Robin’s mother soon came up and put my father back in chains and guided him towards the police car.  I closed my eyes and felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders but there was still a sliver of doubt floating in my mind.
As the night droned on, I found myself back at the Murdock’s apartment, the rain finally subsiding and I knew in a few hours dawn would break.  My uncle had been taken to the nearby hospital for a healing session and to give his statement to further incriminate my father’s quadruple life sentences.
“I’m proud of what you did back there. You even managed to fool the Devil himself.” I heard Daredevil say behind me.
“I wanted to do it. I wanted to take out all my anger at him but—I couldn’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too weak to do it or—due to the people that I have in my life, it’s given me the strength not to go down his road.”
“You did the right thing tonight Eddie Munson. Forgiveness is the first step you take to begin healing.” I stood up from the edge of the balcony and walked over to him and told him.
“But I didn’t forgive him. I’ll never forgive him for what he did. In a way he did win,” I looked down at my hands.  “I swore that I would never use his taboo art of Bloodbending but—I did. I…..don’t know if I…..” I soon felt arms wrap around me.  When I looked up, I found myself surrounded by red and I was surprised to see that the infamous Daredevil was hugging me.
I surrendered to his embrace and hugged him back as I softly began to cry.  Now that my anger and rage was gone, the sorrow, the guilt and shame was all that remained in me.  And I finally let it all out and Daredevil not once tried to get me to stop or tell me to suck it up.  In fact he didn’t say a word, he just allowed me to fully let it out until my tears were finally spent.
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rottenaero · 1 year
Part 6 of the roommate au!
Ao3(Click here for more content)
Part 1
Part 5
Part 7
“Dustin, can you slow down? Dustin?”
Dustin huffed from where was up ahead, barely sparring Eddie a glance before going back to walking. “ I think we’re getting close.” He said.
Eddie jogged to catch up, barely grabbing Dustin by the hem of the collar when he almost walked straight into the lake. “Watch your step, big guy.”
“Oh man, you gotta be shitting me.” Steve groaned, as the body of water came into view.
“Yeah, I thought that these woods were familiar.”
Robin let out a puff of air directly into Steve’s ear, and he turned his head away. God, why was her breath so cold? “Lover’s Lake…” She mumbled, blowing more air to his face. He swatted away at it. “ What kind of mints do you eat? Jesus..”
“This is confounding.” Dustin puffed, peering over the murky waters. “There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Max asked, glancing around.
Nancy’s brow furrowed, “ Whenever the Demogorgon’s attacked, it always left an opening,” She turned her head to Max. “Maybe Vecna’s the same way?”
“Yeah, only one way to find out.” Steve snorted, pushing Eddie forward. Even though the push was light, Eddie balanced precariously. “Dude!” He gaped, and Steve let out another snort.
The water splashed as Eddie shoved the boat in. “I said easy, man!”
Eddie huffed, “Sorry.”
Robin maneuvered between the two of them, ignoring Steve’s outstretched hand. When Eddie stood up to get on, he grabbed it and grinned. “ So polite, sir Harrington.”
Steve scrunched his nose, “ Is that a new one?” Eddie shrugged from his spot already on the boat. Nancy went on next.
When Dustin made a move to get on too, Steve shoved him back. “Woah, what are you trying to do, sink us?” He made an offended noise, and Eddie chimed in from the back. “This thing holds three people, tops, okay?”
Nancy sighed, “It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble.”
“You keep an eye out! It’s my goddamn theory.”
“You heard Nance.” Robin beraded, using the oar she had in hand to jab Dustin’s shoe.
“Who put her in charge?”
“I did.” Robin said, and Steve sent her a look, before turning his gaze back to Dustin.
“Compass.” Nancy added from her spot behind Eddie, holding her arms out.
Dustin threw it to her, pouting and nose scrunched. Steve smiled and patted him on the shoulder, before pushing the boat off land.
His brows furrowed when he figured out what was happening, “Hey! You said three!” He yelped.
Steve sucked in a dramatic breath, “ Sorry.” He said with a mock whisper. Eddie snickered from ahead him. Steve counted that as a win.
Robin grinned from her place at the front of the boat, “Miss you already, kiddos! Bedtimes at nine!”
The boat ride was surprisingly peaceful. The night-time chill Steve could do without. He shifted carefully to the front of the boat, while it could hold four people, it was still crazy unstable.
Steve leaned a bit over Robin’s shoulder, and flashing his torch in-front of the boat, Nancy makes a weird inhaling noise and Steve looked up.
They were about in about the middle of the lake.
Robin exhales and Steve immediately has to push himself out of her reach because seriously, how many fucking mints did she have? Was she trying to impress someo-
He glanced at Nancy from the corner of his eyes, and had to resist the urge to scream at Robin.
We were so close with Vickie, come on!
Robin, who seemed oblivious to his internal monologue, turned her head to face Nance when she spoke.
“Whoa whoa whoa, whoa, slow down.” Her brown eyes darted to Eddie for a second when he didn’t immediately follow her orders. “Slow down guys.”
“Got it, Lady Wheeler.” He said, lifting the oar from the water. The action caused some water drops to flick onto the boat, and Steve huffed at some landed directly under his eye.
Steve leaned over Nancy’s shoulder to get a look at the compass, which was freaking the fuck out.
The radio crackled to life after a few seconds, and Dustin’s voice fizzled into the starry air. “Guys, what’s going on? Come on, talk to me. What’s going on?”
Robin made grabby motions to Steve and he tossed her the box from beside him. “Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital ‘auah!’”
Steve looked out into the water. They were right above the gate then, right? At least in theory.
He began to shed his shoes and socks.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asks.
He looks up and meets her eyes head-on.
“Unless one of you three can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then it’s gotta be me,” He glanced to Eddie. “No complaints.”
Eddie just raises an eyebrow, “Is this like, the opposite of stairway to heaven? Freefall to hell?”
“Uh, no. Because I’m not freefalling, I’m swimming. Also, are you seriously thinking of music right now?”
“Hah, swimming to hell, even better. I fucking hate swimming, and, yes.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Steve swipes his shirt off in one fell-swoop, and throws it into Eddie’s lap, who seems pre-occupied putting a flashlight into a bag.
He scoffs, and he looks up at Steve, passing him the torch.
“Hey, good luck.”
He smiles, “Thanks.”
Eddie immediately grabs for his lighter and a cigarette, and Steve raises a brow. Robin plucks the smoke from his hands, “Gross.”
He turned to face the front of the boat, ready to dive. He takes a big breath in, the cool night air chilling his already freezing lungs.
He turns his head to Nancy. “Be careful.” She says, gaze concerned. He gave one curt nod before diving into the lake.
The water was warm, a stark contrast to the air. He kicked his legs, and moved the light around when he got near the bottom.
A couple of fish bones, rocks, grass. He turned around, only to find a red glow emitting from not far.( In the back of the mind he felt the reminder that he needed more oxygen, that he needed to breathe soon.)
He swam forward, reaching the gate in only a few seconds. It was fleshy, stringy looking. He shone his line over it, pushing his hand close to the opening.
But just as he touched a thin veil of- something, something pushed against the gate,
From the opposite side.
Steve startled, dropping his light in his desperation to swim back up.
He emerged from the water with a splash, clearly surprising Robin and Eddie if their yelps were anything to tell by.
“I found it.” He stated, water still rippling around him. I found it.
“You found it?” Nancy asked, voice pitched and hopeful.
“I found it, yeah, I found it.”
He grabbed onto the edge of the boat, and Robin began to speak into the walkie. “Dustin, you’re a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate.”
He grinned wildly, placing his head on the tip of the boat too. “It’s pretty wild, more of a snack-sized gate than a mama gate, but it’s still pretty damn big.” He said, looking-
Was he delusional or did something just yank his leg-
He glanced back at the water.
Something slimey, tendral like, wrapped around his ankle and dragged him down.
Not delusional not delusionalnotdelusional.
Steve grasped for nothing,anything, the boat, an arm, a random rope from fucking nowhere-
-but he didn’t grab anything. He had to hold in a scream, in order to not loose oxygen.
He felt the gravity change-no more water- before he was thrown into the air, and fell onto the ground.
He blinked open his eyes and-
He was in the upside down.
Steve had no longer than a second to process that before the thing grasped his ankle again and began to drag him away.
Fuck, that hurt.
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glacial-snowflakes · 2 years
Freak // Eddie Munson x Y/N
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Wheeler!reader
Word count: 1,09k
Summary: Being tired with the way you're boyfriend is treated force you to take action.
WARNINGS: some swear words, minor spoilers
Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated. It’s really motivating <3
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Some people are like open books, but not Eddie Munson, no. His heart was wrapped with a thick chain secured with a padlock, and only a few individuals had a key to it. You, obviously, were one of them - Y/N Wheeler, this year's graduate and a dear girlfriend of his. 
Eddie never liked to brag about his personal life, so not many actually knew you two were in a relationship. You were his greatest secret that he promised himself to take to the grave with him. Well... Maybe not that dramatic, but he persistently tried to keep nosy students away from your love. Number one of the reasons was his not-so-saint reputation, and he didn't want you to become a target of snarky remarks. Though he'd managed to succeed for quite a time, it all collapsed in a blink of an eye. But that wasn't his fault...
"Enjoy your meal, dear." 
You've heard the kind voice of a cafeteria worker as you got your last piece of lunch placed on your tray. You thanked her with a smile and immediately headed down to the table you'd sat at from the first day of school. Your friends were already there, gossiping about the last basketball match. 
"Y/N, what do you think?" Vickie asked you as soon as you squeezed between her and Robin.
"About what?"
"Yesterday's Jason speech."
"And his gooey love confession? Or using a tragedy to encourage the team to win a game? Because the first one made me want to vomit, and the second made me almost rip my ears out. Fucked up." You poked a hole in a juice with a straw. 
"So you share our views." They laughed.
"The devil has come to America. Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned." A familiar voice reached your ears and caught your attention as you were about to take a mouthful of a bun. Like magic, a broader but still subtle smile appeared on your face. You completely zoned out from conversation by your table. Instead, you focused on an article that your boyfriend read aloud to Hellfire Club's members.
"Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... murder!" 
Eddie's laugh was enough to turn your head towards his group. You noticed your brother sitting by the table with Dustin. He gave you a look that said, "get lost, sis.". We'll see who'll give you a ride to the arcade next time you ask. You thought to yourself and stuck your tongue out. You'd probably make some faces to each other if not your boyfriend, who suddenly got on the table and distracted you from the teasing.
"We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But as long as you're into band... or science... or parties... or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets-" 
"You want something, freak?" Jason instantly stood up, taking a few steps toward Eddie. Oh boy, the troubles begin.
Now everyone was watching the two of them. As you predicted, Munson didn't give any shit. He raised his hands to make devil horns on his head, spluttering with his tongue stuck out from his mouth.
"Prick," Carver said before heading to his seat.
And before you could even think about anything, words shot out from you like your lips were the rifle aimed at your biggest enemy. "Oh, fuck off!" All eyes were on you now, whether you liked it or not. There was no way out, so instead of running away like a coward, you got up from the chair you'd been sitting on and faced Jason.
"What did you say?" The team captain looked at you.
"Don't act like you didn't understand. Stop saying shit about Eddie." 
"Or what?" Jason got closer to you. Sudden chairs' movements were heard, and all the Hellfire Club got up like they were about to have your back. A loud thud meant Munson jumped off the table.
"Y/N-" Eddie tried to catch your attention, but you waved at him to make him stop.
"What "or what"? Do you think I'm threatening you? I'm not that stupid. Don't be a dick and fuck off from Eddie, that's all."
"I think you actually are dumb, Wheeler." You extended your arm to stop your boyfriend and brother from rushing to Jason. "He IS crazy."
You glanced at Eddie, who looked angry, ready to fight for the woman he loved. For a moment, you thought he acted foolishly. Not him wanting to protect you but being willing to throw hands, knowing well that the whole basketball team would beat the shit out of him. That's when you realized...
"You know what?" Your eyes went back to Jason. "You're right. He is crazy... But in a good way. This is what makes him so attractive. Not that you can relate. You, Jason Carver, are like a poorly written character that is so perfectly boring. A golden boy without any flaw that thinks of himself as the best. In fact, your personality is dull, blank... And, honestly? Listening to you makes everyone want to puke their guts out." Students burst into laughter. "Without further due, leave my boyfriend alone and get lost because now my lunch is cold because of you."
The word boyfriend traveled from mouth to mouth like a ping pong ball bouncing back to back during an intense match. To be frank, you couldn't care less. You were finally free. There was no need to hide anymore. Whether Eddie liked that or not, it doesn't matter to you. 
You kept your eyes on Jason, not letting him win this fight. You were done with the way he treated someone so important to you, someone, you loved so dearly. 
"Y/N." A quiet whisper rang into your ear when the arms wrapped around your waist. Munson pulled you away because he knew you. You wouldn't back down so easily. "For someone who doesn't like to make scenes, that was quite a spectacular one." You could feel Eddie's lips brushing your ear.
"I told you, there was no need to hide our relationship. I can protect us both." 
Your boyfriend chuckled. "You're right. I was stupid."
"No, I'd say you were crazy." A broad grin crept onto your face.
"Crazily in love with you." Eddie winked, trying to sound as cute as he could.
"Ew, Munson. That's gross."
"Ew, Wheeler. You're right."
tag: @eddie-munsons-sweetheart @eddieemunson @beauty-in-the-brkdwn @dragon-ash13 @notafinalgirl
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eminsunnytoons123 · 2 months
Disclaimer: this will always get updated And when I reblog it, it Means that it Got updated again.
The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home
Characters list:
The muppets:
The muppets (they appear in almost EVERY EPISODE, but not every episode is about them, they just help the Main supporting muppets that have most attention in each episodes) - Kermit, fozzie, miss piggy gonzo, Rizzo, Pepe, rowlf, yolanda, scooter
Main supporting muppets (they appear a Lot just like the Main ones And they are VERY important to the series And episodes, And im adding more) - sam eagle, Skeeter, dr teeth, Janice, Lips, Floyd, animal, Zoot, Vicki, Clifford, digit, Waldo C Graphic, bean Bunny, Lindbergh, Leon lizard, Flash, solid foam drummer (aka Kimberly), beard, zondra, Ubu, chip, Constantine, swedish chef, Wayne And Wanda, Mildred huxetetter, miss mousey, afghan hound, baskerville hound, Camilla chicken, Walter, Crazy Harry, Lew Zealand, uncle deadly, Bobo bear, dr Phil van neuter, waldorf And statler, beauregard, link hogthrob, dr Julius strangepork, Marvin suggs, the newsman, Robin the frog, sweetums, thog, timmy Monster, the mutations, Annie sue, Denise pig, 80s robot, behemoth, big mean Carl, doglion, Fletcher Bird, Betsy Bird, George the janitor, foo-foo, gaffer the pirate Cat, Johnny fiama, Sal minella, mahna mahna, the snowths, Mr poodlepants, Seymour, spamela Hamderson, mulch, Bubba the rat, gorgon heap,
Reccuring/minor/additional characters (they sometimes or rarely appear in some episodes, but they even dont live with The muppets in the boarding home) - Hilda, Gladys, trumpet girl (Dolores), cliffy hatzis, cliffster Hatzis, Nigel, Mary Louise, selena the brunette haired whatnot, Tammy the red haired whatnot, Isabella the dirty-blonde haired whatnot, violette the brunette haired whatnot, merice the blue whatnot, Lauren the light Purple whatnot, flower eating Monster, Katherine Seahorsse Atlantic, Clara Hatzis, green muck Monster, angelco And devilzo, Angelica And demonica, kermgel And devmit, Jeremy the light blue whatnot, Mikey the orange whatnot,
Guest characters (these are the characters that appear in each episodes And sometimes have attention on them, or theyre from other muppets media And appear only a little bit) - wocka agent bear, Cosmo bopper, ghost of Christmas past, ghost of Christmas present, And ghost of Christmas future, green muck Monster,
Main supporting whatnot Show gang characters (and they appear in each episode to help the muppets with some problems, And yes theyre important to the story too, And im still editing this) - dermot the dog, miss tiggy, Ozzy woodchuck, Gustavo the King ladybug, Pierce the chinchilla, paisley the persian Cat, bonzo the amazing Monkey, Sid the British bulldog, dr tounge, ibeeria, Sgt Easton Oliver, yakim, vegetable, Mateo, auncle heavenly, ceco the andean bear, Leo the axolotl, raiden the semi radio person, Max Gerbils, una, Frederick the toucan, Jagger the Fox, Iggy D digital, dr quill Owens, zuri the chinchilla, snooper, Victor, kameron Gibson, Tristan Nelson Koala, crazed Gael, Maxwell Armstrong, Sammy the dog, Aleksandr the dog, tiana the fairy, dr Aristotle un wonders, kiyoshi, Napoleon Thibault, tarrasque, weather man, bi-bi, Sneeker, Remington the hippo, miss Batty, carina flamingo, italian culinarian, Mr. Parrotyno, Willa, Maverick the yeti, Clark the computer designer, Bartha the Ragdoll Cat, christoper the Ragdoll Cat, sea ocean witch man, O' Theodore Purple, the telephaty Brothers, 60's telephone, Miroslav Agovich, the trolls (bluan, huang And pinkery), yuna flowerwoman, chirping lovebird, ignorant Alfred, rude Oscar, naive lester, Cody the chihuahua, Garrett the pug, micah the Pitbull, Kathy And Kevin, Fred the janitor, adolpha the jungle parrot,
Main supporting teppums characters (the same like whatnot Show gang, they always help the muppets in any problems or trouble, And im still editing this) - timrek the sheep, madame camela, Evan the Elephant, Hector the brilliant, quade the fennec Fox, litvik the King cobra, arlo, dr linnaeus un shingems, Shane the american bison, Travis, Zane, lavi the King lion, stephany, dr Lips, Sgt Gideon Quinn, wilds Benner, Nicolas, Werner, Elias the Alligator, Abram the semi laptop Guy, Cassie, George E flyer, Liam the miniature horse, berengar the gecko, ben the otter, belladonna, Gunner the kapre, Arthur the game designer, tiana, madame gerbilsy, insane Axel, Asher the lamb, madame Li-Li, journalist man, gem the genie, tough Draco, glemsom Sebastian, monsieur gerbilso, Lionel the King lion II, Alfred And Chester, Diana the mermaid, Victoria the fennec Fox, sindy the verdin Bird, Raphael abadie, Federico agosti, rodan the Diamond Giant, Master Vincent, french has slinger, Daniil the dall sheep, Henrietta sunflowera
Main supporting parodies show characters - coming soon.... (Theyre not created yet, but soon will)
Main villains/antagonists - kermoot the frog, foozie bear, miss poogy, roowlf the dog, Bonzor the fantastic, paloma the flying shrimp, cici the mouse, dr dentist, janooce, flora, zotts, Lipst, animool, Camillo the rooster, soom the hawk, aunt goatella (she is a Nice Lady :3), Boryslav the frog, Tanya the red-brown haired whatnot, dr Vanessa van michigen, beba the Polar bear (she is a Nice Lady too), Jennifer Ferguson, schi-schi the red panda, Scarlett the black-haired whatnot, boombox catfish "Benjamin", Ruby the semi computery girl, Darren, Petunia parrot, Martha the Chameleon, Beeny the digital bee, pinks the news reporter Bird, dr Barbara, geekera, Mad Blake, Andrea zingler, Xavier, Ray the bigfoot, ash the Graphic designer, booper, British cooker, Wendy, Edward the antarctic fox, Thomas and Tristan, arabella And Frances, stormer, busher, solid cotton guitarist "sarah", yacoub the mouse, maria Santana, Beepera, Sebastian the Rhino, elids the garden witch troll, Rosalie the frog, miss persian Lady, reporter man, Hannah And Anna pig, miss mi-mi, Henry the mouse, maddison pig, Gabrielle Pig, golem rose witch, hadria MacAfee, fantastic Day green witch, Crystal snowe the snowy owl, galatea the janitor, the telekinesis Sisters, miss Theodora Huang, forgetfull Mirabella, mean penny, arrogant Mahira, 70s computer, Gavin frog, caleb frog, glothcher the frog, Giant rude Alexandro And Miranda gonzales
Muppets Monsters quintet (theyre the antagonists too, but they dont appear a lot) - ker-monster, ghoulfriend, wocka wocka bear, noseferatu and muck monster
And this is for all my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals who really love my Work, And that love me just the way I am And that always make me feel loved, And i would never let any of the besties And auntie that i lost make me feel more anxious And stressed out for what I fucking did to my blue haired auntie. And i will always care And love my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals no matter what. 💗
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @xxkurosakutisaxx @xxkurosakutisaxxaltofshitaccount @ducktoonz903707 @muppet-fan-real @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @walt-diego-rodriguez @goatsarecool1 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith
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