#he doesn’t think they’ll willingly part with him
ghost-bxrd · 3 months
What would the canon batfam (or your version of the batfam, since the canon version is… questionable, at times) would think of Fae Dick?
Just imagine someone from the fae world, probably Tim, ends up in a world where Dick is human, and either 1) does not immediately realize that this Dick is human bc every version of Dick Grayson is at least a little unhinged, or 2) takes one long look at him and is like ‘wait you’re HUMAN?’
(Also, Jason learning that Fae Dick killed the Joker/or Fae Dick murdering the joker of the other world bc if other him wouldn’t do it, he sure as hell will)
Honestly if it’s Tim I’d give him exactly one convo to clock canon!Dick as human. There’s just this distinct lack of—- something, about this version of him. Yeah, he’s still his exuberant and uplifting self but??? Where are all the teeth??? (“Excuse me, what?”) And what happened to your feathers?????? (“My what now??”) And why are your eyes so weird?????? (“Excuse you, my eyes are perfectly alright!”)
And of course, there’s the distinct lack of plant- and wildlife in the manor. The doors don’t open and close on their own to let the family members pass, the deer Tim sees on the outskirts of the manor grounds all look depressingly normal and shy away from them, and the trees don’t try to trip him up in a bout of mischief. And, worst of all? Tim now can’t just go through any door in the manor and have it bring him directly to his intended destination. He accidentally walks into a closet many times and just— stands there, in the dark, for several minutes before he realizes that, nope, this really is just a closet and will not magically open up into the kitchens. Damn it.
The canon batfamily all think that Tim is a tragically deranged alternate universe version of their Tim and all discreetly try to “play along” with his delusions (even though canon!dick is totally weirded out about the random tidbits of information Tim drops on them). Not to mention that they’re all very concerned about the mentions of Dick having people eaten by deer and stuff. Or collecting teeth.
All that gets resolved rather quickly tho when Fae!Dick barges into this universe to retrieve his Tim and pops by with his usual many-toothed smile and the Joker’s severed head hanging from one hand, chirping a happy little “you’re welcome!” At Jason, and then promptly hugging the living daylights out of his Tim.
Tim just grins happily and says “teeth!” Very emphatically.
(Jason totally doesn’t cry that another version of his big bro just showed up and killed the Joker for him, nope, not at all.)
(“Timmy, can we-“
“Absolutely not!”
“But he’s sad” :((
“He’s HAPPY, dumbass. You killed the joker for him.”
“Exactly! Other Dick didn’t do it, I did! That means he’s mine now!”
“Dick- NO-“
“Dick, yes!” :)))) )
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dyeher · 5 months
Includes: toji fushiguor x fem! reader
Warnings: age gap, shibari, smut, knife play, fear play, light humiliation, degradation, female identifying reader, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, impact play [pussy and ass spanking], choking, face fucking, cum eating, edging, dacryphilia, cucking [sort of], creampie, overstimulation.
Summary: toji’s never been given a gift like this before. bless megumi’s little heart for knowing his daddy so well.
“What the hell is this?”
Truthfully, Toji couldn't say for certain what he expected when Megumi had announced after dinner that there was a surprise waiting for him in his home office. Maybe an expensive bottle of liquor, a new handgun, a cologne, a card, or nothing at all. Though the latter was more a self-deprecating expectation than anything else. Further, he didn’t think his son was capable of surprising him. Toji, up until this exact moment, had convinced himself that he had seen enough in his lifetime to ensure nothing would ever truly surprise him.
And yet, the sight of you- gagged and artfully tied in golden ribbons- kneeling next to his desk has left him stupefied.
“Megumi- What the fuck?” he gestures to your trembling body. “What the hell has gotten into you?”
“I see the way you look at her old man,” he can feel Megumi’s eyes on his back. “You can take what I’ve so graciously offered or you can look a gift horse in the mouth. Either way, she’s yours for the rest of the night.”
If Toji’s cock wasn’t one wrong move away from bursting the seams of his slacks he might have denied Megumi’s observation until he was blue in the goddamn face. You were too young, too beautiful, too innocent, too much of his son’s fucking girlfirend to be sitting next to his desk with nothing but literal scraps of fabric covering your...important parts. As it stood his cock was embarrassing him, and it wasn’t helping that he hadn’t looked anywhere but at you since he spotted you.
God but you were beautiful. Admittedly whether you were wrapped up like a christmas present or fully clothed Toji knows he’d still be staring at you, granted in the latter instances it would be easier to tear his gaze away from the wealth of exposed flesh, because there would be no exposed flesh.
“Be gentle with her, don’t get her pregnant, no anal,” Megumi says, and maybe Toji makes a sound of agreement because his son leaves after that, a mumbled ‘Happy Father’s day’ his parting words.
The slamming of his office door makes you jump, and the delicious jiggling of your breasts as a result leaves Toji reeling. You’re staring up at him with such open abandon that Toji slumps into the closest chair. Evidently, Megumi hadn’t forced you into these shibari knots, you’d gone willingly. Toji supposes there’s something to be said about the fact that his son knows his tastes well. From where Toji sits on the single arm chair in the room, he can spot one particularly aggravating knot that he loves. Nestled next to your clit, he imagines the knot is likely soaked from your constant shifting.
There’s something morally wrong with wanting to stuff your son’s girlfriend full of cock. Unless, your son gives you the green light and said girlfriend is looking at you like you’re her salvation. Then it’s a matter of self defense, because obviously the two have conspired to ruin his already crumbling mental factions and thus, as he stands and approaches you he convinces himself that he’s fucking you for the sake of defending those mental factions.
The gag is drenched and Toji doesn’t care that they’ll get saliva on the paperwork laid out on his desk, he has half a mind to rub the sopping material along the length of his cock before your mouth opens on an adorable ‘ah’ that makes his cock twitch in anticipation. First, he needs to get you out of these ties because he needs to feel all of you. He needs to feel every inch of glorious skin and he needs it like he needs his next fucking breath.
So he cuts you free of the looping material, doesn’t even bother to listen to your little huffs of protests as your hands spring free and then your legs, and then your breasts relax when the ribbon at the bottom and the top come undone. He pulls you to your feet and drags you to the chair he’d previously occupied. You follow after him, standing between his thighs as he cuts you the rest of the way free.
The knife grazes the inside of your thigh teasingly, Toji doesn’t need to cut that part- the part pressed achingly close to your clit- free he only needs to tug on the knot, but when your hands fly to his shoulders coupled with an adorable whimper and he looks up to find your lips parted, eyes glazed over he brings the knife higher.
Your breath hitches and Toji can’t swallow his surprised chuckle fast enough.
“You like playing with knives, angel face?”
Your response is a jerky nod that Toji’s sure you had no conscious control of. He flips the knife so the dull back of it drags along the inside of your thigh, when it reaches the soft, puffy lip of your pussy he has to wrap an arm around your waist to stop you from collapsing. He pulls it away and helps you onto his lap, pressing your back against the chair’s arm and draping your legs across his thighs and over the other arm.
“Tell me something,” he urges, the knife in one hand held away from your body and the other gripping the back of your neck to keep your face angled to his. “Do you want this?”
“Yes- yes sir,” you lick your lips nervously and Toji nods.
“And did Megumi force you to do this?”
You glance away. Toji’s entire body goes taught. If Megumi forced you to have sex with him, if he’s blackmailing yo-
“It was my idea,” you admit.
Toji blinks, unsure he’d heard correctly. “Say that again?”
“It was- it was my idea, Mr. Fushiguro.”
Toji takes a long look at the way you’re spread out for him, your skin dented where the knots were pressed against your flesh, covered in a thin layer of sweat that leaves you glowing under the harsh lights of his office. Your breaths come in quick harsh pants, your legs twitch with each breath and Toji’s certain the dampness of his slacks has nothing to do with the fact that his cock is leaking into his boxers.
Toji wonders for one insane second what he could have possibly done to deserve this kind of gift. As far as he was concerned he was a mediocre parent at best. Love could really only provide so much emotional cushioning before it wasn’t enough. Not to mention his constant absence from his kid’s life because of work. It didn’t make sense that Megumi would give him something as precious as you. If he were a better man he would turn you down nicely, reassure you that it wasn’t that he didn't want you but it was just messed up. Thank the stars in the sky that he wasn’t a better man.
He glances down at you squirming in his lap and shuts off the part of his brain screaming at him to stop. He grasps a handful of your tits and squeezes gently, rolling the puckered nipple in between his fingers until your back arches off the chair arm. He drops the knife onto the end table next to him and uses that hand to drag down the center of your body as he sucks the nipple into his mouth.
“Oh,” you gasp.
His hand settles at the top of your pussy and he chuckles at your desperate whimper. He keeps it there as he switches to your other nipple. Toji takes his time, he operates on the belief that this is the only chance he’ll ever get to explore your body, to touch you however he likes without worrying about repercussions. So, as he sucks languidly at your nipples he rubs slow circles at the top of your pussy, right above your clit. A taste of what he could do. When you’re squirming so bad he’s forced to tighten his grip on you he finally pulls away from your chest he peppers kisses up your sternum, and along your throat until he reaches your lips.
“Are you sure you want this, angel face?” he asks.
“Yes- yes please,” you answer shakily.
“Good, you know what the stoplight system is?” Toji hides his excitement at your nod. “We’re gonna use that system, angel face. Remind me what it is?”
“Red means I want you to stop whatever you’re doing, yellow means slow down because what we’re doing is making me feel a little uncomfortable, green means I’m okay with whatever you’re doing and I think you should continue.”
Toji smiles, “Just about. What’s your colour right now?”
“Green,” you pant, wiggling so your ass settles between his legs on the chair. Toji is momentarily distracted when you brace the soles of your feet on the chair arm and your legs butterfly open. He catches a glimpse of slicked pussy lips as they part, strings of your arousal connecting them to each other.
“Good,” he answers absently and then he’s dipping his fingers into your messy little cunt. “So fucking wet,” he glances up to find your eyes glued to where his fingers have disappeared between the lips of your pussy.
He drags two fingers along your slit, collecting and spreading your cum up to your clit where he rubs light circles around it. Your responding whimper goes straight to his cock. He pulls his fingers away and with his eyes trained on yours he sucks your cum off his fingers. Your eyes widen adorably and Toji ducks to kiss you.
It dawns on him, when your lips part immediately under his, warm and soft and compliant that his son has probably fucked you under this roof. He uses the kiss as a distraction as he reaches for his knife. He flips it so the blade is facing him and gingerly runs the handle along the inside of your thigh.
Your body jerks.
“Easy,” he murmurs against your lips. “I’m not going to hurt you. Okay?”
Toji watches you struggle to regulate your breathing, but you’re shaking so bad it’s a little concerning. When you manage to squeak out your affirmative he leaves a chaste kiss to your mouth and turns his attention to his knife and your pretty pussy.
“I have to ask,” he starts conversationally, as the handle continues to climb the sensitive skin. “Why this and not something uh...normal?”
“What?” you ask dumbly.
He chuckles. “Well, Megumi could’ve gotten me a blank card and I’d have been grateful-” he stops just before he reaches your pussy lips again and flips the knife around so the blade is pressed flat against the inside of your thigh, “-but you suggested this-” he drags his eyes along your exposed body, “-so I’m asking you why this?”
You gulp when the blade bumps into your labia. “I- I don’t-”
Toji presses the blade flat against your cunt, covering one labia entirely.You inhale sharply, your limbs locking as you struggle not to close your legs around the knife. The cool press of the blade against the heated flesh causes goosebumps to erupt along your skin. He waits as you exhale slowly. He doesn’t move, just stares at you expectantly.
“Well? You still haven’t answered, angel face.”
“I don’t- I don’t know,” you stutter, your body trembles with the effort it takes not to move less the knife cuts you.
“I think you do,” Toji tuts. “You must, because I’m sure you’d have to convince Megumi somehow and you couldn’t have convinced him if you didn’t know.” He pulls the knife away and slaps at your cunt with it before pressing it back to your labia. “Try again. Why this?”
Tears gather at the corner of your eyes and Toji can just make out the way your pulse is pounding at the base of your throat. “I- I wanted to- I wanted to fuck you,” you answer. “Meg- Megumi- Megumi can’t say no to me.”
Toji freezes. “Who else?”
“Mr. Fushi-”
“Call me Toji. Now answer the question.”
The knife presses harder against you and your body twitches, the tears spill over and a half sob breaks free as you scramble to grab onto his arm.
“Who else has my son let you fuck, angel face?”
Toji pulls the knife away from your pussy and presses it to your throat. “You’re a little whore aren’t you?”
You gulp, your breaths stuttering out of you. You can only stare wide eyed up at Toji, the reality of your situation sinks into your gut like lead. This man kills people for a living and now you’re naked and spread eagle on his lap with a knife pressed to your throat all because you’re a horny little shit. You should’ve listened to Megumi. This was a bad idea. And yet, even as the knife presses deeper against your throat, your legs trembling and your heart racing, you don’t know where the arousal ends and the fear begins. Your body, that traitorous bitch has your nipples pebbling and your pussy leaking.
“You think I’d fuck your little pussy now? Knowing you’ve been giving it to anyone who makes your panties damp?”
You find yourself frowning deeply, your bottom lip wobbling at his words. “I- I’m not-”
The knife vanishes and fingers appear at your cunt, dragging through the mess you’ve made. Toji grins wolfishly. “Your cunt says otherwise, angel face. You’re wet and messy. Your pussy is sloppy and I haven’t even fucked you yet.”
“Please- I’m sor-”
Toji laughs. “You’re not sorry yet, but you will be. Can’t believe my son’s dating a little slut like you. Can’t believe he’s letting you take advantage of him.”
You hiccup, your eyes blurring with tears as he sinks two fingers into you abruptly, his pace is harsh and unrelenting and when you try to grab onto his wrist he pins your arms to your stomach with his free hand. The lewd sucking sound your pussy makes as he moves his fingers in and out coupled with the way his fingers twist inside you, searching for something are enough to have your eyes rolling into your head. You’re almost to the edge when he pulls away.
“No!” you cry out, hips jerking up in search of his fingers. “To- toji please.”
“What’s your colour, angel face?”
It takes you a moment to understand what he’s asking. “Green, so green, please- please touch me-”
The knife returns and you’re so stunned you don’t react as he uses the dull back of the blade to drag along your cunt, you watch liquid pool on the blade before Toji brings it up to your lips.
“Taste yourself, but be careful, wouldn’t want you to hurt that pretty mouth before I use it.”
You latch onto his wrist, holding him steady as you run your tongue along the blade, licking up your cum.
“Fuck,” Toji grunts. “Such a good little slut.”
You keen and he drags the tip of the knife from the space between your breasts to your clit. Goosebumps follow the cool metal until the hairs on your body are standing on end. You tense when the tip brushes against your clit.
“Toji?” you lick your lips when he circles the sensitive nub. “What- what are-”
“Shh, it’s okay,” he coos. “I’m not gonna hurt you, remember?”
You nod dazedly, “Okay.”
“I’m a little upset though,” Toji sighs. “And disappointed. Here I was thinking you were a good girl. You really had me fooled.” The knife makes another circle around your clit and you whine. “Megumi’s too blind to see what you really need,” the knife disappears again, “a little punishment.”
You’re not prepared for the harsh slap that lands on your cunt. Toji’s hand is heavy and the stinging spreads from your clit all the way up your torso, your body bows. Another two echo in the room coupled with your helpless cries, you have no doubt Megumi can hear them.
“What do you think, angel face? Ten on your slutty cunt? And then another ten on your ass?”
You can barely form a coherent sentence as you attempt to disagree, but Toji ignores you, and another harsh smack has you breaking out in a full body shudder.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry,” you slur. By the seventh slap you’re sobbing outright, but your cunt is soaked, the final three slaps are lewd and the tacky sound of Toji’s palm against the wet lips of your pussy would have been embarrassing if you had the presence of mind to feel embarrassed.
“Good little slut,” he chuckles, releasing you to flip you onto your stomach across his thighs. “Colour, angel face?”
“Green, ‘m green,” you hiccup. “‘M sorry, ‘m sorry, I’ll be good, I’ll be go-”
You’re babbling as Toji caresses your ass. He massages into the flesh gently, until your babbling dies to a low whimper, and then the first slap makes you jump. Toji groans, “If you take your punishment like a good girl, maybe I’ll make you cum.”
You shut up instantly, muffling your cries by chewing on your lips. Each slap seems to get harsher, harder. He’s on the fifth slap when the babbling starts anew, Toji ignores you as he continues his spanking. You lose count at some point and only realize he’s stopped when he dips two fingers into your pussy from behind. You inhale sharply, a sob of relief bubbling out of you as he curls his fingers into your walls, he adds a third finger and your body hums happily. You’re so close you’re drooling, your lips parted as you pant out thank yous. Just as you’re about to cum he stops and you scream in frustration.
“Oh, angel face,” Toji mocks. “Did you really think your punishment was over?” He maneuvers you onto your knees in front of him. “You haven’t even sucked my dick yet.” He frees his cock from his slacks and your body lurches forward as soon as it bobs free. Thick and long, and wet with precum, your mouth waters at the sight of him. Briefly, you note that Megumi’s cock is eerily familiar. “Open up,” he instructs, slapping the thick length of it along your cheeks, and smearing his precum along your lips.
The weight of him as he slides onto your tongue and bumps into the back of your throat is so satisfying that your eyes roll. He’s nothing like Megumi. Where your boyfriend would give you a moment to adjust, to take the reins and suck him off however you like his father is not so patient. He cups your face with one big hand, his fingers splayed out on your neck and his thumb pressing your lips open and fucks your throat harshly. Spit layers on his cock from each thrust into your throat, it fills your mouth until there’s nowhere to go but out and onto your chin and chest. Strands of saliva decorate your lips and his cock each time he pulls out far enough for you to breathe.
“God, yes, just like that,” he grunts, as though you’re doing anything other than struggling to keep your throat relaxed and oxygen in your lungs. “Open your eyes.” You do, though you can’t say when exactly they slipped shut. Watching Toji as he grappled to keep his self-control was one thing but watching as that self-control snapped was awe inspiring.
He yanks you off his cock and pulls you to his desk, “Colour?”
“Green,” you croak, throat raw and pulsing from its use.
“Thank fuck,” Toji mand handles you onto his desk easily, he pushes you down and spreads your thighs wide enough for him to fit his wide shoulders. He pauses to take you in, sprawled on his desk, bare as the day you were born. His grip on the back of your knees tightens as he pushes them open and back. “Here’s how the rest of this is gonna go, angel face,” he licks his lips, eyes trained on your cunt. The attention makes you squirm, your hole clenching around nothing as he continues. “I’m gonna shove my face in this pretty pussy and eat until you’re begging and then I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t remember your own name. How do you feel about that?”
You gulp, “I think- I think that sounds good.”
He glances up the length of your body as he lowers his mouth to your pussy. You watch, transfixed as he flattens his tongue to your slit and drags it from your hole all the way up to your clit where he leaves a soft kiss. His eyes close as though he’s savoring the taste and then he ducks to your pussy and spreads your thighs wider.
Toji eats you out ravenously, like he’s never had anything more exquisite in his life and he doesn’t know if he ever will so he’s eating his fill now. He eats you like a man starved, like a man who was fasting for a long, long time who has finally been given reprieve. He sucks each labia tenderly, laps at each puffy lip with his tongue, kisses and caresses each one. Drags his tongue along your slit teasingly at first and then hurriedly when your moans grow louder. He brushes soft kisses onto your clit and then licks teasing circles around the sensitive nub before suckling on it until you’re twitching in his hold.
When your body begins to tremble violently he pulls back to bury his nose between your folds and inhales deeply. And then he starts the process all over again, helping you up the slope of your orgasm and just when you’re about to crest he pulls back, leaving you to stumble back down. He doesn’t use his fingers and by the time he’s satisfied with how drenched you are, half of his face is damp and sticky with your cum.
When he presses a kiss to your ankle you feel the stickiness of your arousal and when he leans forward to kiss at your knee and then your stomach and sternum and suck each nipple into his mouth you feel the residual dampness of it on your body. When he kisses your mouth, teasing your tongue with his own, licking and biting at your lips you taste yourself on him and it heats your blood, has you reaching up to slide your fingers into his hair and hold him steady as you lick the remnants of your pussy from his face until your mouth latches onto his once more and he releases your knees to wrap your thighs around his waist.
He kisses you as he sinks the fat head of his cock at your entrance. Shoves his tongue into the back of your throat to drown out your surprised cry as he bottoms out in one rough thrust. He pulls you to the edge of the desk and cups your ass with one hand as he spreads his thighs and begins to fuck you. Short, quick thrusts that stir his cock along the softest part of your walls. You think for a brief moment as he’s fucking you with his tongue and his cock you hear the voice of some divinity telling you this is what heaven may feel like if you’re good throughout your life. But then he’s rearranging you to prop your legs on his shoulders and bracing himself against the desk to fuck you in slow deep thrusts and then you’re not sure of anything. Not if you’re breathing, or if he’s kissing you, or if you can feel your legs, because his cock is dragging along parts of you, you didn’t even know existed. Parts of you that have you drooling pathetically, the muscles in your body going soft and pliant under him.
He switches positions again, you think, because your orgasm slams into you with the force of a tsunami, and by the time you recover from screaming Toji’s name your back is pressed to his bare chest and a hand is wrapped around your throat while the other rubs at your clit. You barely recover from the first orgasm before Toji is demanding more from your body. His grip on your throat holds you steady and his other hand moves to squeeze roughly at your breasts and run up the length of your body. He tugs on your throat and your back bows until your head is tilted back and you can see that sweat has matted his hair to his forehead, his eyes are closed in concentration but you’re sure he can your harsh breathing and the loud slapping of damp skin on skin as his thighs smack against yours, his hips cradling your ass with each thrust.
You may have been about to say something about how good he looks like this. Head bent forward, expression fierce as he focuses on pummeling your insides but Toji reaches for something on the desk and suddenly his hand is replaced by the cool metal of the blade of his knife.
“Fucking cum,” he growls in warning. “Cum right now.”
You cum so hard your knees give out, and with a delirious sound like a garbled mix between a laugh and a scream. You forget our name. You forget where you are, how you got here, whose cock is inside you, as the orgasm washes through you, the pleasure drowning your senses and reducing you to a mass of nothing but sensation. Your eyes roll so far back you feel a moment of pain as the organs are stopped by the muscles. Your mouth parts on a silent scream, all the oxygen leaving your body in a single exhale.
“Fuck,” Toji groans. “Oh fuck, yes, good girl, oh- fuck-” Your insides flood with warmth and somehow Toji filling you with his cum sets of another orgasm in the middle of your orgasm. Your mind shuts down entirely.
Toji stares at Megumi, standing on the other side of his bedroom door, a scowl on his face as he tries to peep over his father’s shoulder. Sometimes it unnerves him how much of himself he sees in his son.
“You looking for someone?” Toji asks, propping himself against the door frame and crossing his arms across his chest.
“Where is she?” Megumi asks.
“She’s asleep,” Toji shrugs. “And she’ll stay asleep until I think she’s rested.”
Megumi finally looks at Toji, his scowl melting into a frown. “Why can’t she sleep in my room?”
“Did you fuck her to sleep Megumi?” Toji squints mockingly.
Megumi purses his lips, eyes narrowing on his father. He steps back and Toji straightens away from the door frame.
“I feel you should know that...the next time you let her fuck someone that isn’t you-” he points at Megumi’s chest, “-or me, I’ll be forced to do something reckless,” Toji says.
Megumi looks stricken for a moment. “I don’t let her do anythin-”
“Do you want to walk around with the weight of a man’s life on your conscience Megumi?”
Megumi gulps.
“Exactly, keep her away from other men or them away from her, I don’t care. Do what needs to be done to keep them alive and me happy kid, and if she ever gives you any trouble you know where to find me.”
The door slams in Megumi’s face and not for the first time that day does he stop and ask himself, “Did he really deserve it?”
@s4no @kenuis @audrinui
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jewishrat420 · 3 months
Steve always thought Eddie was beautiful.
He never let himself linger too long on it in fear of what he might see if he let himself look. If he let himself dust off the dirt that lay on top of it, too overwhelmed by the possibility that he really hadn’t had himself figured out the way he thought he did.
But it’s true.
Like the sky knows clouds that filter in and out of eyesight, like the moon knows the unwavering devotion of the tide, Steve knows this to be a fact as irrefutable as the nature of gravity:
Eddie Munson is beautiful.
It’s in the way his hair bounces with every step. These springy, frizzy little curls that Steve desperately wants to know, intimately, the way he knows his own. Wants to compare them, wants to feel them in the spaces between his fingers, the sensitive parts that nothing else really touches.
It’s in the way he lights up a room as soon as he steps into it, a walking sun that burns so bright that he leaves the hole of every space he was once in great and gaping and singed at the edges. Everything he touches turns to gold, everyone he meets ruined for anyone else.
It’s in the way he carries himself. Tall when people are looking and small when they aren’t, like his body is a show that no one ever willingly buys tickets for but ends up seated front row at regardless.
Steve would buy tickets.
If he had known, if he had been brave enough when it really counted, he would have bought tickets.
There is no one like Eddie, and there never will be again.
But it doesn’t matter now.
Because Eddie is still beautiful, Steve thinks, even when he’s pale.
Even when his skin is sallow and sunken, even when his big brown eyes are tucked behind grayed eyelids.
Even when Steve himself was the one to shut them, but only after he spent nearly an hour gazing into their emptiness.
His hair is shorter now, the frayed edges trimmed by Wayne. He’d laughed as he did it, a sad little hitch in his throat, because apparently Eddie never let him cut his hair when he was younger.
When his blood flowed warm through his arteries, when his skin was still pink.
Wayne said he used to bounce his leg so hard that he was worried he was going to stab the scissors right through his thick skull.
So Eddie grew his hair out, split ends running wild.
But Steve still thought he was beautiful. Frizzy hair and all.
Steve’s never seen him dressed so fancy, not even for his own graduation.
But then again, he never got to try on that suit he borrowed from Wayne. Never got to see just how long the sleeves were, because he never got to be as tall as his uncle, did he?
No, Eddie never got the chance.
Never got the chance to he a normal boy with a normal childhood. To grow into the man he could have become and then into the world that was always too small to fit him.
Eddie Munson: born to die in Hawkins, Indiana.
If only he had tried just a little bit harder.
Fought just a little bit longer.
But he did his best, didn’t he?
Steve certainly thinks so.
Steve thinks he looks beautiful, now, still, always. He tucks a trimmed curl behind his ear, wishes he could have known what it would feel like if his skin were warm.
But it’s okay. He’ll know the feeling one day.
Next time.
Next time, they’ll try again. They’ll try harder.
Next time, Steve won’t be afraid to tell Eddie how beautiful he is.
Won’t be afraid of what comes after, because it will be different.
It won’t end with Eddie, sallow and skinny in a suit six sizes too big for him.
It won’t end with Eddie, pale and pretty as ever, laying in the coffin that’s been on reserve for him since the day he was born.
Next time will be different, see, because it won’t end.
They’ll do it right.
Steve will do it right.
And Eddie will still be beautiful, and Steve will tell him so.
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gothushi · 28 days
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pairing: rob x photographer!reader
warnings: overstimulation, rob pulls out, one spank, mentions of bruising, unprotected sex (wrap it up.)
note: so…. lot longer than expected… :c i Think next chapter may be the final one.. might do a little epilogue of them going to the movie premiere (like that idea ive mentioned twice) we’ll see…
word count: 10.6k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | this is part 5! | part 6 not out yet!
Stirring awake in the morning is.. nice. The clock ticking on the wall reads 8:34AM, morning traffic heard from the open window, a breeze coming in. You’re warm though, tucked in against Rob’s side with his arm around you.
Snuggled against Rob, in his bed.
You’re snuggling Rob right now.
Blinking, you shift, slowly trying to move back, eyes groggy. But his arm around your back tightens around you, tugging you in close again as he murmurs, “Stay.”
Pausing, you tense a little, lifting your head against his shoulder to peek up at him. Your cheeks flush with heat, so close you can see the small blemishes on his skin, his pores, the scar on the forehead. Laying your head back down, you’re more aware of how it feels to be pressed against him, how warm he is, but he seems so.. relaxed.
His hand on your back slides up, petting over your hair, his eyes remaining closed. He doesn’t seem to have a care in the world now that you’re here with him, so close, his head tilting to nuzzle against the top of your head. The touch instantly relaxes you, not as tense anymore. Eyes fluttering shut, you listen to the sound of cars honking their horns several levels below. The sun’s beginning to shine through the windows, just reaching the edge of his bed, casting a warm heat in the room.
You feel his blunt nails scratch over your scalp and oh, you’re a goner, slowly starting to drift back to sleep. Purring out a pleased noise, sleep finds both of you again for another two hours.
Eventually he wakes up again, the sound of his phone vibrating on the bedside table enough to make even me rouse a little. It’s one of his friends from their headquarters, one of the few people he willingly socializes with, calling to check on him after hearing what happened. He also gives an update on the search party, that they’ve contacted via radio and haven’t found anything yet but did find where you were camping, and that he has faith they’ll find the others.
You’re still half asleep as you faintly hear his friend talking over the phone, Rob’s hummed responses vibrating against you, your arm hugged over his chest.
“Hey, have you heard from Y/N? She doin’ okay?” His friend, Jacob, asks, “Miya wanted me to check on her too but- I don’t have her number.” Shifting against Rob, your legs stretch a little with a soft noise.
“She’s… here.” Rob answers softly, “She’s here with me.” He peeks down at you as you stretch, his heart melting, hand landing on the nape of your neck and brushing your hair away.
The touch tickles, blankets having moved off your legs, bare and tangled with him. Your skirts ridden up a little, good leg tossed over his lap. Nuzzling closer, you’re somewhere between dreamland and reality.
“She-..” Jacob pauses, before his tone turns teasing, “She’s at your place?”
A small smile tugs at Rob’s lips, but his eyes stay on you, “She’s in my bed actually.”
“You-” Jacob gawks a bit behind the phone, “In your bed? You? Rob, have a girl, Y/N, in your bed? With you?” He rambles, “Seriously?”
His smile grows as he fights the urge to laugh at his reaction. You’re still nuzzled into his chest, and his head moves to pet over your head again, “Yes, she’s here, and she’s in my bed with me.” He says plainly.
“Wh-.. when did this happen? Did you guys- y’know-?” He lowers his voice a little, teasing.
“No,” Rob answers, rolling his eyes, chuckling lightly. He wants to act casual about it, even though he feels similar to how Jacob is reacting. He honestly can’t believe you’re here too. “We just.. slept together. Not like that.”
“Oh my God,” Jacob responds, “I thought I’d see you eaten by a big cat before you cuddled with someone. Have I been missing something? Do you have a crush on her?” He blabs about, rattling off questions for his friend.
You shift, face burying into his neck, lips pressing against his skin as you inhale.
He chuckles again at Jacob’s reactions and they way he’s teasing. He could easily deny having feelings but.. That’d be a lie. “I.. might.” Is all he gives, “Can you blame me?”
“Shut up, really?” It’s almost like two girls gossiping with the way Jacob reacts, “Since fucking when? Is she- does she know?”
Rob sighs a little as his friend continues to get all giddy over this topic. He’s usually one to keep his emotions to himself, details of his life more private, “She… might have some sort of idea.”
“My lips are sealed dude, I promise. I seriously couldn’t picture you with anyone- sorry, that sounds kinda mean. But, y’know what I mean. Anyway, you just rest and I’ll keep you updated if we hear anything.” He laughs a little, clearly enjoying teasing Rob.
“You’re fine,” Rob muses softly, “And thank you, please let me know if anything happens.”
With a quick goodbye, Jacob hangs up. You shift against him again, pushing your face into his neck some more with a quiet noise. Rob’s smiling as he looks down at you, setting his phone aside,. He’s never felt so peaceful as he lays here now, hand caressing over your shoulder and neck. His hand lowers to pet over your waist, your hip, toying with the fabric of the skirt you wear, and as if the universe has perfect timing, your phone rings in your purse across the room, sat atop his dresser.
You don’t seem to wanna wake though, snuggling further into him with a complaining noise, making him chuckle softly, “Your phone is going off..” He mumbles, his thumb rubbing over the outside of your thigh.
Inhaling deeply and then sighing out, you reluctantly roll away and get up out of his bed, hair and clothes mused up, Tank top riding up on your waist, skirt wrinkled, you reach his dresser and dig in your bag for your phone, seeing your mom calling as the ringing ends. Silence lingers for just a moment before it rings again, what you expected, and answering with a slight clearing of your throat, “Hello?”
Rob can’t help but smile as he watches you get out of bed, seeing your body in such a natural state, so damned gorgeous… He rolls onto his side, sitting up on an elbow, listening to you talk.
“Yeah.. no I’m alright. Yeah.” Sitting down on the edge of his bed, back to him, you talk quietly. Rob can faintly hear a womans voice over the phone, “No I’m- I can tell you about it later.”
Sounds like your mom must be worried, as you reassure her. He watches as you sit up a bit straighter, trying to stretch out your back, muscles sore. “Yeah.. no I don’t know when I’m coming home yet. I always tell you the same thing, it just depends.”
Seeing your actions, he scoots closer until he’s behind you, sat up, his hand landing between your shoulder blades as he mumbles, “Y’okay..? Where’s it hurt?”
You use your good hand to gesture back to your shoulder blades, continuing to speak to your mom, “I know mama but I tell you everytime and you always forget.” His hand starts to rub gently, knuckles going in circles against your back, working slow to hopefully ease some of your pain. He listens intently, hearing the exasperation in your tone when you’re talking to her, making him smile a little.
“I know, I know. Yeah I will. No I didn’t get anything for his birthday yet it’s not for another month- I do *not* put things off until last minute.” You groan, as she begins going on a tangent you won’t get out of. The light massage helps, making your eyes flutter.
Rob makes an amused sound at your words, smiling “Mama-.. yes I know, it’s the 18th. Yes.” Rubbing your hand over your eyes, you sigh, “Did you call just to aggravate me?” He can hear the slight humor in your tone, not really angry.
Rob leans in, nosing at your bare shoulder. Your hand comes back to swat at him playfully, “Stop, I”ll be back by then and I’ll have everything I need, okay? I promise.”
He leans back in again, amused, listening some more as his lips graze your skin, “Yes, yes I’ll call you when I know when I’ll be coming home. Yeah.. okay.. mhmm..”
“She still goin’ on?” He mumbles, lightly kissing a bruise on your shoulder blade, grinning. Another swat at him.
“Yeah mama, I know. I’ll check on it. I know.. okay… I love you.. yeah, bye.” Finally hanging up, you exhale, glancing down to your phone to see any other notifications you have. You’re torn between turning to him or leaning away.
He keeps his eyes on you, breath fanning out over your skin, bringing his chin just above your shoulder, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you mutter back softly, eyes closed now. You can feel how much closer he gets, the feeling much more intimate.
“You sure?”
“Mm.. yeah.” Swallowing, your cheeks flush with heat, almost too bashful to turn and really face him. His hand has moved down your back, rubbing lightly, leaning in a little more so you feel him exhale against your ear.
“Are you really sure?”
You sense that, this time, he’s asking for consent. For.. this, as his lips graze your neck. You shudder despite the warmth coming from the open window, “..yeah.”
He shifts a little closer, so close his chest is almost against your back, hand planted flat on your tank top, fingertips brushing your skin between your shoulder blades. He noses at your neck, the edge of your jaw, “Can I..?”
The hand that was holding himself up on the bed moves, his body sitting up more for balance as it comes up to turn your jaw towards him, now looking at him, “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes fluttering open with the move, you stare back at him. You feel your heart beat just a bit faster, “I-.. yeah.”
You barely finish the word before his lips claim your own, and he pulls you closer with his hands wrapping around you. The gentleness and delicacy of this kiss is what sends shivers down your spine, moaning against his mouth. His tongue sweeps out, licking against your lower lip, testing the waters for permission. Leaning back into the bed, he pulls you with him to rest on him, letting you adjust to get comfortable.
One of your hands finds his forearm, the one not bandaged, just holding gently for support. You easily kiss back, letting him take control as your lips part. He lets his tongue slip past your lips, hand moving to the back of your head. He wants to kiss you longer, wants to pull you closer and closer, heat curling in his gut. His mouth never pulls away, claiming yours and all you can do is whine against him. The noises are muffled against his kiss, your hands finding the front of his tank top, grasping at the fabric as you bring your legs back up on the bed slowly, leaning into him.
Arousal swirls in your veins, you don’t remember the last time someone kissed you like this, if ever, so gently like you’re made of glass and they want nothing more than to break you. His other hand is on your back again, fingers running up and down slowly, He pulls back ever so slightly, panting, lips brushing against yours. The feeling of your breath fanning over his lips, eyes lidded, skin heating up, he can’t get enough.
Leaning in again, you sigh contentedly into another kiss. You aren’t extremely experienced in this department, and it’s almost like he can tell, the thought sparking arousal in him. Panting softly to get air in between kisses, he groans out, fingers bunching against your tank top. Your good hand is flat on the bed for support, the other grabbing at his shirt. A whine is pulled from you at the feeling, the sound of his happy groan making a throb start in your clit, desperate.
You’ve never been kissed so.. greedily, yet filled with need.. care. He pulls away a little, just enough to let you breathe properly, eyes lidded as he stares up at you. He can see the flush on your face, feel your heart pounding. He just stares at you, gaze so heated before leaning in again, kissing you deeper this time. His tongue licks over yours, gasping softly, hand coming up to cradle your face. Pulled halfway onto his chest, you have no choice but to kiss back, whining again.
He pulls back just enough to swallow, panting softly, “Fuck..” The noises you make have his cock swelling, a different kind of heat compared to the open window being felt. His swear has a whimper forming in your throat, because God you didn’t think kissing could feel that good. Your senses are overwhelmed, an incessant throbbing between your legs as you drop your forehead to his collarbones.
He hums a soft noise, a little ‘hmm’, as you shift your body to have your leg over his, the brace on your knee pressing into the bed lightly. His thigh between your legs pushes against your clit, skirt riding up over your ass whilst his greedy hands feel at your skin, one hand tangling in your hair to pull you into another kiss. Moaning, his hips buck up, slowly, other hand on the small of your back hiking your skirt up some more.
Another full on whimper escapes you, heart pounding and hips naturally rolling down in search of that same friction again, “Mm-”
You’re already embarrassingly wet, slick pooling in your panties as he uses the hand on your back to slide down and urge your hips to rut against his thigh. He’s starting to ache, all blood rushing south as your hip bone pushes against his lap. The only thing on his mind right now is how much he wants you.. and making sure it’s what you want too.
Rob feels your nails press into his shoulder, the good one, grabbing onto his flesh as a lewd slick noise sounds from your kissing. Teeth catch your lower lip, tugging and letting go and his tongue licks over yours once more, taking away your breath.
Your muscles ache with every movement, but you don’t care, too occupied with getting more of this feeling, more of him. Grinding down harder, you mumble his name into the kiss, panting, skin warm. The little whines and breaths you give have him rock hard, his hand sliding to cup over your ass in a tight grip, pulling you down against him.
He pulls away from the kiss, and your head drops into his neck, whining and rolling down onto him at a slow pace, thighs spreading further, panting to catch your breath, overwhelming arousal flooding your senses. “You okay? We can stop..” He pants softly, voice gentle. He doesn’t want to stop, but he’s gotta know your boundaries.
Your lips part against his neck, breathing heavy, answering with a slight shake of your head “No I’m-.. ‘m okay.. just.. not used to this..” you admit.
He smiles a little at the admission, rubbing his hand over the curve of your asscheek, caressing gently, “Can I kiss you again?” The feeling of your body pressed on his is making him dizzy with desire. The flush of your skin, the sound of your breathing, all so intoxicating..
Shifting a little, your movements cause you to push on his thigh some more, causing a moan to fall from your lips, the sound tapering into a laugh at his question, nosing up his jaw as you lift your head, “Mm.. yeah.”
His own hips jolt up, giving a little pleased noise himself. He leans his head down, lips connecting with yours again. One hand on your head, the other on your ass. He doesn’t ever want this to end, licking over your tongue, forcing your lips to part with his, urging you to grind on him like a couple of needy teenagers. He didn’t want to rush this but he isn’t sure how much he can hold back.
It feels like all your limbs are turning to jelly, pussy throbbing just from the muffled noises he makes against your lips. You whine louder and he actually growls, causing a shudder of arousal to shoot up your spine and your knees spread wider. Your nose nudges against his as you tilt your head, desperate, almost drooling against his lips.
His hands find your waist, tugging you up his body a little as he disconnects from your lips with a slick noise and finds your neck, mouthing at it hotly. Tongue darting out, he licks over the sensitive skin, oh God, your nails dig into his shoulder again, grabbing on and he knows he’s found a good spot, a strained noise escaping you. Your thighs try to press together on instinct but they just squeeze Rob’s leg, making him grunt. You smell so good to him, something sweet, like a sugary perfume.
His own breath stutters at the realization, listening to your whines and whimpers, hands sliding down over your ass, “Can I mark you?” He murmurs against your skin.
If you weren’t wet before, you are now. A fresh wave of arousal pools down to your clit, soaking the fabric of your panties. Swallowing, your head tries to drop into his neck but a hand raises to keep it up, “Yeah,” it’s breathy, “please.”
A low, guttural groan comes from his chest as he hears the little plea, cock twitching. He noses against your jaw, licking before kissing beneath it, lips moving down to the base of your neck. They find the junction of shoulder and neck, sucking there. That spot causes a chain reaction, your back arching, nails scratching skin, hips bucking down onto his thigh, “Rob-”
He growls again hearing his own name, the desperation in your tone, his hand on the back of your neck. He bites a little and you nearly go limp against him, his own hips rutting up with a sigh through his nose.
Rob finally rolls you both over, gentle, being sure to support you as he lays you back and hovers overtop. The movement pulls a short squeal from you, face flushing in embarrassment, His one hand keeps him held up as the other cradles your face, diving back in for another searing kiss as his hips meet yours. This time you can feel how hard he is, thin layers of clothing separating you two.
Hands grasp onto his biceps, thighs parting around his hips, his knees spread, pushing into the bed and underneath your thighs, helping support your aching knee. It pulls another louder moan from you, breaking the kiss to toss your head back and gasp, “Rob-”
He immediately moves down to your neck, kissing and nipping at the skin whilst his hand moves from your face to your waist. You skirts ridden up, bunched at your hips, tank top exposing your navel. His facial hair tickles your skin, lips no doubt sucking little marks that will form within minutes. He bites down again on another spot and it pulls a plea from you, “Rob.. Rob-nnh-”
The sound of your voice has him throbbing, hips grinding down, clothed cock pressing against your clit so deliciously. If he peeks down he can see how soaked you are, panties darkened with slick. “D’you want me to do more?” He pants, his own cheeks a bit flush.
You whimper breathily and nod, eyes lidded, “God- please.” Your hands roam his arms, one over his good shoulder to feel at his back. His hips roll down again, lips kissing at your neck gently, feverishly. They ghost over your collarbones, sucking lightly, kissing at the top of your chest. His hand slides down, sitting up on his knees to find the hem of your tank top and push it up.
Arching to help him, the garment is tossed to the side on his floor, revealing your plain bra. He groans though, hands roaming over your torso, feeling up over your skin and then grasping at your tits over the fabric. Leaning back down, his lips find the top of your tits, mouthing hotly at the skin, humming in content whilst you whine and toss your head back.
His lips move down, and when they reach your belly button he kisses around it, lips exploring every inch of your skin. The muscles tense as he does so, squirming around against his bed, hips trying to roll up for friction. As he moves lower, your hands tangle into his hair, “Please…”
His hand reaches and rubs over your stomach, before both hands slip behind your back and undo the clasp of your bra, slipping the article from you and tossing it aside with your tank top. His fingertips leave goosebumps in their wake as his hands slip around again, grasping at your now bare breasts, thumbs swiping over your nipples and pulling a whimper from you.
“You’re so pretty,” his nose nudges against your navel, muscles in his arms bulging, “never seen anyone so beautiful.”
Heat coats your face at his words, averting your eyes to the side with another whine, pressing your lips together. One hand tightens in his hair a little, tangled in the soft brown locks with need.
Feeling your soft flesh is like heaven to him, massaging your tits in slow circles and pinching at the peaks of your nipples, grinning to himself. He sits back up, pulling away, grunting as he tugs his shirt off to leave his upper half bare. It joins the other clothes on the floor before he lays back over you, lips finding your neck as he rolls his hips down.
Whimpering at the sight of him, a desperate noise leaving you, your arms loop around his shoulders, hips bucking up to meet his. He groans at the feeling, nipping at your skin, whilst you feel embarrassingly close to an orgasm already. The coil pulls tighter and tighter, making you pant, “Rob-!”
His breath catches as you whine his name, arms caging you in, one hand ghosting down over one of your boobs like life support. Little love bites litter your neck now, left behind by his suckling. Gasping softly and huffing a strained noise, you try to warn him, “Rob- mm, ‘m gonna..oh God-” Your legs tense, feeling weak.
Rob’s cock absolutely throbs at your words, humming a content noise against your skin with panting breaths, “Go on, cum for me.” He’s practically begging, voice rough.
That’s all it takes, overwhelmed. His pleading tone, his hand massaging over your chest, kissing your skin, aching cock grinding into you. The coil snaps and you cum, tensing before your legs shake, trembling. A gasping moan leaves you before panting out hard, stuttered noises sounding with each exhale, “Oh- mm-! Rob, Rob-” Your arms tighten around his neck, one hand tangled in his hair tightly.
The feeling of you losing yourself under him, because of him, has him groaning, sucking a mark above your collarbone. His cock aches as he cums in response, rutting down against you and making a sticky mess in his boxers. His hand holding him up curls into the blankets, trembling.
The moment calms down as you both pant, your hands smoothing over his biceps and his lips gently pressing against your neck, hair falling in his eyes. He flops to the side, arms pulling you in close against his chest, groaning softly. You’re both warm with a light layer of sweat, your head nuzzling into his neck. Your skirt and underwear feel sticky, like too much fabric, but you can’t do anything about it now, letting out a weak moan.
His hand grazes the skin of your back, up and down, slowly breathing normal again as you both calm down from your orgasms. If he focuses enough, your hair smells like.. strawberries? Must be your shampoo. The traffic below slowly filters back in to your senses, heat breezing in from the window.
“That was..” You swallow, eyes closed, “nice..”
Rob huffs a small chuckle at ‘nice’, thinking it was much more than that. He tilts down to kiss your head, “You okay?”
“Mmm..” You hum in affirmation, nodding a little against his neck. “You ruined my skirt..”
He chuckles again, “Sorry.. it was worth it.”
The response pulls a giggle out of you, “I don’t think you’re sorry.”
He noses at your hair, “I’m sorry about ruining your skirt. I’ll get you a new one.” He’s grinning, obviously not feeling bad about it at all.
Giggling again, you’ve finally caught your breath, sliding off of him a little to just lay on your side beside him. He rolls to face you, tugging you back in, not wanting to be too far away. His lips find your forehead.
Your eyes flicker up, looking at his face, flushed still. He grins down at you, before leaning down to connect your lips. It’s much softer than the one.. what? Twenty minutes ago? Gentle, slow, sighing contentedly through your nose as your eyes close. It’s tender, and he lets his tongue swipe in to explore your mouth again, slowly.
Slow and purposeful, he kisses you. One hand cradling your head, the other one your back. There’s no rush, no urgency, just a deep sense of connection between you two. Your own thumb brushes along his jaw, feeling the soft facial hair there. Squirming, that slick sensation comes back between your thighs, making you flush with embarrassment.
He pulls away, eyes fluttering open, his own cheeks a bit warm as he cradles your face in both hands, “Okay?”
“Uh-..” Flushed, your eyes dart to his lips and over his other facial features, “like I said you uh… ruined my skirt- it’s just a bit… y’know.. sticky.” You clear your throat a little.
He grins, a slight smirk on his face, “I’m sorry about that sweetheart.” His hands slide down to your ass as his nose nudges yours, “I can help take care of that.” Once more, his lips find yours, taking control.
“Mm-!” Your own hands hold the sides of his face, fingertips pressing into his hairline. He grips hard at your flesh, massaging over your ass and making you muffle a whine against his lips. They slip away to trail down your neck again, licking, suckling. “You just-.. have really good stamina or what?”
It comes out breathy, making him laugh against you, hands urging you down again because he’s still hard. The sound of your voice is enough to spark that desire in his once again. The warmth of your skin, he wants to explore every inch of your body. A little whiny noise is pulled from you with the way his fingers press into your skin, grabbing and kneading the plump flesh. “You just make me feel so good, I can’t help it..” he says, voice low and husky.
His hands just barely brush against a bruise on your thigh, making you jolt, causing your hips to roll down with a whine, “Rob..”
When he hears you whine his name like that, a guttural growl escapes his chest. He leans in to kiss you again, hands grasping the backs of your thighs to tug you closer. A whimper is pulled from you as he growls, muffled by his lips as you kiss back. Panting ever so softly, mumbling against his lips, “I like when mmm, when y’do that..”
Those words make him want to just finally fuck you, right here and now. He groans, pressing you back into the bed as his lips trail down to the valley between your tits. Your hands find the pillow beneath your head as he explores you, his lips hungrily searching for more, leaving little marks where he pleases. He goes lower, kissing over your stomach, ghosting over your sides, facial hair tickling against you. At one point you do giggle, the sound tapering off into a whine as his tongue licks over your navel.
Rob moves past your skirt, over your thighs and kisses at the slightly bruised skin, almost apologetic. They part naturally for his body to fit right between them, fingers trailing over your hips, holding onto you. He can practically feel the heat radiating off of you, lips slowly moving towards your clothed pussy. The fabric is soaked in your cum, and the mere sight makes his cock throb.
His hands hike your skirt up, fully exposing your panties, cute cotton ones with a lacey waistband. Your head lolls to the side, eyes falling closed, squirming desperately for friction, “Rob..” Seems your favorite word is his name.
Rob curls his fingers into your waistband, tugging your underwear off of you. As he leans back down, his hands glide along your skin, eyes focused on your center. He groans, seeing just how soaked you are, skin slick. His own desire wells up, lips finding the junction of your navel and thigh, mouthing at the heated skin. Whining, you reach down and tangle your hands into his hair.
Feeling motivated by your actions, eyes dark with lust as he looks up at you, he brings a hand up to feel how wet you are. The action makes you jolt, proper contact sending your senses reeling, gasping at the pad of his middle finger circles over your clit before sliding down over your hole, feeling the slick pooling there.
“Oh- Rob,” your legs squirm, back arching a little, everytime his finger rubs up over your swollen clit you jolt as if you’ve touched a live wire. He brings another down, rubbing two in slow circles as his tongue licks over your hip, moving closer and closer. He wants you to be satisfied, to give you exactly what you want.
He’s speeding up a little, adding pressure over your slippery clit, and it makes you gasp again, “Nnnh- Rob.. ple- mm, please..” You’re pleading now, starting to pant a little. It’s difficult to stay still, hips rolling into his touch.
He knows just how sensitive you are, clit swollen and slick with your own cum, making his mouth water. His other hand shifts to your hip, holding you down lightly, “I got you.. just relax and lemme take care of you..” he mumbles, pressing a chaste kiss to your hipbone.
Eyes fluttering at his voice, how sweet he sounds, you whine, “Mmm-hah.. ‘m sensitive..”
“I know.. I know.. but it feels so good, doesn’t it?” He grins, slipping his fingers down and ghosting over your entrance, barely pushing it before sliding back up to your clit.
They move in faster circles causing you to jolt, whimpering as your eyes squeeze shut, hands leaving his hair to grasp at the sheets. “Yeah,” you gasp quietly, moaning out loud, “I wanna-.. wanna feel you.”
He doesn’t think he can get any harder, throbbing in his sweats. Fueled by desire, he leans down and presses an open mouthed kiss to your clit.
Squealing a moan, your hands fly to his hair again. They tangle into the locks, grasping tightly that it hurts his scalp a little as your heels press into the bed, arching up. “Oh my- fucking- Rob!”
He feels your thighs almost clamp on his head, tongue gliding down and flattening on your pussy as he explores all of it, groaning against you and sending vibrations up your spine. His hands twist under your thighs, latching onto the outsides of them to keep you still, practically making out with your pussy, eyes lidded. His tongue flicks up over your clit, lips latching around it to kiss at it.
Writhing around, your head tosses back, whining, “Rob- mm-! Stop I’m.. I can’t, I wanna feel you,” you plead. Your muscles already feel weak, previous orgasm has them like jelly and you’re eager to have him fuck you properly.
Rob’s greedy though, suckling at your clit, flattening his tongue to lick down over your entrance and pulling away to take in air before repeating the process, his own cheeks flush red. He doesn’t want to stop, obsessed with the way you taste and feel, fingertips pressing into your skin. Reluctantly, he forces himself to pull away, chin and facial hair wet with your cum. He crawls back up over you, kissing up way up, before meeting your lips, mumbling, “Want me to fuck you?”
You can taste yourself on his lips, making you moan because oh my God you’d be embarrassed if it weren’t so damn hot. Your hands find his waist, grasping at his bare skin, trying to push at the waistband of his sweatpants, “Please..”
He sits up a bit, helping you, his own breath heavy as pushes both sweats and boxers off his body. He’s so fucking hot, naked, cock heavy and fucking achingly hard as he lays his body over yours, nosing at your jaw, his cock nudging against your clit, “I’ve wanted you for so God damn long..”
Your knees bend, thighs pressing against his hips. Whining, you curl your arms around his neck, feeling his bare back and being mindful of the bandage as your face flushes, “I’ve-.. me too..” you whisper and then blurt quickly, “want you.. not-.. me.” You clarify as if it’s actually needed. Lord you’re embarrassing yourself now.
He laughs softly, chuckling at your words. Even just being able to laugh in this moment makes his desire spike through the roof, kissing along your jaw to your chin, eyes lidded as he focuses on your face. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he says between his little kisses.
He rolls his hips down, cock dragging over you. between your lower lips and coating himself in your slick, “Since..” your eyes flutter, making it difficult to speak, “since when?”
Rob’s breath hitches a little, because honestly, he isn’t sure. He wishes he could pinpoint the exact moment he became infatuated with you, but he just can’t remember.. not feeling this way. “I don’t know.. I think I’ve felt like this for a long time.” He admits, nose bumping into yours as he smiles a little.
His lips meet yours again, passionately, grinding down against you for much needed friction, one hand sliding down your stomach. “Easy.. just a little, okay?” His kisses down your neck, his fingers toying at your entrance before pushing one in, nice and slow. It makes you whine, almost delirious with arousal as he preps you, thick fingers stretching you out.
Another one for a minute, before he nudges a third but you interrupt with begging, “Please.. please.”
He knows what you’re asking for, and doesn’t want to hold out any longer. He swoops down to steal another kiss, fingers pulling out of you and spreading your slick all over his cock with a breathy groan, grinding down as he guides himself into you.
Despite what he really wants to do, he goes slow, gentle to let you ease into the stretch. And God is it a stretch. Thick, pushing in so slow it makes your toes curl and a whiny noise escape you, gasping around moans as your hands grab onto his biceps, “Oh my- God.”
You’re so fucking warm, dripping along his cock and down his balls, making his own spine tingle as his hips push flush to yours. Knees push into the bed, thighs sprawled over his lap as he grunts again, “You okay?”
All your limbs feel like jelly, heart pounding in your chest, but you nod, “Mhmm… oh my God-” You’re whimpering, nails digging into his skin. He reaches so deep, just all the right places your fingers normally don’t find, back arching.
His head tilts up to kiss you on the forehead, an intimate touch, adjusting himself before starting to move. It’s slow at first, almost torture as he drags his cock along your walls, just out to the tip and pushing flush to you again, a lewd slick noise between your bodies. He has to rest his forehead on your collarbones, growling again as he speeds up, hips smacking into yours with sharp slaps.
You’re delirious with pleasure, nuzzling against his hair, grabbing at him anywhere you can. You’re squeezing him so nicely it makes his head spin, lips peppering kisses on your skin where he can reach, a hand moving down to grab at your ass, hauling you up further into his lap, “God you feel fuckin’ good.”
The praise has your already hot cheeks reddening further, a pitiful whimper sounding from you. Your tits bounce with his hard thrusts, and he suddenly finds interest in them as he licks, tongue flattening over one of your nipples as his free hand grabs the other.
“Right there- right..nnnhah-” You can barely even speak, squealing little noises and whimpers, sweat coating your skin.
“There?” He pants, keeping that same angle and pounding into you a bit harder, before moaning your name against your skin with a curse.
Another orgasm is already right there for you, creeping up at an alarming rate, “Rob- nnngh! Rob, Rob,” your hands grab at his hair, his bicep, squeezing and gripping hard, pussy clenching around him.
“Give it, fuck, give it to me, c’mon,” he groans, suckling your nipple back into his mouth, tongue laving over the peak. His pubic bone keeps smacking on your clit with each thrust, sending you over the edge with a second orgasm.
Thighs trembling against your will, you cum, squealing a cry against the top of his head, holding on for dear life. Rob’s growling, pulling out just to spill his cum all over your pussy and stomach.
You’re beyond sensitive, even the feeling of his cum dripping down your cunt is enough to make arousal shock through you. Your nails have left red marks on his arm, panting hard as your heart pounds in your ears. You’re mindlessly kissing his shoulder, where his neck begins, because oh God you bit him as you came.
He still grinds against you, smearing cum into your skin as he shakes, your own body barely cooperating. “God..” he murmurs, nosing at your neck, “you are so..” He can’t even seem to find proper words, trailing off into another groan.
You lick over the bite mark, kissing it, eyes lidded as your body tries to calm down. Hands splaying over his back, faint red welts in spots from your nails, you turn your head to try and meet his lips in a kiss. He obliged happily, kissing back with a sigh through his nose.
It’s sloppy, slow and uncoordinated as you’re both coming down from second highs. You whimper as his hips move, pushing his cock against your entrance and he grins a little, “Sensitive, huh?”
“Oh shut u-ah!” He grinds down again, your nails pressing into his arms before one of your hands smacks at him, albeit lightly.
He chuckles, hands moving to grab your arms and lightly hold them to the bed beside your head, grinning down at you as he grinds his cock down again, head catching on your clit. Gasping out a pitiful noise, you complain again, “Rob- I ca-nngh, can’t..” your thighs involuntarily shake, parted around his hips.
He pushes right back in, slow, slick with his cum and yours in a mess that drips down your skin. The sight of you trembling under his body is too much, his heart pounding steadily. He tightens the grasp on your wrists a little, cheeky, knowing exactly what he’s doing. Your body is on fire, head tossing back uselessly, gasping and stuttering little noises as he moves in and out of your already oversensitive pussy at a slow pace. “Rob- if you.. keep, ‘m gonna..” you can’t even string words together, hands wiggling in his hold.
“Gonna what?” he grins, panting softly, thrusting just a bit faster and rolling his hips down at just the right angle. Head dipping down by your ear, he teases as he repeats, “Gonna what?”
Your lower lip wobbles as you whimper, clenching tightly around him as you try to hold back your orgasm. Your heels dig into the bed, knees bent, trembling and trying to decide whether you want to push down or pull back, “‘m too sensitive.. sto-mmm-!”
“No I don’t think I will,” he whispers, groaning a little as he moves a bit faster again. He can feel you squeezing around him, cunt rhythmically clenching with your pleasure. You can barely move, forced to take the overstimulating pleasure with whines, chest heaving.
His lips find your neck, biting lightly, “*What?*”
You don’t get to answer his taunting question as you squeal out a cry, hands wiggling in his grasp as you orgasm again. It’s drawn out of you so slow, bordering on painful as your hips kick up against him. Practically crying with the intensity of it, you push your face into his neck, hands curling into fists.
“God that’s good, that’s it..” Rob growls, hips rolling down nice and slow, cock slick with your cum, “Easy..”
Your body writhes, shaking under his ministrations, “Stop, stop please I can’t..” you whine, “can’t take anymore.”
His hips slow to a halt, buried to the hilt as his lips pepper kisses along your neck, shushing softly, “Shh shh, you're fine.. let it come down naturally..”
Lidded eyes fall closed, rolling back as you pant hard. Thank God he slows down, because you feel like your nerves are made up of live wires. Every mere touch has your body jolting, giving a pathetic moan in response.
He stays still though, grinning, lips traveling up to your cheek, “Shh.. just breathe, I've got you..”
Meeting his lips for a slow kiss, only interrupted by a few whines as he finally pulls out of you. All your limbs feel like jelly, too weak to move. He keeps you close though, letting go of your wrists, petting over your cheek as he coos reassurance, “Easy..”
You pant for a few more moments before giggling breathlessly, “You’re talking to me like.. ‘m some feral animal..”
“Oh, and you’re not a feral animal?” he says teasingly, playful, “Here I thought you were the one who bit me.”
“I did no-..” You pause, looking up at him, “Shut up.”
He chuckles a laugh, laying down on his side and pulling you close to him, hand rubbing over your back, “Well I think it was very rude of you, so now you’ll have to make it up to me.”
“I think the orgasm you forced out of me made up for it.” You mutter, closing your eyes, basking in the sunlight that shines in over the bed, “Besides, you liked it.”
He laughs again, hand trailing over your skin, “Me liking it is hardly the point,” he muses. Even though you’ve had your fill, he can’t help but want more, you’re so pretty laid in front of him.
“I can not go again… I think I’ll faint,” You groan, swatting a lazy hand at his chest.
He slides his hand up to your arm, giving a light squeeze, “Just a little bit? Just for a little while?” He plays, obviously teasing.
“I’ll kick you in the nuts.”
He laughs louder and catches the hand you swat at him again, leaning down to nose at your neck, “Yeah, as if you can even move right now.”
Tilting your head away to he has room, sighing out at your eyes close again, “I can’t even feel my legs.”
“Exactly, your legs don’t work right now.” He mumbles, kissing lightly at your heated flesh, “So why don’t you let me have my fun for a while?”
“You’re a dick.” You give your own breathless laugh, shoving a hand at his bare chest.
Grinning wide, he grabs your wrist again, leaning over you more to kiss at your neck, “And you’re cute when you’re grumpy.”
Giggling again, you stretch your legs out with a groan. The sun is warm, illuminating the bed and warming your already sweaty bodies. Rolling onto your side to face him, eyes closed as you get comfy, honestly ready to go back to sleep.
Rob’s smiling down at you, bringing a hand up to pet your hair from your face, looping his other arm underneath your head as a little pillow to have you close. “Comfy?” A kiss lands on your forehead.
“Mm..” Your heart pounds in your chest for a different reason now, because you just.. had sex. You remember his sweet words, and he was so gentle.. “I really like you.” It comes blurted out before you can even think, eyes still closed and you almost grimace at how.. foreign the words feel on your tongue.
Something changes in his expression, softens, smiling down at you. “Oh do you?” He muses softly, hand tracing over your cheek, but there’s something else in his tone now.. happiness, excitement maybe? He leans in and presses another sweet kiss to your forehead, “I really like you too.”
For half a moment you were horrified of rejection, getting kicked out, but.. he returns the sentiment. Nuzzling closer, wrapping an arm over his torso, feeling at his back, you snuggle into his chest.
“This is nice..” he murmurs softly, content, one hand idly playing with your hair.
Humming in agreement, you’re nearly ready to fall asleep again. He seriously wore you out, and if you think on it too much your face will start to flush again. You aren’t worried about it much though, as you’re so drowsy you’re starting to fall back asleep.
He doesn’t move a muscle, simply enjoying the moment and affection, nuzzling against your head as he yawns himself. Within minutes, both of you are back to cat napping in the sun, ambient noise of traffic and the breeze drifting away.
A little while after noon if when you wake again, rolling onto your back with a slight moan, blinking. Rob’s still asleep, arm tossed over you, not wanting to lose the sensation of you or let you go even in his sleep. He mumbles a noise at the movement, but stays asleep. You can’t help but stare, admiring him. The scars on his forehead, hair loose and tucked behind his ear. You’ll have to remember to ask about his scars, how he got those two.
After everything that happened earlier, you feel a bit more confident in yourself, enough to lean up and press a gentle kiss to his lips.
That seems to wake him up slightly, eyes fluttering a little. His arm tightens around you, the other shifting under your head and looping around your back, tugging you closer as he rolls onto his back. Hauled halfway onto his chest, you giggle quietly at his mid sleep antics. Resting a palm on his chest, thin sheets tangled with your legs, you tilt up to press another kiss to his lips.
He grumbles a noise, arms tightening again as his eyes begin to flutter open, “Morning..” he mumbles groggily, tilting his head down towards you.
Smiling up at him, “It’s actually 12:30.” You inform, finger tracing circles on his skin.
He grins at your correction, eyes blinking as they come to focus. Your legs are tangled with his, finger still moving on his chest. You just admire him as he does the same to you, and you flush a bit. Afterall, you’re laid in bed with the man you’ve had a crush on for who knows how long, after we spent the night together, albeit innocently besides this morning..
“Y’know..” you mumble, eyes looking at a little mole beneath his collarbone, “I don’t.. remember having any nightmares last night.. no.. dinosaur growling around the corner..” There’s that friendly reminder that the entire point of you staying was so you’d both feel safer.
“What a coincidence..” he chuckles, shifting to pull you a bit closer, “I didn’t either. I had quite a few good dreams though,“ he grins.
That makes a small laugh sound from you, lowering your forehead onto his collarbones for a moment before lifting your head again, “Shut up you pervert.. I didn’t imagine you to be so.. pervy.”
He shakes his head slightly at your playful words, rubbing a hand over your shoulder, “Oh yeah? You didn’t realize? Maybe this big tough zoologist is a lot more perverted than you thought.” He teases in return, shifting so one of his legs is in between yours.
“Big tough zoologist,” you laugh, burying your face into his neck, giggling. “You are kinda scary sometimes, you used to really intimidate me.”
“Did I? Good.. maybe I should go back to being intimidating then.” He grins, tone playful, “Oh no, scary zoologist, I’m gonna eat you up.”
Bursting into giggles, laughing against his neck, “Shut up! It’s true! I remember when I was too nervous to even talk to you.”
“Really?” He hums, “I had no idea. So, you used to be scared of me?” His voice is playful as he asks this, squeezing you closer, “How’d you get over it?”
Keeping your head laid on his chest, cheek pressed to his skin, you shrug. “I dunno.. just. Ended up being put on more expeditions with you and each time I liked you more..” You admit, tone sheepish.
He smiles bright at the confession though, “So you were just secretly falling for me more and more?” He’s trying not to sound too happy about this, but he is.
Whining into his neck, “You’re embarrassing me.”
“Am I?” He’s clearly enjoying this. “Did you keep thinking about me back at camp?”
“Shut up I’m not talking about this.” You retort, whining some more.
Although it is kinda romantic. It reminds you of a grumpy and sunshine trope, slowly falling for each other over the course of expeditions and working together. This last trip really just.. added fuel to the fire.
“Mm..” he hums teasingly, grinning. “Oh I think you have a lot to tell me. Let me guess.. ou used to fall asleep thinking about me. Dreaming about me,” he muses, a mischievous look on his face.
“I did not! I don’t have time to listen to this.” You move to roll off of him.
He doesn’t let you though, hooking his arm around you to keep you against his front, “Uh uh, we’re not done.” He’s having way too much fun bantering with you.
“Leave me alone.” You whine, wiggling atop him.
He wraps both arms around you, grinning, “Nope. Not gonna happen,” hugging you tight, there’s a glint in his eyes, like a predator with a catch, “Besides, you have to tell me about your naughty dreams about me.”
“I did not have naughty dreams about you, you pervert. You wish.” You mutter back.
“Oh really?” He hums, rubbing his hands over your back. “So what, you just fall asleep perfectly, innocently thinking about me?”
“Mhm.” You know he’s just teasing, but you are quite embarrassed, so to distract hopefully, you tilt your head down and press an open mouthed kiss at the base of his neck.
He groans softly, head tilting back, hands tightening on you as you tongue grazes his skin. “Mm.. oh, that’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?” You mumble innocently, slowly pressing kisses up his neck in a trail. You hand is still flat on his chest for support, eyes lidded. This is the first time you initiate something between you two, not him kissing you, but the other way around. That thought alone has him groaning again, breath hitching.
“That..” he actually sounds as if he’s whining, “stop that,” though he’s clearly enjoying himself.
Giggling against his neck, peppering some light kisses there, “‘m not doin’ nothin’.. I dunno what y’mean..”
He feels his cock stir, heat clouding his head as his hands roam over your sides. “Oh, you know exactly what you’re doing,” he murmurs.
“Do not.” You argue back, continuing the slow, sweet kisses. Suckling lightly at his skin each time, you move up to his jaw.
His eyes flutter and he hums, hands squeezing your sides more, “Mmm.. knock it off.”
So you listen, grinning, “Okay.”
He chuckles, the sound reverberating beneath you, “You know exactly how to push my buttons. Don’t do that.” He grins, still keeping you close.
“Don’t do what? This?” You ask innocently before lowering your head to his neck again, kissing. Sweet, slow, opening mouthed with your tongue licking at the base of his neck.
His jaw clenches, groaning, “Y/N.”
Giggling again, you like the warning in his tone, the playfulness to it. “Rob.”
His hands rub over the small of your back, body slightly tense with growing arousal. He mutters your name again as you keep kissing him, finding that sensitive spot over his pulse point, licking at it. “Somebody’s neck super sensitive?” You mock with a faux pout, trying not to laugh.
“My entire body is sensitive, brat.” He grunts, trying to hold back. Your actions are causing his cock to harden, aching with arousal as his hands wander down over your ass.
“Well that certainly didn’t stop you from forcing me to cum again earlier when I said I was sensitive.” You mumble playfully, nuzzling into his neck but no longer kissing.
Rob swallows, “Yeah, well, you could’ve really told me to stop.”
“I did! You pervert, you knew what you were doing.” You laugh again, wiggling ontop of him, legs falling over his hips, his cock nudging against the inside of your thigh.
He groans, hips moving almost involuntarily, holding you even closer, “Mm.. shut up.”
“You sound like me now. Don’t like being called a pervert cause it’s true?”
“Maybe.” He grins down at you, trying to hold back. The tension is rising again, playful and light though. “You know, y’keep rubbing that pussy down on me and it isn’t g’na be my fault if I just..” his hands grasp at your ass, pulling you down onto his lap more.
Whining, “I didn’t mean to! You’re holding me on you.. not my fault we’re both naked.”
“So you’re blaming me? Y’just gonna claim innocence when you’re the one grinding on me?” His hands pull you down, head of his cock nudging over your entrance as heat pools in your core.
You face flushes, demeanor changing as he grabs your flesh, eyes fluttering, “Mm- I didn’t- it was an accident..”
He groans, hips kicking up, “An accident?” he says, voice low and teasing, “If I knew accidents could be this fun I would’ve accidentally let this happen sooner.”
His cock meets your slick entrance, hands spreading over your ass and pulling you forward. Dropping your head into his neck, you whine again, “Rob.. ‘m still sensitive.”
“Oh you are, huh?” he smiles, moaning, one hand reaching down to push the pad of his finger over your hole, rubbing and feeling the warm flesh there, “Well, if you’re still sensitive, then maybe we ought to see just how sensitive you are.”
“Insatiable..” you gasp, “pervert.” A whine escapes you, back arching, thighs weak as your toes curl.
He hums, chuckling, enjoying the whimpering noises you keep making. “Mmm, we’ll just have to see how much y’can take.”
“Just.. shut up and do something.”
“Demanding little thing, hm?” His finger dips inside, pulling right back out and pushing down over your clit, coming back up, spreading your slick.
You gasp into his neck, hand grabbing on his shoulder, grinding your hips against his touch desperately, “Rob.. please.. ‘m so- sensitive.”
“Easy.. just take it.” He murmurs, fingers moving away from you to grab at his cock, head catching on your clit for a moment before he finds your entrance and starts to push in. He moves slow, and once he’s in a few inches his hand moves back to your ass with the other one, forcing you down.
A gasp escapes you, thighs shaking as you’re sat down on him fully, “Rob!”
He groans out, fingertips digging into the plush flesh of your ass, moving you back and forth, “God.. you feel..” he breathes out, “so good.”
You’re so unbearably sensitive after this morning, clit swollen, pussy sore as he slides in embarrassingly easy. Your thighs tense and then release like jello, limp atop him as he fucks you down onto him with his own strength, mumbling something incoherent against his neck. He gives another growly moan, tilting his head back. You’re useless ontop of him, whining and whimpering, the slick noise of your bodies meeting making you flush down to your neck.
He’s using you like a damn fleshlight, hands leaving red marks on your ass, his knees bending so he can fuck up into you at the same time his hands make your body move back, drawing needy noises from both of you. Your clits grinding into his pubic bone, making you tremble, slick pooling down his length and over his balls. Your hand on his shoulder tightens, grabbing onto him for support, “Rob.. Rob.. Rob..” it’s like the only word in your vocabulary is his name, whining with how rhythm.
He grits his teeth, moaning your name, bending his knees more to have leverage to bounce you back onto his cock, nose nudging against the side of your head.
“So-..” You whimper, gasping, “so rough-“ You’re practically drooling on his neck, lips parted, letting him fuck you as he pleases. His hands hold onto you so tightly you think they’ll bruise, but that only excites you more.
“Rough?” he breathlessly laughs, “You like rough? You must, you’re already fucking soaked.”
You can’t do anything but take it, no witty retort now as you flush. He goes a bit harder at that, any response you did have dying behind more moans, “Ah! Nnngh- fuck.”
“Like that?” he groans, grinning cockily, having way too much fun with you squeezing down on his cock.
Your back arches, nodding against his neck. Your hand on his shoulder digs in, nails pressing against his skin, “Like it- like it cause it’s you.” Pleasure shoots up your spine as he presses in deeper.
So fucking cute. He groans again, “You like it just because it’s me? Wouldn’t let anyone else treat you like this?”
Nodding in agreement once more, you squeal a little moan, “Yes! Yes,” you hand slides off his shoulder to his bicep, eyes rolling back as you feel how the muscle bulges under your grasp.
He notices obviously, very attentive, his own face flushed red as he pants, “You like feeling my strength, do you?”
He hits the nail on the head with that, whimpering with another nod, moaning out loud before you answer. “Yes,“ you whine again. His cock drives in deep, rough, smacking against the backs of your thighs as his one hand moves down, feeling where his cock connects to you, the skin soaked with slick.
“You like knowing I can toss you around however I want?” He plays into it, though he’ll obviously be gentle as you’re both injured. But, realistically, if it weren’t for that, he’d love to show off his strength.
“Yes-!” Instinctive tears well up in your eyes, he’s going so fast and deep, hitting just the right spots, and all you can do is babble out moans and pleas. “Rob- *mmm!” He could probably lift you up like nothing, like he did that one day. Could pin you to the wall, just hold you, flip you around, oh God..
“Is that would you’d think about?” He muses, gasping himself as his eyes flutter, “You’ve been fantasizing about everything I could do if I wanted to.”
Tears slip from your eyes, clit so overstimulated it actually hurts, so good, orgasm right there within reach. Sweat starts to coat your back, skin heating up, “Rob.. Rob!”
He groans again, slowing his hips down and that orgasm starts to fade away, making you whimper. “Sensitive little thing.. don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”
He’s being the opposite of gentle, fucking liar, but you don’t care. Crying out, you push your ass into his hands, drooling against his neck. You don’t want him to stop, cock reaching so deep, fucking into you so good, you haven’t felt this good in.. probably ever. Tilting your head, you occupy yourself with suckling at the base of his neck.
He growls, hips speeding up again, a lewd slick smack sounding from just how wet you are, “Mm, ah fuck, stop it.”
You’re whimpering on him, suckling enough to leave a mark, eyes lidded and bleary with tears. His grasp on you will definitely bruise now, hurting in the most delicious way possible. His rhythm falters, fucking up into you hard, forcing your body back down, “Stop, stop, I’m gonna-” he grumbles, grunting, trying to hold back.
It’s too late, you remember how much he liked it earlier. Suckling, your teeth clamp down on his skin, biting as you squeal a moan. His fingers squeeze tightly into your skin, breath hitching, “Fuck, fuck-”
You can feel his body tense under your limp limbs as he uses you like a toy, and it’s all you can do to not break down into sobs from the pleasure, the pain. Drool drips onto his skin, teeth scraping flesh as you suckle at the bite to soothe it, whimpering, “Please, Rob!”
With a sudden lack of control, he fucks into you hard, grunting with each movement. He’s holding onto you so tight his own fingers hurt, breathing getting shorter. It all happens so fast. Your teeth biting into his neck sends him over the edge, hips pressing down so he can pull out, cum oozing over your abused pussy as he grinds against you, groaning your name and a curse.
His hand smacks down over your ass, cockhead nudging into your clit in such a delicious way that it sends you over the edge right after, grinding down on his soaked cock with shaking thighs.
Your heart pounds in your ears, deadweight on his body. You feel so out of breath, weak, God does your ass hurt.
His hands smooth over your back, chest heaving and moving your body up and down. He doesn’t move for a moment, just laying there with you, listening to your little whines. His brain comes back to reality, hands sliding down to soothe the sore skin of your ass.
The hand on his bicep lets go, moving down to bat at his wrist, “Hurts..”
He sighs softly, moving his hands away, “Hmmm.. sorry.”
Tucked into his neck, you babble something incoherent, trembling. His mouth opens as if he wants to say something, but instead he exhales again and just holds you, both of you coming down from the intense highs.
“I can’t feel my legs.” You moan, complaining.
Rob chuckles at that, still sounding breathless as he rubs circles over your sides, “Can’t feel your legs..” he muses. “Does your butt hurt?”
“Yes.” You grumble, “Fuckin’.. iron grip.”
“Yeah.. sorry about that.. got a little carried away..” He honestly sounds a bit embarrassed by his admission, hands moving down to smooth over your ass.
“I’m not gonna be able to sit properly for like.. three days.” You complain some more, but tilt your head to pepper a kiss on the bite mark you left.
A grin grows on his face, nuzzling into your hair, “Maybe I’ll need to punish you for biting me. Then your butt can hurt even more.”
“Such a pervert!” You push up on one arm, muscles weak, back stretching, “I need breakfast. And clothes.”
For a moment he just stares up at you, a playful smirk on his face, and he laughs again, smoothing his hands up around your front and over your tits, “Mm, I can help with that. You can borrow some of mine.”
Rolling off of him, he twists to give you a kiss on the lips before getting up and getting you a glass of water. Sat next to you, he traces circles on your arm, “Y’wanna take these bandages off and take a bath?”
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azulsluver · 11 months
haiii!!! i’m new to ur blog but i’ve been frantically reading ur bully!au and omg…listen i don’t like bully!au’s in general bc they always get me so MAD!!1!1! like wdym ur falling in love w the same person that tormented you?!!! but in this case, hate reading your bully!au has me frothing at the mouth😭it’s so deliciously sick and aggravating to read and i’m getting annoyed just thinking about all the cruel and vile bullying shenanigans going on…LMFAO atp i’m teetering the edge of masochism💀so thumbs up for that bc i like ur works so far<3
but the more i think about it, despite everyone being such an asshat, i think the only people i could stand are silver and jack. they’re such bystanders so they’re not any better than the next person. but they’re not exactly going to lay their hands on you—err, not directly that is. they could stand there in the background and watch you get your ass ABSOLUTELY GET BEAT UP AND TORN INTO SHREDS but they’ll be there to pat your back and offer you a handkerchief, yk? from an outsider’s perspective, silver and jack are as much as part of the problem as any of them. they’re not actively helping you or stopping the others from laying their hands on you. but holy crap, imagine being in readers shoes for a minute. in some sick and twisted way, if i were the reader id CLING into silver and jack. i probably wouldn’t be able to think straight and not realise they’re not good, but after being hurt left and right i’d be picking up scraps like a stray dog. anything for a crumb of kindness. i see reader falling into their arms and believing that they (silver and jack) actually care about them, bc they don’t press on their bruises or make them cry. they provide reader a gentle hand for them to cry on to, hold them and caress them after a long day of pain.
just imagine, this very glaring and obvious favoritism from the reader towards silver and jack. i know the other boys would probably put a target on their backs, itching to snatch reader away from silver and jack. the others probably see that they’re manipulating or at the very least, being ingenious to the reader. in silvers case, i can see someone like sebek berating you about silver. yelling at you about how weak you are for falling into silvers facade. bc if silver actually gave a single crap, why would he let you continue to get hurt? isn’t it obvious, reader? he’s letting it happen so you can fall into his arms and he can use your pain to his advantage!!!!!1!1!1! at least sebek is being truthful about his feelings and isn’t putting up a front acting like he cares for you [sidebar: its a little tricky for silver. bc you see, it’s not like he doesn’t care but he just has an extreme case of a bystander complex. he’s not gonna do anything to stand in the way of you and the others, especially to malleus and lilia and suffer their consequences. but he’ll be there, at least. but to others that isn’t you, silver can come off as a slimy knight and shinning armor that uses his kindness to his advantage].
in jacks case, he’d get teased a ton from ruggie. ruggie would probably corner him and feel inclined enough willingly (without money) to interrogate jack. what’s with all this sudden closeness between jack and you, huh? you guys act like a lovely dovey couple. because one time leona had the misfortune on stumbling upon you in jacks arms and him holding you…ruggie had to deal with the short end of the stick afterwards. so now, it’s everyone’s problems (in reality, ruggie is also jealous…). this is where it’s a little different with silver. despite silver actually being sympathetic, even when it can come off unbelievable to others, jack…well. he does…a little? jack feels bad to an extent. but my gosh, sometimes when he sees you all beat up and weak and vulnerable, jack has to hold himself back from taking you right there. if he could ever, jack could be putty in your hands all the while wishing he had the power in him to keep you with him forcefully. whereas others think silver is ingenious about his feelings thinking he’s using reader, jack is exactly that.
in readers case though…since readers favoritism appears more and more blatant as time passes, they sure as hell will get their ass whopped 10x harder😮‍💨imagine being cornered by people like vil, leona, the twins, heck even kalim accusing you of all kinds of things. shaming you and calling you names. why are you getting particularly close with those two anyway? are you look for attention? are you that pathetic enough to go begging for scraps like a dog? or do you like them? perhaps…love them? either way, whatever you say (if you ever get the chance to defend yourself) they don’t care.
anyway, that’s just my thoughts🤤i might’ve made it a bit ooc but bully!au is a little tricky to grasp especially with some of the characters eccentric personalities.
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inlovewithl3vi · 6 days
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Note- this was written about a year and a half ago, I’ve gotten better at writing things and not dragging things on while I write, so please excuse how poorly this is written!
- I imagine that the MC in this is 14-16, since they’re so young the brothers view them as small and weak. Of course they decide to act like their parental figures to the MC so they have some guidance! Totally not like their doing this just to manipulate them
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Mammon taking care of them, making sure they’re as comfortable as you can get when living in the devildom.
Levi playing games with them late into the night, ignoring the fact they both should be asleep.
Lucifer making sure they don’t overwork themselves while doing homework
Satan willingly helping them with homework and reading to them when alone together
Asmo gushing over how cute they are and making them wear matching outfits with him (of course he also has to take a million pictures for devilgram!)
Beel making sure the MC always has snacks and even sharing his every once in awhile
Belphie asking forcing them to take naps with him, telling them it’s good for their health (it’s probably not healthy to nap so much but oh well)
Eventually the MC starts thinking of them like the brothers are their parents, or at least cool uncles. The brothers notice, especially when the MC accidentally called Lucifer dad once (they thought it was so cute, but MC will never live it down) they start slowly taking advantage of the MC, telling they they just have to sleep with one of them, what if someone tries to hurt them in the night? The MC just goes along with it, failing to notice all their demon friends at rad slowly stop talking to them. Of course it’s all they’re doing, but MC doesn’t need to know that. Eventually they decide to lean into their roles. Like when Lucifer scolds the MC for doing something stupid he tells them “you wouldn’t want your dad to be mad?” And of course the MC thinks it’s weird. I mean they just started acting like MC was their kid? They all start referring to themselves as some sort of parental role (of course Asmo is probably the one to start this, asking you to call him mom or mommy, he doesn’t mind what one you use) eventually the MC confronts them, asking why their acting like that. Of course they brush it off, acting like MC is the crazy one. Eventually the MC just shrugs it off, deciding it’s easier to go with whatever they say. That was a bad choice on their part, little did they know that was just the start. Soon they’ll get them to go by their “rules” and make the MC have sex with them, all while acting like their family. It’s weird and kinda gross but the mc doesn’t seem to mind and even likes it since they had a little crush on the brothers… maybe that’s a good thing?
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friendsthatdontkiss · 1 month
On the topic of Chaos Theory- I’ve been curious about these dinosaurs that we see in the trailer. They look to be mainly carnivores, and we only see one herbivore. Obviously, the Atrociraptors will be a big part of the show because it seems like they cause problems for all of the campers (sneaking into Sammy’s house, chasing after the campers, getting punched by Kenji!) These seem like they’ll be the main dinos we will be faced with. They are different from Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie and Ben mentions how the antagonist is using these Raptors to hunt them. So maybe they were raised in captivity to obey our villian.
The Allosaurus seems to be like another big part of the story as well with it chasing after Darius to create a parallel scene to Claire from Jurassic World.
But, I have one important thing to say- In the poster, focusing on the dinosaur, it almost looks more like the Indominus than the traditional Allosaurus. With the way it is roaring and especially looking at its head shape, and maybe the arms as well, it looks like a lot like the Indominus Rex in the poster- Possibly they used that as a base? Because it doesn’t resemble the hybrid as much in the physical trailer. Unless the villain somehow got Indominus Rex DNA and made a modified version of the Allosaurus, I don’t see why they wouldn’t just create a new base for this different dinosaur.
There’s also this very QUICK scene in the trailer where a dinosaur comes running out of the clearing and Allosaurus’ are usually fast reaching speeds up to 34 mph while the Indominus only had 30 mph. But it *doesn’t* look like an Allosaurus- It’s white, fast and spiked- Sound familiar?
Now I’m not saying it is a hybrid- Just if I didn’t know my dinosaurs as I do so much. I wouldn’t think it was supposed to be an Allosaur. We know that Wu gets the Indominus sample and uses it for the Indoraptor but I don’t think he’d trade that information over to the villain.
But as I, Darius Bowman, I do not want to deal with more hybrids. I don’t think any of my second family does either. And I’d love to see the Allosaurus be a main dinosaur without any modifications. We had other strong dinosaurs like the Carnotaurus, Ceratosaurus, without them having to be hybrids. If you been following with the JW franchise- A juvenile Allosaurus has been seen in Fallen Kingdom and it was seen again in the short film “Battle at Big Rock” so it is no stranger to Jurassic World.
We have other supporting dinosaurs too like:
- Becklespinax (Trailer)
- Majunasaurus (Wiki)
- Nasutoceratops (Wiki)
- Pachyrhinosaurus (Trailer)
- Stygimoloch (Wiki)
- Suchomimus (Wiki)
Lots of variety! The wiki is hard to trust sometimes but if it is accurate we should expect more variations of dinosaurs!
But this raises another question- Why is she here? We know Bumpy is back too because we see her standing behind Sammy, Ben and Darius- We might talk about this some more but for now it raises a few questions- If Big/Little Eatie is here does that mean that Mantah Corp island was invaded and something happened to Mae? Dr. Turner would 100% put her life on the line for those dinosaurs, and if someone came and took them all, she wouldn’t let it happen willingly. Does this mean they have Pierce and we will see him?
Kentrosaurus’ are so fascinating….But I hope he is okay! Do they have the Spinosaurus, or that lone Baronyx?
So many dinosaurs, so many theories! Chaos Theory is going to kill us!
(Figuratively and literally.)
If you couldn’t tell, this post was made by Darius!!
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kywaslost · 1 year
I Know Your Pain - Levi Ackerman
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A/N: I started writing this a long time ago when I was working through writing for everyone on my masterlist, before my inbox was flooded with requests. I hope this turned out alright. And for the person who sent in a Levi request months ago, I promise I haven’t deleted it yet. I just want to finish the show before I get around to your request. I’m sorry for the long wait. I hope this is something, though.
Warnings: Loss of a loved one, vomiting
Just because you weren’t a part of Levi’s squad doesn’t mean he doesn’t know who you are. You worked with Hange, and her squad always worked with Levi’s, so he was aware of your presence. In fact, you were one of the few people he’d willingly eat with, or spend his free time with. You got your work done in a timely manner and your presence wasn’t unbearable. You were quiet but could carry a conversation.
You usually spent the evenings with Levi in his office. You always claimed that your roommates were too loud, and Hange’s constant movements and outbursts stressed you out, so you asked Levi if you could work in his office.
So when you didn’t show up one night after an expedition with Hange’s squad, Levi was slightly concerned. Were you hurt and in the infirmary? He hoped not, he’d taken a liking to you and didn’t want to see you injured. Where you dead? God, you better not be. He’d kill you himself if you were. He didn’t want to keep thinking these terrible thoughts, so he went to ask Hange himself.
“Four eyes!” Ah, yes, his go-to greeting. “Where’s Y/N? I have work for them to do.”
Hange slowly lifted her head from her hands, eyes drooped low. Now Levi knew something was wrong. His best friend was never this quiet. Were you really dead? No, you were too strong of a soldier to have died out there.
Hange cleared her throat, then wiped at her eyes. “I don’t know. I gave her the rest of the week off.”
Levi’s jaw tensed. “The rest of the week? It’s only Monday!” His voice was rough. He hoped it covered up his worry.
“Considering their best friend just died only a few hours ago, I think they’ll need the week to recover and grieve.”
So someone did die. Levi took a deep breath, relieved that you were at least alive. “Oh, I see.” The man turned to the door and stepped out of the room. “I will leave them be, then.” That was a lie. Levi was now on the hunt, looking everywhere for you.
Your bedroom was empty. You weren’t in the kitchen, library, or with the other cadets. You were nowhere to be found. Not even Erwin knew where you were. Levi was at a loss. As he walked through the corridors, he listened to the rain as it poured outside. Surely you weren’t out there.
“Captain!” Levi turned around, watching as a cadet ran towards him.
Levi raised an eyebrow. “What is it, cadet?”
The man running slowed to a stop. He took a deep breath. “There’s someone outside.”
“And why does this concern me?” Levi was growing agitated. He had more pressing matters than someone standing out in the rain. That was their choice, therefore it wasn’t his problem.
“I think it’s one of Hange’s squad members,” the cadet spoke. “I wouldn’t say anything if I didn’t think something was wrong, sir. But they’ve been out there ever since their squad returned.”
“Where?” Levi’s voice was stern now.
“Out by the stables-”
Levi didn’t let the boy finish, taking off running towards the stables. That had to have been you out there. Where else could you have been? But how long have you been out there? Hange returned to her office at least 3 hours ago. Levi had seen her walk down the hall and past his office. So you had to have been out there for hours now at least.
When the door to the outside opened, Levi was immediately stung with hard, monstrous rain drops. It was raining so hard he could barely see. Running off in the direction of the stables, Levi almost slipped and fell several times due to all of the mud. He cursed the weather as he kept running.
Soon enough, Levi could see the silhouette of a stray horse standing out in the rain. As he got closer he could see someone sat upon the horse.
“Easy,” he said, slowing to a walk when he neared the horse. He put his hand on the horse’s behind, petting the creature as he walked to the saddle. He looked up to see you sat still, looking down to your hands. They had remnants of blood left on them, the rest having been washed off by the rain. The scout’s regime’s symbol was gripped tightly in your hands. It must have belonged to your friend.
“Y/N,” Levi said softly. “Come inside.” He received no response. He wasn’t even sure you had even heard him. He sighed, then reached for the lead of your horse, slowly leading it inside of the barn and out of the rain. He brought it into its stable and stepped up on a small set of stairs to be eye level with you. The sight hurt him. You were absolutely drenched, clothes clinging to you in any way they could. Your skin was pale but your eyes were a vibrant red. Levi was sure you were going to get sick.
“Come on,” he soothed, placing a warm hand against your cool arm. He pulled gently, sliding you off of your horse partially. He guided you down, catching you when you stumbled as your feet hit the ground. “I’ve got you, you’re alright.” He gently tugged you towards the entrance of the barn when a gut-wrenching sob escaped your lips. Then you screamed, falling limp and landing on your knees on the ground.
Levi quickly fell beside you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tightly against his chest. “Shhh,” he whispered. “It’s ok. You’re alright.” He rocked you slowly as he let you sob into his scouting cloak. He knew how much pain you were in. How it felt to lose your best friend. And so he lets you scream and cry for as long as you need. Or, until you began to gag, choking on your own sobs. You pushed yourself away from Levi, moved a few feet away from him, and then turned your head to throw up.
When you were finished, Levi slowly placed a hand on your back to make sure you were alright. “Let’s go inside. We need to get you warmed up.” He gently slid an arm under your knees and one behind your back, pulling you to him as he stood.
He took you to his office first. There was a much smaller chance that anyone would see you like this, and he has better control of your surroundings when in his office. He sat you down in a chair across from his desk. When he pulled back to walk away, he noticed how you still hadn’t let go of your friend’s patch. “I’ll be back, I promise.” He placed a hand on your head for a moment before leaving.
Levi stepped into his bathroom. He crouched down at the sink and pulled out a clean towel. On his way back to you he set a pot of water to warm up for you. Some tea and soup would do you well. Then he made his way to kneel in front of you. “I’m going to dry you off, alright?” he said quietly. “We’ll get you into some dry clothes and then under some blankets, yeah?”
He started with your face, softly wiping away the tears and raindrops that stained your face. The towel moved from your face up to your hair where Levi patted it as dry as he could. You looked like a disaster. There were remnants of blood all over your body, and Levi hoped to God that it wasn’t your blood. You looked as pale as the reports on his desk, yet your eyes were bloodshot a deep red color.
Your captain tried as best he could to get the rest of you dry but you had been in the rain so long that your clothes could be considered ruined. There was nothing he could do to save them. His silver eyes met your (e/c) ones and his gaze softened. “We’re going to get you taken care of,” he promised. Then he stood, draping the now damp towel over his shoulder. “Stay here.” He wasn’t sure you’d be able to go anywhere in this state, but he needed something to fill the silence.
“I’m going to get you a change of clothes. I promise, you won’t be left alone for long.”
Levi made his way back to Hange’s office, hoping the scientist was still awake. Stepping into the room, he saw her just where she was last time he had come into her office.
“What do you want now, Levi?” she grumbled quietly, quickly sparing the man a glimpse before laying her head back down on her desk. “I’d like to be left alone.”
“I know, but I found Y/N,” he said softly. “They aren’t in a good state. They’ve been out in the rain ever since your squad returned.” He sighed, then continued. “I was wondering if you had any clothes that could fit her, or if she left any spare clothes in here.”
Hange slowly lifted herself from her desk and over to a cabinet, pulling out a folded outfit. She handed it to Levi. “These are their spare overnight clothes, for when they’re in the lab overnight or they’re too tired to go home.” She sighed tiredly. Hange looked almost as worn down as you, except she was much more functional than you were at the moment. “Good night, Levi. And make sure Y/N sees a medic. I’m not sure they’ve had their check-up yet.”
Levi bid his friend good night and made his way back to his office. He prayed you were alright still. This small trip took longer than he’d expected.
You were still slumped in the chair Levi had left you in. You were trembling now, and it sounded like you had stopped crying. Levi kneeled down in front of you, placing a hand on your knee to try and grab your attention. “Y/N,” he said softly, turning his head ever so slightly to meet your distant gaze. “I’ve returned with some dry clothes for you to change into while I start a fire.”
You didn’t move. You didn’t even acknowledge him. Levi was beginning to worry even more. You’ve been unresponsive for a while now. He hoped changing your clothes and your environment would help you feel better
“I can help you, if you'd like,” Levi offered, and when he still didn’t receive a response he placed the dry clothes on the floor behind him. His warm hands gently undone your cloak, hanging it on the side of the chair next to you. Next was your jacket, except you refused to let go of the wings of freedom you had clutched in your hands.
Levi slowly attempted to take the torn fabric from you. “I’ll give it back, I promise. Just let me help you change, then you can do whatever you want with it.”
You responded this time, only with a short nod as you loosened your grip on the wings of freedom, letting Levi set it to the side yet still in your sight. He peeled your jacket down your arms and set it on top of your cloak. His fingertips brushed over your hips as he pulled your shirt over your shoulders and arms, adding it to the pile of wet clothes. Your socks, shoes, and pants eventually made their way off as well, leaving you in your underclothes.
Levi took this time to look over you for any injuries. Usually one would be nervous, sitting undressed in front of their captain like this. Except Levi had performed routine exams after expeditions several times in your presence, sometimes even on you, so you thought nothing of it. There was a huge bruise forming across your back, but that seemed to be the worst of your injuries. You had a few cuts and scrapes here and there but nothing that required medical attention.
Levi carefully dressed you, pulling your night-shirt over your head and then guiding your legs through your lounge pants. Sticking to his word, he handed you the last remains of your friend’s uniform before making his way over to the fireplace. Sticking a few logs into the heated coals, he pushed the fire to grow, warming up the room even more. Then he moved over to the tea pot, pouting you a cup of tea as well as himself. Levi picked you up, carefully moving you over to the small sofa in front of the fireplace, sitting beside you. He handed you your tea, and the two of you sat in silence.
Later in the night, when you had finally warmed up and began to move a bit more, Levi instructed you to sit between his legs as he tried running a hairbrush through your ratted hair. You appreciated the personal attention, letting your captain do things you could not currently do on your own. His soft hands ran through your hair, trailing the brush as it smoothed out all of the rats and tangles.
It was going to be a rough next few days, weeks, maybe even months for you, but Levi would always be there to pick you up when you could no longer move on your own.
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sparrowsworkshop · 5 months
"Optimus Prime & His Feisty Little Two-Wheeler" by OneWingedSparrow
🏍️ First Draft: 2021 ⤵️
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🚛🏍️ Main Tags: TFP, Arcee & Optimus Prime, Pre-Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Hurt / Comfort, Found Family Summary: A tribute to Peter Cullen for striving to always keep Optimus Prime "strong enough to be gentle," told from the perspective of TFP Arcee towards her newfound leader, when she first comes to Earth and joins Team Prime. Made for the "To Be Gentle Zine," hosted by @allsparkzines ! Please check out everyone else's stories and artwork; they're all lovely! :D Read on AO3; paired artwork here Reblogs are appreciated! ~ Arcee refused to affiliate her name with anything. The Autobot faction was her lone exception. Her former leaders left her...and, after she lost Tailgate, the only teammate who respected her for who she was...she didn’t wish to be associated with any singular bot.
Her spark was broken, and no medic fixed sparks.
But over the years...Arcee realized there was one person she could stand to fight beside. One person she could fight for. One person she could depend on, and willingly link her name to.
His name was Optimus Prime.
The first time his name is affixed to hers, she is jolted with shock.
“It’s the Prime’s scouts! All units, fire!” The Prime’s—the Prime’s…? Arcee trips over her own feet.
Magnus had been the one she followed. Before that, Prowl. She is a stranger to this Prime.
Sure, the moment she forsook the wastelands of Cybertron, racing Cliffjumper through Shockwave’s space bridge, she rolled straight into the ranks of Optimus Prime, who sought refuge on this rugged rock called Earth.
...but is she already counted as one of his?
Their cover exposed, Bumblebee bounds towards a farther bunker, retreating from the Decepticons’ barrage, as Optimus directed.
As Optimus directed, as Optimus ordered, as Optimus would….
Hand flipping into a gun, Arcee shakes her head and follows.
Everything she does now will be in his name.
The first time he delivers a speech in her earshot, she cramps her neck looking up.
Arcee knew Optimus Prime was tall, but she never stood on level ground with him. Only now does she realize how truly massive he is; the tip of the pink tiara spike atop her helmet doesn’t even reach his hip.
This mission is futile. They’ll never see optic to optic.
No one ever does, with a two-wheeler like her.
So, she gives up, dropping her gaze to the Autobot insignia emblazoned on their new base’s floor.
The same symbol embossed onto her wings. The same symbol that gleams on the grill of the Earth truck form Optimus has chosen. A Western Star, she heard the human soldiers call it. Lumbering engine, muted paint job, lackluster tires...it’s surely a far cry from his regal Cybertronian form, but he steps into the disguise humbly.
Her thoughts are wandering. She’s lost track of the speech. She forces herself to focus on her surroundings. Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Bulkhead and Ratchet stand beside her, listening intently as Optimus continues. I’m part of the circle, she thinks, suddenly. This is new.
Will it last? She doesn’t know.
Only time will tell.
As always.
The first time he rolls with her, she feels her systems stall.
“Arcee,” he says. Her name lolls in the air.
She straightens her frame, flashing an urgent salute. “Sir!” “At ease, soldier.” He gets down on one knee.
This only stiffens her further; Ultra Magnus never adopted such a lax posture.
What’s more, Arcee decides, looking directly into Optimus Prime’s face is mildly frightening. Here is a Warrior who has plowed through fire and acid, shrapnel and rust, energon and terror—and captured the weight of all to carry forever. In those piercing, blazing optics, she can see the glory and the pain, the fervor and the fury, of a leader blessed by Primus….
And she knows, while she beholds, that he will brake for nothing in bringing this war to its end.
Arcee trembles under his gaze.
“I am coming with you,” he says.
Statement. Declaration. Fact.
In shame, her spark plummets to her feet. The Prime must have higher priorities than her safety. No one ever makes the effort to care. Why would he waste his time on a two-wheeler most bots look down upon?
Are you sure I’m worth it? Arcee blurts out, unheard.
Aloud, she stammers the scrap substitute:
“You are in need of backup, and there is no one else to accompany you at this time. Therefore, be mindful of my presence.” Arcee wants to protest.
However, one glance at his decisive expression deactivates all argument.
You just can’t argue with Optimus Prime.
The first time he saves her spark, she flinches, and not from her wounds.
Bulkhead fell back. Bumblebee paused to reload.
A quick scan of the battlefield revealed only a “few” Decepticons. Her arm blades clicked from their casings. The enemy seemed distracted.
She thought she could take them all on.
Arcee speeds into the open. An ever dutiful partner, Cliffjumper attempts to provide cover fire. Dust billows in her path.
She flies, wings spread wide with the thrill of the hunt. Leap and dodge, flip and kick. Swipe and cut, scratch and slice. The Decepticons falter, unprepared for the frontal assault.
Until they get smart to her timing, and they stab her through the gut.
Her frame screams with pain. Something else roars louder.
Optimus. Her enemies freeze.
He charges, blasters smoking. Optics blazing.
They’re dead in seconds. Arcee’s lifted up, leaking energon.
Wordlessly, Optimus carries her home.
The first time he rebukes her, she wishes she could hide in vehicle mode.
Not hide as in “cower.” More like hide as in “transform, to then zoom away.” The best kind of hiding: speeding so no one can catch you. She’s already transformed. Engine’s running. Kickstand’s up. She’s already halfway gone.
But her wheels don’t roll.
Deep down, she knows barricading in vehicle mode while he has words to deliver would be incredibly rude, and she’s not sure she wants to disrespect him so, after he saved her tailpipe. With that, she mentally punches herself in the T-Cog, and stands up to face him.
“Arcee,” he says, so far above her, voice stern and edged. “Your judgment today was far from exemplary.”
She swallows.
“Make no further attempts to engage the enemy alone.”
“Yes, sir,” she whispers.
Those optics meet hers, once again.
“We will fight on,” Optimus says quietly. “That is a promise…
“Stay with me.”
Arcee blinks something from her vision.
If he notices, he says nothing.
Now, whenever he summons her, she’s alert and prepared.
“Arcee, with me.”
She nods, and falls into step beside him.
Though one step for him is many for her, they march in the same time.
His massive, towering form no longer feels as looming or daunting as it did. She’s learned to rest in his shadow, to trust he will shield her. She’s not sure why she grew so comfortable with his presence so fast, but perhaps his mannerisms influenced this transformation.
He stands tall to intimidate, but not to belittle. He bends down to her level more than anyone else. In battle, he never abandons her. He even looks back for her, when his extensive strides travel farther than her shorter limbs can reach. And when he sends her ahead to scout, hidden well in lofty places, she always finds him watching for her when she returns with a report.
Quiet things. Subtle things.
Little things a great, big Prime needn’t trouble himself with.
But he wants to.
He cares.
So, when he says “With me,” she follows...
Because the little things have shown her that he is someone worth following.
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thesilversun · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Not doing the screenshots this week, just pasting it in, as I'm using ancient laptop. Still part 7 of Before the Dawn, but this probably the last Wednesday for part 7. Hoping to actually post that part this weekend. Then it will be onto part 8. (Also been working an exchange fic - but can't share any of that)
For this bit, Di Feisheng meets up with Wuyan, and plans are put in place.
No specific warnings apply. DFS is tired, sore and concern about LLH, but otherwise managing (mostly by ingoring tired and sore parts.)
Decision made, Di Feisheng returns to the overgrown seats in the little pavilion to wait.  
He doesn’t have to wait long. Despite the security in the palace, which must be high right now, Wuyan lands lightly on the path seemingly unbothered by it all. His choice of approach giving Di Feisheng enough warning not to be startled by him.  
“Mengzhu.” A small bow as he appraises how his sect leader looks. “What do you need?” 
Any concern that Di Feisheng had about how Wuyan has been is dispelled. He looks as he always does. Calm and ready to take whatever action is required of him. The relief almost make him want to hug him. Not that they’ve ever had that kind of relationship, not that he thinks Wuyan would even welcome it.  Too much time spent around Fang Duobing, he thinks, with rather less annoyance than he used to. Li Lianhua’s would be disciple really was just so eager with touches and hugs and smiles that it was infectious.  
Di Feisheng stands, ankles protesting once more at being made to bear weight. He knows how not to let any of it show on his face.  
“Jiao Liqiao took the Styx flower from me. If she’d wanted to destroy it she would have done so in front of me. So it will be hidden.” He has to believe that is true. Because if it isn’t, if it’s gone, then so is Li Lianhua’s last hope of a cure. He will die.   
Closing his eyes, Di Feisheng fights the sudden wave of dizziness that breaks over him. Perhaps standing up had been an error.  
“Mengzhu?” Wuyan’s hand comes to rest lightly on Di Feisheng’s arm. “Are you injured?”  
Although the answer is yes and he trusts Wuyan absolutely, still the words catch in his throat. It’s to himself that he can’t admit any weakness. Because if he does, if he allows himself that, he doesn’t know how to come back from it. So he can‘t. Not yet. Maybe not ever.    
“Shall I inform Yao Mo?”  
Opening his eyes, Di Feisheng lifts Wuyan’s hand from his arm. “No need. Find the Styx flower and bring it to me. You have three days. If you haven’t found it by then report what you have found.”  
He doesn’t say ‘be careful.’ For Wuyan to have lived as long as he has there must be an element of caution to how he approaches the tasks he is given. All the same providing him with extra information is necessary. “Do not touch the box directly, it was poisoned. It was how she killed the King of Yama.” 
Wuyan nods, nothing showing on his face as to whether the news of the death of the last of the three kings has affected him. Most likely he’d already known. It had been more than a week and Jiao Liqiao would have hardly been secretive about it. 
“Will you remain here for three days?” Wuyan asks, looking around the gardens.  
It’s a good question and one to which Di Feisheng doesn’t have an answer. Perhaps he will remain at the palace. Or perhaps Li Lianhua will want to get back to his ridiculous moving house or his Shiniang will want him to go with her to her mountain retreat or maybe they’ll all go back with Fang Duobing to Tianji Hall. There is no way of knowing where he will be in a few days time apart from not willingly letting Li Lianhua out of his sight. “I will call for you three days.”  
“Rest well.” There is an unspoken look of concern in Wuyan’s eyes as he salutes, then turns to leave. “I will return.”  
Di Feisheng lets him go. Wuyan had done the impossible in finding the Styx flower in the first place. To locate it from wherever Jiao Liqiao’s had concealed would be simple task in comparison. He trusts him to accomplish it and to bring back it to him. 
Only once Wuyan is out of sight does he allow himself to sag against one of carved columns that hold up the pavilion roof, exhaustion and pain threatening to drop him to the ground once more.
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Hi! How about a hcs with a gender neutral reader that gets turned into a cat temporarily by a stand, how would la squadra react?
Have a nice day :>
Sure! I’ll go character by character on this one
Yandere! La Squadra w/ gn! Darling turned into a cat by a stand
Risotto - *bat bat bat* He hears the soft sound of something messing around with his hat (he takes it off every so often aside from showers and sleeping). There’s immediate suspicion as he goes to investigate, finding a cat rather than you mesmerized by the golden baubles that spelled his name. Doesn’t take long for the leader himself to put two and two together that you are the cat. Considering he makes sure you won’t escape whatsoever any other time.
It’s hard to tell but his eyes soften slightly from amusement of cat you playing with his hat. He’ll likely pick you up, expression hardening at a potential stand user looming around. He’ll immediately order the rest of the group to be on high alert and track down the user. As cute as you were in cat form, he was not amused by this little trick no matter how harmless it seemed.
Formaggio - manages to squeeze a crude joke, makes a casual comment of how cute you were like that. How he’d love to spend time with you being like that more, while scratching under your chin. He observes if your full on cat, which seems to be the case. Doesn’t mean he won’t be constantly bringing up how willingly you allowed him to pet you, when you revert back later.
Illuso - Amused you were turned into a cat of all things, he’d love to have alone time with you in his mirror world without disturbance. Just an hour or two of holding you close to him. He wouldn’t lie he would have extra satisfaction of bashing the stand users face in from turning you into a cat. Though before that he snaps a picture with a camera of you in cat form for later usage.
Melone - coos and fawns over you the second he sets eyes on you. Even in cat form you seem to be fairly stiff around him, and he absolutely notes every behavior like a decent scientist would. Light touches and pets down the back, and he doesn’t flinch if you decide to try and scratch. You can be certain he’ll be calling you kitten or similar cat nicknames when you revert. Not to mention maybe receiving cat related clothing or other items.
Ghiaccio - In typical fashion he’s more irate that somehow someone got passed them enough to do something to you. He might pet you a bit while ranting how he’s likely going to freeze the user solid if he narrows down where they are. He does think you’re cute in all honesty, he’s simply pissed a slip up on his part or his team caused this headache. The scene is mildly amusing as he continues his rant and pets your soft fur. He’ll likely mention how cute you were with a smirk when he calms down and you’re back to normal.
Prosciutto - As obnoxious as Ghiaccio’s yelling could be, he’s also aggravated at this massive oversight. He definitely ends up approaching to pet you, knowing full well he’ll have to take care of any fur that gets on his suit later. He notes the color of your eyes in cat formed more observationally than anything. Coaxes you to come closer, while side eyeing Pesci who seems giddy at you being a cat. It’s cute but he wants you in human form back as a soon as possible.
Pesci - He’s pretty much over the moon upon seeing you, but trying to keep it to a lower level so he doesn’t end up being poked fun at. Or alternatively being slightly reprimanded by Prosciutto for losing composure when an enemy could be in the vicinity. He has all sorts of thoughts of using one of those mouse toys with you. The man’s pretty much squeaking internally at how cute you were all while giving you some nice head pats. Though he would diligently help eliminate the perpetrator when it came down to it.
Sorbet and Gelato - both of them are pretty fond of the attitude of cats, and they both laugh that you were turned into one of all things. They’ll likely make fun of the user for such a ridiculous strategy, even if they’re nowhere near around. All taking turns holding you, noting how helpless you were not that it made a difference being human either. They both figure out where you like being pet almost immediately, and of course maybe weaponize it against you later like some of the other members of La Squadra.
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tenebris-lux · 8 months
Content/trigger warnings: talk of self-destructive behavior and suicide.
Does anyone else find the changes in Jonathan … worrying? I think that promise to not tell Mina anything about the case is part of the reason. He can’t vent to her, she can’t encourage him to talk, so he’s starting to obsess, and the obsession is getting dragged out by the wait for the Czarina Catherine.
I’ve also been rereading a paragraph from October 3:
“To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.”
At first glance, one might think, “ohhh, that’s so sweet, he loves her so much….” But it’s not sweet. It’s … bad. Yes, he loves her THAT much. So much that if something were to happen to her, he’d let the same thing happen to himself. Vampires aren’t romantic creatures in this novel—they’re demonic, murdering monsters with no identifying behaviors of the person they used to be. The vampires are predators. They go after children, babies, take blood from people against their will, and sometimes enjoy their victims’ pain. Jonathan has seen this firsthand while helpless and in near-paralyzed states, has nearly been a victim of one. He knows all this. And his statement indicates he’ll willingly do that to other innocent people too if Mina turns.
As the vampire isn’t really who they were when alive, it’s not like it’ll be a comfort to each other if they both turn. For all we know, they might not have the same feelings for each other after they’re both vampires. Dracula lost all interest in Lucy once she turned. Jonathan would probably be Mina’s prime target (if she remembers; Lucy didn’t go after Arthur until he was in front of her, then she threw the child to the ground; and we knew how much he meant to her when she was alive). Harker didn’t promise to stake Mina either, so … he’d just let it happen.
Take out the word “vampire” and put in the word “zombie” or “ghoul”. It’ll amount to the same thing. She’ll bite him, he’ll turn … and then they’ll each hunt for more victims. Maybe together, maybe apart. It won’t be THEM anymore. His entries essentially say, “vampires can increase their numbers by going after their loved ones … fine. I’ll join them if it comes to that.” Become a “Devil of the Pit” like all of them. A “Thing,” as Seward called the vampire that had been Lucy.
So … to me, it sounds more like a suicide promise. He wouldn’t make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone else … he’d just follow suit. Because everything else in the world? It’s not even secondary; it’s inconsequential. Mina dies or turns, he’s not going to allow himself the chance to recover. Hell, if he sticks true to his vow, he might turn on the other guys to prevent them from staking her. And that would be against Mina’s dying wish.
Preferably, he wants the Count dead and out of their lives. Then … well, he’s not thinking about afterwards, because there might not be one.
Looking at his October 4 entry and comparing it to his behavior now, there’s clear deterioration in his psyche:
“For my own part, now that his horrible danger is not face to face with us, it seems almost impossible to believe in it. Even my own terrible experiences in Castle Dracula seem like a long-forgotten dream. Here in the crisp autumn air in the bright sunlight—
Alas! how can I disbelieve! In the midst of my thought my eye fell on the red scar on my poor darling’s white forehead. Whilst that lasts, there can be no disbelief. And afterwards the very memory of it will keep faith crystal clear. Mina and I fear to be idle, so we have been over all the diaries again and again. Somehow, although the reality seems greater each time, the pain and the fear seem less. There is something of a guiding purpose manifest throughout, which is comforting. Mina says they perhaps we are the instruments of ultimate good. It may be! I shall try to think as she does. We have never spoken to each other yet of the future….”
Since then, the very next day in fact, Mina made Jonathan promise to keep her ignorant of the plans to take out the Count.
“‘I promise!’ and as I said it, I felt that from that instant a door had been shut between us.”
Then a few days later, she asked for the assurance that she be taken down should she become a danger to anyone. Harker couldn’t promise that. But he did consent to read her the burial service. And if that fucked up Jack as we heard on the phonograph, what must that have been like for him? But even though she’s not technically dead, they’re keeping distance between them, so … he’s not doing well. His entries after the burial service have some cynical humor in them. Jack said today that Harker’s hands were like ice while they’re all just waiting for news, and he’s sharpening his blade “which he now always carries with him.”
None of these are good signs. The only future he’s thinking of at this point is the Count’s destruction, so that’s what’s defining him now.
Count Dracula may be a ways away, but he’s caused a psychic drain to happen to Harker. Again. And this time, Mina can’t help bring him back to health. He can’t open up to her, and she can’t get herself involved. They can’t balance each other or work together like they’re used to. All they can do … is just see each other. And hurt. And Jonathan’s best outlet right now is sharpening that damn knife.
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Hi I loved your amnesia fic and I was wondering if you could do a follow up?
Here you go! Thank you for the prompt and compliment and I hope you enjoy because i do love that fic so I’m happy to add to it!
They don’t go to the loft, not when Magnus has been lax and let too many know its location. He’ll go himself, later and move it, secure it somewhere safe that he can take Alexander back to when he’s better. However the comfort of home can’t provide the safety Magnus’ instincts are requiring.
So Magnus doesn’t take his love to another country, he takes him to another dimension. To the small pocket of home that Magnus once showed him, during a moonlight romance, and that they promised to return to when others needed them less.
No fire messages will work, no tracking will connect and Magnus can keep Alexander safe and secure and protected from all the forces that will try to take him from Magnus.
Even Isabelle and Jace aren’t exempt from Magnus’ new list of enemies.
They’ll think they know better. That they deserve more. They’ll want their brother close by and under angelic protection and they’ll tell Magnus ‘its the best thing for him, we’ll give you updates’. They've done it before and Magnus fought them then and he’ll fight them now.
Except he doesn’t have to fight. Not really.
Alexander made Magnus his legal guardian, a contract more powerful than even their marriage or Alexander’s ties to the clave. He put Magnus in charge of picking the next leader of his Institute and Alexander’s people willingly and happily referred to Magnus as Commander in Alec’s stead.
He wonders what he ever did to earn such devotion and then there is a gasp of, “Magnus! Look at this!” And he looks up to see Alexander — who is finding the world new all over again — turning to him with a butterfly fairy perched on his palm. It’s antennas are tickling his skin, looking for the sweetness of the flowers Alexander’s been touching and marveling over.
It’s like everything he sees is so incredible that he has to touch and Magnus has no desire to stop him, only encourages him further.
He’s never once seen Alexander this vulnerable and open about exploring things and it hurts, to know this part was beaten out of him before Magnus ever got to him.
Sunlight hits the fairy’s wings, during the delicate limbs into a translucent kaleidoscope of color. Like two pieces of stained glass, delicately fluttering and perched on Alexander’s hand.
The fairy leaves and Alexander drops, breathless with delight next to Magnus.
“It’s so beautiful and light.” He says, and then he grins, unafraid and so happy every time he looks at Magnus. “How did we manage it, being together? I don’t remember much but I know enough of clave laws and—“ he frowns, a glimpse of the man he’s forgotten how to be coming through. “I know it’s exhausting. Trying to figure out how to survive around their laws when half of them overlap. I remember enough of it, but I find it hard to believe they’d let me have this.” And Alexander looks at him, in such tender awe.
“We fought for it.” Magnus tells him quietly. “Both of us, in our own ways and together. So we could be together, because our devotion and love for each other was stronger than the law of the clave.”
Magnus braces himself for whatever Alexander might think of that, but he just gets another warm smile.
“That sounds nice, having someone to fight with against the clave. I can remember why, but I feel like I always thought I’d be on my own. Struggling to stay one step ahead of them, so I didn’t become less of me and more just, nothing."
“You’re very unfiltered, like this. Magnus notes, hesitantly because he doesn’t want Alec to feel like he’s being compared to something he doesn’t remember.
Alexander ponders a moment and then shrugs, reaching out and — when Magnus offers his hand — eagerly taking it.
“I think I’ve forgotten why I had to be quiet. All the reasons the clave beat into me, was to first keep my thoughts to myself and then later, to stop thinking of certain things at all. Simply because probably, at some point, not hoping at all was better than losing it again and again.
Magnus realizes that this is going to be painful; this open and free Alexander. And not because he shies away or is unfamiliar with Magnus — because he’s not, it’s like Alexander thinks the only thing that makes sense is Magnus — but because this is who Alexander should have always been allowed to be.
“Your eyes are like golden moons.” Alexander says, which he has no business doing because Magnus’ heart can’t take much more. “I know of them, but I can't remember quite what the moon looks like. But I feel like I can remember how beautiful it is, when I look at you.”
Magnus takes a breath to steady himself and then leans over, gripping Alwxander’s jaw and holding it still.
Alexander blinks at him, trusting and soft and Magnus sighs and pulls him closer and gives him a gentle, chaste kiss.
“What on earth am I going to do with you, darling?” Because this is just proving to Magnus that he will never be able to resist his beloved, even when his beloved doesn’t remember him.
“Keep me.” Alexander tells him, cheeky and grinning but also with a hint of desperation.
“Oh, well that was always going to happen.” Magnus assures him and gives him another, gentle kiss.
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starlightwayfinder · 8 months
Starlight, I am...SO curious about the Waypoint AU, haha. Does Ven still remember things here? What's his relationship with Xehanort/the rest of the DR classmates like? Do any of the DR crew know he came from the past?
I am so happy to talk about it!!
Regarding Ven’s memories, I would say he at least knows more than Xehanort does. He remembers the other leaders and their names, and that he’s from Daybreak Town. I’m still debating if Chirithy is around in this AU, but if they were, they would remember everything. (They might be present, but watching from a distance.) Much like before, Ven’s memories of Darkness would be altered, or missing some key details. 
Xehanort and Eraqus are his closest friends. The title “Waypoint” is because Xehanort is the one who holds Player’s memories of Ven. (The medium in this case would be the winds of Scala, rather than the Keyblade Graveyard.) They have a connection due to that (and Xehanort’s childhood). For the most part, they have a good friendship—but there are some instances where Xehanort’s curious nature gets the better of him, and he is more interested in Ven’s memories or darkness than…Ven as a person. He doesn’t always consider how Ven feels about looking into those things. 
Initially for Eraqus, Ven is just another friend who is a bit younger, like Vor. Xehanort is hesitant to fill Eraqus in about any of the mysteries going on, but he finds out later and gains an interest in uncovering more too. 
Bragi is… He can’t show his cards, but even without the Book he gets an impression that something is off. His relationship with Ven isn’t great, simply because their personalities clash. There’s a lot of teasing that Ven doesn’t appreciate. Like with Xehanort, Eraqus is their mutual friend. They’ll only willingly spend time together if he is around. 
Vor, Urd, and Hermod like Ven. There isn’t much to say for their relationships with him though, since Ven is still a little on the shy/quiet side, and they respect that. 
Baldr… knows what’s up. While he doesn’t know the full story, he can tell Ven has Darkness too. (But Ven’s is trapped inside him, rather than being one with him.) As you guys have predicted, this complicates things when Baldr is trying to enact his plan. Ven’s Darkness would rather not go down with the ship, so to speak. 
I think Baldr would like Ven for many of the same reasons he likes Hoder and Eraqus, but it would be.. off.. thanks to Darkness. 
Bragi, Xehanort, and Master Odin are the most knowledgeable about Ven’s past. Even so, Bragi never met him in Daybreak Town and Xehanort only has secondhand memories to work with. Odin knows he’s from another world and time, but doesn’t completely realize the significance of that.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
So, as far as I can tell, after today all of the lovely Tripoiers are doing a complete 180. Now that he might come back with his memory all banged up, they’ve decided they no longer want qRoier to get kidnapped anymore! Which is awesome! For them! But I’m just here like… imagine the angst :D!!
Like imagine what would happen if the Federation takes qRoier and not only fumbles his memories, but completely wipes them. All the way back to when he first arrived on the island. He would’ve never experienced the Abueloier incident, Bobby and Tilin’s deaths, the taco incident, the betrayals, all of the friendships he’s made and has lost (kidnapped or no longer logs on). All the pain he’s experienced gone in an instant
Those who watch carefully will know how deeply all of this constantly affects qRoier. So just think of the emotional whiplash when the members of the island, who would be panicked about qRoiers wellbeing after the kidnapping, are seeing him being returned by the Federation… Happy? Like truly genuinely happy. Happier than the French have ever seen him. Happier than the the Brazilians have ever seen him. Hell, even some of the original members of the island have to do a double take because they’ve never realized how much qRoier’s mental state has declined since day 1
And not only that but like!! Would they try to get his memories back? Would they willingly try to reawaken the grief and pain he experienced so he can “be himself” again? Or would they let him start fresh?
I love qRoier with all my heart which means he gets the angst hammer! >:D (I’m so sorry! For the dump! I just like the way you analyze characters! And would appreciate your thoughts!!)
Now see the kicker is that q!Roier is a very good actor. He more or less behaves the exact same way he did before he started experiencing the Horrors, he just has a bit of a harder time openly trusting people. The only person who knows how sad he actually is rn is q!Bad, and that’s only because Roier had to tell him for the survey. He doesn’t care if the Feds know he’s sad, he’d probably go with them willingly if they asked to meet him alone. He’d scream and protest and go kicking and screaming if they actually tried doing something to him, but also?
The Feds love him. They always have, and even the current Cucurucho seems to have a bit of a soft spot for him. Even the ‘gods’ (read: the admins) will call down lightning on him if he asks, and they’ll revive him in dungeons he’s doing solo. They’ve been reviving him since week one without fail. The Feds allowed his grandfather- an “outsider”- onto the island and let him stay and they saved his life when q!Cellbit killed him because Roier was sad. The only things they’ve ever refused him are a gun and the return of Bobby, but even with Bobby they let him and Jaiden have more time to say goodbye than every other parent got combined. They pay special attention to his happiness- remember when Cellbit’s task for the day for them was to find out why Roier was sad and what would make him happy again? The entire point of the Quest for Bobby was for Roier to see how many friends he has because the Feds know he’s lonely! They’re just really bad at being a support system because they don’t understand the emotions going on.
They like him to the point that he’s actually questioned multiple times if he’s actually part of the Federation, and other people have asked the same, which definitely won’t ever come up again.
This is all to say: I don’t think they’d wipe his memories because he isn’t actually being a problem. Quackity was a problem. He was making other people sad, so he had to he dealt with. Meanwhile Roier is alone in his sadness, which isn’t optimal, but I think that they quite literally like him and his family too much to fuck with him on that level. They’ll punish him eventually, but their attempts to cheer him up so far have actually had some results. He isn’t trying to kill anyone anymore, and he’s happy enough with his family with Vegetta and Foolish and Leo (all the Federation’s favorites) and then with Jaiden (Cucurucho’s favorite) and then with Cellbit and Richarlyson (we all know how much the Feds love their favorite employee.) He’s domesticated (outside of his new bombing obsession), and that’s probably good enough for the Federation.
After all, the saddest people are oftentimes the happiest.
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goalexstark · 2 months
Ok so one aspect of Ben’s heel turns that is interesting and I hope gets explored in the upcoming miniseries (Steven foxe actually likes Ben and is the one writing it) is that they both occur in reaction to his autonomy being severely violated.
Yes I will elaborate
His turn as the jackal comes from Warren physically torturing him to death multiple times and forcibly bringing him back against his will and his current status as Chasm comes from beyond violating his mind to the point where his own face in the mirror is something he can’t see. (don’t even get me started on how “he willingly trusted them” is a dubious claim at best. They would have had to calibrate that helmet specifically for his brainwaves and they’re a corporation. They would not do this if they didn’t think they could get away with it.)
This all leads into what I think keeps driving Ben into these heel turns is : an inability to admit when he isn’t in control. In order for him to actually heal (and not just have the symptoms fade), he’d have to actually process and face what’s been done to him for what it was. Which also means he would need to rely on someone else. that’s a tough ask to make of someone whose formative years were spent on the run alone without a consistent support system. who has had his trust taken advantage of on a pretty consistent basis. I’m mostly drawing from some of the lost years and the clone conspiracy tie ins (there’s literally a bit where ock calls him out on how the “cellular degeneration is to keep you in line” thing is bullshit to make him seem in control of things in issue #20. Also reading issue #24 and #22 with lost years issue 0 in mind makes it a great way to close out Ben and warrens relationship.)
His need to seem in control also drives his worst actions during both events too. At the end of clone conspiracy instead of admitting what actually happened, (ock’s vindictive bullshit causing Ben and everyone else to start decaying to dust) his need to seem in control causes him to double down and spread it in the vain belief that he can just revive them later.
Dark web has this too, though it’s harder to see since wells is a shitty writer who needs Madelyn to be the “hero” of the event (don’t get me started on how suspiciously similar Ben’s hallucination and the nightmare that caused her to make that deal are. Seriously don’t) after Ben’s tree rots, just when he’s been abandoned and (at least to him) soon to be discarded and locked up, Janine arrives with Madelyn’s scythe. Right there js the key to keeping them from being separated, from being locked away and forgotten. Peter might have his memories but they’ll have the city and a whole dimension. If they surrender, they’ll be arrested and separated at best so why not go all the way?
All of this leads to the upcoming two issues. ASM #47 and #48, followed by the miniseries (which will hopefully get a full series). Based on the covers and previews, Ben and Janine have reunited and have someone supposedly there to help Ben with his memories who Janine doesn’t trust. Based on the recap text, they likely have to use Peter for part of the restoration. Issue 48 only has the cover but unlike issue 47, Janine is nowhere to be seen. Based on the previews and the fact that the cover shows spidey and Ben fighting, I’m assuming the process fails and something happens to Janine, peter tries to talk but fucks it up (seriously though he sucks at talking to Ben and Janine) and Ben fights/lashes out at him but loses, leading into Chasm curse of Kaine.
Chasm curse of kaine will likely involve his efforts to continue after this devastating defeat. He’s likely to double down and play up the “monster with no remorse or conscience” angle (think faith in 5 by 5) but Kaine knows him better than anyone, even Peter. If anyone can see through Ben’s bullshit, it’s him. Cue them doing an enemy mine (bc they’re bound to have at least one instance of it.)/Kaine helping him get Janine back.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that there is a route to take his character that can make it work. Maybe not perfectly, but there is a way to tie things together and make a path forward to something new.
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