#he gave me his headphone and doodled dicks like this all day with me. and then showed me his ceramics final project. which was beautiful.
genderfreakxx · 6 months
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A man drawing this in my notebook with a pencil we’ve been sharing for the last two hours while also sharing headphones to listen to music together the entire class period like I deserve financial compensation for this be honest
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Ten Things [3]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairings: Anxceit, Royality Intrulogical Summary: Ten Things I Hate About You AU When Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus, however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date Virgil. And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price? Taglist (ask to be added!) @glitchybina @imlikeaghostzombiejesus  @someone-idk-is-here @anxiety-ismy-name Notes: Apologies for being a day late. Hope you enjoy!
AO3 Link - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six  
Virgil wanted nothing more than to go straight home, curl up on his bed, and blast MCR through his headphones until he couldn’t think. But he’d already agreed to take Patton to Right Round, his favourite record store, that afternoon, so he forced himself to turn left into town as opposed to right to their house when he left the school parking lot.
As soon as they got inside, Patton made a beeline to the vinyl records. Virgil let himself wander; he didn’t mind being there, even as keyed up as he was. The store was quiet and airy, and the music that played through the speakers was soothing. He headed to the guitars- not that he could afford any of them, but he still liked to look.
There, in the middle, as always, was his guitar. The one that he was saving up for. Remy had said that he could work in his shop other the summer to save up for it. Then he could take the guitar and go to college, could leave High School behind him, and not have to think about people like Mr Williams or Janus Verona again.
“Do you play?”
Virgil startled, and turned around. Speak of the devil; Janus was leaning against a shelf displaying sheet music. Virgil crossed his arms.
“What are you doing here?” he snapped. Had Janus followed him here? After his humiliation in English, and then being late to his next class because he’d been busy having a panic in the bathroom, Virgil really wasn’t in the mood for further mocking.
Janus raised an eyebrow. “In a store? Where they sell things? Gosh, Virgil, I don’t know, what could I be doing here?”
“Whatever.” Virgil scowled. He looked over at Patton, who was looking between two records, oblivious to what was going on. If he went over there, would Janus just follow him?
“I enjoyed your speech in English,” Janus said.
Okay, screw it. Virgil wasn’t going to stick around for this. “Glad I could entertain you,” he hissed, and began to walk away.
“It impressed me, actually.”
Virgil stopped, and gave Janus an incredulous look. Janus didn’t look amused, didn’t look anything but sincere, for that matter. Then again, according to Luc, Janus could look perfectly sincere while planning on stabbing you in the back.
“Mr Williams is a dick,” Janus continued. “But I liked your points.”
“Really,” Virgil said flatly.
“No, actually I’m being completely insincere,” Janus said drily. “Questioning the values an authority figure is trying to push on us isn’t something I’d enjoy at all.”
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a dick?”
“Not to my face,” Janus replied, mimicking inspecting his nails even though he was wearing gloves.
Virgil shook his head. “I wasn’t trying to… question authority or anything. That wasn’t my point.”
“Wasn’t it?” Janus asked.
Okay, maybe he had been. Not consciously, but… he’d been sick of Mr Williams’ scorn, of treating Virgil like he was stupid. So he’d shown Mr Williams that he could think for himself. But admitting that seemed too much like admitting common ground with him.
“I don’t hate Shakespeare,” Virgil said instead. “I just think that there are aspects of his plays that we don’t get to talk about.”
“Really.” Janus looked interested. “And what are the dark sides to the rest of the bards work?”
The smart thing to do would be to turn around and walk away, not give Janus any more ammunition for whatever scheme he was working on. But Virgil didn’t want to leave. He wanted to meet Janus’ challenge.
“Try me,” he answered.
Janus smiled. “Okay, let’s see. Romeo and Juliet is too easy: teen suicide.”
“Actually it’s that you should wait five minutes before making any major decisions. Or to not get married at thirteen.”
“Check who you’re stabbing before you stab them.”
“Twelfth night?”
“There’s never a bad time to dress in drag.”
Janus laughed. He opened his mouth to say something else, but then stopped, his attention caught on someone just behind at to the right of Virgil. Virgil turned to see what he was looking at just as Patton came up next to him.
“Hi Virgil,” Patton said. His tone was sweet, but his gaze was fixed firmly on Janus and his eyes were narrowed. “You’ve never introduced me to your friend.”
“We’re not friends,” Virgil replied. “We just have English together.”
Patton hummed and reached out a hand. “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Patton.”
“Janus Verona,” Janus responded, shaking the hand.
“Oh,” Patton said, still smiling. “I know who you are.”
Virgil glanced between the two of them. Patton might be smiling, but his eyes were like flint. Janus just seemed amused.
“Uh, you get what you wanted, Pat?” Virgil asked.
“Yep!” Patton held up a paper bag, finally looking at Virgil. “Ready to go?”
“Sure.” Virgil glanced back at Janus. “See you in school.”
Janus nodded. If he wanted to say anything else, he didn’t get the chance before Patton grabbed Virgil by the arm and tugged him towards the exit. He didn’t release Virgil’s arm until they were at the car.
“What was that?” Virgil asked as soon as they were in their seats. “You usually like meeting new people.”
“Usually those people aren’t Janus Verona,” Patton shot back. “What did he want?”
“Beats me. We just talked about English.”
Patton still looked uncertain. “You’d tell me if something was wrong, right? Like, if he was bothering you?”
“He wasn’t bothering me,” Virgil said, because he didn’t make promises he wasn’t going to keep and the last thing he wanted was to drag Patton into his mess. “He’s just- weird, I guess.”
“Right,” Patton said sadly.
Virgil considered saying something else, to try and reassure him, but Patton just looked out the window. Virgil sighed, and turned the music up.
“We should have brought popcorn,” Roman said.
The four of them – Roman, Remus, Patton and Logan – were studying in the library. Or rather, Remus and Logan were studying, talking in Spanish, Logan occasionally flipping through his notes to find a particular vocab word. Roman and Patton were shamelessly spying from a nearby table.
“What are they saying?” Patton asked. So far, the only parts of the conversation he’d been able to understand was the occasional correction from Remus or question from Logan.
“Nothing interesting, alas.” Roman sounded disappointed. “Remus seems… well behaved.”
Patton hummed, doodling cats in his notebook. His mind kept wandering back to the record store yesterday, to the conversation in the car, to Virgil basically admitting that he would hide if anything was wrong.
“Perhaps we should take bets on how long until Remus gives up and does something widely inappropriate.”
“Sure,” Patton answered.
Roman nudged him. “Everything Gucci?”
Patton stirred. “Sorry, what?”
“You spaced out,” Roman said, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “I hope my presence isn’t that boring.”
Patton shook his head quickly. “No! It’s not. I’m sorry, I was just-.”
“Thinking?” Roman guessed. “It’s okay, I just- do you want to talk about it?”
Patton hesitated, rolling his pen between his fingers. Perhaps another perspective would help… “What do you know about Janus Verona?”
Roman froze. “Nothing! Who’s Janus Verona? I mean, uh,” he coughed. “Why do you ask?”
“He was talking to my brother yesterday,” Patton said. “What if he’s- blackmailing him or something?”
Roman shifted in his seat. “Well, did you ask him what was going on?”
“He said it was just about English.”
“Well, there you go! Nothing to worry about.”
Patton shook his head. “But that’s what Virgil would say if something was wrong.”
“It’s also what he’d say if they were talking about English,” Roman countered.
“But why would they be? Janus never talks to anyone unless he wants something, why talk to Virgil? And why now?”
“Well,” Roman offered, “Maybe he likes Virgil.”
It sounded impossible. But Janus had been smiling while Virgil had spoken, had even laughed, and Virgil didn’t seem too upset. Surely, Patton would have been able to tell if Virgil was worried about something.
Perhaps Patton should stop worrying about it for now.
“Speaking of liking someone,” Roman said, cutting through Patton’s thoughts. “Are you going to Brad’s party on Friday?”
Brad’s parties were a thing of legend at Padua High School. He threw one at least once a semester, and invited everyone who wanted to come. Patton had never been, but he’d heard enough stories of drunken hook ups to get an idea of what they were like.
“I wasn’t planning to,” he answered. “Why?”
“We should go together,” Roman said. “Not as a date! Just as friends. Logan can come, too.”
“What am I going to?” Logan asked. He and Remus must be finished with their session, because they were now taking seats at Roman and Patton’s table.
“Roman was inviting us to Brad’s party,” Patton answered.
“Oh, you have to go,” Remus said. “Brad’s parties are the best for getting wasted.”
Logan frowned. “Is that supposed to encourage me?”
“Oh, live a little, Pocket Protector,” Remus shot back. “Surely you can go one night without being so serious.”
“I’m always serious,” Logan answered. “And it wouldn’t be fair to Patton to go alone.”
“I’d like to go,” Patton said.
Logan stared at Patton as if he had never seen him before. “What about your father?”
Patton loved his father. But just once, he wanted to be a teenager.
“I’ll figure something out,” Patton said. “But I don’t want to go without my best friend.”
Logan hesitated, and the sighed and nodded. “Fine. I suppose I can go for a while.”
“Great,” Roman said, grinning. “This is going to be the best night ever.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “You said that last time.”
“And this time is going to be even better, because this time no one’s going to cause any property damage, and then give my name instead of theirs when they get caught which of course they believe because we look identical and then I have to pay hundreds of dollars for some ugly vase!”
Logan and Patton stared at Roman. “Uh, what?”
“Yeah, there’s no way that will happen,” Remus said. He smiled. “I’d never try the same trick twice.”
Going unnoticed in Mr Williams English class was a balancing act. Look too attentive, and Virgil was inviting Mr Williams to call on him. Don’t look attentive enough, and he’d be asked to prove that he was paying attention. The best way to get around it, Virgil had found, was to spend his time taking notes. It wasn’t a fool proof method, but at least it was something that Mr Williams couldn’t find a way to fault him for.
So Virgil kept his head down, focusing entirely on the notes he was taking as Mr Williams talked about the way marriage in the sixteenth century differed from today, and acted as though he couldn’t tell that Mr Williams was looking at him every five seconds as he spoke.
Mr Williams cut off suddenly, and Virgil looked up to see what had distracted him. He followed his classmates’ eyes to the side of the room, where Janus had raised his hand. For some reason, the sight made Virgil’s heart speed up.
“Yes?” Mr Williams asked.
“Actually,” Janus said, “I agree with Virgil’s point from yesterday.”
Several students looked Virgil’s way and he ducked his head, cheeks burning. What was Janus doing?
Mr Williams cleared his throat. “Well-.”
“In fact, the nature of Petruchio and Katherina’s relationship was likely a point of contention even among contemporary audiences.”
Virgil couldn’t look away as Janus argued, hands gesturing as he spoke. He’d come prepared, backed up with sources to show his points, and all the time, his smile was like a snare. This was Janus in his element, Janus doing exactly what he was meant to do. In this moment, Janus had all the power.
“That’s enough,” Mr Williams snapped, cutting off Janus’ point. Janus blinked, as if he’d forgotten he was still in the classroom. “There’s a time and place for this kind of discussion, and when I’m trying to teach isn’t it.”
“I’m sorry,” Janus said, almost sounding sincere. “I thought you’d welcome hearing a student’s interpretation of the text. Surely that’s what a good teacher would do, wouldn’t you agree?”
Mr Williams’ face turned red. “Get out.”
“Excuse me?” Janus asked, looking so taken aback it was almost funny. What had he expected to happen?
“I will not have my teaching insulted. If you don’t like how I run my classroom, you’re free to leave.”
Janus narrowed his eyes, and for a moment, the entire classroom seemed to hold their breath, watching.
“Fine,” he snapped at last, and stood up and marched out of the classroom, swinging his bag onto his shoulder in one fluid motion as he went.
The class remained silent even after the door slammed shut.
Mr Williams switched his attention to Virgil. “You, too.”
Virgil went still, heat rising up inside him and pushing on his lungs. “I didn’t do anything,” he managed to choke out.
“It’s clear that the two of you are in cahoots, and I won’t stand for it. Out.”
Virgil shoved his books into his bag, unable to look up and see everyone watching him. His eyes stung, and his chest felt tight. He hurried out of the classroom, hoping no one would see how he was blinking back tears.
Outside, Janus leaned against the wall of lockers opposite the classroom. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Virgil. “Did you walk out?”
“I got kicked out,” Virgil muttered, leaving against the wall and then sliding down it until he was on the ground. He wondered what they were talking about in the classroom, how much Virgil would miss and how long it would take him to catch up.
“Oh,” Janus said. “I should have known he’d take it out on you. I’m sorry.”
Virgil shook his head, barely even noticing that someone was actually apologising to him for something. He had to focus on keeping his breathing even instead, so he wouldn’t break down in the middle of the corridor.
In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Just like his therapist showed him.
“Are you alright?” Janus asked, sounding uncertain.
“Fine,” Virgil said, harsher than he’d meant to. He leaned his head back against the wall. His eyes had stopped stinging now, so it was probably safe for Janus to see his face. “Why’d you do that, anyway?”
“Sic semper tyrannis,” Janus replied smoothly.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Like John Wilkes Booth?”
“I was referring to the assassination of Julius Caesar,” Janus snapped, looking huffy.
“Pretty sure you need a few more senators for that.”
“If you want a job done well, do it yourself.”
Virgil snorted, and then slapped a hand over his mouth to hide it. Damn it, he should not be finding Janus charming. “Seriously, though, what do you want?”
“Want?” Janus echoed.
“For standing up for me back there,” Virgil clarified.
Janus didn’t look any less confused. “I didn’t do it expecting payment.”
Virgil shook his head. “Then why? Why help, why talk to me?”
“Must I have an ulterior motive?”
“Everyone has an ulterior motive.”
Janus smiled, though there was no warmth to it. “How delightfully cynical of you.”
Virgil wasn’t going to give in that easily. He crossed his arms and glared. Eventually, Janus sighed.
“Come to Brad’s party with me,” he said.
Virgil almost choked. “What?”
“This Friday. You must have heard of it.”
“Of course I’ve heard of it. But why?”
Janus spread his hands, and Virgil was reminded of a magician. Nothing up my sleeves. “No strings, no schemes. I just want to spend time with you.”
Virgil gaped at him. His mind whirred to figure out what was happening, and then promptly crashed and needed rebooting. Was Janus asking him on a date? No, that wasn’t possible. There was no way Janus needed to settle for someone like him.
Janus was watching him, waiting for a reply, but he didn’t say anything. He was giving Virgil time to decide.
This probably was some kind of plot. Janus was trying to lure him somewhere so he could murder him or something. The idea was strangely calming compared to the alternative.
The bell cut through Virgil’s panic. Any second now, the hallways would be teeming with teenagers. This strange moment was going to end, and Virgil needed to answer.
He pushed himself to his feet, and met Janus’ eyes. He opened his mouth, closed it again, and then did the only thing he could do: he walked away.
“Is that a yes?” Janus called after him.
“No,” Virgil shot back over his shoulder, not slowing down his pace. Students were beginning to file out of their classrooms now, filling the corridor.
“Is it a no?”
Virgil froze, and students flowed around him. “… No,” he said at last, not even sure if Janus would be able to hear him.
He didn’t look back to check. He hurried towards his next class, cheeks burning.
Virgil spent the rest of that day and the next thinking – or rather overthinking – about the party. The smart thing, he knew, would be to not show up. It wasn’t like he’d promised Janus that he’d been there, after all, and he didn’t owe Janus anything.
He groaned and flopped back on his bed so he was staring at the ceiling. He still had most of tomorrow to decide – the party didn’t start until the evening, but he had a feeling he would just continue to worry about it.
Already, his mind was throwing out a billion scenarios. He went, and humiliated himself in front of Janus, so Janus never wanted to speak to him again. He went, and it turned out it was all a joke after all.
So then he’d decide that he definitely wasn’t going, but then what if Janus got pissed because he though Virgil had stood him up?
Virgil rubbed a hand over his face. He was no closer to figuring it out, and any energy that wasn’t being spent on worrying he’d spent dodging Janus in the halls. It wasn’t that he wanted to avoid him, it was just that he didn’t know what to do if he did see him.
A knock at his door pulled him from his thoughts, and Virgil sighed and sat up.
“Come in,” he called.
Patton pushed the door open and hopped onto Virgil’s bed. “What’s got you all gloomy?”
“Nothing,” Virgil replied, and when Patton frowned, he added, “Just thinking about something that happened at school.”
“Good something or bad something?” Patton asked.
“I have no idea,” Virgil admitted. “It might not even be a something at all. I’m probably worrying over nothing.”
“If you’re worrying about it then it’s not nothing,” Patton gently chided.
Virgil managed a smile. “Thanks, Pat.”
Patton leaned against Virgil. It was something they’d figured out years ago, to deal with times when Virgil was too keyed up for a hug, but still needed some kind of contact.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Patton asked quietly after a while.
Virgil shook his head. Going to his little brother for relationship advice felt like a whole new level of pathetic. Besides, Patton would just get excited and assume it was a date, even though that probably wasn’t what Janus had meant at all. Then Virgil would have to deal with the added humiliation of someone else knowing how wrong he was about the whole situation.
Best to not say anything.
“I just need to figure it out by myself,” Virgil said. He glanced over. “Anyway, did you want something? Or did you just come in to check on me?”
Patton shifted in his seat. “I was going to ask you something,” he said. “But it can wait until you’re feeling better.”
Virgil shook his head. “No, ask me. I need something to distract me.”
Patton hesitated, then shook his head. “No, that’s okay. It was silly anyway.”
“Patton,” Virgil said warningly.
Patton sighed. “Do you remember how dad said I wasn’t allowed to go to parties because he didn’t want me unsupervised around lots of drunk people?”
Virgil nodded warily.
“Well, I was thinking, it you went with me, it’d technically be supervision. But you don’t have to!” he added quickly. “I know you don’t like parties.”
Not liking them was an understatement. But then, Patton probably didn’t know just how disastrous his first and last party had been.
“I thought you weren’t interested in going to parties?”
Patton shrugged. “It just never seemed like a possibility. But a bunch of friends are going, and I thought it could be fun.”
Patton sounded wistful, and it made something tug at Virgil’s heart. “What friends?”
Patton hesitated. “Oh, just Logan and some other people.”
“Other people,” Virgil said flatly. A blush was starting to form on Patton’s face.
“A huh,” Patton said, picking at his trousers. “Just some people in my year.”
“Do those people include Roman Prince?” Virgil asked.
Patton froze, then nodded.
Virgil sighed. “Patton…”
“It’s not a date,” Patton said. “We’re just going together. But not together! You know?”
Virgil knew that it sounded like a recipe for disaster.
“Maybe you shouldn’t spend so much time together,” he said. “You’ll just end up getting hurt.”
“I don’t think I can get hurt while I’m in this house,” Patton said bitterly, and something twisted in Virgil’s chest.
“Dad just wants to keep you safe.” So do I, he didn’t add.
Patton deflated. “I know,” he said. “It’s just… how can I be safe if I never get to do anything for myself? I’m going to have to leave home eventually.”
It wasn’t something Virgil like to think about, thought that might just be the existential dread that came whenever he thought about the future for too long.
But Patton looked disheartened, and Virgil hated seeing him like that. It would just be one party. And it’s not like he’d be alone. Virgil could keep an eye on him.
“When’s the party?” he asked.
“This Friday,” Patton answered.
Yeah, Virgil probably should have figured that out by now.
“You mean Brad’s party?” Patton nodded. “Okay. Okay, I’ll go with you.”
Patton glanced over, surprised. “You don’t have to.”
Virgil shook his head. “No, it’s okay.” And then, because Patton wouldn’t be convinced by just that, “I was actually thinking of going anyway.”
“Really?” Patton asked. He narrowed his eyes. “Does this have something to do with the thing?”
Virgil looked away. “Maybe,” he admitted.
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?”
“Yes, Patton,” Virgil said. “It might be fun.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” Patton said throwing his arms around Virgil.
“You don’t need to do anything, Pat,” Virgil said.
Patton pulled away, grinning. “I need to let everyone else know that I’m going!”
Patton hopped off Virgil’s bed and practically skipped to the doorway, where he stopped. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Virgil replied.
Patton left the room, leaving Virgil with his thoughts. He lay back on his bed and stared at the ceiling.
So he was going to Brad’s party after all. And he’d probably see Janus there. And probably talk to Janus there.
Which was fine. If he did see Janus, that was. He might not. Which was also fine. Virgil didn’t care if he saw Janus or not. Why would he? Just because Janus had gone two conversations without insulting him, and stood up for him against Mr Williams, and looked very charming while doing so-
No. Virgil was not getting a crush on Janus Verona. That couldn’t happen.
It might be happening.
Virgil buried his head in his pillow and screamed.
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erikismybitch · 5 years
Waiting In Vain: Chapter 15
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Caramel .
“Why can’t we just go to your place ? “
Tiana watched Erik as he got dressed . His back muscles flexed as his T-shirt slipped on his body. Tiana could watch him all day. She still laid naked in her bed, exhausted from the workout he just gave her . Erik was this mysterious man who had captivated her heart and yet she knew almost nothing about him. She didn’t even know where he lived . His last name was non existent and she only saw him at night . Besides the fact that he made her feel so damn good, there was nothing of substance there. It was a dangerous game when the woman liked the man more than the man liked the woman. That was something her mother never mastered . So she had nothing to learn from. And the more Erik held back, the more Tiana drew to him . Tiana was head over heels , infatuated. She even doodled his name on documents sometimes like a high schooler . The way he kissed her , the way he touched her with so much passion. She just knew he felt the same way .
Of course he didn’t say it , but that’s just how he was ... she told herself . Every guy she had been with was always at her beck and call. Erik made her drop every guy to deal with him, so of course that meant he was serious about her . He worked long hours and was always gone, so she understood why he couldn’t always answer her call or message . But if Tiana was out and Erik wanted her, she’d damn near catch a plane for him. Her love for Erik was toxic , and it ran through her veins .
“My place , girl you know I’m homeless” he joked . She laughed , extra hard just to please him . It did nothing but annoy Erik because he could tell . “But nah, here is coo”
He stood up and pulled his jeans over his picture perfect ass . Buttoned and designer belted , then put on his shoes . He was about to walk out of her room when she spoke .
“Call me when you get home ?”
He searched for his keys, and seemed to be more concerned with finding those than answering her question.
“There they go” he spotted them slightly under her bed and grabbed them. “Um...yeah” he finally gave her an answer. “I’ll lock the door too” Erik only said that because he noticed her getting out of the bed. She would only slow him down with questions about when he would be back . He gave her a hug and she kissed him . Then he left her room .
Marley was up , with her headphones on minding her laptop. The reggae music she was playing was loud . She nodded her head and typed at her keyboard . He was impressed at how she could multitask that way. Marley always seemed to mind her business and keep busy .
“Lock the door” he stood in front of her , speaking quietly. He knew she couldn’t hear him. “Lock the door” he mouthed .
Marley rolled her eyes and removed her headphones . “What?” Interrupting her while she was listening to music was the ultimate pet peeve .
“You didn’t hear me?”
“No, you know I didn’t hear you !”
He giggled and started walking towards the door . “Lock the door”
With a sigh , Marley tossed her laptop and walked behind him . “You know you could have locked it yourself “ she slammed the door behind his exit .
“I know, but I wanted you to do it” his voice muffled through the closed door . She was tempted to open it and yell at him , but all she could do was laugh . No matter how much she told him off, he never seized or stopped .
“You had a crush on me ?” Marley cheesed like a kid . The duo were wrapped in Eriks sheets, in his huge bed, in his house .
“I wouldn’t say all that “ he defended his behavior from the past. They were dwelling on the earlier days , when they fought like cats and dogs.
“You did, that’s why you were so mean to me “ She pinched him in the middle of his arm. His back was facing her, they both laid on their sides . Facing his glass block windows .
Erik took a deep breath , getting the aroma overcast of garlic. It was because of the roasted chicken she had made them for dinner . Erik didn’t tell her it was the first time some of those pans had been used . Other than his high carb , high protein pre made meals . He didn’t cook, at all.
Erik was feeling uneasy about her being there . Since he was so private about his personal life . Maybe this was that thing called trust that everyone was talking about .
Where do you live Erik ?
You married or something ?
I knew you were scamming
Tiana said she never been there , I’m not comparing myself to her, I’m just saying .
Erik picked her up from work and instead of taking her home, he brought her to his. Let her bathe and gave her one of his T-Shirts to relax in . And thank god for her emergency overnight bag that she left in her car .
Marley was shocked at how messy he was, not dirty , messy . The place was nice in itself . The opposite of her light space , but she felt okay there . It was blissfully dark and devoid . It was wide and airy . Everything was an open space . There were no doors . He had these tall wooden barn sliding doors that were a barrier between his room and the rest of the home . The outside of his building was brick like a loading warehouse .One probably wouldn’t know this was a place that people actually lived . It was far off from any common living area .
“What’s your favorite thing to do ?” Marley asked him. Neither one of the wanted to go to sleep on the other , so the night resulted in the immature game of twenty one questions .
“I like to do you”
Marley felt her blood rushing when he said that. She slid closer and wrapped her leg around him. He rubbed along her leg , still under the sheets . Erik was giving in to this weird force that caused him to want to make her comfortable. He started to move the sheets off of his body . In his way , everything about Marley’s appearance was solid. She has to have ugly feet he thought . She always wore socks when they were together , like now . He slid the sock off . Go figure , she had nice feet too . Erik began massaging her foot .
“Why you never show your feet ?” He toyed with her pinky toe, which tickled so she snatched her foot back.
“Don’t tell me you’re a foot freak” Marley pulled him down so he could lay flat , then she climbed on top. He grunted at her weight plopping on top of him so quickly . She kissed him and couldn’t help but to laugh into his mouth . “I’m sorry, E”
“You good, I just wasn’t ready” Erik held his arms behind his head , signaling for her to take control. Marley pulled his semi hard dick out of his briefs. Just when she thought to slip her panties to the side and slide him inside of her . She stopped .
“Wassup?” He frowned , Erik noticed the pause .
“I’m not on the pill , last three times we slipped up”
Erik continued to lay , like he was in a state of confusion. Three times wasnt a slip up, that shit was tradition now. He saw nothing wrong with the pull out method , it worked every time . As tempting as raw sex was , Marley was smarter than that . She glanced around his room . Erik was a bachelor, a fine one at that . She figured he had to have some type of contraception. And since Erik wasn’t putting forth any effort , she would .
“You got condoms in here ?” Marley leaned toward his closest night stand and opened the drawer.
“Aye, wait!” Erik tried to move her arm from reaching the knob. He was too late , she had already seen the gun . Erik was almost sure she would freak out , but she didn’t . He had no reason to hide anything in his space , Marley being here was unplanned . It wasn’t in any plan, but just like his feelings for he ... it just happened .
He watched Marley pick the gun up ,surprisingly holding it the right way. The gun was on safety anyway . Erik knew how to fully disarm her if her form slacked off , so it wasn’t a big deal .
“You live alone too. I mean , you probably need one just in case” his words were choppy . Erik tried to make this situation as casual as he could . “Yeah, so don’t be scared of it”
“You can see I’m not scared , don’t try me” Marley was blunt with him . “ This gun is different, not the kind of gun people around here got”
He was intrigued now, no longer able to beat around the bush. “You right, but I’m not like the people around here ” Erik admitted . He sat upright and put his dick back in his briefs . It had gotten soft anyway. She remained on his lap , one eyebrow up ready to interrogate him.
“You a spy or something ?” Her manner was in the form of a joke .
“I just got the connect, that’s all” Marley placed it back into his night stand drawer . “You know how to use it , do you?” Erik his tone had become a little more serious now . He didn’t expect her to say yes, but he wasn’t all too sure . She handled the gun better than the average person.
“I know how to use a few guns . Not this one though , But I’m sure I could figure it out” Marley said as if it was simple math .
She then briefly told him about how her ex taught her how to use a glock. But most of the credit was given to her dad . He taught her to use a handi rifle , an alpine shooter and a .45.
“My daddy had guns all through the house , he was from the country . Where they hunt and wear guns like belts. He rotated them, I never knew where he hid them . So I searched until I found every hiding spot . One day I found a .45 gun case , opened it started playing with it”
Erik listened closely , as if it was a bedtime story. “Then what happened ?” He was curious .
“My dad caught me eventually and beat my ass . I still have a bruise” Marley showed Erik the permanent mark on the back of her left arm.
“My dad would have did the same thing” He ran his thumb on the mark . Reminiscing on the times he got beat for being defiant , which was always.
“You don’t talk about your family” she said this in hopes to start the conversation.
“Fuck my family” Erik spoke in such a way that made Marley not want to question it . He always did .
“I only know the little you give me . You from some place in Africa called Wakanda , you hate everybody there and you’re a liar” she mocked the previous conversations. And threw in that last jab.
“A liar?”
“You’re lying about this gun, I know guns Erik”
Erik didn’t have to respond, he gave her a look that was fairly understandable to her . Marley could tell that Erik knew he had been caught . He knew he couldn’t lie but he wasn’t ready to let her know exactly what the gun was for.
“You know, you real smart kid” his thumb finger brushed along her chin. Even though she fell for his charm each time, her face was solid .
“What happened with your dad?”
Marley decided to share her history with him, in hopes that maybe one day he would trust her enough to tell her his . Marley talked about how her dad ran off with her mothers money with his new wife . And being a minor , there was little she could do about it . Then she explained how Tianas mom took her in . And made her the Cinderella of the family .
“So I get what you mean by fuck family” Marley concluded after the run down about all that they had put her through .
Erik could hear the sadness in her voice , and it pissed him off . She had been through hell , but a mini-hell compared to what he had been through . He brought her under his arm and rubbed his chin against her forehead . Marley needed that affection.
“I like when you hold me” she told him .
“Why is that?” he kept at it , still rubbing his chin against the top of her head . His hair made a static noise that slightly began to sooth her .
“Makes me forget about how mean you actually are” Erik kisses his teeth , but didn’t say anything to defend her comment. “ You don’t have to tell me everything about you, but I need something. Don’t shut me out. If I’m here for any reason , it’s for you to be yourself with me”
Erik gazed into an open space in his apartment. Still unable to respond to Marley . He didn’t know if he could allow himself to be as vulnerable and she was .
“Just know that... okay?”
“I don’t trust anybody . I don’t know anybody like that , nobody knows me on a personal level”
Marley wanted to think she was the exception .
“Understand that this is new for me, but in the little time we’ve known eachother , I’ve told you my version of a lot” He said , like he was reading her mind .
“It’s not new for me though . Trusting someone, maybe I’m too trusting” Marley came to the conclusion that she just moved faster than he did . If she wanted him, that’s something she would deal with .
“You trust me?” He asked , but quickly answered the question for himself . “I know you do”
“I don’t know why I do , but I do” Marley was content with her answer.
“This shit getting too deep” Erik removed himself from the bed and began to walk to his living room space .
“I’ll back off” she called out to him .
“Nah,You good”
Marley could sense his irritation, but Erik was always that way . She had learned not to take him moods seriously. He was very cut and dry . He went into the kitchen and picked off a piece of baked chicken , then ate it . Then took a seat at his small desk. His computer was on, after a while he seemed to be knee deep in something on the screen . Marley grew tired of laying there and watching him, so she got up .
He could hear her , using his peripheral vision he was able to see her walk into his closet . She shuffled through his clothes, he didn’t fret because he never hid anything worth finding in his closet .
His closet was bigger than hers . His space was messy, but this closet was organized. Everything in order , from the color , to the material and even the matching brand . His things seemed so expensive. His belts were designer, and his shoes filled up an entire wall space . They all looked barely worn .
Marley sniffed a blue hoodie that was close to her . It smelled like his cologne. She closed her eyes and sniffed it again . Marley wanted to smell like him , subconsciously it made her feel like she belonged to him. She started to hum, a Stevie wonder song that has been stuck in her mind all night . Eventually, she felt comfortable enough to break into full song . It captured Eriks attention.
“I ain’t never heard you sing ” he said from the living room space . Marley was no Beyonce , but she could hold a few notes when she tried. Marley had totally forgotten that he could hear her.
“Just didn’t have anyone to sing to” she smirked and let go of the hoodie. Then walked out of his closet.
“Now you do”
Marley day on his couch now. Just watching him, even if it was his back . This girl was just happy to be around him . He tapped his foot and sat with his legs wide open, she liked how he did that. Whenever he would pause and scratch his head in deep though , Marley liked that too.
It was way past dark, sunset probably was on its way. Her eyes were heavy, so she fell asleep in her position to watch him. He walked over to her a couple minutes after , she wasn’t in a deep sleep though . Marley pretended to be fully sleep when he called her name . Why she did that , she didn’t know. Maybe she was scared he would ask her to go home or something.
Erik groaned when he called her again and she didn’t respond . With little to no effort , he quickly slid his arms under her body and cradled her into him. Marley’s eyes popped open in shock .
“I knew yo ass wasn’t sleep” she laughed while Erik continued to walk with her to his bed. He dropped her like a load of clothes.
“Ouch!” She screamed and tried to hit him, but he was too swift . They both laid back down . He on his back and Marley facing him on her side .
He turned on the tv that sat at the foot of his bed. She squinted at the light .
“I like to sleep with the tv off” she moaned .
“Go home then” he refused. Marley Pretended to be appalled.
“Take me home then ”
“Go to sleep Marley”
She tried to. Her eyes were closed for the most part . But she couldn’t stop opening them to look at him. Marley felt her way to his bare chest , then start rubbing it. She found her hands caressing trailing in between his defined abs.
He didn’t say anything , Erik didn’t even flinch. He just continued to watch tv. She moved closer now. Wrappinbt her leg around him like she did earlier , when they were about to have sex. Now she wished she didn’t find the gun, she would have been exhausted and satisfied by now. Raw sex didn’t sound too bad anymore. Erik still remained focused on the screen.
Marley was tired of the teasing. Claiming what she wanted , her hand aimed for the inside of his underwear. Erik scowled at her like she was insane .
“Oh my god, Fine!” Wining at the top of her lungs, she pushed away from him . His bed vibrated on account of how hard he laughed at her reaction . “That’s not funny !”
“That shit is funny” he pulled her close to him, even though she tried to refuse . Eventually she gave in. “You want some dick?”
She wanted more than his dick. She wanted moments like these , as many as he could give her. Marley shamelessly nodded her head for him .
Erik got right on top of her . Marley didn’t need his help or his command , her panties were already off and lost somewhere . He turned on the dresser light. He really see her body . Not in the dark like the other times . Erik wanted to see everything .
“I really fuck with you Marley, and I want to see all of you” He spoke low . Slowly he pressed her legs apart and open . He leaned in and started kissing the slightly dark inner parts of her thigh. Erik wanted to see the things she thought were not so pretty . Marley was super insecure about so many things . She was tense at first , but he kissed her in such a way that made her feel beautiful . He worked his way up to her belly, kissing and worshiping Marley like she was his personal goddess. Marley had these small stretch marks on the side of her waist, he kissed those too.
She didnt know why, but she wanted to cry. Erik was triggering all these emotions within her . It was too much, she didn’t feel like she deserved to feel this way . Just as she fixed her lips to weakly tell him to stop, he kissed them. “Baby” she whispered against his lips . He hooked his two arms under her thighs and slid himself right inside of her . She moaned , exhausted from the build up. Finally getting a feel for what she came for.
Sorry for typos :)
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19mrs-barnes17 · 5 years
The Move
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Summary: You have moved in with your Aunt in Queens and are starting at a new school
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Part: 1/2
Warnings: anxiety?
Word count: 2,273
A/N: This is my submission for @beckzorz 1k writing challenge! Idk where this went lol, but, I had fun writing so enjoy! (Shoutout to @asphalt-cocktail for helping me out)
You were absolutely pissed. Why? Why do you even bother?
Your parents decided they were going to ship you off to Queens, instead of letting you get a job to help out so you could stay in Chicago. Now, you stood in front of  an apartment building, suitcase growing heavy in hand. There was dread in your heart.
Making friends isn’t easy when you have social anxiety. With friends you could switch from chatter box to complete silence fairly quick.  Sometimes within the same conversation. It was almost as if you had a social fuel tank and the more you socialized the more it depleted.
You’d have to explain yourself all over again, find a new lunch seat, and new places to belong. This made you anxious.
Nerves were spiking and your annoying 13 year old cousin, Alec, was not helping in the slightest. He was playing some game and shouting into his mic. You rolled your eyes as you unpacked, your room was right next door. Paper thin walls. Great.
“Dinner!” Aunt Clarissa hollered from the tiny kitchen. You were still unused to being cooked for, it was almost always you making your own meals. Chicken Alfredo to a cup of ramen. The result varied.
Dinner was quiet, fueled by awkwardness that you felt responsible for, and ended rather quickly. Alec was soon back on his game and Aunt Clarissa began to wash the dishes. You sat in silence, alone. This felt normal. But somehow with people in the room it became colder, more isolated.
Your first day began with a tour from Liz, who you assumed was that girl  everyone just knew. And then, lunch. Liz offered for you to sit with her and while you were grateful, it felt odd. It wasn’t where you belonged. They talked of homecoming and boys, while you doodled in one of your many sketchbooks. You were no mega talent, but, you had always had this itch to create something. Anything.
“That’s really good (Y/N). You should take art here.” Liz was leaning in to study your sketch of a table across the room, all you had so far was one boy. “You should talk to him.”
“What?” It was the first word apart from ‘hi’ that you had spoken all morning, and she seemed surprised. A small smile danced upon her lips.
You turned back to your sketch, filling in details and outlining the boy next to him so Liz wouldn’t think you were obsessed. When you could feel her eyes leave your work, your pencil gravitated back to detailing the first boy’s face. He had kind eyes. What Liz may or may not realize, was that they were on her and not you.
Class felt slow, introductions were not needed since it was second semester, and you were behind on all subjects. So much for relaxing this weekend. Thank  god you had Gym next, at least no homework could stem from that. Though, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Somehow the slow day was better. At least something was going on, now you sat a little apart from Liz’s group on the bleachers. You were currently doing your best to ignore their gossip until you heard a familiar name.
“Spider-Man? Isn’t that the guy who shoots webs?” Liz smiles, but her friends roll their eyes at your lack of knowledge.
“Yeah. He’s like our neighborhood’s personal  hero.”
“And Liz is totally in love with him.” Liz shoved her friend playfully as she laughed and confirmed the statement. The others began to throw questions at her and you started to tune out until a boy, one of the two you began sketching at lunch, shouted across the room.
“Peter knows Spider-Man!” His friend was quick to his feet, stammering over an explanation.
Now this, is interesting.
Peter, who was the only complete part of the sketch you had elected to move on from, tried to cover his friend’s mishap. It was clear he didn’t want anyone knowing about his internship with Stark Industries. You grew curious. Liz invited him and his ‘supposed’ hero friend to her party.
“Oh. And you’re welcome too (Y/N).”
You were the opposite of a party person. You were always in the corner on your phone, no one electing to talk to you. You were not a dancer and knew maybe four people there at least 90% of the time. But with her looking you straight in the eye so sweetly, you found yourself having trouble saying no.
“Yeah, sure. Text me the address and I’ll be there.”
Your Aunt was surprised that you had already had an invite to a party, but didn’t have a car to take you there. You were furiously texting Liz in your last class of the day while the teacher brought up the PowerPoint. 
Liz: Try asking Peter Parker.
You know the boy you were sketching at lunch?
I think he might live around your area.
Great. Now she was just enjoying matchmaking. You replied with a tongue sticking out emoji before pulling out a notebook and pen.
Peter’s locker was directly across from yours, but your nerves began spiking. How the hell do you just approach someone like this? What do you even say?
“Um, excuse me? You’re Peter right?” He was so distracted he nearly jumped at the sound of your voice behind him.
“Yeah. And… you’re, uh, (Y/N). Right?” He seemed to have the same nerves he had around Liz and you suspected he was the same with all the girls.
“Yup. Um, you’re going to Liz’s party right?” He nods. “Do you think I could tag along? My Aunt doesn’t own a car.”
“Oh, uh, sure. My Aunt May should be okay with that.”
“Cool. Uh, here’s my number and address. You’re a lifesaver.”  He slipped the paper in his pocket as you walked  away.
Over Your shoulder you shot him a small smile and a wave before heading to your bus. When he began to follow you nearly facepalmed, recalling that Liz said he lived by you. You sat in the empty second seat, right side of the bus, blocking the other half with your bag. Peter and his friend sat behind you. Your headphones were in, and the rest of the ride passed in a blur.
God certainly wasn’t short on humor.
Peter seemed equally shocked that you were both approaching the same lobby door, curious as to how you missed one another.
“I missed the bus this morning.” He stated, as if answering your thoughts. “May drove me.”
“Ah. Oh, Thanks.” You nodded and walked through the door he held open.
Outfits lay spread out on the bed, your mind doing calculations a mile a minute. Settling on black leggings and a Harry Potter t-shirt (Marauder’s Map), you began debating a jacket. When a knock sounded at the door you gave up and tied one around your waist, just in case.
Peter stood awkwardly in the living room/kitchen, your cousin bugging him relentlessly. He looked like a tomato. You chuckled at the sight.
“Is he your boyfriend? He won’t say anything but ‘um’. Is he why you moved here?” Now you were rendered speechless.
“I-uh. Oh Jesus, just go play your game, will ya?” You rushed Peter out the door, grateful  Alec lost interest. “Sorry about him.”
Peter shakes his head like its no big deal before glancing down at your shirt.
“My eyes are up here Parker.” His eyes widen and somehow turns a darker shade of red.
“I-I was just admiring your Marauder’s Map shirt.” You giggled at his frantic mumbling, shaking your head.
“Only kidding. Shall we?”
The ride is only quiet when Peter’s Aunt pauses or runs out of questions. She is an extrovert in every way and you wish some of that would rub off on you before you entered the party.
“May this was a mistake. Maybe we should just drop (Y/N) off and go home.” There was no way you were letting this kid ditch. If you were going, then at least you’d have company in that corner you always ended up in.
“He’s so stressed out lately.”
“What helps with stress is going to a party. So, we should go to the party.” Ned was anxious to get inside and he was the only one.
The three of you stood on the lawn, gazing at the already raging party within. You glanced at Peter and saw your own nervousness reflecting back at you.
“Not a party person?” Peter leaned over and whispered.
“Not even close. I'm terrible at saying no.”
Inside the noise was  pounding off the walls. Kids stood with actual red solo cups in hand like it was a teen movie.
Some kid was already picking on Peter and it's not even 2 minutes in.
“Hey. You're the new girl, right?” The stranger flickered a smirk  as you nodded. “I'm Flash.” His wink had you staring in disbelief. Why would you be interested in someone who literally just insulted a person right in front of everyone on a mic.
“And I'm, not interested. C’mon, let's go get a soda or something.” Peter and Ned did their best to hide smiles as they passed him by.
“That was great. Can you do that again cause I wanna sell tickets to that show.” A girl leaned against the wall, a small smirk on her lips. “I'm Michelle.”
“We could have a Ted Talk on how to not be an ass.”  You couldn't help but laugh with her at the thought. “I could do it in like two lines.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. It would go something like ‘Don’t be a dick. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.’”  Peter nearly choked on his soda.
“You alright there Peter?” Liz appeared from around the corner, a look of confusion plastered on her face.
He smiles and nods, cheeks flushing. What a dork, you thought.
“Okay. Well... I'm glad you guys could make it. Have fun.” She was gone as quickly as she had arrived.
“I feel like my Ted Talks would have no chill though. I'm told I'm too open about topics that make people uncomfortable. Like periods and such.” Michelle glanced at you, smile growing.
“I think we'll get along just fine.”
It took you a few minutes to notice Peter and Ned had migrated toward the back door. You followed, sending Michelle a wave as you went. They became aware of your presence and their hushed mutterings ceased.
“Its okay if you leave us. Just so you know. You don't have to stuck around. We can find you later.” Peter didn't look you in the eye as he said this, instead opting to stare a hole in the floor.
“Oh.” That stung. You aren't sure why considering you hardly knew them. However, something had you feeling like this might've been your place. Ned. Peter. Michelle. You were a squad of misfits that seemed to piece together.
“He didn't mean it like that. You're more than welcome to hang with us.” Ned sent a sympathetic smile your way before leaning closer to whisper, loud enough that Peter could still  hear. “He’s just nervous.”
“What? Why? Cause of the party?” Ned shook his head and pointed at you. “Me? What did I do?”
Peter shook his head. He really was nervous. His hands were constantly on the move, in his hair or smoothing his clothes. His feet kept shifting his weight from one to the other.
“It's not something you did.”
“He just likes you.”
“Is that true? Peter?” You felt bad because he clearly wanted to tell you himself. But, you couldn't help but smile at the fact that Peter had a crush on you.
Though you weren't quite friends, you could tell he was a good guy. You now knew the lovesick stares he had sent from across the room were directed at you, he had jumped at the opportunity to drive you, and personally came up to your apartment to escort you to the car.
“I um…. I'm gonna get some air.” And just like that he disappeared out the back door.
You could see him pacing the yard, looking as though he was chastising himself. It was hard to contain your smile.
“I should go talk to him.”
“No. I'll talk to him. You enjoy the party Ned. Rock that hat with confidence.” He beamed as you stepped out into the yard and gave you a double thumbs up.
Peter's head whipped around at the sound of the door, face flushed.
“Hi.” Your voice was small. Now you were the nervous one. “You okay?”
“Yeah, fine.”
“Liar.” He chuckles at this. A smile dances on each of your faces. “Is it true?”
Gulp. He nods.
“Its okay. I get it. You don't feel the same. It's not like we've been friends for years. We're strangers.”
“Not for long.”
“Well, Ned basically invited me into your friend group. So I'm not going anywhere. Because, for the record, I think you're a great guy. Also, I expect a seat at your table. Yeah?” Peter's smile widens at the prospect.
“Really?” You nod.
“I'm afraid you're stuck with me Parker.”
“I think I'll live.”
Something, whether it be adrenaline or courage,  gives you the strength to grab his hand and lead him back to the party. Or more specifically, the dance floor.
This was only the start. Maybe the move wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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Chapter Two: “Bridge Troll”
Word Count: 1,146
Warnings: No Warnings
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After my not so smooth greeting, and less than stellar cooking, my mom humored me and gave me some simple cooking tips, or so she says. Our conversation slowly faded into silence. My mom and I didn't talk much since I moved out. She'd always end up crying at some point. Not that I didn't, but she doesn't need to know that. 
Thankfully she didn't question me more about the mysterious letter I'd received in the mail. She agreed to overnight it, and I've basically been hovering next to my mailbox since I got back. I probably look like I've done some sort of drugs for how coffee buzzed I was. The lack of sleep from studying most of the night, and then I got called into work about two hours after I'd finally gone to bed. But I was probably only sleeping for about forty-five minutes, and that’s if I was lucky. Some moron decided to pull a no-show. So they called the one person who is always up to take more hours. I didn't mean the 4 am hours. But as dad says, 'beggars can’t be choosy.' But, Jesus Christ; I do need some sleep. I also need the hours. I have to be able to cover rent in this damn town. Chicago is no joke dude. I live in a studio apartment and it costs more than a 3 bedroom back home. Almost a thousand a month. Thankfully my landlord gets that I'm on my own, busting my ass between work and college. So I get to pay my rent all month long. Just as long as I get it all in before the next cycle. Which- was almost impossible. I've lost so much weight. Probably too much weight. I basically live on coffee, sarcasm, and instant ramen. A college kid at their finest. But I digress. I sat on the steps of my apartment next to the mailboxes, with a coffee mug in one hand and my phone in the other. I had on my ‘oh in so much need of a wash’ hoodie, with my hair looking like I'd stuck my finger in a socket. I think I may have even spooked the neighbor’s cat when I turned my head after hearing her meowing at the 'stranger' that was me, on the stoop. The poor thing might have thought I was one of its hairballs come to life, with nothing but murder in my heart. Technically that wasn't all wrong. I was so damn tired, if someone dared to even think of being a dick to me right now, I’d chug my coffee and smash my mug on their head. Yeah. Bad mood. Finally, after about two hours of sitting there dozing off waiting on the mailman, I saw why it was taking so long. A new guy. And of all things, He was Chipper. Oh, this'll be good. I stood not caring that my hoodie reeked, I had coffee-stained teeth and probably would be mistaken for a troll that's lost its way going back to its bridge. "Good morni-" "Katrina Dawson- Apartment 2B. It should have been overnighted. Please-" I said sticking my hand out in his direction to which he looked at it back at me and, believe it or not- had the nerve to smile and resume his thoughts- "How are you today Miss?" he asked taking his sweet time digging through his mailbag. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Look," I started. Oh, common girl, he's new- don't do this to him on his first day. Oh, but my lack of sleep was far more than my manners at this point. "I am a full-time college student, I work full time, I hardly have time to eat and sleep, worst of all I-" "Ah! Here it is! Ohh-" he cooed, "What language is this? It's very pretty!" I was boiling at this point. Stomping down the stoop snatching my very important letter out of his hands. "O eoseo!"(Oh, Come On!)  I managed to mutter-somehow not screaming at him in English. "Oh- sorry!" he still held that same annoying smile. I sighed after having the letter in my hands, instantly recognizing the scribbly handwriting in Hangeul. I glanced up to the mailman who was putting mail in the other boxes. "2A is a witch, put everything in relating to size, like bigger shit on the bottom. That's probably why you have this route. She tried to beat the other mailman with her cane." I gave him a simple wave. I mean, I know I just snapped at him- but shit, he was two hours late; and then could clearly see I wasn't sane. I wasn't sorry either. But I didn't want 2A to go after him, she's completely off her rocker. Chicago does things to a person. Once I'd gotten up to my apartment and settled on the small sofa bed. I looked the letter over. I smiled as I flipped it overseeing the little cartoon doodle that looked to be peeking out from under the flap. I tore into it carefully. As I unfolded the paper, I was greeted with something I hated. "Oh-my god. I'm gonna kill him." I grumbled as a mass of rainbow glitter dumped in my lap. I gave up and looked at the letter. There were numerous pages. The first page basically read with 'Hey, I know it's been longer than we'd planned.' followed by a load of apologies. I read on to find the reason; "After you left, things got really busy and I couldn't write you. I wanted to! I just couldn't." I could tell he was actually remorseful for not writing me. "Anyway- I have some cool news- but oh! I've got a cell phone again- My number is- +82-555-0011-1234!" It was followed by some weird babble that kinda loses its amusement in translation. The other pages were random writings that were dated months ago. He'd been writing but wasn't allowed to send anything. Some of them had things like "Oh my gosh remember when you tried octopus for the first time!? You looked green!" or "I was cleaning up the dorm and I found that other green sock you lost. I guess we have mice cause there's a hole in the toe...?" I blushed reading that- that damn sock. It was from my favorite pair of socks. They probably did have mice, but the hole was from me wearing them so much. Memories upon memories filled the pages, and him just wondering how I was. I got teary-eyed. I didn't have international texting so I got on Skype and entered the number. I paused for a moment. "It's been a year. What do I even say..?" I pondered aloud. I got up and grabbed my good headphones and plopped on the couch. Here goes!
Hey, I hope you’re enjoying thus far! Please always give feedback to fanfiction authors, because that's why we stop updating! We feel unloved and like it’s not worth it unless we get some type of feedback. Please reblog, and ALWAYS like if you took the time to read it, whats 3 more seconds to like and reblog.
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