#and he’s wearing the skeleton gloves I gave him
genderfreakxx · 7 months
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A man drawing this in my notebook with a pencil we’ve been sharing for the last two hours while also sharing headphones to listen to music together the entire class period like I deserve financial compensation for this be honest
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doppel-doodles · 2 months
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Since everyone is making their own little version of the characters I thought I would join the fun for my Fallen crown Au! These were supposed to be quick little sketches just to get some ideas down but they still took me the whole day:'D will probably change as I draw them but I wanted at least something down on for the time being and I do like how most turned out!
Single versions plus some info and ramblings about each under cut for those interested:
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My lamb was mainly based on both, yes the actual player character but also the vibes of my own plathrough which were very "oh god who let this child be in charge?-" while I'll still mostly just call them Lamb I figured they should still have a proper name so I went with my friends @/tamaruaart suggestion as it suits them rather nicely! And most note worthy detail is honestly just the fact that they carry something from each bishops realm on their person now, I like to think they treat those items like little trophies:>
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Narinder is probably my weakest I feel like, he definitely needs something to give him some extra "ompf!". I basically made his undertaker fit a sorta reverse or at least loosely inspired by his white robes in game. I imagine he is very boney or a straight up skeleton underneath so he covers it all up beneath heavy fabrics, but because I lack subtly I still covered him in bones regardless-
And yea I kept the veil cause 1. It's a look and 2. It coviently covers up his now sewn shut third eye.
There wasn't much reason behind making him an undertaker, I simply thought it suited him, when your the former god of death you aren't exactly squeamish around corpses. Lastly the dark blues are there to contrast the other followers warm tones, as they kinda seen him as an outcast which is just fine for narinder he isnt exactly thrilled to be here.
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I'll put Leshy and Heket together as they were sorta designed as a set.Since they are both youngest among the bishops I sorta latched onto the headcanon that they get along pretty well and just stick together after getting into the cult so they just share a lot of their duties. So I gave them some matching elements like the puffy shorts but also stuff that contrasts like Leshy having looser clothing and Hekets being more tight. Or Heket getting working gloves with a little belt to hold tools plus a hat for the sun, meanwhile Leshy will happily dig through the dirt bare clawed in the sun for hours-
I debated on giving Heket an apron but honestly I think she would only wear one while cooking or tending the farm plots there is no reason for her to wear it casually, the gloves though stay for I reason I utterly love because its PETTY-
Literally the only reason she keeps them on almost constantly is because when the lamb asks she can be like "ew, I'm not touching you with my bare hands." Yes, my humour is broken moving on-
I also gave Leshy a cane just so he actually has something to feel around with when he is areas he isn't too familiar with so he isn't running into crap- on that note, Heket can speak a bit but not exactly loud or for a very long time without seriously hurting her throat, once I properly learn it I definitely wanna draw her using sign language.
Lastly bodies, Leshy was based off a previous drawing I made of him in bishop form, I simply made it less monsterous but he is in charge of chaos so he had to remain a creature- Heket is more straight forward, she is a frog and she is large and in charge.
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There was one reason why I made Shamura a tailor and that was the mental image of them sewing the bishops clothes when they were younger and dressing them up all cute.
I went for more pink colors mainly because I thought it better suited the purple and would make their red eyes pop! Honestly I really love their colors they remind me of a Berry! I've drawn shamura before but honestly the only things that stuck were the colors,face and then also the hand markings I did tweak their eyes a bit I wanted something more stern feeling.
For clothing I kept everything nice and loose, while they are the tailor I also love the idea that in their spare time they either teach the youths in the cult or are like the champion of the fighting pit because war is also their domain and they can be- so I wanted them dressed pretty comfy to deal with whatever may come! But still keep everything pretty mature and mildly fancy maybe in the future I'll do some fancy gold and silver embroidery to the pants because of that.
As for body type I wanted them to be pretty thin but unlike Narinder who is twink material under his cloak they have a bit more bulk on top to show that they can choose violence if they so wish-
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I adore me some pathetic but still serving men, honestly except for the cross on his belt I completely ignored the fact I made him a medic- If he needs to treat something gross he can throw something over to protect his clothes but just like Heket there is no reason for him to wear that while not working.
Otherwise my main goal was simply to make Kalamar look pretty and fancy. I debated on either short or long bottoms until I realized I'd have to figure out his tentacle situation, then realized I don't hate myself THAT MUCH so bro got put into a floor length gown, work smarter not harder kids.
If I have an excuse to give a character a shawl I will take it so fast.
His body type I mainly wanted to flesh out the roster so I tried making him very squishy and huggable looking, I debated on thinner so he looked more dangly and stretchy but that made him kinda to similar to Narinders build for my liking.
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yournaothings · 5 months
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((Ahem. A short story of human being saved by what they assumed was an angel; only to witness that this so called "angel" was anything but that. *No warnings, I don't think. Talk about Oc's universe/home being destroyed. Hopelessness, feeling of loss, comfort, then betrayal.
I did my best for Shattered Dream, like I had said in a previous post, I don't know much about him. I read the fandom wiki's to kind of help me out. So, possible OOC for him. Probably ooc for him. heh...
The story was inspired by lyrics from "Unbecoming" by Starset.
You found me drifted out to sea
It's automatic
It's telepathic, you always knew me
And you laugh as I search for a harbor
As you point where your halo had been
But the light in your eyes has been squandered
There's no angel in you in the end
Enjoy the fic!
"I hope you find your room to your liking. Good night, my starlight."
The room? It was more than I had expected. The large bed was comfortable, covered with silk sheets and a cozy warm comforter. The amount of pillows outnumbered the ones I had on my own bed at home. The rest of the room was very spacious, lined with a wardrobe, a vanity, a body length mirror, a bench that sat at the end of my bed, and in the wall in the middle of the room was a fireplace with a fire burning bright and warm. 
The castle was cold and dark when Dream led me to my room. The only light was from the burning torches that sat high up on their holders on the walls. The light from the flames gave the environment a gothic and almost creepy feel to the halls. The fireplace in my room was a comfort for sure. The light from the flames of my fireplace was perfect, as well as the candle lights that sat all around the room. Even the connected bathroom had candle lights burning. 
Being here made me feel like royalty. A better feeling than what had had only hours ago when I found myself without a home-
That's right. I no longer have a home. What did Dream say? My universe was destroyed and somehow, miraculously I survived and was thrown into the anti-void? The dull room? Plains? Whatever you want to call the boring, blinding place that is the "anti-void."  
I was lost. Walking for hours, I think? I couldn't keep track of time. I didn't even know if it was day or night! My body was exhausted by the time Dream found me. I was lost, and so worn down that I had thought he was a hallucination. But then, he came to me as if he were an angel sent from above! Even though he was a skeleton.
His gloved hand held out while he gave me a brilliant, calming smile. His eyes are pretty gold, as was the circlet he wears on his head. His clothing made him look like an angel of sorts, though they didn't billow like you would see in the movies. But, the yellows were so vibrant, and the green or turquoise bordered the tunic he wore.  The black under armor? Or maybe it was compression wear? Whatever it was, it was the perfect look for his outfit, making him look so regal. 
I hadn't realized I was on my knees when he found me, dried tears caked to my face. When did I start to cry? It had to have been while I was aimlessly walking about the empty void. With hesitation, I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet, and oh, his voice was so majestic, so imposing. 
"There, there. No more crying." 
He settled my nerves, my sadness, my anxiety. He told me how he watched me break free from the destruction of my home and fell here. 
"I'm sorry it took me so long to find you. Now that I have you, will you allow me to help you?" 
I couldn't say no. Not when I had nowhere to go and no home to go back to. Going with him was the safest for me, the only way for me to get out of here. 
"My name is Dream." 
"Are you a guardian angel?" 
He laughed softly at my question, his free hand gently covering his teeth, as if to hide his laughter. His pretty gold eyes shifted to look at me.  
"Is that what you think I am?" 
I nodded; of course I thought he was an angel! He saved me! His only response was a soft pleased hum as he guided me through a strange portal. 
I slept so soundly throughout the night. 
I felt so safe. Not even my nightmares could get to me. It was like Dream was protecting me physically and mentally. I knew I could stay here forever, or for as long as Dream allows me to stay. Somehow, I had to repay him for his kindness.
If only I had thought better of the situation when I had met Dream.
The next few days (at least I think it's been days) went by without a hitch. Dream continued to help me out. He conjured up new clothes for me- he must have gone out and bought them! Another thing on my list of things I needed to repay Dream for. The food was very delicious, and his company was soothing. We talked. (I talked to him, Dream listened.)  We got to know each other! (Dream got to know my personality, my likes, my dislikes. My comforts and my fears.)  Everything seemed to be going well, and I was so happy about it! 
"How would you like to live with me?" 
Dream finally asked, his elbows were propped up on the dining table and with his fists clenched, his chin rested on top of them. His grin was lazy, relaxed. His eyes were unreadable, but I didn't notice. I perked up and I could feel my lips widening into a grin.  
"I would love to! I really like it here!" 
Dream chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "Wonderful. I must throw a welcome party for you." 
I raised an eyebrow as I finished my breakfast. "A party? You don't have to do that." 
"Oh, but of course!" Dream said with enthusiasm! He stood from his seat and started to walk towards the doorway leading out of the dining room and into the kitchen. I grabbed my now empty dishes and followed after him. It would be rather rude to just leave them on the table! As I walk into the kitchen, fully intending on washing my own dishes, I paused and my grin faltered. 
Dream walked over to three skeletons who looked oddly similar to Dream. I paused as I looked at each of them and frowned. 
"What's going on?" 
Dream turned to face me as he stood in between the grinning skeletons. His hands slipped behind his back and hooked together as he stood in a perfect, regal stance. His friendly grin was gone and was replaced with something more sinister looking. As my own grin fell, the skeletons' grins widened. 
"We're going to throw a party for you, remember?" 
I glanced at each skeleton, then at Dream. 
"These are your friends?"
"you sure did pick a stupid one, shattered!"  The one skeleton with what looked like a wriggling target on his front spoke with a snarky tone. 
Dream hummed with amusement as he seemed to take great joy in my discomfort. 
"A naive human, yes. But, they are perfect for what I have planned." 
As he spoke, Dream's body shifted into something more grotesque, terrifying so. His body leaked with what resembled black tar that continuously dripped from his body. His left eye socket was covered by his goopy tar, and the right socket remained the pretty gold color I grew to love. I choked on a gasp when from his back four tendrils protruded out and hovered and wiggled behind him. 
He pointed to his head, a sickening amused grin widening as his one good eye socket widened in mirth.  
"Still think I'm an angel? There was never a halo, pet." 
His once majestic voice was gone and replaced with something so dark and frightening. He was a nightmare. 
"You tricked me. Into doing what exactly?" 
I was hurt, betrayed. I thought he was my friend. I thought he was my savior. 
"Anything that I desire of you."
"But, why?" 
"Why do you think, pet? A lost soul in the anti-void? You should consider yourself lucky that I found you and not Error." 
"I don't know who that is." I shook my head. It was then I felt myself trembling in fear. The dishes were still held tightly in my hands. 
"Oh, you'll meet him eventually; and when you do, you can thank him for destroying your home." 
My eyes slowly widened as he said this. 
"H-He's one of your friends?" Dream's laugh was my answer.  "Dream- why?" 
"hehe! they're still calling you by that name?" 
"his name... is shattered." 
"you should be thankful he saved you." 
"Heh. I suppose I should give introductions. These will be your friends. Killer, Dust, and Horror." 
Drea- Shattered gestured to each skeleton. Killer was the one with the wiggling target, the black tears streamed down  his cheekbones and stained his bones. Dust was the one with the mismatched eyes. Blue was what made up the middle, while the red bordered it. I could barely make out his grin. He wore a torn scarf around his neck. And finally, Horror was the big guy with a huge crater on top of his skull. A massive head wound and just below that was one large, nightmarish eye light. His clothing, much like the other two's clothing choice, was torn and bloodied. Horror was the perfect name for him. 
I moved without thinking. My dishes fell from my grasp as I turned to run. Where the hell was I going to go? I never left the castle. I didn't even know where this castle was! But, the safest place I knew of at that moment was my bedroom. 
"want me to chase after them?" Killer grinned as he summoned his knife.
"i can chop... off their feet." Horror snickered. 
Dust grunted in disgust. No way was he running after that human, unless Shattered asked for him to do so.
"No. Let them run. There's nowhere to go. I will always know where they are from now on." 
Shattered's laughter echoed through the halls, reaching the ears of the panicked human who was now a prisoner to Shattered Dream and his team of Bad Sanses. 
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cod-dump · 1 year
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Ghost in thisssses
Maybe even make the hands skeleton hands ☠️
Poor Soap doesn’t stand a chance
Little Black Dress
Pray for Soap
Ghost was definitely set up to wear it, but by who was a mystery. He was sent the dress with no indication of who it came from. When he opened the box he honestly was impressed by the dress and knew it was a custom order. Someone spent some good money on this.
Ghost put the dress on and he liked how it hugged his body. The skeletal hands on his chest and the hip bones on his hips shows that someone put some serious thought into this. Who was he to disappoint and not show off his new dress? So he decided to put his black heels on with torn stockings, his skull face mask, and skeleton gloves. And head out.
It was his day off, Price couldn’t do anything even if he wanted to.
He headed out of his room and through the base, enjoying the hilarious expressions that the people he past sent his way. He ran into Gaz who took one look at what he was wearing and groaned loudly.
“You can’t keep doing this, man…”
Ghost hums before walking past Gaz, “Yes I can.”
Gaz follows him, “No, you can’t! Soap is going to snap if he sees you! You’re killing him!”
“He looks pretty alive to me.”
Gaz peeks around Ghost to ses Soap down the hall. He grabs Ghost and manages to shove him into a supply closet before Soap could see him. Gaz waits for the Scot to leave before cautiously opening the door.
“Was that fucking necessary, Garrick?”
“Sorry but he can’t see you!”
“I’m a big guy, Gaz. I can handle a tiny, horny, pyromaniac.”
Gaz blinks as a recruit runs up and takes a picture of Ghost before running back off, “Killing it, LT!”
Ghost preens and looks at Gaz, “At least someone appreciates me.”
“Soap will do more than appreciate you if he sees you!”
Ghost hums in thought and Gaz groans loudly. He grabs Ghost’s wrist and starts to drag him.
“I’m not changing.”
“I figured you wouldn’t. I’m taking you out to town, far away from Soap.”
Ghost doesn’t fight him, instead looking forward to looks Gaz was going to get while they were out. Gaz apparently didn’t think that far ahead because when they went into a café to get tea he froze when everyone stared. Ghost just rolls his eyes and heads up to the counter to order. The barista was a small girl, and she could not stop staring at Ghost as he ordered.
“Earl grey, extra sugar. Kyle, what do you want?”
Gaz blinks before stepping up to the counter, “Uh, white coffee with almond milk, please.”
The girl puts in their order and when Ghost steps away to go sit down she leans closer to Gaz and whispers to him, “Where did you manage to bag that?”
Gaz chokes on spit, “No no, not dating! Brother!”
The barista becomes mortified, “Oh I am so sorry!”
“You’re okay!”
The barista is blushing as she apologizes again before asking the name for the order. Gaz soon joins Ghost who is on his phone. Gaz is too busy thinking about the interaction with the barista that he didn’t notice Ghost taking a selfie.
“Hey, Kyle. Smile.”
Gaz looks over and goes pale when he sees Ghost taking a picture, “Who are you sending that to?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Ghost ignores him, Gaz glaring at him. Gaz goes up to the counter when someone calls their order. He takes the drinks over to Ghost and hands him his tea, the man looking on the cup as Gaz sits back down. Gaz watches Ghost take a picture of the cup, putting the drink down as he types something. Gaz reaches over and turns the cup over, surprised to see someone had written their number on it along with “Call me!”.
Gaz gets a message and when he checks it he groans when he sees it’s from Soap. He glares at the smug Ghost before opening the message.
Gaz sends him a reply, “Don’t worry about it.”
Gaz groans and looks to Ghost, “Why did you send that to John?”
Ghost takes a sip of his tea, “I’m just winding him up.”
Gaz rolls his eyes, “When you let him go you might not come out of it alive…”
Ghost just shrugs, drinking his tea as Gaz gets an onslaught of texts from Soap.
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sixleggedboar · 1 year
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I am posting Ghost and Soap prematurely, I wanted to add the others but I am not sure if I still will.
So here are some thoughts on these two in civvies. (Important to add, I would not go as far as to say these are headcanons but more of an exploration and me having some fun)
Yes as many others I don't think Ghost would wear his balaclava in public. Tbh the mask I gave him is already pushing it, BUT I think he is enough of a little freak (affectionate) to wear his balaclava when he is home alone.
As mentioned before the initial trigger for me to draw them like this were some people convincing me that actually Ghost, as someone who wears a cape and carries replacement skeleton gloves on the field, does care about fashion.
Problem being I don't really know things about fashion myself so we have to make due with my limited sense of style.
First things first I wanted him to not look like an edgelord who just left highschool as well as actively compromising his identity whilst still keeping some of his skeleton themes in his clothes. And since the spine is my favourite part of a skeleton he DIYed one onto the back of his, according to my references, expensive coat.
Second, because I think it is hilarious to give this 6'4 man another unnecessary 1.5 inches I put him in the most fashionable item I own: converse all star lugged 2.0 plattform shoes. (We are already bonding over wearing Salomons most of the time, we MUST have the same taste in shoes, 100%, definitely, thats how it works, he is just like me fr, yes yes)
Turtleneck for all the people out there who want him to be a slut, as well as to add a sense of maturity and last but not least,
Some pants.
(I originally wanted to give him cargo pants in memory of that one picture I saw of a dude making fucking CARGO PANTS LOOK FANCY AF, but here it looked really messy so I dropped that)
Overall it is vaguely inspired by techwear without going too hard that it sticks out.
So with Soap I don't think he actually discriminates between work and normal clothes much. The main difference being that now he wears all the band shirts he has (and surprisingly still fit) since he was 14. He still sticks to the same pants and shoes (as long as they are clean of course)
The jacket is inspired by a very old and beloved jacket of mine that I have lost and am still mourning.
Tbh to him I don't have too much to say since he is imo probably the closest to just-a-dudeTM when it comes to fashion.
And yes even considering his hairstyle (this is coming from the perspective of someone who has different iterations of mohawks since he is 15), I do think he had a strong alternative/punk phase as a youngster and has some residual things like the haircut and the shirts but does not fully fall into that category anymore.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Brown Sugar Latte
Ghost ended up back at the cafe the very next day. Soap looked tired. And sad, but that was the man’s permanent state of being Ghost was coming to realize. He perked up when he saw Ghost. 
“What are you trying today?”
“What do you normally drink?” Ghost smiled at him. He exaggerated it enough that it was clear even through the mask. 
Soap smiled and Ghost instantly felt warmer. “Oh. Usually a brown sugar latte. Do you want to try it?”
Ghost nodded and Soap charged him, getting to work. Since the place was abandoned so early in the morning, Ghost walked along the counter so they could talk. 
“So, military. What position are you?”
“That where you get the scars from?” Soap looked at him curiously. He had such pretty eyelashes. 
Ghost shrugged. “Some. The smile scars were from my service.”
“I see.” Soap looked even more curious, but he tamped it down. Ghost was grateful. 
“I was…” He could do this. Before the military, he whored around quite a bit. This was easy. Just… Just flirt with the guy. They already maybe went on a date. 
Soap finished the drink but hadn’t handed it over yet. “Yes, Simon?” 
Ghost flushed and apparently it was bright enough it reached the skin around his eyes, because Soap perked up. 
“Love making ye all flustered. Are you always this shy?”
What the fuck. Just form words. Form. Words. 
Soap smirked at him but gave him time. It didn’t feel as mocking as it would from someone else. Instead, it just felt amused. 
“I was wondering how long you’ve been working here?”
Soap visibly deflated. “Ah. Uh. Since I was…” He seemed to be doing some intense math. “8 years. I started at 16 and now I own it.”
“How did that happen?” Ghost looked curious. 
“Long… long story. Not very entertaining either. Trust me.”
“I think I could listen to you talk no matter how boring the story.” Good job. A lot more suave than before.”
Soap blushed. “Later. I want to know more about you, sir.” 
Ghost laughed. “At ease, soldier. And not really much to know. I’m boring.” 
“Covered in scars and tall. Pretty brown eyes. I really doubt you could be boring.” Soap knew all the right things to make Ghost squirm. 
Ghost went to take the cup from it.
“Tell me a secret.”
“A secret?”
“Yep. Just one.”
“A secret from you or something I’ve never told anyone?”
Soap grinned. “Something none of your friends right now knows. Opens up the path to so many childhood secrets.” 
Ghost had to pause and really think. He decided to pretend Jason wouldn’t know all of his childhood secrets. 
“When I was little. I was really scared of skulls.” Ghost stared at him. 
Soap stared at him, clearly looking at the skull mask on his face rather than him. He then glanced at the skeleton gloves. Then back at his face. “Really?”
“Yep. Terrified of them. My dad had one that brother would wear to scare me. I eventually got over it. Now, tell me one.” 
Soap hummed. “I…” He fiddled with one of the rings on his hand. “I haven’t talked to my family in a 8 years. I think about them a lot, but I can’t really… They…”
“I get it.” Ghost looked at him sadly. “Maybe not your reasons why. But I definitely get how sucky it can be to no longer be able to talk to your family.” 
He thought of their little graves. Five. His mom, his brother, his sister in law and his nephew. And his of course. He hadn’t bothered to buy himself a tombstone though. He just had a little placard. 
Soap smiled at him. He finally handed him the drink. He went to move away and Ghost didn’t want him to.
“Have you ever heard the saying two ships in the night?”
“I have.” Soap tilted his head. “Why?”
“What would you name your ship?”
Soap hummed. “The S.S. Seal.”
“I like it. You really like seals.”
Soap laughed. And laughed. And laughed. 
Ghost couldn’t figure out the joke, but he smiled anyway. “Would you like to go out later?”
“Thought you would never ask, Ghostie.” Soap smiled at him. He looked so painfully soft. 
Ghost’s wings twitched under his skin. That wasn’t… normal. He didn’t usually do that. “When do you get off tomorrow?”
“You work twelve hour shifts?”
“Don’t want to hire anyone.” Soap smiled. “But I’ll see you at 7, yeah?”
Ghost nodded and look at the drink. The foam had been shaped in the form of a skull instead of a heart. 
“Would’ve stuck to a heart if you would’ve told me your secret earlier.” Soap winced.
“Don’t worry. I like them now.” Ghost blushed more and then left. He texted to Koenig an apology and then talked to Jason. “What cool is happening right now?”
“Date with the barista?”
“Yep, hoping to score.” 
“Hell yeah! There’s an underground concert, fair, and a bar with karaoke night.”
“The fair. What do you mean fair?”
“Oh. It’s ran by mythics, but its human friendly if your barista is human.”
“Good to know.” Ghost thought of those dart games and knew he had to do this. Soap would probably love it. He hoped. Maybe it was a bit cheesy for a first date though… “What band?”
“Sleep Token, but they’re here all week. Could get you tickets that you conveniently have?”
“You’re creepily good at being a wingman. Remind me to give you a single head pat when we see each other again.” 
Jason sent back gifs of crying from happiness and Ghost ignored them. He instead went to drink his coffee. It was overly sweet, but he kinda liked it. 
Ghost thought of Soap and felt his heart flutter. His wings twitched inside again. How frustrating. The man had such an effect on him. He couldn’t help but feel this pull. 
Ghost switched his route to go to Jason’s instead. He didn’t want to go home. 
Jason looked surprised but eager to get his one (1) head pat from Ghost. He took it with grace and promptly lit up a joint. Maybe Ghost should tell him no. Price drug tested him at random, but he knew weed wasn’t what he was looking for. 
Jason held the joint out and Ghost lit it for him, blowing just a spark out so it would catch. “Your date isn’t tonight right?”
“No. Don’t worry.” Ghost took it from him and took a deep drag. He felt some of the anxiety roll off of him immediately, pretty sure half of it was the smell. 
Jason leaned into him and Ghost let him. He closed his eyes to enjoy the warmth. 
“Simon.” Jason whispered to him. “Don’t die on me. Yeah?”
Ghost laughed. “Not going to die on ya. Don't worry.”
Taglist: @the-snarky-dragon @elevenclouds @lukewarm-chickensoup @nervouspsychologynerd @korym @cthulhusstepmom @princess-heathen @badbitchescantgetkilled @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @roachboy
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piko-power · 8 months
Under the Moonlight - Part 1 - Legend of Dark Gaia
Quick note: This story takes place before the sequel. Any Sonic Movie story I write like this one will be a pre-sequel story.
After a long, fun night of trick or treating, Sonic was about to head home, but came across an old friend. He thought he wanted to get some ghost stories out of him, but he was not expecting to hear something so... Nightmarish.
Orange, red and yellow of the leaves slowly rain down to the neighborhood in Green Hills. Sundown is completely gone, all is left is the light of the moon in the dark sky, lurking behind the almost leaf-free trees.
Children and teens of all kinds ran down the sidewalks, most on the roads, to hurry to the next houses for more of the sweet, sugary goodness that is Halloween candy.
The best kind of candy.
One group of kids come across a small house, the front lawn decorated with fake tombstones and funny looking skeletons, which appeared to be dancing by the tree.
And the door already greets them with such a, not-so threatening message: "Knock, if you dare."
One younger kid, who is dressed up as a cowgirl, rings the doorbell, and raises her small blue pumpkin bucket up high before the door opens. So did the rest of the group.
One other kid in the center of the group comes up front, the kid being Sonic, wearing a black cape with worn out gloves with "blood stains" on the tips of his fingers. He was sporting fake fangs and has red makeup drizzled down from his mouth.
He thought a vampire was the best choice for his first Halloween costume.
The door opens, revealing a young man holding an purple bowl, with drawings of spider webs going around it. The bowl was half empty, but it contained chocolates of all kinds, from milk chocolate, to peanut butter, to caramel.
"Trick or treat!" The group exclaimed, holding out their buckets and bags full of candy. "Hey, cool costumes, you guys!" They said, grabbing handfuls of chocolates and gave them to each kid.
"You guys look reeeaaal spooky, tonight. Especially you, Johnny, super scary!" They chuckled, complimenting the young boy wearing an iconic Pennywise outfit.
"What about me?" Sonic asked, being handed with a few candy bars. "Do I look spooky too?"
"Oh, yeah! You look spooky, alright! Awesome costume, Sonic!" They said.
Sonic slightly pumps his fists and quietly exclaimed, "Yes!"
In no time, all the kids got their chocolates and walked off, waving goodbye to the man. "Happy Halloween!" They all said.
Sonic also waved goodbye before leaving. "Thank you! And Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen!" He said in a spooky tone, clawing his hands before almost dropping his bucket. He giggled and ran off. "You too!" They said before closing the door.
Sonic approached Tom, with a huge smile on his face. "This night is AWESOME! I got SO much candy so far! Check it out!" He then shows off his pumpkin shaped bucket which was filled to the brim with lots of different candies.
"I got chocolates candies, sour candies, even bubble gum! And that's not even half of what I got!" He shrieked with joy, looking inside his bucket. "I know I said this a hundred times already, but, I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!"
"I know." The sheriff said, also smiling. He couldn't get enough of seeing this small hedgehog being happy over this night. "And you actually said it 17 times tonight."
"You counted?"
"Of course I did."
"...Nah, it wasn't too much."
The vampire hedgehog then switched his bucket to his other hand, as his fingers were getting sore from the heavy bucket. "Ouch..." He then moved his fingers a little bit to give them more circulation.
"Alright! On to the next house!" He said, as he was about to run off when suddenly the Donut Lord held him by the arm. "Whoa, there! Hang on." He spoke.
"What, what? What is it? Why are we stopping?" Sonic said, getting eager and a little bit impatient to wait before heading to another house. Even his knees were bouncing non stop.
"It's almost eight o'clock." Tom looked at his phone. The clock was just a few minutes until eight. "And??" Sonic placed his gloved hand on his hip.
"It's getting late, and the day is almost over. It's time for us to head home, bud." Tom said, almost regretting saying that, considering how much fun Sonic has been having.
And he called it, as Sonic's ears flopped down and he just looked almost devastated. "What? Already?! Aw, come on!" He whined, kicking the ground. "Halloween can't be over yet! Can we go trick or treating for a few more minutes?? Please????" He cupped his hands together, pleading.
"Sorry, but we can't stay out here too late. Halloween is over til next year." He patted his head, hoping that information will calm him down.
He knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot.
"I can't wait until next year. This is my first ever Halloween with you, Tom." He said sadly, looking at the ground. "I was having so much fun..."
"Hey, it's alright. Don't be sad because it's over. Be happy that it happened!" Tom placed his hand on Sonic's shoulder. "I was having fun too, and trust me, next year will be even more fun, and even more spooooookyyyyy!" Tom wiggled his fingers at the hedgehog, trying to look intimidating, but Sonic laughed at the sight.
At least that cheered him up.
"Haha! You're right! Next year will be even better than this one! I already have plans for my next costume!" He said, giggling, and looking all better already.
"Well, that was fast." Tom said, walking along with Sonic. "Duh, that's what I'm known for." Sonic jokingly boasted, catching up to him.
"I'll give you a hint: BRRAAAAIINNS!!" Sonic roared, reaching his hands out and walking slowly and weakly like a zombie.
"Oh, boy. I wonder what it could be..." Tom taps his chin with his finger, pretending to think really hard on what this costume could be.
"I'm gonna go all out on that costume next year! Just you wait!" He beamed up a confident smile, thinking on how his zombie costume will look.
Maddie was the one who helped out his costume, and even buying an extra pair of gloves to make it look better. He knows that she can make a great zombie costume.
"Why not a zombot? That's more iconic."
"Ehhhh, I'm good." He chuckled nervously. "I'll just stick to old school, thank you very much."
Sonic cringed at the memory of his first horror movie night with Tom, Maddie and Wade. It was just gonna be the three of them, but the moment Sonic over heard them say "horror," he couldn't take no for an answer.
He wished he did though. He wasn't expecting Night of The Zombots to be so... Gory.
At least Nicholas Cage looked pretty badass in the film.
"And I thought Poltergeist was freaking scary..." He mumbled to himself.
"I heard that."
"The movie wasn't that scary! Besides, you can tell the CGI was fake even from the first viewing!" He crossed his arms, trying to act tough.
"It was from the 2000s, it was the first Visual Effects movie Studiopolis Productions worked on." Tom stated.
"You should see the remake. It's twice as scary." Tom teased.
"Oh, God, there's a remake?!" Sonic squealed with concern.
And he blinked. "Uh, I mean, I bet that movie also sucked."
"Hey, now." Donut Lord said, kneeling down to Sonic's level. "Don't hide the fact that the movie made you feel uncomfortable, alright? You even admitted it yourself that night."
"I'm just not used to expressing myself, dude. You know that."
"I do know that, but I'm here to remind that your feelings matter, okay?"
"...I knew that." He smile crept on his muzzle.
"Okay, let's head home." Tom continued walking off with Sonic alongside, bucket still in his hand. Sonic watched all the kids and teens in different costumes roaming the streets. He felt sad at first, but smiled once again knowing that he'll be able to do this all over again next year.
He really does love Halloween.
"Finally, we made it home." Tom sighed, happy to see his house. Sonic didn't even knew that the house was close by cause his mind was elsewhere. "Already? Geez."
"What's up, buddy?"
"Didn't you see that one house that was covered in egg yolk a few minutes ago??" He points behind him.
"Ahh, must've been Karen and Issac's little trick." Tom barked slightly. The young teens are pretty rebellious, and not in a good way. They get in trouble in school more times than anyone else in town, and sometimes draw nasty messages on buildings.
And to make them worse, they despise Sonic, even though he saved the town not too long ago.
They always call him dumb nicknames like "man-hog" or "blue rat." Sonic always hated "man-hog" the most.
But he brushed them off, he knew they were just jealous because he's the one who saved the town from Robotnik. But, of course, Issac and Karen are a total pain to not just Sonic, but to the majority of Green Hills.
Especially Wade.
"...Oh." Sonic just now realized who that house belonged to. "Poor Wade..."
"That's the third Halloween in a row." Tom shook his head.
"I hope it's easy to clean off."
"Trust me, it was not." He knew from experience.
Sonic was able to see his house from a distance, and he can already see his own fake tombstones and other spooky decorations and fake webs swaying in the gentle wind.
He smiled, excited to show Maddie all the candy he got tonight.
He was about to move forward but then suddenly notice a bright light from within the forest far from the house. It drove his attention away from the house and idea of heading back home.
What was that just now? He thought, looking behind him and looking closely into the woods.
Nothing else was happening. The light didn't even appear again. Maybe it was just his imagination?
"Buddy?" Tom called out, just realizing that Sonic stopped walking and is now ahead of him. "I, uh... I'll be right back." Sonic said, zooming straight into the forest, along with his bucket of candy.
"Sonic?!" Tom cried out. "Where are you going??" Sonic was already gone by the time he finished his question.
Sonic continued walking through the woods searching for the source of the light that went by earlier. He had ideas on what that was.
A car driving by? Perhaps.
Some guy wearing a super bright costume? Maybe...
A firefly? ...Yeah, no. That's not it.
"Hello?" Sonic called out. "Anybody out here?"
There was no response, but he kept searching anyway.
He came to a halt however, when he suddenly saw the light peaking through the trees. It's the same one from before. He found it!
Sonic zipped straight to the source, only to find...
"An RV?" Sonic looked around it, realizing how familiar it looked. "Hey... This is-"
"Blue Devil!"
A voice cried out, making Sonic jumped and dropped his bucket, pouring out candy onto the ground. "My candy!" He panicked, grabbing them back to the bucket quickly. "Nonononono..."
"Ahh, didn't mean to frighten ya." The voice spoke from close by. Sonic, while he was still putting candy back, looked up to see none other than Carl putting away his things into the RV. It was hard to tell, but he had a small smile behind that bushy beard of his.
"Crazy Carl! it's been a while, old pal! I thought you were at Spring Valley?" Sonic said, picking back up his bucket, all the candy back inside.
"Ah just wanna pay a little visit before ah head back." He spoke. "Maybe sometime the next day I should give the sheriff a good ol' visit and-" Carl was then distracted by Sonic's costume. "That's a... Interesting outfit ya have there."
"Like it? I'm a vampire!" Sonic said, clawing his gloved hands, looking spooky. "BLEECH!"
Carl was unamused. "Ya call that scary? How is a vampire scary?"
"You don't like it? ...Rude."
"It's called an 'honest opinion,' ya Blue Devil. Ah've seen scarier things than a vampire out of all things."
"Oh?" Sonic raised a brow from that statement. "Knowing you, and considering the time of year," Sonic's smile grew wider, in love with the sudden idea that just popped into his head. "Perhaps maybe you should... Oh, I don't know..."
"What? Spit it out, already." Carl demanded calmly.
"Heheh." This is gonna be good.
"Carl, you must've seen and heard about a lot of interesting stories in your life. I would love to know these stories and why they are so much more scarier than vampires." Sonic placed down his bucket on the ground in front of his feet.
"Well now, you better be takin' these stories seriously. These aren't just like those phony ghost stories the children often tell." Carl began. "These are real. Very much real." He said, in the coldest tone possible.
"In that case, enough stalling. What story do you have in mind, buddy ol' pal?" He crossed his arms, ready to hear some of Crazy Carl's tales. "Please, make me shudder in fear." He "pleaded."
"If that's what ya truly want..."
Sonic then grabbed his bucket closer to him as he sat down to the closest log. He kicked his feet slightly, eager to hear this spooky story.
"Now, this tale is even older than I am. Passed down from generation to generation in this very part of the woods. It's well known back in Spring Valley, but most parts of your town was effected by it as well." He began.
"'It?' Who, or what, is 'it?'"
"Dark Gaia."
The hedgehog's eyes grew with fascination. "Dark Gaia? You mean like... Gaia as in Earth? I think Maddie taught me about that one-"
"Blue Devil, don't interrupt."
"Sorry, haha. I'll stay quiet."
"Anyways," Carl continued his story.
"The legend of Dark Gaia came from an incident that happened a few hundred years ago, just after Green Hills was founded. Dark Gaia itself was a large, dark being unlike any creature. Horror beyond comprehension."
"Like a being from hell."
"Sheesh..." Sonic said to himself. He continued to listen to Carl's story.
"The creature never dares to come out from the Earth, only it's energy and it's vile minions called Nightmares. It's Dark Gaia energy is an, almost invisible like smoke, that roams the woods, searching for their new Nightmare for the Dark Gaia."
"The Nightmares are big beings, their bodies have glowing auras that even the blindest of critters can see. They have blue and red marking on their shoulders and face, and their number one priority? Consume a living, breathing being's soul, to help them become stronger."
The hedgehog is super intrigued, if not, creeped out. Maybe it's both.
"You ever come across a Nightmare, that's it. You can't escape 'em. The moment they see you, that's the end of your story. Never to be seen or heard of again. Thankfully, it's been too long since a Nightmare has been spotted, but the Dark Gaia's energy still roams about the forest of Spring Valley and most of Green Hills."
Sonic looked around a bit, searching for anything strange like the energy Carl was talking about, but he continued listening.
"Three young men wanted to explore Spring Valley, and perhaps find something valuable along the way. It was a full moon that night. Just like tonight."
Sonic looked up at the dark sky, and there it was. The moon, full and bright. He felt a cold sweat. He looked back at Carl.
"Dark Gaia's energy, including the Nightmares, only appears during a full moon. They can't roam around in broad daylight, and only appear during the midnight hour. The moon will glow a light shade of purple once the time comes, and the young men made a grim mistake that faithful night."
"Dark Gaia energy sometimes seeks through the ground, escaping the Earth to finds it's new minion. Once it does, you better get your butt out of there woods, unfortunately for the men, they didn't follow that rule."
"One fella felt strange just after a few minutes of being in the woods. He ignored the raging feeling of Dark Gaia's energy, infesting his brain with feral thoughts, thoughts filled with rage and hunger."
"It wasn't too long before his friends come across him on the ground, in pain, the Dark Gaia energy unleashing from his body, completely transforming him into something awful."
"He was partiality a Dark Gaia creature, fur purple, with a hint of a darker blue. He was bigger, and more muscle than he was before. He's grown sharp claws, and his teeth have grown sharper as well. He's was a half complete monster."
Sonic lets out a small gasp.
"He was still himself, but the feral thoughts kept trying to reach out, begging him to rip his friends to shreds and join Dark Gaia. Legends also says however, that there is a way to rid of the Dark Gaia's energy from your body, and bring you back."
"It was the Light Gaia's bracelet, hidden somewhere in Green Hills. But from where they are, Green Hills was too far, and the moment they reached their destination, it was too late. His feral instincts took over and one of his friends... Never made it alive."
Sonic's eyes grew in horror. "Wh... What about-?"
"The other was fine. ...For a while. When the infested friend attacked him, some of Dark Gaia's energy went inside of him. When the sun came up, the beast disappeared into the woods and was ascended into the Earth, forever one with Dark Gaia, never to be cured."
"And soon will be his friend the next full moon. For now, it was just him and his inner thoughts haunting him for days. No one in town believed him when he told them everything. Some folks venture into the woods to see what the commotion was about."
"Last mistake they ever made in their lives..."
Sonic covered his mouth slightly.
"Dark Gaia's energy is still out here somewhere, hundreds and hundreds of years later. It's been a long time since the Dark Gaia found it's new minions, but I highly doubt Dark Gaia will give up."
Crazy Carl lets out a long exhausted sigh.
"I believe it is impossible to avoid Dark Gaia, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to rid of it. That is, if Light Gaia's bracelet is found, of course. Many folks were unlucky to come across a Nightmare, but becoming one is the worst of all."
"No one knows, not even Dark Gaia itself, knows who the next victim will be. I might be the town's sheriff."
Sonic's eyes grew more.
"Or maybe the deputy, Whipple."
They grew again.
"Or maybe even me."
Sonic held his own hand, wanting Carl to stop talking already.
Carl's brow furrowed. "Or maybe..." Carl then stared right at the blue hedgehog. "Maybe..."
Sonic gasped again.
"It might..."
Sonic felt a cold chill in the air.
Could it be...?
"Sonic??" A voice called out.
Both Tom and Crazy Carl both jumped at Sonic's sudden cry of terror. He breathed rather quickly, his mind still on the Dark Gaia story. Carl was slightly surprised to see Sonic like that.
"Ya didn't have to take it that seriously."
Tom looked over to see Carl. It all makes sense now. "Ah... Carl. It's been a while." He spoke flatly. "What are you doing out here?"
"Visiting." He responded. "Your Blue Devil here come up out here wanting to say 'hi.'"
Tom looked to see the hedgehog turning around to see his best friend. "Tom!" He cried and ran up to him, jumping up to give him a big hug. "I was looking all over for you, buddy! Why'd you run off?"
"My lights caught his attention."
"Carl, what did you do?" Tom looked back at Crazy Carl, with a stern look in his eyes.
"Reminding him about Dark Gaia. Remember, Wachowski, it's a full moon tonight." Carl warned quietly. "Keep that kid of yours safe. From it."
"Alright, I'm off. Nice seein' ya, ya Blue Devil! You too, sheriff!" He exclaimed before walking back inside the RV. Tom shook his head, not standing the audacity of that guy.
"Ooookay, I'm not sure what the heck just happened, but we're heading back home. Maddie's waiting for us." Tom said, carrying the shaking hedgehog back to the house.
"But Tom! Dark Gaia! What if it's out here?!" Sonic said, looking around the forest frantically. Tom groaned. "Sonic, there's no such thing as Dark Gaia. It's just a silly story made up by some kids a long time ago."
"But Crazy Carl said the story was real!"
"Carl tends to believe in a lot of stupid crap. That's his style. Now don't worry about it."
"Oh, yeah? How about that time when he told you guys about the 'Blue Devil,' which turned out to be real, who by the way, is ME??"
"Well- I- That's different."
"Sonic, please, just calm down. Okay? There is no Dark Gaia energy coming to get you. You hear me? You're fine. There is no Dark Gaia energy." Tom reassured, looking at the hedgehog.
Sonic sighed, looking at the ground. "Okay... Fine. I believe you."
"Okay. Good. ...Hey, where's your-?"
Sonic jumped back on the ground, looking for his Halloween bucket. "Buddy," Tom spoke. "it's over there." He pointed to the bucket next to the log.
"Uhhh..." Sonic looked at the bucket, then into the abyss that is the woods, where possibly Nightmares and Dark Gaia energy are lurking. "You get it, I'm not going back there."
"For the love of..." Tom massaged the bridge of his nose. "Sonic, there's no Dark Gaia, okay? It's fine, go get your bucket. It'll take you about 0.4 seconds to grab it and head home."
"R-Right. I knew that. I'll just..." Sonic takes one small step. Then stopped.
"Right, right, Sorry. I'll get my bucket and..."
He took another step.
And another.
And another.
"Sonic, I promise you, you're okay." Tom said softly.
Sonic inhaled...
Then exhaled.
"I'm not scared. I am not scared.
He quickly grabbed his bucket and ran off screaming, leaving trails of candy behind.
"...Well, that was easy." Tom said to himself.
He began picking up the pieces of candy as he follows down the trail Sonic ran off to.
To be continued...
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montygatorshusband · 1 year
Hello! How are you?
Could I please request a oneshot
Sans x female reader (angst or fluff or a mix of both 😅 or whichever you like)
Sans is sick with a cold / flu and the female reader takes care of him?
If you can't or don't want to, then no problem, it's okay! Thank you!
Have a great time! 😁
Hiya! I’m doing well, hbu?
Warnings : Sans puns
You groggily wake up in the Snowdin inn (Or as Sans calls it, the Snowdinn) to a phone call. You rubbed your eyes and answered. 
“Papyrus, can’t you get Sans to read you a bedtime story? It’s like 2 in the morning…”
Papyrus sighed on the other line.
“It’s not that human! Sans is sick! He seems to have the flu. While I, the Great Papyrus, could easily take care of him, he requested you, and you specifically!”
You pinch yourself. You're not dreaming. Who knew monsters could get sick? But your stomach soon filled with dread.
“Is it bad?”
The sound of metal falling on the ground startled you. 
“Nyeh! Cursed bowl full of inconspicuous water! Sorry human, a bowl full of inconspicuous water fell off the stove! I was going to make some spaghetti for Sans. I was going to use that water! But Sans obviously knew he was going to get sick, and so in a brilliant move, he went through space and time to give me a bowl of hot water! And I’ve soiled it!”
Well, you weren’t too worried. If it was bad, Papyrus would have been panicking. Probably.
“Mhm. Tell Sans I’ll be there in a bit Paps. See you.”
“Farewell Human!”
“And tell him I’ll check his temperature.”
You really don’t know if that would work but oh well. Better safe than sorry.
You got your faded ribbon and muscle glove and headed out to Sans and Papyrus’s house. How do you take care of a sick skeleton exactly? You didn’t even know monsters, much less skeletons, could get sick. Do you just treat them like a sick human?
You enter their home and head up to Sans’s room before noticing he was just on the couch, covered in ketchup and not wearing his jacket.
“Hey Sans. You doin’ ok?”
Sans looked over and shrugged. 
“Good as I’ll ever be. Wanna do some Netflix and chills?”
You roll your eyes, smiling, as Sans laughs at his own joke. He’s used that pun before and it caught you so off guard and you got so red he asked if your SOUL moved up to your face. He just wanted to see you do that again! But, you manage to not blush.
“Aww don’t give me that look.” 
You sit down next to him and offer a hug. He accepts it and puts his head down on your chest. Maybe it was just because you lived in Snowdin and it was somehow perpetually cold, but Sans did seem very warm. He swore his favorite place to lay was your chest to hear your heart, and maybe that was true. But it was also just comfy laying on your breasts. 
“Ah! Welcome human! You came just in time to taste test the spaghetti!”
You gave a polite smile and you and Papyrus talked while Sans fell asleep. As much as you liked Papyrus, the fact that not even Sans could get past the fact that his brother's cooking wasn’t very good is a testament. But you and Undyne also agree that Papyrus is improving, Sans even more so.
“Hey Paps, can you get some napkins so I can clean some of this ketchup off?” 
Papyrus got some napkins and handed them to you. He went back to the kitchen to continue cooking the spaghetti. You wiped the ketchup off of the places you could and sighed. Silly Sans. 
You remember when you first met. You had just left the ruins, and Sans was messing with you. Stepping on branches behind you and appearing and disappearing in the distance. Then he tapped your shoulder, so you whipped around and hit him with your Toy Knife. You were so surprised and scared. Blood was dripping everywhere. But then Sans just took a sliced bottle of Heinz ketchup out of his jacket and simply said ‘Damn. In Heinz sight, that wasn’t a good idea.’ 
You grabbed a blanket and put Sans’s head on your shoulder and covered him up. But to your surprise, a thermometer fell out of his pocket. You grab it and notice it’s covered in warm water.
You could tell Sans was doing that little gremlin smile that he does whenever he gets you with a whoopie cushion. 
“You're not sick, are you?”
Sans got up and shrugged, putting his jacket on. 
“Alright alright I admit. I feel fine. I guess you could just say I was feeling… bonely.” 
Man. You should have known that bowl of inconspicuous water was, in fact, very conspicuous.
GAHH I’m sorry it was so short :( BUT! Since sans simps are well and alive (I presume at least) more Sans content probably on the way.
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bluearc009 · 3 months
The Confession 2
Saphron walks into the living room and see a priest sitting on the couch
Priest: hello my child.
Saphron was about to say something but decidedly to leave to the next room to find Terra.
Saphron: Terra, There's a man in our living room and he said he's my dad.
Terra: No, he's a preacher.
Saphron: My dad's a preacher?
Terra: He's here so we can confess our sins Saph.
Saphron: But we haven't committed any sins well except for oh no!!
Terra enter the living room.
Terra: Father we have something to confess you see we(Saphron stabbed with a knife) excuse us.
Back outside
Terra: You stabbed me.
Saphron: you can't prove that.
Terra: Saph my blood is literally on your hands.
Saphron: shhhhhh(putting her bloody hand over Terra's face)
Terra: I'm going back in there.
Take 2
Terra: father look we hav...(ding,ding) what?(punch in the face)
Waking up in hallway
Terra: what happened?
Saphron: I guess you fell asleep.(having boxing gloves on her hands)
Terra: why are you wearing boxing gloves?
Saphron: why are you wearing boxing gloves?
Terra: I'm not wearing(showing her hands are cover in boxing gloves) GOD DAMN IT Saph!! I'm going back in there and you can't stop me!!
Take 3
Terra: father we have fallen from grace(Saph pull a switch causing terra to fall through the floor)...AGEHHHHH
Saphron: huhuhu fallen.
Take 4
Terra: father we-(Saph airhorn poot) father-(pooot) father-(poooot) Saph!!-(pooooooot)
Take 5
Terra: I just want to say...
Saphron: smoke bomb(small cloud of smoke)
Terra: Saph wa...(punched in the face again)
Take 6
Terra: father w-(Saph with remote click it) speaking in Spanish(Saph click again) animal sounds
Take 7
Saphron on a walkie talkie with a sniper standing infront of Terra.
Saphron: take the shot, take the shot, what aren't you taking the shot, why aren't you...
Take 8
Saphron: Don't listen to her she's an impostor( ripped Terra face off) see it's my arch Nemesis a skeleton.
Terra:(screaming in pain) AGEHHHHH
take 9
Terra: look I really just want to..
Stranger: package for Terra.(handed her a package)
Terra: oh thank you.( Boxing glove spring out of the box and punched her in the face)
Take 10
Terra: I'm just...
Saphron: cut.
There's a loud sound and then strangers are coming out of nowhere a guy holding a script, a woman putting makeup on Terra and microphone hanging over them.
Guy with a script: OK that's launch.
Terra: what are you? who are these people?(starting to panic) WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!!
Take 11
The priest and Terra(getting Is annoyed) waiting while Saphron having trouble turning on a chainsaw.
Saphron: OK wait.
Terra: OK father.
Saphron: NO
Terra: father
Saphron: NO
Priest: well that's not so bad.
Saphron and Terra are relief.
Terra: also I gave birth to the anti christ.
Priest: Excuse me.
Saphron:(holding Adrian who's eyes are glowing red) you wanna meet him.
priest: AGEHHHHH(head exploded)
Saphron: OH
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luckyfinch · 3 months
Chapter 8: Commercial Break!
click HERE for chapter one, story warnings, and other info
The low thumps of footsteps grew louder, echoing through the halls. It was tense, the air crackling with ticked energy as the commotion neared. 
A hand darted out, catching the hood of the running skeleton and pulling him into the cover of the opposite turning hall, a shadow casting over the two and hiding them from sight well enough that the skeleton’s assailant ran right by without a clue. 
The two figures remained still a beat. Two beats. Three. Then, satisfied they hadn’t been discovered, the runner pulled away to face his savior. 
The bandanna-wearing monster violently shushed him, sockets narrowed though he wore a good natured smile. “Don’t Want Cross To Hear You, Do We?” 
Killer smiled back, head tilting in confusion. “right. why’d you grab me? y’know i was messin’ with crossy.”
“He Seemed Quite Unhappy!! What Sort Of Joke Did You Pull This Time?” 
Instead of the accusatory tone Killer had expected of his alternate, Swap spoke with a quiet buzz of excitement. 
“…i thought you didn’t like pranks.”
Swap laughed, sockets closing as he did. “I Don’t Like Bad Pranks.”
He couldn’t help but let his smirk drop a fraction. Not Papyrus. He turned his lightless eyes back to the other hall, where Cross had run off.
“i put a cardboard cutout of a cow on his bed.”
. . .
“KILLER! You Shouldn’t Use His Fears For A Prank, It Is Not Funny.”
…A little like Papyrus, even though he clearly was one of his alternates, he conceded. The reminders always left an odd, dull pang where his soul should be. 
“aww, why not? he can handle it.”
Swap groaned, clearly annoyed. “That’s Mean, Not Just A Prank. You Should Apologize.” 
—And that brings him to the present, where he stands in front of a glowering Cross with Swap a little behind the other. Fantastic. Swap gave him an encouraging (threatening) look, and Killer sighed.
“i am very, very sorry for putting a cutout of a cow in your room. it was… uhhhhh…” 
Cross stared at him, unimpressed. 
“…it wasss wrong of me to do. annndd.. iii…” 
Killer’s voice trailed off, squinting empty eyes at Swap over Cross’s shoulder. His hands were making an odd repetitive gesture, palms up and pulling his hands back toward himself and back again. What..? Oh! He was trying to help.
“—iiii.. want, you to- no, i want to forgive.. you? wait, wait- i want to t- to have- get- to earn yooouurrr .. for fuck’s sake swap, i don’t know what ‘ya want me to say!” Killer finally gave up, hands bunching into fists.
The monochrome monster turned his glare behind him, where Swap stood with his hands frozen mid-air. Sheepishly, he smiled, pulling his hands behind his back. Cross scoffed.
“Whatever. I forgive you… Asshole.” 
With that, Cross stalked off, hands in his pockets and his lower face hidden in his scarf. Killer let out a breath of relief that the painful conversation was over, finally, but was interrupted by Swap’s too happy smile and wide, squinting sockets. 
Oh, shit.
Killer teleported away in a blip, landing in Nightmare’s study much to the latter’s immediate annoyance. Killer clutched his metaphorical pearls, nervous sweat on his skull. Nightmare turned in his chair to face Killer, a brow raised and scowl on his face. The dark skeleton narrowed his eyes in slight concentration, which a moment later became confused as he zoned back in. 
“… Why is Swap ….. scheming??” 
Oh, shit.
Cyan boots stomped tiredly towards the kitchen, a frowning and slouched Swap dragging them along with each step. His gloves were gone, as well as most of his usual mesh-armor. All the skeleton wanted was a glass of cool—not cold—water, and to curl up in bed and hopefully ignore the nagging voice in his skull telling him to quit lazing about like his brother.
… His brother. Papyrus. Witty and good natured, with a knack for easing those around him and cheering him up. Oh, Swap missed his brother. On days like these, the memories hurt the most, and the prickly voice in his head sounded more like a certain paint-splashed monster than a cruel twist of his own monologue. 
Pushing into the kitchen, Swap paused to slump against the door 
way, sockets weary and head hanging as he tried to push away the memories he could never return to. 
Apparently too tired to have noticed the presence in the room, Swap now found himself held to a firm chest, large arms wrapped around him and a chin resting on the top of his skull. Subconsciously he sunk into the hold, the tall stature reminding him again of his younger brother, yet it was still so painfully different. 
Horror hummed deep in his throat. For a while, he simply stood there in the doorway holding Swap, letting the shorter soak up the closeness. 
After what felt like an eternity, Swap tried to force his tired bones to pull away from the comfort. Horror, on the other hand, seemed reluctant to let him go so soon. The taller skeleton lifted him from the ground with ease, keeping his arms wrapped around him until he was dropped into a chair at the table. Before he could protest a large skeletal hand patted him on the head, stunning him into silence. A kettle was placed on the stove, a somewhat comfortable silence falling over the kitchen as Horror went about, grabbing two small ceramic mugs and a little box from a cupboard Swap knew he would never be able to reach without climbing onto the counter. It was clearly a space only Horror used, and maybe Nightmare, if he were to use his extra appendages. 
The sudden whistle of the kettle pulled back his attention, and Horror quickly slid it off the heated stovetop. With practiced movements he went about dropping little packets into each cup and then slowly poured the steaming water over them. When a white mug was placed down in front of him, reading “Stab Happy,” with a little cartoon knife underneath, he noted that it was surely Killer’s usual cup of choice. The piping liquid inside was a yellow-green color. Tea. 
Horror slowly sat diagonal from him, his hands wrapped around his own cup of tea. Besides Swap’s whispered thank you there were no words spoken between them, the pair periodically sipping from their mugs and enjoying each other's company. 
The voice in his head was quiet for the rest of the day.
Swap sat, the damp grass not bothering him much as he directed his attention to his friend.
The dark oozing determination wasn’t as bad today, and Killer wiped at his under eyes with his sleeve. His grin felt flat, blank eyes staring down at Swap.
“The Stars Are Nice Tonight, Don’t You Think?”
A new sluggish wave of determination dripped from the other’s sockets, which he wiped at again with more aggression. “i don’t like stars.” 
He tilted his head, smile faltering. Something about Killer’s tone made him think he shouldn’t press further. Instead, he pushed himself up to his feet. 
“you think just ‘cause i’m a sans, means i gotta have all the same interests?” Killer continued, even though Swap hadn’t responded. His fists balled, shoulders subtly shaking. “well, you’re wrong. i’m not the same. i’m not. i- i-“
Killer cursed, hands flying to his face as he shook. 
“fuck off!”
Swap stepped back, shocked by the outburst. Falling to his knees, the shaking skeleton hunched in on himself. When Swap tried to approach, hand outstretched in worry, a knife rushed past his skull, just barely missing him as he fell to the side. 
His concern doubled, and with it so did his annoyance. “KILLER! WHAT THE FUCK! What Was That For??”
The other froze, his single barely-there eyelight fizzling out in his left socket. He breathed heavily, leaning on one hand and on his ass, looking surprised.
The silence stretched on as they stared at each other, until Killer exhaled shakily and leaned forward. “… sorry. i don’t.. i don’t know where that came from.”
“..Are You Okay Now?”
“yeah.” He responded after a moment. 
Nightmare had told him about the ‘episodes’ that some of the team sometimes had. They could be short, like this one luckily was, or last even hours. Perhaps some sort of flashback? Swap wasn’t sure, but the actions lined up with what Nightmare had described to him; unawareness, a spacey-look, aggression; it seemed that he’d snapped out of whatever ‘it’ was before anything really happened. 
Killer offered him a hand to stand up, a hint of hesitation in his movements. Swap took it and pulled himself up. Then, as Killer tried to retract his hand, he pulled him into a hug. 
“I Know You Didn’t Mean That.” The blue-wearing monster said, voice dropping to a whisper as his grip tightened, “I’ll Avoid Mentioning, Uh, Stars, In The Future. But If You ever Try Throwing A Knife At Me Again Nightmare Will Have To Heal You.” 
Swap slumped against the mat, sighing loudly. He’d been bested.
“Never let down your guard, even when your opponent is down.” 
Cross and Swap were sparring in the gym, and when Cross went limp under his hold, Swap had assumed victory. Clearly he was too soon to celebrate, as Cross immediately knocked him off and sent him practically flying. 
“Don’t sweat it, Swap,” he offered a hand, helping his friend to his feet. “This is why we’re practicing.”
Summoning two dulled bones—he didn’t want to genuinely hurt his opponent—Swap darted to the side, winding up an arm and aiming a blow to Cross’ shoulder. Cross responded by jumping back, grabbing the outstretched wrist of Swap and twisting until he dropped the bone. 
Twisting with his arm, Swap dropped the other too, bracing himself with his back to Cross and grabbing the wrist apprehending him with his free hand, using the momentum to throw the monochrome monster over his shoulder in a swift move. Cross yelped, unprepared, as he was slammed onto the mat at his opponent’s feet. A cyan boot planted itself on his chest, one arm in the air and twisting at an uncomfortable angle.
Swap smiled brightly down at his friend. “Surrender now?”
Grumbling, he nodded, rubbing at his arm when it was released. Plopping down beside him Swap began to prod at Cross’ skull with joking jabs at his stance. He scoffed, a grin pulling at his features as he swatted at the hands.
A knife stabbed into the table, angry shouting from a certain tear-streaked skeleton following. 
“that’s bullshit!” 
“killer, shut the hell up.” Dust spat, “what’s the point in denying it?”
“fuck you, you musty psycho! it’s definitely me.”
Horror interrupted, “can we.. please.. jus’ eat, without.. th’ arguing?” 
“Of course not, did you forget who we’re eating with?” Cross muttered, skull resting against a palm as he leaned on the table. His other hand poked at his food.
Killer’s smile strained at the edges, fingers tightening around his embedded knife’s handle. “i wouldn’t be arguing if dust’d accept the truth.”
“kill yourself.”
“Dust, you can’t just say that anytime you disagr-“ Cross started.
“kill yourself.”
He deadpanned, eyes narrowed. “Dust-“
The quiet, repetitive thumping of Nightmare’s skull on the table continued, though nobody paid it mind. 
“Guys, Horror’s Getting Upset. Can’t You Save This Topic For Later?” 
“no.” Dust and Killer replied in unison, followed by a sharp glare at each other.
The hooded skeleton picked up his fork anyway, taking a bite from his dinner. “you need to accept ya aren’t his favorite.”
“wh- y- as if it could be you!” 
Horror took a calming breath, Swap patting him comfortingly on the arm as the bickering went on.
“could be.”
“could not!”
“I Doubt It’s EITHER Of You!”
Before either could respond, Nightmare finally raised his head, a suffering look on his skull and a tired frown. His voice was low and immediately shut both arguing skeletons up.
“Horror is my favorite. Does that make you happy to hear?”
The mentioned monster perked up, his single eyelight dilating in its socket. Killer’s expression dropped, whereas Dust simply shrugged and returned to his plate.
“but i do everything you ask! i’m the most loyal person here.”
When Dust muttered a sneer of “dog” under his breath Killer kicked him under the table. 
“Horror is quiet… and he cooks.”
Dust smirked at that, sending a pointed look to the determination-dripping skeleton beside him. With a yell, Dust was knocked out of his chair, plate knocking to the floor with him as Killer shoved him to the floor. The pair tumbled across the ground with a series of outraged insults and jeers, fists flying.
Watching the scene unfold—Nightmare angrily pushing away from the table, moving to tear Killer and Dust apart; Cross, jumping up with a huff to help, hands finding Dust’s hood; Horror, more distressed about the plate of food that had dropped than his screaming and hitting friends—Swap, despite everything, grinned exasperatedly, taking another bite of food.
It was still better than the Stars’. 
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a-buisness-panda · 11 months
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*Denki rushed into class and slammed the door open*
*All the attention was to him*
Uraraka: No, how did you found out?
Denki: I heard Nezu talking to sensei about it...sooo 😅
Iida: Kaminari, listening to others conversations is very unpolite and a bad habit 👋👋👋
Denki: Chill out prez, l mean he will tell us anyway so it's not a big deal
Mina: He's right here. So, it's a girl or a guy 😀
Denki: ldk, they didn't mentioned it
Tsuyu: Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow
Mineta: Oooor, we can ask sensei 😏
Sero: You really wanna know, don't you 😑
Mineta: YES 🙂
*Aizawa walks into the classroom*
Aizawa: Alright problem children, go to your seats and-
Aizawa: Well, if you don't even want to let me get my shit together end explain...
The class: 😶
Aizawa: *sigh* Yes, we're having a transfered student in our class and for some of yours curiosity she's a girl.
Mineta: YES!!
Mina: Oh yes, a new girlfriend!
Bakugo: Tsh, just another extra....
Aizawa: Alright, alright, all I'm asking is to act like normal people for once and not like FERAL ANIMALS!
*The day went by and everybody acted their usual self, but still asking questions about this new student. The next day arrived and before the first lesson everybody was in their places waiting. Aizawa entered the classroom and behind him a tall, strong build figure following*
Aizawa: Everybody, meet Y/n L/n.
*You stood in front of the classroom, a serious look on your face. You were wearing the uniform which was combined with some of your own pieces of wardrobe: some tall demonias boots; black fishnets and black tight highs, one of 'em having a white print with the bones of the leg; a belt over the skirt and two chains to accompanies it; long black gloves also with a white print of the skeleton of the hand on them and two spike bracelets, one on each hand; under the shirt you were wearing a tight turtleneck that was entirely covering your neck and over it a spike collar and a necklace. You glanced around the classroom analyzing your new classmates. There was a pink girl with an excited look on her face, a very short guy giving you a very weird flirty look, a half bird boy looking kind of amazed in some kind of way and oh, someone guy with his hair double colored kind of like yours. All in all a very interesting class*
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So, l suck ass at drawing so you'll have to be pleased with this gacha character representation of how you look
Y/n: Hello everybody, my name is y/n l/n, I'm 17 y/o and it's a honor to be in this class.
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The moment of truth, what do they think first time seeing you? 🤔
𝘼𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙖: She's for sure very interesting. I think we could make a pretty good duo with her tall and intimidating appearances and my shiny personality. We are for sure like two opposites and I think we can be amazing friends, cuz, well, opposites attract, right? ✨️✨️
𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙖: HOLY SHIT, I NEED TO MAKE HER MY FRIEND AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. 😳💕🤩 She looks like one of thoes Pinterest girls and you better bet she has a 🔥fire🔥 sense of fashion. She looks a bit intimidating but you better bet she'll be my friend, plus l'd die to get piggyback ride, she looks strong aswell. 😫
𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙮𝙪: Wow, I think I barely reach her chest. She has to be at least 190 and I wouldn't be surprised if she was taller. She is pretty good at intimidating people too, I mean when she gave us that glance I kind of felt my heart skipping a beat. 😅 I wonder if she likes frogs tho.
𝙄𝙞𝙙𝙖: I'm not the one that judges on a fight sight so I don't know what to say really. Yes, she is a bit intimidating....ok, a bit more, but by the way she introduced herself she seems like a very polite and calculated person. I'd like to get to know her better, she seems to be a very interesting person but that glance kind of send a shiver down my spine...she looked so serious it was a bit scary 😅
𝙐𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙠𝙖: SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!! And I love her hair. I kind of wanted to dye mine half a color too but I'm not so sure about it but it seems to look so good on others. I wonder if hers is dyed or natural like Todoroki's hair. I love her style too.🤩 I wish I had the money to make my own style. 🥲 I want to be her friend but I'm a bit scared ngl. 😅
𝙊𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙤: Holy fuck, she's tall. 😰 And she looks kinda scary. I kind of want to get to know her better but I feel like if I make any wrong move the only person I'd get to know better is God. She looks cool tho, a bit too cool to hang out with someone as plain and boring as me.
𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙞: BEST. DAY. EVER.😭 You mean to tell me that I get to know AND be in the same class with a goth chick, umm...YES SIR.😃 I wonder if she'd be interested in a guy so different than her tho... And I better watch what I say, she looks like she could snap my spine like a pencil 😅😅
𝙆𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖: I have never felt such a sudden urge to call a girl "sir". 😭 She looks so strong and well built and the height is just an advantage. I love her style too, it looks very manly🤩 and I wouldn't be surprised if thoes scars on her face would be from fighting bears in the forest. She seems like she'd make a great gym bro. I need to ask her what gym she goes to. 🤨
𝙆𝙤𝙙𝙖: Well, she kind of scares me, ngl. She doesn't look very friendly either. I mean I wouldn't say no if she asked me to be friends but for sure I won't make the first move, for sure. 😣
𝙎𝙖𝙩𝙤: I like her. She really doesn't seem like the kind of person who would judge other people. I wonder if she likes candies; I could bake something for her to make her feel more welcomed 😊
𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙟𝙞: I am kind of left speechless. 😶 I think she's the first girl close to my age that is so much taller than me. She has to be 1.97 at least. And she looks very strong aswell. I kind of want her to pick me up but I know it would be weird as shit to ask someone you don't even know that kind of request. 😅
𝙅𝙞𝙧𝙤𝙪: She looks so awesome! Man, I want to get to know her better. I hope she thinks I'm cool aswell. 🤞 I'd like to know what songs she likes, maybe I can make her a playlist. I just hope she doesn't think it's lame or something.
𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙤: I don't understand people who dress up like this; like where are your parents, where do you live, what's your number, are you single, are you free tomorrow. 😫 I want to ask her so many things. She looks so badass, I wouldn't be surprised if she had some tattoos aswell.
𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙞: She seems very interesting. The white hair gives her kind of a tragic charisma, an appart mysterious air that can be easily put in relief by her scars. She seems like the kind of person that the more you know about the more mysterious becomes, like a labyrinth.
𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞: I like her hair; maybe because it's similar to mine. I'm kind of curios about her scars too....maybe because it reminds me of mine aswell. 😐 She seems peaceful tho, like a quiet kind of person. But I need to ask her about her hair...we can be related or something. 🤨
𝙃𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙧𝙚: I bet she's amazing at drawing. I wonder if she'd find it weird if I'd ask her to draw me...maybe...I want to know so many things about her. Should I ask her if she wants to eat at lunch together?
𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤: Ok, so we all can agree that Bakugo has both a superiority and an inferiority complex; so just imagine his superiority complex being all like: Tsh, WHO DOES THIS EXTRA THINKS SHE IS?! WHAT, SHE THINKS SHE'S GOING TO SCARE ME, DOES SHE THINKS SHE'S BETTER THAN ME?! SO WHAT IF SHE'S TALL, THAT DOESN'T MEAN SHIT! ;and meanwhile his inferiority complex being like: Fuck, how can I compete with her she's almost double my height and her quirk is probably just as powerful
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𝙈𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙮𝙖: Alright, well, wow, she seems...intimidating, but I am very curious about her quirk, I'm sure it's something powerful. I'm gonna make such good friends with her but what if I say something wrong...good All Might. We'll I'm sure she's a nice person and who doesn't want friends by their side ☺️
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𝙈𝙤𝙢𝙤: Wow, she seems so confident and cool. I want to get to know her better, she seems like such an interesting and fun person to be around too. Her hair reminds me of Todoroki tho...are they related or something?
𝘼𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙬𝙖: At first she seemed like someone with a "bakugo" type of personality but from the start of the conversation I could see that she was extremely polite and calculated. Her height was a surprise tho... When Nezu said "I have a big surprise for you" I didn't tought he ment it literally...I mean the top of my head reaches her top lip and her voluminous hair does not help at all, but other than the feeling of inferiority she seems like a great student with a huge potential. I just hope this gremlins don't influence her in any bad way.
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spidercookie18 · 8 months
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…?
Paint your nails?
Know how to cook or at least make something edible?
Have a tattoo(s) or to get one?
Borrow something and not return it?
Take home a zoo animal?
Take the longest in getting ready or do their hair?
Talk or snore in their sleep?
Want to do karaoke?
Eat a spoonful of wasabi?
Get hangry before a meal?
Pie someone in the face as a prank?
Look at my lovely monster men, i enjoyed working on this ask sooo much. <3
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Alright babe, prepare yourself for the longest response you never expected >:]
I ‘ve been thinking about these rowdy little shits 24/7 for the last two months, and oh boy do I have a lot to talk about.
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…?
Paint your nails?
All the boys would paint your nails! but some of them are better than others. Paul would make an…effort for about 6 fingers, 4 on the right, 2 on the left, then get distracted and wiggle his fingers in your face, “okay, my turn :) ” They look like shit and they’re all in different colors, but you can’t stay mad at that cute face. Marko would be hyper focused, little tongue sticking out of his mouth as he concentrated, he has the hands of a surgeon with decades of sewing practice. “10/10 would recommend to friends,” and he’s beaming; smug lil shit. Dwayne is not as good as Marko, his hands shake quite a bit, and he feels bad after he finishes the last nail. It looks a bit wonky, but you love it; give him a big kiss on the cheek and he’ll feel better. If you’re too nervous to ask David, never fear! He’ll smell the toluene and come out from wherever he’s hiding like the rat that he is. “You’re doing it wrong,” and he’ll get the nail polish remover and clean off whatever you started; sit tight because he’s gonna make a ‘thing’ out of it. He does your fingers and toes and tells you how he used to do this for his ma’ before she passed, when he’s done it’s the best of all the boys’, and they’re all jealous.
2. Know how to cook or at least make something edible?
Tough to say, they were all alive at one point so they should all know how to make…something. I’d have to say David, and Dwayne can make good food, edible and yummy, but Marko is the best cook. Lots of love goes into his meals, whenever he decides to actually cook, which is not often. It’s a treat when he does, but don’t expect him to clean up after himself, “I cook, you clean, dems da rules.” Paul cannot cook, poor thing has burned water, “is cereal cooking?” No baby, it’s not. 
3. Have a tattoo(s) or to get one?
No tattoos, sorry. They were born before it was mainstream, and vampires heal too quickly for them to last long. Paul, Dwayne, and David tried to get tattoos; Paul got Woodstock on his ass, Dwayne got a jaguar back tattoo, and David got a sleeve of a skeleton cowboy. The ink lasted all of 4 days; Marko wanted one on his face but didn’t get it because he thought it would clash with his jacket. (The boys have various scars on their body but I’m only gonna go into the major ones) David has a brand on the back of his left arm on his tricep- branding accident from when he was alive. You can still see the heart when he doesn’t have his jackets on, its uneven and a light pink. Dwayne has a scar on his back above his right hip, and one on the left side of his ribs, they’re thin mauve stab marks. Marko and Paul have scars around their knuckles from fighting; they’re light tannish/reddish rings around their knuckles. Markos are much deeper than Paul's, and this is why he wears his gloves, little fucker still loves to fight. -Piercings are a whole different story, thinking about it gave me a migraine, these kinky fuckers would have a bunch.
4. Borrow something and not return it?
Paul, because he forgot, but he’ll give it back when you ask for it; although you’ll have to help him look for it. Marko, because he doesn’t care; if he doesn’t want it, you’ll have to go find it, if he does want it, then just buy another one bc you’re not getting it back. Dwayne will take things and return them before anyone notices they’re gone, for being the biggest of the boys, he sure is quiet and sneaky. David will do what Dwayne does, or gaslight you, “this is mine, you never had one.”
5. Shoplift?
All of them?? Lol. But Marko and Dwayne will do it the most. David steals things like peoples’ personal items, just yoinks it off em while they walk by; has never gotten caught. Paul steals candy, and shiny things, he got that bird brain. He literally will go, “ooo,” and stick it in his pockets, very obvious. He’s constantly getting caught; people will confront him, which startles him. He yelps, punches them in the throat, and runs away.    Marko is a kleptomaniac, its gotten so bad that David will make him empty his pockets before they get back to the cave, “you don’t need it.” Or a quick, “put it back,” while they’re still in the store. Is constantly getting caught, he usually gets an “excuse me sir?” And responds with the death stare. Dwayne does it because ‘fuck capitalism’. Will sometimes get caught, responds with, “no, I’m allowed to do this.” It’s so calm and casual people don’t know what to do. They’re all banned from Walmart; they still go to Walmart.
6. Take home a zoo animal?
Since the boys can’t go most places during normal visiting hours, they will sneak into the zoo, aquariums, and museums to go see stuff. They usually do it drunk and have caused thousands of dollars’ worth of damage lmao.
Step 1: fly to LA Zoo. Step 2: get blackout drunk. Step 3: harass the animals.
David would try to fight the kangaroos; laugh when they posted up, fake jab at them and then go blind with rage and fury when it hit him back. Lmaooo, he would throw a real punch and accidently knock it out, “whoops.”
Animal Cruelty is NOT funny, but this is literally the most hypothetical a situation can get.
Paul would break into the badger habitat, drag one out of the burrows, snatch it, and hold it up for the boys to see. “Guys! I haven’t seen one of these in forever!” Shaking it back and forth while it snarled and bit and scratched at him. Dwayne would want to cuddle the jaguar; he could tame it with his thrall so it wouldn’t bite him, because he wants to pet it sooooo bad. Even as drunk as he was, he wouldn’t take it because he wouldn’t want it hurting Laddie; so, he would steal little jaguar plushies for him and his son from the gift shop. Aside from all the other stuff they would steal from the gift shop. They’d joust the elephants, share a joint with the orangutans, put a live sheep around their shoulders pretending it was a rich lady’s coat, howl with the wolves, bark with the seals, twitter around like the meerkats, and they would HATE the giant otters. Throw stuff at it, “ew it looks like Max.” They would also throw stuff at the flamingos, “why the fuck do they smell like that,” and call them, “stinky.” Marko would actually break the glass on the reptile exhibits. He would see a snake he wanted and just, “hiya!” And snatch it up. He’d hold it up and yell, “vampire snake!! Vampire snake!!” Wrap it around his neck and the boys would not be able to get it away from him. He’d let it snake through the armholes on his jacket, and then cry when it plummeted to its death when they flew home, “nooooooooo!!” And David would silently be like, “oh thank God, no more ‘vampire snake’.”
7. Take the longest in getting ready or do their hair?
Ooooo, I love this question. All the boys are dripping in vanity, you wouldn’t think it, but they are very conscious about what they look like in public. They will preen themselves regularly, and pick at their fangs, they also have to check each other for ticks, running through the forest does that. Dwayne loves his hair; he will regularly do masks and braid it. Takes about 7 minutes brushing it all out before they leave. His hair is the longest part of him getting ready, what’s he gotta do? Put on a shirt? Lol. But he will fr walk around naked/half-naked while looking for his clothes. Takes less than 10 minutes getting ready. David takes a few minutes to get his hair spikey and comb it out; the longest part is letting it dry. He only fully undresses to bathe, and rarely in front of the others, but he loves the way the leather feels going on, so he dresses slowly. Total takes about 15 minutes. Marko has to make his curls curl before they leave. He usually does a plop every few days, takes about 20 minutes to wash it, comb it, and curl it.  He will then proceed to pick at the burrs on his jacket before he puts it on. Total takes about 30 minutes to get ready. Paul takes the LONGEST to get ready, he has to shake out his hair, make it crazy, and burn a hole in the ozone with his hairspray each night. He is also an eepy boy, so he is yawning and looking for all his stuff around the cave. I also have a funny feeling that he sometimes takes off all his pins before bed. This annoys the others to no end because he has to slowly put them all back on before he can go out. Paul, sweet thing also gets distracted so, so much, he takes anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour to get ready.
8. Talk or snore in their sleep?
I don’t think the way that the boys sleep will make them snore, buuuuut of they were to snore, on a descending scale from loudest (shake the earth type) snoring to quietest (kitten type) snoring, it is Dwayne, Marko, David, then Paul. Paul will mumble stuff in his sleep, nonsense about whatever is happening in his dream, “that’s my candy Mr. Monkey,” or something. The boys have caught him doing it a few times, but he’s usually not loud enough to wake them up. David gets night terrors. He can sleep fine for years, or decades, but they always come back. Yes, it wakes up everyone in the cave, and yes, they stay awake with him till he calms down.
9. Want to do karaoke?
All the boys are beautiful singers fr if you haven’t had the chance to hear them, I suggest you google it. So wonderful. So, they are always ready to sing. David only does it when he can use it to his advantage, his go to? “My Way,” by Frank Sinatra. Dwayne mostly sings for Laddie’s lullabies, but his go to is, “Say it ain’t so,” by Weezer. Paul is shy about it but give him a couple margs and he is belting, “Ice, Ice Baby,” by Vanilla Ice. Marko will physically drag the other boys into bars when they have karaoke. His go to is “Purple Rain,” by Prince, but if he is drunk then its, “Drunk in Love,” by Jay-Z and Beyonce, he makes one of the other boys do the Jay-Z part, doesn’t matter which.
10. Eat a spoonful of wasabi?
Marko. He doesn’t care. He’ll ask for more. He’s a fucking menace. Then, he’ll pretend it’s so good and yummy to get Paul to try it with him, then throw up from laughing so hard. David will do it if you do it first, then he’ll say some old head shit like, “I lost my tastebuds in the war,” but inside, he’s dying. Dwayne isn’t stupid, and he doesn’t care what any of them say, he won’t do it; smart man.
11. Get hangry before a meal?
Who doesn’t get hangry before a meal? Most mellow about it is Paul, he’s very laid back, so it’s no big deal for him to wait to eat. David can control his hangry, just because he’s the oldest. But if he’s in a bad mood he will do something horrible to the first person he saw. Marko doesn’t like being hangry; he will let it be known and make it everyone’s problem. Dwayne cannot handle being hangry. If it gets bad enough, he doesn’t wait for the others, he will go make a mess. Like, he will fuck up a bloodline when he’s hangry. 12. Pie someone in the face as a prank?
The hyper twins are the kings of pranks. They will usually prank each other, or Max. Fuck with his lights, hit him with a bat kite, steal his money, slash his tires, set his garden on fire, ya know, harmless ‘pranks’. They would prank Dwayne by hiding his stuff, but when he held Paul upside down over the cliff, they stopped messing with him for a while. They usually didn’t fuck with David, sure they respected him, but they feared him more. One time they actually did pie David in the face. Paul came up behind him while he was smoking in the wheelchair and plap. David was piiiiiised, but not as pissed as he was when Marko nailed him with a second pie while he was chasing Paul around the cave. They were on the run for a few days, David eventually caught them and tied them to one of the stalactites in the cave, some, “no food or water, three days,” type shit. Boy, was he mad.
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jazz-kitty · 2 years
was too lazy to draw all of them so have what i think some reborn characters wore for halloween in one big post. not spoilers i just dont like having a wall of text with no warning
victoria’s hatsune miku, cain’s going as fern, fern’s kokichi ouma, cal is papyrus, blake is sans, florinia’s a mad scientist [julia bought her the costume and she didnt want her to waste her money], and julia is frankenstein. already drew those getting those out of the way
ame is a headless horseman &’s got a jackolantern for a head on this very spooky evening
protagonist is conveniently a sheet ghost that covers their entire body and face so you can’t tell which protagonist it is
shelly is technically going as a bee but everyone was so worried she was gonna catch a cold she’s bundeled up in a thick jacket and scarf and hat and gloves so you can’t really tell what she’s wearing to begin with. its the thought that counts though
shade is going as an anime boy. he’s wearing one of those shitty plastic masks with the big anime eyes on them and nothing else
aya and hardy are matching in lycanroc onesies- aya’s midnight and hardy’s dusk
serra was going as a playboy bunny but fuck is it cold in spinel town. she’s wearing sweatpants and a jacket over her costume and also staying home and also not handing out candy to any kids. she’s just serving cunt on her couch in her freezer of a home
anna is going as a mawile with a home made costume that she spent way too long on
noel is wearing orange pajama pants instead of his normal black pants and called it a costume. anna gave him a cheap halloween themed headband to go along with it. he won halloween
samson is dressed as alistasia, alistasia is dressed like ciel, ciel is dressed like terra, and SOMEONE didn’t get the memo. not naming names. terra is a stilt spirit
adrienn is going as a fairy :-) simple but like cmon. tell me xe wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to wear pink mesh wings
titania’s a cowboy. man i dont even have a reason. but she’s a cowboy
amaria is a pirate. i have a little bit more justification for this one with her whole water deal going on. but mostly just because the universe needs her to be a pirate
laura’s a kanto raichu and worked long and hard on making a fitting dress and make up for it. saphira’s just wearing a pikachu headband with red cheeks laura painted on. charlotte is in a pichu onesie and also inexplicably covered in fake blood
bennet is an alolan raichu :3c he made his costume with laura
zero isn’t dressed up because he gets too uncomfortable in halloween costumes, but he put his umbreon in a spider costume and carries her around to show off his specialist shining star the whole day
taka is just wearing a skeleton tshirt. underneath his sweater. so no one can see it. ace tried to get full matching costumes for the two but he flopped over on the carpet like a cat and wouldn’t get up
ace couldn’t get taka to wear a costume but still wanted to match, so now they’re going as taka. if taka had killer eyeliner
no one’s really sure what heather is supposed to be, but she keeps biting into fake blood packets and got a 7 dollar plastic battle axe from party city she hits everyone unapollegetically with.
elias puts on cat ears. solaris tells him to take them off. elias does not take them off
arclight is a classic vampire- victorian era looking suit, fake teeth, the whole nine yards. this vampire in specific is also wearing neon pink shutter shades and glowsticks
lumi is dressed as a miscellaneous disney princess- albeit one that is also wearing a jacket. no way is she getting away with short sleeves in ametrine. 
eve is wearing a headband with antenna on them and says she’s an alien.
correction: lumi is an alien disney princess. she wanted to match with eve
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blacksunsquad · 6 months
And the last one for today will be the little guy I finally do a reference.
This is Radiant. Indirectly, a fusion of Ink-Error, but he was created from the magic of Frink and Mirror.
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Below is a post with information about this character and his story.
(IMPORTANT: This is Acute Incident Multiverse, which is based on the DS Multiverse. Just keep in mind the basic differences between DS and the original and everything (or almost everything, since Mirror and Frink are the key figures here, and they are my brainchildren) will be clear to you.
(And so I'm looking forward to any questions, always happy to answer).
Radiant. (Luminous, source of heat, light)
Appeared in one of Mirror and Frink's battles in which both fought desperately for their ideals, mercilessly pummeling each other's faces and piercing attacks. As they fought they didn't notice anything but each other anymore. (Ah, romance~). And at one point, Alternate was engulfed in fire - Frink had overdone the magic. But that's not the most interesting part. In the place of the burned and already destroyed AU, the enemies, in an attempt to catch their breath, noticed a small figure that literally came out of the fire. The completely naked skeleton looked very frightened, and when he saw the fighters, he started to push his slipper, only to fall down halfway, tangled in his own feet. Mirror and Frink were even distracted from the fight - they were in gloomy bewilderment, and Mirror was on the verge of crying out in horror, "This is the most wrong thing I've ever seen." And Frink agreed, but out of sheer stubbornness he did not let them destroy the strange creature, whose bones, mostly ribs, were decorated with small scars that glowed very brightly, and when touched, even if you just put your hand, you could feel the heat. Radiant was named Radiant, and, strangely but understandably, he was first taken under his wing by Frink, out of the same stubbornness and unwillingness to lose. He tried to bring up, but immediately gave up the case, and the kid himself learned, looking at Frink and watching others. Then Frink freaked out and threw Radiant off to Mirror, who was much more concerned about the child's upbringing, and probably sometimes showed excessive strictness, but even though he tried to show him as much as possible, he did not impose his ideology, and was happy to explain the reasons and motives for his actions.
Radiant lives in the Anti-Void, but spends more time in Outertale and Oceandale. These are the two Alternatives where running into him is a very real possibility.
Not tall, shorter than his basics.
The skeleton is white in color, with dark bones in the pelvis and below, excluding the ankles
There is an unusual innate pattern on his skull - it got that way from Frink's burning off Mirror's threads.
There are freckles on his face, but they are very hard to see.
"An unusual soul from having unusual parents" ©.
He only has four phalanges on his hands and feet... And the phalanges on his hands are patterned, colored.
One eye socket is smaller than the other. Any explanation necessary?
Wears a long-sleeved jacket tied around his waist. It has patterns of fire on it.
T-shirt has a pattern of dripping ink.
Wears a poncho because a scarf doesn't suit him and it looks more like a plaid wrapped around his body than anything else.
Wears wide pleated pants.
Walks barefoot
Wears glasses because he can't see well.
Wears black gloves with open fingers.
He gets very hot when he feels a strong emotion.
Slightly shy, though by the look on his face you'd think he's a very shy guy.
He loves Frink's abilities, but spends more time with Mirror, hence the stars on his clothes.
Always calls monsters and people by name, at least out loud.
He likes stars and shiny things that resemble them. Sometimes acts like a magpie.
Learned to play the flute from Frink.
Learned to sew dolls from Mirror.
Stole a t-shirt, sweater, and pants from his closet)
The character of the child is about 12 years old.
He neither "destroys" nor "creates" - he is not trivially interested in that.
He often adds stars to his clothes by himself.
His emotions represent a very meager range, coming from the basic available and their derivatives. He also hasn't been taught to distinguish between emotions, so he sometimes doesn't know what he's feeling at all.
He sleeps a lot because he stays awake a lot and doesn't understand the meaning of the time of day. What? They don't bother him in any way.
Partial memory problems are inherited from both bases.
He tries to avoid conflicts, but if it comes to them, he will try to solve everything by diplomacy or simply bind/hypnotize/paralyze his opponent and escape into the fog. If he is attacked, he will defend himself and then sullenly prove to everyone that "he started it first" even in situations where no one accuses him.
Melancholy and adolescent regression.
"I have, friends!!! For example... *demonstrates a doll he sewed himself* Her name is Rose! And she loves my music..... Hee-hee!"
"He's not lonely because loneliness is his best friend." ©, and the inquisitiveness and uncontrolled traveling through the whole Multiverse keeps things interesting. (The world through the eyes of children is a couple tones brighter, huh?)
Respects, perceived as a parental figure.
Mirror is the one who laid down the basic rules of communication to Radiant, no matter how strange it may be.
Radiant has often witnessed his madness, which makes him a strange but interesting monster.
Respects him, but fears him because of his temper.
Does not see him as a guardian, but as an older brother.
He is not very attached to him, though he is very happy when he has time for him.
The first doll he made, whom he considers his best friend.
Has a nice calm "personality", and a wide smile.
Looks like Frisk, dressed in a burgundy red dress, and has a sort of wreath on her head.
The second doll given by Mirror. Looks like a dark anthropomorphic monster with white horns and the same eyes. Has no mouth or anything other than an outline, but Radinath finds him frightening every time because of his "Grin" and will accuse him of throwing "too much wool" around again. Possesses a fickle unpredictable "temper". Constantly calls Radiant "Fir".
Feathered knows this child exists, but refuses to accept the fact of its existence and keeps as far away from it as possible.
They've seen each other a few times, never spoken, but one day Dream caught him reading a book in his library and was amazed that he could barely feel his emotions. He hadn't even noticed at the time that some of his books had been stolen.
Radiant treats him neutrally, not seeing him as a threat, but he is indifferent to his ideology and finds it wrong and flawed, preferring balance to everything and for everything.
Gave Radiant most of the books he has read.
Sometimes Radiant helps him with infiltrating JR's castle, but not often.
Radiant and Night have a mutual understanding and even friendship despite their age difference.
Radiant is very interested in Knightmere and sometimes Knight gets stressed about it.
The one case where the kid can rant relentlessly, while others know him as a "quiet, silent guy".
Treats Cross with wariness, even though Cross doesn't mind care at Radiant or even talking to him about anything. In this case, it's mostly Cross who's talking, and Radiant is silently listening to him, occasionally inserting a comment.
To Radiant, it's Mirror and Nightmere's Familiar, but it's also Nanny.
Cross would sometimes sit with Radiant, but still had trouble figuring out how to act, and so Radiant remembered him as "Insecure Monster." (Kids. Kids like that.)
Helped the child acquire critical thinking (acquire≠develop it, please allow for age), introduced him to the "business and life of mortal beings", and otherwise tried to interfere as little as possible and only occasionally observe.
Radiant sees him as an uncle, and calls him accordingly, bringing a sad chuckle to Swap's face.
His strings are liquid-like.
The sounds of his flute are a weapon. "Notes" of his flute are capable of twisting an opponent with paralysis/hypnosis or inking an object that Radiant is targeting when using magic. You could say that the flute is a conduit that is mistaken for a magical artifact and the source of all his power.
Out of Frink's abilities came the incendiary ink.
He could summon blasters, but doesn't like their bright flashes and loud noises. They remind him of the ever-fighting bases.
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crowithy · 10 months
Oh btw I have an epithet erased oc I completely forgot to post her, I uploaded him to artfight and promptly forgor.
Her name is Pom Saltatrix (hehe try and guess how I got that name)
I don't have her main reference on my phone right now but I have this doodle I made of him at school + another EE oc who is a W.I.P rn
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His epithet is Tailor, my interpretation of the word is he can adapt things to his needs. Mostly clothes though. And because I think it's funny he can also summon a fish. She hates fish tho. (If you don't know tailor is apparently another name for bluefish)
If you piss him off enough he will start leaving fish in your mailbox.
The character on the right is currently named Jest though I may change it, he is a W.I.P as stated above, but his Epithet is Fool so he's very jester themed. His earrings are bells (but they have the metal ball inside removed because the noise drives him crazy) I also gave him a slight overbite (not good at translating It in drawing tho :/) because I have one and I'm projecting (as if I'm not already projecting a shit ton onto both of these ocs lmao)
And yes, Pom is wearing the papa titan fit( (except with sans hoodie and skeleton gloves because funny), that's not his normal outfit I thought it would be funny so I drew it
(Pom uses She/Her and He/Him and Jest uses He/Him)
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ivyprism · 10 months
The Truce (Outcode Story)
Warnings: Fighting, Dust! Sans, Killer! Sans, Nightmare! Sans, many of things, blood, etc.
Spiro was tossed by Ink with little time to respond. To keep himself from falling further, he stuck his knife into the earth. He could hear the ground reacting this his knife. As Rune approached to assault Tusche, he smirked a bit. Rune was not someone to mess with. Tusche created an ink wall to block Rune's strike, but Morte sprang from the shadows and flung Tusche. Acrylic snatched his brother's scarf as he riveted his gaze on the group. Spiro could hear Bliss and Dusk squabbling as well as Bliss's drabble about how they needed to make amends.
"Get up." Dagger huffed as Spiro smiled and nodded. Acrylic rapidly prepared his paints. Dagger, as usual, appeared to have not slept. As a little swirl of power formed around Dagger, he prepared his next attack. Acrylic glared at him as some sort of magic encircled him. However, there was a sense of magic surrounding them. There were exclamation points beneath them.
"MOVE!" Rune yelled as he dove for Dagger's collar, and Morte followed as Comet yanked Acrylic back. Lightning strikes the floor, causing it to fracture under the pressure. With a glare, Rune stood up. But everyone seemed to be frozen in confusion. Spiro brandished a knife at the opposite party.
"What was that?!" As the opposition group flared a little at the threat, Spiro urged.
"That had absolutely nothing to do with us!" Acrylic protested and Lenovo yanked on his strings. Acrylic assailed him, putting an end to his brief respite. As he charged the other skeleton, one of his paints produced a big blue bone as he charged the opposite skeleton. The battle had resumed. Spiro and Dagger were attempting to tag team Comet. Comet kept up as he fought back. The struggle raged on, becoming bloodier and more vicious by the minute. However, as the AU began to break and blasters were poised to collide…
They halted as they watched someone they'd never seen before redirecting the attack away from them into the air. After the light faded, there was a woman bursting with magic and wearing a mask that resembled a skull staring back at them. Lenovo tensed as he saw her morph into a skeleton with a face that looked just like the mask-like visage. She turned to face the group.
"It appears that my first deterrent had no effect." Her silky, almost icy voice made the audience quiver. Her purple eyes darted around the room, looking at the skeletons.
"Who exactly are you?" As the skeleton's gaze returned to him, Dusk demanded. As he stared at her, her purple eyes blazed.
"The one who is stopping this... exhausting and needless war." The woman responded as she looked around and under her gaze, many felt nervous. "But if you need a name, my name is Senna." Senna coolly stated.
"Needless? They will not listen!" Tusche objected and opened his mouth again as Senna extended a hand to him. Her appearance transforms into that of a human woman wearing a mask similar to her skull and sporting long white hair. Her form would be easy to call… unstable.
"You didn't even try," Senna retorted, making the guardian tighten and back off a little. "I've been following this… mess for a long time."
"How come we have never seen you before?" Acrylic stared at her, perplexed. Senna groaned slightly as she adjusted her gloves. A piece of paper appears as she snaps.
"Enough with the foolish questions." Senna took a peek around the room. "You all have to talk about it and sign this," Senna said almost like a command. The others gazed at her, puzzled, as she held it. "It's a treaty… A truce agreement. Whatever you want to name it." Senna's steely eyes locked with the rest of the gang. There was immediate backlash… until.
"I think it's a good idea," Umbra spoke up, drawing everyone's attention to him. "I mean, there has to be a balance between destroying and creating." Umbra gave a nod. Comet, Lucien, and Morte all nodded in accord. They eventually persuaded the remainder of the group to sign the document. When the woman vanished, they couldn't recall her name… However, they were forced to clean up.
Hehehehoo, lore.
Dreamtale is by Jokublog
Error is by CrayonQueen
Dusttale and Killer Sans escape me rn.
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