#he is mad underrated and he deserves his moment
ravenboysandcrows · 6 months
I know everyone is freaking out about Logical being featured in the new PJO adaptation, but if TRC ever gets a show/movie, I need Noah to have his moment with Class of 2013 or Francis Forever by Mitski as the soundtrack.
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angiiepaniic · 8 months
hyperfixating on charlie cutter rn AND THERE'S ALMOST NO CHARLIE CUTTER CONTENT like cmon he's such a good character GIMMIE
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seasidefallenangel · 8 months
drain. (kanata yatonokami)
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The kitchen faucet is leaking. 
It drips at the same pace for seconds, minutes, hours. You know this, and Kanata knows, and Nayuta as well, but the two act as if it doesn’t matter. They’re talking to one another about something you don’t really understand nor care to, not when the faucet is leaking. Your eyes follow every drop, and your hand tremors in tandem with it. They’re talking, they’re laughing, they’re happy. They’re happy. Even with that stupid faucet, they’re happy. 
Jealousy isn’t the right word, because if you were to tell Kanata you were jealous of him in any way, shape, or form, he’d either be insulted or disgusted - or maybe a mixture of both. He’d see it as patronizing, he’d think you’re making fun of him, because how are you jealous of the guy who has nothing but Nayuta - (and you, but you’re not really sure you’re something to be happy about having at all.)
The faucet leaks and the drop is so loud in your ears that it covers the jovial laugh of Nayuta. You don’t hate him - far from it in fact. He reads Kanata better than you can, a translator of sorts for the few moments you can’t really read in between the lines of your boyfriend’s words. He gives good fashion tips, he knows a lot of underrated hang-out spots that he shows you, subtly hinting that his twin would enjoy it if you took Kanata on a date there, he tells you about cozmez’s childhood when Kanata is reluctant to. “I think you’re good for him,” Nayuta said to you one night. The two of you were on the couch in their apartment. Kanata had gone to pick up dinner, leaving you with his twin. Your skin crawls at Nayuta’s statement because you know he’s not a liar, which means he’s just stupid enough to believe his own words.
The faucet was leaking then too.
“Thanks,” comes your noncommittal mumble, not even bothering to look up from your phone when you answer him. Part of you feels guilty because Nayuta is, despite everything, a very sweet boy. He deserves better than your bitter responses, and his brother deserves better than you as a whole. 
His eyes narrow and he sighs, absentmindedly sketching something on his notebook. The pencil scratches as he continues to speak, “Quit being so mopey. He wouldn’t stick around if he didn’t like you.” And well, he has a point. Kanata’s not a fan of lying, preferring to rip the band-aid off before the wound has even finished healing.
The faucet leaks and the sound reverberates through the walls. You feel your heart sinking with every drop, waiting for the flood to come coursing through. The present rings to the front of your mind once more as Kanata nudges you, quirking an eyebrow up at your silence. You didn’t even notice Nayuta leave, presumably to go meet up with Shiki. Normally you’d join in on the twins banter, but you can’t even pretend like the idea doesn’t make your lunch start to build up in your throat. 
“Your faucet is leaking,” you say quietly, eyes glancing at the water that falls. His gaze follows yours before his face shifts into confusion. You could tell he thought that if that was the reason you were so quiet, it was weird at the best and stupid at the worst - and he probably had a point. 
“... Usually does. ‘S not that big of a deal anyhow. Just ignore it.” His voice gets quieter towards the end, like the state of their apartment is something to be embarrassed of, like you’re judging him for it. You’re not, but you don’t think you could explain your reasoning for being so upset by the faucet. Your finger taps on the table, slowly speeding up the longer your mind lingers. “You should probably get it fixed.” 
Confusion changes to annoyance. “I just said it doesn’t matter. Does it bother you that much?” It’s phrased like a snarky comment, but you can tell there’s something underlying there. If it really did bother you for some reason, if it made you upset, then he’d get it situated to appease you. 
Well, you think it’s underlying. Maybe he is actually mad, maybe he can’t stand you. 
The faucet leaks, and you’re rotting away inside. Because the faucet leaks but the twins don’t care, the twins have each other, they’re never alone, so much so that the leaking faucet doesn’t even matter to them. They don’t even notice it. 
“It’s broken, Kanata.” The crack in your voice is piercing as the tears start welling in your eyes, and you feel pathetic. Who are you to cry in front of Kanata, the boy who had the world drag him to its core and he managed to claw his way to the surface? The faucet drops grow louder when he leans towards you, worry written on his features. It’s subtle in a way that makes you want to scream. 
The chair scrapes as you shoot up from the table and over to the sink, hands gripping the rusty metal. Kanata follows behind, bewildered and hesitant because you’re not making any sense and you know it, but you can’t explain it. Because the sentence, “your family loves you so much that the small issues don’t matter” is stupid in theory, but brings you back to the same old place - the one where the faucet leaking was your fault, where the car door wide open in the rain was because of your incompetence, the dog not being fed, the light left on, the minor inconveniences that shouldn’t mean anything turned into screaming matches where your throat bled ; the house that wasn’t a home, but a building filled with strangers to one another, a stark absence of love. 
A hand slowly reaches towards your wrist, bony fingers wrapping around it and tugging gently. Your vice grip on the faucet fails to loosen as the mantra of, “it’s broken, it’s broken,” falls from your lips without much thought. 
“Cut it out,” he says gently. It’s not the scathing irritation you expected to hear, but rather a concerned request. You think you’d prefer the anger.
He pulls one more, and your hands let it go as you turn to face him with your head hung low. He’s no stranger to trap reactions and trauma which makes this hurt more, because now you’re sure he has an idea of what’s going on inside of you. It’s the worst scenario possible for him to see you as you are. 
Your nails dig into your palms and you ignore the liquid rising to coat your fingers, head tilting up to give him a false smile as the metallic scent of blood begins to overwhelm your smell. “Sorry.” Your voice sounds foreign and strange. “I’m fine now.”
His eye twitches and his mouth curls into a frown. You want him to scream at you and to kick you out and tell you to go away forever, because at least the pain of being alone will cover the agony of childhood clutching your throat. But he does none of that - and instead does something decidedly worse. 
“Maybe I hide shit sometimes, but I’m trying to be more honest with you. You’re not gonna do the same thing for me?” The hurt in his voice is hidden by false exasperation. You want to grasp him tight, so tight it hurts him and he can never abandon you and fill him with endless words of love. You want to push him away, disappear without a trace like he never met you so he could live without the weight of your burdens pulling him down. 
One sniffle, two, before your head leans against his chest and the silent sobs overtake you. He grows stiff for a moment and you can see it in your head, when he pulls away and berates you, but the scene changes when he slowly wraps his arms around you. There’s a small hint of discomfort in his hug - an act so unfamiliar to him - but the part that gnaws at you is how good it feels to be held by him. 
It doesn’t make sense, it never will, and to put all your anxieties into words seems impossible. But there’s no denying the love that seeps from his touch, and it’s as constriction as it is freeing. It’s scary to be known but even more terrifying to be concealed, and if Kanata is willing to subject himself to the shattered lifeform that is you, then maybe, just maybe, you can let him slip through the cracks.
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sarnai4 · 6 days
Expectation Subversion
Penguins of Madagascar has some of my favorite examples of subverting expectations for personalities. They also gave me something that I try to use when creating my own characters. It seems like the characters can easily fit into a one-dimensional stereotype, but then there's more. Let's start off with Rico.
At first glance, Rico is just a loose cannon. In lesser shows, he might have been. After all, he just needs to be the silly one who spits up weapons and sure, he is, but that's not all. Rico is also fiercely loyal. He's the same one who was terrified of a "haunted" car and still braved it head-on when it had hurt Skipper. Comically enough, he can just as easily turn on the others when Ms. Perky wants him to do something else (cue Rico attacking them because of that darn voice box). An underrated skill of Rico's is how resourceful he is. He always knows exactly what weapon is necessary for the moment. With these skills, his loyalty, and his fun/unhinged flair, he really comes to life as a character.
Private is seemingly just the nice guy of the group. He's the young one who's innocent. Again, this is a part of him. He is very nice, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings like when he was supposed to win a rude-off against Clemson. He's also pretty naive with a lot of things, being unsuspecting about Hans actually being bad. Despite this, there's more to Private than niceness. He's got the most common sense of the group, being the only one to see that grabbing the plant needed to save Maurice's life would be easier than continuing to use the jaws of life AND realizing how unlikely it was that Santa was spending Christmas Eve in a random building. I also love how he's got a backstory of being this almost ruthless mini golf player. His underrated skill is that he's the second best fighter of the group. Solely looking at fin-to-fin combat, Private is the only one who's been on par with Skipper.
Kowalski could have just been the "science nerd." He definitely has this as a core part of him, but he's also such a drama queen. I love it. He's the poster boy for book smarts because this penguin has a score of 0 for practical reasoning. Heck, he had to figure out which instincts to use. His struggles with this leads to him continuously making inventions that almost kill everybody. Kowalski is always an invention away from turning into a mad scientist. I'm convinced this actually has happened before and then he just snaps back to his senses (thinking about times like Jiggles and more). Something else which adds an interesting layer to him is how much he wants to be in charge. He's technically the second-in-command and has made it clear that he'd like to replace Skipper when the time comes. "Kowalski's log...too soon?"
Skipper seems like he's just the tough boss. In a comedy like this, he easily could've been an incompetent leader. Rather than that, he's honestly a very good leader who is clever with his plans. Seriously, his escape plans shown in Pets Peeved and more episodes really demonstrate how thoroughly he can think out a strategy even when he's on the spot. Along with this, Skipper tries to act hard and rough, but he makes it clear that he cares about his team more than anything. He even faced his fear of needles (this show singlehandedly taught me what trypanophobia was) for Private when he learned that the soldier would've been hurt otherwise. It even stretches beyond them. Skipper really cares about everyone in the zoo, going so far as to look out for Julien who is probably one of his least favorite zoo mates. I also really like how much being a leader means to Skipper. When he thought he couldn't be in charge anymore, he was having a meltdown. He even put Private as leader just so that he could make it clear who actually deserves the position. It's so petty, that it's almost beautiful.
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worldseer · 2 months
Who are your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from JJK? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks.....
I admit, most of my favorite characters from JJK I somewhat thirst over but I'll try to keep those thoughts out of why I love them (because I do have some genuine reason besides thirst for liking them). 1. Toji Fushiguro
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First and foremost, I like his calm attitude yet snarky way of talking. Also he's just a badass. We all all saw him kick ass any time he came on screen. His physique and strength is something to envy ngl (which I had big muscles too). And yes, not the best dad but I KNOW this man was the best fucking husband he could be. 2. Kento Nanami
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HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER! It's obvious he cares a lot about people, especially young sorcerers. I like to believe that while he hates how Jujutsu Society operates, he tries to make the small changes necessary to make it better (aka not having child soldiers die and get traumatized like he did). Plus I fully agree that both aspects of life (living as a sorcerer or working a normal job) sucks too.
3. Ryomen Sukuna
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HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON BEFORE YOU ALL STAB ME TO DEATH CEASAR STYLE- He's genuinely an interesting antagonist to me. He has layers, I think that's apparent. He's cocky, but for good reason. And there have been moments where I near shat my pants watching him (we all saw that Jogo vs. Sukuna fight and those jumpscares he did. Also both VAs did amazing cackles). His true form from the Heian Era is also so cool to look at as well, and I think may inspire me to be more creative with my own character designs in the future.
4. Suguru Geto
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HOLD ON, HOLD ON- Once again, I love a layered antagonist and HOLY SHIT HE HAS LAYERS! Like- ok- I get what his goal is. I get what he wants. And frankly, if my lover best friend died, came back to life, and close friend I was meant to protect died as well, yeah I'd be kinda fucked up so see people celebrating and not batting an eye. Yes, running a cult and committing literal genocide are. . . choices. But in the end, his goal is to protect sorcerers (a group constantly being used and controlled by the majority of non-sorcerers) and that makes some sense.
5. Toge Inumaki
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I personally think he's a bit underrated, and underutilized. Sure, I know he's not loaded with Cursed Energy but like- that technique he has can be overpowered as hell. Also, I like how he insists on using ingredient names to convey how he feels when he could just- avoid commands? Like he can obviously use nouns. As long as there's a proper subject, then verbs won't use the cursed speech technique (Don't flame me if I'm wrong, I haven't read through too much of the manga). He's cute, I love his vibes, and he is my son. As for moments in the series, they're more small than most expect: 1. Whenever Mahito gets his ass beat - Self explanatory. Yes I'm still fucking mad about what happened to Nobara and Nanami.
2. When Yuji met Toge in the streets of Shibuya - SALMON! But fr, I love the small moments that show friendship between sorcerers that otherwise don't meet up much. And Toge just being there, chilling with a megaphone to help people is funny to me.
4. THAT Nanami scene - MAPPA served us good as did Kenjiro Tsuda. "The number and locations of your allies," anything for you, love. Let's go to Malaysia and sit on a beach. I giggle every time.
5. The phone conversation Suguru and Satoru have - The expressions and conversation kill me everytime. They're 'close friends' your honor.
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Is there an argument that Sextus Pompey is one of the most underrated Roman generals? (well admiral technically)
[slams desk] He is the very definition of underrated! In fact, I think this calls for a Sextus Pompey Appreciation Post!
We first meet Sextus in Egypt while he helplessly watches from a boat as his father gets into another, smaller boat, then is stabbed in the back and decapitated.
After that Batman-esque origin story he joins the republican army, almost kills Caesar at Munda, and escapes to raise an army again in defiance of Caesar's dictatorship. This boy was fighting for the republic while Brutus was still getting his angst workouts in. Did I mention Sextus was only 22?
Army - ahem, I meant navy. Romans in general were shit at sailing, but our boy is shockingly good at it, and also very good at Not Getting Caught for several years while Caesar gets shanked and a four-sided civil war erupts in Italy.
We have Sextus to thank for Livia's family escaping the proscriptions! He gave sanctuary to them and many other refugees and republican sympathizers, especially after Philippi, and later got the proscriptions lifted so they could return home.
Sextus proceeds to kick Octavian's ass, sometimes through raids and destroying ships, but mostly through blocking Italy's food imports. Astonishingly, a lot of Romans side with Sextus and pressure Octavian into making a treaty with him, or else Octavian might end up like dear old Uncle Julius. Yep. Sextus came very close to overthrowing the future emperor with economics.
So what does the treaty look like? It looks like Sextus, Antony and Octavian standing awkwardly on wooden platforms a hundred feet apart on the ocean, because Sextus is NOT letting himself get sea-shanked like his dad was.
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At the celebration party afterward Sextus' lieutenant asks "Do I shank them sir? While they're drunk and surrounded by our dudes?" And Sextus goes "Uggghhh why did you have to TELL me, you should've just killed them but now I'm honor-bound to say no."
Also the treaty lasts for like five minutes before Octavian and Sextus are fighting again. (Antony runs off to vibe with Cleopatra.)
Sextus goes ✨full theater kid ✨and starts calling himself the Son of Neptune, sacrificing horses to the sea, and wearing a spiffy blue cape. Oh, and he celebrates beating up Octavian with a commemorative coin. That's Scylla the sea monster on the right there. Metal.
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Octavian continues to be an incredibly bad admiral, at one point being reduced to huddling in a cave and cursing out Neptune after a storm destroys his ships. He resorts to calling in Marcus Agrippa from Gaul.
Agrippa takes one look at this terrifyingly competent pirate/freedom fighter/Percy Jackson roleplayer, who can wreck ships faster than Agrippa can build them. So Agrippa has to build his fleet in a fucking lake that's supposedly the entrance to the Roman underworld and connect the lake to the sea, just to keep Sextus from wrecking his shit too early.
You know you're a badass when it takes an army from the gate of Hades itself to stop you.
Sextus Pompey and Marcus Agrippa have an EPIC showdown (and Sextus destroys Octavian's fleet again, just for fun). Agrippa wins because he's absurdly perfect at everything. Sextus yeets off to Asia Minor where one of Antony's lackeys executes him.
And you'd think that would be the end of it...but...
400 years later Emperor Julian writes a...fanfiction? in which Neptune is still mad at Octavian, and bullies him again, making this one of the longest-running jokes in Roman history.
Sextus Pompey was the last great leader claiming to defend the republic against the triumvirs, and he was incredibly resourceful, competent, and brave from a young age. His tragic backstory, flair for the dramatic, moments of honor and compassion, and the fact that he very nearly won mean he deserves way more attention than he gets.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Loving all these recent insights with the Diasomnia boys (especially LilSil) 👀 that being said, do you have any thoughts (spicy or not!!) On Sebek and Silver??
Hi Anon! I’m glad you like our Diasomnia thoughts. For the longest time they were the most difficult team for me to come up with stuff about, but the more we learn about them, the more fun they become. I’m also happy you enjoyed our LilSil headcanons!
Oh, Sebek and Silver are painfully underrated and underrepresented in this blog, they deserve much more love and art from us. So I’ll gladly share some headcanons. As always, some of them are spicy, some of them are not.
Thank you for your patience and have a great day!
Silver was Sebek’s first crush. One would say that his first crush was Malleus, but with Malleus the feelings are quite different in scale and nature, and whatever Sebek felt towards Silver was closer to a childhood crush. That being said, Sebek never recognized these feelings, he isn’t the smartest when it comes to his own emotions + frankly he’s being a tsundere. Silver doesn’t fully realise Sebek’s crush either.
Sebek finds Silver stupidly pretty and it pisses him off, he’ll never admit that he actually likes the way he looks and that he stares at his long eyelashes when Silver sleeps sometimes. The embarrassment of this act makes Sebek yell at Silver to wake up even louder than he otherwise would have.
They are actually much closer to each other and much more physically comfortable with each other than one would assume. Grabbing, touching, they do all these things quite casually, even though there are moments when every touch feels very… intense. In a good way.
They are also surprisingly attentive to each other’s mood for someone who is so focused on his own narrow interests (Sebek) and someone who is constantly sleeping (Silver). If one of them feels concerned or troubled, the second one is definitely going to notice and try to help and support him, but not directly. Well, this one is more of an observation than a headcanon lol
They are one of those couples who can feel mutual tension for years, experience a strong yearning to be with the other, but never act upon their feelings openly, because they just decided that they are anything (childhood friends, fellow soldiers), but not lovers. Of course, these are the walls that exist only in their heads. That won’t stop them from kissing and even having sex sometimes though.
Lilia expects them to get together one day though. He assumed they would do it eventually when he first saw these two interact. Sometimes he gets frustrated because he sees that the boys kinda want each other but don’t do anything… Guess Lilia is going to have to play cupid with these two idiots.
All of Sebek’s and Silver’s “first” were spontaneous and happened in the heat of the moment. Silver was surprised when Sebek kissed him for the first time, but didn’t push him away. And then they started to kiss more, and then some other time they felt too hot and Sebek started rubbing against Silver’s leg. They always try to stop themselves before things get too far, but they are horrible at it, so after a couple of weeks of these spontaneous moments they are going to have sex.
Sebek always nibs on Silver’s tongue when they’re kissing, but if Silver asks him not to do that, he gets mad and says that he doesn’t do anything and Silver is stupid for complaining about this nonsense. Silver, on the other hand, sucks the tip of Sebek’s tongue gently when they kiss, and it drives Sebek insane – it shouldn’t feel that good (it’s stupid Silver after all!), but it does. Where the hell did he learn that?
When Silver falls asleep during sex (oops), Sebek always wakes him up especially rudely. He is rude as he is, but if he notices Silver nodding off during sex, he gets super mad. Sometimes he tugs on his hair, sometimes he slaps either his butt or his cheeks. Sometimes he bites Silver, and with how strong his bite force is, it’s always a rude awakening. But the sound that Silver makes when he wakes up after getting bitten is too sweet and arousing for Sebek to stop doing that.
Silver isn’t loud at all during sex, but sometimes Sebek grabs his face with his hand trying to silence him. Even though Sebek was making even more of a noise than Silver… It really doesn’t make sense, but both of them feel too aroused by the situation to address that.
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La Squadra's reaction at this year Eurovision's finale:
Risotto ✂️:
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He is the type of fan that if his faves aren't even in the top 5, he is not that bothered. He was rooting for Germany, so whoever won wasn't his business. He just hopes in the future there'll be more metal performances, cause he think this genre is VERY underrated
Prosciutto 🍖:
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Prosciutto is annoyed af! He had a completely different top 5 in his mind and seeing the results made him chew his bottom lip in frustration, smoke more cigarettes than usual and tap nervously his foot. Sicilian daddy is not happy at all, in his heart Australia won the game... also his gf was rooting for Norway, so no " celebratory s*x " for him tonight, that makes him even angrier lol
Illuso 🔎:
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The only one happy cause he was team Israel and Team Sweden, so in the end he is the only one saying " winner winner, chicken dinner ". He has a smug expression on his face and is parading around the lair with the swedish flag around his neck, mocking his teammates like " i told you so~" or " awwww, why so mad? Did you lose? Oh wait, yes~"...He is the absolute worst about it.
Melone 🍈:
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He was the only one actually rooting for italy this year lol, you may think is for the song but of course this purple tuscan idiot did it for the meme.
He spent MONTHS since Sanremo joking about stuff like: pesci asking him if he wanted a chip and him answering " SE QUESTA È L'ULTIMAAAAAAAAAAA..." or even making fun of Risotto's sleep habits chanting " TANTO SO CHE TU NON DORMI, DORMI DORMIIII MAIIII!!"
In the end he was kicked out of the lair cause ENOUGH IS ENOUGH MELONE!!
SO yeah, another chill dude who didn't care about the final result, he just wants to annoy people lmao.
Ghiaccio 🧊:
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Ok here we have the real deal everyone, Ghiaccio is a BIG eurovision fan and maybe the only one who truly cared about the winner.
He blasted Finland's song while racing with his red Mazda through Napoli yelling " CHA CHA CHA D*IOCANEEEEEEEE!!"
He was even ready to bet about Finland's victory and when he heard the final results...chaos: broken chairs, smashed bottles, angry phone calls to vent about it!!
He even planned to invade Sweden to avenge his green jacket pal, but in the end he'll just curse blasphemies for a week and change the radio station whenever the winning song is put on.
Formaggio 🧀:
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You see this? This is the level of support Formaggio had for Croatia. Lil cheese man went in every single bar of Napoli to teach their song and even tried to organise a rave party with a " Tractors " theme!! He felt utterly outraged when he saw the level of " disrespect " ( in his mind of course ) shown to his favourite eurovision's group and now is planning to go to a concert while riding an actual tractor. Is he exaggerated? Yes. Do we love him for this? ABSOLUTELY!!
Pesci 🐟:
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This guy drink his " respect women juice " ever since he was a lil kid. His mamma and nonna raised him good, so his goal for eurovision was to support all the women that walked on the stage! He tried to stay neutral and show them all the appreciation they deserved, but 2 of them stole his heart: Lithuania and Portugal. He was so moved bu their songs that tears run down on his face during the performances, in that moment he didn't even cared being the laughing stock and called " una femminuccia ", he just wanted to enjoy those beautiful voices and he did!! He was also really happy about sweden's victory, in the end another great artist was cherished in the difficult music industry.
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raceweek · 2 years
whats ur top 5 underrated alex moments or pieces of alex lore? im trying to expand my collection xx
oh my god okay five????? okay okay. so watch me remember like all of my underrated alexlore moments tomorrow instead of now but to give it my best effort:
im starting off light with The Original Alex Noise. i cant leave it out, it deserves its own category. the moment that created alex noises as a concept. all hail The Original Alex Noise
2018 as a whole like the lore of starting the f2 season with almost no financial backing, racing on a race by race basis, waiting to hear until the tuesday or wednesday of a race week that dams hadn’t found someone with enough money to replace him with and okay he can fly out to compete and not only doing okay but getting poles and winning races and being in the championship fight with that amount of uncertainty and against lando and george and nyck of all the competition is insane and then. kris jenner voice. just calling helmut marko up and over the course of the sochi 2018 race weekend being so impressive that he turned a hard don’t even ask into an f1 seat. like??? literally one of the only drivers in recent times to get to f1 without an academy or significant financial backing. incredible. amazing. can drive very well. will hurt anyone who claims otherwise
as a general george subheading because. well. im a cheater: the alex and george basically living together for 2017 needs a mention like george eating more meals at alexs house than alex, The Great Mountain Biking Incident of 2017, The Throat Infection Incident of 2019, The 45 Minute Phone Call After Hockenheim Passing Mention (buried in a stream but i can call up if requested), The Publication of N*des Request of New Years 2020. The Are You Going To Answer My Calls Now of 2021. mad lore. absolutely mental and that’s like. a hundredth of it
i mean. a lot of patrick and alexs relationship. like patrick gaining qualifications in mental coaching during alexs struggles with his mental health in 2020 is YEAH. but this particular podcast particularly is maybe an advanced lore staple to me. please don’t listen to it if you struggle with disordered eating or with descriptions of weight, i did a mini snip of one of my fave bits of it here if you want to listen to a part without any fear of being triggered. but yeah i feel like patrick is so so so expressive with how he talks about alex it’s really nice
under a general lily alex origin theme: alex getting stuck in a gate the first time he ever met lily (coincidentally also whilst he was on a lads holiday with george. rip to those plans) which is just so classically alex like. bro. and lily telling alex on their first date that she hates boring boxed roses which alex remembered and so he gets her personalised bouquets with notes. and then this first polaroid that i stumbled upon on my blog is what i would like to end this whole journey on bc im not sure how else to end this on okay byyyyyyyyeeee xxxxx
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
bts in a group project
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The Leader. Or Main Speaker. Cause no one except him wanted to be one and also because he thinks its important and he deserves to be one and most importantly he won't let anyone ruin his project and his grade.
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He joined the group because the smart kid was in the group. Promises to provide support by bringing stationery. Charts, pens, scissors,sequins, sparkles, washi tape. (Most of which is pink btw) almost murders Taehyung who thought it would be funny to have a pen fight with his fluffy ended pink with lucky charms pen.
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Joined the group because frankly he hated all others. Surprisingly does his job. Rather neatly scoffs when everyone is surprised. Argues with Namjoon because Namjoon has a problem with the font he chooses.
'The others won't be able to read cursive.'
*scoffing* 'Illiteracy is not my problem.'
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The co-leader. Creates a group and adds everyone. Keeps everyone informed and in line. Very particular about the presentation/chart. Theme and aesthetic. Pretty chill. Loves listening to gossip when they hold 'team meetings'
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The one who supports Joon when he gets frustrated. Mood maker. Buys food/ drinks for everyone. Helps out whenever wherever. Helps in decorating the chart. Diligent.
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The one who believes in work smart not hard. Only works visibly aka helping when the teacher is watching. Had very grand undoable ideas. So nobody realises he actually had very little contribution to the whole thing.
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Got assigned research work. Put it off till the very last moment. Ended up developing a new obsession on a very niche interest that may or may not be related to the project.
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So I did a poll for the gifs which was going to be a tie except i pressed on funny bc I was curious midway.. thanks for everyone who voted. .. the theme is bts in glasses.. **highly underrated genre of bts 💜
Anyhow hope you enjoyed this little mind madness of mine
Permanent taglist : @mintsugarmy ; @exfolitae
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stilldancewithyou · 2 years
Conrad’s character has so much depth, it was astonishing how some people didn’t catch on that this current summer he’s different for a reason. The flashbacks and quotes from the moms displays how they’ve all noticed a difference in him. I mean this man literally walked into Belly’s room after their almost kiss and tapped junior mint on the nose. When it comes to belly, he really loses focus. I think he tries to do the right thing, but his emotions are too overbearing that he can’t make the right decision by her. He was also very apologetic, he kept apologizing to his loved ones, he’s not trying to be rude but it’s what’s easy for him.
Question: Do you think it was obvious how Conrad wanted to really take Belly to the ball or did he really ask her because Susannah asked him too? Because when she asked, he was surprised but he was trying to get out of it? Telling her to ask Jeremiah. I think he wanted to take her but he was not in the right headspace for all that. Because in ep 3 I believe, Conrad was trying to see if Belly asked Cam to be her escort, but the look on his face when Cam said belly hasn’t asked him yet. He looked so relieved. Also, it’s such an underrated scene, but when Belly got hit in the face at the bonfire… the way Conrad said her name and was just walking towards her… he cares about her well-being so much.
What was your favorite Belly/Conrad moment?
Yes!! I feel like some people didn't watch or read the same thing as me because I cannot figure out how they think he's just an asshole bad boy (if you want to see a character who is in fact just an asshole, read/watch After). They even showed little glimpses of Conrad being himself, the way he normally is. He was only moody and grumpy and a little mean in specific emotionally charged situations, and the biggest thing everyone was noticing was that he was withdrawn and not wanting to hang out with everyone or do that much (and they didn't really show him hanging out in his room alone away from everyone as much in the show). The only times he's actually mean are when Belly pushes him or gets mad at him or insults him first, and he ALWAYS feels really bad and immediately starts apologizing after he says something mean. He is an extremely thoughtful, gentle, kind sweetheart who just wants the best for everyone and to make everyone happy and take good care of them all (even Susannah). I think in some moments he thinks the right thing for everyone is to pull or push away or remove himself from the situation, and at times it was easier to be angry and walk away than have an honest emotional, vulnerable conversation about how he really feels.
I think he really did want to take Belly to the ball. I think he knew the entire time that he loved her and he knew what he wanted, he just didn't know how to express it or how to get it, and he didn't think he deserved what he wanted. He didn't think him being with Belly at that time was what was best for her. He wanted the ball to be special and meaningful for her. I think he wanted Belly to want him to take her on her own. He wanted her to make the choice herself, and he didn't want her to think he was only doing it for Susannah. I also think he was afraid to admit his feelings for her in general. Also at the same time, he saw she was happy with Cam and thought she was wanting Cam to be her escort (which she said she did) and I think Conrad thought if he were to ask her she probably wouldn't say no to him and he wanted her to explore things with Cam despite being jealous. I think he also was afraid of fucking things up for her if he was her escort. I think he was really hoping she would ask him herself. And at the same time, he wanted to make Susannah happy but was also mad at her for making him have to carry the burden of her being sick and didn't want to do what she wanted because of that. Plus he was trying SO hard to not let Susannah see that he knew about her cancer, and I think he feared if he started being vulnerable with Belly, all of that would come out. I think also they were trying to show that he thinks Jeremiah is better option for her from an emotional readiness stand point. Let's also remember even though he told Susannah he didn't want to, he DID ask her, and he could tell she wanted to say yes. Which was why he was so happy at the volleyball tournament. And when Susannah said "you know how much it would mean to her if it was you" you could tell Conrad was internally like "yeah ya got me there".
I have sooo many favorite Conrad and Belly moments. So I'll give you a little list of them.
The shower scene was one of my favorites for some reason. The way he was all nervous but also keenly aware she was drunk and he was trying so hard to hold back. Even when she was drunk he was nervous about admitting his feelings. and also when they were making margaritas
in the first episode when he was smoking by the pool while she was swimming. "What'll you give me if I do?" and also the bonfire thing. The way he was not fighting that hard but as soon she got hit he WENT OFF but was still super worried about her at the same time. and WHEN HE PLAYED WITH HER HAIR
the dancing flashback!!! it was sooo well done. like that man always loved her. he didn't care if Steven and Jere were annoyed with him, Belly needed him to dance with her so he was there. and the way they were both nervous and they were both having so much fun.
the way he was sooo nervous around her! "if you stay ready you won't have to get ready" "break a leg?". they really did a good showing how there were moments when he was ready to give in and really feeling the love he has for her but then at times he got sorta fake confident and a little sassy trying to fight his feelings
when he booped Junior Mint...I was deceased
the almost kiss!!!! so cute. and the anticipation of it, the way they both wanted it sooo bad but after the firework just nervously looked over when the other wasn't looking cause they wanted to kiss....she didn't have that type of energy with Jeremiah, she didn't want to kiss him that bad.
the way he asked her to the ball and was soooo nervous and shy about it, and then the volleyball tournament after that! when he said he did not want to play at all but the second Belly said I need you to sub in he didn't even hesitate. he knew exactly what she wanted him to do and he helped her win. and he was SOOOO happy playing with her despite being serious and focused on getting that win for her. Jeremiah just wanted to have fun with her, and he incorrectly assumed that was what Belly wanted too- but that's just the way he is, he likes to have fun and he thinks he knows Belly better than he does.
when they made the bed together!! "the bitch is here"
all of the angsty, pining stares between them that spoke ten thousand words without anything actually being said. THE EYE CONTACT
the deb ball! I was screaming, crying, gasping for breath. the unbroken eye contact, the way I loved you playing, the tension, the love between them. how pretty they looked together. Susannah and Laurel smiling like little kids about it. I'll admit i was scared it was gonna end with her being with Jeremiah but when Conrad stood up and danced with her I was sooo happy. AHHH THEY ARE SO IN LOVE. and then how nervous he was afterwards "i think i messed up a couple moves" CONRAD no sweet darling you were perfect. i think it really showed how he wanted that night to be perfect for her and it was! until Jeremiah came back and punched Conrad. but that's another subject. Also "I'm glad it was me" so am I Conrad, so am I
the kiss at the end! and the "i need you" "i do want you" "there's so many things i want to say". the way they looked at each other, like they both thought they were dreaming and couldn't believe it. and then he was so gentle and careful with her when they were kissing. like they didn't even need to get hot and heavy or super heated they were just amazed at the whole moment. he was putting his heart in her hands with that kiss, and giving himself to her and finally admitting he had feelings for her. also he looked really good on the beach in that tux with everything half undone
also the fact that he ran right to her with her clothes after Nicole told him what she did. he just rushed out there to pick her up, and he didn't give her shit for going with Jere or ask her to go with him. he was just like ok i deserve this. i feel like in that scene jeremiah kinda took advantage of the already emotional state she was in cause it had been a super eventful night and she was clearly upset when the boys pulled up.
when he went to the country club to see her after the 4th of July almsot kiss. and just how happy they both were that morning even though they never actually talked about how they felt, how they were both so nervous and unsure. I was like YOU ARE IN LOVE YOU IDIOTS. and the way he waved at her from the door!
Susannah wanting to see Belly in a white dress with Conrad had me in tears, happy and sad ones
okay, I think that covers it for now lol. I just love their dynamic. I'm a sucker for the "the person I've loved my whole life loves me back" trope. it gives me so much hope and happiness.
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
(Same, I wasn’t much into the animation at first, but I quickly got attached to Ahsoka. I don’t know how many times I’ve said to my screen “she’s a child!” while watching. That always made me mad, too. Echo has always been a favorite of mine, especially after watching the first few episodes of season 7. I really like Kix, too, even though he has so little screen time. I think they did Fox dirty by not exploring his character more! There was so much that they could’ve done but that never happened and that’s frustrating! I think that about a lot of the clones, too, tbh, but Fox is so underrated)
[He smiles softly, "I could never grow tired of you," he says softly. And completely honestly. Grain reaches up and lightly brushes his fingers against your cheek and then he gently places his hand flat against your cheek, a painfully affectionate smile crossing his face, "I worry that you'll be alone at the end," he admits, "That you'll have to bury us, and then you'll be alone. I don't want that for you. You might be happier somewhere else, serving, helping, in other ways. But I'm a greedy man, and I don't want you to leave."]
I place my hand on his, holding it to my cheek and gently kiss his palm. “Good, cause I mean it. You can’t get rid of me.” I smile. I use my other hand to gently run my fingers through his hair soothingly to try and ease his pain. “I know that’s a possibility. And I don’t care how likely that outcome may be. If in the future all I have are memories of you, I’ll treasure those memories until I reunite with you again.” I start to slowly shake my head and say “I wouldn’t be happier anywhere else. Not volunteering somewhere else and not living a safe life on some remote planet away from the war. So be greedy, Grain. Be greedy and keep me here with you.” I laugh flatly. “Because I’m greedy, too.” I lean down and kiss his forehead affectionately.
-💋 anon
Ooh, Cal is like 12 when Order 66 goes out and it just infuriates me. He's a baby. He doesn't belong there! At least Ahsoka is 17 when the Order goes out. But they're just babies! And they put Ahsoka in a tube top when she's first introduced! She's 14! In the middle of a war! It's both wildly inappropriate and wildly dangerous!
Grain leans into your touch, "Not gone merely marching ahead," he murmurs quietly. And then he smiles up at you, "I probably don't deserve you, mesh'la. But I'm so glad that you chose me. And that you keep choosing me." He admits quietly. His eyes close for a moment, and he slowly releases a breath, "Thank you for staying, my love. Thank you for caring for me. For my brothers. Just...thank you."
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zoeology31 · 1 year
The MLB season is well underway and I’m back into the seasonal swing of baseballposting! The Twins have invented new and unusual ways of being confusing and frustrating this year, so let’s not talk about that. Instead, here is a complete team of all my favorite non-Twins current players.
C: Salvador Pérez Holds the single season home run record for a catcher, was an integral part of both Royals World Series runs, and balled out in the WBC this year. Probably not a Hall of Famer, but my perception of his ability is certainly skewed by the fact that he wrecks the Twins every year.
1B: Vladimir Guerrero Jr. How is this guy still only 24??? A true generational talent (literally) and he knows it. One of the most fun power hitters to watch in MLB, and his other tools are a lot better than most in that profile. Also mad respect for his eternal hatred of the Yankees, I live vicariously through that.
2B: José Altuve A really stand-up guy and the beloved face of a franchise that’s been through a lot, only some of its own making. A ridiculously consistent .300 hitter, now with some leadoff home run power too, and even has an outside shot at 3,000 hits. I’d love to see him get there, he deserves it.
3B: Eugenio Suárez Good vibes only! I love his energy, I feel like he contributes so much to the Mariners’ great team culture. A true TTO player and has probably one of the lesser known 49-homer seasons, definitely underrated overall. Also, really good hair.
SS: Francisco Lindor My favorite player on Cleveland and I am very glad he’s elsewhere now so I can root for him wholeheartedly. Super well rounded player with a ton of baseball style and personal style. Another guy who balled out in the WBC, his inside-the-park home run was absolutely electric.
LF: Randy Arozarena Big Game Randy! It was crazy watching his run in the 2020 playoffs, and then he went and became a Mexican folk hero. The man is pure concentrated highlight reel, from stealing home in the 2021 ALDS to the crazy catches in the WBC, and with plenty of swagger to boot.
CF: Julio Rodríguez New face of baseball, anyone? He’s really got it all: talent, charisma, looks, athleticism, youthful energy, ambition, team loyalty, branding. Plus showing out at the Home Run Derby, challenging Mike Trout’s rookie records, and breaking the playoff drought. Yeah, he’s got a bright future with those Mariners.
RF: Juan Soto A ridiculously min-maxed combo of power and plate discipline that makes his numbers seem unreal. Super fun to watch at the plate with the swag and the patented shuffle. Plus he's got the Narratives of being forged on a World Series winner and traded to a superteam in his prime.
DH: Yordan Álvarez Just ridiculously good. Hits for unbelievable power and solid average, and already has a laundry list of all-time iconic moments. A historic walkoff and a World Series winning home run in the same postseason, and that's not even the year he won ALCS MVP.
SP: Max Scherzer A consistently great pitcher who finally stopped being underrated as a centerpiece of a great Nationals team with a storybook World Series run. Classic super intense SP but in a fun way and not an asshole way. Also a players' union leader for years, we love a workers’ rights king.
SP: Shohei Ohtani Top 20 hitter. Top 10 pitcher. No comparison. He’s also a superstar in Japan to a magnitude baseball hasn’t seen in the US in decades, and lives up to the hype with charisma, leadership, and the clutch gene. Also him closing out the WBC by striking out Mike Trout was so freaking badass.
SP: Framber Valdez A model of consistency for pitching, with a distinctive skillset and also fashion sense. The most square shaped man in baseball. He’s gone from an inspirational backstory to a true Cy Young caliber pitcher and an absolute stopper in the playoffs, also proof that Therapy Works.
SP: Sandy Alcántara A throwback to the days when they let pitchers throw until their arms fell off, except his doesn’t, and he’s still elite. There’s something so satisfying about complete games, and he’s the guy for ‘em. Also a great leader for Miami’s young rising pitching staff.
SP: Luis Castillo An underrated guy who’s very good at what he does and a giant slayer against tough lineups. The perfect ace for one of baseball’s best pitching staffs, with his immediate commitment to the team and the Mariners’ culture. Also his strikeout fist pump is super cute.
RP: Edwin Díaz Just absolutely dominant last year, completing his redemption arc under the NYC spotlights. His entrance song and the hype around it has done wonders for growing the game and kickstarting an incredibly fun trend. Super passionate and upbeat guy too, wishing him the best in his recovery.
RP: Andrés Muñoz Oh look, another Mariner! I love guys who throw heat and are effective with it. Super young guy with a ton of potential, would love to see him and Duran battling it out for reliever of the year for years to come.
RP: Emmanuel Clase I can somewhat respect the game of a division rival, and Clase is as good as it gets. Any AL Central team that goes into the 9th trailing knows the game is already over. He’s Mariano Rivera-esque with that dominant cutter, and his save in the All-Star Game was absolutely electric.
RP: Devin Williams If you throw the best pitch of its kind in baseball and have a cool name for it, you’re automatically so badass. He’s pretty underrated being on the same team as Josh Hader for 2.5 years, but as the primary closer and with a handful of accolades already, I expect that to change.
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ghostie-hoe · 2 years
I want to begin this post by celebrating the nostalgia of being on Tumblr back when the original show was airing, when I genuinely thought Aria was A and wanted her to be, when I hated Ezra and Ezria with a deep passion, when I was right about Cece Drake. It’s been incredible to come back on here and theorise once again because I forgot just how much I enjoy that. If you’ve been here since the beginning, Thank you.
When I first heard about PLL Original Sin my expectations were extremely low. How could I put myself through another Marlene King show? Even worse, how could I watch something else by the creator of Riverdale. Haven’t I learned?.. I decided to just watch it in satire, fully expecting to hate it as far as reboots usually go. However, those feelings were quickly derailed when introduced to these loveable - bad ass girls. I was instantly attached to Imogen above all. Something about Bailee’s acting just hit the nail on the head for me and there are SO many moments where I wanted to shout GIVE THIS GIRL AN EMMY OR SOMETHING, SOME KIND OF AWARD. She is such an underrated actress who I believe deserves so much MORE praise. She really blew me away this season. I loved her friendship with Tabby and I was silently rooting for them to become more than friends. Although, I’m not disappointed by the lack of sapphic reveal between them. They have such GOOD chemistry and a special bond that’s shared between best friends and that’s good enough for me. So many heartwarming moments between them such as when they share their trauma and figure out that maybe their sexual assaults are connected and then how they come together and confront Chip, that entire scene broke my heart. The way Imogen confesses to being hurt, the way Tabby tells him that she doesn’t feel safe in the world, that he stole from her. This scene was done so beautifully. Although, I was mad that Chip was let out on bail but then that quickly changed when Archie escaped the hospital to possibly murder him. On the topic of Archie, I don’t think we’ve met him yet. Unless, he is Wes. Wes is my only suspect for Archie. If not Wes, we haven’t met Archie yet which I kind of like that concept because it opens the door to Season 2 which HBO needs to green light NOW. My hopes for the potential next season is for us to be revealed Archie, to know more about who he is and why he has “a face only a mother could love.” I want to know what became of Rose Waters, I want to know how the whole Tom and Chip Thing plays out in the end. My head is empty for what mysteries could take place next because I’m still shaking from that incredible episode.
I’d say Marlene learned her lesson. This reveal made so much sense and it left no room for plot holes unlike Charlotte Drake and Alex. The original truly has so many plot holes and I was expecting such a lacklustre reveal for this one but it just MADE SENSE. I’m not questioning anything other than WHAT DOES ARCHIE LOOK LIKE. A revenge plot is very slasher movie style and I love how they weren’t afraid to go there with this show. The old show just wasn’t dark enough until we get to the dollhouse. Can we appreciate the game A set up for them to punish their bullies?! It was very dollhouse era and I was CHEERING.
Ugh, I could’ve done without the Ezra and Aria adopting Imogen’s baby situation. I don’t want to personally hear about them, I’m still mad they got the big wedding and Ezra suffered no consequences for stalking and grooming an underage girl. Tell me about Spencer and Toby or Hanna and Caleb instead. Still, Aria wanted a baby and she deserved to have one, even if it just had to be with Ezra. I got stuck here, that anger just bubbled back to the surface and the potential murder of Chip and Tom having to pay for his crimes really doesn’t make up for that. Another thing I could’ve done without was merging Riverdale and Pretty Little Liars into the same universe typically because Riverdale is a crack dream and I’m 99.9% sure the show runners and writers are on shrooms when they create episodes so let’s not forget this show exists in the same universe as parallel universes, ghosts and witchcraft. And somehow our world is also connected to this - a comment made about Cole Sprouse. Blissfully, I’m going to ignore this and treat it as a throw in for the Riverdale fans.
I saw a few people not liking the teen pregnancy storyline for Imogen and I typically don’t care for that trope as a whole because all my favourite shows seem to do it and it’s just not interesting to me personally. However, the way it was done just made sense. Imogen took risks and put herself under severe stress because she was raped and she’d also lost her mother in that small space of time. It wouldn’t be uncommon for her to not show that she cares about herself (that’s that on trauma). Did the pregnancy add anything to the over all show? Not really. But am I mad about the storyline and the way it was executed? Not at all. In fact, she was so BAD ASS in the fight to the death scene with Archie, the way he lifts her up and strangled her and she kicks him. She truly floored him while in labour with her baby. We need to just rave about that scene in general, it was very old horror movie. I love how they showed the accuracy of human survival in a very Laurie/Sidney way, the body can endure all of that and the person will get up again and again to fight for survival. I personally enjoy that in horror movies.
Let’s cover my recent theories and what I was right about this time around. I speculated that Kelly and Karen did an early twin swap and that the born Karen was murdered and Kelly took her name back. The twin swap did not play out, Kelly is Kelly. In theory, this all made much more sense with a Cassie and Lexi sister shadow concept. We can see that Tom favoured Karen and even went as far to say that he would rather Karen was alive instead if it had to be one of them. Everyone seemed to favour Karen from the dance teacher, to her parents to the kids at school. It’s no wonder Kelly tried to fill her shoes when she died while being in pain that she lost her twin sister. I speculated that Chip was the one who raped both Tabby and Imogen. He was too nice in the beginning until his character started to become creepy and give off incel vibes. That’s when I was like, girls stop looking at the football team and look to the ‘nice guy.’ you trusted. This was such a powerful scene, the courage Tabby and Imogen had to confront him and ask him why he betrayed them like that. It was beautiful and we got to see A’s motives clearly when he spared them and ran after Chip. So let’s talk about A and his motives and Angela Waters.
I speculated that Wes was Angela’s brother who was doing all the heavy work to get revenge for his sisters suicide. I thought that his intentions were purely to avenge Angela and hurt all the people who hurt her. I couldn’t think of anything that the mums could’ve done past generally being awful friends to Angela that we can see in their treatment of her (I.e the Halloween thing, the drugs thing). And I thought she was raped by Tom and then gave birth to his baby before the Y2K party and that baby was Chip who did the A work, the brains of the operation. We now know that Tom did in fact rape Angela but she wasn’t pregnant with his baby. Her high emotions at the Y2K party were a byproduct of the bullying from the moms of which was the result of Angela’s rape confession. It broke my heart the way these girls got an entire school to ghost another student, one who is supposed to be their friend, to make her feel invisible. That would drive anyone crazy. My heart broke for Angela that night. We also found out that Principal Clayton is the brains behind A and Angela’s father and that she has a secret brother called Archie who we don’t get to see (‘a face only a mother could love.’). They were both avenging the daughter/sister they lost and taking it upon themselves to punish bullies (which the moms were). This entire reveals leaves no room for plot holes, it just makes sense. I didn’t see the Angela and Mouse’s mom relationship coming, but I suppose it makes sense why she goes to the group for missing kids. She’s projecting her guilt into a bigger cause. I love that Imogen could acknowledge the mother who bullied and drove Angela to suicide and her own image of who her mother became. In this cancel culture society (of which I don’t take part in) it’s refreshing to see a young person being able to see the duality of a human being, being able to know that her mother was an awful teenager but she was also a loving mother and still choosing to love her and miss her.
Now let’s talk about the parallels. First of all, Archie is a very Mona type A. His motive aligns with the Mona terminology. Mona walked so Archie could run with a knife. Of course the brilliantly done party scenes where someone dies (I.e Angela’s suicide and Karen’s’ murder). Angela going down for Noa’s moms drugs and Noa going down for her mothers drugs. Tom raping Angela and Chip raping Tabby and Imogen. Twin jealousy (Spencer and Alex, Karen and Kelly). Secret sibling who torments the girls (Charlotte and Archie).
Now let’s talk about the casting and diversity. The casting is absolutely perfect because out of our main girls only one of them is white. PLL was a very white centric show and most of the POC characters were killed off. Whereas in this one, we haven’t yet had a POC death and we have multiple characters. I will say, there wasn’t enough LGBTQ+ like sure we have Mouse’s mothers and we later find out that Angela also lands on that spectrum but that’s not obvious, it wasn’t obvious to me that she was in a secret relationship. In the original we had Emily and Alison, Maya and Emily.. Emily and more girls. Why couldn’t one of the main girls be bi or lesbian? My money was on Tabby and I hope they explore that in season 2.
Karen was such a lacklustre mean girl. She wouldn’t survive in a room with Alison and Mona. Even the mums were more convincing mean girls than Karen. Twins are hard to do well, and I don’t think the actress was the best at it in comparison to Lindsey Lohan in the parent trap (But tbh Troian was worse at it). That was until her scenes in the final episodes. I loved Kelly in the end.Maia (Noa) gave me such Hailey Kiyiko acting vibes which I loved. I wasn’t fully convinced by Mouses’s actress in the beginning. And of course our queen, the standing ovation goes to Miss Bailee Madison. She was truly the stand out for me and reminds me of a young Drew Barrymore. I need more things with Bailee in. Everything she’s done, she’s done it well, even as a child.
Overall, I loved the show and found it very bingeable. I look forward to a possible second season. Although, I don’t know what other direction this could go other than Archie’s face reveal.
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destroyyaa · 1 year
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#more strawbs for you 💖💖 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓���🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
My Top Posts in 2022:
supernatural! unless someone asked that then devil may cry!
Oh I am absolutely doing both lmao ok first, supernatural:
Blorbo (favourite character, character I think about the most):
Dean… I will always be a dean girl ahsjshskakk
Scrunkly (my baby, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Castiel, absolute angelic himbo
Scrimblo bimblo (underrated/under appreciated fave):
Jo, I’m still so mad she died omg 😭😭😭😭 and Kevin 💖💖💖
Glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
ADAM! my boy deserves justice I’m glad he came back for like the final few episodes ;w;
Poor little meow meow (problematic/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Balthazar, Gabriel or just like any of the original angel crew from seasons 4/5
Horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Sam… I just really don’t like him the later seasons made him so boring :(((
Eeby deeby (character I would send to super hell):
Metatron, I couldn’t stand him from the first moment he was on screen blech also John Winchester, all my homies hate John Winchester
Next up, devil may cry:
Blorbo (favourite character, character I think about the most):
reboot Dante, like actually obsessed with him…. He’s been living rent free in my head since January 2013 💖💖💖💖❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤🖤🖤🧡🧡💚💜💛💚💙💙💜🤎🤎❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡💛💚💜💙💜🤎🤎❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💝💝💘💘💓💗💞💞💝♥️♥️❣️💕❣️❣️❣️
Scrunkly (my baby, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Kat and lady and Trish just all 3,,,,, so fucking good
Scrimblo bimblo (underrated/under appreciated fave):
Nico! As much as dmc5 kinda bored me in parts nico was the right level of unhinged love her 💖💖💖
Glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Eva! From both the reboot and original series she just really wanted to protect her kids ;w;
Poor little meow meow (problematic/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Dmc3 specific Vergil, he is my fave lil moody asshole
Horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Jester….(is his name jester I can’t fuckin remember the clown from dmc3 lol)
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3 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
I got 5 teeth pulled on Friday and all I've wanted to eat the whole time is fish
3 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
I was tagged by the ever lovely @dontcryonmyporch ! Thank you for the tag
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3 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Oh the Americans aren't getting today's wordle
7 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Have a Joey
14 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
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girlbob-boypants · 2 years
Top five uhhh of your final fantasy faves .Or top five fruits owo .
Well my top 5 ff faves ARE frui-- 💥🔫
This one is going under a readmore cause i love shb so much and there's so many spoilers
Top 5 ff faves
1. Ysayle my wife Ysayle. Have you met my wife Ysayle she deserved so much more than she got and I really don't know where to begin. I am so mad we'll never get to explore her relationship with the primal she created or see her work with Aymeric to create better relationships with Ishgard. also her sotmd mod fucking SLAPS
2. Alisaie my daughter light of my life. I love her, she's the best part of stormblood and her character is just so good. Her arc and her navigating being the fighter and having strong emotions but feeling like she'll never live up to her brother cause she's not the same kind of skilled he is. Augh. Also her and her brother...trans. in all ways at once.
3. Arenvald. Underrated and underutilized. SE made a character whos entire thing was "I wish I was like you, the main character, but I'm an average person" and then also created a potential story about being biracial and squandered all of it. I'd give him my organs if he asked but he's too polite for that.
4. Ryne. My other daughter who deserves the world. Canonically dating a goth queen and I really wish she'd gotten to talk more about her feelings but unfortunately a lot of that time was taken up by Thancred (who while I enjoy did not deserve to have all of Ryne's story be about his feelings instead of hers regardless of his manpain). But the moment with her where she talks with the wol in the faerie territory on the cliff and then the AMAZING eldritch horror moment with Titania right after...ugh. forever fave
5. Feo Ul. God. Okay. When I first met them I wasn't convinced that they'd be good for the story but the writers really managed to balance their fascination with mortals and their being a fae who can only live in the moment. The strange mix of being otherworldly and yet still caring about the wol fucks me up. I cried when they offered me their crown
Honorable mention: Lyna because I love underdeveloped characters more than I should but you have no idea how much I loved the moment when she tried to stand and collapsed and talked about her survivors guilt and the burden of leadership. Also I want her to confess she's old as fuck cause her race lives standard elf lifespans
Top 5 fruit
1. Blueberries. She is the moment. By themselves, in desserts, in smoothies. I love blueberries
2. Mango. Duh.
3. Strawberries. I'm a big berry fan actually
4. Raspberries.
5. Dragon fruit. Rarely get to have it but i love the flavor in things. Especially with mango.
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