#he just adores ice skating in general I think
writerfae · 7 months
I am not sure if you're fully back yet, so you don't have to answer, but:
I think Knights of the Alder going ice skating would be hilarious!
Who would be great at it?
Who looks like a new born deer?
Who is afraid of falling through the ice?
Hello! I’ll admit, I have kind of given up on trying to stay away this month xD So you can consider me fully back, yeah at least on this blog
My kids going ice skating would be fun indeed!
Aiden would be great at it! He’s a natural, haha. Him and his brother learned ice skating on the frozen pond in their village and he looks forward to doing that every year! He can even do tricks
Callan is quite good at it, too. Modern au Callan did ballet as a child, so he’s got an advantage. Plus he’s a very elegant person and that shows in his skating, too. Definitely can do a pirouette on ice.
Henry is quite a solid ice skater. He can’t do any fancy tricks like his brother but he’s steady on the ice. However, in modern au he rarely ice skates (only if Callan and Aiden talk him into it), because he prefers the small pond of his childhood home over the crowded ice rinks they have in the city.
Talon absolutely sucks at ice skating. He’s cursing half the time and you can find him either at the very side of the rink or clinging to Aiden like his life depends on it. Though maybe he’s being a bit more dramatic than necessary to get Aiden’s attention
Halea is very bad at first and kisses the ice more than once but she’s very determined and also she thinks ice skating is fun so she practiced a lot with Aiden and is now quite good at it too.
Maya can ice skate, but she’s a bit unsure cause being on ice makes her a bit nervous. She always needs some sort of backup near, not cause she would need it, but to calm her nerves. Preferably the railing or a person she trusts.
When they go ice skating together, Aiden (if he doesn’t have to tend to Talon for once that is) often links his arm with her so they can skate together, because he knows she likes that better than doing it on her own.
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gumycandyyy · 9 months
୨♡ Winter King HCS ♡୧
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I am ashamed of tumblr for not making more fanfic of this funky fruit.
We got some general HCS and then some romantic ones under the cut! (I went a little overboard with the romantic ones, hehe!)
୨♡ General ♡୧
-Man's self care routine is off the charts
-I'm serious, he has like- 80 different bubble bath concoctions.
-Smells like mint
-or some kind of cold scent.
-I feel like he loves dressing up fancy, so he has a closet full of sparkly suits
-maybe even some dresses if he's feeling special.
-Doesn't actually need to wear glasses, he just likes how they look.
-While he loves his winter wonder world, I feel like he'd enjoy rainy weather more than snow.
-He got rid of all his madness and sadness, yes, but I think he'd cry at something especially cute. Happy tears, y'know?
"Why are you crying, sir? Are you okay?" "Oh, it's nothing. *sniff* Just those two rabbits that are cuddling."
-He is really bad at any percussion instrument
-like.. REALLY bad.
-His hands are too delicate for such a garish instrument as the drums!
-He loves playing duets on the piano, but rarely has anyone to play with.
-I mean, he could always concoct up an ice creature to play piano with him, but that's honestly quite dull.
-His favorite movie would probably be an old Christmas movie, like It's a Wonderful Life.
-He gets kidnapped by the Candy Queen so often, that occasionally he brings a book or something snuggly to help him wait for his ice scouts to rescue him.
-He once got so bored while kidnapped that he tried to read to some of the mutilated candy people
-That was the last time he saw his favorite book.
-Safe to say he doesn't bring his favorites anymore.
୨♡ Romantic ♡୧
-Will literally spoil his love interest rotten.
-You want that thing you saw earlier?
-Consider it yours
-You'd like for it to snow outside?
-A sprinkle or a blizzard?
-Literally anything, this man will go to the ends of the universe to get you what you'd like.
-Love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch
-probably acts of service too.
-Loves dancing.
-Loves dancing.
-Whether it be a slow dance or ice-skating, he will take every opportunity to dance with you!
-He adores short people.
-Good, because he's tall as a giant.
-if you're shorter than him, he will no doubt use you as an armrest.
-He always makes remarks on how cute you are.
-Even if you're only two inches shorter than him.
-If you're taller...
-hoo boy.
-Expect him to be all over you.
-figuratively and literally.
-Will want you to carry him everywhere, sit in your lap, rest against you, whatever.
-Just let him touch you.
-He'll talk about how strong you are, how you'd be the perfect chair, etc. etc.
-He does the stupid "How's the weather up there?" jokes.
-Loves your body, no matter what it looks like.
-You're skinny?
-You're easy to carry around and dance with.
-You're chubby or fat?
-Literally will always be holding onto or resting on part of you. He loves squishy people.
-Somewhere in the middle?
-He could not care less. He loves you regardless of what you look like.
-And he makes sure to emphasize his point by complimenting you endlessly.
-He will never leave your side.
-Even if you need space, he doesn't.
-So why wouldn't you?
-Back to our regularly scheduled fluff-
-Candy Queen hates your guts.
-She thinks you're an obstacle, keeping her from the Winter King.
-No doubt tries to kill you.
-Multiple times. a day
-Her plans are always foiled, but if she gets too close to genuinely hurting you, Winter will be so upset.
"Oh, Dearest, please tell me you're okay!" "You are?" "Phew. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt in any way."
-His petnames for you are probably
-My love,
-There are a lot more, but those are the main ones.
-LOVES kissing you.
-Anytime, any way.
-He finds it adorable when his nose bumps your face.
-Favorite place to kiss would probably be the back of your hand.
-He is a gentleman after all.
-Overall, he just adores you.
-And he sincerely hopes you love him just as much as he does you.
Headcanon requests are open for Winter King! Don't be afraid to send an ask, and be shameless! I know I am! (No smut tho. Some spice is okay, however.)
Have some free WK art for coming this far!
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reblog for a beginner writer?
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triptychgrip · 9 days
Viktor's potential insecurity in the aftermath of Yuuri's poster reveal
As much as I absolutely adore YOI, one thing I would have killed for the creators to show us is the long-term aftermath of the moment (or perhaps, series of moments) where Viktor grasps just how big a fan Yuuri is. And not only even for humor reasons (i.e."Wow, Yuuri! Not even my publicist is able to get their hands on that poster, but you have four different copies!), but also because, depending on when it occurs, the discovery might pose a sort of crisis for Viktor.
Because as confident as he is with regards to the ice, as he and Yuuri begin to spend more and more time together outside of training, I imagine he might find himself confronting a pretty important question: what does he have to offer in terms of personality, and in general besides his skating talent, or the association that comes from his reputation (and, by extension, the longevity of his career)?
While the beach scene is hugely important for the progression of their relationship, you could argue that it's a beginning: when Yuuri tells him that he wants Viktor to be himself, it's from a place of saying "you don't have to pretend, show me who you really are", so Viktor may feel that while Yuuri truly wants to see his full personality, it doesn't necessarily mean he will be accepting of it.
To be clear: I think that Viktor can grasp that Yuuri accepts him for his flaws -- after all, it's pretty apparent that he forgives him when he royally screws up at the Cup of China in that damned parking garage. But accepting someone's flaws and being able to celebrate their positive traits are two different things, even when they are opposite sides of the same coin.
Speaking of the Cup of China (which, don't get me wrong, has me completely in my feels every time I watch that episode), while it's extremely powerful when they both express their feelings for one another via skating, sometimes actual words are needed when it comes to assuaging our insecurities. At some point (and when would this have occurred? I wish we could have seen!) Viktor probably needs concretization around the things that Yuuri perceives about him, good and bad.
Back to the poster reveal. Once Viktor realizes the extent of Yuuri's fanboying, part of me wonders if his thoughts might take a turn in the vein of "What if Yuuri thinks my career is the most interesting thing about me? And "What if the other parts of me aren't palatable enough outside of that?"
When they have the inevitable "come to Jesus" conversation(s) whereby Yuuri tries to articulate that he sees Viktor as more than just an idol on a pedestal, how might Viktor react, and would he be able to take Yuuri's words at face-value? Similarly to Yuuri's journey of realizing that he is more than worthy in Viktor's eyes, I think Viktor goes on a parallel one, and those moments of reassurance are something I really love ideating around.
I think this is part of why I get so much comfort out of writing post-canon/established Viktuuri, particularly in my married Viktuuri Olympic Games series: it gives me a bit more freedom to "move" and portray some of the security they've developed with time (and allows me to imagine some scenarios where Yuuri is able to verbally demonstrate how much he values Viktor in a way that is unrelated to the ice)
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Couples Skate
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~600 Rating/Warnings: general, pointless fluff A/N: Thanks for the request @thosehallowedhalls 💖
Synopsis: Olivia takes Bryce ice skating.
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"I thought you said you knew what you were doing?" His tone hovered between a question and a statement, his amusement evident.
"I said as a child I enjoyed ice skating." She brushed the loose strands of red hair away from her rosy cheeks, taking care to release those stuck to her Chapstick-coated lips. "It's been a while." She readjusted her hat, standing tall as she regained her composure. She stepped away from the railing at the side of the rink, letting the sharp blades of her skates glide across the ice as she once more attempted to skate. She breathed easier as she slid successfully across the glassy surface. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was coming back to her. She had her balance and moved with growing ease. As she circled the rink, she came to an almost too abrupt stop before him. 
"See—" Her infectious smile spread wide across her features. "I told you I could do it! Just like riding a bike." 
"If you say so," he extended his arm, drawing her closer. "You looked beautiful, by the way." 
"Thank you," Olivia tipped her head in pride. "Now, your turn." 
"Oh—" His hand rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm okay here."
"Come on," she laced her fingers with his. "I'll be there the whole time." 
His brow arched, teasingly he replied. "Is that supposed to comfort me?"
"Hey!" Her hands pressed against his chest as she playfully pushed him away, causing them both to wobble on the slippery ice. "Ahh!" She regained her footing just in time to steady him. "See. I've got you."
"And I appreciate that, but I'm fine here," Bryce offered, reaching for the side of the rink.
"You're telling me that super surfer and cardiac surgeon extraordinaire Bryce Lahela is afraid of ice skating?" She teased, her gaze sweeping over the space. "If the children can do it, so can you."
"And as lovely as the children are, that's more your element," Bryce noted, hoping to distract her. 
"You're not getting off that easily. One lap!" She decided, offering her hand again. Her smile faltered slightly, "Besides, I thought you wanted to come?"
"I came for the legendary hot chocolate you promised," he replied with a smirk.
"Well, there's only one way to secure yourself a cup of that delicious hot chocolate. The one with the extra whipped cream and cinnamon on top—" She guided him forward gently. "One lap, and if you still want to leave, we can."
"Okay," he agreed hesitantly, letting go of the railing. "Lead the way."
Slowly, the pair rounded the ice—once, twice, thrice—their confidence and laughter growing with each pass. 
As they completed lap after lap, Bryce's initial apprehension melted away. It wasn't surfing by any means, but it wasn't as bad as he expected. With Olivia by his side, he'd happily skate through the night, even if the children surrounding them were faster and had more than a few tricks to show off. 
"Enjoying yourself?" She bumped him gently.
"With you?" He squeezed her hand softly. "How could I not?"
She pressed a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Wanna get that hot chocolate now?" 
"It can wait," he replied to his own astonishment. "I think I'm getting the hang of this." 
"Easy now," Olivia warned. "Don't get too cocky. I'd hate to see you embarrass yourself in front of the adorable children."
"You know I'd even make falling look good." He wagged his brow.
"Why don't I doubt that," she teased, "but let's see if we can both stay upright."
"I think that can be arranged.... for now!" With a wink and a devilish grin, he guided them forward, the pair gliding across the ice, hand in hand, an unforgettable couples skate.
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If you made it this far thanks. This is just some pointless fluff of these two enjoying a date early in their relationship.
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Always and Whatever Comes Next
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: ~600 Rating: General: no warnings, just fluff Prompts: ice skating: @choicesficwriterscreations & @choicesholidays
Synopsis: Alex finally has a chance to teach Thomas how to ice skate.
This precious art of my forever OTP is by the amazing @weetlebeetle! Look at how adorable they look!!! I will never get enough of Neb's chibis!
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There weren't many opportunities like this one, and Alex was determined to make the most of it. It was no secret she loved the snow. She somehow convinced Thomas to even have a winter wedding in Lake Tahoe. The glistening snow. The brisk, refreshing air. The feel of the cool wind on your rosy cheeks. Alex loved it all. She loved California, but she would always miss winter, a true winter.
Even with the snow she enjoyed during their many trips to Lake Tahoe in their years together, finding a frozen lake for ice skating wasn't something that happened often. It took a very specific set of circumstances and a whole lot of winter magic, but here they were. It was a small lake south of South Tahoe, but it was gorgeous. The sun glittered against its icy surface. It was everything she hoped it would be. 
Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she stood from the rock on the lake's shore on which they had been sitting to put on their skates. "Are you ready?" 
"Not even remotely," he stated apprehensively, remaining where he sat.
"It'll be great. I'm right here." Alex gave his hand a gentle squeeze as she attempted to usher him forward.
Thomas glanced at the shimmering surface with uncertainty. "I wouldn't want to hold you back."
"You never could do that." Alex took his other hand in hers, gently guiding him to his feet. She helped steady him as he got his footing, standing on his skates. "You can do this! We can do it—together."
He took a tentative step forward toward the frozen lake. With the safety of her beside him as his anchor, he continued steadily.
"I won't let go," Alex reassured him, her thumb brushing tenderly along his hand. "I'm right here."
With cautious steps, Thomas ventured onto the ice, wobbling almost immediately. His legs flailed out to the sides, threatening imminent disaster, but Alex's steady guidance kept him upright.
"Okay, just follow my lead," she encouraged, directing him with gentle patience. "Just like that." 
They glided in unison, Alex's effortless grace a stark contrast to Thomas's stumbling attempts. Even still, their laughter echoed across the frozen expanse as they carved paths on the ice.
"Just keep holding on," Thomas insisted, his grip tightening around Alex's hand. "Don't let go."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Her warm lips brushed a tender kiss on his cool cheek. "You're stuck with me, Mr. Hunt."
"I can think of far worse fates," he teased.
"You mean like if I let you go?" She wagged her brow playfully, pretending to loosen her grip on his arm.
"No." He shook his head to the sides, his faith that she wouldn't let him fall remained unwavering despite her feigned threat. "Losing you, not having met you—a life without you—that would be the worst fate I could imagine." 
She guided them to a halt, the warm sun tickling their rosy faces. "I'm not going anywhere. This is where I belong." Her fingers traced the strong lines of his jaw. "This is where you belong." She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. "Together—this is where we belong. Now and always." 
"Always." His lip twitched up into a soft smile. "That sounds like a good start."
"A start? What comes after always?"
"I don't know, but whatever it is, I hope I'll find it with you." 
"Always and whatever comes next," Alex pondered, but her words were lost on his lips as he drew her in for a slow and lingering kiss. 
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This is not edited so please forgive any mistakes. I got inspired to write this little snippet so I wanted to share it before I second guess myself and delete it.
Thank you for reading! I always appreciate any support for this couple. They will always have the most special spot in my heart!
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akkunloverteehee · 1 year
Okay, first post, deep breaths. Hi, hello, I came up with these very spontaneously and they’ve been bugging me so much, I had to get them out of my system so here they are. P.S. I haven’t finished reading Tokyo Revengers, in fact I’m wayyyy behind from finishing it but still, I love this boy to death so I hope you enjoy this silly brainrot, I'm so normal about him hahaha <3
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General headcanons:
I feel like Akkun’s an absolute neat-freak. His room is always way too organized and tidy. His wardrobe is probably color-coded and everything.
Takes extremely good care of his hair. In fact, he’s so ‘protective’ of his hair, he never gets it cut or trimmed by anyone but himself.
Hair gel? What’s that? No, he wants his hair to be ✨authentic✨
Yep, boy owns tons of little trinkets to accessorize his hair. 
Definitely sings in the shower, hands down. 
Though, speaking of that, maybe he prefers baths over showers. 
He doesn’t use cologne, only smells of soap, shampoo, and fabric softener. 
His scent is a mix of cinnamon, lemon, and wildflowers. 
Prefers riding his bike to go literally anywhere, unless it’s very far away, that is. The perfect weather to ride his bike would be when it’s breezy, but not cold, like the spring breeze. 
I dunno why but why do I feel like he’s definitely a lactose intolerant? 
Lactose intolerant but likes ice cream too much. 
He can handle eating spicy food but prefers sweeter meals. 
The moms tend to be really fond of him. I feel like he can be quite the people-pleaser when he wants to, so if visiting a friend's house, he'll try to help set the table and even insist on washing the dishes. Plus, good table manners.
He listens to classic rock music and metallica, I personally think he'd love AC/DC a lot - just picture him skating around, headphones on, bopping his head to 'Back In Black' .
Headcanons with reader as his S/O (gender-neutral):
Believe it or not, Akkun is quite the romantic guy. 
The type to be an absolute gentleman, treat you like you’re the centre of his universe, but also let-loose and have fun with you all the same. 
He’ll constantly try to make you laugh - makes a fool of himself with awful jokes but you love him for trying so much. 
Hugs you lots <3 There’s never a shortage of hugs with him. 
His favorite places to kiss you are your cheeks or forehead. He’ll get adorably bashful when you have a full-on kiss on the lips, - at first, you’d always be the one initiating them before he slowly started to relax into them.
Caresses your skin when he’s nervous. He fidgets a lot, but holding your hand or having you close to him calms his mind. During kisses, he’ll caress your cheek tentatively, but if you lean into his touch, he’ll ease up. 
After coming from a fight, all bruised up, the first thing he does when he sees you is slump his head on your shoulder, cling onto you, and even shed a few tears. You’re his safe space. You’ll let him cry as much as he needs to. And he’s always the most honest he can be with you. 
Sometimes, it just gets a bit too hard to keep going, and during those sad days, you’d hold him close as you both lay down and switch from rubbing his back to kissing his face until he’s in a giggling fit. 
Styles your hair for you every chance you give him. The way he gets so excited whenever you let him is way too adorable. He’ll stock up on accessories that will suit your style, too. 
Also, he buys you all sorts of hair products to keep it healthy and nice. 
Having baths with him is very intimate and tender. He’ll wash your hair all gently while rambling about literally anything and nothing while you’ll play with bubbles.
 He texts you little affirmations everytime you’re not with him, along with a bunch of heart emojis. 
Takemichi, Kazushi, Takuya and Makoto all care for you almost as much as Akkun does. You often hang out with them, as the honorary member of the ‘Mizo Middle Five’. 
The day it’s you who comes to him after you get into a fight, you couldn’t recall any other time you’ve seen him look this worried and panicky. Immediately, he’ll tend to your wounds, making sure he’s as gentle as possible. Lowkey, he’ll actually be impressed that you kicked some butt, almost wishing he was there to witness it firsthand. 
At times he’ll feel like he isn’t good enough for you, that he isn’t giving you anything in return. You’re always there for him whenever he needs it. He wants to be the giver in the relationship as well. He wants to protect you as much as you protect him. 
The way he’s so loyal to the people he cares about is one of the main reasons why you fell so deeply in love with him. 
Dates with him are very sweet. He usually lets you decide where to go and what to do, whatever you’re comfortable with. He’ll often take you on bike rides, too. 
He’s not too big on PDA, the most he’ll do is hold your hand and keep you close, just to show that you’re taken.
He gets jealous but keeps it very subtle. He lets his guard down when you’re with the others in ‘Mizo Middle Five’, but if it’s anyone else, he gets very cautious.
But if anyone even dares to harass you, he won’t be afraid to knock them out cold. 
You two have many songs that you’d like to call your own but one of them would definitely be ‘You’ by Hollywood Ending .
Bonus song: ‘Sparks Fly’ by Taylor Swift (because all couple should have a classic Taylor Swift song xx)
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totaled-drama · 11 months
I just started following you recently; I love your art and your Little League AU is adorable! :)
Zee is my favorite this season, and I’d love to know more about headcanons/things you’ve come up with in regards to his character in the Little League universe! <3
Hi!! Thank you for the kind words!! :) I really appreciate it!!!!
Here’s some general information about Zee:
-He’s 9 years old.
-He still drinks soda, but he mostly drinks juice boxes.
-His personality is generally the same, but since he’s younger, he’s a lot more outwardly emotional. This is true for all of the kids in this AU.
-His hat was a gift from his mom and he never takes it off.
-He warns people before he purposefully collides into them on the ice. It’s similar to the way he warned Bowie, Wayne, and Raj in episode 4 when he was spraying them with the fire hose.
-He thinks that Ripper is SO cool. He thinks of him like an older brother, almost.
-He’s good at skating, and he’s decent at hockey, but he doesn’t really pay attention to where the puck is most of the time.
-He once spilled soda on the ice in the middle of a game. No one knows where he got the soda from. “Wooaaah. It’s, like, a slushie now. :)”
-He’s in the same class with Damien, Wayne, Raj, Priya, and Millie at their elementary school.
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If requests are still open, Ghiaccio and ideal date headcanons please?
Oh hello sugarplum! My first Ghiaccio request yay, i hope you like what i wrote. My general idea is that our blue haired kitty like really has no idea what he’s doing, but at least he tries hahaha
Request: Ghiaccio x reader ideal first date
Ok the first thing that the reader has to know is that “ ideal first date “ and “ Ghiaccio “ don’t work in the same sentence.
This short tempered mafioso has a very rough and kind of rude idea of what romance is, mostly because of his workplace and the fact that he was raised in the context of a loveless marriage.
But you liked him very much and after some time of “ dropping hints “ you decided to ask him out yourself, needless to say he was speechless.
“ UH?! THE F*CK DO YOU MEAN Y/N?! DON’T YOU DARE PLAY TRICKS ON ME, I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL FREEZE YOUR SORRY ASS TO DEATH!!” After a good half hour spent on the couch with him, explaining that: no it wasn’t a cruel prank and yes you wanted to go on a date with him, his brain started to reboot and of course…panick
You told him to surprise you, and you assured him it was gonna be great whatever he had in mind; but Ghiaccio sat on the edge of his bed thinking “ WHAT DO THEY LIKE?? Ok Ghiaccio think…Oh i could get tickets to take them see MotoGP!! Nah that ain’t first date sh*t…OH MAYBE SOME DR*GS! Ok no that’s a stupid idea….AAAAAAAH WHAT THE F*CK AM I GOING TO DO?! ”
The day of your date, you waited for him wearing your favourite outfit and happily humming the latest radio hit of the month when you saw him….and he looked terrible and adorable at the same time: eyebags that were darker than Risotto’s room, blue hair with some of his curls spiking out like cute springs and he was slightly trembling in his casual outfit he chose to wear for the day.
“ Hey…sh*t…i’m, i’m sorry ok? I really tried to think about what normal people do when they ask their s/o out, but i couldn’t find anything that worked!! AND I LOOK LIKE A LOSER WHILE YOU ACTUALLY PUT EFFORT TO DRESS CUTE AND SH*T TO GO OUT WITH ME OF ALL PEOPLE!! L-listen, forget it…just go have fun with your friends and leave me be. It’s for the best.. ”
You looked at him the entire time, trying to find even the slightest hint that he meant what he said to you in that moment…of course what you saw was actually a trembling young man, scared of let you down and still perplexed about why, of all the more charming and “nicer” member of La Squadra…you chose him
After taking his hands into yours, and reasurring him that whatever he wanted to do with you it was gonna be amazing (your heart melted when his glasses got a lil foggy because of him blushing at your words) you hopped into his beloved red Mazda and darted into the depth of Napoli’s countryside
During the ride his attitude relaxed a little bit andafter some time the two of you were bickering, laughing and talking about everything and nothing. At a certain point he parked the car by a small lake, helped you get down and using his White album froze the entire pond in front of you
You were so surprised you didn’t even notice him creating a pair of blades under your boots, only when he mumbled “ so..you skating or not? C’mon dumbass we don’t have all night” and as you took his hand, he slowly guided you into a very awkward but sweet ice skating lesson
After an hour you were under an old blanket he kept in the back of his car, drinking some cheap hot chocolate you heated up with the help of a small camping stove and stargazing away from the city lights
When you felt his hand caressing yours under the soft fabric, you turned your head towards him “ So…did you, did you have fun?” His cerulean eyes looked into yours, asking for an affermative answer to calm down his insecure heart. Only when you kindly pressed your lips on his he knew, he knew he did a good job in the end.
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yoificfinder · 2 years
Hello! Thank you for everything you do it’s been a blast reading thru the things in the master list. I was wondering if you had any fics about outsider POVs on the characters of YOI? Like if they go to university and their friends just don’t notice that they’re famous figure skaters, or their neighbours are like huh what’s up with that well dressed couple with the weird pet names and the angry blond teen. Really anything with outsider POVs is fine !! Thank you !!
Hello, nonnie! If you go through the ao3 tag (or search within results) Skygem retirement AU, you'll find lots of fics with a similar premise as your request. Here are the ones I rec, both in the context of retirement AU and ousider POV in general:
"Unfairly Beautiful Japanese Boy" by @diedraechin [T, 4K]
Sofia was sure of a few things in her life, two of those things were:
1) Even though the dog was cute, she was sure the owner was taking advantage of her abuela's kind heart
2) The 'Unfairly Beautiful Japanese Boy' she kept seeing on campus had to be an angel because look at him.
Only one of them was true.
An Introspection of Life and Love by awesomecookies [Not rated, 16K]
Alice really didn't expect to ride a bullet train to some sea side village when she accepted her editor's advice. But she needed space. She needed a place to think. And maybe Hasetsu was just the right place.
and a look that could just hypnotize by @forestealites [G, 4K]
They say that a demon stole away Victor Nikiforov.
Misha, Petro, and Sonya of the Novice group try to figure out the mystery that is Yuuri Katsuki. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
And the answer is... by nessiesaur [G, 2K]
Yuuri Katsuki is adorable, but also one of the most mature people in their class. Yuuri Katsuki is in her study group, which definitely saved her ass on the midterm. Yuuri Katsuki is…wait, who is he!?
Clippings by @radialarch [G, 3K]
Four seasons, four articles — and one future.
five theories about victor "my husband" nikiforov (+ one fact) by @dadvans [Not Rated, 2K]
No one knows the truth about the strange, well-paying man who comes into the bar three times a week and only talks about his husband. But everyone has their theories.
icebreaker by @codenamecesare [G, 6K]
Yuuri's husband is possibly not as oblivious as he seems, because he grins and asks, "Have you never looked up Yuuri?"
"There's a porn actress with the same name who went into politics," says Nate, "so she's most of the results, and some stuff about figure skating."
"Some stuff about figure skating," Victor says ruefully to Yuuri.
Jason's Master Plan (to dating the Cute Asian Guy) by Qwertzu [T, 10K]
Jason Hesling, young ice hockey prodigy, rising star of Detroit Ice Tigers and part-time model, had a smile that made women and men alike weak at their knees. It’s been a while since anyone managed to catch his attention – until he met the Cute Asian Guy at Detroit Ice Castle and decided to become his next boyfriend.
Meanwhile, the actual Ice Tiger™ is having the time of his life watching the pretentious JJ-wannabe trying to charm the pants off the completely oblivious, happily married Katsudon.
katsuki_fc wrote by @tetsurashian [G, 13K]
Just because Yuuri isn't big on social media, doesn't mean his fans aren't.
My fun fact is: by stillmadaboutpetra [G, 6K]
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
Queer Club Surprise by DancingInTheSliverGlow / @art-in-the-sunlight [G, 5K]
The door at the front of the class opens. A tall Russian man, probably in his late twenties walks in. He has ash blond hair that’s half in a messy bun and half spilling down his shoulders. He’s wearing a suit vest, dress shirt, dark jeans and a messenger bag. He’s definitely the professor.
Although it is strange, a Russian with a Japanese last name, Katsuki. Eileen mentally shrugs. She’s seen weirder things.
Eileen watches as the Russian looks at the front of the classroom, checks his phone and frowns. He climbs up to the third row and smiles. Eileen distantly notices that his lips are heart shaped. “Hi! Is this, Japanese 101?”
Eileen nods. “Yeah.”
The man smiles again and Eileen blinks. “Great! Mind if I sit next to you?”
Despite asking, the man barely waits for Eileen to nod before he slides behind her chair and sits in the empty one on her right. Huh. Guess he’s a student then.
View from the Top: The Power Pair That Shook The Sports Wolrd by MadameFolie [T, 2K]
A Vanity Fair interview exclusive! At home with international figure skating superstars Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov.
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sillingers · 2 years
takeaways from the game:
nick was starting, so after the anthem he went to the d bench and fist bumped every d man individually before going to the face off
blanks and bean were 1st line d
nick did take long shifts though, often got out before bean (would change on the fly) and stayed out after bean
so he played with primarily bean but also christensen and gavrikov (the other 2 left d men)
led team in ice time for defensemen, was 2nd in ice time out of all defensemen playing from both teams
also led cbj d men in puck possession for most of game (although i think he ended up second to boqvist)
led cbj d men in distance skated
he got off the bench and went onto the ice at the end of the first to meet elvis at the net and tao him with his stick rather than just going down the tunnel like everyone else
at the end of the second, he was on the ice in the offensive zone and skated down to elvis in net to once again encourage him
the former captain tendencies are so strong
kj has definitely been working on his defensive game, it shows
kj also has insane warmup rituals like the stick handling moves he does are insane to watch (at one point he took a sweet shot between his legs)
nick and kj pass to each other during warmups!
nick also smushed kj playfully into the boards at one point (who is kj if he doesn’t have a defensemen lovingly shoving him around)
sean kuraly is a man of the people. very interactive during warmups with the fans; at one point he scored and turned around and held his arms up so we’d all cheer
sean is also very good on faceoffs, for a good while he was at 100% on wins
adam boqvist messed with kj and pokechecked the puck he was stickhandling and kj made a hell of a face about it
in general kj is just so expressive it’s so fun to read his expressions
nick is FAST on the ice (this was my first time seeing him live), he is really good at joining the rush and then hauling ass back to play defense
he’s also really good at getting his stick in to deflect a shot or a pass, not afraid to dive or block shots either
the fifth line ADORES him. he got hit into the bench at one point and everyone was screaming about how you can’t do that and after he blocked a shot everyone was cheering really loud
they did a player profile for nick. if he could eat one food for the rest of his life, he’d eat chicken parm. his favorite bday gift is a painting from a monkey that his mom got for his 21st. and with his new contract, the first thing he bought was a louis vuitton bag
nick was playing with gavrikov on the penalty kill and the last minute when washington pulled goalie (these two played most of the pk. they’d play about the entire first minute, woukd change at a stop in play, and then changed again at the next stop in play to get back on ice, seemingly only took like 30 seconds off out of the two minutes)
nick finished with almost four minutes ice time short handed, led team there
elvis was on his game, looked good in net
adam boqvist was starting d man on the power play, followed by jake bean
kj was playing center again (larsen has not given an affirmative answer into whether kj will start at center or wing so this is interesting to pay attention to)
chinakhov looks great, had a really good game
jackets did not score on the power play but i’m not shocked
we did do well on the pk though
first period we spent a lot of time in our zone but we got better as game progressed
laine looks good, did better defensively than he did the last time i saw him
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estelraca · 4 months
Get to know you better game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
tagged by: @baratrongirl
last song I listened to: Technically "The Macarena", because I needed to get my twins to dance for twenty minutes for a school thing and I was getting desperate. =p They were at least awed that I had been alive when the Macarena first came out, and that it was part of my ice skating warm-up routine!
The last song I pulled up of my own volition was "Never Look Away" by Vienna Teng. I absolutely adore her music. Her song "Eric's Song" is still the best song for my spouse and I.
currently reading: So many things! I love reading. I am making my dogged way through the One Piece manga after the live action drove my headfirst into it (I had stayed away for thirty years!). I am almost done with "The Seven Moons of Maali Almaeda", which is brutal but fascinating, featuring a queer photographer in Sri Lanka in the 80s. Or rather featuring his ghost, since he's been brutally murdered by a government death squad. Fascinating and alternates between horrific and nice quiet human moments. And then I am also reading Aliette de Bodard's "The Tea Master and the Detective", for something lighter, featuring Watson as a living ship and Holmes as a traumatized female teacher who likes solving mysteries.
currently watching: Kingohger! I am really really bad about watching anything consistently, but Kingohger is absolutely beautiful sentai. I adore every single one of these kings, and they're fighting an evil God, and they're sowing hope and breaking cycles of generational trauma, and I just want them all to walk away happy despite their trauma. And since it's aimed at children, they probably will; one of the reasons I like kid's TV, I think, while reading some much darker stuff (see above).
currently obsessed with: I never really put down a fandom or an obsession, I just rotate through them. I still adore Ace Attorney and Les Mis. New obsessions include One Piece (criiiies but also Zoro was written for me), Apothecary Diaries, and Dungeon Meshi; we'll see what else snags me over the next little bit!
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it! I am really socially awkward and bad at figuring out who to tag but also I love getting tagged in these things. Thanks for the chance to answer!
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years
👤and 🖼- TASM!Peter and any headcanons you have for cute December/Winter Date nights with added pics to enhance the cuteness
I've never made a mood board before but I thought I'd try it out.
Peter makes me think of the Naturalism period, so I tried to find pieces that fit more of that style and mixed in some winter fun with it.
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Winter is Peter's favourite season
For one, the spider bite helps him regulate his temperature
So unlike when he was younger, he can actually play in the snow and not die
Also, crime is down a lot more in the wintertime
It's like a little vacation
Which means he gets to spend more time doing his favourite things
Like photography
Winter in New York is beautiful
Every Saturday he walks with you through Central Park to admire it
You usually walk hand in hand through the frozen gardens
But sometimes you go ice skating
or to a bookshop
But Peter prefers to just walk with you, catching up on little life things
Peter also takes the time to take pictures of you
You only resist a little because you could never really tell him no
He loves to play in the snow with you
Unlike Peter, you aren't a freak of nature and therefore the cold is tough on you
Pete thinks you looked adorable all bundled up
And sometimes he just has to tackle you into a pile of snow because of it
And sometimes he has to kiss your rosy cheeks
And then the rest of your face to warm it up
And also your lips because he doesn't them getting cold either
You know why Peter does this
He's not nearly as slick as he thinks he is
He knows that when you get home you have to take off your wet clothes and take a warm shower
A warm shower that Peter always joins you in
One where you continuously blame him for the chill in your bones
And then he gets to make it up to you
By making you cocoa, tea, coffee, or whatever you're in the mood for
Then he gets to cuddle up with you
It's only fair
He was responsible for your shivering and he's really good at being a personal heater
Peter always apologises and pretends the ways he's making it up to you are completely selfless
When you call him out on it he pretends to get offended
"WHaT?? WHy I nEvER!! Me?? No! I'm just trying to make sure my girlfriend doesn't freeze to death or lose a limb, and I'm the bad guy here?? You know what? I'm taking the cocoa back." "No, no, wait! Don't leave, I just got comfy." "Hmph, That's what I thought."
Sometimes you guys cuddle on the couch and watch a movie
Or you'll take a nap
Or sometimes you'll both just read
If you're really lucky though, you can convince Peter to read to you
And once you're ready to move again Peter will try and coerce you into doing other fun activities
Like baking cookies because
"Come on (Y/N), I know you're cold but cooking generates heat and heat makes you warmer. And they taste good!"
Peter loves the wintertime
Because really it's just another excuse to be as insufferable as possible shower you with all the affection you deserve
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chosofiles · 5 months
So. I heard you write stuff, would you be interested in doing maybe a drabble or headcanons for modern! Javier and gn! reader thats an ice skater but he found out about it when reader said they’re going to see their family or smth for vacation and suddenly they appear on TV during a european free skating program 💀 (or maybe more cowboys and cowgirls but hes my toaster strudel so)
Or just general Javier headcanons because he deserve it, thank you <33
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— fandom :: red dead redemption 2
— character :: javier escuella ( modern au ) x iceskater! gn reader
— note :: I AM SO SORRY I LITERALLY WROTE THIS AND POSTED IT AND THEN MY LAPTOP DIED AND IT DELETED AND WHEN I WENT TO CHECK HOW IT DID ON TUMBLR IT WASN'T THERE SO I HAD TO WRITE IT AGAIN 😣. ty for the request btw, also i tried my best so if it’s not quite right just let me know and hopefully i can fix it.
— word count :: 0.5k
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ice skating was a beautiful mix of art and sport. you competed in the sport professionally, although you weren’t the most popular, you still did well.
you were living with your flatmate because after the few years of your college life, you were still in debt. but you also had a boyfriend, javier escuella who had ZERO idea that you were even had an interest in your job.
it wasn’t a personal thing, the topic was just never brought up. it was understandable though, you had only been together for around 5 months.
but tomorrow you were scheduled to go on a trip to go see your parents in the next state over. you hadn’t seen them in a while and wanted to check up on them. you had told javier prior to today, wanting to at least hang out with him before you left for your flight.
you arrived at his house, suitcase in hand because your flight was technically tonight but you landed early the next morning.
javier opened the door smiling and eye lighting up when he caught sight of you. that expression of his was by far your favourite, you had been together for what felt like a really long time and his love for you never died down.
“hey javi.” you said wrapping your arms around him, engulfing his scent into your nose. he smelt like a general men’s cologne and cigarettes. at first you didn’t like the fact that he smoked at first but once you learned that he only smoked on a weekly basis you calmed down a bit.
after a few hours of watching mexican tv shows, cuddling and eating food, it was time for you to go. you kissed javier on the cheek and hugged him tightly before leaving in a cab outside your house.
javier watched as the car drove away, smiling intently as he savoured your aura around him.
the actual headcannons now
— the next day after waking up the channel javier had the tv on previously was showing ice skating.
— he was debating on changing it but that all changed when he saw your name and face on the screen in front of him.
— he was dumbstruck, surely there was some other person who had a similar name to you, but you also shared the same face so..
— the channel was showing the contestant's best performances and when you were shown on the ice, doing a triple axel, javier was by far impressed.
— the man had no idea about figure skating but he could tell that the move you did was difficult.
— once he got word that you landed, he called you, gushing about how he was proud of you.
— "you look even more beautiful on the ice, baby." you blushing like a fucking chili pepper, although some people think that the compliment is generic, you found it just as flattering as everything else javier says to you.
— once you got home he begged to go watch you practice, because he wanted to watch you talents in real time.
— you found it adorable and complied, he was so amazed by your beauty on the ice, you found it a bit odd but appreciated it nevertheless.
the end.
— second note:: sorry if that was short that's all i had in me, pls like and maybe follow if you like my stuff (this is literally my first post u don't have to lolol)
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chanelfunnell · 1 year
a) anon, shame Trevor Zegras is injured. I like his technical style of the game when he's serious about hockey and frankly, he's a little bit crazy off ice but adorable. We all need to laugh so to his horrible footwear. He is on the left..I know he is dorky as well and the shoes are super trendy.
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B) anon, I am glad to see Tazer but I am not glad to see him in this puffy face state it is puffier than before and definitely he has not bloated face during his struggles in 2020, 2021. I'd point a finger on Meghan Butler in his life as all Marcus Aubrey's crap quasi medicine is up to Tazer's throat. He also clinges to old memories, having his old buddies over. What a coach said about his moods is quite scary. Maybe also booster by the intake of Aubrey's bs.
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He's still handsome and adorable when he's serious, not furious but you see he is not all right and so his look aka so bloated face. Either health problems with kidneys that he does not admit etc or some substance by M Aubrey's use. Obviously it's a circle because he struggles withbkack of his routine and old team mates, changes, Lindsey pregnant again, Kaner is gone, his Blackhawks career ends soon so he clinges more and more to that bad support...tjan breaking the circle and facing the music...and these people are more fragile and getting more and more addicted to certain sect or drugs, pills etc..
C) anon, the Blackhawks injury list is vast, I am sorry for Tomorrow, Reese Johnson, good Tyler Johnson is back but they did not play so bad in last couple of games based on the injuries and newbies. I guess Seth Jones is calmer captain than nervous Tazer who was amazing when he did well off and on ice because he can't deal with losses.
D) anon, Crosby's long term crazy fan Ashley who is followed by Tazer is off the railing and on memory lane to Vancouver which was 13 years ago. Please...with all of that
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You need to ask her or betteer, try to ask Sidney Crosby and Marketa whether they have dated, slept together, kissed or had a fling...i do not bother and no way after 10 years like Ashley. Obviously Kathy is in his life despite her denials and calling her a generic bland blonde. I am not a big fan of Kathy as I think she's bland lazy Step ford Wife but she is pretty and a serious partner of Sidney Crosby. Marketa and Kathy are the similar type at least in face department and Crosby has reacted to the Blackhawks and Hossa's photoshoot of 12 apostles of Last Supper as a copycat of flat caps so .....speculate...Ashley has been obsessed with her beside Kathy Leather for ages. We do not know how many children Marketa has and so about her partner's. We know 2, one of 8 years and one soccer player. Se has a baby boy apparently but no one knows. Whether true or not I guess when she will crawl out with any kid on the skates it will be definitely a champion with a huge game IQ and these two Vancouver goal champions once young bucks Crosby and Toews will start their own families. They are 36 and 35 years old this year for the sake of good hockey DNA and dynasties!!!!!
E) it is Nico Hirshier's sister, calm down, anon also a sister of Nurse etc is very good looking. At least NJ Devils are devils on the ice once again after years of tanking.
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f) did you see Lafranieree and his cheeky sneaky puck between legs manoeuvre? He is brilliant if he wants to be as he is older now. It is stupid to put just 18 years old kid into NHL season to play permanently but he plays better with Kakko and he's too much sensitive or angry. When he gets his crap out of his head it's an amazing smart game and footwork to watch. Then Russian players and I don't mean Ovechkin empty entree but Kaprizov and his magic. I can't find on my stupid cell phone a video of certain game but I am not able to upload photos from that phone to Tumblr as well...
g)anon, I guess Dallas and San Jose players have huge competition in Skinner and new Swedish defenseman of the Oilers regarding moustache and a stubble, well, a beard department so Hannah Montana's dad with his doppelganger with a mullet in Mullet Arena. What a place to celebrate.
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allthingsfook · 1 year
Hi!! I’m not sure if you are still open for ships, but if you are do you mind doing mine? :)
I’m 5’6”, curvy, with blue/gray eyes, and shoulder length dirty blonde layered hair! I have a nose piercing, which is my favorite piercing of mine, and I have two tattoos. I am going into my 6th year of coaching figure skating and my 14th year of figure skating in general! Aside from that, I just graduated college and I am going to be a middle school teacher! I love every aspect of teaching, but forming bonds with my students is my favorite! I love when they come to tell me any tea they have and I love when they invite me to their events to support them! Other than teaching and coaching I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, hanging out with my friends and family, crafting, and I’m getting back into reading! Another thing about me is that I’ve always been told that I have a big heart. I’m always there for a family member or friend whenever they need me. I’m like the mom friend or therapist friend. It always makes me feel good when I can help my friends feel better!
Hey hey! Thank you for being patient with me, I’m always excited to read these! I hope you enjoy 💗
I ship you with…
This was a pretty quick decision ☺️ just as quick as his decision would be to ask you out when he first meets you. He’d fall head over heels for your blue eyes 💙 Always staring deep into them while you talk and commenting how he thinks they get more and more blue every time he see’s you. I think Danny would also adore your piercing and tattoos. He’d inquire about them the first time he gets a peak at them 😉 Maybe you can persuade him to get a little one!
Growing up in quaint, picture perfect Frakenmuth, Danny is no stranger to the ice! He’d propose the both of you go ice skating around the holidays. I’m sure you’d be impressed with his skills 😃 Of all the boys, Danny is most likely to have a game night with you. Whatever video game you enjoy, he’d be down to play! And depending on how competitive you are, it can be a little frustrating how good Danny is at a game as soon as he picks it up.
I think he’d adore your passion for teaching and coaching others. No doubt he’d remind you of that often. “The impact you are making is huge, Y/N. Your students are going to remember you for the rest of their lives. Isn’t that amazing?!” Not only would Danny admire your career, his dad would as well (and Lori of course too). I can see Danny bringing you home to meet them, and you and Dan bonding over your love of education.
You and Danny would definitely be the “old married” couple. Huge hearts, always giving back to others, helping anyone in need, taking time out of your busy schedules to attend special family/friend events, and opening your home to anyone who needs it. The both of you are surely the shoulder anyone can cry on, and that goes for the both of you too! Danny is incredibly supportive and attentive. When you are having a tough day, he will know exactly what to do. He’d set up a cozy nest of blankets and pillows on the couch, light candles, dim the lights, set out some of your favorite books, make you a warm cup of coffee/tea/cocoa (anything you like), and let you relax for the night.
I hope you enjoyed your ship!!! Let me know what you think! And because you had to wait so long for yours too, I’m going to include a collage and song as well 🥰🥰🥰
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
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Funny Face appreciation post ❤️
I LOVE this program! When I first got back into ‘fan girling’ out over them about a year ago, this was one of the first ones I watched that I hadn’t seen before and then proceeded to watch repeatedly. It was the SCI version, which is essentially flawless. Yes of course there are certainly small technical things and refinement to be done but I think more than my analysis is their reaction right after finishing affirms they thought it was pretty darn good.
I just smiled the whole time, giggling and ‘aww’ing just admiring with tears in my eyes. They just seemed so happy performing it. It looked like such fun. They were BOTH totally embracing these characters and the style as they once again added to their already diverse repertoire of dance genres they had performed to supreme quality- a quality to which I don’t feel any other team had before and to a standard of which actual stage dancers can admire what they do and consider them on the same level as us dancers- not simply skaters trying to dance. Truly dancers but on ice.
It was an interesting time that this program came about and has lead to some thoughts on how and why this program at that time. It’s no secret- they have told us such, that Tessa had always wanted to skate as Audrey Hepburn. She adores her and since she didn’t go into ballet or Broadway or even movie acting, it’s unlikely she would ever get to replicate or perform an ‘Audrey-esk’ role in her life. Somehow making it happen in a skating program would have to do and it’s clearly something she was passionate about. Skating as a movie character is one thing, and with someone as iconic as Audrey, take your pick of characters she could of easily skated a singles program to. But the only reason Miss T is a skater, specifically an ice dancer is because she was paired up with this special little boy who didn’t seem to have a care in the world for skating until he started holding her hand.
It’s completely understandable and honestly admirable that they have a mutual (or as close to mutual as possible) agreement on their programs system in place. Out of care and respect to the other for all they are going to put into this program/s each season they both want the other to be happy and comfortable. With the timing of the Funny Face program making its world premiere, with the events that had come before it, it has lead some to think that Scott agreeing to this program was somewhat of a favour to Tessa.
I am of the belief mentioned earlier:
that they both had to be in total agreement. I don’t think one would do something (a program) purely as a favour without any genuine investment of their own- based on the fact that upon being asked if they would ever consider returning for a 4th Olympics if the other professed so, the answer would be yes, but it would never amount to any follow through due to the other knowing it was a favour (it was certain PYC would be their last, a 2022 oly bid was never an option).
I am also of the belief that following the physical and metal torment Tessa had experience the last 4 years, that when Funny Face was raised as an option for that season’s FD, knowing how long she had wanted to do this program, Scott would want to do it because it would make her so incredibly happy. I am NOT of the belief it was in anyway a ‘favour’, that he was ‘guilted’ into it, that he found it ‘embarrassing’ or he didn’t have any genuine investment of his own into the program and character.
I read someone say (something like) ‘he relented to the embarrassment of playing Fred Astaire out of guilt for what Tessa had gone through the last several seasons’. Firstly, what’s embarrassing about playing Fred Astaire? Both him and Audrey are two of the most iconic figures in entertainment history and are responsible for inspiring generations of performers. Just because this is a happy, bright, light hearted program, doesn’t make it weak, light weight, embarrassing or less worthy of any other of their spectacular character portrayals. Tracey Wilson’s commentary from SCI (whose commentary I don’t love but she is very smart and knowledgeable and had been around forever so she knows her stuff) that she would describe them and their quality, presence, presentation as ‘elegance and class’. Skating is a sport that’s all about presentation and looking your best and has a bit of ‘show business’ sparkle to it when done right so idk how that could be a bad thing to have in a program in order to really sell it. And for the record, I love how they can morph from that old Hollywood style elegance that has always been a bit of a quality in figure skating, to modern, raw, deeply internal approaches to their story and movement- just the following season with Carmen- the complete antithesis approach of figure skating (FS is showy and all for judges/ the audience.. not often for one’s own artistic benefit).
Scott is a phenomenal actor. That’s not me saying it, several commentators, skaters, performers, dancers, directors etc have stated so. And that love of performing seemed to come naturally to him and was apparent from an early age. Anything he got to play a distinct character (FF, Carmen, MR) and all of their very ballroom based dances, compulsory or otherwise- especially earlier on in seniors is where he shines the most. This also seemingly isn’t the first time an idea for a program came from Tessa that Scott signed onto whole heartedly. If you’ll remember with their Pink Floyd program, Scott wasn’t a ‘hard core’ PF fan- they both are now (at the time of this interview) therefore it’s totally plausible that little 18 year old Tessa- being the old soul with impeccable music taste that she is, got Scott into PF and from there a groundbreaking program came to be. (We would not have half the ID programs we’ve seen since without it).
It’s completely fair to say that had Tessa never wanted to do this program in the first place, no I don’t think Scott would be the one to say ‘hey let’s do a Fred and Audrey no’. However one of their most admirable qualities it their drive to re invent themselves each season. Following the Olympic season, T having another surgery, how easy would it have been for them to just re compete Mahler at the two competitions they did attend (and always planned to following the 2nd surgery) even though they would’ve already started on their Latin FD, it probably didn’t get the training it deserved to compete at the highest level and it was a new style for them, they could’ve just gone back to their “trademark” ‘T&S’ lyrical style. But they were not in this sport to simply be one trick ponies and skate the same program to slightly different music for the next 6 seasons. They did the lyrical, then they went to Latin, then to Broadway jazz, after that, hard core contemporary. What I’m saying is it was in him- both of them to try something new, so why not this- Funny Face, where for the first time they could really challenge themselves as actors and portraying real characters. And even though the actual characters are completely different between the programs, this really set up their acting for Carmen, and I think specifically MR.
Even if there was an ounce of thought in Scott of [in saying yes to FF] ‘I should do this for T, it would make her really happy’ (which I believe there probably was), what’s wrong with that!?!? It’s not as tho he did it for her as a result of guilt or force or whatever (that’s what I wholeheartedly believe) and you saw his utter hatred of it on is face everything they performed it. They had a blast playing those characters, as evidenced by their reaction at SCI- how well they skated and performed that the excitement was incontrollable. And what’s so wrong with doing something for the person you love and care about that would make them really happy? I find that incredibly admirable more than anything else. I’m sure there’s teams out there that have bad relationships and couldn’t give two fucks about each other’s feelings, but TS do- an incredible amount. So it goes both ways; if he really truly didn’t want to do it he wouldn’t have. He has vetoed a number of her suggestions in the past so 100% I believe he was game for this program, enjoyed it immensely, and also knew how happy it would make Tessa and therefore bring him so much joy to see her so happy.
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