#he keeps it all in his little ender chest in a shulker or two. or 12
laikahh · 2 years
jeebus christ now im genuinely thinking abt my made-up minecraft roleplay characters lore...
#like his first day partnership ending up turning into a long time thing the other guy thinks will be server-long#but my guy isnt so sure abt that :? like maybe he finds it limiting#or maybe hes scared that the other party does and hes projecting his fears onto it all and being all. mh.#and i dont answer that i love feelings making no sense#so his feelings r making him Act Unwise and he ends up stealing diamonds from his partner bc hes a greedy asshole and likes to Have Stuff#bc thats how i am in minecwaft all j do is hoard#maybe this was him giving his partner an opportunity to end their partnership#or maybe it was because he just doesnt care all that much abt him anymore#either way it causes them to get into a huge argument but ultimately the other guy still doesnt end their thing ( /p. for now )#so some time goes by some conflict starts and my guy who mines netherite and trades with villagers all the fucking time#only helps gear up his partner and no one else#but for this time its so obvious their relationship is. going downhill to say the least#the diamond stealing thing was The Big Thing but that entire month or so was just constant let downs from both parties#so my guy ends it. goes all maybe im doing the right thing maybe im not who knows ! but ur not what i need and im not what u need. so baiii#oh another thing my guy would sell netherite & enchanted books ^__^ server would b pvp focused and gear needs to be replaced Fast on those#he keeps it all in his little ender chest in a shulker or two. or 12#hes not rly big on major discounts but throws in a lot of tiny ones to rly get ppl to buy more#4 prot iv books + 5th one 50% off sorta thing. minus 20% on fire prot if u have netherite. junk to make u feel like ur getting a good deal#NOW. um turns out hes a little bit lonely without his buddy... oopsie...#so after going mad and building a city where all the citizens are his tamed dogs he tries to reach out to the guy#by either leaving a chest with a mending book he renamed to some apology#or throwing it in for free if his ex-partner buys smthn at his shop#and its just a thing he starts doing. an unbreaking book renamed i need u or an i love you sharpness book that sort of corny shit#bc my guy is a Pussy. he Does Not Talk To People lol </3#and idk. i guess they make up. kiss a little bit perhaps ? have implied off screen gay sex bc why not lol.#anyway the banks by lincoln of it all... but mostly the first half...#voidcore.txt
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ilexdiapason · 2 years
just got hit w the idea of false getting scared by say. sausage. he breaks into her house [as one does] and hes like "HI FALSE!" and she gets so jumpscared she teleports away and thats how sausage learns false is an enderman. this is also how false learns shes an enderman she did not know she could do that
Oh, dear.
False is on the roof now.
She's not entirely sure how she got up there - and yes, by not entirely she means in no way whatsoever, but the specifics can wait while she's processing the situation. False is on the roof, and she's sliding incredibly slowly down the slope of it, because her boots are gripped for snow but not for copper plating, so while there's no immediate danger of falling she still ought to put some thought into stopping before said danger does become immediate. She's on the roof and grabbing at a shingle, tutting frustratedly when it slips out of lock under her fingers, grabbing again for a sturdier hold, eventually leaning up against the thing to gain some stability and letting her steel-capped toes click to a halt on the gutter of the roof-trim. She's on the roof and staying still. She's on the roof but safe.
Okay, part two. What's the last thing she remembers?
And, well - False can't exactly claim to have the best of memories here, okay, she'll admit that, this is her weak spot, but... she's got a pretty good bet going on the fact that her last memory being I'm in the hallway just inside my house and I'm putting a shulker away in my Ender chest and then Sausage's voice says HI FALSE and I start yelling is most likely not from the moment before this one. Largely because, well, that was in the hallway, and this is on the roof.
Time jump, then. Wouldn't be the first time.
The question of what happened inbetween her memory of crying out - a perfectly-cut scream in the highlight reel that is her choppy memory - and the present moment... that can honestly also wait until she works out how to get down.
"False, there you are!" Sausage's voice comes again, this time circling above her, elytra-loft. "What the heck was that?"
"Your guess is as good as mine," she laughs nervously.
"I mean, I was just talking to you, and then you turned around and you were all AHHH, and then you disappeared in a puff of little purple particles! Do you have a stasis chamber set up or something?"
"A what?" The phrase does ring a bell, but she definitely hasn't encountered a stasis chamber in living memory. Maybe she should ask about that. It sounds like it'd be something really useful.
"Hmmm," Sausage muses, having come to a stop a few blocks away and with a much better understanding of how to keep his foothold on a copper curve, "you don't know what a stasis cha- oh! Oh, oh, ohhhh, I get it! I'm so sorry I didn't realise before, I wouldn't have tried to make so much eye contact!"
"I don't know what you're talking about." False hates eye contact - always has, it feels like an active threat - but she never realised it was that obvious.
"No, it's okay! My dad is half-rabbit, I'm completely good with hybrids. You don't have to cover up, your secret's safe with me!"
A secret is never safe with Sausage; she's known him long enough to know that. That's beside the point, though. "What do you mean, hybrids?"
"Well, I mean, you teleported just now! And it was all purple-y, and - and there's only really one thing that can - and you know I did always wonder why you were so tall, but -"
False tunes him out at this point, focused once again on how to get the hell down from the roof. Maybe if she sent him down first he could fetch her some extra wings, or leave a water source for her to land in - not that she's much a fan of the latter, because swimming tends to give her hives... She could always edge round and scale a beam...
The problem may well sort itself out by the next time she's aware of goings-on. That tends to happen. In the meantime, False keeps her eyes low to the ground and fidgets with the hilt of her sword in its scabbard - having something to hold has always kept her grounded, made her feel safer.
She misses Sausage's entire explanation. This fact doesn't register to her for another three days.
Thankfully, her sheepish expression ducking through the strange trapdoor-front-doors of La Catedral de Santa Perla tell Sausage all he needs to know, sans need for her confession.
"An Enderman?"
"That term's kind of archaic, I know a lot of people haven't heard, but most communities use Enderian instead these days," Sausage nods sagely.
False blinks the information in. "An Enderian. ... I'm an Enderian."
"Probably only half! If you were totally Enderian your skin would look a lot different, and your eyes, probably."
False pictures herself with purple eyes and obsidian skin. It doesn't feel like it fits quite right. "What's the other half?"
"If you're not at least half human, I'd be surprised."
"Okay." Half human, half Enderman. Enderian. Whatever. That's... strange-scary-exciting. "What does it mean I can do?"
"That's the fun part! We don't know! Besides teleporting," Sausage shrugs, "you could be a total wild card."
False imagines picking up a grass block with her hands and not having the blades rip away into dirt beneath her fingers; zipping into the middle of a crowded room to grab something and zipping straight back out without causing a fuss; leather-black wings enfolding her in an endless void, for one absurd moment, before the mental image of the vast escapes her.
... Yeah, she decides. This is gonna be fun.
"I guess I'll just have to start testing things out?" she offers wryly.
Sausage beams. "Oh my goodness, please keep me updated!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna. Just - try not to tell everybody and their mother, okay?"
"Of course! Your secret is safe with me, False."
(The whole server knows by Thursday.)
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redorich · 3 years
to those who carried on
A fic for @petrichormeraki​ and their Hermit!Tommy AU.
The hermits know Tommy as a quiet young man who is very sad and contemplative. The more time they spend with him (against his will, but they know he needs the company) the more they learn of the little details. His favorite block is cobblestone, he likes building towers, and apparently his favorite woman is the Queen. They don’t ask why he wears a smiley mask even though he never seems happy. They don’t ask why he hides important things in his ender chest. They don’t ask why he wears a shattered compass on a chain about his neck.
(Once, he died in lava and lost his absolute mind. He was so upset about the compass that he didn’t even mention the stack and a half of diamond ore he had on him. Xisuma ended up manually rolling back the server just so Tommy could have it back.)
As time goes on, the tremors in Tommy's hands grow lesser. His dull blond hair seems a bit brighter, his bruises fade quicker, he doesn’t look quite so skinny-- he spends his time serenely building, resource gathering instead of running and fighting. He has a sense of humor under all that trauma, which the hermits unfortunately find out after another massive-scale prank war thought to be instigated by Grian actually turns out to be Tommy's fault.
Tommy starts swearing more. Doc gets the stink eye from Stress for this, but Doc insists he’s never once sworn around the young man. (That’s an absolute lie, but it wasn’t anything Tommy hadn’t heard before. Tommy thinks Doc is remarkably unoriginal in his cursing. He does take note of the German ones, though.)
Inviting Tommy to PvP minigames can be touchy, they learn. He likes to fight, but he fights like an animal with nothing to lose. Grian once chanted, “It stays in the pit!” and everyone present had to spend the next five minutes wrangling Tommy’s soul back into his body from wherever it’d floated off to.
Tommy likes to glide with his elytra. He claims he’s never had one before, but he flies like such a natural that a few people have their doubts. On a dark desert night, with dark blue eyes watching the night sky, he confides to Cub that it reminds him of the way his dad used to fly. He hates rockets, though. He does not confide to Cub that it reminds him of what his brother did to his best friend. He says enough that Cub can guess, though.
Scar gets fed up with Tommy’s creeper holes and makes Tommy help him fix them. At first, Tommy has no clue why Scar is breaking out things like coarse dirt and birch leaves and making the ground all fancy, but he’s not afraid of a little hard work and Scar makes it fun. He learns a lot about terraforming that day, and awkwardly comes back a few days later asking if Scar needs any more help terraforming. Tommy still hasn’t built a real base, not by Hermitcraft standards, but the small hill he’s built his dirt hut near now has a very beautiful, if amateurish, waterfall. He doesn’t tell Scar about this, but Scar finds out anyway. Tommy wakes up one morning to find that someone has left a shulker box in his house. Instead of iron-gripped paranoia, he just feels wonder that someone would give him a gift-- to the hermits, a single shulker box is nothing. To Tommy, it’s everything.
The shulker box contains coarse dirt, birch leaves, and a silk touch shovel.
Tommy helps Xisuma mine a giant hole in the ground near bedrock, because he realizes that he’s never thanked the admin for getting him his compass back. Well, that and the fact that instamining with a haste two beacon and an efficiency five pickaxe is a novelty. Xisuma lets him keep the cobble, since everyone knows it’s Tommy’s favorite block, but also insists he keep some of the other blocks like andesite and diorite. He pats Tommy on the head and tells him to talk to Bdubs about building a house some time. Tommy nods. He's taken aback by how tall Xisuma is, completely contrasting his mild nature. He reminds Tommy of Wilbur, on one of his good days before... Before. Not Ghostbur, though-- the admin is much too alive.
Tommy waits too long, so eventually Bdubs comes to him. The man is silly and outrageous, playing everything for laughs and unexpectedly tender. Bdubs plays up how beautiful he thinks Tommy’s hideous dirt shack is, then offers to help him build a house that’s better. For Tommy, building a house means settling down, accepting that this is his home now. Bdubs doesn’t know this. Tommy builds cobblestone dicks while Bdubs tries to lecture him about depth and block variation. Nothing gets done and Bdubs feels like he might have failed, but come next week Bdubs is flying over the area and sees the dicks are gone; so is the dirt house. In its place is a spruce-and-cobble cottage nestled near the tiny waterfall. Off to the side, he’s made a cozy doghouse for his fox, Theo. Bdubs doesn’t know how close that fox came to being named Fundy.
He spars with False, and she very pointedly does not mention how his stances are uniquely suited to a piglin. There’s only one renowned fighter who’s a piglin, after all. It's Tommy’s story to tell, if he ever does, why he’s seen enough of the legendary Technoblade’s fights to pick up on his stances, yet he’s not experienced enough to know that they don’t suit him. Instead, False gives him different stances suited more for tall, skinny people like the two of them. She’s got blond hair and blue eyes just like him. (Not that she’d know. She’s never seen his eyes, hidden behind his mask as they are.) Every now and then, he imagines her as an older sister, and the one time he says so, she smiles. When Tommy’s at home, looking at his own distorted reflection in his waterfall (he’s improved it since he built it), he muses that their eyes aren’t the same, their hair colors are subtly off. It’s close enough, he thinks.
Stress dies from fall damage and Tommy goes out of his way to pick up her stuff, because the hermits do these things out of the kindness of their hearts. The thought never even crosses their minds to steal. It crosses his mind. He doesn’t do it. Stealing from Stress would be like stealing from Niki.
He shows up at Cleo’s base unannounced and demands to see the “cool shit”. He is appropriately enthused by the giant armor-stand-bugs. She tries teaching him her armor stand magic, but it doesn’t really sink in. It’s okay, she assures him, most people don’t have the knack for it. He does, however, learn that buttons make excellent decorations. He also learns how to braid hair, bribed by ice cream. He is terrible at it, to the point where Joe has to come by to help the two untangle her hair so Tommy can start again. Watching the two bicker over capitalism and six million armor stands and a whole host of other inside jokes he doesn’t get, he thinks he’s starting to understand what friendship is supposed to be like. Joe and Cleo don’t see him clutching his compass. He and Tubbo weren’t too far off from this, given their circumstances. Maybe...
Maybe Tubbo can be forgiven.
Tommy makes minigames of his own, ones that don’t just kill you and steal your stuff. He builds things that are pretty instead of just functional, brews potions with Stress and only calls them drugs once (again, upsetting her is like upsetting Niki. Best not done), and sets up chicken bombs above people’s bases instead of just lavacasting them. (As Grian saw the hundreds of chickens slowly raining down upon his mansion, he got such a peculiar look on his face that Tommy feared he’d fucked up. The shorter, stronger (much stronger oh god why is he so strong despite being so small) man nearly crushed Tommy’s lungs in a hug, proclaiming how proud he was of Tommy. Tommy was proud of himself for not accidentally murdering Grian out of reflex. Was this what healing was like?)
Yes. It is what healing is like. Tommy knows this because that wound gets ripped open again. Tango shows him how to build the most obnoxious redstone-powered noise machine the two can think of. Tango digs a small pit, and asks Tommy to throw down his axe. Suddenly, Tommy’s in Logstedshire again; it’s not Tango asking, it’s Dream. His hands don’t shake when he tosses his axe into the pit, followed by his sword and his armor. It isn't until he’s placed the TNT down that Tango grabs his wrist and asks him what he’s doing. Tommy’s eyes clear enough that he can see past the blond hair and freckles. Tango isn’t green, he’s red. He's shorter than Dream, and his worried eyes are unhidden. Tommy shudders, then tells Tango everything.
Tango has no pity for Tommy, just understanding and sympathy. He doesn’t push Tommy to talk about it, but when Tommy’s done telling his story, Impulse and Zedaph show up. They all pretend that Tommy’s voice isn’t hoarse, that they all didn’t conveniently happen to look away when Tommy took off his mask just long enough to wipe his eyes. The men bake a cake together, fool around with honey blocks, and don’t talk about it.
Tommy knows very little about redstone, considers himself more of a builder and a fighter than an engineer. Still, Mumbo’s living base is inspiring, and Tommy often hangs around the man’s industrial district just to watch Mumbo work. Mumbo knows that Tommy hasn’t purchased a day pass, but it’s nice having someone around to talk to while he works. It’s not like Tommy is stealing anything. (Tommy totally steals from Mumbo’s industrial district storage system. The man’s farms are so efficient that he doesn’t even notice, so Tommy assumes it’s fine. What Mumbo doesn’t know won’t hurt him.)
Lava still isn’t his favorite thing in the world. He stays far away from it, instead of imagining what it would be like to hurtle towards it. Ren doesn’t really notice this, but he does notice that Tommy doesn’t seem to like his mustafarian base. On a spur-of-the-moment whim, Ren whips up some absurd plotline in which he is a lone weary traveller seeking refuge at Tommy’s base from strange alien overlords. The two have fun together, and the young man cracks more absurd jokes about it than the hermits have ever seen him do. When Ren leaves a week later to return to his own base, Tommy keeps being absurd, if a bit more subdued without someone to play off of. He builds a shrine to the “prime log”, which grows more elaborate each day. Beef and xB pretend to be his acolytes, despite having no clue what a “twitch prime” is.
They can’t see his face, but the smile in his voice is a far cry from the despondency he once wore like a heavy cloak. He is so much more animated and alive, full of motivation. He builds an entire island in three days, and hand-delivers an invitation to each and every hermit for his beach party. Everyone shows up, even those with packed schedules (Iskall) and those with introverted tendencies (Etho). Tommy is nearly moved to tears when they show up in groups of twos and threes, as though he hadn’t expected anyone to come. There aren’t enough chairs for everyone, but there is more than enough cake to go around. Tango brings drinks, Impulse brings meat to barbecue, and Zedaph makes an elaborate jump-powered grill. Keralis brings way too much confetti and several handfuls of cheap, obnoxious party noisemakers. Stress brings Tommy a crown made out of alliums. It shines far less than his brother’s gold crown, and it’ll die in a few days, but he wears it all night and keeps it in his ender chest until it withers away.
He spends five days teaching himself to make flower crowns. Even his best attempt is awful, nowhere near as pretty as the crowns Stress makes, but when he gives it to her, she takes off the one she was wearing and wears his until it falls apart.
He dies fighting a creeper on Grian’s behalf, and doesn’t even panic, because he trusts that however many times he dies, no matter how stupid or ignominious or revolutionary or important, Xisuma will always let him respawn.
He spends a grand total of nine diamonds to buy a single plot of land in the shopping district. He builds a cute little bench facing the sunset, with warmly glowing street lights on either side and a small garden. At the end of the bench he places a jukebox, and buys every single disc that Beef’s music shop sells, including Pigstep. He sits on the bench while Mellohi plays and watches the tiny silhouettes of his friends flying in the evening sky. Tommy looks alone on that bench, even if he seems happy, so sometimes other people stop by to sit with him. Scar declares the bench area a public park, since everyone likes it so much, and refunds Tommy his nine diamonds straight from the throne.
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Dream SMP (October 30/2021) - Elytra Challenge and The Battle of Snowchester
Mr. Beast returns to the SMP once more for a third challenge. And this time, an Elytra is on the line as one of the prizes.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Jack Manifold
- After some brief preparations, the Team Seas challenge to clean the ocean begins! Trash appears in the ocean biomes and players compete to pick up as many pieces as possible
- The event proceeds with little incident, except when Sapnap stole some of Sam’s Warden keycards – except they were apparently old and don’t function anymore
The final leaderboard ended with the following as the winners:
Hannah won the challenge in first place, winning an Elytra!
Foolish came in second, winning a shulker box
Punz and Jack Manifold came in third and fourth, each winning a shulker box as well
Eret came in fifth, winning five End Portal frames
- Everyone was teleported back to Spawn and there was a race to kill Hannah for the Elytra. Hannah put it into her Ender Chest before she died, keeping it safe
- A fight breaks out over at Snowchester between Sapnap and Hannah with others arriving soon after. Sapnap declares it the Battle of Snowchester and chaos ensues
- Sapnap declares that they now own Snowchester and after more fighting, goes looking for Michael_Beloved. He tells George to kill Michael. George tells Foolish to kill Michael. They try to convince various people to do it but nobody wants to take the fall
- Foolish threatens to destroy Kinoko over this. Sapnap heads over there, threatening to destroy Foolish’s summer home in turn if he does so
- George accidentally angers Michael, who starts attacking him and taking damage from George’s Thorns armor. George runs away while the others throw potions to heal Michael. Michael gets stuck in a boat outside the house 
- They all decide to play a Bedwars game to choose who has to kill Michael
- Meanwhile, Eret goes to his throne to give a speech about how they want to protect the people of the SMP as king, to do anything they can to make people comfortable and safe in the server
- They transfer Michael to a secret hidden location underground
- Foolish has been placing TNT all over Kinoko, and Bad arrives. They decide that if Sapnap and the others don’t give Foolish back his things, he’s lighting the TNT
- Sapnap and George return to Dream SMP and come to Foolish at Kinoko. Sapnap gives Foolish back his sword and leaves him to negotiate with George and Punz for the rest of it
- Later, Eret and Fundy travel around the server visiting various locations
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Upcoming Events:
- Dream’s lore video
- Sam’s lore
- Tales From the SMP Season Two
- Foolish’s meeting with DreamXD
10/25 - Puffy catches up on the goings-on and Sam works on his mega base
10/26 - Nothing happens.
10/27 - Tubbo, Phil, Foolish and Sam work on various projects
10/28 - Sam works on his mega build
10/29 - Boomer joins the server
10/30 - Team Seas Elytra Event, Sapnap and George threaten to kill Michael
10/31 - Eryn, Tommy and Phil hang out on the server on Halloween!
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (11)
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(c!technoblade x fem!reader)
(people showed chapter 10 some nice love so here’s chapter 11. sorry it took so long to get out. I threw my back out and doing just about anything has been physical torture. but I’m starting to feel better so here’s hoping I’ll write more soon. but remember, please comment and reblog. they keep me motivated! <3)
Things settled down pretty well after the election. Almost unbelievably so. Wilbur pretty much completely disappeared afterwards. You felt worried and voiced your concerns with Niki, saying you hoped he wasn’t terribly upset he’d lost the election. You understand he no doubt felt incredibly attached to the title of president, and he may feel resentful of you for ‘stealing’ it from him. Niki smiled at you, glad you were being kinder about this than the other contestants would be in your shoes, but sighed and said,
“Yeah, he’ll probably be upset for a while. But I’m sure he’ll come around to accept you as the new president.”
You gave her a thankful smile, even if you didn’t quite believe her words. But then you paused and wondered if maybe, despite all your reservations about the brunet man, it was possible to smooth things over with him? Maybe all you needed to do was sit and have a talk with him. Perhaps he’d gone insane in the original timeline because both Schlatt and Quackity were… well, for lack of a nicer term, total dicks to him. They were openly antagonistic to the former president, banishing him and his younger brother from the very nation they fought and died for, which no doubt added to his crumbling mental state after L’manberg chose a new leader.
But maybe you could be different from Schlatt and Quackity. Honestly you had no desire to be cruel to Wilbur, though you would not put up with any of his BS, and honestly you hoped to have a neutral relationship with the man. So you decided right then that there was no harm in trying. Your smile brightened and you nodded and said to the blonde woman,
“You’re probably right, he just needs some time. Maybe after a few days he and I can have lunch and just talk. Clear the air between us. I’ve never been president before so I’m sure he’d be a great help in getting me better settled in!”
Niki was super glad you were being so chill about all of this. She knew you were the best choice for president. That’s probably why she’d voted for you. (yeah she’d heard your little speech and was really moved) But she’d never tell Wilbur that. He fully believed she’d voted for Coconut2020, and to be fair she had intended to until she was so moved by your speech. You had a way with words that just put the listener at ease.
“Yeah, I’m sure things will be alright,” Niki replied with a cheerful smile.
You settled into being president pretty well all things considered. There wasn’t as much work as you were expecting there to be for a president. But perhaps your only frame of reference (the US president) was a bit different than your current job (l’manberg president). L’manberg was super small actually. Especially compared to the United States. Hell, Punz’ house was almost as big as L’manberg if you remember right. 
You’re glad there wasn’t much presidential work to do at that moment. Because you wouldn’t have had time to juggle that work plus going back to your village and packing up some of your stuff in your ender chest before telling the villagers (and azo) what actually happened while you were gone. Which had been an ordeal in itself. You felt bad for just leaving to a new place so out of the blue. But you felt obligated to complete the role of president given to you. You’d feel less obligated if there was some other option you felt safe passing the torch to. Someone not a child. That left out every minor on this server and Wilbur. 
Part of you considered Fundy and Niki for the job but another part of you doubted if they’d be able to handle it. Honestly they shouldn’t have to either. It’s no secret that being president is one of the most stressful jobs a person can have. Being in charge of the safety and well-being of a group of people is enough to turn anyone’s hair grey. Even if the group was just like 10 or so people like L’manberg had. You remember seeing a post about pictures at the start and end of American presidents’ time in office. And each president looked at least a decade older in each after picture. Complete with wrinkles and grey hair. Those happened in FOUR years! Their jobs were so stressful that they aged 10+ years in only 4 years.
You were pulled from your thoughts by Tommy practically shouting “We’re here!!” as you all made it over the hill that led to your village. The first thing you saw was the towering bamboo wall around the perimeter of the place. You’d been so in your own head that you’d actually forgotten about the two boys on either side of you. They’d insisted they accompany you to your village as ‘presidential bodyguards’ despite the fact you said you would be fine. They’d practically demanded to go, to ensure the ‘new prez’ didn’t get attacked on the journey. Amused and touched that they cared, you’d finally relented and let them come along. You’d only be gone a short while anyways. At least that’s what you told yourself. 
It didn’t take long to pack up everything you wanted to take with you to L’manberg. You put all the nice gifts the villagers gave you (as well as a couple of the banners you made) and some of the stuff you made and packed it away into a shulker box you pulled from the Creative inventory before picking up said box and putting it inside your ender chest. Then you just picked that chest up and tucked it safely in your inventory and you were basically done. With packing anyways.. You still had to talk to the villagers and let them know you had to move away for a while. But you doubted they’d be heartbroken or anything. Maybe bummed out but they’d understand. It’s not like they’d be lost without you. They’d been living in this world long before you showed up and they’d probably be here long after you left.
Then you were ringing the village bell. And like every time you did the villagers all poked their heads out from wherever they were to see who rang it and what was going on. And when they saw you they brightened and hurried over to see what was happening. They gathered around you and the bell, murmuring curiously between themselves. You sighed and cleared your throat, gathering their attention to you before you hesitated, not entirely sure what to say. Should you explain the entire story from start to finish? No, probably not. That would take a while and you felt like they’d get bored fast. But just blurting out that you were leaving felt too abrupt and blunt. Though your indecision ended up not mattering because Tubbo finally lost patience with the silence and just let the metaphorical cat out of the bag in his usual laid back candid way.
“Are you gonna tell them you’re moving away?”
Oh that caught the villagers’ attention and suddenly you were surrounded by displeased grunts and hums, like surround sound stereos. You sighed and confirmed yes, you were. So with the news out there you started explaining what happened the day before, or at least a shortened version of it. You mentioned how you’d gone to support Tommy, placing a hand on his shoulder as you said this. Then you said how you’d sorta advised everyone to vote for who they felt would lead them smartly, and how you guess they took that as you entering the presidential ring.. And finally how you’d won the election by some points and how you’d not wanted to reject their trust so you’d accepted the job…
“Reader is our new president!!” Tommy practically shouted, clearly excited. 
Though from the disgruntled murmurs from the villagers they didn’t seem happy.. But you told them it would be okay. You’d come and visit them as often as you could while juggling your new job. But even with that promise they didn’t seem happy. Your shoulders slumped a bit and without thinking you said,
“I’m not happy about having to leave the village and move away either. But I made a promise to the people of L’manberg, one I intend to keep.” 
Despite not feeling the best about this you were determined to keep your word.
“Besides, it’s not like I can just pack up the village and move you all next to L’manberg!” you said with a flippant wave of your hand.
But the idea didn’t sound too bad to the villagers. They basically worshipped you as their guardian deity. So if loading up all their possessions and hauling them to a new place meant they got to stay within reach of their deity then so be it. They’d still be living in squalor if it hadn’t been for your kindness and generosity, so they wanted to follow you wherever you went. Be it sunny skies, harsh rain, freezing snow. 
So they all made excited grunts and you blinked at them, catching on to their train of thought pretty fast. You shook your head, missing the confused looks the two teen boys were shooting between you and the villagers, and said they couldn’t follow you to L’manberg. Hearing this made the boys’ eyebrows shoot up and they started asking if the villagers wanted to come live in L’manberg. You sighed and said they seemed to, yes, but it wasn’t viable because there was nowhere for them to live! Moving them all on a spur of the moment thing would be reckless. Not only would the journey be very hard on them and take quite a while but there’s also no homes available for them in L’manberg. 
“We could make some houses for them if they want to move to L’manberg!” Tubbo said with a little grin, not seeing the issue with them coming over.
You rubbed a hand down your face, careful not to jostle your mask too much. But then you sighed and finally caved in. 
“Okay, you can all move next to L’manberg,” you began, but before they could cheer you cut them off with, “BUT! They can’t leave today. I refuse to let them take the whole long journey to L’manberg just so they can be homeless when they get there.”
You said you and some others (who you would pay) would build a new village next door to L’manberg for them. And once it was complete you would come back and help ferry them all over safely. But you might have to take them over in small groups to avoid hostile mobs and stuff. Though despite all the risks the villagers seemed quite happy with everything. So you pulled out your notebook, the same one you’d used when you first showed up to the village actually, and made a note to start construction on a new village to either the North or East of L’manberg. Or whatever side had better building room. But now that that all was settled you bid the villagers goodbye, saying you’d start construction as soon as possible.
With that out of the way you decided to pay a visit to Azo. You missed the adorable little piglin and hoped she was doing okay. Your boys followed you into the Nether, asking what you needed from there so badly. That made you pause and realize they’d never officially met Azo! You smiled down at them and said you’d sort of taken up guardianship of a little piglin girl who lost her parents. You’d expected questions and some comments but got nothing but silence in return, which left you feeling a bit confused. But when you glanced over at the boys you saw Tubbo looking lost in thought and Tommy looking mildly upset. This caused you to stop short, which made them pause and look back at you. 
“What’s wrong?” you couldn’t help but ask.
But they both waved you off, Tubbo with a soft ‘what do you mean?’ and Tommy with an almost harsh sounding  ‘nothing’, both of which didn’t sound the least bit convincing. So you tilted your head to the side and in a firmer (but still gentle) tone you asked again what was wrong. Tommy’s nose scrunched up and he crossed his arms, adamantly saying nothing and asking if you all could hurry up and see ‘this kid’ since you had to hurry back to L’manberg. Tubbo tried to piggyback off Tommy, his smile attempting to be brighter as he agreed, saying he wanted to meet your ‘new kid’. That’s when it hit you..
“Are you two upset that I adopted a kid?”
Tommy wasn’t very subtle with his feelings, his loud “WHAT?! NO!” didn’t convince you of his supposed ‘uncaring’ regarding the situation. Tubbo however reacted slower than his friend, like he was processing what you’d asked before he gave a laugh that sounded too stilted to be genuine and denied being upset, saying that was ridiculous. Tommy actually started walking away, heading in the direction you three had followed when you were together here last time, with the goatish brunet watching him anxiously. But you called for him to stop and come back, maybe a touch sterner than you’d wanted. But when the blond came back to you he refused to look at you, just scowling down at his feet. You felt your heart ache at the sight and let out a calm breath.
You wrapped one arm around the blond’s shoulders and the other around his back, pulling him into a comforting hug. You laid your cheek on the top of his mop of hair, glancing down at Tubbo who was shifting between watching you both and glancing away nervously. Without much thought you removed the hand holding Tommy’s back and instead used it to carefully tug the brunet boy into the hug. They just stood there at first, still and awkward almost. But once Tubbo wrapped his arms around your hips and Tommy’s back his blond friend quickly caved and sunk into your warmth, wrapping his arms around you both tightly, like he was afraid you’d both disappear. 
You took a breath and gently began to rock the two back and forth, missing how Tommy’s eyes pricked with hot tears as he heard your steady heartbeat against his ear. After a couple minutes of just standing there relaxed into the hug you said quietly but with as much emotion as you could put into it,
“Tommy, Tubbo, please talk to me. I can do many things, but reading minds is not one of them.”
You felt your shirt become warm and you frowned and hugged them tighter,
“If something is bothering you two, if you’re sad or upset or angry then you need to tell me so I can maybe do something to make you feel better. I never wanna see either of you upset, so please… talk to me?”
The air around you three was unintentionally heavy, only the sound of fire crackling nearby broke up the silence. It was killing you to remain quiet but you didn’t want to push them to speak. That would just make them clam up and possibly push you away. So you waited, just holding and rocking them as you did. And your eyes brightened when your patience was rewarded.
“.... Why’d you have to go and get a kid?”
You half expected for Tommy to be the one to break the silence, he was always so against the quiet. But no, instead it had been Tubbo who finally buckled and voiced his thoughts. You couldn’t help but ask what he meant. And he sort of stuttered over his words, not sounding exactly sure what he wanted to say before he got his thoughts and mouth to cooperate.
“I thought you already-.. I mean you have us.. Why’d you-..”
If your heart could physically break like glass then you knew after hearing that it would be in a hundred pieces on the floor. You couldn’t help but pull them closer and bury your face between theirs, unknowingly letting out a softened keening sound. 
“I want you both to listen, just because I take another child under my wing doesn’t mean I no longer care about you two. I don’t think I could ever stop caring about you. You’re my boys, and I-....” here is where you hesitated, not wanting so sound weird but you continued,
“If you both want… I mean since neither of you have one to my knowledge… I’d happily be your mom.”
Shy isn’t exactly how you’d describe the two boys you’d begun to care for, but there was no other word accurate enough to describe how they agreed to your offer to be their mom. Tubbo gave an almost meek, “alright, sure” while holding onto your waist and Tommy gave a long-suffering sigh while trying to discreetly wipe his eyes and said, “I guess you’re cool enough to be my mum. Barely though.” That caused you to let out a loud guffaw, your grip on them loosening enough to where you could ruffle the blond’s hair.
“Ohhhhh, Big man himself thinks I’M cool? Very high praise~”
The heavy atmosphere lightened and your laughter had the two boys laughing too. But then a sly grin took over your face and you chuckled. The sound alerted the boys of your mischievous mood and they looked up when you started talking.
“Well, now that you’ve accepted me as your mom I’m legally obligated to do all sorts of ‘Mom Stuff’, I hope you realize that. Like making sure you both eat things besides bread and meat, make sure you sleep regularly, and do the spit thing when you’ve got dirt on your face.”
They gave you a look that was a mixture of confusion and mild disgust, and Tommy couldn’t help but blurt out,
“What the fuck do you mean by ‘spit thing’??”
Unbeknownst to him, he’d activated your Mom Trap Card and your grin grew into a smirk and you raised your hand, casually commenting that he seemed to have a bit of dirt on his cheek, and then you licked your thumb and moved it towards his face. He shrieked and practically threw himself backwards to avoid your spit covered finger. But you still had your arm around his shoulders so he didn’t get far. He rapidly screamed out a verbal blur of ‘nonononoNONONO!’ that had Tubbo nearly doubling over, howling with laughter.
Though his laughter abruptly cut off with a gasp when Tommy escaped your hold, causing you to turn your sights on him. He let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like the bleat of a goat before turning and running from you. You just cackled and chased after him, your longer legs giving you the advantage. You caught up with him before he knew it and lifted him in a backwards hug. Now it was Tommy’s turn to laugh at Tubbo.
But you did let him down, without cleaning his face, and smiled down at the pair and said sincerely,
“All joking aside… I think you two would make a cool pair of big brothers..”
Tommy took that and ran with it, saying of COURSE he would be! He was practically Tubbo’s big brother already! Which just caused Tubbo to argue with him that uh, NO, he was older than Tommy! So HE was the older brother out of the two of them, if anything! And oh boy that caused them both to go back and forth, arguing about who was the ‘older brother’ between them. Tubbo insisted it was him because he was born first but Tommy insisted it was him because he was taller. You just shook your head and led the bickering duo down the familiar path to Azo’s little ‘house’ you built her. And as you reached the open area you saw her outside the house playing with a couple other baby piglins. But when she looked up and saw you she squealed happily and all but sprinted over to you. You made sure to bend down and hold your hands out to catch her. 
She was so excited to see you again that she totally missed the two boys standing at your sides. At least until she heard them and then she stiffened and stared down at Tubbo from her place in your arms. Neither boy really knew what to say so you decided to intervene and put out introductions. You tapped her hand and smiled down at her, helping her worry ease a bit.
“Azo, I missed you! I want to introduce you to my sons! This,” you gestured to Tubbo, “is Tubbo. And this,” you turned your head and pointed to the blond on the other side, “is Tommy. They’re both very nice. And they wanted to meet you!”
You turned so you and Azo were both facing the boys and saw them smiling genuinely. Relief flooded you, thinking they were actually glad to meet the little piglin, unaware the smiles were more stemming from the fact you’d called them your sons so easily.
But you saw the wariness still on Azo’s face and worried she’d not like her new brothers. Suddenly you got a bright idea and your smile widened as you spoke up and said, 
“Hey, don’t you two have a gift for Azo? Maybe something yellow and shiny~?”
Tubbo’s mouth dropped down into an ‘o’ as he realized what you meant. Then he elbowed Tommy and then pulled open his inventory and started looking through it. Tommy glared at him, moving his arm away after getting jabbed, but then his eyebrows raised when he saw his best friend pull out a gold ingot from his inventory. Then he understood what you meant and hurried to look through his inventory as well. Thankfully he did have some gold ingots leftover from when he was crafting golden apples.
Azo perked up when she saw the gold ingot Tubbo had taken from his inventory. And when he offered it to her she couldn’t hold back the happy snort she let out as she joyfully accepted it. You giggled at how she admired the saffron colored bar. And when Tommy extended his own gold ingot you laughed when Azo’s little tail began to swish back and forth in glee as she took that one too. She looked so cute as she admired her new items. You rubbed her back and said,
“See? They’re pretty nice, right? Why don’t we go have something to eat? And we can hang out.”
The tiny piglin seemed more than happy with that plan and snorted happily. You carried her towards the house, her little friends having long since scurried off. The teens behind you followed your lead, joining you in the house. You sat Azo down and suggested she show off her toys to Tubbo and Tommy, which she started doing gladly. The two played with her while you brewed some tea and crafted some cookies. Chilled rosehip tea and shortbread cookies were on the menu and after it was all done you laid it out on the table before calling them over. The boys were all too happy for the chilly drink, the cold giving them reprieve from the heat of the Nether. But Azo was shocked by the cold, not having experienced something like this before. It took a bit of explanation to get her to give it a try, and despite how it made her shiver she seemed to really like it. And cookies were always popular. So the plate was emptied in a flash.
As you sat with the three, listening to Tommy brag to Azo about how ‘cool and tough’ he was and how he’s practically a hero in the Overworld while Tubbo interjected with contradictions, you felt yourself smile serenely; truly happy where you were right then.
@lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake @realitycanbeajerk @lostandsouciant @thegeekisheere @sparkling-gayyy @woman-soot @xxtwizztedxx @v10dw4lk3r
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paradoxlemonade · 4 years
Unintended Consequences
Fandom: Hermitcraft
Ships: None/gen
words: 2434
Warnings: self-blame, suffocation/inability to breathe, blood (that makes it sound so much worse than it is)
Ao3: Here!
Grian tossed the carved glass idol back and forth between his hands with a frown. "Still not feeling anything." He held it up so the sunlight refracted through the cyan crystals. "It’s pretty and all, but not magical."
Scar huffed and took the crystal back. "What's making you different from everyone else? The only other immune person is Mumbo, but he's a null." Scar went silent for a moment. "You aren't a null, right?"
Grian laughed. "Nope, not a null. Magic still affects me like normal." 
Scar scowled and paced for a moment. "What am I missing? What makes you different?"
Grian grinned and shrugged. "I guess I'm special." He leaned against Larry's shell and crossed his arms. "Why are you so worked up about this? So I'm not affected by the crystals, which I'm still not convinced are actually magic? What's the big deal?"
Scar shook his head and began putting the small bits of rainbow back into the mess of shulker boxes outside his base. "It doesn't add up. Mumbo's a null so of course, they didn't affect him. Everyone else had notable reactions. Some were stronger than others, yeah, but there was always something."
Grian snorted and tightened the straps on his elytra. "Sure, dude. Either they aren't magic or I'm special." He walked forward and punched Scar's shoulder. "I have my base to work on, but let me know if you want me to hold a different piece of pretty glass."
"Of cour- Hey, they're not just glass!" Grian laughed as he flew over the treeline and out of view.
Scar sighed and turned his attention back to cleaning up the shulker boxes from his latest improvements to his magical village. 
What was the missing variable? They'd already confirmed Grian wasn't a null. But if magic affected him, then the crystals should as well. 
He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the cyan statue Grian held earlier. If he focused, he could feel the faint pulse of magic within the glass, but it felt off somehow. Not necessarily wrong, but different. Slightly to the left. Warmer but sharper than the normal cyan statues. It took a moment to place, but it had the same energy as salt. Huh. That’s not normal.
Scar frowned and shoved the crystal into his ender chest. He needed to look into that as soon as possible.
Grian flew over the top of the jungle, grinning as the wind buffeted his skin. He may be known for building, but the sky was his true domain. No one could match him in elytra dexterity nor enthusiasm for avoiding the ground.
He scanned the forest canopy and zeroed in on a small black frame on top of one of the tallest trees. With a flutter of adrenaline, he flattened his wings to his back and went into a dive.
Blood roared in his ears as his speed built. 
Faster and faster in freefall, anyone less foolhardy would have pulled out by then. Grian prided himself on not being most people.
He flared his wings at the last second and landed in a roll in front of his nether portal. He hopped to his feet and walked through, only to take off once more.
Grian smiled breathlessly as he glided over the nether ceiling to the shopping district. He wouldn't trade flying for anything.
Grian was bored out of his skull. He ran out of dark prismarine for the roof of his base. His chest hurt. He felt like generalized garbage. A good prank would get him feeling back on track. 
He chuckled and took off with a shot of fireworks. It didn’t take long for Iskall’s Omega Tree of Fun and Happiness to appear on the horizon. Grian adjusted his angle and landed gracefully on a branch. 
When he didn’t immediately find his quarry, Grian floated down the trunk in a lazy spiral and scanned the interior.
Iskall wasn’t in the center, nor any of the little cave things. Grian groaned and flopped onto the grassy floor. He didn’t want to run all over the server, he could be anywhere and while Grian wasted a lot of fireworks, he didn’t want to buy more so soon.
... They both have communicators. Oops.
Grian: Iskallllllllll
Iskall85: what’s up?
Grian: I’m so bored
FalseSymmetry: oh no.
Grian: Where are you?
Iskall: I’m camping the button. Don’t expect much entertainment from me
Grian: okay sure :)
Grian grinned and shoved his communicator back into his pocket, ignoring any other pings from it. He dashed over into Iskall’s portal and jumped inside.
Acrid, dry air hit his lungs like a thousand needles. Grian gasped and doubled over in a coughing fit. He shook it off after a moment, but nagging worry nestled in the back of his mind.
Grian took off towards the button. He didn’t plan how he would mess with Iskall, but something to fill his time would be better than wandering around the jungle or the shopping district doing nothing.
As he neared his target, Grian’s chest tightened. Panic grew as his flight faltered and he choked on air.
He landed on his feet but crumpled to the ground behind the button throne. His throat burned. He struggled to push himself into a sitting position. 
“Grian! Are you okay?” Iskall ran over and kneeled in front of him, Mumbo on his heels. Iskall slung an arm across Grian’s shoulders and pulled him upright. Grian’s breath hitched. He coughed into his hand. When he drew it back, his fingers were splattered with warm blood.
Iskall cursed and picked him up bridal style. He yelled something to Mumbo, but Grian couldn’t hear. Everything sounded far away. Black spots overtook his vision. Grian fainted.
Grian just coughed up blood. Blood. Something was very wrong with this picture, and it was the color red.
Iskall clutched a shaking, unconscious Grian to his chest and stood up. “Mumbo, can you-“
“Already on it.” Iskall glanced over his shoulder. Mumbo typed a message on his communicator. “We need to get him out of the nether.”
Iskall nodded and started running towards the shopping district portal. It was at least a central location. They could plan better from there. The communicators pinged again. Iskall didn’t stop to check.
Mumbo did mid-stride. He read out the message with a shaking voice. “Change of plans, reroute to Scar’s base! He says he knows what’s going on.”
Iskall didn’t have time to question. He changed his angle and arrived at the new portal.
Scar clenched his hands tighter around his communicator to keep them from trembling. Horror pooled in his stomach as he read the latest message.
MumboJumbo: Grian coughed up blood and passed out. Can someone meet us in the shopping district with healing potions?
Scar punched in a response before anyone else could.
Goodtimeswithscar: Bring him to my village. I think I know what’s going on.
For once, the variables fell into place. Grian and the idol were in a positive feedback loop of magic alterations. He changed the idol; the idol changed him. People’s auras reacting unexpectedly to the crystals wasn’t even unprecedented. Grian had a delayed reaction.
A tendril of guilt twisted around Scar’s mind. He made no attempt to refute it as he walked out of his base wearing a stoic mask. He had no time for a pity party.
With a stack of dirt from his inventory, he built a shallow wading pool into the lake by Larry. He placed the last few blocks as Iskall and Mumbo stumbled through his nether portal.
Scar jerked his head up, and made contact with Iskall’s fear-filled eyes. No time to waste. “Bring him over!”
The two of them dashed over. “What’s the pond for?” Mumbo asked.
Scar neglected to answer as Iskall shifted Grian’s weight to his arms. His breath was weak. His skin was sallow. Scar lowered him into the water and removed the dull sweater swamping his scrawny frame.
Hundreds of pale beige scales interlocked over Grian’s torso and down his arms. Large gill slits crossed his sides. They fluttered delicately as Grian began to cycle water.
“Oh my goodness,” Mumbo said. “When did...?”
Scar didn’t tear his gaze away from the person he’d hurt. “Recently,” Scar said. “In the past week, at most.” Scar screwed his eyes shut and hauled himself out of the waist-deep pool.
“I wanted to know why he hadn’t reacted to the crystals.” He scowled and the dirt. “Turns out he did. Just very slowly.”
“Are you saying this is your fault?” Iskall asked, voice low and dangerous. Mumbo jerked his head up from staring at Grian’s prone form. Iskall glared daggers at Scar, who raised his hands in a placating gesture.
“It’s not like I could have seen this coming!” Scar gestured at Grian. “Only Ren and Cub had serious side effects, but it still wasn’t anything like this!” He looked helplessly to- “Mumbo, you get this, right?”
Iskall’s hands balled into fists. “Grian passed out because of something you did.” Scar flinched at the words and wrung his hands together. Iskall took a step forward. “I hope that you have a plan to fix this.”
Mumbo grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. “Iskall, control yourself. Getting angry won’t solve anything.” He turned and met Mumbo’s gaze. The aggression in his eyes faded as fast as it appeared. His shoulders slumped as if drained of energy. Scar relaxed in turn.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just worried.” Iskall groaned and ran a hand through his hair. “This isn’t how I expected my day to go.”
Scar laughed humorlessly. “Don’t I know it.” He turned towards Larry and gestured for Iskall to follow. “Come on, I have a few ideas for a reversal.”
Mumbo shooed the two of them off and took a seat by Grian’s pool of water. He drew up his legs and rested his chin on his knees. Grian almost looked peaceful. With his head resting on the dirt and his eyes closed as if sleeping, Mumbo could pretend nothing had changed, even for just a moment. As his gaze drew down to the glinting scales and gills, Mumbo scowled and knitted up his eyebrows.
If there was one thing Mumbo hated, it was not understanding. Magic had always been beyond him. He recognized the principles on an intellectual level, but magic was inexact and variable. Given that he couldn’t interact with it without potions or an enchanting table, it’s not like he studied it for himself.
Mumbo looked back to Grian’s face and prepared himself for hours of waiting. “Please,” he whispered. “Be okay.”
The world came back in stages. First was Grian’s sense of touch.
Warm water cradled his limp form like a down blanket. A zap of soreness jolted down his neck, which lied out of the water at an odd angle. Humid wind brushed against his dry, fluffy hair and moved it off his face.
Sound was next. Parrots chittered off in the distance along with the chatter of villagers. Leaves rustled overhead and the breeze wove amongst the branches. Waves lapped at his chest and made small splashing sounds. The tranquility almost lured Grian back to his dreamless sleep.
Last was everything else. Grian’s memory slammed into him like an anvil and his eyes shot open. His gills flared as he shoved himself up. Muscles in his torso protested, but the adrenaline was enough for him to ignore it.
The gills thing, on the other hand, was the source of the adrenaline and couldn’t be rationalized away as easily as waking up in the water. Since when did he have scales or gills? When did this happen? Who did this to him?
“Grian!” Mumbo’s shout yanked him out of his spiral. He turned to him, eyes wide with fear.
“What’s happening to me?”
Grian downed the bottle of viscous vanilla liquid, the latest attempt to turn him human again. His three friends watched expectantly as nothing happened.
“That one tasted better than usual, but I doubt it’ll do much.” Scar groaned and hit his forehead to the spellbook in his hands.
“It’s been four days, and this is going nowhere.” Mumbo and Iskall shared a glance and murmured an agreement.
Grian snorted. “Says people not stuck in a kiddie pool.” He spreads his arms and gives them a dead look. “You think what you’re doing is tedious and boring?”
Scar cringed and shook his head. “It’s not that it’s boring, It’s that...” he trailed off, chewing his lip. Grian looked back and forth between the people before him and scanned their expressions for hints. Mumbo fiddled with his tie and stared at a very interesting pebble on the ground. Iskall glared off into the distance at nothing in particular.
“It’s that what...?”
 Scar sighed and sank down in front of Grian. He held his head in his hands. “I’m worried that if we don’t get a solution soon, you’ll be stuck like this forever and it’ll be my fault.”
Grian pulled up his shoulders and grimaced. The thought crossed his mind. His base was on land. So were the shopping district and nether portals. And his elytra. Despite everything- “I’d manage.” He rests a hand on Scar’s knee. “I don’t blame you for this.”
“But you should!” Scar burst out. He tangled his hands in his hair and gripped like his life depended on it. “I should have done more baseline analysis before jumping into tests, or done more careful observation, something! I caused this, I should be able to fix it! I-”
“Scar,” Iskall cut in, kneeling next to him. Scar’s voice died in his throat. He looked to Iskall. “Please dude, shut up.” Scar recoiled, confusion drawn all over his face. “I shouldn’t have blown up at you. You didn’t see this coming and I shouldn’t have expected you to. You’re doing your best to fix it and that’s what counts.”
He pulled Scar to his feet and gave him a weary grin. “Let’s try again. There are a few combinations we haven’t tried yet.” The two of them returned to Larry, leaving Mumbo behind with Grian.
Grian met Mumbo’s pitiful gaze. He nodded. A message passed between them. An ‘I’m sorry’ went one way. A ‘thank you for trying’ went the other.
Grian built a new megabase in the warm ocean off the jungle coast. He scattered conduits all around the structure so hermits could come to visit.
It’s not the same, and it never would be like before. But with a riptide trident, Grian almost didn’t miss his elytra.
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stormjay0 · 4 years
I’m back with another ficlet, this time with my sona! I wanted to develop Storm a bit more through interactions with other characters, and the lovely @theguardiansofredland​ gave me permission to use their sona, Red, in the story. So without further adieu: here it is!
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“So where are we going again?” Red asked, peeking around the corner of a stack of barrels to watch Storm load up a shulker box. 
She threw in several ender pearls, dusted off her hands of the purple fallout, and straightened out to look at Red. “Woodland mansion! I found it a couple of weeks ago when I was out gathering spruce. I’ve only ever been to two, and I figured you’d like to see one? Plus, it’s got decent loot.”
Red furrowed his brow. “You mean the illager houses? Aren’t those kinda dangerous?” 
“Yeah, but you’re with me, and I know how to handle these guys. I’ve even shot a crossbow or two myself! Plus, sometimes they have music diiiscs….”
Red perked up her fins. “Can I get one?” she implored.
“They’re all yours!” said Storm, smiling at the kipling’s sudden enthusiasm. She threw her cloak over her shoulder and grabbed the shimmering purple sword leaning against another of the barrels. Red put on his boots, grabbing a handful of carrots out of that barrel. He bit into one as the two headed out the door of Storm’s mountain base, Red using the water elevator while Storm engaged her elytra. The former, whooshing downwards into a small pool of water below, marveled at the vast crow’s wings spreading from Storm’s back as she skillfully maneuvered her way downward. The two met at the base of the summit and set off into the forest.
“How are Ecto and Avon?” asked Storm casually. The duo had been travelling for nearly half an hour, a pleasant trek through a mostly empty forest. Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, giving a light green glow to the scene. 
Red, doing her best to keep up with Storm’s long strides, replied, “Good! Ecto’s hard at work as usual with her cacti, and Avon’s on a hunt for endermites. Not sure why, but she said it was important.” He absentmindedly picked a mushroom, twirling it in his hands. 
Storm glanced over at Red’s faraway gaze. “And how’s Ms. Gummi and the rest of the guardians? I haven’t been by the ocean in a while.”
“They’re fine, there was a misunderstanding at one of the temples recently that I had to sort out, but nothing too bad. Do you know the hermits?” Red asked, internally chuckling at Storm’s title for Mama Gummi. 
“I know pretty much everyone,” Storm replied. “Grian told me about the incident, said he had quite a fun time destroying the farm with all of you. If I know Grian, that sounds right up his alley.” She chuckled fondly. “He and Ren came to visit a few weeks back. Grian scared the life out of me when I tried to give Ren a little jumpscare! They came to one of my temporary houses..” 
Red half-listened pleasantly to Storm’s ramblings about the hermit’s recent visits. Storm certainly did know everyone, that was for sure. Always moving around, never sticking in one place for too long, she could be found all over the map. He was surprised to see her yesterday, and even more surprised that she wanted to tackle a woodland mansion with him!
As if reading the kipling's thoughts, Storm turned the topic back to the journey. “Anyways, I was really glad you wanted to come with me! These trips can get a little lonely, and backup is always great to have in places like these mansions. I missed you since my last visit and thought I’d come invite you to something fun.”
“Yeah!” Red’s glasses tilted slightly as she grinned at Storm. “Although, illagers aren’t exactly my idea of fun.” 
“It’s an adventure!” Storm proclaimed, throwing her hands dramatically into the air. “A quest, if you will!” She struck an exaggerated pose, and Red couldn’t help but to giggle.
 “And speaking of adventure…” she pushed aside an obtrusive branch to reveal a dark wooden structure looming out of seemingly nowhere. “We’re here.”
The front of the mansion was around the side of the building, giving the two the opportunity to properly outfit themselves before heading in. Storm took a thin iron chestplate for herself and plopped a diamond helmet onto Red. “Gotta protect those fins!” she remarked cheerily. Red didn’t know how she was so calm- he was a little panicky at the sight of the massive structure. 
The duo approached the domineering front doors. Storm realized Red’s apprehension, thinking quickly about what would help the kipling overcome her fear. She smirked and turned to Red. “Last one to find a loot chest has to eat a poisonous potato!”
Apprehension momentarily forgotten, Red’s eyes shone with the glint of competition. “You’re on!” 
The two playfully shoved each other out of the way, racing to open the door first. Subtle “hhhruhs” could be heard from the inhabitants as the spruce doors slammed shut. 
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ceaderblocks · 5 years
The Devil’s in the Details
Chapter One
Made alongside @thematrixmutual
The Hermits didn’t question the laws of magic and physics in the land, they just knew how it worked. Gravel and Sand fell if the supporting block was removed, TNT floated in the air until hit, and other blocks simply didn’t move at all. Most blocks could moved by pistons, and others, such as chests, couldn’t. There was a system to everything, sorted into lines and squares and cubes and chunks. 
Magic was much less predictable. It was fluid and chaotic and wild. It was circles and squiggles and spheres and wisps. Everyone benefited from some magic, like respawn, fast healing and inventories. Some magic had to be hunted down, like ender pearls or redstone. Some magic was blessed to users, and that was the most unpredictable. 
Xisuma could last longer in the Void then anyone before succumbing to its will (some say he even spoke with it, but that’s a story for another day). Doc, Mumbo and Iskall could feel the redstone under the ground, and draw it to the surface to make incredible machines the others could only dream off. Stress could control ice, False had supersonic reflexes, Tango could bathe in lava like water, and Grian floated through the air effortlessly with his Elytra. The Universe granted all of it’s patrons gifts, but some more powerful then others. 
Take the ConVex, for example. Vex magic was unstable and dangerous. The villagers that attempted to wield it became twisted and deranged. However, when two innocent pranksters caught the Vex’s eye, it desired to use them like it used the Evoker’s. It desired to turn the duo against their friends, to warp and destroy and cause chaos and bloodshed and fear and confusion. 
The Universe’s gift was not giving them the power of the Vex, it saving Scar and Cub from it. 
It took years, but eventually Cub and Scar learnt to manage the Vex. Some chaotic pranks here and there (as well as some cake) allowed them to have access to unimaginable power. Their movements were faster, their weapons sharper, and their luck was better. In moments of peril, Vex magic helped them live. It carried them when their elytra broke, saved them from lava, and gave them boosts of power and strength when fighting. It often left Scar and Cub exhausted, shaking, numb- but alive.
The first time it had been used was in a cave, thousands of blocks away from his main base. Scar had been mining, and fell into a double zombie spawner. Quickly overwhelmed with fear and the undead tearing at his flesh, Scar had reached out in panic to anything that could help him, that could save him. 
The Vex responded, wrapping him in cold magic that froze his blood and stopped his heart. After the cold came a flash of unbearable heart, making Scar’s heart beat faster then it ever should, shooting waves of destructive magic over the monsters, turning them and the spawners to ash. Scar couldn’t say what happened next, his vision turning white and his head filled with static. 
He woke at Cub’s, his items intact, lungs aching and his friend looking worried. Two Vex masks laid on the bedside table, pristine and glowing with power. This power wasn’t used often, it was too unpredictable and damaging to themselves and the area around them.
 Today, however, was one of the days where it was used. The End, usually quiet, was filled with the sounds of laughter and swords clanging. 
“I’ve got them!” Cub called out, crouching to pick up a few shulker shells that had dropped. “How’re you doing, Scar?” 
“I’m having a little bit of trouble,” Scar admitted with a laugh, floating upside down from the levitation effect of a nearby shulker. “When I get down, I’ll raid this place with the passion of a thousand Scar’s!” 
“Can’t do that if there’s nothing to raid!” Cub said, smiling as he aimed his bow at the last shulker of the End City they were raiding. 
“Hey! No fair!” Scar said, kicking frantically to try and dispel the effects of the shulker faster. “Cuuub!” 
“Too late!” Cub said, releasing his arrow. It met it’s target, and the shulker fell, it’s shell cracking into two pieces. 
“Oh, when I get down from here I’ll-“ Scar’s joking threat was cut off with a surprised shout as the effect lifted, making the builder fall and hit the ground with a loud thunk. 
“You’ll what?” Cub asked, offering a hand to his friend. 
“I’ll do something! I just have to think of it first.” Scar said, sitting up and rubbing his back. “That was a good tumble. Ow-chie!”
“You’ll definitely feel that in the morning.” Cub agreed. “Are you about ready to head back? I think I have enough resources.”
“Uh, yeah,” Scar said, his eyes glazing over as he shifted through his inventory, taking note of all his treasure. “I think I’m good. I forgot an Ender Chest.”
“Good thing I’m organized.” Cub said with a chuckle, placing one down. 
Scar smiled in agreement, opening the Ender Chest and pulling out some shulker boxes to organize his inventory. Enchanted weapons in one box, shulker shells in another, spare elytra, enchanted books... and finally, his diamonds. 
Scar smiled at the 48 diamonds he managed to collect with Cub. That, on top of the gear they grabbed, made them a little richer and ConCorp a little more powerful. 
“I’m heading back, are you coming?” Cub asked, taking off his gear in preparation to throw himself into the void. 
“Give me one second,” Scar said, distracted. He put all the shulker boxes in the chest except one. His treasure box sat on the ground, and Scar took off his armor, putting it in the box. “Okay, ready to go!” 
Cub gave him a thumbs up, and sprinted to the edge of the island, throwing himself off the edge with a flip. Scar laughed. 
“Show off!”
[ cubfan135 fell out of the world. ]
Scar ran to the edge, laughing, and jumped backwards, taking a final look at the view, the purple of the End City and the yellow of his treasure box glowing against the void. 
“My shulker box!” Scar gasped, already tumbling into the void.
 All his valuables were there, loosing them meant going back to square one and that couldn’t happen, not with Sahara open! He didn’t have an elytra on either, how could he be so stupid!
“No, no no no!” Scar cried out, and in panic, reached for the only thing that could help him get back to the island- Vex magic. 
It laughed joyfully when he reached for it, eating up the panic and fear Scar had. He felt calm as it embraced him, rushing over him in waves of heat. The burning sensation was always strange, but not painful. Scar silently thanked the Vex as he felt tendrils of magic lift him up towards the island, which was growing ever closer. Only a few more blocks and-
Scar and the Vex screamed when cold cold cold c o l d burnt his leg. Looking down, vision enhanced by the magic, Scar tried to kick away the invisible hand dragging him downwards, pain seeping into his bones. He released wave after wave of magic, trying to release the iron grip. Nothing seemed to work, and panic began to overtake Scar’s mind. What was keeping him down? Why wasn’t Vex magic working?
 The Vex magic, as suddenly as it came, left. Scar fell into the arms of the void, anger flooding his vision. 
How could the Vex betray him like this?  [ GoodTimesWithScar f̻̫̘̺̟ͮ́e̦̪̼̙̣̬͝l̻͎͚̰̤͂͠l̥̬̣͍͚̆͡ ̬̳̘ͤo̟̱̬̯͆̽̃ͨu̶̝̾ͥ̎ͥt͈͚̺̣͑͒͗ ̙̠̬͎̤̖̫ͩͯͦo̻̟̓ͭ̏̿ͅf̢̼͔ͅ ͧ̒̈́ͤ͐ͮt̺̞͉͔̠ͦͤhͨe̱̘͓͖͚̩ ̜̱̭͠w̘̞ͪ̌ͦ̅ͤ̏ͥǫͩ̋͑r̤̭͊̿̂͌̃̽́ḻ͍̏̓̿̈ͪ͛ͅd̪͢ ͈̖̀]̣̰̦ͬ̃̐̔̉̑͟ He woke, and it was empty. There was no void, no respawn. Just, black. Scar wasn’t standing on anything, but he wasn’t falling either.  “Hello?” He called out, hesitant. His voice neither carried or echoed. “Is anyone there?”
Y̸̢̟̩̯̣̮̺̖ͪ̓ͧ́ǫ̦̼̲̩͈̆ͧ̐̏̕u̷̢͈ͨ̀ ̶̛̩͈̟̦ͬ͗̀ͅh̸̸̰̩̪͉͇̝̬̭͈ͩͬ̋̒̉̀̍̈ạ̵̦̬̄ͩ̋ͥ͘vͪͧ̌ͨͧ҉̗̜͈͇͓̱̮ê̒̑ͤ́҉̡̣̳͉̀ ̭̠̗ͩ̿b̵̪̲̭͛ͤ̊͟r̒͆ͪ̐ͭ͂҉̶͚̼ȯ̉̇̋̃͋͑̍ͧ͢͏̝̱̦ú̯̝̤̥̭͈͇͖ͭ̾ͥ̐̄͢͝g̤̞̼͇ͦ̐ͮ̑ͯ̎ͥ̇͟h̛͍̘̪̠̺̺͎̞ͦ͆ͪͯ͗̐͛ͯ͢͠t̶̬̩̻̖̹̋͒ͧ̔͆͐ͬ͊ ̗̬̾ͭͭ̓̚͡f͇̻͌͊ͭ͛ͦ̈́͠o̳̭̖̠̳͕̿̕͢ȑ̹̹̈̏̾̽b̄̽̿̊ͨ̚͏̴̫͎̺̘̺͇͚̪͍i̯͔̫̣̽͑̓ͮͣ̀d̅ͭͬ́̿̌ͥ҉̵̫̟̀d̨͔̣̣̼̟̅̉ͪ͆ͫ͢e̱̝̪̜͙̠̼͕̔͛ͤ̀̈̓ͦ͢͜n̨͙̪͎̘͈̏͗̕ ̧̨̪͉͖͓̰͍̼̌͆̎̚͢m̪ͩ̅̔̀́͢ḁ͖̠̭̐̽͘g̼̙͕̙ͭ̃̂̀̆͗́i̧͕͙͖̲̩̐ͮ̑c̜̼̟̥̆͌͆̈ͩ̑̓̃͠ ̶̷̯̌̌̅̀ͨ̿̚͡ṱ̴̺̘͍͈͊̀̚oͩͯ̾ͩ҉͝҉͓͔̭̯̺̯ͅ ̴̼̝̞͎̲̤̹ͫ̐̃̑̊ͯ̽ͅm̡̗̲̀ͩ̏͒͞ẙ̡̯̣̗̬̫͔̈́ͩ̾̐́́͊͘ ̨̻͍̼͗̔͗͂͠͝r̪̣͕͑̔̓ͣͨ̓͢͡ȇ̷̜̠̰̫͐̿̃͟a̴͊̏̃ͪ̈҉̻̩͎̝͍͞ļ̱̗͈̠̦ͦ͊̋͢m͕̘̩̹͎͓̩̳̉͛̍̅̀̕.ͮͤ̄̍҉̠̟̯͙͙̱ ̢̃̌̓̒̂̚̕҉̭̪̹̘
The voice was everywhere- inside his head, a thousand kilometres away, spoken from Scar’s own mouth while being nowhere at all.  “What?” Scar said, his head aching. “Forbidden magic?” 
I̞̪̙̲̻͔͓ͧ̈́ͤͧ͌ ̴̻̺͕͇͎͚͂ͨ͋̓ͪ̑̚m̅ͩ͂̅ͤͣȃ͚͕͎͕d̫̮̠͙̎̇ͫ̿́̂͘ė̵̥̲̪͇̘̪ͧ̂ͅ ̹͔͖̃ͭͪ͆̐ͯa̬̓ͨ̊ͧ͂̽͠ ̩͖̫̯̉͝d̩̼͓͎̿̊̉͐͗ͫ̚ė̵̤̼͇̳̖̖̊ͫ̉ͪa̎̀͑l̬͙̩ ̬̦̈́̂̎͆͑̚w̮͉̼ͭ̐̄̒̍ͨ̌́i̤͚͓̤͖͈t̬̲̪̊̀ͅĥ̺̉ͥ ̳t̻̤h̼͇̰̙̩͚̞ͮ̀ͦ̍̎ë͓̺͑ ̨͍̩͕͚̰V̊͗̒ͦ̂ͥ̓́e̶ͨͩ̒̾xͯ̄̑ͩ͂̔̓͢.͕̼̬̰͓͕͋̌̉ ̖ͯͤ̎̽̀͒ ͮ̈́ ͚͔͉ͯ̅͛ͨ̃̉͌́Y̛̥̺̜̜̟͋̔̈͗̆o͕̦̯̓͋ͣͪũ҉͎͓ ̦̆̇͟ẘ̆ͭͤ̌̿̑ẹ͔̪̽̎͒͊͘rͫ̀̂̍ͥ͞e̡͉͕̻ ̢̏̒ͭ̎ͫͬt̥͇̺͚̮͈̎o̙̯̝͎̘̞̓̑̓ ̢̣̘͌̍̿b͇̜̋̽̏̋̊̒e͙͔̫̻̘͖̞ͣ ͙̪͒t̘͙ͦ̇̋ͭͨͪh̬̖̿͂́̎̇̌̌ẽ̥̪̖͙͊ͥ̑̆̿͢ͅị̜̳̥̱͆̒r̲͎̊̀ͧ͜ ̸͖͎̲̻̾̏̎ͥp̠̝̣̣͖̳͛̍ḫ̸ͣ̐̾̓ͣͥy̖̯̥̪̔̅͆ͩ͂͝s͇i̟̝͕̰̬̿ċ̜̤̭͙̻̾̃͘a̪̬̜̱͚̯͛ͨ̿̃̽ͭ́l͓̥̼̅͂̎̏͌ ͕̩̻̣͆͆͆͂ͪ̏f̙͚̘̋̍̃̀o̪̪̼̩ͦ͂̓͊̾̍͘r͉̮͕̭̜̮̰̆͛͋̔ͨ͆m̌̍͋ͧͬ͗͝,̋́ ̶̥̥̩͂̑͋̒̚b̷͇̞͛́u̫͚̞̦̻̮̗ͥ̂t̎͛͒ ̬̟̣̝̐̔͋ͪ̊̄̋t̻̪̮͋ͭ̔h̀͆ͫ̽͐͋ȇ̽̅͐҉̭̰̜̺y̨̾ͯ̚ ̤̳̙͓͍ͣͭ̂̌ͭc̠͚̺̞̟̦͗̑̑ͪ̉͛ͪ̕ö̘̗̼́ͬͪ͊ͬ͑u̗̬͈͆̉ͨ̿̋l͚̘͈̼̂̒̊̓ͫd̙͈̟̃́ ͇̞̖̲͇͚ͨ͑͘ņ̗̲̩̱͍ͦ͂̉͑̇͂ȯ̅̽ͦ҉̥̦̯̥͈t̟̝͎̝̦̱̰ͧ͒ ̳̦̹̲̲̱ì̓̑ͦ̈́̇̓͏̬nͩ̀ͥ̃̓̂ͮ҉̙͓͇tͥ̋͒͌̆̓̓e̪̣͔̘̖̘r̠̣̖̜̭̮̱ͫͤͣͩ͒̚a̝̟̳͚͓̰͋̆̓̄͟c̈̍͌͆̄͋̍͝t̂̿̓̎̆͌͝ ͈̤̩̰̅̎ͣ̀ͧ̌w̗̝̗̠̱̋͛ͧi̩̫̲̞ṯ̫̬͕̜͓͉h̜̓ͪ̆͆ ̂̓̇ͬ̑̈̐̀m̴̱ȇ̥͎̝̖͍͙ͦͦͪ̃͊̂.̥̣̩̻͑ͯ̄ͦͨ ̙̞͓̺͙͛ͩ̽̅͐ ̴̜̟̮̻̿̐ ̶̈T͈̺̫͕͖̞ͭ̑ͫ̐̋͂̇h̠̭̰̹̃ͩͪ̎͟ȩ̱̠͈͖͛y̩͖̥̺͕͈ ̰̮͈̓̔̒̎ͮh̬͎̱̜͆̎͒̅̅̈́͆a͈̜͔ͫ͆ͤ̍̉̾̚v͙̤̍ͬͬ̈̓e̢͓̼̯̖̲͈̤̊͋ͦ̔̓ ̻͖̳̜̮͒͆̀ͅb̤̯̯̫̾r̩̤̘̯͈̀͆̒̊͘o̎̆̐̎ͫͣ̇k̍̃e̡̙̗̲̳̝̭̥ň̳̠͒͛̿͆̂͝ ̼͍̏tͭ̅̓͒̋ͩḧ͔͔̪͍͉̚i̘ͥs̿̃̉ͭ͗͂ ̯̘̺̉̔̾̾c̙̥̙̗̩̦̔ͧ͝o̢̳ṉt̘͔̞͍͈̘̞͗̽̈͗ͤ̒r̵͕͉ͪ̽͋͒ͦa̧͇͕̪͖͌ͧ́͐́c̜̱͚͐͆̔̚͡t̬̩̭͕̆ͯ̾,̢̠̥ ͈̖̤͈̼̃̅̒̌a͇̮͍͛̽n̋̈ͮ̆̌̕ḏ̴̦͑̓̓̅ͪ ̮̕a͔ͣ͒̒s̋ͯ̾ͯͬ̎͋ ͓͔̣̜̪͛̓̉͊a̡̪̤̋ͥ̈́ͬ̐ ̘͉͈̠ͬ́r͍̞̫̫̰͕͐ͭ͋̄͗͆͡e͔̬̙͚͗͆̚͝s̙̟̘̔̈̂͌̕u̫̙̱͇̖̪ͣ̓ͅl̖̭̟ͣ̎͆̍ͤ͌̇͜t̯͙̰̮̙͡,͇ͯͨͮ ̄̽̑̈͛͜y̗͇̞̩͎̿ͨͤ̏̍̿͌o͇͎͕̭͈͉̩̔̊͐ͨu̷̥̝̬͇̤ ̻̺͚̮h̶̬ͨ̍̓ͨa̷̩̲̙̗̔͗v̤͕̓͊ͬ̿ͧẹ̦̻̝͓̼ͬ̂͛̒̆̌̓ ̪̭͎̱̺ͩͣͤ̌́̕b̩̣̻̰̿r̤̙̱̫͙͉̓̽o͏̰̖͈̲̖̮̮ķ͛ͣͥͧ̿͆ȇ͍͓̘̳͚͉nͬ̏ ̑̽the ͔̟̿̌̊̍͗ͤc̴̩͎̼͈̞̣͆̅͑̀o̢̟͍̹͐̀̓͗ͮn̶̟t̅̆͂ͩṟ̜̳̰̙̤͒ͦa̜̾̊ͯ͆̕c̥̓ͪ͛ͨ͌̑͂̀t̮ͤ̃̊ͬ.͇̺̤̹̙̖̏ ̜̳͍̬̺̗̂ͮ “Who are you?” Scar gasped, the piercing pain in his head only getting worse.  T͉͈͔̳̞̳he̥͕̮̻̯͟ ̛̰̮V̰̗͖̬̗̮ͅo͏̯̟iḍ̲̲̱̮͈.͟ ̟͉̗͟T̳̱́h̛̫͎e͙͚̤̬͙͈͡ ͖̬̻̼̥E͚͉ͅn̘̫d͏̝͙͍̣͓.͡ ̳̪T̜̪͖͕̻̫h̵̝͚̦̥͇͚ͅḙ̼̺̹͢ͅ ̹̫͇͓̺̯U͈̦̫̫̻̭͠n̶̖͔͓̯͈į̹̱̪͕͇v̰̹̼͍̲͎ę̭rs̱͉͉̘͕e̷͎͉̰̮ͅ. ̳̪́G̘͉̕o̦͍̪͚̬̠̳d͓̤̦̝͝.̕ ̭͉̬I̲͕̯̱͡ ̖͕͙́a͏̠̱m m̫͚̜̹a̖̱̰̼͡n̷̖y̬̰̮̦͖ͅ,̠͔̀ a̹͎n̘̫͎̳͞d̫̫̜̀ ̷̱̞I̙̬͈̣ ̮̭̜̥͖ͅa̮͖̞̟m͍̮ ͏͉n̯̲̰̩͙̫ͅo̡̥̩͔͙͇̫ͅt͏̟̠̤̖̰̤̪h͇̺͖̩̪͈͕i̢̘̮n̨͈̣̯̫͈͔g͎͎̗̼̹͙ͅ.͙ ̳̪͉̩̼̜̟ “Please,” Scar begged, clutching his head. The voice made the headache unbearable. “You’re hurting me. Please, stop speaking.”
“Is this better for your human form to comprehend?” 
Scar squinted through the pain, trying to see the voice that spoke. He was met with his face, identical to his own. Well, almost identical. This version of him had cyan eyes instead of green, and their hair was longer. They also had more scars across his face. The pain in Scar’s head was beginning to subside as the void no longer broadcasted itself into his atoms. 
“What is going on?” Scar asked, panic rising as he tried to figure out the scenario. “Why am I here? Where is here? Who are you?”
“The Vex broke a contract.” The other Scar said impassively. “You are here to repair that contract. Here is nowhere, and I am you.”
“That made even less sense.” Scar said, running a hand through his hair. “I wish I hadn’t asked.”
“You don’t get much of a choice of what you control here, Oscar.”
Scar flinched at the mention of his full name. “I don’t- what? How did you-?”
“Oscar,” the other Scar was suddenly in close front of him, grasping Scar’s face between his rough hands. “I am the Void. You belong to me. I know all, and I know off the anger and greed that plagues your essence.”
There was a pause. Scar couldn’t breathe. 
“You have many sins to atone for. You must prove your place, or I will replace you.”
Scar's vision went dark, glowing cyan eyes the last thing he saw.
[ G̡̡̲͖̱̮͕̝ͪ̇͐ͨ̂̀͛́ͅo̸̳̹ͣ͐ͪ̾̃ô̰̼̰̟͎̮̺̈́̀̅ͩ̀͡d̵͈̯̜ͮ̌T͔͓͙̏͠͡ì̶̳͕̖͚̝̰͕ͥ͋̑̉ͬͅm̨͕̥͚̣͆͊͐e̵͎͍̖̹̞̻͐ͧ͋̂s̷̝͈̗̼̖͇̭̬̗ͨͫ͛̓̋ͯ͜Ẉ̻̻̭̱̬ͯ͛ï͇͈̃̃͒͌ͯ͐͐ͭ͞t̳͉̣̥̼̖̳̲͑ͧ̎͛̐ͅh̢̡̳͎̙̾̂ͩͬS̸̨̬͚͉͌̑̊̄̽ͅͅc̢̞̟̹̩ͯͪ̂̂ͪ̏ͬa̧̠̺͇ͩ͑̑ͩ͑ͩrͤ͒̀̈́̏҉̬̬̟͢ ̩̮̙̥̣̳̾͐̎ͦ͛̓͐͠h̜̘̘͓͍̅̇ͅͅa̦̩̻͎̥̟̹̫͉͂̾́̿s̡̙͙̘̭͓̬͇̪̽́ ͍̬̳͕̦͇̤ͪ̆d̨̻̮͖͕̠̟̗̥̈́̈̿ͫ̿ͧͫͣi͕̤̱̯̳͐̈́̊̑ͪ̏͑e̢̼͎̠̠̮̲͙͉̓̅͐̄̒̎̀͝d̡̘̙͒͑̂̍ͯͣ͒́.̙͕̜̤̣̲͕͖͑͌ͪ̀ͧ̽͠] [ B̡̡͔͉̗̘̣̭̲͖̖̬̻̺̟̭̿̆͋̍ͨ͢͟a̯̬̭̤̮̬̖͔̖ͯ̃̀͒̈ͨͮͫ̀͞͝d̛͇̗̟̖̱̳̗͇̝̼̞̰͉̝̰̭̥̒͆ͪ̿̿ͩT̴͍̺̼̳̘̤͎̝̩̬̱͖͈̃͆͗ͣ̓̓͢͝i̛̺͓̖͚̖̠͉̯͎̳̜͎̞͕͊͆̆̈́͒͑̏͑͞m̸̨̖͇̝̰̹̀ͤ̃̄ͯ̈́ͫ̎͊̚e̶̙̯͎̼̲̤̭͓̜̝̜͖̗̰͚̦͈̯ͦ̐ͩͥͦ́̏̉̎́ͦ̒̓̕͟͜͠ş̴͙̪̩͖͍̺̭ͧ́ͥ̓ͣ̑͒̔̐̀͡Ẁ̴̴̶̧̱̻̹̺͎̩͔͇̙̳͔̯̹̳͖̞̙͖ͤ͂ͦ̍̎̂ͪͣ͌ͮ͐̋͑ͬ͐̎̂͝ͅi̢̢͎̞͕̟͙̣̙̱̪̘̼͚̐ͬ̌̒̈́̆̅̂̽́̐͞ͅt̸̡͈͙͓̪̰͆͒ͤ̇͌͂͡h̄ͥ͗̆̈́ͬͮͣ̚͟͢͏̡̖̥̦S̡̜̤͓̩͈̜̝̼̬̻̼ͦͮ͆c̸̷̡̺̟̤͙͖̱̰̼̎̓̑͛̾ͭͩ͘a̾ͪ̔̒̓̌͝҉̀͏̲̫̦̥̣̤̣̦͈̲̭̠̬̪͚̘͓͢r̴̙͕̞̹͚̟̦͕̪̖͂̑ͣ́͘̕͝ ̶̵̰̪͍͕̘̘̮͎͇̟̔̑͒̎͑͒̊̑̆͐̿ͯ͘͘͠j̵̴̰̙̱͍̗̮̪̟̏̽̓͊ͣ̈́̐́̔͆̑̐͋ơ̪̬͓̱̮͖̹͙̝̮͚̳͙̯̗̣͎̤̽̑͑̏ͥ͆ͤ͐ͪ̍͛͌̄̍ͭͪ̀́͢ͅi̷̛ͫ͗̾́͋͐̏ͬ͛̓ͫͣ͂ͩ҉̵͔͓̞͠n̷̷̡̯͚̤̻̤̘̪̦̱͕̪͚̹͙̪̭̼͕̏̎́̒̆̀ͅe̴̡̽̎ͩ͆ͦ́͠͏͖̱̖͇̩̥̤̤̘̟̞͇͎ͅd̸̐͛̾͂̑̎́ͩ̋̿́͏͚͚͇͇̜̯͕͓̜̰̻͍̩̹ ̢̘̘̟̲͖͍̤̯̹͉̫̣̰̰̣̩̈̈́̄ͮ̏ͭ̉ͮͩͪ̂̎ͪ̐ͪͣͫ͘t̵̠͔̭̣̰̰͖̪̣͇̮͕͗ͣͩ̄ͮ̓ͬ̃̄ͯ̇ͧ̀̂͑̽́͒̕h̵̋̓̍͗͛ͨ̈̏ͮ͛̈̉̑͒̑̏ͭͯ҉͍̣̙̥̀͢͡e̖͓͇͚̥̗̤̻͔̦͓͎ͧ̔͌͌͆̓̄͆̚̕ ̵̝͚͚̩̟̣̺͖ͣ͆ͮ̃̆͋͑̔͌̂g̈́̇ͬ͒͐̿ͫͨ̅͊̓ͬ͛ͣ̓ͬ͏̵̻͓̼̩̘͓̝̻̦̙̭̠̠̳̭̻̹̭͜ͅa̲̺̖̹͔̗̻̟̩̠̻̒ͧͧ̃̐̅ͤ̕͡ͅͅm͋̀͌̃ͨͩͪ́̆̽̇̀̕͘͡҉̞̼̙̹̩͖̺͕ͅę̷̡̪͉͖̪̺̓ͯ̓̂̇͋̓̄͞͠ ̶̪͕̤͚̰̟̙̗͖̭̩̪̺̠̲̖̰̹ͥ̊ͪ̎͐̌̍ͫ̃͒͗͛̓̈́͑̾̕͠͝]̋̀̄ͦ̾̋͆ͤ̆ͮ҉͈̣̦͔͎̻̹̙͕͕̥
158 notes · View notes
quartz-slab · 5 years
Word count: 6.5k 
@nb-sponge and @mincecruft helped me write this because they’re awesome
This is part of @ask-elementalhermitcraft‘s au, so if you want more context about this universe, go check out their blog!
"Yes?" he answered in his most innocent tone of voice.
"Is that a chicken on my base?" Mumbo demanded, pointing down at the top of his spherical base.
Grian squinted in the direction he was pointing, but they were a little too high up for him to see it. "I don't know, maybe? Why would there be a chicken on your base?"
The unimpressed look Mumbo gave him at that suggested he wasn't buying it at all, but before Grian could defend himself further, Mumbo was swooping down to get a closer look. With a twitch of his wings, Grian followed him down.
Since Mumbo was slightly in front of him, he got a perfect view of his friend botching the landing and tumbling head over heels along the top of his base before skidding to a stop in an annoyed heap. The sight made him laugh hard enough that his own landing was a little awkward, sending him stumbling forward several steps before he managed to stop himself.
"Nice landing," he teased.
"Oh, shut up." Mumbo tried to sit up, but the fall had knocked his elytra loose and one of the straps was wrapped around his arm, trapping it to his body. "Um. A little help, please?"
Grian shook his head, still giggling, and went over to free his friend. It took a bit of tugging from both of them, and some awkward wiggling from Mumbo, but eventually they managed to get the elytra off him. He scrambled to his feet, brushing away the wrinkles from his suit and doing his best to look dignified. His cheeks were red enough that it was hard to see his freckles.
"Thanks. Now, where did that chicken go?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Mumbo. Why on Earth would there be a chicken in your base?"
"Well, maybe because a certain friend of mine keeps throwing eggs everywhere!" Mumbo threw his arms out, gesturing at the expanse of biomes below them.
Grian hummed, acting thoughtful. "Do you mean Iskall? It is pretty suspicious that we never see him and Poultryman in the same place, really."
"I saw you here yesterday with an armful of eggs, Grian."
"It wasn't me, it was the man in the chicken costume!" he insisted, playfully shoving at Mumbo's shoulder.
Mumbo took half a step back to brace himself, but his shoe landed on the discarded elytra and skidded. Grian had half a second to process the shocked look on his friend's face - and then Mumbo was falling off the side of his base with a shout of surprise. The next few seconds felt like an eternity while Grian realized what happened:
Mumbo was falling.
Mumbo wasn't wearing his elytra.
Mumbo was going to die and it was all Grian's fault, which meant -
Mumbo wouldn't respawn from this.
He shook himself out of his shock and sprinted forward, diving off after his friend, wings tucked as close to his back as they could go to help him fall faster. Below him, Mumbo was tumbling through the air, flailing out his arms like it would somehow help him slow down. Grian reached down, trying to catch him, but they were too far apart. The wind whipped around him in an attempt to slow down their fall, but it wasn't enough. The ground was approaching too fast, and he couldn't dive fast enough to beat it.
His view started to blur with tears, brought on by a mixture of fear and the rush of air against his eyes. If he could just fly a little faster, or if he'd moved a little faster, he'd be able to save Mumbo, but he'd just stood there like an idiot instead of reacting and there wasn't enough time.
Mumbo hit the ground with a sound that Grian knew he would hear in his nightmares forever, and vanished, leaving his items scattered over the ground.
Choking on a sob, he pulled out of the dive, wings pumping desperately as he tried to stop himself from experiencing the same impact. The wind, apparently not in the mood to mess with him right now, helped slow him down enough that the landing was only painful, rather than lethal. He still ended up rolling a couple of feet, in just the same way as he'd made fun of Mumbo for doing only a few minutes ago.
He slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position, but couldn't make himself move any further than that. For a long moment, he just sat where he'd fallen, wrapping his wings around himself in an instinctive attempt to hide from what had just happened. Falling damage on its own wasn't permanently lethal, but Grian was the one who had pushed him. Did that mean Mumbo was just - dead? For real? He shook his head desperately, even though he knew he was just fooling himself.
Still, he made himself stand up. If Mumbo was respawning at all, he would respawn in his base, right? In which case he'd probably want Grian to bring his stuff up there. He moved to go collect it, and winced. The fall had left scrapes and bruises all over him, and now that some time had passed he was becoming painfully aware of all of them. One of his ankles ached every time he stepped on it, but he forced himself to ignore it and started collecting Mumbo's scattered items.
There were too many of them to fit in his inventory, but he managed to find a few shulker boxes that weren't completely full, so he shoved all the leftovers into them. It was all a complete mess, but he could take the time to sort it out later. Right now he had to go check Mumbo's bed.
The wind was howling in response to his emotions, tugging at his clothes and whipping up the sand, but it didn't stop him from taking off. It knew when things were too important to mess with him. But even without the wind messing with him, his flying was so erratic that he almost slammed into the side of the base before landing correctly on one of the pathways. He barely slowed down when he hit the ground, letting his momentum push him forward into a run. There were a few stray shulker boxes in his way, but he vaulted over them instead of taking the time to dodge, spreading his wings to give him the extra height he needed.
He skidded to a stop next to Mumbo's bed, looking around frantically for some sign of his friend. But Mumbo was nowhere to be seen, and the sheets were just as neat as he usually left them, suggesting that he hadn't been here recently. Grian whirled around, trying to scan every part of the base for a tall, black-suited figure, but he couldn't see anything He quickly messaged Mumbo, but got no immediate response.
Mumbo hadn't respawned here. Which meant -.
Grian pressed both hands against his mouth, dropping his communicator onto the bed as the tears he'd been trying to hold back finally poured loose. His best friend was dead and it was all his fault, because he was too slow and too stupid to react in time. What was he supposed to do now? His breath hitched, coming out in frantic gasps. There had to be something he could do, but the only thing he could think was Mumbo's dead he's dead he'sdeadhe'sdead.
The wind picked up even more, approaching gale force as he panicked, whipping in fierce circles around him like it was trying to keep him safe from whatever was upsetting him. "I can't - I can't -." He wasn't even sure what he was trying to say. He needed to think, needed to figure out what to do, but the horror creeping up his throat was threatening to choke him and he couldn't think through it.
He started to back away from the empty bed, then turned to run, launching himself into the air with no thought to where he was going. The wind snatched at his wings and tossed him higher, too frenzied with his emotions to even notice that he was there anymore. Suddenly a thought managed to break through his panic: Xisuma. If X rewound time, he could catch Mumbo, or stop him from falling in the first place.
Clinging to that desperate thought, he flew off into the storm.
Mumbo sat up with a gasp. For a moment, he couldn't see anything as his head swirled with the vertigo that always came with dying and respawning. After a few seconds his vision cleared, and he started looking around to try and figure out where he'd respawned. This wasn't his base. Where was he?
It took him a moment before he remembered: this was the mining mesa. He'd been mining terracotta yesterday, and slept because it was getting dark. He must have forgotten to break the bed before he left.
Groaning, he stood up. Without any items, it was going to take him forever to get back to his base. Hopefully Grian wasn't too freaked out; he'd looked pretty scared while he was trying to catch Mumbo. It'd probably be best to hurry, just in case.
This time he made very certain to break the bed. There were a few chests near the beanstalk, and he dug through them quickly to see if he could find anything useful. Most of it was junk, but he found a mostly intact stone sword and a few uncooked potatoes. No one would mind if he took those. He would have preferred some redstone, but if he really had to, he could summon some from the ground. Not that he was expecting to; if he hurried, he could be back to his base before it got dark. He jogged over to the beanstalk and stepped into the water elevator, letting it propel him up to the nether portal. When he appeared in the nether, he mentally thanked Joe once again for marking the path back to the shopping district and set off at a run.
About halfway back, he slowed down to a walking pace to check his communicator. He had one message from Grian, which read “where are you?” He responded with “Respawned at the mesa, on my way back.” He shoved the device back into his pocket and continued running.
By the time he reached the shopping district portal he was too winded to run anymore, but he made himself keep moving anyway, stumbling through the portal. If he could find an ender chest, he was pretty sure he had a spare elytra that he could use to get home.
Barely two steps out of the portal, the wind hit him hard enough that he staggered and nearly fell over. He hadn't seen wind this hard in - ever, actually. It tore at his clothes, knocking over signs and sending dirt and leaves whirling through the air. He dug his shoes into the ground to brace himself and held up a hand to shield his eyes.
This obviously wasn't natural weather; it had to be because of Grian. Mumbo needed to get to him right now.
There was no way he could fly in this weather, but he started off in the direction of iTrade anyway to get his spare elytra, just in case the wind calmed down at any point. Getting there felt like it took twice as long as it should have, with the wind pushing him off balance every few steps so he had to concentrate on staying standing more than where he was going.
Half-blinded by the wind and not paying enough attention to what was happening around him, Mumbo ran straight into Iskall as the other man was coming out of iTrade.
"Whoa, you okay, dude?" Iskall asked, grabbing onto Mumbo's arm to steady them both.
"I'm fine, I just - I'm sorry, I have to hurry, I need my elytra." Pushing away from Iskall, he stumbled over to the nearby ender chest. The large building it sat next to helped block some of the wind so he could actually move without needing to brace himself.
"Why? There's no way you're gonna be able to fly in this weather." Iskall followed him toward the chest, tucking himself against the building to hide from the wind. "Do you have any idea what's going on with Grian?"
Did he leave his elytra in the blue shulker box or the green one? Mumbo dug through the stacks of random items he had stored in his chest, grabbing some spare armor and supplies while he was at it. After a moment, it registered that Iskall was talking to him. "What?"
"Grian. The weather was just fine half an hour ago, and now the wind is going absolutely insane and he's not answering any of our messages. I think something might be wrong.”
"I think something might be -
"I think something -
"I think -.”
Iskall's words suddenly stuttered, looping back on themselves several times. The lid of the ender chest, which Mumbo had just closed, was suddenly open again. He let go and flinched back in surprise, narrowly avoiding having his fingers crushed as it swung shut.
"What was that?" he asked. Just in case it happened again, he moved slowly as he stood up, but time seemed to be moving normally now.
“I dunno, man.”
"Right. Anyway... Yeah, something is definitely wrong. We were on top of my base, and he tried to catch me but couldn't, and I think it really scared him. He didn't mean to, of course, but he's obviously really freaking out about it." He started to strap on his elytra, then stopped when he realized that it would be nearly impossible to fly in this weather. Instead, he tossed it into his inventory.
"That...didn't make any sense, Mumbo," Iskall said. "Slow down and explain it to me again."
Mumbo took a deep breath. He was practically vibrating with the urge to run off and find Grian, but he made himself calm down somewhat so he could explain what was going on. "I fell off my base and died, and Grian's really freaked out about it, as you can tell."
"Oh, yeah, I saw the message. But what's the big deal? All of us fall off things all the time."
"I don't know? I guess because he tried to catch me and couldn't?" Mumbo shrugged helplessly. "Does it matter? We need to find him and calm him down."
"You're right. Okay, you go see if he's still where you died, and I'll get - get the others to help look for him."
"Thanks, Iskall!" Mumbo started to rush off, stopped, and turned around. "Um... Do you have a spare boat?”
Grian hovered over Xisuma's base, trying to see if he was there. It was hard to tell with how much he was being jostled around by the wind and the fact that everything was still blurred by tears, but he was pretty sure he could see someone moving around at the bottom of the giant square hole. Tucking in his wings, he dove down to land right in front of him.
Ignoring the other man's noise of surprise, Grian lunged forward to grab his green hoodie with both hands and drag him down to eye level. "X, you have to help me! Mumbo - I pushed him, I didn't mean to, he wasn't wearing his elytra and he - he." Grian choked on the next few words, unable to force them out.
"What? Are you crying? What are you talking about?" The taller man tried to pull back, but Grian stubbornly clung on.
"Mumbo's dead," he burst out. "Because I - because I killed him."
Xisuma made a noise like he'd been punched in the gut and roughly shoved Grian away, stumbling back several steps to brace himself against a chest. "No. No, no, no."
"I'm sorry." He swiped the sleeve of his sweater across his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to - you have to rewind, right now."
"You." Xisuma reached up to tug at his hair. He was shaking hard enough that Grian could see it from several feet away. "Why." It wasn't a question.
"I didn't mean to! We were just joking and I pushed him and he fell and I couldn't catch him and he didn't respawn." Grian took a step toward Xisuma. "Please, you have to rewind -."
Grian took a step toward -
Grian took a step -
Grian -
The world stuttered and jumped like a scratched record, and then he ran into a chest that was suddenly much closer than it had been a second ago. "What was that?"
"I can't. Not anymore."
"X, please."
"I can't!" Xisuma shouted. "Time fucking abandoned me and all I have is this!"
He flung out his arm, and the stacks of chests around them abruptly jerked closer. Grian dodged out of the way as the chest next to him toppled over onto the floor with a crash, spilling out a pile of iron and gold ingots. Heart pounding, he looked closer at the other man, taking in all the details he'd been too panicked to notice before.
There were far more scars criss crossing his exposed skin then there should have been. The set of his mouth was harsher, even when he wasn't shouting at Grian because he'd just killed his best friend. And the eyes currently glaring at him were bright red instead of brown.
"Oh," he said. Then, "Where's X? I have to find him before it's too late to rewind!"
"Are you actually this stupid, or did killing your friend also kill your brain?" Evil X snapped. "He can't help you with this any more than I can."
Grian shook his head desperately. "No, he just needs to rewind - there's still some time, right? I've seen him go back half a day, this is nothing."
"Dead is dead, idiot! As in permanent, never coming back. Even he can't fix that."
"But - no, he rewound last week when Ren fell into lava and lost all his stuff," Grian protested, wings fluttering anxiously.
Evil X made an aggravated noise and dragged a hand through his hair, making it even messier than it already was. The motion seemed to skip back half a second and repeat slightly, then continued normally. "Ren wasn't actually dead. He fell into lava because he wasn't paying attention, not because someone pushed him." The disgusted glare he sent Grian at that had the smaller man's wings flinching in front of him in an instinctive attempt to hide from it. "Have you ever seen him rewind for someone who hadn't already respawned to go whine at him?"
"No," Grian whispered. The air around him started to swirl faster, responding to his growing dread by trying to push everything away from him.
"Exactly. As long as they respawn, he can rewind as much as he likes. If they don't -" another record-scratch jump had the same gust of wind tousling his hair three times before Evil X continued, tone forced flat in a way that was almost eerie compared to how agitated he'd been earlier. "If they don't, it means the universe has decided they're really, permanently dead. And it won't let anyone change that."
Grian balled his hands into fists. "I don't believe you! You never liked any of us; you probably don't even care that Mumbo's -" he swallowed down the catch in his throat and stubbornly kept talking. "That Mumbo's dead. You're just trying to stop me from going to X because you don't want him to fix it!"
The world jerked around him, skipping so quickly that everything turned into a series of still images, repeating at random with a suddenness that almost made him nauseous. He shut his eyes to block it out, and then shut them again because the movement couldn't seem to stick.
"So why are you still here?" Boots scuffed against the ground, and when Grian cracked his eyes open again, Evil X had moved a few steps closer to him. He smiled mockingly, but there wasn't a trace of humor in his eyes. "You could go find him right now, instead of standing here and crying to me."
"I," Grian started, but he didn't know what to say. Evil X wasn't wrong and he knew it, but if he accepted that, he would have to accept that there was nothing he could do to fix this.
"Go on, go tell him what you did." He pitched his voice upward into a bad imitation of Grian. "X, please, you've gotta rewind for me because I murdered my friend."
"Stop! I didn't - it was an accident, I didn't mean to!"
"Oh? Well then, that just makes it all better. Make sure you mention that when you ask him."
"Stop, stop, stop." He wrapped his arms tightly around himself, squeezing handfuls of his sweater sleeves. "What am I supposed to do?"
Evil X scoffed and turned away. "Don't ask me."
"But -." Before Grian could finish the sentence, Evil X was gone, like he'd simply blinked out of existence. The sight made his heart race for a moment, even though he'd seen him teleport before.
And then he was alone, with only the howling wind for company. For a moment, he just stood there. Then he slowly sank down to the ground, curling up into a ball and pulling his wings close around him to block out the world.
There wasn't anything he could do to fix this, but at least he could put off seeing the way everyone would look at him when they realized what he'd done. At least for a little while, he could pretend he wasn't going to end up alone again.
The surface of the sea had turned choppy from the storm, sending large waves crashing into the beach. Mumbo really wasn’t looking forward to rowing in that, but there was no time to wait it out. He set his boat down, trying to avoid the water as much as possible, and started to jump in -
Everything stuttered, waves jumping from one spot to another like a bad stop motion animation. The sounds of the wind and the water looped back over themselves in a discordant mess, stopping and starting apparently at random. Mumbo couldn’t figure out if he was standing or leaning on the boat - none of the movements he made seemed to make any -
The side of the boat disappeared from under his hands, and he fell in the water with a splash as time abruptly became linear again.
Dropping into the cold water was a nasty shock, but even worse was the sudden lack of energy as the water wiped away the small redstone charge he normally carried. Fumbling back to his feet as quickly as possible, he searched frantically for the suddenly missing boat. After a few seconds, he spotted it bobbing wildly several feet away and hurriedly splashed toward it. The water was shallow enough to walk in, but he still took a few waves to the face before he managed to pull himself into the boat.
It rocked wildly when he flopped down, but didn’t capsize, so Mumbo ignored it and tried to catch his breath. The taste of salt lingered on his tongue from the bits of seawater that had gotten in his mouth. He spat a few times, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of it.
Right now he wanted nothing more than to curl up and take a nap, or at the very least find a circuit to recharge with until he felt less like passing out. But there wasn’t any time for that right now, so he forced himself to sit up and reach for the oars.
The wind only seemed to get worse as he rowed. He only made it as far as Grian’s base before his arms started to shake from the effort, so he landed his boat against the pathway and climbed out to stretch. Keeping one eye on it to make sure it didn’t float away again, he pulled his communicator from his pocket to check if Grian had responded yet. His little dip earlier hadn’t done the device any harm; they seemed to be nearly indestructible, even able to follow the hermits when they respawned.
There were nothing from Grian, but the group chat was full of confused messages from the other hermits. Reading through them, Mumbo realized that they were responding to...whatever it was that had happened earlier.
[FalseSymmetry] what was that??
[docm77] i’m not sure, but i think it broke my redstone
[xisumavoid] oh no
[xisumavoid] i’ll deal with it, try not to do anything dangerous in the meantime
That was apparently all Xisuma had to say, despite several more messages asking him to explain what “it” was. If Mumbo had to guess, there was probably something going on with his powers, since the weird stutters seemed to be messing with time more than anything else. That was a little concerning, but it sounded like he knew how to fix it, so Mumbo wasn’t going to worry about it right now.
He tried sending another message to Grian, but there was still no response. After waiting a few seconds, fingers drumming anxiously against the communicator’s case, he gave up and dropped it back into his pocket. It wasn’t entirely unusual for Grian to ignore messages, but he’d picked a really bad time to do it.
It didn’t look like the wind was easing up at all, but Mumbo felt a little better after his break. He got back in the boat, managing not to fall in the ocean this time, and continued in the direction of his base. The longer half of the journey was already over; it didn’t take long for the giant sphere to come into view.
He jumped out onto the shore as soon as he got back to his base, leaving his boat behind. He made his way up the beach, wet shoes squishing with every step. The wind was throwing sand into the air, stinging his eyes and sticking to his wet skin. When he reached the top of the hill, he took a moment to look around for his stuff as he walked toward his base. It was hard to tell exactly where he’d fallen, since he’d been a little preoccupied at the time, but he had a general idea. There didn’t seem to be anything there at first glance, and it didn’t look like Grian was there either. Deciding to leave it for later, he made a beeline for his bubble elevator to check the rest of his base.
The first thing he saw when he arrived at the top was his bed. There was something laying on top of it - a communicator, he realized as he got closer. It was Grian’s, judging by the amount of stickers on the back. They were layered over each other to the point that some of them were almost completely obscured, but he could still make out multiple chicken and egg themed ones near the top.
Grian himself wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Mumbo turned in a slow circle, but his friend didn’t seem to be anywhere in the base. He picked up the abandoned communicator and went to check down the pathways, just in case. Along the way, he stopped and pressed his hand against one of the redstone lamps. It flickered out briefly as he drew the power out of it and into himself. The comforting surge of energy immediately had him perking up, freckles regaining their normal glow.
A quick search of his base confirmed that Grian definitely wasn’t there. At least now he knew why his friend wasn’t answering, but this was going to make finding him a little more difficult. He pocketed Grian’s communicator and pulled out his own to type out a message.
[MumboJumbo] has anyone seen grian? i really need to find him
Several moments passed, and then his screen lit up with a new notification.
[xisumavoid] he’s over here at my base
[xisumavoid] you might want to hurry
Feeling someone other than himself messing with time was an extremely unsettling feeling, like expecting to step on solid ground and finding air instead. It didn’t help that the jumps were messy and badly done, snarling time into a knot rather than neatly looping it back on itself. The lava directly below the narrow path he stood on made it especially frightening. Now was probably not the safest time to be in the nether.
Xisuma quickly flew toward the nearest piece of solid ground, managing to land just before another glitch sent time twisting around itself again. For a moment, he assumed that his alternate self had decided to start messing with him. Evil X had said he would be taking a break at his base, but perhaps that was just a ruse. With a groan of frustration, he set out towards his base, mentally preparing himself for a heated encounter with his evil counterpart.
However, instead of encountering Evil X upon returning to the overworld, he was greeted by a large gust of wind slamming into him that caused him to almost stumble back through the portal. Steadying himself, he took a moment to ponder the situation. Winds this strong could only be caused by Grian when he was very upset, which wasn’t a good sign. Typically when someone this distressed came to him, it meant something had gone very wrong, and they wanted him to roll back time to fix it. He wondered about what could’ve happened as he slowly moved forward through the billowing winds.
As Xisuma moved towards the center of his base, he made out the figure of Grian curled up in a corner. He called out to Grian, but he either couldn't hear him, or he was ignoring him. He called out again, and this time Grian slowly lifted his head in response, though he kept his eyes locked on the floor.
“Haven’t you said enough?” His voice was hoarse, as if he’d been crying.
Xisuma frowned, confused. He hadn’t talked to Grian in a few days. “What do you mean?”
“Or do you want to tell me some more about what a horrible person I am? Believe me, I already know.”
“What? Grian, what’s going on?”
Grian looked up at him. He looked like he was about to say something, but the expression on his face quickly changed to one of confusion, then fear. “Wait, you’re not -.” He cut himself off by bringing his hand up to his mouth.
“It’s just me,” Xisuma said soothingly, trying to calm Grian down. “You can talk to me, it’s okay.”
“No, I can’t! Just - leave me alone!” He lifted one hand and shot a large gust of wind at Xisuma.
It only managed to shove him back a few steps before he stopped himself by grabbing onto the edge of a crafting table. No thanks, he thought. He wasn’t just going to leave Grian to have some kind of breakdown in the middle of his base.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on. Whatever it is, I’m sure we can fix it somehow.”
“He said it’s impossible. That there’s some stuff even you can’t rewind,” Grian said, voice hitching.
“Who said that?” Xisuma asked. He took a few steps closer, moving slowly so as not to startle him.
“The other you, the one with the red eyes. Dead is dead, he told me. You can’t fix that.”
Xisuma felt his blood run cold. “Someone’s dead?” He’d never had to find this out for himself, but according to Evil X, that was the one thing that could stop him from rewinding.
Grian seemed to brace himself for a moment, then burst out, “Mumbo’s dead, okay? He’s dead and I’m the one that pushed him off!” Another powerful gust of wind followed his words, but this time it was strong enough to send Xisuma stumbling back into the portal.
He fell through into the nether and landed on the ground, too surprised by the sudden teleportation to catch himself. Composing himself quickly, he tapped a button on his helmet to bring up the chat screen, intending to message Mumbo. Before he could, a message appeared.
[MumboJumbo] has anyone seen grian? i really need to find him
A feeling of relief washed over him, and he took a moment to calm down before sending a reply.
[xisumavoid] he’s over here at my base
[xisumavoid] you might want to hurry
After reading the messages, Mumbo got halfway to the beach before realizing that he could get to Xisuma’s base much faster if he went through the nether. Scolding himself for not thinking of that before, he switched directions and hurried toward the building that housed his portal. It was a short journey, since their bases were somewhat close already, so it wasn’t long before he reached the right portal. Xisuma was standing in front of it, leaning back against the obsidian, but he perked up when he spotted Mumbo.
“There you are! You should hurry through and talk to Grian; he’s pretty upset. But I expect an explanation when you’re through!”
“Right, of course. Thanks for finding him,” Mumbo said, stepping past Xisuma into the portal.
The wind hit him as soon as he appeared on the other side, hard enough to knock him off balance and almost send him stumbling right back into the portal. He’d known to expect it, but this was much worse than he’d thought.
It took him a few moments to locate Grian. His friend was curled up in one corner of the base, wings pulled around himself so that the only thing Mumbo could see of him was a tuft of light brown hair.
“Grian?” he called, raising his voice to be audible over the wind. There was no response, so he moved a little closer and tried again. When there was still no answer, Mumbo moved closer again, almost right next to Grian at this point. He crouched down, trying to get his friend to look at him with a gentle tap on his wing.
His wings twitched suddenly, knocking Mumbo’s hand away, and his head finally shot up. For a moment, everything was quiet as the wind died down for a second. A look of shock and disbelief was etched across his face. Suddenly, the wind picked back up, harsher than before, pushing Mumbo away slightly as Grian covered his eyes and started to shake his head. “No, no, no - stop it, you’re dead, you can’t be here - no nonoNO!”
“Grian, it’s okay! I’m fine, I’m right here, see?”
He held his arms in front of his face to protect his eyes from the wind, and started to move closer to his distraught friend. Trudging against the wind was difficult, but he was determined. As soon as he was close enough, he dropped down to his knees and wrapped his arms around Grian.
The wind abruptly halted. For a few moments it was dead quiet, but the sound of quiet sobs broke through the silence.
Grian sat up slightly so he could wrap his arms around Mumbo and bury his face against his shoulder. “I thought you were gone for good,” he said, his shaky voice muffled by Mumbo’s jacket. “You didn’t show up at your base, and I thought I -.”
“Shh, it’s okay. I just respawned at the mining mesa. I’m sorry that I scared you so much.”
“It seems kind of stupid now,” he mumbled. “But I thought maybe it counted as a permanent death because I pushed you.”
“You didn’t really push me off, I slipped. Even if that was your fault - which it wasn’t - it wouldn’t have counted as you killing me, right? The fall was what killed me, not you.”
“I…” Grian sniffled and pulled back slightly to look at Mumbo. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He leaned back in to hug him tighter.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, just happy to be back together. Eventually, Mumbo pulled away and stood up. He held out his hand, and Grian happily took it, pulling himself to his feet.
“Let’s head back to my base - I’ll make you some cookies.”
Over the next few days, if anyone ran into Mumbo, they ran into Grian as well. The winged hermit was practically glued to him, seemingly afraid that Mumbo might disappear if he didn’t keep an eye on him at all times. Grian’s sudden clinginess was slightly off-putting, but he didn’t mind, because it seemed to be helping his friend feel better.
Some time later, Grian sat on the ground in Mumbo’s base, watching him work on a bit of redstone for some kind of farm. His friend was talking about something that had happened the last time he went shopping, but it was a little hard to keep track of, because Grian kept zoning out. Every five minutes or so, he would start to nod off before jerking himself awake again and trying to figure out what he’d missed.
“...and then it turned out his horse had actually wandered into Tango’s shop and - Grian?”
He sat up quickly and blinked a few times, trying to make his eyes focus on Mumbo’s face. “Yeah? Sorry, I’m listening.”
“You know, maybe I should tell you later. Why don’t you go take a nap? You look exhausted.”
“I’m fine, I’ve probably just been sitting for too long.” He smiled brightly and bounced to his feet, only to stumble as the sudden movement made his head spin.
“Grian, you’ve hardly slept at all for the past few days. Go back to your base and get some rest.” When he hesitated, Mumbo added “Seriously, I’ll be fine on my own for a few hours. Promise.”
Grian paused for a second and sighed, but responded with “Okay, fiiiiiine. See you later!” Mumbo turned away as he moved towards the edge of the building they were standing on and got ready to take off, but then he got an idea. He slowly crept up on Mumbo, and when he was close enough, he threw an egg directly at the back of his head.
“Ow! What the..” Mumbo trailed off as Grian laughed and ran away to the edge. “Grian!”
“It wasn’t me, it was the man in the chicken costume!” he called over his shoulder. He took off gracefully and soared away, leaving Mumbo to chuckle at his antics. Mumbo smiled as he put his redstone supplies back into his shulker box, and started to walk back into the main part of his base. He’d have to clean the egg out of his hair now, but he was happy to see that his friend was back to his normal self.
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How many times can you say the clock is ticking? Because now it’s
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Biffa was living. The rush of battle was one he'd missed, even if he had felt it not that long ago. It was too long, in his opinion. He never thought it was fair that Python and especially Iskall got to face world hoppers. But at the same time, he trusted False's judgment enough to follow her direction. The thrill of the fights she did leave to him were well worth it.
In his anticipation for the next skirmish, he almost missed False's signal, pointing him to where their target was.
Landing in the torch-lit clearing, Biffa took in two things: Grian was alive, if a bit worse for wear; and his assailant had their back exposed. Swiftly crossing the clearing, he laid into the intruder, leaving a deep rent in their back. Biffa was a bit surprised they didn't drop, and followed through with a vicious blow to the head. That did the trick.
"Grian." False had also crossed the clearing to check on the builder. "Are you badly hurt?"
"Nothing that's too serious. I'd managed to avoid most of it," Grian said, checking himself over. Sure enough, he had a cut on his left arm and a nasty bruise developing on one cheek.
False gingerly brushed the bruise. "You took a head blow," she said. "A visit to Joe, if he's still awake, would be a good idea. When you're done with that, Impulse wants you to go to Tango's base."
"Tango's base? Did he say why?"
"He did not. I'm sure you'll find out when you get there."
Biffa interrupted them. "It's gotten dark. Mobs will start spawning, and I don't want to be here when they do."
False looked at him, amused. "You had no problem fighting just now."
"Yes, against a limited foe." Biffa looked her in the eye. "I remember the dangers of a hardcore world, mobs being the biggest one." He knew she did too. She nodded and wordlessly took to the skies, leaving Grian and Biffa to follow.
"Well, I would advise you from doing anything too ridiculous, but I've heard what you have to do tomorrow. Ridiculous definitely, even a bit cliché." Joe looked at Grian, then at Cub. "Then again, we can't have Concorp at half capacity, can we? Besides, I do want to see this for myself, seems delightfully absurd."
Grian looked a little confused, though it may have been the head injury. "What about Xisuma?"
Joe raised one eyebrow. Confused enough to say X's name more-or-less right. "Right! Can't forget about him. Anyway, I'm sure you're needed elsewhere to restore balance to the scales," he said as he herded Grian out of the Ministry. "Thanks for stopping by, Grian. It can get lonely with only the undead and the actual dead as company."
"Is Cleo the only one visiting? Shouldn't you get out more?"
"I understand your concern, but— while I'm no Scar— I'm no stranger to death. I'd rather stay in relative safety until I can risk being surprised by a creeper again."
Watching Grian go, Joe's thoughts wandered to a certain person intimately linked to death. He would have to see if Cleo was interested in watching what would unfold. And, Joe admitted, he would be too scared to do so alone.
There was only so much of the Nether that Python was willing to take at one time, and he felt he was getting mighty close to that limit. He'd already spent quite a bit of time gathering quartz for his ambitious builds in Tower Bay over the last few months.
Gathering quartz turned out to be the distraction he and Iskall set out for themselves. Keeping a watch on the temperature, they were able to ignore the frustration and unease with their situation. A careful trip to the gold farm kept their gear and tools in top shape. Food was not yet a concern, water was managed through the careful melting of ice.
The pigmen turned out to be less of a threat than the two thought; the hostiles still swarmed on sight, but always seemed to get distracted long enough for Iskall and Python to make a hasty escape.
So they mined quartz. Hours passed, with rests intermittent, before they found another problem.
Iskall was in front of the array of double chests, laden with quartz, trying to find space for the latest haul. He wasn't finding any. Rubbing his left eye, he walked to his ender chest and started looking for some wood. Which he didn't find. He looked at Python, also rummaging around his ender chest. "Python?" he asked.
"You have any wood, by chance? I'm all out, and I need some for more chests."
Python's rummaging increased, shulker boxes opening and closing, before he said, "No, sorry man. I'm out as well."
"Dang it! I guess I'll be carrying around a bunch of quartz."
"You don't have any empty shulker boxes, or any empty spaces, at least?"
Iskall scanned his ender chest again. "Well, there's a bit of space, but still not enough. Ah, that's fine, at least I have some inventory space now," he said as he put the now full shulker box into his ender chest.
"If you're up for it, we should take one last trip to the gold farm," Python said. "Some of my gear's running low."
Iskall, feeling a headache coming on, said the wrong thing. "Yeah, I'm up for it."
Tango spent almost an hour, pacing his base, listening for the rockets that would signal Grian's approach. Since he and Impulse learned where the winged man was, they were on edge; even more than they already were. It wasn't until Grian landed in front of him with nary a whisper, startling him to the high heavens, that Tango remembered.
"Grian! You can't do that to me, man! Give a hoot or something, you about gave me a heart attack!"
"Sorry about that; I forget how silently I fly now," Grian said sheepishly.
"It certainly woke me up." Tango was about to brief Grian, but he saw the colorful bruise Grian was sporting. "Oh, ow. That looks like it hurts. Didn't get out of the skirmish unscathed, huh?"
Grian poked at the bruise, wincing. "No, but frankly, I'm lucky it's not worse. By the way, what are we doing? It has something to do with the Nether, I hope?"
At this, Tango was all business. "Yes. The thing we need is at X's base, coincidentally. Stress and TFC are already there."
"What's going to happen?"
"Honestly? I have no idea. I'm just going with the flow here, man." Tango was very unsure of himself, but continued, "When it gets down to it, I'll know."
As they look to the skies, Grian looked unconvinced.
If anyone was near the stock exchange, they would have heard shouting. A lot of it. As it happened, "anyone" turned out to be Mumbo, heading to the shopping district for some last-minute supplies.
He stuck his head into the station and, in between the bursts of surprisingly expletive-free fury, said, "Doc? You ok in here?"
A pause, a concerning crash, and Doc huffed his way into view. "Everything's fine."
Mumbo didn't take his hint and came closer, hopping the turnstile easily. "It doesn't sound like it. Besides, I asked if you were ok, and you didn't answer."
If looks could kill, the redstone contraption in the corner would have exploded. Mumbo briefly wondered if, with a few tweaks, Doc's eye could produce that effect. Or something similar. But it didn't, and the redstone build stayed in one piece. Doc sighed and walked over to an overturned shulker box spilling comparators, droppers, and other redstone bits and bobs over the floor.
As he shoved all the items back in the shulker box, he said, "Something is going on. Something's happening to me." He pointed at the build in the corner. "You know what that's supposed to be?"
Mumbo walked over to it and inspected the innards of it. Not even half a minute had passed before he answered, "I would think it would produce a sort of vending machine effect. Is that what you were going for?"
"Yes! It's supposed to dispense one stack of ender pearls or cookies when a diamond is deposited, but something is always wrong. Either the wrong item is dispensed, the wrong amount is, nothing happens; I know what's wrong each time. I fix it each time. But something else always pops up!" After a pause, Doc said, "I don't know what to do, and I'm at my wit's end here."
Now that Mumbo knew what Doc was trying to achieve, it took him all of a minute to find and fix the problem. He went back in front and said, "Try it now."
Doc put a diamond in the input chest and pressed the ender pearl button. He then stared at Mumbo in resignation as sixteen ender pearls hit him in the chest one by one.
"I guess it works now."
Doc kept staring at him. "What was it?"
"The timing of one repeater was off, giving only a partial stack," Mumbo answered, a bit concerned.
Doc placed a hand on the vending machine, lights flickering on his cybernetics. "I don't understand. Every time I fixed the timings..."
"Well, it's all working now. Really neat design, by the way."
"Heh. Thanks. Are you going to the event happening soon?"
"Yeah," Mumbo said, "I have to really see this stuff to believe it; this whole Elemental thing. I would say it's exciting, but..." He stopped. "Anyway, are you going?"
"No. I've got a bad feeling about it. Besides, I have," Doc looked down the tunnel, "other things to do."
"Well, good luck with those. Hopefully, they're not as stubborn as the vending machine," Mumbo said as he prepared to leave. "I'll see you around, mate."
As he left, he saw a curious scene: Doc, standing in the middle of the rail line, didn't seem to hear him. Staring down the tunnel, he was muttering and scratching his right arm. Mumbo didn't know what to make of it, and so took his leave.
Shopping driven from his mind, he had somewhere to be.
"Something's happening to me."
Getting to the gold farm was never as bad as getting back from it. Every hermit had forgotten to reequip their elytra at least once, some more than others.
Knowing this, Iskall and Python took extra care to double and triple check, to cross-verify, that both had their elytra equipt.
However, every time Iskall went to descend, something stopped him. He couldn't really explain it, like some internal force keeping him rooted to one spot. And the fear. There was nothing to be afraid of, he knew. He could hear the distant sound of Python, next to him, trying to get his attention. But it wasn't as loud as the voice.
Do not jump.
Iskall never saw the ghast.
Impulse was waiting; if you could call it that. Grian and Tango had arrived about an hour ago, and the latter said he needed to wait for the sun's zenith before he could continue. Impulse had asked what the zenith had to do with anything, Tango couldn't answer him. Said it was a 'gut feeling'. And since Impulse couldn't speed up the sun, he waited.
Various hermits had filtered in over the past hour. Zedaph was there, giving much-needed moral support to Impulse and Tango. False and Wels were ready to jump into X's Nether portal as soon as they were able. Mumbo had given Impulse a thumbs up when he arrived, too anxious to speak.
A few hermits weren't there. Joe, Cleo, and Scar were at the Ministry watching over Cub. Biffa, Jevin, Doc, and Ren all said they weren't coming, and Impulse didn't blame them. If he didn't have to be here, he most likely wouldn't be here.
Impulse heard movement; Tango was showing the other three 'avatars' to their corresponding spots around the altar. Stress to the North, Grian to the East, TFC to the West, and Tango himself to the South. They were interrupted by a buzz from their comms–
iskall85 fell from a high place
–and the world exploded into brilliant diamond blue light.
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whycraft · 5 years
a lump in the throat: chapter 2
AO3 | Wattpad | Chapter 1
This time, Ex did throw the poem into the lava. It was a decision born of impulsive anger, but he didn’t regret it. Nope. Not at all.
“I don’t regret it,” he told himself, but it came out weak and unconvincing.
It didn’t help when Joe started messaging him about it.
[joehillssays whispered to Evil_Xisuma: How’s the poem going? :D]
Ex glared at his communicator and shoved it back in his pocket. Smiley faces? What was he, twelve?
Ex never answered any of his messages, but Joe never stopped sending them, either. It just became part of his routine. Wake up, patrol the fortress, message from Joe, AFK at his farms.
[joehillssays whispered to Evil_Xisuma: Did you decide whether to rhyme or not?]
[joehillssays whispered to Evil_Xisuma: What’s your process for editing?]
[joehillssays whispered to Evil_Xisuma: I bet the poem is going to be great!]
He had to admit, it wasn’t completely terrible. If nothing else, it was a reminder that he wasn’t the only player in this world. It was a bit frustrating, though, in that it meant he couldn’t stop thinking about the poem. The words were burned into his head as much as they had been burned up in lava.
Left behind as an accidental gift
And a clear sign of something gone amiss.
A speck of white against a sea of red:
A secret poem left for dead.
But it was the start to something
He was just going to have to write the damn thing, wasn’t he? Ex sighed and abandoned the shulker box he had been half-heartedly trying to organized and pulled out his poetry book and his quill.
The start to something - what, exactly? Where did he want to take this story?
Tragic and - “No, tragic starts with a stressed syllable,” he muttered to himself, scratching it out. “Mysterious - no, that’s got two unstressed syllables one after another…”
He wrote for what seemed like hours, agonizing over syllables and iambs and rhythms, but in the end, he had nothing to show for it. Nothing fit, nothing worked, nothing flowed. If he hadn’t been wearing his helmet, he would have been tearing his own hair out.
His communicator beeped. It was Joe, of course.
[joehillssays whispered to Evil_Xisuma: Are you having fun finishing the poem? :D]
Scowling, Ex typed his first reply. [Evil_Xisuma whispered to joehillssays: no it sucks i hate your stupid poem]
Surprisingly, Joe responded. [joehillssays whispered to Evil_Xisuma: Want me to come over?]
Ex rolled his eyes. [Evil_Xisuma whispered to joehillssays: I don’t care what you do.]
He got no reply this time. “Probably figured it’s not worth his time,” Ex told himself, putting his book and quill away. He needed a break from writing.
He opened the shulker box and continued organizing it. To be honest, he wasn’t organizing it as much as inventorying it. He needed to know if it was worth it to make a storage room or whether he should just keep carrying everything around in his Ender chest. At the moment, he was leaning towards the “carrying everything around in his Ender chest” option, but was considering making better storage units for just his farms.
Rockets sounded outside the fortress walls. Ex perked his head up to look out the window. To his surprise, it was Joe.
Ex went out to the bridge to meet him. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Joe shrugged. “You seemed frustrated.”
“Yeah? And?”
“I’m here to help!”
“I don’t want your help to write the poem. What’s even the point of me finishing it if you’re just going to write it for me?”
“Now, I may not know for certain, but I’ve got a feeling that what’s going to help you more than anything is a break. I’m here to help you unwind.”
Ex’s eyebrows climbed higher and higher with every word that Joe spoke. “Unwind? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re in the Nether. Not really any opportunities to “unwind” down here.”
“We hang out at my base,” Joe suggested. “Or we could go play golf at the country club.”
Ex snorted, but Joe frowned. “What?”
“I can’t leave the Nether, idiot.”
“Why not?”
Ex’s lip curled. “Xisuma banned me, remember?”
“I thought he unbanned you? You wouldn’t be able to exist in this world if you were banned.”
“Maybe that’s how it usually works, but not for me. I know. I’ve tried going through Nether portals. It doesn’t work.”
“Huh.” Joe tapped his chin, thinking. “That puts a damper on our plans, but not to worry. We’ll find something fun to do; we’re in no hurry.”
“You work on that,” said Ex. “I’m going to keep doing what I was doing before you showed up.”
“What were you doing?”
“Organizing my shulker boxes.”
“Want some help?”
“If you want to spend your day - or night, or whatever it is - organizing my shulker boxes, I’m not going to argue.”
Joe was surprisingly easy to work with. Ex had thought his steady stream of chatter would become irritating, but it was actually rather pleasant. Joe talked about everything and anything, mostly in rhymes. He mentioned how if he had his abacus, inventorying supplies would be much easier. Despite the lack of abacus, they finished quite quickly.
For some reason, Ex was disappointed that they had finished so fast. He dilly-dallied for a few minutes, improvising mundane tasks that needed to be completed before they could deem the overall task of inventory “finished.”
Finally, Joe said, “This has been fun, right?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Joe beamed. “See? I told you we’d be able to find something fun to do in the Nether!” He equipped his elytra and readied his fireworks. “I’m a little busy for the next few days, but I’ll try to visit again soon.
Ex blinked. “What?”
“Only if you want me too, of course.”
“No, I - yes, I mean, but - why?”
It was Joe’s turn to be puzzled. “Why? Well, I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I never visited.”
“Of course,” Ex said, pretending like he hadn’t just be smacked in the face by that sentence. “See you then, I suppose.”
Joe smiled at him. “See you then!”
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3d-blocks · 5 years
AU Time Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
Yee yee, here’s the previous post, this is going to mostly be about what the hermits look like, here we go!
They basically all look like rogue adventurers, but are like, clean. Most of the hermits don’t have tons of stuff dangling off of them, but everyone looks a lot more prepared for an expedition through the caves than usual
It’s basically his normal suit and helmet. The helmet is slightly bulkier than usual to compensate for the filtration system, he has pierced ears but can only wear studs. He’s got a keyring on his belt with various skeleton keys, there’s some knick-knacks that hang off his side. Hair is a bit messy, but he’ll take a brush to it every once-in-a-while, that’s nice
Evil Xisuma (RIP):
He doesn’t wear the armor or the helmet, his boots are loose, and he’s generally a mess. He keeps any useful relics in pockets or attached to a belt. Hair is an absolute mess, but once he gets his hands on a brush it’ll be better
He pretty much looks the same, only he’s been given some knee and elbow pads to use. Mainly only wears the elbow pads, but will use some grip gloves to help climb stuff on land
She really just wears whatever she wants most of the time. If it’s ruins time or caving time, she’ll put on some tougher clothing, jeans, maybe a trucker jacket, and a small sling backpack. Puts her hair up in a messy bun for adventure and work time
He looks pretty much the same, he just got himself a nice brown leather jacket and made some goggles with False to go over his glasses. Yes, he has gloves and knee pads too, just no elbow pads. He also has various small pouches and places to keep items like rope and relics
He looks pretty much the same, he usually does adventuring after the fact, when everything has been made safe. Only now he wears the lab coat a little looser and has a belt with a bunch of pouches on it. If he needs to adventure, he’ll put on a shirt, a jacket if needed, some jeans or shorts, attach a bunch of pouches and some rope to his belt, some boots, and have a nice prayer. Any scars he has glow faintly with the Vex’s light like it’s coming from the inside him
He’s already very adventurer. But he does have pouches for stuff like everyone else. He also has some leg braces for injuries done to him in his previous world. His legs covered in scars that faintly glow with the Vex’s power from the inside. He’s visibly tired all the time it’s kinda worrying
He just kinda goes for it? He doesn’t put on any gear or truely prep. At most he’ll grab some rope, some spare shulker boxes, maybe an ender chest, but that’s kinda it? He grabs what he can and goes as is. He will put on some sandals though, too many pointy things in ruins and caves
He’s basically always ready to cave. He’s got some fingerless combat gloves, a sling-backpack, pouches on his belt, and some hiking boots on normally. He’s got grip gloves and a jacket in his bag, along with anything else he might need. Always has a pickaxe on him that he uses as a stabilizer because he’s old and tall. His hair is longer than you’d think, it’s in a thick braid that, when undone, reaches to the lower middle of his back
He’s already very adventure-y. He just added stronger elbow and knee pads, and a harness that has shoulder pads for better protection. Hanging off his hip, there’s a vile of redstone dust (it’s something he can use to pray to the god of redstone if need be, otherwise it’s a good-luck charm). He has ice, redstone, and end markings covering his arms that he does his best to hide them with a kinda skin-tight turtleneck and gloves. He only has a few pouches and some rope on him. His hair is a little messy, and can be pulled into a short ponytail
He still wears a suit for everything. Or, at least, as close as can comfortably get to a suit. He’ll wear a suit normally, but if he has to explore, off comes the jacket and vest, on comes the harness, pouches, fancy-ish shoes that are still good for climbing, and the like. Hanging off his harness in the front is a feather and a vile of redstone (the feather is for the goddess of the sky and wind and the vile is for the god of redstone, they’re used for prayers and good-luck). Mumbo likes to keep his hair slicked back, at the very least combed, but it’s kind of a mess otherwise
Absolutely HATES the nether and can barely stand to be around Tango, he just radiates so much heat
Stress is always dressed for hot or warm weather, if it’s a blizzard, she’ll be wearing a t-shirt and pants that reaches a little below her knees at most. She keeps her adventure stuff in a bag she keeps with her at all times. She’s got a harness, attachable ice grips for her boots, rope, and a varsity jacket for the hermits that Cleo helped make. Her arms and legs look like they’re basically made of ice, it quickly fades past her elbows and knees, but that doesn’t make it any less worrying. She has thick hair that goes a little past her shoulders, she lets it do it’s own thing most of the time, as trying to seriously style it is a horrible time. And there’s always a bunch of snowflakes in it???
Straight up a demon
He was previously in nether jail. His crime? He’d like to know too buddy
Absolutely covered in scars from the punishments he had to suffer through, you’ll never see him without some kind of covering
LOTHES the nether, spends as little time there as possible so the blazes can’t rat on him
He barely stand to be around Stress, it’s cold enough for him already, he didn’t need this. Though they bond over mutually hating the nether, be it for very different reasons
Usually the second to ruins, if it’s a good haul he’ll come away very loud and very happy
Tango gives off wandering trader vibes. He’s got a thick, patterned, wool cloak, a red turtleneck, his vest, some jeans, and some boots on. That’s just in the plains, in the arctic he has a face mask and a scarf usually added. In the desert he lightens up to just having his cloak, jeans, a thin long-sleeve shirt, and some regular shoes. There’s a bunch of pockets on the inside of his cloak to stuff things in. He’s got horns, sharp teeth, and a small tail, but he tries to lie and say that the horns are fake, everyone just goes along with it. There are golden bands and some beads decorating his horns so he can feel pretty. No matter the weather, he does his best to hide all his scars, you’ll never see him without some kind of covering that hides most of them. His hair has two modes, looks like it’s been blasted back by the wind, or rats’ nest. The rare in-between is whenever someone with a will, a brush, and some relics pulls him down and brushes his hair
Sadly, he won’t be appearing in the main story of Time To Let Go
Instead, I’ll write something called The Adventures Of Keralis later, because it’s funny
Here’s the breakdown of it: He’s just been building things for the gods this whole time, he’s recently been a lot more snarky and has been building whatever he wants and sometimes builds what the gods ask for
Keralis voice, “the god of chaos [the Vex] is a little bitch, I should know, I worked for them”
Will happily insult most gods he doesn’t think are necessary for the people he likes’ lives
Obviously, he’s not normally like this, but with the gods he just got fed up
(If you can’t tell, I’m very excited to see more of Keralis)
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Dream SMP Recap (March 29/2021) - Drista and the Second Shulker
For the first time since August, Dream streamed on the SMP! Or more specifically, with Drista taking over.  
And as usual when Drista visits, things get interesting: The server now has a second shulker box. Ranboo and Foolish make some negotiations over the ownership of it.
Hannah and Sam threaten to blow up the cat cafe where Niki, HBomb and Antfrost work, and Hannah gets officially hired as Sam’s bank manager.
Captain Puffy
- Dream (with Drista) runs around on the SMP. He sees the new Nether Hub and then the giant Kinoko Kingdom poster and is surprised at how nice everything looks.
- They VC Ranboo and Dream/Drista start fighting an Enderman (”Ranboo”)
- The Enderman kills them and they respawn in the prison. L
- Dream fills Drista in on Ranboo and Tubbo’s marriage
- Dream teleports himself to Ranboo, who is outside next to Bee ’n’ Boo. This is definitely how he canonically gets out of prison
- Ranboo tells him to not blow up too many things and then leaves
- Dream explores the hotel
- Jack joins the came and comes to the hotel. Dream hides behind a wall.
- Quackity joins the call
- Jack finds him and welcomes him to his hotel
- Dream/Drista breaks the window and jumps out
- They go back up the hotel and teleport Quackity over
- Then they /kill Jack and /tp him back
- Then Jack gets banned (and unbanned)
- Jack points out that Dream should be in prison. Drista says no and gives Quackity creative mode for three seconds
- Quackity asks for creative back, they start hitting Dream to send him back to prison, then Jack gets banned again and Quackity tries to start an offline hype train
- Quackity gets /killed
- Quackity says to get Dream back to jail again. Drista doesn’t know what Dream did, so Quackity fills her in on the fact that he tortures Dream every day (he pulls out the shears)
- Drista /kills both of them
Quackity: “I don’t even know where my moral compass on stands right now, because you’re not reassuring me if the things I’m doing are right or wrong, so.”
Drista: “Well, you’re naked, so you’re doing something wrong.”
- Foolish comes over, Quackity and Jack leave. Dream says hi to Foolish and George joins the call
- Foolish tells Drista that he’s working on a mansion, and she looks homeless, so if she just gives him a shulker box…
- George gets /tp’d over and whispers to give him stuff
- George says he has nothing but a seed and a plank. Drista gives him a diamond, a piece of honeycomb, some dirt, two pieces of leather, a block of dried kelp
- Drista offers Foolish that she flips a coin. Either he loses everything on him, or gets a shulker box. If Foolish loses his things, George gets it all but isn’t allowed to give it back to Foolish
- Dream gets a coin and asks if Foolish is sure about this. Foolish agrees.
- Dream flips the coin.
- Foolish gets the shulker box!
It’s lime green.
- George wants to make a deal as well, 50/50. 
He’s got, from his Ender Chest, a trident, an enchanted golden apple, three mending books, Netherite boots, a Netherite shovel, gold, a whole stack of golden apples, emeralds, a Netherite ingot, a creeper head, a speed potion, several music discs and “Taco Bell” by Dream, the Fundy Finisher and the bathwater offered up 50/50 for maxed-out full Netherite with tools
- Dream agrees to the deal and flips the coin.
- George loses.
Dream: “He made a deal with the devil and he lost!”
- George runs away into Ninja’s house and stares sadly at the bed, then logs out
- Dream gives a little speech thanking everyone for 20 million subscribers!
- Hannah and Sam see the cat cafe and agree that it’s worse than George’s house. Sam hands Hannah some TNT
- Hannah tries to spare UwU from Sam’s wrath as he rigs the place with TNT and asks HBomb for permission to blow it up
- Hannah tries to rescue the other cats
- Niki logs on and Sam tries to frame Hannah
- Hbomb logs on too and the two destroy the TNT. He says as prison warden, Sam should be a better role model
- Hannah tries to convince them that it wasn’t her
- Sam suggests they blow up Hannah’s house
- Hannah tries to negotiate for a cut of the bank’s earnings. Sam says no. Hannah then asks if she could work at the bank. Sam agrees to employ her.
- Hannah asks for a wage but Sam doesn’t agree. He says he’s just giving her a place to work.
- Hannah asks for a manager position. Sam agrees to make her Bank Manager.
- They start chasing HBomb around. HBomb threatens the skeleton horses, then says that if anything happens to the cat cafe, Hannah’s house is going down. Sam says he would fire her.
- HBomb leaves and Sam and Hannah try to heal the skeleton horse
- Ranboo has a plan to fill a chest with emerald blocks.
- Foolish asks Ranboo to speak for a bit
- Foolish tells him that he needs to sell Ranboo the shulker box, and then have Ranboo permanently rent it out to him
- Foolish says he’ll give Ranboo two Netherite blocks for it. Whenever anyone asks who the owner is, the owner will be Ranboo. Foolish is worried.
- Foolish arrives at Ranboo’s house.
- They draft up a book of negotiations transferring ownership of the lime-green shulker box to Ranboo
- Ranboo points out that this will put him in danger, so the payment has to be substantial, for dealing with the amount of danger. He knows, because of the document, people might try and get him to hand it over when war starts to go around.
- He tells Foolish that he’s already very rich, and Foolish is already building a house for him.
Ranboo: “That’s the thing, Foolish, is that...what is worth security, you know? What is worth giving up a small potential sense of security in order to be able to be able to have your -- of course you -- have the shulker box and everything, and me being the fall guy for it, of course, ‘cause that means that I’m gonna have to get involved in stuff that I’m probably not gonna get involved in at all, that I probably wouldn’t have gotten involved with at all if I wanted to.”
- Ranboo points out all his riches
- Ranboo wants two things: one, to not quit the building project anymore.
- The second...
Ranboo: “When stuff happens on this server, people always...choose sides, they always try to figure out their own morality and everything, they try to figure out ‘oh, I should be on this side, I should be on that side.’ 
The one thing that I ask from you, Foolish, is that if that ever happens...if you are ever doing something in which there are clear-cut sides...it’s gonna basically be...let’s just say a war favor."
-  If something, not even necessarily involving Ranboo, happens, then Foolish has to do something for him, but it wouldn’t have to do with the shulker box.
- Foolish asks that it not be murder. Ranboo says it won’t be.
- It could even just be delivering a message for Ranboo where it would look bad if he delivered it himself. In any case, it wouldn’t put Foolish in danger.
- Foolish is glad that it would never involve killing somebody else. He can’t do that anymore, can’t go back to that path...
- Ranboo tells Foolish to take a break from the mansion if he needs.
- Ranboo writes in the contract that he is the rightful owner of the box, but agrees to rent out the shulker box indefinitely in exchange for favors agreed upon off the record. 
Ranboo: “Foolish, Foolish, Foolish, Foolish, Foolish...I am someone that -- I can’t be scammed, alright. But I have a way -- I have a sort of way to...be able to get my way most of the time based on, well, the ability of me speaking. So if somebody did come and try to get the shulker box...then...they’re gonna be giving me things and not even realize it.”
“I just know emotions, Foolish, and I know how to...deal with them.”
- Foolish reviews the terms
- Ranboo tells Foolish that there are certain things on the server that he cares deeply about, so...there may be a situation. But Foolish has his word that Foolish will have the shulker box in his possession. Just, if push comes to shove, Foolish may need to give it up, but Ranboo will return it.
- Ranboo signs the book, but Foolish gets to keep it
- Ranboo says in order for it to be a thing, they do have to also do a transfer of funds. Ranboo tells Foolish to grab something from his Ender Chest, anything.
- Ranboo throws Foolish the shulker and in return Foolish throws him lapis.
- Ranboo holds a grass block and says goodbye to Foolish at the door.
Foolish: “Sweet dreams -- if Endermen dream, I don’t know...”
- Foolish leaves and Ranboo returns to his goal of getting tons of emeralds.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Maybe something for the minectaft au, where the reader goes back to the end to spend time with ender dragon!jack? Ans thwu bring him some gifts that they think would be meaningful to him? -🎵
You entered the portal and stepped on the surface of a familiar place.
But this time, you had no swords, bows, or potions. It was just you, some food, a carved pumpkin, and some various blocks you figured Jack would appreciate.
Ever since you and the human-Enderdragon hybrid befriended one another, you’ve been hoping to come back and see the End City sometime soon, although more importantly you hoped to see him again. You made a promise to return and you intended to keep it.
After donning the pumpkin, you looked around at the Endermen who were wandering about, some of them gazing at you curiously, but never lingering for long.
Then you heard a familiar roar and glanced up, seeing Jack in his dragon form flying out of the darkness, landing near you. With a smile you quickly took off the pumpkin, waving to him. “I told you I’d come back. Now..can we go to the city?”
He grumbled happily in response as he crouched down and allowed you to climb onto his back. As soon as you were comfortable, you patted his black scales to let him know you’re ready. He flapped his wings and took off into the air, flying away from the main island.
About a thousand blocks later, you’ve reached another island in The End, but this one had numerous hauntings of Endermen in some kind of forest. There were thin dark purple and white structures that looked like bare trees.
However, beyond them were even more fascinating sights:
You saw several buildings made up of lavender and endstone, one of them being a massive winding skyscraper, a floating mass of bedrock with a starry portal, and a large ship hovering in the air nearby.
A part of you had expected a village much like the ones back in the Overworld. But nevertheless, it was absolutely beautiful in its own unique way.
Jack landed in a clearing near the floating ship, where he let you climb off before he turned back into his half-human self. “Well,” he smiled and turned to you, gesturing to the city and forest with his arm. “Whatdya think of it?”
“It’s..absolutely incredible!” You beamed, although your gaze went to the ship, where you saw an Enderdragon head on the bow of it. “Umm…is that…?”
“Oh! It’s a felt dragon head. Not real,” he reassured you with a chuckle. Then he flew up to one of the tall purple trees and punched the top of it, taking out some kind of fruit. He soon returned to your side with two in-hand, biting down on one as he handed you the other. “Chorus fruit. Just be careful since there’s a chance it’ll make you teleport.”
Nodding, you took the fruit and bit into it, surprised by its juicy grape-like flavor. But it was quite delicious, so you quickly consumed the rest of it. As soon as you were done, though, you yelped as it suddenly teleported you towards some Endermen.
Jack laughed and rushed over to meet you. “Oh man..that’s amazing!” He chuckled, putting a hand on your shoulder. “You okay, [y/n]?”
“Y-Yeah..I’m good.” Once you were able to regain your balance, you remembered what you came here for and turned back to him. “So ah..do you have a house or anything like that? I have some things I wanna give you.”
“It’s right this way. Don’t mind the Shulkers guarding the buildings,” he told you before he turned and walked away.
You followed suit, eager to give him your gifts.
“..and this is mycelium.” You smiled as you handed Jack the final block. “It’s unique because it comes from only one biome: the Mushroom Islands. You can’t really grow crops on it..but..it does give off some spores so that’s something.”
The whole time you gave him various blocks, tools, and food from the Overworld and Nether, he was completely silent as he listened to you talk about them. Most of the stuff was in his Ender Chest, but he put the blocks in the corner of his room, making a nice little collection.
Once he put the mycelium with the rest of them, he returned to you, sitting beside you on his bed. “Y-You..got me a lot of nice, colorful things.” He mumbled, clearing his throat.
“Yeah, this place could use a little bit of color….not that there’s anything wrong with black, pale yellow, and purple but you know what I mean, right?”
Jack nodded a little, biting his lower lip and lowering his head. You looked over at him in worry when you heard a small whimper, although your eyes widened as he choked out a tiny sob. “Ja-?”
However, you were cut off as he turned to hug you tightly, wrapping his wings and tail around you as you felt him start to cry, his face tucked into the crook of your neck. You immediately hugged him back, about to ask him what was wrong when he spoke once more.
“E-Every other human who comes here..they..they try t-to destroy my crystals..a-and kill me. They all think I’m just some lonely monster who needs to be put out of his misery. They don’t e-ever consider giving me gifts a-and treating my home with respect….a-all they wanna do is take. Y-Yet they call me the evil creature..”
Your heart sunk as he vented to you about his frustrations. But you just squeezed him tighter. “You’re far from evil, Jack. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but..I swear I will never destroy or take anything from your home." You carded your fingers through his hair. "After hearing all the stories, I arrived here..with those exact intentions, though they long disappeared when I got to know the real you.”
He hiccuped softly and looked up at you, his eyes slightly glowing purple and filled to the brim with tears. You brushed the ones on his cheeks aside, and when you glanced at your thumb, you could see tiny purple particles floating in the liquid.
“Will your tears make me teleport, too?”
Your silly question earned a small chuckle from Jack as he shook his head, wiping away the rest of his tears. “..nah..it’s just a protective barrier so the water doesn’t hurt us. But..th-thank you so much for coming here, giving me these gifts, a-and for being my friend. You showed me that..not all humans are terrible." He embraced you once more. “Do you have to go back soon or..do you mind staying like this for a while?”
“Oh, I don’t mind.” Sighing, you held him tight and petted his hair comfortingly once more. “I’d love to see more of the city. But we’ll go whenever you ready.”
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #171
“More Paperwork, The Truth About Testificates”
[Ashe] Takes off after Ryan-
[ryan] -fly to the top of Stevenson's head and lands there-
[Ashe] Barrels towards them-
[Stevenson] -dodges making sure to do so keeping ryan balanced at the same time-
[Endrea] Lands from above, she's now a little more than twice the size of a normal ender dragon- Ashe, there you are...
[Ashe] - Mama!
[ryan] -roars at endrea-
[Gk] Endrea... wow.... - Gk is now only two thirds her length.
[Sweet Alex] Good day Endrea! - waves-
[Endrea] Nudges GK a bit- Hello Sweet Alex, and who's this little one?
[Gk] I suddenly feel a bit inferior....
[Sweet Alex] New Steve's baby!
[stevenson] that's a big enderdragon
[Endrea] Leans down to sniff at them-
[ryan] -smells nothing like an enderdragon because he isn't even close to being one-
[Ashe] - Mama!  Uncle GG said he'd help teach me to fly!
[Endrea] - That's good, he helped teach me as well
[Gk] Aww... I kinda feel like TLOT was more help back then... I just ran all over and sweated like a pig.
[Endrea] - Nonsense, you were the one I always wanted to fly with
[Gk] goes slightly redder in the cheeks- dawww.
[ryan] -is just roaring now-
[Ashe] Roars back at him- Don't be mean to mama!
[Gk] Hunkers down so his face is on level with Ryan - Shush.
[ryan] -jumps on to his face-
[Endrea] Adopts a loafed position-
[Gk] Shakes his head around - Geroff!
[Stevenson] -seems panic and angry- stop your going to hurt him
[Gk] muffled- get him off my face!
[Stevenson] -takes ryan off of gk-
[CP] - Hey GK!  Are we going to the bar or not?
[ryan] -cuddles into Stevenson arms-
[Gk] Has little scratches on his face and looks annoyed. - Yes please.
[Sweet Alex] So were you two going to the castle?
[Ashe] Goes over to GK- Can I go?
[Gk] If your mom says it's okay. She might sit on me if I get too big for mah britches.
[Endrea] - I do not mind, I know he's safe with you
[Gk] Is obviously flattered and flusted.
[alexine] yea we will be going there
[CP] Starts heading for the bar-
[Gk] Follows with Ashe.
[Sweet Alex] Endrea? Can you show them where Doc's house is?
[Endrea] - Certainly, are you coming or staying here?
[alexine] we are heading to doc's house to stay there for now
[Stevenson] I am more then ready to go.
[Endrea] Looks up at the sky where a few stars are starting to emerge- We should hurry, would you like a ride?  It will be faster...
[alexine] sure I don't see why not
[Stevenson] sure.
[NK] Is it safe..?
[Endrea] Lowers her head so they can climb onto her by her neck- Absolutely, it is safe
[alexine] -climbs on-
[Stevenson] -climbs on with ryan and hold him close so he will stay where he is-
[Endrea] Waits for NK as well-
*Nk Hesitantly gets on too
[Endrea] Rises up and takes off, flying over the bustling village and over to Doc's place, she ends up landing on the roof for the safety of her riders- Here we go
[Stevenson and alexine] -gets off endrea-
[Stevenson] thank you.
[Endrea] - You're welcome
-There's a little bit of crackling from the room below them-
[alexine] what was that?
[Endrea] - My guess?  The Doctor
[Stevenson] then lets go see them.
*NK hops down and nods his head in thanks
[alexine] -is already trying to lead Stevenson and ryan to the noise-
-The noise is coming from the charged creepers in a cage at the bottom of the steps, the mobs watch them intently as they pass-
[Endrea] Shifts to her more human form and follows them-
[alexine] -looks at the creepers- oh fuck!
[Doc] Lie... I think I'm just gonna tp home. I'm tired, should I walk you back up? Or are you okay?
[Lie] - I'll be fine, the entrance to down here isn't far from my house
[Doc] Thanks. I feel like we did good today. Even Cp.
[Lie] - He'll dispute that until the day he dies
[Doc] chuckles before tping to Deerheart - I wouldn't have it any other way.
[Deer] Smiles as Doc appears- Welcome home love
[Doc] Just flops on the floor next to her and Yaunfen- Do you think anyone would care if I just laid here for a bit?
[Deer] - No, I don't think so
[Endrea] Spots the creepers- They can't see you through the bars, you're safe
-crackling and hissing-
[alexine] I saw them first and didn't notice the cage till after a screamed
[Endrea] - Come on, our best bet for finding someone is down below- Starts leading the way
[alexine and Stevenson]- follow after endrea-
-There's a door to the right as they come down-
[Endrea] Glances at the door, but keeps going-
-There's a musical pinging as they cross over a series of buttons, and then the distant sound of animals farther below.
[alexine] this place is big
[Endrea] - We're almost there, please, don't feel like you need to memorize everything at once, this place is a bit of a maze
-The shrine and the flaming causeway, and even the signalling tower is visible from the long banks of windows.
[Stevenson] why would you make your house a maze?
[Endrea] - I don't believe it's intentional, Doc just adds on where they can
[ryan] -is looking all around-
[Endrea] Enters the vine room and spots Deer, Doc, and Yaunfen.  Both Yaunfen and Doc are passed out with Yaunfen on top of Doc-
[ryan] -jumps out of Stevenson's arms as soon as he sees yaunfen and runs to them and makes little friendly roars at them-
[Yaunfen] Squeaks at Ryan in surprise having been woken up-
[ryan] -playfully runs around yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Refuses to leave their perch from atop Doc's chest-
[ryan] -playfully boops yaunfen-
[Liz] rer! *Jumps out and tries to land on Ryan
[Yaunfen] Hisses at Ryan a little, unsure about this new dragon-
[ryan] -gets landed on-
[Deer] Laughs softly-
[Liz] Victorii!
[ryan] -all three head turn around enough to look at liz head on as he makes a curious roar-
[Liz] New dragon! New dragon!
[Stevenson] that's ryan he's my baby.
[Endrea] Smiled at all the babies-
[ryan] -tries to flap his wings to fly up even with liz on his back-
[Liz] !!! This one fly! ,... Ish.
[Liz] Bad at fly. *Hops off Ryan
[ryan] -as soon as liz is off ryan takes off and flies on to Stevenson's shoulders-
[Doc] zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[Deer] Nudges her mate- Love?  Our guests are here
[Doc] snnnkkk - mumbles- just... five more minutes...?
[Deer] Rolls her eyes- I think you'd prefer the rest of the night, but if you wake up then I may just have something for you~
[Doc] Forces hir eyes open but doesn't move. The stars are visible through the skylight above. - No rest for the wicked...
[Liz] Smells like mom. *sniffing NK's legs as shi trots around him
[NK] Uh... *Looks unsure of how to react to that comment
[Deer] - There will be for you, you're not wicked
[Doc] Figure of speech. I feel like someone stepped on me. How long has it been since I slept last? I know I'm a brine but... ugh.
[ryan] -flies off Stevenson's shoulders and over doc and looks down at hir-
[Yaunfen squeaks at Doc-
-Theres a slightly warning noise at Ryan from above.-
[Galvantula] Is clinging upside down from the balcony ceiling.
[Doc] Pets Yaunfen softly.
[ryan] -makes a soft friendly roar at doc-
[Doc] Hello little dragon, please don't bite me or anything. I'm tired as fuck.
[ryan] -flies down and lands on doc's chest and makes a louder friendly roar-
[Deer] - We should find rooms for our guests love
[Doc] The biggest empty rooms right now are in the garden under the bay. Though there are always the recovery rooms in the lab itself.
[Deer] Looks at their guests- Which rooms would you prefer?
[Doc] The bay rooms are prettier, but a farther walk.
[alexine] the bay rooms sounds nice
[Stevenson] I second that
[Doc] Okay, I'm getting up. - creaky strech as xe moves Yaunfen to hir shoulders and Ryan to the floor.
[ryan] -flies on to Stevenson's shoulders-
Deer] - I'll warm our bed love
[Doc] Thank you- Leads them down the steps,- Oh, Nk, you asked what a Guardian was- Xe points to the creature in the tank.
[Yaunfen] Makes a whining sound-
[Doc] What's the matter little one? Did you finish your gem? - pulls out a small candy diamond and holds it near them
[Yaunfen] Immediately takes it with a happy squeak-
[NK] That's a guardian? ...Huh. Can't say I've ever seen one before.
[Endrea] - They've been around for at least a little while now...
[NK] To be fair, I did live in the Nether...
[Doc] Is pointing and walking - Blaze, endermites- slimes, shulkers- Just go down this ladder here, all the way to the bottom
[Stevenson] thank you
[alexine] -starts going down the ladder-
[Doc] At the bottom is a long narrow hallway that bends to the right and opens into a vast garden, far, far above; the waters of the bay filter starlight down onto the vines and trees. - If you go up the steps there's a room at each landing. Take whichever appeals to you. In the morning just retrace your steps, the kitchen is just off the room I was sleeping in. Feel free to help yourself to anything in there. There's tons of food, and most of the household sleeps in. You're all free to stay as long as you like.
[alexine] -sees the fiery red room and decides to just use that one- I am going to be in here
[steveson] -goes into a brown ground like room and thinks it should be good and goes in-
[Endrea] Dismisses herself to go check on her children which she left with Notch-
[NK] Wonder what I missed out on by staying in the Nether... *Sighs and goes to pick his own room, he ends up chosing the purple room
[Doc] There's plenty of time to go exploring. For now just get settled, and if you want to redecorate, go ahead.
[ryan] -is already all over the bed-
[Doc] Gives Yaunfen's chin some scritches and trudges back upstairs.
[Yaunfen] Muffled trills-
[Doc] Reaches hir bedroom and clumps down the steps - Deerheart?
[Deer] - Right here love- She's already under the covers of the bed, keeping them warm for her mate
[Doc] All I ask is that you watch Yaunfen for a few minutes so I can rinse off.
[Deer] Holds out her arms for the baby dragon-
[Doc] Passes them gently-so wonderful, both of you.
[Yaunfen] Yawns and snuggles into Deer-
[Doc] Slides down the ladder and turns on the tap in the small bathroom. Xe stands there for a long time under the flow just staring until one of the baby chomplies flies playfully into hir face and startles hir from hir half doze. - Okay! Okay.. dammit. - Xe dries off and goes to join Deerheart in bed- You said you had something for me? Is it more information? Please tell me it's not bad news.
[Deer] Smirks before pushing Doc so they are flat on the bed- Not information, just happy feelings- She kisses her lover gently, expressing her love as clearly as she can
[Doc] Oh thank goodness - xe just melts into the bed, slightly clipping the blankets.
[Deer] Doesn't mind the slight glitching as she continues to kiss Doc before gently beginning to massage them-
[Doc] Just purrs happily. - did you feel the servers come together? That was amazing....
[Deer] - Yes, and so did Flux.  We had quite the discussion about it
[Doc] Really? -coyly- Anything I should know?
[Deer] Smirks- Hmm, I don't know if I should tell you, it was a private conversation...
[Doc] Murmurs- secret server talk.... I am just an admin after all...
[Deer] Kisses hir again before snuggling up next to her mate- Hush now, let's sleep, you were very tired after all...
[Yaunfen] Crawls on top of them, trying to get between them-
[Doc] Drifts peacefully off to sleep. - Love you both....
[Deer] Runs fingers through Doc's hair- And we love you ever so much
[CP] Screaming furiously- FUCKING STEVE!
[TLOT] -Mentally sending much easily then before - Not currently Cp, he's actually making pancakes.
[CP] Teleports to the kitchen and whacks Steve upside the head with paperwork- STOP FUCKING DOING MY PAPERWORK!
[Steve] OW! - Accidently flings the pan as he's smacked and a half-cooked pancake lands in Cp's hair.
[TLOT] Don't hit him!
[TLOT] Do I have to press you Cp?
[CP] - FUCK YOU!- He shakes his head and a perfectly cooked pancake falls towards the floor
[TLOT] Just regards Cp placidly and theres a distinct snapping sound-
[CP] Is frustrated enough to consider whacking Steve again-
[TLOT] Holds up the screenshot he just took of Cp's screaming face and shows it to him. - This is how you look right now. Calm down.
[CP] Flips TLOT off-
[Steve] Is a bit dazed- did I mess it up?
[Steve] Is sort of hiding behind the kitchen counter- But you never want to do it... I was just helping....
[Steve] Frightened squee -
[TLOT] Sighs- Cp...
[CP] - What!?
[TLOT] I'd think you'd be in a better mood then this just in general
[CP] - And why would you think that?
[TLOT] Because of the villagers? And the city Testificates on my sub-seed. They're trying to keep it a secret from me, but they're in the process of building statues of everyone who fought too. They're vetting you for the 'god of war' position.
[TLOT] Shrugs- It's not like you'll probably ever have to do anything.
[Steve] What did we get?
[TLOT] Love dieties. Of course.
[CP] Grumbles-
[CP] - Can I destroy the fucking statue?
[TLOT] Nope, it's not done and I didn't catch where they were working on it. Just let them have their fun. Judging by the freize it should be more then flattering.
[CP] Groans- Do I even want to know what they think of Lie?
[TLOT] Nature goddess.
[CP] Grumbles- I don't think I want to know anything else...
[TLOT] Leans on his elbow, - They don't seem to know what to do with Splender. He hasn't been back and they didn't get a very good look at him to begin with. Doc they nailed perfectly though.
[CP] - I don't think I want them to see Splender again...
[TLOT] They gave Doc kind of a dualistic thing, half male half female, heals with one hand kills with the other. Pretty cool. Honestly I'm wondering how Splender is faring. He wasn't a brine to begin with but he is sorta digital with brine-like powers. He should have been powered up just like the rest of us.
[CP] - You could always go over and check
[TLOT] After breakfast I will. Somehow I think if it was bad, Ej probably would have come over to shout at Doc by now.
[CP] - Yeah he probably would have...- Starts pacing a little
[Steve] well.... since your work is done, you have the rest of the day free. That's good, right?
[CP] Groans- Yeah...  Joy...  I get to take Stevie mining instead of pushing it off onto one of you guys...
[TLOT] Pfft. It's nothing to you. You're not in any real danger and you like spending time with him. You just like complaining.
[CP] - Shut up
[TLOT] Just smiles
[Steve] So... you want some pancakes? - Offers a plate of them.
[CP] Glares at Steve-
[Steve] shrinks a little-
[CP] - Fuck you, I'm still mad at you
[Steve] Just makes a small sad expression and slinks to the table with his pancakes.
[TLOT] Ah, don't listen to him. He thinks all Steves are aggravating.
[CP] - Especially yours
[Steve] nearly a whisper - I don't really have anything important to do around here... since I don't have any weird powers like you guys...
[TLOT] You're you, that's all that's nessesary. You're a ray of sunshine and perfectly capable of making most people feel warm and loved.
[CP] Grumbles- Yeah, and he's broken
[TLOT] He's not broken!
[Steve] Little gasp, and tremble.
[CP] - Not saying that's a bad thing, almost all of us here are
[TLOT] But you say it in a cruel way. You're just trying to hurt him now - holds Steve close to him.
[CP] Shrugs-
[Flux] Comes in from her room- Oh, hello...
[TLOT] Good morning Flux...
[Steve] Is just curled up with his face hidden against his husbands chest.
[Flux] - What's wrong?
[TLOT] Cp is just being his usual nasty self.
[Flux] - I see...
[CP] Starts rummaging through the fridge-
[Goomy] Has followed Flux down the stairs and coos at her.
[Flux] Smiles and reaches down to pet the pokemon-
[Goomy] Is slimy as usual but very happy to be petted.
[Flux] - I think Steve could use your affections more little one
[Steve] It's okay... I just wasn't expecting him to try and cut me like that...
[CP] - I don't care- Pulls some steak out of the fridge
[TLOT] I know you don't... Lie is the only one you feel safe showing true affection for. The thought of telling Stevie you love him scares the crap out of you.
[CP] Tenses a little and refuses to face TLOT-
[TLOT] Narrows his eyes - Hmmph.
[CP] - I don't know what the fuck you're talking about...
[TLOT] How many times do I have to remind you that you can't lie to me?
[CP] Scowls at TLOT-
[Goomy] Happily sits on Flux's foot.
[Flux] Picks the small creature up to pet them more-
[CP] - I'm fucking leaving...- Starts heading out and grumbling to himself about having to mine
[TLOT] Shakes his head. - Such a hard heart.
[Flux] - Perhaps externally, but internally not so much.  Once he does start caring for something he will defend it with everything he has
[TLOT] The big question is then, how to make room on the list for more?
[Flux] - Patience.  You've already made an impression on his heart, it will simply take a bit more work
[TLOT] You think so? I'd hate to be in a position where I needed him to save my life. I'm not sure he'd do it. Or at least not make me squirm and beg first.
[Steve] I think he'd kill me happily if he could get away with it...
[Flux] - Oh he could just as easily make you do that afterwards.  He's always been well aware of time constraints when things are happening.  If he's making you do so before hand, well then you have more time then you may think.  I'm not even sure he's aware of his ability to time things like that
[TLOT] He can stop time? Then why can't he outrun Doc?
[Flux] - No, but he can sense when exactly something is going to happen, or just about when.  As I said, I'm not sure he's aware of it.  How many times have you seen him do something in the absolute last second possible?  That is an effect of this ability
[Steve] Don't all Herobrine's have a knack for that? You run and run and run and then turn around and they're right there!
[Flux] - To an extent, but his seems a bit more....  Heightened.  It's why his scaring tactics are so effective as well.  You can tell how much time you have by how serious he is being about it.  However, if he's capable of postponing it, he will.  Why do you think he procrastinates on his paper work so much?
[TLOT] Grins-  Because it bores the shit out of him?
[Flux] - Yes and he knows that if he does stay on top of it as soon as he's finished he'll be expected to start on more
[TLOT] Great leaders know when to delegate too...
[Flux] - Yes, but his mobs do not
[TLOT] sighs- I'm glad my people are mostly self-sufficent. Testificates are pretty easy to rule. It's just a matter of making sure everyone is fed and feels useful.
[Flux] - It would be simpler for him as well if he only controlled one mob
[Steve] It would be really funny if it turned out our keeshan pairs were a superior force to his Nether mobs...
[Flux] Concentrates briefly, comparing the power of the testificates in the village and what she remembers of CP's mobs- Hmmm, I think the generals and his highest ranking warriors might be on par with your keeshan pairs...
[TLOT] It's the bundle of twigs thing. A small group acting in perfect harmony is more powerful then a mob.
[Flux] - Yes, and normally he only uses small groups
[TLOT] I thought he'd been basically hiding from his NOTCH, I wonder how long it's been since he confronted the slimy bastard?
[Flux] - I don't know...
[TLOT] Well, I'm eternally grateful to him for being instrumental in killing mine.
[Flux] - And I'm sure he'll need you in killing his.  I suspect most Brines are not capable of taking down their NOTCH's by themselves if the NOTCH is aggressive...  The aggressive ones seem to have this way of...  Consuming power...
[TLOT] Then we'll make him choke on it. I'm full of bad code. It's the only thing that ever hurt mine, it burned him like acid.
[Flux] - My own theory is that the NOTCH CP deals with has been gaining it's power by destroying other NOTCH's and brines...
[TLOT] Hmph. I wonder if he's had the misfortune to face some of those little twigs cooperating before?
[Flux] - I cannot say...
[Steve] And he hasn't fought his NOTCH since Doc worked on him either....
[Flux] Puts the Goomy on the table- I do think that will at least help him if anything goes wrong
[TLOT] as far as I can tell him and Doc both are indestructable by any normal means. It's scary as hell really.
[Goomy] Purrs
[Flux] - Which I'm so glad for
[TLOT] I'm glad they're on our side. But honestly, it is a bit scary. Even I'm a tad unnerved by someone who could pull their own arm off as eaily as removing a dirt block and snap it back on like nothing. I'm glad Insanity can't get a grip on Doc. I think they could do terrible things if they ever lost it.
[Flux] - But she's not obvious at first!  The only reason I even knew she was there was because she had blocked me from reaching CP!
[TLOT] Flux, I'm psychic. I can sense that presence. Besides Doc is carrying the typhoid mary program, they just keep it in a locked file so they don't strip someone who isn't ready while giving normal medical care.
[Flux] - Which I am grateful for, truly, I am
[Steve] They're not keen to piss of Slenderman even more then they already have.
[TLOT] Yeah... we're all dreading the fireworks when he comes to collect Ej.
[Flux] - At least you have Splender on your side as well
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Dream SMP Recap (January 20/2021) - SEASON TWO FINALE
The Disc Saga has finally come to an end. With both L’manburg and the discs’ stories completed at last, it’s time for a new beginning and a new era, as Dream is locked away in Pandora’s Vault and the server looks forward to a more hopeful future.
Now that Dream is gone, though, there’s a power vacuum that needs to be filled...
And with Season Three on the horizon, a certain  empire has plans to do exactly that.
- Ponk makes graves for Tommy and Tubbo in the Graveyard.
- Tommy and Tubbo come online at last. They follow the compass down the Prime Path and start to reminisce about all the old times. Everyone is waiting for them on the Prime Path. They go through one by one and say a goodbye to each of them.
Tommy: “I’ll see you all when we get home.”
- They enter the wilderness and start talking strategy.
Tommy: “I need someone to get back and tell my story.”
Tommy tells Tubbo that while they have the tendency to look on the positive, they have to be honest with themselves. It’s going to be a good fight, but they’re on their last lives. Tonight’s the night they have to win.
- Tommy opens up a bit to Tubbo about the things that still bother him from the exile.
- They find a MASSIVE mountain and go onto land. They start climbing, watching one last sunrise on the cliffside.
- Dream is on top of the mountain with an Enderchest there. Tommy and Tubbo confront him and start attacking before he has time to think. He starts building up a tower of obsidian and plays Mellohi to taunt them. 
A build battle breaks out, reminiscent of the original Disc War. The two manage to snatch the Mellohi disc.
- Dream laughs and says to stop. He hasn’t even begun to try. He almost kills Tubbo, bringing him down to only a few hearts, and gives Tommy an ultimatum: Tubbo or the discs. Dream gives Tommy a countdown from ten.
Tubbo: “Keep this disc. It’ll be worth it! Keep the disc, I’m fine! I’ve done enough in my life! It’s fine! Keep the disc!”
- Tommy gives Dream the disc. Dream laughs and reveals that the disc wasn’t even the real Mellohi, just a fake.
Dream: “I just want to show you how powerful I am, how powerless you are... I could’ve let you just walk away, but no, I’m toying with you. I’m playing with my food. That’s -- that’s the fun in it! That’s the fun in it.”
- He tells Tommy to drop the Axe of Peace for him. Then he tells the two to drop their stuff into a hole and explodes it all, then says he can take them to the real discs. 
- Dream leads them to a chamber with a platform in the middle. He activates it and a redstone elevator leads them down into a blackstone base that goes to bedrock.
Dream: “Listen, Tommy. Ever since you joined the server, you’ve been a headache, okay? You brought war, you brought terrorism, bad everything. But, but, the cause of all the war, of everything, was attachment, right? Your attachment to the discs, your attachment to Henry. To pets, to friends, to land, to countries, to items, right?”
“That’s the one good thing that you’ve done. The one good thing you’ve done is you’ve brought attachment to the server. So it took me a long time to realize how important attachment was, but when I did, you know, it made me stronger, and I realized, y’know, you’re important, right?”
- He shows them the discs. The real discs. 
Dream: “Ever since attachment was on the server...I cut my attachment. I -- I blew up my house, I lost my friends, I lost my items, lost my crossbow, my...y’know...everything that was important to me. My pets. I cut everything! Because I realized that’s what gave people power over each other. The reason you’re here is because I have these dumb little items.
I don’t wanna be controlled, so I cut...everything. I lost everything. But...I had to lose everything. I had to lose everything, to gain everything.
Listen, if I can control the things that people are attached to, then I can control the server again! Because this isn’t Tommy SMP or Tubbo SMP, it’s Dream SMP, right?! So I can control the server if I have everything that everybody cares about, that everybody’s ever cared about, I can control everything, right? I can turn the server back to what it used to be...right?
- Dream leads them into a hallway where there’s a spot for all the things that everyone on the server is attached to. Beckerson and Mars, Fran, Skeppy, Carl, Enderchest, the shulker box...everything.
There’s even a cow named Henry and a sheep named Friend. 
- Dream explains that he needs Tommy to remain because he’s the person who’s brought attachment to things. Tommy’s the key to unlock the full potential of the server and power over people. That’s why he can’t kill Tommy.
Instead, he tells them that he’s constructed a prison.
He says his plan is to lock Tommy up and kill Tubbo. If Tommy wants to be a hero...Every hero needs an origin story, and Tommy’s is Tubbo. Dream gives Tommy a chance to say one last goodbye before it’s Tubbo’s time to die.
Tommy is desperate to keep fighting and keep hope, to always look for another option. Tubbo, meanwhile, has accepted their defeat. He’s accepted his death. All good things must come to an end eventually.
Tommy: “What am I without you?”
Tubbo: “...Yourself.”
Tommy: “Tubbo...even though for this entire server, I’ve always regarded you as my sidekick...really, Tubbo...I was your sidekick. Please don’t go...please don’t go...”
- Just as Dream is about to kill Tubbo, though, Punz comes through the Nether portal at the back of the room.
Punz: “I’m sorry Dream...but you should’ve paid me more.”
Suddenly, everybody comes through the portal at once. Everyone that they had said goodbye too suddenly gathers around Dream in a crowd as Tommy and Tubbo snatch the discs and put them into their Ender Chests.
- Tommy goes up to Dream, knowing he’s too important to kill. Instead, he digs a hole into the floor and tells Dream to drop his items.
- Dream says that Tommy wouldn’t kill him. After all, they have so much fun, don’t they? Tommy tells him that he’s caused nothing but pain and kills him with the Axe of Peace, promising to kill him again and again until he’s dead for good.
- Dream tries to word his way out of it but Tommy kills him a second time with Nightmare.
- Tommy asks Dream for his last words. Dream tries to convince him that he doesn’t need to kill him, that they’re friends! He begs Tommy to stop. As one last move, he lets slip that he can bring people back to life.
That’s what Schlatt’s book was.
The secret to reviving the dead.
- Tommy boxes Dream in obsidian. They know they can’t just let Dream go, and now they can’t kill him either, but Sam suggests an alternative: 
They put Dream in Pandora’s Vault.
Tommy: “Tubbo? ...Let’s make Wilbur proud.
- Sam takes Dream away. Tommy says that he’ll be the first to visit him, that he’ll visit Dream tomorrow.
- Tommy tells Dream to confess to what he did. Dream tells everyone that he blew up the Community House, but goes silent after Tommy brings up the exile. Tommy gives a speech to the others. Now that Dream is gone, the server can finally be what it’s meant to be. 
- Dream is taken away, and Tommy and Tubbo say their goodbyes as they return home.
- They make it to Tommy’s house and sit on the bench, finally listening to the two music discs that started this whole thing off in peace.
- A familiar voice speaks.
“Tommy, I’m very impressed..”
“Hello...have you missed me?”
- It’s Wilbur -- the real Wilbur -- speaking with them from beyond the mortal plane. He tells them that he’s proud. He doesn’t want to come back to life. Tommy and Tubbo break the news about possible resurrection. Wilbur realizes that “he’s gonna bring Schlatt back as well.”
Wilbur’s voice fades away before long.
- Tubbo returns to Snowchester after Tommy leaves and realizes that they can declare their independence without Dream now that he’s gone. He wants to speak with Quackity as they talk about the future. 
- Jack is pleased with the outcome. Sure, he was against Tommy, but as a reminder! The Manifesto stated that his goal was to help Tommy and Tubbo get rid of Dream first. Tommy can be dealt with later. If he kills Tommy, not only will he get his revenge on Tommy himself, but it will also hurt Dream. 
Dream said he’d gotten rid of all the things on the server that mattered to him, but he was lying.
He hadn’t gotten rid of Tommy.
And Jack Manifold wants to be the one to do that.
- Jack plans to visit Dream in the prison to taunt him and tell him about how he’s going to kill Tommy and there’s nothing Dream can do to stop him.
- Ranboo is happy that he was right. It had to be everyone against Dream for them to win. But...he’s confused about why Dream said he’d blown up the Community House. Didn’t he do that?
He says he has to talk to Dream and get the true answers.
- Ranboo questions whether he’s a bad guy if he’s done the same things as Dream. Is he a bad person? Does he deserve to go to the prison to?
- He wants to work on his house, but Mellohi suddenly starts playing from somewhere. Frantically, Ranboo starts looking for the jukebox it’s playing from. It gets louder at certain spots...
- He runs back to the Panic Room and the music gets louder.
He clicks the jukebox in the room and Mellohi pops out, the music coming to a halt. Is he a bad person if he does bad things without meaning to? Or while under peer pressure?
He let bad things happen to all the people he wanted to help. He’s betrayed everyone he’s ever spoken to.
The only person who he hasn’t betrayed...is Dream.
He wonders if the Dream voice lied to him about the Community House? The voice has no true connection to Dream, but is it truth what it says? Could it have been wrong? 
Ranboo: “I think...I think he covered for me.”
“There are seventy different stories, but only one of them is right.”
He wonders if he can alter the page where it admits t hat he did those things, but he can’t bring himself to do it for some reason.
Even if the walls are down, they’re still up. Dream still has influence even when he’s locked up.
- He heads back to his house to start working on it and goes into his Comfort Room. It seems like everything’s okay until Mellohi starts playing again. It gets louder just outside his house.
- He starts running again, back through the Nether. Back to the Panic Room. He’s tired of this and wants to get rid of it.
Nothing comes out of the jukebox.
He breaks the jukebox and the song still plays.
He starts shouting at the voice. Why isn’t it appearing? 
- Ranboo wonders what he’s doing wrong, why the song is still playing. He starts denying that he did any of the things he thought he did. He just wants closure so that he doesn’t have to see Dream in prison.
He deletes one of the smiles and the music stops playing. He then deletes the rest of the page.
Ranboo says that he’s still going to visit Dream, but now he’s not looking for closure. Instead, he’s going to tell Dream everything that Dream did to end up in there.
- He opens the chest in the corner. Inside there are two pieces of TNT and...
A new book.
On the black screen, the crown flickers without the smile. The smile flashes for only a few seconds, which spells out in Morse code: IT ISN’T OVER.
- Later, Sam comes on. Now that he’s finished with the prison, he plans to protect it as though it were his child. But he needs a new project.
- So what he plans to do is create a bank and a system of currency for the server.
- Captain Puffy reflects on Dream now being locked up. She says she has plans for business in Snowchester later. 
- Ant’s eyes have turned purple. Bad comes online and Puffy shares her misgivings. Bad and Ant come up with the idea to establish a better headquarters, and want to build a base right above the Egg, but find out that Sam has already claimed the land for his bank.
- They start building the meeting room.
- Sam comes over and gets into an argument with Bad. He still thinks the Egg is bad juju. They show him the meeting room.
Bad: “Dream was just the uniting force where everybody was against him. Now that he’s locked up, things are just gonna get worse, alright? But the Egg can be a uniting force to bring everybody together! And that’s why we all came together and decided to unite our factions and form the Eggpire! The Egg Empire!”
Sam: “The wh-- don’t say that again. Whatever you just said, no...that’s a no from me.”
- Sam still thinks they should destroy it, and is angry that they didn’t tell him about this. Bad argues that they already tried containing it and it didn’t work. He also says the Egg has feelings.
- They take Sam down to the Egg Room with Punz. He’s horrified.
- Bad restates the purpose of the Eggpire, and explains that now that Dream is gone, there’s a power vacuum that needs to be filled. And if it’s not filled by the Badlands, then it’s going to be filled by someone else and that isn’t good for them.
- Sam escapes the Egg Room and the rest of the Badlands are left to discuss their future. Bad is hopeful that Sam will come around to them, and he has plans to speak with Eret as well.
Bad and Ant mention to Puffy that they have a “back up plan,” but won’t tell her what it is.
- Puffy also plans to start a therapy office on the SMP! 
She will be the third one to do so, but hopefully she’ll have more success than the others.
--- What happens now?
- Tales From the SMP Futuristic Episode (Saturday)
- Nuclear weapons test (January 26th)
- Tommy’s visit to Pandora’s Vault (Tomorrow)
- Ranboo’s visit to Pandora’s Vault
The Crimson’s Vines continue to spread across the server. 
Though the Syndicate has been recruiting new members in its fight for anarchy, the Eggpire’s influence grows ever stronger, and who knows where Snowchester will fall in the conflict when these new forces begin to clash?
Only time will tell.
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