#he manages to do it but gets really paranoid afterwards
hesbianyaoi · 6 months
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you guys arent going to believe what ive been into lately
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atom-writings · 7 months
decay of angels celebrating halloween with their s/o
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0.9k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: vulgar language, other than that, none!
a/n: wanted to do a seasonal one and I got a req for Halloween with nikolai but I couldn't understand it. dear anon what were u trying to say. pls
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- Fyodor is not a fan of Halloween. It's rare for him to celebrate anything, much less a heathenous one like Halloween.
“Being so excited about ghouls... it seems the masses are finally showing their true faces.”
- He'll join you in whatever you want to do, but he would never help you hand out candy. However, he doesn't mind relaxing with you on the couch if you only have to run to the door a couple of times.
- (Plus, then he'd get to steal some of the candy. He hates it, but he does have quite a sweet tooth.)
- As for costumes, there's no way he'd dress up as anything silly. Every year, he just wears one of his fancy outfits and goes as a “catholic.” Which, like, yes... but he's just dressing a little different than normal.
- He will not do couples costumes. Ever.
- Although, he does appreciate the cover that Halloween can provide for him. He's found that law enforcement are often much more lenient on that day, and he always manages to take advantage of that somehow.
- Other than that, he doesn't care for Halloween at all. He doesn't like scary movies, he hates the gaudy decorations, and most importantly he hates having fun.
- He would completely abandon you on Halloween if he wasn't so paranoid about something happening if he did.
“Those hooligans outside... their faces are covered in cheap masks. If they were to do something to you, you could not even identify them afterwards!”
“No, you aren't leaving. That's final.”
- Especially if you wear anything even a little more revealing than usual. Then he's glued to your side all night. For more reasons than just protection...
- Basically, Fyodor is a little hater. Go hang out with Nikolai instead.
- To Nikolai, every day of the year is Halloween. So, when the time comes around that it's Halloween for everyone else too, he's over the moon.
- Don't expect him to come along to a party or something like that, though. He's very firm in his plans every year.
- First, he decorates homes with tons of creepy shit. No, he doesn't decorate his own home. He goes along random streets flinging dead bodies (fake and real!) into people's yards along with covering front doors in cobwebs.
- Then, he sets up an (illegal) haunted house in a nearby abandoned warehouse. People come from miles away to participate, and only a few died in the process (:
”Ah, Y/N! Guess how we got more props for next year tonight!“
- Lastly, at night, he wanders around either 1. vandalizing anyone who didn't decorate or 2. scratching at people's bedroom windows and whistling like a ghost.
- You are always welcome to join him on his Halloween tirade but don't expect him to slow down for you. He's a busy delinquent!
- As for costumes, he always goes all out. Every year he gets a new one. A couple of years he's even been on stilts!
- But a few notable ones were: Black shadow creature with glowing red eyes, spiderlegged mask man, “Spike Boy“ (That one was really bad...) and Fyodor if he got love as a child! (That one was also really bad, but just for him.)
- He'd be totally willing to do a couple's costume though! Though, with one stipulation; that if you dress slutty, he has to too.
- On Halloween, he would really like to spend more time with you. Maybe one year you two will spend the night just peacefully giving out candy. But until then, he is way too much of a lunatic that night to act like anything close to a boyfriend.
(Actually… maybe you shouldn’t hang out with Nikolai on Halloween after all…)
- Sigma definitely isn't the biggest Halloween fan, but he doesn't mind it. It's a fun excuse to make some kids happy, even if he does hate the more scary stuff.
- Usually, he isn't too easily scared, but it's different around Halloween. When he has to worry about people acting crazy and going out of their way to hurt or scare everyone... it puts him on edge. When he's that stressed out, anything scares him.
”Why do people have to go all out every year? Isn't this holiday supposed to be about kids?“
”It's about fun!“
”What's fun about crimes?!“
- So, because of that, he prefers staying at home all night. Going to parties or events makes him worry about teenagers vandalizing his place (like from a movie) so, he isn't heading out all night. And because he loves you, he'll make you stay home too.
- The most decorating he'll do for Halloween is a couple of pumpkins, maybe a sign or two. But that's it unless you want to do more.
- He does really love couple's costumes though. Every year, he tries to come up with something cute and easy for the two of you to do.
- Other than that, all his costumes are pretty basic. He doesn't care about looking creepy, he just wants to be comfortable. For a couple of years, his only costume was a big animal onesie.
- One of his favourite things about Halloween is the sweets! He absolutely adores handing out candy. Plus, sometimes, he'll bake some fall sweets for the two of you.
- He's one of those people who REALLY like pumpkin spice, so he loves the excuse to put it in EVERYTHING.
- But he basically only likes the holiday because it forces you two to hang out and relax.
- That is, when you're far away from Nikolai. He's scared of that man normally; but on Halloween? Makes him shiver.
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sentience-if · 4 months
oh! Oh! Oh! How about the cast's reaction to them almost walking in on a conversation Io is having, but before they can get to it they hear them arguing with someone and manage to hide just in time or smt. Turns out the other person is trashing the RO!! But Io rips them a new one and goes on and on about the very many great qualities that they adore about the RO (even some they'd never admit to their face lol) (assuming this is all crush stage) how do the ROs feel & how do they act around Io afterwards?? Thank uuuu💕💕
Ira: I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is the #1 way to win Ira's heart forever and ever. They've received a lot of criticism throughout their life and finally having someone in their corner is almost overwhelming to think about. If Ira wasn't completely relaxed and open with Io before, they are now. Though at the same time, I can see them being a little paranoid about maintaining/living up to Io's view of them
Val: fuck yes that's their bestie get their ass Io <3. definitely very proud of Io's ability to tell someone to fuck off, as well as all warm and fuzzy on the inside hearing that Io really does look up to Val. There's maybe a dark thought on the flip side that Io might be biased and unaware of Val's...lesser qualities, but like Ira, Val's been getting the short stick long enough that it's soothing to hear positive things. Val's the most likely to bring it up later and thank Io
Klaus: hearing someone being vehemently defensive of him would get to Klaus a lot more than you'd think it would. he's heard all sorts of second-hand 'information' about himself, some true if harsh, some just straight up slander. he's really not used to anyone outside his immediate circle seeing him as anything but a Handmaiden (and everything horrific that comes with the title). he'd have a newfound appreciation and respect for Io, even more on a platonic level than anything else
Connie: shocked, bamboozled, and absolutely dumbstruck at this new information, especially if it's coming from an Io that likes to pester Constantine. For a hot minute wonders if this is a set up and Io's actually playing 4D chess, though once they cross that possibility off the list, they're retroactively replaying every interaction they've ever had with Io and reevaluating everything
Kat: shit talk about herself doesn't really bother Kat at all, but she definitely appreciates Io's pushback. she'd be most affected by Io going on about her more mundane, innocent qualities. hearing herself humanized would surprise her, maybe even unsettle her a bit, but in a way that actually feels... good. she wouldn't bring it up directly, but I can see her probing Io for more- honestly out of curiosity rather than egotism.
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rubyvroom · 3 months
Oppenheimer certainly is a movie
So I did see this and to its credit I am giving it some thought afterwards. There is a movie inside this movie that is actually pretty good; however, some Decisions were made that obscure this fact.
It is ultimately a Great Man film, and it stood a chance to do an interesting variation on the Great Man film where the Great Man is also the villain of the film. It actually feints at this in ways that I think are extremely interesting, but undermines it structurally in a way I think is detrimental to the film regardless of my opinions on its subject.
The ending, for example, is where Christopher Nolan just cannot help putting in a clever "oh the irony" moment to leave you wow'ed, but it is so transparently doing this that it makes you look back in annoyance at the previous 3 hours.
This invented conversation between Einstein and Oppenheimer that Nolan had to conceal from us earlier in the film to bring back at the last minute so that the viewer can think, oh wow! Of course that conversation was not what Strauss imagined it was at all, he was as a paranoid narcissist assuming they were talking about him rather than reciting the theme of the film out loud for us! It was all a misunderstanding! How tragic!
But why do that? Other than the wow, what is this accomplishing? What is this investigation/hearing structure that we spend much of the run-time of the film in accomplishing? It gives the film a structure that allows us to jump around in time, but what did we get out of this other than last minute reveals? Why did he make it this way?
Well, this is the way to have a film about J Robert Oppeheimer with a villian who is not J Robert Oppenheimer.
So you have Strauss in that role, and honestly, he is played so magnetically by Robert Downey Jr that it almost works. You basically go with it for 2 hours and 50 minutes or so. Because unlike the protagonist of this film he has agency. He is making decisions. He has convictions that he will explain and demonstrate. He's the character making the film go, more or less.
Oppenheimer does none of those things. He is a passive player in his own story. Which is a Decision in this movie, and a big one. Especially if you look through all the contradictions to actual history.
In this movie Oppenheimer really doesn't wrestle with any moral quandries, he does not make difficult choices. The Manhattan Project is a task he is uniquely suited to, as he is to nothing else, as though he is forged for this and only this purpose. Oppenheimer is less an archer than an arrow loosed at the target of the Trinity Tests and left there quivering ever after. It's an inevitability. He does it because it's what he does, what he was always going to do. As a main character he's not so different from the Tenet protagonist in this way. Just like Tenet, this movie is a clockwork propelling the Great Man where he needs to be.
The film absolves Oppenheimer in this way, treating him as swept along by the forces of history rather than making moral decisions. And hell, maybe that's how it actually happened - humans frequently blunder into moral quagmires without planning to. We avoid thinking about the inconvenient truths and wrestling with cognitive dissonance all the time. On top of that, Oppenheimer himself gets a special dispensation for being a Scientist, with zippy quantum physics imagery flashing in his head all the time. How can we expect him to focus on the real world implications of his fancy science? (Except real world logistics is actually the thing he is accomplished in, as we see in the whole section where he designs the Los Alamos project. He didn't actually discover the principals of the bomb, or design the bomb himself. He's not Einstein. He's not even Niels Bohr. He's a project manager. An extremely good one! But let's ignore that, the movie wants us to think flashy Science Visions when we think of Oppie, so okay.) Anyway, we try with a few briefly shown newspaper covers to assign a motive to the man's drive. His Jewish identity gets some lip service, without much conviction or, y'know, actual onscreen depiction. The Nazis are a distant abstraction, less immediate than the lurking communists at every corner. Watch out for the commies, Oppie! They're the ones actually on his street corner, while Nazis are literally represented as a couple headlines. Obviously none of those things really matter. In the end he builds the bomb because he can, because he can do it faster than anyone else and pretty much instantaneously upon realizing it's possible he is mentally committed to the task. It is his destiny and his terrible duty. It has to be him. He is a homing missile. A bomb.
THAT movie is interesting, actually.
I find that part of the movie weirdly compelling, and if they had leaned into that angle I feel like it could have been a great film? If they had only mentioned a few more similar incidents to the cyanide apple, played out his violent tendencies, and contrasted to a genuine love of science -- and what exactly does he love about it, really? -- where does that get us? How does power use people like that? What does it do with them afterwards?
But most of this movie is not that.
Most of this movie is Oppenheimer being unfairly persecuted for being friends with communists, which is presented as an example of scientist as a naive babe in the woods rather than the savvy political operator he actually was in real life. And if you are not pearl-clutching at the thought of talking to commies, this entire plot thread feels incredibly overblown. It's so much of that three hours, you guys. So much. Oppie can't get his security clearance, Oppie is losing his security clearance, wow that's so unfair, and any sense of urgency of what he actually needs this clearance FOR ten years after the war is really underbaked. And honestly whenever they jettison that theme and cover literally anything else, the film comes back to life again -- the Los Alamos/Trinity section in the middle is gripping, his Girlfriend 1 and Girlfriend 2 show actual signs of life in the brief crumbs of onscreen time they are given -- but it's so vastly outnumbered by the time spent in board rooms and congressional hearings.
The purpose of which? The real thesis of this movie, which is that J Robert Oppenheimer was ultimately too naive to understand that the bomb he was making would be used to bomb somebody.
And the nation, represented by Robert Downey Jr (lol) is happy to discard him afterwards. Like I get that's the theme we're working with here. But the movie is none too interested in looking more closely at the why and the how of that discard; Oppenheimer's actual actions after the war are largely elided, as are Strauss's. No context. Oppenheimer's actual political convictions are murky. That would give him agency, you see, and the movie wants a passive martyr (and uses that word incessantly to boot). So our villian is Strauss, an ambitious and vindictive man, in opposition to our pure scientist Oppenheimer, who spent most of his career in Washington while, somehow, lacking any ambition or political opinions at all.
Really, did we need this movie? Yes, it's nice to have adult films with people talking and not punching. The craft is there. It's well made and well-acted, to varying degrees. I like looking at Cillian Murphy's face, and Nolan leans on that smartly. It's most vital sequence (the trinity test) is very good, and so is the scene where he hallucinates the cheering audience after the Hiroshima bombing melting in a radioactive flash.
But honestly? When your key sequence was mic-dropped by David Lynch six years ago, did we need this? What for? Can we have a real discussion now about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That's the one real utility of this film and one we really have not seen come to fruition. Imagine a version of this film where that conversation between Einstein and Oppenheimer is not a gotcha but a catalyst for a real, raw and jaw-dropping look at how the world was warped by The Bomb. I guess for that we have to go to someone like David Lynch, and not Christopher Nolan.
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@buried-stars oops
Crossing That Bridge When We Come To It (or, there must have been worse dates)
Apollo Justice doesn't go on dates, not really. For one, he hasn't really had the time. Pushing yourself through law school and working various minimum-wage jobs on the side so you have the money to push yourself through law school doesn't exactly lead to much time for leisure. He also just can't imagine what you're supposed to do on a date. Sure, there's all the movie staples of going to a restaurant, going to the movies, getting coffee...but Apollo can't quite piece together how any of that is supposed to lead to a definitive decision to be in a relationship.
This is why, when Klavier Gavin had asked, quite offhandedly, if he'd like to go on a stroll around People Park and get some food afterwards, "as a date, ja?", Apollo had been startled enough to automatically agree. It was only around ten minutes later, once he'd finished packing up his briefcase and organizing his post-trial paperwork, that he'd realized exactly what he'd agreed to.
Trucy had, of course, utilized her impeccable sense of comedic timing to get a photo of his oh shit I said I'd do what? face.
Now, five minutes before he's supposed to head out the door, Apollo steels his nerve and takes several deep breaths and prepares to reassure himself in the customary way---
Knock, knock
Thrown off-balance, Apollo lets out a startled yelp and grasps at whatever's closest that he might theoretically be able to use as a weapon against whoever's decided to show up on his doorstep. He's gotten a little more paranoid since law school--especially with everything his first few real cases entailed.
He cautiously opens the door, cursing once again the lack of any sort of peephole. Apollo's prepared for a sales pitch, for a pair of missionaries, for anything, almost.
He's not prepared for the person outside his door to be Klavier Gavin, looking cool and casual but dressed just noticeably nicer than usual.
Apollo curses under his breath. He'd thought he would have more time before he'd have to contend with a date-ready celebrity prosecutor!
"Hallo, Apollo! I know we agreed to meet at the park, but as I was driving over I remembered that your apartment is right on the way, and thought I would offer a ride!" Klavier grins, all perfect teeth and camera-ready enthusiasm. Apollo bets he's been on plenty of dates.
"Uhhh..." he manages. Come on, get it together! "Sure. That would be...cool."
Wow, great job, idiot.
"Fantastich! Then let's be off, into the sunset!" Klavier wraps his hand around Apollo's wrist and pulls him out of his apartment. He's just about able to grab his wallet and keys from his side table, but leaves his phone behind completely.
"So, you said you drove here?" he asks, to make conversation. Klavier busies himself with extracting a set of keys from his pocket as they descend Apollo's apartment building steps.
"I did--I live slightly too far from the center of town to be able to walk. Fortunately, that means you'll be able to experience the wind in your hair the way I do every day!"
Apollo's still processing that statement when his eyes land on the motorcycle.
"Oh--your bike? I'm not sure...maybe I'd better walk." Backpedaling this quickly into a date probably wasn't the done thing, but Apollo's trying hard to ignore the fear bubbling in his stomach at the idea of something that goes at highway speeds but offers about as much protection as his own bicycle.
"We all have to face our fears eventually, Herr Forehead. And I was exaggerating about the wind in your hair. It'll all be under my spare helmet." Klavier's reached the bike now, rummaging around in a storage compartment Apollo hadn't even noticed. He tosses a sturdy helmet to Apollo, who catches it on instinct.
"If I thought you would be in any way unsafe, I would not offer," Klavier says gently, meeting Apollo's eyes. "But if you're truly uncomfortable, we can walk from here."
Apollo bites at the inside of his cheeks, then takes a deep breath. He looks at the bike. He looks at Klavier.
"No, I'll...I want to try it. I know the bike's important to you."
Klavier's true smile lights up his face in the way that his rehearsed, stage-face smile doesn't.
"Then climb on, and we'll be away!"
The ride isn't as bad as Apollo had expected it to be. Klavier sticks studiously to the speed limit all the way to People Park, and he's an almost frustratingly careful driver. By the time they're climbing off the bike at the familiar gateway to the park, Apollo's almost complaining about the ride not being exciting enough.
Furthermore, he's discovered that Klavier's opinions on pizza toppings are just entirely wrong, and that's given them something to talk about, falling back into familiar patterns as they wander through the location of their first crime scene together.
"You can't seriously be advocating for pineapple on pizza. That's more of a crime than anything we've seen in court."
"Ach, and here I thought you were a man of taste! It's senseless to rehash this debate, it's been had for as long as people have had access to pineapples and pizza at the same time."
"Okay, but consider: you're wrong about that and about sweetcorn as a pizza topping."
"It's a classic!"
Apollo scowls. "Where?"
"Germany, of course." Klavier's boots scuff the gravel path, and he turns towards the small stream that divides the park in two. There's an ornamental bridge linking the sides, and they step onto the red-painted wood together.
"I don't believe you. As a matter of fact, I don't believe you're even German! I think it's all just a publicity stunt!" Apollo knows he's being inflammatory, but he can't help it. Something about being with Klavier brings out a need to debate everything he says.
"Objection!" Klavier shouts, on instinct, flinging his arm out--and everything goes downhill from there.
Specifically, everything goes down--Klavier's arm collides with Apollo, who's mid-step, halfway across the bridge. Already off-balance, Klavier's accidental shove is all that Apollo needs to go tumbling over the low bridge railing and to land, ass-first, in the water.
There's a few seconds where they just look at each other, frozen in various states of shock. Klavier's mouth is hanging open in comical surprise, and Apollo's hair drips into his vision. He's not hurt, the drop was far too small for that--but he's soaking up the decorative river and attracting attention from the koi who call the water home.
Then, as though a switch has been flipped, they spring into motion. Klavier jumps down into the water, too, his boots causing a secondary splash that just soaks Apollo more. Apollo starts to laugh, incredulously, unable to believe that this is actually happening. Even as Klavier helps him up and steers him back to dry land, Apollo feels like he's in a dream.
It takes a little while before he notices that Klavier's spewing a stream of apologies and asking after his wellbeing. Apollo's been preoccupied with wringing out his hoodie and lamenting the state of his second-best pair of jeans, but he grabs Klavier's arm as he tries to fuss over him, and tries to reassure him the best he can.
"Klavier! It's fine. Yeah, I'm kind of annoyed, but honestly, seeing how guilty you looked right after I fell in pretty much made up for it."
Klavier frowns deeply. "So you're saying that you're glad I feel bad about pushing you in?"
"No!" Apollo sighs. "I've just...never seen you not be completely put together and composed. It was kind of reassuring that you can be caught off-guard by something too."
"Oh," says Klavier. "But, Apollo...surely you knew I was worried that I'd do something to screw this up spectacularly from the start?"
"You were what?" Apollo thinks back on the past couple hours. Yeah, maybe he'd noticed that Klavier's smiles were a little strained, that he'd had a spare second helmet ready to take Apollo on his bike despite supposedly being 'on the way' to the park...but Apollo himself had been too preoccupied with trying to anticipate what the date would be like to notice.
"I was nervous! Practically trembling! Ja, I've been on a few dates before, but I didn't want to do something to scare you, specifically, away."
"...huh," Apollo remarks. Then he takes the scene in again: him, soaking wet up past his waist; Klavier, his custom black boots mud-splattered and his ripped black jeans sodden, the audience of koifish and bemused park patrons wandering by.
"Guess that ship's sailed, then. I don't know of anything worse that could happen besides being accidentally pushed off of a bridge."
Klavier winces. "I didn't mean it! I was simply a little too caught up in our debate."
"Let's cut our losses and skip the 'going out for food' part of this date, if you don't mind? I can't imagine anyone would let us in their restaurant looking like this."
"Ja..." Klavier says, wincing. He sounds as dejected as he'll let himself be. "Let me at least drive you home, schatz. To make up for the...pushing."
Apollo's mind is still whirring, though, because this isn't how he'd wanted this to end either. He'd been having a good time up until this point--surely there must be something he could do to fix this.
"Sure, I'll let you drive me home. But...do you want to stay and have dinner with me? I can't promise anything fancy, but there's a good handful of takeout places around."
The difference in Klavier's expression is staggering--and for the second time today, Apollo sees his genuine smile come through, and realizes why so many people want to kiss this man.
He just hopes that Klavier will let him get the opportunity to do so before he pushes him in any more rivers.
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taduki · 11 months
I couldn't see anything saying you're asks are closed so if they are apologizes ahead of time.
Could I get HC for the M6 with an MC with a phobia of balloons? Or more specifically sudden loud noises?
I.E the beginning of fireworks their a bit tense but slowly calm down since fireworks are constantly loud so they get used to it. Sudden thunder if they don't notice the lighting beforehand and of course the main offender balloons. I mean they can just pop without anyone touching them, their all ticking time bombs waiting to pop when you lest expect it. The loudness of parties and drunken singing is fine because it's constant not sudden.
Also by phobia I don't necessarily mean ptsd but more if it happens once or twice their fine but tense afterwards but too much and they will just need to leave or at least gain enough distance that the pop won't be as loud.
I’m sorry this took so long. It’s not that my box is full (it’s full of dust actually), I am just not skilled in comfort all, so I’m very sorry these are shorter and a little more lackluster than my usual headcanons but u wrote a long asf ask so I’ll still do my best, bb. ^^
M6 w/ an MC Who’s Afraid of Sudden Loud Noises
It’s possible Asra didn’t know of your phobia when you first met. If you opted to hide it, they would’ve discovered it when they brought you back and had to teach you everything again. It didn’t take him too long to figure out loud sounds really upset you. Except, they really did. You were ultra sensitive back then, so thunderstorms in a room where you couldn’t see the lightning had you wailing.
They found ways to calm you other than holding you and coaxing you to sleep (though he may have favored those methods). On days when you got paranoid of just hearing something that would send you flying, they found you a pair of earmuffs! They didn’t fully drown the sound out, but they cushioned the blow at least.
He could tell you were still somewhat uncomfortable though, so he studied up on a spell to tailor the earmuffs to be noise-canceling. They thought it would be easy but it was actually hard to find the spell and somehow administer the effect to affect the wearer - it was just complicated, but they managed for you…
Once you got used to your new body, the days were slightly easier.
It was not often you saw a balloon flying around Vesuvia. Until you wandered over to the traveling booths at the market and saw the horrors of big, bright balloons they had. You’ve had experiences with them, alright. Now, they’re floating in children’s hands like deadly bombs. A lot of them popped around you as you made it home and your poor heart was exhausted. As soon as you’ve even gotten near the shop, Asra’s run out like, “Are you okay?!” Lots of hugs and kisses that night, plus many squeezes from Faust.
If there happens to be rowdy children or just someone loud in the shop at the moment, Asra has a sign inside and outside the shop that politely asks customers to keep a quiet and clean environment. The customers wouldn’t really doing anything unlawful though, so Azz will just take the order over for you while you take a breather in the back room or upstairs.
Tosses anyone that yells at you out the shop. Dusts his hands clean afterward.
He holds you close whenever you’re scared or when you jump. He’s a big worry wart for you, so he’ll coddle you a bit. He knows he shouldn’t baby you so much though, so he’ll constantly ask if this is too muchhh or what else he can do for you.
Still loves to coddle you anyway.
Finds activities to distract you during thunderstorms if you find that works! Dancing is a rowdy and engaging activity that requires most of your attention to be on him. Plus! It wears you out to sleep through it when it storms through the night. He also has lots of pen and paper for writing or drawing as well as books to read.
When nothing he offers works for you, he’s willing to hold you tight and read you stories until you feel better.
He is not specialized in a psychiatric field but he considers that this fear might be coming from a place of pain that you have yet to heal from. He tries not to think too much about it because he doesn’t want to speculate something so vulnerable to you. When he thinks you’re both comfortable, he gently asks if you want to and if you’re ready to confront it with him or with a specialist. He definitely spent nights thinking about how best to bring it up…
He’s not very likely to be around balloons unless he goes with you to see a sick patient who has lots of flowers and balloons as get-well-soon gifts. So, unless you accompany him to many house calls, it’s highly unlikely you’ll have to deal with them!
Understands your concern anyway, and will respect your decision to step outside or even go home if needed.
Only ever teases and pokes you about leaving him alone. “Did you have too much fun without me?”, or “Did you miss meee? 🥺”
If someone yells at you, he goes full drama mode, keels over, and makes a BIG deal out of it like, “Oh, my poor, innocent lover! Disrespected by a poor bystander who didn’t know any better!” He is weeping. Please feel free to join him.
Unfortunately, she witnessed firsthand what loud sounds do to you. Throughout your encounters with the devil and his shenanigans, he was not afraid to take advantage of your panic and fear and Portia was smart about this. She’d go as far as to cover your ears while bracing for impact.
With the devil vanquished, life with her has been peaceful. Her cottage, for the most part, is very secluded and quiet, so it’s rare for something to get loud. The most that could startle you would be Pepi making a mess or Portia knocking over a dinner plate.
You’d always known balloons were awful experiences for you, and she has always been aware and careful around certain objects, except she didn’t think about balloons. She works many palace events, and if you choose to accompany her, you run the risk of encountering bundles of them! You were hesitant to stay after realizing how many they were, but she recognized your anxiety and pulled you over to a quiet corner.
She rubs your hands, covers your ears if you wish, and lets you calm down before asking if you’d like to stay somewhere quiet or return home. If you’d like to stay with her, she will come check up on you comically often, like you’ll see her pop her head into the room every thirty (30) minutes.
She also gives you her signature wink after telling you that you can take her away anywhere, anytime.
If you want to go home, she’ll understand, but miss you a lot. She keeps you in her thoughts whenever she’s busy. Like, “Aw MC would love the food here”, or “Hmm, I wonder what they’re up to without me”, and most of the time, you’re just relaxing or playing with Pepi. As soon as she gets home, she trudges through the house and a sleepy smile appears on her face when she spots you.
She also likes doing that thing to you where you cup your ears and then uncup them so it makes everything sound funny. She likes when it makes you smile.
She’s fine with holding you when you’re scared. Fluster her a bit by hugging her for a lot longer than you needed to. She’ll keep patting your back like, “Are they okay now?”, but she won’t mind at all.
The library is a great space to avoid loud noises. People are rarely allowed in there, so the chances of someone interrupting your peace is highly unlikely. Whenever someone comes it, it’s usually Nadia or Portia and they know to open the doors slowly when you’re in there.
Many doors in the palace are giant and heavy. If left to close or slam, they will definitely be loud. Nadia has asked that those doors have door stoppers installed on them. Honestly, she should’ve thought of this when Lucio had his “slam every door dramatically open and closed” phase…
Nadia has many, many other quiet places around the palace, including her contemplation tower. She is not hesitant to invite you.
You’re unfortunately much more likely to encounter balloons when going out with Nadia. Yes, there are the occasional disguised getaways when you go out to the market with her, but Nadia formally appears at many events, festivals, and so on. She is comes very prepared, though!
Asra came over for an afternoon tea time and suggested the earmuffs. It’s very possible they didn’t tell you how you used to use them before you got better, so they’re very patient and explain how it works. They hope it works for loud events like firework nights, when you and Nadia would like to be with each other.
Nadia keeps a look out for quiet spots to get away in when you two are out.
She also tries not to flinch at loud noises to show you not to be afraid and that you are both able to protect yourselves.
If you believe your fear might be deep rooted in your past, she gently offers if you need anyone professional to talk to when you’re ready. She also recommends if you’d like to ask Asra about this. She is willing to listen to you whenever you’re ready to talk, and often reminds you not to be afraid of ruining a moment or anything like that.
If you were ever in a meeting and someone yelled at you, Nadia would swiftly hold her hand up to hush them, and glare while she asks them to keep the conversation in a professional manner. If they cannot handle that, she would ask them to leave. She claims there is no good way to do business with someone who feels the need to disregard anothers’ fears to get their words across.
Arcana bless the forest in which Muriel lives…
It is so very quiet in this neck of the woods. It is like a paradise… Until thunderstorms come through.
Muriel was not aware this was such a big problem for you at first. You got scared a couple of times fighting the devil and his tricks, but you had to think quick and had no time to panic. The entire journey with Morga and back, you did not go through a single thunderstorm, so he did not even take them into consideration. The hut doesn’t exactly have many open windows either, so no lightning meant no warning.
As soon as he sees you freak out, he’s put his stuff down and is crouched beside you. When you’re able to explain, he opens one small window facing away from the wind so you can see and sits down in front of the fire with a fluffy blanket. He’ll wait for you to come sit by him, in his lap, or however you want, and drape the blanket over you. He holds onto you just a bit closer whenever he sees lightning so he can prepare you.
After the first storm, he put some thin pieces of cloth on each window so you can still see light through them even when it’s raining. He’ll still hold you whenever you like.
It’s no secret he hates going into town though, and typically asks you to go whenever something is needed, so he was not there for the barrage of helium-filled bombs that graced your ears one day. When you got home, you plonked yourself right into his arms and sighed. After he gets over the initial shock of having you placed so carelessly on him, he pats your back and hugs you. He’ll only wait until you’re ready to talk about it, and he’ll be there the whole time listening to you.
Does not have the capability to say anything inconsiderate towards your fear. He most likely has some form of PTSD from the colosseum and can somewhat relate, so he can empathize with you.
Begrudgingly goes into town with you just in case the mean balloons get you again…
Lucio by HIMSELF is loud.
One of his more refined talents is observing physical tells. He grew up in a tribal setting, so it was part of his survival. He’s definitely noticed your fear, even if you’ve tried to hide it. He’s also definitely made fun of it before.
That was when you first met him, though. Now that you’ve started a life with him, he’s been getting used to apologizing a little more. Except, he eventually realized he said one or two things back then that might’ve really hurt you. He’s unsure of how to go about it or bring it up to you, so he just blurts out, “I’m sorry I made fun of you for being scared.”
You’re hella confused.
He explains the couple of times you’ve gotten scared in the past and what exactly he said and tries his best to apologize for it. If you forgive him he’ll be very relieved and hold you as his way of saying he won’t do it again and he’ll do his best to help when you get scared. If you still need some time to forgive him, he’ll be a little confused, but he’ll have to accept it was a soft spot for you that shouldn’t have been poked fun at. He will still comfort you when necessary.
His way of comforting is a little rusty, but he’s got the spirit! He’ll put himself in your line of vision and tell you, “It will not hurt you.”
He keeps trying to like, hold you or put his hand on your shoulder, but he can’t tell when you want him to touch you, so he’s just jumping back and forth. (Definitely tries to cheer you up by exaggeratedly jumping back and forth). He’s working on slow and soft movements when you’re like this.
Another way of curbing the loud noise is that he’ll wave his hands around and get loud to distract you. He’s trying to help you get comfortable with it by associating himself with the noise.
Someone yells at you? He yells back at them louder! And then turns right around to coo at you in his arms.
Shameless plug to another hc I did that’s similar to this one. If you didn’t find anything you liked here, you might find something here!
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stranger-rants · 2 years
Post-Star Court Billy & Temperature
Note: These are headcanons / what-ifs based on Billy surviving
I’ve thought a lot about how a disabled Billy would handle temperature, and I think I have pieced together my thoughts into one coherent picture of what this looks like for Billy. I do think there is some validity in Billy having PTSD regarding hot or cold temperatures, but I think either extreme could be a trigger. Cold, obviously due to the Mindflayer’s need for it. Heat, due to both the sauna situation and the injuries / pain resulting from the heat.
Cold seems like it would be more of a trigger for the hypervigilence aspect of PTSD and heat seems like it would be more of a trigger for the physical manifestations of PTSD. When he wants to cool down or he feels relieved by the cold, he’s also got those thoughts in the back of his mind as to whether or not the Mindflayer is still present in him. When he feels too hot, he might remember feeling like he was being drowned in sweat, feverish with burning skin and he has panic attacks that cause him to seek out relief in the cold.
Now, temperature is regulated in a feedback loop. You get too hot, you sweat to cool down. You get too cold, you shiver to warm up. What I have not seen discussed as much is the way post-traumatic injury and PTSD both can wreck your autonomic nervous system. That is that your ability to regulate body temperature in this way goes haywire. So, I think it’s entirely possible that a disabled Billy, regardless how he feels about hot or cold from a psychological perspective, would struggle with it from a physiological perspective.
For this reason, I think either extreme is going to be difficult on his body. Instead of his body reacting normally to either extreme by sweating or shivering a normal amount, he could sweat so much he gets dehydrated fast or he could get severe chills and shivers from poor circulation and/or low blood volume. He would especially struggle to regulate his body temperature immediately after injury due to blood loss, and he would likely be very cold in the hospital.
I had internal bleeding from a car accident. I was freezing in the hospital for days after surgery. When you lose a lot of blood, you can feel really cold and your heart can beat very fast with very slight movement. Like, 190bpm after sitting up fast. So, I think his body would react similarly and he would continue to struggle with autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) for years if not the rest of his life afterwards. Also, a lot of people with PTSD just… do not have a healthy, functioning autonomic nervous system to begin with.
Now that I’ve got those explanations out of the way as best I can, (I am not a medical professional. I am basing this partially on personal experience, and research I’ve had to do for myself. That is all. Obviously, what I experienced is nowhere the same level of traumatic injury but still…) I tried to think of ways in which Billy could heat up his body or cool his body in ways that weren’t a shock to his system or a trigger for his PTSD and I have a few ideas.
One, if his brain can start making positive associations between his body and temperature then maybe temperature extremes can become more manageable. Like, if he’s able to associate cold and heat with something comforting like the cool water of a swimming pool or the warmth of a hot tub that doesn’t either make him paranoid that the Mindflayer is in his body or that he’s going to burn alive then I think that might help with the PTSD aspect of it.
Two, finding ways to help regulate his body temperature that isn’t immediately triggering (e.g. not an ice bath or an enclosed sauna) will help him deal with the physiological aspects. Maybe it’s just a cooled towel on his neck or a warmed up blanket (I got a few of these while in the hospital. They were amazing.) He would need to drink less alcohol, and drink a lot more water. Like, a lot more water. It’s also just good to keep his living space at an even temperature. Not too hot, not too cold.
Three, it is imperative that other people know he needs help with this. Like, when he gets flashbacks from temperature extremes, he can be reassured that he’s safe. He can work with a therapist on techniques to ground himself. It would also help to have a safe living space where he has access to a quiet, dark space when he’s too hot or a comfortably warm space when he’s cold. Having access to a private temperature regulated pool would be nice for his PTSD and his own body temperature regulation…
…wonder who has one of those? 🤔
Anyways, those are my thoughts for the day.
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deathblossomed · 27 days
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@thuganomxcs offered:
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Urameshi-house date night had officially ended, it was a night where Botan, Atsuko and himself kicked back with a movie while enjoying snacks that Yusuke had made himself. The movie chosen at this time was one known as ju-on where an onryo takes center stage. That was the kind of yokai Yusuke had yet to face and honestly from its Hollywood representation, he really saw no need for alarm. Once the movie was done and the credits began to roll a rather paranoid Atsuko strolls towards her bedroom bidding the two good night whilst Yusuke pounds his fist into the center of his palm. "I saw at least three scenes where I'd mop the floor with her and her son's faces. Do ya think I can take one of these things too?? Come on you've practically coached me as a spirit detective, might as well share some of the braggin' rights."
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Botan can sit through most horror movies, she's a patron of death and has seen some pretty horrifying things in her time. But the jump scares tend to get her, leaving her grabbing at Yusuke's arm or averting her eyes. And she's never been a big fan of gore. Afterwards she ends up wondering what these 'monster movies' would be like if the directors knew some of their inspiration was real. For now, she calls goodnight to Atsuko, shaking off her own jitters. Meanwhile Yusuke is ready for a fight. Like usual.
"I'm sure you would do great against the movie version," she rolls her eyes, good naturedly. "But a real onryo is not an easy opponent. They're one of the ghost types we're warned about during our training. One of my coworkers faced one on a pick up, he was in the hospital for a few days but managed to escape in tact. I realize you've faced quite the variety of opponents but try not go picking fights with vengeful spirits. The last thing we need is for one to possess you," she realizes that any ask revolving around Yusuke not fighting would fall on deaf ears, but she had to try.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Papyrus version of the haunted house ask, let’s go! I while writing I realized that there a ghost monsters in the underground so I integrated that with some of the boys scenarios. I hope you all enjoy!
Wanna read part one with the sans cast? You can find it here
Asked by @wuilll (if you didn’t like me tagging you please let me know and I’ll remove the tag and refrain from doing so again)
Warnings: spookiness, being freaked out and paranoid, ghosts/paranormal activity, hint towards blood but not outright stated, panic attack and melt down in Bean’s part
Bean: HT Papyrus
Syrup: US Papyrus
Charon: UF Papyrus
Coal: SF Papyrus
Mastiff:SF Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨✨
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Papyrus: Oh boy, somehow Papyrus managed to make this not at all scary and paranoia inducing. Like, at first he’s kinda unnerved at all these noises and scuttles in the corner of his sockets. Until he realizes that he knows some ghost monsters like Napstablook. Making him see this whole haunted house in a new light. Maybe the house wasn’t haunted and instead was being lived in by some ghost monsters that somehow managed to avoid getting locked up in the underground. So at first he wanted to strike a friendly conversation- who knows how long they’ve been so alone? But he’s quick to realize that these ghosts may not appreciate an uninvited guest.
How does he realize this? Well, perhaps the angry message of “GO AWAY.” Painted on the wall in a color Papyrus would rather not think all too much about was a good hint. So now he’s trying to find a way out of this place to leave these brooding, grumpy ghosts to themselves. Papyrus gets the memo, and he doesn’t want to overstay his welcome any longer than he has to, but finds out that all the doors and windows are locked…
These ghosts really can’t make up their mind can they? They want him to leave but refuse to let him go. Indecisive lot they are, he thinks to himself. So Papyrus goes to find another way. Jumping through someone else’s windows who he doesn’t even know or is friends with yet is highly inappropriate after all. Papyrus finds himself more irritated than scared thinking these ghosts just can’t decide what they want and have a very poor sense of humor if their only schtick is to scare people. He’s considering introducing these ghosts to a wider genre of humor.
Bean: Bean doesn’t like this. He doesn’t like being paranoid, he doesn’t like being in the dark, alone, in an unfamiliar place. He doesn’t like the creaking and the noises and the shadows moving in the corner of his sockets. It makes him feel as if he’s back in the underground and his instincts are screaming at him. Bean wants to go home. He wants Bear near him. His mind will start playing tricks on him, convincing him he’s back underground, he’s back in that hell hole with no way out. Bean will start to call out for Bear, getting more and more paranoid, panicked and scared when he keeps getting no reply back from Bear. Whispers in the back of his mind will tell Bean that Bear is gone, that he’s dust, that Bean’s all alone. Bean’s calls will get more desperate and louder until it’s become just a broken sob. Till finally, Bean will have a panic attack or a meltdown.
Syrup: He’s definitely there because of a bet by his friends - friends who didn’t know that it was actually haunted. This boy is trying to seem fearless at first, but that act is out the window fast when he walks straight into spider webs and he gets spooked by the wailing sounds of the wind soon afterwards.
Don’t get me wrong, Syrup isn’t afraid of spiders - he is a regular of Muffet’s after all (now that he thinks about it, he still owes Muffet some gold for the donut he had last week) - but he isn’t a fan of spider webs. They’re sticky and a pain to get out of his clothes and bones, and they’re just a nasty feeling in general. He also manages to get out of the haunted house, probably due to leaning against something that gives out, making him fall out of the house.
Charon: Charon has a bit of a level head in this situation. Not that he’s not getting paranoid or anything like that, he is. But he’s got better things to do then letting his paranoia get the best of him. Charon got his bone weapons in hand and bone attacks ready to be launched as he makes way through the haunted house. He’s radiating an aura of anger and it’s quite an intimidating sight, one would think that he’d strike anyone in a heartbeat if they get on his nerves. What many don’t know is that he’s more so angry at himself for ending up in this situation so foolishly, instead of the situation itself. I’d think Charon is another one who could manage to find a way out without much brute force.
Coal: The moment Coal is getting too unnerved for his liking, he’s outta there. Who needs a door when this boy can just phase through any wall or floor? (Except a special kind of wall specially designed to keep Coal locked in.) It’s actually a wonder someone managed to get him in a strange, abandoned haunted house in the first place. Razzle has always pressed on the importance of never just doing something someone told you to do without getting anything of worth in return. And going into a haunted house wasn’t particularly high on Coal’s to do list.
Mastiff: Mastiff does not like abandoned places that are so called haunted. He’s seen places like these before and they were infested by a lot of possessed mannequin monsters which is never a joy. So it’s downright impossible to get Mastiff to agree to this sort of thing. Not even with a bet or as a joke. The only way would be that Mastiff is going in the house to get Coal or a loved one out of there. And even then he isn’t gonna take the moment to see what’s happening around him. He’s moving as quickly as possible trying to get the one he came for and get out of the house immediately after. And if anything tries to stand in the way between him and his goal then there’s one question left for Mastiff to answer: And that question is violence, and his answer is yes.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction!
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lil-kitten666 · 1 year
I'm in such a shit mood today and idk how well I'll be able to keep it under wraps at work.
For starters, I didn't get to do anything in the mountains this weekend like I had planned on. I didn't get to stay with my sister cause she was too paranoid that they'd charge her a big extra fee for my service dog, cause they were a no pets cabin, and I told her more than once it was illegal to do that and was even in the airbnb policy they couldn't do it. Pissed me off even more cause the whole time I was up there on Friday, her and everyone else, were complimenting the shit out of how amazing he was. Especially compared to the fake service dog that mh aunt and uncle brought with them 🙃.
So because I didn't get to stay I couldn't take a hike like I wanted to. That was also due to the massive amount of rain that they got both Thursday and Friday. So was less upset about that but Saturday's weather would've been perfect and I could've gone in the morning before heading back home. But nope had to do the full trip in one day so 6hrs in the car was fun.
So didn't get to stay, didn't get to hike, just got to go be awkward around people who I mostly don't like. Had to sit through a shit service that was literally just preaching about God and wasn't even about my brother. Fuckin assholes. I hate his dad cause I know he took advantage of my mother's disheveled state to fucking get away with that. The lil gathering we had afterwards of just siblings was more a proper service than that. My mother's boyfriend was a fucking cunt bag as always, so no surprises there other than him bothering to show up and even daring to fucking speak to me. Fucking prick. Shouldn't have opened his fucking mouth. And of course got the whole I want to fix our relationship and get to know who you are from my mother....more shit I have to emotionally deal with.
And to top it all off, I thought I was going to have today off. But found out literally on Friday that I'd be working on Sunday(today). And with a nice passive aggressive message in the email about how you shouldn't assume you have the days off until you are told you are good to go. And basically giving off the don't complain about it vibe. Cause we raised a lil bit of drama and stress when they fucked up our schedule a few weeks ago for an event that we had already wasted money on 🙃. That one was really shit cause we were told we were good to go and then they fucked up the date. Even tho it was texted and written down in multiple places. I wouldn't care so much right now if they would've texted me before the schedule went out and been like, hey sorry but just to let you know we couldn't make Sunday work but we have you for Friday-Saturday, like that would've been fine. But no I get a nice passive aggressive email message that I see the morning of everything. After I found out all of my plans for the weekend were out the window. I had hoped I'd at least have the weekend. Cause I knew I wasn't going to be fully functional by today. I guess at least I have tomorrow off. Fucking stupid tho. I could just call out...I hate calling out tho. Just don't like doing that to people.
But yeah, the service was shit, I didn't get to do anything I planned on this weekend, and I didn't get all the days off and instead of just being told I got to read that shitty email about it. It's been great, I'm totally not pissed off at all. I might need to ask for a session this week idk if I can wait till next week. We'll see. Just like we'll see how today goes. I have made up my mind and I don't want to go for that stupid management position. I don't want salary. I don't want to do the scummy shit their doing. I'm good, I'm going to fucking buckle down and write this book and who knows, maybe I'll be a lucky one and get it and others published and maybe make my name as an author. Peace time to finish my shit and fucking go to work and try not to be a total cunt bag to everyone cause I don't want to be there. And I specifically tried not to be there cause I knew I'd still be in a foul mood.
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honhonluigi · 2 years
Can you tell us more about your UnEarthing Toroid series? Your character designs have me interested
Oh fuck yes I can
Okay, so the plot: It's about this alien planet called Toroid that Earth colonized 1,000 years ago, but that achieved its' own independence shortly afterward. Then, Earth blew itself to hell in a nuclear war, leaving only the alien planet alive. This planet has its' own culture and government and a planet full of 1,000-year-evolved humans. They have some technological advancements, but it's really not that different from today's standards. It's not like Cyberpunk 2077 or anything. In fact, most of the planet is wild uninhabitable wilderness with extreme conditions. (Also the planet has its' own religion and is shaped like a donut and has crazy geology and creatures and a shit ton of lore and worldbuilding that I put a ton of effort into if you want to know about that). The whole planet is one big empire, made up of a bunch of smaller kingdoms underneath the empire.
In the present day of the story, the military is trying to test a new biological weapon. It's a genetically engineered aggressive creature that is basically a giant virus, which spreads a highly contagious disease to humans and will kill them quickly. However, the government doesn't know how to control this thing, so to test it out they send it to another planet: Earth. But not the dead Earth of their timeline. That wouldn't have anything to test it on. They send it to our Earth, in our timeline, during the Trump-era. (2019 is when the story is set.) In order to do this, they're also testing out some portable teleportation technology to transport the creatures from their planet to Earth. They manage to do it, but unknowingly, the teleportation goes horribly wrong and a bunch of Torish teenagers get teleported down to Earth. They end up staying with a bunch of Earth teenagers, who are trying to figure out what the fuck to do with their new aliens, meanwhile the Torish bioweapon starts to slowly wreak havoc on the planet. The teleportation malfunction keeps trying to draw the Torish characters back to where they belong, but in doing so, it ends up teleporting the entire Earth back to the Torish universe, and the two planets smash together. At the same time all this is going on, there is a ton of political unrest on Toroid based off of the remnants of a rebellion that was crushed 15 years ago, and a crazy paranoid ruler in charge. There's even rumors of a family curse that makes everyone in the imperial family unstable and unfit to rule.
The characters that you've seen are:
Baron Mordred Kieran - The boy with the red eyes, black hair, and black trench coat. Torish, age 15. He's the son of Aelfric Mordred, who started the rebellion of 15 years ago and was killed on the battlefield. Now the orphaned Baron is raised by one of his father's old best friends, who was in love with him, named Eugene Kieran. Baron is a Columbine Kid, or that one white kid you're always afraid will shoot up the school. He's violent, bitter, jaded, suspicious, paranoid, and has major anger issues. But he can also be fiercely loyal, funny, and fun. He's a rebellious punk at heart who listens to heavy metal music and loiters and shoots broken bottles in empty warehouses, all that jazz.
Cyriel Asanah - The girl with the red and black outfit and pigtails. Torish, age 17. She lives with her grandmother in the apartment above her grandmother's restaurant, in the city below the palace that the Prince of All Toroid lives in. She's known for being very attractive locally (which becomes a plot point). She's a Cybergoth, as evident by her outfit, and she likes heavy electronic music and dancing. She's greedy, a gold-digger, a slut, leads people on, and has a fiery temper. But she's also down-to-Earth, fun, protective of her friends, and pretty insecure.
Hazel Rose Carter - The girl with the blonde bob. Earth, age 15. She lives with her dads in Sitka, Alaska when she gets the aliens dumped on her. She's jaded, apathetic, aloof, and unfeeling. But she can also be really funny with her dry humor, she's relaxed and easygoing, intelligent, well-read, daring, and loves to do fun things even if she doesn't seem like she's having fun herself. She's a punk too, who likes alt rock music and setting things on fire. She also reads a lot and plays video games, but those are interests she's not super passionate about.
Lily Dawn Carter - The girl with the long blonde hair and yellow skirt. Earth, age 16. She lives with her mother in Los Angeles, California. She's a bit of a hipster but her mother is way worse. Lily likes to paint and draw, and also hang out on the beach, and she likes pop music. She's ditzy, naïve, rigidly optimistic, and constantly has her head in the clouds. But she's also kind, sweet, creative, and very talented.
Talisi Ocallan - The girl with the green glasses and curly red hair. Torish, age 17. She is the step-daughter of the Royal General of Toroid (the one testing all those weapons), and she lives with him on a military base. She's a hippie who likes oldies rock music like the Bee Gees and Beatles, and she likes to spend time outside, swimming or cloud gazing or at bonfires. She can be distant, avoidant, spacy, flighty, and just comes completely undone at the slightest indication of stress. But she's also nice, kind, friendly, easygoing, selfless, and lots of fun.
Sataschya Vikolaivich Karamov (Sascha) - The guy with the blond ponytail and fancy getup. Torish, age 18. He's the prince of the Torish kingdom called Kholodno. He's being trained by his father to take over the kingdom when he's 20 or older. He's a fancy rich snob who loves classical music and poetry and plays the pipe organ. He can be snobby, stuck-up, elitist, morally rigid, uptight, and cold. But he's also extremely talented, passionate about the arts, honorable, honest, determined to do right by his kingdom, hard-working, responsible, and dependable. He also loves his family very much.
Xingshen Longhai Zhangli - The guy with the pink shirt and white streak in his hair. Torish, age 17. He's the Prince of the Entire Planet. He is the nephew of the current empress and is next in line for the throne. He's a total idol stereotype who loves making public appearances, giving interviews, livestreaming, going to the spa, and being lazy. He likes C-Pop, K-Pop, and J-Pop music and also plays video games in his downtime. He's arrogant, egotistical, spoiled, entitled, and self-centered. But he's also intelligent, funny, fun, manipulative, confident, and incredibly responsible when it comes to his family legacy.
Frifli Fainir - The girl with the green skirt and long red hair. Torish, age 16. She's a popular cheerleader who lives in a small town with her mother. She loves to party, go shopping, and hang out with friends. She can be bossy, bitchy, arrogant, self-centered, and spoiled. But she's also intelligent, manipulative, fun-loving, passionate, and loyal to her friends.
Kenji Akira Wheatley - The kid with black eyes and the rainbow jacket. Earth, age 13. This guy wasn't original supposed to be a character in the story-- he was a villain for another story-- but my friend begged me to use him and he's very quickly become my very favorite character. I love him and he interests me more than any of the others. He lives with his father in Elkhorn, Kentucky. A very small dying coal town. He likes playing outside with his best friend, running around in the woods, swimming, playing with animals, and spreading nasty rumors. He's ruthless, vengeful, manipulative, restless, easily bored, enjoys watching other people suffer, and has no morals. But he's also fun, funny, incredibly intelligent, mature, passionate, and deeply loving for those he cares about.
Those are not all of the characters, but they are the main ones. The kids that everything happens to. Obviously not all of them are politically important, but they are all connected in very important ways. Those little descriptions are just a small fraction of their characterization and backstory. They are really in-depth characters and all of them have fascinating personalities, secrets, and unique twists. If you want to know more detail about any of them, please feel free to ask. I love talking about them. Feel free to ask more about any of this stuff.
Also, I'm dying to see who you think the Protagonists and Antagonists are just based off of their looks and these descriptions. Please send in guesses.
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
boy but erwins conversation with reader……. I’m LIVING he’s such a cunt I would die for him- anyways - there’s no way levi just lets it be afterwards??? he knows too well that erwins a bastardly trickster and never up to any good?? especially surely getting into his woman’s already-severely-fucked-up little head?? 🏂 and thankYOU for this chapter overall I adore how you manage to make revisiting the shows events feel fresh and not repetitive at all !! can’t wait for the kenny arc 👀👀
PL EASE i love this ask I’ve been hoarding it dhsjsjsj
it’s so interesting to me that the general consensus right now is that erwin is fucked up for saying what he did. essentially, he really did just tell her to look out for levi and made her ten times more paranoid than she already is becoming muwahahaha
no it’s definitely a dick move. erwin knew exactly what he was doing. but he also knows that it’s just a little push towards a direction that she was already barreling towards with full speed. I’m going to have a good time during the kenny arc—reader, sadly, is not LMAO
as for levi, i mean, the poor guy. he really has no idea what to do, he has no idea how to make it clear that having reader as just his subordinate and nothing else kills him inside. he doesn’t know what went down between erwin and reader but that’s the terrible thing about trusting both of them so much—if you value two people’s judgement, often times more than your own, how do you tell them, and yourself, that they’re wrong?
let’s just say that living with fifteen year olds doesn’t exactly set a romantic mood, either.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
3 left! I hope you’re not overwhelmed so far.
Both I’ll send will be TMNT 2012
Leonardo concept
Yandere! 2012 Leonardo Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Stalking, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Paranoia, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Overprotective behavior, Implied violence/twisted thoughts, Kidnapping (?), Slight delusional behavior.
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- Leonardo seems like an individual who has things down.
- He's one of the oldest of his brothers and the leader of their ninja team
- He seems like he could do no wrong, until he finds someone he adores.
- Then he starts thinking less of his mission... and more on you.
- You quickly become a weakness that even he has trouble conquering.
- However, as long as he has you, would it really be that bad to give in?
- "I need to do my best to keep you safe, it's what a hero should do...."
- Leonardo, at least in the 2012 variation, is Obsessive, Observing, Delusional, Possessive, Overprotective, Controlling, Manipulative, and Calculating.
- Leonardo is another Yandere who feels the relationship between you two has to be perfect.
- He's got to know everything about you so he can be the ideal boyfriend for you, a trait he shares with Donnie.
- A lot of the turtles resort to stalking so it's no surprise Leo also partakes in this.
- He's a paranoid Yandere, wanting to be sure you're safe.
- You need a strong ninja to protect you... luckily (unluckily) he's up for the job.
- Your safety in these streets is something he's obsessive over, if you know him or not.
- If you've already met the turtle, he's adamant on having you stay in the sewer with him and his brothers.
- He cares for you!
- You'll listen to the loyal leader, he's sure of it.
- "I promise the sewer is much safer than up there! You've got me to care for you. It'll just be until I know it's safe...."
- Like Donnie also, Leo is a little delusional (not to the degree of the tech turtle, however).
- He thinks you share mutual feelings towards him somewhat.
- Even thinking you're utterly terrified without him there to comfort you, which in reality is not the case.
- If you told him such he brushes it off, saying you can drop the brave act now that he's here.
- Leonardo actually shares a trait with Raphael as a Yandere, possessive.
- Like most protective Yanderes, Leo's possessive behavior mixes with his protective behavior.
- Even when he manages to get you in the sewers (one way or another), saying he and his brothers will protect you, he doesn't entirely like them around you.
- He prefers to take you to his room where you two can talk or just watch something.
- Then you won't have to deal with Mikey's clowning around, Donnie's rogue experiments, or Raph's anger.
- You can just be with him....
- He loves it when you two are alone....
- "I... just don't want you annoyed by them- Let's just watch something together, okay?"
- Once Leo's managed to lure you this far, his controlling and manipulative behavior really starts digging in.
- He doesn't want you stepping out of the sewer, or past his room actually.
- You aren't allowed to listen to his brothers, even if they try to warn you about him.
- You only go where he is.
- He sets up extreme rules to try and keep you close to him.
- Leonardo is very disciplinary with you.
- To the point he's hesitant to continue his duties, like training, without you in his sight.
- He'd probably be one to guilt trip and scare you into staying by him if he has to.
- Who know you could corrupt such a noble leader?
- "Today's a training day. Can I trust you to stay in my room until we're done? I'll come get you afterwards, okay?"
- Leonardo is a Yandere who is sure to plan every escape route out.
- Every entrance, exit, tunnel, etc.
- It's all taken into account when Leo wants to stop you from escaping.
- What started out as a minor crush and paranoia, quickly became an all-consuming obsession.
- One that wears down Leo until he realizes just what's wrong in his twisted mind...
- He needs you...
- He only needs you...
- He'd do anything to keep you in his arms.
- If one of his brothers tried to intervene, he may even turn his blades on them.
- He'd rather die or become an outcast than go long without you.
- All so he can keep you beside him, safe and sound.
- "You have no idea what you do to me... I need to keep you with me!"
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I ask for a Yandere Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Fyodor, Sasuke, Itachi, Kaneki and Midoriya reacting to accidentally hurting their s/o?
The fact that with some in here that is so damn likely that they sometimes hurt their s/o without actually intending to do so…
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, clinginess, delusions, paranoia, violent Yandere, Yandere accidentally hurting the s/o, mental breakdown, self-harm
Accidentally hurting the s/o
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙Especially during his teenager years this boy had some serious mood swings and no troubles to hurt his s/o and it was probably one of those days where he was in a rather grim mode. He might have been frustrated over the fact that he still hadn’t located his brother yet or maybe something entirely else had already bothered him. He might not fully know himself, but that he does know is that he wanted to be left alone for a while so having his darling feeling in an unusually concerned mood over him despite being scared of him wasn’t something he wanted in that one moment. Yet despite his harsh growls to get out you didn’t, instead even attempting to touch him. The final last straw for him to finally snap, grabbing harshly your wrist and wanting to push it away from him.
💙He didn’t even fully face you and he actually expected you to go before he suddenly noticed that you were whimpering in pain. A short flicker of annoyance crossing his face before he turns around, a sarcastic tone ready to be fired before he notices that his s/o is holding their wrist tightly against their body, rubbing it in an attempt to soothe the pain. A handprint is visible from the tight grip of his, something he only realizes that he did now. Grows silent and swallows quickly the mean words lingering on his tongue. Sasuke…doesn’t exactly know what to do after. He feels bad for it, he’d never hurt his darling unless he sees it as necessary and he knows they only wanted to help so after a while of pounding over what to do, he ends up muttering a soft apology. The bruise remaining afterwards kind of causes guilt stirring up inside of him afterwards.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi is really careful with his darling and differently from his younger brother, he was always a really controlled person in regards of his emotions. Even if he is a criminal, he tries his best to not awake the impression that he is a violent and bad guy in the eyes of his s/o and since he is so careful, it’s hard to picture how exactly he ended up hurting them. Even if he is in a bad mood, he’d never let it out on his darling and rather spends some time in peace to calm his mind down a bit. It was maybe more indirectly. And the reason why you got hurt was because of a bunch of books Itachi had managed to get you so you had something to pass time by quicker. He already had a bad feeling when you planned to transport the whole pile at once upstairs yet he allowed it after you protested you could handle this without any help.
🍡The moment he heard a sudden short scream of yours and a loud ‘thud’ best belief that he was storming over to the stairs only to find you on top of the stairs, having tripped over one of the final ones and having sprawled all books over the floor. Though those things are his least bit of concern, his whole focus much rather is on you now, helping you sitting up and already checking at first and second glance for any serious wounds or blood yet finding to his huge relief nothing. That does not help his guilt though, estimating already blue and purple bruises on your knees where you hit the stair and scratched slightly your skin. He should have known better than not lending you a helping hand and even if his s/o tells him that they’re fine, he’ll still feel bad about it. He’ll end up somehow making up for it later on with something extra.
Izuku Midoriya
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💚This green bean holds quite the strength inside of him even if it might not look like it. But Izuku is a bit paranoid as well and his strength is part of that. He had in the past some uncontrollable accidents with his Quirk even if he managed to get as an adult to gain better to full control over it. Izuku is a huge worshipper and sees his darling as his soulmate so he treats them extremely well and careful, hurting them would be unforgivable. So it’s a similar scenario as with Itachi where it is really an accident for which he blames himself later on. You really just wanted to do him a small favor by helping him a bit with the household chores since he does them quite often, always worrying that you might hurt yourself. And as silly as it may sound, Izuki ended up swinging the mop against your face.
💚Drama breaks out as he realizes what he just did, already all over his s/o and panicking that he hit their face whilst they just rub their face a bit. Even you feel like he might just overreact a bit, stuttering out all sort of apologies whilst looking like he’s about to cry any second about it, tears already swimming in his eyes and hands shacking. What might not be a big deal for you is yet for Izuku since already a paper cut will be treated like you’ll lose a finger of yours. In such regards Izuku is a true mother hen and after that accident he will instantly get his darling an ice pack and a lot more other things that aren’t even needed. That was it for now with you wanting to help with the chores, he won’t let you anywhere near the stuff for it for a while.
Ken Kaneki
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🔲From everyone in here he’d probably have one of the worst reactions from it all because in regards of safety Kaneki is extremely overprotective and paranoid and he basically already does so much to prevent any accidents. He cooks, he cleans and he does so much more, extremely warily to let you help him since even the smallest scratch would already summon a catastrophe. His darling had to beg quite a bit until he somewhat cautiously allowed them to help him cooking, though he kept them away from any tasks involving sharper objects and knifes. He never really left them alone as well, still feeling to insecure that something might happen and yet it still did. Under his watching eye. One wrong movement from your arm and in the next moment your hand had already brushed the hot steel of the pot.
🔲A short panic attack is what Kaneki suffers from at first, breath going heavily before he pushes instantly his own suffering away and puts yours first. The fear and panic is still more than visible from everything he does. From the way he jumps to you and clutches you tightly in his arms, from the way his voice sounds higher and is laced with paranoia and from the way he already has teared up, crying out how sorry he is to let something like this happen in the first place. This is unforgivable, how could he let this happen?! He absolutely overdoes it as well, wanting to bandage your hand which merely had been burned a bit and acting like you’ll lose the whole arm. Feels so incredibly convinced that he shouldn’t let you do such things for that exact same accident afterwards, the memories of your short and painful shrieking sticks with him for a whole while after.
Dazai Osamu
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🤎More than anything, Dazai uses emotional gaslighting and blackmailing next to real threatening and warnings as ways to secure that his darling will be his, even if it has to be against their own will. Surely he’ll woo them the normal way at first and everything will go fine for a while. But his possessiveness, manipulation, clinginess and jealousy will eventually give him away end force him to use less pleasant methods and under certain circumstances he can even be more physically violent. But he’s too smart and loves you too much to do it without any intentions. In this case it really was just his own clinginess that caused the damage a bit as he was being a bit too rough, possibly because he felt extra possessive or because he met someone that wasn’t necessarily good for his mood.
🤎He’s shocked when you suddenly push him away from you since he needs you close to him to relax a bit right about now before he notes how you put a hand on your waist and rub slight circles on it. The stinging from his nails digging deeply in it even through the fabric of your top, possibly having even left a few marks. Dazai as a intelligent guy quickly counts one and one together and ends up apologizing quickly afterwards. He didn’t want to hurt you and it really just happened because he had some negative emotions bubbling up inside of him, merely searching for warmth and comfort by cuddling with you. He probably still continues with his s/o for a while after since his mood isn’t entirely lifted just yet and they’ll have to be the scapegoat, though this time he’ll be more gentle, pressing a quick “I’m sorry” kiss against his darlings forehead.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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⬛️I’m pretty sure that accidents can happen with Akutagawa more commonly than it might be healthy because even if he does have a tender side for his darling, he has troubles exposing it. He feels annoyed and agitated with the emotions he has for you and doesn’t know how to express them properly besides terrifying you and making you scared of him, even if it might not even be what he truly wants. He’s already someone who is physically violent and sadistic if he has to punish his darling and if he is in a rather possessive mood, everyone knows that they shouldn’t talk to him. God knows where his s/o managed to gather the courage to cautiously approach him and ask him if he was feeling alright. They didn’t deserve what happened next, Akutagawa suddenly turning with a horrifying look in his eyes around and slapping them.
⬛️Silence follows for a whole while after, the s/o just standing with a tilted head silently there, feeling the burning stinging in their cheek whilst Akutagawa stands there with a slightly shocked and wide-eyed expression, finally fully taking in what just happened. Notices with slight annoyance how you flinch when he pulls his hand away and very similar to Sasuke he doesn’t know what to do after as well. Thinking about it now you just asked him how he felt because you were worried and that isn’t something you deserved to get slapped for just now. Especially when considering that you are most of the time scared of him that just now was a touching act. Spontaneously more than a silent apology before he leaves is probably still the best his s/o will get, chances are that he’ll do better after he’s let his anger out somewhere else.
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠Looking on how he is violent and a hothead as well, some might think that he winds up lashing out on his s/o quite often as well. That might be the case if there is a good reason, but otherwise Chuuya is sincerely kind to his darling and treats them like they’re more fragile and delicate. He has a rather strong infatuation and is a hopeless romantic so he can’t quite help it. So what exactly happened? The worst that could happen to him, he ran into the one person that always ends up making him paranoid. Dazai. The guy who makes him terrified that one day he’ll end up stealing his darling away so as soon as he comes home to the s/o and they greet him happily, he already has a tight grip on their shoulders as he forces them into a rather scared and possessive embrace of his.
🟠It’s only after you suddenly press out that his grip on you is hurting you that he realizes that he’s been holding you too tightly, instantly letting go. He’s…quite disappointed and angry with himself right now that he ended up hurting you, on the other hand after having met him it really can’t be helped. But Chuuya can’t possibly let you notice nor know that Dazai is existing at all nor does he want you to worry right now so he tries to overplay it. The redhead puts on a fake smile and to make up for letting his paranoia get the better of him, he’ll do something special for his darling tonight. The slightly sharp observer might still notice that he’s feeling everything, but alright. He seems to cling and clutch onto you a lot more than usually and there is insecurity visible on his face for short moments.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎Fyodor, the one man who probably never does as much as laying a single wrong finger on his darling yet causes mental damage beyond repair. He treats his s/o quite gently most of the time as long as he doesn’t feel sadistic, letting them drown in the misery of their life which he holds in his hands or using the paranoia he has planted to cause them to cry out in despair. It’s just way too adorable to watch them sometimes in their worst conditions, though he always tries to make up for it later on. It’s a bit difficult to imagine how he ended up doing something that ended with the final result of hurting his darling yet I can somehow see it very clearly. Considering the mental torture he puts his darling under, it’s possible that his darling ended up somehow hurting themself whilst suffering without him from an anxiety attack.
🍎And that is where for him the fun stops the moment he sees his darling winding up to hurt themself out of sheer panic. There is this underlying bitterness and anger he seems to carry with him later on as he takes care of your wounds. Partially it is because you were doing what he didn’t want you to do, on the other hand he’s aware enough to know that this is because of his doing as well, because he didn’t calculate this enough in as well. Fyodor doesn’t voice his thoughts and feelings out too clearly, though he definitely mentions in between that he’s not happy and content that his darling hurt themself, even if it was indirectly through his own doing. He won’t make the same mistake twice though, from now on he’ll keep this in mind. But for the moment he’ll rather guarantee that he looks after the s/o, though he kind of punishes them for their behavior by being a bit more colder than normally.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Who is the most needy while in heat?
I decided to write for a few characters for different categories: Clingiest, Horniest, Territorial and Requires Support. Enjoy~
Who is the clingiest:
1.     Itachi – Itachi has only ever had soft heats in his life(heats that are not sexually, but instead emotionally charged). He didn’t have his first heat until he was already part of the Akatsuki and didn’t feel safe enough for a proper heat. His health also isn’t the best, so his body knows to have soft heats rather than normal heats. Because he only has these types of heats, they are very strong. He feels a constant urge to be by your side, ideally with you touching him at all times. He can’t take suppressants because they mess with his illness, so he can’t minimise the effects. He spends the two days holed up in his room, the door locked and sealed shut. He won’t let you leave his nest much, growling and whining if you try. His instincts are screaming at him that he has to protect you and that you have to protect him. He can get a little addled and confused because the impulses are too strong. He’s extremely clingy in heat and he hates it. He always feels embarrassed afterwards.
2.     Izuku – Izuku is prone to crying and feeling very rejected if you neglect him during his preheat or heat. He feels the sting of rejection very strongly and feeling abandoned during a heat is… not good for omegas to put it lightly. It can make them sick if it’s serious enough. So, Izuku will definitely try and keep you in his nest as much as possible, asking wordlessly to be carried with you if you need to leave for a moment. Going to work or leaving the house during his heats (even when he’s on suppressants) is a no-no for him. He will do anything to get you to stay with him, including but not limited to hiding your keys, seducing you, and begging.
3.     Mammon – From the second he’s in preheat, he literally will not leave you alone. He’s very attention starved, but his slight tsundere tendencies keep him from acting on his need for affection. His heat and preheat remove the tsundere tendencies and make him even more desperate for attention. He’s hanging off of his Alpha constantly, following them around and sleeping in their room. He enjoys laying on top of them while they stroke his hair or rub his back. Will growl away anyone who tries to take you from him. If the growling doesn’t work, he’ll whine at you to stay with him because he knows you can’t refuse him when he’s like that.
4.     Kaoru – He doesn’t like how clingy he is, but it’s very uncomfortable for an omega to ignore their heat urges, so he doesn’t bother trying to resist it. He’s very prone to loneliness when he’s in heat or preheat, so he likes it if you’re with him as much as possible. He will spend most the time sitting on your lap, innocently and not so innocently.
5.     L – He isn’t particularly fussed about constant physical affection, but he wants you to be in the same room as him at all times. He constantly turns away from his work to make sure you’re still sitting in the room with him, and in the evenings, he likes if he can sit on your lap while he works. His heats are reduced from suppressants, and his libido is very low generally, but he still likes to make sure his alpha is safe and with him during his heat and be surrounded by his alpha’s scent.
Who is the most territorial during heat:
1.     Sasuke – Will straight up growl at anyone who gets too close to you both, and it won’t end well if someone shows up at his house when he’s in heat. Sasuke immediately views whoever it is as a threat and would likely try and attack them, especially if they were a stranger or someone he didn’t like. He is a lot less stressed during this time if you both just hole up at home for his preheat and heat. One of the reasons he makes his nest in a walk in wardrobe is because it’s an easily defendable place.
2.     Shikamaru – He has to have an arm around you or vice versa at all times. He makes sure you always smell like him during his preheats, just as a warning to other omegas. In heat, he gets very intense and caught up in the feelings, so interruptions from outsiders will be jarring and he’s likely to react aggressively.
3.     Shinsou – Is very paranoid when in heat and preheat. He gets nervous about people coming to try and hurt him and his mate while he’s weak, so he doesn’t like anyone he doesn’t know around you or him. Shinsou is fiercely protective of his family and his alpha. When he’s actually in heat, he would probably try to attack anyone who got too close.
4.     Belphie – Likes to just lay down and sleep with you when he’s in preheat, and whenever any of his brothers (or anyone else) try and get you to move, he growls them away, wrapping his arms around your chest to stop you from going anywhere. Would definitely bite someone if they were brave enough to try and remove him from you by force. When he’s in heat, he uses compulsion charms to keep people away from the attic where he likes to spend his heat with you.
5.     Diavolo – He can’t keep his hands or lips off of his alpha during preheat, but not just in a horny way, mainly in a ‘they’re mine’ kind of way. He likes to show off his relationship to others as a warning to stay away. He is delightfully smug if you return the treatment.
6.     Kusuo – He pretends he isn’t being territorial when he’s in preheat, but whenever you end up in conversation with someone, Kusuo is just suddenly standing next to you, I wonder how that happened? He also makes a way greater effort to ditch anyone who might interrupt his alone time with you. He turns his friends away if they show up at his door when he’s in preheat. When in heat, he gets off on the ‘you’re mine and I’m yours’ aspect.
7.     Light – This boy in greedy for your attention when he’s in preheat, and very bitter if he doesn’t get enough of it. He directs most of his anger at anyone who he perceives as taking you away from him. He will lie and manipulate others away from you both during this time with zero hesitation or regret. Would be possessive if you gave too much attention to a book while he’s in heat.
Who needs the most support:
1.     Alois – I headcanon that Alois has some specific heat related trauma, that I’m not going to get into right now, that impacts him greatly. His alpha is his protection. He only feels safe during his heat if you’re there with him. If you leave him alone, even just for a minute, he will panic, fear mixing with his already heat addled brain. For that reason, he needs a great deal of support, he needs a gentle touch and a constant presence.
2.     Shouto – His father paid to have him on illegal grade suppressant without him knowing just after Shouto’s quirk came in. Endeavour got the quirk he wanted, but not the dynamic he wanted, so he tried to change that. He experiences similar heats to Neji when he first comes off of suppressants. He’s so sensitive everywhere that it hurts. He wants to be touched so badly, but it hurts him. His alpha needs to work with him slowly to help him overcome the sensitivity.
3.     Neji – I mentioned before that due to the suppressant abuse that was inflicted on Neji as a child, his heats can be very painful, especially at first, much like Shouto. For a more in-depth analysis, I have headcanons on Neji’s suppressant abuse listed on my pinned masterlist.
4.     Keigo (Hawks) – He suffers from really bad paranoia during his heats. At first, it’s unclear what’s triggering the paranoia, but eventually it becomes clear that his treatment in the hands of the Commission have left him some nasty mental scars. When Keigo is in heat, he needs to have the door locked and bolted, the windows lock and covered with thick curtains and blinds, he needs to be rid of all technology or anything a person could use to contact him, and he needs all supplies to be in his nest with him so that neither you nor him have to leave that one room. It’s why the room he nests in must have an ensuite. He tends to have soft heats (emotionally charge rather than sexually charged) because his paranoia makes his body think he’s in too much danger to have a proper heat. It’s lucky that his heats normally only last for a day.
 (N-sfw under cut~)
Who is the horniest:
1.     Sebastian – He barely manages to keep it together during the day when he has to serve Ciel, but at night? You better be fucking him so well that he can’t stay coherent. He needs a full eight hours of sex before the heat withdraws enough for him to focus. A demon’s heat is very intensive after all.
2.     Kakashi – Every little thing sets him off when he’s in heat. Maybe you knotted him and the heat is subsiding a little, but then you bit your lip or stretch in a certain way, and immediately he’s consumed by his heat again. He struggles to keep it in his trousers long enough to hydrate and sleep. Sometimes he needs to cockwarm his alpha just to be able to calm his instincts enough to sleep.
3.     Tamaki A – He gets so horny at the peaks of his heat that any and all nervousness completely vanishes. He will beg his alpha shamelessly to get what he needs. He cannot control his voice at all, so you better hope your neighbours are forgiving, because Amajiki shouts some filthy things when he feels really good.
4.     Asmo – No one is surprised that he is completely and overwhelmingly horny for his entire heat. Most omegas have down moments for resting and hydrating while their heat isn’t so bad. Not Asmo. His heat lasts for three days (a maximum amount) and is intense for all of it. You have to make him to eat and drink something while he begs and writhes on your lap for you to fuck him.
5.     Kiba – Has a very high sex drive in general, even when he’s not in heat, so it’s no surprise that he’s basically insatiable when he’s in heat. He jumps his alpha five times a day when he’s in preheat, and every hour when he’s in heat. If you can’t provide for him as often as he needs, he will absolutely buy a knotted dildo and use it while he’s on top of you. Most of the time that convinces his alpha to help him get off.
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tokiloki · 2 years
hii! can I please ask for a fluff imagine with Baji and Kazu of how they'd react when you both watch a movie together? You can write different genres of movies of you want!
thank you! <3 <3
🌸CHARACTERS : Keisuke Baji/ Hanemiya Kazutora.
🏵️WARNINGS: Established relationships / crack/none other ig???Half assed writing im sorry T-T
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-Watching movies with Baji is one of the most exciting ways to watch a movie.
-Since you guys consider staying home together a date, then this is a date too.
-Baji gets really into what you're watching, he's the type who screams at characters whenever they do absolutely anything he calls 'dumb'
-Depending on the genre he has different reactions and tendencies.
For example when you watch a horror movie, you'd best invest in some earplugs because this man  *screams*.
He checks your house before he leaves and makes sure everything is locked properly, paranoia on peak.
He cuddles you to his chest, telling you it's just a movie but he's the one holding onto you for dear life.
And if he watched Action movies????
God help you
This man gets so into it, even more than you thought.
He always comments on how unrealistic the hair is in the fight scenes.
Very blatantly, you tell him to shutup because he isnt one to talk when it comes to hair and fights.
-he quietly attempts to recreate some of the stunts and bike scenes.
"Kei babe, where are you I'm abt to leave-"
*opens the  door to your room*
Send the pic to chifuyu and kazutora they'll pay you
-He brings alot of food.
Whatever you want to eat, just name it.
Packets of yakisoba, candy, cakes, chips and random dinner leftovers litter the whole place.
Y'alls stomachs don't stop.
-When he screeches he insists it's because the yakisoba is hot.
-very touchy when you're watching
-Cuddles you, lays on your stomach or just sprawls himself across the place.
-He wraps you both in a blanket burrito if it's a cold day.
-Favourite childhood movie: The lion King
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Calming to watch a movie with
-Definitely the kind you can take to the movies if you want.
-If you're ever sick or tired or he is, a movie is your go-to comfort.
No need to buy earplugs he isn't a vocal menace. (unlike some-)
He seems unresponsive sometimes but he's actually just very concentrated.
He gets emotional when it comes to movies.
If you hear tissues rustling then this man is having an emotional breakdown next to you.
He loves watching;
-he enjoys trying to solve mysteries before the characters do.
-suits his paranoid personality tbh
-he makes theories if its a film series, calls chifuyu and tells him about them.
-extremely concentrated when it comes to mystery.
-gets deflated moods when he doesn't manage to solve it.
"Princess this is all Mikeys fault-"
Cheer him up with cuddles, hes very soft for you.
Pouts when he feels childish after not solving the mystery, it's super cute.
-like Baji, his paranoia skyrockets and he uses it as an excuse to sleep over.
-He's gonna hold you very tight at night if hes feeling paranoid +childish.
Slice of life!
-you thought takemichi was a crybaby?
-this man is torn to shreds over slice of life movies
-He likes seeing the ups and downs of lives
-he relates to the bitter moments and feels better when they're resolved.
He becomes somewhat peaceful when he watches them
-Always contemplates his life afterwards.
-He's either cuddling you, or the pillow
-Rests his head on your lap, stroke his hair please
-Major popcorn consumer
-Falls asleep straight away after the movie ends, usually with his head on your lap.
-Rests his head in the crook of your neck sometimes.
Likes to watch: Jose the tiger and the fish.
A/N: honestly if you read up to here then I apologise for the half assed writing im still rusty. I hope y'all enjoyed tho 👌pls send in requests if u can. Love u guys.
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