#he will dismember you just the same
I feel like the reason Bular felt scarier than Gunmar was because, no matter how weak his opponent, he was wholeheartedly trying to slaughter them, where Gunmar would do the whole "I'm not going to bother with you because you're beneath me thing".
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inquisitor-apologist · 9 months
Rip to all the Anakin apologists, but I love when guys are worse, actually. I fucking love when characters do Bad Things and are awful people. Big fan of The Atrocities, and an even bigger fan of understanding why the characters committed them. He's a terrible human being--Why did he become one? How does he justify it? Does he really believe he's right, or does he know and not care? What does he think about his crimes while committing them? What about after?
Aren't those question so much more interesting to answer than blaming everything he does on someone else? When you have a character this deeply fucked up and fascinating, it's basically character assassination to pretend he never did anything wrong. Like, come on, he's sinned, now have some fun with it
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dirt-str1der · 13 days
I think its cute that vash has one arm (says this all the time) hes like a prawn in that way they love to have a missing arm
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gremlingottoosilly · 2 months
Sex Worker! Reader who manages to come to Slasher!König's house to check if their coworker was okay
"I don't remember ordering a service" You hear the male voice from somewhere behind you just as you unveil the pile of cloth on the basement floor, revealing your friend. Or, what used to be your friend. You didn't know Horangi that well, but he was a nice guy with hot body and crippling gambling addiction that promoted him to sex work. You never spoke to him all that much - but he surely didn't deserve to be dismembered in some psycho's basement. The same fate that surely awaits you now. The killer - Konig, he explained himself, he named himself, he is surely going to fucking murder you now, there is no way he is letting you go - is weirdly careful as he dresses you up. You obviously didn't wear anything revealing while you were going to that random house in the middle of the forest, you were here only to find your coworker - but he is dressing you up now. Stocking, lingerie, rough hands kneading the meat of your thigh. He is surprisingly gentle, almost careful, despite the bruising grip of handcuffs on your wrists. A gentle killer - you want to laugh. God, you're so fucking dead right now. Konig - you repeat his name over and over in your head - says, a bit sheepishly, that he didn't expect anyone. He didn't even want to kill Horangi - he was just lonely and genuinely paid for a visit from a friendly sex worker. You know that he paid a lot since your gambling coworker was one of the elite ones at your establishment - and you notice that the house isn't exactly the murder cabin you thought it would be. It's nice, almost. Konig gently caresses your hair and asks if you want something to drink before he starts fucking you. You ask when he is going to torture you. He says, with the same innocent expression and a bit shy tone, that he will think about it later. He sated his murder instinct with Horangi, and now he just wants some warm body to get his cock wet. Just wants cuddles and maybe some snuggles. Asks if you are going to pat his hair if he'll untie you. You think you can still hear some moans and groans of pain from the basement. Konig says you shouldn't worry - just some of his old pets being unruly again. If you're a good girl, he won't put you in the basement. And, well, you are a good girl. A fucking professional in taming maniacs, as it turned out.
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allurilove · 25 days
Yandere x Zombie you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content!
Includes: He tries to sew his dick back on, stalking, begging, mentions of dead bodies and blood, cannibalism?, gender neutral reader, unrequited love.
*This is the second part to the first one! Check the first one when you can! And here is the third part! He is referred to as “your stalker” and this is purely fictional writing!*
Synopsis: You thought that by eating him he would leave you alone. However, he just comes back to life- continuing to follow and bother you.
You never saw yourself becoming a zombie “mentor” especially to your stalker, but he’s so defenseless and dumb, it’s hard not to step in.
You try to keep him in line, making sure he doesn’t make any romantic advancements towards you, but he doesn’t listen.
He screamed in agony as you munched on his body, his heart beats becoming faint, and he finally let out his last breath. You pulled back, and admired your work. There is a huge chunk of his torso missing, and there are little bites everywhere. You lick your lips, his sweet blood tasted nice, and he was one of the better meals you’ve had.
That was months ago. You moved on, and you were looking for your next victim. It seemed like the humans were getting smarter, they knew to avoid certain areas as they became zombie hotspots. You shuffle through the forest, moving your head back and forth to detect any movement.
Your eyes zero in at the man that stands by the lake, he’s so still and he’s barely moving. His face is flat, eyes are bloodshot, and he lets out a groan. Your eyes trail down lower, and you realized he didn’t wear any pants.
Your stalker jerked awake, his eyes widening and he put his hand on his chest. He felt his still heart. He pats himself down, his hand grazing his smooth hip. Shit. His cock. He slowly looked at the dick that was tossed to the side, it was limp and oddly colored. He almost missed it.
He pouted as he crawled to his dismembered body part, and he took it into his hand. He had an idea. It took him awhile to find his footing, and he kept tilting to one side. His body couldn’t really support himself after you did a number on him. He pushed himself to try to remember the area he was in, most of the buildings had turned to dust, and it was unrecognizable with all the blood and dead bodies.
He sighed as he had to shove his way through the door, a dead body right in front of the entrance and when he finally got in, the body got smushed against the wall. He gagged as the body “popped.” He stumbled his way into the store, and he looked around for a needle and thread.
The place he was in used to be a “Joanne’s” and he sometimes came here for yarn and fabric, he went to the familiar aisle, and started to look for what he needed.
He rummaged through the basket filled with left over thread, he decided on a color, and he hoped that pink would help his… misfortunate situation… prettier. He had his shirt in his mouth so he could get a good look at his hips, he shimmed off his pants, and he aligned his dick to where it would usually be.
He let out a surprised yelp when he pierced the needle into his skin, he continued to sew his cock back on, and eventually it was done. He let out a sigh of relief, letting his saliva coated shirt out of his mouth. He tossed the needle to the side, and he examined himself in the reflection of the window.
He thinks he looked good. Probably better than all the other male zombies out there. And now, all he had to do was to find you. Maybe you would date him now that you two were the same species. He walked around for months, trying to find you, taking breaks to eat, and damn was it hard to convince someone to let you eat them. He would gesture wildly, pointing at the scared human and then at his mouth- he started to make chewing noises. The human screamed and shoved him out of the way.
How rude!
He groaned as he had to pick himself back up, which always took him awhile. He sighed as his stomach rumbled and he began his hunt for another poor soul.
And then he saw you. It was like his heart could start pumping again, and his cheeks turned pink. He was almost in shock that he was able to find you like this, and he couldn’t believe his luck. You finally stared back at him, your eyes were on him and he was elated. His feet started to walk, and he sped towards to you- almost breaking into a sprint. He opened his arms to engulf you into a hug, you were about to get tackled, but you swiftly moved out of the way.
He landed onto the ground with an oomph!
He whined as he had no more energy to pick himself up. Your ears perked up as you heard his stomach growl, and… was he crying?
You bend down and you roll him onto his back. His eyes drift towards yours, so lifeless and glazed over, he pouted and he reached for you again. You slapped his hand down. You took pity on the man, and you made sure not to make any eye contact with his nude lower half. You helped him get up, forcing him to lean against a tree, and you hand him a piece of meat you’ve been saving up for emergencies.
You couldn’t help but gag at the sight of his dick flopping about. Does he have no shame?? And when you two came across a human who was near close to death, you heartlessly just walked right over, and yanked his pants off. Your stalker puts the pants on as he watched you devour the person.
The pants were quite snug, and he winced as the crotch area was very uncomfortable for him. He slowly sank down to his knees, and he cautiously opened his mouth.
You slowly look up at him, expecting him to start eating on the human, but he just waits. You let out an angry groan and you take a good meaty chunk off the man’s thigh, you spit it out onto your hand, and you gave it to your stalker. Which he gladly takes. He didn’t care that it was covered in your saliva, and he swallowed it whole.
Your stalker waddled as he followed you, his legs looking like they were about to burst through his pants. However, it did make him walk a couple of feet behind you. He couldn’t speed up and press himself right against you, his breath hot on your neck, and his hands wouldn’t be able to wander on your body. So that was a bonus.
You lied to him that zombies slept. He was a… fledgling of sorts, and he didn’t really know the “rules.”You just wished that he would leave you alone. You would lay down onto the grass, and he slides himself right next to you. He fluttered his eyelashes and he subtly tried to wrap his arms around you. You gesture that zombies did not hug, and he said that you two could start a new phenomenon.
You tied him up that night. He stood straight as an arrow, the tree and ropes holding him firm. You tossed around, trying to get your body to sleep. Sensing your restlessness, he let out a sound that he only knows how— a whine. It’s the sort of whine that dogs use to get the attention of their owner.
You ignore him of course, however, it led him to start whining even more. He tried to writhe out of the ropes, grimacing as the rope grinds onto his skin. He starts to move around like a fish out of water, and he pouts heavily. You let out a frustrated growl, your hands gripping at the grass before you rip it out of the ground, and throw it at the male zombie. He coughed, his mouth sputtering as he tried to spit it out.
It was the middle of the night when your body finally relaxed, but your ears picked up on some gnawing noises, and you slowly opened your eyes. Foamy drool and saliva dripped out of his mouth, his teeth firmly latched onto the rope as he tried to cut himself out. You roll your eyes and you rest on your elbows, watching the man cut through the final thin string that kept him apart from you. When he bursted out of his binds, he approached you again. He got onto his knees, his hands clasping together, and he pleaded.
He wanted to feel your body against his, for you to wrap your arms around his waist, and for him to be able to nuzzle his face into your neck. He wanted you to touch him- not because you had to eat him- but because you loved him. What does a man have to do for you to pay attention to him? He already tried to cut off his dick for you, but you didn’t want it. He fed you, kept you safe, and stalked you around to make sure you were doing okay. He even tried to trap you for your protection.
Your stalker was just worried about your wellbeing. He started to bow his head, his forehead resting on the ground as tears swelled up in his eyes. He started to sniffle, his hands still together in prayer that you would let him be with you. That you would let him be yours. If he could form a coherent sentence he would beg. He would use his words to sway you (that never worked) and he would say the sweetest, and the kindest and truest words known to mankind.
You are magnificent in his eyes. You are so captivating, and sultry in your own way. He has never met someone like you, and he wasn’t planning on letting you go. You are a rare find, a person that only comes every thousandth year.
So, why not him?
Why didn’t you want to be with him?
He slowly looked up, holding back his tears, and he saw that you were…. gone.
Allure: tysm for 560+ followers! This fic is pretty unedited, and I’ll fix the mistakes later!
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
What if curse darling tried to escape from yandere gojo? How would he punish her 🤔?
Gojo Satoru
P1 & P2
TW: abduction and captivity, mild condescension, a lil angsty
gn reader
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You rushed over once you heard him at the door – but the smile only barely stretched your face before dropping again. 
Coming to an abrupt halt, the former intention of hugging him was wasted, and the words meant to welcome him home went stillborn on your tongue. 
Nevertheless, he tugged off his blindfold with his thumb, and his pearly hair fell down in pretty whisps around his crown, shadowing the light of those stark blue eyes that slowly peeled open – and unaffected by your stilled state, he still kicked off his shoes and tugged you into his chest anyway – nuzzling his nose into your neck with a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“Mh, I missed you~”
Your nose twitched, and you sunk your teeth into your lip – feeling puzzled and awkward and slightly sick to your stomach. Arms hanging loosely by your sides as you let him sway you into him – dwarfed by his height, he had to slouch in order to hug you properly – with lanky arms slung around your midriff, pulling you close in a squeeze before loosening up again.
He kept his hands on your hips as he placed a kiss on your lips, but you didn’t react. Still standing there, something akin to frozen.
“Hey- where’d you go?” He called, cocking his head to the side while looking into your eyes with those searing earnest blues of his. “Not happy to see me?” He joked softly in a snicker – lightheartedly carefree.
It all felt so very wrong it made you release a sound that wasn’t too short of a whimper, albeit much weaker, almost so he didn’t even hear it.
“You-” You started but couldn’t quite finish, unsure of what it was that you needed to say. 
You looked down at his uniform. It wasn’t much. Maybe he hadn’t noticed or maybe he just hadn’t cared – but… flecks of blood dotted the black fabric.
It smelled of curse – a dead curse – a killed curse.
You grimaced. 
They’d been pained and scared toward the end – toyed with – dismembered and mutilated – mangled beyond repair. But for whatever reason you couldn’t fathom, he’d given them time enough to heal only to bring them back to the brink of death yet again – played with them for what you could tell had been a long while.
You smelled ridicule and a cry for mercy layered with a later cry for death, and it shook you to your core.
You shivered, taking an abrupt step back – removing yourself. Rubbing your goose-fleshed arms as you hugged yourself for comfort – reeling from the cold-hearted cruelty you’d felt seep into your bones from his touch. 
He’d barely even washed his hands clean of all the blood.
You swallowed thickly, unable to look him in the eye – just staring at the spray of browned red that had since dried, now cakey and flakey, falling off like dust. 
“You reek-” Was all the bile in your throat amounted to in the end – only a weak utterance.
His brows did a play of confusion before he followed your gaze, looking down at himself and finding what you were staring at. 
Despite being a cursed spirit, your nature isn’t exactly violent. Guess you’re not as desensitized to carnage as him. 
It’s still odd, though. It couldn’t be sympathy he saw riddled on your face, right?
No. You’ve always been sensitive to dirty things. You’re just your normal disgusted self. You would have reacted the same way if it were ice cream.
He walked inside with a laugh, ruffling your hair as he passed you.
“Right- I’ll go shower. So uptight~” He dismissed with a tease, removing his jacket as he took long but relaxed strides to the bathroom.
You were left standing there for a moment. Unsure of the feelings brewing inside you. 
You thought you might need to puke, but it never came…
Still, you felt weary and decided to go lie down in bed.
You hadn’t slept in your room in a while. It had become a little dusty but you didn’t mind – you needed your own space right now. A place away from him.
But it didn’t last long. 
You heard him call for you some while later. You didn’t answer – lying in the dark beneath the covers.
“There you are~ You hidin’?” He chirped once he found you. “Or are you sleepin’?” 
You felt the bed sink as he climbed atop the covers, slipping down next to you – curtly running his hand over the duvet, stroking down your side until resting on your hip. 
“Not that I’m complaining- I had a long and boring day anyway.” He continued, scooting closer until he was spooning you tight – pressing his lips to where your ear would be. “Would be nice to end it with a little playtime~”
His toothy smirk slowly became a frown at your silence, sulking with a bored pout.
“You’re not still upset about the blood, are you?” He asked then. “I changed and washed it off, so I’m all clean now- you little neat freak~” Voice smooth and flirty, cuddling your cocooned body.
But still, you ignored him – and the doubt in his mind gave rise to a confused furrow between his brows. He thought for a minute before speaking up again. Squinting at his suspicion.
“That curse was a plague, you know...” He excused. “I had to kill it.” 
He looked at your unmoving body in wait, hoping you’d say something.
And you did – muttering. “It’s not the curse I care about, Jujutsu Sorcerer.”
He blanched. It had been a while since you referred to him that coldly.
“I just forget sometimes.” You added. Voice muffled beneath the covers and almost so quiet he nearly couldn’t hear it.
“Forget what?” He asked.
There was a small pause before you answered him. “What you are…”
The curl on his face unraveled. Face blanking. Wordless.
“I’m sure you forget what I am too.” You continued. “That if I ever tried to leave… you’d hunt me down and reduce me to just a few drops of blood you’d then go home and wash off as though it meant nothing.”
He barely let you finish before yanking the covers off you, exposing you and the tears riddling your face to his view.
“That’s not true.” He denied.
“No?” You questioned harshly, sitting up in a rush – and getting in close to his face – daring him with a glare. “Then tell me. What exactly would happen if I decided I no longer wanted to stay here?”
His hair still dripped with cold droplets from his shower as he returned your stare. Your question was a dangerous one... 
One he’d rather not answer.
He swallowed. “You have to stay here. You know why.” He said dismissively – his voice in that serious timbre he never uses – that tone devoid of the usual frivolity and instead holds that very dogmatic weight that urges you to surrender the fight before it gets too messy.
But you don’t heed the warning. “And if I can’t accept that? If I fight you-”
“Don’t be silly. You could never win-” He cut you off – before getting cut off himself by your next words.
“What if I tried anyway?” Your voice a little louder than before – staring him square in the face.
He paused, taking in your eyes – their narrowed state, as well as the brim of tears circling them. He thought of what he’d done that day and then tried imagining doing it to you – and came to a realization.
“I wouldn’t fight back…” His words were soft again, without edge. “I could never hurt you…” He cupped your face in both hands, his eyes full of something so wholesome it nearly made you flinch.
Then he looked sad. Pained in some way – or guilty, maybe.
“But still…” He started quietly. “I could never let you leave either.”
His hands were warm and gentle on your cheeks, but you wished he’d stop touching you.
“Their blood smelled of terror and torment. Did you have fun torturing them until they gave out?” The question was pointed – your words meant like venom.
His frown returned, letting go of your face – though you both remained only a split hair’s length apart. “So this is about the curse?”
“No, this is about you.” You corrected sharply – mirroring his frown with a bitter one of your own. “Is it the same type of fun you have subjugating me into being your tame little housepet?”
His face soured even more – now as though offended. “You're more than that to me. Don’t say that-”
But once again, you interrupted. “Livestock are pets until slaughter season. Suppose a butcherer would think that’s kind-”
And once again, he returned the favor – this time with his voice raised. “If I let you out of here, another sorcerer would kill you within a day! Keeping you here is what keeps you safe!”
You scoffed with your own voice climbing higher. “Don’t be so rude to paint yourself as a saint when you reek of sadism!”
There was a standstill, an all too deafening silence afterward – one filled with heavy breaths and the lingering echo of your last statement – until that as well, died and became nothing.
Satoru looked down, his head hanging – lifting gently with his breaths. 
“I’m not a saint.” He murmured after a minute. “I’m selfish. And greedy.”
You watched him – much shorter than him, even as he hung his head, you were still able to see his eyes flicker with uncertain light beneath those heavy mothlike lashes.
“I didn’t kill you like I was supposed to because I saw something I wanted for myself, so I took it.” He confessed. “And I killed that curse today and had fun doing it.”
Taking your hands in his, he cradled them as though he planned on drinking them.
“You’re right. I am a sadist.” He sighed, giving a small breathless laugh. “It feels good to know that I can do whatever I want whenever I want to whoever I want. And it feels good to know that no one can stop me.”
Finally, he raised his chin and looked back at you – those eyes of his intense with something raw – something desperate.
“I don’t care about anything. So many things could happen outside these four walls and it wouldn’t matter. I’d still be Gojo Satoru and you’d still be mine.”
A tiny gasp slipped through your lips, but other than that, you couldn't move – compelled to keep his gaze – spellbound to their deep light.
“But the one thing I can’t do is make someone feel the way I want them to…” He continued, still with his voice soft. “And even though you don’t have a choice, I’m still selfish enough to wish that you’d want to stay with me. Forever.”
He gave your hands a squeeze.
“And most selfishly…” He leaned in, his face kissing yours softly, brow to brow, cheek to cheek, and nose to nose – lips ghosting as your mouths breathed in each other's air. “I want you to love me.”
Your breath shook. Eyes downcast, brows trembling, and he’d say you almost looked scared, weren’t it for how hard you gripped his hands in return – making indents in his skin with your nails as though anchoring yourself.
“Curses can’t love.” You tried excusing, but your voice was weak and he wouldn’t have it.
“I don’t believe that,” He rejected – and looking right through it, he knew you didn’t believe it either. 
Then he chuckled.
“After all… I’m the worst curse of all, and I love you.”
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P1 & P2
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mistywaves98 · 4 months
Okay.... but like, consider merman/siren (Not the bird kind of siren.) Scara sinking our ship and eating our crew. But we're a woman disguised as a man because they used to not let women on ships. He only eats men so when he notices we're different he takes an interest in our body, mainly our boobs? I don't know- just a random thought I had while trying to concentrate during biology. Can be read as a drabble/brainrot or a request. Whichever you'd prefer to read it as<3
This is a very interesting concept ngl 😮 also this was not as great as I'd hoped it would come out..
✧・゚:* ->Siren! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: (sort of) NSFW, Just him being entranced by your chest, Nipple sucking, Making out!
✧・゚:* ->Smut written by a minor!
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You had just begun to feel like everything was going according to plan until your ship was attacked and your crew disappearing beneath the water, only to resurface as mangled corpses. The water around you was a horrible mix of blood and guts as you clung desperately to a floating piece of board that passed by.
You couldn't see anything beneath you, it was just water that went deeper for miles. Suddenly, a webbed hand shot up behind you and covered your mouth. A shape emerged alongside it and you felt a firm, wet chest against your back. Another arm wrapped around your upper torso as a raspy voice whispered into your ear,"Looks like I missed one.."
You thought this was the end, and didn't even bother to struggle since you knew it was futile. This creature was going to turn you into one of the dismembered bodies that were still somewhere nearby. However, you didn't feel yourself pulled underwater. The hand on your chest suddenly moved, slowly tracing the curve of your breasts through your clothes. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed as the creature you assumed to be male straight up groped you.
Suddenly, you felt sharp nails dig into your shoulders as the webbed hands spun you around, giving you a clear view of your 'attacker'. Slit pupils bore holes into your chest as he studied you with a furrowed expression. There were fins in place of his ears and his indigo hair seemed to flow around him despite being dripping wet. His eyes then darted up to your face, his glare piercing you.
"You...you're not a man." He said in a flat tone. You slowly nodded your head,"You're right, I'm a woman... Aren't you going to eat me?" "Eat you? Don't be an idiot, I don't eat female humans," he scoffed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world,"...especially not such lovely specimens such as yourself..." his voice suddenly dropped an octave and a dark expression came over his face. He leaned in a bit, his nose almost touching yours,"You know that you're trespassing by sailing here, right? That's why I killed your crew as a punishment for disturbing my peace. But I won't kill you, though. I already have an idea of what I'll do to you..." His eyes flickered downwards for a split moment and you blushed in embarrassment as you caught onto his meaning,"O-Oh... Well I suppose I am in the wrong... Punish me as you see fit."
Your top was tugged open, even torn in some places due to the enthusiasm of his claws. His scaly tail curled around your lower body beneath the water to hold you still as he lowered his head down till it was level with those soft mounds now covered in droplets of water. Moans keened from your throat as he hungrily began to suck on your left nipple, pointy teeth grazing the already erect bud, eliciting a soft yelp from you.
Your hands weaved their way into the damp hair on the back of his head, tugging him closer,"Mmm...you're so eager, aren't you my little captain?" He teased with a smirk as he released your nipple with a pop and pulled back a bit. Your hands came down to grasp his shoulders as his hands moved up to toy with your breasts, squeezing and kneading them between his webbed hands. The sensation was strange yet pleasurable at the same time and it left you breathless and flushed in the face.
The siren seemed to notice how you seemed to writhe even more when he occasionally gave your nipples a light pinch,"These are so sensitive... Yet they taste delicious. I want to taste more of you." With that, he dove in and captured your lips in an intense kiss. His hands brought you closer, one holding the back of your head to ensure you didn't pull away. You moaned as you felt his tongue snake its way into your warm mouth. It was so sleek and long, practically choking you with how deep it reached, yet it felt so amazing, you didn't want to pull back.
However, the kiss inevitably ended when you needed to breathe. He licked his lips as he watched you catch your breath, appreciating the sight of your exposed chest heaving with every inhale,"Your mouth tasted even better than I imagined. I bet there's other places that would feel absolutely divine on my tongue...but for now I'm satisfied. But don't think that means I won't be coming back for you." He suddenly scoops you up in his arms and makes his way to the beach nearest to the mainland.
As expected of a siren, you arrive there in a matter of minutes. Once you get close enough, you decide to part ways and swim the rest of the way, but before you go he says,"The name's Scaramouche by the way. Remember it for our future encounters." After that final goodbye, he disappears beneath the water and you vaguely make out a dark shape heading back out to deeper waters. As you sit on the beach, attempting to cover up your torso so it looks somewhat decent, you can't help but think that you'll be venturing to that part of the ocean a bit more often now, but on purpose this time.
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z0mibite · 2 months
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>1000 words, detailed descriptions of violence and a (sort of?) mention of s/a (⚠️use of the r word ⚠️), reader is gn! and up to interpretation throughout other than being considerably smaller than thomas and one mention of possibly bearing children. open-ended, so if you prefer angst endings for reader or stockholm, you can choose, it's texas chainsaw massacre, anything that's in either movie is part of the warnings just to be safe. dead dove do not ear, read at your own risk. also this is not proofread in any way, I literally wrote this straight shot right before bed listening to dove (doll ver) on loop and hit post.
imagine tommy keeping you, not to rape and defile like his uncle assumed, nor for you to bare children like his mama had hoped—but because you're just so nice to look at.
In the first film, tommy can be seen wearing rings, jewelry he's collected from past victims. also with the whole wearing people's faces to mask his own, he obviously has an eye for pretty things. and you're one of them.
It isn't just that of course, plenty of pretty people had come onto the farm, all meeting the same fate. he hadn't spared a dozen or so others, so why would he spare you?
you hadn't flinched at the sight of him, you hadn't run away crying like a child at their first horror maze, you simply smiled at him with those sparkling eyes, an elegant hand giving him a friendly, unbiased wave. you looked at him without prejudice, or preconceived assumptions about his character.
your friends hadn't given him the same courtesy. which is why you were here, chained to the workbench near the chopping block. the block he was using to dismember your traveling companions. a few of them hung from meat hooks, catatonic, their minds were weak and feeble, they broke at the sights in front of them, and despite the agonizing pain of lost limbs and shredded muscle, they were silent and still, waiting for their turn.
death was their only escape, they needed only to wait for it. you could see it in their eyes, each time he'd finish one off and turn to grab the next off a hook, they'd all follow him with pleading eyes. not for mercy, they were far beyond the point of return—but to be next.
your entire body was shaking like a kicked chihuahua. your muscles were all tense, adrenaline begged you to run, flee, to escape death. your silly primal instinct hadn't caught up with your concious. It was an odd feeling, having every possible part of your body screaming at you to run, and choosing to stay still, to betray your instinct with your intelligence. you knew you wouldn't get far.
despite the horrid conditions in the basement, a place where your senses should be overloaded; your ears with the echoes of their screams and the engine of the saw, your eyes with the gory mess, your nose with the pungent smell of iron and rotting flesh, your tongue with the dryness of your mouth from panting, and your body's fatigue from running around for hours—there was nothing but the racing of your heartbeat.
It was all you could hear or feel, and in your mind you could taste and see it as well, you felt the pulse rise all the way into your skull and down to your toes. you felt every rush of blood heat your skin like a furnace, moving past your veins and tissue.
your eyes aimlessly followed his body, unblinking and dry. he was deeply focused on his ‘work’, but he would still glance at you every now and again. you were just so pretty, a decoration in his safe haven, like a deer mounted above the fireplace.
hours had passed in what felt like seconds before he was finished. you hadn't moved.
he nonchalantly came up to you, his much larger hand going to cup your face before he froze. he withdrew his hands, wiping the bloody mess on his apron and washing his hands before he continued his previous action.
you didn't dare move, not even to flinch, as his held your head in your hands.
his thumbs caressed the flesh just under your eyes, rubbing around and about, seemingly fascinated by the way your skin folded and stretched at his will. he made a gesture with his hands, swiping a palm in front of your eyes, an attempt at communicating. when you didn't respond, he huffed frustratedly before letting his thumbs touch your eyelids, forcing them down to close your eyes.
he took your chin in-between two fingers, maneuvering your head in every direction, studying every feature. his thumb pulled your lips apart, showing him your teeth, clenched so hard they might be pushed back underneath your eye sockets.
after a he took some time to study you, you felt his thumbs come back to rest on your eyelids, pulling them open again. this time he studied your iris. he was clearly upset at the lack of light that prevented him from seeing the color clearly, but he looked closely nonetheless.
the sensation of breath enveloping your face, forcing you to breathe in the air he had just released, was one you could not describe.
his hands fell to your shoulders and moved downward till he got to your forearms, where he would trace the veins in your arms. when his hand met your wrist, he applied gentle pressure to it, his breath hitching as he felt your blood pulsate. he moved onto your hands now.
his were easily twice the size of yours, if not more. his nails were dull and blunt, the skin much rougher against yours. dried blood cracked underneath his nails and stained his skin a pinkish tone despite his tan. he traced the lines of your palm the same way a palm reader would, take away the tales of life lines and replace them with pure admiration.
he unexpectedly leaned in closer to you, his face now inches, if that, from your own. you kept your gaze ahead as he stared you down.
he brought his masked nose up to the top of your head and sniffed you like a dog, leaning down to your neck to see what else he could smell on you besides your faded fragrance and sweat.
It was only after this action of his that your body responded in any way in nearly 12 hours.
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d3wdropz · 6 months
Does Princess Wanna Fuck? Toji Fushiguro Smut
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a/n: I am shocked yet not shocked this man won the poll- I'm kind of nervous but here we go
i'm so shocked how big this fic is- sorry it took so long, finals were kicking my ass
plz be kind this is my first large fic
pairing: bodyguard! toji fushiguro x reader
word count: 5.1 K
summary: your mother, a very rich and influential woman, gets on the wrong side of some dangerous people. To ensure your safety, she hires the best protection money can buy: the Sorcerer killer. You're happy to have the support, you just didn't think he'd be this hot.
content warning: fem!reader, not virgin! reader, pet names (princess, pretty, doll, sweetie), swearing, porn with plot, age gap (toji is 30 something, reader is early 20s), alcohol, p in v, dirty talk, fingering, oral (male and female receiving), rough fucking, no protection, creampie, doggystyle, kind of mean! toji, bratty! reader, a few spanks, degradation (slut), no strings attached, no aftercare, hopefully that's it
Thank you @benkeibear for the great banner once again!
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"I promise, sweetie, nothing bad is going to happen. I have my own personal team looking after me, we all just thought it would be safer for you to stay away."
You were sitting on your bed, listening to the voicemail your mother had left for you. It came as no surprise that she was on the radar of some shady people. Your mother climbed her way out of poverty and became one of the richest people in the city.
Ever since you were a child, you knew the methods she used weren't very legal. This came in the form of strangers coming in and out of your house constantly, the long and far away trips she'd take for 'work', and the items and rooms you were never allowed near. The people you saw as a child always ended up on the news, both arrested and murdered. The trips she took would often mean you wouldn't see her for upwards of a year, with no way to contact her so her location would remain secret. The locked doors and mysterious duffel bags were the biggest give away.
There was a time when you were eight and curious. You wanted to know what was so important about some stupid locked box. Your mother was away on one of her 'work trips' again, so she'd never know. When you were finally able to unlock it, you found it full of expensive and shiny jewelry. If it weren't for the news showing a picture of the same accessories- only this time the reporter was asking for tips on finding the stolen gems- you would have likely played with them.
No matter the means, your mom provided and loved you. Her job was paying for the expensive house you were sitting in right now, the newest phone model you were holding in your hand. You accepted your mom's life choices, going as far as to lie for her when people got too curious.
But right now was different. Never before did your mother's work involve you, let alone threaten to kill and dismember you. As soon as your mother received the threatening text, she had half her team escorting you out of your apartment and back home.
That was almost a full week ago and since then you hadn't been allowed outside of the building. Your mother was currently at her 'office', with the rest of her bodyguards and team looking for the guy.
You focus back on the message just in time to hear her final words, "I know you hate being cooped up inside the house, and if I'm being honest those men I sent are amateurs. I've hired the best hitman to look after you, you'll even be able to go back to your apartment. He's the best in the business. Anyway, I love you so much, baby, be safe. I'll call you when things have calmed down."
You delete the message as soon as it's over, sighing and looking around the room. You haven't been here in ages, not since you left for college and started staying in your one-bedroom apartment. Whatever nostalgia you were starting to feel disappeared when you heard a light knock on the door.
"Miss," it was one of your mom's team members, "The new guy is here to escort you out."
Standing up from the bed, you walked over to the door and opened it just enough to see the guy's face, "Okay, tell him I'll be down there in a minute. I need to pack up my stuff."
Packing was easy enough, you didn't have any time to pack the day the team swept you away so the only thing you carried down the stairs with you was a small backpack.
As you made your way down the winding staircase, you could hear an unfamiliar voice having a one-way conversation with the serious guards at the door. It was playful and some how laid back, something you weren't used to when it came to people your mom worked with.
When you made it to the bottom, your eyes met pools of deep green. The chatter stopped as the stranger faced you with a satisfied smirk, "So this must be little miss princess, huh?"
A mixture of annoyance and embarrassment bubbled in your stomach as you clutched the straps of your bag, "And you're the famous 'hitman' my mom told me about? I expected someone more professional."
In all honesty, it wasn't your best jab. Just something you made up on the spot in an attempt to knock him down a peg.
It only served as amusement, though, as he chuckled and looked you up and down, " 'Don't need to be professional to be good in my line of work, princess," noticing the slight pout on your lips, his smirk melted into a soft smile as he nodded, "but you were right, I've been paid a lot to keep you alive, even more if I find the guy."
One of the other guards grabs your bag as they begin to lead you to the black car outside. While walking, you turn your head toward the stranger, "Now how are you gonna protect me and catch the guy? I don't really like the idea of you half-assing a job that involves my life."
Another smooth chuckle leaves his scarred lips as he hops into the back seat of the car with you, "Oh, you are gonna be fun to work with, princess."
The princess thing was starting to get on your nerves, now. No other guard or person affiliated with your mother treated you like this. At best, they respected you; at worst, they coward at the sight of you.
"I have a name, u'know. If my mom is gonna pay you, you might as well learn it," you huff and turn your body away from him.
The man crosses his legs lazily and grabs one of the mini bottles of alcohol from the side door, "Trust me, princess, I know a lot more than you think. I know you're a snooty, little brat who still doesn't know the name of the person holding her life in his hands."
At the mention- or threat- of knowing too much information for comfort, you turn just enough to peak at him from the corner of your eye. Instead of using your words, you raised a brow and waited for an answer.
He took his sweet time giving it, too. He finished the alcohol in one gulp and wiped his mouth on his bare arm. The muscles flexed as he brought his arm and up, catching your eye just long enough for him to notice.
He finally looked into your eyes again with a cocky smile, "Toji- and that's all you need to know."
You tried to keep eye contact, tried to assert your strength and maturity. But it was a losing game, the thoughts racing in your head kept you from looking into Toji's eyes any longer.
Out of all the things going through your head, one stuck out the most: this asshole's hot as fuck.
~ ~ ~
It's been about a week since your mother hired Toji to be your guard dog, and you hate to say it, but he's very good at his job.
The first few days left you nervous and doubtful of his abilities as he waved you off to 'do your shit'. He said that you could go about your day like normal, that you'd be safe no matter where you were.
This was nothing like the last week you'd just had. Instead of one guy keeping watch in the shadows, you had a whole teams worth of people just watching you laze around your house. You had to admit, it felt refreshing to get back to your life. And it turns out, Toji wasn't lying.
During all of your outings, you were safe as can be. After a bit of questioning, he told you that while you did your thing, he was watching your every move. While a part of you was upset that you would be lacking in privacy, another was happy in the fact that you likely have never been in safer hands.
Even while at home, Toji doesn't intrude. He does his thing and leaves you alone. This could be rummaging and eating the food in your fridge, or sitting shirtless on your couch as he waited to sleep.
He's made a comfortable little bed on the living room couch. Your apartment, while beautifully furnished and on the top floor, didn't have more than one bedroom. As soon as you both walked through the door, you made it clear you would not be giving your room up for him.
If you could sum it up in one word, you'd say you were content.
That is, until Toji gets ready for bed. You're proud to say that you're no bashful virgin, you've slept with a few guys. But none of them were as hot as the man sitting before you.
You're ashamed to say that you've spent more time staring at his abs than the cliche action movie playing on the TV. You're also ashamed to say that you've wanted to fuck him since that moment in the car.
Throughout the week, you've tried to get closer to Toji. Not for the sake of a connection, but to see if you had any shot at getting with him for one night. To his credit, in this regard he is professional. You've learned nothing about him but his name, you didn't even know his full name.
In an effort to make some sort of progress, you mentioned having a movie night. He didn't really have the option to say no as your full-screen TV with surround sound was in the living room. Just to sweeten the deal, you offered to get drinks and takeout- which worked in your favor as you both make your way through the bottle of vodka and a pack of beer.
"Okay, kid, I know I said you could pick the movie- but come on, this movie is horseshit," Toji grabbed the remote from your hands and finished off the can of beer in one chug.
You knew the movie sucked, choosing it because of that reason. When has anyone ever gotten fucked with a decent movie in the background? The point was for you and him to talk, not genuinely watch the film. You were running out of options and sober thought quicker than you'd like to admit.
Steeling your nerves, you finished off your drink as well and poured yourself another, stronger one, "Well, it's my TV so before you turn anything on I want I know what it is first."
He chuckled and clicked through the options, landing on a classic slasher. Toji tilted his head at the screen, black hair falling into his eyes, "This good enough for the little princess?"
"Fine, but you need to tell me why you keep calling me 'princess', it's really pissing me off," you titled your head to meet his gaze, hoping he couldn't see the blush forming on your cheeks.
Toji crossed his legs and leaned his back against the couch, laying his arms against the head rest. "You really don't know, do ya?"
The bored expression on your face was a good enough answer as he itched the back of his neck and closed his eyes, "Geez. . . I shouldn't be telling you this but maybe it'll knock you down a peg," you leaned forward, eager to finally get some kind of information from him. "Your mom is a powerful lady. Everyone in . . . my line of work knows about her," he points his finger at you and grins, "which means, everyone knows about you. People think of you as a prissy little princess that doesn't know anything about the real world."
All of the confidence you had dissipated during his explanation, fueling you to drink more and more vodka until your cheeks flushed. You were smart, you knew your limits- and right now you were there. If you continued like this, you'd be drunk and all your efforts would be for not.
With a huff, you point your own finger at him, "I am not a prissy little princess. I know what my mom does! I know about the real world, I'm not some spoiled little kid."
"Oh- if you know about how your mom paid for your life of luxury, tell me. Cause I sure as hell would love to hear about all the info you've got," to further irritate you- or turn you on, you're not sure- he uncrosses his legs to spread them as he leans against his knees.
At this, you sputter, look to the ground, anywhere but his eyes and crotch. You'd officially dug yourself a hole. You didn't want to know about what your mom did, it would solidify in your mind that she's a criminal. Something you didn't want to accept was that the woman who loves and raised you might not be a good person.
Toji chuckles and opens another can of beer at your silence, "Feels nice to be right."
You groan and cross your arms, "Fine! I don't know what my mom does- I don't even wanna know!" you finally meet his eyes, trying so hard not to stutter when you see the sheer amusement swimming in his head. "But I am not a prissy princess!"
For once, Toji breaks eye contact first to roll his, "Listen, kid, I've only been with you for a week, but I know a brat when I see one," you hope it's not your imagination when you see him lean towards you, looking you up and down, "and you, Y/n, are spoiled rotten. Bet no one's ever said no to you before. Never made you say 'please'. "
The warm tinge in your cheeks is uncontrollable now as you feel yourself getting wet, "You're not my dad- okay? I know manners, you just don't deserve them-"
In the blink of an eye Toji makes his way over to you, putting his hand against the head rest and smirking down at you, "Oh, sweetheart, those aren't the kind of manners I'm talkin' about," he leans down to your level, so close you smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I see the way you look at me, it's so fucking obvious," his voice is barely above a whisper but it's leaving you hot and bothered in your seat, "Bet you were waiting for me to drop everything and beg for a fuck, right? You'd want me to do all the work while you just lay there and act like a little pillow princess."
At his words, you try and look to the ground in hopes of calming your racing heart. This attempt ends in Toji gripping your chin harshly and forcing you to look at him again, "If you really wanna fuck, cutie, then I'm gonna need you to be a good little girl. You think you can do that?"
The throbbing in your cunt is unbearable and you're desperate for any kind of action, so you eagerly nod your head. In response, Toji digs his fingers into your chin, "Use your words, slut."
All inhibition flew out of your body as you pouted, "Yes, yes please. I can be a good girl."
Satisfied, Toji let go of your face and stood up straight, "Prove it. I'm gonna clean up in here and by the time I'm done you better be nice and ready for me."
You're in your room in an instant, throwing off your pajama shorts and shirt. Your heart's racing as you lay down on the bed and reach your arm down to your aching cunt. It's been forever since you've gotten off, two weeks ago you were so stressed it didn't feel right. This week, you were hoping the wait would be worth it.
By how sensitive you are, you're happy you waited.
The simple ghosting of your fingers over your clothed clit has you biting your lip. You couldn't draw this out, though, Toji made a demand and if you wanted to be fucked you'd follow it.
Slipping your hand underneath the green, laced panties, you rubbed at your clit. Just a few circles was enough preparation as you slipped in a finger and tried rubbing at that spongey, deep, spot.
A whine slipped past your lips as your finger just barely reached your pleasure point. You were so close, you just needed a push. Letting the laced bra-strap fall off your shoulder, you pinched and rubbed at your hardened nipple. Hoping and begging for some kind of stimulation to get you over the edge.
Your whimpers and curses stopped as soon as you felt two calloused hands spread your knees.
"Can't even get yourself off, can you, princess?" Toji's grin was prideful as he admired your choice of clothing. He tsked and wrapped his hands around the straps of your panties, "Don't think some sexy lingerie is gonna save you, I told you to get prepped."
In one swift motion, he pulled down your underwear and threw them behind me. Toji climbed onto the bed, leaning back on his knees between your legs as he lazily stroked your clit, "maybe you aren't a good girl after all?"
At this, you sat up on your elbows and looked at him through your lashes, "I am! I promise I tried," you put all of your weight onto one arm as you used the other to rub at the bulge in his sweat pants. To avoid his gaze, you opted to stare at his abs.
You couldn't help but bite your lip from the excitement, "I just need your help, please, can't cum without you."
His mouth was clamped shut as you caressed his dick threw his pants, which you noticed were the only thing covering his manhood. His brows knitted together as he rolled his head on his shoulders, closing his eyes.
A small, deep laugh left his throat as he reopened his eyes, "You want my help, princess? Earn it, show me how grateful you are and suck my dick."
You didn't need to be told twice as you quickly lowered the waistband of his sweats and freed his cock. Drool pooled in your mouth as you studied his member. It was thick and curved, a nice seven inches with a mushroom tip you knew would hit just the right places.
Toji carefully put his hand on the back of your head, "Don't tell me you're backing out now, doll."
With your ego stroked and a need for praise, you shake your head and spit into your palm. Leaning against his clothed thigh, you wrapped your hand around his cock and gave him a few pumps. "No, just think you cock's pretty."
The hand on your head softly massaged your scalp in response as he let out a breathy chuckle, "Thanks, cutie, but how about you get to showing me that appreciation."
Taking the hint, you put both hands to work as you move them back and forth, adding in twists and some pressure when getting close to the base. You look up at Toji and are happy to see him closing his eyes in concentration as he bites his lip.
You decide now is the perfect time to bump it up a notch and wrap your lips around the tip. You suck on it and speed up your hand movement until you slowly suck on more of his cock. When you're finally able to fit it all in, you hollow out your cheeks and gently cup his balls. More heat floods your cunt when you hear Toji let out a groan and tighten his grip on your head.
"Fuck- just like that, princess," he runs a hand through his hair and struggles to hold in a moan as you pull your mouth up to the tip and tongue at the slit. Your hands go back to his cock as you squeeze and pump. When you hear him breathe faster, you go back to sucking him, bobbing your head up and down now.
It doesn't take long for this changing of tactic to have Toji bucking his hips up into your face. He's close, you can tell. At this point, you don't care if he cums down your throat, he'll probably be ready for more within five minutes.
Toji has other plans, though, as he pushes you off of his cock and onto your back, "Shit, doll, gonna ruin the fun." He repositions himself so that he's laying between your spread thighs, hands holding them tight against the sides of his head.
" 'think that deserves a reward," he dives his head down to your cunt, halting before he touches you. His emerald eyes peer up at you through raven locks as he speaks, "you better not cum, princess."
You nod and stroke his hair, gasping when he shuts his mouth against your pussy and starts sucking on your clit. It feels amazing, his fingers prod at your opening before plunging in and starting an unforgiving pace.
The hands in his hair pull him closer as you arch your back off of the bed. The neighbors probably can hear your loud and porno-grade moans, but you don't care. Toji's reaching all the places you couldn't and it's sending you to paradise.
"Ah! Toji- oh fuck- Toji! 'Gonna cum! I'm so close- fuck!" there are tears brimming your eyes from the pleasure as you start to clench around his fingers. You're so close, it feels so good.
You cry out when Toji pulls away, sucking his fingers clean as he stands up just long enough to takes off his pants, "Don't worry, doll, not leavin' you, just getting us more comfortable."
Panting and whimpers are the only sounds you can make as he unclasps the laced bra you wore and turns you onto your stomach.
"Think you can hold yourself up?" Toji's behind you, holding your hips firmly as he rubs the head of his cock between your folds.
You buck back against him, hoping to get some attention to your clit. As you register the question you lift yourself onto your elbows and nod, shaking your ass in excitement, "please, Toji, need you to fuck me so bad. Need to cum on your cock."
His nails dig into the flesh of your hips as he snaps his own forward. In one swift motion, Toji bullies his cock into your dripping cunt. You let out a squeal, almost letting your face fall into the pillows. His mouth falls open in a silent groan, letting his head fall forward as he looked down.
"Shit baby. . ." Toji breathes out and pulls his hips back slowly, savoring the view of his dick soaked in your juices. Just the tip was left snug in your cunt, leaving you wanting more.
"Ah! Toji- put it back! Please," you begged and tried to move back into him, only to be stopped by a sharp slap to your ass. You yelped, arms finally giving out as you face-planted into the pillows.
Toji 'tsked', massaging and gripping the reddened skin, "You better be patient, princess, or you're not gonna cum tonight."
With that, he sank back into you and repeated the movement. His pace was slow and agonizing, thrusts shallow and teasing. Tears formed in your eyes again at the lack of stimulation. You could feel the veins and ridges of his cock slide against you, but he wasn't hitting deep enough, wasn't going fast enough to send you over the edge.
On the other hand, Toji was enjoying himself. He was savoring the way your pussy clenched around him, pulling him in every time he pulled out. If he was being honest, all he wanted to do was grip your head, force your face deeper into those silk pillows, and pound into your cunt until you creamed. Not yet, though, Toji needed to teach you some manners; only good girls get to cum and cry on his cock.
His hands spread your cheeks apart to watch you clench around him. A hiss came from his scarred and bitten lips as he stayed still inside you, feeling you squeeze his dick just right. Toji let out a breathy chuckle as he wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his chest onto your back.
" 'think you've been a good girl for me," one of his arms made its way around your throat, pulling you up against his chest as he thrust into you, hard. His head was nestled into your neck, biting and leaving dark purple marks, "better not hold out on me, princess, wanna hear how good I fuck this little cunny."
That was all the warning you got as Toji started pistoning his hips into yours, using his grip to slam your body into his thrusts. Tears of pleasure rolled down your face as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
It felt so good, the way his dick was slamming into your soft spot over-and-over. Toji was sending you closer and closer to your orgasm, faster than you expected.
"Oh shit! Toji- feels so fucking good! Ah- right there! Fuck! Right there!" You didn't care about the cries and moans coming out of your mouth. You didn't have the energy or focus when the only thing you could think about was how this was possibly the greatest fuck of your life.
You felt a rough hand snake its way between your thighs, starting to draw hard circles into your bundle of nerves. You let out a loud whine, head falling back and leaning against Toji's shoulder, now covered in a thin layer of sweat.
His arm dropped from your throat, finding purchase in groping your boobs. "That's it, princess, cum for me," his voice was low and gravely, desperate to feel you squeeze and milk him for all he's worth.
Finally gaining some sense, you gripped his wrist, trying to pull him away from your clit. You whined and felt your legs begin to shake, "Toji! Wait- gonna cum- gonna cum!" It was all building too fast, too intense. A part of you thought you might pass out when you reached your peak.
He chuckled and rubbed faster at your nub, bending you over and pressing his upper body into your back. It left you trapped beneath him, and gave Toji a better angle to fuck into you. At this point, it felt like he was hitting against your cervix.
"Come on, pretty, don't hold back" his thrusts sped up as his head dipped into your shoulder. You could hear his heavy breaths and low grunts before you felt him lick at the shell of your ear. "Show me what a good girl you are and cum."
Toji's words were all you needed to fly over the edge. A numbness washed over your sweat-soaked body, being replaced with unbelievable pleasure within a half a second. Your loud, high pitched moans filled the room, drowning out the sound of his thighs slapping against your ass. White filled your vision as you clenched around his cock. In the wake of your mind-shattering orgasm, you fall onto the bed, Toji following behind you and pinning you to the mattress.
As you dome down from your high, you feel Toji move his hand to grip your hips, digging his dull nails into your flesh. Somehow, he's fucking you harder as he groans into your neck.
"Fuck- good girl, good girl," his mouth latches to your skin now, leaving a hickey behind and moving to make another. "Gonna cum, pretty, gonna cum for you."
With one, final thrust, Toji stills inside you as he bites into the junction between your neck and shoulder, "Take it, slut- take it."
The feeling of hot cum gushing into you leaves you a whining little mess. Toji holds you tight, softly rolling his hips to ride out his orgasm. The two of you are left sweating and panting on your bed. You're too exhausted to think about what to do next, feeling just the slightest bit of overstimulation as he stays inside your abused cunt.
Toji chuckles and pulls out, sitting up on his knees to look at the mess he left between your thighs. You turn your head to look at him, lacking enough energy to move the rest of your body. Through the corner of your eyes, you watch Toji comb a hand through his hair before getting off your bed and collecting his discarded pants.
Some part of you wanted him to stay, but you're mostly glad he's taking charge and leaving without being told. It's obvious that this isn't the first time Toji's been in this position.
Even when fucked out, you've got a job to do. You manage to roll onto your back and run your hands down your face. The intent stare Toji gives to your bare tits doesn't go unnoticed, in return you smile teasingly at him, "Jeez, you aren't even gonna help me clean up?"
Toji ties the strings of his waistband and gives you a cocky grin, "I'm not being paid to pamper you, now am I?" He snickers as you roll your eyes, turning to leave the room. Toji stops himself just before he makes it out the door and raises a brow at you, "You're on birth control, right?"
At this, you scoff and chuck one of your throw pillows at him, "Maybe you should get better at your pull-out game, asshole."
He easily dodges the pillow, huffing as he leaves your room for real this time. While he makes his way to the bathroom, you hear him mutter something along the lines of 'getting you plan b in the morning.'
You sit yourself up on your elbows, cringing at the feeling of Toji's cum leak out onto your bedspread. The clock reads that it's two in the morning, and you really just wanna go to sleep- you would, if it wasn't for the various fluids drying on your bed. You groan and go to get off the bed, only to fall to the ground from the ache in your thighs.
"Damn it," you look up at the ceiling and hear Toji turn the TV back on in the living room. As you lay there, you let the memories and events sink in. He lets out a loud laugh at something he saw on the screen, and you're reminded that Toji is, in fact, a dickhead.
But you can easily admit that he's an excellent fuck. You're pretty sure that no one's any closer to finding the guy that threatened you. Maybe you can get one last round in before his job's done.
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samodivaa · 7 months
Soul-debasing Interrogation
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Winter Soldier x Agent!Reader
Both his mentality and body can withstand anything—to err is...human—you are the human in this situation.
Warnings - smut, rough sex, choking
Words - 2900
His face is a reflection of the past, of what is left of his life before, but his humanity has long forgotten where it belongs. You are now looking at something resembling a semi-death state, you can’t even comprehend the present condition of his soul, the mental pain or unbearably oppressive suffering he has been put through—a living creature, somewhat both broken and whole at the same time.
His eyelids slowly open, dark orbs focusing on the floor as he lets out a loud groan. He has the violent urge to move, but behind his back, both hands are bound with rope designed to eat away at the skin when he moves, even slightly. His ankles are as well bound to the legs of the chair—he makes an internal scoff at his current state.
“Here we go” you are already standing in between of his wide spread legs, grabbing his chin in a painful hold, waiting to speak when his glossy eyes are fully focused on yours “Try not to let this room scare you.”
A slumbering rage is stirring, rippling just beneath the surface. You are on the borderline, caught between the tides of fear and fury—him looking at you without blinking dismembers you mentally, but at the same time convinces him of the necessity to fight your fear.
It’s been days and nothing works, he seems unbreakable.
his jaw between your fingertips, grip still painfully tight, fingers turning white.
You are so sweet with your business-like tone—just imagine ripping out the tongue, so you could never speak again.
You study his features for a moment longer before letting go of his chin to slap his face hard, frowning in a sign of dissatisfaction.
“I said talk!“
„Ты так красива, что я забыл что хотел сказать тебе“ (You are so beautiful that I forgot what I wanted to tell you)
He finally says after a dramatic pause, his voice carrying its mocking undertones.
„You sick son of a bitch!“
You slap him again, he doesn’t show any reaction.
„White clothes, белый как снег?” (white as snow)
You put your hands on his knees and bent down, to whisper in his ear.
„I will fucking kill you”
A thin line closes around his throat and goes through, slowly cutting into his skin while cutting off oxygen. It is more painful than lethal, but more erotic than painful. After this, his head flies back, manicured fingers whirling around his hair, the little hairs on the back of his neck prickling. A groan escapes his dry lips, one that he doesn’t realize he’d been holding.
You drop the thin plastic line and place one nail under his chin, moving slowly, fascinated, nova-flare blue eyes blazing into your own.
„Will you talk now?“
he just sighs, shifting uncomfortably.
you whisper, a hint of exasperation and affront in your tone. You almost laugh, guilt twines with another failed attempt of getting any information out of him—you looks down at his trousers, then your eyes widen
„You are enjoying this”
In a full-fledged case of desire, Soldat is able to form both mental and physical representation of the thing he wants now and you don’t plan on initiating action to diminish his state.
Winter snorts at your words and looks at you with a smirk. He is obsessed with the situation, fascinated by you, infatuated with you. He hungers for your taste, your smell, the feel of your skin touching his. He is burning with desire, but keeps quiet about it—that’s his punishment he brings on himself, but there is no way he is begging his enemy—even in this state.
“Yes, I am” he says, with a venomous sneer “My eyes are up here, darling” he breathes.
That uncomfortable feeling is spreading over you as your eyes lift up to his lips, watching them part, taking deep breaths, the longing for him grows especially strong. You stand as though hesitating, suddenly the blood rushes to your head and sends a glow to your cheeks.
You are unable to endure his persistent stare, but you raise your downcast eyes and you finally smirk triumphantly at him as you struggle to breathe, suddenly straddling his thighs, loosening all of the ropes.
Winter watches with growing interest as you lean down, tucking a strand of his dark hair behind his ear.
Soldat’s eyes are the interpreter of the animal lust beneath, there is an unhealthy sallowness in the color of his orbits, he doesn’t even blink—his body is tense, a steel trap just waiting to be sprung open, but you don’t know that.
Your greedy lips are on his skin, devouring everything you can—licking, sucking, and kissing, not holding back your throaty moans. You drag your lips up his throat, along his jaw, back toward his mouth.
Eyes meet again.
The smirk on his face has disappeared and leaves an intensity behind in his eyes, narrowing into a glare. He is a silent fury who no torment could tame—but the finest fury is the most controlled, there is a murderous look in his eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
you cry, face white and distorted, with a wan smile.
He laughs spitefully “It's either kiss you or kill you, that's how I see it”
His soul is overflowing but with mingled feelings, no single sensation stands out distinctly, but there is a need in his heart and his body. He grabs you by the hips and gets up with an unexpected growl. Sexual perversions mix with lust and adrenaline as his mind sees in scattered images of varying vulgarity, dropping you slowly on the cold floor.
The moment your feet touch the ground, you want to scream, but you are cut off with a rough kiss on your lips. He grinds his pelvis into you, so you can feel his hard length against your lower belly, and grips your ass through the flimsy pants.
“I will fuck you” he croons his plans into your ear, and then places a cold palm around your neck “But you need to beg me”
Dominance. Control.
Winter has lost control over everything, even the places in his head… it's paralyzing…of course he has an obsession about female obedience—his human fingers start teasing the crotch of your panties.
You gasp into his mouth, and the opening of your lips let his tongue slide through.
Your arms come up around his neck and he pulls you against him, hands flatten against your back…and you are up on the tips of your toes, kissing him as fiercely as he is kissing you.
He pulls away from you briefly to say gruffly “Come on, I want to hear it” his soul, overflowing with rapture, yearns for your pleas, skin, touch “I know you want me” he whispers with implicit faith in his words.
A whirl of the most fantastic notions takes possession of his brain when your eyes meet again—he clings to you more tightly, knotting his hands in your hair, wordlessy begging, hands sliding down to your waist.
He raises the metal hand to his mouth, sucking on his fingers before the slightly damp digits are sliding into your panties and teasing your aroused folds and you exhale sharply, turning into a whining mewl as he circles your clit with ease.
“Say it”
he chuckles ruthlessly as the other hand bruises the skin on your waist, while his thumb circles down under your clit, closer to your entrance, fluids start to leak out. Your eyes meet again and something dangerous sparks, you suddenly feel your legs growing weak under you.
“Please-” you whisper, trembling with need and delight.
Winter almost stops when he hears you, his own breathing hitches a bit. He is watching you with an icy expression, voice falls to a whisper, as though he’s talking to himself
“Keep begging” a dark edge creeps into his tone.
“Please, don’t stop”
You shamelessly lift your leg up, placing it across his lower back and he swipes his thumb over your now throbbing clit before using two fingers to spread your lips apart. You never felt such stretching. It is cold and uncomfortable, but he forces his fingers inside as far as he can. He nibbles at your earlobe, loving the sharp intake of your breath, your skin breaks out into a pale sweat as he eases into a slow rhythm, curling his fingers inside, fracking, until your body twitches and walls clench around his fingers.
“Need me more” He pistons in and out of you as you clench around his fingers “Beg me more”
Every synapse in your brain short out—the gut-wrenching terror you feel, with a balance of sweet pleasure slide into mindlessness—
“Please, I need more, I need you-” you are cut off with an involuntary moan of rapturous pleasure, you are so close.
Those who constantly hunger for control outside of self are undoubtedly starved for peace inside of self—it doesn’t fucking matter, does it?
You’re powerless, weightless…utterly at his mercy and that’s what makes you cum—his gaze as he is staring at you, time stops. Those eyes are piercing yours, this is what makes you cum, he looks at you like he owns you.
The orgasm has gutted your vocal chords, and all you manage is a small gasp, he rasps something in your ear as he mouths against the skin of your neck, but you are too lost to hear it.
You are pushed against the wall, he tilts his head back and lowers his lips to yours and they get bitten to the point of bleeding. Winter feels a metallic taste on his tongue as he pulls back to admire his work, licking his lips, smiling disgustingly.
The sharp taste of blood only whetting his appetite. Winter wraps long slender fingers, around your throat, squeezing slightly and the feeling is too cold for it to be a human hand. His mouth is so close to your ear it makes your hair stand on end as he presses his hips against you, licking along the shell of your ear.
It is arousing, but dangerous—very dangerous.
Your other hand trails down his abdomen to his belt, and a finger dips in before you retrieve it—teasing him, the other hand still rubbing small circles on the tip. He shifts closer so his hardness presses against your hand unwillingly to your plans.
His right hand digs fingers into the flesh of your waist, the grip turning bruising and hard as before—the metal one now resting on the wall close to your head—as a warning, a reminder of the power he holds.
„Don’t you dare stop“ he whispers, the bite of his threat lost somewhere in his need for you to touch.
You need moments to unbuckle his pants, and Winter continues to trail your skin with kisses and whines when a hand slides into his boxers, the other holding closely to take the large cock in your small hands, covering it as much as you can.
You look down at his slick cock and nearly gag at the idea of just having it in your mouth, you want to be on his knees for him.
Drops of pre-cum drop to the floor.
Winter clenches his metal fist, trying to resist the urge to moan loudly, closing his lips he inhales through his nose, face contorting with openly weeping pleasure. He groans in reply, unable to fight your gentle touch, trying to fuck himself against the grip of your hands, too small to cover his whole length, throbbing with delight of that thought, orgasm begins to creep up on him.
You can’t help, but hang your jaw in bewilderment at the sight before—he is falling apart from the need to come, all he can do is tighten the grip against your waist—to urge you to please him.
He lets a choked moan escape his lips as you start to move your hands up and down, languidly stroking at his cock—his metal fingers whirling naturally around your neck, squeezing, not enough to break it, whines and whimpers escaping him as if he has no control over them any longer.
You observe every reaction and sound with wide lips and sultry eyes—heavy breathing from both of you as the pleasure hadn’t stopped yet—mesmerized yet almost confused as you’d never seen a killer be so needy for an orgasm, but you don’t dare comment.
“Don’t slow down”
He breaths out, eyebrows furrowing, his eyes shut, only grunts fill the cold air.
He opens his eyes, glossy and unfocused, and his face is deeply flushed—he is faced with your eyes stained with tears as you struggle to breathe—you nearly lose consciousness, how fragile your body is and how strong his is.
He chuckles at the sight—lust twisting his features, the grip around your neck finally loosens, the rush of blood and oxygen to the brain results in an explosion of dopamine, followed by erratic breathing.
He uses the moment to prise his tongue into your open mouth, forcing himself into you. You try to push and trash, but he holds you firm against the wall, his tongue sweeping over your lips, against your teeth, claiming you—leaking your tears.
Tasting the life he can easily take away from you.
You wiggles slightly, when he rips off your pants off, those piercing blue eyes trying to get a glimpse of your nakedness as his cock is still out, his fist tightening around the base, stroking slowly as his eyes drift south—dragging his metal finger slowly through your slit, the other hand once again moves on the waist in the same place—it hurts, bruises already forming from his tight hold.
It is obvious that Winter is not human, his body, his dick is too big to be human. You shiver at the sight of his length, hard and needy. His eyes are completely blue, with no pupil or white, two seas full of desire—he will drown you in them.
Soldat lifts your leg to gain a better angle to your hole. Your lips are slick and swollen, but the opening is stretching tight around his cock, trying to enter you completely, you cry out, your back arching at the pain. You freeze, blood running cold as he slaps you hard across the face.
The dark-haired man stares back with ill-concealed suspicion.
He is big, wide and fills you deliciously—every time you assume that he's fully sheathed, he pushes in a bit more and makes you moan loudly.
You buckle your hips as best you can despite his rough movements, meeting him thrust for thrust, desperate to feel him buried inside of you.
He is rough with you, not taking his time, not easing you into it.
“Please, slow down, it is too much-”
“Shut up and take it”
he trembles at the way you say beg, because of him, his mind was a blank canvas accosted by nothing—now, it is all about you, about pleasure.
And you tremble like a downy rabbit caught in the clutches of a wolf—he seizes you as boldly as if you are his prey. He thrust with force, you don’t even have time to adjust, he is too eager.
You moan both from pleasure and pain—It's so tight, squeezing the life out of his cock and he loves the idea of hurting you, it is too erotic not to think about it. He fucks you with lazy, slow thrusts, just enjoying the sensations of sex.
“You are taking me so good” he pants against your throat
he enjoys the suction feeling onto his cock, pummeling your cunt ruthlessly, hitting over the tender spot and you groan, loudly. Your throat feels raw from all the moans.
You exist there, whimpering, taking a fortifying breath, feeling the approach of your own orgasm, compressed by him as he ravages you, marks you.
Hard, long, deep trust that forces moans out of both of you.
You immediately bite your lip, panting, stopping yourself from moaning more, but your spine bends back and your body stretches taut, insides clenching and spamming around his cock—the sound that escapes your lips is so unearthly that it drives him to the edge.
He slams into you as his cock explodes in an endless amount of cum, overflowing out of you, dripping on the floor. He groans as he continues to slam into you, even as you feel overly sensitive as your own orgasm reaches its peak.
He leans down, far enough that the dark ends of his hair brushes feather-light against your face, his metal hand is around your throat, squeezing tightly—you lose consciousness, thinking that he is killing you, but you just pass out.
Sex is another practiced art to him. Each move is calculated. His brain is programmed to perform, his body seducing his prey with ease, noting each response of his target.
Fear and seduction, repulsion and attraction—that's how corruption is spread, turning squalor and nastiness into thrill, seduces the target into his own web—and leaves with the corpse on his hands.
What a devilish creature, master of the art of Death and Seduction, all its nuance, all its depth and complexity—but he spared your life?
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nastyaromatherapy · 8 months
"Can't handle myself" (18+)
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After killing yet another person, Ethan can't handle himself around you.
pairing - ghostface!Ethan Landry x fem!reader
short, 969 word dark fic
warnings: non-con, dark themes, PIV
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"Ethan, we really shouldn't," you started, desperately trying to go against his advances. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and your stomach felt like moldy Jell-O. Ethan just killed someone, the third guy this month. He was unphased, blood splattered on his mask and clothes. You on the other hand, were frantically hiding all of the evidence.
"Why not sweetheart? I thought you liked the mask," he said, gently stroking it in his hands as if it were his child. "I do. But I don't like fucking on the same dirt you killed a man on!" You screeched, gesturing towards the dismembered body. You slightly felt a gag build up in your throat.
"You know I'm irresistible," he whispered in your ear, caressing your hips, his hands moving up to your waist. Ethan had this thing where whenever he killed someone, his ego goes from zero to one hundred. Really fast and really fucking hard.
You grimaced at his manic breath, tapping fingers at your side anxiously. "Come on," he coerced. "I'll have you screaming for me in minutes."
You met Ethan through a friend, Quinn. He was her dorky younger brother that you guys would poke fun at and laugh about during sleepovers. That was until one day, you two grew attracted to each other, and started to see each other behind Quinn's back. It didn't take long for her to find out though. Her and your other friends.
It didn't take long for you and Ethan to lose your virginities to each other, not long for Ethan to follow you to your college. It took no time at all for you to find out about him and his wicked family's little secret.
Quinn knew how livid Ethan would be if you were to ever leave him. She betrayed you that day. Blackmailing you on your birthday to stay with the young man. You were young yourself.
Your stomach twisted in a familiar way as Ethan touched you, feeling over your body. He started to kiss at your neck, but you pushed him away. Ethan looked at you worriedly and wiped his slobber covered lips. "You okay, babe?" You shook your head and threw up your arms. "No! Nothing is okay. Can you at least get rid of the fucking body before doing this." Ethan just shook his head. "But you're so sexy baby, I can't handle myself."
He overpowered you and bent you over the counter beside the bathtub where the chopped up body laid. "I'm sorry ma. I really can't." You internally rolled your eyes. Of course he could. He ripped a hole in your leggings for an opening. "Ethan!" You scolded, again trying to get up but he held you down. "Sorry," he repeated again. "I'll get you a new pair. How's that sound?" He asked tenderly.
"Horrible," you muttered to yourself.
His hands hooked your panties aside and got a feel for your folds. Dry. He leans in and spits on them, making you clench. "Just making you slick for me, baby," he says as a response to your jolt.
"Ethan please, just stop," you whined. You were clearly not at all in the mood. A dead, rotting body was the least sexiest thing ever. He kept going anyways, slipping two fingers into you. You responded with a grunt.
"This okay?" He asked you. "No, it's not." You said firmly, again making your way up only for Ethan to push you back down on the cold surface. He leans down to kiss your neck and takes out one finger. "There, better," he whispers. That was clearly not what you meant. He thrusted the finger, his ring, in and out at a slow and steady pace. Your breaths got heavier as you tried not to make eye contact with your mirror reflection.
After about five minutes of fingering with no response from you, Ethan gets needier. He takes his cock out, it was red and extremely wet. You gasp when you sees it in the mirror. "Ethan, no. We can't. I got off of my birth control." You say. It was true, but you knew he would be disappointed due to his breeding kink.
"What? You're playing with me." He says, smiling obliviously. You shaked your head, assuring you were not. He sighs and looks very disappointed, and you see his cock twitch as he thinks to himself. "It's okay," he says, turning you on your back and lining himself up with your entrance. "I'll just pull out!" You shook your head as the tip comes in contact with your pussy. "Ethan I don't trust you, stop- Ethan!" You screamed when he pushes into you anyways.
"I'm sorry baby, it'll only take like six minutes okay," he huffs out while thrusting shallow thrusts. "Then I'll pull out and you'll be good, okay?" Your eyebrows furrow in fear. "Ethan, let's just quickly go to the store and buy some protection okay? Just don't, I know you," you plead, aware of his horrible pull out game.
"J-just trust me," he stuttered out, already feeling close. You didn't get what pleasure he found in this. You were clearly uninterested and not even wet. His thrusts become slower, deeper, and you could feel him pulsating inside like a heartbeat. "Fuck I'm close," he whispers, falling forward with his hair covering his eyes. "Ethan fucking pull out right now," you beg with tears in your eyes as you hear the victim's roommate's car approaching. "I-I can't," he whispers breathily. You shake your head a no, using your feet to try and push his tall frame away.
"Fuck!" He screams with a final thrust, filling your cunt with his cum. "Ethan," you shakily let out, choking on tears.
"Babe, where are you? The craziest shit happened at work today!"
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Ma poupée
︵‿୨♡ fragile ♡୧‿︵
the plot is: you are a doll demon made of porcelain and you wonder how fragile you are, but you're also afraid to know the answer. fortunately alastor has no fear
part one, part two
tw: disgusting grotesque!!! dismembering or a very close to it, blood, biting, reader doesn't like their body (a demonic one), possibly grammar mistakes
*. ⋆ ✧.·:·.* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *.·:·.✧ *. ⋆
You were sitting at the bar with Angel, discussing your hell life. Husk poured drinks for you and Angel and for himself too. He knew that you didn't like to be drunk, but he also couldn't let you sit there without alcohol in your hand, so he made light cocktails for you, that didn't rush into your head, but they helped you to relax after a hard day.
That day Lucifer came to the Hotel. Before he came all the residents had to make a quick cleanup, cook some cookies, decorate the lobby. During this preparation an unpleasant thing happened to you, that set you thinking.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
You and Angel were responsibile for wellcoming banners (to one of them Angel add an inscription that made you choke with laughter, but you were not sure how would the king of hell react to it.) Angel was very tall but you were not, so you needed a step-ladder. You were told that that step-ladder was pretty old and you'd to be careful, as some of the screw were a little bit loosened. You were at the top of the step-ladder, trying to pin the banner to the wall, when suddenly your view had changed, like the ground had tilted. You understood that those damn screws had left their places, and now you were about to fall. You dropped the banner, wanted to grap the step-ladder, but it was too late, you had already lost the balance. You were in free fall.
"Caught ya!"
You opened your eyes to find yourself in Angel's arms. He looked at you with a smile.
"Lucky you, you have a long-armed fellow like me," He said, winking at you.
"Thanks," You murmured, embracing him by his neck.
He smiled and put you to the ground. Husk and Vaggie asked you if you were okay, and then you were sent to kitchen to help Nifty and Sir Pentious with cookies, while Angel and Husk were about finishing the decoration.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
This case set you thinking. You'd been here, in hell, only for a month and most time of this you spent in the Hotel. Before it you were wandering in streets of hell. Luckily, you'd never got in any trouble, never been hurt. It was great fortune, that for all these days you hadn't even got a scratch.
Before this day.
Technically, you were not harmed, but you could have. It was the first time you was so close to get injuries.
Placing a glass at the bar, you looked at your hand, purely white and smooth. You moved your fingers, clenched and uncleched your fist. Every move was accompanied with a quiet creak of your ball-and-socket joints.
You were not an ordinary demon. You were a doll-demon. A porcelain doll, to be more precise. Where your limbs used to bend, thanks to the joints between the bones under the layer of flesh and skin, there were ball-joints now. They were in your fingers, hands, elbows, shoulders, in your ankles, knees and in thighs. Knees were the most strange thing in your new body. Between your hips and shanks two ball-and-socket joints were placed, that were connected with a strange-shaped porcelain plate, which you could call rectangular. Thanks to this construction, your knees bended. The elbows were arranged in the same way. Your body gave you a feeling of uncanny valley, but these two parts you just hated, so you wore only long-sleeved clothes and long skirts or trousers.
Your eyes were round and big and had the same colour when you were alive. Eyelashes became longer and more rounded. You had a very tiny nose and very red lips, that had the same form from you earth life.
Your skin was pearly white, smooth and dull, as it was covered with a thin layer of flour. It was porcelain. And now you seriously thought about how fragile you were. Porcelain dolls were very fragile you believed, so were you, weren't you? What would have happened if Angel hadn't caught you? Would you just bruise yourself or would you be totally broken in many pieces? You didn't know even if you bleed. You felt touches, you could define what you touched. When you embraced Angel you felt his fur under your arms, and your body felt his arms around you. You felt warmth, cold, sharpnes or bluntness. Well, maybe not as good as others. When you put out a baking tray with your unprotected arms, even Nifty was in shock, when you said, that the tray was just a little bit warm.
So, your sense of touch was different from others. Because of your body. Because of what you were now.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
"A porcelain doll, you say?" He turned away from Charlie and looked at you, pushing his monocle, "A very fragile thing, hm?"
You were watching them. You had just arrived and Charlie introduced you to the residents. A tall, dressed all in red man, captivated you the moment you saw him. He was... Frightful. And now, as he was looking at you with a sinister smile, you couldn't make your heart beating slowlier.
Suddenly you heard a voice from the left, "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, doll face, quite a pleasure!" He was shaking your hand already.
How was it possible?! A moment ago he stood in front of Charlie, several meters seperated you, you were looking at him and saw, that he didn't move, but somehow he materialized just beside you.
"It's a pleasure to-" You began, shaking his huge palm.
"A porcelain doll as I heard?" The demon interrupted you, "An owner of such an easily breakbale body, hm? Must needs a protector?"
You frowned, as you were not sure if it was a question or a statement, or what it actually meant.
"I mean, my dear," He saw your confusion and said with a predatory smile, lowing his statical voice, "that porcelain is a frigale material."
"Oh," You understood, "well, I don't know, sir, I haven't been in any troubles yet, that brought me any damage, so I don't know how breakable I am," You awkwardly chuckled. This man was interesting but also he was weird. Even creepy.
He sharply grabbed your forearm and exclaimed, "Then we could quickly check it right now, dear!"
"Nope!" You pulled out your hand very quickly, pressing it to the chest and covering with other hand, "No, no, no!"
He tilted his head still smiling. Did he ever not smile?
"I mean, that I'm just fine to be in ignorance, sir!" You said almost proudly.
"No need to be so official, dear. It seems I said to you my name, didn't I?"
Yes, he did. His name was Alastor. But it wasn't in your character to use the first name of a man, who was older than you for sure, right after you met. And also he still didn't know your name, as he interrupted you the moment you were about to introduce yourself.
"You did. But I didn't tell you my name-"
"There's no need, my dear." He leaned over you, "Dolls don't have names. Their owners give them ones."
And he walked away.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
It was your first conversation with the Radio Demon, and since then you hadn't comminuted much. You met each others in the hall or dining room, sometimes in private, but you never dared to say him more than "Hello!" or "How are you doing?" And it was okay. Almost okay. Since the first meeting he captivated you. You'd like to know him better, to be even friends maybe. But you we're not sure how to start, and moreover it seemed, that he didn't like to talk with you a lot. So you didn't try. But his gaze always followed you. You were sure, that even if he wasn't present, he still was there.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Angel and Husk were looking at you, as you still clenched and unclenched your fist. They were tipsy and fascinated by your movements.
"And what are you doing, kid?" Asked Husk finally, taking his eyes off your hand.
"Just thinking."
"About what?" Angel also stopped staring at your hand and tried to focus his gaze on your snow white face.
"About me. And you. And you, too," You pointed at your friends in turn. "About the demons..."
"It's senseless, kid," Husk took a bottle and started to dust it down.
"Look, you are a cat, and you are a spider. And why are you like this?" You said, throwing your hands.
They looked at you, frowing. It was obviously, that you were the only one who cared about such things. Maybe it was because you were a new one in hell.
"Why indeed, doll face?" Angel chuckled.
"Angel, stop. You know, I don't like it."
"C'mon! I just wanted to tease you."
"Don't do it, Angel," said Husk, wiping glasses and pouring another drink to him.
You gratefully looked at him. Husk always knew what was on one's mind and heart, and he knew how bad made you feel such forms of address to you. Anything that reminded you of your essence.
"All riiiiight!" Angel rolled his eyes up. "Why are you like this?"
"Like what?" You said.
"Don't like jokes," He said seriously.
"Go to hell, Angel!"
"Calm down, kid," Husk said calmy but loud enough for you both heard him. "Just tell us what's on your mind."
You glanced at him. Since the day you got here you couldn't stop thinking about your body, about your essence. You believed that demons had appearance that described their essence when they were alive. But you couldn't understand why you were a doll.
"Well..." You started.
"C'mon, toots, don't keep in your feelings," Angel was seriously just like Husk and a little bit tipsy.
"Ok," You sighed, "I just don't understand myself. Don't understand who I am. Or what I am... I don't know what to expect. I think about my essence. Why am I a doll? And do I really?.. I mean, I don't even know what is under the porcelain! Is the flesh? Or emptiness? Am I even alive if this is so? Could I really have died today, if Angel hadn't caught me? Could I crash? Or what if I didn't die, but just broke something? I don't even know if I bleed!" The more you spoke, the faster your speech became. In the end you just sighed, "I'd like to know..."
Your interlocutors were confused.
"Don't give her alcohol, she turns into a depressed masochist," Angel said.
"Did I hear someone said bleed?" A voice from behind made you jump up on your stool. You quickly turned to the sound, "Oh, Alastor!"
"How much has he heard? Everything, I suppose..." You thought.
He stood behind you from the right and looked at you widely smiling.
"How are you?" You asked, because this silence, that nobody dared to break, was unbearable, and also you indeed wondered how did he feel after meeting Lucifer. Their meeting was... It was just awful.
"Oh, I'm fine, my dear, thank you for asking," He adjusted his monocle, still looking at you. His sharp smile gave you shivers down your spine. He didn't take his eyes off you.
Husk lowered his eyes and said, "That's nothing interesting, boss."
Angel was drinking his cocktail.
"Is that?" Alastor looked at him for a second, but then his gaze came back to you, "I believe, that whatever our fragile friend says is quite interesting."
"Well, you didn't see but I almost fell today-" You had began, before Alastor interrupted you. Did it really bring him that much pleasure?
"My dear, I saw everything! And your dreadfull fall too. I'm glad that your friend caught you. Who knows what the consequences could be?"
Did he really knew everything that happened in the hotel?
"Well... You're right. This case made me think of the consequences."
"Now you mind to be in ignorance, doll?" He tilted his head. You understood he still remembered your first meeting and first conversation.
"It seems..." You murmured not really sure.
"Then..." Alastor ran his claws over your hand. His breath tickled your ear.
"Stop it." Said Husk.
Alastor turned his head to him. His left hand was still on your forearm. His gloves were leather.
"Excuse me?"
Husk massaged the bridge of his nose, "It was a long day for all of us. It's time we went to bed."
You heard that crackling near your ear became louder and you said, "Yes! I also think so!"
You jumped off from the stool, "Good night everyone!" and walked away.
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It was a very hot day in hell and it became even hotter after you had finished cleaning your room. Of course Nifty was responsible for this, but you didn't like when your things were touched. So Nifty only dusted your room, removed stain out of the furniture if you left some, and carried the trash out. But all the papers, cups, plates, and clothes, that was scattered all over the place... You had to take care of all this yourself.
After you cleaned the room, you took a shower and changed the clothes. You put on palazzos, that were so wide they looked like a skirt, and a shirt and rolled up the sleeves. After the clean up you understood how many books were in your room, that you hadn't read, and that, you knew, you wouldn't read. So it was time to borrow them back to the hotel library. You took one stack of books and left the room.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Pressing books to your chest you carefully stepped on the first step of the stairs. You tried to peek out from behind the books, but then they began to wobble, and you had to pull them closer to yourself. There was no way to watch underfoot and not to drop the books. You slowly walked down, when a toe of your shoe stuck in something and you completely lost the balance. Books fell on the red carpet and you rolled down the stairs.
You heard quickly steps coming near, as you were lying on a landing. A pair of someone's hands raised you a little. You felt dizzy and leaned on them. You touched your forehead with your palm, as if that could stop the dizziness. Then you looked on your fingertips, excepting to see red wet stains on them, but all you saw was white porcelain. You didn't know whether to be happy about it or not. You were still leaning on someone's strong shoulders and were sure that it was Angel, but suddenly a sharp red claw ran down your cheeck slowly.
"Just a little crack, my dear, " His breath burnt your nape, "Nothing to worry about. You're much firmer than I thought."
You quickly turned to face him.
Alastor sat in front of you, holding you by your shoulders, so you wouldn't fall.
"I'm fine," You said and got to your feet, making him remove his hands, but felt a strong pain in your left ankle, and would definitely had fallen, if Alastor hadn't caught you.
"Seems like not totally fine, dear? Need some help?"
You leaned against his arm and looked at your ankle. You tried to stand on your aching foot but just a touch of your toes to the floor made a terrible pain ran through your leg. You gasped for breath and grasped Alastor's arm.
"Severe wound, darling," He said seriously, and it seemed for you, that your heard sympathy in his tone. "How could this happen?"
You didn't want to confess that you entangled in your own trouser legs.
Suddenly you didn't touch the floor anymore and found yourself in Alastor's arms. He glanced at you, and you felt like your cheeks turned red as the colour of his eyes. You turned away and looked at his bowtie and than looked at your knees. Alastor took your more comfortably; one his hand was on your back and other under your knees. Until this moment you'd never been carried in this way, as a princess, as a bride, as a doll. He passed by the books scattered all over the stairs.
"My books-" You said.
"Don't worry, little doll, they will be back on their places in the library."
"Okay," You only sighted.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Alastor was carring you thought the hotel without stopping. His steps were long and fast and though he held you firm you were afraid to fall, so you put your hands around his neck.
"How do you feel, dear?"
You thought for a second and replied, "I'm fine now. I don't feel any pain when I..."
How to say it? When I don't touch the ground? When I'm carried by you?
"Well, no pain, when I don't need to use my hurt leg."
Alastor didn't answer anything and just hummed.
You asked yourself why didn't he use his shadow teleportation. And wait, did he missed your door?
"Um, Alastor, you've missed my room," You said.
"We're not heading for there, my dear."
He went up to the next floor. Were you heading for..?
He stopped in front of a door with a unique wood engraving depicting a deer in the forest. The animal was surrounded by the branches of the trees and the bushes, and it itself looked directly at the audience. Its antlers were branches too and singing birds sat on them. The silhouette of a hunter could be seen in the corner.
The door opened and Alastor, with you in his hands, entered.
It was the first time you saw his room. The first thing you saw was an evening forest. The room began with a usual quarter and than there was no wal, just a dark forest. Twilight had already covered all the century-old trees and everything plunged into blue shadows. The chill night wind barely kissed your cheeks. You looked around the room. It was in dark red colours with only the most necessary wooden furniture: a fireplace and two armchairs in front of it, a desk and a chair, a chaise longue with velvet cushions. On the walls there were a lot of empty frames, in some of them behind the glass there were leaves of fern. You saw a big bookcase, which had not only books on its shelves but also bones and skulls, dried flowers and candles. On a coffee table you saw a gramophone. There was a whole collection of records in the commode nearby.
The room was cozy and warm. Somehow you felt yourself here more comfortable than in your own room.
Alastor lay you on a chaise longue and sat next to you, so both of your legs were on his knees.
"Well, let's see what we have here. May I?" Said Alastor, asking to take off your shoe. You nodded. He untied a shoelace and took off the shoe. He took off his gloves, and examined your foot. His touches didn't bring you any pain. He softly touched your frigale skin, his long fingers ran up and down the side of your foot, studying you. His gaze was fixed on your joint.
"Strange..." He pronounced, not taking his eyes off from your ankle, "There is no blood, though I'm sure you're not blodless, otherwise you wouldn't blush so much every time I touch you." He looked at you with a sly smile, and you felt how your cheeks became more red.
He laughed, "Hahaha don't worry, dear, it just shows how modest and well-bred you are!"
"Maybe you could just do something with my leg? I actually don't understand what you're trying to do, as you're neither doctor nor doll-maker."
"Trust me, my dear, I know what I'm doing."
You only frowned.
"And what are you doing?"
He removed his hands from you and said, "Well, it seems that you've got severe damage, and the only solution is to replace the broken joint with a new one."
You glanced at him with your eyes wide open.
"How to replace..?"
"Like this," He said and pull your foot out.
You blinked. Didn't say anything. Didn't scream or cursed. Did he just..? But more importantly, there were no pain. How was it possible? You were torn between the thought that you didn’t feel anything and what he just did.
Alastor was looking at you with a smirk and than looked at the part of you that he held in his hand.
You kept silence, you just didn't know what to say. You were too shocked.
"You know, my dear," He said twisting your foot in his hands, "dismembering you doesn't satisfy me, as you act like you lost your tongue and your your limb."
You finally opened your mouth to speak, "It's... It's just shocked me... I didn't expect... This." By "this" you meant his action and your own feeling, or rather feelingless.
"Why, me doll! Your body keeps much more secrets then you think."
After that he removed broken ball-and-socket joint, and with his magic he made a new one, wooden, and put it on the place. Then he fastened the foot there.
All this surgery made you feel rather uncomfortable. You felt how grotesquely it was and it made you loathed the whole situation and your body. You felt the urge of crying.
"Well, my dear, test it!"
His voice suppressed your thoughts, and you tried to move your ankle.
"God, that's just perfect," You said with admiration.
The wooden ball in your leg moved freely without any pressure, it slid like it was oiled. And there were no pain.
You twisted your ankle a little more, understanding that it felt like your own joint, like it always was there. Only the dark colour and tree drawing made it clear that it wasn't yours from the start.
"Thank you," You said as you were about to get up, but then you saw Alastor's face and stopped. He was looking at you. His gaze was sharp and his smile was greedy. You swallowed.
"You don't think, my little doll, that I did it all for free, do you?"
You kept silence, hoping that he wouldn't ask the highest price for his help — your soul.
You didn't answer and he continued, slowly running his hand over your leg and leaning closer over you.
"My soul..?" You mumbled. You didn't even want to say it aloud, you only thought it, but Alastor heard it and exclaimed, drawing himself up, "Nonsense!" He grasped your palm, "Isn't the satisfaction of my curiosity a fair price for the help I offered for you? And moreover, I'm sure that this is favourable for you too, isn't it? I know you're still wondering what are you?"
He held your palm in his, tenderly and yet firmly. You knew he was right. You wanted to know. But you couldn't do it yourself. You wanted him to dispel your fears and all the mysteries.
You looked away and pronounced quietly, "Do it."
Alastor's smile became narrower and longer. He brought your hand closer to him and leaned towards it. His left hand rested on the chasie longue next to your waist, with his right hand he held your palm, turning the inner side of the forearm towards him. His mouth slowly got closer to your skin and you felt his hot breath.
You held your breath, when he opened his mouth and you saw his sharp teeth. They touched your skin, and you quietly took a breath. Alastor closed his eyes. Your skin was porcelain indeed, and his teeth didn't sink into your flesh immediately, as it had always happened before. You heard a quiet crack under his fangs and gasped. His fangs sank deep inside of you, so you couldn't see them anymore.
Your lips trembling, you were choking from pain and... pleasure. You couldn't deny, you liked him inside of you. He softly held your hand, playing with your fingers; his knees touched your legs. All these touches helped you not to focus on pain.
When Alastor slowly opened his eyes, you didn't notice his pupils right away. Did he roll his eyes with pleasure?
Looking at you from half-closed eyelids, Alastor pulled his teeth out of you. You saw his teeth were wet and red, red with your blood. You looked at your forearm and saw an oval red wound with several dark holes in it. A thin stream of blood flowed down, approaching your shoulder. Alastor ran his index finger up your arm, wiping the blood. It tickled. He raised his finger to his mouth and put it inside.
"Tasty," He said, putting his finger out of his mouth.
You felt dizzy. You felt that the ground was leaving from under you, although you were lying. The room became unbearably hot, you couldn’t get enough air.
Alastor closed his eyes again, leaning closer to your arm, but you pulled out your hand and pressed it your chest. Your shirt got stained.
"That's enough," You said and sat up.
Alastor didn't move, he was still sitting upon you, and you turned out face to face, so close that you could see each others in your eyes.
You glanced at his lips and saw a drop of blood in the corner of his mouth.
You slowly raised you healthy hand towards him and wiped the red stain with your thumb. Alastor was looking at you without blinking. You looked at blood and put your finger in your mouth, just as he did a minute ago. After a while you said "Not to my taste."
Alastor blinked and laughed leaning away from you, "Hahaha of course, my dear! Nobody loves their own taste."
You didn't know how to be. Alastor sat between your legs, and you couldn't read what he was about to do. The instinct of self-preservation told you, that it was better to get away, but nevertheless you wanted to give up and let him to do whatever he wanted to. Even if it meant, that you'd be eaten.
Alastor took you wounded hand and you understood what he was about to do.
"No!" You pull out your hand and smiled awkwardly, "I believe it was enough for the first time haha"
"If there was the first time, my dear, then there must be the second one, hmm? And the third one?" He leaned away from you, but his smile still held you.
"Maybe," You said and stood up. Alastor remained sitting.
You adjusted your sleeve as you walked so that no one could see the wound. And now you had to find a doll doctor or something. How to explain all this blood on your shirt to the residents if you meet them now?
When you came up to the door you heard Alastor's voice,
"You know, my dear, I haven't finished exploring your body."
You turned to him. Alastor sat, crossing his legs. One of his arms he laid on the back of the chaise longue and other one was on his knee. He didn't look at you, his gaze was focused on the forest.
"I still have so many questions..."
He said it more for himself and very quietly, almost without ordinary static sound. You didn't answer anything, and only thought about what could he do to you.
You turned away and left the room.
"Stupid doll," You thought.
*. ⋆ ✧.·:·.* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *.·:·.✧ *. ⋆
invitation for a deernner: @noraunor
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aesthetic-bbyg · 6 months
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Roronoa Zoro x fem!reader
IN WHICH the non-chalant pirate hunter cracked a smile for only you.
Nattie speaks: a Zoro fic was long overdue on my blog, I luv my brooding babe💋
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ZORO WAS CONSTANTLY VIEWED as a quiet but moody man. He communicated through glares, punches, and the occasional words. It was known that the man hardly showed affection—no, he hardly showed any type of emotion at all. The straw hats knew that he was one to be left alone whenever a fight went wrong, or to leave as he napped in his hammock for the fifth time in one day.
To others, his muscly stature and three katanas glued to his side were enough of a warning to steer clear of the man’s path. It was fair to say that Zoro was intimidating, scary, even. His deep voice sent shivers down people’s spines, his eerie smirk when he was ready to cause mischief was terrifying, his incomprehensible strength was capable of killing people.
Zoro was dangerous, and it was known by all.
Yet there was a crack in his shell, right where his heart laid. He first met you in a village when he was on the search for pirate, the charming lady at the crystal stand, begging for passing pedestrians attention. He stopped, pretending to be interested in the many objects carved out of glass when he’d actually been attracted in by your looks. The beautiful puffy cheeks that had a natural red hue, the plump lips, soft eyes. You were beautiful to him. After hitting him with a few flirty comments, he’d finally told you the reason for his stop on the island. Luckily, you had all the details he needed to find the pirate and let him collect the couple million berries he was worth.
You offered him a date, disguising it as an innocent cup of tea, but the looks you two shared when you were alone spoke far louder then he’d ever dare to say. In exchange for ‘date’ you gave some information on the pirate he was searching for. In that moment you’d managed to slither your way through the crack in his chest and strike his heart, shooting a foreign feeling into his veins.
It was love.
The Roronoa Zoro had fallen for a crystal glass vender and her stupidly cute smile. He could hardly bring himself to leave you that night, spending the whole evening discussing far more then the pirate he was searching for. But he did, he slept that night with only you on his mind.
The next day, after he’d shoved the dismembered head of pirate into a sack, he went straight back to you, thanking you for the help and leaving a single kiss on the knuckles of you hand. You weren’t sure if you’d ever see him again as his ship sailed off into the horizon, but you knew that the love in your heart was enough to prove what once was.
The next time, Zoro didn’t have a reason to be there. No Pirate to hunt down, nothing. He only wanted to see you again, and he desperately hoped that you hadn’t found someone else to capture your heart.
You still stood in the same place as before, the time apart made you seem like you’d grown even more beautiful then the last time. Your hair was longer, he noted. But the smile you held as a little girl passed by, curiously looking at the shimmering glasses with wonder was familiar. He trudged up slowly, his heart beating straight out of his chest as he kept his eyes on only you, it was a strange sensation. He felt nerves bubbling up in stomach, a thin layer of sweat made his hands clammy and he hid kind with scrambled with the right thing to say.
“Do you know where I can buy flowers?” Zoro suddenly spoke up, making you shoot your head up from the little girl. A maroon shade had tinted your cheeks, mouth stuttering open as you gazed up at him.
“Uh..Mrs. Poppins can help you, right over there.” You pointed a shaky finger towards the stand just a few steps away, an old woman with a variety of flowers waiting to be bought.
“Thanks.” Zoro smirked, nodding as he walked off, not another word spoken.
“Is that your boyfriend?” The young girl asked innocently, round the staring up at you.
“No, no, he’s not my boyfriend.” You chuckled, staring over at where he was, exchanging some berry for a bouquet of tulips. You just watched in utter confusion, the man you couldn’t stop thinking about just casually dropped by to ask for some flowers?
Every since he left you’d been dreaming about marrying the man, but you just assumed he was a distant memory you’d hold on to forever. He’d remain your husband in just your own dreams, never to become reality. Zoro walked back, a his smirk now dripping into a nervous smile as he held out the bouquet.
“It’s nice to see you, do you have any more of that tea?” He asked so softly that if any outsider that knew Zoro would be absolutely flabbergasted at the sight of him being such gentle man. The fact that he was blushing, he was nervous, a love confession sitting at the tip of his tongue because you’d never left his mind since that one day.
You swallowed down heavily, shyly taking the flowers and probably blushing like a fool. You held a bashful smile, nodding in response as decided to close down your stand for the day.
“You sure he isn’t your boyfriend.” The girl whispered, super discrete, making you giggle and shake out head. You gently shooed her away, leaving the two of you alone while Zoro chuckled at her words.
That was only the first couple times he’d visited you, each time he’d open more and more. His cold exterior melted into a protective lover that kept you warm at night. You were very aware of his dangerous job and just how brutal it was, it definitely worked you but Zoro always brushed off your concerns. Each time he left to hunt down a pirate you’d constantly await, staring at the port whenever you walked past, it hoping you’d see a familiar boat.
As of recently, you’d been ripping your hair out with absolute worry. Zoro had promised that he’d be back home within a week, it was now approaching nearly three weeks. You were mortified, unable to know if he was dead or alive at the moment. You truly tried to rid your mind of the bad thoughts, you knew the sea was a complicated part of nature, it could throw any sudden hit that broke you down. Maybe that’s what happened, but despite tricking your own mind you still lived day in and day out with a anxious feeling swirling in the pit of your stomach.
Every night you cooked food that was just enough for two servings, making sure to be prepared in case he suddenly came home. You made sure his side of the bed was always made, yet every night it remained cold and empty. You’d dreaded waking up each morning without him there, and today wasn’t any different. You dragged yourself out of bed, got ready, made breakfast, ate as his empty chair glared at you from across the table, and went to sell some crystal glasses.
Your chants as pedestrian passed by echoed in the cluttered alleyway, people occasionally stopping, others giving you glared for your loudness. It was all part of the business, you served tea to those who’d spent the entire day wandering the hot streets. Or travelers that were curious, wondering how much of a difference a crystal glass made to a regular one.
“Pirates, incoming!” A bearded elder screeched, collecting a handful of working men to help dock the large boat. You didn’t even give it a second glance, you saw the Jolly Roger of a never seen before ship. They didn’t look to be threatening so you didn’t may it any mind. You would’ve been sprinting if it was a one of hose infamous crews that destroyed villages like the Buggy crew. Or, if you saw a familiar mess of green hair from ajar. But you saw neither, therefore it was best to continue serving the foreigner that had taken interested in a specific collection.
He eventually gave you some berry, placing the wrapped up pieces into his basket before he walked away. You sighed, leaning back against the chair and counting up how much you’d received. Some days were better then most, no glasses on the shelf, or you’d have all of them still waiting to be bought. Although, everyday you wiped them till they flowed in the sun and proudly showed them off.
You’d turned your to watch as the workers helped dock the ship at the small port, rushing around like madmen. It was a strange ship, it’s figurehead unlike any you’d seen before; a sheep. The Jolly Roger could hardly been taken serious, a very crooked skull with a hat atop of its head, nothing scream ‘not a threat’ more then that. It made you chuckle even more when a young boy in a straw hat skipped off, feet loudly clanking against the wood with a happy smile. He must’ve been the captain, his hat far too similar to the one on the flag to not be. He was
Followed by his crew, a unique set of people that you’d never even think to be on the same ship. A girl with fiery red hair, a boy with patched up overalls, a man in a slick suit, and finally a swordsman with a confident stride. You gasped, eyes focusing on the final man and his messy green locks. You bolted to your feet so quick that you’d nearly knocked over your precious crystals and shattered them on the cobblestone.
Zoro’s eyes scanned the village, a map of the whole place already embedded into his head as he searched for one woman. It wasn’t hard to find you, because you’d began sprinting for your life towards him which caught all of the crews attention. It was like miracle was suddenly born, a once in a lifetime moment seen, a one in a millón chnace of witnessing this.
Zoro smiled.
And not just a smug smirk he’d show off whenever Nami rejected Sanji’s compliments. Or when he’d defeated another enemy that had threatened the crew, nothing like that. His mouth completely widened, pearly teeth on display. His arms were wide open, inviting whoever you were into his warm embrace. You’d nearly tackled him, but Zoro was pure muscle and hardly even flinched as you tightly wrapped your arms around him, legs following but around his waist instead.
The same broody swordsmen they once knew was acting all sappy with whoever the hell you were. Your touch not even being questioned as it wandered from his neck to the tangled mess of his hair. It was truly a shocking sight to see, words unable to come out of the crew’s mouth.
“You had me worried sick.” You muttered into his neck, words muffled by the polyester shirt that smelt just like him. It filled your senses and relieved that pressure you had building in your stomach.
“I know, I’m so sorry, beautiful.” He whispered into your hair, leaving a light peck as your feet lowered from his waist to the floor. “But I always come back to you, don’t I?”
You smiled softly, hands resting against his chest as your neck craned up to look at his tall stature. “You do, and I thank the heavens everyday for that.” You glanced at the awkwardly silent crew behind him, “Who are they?”
“They, are the reason I’m so late.”
“We’re his crew!” A man in a strawhat happily said, waving enthusiastically as he bounced in the heels of his feet. “We’re on a mission to sail to the grand line so we can find the One Piece and become King of the Pirates!”
You stared in disbelief, a brow arched in confusion while the green-haired swordsman let out a loud sigh. “It’s a long story.”
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“I’VE NEVER SEEN HIM SO…” NAMI wasn’t sure how to pinpoint the word she was looking for as she watched Zoro casually chuckle and flirt with you in the kitchen. He new persona gave Sanji a run for his money, that glint of adoration in his eye far to familiar to the girl. “So…expressing?”
It was the best thing she could come up with. Never did she think that he’d be so loose and be smiling so much, especially towards a complete stranger he’d never even mentioned. There was years of built up love they’d never heard of from Zoro, and strangely, it was a lot to process. You’d been very kind and invited them into your home, allowing them to rest on the couch and use the running water for their needs while plating a few serves of your fresh soup. Nothing compared to the chef’s cuisines, but enough to soothe the hunger and give a comforting warmth that hopefully calmed any tense air.
After all, from what Zoro had told you, this crew was tightly knitted together due to all the strange adventured they’d gone through in the past month. Introducing yourself, an outsider, to them and immediately getting accept was unlikely. But it seemed as if one member was more then ready to accept, especially with the peace offering of food.
The young captain that lead them through their tough battles with a clown pirate, a man with an axe hand, a fast butler, and god knows what else Zoro told you about.
You nearly murdered him with your glare when he sheepishly told you about his battle against Mihawk. Huffing and rolling his eyes as you pushed past the fabric of his shirt and noticed the bandages wrapped around his torso.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re an idiot!” You hummed, walking past him to serve up the first plate to Luffy who’s eagerly ate more then half the fruits in the bowl adorned in center of your table. You gave him a smile as he thanked you, immediately gripping the spoon and shoving the hot meal in his mouth.
“You should join our crew!” Luffy muttered through a full mouth, “You’ll have the future King of the Pirates as your captain!”
“No, you should not.” Zoro immediately cut through, his tone stern and expression just as mean.
“That’s not a bad idea.” You shoot back quickly, walking towards the dish cabinet and opening it. “I always have to stay back, worrying for your safety as you sail for weeks.” You grunted as you attempted to reach for a bowl on the higher levels of the shelf. “Maybe being out at sea with you would be good for change.”
You suddenly felt the swordsmen’s warm presence clash against you back, toned arm easily reaching the said bowl. “I strongly disagree.” He placed a hand on your hip as you turned to send him a look.
That specific look where a message was sent in utter silence. By the furrow of your brow, the slight pout in your lower lip, the squint of your eyes, Zoro understood what you were trying to say. “I strongly agree.” You brushed passed him, filling up the bowl with your steaming soup, “but,” you set it down in front of the boy with the dark brown locks, Usopp. “We’ll discuss this later.” You whispered towards the green haired man, lightly patting his chest as you pointed up to the shelf.
After the dinner, you tidied up your shared bedroom, readying any blankets and pillows needed to make the crew comfortable for the night. The strawhats busied themselves with the kitchen, refusing to let you lift a hand after the delicious meal. Zoro walked in not to long after, recognizing his foot steps. Even without his boots his feet still dragged along the floor harshly.
“It is later.” He simply said as you rolled your eyes, folding up a fluffy, knitted blanket as he approached the bed. “I don’t think you should come along, it dangerous.��
“Do you want me to introduce you to my husband who’s capable of holding three swords at once, and even without them he can still kill someone in cold blood with his stare?” You looked up at him with a raised brow, “Because I feel like you two would get along just nicely.”
It was now his turn to roll his eyes, “I won’t always be there, y’know, I could be distracted with someone else and you could get taken from me.”
“Then I’ll learn to fight, besides, I already know a few moves just from watching your intense training lessons every morning.” You carried the load of blankets as you nodded towards the pillows, “Mind taking that, sweetheart?”
He immediately followed after you with the stack of pillows, “It’s not that simple.”
“It really is, you’re just making it harder then it has to be.” You reply over your shoulder as you set the blankets down, Zoro following just after. “Home knitted blankets for all, I have an open space in our guest bed room and on the couch!”
“Thank you.” Sanji gave you an appreciative nod, cupping your hands gently as he spoke. “You’re help has meant a lot.”
You took his physical gesture as a simple act of kindness, returning the smile he gave you before Zoro stepped in with an outstretched hand.
“Watch it, waiter.”
“I was only being nice, moss head.”
“This is my house you’re in—“
“Our house.” You separated the two before the blonde could spit out an insult, lightly pushing Zoro away and back into the bedroom. “Calm down, okay?” This action was just another thing to add to the list of strange occurrences. Nami and Usopp shared a mixture of shock and confusion. The you literally bossed around Zoro without an ounce of fear was…crazy. The swordsman, despite being very dedicated to the crew, was more of a independent man who made his own rules. He wasn’t one to listen, especially when someone tries to force him to do so.
But your light push and soft words immediately had him backing of, albeit a bit annoyed, but still complying. You sighed softly and turned back to the crew, smiling kindly. “I hope you all sleep well, if you need anything at all ask me.” You glanced behind you, making sure your husband was occupied with something else as you lowered you’re voice. “Don’t try to ask that idiot anything, trust me, he doesn’t know a thing.”
A mix of quiet chuckled and laughs were shared between the strawhats until Zoro appeared behind you with furrowed brows. “Did you say something?”
You shook your head innocently, placing your hands on his chest and making him walk backwards towards the bed. “Nope, just wishing them a good night.” You shut the door with one last wave to the crew before turning back.
He grumbled in response, rummaging through a small drawer for some sweatpants. You undressed and slipped on a short nightgown, a new one you’d bought not too long ago. You weren’t aware how a simple piece of pink Cotten had Zoro utterly entranced. His eyes burned a hole into your back as you smoothed out any wrinkles.
“Is that new?” He mumbled casually, climbing under the cold covers. “It looks good on you.”
You smiled bashfully, gaze lowering shyly while you played with your fingers. “Ya like it?” He hummed in responds, crawling across the bed to reach you and pull you by the waist. You giggled softly, collapsing onto the mattress, trapped in by his arms.
It’d been so long since you laid in bed and actually appreciated its coziness, how the blankets trapped in a perfect amount of warmth. You’d gotten so lost in the nights silence, but with the company of your husbands soft breathing and occasional peck to the neck you’d sunken back into a comfortable state. You no longer felt that aching loneliness, now you had him to keep you warm, it made you think back to the previous discussion.
Nothing was ever really discussed after Sanji got involved, no offical answer was ever thrown out. Though you knew that the aching loss of your lover wasn’t anything you ever wanted to experience again. It would be different now that he’s on a offical crew, a crew that was in a mission to a very dangerous place. And based on their current experiences so far he’d most likely be gone for far more then just a month or two. Whether Zoro wanted to accept it or not, the sea was just as much as a threat to him as to you.
You had to be with them when they left to continue their journey, even if you had to sneak on.
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“WHEN I TOLD YOU THAT YOU NEEDED a shower last night this wasn’t exactly what I was referring to.” You mutter, smothering a handful of body soap onto your shoulder and arms. Zoro had decided that he’d join you for the lovely warm shower you were having that morning. Causally ripping open the curtain and stepping in like he payed the bills.
His sly hands came up to assist you in rubbing the soap, dragging in a painfully slow pace along your skin. His his warm breath tickling the shell of your ear as he spoke, “At least I’m doing it.” He mumbled, large hands cupping your tits which lured out a gasp. You melted under the warm water, unsure if the trickling of it was the cause for your the burning sensation pricking your skin. Or maybe it was his teasing touch, his light pecks against your neck, pinches to your sensitive nipples. You threw your head against his shoulder with closed eyes. “Can’t I just spend some time with you?”
“After these past months you can spend as much time with me as you want.” You could practically feel the smirk of his lips, he lowered his head to capture your lips, indulging in that fact that he could officially make out with you.
Three harsh slams to the drawer caught your attention, snapping your gaze to the side in confusion. “Luffy, please hurry, it’s my turn.” Nami shouted before her footsteps retreated away. You huffed, bending down for the shampoo bottle. This gave Zoro the opportunity to grip your hips, reminiscing on the nights he had you in the same position. Only the constant patter of the falling water was replaced with the slap of sweaty skin on skin. You shot him a smile over your shoulder, standing straight as you raised a brow.
“You heard her.” You teased, running your fingers through his wet hair while he rolled his eyes in response. “C’mon, the sooner we’re outta’ here the sooner we can have the bedroom to ourselves.”
With that he grumbled, leaning down a bit to let squeeze a blob of shampoo into his green hair. Despite his obvious hard cock, he’d hold back on any touches because of the utter relaxation that was your fingers scratching his scalp as you lathered the bubbly liquid. How smoothly you rang your hands through his tangled locks, giving him that innocent smile whenever he lets out a quiet moan. It’s like you knew the affect your touch had in him, which you probably did but chose to be a teasing shit about it.
His tender muscles were beginning to soften, he constant state of being on guard collapsing with each motion of your hand. You finally let the water rinse everything out after a while, continuing to detangle. His hair wasn’t too long, so it was a simple task that took less then ten minutes. He grumbled as your touch disappeared, going on to shampoo and condition your own hair.
There was a comfortable silence after, the both of you showered like it was any other, occasionally kissing whenever wanted. The only issue was that it took far longer then expected. By the time you twisted the knob and shut off the after Nami had returned to the door, now being even more agitated with her knocks.
“Luffy, seriously, I need to go!” She shouted, waiting a few seconds before groaning. “What the hell are you even doing that’s taking so long.” Another beat of silence. “Luffy!”
“Yeah?” The curly haired boy walked out the guest bedroom with a confused look, wondering why she’d been shouting his name in such a angered tone.
Nami face dropped, bries furrowing as she turned to the wooden door like it was doing to speak to her. “If you’re not in there, then who—“
Zoro swung the door open, toweled wrapped around his waist while water dripped from his bare torso to the floor. His eyes glared at the girl, brushing past her casually as you sheepishly followed after. Her eyes widened, mouth dropped open and words stuck in her throat, unable to say anything.
“Wha—were they..oh my god.” She stuttered confusingly, mind attempting to process what she’d just stumbled upon.
“Were they showering together?” Luffy asked curiously, “That’s really smart, it helps save on water.” He smiled widely, patting her shoulder before walking off into the kitchen.
“Gross.” The Orange-haired girl muttered, sighing as she finally walked into the bathroom and rethought her whole point of view on the swordsman.
That same day, the crew had begun packing all their things. Readying the ship with fresh supplies, food, and a potential new member. You’d already had a large bag prepared, determined on boarding the Merry whether Zoro liked it or not. Clearly, he didn’t, because he was throwing out every excuse to make you now walk any further out the house.
“What if someone breaks in while you’re not here, huh, all of our stuff and memories could be taken.” Zoro crossed his muscly arms, blocking the front door of the home.
“Zoro, this is a nice town, nobody is gonna steal from me, and they already know who my husband is, to even think about stealing from here foolish.” You once again attempted to walk further but were met with a solid chest, you hugged out a groan.
“Okay, but they clearly see me leaving so that would leave ab opportunity open—“
“Zoro.” You warned, “Stop.” The man let out a sigh, shutting his mouth and rolling his eyes. “I don’t care what you have to say, I’m going with you. I swear if I have to live another day waiting on an empty bed for you, not knowing if it’ll remain vacant forever or if you’ll come back, I will die.”
“I’ll write letters or something.” He countered, much softer now that he heard your sentimental reasoning. If he was being honest with himself, having you with him on the journey to the Grand Line would be amazing. Much more comfortable sleeping with you in his hammock then alone, but he refused to ever out you in a situation where danger could come any moment.
“Zoro, my love, please.” You whispered, staring up at him so beautifully, eyes gleaming with hope as your lips frowned softly. He examined your features, taking them in and finding any new details to burn to his memory. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.” You lifted your left hand, gripping his own and showcased the rings. “We made vows, promises to each other, to always be together through anything.”
He eyes gloomed, leaning down to peck the stone on your finger. “I know.” He whispered, fiddling with your fingers as he went silent, mind attempting to finding another way, another excuse, but he couldn’t. The pros weighed out the cons in the on going battle of his consciousness. “Get your things, we’ll be leaving soon.”
The smile that took over your features was one that was more rewarding then any kind of berry he’d ever received. The way you jumped up and practically squealed, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek with the a constant repetition of ‘thank you’ was adorable. He cracked a small smile, because of you, chuckling softly at your excited state.
You’d taken all your pre packed bags and begun dragging them towards the boat, practically skipping with each step. Usopp was loading in boxes of supplies, glancing up at the sound of your approaching footsteps.
“Woah, no way Zoro let you travel with us.” He smiled, taking your bags from your hands. “I’ll take these and out ‘em in his room, it’s good to have you with us!”
“Thank you, Usopp.” You nodded thankfully, looking back to see Zoro just a few feet behind you with a grumpy look. “Don’t mind his attitude, this wasn’t he choice..partially.”
“Why do you have her things?” Zoro asked, approaching the boy with a glare.
“Oh—I was just going to put in your room since she’s kinda new so she probably doesn’t know about the ship. But the great captain Usopp can help! Just being a good crew member.” The bit rambled nervously under the swordsman gaze.
“Yes, and I appreciate your help.” You said, emphasizing your words as you looked up at the man. “Now, would you mind showing me around, my love?”
Zoro let out a huff, allowing you to hook your arm around his as he trudged around the whole ship. He gave little explanations, simply stating what each part was and does, you had to ask questions for him to actually be specific.
“This is the kitchen, nothing special, no reason to be in here too long.” He walked in and was already stepping back out at the sight of the blonde chef cooking up a meal.
Sanji turned at sound of his voice, smiling brightly, but at you. He’d never dream of giving such a big grin to Zoro, “Ah, the Mrs, what do I owe the pleasure of?”
You pulled away from Zoro’s arm, who was clearly attempting to tug you away. “Just getting use to this place now that I’ll be on it for awhile.” You smile happily, “Smells lovely, can’t wait to get a taste of what everyone’s been raving about.”
“Yes, of course, I’ll be sure to put in extra love for your meal, our newest member.” It was in the French mans blood to be such a flirt, his charming smile practically imbedded into his features.
You nodded in appreciation, though quickly frowned when you heard the man beside you let out a low groan. “I told you to watch it, waiter.”
“Only being my usual self, no need to be so protective.” The blonde replied casually, turning back to his sizzling work. “It’s not like we’re in your house, anyway.”
“What did you say?” Zoro growled, “You give her another one of your stupid smiles I’ll cut off your lips, you bastard chef!”
“You’re just mad because you know she had the misfortune of marrying you, algae.”
“Okay, enough is enough, let’s move on to the next part.” You chuckled with humorlessly, pushing the man out of the kitchen before a hot pot was thrown at his head. “Jesus, you two really don’t get along.”
He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes, “He’s just an ass who knows how to make me mad.” The two of you moved across the deck, walking into a small hideaway with little decoration except for a hammock strung up. You noticed your things piled up in the corner, already placed there by the lovely Usopp. “I’m happy you’re sailing with us.”
You were a bit taken aback by his statement, his soft tone familiar but unexpected. Nonetheless, you smiled, wrapping both your arms around his neck and craning your head up to gaze into his eyes. “And I’m happy to be here, with you.”
“I’ll finally have someone to properly sharpen my swords.” He said with a chuckle as you rolled your eyes and slapped his chest, walking back out to look at the view of the beaming sun. The door cracked open ajar letting the light pool in.
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I have risen from the grave and graced you with the longest fic I’ve ever written on this blog. It got a little outta hand bc I just had so much time to put in thought and effort for this one. Comparing to the others where I’d come up with an idea and pull words straight out of my ass. I so sorry and I’m def trying to do better in writing but ideas for writing have little crashed and burn. This leaves me to highly encourage everyone to PLEASE send in request, I’ll drop a post in a bit about everyone I’m open to writing!
Mwah💋 ~ Nataly
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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Okay, I started the recording. What do think we’re expecting from – 
Well, this certainly isn’t something you see everyday.
Oh my god… what is this?
Bodies, Atsushi-kun. Really, really dead bodies.
A murder scene like this comes once a blue moon.
Have you ever seen anything like this before, Mr. Dazai?
No time for that Atsushi-kun! Get that camera out, you know what to do. 
Hh... Okay, deep breaths. Through the mouth.
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
Oi! What are you two doing?
Ah! He-hello, we were ju-just –
Deputy Inspector! Hello, do you remember us? We’re from *rustle* the Armed Detective Agency, you commissioned us for this investigation? 
The ADA.. That’s right, you’re that freak from the river. We specifically requested Edogawa, not you. 
Ranpo-san would have loved to join you here today, but he was obligated to other arrangements and asked me and my associate, Nakajima Atsushi, to go in his stead. But I assure you can trust me with this case. You are looking at the second greatest detective at the agency, after all.
Hmph, very well. Demonstrate your deductive ability. You, kid. Get back to work. 
Ah, right!
Of course.
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
It seems the victims were impaled quite rapidly. The material they were hung from is a blend of polyester and… *sniffs* wool. It’s in long strips, seemingly torn from a longer sheet. It’s the kind of textile you’d find on a winter coat. It’s far too warm for this sort of cloth. 
How do you figure? 
Oh my coat is made of the same material. 
*click* *whirr*
Anyways, the way these bodies have been sliced looks like they were cut by the fabric itself. On some of these dismembered parts, there are traces fibers along the serrated edge. 
This is the work of something inhuman. 
*click* *whirr*
That’s impossible.
Is it? 
*grumble* Edogawa would have at least given us something that was grounded in reality to work with. 
The effort is appreciated, Dazai. Tell your photographer to give us his copies and get the hell out of here. 
Sure thing, Inspector-san!
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
Hey Atsushi-ku– AH
Oops, sorry Mr. Dazai!
Right in the eyes! I’m blinded! I’m blind!
Really sorry! I was really occupied with these photos, I didn’t see you! Really– ah. What’s with the scary look?
*hiss* next time pay more attention to your surroundings protege-kun. Careful where you point that flash. Whatever. We’re gonna blow this joint. 
So soon? 
Thank goodness.
Yeah. We’ve done as much investigating as we could for now. 
Do you have any ideas as to who caused this Mr. Dazai? This crime scene is… more elaborate…  than anything that I can imagine. 
I just might… Atsushi-kun I’ll be leaving you here. I want to do some further sleuthing.
Huh? You’re taking on more work on purpose, Mr. Dazai? That’s… new.
Yep! I trust you can make it back to the Agency on your own and log the evidence for us At-su-shi! You are our star at documentation!
Bye now, Atsushi-kun! 
There it is. I guess I never had a choice huh? I’ll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Dazai.
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Mr. Dazai has been in and out of the office since Monday. I’m kind of worried he’s avoiding me, because I tried to speak with him and he just brushed past me. Maybe he’s just stressed from this case. With this job as a crime scene photographer, I’ve seen some truly horrific sights but I have to agree, there’s no way a human being could have caused this sort of brutality. The problem is, that it just makes no sense. I wonder how he’ll figure this out. In other, better news, Junichirou will be coming to the office after his school tomorrow. I want to see if he can help me fix my camera. It’s been really finicky since Monday, and I can’t figure out why. Maybe the internal components got a bit corrupted or something. In any case, I hope it’s not too difficult of a repair.
That’s all for today, then. See you around!
N. Atsushi
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meanbossart · 6 months
do you have any thoughts on cazador as a character? personally i really loved the parallels between him and astarion & the way that the master/spawn relationship is used as an allegory for cyclical abuse. the scene with cazador’s master’s skull where you find out that he was once victimized in the exact same way that he later victimized astarion was really a lightbulb moment for me re: what vampirism represents in this game.
BOY DO I, i don't think much of it hasn't already been said, though. He's a tragic character in his own right of course, not that that takes away from the awful man he is.
Me and my boyfriend make fun of him a lot, we call him "the best BG3 character" as a little inside joke between us and come up with ridiculous scenarios of things that might have occurred throughout those 200 miserable years the spawn had under his command lol. Maybe he had a month where he was really specific about the shoes everyone wore, maybe once every other decade he had a weird week where he tried to be "nice" only to become frustrated when his efforts weren't immediately met in kind by the rightfully-terrified spawn, maybe between all the torture and horrific-ness he just did some plain weird shit like making someone crouch by in his fainting couch and wait by open-handed for grapes that he dramatically chewed on and then spat right out since he can't actually eat them lmao
And that's hysterical but I think we also started doing that because when you meet Cazador, when you first hear his voice and see his demeanor in person your immediate reaction is probably somewhere along the lines of "THIS is the clown you were so scared of, Astarion?"
And the answer is, of course, yes. This embarrassing little man stuck in a cage of his making instills fear beyond comprehension in Astarion and all his siblings. This man who undoubtedly showed all these spawn, inadvertently, the strangest, most arguably "human" aspects of himself at some point or another during these two centuries they had together is also an absolute monster. And i really like that! I think its far more effective and fitting for his story than if he was, lets say, a Ketheric type.
(this got very long so, more under the cut)
Look at Ascended Astarion in the epilogue now, for example. Everyone agrees that he's an absolute fucking dork - and I think we all also agree that he will go on to destroy the lives of many people beyond repair, especially his own, until the day he is killed.
In the topic of vampirism as an allegory for abuse, I both agree and also don't, at least not exactly - i just think it's deeper than that. I've spoken about this in another post but i find it incredibly refreshing how, to me, it seems like Baldur's Gate 3 has no interest in painting vampirism as sexy or fun past a surface level. It's a curse that nobody asks for unless put in a situation where they feel as if they have no other way out, and it shapes and haunts you for the rest of your undead existence.
Even if you enjoy its benefits at first, that has a time limit. You will see your family and loved ones die, you will see culture evolve while you stay perpetually the same. You will experience so much hurt and pain because the only thing that makes life truly sweet is knowing that it is finite, and eventually it will wear down all of your humanity. And since you can't die unless you are scorched by the sun, staked, or dismembered, you must live with the knowledge that you will never have a peaceful death - and since you won't have a peaceful death, you better not die - and if you don't want to die, you better not be weak - and if you don't want to be weak, you must seek out power at all cost and slash things like love and friendship out of your life.
And what is funny, is that in his attempt to be more like a mortal - to eat, drink, walk the sun, such incredibly simple desires - Cazador (and Astarion, if he ascends) is accidentally only drawing further away from the person he supposedly once was, because that fear of weakness has already utterly corrupted his soul.
That's quite a grim way to look at it, of course. But I genuinely think that it is the natural conclusion of something like immortality.
That's why I quite like that, even after Astarion has found happiness, even after he finds his peace, he still doesn't exactly embrace being a vampire - because It's not something he should be expected to embrace. I think it's a very unique take on the trope.
I also want to leave here this message written by his character writer, which really got me thinking about him on a deeper level since i saw it months ago. It is specifically about the sexual aspect, but I think it branches beyond it too, when you think about it.
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yuesya · 1 month
“Where is she?”
The injured man stirs faintly and coughs, but does not respond.
Sunday bares his teeth in a vicious snarl, seizing the bastard’s collar in his hands –oh, how he wishes to wring this animal’s neck instead, and he would in a heartbeat if he didn’t still need him to talk. To speak, and reveal his youngest little sister’s location to him.
Halovians are widely adored throughout the universe. Their kind are blessed with beautiful appearances and lovely voices, and many are those who find themselves charmed by such attributes. This knowledge is nothing new.
Slave trafficking is, unfortunately, also nothing new.
… This isn’t Penacony, where the Oak Family’s power stands unshakable. Where protection is extended even to the undesirables of their lineage. But away from the watchful eyes of the other families, this was–!
Sunday shouldn’t have let his guard down.
He knows that people talk. He knows about the rumors circulating about his youngest little sister –how she’s nothing like him, or like Robin; how she doesn’t even act Halovian at all. The halos of Halovians allow them to communicate emotions with each other through telepathic means, but no one has ever discerned any emotions emanating from the youngest child at all.
Broken, defective, a shame to her lineage and to her siblings–
Sunday should have ripped out their tongues for daring to say such things, and damn the consequences for such an act. Maybe then, no one would’ve dared to even consider the sacrilegious act of selling one of the family’s children–
“Talk,” Sunday demands, with all the authority that’s been drilled into him from his training. “My patience runs thin. Where is my little sister?”
The slaver has the audacity to laugh. “Ha! You think you can threaten me, little boy? Aside from you, no one will miss a Halovian like that, so you might as well let us make some value out of–”
Sunday punches the man in the face.
It’s uncontrolled, messy rage that guides his actions. Something stings on the back of his knuckles, and Sunday is vaguely aware of blood trickling down his fingertips, but there is something that’s almost euphorically satisfying about the startled cry of pain and flicker of fear that flashes across the slaver’s face.
Sunday raises a fist again.
Please let her be alright. Please don’t let it be too late–
By the time that Sunday is finally able to force the slaver’s compliance and rushes to the warehouse on the docks where his youngest little sister was taken, it has already taken far too long for his liking. The smaller strides of a young child are no match for those of grown adults, but it does not stop Sunday from running all the same, praying to Xipe that it’s not too late–
Of the multiple warehouses, only one of them has blood seeping out beneath its cracks. Enough to form a veritable lake, and–
Sunday’s mind goes blank, and he immediately throws the door open.
A large hand suddenly reaches out, seizing Sunday by the arms with a death grip. It belongs to a rugged-looking man, who stares at Sunday with wide, bloodshot eyes.
“R… run…”
The man falls, heavy like a mountain. There is a knife embedded in his back –all the way up to the hilt.
Sunday ignores the blood staining his sleeves, and looks into the room.
It… looks less like a warehouse for storage, and more like a slaughterhouse. Blood splatters the walls, covers the ground, and everything is red. Dismembered body parts are littered all over in a mess, like some macabre work of art.
And at the very epicenter of it all, stands his little sister.
… There is another bloody knife in her hands.
Her hair… her blue-white hair is no longer pristine, and neither is the matching dress with Robin that she’d been dressed in this morning. Her clothes are tattered, and she’s drenched in blood just like the rest of her surroundings. There’s no question of what happened here, of what she’d done to keep herself safe.
Yet there’s nothing about her that seems disturbed, or tormented. His little sister looks at him calmly, and… even now, Sunday cannot sense any change in his little sister’s emotions.
But even so, all Sunday can feel is relief.
He instantly crosses the room, uncaring of the blood that he steps through to reach her, and engulfs the girl in a tight hug. The feathery wings behind her ears flutter lightly; the only outward indication of any surprise.
“Thank goodness you’re safe,” Sunday tells her, glad. “I’m sorry that I’m here so late.”
His youngest little sister does not say anything. But after a beat, she slowly raises a hand, mimicking his motions in a clumsy hug of her own, and Sunday feels a corner of his heart melt.
“… You’re not late,” she finally says.
Sunday tightens his hold on his unknowing little sister.
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