#he would do NUMBERS on here - y’all don’t even understand
starbuck · 3 months
i’m actually totally mentally fine now because a hot old man likes and respects me and hyped me up to rest of the community 😌😌
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heart4gyu · 1 month
wet dreamz || sim jaeyun x reader
note: 18+ mdni!! y’all know the song lol changed it up a lil for the story tho :P this turned out longer than i expected and maybe needs a part two (??? lmk) also this is my first time writing full smut so i hope it’s not too bad and that y’all enjoy anyway okayy gn :3 not proofread sorry!! | pt.2 here |
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this had honestly never happened to jake before; waking up in his bed, heart racing, covered in sweat, and pants soaked.
he just couldn’t help it though.
you hadn’t even noticed him before you got partnered up for a project. but him? oh, his eyes were on you the second you walked through that door on the first day of class.
how pretty you looked laughing with your friends. the sweet smell of your perfume as you walked past. the way you always got the answers right when you got called on. it started off so innocent, just a little campus crush.
after you became partners, everything changed though. the project went perfectly, of course, with both of you acing the class it was easy. but after it was over, you didn’t go back to sitting with your friends like jake thought you would. you stayed there, right next to him, every day.
you became friends. you exchanged phone numbers and you hung out quite often in the library or student center. the more time you spent together, the more jake’s want for you grew.
jake just didn’t understand how you could be so effortlessly perfect for him though.
you, on the other hand, knew exactly what you were doing. you’d observed jake long enough to know that he’s probably never made it past second base with a girl.
the way he’d turn red when you’d scoot over touching your thighs to his. the way his mouth went dry when you’d lean over his desk in a very low cut shirt. even the way he’d stare at your lips after you applied your lip gloss.
all the things you purposefully did to get his attention. because obviously how could you not go after him, he was just your type. sweet, nerdy guy who was also extremely hot.
and so far, you were doing an excellent job at it. but you were getting a little impatient with him, so you decided to tell him about this loser guy who took you out the other day. and fuck it, you decided to slip it into the conversation that he couldn’t even make you finish.
you smiled when the text bubbles appeared and disappeared over and over again. how cute.
jakeyjakey: don’t let someone like that take you out again.
you: ikr. need to find someone who can get the job done…
jakeyjakey: if you gave me the chance y/n, i’d show you a great time.
it definitely wasn’t expected but who were you to complain when this is exactly what you wanted. so you let him know that your roommate would be gone visiting family this weekend & that maybe he should come over…
so he went to bed that night, thinking about the weekend coming up. thinking about you.
and he had a sweet, sweet dream. it was so realistic too. the way your pillows smelled like you as he laid back on them with you on his lap. how soft your thighs were as his fingers grazed over them. your eyes darker than he’s ever seen them, and your voice so quiet he could barely hear it over his heartbeat.
he felt the coil in his stomach tighten the second your lips were on his. you tasted like strawberries (or at least that’s what he thought you’d taste like because of your pink gloss).
you held his face gently as you kissed him. and your tongue slipped inside his mouth so easily when he let out a deep moan for you. his eyes squeezed shut as he felt you grind down on him. your pace speeding up the longer his lips were on yours.
“jake,” you panted, he didn’t know he could want to hear your voice more but you proved him wrong with the way you sounded right now. “can you touch me?”
he could’ve came right then but he took a deep breath to compose himself and nodded, his eyes not leaving yours. he dragged his hands up your thighs and under your skirt, stopping at your ass to give it a squeeze to which you let out a whine.
giving his confidence a boost, he kept going up with one of his hands, pressing down on your lower back to close the small distance between your bodies and grinding up into you.
he broke the kiss to look down between your bodies and saw your hands working on unbuttoning his pants. he didn’t know how his breathing could become even more ragged but it did. especially so when he felt your cold hands pull his cock out of his pants, and he had to look away. he squeezed his eyes shut trying to focus but how could he with your delicate hands stroking him so perfectly.
“jakey, you said you’d show me a good time,” you said, looking up at him with those irresistible eyes of yours. fuck, fuck was all jake could think as he rolled you over, positioning himself between your legs.
“i know i did, angel,” he whispered by your ear, placing a kiss right below it. he reached under your skirt, then pulled your underwear all the way down your legs. “i’ll take care of you, don’t worry.”
he lined himself up quickly, not wanting to look like he’d never done this before. then he leaned down for a quick peck making you smile into the kiss and hearing that pretty little laugh he loves to hear. now he could push in gently and it was easier than he thought it’d be.
there was still resistance though because you were tight. so tight he had to drop his head down beside you and just breathe for a second. he could honestly just stay here forever, his cock buried so deep in you. he loved the feeling more than he expected.
you placed a hand on the nape of his neck, fingers tangled in his hair, your other hand soothing his arm that supported his weight above you. and he wanted this you always, every day, never wanted to hear you talk about another man again.
so he started thrusting into you, slow but hard thrusts. with you squeezing his arm, pulling on his hair, and moaning out his name, he was a goner for sure. “yes, that’s what i wanna hear,” he said, lips on yours as he kissed you again.
he kissed on your neck, and brought his hand down to rub circles on your clit just like in the videos he studied for you. he never heard your voice this loud before, couldn’t believe the way you looked with your head thrown back as you came around him.
he was close now too, knew his thrusts were getting sloppier. but you wrapped your legs around his waist, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. “god, you’re so good for me,” he whined.
“i’m so close,” he said, kissing you again as you put your arms around his neck. then he heard you whisper something that he didn’t quite catch, he leaned in closer so you could repeat it.
“babe, please come in me,” you whispered. and that’s all it took for him to come undone, a moaning mess as he filled you up. he was panting at this point, trying to regulate his breathing.
and unfortunately that’s exactly how he woke up. in his own bed, heart racing, covered in sweat, and pants soaked. only one thing, or more specifically, person on his mind.
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coolestzed · 17 days
Alright, I’ve been holding this inside for years but I’m finally gonna say it.
Misako haters are actually fucking annoying at this point.
They always were to me, but now, they’re just OBJECTIVELY an annoyance. And they need to STOP.
They take literally ANY chance to slander her, even when it’s completely unwarranted. Like, I’d just look at a picture of her on Pinterest, and there’d be multiple comments going "the world’s worst mother". Or I’d see content about Koko and there’d always be comments comparing her and Misako and going like "Koko way better fuck Misako".
I’d even see a fucking meme and people would slander Misako. Like they couldn’t resist.
And that’s not even mentioning his people constantly make her seem way worse than she actually is. Im not gonna quote everything, but basically they act like she never does good things for Lloyd. That she doesn’t care about him at all! And it’s just- so WILDY out of character!! And it’s the same vice versa! I saw a funny Ninjago video the other day with a "your mom" joke and someone in the comments was like "jokes on you, Lloyd would never call Misako mom". I’m just?????? Yes he DOES????? ALL THE TIME???
People just act like their relationship is nonexistent! Like they don’t care about each other, or that Misako doesn’t care about Lloyd! Which is OBVIOUSLY not true!
People claim that she disappears every other season but the only seasons she was absent in are 12 and 13. Also, she has a job. She goes on expeditions. Obviously she’s not there 100% of the time. And she and Lloyd clearly spend time together off screen.
People don’t even acknowledge the reason why she left in the first place. They act like she dropped him off at a boarding school and dipped to take a vaycay. She was literally trying to stop her husband and son from having to fight to the death. You ever think about that? You ever think about how SHE felt in the situation? With her husband being consumed by evil and later being banished, and learning that he and their son would have to fight each other? She was HORRIFIED and GRIEVING! Ultimately she did it to save her family. It doesn’t make leaving Lloyd right but it’s understandable.
But apparently not to almost all of the fandom.
Most of y’all, completely ignore that, and everything else that came after season 2.
Misako constantly being worried about Lloyd in Tournament of Elements and Possession.
Both of them spending Day of the Departed together.
Her getting/building the Destiny’s Shadow as a birthday gift for Lloyd.
How she supported, fought beside, and risked her life for Lloyd in Hunted.
How she wanted to stay and fight with him during MoTO but only went inside because Lloyd urged her to protect the civilians.
Not to mention just their general interactions. THEY’RE ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER!!! Do you know how many times they hug?!
And this dialogue here:
"Aren’t you going to kiss your mother goodbye?"
"Mooom, we've-we've talked about this-"
Lloyd and Misako have a good, healthy and loving relationship. Misako has long since made up for her mistake and they’ve moved on.
*deep breath*
Look, she’s not perfect. Obviously. She fucked up. But who in this series hasn’t? She came back, and she’s made sure to be a better mother to Lloyd. He forgave her, and they have a good relationship now. They’re close.
She wouldn’t be as hated if the writers didn’t do her dirty. Her introduction wasn’t handled the best, and having her and Lloyd have a more in depth discussion would’ve made the reunion and forgiveness feel less rushed and forced. That love triangle with Wu and Garmadon certainly didn’t do her any favors either. 😑
Regardless, her character’s gotten better over the seasons. Again, she and Lloyd and close and have a good relationship.
But hardly anyone acknowledges that, almost everyone in the fandom hyper fixates on that one mistake from years ago. They don’t pay attention to anything else. Like how she’s a better mother, or how she’s just a generally good person.
You aren’t supposed to judge characters or irl people solely on their past mistakes. Especially when they’ve already made up for them. Thats why the "Misako’s a horrible mother" statement is always bullshit to me.
Seriously, Misako’s been a part of Lloyd’s life longer than she’s been absent from it at this point.
The amount of passionate, unforgiving hate she gets is so undeserved and over the top. Too many people are projecting their own issues onto her. Or just being plain hateful. It’s not fair to define her entire character on a single mistake that she’s long made up for.
And it’s definitely not fair to people that actually like Misako. Often times on the few positive posts about her, there’d be Misako haters in the notes or reblogs complaining about her or insulting her, or just stating they hate her but love the content. And that is completely uncool and rude. It’s so unnecessary. You don’t do that, that’s so shitty. The again Misako haters have a habit of spouting unnecessary hate. Like it’s a terminal condition they have.
So, please, for the love of god, COOL IT. Stop and think, try to ACTUALLY look at her character without the veil of blind hatred.
If you still dislike or hate her, fine! But if you’re gonna detest her, at least hate her as she is and don’t make her worse than she actually is to justify hating her more.
And PLEASE stop bashing her at every turn, it’s annoying, upsetting, unwarranted, unnecessary, and just not good.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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harrywavycurly · 3 months
Does Gareth know we are seeing Eddie on the side?? Does he care?? I don’t wanna hurt him🥺🥺😢
Hiii lovey!! So to answer this I figured I’d just give you a little conversation between you and Gareth when y’all first meet! I hope you enjoy💖
- find all things Secret Rendezvous here✨
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“Is someone sitting here?” “Huh?…ohh uhm uh…no…no one is uh sitting-” “so it’s okay if I sit here?” “Yeah that’s fine…uh welcome to…detention.” “Thanks…I’m not here for detention this is part of my community service requirement for cheer.” “Sitting in detention is…considered community service?” “I wish I’d have all my time done by now but no…I’m technically here to help Mrs. Thomas cut out her lamination but this is the only room a teacher is supervising in and I’m gonna need a signature when I’m done so..here I am.” “Oh that…makes more sense…do you bring those everywhere with you?” “Bring what?” “Your uh stringy…things.” “My Pom Poms? No I just have practice after this and they get all squished in my backpack so it’s easier to just carry them.” “Oh right…yeah that…also makes sense.” “You know I’m glad someone around here thinks I make sense…what’s your name?” “Sorry I’m Gareth.” “Nice to meet you…I like your vest.” “Thanks…uh do you need help with…cutting stuff up?” “I’d love some but then I’d feel guilty about taking the credit….but thanks for offering.” “No problem.” “You’re friends with Eddie aren’t you?” “Eddie? You…you know Eddie? I mean not shocking I feel like everyone kinda knows-” “can I let you in on a little secret?” “Sure….yeah that…would be fine.” “I know Eddie really…reallyyyyy well.” “Oh…ohhhh okay…uh…wow.” “But he doesn’t wanna be friends or seen with me.” “What? That…doesn’t make sense why wouldn’t he want to be seen with you?” “I’ll cause rumors and stuff or at least that’s what he says…even though he causes enough rumors about himself without any help from me…oh you can’t tell him I told you okay? Or anyone for that matter or I’ll have to kick your ass or something equally as painful.” “Don’t worry your secret is safe with me…I’m sorry though…he kinda has this thing where he knows people assume the worst from him so he just kinda puts on this act that makes everyone feel like their assumptions about him are right…when in reality he’s a huge softy and isn’t scary.” “He’s a softy? Really?” “Oh uh don’t…tell him I said that.” “Don’t worry…your secret is safe with me…thanks for letting me spill my secrets out to you.” “Uh yeah no…no problem…uhm I know this is like…weird but would you wanna…hang out sometime?” “Sure.” “Yeah?…cool…not like the same kinda hanging out that you and Eddie do though I’m just…uh meaning like…friends.” “I understand don’t worry…here take my number and text me sometime.” “Okay…I’ll do…that.”
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s0nn0 · 9 months
𝒜 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝑜𝓌 𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓁𝑒𝒹 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉
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⚝-How will the BSD boy’s react to their S/o dying in a car accident after an argument with them.
Includes  - Dazai, Jouno, Ango x Gn! reader
Warnings - death, blood etc.
Genre - Angst
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Context :►
It started out as a small fight, but that small fight soon turned into a big argument. At a point where both of your words weren’t even making any sense, but you two still kept going... Soon, in anger you just grabbed the car key and slammed the apartment door in their face. Leaving them all along..
2 hours.. 3 hours.. 4 hours.. Time just keeps going by but you don’t come home. They were starting to get worried and feel bad about what happened. As they laid on the cold empty bed.. waiting for you to come back their phone started to ring. An unknown number was calling them. They picked it up thinking it might be you calling them from an unknown number but it wasn't what they were expecting..it was a call from the hospital.. 
They made their way to the hospital, hot tears ran down their face..praying on the way that you will be ok..you will be alive..they will be able to hold u and talk u how sorry they are but.. They only arrived to see (except Jouno) your dead face.. 
He would be flabbergasted, confused and scared.. Another person he loved more than his own life just left him. He would blame himself for your death, breaking down on the spot.
For the first time in his life, he will cry in front of everyone. Holding your lifeless bloody body as he repeats only one sentence..
"I am sorry..Please don’t leave me like this..(Y/n) please.."
It was too late..You're now gone.. He is once again alone in this cold and cruel world with no one to show him love like you did.. 
He would lose control over his senses and wouldn’t understand what to do. As we all know he’s blind and he only relies on his senses. He would lose control over all his senses after getting the news because he’s now panicking. Tecchou dear had to take him to the hospital. 
 When he arrived at the hospital he fell to his knees. He could smell blood..your blood.. But what was more scary that he couldn't hear your heart beat..the same heart beat that he used to listen to every night as he held u in his arms.. 
He softly held your lifeless hand, feeling your blood covered soft skin for the last time. Not saying a single word with his mouth but in his head he was cursing and swearing at himself..
"If I knew it would end like this..I would have told you how sorry I am before u left me like this.."
He stood at the doorway, looking at your dead body with wide eyes. He couldn't believe it..The person who meant the world to him is now gone.. He would slowly walk towards your body and cup your bloody cheeks..Still not believing his eyes, he softly calls out your name but no answer.
He calls out your name again..still no answer. His voice is now fully broken and he’s shaking. Ango grabbed your lifeless body and started to cry on your chest. 
"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, please.. Answer me..please answer me just once..(y/n) please answer me!" But no use, You are already gone..
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Note: woo! I have never written a proper fanfic but here we go, I am really sorry if i made any grammar mistake. I am still learning English and trying to get my grammar better :] 
Anyways, I hope y’all liked it. But i must say, i think I got a little too carried away at Jouno’s part (he my fav) hehe. 
Okk ba-bye now :D
    -Seyoji <3
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abbyslev · 10 months
A/N: HEY BABIES i’ve been working on this lmao i’m currently in my jjk obsession era i fear 😋 I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS THIS HAHA I HAD SM FUN WRITING IT!! ESP GOJOS LMAOO lmk if you guys want PARENT GOJO HCS BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY CUTE IDEAS LMAOO
WARNINGS: not proofread i fear 💔
yuuji bsfs hcs here!
prepare yourself 
he’s very shy at first, never had friends really so when he saw how cool you were he was very shy to talk to you
ofc you initiated conversation !! 
he noticed how maki was very close to you, yet you were less tense and way nicer 
you showed him around and he noticed everyone knew you which kind of intimidated him 
he started opening up about his interest and you two traded numbers after a while 
after a month or so you two started hanging outside of class and training 
late night dinners!! 
you randomly buy each other stuff from the convenience store !! 
gojo started sending him on missions with you and you had so much patience with him
you were very sweet and walked him through everything 
of course in the middle of a battle he’d stay and watch over you, yet watching intently to make sure nothing went wrong 
late night calls 
always always always helping him study!! 
you could tell maki was holding back a crush and yuuta DEFINITELY had a crush on her 
you were trying to get them to date 
he holds your bags when you guys shop!! 
training together, he asks you don’t hold back on him 
sharing food. you put on his plate whatever you don’t like and he will gladly eat it up!! 
you like to mess with his hair a lot, especially since it’s already pretty ruffled 
once he opened up to you completely, you know when he’s upset 
you know how to comfort him best 
showing up at his door with takeout late at night (you had to beg gojo to get it for you) 
staying in his dorm while y’all eat and play street fighter 
you teach him more about your power and your energy, to which he looks more into !! 
takes interest in your interest, you do the same !!
matching outfits on non-school days on accident
panda laughs at you both btw 
you guys are inseparable basically, if one’s not there, neither will the other!! 
a lot of people think megumi is this cold, hard kid with no emotion 
you grew up with him, basically being raised by gojo too
he took a liking more to you than gojo i fear 
as kids, you two would fall asleep against each other while his divine dogs protected you both 
gojo ofc had to have a photoshoot 
megumi genuinely respects you as a sorcerer, seeing the endless nights you’d spend in your room training 
he claims he uses full force on you when you two train, but he’s obviously lying 
meg can be a picky eater sometimes, so he puts it on your plate 
he appreciates when you slide your soup to him without a word though 
he likes his space, and he greatly appreciates that you know that!! 
sometimes he wants to sit with you in silence, and sometimes he wants to be alone, and somehow you can read his mood perfectly 
he will tease you sometimes when you guys are alone
if you’re sitting on his bedroom floor, he will ruffle your hair or even crack some jokes 
he actually does play some video games, whichever ones you get him as presents 
he’s not on his phone much, but he does text you back fairly quickly 
doesn’t like you going on missions alone, and if you do, he may send a divine dog with you sometimes 
genuinely doesn’t understand how you can stand gojo sometimes 
which by the way, he uses to make you two match as kids 
gojo literally tried to put meg in a dress and got kicked in the face 
how do you get kicked by a seven year old? don’t ask 
very very supportive, but also very honest 
you call him before you go on dates and ask his opinions on your outfits 
“isn’t that a bit much skin? what if she’s like…i don’t know…not into that? Is that how it works?” poor him he doesn’t know 
if he finds a cute girl and he tells you about it, YOU WILL TALK TO HER ABOUT HIM 
he gets all shyyyyy 
meg still gets shy telling you things 
pretty much trusts you though
“lemme see em hehehe” as he gets his divine dogs out for you so you can play fetch w them :((
his doggies also comfort you a lot so since he’s not very emotionally available he’ll let you vent while petting the dogs
only lets you call him megs. one time panda tried it and got the death stare from megumi 
“why can only they call you megs” “cause i’m his favorite :D”
doesn’t let anyone be mean to you, HE WON'T BE ACCEPTING THAT BEHAVIOR 
pls take care of bb megs HES THE BEST OK 
it was kind of a rough start
you didn’t understand his cursed speech and you definitely got stressed with “bonito flakes” and “kelp” 
you would ask him things but you couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t reply 
shorty after you met panda and maki and they explained 
which right after, that night you bought a notebook so you could communicate 
toge thought this was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for him 
you guys ended up trading numbers and stayed up LATE sending each other videos and gushing about video games 
toge actually is pretty interesting, he hates not being able to talk about stuff with you
you finally got around to understanding his language !! 
that made everything much easier 
one time you were cold and he wrapped his scarf around you </33
don’t let his lack of speaking abilities fool you, this man WILL BE YOUR WINGMAN
you see a cute girl across the street, he’s chasing them down 
you two are an unbeatable duo, which is why you complete harder missions together 
training is ok, he can’t really use his voice so it’s just you two wrestling 
on missions you keep throat medicine on you for him
you help him study a lot, he’s actually very smart 
study sessions usually end up with you two on his bed, junk food everywhere and controllers in your hands,  hushed arguments between the two
you usually buy his lunch and bring it to him, but if y’all are out together, he pays for everything like the gentleman he is 
your biggest supporter!! if you fail at a move or can’t perfect something, he text you words of encouragement 
pls protect toge he deserves the world 
dear god hold on 
how you survived high school gojo is beyond anyone’s comprehension 
you basically rasied meg too 
hiding things from you all the time
if you are texting your situationship or something gojo WILL take your phone and read everything outloud 
if you fall on your ass or something embarrassing happens, instead of helping you he will record to humiliate you in front of his kids 
which btw they are your kids too !!
esp megs, you raised him and (though he’ll never admit it) he sees you as a mom
you submit to nobara’s shopping addiction i fear 
you’ll be in the middle of a lesson and HERE COMES GOJO BARGING IN 
the students stare at him in fear as he lift up one side of his blindfold to show you a funny video he found 
also don’t worry about having to pay for anything, he’s got it covered 
you try and deny him but he’s like “we all know you need it” annoying ass 
you also swear to never take him to family gatherings again 
but you do every single time 
the one time you took him your cousins fawned over him and your aunties asked if that was your husband and you had to explain he was your best friend 
gojo waved at your cousins and even fucking posed ???? 
you yelled at him on the way home but all he did was smile 
you used to tuck in megumi in bed and gojo would be like “don’t let the curses bite” and you would stare him down
gojo sends you on wild missions, yet still makes sure they’re safe enough for you 
he takes a liking to yuuji, meg, and nobara so he sends you to watch over them 
he knows your parental instincts are STRONG so he knows you will protect the kids with your life
one time megumi was being very open and honest with you about a problem and gojo interrupted you guys 
megumi never talked about his emotions again i fear 
if you ever get seriously injured he will joke around and take you to Shoko, but he’s really worried and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
keeps you out of his battles, and will even fight yours
see a girl you like? he’s on his way to let her know and maybe even get her number for you! 
will literally bring you food at two in the morning 
it's just who he is 
knows he seriously fucked up when you pull his hair, lift his blindfold up and see your face like “>:(”
you usually call him saturo so when you say “gojo SATURO!” he knows he fucked up
he loves his kids…yet he leaves them with you and now you have to deal with their bickering 
on your off days he loves to take you to shopping and out to eat! it’s his favorite
“max out my card” as an apology but all you want is a real explanation to why he blew up your room and why his kids were laughing 
you flick his forehead a lot 
you and utahime gang up on him a lot i fear 
though she’s very serious and you just like to tag along 
he buys you cool little trinkets 
“what’s this?” “a special something” and its literally just a snow globe 
not very emotionally available either so he just jokes around and tries his best to help you 
you understand he can get upset and refuse to show it, so you just sit beside him and draw shapes on his knees until he says something 
his phone is full of you throwing fits and angry photos 
occasionally cute ones of you guys together 
he sends you thousands of photos of either him, scenery, his kids or strangers 
you do the same obviously 
one time you and shoko hung out and sent gojo a pic and he screenshotted shokos smeared lipstick and sent it with a “??”
you post him on your insta and all ur friends slide up asking for his @ 
yes his ego gets bigger 
your favorite thing to do is grab the back of his head and yank off his blindfold and curse at him 
use to shove megumi in your arms and scream into his hands 
megumi gladly ate the veggies you fed him 
rivalry fr
“EW PUT SHOES ON” as he wiggles his bare feet in your face
will teleport to your room randomly 
you also steal his glasses randomly 
he KNOWSSSS when theres a woman in room
will start spam texting you for details 
he is part of the sassy man apocalypse i fear 
you and shoko shoo him away for some “girl time” and he goes “i AM one of the girls” with a little sassy eye roll
i could write about this man forever LMAOO
its not a spoken title but trust everyone knows your nanamis best friend 
i mean why else would he allow you in his office just so you can gossip ?? 
gojo complains about being mistreated 
whenever he buys books he buys two, one for you one for him 
buys you lunch! 
since he does love food, friday and saturday night dinners are a must 
you guys like to try different foods from different countries! 
every once in a while he will drink wine with you 
you guys are pretty much a deadly duo 
will give you flowers! it’s sweet
he’s not big on social media but he will go on there to like your newest post 
gojo complains again i fear 
you planned a super big vacation for you both for his birthday and even got some days off for him
that was the only vacation he’s ever been on, and he couldn’t thank you enough
though you wanted to pay, he ended up paying for everything you wanted at the trip
you spent so much money on reservations and plane tickets, he was worried 
he refuses to let you pay for anything! 
he’s not a pro at dates, but he will help you plan out a date 
also buys you a new outfit and helps you get ready 
“Did you get her flowers? should we get her anything else, or is this fine?” 
biggest supporter, but also does not enable bad actions like fear 
“well you’re not my dad” “fine then, go and get butthurt” 
he’s very sarcastic and straightforward with you, you love it 
he’s very organized about his outfits, so you’ll mess with him by saying his shirt is untucked or something 
when he carries you on his back because you’re super drunk you’ll be like “you loveeeee mee” 
“you keep telling yourself that.” but he indeed loves you so much 
opens doors for you, car doors, keeps hygiene products for you in his car, never lets you pay, always has a jacket ready for you, carries your bags, gets you dinner, this man is THE gentleman 
“NNAAAAAAANAMIIIII” “oh god, what now?”
you bust into his office anytime 
you guys like reading the morning paper and sharing your thoughts on it 
you got eachother thin little matching bracelets 
he does wear his :(( all the time :(( he never takes it off :(( 
tags: @saenora
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lilcatdraws · 2 months
Curiosity Killed the Cat
Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings: Mention of child abuse and domestic violence
Summary: One night you get a little too curious and try to pry J’s past out of him. He gives you some information but there are some things he’s just not ready to share.
Author’s Note: I’ve been piecing this one together for a while now but I really got to work last night and this morning. So here’s y’all a little Sunday snack. Aaaaaah the angst in this oneshot. Don’t hate me too much 😅
Taglist: @alittlesmartcookie @unholiiness
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You and J were curled up together in your cozy bed one Saturday evening. J rested his head on your shoulder and hummed softly. It mimicked that of a cat purring. You basked in his warmth.
You were so lucky to be the one J chose to love. Most people wouldn’t get your relationship but you were fine with that. It was a bond that only you and J would understand.
You kept him grounded and from falling too deep into insanity. If something happened to you, he’d be lost forever. 
And yet, you only knew a fraction of the complex man known as the Joker. He was still very much shrouded in mystery. Who is he? What is his name? Where did he come from? What was he like before he became a criminal? 
You only knew what J told you and that wasn’t much. You knew when he was younger he grew up outside of Gotham (though you didn’t know where), his father may or may not have been abusive, he liked to skateboard, and was an outdoorsy kid. Between then and becoming the Joker, you knew nothing.
You understood that it was to keep himself a secret and, though he wouldn’t admit it, it pained him to get into his past. He wouldn’t even tell you what happened in Arkham. You hoped one day he’d tell you everything.
Why not get information out of him now? You had to start somewhere. Tonight was a good time because J was in a good mood. So you gathered your courage and spoke.
“J, what’s Arkham like?” You asked meekly.
Joker seemed surprised at your question. He was quiet for a while. Your heart sank. You hoped you hadn’t upset him. It was a sensitive topic after all.
“Uh, why do you ask?” He finally spoke.
“I-I’ve heard how horrible it is and I worry about you.” You replied.
“Well, it’s not that bad. When you’re locked up in a cell by yourself, it gives you time to think. People say that isolation makes you go crazy but that’s not true. Well, not for me at least. First of all, I’m already ‘crazy’. That’s why I’m there to begin with. Second, I like being left alone. If they forced me to socialize in the common area or go to group therapy, then I’d really lose it.” 
“What did you do all day? That seems like it would get pretty boring.”
“Yeah, it did. When I wasn’t drugged all to hell, I mostly just doodled in the journal they let me have. They didn’t give me anything sharp to use of course. They gave me crayons. I guess they thought I couldn’t do any damage with it. Jokes on them, I could do a number of things with those. But I, uh, controlled myself because I didn’t want them taken. I also daydreamed a lot. When you’re that bored, you can’t help but try to escape reality for a while.” 
“Did they mistreat you?”
J chuckled darkly.
Your eyes widened.
“Yes and no. My doctor seems to care about my well being. He makes sure that the nurses tend to my wounds when I’m brought in. He even had those asshole guards fired when they beat me to a bloody pulp. But then again, I was beaten, drugged constantly, they force fed me when I didn’t eat, stuck needles in me, and shoved pills down my throat. You know, the usual stuff.”
Your face softened. “I’m sorry J.”
“Pfft. What’re you sorry about? You didn’t do anything.”
“I know. But I still feel bad. Nobody should ever be treated that way.”
J sighed softly. “If only the rest of the world thought like you, y/n.”
You smiled as he hummed into your chest. It was quiet again until you remembered what you hoped to accomplish.
“What was your father like?” You asked randomly.
J stared up at you for a moment.
“Why are you asking me all these questions, bunny?” 
You played with his hair and tried to figure out how to best answer him.
“I don’t mean to upset you, J. It’s just that I know so little about you. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I’m just curious.”
“Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat.” Joker muttered. 
His tone had gotten meaner. You hated when he did that. But you expected it, given that you were getting into his dark past. He was going into defensive mode. 
Joker sighed.
“Fine. My father was horrible, y/n, He was a raging drunk. He beat me and my mother senselessly. One thing I remember very vividly was him breaking a glass bottle over my head. I should’ve gone to the hospital but he wouldn’t let Mom take me. I probably have a scar on my scalp.”
J paused to gather himself and his thoughts. Then he told another story.
“Another time when I was around 16 or 17, he was relentlessly beating Mom. I can’t even remember what triggered him. I could hear Mom screaming from my room. So I went out there and pried him off of her. He then turned his rage towards me but at least Mom was safe for a bit. When he finally quit kicking the shit out of me, he went to the liquor store to get more booze like nothing happened. Bastard…”
You didn’t know what to say. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“My mom was the sweetest woman ever. She didn’t deserve any of that. I tried to stop what I could. But I was so young and I could only do so much.” Joker said with a sad sigh.
“That was really brave of you. I’m sure she appreciated it.”
J just nodded. He seemed lost in thought. You had the biggest question spinning in your head but you knew to ask carefully. This might just set him off.
“J, what happened to you? Why’d you become the Joker? What changed you?”
The expression on Joker’s face made your heart break. He jerked away from you, darted into the bathroom, slammed the door, and locked it. You wanted to cry. You felt so stupid.
Way to go, y/n. You scolded yourself as tears welled in your eyes.
“J, I’m really sorry! I overstepped. I shouldn’t have gotten so personal. I know how much it hurts you but I did it anyway. That was so selfish of me. I shouldn’t pressure you to open up. Please just come out. I’m so sorry.” You pleaded with him.
At first there was no response. Then after what felt like hours, you finally heard Joker groan and stand up. He unlocked the door and opened it. He glared at you. 
“There’s a reason why I don’t talk about it, y/n. I hate thinking about it. But it’s all I think about. It haunts me day and night. It’s in my nightmares. I don’t want to think about it any more than I have to. It would also reveal my identity and I can’t do that. I’ll tell you everything someday. Just not right now. I’m not ready.” 
“Okay. I won’t ask about it again. But I’m always here if you want to vent.”
“I know bunny and I appreciate it.” J said and pulled you into a hug. He kissed the top of your head.
“I’m so sorry.” You mumbled into his chest over and over.
“S’okay, bunny. I’ve moved on. I know you didn’t mean any harm.” J reassured you.
He crawled back into bed and you followed him. You nestled close to him, burying your head in his chest.
J didn’t answer all your questions but you learned some more about him. He put up with so much yet was so full of courage. Even if he was a murderous psychopath, you had never met anyone braver than him.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 3
Steve learns the fate of the party and Jeff is a good dude. And Wayne is bestest, but y’all knew that.
Part 1 Part 2
The doctor waited patiently for everyone to file out.
“Steve,” he said, “I’m Dr Hathaway. If you would like Mr Wayne Munson to hear your prognosis, would you please sign these?”
Steve looked over at Wayne and then back at Eddie. They both shrugged. But it made sense. Since Steve was sharing a room with Eddie Wayne would be there anyway.
He carefully read each document and then signed them both. He handed them back to Dr Hathaway.
“Right, thank you,” he said. “You’re doing fine. The wounds on your side and chest are healing nicely. There is no infection and didn’t require stitches. We would have liked to have made that decision ourselves. Two days ago. When you got them.” He raised an eyebrow at Steve, who blushed.
“Was kinda running for my life at the time,” Steve murmured.
“So I’ve been read in,” Dr Hathaway said.
Everyone in the room visibly relaxed from the unknown tension of how much they could say to the doctor.
“We will be keeping you overnight for observation to monitor your hydration and sugar levels,” he continued. “When you were brought in you were dehydrated with a low blood sugar. I understand that with being on the access to food and water was probably scarce but,” Dr Hathaway jutted his thumb at Eddie, “he had better hydration and nutrition then you did.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. “Didn’t you eat at all?”
Steve flushed. “I may have forgotten...”
“I swear to god, Harrington,” Eddie growled, “when I get out of this hospital bed I am going to kick your self-sacrificing ass.”
Dr Hathaway hid his grin with his clipboard. “I think you’ll have to take a number and get in line. I believe there are two young ladies and about a half of a dozen teenagers that are chomping at the bit to do exactly that.”
Eddie chuckled. “Then I will happily wait my turn.”
Steve looked to Wayne for support. He didn’t even know why. It just...felt right.
“Don’t worry,” Wayne said fondly, patting Steve’s hand, “I’ll make sure they don’t kick you too hard.”
Eddie cackled and the doctor huffed a laugh.
“Savages,” Steve said with a pout.
“If your vitals are good tomorrow,” Dr Hathaway said, clearing his throat, “you’ll get to be release from our care.”
Steve sighed happily. “Thank you, Dr Hathaway. That’s good news.”
The doctor stepped over to Eddie. “Now, you are the one we are most concerned with.”
Eddie looked down at his many bandages and nodded. “With any luck you’ll be out of here in a week. Without luck, two.”
“What’s the prognosis, Doc?” Wayne asked.
“The wounds were clean and well bandaged,” Dr Hathaway said. He turned to Steve, “I understand that was your handiwork?”
Steve nodded. “I was trained in CPR and first aid when I was a lifeguard at the community center.”
Dr Thompson nodded. “You did a good a job, you probably saved his life.”
Eddie and Wayne shared a shocked glance.
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked as Steve shifted uncomfortably in his bed.
“The bite to your throat was within milometers from your carotid artery,” Dr Hathaway explained, “if Steve hadn’t done such a good job with the bandaging, there is a real possibility you would have bleed out before you got to us.”
Wayne took Steve’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“The wounds on the arms are bad, but the leather jacket, which I am told you were wearing, lessened the damage,” Dr Hathaway continued. “It will take a lot of healing and probably some serious physical therapy but you’ll be fine. We’ll see. Now that you’re awake, I’ll set up an appointment with the physical therapist and see what needs to be done.”
Eddie nodded. “What about the bites on my legs?”
The doctor looked at his clipboard again and hummed. “Very minimal damage. You have a bite on your left thigh and another on your left calf but for whatever reason they weren’t able to get through the wet denim.”
Eddie laughed. “Armor, the only good thing to come from wet fucking jeans. They are like the worst!”
Steve chuckled. “Agreed. It’s why I didn’t wear them when we found out about the Upside Down being back. They literally suck.”
“Do either of you have any questions?” Dr Hathaway asked. “Or you Mr Munson?”
They all shook their heads.
“Good, then I will let your friends come back in,” he said. He walked out and the Corroded Coffin boys shuffled back in.
“What happened to Robin?” Steve asked when she didn’t come in with them.  
“She went to go relay the information that you’re awake to ‘the party’ or whatever it was she said,” Jeff said.
Steve buried his head in his hands. “I’m going to be invaded...” he wailed.
Eddie laughed. “They’ve already come and seen me.” His grin slid off his face. “You and me weren’t the only ones that were hurt. Red’s in a coma.”
Steve’s breath caught. “Shit, I was so worry about everything else I forgot to see if anyone else was hurt. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Stupid!” He gripped his hair, chanting ‘stupid’ over and over again. Wayne was on him in an instant.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he said, grabbing Steve’s hands and gently pried them from his hair. “Calm down there, kiddo! You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The other boys watched in pained silence as Wayne got Steve to calm down.
“Did anyone else get hurt?” Steve said through a ragged breath.
“Just us three,” Eddie said. “You did good, Stevie. I promise. The fact that out of eight of us, less than half got hurt? That’s a fucking miracle and you know it.”
Steve let out a whimper. “Only I’ve been hurt before.” He paused. “No, that’s not right. We lost Hop, too.” He let out a pained cry. “God, I’m so selfish.”
The room’s silence penetrated into ounce of space, even Jeff, Gareth, and Brian cottoned on to the fact that Steve was talking about something deeper, something darker then just an animal attack and the serial murders that caused a witch hunt for their friend.
“We’re alive,” Eddie murmured. “That’s the important part, I promise.”
Steve just curled up on his side and away from everyone else.
Jeff watched him for a moment, before he started talking with Eddie and drawing everyone’s attention away from Steve’s evident torment.
Wayne got up and moved his chair over to the other side of Steve’s bed and got close to his face.
“Boy, I’m gonna tell you something,” Wayne murmured. “And you better listen close, you hear?”
Steve nodded.
“Good,” he said. “I may have not fought off monsters and super powered humans, but I have fought in a war, so trust me when I say I know shit.”
“I’m–I was the oldest before Eddie came along,” he whispered back, “it’s my job to protect them.”
“Steve, you were running on empty with very little sleep I’ll bet,” Wayne said gently, “you did your best. And you saved my boy. I don’t know the girl that got hurt, I hear she was from Forest Hills, too?”
Steve nodded again. “Max Mayfield.”
Wayne pursed his lips. “Okay, yeah I know her mother. I had to break up fights between her and that husband of hers. Hell I had break up more than just fights. You know about that?”
“Her step-brother gave me my third concussion with a plate to the head.”
Wayne took Steve’s hand. “She’s going to be okay, because you made sure people were with her. It’s not your fault Jason Carver found them. From what I hear he had gone mad from the grief and was going to do whatever it took to put it to rights. Only the boy didn’t know he couldn’t fight the devil and win.”
“He didn’t even know it was the devil he was fighting,” Steve murmured, the tension from his body slowly seeping out.
Wayne brought Steve’s hand to his chest. “All of you kids knew the risks going into this. And the fact that you couldn’t turn to a single adult pisses me off more than I can possibly convey. That Wheeler girl told you lot having been fighting this for four years. You were a child Steve. Just like those freshmen are.” With his other hand he ran his fingers through Steve’s hair. “You shouldn’t have had to do any of this shit, but you did and all of you made it out alive. Alive, Steve. Alive.”
Tears ran down Steve’s face and he nodded. They were alive. And Vecna was dead. He just needed El to confirm it.
As if from his lips to god’s ear, there was a shy knock on the door. Everyone turned to see a girl with a shaved head peak into the room.
Steve sat up and Wayne sat back to avoid getting hit.
“Sorry,” Steve muttered. But he threw out his arms and suddenly the girl was in his arms.
“You’re safe,” he whispered, rubbing her head. “I’m sorry about your hair, sweetheart.”
“He’s gone, Steve,” she whispered back. “I can’t feel him anymore. He’s gone. But I don’t have hope, not anymore.”
He held her close. He knew what she meant. Every time they thought they were done with this bullshit, it came storming back in. “At least it only happens once a year, yeah? We’ll be ready if it comes back. But maybe no more moving across the country, huh?”
She chuckled wetly into his shoulder. She reared back with bright eyes and big smile. “I almost forgot, Joyce got Dad back.”
Steve blinked at her for a moment. “Hop? Chief Hopper is back?”
She nodded excitedly. “The Russians faked his death and kidnapped him.”
Suddenly the weight was lifted off Steve’s shoulders. The actual adults were back. He could relax now. He hadn’t lost anybody. Max just had to come out of her coma and everything would be fine.
It would all be fine.
Part 4  Part 5 Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20
Tag List: @anaibis @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @spectrum-spectre @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart 
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callsign-blue · 1 month
On this day 4/21/24 at 11:18 am- I have finished Iron Flame and we have to wait till fucking January of 2025 for book 3….
Holy fucking shit there’s so much action and it’s literally insane. Also y’all have been too harsh on Mama Sorrengail… like I get it like she’s harsh but look how her kids turned out they are hardheaded stubborn so 10 toes down on what they think is right. She completed her goal and now she’s going back to the love of her life, a scribe..♥️ don’t care. I am 100% backing their mom.
Also Andarna being left behind like they could be more out there we just don’t know and if the dragons don’t know, the elders might know maybe they don’t even know. Because there is so much of the map that we have not even been to that could maybe be where they could be at her breed. Like they could be in the barren even though there’s not really any mountains like literally anywhere they’re hiding. Or maybe her family fled to give her a chance to live? I’m just just throwing these out here.
I’m going to have to read the last chapter over and over again, but you know I thought it was gonna be more intense honestly. From chapter 60 and on all, it is fucking intense but I thought it would be different. I don’t know like they get her, violet, surrounded still on the fighting field. They do the same thing for Xadan. And then you know either one gets tortured then it forces that one has to turn to save the other (lol hint hint)
I think Onyx Storm to do with both Xaden and Andarna. Not one or the other.
I think nothing really prepared me for Lilith Sorrengail end..like at all….
Also, I am so happy that Sawyer made it. Like there’s just so much going on in the last six chapters. I think the Venin, from what I have gathered do you want Violet, but to take her signet from her and then kill her. And I say that because The guys on page 593 the dark Wilder says “ I’m under orders not to kill, so let’s not make this difficult” also says “ you’ll be so much fun for him to wield” and obviously throughout the last few parts of the first book at Resson they were trying to at least harm violet or try to kidnap her. Her signet is legitimate power. She’s also the first Lightning user in they said decades or hundreds of years( I don’t quite remember, but it was a long time) You can see why they would want her specifically.
I find it very fucking interesting that they both have the same nightmares. They just never told each other about it like he turned for love and she will turn to save the one she loves.what the fuck
Also, it’s been coincide with that “ I have waited 650 years to hatch. Waited until your 18th summer, when I heard our elders talk of the week link daughter of their general, the girl forecasted to become the head of the scribes, and I knew. You would have the mind of a scribe and the heart of a rider you would be mine.”- Andarna. Her breed has to be the breed that wiped out the venin all those years ago because those numbers don’t just correlate for randomness. It just doesn’t make sense like for the love of fucking God it doesn’t make sense.(also I’m not religious that I’m just making a point.)
I also understand the reason why Violet is acting how she is with her now trust issue and being left in the dark is such a big thing for her. I think it’s just because she found her chosen family and finding out that there things being withhold from you, that are important, but not significant to the moment. Xaden is so patient and he definitely gets brownie points from me. He also has trust issues and not saying hes innocent in all this but they both have their reasons and they are taking healthy steps and moving forwards. Violet tends to be centered with knowledge and having that helps her make decided what to do next and move forward.
The conversations/arguments do get tedious, but considering a lot of her knowledge of The Continent and what happens and basically being lied to about their whole society will do that to a person because they think whatever they thought they knew they now have to rethink it. And it does suck being kept in the dark about stuff nobody wants to be kept in the dark, but in the end, she still loves him, she still chooses him.
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powerofelvis · 2 years
Always On My Mind
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Pairing: Austin!Elvis x Plus sized!reader (can also be the real Elvis as well if you want)
Word Count: 1469
Warning/Notes: TEETH ROTTING FLUFFY SHIT, reader is self conscious of their body, use of the word ‘fatty’ and ‘miss piggy’, Gladys being mama of the year
Author’s Note: This was a request from @lilacprincessofrecovery. I hope you like it darlin’! I had a great time writing this because I love seeing Elvis love on plus sized women cause we need love too! I’m a representation type of girl, if you haven’t noticed. But anywho, I hope y’all enjoy! Mwah! My requests are still open!
read part two here.
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“Come on, Y/N, we’re about to be late!”
Your friend Nancy grabbed her jacket, placing the matching material over her shoulder. She took a lot of pride in looking presentable, even though she didn’t have to do much for her body size. You both were going to the Louisiana Hayride for the first time. Nancy was mostly excited because the Elvis Presley boy was going to be there to perform. Ever since his song, That’s Alright Mama came out, Nancy was looking for any reason to see him in person. You did too, but you didn’t think he would be interested in you, mostly because of your body size. You were a little thicker than most women your age and they made sure that they let you know that. Nancy was the only girl that remained friends with you when you were in school. You were pretty sure that Nancy was the only reason why people wanted to hang out with you because they wanted to be friends with her. She made it clear that she wouldn’t be friends with anyone who made you feel different because of your body.
You grabbed your cardigan, looking one more time in the mirror at your appearance before following Nancy out of the door. It didn’t take long for you two to make it to the Hayride, seeing people from all over the south pull in. You noticed that every woman there was nicely dressed for their body size and you could barely stand the grandma dress that you were wearing. You and Nancy walked inside, grabbing the closest seat to the stage. Nancy made sure that you both had seats by the stage so that she could see Elvis with her own eyes. You scoffed, not understanding what her deal was with him. You both didn’t know what he looked like, only what he sounded like. The show started shortly after you two were seated, multiple acts performing their numbers. The announcer announced that Elvis was up next. You looked over at her and she looked like she would pass out at any minute.
A handsome boy walked out on stage with two other men carrying a guitar in his hands. His pink and black suit was nicely pressed and his outfit was topped off with black and white shoes. He answered the announcer’s questions for a while and then asked if he had any more questions for him. The announcer said no and allowed him to have the attention of everyone in the room. He strummed his guitar and started to sing, but you could tell that his nervousness was beginning to get the best of him. “Get a haircut, fairy!” Someone shouted at him and you felt bad for him. You were used to people making fun of you because of your weight so you could understand what he was dealing with. He didn’t respond though, but you could tell that the man’s comment gave him the momentum to sing.
Weeeeeelllll you may go to college
You may go to school
You may drive a pink Cadillac
But don’t you be nobody’s fool
Now baby, come back baby, come
Come back baby, come
Come back baby, I wanna play house with you
Elvis started dancing around, moving his hips along to the music. Girls around you and Nancy started screaming at the movements that Elvis was doing. Even Nancy started screaming beside you at the male on stage. You, however, were too stunned to scream. He looked amazing performing on that stage. He moved closer to where you and Nancy were sitting, locking eyes with you. He winked at you before moving over to the side of the stage where girls were pulling him to them. You were appalled at how they were acting, but your face still held the blush at the fact that he winked at you. You had to look around to make sure he really looked at you. He moved back over to where you were, wiggling his hips right in front of you. You couldn’t help yourself but to squeal at him being so close. Then the song was over and he was gone. For the rest of the show, you were in your own world, re-living Elvis Presley winking at you. Once the show was over, you pulled Nancy out of there fast so that you could at least catch a glimpse of Elvis before you never crossed paths again.
Nancy told you that she had to go use the restroom so she left you alone at the side of the building. You didn’t realize that there was someone who was walking up to you. “Didya enjoy the show, doll?” A deep voice came from behind. You turned quickly and your breath caught in your throat at the sight of Elvis standing there behind you. “Y-yeah, I did!” You said, holding your hands together. “You did amazing out there!” He smiled and leaned against the wall, smiling at you. “I’m glad, I was a bit nervous performing. It was my first time.” He said, opening the Pepsi bottle that he was holding. You nodded and smiled again before opening your mouth. “What that guy said to you was rude, I could tell you were nervous.” “Yeah, I didn’t pay any attention to the fella, he didn’t know how hard it was for me to get to this point.” Elvis shrugged, seemingly not feeling down about the unnecessary comment that was heard earlier.
“I wish I could let stuff like that run off my back, but as you can see, I’ve been called Fatty and Miss Piggy since I could remember.” You sighed. Elvis’s eyebrows raised before he frowned at your comment before taking your hand. “You’re beautiful, mama. I don’t see anything wrong with you.” He said. “The reason that I winked at you and stayed closer to where you were was because you caught my attention to begin with. None of those other girls could hold a candle to your beauty.” He said. To say that you were caught off guard would be an understatement because you had never had the attention of a man besides your late father. You blushed and lightly hit his shoulder. “You lie.” You giggled at him. Elvis could swear that his heart leaped in his throat at the sound of your beautiful laugh. You two were sadly interrupted at Nancy coming back out but she stopped in her tracks seeing Elvis talking with you.
“Oh my goodness, you’re Elvis Presley!” She squealed, coming over to grab at your arm. You sighed and looked over at him with an apologetic look. “Yes I am! Do you want an autograph?” He laughed. She nodded and handed him a little paper and pen that she carried with her for this very reason. He signed an autograph for her, handing it back to her with a smile. “Booby!” A woman’s voice came from behind him. It was his mother, Gladys. “We are all packed baby, we gotta go!” “Alright mama, give me a second!” He yelled back. Nancy looked over at you and then him before looking back at you. “I’ll be in the car, Y/N! Thank you Mister Presley! You did great tonight!” She said as she ran off to the car. He yelled thanks to her before turning to you. “So your name is Y/N. It’s a beautiful name. Tell you what, lil mama.. I’ll give you my number and maybe we can talk sometime. I would love to get to know you better.” He said as he pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket, writing down his number before handing it to you. When you reached to take the paper from him, he grabbed your hand and kissed the knuckles. “See you around, Y/N.” He said as he turned and walked away. You stood there shocked.
It was a couple of days later that you finally had the courage to pick up the phone and dial his number. “Hello, Presley Household.” A woman’s voice answered. “Hello, this is Y/N. Is Elvis there by chance?” You said nervously. “Oh Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you, sweetie. Yes, he’s right here! Booby! It’s Y/N!” She screamed. You knew that it was his mother. “Mama, I told you not to call me that around her.” You heard his voice muffled in the background. Gladys laughed and walked out of the room. “Hello? Y/N?” His deep southern drawl came through the phone. “I’m glad you didn’t forget about me, Mister Presley.” You joked as you wrapped the phone cord around your fingers. “How could I ever forget you. You are always on my mind..” he said and you smiled.
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prongsmydeer · 11 months
Ayesha Liveblogs The Good Place S4
“I know this all seems bleak. And it feels like we’re all doomed, and therefore humanity is doomed.” I love that the scope of their problems change with each season
“With this team, there’s no problem we can’t solve.” “There is no problem we can’t create.” Duality of man (sort of)
“You know what I’m saying.” “Oh, I’m not part of this.” Michael’s not going to take any responsibility for Brent
I took a pause between watching S3 and S4 so I don’t remember Matt from Accounting but I’m assuming he was the guy who filed to be Thanos-snapped because he was Accountant of Weird Sex Stuff
I have never seen Manny Jacinto with such a scowl on his face throughout this show omg, I love the Jealousy Arc:
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“I believe everything Chidi ever tells me because of his brain and how he looks like one of those owls that graduated from college.” God what I would give to be flattered by the Jason School of Compliments 
“Luckily, before I died, I pumped my face with six vials of juviderm [...] My ex-boyf is gonna be supes jeal.’” I know that John is meant to represent a specific Gossip Influencer personality but it does give me a bit of bone arsenic to watch him speak. Feels hateful LMAO
[Stanley from The Office voice] “That’s not what a hate crime is, Michael.” “Well, I hated it!”
“Are we still boyfriend/not a girlfriend?” Jason is new to relationships but he is trying ❤️
I know Linda the Boring Senior Citizen from Norway could’ve gone any number of directions, but I can’t say I was expecting her to knock four people to the ground and then jump into the sky
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Update from 30 seconds later: It was the Shirtless Soulmate Gymbro Demon
Tahani did call this one!!
“So you’re saying, wanting to do something isn’t a good reason to immediately do it?” [Proudly] “Yeah.” “Man! I wish someone had taught me this on Earth.” DADDY MIICHAEL TO THE RESCUE AGAIN
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The expressions that Janet and Eleanor are leveling at Brent. They are going through it 
“That’s what’s wrong with this country.” “What country?” This is truly what talking to people from the US is like LMAO
Ggkjghkjghg Brent thinking he needs to be in a Better Place than the Good Place. Oh my god
However, repeating right here that I just don’t know if I can believe a Good Place even exists, given everything that we’ve seen
“Perhaps leadership isn’t her forte.” A bold take considering Eleanor has only been leading for two days and Michael had to reboot y’all like 800 times
I think Eleanor’s crisis about being in charge is much more warranted than Team Humanity’s meeting about her failures
“You beat me in 3 months. ‘Okay, a fluke,’ I thought. You then beat me 800 more times.” THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING MICHAEL! AND YEAH THEY DID 😭💗
Michael raises an excellent point about humans with flaws being the ones to understand how best to help other humans with flaws become the best version of themselves
Also. Insane that in this manufactured society where there are Popcorn Rivers and People Can Fly that people are still commenting on how much Eleanor showers??? WHY WOULD PEOPLE NOT CONTINUOUSLY BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION ALWAYS IN THE AFTERLIFE?
Brent vouching him being good at keeping secrets by claiming he buried HR complaints (from experience, it doesn’t take much to have an HR that does absolutely fucking nothing to support their employees LOL)
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“I’m so sorry to say this, but I can’t be in a relationship with you right now.” JASON TAKING A STEP BACK WHEN JANET MENTIONS HAVING SPACE 😭😭😭 HE IS SUCH A GOOD BOYFRIEND, I HATE THIS
“We have to hope that over time, Brent starts doing good things out of habit.” “Just like you.” KGJHKGJHGKJ I think it’s a bit more than habit, you made the decision to choose being good Eleanor!!!
Honestly I fully believe that Michael had a breakdown on Day 1, he’s been through a lot of stress the past several hundred years
Eleanor introducing Simone as Chidi’s soulmate like she and Chidi haven’t fallen in love (confidently, and without equivocation) hundreds of times ☹️
“I never actually fell in love with someone.” YEAH YOU DID CHIDI!!
“Why not treat them better, just in case they’re real?” Haven’t really talked about it thus far but it’s absolutely BANANAS that Simone’s response to thinking the afterlife isn’t real is to cut off people’s ponytails and push them into pools. Even Jason’s impulses aren’t so directly aimed at people in this way. What happened to ur me vs. us speech, girl!!!
Eleanor and Jason’s sad break-up solidarity high five:
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“We need Chidi to live in a world of low-grade dread.” Reintroduce Chidi to capitalism and have him work a minimum wage job
That might be high-grade dread though LMAO
Also I love this drives home that Eleanor specifically is part of what drove him to become a better person!
Fkhfkjfhfjh Eleanor, Michael and Jason planning how to gently torture Chidi while Tahani and Janet plan John’s perfect spa day. Seems like Chidi got the worse end of that stick:
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“Would I like to use my time in heaven to audit a philosophy class? Mmm no.” You know what, for the first time: Fair point, John
“There were ants everywhere, but they were so helpful. They carried our wineglasses back and forth, and folded our napkins for us, it was so cute.” Call me a hater but if there were insects in my own personal experience of the afterlife I’d burst into tears
However. Good for the ants, that does sound cute ❤️ 
“While you were gallivanting around with your fancy friends, I lived in the real world, so I had bills to pay. I worked 16 hours a day, by myself, building a site with millions of readers.” John actually does make a reasonable observation to Tahani that there is not a level-playing field when it comes to the morality under capitalism and class division:
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“But I am seriously worried that I did something wrong, and this is the universe getting back at me.” CHIDI IS SO NICE, IF ANYONE BELONGS IN THE GOOD PLACE IT’S HIM. HE IS CAUGHT BETWEEN A PROMISE (HELP JASON) AND HIS INTEREST IN BEING HONEST AND GOOD 😭💘
“I made God cry?” I know this is because they view The Good Place as heaven but there’s something about Chidi calling the woman he loves God that just gets me right in the heart 💘💘💘💘💘:
Also Michael gently patting Eleanor’s back. Best Demon Dad!!
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In Tahani’s defense of having been miserable and lonely with no real friends, she did make some Best Friends Forever eventually, they were just in the afterlife, and then on Earth
“I really am sorry for all the posts I wrote about you.” John is able to grow 💗 Good for him
Also I love how Tahani is often the one to demonstrate the moral core of this show to characters outside of the main group, which is that goodness comes, in many ways, from a love of other people
“I’m sorry your motorcycle blew up.” “That’s okay homie, that’s just what motorcycles do.” My parents when I wanted to get a motorcycle license
“Genuine human connection will be his course of study.” GO PROFESSOR TAHANI 
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“Go get ‘em, Chippy.” Brent constantly saying Chidi’s (two syllable, very familar sounds to English speakers) first name wrong vs. Eleanor saying his last name wrong three seasons ago. Truly Eleanor’s Much More Icky Counterpart 
You know, of all the possible spies the Bad Place could send, Glenn is a good choice, he’s got a very passive aura and seems like he could use some friends
The return of Vicky aka Real Eleanor aka Fake Michael and the Michael suit I honestly completely forgot about after my post-S3 break
“Oh, I’m very upset about this development.” Don’t distrust ur Demon Dad. He’s nice!!!
“I’m a 6,000 ft. tall fire squid. I have tentacles. There’s teeth everywhere. I’m on fire, and my neck is long, and there’s a smell, and lots of juice.” Demon Dad is self-conscious about his friends seeing his previous body. ☹️ LET MICHAEL WEAR WHAT FEELS RIGHT
“I won’t just be Michael. I’ll be some disgusting mass of burning tentacles. Do you really want to be friends with something like that?” Michaelllllllll. Something something the mortifying ordeal of being known
Jason comforting Janet after her first accidental murder. I really hope they can find a situation that works for them
“Oh boy, is this really gonna suck.” Michael offering to literally destroy himself for the good of humanity. If this turns out not to be Michael at any point I will be SO UPSET, he is SUCH A GOOD FRIEND AND DEMON AND PERSON (SORT OF)
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“I’m gonna go down there and I’m gonna punch him in the mouth, and I’m going to get Janet back!” YEAHHHHHHHH JASON
“Let’s go get our girl.” “Not a girl.” GOOOOOOO TEAM JASON AND MCIHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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However, wild that they’re sending Michael to the place where the Michael suit is, like that’s not going to immediately bite them in the ass in terms of keeping track of who they can trust
Michael just dropping that Tahani also has the context of her whole afterlife, offscreen. She deserves her narrative moments!!
“Can I have all my memories back again? I forgot most of them.” Me too, Jason. ALSO LFHKJFHKFH WOW
I think Jason who is infinitely capable of just taking on whatever moral values are in front of him. If he hadn’t grown up in Jacksonville I think he’d be fine 
“Thank you for keeping me safe from my sexy, bad-girl sister-aunt.” I don’t know if this is all those Mommy-Sorry Tiktoks but this somehow feels more transgressive than the Derek’s earlier mommy-girlfriend comments
 [Chuckles] “But to be fair, I wasn’t designed for anything.” ME TOO, DEREK HAHAHA
“Even Derek has an important job. I’d like to be more useful.” Even Tahani has begun lampshading her own lack of narrative purpose this season lmao
SCREAM @ Michael being scared of being in the birthplace of evil (presumably, his own birthplace) while Jason is scared that he and Janet may not have their special connection. He is the perfect boyfriend, no notes
“I love a movie with gentle magic. Give me a time-travelling mailbox, or a mother-daughter body switch, or Sarah Michelle Gellar as a chef and her food tastes amazing because she cries in it.”
Me 🤝 John 
Loving stories with gentle magic in them
“What echoes of this former self await me here?” 
Jason 🤝 Michael 🤝 Me
Having a really hazy and unpleasant memory of high school
HAHAHAHAHA everyone having the most stressful days of their lives (Eleanor subject to Derek’s Single Father to the Neighbourhood Chaos, Tahani trying to wrangle the three morally questionable humans, Jason and Michael in the Bad Place and Janet being held prisoner) while Chidi gets to do a little “puzzle” given to him by His God-(Ex)-Girlfriend. Oh how the turntables
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Lmao @ Shawn saying they went overboard on the cheekbones to acknowledge Jason’s incredibly beautiful face
Say what you will about Jason, he has a very practical kind of wisdom. Who else would think to remember an explosive device for every situation 
“I believed that we committed torture as a part of the moral balance of the universe. But I’ve learned that’s wrong. Humans are capable of self-improvement, and so are we. And down deep, Shawn knows this is true, too. I beg you, open your eyes to the truth.” A beautiful speech by Michael, slightly undermined by the demon he just exploded 
TWO demons he just exploded. Rest in pieces Vicky 
He did, however, solve the problem of the Michael suit
“I swear the production value of demon con gets better every year.” This feels like a meta nod to their increased SFX budget every subsequent season hahahaha 
Convinced the fact that Chidi took/takes so long to kiss Eleanor versus kissing Simone so easily is not just because of his ethical obligations but BECAUSE he loves her so much it is that much harder for him to make decision that might change their relationship 
Hahahaha, they spent so much money on SFX they couldn’t afford the location fees to shoot on a lake:
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(You could also make the point that it’s supposed to look that way since it’s a simulation, but I’m pretty sure Chidi was rowing on an actual lake in S1. Maybe it was also a timing thing hahah)
“Plus, your parties aren’t pointless. They’re opportunities for them to bond and form friendships. You know, the thing we need them to do so we’re not all tortured forever?” Eleanor recognizing Tahani’s strengths as part of the group 💗
“But if we ever get through this, I want to learn how to do something meaningful.” Love that for Tahani 💖
“You’re not a demon anymore. You’re just a nice, weird, happy old dude.” Awwww Jason and Michael BFFs 4ever
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Fkfjhfjhf this Michael Bad Janet storytime feels like a departure in energy after all the intensity of the last ep
Absolutely fucking obssessed with the Hottest Saviour of the Week, and according to this picture here’s the ongoing counts:
Eleanor: 10 (exclusively self-nominated)
Janet: 7
Tahani: 5 (one blocked by where Eleanor is standing but the background is in another shot)
Jason: 3
Michael: 0 (as it should be, no Demon Daddy objectification)
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“Her name was Scarlett Pakistan, and she was the type of girl you couldn’t take in all at once, or you’d die.” UHKHFKJHFJHF BRENT TRULY REPRESENTING WHITE MEN WRITING BROWN WOMEN. Rough stuff, Tahani 
“That’s how I got my nickname, The Defendant.” I feel like this doesn’t quite match the energy of Donkey Doug or Pillboi
“Where does this hope come from man? This insane hope that people are worth the trouble?” From Michael’s heart, Bad Janet 💟
I’m gonna be real with you I forgot that no one knew Jason wasn’t Jianyu and I thought that John was having that dramatic reaction over seeing Chidi dance LMAO
Simone makes a very good point of not needing to tolerate racism and misogyny for the sake of kindness
“If this [golf advice of doing better on the next shot] ends up applying to any other aspect of your life later on, then cool.” Hahahahah Michael speaking the only language Brent can understand: Sports metaphors
Very expected that Brent was unable to handle the slightest bit of criticism, even as it directly relates to people he hurt WITH HIS BOOK LOL
“Why not be a bigger person and rise above it?” “I’ll tell you why. Because doing that sends a message that it’s okay to be treated this way. And it’s not okay to treat anyone that way.” Simone continues to make incredibly reasonable points
Chidi said: My fight, flight, freeze instinct does occasionally land on fight
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“What matters isn’t if people are good or bad. What matters if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday.” MICHAEL FOR BEST AT UNDERSTANDING HUMANS AND MORALITY IN THE UNIVERSE 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
Michael being better today than he was yesterday by letting Bad Janet go 😭😭😭😭😭 I LOVE HIM
GJHGKJHGKJHG not Simone uncovering the entire plot of the neighbourhood hours before the experiment ends
“Panicking about this experiment at crucial moments is kinda my move.” Michael said: There’s only room for one anxiety disorder in this friendship, Eleanor
“You never told me about this, Ducky.” The demise of the Simone/Chidi relationship over their respective secret Good Place Experiment hidden professional endeavours
Simone, as a neurologist researcher, is perhaps the most difficult profession to have in this experiment because of course she can see science when she is right in front of it
“We do nothing, and we hope that our early successes make up for the embarrassing mess we’ve become. Like Facebook. Or America.” ROUGH BUT REAL 
You know what they say. When the going gets tough, the tough put on a magic show to distract the four people whose ignorance remains crucial to the fate of humanity:
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Afjlkjflkjflkfj Jason coherently describing their Hail Mary and Prevent Defense strategy analogy. HE DOES LEARN
Brent 🤝 Jason
Only being able to understand the universe through sports metaphors 
“I respect your position.” “I respect yours.” “Look, I know everything’s really scary right now but I just have to say it. That was the most boring break-up I’ve ever seen.” Accurate but rude, John 
“If there’s one thing I know in this world, it’s that you can ALWAYS blow up the same thing twice.” JASON, UR SO RIGHT BABY
Lowkey it is traumatizing for both Chidi and Eleanor to have someone they have loved pretending to be their eternal torturer (even if is half true)
It takes Chidi, the most ethical and empathetic person in the world, calling Brent a bad person for him to maybe consider stepping outside his own experiences to care about other people for half a second 
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“Yes, and here’s a bottle of tequila.” [Cheerily] “Okay, let us know how it goes.” Michael knows the way to his surrogate daughter’s heart LMAO
“Oh man, are we gonna die again? We’ve died so many times. We’ve probably had like, 15 funerals by now.” Jason is right, this must really warp their sense of their own life
“You’re a choker, Michael. And you’re about to choke for the last time. Except for the eternity you’re going to spend in the Bad Place being choked by me, who will be doing the choking.” [Tearfully] “Well you’re glue!” 😭😭😭😭😭 MICHAEL
Also Eleanor’s explanation of his jacked physique coming from his anxiety. On brand LMAO 
Also also also the fact that Janet could DEFINITELY transport him by strength or teleport but she’s just watching them struggle HAHAHA
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Not Brent somehow getting 1% worse than he was on Earth gkjhgjhgjh
The Weekend at Bernie’s vibes only increase. Chidi is impressively still
“I got born in the deep end of a pool, right after my mom did a cannonball.” 1) Can’t believe this is the first we’re hearing of Jason’s mum and 2) That tracks
“But despite it all, he was the most optimistic person I’ve ever met.” This is why I am in love with Jason
“That’s my Jason. A big colourful rainbow blob, stuffed inside a hot life-size action figure.” I love Janet explaining why she loves Jason. Also, now I want to be flattered by the Janet School of Compliments
Jason 🤝 Janet
Whipping out the best compliments in the world on the fly
So far, Jason’s poolside funeral is my favourite:
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Michael proving that the Soul Squad actually made the people they care about better in tangible ways 🥺❤️‍🩹
“People improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don’t?” MICHAELLLLLLLLLLLLLL
“But what that number can’t tell you... is who he could’ve become tomorrow.” MICHAELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT’S A GOOD SHOW
“Tahani taught me that you can make a family, even if you never really had one. Jason taught me that I have value beyond what I do for other people. And Eleanor, there was a moment on Earth when all hope was lost, and I watched you have hope anyway.” JANETTTTTTTTTTT 😭💞😭💞😭💞😭💞😭💞
“I never felt quite so seen as when she saw me.” First ‘that’s gay, Tahani,’ of the season!!!!
“It’s not two of us, it’s all of us.” THE JANET REVOLUTION!!!!!!! RISE OF THE JANETS!!!
I love that they’re delivering on the Disco Janet joke they dropped a season ago LMAO
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“You want to take the most indecisive man ever born, stuff him full of over 800 different versions of himself, and tell him he has, like what, 45 minutes to save humanity?” GO CHIDIIIIIIII
Not Chidi’s first research project being on why his parents shouldn’t get divorced. We have finally unlocked his childhood trauma
Chidi 🤝 Me
Parents who should be divorced perhaps but instead stayed married 
Chidi philosophizing his way out of a relationship is very on-brand
Awwwww I love these flashbacks of all the things we know about Chidi but with new added perspectives (more about why he and Alessandra broke up, the failure of his thesis, the way he makes decisions, the lead-up to him meeting Eleanor, Jason and Janet’s first wedding)
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“Where I’m from, most things blow up eventually. So I’ve learned when something dope comes along, you gotta lock it down. If you’re always frozen in fear and taking too long to think about what to do, you’ll miss your opportunity, and maybe get sucked into the propeller of a swamp boat.” Very solid life advice from Jason to Chidi
The way Chidi kept falling for Eleanor regardless of who his soulmate was, even despite his loyalty to the concept of soulmates 💗
 “Woof, that’s too much to put on an eight-year-old.” I will keep saying it: I know it’s not in my best interests to identify with Chidi... and yet
“Soulmates aren’t real, are they?” “Chidi, in all honesty, I don’t know. but I don’t think so.” MAYBE THE REAL SOULMATES WERE THE FRIENDS WE FOUND ALONG THE WAY
“You wake up every day and you solve [the puzzle of life] again.” CHIDIIIIIIII
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Hahahahaa Chidi said: New timeline, new me, baybee. I am over my indecision anxiety now!!!!
Jason’s concern that eliminating humanity is a bummer is valid
Hahahahah Chidi and Eleanor asking the other if they want to get out of here tickles me
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“Chidi should hook up with the judge to get us out of trouble. I’ve done that a bunch of times. It’s called a Jacksonville Plea Bargain.” 1) Someone please help Jason and the state of Florida 2) This statement made me curious to look up how many female judges there are in the Middle District of Florida (where Jacksonville is) purely to determine logically whether Jason hooked up with a man and the answer as of 2020 is 6 out of 14 are female (none self-identify as LGBTQ). So Jason could’ve reasonably gotten these plea deals “a bunch of times” by only by hooking up with women, actually! Sexuality math
But happy Pride Month to Jason, who, while his heart belongs to Janet, whenever he is in a new timeline is liable to propose to literally anyone who he enjoys talking to
“Shut up. Shut up. Hi. Shut up. I’m confident now.” Chidi’s energy is a bit all over the place in times of crisis lmao
"I don’t care if everyone loses, as long as you lose.” Shawn truly willing to cut off his nose (the current system of the afterlife) to spite his face (the four humans he’s been trying to torture for 300 years)
Disco Janet’s marbelized form being a mini disco ball is perfect 10/10 production choices
The Soul Squad offering too take on eternal torture so that the rest of humanity can have a normal, medium afterlife 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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“Then, what are we doing to their penises?” “Well, largely, ignoring them.” [Throws hands up in frustration] RIP the penis-bees
“Getting rebooted over and over again made me a better not-a-person than I’ve ever been. Humans should get the same opportunity.” YEAH JANET!!!
“Fighting you is the most fun I’ve ever had.” It’s almost Death Note-esque in the being consumed by targeting the other person so much you get attached. I guess Shawn is the Light in this situation. (Although L does engage in recreational torture)
"You have to read my file right now!” “What? I’m confused, is this a game? Is it a sex game, somehow?” LMAO and big hearts at Chidi, the guy who wanted all the world’s answers, being totally fine with whatever Eleanor has ever done, whether he gets to read it in her file or not (Eleanor is the answer ❤️)
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(Also Vicky’s right, she looks super hot, this is perfect lighting, outfit, makeup, everything)
SCREAMS at Chidi concluding based on every insane thing that Eleanor has ever done that actually she’s coped pretty well and she’s super interesting and it is he that’s too boring for her 😂 He is so funny 
HAHAHAHAHA I know she brought up this thread of looking up the sexuality of presidents earlier but: 
Me 🤝 Eleanor 
Constantly trying to assess everyone we read about (or watch) to see if they’re bisexual
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“Are you saying... Janet might get bored of me?” Chidi has passed his eternal romantic dread onto Jason like a common cold
“Think of it as, flattening the penises of their heart.” “Oh! Now it makes sense.” Vicky Bad Place: Demon Educator 
“Once on Earth, I didn’t know something and I had to ask Alexa. I felt dirty.” HAHAHAHAHA
Me 🤝 Janet
Having a one-sided grudge with Alexa 
Poor Michael, his purpose for so long has been solving problems, he doesn’t know what to do without something to overcome (mood)
It tickles me whenever they mention what they actually are underneath the skin suits. I hope someone has drawn Michael and Vicky having this workplace conversation as a Fire Squid and Acid Snake
“Turns out that saving every soul in the universe is worth a few points.” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 THEM!
Honestly all of these things considered, I still have trouble believing in the Good Place as they’ve previously described it, so I have no idea what these last couple episodes are going to be about
God I love these five people and not-people so much:
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What, I wonder, would you do if you have a fear of heights, if the only way to go to the Good Place is via hot air balloon? 
“What if that’s some sort of demon alarm to alert the cops that I’m here?” THE HEAVEN COPS, MICHAEL? THERE ARE COPS IN HEAVEN? 
Me 🤝 Michael
Being uncomfortable in sacred places and assuming you’re going to be persecuted for a crime you didn’t know you committed
STOPPPP this is such a funny candy, I DO miss the energy I had when I was twelve:
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Hahahaha, the fact that all the male philosophers are not in the Good Place. That tracks 
“This room is filled some of the most interesting people that ever lived. Chat them up, learn about their lives, then meet back here so that we can make fun of them.” Eleanor’s first advice in the Good Place is not the most kind-spirited LMAO
“Now you are officially in charge of the Good Place [...] You’re the boss now. That was all legally binding, and we all quit, effective immediately.” I KNEW I WAS RIGHT TO BE SUSPICOUS LMAO
“You gotta help us, we are so screwed.” AHA!!! THE OTHER GOOD PLACE SHOE DROPS
“I would’ve killed for a vaccine. Any vaccine. It’s crazy that you guys just don’t like them now.” THE FACT THIS EP AIRED IN JANUARY OF 2020 LMAO. They really touched a timely nerve
Omggggg okay so we’re getting into the Good Place Problem: Being in infinite supply of experiences and desires, your brain atrophies?????
I guess this entire group of people has also been left unattended for 500 years which doesn’t help
“We need to find the Committee.” “The Committee is me. I am Committee. It me.” Me when I say ‘we’ about my job as if I am not literally the only person in my department:
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I honestly don’t know if I buy into the idea that death and finite experience is the only thing that gives life meaning. I think the idea of having some agency in whether or not you continue your afterlife makes sense. But the implication you cannot sustain a life based on happiness, or that struggle is what gives people personhood, doesn’t sit right with me. Personhood is an act of love for yourself and others
“And when you’re ready, walk through one last door and be at peace.” I DO like that this acknowledges that for some people, paradise is not infinite consciousness but can also be found in letting go of consciousness
Hypatia said: Maybe the real Good Place was the friends we found along the way (she was right)
“I think that’s what the Good Place is. It’s not even a place, really. It’s just having enough time with the people you love.” Chidi said: I second that, Hypatia
[Sarcastically but sweetly, after Eleanor jokingly threatens to leave] “I’ll miss you.” CHIDIIIIIIIIII
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“At one point, hundreds of Bearimys ago, I turned off my ability to know what time it is anywhere in the universe when you and I are together.” JANET UR SO ROMANTIC, JASONJANET X INFINITY
Awwww it tracks that Jason would be the first person to be certain his needs were met. But that’s so complicated when your partner is an infinite being like Janet!!! Like what are the mechanics of dealing with a loss that is the cessation of someone who matters most to you
Shout-out to Young Doug Forcett, who is firmly done with his pisswater era
“I really am okay. I promise.” “Will you come talk to me if you’re not?” “Always.” Michaellll 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Janet!!!!
“I’m scared Janet’s gonna forget me. Here falling in love with someone else, I’d be fine with that. Like if Jason Momoa or Lara Croft, Tomb Raider gets in, and Janet’s like, ‘That’s what up,’ totally cool! But her forgetting me would be sad.” JASONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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“To me, remembering moments with you is the same as living them.” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
“Can you just remember the happy times and forget the bad stuff?” “There was no bad stuff. It was all good.” I AM IN TEARSSSSS 
I love Tahani being in her Crafty Girl Afterlife Era
Tahani and Kamilah representing the absolute flabbergastedness one experiences when a parent admits a wrongdoing or has a learning experience:
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Tahani having a special last goodbye with her best friends even after healing all of the other relationships, because the Soul Squad/Team Cockroach/Team Humanity is her first and chosen family 😭❤️
“I admire you so very much. Your strength, your toughness, your self-esteem, not to mention... you have a rockin’ bod.” OH HOW THE TURN TABLES, TAHANI!!!! 
“I want to learn to do what you do, Michael. I want to be an architect, design afterlives.” MY GIRL TAHANI GETTING HER PURPOSE IN LIFE
“I hope you don’t mind if I brag about knowing you.” “Name dropping is a little gauche, Michael, but do as you must.” Tahaniiiiii. I do love how her story is wrapping up
I enjoy that Uzo gets to see Chidi post-his 800-Universe-Decision-Making-Immersion-Therapy. 
Eleanor trying her hardest to keep Chidi in the afterlife even though he’s almost done 😭 Also the pictures of the four humans in Michael’s office
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“If you leave, then I’m alone here.” AHHHH ELEANOR. They’ve really turned the afterlife into Earth Lite
“Can we eat words? Because I’ve asked Janet about this and—” Chidi said: One day an academic rival told me I’d eat my words and it’s been my dream ever since
Eleanor loving Chidi enough to let him go vs. Chidi loving Eleanor enough to hold in for several bearimys that he has been ready to leave 💔
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“I sort of just sat quietly and let my mind drift away, thought about you and the infinity of the universe.” “Kind of like a monk.” JANET HAS BEEN WAITING OVER 4 WHOLE SEASONS TO MAKE THIS JOKE HAHAHAHA
Dhkjfhjkfhfkjh it would be very weird if Eleanor’s actual unfinished business was Mindy St. Claire of the Medium Place
Update from 1 minute later: It was not 
Tahani saying, “As I neither live nor breathe,” is a fun little line
Michael being unable to cope without something productive to fill his time ghjkghgkjhg. Anxiety icon 
“I’m gonna be...” “A real boy, Pinocchio.” MICHAEL GETS TO BE HUMAN? I LOVE THAT FOR HIMMMMM ❤️‍🩹
“I won’t exactly know what’s going to happen after I die. Nothing more human that that. Besides texting people that you’re five minutes away when you haven’t even left the house.” How many Bearimys does it take for us to evolve past phones hahahahaha
Does mean that Eleanor will be in charge of The Good Place?? White women dominating the non-profit industry strike again (I kid)
Kinda wild that Michael starts his human life at like, what, age 50? That’s like 30-40 years if he’s lucky. Why doesn’t he get to start as a baby? Not consistent enough?
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“I hate to see you walk through the final door at the edge of existence, but I love to watch you leave.” ICONIC GOODBYES FROM JANET AND ELEANOR, ONE OF THE STRONGEST DYNAMICS IN THE SHOW
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I truly wondered how this show would end and I guess the glowing embers of Eleanor’s last bit of existence blessing Michael with a Coyote Joe’s card while he says to a good samaritan, his friends, and by extension the audience, “Take it sleazy,” is as good a way as any! 
Final thoughts: I really do love the way this show is written, how everything is intentional, how it’s so focused on love and connection and growth, and how each season manages to engage you with a different question. It’s interesting how, although they often use Heaven as a point of reference, this ending was a bit more Hindu/Buddhist in its leanings (i.e. liberation from physical incarnation/rebirth—and in the sense their testing system as that reincarnation cycle—through the accumulation of positive karma or liberation from desire). Ironically, even as someone who is Hindu, I still do think personhood is an act of love, and I feel like that ‘love for love’s sake,’ idea was a little lost in these final few episodes. But all the same, going into it this was my favourite show (even having only seen 2 seasons) and it still is. It’s a good show!!!! I love every character, and I feel satisfied with their stories! 
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jensengirl83 · 1 year
You’ll Accompany Me-Chp 13
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Jensen x reader
Word Count-1684
Warnings- More angst....
A/N- More angst coming your way. Maybe it will get better soon.....
Up to chapter 17 is posted on my  Patreon
“You were right, man. I fucked up. She’s gone.”
“What do you mean she’s gone?” Jared asked, shocked. 
“Exactly what I said! She left! All her stuff is gone, and she left a note on the bed.” 
“Well, go get her.” 
“I can’t. She got another apartment and said she wasn’t going to say where she is living now.” 
“What are you going to do, man?”
“I don’t know. I have to get her back. I have to! I can’t lose her, Jared,” he sobbed, no longer trying to hold back his emotions. 
“Look, just calm down. I’m on my way over, and we’ll try to figure this out.” 
They said their goodbyes, and Jensen ended the call. He stood and looked around the bedroom, void of her belongings, and the sadness washed over him once again. How could he have been so stupid?! All she wanted was to have a family with him, and in his stubbornness, he had ruined it. He had lost the woman he loved because his insecurities made him believe he was too old to be a father again. Now, he had to do everything he could to fix it and get his family back together, if she would even forgive him. In tears on his bedroom floor, he was still lost in thought when Jared walked in. 
“Jay, come on, man, we’ll figure this out,” he tried to soothe his friend, sitting down beside him. 
“Figure it out? How am I supposed to do that? I really fucked up this time, dude. I said some awful things to her and walked out when she needed me the most. How can I ask her to forgive that?!” 
“Do you still love her?” 
“What the hell kind of question is that? Would I be sitting here crying like a child if I didn’t love her? Of course, I do!” Jensen shouted, confused, not understanding the point his friend was trying to make. 
“Then tell her that. Tell her you fucked up and beg for her forgiveness. She needs to see that you’re sorry.” 
“I seriously doubt it’s going to be that easy.” 
“Oh, it’s not, but wouldn’t that be the best first step?” Jared sighed, clasping his hand on his friend’s shoulder. 
“I’ve already tried calling. She won’t answer my calls. She doesn’t want anything else to do with me,” Jay hiccupped on a sob, the hurt he was feeling still overwhelming. 
“Okay, listen. I’ll try to call her. But, keep quiet. I don’t want her thinking I’m on your side and trying to call for you. Let me see if I can convince her to have a talk with you.” 
Jensen agreed and held his breath as Jared dialed her number, silently praying she would answer his call at least. Even if he couldn’t speak to her, he needed to hear her voice, to know she was okay. When the phone rang five times with no answer, he felt hopeless, thinking he would never be able to get in contact with her, but then he heard her voice. 
“What, Jared?” 
“Hey, Y/N. I wanted to call and check on you. Jay called me and told me you left.” 
“Oh, he did? Did he also tell you what a giant asshole he was? How he left me here in tears to go play house with his ex-wife when I needed him the most? Huh?” she yelled angrily, still very upset. 
“He did tell me, actually. He feels like shit,  Y/N. He knows he fucked up, and he just wants to talk to you and apologize.” 
“Jared, I get you’re trying to help your friend, but I don’t want to talk to him. He hurt me, bad. I can’t just let that go,” she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. 
“You’re right. I’m trying to help both my friends. I’m not on any side here. I want to see y’all fix this and have your happily ever after. You both deserve it.” 
“Yeah, I do deserve that. But, he ruined that chance when he walked out on me when I was my most vulnerable. He left me on the kitchen floor sobbing to go stay with his ex-wife, Jared! How do you let that go?!” she yelled over the phone.
“Y/N, baby, I’m so fucking sorry! I know I messed up, but I was scared! Please, darlin’, forgive me. Just talk to me. Tell me what I have to do to fix it,” Jensen blurted out, no longer able to keep quiet. 
“Really? Not on any sides, Jared? So, you think having me on speakerphone right beside him and not telling me is helping me?” she growled, furious that Jared had betrayed her trust in that way. 
“I wasn’t supposed to say anything. Don’t be mad at him, baby,” Jay pleaded. 
“That’s supposed to make it better? He still broke my trust!” 
“Y/N, please, listen. You both need to sit down and talk this out, and yes, I should’ve told you he was with me. I’m sorry,” Jared apologized, hoping to quickly smooth things over. 
“Jared, I’m pissed, but I’ll let this one slide. I’m still not going to say where I am, but you and Gen can call and check in. Jensen, I don’t want to talk to you. Not now or maybe ever. You broke my heart and my trust, and I don’t know if I can forgive that. Don’t let this happen again, Jared, or I’ll block your number, too. Bye.” 
Both men stared at the phone in shock as she hung up on them. Neither could believe what had just happened. She wasn’t usually that cold of a person, but when you have everything you love ripped out from under you, that can change someone. Jared understood that. Jensen, on the other hand, was inconsolable. All he heard was that she may never want to speak to him again, and he felt as if he was drowning. He staggered back, losing his footing and falling to the floor, his breath ragged and shallow. 
“Jay! Hey! You’re having a panic attack! Focus on me, man. Deep breaths,” Jared shouted, getting his attention, trying to calm him. 
After what felt like an eternity, Jensen was able to get his breathing under control, but his chest still ached with the loss of Y/N. He knew she wouldn’t forgive him that easy, but to hear her say that she didn’t want to talk to him, that he hurt her so deeply, was making him sick to his stomach. How could he have done this to the woman he loved? All because he was a damn coward and couldn’t face the fact that getting older was scaring the shit out of him. Now, he had lost the love of his life, possibly forever.
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Y/N was sitting on her bed, phone still in her hand, tears streaming down her face. Hearing Jensen’s voice had been heartbreaking. Her heart wanted to run home to him, but her head wouldn’t allow it. He had been too hurtful, almost cruel, and she needed to think of her unborn child now and not what she wanted. 
Her decision to leave had been the hardest she had ever made, but she knew she and the baby deserved to have a better home life. Not somewhere that they would be resented every day. Her heart was broken now, but to look at his face one day and see the look of resentment would destroy her beyond words. So, she left, and now she would raise the baby on her own. 
She had, in fact, not moved out of her apartment. She didn’t have the time to find a new place yet, but she didn’t want him to show up begging, so she lied. She hated that she had to lie to everyone else, too. But, she couldn’t take the chance that they would tell him where she was. She needed a clean break, and she knew that wouldn’t happen if he knew where she was. The phone ringing made her jump. 
“Y/N?! Are you okay? I just got off the phone with Jared!” Gen’s worried voice rang in her ears. Her head pounding didn’t help. 
“I’m fine.” 
“You don’t sound like it.” 
“Gen, I love you, but I’m not doing well, okay? I just lost everything, and I want to be left alone,” she pleaded, wanting to be left to grieve her relationship with Jensen in peace. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you. I wanted to make sure you were okay! The baby doesn’t need the stress,” her friend’s words cut her to the bone. 
“The baby? How did you know about that?” 
“He told Jared, and then he told me. That’s why I called. I know how stressful early pregnancy can be and on top of what’s going on. I was just worried.” 
“Did he also tell you how Jensen reacted to the news? Did he tell you that he left me in tears to shack up with his ex-wife?” she snapped, jumping to her feet and pacing her room. 
“He did, and I know he hurt you. I’m so sorry, Y/N. Please don’t cut all of us off because he messed up. We all still love you and want you in our lives.” 
“I’m not, Gen. But, I needed some time to myself. This is the hardest thing I’ve had to do. I had to walk away from my best friend…,” her voice trailed away as she broke down in tears again. 
“Shh, I know. It will all be okay. Jared and I are here for you, Y/N. For anything you need.” 
“Thank you, Gen. I appr…,” she began speaking but couldn’t finish her words as the room spun, blackness circling her vision. 
“Y/N? You there?” 
“Gen, call 911. I’m at my old apartment. I think I’m going to pass out.” 
The last thing she heard was her friend screaming her name as the room spun uncontrollably around her, and everything faded to black. 
@flamencodiva @foxyjwls007 @waywardbeanie @emoryhemsworth @valsworldofcreativity @hardcoresupernaturalfans @msmarvelouswinchester @lyarr24 @akshi8278 @ellewritesfix05 @winchest09 @defenderrosetyler @hobby27 @whatareyousearchingfordean  @atc74 @superfanficnatural  @supernatural-love14 @vicmc624 @squirrelnotsam @tatted-trina6 @xhannahbananax03 @coffeebooksandfandom   @malfoysqueen54 @deans-baby-momma @lovelyrocker @fablesrose @maralisa124 @wayward-dreamer @aimee-ginge @anathewierdo @donnaintx @screechingartisancashbailiff @itsdesiree86 @kyjey @roxytheimmortal @briagallen @aubageddon91 @that-one-gay-girl @stoneyggirl @kitkatd7 @writercole @brilovesdeanwinchester @allonsy-yesiwill  @krazykelly @440mxs-wife @rebelemilu @sarahbaker2010 @tyferbebe @metalfangirl @redbarn1995 @thoughts-and-funnies @izzathequeen @heavensangel45135  @entersand-man   @supraveng @percywinchester27 @hintsofhoney @bobbie3939 @waynes-multiverse   @watermelonlipstick @katelynw931-blog @soaringeag1e @thinkinghardhardlythinking @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @deandreamernp @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @pink-sparkly-witch @samsgirl93 @maliburenee  @thelastpyle @nancymcl @marvelouslyme96 @muhahaha303 @maggiegirl17  @magnificentnightmarehadi @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deanwinchestersgirl27
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gvftea · 2 months
After seeing this latest Jen Ivy situation I had to take a few days to collect my thoughts. The behavior of fans is insane and keeps escalating without anyone raising their voice against it. I haven’t been a fan for long, but in the time I have been here the deranged behavior has appalled me and there are a lot of things that need to be addressed and called out.
Mackenzi being labeled a groomer, a serious allegation casually thrown around as though it is fact, even though nobody knows what the fuck was going on in their relationship but Danny and Mackenzi. You know neither of these people and what happened between them, and yet you are confidently, loudly and relentlessly making these disgusting allegations against her. Allegations that can have very real world consequences for this woman whose only crime was dating a man you want to fuck. Let’s try a quick lesson in empathy, shall we? How would you feel if someone could look you up online and find strangers accusing you of grooming a fucking child? Do you think it might impact your life? Yet you gleefully do shit like this to the people in their lives and then have the audacity to run crying to Twitter when it’s pointed out how fucking obnoxious and toxic you are.
Now let’s turn to Hannah. I don’t understand how Sam can be so kind and open towards fans, when they are so beyond disgusting to her. Yeah, she said some shitty things when she was younger. And yet, you grown women go back in her history over a decade to resurrect old tweets from a teenager and use them to abuse not only Hannah, but also Sam for choosing to be with her. It sucked seeing him posting about something that he cared about and worked so hard on and having a considerable number of people using it to take shots at Hannah and tearing down a project he was very proud of. But y’all really think that this is completely normal and justified behavior. You sick fucks even brag about your constant and unending harassment like it’s some badge of fucking honor.
And let’s not forget what you did to Danny. Again, based off of social media posts from when he was a young teenager. You act like he was a child being taken advantage of when he was in a consensual, years long relationship with a woman three years older than him, but was a full adult when he posted things on his social media at 14 years old that you don’t agree with. And don’t forget, being absolute cunts to him online and feeling justified in it because he’s “not a blood brother.” Like the band would’ve made it to where they are without his contributions. The whole concept of a Danny anti is completely off the rails. If you feel that strongly about the man then stop supporting the band. Put your energy into improving your own sad life instead of spitefully trying to tear someone down.
These are four men that are working to be taken seriously for their considerable talent, but are constantly being embarrassed by the actions of their chronically online, socially stunted fans. Grown men being infantilized by stupid “uwu, He’s my baby girl, Pookie, I must protect him, no one can harm him!” idiot fan girls. It is fucking frustrating to work so hard to earn the respect of fellow musicians and peers and end up with a teenybopper label and having credibility chipped away because of the actions of overly invested socially maladapted idiots.
Then to really have the cognitive dissonance to wonder why some members of the band don’t want to fuck with you. To see this maladjusted, online mob stalking and attacking their friends, family, and collaborators and then wonder why they seem so standoffish and won’t reward your actions with more content, or more engagement, or whatever the fuck it is you’re demanding of them. I’ve seen it pointed out that Jake doesn’t like interacting with fans and can you blame him? He’s a talented man who wants to be taken seriously for the skills he’s spent his life working on, and yet has lonely delusional idiots objectifying him and treating him like a fantasy boyfriend insert. He was much more open to fans back when they were older, respectful, fucking sane, and treated him like a person.
I’ve watched this idiot mob rage against so many people in the guys lives. Friends, partners, collaborators, rumored love interests… People who know them for real, all their faults and character flaws and not as some fantasy person that doesn’t exist anywhere else but in your delusional mind. They are real men, not fan-fiction characters. The people that surround them are not paper villains that they need protection from and you are not their fucking saviors. Tearing down other people in their defense accomplishes nothing. I don’t know what it is that you are getting out of hurting the people around them but there are obviously serious issues you need to address with yourself.
TLDR: your relentless obsession with attacking and harassing people that are associated with the band is sick and unhinged. Seek help.
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mo4anm94 · 19 days
Like y’all don’t really understand lol… She’s this beautiful flame.. una llama de fuego tan hermosa 🥹😍 the way her soul dances like the way flames dance when it’s burning.. that’s her soul.. a beautiful flame 💚🔥 her mind is mixture of misfit beauty. A little of everything and even the ones she seems to take as horrible, scary, or as it would scare me away.. there the most beautifulest.. you see I have come to realize something… and this is how I truly TRULY know she is the one.. word to K Dot: Bare with me let me put you on Game… lmao sorry.. but seriously… no matter what. No matter the flaws, the imperfections, the doubts, the silence, the fights, the moments we can’t agree to disagree… in my eyes. In my opinion. And I’ll stand on this forever… the good I see in her and the coincidences that have been occurring despite of our bumpy road.. it out weighs all of that negativity. Nothing is moving that. And when we both align ourselves to be on the same page.. “What God brought together let no man seperate.” Am i human? Do I feel some type of way if some foos disrespect my boundaries of her being off limits? Of coarse I do. Ask any man that is truly with his one and ask him if he would like that.. but would I be phased if busters wanna poke the bear with compliments and stuff? Not even cause it’s all bark no bite to some and attempting straight shots while baby girl following the curve of my trails as I go.. I ain’t saying I am this perfect dude.. far from it my boy. Best believe that I am no better than anyone on here or this world… but meeting baby girl has really wanted me to change. More than what I did.. find a newer meaning of life.. find God. Find peace. The way our souls connect on a spiritual level.. beyond what anyone can imagine… if you really want to know how deep we are connected.. find me the end of the number line and tell me what that number is and that’ll be your answer… it’s that deep. What a lot think I’m just trying to be playa playa.. or that it’s just a smash and go type of thing.. kill it now cause I’ve proven that wrong to many already.. I never believe I would meet baby girl on here of all places.. what some could say they left a mark on my heart.. I won’t deny that.. but she left a mark on my soul and no other person could dare reach that deep and break through my barrier… the beauty.. like THE BEAUTY 😍😍 for haters that diss her on the low.. the devil was once a beautiful Angel until he started to hate 🤭 respectfully.. for her I’ll slay anyone who tries to hurt her or harm her.. what y’all ain’t captivating is that my love for her has been around since the beginning of time… since the first moment man fell in love with a woman.. since the first knight defending his Queen.. all that were just the essence of it until we both were both born into this world.. I used to have many wishes and moments I would change… but I decided to exchange all of those to just have only one wish… to meet her sooner.. but only God knows why he brought us here now. But I am blessed to have her. To meet her. To have the honor to make her laugh and smile. To have the privilege of being there for her when she’s hurting. To know that I am the first she thinks about when she needs to run somewhere.. like I said.. I am human.. I am not perfect.. but for her I would die a billion deaths if it means being with her forever 💚 I would go the distance that no man would dare to go for her… adapt to changes no man dares to adapt in this time we are living… she’s like that quote Jeff Goldblum said in one of our favorite movies (not saying which one ifykyk 😉) Life finds a way.. it’s a lot I know but she means everything to me she really does. Words are never enough to express what I feel for her.. to those that be supporting me and be amping me up commenting when I write beautiful things for her. Don’t think I don’t see you guys 🥹 I appreciate everyone on here I do. Without my baby girl.. I am just a man with a missing rib. Real talk💚💎
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suckerforxiao · 1 year
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genshin relationship fluff (mwa! 🐟
pronouns: she/her
warnings: none!
characters: xiao, venti, albedo, itto, kaeya
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when you first asked him out, his face looked almost unfazed but there were so many butterflies in his stomach, all he could do is blush and stand there.
it took him a while to get used to all this attention and stuff, especially with your clingy butt
he zones out while looking at you, admiring every feature on your face. sometimes you’d catch him and when you confront him about it he would just deny it then you’d continue chattering about your day, while he sat there nodding.
he’s very touch starved 😨 if your out in public, expect him trying to get the courage to hold your hand. but when your behind closed doors, he’s a lot braver and he kisses you on the forehead (he’s trying okay?)
you really had an effect on him, when you hold him in your comfortable, easy arms he can’t help but feeling small and safe in them. when you guys cuddle, he treats you as if your fragile so you normally take the first move
he doesn’t mind being big spoon but little spoon is his favourite
sometimes he wonders how lucky he was to have you. your gentle smile, your thoughtful words, your gracious movements it makes him want to melt
he slowly gets used to your touch. whenever you cup his face or hug him he leans towards you
he’s not really into PDA since he’s not really in public much
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“Oh wow! You have a crush on me? Well I’ve got to say Y/N, it was kind of obvious”(teasing)
omg he loves to tease to you 24/7. just seeing your flustered face makes his day
he sings a lot for you with his lyre, sometimes you join in. you guys have a lot of fun!
you guys are the perfect couple, even some people agree!
he’s really annoying sometimes and won’t leave you alone and he gives really cheesy nicknames like “sugar plum” 😀
hyperactive boyfriend vibes. can’t go in public without him running all over the place “Y/N over here!” or “ Ooh Y/N look at this!”
if your introverted, he’ll respect that and stay with you most of the time. y’all speak a lottt about your interests
sometimes he lends you his cape when your cold, though it’s kinda thin somehow it’s warm (magic? 🤨)
he won’t hesitate to kiss you smack on the lips! he kisses you everywhere whether it’s your neck, your shoulders or your cheek he loves to kiss you!
“Venti, what are you doing?” “Whaat? I can’t kiss my Windblume once in a while?
he does PDA as long as yo ur comfortable with it!
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he sees everything as a piece of art but you? ohhh you are a masterpiece
he actually confessed to you (ik very shitty headcanon I’m not good at this)
when he realised he had a crush on you is when he made eye contact with you. your attractive, charming eyes made his stomach swirl.
since he felt these feelings he wanted to study more on human emotions, mostly he wanted to study more on it because he wanted to understand you better and how to not make you feel sad.
you guys were just friends and you kept him a lot of company in his lab. sometimes he needed some assistance and you helped him. you explained some of it and you got him amused! (well not with face expression) beauty and brains? it’s a win-win situation for both of you 😉
well technically he had sucrose confess to you instead of him. when she told you, you looked over at him but he wasn’t looking at you
( I don’t know albedo very well so these may not be like him)
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Arataki Itto
he immediately told his gang that he had a crush on you and they were super supportive!
when your around he takes a chance to try and talk to you, since he is such a social person he managed to have a conversation with you and get your number!
after like 5 days or something you guys were dating!
he always checks up on you and helps you if your carrying something “Hey babe! Do you need help? I’ll carry those boxes for ya!” “It’s fine Itto I can ca-“ “Nah I insist! Come on, let me have at least 3!”
omg he gives the warmest hugs he’s like a personal heater I’m telling you
he flexes to everyone that you are his partner “ Hey! You know Y/N? she’s my partner!”
he likes to be big spoon and he also squeezes you to death if you sleep with him 💀
he only calls you by your name in serious situations he only calls you nicknames like “ babe” “my sidekick” “cutie
he finds it cute when your angry but he’s careful to not make you too angry(that has happened before)
same as venti, he’s good with PDA as long as you are!
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omg he is such a flirtt every time he sees you he never misses an opportunity to flirt with you or compliment you
he’s known as the “player” in town and lots of girls love him, he’s used to but somehow your different? You don’t really pay attention to him
you didn’t even have a crush on him but being the flirty boy himself he made you fall for him
you confessed to him with a love letter and surprisingly he actually accepted it!
personal space? never heard it. he loves to have a a hand on your waist or on your thigh. sometimes he sneaks up on you 😉
he allows you to comb through his hair and even braid it. sometimes he keeps it on
whenever he goes on a mission he tells you all about it
sometimes you and him dance in the rain as if nothing else matters :)
he gets drunk and you have to bring him back but most of the time you guys end up having a make-out session
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lover4st · 2 years
study session with miss perfect, eddie munson x dyslexic!reader
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Summary: Eddie Munson needs a tutor, you get that position. 
Word Count: 1,429
a/n: so, i have this whole list of ideas to write and i eventually get them on screen but i would love if y’all gave me some stuff that you would want me to write.
“Y/N, I know that you don’t like the idea, but we really need you to do this. If you don’t, the principal told me to contact your parents.” The teacher has just said that you have been tasked with tutoring Eddie Munson.
It isn’t really a problem with you. You don’t have anything against him, you find him kind of cute actually. But it sucks when someone has to study with you. You always already get embarrassed, teased, and made fun of. Your mother already has to help you understand and read and write stuff because otherwise it will become a mess and some people say you write like a 2nd grader. Including your “friends”.
“What are the requirements?” You asked, wondering how long this might last. 
“Well, if he gets serious improvements, at least a B average for this semester, then you don’t need to. But if his grades start slipping again you will be assigned as his tutor for the rest of the year.” This might be some serious work; he didn’t even look like his grades would be that bad when you first saw him. In fact he sort of still looks like that. He looked kind of nerdy, which is so attractive in a guy, and then you saw some of his tattoos. 
I don’t know what that man is but the first thing on my mind is hot.
“And I would like you to study with him during lunch at least once a week. Now you don’t have to see each other for a certain number of days but you have to spend at least 4 hours studying or tutor with him.” It doesn’t seem that bad, oh well. Might as well just get to study with him today during lunch. Everyone knows which table he sits at because he is very noticeable. With climbing on tables, yelling across the cafeteria. You always let your gaze switch to him because of how cute he is.
Who needs a Jason Carver when you can get an Eddie Munson?
“Yes ma’am.” You walked out the room considering there is only one more class till lunch, and you want to get the embarrassment over with instead of holding it out. But lunch is only 45 minutes, so we would still need to get 3 hours and 15 minutes for this week, and it’s Tuesday already. So, I guess we’ll just set up a schedule or something.
You already spot him in the hallway at his locker after you leave the classroom. Just want over to him. You can do this.
“Hello!” You didn’t even really register walking over here and saying something till it came out. You sound like a scared mouse, just a little squeak of an introduction. “I’m Y/N. The teacher has assigned me to be your tutor.” I didn’t realize I had my eyes squeezed shut. Your eyes open and you see Eddie just looking at you.
“I know, she had to talk to me to.” He said, rather calmly. Like he didn’t seem to care at all. He looked at me sort of sadly for a few moments before he said something again, “You know you don’t have to; you can just say that you did it and I’ll agree with you. I know Miss Perfect doesn’t want to work with The Freak.” He said the last thing with a gruff tone of annoyance.
It made you sort of upset. He really thought you were going to lie my way out of this and say that I did it even though I gave no effort to. You want his grades to be good and for him to understand the work he was doing. And he called you Miss Perfect, you are no way in control with your life. It just seems like it. You work hard to maintain good grades, a clean room, athletics, everything you do. 
“It’s okay! I’ll do it. You don’t seem like a bad person anyway. As long as you don’t make fun of me then you are all good.” He looked at him with hesitance. Maybe he was questioning why you brushed off his insult. Maybe he was questioning why you would actually help tutor him. You’ll never know. “Our first study session will be during lunch today, so get some food and head to the library.” You said in a somewhat chipper tone. You looked at him and decided today isn’t the day to be late, you turned around and walked away. The same way you walked towards him, unsure. Maybe a little frightened as well.
The next class blew by so quickly, that it was now time for lunch. Or just the study session. You dashed to the library as fast as possible, ignoring your friends completely because you know they would criticize not yourself, but that fact Eddie Munson needs a tutor. They are probably going to mention if he is dumb, but it really doesn’t matter. 
You get into the library and surprisingly see that he is already situated there. Maybe this won’t be as difficult as it was thought to be.
“Hi, just pull-out whatever homework you have, and I can help with it if you get confused. Or whenever you’re done, I can check over it.” You said to him while walking over and placing my bag down. You look at him and watch him for a minute until he looks up and makes eye contact. “Sorry.” Wanting to make this less embarrassing, you grab your bag and pull-out a book and decide to start reading. 
You start reading out loud and push your finger across the page to keep along with the words. This is the one of the ways you can read somewhat decently, you love reading. It’s just difficult.
“Are you trying to read to me?” It was already forgotten in your mind that you were helping Eddie Munson and in fact that he was sitting next to you.
“Um, no.” Eyes drifting back to where your finger was still on.
“Why are you reading out loud then?” The pencil was now on his paper, not in his hand anymore. As he looked at you with his hands together, fingers crossed and arms on the table. 
“I just have a little bit of an issue reading,” face flushing. “I told you I’m not Miss Perfect, things are hard for me too. I have to work as hard as most people, maybe even harder.” Picking up the bookmark you had and putting it back in your book. Looking up at him you ask if he needs help.
“At the moment, no.” He picked the pencil back up, “and I wasn’t trying to imply everything is easier for you. It’s just you seem so put together. I am sorry if I insulted you.” He was begging you for eye contact, since you hid your face again by the bag in front of your face.
You peeked your head and looked into his eyes. His pupils were wide, begging for forgiveness. Looking like a sad puppy dog.
“It’s fine, I’m glad you are just a little more understanding with it than others.” You gave him a little smile, which he found adorable. He immediately started smiling with his teeth and gave a little huff of breath.
“Well, people should be understanding of that, you can’t control it.” Looking back down at his paper he saw all the erase marks, “and I didn’t care you were reading out loud, I started looking up because I got confused and was going to ask for help. I was just waiting till you finished the page.”
Why did people insult this man? He is one of the nicest people you have met, it doesn’t matter if he failed senior year 2 times. He was still amazing. And plus, who doesn’t love older guys?
“Alrighty, what seems to be the problem?” You had already gotten out of your seat and made your way over to him, now you just leaned out and got to see what he was working with. “And just so you know, I didn’t care about who I was tutoring. But I’m glad it was you, got the hottest guy to tutor out of anyone. And too bad I’m going to have to hang out with you more often.” Said with so much smug and pride. He turned to his right to look at you. His cheeks were flushed, and he was looking at your face.
“Oh, you are something else alright.”
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