#he’s soooooo gay for her it’s not even funny
ggardengirl · 7 months
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are u Kidding Me. percy writing “AC + PJ”????
he’s literally a teenage girl
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months
I live for all these ships with Apollo like Apollo and Thanatos, Cupid, and even the most dumpsterfire ship of all time Copollo (I go feral over these two)
But one ship that stood out to me was Boreas and Apollo, and apparently the Boreads describe Apollo as "Beloved of our sire" And the fact that Koios is basically Boreas' boss makes this so much more better
So basically I'm asking for Boreas and Apollo headcanons 👀
(And if you take fic reqs, I wouldn't mind a fic with these two)
Apollo is SOOOOOO Shippable lmao XD He has such a variety of lovers and that really allows us to be able to explore a variety of relationship!
Healthy or toxic, lmao XD Copollo is Top Tier imo
and on the topic of Boreas, I have one extra thing to add there because I personally headcanon that Lelantos, titan of air & moving unseen (and apollo's uncle), used to be the head of the wind gods but was stripped of his title by Zeus post-titan war because he sided with Kronos.
So therefore, both of Boreas's bosses are relatives of Apollo's lmao XD
Imo, Hyperborea was some sort of courting gift or something Boreas gave Apollo. Because here's the thing with Hyperborea:
It's the One Place Boreas does not blow his winds, hence its title of Eternal Spring.
Boreas's palace resides at the southern border of Hyperborea, with gryphons who live in BOTH places.
Three of Boreas's son are PRIESTS of Hyperborea, and serve Apollo when he's there.
Three of Boreas's daughters joined Artemis's hunt (Oupis features in my fic Shattered Minds, btw!)
Hyperborea is literally "over the north wind" in Greek.
I think we can all agree winter is the time Apollo and Boreas hook up lmao XD
Boreas ALSO, in some versions, is a suitor of Hyacinthus, but he clearly doesn't hold any ill-will about Hya & Apollo because let's be real, he would have picked Apollo too XD
So imagine this. Hyacinthus & Apollo making out. Then Apollo & Boreas making out. HECK HYACINTHUS & BOREAS MAKING OUT.
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Zephyrus has a crush on Apollo :3 (It makes sense. also Apollo is widely associated with spring and Zephyrus is the SPRING wind, and likes pretty guys and Apollo is the prettiest so-)
I blabbered about that in the Discord with @xxzephyrbreezexx and our fellow Discord user whom I don't know if they have a blog here 😭 KNOW I AM POINTING VIOLENTLY IN YOUR DIRECTION
You are Zephyrus. You have a crush on Apollo. You also get a crush on his boyfriend.
The Hyacinthus Debacle, as I have dubbed it, also created a bit of a rift between Boreas and Zephyrus, which is Sad because they are usually associated with each other in literature, art, ect :(
Family dinners are Awkward. Even more so when Boreas brings Apollo along to the dinners hosted at his place.
They became Especially Awkward when Helios and Selene were still around because then Boreas would have to deal with Helios's Dad Instincts kicking in and staring him down.
(Helios is Boreas's uncle btw!)
(I have a Boreas thing planned in my Helios fic eheheheh. It's funny, don't panic)
And whenever Apollo pops in the visit Eos about light-related things or Astraeus (Eos & Astraeus are the winds' parents) it Still Is Awkward because Zephyrus just. BOLTS out of the room.
He is simultaneously Gay For and Terrified of Apollo.
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Also if Asteria tags along with Apollo (because she is shooting stars/night prophecy and Astraeus is dusk/stars) she gives Zephyrus The Death Stare.
He is equally terrified of her, minus the horny.
Cupid/Eros, eh?
...are you in the Discord by chance? Because the fellows I mentioned previously and I have also discussed this👀
We get Boreas in my next fic, btw! :D No ApolloXBoreas, sadly, but I do have plans on incorporating them into a fic!
Perhaps my revolution fic, because I am getting Ideas concerning Boreas, Apollo, and Koios... >:3
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momotonescreaming · 11 months
Trying my hand at something different based off of a silly text post I made about a 90s/00s chatfic au. Not 100% sure if I'll continue it yet, so please let me know what you think! 💜❤️
Eddie couldn’t lie to himself that his heart skipped a beat when he got the notification. When he saw who the notification was for. The familiar bloop noise and the little pop up at the corner of the screen.
KingSteve85 is Online
Finally. Steve had moved away for college almost two weeks ago now, and Eddie had barely heard from him. Logically he knows that he and Robin needed the time to drive up, and set up in their cramped little dorms, and do other fancy college orientation things. But he missed them. Now that he had them, people who weren’t scared of him, people who weren’t afraid to call him out on his shit, people who got it. They talked almost every day after… everything.
Eddie would log on to the shitty old computer he and Wayne had fixed up and wedged in the corner of the trailer, scroll the internet, listen to music — and chat with Steve. He was a good fucking guy. And funny. And hot. And now it felt weird not chatting to him every day. Not logging on after a shift at Thatcher Tyre to find the little green Online dot next to his username. Not logging on at 2am after a nightmare to find Steve also online.
But Steve’s at college now, and his PC is currently boxed up in Robin’s childhood bedroom. Didn’t trust his new roommate, he said. Or his parents, after he moved out.
Without hesitating, ignoring the flip of his stomach and beat of his heart — he sends Steve a message.
c0rr0d3d_3dd13: soooooo how was ur 1st wk of college? :D
Steve replies immediately.
KingSteve85: so crazy haha KingSteve85: sorry i haven’t been online haha c0rr0d3d_3dd13: lol allgud. i know ur a big college boy now C0rr0d3d_3dd13: don’t have time 4 me anymor lol ;_;
Eddie cringes as soon as he says it, as soon as he hears the click of the enter key sending the message. Recoiling into a ball, hands over his face, curling up on the wheeled office chair, he lets himself spin as he watches the screen. Waits for the KingSteve85 is typing… message to pop up. God, Steve’s barely left and Eddie’s already a needy, self deprecating, mess.
Fuck his life. Crushes are stupid.
Because that’s what that is. He can admit that to himself now. Now that Steve’s left. He’s got a big, fat, gay crush on Steve Harrington. Him and all the other repressed queer kids at Hawkins High. What a cliché.
The computer pings with a new message, and his gaze is ripped towards the screen.
KingSteve85: never! there was just a lot of events and stuff this first week KingSteve85: did not have time to go to the library and log on lol KingSteve85: haven’t even called Dustin yet c0rr0d3d_3dd13: ur messaging me b4 dusty? Ur gonna make a girl blush harrington
Hunched over on the office chair with the broken wheel, at the computer he helped fix, with the shoddy speakers him and Wayne haven’t gotten around to yet — Eddie felt special. Dustin was Steve’s brother, one of his best friends. And yet Steve chose to message him first.
He tries to humble himself, hold back the blush with the knowledge that if Robin went to a different college than Steve (which was highly unlikely), he would have messaged her first. But Robin isn’t at a different college. And Eddie got the message first.
c0rr0d3d_3dd13: wot sort of events were there? music and drinking? Rotfl KingSteve85: literally yes haha KingSteve85: during the day there were like,,, tours and stalls advertising clubs and stuff KingSteve85: but as soon as it was night it all popped off haha c0rr0d3d_3dd13: u go 2 any? KingSteve85: some! not a lot haha. Robs wasn’t super excited and i didn’t want to leave her alone
It warmed his cynical heart, how much Steve cared for Robin. And how much she cared for him in return. They cared, and they love each other so much. Eddie thinks they’d still be close, even without all the debilitating trauma that glued them together. Robin had mentioned wanting to merge her and Steve into one being before, so they could always be close and balance each other out. Steve had immediately agreed.
Eddie had friends in the Corroded Coffin boys, but he wasn’t sure if they were at the ‘merge into one mega being’ stage of their friendship yet. Maybe Jeff. Jeff had gone off to college this year with Frank — to a different place than Steve and Robin — and Eddie had already received a postcard from him. It was nice to not be forgotten. A part of him wondered if he would be, when everyone went off to college.
But Jeff didn’t. Steve didn’t.
c0rr0d3d_3dd13: wot a gentleman lol c0rr0d3d_3dd13: wots ur timetable lik now? KingSteve85: fucking crazy dude KingSteve85: got lectures & tutorials & work & been thinking about doing a sport again c0rr0d3d_3dd13: which sport lol? u’ve got like… 3 to pick from c0rr0d3d_3dd13: ALSO DAMN DUDE THATS BUSY KingSteve85: i guess haha KingSteve85: been thinking either basketball or swimming. maybe baseball lol KingSteve85: which’ll add practices and meets and games and stuff haha
Before he left, Steve had quietly admitted that he wasn’t sure if he’d try out for a sport or not. During his senior year Billy Hargrove gave him a concussion so bad it benched him for months, and he’d spent ages trying to work back up to it again. So he could play without wanting to puke. And then he didn’t get into college when he applied to the fancy schools his dad made him apply for, and he missed out on any possible scholarships he would’ve gotten.
And he would’ve gotten them. Eddie’s not much of a sports guy, but he knows Steve was good. Great. One of the best.
Eddie quietly believed in Steve. He wouldn’t be himself unless he was exercising or playing a sport. You could see it in his face when he watched a game with Robin, when he played pick-up basketball with Lucas. It made him happy. So Eddie wanted Steve to try out. He was at the sappy stage where the thought of Steve being happy made his heart swell. He was happy he was happy.
(A part of Eddie just wondered if maybe Steve could be happy with him.)
c0rr0d3d_3dd13: do it!! i’ll cheer 4 u from here c0rr0d3d_3dd13: but leave som time free lol or u’ll go mad KingSteve85: enough free time i can chat w you? Haha
His hear clenches at the fact that it was Steve who bought it up. Their chatting. Maybe he thinks of it as often as Eddie does.
c0rr0d3d_3dd13: obvs??? c0rr0d3d_3dd13: if u 4get ab me im gonna cry dude KingSteve85: of course i won’t haha KingSteve85: gotta chat w you so you won’t go crazy back in Hawkins c0rr0d3d_3dd13: and i’ll make sure u don’t go crazy over there with your full ass schedule KingSteve85: its not that bad haha KingSteve85: but thank u c0rr0d3d_3dd13: i’d argue it *is* that bad c0rr0d3d_3dd13: i hav a full time job and the thought of ur schedule makes me cry
Wayne had managed to get him a job at Thatcher Tyre, through a few mutual acquaintances and a favour he had yet to cash in. It made him feel like one of those rich shit kids who go to college on daddy’s money and get a job in his company without having to work for it. The type of kid Steve was.
But Eddie can’t be picky now, and he and Wayne need the money. He’s good at cars, doesn’t completely hate it, and it pays. So he bit his lip, and now he has a full time job with a schedule of his own.
It is not as busy as Steve’s. He knows if he asks Robin, hers will be the same. Filled with band practices and sports games. Birds of a feather.
KingSteve85: i’m used to it haha KingSteve85: at least i’m only planning on one sport and not two lol c0rr0d3d_3dd13: u better stick to that harrington c0rr0d3d_3dd13: or i’ll drive up there and kick ur ass until you take care of urself
There’s a pause. The KingSteve85 is typing… message flickered on the screen, loading whatever message Steve was typing.
It eventually came through.
KingSteve85: i promise. but maybe i should break that rule so you can come visit c0rr0d3d_3dd13: u dont have 2 con me into visiting stevie. just say the word
Another pause.
KingSteve85: i will
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topcatofficial · 3 months
my ideal modern day top cat reboot (not just tc and/or the gang serving as side characters in an ensemble cast in a hanna-barbera crossover cartoon) would be like,
tc and benny are the same as they always are (selfish hedonistic get-rich-quick schemer and his naive childhood bff enabler)
dibble is a private investigator (like he's always wanted to be) who is tc's other childhood friend (boyfriend) whose investigations somehow always end up intersecting with tc's schemes even when he's not actively investigating tc. i cant decide if i want him to stay human or not tho (dog dibble au my beloved miss u baby)
trans lesbian choo choo my beloved. weird and emotional, and constantly talks about her girlfriend lola glamour (theyre so t4t)
non-committal flirty serial monogamist gold digger fancy fancy, based on a mix of his cartoon personality and comic personality. like if fujiko mine were a catboy, who will sometimes betray the gang but they barely really hold it against him. tc doesnt, anyway
oblivious math wiz brain who is probably nonbinary but he's got finances to go over so he doesnt really care about that right now.
former-hellcat butch biker lesbian spook *giggles* i cant decide whether i want spook to be a she/her lesbian or a he/him lesbian, but very top cat begins/comic based characterization
roxy from the scrapped reboot finally gets to join the gang :) she can have jellystone brain's personality since he's not using it. she also has something extremely gay going on with spook
then side characters would be like,
myra and sheldon live in the city and periodically get involved in tc shenanigans! myra is very much so a neurotic worrywart who is constantly freaking out over the ways her twin brother's schemes can backfire. sheldon didnt really have a solid characterization in his book so maybe he can have jellystone fancy's personality?
kitty glitter from top cat and the beverly hills cats can be recurring because i like her <3 to me shes so lupin-iii-sadgirl coded
lola glamour gets to appear now and then and gets to be so annoyingly sappy pda with choo choo. has a lot of mentions and cameos though cuz shes still a star and shes dating choo choo who adores her childhood best friend turned lover <3 <3 <3
dibbles ex-wife periodically shows up and tc hates her soooooo much which is ironic because theyre kind of parallels. foils. the same but different. i would emphasize them being so similar and in fact that she reminded him of tc is why he married her and she does not like that one bit. self indulgent but i really dont care <3
i think they should have two kids (fred and daniel, based on comic dibble's names) just because i think it'd be funny as fuck. am i making him even more like zenigata? sure but my justification is dibble is a little league coach and camp counselor which is stereotypically things dads do to connect with their kids :P
jazz and beau can be recurring antagonists with their own gang that being dark parallels to tc's gang. teehee.
trixie from the first movie can be a recurring character too but only if shes an irredeemable antagonist in jazz's gang. the rest of jazz's gang consists of pantera from top cat begins, rocky from the comics, and skratch gets to exist separate from spook.
i guess griswald could be recurring since he had two eps and in the comics there was a recurring antagonist who was a bulldog but i dont care enough about griswald to expand on that idea
- oh wait he can be the actual cop since dibble is a PI now. duh. he literally became a police dog in one ep so it works.
cop cat from the comics can be griswald's partner although i think he needs a better name than "cop cat" ... maybe fuse him with officer prowler so he gets a cooler name. idk
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qprstobin · 7 months
the eddie man child thing is so funny to me bc i only read buckingham fics and eddie is always helping chrissy through her gay panic or looking after steve, like literally being the opposite of a man child. even if he’s paired with steve from the get go he’s more goofy to steve’s stern, very loving and gooey but would rip anyone who hurt steve/chrissy/robin to shreds.
i think the difference is buckingham is written by lesbians and steddie is written by straight women. straights project the relationship they want/their own experiences and expectations of love onto their ships. it doesn’t help the fandom run with “mum steve” regardless of the situation
anyway tldr: straights be projecting
Oh man, happy that y'all are having a good time over there. I haven't been in that part of the fandom in a hot second.
It also sucks because the fandom did not always used to be like this! Like not only was the landscape of fandom completely different before s4 but even just the content produced back in October of last year was so incredibly different from what I see now. Not surprised ship spaces outside of the main like fr/uity hour spaces have remained relatively untouched by whatever the fuck is happening in the main fandom lmao.
And honestly... I would believe it. It's so funny, me and my friends have this convo all the time, and I know quite a few queer st/eddie fans tbf but like, there's always soooooo many straight people in that part of the fandom it's insane. And honestly with how tradwife people write Steve sometimes and how much some people love clinging onto the masc/femme dichotomy with them that just frankly does not really have much canon basis I'm not surprised by that at all.
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niccerooniererer · 9 months
Sadly not all, as sadly I can't spare enough thoughts for everyone sorry
Disaster bisexual
Has a thing for gnc reckless idiots (he doesn't realize it)
Scared of thunder
Romcom fan
He's easy to scare, horror gets him easily
Stronger than he looks
Only thing he's smart w is his bow
Particularly oblivious, yet easily notices tension between other people
Insecurity. Basically canon
Tends to push himself w training due to that
Becomes even more stupid when nervous, tries to break tension by doing the dumbest thing he can think of
Cuddly. Loves warm cuddles. Affectionate
Used to be real popular at school (yeah I hc he went to public school)
That's where his insecurities started because people always wanted the best of him
Veeeery sincere
Thrown a certain someone on a MOAB before
Afraid of heights
Shitty eyes, shitty legs
Cane user
Huge interest in flying, reason he made his drones
Used to be good at hacking
Kind of blunt but not in a rude way
Occasional weird word choices which make him sound a bit weird
Tends to swear in french more
Picky eater, fast food is really not his thing
PDA makes his stomach turn. Most he can handle is unobtrusive tail to tail touch
Probably the most closed off about personal life, very professional
Unexpected friendship with Gwen (not good) she gives him ideas on some really funny things to say, as even with all that professionalism he loves jokes
Snorts at puns which he hates, unless the pun was in french
Occasional gamer
Gay and french ??! Pick a struggle dame !! /Silly
Also hc him to be aro-acespec, this guy has a hard time getting romantic feels
Past with Ben, used to date him when they were working in the same place, separated because life pulled them too far away each other
So bitter when they meet again. But it was hard to say no when in private Ben came to him sobbing, apologizing and trying to save what they had. He gives in, love wins <3
Gets cold easily, hero that gets sick the most
Has a strange amount of love for outdated memes
Since he knows Ben is more up to date, just to spite him, he would print out the oldest memes he can find and hand them to Ben randomly
He would also hand these to others as well, just to see their reactions, it's like his unofficial "research"
That is a whole lesbian right there
Knows Quincy was into her at some point but doesn't really mind it. They're friends
Talking friends, she's big time besties with August (my oc, you'll hear a lot about him if I let it out of me), being awful hazards together n all, almost getting each other banned from the battlefield for getting so careless
Fire related puns and jokes. Canon basically
Has one of those kiss the cook aprons for when she grills
A bit of an anarchist
Gets REALLY excited about all sorts of destruction, not just fire
Girl that loves breaking rules soooooo much
For this reason she has a weird amount of fascination for natural disasters and the like
Has a competitive mutual gay thing going on with Sauda and Brickell. Hard to tell what the relationship there is between the 3 but it's def queer
Mullet Gwen mullet gwen
Kinda queer that would beat up homophobic bullies for you
She tends to pick fights like that a lot
Tho the good part because of that is she has a lot of passion
Literal streamer. In breaks or chatting streams he plays fnf mods
Has bought a maid outfit before because a charity donation goal being reached (he rocked it)
Has a complicated but tragic relationship with crypto and nfts
That's a functional bisexual right there, mostly functional
Bit of a flirt but only to get what he wants
B…. Boob (sorry)
Always plays a support character in multiplayer games, just like how he is
Vocaloid fan
Has done weird things for really big donations before, he regrets
The kinda guy that actively keeps up with trends and tends to have opinions about them
Due to said opinions he had to do apology videos before but he just never learns
From desk job to secret agency worker who was managing huge amounts of data with programs he built himself
Said work really pulled him away from someone he really really loved
Imagine his surprise when he saw him again. Looking hurt
Can't lie with a straight face, tries anyways
Dry ass eyes from staring at his screen too much
Also carpal tunnel moment. Etienne sometimes appears in his streams to yell at him to stretch his hands
Works well under pressure, which is why he got to be the code monkey hero
Used to support "creative" algos (what we usually call AI for some reason but it isn't really AI) until he saw how people use them
Commissions artwork of himself from time to time. His demeanor about being drawn always gets him a discount since he's "such a joy to work with"
Do you guys also remember something about him living in a cave
Striker Jones
Kinda dad, literally canon
Keeps bubblewrap in his pockets for when he stresses out too much from battle
Usually laid back about it though
Etienne and him working on jokes together is a worst case scenario/silly
Likes to tell jokes, especially puns to Obyn because it really annoys him
Yeah one of his love languages is making you angry <3
Can sure work the grill
Loves to read non fiction books and long realist novels
Non sensical but due to some mishearing lines, there was an Emo Lady in his life once who he doesn't think fondly of (the way he says MOAB sounds like emo lady)
D… dad bod. That's all
Has reading glasses
Augaghaaughah woman
STRONG, can throw you if she so desires, her height doesn't stop her
Had the biggest leather jacket phase before getting really into her navy look
A lot more laid back when off duty
Not too fond of jokes, doesn't really get memes
Big fan of wlw manga and shoujo in general
Knows her history, was one of her favourite classes too
Was a great swimmer from a very young age
Even went to competitions, tho she didn't get too far with that
Very just and fair
Though a great liar, playing poker with her is Hard
She could just stare the truth out of you, like, it's deadly, it's like she sees into your soul
Generally not one to dress down, girl loves her navy ass outfits
The manga guy, we already know
Engages with all sorts of genres since he's curious about all the culture he can learn, along with morals the stories hold
Commissions artwork of himself a lot, also how he has manga about himself at his house (that lives in my head… why would he do that)
He is short, his battles 2 self does not exist to me
Big fan of cosplaying
Most likely to hop on Ben's streams time to time
Very strong, as he should be
When he feels like it, he arm wrestles with Sauda and Brickell when those 2 aren't too absorbed in each other or Gwen
He is Etienne's 2nd most regular victim of bad memes, since he always looks so devastated
When people don't know about him that he's into manga, he has a harder time easing into talking about it, so he'll always start w the most normal thing, as if he didn't see food porn the anime (I don't actually know the name of it)
Probably the best hero to sit with in silence and do nothing, or read if you get bored
She is so cocky and oeperfect
God she is so so strong
Can't swim, like at all
She's great and she knows it
Can get annoyed if people can't keep up with her
Due to that, she isn't always the best to work with, as she's not the biggest team player
Often gets approached to help design cards (like an invitation card or what's it called) due to her pretty handwriting
Loves to play fight, her love language is holding you down until you tell her to stop
Loves to tease, especially if she thinks you're weak
Cut her hair on accident once while practicing with her swords
In general she has accidents a lot, it mostly happens when she thinks she's simply Too Amazing to mess up in the moment and then she does
Has been patched up at least once by most heroes
When she gets tired or tipsy, she gets really touch starved and kinda begs to be cuddled. She denies this
She does get tired a lot as she trains a lot
Not really someone who likes silence and peace, but those few occasional times when she feels that way, you really can't bother her
When she gets sick she also gets cuddly and needy (not good)
That's my dad he's a wolf
Very caring and loves his druids so much
He tends to hold picnics for them, sometimes the heroes as well
Although a dad, jokes have never been his thing
And does Striker Jones take advantage of that, 2 opposing forces, like their own weird kinda foreplay or something
Gives 2nd best hugs from the heroes
He goes awoo, it's a habit he can't shake off, he will awoo at the Moon sometimes when he forgets he shouldn't
Tends to call the druids his pack
They love to be his pack
Probably the hero that has seen most of the world, bit of a traveller
Considering he was raised by wolves, he isn't sure of his origin. Also the reason why he travelled the world
Also I know he's just an oc, but that's when he got his lil guy, my lil big guy CC who is worryingly tall and strong while being 17 (that's what Obyn gets for mingling with someone who isn't a monkey lol)
He loves being a dad to especially orphan druids because at least if he didn't have one, he can be just that to others
The best with children
Loves the horror, draws the horror
Loves to "jumpscare" people during halloween
Loves to dress up for it as well
Her morning routine involves reading a good horror short story
Has resting bitch face
Has rancid vibes. All cuz of the curses
Big big fan of silence
Loves to see the big bloons fall, that look on her face she gets when they do
It's like she gets pleasure out of murdering them
Insults from her tend to hurt more because she curses her words as well
I know I said this before but she would be a great William Afton, to me
Let her be unhinged is what I'm saying
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agena87 · 3 months
My game thought it funny to have Elsa and Wolfie falling in love and having a son together. NOT. ON. MY. WATCH! Even if in this 'verse, Wolfie is not with Mal (the anguish I feel every time I remember), he's still very gay (and IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH JEB!).
It also decided to have Björn fall for Mallory (they both have a romance bar, but in their profiles, only Björn have sentiments, there is nothing on Mallory's side). Which is SOOOOOO fucked up. He's her uncle, ffs (OK, the game doesn't know it, 'cause I never actually set Nancy & Clara as sisters, nor Lory and Mal as siblings, but STILL! Yuck!)
Some other babies have spawned in other households, but I'm too scared to go and see whose they are. I'm still trying to forget the horror of Geoffrey asking Lory to have sex with him when I played the Villareals yesterday (once again, the game doesn't know she's his daughter). I mean, good for Geoff for trying to find someone else than his cheating (soon to be ex-)wife, but. NOT. LIKE. THIS!
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flame-shadow · 11 months
Yeeess fandom violence! For hollow knight: 1, 9 and 16? 👀
fandom violence!!!
the character everyone gets wrong
Xero. Sorry, but only me and my friend on discord actually Get Him. I have evidence, because I read all the responses on any xero art, and since a lot of xero art is mine, I know the intention behind the art, and usually people don't get it all way. But my friend does, so she's the only one correct about him besides me. <3
Also, Lurien. He's not gay for the king. He's so devoted to his duty and the City that he doesn't have any capacity for romance. Palewatcher my beloathed.
9. worst part of canon
Hmmm. Honestly, this is the hardest question so far. Like, it's not like I don't have plenty of gripes, but they're not as forthcoming in this moment.
Worst part of gameplay is Pantheon of Hallownest. It's the worst because I don't find boss rushes all that enjoyable, and I think having to do all of the bosses each time you challenge that pantheon is exhausting and boring. I understand narratively why it is that way, but that doesn't help me enjoy the slog.
But that's not really what the question is about, is it? It's more story related. What's established by the game rather than the mechanics of the game itself.
Oh, I got it!
Worst part of canon is that Myla is doomed. I can't snap her out of her haze and bring her to Dirtmouth. If I could, I'd pick her up and carry her to the surface and sit her down on the bench, tell her to rest, and hey maybe later she could sing? The town needs some pleasant sounds, and I think she has a nice voice. <3
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Soooooo many ships. I don't get how most of the pairings appeal or work logically. It's not even in a "they're terrible for each other, why would you do that?" way cuz I happen to enjoy self-destructive pairings when they make sense and/or are funny. It's just like, why would X and Y ever be together? I don't get it. And it usually doesn't interest me even when I do get it.
Also, fuckinggggg butterfly lurien. I don't get the appeal. Why a butterfly? If you're gonna specify his species, why pick butterfly? What's the symbolism? What's the motivation? And I don't think 'butterfly is pretty' is enough of a justification considering how many other bugs are just as if not more pretty (a subjective claim but i stand by it) and less overdone. And it's another of those "I've seen it too many times" things, because one person made him a butterfly and then sooo many other people were like 'yeah I'll do that too' and it's exhausting. iirc, there's a damselfly lurien interpretation out there now, and I'm neutral to that choice of bug, but at least he's not a butterfly.
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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breaking down this fic for no reason other than im bored - i stopped at chapter 24 i cant do this in one go so maybe a part 1
its such a white perspective clearly because malik doesnt come home from a party and after panicking that his mums gonna kill him she doesnt say anything and ??? idk the fact that they drink they’re not religious in any way shape or form despite the fact that religions especially islam have a heavy cultural impact so theres no excuse as to why hes a complete atheist. ik this fic was made in 2014 but damn these ppl hate muslims fr we never get rep in fics??? anyways altaïr is a complete homophobe and has a little flirty banter with des but thats his cousin ? uhm. des is like ‘no dont be homophobic’ and then says ‘nvm ur not relevant enough to be cancelled’ thats just chapter 1 btw
malik has a blog where he shits on altaïr and he made it after accidentally sleeping with him because uhm he has nothing better to do… this is so OOC even if altaïr is a complete homophobe and misogynist i cant see malik make an anonymous blog and everything to call out his immorality… PURELY for his immorality its not like a tumblr blog he made sassbadgers just to shit on altaïr… and then he has a moment where he responds to an altaïr stan, she says hey women are made for men and malik was like i dont believe in any religions so im not responding to that but thats an L for you anyways cuz wtf
ok but islam literally says that women are humans and shouldnt be treated like sexual objects wtf do u mean ? this is a basic principle? youre mum is muslim? hello.?
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then he continues to laugh at said delusion fan for thinking shes married to altaïr… i know ppl like that are real… but this adds nothing to the story and given 2014 the whole ‘women getting involved in my gay ship’ drives me insane
this series does not have to be 75 chapters btw its full of fillers and irrelevant shit like why do i need to read about malik getting on the bus texting kadar for giggles idgaf
altaïr likes christmas but hes not religious my man ur dad was muslim and ur family did nothing to uphold that? huh? are they all islamophobes?
why does malik keep referring to altaïr as Mr Ibn-La’Ahad if he has no respect for him why is he addressing this guy appropriately just call him a bitch and get it over with
malik in this fic is a pretentious bitch. stop using big words just cuss him out and go taking so much time just to tell me kadar cant read big words - chapter 6 btw
leonardo and malik being roommates is cute tho i’ll give them that - at some point leo has a crush on malik i think to stir the tea but it doesnt work because… they’re too alike in this fic? they finish each other’s sentences type of alike not every gay man needs to date each other fuck sake
WHY IS MALIK TELLING KADAR ABOUT HIS SEX LIFE IS THAT NORMAL… I DONT TELL NAT ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT I DO EW and why does kadar keep asking ‘when are u gonna tell mum’ this really really really fucking annoys me as someone with a religious mum can kadar stfu shit like coming out to someone who doesnt seem alright with it is practically dangerous?????
yk how ppl said altaïr was aloof for not catching on al mualims evil plans - yeah they seemed to really fucking run with this trope good god hes so dumb its pissing me off this isnt altaïr - he says hes not bothered to take care of his stock shares or whatever ??? the source of their grandmas wealth HUH… tf do u mean ik its pre development altaïr but he wasnt neglecting responsibilities he was just a huge fucking asshole that fucked up cuz of his ego so what is going on here
im not reading this shit theres SOOOOOO many convos and NOOOOOOTTHIIINNGGG HAPPPEENNNIIIIINNGGGG
so altaïr thinks the writer behind sassbadger is a woman and is tryna flirt with ‘her’ its funny and i like it tbh but shit drags so slowly ffs
ig they’re falling in love but altaïr and malik message eachother about how maliks being nicer to him… but the reason is so dumb ‘because u purposefully make videos for ppl to laugh at u how can u be okay with that?’ what. isnt he homophobic and misogynistic what are u talking about. how is that a reason to be nicer either shit on him or stfu
also it doesnt make sense if u dont like someone esp because of their morals then… u wouldn’t interact with them on a happy social level i dont like that maliks already like bantering with him
Malik: Hey
Leo: Hey!
Malik: Sex?
Leo: Weren’t u meant to be studying
Malik: Well Im not
maybe im nitpicking rn but man the sex is so awkward like no foreplay? no setting the mood? the little convos dont make sense like if hes asking for sex hes clearly not… gonna study…? like what this author is so OOC with everyone
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DES EZIO MALIK AND INTERNET PPL KEEP TELLING HIM TO STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE AND HIS RESPONSE IS ‘im not gay! i dont like gays! keep ur dick away from me!’ wheres the critical altaïr gone this isn’t fun to read the writing itself isnt bad its just like… so much and so little happening at the same time why dont you tell me how hes so afraid of being gay instead of telling me ezio is an ‘ally’
why did they make maria thorpe… posh? is it cuz shes british?
if altaïr and malik are falling in love in chapter 15 wtf is gonna happen for the other 60 chapters ???
altaïr slept with claudias friends ? that feels weird uhm
also i forgot to say malik ended up moving in with leo or smth and then he was like no im going home i didnt quite pick up why maybe i was scrolling too fast but do u see what i mean? so much stalling that adds nothing to the story
the world building was going well it was really interesting seeing how the family works idk why they villanised giovanni but yk whatever william miles was a shit dad and des ran away to his grandma who cut william out of the will and giovanni took williams side cuz des was ‘being a lazy boy’ so he got cut out too and despite the auditores being rich and having 4 production companies to their name they’re still assholes who treat des like shit except for ezio and claudia now altaïr wants justice
see? going well interesting story so why tf are they making altaïr exotic and saying he knows 10 languages ffs - ‘English, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Russian, enough Finnish to ask directions and very little Korean.’ i wonder why they’re all (but two) european languages… what does he need to do with all those languages tf how exotic
ok so uhm altaïr fought ezio cuz of the whole des thing uhm very counterproductive but now they have matching lips scars. this is so silly thats the only word i can think ezio wasnt even involved with des’ situation even ezios like wtf are u attacking me for i… is this the only way altaïr could get a scar? tf
again kadar doesnt need to tell his brother hes gonna masturbate tf is wrong with this author
kadar liking a muslim girl is nice tho
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??? ITS RAMADAN? YOU CANT HAVE SEX IT BREAKS THE FAST… if it was during the night it’d be fine just have a shower asap but i mean. COME ON.
ik altaïrs not religious but he eats ham…
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how does the author know all these words… wdym ‘surah’ dont tell me the authors muslim
whys altaïr fighting ezio AGAIN weve established it doesnt help anything
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gonna make a detailed eurovision 2023 thoughts post (for those who haven't gleaned it from the 978543 posts saying finland and slovenia deserved better) but for now some highlights from my live reactions, ft way more typos than i usually make
starting off strong with SF1 opening and "MONARCHY JUMPSCARE"
As I kept getting ads (sf1 ad placement was a mess, a lot were during the performances): NOT ANOTHER ADDDDDDD I HATE THE RUVOSIION YOTUBE
Latvia: I didn't say anything remotely entertaining but it is worth noting that i did cry during the performance
Ireland, where autocorrect turned what I believe was "not my favourite but good" into: Not my facility but food
Directly before Finland: finlandhalshchdk FIANLANDMSND
Literally nothing entertaining happened in sf2 from me 🧍‍♀️ i think i was distracted by Slovenia
GF (fun fact I woke up the morning of with an unwell-feeling stomach from how stressed i was about the results)
Opening: SAN RUDER???? ANDREW FUCKIBN LOYD EJWNEVET???? Is that ducking Kate Duchess of whatever Can ridge i things No wales now
when marco megoni showed up with the progress flag: GAY HAY GAT GAY
When guess who showed up during the flag parade: SLECIANEJIS SLEONCISNA SLOVWNIABSHSJDJD
When they showed the swedish green room: Loreen:) And her entourage of identical men apparently
After Finland: FINALSDESDDDDDFFDRRRGRDGHJEUF I NILFA D* (this was not as much of a spelling correction as i thought it was)
Directly before Germany, these are all attempts at typing the word Germany: GERKANYH GENRNAG HRMDNAHSHCJIC
I was too scared to even say things about Slovenia
And then the fear continued for the rest of the show so most of the rest of my messages are stuff like: I’m so scared I’m gonna cry I’m gonna sob I’m gonna throw up My blood pressure thinks this is soooooo funny
Except when slovenia got points, at which i went: SLOE CJSISBS SLOCENJAIA SLOVENIA
And then at the final results I got upset and went on tumblr and starting being sad here <3 the end
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papirouge · 10 months
you are right, "woke" has truly lost all meaning as a term... one of my new favorite games has a very basic and positive message to it but because the localization inserted some nonsense about a nonbinary character it got labeled as "woke SJW trash" even tho the rest of the script is pretty accurate to the original Japanese
I also saw comments about how just including a gay relationship in this game is "agenda-pushing" like I really don't get that tbqh. it just reminded me of people complaining that the new Zelda game is "woke" because it has a few characters who aren't lily white and Zelda has short hair lmao
LMAO Dying at the "woke" Zelda bc some characters are Black. Isn't that a fantasy game? like, with magic, talking trees, trolls and shit but Black people existing is a reach?? (they did the same for Lord of the Rings TV show)
I think the reluctance of these folks to see non White people in fantasy content is bc White people want to gatekeep fantasy as a 'White only' genre. Which is funny because White people have no problem reappropriating foreign genre for their own gain 🙃
Funny how these woke hunter always forget those Hollywood movies adaptation of foreign stories where the studio ALWAYS need to shove a WHITE hero for some reason or purposely use a story where a White character can outshine others?
Remember the samurai movie with Tom Cruise? 7 years in Tibet? Also Mulan love interest was supposed to be a White man initially, but people complained and it's been scrubbed off. There are whole think piece exposing how the Whites LOVE inserting themselves into POC stories to elevate themselves as heroes. Even woke storyline don't go that far with their non White characters ; they are always confined as side kick and minimum screetime (is it true that all the dark skin characters of the house of dragon ended up dying after the first season?? lmaoooo)
And I always said that the issue wasn't non White people being shoved in "White people story" because when Black Panther happened their were still mad and were seething about that movie catering to Blacks (but don't you dare saying movies featuring mostly White people are catering to White, it will make you an awful wokester lmao). Whites will always feel entitled for other races to relate to their stories, but never the other way around. There's a post floating around cathblr with Catholics raving about Arabs discovering the Lord of The Ring and enjoying it a lot. And I couldn't help but think: would those catholics turn the favor and rave about an Arab movie with islamist undertones...? 🙃 lmao.... Those people are soooooo transparent 💀
Everything is woke if you try hard enough, anyway. Scrotes are seething because they consider some video game female characters are purposely made ugly (like Aloy from Horizon Dawn. A scrote was coping bc the mocap actress was much more beautiful and he couldn't wrap his hand as of why they would change her face to make her look more 'rough' ...when he's just too stupid to grasp that this choice is actually pretty coherent with the storyline since homegirl is nomad WARRIOR.).
I also remember when they made a revamp of Mortal Kombat chara design and changed characters body proportion to become more realistic, scrotes got mad lmao It's hilarious how they think they're really doing something 'counter-culture' but they only show how porn fried they are. There's no way to think this
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...is better than that
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Btw, all those ANTI praising Japan for being anti woke are up to a very hard wake up call. Many japanese celebrities are vocal LGBT+ supporters, a significant amount of online stars are gay/queer (Ryuchell, Peey, Kemio...). Even recently a member of AAA (a famous pop band) came out as gay 😬 there's a huuuuge push for LGBT visibility into the Japan entertainment right now, so it's obvious they have no idea of what they're talking about... The other day on Twitter I've seen a post summing up why Western conservartard scrotes love Japan
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This post was in a thread about nuclear bomb and American burgers saying it was oKay tO kIlLs thOusaNd of CivIlIanS bEcAuse jApan wEre tHe bAd GuYs 🤡
The USA humiliated Japan in the non threatening " tech/anime obsessed pacifists". Unlike other countries that still have a minimum of pride and honour, Japan doesn't remind the USA how bad they are and the unchecked harm they done to them. They are also completely economically submitted to the USA (there are still American base out there.....). So the USA give them a cookie and constantly elevate them as the perfect non White country 🙃
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aqueeracademic · 2 years
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt4:
season 1, episode 4, “Home”:
- winter in oxford is all i want
- them depicting morse as the hero in the story is so important solely because of how he views himself
- also morse being able to handle a gun and more often than not choosing not to is SO SPECIAL TO ME
- the use of a ukelele is so random to me idk why 🧐
- the idea of a ukelele existing in england in the 50s does not make sense
- winter in oxford.
- maybe her husband left her at the train station bc her suitcase is fucking LIME GREEN
- “was pete in this morning?” “sergeant jakes?” 🤨🤨
- ur jealousy is showing morse u better calm down
- “is he still with that sandra?” “who? jakes?”
- morse is shocked she doesn’t know jakes is gay
- thank GOD for a morse/debryn interaction we were ROBBED episode 3 😔
- the name coke norris is trapped in my head for all time
- it’s j something about jakes that hits different i don’t even know what to say
- morse and emotions is not something i want to sit through,, him j making a face while mrs. norris cries is SO foul
- vic is the second guy on this show to look like a farmer from fantastic mr fox
- this episode solely exists to prove that bright does care about morse
- he learned how to be a good friend from strange and is being exactly that i love him
- morse having daddy issues makes sense
- because he’s me
- obviously
- in case anyone was wondering, the proverb morse’s father referenced when his sister told him morse would be returning to oxford was “Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.”
- so.
- apparently everyone but us is allowed to know about what happened w morse and that woman everyone keeps referencing
- winter. in. oxford.
- thursday and jakes r so damn funny together
- i love lesbians
- his dick stopped working morse there’s no need to look confused 🥰
- morse socialist agenda ‼️‼️
- jakes and morse not liking the same alcohol as each other is married couple behavior
- the face morse makes when he sees joan and jakes together is sooooo
- ykwim?
- what did you THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN when u walked into a room that said u weren’t allowed in??? you know where u are king you couldn’t have at least knocked?
- i do respect morse for personally apologizing to the woman he walked in on tho that was good
- going after thursday is understandable but attacking FRAZIL WHILE SHES ALONE IN HER OFFICES??
- i won’t stand for this
- “i’m the kind who walks young ladies home.”
- ok??? do u want a sticker?
- morse is sooo protective over frazil i love him
- morse does smth that makes me 🤨 and then immediately does smth that makes me 🥰 i just don’t know how to feel
- “are you sure?” “sure 😧🤨”
- certainly won’t be questioning debryn again
- “well she’s a dead worker now.”
- goddam morse
- foul play ‼️‼️
- thursday making her comfortable about being gay so she’ll keep talking is SO PERSONAL TO ME
- no homophobia here 💪💪
- for a gay man, morse cannot spot a gay person from a MILE off
- “oh really 🤨 what was the program 😀”
- everyone leave joan ALONE challenge
- tell me why she’s sitting on a snowy ass bench to eat her sandwich tho like surely you could have done that inside
- in her MARY JANES TOO like why r u walking around in the snow queen
- morse looks straight at jakes’ ass right here as he sits down
- “i would have told him, if i was you.”
- jakes that is ONLY because you go to thursday every time u have an update on ur crush on morse
- “fred i can’t bELIEVE he would take JOAN to dance why didn’t he ask ME to go out and dance?”
- ^jakes, had morse taken joan out
- morse fr goes 😧 as soon as bright starts yelling at him
- thursday’s hair when it’s all ruffled and fluffy and shit is soooooo
- yeah
- anyways.
- thursday has a lot of unaddressed trauma that needs to be discussed
- thursday fr out here thinking joan was out w morse and quite simply doesn’t care but imagine if he found out it was jakes
- i would kill for him to know it was jakes
- i love mrs. thursday more than anyone in the entire world and would do anything to have her be my mother
- this crazy ass lady hitting on a young dude is an insane thing to j add to the episode out of no where
- thursday’s hand doesn’t even SHAKE with that gun he’s so powerful
- morse doesn’t hesitate either with a gun being held to HIM look at this duo
- STRANGE with an ENTIRE shotgun is something SO PERSONAL TO ME
- i’m in love w him i don’t care
- this story is great but literally tell me how she was able to move a dead fully grown man
- no way she’s that strong he had to have weighed about 200 pounds right?
- in fairness, morse is the stupidest man alive for fully turning his back on someone who has murdered two people and attempted murder on a third like what did he think was gonna happen
- they robbed us of the scene where debryn fixes up morse’s wound i want that conversation
- debryns face as morse gets in the car someone is in luurrrrveee
- “the doctor said to talk to you.”
- and then proceeding to say nothing is a genuinely tragic and real representation of growing up with a distant and sometimes cruel father and i love the writers for including it
- then when morse realizes his dad is dead he looks confused and then proceeds to cry. he couldn’t figure out anything to say to his dad but he wishes he wouldn’t have left him alone like everyone seems to do. he can’t say what he’s crying about, but he needed his dad because he’s all he had
- god i love thursday for everything he did for morse
- going in early on the drinking problems i see
- holy FUCK i love this theme song
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kdramaxoxo · 4 years
Hiiiii....I hope you are doing well💖💫💫 Can you suggest some nice found family or friends being family type dramas?? I need some positivity rn soooooo 😊😊 (I've watched Mystic Pop Up Bar, Hospital Playlist and Fight my way and they're my absolute favorites)
In this house we love Found Family! 
K-Dramas With Found Family:
Age of Youth 1 & 2: Age of Youth/ Hello My Twenties is one of the best k-dramas that centers around strong female friendships. A group of wildly different girls find themselves rooming together in an apartment. Lots of romance too, but the girl’s lives and friendships are the primary focus.
Melo Is My Nature: This drama is by far my favorite slice-of-life drama of 2019. Found family, strong and complex characters, I laughed, I cried. Plus a gay character that’s an actual character, with the gay as a casual side note (classy k-drama!!) It was just a perfect show for me. There’s romance, but all of the stories are super interesting.
Terius Behind Me: FBI agent goes under disguise as a babysitter! While there are some intense parts of this drama because it’s a crime thriller, the characters are super funny and all work perfectly together to create a comedic element. I mean, imagine this: You have an isolated and lonely FBI agent who is completely taken in by the neighbors small children and single mom. Honestly this show was almost perfect for me, and I’m very picky. #nosenose
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Your House Helper: A girl who loses her dad and her ability to care for her home allows a few of her friends to move in with her to help. I loved how many different issues this drama covers including sexual assault trauma, and the boys are mostly all soft (not the main the side couples are adorable).
Thirty But Seventeen: Precious puppies with past trauma! Don’t be turned off by the shows description as it turned out to be one of the best surprises of 2018 for me. The leads are lovely and everyone relies and supports one another - it’s so sweet.
HoGu’s Love/ Fool’s Love: Show about a soft innocent beta male who falls in love with a star athlete. Ugh, this drama has my heart and I wish more people watched it. It tackles serious topics sensitively and even has a gay plot line that makes me feel so much stuff!! But basically four of the friends end up becoming found family for “reasons.” (no spoilers :)
Hospital Playlist: A group of five friends who met in college all work at the same hospital together. They are all so different but lean on one another and love each other regardless of their flaws. It’s funny, emotional and the perfect slice of life (though heads up on the long episodes).
Prison Playbook: This slice of life drama taking place in a prison, is by the same people who made Hospital Playlist. If you like that, you’ll like this one. It features a prison cell of men all from different backgrounds and a celebrity baseball player who joins them after being convicted of a crime. It’s funny and wholesome and very unique.
Mystic Pop Up Bar: A fantasy k-drama that centers itself on found family. Two spirits from the afterlife set up a bar where they find humans who need to settle grudges. When the lady realizes a soft and sweet customer service boy at the local market can read people’s thoughts, she “hires” him to help out. My heart was completely taken by these three and the security guard.
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Psycho But It’s Okay: A gorgeous k-drama featuring two brothers who lost their mother, and a beautiful & famous author who grew up in a traumatic and abusive household. Everyone is very closed off and holding onto intense pain, but the three come together to help one another move on and create their own family. There’s also a really pretty narrative theme featuring fairytales.
Itaewon Class: An optimistic underdog opens his own restaurant to honor his father. He hires in a rag tag bunch of randos who will all win your heart! (well, one of them will not but I won’t say who ;-). I found some of the plot points frustrating, but the chef and one of the waiters are two of my favorite characters ever.
Crash Landing On You (Romcom/Melo): A South Korean celebrity accidentally ends up in North Korea for k-drama reasons and is helped by a soft hearted soldier and his crew. It’s one of those totally ridiculous plot lines that makes a K-drama a k-drama - You know, the ones with chaebols and all sorts of tropes, and a lot of plot that ignores reality - but the romance! Still, the couple is adorable and the found family is so sweet with the soldiers, and also the North Korean Village women have a found family of their own.
When the Weather Is Fine: A girl returns to her quaint hometown to live with her estranged aunt. She is reacquainted with a class mate and gets a job at his book store. The highlights of this drama are the soft romance scenes, and the side characters relationships. A bunch of members from the town all gather for a book club so I consider them found family. It’s not a pick me up drama though overall so if you want something upbeat, skip it.
Wok of Love: A quirky k-drama that centers around a small Chinese restaurant and their gangster employees, and their main competitor: a large fancy hotel restaurant. If you are a foodie and like rom coms, I highly recommend this drama, but many people thought it was a bit too weird (I did not and watched it twice!) #junho The lead lives in a house with her mother and a couple of people who become found family to one another. Also the restaurant all works together to become a team so you have that wholesome underdog story.
Into the Ring: The focus of this slice of life rom com is not found family (it’s local government hijinks), but the leads best friends are constantly with her, supporting her and having her back (plus they sort of live together all of the time). On top of that, the lead Goo Se Ra who has her own silly family welcomes in Gong Myeong who has no family of his own (well he does but his dad sucks). I didn’t really tell you a lot about the plot but it’s really good!
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It’s Okay That’s Love: The main topic of this drama is mental illness and for once, the K-drama writers did it justice (mostly - I mean they try their best). The characters all live in the same house and support one another as they go through hardships. With trauma and mental illness comes sadness, but there’s a great mix of light-heartedness that makes this heartwarming story pretty amazing. 
Eulachacha Waikiki / Laughter In Waikiki Season 1: I hope you’re ready for a crazy amount of unlikely situations and nutty hijinks because this show is probably one the most silly ones I’ve ever watched. It follows a group of friends who own a failing hostel together. At certain points I was like “this is TOO silly” but I’m glad I stuck with it cause it was so hilarious. Plus, the baby is a star and everyone comes together to care for her.
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cassyapper · 3 years
Apart from Jotaro and Kakyoin (unfortunately) what are your other favourite jojo ships? I’d love to know
i have a disease that makes me invested in the joestars’ happiness to an absurd level so bc of that a lot of ships i enjoy involve,,,one joestar,,,but there r others i swear let me just start rantingi
jonaeriwagon is soooooo so so cute it involves the most wholesome and purehearted jojo characters and it makes me smile so wide. erina and jonathan r childhood sweethearts and erina helped jonathan back on his feet after he lost EVERYTHING in the first fight against dio at the mansion. jonathan and speedwagon are best FRIENDS OKAY!! SPEEDWAGON LITERALLY CHANGES HIS ENTIRE WALK OF LIFE BECAUSE OF JONATHAN AND THE KINDNESS HE SHOWED HIM. i know erina and speedwagon didn't interact a whole lot in part 1 but like they're BEST. FRIENDS. in part 2, so much so joseph thought something was going on between them. i bring this up bc then it’s proof that this ship is full of ppl who just care for each other so much. they just adore each other and love each other and I'm crying
caejoseq is my FAVVV OKAY they're so stupid and in love. i love love love love imagining caesar and suziq falling in love slowly when he’s first training as lisalisa’s student and like they never do anything about it cause they're both so shy (yes caesar is shy bc these feelings r more genuine romance rather than sexual, unlike his other flings) but it’s obvious enough they both understand to a degree the other knows they like them sjkd;dn cuties. but then JOSEPH BARGES IN with his stupid hamon-breathing mask and his stupid blue-green eyes and his stupid lax personality combined with the moments he takes thing seriously during which is works hard as fuck/smart as fuck. he just completely sweeps them off their feet they had no fuckin warning whatsoever. so after a bunch of messy and intense pining from the both of them they eventually sit down and are like okay. we should do smth about feelings actually. so they Do and it ends with the polycule and I'm (”: smiling so wide they loved each other do u understand
AVPOL!! DO NOT GET ME STARTED OKAY it’s the survivor’s guilt and cherishing and longing for me sis!!!!!! I'm just saying both have pasts (araki said avdol’s backstory was so sad he didn't wanna put it into sdc so that’s where I'm drawing this from) that leave them focused on things other than their direct happiness/their own futures but then they connect and even though they're so fucking different they are SOOO different they're still the same on this level and i think!!! that would be everything for them finally someone who understands...listen I'm ging to go insane do you hear me. avdol loves this stupid fucking Frenchman so much because said stupid fucking Frenchman just cares so much about everything. meanwhile polnareff is in love with this fuckin god of a man who’s patient and kind and funny and a skilled enough fighter it’s stated explicitly in canon “oh avdol’s the one we need to worry about most not jotaro” like fuck polnareff is ENAMOURED WITH HIM!! AND I DONT FUCKING BLAME HIM!! and just dude. when pol thinks avdol came back to life and he starts crying tears of joy and hugs him so tightly and avdol just laughs but hugs him back imfmfjfj help. help. help. help. help. POLNAREFF LITERALLY ASKS HIM OUT ON A DATE THIS IS FUCKIN!!! CANON!!! i cant do this stupid fuckign idiots i love them
JOSUYASU!!!!!! TWO GUYS BEIGN DUDES WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??? like listen we have such a SLEW of wholesome moments between these two the opening to the tonio episode is literally just them going on a date OKUYASU WAS GONNA FEED JOSUKE AND JOSUKE DIDNT EVEN FUCKING QUESTION IT OKAY THAT’S KINDA GAY THAT HAS ROMANTIC FUCKING UNDERTONES!! and them fighting against shigechi idk man i just love their dynamic it’s such a pleasant bro relationship and i love them. but even beyond the wholesome moments when okuyasu fucking dies josuke loses his SHIT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME HE GOES FUCKIGN INSANE!!!!! HE’S SCREAMING AND CRYING AND BEGGING OKUYASU TO WAKE UP AT THE EXPENSE OF HIS LIFE FUCKIGN HAYATO HAD TO SHRIEK AT HIM TO MOVE HIS ASS OUT OF THE WAY OF KIRA’S BOMB LIKE!! listen the recklessness and furiousness of josuke’s tactics after okuyasu “”died”” haunts me. he didn't want to live in a world without him and meanwhile okuyaus LITERALLY TRIUMPHS OVER DEATH BECAUSE HE DOESNT WANT TO LEAVE JOSUKE’S SIDE HELP ME GIRL FJKF;NDJN FUCK. fuck. so yeah i lvoe them
fugionara... any combination of this ship makes me go nuts okay okay. the dynamics in the bucci gang will forever leave me in tatters but THE ONES BETWEEN THESE THREE IN PARTICULAR. FUCK ME UP. it’s the healing it’s the animosity it’s the regret it’s the trying to figure out your own mentally ill self while also the world ur in with these ppl u love so much and I'm going crazy okay okay okay. idk how to quite put my feelings for them in worlds i just have a lot of them and they are fuckin. overhwelming. just narancia for example meant EVERYTHING to fugo as evidence by purple haze feedback (literally every other paragraph is a flashback) and the only time giorno cries in the anime is when narancia dies. meanwhile fugo saved narancia’s life and giorno knew when to take narancia seriously as opposed to a joke. and then THE WHOLE DISCUSSION ABOUT GRIEF FUGO AND GIORNO HAVE IN PURPLE HAZE FEEDBACK? listen something about these three make me go insane and feral
foolymes like okay. okay. I'm shaking like a dog trying not to go overboard on this justification just listen to me. hermes and jolyne first find someone to trust in prison in each other. jolyne cares abt her enough that she first learns how to use stone free’s string-on-a-telephone ability bc she wanted to watch over hermes. hermes loves nd respects jolyne that after she wakes up from getting a stand shes like “hm. wonder where jolyne is” and goes to find her before all that bullshit happened just hey okay LISTEN TO ME!! and then they get foo they save her it’s just like fucking kakyoin they give her another chance and they show her what relationships are supposed to be like (fulfilling) they enjoy her company and make her laugh and she makes them laugh in return ohmy god EVERYTHING FOO FIGHTERS DID WAS FOR JOLYNE AND HERMES DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!! the marilyn mansion debt collector arc. the kiss of love and revenge arc. foo fighter’s death. I'm going to eat rocks in an attempt to stop feeling oh my god JOLYNE DIDNT EVEN BELEIVE FOO FIGHTERS WAS DYING AND THEN SHE GOT HYSTERICAL LIKE “BUT WE CAN JUST REMAKE YOU RIGHT WE HAVE YOUR STAND DISC??” SHE DOESNT WANT HER TO GOOO HELP ME HELP ME. I'm in tatters these three girls loved each other so fucking much they just wanted each other safe and they DESERVED to be safe and happy together but araki is fucking evil
jotaweather I KNOW THIS IS A CRACK SHIP I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW DONT FUCKIGN LOOK AT ME JUST HEAR ME OUT. jotaro and weather r both of similar demeanor that is quiet soft-speaking intimidating strong big aura of sadness coming from them. both have powerful stands and both had real fucked up luck in the love department. i also hc both to be autistic so that’d be another similarity. i jus think them settling down together after everything went down in a stone ocean au would be very soft and sweet yknow? they wouldn't even necessarily start it off in a romantic sense but they just take the time to try and heal with each other and eventually it just kinda veers that way. yeah
gyjo for OBVIOUS reasons like are you serious? gyro changed johnny’s fucking lfie from the SECOND they first interact johnny begins to push himself and tries to reach further/go further. and in turn johnny shows gyro you cant always be a wet blanket you need to take a stand this both helps his resolve to save the kid AND helps him to take the measures necessary to get to his goal. like gyro would not have been able to find johnny in the “who shot johnny joestar?” arc if he hadn't gone through, say, the ring roadagain arc with johnny first. listen man their relationship is literally the catalyst for this whole part it’s the driving force i just. they love each other they love each other thank you goodnight I'm emo
yasugap is just so so so so sweet it makes me so happy,,like okay josuk8 literally has a daydream where all that happens is he gives yasuho some candy and she eats it and is like “aw josuke this is so good thanks!” and she smiles at him and that’s IT THAT’S THE DAYDREAM 😭 listen they just love each other so much and i am emo. they literally SAVED EACH OTHER OKAY LIKE yasuho pulls him from the dirt and like she mentioned during the flashback chapter with the hairpin and her dad, it was also the other way around....saving josuke also saved herself and just LISTEN TO ME. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. it’s a very sweet and healthy relationship and i hope to god araki makes it canon please sir ill bite you
anyway yeah these are the main main ones ? that i ship ship. like you'll get me excited if u mention them. anyway this post has gone on long enough so I'm gonna end it here by saying i really do have a thing where the relationship focuses on healing/helping one or both parties to save/improve themselves
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
murder meri jaan! eps 16 + 17 lbs
sorry, was too busy with work and baby j/my 🤫🤫🤫 project 🤫🤫🤫 to do this yest.
ep 16
bhaskar being a hardass and adi instantly folds. lmaooooooo. kya gunda banega re tu???!! 😆😆😆
hahahahahahaha adi ka 🥺🥺🥺 haal dekh ke bhaskar also gives up any pretense of being sakht. loooool i love him man. 🤣🤣🤣
backstory time: they were on some case a month ago.
murder blah blah. i don’t really care.
adi maarofying hero entry on crime scene. wtf is this demented news reporting tho???
cut to sonal at a rishta ceremony conning some poor schmuck. god she looks soooooo good. 😍😍😍
saasumaa showing her around the house so she can achche se lootofy. 😊😊😊
beech mein kisi maami type ka haar bhi note kar liya lol.
the murder stuff is booooooring.
lmaooooo sonal managed to get the haar off maami by end of the rishta meeting. how????????
anyway they’re planning to marry in a week and clean them out.
ok but what is is the significance of the “yahaan bhoot bhi bolte hain” writing on the interrogation room wall???? i’ve been wondering since day 1. 🤔🤔🤔
perp is schizophrenic??? seems to be having auditory hallucinations.
ok fuck the murder waala scene is really too fucking gory 🤢🤢🤢
anyway the voices told him to do it and so he killed wife and naukar.
lmaoooooooo bhaskar is like “yeh bhi bata do kinne kii yeh bhavishyavaani; abhi jaake dharh lenge” 🤣🤣🤣 (i love that he talks in the actual MP dialect.)
anyway dude lawyered up so there’ll be nothing more said.
man i know the cops are our protagonists and we’re supp to be on their side, but fuck the entitlement they have and how they seem loath to let the accused even have their basicass rights……….. not a good look, man. 😬😬😬
lawyer seems to know his job tho, so thank god. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
ep 17
sonal disappointed ki ladka gay hai and that’s why those parents were so eager to get him married off. i fail to see the problem here????? marry and lootofy the fam, homophobes who do such shit deserve it anyway. i’d do it guilt-free in this case. 😊😊😊
lmao oh sonam has the same idea as me. she’s fully into it and calling it “good karma”.
“mujhe koi shaadi-vaadi nahi karni; bas aish karna hai life mein.” sis same. 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
but her eyes say she wants lurrrrrrrve. she just wants takkar ka banda who phasaofies her instead. you’ll find it baby, murder house bilkul bagal mein hi hai tumhara!
instant cut to adi. show not even subtle about it lmao. 🤭🤭🤭
omg he has an invite to the sonal/bakra wedding. he knows the groom!!!!!
prediction: groom is prolly gonna get cold feet and run and this mahaan boy will marry her to “bachao izzat” lol.
mummy using opportunity to cajole adi into marrying too. he’s being sensible about it and saying “majboori thodi hai?!??”
ugh stupid “tujhe ladkiyaan hi pasand haina???” trope. he’s playing to it and being all “nahi pasand toh???” 🙄🙄🙄
mummy is flummoxed but trying to be supportive and saying he doesn’t need to hide who he is. points to her for being better than the groom’s family, i guess?
he laughed and walked off. ha ha ha what a hilarious joke. i don’t find this shit even remotely funny. 😒😒😒
asjfdksjsjsshsjsj mummy tho goes on to progressively update his profile to show interested in women AND MEN. lol. bless her heart.
sonal on other hand making comprehensive plan of the bakra’s house and what they can whisk off. girl, love you, love your brain. 🤩🤩🤩
her accomplices are a buncha fucking idiots tho.
she takes a break from their nonsense and goes for a walk. passes murder house.
sees all the crime scene tape and is ittttchinggggggg to go in. sis what horrible instincts. 😟😟😟
phew. thankfully left it alone.
adi is literally the fucking dumbest cop ever; he’s like if dude was mentally unstable, he wouldn’t be able to solve sudoku. man have you ever met a neurodivergent person in your life ever????
now remains the “chudail” theory. so they’re going to go check out the bedroom for the chudail. wonderful.
lmaoooooo bhaskar’s unfiltered thoughts about adi are coming forth. damn what kinda shaitaani room of truth is this?!????
adi concerned for bhaskar. but in like 30 sec, he’s hearing voices too. yiiiiiiikes. 😰😰😰
adi ke unfiltered thoughts about bhaskar coming out too. wow. he’s a dick. hmph. no guy with this face and bod can be truly a nice person i guess. 😒😒😒
ok they’re both under some kinda spell or idk what and are acting totally possessed. this room needs an exorcist. and a havan done in it. asap. 😖😩😣
somehow made it out of there with their lives. sanity, still undetermined. 😟😟😟
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