#he's just used to ignoring that it's not since he'd been told pretty far back
worstloki · 11 months
something very horrifying about the concept of Thor but not Loki being told that Loki is Jotun when the brothers are old enough to understand the importance of the secret
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roosterforme · 1 year
Something to Talk About | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley knew the rumors were circulating. He knew his friends were talking. But he had known you for such a long time, and you were just friends. Because if something was going to happen between the two of you, it would have happened by now. Right?
Warnings: Fluff and swearing
Length: 1900 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written for a request. And also because mak-32 said Rumor by Lee Brice would make a good fic. Check out my masterlist for more!
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"Hey, Bradshaw, where's your girl?" Jake asked with a smirk. "Haven't seen Yankee all night, and it's getting late."
Bradley shot him some side eye from his stool near the pool table. "She's not my girl. And as far as I know, she went out for dinner with some guy she met at the gym."
"At the gym on base?" Nat shook her head and laughed. "You know how those Navy guys are, Rooster. They only want one thing." 
Bradley rolled his eyes. "She can take care of herself."
"Hey, Payback," Nat called out. "Why do you go to the gym on base?"
"Pick up girls," Reuben replied without hesitation from the other side of the pool table. 
"See?" Nat said to Bradley. "And I don't believe you when you try to tell me there's nothing going on with her. She's constantly touching you, and you get a stupid looking smile around her."
"Just friends," Bradley muttered, taking a sip of his beer. He'd known you since flight school in Pensacola. He'd been stationed with you in Norfolk and Corpus Christi. Now you and he were both back at Top Gun. If something was going to happen between the two of you, it would have happened by now. "Just good friends."
"Friends don't undress each other with their eyes," Nat said, batting her eyelashes at him while the guys laughed. 
Bradley shook his head. He didn't undress you with his eyes, but it wasn't his fault that you were pretty. And you most certainly did not look at him that way. "She doesn't even date other aviators. And she once called me an adorable puppy dog of a man. Just friends."
"There she is," Jake drawled, and Bradley's head snapped around so quickly to see you heading their way. "Hey, Yankee, looking good," Jake called out. 
"Shut up, Hangman," you returned as you got close, but you were smiling at them. You always seemed to be smiling, but seeing you dressed up was a real treat. Bradley was used to you wearing flight suits and khaki uniforms every day. 
When Bradley stood, you walked right up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. "How was your date?" he asked quietly, trying to ignore the looks the others were giving him.
"He was so stupid, Rooster. He could barely string a sentence together. Just a dumb jock," you replied looking up at him with wide eyes. Bradley held you a little tighter; so maybe his feelings for you went just the tiniest bit past platonic. 
"Aww, give the guy a chance, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Maybe he's just not used to how pretty you are. Maybe he got distracted." 
You rolled your eyes at him. "You know I hate it when you call me that." But you were still smiling. "Wanna know the funniest part? He actually asked me when you and I broke up."
Bradley's brow creased. "You and I? Us?"
"Yeah!" you laughed. "Apparently there are rumors we're together. Crazy."
"Yeah... crazy," he agreed, rubbing your back through the fabric of your dress. "Why would anyone think that?" he mused out loud as you pressed your cheek against his chest. You sighed contentedly against him, and when Bradley glanced over to the pool table, he saw his friends all scrambling to pretend they weren't watching you together. 
"I have no idea," you told him softly. 
Bradley cleared his throat. "If this guy was no good, maybe you need to reevaluate who you're going out with, Yankee Doodle. That's like five duds in a row."
You groaned. "I hate it when you're right. I'm getting a drink," you announced. "Anyone need anything?"
Bradley watched as you and Fanboy walked away to get some drinks from Penny. But you kept glancing his way while you and Mickey talked. And maybe Bradley shouldn't be surprised that people thought you and he were together. The two of you had always been comfortable around each other. 
"Could the two of you possibly stand any closer together?" Nat asked, drawing Bradley's attention away from your legs in that short little dress that you had wasted on another shitty date.
He just shook his head. "Nah. She treats Mickey the same way she treats me." But Bradley was starting to have a hard time believing that. 
You and Mickey were a few feet apart, and you were smiling as he was talking animatedly with his hands. But you seemed to reserve a different smile just for Bradley, one that would make his heart ache a little bit if he ever saw you give it to anyone else. 
Nat laughed and patted his arm. "Yeah, okay," she said sarcastically. "I'm just saying, if you want these rumors to stop, the two of you are definitely going about it the wrong way. You look like you're already in a relationship."
A relationship. Bradley would know what the press of your lips against his felt like. He would know all about the needy sounds you made in bed. He would know how it felt to hold you all night. But he knew none of those things. Did he want to?
"Here you go." You were holding another bottle of beer out to him, nudging him in the chest with it when it took him a moment to return from his hazy thoughts of spending a lazy Sunday in bed with you. 
"Thanks, Doodle Dandy," he murmured, and the soft smile that found its way to your lips had him thinking about kissing you. He cleared his throat a few times before taking a sip of the beer and sitting down on the stool. "So, was your dinner at least good? If your date was a dumb as you said, I hope you got a decent meal out of it."
And then your smile was gone as you looked into your vodka cranberry. "We got seafood, and it was delicious. And I made sure to stay and order dessert after he made a comment about my size. He said he usually doesn't date girls with big hips, but I had a cute face, so he'd make an exception."
Bradley froze, gaping at you, and when you met his eyes, you looked so vulnerable. You never looked vulnerable. You were a fast talking fighter pilot who never put up with his shit. But you were also a woman with feelings that had been hurt by some faceless asshole who Bradley would gladly pound into the ground given the opportunity. 
"He's wrong, Doodle," Bradley said, reaching for you and pulling you closer. You let one hand rest on his thigh as you stood between his knees. "Well, not about your face. But the rest of it...he's dead wrong."
You shrugged and smiled at him. "Thanks, Rooster. I'll be fine. I realized he was an idiot before he even said that stuff." You sipped your drink while Bradley leaned in closer. 
"I think I have a solution for your problem, Yankee Doodle." His nose was just a few inches from yours, and now you were leaning one of those decadent hips against the inside of his thigh. Your hand slid an inch further up his leg, and he had to stifle a moan. 
"Which problem is that, Rooster?"
"These guys. These shitty guys keep asking you out, but you deserve a good one," he whispered, and your eyes dipped down to his lips. "One who would tell you how fucking perfect you are. You're fucking perfect, Yankee."
"Oh," you gasped softly. "Rooster?"
He smiled at your surprised expression. "Everyone already thinks we're together anyway. I mean, we can shut these rumors down, if that's what you want. Or we could keep everyone talking. You could probably get me to do anything you want, really."
"How.... hmmm," you hummed, rattling the ice in your cup and avoiding his gaze. But you weren't moving away from him. If anything you were creeping a little closer. "How would we keep everyone talking?"
Bradley stroked your chin with his thumb and tilted your face gently so your eyes met his. "I could kiss you... if you want."
You licked your lips and searched his face. "If you kissed me, would you just be feeding into the rumors?"
Bradley watched the movement of his fingers as he let them drift back along your jaw and wrap around to tease the back of your neck. "No, Dandy. I'd be feeding into this crush I have on you. Which is why I've never done it before."
Your eyes drifted closed as you tilted your head a bit, and Bradley's pulse went wild. Every alarm bell in his head was going off, warning him that he'd get his heart broken if you were only going to kiss him for fun. But he couldn't stop you, because he didn't want to. 
With a soft sigh, your lips met his, and Bradley instantly knew you and he should have done this sooner. Your kiss was sweet as your lips gently explored his. He pulled you closer, his firm fingers stroking up and down the back of your neck until your palm rested on his chest. He could feel the prickle of his mustache against your skin as he nibbled gently on your bottom lip. The soft noise you made spurred him on, but now you were pulling away, meeting his eyes with that same tentative look. 
Bradley could feel the cold condensation on his jeans where your glass had come to rest, but everywhere else he was so warm. He took your glass and his beer bottle in his free hand and set them down on the table behind him. "Come here, Doodle," he whispered, now tracing your cheek with his knuckles. 
Your arms went around his neck, and you were pressing against him, tucked snug between his spread legs. "I hate it when you call me that," you whined softly, pressing your lips against his a little rougher this time. It took everything in Bradley not to climb off the stool and push you against the wall when your fingers found their way into this hair. 
"No, you don't," he whispered, breaking the kiss to taste your neck. 
"No, I don't," you agreed. When his mouth returned to yours, you parted your lips for Bradley, and he tasted you there, too. He stroked your cheek, and you peppered his lips with soft kisses before you pulled away a few inches. "I liked that."
"So did I," he agreed with a laugh. "We should do that all the time."
You nodded and kissed his cheek, and then Bradley realized all the other aviators were staring at both of you with varying looks of surprise. Except for Nat. She was smirking.
When you glanced over your shoulder to see where Bradley was looking, you waved at everyone. 
"Are the rumors true then? You two are into each other?" Nat asked, casually sipping her drink.
You turned back and looked at Bradley with hopeful eyes and a grin. "Are the rumors true, Rooster?"
He wrapped his hands around your waist and nodded at the others. "Yeah. Rumors are true." Then he stood and pulled you against him, dipping his head down for another kiss while you smiled. 
Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls for putting up with me. And I hope @abaker74 finds a real life Rooster, because that's what you deserve!
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fooled-around-and-fell · 10 months
square one.
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summary: when carmen left for new york, he also left you. now he's back, unannounced, and no matter how angry you are at him... there's a small part of you that wants to see him again.
pairing: carmen berzatto x female reader
warnings: angst. cursing.
you and carmen used to learn how to draw together. you'd watch classes from outside the shop because none of you could afford the actual class, and mrs. kendra was kind enough to let you two kids join in for free. under the condition that you'd help clean up, of course, but that was worth it.
as you grew up it was harder to see each other when you're both so focused on your careers, and the fact that your schedules never matched didn't help either.
you still kept in touch by texting each other, carmen made sure you always sent him a picture of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner because somehow you always miss a meal. but that also eventually stopped because you'd forget to take a picture and he'd forget to reply.
in fact, carmen stopped replying altogether. he disappeared one day. when you finally went to the beef to look for carmen, mikey told you carmen had left for new york.
he didn't even say goodbye.
years after that -- after mikey's funeral, after the beef shut down, after it reopened to the bear... you wonder if you should go find him again. sugar has always told you to come visit, but she knows it's not that easy.
you've always had feelings for him, and part of you knows that he definitely knows. it's so obvious.
so did he choose to ignore it? all those years, was he just pretending that he didn't know?
standing in front of the bear, it seems ridiculous now to look for him. what are you going to say anyway?
"hey carm, it's nice to see you again."
"hey carm, why did you leave?"
"fuck you carmen."
"carmen!" you hear sugar's voice shout his name from the backdoor. you immediately hide behind a wall. they're arguing about something, and you're not sure why you're not already leaving.
maybe because you want to hear his voice. after years. maybe.. maybe you miss him. just a little.
there's so many questions you want to ask, so many things you want to tell him, but you don't know where to start.
"i'll call him back later."
and then there it is. your breath hitches when you hear his voice, and the little girl inside you decide to peek your head out to see him.
has he changed? is his hair different? is he dressed different? does he have the same tired look in his eyes? is he smiling more often?
there's a sense of longing when you see that he kept his curls and still has his naturally built stature. you vividly remember how it feels to be in his arms.
maybe you've been staring too long, because carmen can sense a pair of eyes staring at him and has begun turning his head. you manage to turn away just in time.
that was close.
your heart is beating fast, and you curse yourself for feeling this way. the same way you feel when he scolded you for not eating properly and then fixing you a meal.
the same way you feel when he used to help you out with drawings because he's just so good at it.
the same way you feel when he's just staring at you with a small smile on his face.
they're all just memories now.
you sigh and push yourself off the wall, walking home because you're too scared to confront him.
another day.
you own a small boutique not far from the bear. it's not that hard to miss, especially since you're pretty famous for making custom shirts, dresses, jackets, all that stuff. especially for richie.
"hey cubby!" richie calls out. cubby, or cub, is the nickname mikey had given you the moment you couldn't separate from carmen when you were kids. a bear cub.
you walk to the front and see richie with a new, bright white button down shirt. looks real nice. "how can i help you, richie?"
"got a new shirt for a hot date. think you can help me shorten the sleeves a little bit?" he asks.
"of course. need this by tonight?" you ask before his phone rings.
"yep, you have my measurements, right?" he winks before taking the call. "oh, can you also drop it off by the bear? thanks, you're a doll, bye!"
you can't even protest because richie is long gone. sighing, you started working on the piece of clothing. richie's doing it in purpose, of course, he saw you yesterday peeking around the corner and he had to do something.
richie's shirt didn't even take you an hour to fix. to be honest it didn't even need fixing, richie was just being dramatic and playing cupid.
it's 3pm, and you know that the bear is probably empty right now. you could go, drop the shirt off, grab a sandwich to go and just leave.
you can totally do that. it's fast, easy, and you won't run into carmen. definitely won't.
you clench your jaw once you're one step into the restaurant. for once carmen isn't in the kitchen, he's by the cashier writing something down for richie to remember later.
"honestly, why is he always gone when i need him-" carmen's mutters stop when he sees you frozen in place.
how should you play this?
feign innocence? pretend like you never knew he's back from new york? or get angry and tell him you're hurt? fuck, doesn't that sound so petty and childish?
silently taking a deep breath, you walk to the cashier and hand him richie's nicely folded shirt. "hey. give this to richie, will you? thanks."
"o-oh. sure."
you turn to leave.
is he going to stop you? call your name? maybe once you're outside. once you're a few steps away, he's gonna call you and tell you to wait. he should, right? he will, right?
you keep hoping he's going to care, even if that means just giving you a second glance while you're walking out, but there's nothing. you're already back in your boutique and you realize carmen didn't even bother to.. do anything, really.
he just doesn't care about you that way.
why did you have richie's shirt?
are you with richie now? casually? something more serious?
why did you have his shirt?
are you happy with richie?
why are you with richie?
"what?!" he turns his head to sugar who's frowning at him worriedly.
she takes the knife in his hands and put them away. "what the hell were you thinking about?"
carmen sees the blood on the cutting board and curses. "nothing."
"wasn't nothing if you didn't even realize you'd cut yourself."
carmen washes his cut finger and pats it gently with a cloth. sugar helps him bandage the cut. she looks at him and sees he's still in distress. "is this about cubby?"
"what?" carmen frowns, almost forgetting the nickname mikey gave you. "no."
"it's not."
"stop denying it."
he looks away. "...she was here today."
sugar's eyes widen in surprise. "really? what was she doing here?"
"came to return richie's shirt." he says, chest tight. "didn't know they're together."
sugar wants to punch richie right now. "they're not."
"i dunno, seemed that way."
"believe me, they're not." sugar sighs. "i know her."
carmen frowns. it sounded like sugar was trying to poke a certain topic. "and i don't?"
"carm," she deadpans. "you disappeared on her. you really think she can be all chirpy when she sees you like.. what, almost 7 years later?"
his turn to sigh. "no, yeah. you're-you're right. she deserves to be happy."
"yes, she does." sugar emphasizes. "so what are you gonna do about it?"
today seems particularly longer than any other day. you're bringing home a few yards of fabric to finish a client's requested dress, and you know it's gonna be a long night.
you just closed the shop and are about to leave when you see carmen standing nearby, hands in his pocket, a cigarette between his lips. he takes another drag before putting it out when he sees you.
he's facing you now, and you're not sure what to do. or what he wants.
carmen sees your uncomfortable expression and curses at himself. maybe he shouldn't have done this after all. he can just leave- no. don't do that.
"aren't you going to say anything?" you ask, not looking at him.
carmen feels like he's being pushed into a corner and gulps. "i... i don't really know what to say..."
anger bubbles up inside you. "well then what the fuck are you doing here? if you're not here to explain how you-" you stop yourself from going further. you're not going to let him know that you've been thinking about him for all this time.
"forget it." you sigh and walk away.
"no, wait." carmen chases after you. "i just... fuck, i'm not good with words, okay? i don't know how to say it."
"yeah? maybe leave for another 7 years and see if you can figure that out."
carmen stays silent and that angers you even more. you smile bitterly, "you know what, let me make it easier for you this time."
"goodbye, carmen."
part 2 is OUT
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Vampire!bucky x innocent!reader. We have a mighty need
Strawberry juice
pairing: vampire!bucky x innocent!reader
warnings: blood / blood sucking / kidnapping/ dark!bucky / non-con use of body for buckys orgasm / release in pants
a/n:I hope you enjoy I tried my best! I'm still new to writing smut and I'm still learning please be nice 🥹 I also wasn't sure if you wanted this to be a dark fic 😅
18+ only
minors do not interact
this is a dark fic if you're not into that please do not read!!!
masterlist / bucky / part 2
You've been working at this coffee shop near your place for 6 months, and you've been loving it. The people are always so nice to you even when you make a mistake, which was so surprising as people used to yell at you at the place you worked before. To be fair, the coffee shops' uniforms were little maid outfits that leave very little to imagination, but to you it never clicked that everyone was nice because of that.
And even the tips were amazing.
You loved your job, it was really fun to talk to people all day and receive compliments, you've never heard so many compliments in your whole life!
The regular customers always left big tips even when you spilled something on them! You'd be apologising, then helping them clean up the mess and you'd feel so bad, but they would just reply with a smile and give you double the price of the coffee you'd spilled. When you tried to deny the tip they'd just put it in the pocket of your outfit.
Recently, a new customer started coming, and he was very pretty. You've started to wait for him to show up all day, you even changed shifts since he usually comes an hour before closing.
The man usually sits in the far back corner of the shop, he sits in a place that has the best view of the whole place. He never finishes his tea or coffee just sits there and reads.
You thought he looked lonely and you've really wanted to start a conversation with him, but the opportunity never rose until now.
The place was empty, only you and the man are left, you've got another half an hour before closing and you've already done everything. So you gather the courage to go talk to him. Maybe you want him to pay attention to you because he's the only one who doesn't, and you're not used to being ignored and not called pretty.
your heart stops when the man looks straight into your eyes, the intense blue of his eyes making your legs shake.
"Hi? Is there a problem, you're still open right?"
you try so hard to break the eye contact but something won't let you, it's like you're stuck.
"Oh there's no problem just wanted to ask if everything was okay?" you feel out of breath by the time you finish your sentence.
"Oh, everything is great. Don't worry about me, but if I could ask for your company just for a few minutes?"
You can't deny a lonely man, he just needed a friend you were right! So you smile and sit across from him.
"What are you reading?"
And that's how you two started hanging out every evening. He'd read his book and you'd ask questions, sometimes you would get lost in your own world by talking about your day or the flowers you saw in the flowershop and he wouldn't even get to say anything.
You'd try to apologise but he'd always say that he enjoyed listening to you.
Bucky is a patient man, he'd like to think he is but he was getting impatient and hungry. He'd been watching you since the first day you've started working at the coffee shop. The sweet smell of you had brought him to the place. He'd never been fond of coffee even when he was able drink it.
Usually, when he smelled the delicious food, he'd eat it as soon as possible, but with you, he decided he'd rather play. Steve always told him not to play with food, but you were just irresistible.
About a month ago, you finally talked to him and just never stopped. He'd started to wait for you to close up since there's a lot of creepy men around, he would know.
But he was getting very hungry, he's spent too much time with you that he'd forgotten to eat and that's all he could ever think about when he was with you.
Bucky is ready to have the most delicious meal of his not life.
"I'm ready!"
He turns and smiles at you, he said he'd wait for you to finish and walk you all the way home, you thanked him over and over.
"Thank you so much! I get really scared when I'm walking alone." you say as you lock the door and check twice if you did it properly.
You grab his arm and walk with him happily, you don't even notice he'd lead you to an alleyway.
Bucky pushes you against the brick wall his hand on the back of your head, he can't let any blood go to waste. The whole reason he's here with you in the first place. He tasted the rarest blood type and he'd tasted virgin blood too, but never two in one, he knows he's about to have the tastiest meal.
His nose runs up and down your neck, pressing it to the most prominent vein.
"You smell so good pretty girl."
you giggle when his stubble tickles your neck.
"It's my favorite strawberry perfume." you say and Bucky laughs.
"Is that so?"
"Yes I love strawberry!"
Oh that's precious, Bucky thinks, you have so much in common with strawberries, both are sweet and when you bite into them red juice comes out.
"Well, strawberries are my favourite too, you're my favourite one."
You blush and put your hands on Buckys shoulders, he's caged you between him and the wall.
"You're not scared little one?"
"Why would I be scared, that's silly we're friends!"
Bucky smirks.
"That's right we are friends. You're gonna be a good girl for me." It's not a question it's a statement.
"You're poking me." you try to push him off you a little. Bucky might have gotten too excited to have you for himself. His buldge was indeed pressed against your stomach.
"Is that so?" He mocks and rolls his hips which grants him access to your tongue when you whined and opened your mouth. He forces his tongue into your mouth and starts kissing you. Nothing about the kiss is gentle but he's enjoying it, your lip starts to bleed when his fangs cut it. He sucks on it and moans at the taste.
Oh the taste is just incredible and Bucky decides that he will keep you. He won't drain you he'll just take you home and snack on you whenever he feels like it.
"Stop, please." you cry out but Bucky is too strong and you can't even move an inch.
"Don't worry, sweet girl I won't kill you you're safe with me."
He grabs your jaw and forces you to look at him, he wasn't planning to hypnotise you to obey him but he didn't really want you to become fussy, that would be a disaster..... imagine if any drop of your precious blood spilled - not allowed.
"Good girl."
Bucky picks you up completely off the floor, putting your legs around his waist so his croch is exactly on your clothed pussy. Instead of biting your neck he picks up your arm and bites into your forearm.
The taste overwhelmed him, it's so intense like nothing he'd ever tasted before - humans would probably describe it as biting into a lava chocolate cake when all the filling just drips out.
Bucky feeds off of you slowly, but his thrusts are fast and unreserved, and the moment he stops sucking you, Bucky releases his load into his pants and rides out his orgasm.
"See, little one I just took a little."
Bucky caresses your cheek and your eyes are barely open, you're on the verge of passing out.
"Mhm." you whimper when Bucky let's you down for a second before picking you up again, princess style, he sets your head on his shoulder and you instantly fall asleep.
"Master, I told you not to play with your food."
Steve, Buckys familiar and friend says from the beginning of the alleyway.
"I know, I'm taking this one with me couldn't take all of it at once, she filled me up with just a few drops." Bucky says feeling surprisingly very full after taking maybe 200ml and usually he needs a lot more.
"I'll see you at home!"
Bucky says before flying away.
Steve curses under his breath he always needs to walk.
You wake up in an unfamiliar room and look around, your eyes take bit to get used to the dark around you.
"I see you're awake, precious."
"Where am I?"
"Your new home of course!"
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navybrat817 · 1 year
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That tongue! Sir! 😻
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has a big appetite.
Word Count: Almost 600
Warnings: Implied explicit sexual content, implied oral sex (f. receiving), dirty talk, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Some semi-smutty goodness because why not? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky didn't like being bored. It made him restless at times. At others, he dwelled too much on his past. He needed a distraction.
He kept catching himself staring at you from across the room as you scrolled through your phone. You were either seemingly unaware of the super soldier's intense gaze or you were purposefully ignoring him. He hoped it wasn't the latter because he liked having your attention. But how could he get your pretty eyes off your device and on him?
He may have asked that out loud since you looked up from your phone with a small smile.
That's better. Keep looking at me, beautiful.
"I'm hungry," he announced, shifting in his chair to fully face you.
"Oh, yeah?" you asked, smiling wider as you set the device down. "What are you hungry for?"
He licked his lips as he thought of an answer to your question. There was only one thing he wanted to eat, one flavor he wanted on his tongue. You could provide it to him and nobody else.
"Your pussy."
Bucky smirked when your mouth opened slightly. His words may have surprised you, but there was no denying the look of arousal that took over your features. He recognized that gaze since he was always on the receiving end of it.
"You already had that," you breathed.
Bucky growled at the implication of you denying him. Yeah, he did have your sweet cunt earlier. Your legs fit perfectly around his head as he indulged in his favorite dessert. He had been relentless, his tongue prodding as far as it could go as he resorted you to a sobbing mess. You chanted his name like he was a god.
And he answered your prayers as he made you come undone.
"And you're telling me I can't have seconds? I know you're wet just thinking of spreading your pretty legs for me again. Did you forget I can smell you? Tell me I'm wrong."
He wasn't ashamed to use his heightened senses to his advantage with you. He knew when blood rushed to your cheeks and when arousal pooled in your gut. Or how your heart beat faster when he kissed or touched certain spots.
"I'm wet for you, Bucky," you admitted, sinking further into your chair.
Bet there's a wet spot underneath you.
"I know. That's why I want you to part your thighs and let me eat. You know I have a big appetite," he softened his voice, wanting it to sound like a caress against your skin. "You wouldn't want me to starve, would you?"
He'd crawl on his hands and knees if that's what it took to feel your slick folds against his mouth.
"Or would you rather have my cock deep inside you so you can come on it? Have me pump you nice and full so you're-"
"Buck!" Steve yelled from the other room where he was resting. "Did you forget that I'm still here?"
Bucky blinked slowly as he swung his head toward the door, smirking again as he pictured the frustrated look on his friend's face. "Didn't forget. You know how I get when I'm hungry."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get between you and your meal."
"Exactly. So you may need to cover your ears," he turned back toward you with a wink. "My girl can be a screamer."
"Bucky!" you shrieked as you threw a pillow at him.
"Told you," he chuckled as he caught it. "Now let's see if I can make you say my name again when you come on my tongue."
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Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 4 months
Would Angel Dust be inconsiderate enough to do jokes like how Charlie met the in-laws earlier than intended?
Also, if angel learn Vaggie's parents' nicknames are Dickmaster and Danger tits, what nickname would he find for vaggie?
And it's fun to think of how Emily, Vaggie and Charlie are all in a "mommy issue" situation, though yes Sera technically only is Emily's sister.
Lucifer must have been so relieved to be out of the "shitty angel parent" (again counting Sera as parent) category before learning that his daughter's girlfriend is the daughter of Adam and Lute.
Also, I feel like Alastor definitely would be petty enough to do "below the belt" hits by bringing up Adam and Lute when vaggie annoy him.
That is until Charlie remind him that she can fuck him up, and will do it if he make her girlfriend cry by bringing her mommy issues (and to a far lesser extent, but still present daddy issues).
I feel like by the time Vaggie opens up about who her parents - or at least her mother - is, Angel would have improved enough as a person that he wouldn't make jokes about it. Now, in an alternate scenario where Vaggie told Charlie the truth before the events of the Pilot...he absolutely would make digs at her about it. Before really getting serious about redemption, Angel was...kind of a major asshole, let's be real.
As for the nickname thing, I don't think he'd be able to resist making a reference to what her name sounds like, especially when he learns that her name is "supposed" to be said with soft G's, not hard ones, making the joke all the easier to make, especially for someone like him.
Charlie and Vaggie just have parental issues in general, while Emily really just has "mommy" issues, since while Sera is technically her older sister, I do get the vibe that it's basically one of those situations where one sibling is much older and basically acts more like a parent than a sibling. But that is something they'd be able to bond over for sure.
Lucifer has no idea how to actually act upon learning Vaggie is Lute (and very likely Adam's) daughter, at least at first. He tries to just be friendly and have fun, including revealing that he was present when she was born. "You know, I thought you looked familiar when Charlie introduced us? I mean, obviously you were a lot fucking smaller and a lot more bloody back then, but I'm really great at remembering a face...especially on a day like that." And it is so awkward but he's trying and he is still both the King of Hell and her girlfriend's dad, so Vaggie doesn't really tell him to stop talking.
I feel like Vaggie would have to really anger Alastor for him to reach that level of petty but when he did, especially if Vaggie let it show that it bothered her, Charlie would absolutely at the very least giving him a verbal beatdown for it.
That being said, if Vaggie did ever reveal that she was pretty much certain Adam was her father, I have no doubt someone would question if the daddy issues she does have are more from the fact that her dad was an absolute deadbeat who basically ignored that she existed her whole childhood...or the fact that the person who fathered her was probably the biggest dick in the universe.
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Hi! I was wondering if you could do something for George? I enjoy reading fanfics about him but surprisingly there aren’t many
Act Like You Mean It
Chapter 1
Summary: George and Y/N are oblivious idiots in love who agree to fake date in the attempt to drive away Y/N's unwanted suitor.
George Weasley x Fem!reader
Y/N worried that if she rolled her eyes one more time, they might get stuck like that, like her mom had always threatened.
But, seriously? How many times did she have to turn down a guy before he finally gave up?
Byron Montcroix was a rich, pompous, self-absorbed jackass who thought he was the universe's gift to women. And for the past two months, he'd been after her like a bloodhound on the hunt.
"There's plenty of girls who'd love to be in your position, Y/N, " Gabby said.
"Great! They can have him. I'll even wrap him up in a pretty red bow and deliver him to their doorstep."
Y/N's roommate shook her head. "I just don't get you. You've got one of Hogwarts' most eligible bachelor's practically banging down your door, and you won't even give him the time of day.
"Because," Y/N replied with an exasperated sigh. "He's an entitled creep who thinks that I, or any other girl for that matter, should be grateful that he even deigns to look at us."
George gazed at Y/N, resting her chin on her palm as she half-dozed. Unlike nearly every other student at school, he loved History of Magic. It was the one place he could watch Y/N unabashed because everyone, including her, was either unconscious or close to it.
Last year, after two long years of admiring her from afar, the younger twin, with Fred's encouragement and a few shots of firewhiskey, finally got the nerve to strike up a conversation with her during one of Gryffindor's infamous parties. A friendship blossomed between the two, but George could never muster up the courage to ask her out.
"Y/N's just so perfect. She's a Goddess," he'd told Fred. "And I'm just well--I'm just me."
Y/N couldn't help but smile when she saw George walking toward her. She'd had a crush on him since their third year but had been too shy to approach the cool, confident prankster. Then, last spring, during a Gryffindor party, he introduced himself, and they ended up sitting in a quiet corner, ignoring everyone else and talking long after the party was over.
He seemed to really like her and Y/N thought maybe he would ask her out at some point, but he never did. A couple of times, she almost bit the bullet and confessed her feelings, but froze up before she could even utter the first syllable. Y/N knew it could spell disaster for their friendship if he didn't feel the same way. So, in the end, she decided she'd much rather have him as a friend than not at all.
"There you are," George said, sitting beside her on the grass. "What are you doing all the way out here? I've been looking all over for you."
Y/N had walked almost as far as the shrieking shack in an effort to shake off her ardent admirer. "Hiding from Montcroix. He's been all over me like shit on a stick today. Would you believe he actually tried to kiss me? Granted, it was my cheek and not my lips, thank goodness. But still. Just thought of his mouth anywhere my skin makes me wanna puke."
George's blood boiled. He looked away for a few moments to hide the red splotches he knew were blooming on his face and neck. He wanted more than anything to punch that smug, cocksure smile off Montcroix's pristine, fucking face and then sweep Y/N off her feet in a passionate kiss. Just like in all the movies and romance novels.
"I'm just so sick of him," Y/N sighed. "I've tried everything I can think of, but he just won't leave me alone." She paused and looked up at George, "Got any ideas? I'm willing to try just about anything at this point."
George rubbed his chin, thinking, and then his head snapped up. His mind was reeling with this sudden crazy idea that would get Montcroix off her back and would allow him to shower her with the love he's been bottling up for so long. If he couldn't ask Y/N out for real, why not go for the next best thing? He blurted it out before he had time to second guess himself. "We could pretend to be a couple."
"What?" Y/N stared at him.
"We could pretend to be dating. If Montcroix thinks you have a boyfriend, he'll hopefully leave you alone. And if not, I'll kick his ass."
For a brief moment she harbored hope that maybe George wanted to be more than just friends.
But, then reality set in.
'Oh,' she thought. 'Pretend. Not for real. George isn't one to beat around the bush. If he actually wanted to date me he'd just ask me straight out.
No, this is just a friend helping out a friend.'
At least now she knew.
Y/N looked down at her hands, forcing back her tears. How could she say yes? How could she pretend her true feelings weren't real? How could she endure knowing his affections were all an act? Knowing it all had an expiration date.
She truly didn't know, and yet...
How could she say no? How could she throw away the opportunity to be loved by George, even if it wasn't real? Even if it was only temporary. This might be as close as she'd ever get to living her dream.
Y/N chewed on her lip as she convinced herself this was a good idea. Then looking back up at George, she smiled. "Sure. Why not?"
Part two:
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @imshiningjustforyou @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @igncrantbliss
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Matchmaking Harringtons 7
Steve's extended family started coming into town about two days before the fourth of July. Steve and his parents played host and while Steve answered questions about his current significant other, he kept Eddie far away from the house for now. He hadn't told anyone about his newfound orientation or the fact that he was currently dating a man.
That could wait until they actually met Eddie and got to know him for real. For now, though, Steve entertained some of his younger cousins by taking them out to the arcade and some ice cream.
But soon enough, the Fourth arrived and the Harrington house was abuzz with activity. People were cooking inside and out and the younger ones were just waiting for it to heat up enough to jump in the pool. The official start time that Eddie was given was 11:30 so that was when he came. Right on the dot.
He knocked on the door and Steve answered, only to find his not-boyfriend once again.
"What're you wearing?", Steve asked, coming outside and shutting the door behind him so that they were both standing on the porch.
"I know what you're gonna say", Eddie started. He'd known since he looked himself in the mirror. He wear wearing a flannel shirt and blue jeans with no rips in them. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and to Steve's disappointment there were zero rings on his fingers.
Steve crossed his arms. "If you know, then why would you do this?"
"Just toning it down just a bit. I do want your family to like me."
"Aren't you always going on about forced conformity. And how we can't keep following societal norms when they can be so harmful?"
Eddie's eyes got big. "Babyyy", he grabbed Steve by the hips and pulled him in close to kiss his pout. "You are listening when I go on my rants."
"You're kinda hard to ignore, Eds. Now please tell me you have a change of clothes."
"I do. Help me change so we can be quick?"
Steve was normally helping Eddie undress in a hurry, not the other way around, but it wouldn't take long for someone to realize he was missing and see Eddie's van in the driveway and make the connection. So he went with him to the back of said van and helped him into something that was more 'Eddie' than what he currently had on.
Of course, hands wandered just a bit, they couldn't help it. But both were pretty focused on the actual task at hand.
Suddenly the doors to the back of the van opened and there was a 10 year old boy, catching Steve in the act of zipping (up!) Eddie's black, ripped jeans.
"Be cool, Bobby", Steve said.
Not the best first impression to make with such impressionable eyes. But Steve ushered his cousin back inside, Eddie right behind them and the whole family right there as they came in through the front door.
"Hey, everyone", Steve greeted. "This is Eddie. My um-", he paused to clear his throat, feeling like he needed a drink. "He's my boyfriend. Eddie, this is everyone."
It felt like the longest silence of his life. And having so many eyes on him had never made Steve feel so vulnerable before.
"Oh", one of his aunts said. "Well your parents never told us-when you said you were dating someone we assumed-I-Diane?"
"Eddie's been very good to our Steve", Diane said. "So no one scare him off."
Eddie's new outfit had jeans with more personality, and a shirt with a band Steve knew about two songs from, neither that he'd play in front of this current crowd. His hair hung wild down his shoulders and his rings were back where they belonged. He was purely himself and if these people weren't into that, well, Steve had the full support of his parents at least. He just hoped the rest of his family would understand.
Diane was putting some pies in the oven for later when her sister approached.
"So you're fine with not having any grandchildren?"
"Steve and Eddie could adopt." Of course, she was mostly talking out of her ass. Gay marriage wasn't legal (yet) so gay adoption probably wasn't on the table. But she and her husband knew people who knew people.
Jonas was having his own conversation with his brother-in-law.
"I mean I sent my boy to boarding school from the 6th grade on and he never came home with a boyfriend. Somehow managed to sneak a girl in there too. And somehow in the middle of America, Steve found a-"
"A nice guy like Eddie?", Jonas interrupted while flipping a burger. "He's quite a find, but Steve can't take all the credit. Diane and I were actually the ones to find him."
"You found Steve a boyfriend?"
"We found Steve a steady boyfriend", Jonas emphasized. "You should've seen him going through girls like tissues, right Di?"
Diane was coming by with some more things for the grill. "Oh it was like a circus and Steve was driving around with a never ending clow car of girls."
"That bad, huh?", the uncle asked.
"Oh the girls were fine. It was just so many and he wanted him to get serious with someone."
Jonas nodded. "He and Eddie have been going strong since summer started."
"Guess it's a good thing if you don't need to pay a dowry. Who even is the girl in that relationship?", the uncle asked while watching both young men carrying tables to set up outside when the food was ready.
Steve could tell his parents were taking the brunt of the initial questioning and he promised to give them the best presents for the remainder of holidays of the year for it. He was able to introduce Eddie to his cousins. There were only a few as it was just his mom's side of the family with them this time. The youngest was Bobby and the oldest was just a year older than Steve.
After setting up the tables it was finally hot enough to justify jumping in the pool, which most of them did. As the resident captain of the swim team, Steve put on his trunks and performed his life guarding duty for the family while the adults cooked and set up other things while catching up, mostly about him.
Eddie was still fully dressed in his t-shirt and jeans, lounging on a pool chair while the rest of them splashed around. But he offered Steve a wolf whistle when he came out, dripping wet.
"Not even James Bond could resist", Eddie teased.
Steve came over to sit next to him, knowing the look in Eddie's eyes meant he was fighting every urge to get his hands on him. He grabbed a towel and dried his hair off a little.
"Any chance I'll see you in the pool? I've got extra trunks."
"You'll have to work a little harder than that to get me wet~", Eddie said in a low tone, their heads inclined together. Then Eddie remembered where they were and was about to pull back when Steve grabbed him by the back of his neck. "Stevie, people are probably looking."
"My nosy parents? Definitely. And anyone else can close their eyes if they don't wanna see."
And without anymore preamble, Steve brought him closer for a kiss. A quick thing, just a peck of the lips but still the most he'd gotten today with so many new people around them. Eddie was in a daze afterwards, it always took him a second to recover from Steve's kisses. When he did though, he remembered where they were and who could be watching.
Sure enough, when Eddie tore his eyes away from Steve's lovely face there was a whole crowd watching them, having stopped in whatever they were doing.
Eddie felt like he had ripped a bandaid off but was still bleeding underneath.
Part 8 FINAL
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem @hallucinatedjosten @nburkhardt @littlewildflowerkitten @noctxrn-e @subversivecynic @larawrmonster @suikatto @platinum-sunset @imacowboy3 @tiny-enthusiast @netflixisacopingstrategymom @honorarybrit81 @manda-panda-monium @krazyperson @adaed5 @lololol-1234 @mrsjellymunson @uwujinniee @ellietheasexylibrarian
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Simon Aumar and his Bard
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Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Summary: Simon with a bard reader who keeps flirting with him, but he doesn't think they're being honest about it.
Very early on from meeting Simon, you decided he would be the one. There was just something about a clumsy sorcerer full of snark and "woe is me" that grabbed your attention.
That first conversation you used the oldest trick in the bard book and asked if he would be your muse.
He gave you an odd look, completely lost on your charming tone.
"I'd rather you didn't, enough people already know of my blunders."
Very well.
As a bard, and a good one at that, you figured making your feelings known would be simple. Right? Smooth talking, flirts, and seduction are what you're known for! Besides music of course.
You did not happen to take into consideration Simon's levels of self-hatred and low self esteem.
But! No matter, you are determined to woo and win over the object of your affections.
Somehow. Eventually.
While Simon's approach to courting is formally asking permission to do so, yours is with more flare. Pizazz.
Like offering to buy him a drink, which at first he went to decline, but figured Edgin would saddle him with the rest of the bill and thanked you for the assistance. The flirting aspect completely going over his head.
No matter, you've got this.
Once on a job, Edgin had the brilliant plan of needing someone to pose as a married couple.
You volunteered Simon and yourself immediately.
He was full of blunders the entire evening but you charmed anyone who came by, telling them about your husband and relationship (hinting to how it could be.)
And at the end of the night linked your arm with his to go celebrate a job well done and told him "We made a pretty good couple, eh Darling?" which you called him all through the con.
Heat rushed to the tips of his ears and he very pointedly ignored your comment. You take that as a good sign and tug him along.
You crack and decide to ask him, officially, if he'd be willing to let you court him. Doric tells you to also give a list of "reasons you'd be a suitable spouse" like he did for her.
"Very funny, I get it. Thanks for doing your research." He thinks you're joking, mocking his rejection and refuses to hear you out.
Always walking or riding alongside him so you can chat, often complimenting him on his magic or anything else, from his cute smile to his pointed ears.
He tends to roll his eyes and tell you to quit playing around, and walk a little faster. But you match his speed again and he accepts defeat.
When you outright flirt with him, from cheesy words to raunchy pick up lines, he will go from flustered to irritated at you for 'practicing on him' and stomp away.
It's painfully obvious to everyone else how smitten you are with the sorcerer, and they try to assist you.
The tavern you're staying at "not having enough rooms" and suddenly you and Simon MUST stay in a room together. That happens to only have one bed. (Thank you Edgin.)
You write ballads and sing your little thoughts about him through the day, and still he is completely unaware of your feelings.
"They do that about all of us, it doesn't mean anything."
"They literally have never done that for anyone but you." - Doric
Finally being exasperated and just kissing him after a skin of your teeth success in battle, slamming your lips to his once and for all and if it ends in rejection to be it, but he'd better understand.
He takes far too long to realize what you've done and attempts to kiss back but you're already pulling away, not noticing how he tries to follow your lips.
You await his response, bracing for the worst while he just stares bewildered until Holga shouts at him to do something.
"You like me." his eyes are wide, and breathless. "YOU LIKE ME?"
"Yeah. I've been pretty clear about that."
"Literally the first time I saw you. And mentioned it almost every day since."
He's flabbergasted. Stunned silent. Takes a punch on the shoulder to even get him walking again.
On the way back, covered in grime from battle and thoroughly in need of some rest and healing he falls in line beside you, usually what you do to him.
"Does this mean-" his voice cracks and he clears his throat "Does this mean that we would be- do we court each other now? Are you interested in that? Have terms to the idea of it?"
You've won the war so now you get to be irritated with him too. "I don't know Simon, are we? You didn't seem to keen on allowing me to do so before."
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thelaughtercafe · 2 months
Hello! I'm very happy to found your blog... since you said you accept darker content request... would you mind doing something related to "bullying" with lee kageyama and ler oikawa? I feel like only Oikawa strong enough to bully Kageyama, because Kageyama itself was already intimidating in my opinion... Thank you so much in advance! P.S. please avoid foot tickles hehe
Tea Type: Black Coffee
Potential Triggers: Bullying using tickling, I'm gonna give a non-con warning for tickling too, some trauma responses and panicked behavior
Pairing: Oikawa/Kageyama
Length: 1.6k+
Summary: A chance meeting leads to familiar feelings and anxieties thought long forgotten.
A/N: Hope you enjoy this anon, apologies for the wait! I was a little unsure just how dark I wanted to go with it so it took a bit to finish it but I hope you enjoy the final product! Definitely let me know whatcha think <3
Chance Meetings*
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“Is that who I think it is?”
Kageyama froze in place; a long forgotten feeling of dread settling in his stomach. He felt his heart beat faster, heat flooding his cheeks as his eyes darted around, looking for an escape. He knew he shouldn't have gone to the sports store today. If he ran- he just knew he wouldn't get far. Not with him. 
A familiar arm slung around his shoulder and he whirled to lock eyes, still frozen. 
Oikawa laughed, eyes glittering in amusement at Kageyama's shock. 
“I should've known if I'd catch you anywhere it'd be here; heard you've been doing pretty well for yourself nowadays. Your team is pretty good.”
Kageyama nodded stiffly, wanting nothing more than for this to be over with. Maybe if he just told him what he wanted to hear he'd leave without a fuss. He cleared his throat and shrugged off Oikawa's arm, turning his face away as he headed towards the doors, trying to make it look casual. He tried to ignore the lump in his throat as he followed just behind him, a cheerful grin on his face. 
“Yeah, yours too. You're just as strategic as ever.”
“What can I say? Got to keep my opponents guessing~”
He tried not to remember his old encouragement methods, but failed, feeling more heat in his cheeks as he reached his car. He felt the weight in his chest begin to subside, a bit of genuine happiness making a small smile spread across his lips. 
“Sorry to cut the conversation short, I've actually got to meal prep for this week, but it was great seeing you again.”
Kageyama turned to try and open his car door but inhaled as Oikawa leaned over him, one arm over his head, subtly keeping the door closed and drawing his attention back his way. He tried not to flinch at the way Oikawa's once playful, light expression darkened, but only in his eyes. His voice and words remained bubbly. They were still in public after all. 
“Aww but I haven’t seen you in soo long Tobio~ I can help you! You don't mind me tagging along do you?”
Kageyama debated his options, nibbling his bottom lip and came to a decision. There really wasn't one. Oikawa was nothing if not resourceful, and stubborn. If he didn't agree now? He'd just get it worse later. Oikawa had never had any issues biding his time. He'd once said it gave him time to think up more “fun ideas”. For him, of course. 
So, Kageyama nodded with a sigh. 
“Sure, fine, whatever.”
He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably and Oikawa giggled, his eyes lighting right back up at his agreeance and poked Kageyama's unguarded midsection, making him jump and cover his stomach. 
“Aww c'mon cheer up Tobio! We'll have so much fun!”
Kageyama grumbled and got into his car as Oikawa moved over to his own after a cheerful wave to follow him home. 
Once there, things were nicer than Kageyama expected honestly. He helped him meal prep, talking animatedly about setting strategies that he too couldn't help but get passionate about, and their favorite college teams. Kageyama was finally relaxing from being jumpy at Oikawa’s surprise attack earlier when he struck while they were relaxing in the living room. 
Kageyama had sat on the other end of the couch when Oikawa eagerly bounded forward and straddled his waist. Kageyama grappled with him but quickly found himself overpowered, with his hands pinned under Oikawa's legs as he straddled his waist.
Oikawa laughed gleefully and cooed at him as Kageyama glowered up at him. 
“Aww, you didn't really think I'd letcha off the hook, how did ya? What kind of friend would I be if I didn't test your endurance? You know; for old times sake~”
Kageyama's heart beat wildly and he growled, trying to make himself more threatening. It worked on everyone in Karasuno, and even with his current team. Most normal people would've cowered, and apologized- but Oikawa was the one bastard that had never worked on. Not ever since he found out this stupid, downright humiliating weakness of his. 
It was kind of hard to be taken seriously when you were laughing your head off, and squealing like a child. 
“Now where to start, where to start? Any volunteers?”
Oikawa sounded sadistic as ever, eyes scanning his body for the slightest movement now that they were alone and Kageyama discreetly tried to squirm. No dice. He was stuck. Unfortunately he bucked his hips in the process and Oikawa’s eyes lit up. 
“I never took you to be so eager Tobio~ But if you insist!” 
Kageyama threw his head back in mirth as Oikawa drilled his thumbs into his hipbones, making him really buck, for all the good it did him.  
“Hhehehehey! Cut it ohohout, get off mehehehe!” 
“Nah, you must be having fun. Look at that beaming smile you’ve got! So cute~”
Kageyama groaned in annoyance at that, feeling his blush darken. 
“Ugh! I am nhahahahat! I swear when you let me up you’re dehehehead!! You hehehear me!? Dead!”
Oikawa’s eyes sparkled with mirth as he jeered down at him, his fingers ruthlessly toying with his hips before one jumped to scribble at his tummy, his shirt having ridden up from his struggling.
“Oho? Still have it in you to threaten me? That’s not very sportsmanlike of you Tobio! Besides, we both know you’d never be able to overpower moi!”
Kageyama wished he had the strength to fight back, to prove him wrong but tickling had always made him helpless, unable to do anything but laugh. He’d tried to get him back later, give him a taste of his own medicine once, back in college. 
It hadn’t gone well- Iwaizumi had walked in and all chances had evaporated in front of his eyes. Two on one was hardly fair, but seeing the momentary panic in Oikawa’s eyes and the snort he’d let out had been worth it. At least till he had been wrecked to tears for the attempt. 
His struggling finally bore fruit as he bucked particularly aggressively when Oikawa moved suddenly from his hip to the bottom of his ribs, finally allowing one of his hands freedom. He grabbed his wrist, tugging the offending hand up and off of him, panting and glaring. It wasn’t very threatening apparently, as Oikawa merely giggled at him, the fingers spidering along his stomach pausing. He cocked his head at him, brown eyes glittering with amusement.
“Oho? I’m impressed Tobio! You’ve bulked up since our school days!”
The hand at his tummy jumped to his exposed underarm and Kageyama yelped, air leaving him in a rush. Now that’s he’d gotten one of his hands, he had some leverage and strength and knowing he didn’t have much time, he acted. He raised his knee so it was flush against his captor’s side and brought both their hands down against the couch to push off his tricep to turn. Oikawa wasn’t expecting his sudden movements, and tumbled to the ground beside the couch, freeing his other hand in the process. He quickly released Oikawa’s wrist and jolted up, and over him seeking refuge in his bedroom and slammed it behind him, locking it just as a body slammed against it, causing it to jump back in surprise. 
He panted, swallowing harshly, hands trembling as he tried to think rationally. Oikawa wouldn’t break his door down. That was too direct for a scheming bastard like him. His eyes scanned the room for his phone and he felt his blood turn to ice as he realized it wasn’t here. Shit. The banging stopped, and Oikawa’s too sweet voice came through. 
“Aw c’mon Tobio, we were just playing~ I guess you’re a tad more sensitive than I remember. Sorry if I pushed you too much; if you come out, I promise I’ll play nice~”
Kageyama snorted, glaring at the door. He felt bolder, now that he was safe from his old “friend”.
“I’m not the same naive college kid you tormented, just leave, alright? I’m not gonna fall for your sweet words anymore!”
There was stony silence and Kageyama immediately regretted his speaking out, but it was too late to take it back now. 
So instead, he listened, backing up to sit on his bed and try to process. He couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid. Why did he bring him here? Now he knew his address. Maybe…Maybe he really hadn’t changed that much after all. If he was honest with himself, he’d always known some part of him missed Oikawa. For all his faults, his lack of listening sometimes…those good moments were still good. Maybe he was over-reacting-
He shook his head, holding his head in his hands. He was doing it again. Falling back on old habits to cope with Oikawa being in his life. 
“Tobio, I’m going to head out now! I put your meals in the fridge. And…I’m sorry. Really.”
Kageyama looked at the door with wide eyes. Oikawa actually sounded…remorseful. He sounded serious. Still, he didn’t move until he heard his door slam, and even then he held his breath and put his ear to his door, listening for any sign of footsteps, just in case. He twisted the knob and then headed back to the living room, letting out a breath as he realized he was truly gone. 
Everything was cleaned up, his living room just as it was, as if he was never there to begin with. 
He jumped in place at a sound, and his eyes flew to his phone, making him sigh. Just a text message. Stupid body. Why was he still so on edge? 
He grabbed his phone and swiped it open.
His eyes widened and his grip tightened, his other hand moving to cover his mouth. 
An unknown number.
The message?
‘Let’s meet up again sometime Tobio~’
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softie-rain · 3 months
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Pairing: Coriolanus Snow/Sejanus Plinth
Tags: possibly ooc - takes place two years before canon - coryo is weirdly nice - idk guys this is so lovesick and fluffy I'm not used to it
Summary: Having a crush on the handsome boy you share classes with has got to be the most embarrassing thing to happen to someone. Like, seriously: how do you hide it without failing? Or, Sejanus Plinth is caught staring at Coriolanus Snow during class.
Notes: inspired by the headcanon @incorrect-pipravi sent, which you can find here. Was supposed to be a small drabble and instead ended up 2k words (which is shorter than what I usually write anyway.)
Also damn I haven't posted my writing on tumblr since FOREVER it's been ages fr. So this is your reminder that other than bitching about coryo and sej I also write
you can read it on ao3 here
Sejanus kept staring at his reflection in the mirror, fixing his hair. He wasn’t one to usually care about his looks, as long as he looked decent enough to go out in public. But lately he felt like had to be at his best, even going as far as thinking of wearing his favorite sweatshirt (the blue one Coriolanus gave him for his fourteen birthday, he had been the only one to show up at the party he had organized), but the weather was definitely too hot for that one. Besides, the uniform was mandatory at the Academy.
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“Sejanus, why are you still here? You have to hurry if you don’t want to be late!” His mother entered the room, looking at him with worry. Sejanus turned with an apologetic look.
“Don’t worry ma’. I’ll be fine.” He said. Mrs. Plinth nodded and walked over to him, patting him on his back.
“You look perfect, darling. I’m sure this secret girl you seem to like so much will adore you!”
“Ma’!” Sejanus heavily blushed, gently pushing his mother away in embarrassment. The old woman chuckled, smiling at her son.
“There’s no need to be ashamed of it. Everyone has their first crush at some point.” She said, trying to reassure her son. Sejanus wanted to laugh. Of course his mother didn’t know. There was no way she could have found out on her own, and he never said anything. She was convinced Sejanus was in love with a girl from the Academy, and he surely wasn’t going to be the one to break the news to her that said girl was actually Coriolanus Snow.
He wasn’t sure his ma’ would have minded actually. She thought Coriolanus was a good boy, and even his father appreciated him. Yet Sejanus had never told them the truth, and he wasn’t going to. Whether out of shame, or fear, it didn’t matter.
Sejanus shook his head, ignoring his mother’s comment. “I better get going now or, as you said, I’m going to be late. See you later ma’.” He said, waving at her as he walked out of the apartment.
After the short drive to the Academy he ran up the stairs rushing to get to class, even if there was no need to. They had assigned seats, he knew he'd end up sitting next to Coriolanus either way. But he also wanted to chat before class started, and Coryo always seemed to arrive awfully early, for some unknown reason.
When he finally got in the room he smiled upon noticing the curly haired boy with his head down in the textbook, probably revising for the lecture of the day. Coriolanus was a perfectionist like that, always studying, making sure everything he did was excellent, especially when it came to the Academy and his studies. Sejanus was pretty sure he had never failed one single class.
Clemensia Dovecote hadn't either, but she didn't put in half the effort Coriolanus did. Coriolanus Snow always worked much more than what was required, sometimes Sejanus wondered if it was because he wanted to be better than everyone else. Or maybe he just craved academic validation.
Either way, Sejanus thought it was extremely attractive. When he was always so carefully focused in class, and Sejanus so carefully focused on him. The way he'd bite his lip when he tried to get a particularly difficult subject, his small frown when he didn't understand something. A barely perceptible one, that he tried to hide to not show that he was confused but that Sejanus could see anyway. If he paid as much attention to the lesson as he did to Coriolanus he'd probably ace every class he took.
But Coriolanus was much more interesting than whatever Mrs. Click could ever blather about, right?
“Morning Coryo.” He greeted him, sitting next to him.
“Morning.” Coriolanus replied, without looking up from his book.
Sejanus bit his lip, trying to think of something to say to keep the conversation going. “What are you reading?”
“History of Panem.”
“You don't need to revise, I'm sure you'll do great as always.” Sejanus told him, smiling, thinking he'd complimented him. But Coriolanus sighed.
“That doesn't mean I'll stop studying for the exam.” He replied coldly, probably annoyed Sejanus interrupted him. So he nodded and left him to read, at least until Professor Demigloss arrived and started his lesson.
Sejanus tried to pay attention, he really did, but his eyes were drawn in as if by magnets to Coriolanus’ beautiful blonde curls that so gracefully fell on his face. Sejanus observed as he moved them away, his blue eyes focused on the board in front of him. He also noticed as Coriolanus started chewing on his pen while listening to Demigloss’ - rather boring - explanation.
Sejanus found himself wondering what it would have been like to kiss him, to have those lips on his. Would he have bit down on Sejanus’ lips the same way he was biting down the pen? Would he have been rough, or sweet and soft?
He always assumed Coriolanus was a rough lover, but he couldn't know for sure, maybe he would-
“Mr. Plinth, I believe the board is here and not where Mr. Snow is sitting.”
The professor's voice made him snap out of his lovefool trance, and Sejanus’ head immediately turned to face Professor Demigloss, who looked rather annoyed. He felt his cheeks grow warm, and he knew he was probably the same color as his Ma’ tomatoes when they were mature. He muttered an apology and looked down at his notes-less book, too embarrassed to meet anyone's eyes.
He could hear his classmates snicker, and he knew they wouldn't easily make him forget this. But, gosh, the worst were Coriolanus’ eyes on him.
Sejanus could basically feel his gaze, burning like his stare alone was setting him on fire, and he wanted nothing more than to get up and leave the room.
The rest of the class went on painfully slowly, Sejanus could have sworn it lasted hours. As soon as Demigloss dismissed them he instantly got up, packed his bag and left, ignoring Festus calling for him and rushing out before anyone else could make fun of him. Especially Coriolanus.
Truthfully he didn't think Coriolanus would. He never joined in with the others - especially Festus and Arachne - when they talked about him behind his back or made fun of him, ever since they were kids, so he didn't see why he'd start now. Either way, Sejanus couldn't stand the confrontation to test his assumption.
He tried to ignore Coriolanus the best he could the rest of the day, and he thought he managed. But then Coryo stopped him at the Academy entrance, right when he was about to leave once all of his classes were over.
“Sejanus? Can we talk?”
Sejanus shrugged, trying to play it dumb. Maybe if he pretended nothing happened Coriolanus would forget about it. “S-sure. About what?” He said, praying his voice didn't sound as high pitched to Coriolanus as it did to him.
“Uh, the history project we have to do? I thought maybe we could work on it together.”
Sejanus sighed in relief, covering it with a cough. He cleared his throat before raising his eyebrow. “History project?”
Coriolanus nodded. “Yes. Professor Demigloss talked about it today in class. Or were you too busy staring at me to pay attention to him?” He asked, grinning.
Sejanus started blushing, his eyes widening as his mind tried to come up with some excuse or at least a way to get out of that situation. His palms were getting sweaty and he could feel the panic rising up in his chest. “Oh, uhm, no. Obviously, I was listening. I was-”
“Sej relax. I'm just teasing.” Coriolanus interrupted him, his grin only growing wider. “So? What do you say about the project?”
Sejanus thought it was weird how Coriolanus didn't seem to mind it, but definitely didn't complain. If his friend was cool about it, then he was going to be as well. He nodded, avoiding eye contact. “Of course.”
“Great. It's due tomorrow so the sooner we start working on it the better.” Sejanus gave him a short smile, agreeing with him.
“I'd suggest going over at my place, but the cleaners are around today. They’re usually very invasive, I don’t want them scooping around while we study.” He explained, sounding annoyed. Sejanus nodded, understanding his problem. He had the same struggles with his own cleaners, though usually they left him alone when he asked.
“It’s okay, I get that. Maybe we could study at my place then?” He suggested, trying not to blush again at the thought of him and Coriolanus alone in his bedroom. Coriolanus didn’t seem to notice his struggles at keeping his cool and nodded, mumbling a ‘sure’ before following Sejanus outside where his driver was waiting for him.
Sejanus spent the drive to his house in silence, hoping his mother had gone through with her plan for the day and was out shopping. He wanted to avoid any awkward meeting between her and Coryo. But of course, when they got into his apartment, there she stood in the kitchen waiting for her beloved son. “Sejanus? Is that you?” She asked, walking over to them. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise when she noticed Coriolanus with him. “Oh! I didn’t know you were going to have friends over. Hi, Coriolanus.”
Coriolanus smiled at the woman. “Hello Mrs. Plinth. Sorry for intruding.” He said, giving Sejanus’ mother an apologetic look.
“Oh nonsense. I was about to leave anyway, I need to buy some new clothes for little Sej here.” She said smiling. Sejanus felt as if his skin was on fire at his ma’ words, and he could see in the corner of his eyes Coriolanus trying not to laugh.
“Okay well me and Coryo will be studying in my bedroom, see you later ma’.” He said quickly, wanting to get out of that situation as soon as possible. Once they got to his room they immediately started working on the project, neither of them wanting to waste any more time. Coriolanus shared his notes with Sejanus since he had taken none during class, too busy staring at Coryo.
The evening went on uneventfully, they spent most of it on the books with one snack break where Sejanus offered Coriolanus the cookies he had baked the day before, which the blonde boy seemed to most definitely appreciate considering the eager way he was eating them.
Sejanus was sitting on his bed while Coriolanus was at his desk, leaning on the chair. They were almost done with the school work when Coriolanus spoke. “Why were you staring at me?” Sejanus blushed and dropped his pen on the floor, immediately picking it up as if the falling object could have been a new source of embarrassment for him. “Earlier, in class.” He added, as if he needed a reminder of what Coriolanus was talking about.
“Uhm…” Sejanus didn't know what to say. He avoided the subject all day. He knew it was impossible for Coryo to forget about it so quickly but he wasn't expecting him to bring it up now either. Especially since he had sounded fine with the situation that morning.
Coriolanus must have noticed Sejanus was rather uncomfortable, because he immediately specified, “I'm not making fun of you for it. I'm just curious. Did I have something on my face?”
He was smiling, but Sejanus wasn’t sure it was meant to be a joke. More of a light comment to put him at ease. Though he didn't work he appreciated the effort, so much he thought Coriolanus deserved the truth, or at least half of it. Sejanus had never been good at lying anyway.
“No, nothing like that. Honestly? I was looking at your hair. And your eyes.” He confessed, avoiding the other's gaze.
Coriolanus frowned. “My eyes?”
“Yeah. They're very… blue. And pretty. It's like staring at the ocean, or the clear sky. Sorry, I know it's dumb. Just got caught up in my thoughts I guess.” Sejanus mumbled, drawing doodles on his hands as he tried to fight the urge to ramble out dumb excuses that would have led Coriolanus to realize he had a crush on him.
He had just admitted he thought his eyes were pretty, could it get worse than that?
Fortunately he didn't have to find out because Coriolanus simply nodded and dropped the subject. Sejanus didn't say anything either, but when he raised his eyes again and saw Coriolanus bouncing his leg nervously under the desk he could have sworn he saw his cheeks growing red, though he was clearly trying to hide it.
Sejanus smiled and looked down, going back to check his notes, when Coriolanus spoke again. “I like your eyes too.” He said, catching Sejanus by surprise.
“They're this dark brown color that gets lighter if you observe them under the sunlight. They look like milk chocolate chips.” Coriolanus commented, never once switching his position or raising his head to look at Sejanus as she talked. “I love chocolate.” He said, and it was clearly the end of their conversation on the matter.
He loves chocolate. He loves my eyes.
The thought kept playing loud in Sejanus’ head as he tried hard to stop his blushing, failing miserably. Maybe that day hadn't been so terrible after all.
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emetkoto · 6 months
I haven't played bg3 so I'd love to hear how astarion's views of koto change throughout the story pls <3 like is he immediately attracted or what. and what about koto's feelings and how they change. gimmie the deets.
Honestly, Astarion sums up his part pretty well in his confession dialogue!
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and then hilariously another tidbit from his final romance scene literally right before he tells you he loves you and you have sex on his grave (ignore old k'oto i havent gotten there on new k'oto yet and also the different outfits these are from two different play sessions)
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basically tldr. astarion didnt really care for k'oto at all at first, it was all just manipulation in order to get him to trust him so he would keep him around and protect him since he was terrified of his master finding him (he's a vampire spawn and the only reason he has his free will up until we kill his master is because of the mind flayer parasites all the characters have, he only got away when the mind flayers kidnapped him and has been paranoid about being found since, rightfully so since we come across a monster hunter sent after him early on) so it was all just. seduction and charming! he was really kinda annoyed by k'otos whole 'good guy' thing, like 'ohhhh wow youre a hero. what good are you. nobody ever helped me or saved me. where were you when i needed you.' (obviously completely unfair, k'oto is only 28 and he was turned 200 years ago) and kind of a little bit afraid of him? sure he's shorter than him but he's also way stronger physically and has fangs and claws and strange beastly habits that really just kinda put him off for a while bc yknow. fangs hurt him once. sure this guy seems harmless but he knows better than to trust!!!
except he doesnt. because k'oto was completely unexpected in every way. he's kind and funny and genuine in a way astarion had completely forgotten was possible. he loved him so completely and so honestly the whole time. even when he told him sweet lies and was just so obviously using him he just. kept loving him!!! (k'oto voice) its not real now but someday it might be, and ill still be here when it is. when hes ready to love me back. <--------shit like That!!! the icing on the cake was coming to realize that he and k'oto had. a LOT more in common than he wouldve ever thought. particularly when it came to matters of sex and how they had trouble viewing their bodies as their own due to their circumstances and how it all made it difficult for them to say 'no' to things out of fear/obligation…the very last thing he ever expected from this dumbass catboy was to see himself 100-something years younger in him…..he just. was exactly what astarion needed…uegh!!!
k'oto was pretty much head over heels from the beginning despite the red flags. he was far from home and work where nobody would even think to offer him money for his time and would just spend it with him because they genuinely wanted to for nothing more in exchange than just their own time and company so even if he was being blatantly manipulated it was still the realest shit he'd experienced in years from probably the most attractive guy he'd ever met upto that point so it was a recipe for some good ol fashion love at first sight…or i guess. love at first knifepoint.
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maybe a bit of confusion at first bc he'd never been in love before so there was probs a brief period of 'am i in love or is this just lust' until after he slept with him the first time and it didn't go away and in fact only got stronger and he was like 'ok yeah im in love actually!!!!'
sorry this is completely incoherent i love them so fucking much it makes me sick to my stomach and also im so very tired
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 8 months
❤️‍🩹 for aztecshipping?
aaaa I love this!! Don’t have any ideas for them in terms of regular Yuma and trey but I have been having more knight trey and prince yuma ideas :333 As always, transfem Trey so she uses the feminine pronoun
enjoy!! (Also there are a few font changes in this so do tell if you need me to reformat anything)
ask game
Yuma sighs longingly. He’s read her letters far too many times. They are always written in flowery, soft cursive and laden with beautifully chosen words straight out of a poem.
When was the last time he saw her? He didn't know. Yuma has forgotten now, but all he knows is that even throughout his business, he deeply misses Trey. He's been swamped in work, far too tired to even write back to her. He felt guilty, eyes moving back-and-forth slowly through the words on the paper.
"I know you've been busy. Just know that if even if you come to be away from me, I'll always be there to protect you, even if in spirit. I long to see you, and to spend time with you. I know you're busy, but I miss when you'd write back to me. But even so, I hope this letter finds you well -Trey, your knight."
Yuma feels guilty, he can't keep ignoring these. He wants to write back, but he's labored, ever so labored.
The piles upon piles of her letters sitting in the corner of his room makes him dizzy. Suddenly, out came a noise; a sigh so soft, suffused with ache.
"Today's sunset was beautiful. It reminds me of you, almost. Even when it came to be nighttime, I did not want to close my curtains just yet. I open the window, and the warm spring air floats in. The pie I left to cool on the downstairs windowsill isn't hot anymore. I hoped you'd come, rushing downstairs to see if you'd taken a piece for yourself, but you hadn't. But it is okay. I wrapped it in parchment, hopefully you'll come over soon, so we can share it before it spoils. I have never more wanted to see you than I do now; just to sit and look at you, at least. But, my eldest brother always taught me that It is shameful to beg. I hope this letter finds you well. -Trey, your knight."
Her words make Yuma's heart skip a beat, he still remembers when they first met. Yuma snuck out of the castle again, opening up his window and running past the guards before they could catch up with him.
He wanted to get dirty, have fun, to run away from all of his responsibilities. Even if he was seen as a disgrace, and exiled without a word, it still would have been worth it. But, there he was, in the middle of a field of berries that he'd become lost in.
It was like Déjà vu. When he was just about 8, he'd gotten lost picking berries with Tori, the girl he'd known since he was in diapers. It was just like this all over again, he didn't know how to navigate himself, and could only pass the time by eating the ripe bushels of blackberries. But, this time, it was like nobody was coming to find him. His dad always told him about the creatures he'd saw during his travels, but Yuma never thought he'd see one himself.
Its claws were digging into his arms, pinning him down as he thrashed and screamed. He thought he was going to die, only to be left as a stray pile of blood and clothes. But the wretched creature screeched, Yuma peering his head over to see a sword stuck in its back.
It's Trey. She's beautiful. Her hair is so short he was sure she at first a man, but he doesn't have time to think about it.
When she's done slaying the beast, she kisses his hand, "Are you alright?", concern fills her pretty, androgynous voice.
No one's done this before, Yuma's blushing and can't even form a coherent sentence. But, he doesn't need to, because Trey puts him back on his feet and escorts him back to the kingdom after treating his wounds.
"I'm fine, I swear!"
"No you're not, just look at how you're bleeding! I'm only doing this in your best interest, your highness."
She's persistent. Trey refuses to leave him alone, insisting a good knight wouldn't leave until they're sure that everything is fine. Yuma can't even sleep that night, he wants to see her again.
There's so much burning in his chest, he rifles through his desk to find a piece of paper to finally write back to her. Sure, he doesn't write in any of those pretty fonts or as flowery, or poetically as her, but he needs too, he HAS TOO.
He has to be honest with her.
"I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner, it's been a lot lately. But I need to tell you something. It's hard to find the words, I thought of saying that I fell in love with you, but no. Falling is an accident. No, I ran aggressively towards my love for you, and I cannot keep ignoring it. There are so many things I could tell you, but they all just dissolve in my throat. It's dark now, and I'm very tired. I'll love you forever, always. Time is nothing when I'm with you.
-Yuma, your prince."
Yuma gives it to his courier and falls into his bed, he should have done this so log ago, but now it's done.
In the morning, he's given a letter. It's from Trey. Did she manage to respond that quickly? She's always been amazing, Yuma shouldn't be surprised.
"I'm glad you told me, and don't be sorry, your personal affairs come before our letters. But, I need to tell you as well, I feel just the same. I cannot continue to water myself down so you don't catch on. You utterly pierce my soul, there's no other way to describe it. No matter what kind of future it will be, I’ll always find you. Come to the cottage, my brothers won't be there. I'll be waiting for you. -Trey, your knight."
And so Yuma does, opening up the window and sneaking out once more. Trey is waiting for him inside, and he runs in her arms. There are no words, the both of them know what they want. He kisses her softly, Treys lips are ever so soft.
"I have some new recipes I'd like to bake with you."
"That would be lovely."
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shieldofiron · 1 year
Times like this where I wish I could ask anonymously but.... Munver smut maybe please?
No anon, we own our smut!
"Come down from there," Jason hissed, "You're gonna get us in trouble!"
"What are you, scared?" The chain link fence was cutting into Eddie's hands, but he grinned through the pain. Jason never could turn down a dare and he knew it.
"There's a no trespassing sign," Jason huffed.
"Oh my God, really? I was climbing the fence because I thought it was how you get in," Eddie shook his head, "Come on. We need to stretch our legs. We drove ten hours today."
"I drove ten hours. You sat in the seat and looked pretty," Jason groused.
"Damn straight. Now hurry up. I want my boyfriend to blow me on the Hollywood sign," Eddie glanced down and smiled. He would never get over calling Jason that. He'd finally allowed it once they passed the state line, his grip on Eddie so tight Eddie'd worried his hand would bruise.
Jason mumbled something, and then Eddie felt the fence start to sway with additional weight.
I love you, Eddie thought. He hadn't told Jason yet. They'd just moved across the country together, and Eddie didn't want to overwhelm him with too many changes at once.
He smiled, looking out into the inky blue sky at the city lights below. They'd made it, actually made it here.
He hopped down, Jason following with a fancy looking flip over the edge that was unnecessary but Eddie couldn't say it wasn't appreciated.
"Can't wait to blow me, huh?" Eddie walked backwards towards the 'H.'
"Well we have been driving for ten hours," Jason smirked.
Eddie reached out and took his hand, tugging Jason forward until they fell into each others hands.
"And you were looking awfully pretty," Jason rolled his eyes as he leaned up and kissed Eddie deeply, hand clutched tight around a handful of Eddie's shirt.
They stumbled towards the sign, lips hardly parting. It has been days since they were in Hawkins, but God if Jason didn't kiss like home. It made Eddie ache, not sure if he wanted to wrap Jason up and kiss him until morning or bend him over the hood of the van and show him just how long he'd been imagining this moment.
The wind was brisk, and Jason shivered as they fell against the ladder, not quite able to make it up onto the sign before Jason's hands were tugging at Eddie's belt buckle feverishly.
Eddie panted into Jason's mouth, breath puffing over overheated skin, "Fuck."
Jason kissed him once more, making a muffled noise when Eddie sucked on his tongue and melted against the ladder for a long moment before he sunk to his knees.
"Christ, you're so beautiful," Eddie whispered, carding his hands through the silk of Jason's hair.
Jason laid Eddie's cock on his tongue and just looked up at him, blue eyes glistening wickedly. He swirled his pretty pink tongue around the tip several times.
"Don't tease me, Angel, what if someone comes and we haven't even-" Eddie broke off with a groan when Jason swallowed him down as far as he could go.
The sign was illuminated, and so Eddie could see every inch that disappeared into Jason's mouth, the way his eyes rolled back when Eddie could feel the back of his tongue. Eddie gripped the ladder with white knuckles and tried to listen to the rhythmic slamming of his wallet chain against the ladder and ignore the slurping, hungry noises Jason made as he sucked hard.
"Angel... f-fuck, Jason, fuck...." Eddie closed his eyes, head spinning, "I can't believe you're here with me, can't believe you came... fuck... fuck, I love you. I love you."
Eddie bottomed out at the back of Jason's throat and his orgasm seized him tightly and suddenly around the lungs and squeezed.
Jason pulled back, sputtering and coughing, "You love me?"
"What?" Eddie was still coming down, tremors running down his legs.
"You said you loved me... You love me?" Jason had his hand dug into the dirt, and a spattering of cum was sprayed across his dorky Hawkin's High Alumni t-shirt.
Eddie held onto the ladder, and sucked in a breath, "Yeah. Yeah. I really fucking wish I hadn't said it like that, sorry. I was gonna wait until we got settled, maybe got an apart-"
Jason was on him in a moment, arms thrown around Eddie's neck. Eddie could taste himself on Jason's tongue and it probably should have been gross, but it wasn't. He just held Jason closer.
"I love you too," Jason whispered when they finally parted, "I was gonna tell you tonight."
"Yeah?" Eddie smiled, swiping at Jason's messy chin, "Was this a part of the plan?"
Jason shrugged, "Maybe after. If you loved me back, y'know?"
Eddie pulled him close and kissed him once more, "Well I do. I love you so much."
"I love you too," Jason smiled as he said it, and it put all the lights of Hollywood to shame.
Eddie smiled back, "So... your turn..."
Jason laughed, squirming a little as Eddie's clever fingers started on his shorts.
They told the story two ways. Jason always called it the night they'd first said they loved each other, his eyes gleaming. Eddie called it the 'double blowjob Hollywood Sign caper, oh and yeah... that's when we first said we loved each other.'
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sin-cognito · 9 months
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Kustard week 2023 day 5: Sleeping Beauty
Wordcount: 2307
~And the princess fell into a deep, deep slumber~
Red stirred on the hospital bed, consciousness slowly coming back to him. His eyesockets fluttered open and he saw his brother, quietly reading a book by the bed.
"bro?" He called out weakly.
The tall skeleton startled before quickly closing his book and putting it back in his bag.
"BROTHER! HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" Edge asked, scooting closer to the bed.
Red assessed the situation. He had a migraine and his eyelights were killing him. His limbs felt like lead and his throat hurt from how dry it was. He was overly familiar with all these symptoms and knew exactly what had happened.
"how long has it been this time?" He asked instead of replying to his brother's question.
Edge sighed, annoyed to be ignored like that. "ABOUT THREE WEEKS. YOU MISSED MY GRADUATION CEREMONY."
"shit. sorry."
Edge seemed to panic and flailed his hands around.
"NO! IT'S NOT... NOT YOUR FAULT," Edge mumbled to the side.
As true as that statement was, it didn't stop the guilt that gripped Red's SOUL for having missed his baby brother's graduation. He really had wanted to be there.
Red suffered from a condition. It was rare and only affected monsters, though humans tended to compare it to narcolepsy. Simply put, monsters suffering from it would randomly enter into sleeping phases that would last from a couple days to several months, or even years in some rare cases. It was different than falling in a coma in that monsters who fell asleep would then stop producing any sort of magic during that period, which was what made it so dangerous and life threatening. Without a magical life supporting system, the monster would simply wilt away and dust in a couple hours, as magic was what kept monsters alive.
Red suffered from an aggressive form of the condition, and he had pretty much spent his entire life in the hospital. Sure, when he was awake he felt fine and could go around to stretch his legs, but as soon as the first signs of that particular sleepiness reared their head, he had to make sure he was in a hospital bed with all the right equipment hooked into his SOUL so he wouldn't dust stupidly on the sidewalk. Some could live relatively normal lives, but not Red since it happened so often.
He would say that he hated living that way, unable to go out freely and enjoy life, but honestly at this point Red was used to it and he focused on enjoying the simplicity of not having to stress over schoolwork or getting a job, or learning how to cook or drive or swim. He'd just spend his life in this hospital until he dusted of old age (hopefully) and he was fine with that.
Of course he had therapy.
Still that didn't mean that he didn't feel bad when missing important things. He always made promises to Edge that he'd be there to support him for big milestones, yet there he was, snoring away in a hospital bed while his brother was graduating... Logically Red knew that Edge couldn't be genuinely upset at him because Red had no control over the situation, but that didn't mean that Red couldn't understand the disappointment Edge could feel for going to his graduation ceremony without his big brother.
Red listened and nodded with a smile. It stang that Edge was going to move away, he was literally Red's only friend, and not getting to see him every day while awake was going to be hard. But Red was so fucking proud of him for pursuing his dream and getting into a good university. He'd never want to become a dead weight for his brother and Edge knew that.
A knock on the door interrupted the brothers, and Edge got up to open the door when no nurse came in.
"hi, uhm, am i in red underfell's room? i'm here to visit him..." Red heard a soft, baritone voice ask and wondered who the fuck would want to visit him besides his brother or his father.
Edge turned his skull to Red and quirked a brow, silently asking for Red's permission. The skeleton shrugged and Edge let the visitor in.
The stranger was another skeleton monster, much smaller than Edge and with pale, ivory bones that reminded Red of the moon on a clear night. He wore a deep blue jacket with black shorts, and pink fuzzy slippers on his feet. His smile seemed tense and almost forced, though his eyelights were soft and full of emotions that Red didn't know how to interpret. Red also decided to place the info about the light blue blush on the other's face into the 'to analyze later' file in his brain.
Bottom line, Red had no idea who the fuck this cute little skeleton was.
As if on cue, the stranger introduced himself.
"hi, i'm sans. uhh, sans undertale," he said and then kept quiet as he looked at Red expectantly.
Red blinked a few times. "okay? well, i'm red underfell," he replied nonchalantly. "but you already knew that because you came here to visit me."
This caused Sans' blush to deepen, and he had to look to the side as he awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other.
"yeah uhh... welp, i guess i have my answer now," he said quietly like he was talking to himself, which made Red even more curious about what he wanted. "you uhh, don't remember me."
Red frowned. Was he supposed to know this guy? 
He took a moment to think but it was fast since besides his brother, father and the nurses, Red really had no visitors. Was this guy visiting him when he was asleep? If so, that was creepy as fuck.
"i really don't," Red said carefully, in case Sans was a psychopath.
Sans' smile suddenly looked very sad, but it only showed very briefly on his face as a second later he was pulling out a chair to sit next to the bed. Red sent a discreet glance to his brother and Edge nodded, ready to beat up the small skeleton, or more realistically call for someone if Sans did anything shady.
"let me introduce myself again, then," Sans said in a suddenly much more professional tone. "my name is sans undertale and i'm a scientist. i've been doing research around your condition, and a week ago my proposal for a treatment was approved by a committee of researchers and doctors. we're going to start trials next month and we need volunteers. testing on artificial subjects has shown an improvement of 93% of the symptoms with little to no side effects, and we estimate that after further research based on the trials results, we might be able to produce a complete cure by the end of the year."
By the end of Sans' tirade, Red's jaw was basically hanging on the floor.
He had heard of some lab looking up into a treatment for his condition, but it was so rare and only affected monsters so no one cared enough about it to donate any money to the cause, and it was considered a dead end.
And now this Sans guy was saying he was going to find a cure for it, not just a treatment, within the year?
Had Red fallen into another sleeping phase?
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Edge pressed the smaller skeleton, grabbing his shoulders. "IS THIS FOR REAL?!"
Oh no, if Edge started to get emotional, Red was going to cry too! He couldn't believe that this was real, yet Sans smiled again and nodded.
"it's real. i brought documentations about it if you want to read it to make sure," he said but Edge was already throwing himself at his big brother, the two laughing and crying and hugging.
It took a while for Red and Edge to calm down, and Sans waited patiently for them to pay attention again to his explanations. Edge left the room after a while as he wanted to let their father know about it, while Red listened to the rest of Sans' explanations. He didn't understand all the scientific terms, but he understood enough to know that this was real, this was happening.
"there's one more thing i need to let you know," Sans said as he glanced at the door. Red noticed the blush on the other's face was back. "as you can expect, i wouldn't normally come to visit all the potential volunteers for the trials, but it was important for me to be the one to tell you about my research. you said that you don't remember me, but i remember you."
"you sure you got the right guy though?" Red couldn't help but ask. "i really never get visitors, i think i would've known if a cute guy like you came by."
Red didn't mean to suddenly drop the c-adjective, but it was out before he realized what he was saying. Thankfully Sans didn't comment on it though he did blush deeper.
"i wasn't a visitor. i was a patient, here in this hospital. we were in the same room and we played games together. we were like 6 or 7 maybe so i guess it makes sense that you wouldn't remember..."
Red tried again to poke his memory with the new elements, and now that Sans was mentioning it, it did ring a bell. If they had been around 6 years old, then it meant that Edge was just a baby at the time, and Red's father didn't want to bring Edge to the hospital too often as an infant so they didn't visit much. Yet Red never felt like his childhood had been a lonely one.
It was starting to come back to him. Images of another skeleton boy, reading a book about bunnies while Red played video games. How they would talk late at night, until a nurse had to come to shush them and threaten to call their parents. The lonely days when Red would look over the other's sleeping form as he was in the middle of a sleeping phase that would last seemingly forever. Or the opposite happening, Red waking up after a sleeping phase and finding the boy singing him a lullaby.
That boy... It was Sans.
And now that boy had come back as a young adult to deliver the good news that Red was going to be cured.
Red got sentimental again and turned a wet smile at his old friend.
"oh man... i can't believe you're that boy."
Sans perked up at Red's words, his joy at being remembered impossible to hide.
They spent the next hour or so remembering old memories of them playing together and they got so engrossed in their stories that Red barely noticed his brother saying he was going home for the day. Sans explained how his condition improved as he grew up and that by the time he was 8, he hadn't had a sleeping phase that lasted longer than a couple hours, which virtually meant that he was cured. He wasn't the first patient to recover from the condition, or at least enough that it didn't hinder his day to day life, but it was still an uncommon occurrence. By 10, Sans was a monster kid like any other with no need to be cooped up in a hospital room, and his family moved away.
Over time, Sans had started to think more and more about Red and how he was doing, if he was still sleeping in the hospital. In middle school, Sans started to research more about that condition that had plagued his childhood, and in highschool, his grades in the more scientific subjects were through the roof, and he was encouraged by his teachers to pursue a grand career in a scientific field. He had always loved research and decided to dedicate his time to finding a cure to the condition, wondering if he'd ever cross paths again with Red.
"to be honest, i never forgot about you, i kept thinking of you all the time when i was working," Sans admitted with a blush. "your memory kept me motivated through medical school and then my masters. i just got the okay for the trials last week, and i rushed here to see if you were still around because i wanted you to be the first one to know. you were in the middle of a phase when i got here, but just hearing that you were still in this hospital and... well... alive, was such a relief. so i took a hotel room and waited for you to wake up. when i called this morning to check on you, the nurse said you were awake and i didn't even think about it and came here. sorry if that's weird?"
Sans chuckled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck, blushing again.
"dude, you just gave me the best news in my life," Red playfully poked him in the ribs. "i don't care if it's weird or what, i'm just so grateful right now!! and hey, you're my best childhood buddy, so thanks for bringing back those memories too! you need to let me know how i can repay you for everything, man!"
He was just joking around, but then Sans said, very seriously, "then go on a date with me. when you get better."
And well, there really was no way Red wouldn't accept.
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bafflement · 9 months
Deaged Oz AU - A Rather Expected Birthday Party
Tip was watching the calendar, having got the impression that no matter how much he argued with them, his family wasn't going to ignore his birthday. He wasn't actually turning eleven, of course, but his body was very much still ten years old.
He knew how kidnapping worked, but that they'd changed his birthday as well as the year felt strange to think about. It wasn't like the birthday of the current host really mattered all that much, the wizard's soul was thousands of years old, after all. But his body wasn't. At least he'd started to grow? He thought so, at least, there was definitely some wrist showing at the end of his sleeves. He sighed at that, Winter seemed weirdly intent on making him wear blue as much as possible. It might be Atlas' color, but he'd always felt more comfortable in the deep green he'd favored as an adult. That wasn't necessarily the best idea right now, considering Salem and the very real possibility that she was gunning for him, but a lot of people wore green. Surely it wouldn't be that unusual?
He glanced up, catching his reflection in the mirror and pulled a face. Even at almost eleven, he still looked just about enough like himself that anything he did to hide would be less than a perfect cover. His hair wasn't pink any more, so there was that at least, but the silver wasn't exactly unrecognisable. He pushed his glasses up his nose, a nervous habit he had never quite gotten out of and sighed. Even though they were a different shape, his photosensitivity wasn't exactly easy to hide ether. They were still tinted the same dark shade they always had been, since without the tinting he tended to get some rather vicious headaches. But he wasn't fool enough to think for a second that Salem wouldn't recognise him in a heartbeat. If not by sight then surely by Ozma's soul, heavy in the back of his head, still not quite remerged with his own.
At least Atlas was relatively safe?
December twenty second dawned even colder than it normally did in Atlas. Tip muttered something rude in a language that nobody else was ever going to understand, but swung himself out of bed anyway. He glanced over to where his brother still slept fondly. At least his nightmares never really disturbed Oscar? He could use all the sleep he could get, really, since they were all expected for training today. He just hoped the Ace Operatives wouldn't try to go easy on him due to his physical age. But then again... a smirk touched his lips briefly at the thought. They'd tried that in the past, it hadn't ended well and for more than that one training session. Oh, he did hope that Winter hadn't told any of them that it was his birthday, though he thought that was probably futile. Considering how much people seemed to know about the boy he'd once truly been, maybe they knew anyway? Best to just ignore things for now, though. If he didn't acknowledge the day, maybe nobody else would either? He was far too old, really, for birthdays.
How old was the wizard, anyway? He couldn't remember ever having been given a straight answer to that, like several other things he'd never really known. Had he been so incurious before that he'd never asked, or was that yet another thing he'd forgotten as their souls had parted when Beacon fell? There was so much that becoming a child again had changed that it was easy enough to blame that for the lack, yet something didn't quite feel right. He resisted the temptation to ask Ozymandias, though. Unlike him, the old king had never really been a morning person. Unlike Tip, he'd never really had to be. It would have been nice, he mused briefly, to have others to do things for him. Then again, he'd get very bored, very quickly with nothing to do but sit there and look pretty. There was a sleepy murmur in the back of his mind, so at least that had woken Ozymandias up briefly? He should insult him more often...
Going downstairs he blinked out at the dim light outside. It was earlier than he'd thought then, but there was no way he was going to risk going back to sleep. His dreams had been the same set they tended to be, lately. He was bleakly certain that the dreams were what should have happened when Cinder Fall had tried to kill him. was it better or worse, that she'd used the maiden powers in her attempt, he mused? If she hadn't, maybe he wouldn't be trapped in the body of his sickly, limping ten year old self. Well, eleven year old self, now. Then again, it could so easily have been someone like Oscar in his place. He shuddered, though the thought was becoming more and more common lately. If it should have been Oscar, the closest thing this host had to a living brother, he was glad that it wasn't. Some mistakes were more than bearable with that as an alternative. If only he knew for a fact, then he'd know to keep himself alive as long as possible. The others would miss him, yes, but the wizard's tale was rarely a happy one. Did he truly have the right to hope that his own would be any different?
He curled up in a chair with a mug of cocoa and a book, waiting for the others to wake up. At least that thought had distracted him from the very real possibility that they were going to want to celebrate? The others had celebrated their own, of course, but that was different. They were actually children, he really, really wasn't.
Then again, considering just how much Willow had missed him for all those years, he suspected this would be a losing battle. It was nice, having a family, even though it put them in danger. Salem wasn't likely to leave them alone, since they were very obviously related to him, but... if James' plan went through and Winter became the next maiden, then they'd be targets anyway. At least it meant there weren't multiple families caught up in all of this? Huh, he really was that tired, wasn't he? Maybe he really should try to get some more sleep at some point today. Maybe he'd have a nap later, that wasn't exactly unusual anymore, either...
It felt like, and probably was, hours before the others woke up enough to venture into their shared common room. He really did admire that about Atlas, to be honest. They all had private or semi private rooms, which none of them had at Beacon. He'd argued that that should be the case, but they'd never listened to him. Maybe they would, this time around? At least if things went the same way, though he rather suspected his family might have a thing or two to say about that if Vale tried the same trick. Maybe they could even stop them, though he'd have to see that to believe it. He wasn't really that likely to survive the war as he was, so it might be a none issue? He drifted, not really asleep but not quite awake, visions of the many deaths the wizard had suffered over the millennia floating behind his eyes. No, he was rather glad that none of the others were awake to hear this.
"Oh, Pocketsized..." a murmur intruded. Tip blinked, coming to himself enough to recognise Nora's concerned face looking down at him fondly. Maybe he really had slept, he hadn't even noticed her coming downstairs. Looking around blearily, he saw the others scattered around the room. Well, most of the others. Qrow either wasn't awake yet or off somewhere doing something else. Either was possible, though depending how much he'd drunk last night... well. At least he'd be better rested than Tip was? Even if it wasn't a good way to go about that. But then he'd given up trying to convince Qrow of that, it was something he'd have to work out for himself.
Thankfully none of the others mentioned anything special about the day and he felt himself starting to relax. Maybe they really had forgotten, after all? That would be the preferred outcome, since he didn't really want to think too closely about just how old he technically was right now. Did the wizard actually count? Did the period of time when he hadn't actually been alive? Hs own chronological age? It probably didn't matter, but he'd not had anyone care in long enough that it was making him paranoid.
Glancing at his scroll, he rechecked their schedule, grinning at the three hours set aside for training purposes. That was another good thing about Atlas, their training simulations really were top notch. Besides, the more he kept in shape, the less danger the others would be in from his presence alone. As long as he could prove he could look after himself, then maybe they'd stop trying to smother him quite so much? He didn't technically need their protection, but for some reason nobody tended to listen to him, these days. He missed being an adult, for a great many reasons, but especially that one. They used to listen to him more, especially James. Not that he didn't now, but he was very fed up of feeling so much like he was being humored by those around him. He was growing though, he was sure of it... maybe they'd listen more once he wasn't quite so, well, small?
No, no he wasn't going to do this today. Today was going to be a good day no matter what his dreams had been like last night. It was what it was, his body was in the state it was in and there was no easy way to change that. There were technically machines here that might artificially age him, but though the idea had been mentioned, it tended to have some very unfortunate side effects for people of his physical age. Besides, training meant he was being given the perfect excuse to go and beat the smug look off Clover's face. He wasn't blind, he could see the way the other man watched Qrow. He wouldn't blame him, but that didn't mean that the thought hadn't made him uncomfortable. Besides, Clover kept trying to treat him like an actual child, despite what he was told by others. You'd think he'd get the memo, but that didn't seem to have happened yet. No, he wasn't going to pass up any chance to make him look silly. Maybe that counted as enough of a present that Winter would accept it? Probably not, but he could dream...
A few hours later, they were all in the training scenario. The others seemed to be having as much fun as he was, though he hadn't seen Qrow or Winter at all yet today, which was making him suspicious. It was very unusual not to see or hear from either one of them, and considering what day it was, he felt he had the right to his paranoia. His mind flitted briefly to the gun buried in the bottom of his bag and he winced. If that was a taster of things to come... he really, really hated guns.
And yet, the training simulation went as it normally did. You would have thought they might be used enough to him wielding Old Regrets on his left hand and The Long Memory in his right, but as usual that seemed to make them slip up. He grinned savagely, ducking out of the way as Clover stumbled. Oh, he wished he had a camera right now, it would serve the man right for that to be immortalised. He was aware he wasn't really playing fair, considering his semblance hadn't been officially registered to Wintertip Pine yet. But then, it very much was still registered to his adult self, was it really his fault that none of them had bothered to check? Clover had the excuse of being Clover, but he was very well aware that the other Ace Ops knew exactly who he had been. Was? He shrugged mentally at the thought. He was still Oz, he was just Tip, too. A problem for another day, really.
Harriet smirked at him as they left the training room.
"Hey kid, happy birthday." Tip blinked, that had been the first time anyone had mentioned it, though at least it answered the question as to whether Winter had told them.
"Thank you." He murmured quietly, smiling slightly. He might be uncomfortable with celebrating, but that didn't mean he could be rude and he knew that Harriet meant well. She smirked at him again, looking worryingly knowing and his stomach sank. There wasn't anything else on the schedule for today, and since Harriet at least did seem to know... yeah, there was very little chance the others had actually forgotten. Oscar had been giving him guilty looks all day, too... this wasn't going to be massively fun, was it? He really didn't want all the fuss this was likely to turn into, but since it was likely to come from a good place, he couldn't gracefully decline it either. At least it was only one day a year?
His eyes narrowed, noticing that the others were moving slower than normal. A few of them were deep in conversation, but this was starting to feel very deliberate to him. Considering the continued guilty glances from his brother, he felt justified in his suspicions. They were planning something, he was sure of it. Then again, he was pretty certain that Yang still hated him, so maybe not. Hopefully not.
The door was shut. He stared at it, suspicious, knowing they'd left it cracked when they left. That hadn't been normal either, so it had stuck in his mind as something odd. Glancing at the others, he could see Ruby looking like she wanted to laugh and amusement dancing in several of their eyes. Yes, they obviously knew, but if they didn't think he did then he might as well play along. They were his friends, after all, there wasn't any way this could go too badly. Right?
... why did he think he'd just jinxed himself?
Jaune smirked at him. The door opened. He blinked at the sight of not just Qrow and Winter, but Willow and James, too. Why was James there? That didn't really make a lot of sense, though they were very good friends. Maybe he thought he needed to be, due to the fact he was standing as his temporary guardian?
Qrow and Winter exchanged amused looks at just how adorably confused Oz looked. They were both very aware that he'd probably been dreading this, but then again he was only ever going to turn eleven twice. They hoped. From what Qrow had shared about his upbringing the first time around, it was wildly unlikely anyone had ever thought to celebrate. Oh, Qrow had, later... but that wasn't really the same thing, especially as they'd gotten the date wrong anyway.
Besides, the kids had all very much been on board for this. They'd all seen just how protective Oz was of them and wanted to repay the favor, even just a little. Oscar had come up with the idea of a surprise, though the others were very much on board with it at the suggestion, adding more and more complications. Qrow just hoped that his silence hadn't worried Oz too much, though from the comments he'd had from the members of thr Ace Ops he'd, well, basically beaten up, that hadn't seemed to change anything. One day, they'd learn not to underestimate Oz just because he was young and small right now, bit today obviously hadn't been that day, Then again, there were certain people he dearly hoped would underestimate him. The less competent certain elements believed Oz to be, the safer he might be in the long run. If they weren't expecting a kid to fight, especially one that limped as much as he did, then that might be the difference if it ever came down to a real fight.
Oz still felt vaguely confused, though Willow was smiling at him mistily, opening her arms. He blinked, staring at her for a second before stepping into the hug. After all, there wasn't any way he was going to get out of this. He stiffened as he felt someone place something on his head, though he was pretty certain it was a party hat. Huh, they really had gone all out for this, hadn't they? It was strange, considering the fact that he knew they shouldn't really have gone to so much effort, just how touching the whole thing felt. Oh, it was ridiculous, of course... but they were his friends and they actually cared, unlike those that had raised him the first time. Even if he was ever forced to go back to them, he'd remember today for the rest of his life. Was this what it was meant to feel like, to have a family that loved him... friends like these? It was a foreign concept in so many ways, yet Ozymandias radiated joy and comfort in his head, everybody looked so happy... it was strange, but strangely not unwelcome. Considering the state of Remnant and the ongoing war with Salem, they were very unlikely to have too many days like this. He should really enjoy it while it lasted.
It was very nice, having friends. Hopefully that lasted for awhile, too.
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