what triggers you, controls you. heal.
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And maybe we were always right person, wrong time...every time. But I can't sit here and ponder on when the right time will be. So I'll continue to love you from a distance and cheer you on in life. Damn, I just wish I was apart of it.
just another day, 3.2023
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drvaibhavjain1980 · 6 months
Get the best of Sports Injury Treatment from the expert Dr Vaibhav Jain, an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
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✅ Personalised Care ✅ Rehabilitation Guidance ✅ Served 6000+ Happy Patients ✅ Knee, Hip, Joint Treatment
Ready to take the first step towards a pain-free and active life? Book a personalised consultation with Dr Vaibhav Jain
📌 Book an Appointment: www.drvaibhavjain.com
📍 Delhi: Moolchand Hospital, New Delhi. 📍 Noida: Vishwasth Clinic, Noida.
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<멍든눈의 캐셔 제 3화 홈리스걸> #멍든눈의캐셔 #instatoon #인스타툰 #healingprocess #치유의과정 #치유 #마트캐셔 #트라하 #샐리 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7wOfEPYu1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allaboutmyminds · 1 year
“Karna Ngobrol itu Capek”
Suatu ketika, aku sedang bersama seseorang yang sendirian 
karna ku temani, maka dia sudah tidak sendirian lagi bukan?
tapi ternyata dia justru merasa tidak nyaman
keberadaan ku tidak sama sekali memberikan dampak apapun untuknya
alih-alih bercengkrama, dia hanya termenung menunggu aku pergi dari sini
padahal sejatinya aku hanya ingin menemani
tapi mungkin dia tidak sedang membutuhkan itu 
“Ngobrol itu capek” ucapnya memecah keheningan
Padahal aku sama sekali tidak memancing pembicaraan, atau bahkan terdorong untuk memulai suatu obrolan
.sama sekali tidak.
Statement itu sering aku dengar dikatakan beberapa orang,
khususnya bagi mereka yang menganggap dirinya dengan sebutan “Introvert”.
Padahal perlu kita tahu, introvert-pun tidak melulu merasa capek saat berinteraksi dengan manusia lain
ntah apa maksud dari kata-kata “ngobrol itu capek” tapi yang jelas yang kurasa mereka hanya kelelahan untuk berbagi rasa
berbagi skenario drama dan emosional, bukan perihal percakapannya.
Mereka biasanya terlalu larut dengan pembicaraan, sampai akhirnya sulit untuk tidak melibatkan perasaan
orang seperti ini tidak pernah mengabaikan kondisi lawan bicaranya
mereka akan senantiasa hadir menjadi pendengar yang baik dan penuh empati 
makannya tidak jarang dari mereka yang justru lebih banyak mendengar dari pada berbicara 
karena menganggap bahwa ngobrol memang membutuhkan rasa, bukan hanya sekedar mengucapkan kata-kata.
Ini semua adalah opiniku
tidak betul-betul benar atau pun salah 
aku berani menuliskannya karena aku merasakan, mengalami dan mendengarkan pengalaman 
sampai pada kesimpulannya ku tulis dalam tulisan ringkas ini.
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semicolonnnnn · 2 years
I be living two different lives, one in reality and one in my mind
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underth3moon · 2 years
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💝 reminder that everything is going to be alright 💘
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trendingtattoo · 13 days
The Best Aftercare for Ear Piercing
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Ear piercing is a form of body modification that has been practiced for centuries, offering individuals a way to express themselves and enhance their appearance.
Whether it's a simple lobe piercing or a more intricate cartilage piercing, proper aftercare is essential to ensure a healthy healing process and minimize the risk of complications.
Here's a Comprehensive Guide to the Best Aftercare for Ear Piercing
Cleanliness is Key Keeping the pierced area clean is crucial for preventing infection and promoting healing. Use a saline solution or a mild soap to gently clean the pierced area twice a day. Avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or harsh chemicals as they can irritate the skin and disrupt the healing process.
Hands Off Resist the urge to touch or play with your new piercing. Touching the piercing with dirty hands can introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infection. If you need to adjust the jewelry, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water first.
Be Gentle Avoid sleeping on the pierced ear and minimize friction from clothing or accessories. Opt for loose-fitting clothing and avoid wearing hats or headphones that press against the piercing. Being gentle with your piercing will help prevent irritation and promote faster healing.
Avoid Harsh Products Avoid using products such as alcohol-based cleansers, ointments, or creams on your new piercing. These products can dry out the skin and delay the healing process. Stick to gentle cleaning solutions recommended by your piercer or healthcare professional.
Watch for Signs of Infection Keep an eye out for signs of infection, including excessive redness, swelling, pain, warmth, or discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your piercer or healthcare provider immediately. Early detection and treatment of infection are crucial for preventing complications.
Don't Remove Jewelry Prematurely It's important to keep the initial jewelry in place until the piercing has fully healed. Removing the jewelry too soon can cause the piercing to close up or lead to complications. Follow the recommended healing time provided by your piercer.
Avoid Swimming and Soaking Avoid swimming in pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water until your piercing has fully healed. Chlorinated water and bacteria in pools can increase the risk of infection, while soaking the piercing can soften the skin and prolong healing time.
Follow Professional Advice If you have any questions or concerns about your piercing, don't hesitate to reach out to your piercer or healthcare provider. They can provide personalized guidance and address any issues that may arise during the healing process.
In conclusion, proper aftercare is essential for the successful healing of an ear piercing. By following these tips and staying vigilant for any signs of infection or complications, you can ensure a safe and smooth healing process for your new piercing.
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sinibeanie · 26 days
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Hey Tumblr fam, just checking in from the hospital room! Yep, got myself dolled up for this post. Been hospitalized to come off a bunch of meds. But fear not, I’ll be slowly making my way back to Tumblr with some journaling and cute pics. Stay tuned for updates!
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manoasha · 30 days
A way of sorrow
In the depths of sorrow, I quietly dwell, Where shadows linger and silence swells. A heavy burden upon my soul, In sadness’s grip, I lose control. The weight of sadness, a crushing tide, In every corner, it does reside. A somber melody fills the air, A symphony of despair. But in the darkness, a flicker of light, A glimmer of hope, burning bright. For even in sadness, there’s…
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ishitapbanerjee · 1 month
Expert ACL Surgery Specialist in Mulund
Experience the difference with our ACL surgery specialist in Mulund. From diagnosis to recovery, our team is committed to delivering superior results and exceptional patient care. Don't settle for anything less than the best – schedule your appointment today.
For more information : https://boneandjointcare.co.in/acl-reconstruction-surgery
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maclee34 · 1 month
Is Physiotherapy compulsory after a shoulder fracture?
As a seasoned physiotherapist, Dr. Saroj Rustgi emphasizes the importance of physiotherapy in the comprehensive treatment plan for shoulder fractures. When a shoulder fracture occurs, it not only affects the bones but also impacts the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process by promoting healing, restoring range of motion, and strengthening the shoulder muscles. Through a tailored approach, Dr. Rustgi designs individualized exercise programs that target specific areas of weakness and immobility, helping patients regain function and alleviate pain. Additionally, physiotherapy helps prevent complications such as frozen shoulder or stiffness by encouraging gentle movement and gradual progression of activities. By incorporating manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, and modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation, Dr. Rustgi facilitates a smooth recovery and empowers patients to regain independence in their daily activities. While physiotherapy may not be compulsory in every case of shoulder fracture, it is highly recommended to optimize outcomes and minimize long-term disability. Trust in Dr. Saroj Rustgi's expertise and commitment to holistic care, and embark on your journey to shoulder recovery with confidence and resilience.
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travelersmile · 2 months
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elementalevolutions · 3 months
Echoes of Hope: Finding Strength Within
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theesotericecho · 3 months
The Phoenix Within: Embracing Transformation and Renewal
Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? When asked which animal I would compare myself to, my mind dances not among the creatures of the earth but soars towards a mythical embodiment of transformation, rebirth, and the eternal flame of growth—the Phoenix. This magnificent being, born anew from its ashes, mirrors the essence of my life’s journey, my beliefs, and the core of my…
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