#hehe now i have a tag for this. epic
mistninja · 1 year
No one asked but the plot of my wip (tentatively titled "the soul of the world") is that Orella, a young girl, was adopted by a knight (Alonso) after the destruction of her hometown, and she wants to become a knight just like her adoptive father, who also happens to be regarded as the most powerful man in the world due to his mysterious ability to control the Four Great Curses. The Curses are dangerous magical beings, each embodying certain fears (Oblivion, Darkness, Decay, Delirium) and that are capable of causing great destruction. No one knows how Alonso is able of controlling them, and hes a sort of legendary figure in Caval, the kingdom where the story is (mostly) set. Orella wants to be just like him, to be the greatest knight who ever lived, but learning more and more about her father and the kingdom he serves, she starts to question her place and her loyalty. She also grows worried about her two adopted siblings, Corazon and Azucena, who have magical abilities that Alonso is using for his own ends - with no regards for their wellbeing. Orella is trapped between her dreams of glory, her love for her family, and her growing sense that something is off about her home
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that-darn-clown · 6 months
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I made a self insert for Faith and you all are going to listen to me talk about him
His sister was a thrall, he was at the apartment building convincing her to leave when john was there
He saw john and he was like oh this man is Bisexual and Sad. I Cant Not Fuck Him
He saw he was a priest and was like hey ive done weirder
John fucked gary up. Maxx thought that was Incredibly Hot
Maxx was like hey nows my chance
They got a coffee
They started hanging out
And now theyre in love
Closeups of sprite and art under cut
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ilthit · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @keirgreeneyes
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
Not counting orphaned or anonymized, 297.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
803,155 words, and that includes co-author input. I've been a short fic, instant satisfaction kinda writer for most of this time.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently trying to finish something for Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, and editing the epic Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades campaign story with @minutia-r. I get really into a fandom and write a bunch for it, then I get out of the fandom and write whatever + original fiction, then maybe get into a different fandom. You know how it is.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bonus Material, The Makings of Fate, One Thing or Another, The Upstart King and His Golden Concubine, and Some Sugar for Daddy, all of them Scum Villain. It's definitely the biggest fandom I've written for recently. I used to write Discworld and LotR, which are bigger, but those are mostly not up on AO3 and none are very long.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do, especially for smaller fandom fics, not always. But even if I don't, I see and appreciate; I also see and appreciate the kudos. No pressure to comment, y'all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have written a fair bit with angsty endings. Maybe The Greyest Timeline (Community); or maybe it just felt angsty, because I wrote it to process my grief over Troy and Abed's separation. Also there may be some I anonymized... but that's my business.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What a question. 🤔 I'm not sure I can answer that one. I recognize a lot may have more mixed endings, but there are too many to think through.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely. I can't remember an incident right now.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not as a rule. My favourite of the few currently up is The Last Florentian, a crossover between Poirot and Jeeves & Wooster, in which Lady Florence and Miss Lemon fall in love.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Sometimes ones I really didn't think deserved it, but it's not up to me, is it? I always give permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Hehe yeah, the Lin Moniao series, which grew out of TTRPG.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Original works. My 60s LA gumshoe novel, the superhero comedy that in retrospect is probably not as funny as I thought it was.
16. What are your writing strengths?
🤔 Side characters with interiority. Ability to keep an entire world in my head, and invent on the spot. Flexibility. Sense of the shape of a story. Not getting too hung up on whether what I produce is popular (so I don't write stuff I don't care about just for the clicks, or get distressed if I get none).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Losing motivation in the middle of writing longer fic. Underthinking. Messy. Unable to edit effectively due to having lost interest. Self-indulgent ficlets that are more me speaking my thoughts out than anything designed for an audience. Piling my plate too high when I get excited for challenges. Occasionally I have to take a break in the Pit of Despair.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Usually not necessary. Fine if you like it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Not entirely sure. It was either Dragonlance or Ranma 1/2. Neither will be on AO3.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
If the Lin Moniao series counts as a fic, then it's the Lin Moniao series.
Has everybody been tagged? tagging uhhh @minutia-r
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's June 2022 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
June was a rough month for me and because of that I apparently took to reading. A LOT. I was able to finish 19 fics/series this month, and there are some hella high word counts in here, but I hope that doesn't scare you off, because they're amazing as well. Always a fan of variety, there are also some really great ficlets in here too, so if you aren't someone who can read long fics, that's fine. I promise I've got some in here for you too! I'm afraid I used a lot of the same phrases to explain how very much I enjoyed all of these fics, but they truly were all such fantastic reads, so I hope you find some in here that you will also be able to read and enjoy!
My podcast for this month is now available!. I love getting to rave about these great fics to all of you, and I hope you enjoy listening as well.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
The Risen series by @creamcoffeelou / creamcoffeelou (20k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, Cult AU, journalist Harry, cult leader Louis, dark fic, dark Louis, 1970s, a LOT of potentially triggering topics and content so please check the tags and keep yourself safe!, suuuuper dark and kinda creepy and just not okay shit happening here, but if exploring those kinds of things is of interest then defo check this series out, it's so fucking fascinating and yet shudder inducing at the same time hah)
Darling, so it goes by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (195k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Grace Kelly AU, Harry is Grace Kelly hehe, Royalty, famous/famous, Prince Louis, actor Harry, this fic takes us from their first meeting all through their flirting and getting to know each other to dating, engagement, wedding, and even some of their marriage, and it is EPIC AND WONDERFUL, it isn't all sunshine and daisies, and the way the growth of their relationship and the way they handled everything thrown at them, it was just incredible, it was so good i cannot rave enough holy cow)
an honest mistake by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (2k, NR, Harry/Louis, meet ugly, hahahaha, pining, i guess? lol, can it be pining in a ficlet like this?, it is though i think it fits as a descriptor, fluff, flirting, humor, banter, this fic is so funny and cute and it is just such a fun fic i love it, i actually listened to this as an episode of @fanficfanaticpodcast and it had me legit giggling as i listened, it was so much fun)
dark blue by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (6k, T, Gen - OT4 friendship, canon divergent, apocalyptic au, dystopian au, crack fic, this fic is so difficult to summarize lmao, based on What a Feeling, Song Fic, Dreams, like the world starts falling apart and it's all one direction's fault because of the song, it's so fucking hilarious and just so weird, i LOVE it lolllll)
Choo-Choose Me by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (4k, G, Liam/Louis, train conductor Louis, commuter Liam, meet cute, crushes, kissing, this fic is just so fluffy and cute omg i love it, and it almost entirely takes place on the train, hehehe i love the premise of it all and the way it ends so perfectly)
The Greatest Thing by @infinitelymint / infinitelymint (164k, E, Harry/Louis, canon divergent, accidental marriage, fake marriage, friends to enemies to husbands to friends to lovers, lmaoooo, for real though that is basically their journey?, angst, so much angst and pain, and then so much healing, it's so soft and gentle and self indulgent for like ALL of us i think, there's so much cuddling and love and growth and working through the hard stuff, it's so wonderful i adore this fic so very much)
The Grundy County Auction Incident by @haztobegood / haztobegood (4k, T, Nick/Harry/Louis, based on a tiktok, kinda lollll, country fic, polyamory, frame narrative, established relationship, retelling of how they got together essentially, this is such a cute fic, it's everything i could have dreamed of the prompt becoming with this pairing, i'm so so so happy Jinny took this where she did cause i just threw the video into the chat and screamed and then magic, so fucking good)
Remember Me Before You by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (294k, E, Harry/Louis, there's a lot of Zayn/Niall in there too but they're just a very prominent side pairing lol, New Girl AU, Harry is Jess, Louis is Nick, Niall is Schmidt, Liam as Winston, Zayn as Cece, teacher Harry, bartender Louis, writer Louis, roommates, friends to lovers, slow burn, like something like 200k of SLOW burn lol, humor, omg the insane humor, this reads like a 300k crack fic with feelings, it's amazing i just, how do you summarize 300k?!?!?, anyway it's fucking fantastic so worth your time)
New York Kiss by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (47k, M, Zayn/Louis, famous/non famous, kinda haha it's complicated, actor Louis, writer Zayn, meet ugly, hurt/comfort, pining, COVID, quarantine, miscommunication, angst with a happy ending, fluff, also other potentially triggering topics so please read the tags, this fic is beautiful and deep and so completely filled with emotion, the way that music is so deeply a part of Zayn is so gorgeous, his friendship with Harry is so cool to see in their distanced way thanks to COVID, but the ziam friendship and ziall friendship is just beautifully done and so palpable, i love and adore it so very much)
now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (34k, M, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, omega Harry, alpha Louis, ace Harry, sex repulsed Harry, internalized acephobia, lirry friendship (and roommates), Uni AU, meet cute, pining, flirting, self acceptance, GAH you guys i pre-read this and for many reasons i'm probably biased, but this fic is just SO GOOD OKAY OMG, the ace rep is so good, and seeing it in this particular way in an a/b/o world is so cool)
We Might'a Took the Long Way by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (8k, G, Harry/Louis, based on a tiktok, gallery owner Harry, artist Louis, art teacher Louis, artist Zayn, chef Niall, angst with a happy ending, no smut, this is just SUCH a great fic, it is the perfect length to give you some excitement, then the pain, and then the hard work the character has to put in in order to fix it, and i LOVE it)
Follow Your Arrow by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (36k, T, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, canon divergent, A/B/O dynamics, fake alpha Louis, secret omega Louis, leader of the pack Louis, the rest of the band knows he's omega, but no one else does, and OMG, Harry presenting throws everything off and it's SO FUCKING GOOD Y'ALL OMG, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, touch deprivation, depri, dropping, nesting, self discovery, pining, gahhhhh listen, lady aj might say this fic was incredibly self indulgent, but it felt like it indulged every single thing i love about a/b/o possibilities and the secret omega trope, GAHHHHHH so fucking good i know i keep saying that this month but it was jam packed with fucking amazing reads)
let me show you by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (1.5k, T, Harry/Louis, questioning sexuality, never have i ever (the game, not the show lol), recreational alcohol/drug usage, a lot of internal monologue, this fic is so pure and sweet i just really loved it, it was part of the @podfic-pals pride episode too so you should defo listen)
Baby, Don’t Apologize by @neondiamond / Neondiamond (2k, T, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, ace Harry, insecure Harry, established relationship, fluff, so much fluff and gentleness and love, it was so beautiful, but also it hit a little close to home in some ways so it was also hard to listen to at times for me personally, in other words it was really spot fucking on regarding the ace representation so SUPER pleased with that haha, it was just so so good and so filled with love, i adored it, it was also a part of the pride episode like the previous fic so yessss hehe)
Crawling on Your Shores by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt (67k, E, Liam/Harry, mechanic Liam, small town USA, OT4 friendship, Liam is a bit lost in a lot of ways, self discovery, extreme winter, that's a tag used by the author and it made me snort because yes this is very true lol, lots of discussion and thinking focused on mental illness and UFOs and suicide, lots of concern over death/disappearance of a loved one that happened prior to the fic starting, angst, pining, this fic is incredibly heavy tbh, but it is so beautiful as well, secret relationship, as Alex says "A Vast Universe of Uncertainty and Ambiguity" and that is a hell of a way to put it, very accurate hahaha, angst with a happy ending, there's just, this fic is a lot and so please be careful but it is STELLAR as well so just please consider reading it, it's incredible)
True as it Can Be by @beelou / cherrylarry (12k, G, Harry/Louis, Beauty and the Beast AU, girl direction, Harry is Belle, Louis is the Beast, they are both girls but the rest of one direction are boys, Liam is Lumiere, Niall is Cogsworth, and Zayn is the duster that Lumiere is into in the movie hahahaha, does she have a name?, anyway, so this is historical setting wise, and involves all the wonderful things that fairy tale does, it's a fun amalgamation of the animated and live action disney movies, and i just ADORED this fic)
Something About Liminal Spaces by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (34k, E, Harry/Louis, Soulmates Abroad fic, set in New Zealand, writer Louis, older Louis, silver fox Louis, age difference, younger Harry, soulmates, soulmarks, slow burn, divorced Louis, hurt/comfort in a way for sure, this fic is so so beautiful and it's like, well i told lauren it was like she wrote it for me lmao, it has so many of my favorite things in it, and i devoured it in one night so it was clearly a fic i loved and needed right then, i just omg i really really love this fic so much)
Only by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (34k, E, Harry/Louis, Soulmates Abroad fic, set in Tristan da Cunha, famous/non-famous, royalty au, soulmates, enemies to lovers is a bit extreme but maybe dislike to lovers lol, Prince Harry, post office/tourism worker Louis, musician Louis, falling in love, misunderstandings, friendship, first time, this fic is really really sweet and i loved the way everything was navigated considering how they were kind of unexpectedly thrown into the situation they were, on the most remote island in the world, lollll, it was so good, i was sad when it ended and accidentally yelled in my comment, sorry anitra i love you lol)
Like it was at the start by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (15k, T, Gen - Liam & Louis friendship, Soulmates Abroad, set at Lake Louise Canada, best friends Liam and Louis, soulmates Liam and Louis, platonic soulmates, aroace Liam, platonic love, first kiss, growing up together, coming out, this fic is such a cool exploration of a concept i hadn't really considered, which was aroace characters in soulmate pairings, and i just loved the way it was all handled and the complexity of the emotions involved, it was beautiful)
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Popping in to demand, gently and with enthusiasm, that you share some banter from a wip of your choosing, please and thank you
Hehe I love my banter. I have posted this before and within the past week, but have this--
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Akash POV)
“Hey, guys.” Parker flicked his hand, summoning his remaining breakfast to his newly-picked table on light current of air. “What’s up?” “Me,” I said, causing Robbie to snicker. “Are we still on for practice today?” “Uh, yeah of course,” said Parker as Wade joined our table. “Your joke sucked. You’re sitting down. We’ll have to work on that.” “Is part of being an air-molecule-manipulating person good humor?” “I thought it was until you came.” “Give him a break, Parker.” “He made a bad joke, Wade! What am I supposed to say.” I ate my bowl-innards so I didn’t have to reply. Yeah, it was a bad joke, but it was the anti-humor that made it funny! “The fact that it was bad made it good,” Robbie defended. I smiled smugly at Parker through my cereal-filled mouth. Thanks, Robbie. “Humor is a subjective but meticulous craft,” said Parker. “The joke needs to make sense to be funny, and considering that you are not up, it doesn’t make sense.” “But I’m a flyer,” I protested. “That’s the logic.” “You said it when you were down!” Parker protested. “That would be like Jazlyn saying, ‘I’m so hot!’ when she’s not on fire!” “I’m gay, but Jazlyn’s objectively hot,” said Wade. “Totally not the point,” said Parker. “You’re taking this too seriously.” Parker laughed, throwing his head back. “Serious? Me?! That’s a first. Could you tell that to Mrs. Holladay? Besides, I’m just helping the kid out.” “You’re, like, two years older than me,” I pointed out. “Regardless, I’m helping you out. Watch, I’ll make your joke work.” In a fast yet graceful move, Parker thrust his hands out and up in a swooshing movement, causing a gust of wind to suddenly lift me out of my seat and a handful of yards in the air. “What the hell?!” I shouted at the same time as Robbie. “Parker!” Wade scolded as I struggled to gain control of the air around me, but whatever Parker was doing made it difficult to push back on the molecules. “Now he’s up! And in perfect time for our lesson!” “This wasn't what we agreed upon!” I protested. Looking down, I saw the other Recruits had turned their attention toward the commotion. “Yes!” Jazlyn exclaimed as Ewan beside her shook his head violently. “How’s it going up there, Akash?” “It’s going!” “Grab onto the molecules, Singh!” Gabriel shouted up. “I’m trying!” “Moving them around for him,” said Parker. “It makes for good training. He has to think on his feet. Spontaneity.” “Consult me first!” “If I’d consulted you first, it wouldn’t be spontaneous!” “Who said I wanted spontaneous?!” “Have you learned your lesson on making bad jokes?” “Is that what this is about?” Robbie and I chorused. “God, you two are something else,” said Parker. “No, this is me deciding that was a pretty epic segue into a spontaneous training lesson. I thought that was implied. Now, get ahold of the molecules.”
It was actually a pretty epic segue for me. Because before I started the scene I wasn't sure how to bridge the casual conversation and the training scene.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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true-blue-sonic · 11 months
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Drabble based on @wonderinc-sonic​‘s tags on the ask I got about Silver’s gloves and cuffs and whether or not those two items are attached!
Word count: 1019 words
 “Today’s done. Finally, honestly.”
With a groan Sonic flops himself onto the couch in Tails’ living room, his body stinging and complaining just a bit. Another battle with Eggman, a heart-pounding race with Metal Sonic which of course had ended in Sonic’s favour, an epic defeat for the madman who’d been blasted away by the explosion of his new toy...
But as battles tend to go, injuries are unavoidable, and Sonic grimaces as he clenches his upper arm and gives his aching shoulder a roll. That is going to be hurting for a while.
Silver is looking equally dishevelled, grey fur marred with thin cuts Sonic had forced him to clean and a painful-looking bruise on his muzzle. “But we won,” the younger hedgehog brings up, sinking into the couch as well. His quills flop all over his head, as if he’s unable to put the subconscious energy in them to keep them in their usual slightly-raised state; despite everything, it makes Sonic laugh. He himself probably doesn’t look much better.
“You’re welcome to stay here. Tails won’t mind if we crash on the couch," the speedster assures his pal, leaning down to fiddle with his shoes before kicking them off underneath the coffee table. Tails does mind unattended footwear and unwashed clothing laying around, but Tails also is not here to scold him, and thus Sonic’s gloves get flung onto the heap as well. Pushing one of the couch’s pillows in place with his elbow to sink his head on it Sonic grins at the time traveller. What the speedster himself is doing now is already breaking multiple of Tails’ house rules; if Silver were to put his shoes on the couch to sleep with, the young genius might just get peeved. “But you do need to take off your shoes, and maybe your gloves and cuffs too. That won’t be nice to sleep with, right?”
“It’s doable,” the easy response comes, as if Silver’s done it his whole life already. That probably is the case, but the younger hedgehog still leans down to obediently pull off his fancy boots and let them float beside Sonic’s shoes. He pulls on his gloves next, and Sonic’s eyes, which have begun sinking shut already with the promise of rest finally here, fly right open at the noise it elicits.
Most recognisable in a way Sonic can’t put his finger on, but also as if Silver’s glove has gotten torn right in half.
Shooting his body up on one elbow Sonic studies his friend. “What was that?”
One glove laying on his lap Silver tugs on the other... and Sonic stares, incredulously, as the psychic pushes his cuff up and the ripping noise resounds again. But Silver’s gloves seem mostly unharmed as they get carefully laid down beside Sonic’s pile of items...? Sleep forgotten immediately the speedster leans closer to inspect them... before laughing, softly, as his fingers brush past the part of the glove Silver keeps around his wrist.
“Silv, are your gloves attached to your cuffs with velcro?”
“What is that,” the time traveller responds, clicking open his cuffs as well and placing them on the table tenderly. A scrutiny of those tells Sonic all he needs to know; a strip of soft lining covers the inside, whereas the gloves’ edges are much more rugged and coarse to drag his bare fingers over. And as Sonic picks them up under Silver’s suspicious glare and pushes them together, the hooks and loops of the two fasten together firmly.
“Huh,” the speedster remarks most amusedly. “I know they took velcro to space, but it’s nice to see they still make use of it even in the future.”
A spark of cyan swats at his hands, the items pulled away again. “Stop that. That stuff is just useful, you know? It doesn’t come apart unless I pull at it first,” Silver huffs, clearly not understanding the honestly-not-that-big-but-still-pretty-cool implications of Sonic’s discovery about how people in the future live.
“Hehe, certainly. But doesn’t it get stuck in your fur if you’re not careful?”
Lips pursing Silver makes a displeased grumbling noise, his hand drifting over his chest fluff betraying everything Sonic needs to know. “Only sometimes. And I’ve always gotten it loose again!”
Deciding he’s tormented his cranky friend enough – Silver clearly is exhausted, and Sonic himself too – Sonic sinks back onto the couch again, kicking a pillow towards the psychic to use as headrest. “Luckily velcro is not that sticky,” he mediates. “But it’s cool to see that there’s some things people still use decades into the future, just because it’s so convenient.”
“That is neat,” Silver agrees amidst a huge yawn, fussing with the pillow before his head sinks down on it and golden eyes peer at the large, cyan-lined cuffs one more time. “And it means that I’ll never lose my gloves. That is neat too.”
“Sure is. And if you ever need to have the strips replaced, just ask Amy.”
Silver merely mumbles something back, chest already rising and falling slowly, and Sonic lays his head down and immediately joins him in resting... only to dream of Silver entangled in a strip of velcro, pitifully fastened stuck and requiring some elbow grease from Sonic’s side to free him again.
Explaining during breakfast just why he can’t stop laughing every time he takes a look at Silver’s hands nets Sonic a velcroed glove tangled completely in his own quills and angry huffs galore about how there is nothing funny about gloves and cuffs that use velcro to attach themselves, before Silver can see the humour in it all anyway and begins laughing as well...
Even if it doesn’t make it more fun to remove said glove from Sonic’s spines again.
But that is simply the price Sonic has to pay to be one of the two people who knows the inhabitants of the future still make use of velcro, the speedster muses to himself as he and Silver fight to pull some wayward stuck quills from the barbed strip on Silver’s glove, and surely that is worth something also.
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zozobruh · 11 months
Tag game to better know you
Iva, my dear, tysm for tagging me @b1uetrees <3
what book are you currently reading?
I finally got around to reading Dune! It's going really sloooow since I have been working and trying to write my thesis at the same time, but so far so good! (The 1st movie def didn't do justice to some things oops) 
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I haven't really been to the cinema this year. Objectively, I would say it was Banshees of Inisherin (which I saw with Iva ofc hehe). In terms of the experience of live screening it def was The Rocky Horror Picture Show! It was so fun, I loved people singing and making comments to the plot, epic
what do you usually wear?
Most days of the year you'll see me in mom jeans and a shirt tucked in them or a sweater over them for colder periods of the year. Recently I bought high-waisted wide-leg black jeans and I AM IN LOVE. For shoes I prefer the vans sneakers and dr. martens boots.
how tall are you
157 cm (5'2)
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Taurus. For celebrities ik that I share my bday with Pierce Brosnan, Megan Fox and Thomas Brodie-Sangster lol
do you go by your name or a nickname?
I go by my name (Klara). The only person that actually calls me Zozo is my boyfriend haha
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Def not, but I still think child me would be pretty impressed with what we achieved and would probably think the adult me is cool af haha
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one?
Yes, going strong for almost 4 and a half years. I love my bf and I wouldn't trade what we have for the world. MUST protect <3
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
Honest answer is that I think I'm average at everything lmao. I guess I'm good at planning, organizing and respecting deadlines. I'm bad at maths and quick thinking haha
dogs or cats?
I always say both, but if I'm put in a spot and have to choose, I'll say cats. I feel like kitties are just closer to my personality and I like their dynamic.
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year?
I have been writing some rather emo poetry since highschool (I'm okay), so earlier in April, I wrote a little poem I liked:
Daffodil The reflection of water on the wall Mercilessly moving The time is taking its toll The tall glass vase on the table Mercilessly staying still The time is writing its fable As it slowly comes to kill A beautiful yellow daffodil
Recently, I got back into writing fanfiction bc of watching KP, here's my fave line from my fic (ofc titled after MCR) The world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me:
Kinn sits up and studies the night in Bangkok. The bright yellow lights of the buildings are reflected in the darkness of the river. The Theerapanakul headquarters are amongst the brightest shining buildings, shaping the skyline of the city.  Sometimes the building feels like his home, swarming with memories of his brothers and him playing, of his mother reading them stories and preparing them for bed. Growing up made it feel like a prison in which he exists, simply fulfilling his destiny.
what is something that you’d like to create content for?
Before I got into KP brainrot, I really wanted to write for Beyond Evil, but never got to it. But now, I do have a pretty well-developed idea for a BE fic! Everything is on hold until I finish my thesis tho
A wild part of me also wants to stream The Sims4 let's play hahaah
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
My brain got a bit too tired to be obsessed in the purest sense of the word, but I'd say KP (and the actors who play them) still has a pretty strong chokehold on me.
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Honestly nothing. The things I was excited about were great, but the things I wasn't excited about were shit so lmao, as expected
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
Don't think I have one
are you religious?
I'm not, however, I'd still say I'm somewhat spiritual. I grew up catholic, but I realized it's just not for me. Since it's hard for me to believe there's nothing at all, so the closest to what I'd label myself as is agnostic.
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a finished thesis, so i have more time to relax and do my hobbies after work, one can dream ah
A no pressure tag for @tr1edandtrueblue if you feel like doing this :3
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wellfell · 1 year
get to know the mun .
what's your phone wallpaper : powerpuff girls starting theme , where there are hearts inside each other ? remember ? though mine is green .
last song you listened to : attack on titan theme but from samuel kim's epic collection hehe
currently reading : …. nothing . but the last thing i read was ringu , thinking about starting spiral too but my brain says lol sit down .
last movie : jjk 0
last show : attack on titan
what are you wearing right now ? 😏 dhjsja shorts and crop top .
piercings / tattoos ? no tattoos yet , but my ears are pierced .
glasses / contacts : none .
last thing you ate ? rice and chicken .
favorite color : lavender , or very very light green .
current obsession : many things ok . mostly digital art because it's so fun ok i love it .
do you have a crush right now ? nah .
favorite fictional character : too many , Too Many men and women w loads of mental illnesses . but i wanna say ryuji takayama because i still haven't been able to understand that bitch fully . also sadako . g o d . my wife .
tagged : by many people hehe sorry
tagging : everyone . 🔪
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mirimiramiri · 8 months
🎶 Shuffle Tag! 🎶
Hola de Barcelona!
I think this is the third time I have been tagged to reveal my music… but I will do it a bit differently.
What is music? Emotions, memories, fantasies or simply the urge to get low and shake it like a polaroid picture. Therefore I will post the ten songs/artists I listened the most during the last weeks and how they made me feel.
1. Karliene - Atlantis, because it lets me feel the weightlessness of diving and shudder before the deep dark beautiful mystery we call ocean
2. Every song from Blackmore’s Night, can’t believe I only discovered them now. Each songs tells a different little story about love, adventure and magic in medieval worlds full of kings, dragons, fortune tellers, knights and roses.
3. Visions of Atlantis - Master the hurricane, because with pirate metal every little thing you do (ride a bike, do dishes, work, sleep) feels epic and dangerous and brave!
4. Walk the moon - Shut up and dance, because this song always makes me smile and dance around. Looks especially funny at work.
5. Faun and Eluveitie - Gwydion, this song simply reminds me a lot of Fanelia. It starts with crystal clear mystical singing about the magic of the forests and ends in a powerful battle cry which makes me see strong heroes swinging swords ⚔️
6. Delain - Queen of Shadow, I always liked that band. It has slightly cheesy lyrics but reminds me of my Goth Phase as a teen… which never really ended 🤔 except for the massiv overuse of black eyeliner.
7. Katy Perry - E.T but the version without the stupid male rap part, who needs that anyway? A song for the romantic Science Fiction heart! And a bit dirty too! Hehe 😉
8. ASP - De profundis, a creepy masterpiece which reminds me of sirens luring sailors into their watery grave or even more sinister dark things.
9. Every song from Beast in Black, because I can go jogging to their beat and it feels like a fun, colourful and heroic battle in the One Piece universe! Go Luffy!
10. Battle Beast - Eden, idk it’s just such a feel good power metal song which makes me imagine flying on wings I created myself ☺️
Not included are Nightwish, In Flames, Metallica, the Carmina Burana, Heaven shall burn, Two steps from hell, Volbeat and the Escaflowne OST.
Songs and artists I am too ashamed to list here, but found their way into my playlist: BTS (blush), Justin Bieber (blushes even more), Dua Lipa, (bright pink blush), Britney Spears (dark red blush), Daddy Yankee and Rihanna (gets a slap from her 15-years old self though space and time for being untrue to metal and bringing shame to her name 🤪)… oh no why did I write that, so uncool… 😬 you made me do it @eireanness @silphine and @ruinsoftime
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thelastpilot · 2 years
I just wanted to say ello!
I got all nostalgic and weepy because I had a dream about Jade Turtle last night. After I had a cup of tea I started thinking about him a lot and obviously my thought drifted to you.
I had flashbacks to being so much more invested in your Nino headcanons than the show itself. I remembered finding your page right before you had just started dreaming all these epic headcanons up. I thought you were so funny! (And I was right, your still hilarious)
I recall back when you were trying to come up with a hero name so we didn’t have to use #turtle!nino tag forever. We were so full of energy hehe. I remember when you finally decided on Jade Turtle! We went through soooo many options before that... Yeah, It’s been a hot minute.
I remember being on the edge of my seat always ready to jump over to tumblr! I remember being up waaaay too late rereading those precious chapters over and over again! I remember you doing a livestream and reading the first chapter or so of “Won’t Tell A Soul” aloud in full Nino cosplay! I mean come on!! We had NINO READING US THIS EPIC STORY! Literally the definition of good old times!
I remember you and Tides! You guys were like.... Nino’s God parents or something! An epic duo! Always looking out for our baby boy! (And our girl Alya) I just.. wow... you guys literally made up such a huge part of my youth! I just kinda missed you guys so I wanted to say ello! I love you guys! And Thank you for giving me so many good memories! (And quite a few core memories ;P that otome game was a gift!)
You have come so far! You have done so much! I am so proud of you! I’m glad I could watch your journey! I look forward to watching you as you continue onward my friend!
All my love 💕
~old fan anon
Wow, oh my gosh, this actually made me tear up. The good old days meant so much to me back then, i mean regardless of the show now that feeling I had back then writing for the fandom and doing all those livestreams was absolutely incredible.
@tides-miraculous and I are still very close friends to this day and to be remembered in this way is genuinely amazing. Thank you for letting me be apart of your childhood, and thanks for remembering me even after all this time.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
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edensflower · 6 months
NAME :  carsyn
PRONOUNS :  she/he/they
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : i usually like to start with tumblr messenger and then move to discord when we know each other a tiny bit better
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : sakichi fukui (oc) and a selection of random canons that i rotate in and out
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : i've been rping for 15 years, but mostly on forums! i've been on tumblr in between, mostly for my buddies ^_^ my brain is kind of a staticky mess sometimes, so i can be kind of here and there, but even when i'm not writing as often, i have muse and like chatting on discord!
BEST  EXPERIENCE : in general, it's been meeting and being able to write with all of my friends! i like making silly characters with them and exploring canon verses with them too. i mean, i met my fiancee through rp so like as cringe as that sounds, rp has been something very important to me. some of the most fun is when i inspire someone to get into something i like or to make ocs with me because they like the way i write someone or because they think their canon is cool! it's so neat getting to share things with friends in this way.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  i don't really have any. as most people have said, i don't have issues as long as people are behaving normally. as long as no one is rushing me to post or being mean about interpretations/writing style, then i'm usually fine. if we don't vibe, then it's okay to softblock or block me. i don't take issue with much and like to think i'm chill. let's take ibuprofen together etc
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : i usually like to write evil horror things. i'm not huge on fluff and i'm too shy to write smut, but i'm ok with talking about it. what if i get bullied for usfw.. did you ever think about that? so i like violent/horror things the most and angst is ok too! but i'll do anything if it's fun enough hehe
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :  it depends! if it's canons then memes are easy, but since i mostly rp my oc right now, i feel like i usually need to do a tiny bit of plotting first. but i like a nice balance!
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : mostly short! i don't have a lot of energy lately, but i don't mind if people write longer replies to me. i just tend to write shorter stuff, but sometimes i get a little silly with it.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  mostly night, because i have a very weird sleep schedule. i'm a very sporadic writer.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : i sure hope not. i hope that i am much more cutieful and cool and epic and not quite so mean. although we are both kind of :3 and ^_^ and :p
TAGGED  BY  :   stole it from the like 5 people on my dash TAGGING  :  are the other mutuals in the room with us right now
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fiamac · 2 years
WIPs Ask Game
@iamanonniemouse tagged me for this, like she just knew I was dying for the chance to blab about my projects. True friendship, right there. Love ya, babe!
So, yeah, send me a number to get a draft excerpt of why I’m working on. Woo!
1. The Garden
An epic, slow build Teen Wolf AU for @sterekcraptrash based on their gorgeous artwork. In which merman Stiles is imprisoned in Kate Argent’s hidden garden, where she keeps a menagerie of captive supernaturals, including werewolf Derek, who has been turned to stone. It’s a whole thing. This WIP is currently around 70K with way, way, way more to go because I am ridiculous.
2. Lost and Found Dragon
Another sterek bit of whimsy... Dragon!Stiles works at a strip mall office overseeing the lost and found, where he finds baubles and trinkets for his hoard. When some dude comes around trying to claim a lost keyring, Stiles refuses to admit he has it, no matter how hot and well-muscled the guy is. Hijinks ensue.
3. Original Demon Lovin’ Novel
Someday I will finish this. Someday. The premise... Adam’s fiance, Ben, dabbled in magic above his paygrade. Now Ben’s soul is dead, and a demon is prancing around in his body. Adam can’t get rid of the demon for reasons, leaving him with the roommate from hell. Hehe, hell. Anyway, the demon, Kish, decides Adam needs to get laid and lends a helping hand with that (ahem), and the whole story turns into a sappy poly romance.
4. Teen/Wolf Inception Crossover
Another story I am determined to complete. Someday. Future fic where FBI agent Stiles is captured and interrogated by Monroe hunters, leaving him trapped in his own mind. Fortunately, someone high up in the FBI knows a guy, who knows a guy, and our favorite dreamsharing duo come to the rescue. Except what Arthur and Eames find inside Stilinksy’s mind... isn’t Stilinsky. ~~cue Bad Moon Rising~~ 
5. The King’s Maker mpreg for the win
Maybe this doesn’t count because I haven’t started writing it. But the words exist in my brain. I have become obsessed with the manwha The King’s Maker. It’s amazing, and it’s taken over my life. Anyhow, I have this idea in which Alathea wasn’t joking about Wolfgang carrying Shin’s baby.
6. Mystery Bag
Because there are other WIPs... so many others... 
Now, um... tagging @rudimentaryflair, @dbshawnblog, @stillbeatingheart, @sugary-bowl and anyone else who wants to play!
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
I hope I can still send you asks and you can answer them? Just to say that I'm trying to do the Snarry rec list but my memory is SO BAD lol there are a few I know have to go on there but otherwise? I'm going to have to reread so much fic..... Not that it's an imposition of course, but it does feel weird taking a look through my collection and realising 1) there are less fics than I thought and 2) I can't associate any summary to so many of the titles! Where has my Snarry knowledge gone!! Anyway I realise I forgot to rec you Diagnosis by MaidenMotherCrone for Tomarry fics, which is an error because I'm not sure I'd want to reread it but it's really a Whole Thing in an overall positive way. Also I never gave you the name of the absolute epic I felt weird reccing on main because there's some niche kinks in it? Obviously you don't seem like you open a 500k fic and come out of it a week later without having done anything else but read it, given what you've said about taking breaks in Pacify (which tbh fair. A lot of stuff happens there) so giving you a 800k fic series on top of all the rest seemed a lot you know :') but whenever you want, you know where to find me hehe. Anyway I'll go like brush my teeth and all, hope this sends, bye bye!!
Looks like I can still receive asks! Whether or not you’ll be notified when I answer this (and I guess, also whether or not tumblr will even allow me to post it,,,) still remains to be seen, but based on last night’s experiment with @’ing you, you won’t be notified. I’ll try to keep my reblogging to a minimum until you’ve seen this!!
For what it’s worth, I did send in another support ticket this morning, but I’ll update my pinned post with that info after I’ve answered this
There is no rush at all for the snarry rec list!! Take your time beloved!! I agree that rereading all that fic isn’t all that bad of a thing, but omg, it must be so daunting to have that list to go through, even if it’s shorter than you thought it was! I mean, I’m sitting here with 12 pages in my marked for later tab on Ao3, while entirely forgetting to read both the fic I currently have open and the books I have from the library lol, so I can def relate to having a list to read through. Just please don’t feel rushed or even obligated, you have the best recs but really it’s okay if I wait for it!
(but tbh, at this point I’ve read enough snarry that I feel like I could make an actual rec list myself, even if like 90% of my bookmarks have come from the @houseofsnarry discord. I might have to do that. No one has asked for my recs since I totally flubbed that one ask requesting my quiobi recs and I revealed that at the time I wasn’t really reading, but now I read so much more, even if it’s primarily snarry and irl books. Idk. I’ll have to think about it and also wait until I get un-shadowbanned, and also also I’ll have to read a little bit more so I can round out any list like that,,,)
Omg so Diagnosis looks like an absolutely incredible fic 👀 that summary, those tags!! No worries about not remembering anything other than the positive vibes, I’ve loved literally everything you’ve rec’d thus far and I’m sure I’ll love this too!
Feel free to drop the name of that longfic btw 👀👀👀👀 I don’t often go for fics over 150k unless they come highly recommended, but most of the time I do finish them really quickly. I got through Unrestrained by Lizzy00305 in three days, All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 in about a week and a half, and, while they’re obv not fic, I did read the first five HP books in 8 days, and then HBP and DH in about a week and a half. It depends on what’s going on irl and how into the fic I am tbch.
Rn it’s taking me forever to get through Transparency by oldesthuntress even though it’s literally my favourite fic of all time only because I have so much going on irl. My fatigue will catch up to me soon enough, and all I’ll be capable of doing (affectionate) soon will be reading and animal crossing, and even if I can’t read it for a little bit, I do have surgery right before Christmas which will mean only reading for a few weeks!
(for what it’s worth, I’m currently planning to save Pacify for after surgery, because tbch I think that’s the perfect read for when I’ll be stuck in bed for two weeks!)
But anyway! Yes please drop that link! No fic is too long if it comes highly recommended!!
All my love to you beloved, I hope the rest of your day goes well!! Thanks for stopping in!!
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oddgoat107 · 1 year
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I posted 119 times in 2022
6 posts created (5%)
113 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 118 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 108 posts
#botw - 4 posts
#comic - 4 posts
#queen elizabeth - 4 posts
#black panther - 3 posts
#important - 3 posts
#writing prompts - 3 posts
#writers on tumblr - 3 posts
#writers - 3 posts
#my thoughts - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#dora milaje could come into my couch and i be like kay i fucked up sorry
My Top Posts in 2022:
The "Monthly" update
Doing this cause I got nothing left to do let's go
I'm doing physically well, if you can call "staying on a seat for the entire day well" with just my bines cracking.
The first part of my exams are in a week and I'm pretty sure I'm going to die. Today I just had the motivation to work on subject on 7. Great.
I started and finished Moonknight in 24 hours and I had a blast ! The co-op between Marc and Steven was epic and I had my "what is reality" moment that I had reading the comic. I also restarted Kimetsu No Yaiba because of one youtube video. That's it.
On another note, I realized I didn't touch my tablet since January and ... I feel a bit guilty about it, I don't know if it's my laziness speaking but I want to draw something but I don't know WHAT to draw so I'm kinda stuck ?
I try to take every bit of hapiness in life, but waking up at 10 am is not a way to study, I have to correct this.
Went into the BNHA fandom. I have finished reading everything interesting and looking at my screen thinking : "What now ?"
0 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
High School DXD could have been one of the best anime, with a fun storyline and mecanics (angels vs demons but chess) but infortunately they had to rely on fanservice (the bad kind of fanservice because YES there is a good kind) and I hate it for that
0 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
So thank to AO3, I am back once again into Persona.
This would be great if I could play them, but like 75% of Persona fans, I don't posses the right console. So I'm stuck between watching let's plays and reading fics (Some of you are into some weird shit and I am not sorry for kinkshaming you). I'm thinking that I really want to write a fic but I know that I don't have the willpower to regularly post (hehe look at Alcandra 2,5 years and still in hiatus). I just hope I will finally be able to write something other than schoolwork because it fucking sucks.
0 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
November, December & Half Of January Review
Yup. I do love lying. "I'm gonna try to do this every month". Hah. my *ss.
So, what happened to me during these month ?
For November, nothing. I just thought abiut "how about I make NNN again for the second consecutive year ?" and I finished it. +1 on satisfaction and that led me to my mental state of today. I know that some of my friends from schools are watching my blog (and I see you) and they tried but lost at the 25th. I judge you people. I then proceeded to uninstall reddit from my phone to get that sweet Go. No regrets, this app sucks more online data that youtube. Speaking of this bitch, it is way less entertaining than before. I don't know if it's me or what I'm watching, but I'm starting to get into my *winter mood* (aka I become apathetic toward pretty much everything). It's sucks. I feel like I don't deserve what I have and I hate this. Trying to make less depreciative "jokes" is helping but I just want to let it past me. But I lost myself in time.
December was more eventful. First, my Birthday. For being one year closer to adulthood, I'm scared. Like the world is waiting to devour me whole. But I got Metroid Dread ! Go play this game, I was able to escape the spoilers like Pm:TOK and these hours were 100% worth it. I also got a Gamecube controller and finnaly, I can play with my friend without the joycons. School is ... school is shit. I say it, and I'll say it again and again : school is fucked up. Some classes are just plain boring. Like, why the fuck is philosophical classes mandatory ? WHY ? 5 months, and it will end. I hope. The holydays I got for Christmas and New Year were the hardest. For 3 whole weeks, we didn't have a kitchen. I when you have to feed 7 people, It's Hell. For Christmas, I got myself amiibos.
Please, whoever is listening to us, be the devil or god, make Covid stop. I'm tired, you're tired, and if you're not, then you're dead. I'm happy that my family was not hit by this, but I don't want more suffering.
There things I still have to do. My homework, and study how to drive.
After a quick in and out of the Danganronpa fandom (thanks for the flluff btw) I came back into the Persona fandom (and I never left the Fire Emblem and TLOZ fandoms). I now realize that my entier schedule is based around my time on A03. I have to stop, or lessen my need. Hopefully, i did read what I wanted.
Time to prepare myself, for the future, I guess. Shame. Would have loved to stay a child forever, but sometimes, you have to give up on privileges to gain more.
That should be a wrap of what I wanted to say. I will my another post describing the moveis I saw during this time. ~toodles~
1 note - Posted January 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Went on the tag "enemies to lovers" on AO3 Saw nothing but Shuri, Namor, Okoye and Attuma shit
Y'all great 👍 Keep it up
2 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-unknown-void · 1 year
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I posted 266 times in 2022
That's 264 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (30%)
185 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 237 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#hdtf - 37 posts
#half-life - 35 posts
#adrian shephard - 32 posts
#hunt down the freeman - 31 posts
#mitchell shephard - 26 posts
#art - 23 posts
#half-life 2 - 22 posts
#alice shephard - 21 posts
#doodles - 21 posts
#sketches - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#we literally have morning doves that come by our balcony all the time and they look just as silly as any pigeon :>
My Top Posts in 2022:
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HLVRAI! These designs aren’t entirely original Basically @xenodogartz ‘s designs from here. But with my own style and form I make designs. Love the blorbos <3 I have more art dump comin be warned
13 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Just something I want to shout
I swear to ARCEUS, does anyone else perfectly imagine Volo with Wheatley’s voice from Portal 2? Especially his evil laugh!
19 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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See the full post
22 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Also me: hehe Autism Shephard (It’s bad looking but does that really matter?)
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This guy has become my vessel for projection.. somehow, I find it funny that I chose the US Marine out of all the characters. But now I just.. I love em.
Oh yeah Obligatory Yippee
39 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My pokemon phase won’t end
I’ve thought of like, other things that could be shown in sort of the style Legends Arceus is? Showing the region’s past. So here’s a list of ideas! I know the first one’s a bit weird cuz 70-90′s isn’t “ancient” at all but.. I want it and it’d be showing the past so I’m still putting it here
Kanto in the 70's, 80's, or 90's, whenever Team Rocket was formed. Maybe more stuff on that unconfirmed war?
Ancient Johto, like.. the century the tower burned? Plus it could hook in with Legends Arceus with the canonical connections of Sinnoh and Johto with “Sinjoh”. Oh also that Dragon Tamer Clan, that could be important!
Alola's first settlement, it has the vibe of possibly being an isolated group of islands for a long time until finally some people found it so.. could be cool!
Galar the darkest day < this is just an epic title tbh
The age of war in Kalos before the ultimate weapon
The conflict between brothers in Unova, solve the mystery of what Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyruum originally were? :0
The birth of Hoenn, maybe something to do with the Draconid tribe. Tbh I didn’t play OR/AS but I read the OR/AS manga so I do not know a lot about them.
These are just little ideas I have, I’d like to talk about them :D
64 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yasmeensh · 2 years
Time to make a post about my project! I wrote a little on it before (in the tags lol), but here is the idea: stone age/early neolithic period in a fantasy genre. I want to explore the stories and myths of ancient civilizations (which possibly trace back to this period) + homo sapien & Neanderthal interaction!
It’s fun to think of this time period with fantastical creatures like dragons, mermaids, and sea monsters in them. Couple that with ancient megafauna!
Art historians often speculate that cave art & stone age sculptures had a spiritual function. It had me thinking about how magic and curses were an important element in ancient civilizations' stories (think even in biblical text). So where did this all originate from, so much that people would have great experience with them? It must be a very very ancient unknown past, probably the stone age period of humanity. This time period has huge potential for fantasy exploration! I want to explore all these ideas and make a story out of them. Here are some illustrations I made, with more under the cut, featuring the so far only OC (placeholder name for now is Tam. Short and simple) and his father-figure Neanderthal friend! I have a bit of a story in mind and other characters, but nothing concrete while I continue world-building. I will share more as I continue developing!
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(hand painting... but with the rarest pigment of all. magggiiccc)
also a Neanderthal kid and grandma
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