#hehehehhe I’m so excited
coollizzylou · 1 year
Ok real quick thought inspired by me messing around in siren’s landing: the wizards have been around since before gw1, right? So they very well could have been around all the way back before Orr sunk, right??? And Orr’s ruins have a lot of gold and glass and large ring motifs, right??????? AND in the Ruined City of Arah dungeon is about Tyria was like before gw1 and also has an astronomy focused path, RIGHT????????
My theory: Wizards = Orrians
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lunafresas · 10 months
ITS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!! i’m so excited i decided on a theme for my party i wanna do goth prom
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first out of touch thursday as someones bf
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beingsuneone · 6 months
Omw to go defile my favourite characters with Santa hats
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simpinberry · 1 year
omg babe i love your bella ramsey hcs, can you write hcs of bella ramsey comforting upset or insecure reader 💘
!!!!hehehehhe guys i’m so excited i got my first ask yayayayy!! also yes ofc i can <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>
im gonna do 3 diff scenarios that my brain came with up :>
✧ you could not get yourself to like yourself today. it was just one of those days where you need a little bit of extra reassurance :,) exiting your room and marching over to your lovely s/o sitting on the couch, placing yourself completely on top of her. “oh-okay, this is new, oww babe my glasses” you’d shush her and snuggle closer into him. “do u still love me?” istg the loudest silence broke over yall. bellas annoying and immediate reaction would be just super sarcastically offended. once she realises you’re serious, she’d be excited that this was her moment. they’d go on for a good thirty minutes, talking about how beautiful they find you. placing a kiss on his favorite features of yours, telling you how you belong in a fairytale book cuz he sometimes questions how you’re even real. she’d tell you in detail how down bad she was (and still is) when he first met you. would really get into explaining how much he admires you, respects how talented you are, loves all of your quirks, adores your lil annoying habits. she’d finish saying, “i’m so lucky to be able to exist at the same time as you and even luckier to get the honour to love you” and then BOOM YOU GET ALLLL SHYY AND GIGGLY “thank u i needed that :,)” “can we make out now or?”
✧ one night, she’d come home to find you attempting to make dinner whilst literally sobbing. she’d immediately be concerned noticing that you’re actually bawling and not cutting any onions. “sweets? what’s the matter?” she’d immediately offer you a hug that you sink into. you explain that you were frustrated because you really wanted to make her favorite meal and everything that could’ve gone wrong did. she’d chuckle slightly at you and cup your face with her hands, making you face her. she’d tell you you’re absolutely adorable and that she really appreciates the effort. she’d pat your head and run her fingers through your hair telling you that it’s okay to fail sometimes and how you shouldn’t be so harsh on yourself. she’d tell you to go take a hot shower/wash your face and they’d clean up the whole kitchen :,(( she would order some food from your favorite close by restaurant tooo. you guys would spend the rest of the night curled up together on the couch watching your comfort movie :>
✧ bella was on her way over to your apartment and he was late :( you had just failed one of your important uni assignments and you were sat on ur bed, crushed. to put it simply you were disappointed in yourself because you know you didn’t put enough into it and that’s why u got 33%. really all you wanted was your bella, her comforting smell and contagious giggle. tears filled up your eyes thinking about how mad your dad was gonna be and oh god, your mom was gonna say all that shit and go on her little rant and ugh :((( “what’s up loser, i bring choc brownies” bella happily bursting through the door with her mocking american accent. you faced away from her, trying to wipe your face. noting your unusual silence they scoot over to you, reaching out and taking your wrist in his hand. you finally face her with blood shot eyes and a runny nose :( her face softens and she engulfs you in a tight hug, bring you onto her lap. you let go and sob into her chest, feeling a little relieved. you guys rock back and forth for a bit until bella speaks up, “you wanna tell me what happened?”. so you do <3 you tell him everything, how you highkey feel like a failure, your parents and all the stress. you finish speaking with a shaky deep breath. they’d start by giving you soft kisses all over your face, dancing from your forehead to your eyes onto both cheeks and then pecking your nose. she’d finish off by giving you a long kiss on the lips, “i’m here and i’m proud of you, i understand your disappointment my love. your worth is not reflected in that test. i love you very much”. before you start crying again he’d pull out the bag of brownies offering you one. he always knew how to make you laugh even in situations like this. “i hate to see you cry my love, m sorry for being late hope the brownies make up for it”
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vampykween · 6 months
getting my first tattoo on friday!!!! yasss i’m so excited hehehehhe
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slytherinslut0 · 7 months
Omg I’m getting so excited for this one shot! I know you said it’s a Mattheo fic but I’m getting ready to SIMP FOR BOTH
I’m sorry lovely it’s not a oneshot it’s chapter 25 of beg for me hehehehhe
I’m finally just sitting down now to finish it so hopefully within a couple hours
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mathmusicninja · 2 months
I was SO unbelievably and utterly excited to find this out like HJFJDJDJJDKD I loveeeedd thatttt chapter so much and was curious and wondered how things went and I DID NOT KNOW WE WOULD BE GETTING THAT. You, author, keep feeding me in the best ways oh my gosh. IM SIDIODIFHSJJDJDKDKKD SOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I probs need to read that chapter again (HEHEHEHHE) as I def missed some stuff in my excitement. as when I get Excitement I tend to read faster lmaooooo anyways AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA BD WHAT A CHAPTER IT WAS IT WAS SOOOOO GOOOOD. the FEELS. oh my god. OLD DON!!!!!!!!!! Sobbingggg. DEEE AND RAPH UEUEUEUEU. this fic is soooooooooo gooooooooood I’m AHHHHHHHHHHHH
eeeeEEEE Thank you!!! I had a lot more story to tell than would fit in Dee's flashback in WWAC, and it's been great to finally get it out there :D
Thanks for all your incredible comments!! The last few days have been so much fun heehee <3
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f0xgl0v3 · 3 months
I JUST WATCHed the pokemon presents and HEHEHEHHE
Okay, okay. I am a calm collected person except Kalos is my favorite Pokemon gen and it like heheheh-
So! We can actually already predict when this game roughly is! Which is around the same time frame as Pokemon legends: Arceus, let me explain;
Pokémon legends Arceus from our theorizing is commonly accepted to take place in the Pokemon world equivelent of the Meiji Restoration (1868-1889). We believe it’s during this period due to like clothing, architecture, story plots. Go watch a video on YouTube for more (like the Lockstin and Gnoggin one) because they explain it better than me.
Now, why do I say that Pokemon legends Z-A takes place in the same time frame? Well, we know that Lumoise; the town being showed that is under reconstruction is based off Paris.
Paris actually also got redesigned in 1853, and along with that from certain pictures at the beginning of the trailer,
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We can also deduce that the Architectural style is that of the 1800s during Paris’s re-development is extremely similar,
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(Pictures taken from google-)
And then there’s the futuristic part. Do I know what that might possibly be? No, however may I present a theory. a GAME THEO-
I’m sorry. But perhaps this game is set in modern Pokemon times; just simply heavily affected by the past, perhaps Kalos after the events of X&Y needs a re-development or you are working on a history project of the city. Something of the like.
Anyway all that to say so excited for this game, Kalos is very nostalgic for me and I’m so hyped to see it again. Also this is one of my favorite periods architectural styles so I wanted to nerd a little lol.
Anyway Auguraculum post is soon I pinky promise!
Even possibly if I may be so bold we switch between the past and the present? That is SO not what is happening but imagine it. Maybe you play as an imaginary ancestor to your player who lives through the re-development and stuff-
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leaentries · 4 months
i know your john marino stuff is gonna be so good 🫣 im seriously obsessed with what you write and your writing style. it’s so good
hehehehhe i’m so excited to write for johnny….prob gonna go a lil tangent of him for next few days….sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️
also thank you, sweetheart!!! 💕
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constermonster · 1 year
Do you have a list of future cosplays you'd want to do?
I’ve got quite a few lol
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Himiko Toga, from bnha!!
I wanna cosplay her with all her villain gear n stuff so I’m gunna make it eventually. Im excited to cosplay her!
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Mumei, from Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress!
I’ve wanted to cosplay her for AGES ever since I watched the show when it first came out
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Juuzou Suzuya, from Tokyo ghoul!
I already cosplayed him with white hair and black hair but I wanna cosplay him when he’s wearing the like FBI clothes idk what they r
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Kuki Shinobu from genshin!
I’m currently making her cosplay n I wanna enter in a competition with her next year!
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Collei from genshin!
I’m gunna buy her cosplay when I can afford it coz it looks pretty good online and I don’t wanna make it LMAO
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Layla from genshin!
I love Layla so much n I relate to her TOO MUCH HAHAH i wanna make her cosplay after I finish my current one!!
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Yor Forger from SPYxFAMILY!!!!
I love spyxfam so much n I love yor waaa I’m gunna buy her cos too coz I don’t wanna make it :P
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N my dream cosplay is probably sylvanas wondrunner from World of Warcraft heheh I’ve wanted to cosplay her for so longggg!!! When I was much younger I’d stay up late at night planning how I was gunna make her armour out of foam in my notebook lol!! there’s so many version of her but I’d probably do the iconic armour bikini hehehehhe
There’s a few more but these r the main ones I wanna do!!
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writer-motivator · 5 months
thinking again of the reverse au, it’s just. mmmmmh. I want something with it, but the problem is that. I’m just. so disinterested in the human swap for him. like. I don’t care for a human him and whatever life he may be living. like. it seems so insignificant. lol, insignificant. like. I feel. like. ohhhh I remember, the thought I had. like. the way their past life is the same, but what’s different is. like. he just. dies. he isn’t the one who is turned, but her. and I wonder, if she remembers. and oh, I really do… oh. oh. what if he doesn’t remember, yes, but he still keeps that hate he has for humans, despite being one. and what if. like. he’s in the “underworld” maybe. idk but omg, thinking of human!him who still hates humans but not knowing why, and oh… time to think about her. like does she remember or does she not? is it about how she doesn’t like the way she lives, or maybe, she’s… like. the way she, when she was a human, was lowly but now, as a demon, she doesn’t have any of that — she’s at the top, she’s no longer bound by that, but still thinking about how she’s him now. as in one who lives continuously from others misfortune and despair now. yeah, she’s a diff character as in… she starts off differently. but. mmmh. I wonder how she’s like, when she’s making contracts. (21:53) something to think but so *excited* at how I got something for this reverse au. I’m soooo happy hehehehhe. this is Going. :)
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tsireyqs · 1 year
helloooo prettyy <333 how are you doing?
hi baby!!! i’m doing okay! <3 i’m on spring break for like a week so i’m gonna be spending a few days at the lake with my family 🕺 hehehehhe so excited
how are you babe? ��
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f1nalboys · 3 years
oh no
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i guess i’ll have to do both 😏😏 what a terrible thing for me to experience 😉 so sad
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myherowritings · 4 years
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PEEP THE NEW SOCIAL MEDIA AU 👀 i wrote the intros, pt1,2, and 3... and i’m working on pt.4 i’m super excited to share this with y’all — i will post the masterlist sometime early this weeeeek so be on the lookout hehehehh
p.s. don’t ask to be added to the taglist yet! i will let you know when i open a taglist up
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The commission I got from Nick is done and I’M SO EXCITED I actually cried looking at it.
It’s gonna be posted tomorrow so I’ll reblog the full piece then but. Hehehehhe.
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