#hell it’s one new drawing so woohoo
kald-dal-art · 8 months
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Haven’t really drawn anything new these past weeks because of school so have a compilation of Hunger Games art of some of the Victors both OCs and canon
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sshewonders · 4 months
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Chapter 06: Vanished
chapter synopsis: Daryl's crucial to camp survival, but tension with you deepens. Your sudden disappearance rattles the group, and Daryl's search unveils unsettling truths. Fear grips the camp, especially for Carl. Where are you, and what hides in the woods?
chapter warnings: Contains isolation, vulnerability, coarse language, suggestive remarks, disappearance, relationship dynamics, search efforts, suspense, and conflict.
word count: 1.2k words
author's note: Oops! Remember when I said that I hate it when writers portray Daryl Dixon so out of character? Well, I hate the writer for this—by the way, it's me! Haha! Anyway, one more chapter will be posted later! Yes, two chapters in a day! Woohoo!
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It had been a little over a month since the world went to hell, with geeks roaming the earth. You had brought the Dixon brothers to the camp about three weeks ago, and their impact was becoming clear. Daryl, in particular, proved to be a valuable asset. He hunted tirelessly, often disappearing into the woods only to return with food for the camp. He even rigged up a makeshift alarm system of tin cans tied to trees, which jingled when geeks approached, alerting the group to potential threats. Merle, on the other hand, wasn't exactly a camp MVP. He spent most of his time making lewd comments and ogling women, particularly to Andrea. Occasionally, he contributed by chopping wood and helping prepare game hunted by Daryl.
You interaction with Daryl had been limited since your initial conversation, which left you quite shaken. The hurtful words he'd thrown at you stung deeply. You had taken refuge in your drawings, retreating from socializing. You'd speak only when spoken to, wary of more painful interactions. You had attempted to learn hunting, returning with a few injuries and scares but gradually improving.
Your routine now consisted of early morning walks into the deeper woods, armed with your bow and a brown leather bag, accompanied by quiet farewells to Glenn. Once there, you'd climb a tree and wait for geeks to show up, aiming to pick them off with your arrows. An unfortunate accident occurred when you were surrounded by four geeks, leading to you jumping from the tree to escape, injuring yourself in the process. You hobbled back to camp with scratches, a twisted ankle, and a reluctance to share the incident with anyone, especially Daryl, who was particularly observant. You kept this incident to yourself, even hiding it from Glenn, preferring to deal with it privately.
You had chosen to isolate yourself, preferring to nurse your injuries and protect your pride rather than let the others see your vulnerabilities. You kept your distance, fearing more hurtful comments and unwilling to admit your failures, even to Glenn.
It became even more challenging for you when you noticed that Shane was spending an excessive amount of time disappearing into the woods, often coinciding with Lori's mysterious absences. You had a pretty good idea of what they were doing in the woods, as the knowing glances they exchanged didn't go unnoticed. The thought of them engaging in a new romantic relationship so soon after Rick's death left you feeling disgusted. It had been less than a month since your brother's passing, and Lori had already moved on with Shane, Rick's best friend. While you believed their actions to be disrespectful, you understood that it was Lori's choice, not yours.
However, you couldn't bring yourself to accept that your brother was truly gone. You held onto the belief that Rick was still alive, a feeling you couldn't shake. Rick even visited you in your dreams at times, reassuring you of his return. You hadn't felt the undeniable certainty in your gut that marked Rick's death. You refused to believe your brother was gone unless you saw his lifeless body with your own eyes.
Rick will always comeback.
Lori awoke later than usual, still tired after a rough night with Shane. She unzipped the tent and spotted her son Carl playing checkers with Sophia. A proud smile crossed her face as she saw how much he was growing. She walked over, ruffled his hair, and exchanged greetings with Carol, who was hanging clothes she had washed. It was a contented morning, with full stomachs thanks to Daryl's successful hunting, providing a large deer for grilling and stewing. People around the camp were busy with their tasks, children played, and the atmosphere was generally cheerful.
However, the mood shifted when a visibly panicked Glenn rushed to them. Lori, concerned, inquired about what had shaken him so. Dale observed from the top of his RV, and the commotion drew the attention of everyone nearby.
"It's Y/N," Glenn stammered, his expression reflecting his anxiety.
Shane stepped closer, standing next to Lori, and asked, "What's happened to her?"
Glenn continued, his voice shaking, "She didn't return last night, and there's been no sign of her since yesterday."
Andrea joined the conversation, concerned. "Could she have just camped somewhere else?"
Glenn, his voice trembling. "Oh, come on! I know her, and she wouldn't sleep somewhere else. She hates asking anyone to share a tent."
Shane took charge of the situation. "Okay, everyone, we gotta search the camp. Yell her name loud; she's gotta hear us."
The camp bustled with activity, people splitting into groups to search every nook and cranny. Tensions were running high as they continued calling for you, with Carl growing increasingly worried about his aunt.
Merle, on the other hand, had been indifferent to the commotion at first, continuing to work on the squirrel he was skinning. Daryl, however, was now fully awake and alert, realizing something was amiss.
"Wha' happened?" Daryl asked his brother.
"Bambi ain't back since yesterday." Merle shrugged.
Daryl, his blue eyes sharpened with concern, asked his brother Merle, "Wha' d'you mean she ain't back?"
Merle, still focused on the squirrel, grunted, "Chinese kid came over sayin' she ain't been back since yesterday. I guess she camped out or somethin'."
Daryl's brows furrowed deeply, and he shook his head. "Nah, she wouldn't do that. The girl ain't got no clue about having a proper conversation with someone. Something ain't right."
Daryl's gaze remained fixed on the woods' edge, a sense of unease gnawing at him. It was a dreadful feeling, not knowing where you were or what had happened to you. For a moment, he almost regretted not having spoken to you since that awkward conversation on their first day in the camp.
Daryl grunted as he got to his feet, snatching his crossbow and hunting knife. Merle peered at his little brother and asked, "Where the hell you goin'?"
Daryl looked at Merle, a mix of determination and concern on his face. "Gonna try to find her in them woods."
Merle chuckled with a sly grin. "Heh, maybe you'll finally get lucky out there. You know."
Daryl glared at him and snapped, "Shut up, Merle."
Merle continued with his unsettling comment. "Just bring her on her knees and let me have a turn."
Daryl frowned and muttered, "Yer disgusting," before heading into the woods to search for you.
As an hour passed, and there was still no sign of you, anxiety in the camp deepened. People began to voice their concerns, speculating about what might have happened to you.
"I hope she's okay," said Carol as she anxiously watched the ongoing search.
"I've never seen her gone for so long," Amy added. "Do you think she got lost?"
Glenn's voice quivered as he replied, "I don't know. She's resourceful. She knows her way around, but this is just... It doesn't make sense. Why would she go without telling me?"
Sophia, who was growing more restless by the minute, tugged on Carl's sleeve. "Where's Y/N? I'm scared."
Carl tried to offer comfort, but the worry in his eyes mirrored that of the adults. "I don't know, Sophia, but they're looking for her, and she'll come back soon."
He needs her to comeback. He needs you.
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@celtic-crossbow @maackiimoo @duckmania127 @xmaeyonaiise @richardsamboramylove55 @snailss
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spoodlebat · 8 months
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It's spooky month, woohoo! My fav time of the year~ This year I was told about OC-tober, where people make prompt lists for creatives to make something once a day or so; the idea is you base it on your Original Characters! It's been way too long since I've done any self indulgent personal art, so I'm going to make time to do a daily art every day this month! (or as many as I can manage, at least; burnout's a bitch...)
Doing @bweirdart's prompts this year, thank you for such a nice list :) If anyone else seeing this is doing the same prompt list, hit me up! I'd love to learn about some new people's characters!!! Or just any oc stuff in general actually, that'll work too. Yes, you, with the self-doubt about your creations. DM me.
Kicking off with Day 1: Favourite OC, and for this I chose Spud!
Figured I'd also write a little about what these characters mean to me, though fair warning it's likely to be rambly ^^ More on this fuzzy idiot under the cut, if you're so inclined to read about them~ Happy October, everyone!
Spud's one of my oldest ocs, and they've grown with me over the last 10-15 years or so. Though they're no longer a true 'selfsona' and more of their own thing these days, I still find a lot of myself in them, and I owe them a hell of a lot. They're where I got my name, how I explore my sense of identity, and just a sweet little bean that seems to get along with anyone I introduce em to. Plus the shapeshifting to fit how much effort I wanna put into drawing them doesn't hurt ^^
Speedy's colourscheme is still some of my fav colours; they're the cornerstone of mine and my partner/friends' character interactions, and they helped me form my magic system. Seriously, I love this little nugget and their reality warping powers so much.
Despite their sharing of a lot of my problems, Spud's family still loves and supports them 100%. It helps me feel a bit less useless sometimes, and that's also a real nice thing to get out of a silly grey fluff.
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lizardinkart · 1 year
Lizard Reads Ward
Arc 1: Daybreak
Lizard’s Cry Counter: 2
TL;DR: A Victoria-focused arc that dragged a bit in places but ultimately felt like everything we needed to know about her (and more). I wished it’d started closer to the fight but having the fight, the trauma, and the family drama laid out felt like the groundwork that was missing from the prologue, especially with the shifted role of Amy. Wish that we had a little more about the other characters introduced in the prologue tho. 8/10 Aight! Let’s get wormin’!
So in my brain I’ve split the arc in to 3 parts, pre-fight, fight, and post-fight, so I’ll talk about the arc in terms of those mini-arcs. Mini-Arc 1: Pre-Fight (Victoria, not Glory Girl)
Ok the fact that the city is Gold colored is hilarious to me. This is Children’s Hospital Red™ levels of awful design choices, somebody really just said color theory in context is fake. I also appreciate the later indications that most of The City is in fact shittily built but hey shitty shelter is better than no shelter I guess (also relatable as someone looking at apartments). Other worldbuilding things I was thinking about since Wildbow really wants us to see the cool world he built (but it’s not really about the world tbh)- the technology of post-GM is so weird. Like you have dial-up internet but it also works perfectly fine and technology works when you need it to. Like I’m sorry but Reddit-AOL would be so much buggier. But all that being said, it’s really funny to see the irl jump in technology from when WB was writing Worm to when he was writing Ward, because Taylor’s flip phone vs smartphone drama was so real and relatable, and now dial-up internet just works on smartphones...I’m baffled. anywho! Onto Victoria lol. So Victoria is working with the new kiddie PRT- awesome, very cool. I appreciate the focus on her wanting to still feel heroic even if she gets that massive body dysmorphic/dysphoric (yes, both) feeling from actually using her powers. Though I also appreciate the small touches we see when she’s on her way to work with a much better mirror scene than the opening of Worm, her interactions with the one hero during the obelisk incident show that she still gets heroes and feels bad for the shit being thrown their way (idk, it gave me big closeted queer energy, queer-to-queer communication in a queerphobic environment one might say). “Nice response time” really is the dorkiest shit to say tho and I appreciate it. Victoria is a dork.  I also appreciate the setup with her parents, laying the groundwork for what’s to come later. Also that she enjoys working with the disillusioned and directionless kids/teens, cause that really is a thing that is the kind of selfless-selfish pull that I think Victoria is shown to be struggling with (finding the balance in the healing process is difficult!). While I felt like this part really did drag the most in the arc, I think there were some really good parts that make it worth it. And it leads into the first Wildbow fight of the story! Woohoo!  Mini Arc 2: The Fight (The Trauma Hammer)
Oh boy I do love me some Wildbow fights. I felt my little storyboarder brain light up because there were some God-tier moments in here that I wanted to draw sooooo bad. But alas, too many, not enough time. 
Crystalclear is cool as hell and I think he may be one of my faves of the new powers so far, he’s a very Wildbow-concept hero and I do really appreciate the man’s flare for the complex and flashy. Tempera is also cool, and Fume Hood is a snarky bitch and I love her. What a queen. She did not deserve to get shot (maybe a little tho).  
But overall there was some great tension in the ticking clock leading up to the fight, and seeing how shit played out was super fun as always, I was not expecting the 18-wheeler to come out of nowhere but it was a very fun time. I gotta say tho, I know Lord of Loss and Snag are important, but I for the life of me could not keep them straight in my brain since Snag made Victoria feel Loss, but like, that’s LoL’s name lmao. 
And on the topic of loss: oof. I did not call this the Trauma Hammer for nothing lol. This is where things went from meh to great for me in this arc, because since Victoria’s story was so ancillary to Worm, I had 1) forgotten how she triggered, and 2) didn’t really remember too much about the specifics of her story outside of the hospital interlude. But god, just sitting in her shoes through falling in love with Dean, losing him, losing her family, feeling inadequate to the rest of her family, and the ever-present looming threat of Her (that we will get to, don’t worry lol), it was just so helpful in really honing in on Victoria’s entire ish that is rattling around in the background. As someone who does characters like this, esp in TTRPGs, having that context of someone’s thought process really is helpful to have in understanding how you’re supposed to interpret the character, even if you’re already in their head (since characters and people lie to themselves, see: Taylor). But yeah, since Victoria avoids those thoughts anyway, it was clever to give them to us up front. And the fact that it happened while she was being a hero again? Kickass. Loved it. 
Mini Arc 3: Post- Fight (Her)
Oh my god this family is messy. I have essays I could write on Carol Dallon and just the Dallons in general but I think I’ll get the chance to eventually cause this is already too long lol. But oh my GOD I truly was thinking “yeah this is gonna go poorly, maybe some passive-aggressive family stuff, getting overwhelmed, getting pie and then leaving”, but holy SHIT the fact that Carol really just ambushed Victoria with lawyer speak and finessed the entire narrative of what was going on- jesus. Manipulative ass snake, but in such a relatable way. 
Once again, have been in that situation before and the way that Victoria goes from like a 2 to 1000 in 0.2 seconds when all the pieces come together- holy shit if that is not the exact feeling of trauma. I know the “#triggered” discourse is old hat at this point, but man I could feel myself get short of breath and panicky when Vicky got trauma triggered in this chapter (this is the spiritual Cry Point). It was so convincingly written that I wanna hold Wildbow in my hands to make sure he’s good.
But I’m proud of how Victoria handled herself, definitely snaps for that therapy working its magic, but man. The Amy Ambush (an Am(y)bush if you will, yes haha joke away), was so something I did not see coming this early, but I’m glad that it did because holy fuck. Victoria talking about moving on and then her family (mom) “moving on” but in a “forgive with an emphasis on forget” kinda way really does leave Victoria in a place that proves all that feeling of inadequacy right, and it’s crushing. But it provides that big stumbling block for her to overcome esp when she finds her new group. 
And seeing how many times she was forced to confront her worst moments and she still actively avoided Amy... oh baby. As an Amy Enjoyer (less “condoning her actions” more “study her like a bug”) I am highly intrigued in how this is gonna go. This is 7 levels of Fucked Up. 
I screamed with joy when Dr. Yamada showed up, I am in love with her and think she is wonderful, and also a great addition to the central cast of this story (esp in a story about healing from trauma? YES get the therapist in there). Also Crystal is wonderful and a good ally for Victoria, and I appreciate Victoria’s need to scrutinize both public and private Aesthetic (shoutout to me and Crystal vibing as 2 fun ADHD individuals). 
Also a shoutout for Gilpatrick because he’s cool and funky and a good boss. Get u someone like Gilpatrick. 
Bonus: The Interlude!
I would give my left kidney for Moose. I’m kicking Prancer’s ass, and I hope Velvet keeps her truck forever and ever. A better love story than her and Prancer tbfh. Also Nursery is so cool guys, she’s so neat. I love the weird shit being done with powers so far in Ward. 
AND A MARQUIS CAMEO HELLO???? HUSBAND?????? Sorry I really like Marquis lol. 
Final Thoughts
The only things I would criticize this arc for that lowered it a bit in my eyes is that the prologue really didn’t do a fantastic job of prepping us to only focus on Victoria. I wished we had sped things along a bit with getting to the others from PHO, even with little PHO interludes interspersed in to let us know what these guys were up to. Bc like, this really did feel like 3 arcs so I feel like we could have used another interlude or 2, just for spice and to break things up a little. Like a commercial break!
The other thing is Wildbow’s uh... underlying ish breaking through. I know Ward was written in the shadow of Worm for him, but there are some parts of these chapters that just feel very mean-spirited and pointed towards people who enjoyed certain parts of Worm. Mainly stuff that could be construed as “fandom” things, or things that fandom would like, that Wildbow seems to be very overt in saying “hey, fuck you for liking/engaging with this.” I dunno, it may just be me, but that kinda attitude cropping up often enough for me to notice the pissed-off hand of the author was off-putting and distracting from I think the greatest parts of this arc. Because it is a good story, it just feels like the occasional potshots WB takes are more coming from his own bitterness than Victoria’s, and are ultimately detrimental to the story as a whole. Idk, I will try not to bring it up so often, but it’s definitely something that’s running in the back of my head and I hope that it subsides soon-ish. 
But all of that to say, I enjoyed the arc! It was a solid opening that’s got me really excited to read more (which by this point, I have, and I will be writing up my arc 2 thoughts shortly lol), and the Trauma Hammer really hit home in a way that felt earnest and really earned. 
That’s all for now tho! As always, I’m happy to discuss stuff wherever, so let me know what you thought of the arc if you’ve read Ward! 
Until next time: Ward out ✨
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that-little-sprout · 2 years
Scout, Engie & Medic with S/O that draws? 🥺 and they find papers where they have sketches of merc’s head with some studies on their nose, eyes, hair etc. (bonus for Medic & Engie -> glasses; Scout -> his hat with mic)
Woohoo! First request! hope it ain't bad ≧ ﹏ ≦
Bold = The Mercs
Italic = Merc's S/O
Scout, Engie & Medic with S/O that draws and finding papers where they have sketches of merc's head, with studies of their nose, eyes, hair, ear, head shape, and mouth.
[Part 1/2]
Scout :
You and Scoot were playing Minecraft together in his room, Scooter boy got thirsty, "Hey, babe!" "Yeah?" "Can you get a Bonk for me?" "Sure!" as you put down your controller and got up from the beanbag to get a Bonk from the mini-fridge he has, "It's empty!" "Holy crap! Hold on! gotta kill this dumbass creeper before it blows up our house!" "I'm going to get some more in the kitchen, is that okay?" "Alright, thanks babe!", he paused the game to got up to check the mini fridge thinking that you're planning to prank him again (You both are pranksters to the team), he found a stack of paper with a sticky note written 'Studies' on it, he got curious. He picks up one piece of paper and saw drawings of his eye and more drawn eyes have scribbled on them meaning it's the failed ones, he doesn't know whose eye is yet. He picked up another piece of paper that is under the piece of paper just he picked up, he saw drawings of his ear and more drawn ears scribbled on them, "Who the frickin' hell did these masterpieces?!" not knowing whose eye and ear are yet. He picked up another piece of paper at random and saw many drawings of his nose, a little amount has scribbled on them, still doesn't know whose body parts are yet. He picked up another piece of paper at random again, he saw drawings of his hair, no scribbles, "Whoa, is this me?". He picked up another piece of paper under the piece of paper he just picked up, it had drawings of his mouth, and he knew is his because it has a little gap between its front teeth like he has, "This is me!", and he saw the last piece of paper facing down, he flipped it over as he picked it up, it was a drawing of his face that's pretty detailed, "Damn! I look frickin' awesome!". He just realized you took quite a long time to get Bonks, he quickly stacked the papers back in the incorrect order and quickly went back to his beanbag to make you think that nothing ever happened, "I'm back, I got the Bonk.... What were you doing?” “Oh, just waiting for you while playin’.” “Don’t ever pull up another prank on me.” “Alright, alright.”, you sat down on your beanbag “Hey toots.” “Hm?” as you turned your head to him, [Pecks on S/O’s cheek*], “Haha, gotcha!”, you went tomato mode, “I just told you to not pull up a prank on me. Hmph.” [Pecks on Scout’s cheek*], he paused, “Something wrong?” then you giggled cheekily, his cheeks turned red, “C-C’mon, let’s just go to the nether.” ”Make sure to not sleep in it.” “What will happen if I sleep in it then?” “You’ll see.... wait a sec, you seem kinda iffy. What were you really doing when I was away?”, he paused the game, “You see that stack of paper? Is it yours?” “Yes, yes it mine. Wassup with it?”, he scratched the back of his neck and trying not to make eye contact, “I-I went trough it while you were away, sorry for not asking permission, babe.” “It’s okay.” “It was a very impressive drawin’ ya did there, guess who’s goin’ to deserve somethin.” “Who?” [Kisses S/O’s forehead*] “You silly!”, your brain is trying to restart while your face just became a cherry, “S-So, you think it’s c-cool?” “Yep.” :) :D.
Engineer :
You and Engie were in Engie's Workshop together, you were helping him around making a new invention, "Hey, Sugar-cube, can you grab me the box of bolts on that shelf," as he points at the shelf, "bring it here please." "No probs.", you picked up the box that had a been labeled 'Bolts' on it and put it on a table right next to Engie, "Thank you, Sunshine." as he gave you a soft smile, Pyro came in and went to tap Engie on the shoulder, "Hello, Pyro Bud!" "(Pyro) Mmph mph mph mph-mmph-mph mphhmph." "You wanna play hide and seek outside", Pyro then nodded, "Bud, I'm busy right now, we could play next time." "(Pyro) Mmmmpphhhh." (Translate : Aaaaaawwhhhh.) "How about you play with me?" "(Pyro) MMPHH!" (Translate : YEESS!), he took your hand and rushed out of Engie's Workshop, (Awh, look at those two Sugar-cubes.), he was going to grab a couple of bolts for his new invention, he noticed a folded peace of paper next to the box, (What is the Sam Hill is this?), it has a note written on it, it said 'S/O Only, DON'T OPEN!!!', he got curious, (S/O wouldn't mind, I guess....) as he unfolded the piece of paper, what he saw surprised him, what he saw was his face drawn without his hardhat and goggles the left half of the paper the other half has his hardhat and goggles, (Awh, how nice of Sugar-cube.), he saw a little note on the right bottom corner of the paper, it said 'Stud-Man ♡' with a little heart, he froze in place with his heart beating quickly and face becoming a red cherry, "Darn.", he folded just like before and put it back in it's place, he continued making his new invention while thinking about it for a couple of hours. "Hey, Stud-boy, I'm back.", he was lying down on a L-couch in his workshop with his hardhat over his eyes, "Engie?", you went next to him and took off his hardhat over his eyes, he was fast asleep, (He must be tired.) as you sat next to him, you kissed his forehead, "Take some good rest, Stud-Man.".
Woo! sorry for the wait, gotta take my cat a bath and got about 7 bruises, there is going to be a part two for Dr. Meem.
I hope you enjoyed! o(  ̄▽ ̄)d
sorry for the wait (´。_。`)
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strawbrrychan · 3 years
pairing: felix x reader
genre: fluff!!
warnings: intense fluff ! and a few curse words..
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is one of my very first drabbles so please be nice,,,
p.s, sorry the spacing is so weird :(
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credits to the creator!
“felix,” you whined, drawing out the end of his name. “what’s wrong, angel?” he looked up at you from his phone. “i don’t wanna watch my sister,” you sighed, flopping onto the boy’s mattress dramatically. you laid there for a moment, letting the blankets swallow you whole as the sun shone through the curtains and onto your body. felix stared at you for a moment, admiring your beauty in silence. the way the sun hit your face, it looked like you were an angel or something.
“how come? she’s so cute!” he smiled down at you, thinking of the small child. you sat up, rolling your eyes at him. “not really, and even if she was, don’t let her looks deceive you! she’s the devil in disguise!” you flailed your arms around, pouting. felix let out a giggle, staring at your lips that quickly turned into a frown. his eyes soon met yours, as you stood up.
“it’s not funny felix! i’m serious! and i have to leave you soon,” you crossed your arms, leaning against his bed frame. you placed your face in your hands, letting out another long sigh. “fuck, my cousins are coming too! and i still have a ton of homework to do, and i have practice later. i have so many things to get done!” tears of anger and stress began streaming down your face. felix’s face switched from a smile to concern immediately. he stood up, snaking is arms around your waist, holding you close to him. you breathed in slowly, smelling his cologne. it was the one you had gotten for him for his birthday. you smiled at the thought. you could feel felix’s gentle fingers running down you back slowly.
“what if i went with you?” he offered, smiling softly at you. you lifted your head, staring into his round eyes. you scoffed, shaking your head. “i won’t make you do that.” you rested your head against his chest again, listening to the soft thump of his heart. “you’re right, you’re not. i offered for a reason. it’ll be fun!” he leaned back to look at you. he lifted you up swiftly, earning a gasp from you. “felix, put me down!” you smiled, wiggling in his arms. “it’ll be fun! let me come! it’ll be easier that way too!” he continued swinging you around, laughing. “if you put me down, i’ll let you come with me, okay?” you said between giggles. “woohoo!” felix cheered, placing you down on his bed.
when you arrived at your house, felix actually pulled you aside before walking in. “she won’t be mad that i’m here right? and you’re okay with this one hundred percent right? and..and-“ “felix baby, it’s okay. you’re gonna be okay.” you cut him off taking his hand, kissing the tip of his nose as well.
“EWWW Y/N JUST KISSED A BOY!” you heard your little sister call from inside the house.
“I HEARD THAT!” you and felix broke down into a fit of laugher, with your hands still intertwined.
“you ready now?” you looked over at him, finally catching your breath. he smiled, nodding. as you opened the door, you watched your little sister come out of the doorway in a big pink fluffy gown, and your mother’s high heels, with pink and purple glitter smeared on her eyelids, along with bright green lipstick. . you snorted, covering your mouth in an attempt to suppress your laughter. “what, i look good!” she said. you saw her strut her way up to your boyfriend, giving a small wave and a wink before walking away again. felix turned to you and once again, you broke down in a fit of laughter. “what the hell was that?” laughed, clutching his stomach as he rolled on the floor. you sat up wiping tears from your eyes, sighing before taking another breath to speak. “i think she has a crush on you,” you smiled. “she thinks she’s gonna win you over.” felix smiled, helping you off the floor. you both slid your shoes off and finally began to adjust to the new environment. toys scattered along the floor, along with small gummy packets covering almost every surface. you walked into the kitchen to see your mom and aunt, preparing to go out for dinner. “hey.” you smiled, leaning on the doorframe. “hey, y/n. thank you so much for this.” your aunt hugged you, walking out the back door. .“mom?” you said, waiting for her to turn around. “i want you to meet felix, he’s helping me tonight.” you gestured for him to follow you. she turned around, and her eyes softened. “this is him?” her eyes switched between you and him. you nodded, smiling wide. “i’ve heard great things about you felix. thank you for making her happy, and thank you for helping out. i appreciate it.” she smiled, before waving at you and closing the back door.
“y/n!” you heard your little cousins call from on top of the stairs. you walked over to the landing and smiled up to the two young boys.
“hey guys!” you knelt down, opening your arms as they charged down the stairs at you. they wrapped their small arms around your neck and sides smiling widely.
“who are you?” the older boy pointed up to felix.
“this is my boyfriend, felix. he came to help me.” you smiled proudly.
“hi there,” he bent down to face the boy. both of your little cousins gave small waves, getting shy because of his deep voice.
“don’t let his voice scare you, he’s really nice!” you smiled at the kids.
now on the couch with the boys, you called for your little sister, hopefully to actually introduce her to felix. she strut into the living room again in her sparkly tutu, and sat down next to felix, watching him closely. your cousins were occupied on the floor, with whatever cars they could find.
“this is felix, MY boyfriend.” you gestured to the boy, he smiled at her.
“you look very cute,” felix complimented her outfit.
“thank you!” she smiled at him.
you watched as the sun set in the distance, signaling it was time for dinner.
“felix, play tag with us!” your little sister asked.
“in a minute, i need to feed the baby, okay guys?” he smiled down at the two, picking up your baby cousin, and bringing him into the kitchen with you.
“you already made his bottle, right?” he turned to you, the baby cradled in your boyfriend’s arms. you smiled at the sight.
“yeah, are you feeding him? i’m not saying you have to, but if you want-“
“yes!” he smiled enthusiastically, taking the bottle from the counter.
you walked back into the living room where your cousin and sister sat on the couch, watching videos on her tablet.
“do you guys want mac and cheese for dinner?” their heads snapped up at you, nodding vigorously. you smiled at them, nodding.
“when is felix coming back?” your little cousin asked.
“we’re gonna put your brother to bed, and then he’ll be back okay? i’m gonna start dinner soon.” you smiled, knowing how much they enjoyed felix playing with them.
you walked upstairs to felix rocking your baby cousin to sleep. he was even singing something in a hushed voice. your eyes almost began to water, covering your mouth in awe.
you watched as felix gently laid the baby down, covering him with a small blanket. he bent down and placed a gentle kiss on the boy’s forehead.
“sleep well,” he whispered, turning around.
his eyes widened when he was met with your figure in the doorway.
“you’re gonna be a great father someday. i can feel it.” you whispered, walking down the stairs behind him. he stopped at the bottom, wrapping you in a hug.
“you won’t have to ‘feel it’, you’re gonna be there with me.” he smiled, tracing gentle shapes on your back.
“come on, before my sister tries to kill me for stealing her man.” you mocked her, walking back into the kitchen.
you could hear the giggles of your boyfriend and the kids from the living room, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself, imagining what it would be like to have something like that with felix someday.
you finally finished cleaning up and cooking, you quietly brought the bowls of macaroni to the kids. you walked into the living room and to your surprise, felix was passed out with your little cousin and sister squished into his sides. you smiled gently at them, placed the bowls on the table. you leaned back slowly, pulling out your phone to snap a photo of their sleeping bodies. after slipping your phone back into yo pocket, you bent down to kiss your boyfriend’s head.
“sleep well, i love you so much.”
you sat down on the opposite end of the couch, letting out a content sigh.
how did you get so lucky?
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twstwonderlandstuff · 3 years
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Anyways, here are my notes for them.
Riddle: I found a new way to shade. it did not work out well.
Ruggie: didn't feel like drawing legs, so I didn't. I did, however, fit Ruggie w/ a nice dress and some boobs, so 🤷‍
, uh, but the shading of clothes don't look so fine
Floyd: fem! Floyd! when in doubt, draw women, so I did. The clothes look better here, IMO.
Jade: it's a bit of a step down from Floyd, honestly IMO, but I hope the minimal shade does something.
Kalim: my dear sunshine-senpai... why must you be so difficult to draw? In the end, I couldn't with the shading and left it as flat colors. I'm sorry, but I spent the same amount of time (1.5 hrs) drawing Kalim as I did with the leech twins...
Jamil: Jamil, Jamil, oh, you snake boy...! I GAVE YOU PROPER HANDS AND A GRUNGE FIT How do you like it?
I had the hardest time trying to place his eyes so it looked cool. Also, the shoes! The right leg... I was tryna make him cross his legs, but it didn't work, so I had to settle for the final result... huh... one day, one day!
Silver: I took a simple pose from one of @/ladowska 's posts and put it on Silver! Also, I just wanted to show some shoulder on Silver.
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Bye, bye, Queenie.
//In the Terran Castle, there was a large group of people being given a tour guide. The group entered a chamber of special and old artifacts.//
Tour guide: and here we enter the possessions that the Terran empire had gained throughout generations of ruling!
Crowd: oooooo..
//someone in the crowd takes a photo.//
Tour guide: some of these artifacts are sacred relics of their time while others are rewards taken from battle. Have a look around, there's so much history around!
//the crowd took a look around, admiring all the old artifacts. Some taking pictures while others read the signs next to them. A group of people surrounded one artifact, that seemed to be the center piece out if everything else. The artifact was a red and black staff. At the top of the staff was a heart that had thorns all around it.
Person #1: what's this?
Tour guide: ah, it appears you've all found the Amoretian staff. A precious item that was once passed down from generation to generation in the Amoretian family. That was once a tradition, then Hatred became queen.
Person #2: um.. who?
Person #3: since when did an emotion become ruler..?
Tour guide: No, no, that's her actually name! Hatred was a tyrant who lived many years ago. She tried her best to destroy all love and rule the universe. She almost accomplished it but luckily was caught and executed!
Person #4: erm.. I kinda heard she was immortal, you sure she actually died?
Tour guide: Oh please! I'm an expert on this type of stuff. I am very, extremely, absolutely, totally, and completely right that she's-
//the wall burst open behind them, cutting off the last remaining words of the tour guide. The a wall was thrown at the crowd which caused them to be thrown back. Many were injured and unconscious. From the the rubble, stepped out Hatred with Veronica along side her.//
Veronica: huh I knew that wall would lead to here. I'm a genius!
Hatred: congratulations, you tore out a wall and alerted our presence. I hope it was worth it.
Veronica: of course it is! The staff is right there!
Hatred: it is..? *Realizes* It is.
Veronica: heh, you denied the museum room would have your staff there! Saying that 'oh the Terran empire would leave it in a pristine and secret place'! But here there is! On display.
Hatred: Veronica.
Veronica: yes?
Hatred: stop talking before I slap you.
Veronica: okay your majesty!
Hatred, rolls her eyes and walks forward, she looks at the glass casing before her: so, that's where my staff has been all these years.. behind glass to be merely gawked at by passersby. How demeaning.
//A couple of guards enter the room their swords and spear out in hand. They looked in shock as they saw the woman who was presumed dead after all these years, standing there inches away from them. No matter, the captain of the guards stood firm.//
Captain: Ma'am, I would stay away from that if I were you.
Hatred: don't you think it's impolite for the owner not to receive their missing property..?
Captain: I SAID STAY BACK! *Draws out his sword*
Hatred: huh, and hear I am thinking that Terra would teach their armies to never engage first.. *sighs* what a pity. I truly believed they learned.
//the captain then dashed towards her along with the other soldiers. What they were met with were long vines, grabbing onto them, pulling them up off the ground.//
Veronica: Ooo! I'm about to have some fun! Hehe!
//the vines held a tight grip around their arms and legs. Then, they slowly began to pull them off. Loud screams bellowed from all the guards as their limbs were pulled off of them. Their bodies fell one by one as Veronica giggled menacingly.//
Veronica: what a thrill! Haven't done that in a while.
Hatred: yes quite amusing. Now, hand me my staff.
Veronica: of course!
//The Venus flytrap with legs, walks over to the glass casing. She punches the glass and grabs the staff out from it's case. Veronica walks over to Hatred then proceeds to kneel.//
Veronica, bows her head: all hail, the return of the Amoretian Queen... Hatred.
Hatred, snatches her staff away: Finally, after all these years I can restart my savioronce once more... The etherium will finally know peace.
Veronica, looks at cowering crowd that are still alive: well don't be rude! Bow before your queen!
//the crowd nodded in response as they began to bow before their queen. Hatred looked down at them. Without another thought, she waved her staff causing a spell to happen. The spell turned the people into stone, keeping them in the bowing posture.//
Veronica, confused; why'd you do that?
Hatred: I wanted to make sure I still knew how to use.
//Suddenly more guards arrived, after hearing all the commotion that was happening. They stared at the horrifying scenery of dead bodies and people turned to stone. Without another thought, the guards charged at the two women.//
Veronica: you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'??
Hatred: tear them apart limb by limb and make their suffering hurt like hell. Yes, I have that on my mind 24/7.
Veronica: YAY!
//The two women then used their magic abilities to get through the charging guards. Hatred using magic spells that she remembers while Veronica used her nature abilities to tear the guards apart. The two women went through thirty men. Yet it seemed more kept coming. They were trying to make their way out of the castle buy how will they accomplish it? Having enough of these foul guards in her way, Hatred screamed loudly as she let out a powerful spell from her staff. The spell caused a massive explosion, killing all the guards. Veronica looked stunned for a moment before brushing herself off.//
Veronica, pouting: well, you could've let me have my fun for a few more minutes..
Hatred, harshly grabs Veronica by her hair: and risk more of them coming?! Are you an idiot!??
Veronica: well, you made me so..
Hatred, hits her on the head before letting her go: let's keep going.
Veronica, rubs her head: alrighty then!
//The two make their way out of the castle. Before them was a long bridge. They walk across it in order to get to their ship. Yet before they could get to their ship, Hatred looks back. Behind them came scurrying the queen of Terra and a few of her guards alongside her. The queen stood still, in shock, as she looked at Hatred with wide eyes. Hatred only stared back with a frown on her face.//
Hatred: So you're the new queen? Huh, I excepted your lineage to be dead years ago. It appears I'm wrong.
Queen Illysa, distraught: I-I thought-
Hatred: Thought I was dead. You're parents lied to you. And their parents lied to them. And then their parents lied to them. And then, then their parents lied to- you get the idea, I don't need to further explain. Point is, I'm alive.
Queen Illysa: Guards! Arrest her!
//The guards came running at her. In response, Hatred used her staff to destroy the bridge. The guards quickly stopped themselves before they could fall off.//
Hatred: Typical Terran rulers, always throwing their men at their enemies first. Haven't you learned nothing from the past?
Queen Illysa: We have, we just never expected a corpse to come out of its grave again.
Hatred: Do I look like a skeleton to you? I thought I already told you THAT I'M WASN'T DEAD! THEY LIED TO YOU! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT SO IT CAN GO THROW THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS??
Queen Illysa:
Queen Illysa: goodness when they said you had a temper, I never thought it'd be this bad.
Hatred, rolls her eyes: ugh, your trying my patience... You know what. I'm just going to shut you up now-
//Hatred uses a spell on Illysa. Queen Illysa suddenly froze still as her body slowly became stone.//
Hatred: by making you shut up entirely.
//The guards next to Queen Illysa looked on in shock as their queen became entirely of stone. Hatred took Veronica by her hand and they two began to walk away. They aboard their small ship. From a far more guards along with important officials came to the queen as support but unfortunately, they appeared to be too late. As Hatred and Veronica drove off into the skies, Veronica couldn't help but to celebrate early.//
Veronica, smiles widely: WOOHOO! we did it! We did it! Wow it was that easy...
Hatred: we're not done yet.
Veronica: huh? We're not?
Hatred: did you really think that getting rid of the queen was going to topple the entire Terran empire?
Veronica: umm.. maybe?
Hatred: no you dimwit! It's all apart of my plan. By getting rid of the queen, they'll scramble around trying to find order then when they're all disorganized, I'll storm the kingdom and kill everyone. I just need my spell book to accomplish it.
Veronica; that plan sounds perfect! I guess we're gonna have to go back home then.
Hatred: Amoretia. I hate that place, I know I won't be pleased at looking at it.
Veronica: oh come on it's not too bad! It's like the utopia you wanted it to be without love!
Hatred: I know, it truly is a utopia but it's in my nature to hate everything so unfortunately I won't be pleased about it but the citizens will be.
Veronica: and they certainly are happy! well not really..
Hatred: what was that?
Veronica: NOTHING!
//Meanwhile back at the Terran Castle. A group of politicians and other important members of the empire are sitting around a table, discussing what they should do next.//
Politician #1: we must wage war!
Politician #2: we have to keep the peace! The last war with Hatred caused the empire a fortune!
Politician #3: maybe we can negotiate with her??
Politician #4: and listen to her ludacris demands??? Are you mad!??!
//They all continued to argue with one another. Then the door suddenly slammed open. All the people at the table turned their heads to look over to see who it was. There stood Admiral Evar with a soft grin on his face.//
Admiral Evar: what's all this commotion about?
Politician #1: the queens been turned to stone!
Politician #2: Hatred's back!
Politician #3: she also has her staff!!
Politician #4: WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO??
Admiral Evar: Please calm yourselves. We need to take in a deep breathe and think things clearly.
//everyone takes in a deep breaths and relaxes as Evar takes control of the situation.//
Admiral Evar: unfortunately since the queen had been turned to stone, we'll need someone else form her bloodline to take charge. Anyone know where her brother is?
Politician #2: he's dead sir.
Admiral Evar: ah, what a pity... Guess that means someone next in charge has to be it. and I certainly know that the position falls to me. I will humbly accept in the behalf of the-
Politician #3: well he does have a daughter.
Admiral Evar: what-
Politician #2: yeah! Let's have her be queen! She'll know what to do!
Politician #1: what an excellent idea! Let's go with it!
Admiral Evar: now, now let's not jump to conclusions-
Politician #4: no, no it's agreed!
Politician #2: let's find the girl!
//Everyone storms out the door in order to find the daughter of the brothers queen. Also know as Connor's daughter.//
Admiral Evar: uhh.. I can't believe I have to deal with these idiots.. no matter, I'm sure the girl is "hopefully" in safe hands.
//meanwhile somewhere on a ship.//
Sophie: how many purps do you think I can fit in my mouth?
Tori: I don't know, maybe a gizillion!!
((Hatred and Veronica belong to me
Tori belongs to @authorchanlove
Sophie belongs to @sleeplessdreamer14)
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writingsweetroll · 3 years
Help - 3
"When I can't power through.." I mumble as I strum my guitar. "I need someone like you." I fling my head back looking at my rooms ceiling now. I feel so stupid sometimes. Its not fair, really Willow? What's not fair is mom having to live through hell everyday of her life. But, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to have some experience of the cool fights...or something. I continued to strum my guitar with no coordination. I'm surprised there were books on guitars here. Dad was sad I gave up on piano but he's still super proud of me. Super proud of me? Really? I placed my guitar down and get up off my desk chair. I walk over to the closet and grab a box full of AJ's old drawings. I pulled out one that had everyone on it, well of the 'original crew'.
Omar, AJ, Violet, Louis, Clem, Ruby, Aasim, Willy, and....Rosie. I really do miss her. They were drawn holding each others hands. The words 'we did it' drawn on the paper. I wish I was there, I wish I had saved my whole group from some psycho from my past. Mom was so cool. I just wish I could do more, I wish people could see me as this strong and powerful leader. Everyone just see's me as this 13 year old, whos talented in art activities not strength. I sigh deeply. I wish I was like Iris. She's the same age as me. But everyone see's her as this powerful young lady who can beat anything that stands in her way. She can even have long hair because she knows how to not get caught. I heard that her body count for people's death is 4. She's one of the top soldiers at the new frontier, and the best of all. She's just naturally beautiful. Albino skin, a long almost white pony tail, and a beautiful crystal, kind of like Clems crystal in her room, hanging from her neck. Her eyes..such a deep brown. Sometimes when I visit the new frontier, I can't stop looking at her beauty. Louis likes to tease me, saying that, "That's the same look I always gave your mom." Whatever, this isn't anything like that, its just...admiration?
"Ruby? You wanted to see me?" I walked in on Ruby weeding the vegetables. "Hi hon, come sit." I sit down near the mushroom garden, and look at ruby who sat across of me. "Not trying to be rude Ruby but, you think you should be working this hard? You know because of the pregnancy?" Ruby patted her big stomach with a warm smile. "Nah, gardening is an outlet to distract myself from the nausea. 'Sides Willow, I like to move around, I don't want the baby to feel more cooped up then it is." She laughs. "So Willow, your mom told me a little something about you. I heard your first period came." My face starts to turn red, oh god why did she have to tell people?! Ruby got up and squeezed my shoulder. "Now now, don't be upset with your mom Willow. She works very hard and she asked me if I could teach you the basics and give you something for it. Also your mom had to ask me cause she's not great at explaining at all." Ruby led me to the science room, which was turned into the medical area. She sat me down on one of the beds. "Literally I had to explain to AJ how babies were made because Clem couldn't bring herself to tell him why she was pregnant. When he asked Louis, well, he tried  to have a conversation with AJ but he started to laugh in nervousness." I started to feel a lot less embarrassed at the expense of my parent's embarrassing moments. I wish I could have seen their reactions but I didn't ask because Willy talked about uh, lets just say woohoo...when I was little, and that's how I found out how babies were made.
"So, how's your flow?" Ruby asked. "Flow?" I questioned back. Ruby grabbed a set of...sponges? She pointed to a very thin one, "This one is for a light flow, that means that the amount of blood that is released is very little. This one is for if the blood that is a little heavier, and this one is if there's a lot." I point to the small one, uncomfortably. "Ok, good, its normal for someone your age to have a light flow." Ruby walked across the room to get a small box of those things. She placed in my hands. "So, these are called pads. The tampons are for the adults, and don't worry if they don't look like what's on the box, its hand made pads from the diamonds group." Ruby sat down next to me and handed me a little bag of 4 meds. "So, you will experience cramping and headaches sometimes, and when you do, take one of these to ease the pain. As you get older though, we're just gonna have to stop giving you these pills, since we keep them for the newly experienced. So, Willow. Do you know why you get your period?" I shake my head no. "Well buckle in for a little health lesson." Ruby responds with a joking tone.
"Alright, bye Ruby!" I say as I wave back to her. It was now around night time and Omar and Mark were just setting up dinner plans. I honestly might not even want to have dinner after that long 'health lesson'. "Hey sweetpea." I look behind me to see my mom. "Hey...why did you tell Ruby about my thing?" I ask with a little attitude. Clem looked at her and sighed. She started to walk in the direction of the admin building, signaling me to come with.  
"So..?" I ask. Clem sat down on her desk chair and pulled out the Ericson map. "Willow, I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell out your personal business. I was just very, very busy...with this." She pointed to the map. I looked forward to get a better look at the scribbles on it. I leaned back shocked.
"The diamonds caravan group was slaughtered?!" Clementine nodded, and she leaned forward in her chair. "I didn't want to tell you this, but....I guess you're right." I looked at her with a confused look. "Right? Right about what?" Clementine tapped her finger on the desk, and with a huff she said, "About you having to be more 'bad-ass' as you like to call it. I have to stop babying you at some point. I actually knew a guy once where he babied his daughter. She was absolutely  hopeless when it came to survival and the real world. Especially when it involved...dangerous people. Like in this case." My eyes widen. "Wait--It wasn't by walkers?!" At this point I start to panic, but try to conceal it as much as I could. Clementine grabbed her crutches and made her way over to me. She grabbed my shoulder and gently pushed me down onto the chair. She then got down and leaned in front of me to make eye level. "I know you're panicked Willow. I know you have only heard stories, and not good ones about these type of situations but-it can go smoothly. I just, need your help Willow.
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serasvictoria · 3 years
Ralph and anyone you like.. "breaking the rules"? (This is a Dog Co prompt don't @ me)
My Dog boys. I love my Dog boys 🥰
Again ridiculously long sentences. I ended up with 6 instead of 5, because the last sentence was so long that it was pretty much unreadable. Anyway! Dog Company shenanigans! Woohoo!
Ralph had been staring out the window since there was going to be another patrol soon, Easy this time, when he had heard a loud exclamation downstairs - Howie had shouted “What did you do” - so he felt obligated to check it out considering he was second in command to the ragtag group of men (and woman) in Dog’s second platoon, but nothing could prepare him for what he found when he finally set foot into what at one point would have been the drawing room.
There were two mattresses in the middle of room with all manner of things piled onto it - what the hell, is that a bazooka - and he crouched down next to it and started rifling through the contents - a couple of helmets, rations, boxes of ammo, a coffee pot, a couple of cups, cigarettes, all kinds of things really - as Howie stood to the side and tore Kingie and Dean a new one over how they couldn’t do shit like this and that he was sure that the rules said that it wasn’t allowed.
“They called him an idiot,” Kingie called back and everyone present instantly knew what this was all about it, “I just can’t let that slide,” he gestured at the pile of crap out of which Ralph had just picked a knife with an engraving on the blade, a quote and a name carved into the surface, a name that he had gotten to know quite well over the last couple of years, “Only one that gets to call him stupid is us!”
“Does Cat know about this” Ralph said completely deadpan as he held the knife up - the engraving read A dagger created by the mind, with love, Cat - and when Kingie nodded, Ralph couldn’t help but laugh, realising that she was probably the one who was distracting Malarkey, the only man who hadn’t been sent on that particular patrol, before he noticed that Howie was pinching the bridge of his nose, about to reach his limit over this “prank” (that genuinely wasn’t good because there was always a chance that Howie would start swinging whenever he got royally pissed off) which made Ralph put the knife back in the pile and say, “you’ll have to take it back,” - Kingie was going to reply, but Ralph put his hand up to silence him - “look it’s genius really it is, I mean, you took a fucking bazooka for God’s sake, but put it back where you found it.”
Still Kingie was getting ready to protest, ready to say that he wasn’t going to return any of this, that Easy’s 2nd had brought it on themselves when they called Adams’ intelligence into question - the boy was dumb as a post and Kingie was constantly getting him to do the stupidest shit, but he was also fiercely protective of the boy - but Howie cut him off before he had a chance to say anything, yelling at him to “put it back where it came from or I’ll shoot you in the fucking face” and Dean was the first one to grab one of the mattresses and drag it back outside, muttering under his breath that he didn’t want Howie to shoot him with a reluctant Kingie following him. Ralph made a mental note to ask Cat how they had managed to wrangle her into going along with this - fully expecting her to tell him that it was a hilarious idea so she just had to get in on it - and decided that even if Howie had almost lost his shit, it would be worth it if it meant that she would crack a smile.
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plankton-in-space · 3 years
I’m 30! WOOHOO
Hey! So... this is my 2020 roundup post, a lot has happened this year!
I have mixed feelings about my 29th year, as you can probably imagine. It has been both my most introverted and most productive year.
Work was absolute hell. It moved like a pendulum between “so busy I’m skipping meals” and “on a state stipend because of the quarantine”. The good thing that happened is that I decided to revamp my portfolio & pursue more creative work. I looked at my creations and loved them which hasn’t happened in decades (thank you, my therapist).
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The photo I used for my CV
I didn’t draw much this year BUT I loved all of my drawings. I started doing studies which I haven’t done since uni. I also realised that my relationship with art wasn’t healthy; I used drawing as a coping mechanism, to avoid thinking, to avoid having any kind of personal life. I was either drawing or working, which made art less enjoyable and more of a chore. I had severe burnout for most of the year (I’m still feeling it, tbh) so I tried to not push myself too much and instead enjoy it more. It worked! Drawing feels like healing now, slowly but surely. I intend to get back to doing comics soon.
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Some procreate studies from my own photos
There was an explosion of personal growth, in therapy and out of it. Quarantines gave me a lot of time to think about stuff, to work out my feelings. I learnt to manage my anxiety better, I set limits to my relationships, I had several deep conversations with people close to me. I came out to my bro and started socialising in LGBT+ circles for the first time in my life. Being sociable and open with people doesn’t come naturally to me so it’s been an uphill battle. Quarantine put a damper on things but... I’m much more ready to be open now. I’ve never felt more ready for it.
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For the first time, the outside matches my inside. T-shirt says “ACE in your face!”
I started new hobbies! I ordered a kalimba during the first quarantine and I’ve been teaching myself several songs. I... enjoy it so much. I hadn’t played an instrument since primary school and I feel a childlike joy every time I manage to play a song correctly. The first song I learned is Unrestrained (Wuji) from The Untamed.
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My kalimba is so pretty and it sounds like angels singing
I also took a ceramics class between quarantines. It was so much fun and unlocked my imagination! I felt my relationship with drawing was stagnating, this gave me the creative break that I needed. I had to stop due to the second quarantine, but I intend to continue after it ends and I have so many ideas for new projects. I might even start selling my creations!
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My first attempt! I kept it as a paperweight
I also moved from my small dingy aquarium to a larger one. It was a stressful move but my fish, shrimps and plants are doing so much better now! I had a few deaths and a bout of fish illness (which necessitated the move in the first place), but we all came out stronger and I feel like a proud parent. They are all my babies and they deserve the best.
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The new aquarium is like a villa compared to the old one XD
I’ve been having health problems that stressed me for most of the year and resulted in a trip to the ER in August. Being stressed exacerbated it, which made me more stressed and.... yeah. It sucks. Working out helps (and was encouraged by my doctor) so.... I started running! And yoga, via an app. And I bought a bicycle. I haven’t enjoyed being active since I was a child, it is so much fun! I’m not an athlete by any means, but it’s a very nice distraction.
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The sunset from the running track
I could keep writing, this year was very full of good and bad things, but I’ll stop here.
I am very glad that I survived till my 30s, I.... there were times, 5 years ago, that I thought I would die young. I’m very hopeful about the future!
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stevebabey · 4 years
i know this says ask for a pairing but can i just do a peter x reader? with #64 please :)
woohoo i forgot to mention that its just x reader stuff so THANK U also just thank u for prompts *cries in soft* 
want a blurb?
set in hoco era. 
Something had changed since this time last week. 
Sure, it was the same routine, the same kind of weather -- but, as opposed to the week earlier, a miracle had somehow occurred. Peter Parker had finally grown the courage to ask you out. With stammering words and flushed cheeks, you had bitten down your infectious grin as he rambled by your locker, just last Tuesday. 
“I-I know we haven’t been friends for all the long -- and you know what? Friends are great. Good to have.” Peter nodded affirmatively, more to himself than you, and you couldn’t suppress your giggle, knowing this was all nervous chatter.  
“And if you just wanna be friends that’s-- that’s awesome, I also love that idea!” You watched as he licked his lips nervously, getting ready to steam roll on with more of his rambling but you didn’t give him the chance. 
“Pete?” You interrupted, your lips unable to stop your adoring smile. God, he was so cute. 
He finally stopped to take a breath, his eyes locking with yours. “Yeah?” 
“Is there something you want to talk to me about?” 
Exhaling through his nose, Peter nodded again and took a moment as though he was drawing all his courage in order to spit out of the words on his tongue. C’mon Pete, he mentally urged himself. You were just a girl. One girl. That he liked. Liked a lot. 
“I love being friends with you- I-I do. But I’m also hoping that maybe there’s a chance, you-- that you’d like to be more?” 
And with his shy gaze, twiddling fingers and rosy cheeks, who in their right mind could turn him down? Sure as hell not you. 
That had been a week ago and while you were ecstatic in the change up in your life, it was still scary. Scary and new. As the last bell rang and you deposited your books into your locker, you could feel your stomach clench up with nerves. Peter had offered to walk you home earlier today and you had gleefully agreed. 
But the boy still gave you butterflies for days and this afternoon was no exception. It was harder than expected to shake off your nervousness. You briefly wondered if he would try kiss you when he dropped you off and the thought sent your nerves sky high. I mean, you hadn’t even held his hand yet. 
The squeak of his sneakers coming down the hallway alerted you of him and you spun to see him jogging lightly in your direction, already beaming. Instinctively, you mirrored it and felt your knees weaken. God, you were already so smitten on this boy. 
“Hey!” He spoke, bounding to a stop beside you, glowing in excitement. “You-- you ready to go?” 
Pressing your locker shut with a firm click, you readjusted the straps on your backpack and nodded, bouncing on the balls on your feet. 
“Cool, cool,” Peter grinned at you and gestured to the exit to the school with a tilt of his head. “Shall we?” 
Bustling as it always was in New York, you used to detest any walk in the city longer than 5 minutes. With Peter by your side, chatting and asking you all about your day, it was more enjoyable that you’d ever expect. He was donned in a familiar blue flannel, his hair more curly than usual. 
“How’s your chem project coming along?” 
You smiled sweetly at Pete beside you, your hand swinging beside his. Peter had always been terrible at remembering small details about his friends life, something Ned frequently complained about but the boy was busy! It felt extra sweet that he had remembered one of your school projects.
“Alright. Brenner is ridiculous in some of his restrictions though,” you sighed, rolling your eyes at the thought of said teacher. “He makes it harder than it needs to be.” 
Peter laughed lightly. “Yeah, Brenner’s a piece of work but I think he liked me. Minus all the tardiness.” 
You scoffed, bumping your shoulder against his. “That’s because you’re a little super-genius. It’s hard not to like you.” 
Peter grinned at your words and even though you hadn’t meant it in that way, your cheeks still glowed with heat. 
“Not like that.” You insisted but it only made your face hotter as Peter giggled at your expense. Shaking your head, your opened your mouth to continue speaking, trying to change the subject when Peter spoke. 
“Watch out!” 
You barely had a moment to notice the bike barreling towards you, some lunatic with no respect for pedestrians, before Peter’s hand tucked itself around your waist, pulling you out of harms way. The bike whizzed by and your hair fluttered at the disturbance, falling in front of your eyes. 
“Well, that’s New York for you.” You muttered disdainfully and shook your hair from your in front of your eyes. It took only a moment for the realization to dawn on you that Peter’s arm was still curled around your waist. 
Sensing your sudden stiffness, Peter quickly apologized and shifted his hand, brushing it against your ticklish ribs, receiving a quiet squeak from you.
A look of concern covered Peter’s face but only for a moment before a devious grin overtook it.
“Are you-- are you ticklish?” 
“No!” You answered, far too quickly. You cursed yourself inside. 
Peter smiled adoringly and held his hands up high in surrender. “Don’t worry, I won’t use it against you.” 
You eyed him suspiciously, not believing a word. 
“Well, not yet.” 
Peter chuckled as you huffed beside him before timidly holding out his own hand, a peace offering. Biting your lip and keeping down the butterflies, you linked your fingers with his, grinning all the way home. 
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knking · 4 years
Memory 16 : The King’s Secret
Part 2/6
Written by TK, Illustrated by me
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It seemed now that every area of the Underground had revealed itself to be areas of prime relaxation, such is the case when not all those who surround you want to kill or imprison you. But despite all the invitations he’d receive to “gently provide patronage” to pretentious and well-esteemed places in and around the castle, his prime spot of bliss still was the waterfall. Long walks around the veilleuse-laden rocky walls always ended at the foot of a flowing cascade of teal water, and today was no exception. However, he had taken along for his walk someone who, normally, is not all that keen on serene walks. And once more, today was no exception.
“And here’s that bush… Again.” Ömen grumbled.
“I really like that one! Do you see how these three blooms stand out like that? Almost in a heart shape?” Asgore knelt over the timid outcropping.
“Yeah, sure. Okay.” the bear scoffed
“Oh my! Look over here!” he’d suddenly dash to another set of plants, Ömen stomping along disinterestedly. “These orchidée timides only bloom once in six months brother! Six months! We are really lucky!”
“Yeah. Woohoo.” he’d agree, simply out of politeness for his “small” ram/goat brother - though small is hardly a qualifier for Asgore, but everything is “small” for a beast like Ömen.
This would go on for quite a while, too long for the bear’s taste, but he’d indulge his new King for as long as he could, he’d earned it. But this was just too much. It was at least the 23rd time this week he’d seen the same bushes, the same lilies, the same goddamn things over and over and over… “He’s too soft” he thought. As much as he, admittedly, loved his new life in the court of royalty, especially considering the lovely Koala maiden he’d courted, he felt that craving for something more riské. Something a little more feisty. Flowers are cool, right, ok. Having a warm bed and clean clothes is… Yeah, it’s pretty cool, but you know what’s cooler? Butting heads. Sword Fighting.
“Have you brought Sofia here yet, brother?” Asgore interrupted Ömen’s thoughts.
“What? Oh no. I don’t think she’s as into this stuff as you are.”
“Well, you ought to bring her over here at least once! You see that pond over there? The one with the Jonquille emmêlée? That pond is peculiar, because it has...” and he continued on his usual ramble on the shapes, colors, stem sizes, etc etc…
“He’s too soft…” Ömen thought once more.
“We gotta fight.”
He remembered what they used to do. It’d been months now, but they’d done it so many times it was impossible to forget. A devious smirk formed on his snout and his emerald eyes flared a faint glow. Tucking his right hand behind his waist, he felt the cold metal hilt of his personally-built dueling rapier. Asgore was too busy with his Jonquilles emmêlées to notice. Not that it mattered, as soon as he’d heard Ömen’s words he’d be sure to follow up their usual routine. The grizzly recalled the first time they’d done it, a long, long time ago. They were still on the surface.
“Hey you fuzzy brat!” he yelled, stancing for his draw.
Asgore still peered over the edge onto the water, motionless. No reply. The bear raised his furry eyebrow in surprise. Maybe it wasn’t loud enough. Yeah, that’s it.
“HEY YOU FUZZY BRAT!!!” he bellowed, specks of dust fluttering down to his ears from the ceiling. Yeah that was good. It’d been a while.  
Slowly, Asgore turned his head around to meet his eyes with that of his brother’s. But it wasn’t that cheeky look Ömen was accustomed to. He looked startled. He stood up with weak knees. Unbeknownst to the grizzly monster, thoughts paced at break-neck speed inside the nogging of his brother. A terrible realization shot through the white-furred King at that time. “This is it.”
“W-What?” he stuttered, in response to the insult.
“En garde!” the bear taunted
Ömen’s clothes were not fit for his weapon and certainly not for a warrior-gladiator bear, really. Upon unsheathing his blade, part of his orange-upon-brown tunic ripped through the air, victimed to the atomically-sharp green spectre of the blade. The air stood still now, Ömen puffed his chest, fur erect on the back of his neck. “This is more like it. Now, Asgore will go for the headbutt and I’ll miss my swing. We can improvise the rest.”
“Ömen, I-I’m sorry but I-.”
“AAARGHHH!” The unstoppable force rocketed towards Asgore in a bestial frenzy. He remembered what he’d done before, but his muscles froze. The very thought of it paralyzed him. All the while, a 500 kilogram mass of flesh and muscle hurtled toward him. Invisible hands seemed to grasp his wrists and neck, though flesh and fur betrayed not a touch. He’d become his own worst enemy. What a foolish idea it’d all been.
Ömen was too caught up in his charge to notice any sign of malady from his brother. He rose the blade high above his head, the emerald tint whisking through the dark cave menacingly. His grip was strong around the hilt. “I’ll swing down left this time, throw him a little something different.” was all he could muster in terms of actual thought in the midst of his simulated fit of primal rage. And so, distracted to Asgore’s condition he began his swing, that eerie whistling of steel ripping through the still air as his deadly slice came crashing down.
A fraction of a millisecond before the deadly blow, time seemed to decelerate for the King, and racing through the possibilities of what could avert his demise at the hands of his familiar a thought blinked in his ember and azure eyes. “I can dodge.” He had no time to even visualize how such a thing was possible before he clumsily threw his whole weight off to his left side, the green flash of the rapier slicing the hard stone beneath where he stood with ease.
The impaled weapon left crystallized molten rock in its wake, the heavy brown-furred monster huffed a heavy breath. Both his emerald eyes and weapon glowed with purpose. This wasn’t how it went at all… It’d been headbutts after headbutts for years! He could take being beat by the boss monster, he could take being outplayed with more elaborate and well-strategized moves… But tricked? Never before. Asgore was taunting him. After all those years… Their brotherhood… All of it, all it took was a little title and a crown for him to snob his “old pal”. The intense physical labor had produced a scowl on his brow, but now it intensified. He craned his head, and met Asgore’s petrified gaze… Why you little…
“...Brat! If that’s how it’s gonna be, then let’s dance!” He yanked his metal companion free, and readied once more.
“Brother I can’t! I cannot fight! Please Ömen I-”
“Oh?! Now that you’re royalty fighting is too much for you?! If that’s how it’s gonna be, show me what you got, big boy! AARRGHHH!”
“ÖMEN, PLEASE!” it was no use, once more the bear hurdled toward him like a careening boulder of fur. Like before, Asgore barely escaped his assailant, ungraciously tumbling on the cold hard floor as his tunic tore at the friction of pebbles and cobalt-blue dust stuck to his fur.
Their improvised simulation of close quarters brawling had quickly turned into a fight proper. With every passing swing and thrust of the blade, Ömen grew more vicious and uncontrolled. Sweat flung around the cavern like the dust they kicked up, and Asgore’s rope shortened. Evasion had never been his strong suit, even if he'd spent so much of his life on the run, but he'd have to make due now. Upper slashes, downward slashes, jabs and swipes. Green, green, green. It was all he saw. Truthfully, Ömen had been on a fast track to lowering his LV ever since the coronation, and good progress he had made. Enough progress, in fact, to feign a feral fit. If Asgore was toying with him, he’d toy the goat back! In the scared irises of the King he could see his bluff was working flawlessly.
“Yaaah! Allez! YAAH!” he growled. Slish, slash, woosh went the sword
Unknown to both of them, as they tumbled and jousted, a flower bloomed on their battlegrounds, and it blossomed its white petals unnoticed and uncaring, a meek milky glow barely noticeable, even in the low-light conditions of the cavernous cascade. But he who does not use eyes, needs not see to know.
They’d been battling for quite a while now, exhaustion apparent on both of their physiques. But the bear had always been physically stronger than any of his siblings, and it showed. By now, his rapier’s blade had been dulled and crooked by the constant bashing against rock, and Asgore’s tunic was in equally bad shape, though nothing extreme. A small wet spot formed under his armpit.
“Brother… I beg you, I can explain! Please, no more! Arretêz!” Asgore expirated, laying on his back against the rock.   
“Hah… Hah… Let’s see you dodge this!” and nearly stumbling now, Ömen charged for his last attack - an overhead blow to the stubborn goat’s head. It would certainly not be fatal at this point, he knew this for certain, but it’d at least teach his brother a lesson in humility he hoped. But, unfortunately for the hulking, exhausted monster, that lesson came out the back end, as for when he stood not 3 feet from his target, a force seemed to clobber him right on his nose, like a 500 kilogram punch directly to his long snoot. Suffice to say, he was soon together with Asgore on the floor, stars blinking in his eyes.
A few seconds went by, before he laughed hysterically.
“Ahahahah! You little ram brat bastard! I knew you had it in you! Ack… Putain... That was one hell of a headbutt right there...”
“Can you two explain to me, exactly what in the hell you’re both doing?” An unmistakable, serene voice cut off Ömen’s praise. Shaa stood beside his brother with characteristic runic holograms around his hands. Forcefield… Of course.
“What?” Ömen groggily replied.
The polar bear presented in his free hand that which had summoned him - a white flower. It’s white petals curled outwards and shone with a delicate light. None could mistake it.
“Fleur saignante?” Ömen looked at Asgore, who now had regained some strength and sat upright against the wall. The small wet spot under his right armpit stained his tunic into a dark orange, the fur on his bicep was barely pink.
“Don’t you think we’ve all had enough of fighting, you thick-skulled buffoon?” Shaa queried his brother.  
“It’s not my fault! He provoked me! All this walking through the waterfalls was driving me nuts!”
“So you attacked him.”
“Okay, fine. I got out of control, it was a stupid accident alright? But he refused to fight! It’d all have gone down much smoother if he wasn’t running away the whole time!”
“I CAN’T FIGHT!” Asgore yelled, startling both the bears. He stumbled afoot. It’d been, perhaps, years since he’d risen his tone so ferociously at them. But the voice had a different tone to it, not like a pure reprimand. Something else hid below, something afraid. “I can’t fight. I cannot even think about hurting… I… I broke it! I broke the… the…”
“Broke what?” Ömen asked.
“The button!”
To a layman, this would have been the ramblings of a mad goatman, and at first Ömen was unsure whether the regal life of royalty had finally scrambled Asgore’s brain, but one quick glance at Shaa’s tattoos and the memory came to him. A speech he’d long given to Asgore regarding their meaning, something he himself had forgotten. The King meant it. Somehow, he’d risen above any and all monster or human before him and pierced the very fabric of reality, he’d weaved his new destiny through sheer willpower, forcibly removing a card from his hand of fate.
Ömen simply sat there in awe.
Shaa smirked, and serenely as always said:
“So it is possible…”
PARTS : [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6]
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katatty · 4 years
meet the simmer - TS2 Edition
I was tagged to do this by @mrslandgraab - thank you!
Your name: Kat!
Languages you speak: Just English, and extremely low-level GCSE French :(
Are you a mermaid?: Sure! I live in a coastal town & was a huge mermaid & dolphin girl as a kid, even had an underwater/dolphin themed bedroom. These days my vibe is more witch-y than mermaid-y, but I’m down with being any kinda cool fantasy lady, haha
Your play style: It’s a mix, yeah! I tend to play with a lot of structure (rounds, challenges, etc.) but keep the rules pretty loose & optimise more for storytelling than anything. It varies a lot between saves and sometimes even between families, haha.
Your Simself picture: Gosh, I haven’t played with a simself in forever... here’s one from 2015, lmao:
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She doesn’t really look anything like me since I wasn’t the best at faces in those days, and my style has definitely changed in the last 5 years (although the hair isn’t all that different) so maybe I’ll make a new one, just for fun?
Stories or gameplay, builds, look books, edits or CC: Gameplay & builds, mostly!
Your favorite age state: Young Adults, university is my favourite! :D
Your favorite season: Spring or Autumn - I like that nice in-between weather and the feeling of the world chaning...
Your favorite holiday: Christmas, definitely! It can be kind of a stressful holiday but it gives me such a strong feeling of community and love, with family, friends, hell even on simblr! It’s the only time of year I really get together with my extended family. I also love the food, the decorations, the lights, Christmas pantos, classic films on TV, ghost stories... it’s got it all, imo!
How was your day?: So far so good! It’s been a weekend of having absolutely no plans (courtesy of corvid-19, heh) and just kinda relaxing. It’s a worrying time in a way but it’s also been nice to not have to worry about cramming as much as possible into the weekend & just being, yknow?
Your favorite career: I like running a OFB career the best but other than that... maybe crime, haha?
Your favorite aspiration: Knowledge & Pleasure!
Your favorite EP, GP and SP: Probably Mansion & Garden, I can’t live without all that gorgeous garden decoration & the cool archetectural details! For EP, hmmm, maybe university? University is my favourite part of the game, I think :)
How old is your simblr?: Apparently it dates back to August 2014 so, gosh, about 6 years??????????
Have you WooHooed?: Haha, serious question? Yeah
Your favorite skill: Creativity, probably! Although really its the hidden skills linked to it that I like, painting& music proficiancy, etc.
The size of your mods folder: 28GB >.< no comments on this please lmao, I know how bad it is & I hate it
Your 3 favorite mods: Going to cheat and say all the occult stuff by @midgethetree, the simological school/prison mods, & @hexagonal-bipyramid‘s traits project!
Your interests (other than Sims): Writing, D&D (I’m a newbie DM currently running Curse of Strahd for my IRL friends), anime, reading, drawing, tarot, fashion (I like ‘alternative’ style but lean more into witchy/granny/mori stuff than the ‘edgy’ look), witchcraft/occult stuff in general, knitting, embroidery... the last 2 are very new hobbies I’m still getting the hang of! 
Your favorite Sim (picture if possible): Chosing one is always basically impossible for me so I’m gonna go ahead and post a few favorites...
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Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games)?:Definitely TS2 is the one I’ve played the most of, but I’ve also played all the other mainline games... TS1 was only at friend’s houses, never got into TS4, but I have played a lot of TS3.
We never had a PC as a kid so I’ve played looooooads of the console ones. On the PS2 The Sims, Bustin’ Out, Sims 2, The Urbz (the best one.) Also the Sims 2 DS game & PSP games. Those are both pretty great. I also played the Sims 3 Wii game which was fucking terrible, haha.
Propose a crazy scheme: Bring back round robin legacies where a different simmer plays each generation
Best part of simblr: The community spirit is great, everyone is always eager to help each other and the level of creativity is just wow
Worst part of simblr:Sometimes I miss how much people commented in the old LJ days - without “threads” in comments it’s much harder to build friendships on Tumblr without going out of your way to message people, which is always a bit intimidating! 
What other games you play?: I don’t play that many other games because I like the Sims 2 so much, but me and my boyfriend generally play through a couple of games together each year... mostly the Zelda and Final Fantasy series. I also play 00s era Sonic games weekly with one of my friends, haha. They are kind of crappy in a lot of ways but hold so much charm for me, I just love them... in general I like visual novels, mysteries, puzzles, adventures & anything with a good story. Not so big on anything very large and open-world, or first-person.
Other favourites include Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon (had to quit this one cold turkey lmao), TWEWY, the 999 games & Phoenix Wright.
Other websites or accounts (Origin, Twitter, etc.): I’m on discord! katatty #9742
Are you single?: Nope, been in a relationship for the last 5 years & we’re very happy. We moved in together last summer!
Tagging @strangetomato, @moocha-muses, @nostalgiasimmer & @simhealing​ - if you’re up for it!
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twistedsimblr · 4 years
Get to know the simmer
I was tagged by these babes @slythersim and @faywithfangs thank you lovelies 
Your name: Meg
Languages you speak:   Gibberish and  English
Are you a mermaid:  I wish! 
Your playstyle: Alpha mostly 
Your self sim picture: ( Okay okay I edited it semi realistic Meg full edit on Newtumblr )
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Stories or gameplay builds, lookbooks, edits or cc:  I do me and people follow lol. 
Your favourite age state:  I guess adults but I don’t really have a fav 
Your favourite season: I like Spring because Lilacs are my favourite flower  Summer because the sound of lawnmowers and boats at my parents place as they live near the water and going to the beach  The Pinery Flea Market and  Parks Blue Berries   and Fall visits to the Pinery with my dad and the Brigden Fall Fair  
Your favourite holiday:  Talk like a Pirate day seemed um... pointless and interesting but Um don’t really pay too much attention to the system
How was your day: Uneventful and quiet spent most of it cleaning around the apartment.
Your favourite career:  Vet actually it's so cute M.K and Meg run their own clinic it's adorable Also I love smuggler I just wish it was an active career like polish it up EA 
Your favourite aspiration: Friend of the Animals actual aspiration in real life must first come over hermitism  
Your favourite EP, SP or GP: Vampires and Cats and Dogs because Vet and pets And I still want Happy Haunts  I still want to fuck around with Realm of Magic 
How old is your simblr:  5 years  est September of 2015 
Have you woohooed:  Why yes, Yes I did about an hour ago a quickie 
Your favourite skill:   I don’t know? 
The size of your mods folder: 12.0GB. is that big?
Your 3 favourite mods: Never played Sims 3
Your interests (other than sims): I’m kinda all over the place I do like Game grumps I have a Dan and Arin Shirt and their limited edition spring shirt  I watch them thier fun . I  basically like laze around on my tablet and play games on my tablet nothing worth really mentioning I do write and draw occasionally when the mood strikes my thing right now is the Cat Returns Muta/ Renaldo Moon   reminds me of my sisters cat. Fat fin.he’s probably that big too. I want a plushy of him...( I have three giant Meta knights at my parents place.) I love playing old school roms like Kirby Super star  Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars Final Fantasy 3 Old Mario Kart And of course Fzero and Rock and Roll Racing. via Emulator. 
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I’m also currently going to an adult learning center to help me with money math because I’m terrible at it and I’m not as confident in my skills with dealing with money. been going since November of last year.  I’m also Smart Serve Certified now I can legally sell or deal with Alchohol in Ontario now lmao. 
 I could watch that again and again  Because I love cats I do like reading stuff about animals, watching stupid vines basically watching anything for inspiration  
Your favourite sim (picture if possible): I have two pictures because I couldn't decide. Also M.K has two forms obviously well its close to three but whatever... He’s my big man hairy man baby creation he’s what makes people stay lmao or leave lmao. He’s my spirit animal lmao.
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Which sims games you have played (including mobile games):  None just this one but I played the first sims ages ago Propose a crazy scheme:  Don’t tell me what to do! 
The best part of simblr:  Connecting with people with similar interests. I second this  Makin fren amazing frens interacting with others When people send me messages telling me how much I make them laugh or made thier day better  making them laugh and making new comers feel welcomed 
The worst part of simblr: It can be a goddamn popularity contest The fucking petty drama hell people tried to drag my ass down last year because I don’t give a fuck  who follows my blog including minors  because it’s the internet and it’s my blog. That people can follow unfollow anytime. And i state my blog isn't for kids. Funny story nobody unfollowed me I gained 8 followers from actually having an opinon that didn’t mirror anyone elses. People are so quick to spit venom at other people to drag em down and make em leave.
What other games you play: MHW for ps 4 If you’re wondering if that is suppose to be M.K then yes yes it is lmao I play with @sylanc whom I met here looking forward to picking it up again when Raging Brachy drops in. 
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Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):  https://twitter.com/Meggusta1   https://tw1sted.newtumbl.com/ and nobody has asked for my origin before but I’ll give it if you want 
I tag @streetlightaurora @kimbr3 @cupcakegnome @whitesagesims @dynastiasims @hnn-tr @witchbgone @nightvyxen @berrysweetboutique​
@sixamsims​ @katmk36​ @sims-and-rebellion​ @yavannah​ @sparkiekong​ @princessdejamars​
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enderdwarf123 · 3 years
Unexpected Guest (A Minecraft Story)
Once there was a clan. A clan of honorable warriors who believed that only the strong will survive. This tribe name was 'Salvos' , Latin for survival and in this tribe, there was a man named 'Ender'. Ender was kind hearted but this made him one of the weaker members. So much so that he was only able to stuck around for so long because of his dedication to the clan. But one day, he encountered an enderman, a few meters from his clan's current location. He wanted to prove his worth by slaying the monster but in doing so, he had endangered the clan. Now seen as a disgrace to the clan, he became exiled for his actions and now living in a desert wasteland. But, as his story closes on his home life, and a new story will unfold as 30 days later, something new happened.
Ender was returning to his new home at night, after a successful hunting of pigs out in the meadow, not too far away. "This will do for now". He muttered to himself, "I'll be able to get that farm up and running after I- WHAT THE HELL!" He saw hordes of mobs, all huddled up against a cave entrance. Upon closer inspection, the mobs where attacking someone. While they were holding their own, Ender felt obligated to help out as he draws his bow out but hesitates to fire. "If I miss my shot, I would risk hit them". Ender pondered on how to act, then an idea sprung to mind.
He dropped his bow and tosses an ender pearl, teleporting into the middle of the conflict. "Heya!" He blurts out, hitting the mobs with his knockback sword, pushing them back. He turns to the person and yells "GO GO GO, I'll hold them off". The person runs out of the cave, hardly making by a zombie swing. Ender then cracks a smile, pulling out his iron axe and kill 2 zombies with swift decapitation. He notices a creeper was close to exploding and pulls out a shield, blocking the explosion. While the explosion killed some of the mobs, the sheer quantity was more than what Ender could handle. After blocking a couple of arrow shots, to his right, he notices something. A spider was attacking and by how fast it moved, the was no way he could block in time. He braced for impact as the spider pins him to the ground.
With the other mobs closing in, he struggles against the spider. The spider got a few hits in, injuring Ender, he killed the spider but became unable to move. The fight with the spider injured his leg, leaving him crippled and at the mercy of the monsters before him. "SHIT!" He thought to himself, "I'm done for". He tried to crawl away but the mobs caught up no problem. Ender flips himself over, covering his face with his arms, getting ready for the pain that would soon come. Then something unexpected happened.
The mobs were getting shot at. Not, by a skeleton dealing friendly fire but from the same person Ender tried to save. He could make out from the moon light, the person was a woman and she was holding his bow that he had dropped before. "I'll hold them off for as long as I can" The woman yelled. While she was a great shot, this wasn't the time to celebrate yet, they needed a plan and fast. Ender gets an idea as he pulls out a fishing rod and tosses to the woman, yelling "Real me out!" As she retrieves the fishing rod, Ender places down a block of TNT, "I was saving this for a rainy day" He thought to himself. "Guess it's high time to use it" and he lights the TNT right as the hook from the rod latched on and pulled him out.
KABOOM! The cave collapses trapping some of the mobs inside and killing off the rest. Ender while injured, cheered at his and the woman's victory. "WOO HOOoo- oh my ribs... woohoo..." "Are you alright?!" the woman asked, concerned for the man. Ender re-assured her, "I'll be fine, if I can make it back to my home, I'll be fine." "Here, let me help." She raises out a hand which Ender takes. She hoists his arm over her shoulder, "Where is your base?" Ender takes out his compass, pointing north. "Near that way, over the hill." As they walk (Though Ender was more hopping than walking), The woman states "Thanks for the help". "Hey, it's no problem... Anyways what's your name?" Ender responded. "Oh, right! Ellie, my name is Ellie. What's yours?" "Ender, I know it's an odd name-" "Isn't that a name given to members of Salvos?" Ellie asked. "Yeah but I kind of got... banished, they usually kick out the weak links in the group." Ender admitted. "Oh." Ellie said, now feeling guilty for asking, "Sorry." Ender raised his hand with a smile on his face, "Hey, don't be. You didn't kick me out and besides, because they did, I was able to help out so there's that to be thankful for." "I guess so." Ellie considered, "Is this the place?" They arrived at a temple structure that had walls protecting it from every angle and a gate at the front. Ender sighs with relief, "Yep, home sweet home. Come on, you can stay the night." They both head inside and that is where this story ends.
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