#her sister would never let her be a magi
Not sure how much I am going to commit to OCtober, but here is a baby Jooeun drawing Who She Wants To Be When She Grows Up. Wee lamb has no clue she’s terrible at magic…
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Prompt list here!!! Credit to Yamiiino!
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retribution-if · 1 year
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-> Demo (TBA)
-> Playable Trailer
-> Character Appearances
-> Vibe Playlists (Part 1, Part 2)
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You never really learned to let go.
Did you?
Hello, little godling, are you here to seek out an exchange? What is the phrase those mortals say? "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth"? Are you here to exchange death for death? How counterproductive, no? Though it seems that you refuse to listen to any sort of reason nowadays.
A pity, really.
I expected better from you. However I can't blame you and the emotional storm you brought yourself into. Afterall, having the man you called "Grandfather" turn on you and slaughter your family one day is an understandable thing to fuss over. Personally, I could care any less if my brother died. Your aunt and I would be just fine, frankly. Everything would be better off with one less Primordial, but really, does that matter now with the problems he helped cause?
Regardless, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Here you are, a child of barren nature and moving time, with the dagger of your wilted sister Spring, the sickle of your arid brother Summer, and the laurel of your decayed brother Autumn.
Now, tell me this, little godling.
How much blood must be shed until you think it's enough to satisfy your sense of naive justice? Until every enemy you'll make and have have their blood spilt and pooling by your feet? Until they are on their hands and knees, begging for mercy, for you to spare them, just so you can be the judge of their fate?
Whatever your choice is, I'll simply be here watching you struggle and fall, and drop what remains of chaos you choose to leave in your wake.
Retribution, He Cries is a revenge story set in the Dark Ages of the fictional world of [REDACTED] and other realms, and will be written in Twine. This IF is rated 18+ for heavy themes such as: talks, witnessing, planning, and execution of murder, mass genocide, graphic violence, graphic gore (dismemberment, mutilation, disembowelment, & beheading), body horror, blood, physical assault, witness, descriptions, and mentions of death, religious themes.
*Content Warnings will be updated when needed.
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Customizable Winter deity—let your appearance be the last thing He sees
Command and control the howling spirits
Learn how to hunt like your siblings
Give head pats to your dire wolf
Avenge your mother and siblings—leave chaos in your wake
Romance or befriend 4 people that walk with you in this journey
Seek justice for those who have fallen
Don't forget to keep running, little rabbit.
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◈ Despoina (Goddess of Magic, The Arcana, Mysteries) She/Her)
The former lover of the god of life. Your grandmother is a powerful goddess of magic, and the giver of it to her mortal disciples known as "Magi". She's been cast out of the Pantheon due to being blamed for her inability to stop your grandfather. Currently, she's been deem "mad" for her constant dreamy attitude despite the horrible circumstances occurring around her.
◈ Nyx (Goddess of the Moon, Peace, Strategy) She/Her)
Daughter of the primordial cosmic goddess Emmera and the [late] god of fate Karma. She is your cousin and a fellow traveller in your journey. For being the goddess of peace, she isn't a very tranquil person, often resorting to violence at every inconvenience. She holds a calm aura whenever she's around, a bit aloof and insensitive at times, though has a soft spot for loved ones.
◈ Sansone (God of the Sun, Wrath, War) He/Him)
Son of the primordial cosmic goddess Emmera and the [late] god of fate Karma. Nyx's older brother and your cousin as well. He's here for the same reason as you and his sister, though mostly just to keep an eye on you both. He has this underlying storm underneath his relaxed façade, but you know better than to provoke it. Often takes the more pacifist route in situations, an opposite to his sister.
◈ Ectorius (Deity of Art, Fae, The Forest) He/They) ♡
You never expected them to join you on this journey. A close confidante and dear friend of your sister, Ectorius is an eccentric and somewhat odd individual. Always blabbering on, and on about making his next greatest magnum opus whenever he can. Though despite how dramatic he is, they are extremely cunning, but he likes to call it "persuasive".
◈ Nakia (The Former Priestess) She/Her) ♡
Having lost her village to the same god she worshipped, her faith in the gods has diminished. Seeking justice for her people, she joins you in your journey, unaware of your origins. An astute and patient woman who is willing to risk all for what she thinks is right. You worry for her and her inability to pick up and swing a sword, preferring to use the way of words to handle conflict.
◈ Faisal (The Archangel of Justice) He/Him) ♡
A member of High Court, which is Malkiel's Fifteen Generals in Zion. He is sent down to assist you in your mission to avenge your family. You know him from your time growing up in Zion, one of your first and only friends after the tragedy. He's willing to lay down his life to protect you from anything, even if you won't do the same.
◈ Lilith of Locked Heart (The Sin of Pride) She/They) ♡
A demoness from Hell, and the personification of Pride. She is a Queen of a kingdom in Gehenna, and accidentally stumbled upon them when she was crawling out of a cave, bloodied, bruised, and broken limbed. Now she joins you in your journey to, in their words, "beat the bastard that ruined them", though you have doubts that it's simply just that.
◈ Abel (God of Life, Joy, Birth) He/Him)
Your grandfather. The catalyst of this madness.
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◈ Horatio (God of Time, Wisdom, Change) He/Him)
Father Time himself, and well, your actual father. A scarred and grieving man that refuses to partake in your journey. He does not wish to seek the justice for your family, but instead chooses a more passive way instead.
◈ Emmera (Goddess of The Cosmos, The Unknown, Fear) She/Her)
Your aunt and one of the three Primordials. Grieving over the death of her husband, she has formed an everlasting rage towards your grandfather and grandmother. She has gone spiteful over the years, with a scowl and glare on her face.
◈ Samar (God of Stars, Childhood, Shepherding) He/Him)
Sansone and Nyx's younger brother. Traumatized and confined in the body of a child, he has gone fearful of many things. Samar is often found in the arms of your aunt, clutching a wooden sheep figurine in his hand that he refuses to let go.
◈ Malkiel (God of Aether, Order, Angels) He/Him)
One of the three Primordials and one of two of the oldest gods. He's the man who housed you and your remaining family in his realm. Your father and aunt often warn you to stay away from him whenever you can.
◈ Radian (God of Void, Bonds, Justice) He/Him)
Your uncle. You don't know much about him, since you rarely ever see him during family gatherings. A mysterious and stoic man, with a heavy weight on his shoulders and of few words.
◈ Blair (Goddess of Death, Grief, Funerals) She/Her)
You're not expecting to nor know that you have a grandaunt, and she's not the kind of woman you expect her to be.
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nocturnaltokyoiii · 6 months
The Official NGE Character Ranking
It’s finally time for the official ranking of Neon Genesis Evangelion characters, as proclaimed by me. While there are a lot of characters to examine, I’d like to focus on the main characters of the original TV series, End of Evangelion, and Death & Rebirth.
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Gendo Ikari
The story's villain, it's only appropriate to set him dead last. A grieving man turns to putting 14-year-old kids into mecha robots powered by souls. From parental neglect to his agenda to end the world and start the Third Impact, Gendo Ikari can only receive small sympathy points.
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Kozo Fuyutsuki
As Gendo's sidekick, I can't let Fuyutsuki off the hook for aiding and abetting. While he does show more compassion towards Shinji Ikari for the identity crisis every other episode than Gendo ever cared to, helping your former college students end the world doesn't look good on a resume.
No Harm No Foul
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Kensuke Aida
Kensuke is a little military nerd who just dreams of piloting an EVA. He likes learning about all the actions of NERV or the UN - but also has the horned-up aspect of being a 14-year-old boy who carries around a camera. While it's nice to allow Shinji to have some friends and a form of escapism through his brief stay with Kensuke after running away (again). there isn't much that we know about Kensuke.
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Toji Suzuhara
The other half of Kensuke, Toji is the more outwardly expressive and even passive-aggressive. We're introduced to him through his anger at Shinji for Toji's sister after she is severely injured from an EVA/Angel attack. He's the stereotypical "delinquent" who attacks Shinji as payback for his sister's injury, but he turns a more empathetic leaf after witnessing the mental suffering Shinji faces while piloting the EVA. When Toji is selected as the Fourth Child, everything takes a turn for the worse and we never see him again after that fiasco.
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Ritsuko Akagi
Ritsuko lives in the shadow of her mother who created the MAGI System, the living, breathing programming holding NERV together. She's the only other person aside from Gendo and Fuyutsuki who knows the true intentions of NERV and SEELE, and for that, points off as being a piece of the end of the world. Ritsuko is still an interesting character as she internalizes and intellectualizes everything until her breaking point in destroying all the Rei copies. I feel bad for her in the cycle of abuse her mother and then her goes through under Gendo's romantic relationships with both of them.
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Yui Ikari
This poor woman died and her husband decided it was time to end the world. Had she not passed during the Project E experiment, Shinji would have been a functioning and less traumatized boy. She is such a kind-hearted person who had a positive impact on those around her, and it's sad to see what her legacy turned into through Gendo's distortion.
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Misato Katsuragi
Misato always has me going back and forth on my opinions, but I do admittedly love her as a character. Her hotheadedness and drinking habits make her a piece of emotional release from all the environmental stress. Her traumatic past explains the present, and her motherly care for the pilots stands in direct opposition to Ritsuko's risk of the pilots for the sake of destroying the angels. She is largely unaware of NERV's true intentions until the untimely end.
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Ryoji Kaji
Kaji is somehow a triple agent working for the Japanese Ministry against both Gendo and SEELE, really just looking to find the truth of it all. He's an admirable character whose only real flaw is being so goddamn horny for all his female characters - except Asuka so I guess there are some moral boundaries. He knew that his life was constantly at risk by working behind everyone's backs, but he's still a positive role model to Shinji, almost showcasing what the positive outcome could be.
The Children
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Kaworu Nagisa
We're introduced to Kaworu as the Fifth Child following Asuka's synchronization levels dipping to unprecedented levels. He's a poetic character who quickly befriends Shinji and shows his affection toward him in unexpected manners. As it turns out, Kaworu is actually the seventeenth angel, Tabris. His interest in humankind and otherwise odd behaviors goes seemingly unnoticed by NERV. Kaworu's goal is to reconnect with Adam, but instead, he finds Lilith, rendering his mission a failure thus allowing Shinji to kill him.
Kaworu is one of the only people that shows real love towards Shinji, and that cannot go unappreciated.
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Shinji Ikari
Love him or hate him, Shinji is still one of the most interesting case studies of the human mind. A traumatized 14-year-old boy who has never felt real familiar affection since his mother's passing. Abandoned by everyone but commanded to not run away too. He's just looking for some kind of approval. I believe Ritsuko summed up Shinji's character the best by equating him to the "Hedgehog's Dilemma", in which hedgehogs need warmth in the winter so they huddle together, but just end up pricking each other and causing more harm. Shinji cannot be intimate with another character without some outcome of mutual harm.
The lifelong battle, who is the best girl of Evangelion?
The truth is, there is no real answer. They're both amazing.
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Rei Ayanami
Rei I - The child we're introduced to is snarky towards Ritsuko's mother as seen in a flashback - calling her an old hag. This Rei is a product of what Gendo really says in private, and thus is killed by Naoko Akagi for repeating the words said behind her back.
Rei II - This iteration of Rei is who we're most familiar with throughout most of the series, socially withdrawn and living in admiration of Gendo for the majority of her lifespan. In her interactions with the other children, she learns to be happy and to cry. She knows she is easily replaceable to NERV's mission. In being the recreation of Yui, she exists as how Gendo saw Yui. This version of Rei passes in sacrifice to destroy an angel.
Rei III - This is the final iteration of Rei seen in the series and End of Evangelion - and is the most expressive one yet. She knows what happened to the previous incarnations, but didn't live it herself. She's angry at the world, angry at Gendo, angry at Shinji, at everyone. She knows she's replaceable, but can't do anything about it but become indifferent to the changing environment.
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Asuka Langley Sohryu
I take Asuka as my favorite for her relatability. She says what we're all thinking; and just like Shinji, she's just looking for affection. The main difference is that she refuses to admit that she needs help, for people to look at her, for people to appreciate everything she's sacrificed to get into her position. She holds herself to a standard of pride, never taking out the Interface Headset clips in her hair. She thinks she's grown up, but it's all the trauma that's forced her to become so mature against all odds.
Asuka holds a special place in my heart for some unexplainable reason, so I have to place her in the top position.
Anyways, that's my ranking of the main characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion. lol.
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pyraelia · 7 months
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November 26 - Day 1  Party / Chills
One of her favorite elements of attending Vixannya’s gallery openings was the people watching. The scenes around each painting became their own little vignettes that often enhanced the artwork and elevated it beyond decoration, and how each group of people — usually from across diverse enough parts of society — interacted with the subject matters was fascinating. 
Fiorenze wasn’t going to make it this time, and that was fine. Pyraelia understood the desire to devote focus to something, even if she didn’t quite understand why The Dream or the Tree; Her sister had always had a love of green spaces, but they were magi from a family of arcanists that spanned back millennia and that realm was certainly not for them. 
Her favorite painting, if one could call a painting of a dead person a 'favorite', this time around was a fairly simple portrait of an unfamiliar woman laying dead in a dark room surrounded by mirrors, each reflection capturing a different angle of her body. There was so much pride in the still, beautiful figure, but there was a subtle covetousness in the reflection of the mirrors that flirted with envy, too — years ago she would have missed it, but their family had been through so much in five years alone, not to mention the decade. Had the woman had a moment to be jealous that her reflection had seconds more life left? So much time could be suspended in a fraction of a moment, caught at the end of a brush stroke. 
Even now, month to month, day to day, their family dynamics were still shifting. Considering how February had gone, and Fiorenze's plans to try and lock her own soul away into an enchanted glass, it could've just as easily been her painted there.
Was she, Pyraelia herself, envious that her sister had new opportunities since Fiorenze's plans had all fallen brutally through? Keranna had said something that had stuck in the back of her mind like a thorn while she had been pinning her lavender hair up into a delicate, wispy chignon for the soiree, mostly meant to silence her petty complaining that her sister had stayed away.
“Do you think your parents would have let Fiorenze walk any other path than the one they put her on as the first daughter?” 
Pyraelia had never faced the same burden of expectation — her parents' pride in her had been organic and true, she had inherited her mother’s excellence in the arcane arts in a way that Fiorenze hadn’t, but she was still just the second daughter. 
She frowned as she looked back up at the painting, a new sense of judgment from the painted stranger’s flat, outward gaze that sent a slight chill down her spine. Perhaps there was more to her sister’s strange new wayward roots, and perhaps it was time to be a bit kinder. 
As she shuffled on in her own introspection, she hoped that her momentary interlude had done for someone else what so many of the other gallery attendees had done for her: shift the perspective, if for only a moment.
@daily-writing-challenge / @vixannya
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dmmdconfessions · 1 year
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[Image text: I’ll be honest here, I was so hyperfixated on the idea of an Aoba/Madoka crossover (Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica), being both like siblings.]
[Full text: I’ll be honest here, I was so hyperfixated on the idea of an Aoba/Madoka Kaname (from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) crossover being both like siblings (like the entire whole older brother shtick where he has like a clumsy, insecure younger sister who’s secretly a girlboss deep down, who literally turned into a god in the Rebellion film).
Plus, their colour palettes/designs, schemes and all are adjacent to the Gumball/Anais (from The Amazing World of Gumball) colour palette scheme, meaning they would resemble them a bit. Their interactions would be really sweet together as I know Aoba would have this small, pink-haired fluffball of hope consistently follow him everywhere Aoba goes, and would try to get him to as he goes to Junk Shop Heibon to complete his daily working shift while Madoka just goes to school like an ordinary schoolgirl just the way she is.
Aoba sometimes comes home and buys Madoka a lesbian flag she can hang up on her wall, and makes dinner for her a lot. She introduces her girlfriend Homura to Aoba and he’s like “aww, that’s sweet.” I feel like he’d grow accustomed and fond to her, and I feel like he’d grow an ever-loving desire to protect her from falling into despair so much so that she turns into a witch.
One of the funniest things I can imagine Aoba doing is having one of his alters (Sly Blue for example), fronting and then she gets a call from him and he takes her on a little ride while Madoka brings Homura, her beloved, with her to the retail park that is extremely far away from both of their locations. He then lets them play on one of those Beatmania arcades, and he goes to the cigarette bar to get a quick smoke and to accompany his younger sister and his girlfriend, and they both win so much on the Pop'n Music arcades while they start to finish off and get ready for the bowling venues.
Sly sits on one of these chairs and watches his younger sister Madoka and her girlfriend go off at these bowls, and claps and cheers when Madoka manages to succeed at taking one of these bowling pins all in one go. And after that, Sly fronts back to Aoba, the main host of the system, and then he calls back for them to come back so they can go in there to explore the garden, town pebble streets and more amusement parks for their own excitement, so they can have pretty picture taking time.
I can imagine Aoba loving Madoka like he’s his own daughter and doing Madoka’s hairstyles every morning like crazy while on the phone trying to listen some deals that Haga-san made to him, putting small ribbon hair clips in Madoka’s hair, and making her breakfast and making sure she’s at least well fed and happy.
I want her to be happy after the shit she has gone through. My precious baby daughter. My daughter, she didn’t deserve all of this, she deserves to be all happy and to be all pain and trauma free. It’s not a matter of comparing “yaoi vs yuri” of which series is pure or fucked up or whatever. I’m not simply here to compare them. I’m here to illustrate my point cohesively that Madoka would view this mentally ill skinny 23 year old gay boy who has had a never had a good day ever in his life, and she would go “I’m going to view that man as my older brother. He seems nice.” and tries to hang around with him to try to get more information from this gay boy who has a shit ton of unresolved BPD that would end up with him being sent to a mental asylum. It’s about the potential, it’s about the silly sibling shenanigans of Madoka trying to wake her older brother up so he can take her to school. It’s him seeing that she is going down a dark path full of magical girls. Whatever. I am so mentally ill about them. Madoka Magica changed my brain fundamentally and mentally and I needed to thus propose this like crossover even further because I want to say it out loud.]
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‘It’s going to be soon,’ Giovanni had insisted. ‘I know water near boiling when I see it. Get out of Florence. You’re too close to everyone who might be involved.’ ‘And you?’ Marsilio had asked. ‘If I must leave then you ought to leave as well.’ ‘I’m fine, cousin Lorenzo sucks Medici—’ ‘Giovanni!’ His Giovanni had shrugged, a sort-of loping wolf motion of broad shoulders. Marsilio had taken Giovanni’s hands in his own and whispered that truly, association is what it is. If the worst were to happen, if the hot headed fools try anything, and if Marsilio is suspected of knowing too much then Giovanni will be suspected of knowing too much. ‘Lorenzo, the Medici one, knows what we are to each other and that we have no secrets,’ Marsilio said. ‘You must come with me to Figline.’ ‘Your sister wouldn’t have me in her house.’ ‘Fiorina can be talked into sense,’ Marsilio said thinking that what he meant is that Brogio can be talked into sense and he can bribe his wife into it as well. He tried a few more lines about Giovanni’s safety then about his own desire to have Giovanni with him, since the younger man seemed heedless of his own mortality, then he tried to tempt him with promises of going to Celle for a few weeks once Sebastiano had recovered and was out of danger where they could be alone which would be pleasant.
‘You’re going,’ Giovanni declared with finality. ‘Because you would go anyway, it’s your nephew who ails, and because I am making you. I will remain here and let you know what happens. If anything should happen. I’ll leave if I think the city is too hot for me. That I promise you.’ And Marsilio had reluctantly agreed to this, thinking that if anyone can slip out of a knife fight without being noticed it is his beautifully clever Giovanni. Cunning as anything, he is. Sometimes it causes Marsilio despair, for he worries over Giovanni’s soul since, at times, he can be perhaps too cunning for his own good. Yet, it is this self-same cleverness that keeps him alive and in government despite his sometimes rather obvious antipathy towards the Medici brothers. (Giovanni always says: Stop worrying about my soul. It’s fine. To which Marsilio replies, I cannot help it, I worry about those I love. And Giovanni tells him, I know my soul is safe because it is held in your soul and if God turns you away from heaven we are all of us lost. Therefore, I fear nothing in that regard. Marsilio thinks this a weak argument but never pursues it.)
I'm sure nothing crazy will happen in Florence while you're out of town Marsilio!! It's gonna be fiiiiine.
anyway, have some bits from The Magi wherein Giovanni tries to instill a sense of political expediency and cunning into Marsilio knowing, all the while, that it will never take.
Marsilio: but love! and acting on your best impulses!
Giovanni: they're politicians, honey, they don't believe in any of that.
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mkmoka · 7 months
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#HIIII and happy opening day to magickai! i’m lenny bringing you umeda moka (she/her, b. 2003) – she’s a new muse catered specifically to this verse, so i’m excited to start writing and developing her ☺️ check out her links here: about / biography (plz this is coming soon) and under the cut will be a rundown of her information. LIKE this post if interested in plotting, and i will be sliding into ur ims!!!!!!! ok. without further ado. let’s go.
moka is born on june 3, 2003 to magical lineage – her parents are both magi and so are many of her ancestors before her. she has an older sister, sora, so she’s the youngest in the family
growing up her parents were way more lenient with her than they were with sora bc sora was expected to be the heir and everything
girl sure did act like it too btwKWNDKEJDK she was way more loud and outspoken about her beliefs, thoughts, and feelings while moka was someone who would just. shut up and accept how things would go... not her best trait tbh but what can u do….
moka seemed a lot less motivated in life compared to other people growing up which is kinda sad bc ur like 13 girl why are u already so nonchalant about how ur future goes but i digress
sora always got more attention from people too. relatives, people who were interested in her, moka’s own classmates. moka never really minded however… bc she knew that she thrived in other areas
so we fast forward to when moka is 15 and sora is 17. sora wasn’t showing any signs of having any magical abilities at all so this was when she got more stressed as well as when their parents started putting their stress ON her… sora got meaner with her words and seemed more withdrawn during this time so this kind of strained the sisterly relationship they previously had where it was moka getting doted on
moka starts branching out during this year…. finds her passions and starts taking her hobby of volleyball more seriously, makes some good friends (some 4lifers prob)
in april, she comes into her powers of air manipulation and gets visited by an elder.
her companion is a hamster that looks like hamtaro strangely WNFMEJKEBSKD her name is yua and dont let her cuteness deceive u… shes always up to some shit..
an elder visiting moka made sora even MORE withdrawn from her like. and in blind rage she tried to kill moka like, she literally tried to kill her and this is the root of why moka seems so distant from everybody. this is when they come to terms that the magi gene probably skipped sora
in may, a month later, moka moves to korea to escape it all. her parents make her promise to keep what happened in april a secret, scared to seem like a broken family. they introduce her to their friends in jeju that allow her to stay with them
ofc she’s heard about lumera.. the people she stayed with encourage her to actually enroll in there and she studies her ass off for the written exam portion and since most of her parents circle are magi….. they help her out a lot regarding her powers. help her improve, help her find out what her limits and strengths are, help her with the evaluation section of the exam
she gets her acceptance letter in late june!!!! a few weeks after her birthday in a country she’s new to!!! yay!!! #Moka1stWin
now moka’s a sophomore and she majors in magical metaphysics and struggling with her own stress and trauma + controlling air manipulation bc it can be overwhelming sometimes… shes just a girl…
as for PERSONALITY….. she’s someone u have to get to know to love because her first impression isn’t that strong like. u’d just be like. “okay”. she’s distant and ends up hurting herself as well as other ppl in her process of retreat. moka is more shy and tbh i feel like she’d be a fun person to tease bc she wouldn’t be upset or do anything back just sit there. Probably embarrassed as hell probably would be like “uhhh” JWNFKSKDKNDJD
moka… needs… a friend… who she can open up to about everything. she’s dismissive at first so a muse that’s extroverted and encouraging to what she wants to do would be all she ever needs like. seriously. or an unlikely friends situation would be very cute too!!!! either way, this muse would have to sign an nda contract so that her parents don’t come for both her and them…
i feel like she needs somebody to see as a sibling here especially because she’s been lonely these days… someone she’s met since her first days at lumera and made her feel right at home somehow. moka is always looking after them to make sure that they’re not pushing themselves harder than they need to, too
people she gets off on the wrong foot with… like yeah her usual state might be idgaf-ism but she also needs some spice in her life…. this muse might’ve gotten frustrated at moka’s lack of ambition, and i feel like moka wouldn’t work well with those with too much of it, as well as cocky personalities
japanese childhood friends that drifted apart from each other and they recently get to reconnect.. how their friendship would look like now would be up to us :3
someone who’s been tutoring her korean. she’s advanced level at the language now because of highschool year determination and has been living in sk for like. a year but she would still appreciate help! maybe they met at korean literature club or smth
MOKA WORKS AT BUBBLING BOBA…. her regulars that she doesnt remember by name but by their boba order WLMDMSNDK if they end up meeting on campus she’s just gonna be like. “omg it’s you milk tea boba with 50% sweetness and light ice”
she’s still bitter abt being kicked out of volleyball club. so. friends she made at volleyball club that she now is “mad” at for stealing her position… friends she still plays volleyball with outside of the club.. etc etc
unrequited crushes that moka makes so obvious that she feels something for them yet she thinks it’s the opposite and is still “hiding” it like. and maybe this time she’s getting distanced from.. let’s see how she reacts to that.. LFMDJDJJS
in that same vein, old exes bc i feel like she wouldn’t be the best in a relationship 😭😭😭 i wanna explore her being guilty regarding it plus… i’m sure it’ll make fun threads!!!!
people to help her get on track, get her motivated with “saving the world” and everything else that has to do with it. moka will be like “uhhhhh” at first but at the end of the day she’ll be the most grateful
i also do prefer figuring things out 1 on 1 and bouncing off on each others ideas so.. let’s brainstorm!!! 🥹 i will appreciate all of the plots u hit me with 💓
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starres-stuff · 9 months
FFXIV Writes 2023 | Day 19 | Weal
After being stung by something in the yard Dimitri's Sister, Viviane takes care of the weal and gives him a lesson in the history of the War of the Magi at the same time.
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“What happened to you?” The question came the second he sat down on the front steps of the cottage, only it wasn’t Xixa who asked it, instead, it came in the familiar voice of his Sister who just happened to stop by.
“Stung by something,” Dimitri muttered, as he suspiciously looked around to make certain Xixa wasn’t about to join this conversation. “I was trying to get a piece of paper that blew out of my hand out of that area over there and next thing I know there’s a sharp pinch and something flies off angrily.”
With a soft sigh Viviane sat on the steps next to him and then pulled his arm into her hands “Let me look at it, how are you feeling? Any tightness in your throat? Any trouble breathing?” He let her have the arm without much of a fight and marveled as she searched the raised and reddened area for any signs of a stinger.
“I feel perfectly fine, that thing itches like mad.” It was now day four since he had arrived at the cottage to prepare for his woodsin cleansing and do some work around the cottage to prepare for him to move in, in a sennight or so from today. It had been one mini catastrophe after the other and he was ready to tell Vi to take her job back at this point.
“It’s called a weal,” she explained, looking up at him. “It can happen with sudden pressure, allergy, or as you have found out; bug bites. It was likely nothing deadly or you wouldn’t be sitting here talking to me but I can at least ease the swelling for you. There are some herbs in the garden we can crush into a paste just in case there is a stinger in there that will also help with the itching. You will be fine and even better once the cleansing is done.” Dimitri could feel the aether move around him, and then a very dedicated sense of ice focused down on the small swelling to relieve it.
“How did you learn to do that? Without a staff I mean? I have watched you do magic more than once and I cannot understand how it is that you don’t need a focus to do it.” This caused Viviane to look up at him, her eyebrow even arched a little. He never asked about her magic before, in fact, he always seemed like he feared her because of it.
“Tools aren’t as needed as people think they are.” She started to explain. “Sure if I used a staff as a foci I would have an even better focus than I already do, and sometimes I will use one most of the time I simply touch the aether I want and then just use it. I have thought for ages now that it was a system of checks and balances. A lot of things you cannot get unless you are a member of one of the Guilds or you know someone who knows someone.” After a few minutes of the direct cold, she removed her hand and placed his arm on his leg while she went to pick a few certain herbs from the Garden. Her voice carried back to him as she did.
“It is easier to control people when you make them all believe that they have to do this thing and if they do not they will never be what they want to be. What most do not see brother is that by going to the guild they are also turning their names in to be kept on record and accessed by anyone. It is a roster of who has what type of magic.” A leaf here, and a lead there fell into her hand as if the plants just gave willingly to her then she rose to head inside to make the paste she spoke of in the mortar and pestle that she had left for him to use.
“I do not quite understand why?” Dimitri replied standing up and then following her in the door at least today he did not end up with the door in his face. He also tried not to scratch the hell out of his arm while he waited, instead leaning on the wall by the front work area while she created the paste.
“Something changes in you.” Vi looked up for a moment, this had been the first real talk they had had in ages. Most of the time when they chatted it was they slapping each other with sarcasm and wit but this Dimitri was far more open than usual which she recognized as something she had gone through as well, the period of questioning that came from being exposed to the Elements, even though they rested.
“Your mind is opening to new possibilities, I admit I am proud. I know you don’t know Eorzean History as I do, but I attribute much of the need for control to the War of the Magi.” She continued on, working the herbs into a fine powder, then grabbed a few alchemical agents she left behind to mix in. “The War of the Magi involved the void mages from the City of Mhach, the Scholar from the Floating City of Nym, and the white mages of Amdapor. They were three extraordinary powers and there is not a single historian alive that knows why the war broke out.”
Dimitri found himself sitting there quietly, watching as she worked on the paste and listening intently to all she had to say. He had known for some time that his Sister was a Historian, that it had been her path since she was young like following in their Mother’s footsteps but what he never could grasp was why she often acted as if she knew nothing at all.
“The Jienuex Family is a descendent of a Researcher who was from the City of Mhach. This is nothing to be proud of Dimitri, and please never let it go to your head. The Mhachi people were ruthless and frivolous. While it was a War all sides were guilty of their crimes. The Mhachi were ruthless in their use of magic. They summoned things from the void without thought. They sent a creature to the Floating City that started the Green Death which resulted in the creation of toneberries and to Amdapor they sent Diabolos.'' Her face grew more and more serious as she recounted the tale, the paste thickening under her careful work with what appeared to be a stirrer made of wood and once she was happy with it she approached.
“The three sides together eventually tipped the balance of aether to that of water, causing the Sixth Umbral Calamity.” her head shook “They had been at it for centuries when it happened, generation after generation joining the fray. It was an abuse of ambient aether that caused it. The natural aether that touches us on all sides. Not the aether that we store within us.” giving a soft hum, Vi dipped her fingers into the paste and started packing it around the weal which had gotten angrier looking while she had been working on the medicine for it.
“It is my belief that because of this, when the Sixth Astral Era arrived the modern City-States rose from the wreckage of the Great Flood. They chose to manage magic in a different way, by making supplies hard to get and registration with the Guilds the only way to make the connections to get them for you. The exception was Ishgard who simply focused on educating any and all who managed to make it in the door of the Scholasticate. There is no access to the Guilds there, and I cannot see there ever being. Last I knew there wasn’t even a representation of them there. I am like Mother, a Thaumaturge. My years in captivity with the Lambs taught me ways to use my magic that require me only to be present in my body. It is terrifying Dimitri even to one who has it.”
Scooping the last of the paste from the small bowl she had placed it, she instilled a chill into it with her aether to keep it cool and then began to clean up after herself. Whispers of thanks to the sleeping elements ringing in Dimitri’s ears as she did.
“So in many ways, it is like Sharlayan then?” It had been something he thought about a lot lately, the way the people of the Island were raised, the training they went through. The lack of uniqueness and white walls everywhere. It was cleansed, pristine, and in the outside world he had come to realize it was quite strange.
“In a way I suppose. I do not know much history of your culture or the Island. They have done well to obscure much of it and they tend not to share much which keeps us Historians from analyzing records and data for truth. It is also not proper to just guess that is how information becomes corrupted.” She looked at him for a long moment, then offered him a bit of a smile.
“I do recommend not going back there, however, it sounds like you have lived in a cult for twenty-eight years. Either do as you are told or suffer the Forum's wrath. That is what it felt like being one of the Lambs, especially as I got older. I was not allowed to be anyone but who they told me to be. The thing you have to realize is not all cults are interested in ending the world. Some just want to control people.”
Something on her brother’s face made her stop speaking, her eyes widened for a moment and then she returned to her cleaning. Letting the silence of the cottage wash over both of them.
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nordictwin · 5 months
#8 for the fanfic new years asks please?
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Kind of? I have a lot more story ideas than what I share, and for wildly different fandoms.
What would really take some bravery in me, though, is branching away from fandom and going into my original stuff. I've posted a little bit, thanks to writing prompts, but I'd really like to show off some of the things, I've been cooking up in my brain.
Will it be this year? I don't know. My plan was to do a "pilot chapter" of sorts in 2023, but life put a brick wall in the way of that.
But what I can do is tell you a little bit about it.
Introducing: Soul Bound.
Soul Bound is the tale of two twin sisters, Sola and Luna, who traverse a vast and wonderful world together. With their entire lives stored up in their magical carriage, they journey from city to city and visit all sorts of strange countries and states, in this world of magical steampunk. But why are they on this journey? For pleasure, for work? Are they on a quest, or is the journey the goal in itself? You'll learn all this and more in Soul Bound.
The sisters:
Sola is the oldest of the duo and is a Magical Engineer (magi-neer) doing her journeyman years. She travels from place to place, looking for work and learning all sorts of new techniques and methods along the way. She loves travelling, but for the love of all that is holy, don't let her be in charge of the map. This girl has no sense of direction and is more likely to somehow set the map on fire than actually read it.
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Next up is Luna, the younger twin. As an alchemist, Luna spends her days sleeping or reading in the back of their carriage and her nights working on potions, medicines, and trying to transmute metals. She's the quieter of the two, often disappearing into her own mind, thinking of who knows what. She's better with a map than Sola, but has a bad habit of trusting her sister to actuall follow her instructions. Some day she'll learn... but not today.
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The girls' images are made with this picrew.
That's about what I'm willing to share at the moment! These two are near and dear to my heart, and I have a dream that some day... some day, you'll be able to find their story in bookshops.
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crewman-penelope · 1 year
The seven sisters
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Warning : mature, chauki mythology, historically not fully correct, lower saxony history, human sacrifice, mention of cannibalism
1. The full moon with the seven sisters
The seven sisters sat in the sky the night Wolfmar's sister was born. A full moon accompanied them to illuminate the whole village beneath them.
His muda's screams wailed through the shadows, and no prayers and no magi could help her.
The men sat at the bonfire in front of the longhouse, staring into the flames and ignoring the screams.
If the magi couldn't help, no one could.
Wolfmar's fadder, the gray bearded high-man of the tribe, carved with jittery gesture on the piece of wood in his hand. Wodans rune and numbers - and Wolfmar wonders for a moment, why his father chose this sign. He would had tried to call to Fraia. He wasn't his fadder, though, but a boy of 12 winters, not yet allowed to hunt. So he was nothing.
The screams from the magi house stopped so abruptly, that the echo rung in their ears for some moment, until Wolfmar's father eventually gathered, that his woman had yielded.
The men around the fire threw nervously glances at each other. Silence was a bad sign. Always.
Wolfmar watched his fadder's hands cramping around the piece of wood. He let it fallen abruptly as he jumped up. Wolfmar followed his example, facing his fadder.
Not meeting his eyes, the high-man gestured into the shadows.
“Go to her. Look, what the magi has for us. Report.”
“Yes, tain.”
Wolfmar took a branch out of the fire to walk into the darkness to the maggis house. The stillness - the absolute stillness pressed on his ears like a cloth.
He didn't want to see, nor to hear what the magi has to say. His muda's screams have told him the worst already.
He was relieved as he was greeted by the magi at the door steps. She held a bundle of wool in her left arm, what moved solemnly. Wolfmar could hear some unfamiliar but curious noises. Good noises. He inhaled calm out and looked questioning. He dared not to ask. It was never good to question a magi or a seeing kind. It was sometimes the worst to know too much.
The magi placed the bundle into Wolfmar's arms.
“Careful, boy. She's alive. Tell the tain to take Silda as a milk woman.”
What made sense. Frowe Silda had just lost her little one, she must have still milk.
“I send someone to dig.”, Wolfmar heard his own voice, dull and emotionless. “The ground his hard.”
He turned back into the night, wandered back to the bonfire. His fadder knew by the look of his face.
They needed three men to dig a grave for his muda. Morning Clouds hid the sisters, as they were finished.
The next day the grave was snow covered.
2. The one sister
Aldaga was a sunshine.
Her whole, round face was beaming in joy, no matter the situation. Her eyes funnily narrowed, as if she had to focus so very hard to see, her giggle loud and silly, she was able to soften the hearts of every member of the tribe.
His fadder was thrilled to find out that she was blessed by fraia, she was the everyday joy and warmth, and oh! She was clever on her own terms.
Yes, Aldaga was in some tasks slow and dimwitted. The magi told him early one Aldaga was no frowe to hand for a man, nor to be with child herself. She was for the gods. So she became their tribe deity.
She was the one who got dressed in the fine's wool pieces, she was to wear shoes, filled with down feathers. Her shoulders were decked with fur, and her light hair every week fresh braided and salved.
Every time Wolfmar's eyes felt on his sister, his stomach tickled. He knew his duty. The first time he was allowed to hunt, he killed a deer, so young and still full of muda milk. The sweet flesh was Aldaga's treat. Aldaga in her special wisdom shared with the magi, and the magi shared with the tribe.
The frowen of the tribe cut and boiled, salted it in stribes and let it dry for the winter.
Together with the daily cereal oatmeal, mixed with mushrooms and herbs, it warmed the whole village for the winter.
Sometimes Aldaga staid with the magi for some days, hiding in the house. Singing and drinking magi's frowe tea. Sometimes they wandered in the forest, eating rare mushrooms and collect healing roots.
“We spoke to the Reineke, Wolfmar.”, Aldaga told him after such times. “Can you guess what he told me!?”
He never guessed right. Aldaga never told. Sometimes she whispered nonsense in his ear, silly sing sang of laughing trees and singing flowers. No member of the tribe would spoil their time with such nonsense, but when Aldaga told them, they listened. Especially when it was a cold winter night, with howling wind and frozen roofs.
The winter were the hardest. The older Wolfmar became, the longer staid the cold. So it felt, at least for Wolfmar. Sometimes, when the Blizzard catched the longhouses, the frost crashed a roof, and the ice-cold wind blew out the fire places inside the houses, Wolfmar wished the time was close. Nevertheless, it wasn't his call. The tain and the magi will know.
3. The seven sisters in half moon
The magi called for him a night before the longest one.
One night. Only one night to understand it was the last.
"Aldaga is in her age, too soon she will get visited by the moon. She had to leave before that.”, the magi explained to him. He didn't understand.
She sat him down, giving him the instruction for the ceremony he had to master.
He wasn't asked to do so. He was ordered.
Like his fadder, the tain, had ordered him to the magi at Aldaga birth night.
“You brought her out of the night into the tribe. You will bring her back where she belongs.”
He had to do as the tain tell him.
The magi was kind, holding his hands and caressing along his palm, as she explained to him what to do.
She hugged him afterwards, handed him the knife and told him to send Aldaga to her tomorrow.
To Wolfmar's surprise, he was allowed to stay and to watch the cleansing.
He didn't know what to do with his eyes, while Aldaga slipped out of her clothes.
Her plump body, well-fed and sunny, got a rub with fresh snow and warmed up salve, before the magi dressed her up in a new gown. It was too light for the last winter days, fine sheep wool and goatskin. The trim of her neckline was embroided, reminding Wolfmar of a hand-fast gown.
He watched fascinated the flying fingers of the magi, combing Aldagas hair until it shined like copper. He could not gather how fast the magi braided the now shining hair in small, evenly braids, who got creamed with a sweetly smelling salve. At last, the magi decorated Aldagas thick fingers with bronze rings.
The result was breathtaking.
Aldaga twirled in the shine of the fire, laughing excites.
“Am I fair, Wolfmar? Am I a bride?”, she laughed excited and danced silly.
And she was.
Her light hair braided and knotted into a crown, the dress of a tribe princess, she was ready to hand fast with the gods.
“Fraia will welcome her sister.”, the magi hummed. Wolfmar agreed with a full, but heavy heart.
“Don't wait too long.”, she spoke firmer and gave Wolfmar a knowing glance.
Wolfmar's throat was tight, so he just nodded and rose.
Holding a hand up, he waited, until Aldaga took it of her own.
It was important that she came willingly.
Aldaga, excited and smiling - beamingly smiling, always smiling - followed keen.
The cave wasn't this far. Half an hour through the night.
However, the entrance was small by purpose.
One has to get on his knees to enter the holly. Knowing, that this place was the front hall to the gods, Aldaga and Wolfmar crawled solemn inside.
He heard his sister chuckle.
“Look! More light!”
She was right. A light hole, far up in the ceiling, send the milken light of the half moon on the way. It illuminated the small and narrow way to the well, what were their destination.
Wolfmar found himself shivering, even that the surrounding walls were embracing him kindly. He could feel the handle of the knife pocking in his side.
Aldaga stopped in front of him so abruptly, he nearly pushed her forward. They had arrived the well.
He was grateful not to see her face now, while Aldaga sat laborious up, her legs hanging over the rim of the well.
“What is down there?”, she asked so innocently, Wolfmar thought a moment to run.
With her, to the next post. There was one, half a day, filled with strangers in shiny metal and rasp voices.
A second later, he dismissed his idea. That was a stupid thought! Was living under the Stranger as slaves better than to live under the will of the gods? How silly!
He crawled closer, resting his chin on his sister's shoulder.
“This is the way home.”, he whispered. The strong scent of the hair salve bite in his nose.
“Your real home.”
“Is muda there?”, Aldaga whispered, her voice suddenly small.
Wolfmar was able to see half her face, wide eyes and unsureness in her expression.
“Yes. You go and walk with her and fraia. And next spring, you come back. Promise?”
Aldaga laughed out. Her face a sunny beam again.
“Of course, Wolfmar!”
This was the moment he used the knife.
He was quick like a hunter, ending his prey. The blade smoothed clean and deep. A swall of blood, like a water cascade, floated out of Aldaga's throat.
Her eyes became empty, and silently she toppled over the rim of the well.
It was low enough to hear the impact.
He didn't know how he got out of the cave. He found himself out of it, sitting beside his steaming puke.
Deeply inhaling, he looked up to the sisters. His teary eyes tricked him for a second and the seven sisters had become eight. And maybe that was not an illusion at all.
Eventually he made his way back to the village, crying alone in the dark, because he was not allowed to cry in front of the tribe.
Next year, they will come back, everybody, to visit Aldaga.
They will use the magi's path and break the bones and eat together.
Next year, they will share and be close to the gods, thanking them for the warmth.
This was his only solace.
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eclecticcrafting · 6 months
A Stranger's Offer
Roxanne Stone, a Magi woman, has never left her hometown of Kore. Feeling trapped and wanting to look for something better than what Kore could offer, she starts to seek a way out.
Oliver Tull comes from the big city of Dorath, having left after his sister's death to become a doctor in the small town of Kore.
As Oliver and Roxanne start dancing along the lines of romance, Oliver needs to go back to Dorath for a family affair. Promising to return, Oliver leaves for Dorath. In his absence, Roxanne is offered an opportunity to leave her small town for an adventure.
A mysterious old man looks to recruit adventures to locate and obtain the Three Objects of Power, Roxanne quickly volunteers and is joined by her lifelong best friend, Azmi, and Oliver's clinic clerk, Petra. When Oliver catches wind of the journey, he comes along for the ride for himself.
The first Object of Power is located, but with it comes some serious family secrets for Roxanne.
Part 1 - Harvest Party - Roxanne's POV
Length: 8157 words
Silk-like fabric ran over my skin as I swam my way through the kelly-green dress. I fussed with the mess of fabric until I found one sleeve, then the second, then the neckline. As soon as I could see again I smoothed the fabric against me and looked myself over in the mirror. I reminisced over why this was my favorite party dress: the vibrant satin shined as I moved, and the sleeves were gentle on my shoulders and came to just above my elbows. The V-shaped neckline rested at the top of my bust without exposing too much. The waistline of the dress sat nicely at my natural waist. As I looked at myself, I gathered handfuls of the skirt and turned too-and-fro in the mirror. The swish of the skirt was delightful, and I spun in a circle just to feel the skirt pull out at its length.
"Perfect," A giddy smile stretched across my face as I smoothed the fabric back into place.
Quickly, I finished the look. I gathered my nude dancing heels, brushed my hair and pulled it half back, and donned a rose quartz necklace. The look was simple, and simple is what I liked best for the Harvest Party.
I placed my hands on my stomach and focused on my breathing, I felt like I was fluttering. There weren't many social events in Kore and this was the biggest one, most of the town's young adults would be present to celebrate the large harvest the town had. Ol' Man Murphy cleans out his barn every year to let the young adults have a space and mingle with each other. The Count had large parties that he opened for all, but this party was different - it was for us specifically, without the pressure to impress the community.
A brisk knock sounded on my door and Darien popped into the room. He had his dark brown hair pushed back away from his face, he wore a simple purple dress shirt and light pants. The musk scent that wafted in after him made me suspicious – he never wore anything like it.
Darien looked at me and chuckled lightly to himself as he crossed his arms, "are you expecting to get whisked away tonight?"
"I suppose I could ask you the same question," I said as I waved my hand in front of my nose.
Darien tucked his nose into his collar and gave a quick sniff, "you're fine," I told him as I walked past him into the hall, "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes, I think so," he smoothed his shirt down as he walked more into the apartment himself, "Do you know if Jackson is going?"
We turned briefly to look at the door that was across from mine, I shrugged in response and went to knock on his door. "Jack?" I called.
The door swung open as soon as I knocked. I stepped back from the door and pulled my fist into my chest from the sudden surprise. Jackson had a wide smile and some of his blond locks fell into his face. He took a few strides towards the stairs leading to the shop. Once he was far enough from us, he did a causal spin with arms held wide. He was dressed in a light blue button-down shirt and similar light pants to Darien.
"I have gone every year I could go, I am not missing one just yet," Jackson chuckled and was ready to lead us out.
Together the three of us descended the steps and entered our family's shop. The shop was lit with a few floating orbs, mostly concentrated in a corner. I looked to see our mother kneeling on the floor reshelving some books. Her blonde hair pulled back in a messy top knot.
She heard us approaching the front door, and she looked up from her perch, "heading out?" she asked as she used her wrist to wipe at her face, her fingertips blackened with dust and dirt.
"Yes, ma'am," Jackson responded, he opened the door for us, the shop bell chiming in response.
"Well, have fun, and come home in one piece!" She waved and went back to her project.
Once I was fully in the night air, my skin started to pucker as the night was already brisk from the setting of the autumn sun. I clutched my hands around my arms and waited for my brothers to gather.
"Cold, Anne?" Darien asked as Jackson shut the door behind him, "You can still grab your coat."
"No, I will just end up leaving it," I shrugged, "plus I am sure I won't miss it as the night goes on."
"Anne, you don't need to be bringing anyone home just to warm up, that is quite rude honestly," Jackson said in a dry tone as he looked up the road.
I started walking, my brothers following suit, "I really don't think anyone that I bring home would complain too much," I said flipping my hair off my shoulder and then giving Jackson a cool glance.
"Right, right, says the spinster still living at home with her mother," Jackson teased back, this caused Darien and I to both start busting out laughing at his audacity.
Up the road, there were a few other well-dressed individuals walking to the farmlands. A few couples, a few women grouped together, and a few single men nervously trotted along.
As we walked, we passed by the medical clinic in town. Locking the door was a tall man dressed in a white shirt and black pants. His red curls glistened in the moonlight. When he turned, he was carefully tucking his keys in his pocket and looked up to see Jackson waving him down.
"Oi, Doc, are you coming out this year?" Jackson called out.
Oliver laughed a little and called in kind, "Yes I am! I think after three years, it's time." We stopped walking as Oliver walked to us, "Is it okay if I walk with you? I am afraid that I may get lost without some help."
Jackson looked over Darien and me, "Of course, Oliver, Magi are always happy to help a friend," Darien smiled, putting a hand in his pocket, and started walking again. Jackson and I fanned out a little to envelop Oliver in our group.
Oliver glanced down at me and I noticed one of his eyebrows raise in response. Oliver smiled a little and looked away. I felt a flush cross my cheeks from his smile, it was a soothing feeling, but I started to feel a flutter in me rise again. I cleared my throat with a small cough, the noise seemed to catch Oliver's attention as he turned to look at me briefly.
"Has it really been three years in Kore for you?" I asked as we walked.
"Yes! I can hardly believe it." Oliver said.
The road up ahead was getting denser with attendees, all the childless or unwed young adults of our little community. As we passed, men and women glanced our way. Some with friendly waves and hellos, others with cautious awe. Our family was the only family of Magi in Kore, there were two other individuals who were vastly different in personality but were both reclusive in nature. Our family was the only one that made regular appearances and participation in the community.
Oliver was from a bigger city and was most likely more exposed to more Magi, though I never had gotten much of a chance to ask him about it. When he first moved here, he did receive some suspicion of being a Magi himself since he was an herbalist and associated with our family frequently.
As we neared the barn, music could faintly be heard in the air. The fence posts had ribbons and lights leading the way. The people that were on the road with us were getting antsy, and some started skipping and trotting up the path. I looked at my brothers, Jackson had kept his pace steady and was looking around as he walked along. Darien was obviously scanning the crowd.
I wasn't sure who he was looking for, he usually kept his affections private. To see him excited to meet with someone was refreshing as he normally just worked around the shop. Darien scanned and scanned, with a slight downward pull in his smile as he kept going.
Suddenly, Darien shot his arm up and started waving at someone. Soon I could see a small-framed brunette jumping up and down in the crowd, two thin arms waving excitedly.
"I have to go, you two are on your own this year!" Darien said as he ran off to greet this girl in a purple dress who stepped away from her own group to wait for him.
I looked to Jackson, who had the same puzzled look on his face as Darien (who was the most responsible and even-keel of the three of us) took off to wrap his arm around an unnamed girl.
"We won't bother him," Jackson gave a stern warning.
I looked to Oliver who had raised an eyebrow at me, I then returned the same eyebrow raise to Jackson, "We won't bother him tonight" I rephrased.
"Correct," A mischievous look ran across Jackson's face, "tomorrow is fair game."
The three of us continued walking towards the barn. Oliver was taller than most of the crowd here, unfortunately for me I was a little on the shorter side of the population. Jackson wasn't much shorter than Oliver, so I depended on the two of them to help navigate through the crowd.
"So, is all of this about the harvest?" Oliver asked as he worked on picking a path through the crowd.
"Mostly, once the harvest is finished, the community comes together to celebrate a job well done, but it is also a night that men will shoot their shots with women, women will turn them down, people get drunk and others dance until their feet are blistered." Jackson jabbed a thumb at me, "They nicknamed this event 'the Ballroom of Romance' as it is many times over the night that people get together, or engaged, or something."
"There is nothing like this in Dorath," Oliver said in awe.
"Well, even with the Count's parties, this is nothing in comparison. Think: for the people by the people," Jackson fanned out his hands with every word of his last statement.
"Usually, the three of us stay somewhat together, you are welcome to stay with us if you want some familiar faces," I offered. I had been watching Oliver soak this all up, he was in utter amazement as we reached the barn.
Inside, the ceilings were high and the building was fairly large even for a barn. In the center, there was a large wooden dance floor with people moving in sync with the music. A band with fiddles, flutes, and lutes, all of it was filling the space with beautiful music. There were many people around talking and laughing, there was food and drink offered at the other end of the barn.
Across the way, I saw a familiar white fluff bobbing between people towards us. Jackson saw the friend coming towards us and looked at me, I met his gaze, and he flicked his eyes to Oliver and back to me. I furrowed my brow at him.
Are you here with Azmi this year? Jackson's voice entered my mind. It was a bit louder than I was expecting as it was like he was talking at his normal volume right into my ear.
No, I am not, I'm stag this year. I thought back at him. Jackson shifted his attention to Oliver.
"I am going to grab a drink, would you like to come with me, Oliver?" Jackson asked.
Oliver seemed startled by the shift in attention, but he collected quickly, "You know what, yes, I could use a drink after this week," Oliver laughed and followed Jackson to the refreshment table.
As they left, a burst of energy popped out of the crowd and swept me up in a hug. I had muscular arms around my waist and the room spun in my vision as I was swung around.
I let out a quick squeal as I heard a joyous voice, "Annie! I am so glad to see you here!" I was set down, and I was greeted with a large smile. The man in front of me had white curly hair and matching lashes, tan almond skin, and purple eyes melted as they looked at me. Azmi was back from his travels just in time for the Harvest Party.
Azmi was one of the two individual Magi in Kore, he lived closer to the forest than the town. He had been a permanent fixture in my life as my parents took him in as much as he would let them - he had no parents of his own but was much like a stray cat that loved his independence. Azmi always found comfort with my family, but as he grew older, he traveled often, for longer and longer periods of time. He never really mentioned what he traveled for, but he would either come back with interesting stories or fascinating gifts.
To see him here at the Harvest Party was a rare treat, as he never had rushed to come back for specific events.
"You're back!" I said as I gripped his shoulders. His smile was softened, and he gave me a peck on the forehead.
"I am glad I was able to make it because you look fantastic!" He said, "I almost didn't make it in time either, I had met some other Magi on the road and stayed with them for a while."
"You need to tell me all about it!" I begged, then the music changed to something lively, causing Azmi to grab my hand.
"I will later!" He led me to the dance floor.
Quickly, we found some space and assumed a position as we have many times before. Our palms met between us at shoulder height, Azmi's free hand behind his back, and mine held my skirt to exaggerate the swing as we orbited around each other. We switched to opposite hands around waists and rotated in the opposite direction. Azmi took my hand and spun me out, then back to him. Bringing me close enough that I could feel his chest rising with every breath.
In unison, all the dancing pairs matched our movements to the temp of the song. Flowing dresses, laughter and smiles, the crowd moved together in the folk dance. We never looked away from each other, sure in our movements.
In Azmi's face, I could see his excitement to be back. We had not seen each other for roughly three months this time, but it was as if there was never any distance. I never had my heart set on seeing him at this event, as he is like an ocean tide - he will go but he will always eventually come back.
The band brought the song to a close and all the dancers paused to applaud them. I turned to Azmi who was already watching me with a broad smile.
"I'm going to find Jackson," I told him, "We have Dr. Tull joining us tonight,"
Azmi's expression shifted from pure joy to a strained polite smile, "Dr. Tull? I never thought he could break away from his work long enough to have some fun," Azmi's voice was cool.
"Be nice, Azmi," I warned, "It is his first time out, we want to show him a good time."
Azmi didn't say another word but clasped his hands behind his back and walked with me off the floor. Nearby I saw Jackson and Oliver.
"Where is Darien?" Azmi questioned, his fluffy white hair bouncing as he swiftly looked over the room while we approached.
"Darien apparently had a secret date tonight," Jackson said, taking a sip of wine.
"Oh?" A sly grin snuck onto Azmi's face, "I think I need to find my old friend and let him know that I have returned with amazing stories of my most recent travels!" The bravado in his voice was thick, he then disappeared into the crowd.
The three of us watched him leave, weaving in and out of people. "You may as well have released a snake in a bird's nest," I told Jackson when I could no longer see Azmi.
Jackson didn't respond, but he took another sip from his glass. Oliver being the tallest, had the best vantage point of seeing Azmi hunt through the crowd for Darien.
After a long moment, Oliver stopped watching and turned to me. I just noticed that he had two glasses when he started to hand me one.
"Here, Rox," He gave me a glass that was half full of white wine. The scent was sweet, slightly tangy, and familiar.
I thanked Oliver and took a sip; the distinct flavor of snowberry wine was strong in my mouth and the tang radiated down my body as I swallowed.
"I didn't know you danced!" Oliver said.
"I don't get to often," I continued sipping the wine, "But I will when I get the chance!"
"Well, you are fantastic and a marvel to watch," Oliver's words were seamless, but he blushed at what he said just a second later.
"I mean... You really show grace... and enthusiasm... and you could obviously dance well and could easily find a place in a royal court if you wanted to and" Oliver was sputtering. Jackson just watched as Oliver's obvious horror of not being able to stop continued to grow, Oliver kept rambling making Jackson cough to hide his laughter. Oliver's complexion had started to turn bright red, enough to match his hair. His words had tumbled out of his mouth like eggs falling out of a basket.
"Oliver," I said sternly and he quickly stopped talking, I softened my expression "Thank you, it means a lot,"
When he had quieted I asked him a question in turn, "Do you dance at all yourself?"
"No, not much. I mean sometimes, on my travels I learned a thing or two but I feel I mostly have two left feet." Oliver responded quickly then took a long drink - draining his glass.
"I will be right back," Oliver said and nearly ran away. Once Oliver was out of earshot, Jackson turned to me.
"I think he likes you," Jackson teased, nudging me with his elbow.
I brushed Jackson away from me, "Or he could just be nervous about being out of his element," I snapped and took a drink from my glass. Out of nowhere, a young man I have seen around town a few times approached us.
"Um, Miss Roxanne, may I have this dance?" His voice was smooth and he offered his hand to me.
I agreed and handed off my glass to Jackson. He made a face when I handed off the glass, but I just waved in response as I was led back to the wooden dance floor.
Once again, all the dancers moved together. My current partner was nothing like Azmi. He had tugged me this way and that - showing that he was a lead dancer that didn't have complete trust in my ability to follow.
At the end, we clapped and parted ways again. I scanned for Jackson and saw that he had moved to talk with some peers of his. Oliver was out to the side, sitting on a hay bale that was laid out as makeshift seating. There were a few people having polite conversations with him, but his body language showed that he was not completely invested.
I walked to Oliver and as I approached, he perked up. "Did Jackson leave you to your own devices?" I questioned. Oliver politely stood up as I neared.
"Oh no, my former colleague called me over, apparently a few from Dorath made it out this way as well," Oliver said as a blond man with a bushy beard nodded at me.
"Former colleague from Dorath? That is quite the trip just for our little town," I reached out my hand to shake the colleague's, who gave a firm squeeze in return.
"Yes, well, I was traveling near and decided to make the trip," His voice sounded gravelly as he spoke, "The name is Doctor Arthur Muller. And you are quite divine on the dance floor, Miss...?"
"Roxanne Stone," I introduced myself, "and thank you,"
"Always welcome, Miss Stone," There was a smile in his voice and eyes but it was hidden under his beard, "Perhaps I may be able to steal a dance myself?"
"Perhaps, though I was saving the next one for our good doctor," I smiled at Oliver and placed my hand on his arm. Oliver's face started to blush again and his smile was uneasy. He looked down his long Roman nose at the floor to avoid meeting my eyes.
"But of course, I would hate to steal away what the 'good doctor' has been waiting for," the man gave Oliver a slap on the shoulder, "before the night is through, I hope" Then he walked away from us.
"Rox, you could have just told him no," Oliver nervously chuckled.
"I know," I said as I took the cup out of his hand and set it down on the bale. I looped my arm through Oliver's and led him to the floor with a small amount of resistance.
"I was curious as to what that 'thing or two' you learned was," I told him as we started to find a place on the floor.
Oliver's mouth opened and promptly shut as I stopped us just shy of the center of the dance floor. He carefully looked at his fellow dancers and assumed the same position: one hand on my waist and the other holding my hand. I gently placed my free hand on his shoulder, without the dancing heels his shoulder was as far as I came up to him. Being this close to him, the foot-height difference felt very obvious. His hand was lightly trembling as he held mine, and the hand that was on my waist was barely there.
The dancers around us galloped around the perimeter of the floor, Oliver worked to keep pace as we dipped our torsos high and low. Soon, we stopped and he grabbed my hand so I could spin out. He tugged me back, I stopped with him behind me and my arms crossed over my chest. He bobbed to either side of me and I turned in kind to meet him, keeping time to the music. We turned out and rotated around each other, with clasped hands up. My free hand was at my skirt and his behind his back. I turned into him and he clasped me to his side and spun with me.
We continued to dance the rest of the song with more ease. He relaxed and let me move with confidence. It was clear he was a natural at this. As he moved more he let his guard down and watched me more.
I saw his nerves melt away as we danced, and his face was lit up with joy and confidence. The more I watched him, the more I studied his features. His eyes were the same color as cobblestones in the sunshine. His face was long with a well-defined jaw that tapered to an almost point. His nose was long, thin, and the bridge of his nose was slightly arched. His hair was short on the sides and back, with the length mostly on top, with his hair parted towards the right. The length of his hair naturally fell over his right eye. His sideburns ran long against the sides of his face. His skin was creamy in color, and the pale color exposed his emotions way too easily.
Never have I really looked at Oliver, he was gorgeous in his own right. I could feel his broad shoulders and muscular chest under my hand. I could feel his warmth, strength, and steadiness in his hands on me. This was the first time we really touched beyond handing the other something. There was electricity with how we moved together - at first we stumbled a little, but now we are gliding together more seamlessly than Azmi and I ever did.
The song ended and we applauded the band again. Oliver had a large smile spread across his face.
"It has been years since I danced like this," Oliver's smile was large enough he closed his eyes in pure joy. "Thank you, Roxanne,"
"No two left feet to be found," I said as nudged him, "but anytime at all, Oliver." I smiled in return. He looked down at my hand that was now on his arm and met my eyes.
"Perhaps I could steal you for one more," Oliver's expression was purposeful and courageous. Nothing like the blushing mess he had been just moments before. His gaze was hot as he stared me down. Now I felt my own cheeks alight with heat, and my heart fluttered. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I was wordless.
Everyone if you so wish I thought but couldn't bring myself to say.
I swallowed, "Yes, of course," I smiled at him. His eyes were intense and I couldn't pull away. When I agreed he softened and took my hand.
We danced swiftly to the next song, and neither of us worried about the other's movements. We smiled and laughed. I got to see the carefree side of the studious doctor. I grew to appreciate the feeling of him picking me up and swinging me as we danced. His hands were becoming familiar despite our height difference there was no struggle for us to match each other. Oliver was slowly becoming bolder with his movements, but the song had ended right when he was getting started.
"Do you want something to drink?" Oliver asked as we finished dancing to the current song. There was a certain ease to him now.
"Yes please," I said, Oliver then started to offer his elbow to me, but there was a hitch of hesitation. It seemed as if his nerves started to surface again. The scarlet started to return to his face and he looked ahead as he put his arm back to his side.
Assertively, I laced my arm through his as we walked off the floor. I looked up and could see the blush creep into his ears and he tucked his elbow closer to his body but not so much to signal me to let go. He stared straight ahead as we walked to the refreshments. Once we reached the table, he handed me a plain cup filled halfway with snowberry wine. He grabbed one for himself as well, then led us to a free bale of hay to sit at.
Once I was seated, I took a long sip of the wine. It was a little warmer now, but still very sweet. The flavor hit my tongue and I savored the tanginess. I took a deep breath and looked at Oliver.
He was stiff and awkward next to me. I noticed that one of the buttons on his shirt had been undone. His white skin showed as well as some subtle tufts of red chest hair to poke through. The skin was tight and hinted at his muscular structure. I sucked a breath in and averted my gaze.
I traced my finger over the rim of my cup, not knowing what to say to him. Still searching for words, I took another long sip.
"So..." I started as I removed the cup from my lips, "Why did you decide to come out this year?" I asked.
"Hmm?" Oliver hummed, "Oh, I heard so many people come through the clinic talking about it over the last three years, it just felt like it was time to go," Oliver gave a small chuckle before continuing. "When you were passing the Clinic, I was still trying to decide if I was going to go or not. So when Jackson invited me to join, it felt like a sign."
"Well, I am glad that you joined us," I said and I - awkwardly - placed my hand on his forearm. Oliver gave me a soft look, his hair had fallen a little, fiery red curls veiling his right eye, making his gaze a little more intense. I felt heat rising in me again, my ears tingling and I felt my palms starting to sweat. I removed my hand from him and finished my glass.
When I finished my drink, I felt warm and a little wobbly.
"There you are!" Azmi's voice called, I heard Oliver sigh a little as Azmi came to me, Oliver's hair swayed a little as he turned to watch Azmi almost skip up to us, with a purposeful expression.
"Pardon me, Dr. Tull, I am going to steal Anne for a dance," Azmi said as he grabbed my hand before I could say a word. Azmi pulled me up from my seat and led me away. I looked over my shoulder to cast a glance back to Oliver who I exchanged a puzzled look.
As Azmi and I passed through I locked eyes with Jackson. I nodded my head back to Oliver, hoping he understood.
The song that was played was slower and more intimate. As Azmi and I joined the floor, He wrapped his arm around the small of my back and held my hand firmly in a gentle grip. His purple eyes watched me intensely as I assumed my own posture with my arm around his shoulder. Azmi leaned in to whisper in my ear, drawing himself closer to me.
"I know who Darien is with," There was an uptick in his voice, hinting at a smile.
"Who is it," my question was rushed.
"Her name is Sarah, she is traveling from Sorsa to a different city up north with her parents. They are taking a week's rest here before resuming travel. She said they were seeking safe haven with a distant relative of sorts."
"Where is Sorsa?"
"It's a coastal city, very southeast of here," Azmi took a quick pause, "It's quite nice there, you would love it."
"I still need to travel with you eventually,"
"Yes! I haven't forgotten. I am just trying to find a great spot for your first excursion with me." Azmi's voice got low and his arm around me a little tighter.
"Rox," Azmi started as he turned us, something longing in his voice. As we turned though, I saw Darien on the floor with the girl that he ran off with.
"Is that her?" I asked, but Azmi didn't answer right away. He turned us so he could see what I was talking about.
"Yes," Azmi whispered back. I turned us around so I could really get a better look.
Darien had an expression I have never seen. He was gazing down at her, his hand posture was gentle and polite. He had an easy, lopsided smile and his green eyes never shifted from her.
Sarah had long mousy brown hair that was pulled back with a ribbon headband. Her dress was layered, purple on top but the top layer split down the middle to expose a flowing white skirt.
Before I could really study her face, Azmi turned us again. "Don't be suspicious," He whispered, turning his face more into my ear.
"What does her family do?"
"I believe she said her family farmed but their lands were destroyed which is why they are moving."
"How much longer is she here?"
"Maybe about two more days?"
"How did she meet D?"
"She apparently came into the shop one day, he was working the counter, and he gave her a protection charm."
"Really?" I hummed, this tidbit made me wrack my memory for when he was working the counter recently, as I may have crossed her path too. "How did you get this information?" I turned my face more into Azmi to playfully question him.
He laughed and pulled away from me a little to look at me, "I stole a dance because I knew D would be too nice to stop me," Azmi had a mischievous tone to his voice.
He knew that my brothers and I were sticklers for most polite conventions, particularly in public spaces. Our parents reminded us as we grew up that we could be looked at differently due to being Magi, it was important to put the best foot forward. Darien was the one that took it most to heart.
"This is why I keep you around," I winked at Azmi.
The band ended the song, and the crowd broke away from the dance floor as the band readied for the next set. I grabbed Azmi by the arm and walked through the crowd buzzing to find Jackson.
By this point, my head and eyes were feeling fuzzy between the wine and dancing. I was still coherent enough to enjoy myself. We found Jackson and Oliver by the refreshment table again, not far from where I left Oliver. I grabbed a third cup of wine and looked at the two. Oliver's eyes flicked to my arm in Azmi's, who gripped it a little tighter as we arrived. Oliver then avoided looking at either Azmi or myself. I felt very aware of Azmi by my side when I looked at Oliver, who became more focused on his drink or on Jackson.
I looked at Jackson myself, "Azmi found out who she is," I exclaimed.
Oliver's brow furrowed in confusion and then looked at me, but once our eyes met his eyebrow twitched and he looked away quickly.
"I would hope so with how he ran off," Jackson had a cocky smile to him now.
I detailed all the information Azmi had told me about her. The information wasn't much but it was a start. Jackson and Oliver listened intently, exchanging glances here and there and sipping on their drinks. As I talked and sipped wine myself, I felt a little fuzzier. Normally, I can hold my wine well, but this feels stronger than it has been in previous years.
"Sorsa? That's about a week's travel from here to begin with." Oliver thought aloud.
"Have you been?" I asked.
"Yes, twice, it is a lovely little town on a warm coast, it was also probably one of my favorites to travel to."
"Really? Do you travel often then?" I have not seen Oliver leave Kore over the last 3 years now that I think about it.
"I try to, the exposure is good for the mind," Oliver added with a brief smile.
"It certainly is," Azmi chimed in, being polite but unimpressed.
"Well, we will have to get more information from D tomorrow, thank you Azmi," Jack nodded.
"Just remember, my help isn't always free," Azmi said in a cool and playful tone. Jackson and Azmi exchanged brief looks - Jack must have said something to him as Azmi shifted his weight and loosed my arm from his side.
"Anne, I will talk with you later," Azmi squeezed my hand and kissed my temple before he walked off.
Oliver carefully watched him leave as he tapped his finger on his cup. Once Azmi was gone, he spoke again, "So, I take it that you and Azmi are very close?" Oliver's tone was careful.
"Yes," I smoothed my dress, my hands were sweating, I refilled my glass as we were standing next to the refreshment table. "We basically grew up together, he is my best friend." I studied Oliver's face, which looked slightly solemn under his half-smile.
"Azmi became a part of our family at a young age, but his love for travel was too big for Kore. He travels a lot too, I have asked to come with him a time or two, but he is very particular about how he travels."
My words about my relationship with Azmi kept tumbling one after another. I couldn't stop. Oliver's facial expression shifted from polite conversation to confusion, to interest as I kept talking.
Anne, pull it back. Jackson's voice was in my head again. I snapped my mouth shut and took a nervous sip of wine but the glass was already empty. How?
I contemplated refilling the glass, but Jackson's watchful look made me anxious. My heart was fluttering, I felt my nose warming, and my eyes were starting to work harder on focusing on my surroundings.
"Have you had a chance to travel?" Oliver asked me as I set the cup off to the side.
"I haven't been outside of Kore," I shook my head.
Oliver looked to Jackson, "Our mother travels frequently, I have gone with her a few times to help procure new items for the shop, but that was the most I have done myself."
"Well, travel is often better with the company," Oliver agreed, he seemed stiff when Azmi was here or when he was brought up in conversation. Now, he seems to be relaxing.
"You haven't really left Kore since you got here, have you, Oliver?" Jackson responded.
"No... I used to love to travel, but since I have been here I haven't found the time or reason to go." Oliver added, Jackson's eyes shot briefly to me then back to Oliver.
"Sounds like some...thing is keeping you tethered here," Oliver gave an uneasy grin and raised his eyebrows in response.
"Something like that," Oliver looked down his long nose again, "The clinic and herbery have been keeping me fairly busy."
"Whelp, I hope that is a good thing," Jackson put firmly patted Oliver's shoulder but something caught Jackson's attention off to the side.
"Well, if you two will excuse me, I think it is my turn to dance," Jackson then handed his cup off to me as I did to him before. I looked at it in confusion, but Jackson just waved at me as he left.
"Ass," I muttered and I heard Oliver sniffle back a laugh, I examined the glass and noticed that there was still about half of the wine there. I threw it back and set the cup on the table.
I felt hot, the air in the barn had warmed a lot from the bodies and the lights, and the wine was also very warming. I felt dizzy and I was losing focus. I knew I still had to walk home too. I took a deep breath and looked at Oliver who was looking around the barn again.
"I think I am going to take a step outside, I need to cool down a little," I said and ran my sweating palms down my skirt.
"I think I will step out with you, I could use some fresh air myself," Oliver said, my eyes then fixed on his shirt.
A second button was undone, his chest didn't have a lot of hair but the red strands contrasted against his pale skin. The shirt had opened some to hint at a well-defined chest. The urge to run my fingers over it, to feel the coarseness of his hair, to feel the taught muscle under my hand, washed over me. I was able to keep my hand to myself thankfully, by looping my arm through his again.
When I took the slightest step I stumbled into his side, "Damn heels," I mumbled and collected myself again.
"Darling, I don't think it is the heels," Oliver teased. He pinned my arm to his side and held his hand over mine as we walked out together. As we walked, not many noticed us, though there were many people, so many people, when did there become this many? They moved out of our way but were invested in their own affairs.
When we exited, the air was crisp and cold. I sucked in a deep breath and felt my body adjust to the cold. On the back of my neck, my hair raised, and my skin puckered with goosebumps. I pointed off to the side of the barn where there were fewer people and Oliver led the way.
Together, we crossed the grass and rounded the corner. My head was fuzzy, and my eyes felt heavy. On the way, I tripped once but Oliver was ready to steady me. Once on the other side of the barn, we both leaned against the wall. It was cool and solid; it was so nice.
My arm was still looped through Oliver's, he was incredibly warm in contrast to the cold air. I pulled closer to his side and a shudder jerked through me.
"Cold?" Oliver asked, and I kicked off my heels and rested my head at his shoulder.
"Yeah, a little," I shrugged, another shutter.
Oliver released my arm to wrap his around my shoulders. I felt a flash of warmth burst through my chest and stomach. I was tingling at the touch, and my breath caught in my throat.
"Better?" Oliver adjusted next to me, I looked to see that he was now looking at me. His eyes were searching for something, and his face was starting to turn red, but he didn't seem like he was too terribly nervous.
It was odd... when others were around, he was anxious when around me. When we were alone, he was confident and seemed like a different person. He was such a cool and collected person normally with a ready supply of sarcasm. I didn't see him much outside of a professional atmosphere, but there were a few times he joined our family for dinner, and he was always comfortable with us.
Tonight, seemed different, he kept switching between swagger and worry.
Right now, he watched me carefully, his intensity was back. His red hair fell against the right side of his face; his arm was gentle across my shoulders. I could see his heart pounding furiously in his neck, but the sound of mine was overwhelming. He had a half smile drawn across his lips, and his skin smelt salty with a lingering hint of the herbs that he sold at the clinic.
I took a chance, "Just a bit," I teased him. His grip around me got a little tighter and he turned to stand in front of me.
Yes. I gulped hard as his hands started to move. The arm around my shoulders dropped to my waist, and his other tilted my chin up. He slowly leaned down to me, his breath hitched and his lips hesitated at mine.
He left just a teasing space between us, I could feel his breath shake. My eyes moved to meet his. His gaze was soft, I could almost feel the upturn of his lips as he was stopped in front of me.
"My, your heart is pounding," Oliver teased, his fingers were close to my throat as they rested on my chin, there was no way that his trained hands wouldn't have been able to feel my pulse.
I could barely breathe, what is he waiting for?
I tilted my chin up just a fraction and that was all he needed. Next, his lips were on mine. He started out slow and gentle, but when he tried to pull away slightly - I followed. My fingers were wrapped up in his white shirt, he moved the hand that was under my chin to my back.
He moved from being gentle to hungry. He kissed me harder, and I returned the passion. His body was long against mine as he had engulfed me in his embrace.
I moved my hands to be around his shoulders, and as I adjusted - so did he. He quickly picked me up and pressed me against the wall. My knees straddled him, letting him mold to my body. I gripped his shirt in one hand, the other laced through his hair.
His hands were firmly on my legs, his thumbs pressing into my thighs. I pulled lightly at his hair, to which he released a soft moan and dug his fingers a little harder into me. Oliver pushed all of his weight into me, and I squeezed his waist with my thighs.
He was warm, and I could feel his firm muscles against me. I used my lips to open his and there wasn't even the slightest protest. We tentatively explored a bit further.
My mind was in a tizzy, was this real? He felt very real under my grip.
His hands held onto me, and his hair was soft and textured. Oliver parted from me briefly to catch a breath of air. He then moved his hungry searching from my lips to my neck. I felt my grasp on his hair get tighter, I was panting.
Something stopped in me though.
I pulled back on his hair gently, "Wait," I told him.
I felt Oliver's teeth against my neck in a grimace, but he pulled away from me. He searched my face as we were nose to nose with each other. The pressure of his weight against me was satisfying but I wanted more. I tilted my head back against the wall and breathed.
Once my breathing evened out, I returned to look at him - his eyes never left me. He was told to wait, and wait he did.
"I should probably go home," I told him, I felt him release a breath and nodded solemnly. He placed me down on the ground, but I stumbled over my abandoned heels.
"I can walk you back if you would like," Oliver offered as he helped me steady myself.
"Yes please," I responded as I used his arm to gain balance while I replaced my heels. I could feel my heart still pounding away.
"Let's go find your brothers before we leave," he said, and I nodded in agreement. I was starting to fade.
Oliver wasn't quick to break what was left of our embrace, but when he did move, he leaned away and looked off the way we came.
"Well, it looks like they actually found us," Oliver said, his tone serious. I questioned him as I followed his gaze.
There at the corner of the barn stood both Darien and Jackson. At this distance, I couldn't tell their expressions, but I could feel them.
I let my touch on Oliver drop and he moved away from me as well. I could see Darien turn to Jackson so he could say something. Both of them stood straight and watchful of us.
Oliver offered me his arm and since I was still teetering a little, I took it. Together we walked towards them, their expressions becoming clearer. One was perplexed, the other smug.
"Oliver is going to walk me home tonight," I told them, then they wordlessly parted for us to leave. I didn't meet either of their eyes as we walked past.
Just before we were out of earshot, the two called in unison "Tomorrow,"
Tomorrow will now be filled with more questions for me than Darien at this point. I sighed at the thought.
Together, Oliver and I walked back to town in silence. Our arms were still linked, but I dared not cast a glance his way. Instead, I chewed on my bottom lip in thought.
How much did they see? Why were they outside? Why did I let this happen? What does this mean?
The questions swirled in my head as we walked.
Eventually, we arrived back at the shop. Oliver let my arm go and took a step away from me. I finally looked at him, his expression was soft if not remorseful, but there was a kind smile. His hands were in his pockets and he was avoiding looking at me directly. His hair was still tasseled and his skin flushed.
Most of the night, he was some shade of scarlet. I chuckled at the sight of him and he got a look of concern in his eyes.
"What?" There was a quake of fear in his voice.
"You blush a lot is all," I kept my tone soft.
He returned my smile and bit his lip a little in thought. He ran his hand through his hair, messing it up a little bit more, and he started to turn away.
The thought of him walking off without a word made my heart heavy, but I held it in. I pursed my lips as I reached for the door. Still watching him, I started to turn it, but Oliver stopped in his tracks.
Oliver whipped back around. He took three strides to me and grasped my upper arms. He quickly pecked me, this time quick and gentle. He was so soft, it was as if he wasn't even there.
"I am sorry, I couldn't just leave like that," Oliver spoke against my lips. Then he gave me another peck. This time there was no question in it, he lingered a bit longer this time as well.
He parted from me and then stepped off the porch. "Have a good night, Rox," Oliver said as he started to leave again, there was a new glimmer in his eyes.
I took a deep breath, "Anne," I called after him. he turned around on his heel and looked at me. His eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"Come again?" A toothy half-smile was flashed at me.
"It's Anne, if... if you want," I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I repeated myself. Oh, Gods. I couldn't watch him anymore as my face felt flushed and my body was tingling at what I just said.
"Well..." Oliver's tone was light, "Have a good night, Anne." This time, I left first - almost running inside.
Once I was in the shop, I pressed my back into the door. My hands were cool against my furiously blushing face.
I squeaked a curse to myself as I replayed the scene in my head.
What just happened?
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cadrenebula · 1 year
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I'm not feeling particularly well right now. (Probably a sinus infection and I haven't had one since around 2019.) So let me ramble a little bit about the voidal of my bunch cause he's been on my brain since I've been working on his MSQ this week.
Ronove was originally meant to be a plot character (much like Alexois... >.>; An I got attached.) But to talk about him I have to mention the twins a bit too. After all he's tied to their family.
The Delvanguard twins were always mildly obsessed with the War of the Magi. Though Destiney was more so for Nym and Stefan was more of Mhach. Destiney had gotten a Scholar stone from her uncle. Stefan had found a Black Mage stone through a black market seller he ripped off. Destiney got mother's side of the family for a character plot (all the Ishgardian intrigue an betrayals and fun). Stefan eventually got father's side. And of course dad's side was the one that had Mhachi blood. A powerful bloodline from the early days of Mhach, not among the top elite of course. But a family with enough power and pull with the right people. A family that guarded one of the more powerful families of Mhach. A family known as the Vanguard.
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Well Ronove had become one of those voidals that serves the Vanguard through a pact the Vanguard made with the one known as the Elder. Ronove had been meant to make his pact with Edward Vanguard but somehow lost track of Edward during the fall of Mhach. Time doesn't really have as much meaning to a voidal stuck in the void waiting. So he waited patiently for Edward to come back up on his senses because the voidals under the Elder can sense the Vanguard.
Only problem is, Edward died. He died in the fighting at Carteneau. His twin brother, Richard, was in hiding. The pair of them had protected Destiney and Stefan with a spell when they were toddlers. So Ronove continued his waiting.
Until Stefan fucked up and undid all the protections on him. He'd gotten possessed thanks to a necromancer that was using him like an oracle. Stefan was barely sleeping at the point when he messed up and allowed himself to be possessed. The FC managed to rescue him with the help of his sister but the whole possession had left his aether a little corrupted and his protections from the Elder gone.
Ronove found Stefan instead of Edward.
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Ronove has since slowly been finding himself through the madness. He's even made friends with Ely and Aryn. Eventually even Sahji and Lei. Stefan and Ronove are still working at their friendship. It started off really badly because of what Stefan had been through with the necromancer. And because of Ronove's madness when he first made the pact with Stefan.
Over time Ronove's found clues to who he used to be. Mostly through strong feelings and the help of the Blue Moon Troupe. Only to find he was a member of the troupe a long time ago. (Fenryr affectionately calls him Fitheach beag which means Little Raven.)
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I had never really planned to go so deep into Ronove's story. I hadn't expected him to survive past trying to make a pact with Stefan. Especially with the way Ronove and Vega would fight and bloody each other. But as with any story that has more than 1 writer, things took a different path. (And I don't regret any of it. It's why I enjoy writing with friends. The unexpected story twists we come up with together. :D)
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Ronove has since learned that he'd been in love with a member of the Vanguard when he was still mortal. Which is how he ended up in service to the Elder as a voidal. He'd tried to rescue Elijah and was turned into a voidal for his efforts. As Jesse he'd been a dancer among the Blue Moon Troupe. But his memories were sealed away by a magicked ring that had been gifted to him as a promise ring. Elijah had spelled it in his dying breaths to try and spare Jesse the suffering the loss of his love and the torture he'd endure as a voidal under the Elder.
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But their story is still being written. The plot is yet unfinished. We'll have to see how to plays out. But I am definitely attached to my fated pair who have suffered for thousands of years. An regardless of how the plot ends, they'll eventually get their happily ever after some day. Even if it's not for many years to come still. Because these two are connected by a red string of fate. And I am enjoying seeing how their story plays out.
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scriptores · 1 year
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• 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 • you will guard them and they will hate you for it. whenever there is not a blight actively crawling over the surface, humanity will do its best to forget how much they need you.
full bio: asteria amell was born in the city of kirkwall, located in the free marches, to one of the wealthiest and most influential noble houses in the city. after kirkwall's viscount was arrested and stripped of his rank & title, lord aristide amell, asteria's grand-uncle, was favored to take his place. his succession was jeopardized after his wife, lady bethann, fell ill and asteria began to exhibit strange behaviors. she was 6 at the time, and claimed to see & hear "guests" that others couldn't. they assumed the stress of her grandaunt's illness was to blame.
however, one morning asteria warned her mother that lady bethann would soon be with " the lady ". true enough, bethann's condition worsened and she succumbed to cholera that very night. asteria was still too young to understand the concept of death, as well as her abilities. so when she saw her family in mourning and a spirit of compassion hovering over them in consolation, she willed it to possess the body, much to her family's horror. asteria's immediate regret then banished the spirit away.
but the amells subsequently realized that they had a mage in the family -- a necromancer, at that. one of the worst kinds by kirkwall's standards. by the chantry's laws, she was to be immediately turned over to the templars at kirkwall's circle tower of magi. however, to protect their titles and secure lord aristide's rise to the viscountship, asteria's abilities were illegally kept under wraps. lord aristide found a secret tutor who would teach asteria how to first, control her magic, and then, how to conceal it. until then, she would be kept out of the public eye to avoid any accidental exposure.
the fall of house amell: it was in those lonely childhood years that she befriended a city elf, estelle, who frequently snuck her out of the estate and became a best friend and soul sister to her. eventually, the two found themselves in trouble, forcing them to use their magic and expose themselves as mages. they were captured by the templars, but lord aristide bribed the templars to take them out of the country. they were then brought to the circle tower of ferelden, hoping it'd create enough distance to avoid a political scandal.
asteria was 10 at the time. later, she would be 13 when her mother's letters stopped coming, and 19 when she discovered the subsequent misfortunes that befell the once prosperous house: lord aristide's bid for viscount fell through, her mother mysteriously disappeared, her father moved away from kirkwall and did not wish to speak to her, and the rest of the line was either dead or disgraced. although it was not entirely her doing, she sometimes couldn't help but wonder if things might have turned out differently had she stayed put and never exposed herself as a mage.
the circle tower of ferelden: surrounded by lake calendad and templar guards around nearly every corner, asteria used the help of spirits to attempt the impossible. she and estelle came up with an escape plan, but asteria ultimately stayed behind to aid in a diversion so that elf girl could go free. thankfully, the templars could not prove her involvement, so she was let go after thorough questioning. in the time following, despite her proclivity for delinquency, first enchanter irving took a great interest in asteria's potential, as well as her abilities. he helped her deduce that she was a spirit medium.
he warned asteria that it'd make her all the more susceptible to becoming corrupted and possessed by demons if she wasn't careful. under knight commander greagoir’s orders, the templars of the circle were extra vigilant of her, and while she never gave him a proper reason to be made tranquil, during her harrowing, greagoir insisted on giving her less time than is normally granted most mage initiates. he believed the risk of her becoming an abomination was too great. first enchanter irving argued on the contrary, but ultimately it was cullen rutherford, the young templar who had been tasked with giving the killing blow, who was able to stall long enough for asteria to come back to herself. having successfully passed her harrowing, asteria was finally offered the chance to become irving's apprentice. seeing it as her best option to a life that might finally get her out of the tower, albeit temporarily, she accepted.
da origins set up: after discovering that her friend jowan would not be called into his harrowing and would be made tranquil instead, asteria abetted his escape and this time was caught. to avoid punishment, asteria was conscripted by duncan to join the grey wardens. as a sheltered mage, being suddenly thrust into the world and then an apocalyptic war was overwhelming, to say the least. she was glad to be given the task of lighting the signal in the tower of ishal, but the complete wipeout of the wardens who were out on the field, forced her to step up and rally the four corners of ferelden to fight against the blight under the ancient treaties they all signed. during this time, through morrigan's help, asteria also embraces her necromancy specialization and spirit medium abilities.
• links : dossier & verses / canon path / notes / pinterest / spotify
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blue-jester · 1 year
Wait... Mapolor is on the list? I thought maybe Lokafuka would be there... Or maybe Nightmare..?
What did that guy do?
Tbh he's less on there but I asked the server-
and Mapolor....
Oh, oh I haven't
Well for one, he's the one who ORIGINALLY planted the seeds of the magitech war, his hatred and fear of magic made him try to snuff it out subtly within the kingdom, though it was mostly undone by Bast with her complete acceptance of the practice, once she was gone... His words really set in the people.
And! He was an awful father. He didn't prepare his daughter and actively discouraged her, making her aware of how little faith he had in her abilities to rule 2 hours before her coronation
but that's really not it, no..
In the au CTYH takes place in is also the au where my halcandra never fell- and neither did the four heroes. It's the one with all the bastlis kits!
He picked up his grandson, the most halcandrian looking one and swore he wouldn't let him turn out like his "corrupted" mother and fix the "impurified" bloodline because he looked more halcandrian than his half fectan siblings. Magismilor is the third eldest, and Mapolor wanted him to take the throne instead of his older sister Fictolor [who by ALL accounts, is more qualified and worthy of the role. Magis doesn't even WANT it either]
he was lowkey abusive to the kit under the nose of his daughter and son in law, sealing away his magic when he was really young and making the nobles play nice with him while he had to watch his siblings get bullied-
but the worst thing he's done, was attempting to poison his granddaughter [Fic] on her OWN CORONATION DAY. And he ALMOST succeeded- if Vespa hadn't gotten Ikarlor in time she would have died.
And then Elfilis murderizes him and it's all snuck under the rug, oh the old guy died of natrual causes... A spear to the throat is totally natural! [and then opal's Mags finds the soul and fucking. TORTURES the thing, damning him to oblivion]
He's like the racist conservative and abusive grandpa ig. I just hate him
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charmsandhexes · 2 years
the green-eyed monster rears its head
. . . will it succeed again?
a babe is on her doorstep, looking to be almost the exact same age her dudders would've been, had he not been a stillborn. it seems almost too good to be true for petunia dursley. it is.
(cw: as mentioned above, the dursleys are dealing with dudley being a stillborn)
it was a perfectly normal fall's morning—albeit chillier than expected. petunia had gotten up earlier than vernon, as usual, and set about her day preparing breakfast. when she left her kitchen to get the milk she needs to prepare her tea, she was understandably shocked by the sleeping baby on her doorstep. it had been a perfectly normal morning, after all. she let out a shriek, calling for her husband and waking the baby (how it managed to get an ounce of rest when its only source of warmth was the blanket swaddled around it is beyond her). petunia looked back down, still unsure if the infant on her doorstep was really there, and it was then she noticed the excruciatingly familiar green eyes it had. lily's eyes.    milk forgotten, petunia carried the child in.
"why would you shriek like tha— what is that?!" vernon asked, panting. the walk downstairs tended to do that to him. "a baby. he was on our doorstep," petunia said, having checked for the baby's gender as soon as she shut the door. there was no doubt about it. she could just tell it was lily's child. he looked too much like that potter she married. "there's a letter," she added, shifting baby harry into her left arm and pulling out the wax-sealed envelope. if this is her child, then she must be dead. there would be no other reason for her to leave her baby here. vernon looked at the baby in her arms, and suddenly he softened. "we should keep him. with everything the doctor's— we might not have this chance again."  stupid, perfect, magical lily. even in the art of motherhood, she has me beat. petunia wasn't sure what she wanted to find when she opened that letter. she recognized the writing almost immediately as dumbledore's— she never quite got over that embarrassment, after all. so, she knew, whatever it was, lily was not okay. and she had felt a sick sort of satisfaction at that realization— perfect, lovable lily had to rely on pathetic, pitiful petunia, the muggle. it was short-lived, however, because according to dumbledore, lily was murdered in her home. her sister's last living act had practically ensured that in petunia's house, her baby harry would be the safest. and why would lily do that? why was she dead? why would a murderer choose lily of all people to kill? and why was petunia saddled with the one baby she would never want?! this one child would remind her of all her personal failings! something truly shocking must have shown on her face, because for all that she loved vernon, he was not the brightest.  "what is it, pet?" "lily's dead. her husband is, too. everyone close to them is. it's their baby," she said, hardly believing it herself, even as she said it. vernon started to back away from the baby, stopping his cooing immediately. "absolutely not, pet, we are not keeping that freak child! we can adopt elsewhere, but this child ought to be on the streets! i don't want him m— magicking away our cutlery or vanishing our roof!"  petunia looked down at the letter:
you are her only remaining blood. you are his only hope for any lasting protection against those that want him dead. and this is your family's chance of getting the best sort of protection against him there is. keep baby harry potter, ensure he calls your house a home, and there will be no more evans family tragedies at the hands of lord voldemort.
her eyes turned to the baby in her arms. she looked at his pudgy face— his innocent green eyes, and his glee-filled smile, and she knew she couldn't do what her husband was suggesting, even though the sight of this baby made her think of how much better his mum was. she knew she would never be magic. she knew her dudley would never be brought back. but she couldn't let vernon die just because that voldemort thought they would bother to care about lily's family.  she had to take that blasted boy in.
"vernon, we— i can't leave him to the streets! what will the neighbours think? yvonne was staring at me when i brought him in. and this way we don't need to deal with walking into those . . . filthy adoption centres." "i will not be dealing with any sort of unnatural freakishness!" "we'll break the freak out of him. if he is ours, he will not be theirs and we can make sure he grows up good and proper, like— like dudley should've had the chance to." this last point of hers, coupled with the tears any mention of her poor, stillborn, baby boy, was what got vernon to come around. "he— he won't be getting dudley's nursery."
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readingforsanity · 21 hours
Cunning Folk | Adam Nevill | Published 2021
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Money's tight and their new home is a fixer-upper. Deep in rural South West England, with an ancient wood at the foot of the garden, Tom and his family are miles from anywhere and anyone familiar. His wife, Fiona, was never convinced that buying the money pit at auction was a good idea. Not least because the previous owner committed suicide. Though no one can explain why.
Within days of crossing the threshold, when hostilities break out with the elderly couple next door, Tom's dreams of future contentment are threatened by an escalating tit-for-tat campaign of petty damage and disruption.
Increasingly isolated and tormented, Tom risks losing his home, everyone dear to him and his mind. Because, surely, only the man would suspect that the oddballs across the hedgerow command unearthly powers. A malicious magic even older than the eerie wood and the strange barrow therein. A hallowed realm from where, he suspects, his neighbors draw a hideous power.
Tom and his wife Fiona, along with their four-year-old daughter, have purchased and plan to move into a new home in the countryside. Far away from everything they know and love, they plan to make this their family home, the first they've ever had. Despite ever-growing and dire financial issues, Tom is hellbent on ensuring that this becomes the home that he so desperately wanted.
What should have been an exciting time quickly takes a turn when they meet their neighbors. Appearing to be elderly and eccentric, Tom is introduced to Mrs. Moot and Magi Moot. Assuming them to be a married couple, Tom is turned off by their distate for him and his family, and a battle of neighbors ensues shortly after.
After Tom desercrates the trees in their backyard that is damaging the fence that creates the barriers of their property, Fiona knows that this is the end of their marriage. Something is going on with her husband that she can't quite explain, and she doesn't want to do anything to attempt to come up with solutions either.
For Tom, he is sure that the Moots are into some weird witchcraft, only to be told that he is correct by a man who has worked with them before. He gives Tom all of the information he needs in order to break the curse that has bounded itself to him and his family's home. He does so, but not without quickly losing Fiona and his daughter Gracey.
For Gracey, she has been experiencing strange visions, as has both Fiona and Tom. Tom meant to confront his neighbors in the woods, but instead was met with the two of them dressed as a hare and a pig, and the man who is attempting to help him calls them cunning folk, ancient practicers of magic.
With this man's help, Tom is determined. But, right as Fiona has reached her wits end and is planning to leave, Gracey accidentally injures herself on a loose floorboard that Tom had ripped up looking for the items that has cursed his home. In the freak accident, the floorboard with the nail attached to it goes through Gracey's eye and the two parents rush their daughter to the emergency room.
Even more fueled in his hatred for his neighbors, he begins to work on getting rid of them. Once he has them bound and unable to get to their shrine in the middle of the woods, they come clean and say that they were only doing these things in an attempt to scare his family away from here, that they have been bound to ensure that the god they "worship" isn't let free into the world, and it isn't the life they wanted for themselves but was passed down to them from their parents, as Medea and Magi are brother and sister.
In the end, it is discovered that Tom had shot the Moots, but their bodies were found desecrated in the woods surrounding their home, and Tom is believed to be the one behind this. He only admits to shooting and binding them, and then burning the home down. But, when he is visited in jail by a woman who has been seen outside of the Moots home, with claims that everything can be alright again, he takes her up on it. And that is how Tom becomes one of the cunning folk.
Honestly, I have no idea what I just spend the last 4 days reading, and I don't think I will ever comprehend the mess that I just read. 1 star.
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