#him too much of Chrissy but the prompt was too funny to do that
morganbritton132 · 9 months
Eddie filming a tiktok before one of the soccer meets (maybe like day long blitz tournament) in a cheerleader outfit. Phone set up before he came downstairs, catching Steve scrolling on his phone, filling his water, checking the time and reminding Eddie they had to leave. And Eddie’s like, pretending it’s normal while Steve is just blinking at him.
He threatened to do it, and they all assumed he had forgotten but no, Eddie’s middle names are ‘committed to the bit’ (family name)
I think it’s infinitely funnier if Steve doesn’t notice that he’s wearing a cheerleading uniform for like, a while.
Eddie sets the camera up in the kitchen since Steve spends the majority of his time before a game in there pacing, and then he just stands there in the middle of the room. And waits. And Steve does not notice. It’s like:
Eddie: *standing in the middle of the kitchen in a red and gold cheerleading uniform*
Steve: *walks pass to double check the schedule on the fridge to make sure he has the time right*
Steve: *walks pass while putting on his jersey*
Steve: *walks pass to fill their cooler with drinks and sandwiches*
Steve: *walks pass to refill his water bottle*
Steve: *walks pass to triple check the schedule*
Steve: *walks pass looking at his phone*
Steve: *walks pass while texting Robin*
Steve: *walks pass to look at the schedule again*
Steve: *walks pass while reminding Eddie that they need to leave in fifteen minutes*
Steve: *stops right next to Eddie to read an article about Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner*
Eddie: Babe, do these shoes match my outfit?
Steve, looking away from his phone and directly at Eddie’s shoes: If you’re going to have your legs out then you need to put sunscreen on them because you… *finally notices*
Eddie: 2,4,6,8 who do you appreciate?
Steve: …This outfit
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novacorpsrecruit · 4 months
I’m With You
@steddielovemonth prompt: love is protection
wc: 1,061 | Rating T | cw: brief homophobia, fighting, wild Tommy Hagan appearance
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Steve didn’t know he was in love until it happened.
After the events of Vecna, Eddie’s near death experience and Steve’s matching infected bat bites, the two grew closer. They shared a hospital room, pumped full of morphine and antibiotics as they healed.
Eddie’s name was cleared, thanks to the shady government, but Eddie wasn’t sure if that was enough. Most of Hawkins had already looked at him funny. He wasn’t sure if the cover story of almost dying by the hands of Victor Creel like Chrissy, Freddie, Patrick and Jason would be enough to save his name. Steve’s told him plenty of times to not to worry about other people. If anyone bothers Eddie, Steve will protect him.
They made plans, lying in the hospital beds covered in bandages to move out of Hawkins before the end of the year.
And maybe morphine promises are all what they’re worth.
Two months have gone by, summer coming in full force. The two were near inseparable. Spending late nights in Eddie’s new trailer or in the Harrington home. Sharing a bed, maybe a little too close for just friends. Waking up to share breakfast or maybe lunch. Dinners with Wayne. Nights at the drive in. Steve wouldn’t trade this friendship for the world.
Steve was back working at Family Video, picking up extra shifts to get a little extra money stuffed away for their escape. They talked about moving out of Hawkins sooner. Eddie’s had a hard time finding work after graduating. Not many people wanted to be associated with him. He was lucky that he didn’t cause Wayne to be fired.
So often, he spends his time with Steve at work. Steve didn’t mind at all. It made the day go faster. He brightened up every time Eddie walks in, ready to bug Steve and Robin. Plus, if anyone gave Eddie any shit, Steve would be right there to help him.
Robin told him he’s hopeless. Steve didn’t quite understand that.
Not until now.
They were around the corner, taking their smoke break. They passed a single cigarette, something they do now, while they shoot the shit. Talking about nothing felt like talking about everything. Sometimes about the latest campaign Eddie’s planned. Or if they should look into a place at Indy or a place in Chicago. Or what they were going to do when Steve closed up for the night.”
“Gareth’s brother’s got a place in Chicago,” Eddie said, exhaling smoke. “He said we could stay with him for a few weeks while we look for a place.
“We could get jobs there,” Steve offered. “Earn a little more to get a place.”
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “You want to do it?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, taking the cigarette from Eddie’s hands and putting it to his lips. “Let’s do it.”
Eddie’s smile, big and wide with excitement, faded quickly as his eyes darted to the side. They weren’t alone.
“Harrington,” a familiar voice sneered. Steve turned to glare at Tommy, back from college. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“At my place of employment?” Steve deadpanned.
“With him,” Tommy corrected. “I figured you’d still be chasing after Wheeler.”
Something in Tommy’s tone boiled Steve’s blood. “I’m on break, Tommy,” Steve said, inhaling on the cigarette, letting the smoke fall from his lips. “Go inside if you want something.”
“I want to know why you’re with him,” Tommy said, venom on his tongue. He took a step forward, into Steve’s space. “You’ve heard the rumors.”
“Steve,” Eddie said. “Let’s go inside.”
“Eddie was a victim of Creel,” Steve said, not stepping down from Tommy. “He didn’t do shit.”
“Not those rumors,” Tommy said. “The ones from school. Five dollar handy, ten for a blowjob, twenty for a — you get the picture.”
“Shut the hell up, Hagan,” Steve warned.
“How much you paying him?” Tommy asked, gesturing to Eddie. Then, something clicked in Tommy’s head as a smirk grew across his face. “I heard your dad cut you off. You making money from him?” Tommy shoved Steve’s shoulders, pushing him back against the wall. Hard. Steve felt his head hit the back of the brick building. Steve let out a gasp in pain. “You sucking his —“
Eddie had lunged forward, swinging his fist across Tommy’s face. His rings dug into his cheek, breaking skin. Tommy stumbled back. Eddie swung again. Tommy fell to the ground.
“Touch him again, Hagan,” Eddie spat. “I dare you.”
Tommy tried to stand up, Eddie shoved him back down. He wasn’t done.
“You lost him, Hagan,” Eddie snapped. “He’s never gonna like you like that. Go fuck yourself.”
Then, there were gentle hands on Steve.
“C’mon,” Eddie said softly, picking Steve up off the ground … When did he fall? The world felt like it was spinning and his only grounding touch was Eddie’s hand on his arm, guiding him in through the back door. A gentle hand came to the back of his head, with a slight hiss. “Shit.”
Steve was sat down at the breakroom, while Eddie grabbed paper towels from the bathroom. He pressed it against the back of Steve’s head, a slight sting was all Steve needed to know that Tommy broke skin.
“You with me, Stevie?” Eddie asked gently, kneeling down next to Eddie. His big brown eyes looking up at him with a look that made Steve feel whole.
“I’m with you,” Steve nodded, feeling Eddie keep pressure on the back of his head. “You’re with me.”
“I’m with you,” Eddie repeated gently. He brought his free hand to gently squeeze Steve’s thigh. “I’m with you for as long as you’ll let me.”
Then it hit him.
Steve loved Eddie.
He wanted to do everything he could do to protect Eddie. Fight off those who still believed in the rumors surrounding spring break, those who bullied him for being different, for being himself. Hell, Steve would fight a demogorgon for Eddie. He carried him through hell and back.
Eddie stood up for him. Eddie protected him from Tommy. Eddie fought back and won.
Maybe Eddie loved him, too.
Steve let himself fall into a carefree smile. He leaned his head, ever so gently until his and Eddie’s foreheads met. “For the record,” Steve said softly. “I’m never letting go.”
Eddie broke out into a grin. “That’s what I hoped for.”
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Fic Masterpost
General Fic Tag Ao3 Account - All fics with [Ao3] next to them can be found here. Reference post for Steve's BMW
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Bad News First, Eddie - Completed [Ao3] Part One 🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Final Part
Shovel Talk(s) - Completed [Ao3] Part One 🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Final Part
Porcelain Steve - Completed [Ao3] Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Final Part
What's Eight Plus Seven? - On Going - [Ao3] Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
The Interview - Completed [Ao3] The Interview (Part One) The Response (Part Two) The Conversation (Part Three) Untitled Song - A The Interview Tie-In Fic [Ao3]
No Regrets - On Going Part One🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
Good People - Completed [Ao3] Part One🦇Part Two🦇Final Part
My Default’s Self-Destruct (Oh, I’m Not Used to Normal) - On Going Part One
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Steve and Robin talk about how Steve wants to be romanced, instead of always doing the romancing.
Eddie's over dramatic, Steve talks him down, and they're okay in the end :)
Steve reflects on how other people make the decisions in his life and decides, y'know what? No. Fuck that and fuck you.
Beg You to Love Me - Steve and Eddie talk for the first time two and a half years after they break up. [Ao3]
Steve pines for Eddie and carves a pumpkin for the first time. He is completely normal about both things. [Ao3]
Eddie left, and has to face the consequences of that
Steve has great parents and goes to therapy. Too bad he forgot to tell his friends that [Ao3]
Middle School Meet Cute? [Ao3]
One sentence and one phone call are all it takes for Steve to realize he needs to go after what he wants [Ao3]
Steve's sad, Eddie's an (accidentally on-purpose) jerk, and the miscommunication gets solved? [Ao3]
Steve gets Vecna'd and a terrible rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody saves him
Angsty Ella Enchanted AU
Steve finds it funny, the differences between him and Eddie.
#81. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?” [Ao3]
#23. “Just pretend to be my date.” and #60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” [Ao3]
#60. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me." [Ao3]
#13. "I dare you to kiss me"
Requested by Anon - Eddie catches Billy throwing Steve around in the locker room; it leads to an unintentional deescalation of the situation and a conversation Eddie's surprised to have. [Ao3]
Steddie Week 2023: Day 1: Pining [Ao3]
Anon Prompt - Robin brags about her boyfriend to Steve. He's a little jealous, because he wants to brag about his own boyfriend but doesn't know if Robin is safe to tell that too. Until, whoops, turns out Robin's BF and Steve's BF are the same boyfriend. [Ao3]
Steve doesn't want to be put on a pedestal. Eddie doesn't understand, and tries to reassure Steve. [Ao3]
Eddie's friends try to prove Steve's cheating on him. Eddie doesn't take kindly to them trying to ruin his relationship for no reason.
Plot Idea I’ll never fully flush out or write but gotta get out of my head or it’ll never let me know peace again. It’s basically Steve sent from the future going all John Wick.
Steve-focused ficlet exploring the idea of Steve becoming a Mean Girl because he learned his tactics from Carol Perkins rather than Tommy, and how he regrets the results of that.
Domestic Bliss fluff fic that ends in a loving blow job. Minors DNI. [Ao3]
Childhood Best Friends AU where Steve and Eddie agree to learn the elvish script from The Hobbit so they can pass notes and no one can read them. Things get a little messy when Eddie moves away with no notice but Steve takes it upon himself to learn Elvish anyway. [Ao3]
Steve doesn't think before he all but crawls seductively into Eddie's lap accidentally. There's also not much thinking once he realizes what he's done, or in the aftermath of it. [Ao3]
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Steve, Gareth, and Chrissy Are Cousins [Ao3]
Steve, Gareth, and Chrissy are all cousins, and Gareth doesn't want anyone to know that. For his street cred.
The Steve, Gareth, and Chrissy are cousins AU gets sad (Sad AU Part 1).
Steve realizes he's the only adult left In The Know in Hawkins; Gareth wants answers, one way or another (Sad AU Part 2).
Steve doesn't attend a funeral; Gareth goes with Jason&Co to Reefer Ricks (Sad AU Part 3).
The gang arrives at Skull Rock and Steve learns Gareth's now involved. Robin learns the truth (Sad AU Part 4).
Vecna gives Steve the vision and forces him to make a choice (Sad AU Part 5).
Everyone learns they are cousins now and it goes well. Gareth makes his own plan to save the day. (Sad AU Part 6).
Wayne joins the fight and Gareth ensures that Max gets saved (Sad AU Part 7).
The cousins reconcile. Max and Steve don't (yet). It's as happy an end as a Sad AU can get (Sad AU Final Part).
Time Travel Fix It Fic
Class of '85 [Ao3]
Save Max [Ao3]
September Prompts 2023
Coffee Smell ○ Horizon ○ Foggy Mornings ○ Jukebox ○ "Kiss me or leave me" ○ "Did you lie to me?" ○ Bonfire ○ Recipe Book ○ Gas Station
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
idk maybe just them gossiping or just hanging out (i don’t actually know what a prompt is, and i suck at making up stories 😭)
A/N ~ I hope I remember what you asked for correctly. I believe it was being best friends with Veneer? If not, I deeply apologize! Hope you enjoy!
~Celebrity Gossip~
Veneer + GN!Best Friend!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Gender neutral, Veneer’s best friend
Relationship: Platonic
Genre: Comedy, fluff
Synopsis: One of the perks of having a celebrity for a best friend, is getting to hear all the celebrity gossip. This time, Veneer had some good tea!
Warnings: Gossiping(duh), mentions of an adult dating a minor(part of the gossip)
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You heard a “ping” come from your phone, as well as felt it vibrate slightly. You pick it up, and it’s a text message from your best friend, Veneer. You wondered why he would be texting you if he was working.
You opened the message, and excitement rose within you. The text read:
“I’m coming over after work. I have some JUICY gossip!”
You replied: “Can’t wait!” And set your phone down.
About an hour later, you heard a knock at your front door. You practically jumped off the couch, and dashed to answer it.
“Prepare yourself, this is a lot!” He said, once you opened the door.
“I’m already prepared. I even got snacks!” You responded. Veneer let out a small, excited squeal, and you both went into the living room.
Veneer grabbed a bag of potato chip, and you got some candy.
“Bitch, the pot.” You said.
(A/N ~ This is really old talk for “pour the tea”! Idk, just thought it’d be funny.)
After swallowing a mouthful of chips, he began. “Okay, so you know Chrysanthemum the pop singer, right?” He asked.
“Yes, of course I do!” You responded.
“Okay, so you know how she was dating Chad?”
“Yeah. Wait a minute, ‘was’? What happened? Did they break up?” You asked, in shock. “They were so cute together!”
“Okay, get this! Chad has been kind of distant lately. At the event I was just at, he was on his phone, like, the whole time!” You hummed at this, very intrigued. “Chrissy was getting a lot of praise and stuff, and Chad didn’t even look up or say anything!”
You gasped. “What? What a douche bag!”
“Yeah! I know!” Veneer shoved some more chips in his mouth. You did the same with your candy. After a moment, he continued. “So eventually, Chrissy gets mad at him, and snatches his phone. Then she find out that he’s been texting another girl!”
You gasp yet again. “What?! He’s been cheating?! How could he cheat on Chrissy? She’s one of coolest pop stars ever! No offense, you’re still cooler.”
“None taken, and thanks! But that’s not even the most shocking part!” He said.
“Oh no. What else is there?”
“The girl he was texting… was Chrissy’s sister!”
“No!” You exclaimed.
“Yes! And! She’s only sixteen!”
You nearly choked on your food after hearing that information. “What?! So not only did Chad cheat on her, he’s also a gross predator?!”
“Yeah! And this all happened in front of everyone!” Veneer said, still almost as shocked as you. “So yeah, they broke up.”
“Well of course. If my partner was cheating on me with my underage sister, I’d dump them too.” You said.
Veneer laughed, and so did you. You love hearing celebrity news and gossip. So the fact that your best friend just happens to be famous is good for you. This way, you get all the juicy details. Plus, hearing it in person and with the way Veneer tells the stories is much more entertaining than just reading it off the internet. Gossip sessions like these are really the highlights of your friendship.
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strangerquinns · 2 years
hello miss, let's do "what are you laughing at? i don't see anything funny.." with "you're cute.." with either steve or matt? (or whoever you're in the mood to write for) <3
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Steve Harrington x Reader
“What are you laughing at? I don’t see anything funny..”  “You’re cute..”
send in jealous prompts / masterlist
You leaned against the counter and smiled slightly as you passed the videos over to Eddie, nearly every slasher classic in his grasp for movie night. Steve watched with heated eyes as he saw the two of you talk. He couldn't help the heated, annoying jealousy he felt whenever you smiled at Eddie. Over the last year or so the two of you had gotten closer and Steve couldn't help but be annoyed by it.
It used to be just the two of you, and sometimes Robin. But he didn't feel like he needed to compete with Robin. Eddie...Eddie was a different story. The town might've seen him as some sort of freak (ok and maybe Steve at one point and time). But Steve wasn't naive to seeing his charm affecting you. Eddie's dimpled smile seemed to make you flustered.
Steve saw how you watched Eddie leave, that dreamy look in them as the door closed.
Or was it all in Steve's imagination?
"Ready to close, Harrington?" You called out, snapping him away from his thoughts, and back to the present.
You were standing at the door, flipping the sign over to closed, and turning the lock. Steve was still in the same spot with the same half-filled cart. You didn't miss the glare that he sent your way before moving down the aisle, seemingly moving back to his task.
"Yeah, since you're finally done flirting with Munson," Steve mumbled, the hint of annoyance not missed by you.
You thought it was cute how Steve seemed to obviously be a little jealous of Eddie. Of course, you thought it was more about him being the other male friend that you had. And not because Steve had a giant crush on you and was too scared to do anything about it.
"King" Steve would never and could never see you as anything outside of a friend, at least you thought as much. You watched as he dated girls like Nancy, Heidi, Lisa, etc. not helping to compare yourself and think you weren't his type.
"I was not flirting, Eddie was just telling me about the meeting for Hellfire...apparently his campaign slaughtered everyone." You walked back around the counter as you talked and worked to shut down the register.
"Hmm," Steve spoke,
You sighed, "I thought the two of you were good now."
"We are, Eddie's a cool dude," Steve shrugged his shoulders, placing a few movies back on the shelves. "Just...calling out the obvious is all."
You looked at him confused, "What's obvious?"
"That the two of you are flirting, happens every time he comes in here." Steve sighed and rolled his eyes, moving to push the car behind the counter. You chuckled softly and finished the register, shaking your head, which only flared his annoyance more. "What are you laughing at? I don’t see anything funny..."
"N-Nothing," You couldn't help but laugh a little more as you spoke, "Just for you to think that Eddie is flirting with me, is funny,"
"How...How is that weird?" Steve crossed his arms at his chest.
You laughed through your nose, "Eddie wasn't flirting with me. He literally was getting movies for his date with Chrissy."
You looked up and watched as his brown eyes widened slightly, his body becoming a little stiff, "I-I...what?"
"Yeah, after the whole Vecna thing, Eddie finally bucked up the courage to ask her out. Kinda cute." Your brows pulled together tightly for a moment, before shrugging your shoulders. "He didn't tell you?"
Steve shook his head quickly, his hair moving around his head, as he followed you to the back office where the safe was. Steve couldn't help but feel stupid for not knowing that about his new friend.
"You seriously thought Eddie was flirting with me?" You asked.
"I-I...honestly? Yeah." Steve reached up and scratched his jaw.
"You’re cute..." You chuckled, the two of you grabbing your coats before heading out to his car. "Sort of have my eyes on someone else."
Steve perked up slightly, his heart stopping for a moment, "W-Who? What?"
You felt heat travel up your face as you got into the car beside him. You looked over and saw that he was staring down at you. The eager look in his brown eyes was enough to leave you speechless for a second. You opened your mouth a few times before shaking your head, the courage to say anything quickly leaving you.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Smut prompt 14 with Chrissy? Words cannot describe how much I love this woman <3
I literally love her too- so I'm writing a long one for her
Smut 18+
“I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
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Chrissy Cunningham was the perfect child, perfect grades, a spot on reputation, and a huge secret.
Being captain of the cheerleading team meant she had eyes on her everywhere, watching her every move and never letting her breathe in peace.
Her family wanted her to be on top of grades, every club possible and date the star player of the basketball team, Jason Carver. Her parents were very tight with his parents and always dreamed of them being together. Chrissy never wanted to disappoint her parents, even more than she already has, so a date with Jason couldn't have been that bad. Now she finds herself stuck living a life she didn't want. Dating a guy she didn't love and doesn't think she could ever learn to love.
Chrissy needed another club to add to her transcript. Her parents didn't like that she had so much free time, that meant she wasn't doing enough.
Chrissy already was part of every club possible, but not hellfire.
She hesitantly knocked on the door, a practiced smile on her face.
The one and only Eddie Munson opened the door, shock on his face seeing the queen of high school at his door.
"Are you lost?" He asked, looking around the hallway.
"no! I actually was seeing about joining hellfire." She smiled at him more reassuringly. Showing she means no harm, just interested.
"um why?" Not like he didn't want her there, but this made no sense at all.
"I wanted to join a new club." Eddie eyed her suspiciously but invited her in.
And the rest was history.
Chrissy became best friends with Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Dustin, and Mike.
And deeply falling in love with Eddie's partner in crime, Y/N.
Y/N wasn't there the first day Chrissy joined, so when she walked in to see a cheerleader next to Eddie she was shocked but welcomed her with open arms.
They quickly became friends, being the only girls in hellfire had it's perks. They got to team up, have sleepovers and spend many hours together.
It was hard not to fall for Chrissy, she was gorgeous and kind. But she had a boyfriend and a very popular relationship.
Y/N was gay but very few people knew, just her closets friends. Eddie loved having a guy friend, someone to talk babes with. And one girl was the main topic of conversation.
"So when are you going to make the moves on lover girl?" Eddie asked as he slid next to Y/N at the lunch table, watching as she stared at the cheerleader eating her lunch.
Y/N quickly shushed him and slapped his arm. "Not in school." She warned. Eddie rolled his eyes.
"she's definitely got a thing for you." He said with a teasing smile.
"Eddie she has a boyfriend, and definitely is not gay. We are friends, and that's it."
"If you keep staring at her she's going to notice "
Chrissy jumped from Eddie's words coming from behind her. Quickly turning her head with a blush on her cheeks. Eyes diverting away from Y/N.
"I am not staring." She denied. Eddie laughed at the obvious lie.
"Oh yeah sure. Why don't you just make a move?"
"Um no. Plus it's obvious she likes you."
Eddie laughed hard at that, full on clenching his stomach as he leaned over.
Chrissy watched him confused, a slight smile on her face.
"what's so funny?"
"She's gay and she's definitely in to you. So listen to me when I say make the fucking move."
Now that's how Chrissy found herself at a party searching the dance floor for Y/N.
"She's in the kitchen. I'll distract your asshole boyfriend."
Eddie being her wing man was not what she thought would have happened when joining hellfire.
But neither was falling in love with a girl.
Hellfire was full of surprises.
Once she found Y/N in the kitchen, she felt her thighs clench together and her blood boil. Y/N stood there, talking with some gorgeous girl. Standing very close, screaming over the music. Her tight dark blue dress framed her body perfectly. Cut down past her thighs and fishnets rested underneath. Chrissy could feel her eyes stopping at Y/N's ass, body heating up the more she thought of how her body looked underneath the dress. But once her eyes caught a hand landing on the ass she was staring at, she snapped out of it.
Seeing Y/N's mouth locking lips with the girl, easily slipping her tongue into the kiss. Chrissy hated that she was close enough to hear the moans and groans from the two. The girls hand gripping harder on Y/N's ass.
Chrissy had two options: leave Y/N be and enjoy the night. Chrissy had a boyfriend she couldn't be jealous of this. OR she could march up there and rip that skank off of Y/N.
In the heat of her own jealousy she chose the second option. Marching over to the making out couple and grabbing the girls shoulder, yanking a tad bit harshly.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" the girl screamed as she was yanked away from Y/N's lips. Chrissy felt herself fuming when she saw the lipstick smeared over her lips.
Chrissy didn't bother to answer, standing in front of Y/N with a murderous look in her eyes. Y/N watched her actions, confused no doubt, having no idea what in the hell was going on with Chrissy.
Chrissy was barely thinking straight, but she grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her to the closest room she could find, a random bedroom.
She threw her in the room and slammed the door behind them.
"Chris?" Y/N asked softly, her touch burning straight through Chrissy's skin as her hand landed on her shoulder.
Chrissy snapped around fast, toe to toe with her, staring into Y/N's worried eyes.
All she could hear was Eddie screaming to make the fucking move, so she did.
Chrissy moved her hands to the back of her dress, unzipping the material and letting it fall to her feet.
Y/N blushed and moved her eyes away quickly, no matter how bad she wanted to stare at Chrissy in her fucking matching lingerie.
"Chrissy, what are you doing?" She asked, eyes still looking anywhere else.
Chrissy didn't answer, simply unhooking her bra and throwing it on the floor. She watched as Y/N gulped as her eyes raced across her bare chest. A small smile reached her lips as she felt Y/N soaking her in. She walked up to her slowly, the heels she wore clinking against the floor.
"I'm making the first move." She whispered quietly, her hand wrapping around to the back of Y/N's head.
"What about Jason?"
"What about the slut from downstairs?"
Y/N felt herself chuckled at the bitterness in Chrissy's voice.
"Were you jealous pretty girl?" She teased, her fingertips touching Chrissy's bare skin. "Jealous that she was touching me? Jealous I was kissing her? Did you want to be you?"
"Yes." Chrissy moaned as Y/N's fingers teased her nipples. Her mind was screaming at her. She had no idea how to do anything with a girl, and she barely touched herself. Jason barely gave head or fingered her. She felt like a virgin all over again but this time with a girl who she knew damn well what she was doing.
"I'm going to fucking ruin you, you will never be able to fuck him again without thinking about how I did it better." If Chrissy was this turned out just by Y/N's words, she had no idea how she was going to survive being touched by her.
"don't be nervous, I'll take good care of you my pretty girl."
Y/N was touching her everywhere, her thighs, stomach, back, chest, and her neck. Her kiss was passionate and heated. Her tongue was a weapon and Chrissy didn't stand a chance at winning.
Y/N threw Chrissy on the random bed, no care for the sinful acts they were about to do on it. Chrissy was moaning just by the way Y/N was peeling off her wet panties. Hissing at the cold air hit her clit. She was fully naked, minus the heels, and Y/N stood fully clothed. The power she felt like Y/N had over her made her hot and moan pathetically. Y/N smirked as Chrissy's body shook in pleasure, not a single touch laid to her yet.
Y/N crawled on to the bed, positioning herself between the cheerleader's legs. Staring at the pretty pink and soaked cunt. Y/N swiped her tongue from Chrissy's hole all the way up to her clit, twirling her tongue in circles around the sensitive bud.
"oh fuck." Chrissy moaned, her head throwing back and manicured nails digging into Y/N's hair. Y/N sucked her index and middle finger then slowly pushed them inside Chrissy's cunt, eyes closing at how tight she felt. She wanted to start slow, feel Chrissy out and give her time to adjust.
"more, I need more." She whined.
"Just a greedy little thing aren't you. He must not fuck you good, does he?" Y/N teased as she slipped a third finger inside, watching as Chrissy's cunt opened up wider and swallowed her in.
Chrissy could barely answer, shaking her head against the sheets. Puffing out air and she shook against Y/N's head.
Y/N faked pouted in empathy, but began to suck on Chrissy's clit, hard.
"OH GOD!" Chrissy had never felt this way before. Her cunt was filled with Y/N's fingers and she still felt like she needed more. Her clit was pulsing against Y/N's mouth.
Y/N watched as the girl lost herself in the feeling. Her eyes closed tightly, her glitter eyelids clenching. Her mouth opened as she gasped for air and let out tiny whimpers. Her back arching as Y/N hit a deeper spot. Her nipples are hard against the cold air. She's never seen Chrissy look so beautiful before.
"I need to cum." Y/N smirked as the words left Chrissy's lips. Edging her even closer, fingering her harder and lips never leaving her clit.
"YES. RIGHT THERE. FUCK!" right before she was about to feel Chrissy's cum land on her tongue, she pulled away. Yanking her soaked fingers out of Chrissy's cunt.
"what?" Chrissy yelped as she sat up the best she could, her body still lightly fucked out.
"I said I was going to ruin you and fuck you. I never said anything about letting you cum." Chrissy should have known she would play dirty. Her eyes weren't kind and there was a reason.
"please Y/N, please." She tried to beg, hips bucking into the air. Eyes glistening in tears, hands gripping the sheets as hard as she could to compose herself.
Y/N silently stripped off her dress, removing her tights and kicking off her sneakers. Unhooking her bra fast. Chrissy felt her mouth water and cunt clench watching as she stripped herself almost bare. Nothing left but a tiny piece of underwear covering the one spot Chrissy wanted to see.
She demanded Chrissy to sit up, she followed no objections. Y/N took the spot on the bed, laying herself down.
"you want to cum? Then ride my tits like a good girl and make yourself cum."
The look in Y/N's eyes weren't kidding. Chrissy was only going to cum if she did it herself. With a huff and a huge whine she straddled Y/N's chest.
Placing her clit against her right nipple, moaning at the feeling of pressure being added to her clit again. She rocked her hips slowly against her nipple, feeling it hardened underneath her.
"that's it baby. Ride me." Chrissy moaned as she held on to Y/N's arms, rocking her hips harder and faster. Pathetically humping her chest just to get an orgasm.
Chrissy never thought when she met Y/N that she would later be soaking her chest with her own wetness. The way she glided so easily against Y/N's skin because she soaked it. She felt herself getting closer but a part of her didn't want it to end. What if this was her only shot?
She looked into Y/N's eyes, seeing a look of desire and lust. Chrissy could barely hold on. Gasping to herself.
"I'm gonna cum. Please." She whined, head throwing back as she thrusted herself harder against Y/N, moaning as she felt her orgasm reaching it's breaking point.
Within seconds it shattered, she was spazzing on her chest, thighs shaking and her hips barely moving in a pace. Just aftershocks throwing her body against Y/N second after second.
Her body was glistened in sweat and her insides were on fire.
"you're so fucking gorgeous." Y/N said as she smiled. Watching Chrissy's body come down from her orgasm, sliding herself off. Seeing the streaks of wetness laying on Y/N's chest. She felt her eyes roll in the back of her head when Y/N swiped it on her finger and tasted it. Moaning at the taste of Chrissy.
Chrissy just needed to kiss her again, feel her lips move against hers. She leaned down and pecked her lips softly. Y/N smiled and sat up, cupping Chrissy's cheek and deepening the kiss.
Y/N was right, she'd never go back to Jason now.
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lonesome-witching · 8 months
Double Date
@rabbitofdeath-atcastleaarrggh requested this sequel to Double Date Plans. Although I feel like you can read this as a stand alone. This one has ronance and Chrissy/Vickie going on a double date.
You can read my old prompts or send me new ones.
The diner was nearly deserted. It nearly always was. Except for a few stray travelers and the occasional teenager, no one frequented the diner. Yet among Robin and her friends it was the place to get together. The band kids had been coming there for eons. It had been the perfect place for the double date.
Which was exactly why the four girls were sitting around a sticky table together, waiting for drinks. Robin was softly tapping her fingers on the tabletop as Vickie shared a story of Robin getting stuck in her marching uniform and tumbling to the floor, still holding her trumpet.
Nancy giggled, a fond expression hiding in her eyes.
“It’s not funny, I had bruises all over my arms,” Robin whined, but there was a soft smile on her face when Nancy turned her face to look at her.
“So, you guys have been friends for a while?” Chrissy asked, leaning forward, her elbows positioned dangerously on the table. Robin worried the table was going to flip over.
“Yeah, ever since we started band, right?” she responded, looking at Vickie for some confirmation.
“Yeah, pretty much. We knew each other before then, but we became friends because of band.”
“Well, Robin, do you have any embarrassing stories of my girlfriend?” Chrissy was whispering mischievously, although she was probably trying to hide her comment from eavesdroppers just as much.
“Oh, tons.”
“Do share!”
“Robin, no!” Vickie shrieked, probably a little too loud.
“Oh? I think I should share. You’ve shared one of mine, right in front of the person I’m in dire need to impress.”
“Shut up,” Nancy laughed, “you don’t need to impress me. You’ve already won me over.”
Before Robin could get started with her plethora of embarrassing stories, a male voice disturbed them. “Robin? What a coincidence?” 
“Steve? What are you doing here? I thought you had to work tonight?”
Chrissy shuffled into the corner of the booth, away from her girlfriend, but Vickie simply grabbed her hand and smiled at her fondly.
“Yeah, my shift ended like half an hour ago. I was gonna grab some dinner and I was craving some greasy burgers.” He was already in the process of grabbing a chair from the table behind him and joining the girls. “You don’t mind if I join you guys, right?”
There wasn’t a clear answer coming from the girls, which Steve assumed was an okay. He immediately set in on a story about Keith and how he kept asking Steve for Nancy’s number, to which Nancy scrunched up her nose.
The waitress, an older looking woman with curly grey hair and a face full of wrinkles but a kind smile, walked over to them with their drinks. She placed the glasses of coke in front of the girls and quickly sent a glare in Steve’s direction.
“Is everything alright here, ladies?” she asked.
“Yeah, we’re doing great. Can I get one of those as well?” Steve pointed at one of the glasses.
“Are you a lady as well?” The waitress put her hands on her hips.
Robin, who had just proceeded to take a snip, snorted at the comment, the coke coming out of her nose. Nancy was hiding her own smile as she helped Robin clean up the spilled drink.
Steve coughed. “No, I’m not. Sorry.”
“Is he with you?”
“Yeah, he sort of is,” Robin replied quickly.
“Alright then, let me know if you need anything else.”
“Do you think she’ll get me a coke or not?” Steve asked, dumbfounded.
The girls started laughing.
Steve had left with a bag filled with burgers and fries. The girls had stayed, talking about their past and their future. The waitress came over with two milkshakes and an apologetic look on her face.
“I’m afraid this was all we still had,” she stated as she placed the drinks on the table. Each of the milkshakes had two straws and Robin could swear she saw the woman grin as she walked away.
But she decided not to care as she watched Nancy’s lips wrap around one of the straws. Their eyes locked and the other two girls were momentarily forgotten. Robin thought she’d thank the waitress sometime.
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dancingdeacyy · 4 years
Celebration night
Okay, I finally wrote something and I actually loved how this turned out. It’s fluffy and I love it.
I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to share it. If you want to be on the tag list let me know.
Oh and don’t forget there’s a prompt list, I’m taking requests so feel free to ask for smn.
(I know I have a couple of requests, I’m trying to work on them but I finishing uni and I’m still quite busy)
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After weeks of hard work, the guys finally finished recording and the new album was being well received, I’m extremely proud of them cause I’ve seen how hard they’ve worked and how much effort they put into it.
Chrissie, Brian’s girlfriend, Mary, Freddie’s girlfriend and Veronica, Deacy’s wife, and I, we decided to throw a celebration party for the guys. It wasn’t a big reunion like Freddie’s favourites, but we planned on wearing fancy dresses and a gourmet menu.
My garden was the right place to do it so we decided to decorate it with some fairy lights and roses. I love planning things with the girls because they have great taste and we have so much fun working together.
Besides, the girls were happy doing it to have a special moment with their boyfriends while I just wanted to give my best friend, Roger, a nice relaxing moment, yes, he is my best friend and I love him, as friends, do friends love each other the way I love Roger? Do friends treat each other the way Roger and I do?
The girls always tease me about dating Roger and how cowards we are and I knew the guys tease Roger too cause “He’s not brave enough to accept his feelings and confess them to me” well, I guess our friends know our feelings better than us.
However, the special night has come and the girls and I were so nervous yet so excited. The food looked delicious and a fancy restaurant had nothing on our cooking skills, cocktails were almost ready and the garden was beautifully decorated, the guys were about to arrive, so we decided to go and get ready.
If we were getting fancy food and the garden looked like it was brought out of a Disney movie, we definitely had to look like princesses. Chrissie helped me find a beautiful black dress, it was so smooth and it fitted me perfectly, my makeup was soft and barely visible but it really made me feel different.
We get ready so fast we actually thought about breaking the world record, the girls looked so pretty we almost start crying about how good we felt and how beautiful we are, and I mentally laughed about it cause if I were alone I would never feel this pretty, but the girls made me feel like that and I’m actually simpin for this confident version of me.
The doorbell rang and brought us back from our daydreaming, saying we were scared was an understatement, we were really nervous and not because of how would the boys react cause, let's be honest, we’re wearing fancy dresses and looking like proper goddesses, they’d love it, we just wanted everything to go as we planned.
As soon as we opened the door, Freddie, Brian and John came running to hug their wives while Roger was looking at me shyly.
“Hey” I said softly, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible.
“You look gorgeous” He said, not even a hello, oh well I can’t complain. “Can I hug you?”
What? My legs were shaking and I needed that hug as soon as possible, I only attempted to nod slowly.
He put his firm hands on my waist and brought me close to his body, his scent was so strong I felt I was getting high on it, and I love that feeling.
“You look great Roger” I said, hiding my face on his neck. He really did look good, an opened white shirt revealing his smooth chest and a pair of leather pants and I’ll just say… his butt looked pretty nice.
“Really? I’m just wearing the first thing I saw in my closet.” He said, trying to look as nonchalant as possible.
“That’s not true y/n, he spent hours planning his outfit.” Freddie said teasingly while winking. “He said he wanted to impress you.”
Roger was blushing and he let go from the hug.
“Oh it's alright, I hope my dress impresses him too, cause he certainly impressed me.” I said and went to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine. “Want some?”
The girls were looking at me with a knowing smirk and the guys were teasing Roger while he was trying to cover up his reddened cheeks.
The rest of the guys looked really nice too, wearing their fancy suits and while a wide smile plastered on their faces.
“Before you start getting drunk, my dear y/n, we had some words prepared for you” Mary started saying, taking the bottle out of my hands.
We had some words prepared? Really?
“Yeah! Our gorgeous y/n prepared them, right?” Veronica looked at me while giggling and I couldn’t be more confused. Did I write a speech and I completely forgot about it? Roger’s giggles brought me back.
“Oh yeah right!” I said, trying to look confident “It’s quite short, though.”
“Oh stop it, y/n!” Freddie said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Stop being so modest, you give great speeches.”
Yes! Only when I’m extremely drunk.
“Alright boys, we know you’ve worked really hard this last month and we are so proud you’re achieving your dreams.” I started saying, trying to look at each one of them but not being able, my eyes were focused on Roger and how good he looked smiling at me like that. “You are an inspiration and I’ll dare to say, you are our idols, but you are also the loves of our lives… and our best friends.” I quickly added to avoid misunderstandings, but oh how I wish I hadn’t. “You’ve given everything to us, and the least we could do was try to give you something else too, so this is just a small celebration party for you guys.”
Chrissie was pouring the wine on our glasses and we were ready for the toast.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses for Queen!” I said lifting my glass happily.
As soon as the guys lifted it, I looked at Roger who was already smiling at me, I smiled back when he winked at me, oh how much I want to kiss those lips.
“Okay guys, you can get going to the garden, we’ll get the food.” Mary said while pushing Freddie out of the room, the guys followed him but Roger seemed a bit hesitant about going with them.
“Can I have a word with y/n?” He asked shyly, it’s funny how he always seemed so comfortable and confident but when it comes to me he’s so shy and soft.
“Sure Rog, just give us a second while we finish preparing the dishes.” Chrissie said and hurried working on the dish.
My stomach was feeling funny and my legs were shaking, was something wrong? Did I say something inappropriate? My mind was racing. The feeling of Mary’s hand on my shoulder scared me a bit.
“Alright Rog, she’s all yours.” Mary said, grabbing two dishes and going out of the kitchen, the girls followed her but first they winked at me.
I turned to look at Roger, he was already smiling at me. He walked to me, getting closer and closer every time he put his hand on my waist and smiled.
“Hey.” He seemed more confident than a few minutes ago but his voice was still a bit shaky.
“Hey, are you excited?” I asked hoping my voice seemed a bit normal.
“About the dinner or the album?” Geez, he looked so cute when he’s confused, he looked like a puppy.
“Both” I said laughing, I could help but caress his face, my fingers went from his forehead to his cheek and then to his hair. My fingers tangled in it and I could feel his eyes staring at my lips.
“Yeah, mostly about tonight.” He tried to stop looking at my lips, but I saw his tongue poking out of his lips and wetted them. “I wanted to thank you, and tell you how beautiful you look today.”
I could help but blush, his blue eyes were now staring at my eyes.
“Oh it’s nothing, we’re proud and you’ve done so much for us, is the least we can do.” I don’t know where this is going but I’m feeling the famous butterflies.
“Ca- Can I do something else for you?” He said putting his other hand on my cheek and rubbing it with his thumb.
Do you guys know how to breath? Because suddenly I forgot.
I nodded slowly and smiled.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered and I felt his breath so close to my face, his scent filling my nostrils, I put my hand on his neck and smiled.
“Yes, please.”
As soon as I finished talking, Roger lips attacked mine, my body felt numb and my head was spinning, I tangled my fingers on his hair and he hugged me by the waist. My lips were trying to follow his pace, our noses were brushing each other and our chests were so close I’m sure he felt my heart beating out of my chest.
I didn’t want to break the kiss but I was nearly out of breath, my forehead was resting on his and our eyes were still closed, his hands there caressing my back. We were smiling so much our cheeks started to hurt.
“You make me so very happy.” God his voice was so soft and sweet.
“You make me really happy too, Rog” Now our noses were touching each other, his was so soft and pointy, my heart was definitely beating faster now. “Let 's go eat.”
He took my hand and led me to the garden. The guys were focused on their conversation but as soon as Brian saw us he cleared his throat, ending the conversation. They were smiling at us and the guys started whistling when they saw our hands.
Roger opened my chair and I gave him a little kiss on his lips, the girls screamed when they saw it and I started clapping.
We avoided looking at them and started drinking wine, Roger’s hand was now on my thigh tracing circles with his thumb.
“Anything you want to share with us?” Freddie said leaning on the table and placing his head on his hands.
“Well, I just want to say that I hope that kiss means you’re my girlfriend now.” He said, grabbing a piece of food on his fork and leadingit to his mouth, trying to look smooth and charming. “Oh it does, love.” He said and I brought his face close to mine and started kissing him again.
Our friends were cheering in the back and now his lips tasted like wine, I was slowly melting in his arms and I’ve never been happier.
Tag list: @jennyggggrrr
146 notes · View notes
marisaaa · 4 years
day 1 prompt: "Do you trust me?"
Once you turn eighteen and you find yourself in the presence of your soulmate, you know. Your soul connections are close enough to activate and they say it overrides all your senses. It’s just you. And them.
Aaron knows as soon as Robert steps into the common room, and he knows he feels it too. 
have i known you twenty seconds, or twenty years? (AO3 link)
“I’m Adam. Barton.” A smiley boy stands up from where he was sat outside the headmaster’s office, “We’re going to be in the same mechanics class but right now, I’m your mentor.”
He reached his hand out to shake Aaron’s who took it timidly.
“Aaron.” He introduced himself, “Dingle.”
Adam smiled, letting go of Aaron’s hand and pointing up at the massive school sign painted on the arch of the hallway. “Welcome to All Hallows.”
Aaron had recently moved to live with his Mum in Leeds, requiring a school transfer… in the middle of his A levels. Luckily, this new school had the right subjects and really, anything would do if it meant getting away from his Dad.
Adam joyously waffled on about the school, clubs, competitions as he led Aaron around. The college was connected to a lower school, so the tour was a lot longer than Aaron had expected but he didn’t mind, Adam seemed to be in his element.
They got to a glass cabinet in the main school reception and stopped. Aaron watched as Adam smiled, looking over the many trophies the school held.
A few seconds passed. “Lots of trophies.” Aaron pointed out dumbly, making Adam chuckle.
“Yeah, loads.” He replied. Looking around to check no one was watching, Adam pulled open the glass door and pulling a photo frame out.
He pointed to one of the boys in the frame. They looked only a bit younger than themselves. “That’s Pete. He’s my brother/cousin.” Adam explained.
Aaron didn’t even want to ask. He just kept looking at the frame with feigned interest.
Adam continued, “Last year, they played for the under 16s international lacrosse championship.”
He seemed to be amazed by the information, so Aaron pretended to look impressed, as if he knew what lacrosse was.
“That’s good?” he questioned nervously.
Adam scoffed, “Good? That’s awesome, mate. International! They didn’t just play, they came second. That’s mint.”
Aaron nodded. “Are they our age?”
Adam shook his head in response, “Just left, actually. Pete and a few other teammates got a lacrosse scholarship and moved to the US.” He thought carefully, scanning the photo, “Wait no, Robert’s still here.”
He pointed to one of the boys, looking small on the photo. He had dusty blonde hair and wide, white smile. He knelt on one knee, holding his helmet and his lacrosse stick stood next to him.
Adam spoke in a whisper, “Snapped a tendon, last game of the internationals. He carried on playing though. People say he’s the reason the team didn’t win.”
Aaron chuckled but Adam looked him dead in the eye, serious.
“You can’t be serious.”
Adam nodded. “He was so embarrassed, didn’t turn up to school for the rest of the year.”
Aaron narrowed his eyes, “That couldn’t be for a small thing like the snapped tendon, possibly.”
Adam seemed to consider that, shrugging his shoulder and putting the photo back in the cabinet. “You can be the one to ask him, if anyone mentions it infront of him, let me tell you, you do not want to be on the receiving end of that.”
“Why? is he violent?” Aaron questioned, suddenly concerned for his safety.
Adam laughed, “No, not violent. He’s just, creative – with his words. Him and his girlfriend both. You see, her dad was the lacrosse coach – until he retired this year. Of course, Robert and Chrissie would get together, its cliché, right?”
Aaron nodded in understanding, watching as Adam closed the class door carefully, just in time for a member of staff to walk around the corner, not noticing a thing. He shot Adam a knowing glance, a small smirk on his lips.
“But anyway,” Adam continued to gossip as they walked further down the corridor, “They’ve been together, what? Three years now? Well, since Robert became captain of the team. Everyone knows Chrissie’s cheating on him, she hasn’t dumped him probably because she doesn’t want to cause a rift between her dad and his ‘star player’. But now he’s retired, everyone’s just waiting for them to break.”
Aaron listened intently, impressed with how much gossip he’s already been let in on. Although something tells him it’s common knowledge.
They turned a corner and through two double doors into a bustle of people. There were around twelve tables, completely full of teenagers.
THE COMMONROOM read the sign hanging from the ceiling, accompanied by some quote that Aaron hadn’t heard before.
Someone called from the left of the room, waving their hand over to where Adam and Aaron were stood by the doors.
Adam replied with a wave, then beckoned Aaron to follow him to where a group of people were sat both on chairs and on the table.
He was introduced to a whole load of people – boys and girls – who’s names he could barely remember already. One of them, Billy he thinks was clearly the main one of the group and Aaron watched from where he was sat on a chair as everyone crowded round and watched this Billy play something on his phone.
Mid-laugh at something funny Adam had commented, Aaron’s heart rate sped up drastically in his chest. It’s almost like something had been rewired in his body, like something sudden clicked. A piece fit to complete his puzzle.
The noise of the common room drowned out as he looked over his shoulder, his eyes meeting someone else’s across the room by the door, zoning in on him and him only.
A green eyed, freckled, dusty blonde-haired boy was staring back at him with his own shocked expression on his face. It was like all his nerves multiplied and he could feel every emotion under the sun, completely overwhelming him in… feeling.
The moment was interrupted, and their eye contact broke as a brunette girl tapped on the blonde boy’s shoulder, their surroundings suddenly becoming known again.
Aaron cleared his throat and turned his head back to the table, catching Adam’s watchful eye.
“You alright, mate?” Adam asked, hopping of the table and onto a chair next to him. “Your cheeks, they’re pink.”
“Nerves.” Aaron lied quickly but then gestured over to where the boy was, now in what looked like an unhappy conversation with the brunette girl, “Who’s that, over there?”
Adam’s eyes quickly found him and then flicked back to Aaron’s. “That’s Robert Sugden – the guy on the lacrosse team I showed you.”
Aaron’s heart stuttered, his eyes widening in realisation. Oh. Shit.
“And that’s Chrissie White with him.” Adam continued, gesturing to where they were sitting, “Doesn’t look like a thrilling conversation, though.”
Robert’s forehead was creased, and he ran a hand through his hair frustratedly as Chrissie turned abruptly and stormed off. Robert looked up and his eyes locked on Aaron’s who immediately shied away from the contact, only to look back up to see Robert walking away.
He didn’t know why or even remember standing up but soon enough, he was following Robert out of the common room and into a hallway he hadn’t even realised was there.
As he stepped into the hallway, he noticed the significant lack of light considering the time of say and the odd chill coming from the tall windows. He looked down both sides of the corridor, but it was empty. He was about to call out Robert’s name, but it felt wrong, considering they hadn’t met properly yet.
He took a step down the left side of the corridor – the side that seemed less daunting and searched for any other staircases he could’ve taken.
As he took a few more steps, the sleeve of the coat on his arm was pulled and he fell sideways into a small cupboard about the size of a box bedroom, containing shelves and shelves of outdoor equipment.
Before he could even register everything in the room, the door slammed shut and a light was turned on, blinding Aaron for a few seconds before his eyes focused on the person in front of him.
He looked… almost angry but hurt and confused at the same time. They stood in silence, just staring at each other for a few seconds before Robert opened his mouth.
“I- I’m sorry,” he nervously scratched the back of his neck, “I don’t usually do this.”
Aaron almost laughed. That was the last thing he’d expected him to say. He kept a straight face, trying to be angry about the whole thing.
“What pull random people into…” he looked around, “equipment storage?”
Robert sighed, “You’re not- you’re not a random person though, are you?”
Aaron tried not to notice the way Robert’s eyes dipped to his lips as he spoke. He shook his head.
“I feel like… I feel like I know you.” Robert spoke quietly, as if he was trying to work something out in his head, “How have I never noticed you before?”
Aaron gulped, the other boy’s voice making something stir inside of him. “I just moved here, from York. Today’s my first day. My name’s Aaron.”
Robert’s mouth opened in realisation and he huffed a laugh. “Well, Aaron. A hell of a first day, huh?”
“Well, I’ve had worse.” Aaron answered, trying to be funny.
A small smile formed on Robert’s lips and he made eye contact with Aaron again under the dim light of the cupboard. Aaron’s eyes flickered to his lips and then back up to Robert’s eyes which quickly darted down as he took a step back.
“I’m not gay.” Robert declared, refusing to look at him.
Aaron felt something drop in his chest. He’d heard of these cases. Your soulmate but in the form of your friend. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat disappointed. That this beautiful person, someone he was, indeed, very attracted to, is only bonded to him because they’re friends.
“Oh.” Aaron looked down at his feet and bit his lip.
“But I’m not straight, either.”
Aaron looked up quickly at that and Robert stepped closer again. Their faces were so close now, they were practically breathing the same breaths. He cleared his throat before Robert spoke again.
“Infact, right now.” He whispered, “I don’t know how I ever thought I was.”
Aaron took a quick gasp of air before Robert dipped his head and gently pressed their lips together.
It was like fireworks, Aaron would say. The moment the fireworks start and all you can do is stare in awe at how wonderful and beautiful they are. Fireworks, right now, everywhere. The feeling was ten times it was when they first locked eyes in the common room.
The kiss got deeper and more passionate, Robert pushing Aaron up against on of the shelves and Aaron’s hand gliding through the short hairs on the nape of his neck.
Robert let out a small moan before pulling away, the firework subsiding but still very much there. His eyes fluttered open and his lips were parted as he drew in quick breaths.
Aaron was speechless. He’d never felt anything near this before. He could feel as Robert’s heart was beating, the same fast pace as his own and they grinned at each other, both knowing exactly how the other was feeling through their bond.
Robert pressed himself against Aaron again and started mouthing at his neck, making Aaron lean his head back against the shelf.
“I have a girlfriend.” Robert murmured between kisses, but he carried on anyway.
“She’s cheating on you.” Aaron panted, but silently cursed himself, not wanting the be the one to ruin what was going on right now.
Robert stopped and raised his head to align his eyes with Aaron’s. They seemed to scan his face. Aaron suddenly felt under pressure. “I’m sorry- Adam said- he said everyone knew, and your conversation earlier didn’t seem great I-“
“I wanted to wait until she was eighteen.” Robert interrupted ,his eyes never leaving Aaron’s. “ Just to see if she was 'the one', you know?”
He nodded.
“But she’s not. And I’m…” he started to smile, “So goddamn happy about that.”
Aaron let out a sigh of relief before hastily pulling Robert’s face back down to his own, kissing him once more.  
They carried on for what seemed like barely any time but must’ve been long enough for the bell to ring, signalling the next period.
They broke apart, the feeling of each other lingering on their lips.
“I have a lesson.” Aaron whispered, slowly opening his eyes to watch Robert do the same.
“Skip it.” Robert answered quickly, pushing his arms off the shelves where they were resting behind Aaron’s head.
Aaron rolled his eyes, “What? Skip my first ever lesson?”
“Don’t know you to know you’re missing, do they?” Robert said with a wink, his eyes unsubtly lingering on Aaron’s lips.
Aaron let out a small chuckle as Robert put his hand out, as if to ask Aaron to take it.
“Come on, there’s somewhere we can go instead.” Robert looked down at Aaron’s hand and reached his outstretched one towards it.
He narrowed his eyes, “What? So you can kidnap me and hide me in a cupboard again.”
Robert rolled his eyes but looked pleading. “I won’t, I promise.”
Aaron nodded his head slowly, a smile spreading across his face.
“Do you trust me?”
Aaron didn’t know why. He didn’t know how. But he did. With every fibre of his being.
He took his hand and it took his breath away with it, the fireworks making a comeback.
Robert pulled him out of the cupboard and down some stairs that Aaron hadn’t even noticed on his way there. Soon enough, they were outside and running across the field into a wood. Robert lead him through the wood and out into a clearing where a small barn stood,
He slowed to a walk, still holding onto Aaron’s hand, laughing as he swung it back and forth. Aaron could feel his eyes glowing with adoration as he watched the cold pink his cheeks and the wind blow lightly through his hair.
When they reached the barn, Robert pulled the door open, unveiling a room full of haystacks and wooden beams.
Aaron stepped inside and looked around as Robert shut the door behind them.
“Yep, exactly how I envisioned meeting my soulmate.” Aaron joked, “First he locks me in a smelly cupboard and then he takes me to an even smellier barn. Romantic”
Robert sighed but took small steps towards Aaron, eventually pushing him back and down onto a haystack. “You’re too traditional, Aaron.”
Aaron was not expecting his heart to flutter at the sound of his name on Robert’s lips and he could tell by the way Robert smirked, that he felt it too.
He started to lean down pushing Aaron gently on his shoulders so he was laying fulling on his back and Robert leaning over him, his arms bracketing his head.
“Now.” He whispered, leaning his face down to Aaron’s, “Where were we?”
And again. Fireworks.
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okimargarvez · 4 years
Original title: Reverse.
Prompt: Penelope is the new girl on the BAU team and Luke tries to treat her cold.
Warning: A.U., possible OOC.
Genre: drama, romantic, family, friendship.
Characters: Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia, BAU team, Derek Morgan, O.C. Sam Cooper’ team, Roxy.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot 62 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💑😘👓🔦🐶❗🎲🎈👻🎬🎵.
Song mentioned: Amici per errore, Tiziano Ferro.
Reverse- Masterlist
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Note: I written the whole story in just two days; yeah, I’m not normal. It was funny (but also not so easy) re-writing their main scenes and dialogues imagining that the situation was reverse: she the new girl, he with the team since… the beginning.
1 # In no way I would like to be elsewhere, that’s why I’m still here
About a month had passed since Christine left to follow her husband to another city. He couldn’t really blame her without feeling selfish: in her place he would probably have done the same. Not only had Rich risked dying from one of the madmen they were chasing (as had happened to Hotch, with a less positive ending), but at that moment she was actually pregnant. It had hurt him, that she hadn’t told him, to have to find out in such a brusque way. He was her best friend after all. Perhaps for a while, before Rich, he had even hoped for something more.
Her absence was not only noticeable in his heart, but much more practically when it came to solving a case. Hotch had called Kevin Lynch, with whom they had collaborated in previous years, but who for some reason he had never really liked him. Then, about a week ago, however, the man had announced that he was needed elsewhere and so his historic ex-girlfriend had replaced him (in the Bureau the gossip went wild, there was no concept of privacy): Penelope Garcia, the star of the behavioral analysis team led by the unscrupulous Sam Cooper.
Of course, he had already heard of her, not just through rumors. She was definitely the best in her field (as much as it bothered him to admit it, because he seemed to be doing wrong to Chrissie). Probably the best in the entire FBI or perhaps even in the world, without exaggerating. Someone said that CIA has banned her from its archives. Top level hacker, like any good computer technician. Even Agent Oller idolized her in a way he never really understood, since they were almost peers. Not before he meets her in person.
But there were other voices circulating, of another kind. Epic stories, almost to compete with the Arthurian and Carolingian cycles. With a co-star: Derek Morgan. The nicknames they had given themselves (and that people had added, as the wireless phone tour continued) were wasted. Her lines were at least as famous as her speed in finding the address of a suspect found untraceable. It had happened to him sometimes to meet Agent Morgan at the shooting range. He had wondered what was in her and was about to find out, at his price.
The elevator doors open halfway. The solitude in which Luke Alvez has taken refuge is about to be broken by a blond hurricane. -Hello!- Garcia exclaims enthusiastically, getting on board and positioning herself too close for his tastes. It is as if the lone wolf that was before joining the BAU had returned after Christine’s departure. Although his eyes remain fixed on the reflective steel surface, his nostrils cannot avoid capturing her perfume. The first time he saw her he was bent over studying a file; Hotch appeared on the balcony, calling them to the meeting. And he glimpsed at her backside, beginning to understand Morgan. Then the big boss made the presentations one by one. She was dressed in such an indecent way… not so much for the clothes, even JJ occasionally allowed herself something low-cut… and also Chrissie. But for the bright colors. He remembers what he thought at the time. But it would have been proven wrong more than once. Because her perfume is not at all exaggerated, strong and annoying as expected. Indeed, it seems an almost natural and damn stimulating aroma.
He erases the last thought and forces himself to be at least polite. His mother and grandmother would otherwise scold him, even if they have no way of finding out. -Good morning.- he replies, with a cold, distant and professional tone.
Because of the silence he can hear Garcia take a breath before opening her mouth. But he knows she won’t be able to hold herself; she can’t help it. She is certainly the least formal creature of the FBI. And Chrissie would love her. -How was your week-end?- here she is. Luke remembers how difficult it was to be grumpy and unkind when he shook her hand. Surely it would have been easier to hate Lynch for no reason… but he was a man. The overlap was not working.
He feels the woman’s gaze on him. Those brown eyes so dark and penetrating, as well as so large and apparently innocent, covered by a pair of fuchsia glasses, naturally paired with the flower in her hair and the three-quarter jacket. He cursed himself for being so adept at noticing a great deal of detail in no time. He may even feel her expectation while she is patiently waiting for him to answer. -I don’t see why I should talk to you about it.- he chooses to continue with the farce of professionalism. But then, despite Garcia continuing to keep quiet and good, he feels driven by an external force to add a detail. -But if you really insist…- he turns for the first time towards her, instantly catching her eyes. -I stayed with my girlfriend, who is beautiful and loves me.- inside he laughs deeply, because she can’t know he’s talking about his dog. It doesn’t seem to have been added to his file.
-Oh, fantastic!- her reaction, sincerely enthusiastic, confirms that she has fallen for it. Naivety is another of the things she is famous for. This often made her the victim of her team’s (light) jokes. He feels a little bad in taking advantage of her weakness, but if it helps to make her understand that with him he doesn’t work, that she won’t be able to become his friend… Garcia looks at him again, without any shame. -And you stayed at home or…- apparently not, he will have to play it heavier. He sighs.
He doesn’t even shake his head. -No, we went for a walk in the park.- he smiles maliciously, reflecting on how easy it is to exchange Roxy for a woman. -She loves it.- he adds. -What about your weekend?- he asks, considering that only one floor is still missing before they reach theirs. But has this elevator always been so slow, or is it doing it on purpose? Everything conspires against him.
She speaks with much more tranquility. Of course, she hasn’t lost her best friend. -I stayed at home with my boyfriend.- Luke feels a pang of annoyance at that answer, but doesn’t want to believe it’s the thought that she can’t have an affair. Kevin is proof of that, isn’t it? It seems to him that they have been together for about five years, back and forth. Of course it was JJ and Chrissie who talked about it all the time, they love the internal gossip. He has never been a superficial type and Garcia has all the credentials; her curves certainly don’t leave men indifferent. -It helped me improve my fingering techniques…- she continues, then realizes the way he is now looking at her. Eyes wide open and narrowed in amazement. Yet he knew it would happen. She is also the undisputed queen of double meaning. It seems that this time however it was not wanted. -On my clarinet!- she then adds, almost screaming. She defends herself with too much emphasis, the skin of the face even paler. -I swear, I meant the musical instrument.- finally, she seems to succumb and he is even sorry.
But not from the outside. Luke, on the other hand, chuckles, nodding, amused by the situation, he can’t help. As he wonders if Agent Morgan has ever been able to test the skill of her fingers. -There is no need to get agitated.- he says, but it doesn’t sound reassuring at all and in fact he didn’t want to be. -Whatever you do in your spare time, this is only about you.- he is amazed at the ease with which such nonsense comes out. Then he feels the cell phone vibrate in his pants pocket, just in time, even if he hasn’t programmed it. He extracts it and looks at the familiar message. -And, sorry- how damned fake he is! -but we have an important case.- without looking at her once, he goes down the elevator first. Really not very gallant. -Have a good day.- he adds as compensation.
-Wait!- she shouts after him. He hears the sound of her heels as she tries to reach him. -I can also play the ukulele.-
TAGS: @martinab26  @thinitta  @shyladystudentfan  @pegasus-scifichick @paperwalk  @inlovewithgarvaz @the-ellen-stuff @astressedwriter  @symphonyashley  @kofforever​ @myhollyhanna23​ @tootsienoodles​  @centiaaa​  @penelopesluke​ @dumbdraws​ @onefail-at-atime​ @reidskitty13​ @adorarapril​ @princesstreaclefanfic​ @glocknade111-blog​ @magiunific​ @fallen-novak​ @dreatine​ @hopelessdayydreamer​ Tell me if you want to be removed! ^_^
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
The sunflower always finds its sunlight X [Roger Taylor x F!Reader]
Words : 3, 800 K +
Warnings : language, little fight, fluff, sap rog.
Summary :  Roger likes Reader since forever but the timing seems to just never be right for them. Reader is still haunted by her past relationship and kept rejecting Roger who know nothing about the abuses she had been victim of. After being rejected for the sixth time,  Roger thinks it’s time for him to move on…
Note : Finally it’s here !! We’re growing closer to the end...maybe five more chapters ? Not too much, sorry for delay but I hope you all love it lovies :))))
☀ Masterlist ☀
800 followers celebration !!! 
Halloween prompt party !!!
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“Rog, you’re staring” You murmured into your boyfriend’s ear, squeezing gently his knee to bring him back on earth.
The drummer snapped out of his trance and turned his head toward you, his hand rubbing his exposed chest.
“Sorry” He mumbled and took a big sip of his beer, focusing rather on you than on the man seating on the other side of the table.
“It’s okay” You reassured him and planted a small kiss on his lips, feeling how tense he was.
It had been two months since you told everything to Roger. And you didn’t regret anything, you never felt so connected to him since he knew the truth. He was your rock and sometimes you wondered how you manage to survive without him by your side. He also asked you officially if you could finally be together and you said yes, of course. During these past weeks, you both also did your best to avoid your ex-boyfriend, making excuses to not go out with the band when you knew he would be here. It work for a time but tonight was Brian’s birthday and you couldn’t just passed it.
“I’m gonna smoke” The drummer told you, he didn’t ask to come with him because he knew you would. You always did. Since you started dating, you were closer than ever, attached by the hips and basically doing everything together. Your friends loved to – gently – made fun of the two of you, how glued to each other you were but you didn’t really care. You adored being with him and since he knew about your past, he found in himself an urgent need to be with you most of the time, keeping you safe and loved. Plus, you were already living together and neither of you talked about if you should move back in your old place or not. For now, everything was so good.
“I love you” You whispered when you were both in the garden, your hands gently rubbing his shoulders.
“That’s my line, love” He replied with a little laugh, using his free hand to caress your face before pressing his lips against yours for tender kiss. “I love you” You smiled stupidly and giggled, these three words still doing so much effect on you every time you heard them.
You let your head rested on his shoulder as he smoked his cigarette, taking a little break from the gathering. It was mostly Brian’s family and close friends, nothing too outrageous.
“I hate how he don’t give a fuck about what he did to you” Roger broke the comfortable quietness, taking a deep puff before breathing out loudly. “He is here, partying with us, making joke like he has a right to be here, fucking wanker” He threw his cigarette in the big garden bin that Brian used for his compost and you knew the guitarist would be annoyed by his bandmate when he would notice.
“I know Rog. I know it’s hard but I never been happier since we’re together and I don’t want to change anything about our life” You combed his wild hairs, earning a little grunt when you encountered a knot and quietly apologised. “We only have to see him for important stuffs, few times during the year, we could manage that”
“Yeah” Roger agreed even if you knew inside him, he didn’t. He wanted to confront the man and sent him to jail but for you, he kept his mouth shut. It wasn’t his place to choose what to do about him. “You know Brian lectured me the other day about him ? Saying that it was childish from me to avoid Donovan just because he was your ex” He grumbled and you chuckled at his pouting face, the mood relaxing drastically.
“But it’s a bit true, isn’t it ?” You teased, your pads caressing his cheek, smooth like baby skin.
“Meh” He poked out his tongue. “I’m jealous of every guys who had kiss you” The drummer groaned and you giggled, pecking his mouth few times.
“Well, luck you, you’re the only one I want to kiss” You smiled fondly and he cupped your face, bringing back your lips on his. “I love you so much, Rog”
“I love you too, my little sunflower” You blushed at the old nickname, not quite used to hear it again. “I lo–“
“You’re sickly sappy” Roger groaned as you both turned your head toward Freddie, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. “But in a cute way” He pinched your cheeks and the drummer slapped his hand away, sneaking his arm around your waist. He brought you closer and you and Rog chuckled at his positiveness.
“We are, aren’t we ?” You cooed with a stupid smile, rubbing a hand on your boyfriend’s chest. The blond blushed a bit when you kissed his cheek, giving you a loving smile which Freddie didn’t miss.
“I never thought I would see Roger being such a fucking sap” The lead singer repeated with a little smile. “I love it, good job (Y/N)”
“Piss off, Fred” He mumbled and grabbed your hand in his bigger one. “It’s cake time, let’s go”
You swallowed back a giggle and exchanged an amused smile with Freddie before following back the blond.  Roger was still struggling with showing affection in public, his cheeks always reddening and he would turn the situation around, saying something filthy to smooth it. You didn’t mind, it was pretty funny because when you were only the both of you, he was a big softie and you loved it.
The cake was already here and you speeded up to join the rest of the group, watching Brian blew his candles, clapping and cheering loudly. The rest of the evening went fine, Roger and Donovan throwing dirty glances to each other from afar but nothing too dramatic, thankfully.
“(Y/N), remember when we went to Barcelona ? We had so much fun and...” You didn’t listen the rest of his sentence and instead squeezed Roger’s hand to keep him calm.
Donovan was purposely provoking Roger since you started dating, little teasing which could seems innocent for everyone else but you and Rog. And you were having trouble to keep your mouth shut, his smirk driving you mad.
“Donovan, can I have a word with you ?” You stood up and all of your friends fell silent, looking at you strangely. You never spoke a word to your ex usually so it was a bit of a shock for them.
“What are you doing ?” Roger whispered-shouted to you, his fingers grabbing your wrist to tug you back on your seat.
“It’s okay” You smiled and gently moved his hand away, your heart fluttering at the worry in his eyes. You glanced harshly to Donovan, he was more than satisfied to see Roger pissed off. “Kitchen” You said through your teeth and walked away, not checking if this asshole was following you. Of course he would.
“Already bored with Taylor ? I knew you were missing me” He taunted, making his way to you with a large cocky smile. “I miss you too” He winked and stopped in front of you.
“I don’t know what game you’re playing but you better stop now” You warned him, your hands shaking slightly at the proximity of your two bodies. “Leaves me and Roger the fuck alone” You murmured angrily and he simply smirked wider. “Stop talking to me or about me, I know you do that to annoy Roger and I want you to stop”
You never stood up for yourself against Donovan but the fact that he was now annoying Roger was angering you very much. It was more than time for you to tell to piss off.
“I’m not doing anything, sweetheart” He rolled his eyes. “We are all friends, that’s it, right ?” He knew very much that you didn’t want anyone to know what happened between the both of you, he knew you wouldn’t say a word about it and that why he was so confident. And he didn’t care if Roger knew or not, it didn’t matter for him.
“I’m not your friend, asshole” You spat. “I fucking hate you” You felt tears pricked in your eyes but quickly blinked them away.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that, sweetheart” He pouted and put a hand on your face, caressing it lightly.
The touch was light and mostly to tease you but it triggered awful memories in your mind and you immediately jolted apart, yelling to him to stop touching you. He was surprise by your sudden outburst and you were too, you didn’t wanted to cause a fuss but your reaction wasn’t controlled at all.
“Get away from her, now !” Roger had literally jumped of his seat and joined you, blood boiling at the thought of this pig putting a hand on you.
“I barely touched her !” Donovan groaned as everyone walked in the kitchen worried by the shouting. The drummer pushed the brunette on the chest, making stumbled back rather violently. He caught himself on the kitchen’s counter and simply stared nastily at Roger, knowing that he fight back, he would certainly lose.
“What is going on in here ?” Brian asked, his hands resting on his hips like an angry dad. He couldn’t understand properly the situation because for him it was just a stupid quarrel between the ex and the actual boyfriend.
The two men stayed silent, only looking harshly to each other, jaw clenching hard.
“Seriously boys, it’s Bri birthday, could you act civilised for a night ?” Chrissie scolded them, her arms crossed over her chest, annoyed to see the party she threw for Brian going down because of their little fight. “If not, you know where the door is”
You felt terrible. Watching Roger being treated like a rude little kid when you and Donovan knew he had every reason to be angry. The drummer humphed furiously but didn’t answer, simply straightening his shirt, trying to cool down.
“Can you fucking control your jealous boyfriend (Y/N) ? It’s embarrassing for everyone” Donovan spat and Freddie pinched his lips, clearly stopping himself to reply to him. You knew Fred always had a little problem with him, he didn’t know why but everyone knew that.
“Excuse-me ? Are you fucking with me, right now ?” Roger roared with anger, the audacity of the brunette making him furious. “You know what you deserved ? Me, kicking your ass, that’s you deserved, asshole !” You quickly grabbed the drummer’s top and tugged him back to you.
“Roger, drop it please” You whined because it was the last thing you wanted. “Let’s go home” You said louder but he didn’t pay attention to you, eyes glued to Donovan’s, watching him with pure hatred.
“Always a big mouth Taylor but the actions never follow” The brunette snorted and smirked at him. “You should listen to your girlfriend before you make a fool of yourself” Donovan knew that with everyone around, nothing could really happen to him, they would stop the fight before it became too serious so he clearly enjoyed teasing Roger as much as he could.
He was a coward.
“You’re fucking dead” Roger took a step toward him but Brian stopped him straight, his tall body hiding Donovan from his sight. “Move the fuck away Bri”
“No, I had enough Roger, it’s my fucking birthday ! For god’ sake, why do you respond to his provocation ?” You came next to the guitarist, worried to see your boyfriend exploded. “And you, Donovan, fuck off, alright ? You know how easy it is to wound up Rog so stop it !” He slightly turned to look at him and the brunette grimaced but didn’t reply.
“He fucking deserved it Brian !” Roger yelled furiously, he was angrily drunk and not ready to just let go the fight. “He bloody deserved me to knock off this teeth and–“
The curly man put his two hands on his bandmate’ shoulders, not letting it move.
“And why that, Rog, hum ? Because he used to date (Y/N) ? Grow the hell up !” John murmured so soothing words but now the guitarist was upset too. “No Deaky, it’s not okay ! You’re an adult Roger, act like one ! You had been insufferable every time Donovan was around, you’re ridiculous !”
Smoke was practically coming out from Roger’s nostrils. He hated being scolded like if he was a kid throwing a tantrum. Maybe most of the time he deserved it but tonight he knew very much he was right and that only pissed him off more.
“You wanna know why we should all bloody kick his arse ?” He yelled back and you swallowed nervously, feeling utterly useless and now really afraid of what he was about to say. “You really wanna know ?”
“We all fucking want to know that, Rog ! Come on, enlighten us !” Brian scoffed, clearly annoyed and not believing he had a good reason. “Or you can just admit that you’re bloody jealous and we can eat the fucking cake !” Chrissie tried to calm the curly man but he didn’t even look at her. He had enough his band mate's attitude.
Roger breathed out loudly, knowing he had the perfect answer to shut up his friend for good. He knew that a soon as he would tell the truth, he could finally kick Donovan’s arse in peace. His heart was beating loudly in his chest, blood boiling and veins popping up on his neck and face. He was so furious against Brian because he was forcing him tell the truth.
“Roger” You murmured with desperation. You could see what he was about to do. The thing you made him promise to not do. “Please” You stared at him, praying to make eye contact but he purposely didn’t look at you, focusing on Brian.
He was too angry to think clearly.
“He fucking beat up (Y/N) for years ! Is this bloody enough for you, Brian ?”
The silence which followed was deafening. You felt sick, head dizzy and tears rolling free on your cheeks.
“What ?” The curly man asked with disbelief, his anger gone in the matter of a second.
“You heard me right, Brian” Roger repeated, his chest panting with angriness as every eyes fell on Donovan’s, his face pallid after the revelation.
Another silence took place which you accidentally broke, a heartbroken and distressed sob escaping your mouth, purely desperate. That when Roger finally looked at you and processed what he just did.
“(Y/N)...” You shook ferociously your head, refusing him to touch you and instead took several steps back. “I’m so sorry” He babbled completely panicking at your destroyed face.  
“No, you’re not” You cried then ran away from the house, ignoring the pleading calls of your friends.
For a brief second he saw what would happen if he told everyone the truth. He would lost you.
“Roger” You murmured with desperation. You could see what he was about to do. The thing you made him promise to not do. “Please” Roger slowly turned his head toward you and you exchanged a silent glance.
And this time, the drummer choose wisely. He choose you.
You teary and scared eyes were more than enough to shut him up. He swallowed and sighed slowly before interlaced his fingers with yours and simply walked away.
“Let’s go home” Roger whispered and you nodded vigorously, grabbing your stuffs quickly. “Happy birthday Brian” Then you both left, ignoring the interrogation of your friends and went home instead.
And that night, when the drummer watched you sleeping cosily tucking under his arm, completely relaxed as your own arm hugged his side, he knew he did the right thing.
Few weeks later, you were packing your clothes and personal belongings into your bright yellow suitcase, humming softly at the song playing on the radio. Life was nice these days and you were happy. It felt good. You smiled widely when you heard the front door open, Roger joyfully greeting you.
“Bedroom !”
“Hi baby, I brought some lunch if you –“ He stopped when he noticed your actions, worry immediately bubbling in his stomach. “What are you doing ?”
You turned around, still seated on the floor and gently patted the spot next to you, a shy smile on your features. He dropped the bag on the bed and came, looking at you through his long eyelashes, swallowing tightly.
“Is everything okay ?” He added in a concerned voice, his eyes trailing on the clothes neatly folded inside the luggage.
“Yes. I thought about your proposition...about coming on tour with you” Roger’s heart raced at your words. “I would love to come, if...if the proposition is still on the table” You timidly said, brushing away hairs from your face.
The drummer had been bugging you for weeks about the upcoming Queen tour. Long ago before the incident with Donovan. Practically as soon as you started dating he had asking you to come with him in tour. You had simply reply that you needed time to think about it and it had been true. You didn’t want to be dependant from a guy, not after what happened with your ex-boyfriend, you couldn’t screw things up again. Quitting your job, touring with Roger but what if he get bored of you ? You would look utterly stupid without money, job and place to live, it was dangerous.
But Roger had been perfect these past months. Doting you – maybe too much – taking care of you and being an absolute sweetheart all the damn time. He supported you in your decision to not do anything about Donovan – even if it was hard for him –, he behaved the best he could every time he had to see him and if had been the other way around – you seeing Roger’s ex abuser and don’t say anything – you would have gone mad. And then at Brian’s birthday, he had been so close to tell everyone the truth. You knew that but he didn’t in the end and it was the only thing which matter.
And last but not least thing, the thought of not seeing Rog – or only for few days off – during the next five months was unbearable. And now, seeing the smile on his face convinced you that it was the right thing to do for your couple.
“You…really ?” He beamed and threw his arms around your chest, hugging you tightly. “Fuck, I love you so much !” You giggled softly and hugged him back, kissing lightly his messy hairs.
“Yes, I told to my boss this morning that I’m leaving in two weeks” You nodded and Roger kissed you harshly, almost knocking his head against yours in the process. “I’m sorry it took me so long to decide it”
“You have nothing to apologise about, love” He shook his head and he softly pushed you on your back, head falling on the several clothes on the floor, waiting to be folded. “You’re so bloody perfect” Roger breathed against your mouth before pressing another impatient kiss on it, feeling so relieved that you finally said yes.
“M’ not perfect” You chuckled softly, hands tangled in his hairs as he gently slid his warm lips against the skin of your jaw, dropping on it several pecks.
“Oh shut up” The drummer tickling you ferociously and few seconds later, you started yelling like a dying pig, begging him to stop.
“Rog, please ! I’m gonna pee myself, m not kidding !” You cried, kicking him as a tears rolled down your face, ribs hurting from too much laugh.
“Alright but only because you’re bloody cute” He pressed a loud kiss on your lips then rolled off you, letting you go. “Come back quickly” He pouted as you exited the room, giggled at his grabby hands.
You couldn’t get bored of Roger’ cheesiness since you get together, it was pretty surprising at first but you wouldn’t change a thing about it. You quickly went to the bathroom then went back to your boyfriend, craving for some more kissing.
“Took you bloody forever” The drummer groaned when you laid down next to him and he immediately took his old spot, carefully not crushing you. “Missed you, baby”
“Sap” You replied with a smirk and let him gently pecked your neck, one hand rubbing your cheek and the other resting on your waist.
“But you like it” He murmured cheekily, his teeth nibbling on your lower lip.
“Love it” You grinned and kissed him back properly, sliding a hand under his shirt to feel the warm of his back.
“Knew it” He whispered then deepened the kiss, his tongue cheekily sliding in your mouth and you moaned softly, his hand tightening around your waist.
It was like if someone had suddenly switched the mood, changing the atmosphere from childish and funny to hot and tense. His kisses weren’t cute anymore, there were hungry, his hands travelling all the way up and down your body, little moans escaping your mouth from time to time. You didn’t stop it – quite the opposite in fact – and bended one of your knee, giving more space for Roger to lay on you. It went on for five good minutes, making out on the floor of your and Roger’s bedroom, his lips kissing every inch of your bare skin, both of you hot and bothered from the situation.
“Baby, baby, wait” The drummer stopped you when you bit on his earlobe, giving him clearly your mood. He chewed harshly on his bottom lip at your face, hairs messy, mouth swollen and eyes filled with lust. How much he wanted to fuck you right now, right here. “If you don’t want to go further, we– I need to stop now” He chuckled awkwardly, shifting a bit and you understood the situation clearer when you felt his hard-on pressed on you.
You and Roger never had sex. Yet. You had some reluctance, not about Roger but about yourself. Not sure if you were ready to trust a man enough to cross this line. You hadn’t been with anyone some Donovan, years ago. And Roger respected that, never pushing you, simply kissing you until you stopped things when it get too out of hands. But today you didn’t and the realisation flowed over you why : You were ready.
“I want to, Rog” You murmured, your fingers stroking gently his flushed cheek. “I want you”
You could hear his breath get caught in his throat as he processed your words, looking at you carefully.
“You’re sure ? You know we don’t have to” You nodded slowly and cupped his face for a long, lazy kiss, pads grazing softly on his neck and the little moan which fell from his mouth brought shiver down your spine.
“I’m one hundred percent sure Rog” You smiled sweetly. “I love you. I trust you”
Tag list : @amy-brooklyn99 @mercurycrowley @vanitysfairr @loveandbeloved29 @rogmeddows @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @geek-and-proud @fearless2tobeme @chlobo6 @stormtrprinstilettos @mrsmazzello @neckfruit@khaleesi2017 @jennyggggrrr
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killerqueenmachine · 5 years
You make my life worth while - Brian May x Reader
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Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Words: 6692
Prompt: "You make my life worthwhile with the slightest smile, or destroy me with a barely perceptible whisper"
Warnings: Alcohol, slowburn (i think.. A little bit at least), curse words. SMUT; Female receiving oral, male receiving oral. Penetrative sex - safe sex (for once..)
Note: Let's pretend that Chrissy does not exist in this world, yeah? This takes place in around 1979. I know that Dreamer's Ball is more.. melancholic than I've written this, but I decided to interpret the single quote I got as something positive - and I really hope you appreciate it!
This is my contribution to @roger-taylor-stole-my-heart‘s writing challenge! 🎉
It's hard to pinpoint exactly when you started falling. Maybe it was because of the sporadic compliments. It might have been his thoughtful nature or his funny remarks - or maybe it was something as simple as his beautiful, curly hair and his charming smile. There is a chance that it was faith. Perhaps just knowing and caring for a person for a larger portion of your life ends up with romantic feelings. The worst part about all of it was - maybe you were just in love with the thought of love? It had been a few years since you had had any sort of romantic interest so maybe you were just getting bored.
"Hello? (Y/N)? Are you in there?"
Brian's soft voice ripped you from your train of thought and back into reality. At this point, your eyes had been glued to his lips for longer than what would be considered normal, which immediately caused your blood to rush to your cheeks. His beautiful eyes slowly scanned your face before they frantically tried to reach a connection to your own eyes.
"Oh! Uh-yeah. Sorry, I just spaced out a bit. What were you saying?" you cleared your throat and awkwardly started shifting in your seat and fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"I asked if you wanted to come to see our show tonight?" he asked again, voice filled with worry. The look in his eyes made it very obvious that he had multiple questions he wanted to ask you right now.
"Yes! Of course, Bri. You know I'd love to" you replied before clearing your throat.
"You... Were staring. Do I have anything on my face?" He looked at you and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before you reached out to grab a hold of his wrist.
"No, not at all. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I promise, I just really zoned out - I wasn't even paying attention to where I was looking" you apologized.
He softly laughed in response and held out his hands, placing them on the table between you, with the back of his hands against the tabletop, inviting you to place your hands in his. Wordlessly you accepted the invitation and gently laid your hands in his. Sparks seemed to fly everywhere you looked the moment you felt the warmth of his hands against your own.
"Are you okay? I'm a little worried about you if I'm being completely honest" he softly said desperately trying to capture your eyes for a moment of eye contact. Your eyes kept fleeing from his gaze until he gently squeezed your hands which caught you off guard.
"Brian I.." you hesitated and sighed. For a short moment, you thought about sharing your feelings. Finally telling him that you had grown fond of him and letting him know about the crush you had evolved. Quickly, all the alarms went off in your head, reminding you that it would be a bad idea. You had been friends with Brian for at least 15 years at this point and you had only shared a single kiss, more than 3 years ago a night where both of you were drunk. Never spoke about it since.
"I'm fine" you lied, trying to fake a smile.
"Please don't lie to me" he whispered, clearly hurt. He could see right through you, which didn't really surprise you. Seeing him hurt because of something you said made your heartache.
"Brian.. I don't know what to say. I have... A lot going on in my head right now and I don't think I'm ready to let you in on the thoughts just yet. I promise I will at some point, I just have some things I need to figure out on my own, okay?"
He softly nodded, sighed and gave your hands another tight squeeze before withdrawing his hands and glancing at his wristwatch.
"Oh, I'm going to be late," he exclaimed and flew up from his chair.
"Sorry to be running out on you, see you tonight yeah?"
You nodded and flashed him a smile - a genuine one this time.
The thoughts from earlier flooded your mind. You could not shake the thought of Brian. You wanted him so bad, but you knew you would never be brave enough to tell him. It simply couldn't be worth throwing all those years of close friendship away, just because you had gotten a stupid crush.
Not knowing exactly what to do, you phoned Veronica, asking if you could pop by. Just a few years ago you wouldn't have bothered with calling Veronica beforehand, but after the birth of her two sons, you figured it would be the best. Especially because she was pregnant too. How she managed to have two whole babies and one on the way with a husband that was barely home was baffling to you. She was truly the most amazing woman you had ever met.
You softly knocked on the door and opened it right after, not giving her a chance to reach the door to let you in.
"Hi love, what incredible timing you have. I just put the boys down for an afternoon nap" she said as she pulled you in for a tight embrace.
"Gosh, hi! I've missed you so much!" you replied, hugging her just a little tighter before letting go.
"Now, I already made you a cuppa. Let me know what's on your mind," she demanded, leading you to her kitchen to give you the hot cup of tea.
"How do you know I - no... Wait. No nothing's on my.. Mind" you rambled and exhaled loudly afterwards, clearly giving up.
Veronica softly laughed and shook her head.
"Now that that lie is out of the way - what's going on with you? You seem a little beside yourself. Did something happen to you?"
You sighed once again taking a quick sip of your tea before returning your attention to your friend.
"I have a problem, okay. A dilemma, so to say" you admitted, folding your hands on the table in front of you.
"There's this... Guy."
"A guy!" You were interrupted by a very excited Veronica. You shot her a look that made her calm down and wordlessly apologize, letting you finish your thoughts.
"A guy, yes. I really nice and great guy. And I feel like I've.. Maybe got a crush on him - and I shouldn't! I really shouldn't, you know. I feel like it could ruin my life if I let him know. Like... It would be horrifying. Imagine if he didn't feel the same, right? I mean why would he? If he felt anything along those lines, he would've let me know by now right?" you felt yourself ramble on while your hands were very busy playing with whatever piece of fabric on your body they could grab on to.
"Uh-huh, yeah. So, this is a guy you've known for a long time, yeah?" Veronica quickly replied, slowly nodding, looking as if she had caught on to who you were talking about.
"Uh... Yeah. Veronica please, I don't know what to do and I'm freaking out. I've never felt like this before!" you whined, crossing your arms in front of you on the table and banging your head down onto your arms.
"Hey, don't worry. It's alright" she replied and within seconds she was by your side, gently rubbing your back.
You sat in the silence for a few moments, letting your thoughts gather in your mind again while the gentle touch of Veronica's hand on your back, made you feel a little more at ease.
"Brian for the love of everything that is good and holy in this world, just tell her what you feel!" Freddie practically yelled at the curly-haired guitarist who was sitting in front of him, slouched over with his head in his hands.
"It's not that bloody easy, Fred!" Brian snapped back, flying up from his chair assuming a threating pose in front of the lead singer.
"Don't you dare take that tone with me"
A few moments of deafening silence filled the small room as the two men stared each other down, none of them willing to break. That was until Brian finally lowered his shoulders and sighed, dumping back into the chair he had previously been sitting in.
"I'm sorry Fred. I just.. She might be the best thing that's ever happened to me and-"
Freddie cleared his throat loudly, pointing at himself and raising his eyebrows.
"You know what I mean. I can't bear the thought of her rejecting me! I just.. I want her to want me too, you know?"
"I'm sure she does" John chimed in, not removing his eyes from the knobs he was currently fiddling with on his bass.
Brian softly sighed and shook his head, making his curly hair bounce all over his face and shoulders.
"I'm not sure... Wouldn't she have said something by now then?" Brian's voice was filled with worry and sadness.
"Wouldn't count on it mate. You haven't said something, so why would she? You know how shy she is" Roger chimed in, crossing his arms firmly and popping out his hip.
"Yeah... Well... You might be right. I don't know, I wish I could read minds" Brian whined before he finally rose from his chair and buttoned the bottom few buttons on his shirt, finally ready to hit the stage.
_____ LATER
The atmosphere in the concert hall was amazing. The audience in front of the stage were screaming, dancing and crying as the band performed their asses out of their trousers. You had hoped that Veronica would have joined you backstage, but due to her current state of being very pregnant, it was doctors’ orders that she stayed away from any surroundings that could stress her out - and the concert noise would be way too loud for her. As you heard the band start their last number of the night you subsided further into the backstage area and went to grab Brian's after-show-robe so you could hand it to him as soon as he stepped off stage.
The number ended and the four musicians came storming off stage, bodies oozing adrenalin and sweat. The roadies were lined up, taking the instruments from the men as they flew by. You quickly flung the red robe over Brian's shoulders as he passed you on his way to the wardrobe and you could easily tell he didn't recognize you, but you didn't blame him. Usually, it would be his other roadie, handing him the robe and then disappearing. To be fair, Brian probably wasn't thinking straight given the copious amount of adrenalin that must be soaring through his veins. He had just flown by you when he promptly stopped, and his head snapped in your direction.
"Gosh! (Y/N) my love, I didn't... I hadn't?? Why are you standing here?" Joy filled the tall guitarist's face quickly as he pulled you in for a sweaty hug, not giving you a chance to answer his questions. You felt his curls tickle your face and his natural body scent filled your nostrils.
"I just wanted to be here for you as soon as you got down - what a great show, Bri. You were really good!" you chirped as you pulled away from the hug.
"Thank you - you're an angel. What did I do to deserve you?"
You could see how Brian's entire demeanour changed from the adrenalin-filled rockstar to a soft and almost awestruck figure who had totally lost track of where he was. The admiration he had in his eyes made you blush, and your eyes quickly darted to the floor.
"Oh, Bri - don't get all sentimental on me here. Let's get you to the dressing room. You have a party waiting for you!" you said, gently placing your hand on his upper back, pushing him along with you.
Brian nodded and followed along, letting you lead him back to the rest of the band and the crew that was busy packing things up. Roger and Freddie were situated in the middle of their shared dressing room, still in their stage clothes with their robes over their shoulders and each with a cold beer in their hands. Respectfully you pushed Brian inside not wanting to enter their personal room. You were very well acquainted with all of the boys and to be honest, they felt like a second family, but the dressing room was their space and their place to unwind after an intense performance.
Just as you had pushed Brian through the open door he turned around and grabbed your wrist.
"Join us, plea-"
"Oh, hi you two - we were starting to wonder if you finally pulled yourself together and shagged" John nonchalantly said, rising from his chair and handing Brian a cold beer.
"John!" Freddie said sternly
"Uhh" you awkwardly managed to mumble before you pulled your hand from Brian's soft grasp.
Brian slowly turned his head around and obtained eye contact with John - and boy, if eyes could kill.
The mood of the room had suddenly gotten very awkward and in a try to ease the tension, you slowly backed away.
"I should probably go. Uh - great show - as always. And have a nice party - take a shot for me, yeah?" You awkwardly slid your hands down your thighs, almost as if you tried to wipe them clean.
"No- please" Brian whined, clearly troubled and uncomfortable with the whole seance.
"I mean, please come to the party? I think I owe you a drink" He said, walking towards you before gently grasping a hold of your hands and pulling you closer to him.
"Please, I really... Want you there. I've missed you" he whispered just loud enough for you to hear it.
The mere sensation of feeling Brian's hot breath on your neck and having your hands engulfed in his made shivers run down your spine. You have his hands a quick squeeze before you batted your eyelashes a few times and looked up at him.
"Alright. I'll be there. I'll always be there for you Bri." you whispered back with a soft smile.
The distance between Brian's and your head was excruciatingly tiny. All you had to do was to lean forward - and upwards - a bit and your lips would be on his. All the red lights in your brain told you not to act on it. You were just friends - and nothing more. Against your better judgement you started to lean forward and just before you reached his lips, Brian was pulled back by Freddie who handed him vodka shot. You stumbled back, slightly shocked at the sudden movement. Embarrassment filled your body as Brian shot you a desperate look.
"I should go. I'll see you at the party, yeah?" you mumbled as you waved your goodbyes to the four bandmembers. Freddie, John, and Roger waved back while Brian seemed to send you some sort of apologizing look before he nodded and softly smiled.
The loud music filled the room. All sorts of strange people were mixed at this party - most of whom you had never seen before, despite being close with the band from their very beginning. You were standing alone at the bar, throwing back the occasional shot and sipping your drink. You had a feeling that Brian and the rest of the band would be fairly drunk when they finally arrived. As if sent from heaven the four men you wanted to see finally waltzed through the front door, which caused a loud cheer to emerge from the large group of people.
You quickly downed the rest of your drink and made your way through the bunch of dancing people until you finally reached Brian and softly grabbed on to his arm.
"Brian! You're finally here!" you happily chirped and flashed a toothy smile in his direction.
"(Y/N), you're still here! Thank God. I was worried we had stayed away for too long and you had gone home" Brian replied and led you back to the bar, away from the worst clutter of people.
You softly laughed in response. The feeling of Brian's hand on your lower back as he skillfully guided you though the crowd made the butterflies in your stomach freak out. His touch had never made you feel this way before. Maybe the fact that you almost kissed earlier had heightened your senses.
"I- uh. I'm really sorry about earlier - do you want a drink? My treat" Brian continued when you finally reached the bar and he removed his hand from your lower back, slowly sliding it a little down and off your body, ever so slightly touching the most upper part of your butt.
"Just a beer would be fine - maybe a shot of vodka too?" You laughed, sending him a playful wink.
Brian nodded and got the bartenders attention. He quickly ordered two beers and two vodka shots on the side. You were standing by his side looking at him with pure admiration in your eyes. His gentle nature, the unruly hair, his slightly hunched over position and the slightly chipped white nail polish. On any other guy, it would have been a mess and most certainly something that would have turned you away. But on Brian, it was just right. As he stood there, he seemed almost God sent.
"Cheers, my love," he said and handed you the tiny glass with the clear liquid
"Cheers," you replied and quickly downed the vodka.
You both winched in disgust - pure vodka tasted horrible, as always.
"You - uh - you said you were sorry about earlier? What are you sorry about?" you asked, taking a sip of your chilly beer to cover the disgusting taste of the vodka.
"Oh I.. When Freddie pulled me away in the... Uh, dressing room?" Brian stammered his way through his sentence as the blush on his cheeks grew redder and redder.
"I thought we had a moment- but I might've been wrong, you know. It's just my imagination running wild" he shyly laughed and chugged most of his beer down.
Absolutely taken back by his comment you didn't know what to say. You had indeed had a moment, but you couldn't admit that? That would ruin your friendship, wouldn't it? Even though Brian had felt it too. Maybe he wanted it just as bad as you?
No. Not a chance. Absolutely never. He was this amazing, sweet, kind, smart, rock God and you were... You. Absolutely not.
"Uh - oh. Yeah. No, I don't know." You mumbled and stumbled a little back to increase the distance between you.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. God. I'm so sorry, please don't…" Brian almost whined before taking a step forward, bringing the distance back to its original state.
"No - no I'm not uncomfortable, uh. I just.. I think I have to go. It's late right? I should be heading home. I'll see you around" you panicked, placing the rest of your beer firmly on the bar before almost running out of the room.
You pushed your way through the crowd and ignored Brian's desperate calls. You had to get out and you had to get away. He must've been drunk. There is no way he would start acting so strange around you if he wasn't drunk. Did he even know what he was doing to you?
You finally reached the front door and stormed out and just as you went to slam it shut, Brian stuck his hand out and stopping it.
"(Y/N) please!" he whined, getting a hold of your wrist and stopping you in your tracks.
"Brian, you're drunk" you replied, keeping your eyes locked on the ground not trusting yourself to look him in the eyes.
"Am not. I've had a beer and a half and a single shot of vodka. Please look at me." he was out of breath from trying to follow you out.
Now here you were. Right outside the club that hosted the afterparty. Even with the front door shut and all windows closed you could clearly hear the music and feel the bass in the ground. You kept your head down, still not wanting to look Brian in the eyes. Partly out of fear - partly because you felt embarrassed for causing such a scene.
"Look at me, please" his voice was so soft. He gently placed his finger underneath your chin and lifted your head, until his eyes finally caught yours. It was now or never.
You rose to the tip of your toes and gently leaned forward, stopping just as your nose touched Brian's. The feeling of his skin against yours made you flinch and pull back a little, but you quickly leaned forwards again, hovering your lips inches from his just for a few seconds. He was frozen stiff, scared to even breathe. You softly pressed your lips against his, just for a mere second before you pulled away, desperate for more but not wanting to overstep any boundaries. He linked his pinky fingers with yours, wanting to have you close and you feel you. The only thing that could be heard was the loud pounding of the bass and your heavy breathing, neither of you daring to look at each other yet.
"Did you just kiss me?" he whispered; voice shaky.
"Was I not supposed to?"
Your heart dropped to your stomach. Maybe you had messed it all up.
"I don't know but could you do it again?" he asked very timidly.
You giggled softly when you nodded. He slowly lowered his head and you crashed your lips against his, desperately. You placed both your hands on either side of his face and kept him close to you and he replied with placing his hands firmly on your waist, pulling your body flush against his. The kiss deepened with every second and it didn't take long before Brian plucked up the courage to swipe his tongue against your lower lip, asking you to further deepen the kiss. You instantly allowed his tongue inside your mouth.
You pulled apart a few seconds later, keeping your eyes close just for a few more moments before slowly batting your eyelashes as you slowly opened your eyes. Brian was standing across from you, still with his eyes closed and with a soft and goofy smile plastered on his slightly swollen lips.
"Come home with me?" Brian whispered when he finally returned to a sensible state of mind.
"Come home with me - please." He pleaded and stepped forward to encapsulate your hands in his.
"Brian... Are you sure? I mean.. Is this really what we want?" you asked, scared what he might answer. You knew deep inside that this was exactly what you wanted. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
With a slight smile on his lips, he softly huffed and laughed in disbelief.
"Love, I don't think you understand the power you have over me. I am head over heels in love with you - have been for a while actually. Have I really been that bad at sending signals?" He asked, raising his eyebrows waiting for you to answer. He had really taken it there. He wanted this as bad as you did.
"I- uh. What.. I mean- wait? Power? What do you mean?" you felt the heat rise to your cheeks once again.
"You make my life worthwhile with the slightest smile, or destroy me with a barely perceptible whisper"
"No, I mean it. I want you. We've known each other for what- 15 years at this point? I fear that you might think that I'm moving on too quickly but.. (Y/N) I love you. I love you so much - more than I have ever loved another woman before."
You stood in disbelief listening to every single word that came out of the tall curly-haired man.
"Please say something" he whispered. It was obvious that he had just exposed his most sacred thoughts to you, and he was desperately waiting for you to reply.
"Brian I..." you whispered so silently you barely heard yourself.
"I love you too," you said, raising your head again looking him deeply in the eyes.
You felt your eyes get wetter by the second as you watched Brian's reaction to what you had said. His knees seemed to go weak and he pulled you close to him, embracing you tighter than ever before. As your head hit his shoulder you started loudly sobbing. All those strong emotions had you had kept secret for so long were finally out - and it had paid off in the best possible way.
"No - oh God. Don't cry - it's okay. I'm here." Brian lulled while slowly rubbing his hands over your upper back.
"God, I'm just so... Relieved. I've been.. I've been feeling this way for so long Bri. I just.. I'm so happy you felt the same and I'm so glad I finally told you" You cried into his shirt.
"Me too baby. But now I finally get to tell you how much I love you every single day" he softly laughed into your hair before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Let's go home, yeah? I'll take you to my place if you want? You don't have to" He suggested.
"Yes. Please. I really, really want to. Really" you said, pulling away from him and wiping the last tears from your face.
"I'll get us a taxi right away - and let the guys know I'm leaving," Brian said as he took your hand in his and pulled you back inside.
He kissed your hand and pointed towards Roger and Freddie who were situated next to the jukebox. You nodded, picking up on his hint and you parted ways. While Brian searched for a phone you went over to Freddie and Roger.
"Hey guys!" you yelled
"Hello, gorgeous! Have you seen Brian around? If I'm not mistaken, he's probably lookin' for ya" Roger laughed and jokingly tapped Freddie with his shoulder, egging him to laugh along with him.
"Yeah, I have actually. That's why I came over here. I wanted to let you know, that he's going home in a bit" you said with a glimmer in your eye, happiness very present on your face.
"Oh - that's early. Why?" Freddie asked
"I guess he found a date to take home" you laughed, hoping they would catch on to your very subtle hint.
"And you're okay with that?" Freddie continued raising his eyebrows in disbelief.
"Absolutely - mostly because I'm the date" you laughed.
Both the men laughed with you and Roger even raised his hand to high five you - which you quickly replicated.
"Well, what's going on over here?" Brian chimed in as he laid his arm around your shoulder.
"Little missy here just said that you were taking her home. What a lad!" Roger cheered which made you feel your cheeks redden again.
Brian shook his head and laughed, pulling you in a little closer.
"Yes - that's exactly why I'm here. Our taxi is here" he said.
You bid your goodbyes to the guys and caught John on your way out of the building to let him know that you were leaving too. Brian gently guided you to the car and helped you in, before he went around and into the car from the other side. He immediately reached for your hand when he sat down, wanting to feel you close to him. You intertwined your fingers with his, gently pulling his hand into your lap so you could use your free hand to draw patterns on the top of his hand.
"I'm so lucky" you murmured, raising his hand up to your mouth so you could press a gentle kiss to it.  
Brian leaned over to you which caused you to turn your head towards him. Just as you did that, he captured your lips in another fierce kiss. His hand that you had just been holding in your lap quickly flew to your face to cup your cheek. There was an indescribable passion behind the kiss - a passion that you had never felt before. A need almost. You pulled away, completely out of breath and needing him more than ever. Needing all of him.
The ride luckily wasn't long and before you knew the driver pulled over and Brian led you out of the taxi after paying and led you into his flat. Respectfully you kicked off your shoes and took your jacket off and hung it on the rack, watching Brian intently as he did the same.
"So, uh-" he started, but before he had even had the chance to form any words you all but threw yourself at him, tightly embracing him and once again colliding your lips with his. The kiss started out heated and messy but the longer you stuck together, the more you relaxed and started taking in the moment completely. His scent, the feel of his hands on your lower back, your lips snugly pressed against his and your fingers twirled into his big poofy hair. Just how it was supposed to be.
Without a word, Brian broke the kiss and grabbed your hand feverishly dragging you towards his bedroom. He obviously wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
"Is this okay?" he asked as he closed the door behind you. Your senses seemed heightened and you were hyper-aware of everything. How you were standing, everywhere you had some sort of contact with Brian. His fingers softly wrapped around your wrist and his foot placed so close to yours, that you could feel it.
"Y-yes" you whined sounding more desperate than you had hoped for.
A smile appeared on Brian's face as he took a single step around you, so he was now facing you completely. He placed a string of quick pecks on your lips before his hands found their way to the hem of your shirt, gently tucking on it, asking you for permission to take it off. You replied by lifting up your arms, letting him pull the shirt over your head. The undressing of the two of you didn't take you long. Shortly after your shirt hit the floor Brian's shirt followed along, then his trousers - your trousers promptly followed by socks, leaving the both of you in your underwear.
You stopped for a minute, gripping both of Brian's hands to keep them from removing more clothes.
"What? Is everything okay? Do you want us to stop?" He asked a little worried.
"No - no," you said smiling softly. You ran your hands down his torso slowly, allowing yourself to indulge in the moment.
"You're perfe- I mean everything is perfect. I just wanted us to.. slow it down. I want you so bad Brian" you mewled gripping on to the elastic band on his underwear and pulled his body against yours, desperate to feel his hot skin against yours.
A soft whine left his lips at the sudden contact and the sound of him at your mercy made your knees go weak. The thought of having him wrapped around your finger was enough to keep you going for all eternity. Brian leaned forward a bit and placed a single open-mouthed kiss on your neck right below your ear before slowly inching his way down your neck and over your collarbones, placing soft ticklish kisses all the way.
"Brian.." you whimpered sliding your index fingers in behind the elastic band on his underwear.
"Yes, beautiful?" he purred leaving yet another bunch of tiny soft kisses on your collarbones.
"Is this okay?" you softly asked, tugging his underwear a little, making it fall a little lower on his hips, just barely exposing his hipbones and some pubic hair.
"G-god, y-yes, please. Please" he whined.
You dropped to your knees and pulled his underwear down his legs as you dropped. Gently you wrapped your hand around his half-hard cock slowly stroking him a few times before you removed your hand again to spit in it, before going back to stroking him. When he finally got fully hard you looked up at his face. His eyes were closed, head was thrown back and his hands were twisted in his hair so he wouldn't accidentally grab on to you.
You placed your free hand on his hip and squeezed a little to make him look at you. He opened his eyes and locked them with yours as you licked your lips once, leaning forward taking the tip of his cock into your mouth, working your tongue around it and hollowing your cheeks. A symphony of soft whimpers left his mouth and you barely got to work your way down his cock before he desperately grabbed your shoulders and silently asked you to stop your ministrations. You popped off him, jerking him slowly just a few more times before rising to your feet again, kissing your way up his torso.
"I'm not going to last" he managed to weep before desperately pressing his lips against yours.
"Oh-oh" You replied sheepishly, not knowing what else to say.
"I'm sorry it's... You're.. Gosh, you really know how to.. You know" he laughed awkwardly before gripping on to your wrist and leading you over to the bed.
"Can I?" he asked, snaking his arms around your torso and gripping the clasp of your bra.
You shyly nodded feeling like you would implode if he didn't have sex with you right now.
Skilfully he got rid of your bra and had you laid down on the bed before sliding your panties off too. He breathed in harshly - almost as if he gasped.
"You okay?" you asked almost out of breath.
Your felt so exposed but with Brian, it felt like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"You're so… beautiful" he softly said, eyes filled with adoration.
He got on his knees on the floor right next to the bed and grabbed your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
"God" he laughed, slowly getting on to his knees on the floor right in front of you. He pulled you a little further out on the bed and situated his head between your legs, throwing them over his shoulders.
"I have to focus on not to cum just from looking at you, gosh. You're.. I've never seen such beauty before, I mean, I just feel like I -"
"Brian... Please put that mouth to better use - please" you softly giggled, pulling his head closer to your cunt.
"Yes - gotcha" he exhaled and finally attached his lips to your pussy.
You buried your fingers deeper in his messy dark curls and softly tugged on his hair to encourage him to continue his work. His skilled tongue switched between licking long stripes and sucking your clit. Every time he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked you audibly gasped and clenched your thighs together almost squishing Brian's head.
Slowly you felt your orgasm build up in your lower stomach, which made your muscles tense up. A long string of desperate moans, whines and whimpers flew over your lips.
"Br- Bri- Brian I'm.. Close- gonna- gonna cum. Please." you whined needing your release so desperately.
Brian didn't move his lips from your cunt but sucked a little harder burring his face a little further into you. That was the last drop that made the cup run over and your orgasm flushed through you with an indescribable force.
Brian finally peaked up from between your thighs with a happy almost drunk looking expression on his face. The remains of your orgasm were still glistening on his chin and lower lip which made him look even more attractive than he already was.
You scooted back on the bed, satisfied as ever. Brian followed you onto the bed and climbed on top of you leaving a trail of gentle kisses up your body.
"Condom?" you asked, your voice a little roughed up.
Brian kissed you once and leaned down to fetch one from his bedside table. He made a quick process of the wrapper and rolled the rubber over his throbbing cock.
"You ready for this, beautiful?" he softly spoke against the shell of your ear, slowly nudging the tip of his cock against your entrance.
"Yes, God yes! Please, Brian just... Oh!" you whined as he finally thrusted deeply into you, easily sliding in due to your wetness.
Brian's eyes fluttered shut as he started to pull out again just to push back in. Still incredibly sensitive after your previous orgasm the rhythmic bumps of Brian's pubic mound against your clit made you whine and moan. Your hands slowly made their way up to his back before you grabbed on to his shoulders with your nails out, making sure to mark him up.
"Mm- love you" Brian softly moaned against your lips, pressing soft kisses to them every once in a while.
Just as you were about to reply you felt Brian's hips jerk forward a little harder which made you moan even louder.
"I'm - holy shit - I'm not gonna last. You're so tight - fuck. Are you- are you close?" Brian whimpered, thrusts already getting sloppier
"No - no it's okay. Just cum for me" you softly spoke, dragging your nails down his back.
Those words were just the nudge he needed to let this orgasm blast through his body. A long string of desperate sounds left the both of you as you helped Brian through his high. He spilled his seed into the condom and stilled his movements, still deep inside you.
"I'm so-so sorry.. God - I.. I just couldn't.. It was just so good.. You - I .. Oh God, I'm so sorry" he whined, still not wanting to pull out.
"Oh Brian, don't be sorry. It was amazing" you smiled and kissed him deeply.
"I love you" you whispered, pushing your head a little further into the pillow below you, allowing you to look Brian in the eyes.
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," he said, kissing your nose.
You shook your head and laughed a little, your laugh making your very aware that Brian was still inside you.
"Not that I don't love being.. Conjoined with you. Because I do love that! But I - " you didn't get to finish your sentence before Brian slowly pulled out of you.
"Oh - I'm sorry. It just.. It felt really nice." he shyly said, disposing of the condom.
"Stop apologizing for everything Brian"
"Yeah.. I'm sor- I mean.. Yeah"
Within a few short minutes you had been to the bathroom to pee and freshen up and Brian had been to the kitchen to fetch a couple of glasses of water for the two of you. You fetched a t-shirt from Brian's closet and slipped it over your naked body before crawling back into his bed. Brian hopped into a fresh pair of underwear before cuddling down next to you, laying flat on his back inviting you to rest your head on his chest. You took him up on his silent offer and kissed his cheek before laying your head on top of his chest and wrapping your arm over his torso, intertwining your legs with his.
"I could really get used to this" you mumbled sleepily.
"Good, because I really want you to get used to it." He replied mid-yawn.
You let out another soft chuckle and pressed a single soft kiss to Brian's chest before closing your eyes, feeling your body get more and more relaxed to the sound of his heartbeat.
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deaky-disco-queen · 5 years
Maycury Week - Day 1
A/N: Maycury Week is here! For the first day I chose the prompt “I’m going to marry you one day” out of these prompts. 
Every contribution can be found on AO3, too.
“I’m gonna marry you one day.”
Freddie looked up, surprised, from where he had been busy coloring to frown at Brian. The curly haired boy was staring at him intensely, the picture book in his lap completely forgotten.
“What? You can’t marry me!”
Now it was Brian’s turn to frown. He carefully closed the book and scooted his chair closer to Freddie so he could grab his hand that wasn’t holding a pen.
“Of course I can! Why not?”
“Because handsome princes marry pretty princesses! Not-”
Freddie gestured to his mouth. He was only four but he knew his teeth looked different than anybody else’s, that they were “funny” except the laughter was mean and Freddie didn’t want to laugh about the joke the others made.
“You’re a pretty prince!” Brian insisted, curls bouncing because he was nodding so fast. “The prettiest! And your teeth are pretty, too! They are like stars! I love stars.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“So pretty. The prettiest prince in space.”
Their parents were incredible amused by their insistence that they were engaged now. Freddie really wanted to get to the marriage part already because they could dress up for the wedding and play house afterwards but Brian insisted on something called “courting”. He had heard about it in a book. Freddie thought it was stupid but it did mean got him a pretty ring with a cool red stone in. So it was fine.
Actually, Brian got him a lot of things. Nice stones he found, pretty flowers and pictures of cute animals. He even shared his yoghurt with Freddie and let him touch his hair and even put it into braids and stuff. Nobody else was allowed to do that. Freddie also got to hold his hand whenever he wanted to, which was basically always.
If people thought they were in separately before, they were in for a surprise because now the only time they could be found apart from another was when one of them had to go to the toilet, sometimes not even then. Freddie even got his parents to agree to invite Brian and his parents to his birthday party. Other than Freddie’s family, they were the only guests and Freddie basically spent the whole day clinging to the curly haired boy, introducing him to any family member he could find as his fiancé. Obviously, Brian’s present - a necklace with a star pendant - was his favorite and he wore it all the time.
Their little game slowed down once they got into school and realized that other kids didn’t took lightly on the two two boys who said they’ll marry each other one day.
Freddie was a fighter - he had started boxing lessons on his dad’s behalf - but he didn’t like getting into trouble with the teachers because it meant that Brian would get into trouble and Brian hated detention. Freddie did, too, but only because he wasn’t allowed to talk to him, not even sit next to him most of the times. He really preferred going to the library with Brian because there he could sit wherever he wanted, speak whenever he wanted and flip through all the fashion magazines he wanted.
So he tried not to get into fights. He was more or less successful.
By the time they got into highschool, they stopped making the joke altogether, not even in private. Freddie had to bite his tongue the day his mother had expressed her concerns about Brian still sleeping in his bed when they had sleepovers because he had almost said: “But he’s my fiancé! We’ll be married one day! It isn’t weird!”. Instead, Brian slept on an air mattress that night and Freddie felt cold and no amount of blankets could help him feel warm.
He didn’t know Brian didn’t sleep at all that night, too much space with his own mattress and no Freddie to crowd him.
Freddie came out to Brian when he was seventeen and drunk beyond common sense. He had made friends with a guy named Paul, who took him to parties, was a decent kisser and - most importantly - took his mind off of Brian.
Brian, who was pretty and smart and perfect. And dating Chrissie Mullen, a girl so perfect for Brian, he wanted to throw up.
A pretty princess for the handsome prince.
That night, Freddie went out with Paul but lost him eventually and ended up calling Brian to fetch him. And - despite the fact that they had barely talked in months - he showed up and got Freddie into his car, driving him to Brian’s house because his parents would freak out if they knew he’d been drinking.
“I’m gay.” Freddie blurted out, deliberately staring out of the window so he didn’t have to look at Brian.
“No shit, Fred. Don’t you think I know that when you’re running around with Prenter of all people? He’s been telling you sucked him off in detention for weeks!”
“That’s a lie! I didn’t-”
“I know. I know you didn’t, Fred.You have more style than Prenter.”
There was a long, awkward silence until they came to stop at a red light and Freddie placed his hand over Brian’s.
“Thanks for fetching me. I’m a shitty friend and I’m sorry.”
“Don’t mention it. Through good times and bad, isn’t it?”
Freddie stopped hanging out with Paul, Brian broke up with Chrissie and they entered a weird limbo stage of friendship or maybe more.
Brian sneaked into Freddie’s bed after a rom-com marathon and told him about what he read about stars in the latest book he had bought and Freddie barely dared to breath, too afraid to ruin or break the moment.
The fell asleep like they used to as kids, facing each other, their legs tangled together. It was probably the first time in years that Freddie slept through the night and felt rested afterwards.
When cleaning his room, he found the found the star necklace from his childhood. The clip was broke years ago and his parents had never gotten around to fix it and he had almost forgotten about it. He swapped the plastic band for a silver chain and wore it to school the next day. Brian didn’t say anything but Freddie could feel his eyes lingering at his neck.
That afternoon, he bought a necklace for Brian. It had a cat charm. He also changed his contact name to “Fiancé” with as many heart emojis he could fit.
Brian wore the necklace every day. He wasn’t one for fashion but Freddie was and sometimes, he made sure his outfit showed of his glittering pendant, not caring that is was actually a really cheap piece of children’s jewelry.
They didn’t talk about it.
Freddie took Brian’s hand during a school trip to a museum and couldn’t stop blushing the whole day. Brian wasn’t faring much better, stuttering in the middle of his explanation about spaceships before squeezing his hands gently, a faint trace of red along his cheeks.
Their first kiss happened in a changing room. Brian had sneaked in to help Freddie zip up a blouse and as the smaller man turned around, they had realized just how close they were. Freddie couldn’t resist leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to Brian’s lips. They couldn’t leave fast enough afterwards stealing pecks all the way home, blushing and giggling madly.
They slept with each other in Brian’s bedroom, drawings, notes and books strewn around them as Freddie successfully managed to distract his boyfriend from his studies. The made-out session grew more heated fast and soon they were naked, eagerly exploring the other’s bodies.
Brian and Freddie went off to college together, sharing a tiny, kind of shitty apartment. It was theirs, though, and that was all that mattered. Freddie soon acquired a couple of cats that made their home on their countertops, shelves and between their potted plants.
They were in bed, Brian reading and Freddie playing lazily with Tiffany and Delilah when Brian suddenly shut his book - much earlier than he usually would - and straddled his boyfriend.
“Hello, darling.” Freddie laughed, patting Delilah when she meowed in protest. Tiffany simply climbed between them, making herself comfortable on Freddie’s stomach.
Brian opened his mouth, frowned and just stared at him intently. Freddie waited with raised eyebrows until he found his words.
“I love you, Fred.”
“Love you, too, Brimi.”
“So, when we were four I promised you something. I said I was gonna marry you someday. And I’ll keep my word. If you let me, of course.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. It was silver with a small diamond in it and Freddie could already feel the tears rising in his eyes.
“Will you marry me, Freddie Mercury?”
“Of course I will!” Freddie screeched, holding out his hand for Brian to put on the ring with shaking fingers.
“I’ll buy you a bigger, more fabulous ring one day but-”
“Bullshit, darling! It’s perfect! Now kiss me, my handsome prince!”
Brian laughed, wiping away tears and leaned down to kiss him softly.
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gr-ogu · 5 years
‘It was just for one night’ thankies 🥰💗
Okay so this is an AU, because this prompt could be quite sad, but I was in the mood for something fun and light.
He’s at a work do when he sees them, trying to draw in more clients for his car rental business. They’ve arrived with every bit of coldness and glamour that he’d known when he was one of them.
Chrissie’s got her hair cut into a sharp bob, eyes unattached as she checks in, looking harassed when she turns to Lachlan and fusses over him. Lachlan looks as dreary and murderous as ever. Lawrence is no better, bustling and bumbling, with that fake smile that Robert has come to detest.
He’s so glad he got out of there.
His whole engagement to Chrissie had been a sham, he realises that now. At the time, he’d wanted money, power—everything. And he thought Chrissie might have been the one to give it to him. Still, he couldn’t help himself, he was greedy. He’d had her sister too, and when she’d found out, she got rid of him so fast he didn’t even have time to gather his possessions. He’d managed to get them back one day when the Manor had been quiet; in, out, took what she hadn’t cut to pieces and left his key on the side.
No matter how bad the situation, Robert has a motto: never look back.
He’d known there was no convincing her he could stay, no grovelling; especially when he’d never been a good role model for her son, nor had her doting dad ever really taken to him. He’d called his clients, convinced them to switch to his new business, and soldiered on, making the best of it.
In the two years that have passed since then, Robert’s done a lot of soul-searching. He won’t say he’s completely comfortable with who he is, but more so. He’s accepted his attraction to men and women; he’s experimented, dated,even if he never manages to hold down a partner, it’s a start – he feels better for it.
That’s why, when the Whites spot him from across the lobby, he doesn’t run.
He smiles, charming, as they walk over, look him up and down. It’s awkward, but they make small talk whilst Chrissie stares down her nose at him. He’s still impressive, he knows that. Maybe even more so than when they’d been together, but it’s when she mentions a partner, that’s when he freezes slightly.
“So, are you seeing anyone?” She inspects her nails, quite clearly showing off a new engagement ring. “I only ask because I want to warn them how loathsome you are.”
“Very funny,” Robert quips, mind whirring. Something about her always gets under his skin, and he doesn’t want her to think she’s got one up on him. He hates the way he knows she’ll mock him endlessly if he says no, and hates the way he’s still rising to it, even now, but he can’t help it.
That’s when he sees him.
They haven’t been working together for very long. He’s only just become a client, seemingly a good fit for Robert’s business with a vast knowledge of both mechanics and scrap, he can fix anything it seems, and on the rare occasion he can’t, he has the knowledge to sell the useful parts. Plus, he’s fit, and Robert enjoys sitting opposite someone who looks good in the mornings.
Granted, they aren’t the only ones in the office, but Robert can pretend.
That’s what possesses him to say the words that might get him into a lot of trouble:
“Yes. In fact, there’s my boyfriend now.”
Aaron’s only a short distance away, and his ears prick, turning his head slightly as if he knows they’re talking about him. Robert gives him a smile, a reassuring, if desperate, smile, beckoning him over and hoping beyond hope that he isn’t imagining it when Aaron flirts with him at work.
He’d wanted to pursue something with Aaron on his own terms, at his own times, but. Needs must.
“Alright?” Aaron says, looking wary. He can definitely sense the tension.
“Now it is,” Robert replies, watching Aaron visibly cringe at his cheesiness, and not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the situation he’s gotten himself into.
Robert takes a moment to appreciate Chrissie’s gobsmacked look out of the corner of his eye. He’d never spoken about being bi with her, never even hinted. He felt it was too personal and he hadn’t trusted her, his own fiancée, even then.
To be fair, Aaron doesn’t know either, but Robert hopes he’ll play along.
“Him?” Chrissie questions when she finally finds her voice again. “He’s your boyfriend. A man?”
Aaron’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline at this revelation, and Robert can feel himself blushing slightly. Fuck. It’s not even discrimination or disgust in Chrissie’s tone, just pure incredulity, but he decides to use it against her anyway.
“And you have a problem with that, do you? Just because I almost married you once, doesn’t mean I can’t like both.”
Aaron’s eyes widen slightly in understanding, and he smiles then, a real smile. Robert realises Aaron’s laughing at him as he shakes his head almost imperceptibly, and Robert hopes that means he’s on board.
He’s doing a lot of hoping right now.
“No,” Chrissie fires back indignantly. “I’m just surprised, you never told me anything like that.”
“Yes, well,” Robert says, feeling exposed all of a sudden. “This is Aaron.”
Aaron regards them coolly, coming to stand shoulder to shoulder with Robert, and he nudges him slightly, in what Robert thinks is reassurance, and says, “Hello.”
“Chrissie. I’m sure you’ve heard all about me,” Chrissie begins, but Aaron cuts her off.
“I haven’t, actually,” he really hasn’t, but Robert feels like Aaron knows what a rise it’ll get out of her if he says it. Robert could cry with relief. “But now I see why.”
The disdain in his voice is enough to make her narrow her eyes, whilst Lawrence and Lachlan watch on silently.
“Well, I suppose if you two are so cosy, you wouldn’t mind having dinner with us then. I want to know everything.”
There’s aggrieved coughs from behind her, but she ignores them. She raises an eyebrow in challenge, knowing Robert is squirming and loving every second of it.
Unexpectedly, Aaron takes his hand, squeezing once. The rough feel of his calloused palm against Robert’s own smooth one is enough to centre him, bring him back to the situation. He takes a deep breath, giving Aaron a questioning look, and getting a small nod in return. Robert knows he’s going to have so much explaining to do later.
“Alright,” Robert allows. “Why not?”
Chrissie looks taken aback but recovers quickly, nodding and placing a hand on her suitcase. “We’ll have someone bring our things to our room. Let’s go.”
Aaron doesn’t let go as they follow Robert’s past into the restaurant, and Robert already knows he’s fucked because of how right their interlinked hands feel.
Aaron’s smile is warm, if a bit mocking when he catches Robert’s eye, and Robert can’t help but laugh a little, mouthing, I’ll explain later. Aaron just shrugs.
It’s just for one night, Robert tells himself.
But already, he’s beginning to wish it was more.
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pinky-dan · 5 years
To All the Boys(and Girls) I’ve Loved Before Part 2
Title: To All the Boys(and Girls) I’ve Loved Before
Prompt (from phanfic): a dnp adaptation of tatbilb
Notes: Part 2 is finally here!! 
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Words: 1.4k
Series Masterlist
(ao3 link)
A week later, Kitty and I were starting school again. I was dressed in black skinny jeans, a red flannel, and a pair of black combat boots.
“Dan. It's only gonna take a second. Just smile,” Dad was taking his annual picture of us holding chalkboards with the grade we were going into.
“Cheese!” Kitty still hadn’t realized how cheesy our dad actually was.
“Sixth grade and junior year, can hardly believe it.” I sighed at Dad's remark
“Okay, you ready to go?” I turned to Kitty, handing our signs to Dad. Because Margot was gone, I was responsible for driving us to school.
“One sec,” she ran back into the house, leaving her backpack on the curb.
“Okay, just drive safe. I gotta go,” Dad gave me a hug. “You look great.”
“All set,” Kitty came back outside with a helmet on.
“That's very funny,” I said, not amused.
“Very necessary.” We got in the car and headed off to the combined middle and high school.
I walked in the halls looking for my new locker, different from last year. I was officially an upperclassman, and I actually wanted to put effort into school, not just get B’s and be fine with it.
“Ow!” I accidentally walked into someone. Looking up from my feet, I locked eyes with a girl, about an inch shorter than me. “Excuse you!”
“Oh my god, Gen,” I apologized profusely. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Oh,” the brunette haired girl looked me up and down, her face turning to a scowl. “It’s you.”
Gen, Genevieve. We used to be best friends, but post-middle school, for reasons having to do with her popularity and my lack thereof, we are now decidedly not. I have a slight feeling she's also homophobic, but I can't pin anything on her.
“Cute boots,” Gen mockingly saluted. “Thank you so much for your service.”
“They’re vintage,” I responded. “But I got them on Etsy.”
“And they’re amazing!” I turned around to see my best friend(my only friend), Gen’s cousin, Christine. “Not everybody can pull them off. Lara Jean can rock 'em!
“But for you, cuz, well, let's just say it's probably a good thing you're playing it safe with those,” she looked down at Gen’s feet, noticing her “white girl” foot wear. “Uggs.”
“You know what, Chrissie?” Gen started to get angry. “Screw you, you know my feet are always cold.”
“Hey, babe,” A taller, black haired, boy came up behind Gen and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, leaning down to place a kiss on her cheek.
“Oh, hi!” Gen kept glaring at me as she started talking to him. “How you doing?”
“I’m good, how are you?"
“Good,” Gen smirked at me, and I couldn’t help but think of our history.
Remember Phil, the second non-recipient of one of my love letters? That's this Phil. Gen's Phil. Seventh grade, my first real boy/girl party. Everyone knew that Phil and Gen, who at the time was still my BFF, only wanted to kiss each other.
The bottle spun, landing on Phil.
“I can spin it again,” I said, not sure if he would want to kiss a boy.
“You can’t cheat the bottle,” he said leaning across the circle to kiss me. Our lips met awkwardly for a split second before we pulled away. I looked over at Gen, and she was glaring at me. That was the official end of our friendship.
“So I was just complimenting Dan on his government-issued boots,” I scoffed and turned my head to look at Christine. “Come on, I see someone we need to say hi to. Bye!” Gen walked off, leaving a confused Phil standing across from us.
“She just stopped drinking caffeine for some diet,” Phil said in his smooth voice. “I think she's in withdrawal.”
“Are you sure she just doesn't have a chemical imbalance?” I retorted.
“Right,” he awkwardly thumbed in the direction Gen walked off to and left to catch up with us. I turned to Christine still staring at Phil's back.
“Really think my boots are amazing?” I asked Chris.
“If you ask, it ruins the whole vibe,” Gen teasingly shouldered me. “Be cool. Anyway, you think I'm gonna let my cousin talk trash about you?” The bell rang, and the two of us walked towards our first class together.
I walked into the lunchroom, looking for a seat. I really was lost without Margot here to guide me. Walking out of the lunchroom, I walked outside to the bleachers. Realistically, there wouldn’t be anyone out here, but of course, Josh sat with his earbuds in, eating a sandwich.
“Um, is this seat taken?” I asked him. He looked up, surprised, but moved his paper bag over to the side, making room for me to sit.
“I gotta ask,” Josh began. “Did she tell you she was gonna do it? I just figure you guys talk about everything, right?”
“She didn’t tell me about this.”
“We're still cool, right?” he asked. “We can still talk and you know, kick it?” I laughed.
“Ugh... Don't say ‘kick it.’” I joked. “Yes, we are cool.”
“Do you want a carrot?”
“Give me a carrot.”
Josh and I really were cool. However I felt about Josh, I could never do that to Margot.
“The middle school cafeteria is so ginormous. Alison wanted to sit at lunch, but so did Brianna and Katy. I ended up rotating so everyone had time next to me, you know?” Kitty and I were in the parking lot after school, and she was telling me about her day.
“Yeah, I can totally relate,” I said, my voice shaking a bit. I was happy for her, really, but even my little sister had a better social life than me. I started backing out of the parking spot.
“Woah, woah, woah,” a masculine voice said from behind the car. I slammed my foot on the brakes, not even bothering to turn around to see who I almost hit. I recognized that voice.
“Good thing I’m wearing my helmet!” Kitty joked. A knock sounded on the window next to me. I slowly rolled down the window in shame.
“Hi,” Phil said.
“Hi,” I said, refusing to look at him.
“How you doing?”
“You know people usually check behind them before they reverse to avoid killing others,” he said sarcastically. I turned to look at him. “It's a thing we do.”
“Yeah, I'm just not completely comfortable with using my mirrors yet.”
“Yeah, clearly,” Phil scoffed. “Think you're gonna be able to make it out of the parking lot?”
“Yeah, we’re fine,” I said, hoping he got the message that he can stop leaning into the car’s window. “Really, seriously. Um, so you should just, uh, go, seriously.”
“Whatever you say, Howell,” he pushed himself off the car and pointed to my sister in the passenger seat. “You’re in charge.” Kitty smiled as he walked away.
“Who was that?” she asked.
“That was Phil Lester.” Kitty turned forward in her seat.
“What are we waiting for?”
“The rest of the cars to leave.”
“Oh my gosh.”
“What do you think Margot’s doing tonight?” Kitty and I were on the couch, watching Golden Girls.
“Crack,” she responded. I sat up, shocked.
“Kitty, why would you say that?”
“It’s how Scottish people say fun,” she explained. “Like, ‘you’re good craic,’ I looked it up.” I settled back on the couch, shoveling popcorn into my mouth.
“It’s weird not having her here, huh,” I said with my mouth full.
“It's weird not having Josh here, too. I miss his Blanche impression,” I sighed, almost missing Josh too. “You know, Dan, if you had a girlfriend, or boyfriend, maybe you wouldn't have to drive at all 'cause he would take us places.”
“If that's what it takes, I think you're stuck with me.”
“I dunno. What about the guy you almost killed the other day?” Phil.
“He's dating Gen.”
“So?” Kitty got up from her spot on the couch to sit facing me. “It's just that, don't you find it kinda depressing that it's Saturday night, and you're having a Golden Girls marathon with your little sister?”
“No. I love the Golden Girls, and I love hanging out with you.”
“Okay, I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad,” she started. I could tell this was going to make me feel bad. “But, Dan, I'm 11 and I canceled plans to be here tonight, and well, you're 16, and I don't think you had anything else going on, am I right?”
“That is way harsh, Kitty.”
“The truth hurts, Dan.”
What I didn’t know, was after I fell asleep, Kitty snuck up into my room, found the letters, and put them in the mailbox to be sent the next morning.
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kevaaronday · 7 years
aftg prompt- matt has to get his wisdom tooth out, the girls tag along
Ohh i love this, thank you! This also didn’t end the way I thought it would, but hey I’m still happy with it!
Not beta’d all mistakes are my own.
Matt shook his head. “Nope. Let’s not do this, let’s go back home.” He reached his hand to put the truck in reverse, but was stopped by Dan smacking his hand.
“No you don’t, get your ass inside.”
Matt turned to give a pleading look to Renee, who just smiled and got out of the truck, pulling Allison with her. Dan was opening his door, as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.
“C'mon babe, you gotta get this done.”
“Uhh no, no I do not. Why are girls even here? I should’ve brought Neil” he mumbled.
“We’re here because we knew this would happen idiot,” Allison shook her head a fond look on her face, “it’s funny isn’t it? How scared of needles you are now.”
Dan sent her a glare and Renee hit her shoulder, before pulling her away and looked to be scolding her. Matt really loved Renee. He looked at Dan who just stared back, unrelentingly. He sighed, rubbed his hands over his face and got out of the truck. He slammed the door.
“That’s the spirit!” Renee chirped, eyes twinkling.
Matt rolled his eyes, shoved his hands in his pockets and walked in the clinic. The smell of cleaning supplies was overwhelming and turned to see the girls doing the same. He got in line behind three other people, and before he knew it he was standing in front of the nurse. She smiled at him, kindly but a little strained. She looked tired.
“Hello dear, how can I help?” Her name tag said her name was Chrissie.
“I uh I have a 3 o'clock appointment with Dr. Zach.”
She turned to her computer, “And your name hon?”
“Matt Boyd”
She typed his name in, printed out some papers and handed them over with a pen, “Well Matt could you quickly fill these sheets out and then bring them up?”
Matt nodded and gave her a quick smile, “Thanks Chrissie.”
He found the girls sitting reading some magazines, he looked closer to see Dan reading an Exy one and Allison with a fashion one while Renee read over both their shoulders. He rolled his eyes at them, then sat down beside Dan. He looked at the papers, they were asking if he had any allergies regarding medicine, which he didn’t. He read through the rest and filled out the necessary parts before signing the bottom and handing it back to Chrissie.
“Thank you Matt, Dr. Zach will see you soon.”
Matt sat down and tried to listen to the girls conversation but couldn’t pay attention. He was getting his wisdom teeth out. That involved needles. He hated needles now. Couldn’t stand the sight of them anymore.
“Matt Boyd?” He looked up to see a doctor looking round​ the room and only stood up when Renee pinched his leg. He walked to Dr. Zach, shook his hand and walked into the room he indicated to.
“Take a seat Matt.” Dr. Zach motioned him towards the dentist seat. Matt sat down but didn’t lean back yet. Dr. Zach explained to him what would happen. He would be getting some anesthesia to knock him out during the procedure. It would help with the pain so he wouldn’t feel anything, but would likely still be high on in when he woke. Matt nodded, laid down on the seat and closed his eyes tightly.
When he woke up Dan, Allison and Renee were looking down on him. He blinked his eyes and tried to think about where he was. He looked around the room but only saw pristine white walls.
“Am I dead?” His voice was hoarse.
Dan laughed and Allison got her phone out. Renee ran her hand over his hair, “No youre not, you just had surgery fo-”
Matt cut her off, “Oh no! Is Neil okay?”
Dan looked at him, her face confused, “Yes Matt he’s fine, wh-”
Matt cut her off too, “No don’t say that! He’s never fine! Where is he? Where’s Neil?”
Allison​ was covering her mouth, but Matt could see her eyes tearing up. She was laughing at him. Matt pouted.
“Don’t laugh at me Allison​, thats mean, I just had surgery.”
“Yes you did Matt, Dr. Zach will be in soon to talk to you” Renee was still running her hand over his head. Matt gripped onto her wrist.
“Who cares! Is Neil okay? Is he safe? Is he happy? He’s not playing Exy right now is he? Where’s Neil? I want Neil.” Matt was on the verge of tears. He just wanted to know that Neil was okay and happy, what was wrong with that?
“Matt, Neil is okay, yes he’s happy, no he’s not playing Exy. He’s with Andrew-”
“Andrew can’t have him all the time! He’s mine too! He was mine first!”
“Matt, you don’t own Neil.” Dan sighed.
“I know that Dan don’t be mean, I just had surgery” Dan rolled her eyes at him and walked away.
“No don’t leave me.” Matt started crying. “Don’t leave me please. I love you almost as much as I love Neil, don’t leave, Dan please.”
Dan looked at him while Allison and Renee looked on both laughing but trying to hide it.
“You love me almost as much as you love Neil?” She asked.
“Yeah! He’s so pure Dan,” he grabbed her wrist “he’s so innocent, he doesn’t deserve the life he’s had, he, he deserves love and kindness, he deserves the world. I want to give Neil the world, but I also want to give you the world Dan! I wanna show the rest of the world my two favourite people, the people I love so much. Dan I really love you.”
Dan smiled softly, “I love you too Matt, more than anything”
“More than Exy?” Matt’s eyes were wide in astonishment.
“More than Exy.” Dan confirmed.
Matt smiled, “We should get married then, you love me more than Exy.”
Dan gave him a shocked look, “What? Matt did you just propose to me while you’re high on anesthesia?”
“Yeah! Dan let’s get married! Neil can be my best man! Ohh!” He turned to Allison and Renee, who had tears in their eyes and still recording everything. He reached a hand out to tap Renee on the arm.
“Guys I’m gonna marry Dan Wilds!”
“We know Matt, we’re happy for you” Renee patted his arm.
The next day Allison showed the rest of the foxes the video, Andrew glared at him for his comments but when it got the part where Matt proposed, all their eyes got wide. Wymack looked at them, eyes shinning, Abby rushed to give them a hug. Neil confirmed that he would be Matt’s best man, he had tears in his eyes. Matt had never been so happy to have them as his family. He loved them all.
Feel free to send me some prompts, only accepting aftg, teen wolf and harry potter prompts!
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