#his titles are bangers though lol
hydranomago · 1 year
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“Art, like love, excludes all competition and absorbs the man.”  - Henry Fuseli 
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
I’ve been wondering, how do you think that First died? Do you think it was natural causes (i.e. old age or sickness)? Or maybe died while fighting a monster? Or something else?
Oh, I always was a great fan of the whole 'First was absorbed/hosted by Nomicon' theory aka First didn't die die, but his mortal body and soul became a founding/essential part of Nomicon and he joined with it, sorta like what we see happen to Plop Plop, but more epic!
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Many people seem to believe that First's spirit being in Nomicon happened because Randy changed the future (at least according to wikias it seem to be a leading theory for many), and that before Randy intervened, First just wiped his memory like it was implied/used as demonstration in Ninja Identity/Supremacy and just continued his life without his memory as a Ninja, but that kinda doesn't make sense to me at all???
First was born into Ninja Clan, his Clan created the mask, heck his Clan (seemed to have) founded Norrisville all the way away from Japan and on Americas continent! - did he just wipe his whole life and stumbled around confused how people knew him??
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Amnesiac/Mind wiped First is an interesting thought (damn, it actually would make such a cool angsty AU lol) but its personally not my favorite headcanon for First.
Though of course we can argue that First did get mind wiped but it doesn't stick. So there would be a copy of First's memories in Ninjanomicon and First with his memories but like...without his mask and title? Which also doesnt' make much sense to me?? Does he just.... continues on without his mask but still fighting? (Likely - but also ??? why not just continue it in the mask??) Does he just grows older and watches as the new ninja bounces around? (Less likely - So in that case what's the point of giving NinjaNomicon to Messenger if he is still around???) It seems to me as a sad sort of end to his legacy.
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(Would make a banger sad and angsty Retired!AU too tho lol)
I feel like First is too passionate/determined to end that sort of way. So to me it would make much more sense that he would try to keep fighting/protecting in any way possible and leaving his spirit behind would be one of the most sure ways. Also makes sense to me that to create NinjaNomicon a sort of 'sacrifice' was needed, and since First is the, well, First - he is the building block upon which the Ninjanomicon started to grow and "live". (and yes i am completely ignoring the whole time paradox with Nomicon because I love it as a funy haha episode joke but absolutely hate it for lore and it gives me a headache xD).
So, my personal headcanon is that after defeating/capturing the Sorcerer, First spent at least a decade meticulously writing down his Clan's history and all the knowledge they ever possesed (and basically pouring his soul into Nomicon thru writing ;) ), settling his affairs and making insurances/plans/backups and etc. all the while also still keeping Norrisville safe, before he finally handed over the Nomicon to the Messenger, stepped into it for one last Ultimate Lesson and just went poof. And no one ever saw him again.
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1343-40 · 2 months
the hockey au fic is 20k words long now and shows no signs of stopping so to.. bemoan celebrate it here's yet another snippet lol
also i keep calling it hockey au fic but it has a title - it's running out of guts to spill. from this absolute banger which everybody should listen to
also an obscene amount of this fic is porn which.. is whatever. i didn't plan for that. these guys just can't stop fucking ig
Gale just can’t get used to it, even though deep inside he’s always known there was…something there, some kind of potential. He would deny it if asked, but John’s chirps made him want to smile more often than not. He could never help himself but talk back, and maybe to a more observant eye he was obvious—taking any excuse to skate past John’s net, putting a little extra into his shots at the net every game John started in, answering questions about John during post-game media he could’ve ignored or been more careful about with his wording. That fucking goal back in 2019 that Gale, too, could never forget, because it was pure manifestation of his desire to get under John’s skin as much as John got under his.
Gale doesn’t think sex between two guys who are just teammates is supposed to feel like this. Maybe at first it did, back in the hallway. It would have been incredibly easy to write it off as blowing off tension and frustration from the season, the bittersweet giddiness of winning that game, the left-over adrenaline from the fight and whatever complicated feelings John was battling with, watching Gale lose his shit. Hell, it could have been something as simple as taking the opportunity to hook up with another guy you know for sure is gagging for a cock in his mouth.
Whatever it could have been, it wasn’t, in the end.
What it was—it was John kissing him with an irrefutable intent, it was them touching each other like the both of them had been yearning for it for months on end, it was Gale’s tears and John’s unbidden affection.
It’s Gale letting John spoon him and kiss his neck, it’s Gale lying there, mind and heart racing, as he listens to John’s quiet snoring.
It’s Gale realizing he’s fucked up, because if John leaves him in the morning, if he acts like they’re friends after, Gale wouldn’t be able to collect all those pieces of himself John had so deliberately picked apart, into a shape that could even closely resemble a human.
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pojofi96 · 3 months
Subscorp Fic Rec List
Please mind that all of these, unless stated otherwise, are rated Explicit. Also these are just works that I've read! In no particular order:
Pretty much anything by FreakensteinXIII is guaranteed to be a certified banger. Right now, they currently have an ongoing fic titled "Simple Pleasures" that's meant to be a sequel to their first MK1 Kuai/MK11 Hanzo fic, "Always You" (Both rated Explicit). Highly recommend! "War of Hearts" has the typical MK11 old man yaoi pairing that we all know and love. In this, Hanzo deals with his internalized homophobia and strong denial as he and Kuai start a "friends with benefits" relationship that turns into something more. It's explicit though so again, please mind the tags if you read. Runningfromthefeels is another great author, especially when it comes to their angsty works. "This High Love You Give To Me (Dripping Down My Hands Like Honey)" I particularly like for touching on a tense moment between Kuai and Hanzo in the MKX comics that never gets addressed between them again in canon (and also because there's a humorous setting in the fic too.) Went Looking For A Creation Myth (Ended Up With a Pair Of Cracked Lips) is an excellent and touching time loop story with a happy ending where Kuai Liang has to find a way to save not only Hanzo, but also all of Earthrealm.
In the shadow (of a broken house) by McBethins takes place in the MK Legends universe. It goes into depth dealing with Hanzo and Kuai's emotional states as they try to move on from their grief while trying not to let their past drag them behind. I have not gotten a chance to read their other Subscorp works yet but it seems like they have quite a few that I'll definitely look more into. SeventhStrife has some great tasty fics that they made for Subscorp week a few years back. Bunny Night is a modern AU where Hanzo works at the library by day and as a sex worker by night. He meets Kuai Liang by chance one night at his second job and things escalate from there. Vital places the two in a "fuck or die" situation. Also Hanzo bottoms so that's a plus just for that alone lol.
Summertrap's works are especially excellent when it comes to writing the pair in different AUs and they have loads and loads of them. Your Ransom Has Been Paid With Seven Pomegranate Seeds is a Greek Mythology AU that bases the two off of Hades and Persephone. (Not explicit, SFW!) For Anyone But Me, Your Private Eye is an AU where Hanzo is a Private Eye, investigating his family's unsolved murder while being forced to team up with his biggest suspect's brother.
If anybody has any more reccomendations, feel free to share!
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amaiguri · 3 months
OC in 15 Tag Game
Thanks to the @the-down-upside-finch for the tag! It was forever ago and I think I need to redo my Tumblr intro to warn people that I do all my replies in bursts and I still love you all...
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I will, of course, be honoring my beloved Arlasaire today with a combo of spoken dialogue and narration. That being said, I don't really write good out-of-context bangers lines lol -- everything only barely works because of the context. (I wish I was. I'm not that cool though.)
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"And it was my fault! Because I wasn’t enough!"
"You don’t care about me."
"You don’t know me."
"Nesa… I warned Zal so I’ll warn you too: I’m not very good at relationships."
"…I’m not a lady. The Aftokratoria has stripped away our titles, remember?"
"I was just House d’Magnia’s ward. They took me in after a Dragonstorm burnt down my village. Fed me. Trained me. Gave me purpose."
On that first day after they found me, — back before I was “Arlasaire”— I’d been the one to kill the spider crabs chasing Lord Einharde’s second lieutenant.
"Lord Einharde embodied the House words with all his heart. “Eshew Axiom for Ascendancy.” This made him cold, but he was good to me."
His name rotted in my memory now.
"…The Arlasaire you knew a year ago would not have slaughtered anyone, if YOU had asked."
I felt the familiar knife twist in my chest. I stifled laughter. Euphoria. What a beautiful liar…
The Burned Maiden bled from the body and it was just the girl. Just me.
"And then… I fell for this priestess lady. We kissed. And then… she also tried to kill me."
"It is too cold and dark to be kind. Spring is not like this in the North. You have to actually wear clothes."
"You… like me? Are we… a thing?"
...Guys, Arlasaire's so edgy and angsty, omg. I swear, she's actually a huge softie underneath, she's just not feeling safe in the narrative... And familiar toxicity feels safe...
So YEAH! I'd like to gently tag @maiemorrae @spideronthesun @marigold-clouds @words-after-midnight @wordswrittenbynight @nemaliwrites @cee-grice @zebee-nyx @junypr-camus and @dragonprincedawn -- and if you've done this already, feel free to just link me to the thing. Or do it again! Whatever!
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Jimin, dude, man, bro, wtf? What in actual goddamn fuck???
Listen, there like 3 Jimin solo songs I like and I am not a big fan of some of his vocal choices but let me tell you I was really hyped and hooked when the teasers came out. The drama, war anthem-ness, the grandeur of everything, I liked it all. So I was quite disappointed when the news of him rapping came out because I've heard him rap before and it was bad, and I especially was reluctant to watch the whole MV after I heard a snippet of it on my tl (the stylistically autotuned rap part, yeah). I was afraid to be disappointed after such great teasers.
despite my fears I finally watched the MV... fuck... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK PARK JIMIN??? It's so damn good! Even the rap part??? I LOVED it. Separately it doesn't sound very nice but combined and mixed it somehow works well. And his stylistic vocal choices, the way he changes his voice all the time, it's amazing, it keeps you hooked and anticipating what comes next, it keeps surprising you, even shocked at some point. I haven't been a fan of bts songs since the fake love era (even black swan is not IT for me, it's really good but not THAT great) so it says a lot. this one is easily one of my faves EVER in their discography.
The song is a statement. A grand opening. Empowering.
BTW, the song is totally a type of song that you would play in your car while driving around with your friends and singing-shouting along. Wow, just wow.
Ask 2: Opinions on set me free pt. 2 seem to be divided in some circles 👀👀👀 ofc because of the vocal processingz that’s a common complaint for so many years already lol. I mean Pdogg is the main producer of the album so idk what they expected… personally i love the song and i think the vocal processing works but i think i can understand some people have different tastes and expectations… at the end of that day it was a choice consciously chosen by jimin and his producers. It’s there for a reason imo. I’m happy though that jimin really tried something different!!!!! So many people were expecting a ballad for this title instead we got a banger lol… and like you said Yoongi’s style is obvious even when he doesnt have a hand in making it directly… now i’m so curious what like crazy will sound like!!!! But i wanna ask if youll be making a post for set me free bpp???
Posting these two asks now because my inbox is already getting out of control and between getting zero sleep and a flight I've got to catch in exactly 73 minutes, I'd rather briefly get out some thoughts now, regardless of if they're coherent or not, because I don't know when next I'll have time.
Hi Anon(s),
I don't think I'll ever write a full review for this song, because there's a lot about it I don't want to talk about, a lot I don't want to share and would rather keep to myself.
That said,
Everything about Set Me Free Pt. 2 is right up my alley and objectively brilliant. Every single thing about it: the melody, the autotune, the chants, the rap, the fact the whole thing plays out in the same prison, the way Jimin uses his body as a canvas for inscriptions that only enhance his storytelling, the performance.
I have nothing to say to anyone who doesn't like this or that about it. Rapper Jimin was in my wishlist for PJM1 so... and I'm a hiphop head who listens to Travis Scott-type autotune at least a couple times a day. Plus I've got Yoongi, that nasty, autotune-loving, foul-mouthed cat as my bias. Joon and Hobi aren't that much nicer either. Anybody reading this to hear me say something critical about this song should wake up and smell the matcha.
Some things I want to gush about:
First of all, the instrumentals. PDogg went stuuuuuuuuuuuupid on this track goddamn.
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This song is pure trap. An orchestral, haunting trap anthem is what Set Me Free Pt. 2 is.
It is so sick. So maddening in how good it is. No wonder he was so excited about Jimin ending k-pop in 2023, the song he produced is easily the best produced Korean song so far and believe me when I tell you that is really saying something, because the competition this year has been stiff.
The Vocals
Jimin's voice is the most emotive in BTS. That's one reason I love it. Another reason is because nobody's vocals in BTS, in k-pop, fuck, in all of Korea, drips as much sauce as Park Jimin's. I've said before, Jimin sounds inhuman almost, I describe his voice as serrated steel coated in honey and wrapped in silk because it sounds distinctly metallic, but can be oddly soothing. But with Jimin, there's a tone he takes sometimes that has this undercurrent of nasty, of unapologetic vulgarity, and in Set Me Free Pt. 2, he uses autotune to amplify it to brain-piercing perfection.
PDogg brilliantly uses autotune to aid Jimin in sending a message.
The shrillest, most distorted we hear Jimin is when he raps after the first chorus, and that's by design. The use of autotune in this song is intentional, and we can see this because every time it ratchets up, Jimin is being crude and uninhibited - as though it's a second voice, an alter-ego, or Jimin himself speaking the deepest truest thoughts he holds, pushing them to the surface after suppressing them for nine years.
PDogg has used this sort of autotune on Jimin's voice before, in the second chorus of Black Swan (timestamp: 2:24 - 2:50)
It's hidden in the backing vocals in Black Swan but felt in full cathartic force in SMF pt 2. And it feels incredible.
The Message/Lyrics
This is the part I don't want to write about because I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself. Not because I have special insight or think I've discovered something no one else sees or whatever, but because it's the only thing about this song that stayed within my expectations of who I think Jimin is. Plus I'm certain various interpretations will be offered by many other bloggers, so I'm okay sitting this one out.
That's the most I'll say now.
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deludedfantasy · 10 months
Trimax Vol 7 Ch 4-6
My suffering continues in the second half of this volume. Things have been getting steadily worse and worse for a while, but something about this one really just got me. I know it's gonna get worse though lol. Until then, my thoughts on the last three chapters.
Ch 4
Wolfwood, my guy, what are you even doing? “He looks like he’s been to a funeral, and another one and another one after that.” I mean, yeah, Vash has been having a real shit time of it lately. That’s actually a great way to describe it.
In all seriousness, this is actually weirdly sweet to me. I think Wolfwood’s trying really hard to cheer him up, except he has no idea how to do it, so he’s just being so awkward instead. He gets like the tiniest little smile out of him. But it’s so sad because you can’t see Vash’s eyes anymore, he’s hiding all that pain beyond his brand-new goggles that function almost like blinders.
Despite how terrible Vash feels, he still helps those people out. His reputation precedes him though and it’s gotten worse. Now the story about his powers is out and the people avoid him, treat him like a devil. 
But the guys he saved are being really nice to him! Actually treating him like a person! We love to see it. 
Vash looks like he’s having fun drinking but after the last volume, I’m a little worried. He’s having a nice time, but I also feel like he’s using it to bury all the hurt he’s feeling. 
“Oh well. This may be his last chance to enjoy himself.” I can’t begin to explain the dread this line puts in me, especially since I know where this is all going. So does Wolfwood, of course. But he seems so calm about it, like he’s accepted the inevitability of it all. 
“I’m the angel of mercy handing out booze to these poor souls.” This is a banger of a line to come from some random barkeeping granny.  
That is a bleak, bleak view of Vash’s possible future that this guy gives him. That he’ll always be alone, time the only thing that will wipe away his regrets, nothing but that for as long as he’s alive. He’s probably speaking from experience though and that’s what makes it even sadder.
Oh no. OH NO. Vash’s power reacted to something and I don’t like it. It’s Knives, it’s him merging with the Plants and things are about to go down. 
The way Vash says, “Wolfwood, you really are my guide, right?” HE KNOWS. I’m convinced now that he knows that Wolfwood is Knives’s agent and has been from the beginning. I hesitate to say he doesn’t care, but he certainly doesn’t blame Wolfwood for it. But it also makes this all so tragic. In a way, they’ve both accepted their fates at this point and just, ugh, nooooo. 
Knives’s big plan is starting…with an attack of galactic proportions. He’s bringing down all the satellites, destroying the planetary communications network. A great way to sow fear and chaos across the land.
When we do see Vash’s eyes, they’re so empty. He has given up. The way he’s talking, it’s like he’s walking to his death. He knows whatever he’s walking into, he’s not coming back from it. His language, thanking everyone for one last drink, one last good night, it very much reads like a suicide note. I’m gonna go curl up in a ball and cry now.
Ch 5
The chapter titles in this volume…they fuck me up. “Late Arrival to the End of the World.” On the one hand, oof, yes, how evocative. On the other hand though…I’m scared.
So Wolfwood and Vash arrive at Knives’s murder castle/ship. Vash runs right on in because there’s no hiding now. Knives’s power is at full blast. Not only can his brother sense him, but Vash’s own power is reacting to it and he’s shifting. For the first time, he looks calm about it. But it’s not because he’s okay with his power. It’s because he’s accepted his fate. He’s locked in and nothing will stop him now, because he has nothing left to lose.
Oh my god???? What was that horrifying vision Wolfwood had? He doesn’t seem to think it was Knives and Vash didn’t even notice. FREAKY. There’s someone in the murder castle that’s after him too. 
But also, “I don’t want to be a burden on him.” God, Wolfwood. Just…you care about him so much, but it wouldn’t be a burden to him. But he knows that, which is why he won’t do it. He won’t put something else on Vash’s shoulders, he won’t make him even more worried, or harder than it already is. 
Elendira is just like, “Hi there! Let me lead you to your murderous brother for your final showdown. Right this way!”
Ah, so Vash did pick up on something from Wolfwood’s vision. As always, Vash remains more perceptive than Wolfwood is willing to give him credit for. 
IT’S REVEALED. Wolfwood isn’t Chapel! Also, can we talk about the badass wheelchair of death the actual Chapel is using? 
I love that Elendira basically scolds them into not pointing their guns at each other.
You know, it occurs to me that Wolfwood manages to betray a lot of people all at once. There’s something really sad about that because I just know it makes him feel so much worse about himself as a person.
Always funny to me when Wolfwood calls other people faithless. Like, dude, so are you! That’s just the pot calling the kettle black. 
Knives’s aura is so powerful, it cracks Vash’s glasses and blows them off his face. He can���t hide his feelings anymore and he also can’t hide from his brother anymore. He has to look the world full in the face now. There’s no turning back or running away anymore. 
Also, this last panel of Knives emerging from the pavilion is terrifying. Especially the way the giant hands don’t match up with where the rest of his body is positioned. 
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Ch 6
It kills me that Knives’s plan to make Vash suffer and break him down succeeded. He wanted to see his brother brought low, to have all of his ideals smashed and proven wrong, before they faced each other again. It’s so cruel, especially after seeing how kind and loving he was as a child. 
But Knives still frames what he’s doing as saving Vash! Now it’s because of the black hair, because he’s closer to death than Knives is. Does Knives feel guilty though? Because as far as I can tell, every time Vash has used his powers and his hair has turned black up to this point has been directly due to Knives forcing or manipulating him into it. 
This has been haunting me since the first half of this volume, but Knives bringing up Tesla again reminded me. Would she want this? Would she want the kind of destruction Knives wants to rain down on the world? Would she want that kind of large scale revenge against all of humanity? She might have been a child, but Independent Plants, as we’ve seen, are incredibly intelligent, even as children. If we assume she was a vengeful ghost who wanted to show them the truth about humanity, then maybe. There’s this tiny part of me though that wonders if she’d be horrified instead to see so much suffering done in her name. Would she really want to see anyone, Plant or human, harmed just because she did too? Would she want others to experience the same pain she did? And that’s the thing. We don’t know. We’ll never know what this little girl wanted. She never had any agency, not when she lived or died, not even in her legacy. She became a martyr for a cause she didn’t even know existed. 
Oh hey, it’s the argument Vash and Knives have in the Tristamp finale! I didn’t catch this on my first read. The context here is very different though. Vash is a lot more broken down here and we know he has so many doubts. So to hear him say something like this, that he’ll run away and try again, is so weirdly hopeful and optimistic. Knives is just as enraged though. 
I’ve been wondering what those tubes on Vash’s jacket were for ages! It looks like ammo to reload his arm gun (and maybe his revolver too). Clever design for a gunslinger’s jacket, honestly. 
Is—is Legato hopping up the stairs in his weird little metal coffin thing? Like he’s in a sack race? That is such a ridiculous image in the middle of this battle. 
Ough, Vash. This page…Why must you hurt me like this? He might still have some hope left for humanity, but he doesn’t have any left for himself. In that sense, Knives failed. He wanted him to suffer and see humanity’s failings, but Vash only ever saw his own. 
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Knives really went, “If I can’t save you from yourself, I’ll make you part of me and take away your entire autonomy.” He’s always been like this, but this time he’s just said it out loud. All those posts about Knives seeing Vash an extension of himself become very, very literal here.
Oh? Vash was actually able to overpower him when he tried to meld with him? 
I can’t believe Knives actually listened to Legato. He hasn’t been listening to anyone recently. And Legato’s deranged, excited expression when he does and then asks him to restrain Knives…he’s really enjoying himself, for once.
Oh no, oh this is bad. Vash is captured, Knives is planning the destruction of the planet, there’s apparently a massive airship. Everything looks very, very bad. This is so much worse because I know where this is going. 
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skrrtscree · 2 years
Viva Las Vengeance is out so I decided to waste 43 minutes of my life and here's my thoughts.
Note: any song after Local God is my first time listening to it, so all these reactions were written as the song was playing.
Also I'm using the tumblr app so idk how to cut text sorry.
Viva Las Vengeance:
This song has already been shat on to death for good reason
The verse and the chorus don't fit at all with each other
And the slow part near the end is not it😬
Middle of A Breakup:
Just saying this now the lyrics on these songs are VERY on the nose AND unoriginal
'Keep your disco, give me T-Rex' tf is that suppose to mean???
It's meh. Not as painful as the first one for sure.
Don't Let the Light Go Out:
Said it before and I'll say it again: Ed Sheeran knock-off.
Shows that Brendon doesn't need uplifting beats and screehing to make a good song
Well 'good' is subjective but this is one fo the better ones.
Local God:
This song should be in JAIL.
Doesn't flow together AT ALL
It's 2022 Brendon why did you make an ENTIRE 3 MINUTE SONG about a guy you haven't talked to in YEARS???
Star Spangled Banger:
the title is a obvious lie, this shit ain't banging at ALL
Why is brendon sing-talking some parts in the verse?? Could he not fit all the lyrics in??
Good to know that the verse and the chorus not fitting together is gonna be a running theme throughout this album
God Killed Rock and Roll:
I swear the beginning of with the piano this sounds like a cheap knockoff of bohemian rhapsody
The musical flow of this song SUCKS so much its kinda funny. It starts with piano with an accompany of a chorus which is the only decent part of the entire song, then the pre-chorus has a quicker beat and the switch feels so abrupt.
I don't like that it sounds like brendon is trying to chase the lyrics in the chorus
Say it Louder:
Ngl the beat actually sounds good???
'For the people in the back(back,back,back) bros trying to create his own echo💀
None of it sounds out of place so far.. his voice does kind of sound a bit werid though its kind of expected of him at this point
OK nvm, it got slow again around the middle
Sugar Soaker:
The come on come ons do not fit the beat of the chorus. They fit the verses just fine though.
He's definitely making the choruses sound 'fulfilling' when it's just the verse but upped an octave. It just comes off as lifeless..
Wtf were those come ons at the end, its like hes creating dramatic tension through audio
Something About Maggie:
HELP NOT THAT HIGH NOTE FOLLOWED BY ALL THE LOW ONES, yeah that made me actually laugh
'Let him GOOO🤩' 'people say people say run away run away😈'
Sorry but the only ones who wrote a good line about slitting wrists were MCR and that was in 2004 🙄
Also Panic hasn't really been 'emo' since Fever (maybe Vices but that's pushing it) so not only is this line just yeesh it doesnt fit at all.😬
So glad Brendon decided to embrace his snake persona with how he's saying his s' at the end of sentences
'oh yeah'😚
Brendon PLEASE stop messing up the track by switching beats halfway through it
a a a a a a a a
Friendship ended with Sarah, now Maggie is my bestie
Sad Clown:
Title is kinda self-aware, ain't it?
Alright Brendon we know you were on Broadway but that doesn't mean you have to force yourself to sing like that on your songs
Only dogs can hear it I stg
Great he got slow AGAIN out of no where, cause that went so well the last time he did it (viva las vengeance)
All By Yourself:
Another self-aware title damn, he's on a kick with these.
He likes mentioning those posters on my wall. Ironically I have two IDKHOW and FØB posters and none of him lol.
Even with a slow song like this, it still feels like he's forcing himself to sing higher than he has to.
He was right about changing everything all by himself though.
This actually sounds pretty nice, I will admit.
Do it To Death:
What else is there left to say? It sounds the exact same as the other songs..
It keeps teasing me thinking he's gonna say something else-OH SCREW OFF NOW THIS 'shut up and go to bed' SHIT AGAIN
I sat through 40 minutes of your mediocre music just to get jumpscared with a viva las vengeance callback END ME
In short: im disappointed but not surprised. This doesn't even feel like Panic anymore. The lyrics are bland and repetitive, Brendons vocals are truely fighting on their last legs and the songs can't commit to a single beat. It's like he had too many ideas and thought he could execute them all but he couldn't. I can't believe this album is actually real, I refuse to listen to this ever again.
If the studio versions of these songs sound so dogshit, I canNOT wait to hear about the tour versions.
Bonus note: the song spotify decided to auto play right after finishing the album was Famous Last Words which idk whether to laugh or cry.
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celticbotanart · 1 year
Wrote a very depressing tweet earlier, but was a coward and deleted it.
So, instead of being depressed AF on main, I'll take one of the things I said in it and will elaborate in a much better, healthier manner, which is... gushing about music, my beloved, my hyperfixation ~
In the tweet I mentioned André Matos, a BR singer, composer, pianist with a literal degree in classical music and conducting.
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He became a literal metal legend here in BR specially in the 90s/2000s. Like for real - he was THIS CLOSE to replace Bruce Dickinson when he left Iron Maiden in the early 90s (Andre was in the 3rd place of choice).
Unfortunately, Andre passed away in 2019 at early age of 47 due to a cardiac arrest - it was very sudden and a shock to everybody, it's kind of insane even now looking back and remembering he's gone.
Anyway. That being said, enough with the sad stuff and let's turn this into THE COOLEST THING you guys will ever learn about Brazilian music!! As a kid, Andre Matos was the vocalist of a band named Viper, and later on as a young adult he joined Angra, a band that still exists to this day with other members and vocalists - BTW!!! SMALL PARENTESIS, the vocalist who replaced Andre in Angra, Edu Falaschi, sang the Brazilian version of "Pegasus Fantasy", Saint Seiya's opening theme back then!! Still a fucking banger, and Edu STILL often sings it to this day; Edu isn't in Angra anymore, I think???
But yeah. As you can see, we're already getting epic and complex and I didnt even get to Andre yet lol ANYWAY!! This is Angra with the OG formation with Andre as the lead singer/keyboardist - he's the 3rd one, the pretty boi in the middle, hehe
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Angra was one of the pivotal points in Brazilian hard rock/metal; Sepultura is right there with them, I think - I don't know a lot about Sepultura (that's my sister's territory lol), but I know that much.
I'll skip straight into Angra's stuff cause there's where the good stuff begins!
First album of theirs is called "Angels Cry" and the title song is SUCH a quintessential Angra / Andre Matos song, i swear to gods. And the album art sdkjfhsdkfjshdf it's very Graphic Passion Is My Design. Don't be fooled by the dated album art tho:
Here you'll hear the "classic music interludes" that were very common in Andre Matos' songs due to his background and training in classic music. It's SOOOO 80s and their Iron Maiden influence is SCREAMING, quite literally. Worth mentioning I'm not an Iron Maiden fan lol btw #Poser
Another CLASSIQUE-TM from Angels Cry is "Time".
I'll throw the official videoclip in here because it's hilarious, even though the song slaps ksdjfhskdj (André's corny, pretty metal boi look in his early Angra days is kind of a goal to transNB me, ngl. #GenderEnvy)
WELL, do you guys know folk metal? Like, when we say that, it's usually metal + medieval/European instruments (like Eluveitie, for example).
In 96, Angra did what I like to consider "Brazilian folk metal", metal with BR elements and influences, in their album "Holy Land"
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The concept of the album was like, the great navigations but it was also kind of a commentary in colonization - Brasil is our "holy land", and a lot of the songs feature this epicness and bittersweetness, joy and sorrow of being BR. The songs are in ENG, which is kind of ironic, but still The songs being in ENG is due to a lot of factors tbh, all of them involving the fact that Brazil doesn't embrace metal a lot, and they wanted to to sell their songs outside BR bc of that. Which sucks, but i get it.
Here we have CAROLINA IV, an epic describing a ship at sea, and it also references the Portuguese who arrived in BR back in the 1500s.
The song is all in ENG except the intro, which is a chant dedicated to Iemanjá / Janaína / Iemoja, the orisha of the seas and the most well-known orisha around here, if I'm not mistaken
"Hail, hail Yemoja, Hail Janaína And everything that was made in the waters They throw flowers at the sea God save the Queen And my journey on this sphere An orishas' caboclo Soon leaves the Earth Meeting his fate Where the sky meets the sea He will find his safe harbor And that's how it ends..."
Black culture and religions are strong here in BR, and this chant and the instruments used are a tribute to them <3 If you guys know of or remember Michael Jackson's "They Don't Really Care About Us", that's the same beat/Afro-Brazilian influence - in MJ's song, it was the famous group Olodum who did it, I don't know if they were involved in Angra's Holy Land though. "Carolina IV" is a very long with a lot of changes in pace and even genres (again, classical music interludeTM). It's very epic, very 80s metal, and very Brazilian as well, it has everything I love, ahhh <3
In the early 2000s, Andre left Angra and he and other, previous Angra members formed the band Shaman.
I think it's good for me to reiterate at this point that while we had bands like Angra and Sepultura, the metal genre WAS NOT and NEVER WAS mainstream here in BR.
So, the fact that Shaman became incredibly popular in the early 2000s because one of their songs "became to mainstream" was kind of an anomaly. THIS, MY FRIENDS, is where my story with Andre Matos' music starts. Because this was early 2000s, I was around 13 and the reason why I knew about the band, alongside hundreds of other teens at the time, was because a song by Shaman became soundtrack to a BR telenovela. The telenovela in question was O Beijo do Vampiro ("The Vampire's Kiss") and as the name suggests, it had vampires and 'edgy dark fantasy stuff' cause it was more targeted for a younger audience, as the protagonist was this middle schooler aged boy who was actually the son of a vampire.
The BANGER, THE ETERNAL, EVERLASTING ANTHEM from Shaman they chose as a soundtrack to that freaking telenovela was "Fairy Tale", from their first album "Ritual":
I swear to god, this song is fucking everything to any Brazilian metal fan my age. It was a literal game changer to a lot of us, because this was how we discovered or started really appreciating metal, since we were too young to catch on Viper in the 80s or Angra in the 90's. Other bands like Evanecscence, Nightwish and Linkin Park were also starting to become popular, so a lot of metal styles were coming around around that period.
Including a Brazilian singer that also leaned more towards a heavier sound, Pitty! That song is from her first album.
ANWYAY, BACK TO ANDRE MATOS - I'll make an exception here, and share two versions of the same song. I've shared the official videoclip with the studio recording, and below, is a very beloved live performance from 2003:
I'm sharing both versions because they are slightly different - studio ver starts with a religious chant in latin, and the live version includes a violin, played by Marcus Viana (another conductor and a famous composer of soundtracks for Brazilian shows and movies). In the live ver you can also see Andre Matos SLAYING on the piano because dude was a literal master of his craft ksjdfhksjdf
The song starts all calm with the piano, very lullaby-like, and then BAM!, 80s METAL HAIRFLIP AND GUITARS AND EPICNESS. And then it ends how it started. It's such a beautiful track. I love it so much, such a true banger. Makes me nostalgic AF, and I love the "epic tale" nature it has.
Another personal favorite of mine from that time comes from their second album, a track called Born to Be:
I love how it mixes mellow piano lines with heavier metal arrangements, it was kind of their thing and they did it so well! And by the way, I am aware the name of the band / cover of first album might be considered problematic nowadays?? It was the 2000s, unfortunately those things happened a lot. It's looking back into our teen years and realizing things were not as pristine as we remembered fskjdfhksd oh man. But yeah. Aside from that, the songs slap so hard, specially if you like the 80s metal feel. And speaking of the 80s music, Andre covered some pretty badass, daring songs over the years, not only but including... ..."Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" from Journey, which he recorded after he left Shaman and went solo in the late 2000s:
I cannot affirm that for a fact, but I think this cover is sort of a "meme" because it was kind of a recurring joke that Andre Matos sang like Bruce Dickinson but looked like he was Steve Perry's "long lost son". Steve Perry was the most well-known vocalist from Journey. The "Dont Stop Believin" Journey:
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(The picture above is Andre when he was like 15yo in Viper btw dfkjjsdf) And like, this is pretty fucking funny cause if you are here following my art for long enough - like REALLY, REALLY LONG ENOUGH, around 2009 deviantart -, you'll def remember me in my Journey/Steve Perry phase. And my Andre Matos phase too, it was around the same time lol
Madlad decided to make a metal cover of Kate Bush with this falsetto voice and he just. He just did it. DIDNT CHANGE / ADAPT THE LYRICS, EITHER. You'll hear 22 year old Andre Matos in 1993 fucking scream at the top of his lungs HEATHCLIFF IT'S ME CATHY, I'VE COME HOME, I'M SO COLD LET ME IN-A-YOUR WINDOW. And he's singing VERY VERY HIGH NOTES, this song is fucking hard to sing y'all, I'll let you know right now lol. Anyway.
Here was the Andre Matos / Angra / partial Brazilian Metal history for you, and I hope you like the song recs, and if not, I hope you enjoy the trivia at least!
Remembering his music earlier made me nostalgic, but also made me sad, bc a lot has happened ever since 2003 and the "Vampire Telenovela". I've created OCs inspired by him - it was a two-in-one sort of OC, and he's retired for over a decade now; and I didn't do much with him anyway, so no artworks to show.
And I'm seriously considering bringing his music and influence back to a more recent OC (if you read my post about me looking for a new voice to my transitioned OC, that's what I'm talking about). It's a funny way to go back to where some things started.
That (and a lot of other, unrelated stuff) made me super sad earlier.
Andre Matos left us way too soon, and like I said earlier, it's always weird remembering he's dead, because it doesnt feel like that, to me. Maybe the fact I always "forget" he's gone is because his music and influence on me as a person still lives on, which is sort of a comfort~
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mickeym4ndy · 30 days
weekly tag wednesday ! ✨️
thank you for tagging me @sgtmickeyslaughter and @iansw0rld 🫶
oh hi. fancy seeing you, here! today we're talking music 🎶 so put on a playlist and play along.
name: tee
what is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? Taylor swift, shocker
what song do you know all the lyrics to? So so many, if I like a song at all I’ll know the words. Even crazy long ones. My friends always say I know an insane amount of lyrics.
what song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don't? I feel like there definitely has to be one but idk I can’t think of one right now
if you were to be crowned queen/king/royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? Considering I’ve been a fan of her music since I was about 10, Taylor swift
what band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? The Eagles. I mean I love them but I only currently know about 5 of their songs well. I think I just must listen to the same ones on repeat a lot. Great songs though tbf.
favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately)? “time makes you bolder” from landslide has been my favourite lyric since I first heard the song when I was 12. Stevie Nicks you have my heart
guilty pleasure band or song? Country music ok???THERE I said it ok I like country music, sue me. Also agree with @iansw0rld, glee cast have some bangers.
okay let's talk fandom music:
fave band or song you've discovered from a fan fic? For some reason, the only one I can remember is right now is when we were young by the summer set. I actually think it was a glee fanfic I read when I was like 13. My minds drawing a blank lol. I also haven’t actually listened to this song in years.
fave fanfic playlist? Aw idk tbh
fave gallavich song? Idk tbh don’t hate me but I haven’t really listened to the gallavich songs from the show (I need too I know I know).
do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? Sometimes. Maybe not a full playlist but I like to skim through the songs by title at least anyway. But I love when a fic is inspired by a song or they’ve put lyrics in the title/ at the beginning of a fic.
what song do you think is gallavich coded? Just look at the edits I’ve made and you’ll see about a dozen songs I think are gallavich coded lol. I have loads more too. They’re mainly angsty though so here’s a happy-ish one that I think is Gallavich coded
also this rn
what’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? women of shameless coded
tagging @stocious @especially-fuk-u @pookiebearmick @em-harlsnow @doshiart
@thirstyvampyr @sleepyheadgallavich and whoever else wants to 🩵
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itsavgbltpta · 3 months
Should You Watch Undead Murder Farce?
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(Japanese title: Undead Girl Murder Farce)
A Brief Summary
In an alternate universe where demons and monsters still exist, one half-oni is living out his days in a fight club, just waiting to die.  That is, until a genius detective manages to catch his eye.  With promises of extending his life in an exchange to end her immortal one, the two pair up - along with the detective’s maid who happens to be handy with a rifle.  The trio solves some mysteries in Japan before going global, searching for the man who wronged them both and meeting some familiar literary figures along the way.
With so many scheming people together - friend and foe - it’s a battle of who can out-think and out-detective each other in order to win the day.
So, should you watch the anime?
To be fair, I have a predilection for media (shows, books, whatever) where geniuses keep trying to out-do each other.  I love a person with a plan that’s thinking 30 steps ahead in 5D chess.  And this show is abundant with that character type.  I also like it when a show can keep me on my toes.  Undead Murder Farce kept up a lot of mystery throughout, which also makes it kind of hard to talk about in fear of spoiling things.
The season is made up of several arcs, each 2-3 episode arc involving a specific mystery to be solved.  There is also a general mystery tying things together and giving reasons for our characters to come together.  Our detective trio often clashes with an organization made up of supernatural beings, sometime works alongside vigilantes, and tend to end up meeting a whole lot of interesting folk.
I was a bit skeptical when the show made a change from the Japanese setting to Merry Olde England, and also wary for our detective hero party to suddenly be in the realm of probably the most well known detective in all fiction, but this show managed to pull it off.  Sherlock didn’t steal the show.  Lupin may have. ;)
One of my least favorite characters in Undead Murder Farce is the maid body-guard.  She didn’t seem to have much point in the plot-line besides being sullen and getting into certain… situations… but you know what, I bet there are people who really like her and those situations, so I’m not upset, lol.
The animation is really nice and action sequences flow well.  I am a fan of the character design so that gets a win from me, but I know that’s always a subjective thing.  But if you like any of the faces you see in the image for this article, then you’ll be good to go.
I have to mention the absolute banger of an OP this anime has as well.  It gave me big K-Pop vibes (in a good way).  I did a little digging and the group that performs the OP is part of the K-Pop world, so I guess that vibe makes sense.  It’s a song I can easily recall even half a year later (which is kind of a rarity with the amount of anime I watch), and it sparked joy every week.
For me, characters are a big part of what makes me enjoy a story, so what kind of characters does Undead Murder Farce have jam-packed within each mystery-solving episode?
A slightly perverted and laid-back Rakugo-styled half-oni experiment that can put up a mean fight with a smile always on his face (Tsugaru).
An immortal genius looking for someone to end said immortality - oh and also looking for her body as she’s currently just a very intelligent head in a cage (Aya Rindou).
A military-esque maid who can keep up with the monsters around her, though she also somehow ends up in rather sapphic situations (Shizuku).
A gentleman thief that’s always a few steps ahead of his detective opponents and tends to add a dramatic flourish to all he does (Arsene Lupin).
The big detective himself, full of snark and confident that he is the alpha detective in Europe, despite the supernatural competition (Sherlock Holmes).
The epitome of a polished lady who isn’t afraid to show off her assets and also sink her teeth - quite literally - into anyone who gets in her way (Carmilla).
Plus a whole heaping of other figures from literature and supernatural origins, including the mother-fucking Phantom of the Opera.  Just because.  
I skipped on a few key spoiler characters as this anime is all about mystery, and who am I to give it away?
Where does it rate on my personal scale?
S: I will buy it at full price (unless it’s released by Aniplex USA, because fuck their pricing).
->A: I will buy it on sale sometime down the line.
B: I had fun watching it, but don’t need to own it.
C: It’s not my cup of tea, but wasn’t awful.
D: Dropped it.
X: Finished it out of spite, but did not enjoy it.
Undead Murder Farce was a lot of fun to watch, so it gets an A ranking from me.  It was probably my favorite anime of the summer 2023 season, and the show I most looked forward to watching every week.  While some mysteries were solved in the 12 episodes that aired, we’re still missing a resolution for the over-arching plot lines.  I very much hope we get a season 2!
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No for real not to set expectations too high but Infinite Wealth literally has the makings of being one of the best games in the series thus far. Like, the team on this is insane.
You've got Yokoyama, Furuta, and Takeuchi writing. I think the last time they all collaborated (to a seemingly lesser degree than they are on 8, even) was 0, which doesn't have to be anyone's favorite, but is undoubtedly the franchise's most well-received entry for a reason.
Yokoyama (In My Opinion) hasn't written anything but bangers since like Ishin (again Ishin and 7 don't have to be anyone's favorites either, but they're INCREDIBLY solid scripts). Furuta has the best track record of any of the writers (his worst script is like... well okay it's Binary Domain but Within RGG it's 6, which all things considered is not as bad as it could be. But like. Dead Souls. Judgment. Lost Judgment. Near-immaculate scripts.) Takeuchi is criminally underrepresented but he's got a photographic memory and regularly writes for RGGO's events and character stories and so on, which... is some of the best writing in the entire series, to be honest?
Not to mention the directors. It's only Horii's and Ito's second time directing, but given their first times were 7 and LJ, I've got nothing but high hopes for them; Horii's been a force for social consciousness and responsibility in the team as well, being the youngest (well. he's my age so not by much lol), so that's been great to see. It is Mitake's first time directing (he's mostly been an art director on 7 and others), but like... Ito was a programmer before LJ, I'm not worried.
When a team like that says they themselves think this looking to be their best or (at least) biggest and most ambitious title, when the cast and crew so far has nothing but praise for it, when Yokoyama says it's the most fun he's ever had... I mean, my playstyle and opinions tend to be pretty closely synced with the studio regardless, so at the very least I'm going to believe it's (probably) going to knock it of the park for me personally. It's not like them to bite off more than they can chew.
I also think a lot of it's just like, for many, this is the first "big" new release since they got into RGG, but it's not the first time any of this has been done. At one point Y3 was "the biggest and most ambitious title" and now it's been dwarfed by almost every release since then, at one point Kiryu was presumed dead between 5 and 6, even with Ishin Kiwami there was all this grumbling about "fanservice" and "going RPG" even though that's literally always been the premise of Ishin, to have an all-star cast and RPG-esque progression. It's never really spelled disaster for the series or even the games in question.
Kiryu's return was definitely something I needed to come around to too though, but at the same time, Gaiden has been set up since before 6 even came out and pretty overtly spinoff-baited in 7, so I would've been more surprised if there was no follow-up. I can understand misgivings about 8, but... y'know, it is chiefly still Ichi's story. It starts and ends with him and they don't share equal screen-time like Majima and Kiryu did. I dunno. I'm gonna let 'em cook
yeah see boys 👯‍♀️ nothin to worry bout 👯‍♀️ at WORST the game'll be Good at BEST we're gonna cry our eyes out once we realize it's over and we realize we'll never get that one-of-a-kind first-time-playing experience again 👯‍♀️
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
OK SO NOT TO BE EVEN MORE DELUSIONAL if Bees don’t happen tomorrow it’s fine literally I’m not even worried bc I know it will this volume BUT LET ME GET UP ON THIS STEPLADDER TO REACH FOR A MINUTE (also for context I am getting the episode numbers from crunch roll I think they might’ve been slightly different originally on YouTube but it’s fine I’m already reaching)
Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest is when Blake and Yang locked eyes and became partners BEFORE they even joined a team. So in a world where team rwby never happened they would still be partners on another team. Also could be argued Blake picked Yang on purpose bc we see her dart by in the foreground. You know. Also side note but Yang asking the Grimm if they’ve seen a girl in a red hood vs Ruby asking Little if they’ve seen a girl with long blonde hair. Sisters, your honor.
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Burning the Candle. DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY MORE? Some could say it’s one of the defining moments of early series Blake and Yang, it’s so good you can just say the title and the ones who get it get it. Highlights are the laser pointer which I found personally fun, early volume humor I love you, hugging your sleep deprived stressed girl best friend and then saying you’ll save her a dance. Also shout out to shirtless Ren??? Forgot about that and Nora in the background pretending not to listen to him and Jaune talk lol. Also early volume Renora my BELOVED
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Fall is when the fake out leg break happens with Mercury which isn’t a Bees moment but that later sparks the conversation all the girls have about believing Yang really saw him attack first and Blake bringing up how this reminds her of Adam but deciding to trust in Yang anyway. Volumes four and five don’t have Bee moments tied to their respective chapter sixes.
However the bees are thinking about each other while they are apart, with Blake seeing Yang in Sun’s place when he’s attacked by Ilia plus Sun literally calling out that Yang would want Blake to be with her even when things are bad. And Yang’s “what if I needed her here for me?” when she and Weiss have their little heart to heart in V5.
Volume 6 Chapter 6: Alone in the Woods: a personal favorite of mine in general. They are at the farm, they are above the Apathy, Qrow gets his first big wake up call in terms of his alcoholism and how it affects his family. Yang grabs Blake by the hand to lead her out of the house even though she doesn’t really Need to and Weiss gets to torch the place because she also has a parental figure who struggles with drinking and it affects her. Love this episode a true banger.
Volume 7 Chapter 6: A Night Off: Blake and Yang are going dancing. Neither are very good at it and it’s very cute. Featuring a hand on the shoulder as Blake does her makeup and Yang sitting like a lesbian on the bed behind her and smiling as she does said makeup. Also Blake’s giggle she laughs at whatever Yang does. I love mutually down bad couples. Also Weiss watching half of her team be gay dorks and deciding to go to the movies with Oscar and Jaune bc she refuses to be a third wheel for another second. Highlight for me personally is the beginning when everyone is training I love shots like that I think it’s cute and fun and. I miss when they could act like this before. The Horrors truly set it. Also the beginnings of Ren semblance evolution and the Rosegarden crumb haha. Also Yang chasing after Blake and her shadows as they are fishing was also cute.
Volume 8 Chapter 6 is Cinder’s backstory but V8 does have the bee reunion face cradle and forehead touch as well as Yang’s conversation with Jaune that he mistakenly thinks is about Ruby, as well as Blake’s conversation with Nora about needing to know who you are outside of your relationship and how They don’t have to be all You are.
WHICH BRINGS US NOW TO VOLUME 9 CHAPTER 6. Not every cute or significant Bee moment is tied to chapter six and they have more than one movement to talk and have moments in each volume. I just had a lil breakthrough and wanted to check when they became partners and what chapter burning the candle was and went down a rabbit hole.
Again IF there’s no confession in like 10 hours do Not let the bad faith haters get you down. We are coming off a wild episode and I personally missed my boy Jaune so much and want to know what happened to him. We will see how all that plays out. But the evidence is there and has been for years and has been pointed out in universe so if it doesn’t happen it’s ok to be disappointed but please trust that it Will happen.
But if it DOES? No bigger bottles will be popped. We win either way; it just depends on when. See y’all on the other side!
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acaciapines · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
i was tagged by @snarky-wallflower and i love talking, lets go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
70 total, but 5 of those are chara's! so under my name its 65.
2. What’s your total word count?
cannot wait to break 2 million w the owl house daemon au. lets go!! never stop!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
whatever i'm into, but for fandoms i see myself continuing to write for in the near-ish future: deltarune and the owl house!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you're something special: my first kris-identity fic! i have mixed feelings on this one lol. you can tell its the first i wrote and i hadnt yet solidified my version of kris, tho i think this one probably fits better with canon. overall i like it though!
but then a bigger heart grew back: ooooooh i REALLY love this one. its postcanon owl house fic centering on hunter's grief over flapjack's death and his friendship with waffles!!! i wrote and posted it the DAY after the finale came out which is still really wild to me. its also the only fic ive seen that uses my favorite headcanon of 'hunter didnt carve waffles, she found him' which im so so fond of.
i hope your organs fail you (before i do): this was the first deltarune fic i wrote after chapter 2 came out!! the beginning of my deltarune spiral....its sort of a messy non-chronological look at deltarune's various routes and how kris might experiencing the game's multiple save files. also it has such a banger title. salt lake city by motherfolk is just banger after banger lyrics-wise
non-imaginary friends: god i hate that this is up here dkgjdfg i wrote it back when deltarune first came out and it SHOWS. i refuse to reread it but i think it's kris trying and failing to introduce the dark worlds to asriel. c'mon guys ive written so many better deltarune fics. blease. let this one rest in the past <3
we don't belong (but we're together): oooh, a warrior cats one! im....i mean, this one is like, fine, i guess. it follows hollyleaf and jayfeather in an au where the two of them flee through the tunnels. it has fun lore and i do like my oc pine but. man. its also the fic where i gave hollyleaf a power and if theres one thing i would change about my warriors au its that holly would NOT get a power. this is why i pre-write all my fics before posting now!
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes!! or at least i try my best to. i love and appreciate all my comments sometimes im just Bad at responding to them....i never know what to say beyond 'wow thank you' so sometimes i try to focus more on comments where i can actually say something of substance, yknow?
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh thats hard hmmmmmmm. i think i'd have to say it's and i want to tell you something-- which is a fic about kris & ralsei & the player/soul, where susie and noelle try to save kris from the soul, but both kris and ralsei know they cant survive without it. so in the end kris shatters the soul and is implied to die rather than keep being trapped.
its!!! certainly a time!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmmm. i think most of my ending are pretty bittersweet so in terms of pure happy ending...gonna go for a deep cut here and say its my naddpod fic +1 dad in which moonshine meets lucanus when shes a kid and they hit it off and they get to have that father-daughter relationship from the start. bc lucanus is the BEST naddpod npc and oh my god he loves his daughter so so much you guys--
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but its never been like, super major. the funniest time is. i deleted the comment so i dont have the exact wording but im pretty sure someone called me a fandom-deserting cur for. not writing more warrior cat fanfiction?
like what were they expecting. truly.
9. Do you write smut?
no im very aroace lol. i barely write romance.
10. Do you write crossovers?
i used to!!! i did the adventure zone crossed with both how to train your dragon and pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky. i was a different person back then. i dont think i'd do it now, but. who knows.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i HAVE had a fic pod-ficced which is still so amazing. like......woag. someone liked my fic enough to read the words out loud?????? huh????
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not exactly co-written but both sometimes i think i left you just to see if i'd be missed and a buy one, get one free sort of friend were inspired by conversations i had with my friend @hyperfixations-go-brr! they would not have existed without those long discord chats. halloween festival will live on forever. synth my love.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
im not super into ships beyond like. basic 'oh thats fun' when reading but i WILL actually give the two im the most excited to write in my dess raises kris au someday:
noelle/susie/ralsei: YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME. like. this is an au where noelle basically replaces kris in the fun gang but not in the prophecy and dkjgdfg its about. this budding relationship. and ralsei clinging to the prophecy that doesnt want noelle here and susie who bucks against anything that acts like it knows what shes supposed to do and noelle struggling with the return of her sister and a world that wants to write her out of the story and all of them wanting to be there for their friends but ralsei is dealing with so so much and in the end she gets to throw off her chains and be free <3 noelle/susie/ralsei is so real in my heart.
dess/chara: literally the funniest queerplatonic relationship ever. theyre reluctant coparents. dess trusts chara with kris's life. chara would never ever let dess watch either frisk OR kris unsupervised. chara is 'i can fix you' to dess's 'im literally the most perfect wife in the world.' dess doesn't believe romantic love is a real thing people feel. chara puts xir kids above everything else. dess never asked to be a mother even though she literally kidnapped her best friends baby sibling. they get married for the tax benefits. they should absolutely get a divorce.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh god theres so many i would love to finish but its been so long i doubt i'll go back to them lol. the sequel to +1 dad that involves baby moonshine going to gladeholm. wall-e daemon au. gravity falls transcedence au daemon au. percy jackson daemon au. deltarune daemon au fangame.
as you can see its mostly various daemon aus. they were fun while they lasted! but ive moved on </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
pov you are me suddenly forgetting every single thing i have ever written.
i think im very good at writing otherkin or otherwise nonhuman characters. the comments that always bring me the most joy are those on my otherkin fics, by people who were able to see themselves in what i wrote--i think this is a thing that took me a lot of failed attempts to get just right and im really really proud of what i have.
im very good at writing daemon aus <3 there is sort of. an art to figuring out if one a work even needs daemons and two how daemons enhance or add to some aspect of the original work. theres a lot of things i like that i dont think really work with daemons but i always really enjoy figuring out how to add daemons and how to make my daemons like, characters in their own right, you know?
i like to think im good at dialogue and characterization! theres a few characters--kris and the collector, firefly to an extent--that im really proud of the voices i've made for them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
fight scenes. fight scenes. oh my god i hate them so much they are SO HARD. stop making me put!! visual things!! in my text based medium!!!
really any scene that relies on having a strong idea of like, physical descriptions and sense of a place--i have aphantasia so having to describe scenery and landscape and just, anything really is always a struggle for me.
i also struggle with pacing, to an extent, especially across longer works (im looking at you, owl house daemon au)--knowing how long a plot arc needs to last and how to make it interesting still even when its going to be around for 600k+ words is a challenge and if the owl house daemon au was my first massive fic undertaking i dont think i'd be able to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
god im so bad at it but i really really am trying to be better--one big thing im going to focus on in my owl house daemon au edit is based on this because i want luz's identity to stick with her throughout the fic rather than it taking a backseat, but i am not a spanish speaker!! i know like, a LITTLE, but nowhere near enough to feel confident writing it.
so. its a time!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats. and beyond just 'oh its the first fandom i posted fic for' no i was writing warrior cat fanfiction from the START. i was out there on the playground coming up with warrior cat ocs. i was printing this stuff out in the school library. i would hand-write fanfiction about my childhood cats becoming warrior cats and starting their own clan. i would roleplay warrior cats on my bedroom floor with pictures of cats i cut out of printer paper and bits of plastic folders i folded into triangles and write down the stories i came up with.
i was the most warrior cat kid to warrior cat kid. I Have Always Been This Way.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
ohhhhhh this is SUCH a tough question i have so many im so fond of, but i think i'm going to have to go with alterhuman. it's an animorphs fic about tobias post-canon and its an exploration of species identity and being a hawk and as a red-tailed hawk myself, a lot of it is deeply personal, a lot of it is my love letter to animorphs, and a lot of it is neffit, who is the best oc i have ever created, hands down.
as for tags, uh....anybody who wants to talk about their fics! even if we dont know each other!! go forth! ramble on about your own stuff for an hour!! truly so so fun.
also @wynterwulf7 and @mackerelgray and @hyperfixations-go-brr. obviously. <3 even if its about fic that isnt on ao3.
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amiharana · 1 year
BTS BOTW AU OMG WHAT??? pls share with the class immediately
LMFAODJFNKD it's honestly not even that interesting
back in 2019, i was writing for taegi week and the last day was a free day, and at the time i was still in my baby revalinker phase so i decided i wanted to write the most self-indulgent bts x botw au in which bts members took the places of botw characters. i actually had a tumblr post drafted to talk about this, but i guess we'll talk about it here now! in the case you are familiar with bts while also being a botw player, this could be of some interest to you.
i never actually got very far in writing it out (because i was 15 and school was beating my ass), but after reviewing the two unfinished drafts and the conceptual outlining style i do on every post, i remembered that i planned to rewrite the mount lanayru-calamity awakening memory with bts members as well as putting the revalink dynamic in there
Tumblr media
please don't laugh i was 15 when i wrote this LMFAODJFKFJKD i don't plan on showing you what the unfinished drafts look like because like i said, i never got very far in writing them so there's nothing of interest to really note in either of those
as you can from the pic, i wrote V/taehyung as revali and SUGA/yoongi as link. looking back on it now, i probably would not have chosen yoongi as link and i should have written taehyung as link and yoongi as revali because that makes more sense regarding their personalities, but i guess 15-year-old me was really set on that dynamic. other characters included:
RM/kim namjoon as princess zelda
park jimin as mipha
jeon jungkook as baby sidon LOL
j-hope/jung hoseok as daruk
jin/kim seokjin as urbosa
and *drumroll*
bang pd as king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule ✋😩
i'm going to assume most of my mutuals and followers are probably not familiar with bts, so i'll try to give you a quick rundown!
V (or kim taehyung) is one of the group's vocalists and is one of my biases, or favorite member :> he's been my bias since 2018 when i became a bts fan! (the other one is jungkook he's the one in my pfp KJDHFHJKD) he has this show recently called 'jinny's kitchen' but i haven't watched it yet because i've been busy with school 😭 but from the clips i've seen that shit is funnyyy. SUGA (or min yoongi) is one of the rappers and he's coming out with a new album called 'D-DAY' soon + just released a song called 'people pt 2' ft. iu! the first part of 'people' on his last album was a fawking banger.
revalink had to be taehyung and yoongi because this au was originally intended to be uploaded for taehyung and yoongi (taegi)'s ship week. i definitely didn't place them as revali and link correctly, but i think know why i made it that way? there used to be this huge stereotype against yoongi that he was really mean and cold-hearted, and i was and always have been against that stereotype because bro really isn't like that. he's a soft sweet and sensitive tangerine boy fr! and making yoongi as revali wouldn't help that cause so i did what had to be done. i do think that taehyung still a relatively good fit for revali though; they be dramatic gays fr
RM (or kim namjoon) is the leader of bts, one of the rappers, and is a really smart guy. bro has an IQ of 148 and was also once one of the top 1% of students in south korea. so naturally, i made him zelda, the figurehead of the champions and the representation of the triforce of wisdom. but i was thinking about this connection more the other day when i first was writing out the post to talk about this, and i think namjoon and botw zelda actually have quite a few parallels. if anyone is interested in hearing more, please send an ask or a dm or something because i don't wanna make this post longer 😭
jimin is one of the group's vocalists and is also an incredible dancer. he had a solo debut recently with the album 'face' and title track 'like crazy' which you guys should all check out! :) but the reason why i put jimin as mipha is because he studied contemporary dance in high school and his personal style of dance tends to be very fluid and graceful, and like. do y'all see the connection lmao. mipha, being a zora in a watery domain? thus also being very fluid and graceful in her movements? TEEHEE
jungkook is the youngest member of the group another one of the vocalists and dancers, is my boyfriend and is Thee Golden Boy of K-pop and also the world. sidon being a baby pre-calamity and also everyone in general both in-game and online being obsessed with how boyfriend sidon is, as well as how polite and goofy jungkook is... i think the connection between jungkook and sidon is very clearly there LOL i also just didn't know how to include him in the story because i felt that jungkook just didn't fit into the personality of the other champions. if i had the chance to rewrite this au, i would have had jungkook as link because jungkook is so Main Character Vibes, and then taekook (taehyung and jungkook) would literally be revalink
back then, i remember having a difficult time trying to place who would be daruk and urbosa, but i think i made the right call with hoseok and jin. j-hope (or jung hoseok) is one of bts's rappers and is known as the sunshine of the group because he's just so energetic and positive, and i think that definitely matches with daruk's jovial and encouraging disposition. jin (kim seokjin) is one of the vocalists and is the eldest in the group, and as the kind of like "older brother" figure, he takes care of everyone in the group in a way that's different from how namjoon is as the leader y'know? i think urbosa fills that role for the champions because i personally think she might be the oldest of the group (daruk gives man in his 50s lowkey so i'm like hmmm) and takes care of them in a way that isn't the same as leading.
as for king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule... bang pd (or producer bang sihyuk) is the founder of the company bts is under and is the chairman of the label that bts eventually created. he is, in that sense, the "guy who made bts." he kind of has this fatherly relationship to the rest of bts, but that's where the similarities between him and king rhoam end LOL because rhoam is kind of an asshole who puts too much pressure on zelda and assembles the champions as his own tools to save the country, while bang pd is just this super chill guy who unlike other kpop ceos tends to stay out of the limelight and really just has a passion for making good music. but i thought it would be funny to emphasize a fatherly relationship between namjoon and bang pd KDJHFDKF
there's so many implied dynamics that could go here between the bts members as champions. like for one, taehyung and jimin are regarded as soulmate-besties in the bts fandom, so the implication that revali (taehyung) and mipha (jimin) are soulmate-besties is Feeding tf out of my brainworms like hell yeah. daruk and urbosa shenanigans are gonna line up perfectly with hoseok and jin's dynamic. NAMJOON (zelda) HAVING FEELINGS FOR YOONGI (link)? also lines up, these hoes have been living together for 10+ years and namjoon was practically proposing to yoongi in that one 'respect' performance.
idk.... maybe i'll come back to this, workshop it, and actually write it one day haha!
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threephantomrey · 7 months
Where’s My Mummy thoughts as i watch it:
• the first scene is kinda cool
• opening titles are making me nostalgic. i remember watching this on the little gray tv i used to have in my room🥹
• OMAR!!!!
• “Waddup!? that means hello in America” Fred😭😭
• im being so serious when i say this: i don’t remember Rock Rivers at all. bro who are you lol
• Scooby and the others reuniting with Velma is SOOO cute. i love their friendship so much
• the picture of Fred and Omar💀💀
• AMELIA VON BUTCH. her snatching the phone from Omar and having Campbell destroy it is iconic
• i love Omar’s stone statue
• “if something were to happen to you guys, i’d never forgive myself” I KNOW VELMA, ME TOO!!!
• Velma stone statue!
• im skipping the parts where Shaggy and Scooby are in that city underwater and the people there think they’re gods or something i don’t want to watch that
• omg Fred doing his impersonations of Shaggy and Scooby i love him so much
• Scooby crying over Velma I FEEL YOU SCOOB. and also Daphne comforting him is so🥺🥺
• “Rock Rivers is solid… rock!” - Fred Jones (2005)
• some of this background music i also don’t remember at all. i like it though it’s a bop
• tbh i will acknowledge that Amelia’s committed to this whole thing. like the dedication is 📈📈📈
• oh hey Velma as Cleopatra and Omar and his workers as the army of the undead
• the fireworks are beautiful
overall thoughts: this movie had really good animation and was wholesome in some parts (talking about the gang’s friendship moments, those were so cute) also liked Velma disguising herself as Cleopatra’s ghost. i enjoyed this movie it was fun. i don’t have much to say other than that, but yeah, it was kind of a banger.
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