#honestly i am still not 100% set on typing
yunisverse · 1 month
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Been thinking about my old fakemons and what good good pubbies they are.
Cerbernard's barrel is full of aged berry juice that works as a Full Heal for lost and injured mountaineers. Berrel's barrel is full of Berrel.
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artydonsgf · 17 days
What do you think the challengers trio would be into if they weren’t into tennis? Like their ambitions/goals and stuff.
Idk why but I see Tashi as interested in going into something law medicine because of the human connections present in the field but also the ambition needed to become a doctor is something she could have. Just what i think. I couldn’t think of anything for patrick or art, bur would love to see your thoughts on all three.
ouuu i love this, thank you sm for the request anon! enjoy my thoughts on careers for art, tashi, and patrick that aren’t tennis!
Art Donaldson
- art likes the fast paced nature of tennis but he also likes to slow down
- for that reason, i’m gonna say he’d go into something sciencey
- i think art would excel in school and would be able to go to any school and get any degree, he just chose tennis as his focus
- without it, he goes into chemistry and becomes a very good chemical engineer
- he loves it because on some days he can work in his office and be home in time for dinner and tucking the kids in bed
- other days, he gets to go to the lab/do field work and do something really exciting and cool
- it keeps him away from home for a week at a time but when that week is over, he has a bunch of exciting stories to tell
- loves the work life balance it brings him
Tashi Duncan
- tashi would 100% go into sports medicine.
- i think if she couldn’t go pro, she’d still want to stay in the sports world
- she thrives in a setting where she is helping people
- sports medicine means helping people and also still having that proximity to tennis
- shes also good at her job because she’s able to deliver bad news with the utmost kindness and empathy since she gets it
- extremely well loved by all her patients, so she travels to multiple schools within the country since she can’t pick just one
- ask any college athlete and they have a story about how dr tashi duncan basically saved their career with her magic touch
- first doctor in her family and she’s so happy to be inspiration for kids in her community
- loves hearing people call her doctor, it proves that all her hardwork was well worth it
- tashi is the type to go all in with something so she’d be married to the job
Patrick Zweig
- he’d wanna be a stay at home husband
- joke but i honestly kinda struggled with this
- lowkey, i can see firefighter patrick….
- he needs something straightforward, something that doesn’t need mind games to solve
- being a firefighter is perfect
- go into burning building, get people out, pour water on aforementioned burning building, get praised for it
- it works for him
- enjoys the rush and excitement of the job
- also loves when he helps someone and they thank him with genuine words
- interested in all the work that’s adjacent to his (think emts, doctors, law enforcement)
- contemplated switching to the station’s emt team but decided against it
- he doesn’t have a family till later in life so the crazy hours don’t really bother anyone but him
- for this reason, he’s basically married to his job
tashi’s came to me the easiest (i am so passionate about her), art was a little harder, but patrick’s was so hard, i hope this lives up to your expectations! enjoy!
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max1461 · 3 months
Here's my other problem with tumblr discourse: even when I make the context/intended interpretation of a post really explicit, people ignore this context and respond to it in like... for lack of a more charitable term, a discoursebrained way.
So a while ago I made a post about some ethical intuition I had, and at the top I put a huge disclaimer which said something to the effect of "this is just an expression of my feelings, it's not meant to be a philosophically airtight position, please don't take it as such", followed by a readmore and then the actual post. Why did I do that? Because I figured that if I didn't, people would nitpick it in various technical ways that missed the basic point. Lo and behold several people still did that, and when I replied basically restating the disclaimer, one of them said "oh I didn't even see that. Well I think if you post a half-baked thought online I retain the right to nitpick it".
I guess that's true. My blog is public. But the point is that I want to use my blog for certain things and not others, right, that's what I'm attempting to do. And people seem actively resistant to my attempts to guide the discussion on my blog in certain directions, which makes blogging less enjoyable. Of course some people will always do that, that fact doesn't bother me, but it feels like the irrelevant/point-missing discourse so often overshadows the meaningful discourse that I start to feel less of a desire to put in the effort.
Like, the point of issuing that disclaimer was to say, as explicitly as I could manage, "I am trying to have a discussion about feelings and intuitions here, I am aware there might be ways these intuitions are not fully consistent, but that is not the discussion I'm trying to have". But even so explicit an attempt to specify a conversation topic does not work; the discourse machine demands a certain kind of engagement and that is the engagement every post will get no matter what.
I don't want to put the person who missed my disclaimer on blast: it's honestly an error that anyone could make and on its own it's no big deal. If said person is reading this: you didn't do anything wrong and I am not mad at you, to be 100% clear.
It's not a one-off mistake that bothers me, it's the fact that this is how discussions on here so often go that putting in the effort to discuss things productively often feels wasted.
Another example of this that... if you go through my #society tag, you will see a lot of uncertainly in my phrasing. You will see me say a lot of "it seems like we should..." and "we should find some mechanism to..." and so on and so forth. Why? Because, as I've mentioned before, I've gotten a lot out of political discourse on here. When it's good, I actually find it quite good. But it's good when it has a constructive or collaborative tone, when I am bouncing ideas or thoughts back and forth with someone. Generally I am trying to invite this kind of discourse.
Sometimes, again, I say it really explicitly. I don't have them off the top of my head, but I know there are quite a lot of #society posts where I've said something quite straightforwardly to the effect of "here are some niche social/political issues I've been contemplating, does anyone have any ideas for how to respond to them". Obviously there's a spectrum in how explicit I am about this, but even when I'm really clear, most of the responses I get are still "discoursebrained", in the sense that they seem antagonistic and generally more interested in saying "X guys are cool and Y guys are lame" than in productively engaging with a set of ideas.
Even if you disagree with my claims or my premises, there is a way to state that which adds to a conversation instead of shutting down a line of inquiry. I am always trying to invite this type of mutually-productive discussion, and I so rarely achieve it.
Over the years my methods have changed. I come from a background of like, forums for specific nerd interests. Those places are plenty contentious, full of plenty of drama and disagreement. But ultimately, I always still felt that productive discussion was valued above destructive discussion; that because we were all united in a common goal of [doing our nerdy hobby], a comment where you build on someone's idea to say something useful to others or to introduce a new insight was generally valued above one where you just said "you're wrong for such and such reasons, hah!" or even "you're right for such and such reasons".
Coming from this background, I assumed this would also be the case on tumblr, and that I would not have to put in any extra effort to invite this sort of discourse. Alas, this was not true; even long and thought-out replies from respected discoursers often just amount to "here are the guys I agree with and here are the guys I disagree with, for such and such reasons". This is lame and boring and not appealing to me.
So over the years I've tried to be more and more explicit about what types of discussion I am trying to have, I've tried to tee up the sort of interactions I want as much as possible, but it hasn't really worked.
The problem is not strictly the quality or measuredness of the responses or their tone or anything like that. These are the things most people focus on when they critique the discourse, but I think they miss the point. The problem is that most responses don't seem to be intended to advance a mutually-productive discussion, they don't build on the base of what they are responding to, they just make various assertions and statements of allegiance in the vicinity of the material they are responding to and call it a day.
Maybe this is too harsh. I'm sure I do this too. And it's not always bad. Sometimes I use someone else's post openly as a jumping off point to elaborate my own ideas (although I try to be careful about this, and also make it somewhat clear that I am doing it), and this can be productive. I do actually want to hear people's ideas. It's not any single instance of these things I'm complaining about, it's just that discoursey responses seem to drown out all other types of discussion, even when you are really clear about what type of discussion you are trying to have.
So that's my complaint.
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miasmal-sweetness · 27 days
Here, Kitty, Kitty
Graduation is near and I am ignoring health issues by writing hot trash. I put on fake nails for the first time in a literal decade so I have had to relearn how to type during this and I am going to blame that for why this is honestly Not Good and pretty sloppy.
This is absolutely my attempt to reclaim the pet name “kitty” for myself after my weird abusive ex ruined it for me years ago since that’s what he called me.
Here, Kitty, Kitty
Summary: yandere!Cloud x reader. 3.1k. Cloud finally has the perfect nickname for you, but you’ve gone missing. Don’t worry; your hero will save you, just like always.
Warnings: he calls you kitty, duh; reader is gender-neutral but has a vagina; smut; Cloud 100% kidnapped reader; bondage; noncon; suffocation/drowning
“I’m home, kitty.” That’s it. Short and sweet and it rolls off the tongue. That’s what you are—short, sweet, and you also feel great on his tongue. Cloud is certain you’ll love the pet name; his heart has skipped many beats every time he’s thought about it.
Cloud sets his sword down by the door, waiting to hear the usual signs of your presence. You two have been living together for a while now, and you’ve settled into a routine. By now, dinner will be ready, and you’ll be waiting for his return in the kitchen as you flip through a cookbook for the umpteenth time. But this time, he doesn’t hear your breath, your footsteps, the soft turn of pages, or you stirring a pot. It’s silent.
Cloud steps further in to his house. Were you asleep? You had tossed and turned a lot the night before; he wouldn’t blame you for needing a nap. He peers in to the kitchen and finds no sign of you, not a single dish out of place, like you hadn’t even eaten breakfast. The living room is similarly empty, even though the couch is where you usually take your naps. Maybe the rain outside disturbed you; there was a large window that overlooked the couch, so it could be a little loud and chilly there.
You’re not in the hall. You’re not in the extra room he’s let you slowly turn into your own space. His heart is starting to pick up the pace; if you aren’t in the bedroom, then—no. He can’t think that way. Cloud cracks the door open, just in case you really are sleeping, but throws it open when he finds that the bed is empty. Cloud takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair. There is one other place you could be, but not only did he keep it locked, you also hated it. The basement—a place you’d only go in to if he dragged you kicking and screaming.
It was storming, though. Maybe you found a way to get in and took shelter out of fear. Cloud left the bedroom after another glance, heading straight for the basement door at the end of the hall. Sure enough, the door was unlocked. He keeps the key on him at all times; there’s no way you swiped it off of him, since it’s still in his pocket. Maybe you found a way to pick it.
Either way, Cloud pushes the door open and makes his way down the stairs. “I’m coming down, kitty,” he calls, flipping on the lights. “Don’t be scared, okay?”
He knows before he even sees the basement that you’re not there. He can feel it, but he holds on to that bit of hope anyway. Hope matters little in this world, though. You aren’t there. The basement is empty. His gaze lands on the red silk that lies by the wall. Strong, tightly-woven silk that he brought home after you kept getting horrible rope burns and bruises when he tried cuffs. You were too weak to get out of it, but it didn’t hurt you, either. He wishes he had used it that morning.
One of the windows has been broken open, and your struggle is remembered by the shards of glass covered in your blood. The bars that covered every window were damaged on only this one, pried apart with a hammer from the toolkit he forgot to take back from you. You said you needed it to work on your sewing machine; it needed maintenance, but he didn’t have the time to supervise you or do it himself. What a dumb decision. He should have just stayed an extra thirty minutes.
Now you’re gone, probably lost somewhere out in the rain and possibly trying to fend off monsters. You aren’t a fighter. You were easy for him to drag here; so easy he wouldn’t have had trouble even without years of training and mako forced in to him. You’re probably scared, cold, and lost, wondering why he hasn’t saved you yet.
Of course, deep down, he knows that’s not true. You ran away. Pried off the prison bars keeping you caged, escaped the room he kept you in for a month and a half before he thought he wore down your will—the room he still brings you down to sometimes when you misbehave or something triggers his paranoia. Cloud knows all of this, but he’s good at ignoring it. You need him, whether you like it or not.
Grabbing the silk rope from the floor, Cloud trudges back up the stairs and grabs his sword. You can’t have gotten far. The house is way out in the countryside, where paths are limited; your bare feet are not going to move quickly or easily on the rocky terrain. He follows a fading trail of blood leading away from the broken window. He’s so focused on your trail that the feeling of cold rain pouring on him is barely noticeable; he only thinks about it when he realizes that you must be freezing.
He moves a little faster.
Eventually, the trail of blood stops, either because the wound clotted or the rain has washed it away. He hopes it doesn’t hurt to badly. He does. He does believe that—he’s tries to drown out the thoughts that insist that you deserve it for being such a brat, that this will teach you a lesson, that this is nothing compared to what he’ll do when he drags you back home. The thought of making you crawl over the broken glass you left behind in the basement is interrupted when he notices footprints left behind in the mud. They’re barely visible, but they’re there.
The footprints guide him to a few shrubs. Some strands of your hair are caught in the leaves and branches; he wonders if you were trying to crawl under them for shelter from the rain. Evidently, you gave up and tried taking refuge under a tree, but that must not have been good enough. Your trail leads right to a dying tree leaning against a small, rocky hill; a small source of relief from the rain. There are no prints leading out. You’ve barricaded yourself in with branches and leaves, mostly in an effort to stay hidden. He smiles at the childish attempt—he might be pissed that you left, but it’s adorable that you think that would be good enough.
“It’s just me,” he calls. “You can come out.”
No response. He doesn’t even hear you shift.
“Here, kitty, kitty,” he teases, circling your poor attempt at a hiding spot. “Come to me, kitty.”
You want to tell him to fuck himself. You want to stick your head out just to spit at him. Even though you know it’s over, though, you refuse to reveal yourself. He’ll have to drag you out by your ankles, something that you know he has no problem doing. If you can’t escape, you can at least make this difficult for him. You sink further in to your spot, batting your lashes to blink away tears and rain drops.
You’re dirty, bloody, sweaty, and drenched in rain. You have scratches going up and down your waist, legs, and arms. The soles of your feet are red and covered in scrapes. You just want to be able to cry in peace, but you’ll hold your breath until you pass out if it means he won’t get the satisfaction of hearing you.
“Come out, kitty. It’s okay; you’re not in trouble.”
Liar. You know the second you’re back at that house, he’ll be grabbing at you and crushing you and making you say you won’t leave over and over until you lose your voice and he’s satisfied. You knew the risk of leaving, and you decided at the time that it was worth it—but that was before the storm came and slowed you down. Your lips and fingers are already blue. You couldn’t keep going. You can’t keep doing this. All you have the strength to do right now is sit in silence like a pouting preschooler who doesn’t want to leave the park yet.
Cloud crouches down by your shelter. You wiggle away from him, casting your eyes to the ground. He reaches past the thorny branches you’ve barricaded yourself with, not even acknowledging the thorns that scratch his arms and leave blood in fresh red lines.
“Come on out, kitty,” he urges, holding out his hand to you. His voice is soft now, gentle; it reminds you of when you first met Cloud. He had been rough around the edges and awkward, sure, but you thought you saw a good heart behind it all. Sometimes you still did, when you saw his eyes go soft as he stroked your hair or kissed bruises that formed when you bumped in to the counter—when he’d bring you treats from outside, reminders of the life he took from you, with a look in his eyes that implied a quiet regret that he couldn’t voice. Somewhere in him, that sweet boy with those big blue puppy dog eyes is reaching out for you, asking you to stay with him after he’s already lost so much.
You give in. You’ve never been able to resist him—not when his eyes go soft and he looks like you just broke his heart. You take his hand and crawl out from your spot, seeking new refuge in his warmth. Even in the icy rain, he still runs hot. He wraps his arms around you as you miserably shiver and sniffle. This was a terrible idea. You never should have left. It was pointless, and only ended with the both of you upset.
Cloud’s hand moves down to your waist, and you hiss when his fingers brush over your scratches. He murmurs an apology as he examines your wounds. They’re shallow, just plentiful.
“You didn’t run in to any monsters, right? No other injuries?” he asks, running his thumb over dried blood that crusted on your hip.
“No,” you mumble, staring blankly at your bruised knees.
“Good.” He continues to contemplate your scratches, rubbing small circles in to your thigh. “Why did you leave, kitty?”
The new nickname finally hits you. Even in the cold, you feel a little warmer from it. You supposed it’s fitting—back in the sector, you made nightly rounds in the neighborhood to give snacks to the strays. Your heart sinks a little, and the bitterness of your situation claws its way back up your throat. Sure, he’s being sweet now, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s keeping you captive. “I wanted to go home,” you spit, lifting your head to stare venom in to those stupid big eyes of his.
“No!” You pound your fists against his chest, even though you know it barely does anything to him. “That is not my home! You are not my boyfriend! I want to go home to my friends, to the sector, to the cats and my neighbors!” Each cry is punctuated by another thump of your fists against his chest, and he takes it all without even a wince.
“Kitty, don’t—”
You won’t let him get a word in edgewise. “Take me home!” you demand, unleashing your fury in the form of a flurry of weak blows to his chest.
Finally, he responds to your pathetic attempt at a tantrum. He grabs your wrists and holds them together with an infuriating amount of ease. His eyes aren’t soft and sparkly anymore. He doesn’t have that pout that you fall for so easily. His gaze is hardened, sharp, and focused entirely on you as he throws you on to your back. You grunt when your back collides with mud and your hair is soaked by a puddle.
“Listen, kitty,” he snaps, giving a harsh yank to your flimsy shorts. You try to scramble away, but he pins you in place with just his weight. “This is home now. You can either make it easy on yourself and accept it or you can keep throwing your tantrums, but it won’t change a thing. There is nothing for you back there.”
Your top is ripped off, torn in two and discarded in the mud. He doesn’t seem to care one bit about the dirt and mud you’re in, nor about the puddle that you keep trying to lift your head out of. “Th-that’s not true,” you sputter, forcing your legs shut with all the strength you can muster. “My friends—our friends—”
“Do you really think anyone even noticed that you’re gone?”
You fall silent at this, mouth agape. You had considered the possibility that no one noticed or cared, or that they quickly forgot about you and brushed you off when you never came back. But you always held out hope that they remembered and looked for you.
“You were just another body to them,” Cloud mutters against your neck. He’s running his hands up and down your body, between your trembling legs, as though nothing is wrong and he isn’t saying horrible things in your ear. “I took you away from that. Give you a home and everything you need. Keep you warm and safe… and you fucking run away?”
Your legs are forced apart, and you feel like a hot poker is being shoved in to you. You weren’t prepared in the slightest, but that doesn’t stop him from pounding in to you.
“Cloud, stop!” you cry, trying to wriggle away from him as he sucks on his favorite spot on your neck.
“Quit moving around so much,” he grumbles, finally stopping the brutal pace of his hips. The relief you get is brief and nowhere near enough; Cloud stops just long enough to turn you on your stomach, before resuming the same pace. With your face now shoved in to the muddy puddle below, he can enjoy himself without you saying things like “no” and “this hurts.” You can only guess that this isn’t one of the days he enjoys it.
Even though you’re half-drowning and you can vaguely hear him hissing obscenities and complaints, he still shoves his hand between your legs and plays with your clit. And it still feels good, no matter how much pain you’re in. When this nightmare first started, Cloud had been awkward and inexperienced. With plenty of practice, however, he found each spot you enjoyed, and which way was the best to pleasure you. The kind of knowledge and familiarity you’d only expect to grant a partner. He knew every inch of your body; it was mapped out in his mind better than anywhere in Midgar.
And you hate it, even as the warmth builds up in your gut. He grabs you by your hair and lifts your head to let you take in another desperate gasp of air, before shoving your head back in to the mud. This isn’t like him. Even on the days you’ve been a brat and he’s come home angry from whatever the hell he faced out there, he’s at least been apologetic while brutalizing you. Frantically telling you “sorry, I’m sorry” as he fucks your throat without concern for your gag reflex or chokes you from behind as he tries to bury himself as deep as possible inside of you.
There are no apologies. The closest relief you have is the brief gasps he allows you to take, and it’s still nowhere near enough. Your eyes burn and are covered in a haze. You can feel the pressure inside of you building; the lack of oxygen only seems to make it more intense. He lifts your head just to hear you moan and sigh. He knows every sign of your orgasm—the shake of your leg, the way your core tightens, the feeling of you contracting around him.
“That’s it,” he breathes as you writhe in pleasurable misery. “Say my name, kitty.”
You obey without question. Whatever will get this over with—and his fingers away from your clit. “Cloud,” you whisper.
“Say ‘thank you, Cloud.’”
If it weren’t for the lack of oxygen and orgasm turning your brain to mush, you would have put up a fight. But there’s no point to it now. “Th—thank you, Cloud,” you manage to croak, struggling to speak past the hand around your throat and his increasingly frantic pace. You hear him groan against your ear.
“More,” he demands. His voice is breathy and agitated; he can’t tell you exactly what he wants to hear, but you can hazard a guess.
“Thank you for—f-for saving me,” you eke out, squeezing your eyes shut. The high of the orgasm is fading, replaced by pain from overstimulation and the tears he created inside of you. Still, you’ll savor the oxygen he’s letting you have. “Thank you for… f-finding me—I was lost and needed you.”
Of course that’s what he wants to hear. Another groan, and he rolls his hips against yours as you feel his cum spill out of you. Cloud rocks his hips against you as he rides out the last of the high; he wants to savor every last moment inside of you. You don’t dare complain. He’s letting you breathe, and the pain isn’t as bad as before, at least.
You fall back in to the mud when he releases you, your arms barely able to move in the clumsy motions you manage in a late attempt to catch yourself. You struggle to push yourself up and roll away from the puddle, panting as water drips from your face. You hurt. You want to cry. And you feel Cloud lifting you up by your arms.
“Let’s go home, kitty,” he says in that gentle, low voice. All malice is gone. The sadism that had been in his eyes just moments ago is gone, the only evidence of it being the mud on your skin and cum dripping down your thighs. “You can have a bath to warm up when we’re back. You should feel better then.”
You don’t fight when he sweeps you off your feet. You don’t fight when he rinses you off and sets you in a tub of warm water. And you just watch as he fixes the broken window, reinforces the bars, and boards them up to keep you from getting any more ideas. You’re tied up in a pile of blankets on the floor, his attempt at softening the reality of your confinement. You’ll be down in that basement for at least a week, until he decides it’s safe to let you out again. You should have known he’d keep his promise—he’d always come to your rescue.
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nottapossum · 13 days
Does that age regression journal Charlie made for everyone actually exist? Because that sounds really helpful honestly. If it’s something you made up for the fix, would you consider posting how to make one irl?
It sadly does not exist. I made it up for a sander sides fic years ago...then never posted it 😅
So I recycled it for this fic because I loved the idea so much. (I still may post that fic someday but it'll be a bit.)
I will absolutely show you how to make one!
To demonstrate, I will use 💜's Jurnal because she's the only one who has a regression journal, lol. She was very nice in letting me use it.
(💜: It's got Patton's emblem on it 🥰)
(For context, we have DID/Osdd and 💜 is one of our headmates that regresses).
(I hope to make more for our other littles, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.)
(📖: This notebook was actually a gift because it came in a set of baby Yoda notebooks, and our mom didn't want this one, 💜 loved it because she loves Patton on sander sides. And if you don't know what sander sides is, you should 100% binge it. It's on YouTube. Was made by the "story time" vine guy.)
(Anyway we used sticker paper and just printed it out for the notebook. I think it looks pretty cool.)
📝Step 1 is to find a nice notebook and decorate it in a way that makes you happy! (If you decide to use a notebook)
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Now, I did this with a pen and some colored pencils ✏️ it's not fancy and it doesn't, need to be either.
If you'd rather type this all up on a computer and put it in a binder, that works too.
However you want to do this is perfect! You can use crayons, pencils, just keep it digitally. Whatever makes you the happiest ✨️
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Intro page:
Age range: (💜 wrote 2-5)
Caregiver: (Name of caregiver) (if you don't have one, just don't add this question or you can write "myself" independence!)
Favorites 💕
Favorite color: (💜Wrote Purple)
Favorite show/movie: (💜Sander sides)
Favorite animal: (💜Wrote later, Butterflies and Cats)
Comfort 🧸
Comfort show/Movie: (💜Wrote Sander sides and bluey)
📝Show that helps calm you down or just provides some comfort. This can be different than your favorites or the same.
Comfort book:
📝What book makes you feel comfort? You can also write a fanfic if you want, 💜 did once I added this question to her journal. She may actually need a whole page of her comfort fics. Most are sander sides, and some are Loki, Hamilton, Brooklyn 99, exc. (Mostly SS fics by @childishfluff aka @logical-little-lies here on Tumblr. And @dannyisdone and freepoetrynightmare @agerestorybits onA03, they're great! Check them out! They made us want to start writing fics of our own)
Comfort food/drink (💜Milk, Angel milk)
Comfort idem: (💜Paci, Kitty stuffie, Jasper (a racoon stuffie) )
Add any other questions you want!
📝You can add any other info that might be important for a caregiver to remember or other stuff you want to share just for fun.
Okay now what you actually asked for:
The page in the fic...
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Daily checkup 🌻
-Name/Date: (We don't often date things, but it would definitely be important for some)
-I am _ years old today (💜Wrote 5)
📝Just write your little age or ??? If you don't know.
-Today I: (Action, explain your day) (💜Wrote: played with kitties)
📝Explain your day, and probably give yourself more space than I put. Oops.
-I want my caregiver to know: (💜Wrote: I ❤️ U)
📝Great way to tell your cg something that is hard to say outloud. Or just something for fun. If you have no caregiver, feel free to replace this with: "I am feeling: ___ today because:"
You can add any negative emotions to process them.
- I feel _ about today (Good, Bad, Normal) because (give an explanation)
(💜Wrote: Good, because I got to be small)
📝looking at the day and processing any negative feelings or looking back at a happy day, you can smile about later!
-Tomorrow/Next time I want to: (What you hope to do next time you regress) (💜Wrote: Play with dolls)
📝Note for next time if there was something you didn't get to do that you wanted.
-Something bad about the day: (💜Wrote: Feel icky)
-Something good about the day: (💜Wrote: Got to small)
📝Looking at the positives and negatives of the day. It's okay if you can't find something.
If you can't think of something positive, you can write: "I can look forward to better days."
Then, at the bottom, I put a box that asks if the little finished answering the questions.
You can put any sticker or add a check mark ✅️ We just happen to find a yes sticker.
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And here is a page of fun recipes for us to remember. 💜 loves to try new kinds of milk.
(Ignore the bad spelling lol)
Some of these I found here and some are on reddit. Just look up "Age regression milk recipes" and they should show up.
📖: There are a lot of really great journal prompts here on Tumblr that you can use as well. I didn't get any of these from tumblr, but I plan on expanding the journal evenentually and may use some I find on here.
Let me know if you guys would be interested in me posting any expansions we make for the journal. I plan on doing it for the fic, so I may post about it anyways.
If you guys decide to use this and post about it on your own blog, plz tag me! I'd love to see it!
Even if it's just a digital one or just a tumblr post. I'd love to see.
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@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @im-not-paying-my-taxes @attagirljessy @thatsthat24 @legeufygeuber100 @stormy-is-hyperfixated
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polyklok · 9 months
Movies I think Dethklok members would really like
No this is not based on anything I’m just in a mood™ rn
Nathan Explosion
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Mad God
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So, no, I did not have any ounce of an idea of what this movie was about when I originally watched it, and I’m still not 100% sure tbh but an hour and a half of these pure vibes would totally be up Nathan’s alley. The post-apocalyptic setting, all the gore, the details of the various monsters, and I think he would just really appreciate it from an artist’s standpoint as well. This movie would just resonate with him, even if he wouldn’t have a fucking clue what was going on the whole time.
Mary and Max
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I’m, personally, a bit on-the-fence about this movie, but it is undeniably sweet and I headcanon Nate to be on the spectrum so 🤷
This would be, like, his guilty pleasure film. The movie he knows is for kids and is totally not brutal but he loves it anyway. The, “I do not feel disabled, defective, or a need to be cured” really hits for him every single time. He rewatches it at least once every few months, especially when he’s in some sort of emotional slump.
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Another one that just like, like, big Nathan energy, you know? He just seems like a guy to really love loose plots with trippy visuals and strong emotions attached to them. Also, this movie is so completely badass, it is certified metal in his book. He also finds the story incredibly tragic; having the love of your life stripped away from you in such circumstances really tugs at his heartstrings, but in a way that gets him pumped up rather than sad. This is probably his go-to when people ask, “what’s your favorite movie?”
Pickles the Drummer
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Son in Law
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Okay this is my guilty pleasure movie. I usually don’t like stoner-comedy from the 90s, but this movie hits different. Maybe I just find Crawl hot. Anyway, I’m projecting that onto Pickles. He honestly probably finds a lot of crappy comedies to be peak film, and this is no exception. Pauly Shore pretending to be a country boy for a whole movie? Hells yeah. Pickles would watch while high off his mind, laughing his butt off and going to town on some cheez-its or something. And you know what? He deserves it.
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I’m counting short films because I feel like Opal is the movie for Pickles. He’d watch it on a whim, because these are not usually the types of things he enjoys, and then he’d in tears over the emotional rollercoaster he did not agree to go on. Like, he grew up in a neglective household with authority figures that were overly-selfish and projected their own problems onto the youngest one in the house, to which he had to hide within his own brain more often than not just to properly function. And then he just…watched it happen all again in the hypnotic style of Jack Stauber. The Mom’s song had him in gasping tears for a while, the way you get when a movie somehow perfectly captures your own trauma right in front of you. And the ending??? Ugh. Go watch Opal, guys, it’s on YouTube.
Nathan and Pickles both get very emotional about certain stop-motion films, isn’t that crazy?
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Thank you to Lucy for this Letterbox review that I think he would write
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This movie is actually so insane. It’s not scary in a horror-movie way, like it meant to be, it’s scary as in ‘What the hell is happening and why do I understand it?’ Pickles doesn’t like most traditional horror films, as the long, quiet suspense bores him and the sudden jumpscares freak him the hell out way more than they should. But he loves the campy-wacko-type horror that they were apparently making in 70s Japan. It’s just scary enough to get his heart pumping, but the pure silliness of it all overrides that, getting him in a giddy mood and excited to see what happens next.
(No I am not done but tumblr won’t let me add more pictures)
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kreamcakez · 8 months
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Pet play- Uzui family
(kinktober day 16)
Smut 100%
CW: I know I'm down bag for Tengen, Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio so this is pure horny thoughts.
AN: I love them all so they all get one "★" per person and one for all of them. Please keep rude thoughts to ya' self cuz these are my thoughts and opinions. Also this isn't proofread and takes play in 21st century. But please enjoy 🫶🏽
★ Let's start with Hinatsuru, I full one believe with her claim personally there is a very observent and dominant woman, Also when it comes to pet play she just really likes the submission that you give. She enjoys seeing you Infront of her. Depending on the day and time and what not, depends on how deep she's getting into it. Like example, if she falls really sexual frustrated and Tengen, Suma and Makio are doing something amd your not. She'll ask you to help her. (Wanting to be respectful ofc) but she's definitely into seeing you Infront of her on your knees, begging her for relief, begging to touch and taste her. He simply enjoys seeing you needy.
★i know what I am about to say might be very confusing or something, but Smua gives switch energy but mostly submissive. Like I know some people say she's a complete submissive girly but I feel like it depends on her feelin. Like she's a fan of having power but also feeling said power. Like she's definitely into holding you on a leash but also likes that same leash and collar on her. Things like calling her a good girl or paries is a turn on for her. She likes when you're eating her out, and you whine or beg for her to cum soon. She also like whenever you pull her closer using the leash, so you can whisper in her ear.
★ Makio gives bratty bitch energy ( in a good way.) She's definitely into feeling you in control. She is the type to try to not moan, and she trys but fails. Like she's definitely going to say she hates when you make her begging, but deep down she wants you to do it more, she wants you to put her on her knees. To make her so needy. She loves when you make her beg so you'll take care of her. And when she's about to climax and you tell her to beg, she'll completely forget get your name and call anything that gives you more power that you already have. She completely adores when you call her a good pet, or a good girl. She. Melts. Like fr.
★Tengen is most definitely a power bottom and a hard Dom. So he's also a switch. When he subs it's like Makio but he still holds some control. Like he has definitely flipped the roles a couple times. Let's say you're Infront of his standing. Holding him on a leash so sorts patting his headt, ya' know all that stuff. Then he'll out of nowhere he'll call you any pet name that makes you swoon. Then hell pully you down and pin you under him. He most definitely won't let you hold your Dom stop for more than three rounds. Maybe he waits to see you beg? But when he starts of as the dominating one he most definitely is calling you his bet calling you a good pet, calling you all types of names. He's teasing you senseless while fuckin your brains out. He has you on his lap then he his holding your hips and bouncing you up and down on his shaft.
★ who a picture the set up for when it's all of you, is Hinatsuru and And Tengen, being the ones in charger then Suma and Makio being the two pets being and pleading for release. Like definitely toys if most kinds are used to "train" the pets into shape 🫰🏽 (and your on witch ever side you want.) Tengen is more so subbing for Hinatsuru, while she's the main one who is dominanting all of y'all. Like her and Tengen are taking care of Suma and Makio (maybe you if you want) making them needy to a point it hard to stop form giving them the relief their craving. The Tengen is also slightly under the control and overall domination of Hinatsuru.
AN: I hope this was enjoyable, I know it's kinda random and honestly I'm down bad... But I hope you still liked it
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f0xgl0v3 · 5 months
Legacies in Camp Jupiter/Just Pjo?
Wow I am on a roll! Anyway I’ve been wanting to do this and the power post just really dragged up this issue in my head back to the forefront, and it is someone that really continuously confuses me on a basic level of how Rick chose to let this category function.
Legacies are a type of Demigod introduced in HoO that are directly related to Gods but aren’t first generation. They are not children of gods but like grandkids, great-grandkids, so on and so on. This is not a new concept, it is as old as myths themselves, the first thing that pops up in my mind was Troy’s royal family was said in myths to be descended from Zeus. That makes someone like Hector (in Pjo-verse vocabulary) a legacy in the Pjo canon.
But.. Legacies aren’t really different to demigods? Like- not different enough that they would get classified as differently-? For several reasons I believe, but the main three points I want to make (because apparently all my thoughts come in packs of 3), is that 1) Legacies and Demigods are shown to have the same godly-ability level as one another/ it’s inconsistent, 2) somewhat through the books themselves they just sort of stop using the word Legacy/Legacies never have anything that set them apart from demigods, 3) this is a new concept to distinguish them (this is the weakest but it feels weird that Rick decided to differentiate Legacies and Demigods when myths never really did too much, but when did Rick care about the source material- okay, that was rude I’m just still annoyed over Ares-)
Legacies and Demigods powers. Legacies are shown to have similar power levels to Demigods, or those powers are inconsistent. I bring this up because it feels odd? That legacies would have a similar broad level of abilities while still being more mortal than god (this depends and I’ll talk about what I think for like hc on New Rome and their legacy population) but we have characters like Bryce Lawerence; who has powers like, shadow travel (the shadow travel is implied but I’ll get into why it’s likely he has some form of enhanced ability to travel), enhanced tracking (also implied but this will fit into the travel thing), summoning the damned souls of those who broke oaths, along with being implied to have visited the underworld at some point because he mentions hearing the screams of the fields of punishment. But let’s also remember that BoO takes place somewhere in 8-9 days (starts July 20, ends Aug 3) the Bryce attack scene is on chapter XXX while Bryce being brought back to the legion is in chapter VI. No less than if I remember correctly like 2-3 days could’ve past. There are a couple things, he’s stealthy enough that Nico doesn’t notice him. We don’t get any confirmation that he’d been following them for a while (from all I know of Bryce’s character I have to assume he wasn’t or he would’ve 100 percent taken the first chance to attack them) but he is able to get from Long Island to South Carolina on foot, and seemingly appear out of nowhere. There is probably a logical explanation but also considering the fact he knows what’s happening to Nico (that shadow traveling fading that doesn’t seem to matter?) makes me consider and lean more to the idea that he can shadow travel (honestly would love to make another post on Bryce Lawerence because no one cares about him but I really find him interesting). But if he can do the (implied shadow travel) and the very apparent necromancy he has the same skill set of Nico! Never mind the tiny little difference in the necromancy, they have the same power and the same level of that power. The difference is that one is a legacy, and one is a Demigod- but there doesn’t seem to be a power difference. Secondly Frank’s shapeshifting thing, I’ll be real and say I just think that’s a thing because like Poseidon gifted it? I think of it as the same way that like the Red panda gift from turning Red is going strong because it was a blessing or whatever. And Octavian, who is (said, for some reason Rick wanted to put in that maybe Octavian never had powers at all but that’s stupid and takes away what little things Octavian has) but he also, doesn’t seem to have a dip in powers? I don’t care much for seeing the Apollo kids but it seems that they all can have varied powers (fitting seeing as Apollo was a god of so many things) and Octavian’s skill doesn’t seem limited in any way (would’ve been great if we got more information on it because we have no idea how it works compared to say, the way we know how the Oracle stuff works) but all of this puts a clear image that from the legacies we know, there doesn’t seem to be a big difference in power. Which is odd, seeing as they don’t feel like they should.
Through HoO Rick really just like- stopped talking about legacies? I’m laughing as I’m writing this but know it’s a saddened laugh because like. Rachel refers to Octavian as Son of Apollo (Which could be argued she doesn’t know what a Legacy is but I feel like since her Oracle powers told her everything else it would’ve informed her of his proper title- or I guess not because the writing didn’t care at all about Octavian-) and I think Reyna mentions Bryce is a legacy though it’s not referenced any more. Bryce just brings up Orcus in some dialogue and that’s about it. If you’re going to bring up a new type of Demigod then why not explore them more? HoO doesn’t explore like anything but still, Frank never has thoughts about his Legacy stuff. We don’t even get any notes about Greek demigods not considering most of the Roman Legacies Demigods because they aren’t the direct Children of the Gods? It just like- Legacies kind of do nothing, there is nothing different about a legacy.
Mythology doesn’t even really distinguish the two? Like- again because I’ve read the Iliad and Odyssey it’s what I always think first. Hector mentions he is also related to Zeus- that there is a distinct thing about demigods like Sarpedon, Achilles, and Aeneas. But there never is something where it calls out, “Oh Hectors great-great-great grandpa is Zeus and that’s super different and crazy” but it’s just “Hectors related to Zeus y’know and he’s gonna kick your butt man >:[“ obviously this is a random point because those are ancient texts. But we have to remember that Pjo is founded off of these myths and the fact that Legacies are a part of these myths but distinctly different (literally everyone who is descended from Zeus which is literally everyone- not literally but like-) operate differently, they are essentially no different than their fully mortal companions other than they can sport a God ancestor and the most convoluted family tree.
Okay. Those are the points that I’ve made. All of those boil down into like “Rick did nothing to differentiate Legacies from Demigods other than slap a different name on them” and that’s a missed opportunity. It’d be like if something like Harry Potter went, “Here are wizards that are said to be different than other magic users but all that’s different are their titles!” That might be a thing I don’t know I don’t consume Harry Potter. But there was a ball and it was slammed into the ground (huh, almost like Rick did that with a lot of things related to Camp Jupiter and the Romans- also the Romans canonically have cars and I don’t like that). But I have some Head-canons about legacies for my re-imagining to hopefully make them, make more sense?
The longer a legacy line is, the more ‘diluted’ the power becomes. Like in the myths, after you hit a certain point most legacies will have incredibly weak powers. This adds to the powers post I made (shameless plug that you should read that one too because I’m proud of it.) and how the legacies affect the Romans view on powers. But this means that the farther you get down a family line the less and less powerful the power is. Say a child of Zeus has children and then like ten generations down the line the descendants could be more resistant to lightning, conduct it easier and attract it a little more, maybe jump a big higher but that’s about it. Example, Michael Kahale In my re-imagining comes from a super duper long line and his powers pretty much are, I look pretty, I’m a little more persuasive from remnants of charm-speak (and I want to buff up the Aphrodite cabin more because Rick really just didn’t care when it came to them)
This doesn’t include ‘gifts’ like Frank’s. I think by the will of the God that blessed the ancestor with it they keep the power strong. This goes the same way for curses, maybe. If the curse is not revered than it probably is passed onto your kid.
In common sense, the fresher the legacy the more potent the power. And sometimes there can be mutations that a child can end up with more potent powers, whether that be the wishes of the Godly ancestor or they just get miracle genes it could act as a soft re-boot to strengthen the powers. For examples; Bryce is a very new legacy, his dad is the direct child of Orcus and Bryce gets passed down all of the cool powers (also need a hc for his mother because she comes from a legacy line) or Octavian was just.. born with the more potent powers, I like to think Apollo noted him and took interest to strengthen his powers for some reason. (Note he also is a legacy of Venus but I haven’t worked out if that affects him and how, but the Venus part is much more downplayed)
Legacies who have mixed godly blood/ several different lines that have merged have a little from everything, their powers are weaker but if like for example a Child of Athena with a Hermes legacy might have a easier time stealing things, or be a little faster than their peers. But these end up very minimal because the direct child aspect overpowers it a lot (idk I don’t know hypothetical demigod genes and how they work so let’s just go with it) this is similar with legacies+legacies though the family will usually stick to one legacy title (sort of how last names are passed on, but a partner wouldn’t take up the legacy title of the family. But a child would) while the powers honestly could be all over the place
Okay that’s all I think right now, if I have anything else I’ll probably make a separate post but for me right now it is very nighttime and I need my sleep so I can crush my siblings in various unserious competition.
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iraprince · 7 months
I adore all your art with cookie and was interested in Sapphicworld- but I’m curious (so plz don’t take this as a negative-) what exactly in your opinion sets it apart from other Queer PBTA hacks like Thirsty Sword Lesbians?
I’d just really like to hear your thoughts about it as a system and world especially given you are a indie developer yourself?
hi!! thank you!!
so, a few caveats before i start off — one, i actually haven't played many other pbta games (like for example i know Of thirsty sword lesbians + own a copy that i've poked around in but im not very familiar w it), so i honestly can't provide much in the way of comparing/contrasting it w other pbta stuff in the same vein, and my impressions of sapphicworld are pretty much just contained to the game as its own thing, not so much sapphicworld as a Type Of Game
and two, while i am a dev myself, i'm a huge novice! like, i'm proud of the stuff i put out and i love doing it, but i personally feel like my lack of experience is such that like, i don't think my opinions in this case are particularly informed by my own work as a dev or anything. all this to say im happy to answer this question, i think i just gotta tackle it from a different frame than what ur specifically asking!
BUT ANYWAY. i can still talk abt why im so excited abt sapphicworld in a way that has kind of outstripped other stuff in general, and for me it's about the world 100%. like i honestly spend close to no time thinking abt the fact that sw is even pbta to be honest. not that the mechanics + gameplay aren't important, bc they are thoughtfully crafted and well done and fun, and i'm saying that from the perspective of someone who playtested earlier versions that have now been reworked! it's just like, not what comes to mind first for me — what's exciting and fresh and irreplaceable abt the game in my mind is like. it is fully committed to immersing you in an extremely lush, strange, richly fleshed out world, one with a long history and folklore/mythology and a TON of really fun npcs who all have different subcultures and its own calendar with seasonal holidays and regional terrain with specific fleshed out dungeons/towns/etc to discover and even like, specific FOODS typical to each different region and and and and —
and maybe at first that seems kind of overwhelming, and tbh it is. when i first got into it and i was going thru the playtest document (which if im remembering right was like. ~300 pages shorter at the time than the current playtest doc) i DO remember anxiously thinking to myself "god this is a LOT and idk if i'll be able to retain enough of this to rp convincingly" etc etc. but like... it's just really compelling, and it does an incredible job of mixing humor and gravity and horniness in a perfect ratio that always comes across as intensely earnest and makes it equally easy to have a fun goofy time or a really emotional time, which i think is REALLY hard to do.
and while normally it's hard for me to get thru something that dense and long all i can really say is that i just straight up like it enough and was charmed by it enough to pick away at it until i grasped it and felt like i understood a bunch about the world, which also has a curve to it bc in structure and tone its very different from any of your... idk more Standard fantasy or sci fi worldbuilding, so it's not like u can immediately slot in ur expectations from other settings and just learn some new vocab words, it's a world that from my perspective also Functions differently than a lot of other fictional settings in a way that's a little hard to describe succinctly. (none of this is succinct to begin with but ykwim). it makes me want to gm my own campaign, really really bad, when usually i have always been absolutely Terrified of the idea of gming! idk man. it has a Flavor. it's full of Vapors. u get transported somewhere else reading it and playing it in a way i haven't experienced in a while and a lot of times after a playtest session i felt like my brain stayed behind in sapphicworld for a pretty long time.
i feel like i am sounding a little melodramatic and incoherent but like. genuinely sapphicworld is just a fictional world that i am really bone-deep charmed by and interested in and when i WAS reading thru the rulebook for those first days it did not take me long at all to find myself constantly thinking "i want to play in this world, i want to play in this world, i can't wait to play in this world," and i just think that's really special. and like — just as your curiosity abt comparing sw to tsl was not intended as a diss or a negative, what im abt to say is similarly neutral — im a person who sometimes finds it a little difficult to click with or feel excited abt a lot of the Queer Indie Stuff that i see get popular with other people, bc it just doesn't connect w my specific lesbian + trans experience; not that it feels inauthentic but that im like, oh, idk, i think these guys are just. not My Zone, ykwim. on the flip side so much of the humor and heart and transness and sex in sapphicworld is something that really resonates w me and just Clicks in a way that i have also found really special.
rounding myself off before i ramble for like five more paragraphs but just as one more morsel of something i like abt sapphicworld that is a little more concrete than me spinning around the room yelling "I JUST LIKE IT OKAY": one of the most fun parts of character creation is getting to mix and match your kind (sort of like ancestry/species, the form ur physical body takes) with a subculture. so u get things like a werewolf babe (cookie! babe being a subculture that focuses on being Like, Totally Hot), or a centaur knight, or a minotaur debaucher, or a vampire cowboy, or an organist (cthulu-y tentacle guy) scenester, or a skeleton wizard, etc etc etc etc — there are SO MANY to pick from that when i was trying to bait my friends into playing w me i couldn't find a convenient way to list them all so ppl could start thinking abt their characters. and every possible combination basically is interesting and amusing and fun and practically THROWS a great oc into your lap and i literally think i could amuse myself endlessly just Making Characters in sapphicworld and never actually playing w them.
[panting, disheveled] so tldr. i like it. uh. what sets sapphicworld apart from other ttrpgs to me is that i have fallen balls to the wall in love with the very soul of it to the point where i don't even really think about it in comparison to other games at all and it has just become an Experience to me and i suppose i cannot guarantee anyone else will fall into insane homosexual hysteria in the same way but here we are. HOPE THAT HELPS
(ALSO PSSST. idk if this is just perfect timing or if ur curiosity was specifically prompted by this but the @sapphicworldttrpg patreon DID just launch and if any of this has been intriguing u should check it out. okay mwah bye)
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Can we get more of venti coming to our world
I'm invested 😻‼️
Headcanons about sagau Venti with reader in the real world:
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Absolutely! I'll go ahead and post those headcanons I said I was going to do under here, but I'll probably be posting another actual continuation of the work soon, hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: general Sagau, minor codependency, mentions of alcohol consumption, that's about it folks
• You are now the owner of a very high maintenance but devoted God
• Congratulations
• He can do tricks, so that might make up for some of it
• The first month or two you completely confined him to the house
• If he's going to go out there and make an idiot of himself, he might as well not seem like he's from another planet while doing so
• Wants to know about everything, really an unsatable amount of curiosity
• "But how exactly can television content be turned into 'waves' and travel through the air in particles? How do they know what to reform as??"
• After answering about a thousand questions, you finally just get him his own phone so he can look them up himself while you're not there
• Big mistake
• You now can't get peace no matter where you go
• He's the type to call and text you over every little tiny thing
• "My lovveee, I saw a bird today :D!" *sends attachment*
• "Uhh, are you sure that's not a leaf?"
• "..."
• "My lovveeee, I saw a leaf that looked like a bird today :D!"
• At the end of the day, you're going to have about 100 messages and over 50 calls
• Also constantly steals your phone to take pictures of himself and change what you have him set as in your contacts
• "Ok why did you change your contact name 'most beloved and devoted follower'?"
• "... Am I not your most beloved and devoted follower?"
• You're going to have to take him to a few clothes stores too, he gets weird enough looks just on his behavior alone, no need to add to that
• Keeps the signature green color though, and he could never part with the braids
• Since you wouldn't let him go outside, he decides to take an interest in plant keeping
• Says that it's stifling to be surrounded by no life all the time, kinda uses that line to guilt you into staying home with him more too
• You're going to have to reel him back a bit though, otherwise your entire house is going to be covered in greenery
• "Just one more? Look how sad it looks here."
• He always gives you that heartbreakingly sad face and you really just can't deny him, as much as it's putting a dent in your wallet
• Speaking of money, that's another thing he's particularly curious about
• He's only ever had Mora, so he likes learning about the history of your type of money and how it didn't come from a God
• Was also very confused about the lack of Gods and supernatural things
• Teach him about organized religious, do it, I dare you
• If he thought it was weird still having a decent following after not appearing for a couple hundred years, boy oh boy, watch him as he tries to grapple with Christianity
• He tries very hard to help out during the day when you're not home
• All the modern appliances are kind of confusing at first, you certainly have come home to a mess a few times before
• But after a few weekends that you spend dedicated to teaching him how to use the things around your house, he gets the hang of it
• Likes to spend his time cooking and cleaning and making things
• You once joked about how it felt like the nineteen fifties when you walked in and he excitedly greeted you, rambling on about the various things he did all day which included making dinner and  trying his hand at various fiber arts
• He didn't get the joke
• I honestly think he would be pretty good at crocheting or knitting if he could develop the patience for it
• He does feel like this mundane housekeeping stuff is the least he can do for you though, not having a lot of modern day money making talents
• He snuck into a bar once to try playing for money (and get a few drinks) as he usually did, got kicked out almost immediately
• Still indulges though, you're going to have to drop a couple hundred on wine each month
• Almost cried when he learned that dandelion wine wasn't really a thing here
• You did take him to an alcohol store and let him pick out what he wanted after that incident, then practically forced him out of the building while you paid, otherwise he would have definitely be carded and you both would have had to leave with nothing
• Clings to you the rest of the day after that, going on and on about how much he loves and appreciates you, and that gets more intense the more he drinks
• One of the earlier problems was where he would be sleeping
• He spent the first week on the couch, allowing you to have your space
• For the next three weeks he acted as though he was going to sleep on the couch, and then crawled into your bed when you fell asleep
• You eventually just gave in and let him sleep there, he was much happier to be openly affectionate when he knew you weren't going to kick him out immediately (you still had your limits)
• Always wakes up first, the only caveat to that was when he drank heavily the night before
• So I guess he only woke up first about 50℅ of the time
• But insist heavily on making you something in the mornings, coffee, tea, breakfast if you'd let him
• "Oh good morning my love! Would you like something to eat? I made it just for you~"
• There are times where you can't sit down with him to eat, having to be somewhere early
• He always plays it off, but is super upset after you leave
• The food just doesn't taste nearly as good without you there
• Oh, and good luck if you have a cat
• He doesn't tell you that he has an allergy for the first couple of days, just internally dealing with the discomfort of it
• He has already resigned himself to the fact that this is going to be his fate from now on, he's come to terms with it
• You do catch on, ask him why he didn't tell you sooner that he was allergic, then offer to buy him some over the counter medication for it
• "That's possible!?"
• Small existential crisis, it's fine, don't worry about it, this happens a lot
• Eventually you do finally have to let him out, it's in his nature to wonder
• And honestly, he's kind of horrified over the current state of your world
• The political climate, the ecological climate, all of it
• It reinforces his believe that he's running his city correctly by not running it at all
• It also strengthens his resolve to eventually bring you back to Teyvat with him, it's so much nicer there, and it isn't nearly as hot, and the world isn't falling apart
• Looking past that though, he does really like going to different places, hikes and trails and beaches
• His powers do still work as well, there's just as much elemental energy in this world as in his, it's just no one knows how to use it here
• You do scold him every time he does something like that in public though
• Also he's absolutely guilty of pda
• Can't help himself
• Tries really hard to avoid phrases like "your grace" or "divine creator"
• But sometimes they slip out, and then people give you both weird looks, and you glare at him, and he looks at you apologetically
• He'll make it up to you later
• Is actually coming up with tons of new ways to make things up to you, because of how good you are to him
• He should really be the one providing for you, in all ways, and it frustrates him to no end
• He always feels like he's in debt in one way or another, but that's fine, that's the way it's always been
• As soon as you both get to Teyvat he's going to make up for it all, give you anything you want
• If you do ever end up getting there, he's gonna have some habits he might have a hard time breaking
• "Why is the Anemo God cooking for the creator?? Aren't there like 50 other people that can do that???"
• He'll find himself missing the convenience of your world sometimes
• Also, the sudden lack of one on one attention is going to completely eat at him
• If it's particularly bad, he's going to take you on a vacation back in your world for a few weeks
• (which translates to like two years there oh no—)
• Eventually you do have to tell him about the game, how you're not really "the creator", but just the person who guides the player, how there are hundreds of other people worldwide that know about him and all the others, play the game no different than you
• It takes a while for him to really come to terms with it
• Still justifies you being better than everyone else because you actually have an active religion surrounding you in the game, you're the one he came for
• And even if you didn't "make the game" you're still the reason why so many people in it are happy
• And he's still 100℅ convinced that you are a reincarnation of the creator
• Game or not, that universe is real to him and all that live in it, there are a lot of things that happened there that aren't shown in game, so that must mean it exists outside of the game too right?
• But he has an absolute day going through people posting about it
• You are kind of looking over his shoulder, doing your best to limit his exposure to some of the really horrible Internet stuff
• He prefers reading, creating, and singing your praises in his spare time anyway, which works out well for both of you
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spacenintendogs · 7 months
Hi! I love your art and I’m so curious to know what your art process is like!
i've been trying to figure out how to answer this & i've honestly realized that my process is a mess LOLOL i did record myself!!! drawing fishlegs bc he is the fave & easiest for me to draw! i hope everything i explain under the read more makes sense!!
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it took me over 44 minutes to draw & the screen recording in the art program i use (autodesk sketchbook) brought it down to about 7 minutes and 25 seconds. i didn't wanna speed it up even more bc it'd be way too fast & jarring i think but!! i've uploaded the video to youtube (with some animal crossing music <3)!! i will still try to explain what i did here tho!!
my initial sketches are EXTREMELY loose! i start with the head by drawing a circle & extending past it for the chin of the character & proceed to do the nose, eyes, & mouth!! hair is next, but if there's a helmet i need to draw, i'll do that before the hair!! then i'll do the body starting from the shoulders & going down!! for the hands i just do circles/a general shape! no details!!
the sketch layer is a layer of black for the brush color with with lower opacity
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i immediately do lines on top with the same brush but with black at full opacity on the kayer above!! this time i actually take my time to be more careful with details BUT i am still very sketchy & if smth isn't 100% accurate after i try a few times, i leave it be! hands however...
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i almost always end up taking a photo of my hands using the front facing camera set to a 5 second timer on my phone! i also draw using my phone so it's literally having everything i need all in one place lol!! i do trace my own hands but obv i adjust based on what i'm drawing!! fish's hands are def gonna be wider than mine!!
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NOW for color i color pick directly from screenshots!! however i use it mostly for flats & then pick my own for shading!! let's focus on the flats for now!! i start with the skin always!! the skin is going to have color layers above and below it, so it's easier for me to see where everything else will go if i've got the skin all settled. here you can see my color layers!! these are ALL flats!!
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shading & lighting i don't rlly... focus on being accurate 100% but i try to do it based on where a shadow would absolutely be/to give the appearance of some type of depth (my art is very flat either way tho!) like where his lower hand is cupping i'll shade but leave the top of the upper hand unshaded for the most part! i lay out everything in a multiply layer first (can be any color u want based on the vibe u want!!) & then use a smudge tool to blend it out!! same goes for the lighting layer!!!
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my art overall is a lot of scribbling big lines & curves then using the lineart to do the same but slowly make adjustments until it looks acceptable to me. it's SO much erasing & reshaping & i always have sketch lines everywhere but i like how it looks. it looks like i drew it, u know? plus the httyd books art style is a HUGE inspiration to me, at my core. i didn't even realize it was until ppl on here pointed it out :') i also enjoy drawing fast & moving on!! which is just smth i've trained myself to do since my star fox days (the reason i draw in the first place!!)
thank u!!!! i hope this made sense!!
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celestie0 · 16 days
i dont really feel gojos death was a cop out because there were already signs of gege hinting at his return, hence the theories (which were actually pretty strong and convincing) and those who were dedicated to those despite how much time passing since his death. idk despite everything, whether geges writing is objectively good or not, gege always was intentional with his writing and probs one of the least fanservicey manga writers rn.
idk his death would be such a waste of potential outcomes if it was just that, like its plot armor, yes, but justified plot armor. why have a character as grand as gojo and the pay off be so unfulfilling. especially in comparison to chosos death, chosos death felt like a development of his character while as gojos just felt like oh he died so we can remove his ass and move on and have the world be more in peril. like that just treats gojos purpose more to be some type of weapon, than him being an actual character striving for something greater. you can argue that his death is an irony of him being the strongest and getting clapped was like a break of that notion, but idk that just seems like such a waste of gojos maturation and development after geto. like i want to see that type of development or enlightenment when hes alive and without geto to actually feel a sense of satisfaction and pride for him.
maybe im biased because i am an avid enjoyer of the reincarnation and gojo being a parallel to buddha theories, but idk for a manga like jjk it deserves some whimsical and crazy imagination yk
THIS ISNT TO BE RUDE OR ANYTHING IM SORRY IF IT COMES OUT THAT WAY 😭 i just have impassioned opinions on his death and i really love him and he deserves a chance of fulfillment cus hes been going through it despite being the strongest
hi babe! yea i think gege is most certainly one of the least fan servicey manga writers for sure i don’t think anyone questions that 💀 and yeahhh i see that, he HAS hinted gojo’s return a lot n i think we all just thought he was fucking w us LOL but maybe it was intentional to give more of a smooth comeback for gojo should he choose to bring him back
gojo’s death was most definitely unfulfilling, and imo it was done for shock factor and i imagine gege just became tired of his own character. but i still think bringing him back would feel odd n def plot armor 😅 kind of like, oh if we wanted his fulfilled character arc, then gege shouldve given that to us without killing him off senselessly (and honestly? off screen? i’d argue that’s borderline disrespectful to such a beloved character) in the first place…like in my opinion, no matter how he brings gojo back if at all, it’s still gonna feel a bit off and, once again, done for shock value? but i totally agree w you, i could bypass those feelings if he at least does gojo RIGHT this time 😭🙏🏼 because above all else, i just wanna see some justice for his character
oh 100% i don’t think there was anything charming about the notion of gege killing off gojo just for the sake of showing that a strong character can die too loool. idk what his specific narrative intentions were for killing off gojo, but it would be sooo shallow n honestly unoriginal if that was really what he was going for 💀 but idk i know some jjk fans might feel differently
nooo my love not rude at all <333 i love how passionate u are haha. thansk sm for sharing!! yea i didnt think ab all the clues n hints gege set up to make a gojo retun a bit more seamless, that def makes it feel less fan servicey in my head now. i guess we’ll just have to see if he really is back or not LOL
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crazylittlejester · 19 days
Coming over here to bother you about my EAH AU thoughts because I want to write but this stupid fatigue wall let me write my daily prompt and nothing else today. Spent a good chunk of time staring at the document file.
I'm thinking about the Zeldas. Obviously most of them will fit in as the miscellaneous princesses for their respective Links, but not all of the stories even have princesses in them.
Artemis/Athena: Obviously I could just have her be Athena, but I feel like she could also do a Mulan story. She could match with Warriors, they could be Greek mythology buddies.
Flora: I think the thing that really sets her apart is her role in TotK, but there aren't any old fairytales about princesses that turn into dragons, so the best I've got is this book by E. D. Baker that I read when I was a kid. It's probably close enough? I'm already going to have to fudge things for Wild anyway.
Sun: Her whole thing is being the reincarnation of Hylia, so I feel like she should be either a full-on mythological goddess or the avatar of one. I feel like there aren't really any good real-world mythology equivalents because LoZ lore has such a distinct vibe to it. Since Sky's story is going to be about fighting the Jabberwocky, she's probably also from Wonderland, I just need to figure out her role.
Fable: I feel like she'd fit into one of the Charming families alright. Alternatively she could be one of the princesses from Oz, most likely Gayelette if she's related to Legend because they both would inherit magical abilities and Gayelette was both a princess and a sorceress. No clue how that's going to work with Camelot. Maybe Legend could have dual citizenship or something. Although I could be mean and say she's a human princess who fades into obscurity because he outlives her.
Dusk: I can't find any good old fairy tales about princesses that involve puppets or wolves. I'm probably going to have to fudge the entire thing. Which shouldn't be horribly difficult since TP is literally just a fairytale anyway, but I was really hoping to find something.
Tetra: Definitely a pirate. Probably Blackbeard or Bluebeard. Maybe one of those lady pirates that were 100% lesbians. (Side note: The Great Sea could totally be the ocean that Atlantis is under. Wind's divine parent could be one of the gods that sunk it or something.)
Dawn & Aurora: I feel like being miscellaneous princesses actually works in their favors because that's pretty much what they are in canon. I can probably just gloss over the details a little bit and say they're cousins and that Hyrule helped rescue them while he was out killing giants.
Dot: I'm just going to say she's the princess from the story about the four brothers since it fits perfectly. Least amount of work to give her a role. Honestly sort of wish she could be Dorothy from The stories about Oz because of her nickname, but that wouldn't work. She deserves a QPR with Four so that's what she's getting.
Lullaby: I don't think she really does much in OoT other than be Sheik? So my best idea is Mulan, but with the whole ocarina thing she could also be a type of magical princess like Fable, but those are in surprisingly limited supply.
Honorary mention of ST!Zelda: She should be a ghost. A victim of train assassination, maybe Orient Express style. Ends up befriending ST!Link and they get along like a house on fire and she helps him get used to being a ghost after he dies in a tragic train accident.
- I am still so so so so so obsessed with Sky and the Jabberwocky I am absolutely just eating that up dude, and I can’t wait to see what you end up deciding for Sun
- A PRINCESS SORCERESS FOR FABLE GOES SO HARD and you’re right that is mean >:( im eating it up tho
- I suppose red riding hood wouldn’t work for Dusk? There’s gotta be SOME fairy tale about wolves out there, I dunno the rules of EAH but there’s gotta be at least some vague one
- Dot as Dorothy would be soooooo good, and slay her havin a qpr with Four
- Any Mulan story I see I will absolutely eat up and encourage, that’s one of my favorite Disney movies
dude i am so excited for all this I love it soooo much!!! please come bother me about it whenever!!
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This is going to be a bit of a rambly one, bear with me.
I fix dolls and ponies as a hobby and occasionally do so for others, and now and then a specific customer will send large boxes of ponies (hi!). I used to be very fast at cleaning them up pre-covid, getting through 100+ ponies in a week. Now I’m not. I’m much slower these days.
When I work on dolls/ponies I do it in the kitchen because there’s no better place. There’s a sink, counter space, bright light, all those good things. But, since I’m slow now, there would be ponies taking up the whole kitchen for months.
That’s caused some strain.
So I stopped waffling and ordered some things I’d been thinking of ordering and I am very happy that I did.
One of those things was a rolly cart.
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I went with this wire type because, honestly, it just looks nicer than the plastic ones. I also like that there are gaps in the mesh which is good for things like drying ponies. Better air flow.
It was easy enough to put together and is a decent size. I was surprised at both how large and how sturdy the casters are and how sturdy the whole cart is.
The only problem I’ve run into is that the handle is a little misshapen, and as such will NOT connect properly. It pops right off of the mounting brackets, but it’s held in place still by the top shelf.
For my personal use, it’s ok. I can manage.
Reviews for the product seem hit or miss.
The other item was some bins. When I work on ponies I do them in little groups and put them at different “stations” so I can remember what work they still need. Having these stations set up also kept me from working too much on one type of work (there are so many different things that need done) and getting burnt out.
Which again meant ponies EVERYWHERE in the kitchen.
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I went with these because they are white plastic and I worry that plastic dye could transfer from bin to pony.
They’re a bit harder than expected, and not terribly large, but are great for my needs.
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All but one station is now on the cart. The counters are clear for the first time since October (there have been back to back large boxes, I’m not THAT slow).
I can roll it out of the doorway as needed. There are locks on two of the wheels if I need to keep it from moving, though it doesn’t tend to move on it’s own anyway.
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It’s also easier to protect ponies from the sun (I know it’s dark in this pic shh) because I can throw a cloth over the whole bin and know they’re completely covered.
Honestly, I’m not sure if the shelves can hold three bins or not. I didn’t check.
Either way I’m really happy I went ahead and bought these.
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littlemessyjessi · 2 months
hello ma'am! i dunno if You still accept requests... if You don't, just ignore me, please. but if do, then lucky me!
some time ago i saw posts, where in one an author compared, what bts member is most to least likely to date a chubby/plus size person and why, and in the second one, set up a list: "how many drinks it would take a bts member to hook up with a plus size girl".
tbh the second post gave me '???' reaction, but i saw Your plus size oriented works and couldn't help but think, what would You think about that ideas and how would You do it.
if that's something You would like to write, im so excited to read Your thoughts! 🫶
BTS Members and a Plus Size Reader Partner: Thoughts and Vibes
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Hello, darling!
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I AM still taking requests for BTS x plus size reader at the moment!
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Thank you so much for reaching out!
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I appreciate you!
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As far as my thoughts go, they are as follows. Let's stretch and begin.
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Regarding the first topic: Well, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with this topic. I mean, plus size is just another variety of person like blond or green eyes or freckles or whatever. I don't really think there's a problem with saying who you think might or might not be into a more cushiony body type for a partner.
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But just.... why? I feel like some do this from a pure point of view just out of curiosity. But some do it to be mean... in which case... I'm going to tell Jimin to hit them with a stick.
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However, regarding the second topic. .... wtf?
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On the one hand, I get HOW people post that and don't get massacred. We live in a society where thin is presented as prime and best.
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Not to say that there is anything wrong with slender. There is 100% not and to shame anyone for their body type, regardless of that body type, is WRONG. Again, if you're bullying anyone over their appearance like that.... I'm telling Jiminie and he will get you.
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And honestly, if you rely on picking apart someone's physical appearance in a negative way... it kinda seems like a sign of low intelligence.
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Like really? I mean, that's kinda of a fucking joke. It's literally amusing sometimes. Not the bullying. Just the audacity is straight up funny sometimes.
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I get it. The world's standards are fucked and SK Beauty standards are so unobtainable in general. Blah, blah, blah.
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However, to elude to the fact that they would have to be absolutely hammered to be with a larger person?
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Brooooo..... that's so fucked up.
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If I were any one of them, I'd be straight up pissed for anyone ever even having the audacity to THINK they knew what my preferences were or weren't. Or rather I'd be pissed that they thought they knew me enough to speak on them and that I would need to be intoxicated to find attractive what that writer didn't.
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Like broooooooooooooo. In this day and age? Body shaming? Still doing that?
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It's giving small brain energy.
It's giving insecure.
It's giving very much stagnant personality and lack of growth.
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How embarrassing ....
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Here's the thing, none of us know what they like or don't like. We're not them. We can't read their minds. We can imagine though. The difference lies in the details. To ask how many drinks it would take is to insinuate that the plus size person is therefore less than and the member would be in need of a mind altering substance to even consider being with a fat person. Which is fucked. What is wrong with some of these people?
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Now, If I were going to write this, I would instead go about it like this.
What each member loves about dating a plus size body. Like, in theory what they might like based on what little information they have released to us. Or what they might like the best about being in a mixed size relationship. Stuff like that.
But shit! I wouldn't be like... "Oh fuck, how many shots do you think it would take Jimin to bang a fatty?"
Like bro, whaaaaat?
I feel like poor Namjoonie would catch second hand embarrassment just reading that shit.
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Also, I would never be so stupid as to assume that A, Jimin would play that game or B, that the shots would even touch him.
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The man drinks like a fish. I'm almost certain he's part merman or siren or Poseidon him damn self.
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I don't know. I can't focus on Jimin for very long.
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He tricks me with the cute, lures me in with sweet and then when I get there and I think I'm safe, he turns on the sexy shit.
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Mother fucker is out to get me. I'm telling ya'll.
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And he fucking knows it.
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Anyway, thank you so much for sending in this ask! It was fun to explore and great responding to you! Please enjoy this Koo with a bow and a bunny smile.
Love, K
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sigyns-drafts · 3 months
Wassup! How ya doin? So, I've been looking through your stuff, and honestly, DAMN you write good! If it's not too much, I'd like to request for ROR Buddha, Ares, Hermes, and Jack interacting with or having teatime with Marie Antoinette reader?
After reading her up as to what she was actually like, I'd like to think that after her death, she started leading a more modest lifestyle cause I like the idea of her becoming a cottage core girlie, but still maintaining some level of opulence from her life, like jewelry, or love of sweets.
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That'd be all! Wish you the best!
A/N: Hello, I'm doing just fine today and thank you so much for asking and for the compliment!! I'm very passionate about my works and writings. 👀
Glady I will, it's never too much. I hope you're also doing fine and if not, please enjoy what I've got for you. Also did you draw that? It's stunning!!
I absolutely adore this idea you have for Marie Antoinette, 100℅ cottagecore girl!~ <3
Teatime with Marie Antoinette ☕🤍
➩ Marie Antoinette, adorned in a gown of shimmering silk and gold jewelry, sat gracefully at a marble table set with delicate porcelain teacups and dainty pastries. Across from her, sat an empty chair for whoever would want to join her.
And much to the woman's surprise, who was used to being alone in this afterlife because of her past, would be having some company after all, much to her delight!
➩ Reader type: Marie Antoinette!reader with Buddha, Ares, Hermes and Jack the ripper.
⚠: Mentions of past death, murders, past regrets & flashbacks, angst, jacks mommy issues!
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The scent of blossoms hung heavy in the air and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to the graceful Marie Antoinette, who found herself seated at a elegantly set tea table.
Opposite her sat Buddha, the enlightened one, who had joined her for tea, albeit for an unconventional reason.
Marie Antoinette, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected guest, regarded Buddha with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.
"Welcome, honored Buddha," she greeted, her voice tinged with curiosity.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
Buddha, his serene expression unchanged, offered a gentle smile.
"I have come for the pastries," he replied simply, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"But I am also curious to hear your story, Madame Antoinette."
Marie Antoinette's laughter bubbled forth like a sparkling stream, her mirth contagious in the tranquil garden.
"Well, Buddha," she exclaimed, her eyes dancing with amusement, "you are in luck, for I have plenty of pastries to share, and a story to tell that is as rich as the treats before us."
As they indulged in the delectable pastries, their conversation flowed effortlessly, traversing the realms of history, philosophy, and the intricacies of human nature.
Despite their stark differences in background and beliefs, Marie Antoinette and Buddha found a surprising kinship in their shared appreciation for life's simple pleasures.
Buddha listened intently as Marie Antoinette regaled him with tales of her life as the Queen of France, her voice animated with passion and warmth.
From her extravagant balls and lavish feasts to the tumultuous political landscape that defined her reign, she painted a vivid portrait of a woman caught in the whirlwind of history.
"And what of you, Buddha?" Marie Antoinette inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"What led you to seek enlightenment and transcendence?"
Buddha's expression softened, his gaze turning inward as he reflected on his journey towards enlightenment.
"I sought to understand the nature of suffering and the path to liberation," he explained, his voice serene yet filled with compassion.
"In the pursuit of truth, I found a deeper understanding of the human condition and the interconnectedness of all beings."
Marie Antoinette nodded thoughtfully, her admiration for Buddha's wisdom evident in her eyes.
"A noble quest indeed," she remarked, her voice tinged with respect. "And yet, here we are, bound together by a shared love for pastries and the joy of good company."
Buddha had to let out a small chuckle, "Hah, indeed we are Madame, indeed we are."
Marie Antoinette found herself seated at a gracefully adorned tea table, her delicate porcelain cup filled with fragrant brew.
Across from her sat Ares, the formidable god of war, his imposing presence softened by the ambiance of their setting.
Marie greeted Ares with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with charm. "Welcome, Lord Ares," she said graciously, extending a dainty hand in greeting.
"I am delighted to have your company for tea this evening."
Ares, his expression stoic yet tinged with uncertainty, returned the gesture with a curt nod.
He shook her hand as gently as he was able to, afraid to somehow hurt her. His hand was much bigger than hers after all and compared to her, he was a god.
"The pleasure is mine, Madame Antoinette," he replied, his voice gruff yet respectful.
"I must admit, tea is not something I am accustomed to, but I am willing to partake.."
As they settled into their seats, Marie Antoinette poured tea for both herself and Ares, her movements graceful and practiced.
Ares, however, found himself struggling with the delicate intricacies of tea etiquette, his fingers fumbling awkwardly with the delicate teacup.
Marie Antoinette let out a small giggle behind her hand as she watched Ares' attempts, finding his earnestness endearing despite his lack of finesse.
"Fear not, Lord Ares," she reassured him, her voice laced with amusement.
"Tea drinking is an art form, but with a bit of guidance, I am certain you will master it in no time."
With patient encouragement, Marie Antoinette guided Ares through the proper technique of holding the teacup, lifting it with elegance, and sipping the tea with refined grace.
Though Ares initially struggled to emulate her poise, he soon found himself growing more accustomed to the ritual, his movements becoming smoother with each attempt.
As they conversed over tea, Marie Antoinette regaled Ares with tales of her life in the royal court of France, her anecdotes punctuated by laughter and animated gestures.
Ares listened intently, his gaze fixed on her with a mixture of admiration and bemusement.
"And what of you, Lord Ares?" Marie Antoinette inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"What tales do you have to share from ancient Greece?"
Ares' expression softened, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"My tales are not ones of refinement and elegance. They're just not suitable for a fair lady such as you," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of determination in doing the proper thing he thought was best.
Even if it had sparked her curiosity and interest to hear what went out on the battlefield, Marie Antoinette simply just nodded and chuckled in return.
"Whatever you say Ares, if that is what you wish."
Marie Antoinette found herself seated at a beautifully adorned tea table, her porcelain cup filled with delicious warm tea.
Before her stood Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods, his presence exuding an air of elegance much like her own and efficiency.
Hermes, clad in his customary black suit and carrying a tray laden with delicacies, bowed respectfully before Marie Antoinette.
"Madame Antoinette," he greeted, his voice smooth as silk.
"I have come to attend to your needs as your humble bulter this evening."
Marie Antoinette smiled graciously, her eyes filled with appreciation.
"Oh thank you, Hermes," she replied, her voice soft and filled with a sincere warmth.
"But I would much prefer your company, if you would be so kind."
Hermes hesitated for a moment, unused to be offerd this by someone he saw as a guest to him and the other gods court.
But he found himself unable refuse the request of the gracious lady in front of him.
With a nod of acquiescence, he set down the tray and took a seat opposite Marie Antoinette, his demeanor composed yet curious.
As they began to engage in polite conversation, their words flowing effortlessly between them.
Despite their best efforts to maintain a sense of decorum, a sudden mishap occurred when Marie Antoinette inadvertently knocked over a delicate teacup, causing it to spill it's contents onto the table.
"Pardon me, sir," Marie Antoinette exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"I did not do that on purpose!"
Hermes' expression softened with recognition as he realized the significance of her words.
Those were her last words before she was executed.
"No need to apologize, Madame Antoinette," he replied gently, his voice tinged with sympathy as he took out a napkin from his pocket.
"Its okay for even those of high statuses to make mistakes and be a bit clumsy."
Marie Antoinette nodded but quickly grew quiet, her thoughts drifting back to the events of her mortal life, to the past tumultuous moments leading up to her untimely demise.
Yet, despite the weight of her memories haunting her, she found solace in Hermes' understanding gaze, his silent support a balm to her troubled soul.
"I apologize for my words, Madame Antoinette but I'm being truthful." Hermes spoke once more, his eyes filled with compassion.
"I did not mean to cause you so much distress."
"How did you- doesn't matter.."
Marie Antoinette shook her head, offering him a gentle smile. She wasn't sure how Hermes was able to tell something was off about her.
Was it because he was a divine being or because it was so obvious? Either way it didn't matter.
"It is quite all right, Hermes. You haven't..i just had to remember something." she replied, her voice filled with forgiveness.
"In fact, I am grateful for your understanding. You're right, even I can make mistakes."
"Exactly, now let me clean this up for us so we can continue this splendid tea party, hm~"
Jack the ripper:
In the serene gardens of the afterlife, Marie Antoinette sat gracefully at a finely set tea table, her porcelain cup filled with warm tea, her mind lost in contemplation.
Suddenly, she sensed a presence approaching, and to her surprise, Jack the Ripper emerged from the shadows, his demeanor creepy yet strangely intriguing.
Jack, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, bowed respectfully before Marie Antoinette.
"Madame Antoinette," he greeted, his voice a low murmur, "I hope you do not mind if I join you for tea. After all, who am I to resist such a grand offer?"
Marie Antoinette, though taken aback by the unexpected company, of such a known killer gestured graciously for Jack to take a seat.
"Of course, Monsieur Ripper, who am I to dismiss some company!" she replied, her voice composed yet tinged with curiosity.
"I welcome you, unlike most here.." She sighs, recalling how many had been very cold towards him.
Though who were they to blame for having murdered innocent women.
As they settled into their seats, Marie Antoinette and Jack engaged in polite conversations at first, their words dancing between until it slowly took a deep turn.
Jack, ever the enigma, shared tales of his past, his voice tinged with a mixture of remorse and defiance.
Marie Antoinette listened intently, her heart heavy with empathy for the man shrouded in darkness.
Yet she still had to think about his poor victims and how it could've all been avoided if Jack's mother hadn't snapped, same went for the bearded man himself.
"And what of you, Madame Antoinette?" Jack inquired, his gaze piercing yet strangely gentle.
"How did you find yourself in the halls of the afterlife?"
Marie Antoinette's expression softened as she recounted the events of her mortal life, from her rise as the Queen of France to her tragic demise at the hands of the revolutionaries.
She usually wouldn't have shared such memories with someone, for it haunted her so deeply til this day.
But knowing Jack hadn't been any better than her when he was alive, she felt like she could speak of the trials and tribulations she faced, her voice filled with hidden sorrow.
As their conversation delved deeper into the intricacies of their pasts, Marie Antoinette and Jack found themselves bound by a shared understanding of the burdens they bore.
Even with the vast chasm that separated them in life, they discovered a common thread of humanity that transcended the boundaries of time and circumstance.
Suddenly, amidst their conversation, a faint sound echoed through the garden, the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps.
Marie Antoinette's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see her beloved child, running towards her with arms outstretched.
"Mama!" the child cried, tears streaming down their cheeks, seeking solace in their mother's embrace.
Marie Antoinette's eyes brimmed with tears as she enveloped her child in a warm embrace, her heart overflowing with love for her youngling.
"Oh darling what are you doing here?!"
As she glanced up at Jack, she saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes, a glimpse of the vulnerability that lurked beneath his hardened exterior.
Jack watched the tender scene unfold before him, a bittersweet smile playing upon his lips. In that moment, he saw himself reflected in the child's tears, a lost soul seeking comfort in the arms of their mother.
"Well aren't they a adorable little one~"
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