#hope it's ok to tag you aaaa
doppelnatur · 1 year
Hey deutsche ppls??? Do this. Unbedingt. Es ist schnell, einfach und extrem wichtig. Hier ist die vor formulierte E-Mail:
Sehr geehrte/r [Vertreter*in]
Ich schreibe Ihnen heute aus Ihrem Wahlkreis, da ich von der Zustimmung der Bundesregierung zu massiven Asylrechtsverschärfungen in Europa entsetzt bin.
Die Bundesregierung hat Vorschlägen zugestimmt, die weder im Koalitionsvertrag noch in den Wahlprogrammen der Parteien stehen. Es scheint, als wäre Ihnen völlig egal, was Sie vor der Wahl versprochen haben - mich enttäuscht so ein Umgang mit der Demokratie.
Dazu kommt, dass die Minister*innen Ihrer Partei die Abstimmung mit Falschinformationen über die Konsequenzen ihrer Zustimmung begründen. Beispielsweise werden Grenzverfahren als “schnelle und faire Asylverfahren” für Menschen mit geringen Asylchancen dargestellt, von denen beispielsweise Syrer*innen generell ausgeschlossen seien. Dass keiner dieser Punkte zutrifft, wird von Expert*innen aus der Migrationswissenschaft seit Monaten immer wieder beschrieben. Dadurch stellt sich die Frage, ob bewusst Falschinformationen verbreitet werden, oder ob der Regierung nicht bewusst war, worüber sie genau abgestimmt hat.
Die Bundesregierung und Teile der Opposition tragen nun also massive Asylrechtsverschärfungen mit, die das Leid und das Chaos in der Asylpolitik noch vergrößern. Populistische Thesen werden in Gesetzesform gegossen, ohne dass es eine seriöse Folgenabschätzung der Vorschläge gab. Eine verbindliche Verteilung in Europa oder der deutliche Ausbau von legalen Fluchtwegen wurde nicht erreicht. Eine juristische Folgenabschätzung gibt es noch immer nicht, obwohl die Verordnungen massiv in das deutsche Asylrecht eingreifen. Das scheint den Bundestag allerdings nicht sonderlich zu interessieren, denn bislang gibt es nicht einmal eine offizielle Stellungnahme durch den Bundestag. So entsteht der Eindruck, der Asylkurs der Ampel würde sich eher an populistischen Verirrungen orientieren, als an Fakten und Menschenrechten. Das ist eine beängstigende Basis für zukünftige Politik.
Daher möchte ich Ihnen als meine/n Vertreter/in im Bundestag einige Fragen stellen. Ich bitte Sie, mir auf diese Fragen möglichst schnell, gerne auch in einem persönlichen Gespräch in Ihrem Wahlkreisbüro zu antworten. Außerdem bitte ich Sie, sich für eine Stellungnahme nach Artikel 23 des Grundgesetzes einzusetzen. Diese Stellungnahme könnte vom Bundestag genutzt werden, um sich für die Umsetzung des Koalitionsvertrags einzusetzen, mindestens jedoch, um endlich eine Folgenabschätzung dieser umfassenden Asylrechtsreform zu erwirken und eine demokratische Debatte über diese umfangreiche Asylreform zu ermöglichen.
1. Zäune, Grenzverfahren, Lager- ist diese Politik nicht bereits gescheitert?
Zäune, Grenzverfahren, große Lager an den Grenzen und eine Verschärfung des Asylrechts: De facto wurden diese aktuell geforderten Maßnahmen bereits umgesetzt . Doch weder das Leid noch das Chaos oder die Zahl der Geflüchteten ist dadurch gesunken. Wieso gehen Sie davon aus, dass die immer gleichen Antworten irgendwann zu einem anderen Ergebnis führen?
2. Wollen Sie neue Massenlager wie Moria?
Auch die Anwendung von Grenzverfahren an den Außengrenzen hat zu Lagern wie Moria geführt. Parteiübergreifend war man sich einig, dass dieses Leid enden soll. Warum werden durch die Bundesregierung und Teile der Opposition nun auf europäischer Ebene eine massive Erweiterung dieser Politik der Massenhaftlager, Schnellverfahren und Zulässigkeitsprüfungen angestrebt, statt sich für rechtsstaatliche Verhältnisse und ein Ende der Pushbacks einzusetzen?
3. Unterstützen Sie die pauschale Verhaftung von Männern, Frauen und Kindern?
Menschen in Grenzverfahren dürfen in der Zeit des Verfahrens keinen Zutritt zum Territorium haben. Wie sollen verpflichtende Grenzverfahren also ohne systematische Inhaftierung von Männern, Frauen und Kindern durchgeführt werden? Warum wird in der Debatte nur von den Außengrenzen geredet? Ist Ihnen klar, dass die Verpflichtung zu Grenzverfahren auch für viele Geflüchtete in Deutschland gelten würde?
4. Wieso lügt die Bundesregierung und sagt, Menschen aus Syrien und Afghanistan wären von den Verschärfungen nicht betroffen?
Die Regierung behauptet, dass Menschen aus Syrien oder Afghanistan nicht von Grenzverfahren betroffen wären. Momentan sind sie jedoch die Hauptbetroffenen in Ländern wie Griechenland, weshalb ihre Asylanträge oft als unzulässig abgelehnt werden. Dieses Problem würde durch den Vorschlag der Bundesregierung zur Ausweitung des Konzeptes der “sicheren Drittstaaten" sogar noch vergrößert. Die Reform ermöglicht, einen Großteil der Asylanträge unabhängig von den Schutzquoten als unzulässig abzulehnen. Unterstützen Sie dieses Ziel? Warum kommuniziert die Regierung hier nicht ehrlich?
5. Wieso werden legale Fluchtwege immer weiter beschränkt statt ausgebaut?
Es ist unumstritten, dass die Schaffung legaler Fluchtmöglichkeiten dazu beiträgt, dass irreguläre Migration überflüssig wird. Doch seit mehreren Jahren sinken die Zahlen der legal aufgenommenen Geflüchteten in Deutschland und Europa - ob durch Resettlement oder andere Programme. Warum wird in Reden etwas versprochen, was in der Praxis nicht umgesetzt wird?
6. Wieso wird so getan, als seien Abschiebungen die Lösung für überlastete Kommunen, obwohl ein Großteil der Menschen einen Schutzstatus bekommt?
80% derjenigen, die seit Kriegsbeginn bei uns Schutz gefunden haben, kamen aus der Ukraine. Bei den übrigen Schutzsuchenden wurden nur 20% der Asylanträge aus inhaltlichen Gründen abgelehnt. Die allermeisten Menschen, die in Deutschland Schutz suchen, haben also auch ein Recht darauf, hier zu bleiben. Warum wird trotzdem so getan, als wenn die Herausforderungen in den Kommunen vor allem durch einen Mangel an Abschiebungen gelöst werden, statt eine massive Integrationsoffensive zu starten und für eine nachhaltige Finanzierung zu sorgen?
7. Wieso wird fast nur über die Nachteile von Migration gesprochen?
Jährlich fehlen mehrere hunderttausende Menschen, die nach Deutschland kommen und hier leben, arbeiten und sich eine Zukunft aufbauen. Für viele Menschen ist durch Bürokratie, rassistische Übergriffe oder mangelnde Unterstützung bei der Migration und Integration Deutschland kein attraktives Einwanderungsland.
Wie tragen Sie dazu bei, dass mehr über die Vorteile von Migration geredet, die Integration beschleunigt und der Spurwechsel, der im Koalitionsvertrag vereinbar wurde ermöglicht wird?
8. Wieso wird immer wieder so getan, als würden Zäune und Grenzkontrollen Asylanträge reduzieren?
Es wird viel darüber geredet, dass mehr Zäune an den Außengrenzen oder Kontrollen an der deutschen Grenze zur Reduzierung irregulärer Migration notwendig seien. Inzwischen gibt es jedoch bereits sechsmal so viele Zäune an den Außengrenzen wie 2014 und es werden zusätzliche Milliarden in Grenzkontrollen gesteckt. Doch auch ein Mensch, der an einem Zaun steht oder an der deutschen Grenze kontrolliert wird, hat das Recht auf ein rechtsstaatliches Asylverfahren. Warum wird in der Öffentlichkeit trotzdem so getan, als würden Zäune und Grenzkontrollen die Zahl der Asylanträge reduzieren?
9. Inwiefern sollen Investitionen in Zäune Solidarität darstellen?
Auf europäischer Ebene unterstützt die Bundesregierung den Ansatz der “flexiblen Solidarität”. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um eine verbindliche Verteilung von Geflüchteten auf die EU-Staaten, auch wenn die Bundesregierung das behauptet. Statt Menschen aufzunehmen, können Staaten ihren Beitrag zu diesem Mechanismus leisten, indem sie beispielsweise in Migrationsabwehrprojekte wie Zäune in Drittstaaten investieren. Warum setzt sich die Bundesregierung nicht für einen verbindlichen Verteilmechanismus ein oder sorgt zumindest dafür, dass diejenigen Staaten, die sich nicht an der Aufnahme beteiligen, Geld an die aufnehmenden Staaten bezahlen müssen?
10. Würden durch schlechtere Bedingungen an den Außengrenzen nicht sogar mehr Menschen nach Deutschland kommen, weil sie aus anderen EU-Staaten fliehen müssen?
Durch die deutsche Verhandlungsposition werden weitere Asylrechtsverschärfungen in Ländern wie Ungarn, Griechenland oder Kroatien ermöglicht. Neben den direkten Folgen, die das für Geflüchtete hat, tragen die schlechten Bedingungen an den Außengrenzen schon jetzt zu Sekundärmigration in Länder wie Deutschland bei. Warum setzt sich die Bundesregierung nicht wie im Koalitionsvertrag versprochen für bessere Standards ein, sondern ermöglicht EU-Staaten noch schlechtere Bedingungen, die dann zu noch mehr Flucht innerhalb der EU führen?
11. Warum tun Sie nichts gegen die Gewalt, Misshandlungen und Entrechtung an den EU-Grenzen?
Es gibt tausende Berichte von gewaltsamen Pushbacks, in einigen EU-Ländern wird die Menschenwürde von Geflüchteten so missachtet, dass deutsche Gerichte einen die Situation als menschenrechtswidrig bezeichnen. Warum wird seit Jahren das Asylrecht in Europa nicht durchgesetzt? Warum strebt Deutschland keine Vertragsverletzungsverfahren an, obwohl der Rechtsbruch so offensichtlich ist? Wie soll in Zukunft verhindert werden, dass die Gewalt gegen Geflüchtete weiter eskaliert?
12. Wieso fließen EU-Millionen an die libysche Küstenwache, aber kein Cent an die zivile Seenotrettung?
Immer wieder wird behauptet, zivile Seenotrettung würde Menschen dazu ermutigen, nach Europa zu fliehen. Mehrere Studien haben das längst widerlegt und deutlich gemacht, dass es ohne Seenotrettung nicht weniger Geflüchtete, sondern vor allem mehr Tote gibt. Seit 2014 sind mehr als 30.000 Menschen im Mittelmeer ertrunken, in diesem Jahr droht ein neuer Höchststand erreicht zu werden. Trotzdem wird Seenotrettung massiv behindert und kriminalisiert. Gelder fließen stattdessen in Millionenhöhe an die libysche Küstenwache, obwohl sie laut Vereinten Nationen in Menschenhandel, schwere Verbrechen wie Vergewaltigungen und sogar Schlepperei verstrickt ist. Finden Sie das tragbar? Und was tun Sie dafür, dass keine Verbrechen mehr bezahlt, sondern die zivile Seenotrettung unterstützt wird? Können Sie die Kritik an ziviler Seenotrettung nachvollziehen?
13. In welcher Welt wollen Sie leben?
Migration hat es immer gegeben und wird es immer geben. Auch mit Blick auf die Klimakrise und daraus resultierende Konflikte werden in Zukunft leider deutlich mehr Menschen gezwungen werden, ihr Zuhause zu verlassen. Ein Teil von ihnen wird auch nach Europa kommen. Finden Sie es wirklich erstrebenswert, all diese Menschen mit Zäunen und Haftlagern auszusperren und ihre Fluchtrouten immer tödlicher zu machen? Oder wollen Sie sich für ernsthafte Fluchtursachenbekämpfung und ein Migrationssystem einsetzen, dass nachhaltig funktionierende Lösungen schafft? In welcher Welt wollen Sie leben?
Ich freue mich auf Ihre schriftliche Antwort zu diesen Fragen. Bitte nennen Sie mir außerdem den nächstmöglichen Termin für eine Sprechstunde, damit wir persönlich über diese Fragen und eine Bundestagsstellungnahme Stellungnahme nach Artikel 23 Grundgesetz sprechen können.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
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constarlations · 7 months
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Champion Dawn 🌸❄️
Known as Sinnoh’s Ice Queen, Dawn is best known for her intimidating yet caring nature. She’s fierce and calculating, never leaving any room for error especially when it comes to battling. On her off days you can find her in the contest hall, a hobby she picked up from her mother, or in the Battle Frontier/Pokémon Lab to catch up with her best friends. It is said she was recently engaged to a certain johto boy (Ethan. It’s Ethan.) however they will not publicly revealed their plans for the wedding as of yet
Made a timeskip adult champion Dawn design a while back! It’s still my favorite of my timeskip series hehehe I hope you enjoy!
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We mention this couple times on blog before, but we nonverbal autistic system! Both be nonverbal autistic and be a system are things we feel affect our life lots, and wanted talk about couple ways how that is, at least out of the ones we can put into words decently!
We were going make this one post, but after how long it been taking and after realize just how big topic is, decided will probably make multiple posts talk about different parts of it! This part mostly about stress.
Be nonverbal, on its own, is big stress in life and led to many stress and trauma experiences. We not born nonverbal, for clarify, so cannot and will not speak for that experience. Our nonverbalness come from regression cause by autism catatonia. Can only speak for ourselves and what we experience.
Like say, there lot of stress that come with nonverbalness, for us. We dependent on AAC to communicate anything, and even then there many times when unable communicate even with AAC. Even when do communicate, our needs often ignored anyway. We been mistreated by others with nothing able do about it. We been rejected from lot of medical support due to unable accommodate nonverbality, and been hurt lot in medical settings because can’t communicate pain.
All that put lot of extra stress on system. We already dissociated lot before, but with add stress dissociation only got worse (which does not help with communication problems). In public, we always either target of negative attention or complete ignored, and both so hard to handle. It taken huge toll on system, but we try best to get through days.
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glazelilyy · 2 years
i'm sorry i haven't really been posting much/answering asks/interacting as much as i used to. things just have been kind of hard for me mentally and as much as i beat myself up over not being more consistent here, i also try to emphasize to myself that i do this as a hobby and that's been helping me :) eventually i'll get enough energy and mental wellness to be able to answer asks/interact/post more but until then i'm trying to take it day by day, thanks for all of your patience and i'm so glad to be able to create for and interact with all of you amazing, lovely people :) <3
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colie-nne · 1 year
pairing: daniel ricciardo x photographer!reader | instagram au
summary: some bantering with the one and only daniel ricciardo.
requested: yes | no
a/n: I was bored and I missed danny ric so here is something I did for a hot minute, sorry if it's a mess. requests are open
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liked by danielricciardo and 108,237 others
yourusername round 1: more unreleased DR3 pics like you guys requested
(tagged: mclaren, danielricciardo)
view all 492 comments
user The smile he gives y/n is breathtaking.
user more, please!!!🫶🏻
landonorris when will you release mine? i'm waiting
yourusername sorry, Lando. you'll have to wait in line landonorris Hey! wasn't I the one who gave you the idea danielricciardo but I'm her favourite.
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 452,887
danielricciardo round 2: capturing the photographer
view all 192,230 comments
user why is y/n on the floor😭😭😭
user not Daniel joining his girlfriend's photo trends
user i love this wag so much
user same user oh to be this kind of wag user same (2)
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 547,923 others
yourusername round 3: My Boys 🧡
(tagged: mclaren, danielricciardo and landonorris)
view all 318 comments
user my boys😭
user so is lando like their child or something?
user yeah, i think so user idk maybe more like an annoying little sibling landonorris .... user i'm sorry🥲
danielricciardo my love❤️
yourusername why are you dropping things like this out of nowhere 🫣 danielricciardo cause i can user y/n being shy when danny shows love is cute
user i love this thing that they're doing
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 643,052 others
danielricciardo round 4: capturing the photographer off-guard
view all 344,754 comments
yourusername why the pictures?
danielricciardo you look lovely in it yourusername even whilst i'm hibernating? danielricciardo always, even if you look like a caterpillar and wake up like a bear
user the transition from posting unreleased f1 photos to making the world feel single is huge
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liked by maxverstappen1, alex_albon and 163,994
yourusername round 5: payback?? (sorry for not posting mclaren pictures, the man had awakened the beast)
view all 4,238 comments
user this series went from unreleased McLaren pics to dumping their whole ass relationship on instagram.
landonorris put those grippers away, mate
danielricciardo never😍 yourusername the reason why I had to repost this, to be honest
user they're so goofy🤩
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 449,201 others
danielricciardo round 6: will end this on a good note (she's threatening to post ungodly pictures of me so I had to). still love you!!
(tagged: yourusername)
view all 254,892 comments
yourusername still?? kidding i love you too
user y/n reciprocating his love publicly, what a day danielricciardo aww my love yourusername ok, now...
user he's so boyfriend material
user when will i get my own dr3?
landonorris does this mean that daniel has rizz?
danielricciardo yes yourusername no and close your eyes, child alex_albon I will pretend I didn't see anything, mother landonorris I'm already blind so count that in
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liked by mclaren, landnorris, danielricciardo and 832,019 others
yourusername round 7: ending this chaotic exchange with the pictures i was supposed to post. Hope you love these, just like how much i love taking them.
(tagged: danielricciardo, landonorris, and mclaren)
view all 604,954 comments
user i love the unreleased pictures so much!!!
yourusername thank you!! will post once I've been granted permission again landonorris mate, you don't need to ask. Post them already yourusername do you want me to get fired? user lol
redbullracing Can we get you to take photos of the team?
danielricciardo no mclaren no landonorris no yourusername sorry, but no user y/n is where daniel is, you can never separate them.
user aaaa the headband pictures are to die for!!!
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satrs · 1 year
Can you write sensitive!sub!Hiori where reader rides him and he cries from pleasure >///< I love him sm (it's ok if you don't <3 take care!)
ᥲ/ᥒ ꜝꜝ ✎ ok so this is actually my first time writing dom!reader aaaa I hope you enjoy this drabble and have a nice dayyy ;33
Crying Beauty!
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FEATURING; sensitive!sub!hiori x dom!fem!reader
TAGS; NSFW CONTENT! MDNI!! overstim. Sub hiori. Dacryphilia. use of good boy (literally once).
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„Too much! It‘s too much I’m-„ Hiori was withering in pleasure, white painting his tear stained orbs as his mouth hung open.
The sight was almost angelic- the way his hair was out of place and the cute sounds you robbed out of him with every movement of your hips. You knew that he was sensitive and you knew that he wasn’t really a talker when it came to him being completely dumb over your cunt around him, but you just couldn’t help but tease him.
„You’re what? Use your big boy words, Yo.“
He wanted to, he really did! But he couldn’t form a single sentence because your needy cunt was milking him so good, his sensitive and throbbing tip hitting that spongey spot inside of you that caused him to mewl and claw his hands on your hips. „Please! I can‘t! S-so good, too good!“
A moan flew past your lips at your lovers state, his breathing rapidly increasing as you felt his sensitive cock twitch inside of you over and over again. „But you already came once, Yo. Don’t you think it’s a bit unfair towards me?“
He quickly shut up, whining while sniffing from his tears, wet lashes clinging to his eyelids as tears of pleasure blurred his vision. „ I’m sorry, so sorry“
You cooed at him, smiling down at his tear filled eyes, leaning forward to place kisses under his eyes, the salty taste of his tears causing you to increase your movements, needily grinding down onto him.
„Oh fuck!“ His loud voice was cut off as you went back to rocking your hips up and down, nails digging into your hips and leaving half moons behind as his legs began to shake. You took this as a sign to speed up your tantalizing movements, caputring his lips in a kiss too swallow his angelic moans.
"You're gonna cum, aren't you, Yo?" Your words made the blue haired nodd frantically, hips subconciously stuttering up into yours that drove soft moans out of you.
Soon you felt the familiar feeling of him inside of you, cry of your name leaving his lips as he pushed his head back heavily into the cushions, mouth hanging wide open as sobs and whimpers escaped his soft lips.
The sight of his tear stained face and the sound of his heavenly whines were enough to make you follow him into the wave of euphoria, biting your lip while some moans escaped your mouth, grinding down onto him as you rode out your orgasm.
As the both of you finally catched your breaths, Hiroi's sniffling soon turned into one loud sob as your hips began to move again.
"C'mon, just one more alright? Be a good boy for me, yeah?"
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ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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patoslover · 3 months
Sorry this is kinda long.... I would have liked to share this in the discord server, it's a more private way, but then the lockdown happened and I don't think I can wait any longer to show this.
Ok so.... Yesterday night, I got a bit emotional over my life and a little reflecting on what has happened the past month or so and how it affected me and all [10khaos, maggots discord sv, 15khaos, apocalypselockdown, among others] (as I always do, I'm such a soft-ass (I do hope that made up word doesn't mean anything flirty I'm trying to lowkey insult myself in here tyvm English)) And so as I always do when emotions hit, I wrote a poem-kinda-thing.
I showed it to @lxvenderjewel and @falling-raine and this happened
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And later @the-beard-of-edward-teach saw it and well....
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I made changes to it since I showed it to them, but it's for better, trust me.
(the poem is at the bottom of the post woo)
I think that's enough of a warning for y'all. But just in case, this made people cry, this poem, it's very very dear to me in levels I can't write I can't explain I can't put into poems all the feelings and stuff, but I hope this poem makes up for the most part.
Be careful. I love you.
Thank you @the-beard-of-edward-teach @arkytiorlecter @voids-ideas @orpiknight @cawdra @apollos-dodgeball-target @obsessed-sketches @zonzolik @dashoulinas-fandom-dump @eybefioro @queermarzipan @lxvenderjewel @ivory--raven @styx142 @myfranticscribbles @empressumbreon @frogs-go-ribbit @thearoacemess @goodomensduh @sounds-void-fishy @arkytiorlecter @random-doctor-on-the-internet @apophid-I-eat-everything @achilles-in-a-blanket-burrito @hello-ello-ello @harbinger-of-existential-dread @howmanyholesinswisscheese @an-ace-on-the-case @goblin-named-sam @1800ineedshelp @chaoticgenderflood @ivory--raven @aroaceblackhole @three-smiles-and-a-unicorn @coppicegate @zonzolik @falling-raine @dashoulinas-fandom-dump @koboldkatalyst @arkytiorlecter @friday-im-in-love-with-crowley @good-usernames-were-taken @weirdly-specific-but-ok THANK YOU THANK YOU ILY (oh wow that's a lot of ppl) (PLS PLS tell me if I forgot anyone there's so many of you, SORRY IF I TAGGED YOU TWICE AAA AND I'M SORRY IF YOU WERE TAGGED AND DUNNO WTF I AM I GOT LOST WITH THE TAGS AAAA AND SORRY IF I TAGGED U AND THE TAG DIDN'T WORK)
I love you all so so so so so so so much, you're so dear to me. Thank you. This is a gift for you.
Demons Out.
There's a hell outside,
Demonic screaming,
Trees, fall's leaving.
And I'm just here inside,
In my bubble.
Trapped inside me,
Trapped in myself.
There's demons out,
Asking to come.
But I won't let them,
I'm not alone.
Inside myself,
Inside my world,
I've got most people
Than all of your's.
They're worth more
Than any gold,
And they're far way,
More beautiful
Than any Sun,
Than any Star,
They are right here,
They are right now.
They're my comfort,
And some my loss,
But they're all lovely
Precious along.
They're the most
Beings to exist,
And so I'm afraid
That they'll all be missed.
Because I fear
One day they'll go,
That's why I start
To sing a song.
Please let us all
Become real friends,
Please let us all
Reunite again.
There's demons out,
Angels inside.
There's me in-between
Caring for (them) all
Please let us all
Reunite again.
There's demons out.
And I'm in pain,
But not too much,
We'll find a way.
There's demons out,
We are in pain.
But I will start
To sing again.
I care for each
And every of you,
So then I start
To sing a song.
Please let us all
Reunite again.
There's demons out.
We'll try again.
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i-ate-your-dog-srry · 2 months
Hello... i feel embarassed asking you this but like ur my idol and i wanted to ask how you were able to start ur tumblr account because i wanna share my art on tumblr too but idk how to start😭
Uwuajwjeje aaaa <3333 ok ok so here is some advice about bringing attention to your art! If you want it to get more traffic I would suggest fandom art! Characters! It's far more likely to be seen in the algorithm! Also, don't forget tagging the shi out of your first posts. I found that to be quite helpful! Also, establishing friends/mutuals who like your work it's not only nice but they tend to bring attention to your blog as well everyone loves having mutuals! Play around with your art style it tends to attract people too!! I can't wait to see what kinda things you post! I understand being a bit nervous or embarrassed. I struggled with HARDDD when I first found Tumbler! But remember not to focus on views too hard! It takes a lot of joy away from it! It doesn't matter however many views it gets as long as you enjoy it!
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Waaaaaa <3333 Thank you, sm fr it's weird that people like my art. I just can't wrap my head around it for some reason. I hope I can help you on ur silly adventure friend! Don't push yourself to hard! You're art will be beautiful no matter what!! <3 :3
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creepling · 9 months
hi! happy 1k <3 may i request a piece with johnny x single mom reader + the prompt “will you stay?” “of course, i’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.”? i thought it’d be interesting if reader was formerly captured by the sawyer family, while she was on vacation with friends, but johnny relented and decided to let her go because of how badly she begged for her life & at the time her baby was only 2 months old, which she told him. so johnny being johnny as well, he was able to track her down a month later — at first just to check up on her, but he decided he wanted to help her raise her kid & kind of switch up his life since the baby’s father is (willingly) out of the picture. also reader is a young mom (early 20s), around the same age that johnny is, he’s just a lil older. they’re still warming up to each other/developing their relationship but to the reader’s surprise, johnny’s really good with kids & has done a lot to help reader out to give her a break? AAAA THIS IS A LOT OF INFO IM SORRY but i hope it makes sense & that you have fun with making something out of this <333
AAAA ok no but i love this, idk it makes sense for the sawyers to spare a victim if they have a kid?? the whole "family" motto would get to them lol. i love all your info but i apologise if i've missed out on anything. i've made this drabble more like a time passing sort of thing so i could include everything.
tags: angst. single-mum!reader. reformed!johnny. kid is gn (use of they/it). descriptions of trauma. johnny feels a lot of guilt. mild blood ment.
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“Drop the god-damn knife, Johnny. She’s got a kid for crying out loud!” Drayton barked.
Johnny’s adrenaline shot through his body, tensing his muscles and trembling his hands. “Is that true?” He growled, eyes shot out at your petrified stare.
You pulled a Polaroid picture out of your pocket, your bloody hands staining the corners. You beheld it to Johnny, trying to steady your shakes. Johnny gazed at the picture, the newborn clouded in white, its eyes closed in a peaceful sleep.
“My baby . . . My baby. I need to go home to my baby,” You sob, begging on your knees, hysterics maddening all parts of your manner.
Johnny’s knife dropped to the floor, and he thought about every bad thing he had done. There was no coming back from this.
It had been a month of silence. A month of sleepless nights and looking over your shoulder. Breastfeeding became agonising. Your baby’s cries sent you into uncontrollable alertness. Your hair was brittle and your skin shallow, the stress shivering through your body like a ghost entering your soul.
The letters came around that time. Off-white envelopes with a few dollars in cash. All that was left was a note,
For the Baby, I’m sorry.
Meeting him again after the kidnapping was an anxiety-driven step, bouncing your baby on your lap as you waited in the diner booth. You convinced yourself you lost your mind, wanting to rekindle with your kidnapper. But you hadn’t heard from anyone since the birth; the baby daddy became non-existent. Your family refuse to return your calls. The only person willing to help you was Johnny.
He was silent across from you for a while. The only words he uttered were to order from the menu. He shovelled down an apple pie while you bottle-fed your child, lulling them to their afternoon nap.
“Why are you helping me?” You remember asking. Visioning Johnny’s deep gaze, his subtle glances at your first-born, a tinge of sadness glazing his eyes.
He said he owed you too much. Your baby deserved to grow up with a male figure in its life, and you deserved someone to protect you. The sight of your youthful features withering away from stress, the permanent damage he inflicted on you, ached your eyes and down-turned your smile. It kept him up at night thinking about you, struggling with the fussing cries and flashes of his brute force. He wanted to step up. He was ready for redemption.
He drove you back home, watching over his new companions with careful eyes. His arm outstretched as he turned the wheel, hoping not to disturb the baby’s slumber. The rascal woke up eventually, full of energy the minute you invited him inside. “Would you like to hold them?” You asked, unable to ignore his loving stares.
He felt like crying, holding something so precious. Knowing he nearly orphaned this child, ridding it of a beautiful mother. He swore to protect the kid, holding its gentle head and leaning it into his chest. His gentleness surprised you, the warmth filling your smile for the first time in months.
Johnny never left the house. He hadn’t seen his family in months and had no plans on returning. Your little one was proliferating, and Johnny got used to using his strength to pry the ankle biter from dangerous objects. He ditched the knives and retired into swinging the kid until they were out of breath from laughter. He stepped up, got a job, and brought money in to keep you secure.
He was a different man, and he changed you as a mother. He repented for his sins. He begged for forgiveness with every stare your way, with every gentle touch. You finally forgave him, praying that his presence is destined to be everlasting.
“Will you stay?” He held you in his arms as you choked up, clinging to his body. 
“I’m not plannin’ on leavin’ anytime soon.” Johnny kissed the top of your head, his arms around you. Your loving touch soothing the aching heart he’s adorned for decades.
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solarspan · 10 months
would it be alright if someone did a sort of style study on your stuff? (i just think your stuff is neat!) No is obviously a valid answer here :D also if you have any general art notes about how you do things, that'd be cool too. anyway just wanted to say your stuff is super good!
AAAA thank you so much!! ToT And that's so cool yes absolutely feel free!! I would love to see it if you'd be ok with tagging me in it <3 as for how i do things hmmm i really like textured lineart and adding grainy effects to my art! Also coloring lineart is something i really love, especially when it can add little pops of color (using my scar art as an example)
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I also draw eyes different in like every drawing just bc I like trying new things :> those are just a few things i can think of off the top of my head but i hope they're useful !!!!
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raid3r-r4bbit · 8 months
@fuzzydreamin thanks for the lol. ive been a little busy with life so sorry for the late response.
Favorite Color:
Green. Like Blindingly Neon almost yellow bile/acid toxic hazmat pukey green. Also black. I'm also a fan of earthy tones, warm greys and browns, rusty orangey reds, and i also unironically love that "some smoker lived here for 5+ years but i swear the walls are white" sepia color.
Last song:
Either Childish Flamingo or 1x1. I've been hopping in between really screamy and just goofy shit atm because i cant focus with anything else. 🤷 But (I also jsut got a new BMTH hoodie) BMTH's post human album has been feeding me. It's a really good (visual? no.) example of that like just angry and over it nihilist feeling and I just *MUNCH CRUNCH AAAA* like i feel like it could be just the tiniest bit angrier and louder but i think that's my headphones.
as for childish flamingo, its like that miseryxcpr thing imo. It's goofy and funny and it slaps. and it's so catchy. it's like right on the edge of aha funny and fuck you street and i love it. i hope any of that makes sense im sorry lol.
Last movie:
the Demon Slayer movie. I skipped all the way to the end to see the fight between Akaza and Rengoku because they're two of my favs ( in order from that show: Uzui (my mom calls yuzu (my cat) Uzui and its adorable) Akaza and Rengoku. I Found out the english dub is out (im way behind) and just needed to hear their english voice acting. all of it is amazing and Akaza's lil gigles during the fight make me incredibly happy. Guys who laugh/giggle mid combat? Ugh >\\x//<
Currently Watching:
Demon Slayer, Chainsaw man, Tokyo ghoul (im rewatching a bunch of animes) Steven universe. (i love all of these and full recommend them. I literally just yesterday(or the day before idk time is a blur) got a new funko pop, it's the half-kakuja kaneki and i love it.)
Other stuff i've watched this year:
Spy x Family, the Junji ito Collection, Yamishibai (if you like picture style art and horror this is great, its somewhat junji ito like, but shorter stories and ngl the zanbai ep scared me a bit) psychpass (some reccomended this to me cause im (obviously) a fan of darker more gruesome shows, and it is very dystopian, love the art work, but i just dont get it.) Given (if you havent watched this show please watch it its amazing) Yuri on ice, Banana Fish (also another fave)
(I work from home, and pretty much exist at my computer, and need to keep on music or tv to keep the bad thoughts out, so i have a lot of time and opportunity to watch stuff ok)
Shows I dropped this week:
Psycho pass. again, i just couldnt get into it. I know a lot of people seem to really like and it full seems like a show that would be up my alley. that first ep was kind of a lot though. I'm not ashamed to admit i love shows that are unafraid to show nudity and violence but the two together (ifykyk) make me uncomfortable. If this case had been a little further in the show i think it would have been fine, but it's litterally the first like ten minutes of the show. I also tried watching this a few week ago while at wasteland but we were pretty much just out the door.
Devil May Cry. I still love the games and the characters, and i remember loving the anime as a kid but its just... so different from the games lmao.
Currently Reading:
random internet stuff, fics and shit. I feel bad because i used to go to the library all the time but at the same time, i dont really have the room to store a whole bunch of books and despite being super dyslexic, i read insanely fast, so renting/buying books isnt worth it to me. (i've read entire full length series in the span of a day or two, while doing other stuff. I need longer, more conveniently packaged novels and that typically comes in the form of fanfiction. )
tagging: @snowmutant @ivanpahdrylakeracer @glaochormfitheach(idk if ur cool tagging you in this kinda stuff, if not just lmk i though it'd be fun :D) @the-soup-witch(im dragging you into tumblr culture whether you like it or not, welcome to tagging games)
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fyorina · 2 months
aaaa miss carina!! (i hope i used that right, is it alright?) i adore badlands! i always saw your posts come my way but iiii… was just very shy of interacting with you, but oh gosh, i adore your series! it’s like this perfect concoction and oh the writing and the characterization and the details! i’m so in love, it’s not a joke anymore.
umm, that’s all!! i just really, really love the way you write, it inspires me to jot down my ideas (and hope they’re coherent) while i read your works again!! hope you have a lovely day/night/afternoon!! will be going back to my shell now aaa this was so weird im so sorry-
hellooooooo miss lia!!! (it's perfectly alright! hehe i hope its ok i hit you back with it :D) PLSSS don't be shy!! i love talking to ppl, i am the biggest yapper in the world if u give me an opportunity to talk i will NOT shut up HAHAH
but THANK YOU im blushing n kicking my feet right now and it literally makes me so warm to hear that it's inspiring you to jot down your own ideas - if u ever decide to post them, definitely tag me!! (◕‿◕)♡ i hope you also have a lovely day!! and don't worry PLS this wasn't weird at all i thought it was so sweet, ur welcome here any time <3333
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
Hi Bee.
Tis me again, ya boy, Tech, and I wanted to say thank you for responding. It was really helpful and I appreciate the input and reassurance a lot. Don't worry about the late response, it was worth it and I get that you have a life lol.
(I don't mind my tag being "tech anon", I understand!)
I am doing ok besides General Life Shit™, thank you :3
With all of that stuff out of my head and off of my chest, I just wanted to talk about your writing a bit!
Honestly I just love it all sm??? Like I knew I liked your writing style from the Clinic series, but you're so talented at writing for so many genres and it's just beautiful. I really really like how you write fantasy, like the fae, mermaid, and vampire stories you have. They're so creative and the worldbuilding is incredible!
I want to read more of your longer fics, but I noticed that they don't have happy ending tags? Like "The World Forgetting by The World Forgot", "Looking Through A Glass Divine", and "The Stars and Their Children" are all missing an "angst with a happy ending" or "happy ending" tag.
Does this mean that they don't have happy endings, or are they just not tagged that way for whatever reason? I'd really like to know since I can't read long fics without happy endings cause they make me too depressed.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings. Please lmk if I get annoying or anything TvT
hey tech!! so glad my rambling was able to help you out a bit <3
aaaa this is so sweet thank you so much. while I love writing a lot of different genres, I really thrive with fantasy. it's my favorite genre to read so I suppose it makes sense why I'm drawn to it for writing as well. I just love exploring and fleshing out these worlds so different from our own
oh yeah I honestly just forgot about those tags hence why I stopped adding them to my longer fics. also because my endings got more complicated and felt like they couldn't exactly be classified as just happy or sad (or in the case of stars, I wasn't sure how happy the ending was going to be for most of the fic)
I will tell you though for stars it is a happy ending. through a glass divine I'd say is fairly happy though a tiny bit bittersweet. the world forgetting by the world forgot is probably my most controversial fic ending and the one I've gotten the most criticism over, although I wouldn't even think of it as a sad ending? I personally always thought of it as a hopeful ending, but a lot of people didn't like it so idk
take that as you will! if you want my personal recommendation, the stars and their children is definitely the one you should read if you want to read one of my long ones. not only is it the most solid happy ending out of the three, but I also think of it as the best fic I've ever written just overall. if you do read it I hope you enjoy!!
(and dw you're not annoying at all!)
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Hello!! I read your tags about captive beastmen with the Savanaclaw trio and omg I was thinking about something similar! Always visiting the zoo when you have time and they slowly but surely come to remember your presence and scent. Now they only ever seem to show themselves if they see your face amongst the others in the crowd of curious onlookers!! The only thing keeping you and them divided is that troublesome fence, but they’ll find ways around that. The hyena beastman is particularly sneaky and agile.
As for other beastmen, maybe Lilia as a vampire bat or some species of bat! He quickly becomes your favorite beastman to study because of how amusing he can be at times and you’re also becoming Lilia’s favorite little human.
Aaaa I hope it was okay to write to you!! orz I also really like the ideas of captive beastmen x human who studies them/visits them/cares for them/etc! :D
It takes quite a long time for anyone to understand what’s happening. First, Leona starts visibly listening to the crowd, ears twitching as his back faces them. Ruggie stops meandering around the fence to see what people have to feed him and starts going straight to certain sections. Jack starts coming out more, sitting in the grass, arms crossed with a seemingly forced flat expression.
Then Leona starts turning over during his naps, resting his head on his arm and looking out into the crowd. His tag flips back and forth in content sometimes…the zookeepers start to get suspicious.
So they start watching. Both the boys and the park entrance. The boys will perk up seemingly at random and there’s nothing suspicious at the front gate.
Leona notices the crowd start to disperse as the sky grew dark. The rain started to pour and a group of visitors ran past and he kept a lazy eye on them. One stopped, and the others only waited for a moment before telling them to meet them at the new exhibit. So that’s why the crowd had been smaller to begin with.
Leona stared at you through the rain, and as you stared back and continued to get more soaked, Ruggie rushed forward to the gate with a laugh. They can’t get to close but theres a way from guests to feed them. He sits and waits but you shake your head. He doesn’t understand, but that’s ok, you can give him his food next time.
Jack walks up slower, soon looking like a heavy drenched dog as he stares at you. He doesn’t know what to do, so he doesn’t do anything. Just stares. But his tail starts wagging when you smile. You give them each a wave when you hear thunder and run off to meet your friends, Jacks face feels warm and fuzzy, Ruggie waves enthusiastically with that sneaky smile, and Leona catches your eye for just a moment and huffs with a smile.
Security glanced at the savanahs camera for a few seconds, and saw the interaction. Zookeepers were anxious and desperate to get the three more socialized for guests to view, and so far, you’re the only thing they’ve taken interest in.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
hey, just wanted to say i adore your writing and ask if it would be ok if someone were to make a little comics based on something you wrote? hope you're having a good day! ✨
aaaa!! first off, thank you so much!! i try my best lsdkfjsd
secondly, yes!!! please do!!! and please tag me if you decided you wanna post it!!! i absolutely adore and encourage anyone who gets inspired to make a Thing based off/inspired by my Thing.
thank you!!!
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Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals
rules: answer the questions and tag some people. include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answer.
thank u very much to @yanwushi for tagging meeee 💚💚💚
What have been BLs that took you by surprise this year?
thousand autumns, 千秋!! my buddy talked me into watching the donghua, and i LOVED it!! really can't recommend it enough!! i even live-blogged it, that's how much fun i was having 🤣 genuinely it was SO GREAT, i really hope there'll be another season somedayyy aaaa 🥺
What have been BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
.......pls don't hate me. but. i don't really like mdzs or cql ;A; i WANTED to like it, u lot. I WANTED TO LOVE IT. i even bought the first volume of mdzs!!! I TRIED TO LOVE IT. but. alas. it just.....didn't suit 😔 cql and mdzs are both REALLY well done and there was so much LOVE put into them both!! i enjoyed reading and watching them, even if i didn't like the stories they told. in the end, i think it's just my own personal preferences that left me feeling cold afterward lol. so no hate to cql/mdzs fans!! ur fanart is gorgeous!! if i don't reblog it, it's just that i don't care for a lot of the characters or pairings lol 🤣
What has been your favorite BL this year?
heaven official's blessing, 天官赐福 !!!! i am OBSESSED. i am obsessed. word of honour, 山河令 is a close second!! but i really couldn't do without EITHER of them ;A;
Favorite BL/GL couples (not just of 2022)
fengqing!!!! fengqing are my fav but i love hualian too!!! ALSO RONGYE. rongye my beloved ;A; i love wenzhou and hanwenzhou (listennn i know that's THREE ppl but. i like them all ok. i just think they're neat 🥺) and i have recently been converted to yanshen!!! so we will probably be seeing more of that soonish-lyyyy...... >:3c
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
definitely word of honour, 山河令. it's got to be my favourite bl drama of ALL TIME ;A; i've watched it twice thru to the end, and a few random episodes just on their own several times as well. literally CANNOT recommend it enough. it's brilliant. nothing has ever made me feel the things that woh made me feel ;A;
What’s your non-BL favorite this year?
i was really enjoying 'who rules the world?' a lot!! ....then i stopped watching bc i thought they would be taking my sweet feng chang away from me ;A; BUT i have since been informed that it's worth watching the series thru to the end!!! so i intend to do so!! SOMEDAY!!! 💪😤
i shall tag a few ppl!! but there's no obligation to play if u don't feel like it, so please don't worry 😊 !!
@sugarbabywenkexing @rainsfalling @minnarr @orchisailsa @stargrit and and and ANYONE ELSE who wants to!!!!! join us, friends!!!! one of us, ONE OF US >:3
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