#hoshiko open
chiffiorra · 1 year
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╰┈➤ Let's Go into Overtime
➜ Synopsis: You, a broke college student, weren't satisfied with the hours that your job was giving you. Seeing that you needed another way to pay your tuition on time, you decided to look for some other options and found the best one.
➜ Pairings: Sugar daddy!Kento Nanami x fem!college student!reader
➜ This Fic Contains the Following: modern AU, sugar daddy and baby relationship, age gap (reader is in her early 20s, Nanami is in his late 20s), unprotected sex, minor alcohol usage but both parties are still aware of what they're doing, Nanami is a little soft here, possibly ooc Nanami, oc of mine is a friend of reader, a bit of unrequited love from reader's side
➜ WC: 1,352
➜ Note: for the sugar daddy collab by my bestie @sleepysnk! i haven't written for nanami in forever so i apologize for him seeming off (y'all know the obligatory from me by now lmao) ;w;. despite kinda struggling on this one a bit, i hope i did my hubby justice~
➜ Song as Inspiration: Overtime - Jessie Ware
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You felt your breath hitch as you felt him kiss and nip at your neck. Already feeling buzzed from the drinks you two shared earlier and this rush of excitement that you haven’t felt in forever, you couldn’t even remember the last time someone made you feel this way. The thought of it making your knees weak as he gently laid you down on the bed.
As for how and why this was happening, your mind began to wander back to the days leading up to this arrangement.
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‘Good start to my morning’, you thought sarcastically as you plopped down onto your couch, letting out a long sigh. 
When you checked the mail this morning, you thought it would be the typical mail you got almost everyday. What you found was a letter from the college you attended, and you didn’t think much of it… that was until you opened it and read what was inside. 
It was the last thing you could’ve imagined and also dreaded: your tuition bill. 
You gulped and began to sweat as you read the letter over and over, hoping that your eyes were playing tricks on you and that it was all in your head. But no, this was reality. And there was one problem: you didn’t have enough money to pay for said bill.
As you sank into the couch more, you dropped the letter and began rubbing your temples with your fingertips, as if you were feeling a headache about to happen. How the hell were you gonna pay this off? You used the majority of your savings to pay off utilities and to put food on the table. It wasn’t easy due to the fact that you lived alone but you managed. But with this bomb dropped on you, you felt that your time was starting to run out. 
You sighed again, unsure of how you were going to do this, you were already in debt as it is! And so, you called a friend of yours for advice, in which she agreed to come over. 
“Why not just get yourself a sugar daddy?” Your friend Hoshiko asked, giggling at the spit take you just did. You really wished you weren’t drinking at that moment as you began to cough, not expecting such a question.
“Are you serious?” You wheezed out, trying to breathe. Meanwhile Hoshi just giggled at the scene happening in front of her.
“Yeah! I know someone who has a sugar daddy and it worked out perfectly for her! I’m telling you, you should at least try it out and see how it goes!” She said, patting you on the back.
“I dunno, Hoshi… I feel like this is gonna be a bad idea,” you add, unsure about this. “What if it doesn’t work out?”
Hoshi pats you on the back, “Well, you can at least say that you tried, right?” She asked before playfully nudging you. 
With that final push, you decided to try out the dating app specifically catered to sugar daddies that she introduced to you. It took some time to find the right man, but it seemed so difficult at first. You just couldn’t see yourself dating whatever man the app would recommend you.
And that was when you met him. He was a salaryman who appeared to simply never dream of labor but was still looking for someone to spend his extra earnings on and take as a plus one to events that he was most likely dragged to. 
He was a serious, no nonsense man when you first met and yet he intrigued you like no other. He eventually let his guard down around you once he became more comfortable around you. 
The best part? He was better than the college jocks that you hooked up with in the past. You began to think that all you needed was an older man to take care of you. And take care of you he did indeed. He brought you everything you could ever desire, he helped you pay for your bills, he did anything for you… but not without a price of course.
For every time you needed his help, you would pay him back in full with pleasure. This was no issue for you, but every now and then you couldn’t help but feel a tad insecure. You would always get a nagging feeling in your head, that feeling being that you were starting to fall in love. And that aches you knowing that he would see you as nothing more than his sugar baby. But that still never stopped you from fantasizing about him officially being yours in your alone time. It was something you craved more than the finest jewels and designer clothing that he brought you. 
You felt yourself come back to reality after feeling his lips kiss at your neck. The kisses would soon turn to him licking and nipping at your neck, before those nips would turn to bites. You felt like you were in heaven.
“Is this okay?” You felt him whisper in your ear. You felt flustered at his care for you, always seeming to put your pleasure before his despite his being repayment for you needing his money.
Nevertheless you nodded, hearing him chuckle into your skin as he left one more love bite on you. Your breath then hitched, feeling his warm tongue along your neck. It made you relax under him, his body seeming to cover yours.
After spending time with you over the months, it was like he knew your body better than yourself. Maybe this should’ve scared you but at the same time it turned you on, this was much better than your previous hookups. So much better.
“It’ll be alright, don’t worry,” he reassured you, this not being his first time doing so during your private time together. Usually you wouldn’t start tearing up until you were overstimulated, but this was different. His touches, reassurances, and kisses made you think: what if he was more than just a sugar daddy? What if he was your boyfriend? Your fiance? Maybe even your husband? 
The thought of it made you tear up a bit.
Soon enough, you began to feel him thrust into you; deeply but gently. Your legs trembled, feeling him hit your sweet spot with barely any effort. He sure did seem to know your body better than yours. 
Your hands were already ready to move on their own, one tangling into his hair and the other lacing your fingers together with his. You never held hands with him before until now, but something about tonight seemed more intimate compared to your previous nights.
If Nanami was surprised, he didn’t express it as he leaned down to kiss you deeply, his pace picking up. The squelching sounds from the both of you sounded so obscene that you felt flustered. 
Not too long, his pace began to pick up, making you moan loudly. It was a good thing that there were no neighbors living nearby, otherwise you two would hear a complaint. Not that you and him would even bother to care. 
“Ken… I’m close,” you moaned out, your hips deciding to move on their own to gain your release. This made him chuckle.
“Go on, baby. Let go for me,” he said to you, before kissing you again.
The kiss was enough to have you cream for him all over his cock, making you let out a loud moan in the otherwise quiet room. A few thrusts later, you felt him finish inside you.
As he slowly pulled out and went to get you some towels and water, you began to think. Was it worth the risk to pursue a relationship with him? Despite how it all started? Did he have any feelings for you as you did for him?
When he came back to clean you up, you smiled to yourself when he wasn’t looking. Even if he didn’t return your feelings, this relationship you had now could at least be the next best thing.
You could live with that.
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doumadono · 3 days
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Warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!, original female character, non-con, bondage, forced orgasm, unprotected & rough p in v, mentions of alcohol abuse, breeding, name calling, creampie
Synopsis: Hoshiko is assigned to guard Shinjuro and help with his alcohol addiction, but he resists her efforts. One night, he decides to assert his dominance in the Rengoku mansion, proving that despite being a former Hashira, he remains a dangerous man
A/N: this original story was commissioned by my lovely @serenesaku on my Ko-fi page. Thank you once again for trusting me with your request ♥
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The night was thick with an oppressive silence, the kind that blankets the world just before a storm. 
Within the Rengoku estate, the air was stifling, filled with an unspoken tension that seeped into every corner. The household, once filled with laughter and the sounds of training, had succumbed to a heavy stillness, its vitality drained away by the despair that had taken root within its walls.
Shinjuro Rengoku, former Flame Hashira, sat slumped in his chair, a half-empty bottle of sake clutched in his hand. The room reeked of alcohol, a stark testament to his descent into self-destruction. His once fiery eyes were now clouded, the flame of his spirit dimmed by years of pure grief and regret. The loss of his wife, the pressures of his position, and the weight of his own failures had driven him to this sorry state. 
He took another swig from the bottle, the liquid burning down his throat, but it did little to numb the ache in his heart. 
The knock on the door was an unwelcome intrusion, cutting through the fog of his inebriation.
Shinjuro scowled, ignoring it at first, hoping whoever it was would take the hint and leave him in peace.
But the knocking persisted, growing more insistent. With a growl of frustration, he heaved himself out of the chair and staggered to the door, sliding it open with more force than necessary. He squinted at the figure standing before him, his vision swimming.
A woman stood there, with long, silver hair cascading down her back. She wore a dark, form-fitting uniform, a white cloak draped over her shoulders, and her hand rested on the hilt of a katana at her side. Her eyes, cold and piercing, met his with an intensity that cut through the haze of his drunkenness.
"What do you want?" Shinjuro barked, his voice slurred and rough. "Can't you see I'm busy, woman?”
The woman did not flinch. "Shinjuro Rengoku, I am Hoshiko. I have been assigned to ensure your protection and to assist you."
Shinjuro's eyes widened in disbelief, then narrowed in anger. "Assigned? By whom?" he demanded, his grip tightening on the bottle. "And why would I need protection? I am no longer a Hashira. I am nothing."
Hoshiko's expression remained impassive. "Regardless of your current status, the higher-ups have deemed it necessary. Your life is still valuable, and there are those who would seek to exploit your weakness."
"Weakness?" Shinjuro roared, his face flushing with a mixture of rage and humiliation. "You dare speak to me of weakness? You know nothing of what I have endured, what I have lost."
Hoshiko's gaze did not waver. "Perhaps not. But I do know that drowning in sake will not bring back what you have lost, nor will it protect those who still depend on you."
Shinjuro's breath came in ragged gasps, his fury battling with a deep, gnawing despair. He wanted to lash out, to drive her away, but something in her unyielding demeanor held him back. "Why a woman?" he spat finally. "Do they think I am so far gone that I need a babysitter?"
Hoshiko's gaze hardened. "I am not here to coddle you, Rengoku-sama. I am here to fulfill my duty. Whether you accept my presence or not is irrelevant."
Shinjuro staggered back, the room spinning around him. He slumped into his chair, clutching the bottle like a lifeline. "Fine," he muttered, his voice heavy with defeat. "Stay if you must. But do not expect me to be grateful."
Hoshiko inclined her head slightly, a gesture of acknowledgment. "I expect nothing from you," she replied. "My duty is clear, and I will see it through."
Hoshiko stepped across the threshold of the Rengoku mansion, her boots making a soft thud against the wooden floor. 
The air inside was thick and stagnant, a stark contrast to the crisp night outside. Her keen eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the scene of disarray that greeted her. 
The grandeur of the mansion’s past was still visible beneath the layers of neglect, but it was a faint echo of what once had been.
Empty bottles were strewn about the floor, some still upright but many toppled, their contents long since evaporated or soaked into the wood. The acrid scent of stale alcohol clung to the air, mingling with the musty odor of dust and decay. Shards of broken glass glinted menacingly in the dim light, a silent testimony to the fits of rage and despair that had evidently taken place here.
Furniture was upturned, cushions and blankets tossed carelessly, creating an obstacle course of clutter and chaos. Papers and scrolls lay scattered, their edges curling with age and neglect. The remnants of what might have been meals were abandoned on tables, now a haven for flies. The once meticulously kept home of the Rengoku family was now a desolate, almost sleazy, space.
Hoshiko's gaze flicked over to Shinjuro, who had collapsed back into his chair, the half-empty bottle of sake still clutched tightly in his hand. His eyes, bloodshot and bleary, barely registered her presence as he took another swig, the liquid dribbling down his chin. His appearance mirrored the state of his surroundings — disheveled, broken, and completely lost.
She took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to comment on the squalor. There was no point in voicing her thoughts; the evidence of his downfall was all around them, and Shinjuro was undoubtedly aware of it. Instead, she steeled herself, allowing her eyes to convey her disapproval as she surveyed the room with a calm, detached air.
Moving deliberately, Hoshiko stepped over a pile of discarded clothing and made her way deeper into the mansion. She would need to clear a path, at the very least, to ensure there were no hazards for her charge — or herself. The sooner she could bring some semblance of order to this chaos, the better.
As she began to right some of the upturned furniture, Hoshiko cast another glance at Shinjuro. 
He seemed oblivious to her efforts, lost in his own world of misery and self-pity. 
She would not pity him, she decided. Pity was useless. What he needed was someone strong enough to drag him out of the abyss he had fallen into, someone who would not coddle or enable his self-destruction.
"Stay out of my way," Shinjuro muttered, his voice slurred, though the anger in it was unmistakable as he repeated himself yet again. "I don’t need your help."
Hoshiko paused, straightening a chair with a measured calm. She met his gaze, her eyes unwavering. "Whether you think you need it or not is irrelevant," she replied evenly. "I distinctly remember saying I am here to fulfill my duty."
Shinjuro scoffed, turning his head away, but not before Hoshiko caught a glimpse of the torment that flickered in his eyes. She continued her work, silently vowing to herself that she would not be swayed by his resistance. There was too much at stake to allow his pride and despair to thwart her mission.
As the night wore on, Hoshiko methodically cleared away the detritus, creating a semblance of order amidst the chaos. She worked silently, her movements efficient and precise. 
As she cleaned, Shinjuro watched her from his chair, a strange mix of emotions churning within him. Resentment, shame, and something else – a glimmer of hope, buried deep beneath the layers of his self-imposed misery. His gaze occasionally lingered on her with a flicker of curiosity as well.
The mansion, though still far from its former glory, began to look less like a ruin and more like a home in desperate need of care. 
Hoshiko knew that the physical mess was only a symptom of a deeper rot, one that would take far more effort to cleanse. But it was a start, and in this grim, forsaken place, even the smallest step towards order felt like a victory.
As dawn approached, Hoshiko finally paused, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. She looked around, assessing her progress. It was far from perfect, but it was better. 
She glanced at Shinjuro, who had fallen into a restless sleep, the bottle finally slipping from his grasp. 
For the first time since she had entered the mansion, Hoshiko allowed herself a moment of hope. The path ahead would be long and arduous, but she was determined to see it through. 
Shinjuro Rengoku might have been a broken man, but within him still burned the embers of the warrior he once was. And she would not rest until those embers were rekindled into a roaring flame.
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The days that followed were a grueling test of endurance, both for Hoshiko and for Shinjuro. 
He made no effort to hide his contempt, his behavior a mix of belligerence and self-pity. 
Yet, Hoshiko remained steadfast, her presence a constant, unyielding force in the household. She shadowed him with a quiet resolve, ensuring he ate, rested, and did not completely succumb to his vices.
Each morning, Shinjuro would awaken to find Hoshiko already up and about, methodically cleaning the mansion and preparing a simple breakfast. He would scowl at the sight of her, muttering under his breath about her intrusion. "You don't need to do this," he'd snap, pushing the bowl of rice away. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."
Hoshiko would simply raise an eyebrow, her expression remaining impassive. "Clearly," she'd reply dryly, her tone never wavering. "And yet, here we are."
One particularly rough morning, Shinjuro stumbled into the dining room, his eyes bloodshot and his movements unsteady. The previous night had been a haze of sake and bitter memories, and now, the light of day was a harsh and unforgiving reminder of his failures. He saw Hoshiko setting the table and felt a surge of irrational anger. "Why are you still here?" he growled, his voice rough and strained. "I told you I don't need your help, woman!"
Hoshiko paused, her eyes meeting his with that same unwavering intensity. "And I told you I am not here for your approval," she said calmly. "I am here to ensure your well-being, whether you like it or not, Rengoku-sama."
Shinjuro's hands clenched into fists, his body trembling with rage. He wanted to throw something, to break the suffocating calm that she exuded. Instead, he swiped the bowl off the table, sending it crashing to the floor. "Damn you, woman!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the empty halls. "Do you think you're better than me? That you can just waltz in here and fix everything?! Get out of my fucking kitchen! I don't need your damn pity," he snarled, his voice slurring as he swayed on unsteady feet.
Hoshiko did not flinch. She bent down, picking up the shattered pieces with a steady hand. "No," she said quietly. "I do not think I am better than you. I am not here out of pity as well. I do think, however, that you can be better than this."
Her words hung in the air, a quiet challenge that cut through his fury. 
Shinjuro turned away, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He wanted to lash out, to drive her away, but deep down, he knew she was right. The fight left him as quickly as it had come, leaving behind a hollow ache.
There were other moments, too, where Shinjuro's brash behavior tested Hoshiko's patience. 
One evening, after a particularly heavy bout of drinking, the former Hashira confronted her in the courtyard. 
Despite the bleak circumstances, Hoshiko's discipline never wavered. She trained in the courtyard, her movements precise and deadly, a silent reminder of the strength she possessed.  She was practicing her forms, the fluidity and grace of her movements a stark contrast to his stumbling gait.
"Why do you bother?" he slurred, leaning heavily against the wall. "Why waste your time on a broken man?"
Hoshiko did not pause in her practice, her katana slicing through the air with deadly precision. "Because you are not broken," she replied evenly. "You are wounded, yes. But wounds can heal."
Shinjuro laughed bitterly, the sound harsh and grating. "You speak as if you know what it's like," he sneered. "But you don't. You have no idea what I've been through."
Hoshiko finally stopped, lowering her katana. She turned to face him, her dark blue eyes cold and unyielding. "You are right," she said softly. "I do not know your pain. But I do know that wallowing in it will not bring you peace."
Shinjuro stared at her, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "And what would you know of peace?" he asked, his voice tinged with vexation.
Hoshiko's gaze did not falter. "I know that it is not found at the bottom of a bottle," she stated simply. "And I know that you will never find it if you do not at least try."
Without warning, he lunged at her, his movements fueled by rage and desperation. Even in his drunken state, his speed and strength were formidable, remnants of the Hashira he once was. His hand shot out, aiming to grab her by the collar and throw her off balance.
Hoshiko reacted instinctively, her training kicking in. She sidestepped his initial attack, her body moving with a fluid grace that belied the tension of the moment. 
But Shinjuro was relentless, his fury driving him to press the assault. He swung wildly, a powerful backhand that she narrowly avoided by ducking low and rolling to the side.
"You think you're better than me?!" he roared, his voice a guttural snarl. "You think you can save me?! No one fucking can!"
Hoshiko's response was calm, almost maddeningly so. "I think you are worth saving."
Her words only seemed to enrage him further. With a roar, he charged at her, using his full weight to try and overpower her. 
Hoshiko danced out of reach, her movements precise and measured, but even she couldn't avoid him forever. 
Shinjuro managed to catch her off guard, grabbing her wrist and twisting it painfully, forcing her to the ground.
Pinned beneath him, Hoshiko looked up into his wild, tormented eyes. She could feel the strength in his grip, the raw power that still resided in him despite his years of self-destruction. But she did not flinch. Instead, she allowed herself a small, knowing smile.
Shinjuro's eyes widened in confusion and anger as he felt a cold, sharp pressure against his side. Glancing down, he saw the tip of Hoshiko's katana pressed against his ribs, the blade angled perfectly to pierce him if she so chose.
"Even in your current state," she said softly, her voice steady despite the intensity of the situation, "you are still a force to be reckoned with. But strength without control is meaningless, and you of all people should know that."
He stared at her, breathing heavily, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had her pinned, yet she had him at her mercy. The realization of his predicament, the futility of his rage, hit him like a physical blow. Slowly, the fire in his eyes began to dim, replaced by a flicker of something else — shame, perhaps, or recognition. “Why?" he rasped, his voice cracking. "Why do you care?"
Hoshiko's smile softened, but her grip on the katana did not waver. "Because, Rengoku Shinjuro, you are not beyond redemption. You still have a purpose. You just need to find it again."
For a moment, the courtyard was silent except for the sound of their breathing. Shinjuro's grip on her wrist loosened, and he pulled back, his shoulders slumping as the fight drained out of him. He stumbled to his feet, looking more defeated than ever.
Hoshiko rose gracefully, sheathing her katana with a fluid motion. She stepped closer, her expression a mixture of determination and empathy. "Let me help you, Shinjuro," she said softly. "You do not have to do this alone."
He looked at her, his eyes haunted and filled with a deep, abiding pain. "I don't know how," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper.
"You don't have to know how," Hoshiko replied. "You just have to be willing to try."
Shinjuro's gaze dropped to the ground, his shoulders trembling. The journey ahead was daunting, and the shadows of his past loomed large. But for the first time in a long while, he felt a tiny spark of hope — a fragile, flickering flame that Hoshiko had ignited within him.
He nodded slowly, the smallest of gestures, but it was enough. 
Hoshiko inclined her head, a silent acknowledgment of his first step towards healing. 
The days dragged on, a relentless cycle of anger, despair, and fleeting moments of clarity. 
Hoshiko remained a steady presence, her resolve unbroken by Shinjuro's brash behavior. 
Slowly, painfully, he began to see glimpses of the man he once was, buried beneath the rubble of his grief.
It was a long, arduous journey, fraught with setbacks and moments of darkness. But with each passing day, Hoshiko's unwavering dedication began to chip away at the walls Shinjuro had built around himself. 
And though he would never admit it, even to himself, a part of him began to hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of the shadows.
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Weeks after Hoshiko first arrived at the Rengoku mansion, the atmosphere had begun to change. 
The once pervading scent of stale alcohol had lessened, and the mansion, though still showing signs of neglect, had started to regain a semblance of order. 
Shinjuro had seemingly limited his drinking, his temper had cooled, and there were even days when he participated in the training sessions with a renewed, albeit tentative, vigor.
That evening, Hoshiko decided to prepare a simple yet thoughtful dinner. She hoped it would be an opportunity to foster a more constructive conversation with Shinjuro, to delve deeper into the pain that had driven him to such depths of despair. She spent the afternoon in the kitchen, her movements purposeful and serene as she prepared the meal. The aroma of simmering miso soup, grilled fish, and freshly steamed rice filled the air, a comforting contrast to the mansion’s usual gloom.
As the sun set, casting a warm, golden light through the windows, Hoshiko set the table. She arranged the dishes with care, creating an inviting space that spoke of normalcy and hope. She called for Shinjuro, who had been in his study, a room that had seen more use in recent days as he slowly reconnected with his old scrolls and writings.
Shinjuro appeared in the doorway, his face a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "What’s this?" he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.
"A meal," Hoshiko replied, her tone gentle. "I thought we could enjoy it together."
He hesitated, his eyes scanning the table, then nodded slowly. "Alright."
They sat down, and for a while, they ate in silence. 
Hoshiko had learned not to push too hard, to let the conversation flow naturally. She watched Shinjuro as he ate, noting the way he seemed more present, more engaged with the simple act of sharing a meal. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
As they finished their meal, Shinjuro set down his chopsticks and looked at Hoshiko. "Thank you," he said quietly. "For this."
She smiled, a rare and genuine expression that softened her usually stoic features. "You’re welcome."
He paused, then asked, almost hesitantly, "Would you share a cup of sake with me?"
The request caught her off guard. She felt a surge of anger, a sharp reminder of the battles they had fought against his addiction. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw no defiance, only a tentative plea for companionship. Hoshiko took a deep breath, reigning in her initial impulse to snap. "One drink," she said, her voice firm but not unkind. "Just one."
Shinjuro nodded, a flicker of relief crossing his face. He fetched a small bottle of sake and two cups, pouring the clear liquid with a steady hand. 
They raised their cups, and for a moment, they simply sat in silence, the sake warming their throats and loosening their tongues.
"To small victories," Shinjuro said, raising his cup.
"To small victories," Hoshiko echoed, clinking her cup against his.
One drink turned into another, and then another. 
The conversation flowed more freely with each cup, their words mingling with the night air. 
Shinjuro opened up and spoke of his past, of his lost wife and the burden of living up to the Rengoku name. He spoke of his failures, his grief, and the crushing weight of expectations that had driven him to the brink.
Hoshiko listened, her heart aching for the broken man before her. She shared pieces of her own story, fragments of a life dedicated to duty and honor, and the sacrifices she had made along the way. 
It was the most honest and open conversation they had ever had, a raw and unfiltered exchange that brought them closer than they had ever been.
But as the night wore on, the sake dulled their senses, and the constructive conversation they had hoped for began to slip away. 
Shinjuro’s words grew slurred, his movements less coordinated. 
Hoshiko felt a familiar sense of dread creeping in, knowing they had crossed a line. “We should stop,” she said, her voice laced with concern.
Shinjuro shook his head, his eyes bleary but determined. “Just one more,” he mumbled, pouring another cup for each of them.
Hoshiko hesitated, but the momentary bond they had forged made it difficult to refuse. She took the cup, her resolve weakening. 
They drank, the sake blurring the edges of their conversation, turning it into a hazy recollection of shared sorrows and fleeting laughter.
By the time the bottle was empty, Shinjuro was slumped in his chair, his head resting on the table. 
Hoshiko felt a wave of disappointment and regret wash over her. She had allowed herself to hope, to believe that this night might mark a turning point. Instead, it had become another reminder of the long, arduous journey ahead. She rose from her seat, her steps unsteady. Carefully, she lifted Shinjuro, guiding him to his room. 
He mumbled incoherently, his body heavy and uncooperative. 
As Hoshiko guided Shinjuro to his room, she felt the alcohol beginning to exert a stronger influence over her senses. Each step grew increasingly difficult to control, the hallways of the mansion seeming to blur and shift around her. She watched Shinjuro collapse onto his bed, his breathing already deepening into the heavy rhythm of sleep. For a moment, she stood there, gripping the doorframe, trying to steady herself. "Rest well, Shinjuro," she murmured, her voice sounding distant even to her own ears. With a final glance to ensure he was settled, she turned and began the long, unsteady journey back to her own chambers.
The corridors seemed to stretch endlessly, the walls closing in and then expanding again in an unsettling dance. Hoshiko's steps were slow and deliberate, each one requiring a concerted effort to maintain balance. She had consumed alcohol before, even in significant amounts, but never had she felt its effects so profoundly. Her mind buzzed with confusion and a growing sense of unease.
By the time she reached her room, her vision was swimming, the edges of her sight tinged with a strange, almost dreamlike quality. She pushed the door open and stumbled inside, the room spinning around her. Her usually sharp, disciplined mind felt clouded, detached. It was as if she were merely an observer within her own body, watching herself move without truly controlling her actions.
She didn't remember crossing the room to her futon, but suddenly she was there, her fingers fumbling clumsily with the ties of her kimono. The fabric felt heavy and uncooperative, slipping through her hands as she tried to undress. Her normally precise movements were slow and uncoordinated, each task requiring an immense amount of concentration.
Hoshiko's vision blurred further, the room tilting wildly as she finally managed to shed her clothes. She couldn't recall how she had done it, only that one moment she was struggling with the ties, and the next she was lying on her futon, her body bare and exposed to the cool night air if not counting her cotton lingerie.
She felt herself drifting, the futon's soft surface barely registering through the haze that enveloped her. Her mind swam with fragments of thoughts and images, none of them clear or coherent. 
The events of the evening played back in disjointed flashes, her conversation with Shinjuro, the shared drink, the vulnerable look in his eyes.
Hoshiko's eyelids grew heavier, her vision darkening as she lay there. A vague sense of alarm flickered at the edge of her consciousness, but she was too far gone to grasp it fully. The room continued to spin, her body feeling both impossibly heavy and weightless at the same time.
As she finally succumbed to the pull of unconsciousness, a single, disjointed thought lingered in her mind: something was wrong. But the thought slipped away as darkness claimed her, leaving her in a deep, dreamless sleep.
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The first thing Hoshiko noticed as consciousness clawed its way back to her was the darkness. 
The room was shrouded in the oppressive blackness of midnight, broken only by the faintest sliver of moonlight filtering through the shoji screen. The second thing was the rough texture of the futon beneath her, and the biting sensation of silken cords digging into her wrists and ankles. She was naked, her body splayed out and completely vulnerable.
Panic surged through her like ice water, her heart pounding violently against her ribcage. She tugged against the restraints, but they held fast, cruelly binding her to the futon beneath her. Every frantic movement only served to chafe her skin, the silken bonds cutting deeper into her flesh.
Her mind raced, piecing together fragments of memory. The sake. Shinjuro. The room spinning before everything went black. She had been assigned to watch over him, to ensure he didn’t spiral further into his drunken stupor. But now, it was she who was helpless.
As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she scanned the room for any sign of explanation. Her own quarters, normally a sanctuary of solitude, now felt like a prison. Her clothes were in tatters on the floor, the remnants of her once pristine uniform scattered like the fragments of her dignity.
A shadow loomed above her, and Hoshiko's eyes were drawn upward, her breath catching in her throat. 
Shinjuro Rengoku stood over her, his towering form bathed in the faint glow of the moonlight. The upper part of his attire was gone, revealing a muscular chest marked with the scars of countless battles. His broad shoulders and powerful arms exuded strength, yet it was the look in his eyes that sent a chill down her spine.
"Shinjuro," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of fury and fear. "What are you doing?"
"Well, look who’s awake," he drawled, his voice thick with mockery. "The mighty Hoshiko, brought down to this. How the mighty have fallen."
"Shinjuro, please," she pleaded, trying to keep her voice steady. "This isn't you. You're better than this." 
His eyes darkened, a predatory gleam in their depths. He knelt down, bringing his face close to hers, the heat of his alcohol-stained breath ghosting over her skin. "You think you know me, Hoshiko? You think you understand what I'm capable of?"
"Shinjuro, let me go!" she demanded, her voice a mix of anger and fear.
His hands roamed over her naked body, rough and possessive. 
She shivered, a mixture of rage and helplessness flooding her senses. "You won't get away with this," she hissed, her voice breaking.
"And who's going to stop me?" he taunted, his grip tightening. "You? You're tied up like a helpless little bitch you are."
Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes as he continued his assault, her body betraying her as it responded to his touch. "Shinjuro, please..."
"Begging already?" he sneered. "How pathetic."
She turned her head away, unable to bear the sight of his face so close to hers.
His hand moved roughly to her face, gripping her jaw and forcing her to meet his gaze. "Look at you, the mighty Hashira, all tied up and naked like the helpless bitch you are."
He shifted his weight, straddling her as his hands roamed over her body. His fingers trailed over the tantalizing curves of her breasts, squeezing and fondling them with a cruel possessiveness. "So soft," he muttered, his voice thick with desire.
"Stop it," she gasped, trying to twist away from his touch. 
Her protest was met with a sharp slap across her cheek, the force of it snapping her head to the side. "Shut up," he growled. "You're mine now. You'll do as I say."
Tears of frustration and fear welled up in her eyes as he continued his assault. "Rengoku-sama, please..."
Another slap, harder this time, made her vision blur. "I said shut up. You don’t get to speak unless I say so."
His hands moved to her other breast, kneading the flesh roughly, his thumbs brushing over her nipples. 
The sensation sent unwanted shivers through her body, each touch a bitter reminder of her helplessness. She sobbed, her body trembling beneath him. "Please, Shinjuro, stop..."
But he didn't stop. He continued to toy with her, his hands roaming and exploring, leaving bruises and marks on her skin. Each slap silenced her cries, reducing her to a state of broken compliance. He took his time, savoring every moment of her humiliation. His hands roamed over her body, lingering obscenely on her breasts before trailing down to her thighs. He spread her legs roughly, his fingers digging into her flesh. "You think you can just walk into my life and order me around?" he sneered. "You think you're better than me?"
She tensed, her body trembling with revulsion. “You’re disgusting. Stop it!”
"You don't get to tell me what to do," he growled, his fingers parting her folds. "You're mine to use as I see fit."
He drew away a bit, teasing only the outside of her opening until he managed to lull her into a false sense of safety. As soon as she relaxed, he pushed his thick digit into her, not leaving her muscles any other choice than to yield and allow him entrance. He growled, "Fuck, how are you so tight, little Hashira?"
Her body tensed at the unwelcome intrusion, and a tear streamed down her flushed cheek. She bit her lip, trying to stifle a cry of pain and humiliation. "Please," she whispered again, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Stop."
"Not a chance," he murmured, adding another finger and curling them inside her, trying to find the sweetest spot of hers. "You're going to take everything I give you."
He moved his fingers with a cruel, practiced precision, in and out of her tight hole, while his thumb brushed against her sensitive nub. 
To Hishiko’s horror, his increasingly demanding strokes on her clit made her body react and to her embarrassment, an unwelcome heat started spreading in her belly. A while later, the woman felt a trickle of wetness between her legs and her cheeks burnt in embarrassment while she whimpered softly in denial. She squeezed her eyes shut. The unwanted pleasure mixed with the pain, sending conflicting signals through her body. She hated herself for the way her body responded, the way it betrayed her.
He stopped rubbing her clit, and her closed eyes popped open. 
Shinjuro was staring at her slick pussy with a hungry look in his eyes. "You are so beautiful like this, so exquisite" he claimed almost reverently. "I need to taste you now, so be a good girl and lay still for me," he chuckled darkly, as if she had any other choice.
Shinjuro then slowly lowered his mouth, all while holding her gaze. 
Hoshiko started protesting, but her protests were cut off with a gasp as he sucked her clit into his mouth. An involuntary moan made its way out, but she was too shocked to feel embarrassed. 
His hands stroked her thighs while his mouth attacked her core.
Hoshiko squealed quickly as she felt him release her clit and start petting her lower tummy soothingly while the other finger continued to slowly stroke in and out of her pussy, making her tremble. 
He then continued his ministrations on her clit while slowly pushing another finger into her while sucking her bundle of nerves into his mouth. 
She groaned and ground her teeth together as the slight burn made her pussy tense up. The stretch was harsh; he really had big hands, and she desperately tried to move her pelvis from side to side as if she could escape him. 
Shinjuro just chuckled and continued to pump in and out of her pussy while licking and suckling on her clit. 
Her inner muscles slowly started relaxing, and the burn turned into a firm pressure. She felt an orgasm building and was oh so desperate not to come. Hoshiko started protesting and begging him to stop yet again, but he just continued while humming softly with his mouth attached to her clit, the vibration adding to the torture. 
The next thing she knew, an unexpected orgasm slammed into her without her permission, and she was left spasming around his thick fingers.
He continued to stroke her velvety walls and tease her clit, drawing out the intense waves of pleasure. As the climax gradually subsided, he stilled his movements and gently withdrew his fingers from her pussy. 
She groaned at the relief from the overwhelming pressure, her entire body going slack as she tried to recover.
"So fucking beautiful, doll. Absolutely perfect, and all mine," Shinjuro murmured, his voice thick with lust. As he spoke, his other hand moved to stroke the bulge in his hakama pants, the fabric straining against his hardening dick. "I wonder, if feeling you come all over my fingers makes me feel like this, how would it feel having your pussy strangling my cock while you come all over it?"
He brought his fingers, slick with her juices, to his mouth and slipped them in, tasting her. His eyes never left hers, a dark satisfaction gleaming in their depths as he savored her essence. "Delicious," he growled, the word dripping with possessive hunger.
Rengoku’s words sank in, and she whimpered, a cold dread seeping into her bones. Her gaze drifted downward, her eyes slowly lowering to his pants, and she let out a gasp. He was clearly aroused, and the sight of the obscene bulge straining against his hakama sent a wave of terror through her. Tears trickled down her cheeks as the horrifying realization set in — he was going to take her, and by the looks of it, it was going to hurt. The anticipation of the impending violation made her shudder, her body trembling with a mix of fear and helplessness. “Leave me alone…” she begged.
He got off the futon and began undressing, peeling off layer after layer until he stood completely naked before her. His enormous cock was erect, its hefty weight counteracting its upward strain. The sheer size of him filled Hoshiko with dread.
Seeing her expression, he chuckled darkly. "Don't worry, you will take me, and you'll learn to love it before we're finished.”
He bent down and opened a bag that stood near the futon which she hadn’t noticed before.
With trepidation, she watched him lube up a large harigata.
He got on the futon again and moved towards her, and she was again reminded of her vulnerable position — completely restrained and exposed, with no chance of avoiding him or whatever he wanted to do to her. 
His calloused hand pushed the head of the harigata towards her rosy opening, and she tensed. "Relax, or this will hurt more than necessary," Shinjuro warned before firmly pushing the toy past her tight entrance.
Hoshiko let out a scream, but he didn't relent until the toy was fully seated inside her, bottoming out painfully. She started shaking and panting, trying to cope with the painful stretch and the horrible cramps from the firm pressure against her cervix. 
For a moment, he remained completely still, and through her whimpers, she heard him speaking.
"Good girl, such a good girl," he praised.
"It hurts," she whined pitifully.
He then started stroking her clit and withdrew the harigata before pushing it all the way inside in one long, relentless stroke. 
Groaning, Hoshiko had no other choice but to take it, letting him claim her pussy with the toy.
After what felt like an eternity of him thrusting it in and out of her, she tried to focus on her breathing to deal with the intrusion. The tingling sensation in her pelvis caused by the stimulation and the pressure on her clit made her groan in despair. She knew now that she had no control and no energy left to fight the upcoming climax. Hopelessly, she gave in to the electric waves of pleasure inside her and came with painful spasms, her body trying to expel the intruder or draw it in — she wasn't sure anymore.
As her orgasm subsided, her inner muscles relaxed, and the sensation of the toy inside her became intense but less painful. She drew a deep, shaky breath, and he immediately smiled down at her. 
"Absolutely beautiful. I knew you could do it. And I think you are ready for my cock now, my little Hashira,�� Shinjuro mused.
She had little energy left to protest and just shook her head weakly, but with plenty of her juices trickling down around the harigata and aiding its intrusion, she had no doubt he would manage to get inside her, no matter his size.
He gently pulled the toy out of her abused pussy and tossed it on the floor beside the futon. He then stroked his cock, a bead of precum already visible on the tip. Settling his body over hers, panic surged through her again, and she started pulling on her bindings. He ignored that, lining up his cock against her opening and slowly began to push.
"No! Rengoku Shinjuro, I beseech you!" she groaned as she felt her pussy desperately trying to stretch around the head of the monstrosity, but it wouldn't go in. He didn't seem bothered and just increased the pressure until she felt a pinch that rapidly turned into an intense burning. 
All the while, he stroked her body in a mockingly soothing manner. His rough hand moved down to her clit to try to aid her in relaxing, and her inner muscles twitched in confused response as Shinjuro petted her bundle of nerves.
She ground out a pained cry as you helplessly pulled at the silken cords that tied your hands together above her head. 
Suddenly, the steady pressure made his thick cockhead pop through Hoshiko’s opening, and she screamed just as Shinjuro let out a guttural groan.
Desperation set in, and she started thrashing against her bindings until his voice cut through her panic, deceptively soothing. "Take it easy, doll. Just relax, it will feel good soon, I promise.”
Yet Hoshiko hissed through clenched teeth, tears streaming down her cheeks again.
"Don't cry," he reminded almost regretfully, holding himself completely still with just the head of his cock inside her velvety pussy. He reached up with one hand to wipe her tears away. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, but the pain will stop soon, I promise. And after that, I'll give you endless pleasure. I'll make you come until you don't care how much it hurts when I claim you with my cock.."
His words both soothed and worried her, but she knew she had no choice but to submit. Hoshiko obeyed him by taking a deep breath. The woman’s inner muscles relaxed a fraction.
He then started moving inside her, pushing slowly until he was fully seated in her wet, warm pussy. 
She panted as he withdrew almost completely before pushing in again, harder this time. There was pain, intense pressure, but also something else. Raw, crackling pleasure zapped up Hoshiko’s spine as Shinjuro’s thick cock touched every part of her pussy, forcing it to mold itself around him.
A sudden feeling of being completely and carnally claimed washed over her, and she moaned as her pussy spasmed painfully around his thick cock. 
"Little cunt," he growled in warning. "Don't do that unless you want me to take you hard. Do not test my patience."
But she couldn't control it. His words made more juices trickle down around his cock, and another spasm of her inner muscles made her moan.
"Look at me," he commanded, his voice like steel. "Look at me while I take what's mine, you fucking useless cunt."
Reluctantly, she turned her gaze back to him, her heart pounding in her chest. 
His expression was one of dark satisfaction, his eyes gleaming with a twisted hunger. He was relentless, each thrust claiming her further, branding her as his.
Rengoku then withdrew and immediately slammed into her again, and she lost all control over her body. The moans leaving her lips were no longer her own, and she writhed on his cock, trying simultaneously to escape and to draw him deeper at the same time. 
But it wasn't fully her choice — his hands held her hips in an iron grip as he slammed into her over and over again.
Her mind fragmented under the relentless assault, her sense of self slipping away with each brutal thrust.
She was too lost in the moment to reflect on the situation anymore. She felt another orgasm building and just let it happen, not caring about the pain she knew would come from her muscles tightening around his enormous cock. She heard him talking, praising her for taking him so well, calling her a good girl as her pussy melted around him as she came yet again in intense spasms. “S-Stop, please…”
But he didn't stop. He fucked her oh so hard, each time pushing her further into a haze of pain and unwanted pleasure. 
As Hoshiko seized again and again, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her body, she felt Shinjuro's movements becoming more sloppy, more primal. His thrusts grew deeper, more desperate.
Then, like a thunderclap in the night, she heard Shinjuro's primal roar. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cursed. In that moment, Hoshiko felt the warmth flooding her insides as he released his thick, warm seed deep within her. “Fuck, take it, bitch, take all of it. I can’t wait to see you swell with my fucking offspring.” He continued to thrust his hips into hers with unrestrained fervor, ensuring that she received every last drop of his semen.
Their cums mingled together in a potent concoction, flooding her core until she felt drenched to the brim, every fiber of her being saturated with their combined releases.
He was mumbling soothingly in her ear about how beautiful she was shortly after. “That’s it, my little whore. You were so good to me, taking my cock oh so well.” He slowly started withdrawing his half-hard cock, and she whimpered as the pain made its way back into her consciousness. Shinjuro shushed her and soothed her with kisses and gentle caresses, pulling out as carefully as he could.
Hoshiko lay there, broken and violated, the reality of what had happened sinking in. She was no longer the aloof, untouchable Hashira. She was Shinjuro's possession, his conquest.
Her whole body ached as he began untying her legs. Shinjuro massaged her sore muscles gently and kissed every part of her. He was mumbling about how Hoshiko was his now, his woman, and how he was going to pleasure and claim her again and again. When he had untied her completely, he left the bedroom briefly, returning with a glass of sake. Rengoku carefully soothed her when she whimpered from the soreness, and then supported her head as he helped her down the glass of alcohol. “Drink. It’ll ease your nerves.”
Having swallowed the drink, Hoshiko felt a haze descend upon her, enveloping her in a cocoon of numbness. As she closed her eyes, surrendering to the oblivion that awaited her, the final image that burned itself into her consciousness was that of Shinjuro's face, twisted into a malevolent grimace.
"You belong to me now," his voice echoed in the darkness, each word dripping with possessiveness and dominance. "You are mine, my little, sweet cockslut."
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The darkness of the night lingered long after the sun rose, casting a shadow over Hoshiko's heart. 
She woke up, a pounding headache splitting her skull, and an overwhelming nausea clawing at her stomach. As she tried to shift, she winced, feeling a sticky discomfort between her legs. Her heart plummeted as the realization struck her - she sensed the dried cum of Shinjuro on her inner thighs, a sickening confirmation of her worst fears she desperately wanted to erase from the back of her mind.
For a moment, she couldn't move, her body frozen in shock and disgust. Her eyes darted to her side, and she saw him lying there, naked and sleeping peacefully, as if nothing had happened. Rage and revulsion churned within her, a storm threatening to consume her whole.
With trembling hands, she pulled herself from the futon, her movements slow and deliberate. Each motion sent waves of pain through her body, both physical and emotional. She dressed carelessly, her fingers fumbling with the fabric as she tried to cover the marks of her violation. The once-pristine kimono hung loosely on her, a stark contrast to the meticulous care she usually took with her appearance.
She stood in the center of the room for a moment, her breath coming in ragged gasps, as if she could expel the filth through sheer force of will. The room around her seemed to close in, the walls pressing down with an oppressive weight. The very air felt tainted, corrupted by the heady scent of sex.
Shinjuro might have won this battle, but the war was far from over. 
Hoshiko clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, the pain grounding her in the present moment. She would rise from this torment, stronger and more determined than ever. And when she did, Shinjuro would face the full force of her wrath.
As the first light of dawn filtered through the shoji screen, she closed her eyes, a single thought echoing in her mind: She would make him pay for this. But that would be another part of her story.
She moved silently through the mansion, her steps light despite the turmoil within her. The house seemed eerily quiet, the silence a stark contrast to the chaos of her thoughts. Each room she passed through held memories of her attempts to help him, now tainted by his betrayal, his violation of her rights.
When she reached the entrance, she paused, looking back one last time. The mansion stood as a testament to Shinjuro's fall from grace, a place she had hoped to bring light and healing. But now, it was merely a reminder of the darkness that had consumed him — and nearly consumed her as well.
Without another glance, she stepped out into the cold morning air. The chill bit into her skin, but it was a welcome relief, a sharp contrast to the suffocating atmosphere inside. She walked away from the mansion, each step a declaration of her intent to survive, to fight back. She left all her belongings behind, not sparing a single glance for the possessions that had once seemed so important. The kimono she wore was her only possession now. There was no intention of returning to this place, no desire to reclaim what she had lost. Everything she needed, she carried within her: her resolve, her strength, and the burning desire for justice.
The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and challenges. But Hoshiko knew one thing with absolute certainty: she would not be broken by this. She would rise from the ashes of this night.
As she disappeared into the distance, the first rays of the sun pierced through the morning mist, casting a pale, ethereal light over the land. It was a new day, a new beginning, and Hoshiko would seize it with every ounce of her strength. 
The battle was far from over, and she was ready to wage it with every ounce of her being.
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lonely-layla · 5 months
An aggressive confession pt.2
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Umeji Kizuguchi x chubby!fem! Reader
Umeji smiled as he placed his hands on your waist. He now had you in a tight hug as you rested your head on his chest. This moment was really making him happy because he finally got to have the person who he loved the most, it felt great. However, there was still some confusion in his mind. “Can I ask you something?”
You look up at him, in his golden eyes “mhm?” Umeji kept quiet for a moment and thought before finally speaking, “why did you like me, of all people?... I've never really been kind towards you. Why is it that you felt this way for a person like me?” He says adverting his gaze from you.
“I just hoped you were a good person.And I know someone who’s hiding their feelings when I see one” you give him a mischievous side eye as he scoffs.
“Tch- takes one to know one doenst it?” He teases rubbing your back. You two stay there for a while when the bell rings for class. You two walk back upstairs for class to start, when he gives you another kiss on the lips before parting.
You got into my class, which was surprising the class next to umejis’ and when you sat down and started your studies. Musume and her friends could not whisper a louder. “Yall are the shittiest whisperers ever” you turn around and tell them. All they do is laugh “No wonder you ended up with a delinquent reject like umeji, let’s see how long it lasts before he breaks up with your overweight ass!” Hoshiko yells out as they all laugh. The bell rings for class to get out and everyone leaves except them. they all walk over to your desk and they push you out of my seat, you fall on the floor, and they start stomping on your stomach. You couldn’t breathe as you see Kashiko pull out a knife. Your eyes widened as she slashed a cut that went through my uniform and across your stomach. You scream out in unbearable pain they all walk away and leave you bleeding out on the floor alone.
Umeji had just gotten out of his class, he was walking over to your class when he saw the girls run out of the room. He suspected something was up so he walked into the door opened it and his heart dropped to the sight of you bleeding out o m the floor. Before he knew it, he found himself running towards you and he got close to check your wound. He had an idea of what happened and for the the popular girls sake, he hoped it wasn’t true.
Your perception was getting blurry due to the blood loss”Umeji?” Was all you could whisper out. The fact that someone hurt you made him angry but the sight of you being drenched in blood made his blood boil. He took off his coat and wrapped it around the wound. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Stay with me, I’m gonna get you the infirmary” He asked you but you couldn’t respond and you were losing consciousness.
He pick you up with ease and carried you to the infirmary where the nurse called the police. If you weren’t borderline unconscious you woulda asked him how was sable to pick you up so quickly.
He was doing his best to move quickly but not to the point where he would end up hurting you. He was really hoping they'd make it to the infirmary in time before you ended up being unconscious. As he got to the infirmary, he placed you on the bed and they started checking your wound and helping to clean it. They called 911. And they took you away on a bed to the hospital.
They treated you at the hospital and gave you medication for the helping you heal. After a few days, you were let out but advised to stay at home until your recovery was complete. The medication they had given you had made you gain a lot of weight. But that was the least of your concern, until you heard the first knock at your door in a couple of weeks.
Layout opened the door to Umeji standing there, “hey, I just came by to see if you were oka-” before he cold finish his sentence, you engulfed him in a hug. He felt relieved that you survived but was angry to hear that it was Musume and her friends who were behind it all. He really wanted to get back at her because of what she did to you. But he had to keep those feelings back, right now all he wanted was to see you after this whole time.
After you left go of the hug and invited him inside, Umeji noticed the changes your changes. And to be honest, he didn't mind them one bit. He thought you looked beautiful no matter what and he didn't see any flaw in your appearance he especially didn’t mind that it made your ass and breasts bigger. You noticed how he looked at you and it made u feel some type of way. You threw a meal you made for yourself beforehand in the trash so he wouldn’t think you’re eating too much.
Umeji noticed this and wondered why you just wasted a whole plate of food instead of finishing it. Something was up with you. He got snapped back to reality when you speak up. “Would you like something to eat or drink?” You ask awkwardly.
Umeji noticed you subtly trying to clean something off the counter but he never asked you about it. Now that he thinks about it, he was actually pretty thirsty as well so he accepted your offer. “I think I'll take a drink, you don't have to make anything to eat for me”.
You nod and begin getting some juice from the fridge. You know he had noticed your weight gain and saw him staring at you, yo u weren’t sure if it was good or bad to him. Your thoughts raced as you subconsciously chose that it was bad to him. You put the juice and give it to him. “S-so! What’s been going on at Akademi since I was gone” you ask trying to change the subject and distract my mind.
“I don’t know the same shit as always, a couple murders, everyday stuff really” he swirls his drink around drinking from the straw. You slip off to your bedroom to change into something that more loose fitting so he doesn’t notice. And come back.
Umeji's eyes immediately noticed the new clothes once you came out. He wondered why you changed, you were fine in what you were wearing before. But you looked really cute and it suited you so well. Your extra weight gain made those clothes fit you more and it made you even cuter than before. The sight of you made his heart beat a little faster because he really liked what his eyes saw.
“Uhm- do you wanna, watch a movie or something” you suggest to him to break the silence. He suddenly snaps out of his trance state as you ask him to watch a movie together. He felt a little embarrassed when he remembered that fact, he never took you on a proper date so he was definitely up for it. “Sure that sounds cool” he responds, getting up and walking to your room.
Once he stepped inside, his eyes wandered again. The sight of you was just too attractive. He tried keeping himself from glancing over at you too much as he looked around your room. You noticed the way he looks at you the second he walked into the house and it made you feel insecure. Was me gaining weight really getting on his nerves that much?? Was he going to leave you? The thoughts were too much as you both ego bro the bed. You sit next to him instead of cuddling like you would normally do and that’s when he decided to speak up.
“Alright cut the crap!” He exasperates as he grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap. You keep forgetting he’s strong enough to fucking carry you.
You start freaking out “Umeji! No I’m too heavy” you protest trying to get off of his lap, but his hands on your thighs are keeping you from getting off.
“If you were too heavy ya think I would’ve been able to carry you to the infirmary the other day? How weak do you think I am babe?” He says in return for your protesting.
You feel tears in your eyes as you still try to get off of his lap. “I was lighter and then, I weighed less! Just please, I don’t want to hurt you” you cry still trying to get off when Umeji’s grip lightens to hear you say this.
“Is that what this is all about? A little weight you put on? Baby~ you don’t needa worry about that.~” he begins to comfort you.
“No, you’re just saying that to make me feel better. I saw the way you looked at me when you first saw me at the door. I’m afraid you’re gonna leave me because of how fat I am” you cry more, letting out the baggage you’ve been carrying with you.
He pulls your head down to rest on his chest as you cry into him. Gently caressing your back. He seemed surprised at the fact that you didn't believe him. He could see no reason why he wouldn't be attracted to you. “You know I love every inch of you, your new body isn't any different. Yes, you may have put on some weight but I don't mind that at all. It doesn’t change what’s on the inside baby.”
He gently caresses your thighs, feeling your body soften as the rest of your weight falls on him. His hands roam your body as he praises you for every part of your body. His hands began to slowly roll down the waist of your shorts. The more he rolled the waistband, the more he revealed of your stomach. Seeing this made you feel a little self conscious but Umeji only looked and stared. “I love every part of you, every. fuckin. part.”
He takes your shirts off all the way and makes his way to your shirt. He lifts it up and over your head and throws both pieces of clothing to the side. “God you’re so fuckin sexy~ how could I not love you~” he praises you. He stops when he feels something wet on his crotch area.
He looks down at your pantries that have sweet spot on them. “Hm, didn’t think you’d get this turned on just by me just touching you~” he teases as he starts to take your panties off.
“D-doesn’t my body disgust you?” You ask as he smiles at you. “you kidding me? There is nothing about you that disgusts me right now. I see nothing but cute n’ sexy, just seeing you like this turns me on~” he says. Just as he says that you feel something poking at your womanhood.
You begin to take his bands off and his boxers until his half hard dick is out. You lean in to a heated kiss as you take his shirt off to reveal his laden upper half. You break the kiss to see the sight before you, his chest and torso were scattered with scars and his and his abs were prominent. “No wonder you were able to carry me so easily” you say out loud on accident, your hands trailing down his abs. “Yeah, I’ve carried heavier, trust” he laughs.
He continues the kiss as lifts you onto his cock and starts to bounce you. Your head flys back as you let out huffy moans. “Ahh~ mm fuck umeji~” you bounce yourself, all of your weight giving pressure to his cock.
You lean in for another kiss, feeling yourself get close. He then flips you over as you feel your head hit the pillow. He then starts plowing into you harder. Seeing your body ripple beneath thin only fueled his urges more.
“Yeah? You like that don’t you~ mm~ haah~” he lets out deep moans as he’s trying to hold back the real ones.
You could feel your climax comeing fast than you thought “hmm~ f-fuck I’m gonna cum~” yiu yell out as you come all over his cock.
Seeing the warm white rings of cum come out everytime he pumps in pulls him over the edge as he comes inside of you. Feeling the hot ropes of semen fill your hole.
“F-fuck~” his voice scratches as he pulls you into a kiss. “I love you and only you, don’t ever let your brain make you thing differently baby” he reassures you once more time as you two both fall asleep. “Thank you” you mumble out.
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bratphilia · 7 months
note ✧.*‎ welcome to my descent into madness aka my first attempt at actually writing something with plot (there will be porn i promise you sickos). anyways this started out as a total daydream bla bla bla yall heard me say this many times before. anyways this chapter is just lore, setup, and foreshadowing for the rest of the story. no mike or william in this chapter bc its really just a flashback.
pairing ✧.*‎ steve raglan / william afton x reader, mike schmidt x reader
cw ✧.*‎ kidnapping, drug use, basically child abandonment, paralysis, manic episode
taglist ✧.*‎ @dilfity @iikyutee @kissingrhi @jen-parker @kathxstuff @papyrus-the-poet @lowballbread @cecelovesbooks @bluebearieally @cybunii @van-van @iamunabletothinkofablogname @1ncidentdropout @ice-echo26 @officially-a-simp13 @all4kura @el-sol-sale-de-nuevo @littlexstarlightx @samlow23 @iikyutee
chapter synopsis ✧.*‎ you're fourteen when fate pushes you over the edge, and fifteen when it gets even worse.
lovelace by hoshikoe ⟶ prologue
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you're fourteen when fate pushes you over the edge. freddy fazbear’s pizza, a rinky-dink restaurant geared towards kids, is where you’re forced to occupy one day in july. you’re not here for yourself — far from it — you’re here for your little sister, emmy. she isn’t the type of kid to run up to the creepy, uncanny looking animatronics while they robotically sing and dance, only to be apprehended by a tired employee, but she does love them. she loves them to the point where at least one day, maybe two, is spent at freddy’s over the summer. and guess who has to babysit her since mom and dad can’t make it everyday? that’s right, you!
anyways, back to the present. your eyes burn to stay open. the lack of air conditioning in the restaurant provides for a makeshift blanket. “em,” you say to your sister. her eyes are glued on the stage, humming along to the song the animatronics are “singing” while kicking her feet. she ignores you. “em, if i fall asleep, you need to stay right here.”
“mhm,” she murmurs back, continuing her humming. you roll your eyes. there was a part of you that knew you shouldn’t have trusted her. it was screaming at you internally as loud as it could, but the gripes of tiredness overpowered it with ease.
your eyes open for a second, in complete haze. as they open in the direction of where emmy sat, the chair is vacant. it doesn't immediately raise alarm — you're still halfway asleep — but another glance towards the hallway, the one where the employees seem to be coming from, there's the familiar back of a head walking next to a bright, golden colored character. when you finally wake up, you realize you weren't dreaming. your sister is gone. panicking, you rise up from the table and head off the only direction you can think of: down the hall. you aggressively brush pass other employees, ignoring their remarks, telling you that you can't be back there.
finally, a man forcefully stops you by grabbing your shoulders. "you can't be back here. what are you doing?"
"my sister," you say, not noticing how breathless you are until you start speaking. "my sister — she went back here. i have to find her."
the man raises an eyebrow at you. he's wearing a suit and tie, he must be an owner or something. "no one is back here except for employees, but i can help you find her if you say you saw her go back here." you nod, feeling somewhat assured. you know you saw her back here; she has to be somewhere. the man, who introduces himself to you as henry, tells you to wait back at your table. you do as he says, anxiously anticipating him to come out with your sister.
a flurry of things you would say to her flows through your head, each one more scathing the last. how she shouldn't have run off without telling you, going to a place that was obviously closed off to the public. when henry eventually returned, it was just about closing time. the restaurant was empty of patrons. an employee had asked you to leave, but you explained you were waiting for the owner to return something to you. the sunset cast an orange hue that shone through the windows.
"i'm so sorry," henry had said kindly. "i don't know where she is. i couldn't find her."
your face drops and your heart sinks. your lip trembles. "b-but i can't leave without her."
henry looks at you sympathetically. "let's call up your folks, yeah? don't want you to leave here empty handed, and i'm sure i could help alleviate the situation." you nod, tears forming in your eyes at the thought of your parents finding out about your negligence. you give henry your house phone number and lay your head down at the table. you stare at the abandoned bonnie plushie that sits on emmy's chair. you try to focus on it, its purple fur and red bowtie, instead of thinking about your parents' reaction and emmy's disappearance.
it was your dad that came. he didn't spare you a glance at first, just demanded where his daughter was. it wasn't until a sob escaped your lips that he turned to you. you'll never forget the look on his face, that look of disappointment, resentment even. he grabbed you with a tight grip on your arm and dragged you to the car. the car ride home was silent, your dad's jaw was clenched, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel.
"you useless thing," mom had snarled at you when you got home. "you ruined everything. you wanted this to happen, didn't you?"
you slammed the door and flopped onto your bed. on your side, your eyes were trained on the door to your room. you were waiting for emmy to come bursting through your door any minute now, ready to annoy you about anything she could come up with. but she never came. you stared blankly around your room that night, not sleeping, watching the shadows change and light slowly cast and darken over your room.
you started high school that year. freshman year wasn't anything that special. you actually managed to make it into a popular friend group. it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, though. it wasn't like your friends weren't nice, they were, it's just you felt so detached from reality at times that it was hard to enjoy what they were enjoying. you felt like an outsider looking in your own group. always wondering what the hype was about, wondering what other people could find so funny in the moment.
alicia, who seemed to be the head of the group, asked you what was bothering you so much. she didn't demand it out of you, and she didn't put you on the spot. something about it still put you off. "it's some shit with my family," you had told her, "don't worry about it, i'm fine. really." she looked like she didn't quite believe you, but she left it alone anyways. after that, the group treated you a little differently. you had guessed alicia told them what you said. it's not like they were distant, they seemed to be looking out for you more than usual, actually.
it wasn't until another girl in your friend group, kat, had pulled you aside, that you found a coping mechanism. you followed her into the bathroom. "i'm going to help you feel better," she declared. she pulled you into the larger bathroom stall and reached her hand out after searching for something in her bag. she held out a white tablet in the palm of her hand.
you furrowed your brow, unsure. "what is it?"
"vicodin," she told you, and again, "it will make you feel better."
you spared her a glanced and then took it, dry swallowing it. she smiled. "let's go to class, we have first period together."
it didn't kick in until about when class was over. a woozy, unsteady feeling washed over you. your head felt numb, and suddenly all thoughts about your parents and emmy were gone. that day was the most fun you had in years. you sat with your friends at lunch, completely immersed in their presence for once. you did stupid things to make them laugh, such as asking out a shy boy in your class. you wanted to feel like this everyday. you wanted to hold onto this feeling forever.
it didn't last forever, of course, and it wasn't an everyday thing. which is why you stood in the open doorway of your parents bedroom, age fifteen, in the middle of the night. they had a bathroom inside their bedroom that you planned to sneak into. you knew for a fact your mom had a container of vicodin in her medicine cabinet.
the only thing you could hear as you slipped past their bed, their sleeping bodies, is slight ruffle of your feet against the carpet and the beating of your heart. when you successfully made it to the bathroom, you carefully opened the medicine cabinet, disguised as a mirror, and used a mini-flashlight to search the labels until you eventually found a bottle labeled "hydrocodone." you were slow to take it, not wanting the pills inside to rattle and make a noise, then tiptoed back to your room.
you noticed how breathless you were. your mind raced with "what-if" scenarios. what if your parents caught you with the bottle in your hands? what would they do to you? you could only imagine your mother's harsh words, your dad's look of resentment, and suddenly you're thinking about emmy's disappearance again, and—
you freeze — no — you're frozen. you can't move any part of you. your grip on the pill bottle loosens and it tumbles on the ground. you want to reach out to grab it but you just can't seem to move. it's terrifying. your body horribly leans to the side, too. and then it stops.
you're still out of breath and wondering what the fuck had just happened to you. you abandon the pills, hiding them under your bed, you just can't do this right now. you lay down and stare at the ceiling, that moment replaying in your head over and over. you don't get any sleep that night. in fact, it's a night like the past couple nights, where instead of sleeping, you're ruminating in every little thing, every awkward moment, every mistake.
morning comes sooner than later. you're getting ready for school with your mind still racing. not just about the events of the previous night, or your fault in emmy's disappearance, but about every little thing. it's like your brain is on autopilot, though. you're doing things, putting your clothes on, fuck, even putting makeup on — something that was rare for you. reaching under the bed, you felt giddy. you couldn't wait to go to school today.
before you know it, you're at school, heart racing. you gathered your friends in the bathroom, it's cramped with the five of you in there. it was a little hard for you to get them together, you couldn't necessarily get the words out. it wasn't like you were shy or anything, it's like your mouth tumbled out all the wrong words. your friends look at you expectantly and you present them with the bottle of vicodin. only kat seems to be pleased.
"are you... okay?" alicia asked, a look of concern growing on her face.
you frowned. "i thought w-we could do this together. y'know? have some fun."
"i don't really do that sort of thing," was her response. she prompted the rest of your friends, even kat, out of the bathroom, leaving you there alone. you sunk against the wall, sliding to sit down on the floor. what just happened? you felt embarrassed, but like it was against your will, you popped two pills, and moved on.
it was as fun as you hoped it was. you were elated, actually. and you made a very important decision. randomly, you had decided you were going to go to freddy's and look for emmy yourself. she had to be there right? if no one had found her? there were big, obvious holes in your logic, but that didn't seem clear to you then in that moment. what mattered most to you was getting your sister back, getting your family back together.
you impulsively decided to carry out this plan in the middle of english class, asking your teacher if you can go to the bathroom. you catch alicia's eye as you leave. she offers you a strange look. as you walk out to the gate, someone calls your name. you turn and it's the guidance counselor on your trail.
"what are you doing?" she asked. "nevermind, come with me."
she leads you to the main office, close by the gate. she has you sit down in the waiting room while she dials your home number and calls your dad to pick you up. you barely pay attention to what she's saying until the phrase, "needs to go to the hospital, as soon as possible."
and that's how you ended up in the hospital, monitored by either a nurse or a tech. it's hard to tell, but at least two days go by in the blink of an eye. you refuse to eat, chewing desperately only at your finger nails and peeling off the dry skin from your lip; two anxiety habits you've always had, worsened by your current state of mind.
it's not until you wake up from a three hour nap, the most sleep you've gotten in at least a week, to the voices of your parents talking to a psychiatrist in the room. "...we think it's bipolar disorder. she's showing most symptoms of a manic episode."
"oh great, another thing for us to take care of," your mom says sarcastically. your dad is rubbing his eyes, looking pained. they barely even notice the fact that you're awake.
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morpheus-the-sandman · 8 months
The blog is open now!! :D
Info I might. Change some stuff here and there just so you know!
TW staring in the drawings at the bottom ⏬
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Hello im finstel or you can call me fin or finley
My carrd
More about me down⬇️ in this blog pls read everything thanks!
im not good at writing and my grammar isn't that great so forgive me for typos :'D I also didn't used Tumblr as much so I'm still learning things
Important none of the stories are Canon to clowns og project!!
the main aus that are mentioned here are the
Sandman au/ Morpheus or morph that's how most call him he's a bat demon he's there to give the children good dreams and comfort them protect them he lives in his smol dimension in the middle his tree where he lives in with Noah, his brother fushigi, ivy, and hoshiko / personality : he's sweet, caring, comforting his presence his inviting like a soft bed like you're getting tired and all yk but he can also be chaotic he loves to be crazy with his friends and do random funny stuff he's also very adventurous he loves to take a look around at places he wanders around alot of aus when he has time to he's interested in other aus that aren't dangerous or anything he loves to hang out and all so you might find him sitting near where you living at watching the stars!
Monsterbed au / crow is there to protect the children he will be under the bed or in the closet well most likely under the bed he doesn't like the closet very much / he can only speak in chirps outside his au when he's back in his he will speak normally / his au is a dreamcore au / personality : is still in work I didn't quite explored his personality yet but I would say for now that he's sweet and protective of his loved ones
SH wally ( I call him that now idk I feel like it's better then father wally) actually idk if I keep that name if you might have better names let me know I suck at them XD / anyway he's there to take in children in need let's say morph finds a child that has abuse going one or something else like it lost its parents ect morph will ask that child if it wants to come with him he doesn't force them but he if a child declines he will still look to take action and get them to a better place then in the human realm if a child says yes morph will take them to sh wallys realm and leave them there for sh wally to take care of them once they grew up they can decide if they want to leave back to the human realm or stay with wally/personality : not developed yet but he's very calm and patient that's all I can say!
Ugly duckling wally aka Noah he's morphs adoptive son/ personality : sweet, playfully, joyfully,
Hoshiko/wish wally he's also morphs adoptive son / he travels trough different aus grading wishes depending if a person deserves the wish he can see it in thair hearts if a person deserves it or not / he floats mostly in the air but obv he can also swim in water /personality : still in development but I would say he's quiet energetic, has lots of energy, he does like to mess around with someone, he's playfully and teasing,
Fushigi and ivy not alot to say here fushigi is there to defeat bad dreams ect like morph is he's morphs real brother / ivy is his best friend even tho ivy doesn't want to admit to that , fushigi found ivy while defeating bad dreams ivy was different from the other nightmares he seemed alone and seemed like he actually didn't liked to be feared and all so fushigi took him in / fushigi likes to Crochet stuff / personality of fushigi : still in development but he's sweet calm patient, ivy's personality : also still in development all I know is he's grumpy, teasing, likes to mess with people,
Comfort star / she's there traveling around aus to comfort everyone when they need it at any time when they try to sleep or whatever it might be / she has problems with feeling things she can't feel things so she might sound or act numb at times but she trys her best her sister is always there to help her with it her problem with not feeling alot is also why she often comes back with cuts ect bc she feels numb both emotionally and physically she does not feel pain so she would often be rather at morph or wherever to get stitched back up / personality : still in development but she's playfull, sweet
Letters from felix/Yeah I added another AU I have for a while idk why I didn't added him when I first did this blog but he travels trough dimensions too so I trough why not he's silly and is adventurin trough dimension and he writes letters to his human he's inspired my letters from Felix the series the bunny Basacally my childhood :3] personality : chaotic, he loves to mess around, playfully, adventures
Shooting star
She's like a help for traveling inspired by the cat bus from totoro uwu she acts pretty much like a cat and can't talk she be meowing and purring but she understand you!
And also morph father the uhh good home in this story I didn't drew him yet but he's basacally just like og home but a smol house that follows morph around
!! Boundaries!!
Yes you can
✅ make fanart absolutely tag me please!!!
✅ Shipping? Yes ofc but please only ocs sonas or yns.
✅ Im also okay with interactions trough I can't promise I will do all of them I mostly do what I feel like and if I don't feel like it I don't do it it also might take a bit
Please no applecest no wallycest no proships!!!❌
No nsfw with these aus mentioned here!!!❌
Don't do Ai bots of my aus I'm doing alredy bots but it takes a bit I get really exausted after a bit of working on bots like I get sleepy and all it takes a bit I know I'm working on them for quite a while now but still have patients I'm also not an expert when it comes to bots I'm still learning!! ❌❌❌
Don't message me privately if I don't know you please if I know you for a bit from my comment section you can ask me if you can message me and I might say yes , please have patients with me I don't feel comfortable calling you my friend so soon so I just call you a mutual if I know you for a longer while I might call you a friend! I had a really bad experience with an ex friend of mine I knew since my childhood and that left marks , I might get easily overwhelmed or exausted so I might dip or don't talk at all please don't feel like I'm ignoring you or anything I'm not I'm simply not feeling like talking or it is to much at that day for me!❌❌❌
🌟Things about me that are important 🌟
my pronounce are she/her, he him, im genderfluid and aroace, bisexual, ❤️
I have auditory processing disorder or called
(APD )
Wich makes me slower I might forget alot of things or I also have hearing problems sometimes like when somone calls me it doesn't end up in my brain I'm also very sensitive so sounds loud notices specifically
I also take a while to understand things so be patient with me
(HSP ) I am a highly sensitive person
I also have social anxiety
I'm really sensitive like I would say emotionally there are often times where I do take things too serious or something please tell me talk to me about those things if I understand stuff the wrong way
I'm 22 years old and German
I only speak English and German I can't speak other languages
I have 29 aus by now I might add more depending on what ideas I get ( idk for sure I know I have alredy alot and I didn't even developed alot of them enough I do want to put an line to it but I can't I love creating I love making it makes me happy so just be aware XD when I decide to do a blog for my other aus that I might not post alot about those depending on how I'm feeling ( maybe I post more when I get asks idk)
Fandom I'm in atm
Welcome home
And poppy playtime
I hope you have a wonderful time here!! :3
🌟Refs of my sillys🌟
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taeyamayang · 7 months
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CHARACTERS: Tsukishima Kei × fem!reader × Hoshiko Ito (oc)
TROPE: enemies to lovers
GENRE: romance | slice of life | angst | high school | mental health | brainrotting cliché, we love a cliché | second lead syndrome | love triangle
ㅡGIST: your unforeseen reunification with your long-time nemesis, Tsukishima Kei, forces you both to open wounds that never healed.
✧ NAVIGATION: golden lust eyes / the star and the moon / the king and his game / peachy
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Summary: Little Nya can't sleep. Luckily, Morro has a bedtime story for her.
Warnings: None
Prompt: Stars | "Once upon a time…"
Extra: Set in an AU I call "Wojira's Ghost". Essentially, Kai as a kid finds a summoning and binding spell for a ghost from the Cursed Realm that his parents left behind. Being the naive kid he is, he summons this ghost and binds it to his sister, thinking that it'll protect her. He forgets about this, and Nya grows up with her "imaginary friend", Morro!
Nya tossed and turned in her small creaky bed. Her tattered blanket did little to stop the cold from creeping into her bones and settling there.
She angrily sat up, curling the blanket around her, and headed to the forge.
Maybe Kai was still awake so the forge would be on. Her swaddled form carefully rested against the wall nearest the forge, still smoldering after Kai had last used it. She plopped onto the floor.
"What are you doing awake?"
Nya jumped, fumbling about within her blanket cocoon.
"Jeez, Morro, you scared me!" She whined, trying her best to cross her arms and still be covered.
"You're dodging the question, why are you up?"
"I'm not dodging the question!" she exclaimed.
Morro raised an eyebrow with a deadpan face.
Nya sighed, "I couldn't sleep, that's all."
She looked out to the inky skies, glittering stars dimly illuminating silhouettes of the far away houses of the other villagers.
"The stars are quite pretty, aren't they?" Morro mused.
Nya simply nodded.
"...have I ever told you the story of Tsukiko and Hoshiko?" Morro questioned her.
"Hmmmm, I don't think so."
"Would you like to hear it?"
The ghost faux-cleared his throat.
"Once upon a time, there lived a widowed man and his daughter, Tsukiko. Tsukiko was a young girl, maybe four or five.
Her father knew he could not raise her himself, and married another woman. His second wife loved Tsukiko and treated her well.
Eventually, she had her own daughter, and as her stepdaughter was named Tsukiko, she named her daughter Hoshiko.
The two parents loved their daughters very much. But, one day the father told his family that he had to leave for work for a long time, and would not come home for years."
"Like my parents?" Nya peered innocently at the ghost.
"Uh, yeah, I guess so. A-anyway, the father left, and as the girls grew older, the second wife's heart grew favorable towards her younger daughter, Hoshiko.
She decided one day that she would kill Tsukiko-"
"Oh, that's horrible!" Nya exclaimed.
"Yes, yes it is. She decided this so she could take better care of Hoshiko-"
"That's a really bad reason, though."
"I know, very bad. So she plotted on how to get rid of her. She poisoned a sweet bun and planned to feed it to Tsukiko.
She told her daughter, 'Hoshiko. Tonight, I am going to give Tsukiko a sweet bun. You must not eat it.' However, Hoshiko loved her stepsister very much, and upon learning that her mother wished her harm, she warned her sister.
'Tsukiko. Mother is going to give you a sweet bun tonight. Whatever you do, you must not eat it.' She said, and her sister did not eat the sweet bun.
The second wife was surprised to see both daughters that following morning, and plotted another way to kill her stepdaughter.
She decided to split her head open with a spear, but Hoshiko caught on. She set a pillow of adzuki beans where her stepsister's head would be, and convinced Tsukiko to sleep in Hoshiko's futon with her."
Nya leaned her head onto Morro's ghostly shoulder as he willed it to be tangible.
"That night, in the pitch black the mother mistook the beans for Tsukiko's head and plunged the spear into them.
She was, again, shocked to find both daughters wishing her 'good morning', and plotted yet another idea.
This time, she decided she would bury Tsukiko alive in a coffin. She ordered a coffin from the undertaker. Once again, Hoshiko discovered her plan and asked the undertaker to add a small hole into the coffin, and he made one."
"But-" Nya yawned quietly, "what's the point of a small hole? Tsukiko can't fit through that."
"You will find out. Hoshiko asked her mother to make lots of roasted soybeans and dangos, and she made them because she loved her daughter. Once the coffin was finished, the second wife told the village Tsukiko had died that morning."
"Did she?"
"No, the mother was lying. She asked that her stepdaughter were to be buried at the foot of the mountain that day, so Hoshiko would not be around a corpse. Hoshiko was horrified, her mother was a horrible person-"
"Jeez, did she-" another yawn, "just realize that? I thought her first murder attempt made that clear."
"You would think. Hoshiko packed the roasted soybeans and dangos into the coffin without her mother noticing. The second wife ordered Tsukiko to get into the coffin, then nailed it shut so she could not escape. The villagers had no clue of the mother's plans and were about to carry the coffin to the mountain's base. Hoshiko begged for them to wait, and secretly snuck some sesame seeds through the small hole."
"Ohhhhh. Bu' why?"
"You'll see, and then the villagers buried her. Days later, Hoshiko followed sprouting sesame seeds that fell out of the hole to her stepsisster's burial site."
"Oh. Tha's real sm'rt."
"Mhm, and once she found the place her stepsister was buried, she dug and dug, but her childlike hands could not dig deep.
A passing rifleman asked Hoshiko what she was doing, and she explained that her sister had been buried alive in a coffin.
He helped Hoshiko hurriedly dig the hole down to Tsukiko's coffin. Once they opened it, Tsukiko was tired and ill, but thanks to Hoshiko's packed food, she lived.
'I'm so relieved! Let's go home, I will talk to my mother about this'-"
"No! She's jus' gon' try killin' her ag'n."
"That's what Tsukiko said, she refused to return. So, Hoshiko chose to stay with her stepsister and not return as well. They found a creaky shack to live in and stayed there.
When the girls' father finally returned, he asked where his daughters were.
You stayed away so long the two girls left to search for you and they never came back. I don't know where they are, I'm so sorry,' the second wife said.
He grabbed a gong and set out to find them. He called for them and hit the gong, hoping they'd hear it. His tears began to blind him, and he could not find his daughters.
But, by chance he walked past the shack the two girls were at. They flew out of the house at the sound of their names being called, knowing it must be their father.
'It's Tsukiko, father!' cried Tsukiko.
'It's Hoshiko, father!' cried Hoshiko.
'I was weeping so much I couldn't see a thing,' he said. Tsukiko's tears fell into her father's left eye and Hoshiko's tears fell into her father's right eye. Their father's eyes healed and opened.
The daughters told him what had happened while he was away, and he asked them to return.
The daughters refused again, which prompted the father to ask, 'But if you don't come home, what will you do?'
The girls decided to ascend to the sky and become stars, and the father joined his two daughters and became the sun."
"How nice. Bu' wha' happened to th' second wife?" Nya asked, barely lucid.
"She became a mole, forced to live underground for her bad treatment of her stepdaughter, losing her eyesight in the process."
Some sleepy chuckles escaped the young girl. "Serves her right."
She fell into a dreamful sleep, awaking the next morning to retell a strange story of star families and mean moles to her elder brother.
Here's the link to the folktale in the story: https://www.attaka-furusato.com/minwa/gb/fukushima/tsukikotohoshiko.html
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kissingrhi · 7 months
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me when i opened tumblr and saw @hoshikoe posted brat tamer william afton
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rion-isnot-an-ai · 17 days
do you think Hoshiko would be friends with Milo?👀 Milo would be happy upon finding out about another good demon:3
Unfortunately, Hoshiko would try to stay away from Milo, as she does with all of the other hashira. However, if Milo tries to build trust, Hoshiko might open up.
Even if they eventually become friends, Hoshiko wouldn't try to get too attached. She assumes everyone will hate her if they find out what she's become 😢
But when Milo discovers that Hoshiko is a demon and shows that she's okay with it, Hoshiko would probably become less distant.
Hoshiko is a kind person, but she's hidden under layers of fear and anxiety, which makes her suspicious and reserved towards those around her.
Short answer: Not at first, but maybe eventually they could become close.
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larmegliamori · 7 months
Yu-Gi-Oh OC Week- Day 1: Introductions
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Well, here we are! I've already talked about my little lady in another post earlier this year, but let's delve a little more into it.
Kazama Hoshiko is my first Yu-Gi-Oh!Zexal OC and my dearest one. I've started drawing (and writing about) her in 2013, making her exactly ten years old this year!
In all these years, her story has changed a lot: from a troubled teen with mysterious powers tied to the Astral World to high-school student trapped in a game way bigger than her and her friends, I have altogether stopped writing, but keep having ideas about her.
Her character, though, has been pretty much the same. At first sight, Hoshiko strikes people as cold, formal, brooding: partly true, as she's an introvert and pretty much an indoorsy type, who mostly keeps her to herself, but when she opens herself up she'll reveal her true colors as a smart, keen-eyed, caring person. She struggles with the high standards she's put on herself, making her a perfectionist; and has quite a polemic streak to her.
Her interests, apart from dueling, are languages and linguistics, and she wants to work as an interpreter or a diplomat. She also likes reading and video editing, and can play the piano quite well!
She has a troubled family history whose repercussions are still impacting her...
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gyaru-wish · 1 year
Musume & Shin
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Before Musume started bullying him, Shin used to be very aggressive (Still is) and once, Musume was just jokingly teasing him and as a reaction he hit her. Musume accused Shin to the counselor and he was suspended for a week, and once he returned, Musume decided that she would make life hell for him.
Chojo & Hokuto
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Okay. These guys are chaos. A LITERAL CHAOS. Hokuto met Chojo at a bad time, when he was stressed. When Chojo gets stressed, he starts throwing objects all over the place and yelling at whoever gets in his way. He casually picked a fight with Hokuto simply because he stared at him for more than three seconds. Logically Chojo was humiliated by Hokuto's force, but even so, it helped them build a weird friendship.
(btw, we should do more icons of them in pinterest)
Hoshiko & Supana
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Supana is very smart. She is not fooled by Hoshiko's pretty face. She knows her secret and enjoys it. She hasn't told her that she knows, but she finds it interesting in some way. Also, Hoshiko doesn't react badly to Supana's bloody tastes.
Kokoro & Kokuma
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Although it's hard to believe, Kokuma really admires Kokoro. She thinks she has a cute style and deep down she wants to be like her. Kokuma is embarrassed to ask her for any advice on her style, considering her too bright for a shadow like her. Kokoro has noticed her admiration and wants to talk to her. But she's afraid of being made fun of for talking to a "weirdo"
Umeji & Shin
Yes, Shin again.
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I mean. Not exactly-
They go on dates, kiss, they sleep together, they give each other gifts, they practically live together, understand each other, have the confidence to open up their feelings, they confess their problems and fears, they try to heal the past wounds and they have cried for hours together releasing all their emotions.
But they're not dating 👍
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kaumaridevi · 7 months
excerpt of tobirama's first meeting with madara's child after somehow missing the memo he even had one
"Hoshiko, you can't call your Hashirama-ji a tree," Madara groans, a long-suffering expression crossing his face as he looks down at his daughter.
"But tō-san, you call Hashirama-ji a tree all the time. In a mean way, too, and don't you always say I have to be nice to everyone?"
Madara winces as Hoshiko crosses her arms defiantly. Tobirama has to tuck his head into his shoulder so he can muffle his laughter and pass it off as a shaky exhale instead. "I said we need to be nice to people we don't know very well, Hoshi. I've known Hashirama for many years, and this is how our friendship is. When you're very good friends with someone, you can get away with being a little mean to them sometimes."
"It sounds like you're going back on your teachings, Madara," Tobirama interjects with a raised eyebrow. He tuts and shakes his head theatrically. "What will your daughter think?"
"I think it's hypo— uh...hypocri..."
"Hypocritical," Tobirama offers kindly, taking mercy on her sincere attempts while Madara tries his hardest to crack the earth open below him with his eyes alone.
"Yeah, hypocritical!"
"Alright, there's no need to continue ganging up on me," Madara grouses. "I promise I will make an attempt to be nicer to Hashirama, entirely dependent on his attempts to actually think before he speaks."
Tobirama stays quiet and lets Hoshiko think she's helped her father learn a valuable lesson about friendship, knowing full well that Madara's promise is never going to be fulfilled. Hashirama rarely thinks before he speaks, which is a flaw Tobirama has been trying to get him to fix for years now and has yet to eradicate successfully.
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pixxelcatt · 5 months
Hey all !!!! ✨✨
My ask box is open for any questions about/for my starshell turtles! (Astro, Frida, Tello, Hoshi)
Curious where the heck Hoshiko is? Wanna ask them what their favorite foods are? Have any other questions about the au? Go ahead and ask them!
Their general tag can be found here for existing info :3
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bratphilia · 7 months
♡ hoshikoe's masterlist !
five nights at freddy's
w. afton
the interview please don't try to find me through my dealer grasp the flip side office chair glass window taboo his bunny exposure
m. schmidt
one last phone call the flip side overtime teacher
requests are open!
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rainydaze-xo · 2 years
Hello1 Could I possibly request Ayano x Kokona HC's if that's alright?
Thank you for the request!
(my inbox is always open!!!)
It was a shock when everyone found out that Kokona was dating Ayano. It was what everyone talked about for days
Everyone thought they were just best-friends
And it was weird seeing Ayano display so much emotion with Kokona
The bullies were disgusted by a same sex relationship and tried to bully them
But Ayano threatened them, and the bullying stopped very fast after that.
Kokona defending Ayano when she is called an emotionless freak -
Ayano defending Kokona from the rumours.
Soon after they started dating, Kokona’s father was free from all the debt, and it seemed that around that time Musume Ronshaku ran away for a few days ;)
They both leave random gifts on each other’s desks like keychains or small squishies.
Both their parents support the relationship - Kokona’s father was surprised, but not in a bad way.
Often get stared at in school but both don’t care.
Saki was ecstatic that Kokona finally was dating seriously.
Ayano sometimes gets jealous of Saki and vice versa.
Ayano ‘talking’ to Kizana whenever Kokona complains about her.
Ayano is wayyy more protective than Kokona.
Basically the 2 representatives of lgbt+ in the whole school.
Kokona confessed first - on a Friday under the Cherry Tree.
Most of their classes don’t care that they’re lesbians, (except Hoshiko in Kokona’s and Hana in Ayano’s)
Happy no matter what anyone says!
My First Girl x Girl request! Remember you can always request any headcanons through my inbox.
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taeyamayang · 7 months
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CHARACTERS: Tsukishima Kei × fem!reader × Hoshiko Ito (oc)
TROPE: enemies to lovers
ㅡGIST: your unforeseen reunification with your long-time nemesis, Tsukishima Kei, forces you both to open wounds that never healed.
✧ peachy
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Maybe it was just you but the air suddenly thickens and Tsukishima’s gaze is sharper than ever. Could it be because you have known him for quite a number of years to know the miniscule changes in his mood? Or could you be overanalyzing details again?
“I’ll play the first game!” Ayumi pipes in, raising her hand as she volunteers. Tsukishima approves by nodding his head and counting her in the group. 
“We need one more player for the first game.” Tsukishima leads the team. 
Ayumi, then, puts her arm around your shoulder before declaring, “(Y/n) has good mind and body coordination.” She advertises as though she’s a businessman endorsing a product to a quality much higher than it actually is. Unfortunately, the man she’s trying to rope in has his own plans. 
“Nope.” Tsukishima flatly contradicts. “(Y/n) is with me on the third game. She is a good runner. She is better for the relay.” The group falls silent and Ayumi slowly puts her hand down in defeat. 
You couldn’t interject and deny his claims because it’s actually true一your body is built for endurance and speed. Although he sounded too confident that he appears to have known you long enough to be so sure of his judgment of your physical abilities. 
As the captain of the team, Tsukishima leads the strategic planning and everyone in the team is busy putting their ideas together. Well…except for one. Ayumi eyes you with a dubious look, connecting dots in her head.
“Oi,” She couldn’t keep her curiosities to herself and nudged you using her elbow. “First, Hoshiko acting like your boyfriend and now Tsukishima is your personal coach? You must have a history together. I mean, he knows you.” Your friend narrows her eyes at you.
“Acting like my boyfriend is a bit of an exaggeration, Ayumi.” You clear your throat and pretend to keep your focus on the person in the team currently speaking. 
“Okay, whatever, now you’re dodging the topic.” She wriggles her point finger at you. “What is he to you?” She presses not letting you off the hook.
“You know what?” You finally turn to face her. “Just keep your head in the game and stop playing detective on me, alright?”
“Not if you don’t act suspicious.” She retorts in a bit louder voice which consequently catches the attention of the team leader. Tsukishima stares at Ayumi. Sending her a nonverbal warning was enough for your friend to seal her lips. She mutters a quiet ‘sorry’ as she bows her head in guilt.
“Kei’s currently in the zone. I advise you not to cross a line with him.” Instead of taking your advice, the situation worsens as Ayumi loudly sucks air through her mouth as realization from your careless mistake sinks in. A hand covers her wide parted lips as she peers at you with a shock evidently painted on her face.
She couldn’t control her reaction as she practically screams, “First name basis?!” And it was then she realized…she’s doomed. And so are you.
Tsukishima abruptly turns to the both of you. His jaw clenches and his eyes colder than the night of winter. You pull Ayumi by her forearm making the latter cower in fear. She hides her small figure behind you like a puppy. You give Tsukishima an apologetic smile, enough to wrench your insides in disgust. 
“(Y/n).” Tsukishima sternly says as he does not break eye contact.
“I know.” You bore your eyes at him. Satisfied, he shifts to look at Ayumi.
“Are you done?” Ayumi gulps in fear before nodding. 
“Y-yes, sir.” She stammers and accidentally calls him ‘sir’ in panic. 
After the tension subsided and the teacher whistled to commence the games, you can’t help but snort out loud. “Sir?” You say between laughs, slapping your thighs.
“Shut up. He's intimidating, okay?” She says through her teeth. “And it’s your fault to begin with. If you weren't so secretive about this…about you and him or whatever the hell is happening between the two of you then I wouldn’t be curious about it.”
In an instant, something inside you shifts like a bubble of unwanted feelings bursts and contaminates your head. Your memories from the past lurches like a tidal wave engulfing and pulling you down into the depths of the sea and the only thing you are able to do is to fixate your eyes at a point ahead.
“It’s not like I didn’t want to tell you. It’s just that I couldn’t.” Telling a soul about what happened seven years ago is like going through the same experience all over again. It’s painful to scrub a wound that never healed. 
Realizing the weight of the memories it brings to you, Ayumi understands and embraces you in a tight hug, pressing the side of her face against yours. “You don’t have to when you’re not ready, or you don’t have to tell me at all. I'm sorry if I pushed it too far.” 
You whisper back, still caged in her arms. "It's okay. You didn't know."
After seconds of what seems like a lifetime of a warm embrace, Ayumi looks at you at an arm’s length. “Just…tell me one thing.”
You can sense the playfulness in her voice making the corners of your lips pull into a smile. “What?”
“He’s not your ex-boyfriend, is he?” Ayumi never fails to make you laugh at depressing situations. She knows exactly what tickles you. 
“Boyfriend at ten years old? Man, I’m thriving.” You joke.
“Heck, yeah. Go off, queen!” With that, Ayumi links arms with you as you both laugh your heads off. 
The seven members from your group that participated in the first game played harmoniously hence, garnering the first point for group one. Yamaguchi’s gameplay is worth mentioning. His body coordination, athleticism, and flexibility lead the other team scuffling to close the gap on the last set of the obstacle course. However, in a tug-of-war, Hoshiko's team proved their team’s alliance by winning the second game which fueled Tsukishima’s hunger to take the final game.  
Right now, both teams are preparing for the final round and everyone is on their toes. The winner for the final round will be the determinant of which team dominated the games. Excitement and the pressure of being part of the third group awakens your adrenaline. You can't remember the last time you were eager to win.
As you are making your way to your starting line, Hoshiko approaches you with a playful grin clad on his face.  
“The cleaning tools are in the basement.” He winks. Nonetheless you find his attempt to mock you more endearing than threatening, making you chuckle. 
“Wow, you scouted the area already? I never met someone so prepared to lose.” You don’t miss the chance to bicker. Your lighthearted bickering with Hoshiko is interrupted by an unimpressed blonde coming into the scene. 
"In your starting point, (Y/n).” Tsukishima towers over you. His head held up while his eyes pin down to you. 
You crack your neck up to meet his gaze before muttering, "On it.” Then, he walks away like nothing happened. Way to break the mood, you think to yourself as you internally roll your eyes.
“I’ll go now.” Hoshiko waves you goodbye, jogging to his starting point as he shouts. "Break a leg!" You wave back at him with a teeth showing smile.
Tsukishima is the last runner for the racing relay and you’re the person before him. So, the only thing you have to do is to outrun the player from the other team and pass on the baton to Tsukishima. Easy. Glancing to the other team, you figured Hoshiko is also the last runner for his team. Basically that this is a battle between two brooding men and their pride.
The teacher asks the players of both teams to be on their feet. Once everyone is ready, he blows the whistle to commence the racing relay. Both first runners of the two teams were at the exact speed. However, the second runner of your team is quicker than the other team thus making your group take the lead. You watch the crowd go crazy cheering for their team and it reverberates into your chest as you feel your heart pound against your ribs. 
It’s only the second player running, obviously victory cannot be secured yet. The basketball player from the other team easily closed the gap between two teams and eventually they took the lead. The fourth player of each team was on steady pacin with your teammate inching the gap. Therefore, once again, both teams are in a close fight. 
On the fifth player before you, the runner of your team was a tad bit faster than the other team. Still, the pressure on you grows as you watch your teammate run towards you. Preparing your stance, you crunch your body. Your left hand is behind you, finger uncurled as you wait for the baton to land on your plan. And when it did, you were on a roll.
You run as fast as you can. The air hits your face and takes every strand of your stray hair fly with the wind. Your brain has taken auto-mode and all you could see is Tsukishima looking at you from a distance. He occasionally nods at you in encouragement, eyes focusing on nothing but your face. 
So, you run, and run, and run to the point you lose control of your lower body. With absolute no control, your right ankle twists inward making you lose your balance and eventually fall on the ground. The side of your face hits the grassland, your arms failing to catch you before the impact. You didn’t realize you were screaming until the game stopped and everyone was huddled in your spot. 
“Aw! My leg! It hurts so bad!” Tears brim your eyelids as you hold your thighs with both hands. Your body coils into a ‘c’ as the pain from your leg travels to your hips.
Hoshiko is quick on his feet and kneels beside you. “(Y/n), where do you feel the pain?” When you don't answer him, he takes your face gently with his hands, cupping your cheeks in a soothing manner. “Look at me, where are you hurt?”
You finally look at him, your face distraught and in pain. “M-my ankle.” You try to swallow a lump in your throat but fail when you are met with his doe-eyes, peering at you with worry and care. “Hoshi, I think I literally broke my leg!”
Hoshiko rallies his eyes from your injured foot to your face and holds back a laugh. “(Y/n), wait. I don’t think it’s broken. You might have sprained your ankle.” He points at your toes moving as you adjust your upper body. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not painful so let’s get you to the clinic.”
Hoshiko is about to hook your arm over his shoulder when Tsukishima steps in.
“I’ll take her to the clinic.” Tsukishima looks at the two of you through his bottom lashes. 
“I can do it-” 
“No, I insist.” Tsukishima cuts Hoshiko off mid-sentence.
The focus of the situation shifts to the two of them, two boys holding their ground. They unwaveringly hold each other’s eyes as if the first to break eye contact is the weaker one. Hoshiko lets out an air through his mouth, eyebrows pressed together as he wears an amused and confused half-smile expression while Tsukishima remains unmoved.
“Don’t be stupid boys.” The old man calmly breaks the ice. “Call for a clinic staff and get a stretcher. Let’s leave this to the professionals. You don’t want to break her other leg, eh?” The teacher chuckles, rubbing his belly and shaking his head. “Ah, youth.”
The class representative immediately runs to the clinic to do exactly what the teacher said and soon enough you’re being carried in a stretcher.
You had to spend the rest of the class period in the clinic and getting your ankle treated. Hoshiko was right, the doctor confirmed that you didn’t break your leg. You sprained your right ankle from the bad fall. Albeit, you’re advised to take a rest and wait for your first random visitor to take you back to the classroom. 
Your first visitors happen to be Ayumi and Hoshiko. They hurriedly ran to the clinic as soon as the bell rang to check on you. Hoshiko brought you a bottle of juice as a treat.
“I didn’t know what to get you so,” Hoshiko hands you an apple flavored juice of your favorite brand. 
“Thank you! This is my favorite brand!” You beam at him as Hoshiko uncaps it like a true gentleman.
“Really?” Hoshiko’s cheeks burn feather pink, smiling to himself. “Is apple flavor good?”
“Actually, I prefer peach flavor but hey! The apple flavor isn’t so bad. Besides, it’s your effort that counts the most.” You hold his forearm to squeeze it lightly. “Thank you, Hoshi.”
Hoshiko hides the growing smile on his face as he cups his nape with his hand. He gazes at you with endeared eyes.
“Anything for you.” He says. 
Ayumi and Hoshiko, mostly the latter, help you walk to the classroom. He suggested carrying you on his back but you didn’t want to burden him. So, you anchor your arm around him as you slowly limp every step. 
The first person that you see in the classroom is Tsukishima, lost in thoughts as he holds a bottle of drink in hand and blankly stares at it. He loses focus on the bottle in his hand when he hears noise coming from the doorway. It was you, limping and grunting.
Tsukishima watches you make your way to your seat, one arm on Hoshiko’s shoulder and your other hand holding a bottle. When your eyes land on the drink in his hand, he quickly uncaps it for himself. 
“You’re back.” He speaks the obvious before standing up. He takes a gulp from the bottle as he looks at you. Bringing the drink down, you notice that it’s the same brand Hoshiko brought for you but it’s peach flavored. 
“Don’t hurt yourself again.” He says before walking out. You keep your eyes on him as he trudges out of the classroom and tosses the half full juice bottle into the trash can. 
continue reading
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a/n: the burn is back! i enjoyed writing this so i hope you enjoyed reading as well!
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