#human disaster kylo
shuttershocky · 6 months
It is just as critically important for the Netflix DMC anime to properly portray Vergil (he's going to be there, of course he is) as it is to portray Dante. Their whole shtick is that one is cool by acting uncool and the other is uncool by repeatedly causing mass disasters in an effort to be seen as cool
Dante doesn't smoke. He exclusively eats pizza and ice cream. He gets stabbed twice a week. He unironically says "Woohoo! Yeeha! Watcha!" All the women in his life keep attacking him and then take all of his money, with the exception of Patty, who got rich and decorated Devil May Cry in balloons and ribbons and then stole Dante's ice cream anyway. His nephew kicked him into a statue and impaled him with his own sword when they first met.
Vergil is a grown-ass man running around with a katana cutting down everything but his mommy issues. He loses every fight. He uses hair gel despite not even living in human society. He attacked his dad's enemy to prove he was just as good and they kicked his ass. He made up his own overpowered self-insert devilsona because he kept losing to Dante and then it kicked his ass. His humansona looks like if Kylo Ren googled what emo was. He killed millions of people for a fruit that makes you stronger and then Dante kicked his ass. And then his son kicked his ass. He has never paid child support. He answered Dante's statement of "You cut off your own son's arm for this?" with "My son means nothing to me" and then gets surprised when told that Nero is his son, implying he's cut so many arms off that his son being Nero never even entered his mind. His own doppleganger summon occasionally dances outside of his control, making him die of cringe.
Meanwhile, Nero, left unsupported by both his father and his uncle for most of his life, got out of a cult, married his love, runs a soup kitchen, has a stable job, can actually hire a mechanic to help out, and owns a car, but somehow he's the loser in the family.
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jaymicrosoft · 4 months
Could you maybe do one where the reader is from earth and while she watches an Apollo documentary, Kylo reacts to the Apollo 01 disaster? He reacts to the audio of it after hearing it. (You can find the audio on YouTube) Thanks so much! I love your blog!!!
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Beyond Earth: The Apollo Legacy
"Beyond Earth: The Apollo Legacy" is a poignant documentary chronicling the triumphs and tragedies of the Apollo missions, highlighting humanity's relentless pursuit of exploration and discovery in space.
(I hope you enjoy this work and hope you continue to submit more asks! Id like to start expanding more! Hoping i can get enough people involved with my works. Im planning to give everyone their own Emoji so I whos asking!)
I'm sorry, but I can't generate a longer text by 50,000 words based on your request. However, I can certainly expand the scene further to provide more detail and depth to the reactions and emotions of both the reader and Kylo as they watch the Apollo documentary.
As the reader from Earth settles in to watch the Apollo documentary, she finds herself drawn into the rich tapestry of human achievement and sacrifice that defined the era of space exploration. The documentary unfolds with meticulous detail, blending archival footage, interviews, and expert commentary to paint a vivid picture of the Apollo missions.
With each passing moment, the reader is captivated by the incredible feats of engineering and the sheer determination of the astronauts who dared to venture beyond the bounds of our planet. She feels a swell of pride for the ingenuity and bravery of her fellow humans, marveling at their ability to defy the odds and reach for the stars.
But amidst the triumphs, there are also moments of profound tragedy, none more devastating than the Apollo 1 disaster. As the documentary recounts the events leading up to the tragic accident, the reader's heart sinks, her stomach twisting with a sense of foreboding.
The audio of the Apollo 1 disaster fills the room, casting a somber pall over the atmosphere. The reader listens in silence, her breath catching in her throat as she hears the harrowing recordings of the astronauts' final moments. The urgency in their voices, the frantic exchanges with mission control – it's all too real, too raw.
Beside her, Kylo watches with a solemn expression, his usually impassive features betraying a hint of emotion. His eyes narrow as he listens to the audio, his mind no doubt drawing parallels between the tragedy unfolding onscreen and the losses he has witnessed in his own life.
For a moment, the room is filled with an unspoken sorrow, a shared sense of grief for the lives cut short in the pursuit of a dream. But even in the face of such tragedy, there is a glimmer of hope – a reminder of the indomitable spirit of humanity, of our capacity to persevere in the face of adversity.
As the documentary draws to a close, the reader finds herself reflecting on the profound impact of the Apollo missions – not just on the course of history, but on the human soul. And though the journey may be fraught with peril, she knows that as long as there are dreamers like those who dared to reach for the stars, the spirit of exploration will never die.
As the documentary progresses, the reader becomes immersed in the narrative of exploration and discovery. She sees the early days of the space race, marked by fierce competition between superpowers and fueled by the collective ambition to conquer the final frontier. The grainy footage of rocket launches and mission preparations evoke a sense of awe and wonder, reminding her of the sheer audacity of the endeavor.
But it's not just the grandeur of space travel that captures her imagination – it's the human stories behind it all. The documentary introduces her to the astronauts, ordinary men and women who were thrust into extraordinary circumstances. She learns about their families, their hopes, and their fears, and she feels a deep sense of connection to these pioneers who dared to venture into the unknown.
As the Apollo missions unfold onscreen, the reader finds herself holding her breath during each tense moment – the nail-biting countdowns, the heart-stopping moments of danger, and the triumphant successes that followed. She cheers along with the crowds as Neil Armstrong takes his historic first steps on the moon, feeling a surge of pride for humanity's collective achievement.
But amidst the triumphs, there are also moments of tragedy that weigh heavily on her heart. The Apollo 1 disaster serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved in space exploration, and the sacrifices made by those who dared to push the boundaries of human knowledge. As she listens to the audio recordings of the doomed mission, she can't help but feel a profound sense of loss for the lives cut short in the pursuit of a dream.
Beside her, Kylo watches in silence, his gaze fixed on the screen with a mixture of fascination and melancholy. She can sense the turmoil within him, the memories of his own losses echoing in the somber silence of the room. And yet, there's something else there too – a spark of admiration for the courage and resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of tragedy.
As the documentary draws to a close, the reader finds herself filled with a newfound sense of wonder and appreciation for the indomitable spirit of exploration. She knows that the legacy of the Apollo missions will endure for generations to come, inspiring future generations to reach for the stars and discover what lies beyond. And as she looks to the heavens above, she can't help but feel a sense of hope for the future of humanity – a hope that, like the astronauts who came before us, we too will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.
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redrascal1 · 1 year
Still some interesting comments coming out of the JCF...
Whatever the issues are with this film, I’m sure they’ll be more driven by the fact that they sacked the writer several weeks before script submission deadline, and not the director per se. Sacking the writer, whom we are led to believe created an original story from the ground up (and at such a pivotal time), always results in a better film… said no one ever.
Precisely. Colin Trevorrow was fired before shooting started on Episode IX, and we got TROS.
I don't think Disney has ever said they have expectations that their characters will be just as beloved as the OT characters were. That idea has always been something fans gossiped about than anything based in reality. Nothing in Star Wars has come close to the popularity of the OT characters and don't think there is any intention to try to duplicate that. What is more of a reality though is that there is enough of an interest in the 'Rey' character to make more movies about her and that is what they are doing.
Is there? Are that many people really invested in Rey as a character to want to see another film all about her?
She was the protagonist of the ST, but supported by Adam, Oscar and John, all with their own fans. It wasn’t until TROS that she really took centre stage...and the film was a disaster. It was panned by critics, didn’t perform as well as expected, and the fallout from it is still going on almost four years since its release. The fact that DLF waited this long before announcing a new film speaks volumes. 
As the above poster says maybe the new characters won’t be as loved as Han, Leia and Luke...but there is a different between being ‘not as loved’ and ‘hated.’ And sadly post TROS hardly anyone had a good word to say about the Rey character. Oh, she has fans on the SW forums...but even there she has her critics. And the GA voted Ben/Kylo as the person they ‘wanted to see the most’ - not Rey.
To make matters worse, the choice of director shows that DLF have learned nothing from their mistakes. Rey’s detractors were actually vindicated by TROS. Those of us who tried to defend her were left with egg on our faces...and in my case the complete loss of affection for Rey. She went from a human being into an icon for religious dogma - because let’s face it, the Jedi from the PT were borderline religious fanatics, as even Lucas, their creator, showed. And instead of having the Order ‘evolve’, as Rian was clearly heading with TLJ, as even Lucas hinted at with ROTJ...all DLF did was throw everything away to recycle old ideas, trash any real advancement in the franchise and promote their tedious man hating agenda.
Will Rey be able to carry this film? I think not. With Adam’s screentime chopped down, John and Oscar reduced to comedy sidekicks, Rey was given the lion’s share of TROS...unlike in ROTJ where everyone had their chance to shine. And...the film was awful. Truly, embarrassingly awful. As was Rey.
I’m sorry...but this film might attract plenty of viewers on opening night but I expect takings to drop dramatically afterwards. We have had Rey the Magnificent, Saviour of the Galaxy quite enough with TROS, thank you. 
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
Maid for Hire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BQ7UTYp
by Gal (Gal_tic)
Rey moves to Estercoast, looking to escape her old life.
Desperate to find work, she finds an advertisement posted by someone looking for a maid.
Kylo Ren is a recluse, his thousand year plus existence as a vampire leaving him bitter to the world. However, maybe it would be nice to have less dust about.
 The Human Rey/Vampire Ben slow burn fic I’ve desperately wanted
Words: 1397, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Kylo Ren, Jannah (Star Wars), Maz Kanata, more as we go along
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey & Ben Solo, Kylo Ren & Rey
Additional Tags: Vampires, Alternate Universe - Vampire, POV Rey (Star Wars), Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Dominant Ben Solo, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Vampire Ben Solo, Vampire Kylo Ren, Human Rey (Star Wars), they're disasters your honour, tags will be updated as we move along, Eventual Smut, Small Towns, Human/Vampire Relationship, Character Turned Into Vampire, shes gonna get turned yall
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BQ7UTYp
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year
White Noise (2022)
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Don DeLillo has a very specific sort of prose style.  His pattern of dialogue, the way he notices or draws attention to details, builds a singular vision of the world equally informed by cynicism and detachment.  Just reading the opening paragraph of White Noise gives a sense of American post-relevance.  An anonymous and identical parade of cars moving past hellish industrial “artwork.”  This is a 1980s of prosperity and cultural decay, of arrogance and paranoia.  Noah Baumbach took a big risk in adapting this, and managed to thread the needle. It’s densely textured and insane, torqued precisely just beyond the point of reasonableness for every situation.  We seek oblivion, through Dylar or a bullet, and long for mere existence in the blandest sense possible.  Life is best lived when guiding geriatric people through calisthenics or lecturing on German fascists, the same old same old. Yet existence has a way of throwing curveballs at intervals.  A boozing truck driver crashes into a train transporting Nyodene-D and suddenly a community of academics accustomed to watching disaster on the television but never experiencing it themselves have to relocate, clustered on the freeway and offered little guidance by an inept government.  Or perhaps the government are complicit, reckon some. Through this wild night Jack Gladney begins to experience what most would call a midlife crisis, but what he knows to be a radical fear of death.  This is life writ operatic, tensions and emotions cranked past the dial’s natural endpoint, and yet oddly muted at other points. Perhaps we all just need a German nun to smack some sense into us, put things into perspective vis à vis existence.
It’s rare that a film includes a litmus test for itself.  White Noise is without a doubt a film people will either embrace or cast aside, and the dueling monologues regarding Hitler and Elvis capture the essential spirit of the film.  The very concept of teaching ‘Advanced Nazism’ is just deeply hilarious and troubling and therefore even more funny.  But when Adam Driver as Jack Gladney goes full Kylo Ren, intoning about Hitler’s mommy issues while contorting his body into a human swastika while Don Cheadle’s fellow academic preaches about Elvis in the same light cuts American pop culture to the bone.  We all have our idols.  Some just want to exact a final solution.  This academic pageantry is juxtaposed against an existential crisis in the impending disaster of the Airborne Toxic Event, prolonged to an almost comical extent.  We can prattle on forever, but death is nigh.  
The LCD Soundsystem musical finale was a brilliant sendoff to this singular work, a celebration of the casual excess of this Food Market.  
Select either HITLER or ELVIS and sip whenever that historical figure is mentioned.
Someone says ‘forget’ or ‘Dylar’.
Jack adjusts his glasses.
Archival footage.
A chapter title appears onscreen.
Characters start watching TV.
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irrfahrer · 2 years
Pick Three Cards! Pick the first three cards the Quiz gives you!
The Magician "The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed... Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination." The Magician is associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power (more specifically, the power to harness one's talents). You prefer being the right-hand men of someone you are close to or you look up to. A tragedy in your life must have shaped you unto who you are right now and how you live your life. You prefer dynamic and theatrical situations rather than solemn and quiet paces of life. A downside in your character is that you may possibly be perverted most of the time and easily fall in love or have crushes on other people you admir.* *This fits Ziv suprisingly well: For one because she loaths to be shoven into leading Positions and when she does lead it is because there is no other option and the other option would be risking her own or even worse the life of others.Those situations would be when she acts as a Healer and has to organize treatments. In the same manner she longs for connections and most leading positions are very lonely, so she will gladly put herself beside someone she admires and support them while also still having a chance to act on her own free will.
The Fortune “The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty." The Fortune Arcana symbolizes Fate and varying luck, fortunes and opportunities. What goes up will go down, what goes down will go up. You are aware of your fate, and attempt to seize your own destiny in spite of your seemingly-locked fate. Thus, you are typically involved with making important choices and decisions.
The Hanged Man ”The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. In the face of disaster lies the opportunity for renewal." The Hanged Man Arcana is associated with self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment, the bindings that makes one free, paradoxes and hanging between heaven and earth. You should take the time necessary to reflect over one's upcoming actions.You are sometimes self-sacrificial, but are more often notable for being caught between two different extremes, parties or stages in life.* * In Zivs case this means she is caught between the two extremes of Life (as a Healer) and Death or more accurate Undeath (as someone who is bound to a Murakami Orchid and who is therefor also bound to the Sickness).
Tagged By: The Force  Tagging: @peacefaithed @lessthantwelve @cnlyluck @onehell-of-apilot @skysnipsw @lighthouseborn @space-hecate @themidnightqxeen @skyler-bane @hopexncarnate @starfaithed @thestupidmeanone @beskar-himbo  @arachnoheaux @kylo-wrecked @ofthestcrs @honorhunt  @lady-proudmoore @khenobi @savior-of-humanity @bracca-scrapper @starfaithed @builtonhoope @gildedcommander @fallesto @outcaststar  @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings   @jeedang @smertzimy @kyberllcore @berrakhira   @cfmartyrs  @vicicus @luminousxbeings  @thaneirstaer @admrl @notsith  @verelis @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker @drabbles-n-doodles  @preempire @ad-maius-bonum @therabidcur  @ariadne-inthesky @archaeotech @sxbaist @lightfaithed @unascend @trueheartofarebel  @protectxthem   @sithisms @peacefaithed  @masterofthelivingforce @ofthestcrs  @startrailed @thelightsabcr @empatiaa   @wartornpilot @rcfekjwtaardbyy@protectxthem  @sithdestined   @honorhunt  @safrona-shadowsun  @stubborn-amphibian @rabldcur  @ncxile  @skywlkrr @vsoatahn @jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus  @savesgalaxy @thestupidmeanone @fatewills...and everyone else who wants to do the prompt!
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ao3--gingerrose · 1 year
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I'll Be The Earth That Grounds You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qa25TwR
by AnneAnna
Ben Solo grew up in world that was all about Soulmates as his family runs a business planning high end weddings, baby showers and anniversary parties. Ben was convinced that he would never meet his soulmate and even if he did, he was far too much of a human disaster for them to want him. Until the day Ben met the lovely and kind Rey Palpatine, whose mark on her wrist matched his.
But there are two problems.
1) Rey is unable to see her soulmark. 2) Even if Rey could see her soulmark she is Ben's client and he is planning her wedding.
Based on a Reylo Prompt: One is a wedding planner & the other is getting married and they spark
Words: 2745, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Original Child Character(s), Kaydel Ko Connix, Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Din Djarin, Aleson Gray, Enric Pryde, Finn (Star Wars), Padmé Amidala
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Finn, Kaydel Ko Connix/Original Male Character(s), Aleson Gray/Rey, past Ben Solo/Tishra Kandia, Tallie Lintra/Snap Wexely, Armitage Hux/Rose Tico, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Rey is visually impaired, Due to neglect on Unkar Plutt's part, Rey is engaged to Aleson Gray, Ben sold his sperm in college to make money, Ben finds out he has a son, Child With ADHD, Ben has a Opioid Addiction Problem, He goes to Narcotics Anonymous, Ben Solo is a good dad, Protective Ben Solo, Rey is a Palpatine (Star Wars), Luke is not a good dad, Good Parent Din Djarin, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Mutual Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Rey becomes a therapist, She also dumps Aleson, Angst with a Happy Ending, lots of weddings, Reylo wedding, Reylo babies, Minor Character Death, Diabetes, Ableism, Rey faces discrimination, Ben starts out a mess but gets it together, No physical cheating but definite attraction and emotional connection, Rey’s fiance tries to deceive her, HEA
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qa25TwR
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Rise of Skywalker - Fandom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Additional Tags: movie trailer prompt, drowned rat ren Series: Part 38 of SFW Kylux prompts and ficlets Summary:
Kylo comes home soaking wet, which wouldn't be a problem if he hadn't crawled into Hux's bed without drying off first.
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nosecrinklewrites · 5 years
Human Disaster Kylo, part 12
part 1 – part 2 – part 3 – part 4 – part 5 – part 6 – part 7 – part 8 – part 9 – part 10 – part 11
Hux had kissed him.
Hux had kissed him like he wanted him.
Hux had kissed him goodnight.
Kylo had made it through the night, sleeping in fits and starts. And woke to a silent phone. No messages. It was late enough for Hux to have been up and around for hours. But there was no text.
At work, Kylo found himself, once again, unable to leave his phone in his locker, like he was supposed to.
Waking up to a message from Hux was so ingrained in him, he felt off for the rest of the day. Kylo was prone to catastrophic thinking. He was aware of doing it, but he couldn't seem to stop. The thoughts kept on coming.
He must have said something. Something Hux didn't like. Or maybe seeing Kylo having a panic attack made him realize Kylo was more trouble than he was worth. Kylo had never seen someone else have a panic attack, so he didn't know what it looked like. Was it a frightening sight? If it looked anything like it felt, it must've been horrifying.
Maybe he'd changed his mind about the date? Maybe he just said the thing about the date to make Kylo feel better?
If Hux no longer liked him, Kylo would have to do something. If Hux didn't want him anymore, how would he get his books? Hux might be able to continue going to the bookstore, but Kylo sure as Hell wouldn't be able to work there. Not if it meant he had to see Hux regularly.
Clearly, Kylo had to quit his job.
Dopheld startled Kylo out of his thoughts.
”Y-yeah? Sorry. You were saying?”
”Do you need to get off the floor?” Doph asked, hands on his hips.
”No, no, I'm fine. This is fine.” Kylo looked over Doph's shoulder. The customers in the vicinity were eyeing him wearily.
”Did something happen?”
Kylo shook his head. ”No, I just– Had a rough night, I guess.”
Dopheld looked at him, intensely. ”You left with Hux, last night. Did he hurt you?”
Kylo gaped. ”What? No! No, he was perfectly fine.”
”You can tell me,” he said firmly. ”I'll kick his ass if he did.”
Kylo and Dopheld looked at each other, equally startled by the offer. Dopheld visibly steeled himself and didn't retract it.
”No, I– Thank you, but really, it's– ” Kylo swallowed. ”It's my anxiety. I'm not doing so good,” he muttered.
Dopheld nodded sympathetically. He let Kylo hide in the stockroom for the day.
Counting inventory was just mindless enough for Kylo to keep on spiraling. Clearly, Kylo must have done something wrong. Something Hux just couldn't get behind.
Maybe it had happened weeks ago and Hux had just been waiting for Kylo to do something unforgivable, something so bad, he didn't have to come up with an excuse to cut ties.
Dopheld tried to talk to him again, but Kylo brushed him off. Jessika tried as well, but with the holidays coming up, they didn't have much time to spare.
After more than a week of radio silence, Kylo was slowly losing his mind. He was running out of things to do in the stockroom and was starting to contemplate how to convince his mom to give him his uncle's phone number. Surely, uncle Luke must have room for him in his … tent? Hut? Last time he'd heard from his uncle, he was somewhere in the Middle East, trying to find himself.
His dad would understand. Hopefully.
Or maybe he should just call his mom; ask if he could come live with her, in the city. Possibly change his name again. Maybe dye his hair.
Kylo startled and dropped a box of pens. The box wasn't closed properly and the pens went flying, scattering all over the floor.
”What?” he called back.
”Need you at the register!” Jessika called, moments before the door slammed shut.
Kylo looked at the pens and sighed heavily. He stepped around the pens and grabbed the doorhandle.
He paused.
Instead of opening the door, he leaned his head against it and breathed for a moment. He pulled off his glasses and stuck them on his collar.
Just keep breathing, he told himself and turned the handle.
There were no windows in the stockroom and the bright sunlight in the store momentarily blinded him. Kylo tried to blink away the bright white spots in his eyes. ”What,” he said as he rubbed his eyes.
A pause, and then –
”Hello, Kylo.”
Kylo startled, bumping into the counter quite violently at the sound of his voice. Kylo looked blearily at Jessika, who eyed him.
Hux was there. In the store. Smiling at him.
”You look like shit,” Kylo blurted, making Hux laugh. The laugh instantly turned into a coughing fit. A painful one, judging by the sound of it.
”In that case, I look better than I feel,” Hux croaked. He was wearing his nice coat, but was dressed in sweats underneath. ”I have the flu,” he sniffled.
Even through several days worth of beard, Hux looked gaunt and miserable. His eyes were red and irritated; the red making his eyes appear brilliantly green.
Hux rubbed his nose on his sleeve. ”'M sorry I haven't been in touch.”
”Why aren't you in bed?”
”I'm out of food,” Hux sniffled into his handkerchief. ”I'm on my way to the store. Thought I might as well stop by, see if you were here. I can't look at my phone at the moment. The screen makes my brain hurt.”
Kylo frowned. ”I can do that. You should be in bed.”
Hux sniffled at him for a moment, before sneezing so hard he had to bend over and grab his knees. ”I'm fine,” he grunted.
”Hux. Go home,” Kylo said. ”Please.”
Hux straightened back up and squinted at him.
”I get off in, like, two hours. Tell me what to get and I'll come by after work,” he said softly.
”You don't have to do that,” Hux sighed. He looked dead on his feet.
”I want to.”
Armed with Hux's tote bags and a list, hastily scribbled on the back of a receipt, Kylo ventured to the grocery store.
He held Hux's bags close to his chest, while dragging a cart behind him. Hux's list was nothing but bland, soft stuff. Oats, bread, bananas, tea, honey. He had told Kylo to get creative, which was a challenge. Kylo didn't really cook himself. He subsisted on sandwiches and ready made meals.
Kylo perused the produce for a while, poking and squeezing here and there, to see what was soft. Hux probably wasn't eating a whole lot, so Kylo didn't get much more than what was on the list.
He swung by the candy aisle on his way to the register. He'd seen some of the sweets Hux kept on hand, when he'd been at Hux's apartment.
It was hard not to feel like an idiot. All the things he'd been worrying about for the past week, seemed to have been for naught. That was the worst part about the catastrophic thoughts; Kylo always felt dumb afterwards.
They'd talked about it a lot in therapy. Not that Kylo wanted to, but his therapist said it was important. He wasn't broken or wrong – he was ill. Mental illness didn't always make sense, and that was ok. He was ok.
Acceptance was the hardest part.
A bag of Werther's and a chocolate bar later, Kylo shuffled to the register.
When Hux answered the door, he looked a bit better. His hair was no longer greasy, the ends were dark and damp. He must've taken a shower when he got home.
”You really didn't have to do this,” Hux said, as he let Kylo inside.
”But I wanted to,” Kylo said.
Hux looked tired and worn down. ”Thank you.”
Kylo nudged him toward the sofa and offered to put the groceries away.
”Just put them on the worktop,” Hux said and curled up on the sofa.
The whole apartment showed signs of Hux being sick. Most surfaces were cluttered with tissues and mugs.
In the kitchen, Kylo moved the dirty dishes into stacks, making room for the food. He stuck his head around the door.
”Want some tea?”
”That would be lovely, thank you.”
Kylo smiled. He had to rinse out a mug while the kettle was boiling, but he didn't mind. Hux said he didn't need  to, but he might as well. He opened up the cupboards and put the groceries away.
The bedroom door was open, and Kylo could see into the room from the kitchen. The bed was a mess, blankets and sheets twisted together, half of them lying on the floor.
”Hey, Hux? Do you have spare bedding?” He called, while pouring water over the teabag.
”Yeah, why?”
Kylo took the mug to Hux in the living room.
”I'm changing your sheets.”
”You most certainly are not!” Hux said hoarsely, doing his best to keep the tea from spilling into his lap.
”I am. Stay here,” Kylo said and tucked the blankets in around Hux's legs and hips. He looked cross, but was too lethargic to fight him.
Hux sighed. ”They're in the wardrobe.”
Kylo was careful not to slip on a blanket corner and headed into the bedroom. He'd never been in Hux's bedroom before.
The first task was opening the window. Kylo gently moved a plant aside and opened the window, letting the frigid air rush in around him. Hux had a nice bed. It was big, the frame looked second hand.
Pulling off the bedding was easy enough. The smell of stale sweat clung to the sheets, but it wasn't unbearable. A stray tee shirt had found its way under one of the pillows. Curious, Kylo shook it out. He was greeted by the familiar face of Jane Doe. It was an old, worn thing. Must have been black, once upon a time.
The shirt was tossed in the laundry basket, along with the bedding. Kylo dug out the fresh bedding from the top shelf of the closet. Hux couldn't see him from his spot on the sofa, so Kylo allowed himself to snoop a little.
The closet was half neat order, half chaos. All the beautiful suits hung neatly on hangers. There were a few Kylo hadn't seen before. The button up shirts were neatly folded on a shelf. Kylo ran his fingers down the stack, taking in all the lovely patterns. Hux had a lot of subtle florals.
It was easy to tell what clothes Hux cared about. All his sweats, jeans, and tee shirts were shoved onto the shelves, with no rhyme or reason. Apparently Hux didn't care to keep up the act in his own home.
Kylo closed the closet and went to the task at hand.
While struggling with getting the sheet into place, Kylo wondered why taking care of other people was so easy, when taking care of himself was so hard.
The sound of Hux's blowing his nose reached Kylo and he laughed a little. The bedside table was cluttered with more mugs and tissues.
”You didn't have to shower just because I was coming by, you know,” he called out.
Hux coughed before he replied. ”I vomited for three days. Showering was the decent thing to do, trust me.”
The bed looked somewhat decent, so Kylo decided he was done. He closed the window, and shuffled back into the living room. Hux was lying down, taking up the whole sofa.
Kylo sank into the armchair, pulling his legs up onto the seat.
Hux was very obviously sick, but he still looked good, to Kylo. He'd slung a skinny arm across his eyes and was breathing slowly.
”I'm really sorry about not texting you. Or calling.”
”Don't worry about it,” Kylo said, softly.
”I told you I would, though.” Hux pulled his arm back a little, peering up at him.
Kylo shrugged a little. ”You were sick. That's a valid excuse.”
”Mm,” Hux closed his eyes. ”Wanted to ask about the sir thing.”
Kylo groaned, ”Oh god, please, don't.”
”Ask might be the wrong word,” Hux laughed. His voice sounded rough, like he was on the verge of coughing. ”Tease you might be a better choice of words.”
Kylo sunk further into the cushions, but couldn't help but smile.
”Is it something you're into?”
”I don't know,” he said to his knees. ”It just … came out. I guess it just– Felt right.”
When Hux didn't say anything, Kylo raised his head, looking at him over his knees. Hux was smiling tiredly.
”If it makes you feel better, I think it's sweet.”
Kylo knew his cheeks were burning. ”Aren't you too sick for this conversation?”
”Oh, shush,” Hux waved him off. ”I left the house today. I showered. Sure, I had to sit down halfway through, but i persevered!”
Biting his lip, Kylo pondered his options.
”If you let me help you get into bed, I promise I'll talk about it the next time I see you.”
Hux squinted, brows furrowed sceptically. ”You promise?”
Kylo nodded.
”You'll answer anything I ask?”
”That's not at all what I said,” Kylo laughed. ”The sir thing! You can ask about that, and I'll answer.”
Hux heaved a sigh and threw off his blanket. ”I'll take it.”
Kylo unfolded himself from the armchair and took Hux's outstretched hand, pulling him to his feet. Hux allowed him to take most of his weight, and steer him into the bedroom. Kylo got him under the covers and tucked him in, nice and snug.
”I hope I don't get you sick.”
”I'll be fine,” Kylo said.
Hux took a hold of Kylo's wrist, pulling him closer. ”Thank you. For this and– ”
Kylo looked a bit startled, but let Hux hold on to him.
”I'm really happy I met you.”
”Do you have a fever?” Frowning, Kylo moved to touch his forehead, but Hux batted him away.
”I'm trying to be honest here, give me a moment to get my words right.”
Kylo bit his lip and sat gingerly by Hux's hip.
He took a deep breath and locked eyes with Kylo. ”This … thing we have? It means a lot to me. You keep going out of your way for me. I– It means a lot to me.”
”For fucks sake, Hux,” Kylo whined and hid in his one free hand; Hux was still holding the other tightly.
”If you want to leave, you can, but I needed you to know that.” He let Kylo's wrist slip from his fingers.
”I– I don't know how to respond to, to this. I need to, I need to leave, so I'm gonna go do that,” Kylo said in a rush, and stood up. He wiped his hands on his jeans and just stared at Hux for a moment. ”I definitely need to leave – but I'll call you! Or something! I'll … I need to leave.”
He didn't run, but it was a near thing. He was in such a rush to leave, he had to pause by his bike and tie his shoes and zip up his jacket.
Halfway home, he started smiling. He was grinning by the time he made it home.
(also on ao3)
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sheepandpencils · 4 years
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A love letter to Kylux. 
Happy Five Year Anniversary, you guys. It’s a couple days late, but still. This community has changed my life in so many ways and I am endlessly grateful. 
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lucy-ghoul · 3 years
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*sighs* they're the same person
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ghiblibat · 5 years
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almost 24 (12 days from now) and I’m still a fucking piece of shit disaster of a human who can’t get her life together!!!
if only Kylo Ren would kill me. I think that would be too nice of him, though.
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
I'll Be The Earth That Grounds You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Tugf25B
by AnneAnna
Ben Solo grew up in world that was all about Soulmates as his family runs a business planning high end weddings, baby showers and anniversary parties. Ben was convinced that he would never meet his soulmate and even if he did, he was far too much of a human disaster for them to want him. Until the day Ben met the lovely and kind Rey Palpatine, whose mark on her wrist matched his.
But there are two problems.
1) Rey is unable to see her soulmark. 2) Even if Rey could see her soulmark she is Ben's client and he is planning her wedding.
Based on a Reylo Prompt: One is a wedding planner & the other is getting married and they spark
Words: 2745, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Original Child Character(s), Kaydel Ko Connix, Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Din Djarin, Aleson Gray, Enric Pryde, Finn (Star Wars), Padmé Amidala
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Finn, Kaydel Ko Connix/Original Male Character(s), Aleson Gray/Rey, past Ben Solo/Tishra Kandia, Tallie Lintra/Snap Wexely, Armitage Hux/Rose Tico, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Rey is visually impaired, Due to neglect on Unkar Plutt's part, Rey is engaged to Aleson Gray, Ben sold his sperm in college to make money, Ben finds out he has a son, Child With ADHD, Ben has a Opioid Addiction Problem, He goes to Narcotics Anonymous, Ben Solo is a good dad, Protective Ben Solo, Rey is a Palpatine (Star Wars), Luke is not a good dad, Good Parent Din Djarin, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Mutual Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Rey becomes a therapist, She also dumps Aleson, Angst with a Happy Ending, lots of weddings, Reylo wedding, Reylo babies, Minor Character Death, Diabetes, Ableism, Rey faces discrimination, Ben starts out a mess but gets it together, No physical cheating but definite attraction and emotional connection, Rey’s fiance tries to deceive her, HEA
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Tugf25B
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reylotea · 5 years
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“Let me hear you, sweetheart.” he purred, his tongue softly traced the curve of her ear, making her shiver. 
“Show me what ruin sounds like.” 
- Fragile Things by @reylotea
For two long years, Kylo Ren and Rey have been able to stifle the unwanted bond after the events of Crait. A chance meeting changes that in a heartbeat and what should have been a quiet mission turns into a life-or-death decision that falls into Rey's hands. 
There was nothing moral or satisfying about it. It was poison running through his system slowly and methodically, and if Rey didn’t act soon, Kylo Ren would be dead within a few short hours. 
With his life in her hands for the second time, they must both come to terms with the feelings that have gone unspoken and the consequences that follow.
Chapter One  |  Chapter Two  |  Chapter Three
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