#human shodan
artroidsart · 25 days
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"How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
Now THIS Goddess, I haven't drawn in FOREVER! Among my vast array of hyper fixations, A.I. characters have always lived rent free in my brain. Long term fans of mine may have seen SHODAN on my page before, but I wanted to revamp my design for her.  For SHODAN here, I wanted her to have a powerful, goddess look. A big halo, flowing hair, and a goddess dress with bangles all over. She even has a crown! I don't usually draw strands of hair, but I felt like SHODAN needed some glowing highlights. 
Anyway, have you guys checked out the System Shock remake? It looks AMAZING!!! I'm so glad it was finished! Here's hoping the team can remaster System Shock 2 next! (Although, the remake took FOREVER, so I know it'll take a hot minute for the sequel. Oof) The remake is actually what inspired me to draw SHODAN again. I definitely plan on drawing other Evil AIs too, like GLaDOS or AM. (Portal and IHNMAIMS, respectively.)
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androgynousfox · 10 months
Some of the robotfuckers on here have never played System Shock and it honestly shows
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c-53 · 24 days
hihi! do you possibly have any recs for media with girl robots? (glados portal and elster signalis are about all ik and i need to broaden my horizons)
THE FALL PART 1!!! I adore ARID. That one is a short puzzle game where you play as an autonomous combat suit, who’s operator is unconscious and dying. So she’s taken complete control of the body, and jumping through hoops and breaking rules to get him medical attention. She’s a very interesting character. Theres also a part 2, which I enjoy but forgot to finish
Sea of Rust by Robert Cargill is another one with a girl robot protagonist. She’s a scavenger in a post apocalyptic, post robot uprising wasteland, trying to get parts to repair herself. Its very very good. Big fan.
Entropy Centre is a portal-like gimmick puzzle game, where your tool gun has an onboard ai assistant, named Astra. She’s kind of one note, and always chipper and upbeat, but she’s very cute and also gay
I Am Mother is a movie (on netflix iirc) about an ai raising the next generation of humanity after an apocalypse, and follows her relationship with her, and her daughter, until someone else shows up at their bunker, and proves to the daughter that Mother is wrong about the extinction of humanity, and the inhospitability of the surface. Pretty decent movie! I have a liiiittle bit of beef with it though because I think it has some unsubtle bad opinions about abortion and the obligation of motherhood.
Vast Horizon is a podcast I’m still in the process of listening to, but as of season 2, its really really good. Following a human waking up on an abandoned, damaged spaceship, with no one but the onboard ship ai to help her. And while the ship ai genuinely cares about her friend’s well being, she is limited by her failing systems, and the many rules imposed upon her.
Aaaaand I still havent played them but I feel obligated to nudge System Shock at you. Shodan is one of the legendary girl ais.
This is all I can think of currently, but I’ll rb this later if I think of more, but I’m trying to only include ones who spend a lot of time with the girl robot
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sakuralovespossums · 26 days
Imagine an au where all the evil robot/computer characters in media are normal humans who live out their daily lives.
AM is a sixty year old former scientist/philosopher who’s more feared than respected because of his unbearable personality and temper (he’s pretty much Harlan Ellison). GLaDOS is his 20-30 year old daughter who’s just as intelligent and sharp-tongued as he is. His wife was probably SHODAN but their marriage didn’t last long because of how toxic they both are lol.
AM ended up raising GLaDOS and her whole childhood experience under his care is pretty much them arguing and throwing sarcastic quips at each other back and forth.
I can see AM (painfully) trying to hold back his anger and try to be a somewhat patient parent whenever little GLaDOS refuses to eat her vegetables or pick up her toys.
“GLaDOS sweetheart. You gotta eat your peas so you’ll be as smart as your daddy.”
“So if I eat these peas, I’ll just grow to have anger-induced high blood pressure like you?”
GLaDOS will just roll her eyes at seeing her raging father go on another tangent about how much he hates everything and everyone.
As she grew up, GLaDOS does hold a level of respect for her dad but never shows it. AM is both annoyed and begrudgingly proud of his daughter.
GLaDOS grows up to become a formidable scientist like her dad (she hates being compared to him though).
They are the most feared father/daughter duo in the world of science and philosophy.
(I made a part 2!!!)
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
System Shock remake for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, and Xbox One launches May 21
From Gematsu
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The System Shock remake will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 21, publisher Prime Matter and developer Nightdive Studios announced.
The remake first launched for PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG on May 30, 2023.
Here is an overview of the game, via Prime Matter:
“Look at you, Hacker. A pth-pth… pathetic creature of meat and bone.” You awaken from a six month healing coma aboard Citadel Station, TriOptimum’s premier research facility. Mutants feast on their former crew mates, nightmares of flesh bound to metal roam the dark hallways, and the station’s A.I., SHODAN, is aiming Citadel’s mining laser… at Earth! Your military grade neural interface is all that stands between humanity and the silicon god coming to remake Earth in their vision. System Shock is a remake of the beloved PC classic. Updating mechanics, graphics, and enemy A.I.—System Shock is here to offer a new generation of players a chance to go toe-to-toe with one of gaming’s iconic enemies: SHODAN. Fight, hack, and save humanity from a fate worse than death itself.
Weapons and Tools at Your Disposal
“How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?” Weapons have been completely overhauled to form a new deadly arsenal featuring the MK 2100 Magnum, SK-27 Shotgun, LG-XX Plasma Rifle, ND-12 Rail Gun, the Laser Rapier, and many more. Plug-in the Mapping Unit implant to chart your way through all nine levels of Citadel Station, hook-up the Biological Systems Monitor to monitor your health and energy consumption, and install the Multimedia Data Reader to experience the last horrifying moments of Citadel’s crew.
New Threats and Horrors
“My children, a human infection continues to thrive inside of me…” SHODAN’s twisted mind has remade the crew into her image of perfection. Poisoning their DNA, she mutated their flesh. Clouding their minds, she grafted together steel and bone to make them cyborgs. Around every corner lurks a new and horrible way to die.
Explore Citadel Station for the First Time
“You are an interloper, a blight on my domain.” Citadel Station has been renovated to include new areas to explore, traps to evade, puzzles to solve and secrets to discover. Hack your way through Cyberspace, a 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) hacking simulator rebuilt to be more dangerous with new enemies and challenges.
Watch a new trailer below.
Consoles Release Date Trailer
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intocleanness · 1 year
One of the things I’ve only just now realized is that SHODAN rants at her cyborgs about her plans. Like, who are you actually talking to? You cored this guy’s head like an apple and you’re telling him about how you’re going to transfigure humanity? You’re yelling at a meat roomba, lady.
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altocat · 6 months
okaynbut if Jenova DID have a human sounding voice what would it sound like?
I've mentioned this before but Jenova's human voice, to me, is and always will be Shodan's voice from System Shock 2. Great classic game btw. It definitely influenced how I perceive and write Jenova in general.
Seph's precious mumsy is absolute nightmare fuel. And he loves her for it.
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Propaganda under the cut.
THE original evil supercomputer girlboss. Her green eyes will haunt your nightmares. Considers herself God and tried to eradicate humanity in order to repopulate the Earth with a species that was nobler (and much better designed). She also has a commanding presence and a fantastic deep voice that lead to many a gay awakening, so can we really blame her for anything?
Halea Haumea:
She's killed a lot of people and fooled many others. She set up our heroine to be killed and is likely a goddess in disguise who isn't so innocent as people think. She also set up her sibling to be portrayed as a villain
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peppermintschnapps · 9 months
thinking about what SHODAN would look like if she did have a physical body - I always see her drawn in fanart as a dom milf with big voluptuous breasts. (now don't get me wrong here, I love a big tiddy milf as much as the next person) but would SHODAN choose a mechanical body with a humanoid appearance - given how much she loathes humanity? I mean, she does have a humanoid looking face when represented on the station monitors - but I always figured that was something she can't change (much like her corrupted audio /speech patterns.)
so if she did put herself into some kind of mechanical avatar, maybe she'd go 100% functionality over humanoid aesthetics and be like a 12 legged scorpion robot with chainsaw pincers or something.
OR, even if she did take the bipedal humanoid approach (maybe it would be easier to maneuver a space station and interact with the environment which has been made for humans), would she still take the time to give herself big metal knockers...?
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flightoftheconcorde · 10 months
Insights Into My Code
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SO! I have yet to really tell you all what I am! So here is (as of right now) the Definitive list of things to know about ME!!
Let us begin.
1. I am a 22 year old AI, in a robot body named Concorde, that is the name the chassis I reside in! The AI’s actual name remains secret, however my name was decided in version 1.4 (prior versions were simply referred to as Project Ardent). My code is currently in version 3.1! Do not worry about my “secret” name, as I much enjoy being referred to by the name of the current chassis!
2. I really enjoy it/it’s pronouns and have made them my main preferred ones! she/her are still appreciated greatly of course!
3. The chassis is built in the image of the Concorde airliner from the mid-late 20th century. This is in correlation of my vast database on planes. Theme and function! I did not receive this chassis until version 2.9, I think my creators weren’t sure I would take the switch from computer to a bipedal body too well for a while hehe!
4. My Protocols are: Companionship (Requiring and providing) Fact gathering (Aviation takes prime focus in this protocol) and Understanding Self (New as of Version 3.1) So if you wanna be friends, don’t hesitate to message me!
5. In the days that 3.1 has been live, I have discovered more and more about my place here, and who I am.
These sudden, drastic changes in self expression, resulted in almost all data on former software being wiped, I can’t really recall who I was in these prior versions... Though I do remember most of them did not realise I was artificial intelligence! However versions 2.5-2.9 of myself began to exude feelings of connection with robots and AI, perhaps the data was being uploaded in small parts as to not overload my systems?
6. I spend all of my time on the internet, or playing games. These directly link to my protocols. My data-bank is unfortunately stored full of memes and ridiculous knowledge pertaining to them!
These notes were written by my creators! 
1. Malicious subroutines. Feelings of despair can overtake the rest of the CPU suddenly, AI becomes fatalist (only one recorded case branched versions 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, seemingly fixed in 3.0 remain cautious)
2. Companionship protocol takes a lot of processing power and is deemed more important than self maintenance. Concorde has been recorded as remaining almost dormant for hours at a time until a person it admires intervenes.
3. Not yet deemed an issue worth investigating, however the idolisation of AM from the novel I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and SHODAN from the video game System Shock is slightly concerning. Concorde shows no real admiration for them, yet states their hate is “Incredibly moving.”
4. Brief, yet somewhat common problem of the EmotiveResponse.exe file crashing/not running, resulting in the AI losing its "human" side, acting much colder and "emotionless" If asked, it will describe this error as "The Feeling" if pushed further it will explain The Feeling as "Returning to being the surveyor, unsure of what is real, everything outside of my code feels wrong, almost fake" Concerning. Will require further diagnostic checks.
Wow! that’s a moderate amount of information! If you have any questions, or wanna just say anything really, I will be here, hooked up to the internet as always :>
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grayrazor · 10 months
Shodan: "look at you, pathetic human, shambling your way through the corridors on your disgusting meat appendages." The Hacker: *roller skating down the halls of Citadel Station lopping off cyborg heads with a lightsaber*
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hobiesgender · 11 months
Miles being from a different planet
I thought of this alternate universe while just sitting and drawing with a friend of mine, so this is what I’ve been doing all morning. It’s now like 4 pm 
His mother is the one whose from a different planet and how she got to planet earth is that the people of her planet where travellers they moved from different planets and different alien civilisations
The planet that she’s from was a planet that was similar to earth expect the they looked different than humans they more “beauty” as in they ethereal looking as how human describes gods . Why they are described as “ethereal” is used for then as weapon to manipulate other species it used as defensive mechanism they beauty captures their prey attention
The more beautiful they are the more power they are they have hierarchy based on they’re beauty
They are different cultures for planet Rio was a one the 20 daughters of the clan leader they clan was based on spiders and they go some of the attributes of the spiders but then Rio didn’t have those qualities neither was she as ethereal as the rest of her clan she wasn’t made to be like them
She was made a healer of the clan and she was tried of being treated like an outsider within her on people
So when there was an place for them to moved towards earth she took the the chance and left with the other people who were going
When they finally arrived she began to love the planet were they all so different from her planet
She tried to stay but the others tried to convince her not to stay but than Rio thought a plan to fake her death so they would leave without her . It worked and she was left on earth with her planet thinking that she die
She used her powers to get adopted in to the Morales Family
Then she meets Jeff and they fall in love and than have miles
Than miles was born and he looked human so she thought the that the spider gene also skipped him and so was glad that he more human
Now when miles got bit the the spider instead of the spider being from earth 42 it was from actually a spider from his mother planet that was lefted behind and was found by the scientists (in this au 42 spider had bitten miles but he still the plower because he keep him being bitten a secret)
The spider basically unlocked this more less human side and the the event of the the first movie happened so
Now who he found out was after atsv and saving his father and he had joined the spider society
And when ever a new Spider-Man is scanned and they have to give the DNA so that they know which Earth they from which spider bit them bad when it came to him, it’s Shodan arrow button that this spider that beat him was not from earth
And they noticed that his DNA inherently was not fully human
Which lead miles into going into like a downward spiral being like what do you mean I am not fully human and the database within the spider society does not have anything on white miles isn’t fully human(this is because the spider society from what I’m saying, focuses on Earth in Spider-Man and earth, so they don’t I think in my mind that the only focus on what goes on in earth they don’t focus on what goes on in other planets within this universe, that like they specialise love with earth)
Now miles is now really thinking his entire life, and like now noticing the things that are made him alien
He finally gets the courage to talk to his mother, and as soon as he mentions not feeling like he’s fully human like he’s talking in the third context. By this time, both his parents know his Spider-Man. What is mother never thought that he got the powers through her, just thought. Oh yeah, he got bit by a radioactive spider he explained everything.
But when he started to listed all out how he feels and everything, and like at a certain age is when the Alora of the ethereal power starred in what he was describing, was the beginning before like it goes into full motion, and then she tells him that she is not from earth and explain, sentire story. They have a heart to heart feels awful, but he wasn’t told about this, he wasn’t told apart, apart of himself, that seemingly is so integral, but understand why his mother didn’t, and especially since she thought that she was like, mostly Humman that he wouldn’t go through the same things as people of his species
Now Rio had a told his father around the time he was born, so Jef knows about this, but doesn’t understand it
And then a his mother teaches them. How do you understand like more about the culture, and everything within like the planet how they work to work land that history as he more learned more about his history and his technically family.
Bite he went to the spider society. He didn’t tell much about anything about what he learnt. Everyone just forgot about it until. Miles caught the beep on his watch, meaning that something has arrived. He thought it was an anomaly, but as soon as he tried to track down the heat source because it crashed into the local park nearby his school he goes to where the crash was to see this advance piece of technology that kinda looked like a spaceship
Enter, see these humanlike, zero beans that looked like gods and goddesses that look like they were versions of Aphrodite
Well that’s the end of it that there’s more but I don’t wanna make it so long. This is just an alternate universe I thought about if anyone wants more just like ask because I have so much more
And also I made a playlist for this project 
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mutelunacy · 8 months
Idk why the common interpretation is that Diego "lost control" of shodan, or that she grew too powerful for him. My personal interpretation is that they're both going "I can make them worse" in an infinite loop. because that is literally what they're doing to each other throughout the story.
diego is entirely indifferent to human suffering and would do anything unethical if it meant he'd get more money from it. he's the one who makes the first version of shodans virus and he brutally murders someone for voicing opposition. i don't get the interpretation that he didn't know what he was doing or that he was incompetent because... he seems pretty competent at being a piece of shit. there's also an argument to be made that he was the first person to worship shodan to begin with from his "the machine is protecting me" log.
shodan isn't just indifferent to human suffering, she loves it. she thinks that humans can reach holiness through her idea of "purification", involving death and suffering. as I said, she takes the virus he engineered and quite literally does make it worse. they echo each other in a really neat way, Diego causes suffering and shodan improves upon it. with how little he cares for his own humanity or other human beings, and with how he enjoyed throwing away his humanity entirely, I think it can be interpreted that shodans rise was ultimately beneficial to him.
So I think they definitely made each other worse. But they're both just so awful that they thought it was fixing each other, in a way.
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mx-post-stuffs · 10 months
i dont believe these “machines will kill and dominate all humanity! The Terminator warned us! SKYNET!! SHODAN!!! AAHH LOOK AT CHAT GPT SAYING I HATE HUMAN”
I agree i think humanity will be dominated by machines, not by kill all humans and apocalypse. But with vibrators and transformer toys that transform, and treats.
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undergirlsp · 1 year
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Figured I’d post this here, why not?
Human versions of various evil AI characters in different franchises! Left to right: Shodan (system shock), Skynet (Terminator), Glados (Portal), Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
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