#hunter x hunter machi
rinhxh · 23 days
Where have I been all this time? Why is there absolutely no info on X regarding this Machi's Furyu Hikkake Figure? 🤯
By the way, this will only be released in October 2024.
Also, Feitan's noodle stopper will also be released soon. Because this is Furyu's release too, and Feitan is one of the Phantom Troupe members who is also almost never absent from HXH merchandise production, I think there are quite high expectations for Machi's noodle stopper production too. I hope. AMIN. 🙏🏻
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lavender1398 · 10 months
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The Phantom Toupe🕷️🕸️
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tangsakura · 1 year
A Possible Future Based On Hisoka's Fortune - HxH Predictions
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 105 (Raw)
"A red-eyed customer will visit your store. Half of them is angel, and the other is the god of death. Presumably they are hoping that you will sell the moon's secrets to them. They ought to be especially pleased about that of the frost moon.
On a hot day, with the mediation of the said customer, the two of you, the man of a reversed cross and you, are probably to be left alone together. The false fourth moon will be torn away from the calendar. With this, those that remain will become 6."
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I'm gonna put it here to remind us all of Hisoka's real fortune.
We all know how Shalnark ended up dead according to the fortune he received back in Yorknew arc. Now everyone is paying attention at Shizuku's fortune and making predictions. One of the most popular of these theories is how Shizuku will die around merchandise covered in black, which are brought by the Kakin mafia or one of the princes, if I remember correctly.
So now, I shall make my own predictions on what will happen in the future HxH chapters. But this time it will be based on Hisoka's real fortune.
WARNING: IF YOU HAVEN'T READ HUNTER x HUNTER CHAPTERS 349 TO 400, ESPECIALLY 391 TO 400, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ FURTHER. Keep in mind that this is unedited, and you are bound to read some cringey parts at some point.
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First Stanza:
"A red-eyed customer will visit your store. Half of them is angel, and the other is the god of death."
As Hisoka accepted Hinrigh's offer of going to VVIP room at tier 1, he's currently on his way there. The only one there who is described as a "red-eyed customer will visit your store. Half of them is angel, and the other is the god of death" is Kurapika, who is, at present, the bodyguard of 14th Prince Woble and Queen Oito.
At some point, they will meet again. They have to. There is no way that Hisoka will not go to the next banquet nor snoop around and find out what's up in the said tier. He will be there and his encounter with Kurapika for the first time since Yorknew arc is inevitable.
"Presumably they are hoping that you will sell the moon's secrets to them."
With Hisoka's presence in tier 1, Kurapika won't be able to help but wonder what happened to the Phantom Troupe, especially Chrollo, after Kurapika and the main gang left Chrollo, Hisoka and Pakunoda on top of the cliff/mountain (pls my brain isn't cooperating right now, somebody remind me), in the middle of nowhere.
Kurapika will definitely ask Hisoka about the Phantom Troupe. Presently, he wants to know about them and, obviously, he will get curious whether they are in the Black Whale or not. Remember, the Phantom Troupe is also his target, but obviously more secondary as 4th Prince Tserriednich is his first and foremost target as of this arc.
Kurapika will definitely find out that they are onboard the ship, and in all probability, Hisoka will let him know about it. After all, wouldn't Hisoka want to form an alliance again with Kurapika?
"They ought to be especially pleased about that of the frost moon."
I believe Hisoka will reveal something about the frost moon with Kurapika.
As you know, the frost moon refers to #11 of the Phantom Troupe. Back in Yorknew arc, they were referring to Uvogin. But he died. He even got a tombstone-less tomb and a requiem on the night of the underground auction. So, how is frost moon still relevant to this arc?
Well, sucks for you, but the one who replaced Uvogin is none other than this man:
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 377 (Official English Translation)
Illumi Zoldyck.
With the way he is acting at the moment and how he divulged his assassination deal with Hisoka is making him super suspicious. There has been so many theories about him being Hisoka and so on because of how sus he is at the moment.
Though the theory about him being Hisoka has been debunked as of the current available chapters, you cannot deny that this is not merely just a "kill me and my engagement ring to or prenup with you is that you get paid". There's something more going on here.
I predict that he and Hisoka are on cahoots with each other. Surely, Hisoka had a deal with him, but I think it's more of helping him destroy the Spiders from the inside and so Illumi can save Kalluto from Hisoka's murder plan.
If it is true that Hisoka and Illumi are working together because Hisoka asked him to just like in Yorknew and Illumi can save his younger sibling, then Kurapika will be pleased. Because that's less spiders he has to worry with, considering that he also has to get closer to Prince Tserriednich to take back the remaining scarlet eyes, while also helping Queen Oito and Prince Woble survive the succession war.
(At this point, you may take a break. Resume reading once you are ready.)
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Second Stanza:
"On a hot day, with the mediation of the said customer, the two of you, the man of a reversed cross and you, are probably to be left alone together. "
I am mostly onboard with the prediction that Kurapika and Hisoka will come up with some sort of agreement regarding the Troupe. Kurapika already has too many things in his plate regarding the succession war with the remaining princes and how he will get close in contact with Prince Tserriednich. It won't come into surprise if Kurapika asks Hisoka for a helping hand or accept Hisoka's offer of his own kind of alliance, which I think he would do just like in Yorknew. But I think this time Hisoka will warn him not to remove Chrollo's nen. xD
Hisoka will perhaps help him take out some of the members. I feel that he will go for Shizuku and/or Bonolenov first. They are currently with Chrollo, so perhaps with Kurapika's help or someone's help, Chrollo can get separated from them, and then he can kill Shizuku and Bonolenov right then and there.
But we can also take into account that the closes Spiders to Hisoka right now are Nobunaga, Phinks, Feitan, and most likely Franklin and Machi. He can go for one of them first, as well. But I really feel like Shizuku and Bonolenov will die and I'll explain why in a short bit.
And of course, the one I'm most excited about is the showdown between Hisoka and Machi. I'm so ready to witness the best tragic romance of all times
Later on, Kurapika will maybe help him get another chance to be alone with Chrollo in return of him getting rid of some of the Troupe members. The ship is on the way to the false Dark Continent right now, so maybe he can set up a place there where Hisoka and Chrollo can face off. And it will be hot on that place on that day.
But it can also be that because of Kurapika, Hisoka and Chrollo will be alone together in the Black Whale ship, whether intentional or not. But how can it be a hot day in a ship, especially later when they can no longer go out of the premises due to the unpredictable travel conditions?
When the whole ship is in chaos and on fire. Now that will be wild, but not impossible.
"The false fourth moon will be torn away from the calendar."
In Yorknew arc, the false fourth moon was Hisoka, the former #4 of the Spiders. His allegiance to the spider was never true and he was willing for the existence of the Spider to perish.
But the one to replace him was Kalluto Zoldyck, the youngest member of the famous Zoldyck family.
As of now, it looks like he is getting along with them, and based on chapter 377 and 380, he has found some sort of comfort with them.
I mean look at Kalluto sitting near Machi, whom I previously analyzed based off of her speech language as someone considerate to kids.
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 377 (Official English Translation)
And how she is reacting when Illumi revealed to Mizai about everyone in the Phantom Troupe onboard the ship.
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 380 (Official English Translation)
Even so, how can Kalluto be a false fourth moon?
Because he is a Zoldyck.
At some point in the current arc, he will have to choose between the Zoldyck family and the Spiders, considering the fact that Illumi is most likely in cahoots with Hisoka, who is trying to kill the Spiders and have a rematch with Chrollo, perhaps.
And he will definitely choose the family. Because before he is a Phantom Troupe member, he is a Zoldyck. Knowing the dynamics of the family and all of that, I think he will have no choice but to choose his own biological family over the one he found some comfort with. Thus, he has always been a false fourth moon, just like Hisoka.
"With this, those that remain will become 6."
Whether this happens before, during, or after the Hisoka and Chrollo being alone together on a hot day, it doesn't matter. I predict that there will be six members of the Phantom Troupe left, including Chrollo.
And you know what's funny, I think the ones who will have to die are Shizuku and Bonolenov, as I stated previously.
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Hunter x Hunter Chapter 397 (Unofficial English Translations)
The ones who will be left will be the original Phantom Troupe members.
Originally, there are nine members. But three of them are already dead: Pakunoda, Uvogin and Shalnark.
When Shizuku and Bonolenov dies, the ones who will be left will be Nobunaga, Phinks, Feitan, Franklin, Machi, and Chrollo.
The original six.
I really think that if this will be the case, then we have a big potential or two when it comes to exploring the dynamics and relationships between the founding members. We have already witnessed the tension and conflict between the founding members when Chrollo was kidnapped by Kurapika back in Yorknew.
So this time it'll be interesting if we see it once again. And it'll be better if six of them are alive, but Chrollo is alone with Hisoka and they are far away from the other five. It'll be another dilemma for them once again. Do you save Chrollo or do you live on and keep the Spider alive?
And it'll be more interesting if the other people's predictions that the Hei-Ly family had something to do with Sarasa's death and the six founding members finds out about this and ends up being face to face with the benefactor.
These two events can tie into the Spiders' backstory a lot with the former possibly igniting or making them recollect the strong bonds that existed back on that day in the forest and the latter resolving the grudge and guilt they have been carrying since childhood.
Also, having the six founding members dying at the same time or together can be melancholic and sorrowful. A tragic and sad ending, but which provided them resolution and catharsis.
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And that's about it. I hope you enjoyed reading my predictions. This post has been in my drafts since the day before my birthday last year and I just completed it in one sitting. Finally, I posted something decent after a long time.
Anyways, I'll go to sleep now. It's like 2 or 3 am here right now.
Until then.
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cr33pyjaja · 1 year
Machi Komachine
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1999 & 2011 (colored) version
Machi is such a QUEEN !!! I wanted to draw her but with different clothes and damn everything fit her !!!
I would like to draw Pakunoda later qvq let's hope I draw her as good as I drew Machi ! She also is a queen 💗💗
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anestefi · 1 year
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prof-kenny · 1 year
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feitans-sweet-lover · 2 years
Random Machi Headcanon
Out of all the characters, Machi would probably be the one to on accident adopt a child. Like “they have been following me for over 500 miles and won’t leave me alone so now I guess they’re my child”. You touch, I kill.
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yosoyjohana · 1 year
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Mi favorita💅🏻
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goosaphone · 2 years
Friday is my favorite day of the week between new anipoke episodes and new HxH chapters. Yesterday SERVED for both and I'm so full of emotions
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jayjayjewell · 2 years
Machi I heart her so much ;D but I swear my characterization for her is constantly changing-
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pandacatdoodler · 2 years
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I made a concept of machi if she was a doll
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rinhxh · 1 year
Leave it here.
'Newborn' spider.
(From Hunter X Hunter DVD Cover 1999 Version)
Poor Shalnark & ​​Phinks that wasn't included. 😅
Edit: Feitan too. 😅
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lavender1398 · 11 months
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tangsakura · 1 year
Here's another wave of chatGPT hisomachi brainrot
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tinellesdivine · 2 years
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Reposted :o
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beforeelectriclight · 6 months
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they're up to no good
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