#hwanhee up10tion
kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ hwanhee ; simple ”♡ᵎ ꒱
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incorrectplanet · 1 year
gunwook: i’m so tough. i don’t cry about anything.
hwanhee: just the other day you were crying about snakes.
gunwook: they don’t have any arms!!
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boysplanetrecaps · 4 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 4: Team Unique
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Hey, friends! This is the fourth and final post in my “episode zero” series of my MNET’s Build Up recaps. I’m giving you some basic background info on each of the boys, including where you may have seen them before, the group they’re in normally if applicable, and my opinion/analysis of their teaser performance. In the previous post, I covered Team Power. This will wrap things up with Team Unique. Woot!
Kang Hayoon
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Hayoon is 20, and before this, he went on LOUD and Kookmin Singer. He may have met Jung Soomin (the kid from Chicago) on the show Loud, and he may have met Kwon Euibin on Kookmin Singer.
He was V07, and his teaser song is One and Only by Adele. He has a genuinely unique singing style that doesn’t at all match the way he dresses and looks. It’s a very specific vocal color that might not appeal to everyone -- deliberately somewhat nasal, but in a controlled way. It sounds retro-modern, the way that a lot of Western artists sing these days. He’s obviously a genuine talent, but I can almost feel his throat closing up as he sings. He needs a bit of training to really use that amazing instrument he has. I hope he gets it, and that it doesn’t destroy his natural color. 
Jeon Woong
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Hair-stylist Unnies, what the fuck? Seriously.
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Much better, thank you.
Woong is 26 years old, and was V11, performing Bad by Christopher. He sings the song almost exactly the way the original performer does, even down to the little purposeful vocal kicks. I would have liked to hear a bit more of his interpretation of the song instead of karaoke version. He uses falsetto to hit some of the high notes, but that’s ok, they’re very high notes and he sounds good. I like his singing in an instinctive way, but I’m not sure how well trained he is.  
Woong is in AB6IX, a four member group (used to be five) from Brandnew music. Like CIX, this is post-Wanna One group; Daehwi, a former member of Wanna One, is the center and face of AB6IX. Woong, meanwhile, is the main vocal. AB6IX started off doing pretty well, but one of their members, Youngmin, had a DUI arrest and had to leave the group in disgrace. It hurt the group pretty badly, and they haven’t really bounced back. Hopefully, going on this show will draw some good attention to the group, who I’ve always liked but thus far haven’t stanned. The song of theirs that I like best (of the ones I’ve heard -- there are lot of kpop songs, you guys, I don’t always keep up) is Close. 
And if you want to hear more of Woong’s voice, here’s his solo song, Moondance.  
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Sunyoul is 27 and a member of Up10tion. 
He has been on a few shows before this, including two reality shows devoted to trot, a uniquely Korean style of music, and a stint on King of Mask Singer in 2016 where he managed to convince everyone that he was a female trot singer. People were pretty surprised when they found out who he was! Seriously, check out his performance -- I don’t think I’d guess in a million years that this was a man.
For his teaser performance, he was V04, and did a song called Twenty Five Twenty One. He had some shaky moments, but showed his strong lower register and some serious vocal agility, moving from low to high notes almost effortlessly. I think he’s one to watch. 
Let me talk briefly about Up10tion. They debuted as a 10 member group in 2015, and didn’t really catch the world on fire. Several members went on ProduceX101 and two members did well enough that they basically started solo careers afterward instead of really bringing the fame home to the group. (I’m not criticizing them -- that was mismanagement on the agency’s part, not their fault.) Three members have left the group, and two members went on Boys Planet (Hwanhee and Xiao). Several members have left the agency, including Hwanhee and Sunyoul, and the future of Up10tion is really dubious at this point.  
Meanwhile, I’ve liked a few songs of Up10tion over the years, so it’s a bummer that they never really worked out. I think the first song of theirs that I liked was Blue Rose. Also, What if Love is great, especially the chorus, even if it sounds like they’re saying “ready for love” instead of “what if love”. In my opinion, a lot of Up10tion songs have weird intros and kind of mid verses and then awesome choruses held down by Hwanhee’s marquee vocals and Sunyoul’s sweet higher register. So if you listen to the first 30 seconds and you’re like “meh?” give the whole song a listen. Also, their song Spin Off was one of the best songs of 2021 and lives forever on my playlists. It’s one of those full-on kpop songs that isn’t really any genre, just sort of pop that makes you feel happy. 
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Wumuti is 24 and is from China, though he’s actually an ethnic Uyghur, a Turkic ethnic group that is an officially recognized ethnic minority in China. If you read my Boys Planet recaps, you know that I have a soft spot for him. He just wants this so bad. Plus, and I don’t want to bum you out too much, but the Uyghurs are facing some pretty serious problems, including forced sterilization and labor camps and it’s really really bad. So I can’t help but always cheer for Wumuti, you know? 
He also seems like a really sweet, genuine, and hard working person. He seems pretty fluent in Korean and has been on all the Korean reality shows: Road to Star, The Dance & The Voice, Super Idol, Under Nineteen and Boys Planet. So this makes the third survival show in a row that Wumuti and Jay will be on together! (The other two were Under 19 and Boys Planet.)
Here’s one of my favorite Wumuti performances, gross lollipop aside. (He’s the one in the white hat.) Oh, now I miss Boys Planet!
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Then there’s his cover of Antifragile, which he released shortly after getting kicked off Boys Planet. 
Ok, as for his teaser song, he was V12, performing Seven by Jungkook. He sounds fine, though I wouldn’t say at all his voice belongs in Unique. I think I’d call it Allround -- I couldn’t promise that I’d know his voice just from hearing it the way I would with, say, Hwanhee or Jay. Also, the rapping is a little cringe, but TBH it’s cringe even in the original version of the song. 
I think he was hoping to get people’s attention by singing a super popular song in English. His end game isn’t to make the top 4 of this show -- he wants to launch a solo career. I mean, that’s what I assume, anyway. I’m not sure if that will work out for him, but I hope it does. 
Lee Gwangseok, aka, Lee Kwangseok
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Gwangseok is kind of a question mark overall -- I know nothing about him, not even his age. We actually learn on the first episode that he has no training at all and works as a model (!). So he has never been on any other show and he’s definitely not in an existing group. 
He’s V19 in the teaser song, showing off a unique, smokey, extremely thick kind of voice. I enjoy his performance, even though he’s singing a ballad, so that says a lot, though I know that some people may not personally like this distinctive style. I wouldn’t necessarily have guessed that he has no training. Maybe he just has good instincts, or maybe he had some light vocal training, like in high school chorus or something like that, because he can hit some fairly high notes in his chest voice. And some singers are charming without training -- Joni Mitchell comes to mind as someone like that. They sing the way they sing, and people can like it or not.
I’ll be really interested in see more of Gwangseok. I don’t know if he’s right for a vocal group based on harmonies, because his voice is so distinctive. However, he’s apparently quite handsome* and that combined with genuine vocal talent and his sort of self-effacing charm could give him a decent solo career.
*Those of you who regularly read my recaps know that I have no idea who is and who isn’t “handsome” or “pretty” in the kpop world. I often pick out the member who everyone thinks is the “ugly one” in a group and choose them as the one who’s best looking! So I have no idea. But the other guys on the show react in such a way as to indicate that he’s really handsome, and he works as a model, so I guess he’s handsome. 
Hong Sungwon
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He’s a musical actor, and that’s about all I know. 
He was V21, doing Desperado by the Eagles. He sings it with a slight country twang, which is wild for a non-native speaker. (I assume he’s a non-native speaker? Maybe I’m wrong.) He has a rich, warm tone and impeccable pitch. I don’t love all his weird rhythmic choices in the song, but he’s trying to show that he’s fully singing live. It’s hard to critique a voice like this -- it’s just really good without necessarily really being all that unique. I like it a lot, don’t get me wrong. It’ll be nice to hear him sing more on this show. 
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He’s listed as a solo singer, but I can’t figure out much more about him. There’s another Korean singer in this world named Neon Bunny (check out her song It’s You, one of my all-time favorites -- she’s not a kpop singer, she’s an indie artist and the song is amazing) and another Kpop performer named Neon who is a band called About U, so it’s hard to find out info about this particular guy with the same/similar name. I do know that he’s 28 years old -- that’s about it!
He was V33, doing Rush Hour by Crush. He has clean, nice vocals -- not particular unique, despite his category. He’s just really nice to listen to. Good pitch, good breath control, good power, all the good stuff. In fact, I think I would have put him in the Power category. You can see him in his silhouette performance standing quite a distance from the microphone, still singing loud enough to be heard clearly.  I’m looking forward to hearing more from him.
Kim Seohyung
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Soehyung is a musical actor and has a similar singing style to Kim Seongjeong and Choi Haram. So it’s just not going to appeal to me, as much as I can respect his skill. His teaser song was V18, Me After You by Paul Kim. He did falter a little on one of the high notes, but I mean, it was just 90 seconds of singing one song, and mistakes happen. I think he belongs in the Power category, not the Unique category, but that’s just me.
A fan of his made this “Kim Seohyung cut” of episode 1 -- all 90 seconds that we got to see of him in episode one. MNET really doesn’t care much about Seohyung! 
Lee Hwanhee
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Hwanhee is from Up10tion, but you might recall him from Boys Planet as the guy who ended up on General Gunwook’s team for Kill this Love. (Performance) You might also remember that he had to withdraw from the show midway due to his health issues. 
He is V38, performing Tomboy by G-Idle. He did the song justice, I thought, putting enough snap and sass into it. There were some backup prerecorded vocals that make it tough to tell how much he’s singing live. But I’ve heard enough of his vocals to know that he’s capable of some excellent singing.
I never got the sense that many of my 3-4 readers liked Hwanhee much, but I think he’s a really good vocalist. I like his distinctive, Baekhyun-esque vocal color, which adds nicely to Up10tion songs. However, he might be a tad outclassed by some of the other guys on this show, who have more training than he does. I think sometimes he wears out his voice and kind of runs out of steam while he sings. 
I think I would have put him in the Power category, but maybe I don’t really understand what the categories are about. 
Kwon Euibin
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I can’t get over this official picture. Imagine being like, “Yes, this represents me. This is my brand. I’m going for that, like, pissed off substitute teacher vibe.” I mean. IDK.
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He really likes beige sweaters over white shirts, I guess. 
Ok, so Euibin is only 25 years old, and my scouting tells me he’s a trainee going for the idol life. He went on two other shows: The Idol Band: Boy's Battle and Kookmin Singer. On the latter show, he may have met Kang Hayoon, the one who sang the Adele song for his intro clip.
He was V35, another fecking ballad, but his voice was unexpectedly sweet and pretty compared to his serious countenance.  He strained a little on some of the higher notes and the whole thing felt a little uneven, occasionally kind of shouty. It’s nice to listen to despite all that. I’m not quite sure what to make of him so far, so I’ll reserve judgment for now.  But again, not sure he’s “unique.”
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Taewoo is 26 and my sleuthing tells me he’s a songwriter who appeared on a few other shows I haven’t heard of, Sing Again 2 and Vocal Play 2. 
He’s V28, Thought of You by John Park. I really like his voice. It’s slightly gravely, in a good way -- it has character. Finally, a unique singer who is actually unique. It’s hard to say how trained he is based on this clip but I know I want to hear more of him!
And that’s it! Gang, we did it. We made it through all 40! Now, I’ll move on to the recap at last. 
See you then and there! 
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beomgyu01 · 1 year
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DONGYEOL and HWANHEE surviving ep. 5 of Boys Planet
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winxys · 2 years
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UP10TION What If Love (2022)
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
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Mnet idol survival show BOYS PLANET (the boys version of the successful GIRLS PLANET 999 which spawned Kep1er) has released a set of profile images of the competing trainees.. The series debut is scheduled for February 2nd.
1. Lee Hwanhee (TOP Media; member of UP10TION) 2. Lee Jeonghyeon (WAKEONE) 3. Lee Seunghwan (LOUD alum; alum of 1THE9) 4. Lee Yedam (LM Entertainment; LOUD alum) 5. Lim Junseo (143 Entertainment) 6. Mun Junghyun (WAKEONE) 7. Oh Sungmin (WAKEONE; alum of TO1 as Jerome) 8. Park Gunwook (Jellyfish Entertainment; WILD IDOL alum) 9. Park Gwanyoung 10. Park Hanbin (WAKEOUT; LOUD alum)
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sprinnklesstuff · 1 year
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⠀﹪⠀🌏⠀︰⠀BOYS PLANET 999! ⠀♡⠀ like or reblog.⠀﹟
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like or reblog if you save - (❀)
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mongtji · 1 year
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lee hwanhee and lee dongyeol for boys planet please support them!
hwanhee 'here i am' individual cam > here dongyeol 'here i am' individual cam > here
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gunwookstan · 1 year
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gunwook is very excited to see hwanhee again
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hanakotsugumi · 27 days
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Happy birthday, Hwani!
Forever Honey10😍
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kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ lee hwanhee ; boys planet ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @moodscreens
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first mission fancam (kill this love team) his time attack, he's such a sweetie pls support him
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071793-imjunhyeok · 4 months
🎤 Breathe - Im Junhyeok, Choi Haram, Jung Inseong, Lee Hwanhee @PRE-4 Mission [#Buildup/Full Version]
© Mnet K-POP | 240202
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soulmateszedits · 1 year
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Hwanhee × Up10tion ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Boyfriend Material || Requested
✧ Nako
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boysplanetrecaps · 3 months
The BUILD UP BRAPPIES, 2x2 Rivalry edition
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Time to take a brief break from my MNET Build Up Recap Project to hand out some BRAPPY Awards for Excellence in the Field of Excellence! In this post, I'll be giving out BRAPPIES based on how everyone did in the 2x2 Rival Mission. Let's go!
Favorite Performance Overall:
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I have to give it to River, of course. I was thinking, “Which of these do I most want to just rewatch right now?” and that’s the one. You can fairly point out that I also like the song, and that’s true. But there you go.
Honorable mentions: Sherlock, Dangerously
Favorite Performance of a Song I Don’t Like:
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I’ll give this one to Moon. The song itself is whatever, but I liked Joohee and Euibin’s performance.
Honorable mention: Still Love You by Hyukjin and Inseong
Performance Helped Most By Song Choice:
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I have to give this one to My Sea. The song is so incredibly emotional that it’s hard to deny, even if the performance had been a little weak. I’m not saying the performance WAS weak, but having a song like this is nothing but a boon.
Honorable mentions: End of a Day, To My Youth 
Performance Hindered Most By Song Choice:
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Woong and Seokhwa’s performance. No question. Blackpink can make almost any song seem good, but I’m not sure even they can save Kick It, much less two nervous idols alone on a stage with critical judges. 
Honorable mention: Sungwon and Taehwan doing Play. 
Teammate Most Screwed Over By a Teammate:
What? What's this? There's a tie?? This is unprecedented!
The awards go to Kwon Euibin AND Kim Seongjeong.
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In the case of Kwon Euibin, not only did Joohee get most of the lines in the song, he got most of the attention on the show in general. We didn’t hear a single word of feedback about how good/bad Euibin did. Then, the duo got a comparatively low score primarily because Joohee couldn’t keep it together. And yet, the damn judges saved Joohee! Someone get that fire extinguisher and keep it handy. Grrrr. 
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Kim Seongjeong went through basically the same thing. His teammate Gwangseok was the problem in their performance, and yet, the judges saved Gwangseok.
Team Most Screwed Over By The Team Itself:
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This award goes to Seokhwa and Woong. I think both of them would have been better off working with someone else.
I keep thinking, what if Yeo One had been obsessed with working with Seokhwa for some reason, instead of Lim Junhyeok? And then what if Woong had ended up with Junhyeok, who was his old hyung from his JYP days? I really ended up enjoying Yeo One and Junhyeok’s performance, but if Woong and Junhyeok had sung that same song together I think it would have been even better, as Woong is no question a better vocalist than Yeo One.  And Yeo One and Seokhwa could have sung a sweet, light song together; perhaps they could have done Been Through by EXO. There, I fixed it. You’re welcome. 
Biggest Discovery:
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Kwon Euibin. I just loved his performance, and I never noticed him that much before.
Biggest Glow Up from Previous Round:
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Kwon Euibin again. Round one, he looked like an actual robot. Round two, he looked like a slightly thicc dude. Huge improvement. 
Biggest Dimming Down from Previous Round:
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Geonu, sweetie, darling, honey pie. You were a nominee for best sweater in the first round and then there's... this??? What. Is. This. Sweater.??
Biggest Coat-tail Rider:
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Geonu again. I believe strongly that his team won primarily because of Soomin’s performance, not Geonu’s. 
Honorable mention: Kim Seongjeong, who *wanted* to ride on Gwangseok's coattails very badly.
Best Sweater:
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This is it. This is the best sweater from this round. There wasn't a lot of competition, but this one would have won anyway.
Team That Seemed To Have the Most Fun:
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Taehwan and Sungwon, Play. 'Nuff said.
Team That Cried The Most:
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Donghyun and Sunyoul, I assume. We didn’t see them actively crying in the montage, but I get the feeling they were crying a lot in private. 
Song That Made Me Cry the Most:
End of a Day, but that’s kind of a special case.
Honorable mentions: My Sea, To My Youth 
Most Random Judging Moment:
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The judges hating Hwanhee and Hwanji. No question. Did Hwanhee like, park in VCG’s parking spot? Did he take the last cherry danish? WHAT. HAPPENED. HERE.??
Most Spot on Judging Comment:
When VCG pointed out to Seokhwa and Woong that lowering the key to adapt a female song for males to sing it would also mean lowering the intensity and interest of the song, it was such an interesting lightbulb moment. I think there's some real truth to that.
Best Dahee moment:
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Dahee had a lot of great moments, but the best was when she came up to Jeup and Suhwan after their performance of Sherlock and murmured that she enjoyed it more than the original version.
Honorable mentions: When she danced to Hmm Cheat, When she told someone she thought they were cool even though they lost
Judge Who Pissed Me Off The Least:
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I was going to give an award to the judge who pissed me off the most, but I found that I couldn't make up my mind on that. All I knew is that it wasn't Wendy. So, I decided to give her this award instead. She’s also Wen-fucking-dy and I love her voice. Reveluv for life.
Ok, that's it for this round of Brappies! Is there an award I got wrong? An award you'd give out? Let me know!
I'll see you in the next post, when we gear up for the 3x3 Death Match. I don't know what it is about that name that makes me anxious. Must be all those threes.
See you soon!
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only10tion · 4 months
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crying 5ever
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