#i also tell her that she doesn't get a 15 minute break bc at this point she was on the phone for a whole hour in addition to being late
mentalmeles · 6 months
I swear, one of these days I'm going to just snap and tear into one of/the majority of my coworkers bc I am SO sick and tired of their behavior
#today the newest girl messages me two hours before her shift and tells me she's going to be late#the time for her shift to start comes along and she messages me again saying she's going to be a bit later than she thought#at this point i'm like fine. whatever#30-40 minutes pass and i finally take my 30 minute lunch break#while i'm going she arrives at 4 (a whole hour late)#she clocks in and then proceeds to make a phone call#despite the literal owner telling her to end the call and come work she does not#he leaves and i tell her she has 5 minutes until she needs to hang up#5 minutes come and go and i tell her she needs to hang up now#i then had to tell her 3 or 4 more times before she finally did#and then she starts stalling and asking if she can call her mom or the boss or this and that and i tell her no each time#i also tell her that she doesn't get a 15 minute break bc at this point she was on the phone for a whole hour in addition to being late#but guess what this girl tries to do anyway!!! take a 15 minute break!!!#i confront her while she's trying to leave and she tries to lie and say that i told her she couldn't take a 30 minute break#she also tries to insist that she wasn't on her phone for an hour when i literally checked the time she clocked in#and the time i finally got her to come work#when she realizes i see through her bullshit she tries to say she's going to call the owner and ask if she can go home early#jokes on her but since he was gone that decision was up to me and i obviously told her no#she got mad at me ofc but i am just so fed up with this shit#my boss might put up with it but i have HAD IT!!!#legit going to tell him that we shouldn't allow phones anymore. period.#i hate to do that but at this point it's so much more trouble than it's worth with these kids#earth duty stuff#vent#negative
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alwaysshallow · 9 months
Just saw ur post w a higher rank reader and im in love!
Imagine getting to work with a higher rank/colonel reader who doesn’t bark out order and is always calm, friendly, yet professional.
Treats everyone on the team like an actual person and is very understanding. They get everything done on time or EARLY (like a 3 week mission took only 1 week) with zero backtracks.
Bonus if reader gives everyone a “break time” even if its in war zone lmao. But some how everything works out and ppl are working w max efficiency and min casualty.
“Team bravo pls retreat to point B and switch places w team delta and take ur 40 min brk pls ty ty💞🫰”
Ghost hearing it 1st time on the radio: “ESCUSE ME!!?! WOT!!???🤯”
!!!! years of experience told reader that nothing does better than good environment and she's more than determined to make her people not only efficient, but she's kinda like price? like, you know you can trust her and tell her shit you probably shouldn't, but her lips are sealed.
she also has many friends considering her years spent in military, so maybe it is easier to end missions on time/early, bc of her connections and being a manipulative bitch she can be if she wants something.
break time maybe not 40 minutes but like. 15-20, reader saying that they're supposed to take break, check their guns, check if there's anything they need before they will continue pushing forward. it's not because she's friendly, it's because she likes to work alone and check if there's any more danger than she already saw.
ghost is absolutely flabbergasted LMAOOOO and doesn't believe in shit like this so he follows up after reader. "tough time? we should take east route. we can move by the river" he'd say, seeing her in deep thought.
"i told you to take a break. it's disobedience to your colonel" she'd look at him, almost rolling her eyes
"it's not really a break, when you're thinking for all of us" and he gives her the look. "we're a team"
reader has a lot going on her mind and simon is the one to actually notice that between her playful nature and being all bubbly almost all the time. their bond grows stronger after this situation imo
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
I haven't come here to SCREAM about the last couple of chapters, so I'm here to fix it!
An incomplete list of the things I loved about chapter 48:
Lmao no but seriously: the first part was so hard to read but so worth the wait!! I was clutching my phone without being able to look away because it was so we'll written and it broke my heart all over agai!
Max calling him for hours till he answered bc "They have always been equally obsessed with each other"😭😭
"What else to do but be consumed by Max Lightwood-Bane?" PLS SIR STOP I'M ALREADY CRYING
The whole fucking scene where David's tells Mallory she won't win because she doesn't have what it takes to love Max and telling her that whatever she does, he will undo and he will find his way back to him. I shit you not, I've read that part at least 7 times by now. I'M OBSSESED
The bit with the knife. IT MAKES SENSE NOW AND I WISH IT DIDN'T. GET THIS BABY A BREAK😭. Also now I understand why he wore the long-sleeved tshirts because it made AJ cry :)
I read that someone had a theory that Lance returned for his pink pony and that was why he was at the house and why David threw it away and I would like to personally congratulate them for guessing it tbh bc for me it clicked s second before jdhdkd
I love the way we see David's pain and his trauma from his POV as something he's still trying to understand and work around and how that pain only answers to him, so doing all this by himself was kinda necessary.
When Max asked him if he loved anyone else other than him, the answer seemed so simple. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
"I don't need a reason to love you. I never have. You existing is reason enough for me to love you." Stay with someone who loves you for the simple fact that you exist 💙
David moved forward at that. He didn't know how not to. I love how he thinks this or "How could he refuse?" "How could he say no to that?" "How could he deny when it was Max who asked?" In every universe because YES HE'S NEVER BEEN ABLE GO LET GO OF THIS MAN
The fact that David is always refered as "greedy" because he never has enough of Max is everything to me and in this essay I will-
The fucking white lilies tattoo😭 and the only blooming one being all around David's name. You really said I'm not done with flower symbolism and I love you for that💙
Arthur walking in on them and being like why yes this make sense they just had a heartfelt confession will be in my top ten favorite moments jdhsjsjsj
"Goodnight, mon ange" I'm in tears right now ok?!? It's the second time we've heard present David say it (the first one at the Maldives counts?) And it just turned into my favorite thing 🥺🥺🥺🥺
This was what it felt like to be alive. He had almost forgotten. David chuckled to himself and covered his mouth. HE FEELS ALIVE!! I AM BEING SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS!!
The wink at lbaf left me looking at my ceiling for like 15 minutes so I think that tells you everything you should know.
I loved everything about it. The way you give so much emotion and intensity to a chapter and the beautiful way you write it mean so much to me. Thank you for this wind story once again 💙
Thank you. I cri 🥺🥺🥺
Here is a song I listened to over and over when I wrote this chapter (especially when I wrote the flashback scene) - Indila - Tourner Dans Le Vide 
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Ich habe 314 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
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Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 139 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#the house in the cerulean sea – 78 Einträge
#tj klune – 47 Einträge
#house in the cerulean sea – 44 Einträge
#linus baker – 20 Einträge
#arthur parnassus – 18 Einträge
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#island dads – 13 Einträge
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he talkes about how he sometimes wants to take all his videos down and leave social media forever and i mean nothing has happened on tiktok
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
I did not remember Linus calling merle "Bastard" and it completely caught me off gard.
Also i love how zoes reaction to that basically is
"the boy can curse? Welp time for first name basis then. Let's be friends."
Similarly to how she heard Helen say "daft little bitch" and immediately created a dream wedding pinwall on pinterest
105 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 26. Juli 2022
The last time Linus Baker wears a Tie is a few weeks before his wedding while trying on wedding outfits, after wearing it for less than a minute he decides that no this isn't it, Arthur would still love him whatever he's wearing and nothing makes him more uncomfortable than ties these days and so he instead wears the red sash that Arthur wore on their first adventure
108 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. Februar 2022
One of my favorite things in fics is when Arthur and Linus talk about their experience, like the ones where Linus tells him he's insecure because he doesn't have any because first of all yeahy healthy communication! And also i love the ones where Arthur is like "im a gay philosophy major and father of six, in a racist/homophobic town, you really think i got game?"
I love everything so much! The authors, the author, the island dads, the island wives(even tho they don't have anything to do with this particular thing, they're just important anyway)
169 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. April 2022
Hi yes i just realized Linus love language is gift giving? Like he probably spends most of his money on calliope (s. The discribtion of how he got her)) and then when he buys toole for Talia and wants to get a jacket for Chauncey and vinyls for Lucy and that makes him getting a present from them even more meaningful, right? Like they just instantly hit his love language? He hadn't gotten a present in years? Maybe that's even why he was so brainwashed by diacomy, bc they gave him monogrammed pjs and noone else got him a present since his mum died oh my poor baby boy! I'm actually crying do you think calliope sometimes killed things for him? Do you think that of course Linus was a little disgusted by it but also couldn't help but feel grateful? Bc his cat is the only one to get him presents?
186 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Linus : hey guys look what i found: Jenga! Do you wanna play?
Talia: put that away! Are you mad?
Chauncey: we don't play that here anymore.
Phee: never again. Never again.
Linus : what why? What's going on?
Lucy: because of him
Arthur, pulling a plate from a staple of plates the other ones dropping onto it neatly and without breaking or disrupting: :)
Linus : isn't... Isn't that physically impossible?
Lucy : it is and he doesn't care.
398 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 13. Januar 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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oh my god y'all i gotta share an experience that started out a little frustrating and ended up super validating.
also i may or may not be responsible for bringing the wrath of the Health and Safety Department of the zoo onto cafe management, but i know my supervisor was NOT pleased with me (yes it's the same supervisor that tried to fire me a while back for trying to take care of myself)
OK SO my coworkers and i were waiting for someone to bring a golf cart to drive us up to the front, bc i'm still injured and can't walk uphill so might as well take the rest of the cafe staff up too
in comes a few other zoo staff members, including the head of the Health and Safety Department (we'll call him Eric) and two other guys that work with him (we'll call them Guy 1 and Guy 2). they wanted to check in with our acting manager about something, but she wasn't there yet so they waited with us and started chatting.
at some point, Eric joked with a coworker about how the cafe staff gets to leave earlier than the rest of the zoo, maybe we should stay until 4:30 (he wasnt serious at all, bc he didn't know that i had stayed even later than that on a regular basis before).
i spoke up, trying to maintain a joking manner, and told him if we were gonna close that late then we should be getting breaks (the cafe staff are the only people in the whole goddamn zoo that doesn't get a single break)
Eric and both of his coworkers looked at me real confused and told me we were legally required to get a 15 min break every four hours. i told them that no, our state does not require employers to give their staff a break at all.
they tried arguing with me, which was the frustrating part. "But the federal law requires at least 15 minute breaks!"
i have stopped hiding my bitterness at this point and told them that the last time i tried to report an employer for giving us barely any break, the state department of labor informed me that it technically wasn't a violation if we weren't given breaks.
they weren't convinced yet, but at this point we're also talking about other bullshit loopholes the zoo/city government was pulling to avoid giving us benefits. Eric starts looking something up on his phone, or he's asking someone about labor law specifics.
my supervisor was there the whole time and tries to say that we have enough "downtime" during slow days that it counts as a break (it does not) and implied that we weren't really working that hard since we're on our phones and chatting (fuck you for that btw)
Eric starts asking her questions, making it sound like he's agreeing with her, but i think he was just fishing for information here.
supervisor leaves, and i'm still waiting for a ride up front so i keep chatting with Eric and the others
Eric finally looks up from his phone with a real pissed look and goes "The law was changed recently. It's at the employer's discretion to give their workers a break."
Guy 1 and Guy 2 are shocked, and i'm a little surprised at them for it bc i have been there since last September and we have never been given breaks. how are these guys not aware of it? they see us busy during the lunch rush almost every day and never wondered?
Eric walks out and he just looks mad. I'm trying to reign in my anger at my supervisor for what she said before, but I manage to tell them bye before I hobble out
I guess I didn't realize that no one else knew what went on in the cafe. we're on our feet for 6 to 7 hours and there's rarely time to sit down unless we push for it. so now that the head of the health and safety department knows, even if there aren't any legal grounds to kick up a fuss over it, he might just have a thing or two to say to our bosses.
as for my supervisor? i am willing to believe she thinks we don't need breaks. and now i'm wondering if she and our guest services manager (our boss) were intentionally keeping that quiet
anyways what the fuck
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potatowitch · 7 months
thoughts on alexis + astarion as an aunt + uncle post game
yenna technically gets adopted by jaheira but she just. keeps showing up at alex and astarion's house all the time. hanging out in the living room, hanging out with their animals, reading all their books. they've just accepted that she's going to do that and as long as she doesn't break anything or wake them up during the day and she goes home by like 8pm they're fine with it
alexis' half sister olivia adopts children with her gnome wife. the first time alexis and astarion meet the first baby, they hold her and coo over her for about five minutes until she has a massive diaper blowout that covers both of them and they start fucking SCREAMING
they like babies up until they do things like that to them. it's funny if babies shit on other people tho
they are the reason all of olivia's children have pottymouths from a very young age bc they just refuse to not swear around kids
they're just bad influences in general tbh. they both encourage theft, arson, fucking about with magic, breaking the law, etc
the first time one of olivia's kids calls astarion a little bitch he loses his shit laughing. he can't even be mad abt it bc it's so funny to hear a 9 year old say that to him
astarion likes telling stories to kids. he has a warped perception of what constitutes a "child friendly" story. the kids fucking love this
i still haven't decided what happens with the baby that hatches from the githyanki egg re: who is their official guardian but alexis does encourage them to bite people who piss them off with their sharp githyanki teeth. lae'zel actually approves of this
two out of three of their cats detest children. myshka is fine with them and is very popular among their niblings but mordecai likes to find a high place out of reach of the kids to hide, and lazarus likes to bite children and hiss at them
obviously scratch and chicken (the owlbear) are popular with the kids
"i'm being bullied at school what do i do?" "you should kill them." "let us know if you need help disposing of the evidence!" and you can never tell if they're joking or not
also there ends up being a drow dhampir baby boom in the underdark like 15 years after the game ends and astarion and alexis do go down to check it out. a little bit in an attempt to manage the chaos, but mainly out of curiosity and bc it's kinda funny
"petras if your ugly ass kid bites my wife one more fucking time I will end you."
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
Another Star Wars AU, TBN*
I love time travel. A lot. So here is a time-travel au, with the CW trio.
Somehow, perhaps by touching a Sith artifact, perhaps by the Force deciding they should, perhaps from some sort of weird ritual the locals were performing that the trio didn't know about, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Anakin, Rex, and Cody travel aback in time.
[Please keep in mind that Canon Timeline has died tragically in a fire, and I am but the weeping widow with an inheritance.]
Due to whatever happened, they all also end up (technically) deaging. They still have their memories and their knowledge and skills, just stuck in smaller bodies. They can think and act like adults, but they also have to struggle a bit more to implement Older Skills in Younger Bodies.
Ahsoka is 2. She's nubby. She's emotional. She's tired and sore from her deaging.
She wakes up in someone's office. She's in a spinny chair, a big one with leather padding. It's kind-of chilly in the room.
She's not thinking, because all her brain is putting together is that she's still tired. She grabs the jacket off the back of the chair and pulls it over herself. She goes back to sleep.
Rex and Cody wake up together.
They are their actual age, which is to say they're both about eleven.
They find themselves on Mandalore. In the more wild areas.
(let me believe that there are parts of the planet that aren't covered in city)
(also, this is the Mandalore in the cartoons)
They find a teen trying to wake them both up. Rex has absolutely no clue what's going on. Cody has a vague idea, because this girl looks very similar to a picture he once saw...
Obi-Wan does not fare as well. He is 3.
He wakes up in someone's arms. He's just as tired and sore as the other three. However, he's also got more awareness because he's in someone's arms.
He looks up to see who's carrying him.
He looks around at the people walking with them.
He starts crying. He cannot help this, as he is suddenly flooded with Emotions, and he is Smol. Smol = harder to handle Emotions.
Because Qui-Gon is walking right next to him, tapping away on a holopad as they go. Dooku is on his other side, on a comm call where both parties sound very tired.
And Obi-Wan is being held... by Obi-Wan.
So, yeah, not that great for a suddenly Smol Obi.
Now, Anakin is 8, so he's better off in that perspective.
But he wakes up on some remote planet without anyone around. He just was in the middle of a group, so he ends up kinda panicking.
Then he hears something coming towards him, and he panics more.
He's Tiny! He's Smol! He's massively at a disadvantage against attacks! He can't fight off whatever is on a planet like this!
It's Mace (and Depa).
Anakin, however, doesn't realize this. He has gone Feral.
Back to the beginning
Jango Fett has been very busy w/Important Mand'alor Paperwork all day. He finally has time to go and relax a little, and he makes it all the way down to the exit before he realizes:
It is really cold outside. He is not in armor bc he was planning to only do paperwork today (though he still has many weapons). When one plans to stay in the same room for almost the entire day, one does not wear normal garb.
That said, he has no protection from the cold. He forgot his jacket upstairs. He rushes back up to his office.
He distinctly remembers that he left the jacket on the back of his chair, not on the seat.
He also is wondering what that lump is.
He arms himself, grabs some of his "emergency" armor plating, and walks over to the chair.
He lifts his jacket up, expecting a bomb or some paperwork that fell off the desk, or something logical.
He does not expect to find a tiny Togruta child clinging onto the fabric, whining as they're woken up by his yanking of the jacket.
Jango's brain stutters for a moment, then he kicks into action.
First things first, he wraps the jacket around the Togruta. They thankfully stay asleep. Then he turns up the heat, because he knows the office has gotten colder in the twenty minutes or so he's been gone, and Togruta are from warm temperate zones.
He decides to call, in this order, a guard who can help him watch the Togruta (they did break in, after all), a medic to check the Togruta’s health, and the first person he can find in his contacts that might know an adult Togruta.
Next group
Rex and Cody manage to get the teen to stop fussing over them for long enough to ask for her name.
Her, clearly lying, but that’s understandable: My name is Ine.
Cody, who knows exactly who this is now: Oh, kriff. You’re Duchess Satine, aren’t you? Kriff.
Rex: Wait, Satine? As in the General’s Satine?
Satine, now very suspicious and reaching for her stunner: I think you need proper medical attention.
Cody, looking down at their eleven-year-old selves: Yeah, I think so, too.
They agree on one thing, at least.
Obi-Wan is crying. Loudly, uncontrollably, w/too many Emotions to even care that he’s supposed to be an adult rn.
Other Obi-Wan is very uncomfortable, bc he doesn’t know how to handle children too well.
They found this kid unconscious in the middle of a ruined, abandoned town.
Obi-Wan was meant to hold this kid while Qui-Gon did research and Master Dooku tried to convince the Council that it was entirely necessary to bring the kid back to Coruscant. Granted, they can still give the child to the locals at any time before they make it back to their ship, but apparently the Force is Being Loud.
The Force was Being Loud when it told Master Dooku to come along.
The Force was Being Loud when it led them to that town.
Qui-Gon and Dooku have argued fifteen and a half times on this mission, and an additional six times on the flight here. Obi-Wan is trying to mediate but also doesn’t want to overstep. The Force is Being Loud, sure, but the kid is also Force-sensitive so it might be something off that.
He didn’t argue with holding the kid bc he thought that it was better than being caught between the Masters.
Holding a crying child and trying to get two adults to stop arguing bc they can’t decide how to comfort the kid is not better.
Obi-Wan keeps walking past them to the ship with this baby. He does what he’s seen some crechemasters do to the younglings. The kid eventually calms a little, and he belatedly realizes that both Masters are still behind him, not with him.
Anakin is panakin.
He is currently in a state of Feralness. His instincts have kicked into overdrive, full-on Survival Mode.
Depa and Mace do not know this. All they know is that there was suddenly an extremely powerful Force presence that started fading quickly (bc Anakin started shielding).
They burst into sight of Anakin and are suddenly attacked by all four feet and some of Feral Force Child.
It’s all they can do for a good minute or so to avoid losing their fingers, eyes, or untorn clothes.
Mace puts a few things together very quickly.
This planet is uninhabited by any sapient life. Therefore, this child is utterly alone. This child also is clearly strong in the Force, and knows how to hide their presence, for whatever reasons. Mace is a Jedi, and therefore is bound by certain duties.
He decides it is his Duty to get this kid back to Coruscant safely.
Back to the beginning
Ahsoka wakes up to find a familiar face looking down at her. She’s still tired, but not as much. She’s very aware of her size, and does a few quick observations.
She does not fully know who Jango Fett is. She does know that some clones run off bc they hate war and weren’t given a choice an- no. Not going down that path yet.
Ahsoka assumes, semi-incorrectly, that she was shrunk or deaged and somehow found by a rogue clone.
She knows it’s a rogue clone bc they’ve got weird armor.
So she does the logical thing and tries to comfort this clone bc he looks really worried and kinda panicked. She stands up on the spinny chair and tries to balance and he practically lunges to help her and she can’t help but giggle, but it comes out in a bunch of chirps instead.
The clone picks her up and looks really awkward so she pats his face bc that’s the best she can do bc she doesn’t want to disprove the fact she’s two yet.
For all she knows, this rogue clone has no idea she’s actually a Commander in the GAR.
He doesn’t, but for different reasons than she thinks.
Rex and Cody go with Satine to the city. They have introduced themselves and said that they were separated from their aliit. They don't know where said aliit is.
Satine is highly suspicious by this point, bc these two kids recognized her with only part of her name, and they were alone, and they speak Basic with Mando'a thrown in.
Basically, she thinks that they're children of people like Death Watch, but she's too young to know that Death Watch isn't really into children.
Rex and Cody get checked over by a medic, but also start trying to get access to some working comms. They are refused on account of being suspicious children (which makes them a little upset bc they're not children)(Well, they are, but not those types of children)
They have not yet figured out that they are in the past, bc Cody and Rex only know that General Kenobi talks about Duchess Satine, and they know about Padme Amidala from General Skywalker, so clearly this Duchess is really young and the General simply viewed her as someone he wants to protect.
They are very very very wrong.
Obi-Wan manages to calm himself somewhat now that it's just him and... him.
He is three, and he knows roughly what's happening, so he knows he should probably act like a 3yo.
Unfortunately, he has very little understanding of how child ages work. 3 is smart enough to go up the stairs and communicate with adults, but def. not old enough to speak sentences that are 15 words long with at least 2 5-syllable words.
Fortunately, his older (younger?) self doesn't know children either.
So when this 3yo starts telling him that he needs to leave the two Masters on the planet and head to Tatooine really fast, Obi-Wan is more concerned about the idea than the strangeness of "this is a 3yo suggesting this".
Obi-Wan is really good at convincing people. Including himself. He manages to get Padawan Kenobi to leave supplies where the ship is supposed to be and head towards Tatooine.
He says that the Masters will be fine, they know how to survive, and they need to be alone together in order to work through all the tension. Plus, it gives them plenty of time to talk to the Council.
Toddler Kenobi also tells himself that he'll take the blow and say he used a mind-trick.
Padawan Kenobi doesn't believe him yet, but Toddler Kenobi smiles like a very smug adult and says "you'll get there eventually". What he truly means is up in the air.
Anakin, since waking up, knows much less than everyone else. Which is saying something.
He knows he's Smol. He knows he's Alone. He knows Someone has come and they are Strangers.
One thing about Anakin's instincts is that they are very much Survival Based. He was Feral when he joined the Jedi, only he had to hold those instincts back for most of his life bc of being a slave.
A slave cannot bite someone who approaches and Vibes Wrong.
By the time he felt okay with being Feral Out Loud, he also felt safe enough that he didn't need to activate his Survival Mode.
What I'm trying to say is that Anakin does not realize how strong his Feral Instincts are. He has absolutely no control over them rn.
When Mace decides to Help this child, this child is trying to Maul them.
Mace makes a small ruckus to draw Anakin's attention to him so Depa can move back. Depa pulls out her saber now that she won't hit the kid. The kid notices Purple and Bright and Lightsaber.
Lorge Jedi Mind says this is Good. Safe. Jedi.
Smol Feral Brain says this is Dangerous. Mean.
Anakin freezes on sight and just starts tracking Depa's saber. She does one of those things where a snake or something is focused and the person waves the fire or the food slowly to make sure the wolf is watching it and usually they toss the thing away so the snake follows it.
Mace instead takes this opportunity to wrap Anakin in his cloak. And Depa's cloak. And the spare ones in their bags.
Feral Child is not happy with this. Feral Child is also unable to scratch or Maul or do things other than bite and snarl.
Depa carries Feral Child while Mace comms the Temple and they walk back to their ship.
The Temple is having a field day.
First, one of their Shadows reports that a well-known bounty hunter got an emergency message from a pal of theirs that said Jango Fett needs help learning Togruta childcare.
Then they get a call from Dooku, which is not the mission report they wanted.
Yoda: Mission report, you have?
Dooku: Of a sort. We successfully spoke with the locals, then went to investigate a rather large disturbance.
Mundi: A disturbance?
Dooku: We found the source to be a Force-sensitive child.
Mundi: So you are here to ask for more time on the planet?
Yoda: Bring the child back, you wish to?
Dooku, unapologetic: He is of an acceptable age to be admitted into the Temple, and no other beings were around at the time to entertain the idea of there being guardians.
The Council is sighing and muttering bc this is a Disaster Lineage (and they haven't even met the other two yet). Their call is interrupted by the sound of crying and Dooku saying the child's woken up.
Then there's another Shadow who sends a message saying a set of twins that seem like Death Watch were found by the heir of Clan Kryze.
Finally, to top everything off, they get a call from Mace Windu and Depa Billaba. Two very dignified, not-at-all chaotic Jedi from a perfectly respectable lineage.
Yeah, most of the Council and the Order itself forgets that Yoda had a hand in raising Windu. Yoda "Feral Grandpa" who throws children at every problem. Grandson isn't doing too well? Throw a child his way. Other grandchild is struggling to cope with grief? Throw another child their way. Oh, there's a war going on and newest grandchild is angry a lot? Here's a child!
The entire lineage has a soft spot for children.
Mace: Our mission was a success. We found the artifact and both specimens.
Koth: How long until your return?
Yoda: Found a child, you did?
Gallia: Master Yoda, that's a rather illogical guess. Once is unusual, twice is-
Mace: Oh, did Qui-Gon find a child as well?
Yoda, smugly: Bringing the child back, are you?
Depa, from the background, after a rather loud snarl is heard: We do not bite things, young one.
*more snarling*
Mace: We have no reason to believe he was not alone.
Tiin: *deep sighing*
Mundi: *mild confusion noises*
Koon, eagerly: Please send photos of this youngling. For the archives, of course.
Mace, nodding sagely: Of course.
*extremely loud yowl* *sounds of Mace turning*
Mace: DEPA!
Depa: He nearly bit off my finger!
Mace: That doesn’t mean you pinch him!
Depa: What else am I supposed to do?!
*sudden exclamation filled solely of Mando’a, Huttese and Twi’leki curses*
Mace: So, I don’t know if he speaks Basic, but Master Che should be able to talk him through a check-up.
Yeah, several Council members are experiencing headaches now. Normally, they would have some empathy for Mace and his own stress-induced migraines. They currently do not.
Right after that call, Dooku calls back to say that Obi-Wan has left without them.
Mundi: He left the child with you, right?
Mundi: He left the child with you, right?
Obi-Wan did not leave himself with the Masters. Obi-Wan has listened to Mini-Obi and is off on some wild space adventure to a criminal-run planet.
The toddler won’t stop staring at him. He asks for a name. The kid says to call him Ben.
OW: Is that your name?
“Ben”: It is a name I am called :)
OW: That isn’t what I meant.
“Ben”: I know :)
Ben also keeps staring at OW’s lightsaber. OW decides to make sure the kid doesn’t start playing with it when he isn’t looking.
Ahsoka has figured out that she was really very oh-so wrong. She’s on Mandalore. As in, the Mandalore that is under Jango Fett. Bc she’s with Jango Fett. He’s holding her hand bc she was nervous about the strange looking medic (who was just wearing armor, but not clone armor and civies don’t wear armor.)
Ahsoka knows very little about Jango Fett. Clone Buir, Mandalorian leader, tried to kill Master Kenobi. Also dead.
He asks how she got in. She shrugs. She is too small to fight back so she can’t let him know anything. Whatever everything is right now. But also, he doesn’t seem mean or evil or anything.
Oh yeah. Skyguy said that Mandos love children. That's why the clones were so protective of her, even with Skyguy on her side of the argument.
She decides to use this to her advantage. She can probably get herself a comm, and enough time to call the Temple. If she can convince them she at least knows a Jedi, then they can come get her and she'll work from there.
Rex and Cody are getting really upset. This Duchess is really nice, but she's acting really weird and keeps insisting she's not actually called Duchess. No one will give them a comm, they keep getting weird looks for speaking Mando'a even though they're on Mandalore, and Satine's father keeps mentioning a Fett. Maybe Boba's set a bad example again.
Rex starts to fall asleep, to his chagrin. He's too bored, sitting and getting some abnormally extensive check-up. Cody is fine, but he's used to the calm that is General Kenobi. Rex usually has a Togruta teen in the vents and a Human that is never where he's supposed to be.
Rex does, in fact, fall asleep. His "twin" starts glaring when a doctor goes to wake him up. Cody makes it clear that his brother is like Cat: once asleep, you do not wake.
Satine is giggling, but trying not to let the others hear. Cody does. Cody looks at her. They have a stare-off.
Cody goes back to glaring at the doctors. He will not admit to any emotions besides Protect™.
Obi-Wan and Ben have made it to Tatooine.
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mitch-the-simp · 2 years
Headcanons For My Encanto OC's
These will be explicitly SFW.
I won't do any NSFW HC for any underage characters. OC or not.
However, I do write NSFW for characters that are over the age of consent.
Water Manipulation Gift
Her room is a huge aquarium hallway that leads to a huge lake. Her bedroom is in a side room before the hallway. She sleeps in a hammock. And has tons of books about the ocean, tides, etc.
Constantly getting into fights with Camilo over him making fun of/impersonating Bruno, but in the end, they're still cousins and love each other.
She hates it when anyone mentions Bruno. It's just a sensitive topic to her.
She misses Bruno a lot. Kinda goes to sleep every night hoping that he'd come back.
Always hanging out with Luisa.
They work together a lot in the village, so they spend a lot of time aside from hanging out.
She helps Luisa with her anxiety.
Doesn't like leaving her alone on the job because she knows it makes Luisa more anxious.
She bonds with Antonio over sea creatures.
She's superstitious af and will always carry a bag of sea salt that she herself collected.
"Abuela, Mirabel! Have you two seen, Luisa? I came back from filling up the well and she was freaking out."
Has her own song about her calming down Luisa.
Constantly shushing people in we don't talk about Bruno.
Jumps Camilo after his verse.
Also gets along pretty ok with Isa because she waters her plants.
"Mi prima Marta, commands the waters." (The Family Madrigal description verse).
When the engagement dinner was ruined, she ran after Luisa when she walked out crying.
(The inspo for Oscar was from a whole bunch of fics on here, so it's not 100% original)
his IQ is unknown but it's very high up there with Einstein.
Gift: Spirit Medium (He interacts with the dead)
Spends most of his day in his room.
His room starts with a set of stairs that go up with a huge train station at the end where the dead come and go.
His bedroom is next to his office in the train station. It's a single twin bed and a bookshelf with books about morality and law.
He's so busy he basically wakes up earlier than Mirabel to start working.
Mirabel doesn't knock on his door to wake him in the morning because of this.
He chooses which souls to allow into the living world to help/see their families.
He can't allow any of his dead family members into the world of the living. So no Abuelo Pedro. He could allow him in if he wanted to, but that would cause the train to break down. So, of course, he doesn't do it.
He deals with the town's haunted things/homes.
"Yeah, look. Whoever is haunting this place, the family said they want you to go back to the world of the dead. I don't have time for this either, man, I have a train station to run."
Thinks Bruno is dead and haunts Casita because he talks to him through the walls.
He never tells anyone about his convos with Bruno. He's too scared to take away everyone's hope of him returning. Especially his mom's.
Doesn't really talk to anyone but his sister, mom, Dolores (She's quiet unless she's gossiping), and Mirabel (Bc let's face it, she talks to everyone).
Major introvert, but when he's talking to people he likes to hang out with, he's like a shy version of Camilo. Just a little less annoying and more smartass.
Very logical and cold while working and judging who goes in and out, but has a soft spot for dads who just wanna see their children.
"You almost got half the town killed, why would you want to come back?... You want to see your kids... Fine, you have thirty minutes. Don't make me change my mind."
Is always ignored by Abuela Alma because she's a bit resentful that he won't allow Pedro into the world of the living.
Will not hesitate to punch someone (except for Mirabel bc she gets on his nerves the less) for asking about or even mentioning Bruno.
Isn't in We Don't Talk About Bruno until the scene where everyone is setting up the table because he was in his train station.
Doesn't do anything about everyone speaking of Bruno because his mom tells him to behave during dinner.
When everyone walks out after the dinner is ruined, he simply scoffs and walks back into his room.
"Well, what a waste of time."
Really just wanted to get back to think through his father leaving to protect Mirabel.
He wears a conductor's uniform under a poncho because he quite literally doesn't care.
His work hours are 6:30 AM - 10:30 PM
Always checking his pocket watch.
Very punctual to ANYTHING
"You have ten seconds to explain. You better not be wasting my time."
Mirabel was bugging Oscar about Bruno after Luisa told her to check Bruno's tower.
"I know you don't like to talk about your dad, but I'm asking you because I know you'd like it if I didn't hear the rumors. So so you know about the vision he had that was totally, probably why he left?"
*knocks on wood* "Nope, and I don't ever want to know. Have a nice day, Mirabel. NEXT IN LINE!" (actually does, but he won't admit it)
Oh yeah, to talk to him during work hours, you have to line up with the dead.
A seamstress and Fortune teller (Hobby)
Married to Bruno
Lives in Bruno's tower because she doesn't dare leave unless necessary.
Only comes down for special events, dinner, and delivering any clothes she worked on while she was up in the tower.
"Oh, I'm just here to give you Toñito's shirt. I'm gonna be back up in the tower in a bit."
She saw Mirabel sneak into the tower.
Was just sitting there in the vision room and then "MIRABEL!"
Sits in a rocking chair while she makes clothes.
Filled Bruno's vision cave with mannequins and clothes.
Loves the smell of sand.
She doesn't sleep until she kisses Bruno's pillow. She doesn't sleep on it in fear that it'll lose his scent.
Cries when she hears anyone telling rumors about him
Made the "We Don't Talk About Bruno" Rule
She has her own song that she sings to Mirabel about how she's been up there, staying strong while she waits for Bruno to return.
Likes spending time with Pepa and Juieta.
Walks down from the tower to check on her children. Since the loss of Bruno, she cares about them a lot.
Takes Oscar food when he doesn't come down to dinner.
Oscar reminds her of Bruno since they look very similar.
Always reminds Oscar and Marta that their gifts are special in fear that they would leave like Bruno.
When the vision cave falls, she stays to clean it up. She tells Mirabel to find Bruno for her.
"I don't know where he is. But if ou find him... Tell him I love him... and bring him back home."
Over All
They're all superstitious.
Every time any of them hear anything about Bruno's vision they all throw salt behind their backs and knock on wood.
Marta and Oscar secretly talk shit about Camilo (Because he likes to turn into bruno and because Oscar hates it when he's loud).
Marta and Oscar's prank shenanigans only happen on days where the traffic flow of the station is very low. AND GOD FORBID THAT DAY IS TODAY BECAUSE NO ONE BREATHES IN PEACE.
When Marta and Oscar are both free they wake up Camilo with a bucket of water and sand. It's like tradition at this point.
"SUCK IT LOSER!" Is Marta's favorite prhase to shout at Camilo.
Marta: "One of these days we're gonna get caught."
Oscar: "And? We at least get to keep the fear 'Los engendros diabolicos de Bruno' alive and at our favor~" (Translation: Bruno's hell spawns)
Carmen lightly scolds them when they get in trouble.
She pulls on their ears when they get into a fight. (Mostly happens to Marta)
"QUE THE DIJE DE ANDARTE PELEANDO CON TUS PRIMOS, MUGRE ESQÜINCLA!" (Translation: What did I tell you about getting into fights with your cousins, you little scoundrel!? (esqüincla has no translation. It's more of a negative word to describe a child)
Oscar will straight up box with Camilo for talking about Bruno. Not just throw punches. He will knock him out.
"I better not hear his name some out of his mouth again or I'm knocking out your teeth. A ver si asi se te ocurre ser chismoso..." (Translation: "Let's see if you still think of gossiping like that."
More Headcanons later + Oscar design reveal
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Uh, is there still an angst break? Ignore this ask until your ready if so 👉😎👉
What was the au where Jekylls pushed down the stairs and experiences a skull crackening again? Oh well but I've been thinking of a branch of that where Jekyll doesn't know hes dead like all day. I also cant remember if that was already discussed or not
The lodgers patch him up, he complains of a headache, and goes on his merry way! He's confused why all the lodgers are so nervous and being nice to him all of the sudden, why creature is looking at him with a stange mix of empathy and pity. He was told he fell down the stairs, fell unconscious, and obtained a bit of an injury. He cant fathom why Frankenstein is "The only doctor who can treat him" why he has to constantly go to her for checkups. Why Maijabi is suddenly following him practically everywhere.
Hyde squeezes back control for a moment and tries the potion but it doesn't work. Maybe a bit of pain but certainly no transformation. Jekyll assumes his injury or whatever medication they're giving him to treat it somehow negated the effects
Jekyll complains about "suddenly blacking out" the lodgers know its because his soul is slippery. They tell him it must just be a side effect of the injury and not to worry
How long can they keep it secret from him? When does he find out? Does he? Does it get to be years only for him to realize that he hasn't aged? That he still needs checkups from Frankenstein? Does he learn sooner? Does a lodger crack and say it? Does he rot? Does he notice how so very cold he is. How animals act around him? It's all very interesting,,
I actually did think a bit of Jekyll's kidnappers for the amnesia kidnapping au! When drawing that lil sketch of Henry and O'Leary meeting Robert I had considered making it so O'Leary was suspicious of Lanyon like "Oh theres no news anywhere of someone matching Thomas' description who's missing. But some random people walk up claiming to know him? Begging to take him back with them?" And he'd think they were the kidnappers. But ultimately I decided against it as I felt Lanyon and Rachel were pretty clearly, genuinely concerned for "Thomas" :p
I tried playing assassins creed once, the first(?) one. But the controls were confusing and everything was sorta thrown all at me at once, and I got bored of it quickly
But! I went to the store the other day and just so happened to notice Syndicate was being sold for 15 dollars 👀 So I bought it because funky Victorian assassins and your influence! It's a bit less confusing then the first ac game I tried but why is going down or dropping so hard bdksnks. I'm having quite a bit of fun! If you dont count my rage and annoyance-, the B button refuses to cooperate with me unless I'm looting corpses >:(
The b button being the bane of my existence aside, I AM having fun! I like the funky outfits and I want to play as the girl twin (evie?) forever because her clothes are good and shes better at attacking than jacob(?) For some reason. Probably the stun her weapon has? Oh well! I have not unlocked any new outfits yet, nonetheless I wish there were more.
Also! I was thimking, and my current quests are taking place at 1868? Did I get that right? And Jekyll is like 35 in 1885. So in game he'd be 18! An au like I believe you mentioned sounds very interesting 👀 but I must play more to know what's going on and daydream about it
That would be the resurrection au <3
But god, I really like that branch! Especially combined with the hc that he can't feel pain bc the HJ7 and the transformations made him immune. Frankenstein patched him up and made fleshweaver to heal the crack in his skull but it still has to be bandaged, he surely broke a few bones, yet all he has to do is to be careful because it doesn't even hurt. He doesn't even realize how severe the injuries are because it doesn't hurt, it very well might just have been that he accidentally slipped at the bottom of the staircase and accidentally hit his head on the railing during his fall, rather than getting physically pushed and flying down the stairs, shattering his skull upon impact with the marble floor. Y'know what would be extra fun? If he only starts getting a bit suspicious about how severe the injury was once he realizes his lungs stop breathing for minutes at a time when he gets distracted, or his heartbeat stops dead in his chest. I know that that's not how biology or even creature works but lets say the HJ7 is funky, Zombie Jekyll my beloved. Perhaps he would only fully grasp what had happened once he blacked out too much and 'passed out', but his soul slipped out enough to leave his body unconscious on the floor while his soul/ghost was just... Watching. And it's not until Maijabi (who, as you said, follows him everywhere) immediately calls for more Lodgers saying that Henry's soul is getting unstable and Frankenstein's lousy job is starting to shine through that he fully understands that it was not a mere hit to the head. Or maybe it is when days, weeks, maybe months has passed and the headache never goes away, he only feels how his body starts feeling so much more... Fragile and delicate, that the guilt has eaten Helsby up alive and he corners him and spills everything, knowing he is going directly against what the group agreed to but not being able to keep it a secret much longer-- or maybe Creature would tell him immediately, once Henry is, for once, alone perhaps days after the initial accident. He cannot see Henry struggle to understand what is going on when he already knows what's happening to Henry, his mind, and his body. He doesn't listen to the plan that Frankenstein and the Lodgers has set up and immediately tells Henry the first moment they are alone. That would certainly be horrifying, I can only imagine how the Lodgers would find Henry after that, once he actually knows and manages to process everything. He would be so mad, not only to have been killed in the first place, but also because he was robbed of an afterlife because the Lodgers were selfish and could not accept the consequences of their actions. He would be mad, he would be so pissed and I have no doubt he might actually be mad at Maijabi too for even agreeing to help Frankenstein and the rest of the Lodgers. That anger would not stay long, though. That anger would soon turn into misery and sadness and paranoia so even as Henry has tried to push Maijabi away, Henry still ends up on his doorstep begging him to help him make sure he is not rotting, because no matter what anyone says, he is sure he can see rotten spots and patches on his skin and he is just so scared and jdhfjsdfdsfsfs... <3
Ooooooohhh, I was actually daydreaming about this just this morning! Granted, I woke up at 5 and began to daydream to fall asleep quicker but I still like the thought of O'Leary being suspicious of Robert/Rachel/Jasper/the Lodgers bc he is protective of 'Thomas' and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him and especially with the idea that Henry still has hallucinations and they both think he was abandoned by his family, left to rot at a mental asylum. O'Leary might very well think that it might be Henry's friends and family that dumped him that Henry had 'escaped' the hospital and that's why they knew he was missing since the Asylum itself obviously wouldn't have posted the news... I really liked Jeks idea, okay? Like a lot, I absolutely love it <3
Oh, the oldest AC game I played was Unity bc it was free after the Notre Dame fire, and I can confirm, I played 15 min and could not get through it even if i would have wanted to, it absolutely sucks so i have no doubt the older games are just as frustrating <3
BUT!!!! I'M SO GLAD MY CORRUPTION IS SPREADING AND YOU BOUGHT AND PLAYED IT AND ARE ENJOYING IT SO FAR!!! Trust me, Syndicate truly is an absolutely amazing game and is definitely one of my top 3 games of all time. I sometimes play it w my friend watching me play and trust me, I know that rage of trying to do smt but the character does smt else... or you try to do smt but the game doesn't react and you miss your chance... Oh well, still a wonderful game <3
My friend loves to play as Evie as well but I'm definitely playing Jacob every chance I get and I honestly get a lil pissy when I have to play as Evie bc I always prefer to play male characters, plus, I just like Jacob better bc he is a sweetheart. He is also canonically bisexual as hell!!! Have you met Abberline yet? The police officer? Him and Jacob together is one of my fave ships for the game. I also bought the ultimate/golden/whatever name it was edition so I had a bunch of extra outfits, I love the sherlock holmes outfit for Jacob but my friend keeps bullying me for it </3
Honestly? The time difference is the bane of my entire idea for the au bc if it's during their time Henry hasn't even graduated yet, and definitely not well-known enough for them to actively meet for whatever reason, and if you use the timeline for the jack the ripper dlc (in 1888) a lot of... Less than pleasant things happen so it wouldn't really make a lot of sense for a crossover to happen at that point but maybe it's just bc im a pussy and refuse to play the dlc. Rn, while imagining the au, I just imagine the 1868 timeline to be the same as the TGS timeline. I like to imagine the Frye Twins hearing about Henry and the Society and promptly breaking into his office to ask him to make poison and stuff for them. I also have a feeling that Jacob would flirt wildly with Henry and that Henry would be less-than-amused. It would also be a very fun thing with the fact that there would be two Henrys, with TGS Henry Jekyll and AC Syndicate Henry Green, soo... XD
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scarasweetheart · 3 years
‼TW‼ HEAVY talks of weed/weed use, e*ting d*sorders; mentions of a psychotic episode, hallucinations; overall neglectful parental themes ???
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so. for some context. the last time i had taken a t-break was in like. the last two weeks of july, a few days into august. since then i'd been high for literally three months straight, and i smoked Every Single Day in october (which lead to a psychotic episode, but thats a convo for a different day). (also i do not believe she knows i was high fkr 3 months straight and she Definitely doesnt know i smoked Every day in october which like ............ as a parent ............... shouldn't u have some sort of awareness ? or something ab that ????)
and so anyway, my parents r like genuinely neglectful yasss 😍😍 they think offering me weed will just fix ???? all my mental problems 😭 and so anyway, my dad was hinting to him leaving the bong outside and that i should go smoke and i was like "it's no weed november" and my mom goes oh my god GROW UP. bc i'd been "bitchy all of november" [i'd been sober for 18 days :( ] like ............. yeah girl i was high for three months straight ofc ur gonna see my sober personality now .................
but i cave and go out to smoke w my friend, who had just gotten here moments after her telling me to grow up, and so i get baked as fuck blah blah blah and anyway she was outside and i go up to here like "yeah ur right i needed this 🙁" and she lectures me ab how i shouldn't be totally sober and that if i need a tbreak then to only smoke once or twice a week and to jusy keep using weed as a medicine for when things r bad — which is mostly true i do use weed to medicate, but then that brings me to my next point
after that i had a v enlightening talk w my friend ab my only two options being manic and/or psychotic [weed induced] or hollow, empty, and numb. and how i'll start smoking when things get bad (empty) and that leads me to becoming dependent on it which leads to weed induced psychosis but its only bad when i'm alone so i enter a state of mania and become very people dependent and extroverted bc ill genuinely hallucinate when im alone 😭😭😭 i dont think this paragraph was actually necessary to include ? but im sharing it anyway 😍 to surmise, that convo brought many new symptoms to light and i realize that i am More Than Likely bipolar yasss slay 😍😍
after all that we go back inside i forget what happens leading up to this next convo, but we got onto the topic of ??????? them asking me what i want from store cause i was like "yall never buy me anything i like" and so my parents were like name one thing you've asked us to buy u so i go "oo poptarts ! the strawberry ones !!" and ............ oh lord. THIS IS WHERE THE CONVERSATION AB THE ED BEGINS.
my mom was like thats junk food those r literal trash im not buying u trash to eat and i said something is better than nothing (bc it literally is ??????) amd she said she doesnt care and i go "ok well ur not the one w an eating disorder" and then. THEN. she laughed at me amd said "[caligula] is always using threats whenever he doesn't get what he wants. fine whatever, waste yourself away." WHEN SHE KNOWS I HAVE AN ED ????????
AND LITERAL DAYS BEFORE THIS, whenever we went out to eat the other day i went to go piss like twice in 15 minutes bc i'd had two bigass things of spirte or whatever yk and then when we were leaving and getting in the car or whatever and my mom literally asked if i had made myself throw up in the bathroom ?????????
so. uhm. yeah thats it 🥰 anyway posessive hcs coming soon <3
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
department of matchmaking || s.r
summary: in which you’re asked by aunt may to babysit peter while she’s away at a business conference & steve tags along. peter, being the innocent smol bean he is, tries to get you and the Captain together.
words: ~3.1k
warnings: none, just fluff & a little matchmaking spider-man :) and OH steve’s blue jacket heheh. tony’s your dad in this oop cant resist a stark child. shhh CW never happened bc i’m still in denial 
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Peter: Aunt May says she has a couple errands to run so she won't be back until later this afternoon. Can you pick me up? School just ended.
You: Of course!
Peter: Ned and I are planning on building the Lego Death Star tonight. I know you're a sucker for building stuff :)
You: You know me so well, kiddo. I'm definitely in. How could I miss out on our weekly date nights?
Peter: You're the best! See you soon
You: See you!
"Where are you going?"
"May's busy, so I gotta go pick Peter up from school," you explained to Steve as you slung your purse over your shoulder and grabbed the keys to your (Tony's) Audi, sliding your sunglasses on. "We're having one of our weekly Friday movie nights, and he and Ned just got a new Lego set that they want me to help construct. You wanna come along?"
"Sure, I don't mind."
You headed outside to the car together, sticking the keys into the ignition as Steve slid in next to you in the passenger's seat. "I hope you don't have anything else planned for the rest of tonight. We might be there for a while...I know we were gonna see that new action movie in theaters tomorrow. I'm sorry."
"Nope, no plans," he smiled, "I'm free for the rest of this weekend. As long as I get to spend time with you, it's okay."
You couldn't help but feel your heart flutter a bit at his words. 
But you quickly brushed the thought off, knowing the last thing you were supposed to do was fall for someone after you'd just gotten over a nasty breakup.
Soon enough, you pulled up in front of Midtown High School and saw Peter standing with Ned by the curb. You rolled the window down and called out to them. "Hey, boys. Need a ride?"
"My favorite Avenger! Hi!" Ned greeted as he and Peter got into the backseat, strapping their seatbelts on.
"Ouch, I'm offended," Steve placed a hand over his chest and pretended to look hurt. "I thought I was your favorite?"
"Captain America! It's an honor!" he exclaimed. "I've heard so much about you from Peter!"
"Oh, really? I hope he only told you good things?" the super-soldier chuckled.
"So, how was school?" you glanced back at the two teenagers from the rearview mirror. "Anything interesting happen?"
"No, except they actually served something edible in the cafeteria for lunch today," Peter rolled his eyes. "Which is a first."
You sighed, placing your hand back on the wheel, "School food isn't the best thing ever."
"So uh, I have a question," Ned spoke up as you headed down the street, "are you and Y/N a...thing? ‘Cause I hear a lot of fans are speculating that the kickass agent and America’s golden boy are dating."
"What? No," you and Steve replied in unison, exchanging a knowing look before bursting into laughter. "No."
It was mostly quiet for the rest of the car ride back to the apartment. Peter pulled out the keys from his jacket pocket and slid it in the lock, pushing the door open and gesturing for the rest of you to come inside.
"So," he breathed out, setting his backpack down by the front door and dusting his hands off. You sat around the sofa together, glancing at the massive Lego set on the coffee table. "Here it is, in all its glory."
"How many pieces is this?" Steve questioned, looking at it in shock.
"Almost 4000."
A buzzing sound from his phone made Peter look down, swiping a few times before unlocking it and scanning over the new notification.
"May has an overnight business conference and she won't be back until tomorrow evening. She wants you to babysit," he explained as he looked up at you.
"Fine by me," you shrugged. "Cap?"
"Sure, why not."
"But I'm 15 and 8 months! I'm not a baby."
"Well, kiddo, I'm 28 and Tony treats me like a baby even though I’m not a baby anymore. Steve's going on 32, and acts like he's 12."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"Arguing like a married couple," Peter coughed, and Ned wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "Cute."
"For the last time, we're not a thing," you let out an exasperated sigh, but felt a blush creep up your cheeks as you spoke.
Two hours later you were a little over halfway done with building the Death Star, and fatigue was beginning to catch up with you after you neglected your sleep schedule and pulled three all-nighters in a row bingeing Netflix with Sam.
You let out a yawn as you flipped through the instructions pamphlet, stretching your arms up in the air.
"You tired?" Steve asked. You were too tired to respond, simply leaning into him and closing your eyes.
"You can take her to the guest room. Straight down the hall, then turn right," Peter said as he noticed you'd now fallen asleep on him. "We can continue this after dinner."
Steve scooped you up into his strong arms and carried you down the hall, pushing the door to the guest room open with one hand before carefully setting you down on the bed, tucking you in.
"Sleep tight," he whispered, a ghost of a smile on his face as he leaned down to kiss your forehead and left.
"Ahem. Now that she's gone," Ned cleared his throat, "time to plan on how we're supposed to get our OTP together!"
"Ned, really-"
"You should ask her out, Cap. I see the way you look at her," Peter raised an eyebrow at him, "I mean, it's clear to everyone how you feel about her, and the way she feels about you. Sam sees it, Mr. Stark sees it, heck, I think May has her suspicions as well because she wouldn't stop talking about how great of a couple you two would be over dinner last night-"
"Look, Peter, I don't think she's ready for a relationship."
"Why not?"
"She just broke up with her boyfriend two months ago. I doubt she'd be willing to date again."
"But you're her best friend! You're literally the perfect man for her!"
"It doesn't matter. I'm not taking advantage of someone when they're vulnerable. That isn't right."
He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and kicking his feet up against the coffee table, tossing a spare Lego piece up and down in one hand. "Yeah, I totally believe the great Captain America isn't in love with the great Y/N."
"She's my friend. A teammate."
"Friends with benefits!" Ned chimed in. Steve made a face at this. "No, not like that. I mean that as in, you guys do all the things that regular couples do, except you're not officially a couple. And I think that's big enough of an indication that you should get together for real."
"I'm just waiting for the right time."
"AHA!" both boys shouted. "So you are in love with her!"
"Keep it down!" he scolded. "She's asleep!"
"You didn't deny it this time..."
"Fine, whatever. What do you guys want for dinner? I'll go pick it up."
"If Y/N asks where I am, just tell her I went to go get the food."
As soon as the door shut behind Steve, Peter and Ned's heads immediately whipped over and they faced each other, exchanging evil grins.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ned practically squealed.
"Yeah, I'm thinking what you're thinking!"
"Romantic dinner and movie night setup!" both boys whooped and hollered.
"I'll light the candles and get the napkins. May always keeps a stock of scented ones when Y/N comes over because she loves the smell of cherry blossoms."
"...I'll grab the rose petals and tablecloth."
"Rose petals?"
"Mind if I tear apart the flower on your desk?"
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Also, the regular tall candles are in the cabinet below the sink in the bathroom."
Twenty minutes later, Steve came back with the pizza in hand, setting the keys on the counter and closing the door, stopping dead in his tracks as he observed the scene before him.
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"What is going on?"
"We set up a date night for you two because we know you've been working hard this past week and deserved to relax," Peter explained happily. "So, here you go!"
"Peter," Steve sighed, rubbing his forehead, "I appreciate your effort, but Y/N isn't ready for a relationship and neither one of us has feelings for the other."
"But you guys deserve a break! After working nonstop you should at least rest or something."
"Alright, alright. I'll go get Y/N. You guys set the pizza on the plates for everyone, okay?"
"Got it."
You yawned and rubbed your eyes, then stretched your arms up into the air, skidding to a halt as you observed the sight before you.
“Wh...what’s going on?”
Peter and Ned grinned from where they sat on the couch, paper plates on their laps. “We thought you deserved a nice break, so we set up a little something for you guys!”
“A romantic dinner? Why...”
"It looks pretty and gives off a relaxing mood. Why else?” Peter laughed nervously. “Now eat!”
“Okay...” you started growing suspicious, but didn’t question it, “alright, then.”
You fell into an awkward silence after that, aside from the occasional sound of silverware clinking against plates and drink glasses being set back down on the table. The atmosphere felt heavier than before and you couldn’t help but wonder what it was. 
“So, uh...how have you been holding up?” Steve asked you tentatively. He knew the topic of your ex-boyfriend was still that of a rather sensitive one - you’d come storming through the elevator doors and gulped down half a bottle of vodka (you never drank, so this had everyone genuinely worried), before heading upstairs and taking a forty-five minute shower, then afterwards, proceeded to lock yourself in your room for the rest of the afternoon. 
When you wouldn’t come down for dinner, he had to carry up your food to you and when you refused to eat, he was the one to force-feed you. When you suddenly broke down sobbing when he asked you if you were alright, he was the one who held you in your arms. He was the one who got you out of bed to bring you downstairs for some fresh air and to interact with the others, and not once during the time he was having to take care of you for, did he question any of your behavior. You were hurting and that was all that mattered. If you were hurting, he was hurting, too.
“It’s been a rough eight weeks...” you sighed, rubbing your forehead with one hand as you took a sip of wine. “Could be better, but...I’m alright. I just wish I could’ve seen that coming from the moment I went on that blind date with him.”
“What do you mean?” Steve was confused - you’d never mentioned any details of your relationship, you were a very private person, for that matter. You rarely ever opened up to anyone. “I thought you were...”
“Happy? Hell no, I don’t even know why I stayed,” you scoffed as you took another swing of your drink. “It was so easy to fall into a routine. There was this gaping hole in my heart, and...I needed it to be filled somehow. Then Agent Williams comes along, a seemingly perfect new SHIELD recruit, almost everything a girl could possibly want in a man standing right in front of me...how could I not fall for his façade? I didn’t realize it was doomed from the start until about a week into the relationship...but I held my tongue. I knew if I dared to speak up against him, he’d somehow manage to use my words against me, twist everything I said into a whole new lie...he manipulated me, day after day...yet I still didn’t leave because I genuinely believed he’d change. 
“But I was wrong. I was naïve, I stayed because I was so desperate to experience true happiness that I went as far as to stay with someone I knew would do a number on my mental health in the long run. I shouldn’t have been surprised when I walked into HQs one day to drop stuff of for Coulson, to see Williams on top of someone else...in the gym. In the gym...of all places. I only didn’t blast him because I didn’t want to destroy Fury’s property. So I slapped him and left. That’s it. This whole...fling, or whatever the hell you want to call this shitty relationship, lasted only twenty-six days before everything fell apart. God, I’m so stupid - I should’ve known. I was so stupid, I’m such a horrible person for doing what-”
Steve felt his blood boil with anger. Williams had cheated on you - that’s why you’d broken up. All this time he’d been thinking that you simply fell out of love, or maybe ended it on friendlier terms - when in fact, it was anything but.
Nobody deserved to be treated this way, especially you. I could treat you much better, he thought to himself.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said softly, reaching a hand up to wipe the stray tears that fell from your eyes. Instead of letting his hand fall back at his side right away, he let it linger there for a moment, gently stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. The feeling sent electricity up his fingers. “It’s not your fault. You’re not a bad person...he is.”
“Shit, I think our plan’s backfiring,” Peter hissed into Ned’s ear as they watched the scene unfold from the couch. “What the fuck, Ned!”
“Shh! Hold on, they’re having a really deep conversation. Let them be for a second.”
“I was stupid enough to stay, when he was giving off all the wrong signs...I should’ve listened to Tony and Nat. They knew. They knew from the moment we first got together, but I didn’t listen...”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know any better,” he reassured you, absentmindedly taking your hand in his and rubbing circles across your palm, “you just wanted to be happy. To experience that feeling that came along with being in a relationship. Frankly, I think I would’ve done the same thing.”
“And what makes me feel even worse,” your voice caught in your throat as you spoke, “...were my true intentions of staying. I wanted to be happy, I really did. But I realized I’d never achieve that with someone like him...in a way, I was using him too, I guess. Not for my personal gain or anything, not to boost my social status, like he did...he always made a point of walking around and declaring that he had an Avenger girlfriend. But...”
“But what?”
“I knew if I was in a relationship with someone, that’d prevent me from thinking about being with anyone else. Well...that plan failed...horribly.”
“...What are you saying?”
“Of course, I didn’t figure that out until not long ago...but yeah. The heart wants what it wants...and it didn’t want him.”
“Then who was it?”
Your gaze flickered down to your now-intertwined fingers. You hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “...I think you know who it is, Steve.”
“See!” Ned kicked Peter in the shin as he was in the middle of finishing off his second slice, and he winced. “It’s getting saucy!”
“I think we both know,” Steve murmured. 
You let out a sound that was a cross between a laugh and a sob. “I don’t know why I tried pursuing a relationship that wouldn’t fulfill me in the long run. I should’ve known it was you all along, huh? You know me like the back of your hand. For Odin’s sake, you remembered every detail of my SHIELD file, my favorite color, my exact birth date, everything there is to know about me. It’s always been you-”
“...It broke my heart to see you with someone who wasn’t me,” he said quietly.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want you to feel like I was meddling in your love life. I know you hate it when people do that.”
“I knew you weren’t as happy as you let on. I shouldn’t have stayed silent...I should’ve at least said something. I was terrified to speak up, thinking that you wouldn’t reciprocate my feelings-”
“You...you what?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, “I’m in love with you.”
Peter let out a squeak. Ned chucked a pillow at him, a giddy look on his face.
“Good news,” you laughed, “because I’m in love with you too.”
“FINALLY!” Ned whooped, unable to contain his excitement for any longer. He and Peter exchanged a fist-bump. “FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! I can’t believe our ship finally sailed! Though I gotta be honest, I had no idea pizza could bring out people’s true feelings like that.”
“We’re geniuses!” Peter squealed, pulling out his phone.. “Oh, wait until Mr. Stark hears about this!”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Peter, don’t you dare c-”
Too late. A buzzing sound came from your phone, alerting you of a new notification, and you unlocked it to see a text from your father. 
Mr. Stank😡: Took you long enough, honey. I expect a grandchild soon.
Mr. Stank😡: But I’m gonna be honest, I wouldn’t want any other man for you than Capsicle himself.
You let out a loud groan, shoving your phone back into your purse. “Oh, come on.”
A buzzing sound came from Steve’s phone as well, and he took it out of his pocket to take a look. 
Stark: You better not knock her up until after you get married and then leave. I learned that lesson too late. I’m being serious when I’m telling you to treat her right - she hasn’t been the same since her mother walked out all those years ago. You make her happy, though, so I won’t try to intervene.
Stark: But if you hurt her in any way, I’ll break your face. Capiche?
Steve: ...Capiche.
“Ooh! I just got a promotion for telling him about you guys!” Peter clasped his hands together. “I’m joining you on your next group mission!”
“That’s great, Peter!” you congratulated, “but...why would he give you a promotion for...this?”
“Because he’s been waiting for this to happen for the longest time! Oh and also, your food’s getting cold.”
“We could just reheat it. Or...if you guys are still hungry, do you want to go to Olive Garden?” Steve looked over at the two teenage boys. 
“Y/N, what about you?”
“It’s a date,” you winked. You let out a small laugh upon seeing his cheeks flush red.
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pbjpuppy · 6 years
do every oc question but with horsepower PLEASE
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
SHE does Not surprisingly!! BUT similarly to Giovanni with his kids, Serene is always sleeping next to her bc she’s Warm and Soft so it’s like, kinda the same thing 
She IS the type to love sleeping with a ton of pillows though
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Horsie doesn’t have the world’s greenest thumb but she could probably keep a houseplant alive!! She likes nature a lot she’s just not stellar at gardening
She would be REALLY GOOD with a pet though that animal would THRIVE and she’d be the type to take like 400 pictures of her pet and spam everyone with them like “Look at this Fucking Angel” 
And she’s DEFINITELY GOOD W KIDS seeing as she’s basically raising Serene!! Serene can testify that she’s the Best babysitter (even if she accidentially taught Serene like. 20 separate curse words gdgjdsk) 
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
“Um, she’s.. REALLY pretty. Like, really fuckin’ pretty. I think she made me like, 17% more lesbian the first time I saw her. And like, we’ve known each other for a long time and we know each other’s secrets n’ stuff… ahahah, that came out really weird! I just mean we’re good friends, y’know? Hah. Anyway, she’s a bad bitch, I’d die for her. Love her.”
Her love interest is actually a character named Destiny who I havent drawn yet!!
4. Do they look good in red?
I think she could pull it off bc red is in her color scheme but also like.. there’s already so much warm colors!! I think she looks the best in gray or black tbh (like imagine her in a black suit or something she’d look SNAZZY)
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
“HHuuh WHAT AM I S’POSED TO TALK ABOUT? Fuck. Uh. Respect lesbians.” Mic drop
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
She’ll ALWAYS take advice from her friends, especially Destiny, bc she trusts them to know when she’s being too hot-headed or rash- There’s a character in her friend group who hasn’t got a name yet but he’s REALLY good at giving advice!!
She will NEVER take advice from her old rival Lockjaw, and she shouldn’t- he’s always out to sabotage her somehow and plays dirty a lot of the time, and he’s known to be a huge liar (Plus they just hate each other)
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
My three words: Fiery, protective, loving!!
Her three words: “Uh.. Gay. Handsome. Wait, scratch that. Gay, HOT, optimist.”
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
She WANTS to be intrigued but she just gets frustrated and crumples up the paper after a few minutes if it’s not a super easy riddle sjhsjf she knows by now that it’s just Not Worth It
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
She only usually does with like people (or I guess furry)-shaped objects like stuffed animals and dolls, and even then not to an extreme degree- it’s really Serene who has the EXTREME empathy and empathizes with everything!!
10. What age do they most want to be right now?
THIS IS SUCH AN INTERESTING QUESTION she misses being a kid like Serene is a lot, but she’s pretty happy where she is- she’s in a better place than she has been for a long time at the current point of her story! If anything, she wishes she could go back and tell her middle/high school self that things are gonna be okay
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
She’d SAY she’s gonna save it and REALLY try but she wouldn’t be able to resist splurging on some really cool stuff bc COME ON she won the LOTTERY!! She’d also wanna buy gifts for the Monster family because she wants to thank them for how generous they’ve been to her so it’s really very wholesome 
12. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
She doesn’t READ that’s for NERDS
JUST KIDDIN but nah she’s not really one for “mushy stuff” and prefers action/adventure stories!! She’s also a fan of mysteries and anything that’s not Painfully Heterosexual 
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Her parents weren’t the best, but they did teach her very good manners- she did go through a BIG rebel phase where she definitely was Not as polite, but overall her politeness and natural charisma really help her out in social situations (especially when she has to get favors from people and stuff)
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
I think she’d agree with the term in a general sense!! I’m not sure exactly what guilty pleasures she has, probably just the fact that she can be kind of a thrill-seeker and take unnecessary risks- not involving Serene though ofc
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
The first thing that came to mind is that she considers arguing with people you KNOW aren’t gonna change their mind to be a waste of time- Especially when it comes to social justice type issues she knows not to waste her energy on people who just won’t listen (but she’s argumentative by nature and usually ends up doing it against her better judgement)
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
LEATHER JACKETS AND COOL BOOTS AND SUCH!! She’d also wanna buy a bunch of cool pins to put on said jacket (And she’d probably have to get it tailored bc of her wings too which would also be money..) She would also probably get some kind of cool patterned horseshoes!!
17. Do they like children?
Yes she DOES and Serene is her favorite (Even though she calls her a booger)
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
NOPE she usually dives into most things headfirst, which can be VERY UNWISE but she feels like it keeps her brain clear to not stress about stuff beforehand  
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
HMM… I don’t really have an answer for this one tbh!! I’ve been thinking about it for a bit, the only thing that I can think of is that she likes waking up REALLY early and the smell of smoke, but lots of people also like those things
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
She’s actually really bad at getting out of situations like that, like if she’s in a relationship she’s not happy in she’s bad at getting herself out of it- but probably something that really make her realize she needs to get outta there would be if the other person seriously hurt her on purpose 
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
She LOVES pet names and calls EVERYONE pet names (unless they’re not comfortable ofc)!! Nicknames are kinda hard to make from “Horsepower” so a lot of the time she’s given weird affectionate pet names instead, it’s somthing that she’s kinda known for
DEFINITELY her go-to pet name is “babe”, she calls almost everyone that and I like to imagine that it’s very soothing bc she has a lovely deep voice.. other go-to pet names are baby, hon and love!! She has a lot of personal nicknames/pet names for individual people though 
Tbh she only really refers to someone as their full name if she doesn’t know them or if she’s mad at them shfshf
23. Stability or novelty?
Novelty!! Stability is important to her but she gets bored and anxious if she’s stuck in the same routine for too long, that’s why she likes taking care of Serene bc Serene is ALWAYS doing new things
24. Honesty or charity?
Ooh that’s difficult… Once again both are important values to her, but I’m gonna go with honesty- she’s a very (bluntly) honest person
25. Safety or possibility?
Possibility!! As established before she’s kinda a daredevil she doesn't care about SAFETY (unless it’s anyone else but her doing it then she’s gonna lecture them)
26. Talent or effort?
Effort!! She is EXTREMELY passionate and such an overachiever about everything shkfskh it’s like Hey Horsepower Can You Do This Simple Task For Me and she’s like Oh You Wanted Me To Change The World? I’ll Do That
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Definitely vengeance she holds grudges REALLY BAD and as kind as she tries to be if someone who hurt her or her friends gets hurt… she can’t help being satisfied
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
OH THATS A HEAVY QUESTION since she holds grudges so bad she’s probably try to get revenge on Lockjaw for all the grief he’s caused her over the years, if she knew she’d be off the hook she’d get really nasty about it bc her anger at him has just been Boiling for years 
WOW THAT TOOK A WHILE BUT IT WAS SO EXTREMELY FUN THANK U SO MUCH FOR ASKING!!! I’ll do the other one tomorrow bc I need to go to BED 
Also I did cut out a few questions!! I either didn’t wanna answer them or I had answered them before 
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