#i am also weak for my murder ladies
drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 month
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is that disney-esque artstyle, peter parker look alike PILOT RANDY CUNNINGHAM???
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also ngl i kinda dig Viceroy II and Deputy Mayor Kranski
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+bonus Bible designs
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romysradio · 4 months
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Look How Far We've Come - J.S.
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summary - Y/N recalls the time she told Jake he was going to be a father
warnings - fluff, language, pregnancy, near-labor, use of Y/N
wc - 2.3k
A/N - Sorry about the wait! Here is part 2 of this. I am open to doing a part 3, or basically anything with the two of them "telling" the rest of the group. Leave a comment or send something to my inbox if there's anything you want to see from me/with these two! Also Bradley isn't even in this technically, but in this au he is a major himbo if that wasn't obvious already, but we love him. Okay, happy reading!!!
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The mini fan Jake had packed was propped up on the side table, blowing a weak stream of air your way but doing absolutely nothing to lessen the sweltering August heat. Huffing loudly, you stopped bouncing on the exercise ball and used your forearm to wipe the sweat from your forehead. 
A hum of satisfaction drew your attention to Jake, who was lounging on the hospital bed eating a sandwich he packed before you guys left. Another noise left his mouth as he took another bite, completely oblivious to the murderous glare you were sending his way.
“Ya know, you have an awful lot of trust in the idea that I won’t come over there and smother you and that damn sandwich with a pillow.” Jake’s eyes widened and his chewing halted at your threat, before a smug grin took over his face.
 “Now darlin’, I don’t know about the pillow, but I’ll let you smother me with somethin’ else if you want,” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You stared at him, your face deadpan, before pulling a hair elastic off your wrist and slingshotting it at his forehead.
“Hey! Don’t damage government property!” He whined, rubbing where the elastic hit him. 
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever. Come help me up so I can go sit on my hospital bed.” Jake quickly placed the sandwich on the table next to the fan before rushing over to your side. Grabbing your outstretched hands, he slowly pulled you up off the ball before helping you waddle over to the bed.
With Jake’s help, you eased yourself onto the bed, sitting cross-legged rubbing your rounded belly. Your stomach growled, hunger overtaking your senses. You hadn’t been allowed to eat anything since you were admitted that morning, but seeing as you had been in labor for eight hours since then, you were absolutely starving. Moving ever so slowly, you reached over to the side table, picking up Jake’s half-eaten sandwich as he dug through your hospital bag. 
“Here, I got you–Woah, woah, woah. Hand over the sandwich, little lady.” Damn it.
You froze, sandwich halfway to your mouth. Jake’s outstretched hand motioned for you to give it up, and you sighed, placing the sandwich in his palm. “But Jaaaaake, I’m starving.” You whined irritably. 
“Hi, Starving, I’m Dad.” He winked.
If looks could kill, Jake Seresin’s body would be unidentifiable, yet the look on your face did nothing to wipe the goofy grin off his face. His green eyes sparkled with mischief, absolutely delighted with himself. You hoped your son got his eyes. And that sweet Seresin smile. You fought off a small grin, and groaned, “Can you please just tell your son to stop taking his sweet time so that I can finally eat something?”
Jake pulled one of the chairs up to the edge of the bed before leaning over and gently cradling your bump. Nine months in and you still got butterflies at the feeling of his big, warm hands on your stomach. 
You always knew you wanted children someday, and while these were certainly not the circumstances you had always envisioned, the thought of a little tiny baby, half-you and half-Jake Seresin, made your heart squeeze.
As he pressed kisses and mumbled words to your hospital gown-covered belly, you delicately carded your fingers through his soft blond hair. Everything about your pregnancy felt like a whirlwind. The past nine months had flown by, riddled with anxiety about motherhood and what life would look like after the baby arrived, but right now, with Jake right next to you, you felt oddly at peace. You couldn’t help but think back to how stressed and anxious you had been to tell him you were pregnant.
You paced the living room anxiously, your mind running a mile a minute. You could hear the clock ticking slowly in the kitchen, reminding you that any second, Jake Seresin’s truck would be pulling into your driveway. 
The knot in your stomach was getting tighter with each passing second. What if he got mad? What if he didn’t believe that the baby was his? What if he didn’t want anything to do with the baby? What if he didn’t want anything to do with you?
You knew it was unfair to assume the worst about Jake. People could say whatever they wanted about Hangman, but Jake Seresin had never been anything but sweet and genuine with you. A little cocky, maybe, but he’d never given you any reason to believe he’d leave you hanging. 
Selfishly, you also wondered what this would mean for the two of you. You’d always had a thing for Jake, and you were secretly hoping after the two of you hooked up, it would become something more, but a baby just complicated all of that. You wanted him to want you for you, not just because you were having his baby.
The slamming of a truck door pulled you from your thoughts. You tried to psych yourself up as you went to let him in. It’s gonna be fine. You’re just gonna sit him down and rip the bandaid off. It’ll be fine. Everything’s gonna be fine. What could possibly go wrong?
“Hi,” You breathed out, “Thanks for coming over.”
“Of course.” Jake grinned, stepping inside. You internally groaned as you took in his appearance. His dark blonde hair was messy, yet somehow looked perfectly styled. His navy blue jacket was pulled off, revealing a tight white t-shirt underneath, paired with lighter wash jeans which covered his toned legs. How was it fair that he looked so good all of the time? 
You shook your head, trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts that were quickly filling it. You waited as he toed his boots off and hung his jacket on a hook by the door before leading him to the couch. 
“So,” You started, “I asked you to come over because I need to talk to you about something,” 
Jake watched you carefully as you went on, “Do you remember that night we spent together, about a month ago?”
A knowing smirk took over his face, “You know I do, honey. Is that what this is about?”
“Well, yeah, you see–”
“Darlin’, I know we agreed on it being a one-time thing, but if you wanted it to happen again, all you had to do was ask.”
“Ok, but Jake, that’s not–”
“Y’know, I’ve actually been thinking about it too and–”
“Jake, I’m pregnant.” And off comes the bandaid.
His face was frozen in place. You felt like you could see the gears turning inside his head. The blonde carefully got to his feet, slowly pacing in front of the couch.
“O-okay, so,” He glanced at you, an unreadable expression on his face, “So you’re pregnant?”
You nodded gently, getting to your feet. You stood in front of him, halting his movement. Your hands wrapped around his strong, muscular biceps, the tanned skin beneath your–No. Him and those damn muscles are what got you into this situation in the first place.
He stared at you wide-eyed, “And I’m the father?”
You nodded again. The sound of Jake’s quickening breaths engulfed the two of you for a moment. You were about to explain to him that you didn’t expect anything from him when he opened his mouth again.
“B-but, but, we– I mean, I– and the– oh god, and you’re–” His breaths were shallow as his knees buckled. Your grip on him tightened as you tried to hold his towering frame upright, but you could feel him becoming dead weight. 
“Alright, down we go, cowboy.” You muttered as you eased the two of you back onto the couch. You quickly reached for your untouched glass of water on the coffee table before handing it to Jake.
“Here, drink this.” He gratefully accepted it, bringing the glass to his lips as you reached your hand up and pushed a few soft, blond strands off his damp forehead. The two of you sat for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes as Jake absorbed the information.
Kids were something Jake Seresin had never given much thought. Sure, growing up in a conservative Texas family, the idea wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but he’d always known he wanted to be in the Navy. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a wife and kids, he had just assumed it would be something he would have to forgo in order to achieve his career goals. He had accepted that it wasn’t in the cards for him.
“You’d make a great mom,” He spoke quietly, placing the glass back down before turning to you. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean– that was just…a lot to take in.”
You snorted, “Oh, trust me, I know.” The energy in the room shifted as the two of you sat gazing at each other. A deep silence settled between you and Jake as you both searched for the right thing to say.
“I just want you to know that I’m not, like, expecting anything from you or whatever,” You cringed at your bluntness and lack of articulation. “Sorry– I just mean, you can be as involved or not involved as you want. This is a huge surprise for both of us, and I won’t force you to raise a baby if you don’t want to.” 
Jake’s expression was unreadable as your words hung in the air. The ticking of the clock in the kitchen was practically deafening as you waited for him to say something, anything.
“You were right in that this is definitely a surprise,” He chuckled. 
Jake could never have predicted this. He never even considered the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy, and he couldn’t even imagine what his grandmother would say if she were here. But Jake didn’t care. Right now, one of his favorite people in the entire world was sitting in front of him, literally growing his baby. He was being given an opportunity to have at least a little part of the life he never thought was possible, and he’d be damned if he didn’t take it. 
“But if you want to do this, I’m gonna be right there with you. I wanna be as involved as you’ll let me be.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, it was like a floodgate had opened. Your vision blurred as fat tears spilt over, dripping down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?,” Jake cooed comfortingly. He gently lifted you so you were straddling his lap, before pulling you into his arms. You let the tears flow, emptying your head to focus on nothing but the warmth of Jake’s embrace.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed like that before you pulled back slightly, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of the gray hoodie adorning your frame. “Sorry,” You sniffled, “it’s the hormones. One month in and they’re already all out of whack.” 
One look at the shoulder of Jake’s white shirt, now littered with stains of mascara and teardrops, had your eyes welling up again. “Shit, your shirt…” You frowned, quickly tried wiping it off, knowing full well your actions were useless.
Jake chuckled, gently grasping your wrist and pulling it away from the stains. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I should probably start getting used to it. I mean, think about it, eight months from now and you and I both will be getting far worse stains on our clothes.”
You let out a watery laugh, a smile making its way onto your face as you realized Jake would probably be the first person to make baby spit-up look good. 
“What are you thinkin’ about, hm?” Jake’s soothing voice drew your attention back to the present. 
“When I told you I was pregnant.” You laughed lightly. You watched as Jake smiled fondly, reminiscing about that day last December. 
“We’re ready for this, right?” You whispered, unsure if you were really asking Jake or yourself. The blonde lifted his head, hands still glued to your stomach, and met your misty eyes.
“Course we are, darlin’, are you kiddin’ me? We were born ready.” He grinned again. You gave him a pointed look, “Okay, maybe not born ready, but I feel like we have more than enough experience since we basically parent Rooster.”
You giggled at that. Jake wasn’t really wrong, considering how one of Bradley’s terms for letting Jake move in with you guys was that one of you had to pack him a lunch for work everyday. 
“Well then, let’s just hope–” The words were stolen from your tongue as pain jolted through you. You closed your eyes, grabbing and squeezing Jake’s hand as your stomach tightened. With his free hand, Jake massaged your neck gently.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. Do you want me to go get the nurse?”
You nodded, eyes still pinched shut. Jake squeezed your hand and kissed your temple before quickly going to find the nearest nurse. He came back 30 seconds later, a red headed nurse trailing him. She smiled warmly at you, pulling on a fresh pair of gloves.
“All right, Miss L/N, let’s check how many centimeters, shall we?”
You took a deep breath, leaning into Jake’s side as he sat, perched on the edge of the hospital bed. The blonde began stroking your hair with his large hand as the nurse stood back up, “Well, it looks like it’s time to head to the delivery room.” 
Your eyes widened, “Wait, seriously? This isn’t a joke, right? You’re serious?”
She chuckled at your reaction, “Yes, Ma’am. You’re ten centimeters dilated. You’re about to become a mom.”
You lifted your head to look at Jake, chest tight with a mixture of anxiety and overwhelming happiness, “We’re about to become parents.”
The signature Seresin smile found its way to his face, his green eyes shining with excitement. Jake pushed a stray hair behind your ear, “Yes, we are, honey. Yes, we are.”
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kellyvela · 20 days
Do you notice many Sansa fans are POC girls/women? My girls and I are POC from a Muslim country. We are Sansa's fans. We understand Sansa because our lives are similar to Sansa.
It is easy for White people in Western developed countries to claim Sansa should rebel like Arya.
They do not understand the deadly harsh consequences of not following the rules in a real life. For girls/women in religious, traditional, and conservative societies/countries. Similar to Sansa's medievel society/country.
If, my girls and I rebel like Arya. Then, we will get "Honour" murdered.
Sansa, my girls, and I are not dumb, weak, and useless for trying to survive. For trying to protect ourselves. For trying to make the best out of our circumstances that we are born into.
Hello anon!
Thanks for sharing your story with me ❤️
What you said reminds me of what GRRM has said about Sansa's mother, Catelyn Stark:
Interviewer: One of the strongest female characters is Catelyn Stark, in my point of view.
GRRM: Well, I wanted to make a strong mother character. The portrayal women in epic fantasy have been problematical for a long time. These books are largely written by men but women also read them in great, great numbers. And the women in fantasy tend to be very atypical women… They tend to be the woman warrior or the spunky princess who wouldn’t accept what her father lays down, and I have those archetypes in my books as well.
However, with Catelyn there is something reset for the Eleanor of Aquitaine, the figure of the woman who accepted her role and functions with a narrow society and, nonetheless, achieves considerable influence and power and authority despite accepting the risks and limitations of this society. She is also a mother… Then, a tendency you can see in a lot of other fantasies is to kill the mother or to get her off the stage. She’s usually dead before the story opens… Nobody wants to hear about King Arthur’s mother and what she thought or what she was doing, so they get her off the stage and I wanted it too. And that’s Catelyn.
—Adrias News - 2012
So Catelyn Stark is “the figure of the woman who accepted her role and functions with a narrow society and, nonetheless, achieves considerable influence and power and authority despite accepting the risks and limitations of this society”.
Catelyn Stark, Sansa’s lady mother and role model, the symbol of strength she turned to when she pleaded for her father's life:
Sansa quailed. Now, she told herself, I must do it now. Gods give me courage. She took one step, then another. Lords and knights stepped aside silently to let her pass, and she felt the weight of their eyes on her. I must be as strong as my lady mother. "Your Grace," she called out in a soft, tremulous voice.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa V    
Catelyn Stark, the woman whose name Sansa wanted to take as her new identity:
What should you be called?" "I . . . I could call myself after my mother . . ." "Catelyn? A bit too obvious . . . but after my mother, that would serve. Alayne. Do you like it?" "Alayne is pretty." Sansa hoped she would remember. 
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa VI
Catelyn Stark, the mother that Sansa didn’t forget and that reminds inside her to preserve her true identity:
I am not your daughter, she thought. I am Sansa Stark, Lord Eddard's daughter and Lady Catelyn's, the blood of Winterfell. 
—A Feast for Crows - Sansa I
That Catelyn Stark is the kind of woman that Sansa Stark will become and surpass in the future.
Thanks for your message 😊
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immediatebreakfast · 4 months
I love how Renfield is the oldest (59) and Mina is very likely the living youngest, and yet they bond so well. (It reminds me how well Mina befriended the 99 year old Mr Swales that he sought her company and felt care for her.) It probably contributed that Jack may have experience with interacting with "madmen" and studying, Mina had lived with and loved a "madman".
It's truly incredible how a simple conversation between an old man in physical cell, and a young woman in a mental cell put such a dent in the Count's plans that he had to flee to Transylvania once it was clear that nothing would stop the crew.
Even if the repercutions were huge in the narrative, in between the horror and the action it was just a visit (probably the first visit that Renfield had in a long time) to talk.
Reading again the entry I noticed how hostile Renfield is towards Mina at first,
"You're not the girl the doctor wanted to marry, are you? You can't be, you know, for she's dead." - R.M. Renfield, september 30.
and even with everything one can say about sexism, and the building infantilization of Mina, let's remember that this is the first time Renfield meets someone that is specifically associated with Jack. Renfield's remarked abuser in both authority, and personhood in general. Also by probably being informed by Dracula himself that both Mina and Jonathan are the key players in this continuous attacks against his plans in England, on top of just almost correctly assuming that Mina must share the same opinion towards the mentally ill that society has.
Three strikes against Mina that she switfly defeats by treating Renfield like the person he is, and talking to him in a normal manner. After taking care of her beloved Jonathan, and being at Lucy's side most of her life Mina is aware of how the Other is viewed. Maybe as she saw Renfield, Mina thought of a worse reality where the man on the bed was her Jonathan in Budapest, maybe she saw how Seward reacted to Renfield's words, and realized what was actually layed out in the room. Or maybe Mina just saw an old man in need of an ear, and she just listened.
This is the first time that Renfield puts a face on a victim of the Count's games, he puts a voice on the young victim whose life is going to violently end in what he thought was supposed to be eternal bliss. Lucy is a distant dream for Renfield, the revenge against these people who dared to put up a fight against this old ancient evil that goes beyond all of their years combined.
Renfield never knew Lucy, but he knows Mina now.
Renfield sees the young Mina Harker, entering life with her equal young husband in hand, and trying to solve the murder of what he knows now was her best friend, and he reflects. He reflects on everything he has done, on what has passed, and what he can do tomorrow.
Mr. Renfield asked if he might see me. Poor man, he was very gentle, and when I came away he kissed my hand and bade God bless me. Some way it affected me much; I am crying when I think of him. This is a new weakness, of which I must be careful. Jonathan would be miserable if he knew I had been crying. - Mina Harker, october 2.
And the man is devastated to see how he is helping orchestrate the murder of another young lady to please the Count. He becomes desperate to leave (a request that is denied by both Seward, and Van Helsing), so the Count can't have access to the inside of the asylum. It doesn't matter if he looks like a coward by the time's literary standards because if the only way to at least save that young lady is by acting like one? Then Renfield might as well do it, he has nothing to lose sans his life.
I think that the key difference between Mina, and Jack when it comes to Renfield is empathy, and the ability to simply treat the other person with the same humanity you should be treated.
Jack may have studied, and climbed until he got to be the head of an asylum, but his own biases, mental problems, and ableism blurred the lines between patient and doctor so hard that he made Renfield's life a boring hell. From when their dynamic was introduced, to Renfield's death, the narrative dictated how Seward was putting both into a deep spiral in which, not even with Renfield's manipulations, none of them were going to come out in victory.
In contrast, Mina has cared for Jonathan without any restrain, and has lived in service of what the situation demands of her at all times. She knows, as a young victorian lady, how to balance herself without trying to compete, or win the other person in the room with her. Mina only needed to genuinely talk to Renfield to break his heart because she gave him the respect, and honestly she expects for herself when talking.
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crazy-ache · 2 months
SJM is a Zutara Shipper? That sounds like Elucien....let me explain
It was recently brought to my attention that Sarah hinted in 2017 at being a Zuko/Katara shipper in the Avatar the Last Airbender series. This was exciting to hear as I was in the ATLA fandom over a decade ago and Zuko/Katara was my first OTP and introduction to fandom. I have loved them a long time and they will always hold a special place in my heart. I want to explore why Sarah shipping Zutara is really important when it comes to Elucien because there are a lot of great parallels.
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Note: if you know anything about the ATLA shipping fandom/wars...you immediately know what she means by this. Zutara is a fanon ship that was often baited by the writers. Her disappointment is a shared, common reaction to the ship.
A very long, detailed analysis is below the cut. This NOT for ATLA discourse. This is intended to focus SOLELY on Elucien. Read below if you are a fan of Zutara/Elucien....
ATLA Characters vs ACOTAR Characters
Let's start with the characters themselves.
We have Prince Zuko, the exiled and scarred prince of the Fire Nation, who was banished after his evil, power-hungry father (the Fire Lord) horribly punished him for embarrassing him with his kindness (not wanting innocent soldiers to be used as bait in war), which he viewed as morally inferior and weak. It is implied his mother, a gentle-hearted woman, was abused in the marriage. She disappeared when he was young to maintain her husband's political power, only so that her children would live. The loss of his mother is his greatest trauma, along with his desire to go back home and gain his honor and father's acceptance.
Then we have Lucien Vanserra, exiled and scarred son of the Autumn Court, who had to flee after his evil, power-hungry father (the High Lord) horribly punished him for embarrassing him with his relationship with a lower-Fae female, which he viewed as repulsive and below their High Fae status. It is implied his mother, a gentle-hearted woman, was abused in the marriage. His lover was brutally murdered by the hands of his father/brothers and he had to flee, never having the chance to see his mother again. Losing Jesminda is his greatest trauma, likely along with losing his home, Court, and family.
Let's also not forget...they BOTH WEILD FIRE! I do think the Lucien/Zuko comparison is quite obvious and direct, where the Elain/Katara is a bit more symbolic.
For our ladies, we have Katara, master waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. She is the youngest daughter of the Chief. She begins the journey as someone untrained and incapable of bending her own element, in a small, impoverished village due to the effects of war and destruction on their nation/culture by the Fire Nation. Her mother was tragically murdered by the Fire Nation in order to save her daughter's life. This is singularly her greatest trauma. Throughout the show, we see Katara become a powerful and master bender.
Finally, we have Elain Archeron, who was once human and is the middle sister in her family. She was the daughter of a once-successful merchant. She also loses her mother and is very close to her father, who she also tragically loses in the war. She loses her humanity and her fiance, Graysen, in one fell swoop when they put her in the Cauldron. This is singularly her greatest trauma, one that we see she has trouble letting go, even becoming practically comatose when it first happens. We later learn Elain possesses magic and is a seer.
A little less here, but I am not surprised. Katara and Elain, personality-wise, are very different. However, I will add that both Elain/Katara are often associated as symbols of HOPE in the narrative. But this brings me to my next point which is where I believe SJM was influenced by Zutara when writing Elucien....
Shared Grief as the Catalyst
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Every Zuko/Katara shipper knows the crux of their relationship is from their shared trauma. Despite being on opposite ends of the war, they both carry an immense grief in losing their mothers to the war. It is the first thing they realize they have in common, the first moment they share a genuine, sincere connection, enough for them to reach out and open up to each other.
Elain and Lucien also have a shared trauma. They both lost their first loves/fiances. Lucien lost her tragically. Elain lost him in a brutal rejection. It broke both of their hearts, and they both carry grief and complicated emotions around it.
The hurt and pain brought Zutara together. As a result, they understand each other in ways others can't. I have no doubt that Elucien will spark from a similar place of understanding.
Complimentary Symbolism
One of the most beautiful parts of Zuko/Katara is the use of opposite/complimentary symbolism. Two halves of a whole. Balance and unity.
Zuko= Fire and Sun and Blue Spirit Katara= Water and Moon and Painted Lady
Lol can you believe we got the line below...I couldn't come up with a more romantic symbolic line if I tried and that's canon folks
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Lucien = Day and Fox and Spring/Loss
Elain = Flowers and Fawns and Spring/Life
Elain, often associated with gardens and flowers and roses, was asked what she needed at her lowest point. She said "Sunshine." Enter Lucien, the secret heir to Day Court and Helion, whose name means Light. The Fox and the Fawn. Elain "Made for Spring" Archeron and Lucien "Spring Court Emissary and Courtier" Vanserra. I wrote Spring/Loss and Spring/Life because Lucien had to see Spring become ruined/flee the one place he called home. There is strong foreshadowing that Elain will help in some way to revive spring and possibly bring it back to life, hopefully with Lucien's help.
Let's also not forget that Elain was formerly human and now living as a High Fae in the Night Court. Lucien is a High Fae who looked down on humans and now lives in the mortal lands. It's an interesting dynamic!
Okay buckle up. This one is important. The feeling of betrayal is important to the development of both ships. Let me break this down.
Katara is a victim of the Fire Nation. Zuko is the prince of the Fire Nation who once hunted them down to retrieve the Avatar. She often conflated her feelings toward Zuko with her feelings regarding her mother's murder by the hands of the Fire Nation', as evidenced here.
Katara: I'm sorry I yelled at you before. Zuko: It doesn't matter. Katara: It's just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.
We see these messy emotions come back when Zuko joins the team to teach Aang firebending.
Zuko: This isn't fair! Everyone else seems to trust me now! What is it with you? Katara: Oh, everyone trusts you now?! I was the first person to trust you! [Places her left hand on her heart.] Remember, back in Ba Sing Se. And you turned around and betrayed me, betrayed all of us! Zuko: What can I do to make it up to you? Katara: You really want to know? Hmm, maybe you could reconquer Ba Sing Se in the name of the Earth King. Or, I know! You could bring my mother back!
Now, at this point, we know she has not forgiven him for Ba Sing Se. Remember, this was the moment they shared their intimate connection over their shared Dead Mother trauma. (In an episode called The Crossroads of Destiny nonetheless). She offered to heal his scar, and later when given the chance to choose between what is right vs. what he wants....he chooses what he wants, which is to return home to his father for his acceptance. Katara took this as a personal betrayal and we see she still imagines his face as the enemy by demanding he bring her mother back (even though it isn't possible/he isn't responsible for it).
You know who else has mentioned betrayal?
For a long moment, Elain’s face did not shift, but those eyes seemed to focus a bit more. “Lucien,” she said at last, and he clenched his teacup to keep from shuddering at the sound of his name on her mouth. “From my sister’s stories. Her friend.” “Yes.” But Elain blinked slowly. “You were in Hybern.” “Yes.” It was all he could say. “You betrayed us.” He wished she’d shoved him out the window behind her. “It—it was a mistake.” Her eyes went frank and cold. “I was to be married in a few days.” He fought against the bristling rage, the irrational urge to find the male who’d claimed her and shred him apart. The words were a rasp as he instead said, “I know. I’m sorry.”
Elain associates Lucien's involvement with Ianthe/Hybern/The Cauldron as a personal betrayal. Lucien, much like Zuko, is sorry for his actions that have hurt her.
Both Zuko and Lucien don't argue about the anger/accusations of betrayal. They own it. They just want to make it right.
In the same episode of the snippet above ("You could bring my mother back!") Zuko and Katara go on their infamous "field trip" or journey together, just the two of them. Despite Katara's anger, the two of them are in perfect sync. They are the perfect team and pair, moving fluid in their elements, sneaking around enemy ships. Zuko defends her desire for closure (however dark it may be) against her friends and family wishes. He never questions her. He supports her emotionally. He yells at an enemy solider- "Don't lie! You look her in the eye and you tell me you don't remember what you did." (OH COME ON, what is hotter than that!?) In the end, she forgives him. Not because of what he did. But because he understands her and gives her space and places no expectations of who she is or what she should do. He accepts her. All the dark and pain and light inside.
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Don't mind the romantic sunset in the background
Going on an adventure? Likely against the wishes of friends and family due to it being dangerous? Doing whatever is necessary to help the girl forgive you/trust you? Giving her the necessary space and support to do what she has set her mind to? Helping her find closure and healing along the way? Falling love? Sure sounds like an Elucien book......wonder where SJM got the inspiration?
Azriel vs Aang
I cannot write this post without mentioning Aang and Azriel. This is NOT an ATLA shipping discourse so please no comments regarding the Kataang/Zutara ship war. I am using this as a comparison to Elucien/E/riel.
I have a feeling that SJM has written Azriel (specifically in the Bonus Chapter) to serve as a foil to Aang's dynamic to Katara. Which is that both characters feel entitled to their crush.
Aang, the young hero and savior of the world, has a long-standing crush on Katara that is not really reciprocated romantically throughout the series.
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When the group goes to watch a play based on themselves, there is scene where the actors on stage go:
Actor Zuko: Wait, I thought you were the Avatar's girl! [Aang in the audience nods in agreement.] Actress Katara: The Avatar? Why, he's like a little brother to me! I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way. [Aang in the audience grows concerned.] Besides, how could he ever find out about ... this? [Actress Katara and Actor Zuko embrace and hold hands while Actress Katara pops up one leg. Aang gets up from his seat to leave.]
It can be interpreted that his nodding and getting upset is attributed to feeling possessive of his crush on Katara. That she belongs to him, as he is the Hero and the Avatar, and should get the girl. He is jealous of something that didn't actually happen between the actors on stage (he is only 12 to be fair).
Further evidence here:
Aang: But it's true, isn't it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we're not. Katara: Aang, I don't know. Aang: Why don't you know? Katara: Because, we're in the middle of a war, and, we have other things to worry about. This isn't the right time.
...and then he kisses her, and she doesn't want it/isn't expecting it, and runs away back to the theater. We won't get into that here.
Hm, this story sounds familiar....
Azriel ignored the question. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another."
There is a similar sense of entitlement, that also ended with Elain running away from the scene, upset. The difference being he rejected her at the urging (and convincing) of Rhysand because he knew it was a mistake.
Tension & Healing & Growth (What's Next)
"There is a great deal of tension, growth, and healing to be found for both of them (together)." - from Sarah J Maas herself. If she was a Zutara shipper, I can totally see her inspiration in elements of Elucien.
In the end, many Zuko/Katara shippers really believed these two brought out the best in each other in the best possible ways. (I know I did). And I think that's a big reason a lot of Eluciens ship Elain/Lucien...the potential of how they'll complement each other is so huge.
Just as Katara and Zuko were once extremely tense in their relationship, they underwent an incredible and beautiful journey of healing and growth. One that ended in....Zuko sacrificing his life for her. Animated in slow motion with romantic/epic musical scores. For the girl who lost her mother (who sacrificed herself to save her daughter). An epic friendship but no romance....which Sarah herself agreed she wasn't a fan of....
So I imagine she is going to rectify that narrative for Elucien. I for one cannot wait to read their story in their book.
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silviakundera · 5 months
Dramas I watched in 2023
[Chinese Dramas]
My Journey to You - Wuxia. Spy games, badass ladies, subtextually homoerotic cousins. Gentle & sweet ML who melts the cold & calculated heart of FL assassin. Gorgeous setting and cinematography. Left me with a burning desire to see Zhang Ling He play more gentle babygirl MLs and Esther Yu to play more anti-heroes. Absolutely perfect to me.., if we just pretend the director didn't add a pointless cliffhanger in the last 5 min. Which is how I choose to live my life.
Story of Kunning Palace - 'rebirth' costume drama that I waited to air for like 2 years or something and then it... actually didn't disappoint? And was almost everything I wanted? 😳😲 This is THE couple for that post about the pair that need to be stuck in a neverending monogamous relationship with each other as a quarantine measure to protect everyone else.
A Journey to Love - wuxia perfection. The stand-out drama that I wasn't expecting. Murder mommy & murder daddy became an otp for the ages and all of the supporting characters were interesting and dynamic. I cared about so many more characters than I expected and never fast fowarded. Just immensely satisfying.
The Ingenious One - wuxia with a weak, scheming scholar protagonist on a revenge quest (yes, we've all heard that before!) who puts together a group to execute his cons, Leverage style. I love me a martial artist x weak scholar couple 👌. Some exciting twists & turns in this one. Both A Journey to Love and The Ingenious One are best enjoyed coming in with little to no information. Hell, skip the trailers and simply dive in!
Hidden Love - Modern drama. Top tier romance-novel-on-screen writing and acting. It felt honest and real. The coming of age arc for the FL was well done. Great brother & sister relationship that feels authentic. The ML's backstory was so heart breaking because it was never overplayed for melodramatics. Just a quiet pain, a distance and a burden he carried with him.
Road Home - Modern. "Do you remember who I am?" / "Yes. If I were to turn to ashes, I would still remember you." I am very weak for the "reunited exes", "second time around" trope when the actors are capable and the breakup wasn't a narratively convenient 'misunderstanding'. As a career woman who works very long hours, I also tend to appreciate modern drama relationships where the couple manages to stay functional & supportive while not having a lot of free time for each other. That's my version of wish fulfillment 😂. I felt like this narrative made me fully understand why they couldn't make a long distance relationship work as young adults but now they're ready and have experienced enough of the world to know that they are happier with their lives joined together than apart.
Love You Seven Times - xanxia. I wrote a whole review post (love letter) on this one, since it seems rather underrated. I feel like this one may actually end up one of my fav examples of the genre. I just sincerely bought into the couple and their mutual devotion.
The Last Immortal - xanxia. Terrible trailer but turns out to be a decent show. I'm a fan of the genre, so I'm enjoying it. (I think you do need to be, to enjoy it - it doesn't transcend or really subvert..just a solid representation of xanxia) I like both lead actors and they do a good job with the material. It's working better for me than Ancient Love Poetry and Ashes of Love. After being eager for Song of the Moon in 2022 but then being let down (I dropped that one quick), I'm very happy 2023 brought me 2 xanxia I liked.
Three Body - modern sci-fi. Book 1 of my fav sci-fi trilogy of recent years. As a novel fan first, I was pleased to see it on screen with talented actors. Eager for book 2.
Love Me, Love My Voice - modern drama with an unusual couple (2 introverts) and dubbing fandom hyper fixation. A laid back relaxation drama, to de-stress with. Minimal plot, no conflict. Just sweet slow burn relationship building, singing & audio performances. Supportive friendships.
Here We Meet Again - modern drama that suffered from sloppy editing. I mean almost incoherent editing in a couple places, like when they are counting down the days until getting married and then.. It's not mentioned again? 🙃 But I very much enjoyed the couple's chemistry. I can't say it was objectively good but it sure was compulsively watchable for some reason.
Royal Rumors - Costume drama that was so aggressively mediocre that I don't have any real explanation for not dropping it. Except I find the lead actress unspeakably alluring. Blame my hormones.
Back to the Brink - xanxia. Great concepts but the execution didn't work for me. I'm not a fan of slapstick and wacky humor within serious subject matter. (It's the reason kdramas can be very hit or miss with me.) The amount of humor layered into AJourney to Love is basically my limit for tragicomedies. (Note: I did go read the book and it was very entertaining - the tone was much more to my taste.)
My Lethal Man - modern. Embarassing english name, but they had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Then after her identity was exposed, I wasn't feeling it idk. Sometimes it's just not that complicated.
Destined/Chang Feng Du - costume drama. idk really why I dropped. I watched about a 3rd of it and then was distracted by other shiny objects. I plan to come back to this one in 2024 and finish.
Romance of the Twin Flower - costume drama; unholy abomination of a great novel. I hope somehow, someday, the culprits pay for their crime. Need I say more?
[Korean Dramas]
Perfect Revenge Marriage - a modern rebirth tale. For the 90% of it, I was high on the love of a drama that is just what you didn't know you wanted. The camp, the dedication, the scenery chewing, the glorious evil step mother. It was magical. And then the last 2 episodes I found underwhelming. I can't really explain it, the climax just didn't hit for me. But that's very much a personal taste issue and I'd definitely recommend to all drama lovers who enjoy the genre. Seriously, the performance of evil step mommy was a master class.
King the Land - modern workplace romance. I've heard complaints that there wasn't much of plot. But tbh that was fine with me, because some dramas are simply character pieces. This was all about the personal growth of the FL and ML. I ended up invested and rooting for the ML to become a decent guy who isn't a gross classist like his dad.
Destined with You - modern reincarnation drama. I blame my lingering kdrama good feelings about King the Land for convincing me to keep powering thru this one. Such a strong start but then half-way in I began to realize it simply wasn't going to go into the direction I wanted it to. I still have no idea what they intended to communicate with that love potion subplot.
Vincenzo - modern crime drama. I was late to the party on this one. But after I got around to watching the delightful Kinnporsche, this was rec'd to me as another drama that embraced the bigger than life unreality of Fantasy Mafia™ and provides a rollicking good time. Absolutely ridiculous and compulsively watchable. 10/10.
House of the Dragon - Awful people doing awful things to each other, as a 1st act before everything goes straight to hell. Plus freaky dragon-riding fantasy incest. What's there not to like?
Fall of the House of Usher (YES i DO watch every horror drama by Mike Flanagan thx) - Was it as good as the first 3..? No. Did I still breathlessly binge it in 2 days? Yes. Awful things happening to awful people, poetically. 👌 👌
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dangermousie · 6 months
I am living for the gender reversal trope where she's the perfect killing machine who doesn't know normalcy or feeling and considers emotions a burned out nuisance and he's the functional one who actually values relationships. And the thing is she has decided he's breedable (sorry, will never be over that! :P) because he's competent and smart and good at killing but emotionally she is being drawn, without even realizing it, because he combines competency with still keeping a soul. If he was just a weak person she'd just assume he's incompetent or deluded. But he's clearly good at what he does and can kill quite competently and defeat his enemies quite competently. And yet - he treats his companions as friends and they do the same and she is fascinated by it the way an alien would. She knows she's lacking and she is trying to figure how to remedy, how to stop being a machine.
I mean, he tells his men they can laugh at him but to treat her with respect and something in her softens (especially since it's clear he didn't say it to impress her.) She has always been treated with disdain or fear and has always been an implement of seduction or murder. But he treats her as a person.
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It's like that conversation she has with the princess, where she says she and he are the same and both left any ability to feel behind and that if princess really disobeyed, he'd kill her, same as FL could. She ends that convo on this piece of advice:
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But the thing is, the narrative is clearly set up to show she's wrong. Not just in terms of ML - he may be ruthless and smart but he still hasn't lost his ability to feel, because his life has been so much more normal than hers, but also to allow her to trust others at some point. The English title, "A Journey to Love" really is apt for her, isn't it? It's her going from being a perfect instrument to being able to feel. This reminds me a little of Romance of Red Dust with Shu Qi and Wallace Huo. The latter is a lot darker and grittier and bloodier because it was made a long time ago before restrictions but the tale of a tired lady assassin who is drawn to something she can actually care for is similar.
I mean, look at this convo - she does not talk as a flesh and blood human who wants a baby to love or even desires ML - it's once again an alien trying to understand how humans interact and why.
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God, I love him. It's an odd thing to say about a character who calmly stabbed a man in the neck with a pin within ten minutes of us meeting him but he is so damn decent.
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This cracked me up - talk about gender reversals...
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But the thing that I really loved about this conversation is that he turned her down while letting her know he finds her desirable and giving her his true reasons as well - which is it's not safe for people with their personalities and jobs to be entangled. This was pretty amazing.
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I love that she genuinely asks him about how he's friends with the men under his command because she realizes her lack (she said empress called her a sword and she wants to change because she always feels a distance even with her, but she doesn't know how) and that she doesn't want to be distant from her own child. It's actually a huge thing that she realizes that there is something missing and she wants to remedy it. I don't think the woman at the opening of ep 1 would have thought so.
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(I am WILD for the gender reversal of him being the softer one to make the perfect murder machine understand and develop emotions!!!)
But this was my favorite part, because isn't this the crux - she should think for herself; does she even want children, does she even know why the empress wanted her to have one? If it's just another order she's carrying blindly what is the point?
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It makes sense for a man with his line of work, but he actually thinks things through and I love it. There is that scene where he explains why he doesn't want to be with her and it's so logical - she's the perfect assassin but she has a bloody life and he just wants to retire so what future is there (any time a character talks about a last mission I freak out btw, but also it's telling he's thinking relationship when all she asked for is ONS. You developed feelings, spy boy!)
But also, there is this bit. Where he says he feels pity and it's very insightful but it reads much more as sympathy and understanding than pity.
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I love that he knows her true self - assassin, sex spy etc and his main reaction "but she's never had free will, it must have been hell."
God, I love this drama!
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missygoesmeow · 3 months
missy's tips for honour mode :) (it's very long I'm sorry) (oh and here be many spoilers) (but pictures too!)
please note I am not a pro gamer or anything. I sucked so bad when I first started this game (I had no idea wtf I was doing). Like seriously. I didn't know what an action was. what a bonus action was. "No movement left". WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO MOVEMENT LEFT. I had played DnD once before.
I literally bought this game because of Astarion.
I usually play one game and that is Overwatch. the only other time I stopped playing OW was to play Resident Evil: Village because of Lady D. vampire marketing works on me. specifically evil vampire. damn u Neil and Maggie.
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if you have any questions about a specific boss or something feel free to ask! I didn't fight everyone though - like I did not do House of Grief because I didn't need to and also it's hard :)
I think a lot of it just came on down to...
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ANYWAY. letsa go! this is very rambling!
Like I said in my reply to anon, the best tip is to do tactician FIRST. You’ll get destroyed otherwise. I didn’t finish my tactician run but I did get to act 3 and I did most boss fights (Gortash, Raphael, Cazador). Bosses have legendary actions in tactician and it’s fucking annoying. All the homies hate radiant retort….
Another tip is fucking collect everything. It’s hard to get gold and certain potion ingredients later on. Potion of Speed (you need hyena ears for this) is the BEST. I used them for my Ketheric fight (second phase) and killed him in three turns. I also used them for the final fight and used one or two with Raphael and Orin.
Smokepowder Barrels. I think people call this Barrelmancy? I didn't use them much. I hoarded them for one reason and one reason only.
To blow Raphael.
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His soul pillar towers that is. To blow up his pillars. His big long pillars.
Okay I'm done.
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(also I did use three in my last fight against the brain - popped them next to it and blew 'em up) Elixir of Bloodlust - sooooo handy with Astarion!
Invisibility Potion is a must - I used this to escape fights when three people were deaded (this happened a few times😅) and get my good friend Withers to bring them back.
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bonus tip: don't go into a fight with half your spell slots because you think "she'll be right". she won't be...as seen above
HOLY FUCK WITHERS. You can pickpocket Withers. I used Astarion to get our money back anytime I resurrected, changed class or got a hireling - he doesn’t care if you fail either, just keep trying.
DON'T BE DUMB LIKE MISSY Don't be like me, don't half pay attention in cut scenes and accidentally press the wrong dialogue option. Or else your good friend Lae'zel will turn on you and you will have A Bad Time.
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Gale has a stressful day💗
The githyanki are scary and actually now that I think about it, those were usually the fights I had to run away from like a leetle biatch.
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Halsin has a stressful day 💗
I forgot that Psionic Backlash is like a thing that does damage and that if your entire worm filled party does it and the person you are casting is at like...say 19 health...they will die because that is not Passive Damage.
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And then Jaheira will leave because you murdered her friend.
(I lost Shart, Lae'Zel and Jaheira in this run) GENERAL STUFF
Always surprise the enemy if you can, it’s a massive advantage!
Get the eye from Volo. This run was not about looking pretty, it was about getting any advantage I could get. Let that man poke out your eyeball. And make sure it’s your Tav, you will mostly likely swap companions and it’s just better if it’s you. It's helpful in a lot of fights but especially Auntie Ethel
Become half illithid. I did this with my Tav, Gale and Minthara. Astarion was a little bitch about it so I didn’t give it to him but I wish I had made him do it.
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She looks Not Great but she can fly (sorry Astarion but Z'hera only likes pussy)
Being able to fly is just SO helpful and cull the weak is OP! Also mmmmm worms :)
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A Giant Woman (my tiefling) as a Paladin - Oath of Vengeance.
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I broke my oath when I ascended Astarion but you can just get it back. Oathbreaker is still good (that’s what I was in my tactician run) but I wanted my channel divinity charges. I started with the Everburn Blade from the cambion Commander Zhalk on the Nautaloid (when you get Shart, give her the Command Spell and use “Drop” so you can just yoink it off him and save a fight). My final weapon was the Nyrulna which you can get in Act 3 at the Circus. To get this you must pickpocket the genie to take his ring and then play his game. He will accuse you of cheating and send you somewher. The prize at the end is this weapon. I love it. I just went invisible and walked through, I didn’t fight the creatures there.
Astarion - the classic gloomstalker/assasin. I had one level assasin and then did 6 levels ranger before going back to assassin. So he was 6 levels in each. With him ascended, he does INSANE damage. I never swap out that vamp, he’s too useful.
Shart/Minthara - I lost Shart in the Shadowfell - wouldn't let her murder Dame Aylin.
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a simpler time. before I killed my beloved and my brain was full of worms.
I had to fight her (it was very sad). I changed her class to Life of Domain Cleric. I then made Minthara my cleric when Shart died (same build). She replaced my lover and my cleric <3
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i love my new evil girlfriend
Gale - Evocation Wizard so I didn’t change him at all!
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he's so hopeful. and Z'hera is very gay.
If it’s throwable (like invisibility) group the gang together to throw one on the ground to get you all - saves using multiple.
Potion of Speed has an effect called lethargic that is active for one round after the potion ends. This means you miss a turn. HOWEVER! If you drink another one on the last active round of the potion, your Tav will become lethargic immediately and next round you’ll be fine :) I did this for the Ketheric fight.
It’s also helpful (because of lethargic) to not have all characters take the potion in the same round (if you give it to everyone). I never did, I usually gave them to Gale and my Tav.
I hoarded so many scrolls. I had so many dimension door scrolls at the end.
I did get the Necromancy of Thay and did all the things. And then I never used it :)
I saw this on reddit! Pretty much what I did was get a hireling - Cleric - and have that Cleric cast Heroes' Feast on my party.
The affected entity is immune to Diseases, Poisons, and being Frightened, it makes all Wisdom Saving throws with Advantage, and its maximum Hit Points are increased by 12
Lasts until long rest!! I also then cast Freedom of Movement on everyone in the party. I then cast Warding Bond on someone - usually Gale because he's a squishy boy :) If I knew it was a BIG FIGHT! I got another Cleric to cast Warding Bond on another party member.
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you can see Heroes' Feast (the condition is called Thoroughly Stuffed) and Freedom of Movement. These all last until long rest!
Pretty much any other companions were respeced as Cleric (though I made Jaheira a Wizard same as Gale so I could use her). I did this so that I could use Divine Intervention multiple times within the game!
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I used Opulent Revival and nothing else
anything can kill you in honour mode. even an elevator.
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it crushed me. somehow.
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thanks Larian
(if you want proper guides definitely go to Reddit!)
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nervarts · 3 months
I apologize for the inconsistent posting, I haven't been able to do much art wise. But since I'm here, I've been meaning to introduce a character I haven't drawn since 2019. :o
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is Jovana (she doesn't have a last name). She comes from a roleplay I have with a friend from Discord since 2018. She's a knight and the new leader of the Royal Guard of Felorion, the country where the story takes place. She's the female protagonist; the male protagonist is a crown prince named Isaac, whose father was murdered by his elder, illegitimate brother in a coup. She serves that brother, King Edric.
Here's a bio (It's going to be a long read):
Age: 20.
Personality: On first impression, Jovana is an exemplary figure among the ranks. She is courteous, fearless, disciplined, and above all: loyal to the king— despite his dubious actions. Down to Earth and surprisingly inquisitive. In contrast to her cold exterior, she is calm and reserved. Supposedly concealing a rare, gentler side to her persona.
Abilities: Proficient in sword-fighting; she carries a broadsword with her most of the time. However, she can also wield spears and without armor, can engage on hand-to-hand combat. She is notably strong.
Weaknesses/Negative traits: Can be killed as any other mortal: through stabs, deeps cuts and severe blunt force trauma. She is secretive and can be ruthless, especially towards enemies of the king. Jovana has acrophobia, though she loathes admitting it.
Backstory: Much of Jovana's history is a mystery among her comrades. Her reactions are rather unpleasant when they attempt to delve into her personal life. However, when she arrived to the country, she could barely speak the native language. Based from her accent and race, many speculated Jovana came from Va’sha, a region located hundreds of leagues away oversea. A nation undergoing through grim times. Theories varied from the search for a greater life to a more unpleasant reason as to why she moved. To the point of believing “Jovana” was her pseudonym. The one who seemed to know the truth was the first person who took her under their wing: Edric.
Jovana has been under his care a day after she arrived to Felorion. The day he claimed the throne through a coup, Jovana was dubbed as his personal guard. While suspicions arose to their relationship, she was mostly favored because of her fighting skills. Ever since the overthrow, Jovana was devoted to the new king. Killing every last member of the previous lineage if necessary.
-->Also, just to be sure: no, this is not Griffith and no, I didn't reference Griffith. I have never seen or read Berserk and I don't intend to (not because the story is bad, but due to the fact that I can't tolerate gore among other things). Just because a character happens to be a curly-haired knight doesn't mean I am ripping off Griffith. Please spare me the BS. This is not to be mean, it's just this happened a lot on Instagram and it's one of the reasons why I stopped drawing Jovana. But lately, she's been on my mind a lot and I had to draw her again.
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ravensliterature · 1 year
Happy Nightmares
A/N: I apologize for the delay! I am fulfilling requests right now and I thank you for your patience! pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x Reader warnings: Fluff, drepression, social anxiety, blood, violence w/c: 2494 Request: @imtrying26 Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Sebastian Michaelis x reader who he met in a mission with ciel and became a maid. I wanted to have Sebastian take care of the reader who is depressed and has social anxiety, just a lot of fluff in general, long hugs, and soft kisses. I also think it would really cute if Sebastian has a bit of separation anxiety and would carry the reader around the manor(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~. Also height difference cuz I think it's cute and because I'm like 4'9(148cm)
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The first time you had met him, he had been an angel. It was ironic knowing what you know now. He made you feel safe and happy in his company, emitting a calming aura that comforted you. You never thought an actual demon could make you feel this way. You noticed how he looked out for you, ensuring everyone knew not to get in your way. He would protect you from harm at all costs, even if it meant putting himself in danger. It warmed your heart to know someone so devoted to you.
You first met Sebastian and Ciel on a mission to take down the person at the root of a series of serial murders. The root cause was a corrupted angel that had gone rogue. However, you were also tracking this angel, trying to find the source of the murders after your father was a victim. You knew your father's business was not always legitimate, but you never knew the extent of the people he worked with. You were investigating a lead and needed a place to stay while you looked into this case, so you decided to stay at a hotel in town. Meanwhile, the angel was realizing your movements.
You had a deep gash on your thigh, your cheek was cut, and your arm was broken, with your clothes ripped beyond repair. You looked horrible, with bruises and cuts on your arms and legs. Your body felt heavy as you embraced the feeling of the hotel floor. The angel above you stared with a devious smile and said, "Well, well, well, look whom we've found. You have done fine work tracking me down." You didn't respond; you couldn't respond, your lips were numb, and your head was dizzy with pain. You didn't want to give them the satisfaction of an answer either. They seemed to be enjoying the moment though. "But you see, dear (Y/n), you have committed a great sin. Just like your father. How could I permit you to live?" His smile grew wide and sinister as he took out a knife. You whimpered silently. Your fear only fueled their amusement.
That's when he appeared. "Please, it is very unseemly to hurt a lady." You looked up and saw him, tall and strong. You were shocked to see him there, but you were even more surprised by how gentle his tone was. The man stood to your right in a full butler uniform. Behind him was another man, shorter and dressed in a much more elegant fashion, similar to that of a lord. "Sebastian, I take it this is the angel we discussed," said the shorter man who appeared to be a boy. "Yes, My Lord," the tall man responded and then turned his attention to you.
"I'm sorry about the inconvenience, but your injuries are quite severe. We should tend to them quickly before they become too dangerous or worse." He looked into your eyes, "It will be all right, my lady." He smiled gently at you. Your eyes widened as you felt yourself begin to fade.
-- You awoke to see the tall man sitting next to you on your bed, his face primarily expressionless with a hint of worry. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his eyes slightly glistening in concern. You nodded, still feeling weak. "I'm fine. Are you okay?" you asked. "I'm fine, my dear. My name is Sebastian, the butler of the Phantomhive Manor." You nodded again and shifted slightly in the bed. "Where are we?" you finally asked. Sebastian looked up at the ceiling "We are currently located in the manor, My Lady. My master and I brought you here after the fight with the angel. You nodded and tried to sit up. Sebastian stopped you. "Allow me, please, My Lady." He offered his hand to help pull you upright. Once you were seated comfortably, he continued. "I apologize that we did not come sooner, but it looks like your injuries are doing much better." You smiled softly, "Thank you. What happened?" you questioned. "My master and I ensured the angel will not be harming anyone anytime soon," he responded. Your face fell. "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have had to rescue me," you whispered. Sebastian reached forward and squeezed your shoulder softly. You smiled softly at him. Sebastian then let go and stood up. "We are glad that you were able to survive, but because we saved your life, that means you owe us a debt. My master would like to enlist you as a new maid. You froze. This was not part of your plans. He seemed to notice how shocked you were. "Please, consider it. My master would like to start your training immediately."
It was now seven months since you accepted the offer of becoming a Phantomhive maid. Sebastian and Ciel were kind enough to allow you to remain in their manor without supervision. Also, your knowledge about the existence of angels allowed them to be honest right away about Sebastian being a demon and Ciel's contract. Your time there hadn't been without adjustment, and you were still reeling from the events before your current position. You were having nightmares every night, but you managed to make it appear like you had things under control. Some days were harder than others, but you felt as if things were getting better. Even if some nights you dreamed about your father or about the day your father died, you never told anyone about any of it. It didn't seem worth the trouble. So you kept your mouth shut and hid it away as best as you could.
Yesterday, however, your dreams changed. They weren't about your father anymore. Instead, they were about Sebastian. But why? Why were you dreaming of Sebastian? In your dreams, the death of your father began to become replaced with Sebastian dying in your arms. You were crying. Screaming. Crying out his name over and over until you woke with a start in the dark room. You had cried yourself hoarse last night, unable to sleep due to your nightmares. You had tossed and turned in your bed, thinking about Sebastian, and the dream had plagued you. Your screams must have caught someone's attention because there was a knock at your door. "What is it? Is everything all right?" came Sebastian's voice. You cleared your throat and replied with a shaky voice, "I'm fine." Sebastian opened your door and slipped inside, closing it behind him. You sat up in bed. "Can I come closer?" You blinked in surprise but moved to the side of your bed. He came to sit beside you and gently laid a hand on yours. "Do you wish to talk about it?" he asked softly. You shook your head no and looked into his eyes. "I can tell that something isn't all right." You sighed and nodded, "I'm afraid that my nightmares might have started to follow me." He shook his head at you, his face stern. "It is more than that. You aren't talking with others like you used to. You aren't eating as much, getting little sleep, you constantly seem plagued by thoughts…" His voice trailed off, searching for the words to describe what you were going through. Your eyes grew tearful, remembering the nightmare you had just moments ago. He must have seen it. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Sebastian." He frowned. "No, My Lady, please forgive me. I should have realized something was wrong with you." He sighed softly. He pulled you close and wrapped his arm around your waist, resting his head on yours. You leaned against him and closed your eyes. Sebastian held you tightly as you cried silently. He didn't ask questions as you cried; instead, he just soothingly stroked your hair and let you release your tears. When you eventually calmed yourself, you removed yourself from his grasp and wiped your face and nose. "I am sorry you had to see such a pitiful display." He smiled sadly at you. "Don't apologize. You were in terrible pain and needed the release. Besides, I have learned that it is important for humans to share their suffering. It helps to heal oneself as well."
"If I may ask, what was your dream about?" You shrugged your shoulders. "It doesn't matter. I don't want to burden you with my problems. Please, don't fake your affection for me. I know you simply see me as a maid." He sighed and got out of bed. He walked towards the door, leaving you to your sleep. "It wasn't a burden. This demon cares more than you know."
-- Your dreams and thoughts had gotten worse. You were struggling to keep yours. You were trying to pretend you weren't hurting so badly, yet Sebastian noticed. You knew that he knew something was wrong, and he had decided to be there for you. You appreciated his efforts, but you wished he wouldn't put himself through all this. Still, he did it anyway, and you loved him for that, not that he felt the same. He was a demon, after all. This all came to a head on the night of a ball. You were never big on crowds, to begin with, and suffered from social anxiety. However, you knew your master needed this for a case, so there wasn't much you could do about it. Unfortunately, that evening was one of the most stressful nights of your life. Everyone from the Phantomhive manor was so busy with their duties that you were left alone most of the time within the sea of people. You often watched them dance and interact with each other while wishing you could disappear. The worst part was how the young men stared at you and spoke to you like they always did. They flirted with you. Sometimes you would feel like throwing something at them.
While making your way through the crowd, the air in your lungs slowly started to dissipate, and your heart began racing. Your breaths became shallow, and your body shivered uncontrollably. Something wasn't right. Your mind was telling you that something was very wrong, but you couldn't make out what it was. A voice sounded in your ear, and you turned your head to look at whomever it was. There stood the tall gentleman. "Hello, My Lady." Your eyes widened. "Sebastian." You said hesitantly. He stepped closer to you and placed a hand on your back. "May I escort you somewhere so you can take time to unwind?" he asked you. You looked down. "Yes, thank you," You answered, not even attempting to mask the emotion in your voice. His smile dropped as he led you to an empty hallway. "What is going on, My Lady?" he asked you. "I don't know," you lied. You glanced nervously at him as tears sprung to your eyes, and the shaking in your body got worse. You could barely breathe. Your vision was blurry, and you could barely hear him speaking to you.
You collapsed to the ground, clutching your chest as you hyperventilated. You felt hands on you, and suddenly Sebastian was sitting next to you. "My Lady, please calm down. Just try to breathe for me. Can you do that?" His face was filled with worry, and you could feel hot tears dripping from your eyes. You gasped for air, feeling a tightness in your chest. "Breathe, My Lady. I believe you are getting worked up again. Breathe." You took a deep breath and felt yourself relaxing slightly but remained curled up on the floor. "Now, follow my instructions." He asked quietly. You closed your eyes and tried your hardest to focus. "Breathe in, hold for three seconds, hold for seven seconds and exhale slowly." You felt Sebastian's hand rubbing your back gently, and you finally opened your eyes. Tears continued to escape your eyes, and he wiped them away. "Thank you," you whispered. He smiled softly at you and helped you stand up. "Let's go find some tea and a blanket." You nodded and followed him through the corridors. Eventually, you reached the library, where the two of you spent many late evenings reading. You were both quiet as you settled on the couch near the fire and began pouring yourselves cups of tea.
"You gave me quite a scare," Sebastian said after a moment of silence. You looked up at him, confused. He seemed rather serious. He looked worried now too. "You think that I don't hear you? Yelling my name in the night in the fear of your nightmares? I fear for you," he stated. You hesitated slightly, knowing full well what he meant. "Please, don't think I don't love you. Demons love but rarely. You may not love me, but I love you and I want to help you. To understand." He grabbed your hand. "Tell me everything that happened. Let me help you."
So you told him everything. From your dream to everything you had ever experienced. He listened carefully, taking in every word you spoke. When you finished, he took your hands into his. "My Lady, you are truly beautiful. I've known that for some time now. But you are also strong, smart, and kind, and I will protect you whenever you need it. And, I will never leave your side when I can help it. I promise." He kissed your knuckles softly, and you melted, leaning forward and kissing him sweetly. "I believe you," you whispered. He kissed you softly, pulling away and smiling. "I love you, My Lady. More than anything. You deserve nothing less." Your eyes went wide, a blush rising onto your cheeks. You looked away shyly before returning your gaze to his. "I love you too, Sebastian."
Sebastian kept a careful watch on you, sometimes even carrying you around the manor, ensuring your happiness and the sounds of your giggles running through the halls. It didn't take long for everyone to know you two were together, although they were happy for you. It was almost as though they knew you two had been together already since the first meeting. After all, Baldroy had said that you would have made a lovely couple, and it was funny because it towered over you Sebastian thought that maybe it was his imagination or something, but when you were around, he could hardly get enough of you. You were different from all the other women he'd met. You weren't like anyone else. You were special. Especially since you were one hell of a maid.
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cosmerelists · 10 months
AITA Posts on Roshar: Part 1
“AITA” is a reddit forum and stands for “Am I The Asshole?” It’s a way for people to get a crowd-sourced view on whether their behavior is acceptable or not. So here are some posts we might see if that forum existed on Roshar!
This ended up getting long, so please look forward to Part 2 later! (or more if people like this)
1. AITA for trying to save my old friend’s legacy?
[per reddit policy details are changed to protect identities!!]
I (LE/M/50) used to be very good friends with a man, let’s call him Danny (LE/M/51). Unfortunately, we’ve grown distant over the years due to his weakness, poor life choices, and growing insanity, but I still care about the man he used to be. Danny and I worked hard to build a “business” together with our other friend, Gavvy (deceased). When Gavvy died, it became very hard to keep the business going, especially since I wanted the business to remain strong, and Danny wanted to destroy it with his terrible ideas, weakness, poor life choices, and growing insanity. Unfortunately, Danny is very popular with the “CEO” Elky, and I could never make Elky see the truth of how Danny was going to destroy everything we had worked so hard to build.
Obviously it was time for Danny to go, but I didn’t want his legacy to be destroyed in the process--I wanted him to go out in a heroic blaze of glory so that he would be remembered well. But here is where I might have been TA: I left him and his son to die. BUT it would have been a glorious death and also the way I set it up was extremely clever and fully in line with Alethi values. Even so, Danny unfortunately survived and now he’s mad and going around and telling everyone that I am TA. 
I don’t think it’s wrong to want to protect an old friend’s legacy. AITA?
2. AITA for throwing the man who saved my sons’ lives into prison?
I know how it sounds. I will not mince words.
A situation arose in which my two sons were liable to be badly maimed if not outright killed. No one would help except for one dark-eyed guard (M/19) who intervened. Nearly at the cost of his own life, he saved both of my sons.
Unfortunately, almost immediately afterwards the DE guard greatly angered the king who ordered him executed. I managed to talk the king into throwing him into prison instead. I thought that in so doing I was both obeying the king I am sworn to obey while also saving the man who saved my sons.
But now the man glowers at me from his prison cell with his dark, pain-filled eyes, and he seems very angry about being in prison. 
Was I wrong? AITA?
3. AITA for wanting dry feet?
This occurred during one of the worst weeks of my (LE/F/17) life--not counting the week where my mom died and the week where my dad died. I had been literally shipwrecked, all my companions and my mentor were dead, and I was trying to make my way to the city where my fiancé lived by any means possible. 
I fell in with this conwoman who mistakenly thought that I was also a conwoman (long story). In order to prevent her from, you know, murdering me in my sleep, I decided to play along until I arrived at my destination. Perhaps not the most ethical, but again, it was my life at stake and I had no allies and no resources.
Another thing that was happening during that time was that my feet were killing me. I was shipwrecked, remember, and I also had to walk a long way with no shoes. I had blisters. My feet were infected for a while. I was literally collecting antiseptic sap from plants to try to keep my feet from rotting off. What I really REALLY needed were good, sturdy boots.
To make a long story short, me and the conwoman lady (who, remember, thought that I was also a conwoman) ran into this DE guard and the conwoman without consulting me pretended that I was a Horneater princess. I had to play along or else she would have known I was tricking her, so I did. And I got kinda caught up in the moment and I ended up demanding that the DE guard give me his boots. Which he did.
Obviously he can just go and get new boots whereas I really needed them. But I kind of feel a little bit guilty because he seemed pretty upset. AITA? 
4. AITA for wanting to date my husband’s brother?
I (LE/F/60) am a widow--my husband has been deceased for a long time now. He was not the best man or the greatest husband. Perhaps that is neither here nor there, but I want it on record that while we were married, I never strayed and I supported him as best I could, even though it was not always mutual.
Now that he is dead, everyone acts as though my life is over, like I am nothing but a widow who should be put on a shelf and left to rot. I do not believe that my life is over. There is another man that I have feelings for...but he happens to be my deceased husband’s brother. This man is a widower himself, and his wife, whom he loved dearly, has also been dead for a long time. I believe that he has feelings for me as well.
Should the two of us be denied happiness simply due to convention, simply because he happens to be the brother of my long-dead husband? He and I are a good match, his sons love me, and I believe that we both deserve happiness.
AITA for wanting this?
5. AITA for forgetting one small detail?
It had been a busy night. I had been ordered to assassinate a king while wearing white. But I also had to be loud so that everyone knew that the king had been assassinated. This meant I killed more people and not just the king.  Also the king disguised himself so I didn’t even know I was fighting the king for a while. I was very stressed. It was hard to kill him. I finally had to collapse a balcony to kill him. And this was during a party and there was a peace treaty and I kept getting my oathstone passed around and I was truthless. Anyway he made a dying wish and of course dying wishes must be honored. I wrote a whole message in his blood (that’s what he wanted me to do. possibly not the blood thing. but the message certainly). he also gave me this weird rock which was also part of the dying wish thing so i did it. even when i abandoned all of my clothes and was basically naked in the rain i kept it. there was a lot going on. but i forgot i had it. there were other more important rocks to worry about than the weird black glowing rock. but now it’s a long time later and i am in prison and the queen seems really mad that i never told her about this one glowing rock that i got from her husband (her husband was the king that i killed). that’s weird right. it was just the one detail that i forgot to mention. but she seems mad about it. aita
6. AITA for saving humanity?
Surely we can all agree that it is better for humanity to be saved than for it to be destroyed completely.
Even if only a small portion of humanity can be saved, that is better than all of humanity dying.
I (LE/M/78) even gained a boon from Cultivation herself so that I would have the capacity to save humanity.
Saving humanity has required me to take actions that others may deem as evil. I accept this--it is the duty of a king to bear the evil so that others may be blameless. 
Yes, I have ordered the deaths of many. Yes, I traded 99% of humanity to an evil god to save 1%. Yes, the 1% happened to be my own city and family. 
But I think we can all agree that I am hardly the asshole to have done all this to save humanity.
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the-expired-tofu · 11 months
The Devil's Trumpets | Pt. 5
|| A 'The Glory' fanfic || MINORS DNI [18+]
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a/n: Hey there, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I might change a few things in my fictions later on. Also, my English isn't my first language so my writing might lack some fluency. Hope you enjoy :)
trigger warnings: lots of swearing, bullying, murder, gore, depression, abuse, mature content, violence, sexual themes.
pairing: reader x multi
Moon Dong-Eun
I’ve been a great help to Y/N for quite many days. I finished tutoring Min-hee and helped her get into the Semyeong Elementary School. On the other hand, I helped Y/N move into her new apartment. After finishing helping her settle, I got her the job at the convenience store. The old lady was really nice and that she told us that she was in need of another helper since she couldn’t handle everything all alone. All the supplies for the school and the transportation services were done by me.
After everything was done, I brought Y/N to my apartment. She was caught off-guard due to all the pictures of them attached to the walls in front of her.
“You did quite the research, didn’t you? You weren’t kidding back then when you told me you tracked each and every step they took,” she said as she slowly approached a picture of the group together in their teens. She was reading the sticky notes that I attached on some of the pictures when she saw a polaroid of her when she was young, followed by few other pictures of her from the current time, along with her niece. She also saw a few photos of her families before and after they separated. She stood in front of those and rubbed her finger gently on an image of a girl I believe was her sister.
“You didn’t leave me out as well,” she said as she turned around to meet my eyes. “I have every reason to be mad at you, Dong-eun, but at the same time, I don’t. I can simply report you to the police for stalking me and immediately put an end to your years’ effort, but at the same time, I can’t. I can easily walk out of this place and quit participating in your plan, but I don’t wish to. Because I trust you, Moon Dong-Eun. Not only am I risking my own life, but also Min-hee’s life. Once they find out about her, they will use her against me as my weakness. So make sure you prove me wrong and help us not get caught.”
After hearing those words from her, that’s when I knew I did the right thing involving her in this. She’s aware of the environment she’s getting herself into and knows how to take the necessary precautions, and not just an airhead with the lust for revenge.
“I knew you would feel this way once you notice those pictures. But I couldn’t help it either. When we were in school, you never bought a cell-phone for yourself. So it was quite difficult to track you down.”
“I would rather call it stalking than tracking down, Dong-eun,” she said as she turned away from me to look back at those images. I couldn’t say anything since she made a fair point. But I didn’t have any other choice either.
“I don’t recognize her. Who’s she?” She points out to a picture of Hyeon-nam.
“That’s Kang Hyeon-nam. She works for me as my assistant. She’s the one who helped me land the job as a homeroom teacher. She’s also the one who ‘stalked’ you.”
“Huh, interesting,” she said as she removed her finger from the picture and placed her hands inside her pockets. “I would like to get to know her.”
“You will when the time is right.”
I walk towards the kitchen as she moves from the wall to the window, her eyes never taking it off of those images.
I placed a small security camera at the top shelf in my kitchen, making it unnoticeable, and connected it with my phone. I took out another small box that contained another security camera and handed it to Y/N.
“There’s a possibility of them finding out about our address once they get to know about our plans. So take this, and install this somewhere where nobody will notice it. And don’t be surprised when one of them or all of them enters your house when nobody’s there.”
“Alright,” she takes it from my hand and puts it back into her satchel.
“Come on, let’s go to the roof.”
“The roof?”
“Yeah, I want to show you something.”
“Okay,” she walks past me towards my door. I unlock the door open as she busies herself in putting her shoes back on. As we got outside, I locked it behind me and walked towards the elevator. 
We got inside the elevator and pushed the button to go upwards.
“Did you get the invitation for the Alumni Awards?”
“Sorry, what?”
“The Alumni Awards ceremony at Sung-han High. It’s in a few days.”
“Oh yeah maybe I did. I haven’t checked it yet.”
“Am thinking of going.”
“Wait, they’re going to be there too, wouldn’t they?”
“Yes. You need to come as well.”
“What’s the use? We aren’t even getting any awards?”
“It’s not about awards, Y/N, it’s a game of intimidation.”
She kept staring at me as if I said something illegal that deserves life in prison. We didn’t talk for a while.
The elevator came to an abrupt halt and the doors slowly opened before us. We stepped outside and climbed few more stairs to finally get to the roof.
It was a beautiful evening with the sun just setting, the color of the sky a perfect hue of flame. We came near the edge that overlooked the houses that stretched far beyond our vision. The tall buildings at far distances created just the flawless silhouette I’ve ever witnessed. Everything about Semyeong just felt so beautiful at the moment. I never took some time for myself to appreciate how exquisite this place this. The ordeals I faced here, never actually gave me any time to appreciate anything about my life.
“You see the house there?” I points to the one nearby.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“That’s where Yeon-jin lives.”
The perfect moment she was in immediately faded when she heard her name.
“That’s where she lives?”
“Yes. Ha Ye-sol, Ha Do-yeong, Park Yeon-jin, all under the same roof.”
She looked at me with her bewildered eyes, a face of the scared.
“But-then why did you buy this apartment? Wont they find out easily?”
“Not so easily Y/N, she has no clue whatsoever. She still thinks that she can get away with anything. She never learns.”
She looks back at the house. The lights on the road and inside the house lit up as it got darker. We didn’t talk for a while. The sun had set a while ago. Everything is just happening so fast, it’s making me feel overwhelmed, but I didn’t think of telling that to Y/N, otherwise she would be scared too, almost like how a mother deep down feels scared for their children but acts like there’s nothing wrong, just for them to not get scared.
It’s been my dream, for so many years, to stand here and watch over all of them, behaving as if they did absolutely nothing wrong, as if, they can get away with anything they want. Little do they know, that am right here, right in front of them, to prove them wrong.
“The day I dropped out from Sung-han High, I went to meet them, at the gym.”
She removed her hands from the edge and turned to look at me.
“Yes. That day, I felt something new, some kind of new change in myself, something a bit evil.”
“Yes. Almost like, the end of their reign, but a beginning of my hell.”
“What happened that day?”
“That day, was the only day I entered the gym voluntarily. Nobody forcibly dragged me there, I went in completely on my own. I remember so clearly, as I walked in, Hye-jeong started walking away from me, as if she was scared of me. But I ignored her, and went straight to Yeon-jin, sitting at her usual place. The weirdest part is, we talked about our dreams.”
“Yeah, they submitted their “dreams” at Cyworld, and I read all of them, told them about those that day. Yeon-jin dreamt of becoming a wise mother and a wife, Choi Hye-jeong dreamt of becoming a stewardess, Jeon Jae-joon wanted to own the golf course, and Lee Sa-ra dreamt of being an artist. Obviously, they asked me about my dream as well.”
“So what did you say then?”
“Yeon-jin,” I said with a pause. “I told her that she was my dream, and that I really wish to meet her again.”
“So all of our dreams finally came true.”
“Indeed. And I wish to bring them to their knees and show them no mercy.”
She turned around to look at me again, but I didn’t. I haven’t taken my eyes off of that house.
“Does Ha Do-yeong have the slightest idea that he married a monster?”
“He doesn’t, but he will soon. And so will Ha Ye-sol. I wish to isolate her to the point that the people she holds dear, the ones who covered up her crimes, will give up on her. Soon then she will feel like the only human on this planet, she would become completely transparent. All of her crimes and secrets will show up and she will rot in hell. Nobody will ever even think, of helping her. You can never change a monster, Y/N, never.”
She stares at me for a while and then looks away. The air was filled with aroma of the potted plants behind us.
“Do you wanna know what Myeong-oh’s dream was?”
“To become rich.”
She began eyeing me from the side when we burst into laughters. When was the last time I laughed like this?
We took a breather to stop ourselves from more laughing. It was quite hilarious how Myeong-oh dreamt of becoming rich yet here he is, working as Jae-joon’s lackey.
“Alright then. I guess I’ll see you on the awards day.”
We went back the same way we came to the roof. Climbed down the little flight of stairs and got into an elevator to the ground floor.
I saw her out and got her a cab. As I went up to my apartment, I was thinking of how I could have told her about the meeting I had with Myeong-oh few days ago. I will tell her when the timing is right. I bribed him enough to keep him in suspense—he will also be the one to know who murdered Yoon So-hee, hopefully.
Pt. 6 will be out soon
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woodsfae · 4 months
B5 s03e12 Sic Transit Vir table of contents - previous chapter
A two month break isn't too bad compared to my seven month break last year, right? hah
Ivanova seems to be having a naked-at-work dream?? Lol, yes it was. I am actually amused that even in her dream the staff had the nerve to act like anything was out of the ordinary.
Vir checking out his future throne! Get it.
Was Vir also having a dream? Interesting way to open an episode, if so.
Londo having a totally normal reaction to having a bug buzzing around your apartment. Maybe going after a bug with a sword is actually good enrichment for him? I'm impressed that he got it.
"Do you know that you are smaller than I thought you were?"
Ah, Londo's second-greatest weakness, a beautiful Centauri woman. (his first greatest weakness is someone offering to commit war crimes to elevate his political standing.)
Awww, Sheridan and Delenn are so cute nowadays I can hardly stand it. Just…oozing adorableness at each other at all times.
VIR. You are an ambassador in your own right. Don't be so deferent to Londo!!! You are peers!!
Who tf arranged this marriage?? I hope Lyndisty is nice if they do get married. Ah, answered immediately. One of Vir's uncles, and Lyndisty's mother.
She seems nice. I tentatively like her. And it seems that Vir does, too!
"If you give me a chance, I promise you: when we cross beneath the swords and boughs…it will be for love."
I hope so!! I don't like it when bad things happen to Vir. He takes it like a champ but it's like watching someone kick a puppy.
"Do you think I'm pretty?" "Oh, deliriously! But I always associated delirium with fever. So…there you are."
Wow! I feel like that was definitely his first kiss.
"If kisses could kill, that one would have flattened several small towns."
Lyndisty is coming on SO strong it worries me that she's going to be nefarious. But Vir probably would need any partner to be much more….bold than he is.
Sheridan made Delenn a Minbari dish!
Not well it seems. Their courtship COULD be so rocky, but both of them are so determined to be genial it's actually so smooth!
Well Sheridan did say that nothing stays calm on B5 forever. What instigated this attack, though?! And Zack Allen, if you wanted the attacker to survive, maybe don't shoot them in the head??
Personal grudge against Vir seems…unlikely. And makes me way more suspicious of Lyndisty.
As horrified as Ivanova is to be asked what ladies like in bed, she's definitely a better option to ask than Londo, Vir is right.
Well now idk what Vir is talking about and also don't want to know! Keep that cursed Centauri sexcapades knowledge away from me please.
Delenn is wildly good at speaking indirectly but completely clearly. Wow! If she flirted with me like that I would simply perish.
All two thousand Narns that Vir got off Narn are dead! That's a hell of a motivation for a revenge killing. And the immediate cut to Lyndisty, again, makes me very suspicious of her.
FUCK YOU LONDO. ugh. gross fucker.
Ahhh, Vir faked killing them. Good for him! But maybe he faked their deaths too well, since there's assassins after him now. Vir has been doing so much good work, wow!!
FUCK YOU LONDO. why does he always have to be such a nasty, power-climbing, fascist dick?
"They're Narns, Captain, they don't need a reason for murder." goddamn shut up.
Lyndisty is a "nice" racist. It isn't their fault they're an inferior species, but their inferiority is justification to genocide them!
oh god.
not such a "nice" racist after all, though none of them are, really.
Wow B5 always goes hard. this is dark as fuck. Lyndisty helped murder entire Narnuan villages to "curb aggression," She might be one of the most gleefully murderous characters that's appeared on the show so far. Perhaps second only to that panacea episode with the war criminal.
Here's the puppy-kicking. Stop, Londo. Fuck.
Someone else to be sad for Vir about! No more vacation on Minbar, and emotionally attached to genocidal fascist who has personally murdered hundreds of Narns with her bare hands. Yikes.
And we never found out what happened to the Narn that Lyndisty captured! Hopefully he got free and then snuck into her shuttle back to Narn so Vir can be a widower. He'd get over it.
time for some arthuriana
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jennycalendar · 10 days
Hello, I just want to make sure, but you go by The Eclectic Bookworm on Ao3, right (if you're not, I apologize for disturbing you)? If so, I just want to say I LOVE your Giles/Jenny stories SO much, I think one of my absolute favorites is your Jenny resurrection story "Fragmented" (I have such a weakness for angsty hurt/comfort fix-its like that that ultimately have a happy ending), I know this is a long shot (since it's been at least 5-6 years now since you did that one), but (hypothetically) is there any chance there could ever be a sequel to that one someday (it would be so much fun getting to see both Giles and the Scoobies adjust to Jenny being back a bit more and recovering from the trauma of her murder)? Also, I read your other Jenny resurrection fics as well ("Bless Her Soul" especially is another great one and I wouldn't necessarily mind a sequel to that one either), is there also any chance that (again, hypothetically), you might come up with more ideas like that eventually?
hi, love, this is such a sweet request!! i am indeed the lady of whom you speak. :) it means so much to know you've enjoyed my writing!
i will say that those fics were very very much intended as standalones, so it isn't likely that i'll be writing sequels to them just generally, but in the event that i return to writing btvs fic, it is not at all impossible that i write a fic about the adjustment process after jenny is resurrected. i have definitely considered that as a notion just generally, though i don't know if i've ever gotten around to it exactly, and it would absolutely be a fun and compelling fic to read <3 as well as to write!!!
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sashakielman · 7 months
Between Justice and Mercy
My very belated short story for this year's @inklings-challenge! Thank you so much to the mods for a lovely event and the opportunity to get my brain back in gear for writing!
The Imperator’s dungeons were mostly emptied ahead of his attempt at war. Though a cruel man, he was also practical. Selenara’s population was small, and most had never left its borders, by the Imperator’s decree. Political prisoners and the few who had actually committed crimes would serve for his war effort as another form of punishment. 
One prisoner yet remained, however, with whom Kazmera needed to discuss her grandfather’s twisted governance. This prisoner was too old to fight, and even if he were in the prime of his life, the Imperator would not have allowed him to go free. 
And so Selenara’s newly crowned queen made her way into the depths of the dungeons, where no trace of the weak sunlight penetrated. It was cold as winter, damp, and rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of those who died there. Kazmera repressed a shudder and walked quickly, grateful for her heavy, fur lined cloak.
It was not hard to find the prisoner she sought; he was the only one remaining on that level. It was so quiet Kazmera could hear her own heart beating as she approached his cell. 
“My lord?” she asked as she stepped forward. Her torch cast shadows into the small cell, with only enough room for a rough cot, table for eating and a candle, and a toilet in the corner. The lord sat on his cot, hunched over, the shadows making his profile appear even more aged. She placed the torch into a holder next to the cell. 
“My queen,” he said, looking up at her. “The guards warned me you might pay me a visit.”
“I am glad they did,” she replied. “So you know why I have come?”
“I can imagine,” he answered. “You want to know the truth of my crimes against your grandfather.”
“Yes,” she said quietly, and waited for him to go on. 
“It is true, my lady. I was a leader in your father’s rebellion against him.”
“That, I did not doubt,” she replied. “Did you plan to assassinate my grandfather in the midst of the coup?”
“Would your opinion of the rebellion change if I had?” For a moment, there was fire in his eyes, and Kazmera could understand why her grandfather feared this man even from his prison cell, feared his leadership skills and passion for his cause.
She paused for a moment to say a prayer for her parents’ memory. “My opinion of my father’s rebellion would not change, no. I am still grateful he tried to give us all a better life, even if my parents were murdered as a result.”  
She swallowed. “But my opinion of you would change, my lord. My father did not intend to kill his own father, of that I am certain.” She took a breath before asking her next question. “And is it true we are blood relations, my lord?” 
He did not look back up at her, his earlier defiance lost to the shadows of the past. He merely held up his left arm, and a cloud of inky black darkness appeared in his hand, contrasted even with the cell’s gloom. “Is my magic enough answer for you, dear cousin?”
“It is,” she replied. “I would honor that relationship, lord cousin, and welcome you back to my family’s table.”
“Would you?” he replied, looking back up at her this time. “I never answered your question, Queen Kazmera.”
She met his gaze. “I was merely curious. The answer, I find, matters not to my heart. My grandfather slaughtered most of our family, including my parents. I grew up alone with him. I knew his heart, and there was no kindness within it.”
She attempted to swallow the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. “I think there is still kindness left in your heart, my lord. My grandfather and his enablers may have tried to destroy it, and you with it, but I do not believe they succeeded.”
He nodded stiffly. “Your father was a good man, despite your grandfather. He would have been a good king. And if you’re half the good person he was, Selenara is in good hands for the future.”
“Thank you,” she replied. 
“Don’t thank me,” he answered. “Have you shown mercy to your grandfather’s other prisoners?”
“Yes,��� she answered. “As I will show mercy to you.” 
She drew a set of keys out of her pocket--a set of keys which had been difficult to obtain, and caused more bloodshed in the palace. She unlocked the door, and gestured for him to come forward.    
“What may I call you?” she asked, offering him her arm as they began their journey back upward into the light.
“Your father called me Uncle Feliks,” he replied, still gruffly but a measure less than before. 
“It suits you, Uncle,” Kazmera replied with a small smile. “Come, I’ll show you to your rooms, and we can become acquainted after you have a hot meal.” 
“Very well,” he replied. “I hope the food’s better, at least.”
She laughed. 
Each cell they passed on their way back to the palace was empty.
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northwest-cryptid · 6 months
i am going to tell you the hopkins lore i pulled out of my ass. this isnt canon
i think hopkins isnt. really all that awful to be honest. objectively hes just. average for the city. hes seen as awful because hes an obstacle to the player, but like. his crime is stealing enkephalin and fucking off, while fucking over his coworker he didnt really like
i see ppl who say he doesnt care about aya which is probably intended by projmoon but i see it less as that and more he doesnt really...want to express emotions in front of the limbus crew? he openly mocks yuri and the sinners dying and does not hesitate to stab them in the back right after aya dies
and he doesnt mock aya when she dies. actually he barely says anything at all that isnt about dante not being able to speak. hes completely silent otherwise. which could be because of yuri freaking out but he usually pokes at yuri?
so to me i think he did care, he just didnt want to show weakness. is he an ass? yeah, but hes not uniquely an ass. hes just normal for the city, and honestly he makes a good point about the sinners going in entirely unprepared for anything lol
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opening sentence to this all because telling me straight up "this is a product of my own thoughts" helps a ton!
Also yea go off fam, I don't mind this sort of thing when I know what I'm dealing with. It's the mix of fandomization with actual facts of the canon narrative sprinkled in just enough to be confusing that bugs me.
Also I don't recognize the name, but I love the point of like "sure this person is an asshole but there's nothing about him that is actually worse than anyone else in the city."
I think that's something a lot of people forget about the Proj Moon universe. We sorta view it like it's our world but just different, if we lived in the city we'd all do what we needed to in order to survive.
I'm not a violent person, I have no reason to kill or hurt anyone and considering the world we live in I likely, hopefully; never will. However if I lived in the city I'd absolutely carry weapons regularly and I'd live by the core rules of "kill them before they can kill you" and "never leave yourself vulnerable" like hell Roland was arguably a saint compared to most since a lot of what he did, he did for the reasons of living a better life with his wife and child where they'd be safe and we all know how that turned out for him so like...
The city is not "Earth with our current society but a little different and quirky" it's a society where people do shitty things on the regular just to get by, to survive at the bare minimum.
If we judge individuals of that universe using their in world circumstances it's actually interesting how people who in our world would be shitty horrible awful no good people are basically your run of the mill asshole no different from that Karen at starbucks who yells at the barista, is that a horrible asshole thing to do? Absolutely, but it doesn't mean I think said Karen deserves like, death or something; she's just a dick but that's not like uniquely dickish.
By Proj Moon standards this dude sounds like a petty thief and a dick at worst, not like some super villain who's experimenting on children or murdering people for the sake of their own enjoyment and empowerment. Sure it sounds like he's a manipulative asshole but he's not AYIN or like, any of the Ensemble who arguably were bigger dicks for their actions (outside of victims like Philip who turned to the Ensemble for arguably sad reasons and yes should still be held accountable for their shitty behavior but weren't as bad as say the lady who wanted to kill people because only the strong deserve to live or some shit.)
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