#i cant have blocked ALL of them so a few could very well fall through the cracks to try & fight me
selfproclaimedunicorn · 10 months
So everyone who read F&B & took the surface level interpretation of Aegon's landing is gullible, right? Are we agreeing on that? Because the whole thing is giving "and everyone clapped."
Like, you've got to be willing to just buy whatever anyone tells you is fact if you are coming away from F&B like "everyone loved when Aegon & his sisters showed up! The dragons roared & the smallfolk were all Foaming At The Mouth Guy from ATLA!" Also, speaking of buying, Targnation, walk with me. I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale real cheap that I think one of you guys would love to own
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imaginecolby · 4 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Six - The Scare
"y/n, i cannot believe you are still coming to work." your friend said to you as you were returning to your office after your lunch break.
"i used up so much of my PTO at christmas, i'm trying to accumulate some more so i can have some extra time for my maternity leave." you laughed as you sat back down at your desk.
"you're better than me. i would've been out of here as soon i could." they laughed. they returned to their desk, and you got back to work.
a few hours passed, and you were making your way through the day like normal. returning emails, making phone calls to clients, putting out fires in the department you oversaw. everything was going as well as you would've expected. until it wasn't.
all of a sudden, you felt the beginning of a contraction.
"oh no, mister man. it is too early for you to be coming." you groaned through gritted teeth. you coaxed yourself through the contraction, and is passed after about a minute. you went on about your day for another few hours, before you felt the pain return. you paced your office, which seemed to help contraction go away. after about the third or fourth occurrence, you figured you needed to call your doctor.
"i'd recommend you come in and be seen. i have an open appointment in twenty that you can take." your doctor said to you over the phone.
"perfect. i will be there." you said to them. you luckily were able to get a ride from a friend, and your doctor's office was only a few blocks from your job. you text colby while you were on your way, and let him know what was going on.
"i'm sure they're just braxton hicks, but my doctor just wants me to come in for some monitoring for a little bit. i'm on my way to the hospital now." your message read.
"i will be there as soon as i can." he replied. you pulled into the hospital parking lot, thanking your friend for the ride. you checked in and were immediately taken to a room. you waited just a few minutes before your doctor came in, explaining that they wanted to monitor your vitals, as well as your baby's.
after about twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. you called for them to come in, and colby fell through the door.
"y/n! is everything okay?" he sighed, falling to the floor next to your bed.
"yes. everything is okay." you said, brushing his hair back from his forehead. "geez, did you run over here?" you teased, wiping his sweat from your hand.
"practically." he laughed awkwardly. just then, your doctor came back into the room.
"alright you two, or should i say three," they paused to take a seat. "everything is still as great as your last check up. baby boy is just getting a little impatient in there."
"are we at the point of bed rest yet?” you asked.
"not quite. i do recommend taking it easy, so you're not overly stressed. but not complete bed rest." they advised.
"okay. i can do that. work isn't too busy at the moment, so fingers crossed it stays that way." you said, rubbing your belly.
"perfect. let's get you set up to head home." your doctor said to you. you collected all of your things, got your discharge paperwork, and headed home. fortunately, your work day was almost done, so you didn't miss to much of your day.
you were in contact with your boss as soon as you got home to work out a plan for a lighter work load, and potentially starting your maternity leave sooner. they were fortunately very accommodating for your needs, it was lucky that you had such a good relationship with them.
once you got back to work, you were mainly working half days for the last month and a half leading up to your maternity leave. on your last day of work, your coworkers threw you a small baby shower for your last day. 
“i cannot believe you all did this for me. this is all too much.” you said through tears, as you continued opening your gifts. 
“you deserve it! we love you and we cant wait to meet your little one. we wish you and colby luck, and are sending you all the congratulations in the world.” one of them said to you.
“did i hear my name?” you heard a familiar voice ask. you turned and saw colby walking into the conference room where your festivities were being held. 
“what are you doing here!?” you asked gleefully, getting up to walk greet him. you gave him a hug and pressed a quick to his lips.
“oh, you know i never miss a good party.” he teased. “no, f/n text me and told me you were gonna need some help carrying things to the car.” he said.
as the shower was winding down, colby began taking things to the car, meticulously packing everything as to not damage any of the gifts. you thanked your friends again, gathering up the leftover food to take home. you made your way out to the parking garage to meet colby, walking with a few of your friends, the ones that actually planned the event. you thanked them profusely again for the shower, and for all the gifts. 
once you got home, you helped colby as much as you could with helping bringing in the gifts. once they were all inside, you began to unpack and clean up, placing them around your home in the places where they would be most used. you had so many blankets, clothes, toys and bottles. your baby was going to be well outfitted for his best life.
you stood in his nursery, which was finally all put together. colby had spent numerous hours in this room, putting together the crib, the dresser, and all the other furniture. he’d arranged it wonderfully, and you couldn’t believe how much this room had changed from your boring guest room. you stood there lost in thought for a while, before they were interrupted by colby’s voice.
“hey, there you are. you okay?” he asked, wiping away a stray tear from your cheek.
“yeah,” you said softly. “now that im out of work, it’s really starting to set in. in a few weeks, we’re gonna have a baby.” you said, rubbing your belly.
“i still can’t wrap my mind around it. seeing you grow every day has been so mind blowing, and seeing how big he’s gotten on his ultrasounds. it’s been kinda crazy.” colby laughed, placing his hand on yours on your belly. “but im excited.”
“me too.” you said, smiling up at him. he kissed you softly before leaning down to press a kiss to your belly. you couldn’t believe you were coming up on the end of your pregnancy, but you really were excited. especially knowing that you had colby on your side. you made a great team, and you knew you were gonna raise a wonderful kid.
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seyfertgalaxy · 1 year
Collector rant again :p except im sleep deprived
The fact that the collector knows the draining spell would kill people is so,, out there. but its also so fucked up because he also believes that people, mortals, are like toys. i think this mindset of his started with Belos. because whenever the archivists took the baby titans from collector all those years ago, i dont doubt he tried to get them back since he did that with Luz as well. so he knows, to a degree, that you cant just snap your fingers and have everything be all rainbowy and cheery again.
but then, he met philip. and philip likely explained everything to the collector in order to get what he wanted in a more efficient way. one of those things being grimwalkers! clones.
That's probably when it started. i think after the third or fourth grimwalker, Collector made this connection that mortals are similar to toys you can just break and then "fix." Because it's the same exact person! hey! didn't he just disappear? and now he's back?? good as new? wow!!
and after so many years of this, it's likely ingrained in his mind. he pulls the head off of his doll, and then it's back on. That's his example and his understanding.
He doesn't even see the grimwalkers as people after a while. he calls them "those things" and finds amusement in Belos hurting them and lashing out at them. but at least he has the basic understanding that they're mortals, living beings. and i also think that's why he was so angry with Lilith whenever she called King her nephew. Belos called the grimwalkers his nephews, and then he would hurt them and make them disappear. while, to Collector, he did fix them eventually. It was a cycle. a cycle that he didn't want King to go through because King is the last titan and Collector's "best friend."
and because he couldn't make the other baby titans come back, he probably figured that King was the same way. so he wasn't gonna risk anything with his new friend.
and with mortals, he's shown to be careless and even reckless. in Watching and Dreaming, whenever he's showing Luz, Eda, and King his favorite games, they're all very dangerous. maybe not for him, because he can shift his size and control the games with his power, but to them! to them, its dangerous.
Pacman: he literally "ate" Luz and could have badly injured her.
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Marbles: he was huge and flicking them around! that's harmful. especially whenever King ran underneath Collector's foot to make them fall, that could have ended very differently for King. for example, if the "marble" he was in wasn't very strong, the impact of Collector stepping on it could have busted it open and—you probably get where im going with that.
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jenga: do i even need to explain why this is dangerous? giant blocks. small mortals.
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whenever he figures out that they aren't enjoying his games and they're actually angry with him, because they keep messing them up, he gets upset then gets rid of the games and retreats to go cry alone. its like he didn't even register that these games were hurting them or could even kill them. especially since his intention was to Wow them with these games and be their friend.
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i think they're just "naturally scary." because a few times, their expression and tone is almost contradicting their intentions. for such: asking for grudgy buddies, talking about tag in Kings Tide, and the "Let me show you some of my favorite games" line.
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its a bit of a complicated situation because he needs to be around mortals to improve and grow, but he also doesn't understand anything about them. bit of a personal take here; i didn't like the ending they had for the collector. he'll either be alone, or with some shitty space gods. at least its implied that he visits every so often or holds some contact with King and possibly the others. anyways-
to close this off because i keep getting distracted, he doesn't truly grasp death or the gravity of ANY of his actions. he knows people die, but he also assumes you just fix them and they come back. (that makes me wonder what he thought about the baby titans "disappearing" at first).
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like this scene here: he didn't understand that Luz was dead until later on. whenever he says "she's really gone". he also tells Eda(and King)that he doesn't want anyone else to go missing and that he's sorry for everything. "Missing", not Dead. because he doesn't understand yet.
and he likely still doesn't understand what happened because Luz came back in a completely different form/look, much like how the grimwalkers did. dissappearing but coming back later on with a slightly altered appearance. but i think he has some sort of idea of death still since he couldn't "fix" Luz and was heavily reminding himself of the archivists
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writeshite · 2 years
This is my first time requesting sth and it feels weird, okay-
So, for about a week I had that one idea of a Morpheus/Love!Mmmale Reader, Like hes one of the Primordal Gods-> More important than Morpheus and [...]. ON the point. I wanted to ask for an angst to fluff. Like while Morphy is locked or, Reader, who is married to Morpheus, falls asleep and noone can wake him up, so people(and gods too ofc) slowly Loose their love(Love in as the feeling). AND WE ALL NEED LOVE. So when morpheus then wakes up again he goes back home, cant find his Husband he searches evrywhere, He has a lot of canonly flashbacks and stuff blablabla. After a while he visits the Readers Realm and sees that it's also destroyed blublublub he wakes them up and happy end. I just have I writerblock atm...
If u want to u can add smut but idrc '-' Also its just fine if u dint wanna write that. :D
With greetings
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It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost (Than Never To Have Loved At All)
Among the thousands in existence, you chose him. Took his hands and demanded he ignore the ire of your kin, placed a ring on his finger, and declared yourselves wed. “I am Love; my union ascends all others; we need no blessing nor any witness,” Morpheus remembers laughing, head bumping yours as you swayed with him. “My Love….” he whispered to himself, head hanging; he heaved in a breath, glancing up at the harsh light above; surprising himself, Morpheus prayed. He muttered your name, you were a god, you would answer his prayers, but there was no such luck.
Morpheus x Male!Reader
Primordial God Of Love Reader | Angst With A Happy Ending | Sleeping Beauty Elements | Reunions | Flashbacks |
Words: 3981
Author's Note:
Welcome, I adore the request, and as usual, went diving through the internet for some of that good ol' ✨research✨ I also spent way too long reading through Greek Myths, but that was just for my own amusement.
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The bleak sandy plains of the dreamworld were one of the last things you saw; the domes and expanses you and Morpheus had once spent hours crafting had fallen, shifting to nothingness as the realm died in its primary ruler’s absence. All around the remains of the palace, dreams faded; the nightmares were not spared this fate, their forms dissipating. Lucienne had long since left, possibly in search of another primordial god, one who could perhaps drag you from your stupor and continue your duties. But how could you, your husband, the very being whose love you’d come to crave, was gone. 
The anguish of the waking world without Morpheus sent you diving into the dreaming world; very few gods ever chose to sleep; you’d only done so before to experience what humans did, and now you did so to dream. To dream of your husband. Of his voice. Of his eyes. Of his love. You slept to dream of what you’d been so unfairly robbed of. It had started simple; you’d lie on your side, eyes distant yet thoughts running, then you’d closed your eyes, relaxed your mind, and the thoughts became a nigh reality. His voice close yet far, the memory of his touch a shiver on your skin - the rush of euphoria had sent you falling from the bed. It had only been a few minutes, and your consciousness - the very being of love - had barely left the world unnoticed then, but now? Now you curled away at every chance. Hours became days, then weeks, and soon enough, you went six, maybe seven months sleeping, all the while the world around you withered, love thinning as your mind turned to slumber.
The higher beings were well aware. At first, they hadn't thought much of it, but now they quivered as they turned against each other, hatred seeping into their celestial domains, and what little devotees they had turned away, they came, begging, screaming, crying, but you turned away. They would hound you with pleas, and you would curl the pillow around your head, block them out and walk into the comfort of your dreams. When the Dreaming decayed further, you simply returned to your domain. The Dreaming decayed, but that did not deter you; your own domain - the Gardens - fared no better. The flowers and trees you’d once adored and tilled with Morpheus wilted around you, and a few of the nightmares and dreams followed you, seeking refuge, unknowingly trading one ill fate for another. Their fear, their frustration, your lament, it all soaked into the Gardens; the plants grew, thorns sprouting forth, fruit rotting, and leaves falling; they caged you away. And you rejoiced, welcoming the isolation.
You slid your arms into Morpheus’ coat - the only one you’d managed to grab before they’d all disintegrated - the sky was a starless blanket, and the once abundant wildlife had twisted into nightmarish creatures - cries reminisce of weeping. The blankets lulled you in, warmth loosening your limbs, your eyes drooped, Morpheus’ soft laugh sounded in your head, your arm stretched out along the bed, and you mumbled his name, eyes finally drifting shut. You opened your eyes to Morpheus, the world around you equal parts a dream and a memory - the Gardens as they once were, golden domes polished, outlandish creatures and fantastical plants greeted you. The echoes of the higher beings outside drifted away as Morpheus took your hand, the memory - many happy moments combined - the dream - Morpheus by your side.
“Elegant as always, my love,” his copy spoke, thumb stroking your cheek.
Your eyes softened at the nickname, love, nothing to many, but to between you and him, the greatest declaration, the assertion that your devotion was returned. 
“My love.”
“My love.”
“My love.”
“My love.”
The words strung through your ears, never going louder, as they brought your mind serenity, he held you close, and you did your best to return the touch. His form felt empty and unreal, but you did not dwell on it; too much introspection and the dream would fall apart. You drew apart, “Shall we head to the terrace?”
You nod, and the world moves; the terrace comes to you, a table laid set, synthetic food lay waiting, aromas you remembered surround you, and the phantom touch of the sun shone brightly as you dined. Books flew at your command, but their pages held no words, at least none you’d understand - gibberish passages replaced the hymns of Apollo - despite that, you read, remembering what it was meant to be.
Morpheus held out his fork, a piece of cake on end; it tasted of nothing and everything, flavors of cakes from eons gone past, merged with imagination and memory as they danced on your tongue. The tastes of the other foods followed the same pattern, but it mattered little to you. 
“My love.”
“My love.”
“My love.”
“My love.”
The echo returned, and you slumped back, thinking of the open foyer in the upper domes; you blinked, finding yourself there. Your head lay in your lover’s lap, his hands combing out the strands of your hair; you began to hum, nothing in particular but your voice carried through. The euphoria returned, imbedded with your love for Morpheus, partial but powerful, your mind drifted into a haze, and you welcomed it.
“Ridiculous,” Morpheus muttered, “Heinous. Betrayal. Blasphemy.”
“We’re going to socialize with others of our kind Morpheus,” you sigh, “not being led to the gallows.”
The endless groans, burying his head in your shoulder blades, he’s still comfortably dressed in his casual attire, whereas you don your signature fit. A pastel neck collar that grew softer as it stretched to your shoulders, parting to showcase your arms, it continued, descending down your body alongside the cape from the collar, slowly morphing into soft feathers at the bottom. Your golden arm braces were heavily detailed in motifs of your domain, and the cloth around your legs began by your belt, split on the sides up to your waist; your legs accompanied your chest, being on full display for all to see. 
“Could we just not stay here?” he asks, and you turn, hands on your hips, and you shake your head.
You open your eyes, smiling to yourself; Morpheus had grumbled about the gathering - fond of very few other cosmic beings - and you’d spent close to a half hour kissing the pout from his face, arriving at the party quite fashionably late. You sat up, finding yourself in the memory of that night, the vision of you and Morpheus, hand in hand, as you spoke to Nyx. Nyx, whose eyes turned to the real you, gaze pitying, “Love —” she called you again, but you shook your head, unwilling for the scene to fade away. She’s swept away, form replaced by memory, the dream is intact again, you enter and dance away the worry. The guilt. And the pain.
Time has no hold here, the only indication of its passing being the interruptions of your kin; Nyx finds her way back in multiple times, star-styled dress drifting behind her. You run, and she chases; you throw what your imagination conjures; sometimes, it’s enough; other times, you have to hide. Her hands always reach out for you, anger and desperation in her gaze.
“Love! Cease these games and awake!” her demand carries over the horizon; you hug your knees; you’re sandwiched among clouds today, watching the primordial night pull at her hair as she searches for you. “Love! Please, we need you, we need Love.”
You place your hand over your ears, lie on your side and bite your lip; her calls die down after the third hour, and you wait another hour before leaving your hiding place. Morpheus appears before you, the copy smiles easy, and you take his hand once more, happy to be free of any disruptions.
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Morpheus’ cage allowed him little privilege, his physical form burned at being contained for so long, and he yearned for the Dreaming, his freedom, and you. You, who would lay sweet kisses along his face, tuck a strand of his hair back, and leave a rose in its place. 
“What use do I have for roses?” The flower was devoid of its usual thorns, the petals ruby and soft to the touch, he reached to remove it fully, but you stopped him. Pulling him to sit beside you, you hold his face, tenderly gazing at him, and Morpheus shudders, the adoration surrounding him. 
“They are gifts, testaments to my love,” you’d replied, thumb brushing his cheek, “you so rarely indulge yourself in material possessions; allow yourself this.”
Morpheus smiled to himself; the rose became a fixture in his room, placed in a vase by the bed. You adored leaving flowers in his clothing, little surprises for him to find, something to cheer him up if need be. He’d tried getting you something of equal value, but you’d stopped him, picked him from the ground, and held him in your arms, “I need no other gift than my dream.” His prison has no such luxuries.
“Do be careful, darling,” you’d said to him. 
Morpheus had grinned, “No nightmare could get the better of me, my love.”
“All the same, come back to me in one piece,” you told him, seeing him off with a kiss. 
The last kiss he’d gotten from you, he absent-mindedly reached up to his lips, fingers grazing them; your honeyed aftertaste was fading, as was the usual warmth he felt, the love, it clung uncomfortably around him, as if clinging desperately to this plane. He was thankful to be alone at this moment; what anger he used to mask his despair seemed to slip as he placed his head against the glass of his prison. He traced your name, looping the letters together; he repeated the motion, grounding himself as best he could.
“I love your eyes.”
You’d hold his face ever so lovingly; noses pressed close as you counted the stars you claimed to see. Morpheus would hold you close, head against yours, eyes barely open as you plowed into him.
“I love your voice.”
You liked to hear him speak; the baritone of his voice did wonders when he read to you; you’d work his body as you did the ground, kneading, delving, pulling until his voice grew hoarse and his body became lax.
“I love you.”
Among the thousands in existence, you chose him. Took his hands and demanded he ignore the ire of your kin, placed a ring on his finger, and declared yourselves wed. “I am Love; my union ascends all others; we need no blessing nor any witness,” Morpheus remembers laughing, head bumping yours as you swayed with him.
“My Love….” he whispered to himself, head hanging; he heaved in a breath, glancing up at the harsh light above; surprising himself, Morpheus prayed. He muttered your name, you were a god, you would answer his prayers, but there was no such luck. The love he was adept at sensing was fading, so he sleeps, his only refuge, that which they cannot take from him. He finds himself alone in the dream world; even there, he curls into himself, thinking of you but also of vengeance. 
A century passes, and then another few years before he escapes. Rage is all he feels at first, dissipating only when the younger Burgess is placed under eternal sleep, then its emptiness, uncertainty, and weariness. So long without his tools, he finds himself weak, so long without you, and he finds himself empty. Both leave him feeling uncertain. He returns to the Dreaming to find nothing - no home, no creations, no husband - he finds Lucienne, but she does not meet his gaze at times. When he asks after you, Lucienne grows uneasy, eyes darting and avoiding the question. She teeters on the verge of something, a secret on her tongue, but she says nothing. 
“How do you see through this?”
Morpheus quite liked his helm; having crafted it from the remains of a god, he’d felt proud when he persevered long enough to carve it. “Hang on, I think I’ve got the hang of it now,” you said excitedly. The helm looked out of place on you, but Morpheus paid no mind to that, more focused on the impersonation of him you were performing. You closed your hands behind your back, head high; you deepened your voice and walked forward, “I am the Sandman….” you moved your hands in an arc, fingers spread to emphasize the nickname.
“Are you done?” he asked.
You laughed, pushing the helm up, “Have I offended you, Mr. Sandman?”
“Evidently,” he replied, a small smile on his face; he followed willingly as you dragged him towards you, the helm removed and set aside.
“Oh, how rude of me. Allow me to earn my forgiveness then.”
Lucifer regarded him with mild indifference as he turned to leave; despite the general atmosphere of hell, there was something amiss. Morpheus couldn’t quite put his tongue on it, but the demons and the Lightbringer seemed off, perhaps less emotional than they should be. An odd hypothesis, but “What’s wrong with you?” he asks either way.
“As if you don’t know,” she responded, glaring as if waiting for him to say something. When Morpheus looked at her with confusion, she paused, eyes squinting before she laughed in disbelief, “Come now, Dream King, your games won’t do you any good, not when this affects us all.”
“I don’t understand —”
“Oh, you really don’t know, do you?” She grins wickedly, dismissing him with a wave of her hand; Morpheus leaves hell more confused than when he entered. Retrieving the Ruby leaves him exhausted, and Morpheus becomes acutely aware of a dull feeling, the rush of his powers again covers it, but when he focuses on it, he finds it, the hole in his being; it’s not until his hostile reunion with Desire that he understands what is amiss. Love, there was no love. This became ever more clear as he watched the humans; the park he’d fed birds at wasn’t crowded; the few people that were around seemed robotic; some still moved about as they should, but sometimes, they would stop, as a collective, expressions downcast as if in mourning. The children are perhaps the worst off, some of them cry, and their parents, the adults around them, almost don’t care, numb to their spawns.
“You know then?” Lucienne’s question drew his attention; she stood solemnly beside him, having appeared with another - Nyx, the Night - her usual starry appearance was as empty as a cloudy night sky. 
“I know as much as I knew when I regained my freedom,” he replies, “yet, I know little of my husband. Where is he?”
“In a prison of his own making,” Nyx spoke, voice equal parts exhausted and full of rage, “though I am remiss to consider it that anymore.”
“These cryptic answers give me nothing but headaches,” he grimaces.
Nyx fully turns to him, and Lucienne steps back, the primordial goddess is not one to be angered, but Morpheus has grown weary - every other person he’s come across knows, every single one making it clear it involves you - yet they refuse to explain. 
“It’s best if you see for yourself,” Nyx tells him.
Morpheus remembers the first time he stepped foot in the Gardens, an accident really, at a time when the cosmos was relatively young, you’d been in the midst of ‘borrowing’ a few animals from the early Earth. He remembers how sheepish you’d looked when he’d bumped into you, dinosaur egg terribly stashed away, “I’m preserving them,” you’d defended, clutching the eggs to your person, “besides, Gaia will have them dead in a few millennia, what harm would it do to keep a few?”
You always were handsome, even when thieving things from another’s domain. You’d been caught, of course; Gaia was the more observant of the primordials, but it had been fun, and he’d joined you on many more ‘preservation trips.’ The Gardens had been a sight to behold then; what could have been and what had been grew unhindered, kept beneath your domes and around the domain; they remained forever new, never wilting, nothing like the Gardens he saw now. The entrance was covered in tall thorny branches; wilted, unhealthy roses sprung from them, some reaching out to attack anything that got too close on either side - over that, he spotted movement, the animals you’d once adored had been replaced by monstrosities, their shrieking howls reverberating around him. 
“He’s been asleep all this time? Did none of you think to wake him or check on him?”
“You think we haven’t?! We can’t get past this; the only way I’ve been able to see him is in his dreams, a feat already difficult given your previous predicament,” Nyx seethes at him. “He refuses to wake.”
“No –he wouldn’t —I don’t believe you,” Morpheus turns his back on them.
Lucienne sighs, “Love’s been disappearing in the world; there’s no solution, none that we’ve found —wait!”
Morpheus had slowly been moving towards the branches and, at Lucienne’s call, had climbed over one; he shifted the size of his body, jumping, and ducking over the obstacles, all the while ignoring the warnings from his companions. He stumbled through to the other side; the creatures turned in his direction; Morpheus trekked past them slowly, always sure to keep them in his sight, growing antsy the further he made it into the Gardens. The first attack came from a flying beast, Morpheus had bumped into one of the columns, and the sound seemed to have been enough incentive to launch an attack on the endless. It dug its talons into his sleeve, making off with a good chunk of it when he swatted it away. The ones closer to land pounced at him, claws and teeth ready to make a meal of him.
They bite at his heels, and no amount of sand will put them to sleep. He looks around, mind racing to plan an escape; most of the stairs have decayed, and the only way into a majority of the structures seems to be climbing; he picks one of the lower domes - with broken windows, and a tree already crashed into it, he makes haste, ignoring the gathered animals below him as they reach up. He’s even happier when they don’t follow him, turning their backs, as Morpheus does the same. The interiors are just as altered, portraits covered in dust as vines crawl their way along their frames, and the plants are as twisted inside as they are outside. The carpets curl along their tears; Morpheus notes the silence, the occasional sound from outside coming through.
Your chambers were the only safe haven, unchanged as they were; the doors squealed as he entered. Your body lay beneath the covers, his coat around you, and the curtains drawn shut; the closer he got to you, the less dull he felt. The retreated love was here, amplified tenfold into whatever dream you were in. He shook your shoulder, calling your name, but you remained asleep, snuffling and rolling over, “Darling, please, you must awake,” he tried.
No response.
You smiled, mumbling his name, and snuggling further into the duvet. Dreams, you were trapped in your dreams; you needed to step out from the dreams. Morpheus positioned himself more comfortably, “Sorry for the intrusion,” he says before entering your dream.
He falls. Fast and without control, it takes him a moment to gain it, and when he does, he meets the ground far softer. The world around him is the Gardens as they were; he hears music and heads towards it, but the world doesn’t allow him, it redirects him away, and Morpheus has to assert his control. Vines shoot out to hold him back, but he persists, tripping over them onto a terrace to see you laid back with him, correction an imagined him - the details are near identical, but Morpheus, on account of the mob of beasts, is far more rugged in appearance. 
“Love?” He calls out, and you look at him, surprised to see him; the imagined him vanishes as you stand and back away.
“This is cold, by a lot of standards, this is very cold,” you mumble, “imitating my husband so you can drag me back into the waking world.”
“Imitat —no love, it’s me, I swear,” he reaches out, but you almost flinch, backing away further from him. 
“No, you’re not because he’s not here, he’s gone, and I can’t do a thing about it. So just turn around and leave me be.” He steps closer, and you step back, circling each other and getting nowhere; he reaches out at times but your retreat, using the dream space to keep him away. “You’re persistent; I’ll give you that.”
“I persist because —”
You hold out your hands in a shushing motion, “No, I don’t want to hear it; I’m sick of the fabricated nonsense you’ve all said.” You turn away from him, swinging one leg over the balcony, but Morpheus reaches out, dragging you back by your shirt - you topple into him, landing atop him; you twist around and pin his arms in the air, now thoroughly frustrated. “Why can’t you just fuck off?!”
“Because I want my husband awake,” he replies.
“Stop it! You are not my Morpheus. You’re just some cheap knockoff!” 
He winces when your grip becomes tight, the searing burn of your powers on his arms, “Please love, I swear it’s me,” he pleads, “Look at my eyes, really look at them.” Even with the power of imagination, nothing quite captured Morpheus’ eyes; you squinted your eyes and shook your head, expression morphing away from wrath.
“No, this has to be a trick; I can’t fall for this again; I don’t think I could bare it….” You say, grip becoming loose again. He sits up slowly, wrangling his arms free, your own moving to hold your heads, “....I can’t….please….don’t make me….” you sobbed.
Morpheus calmly moved your hands aside, now holding your face, “Love,” he calls your attention once more when you refuse to meet his gaze, “I assure you, as I live and breath, I am real.” 
“You can’t be; it’s —” you’re still crying, words cut out and muddled as the sobs wracked your body. 
“I am real,” he repeats. Morpheus recites the words as many times as it takes, always keeping your gazes locked; after once such repeat, your hand comes up to his face, thumb rubbing softly against his skin. Your eyes widen, “See,” he says, bringing your hand back and kissing it, “real.” It’s a rush when you collide with him, clinging to him desperately, “Now, will you wake up for me, my Love?”
You shake your head, “What if you’re not there? Even if this isn’t a trick, it could just be me,” you lamented, “me and my madness.”
“No love, I promise, if you open your eyes, I will be there,” he reassures you; you’re closer now; the silver of his eyes shines with determination; he leans closer, “and I won’t ever leave you again.” He closes the gap; at first, you’re in shock, but then you cling to him, hands fisted in his shirt, your eyes shut to the dream and open to the waking world. As he’d promised, Morpheus was there; you reach out hesitantly, and when he is as tangible as he were in the dream, you gasp, gathering him in your arms as he awakes. 
He holds you, placing kisses on your head as you weep happily; you draw back and kiss him. Morpheus feels the overwhelming rush of love; the hollowness is easily filled as he reciprocates, laughs shared between moments as you rejoice in your reunion.
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End Note:
I rewrote this like three times before I was happy with it lmao 🤣 Stay Hydrated.
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friedpunster · 10 months
oh my fucking god i've fucking had it with this game
ok so brawlhalla has stages and shit, right? and platforms are a big part of differentiating between stages, since where they are affects attack placement, disadvantage, neutral, ledgeguarding, and whatnot enough for there to be preference and c
well, if you want really piss the pants off a orb main, rare as they are, then take them to this fucking stage: Plains of Passage
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"oh, but why there?" I hear you asking, "What makes this one so abhorrent to orb, best of weapons?"
well, apart from the little annoyances like it's moderately large ledges and its medium to slightly small size, the big problem here is its most defining feature: that bigass platform over the middle of everything that is constantly in the fucking way!
there are many irritating things about this platform, from it breaking up ground neutral to providing a shield for players trying to shark falling opponents, but the specific quirk of this platform that i hate is how it's height interacts with orb's best move, down air (or dair)
the platform is at such a height so that a full hop is not enough to land on it, but just barely. this is a problem because if you full hop dair with a specific timing, it fucking bounces off the platform.
"Oh, but how often does that really matter?" A whole fucking lot. because fullhop dair is one of orbs best air to ground pokes, and its basically the other half of landing dair in orbs weirdo dair zoning.
still don't belive me? i did the math. in my most recent match on this stage, i attempted a total of 25 downairs. of those, i only hit one. that's not too terrible, i tend to spam this move to make space. but normally i dont have a platform there to steal FUCKING SEVEN OF THEM
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and thats not even mentioning this fucking bullshit!
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why is it behind me
This is a fucking Downair Interupt Short Change! a glitch i named in an earlier post that i thought was exclusive to ledge, and dismissed as harmless! WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING HERE????
I can barely belive it- i got DISC'd in an actual fucking match! What the hell is this platform???
to be fair, only 5 of these were fullhop dairs, and the only one that was anywhere near likely to hit if the platform was't there was this one
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which was a double jump dair after a dodge instead of a fullhop dair, but since shields, and thus, the concept of 'out of shield options', dont exist in this game, its a really importaint aspect of the game to be able to punish someone attacking your dodge, and the amount of times i should be fucked over by a platform should be zero
"but cant this happen on other stages too? why are you complaining about this one in specific?" because on the few other stages with platforms at this height either have them at ledge, only have one, and/or very rarely and only for short time periods let them hang over center stage, and center stage is the main space you want to control!
I don't care if dair whiffs! it's supposed to whiff! its supposed to just boop the opponent away for being too bold in their approach or scare them into being more careful! but when the half of the stage i want to control in the first place has this biggass platform that blocks my pokes half the time, it not only reduces the scare factor of dair zoning, it psychs me out! i got so tilted after this match that i lost the next two, and then i came and made this very post!
to be clear, i have no problem with this stage being in the game or the people who made it this way. i know from playing this game for a while and trying my hand at making my own platformers that fall-through platforms are hell to program, and that this is probably the best solution they could come up with without reinventing the wheel. thats all fine, and the only part of this that seems like an actual bug instead of oddly implemented design is the DISC, and thats so rare and frame perfect that its not a huge problem
its just so fucking frustrating to be trying to play your gameplan and the orb you just threw makes a fucking wrong turn. orb players, be wary of this and all platforms. orb haters, play on this stage. i guarentee it'll piss them off
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eloquent-vowel · 3 years
I have had a few bucky x read fic ideas bouncing around in my head and i cant write! So here is one,
Sam find a person who stairs and doesnt talk a whole lot because they uses ✨telepathy ✨. So Sam think they would be a good fit for Bucky, but he doesn’t know they have that power he just thinks they are mute. Then there is a thing where the reader is telling Buck how it works and they if they have something to connect them together like an object *reader motions to dog tags* they can have an unbreakable mind link. Then they fall in love or something. This is dumb, thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Hey! Thank you so much for this request, it wasn't dumb at all. I really enjoyed writing this. I may have gotten a bit carried away, this may sit close to 4000 words but we vibe. I hope this is what you had in mind! Please enjoy! <3
Click here for my masterlist of other fics and check in my bio for requests if anyone wishes to ask!
Bucky had been enjoying a moments peace, he loved working with Sam but sometimes all he wanted was to put his feet up, put on some vinyl and enjoy a good cup of coffee all while reading a brilliant book. He had been trying to get into Game of Thrones lately, on Sam’s insistence, and he had been enjoying it. With the crackles of Glenn Miller from the turntable he missed the clunky footsteps coming up the stairs.
The sight that greeted Sam needed to be photographed. Bucky was lounging back on his ‘old man armchair’ feet up, hair in a towel, in a bathrobe, coffee in hand and facemask on, this was definitely one for the family album.
At the sound of the phone shutter Bucky practically launched himself out of the chair.
“Oh, you are never gonna live this one down old boy, it’s going to haunt you.” Sam almost cackled evilly as he began to email the photo to himself- he had learnt the hard way that Bucky was very proficient at breaking phones.
“You better not upload that photo anywhere, Wilson, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Pfft, reputation, that’s funny.”
Bucky scoffed as he stood up, placing his book carefully on the side table, “Big scary super soldier, people hardly run-in fear from a guy in a bathrobe.”
“I disagree, a man in a bathrobe is definitely something you should run from. AH NOPE!” Sam jumped backwards, on top of a nearby chair, as Bucky lunged for the phone, towel turban falling off in the process. “You are not breaking this phone as well.”
“Fine. But you gotta promise not to post that anywhere.” Bucky huffed.
“I won’t.”
“As long as- “
“Oh no, I’m not doing anything for you.”
“Think of it as payment for the last phone you broke and insurance for this picture.”
There was silence for a moment as the two friends eyed each other up. Sam raised his eyebrows, Bucky’s eyes narrowed. It was an intense staring match between a guy in a bathrobe and a precariously balanced man. A clock ticked.
“Fine.” Bucky conceded. “What do you want?”
“For you to come to a meeting.”
“The families of Veterans ones?”
“Yeah.” Sam slowly started climbing down from the chair. “And before you get your old man pants in a twist, I’m not trying to force you to talk or anything, kinda.”
“Kinda?” Suspicion laced through Bucky’s voice.
“You know sign language, right?”
“Which kind?”
“American? I think?”
“Yeah, I know ASL, might be a bit rusty but I’m sure it still holds up. Why do you ask?”
Sam shifted slightly on his feet, “There’s this person, they come in every week and listen. I tried to talk to them, but they communicate through sign language, and I don’t have anyone there to talk with them.” He cast his eyes to the floor, “I feel bad. They were brave enough to come to the group only to basically be ignored ‘because we didn’t plan well enough.”
Bucky smiled, face mask crinkling around his smile lines, “You could have just asked me to Sam. You didn’t have to blackmail me into this, of course I’ll help. When’s the next meeting?”
“This evening. You gonna be ready or do you need some more ‘me’ time.”
Bucky simply chuckled at Sam’s teasing tone, patted his shoulder making sure to squeeze just a bit too hard before retreating to his room.
“I’ll be there, Wilson, and I will look so much younger than you!”
It was frustrating to you, going along to these meetings and not being able to communicate. You could always speak into someone’s mind but all that usually accomplished was a very paranoid person. But just listening to other’s stories really helped the grief from losing someone so close to you. You related to most of the people there and even though they didn’t understand you a lot of the time, you were always made to feel welcome- with friendly pats on the back and the odd tissue thrown your way.
You bustled into the familiar building with a new sense of excitement as Sam had promised to bring a translator for you this week. It was finally time to say your thanks to some of the people there and finally let the group know about your brother, so that it wasn’t only you that remembered him.
You all but ran through the hallways until you caught sight of a familiar smiling man. Sam was facing you, talking animatedly to another man, the strangers back was to you. He was tall, broad shouldered and dressed in a vintage looking leather jacket and rather well fitted trousers. Now the debate was: does the tailoring make the ass, or does the ass make the tailoring. You were halfway through the arguments on either side when Sam shouting your name disrupted the intense debating in your mind. You blushed at being caught, then blushed some more when you caught sight of the stranger’s face. Twinkling blue eyes under a deep-set brow should have made him intimidating, but he was smiling, and his face was dazzling. There was an immediate fluttering in your stomach.
“Hey, I’m Bucky.” Dear lord even his voice was nice, what made you smile even more was the fact that he signed as he spoke. Well, Sam certainly knew how to pick them well. “Sam introduced me; said you wanted an interpreter.”
You nodded as you signed back, “Nice to meet you, thank you for helping out.”
“No problem, Sam has told me a bit about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Okay I recognise my own name, you two better not be conspiring against me.” Sam piped up, to be honest you had forgotten about him for a moment.
Bucky laughed, and it sent a little thrill down you, he really was adorable.
“No worries, Wilson, just letting them know all your dirty little secrets.”
“Right, you two get in there, before you make me sleep with one eye open.”
You and Bucky caught each other’s eye, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, and you couldn’t help the smile that overtook you. You had a feeling that the two of you would get on just fine.
The meeting passed easily. Bucky translated your signs and you finally felt like you could actually take part in these meetings. Everyone listened intently when you spoke of your brother and when you had thanked the whole group for being so open to you a couple of people shed a tear. By the end of the meeting though you were tired and very accepting of Bucky’s offer to walk you home.
It was a lot of side glances and hidden smiles and you walked side by side. Drawn to each other under the moonlit sky, it was nice to just be in the presence of someone who had such a kind aura. You spent the walk trying to work up the confidence to sign something, anything but nothing came to mind and Bucky seemed quite content to just walk in comfortable silence.
You soon reached your home, you turned to Bucky with a smile on your face and signed,
“Thanks for today, Bucky. You were really helpful.”
“No problem.” He signed back,
You hesitated slightly before signing, “Would you be happy to have a coffee with me, tomorrow?”
Bucky went a little red in the face, and chuckled, “I would love to, I know a nice place, real cosy. I’ll text you the details.”
“You know how to text?”
“Hey! I get enough stick from Sam, don’t need you getting on my case too. I’ll have you know that I am very adaptable.”
“Sure, Sure.” You smiled at his flustered tone. “I’ll wait for your text then, have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The two of you stared slightly awkwardly at each other, neither wanting to be the first to turn around. You shuffled your feet away slowing, smiling awkwardly once more at Bucky before turning. You heard his footsteps start to fade away as you walked towards your home. You were but three steps to the door when a large figure in a hoodie slammed into you, you raised your arms instinctively to block them when you noticed your shoulder was lighter. The bastard had stolen your bag.
You immediately took chase, chasing around the corner you just walked down but they were fast, faster then you at least. As you rounded the corner you caught sight of Bucky walking ahead. The thief wouldn’t stand a change against him. Without a second thought you cast your thoughts towards Bucky,
“Bucky! Thief! My Bag! Behind you!”
You saw Bucky flinch slightly then turn bewildered, his eyes widening when he saw you hurting towards him, chasing the hooded figure. He caught on and launched after the thief as well, with barely any effort he knocked the thief to the ground, grabbed your bag and whipped out his phone to call the cops.
Well, that was hot.
You took your bag back, immediately checking that you brother’s lucky coin was in the zippy pocket, to your relief it was still there. You looked up to see Bucky staring at you with a very puzzled look on his face. You sighed before casting your thoughts to his head once more,
“I’ll explain later.”
Bucky let out a strange, decompressed noise of shock, it made you giggle. The two of you waited in silence until the police came and took the thief away. The police car had barely driven away when he turned to you.
“Did you just, talk in my head? Or did my conscious just suddenly get really loud.”
“I did. Hi. Sorry about that.”
He waved his hands dismissively. “Believe it or not, not the weirdest thing I’ve encountered.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.”
There was an awkward silence.
“So,” You started, resorting back to sign language, it felt less invasive, “Still down for coffee?”
Bucky smiled, “One hundred percent. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Bye Bucky. Thanks for getting my bag back.”
“No problem, see ya.”
The coffee shop that Bucky invited you to, was tucked away, it was the kind of place that you would stumble over on accident. With a simple door and a big window out the front, that lead soft orange light filter out onto the alley. There was the faint sound of jazz leaking out of the building, you smirked. It was such an old fashioned place, of course this was where Bucky frequented.
The bell tinkled slightly as you entered the café, where you were greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. You caught sight of Bucky’s broad shoulders sitting in the corner, and you made your way over to him, smiling at the barista as you passed.
As if sensing you, Bucky turned to smile and wave. He was dressed in casual clothes like last time, but this time his hair was loose around his shoulders. You smiled back before settling into the seat opposite him.
His hands moved hesitantly as he signed, “What would you like? I can recommend their hot chocolate, its very warming/”
“Hot chocolate it is.”
You could tell he wanted to ask you a million questions but to his credit he walked slowly to get the drinks, he even took his time carefully carrying the tray of drinks back to your table. He placed a delicious looking hot chocolate in front of you. You watched as he took a sip.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1-
“So,” Here we go, “What is it you can do, you can speak in peoples’ heads, can you,” He lowered his voice and leaned in, “Can you read people’s minds?”
You giggled slightly, his eyes were basically sparkling, he was definitely nerding out about this.
You set the hot chocolate down before casting your thoughts to his head, “I can speak in peoples heads relatively easily, it’s how I talk most of the time to people I know. I guess you could call it Telepathy.”
Bucky’s eyes were as wide as saucers, “So you can’t read thoughts, only… speak them?”
“I like to call it casting, makes me feel like a sorcerer. I can read thoughts, but it takes a lot of energy. I used to be able to talk with my brother from across the house. That usually requires some kind of connection.”
“Oh, so like a blood or family connection? Do you have to know the person very well?”
“That certainly helps but it’s not always necessary. If I have a personal object that belongs to that person, something I can hold and connect to them it isn’t hard to make a two-way connection. Especially if that person is willing to open their mind.”
Bucky seemed to be caught in thought for a second. “So, if I were to give you something of mine, we could both talk in our… heads?”
“Well yes, but Bucky we have only just met. Letting me into your head is a lot. I try not to pry but sometimes I’ve found that thoughts just burst through. Let’s get to know each other a before that happens.”
Bucky smiled at you before speaking and signing, “You’re right. Let’s get to know one another. I find you fascinating.”
It happened on the fifth date. Bucky was just walking you home after a lovely dinner at a small Italian that he claimed he went to back in the 40s. Just outside your door, under the glow of a lamppost he turned to you and took a deep breath before speaking.
“I know this may be a lot, but I wanted to give you these.” He reached around his neck and pulled off something silver. You gasped slightly as he held out his dog tags, immaculately preserved after all these years.
“Are you sure, Bucky? This is a lot.”
“I know and if you aren’t comfortable with it then just let me know but I want to give them to you.”
“You know what this means Bucky?”
“Yeah, I know, I just figured that you’re already in my head all the time anyways, just can’t seem to get you out of it.”
“You cheeseball.” You smirked at him before taking the dog tags and placing them around your neck. You gripped the cold metal for a moment, concentrating on the man in front of you. Taking everything, you knew about him and stretching out a connection, like a hand reaching out to clasp another.
“Testing, Testing, Testing, one two, one two, can my Telepathic partner hear me?”
You laughed, “Yes I can Bucky, you big dork.”
Bucky whooped out loud before sweeping you up in a big hug. The two of you laughing under the lamp light. His joy was infectious, and you couldn’t fight the smile off your face.
“Oh, we are going to have so much fun messing with Sam.”
“You’re evil.”
Of course, the two of you made a pact not to tell Sam until he worked it out, which wouldn’t be anytime soon according to Bucky. It led to some very memorable moments and Sam refusing to play any form of card or board game with either of you because you always managed to win, somehow. Not to mention all the times you had spoken in eery unison around him.
“I swear, its like you two can read each other’s minds sometimes.” Sam threw his hands up in frustration at another lost game of charades.
You smirked at Bucky across the room, “Should you tell him, or shall I?”
“I think he’s been through enough, I got it.”
Bucky cleared his throat, “We can.”
Sam whipped around to face Bucky, a look of sheer disbelief on his face, “Seriously Bucky-boy, if you think I believe that after all-
“Hello Sam.” You cast your thoughts to him, in the creepiest old lady voice you could muster.
Sam yelped, before turning accusingly at you, “You better be joking around with me right now, I am not dealing with any kind of ghosts in this house.”
“Sorry! Surprise I’m telepathic!”
“You’re serious.”
You nodded.
Sam put his head in his hands and sighed, “Not the weirdest thing ever. Wait, does this mean you have been cheating this entire time.”
You both looked guiltily at one another.
“You owe me. That poker night, void.”
You both laughed, “We’ll have a fair rematch this time Sam.”
It had been close to a year since you had made it official with Bucky and you were now much more comfortable around one another. He no longer just dropped you off at the lamppost but cam inside with you. You had spent many lovely mornings together sharing glances over steaming cups of coffee. Fighting each other for who got to spread their legs out on the couch, there wasn’t really a loser though as it usually ended up in sofa cuddles for both of you, while watching a film.
Life was pretty great, you thought, as you smiled down at the sleeping Bucky beside you. Finally reaching over to turn off the lamp and put your book down, you were finally reading the hobbit at Bucky’s insistence. As you clicked off the light beside you and settled down you noticed the faster than usual breathing coming from beside you.
You reached out, thinking he was awake but instead as you opened up your connection you caught flashes of night terrors. You were falling indefinitely, snow all around you, and in the distance, there were cries of pain, people pleading for their lives, there was gunfire and explosions. You gasped and took off the dog tags. You only gave yourself a moment to breathe before trying to shake Bucky awake. When it became clear that he wasn’t stirring you steadied yourself and settled your hands on his temples. You didn’t care you tired this would make you, you just wanted Bucky to stop suffering. You focused, offering out that hand of connection again, this time picturing it in the shape of a fist and, although it wasn’t subtle, you tried to shake Bucky’s brain awake. You forced your way into his dreams, punching through the dark fog that clouded his thoughts and almost screamed at him.
“Bucky! Bucky wake up! You’re dreaming my dear!”
Bucky woke up with a start. Tears flowing down his face, he stared at you blue eyes shining. No one spoke as he pulled you into his arms. You just breathed together for a moment, counting the breaths and the spaces in between. When he finally pulled back, you saw his eyes flicker with concern before lifting a hand to gently wipe under your nose, it came back red with blood.
“You, okay?”
You smiled sadly, reaching out to put the dog tags back on.
“I should be asking you that.”
“But you’re bleeding.”
“Occupational hazard.” You tried to subtly get rid of any of the extra blood. “That was pretty intense. Wanna talk?”
Bucky looked down to the sheets and shook his head. You smiled at him, tilting his head to yours.
“That’s fine, want me to go? Or would you like to cuddle for a bit?”
Bucky didn’t talk again, just pulled you gently down to the bed once more. Snuggling himself under your chin, resting his head on your chest. You felt his arms draw tightly against your waist. You pressed your lips into his hair.
“May I help you go to sleep? Keep the bad thoughts at bay for at least one night.”
You felt Bucky nod and let out a little sleepy hum of agreement. You closed your eyes, focused on your connection setting up a golden wall against the dark fog at the corners of his mind and settled into a deep sleep.
You woke to the smell of fresh coffee and the clinking of cups.
“Morning.” You opened your eyes at Bucky’s voice and took the offered cup greedily. Your mind still felt hazy from the energy you used last night.
You felt the bed dip beside you as Bucky sat and sipped at his cup as well, hair a bit of a mess from bed. He had evidently only just woken up as well.
He took a breath, “I had some pretty interesting dreams, sweetheart.”
You stiffened, “Good ones I hope.”
“Don’t worry, they were good. If a little strange.”
“I was watching myself most of the time.”
You snorted into the coffee, “Sounds creepy”
There was a slight chuckle, “Nah, I was watching myself build a home, a family- “
“Oh God Bucky.” You snapped your eyes to his, you knew what had happened. “I am so sorry my dreams must have stuck in your head.”
“Those were your dreams?”
“Yeah, its only happened once before but when the connection between two people is very strong, it can happen- I call it bleeding. Perhaps we should- “
“If the next words out of your mouth are take a break, I will spill your coffee.” You clutched your cup closer to your chest, “Truthfully, those were some of the beset dreams I have every had. I really loved them.”
You looked back up at him, hesitantly “You did?”
“And I love you.”
There was silence as you stared at him in shock. His face as nothing but adoration as the sunlight filtered over his face.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
Coffee cups were cast aside as you both collided. Giggling and joking, radiating happiness as the two of you shared the sweetest kiss. Your feelings merging together, amplifying one another until they shone brighter than the sun.
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woahajimes · 3 years
the batfamily is stupid as hell and they're self isolating because SOMEBODY got covid (steph) and then SOMEBODY (cass-- who also has covid bc uh stephcass) sneezed on tim who drank from jason's cup without knowing it was jason's cup and anyways everyone in the manor got covid so ✨self isolation for 2 weeks✨
ANYHOW they were all bored out of their minds and jason was about to throw damian out the window bc siblings right
SO BASICALLY cass came up with the big brain idea of a competition (prize being complete immunization of sibling interaction UNLESS they ask for it-- eg. "hey can you open this for me")
teams were made (just two people per team-- duke/damian, jason/cass, steph/harper, dick/tim)
there were "rounds" and these consisted of
round 1: person a has to feed person b a whole jar of peanut butter and they could switch places ONCE (team to finish last was disqualified)
round 2: they had to recreate this picture and had ten minutes to do so, at the end every team compared pictures and alfred decided whose was the worst and that team was out
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round 3: they had to run five laps around the manor with their team member on their back, first person to get through the finish line (for the fifth time, there was a picture taken each time they crossed it) won.
simple, right?
first round basically went like this:
jason: NO FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID PEANUT BUTTER cass: jason: okay okay ill go first
tim went first, harper went first, and duke went first (duke didn't want to go first but he lost to rock paper scissors so)
tim puked in the first two minutes but alfred had forgotten to clarify that if you puke you're out so basically he kept eating
cass and jason were the first ones to switch
dick and tim switched immediately after (they were waiting for someone else to switch)
steph and harper fucking DIED
"im never eating peanut butter after this"
duke and damian finished first and when ppl asked how (they're the youngest ones, people were sure they couldn't handle it) damian was like "i simply moved all my internal organs to the side" and duke was like "tf you literally ate two spoons and a half"
STEPH AND HARPER LOST and tim laughed (his team got to the next round by literally a second) so harper and steph both threw him the containers and spoons
second round:
tim thought he had a big brain for calling dibs on being on the pool mat but nOOO (duke was on the pool mat, damian was the lightest so yeah--- jason was on the pool mat solely because cass called dibs on jumping and crushing him-- imagine all the chaos)
literally they(jason/cass) took 14 pictures total and all of them were fucked up because of jason (his hands weren’t in the right place, both his legs were picked up)
duke and damian couldn’t do it skjdfhskfh they were D Y I N G (every two minutes you heard a really loud scream/groan with a sudden splat and yeah)
steph and harper had never laughed harder
cass was so done with jason she literally shoved him off the pool mat
tim was literally dead they had taken the shot around 20 times and none of them looked good it was horrible (dick didnt even apologize for crushing tim 90934757894 times -- not every shot was decent so they deleted around 40)
when the timer went off, alfred carefully took all the phones (jason’s phone was somehow at the bottom of the pool and jason was tired(tm) so he asked cass to get the phone pls and cass just got in the pool and shoved the pool mat over (and then got out)
after around 20 minutes of alfred going through the pictures, he decided that the best ones were dick and tim’s (how i have zero idea but)
and then the worst ones were duke and damian’s (so jason and cass made it to the third round)
cass asked alfred why theirs weren’t the best, and alfred said “well master jason’s arm looks very off and he looks genuinely scared” and cass was like “GODDAMNIT JASON” and lost her shit 
so they did think this through and basically cass on jason’s back and tim on dick’s back
jason: HA! YOU’RE NOT FASTER THAN I AM! dick: i don’t need to be??? you’ve got CASS on your back. you know what that means? jason: .... you wouldn’t.. tim, on dick’s back: *snorts* YEAH OKAY
cass: what are they talking about?  jason: NO NOTHING jason: you might want earbuds or something to like... block the sounds... they’re gonna be wanting to distract you cass: yeah well. I’m not distracted easily
the timer goes off, tim on dick’s back, and they’re pretty even for the first two laps, but then tim’s shoe falls off and tim’s like “WAIT MY SHOE” and dick goes “WHAT THE FUCK” 
and tim is like “whoa youre right KEEP RUNNING” 
update: cass does get pretzels and gives jason a few  jason: CASS THATS MY NOSE cass: OH OOPS LOL
dick: tim i think its time to pull out our secret weapon tim: yeah you’re right tim: tim: HEY CASS *starts humming to ‘levitating’ by dua lipa* tim: 🎶 if you wanna run away with me-  🎶
(you may ask how this distracts jason but it just DOES)
dick takes this as a head start and runs faster (theyre on their third lap now- both)
tim gets a bit too excited and leans too much and makes them both fall over (they were abt half a lap ahead)
cass:  🎶 YOU WANT ME  🎶 jason:  🎶 I WANT YOU BABY  🎶  *runs past them*  dick: HOW jason: JUST DONT FIGHT IT 
karma’s a bitch (and dick paid steph) and jason slipped, causing them to fall almost the exact way that tim and dick fell
dick and tim have now caught up to them, as jason and cass pick themselves up
jason: we should switch cass: yeah alright do you want me to momentarily kill you so we can distract the others and then you wake up and we run jason: ...no cass:  jason: ... maybe
*two seconds later*
cass: HE’S DEAD! MY POOR BROTHER HE’S DEAD! steph: YEAH WE KNOW YOU MOMENTARILY KILLED HIM GET UP cass: ok jason lets go stand up 
they keep going and dick stops for a second (theyre ahead)  dick: hey its your turn now tim:  dick: yeah i know you cant cmon climb on
COMEPLETE HEADCANON jason and cass won anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Dream SMP Recap (July 18/2021) - Sky City, Hotel-Prison and the Fall of L’Sandburg
Ranboo has an idea and begins constructing a cobblestone city in the sky on the obisidian grid above L’manhole, aiming to continue expanding it.
Tommy, Corpse Husband, BadBoyHalo, Tubbo and Sam all hang out while Tommy begins constructing a hotel-prison for Drista opposite of Pandora’s Vault.
Foolish finally puts an end to L’Sandburg and destroys the capital tower.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- Ranboo has been gone a while, thinking, wondering what to do, and he has an idea
- Tommy logs on and walks around his home. He reads the poem Foolish left for him:
Be careful what you wish for. The dawn of night awaits the shadow
The last sliver of light reaches out it’s hopeful hands. But alas....
- The one area people have not thought about building in is the sky. People haven’t been building things in the sky for a year, so since no one has claimed the sky, Ranboo will. He will build a “sky city” of sorts. There is already a courthouse there, after all
- He draws an illustration of what he’s thinking of and goes to gather materials
Ranboo: “What’s an ‘End City?’”
- Tommy heads over to Las Nevadas and Fort Big. He starts making a wall of trees around the area
- Ranboo makes the Italian flag into Ranboo
- Ranboo then makes his way to L’manhole and decides that the sky above it will be the place for his sky city. He flies up onto the obsidian grid and makes that the starting point, starting to build it up with cobblestone
- He feels like he should know what he wants it to look like, but at the same time he doesn’t
- Tommy speaks with Quackity in VC
- Tubbo logs on to annoy Ranboo and Corpse joins Tommy and Quackity’s call. They ask Corpse about girlfriends, and Tommy asks Corpse to log on
- When one of the particles asks about the testing lab by the strange table, Ranboo doesn’t seem to know what that is
[Server]: Corpse get on
[Server]: Corpse I summon you
- Bad logs on and joins Tommy and Corpse’s call. Corpse logs on as well
- Tommy meets Corpse at the Community House and they walk down the path back to Tommy’s place. Drista ordered Tommy to build a  prison hotel, and he wants to solve a problem with the prison so they go over to it
- Tubbo calls Tommy and videos himself microwaving rice
- Foolish logs on
- Tommy wants to build a prison that doubles as a hotel opposite of the prison
- Ranboo heads back home. He sees the poem Foolish left for him:
The cat hisses at a mouse, like a river runs dry. And when the
river is no more. It fades away. No longer known. Never to be seen
Disappears like  tears in the rain. Don’t be the cat. Be a mouse.
- He says hi to an Enderman in Techno’s house
- Tommy, Corpse and Bad all start building the new hotel-prison out of wood and wool, which will keep the prisoners in with the softness “out of love”
- Sam logs on and Tommy crafts iron armor from the beacon
Bad: o_O
- Sam logs off, logs back on and then joins the call to ask what Tommy is doing
- Ranboo starts talking very loudly to annoy Tubbo, who is in the VC talking with everyone else
- Sam mishears Tommy and thinks Tommy is going through menopause. Corpse leaves and Ranboo keeps shouting
- Ranboo finally joins the VC when Tommy spams for him to
- Everyone starts shouting at each other
- Tubbo explodes the hotel floor to become better friends and fixes it back up with his blood. Tommy gives up and leaves
- Ranboo keeps working on the sky city, then visits Michael
- Foolish gets rid of the beets at his summer home
- He destroys the Hall of Fame at last
- He also destroys Tommy’s wall around the Holy Land. While he mines, HBomb arrives in his catmaid outfit and chats with him, giving him riddles and talking about a few things
Foolish: “I don’t own the name Noah. There’s like, thousands of other Noahs.”
HBomb: “No -- ah -- you do!”
- Foolish strikes HBomb down with the Sword of XD
- HBomb returns and punches Foolish a few times, who threatens to kill him again if he continues
- HBomb sets Foolish on fire with a lighter and Foolish immediately kills him a second time, no hesitation
Foolish: “I’ll be honest...it does feel good. It feels good just to let loose a little bit... (laughs) Oh my.”
- He says he didn’t realize how must he was holding back, how nice nice it would feel to just swing aggressively with a weapon again. He feels so much better now
- After walking around a bit more, Foolish returns to his summer home to get TNT. He could theoretically use the mansion as a bonfire. If the mansion would burn, he would not be too upset. He doesn’t have emotional attachment to it, except for the chandelier
- He doesn’t have much of an attachment to Kinoko Kingdom either. If it exploded, it would only be a little bit sad
- Foolish would be the most sad about the summer home being destroyed
- He starts putting a tower of TNT into the L’Sandburg capital building
Foolish: “This has been a long time coming! [...] This, this right here, this...this was never supposed to be here.”
- Foolish uses a special golden pressure plate for the occasion
Foolish: “Sometimes the best way to get rid of your problems is just, reduce it to ash.”
- He stands on the pressure plate and sets off the explosion, finally turning L’Sandburg into just a crater on his path
- Foolish cleans up the remains and collects the fallen blocks. This isn’t about being evil, wanting to burn the world or anything -- would an evil guy pick up blocks? Foolish is recycling
Foolish: “And the mission? The mission still hasn’t changed, you know what I mean? A healthy balance is all, a healthy balance. And a healthy balance starts with protecting your home.”
- Evil guys don’t recycle. As for the citizens of L’Sandburg, they are all gone -- they either ran off or “went down with the ship,” but that’s just how it goes. He doesn’t care much about the L’Sandburg citizens anyway, as they were never supposed to be there either. Bad is the one that got them killed
- Puffy comes over to see the remains of L’Sandburg. She is very proud of Foolish
- Foolish performs a Shift Dance on the ruins of L’Sandburg!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
7/12 - Nothing much happens.
7/13 - Foolish builds the Lemon Tree
7/14 - Nothing much happens.
7/15 - Foolish continues work on the Lemon Tree.
7/16 - Boomer visits on Sam’s account
7/17 - George dreams of Quackity
7/18 - Tommy builds Drista’s hotel, Ranboo builds the stone sky city, Foolish destroys L’Sandburg
Upcoming Events:
- Captain Puffy’s Lore Stream [MONDAY]
- Egg Finale Stream
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s prequel stream
- Ponk’s current-day lore with Sam
- Puffy’s Lore Cast
- Sapnap’s lore
- Dream’s lore video
- Wilbur’s 12 planned streams
- Quackity’s casino opening
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
hey pspsps i found this thing n twitter and i cant get it out of my head,, so dreams escape right? and sapnap said that he'd be the one who'd take dreams last life rgiht? so imagine if he gets ant, bad and george and tells them "its the final manhunt" (:
im ngl the name of this on my document was “the final manhunt *offkey kazoo*” 
with that, have some good ol’ post-prison c!dream angst! probably not exactly what you asked for, but i hope you like it anyway :D 
tw: implied torture, abuse, dark portrayals of c!sam and c!quackity, suicide/suicide implications, panic attacks, emotional distress, emotional instability, death threats, violence, flashbacks, pandora’s vault/prison arc
When Dream escapes the prison, he is a frothing thing of spite and rage, one part human and ninety-nine parts determination simmered and condensed over high heat; there is anger and then there’s this, the fire that leaps to his eyes and the shaking shreds of a battered heart he holds close to his chest and refuses to let anyone close enough to see. He moves and the server moves with him, tugged along by his iron will and sweat-slick desperation, joining in the brilliant blue whirl of a diamond axe swung recklessly and slammed into the dirt, an aimless fury following each formless drive of the blade into grass and gravel. The air sings danger and the air sings wrong and every step closer brings a ringing scream of away away go away that dances like static electricity against their skin.
Puffy follows, cutlass strapped to her hip and hair tucked messily beneath the rim of her cornet as the group advances - someone had alerted over comms about seeing the escaped prisoner in this direction, and they’d all jumped forward in the hopes that the weeks-long manhunt could finally be ended. Sapnap leads the way, headband whipping behind him as he strides forward, jaw clenched in fierce determination; George brings up the rear, bow in hand, a full quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Puffy’s running alongside Sam, who has been strangely tight-lipped the entire time Dream has been gone, firm in his insistence that the prisoner be detained but saying little else - it’s something that she would pry at, usually, but her head is filled with half-formed regrets and fears and a bubbling undercurrent of anger she’s afraid will come loose if she opens her mouth, so she stays silent as they run ever forward.
Sapnap yells, and her head snaps up - there, in the tall grass of a plains biome lies a flash of orange that must be Dream. The hunters around her speed up and she strains to follow; the other three are clearly experienced, easily falling into step with each other as she scrambles to keep up. Dream’s head snaps over towards them and he begins to sprint, cutting a line through the yellow field as they race to follow. She’s not seen him since the prison break, has only heard the whispers- an orange clothed monster, all bones and skin and uncaged fury, a diamond axe heaved in his arms slamming against anything that comes too close. It’s hard to rationalize this untamed, unrefined dash to the unwavering calm that she had always associated with his style of fighting, his movements much more like the life-or-death escape of a hunted rabbit than any hunter’s dog. It’s hard to rationalize this Dream with the one she knows- but well, she’s gotten used to that.
It took her far too long to admit, but she’s come to realize that she doesn’t quite know Dream at all.
He leads them forward to the shorter grass and harsher dips and planes of a savannah, the sun beating down in slanting heat against the backs of their necks. The ground they’re standing on begins to shatter into steep cliffs and jagged mountains, rough edges of stone climbing into the sky all around them. Sapnap curses, shading his eyes against the sun.
“He’s going up there,” he says, and George sends arrows flying towards the orange dot blurring across the steep face of a nearby mountain. Sam grumbles as Puffy strains to catch sight of him, watching his scrambling movements up the cliff face to the top.
“Then we follow,” he says, pulling a stack of ender pearls from his inventory. “Each person take a few. We’re too close to lose him now.”
The climb is anything but pleasant, the sun right overhead and making sweat gather at her hairline and drip down her face. Even as a sheep hybrid, she struggles to keep pace with the other hunters as they race over thin paths of granite and clamber up near-vertical faces of stone with little problem, clearly practiced as they follow Dream without breaking their sprint. The rock gives way to dirt and tufts of short-shorn grass and Sapnap’s eyes flash.
“Be careful,” he says, looking straight at her. “He’s cornered - that’s when he does risky shit without thinking about the consequences. He knows you’re the least experienced here and there’s a good chance that he’s going to charge you. If that happens, hold your shield and just block. We’ll handle him from there.”
She swallows back the spark of indignation that rises at his words, a bitter scream that they only see her as a liability dying out as she reminds herself that these three had hunted Dream professionally before, had struggled even with two more at their sides. The caution is far from unwarranted.
“I understand.”
Sapnap nods tersely and looks to the other two with a hand movement that she doesn’t understand. The other two immediately start moving, Sam moving to the front, George nocking an arrow as he takes his place at the rear - they’re still shielding her, she realizes with a small spike of annoyance again, shaking her head and drawing her own cutlass as Sapnap leads the way for them to swing up onto the top of the mountain.
It takes her a moment to adjust; the wind, unhindered by the cliffs that had been shielding them seconds before, whips at her face and draws tears to her eyes, makes her hair fly wildly into her face. Through narrowed eyes, she watches as the figure on the other side of the mountaintop scrambles backwards, diamond axe braced in front of him as he backs to the opposite edge.
“Dream,” Sapnap calls, voice deadly calm. “You’re cornered. Stand down.”
Dream shakes his head, lips curling in a wordless snarl. The sound is desperate, almost inhuman, making Puffy’s hair stand on end. As her vision clears, she stops dead in her tracks despite herself - Dream looks awful. She’d expected him to look disheveled after his escape, hadn’t expected much comfort in his stay in the Vault, but the way he looks, now, hollow eyes and gaunt cheeks and skinny, shaking limbs that only barely seem to be able to hold up his weight, bandages covering every visible inch of skin, wrapped messily around his right arm as if done by one hand - she reaches forward unconsciously and Dream flinches back.
“Don’t-” his voice rasps, cracks, falls in on itself as he wets his lips to try and speak again. “Don’t come closer.”
“Prisoner,” Sam growls, stepping forward, and he turns those wild, fever-bright eyes towards the creeper hybrid, flailing backwards and knuckles white from the grip on his axe. His breathing visibly hitches, head whipping back and forth.
“Don’t come closer,” he hisses again, stepping back, and Puffy stills.
“Sam-” she grabs his sleeve. “Sam- don’t. He’s at the edge.”
Dream’s gaze swings to her, and her heart stutters at the uncaged, obvious fear raging in his eyes. He’s backed to the very back edge of the mountain they’re standing on, left foot halfway off, sending dirt skidding over and off of the cliff down down down to the ground hundreds of feet below. The three hunters stop, muscles tensed, and Dream bares his teeth at them but doesn’t back away further.
His shoulders sag as they stand, stagnant, each huddled on their own side of the mountaintop. His gaze is venomous, green eyes burning even in the glaring light of the sun, flicking warily between their faces as he holds the axe between them.
“So you came,” his voice is tight, a slight tremble pulling at the end despite his seeming bravado. “Here to finish the job, huh?”
Sapnap pulls back his shoulders. “I made a promise, Dream.”
Dream laughs, bitter. His left hand releases on the axe handle to come to his chest, grabbing at his right, looking almost like he’s trying to hold himself. His laughter tapers off into something weak and wrecked, and the sound makes Puffy’s heart clench uncomfortably in her chest.
“Figures you’d keep that one,” his head tips up, looking Sapnap in the eye. “What- did your fiance give up? The revive book not worth the effort anymore?”
Sapnap hisses. “Don’t bring Karl into this-”
“Karl?” Dream’s eyes flash, grip tightening on his upper arm. “No- what? Why-”
“Dream.” Sam’s voice is low, something dark buzzing behind his tone, “Don’t-”
Puffy interrupts him with a hand to his shoulder, stepping forward and freezing mid-step when Dream’s head whips to her, eyes widening and foot scraping against the edge of the cliff again.
“Sapnap, Sam, let him talk,” she levels her gaze at Dream, trying to pick out the emotions warring behind those brilliant green eyes. “Not Karl- you’re talking about Quackity then, right?”
Sam hisses, “Puffy, I don’t think this is a good idea-”
Dream laughs.
The sound is grating, awful, making her hands come to her ears. It rips through skin, wraps around bone, seeps into marrow - he’s laughing, axe disappearing into his inventory so he can clutch his face with both hands, the loose sleeves of his prison uniform falling to his elbows to reveal the bandages wrapping all the way up his forearms and disappearing further under the fabric. In front of her, Sapnap falters, grip on his sword loosening; George steps back, eyebrows wrinkled, bow lowering. Dream laughs like the world is ending, and some cold, hardened thing in her chest shatters at the sound.
“You know,” his hands claw at his hair, wrapping around the strands and pulling, “You know you know you know- you have to know. How-” He shakes his head, tugging at his hair harshly and making Puffy wince at the sight, “Don’t- don’t play stupid here.”
“Know what?” George reaches forward, hands empty, palms up like he’s approaching an injured dog. From the way Dream snaps at the sound, hackles raised and teeth bared, he might as well be one. “Dream, what are you talking about?”
Sapnap looks stricken, still, face clouded in a way that Puffy can’t decipher. “Q- don’t play your mind games here, Dream,” despite his words, he sounds uncertain. Puffy hasn’t seen Quackity around for a while, had thought that he was staying at Sapnap and Karl’s new place. From the way Sapnap’s eyes have darkened, it looks like she assumed wrong. “Quackity hasn’t even been around, what does he have to do with any of this?”
Dream shakes his head again, seemingly stuck in his own head, barely even responding to their words. “You know- you know you know you know- Sam knows- you-” His breath hitches, chest heaving, and Puffy blinks. He’s having a panic attack, a clinical, much more calm part of her says as Dream seems to collapse in on himself. “You know. You have to know he wouldn’t- nobody came if you didn’t know then why didn’t you come if you didn’t know then why did Sam let him in you know you know you know-”
“Sam?” George turns to Sam, hands curling into fists and then uncurling again and again, “Do you know what he’s talking about?”
Sam’s expression is unreadable, ignoring George as he looks back at Dream. “Prisoner,” and has he called him by his name, yet? “Come with us calmly and your punishment will be lightened. There’s nowhere to run. Give up.”
Dream keens, a high-pitched whine exiting his lungs, “I won’t- I won’t tell,” his voice cracks, tears clearly running down his cheeks, “I won’t tell you Quackity I won’t-”
“Sam,” Puffy turns to the hybrid. “I think you should go.”
“He’s having a panic attack, Sam. He’s hardly going to do anything.” She levels a glare at him, sheathing her cutlass at her side. “I’m perfectly capable of defending myself, and I’ve promised to help anyone having a mental health crisis on the server.” Something dark and traitorous whispers how she’d given up on Dream before, and she pushes it down.
“He’s a danger to everyone on the server.”
“Sam- he’s not fucking breathing right now on the edge of a cliff. He’s not a danger to anyone but himself.”
“She’s right, Sam,” Puffy’s head snaps to George. He’s looking at her, expression hidden behind his glasses, lips pressed together in a small frown. “Puffy, we’ll be waiting. You or Sapnap call if you need back-up.”
She nods tersely, watches as Sam gives in and follows George down the mountain, the hybrid’s red eyes still staring at Dream as he leaves. Sapnap seems distracted, hardly acknowledging their exchange with his eyes fixed on Dream’s crumpled form, emotions clearly warring over his face, and Puffy brushes past him to get to her patient- Dream.
“Dream,” she speaks, not moving forward when his shoulders seize. “Dream, I won’t move closer unless you want me to,” she enunciates the words clearly, watching his face for any flash of recognition or understanding. He shakes his head minutely at her words, arms trembling, but he doesn’t move closer to the edge. “Can you hear me?”
He nods jerkily, and she smooths the palms of her hands on her pants, trying to calm the race of her heart in her chest.
“Good, very good,” years of training, habit, flood her head, pushing away the buzzing unease and fear and tangled knot of dark feelings that linger every time she sees Dream’s face, “I need you to breathe for me, okay? We’re going to inhale for four- there you go,” she counts, watching the shuddering movement of his chest as he struggles to replicate her movements, “Very good, hold for four, there you go- you’ve got this-”
Slowly, painfully, the rattle of his lungs in his chest becomes something quieter, more manageable, no longer rising and falling in desperate arrhythmic wheezes that make her chest hurt in sympathy. She’s still kneeling there, hands palms-up when he looks up at her, eyes wide, a degree of lucidity having returned to them, and for a moment a flash of fear stabs through her heart.
She swallows it down, pulling forward every ounce of professionalism she can muster. “Dream,” she keeps her voice low and soft, biting her lip at the way he freezes, again, at the call of his name. “Dream, can you step away from the edge?”
His hands clutch at the line of grass and dirt that make up the sod overhang, knuckles white. His eyes keep staring in hers, wide and wet and green, and she shushes him softly under her breath.
“It’s ok, take your time,” she breathes, watching as his hand inches forward bit by bit, gaze still fixed on her face, “It’s okay, Duckling.”
She blinks, and there’s a whirl of orange flying towards her chest; Sapnap shouts behind her, and panic blooms in her head too quickly for her to pick out anything but a desperate little oh god I’m going to die-
The blow never comes.
Instead, she looks down, heart in her throat, at a sobbing, shaking lump pressed against her chest, head buried in the crook over her neck as dirty, tangled hair falls in waves over her shoulder. She freezes, watching as his shoulders shake, hands tangled in her shirt sleeve, barely able to hear the words he’s saying over his wails and her heart thudding in her ears.
“Please don’t bring me back,” he pleads, voice cracking, “Please- please I don’t wanna go back please tell Sapnap to make it quick please I can’t go through another Quackity visit please Puffy don’t let them send me back-”
“I’ll- I won’t fight, I pr’mise, Sapnap can keep his promise it’s okay I won’t fight anymore I’m-” he keens, high-pitched and mangled, into her shoulder, “I’m so tired Puffy.”
“Don’ make me go back, please.”
Puffy pulls him back, presses her hand on his cheek, murmuring softly. And- maybe she shouldn’t be doing this, maybe Dream’s a danger just like Sam said, maybe she’ll come to regret helping him the same way she had before - but right now he’s in pain and he’s crying and he’s closer than he’s been in so, so long and all she can see is her duckling, hurting, her duckling, home.
“Dream,” she brushes her thumb against his cheek, smooths a lock of hair behind his ear. “What happened in there?”
And he begins to speak.
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
The boys (+undateables?) reactions when they discover MC is actually a vampire?
....so I’m a dingus and didn’t realize that this was also for the undateables and just wrote it for the brothers, my bad 😅 Part two maybe? 👀
WARNING: as this is about vampires, it’s a little bit morbid. I strayed away from being too graphic, but y’know. Vampires. There’s death and blood and such. 
Enjoy! :D
In hindsight, he really should have figured it out on his own.
But it’s not like he’s been around enough humans lately to know what Normal human behavior is. 
So he just kinda took your... quirks at face value.
So what if you’re far too comfortable with the Devildom’s constant state of nighttime? Solomon doesn’t seem to mind it either, so maybe humans are just more nocturnal now.
And perhaps your Very Strong aversion to garlic is a little odd, but Mammon wouldn't eat it either for the first 600 years of his life, so it’s not that weird.
You’re also not phased by constantly being surrounded by demons and monsters, which is a little strange, but maybe you’re just like the ancient greeks. A monster fucker.
You feeling right at home in the Devildom is auspicious for the exchange program, so he doesn’t bother dwelling on it.
Though maybe he does find it a little bit weird when you really insist that he start drinking cranberry juice.
(It’s just for health benefits of course, totally has nothing to do with you prepping your next meal)
So what, you may ask, triggers his big lightbulb moment?
You fall off the roof.
And you just get right back up.
Now he knows that humans aren’t supposed to be THAT durable, so he stops you from scaling the side of the fucking house with your bare hands, and very eloquently asks you, “What the fuck?” 
You shake him off. “What? Mammon and I are playing roof-ball.” 
Lucifer stares. “You fell. I saw how hard you hit the ground. You should be dead.”
You laugh. “Dead? Just from a little fall like that? Are you serio-ohhh wait. You don’t know, do you?” 
You give him your biggest, cheesiest grin and—oh. 
...And now he understands why you want him to drink cranberry juice.
You are, by far, the weirdest human he’s ever met. 
Which is saying something, because Solomon is literally just a few blocks away.
Seriously, despite camping out in your room nearly every single night, Mammon has never seen you sleep, he’s pretty fucking sure that sometimes you don’t even breathe, you won’t step foot into the House of Lamentation unless someone invites you in, and who the hell hates garlic that much?? 
But you’ve also expressed your intense dislike for crosses, so he supposes that you’re not unredeemable. 
Just weird.
But it’s incredibly annoying how you wont sleep. Your tossin’ and turnin’ is killing him, why the fuck can’t you just settle down? You need to just put your DDD down and sleep already, dammit.
He sits up, ready to tear you a new one—and pauses. 
“Um,” his voice is high, somewhat uncertain, and your eyes snap over to look at him. “Why are you looking at coffins for sale?” 
You sigh, a bit wistfully. “I just can’t stand sleeping in a bed anymore. I didn’t want to be rude, so I really did try, but it's been a couple hundred years since I last had one and it’s just murder on my back. I think I’m gonna just have to get a coffin. They’re so much more comfortable.” 
Briefly, Mammon considers running. 
Instead, he says, “What the fuck?” 
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “You do know I’m a vampire, right?” 
...What the fuck—
Mammon lays back down—crosses his arms over his chest with a huff and pretends that he isn’t totally freaked the fuck out. “‘Course I do, don’t be stupid. Now go to sleep already.” 
So that he can escape before you try to eat him.
“Mammon,” you sing, leaning over the bed to loom over him. He swallows hard—can’t look away from your sharp, toothy grin. 
You coo, “I can hear the scared little pitter patter of your heart, darling.”
He squeaks.
Honestly, Levi is so so happy to have another irl friend who’s into video games that he looks past your strangeness.
You like to stay indoors and play games!! That’s something he has in common with you that his brothers don’t, and that’s all that matters!
...Though he does find it a little weird how sometimes you just kinda sniff him. 
The first dozen times he nearly had a heart attack, and when he asked why you were doing it, he Really wasn't expecting you to shrug and say “I dunno, you just smell tasty” 
Seriously. Tasty? Are you Beel or something, what’s that supposed to mean?!
He’s not entirely sure why you’re a bit of a shut in gamer though, because despite your, ah, quirks, you’re still so much cooler than he is, so what’s the deal with that?
When he asks, you just shrug and say, “Old habits die hard, I guess. Real sunshine hurts, but virtual doesn’t, so I just got kinda used to living through games and staying indoors.”
“Oh.” Levi’s a bit surprised, but sympathetic. “So, you sunburn easily?” 
He’s not entirely sure why you’re laughing now, since that wasn’t a joke. He was just trying to be friendly :(
But then you hug him and he’s too flustered to be offended anymore jndcks
So, when does it finally click for Levi that you’re a vampire?
You guys are having a game night in his room.
He accidentally takes a sip of your caprisun and realizes, very quickly, that it is not the refreshing juice of a caprisun pouch.
He throws up a little bit.
And screams.
And maybe blacks out for a few seconds.
But when he finally calms down and lets you explain, he’s pretty damn enchanted, because this is just like Help, My Roommate Is A Vampire And I Didn’t Know Until A Vampire-Hunter Mistook Me For Them And Attacked Me!! :D 
Satan considers himself to be somewhat of a detective, y’know. His brain is just filled to the brim with Big Smarts
Naturally, he puts that jelly thicc thought tank of his to good use and realizes very quickly that you aren’t totally human. 
At first, he isn’t totally sure what you are.
And then a coffin gets delivered to the house, which upon seeing you cheer “Oh sweet, my new bed!!” aaaand he puts the pieces together.
You become somewhat of a case study to him. You’re the first vampire he’s ever encountered and he just wants to know everything and anything about your life.
He’s so intrigued by you.
But you frustrate him SO much.
He wants to know about how you were turned!! It’s not like he has any other vampires that he can ask about their experience!! And you fucking tell him a different story every day!!
“A cat jumped over my deceased body!”
“I was stabbed and the wound wasn’t treated with boiling water!” 
“On a dark and stormy night, I came across a palace and the owner, a hospitable gentleman, let me take refuge there. But then, I quickly realized that I was actually a hostage, and when I tried to escape, that fucker turned me!”
“Nobody put an obolus in my mouth to pay the toll of the Styx, so Charon the ferryman sent me back! What a great guy.” 
“A chupacabra bit me!”
Needless to say, he considers breaking the wooden leg off one of the dining room chairs and stabbing you with it, but the lecture he would get from Lucifer just isn’t worth the effort. 
He’s gonna pull the truth out of you one of these days.
“My my, darling, what sharp teeth you have~” Asmo purrs, lifting a finger to brush against them, doe-eyes wide and curious. “The better to eat me with, hopefully?” 
You smile. “Something like that.”
And you fuckin’ bite his finger.
His scream is fantastic. If you actually draw blood next time, maybe he’ll even shatter the windows! 
He swats your leg sharply with a silk folding fan and cries, “What if you had broken my skin!? Do you have any idea how much time and effort goes into maintaining this soft, supple skin?! What’s wrong with you, you psychopath?”
“Don’t hit me,” you pout, scooting away from him. “I couldn’t help it! You just smell so sweet and I haven’t had any blood in a while, so—”
“Huh?” Asmo blinks, looking a bit confused. Then recovers far too quickly and waggles his eyebrows at you. “Oh, so that’s what you’re into! What a pleasant surprise~” 
You thunk him on the back of the head. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to tease a vampire?”
Asmo’s grin could rival the sun.
“A vampire?! Well why didn’t you say so sooner?” 
He’s already taking off his shirt.
“Get over here already and take a bite out of me~”
When he finds out that you’re a vampire, his first thought is to worry over if you can eat normal food or not.
He’s very relieved when you tell him that you can, so long as you’ve had enough blood, but that garlic is a very big no-no.
Naturally, you two bond over how both of you never quite feel full. 
It’s not uncommon for the other house members to find you two laying face down on the floor, tummies rumbling, whining about how you’re staaaaarving
You carry around snacks for him, and Beel makes sure that you’ve always got access to blood (whether that means stashing blood bags, letting you feed from him, or a combo of both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
He’s probably going to be the least weirded out by your ~undead tendencies~
Honestly, he’s a bit relieved by how strong you are. The last thing he ever wants to do is hurt you or see you get hurt, and it gives him peace of mind when he realizes that you’re actually pretty durable!
But it does give him a fucking heart attack the first time he sees you yeet yourself out a second story window to crush poor, poor unassuming Mammon.
He also really loves how your body temperature naturally runs cold. He’s a space heater, you’re an icicle—it just works. Snuggle time is good :)
He totally compares the size of your incisors with his jkdcnkj
He just thinks you’re really neat!!!
But he is very sympathetic about how you cant eat good garlic bread :(
We all know this emo boy is a vampire fucker, probably even more so than Asmo.
(He read Twilight. He saw all the movies. He had merch.)
(Fuck Edward and Jacob though, he was Team Alice all the way.)
(If he can stay awake long enough, he reads really shitty vampire romance novels.)
He just thinks vampires are hot, okay? He can’t help that his soul longs to be a vampire fucker.
Just accept it into your heart. Belphie already has.
So needless to say, he’s THRILLED when he finds out that you’re a vampire. He tries to play it cool though and pretends that he isn’t immediately trying to jump your bones dfghjkjh
He overheard you telling Satan that you got bitten by a Chupacabra, and they’re known for going after cows right? 
He is a cowboy, y’know, guess you’re just gonna have to go to him now when you’re thirsty, y’know, since you were bitten by a Chupacabra. it just makes sense, really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(No it doesn’t)
(But let’s be real, are you gonna pass up the chance to snuggle the shit out of him AND get a snack out of it? No. No you’re not.)
(He totally makes you arm wrestle Beel to recreate the “Iconic” twilight scene with Emmett and Bella.)
(When he realizes that you’re strong, he’s gonna make you give him piggyback rides, just like Edward and Bella :) and no he doesn’t care how ridiculous you both look)
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Cin Drallig didn’t have Clones under his command. We know this, he wasn’t a General, he was the Battlemaster and head of the Temple Guard Security. But I propose an AU.
It starts with a small choice. After a long day of standing and doing quite literally nothing for hours on end, the Temple Guards who were on the day shift disperse into Coruscant. Technically not against the Jedi Way but going to get inebriated or just bar hopping for the fun of it— or worse, getting into the semi-illegal, underground, lower level fighting rings— wasn’t exactly something that the Jedi looked favorably upon.
But the Jedi Temple Guard get restless after standing still for so long, especially the newer Guards, and Cin pretends he doesn’t see when a group of his kids Guards come stumbling back in the early morning hours with credits won from a gambling match and wide grins.
Anyhow, like any other Jedi, the Guard do have friends among the rest of the Temple, so they know of the Clones and have obviously seen them when Jedi arrive and leave the temple with their Battalions, Companies, Platoons— you know, the usual. After a while, the Guards just... start showing up at 79s and interact with the Clones while there. Which is weird because, first of all, when dressed in civvie clothing, the Guard are practically unrecognizable as very few see their faces, but secondly these are just random Jedi coming up to Clones and buying them drinks, playing card games with them, or thanking them for their efforts on the Front.
Several ask for stories about the time on the Front because “We’re stuck on Coruscant and sure, the duty to protect the Temple is really important but we were all trained by Master Drallig beyond our own Padawan training. I’m pretty sure Master Drallig is just as restless as we are too” and they want to know about what they’re not allowed to go and see themselves. Of course, War is horrible, and more than one Guard is horrified about whats going on— especially when a certain Jedi’s battalion gets back Krell you bitc h im talking about you— and they all learn about the casualty numbers.
The Guard does talk in their free time, their masks have coms built into them— and Cin has an earpiece to keep in contact with the Guard as well. Though they seem to forget that he’s on their group link and they all start talking during shifts while they stand outside the doors or in the halls about the War and the Clones and, whoops, one of them lets it slip that they cant believe that the Clones are supposed to fight Darksiders without Lightsabers. Like sure, Blasters do damage, and certainly more than one Jedi has been gunned down ( “Rest in the Force, Master Di” is echoed through the link ) but really! Theres only so much their Armor can do for them! A lightsaber would cut through it like flimsi.
Cin, of course, startles them all by asking for confirmation that the Clones— who he had been told were all trained to be very skilled in combat— had no Saber training because remember, Cin and the Temple Guard knew very little about the Clones because they were told that “it’s not I mportant to tell you all, as you won’t be working with the Clones”
Once he has confirmation that no, the Clones didn’t have any Saber training and were expected to go up against Darksiders like Ventress and Dooku with just blasters and their bodies, he just sighs.
The next day he brings three of the Guard and also Bene with him down to the Barracks— and a shit ton of practice Sabers. And who else was there but the Clone Dad ™ we all know and love? That’s right, and guess who thinks training the Clones to use lightsabers is a great idea and “Well, now I wonder why I hadn’t thought of it first, Master Drallig”? 
Plo fucking Koon.
So of course, the 104th is put through what the Padawans had called “Training Hell”— especially since the Clones don’t have years between deployments like the Initiates had before becoming padawans. The Six forms are taught, Cin brings in more of the Guard who have mastered their respective Forms and Bene has fun with the Boys ™ as well because she goes through katas with them, wipes the floor in practice duels with others, and now the Guard has to compete with the 104th (and Plo) spoiling Bene.
( ”You’re spoiling my Padawan, Master Koon” “[laughter] your padawan? I think you mean ours” “If that’s the case then our men should know not to spoil her so much. The Guard do a fantastic job on their own.” )
( This is, of course, without even bothering to ask the Council or the GAR’s higher ups, this is all on his and the Guard’s own actions— its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. But hey, if Plo Koon was on board than Cin has a leg up if it get brought to the Council anyways. )
When the 104th leaves for the Front again, guess whose Clones are next— the 501st. This time the rumors are going around that the 104th is suddenly more vicious than before and the 501st is eager to know what happened while they were on shore-leave. They soon regret it, because Training Hell is— well— Hell. Anakin and Ahsoka have flashbacks to when they went through Training Hell and Bene laughs at them.
Slowly, each Clone battalion, platoon, company and so on are being trained by a near constant rotation of the Temple Guard, Bene, and Cin— and their own Jedi as well. A few knights that Cin personally trained— like Serra Keto— as well join in when they can. Cin puts in a request to go to Illum and gather more Kyber Crystals for more “training sabers” but half the Council who know and approve of Cin’s actions already know— the man’s planning on making at least a thousand lightsabers for the Vode to pass around.
The Temple Guard have a Lightsaber Building Night where they assemble the “training sabers” together and talk about their Clones because the Vode might have their Jedi Generals, but the Guard have claimed all of the ones they’ve trained as theirs too. Especially the Coruscant Guard.
Bene happily gives Fox, Thorn, Thire, Stone, and Hound their lightsabers first, having assembled all of them with Serra.
(And now for the angst)
It’s all well and good— the GAR starts gaining more ground, less Clones are dying.
And then Operation Knightfall and Order 66 hit.
The Jedi on the ground cannot possibly raise their sabers to these men that they helped train, cant possibly defend from blaster shots while also blocking lightsaber strikes that were taught under the Battlemaster’s strict teaching because he taught them to keep them alive—
And in the Temple?
Well, after Grand Inquisitor murdered all the Guard he could find, even after everything, those that remain are just horrified as they are forced into battle with their vode. Certainly, Cin’s job of protecting the Temple from the Clones is much harder than before, now that they’re armed with Lightsabers and it hurts because “by gods what have I done, I’ve given them the means to kill us all—” but also “I trained these men, they were like the Guard, like my sons—”
Instead of Vader, Cin’s murdered by six lightsaber wielding clones after a split second of faltering because gods he can’t.
And for a split second, when the sabers enter his body, the Clones behind them jolt awake— horrified as they realize that it’s Teacher Drallig on the other end, face twisted in pain as he falls and it’s little Bene’s choking gasps that are behind them as Vader strangles her to death.
But that split second is over too soon, and the Sabers are removed and the Clones move on— good soldiers follow orders, after all, and Teacher Drallig and Little Bene the Jedi Battlemaster and his student were just Traitors, after all. Good soldiers follow orders.
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Before and After Rituals
a/n: hi I hope yall like Imma make this a series with the schools so      mauh <3
pairings: karasuno x reader
warning: I’m pretty sure this is all clean if not feel free to say something. 
summary: the boy’s before and after game things that they do with you
seijoh || nekoma || fukurodani || shiratorizawa
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Daichi Sawamura
the night before a game you always go over to his house with some meat buns and either stay for a while or spend the night
he always holds onto you in some way
it calms him down 
its not anything big but it gives him a good sense of peace and quiet before chaos
after his game you always wait for him outside the gym, win or lose
he goes with his team back to the school and you meet him there too
you either go to his house or yours and one of you spends the night just to calm down his head
you always get snacks and even if he tells you to not get to much junk you always get to much and he doesn’t stop you
if he won then you talk about the next match and his thoughts on the team
he’ll also spin you around when he sees you outside the gym
idk he loves doing it
if he lost than he’ll start on things he needs to do better on and you’ll try and cheer him up with some corny jokes and kithes.
Sugawara Koshi
all the morning before the game you two are attached at the hip. 
everyone is just used to you “sneaking” onto the bus to drive with them
in reality him trying and failing horribly to cover you with his jacket and coach just giving up on it
constant quiet giggles at first as you try and calm his nerves
then around the end its more quiet and serious as he focuses a little more
after the game he naps on you the whole way home
if he wins you get to listen to his rambling about some idea he had on signals he could use or a set up he wants to try
he could literally talk for hours on what he was thinking wall watching and playing its so adorable
if he loses then theres a aura of sadness in the bus and if its bad enough he’ll muffle his small sniffs into your shoulder
that hasn’t happen except for date tech and sejioh though and your happy for that
you always sleep over after the game
Asahi Azumane
before the game welcome to teddy bear time
noya constant teasing for a week straight since the big dork is constantly on you freaking out
normally its not to bad and a lot of it is just of how scare he is that his spikes will get blocked a lot and the comments he’s sure to receive about his looks when he gets there
when game day does come you always kiss his cheek and hold his face to tell him good luck
def earning gags from tssuki but you didn’t hear it from me
after the game its like teddy bear time x10
win or lose you get a new weighted blanket for a couple of days
if he wins its a more happy blanket yes but he’s so exhausted that he just falls asleep on you the minute you meet him at his house after they left for the bus
plus a bunch of random ‘holy crap wait i did that?!”’s to himself throughout the day
if he loses he cries a little, blaming himself for the entire thing
you always tell him that its not his fault and that he did his best
he’s honestly so pessimistic the night after and your one it telling him that he needs to remember how it feels but not let it bring him down
you bring him up with those comments and he’s so grateful for it
Nishinoya Yuu
every time the day before a game he likes to go somewhere with you
weather it be the park, the arcade, an ice cream shop
a freaking pet shop (yes you almost got a pet that day)
he finds it relaxing to see you having a nice time with him and every time he always makes sure its a place to make you smile
after the game he’s a koala on you, win or lose
the only real difference is happy koala or sad koala
happy koala is randomly kissing you and laughing, nuzzling into you while Tanaka either gags or whines about how single he feels
sad koala is sniffling into your shoulder and clinging to you even more if its possible, hes pretty quiet too so you know hes waiting until you get home to talk about everything
course after that mini pout session hes all fighting and ready to see that team again and win
either one also ends with a cuddle movie night until like 2am
also unrelated but like he’s so freaking hot when he receives so always tell him that
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
ok ok this boy omg 
so before the game its MAJOR sucking up to you
literally after a while you’ll get more used to it and get what kinds of attention he wants but like at first its just a lot of complements and stares and draping
literally ennoshita is stretched so thin the week before hand by it all
no one even understands why he’s sucking up to you other than him, you (after a little), and ennoshita
he just wants you to return the energy
after the game all depends on winning or loosing
if the win he will always, without fail, kiss you like a million times all over your face when he sees you next
does not matter if its outside the gym or if its when he gets back to the school or what
every time
if they lose, well you now have a very sad puppy on your hands
mentally during a game he’s like no one you’ve never met but when he gets home and has sometime to think its all a bunch of ‘i could have done better’ and ‘i should have done better’ s
you are constantly reassuring him thats he’ll do it next time and that its not his fault
but win or lose yall’s main thing is a movie and snack night
after that he’s really to go the next morning and beat up some volleyballs lol
Ennoshita Chikara
lol he’s the most chill i think
before the match he’s really calm
bb doesn’t think he’s gunna play but like he’s ready
honestly though the biggest switch is that he’s an even bigger cuddle bug than before
like he keeps it together at school but hangouts? coming over?
better have gone to the bathroom before cause you’re not moving for the next couple hours
it’s like it calms him down after practice enough to think over what he needs to work on
after the game is the same no matter win or lose
every.single.time. he will always have a sit down with you to talk about what happened during the game
like quick nap, the meeting, then off to your house to go over the pros and cons on the game
he always has the moments when he thinks he’s not worth it to be put in the game but you always just ruffle his hair and tell him thats the furtherest from truth he could get
Kageyama Tobio
sorry anyways
so before a game he gets kinda quiet
normally he likes to chat about stuff that went on in practice or how hinata pissed him off that day while yall are sprawled on his couch
but he gets quiet the week before and just has that look on his face
you know the look
the ‘grumble grumble’ one
you always poke between his eyebrows and poke at him to make sure he doesn’t go to far into his thoughts
the night before its like a switch flips and hes muttering to himself like crazy on something he might be able to do with his sets
after a game is another win or lose situation
winning means you get little kid mode kageyama
literally his eyes sparkle at everything he enjoys afterward
rewatching his match
anything you freaking do, all that
plus napping, a lot of napping
losing is sad to watch
he sort of goes back a few steps in the social department and goes robot mode
you both will camp out on his couch, his head buried in your lap or shoulder
if its bad enough he cries a little
you always sleep over no matter what
Hinata Shoyo
alright this boy before the game is normally fairly daily ngl
you get normal bouncy sunshine that will follow you anywhere and everywhere all the time
but the night before you get meditation mode where he sets out his game stuff and sits there for like half an hour
first time this happened you got scared for him cause he never sits still that long
now though you just sorta hang on his bed watching him cause its cute
after the game is the biggest depending there is out of the rest
if he wins he is bouncing of the walls after a little nap
when you finally get him home he’ll have you throw the ball back and forth for like an hour before you call it and make him lay down or eat or something
if he loses its like he lost all his energy for a little while
he tries to fall asleep but cant due to a replay of something he did wrong
you always run your hand through his hair and try to calm him down
calm down as in cheer up not energy
at least until someone says something (usually tanaka) that gets him on another energy high to beat them next time
you always sleep over though it just happens so often that it became normal
Tssukishima Kei
before is fairly normal im ngl
he doesn’t do to much out of the ordinary
I like to think he’s a heck tone more affectionate in private 
his before game time isn’t anything special though 
he does come with you to the store to get snacks with yamaguchi more often tho so
thats something
after a game is really calm and slow
once again I think he’s a lot more affectionate in private so you lay on him while hes on his phone to calm down
half the time its calming you down since you were freaking out more than him
but same difference
this is what happens win or lose though
like if they lose and he tried he might lay on you instead but its normally just like that
honestly thinking of him being more affectionate in private just makes me fall for him ahhhhhh hate this but anyways
Tadashi Yamaguchi
this boy good lord
so before a game he literally shaking 
like he was fine the whole week but the day before he’s slowly freaking out more and more
tssuki will laugh at him while your trying your best to talk him out of his up coming panic attack that might come
a good light smack on his back and a cheek kiss is good enough to get him distracted fro thinking to much though
after a game is always the same thing unless he screwed up a serve really bad
you two always go to the store and gets some snacks and them go to his house and just talk about anything ad everything
if he wins its normally about the game but when he loses you bring up random things to cheer him up
if he messed up he’ll get quiet and just lay on you for hours
but you know that if you can get something about his amazing improvement he’ll eventually brighten up
bb just wants some love (that doesn’t mean you don’t smack him upside the head when he makes fun of someone tho 
a/n: im sorry for not doing  kinoshita and narita i dont know them good enough since im not that far into season four to write for them. plus i think ennoshita is oc but thats ok i think
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jimin-day · 4 years
Stare at me
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Summary: You frequent a coffee shop only to be met with his dark eyes every time.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre/tags: Smut, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, if you squint daddy!Jungkook, shy!reader, dirty talk,
a/n: hello! This is my first time writing a fanfic so please be kind! This kind of just fell out of me and developed into something I couldn't control, so.. enjoy! :)
You leaned back with a sigh and threw your notebook on the coffee table. Knowing you needed a well deserved break from studying you decide to head down to the local coffee shop for a caffeine boost.
You emit a big loud yawn and walk to your room down the hall. You decide to exchange your sweatpants with some jeans and put on a bra for the first time that weekend. You give a small huff in the mirror noticing you still look a bit ragged, but who cares? Your not trying to impress anyone and your definitely not trying to turn any heads.
After breaking up with your long term, long distance boyfriend you felt like your life was on hold. You thought you were going to marry this man, have his children in fact. But the sad truth was he had cheated on you and you couldnt let that stand, so you left. Feeling emotionally bruised and sore you had holed up in your on-campus apartment and tried to forget by studying and binging on chinese food for the last few weeks.
The only thing that brought you any joy nowadays was getting some coffee a few blocks down from where you lived. It may have seemed like a small excursion but it got you out of the house and let you take in a fresh breath of air, somehow restoring your will to stand on this planet.
But you would be lying if that was the only reason you visited that coffee shop. Every so often a black haired man at a small table next to the window would be working on his laptop, to say he was handsome was an understatement.
He was jarringly handsome and if you were lucky you would catch eyes with him, only to be completely embarrassed when he caught you staring. But that didnt stop you from looking for him every time you went to the shop only to be met with those dark doe eyes.
You walked down the side walk, a cool breeze hitting your face, making you feel refreshed now that you were being met with crisp air. You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the fact that you were still deeply hurting from your breakup. You silently thought to yourself that maybe it was you. Were you not good enough? Not pretty enough? You guess you could stand to lose a bit of weight. Maybe not good enough in bed? No, do not let yourself go there this was his problem. You were more than an ideal girlfriend and you refuse to blame yourself for his actions.
Almost like he had heard you thinking about him, your phone rings a familiar chime and you lift your phone to take a look.
[DONT ANSWER] 11:46pm
Hey please message me back, i miss you.
Nope, not a chance. Since the break up your ex has been trying to contact you but you wouldnt give him the light of day. There is no way you were going to let him convince you back into his arms and you wouldnt even give him the chance.
You put your phone in your pocket and looked up at your destination. You pull the door open to be greeted with warm air defrosting your body. You take a step inside and almost involuntarily look to your right where that brown haired man normally sat. You were thrilled to see him sitting there studiously staring at his laptop with his eyebrows stitched together, probably figuring out a tough question you assume? Today he was wearing all black, not like he wore anything else, a black oversized tee shirt, a black face mask pulled down to his chin and ripped black jeans. A leather jacket hung from one of the chairs which he had thrown over previously before your arrival. He sighed and leaned back taking a sip of his coffee before looking up.
As if knowing you were going be there at this exact time he met your eyes immediately. You felt embarrassed, obviously for staring so long, but you were a bit bolder today meeting his gaze a little longer than normal. Maybe seeing that text earlier gave you a bit more confidence in knowing you would be fine without your ex, even though you were torn inside.
His eyes didnt back down and he one upped you by cupping his hand underneath his chin and giving you a sexy smirk while tilting his head. This was as much confidence as you were going to show today, as you quickly turned your head and got in queue. Your cheeks burned and admittedly your pussy clenched with desire. You put your face in your hands and shook your head trying to regain your composure. Feeling so hot and blushed.
You didnt notice but the man was quietly giggling and taking you in as much as you were oogling him. Of course he noticed you looking at him everytime you walked through those doors. In fact, he may have noticed you before you had noticed him. When he caught you the first time staring, he was elated. Knowing that you felt attracted to him made this even more fun, and what topped it off was you were so shy. Every time he looked at you, you couldnt help but be incredibly embarrassed and cave in on yourself. He loved that, Jungkook fed off it, each time you walked through the door he pictured more than one things to do to you.
Even catching you in sweatpants drove jungkook crazy. Seeing them hangoff your hips teasing him and wearing a tight camisole made him ache in pleasure. What was it about you that made him dizzy?
Jungkook was an average student but excelled in about everything else. At uni he was very often sought after by women but he had no motivation to chase after anyone. He would have flings here and there but they meant nothing to him. Not even knowing it, jungkook became the white whale around the university. Women would try to reel him in but to no avail, leaving them high and dry. Getting him in bed meant you were of the elite class, earning you a high spot in womens books, often jealousy.
But jungkook was oblivious to this, and if he was being honest nothing was special about those women. Just right place, right time.
But to Jungkook, you felt special.
Jungkook thought about his plan of action that he had rehearsed in his head a few times. He always wanted to confront you but never felt confident enough. But today was the day. He woke up with a surge of motivation and admittedly went to the coffee shop early to make sure he didn't miss you, praying you would show up.
You were the next person to place your order when you feel a presence behind you. You paid it no mind and kept looking forward deciding if you should get a small breakfast sandwich to go with your coffee. As you tell the clerk that you'd like a hot coffee a voice speaks up behind you, "and I'll be paying for that"
You turn around as if your head was on a swivel and notice the beautiful man coming up around you and handing his card to the employee. "Oh and I'll have a breakfast sandwich too" you say while giving a meek smile to the man who was paying for you.
He gives a mischievous grin and you turn to face the clerk, blushing. Once he receives his receipt and is handed his card back, you step to the side and wait for your order to be finished. Not far behind, jungkook follows and stands beside you. "You know, I would've paid for you even if you ordered the whole menu" jungkook looks at you with kind eyes and a little grin.
You cant help but blush and stare at your feet. You quickly try and sike yourself up and finally look up at him "Well maybe next time I'll try and buy the whole store" Jungkook laughed brightly with a bunny smile while his dark hair falls into his eyes, you can't help but think how adorably handsome he was in that moment.
He looks at you a bit more seriously making your face burn in anticipation. "You think I haven't noticed you staring?" At that you turned red. You knew he saw you, most days you would catch his eyes but being so upfront about it had you in a tizzy. Jungkook takes the small slip of paper he just received and starts scribbling on it and places it into your hand.
You glance down at the paper and it's his name and phone number, you look up and blush at him. Jungkook leans closer to you almost brushing your ear. "If you would like you can stare at me outside of this shop, preferably in my room princess."
Jungkook gives a sly smirk, turns and walks away to sit back down at his table and you are drenched to say the least. 'Holy shit, what did he just call me?'
You hear the barista call your name and you were so startled by it you jump pulling you out of the trance you were in. You safely put the receipt in your pocket grab your order and before pushing the doors open you take one last glance.
As if making it known to the whole world jungkook was unabashedly smiling at you. Your cheeks turn hot pink and you rush out the door, trying to get yourself together.
You sit at home, lifting the small piece of paper up and staring at it. 'Jungkook', now that you think about it you feel like you have heard this name in small circles around campus but never had the face to put to the devil. This makes you outwardly cringe, scrunching up into a little ball and give a silent scream. From your recollection this man is a catch, THE catch and if you were not mistaken very good in bed.
At that thought you said fuck it, since your ex you haven't even thought of sex or pursued anyone and decided enough was enough. You were getting dick.
[Y/N] 7:56pm
Hey.. it's coffee shop girl
[Jungkook] 8:01pm
Hi baby, did you get curious?
Your heart stops at the nickname, oh fuck he's reducing you to a puddle. You can feel your panties getting uncomfortable and you try and shift to relieve some much needed tension. You take a deep breath and decide to just go for it.
[Y/N] 8:03pm
So what does staring at you in your bedroom entail?
[Jungkook] 8:04pm
Hmm.. well Y/N i could tell you or I could show you?
You were reeling, not even believing it yourself you take a second to calm your nerves. But honestly you couldnt, too high on whatever cloud your are on to still your beating heart. Your pussy clenches around nothing, and you are beginning to pool in your panties, thinking of all the things Jungkook would do to you.. will do to you.
Next thing you know your knocking on his door, in the cold.
Before you left you told your friend where you were going just in case this man was a serial killer. You could never be to careful. Your friend wanted to hear all about it but you have no time for that yet, but definitely over brunch tomorrow.
You hear a click and the door swings open, there stands a man with honey skin and beautiful dark locks, he gives you a bright boxy smile "Hi, can I help you?" You almost trip over yourself when you are greeted by him, too focused on just how handsome he was.
"Um, ya I'm here for Jungkook?"
Just as you asked Jungkook is strolling up to the door and telling his roommate that he's "got it from here". That made you freeze, what have you gotten yourself into? This man was practically a stranger, a stunning one, but a stranger none the less and now your going to let him "take it from here" almost as if you were a plaything.
Jungkook gestures you in and you wave to who you later learned was Taehyung, thanking him for opening the door for you. As you turn to follow jungkook down the hall, your cheeks feel hot, not only about what is going to happen in Jungkooks room but how Taehyung knows exactly why you are here, and you just looked him in the eyes and thanked him.
Jungkook let's you into his room and as you walk in you take a look, it's tidier than you would have thought, there is a light up keyboard and computer in the corner, on top of his desk sits a very expensive DSLR camera, a mic stand just beside the desk and he has purple lights strung up around the walls. Nice touch.
Jungkook closes the door behind you, no turning back now. He looks at you almost as if he were to tear you to shreds. His eyes transition to blown out black as he rakes over your body and you can almost hear your heart thrumming in your ears. He moves closer putting his left hand on the wall, at his bold gesture, you begin to feel overwhelmingly shy.
Coming to a strangers house to fuck? This was not you, you liked to take your time and get to know the person. Maybe a date or two to see what your getting into. Right now you were way out of your comfort zone.
Jungkook pinning you to the door has your eyes looking at your feet, feeling quite nervous, and possibly wanting to flee. Jungkook gently takes his finger and lifts up your chin to meet his eyes. His eyes still blown out with lust but showing a bit more restraint making your heart feel less tight. "Hey baby, it's okay. I've got you, you tell me if this isn't something you want and I'll stop right now."
Your heart sank you didn't want him to feel like he was pressuring you, you wanted this. So bad your pussy is aching for some sort of release. It was all just so new to you, the situation, the man, the way he looked at you like an animal. You shook your head and told him you were okay, not wanting him to stop.
He starts slowly with a quick kiss to the lips, then soon after turning sloppy tasting them and molding to them. He licks your lips so he can explore your mouth. Giving you sloppy wet strokes of his tongue making you weak in the knees.
His hand comes to your hip squeezing and rubbing soft circles, slowly moving higher underneath your shirt. Your lips detach and he licks up your neck, sucking on the flesh that is right underneath your ear. "Fuck baby you have no idea how long I wanted this." He sucks harshly leaving a purple mark with his plush lips, grinding his hips into your core for some sort of friction.
You don't pay his comment much mind as you are way to distracted by his hand cupping your breast and his cock rubbing your clit deliciously. Jungkook gently pinches your nipple and starts playing with your nub expertly twisting and massaging. You let out a soft moan, and jungkook is floored. His erection so hard and uncomfortable in his pants, but he can wait.
Jungkook takes his hand and starts stroking your clothed core with his long fingers, feeling how much you have soaked through your clothes. Feeling how wet you are for him he groans "Does this feel good princess? Do you like when a stranger plays with your pussy?" You moan even louder, no one has talked to you this way and you can't help but feel a new gush of arousal take over.
He quickly picks you up by your bottom and throws you on the bed, "Strip, everything but your panties" there is no hesitation, you fling your shirt off your body undo your bra and shuffle your pants down to the floor leaving only your underwear on.
As you sat there you began to cross your arms over your chest, somewhat embarrassed being mostly naked in front of this man. Jungkook tutted, "Don't be shy princess" jungkook reaches for your wrists and pulls them up over you head pinning them to the headboard while giving you quick kisses to your forehead and jaw. "Don't hide from me, let me see you."
His sweet coos and kisses soothe your heart and you relax more into the position your are in. Jungkook begins to move down your neck with kisses, licks and some biting to stave off his hunger. Seeing you in this position is driving him crazy. You are so cute and shy your soaked pussy waiting for him. From this angle he can see you all hot and flustered trying to hide your face. Jungkook gives a quick smile that you don't see because you are too busy trying to hide from your embarrassment.
Jungkook moves down next to your core playing with the elastic of your panties, taunting you. "Will you be a good girl for me?" His question barely registers in your blown out state but you quietly nod your head. Not being a good enough answer for jungkook he slaps your pussy right on your bundle of nerves. "Use your words, Y/N." The spank sends shock waves throughout your body and has you on high alert. Your walls clenching hard, aching for any type of touch.
"YES, yes, please Jungkook I'll be a good girl" You look him in the eyes and don't want to stop staring at how gorgeous he looks. Sweaty glistening skin, dark hair in his eyes, looking like he could eat you alive.
Never breaking eye contact Jungkook removes his shirt and pants along with his boxers. His cock hitting his stomach with force, hard and angry red. He was so thick and long, you wanted to taste him so bad, swallow his cock full.
Jungkook starts to pump his dick up and down, using his thumb he wipes his slit to cover his length in cum. He leans back down to your soaking core. "Now princess I want you to watch me while I play with your pretty pussy, can you do that for me?"
You look at him with half lidded eyes, feeling like your in a strange head space that you can't describe. But you would do or say anything for him at this moment almost subdued by that fact you know he will take care of you. "yes daddy." Jungkook is surprised to hear that come off your lips but it makes him want to fill you up with cum, make you his.
He notices your shift in expression and realizes you've slipped somewhere, but he decides to save that in the back of his mind, he'll play with that Y/N another day. Right now he just needs to be inside of you.
Jungkook bunches the material of your panties and pulls upward rubbing your aching clit. The friction feels so good and you want to throw your head back and moan but remembering the rules you fix your eyes on jungkook looking pleased at what little he has to do for you to go crazy.
Seeing your perfect clit bulge from your panties being pulled up, jungkook wraps his soft lips around your clothed bundle and starts sucking you, along with long slow languid licks.
You couldn't take it any more, Jungkooks mouth sucking on your clothed clit is visual overboard, you throw your head back and give a loud moan, your clit throbbing feeling so close to cumming.
"Please, kook!"
Jungkook let's go of your panties and pulls them down your legs. He starts rubbing your bundle of nerves in circles and figure eights, earning loud moans from your lips from the new bare sensation. "Please what, princess?"
"I wanna come, please let me cum, jungkook!"
He quickly leans down and strokes his tongue up your slit gathering your juice on his tongue "fuck baby you taste so good", jungkook moves up to your clit, his hot breath ghosting over you making you whine. With a wet and flat tongue jungkook eats you almost like he is a starved puppy, his strong muscle giving you some well deserved attention.
Feeling your stomach coiling you know you are so close, your legs start shaking and your breathing starts to speed up. Your eyes tight ready for what comes next.
Jungkook slips two fingers into your pussy curving them so he hits your spongy g-spot, never stopping his tongue on your clit while he fucks you with his fingers. Suddenly the coil snaps within you and you are seeing stars. Your orgasm has your thighs shaking around jungkooks head and tears begin to slip from your eyes. You throw your head back and let out a deep and long moan. "My princess looks so pretty cumming." You gush all over jungkook tongue and he is happy to lick all of your essence up all up not letting any go to waste.
Jungkook slows his tongue and fingers to help coax you through your orgasm, he gives you a quick kiss to your sensitive clit and gets up to hover over top of you. " You did so well princess, you ready for my cock?"
You give a very enthusiastic nod, tears still streaking down your face from the force of your orgasm. "Yes please, I want your cock daddy."
He strokes his member a few times and starts to press the head of his member in your wet folds moving it up and down your slit soaking his cock. He starts to push in your velvet entrance and you can feel the delicious sting and stretch of him. Half way in jungkook stops to let you get used to his size. Looking at you with your tear stained cheeks his cock twitches and he can hardly control his hips from pounding into your messy cunt.
"Your pussy is so tight princess, were you waiting for my cock?" Jungkook pushes his thick member all the way in your pussy and he let's out a guttural moan. "Fuck baby you feel so good".
You reach out and grab jungkooks shoulders pulling him closer, your face is buried in the crook of his neck both of you hot and sweaty. Jungkook takes advantage of this position and hooks his arms underneath your shoulder blades and grabbing your shoulder from the back giving him excellent grip to thrust deep and hard inside you.
He starts moving slowly but quickly picks up the pace at a bruising speed. Using his arms as leverage to slam into your pussy as he whispers in your ear, "I've been eye fucking you for days princess, did you know that? I've been wanting to fill this pussy up since I saw you and now I have you crying beneath me. Do you like a perfect stranger filling this tight cunt?"
You shiver at his words and feel yourself clenching around him your pussy desperately trying to hold on to his thick cock. You moan loudly and start to produce fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Your words, princess."
Jungkook did not say that lightly and you did not want to test his patience in this moment, while you were already in a vulnerable position. "Yes I love a strangers cock in my pussy!"
Jungkook swallows hard at your words and can't believe how well you are doing for him. The shy girl he saw in the coffee shop is saying such dirty things, just for him.
You try and match his speed with your hips but to no avail, your breath hitches every time he thrusts into you leaving you almost breathless. Your orgasm is rising and its almost painful to follow, he hits your g-spot so nicely and he has you crying, tears continue to fall from your eyes and onto the bedsheets. Trying to hold on you reach for his back and start clawing at it. The pain of your nails digging into him. Jungkook let's go of your shoulders and sits up while fucking you, getting a whole new and beautiful view of you crying, and writhing on his cock while he thrusts in your sweet pussy.
Jungkook reaches down to your folds and drags his finger around your arousal and brings it up to your clit. Rubbing harsh circles on your very sensitive bundle. You start to feel the familiar twist in your stomach rise and it has your legs start shaking and your breath becomes shallow. "Come on princess cum all over your daddys cock".
With another thrust of his hips he sends you into your second, back breaking orgasm. In jungkooks eyes you look like art, hair splayed out around you wet from all the tears you were producing, thighs shaking uncontrollably with intense pleasure, and your mind so fucked out and begging to be praised by your daddy after cumming on his cock so well.
You look up at jungkook and his eyes are all over you, watching you become a mess underneath him.
Jungkook not being able to last much longer looks you right in the eyes and grabs your chin. "Look at me in the eyes princess while I fill up your slutty cunt with my cum. Don't you look away, I want you to see how much of a slut your are for me."
Your pussy clenched at his vulgar words and you nod in his hands. You have no choice but to look into his intense dark chocolate eyes. His hips become sloppy and he can feel your pussy throbbing and milking his cock, with a couple more sloppy thrusts he spills into your cunt filling you with warmth, making you feel so full. Jungkook let's out a guttural groan, while looking into you as he claims you as his.
You found your eyes were glued to Jungkook as he came, not being able to look away, seeing his dark eyes swirl with relief and lust, licking his lips and hair sticking to his forehead with sweat. You were completely in awe of him.
Jungkook rests his forehead on yours taking deep breaths until he removes himself from you and gets up to walk away. He comes back with a wet cloth in hand and gently cleans you up. He throws the towel to the side and lays down beside you. You both take a deep breath and look at each other.
"Uhmm, I think I should go." You start to get out of his bed when you feel his hand grab your wrist.
"Stay with me, you don't have to go." Jungkooks words have your heart lump in your throat. You felt embarrassed walking in here for a quickie and afterwards when reality hit you, you felt mortified. But looking into his eyes he was gentle, finding some truth in his words you let him pull you on his his chest to cuddle. Your cheeks burning red at the action but your were admittedly enjoying the feeling of his warmth.
Without realizing how exhausted you had become, your eyes begin to feel heavy. You fall asleep while he strokes your hair, jungkook being left with his thoughts.
a/n: Ahh! thank you for making it this far! I had a lot of fun (and difficulty) writing this! It's my first time ever writing a fanfiction so please be kind! Let me know what you think :3
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nsfwshiggy · 3 years
late night
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paring: sub!overhaul x fem!dom reader (no quirks)
warnings: 18+, fem!dom, BDSM, sadomasochistic relationship, choking/breathe play, impact play, noncon/dubcon, orgasm denial, name calling, pegging, giving/receiving head, cock cage, deepthroat, cum eating
word count: 1.6k
author's note: i know there is a lot of warnings but i got kinda carried away with this one. it was really fun to write. i am kinda nervous people won't like this one or any from the bdsm series >.< constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged!
[part 1]
currently you didn’t have a lot of clients, but you had enough to keep your dungeon up and running. you didn’t really care how many clients you had because you generally loved your job no matter how many you had. today you had a special client coming, Kai Chisaki client no. 1. he was your very first client when you opened, and he had been coming back ever since so he was special to you. this client in particular is of high status so he goes by another name – overhaul.
because this wasn’t your first time with him you knew how to prepare for his appointment. overhaul was a unique client who always knew exactly what he wanted every time he made his appointments. the day before he came in to get something put on to prepare for today, it was something he always did. he loved to wear a kind of chastity belt for men, in other words a cock cage.
he wanted everything in your control even outside the walls of your dungeon. overhaul was eagerly waiting for you in the next room because ever since the day before when you were putting his cage on he was rock hard and it took everything in him not to try and touch himself. it would've been difficult to do it anyways.
you took your sweet time getting ready but when you were finally finished you continued to walk slowly down the hall and into the room overhaul occupied. your heels making a clicking sound every time you took a step - it was something your clients loved and waited for with anticipation.
"strip and get on your knees" you tell him when you walked through the door. you had a rule not to look at the client until you were ready. you walked over to the table to lay down what tools you would be usually today, it wasn't much today. "are you ready to begin?" you question him as you turn around and look down on him. you loved making your male clients feel inferior to you.
"yes mistress" you hear come out of his mouth. you smile at him and walk behind him. you held something in your hand that he couldn't quite see yet. because you were standing behind him he couldn't see what you were doing but he could hear it, you were putting on your strap. his favorite one in fact.
"i can see you are already hard. i bet you want to cum so badly" you laugh at him in a pitiful way. you place your hand on his shoulder and softly drag your fingers across his bare skin when you walk around to his front side. eyes still closed you squat in front of him softly cupping his face with one of your hands.
"let's play" you say and then telling him to open his eyes. you stare at him for a second and then stand up. "since you are down there already you might as well get my strap ready so i can fuck you" you tell him with a slight smack to his face. overhaul didn't even think twice about what you said and immediately started sucking on the fake dick.
"aw isn't that cute? someone is being a little eager today" you say while grabbing a fist full of his hair and pushing his head further down to take in more of the cock. "be a good boy and take it all" you demand while thrusting your hips making it go even further down his tight throat.
you let go of his head and pull out after holding this position for a few seconds. "i love seeing you cry" you tell him wiping away a tear that had fallen when his throat was being stuffed. "all fours on the bed now" you told him while rubbing the fake dick with your hand spreading his saliva so that every inch was covered.
"now it's time for a change in toys" you tell him while you walked over to the table where a certain toy was. you take off his cock cage with the key. his dick becoming fully erect now that nothing was blocking it. you walk behind him and smack his ass pretty hard a few times with your hand leaving a nice red handprint.
"i see you prepared yourself" you tell him looking down at his hole that looked like it was just played with. you smack him ass again, "you aren't allowed to touch or play with yourself without my permission." you say angrily.
"i-i'm sorry mistress i didn't want to waste anytime today" he exclaims. you laugh to yourself and shake your head, "i will let it slide for today because i know how impatient my little slut is today." you slip one finger into him slightly brushing against his g-spot making him bury his head into the mattress. you add another two fingers just to be safe before pulling out and raising the dildo to his hole.
you softly push into him but because you and him both prepared before this it went in smoothly. he took you in so well despite the size of the toy. "ah mistress it f-feels so good.." he moans out "..i l-love it w-when you are buried deep inside me." you were now thrusting into him at a fast and steady pace. you rub his ass before slapping it again.
because he had been hard for so long he was close to cumming already but before that could happen you pull out of him. "you don't get to cum so easily" you tell him before bending down and carefully inserting a sound into his dick making it where he couldn't cum even if he really wanted to. you had to be extra careful when doing this because it was dangerous but it was something overhaul really enjoyed.
you change positions so now overhaul was riding you. you loved to watch your clients faces as they got fucked, honestly just watching them experience pleasure got you off. overhaul was a blabbering mess now because with this position the dildo was now deeper inside of him and every so often it would push into his really sensitive sweet spot making him throw his head back.
you tightly grab onto his hips and thrust into him roughly making him go crazy. "p-please mistress harder-r" he mumbles out. you quickly change positions again so now you are on top of him. you push his legs up into his chest and continue to absolutely destroy his insides. you also pay attention to his dick by stroking it with your hand - overstimulating him in the process.
as you continue to fuck him you reach your hand up to his throat and gently squeeze it cutting off his breathing. the two of you lock eyes as his head falls back onto the bed below him. "mistress p-please let me c-cum. i cant h-hold it any l-longer" he says while pulling at your hand around his throat letting you know that he needed air. you let go quickly and run your hand down his body until you reach his cock. the tip was bright red and was leaking a bit of precum even with the sound in it.
"does my little slut want to cum for his mistress?" you tease him while continuing to fuck his hole. you could tell that he was far beyond his limit with how he was actually so you decided to be nice and let him cum. you softly pull out the sound set it beside you on the bed. "why don't you be a good little boy for me and cum?" you tell him while stroking his dick again.
while still thrusting into him he quickly came because of how overstimulated he was. his hot cum shooting out and landing on his stomach making it glisten in the light. "that's a good little boy" you smile at him while slowing down your thrusts. you were tired but you didn't let it show. you pull out of him and stood up from the bed.
you ran your fingers through his cum before pushing your fingers into his mouth making him taste his self. "i bet you taste good" you smirk at him with your fingers down his throat. after that you take off your strap and set it aside and grab him a towel and water.
"you did great today" you tell him while wiping the leftover cum off his stomach. he drinks the water quickly before thanking you and telling you the same.
"you can rest here for a little bit and then take a shower" you whisper to him while cupping his cheek again. you smile back at him one more time before leaving the room.
your heels continued to click down the hall before you entered your private room - this appointment was way different from the one you did the other day.
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bakulova · 3 years
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Call me a simp please.
She definelty has thoughs about kissing or doing something more with women. I imagine if you showed up to school with full outfit, hair done perfectly along with makeup she wouldnt be able to stop her mind from wandering. She imagines her self dragging you to the bathroom pushing you into a stall and making out with you there but is broken away from amazing fantasy when you are waving a hand infront of her face and squinting at her “whats up with you care?” She coughs and looks down at her hands. “Nothing... nothing at all” she looks back up at you and smiles. You softly smile back and keep talking about some idiot who stepped on your shoe. (I have accidently done this to people but hey the hallways at school are small and crowded I’m sorry. I always felt weird/scared when they would look back 🤡 so hey I’m the idiot).
In prison though she would have totally done it with women. Used them and then ghosted them the next day. Like it never ever happened. When you appear she was gonna do the same thing with you but you totally dodged her and “friend” zoned her real quick. She dragged you to her “secret” hideout that her and frieda use for their drug deals. She pulls you down and gets ontop of you leaning in to kiss you but you move your hands in front of her lips and push her back “Woah what are you doing?” You push her away from your face. She glares at you and tries again “Um denning? Its a no from me” you push her off while getting up. You smirk down at her “Nice try though” she growls, flustered and cant even make eyecontact with you. For the next few days Carol avoids you and if she can’t she glares at you with a slight blush and makes some snark remarks. Finally you had enough of her acting like a child. You grab her arm and drag her to her secret place. You push her against the wall of posters beside you burt reynolds watches the scene unfold. “What’s up? You uncomfortable at the fact that I didn’t let you get into my pants?” She doesn’t answer instead is focused on trying to keep the heat growing inbetween her legs hidden. She looks down at your lips then back up at you. You notice her change in behaviour and lean in. all goes well for carol. She got what she wanted i guess.
If you were to be friends with both frieda and carol during the betrayal. Carol would suspect you were in it. That you set her up also. Gonna leave her like frieda did. You had something against her. This would all cause her to scream and push you up against a wall in her cell. Tears starting to run down her face. She fet weak. Vulnerable in front of you. She would scream why did you do it? When are you leaving? You’re going to regret this. I’m gonna kill you. All you could do was run your hands through her hair and wipe away her tears. After a few minutes she demands you to talk. Tell her the truth. Were you in on it also? You sigh and pull her into a hug and push her face into the crook of your neck and soothingly whisper that this was all frieda. You say that you dont know where she kept her stash. And if she did betray her that you would be with frieda right now. Up the hill living the easy life. But you here with her. You pull her to her bed and lay down with her. She slowly slips into a sleepy state. You stay until you know for sure she’s asleep. You remove your arms from her body and get up to sleep in your own bed. When you finally fall alseep Carol starts feeling around for you suddenly feeling cold and feels that your missing and jumps up almost hitting her head. She looks around for you and doesnt see you. She jumps out of her bunk bed and looks up at yours seeing you were still here. She sighs but gets pissy. She quickly climbs up and throws herself inbetween you and the wall feeling nice and comfy when your warm envelopes her. You wake to a pile of blonde hair between your arms. You smile and kiss the tops of her head.
When you both are older, you become the queens of C-block. No one fucks with either of you. Carol trust you with her life and the same with you. She always asks for your opinion on things. You guys both have some disagreements but you both go over them and discuss them. When red comes along Carol becomes obsessed with her. But not in a love kinda way more like a oh she hates frieda like i do yay. So you guys spend alittle less time together than you would like but its not like you really care that much. You kinda just sit and converse with others while she talks with red. Red realizes that you aren’t really paying much attention and asks you about your history here. You shrug and gesture towards carol. “Anything she told you about her time here. I was there with her.” She nods “what about before?” Carol starts looking at you eager for you to talk. She never really learned about your life before. “I was the oldest in my family. My family was a pretty good one. Suprisingly nothing fucked up there but instead it was the people i met that landed me in here. An ex-boyfriend who I thought was the love of my life, was abusive so i killed him. Simole as that.” Red nods and plays a card while Carol stays quiet and keeps playing the game absorbing in all the information thrown at her. I think she would be a little jealous that you just told red very easily and not her. But then again she never asked. After that Carol would kinda attach herself to you. Always paying attention and Red would definetly notice and give her some advice. You on the other hand would wonder if she was ok. “Carol are you alright?” She stops talking “what?” You roll your eyes “are you ok? Why are you following me to the shower and not actually taking a shower? You should wash out all that hairspray.” She groans while frowning. “One, I’m all right. Two, fuck you” you shrug “well you’re a bad lier because you are standing right outside of the shower stall. You never do that and you’re following me around like puppy.” She moves away and sits down as if thats proving a point. You roll your eyes.
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the-restisconfetti · 2 years
Lithuanian photographer and volunteer Algirdas Bakas on his mission in Bucha, Ukraine (FB post):
Please treat this as a historical document. Im trying to be as impartial as possible.  All interviews have been transcribed from audio recording to the best of my ability.
The pain of Bucha.
On the phone with a doctor Arina from Bucha.
“The last pharmacy closed with the first bombs, over 6 weeks now, we are in terrible need of blood pressure regulating, pain relieving, heart function supporting and other medicine people depend on. I have nothing to give them”.
She sends the order to the pharmacy and I promise to come right away. The main highway is closed resulting in 20km of incoming traffic. Its getting late as I deliver the medicine to a make shift hospital in Vorzel. Theres no way I can make it back to Kiev before curfew. Might as well stay in Bucha.
Its eerie. Streets have been cleaned but I cant stop aligning the images form the news to the reality of now. As night falls Bucha its nothing but zombie town, with a few drunks staggering around pushing shopping trolleys in front of them. I stop to take a picture and a young guy with an AK appears out of nowhere. Lithuania was one the first countries to react helping Ukraine with all we could so saying Im from Litva immediately summons an approving smile and a nod.
“Stay safe, curfew starts soon and theres a lot of marauding going on at the moment”.
I arrive to a block of flats where doctor Arina lives. Since the gas and electricity were cut off, theres a constant fire pit going on at the entrance, so people can make tea, cook and get warm.
“Our sniper was sitting right over there at the top of the unfinished 16 floor house, they were trying to shoot him down and hit our house many times, thats why top floors are destroyed”.
Men at a fire offer me a cup of sweet tea and many stories. Oleg remembers how he was fleeing Bucha at the peak of attacks and saw a Ukrainian air defense pilot destroy a whole squad of tanks and gas trucks.
“He flew through once, turned around, got very low, turned the plane sideways and fired 6 rockets setting the whole parade ablaze. The noise of the plane and exploding gas trucks made me slightly death on one ear”.
Sergey was working in Kiev when Bucha fell in the first days of March and lost contact with his family, wife and two little sons.
“For two days I was trying to get inside Bucha after loosing contact with them, soldiers wouldn’t let me in, they were saying I will surely die, but whats the point of living if my family is dead, they are all I have. Finally they let me trough the bridge and  I receive a phone call from my mother in law to say they were evacuated to Poland. In a few days all hell broke loose here, they were killing everyone who was on the street”.
After a night in my van I find a bigger and slightly more sober crowd at the fire and the stories continue.
“They were shocked to see we have asphalt roads, electricity and microwave ovens in every house, they couldn't believe it. Everyone who stayed in Bucha had to tie a white piece of fabric on the doors. Houses without them were kicked in and all was stolen. They took everything, washing machines, TVs, spoons, slippers, even used underwear! What they couldnt take was destroyed. We sat in the basement with our doors locked with screws from inside, daytime we had to go out looking for food, we washed the spoiled meat in vinegar and ate it. Nobody was ready and had piles of food stocked up. We ate anything we could find. After the city got freed and President came, we slowly started receiving aid.”
Fried eggs are being made when women called Ira joins us. She says she cried all night and every night since finding out her only son Bogdan (24) was killed 60 days ago. He was at the front line working with Javelin launcher.
“He called us every night, and on the first of March - no call. We still had some network coverage, but almost everyone had run out of power to charge their phones. Somehow I got in touch with his sergeant, he apologized and told me Bogdan has stepped on a land mine and died. I have travelled for days to the hospital for recognition, we had to pass 35 bloc posts to get there, but there wasn't much left to recognize. I couldn't recognize my own son..! God, where are we going to do the funeral reception, here on the bench?!” 
A mistake was made filling out the documents and family cant burry Bogdan before its untangled, holding the mother in limbo. She asks not to be photographed. It wont bring her son back.
Food leftovers are being used to feed neiborhood animals. Theres a huge dog and bunch of chicken to be fed just across the road. Since the massive dog Boss wont let anyone in Ira ties the pot with food to a wire and pushes it underneath the gate. To feed the chicken she has to climb on the roof.
Im always trying to gather info about the situation in humanitarian aid points where ever I go. It helps me understand the situation and how best to help. This one in Bucha is set up in a gymnasium and even though the queue is long, people can get enough food to get by. I chat with Ira who runs the place.
“Its really touching, we have aid arriving from all over the world, Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Brasil.. Two crazy guys drove from Spain in a little cargo van stuffed with food. We received an ambulance stuffed with army vests and clothing for the soldiers. Finally we have enough food for everyone who comes hungry”. 
Ira, who runs a hair salon in the time of peace, hasn't left Bucha and had whiteness a fair share of horrors herself. 
Doctor Arina arrived and we go for a short walk around town. All the shops we pass were broken into. Many houses are destroyed. She recalls receiving the first batch of soldiers with shot wounds, limbs missing, some lost their minds.
“I was not prepared for it. I was taught everything in school and I had the knowledge, but I wasn't ready”.
Trees are starting to bloom and she says the town was blossoming too. Now its stained with blood and horrible pain.
“Imagine, they were planting land mines under some of the dead bodies on the street. You go looking for your missing relative, say you find your loved one shot laying on the street and want to bring the body to a safe place - boom. Theres many more things I can tell you more if you're ready? They would throw a gas bomb in the basement where people were hiding and opened fire as they were scrambling out into fresh air. They would shoot in the legs to watch them suffer and bleed to death. They came into a kinder garden just here, shot the woman in charge and fired rounds into the kids books to send the message about Ukrainian language. You’ve  probably heard about the gang raping, where 15 of them would rape a young girl and leave her bleeding to death. We have many, many stories like that..”
Ukrainian borsch is being made as we arrive back to the house. Neighbors are constantly cooking something to share with 5-8 families since nobody has gas or electricity at home. Theres no concept of ownership, everyone brings what they have to make a dish. People are united in pain.
I insist Im not hungry but they pour me a plate first anyway. Its probably the best borsch I’ve ever had. Definitely in the top 3.
After lunch a young guy Max takes me to see another part of town and whats left of his school where russian army was based. The streets are scarred with tank tracks, fences broken.
“Thank God local government has collected the corpses, few days ago it was really scary”.
Theres some chance Bucha wasn't de-mined 100% so we tread lightly trying to stick to the pavement. We pass through brand new blocks of flats, windows broken, burned and destroyed cars in the parking lots to reach the 3rd school where r.f. soldiers were based. Yard is full of ammo boxes, broken glass, empty bottles, shells, russian army out of date food packs, bullets and boots. A military shovel is sticking out of the ground. After some hesitation we enter the school. Its a mess. They didn't leave one door unopened. Ones they could no open were taken down with a frame. Class by class we go through the whole school witnessing thievery of the lowest degree. Computers have hard drives and chips removed, Ukrainian flags soiled, equipment broken. On the top floor we discover a pirates treasure room full of stolen goods, TVs, washing machines, mattresses. I guess they left in a hurry.
Only the ussr museum on the top floor remains in tact. I cant help but wonder what was going through the soldiers minds looking at all this memorabilia of an army that not so long ago were brothers in arms.
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