#i do ACTUALLY need to know an approximation of how many people actually would spend actual money on this
originalartblog · 8 months
I would kill for figurines or keychains of the tinies . Especially tiny Chuuya
would there be like, actual interest for stuff like that? It's not something I've ever done myself (though I know people who have) and that would be a lot of stuff to research, that's a lot of time and effort, so first of all I need to know if there would be actual interest
Would you buy bsd merch I designed? (stuff like a sticker sheet or a small acrylic charm)
Answer truthfully please think of my time and sanity!! I appreciate you no matter your answer and I'm still gonna be here anyway. I just need to know if this is worth putting in the effort looking into
Also feel free to say your opinions, concerns or alternative ideas in replies/reblogs/asks I'm actually asking for this
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thesungod · 1 year
Hello I would like your opinion and all possible spoilers for will nico book pls I don’t want to read it but I wanna catch up 🙏
hello anon! prepare yourself for my unadulterated, raw opinion and be warned: it’s not pretty.
BIG SPOILERS AND HARSH HARSH NEGATIVITY UNDER THE CUT please don’t read if you don’t enjoy hating and being mean let yourself have fun if you liked the book <33
Let’s start with this: I had the BEST INTENTIONS about this book. Yeah, I bullied the preview like anyone else, but I had really been intrigued by Nico’s dream sequence and I do love, despite everything I say, Solangelo. Nico has been one of my favourite characters for my entire life and I have wanted a book about him ever since I was 12.
You see how much was at stake for me to enjoy this book?
And I didn’t.
I didn’t, because this book SUCKS.
First of all 1) This shit was boring. Like, I’m sorry. Believe me, it breaks my heart to say something like that because Nico?? BORING??
But yeah. I dare anyone to tell me something actually meaningful that happens in the first half of the book. Will getting coffee on his shirt? The Percabeth pep talk? (And I’m quoting). The infinite, repetitive dream sequences that did nothing for me because they were, you know, infinite and repetitive?
There was also constant reiteration of things that had already happened in previous books, both in the form of dreams and flashbacks, both because the authors never let anything be implied or understood by the reader on their own. Every single thought and feeling and past experience of Nico is shouted at us ad nauseam because god forbid we forget loneliness is part of him and he could never be loved and his sister died and and and.
It’s almost like Mark and Rick browsed the online pjo fandom, took a look at all the things we like about Nico and said “hey, what if we constantly make him think and say exactly those things with an off-putting self awareness and a dramatic tone? I’m sure people will love that!”
I finally thought we were going somewhere with them getting caught stealing by Persephone (yeah that happens) but it transformed into yet another tirade about love and friendship and how important they are. Which brings me to the second point.
2) Someone put tape in the mouth of every single character in this book. I’m so serious.
How many endless, therapy-talk, this-is-an-adult-speaking-not-a-weird-teenager conversations did we get? I don’t know. A million?
I’m reading a fantasy book. Do I need to be reminded about the importance of healthy boundaries and communication every time I turn the page?
I know, I know. The book is for kids and kids need to learn that friendship is magic and whatever.
But, yk, PJO and HoO and ToA are for kids too and while they have their flaws, I never felt like they were giving me a lecture.
This book was downright insufferable. I didn’t have pure, unadulterated fun for a single moment and it wasn’t because I had outgrown the target, which would have been a much more understandable reason, but because it was so slow and didactic and moralistic and lacked any humor except a couple of forced meta jokes. It was fucking sad.
And that serves me point 3 right on a silver platter.
3) Will and Nico have 0 chemistry and I wanted to beat the shit out of them
Seriously when did these two start hating each other. When did they start giving “why are we together” energy. I don’t get it. What happened.
They were so great in the Tower of Nero. They were fun, and colourful, and dynamic, and different, and teenagers, but also you could see that they were two people going through a lot. It didn’t feel as if Nico’s trauma was cheapened just because he occasionally enjoyed spending time with his boyfriend.
In this book… I mean, we get told they are in love. We get told approximately a million of times.
But what we are shown is two people constantly on the brink of beating each other with sticks. We didn’t get one big explosive stress fight, or the resurfacing of a couple of buried issues, as I expected. What we got was an exhausting death by a thousand cuts where Nico was angry at Will for breathing (seriously, count how many times the words annoyed or irritated are said about Nico in regards to his boyfriend) and Will apparently doesn’t understand Nico at all after a year of dating.
Basically, Nico is constantly mad at Will because Will doesn’t like the Underworld and never fails to make it known, while the Underworld is Nico’s home, and that could have been a kind of potentially interesting point of conflict if it hadn’t become draining at page 20. Was it realistic? I mean, I guess!! But that doesn’t mean I wanted to see that shit the entire time.
This was an urban fantasy book for middle schoolers!!! I wanted to have fun!! I didn’t have fun!!!
How could anyone ever have fun with a 400 page long account of two idiot teenagers getting on each other’s nerve with the occasional therapy communication-kiss-therapy communication-kiss interlude? NOT ME.
If that’s you, good for you, truly. But how is this Percy Jackson? Percy Jackson built an empire on being funny and cheeky in an effortless way and ToA followed suit, no matter what personal gripe one may have against the series. HoO is a bit of a wild card, but it was never close to being this flat and depressing. Not. Even. Close.
And as if two protagonists who I used to love being a giant pain in my ass wasn’t enough, the meager plot one can occasionally find between a dream sequence and a flashback and a stupid argument and a conversation about how humanity is love or whatever isn’t even compelling or engaging.
4) And are the interesting new characters in the room with us, Rick?
The only bad guy of the book is Nyx. Nyx is bad because she’s Darkness. She was born Bad and will die Bad and she’s Baddy McBad.
But don’t worry if the villain underwhelms you, because we will meet new interesting characters too!
… yeah, no.
We won’t.
Again. This is a kids’ book.
But. Have we forgotten Percy Jackson is for middle to high schoolers? Like, I know of people enjoying it well into their 20s because it’s nice fun. When did it become for 2 year olds?
Let’s leave aside the fact that Nyx’s motive makes little sense (no worries anon, we will be talking about this later) because there’s no way she cares this much about Nico Di Angelo. Not even I care this much about Nico Di Angelo and he’s been my entire personality ever since I was eleven. Be fucking for real. You’re not that guy, pal.
Any other character who’s not Nyx that is shown is sweet and kind and is changing and is in love and has been to therapy and loves other people. I could have vaguely accepted this (honestly, ToA often worked on a very similar premise), if it hadn’t meant making every single person or monster or whatever Will and Nico meet painfully boring. Literally fucking blank states.
I spent the whole book begging for Apollo to show up just so that someone could admit to drowning his ex in a bathtub and make a sex joke immediately after, because no one else was doing anything remotely cool whatsoever.
Even Persephone and Hades became Disney characters and wistfully raved about the power of love. What. The. Fuck.
It’s so wrong because ToA did the whole “love is everywhere, humans (and creatures) are cool” thing so much better while its characters still managed to have a personality, or were at the very least funny, and some were even villains.
This was all so blah.
Okay, now. Prepare yourself anon. Get a seat. Get a drink.
5) The finale.
Super short summary: Nyx wants Nico Di Angelo to live in Tartarus with her because Nico is special and unique and no one is like him. She makes babies out of his worst nightmares and traumas (because she can… do that, I guess?) and tries to guilt him into staying.
Yeah I know that this is weird as fuck but stay with me.
Nico Di Angelo is special and unique and has the power of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on his side, so he tells her to fuck off AND keeps the trauma babies, without any sacrifice required at all. If you’re asking yourself what role Will has in this, it’s zero. Zilch. He was literally useless for the actual plot, but we’ll get to that later.
After escaping Tartarus with Bob, Small Bob, Will and trauma babies, Nico finds out this entire thing has been plotted by Hades, who faked a whole prophecy to send his own son back to Tartarus and save Bob, because he knew Nico could do it and he loves Bob or whatever. Hades also hugs Nico and tells him he’s proud of him because he’s special and unique, and for some incomprehensible reason that I’m still attempting to concoct Nico doesn’t kick his ass for it.
He re-traumatised Nico just to get Bob out of Tartarus (because his voice was bothering him or whatever) but… I guess that’s okayyy?
I’m not going to comment any further on Nyx and trauma babies because frankly it’s just plain weird. Like I don’t even know what to say, except that it seems kind of far-fetched for a primordial goddess to do all that for Some Guy. I do have something to say against the Some Guy, though.
6) Someone sucker punch Nico, please.
Never have I ever seen a character act like such a dumb asshole for the entire run of a book while somehow being worshipped for being the Best Person Ever.
You know what was great about Nico? The fact that the books weren’t constantly yelling at you that HE IS GOOD HE IS GOOD HE IS GOOD HE IS GOOD LOOK AT HIM BEING GOOD DOING A THANKLESS JOB BECAUSE HE’S GOOD. You just kinda had to put 2 and 2 together. He acted like he wanted nobody and cared for nobody but we, the readers, called bullshit because everything he did went against that narrative. And when he was outed in HoH, we all said “oooooh”. Him loving Percy made so much more sense than him hating Percy, because his actions spoke louder than his words.
He was a kid, and he was going through it, but he was never completely won over by the bad side because he cared too much about people, even when they didn’t care about him. To quote myself, Nico has never won the idgaf war.
Well, in this book he won the idgaf war. He treated Will like shit, which we’ll attribute to nerves. His thoughts about dead people desperately looking for redemption or release were disturbingly unsympathetic, and he just did things without ever thinking of the consequences for others.
To be fair, this wasn’t a total 180 for him: Nico was previously shown to be touchy and defensive (hence the being mean to Will, who occasionally makes the grave mistake of expressing a thought that isn’t overwhelmingly positive on the literal worst place on the planet), cold (him killing Bryce and Octavian etc) and impulsive. Character flaws, we love them!!
Except that the final moral of the book is that Nico is The Best Person Ever Who Never Asked For Anything In Return For His Whole Complete Goodness And Now Gets An Army Of Little Trauma Babies Who Worship Him.
Ummm… Nico canonically commited murder? Hello?
Sure, he was never Bad, and Love Was In His Heart and all, but the entire point of his character arc was deciding that love was enough. Nico has, again and again, flirted with the bad guys, and been sketchy. He’s not PJO’s Jesus, and this last minute treatment of him was so weird.
We all wanted Nico to have a Win™️ , but it could have been anything less on the nose (NICO IS SO GREAT GUYS OMG) and it still would have been fine.
Also just… idk there’s something that rubs me the wrong way about pretending that pre-tsats Nico was trauma trauma trauma pain pain pain. Life is complex. Nico was a character that happened to go through things, not a character that things happened to with nothing else going for him.
What about Will, though? Well…
7) Will, get behind me.
Is he dumb? Yes.
Does he understand Nico perfectly? No.
Do I like him? The jury is out.
But he did not deserve this slander. Like, omg. He spent the book getting bullied and being useless in battles because he’s not a fighter and Tartarus makes Apollo’s kids weak (wow who would have thought!).
Nico made him cry, for fucks’ sake. A full on sob cry. Admittedly he had acted foolishly but damn.
He’s just a silly little guy, your honor😭
He also, inexplicably, didn’t expeditiously call his father or his mother or the firefighters or someone to kidnap Hades and flog him, despite the fact that Hades tortured his boyfriend for months and sent them both to Tartarus on a fake prophecy.
On a bright note, his pov was actually pretty okay.
So yeah, anon. This book is a pile of genuinely weird, kinda mean spirited and annoyingly moralistic garbage that created PJO Jesus, gave said PJO Jesus babies (?) shoved a couple of gay jokes in the middle of it as if I wouldn’t notice the rest, unwatered my crops, uncleared my skin, single-handedly managed to kill my PJO fixation that has been going on since middle school in six hours and kicked my dog on top of it.
Thanks for reading.
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squadrah · 9 months
So I don't know if you've already answered something like this but this is something that keeps slipping my mind. La Squadra are described as men who "aren't trusted by anyone" due to theor professions. But...I can see Formaggio, Prosciutto, MAYBE Gelato being among the few ones who have a proper social life (outside La Squadra). How would that work though? Do they hang out with normies/civvies but aren't totally close with them? Do they lie about their jobs to them or don't answer if they're never asked?
Hmm, I'm actually not sure if I have ever tackled this! They are definitely not trusted by anyone at Passione (and seeing as how they are basically the garbage disposal to the "garbage" in and of the mafia, that is understandable), and they probably have no daytime jobs because then their movements would be extremely limited - imagine excusing yourself from the office and hours later a murder occurs, etc. In this manner they are also isolated from work, and it would make sense for them to have left their families behind long ago, if they had any to begin with.
But I like the idea of a semblance of a social life, so I'll go with the three characters mentioned!
Formaggio: He seems young and hot-blooded enough that he would never be out of place at a club or bar, but I think his primary source of social life would come from the streets. I can see a stray cat of his caliber having a wide territory, and being an outgoing person in every sense, he would end up casually chatting with fellow loiterers, street food vendors, kids and adolescents - whoever is around. Think Mista asking the two girls if they wanted to play; that is exactly how I imagine Formaggio going about it. It's not a deep thing, of course, because most of these acquaintances were made slightly, so it's always the most superficial chitchat you can imagine, but even just exchanging a "yo!" or "how's it hanging?" with his own ilk would be enough for Formaggio to feel like the talk of the town.
Gelato: He likes to go to town as much as the next guy, but unlike Formaggio, he doesn't roam about because he has a handful of favorite haunts where he can sit down and crack open a cold one at the bar, and chat up whoever is sitting next to him. Nobody really gets familiar in the seedy places he enjoys the most, so he can usually get away with "If I told you what I did, I would have to kill you!" followed by a hearty laugh and a call for more drinks, and nobody will think anything of it - and since he has approximate knowledge of many things, he will always find some topic he can discuss, or coax some interesting subject or drama out of a down-on-their-luck patron and chew it over with them over a packet of cigarettes. At any rate, Sorbet and the gang are more than enough for him to never feel lonely.
Prosciutto: I left him for last because his case is the trickiest for me personally. On the one hand, he strikes me as someone who isn't a great deal in need of society because he has at least one person if not eight people to micromanage, but on the other hand, that would be the perfect reason to get away from time to time, right? He, like the rest, would probably spend a good time at the gay bar down the street and drink or play cards, but I could also see a more unconventional avenue for him if he used The Grateful Dead to age himself. Imagine him doing that and joining an elderly book club where he can talk about stuff he's read and all he has to do is lie about his life and maybe have Ghiaccio pick him up sometimes parading as his grandson. The gossip there is amazing, by the way.
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cheetahing · 25 days
on fandom and writing.
so that meme about showing how many fandoms you've written for is going around bsky and i assume twitter and here's mine:
Tumblr media
the way i put it on bsky is that my purview is narrow and my start up cost is high. two of those (yowapeda and all out) are only in there as part of multi-fandom drabble dumps from the bygone saso days; chyf and oofuri i did at least write short (<1K) pieces for chocolate box. the last three are the main fandoms i've produced for in the last decade or so. daiya for about three years 2014-2018, bad buddy from late 2022-mid 2023 or so, and now mlc from april 2024 on.
i hope i'll be able to hold on to mlc for longer than i was bad buddy but i think i will -- i've been able to find enough community that i think it will stick for a while. part of that is the leap of faith that is the dihua discord server, but finding any cdrama friends at all has been a journey since my old circles are all dwrp and sports anime.
fandom for me is inherently a social activity or i would just stay in my corner and enjoy by myself like i do for most things; the main thing that motivates me to become active in a fandom is the desire to talk to someone about it. the desire to write may or may not be there without having someone to talk to, but even a little bit of encouragement goes a long way, so just someone saying "yeah i'd read that" was enough to get me to commit to my usual fic meme bullshit and that, i think, also helped find some more people to talk to, or at least interact with on some level.
i'm actually a very introverted person but i've been spending a lot of energy trying to foster a friendly environment on the server and hopefully in this space, though i can't see how well that's working as clearly. i gather the energy to throw myself at new people approximately once a decade lol so it's a little surprising that i'm managing so quickly after flaming out in my last fandom but mlc and dihuas in particular have been really welcoming.
anyway, this was supposed to be a post about writing. writing is pretty difficult for me in many ways, but it's also just. sort of what i do. so if i love something enough to want to talk to another human about it, it's not a stretch that i'll eventually want to create for it too. granted, for me, this is often expedited if i get bitten by the ship bug. i did actually watch mlc when it aired last year, but didn't really look into fandom or fic for it until earlier this year and sort of got delayed-reaction thunderstruck by dihua, which has so many elements that i love in a ship. the tension! the fondness! the trust and knowing! i should have known i was a goner but i didn't until i was falling headlong.
according to ao3 i've produced about 16K of mlc fic since april of this year. now, i know that's not a not for some, but to contrast my highest production year was 24K in 2015, so, for me: quite a lot! especially within that time period. i'm slowing down now/it's getting harder again but i don't plan on stopping so we'll see what my count is by the end of the year.
like many writers, i battle with self-confidence and mlc fic in particular has been a weird struggle for me. my writing hallmarks from previous fandoms have been atmosphere and poetics, succinct characterization, and imagery. for mlc fic i feel like i'm at 1 out of 3. i think (hope!) my character work is still good, but i feel like my writing for this fandom has been so plain. i want to write pretty things for this ship! i will keep trying. i may just need to eat more poetry and spend more time violently throwing myself around when trying to write, but hopefully i will manage at some point.
this post actually started with me thinking about why i choose to make my fic meme/drabble dumps chaptered rather than posting them individually when visibility/feedback/attention are unfortunately so important to me. every kudos, comment, tag comment, reblog, rec, etc really means a ton. writing is something that takes up a ton of energy and sometimes it can feel like you're pouring a whole lot of it out and not getting any in return and, for me at least, that's what burn out feels like. at the same time, like. in the end you're always writing for yourself so you sort of have balance that with how feedback or lack thereof makes you feel.
fic meme does get posted separately here on tumblr so maybe with that i get a little best of both worlds? i don't do it on ao3 because it would just straight up make me feel crazy to have literally 100+ 300-700ish word long ficlets scattered across my account over the decade, all needing titles, so my need to have things organized and in their place wins out over the need for validation there.
i don't know where i was going with this anymore tbh, but thanks if you read it! also thank you thank you thank you so much to those of you who take the time to read and respond to fic in some way, whether it's reblogging with tags, leaving comments, or just hitting the kudos button. i really can overemphasize how important these thing are as a fic writer.
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thetisming · 27 days
since you asked me to answer all of thhe questions, you gotta answer all of the questions too!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
probably zombie saga, although i also love 'i will vandalize your grave in your name', the 7+1 fic and some others that i think im forgetting. OH and 'we were staying in paris'
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
well this requires imput from other people. so.
but i'll choose zombie saga!! and the trailer song is Mamma Mia by ABBA. naturally
📝 How many words do you have posted?
approximately 162609
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
that fucking ESSAY that Plankton wrote about iwvygiyn
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
ohh, this is an interesting one actually. definitely something in zombie saga but im not sure what!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
THIS IS SO FUNNY AS A MUSICAL FAN. uh I Kissed A Girl. because that is what happens yeag
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
ANGST. it's so much easier than happy stuff lol it's like poetry for me
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
yeah i would tell them
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
"Go to sleep, Lance, and now that she’s gone you sleep with your mistakes" from my fic 'don't speak (i know just what you're saying)', but also many different things from (especially the second chapter of) iwvygiyn
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
@fen-the-magnificat !!!!!
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
i dont have any fankids unless you count the Dubois brothers, but i think they're neat! i dont know if Frankie and May would have kids but they would be AMAZING parents, and i dont think Juliet and Romeo would have any. William and Anne already have kids, and Lance has kids too which make them Angelique's kids
🐗How do you handle trolls?
i havent had any trolls
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
like 5 minutes to skim over it when ive put it in ao3 idk
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
uh. i dont fucking know
💪What motivates you to write?
someone needs to write about my blorbos!!!
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
well zombie saga happened because i sent some dumb asks to Felix, anything about the wedding happening just comes randomly, and iwvygiyn came from a page of the sandman!
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
uhh okay i'll do top 3 for each ig??
ratings: general (39), teen & up (38), not rated (1)
warnings: no warnings (52), chose not to use warnings (14), major character death (12)
categories: other (61), multi (49), F/M (46)
fandoms: & Juliet (74), citc (27), community (16) (last two are crossovers with &j btw)
characters: Francois (59), May (54), Juliet (51)
relationships: Francois/May (61), Juliet/Romeo (41), Juliet & May (34)
additional: title from an ABBA song (19), zombie apocalypse (18), not beta read (9)
overall top 3 are & Juliet, maycois/other (lumping those together lol) and Francois
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
laptop and phone!
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
'Francois snuggled (etc etc)', probably, among other things lol
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
yeah fuck it just dont claim it as your own tbh
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
honestly. none. my readers are 3 friends and my brother and they all love everything basically
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
sinhalese isnt very gendered at all! it was refreshing cause normally i use italian and french which are very gendered
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
ohh... i think the new saga chapters lol
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
not sure what this means sorry
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
yeah!! i might not get to them but i will try (if it's a commission i definitely will though!)
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
the actors reading my fics.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
neither i am dehydrated
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
'they forever hold their peace', 'Flower Crowns & Royalty' and 'Glee!' all with three bookmarks
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
ZOMBIE SAGA FOR SURE. idk what network though
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
there was only one bed probably
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
i dont know, i dont watch enough disney
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
already answered
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
gen audiences with 39 fics!
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
COMMENTS !!!!!!!! AND TUMBLR ASKS and BOOKMARKS with nice comments!!!!!
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
ohh, that could be fun actually
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
requires a character to be picked. i choose Frankie though and his favourite is autumn cause it's cold but not too cold
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
only sometimes!
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
my fromeo besties fics :)
❓Insert your own question here!
(not counted)
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 month
Is the Universe Euclidean?
Short answer; Yes. Long answer; Yeeeeessssss....?
There's a lot of talk about "fabric of space" and argumentation about what Euclidean actually means. And the honest answer is; the Universe is not a perfect mathematical construct.
The Earth is Frisbee shaped. (Or like a football, or one of those 60s styled UFOs)
Because the earth is a spheroid; on the large scale we say that the Earth is "Non-Euclidean" despite Euclidean geometry working at the small scale.
The only reason it doesn't work at the large scale; is because we're talking about a big rock, instead of a flat surface. A basketball.
And a spheroid is Euclidean. It's only non-Euclidean when we try to map the giant sphere to a rectangular representation.
The earth is not a cube.
The same is true for space as a whole. Except; for the effects of gravity. Gravity warps how you can travel through space.
Not space itself; the travel vectors.
A rock will keep flying straight through space until it's affects by a larger objects gravity.
<aside>Do asteroids have gravity? My thoughts say; no. Because an asteroid or meteor is missing something that a Planet or a Star has.</aside>
It's this *warping* that people confuse for warping of space-time. Along with the understanding of the speed of light. The speed of light takes 8 and half minutes to reach earth, and that speed is something we have not reached yet.
We had previously thought the sound-barrier was just as an impossibility beforehand. And now we have jet liners.
So it's fully possible that we will eventually find a way to travel faster than light, without wormholes, without warping space, and without weird time-travel shenanigans.
What fails to be properly understood, however; is the approximate speed of gravity. Or these solar winds. (Pressure exerted from the heat of the Sun and other forces.)
We fall slower than we can see light; but it's always present, not blockable, as far as we know. And just perpetually pulling on us.
It's theorized that after we break the lightspeed barrier; the next one would be the gravity barrier.
We have broken free of the Earth's gravity, but that's not the same as the speed of gravity. In comparison to light; Gravity is instantaneous. And Light is slow.
We will likely develop faster than light speed travel *before* FTL communication; because we would need to setup a galactic internet for it to work.
I think it'll even be easier than many assume it will be. Once we're actively maneuvering in space; the understanding of how to move better would come intuitively.
So the first step is to get to space and setup material mining operations in order to replace the materials we'll spend getting there.
In the meantime; I gonna study up on photonics.
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awellboiledicicle · 9 months
People kept saying that Gale and Anders would get along but you must remember that Anders is an iconoclast freedom fighter and street doctor from a world where his birth made him a liability.
Gale is a man from privilege that has never hidden a day in his life because of his magical talents, and has actually gained acclaim from them. His ambitions would lock him squarely, in Anders mind, in the place of "magister without the political power".
They'd get along in the same way Anders gets along with Merrill, but without as much patronizing because Gale is both human, a man, and not currently using blood magic.
I love him, but Anders is no longer the cheerfully sarcastic mage he was in Awakening. Granted, he wasn't exactly lighthearted in Awakening, but it wasn't as bad as when he went to Kirkwall and everything else happened. He's going to be a prickly old man about some shit until some good old trauma bonding happens.
It doesn't help that Gale absolutely would want to spend ample time with Hawke, to learn about another world and how things work there.
The only thing to chip through the initial icy 'they are my person, my reason, my anchor' response would be Gale switching to asking HIM to explain how magic and spirits work, in exchange for explaining how magic works in Faerun.
This is all, of course, predicated on the idea that he'd been sitting in a cave [enclosed spaces not great for him, underground also not good in general] waiting for Hawke to return to him like they always do, fighting with himself over how many losses the war has come to but hoping it ends out for the best.... only to receive a letter carried by one of Varric's people. It is short, to the point. Hawke is gone, the one rampaging across thedas with all the rifts has an archdemon and Varric wants him not to do something stupid with this information. At first he allows some small part of him to wonder if this is a fantastically poor joke. And then to let the crushing realization drown it out, falling to his knees and wondering why he isn't crying yet. He lays down, like that will help, as his world spins and his heart beats painfully. Again he's lost someone, again he's alone and again if only he'd been there maybe he could have done something. The plan comes to him after approximately five hours of laying on the floor, staring blankly at the wall and crying. Justice flared behind his eyes and across his skin, not quite manifesting; there was no danger to be fended off, only emotions he could not process for Anders. It was the flickering of fade-light through the small fissures in his skin that spurred it, really. If Hawke was in the Fade--physically in there, and Varric had escaped it with his Inquisitor--then it was possible for them to be alive in there. Trapped. Rifts into the raw fade were opening up all around the world, doorways letting things out-- but maybe also in. Plan might have been a generous term for the conviction that he was going to go get his Hawke or die trying. A very generous term for hunting down a rift several miles away, long ago giving up any thoughts of stealth, and--once he had dispatched the demons pouring out--thrown himself through. It certainly didn't apply once Justice found himself forefront and physically in the Fade, with no real driving motivation beyond his purpose and the desire to find Hawke. Which they did, after a long trek and many battles. And then they fell from the sky into someplace else and got captured before they could figure out what was going on.
Basically i'm saying Anders and Hawke in this are cagey for a bit before things calm down and Anders would need 100% less of Gale's excitement. Because logically he knows things are different but also it's weird.
[waves hands] I'm thinking about this much too hard
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defacatestenderly · 1 year
Obey Me Toilet Thoughts With defacatestenderly (how ironic)
Ok I need to know how religion works in the Obey Me universe, because obviously it takes place in a timeline where angels and demons are real. Like biblically real (kinda). In the human world, do the other abrahamic religions still exist? Are they still practiced? Do non-abrahamic religions still exist and are they practiced? Does Christianity reign supreme because of the Devildom and Celestial Realm having been revealed to the human world? Does everyone on Earth even KNOW about the exchange program and the existence of the other realms? If the exchange program was the only confirmation of the abrahamic religions, did it send the world into a frenzy and cause a religious revolution of some sort? Do the people know that Santa is actually real and how would they react if they knew?
From my light research, it seems that the story in Obey Me follows Christianity. Although fallen angels do exist in Judaism, the books from which the fallen angels stories come from are not considered canonical by most Jews. I do not know of how everything ties together in the context of Islam, as I only researched it’s ties in Judaism because of all abrahamic religions, Judaism came first.
Even though the religious reality of the Obey Me universe is from the Bible, there are differences in Obey Me that don’t match up. It is a wide belief that Lucifer is Satan, and vice versa. Which makes sense when we find out that Satan was born FROM Lucifer himself. However, the brothers embodying the seven deadly sins is a medieval classification, as the definitions and names of the Archdemons have changed greatly over time. Also, Satan is canon in Judaism. He is known as an adversary of humans but still, a servant of God. Satan is more of a job description than a singular being but both are mentioned in the Torah. Satan was also an angel in the Bible. This means that Satan spent eons being an angel, unlike in the Obey Me story where he doesn’t have many memories as an angel, and he didn’t spend much time in the Celestial Realm before falling. There are also many holes in Lucifer’s story in relation to the Bible as well. However, if I were to write about every difference in the Torah, Bible, and Obey Me in regards to angels and demons I would never stop writing. So you readers are gonna have to be left with this not-so-in-depth elaboration of my thoughts and research despite what I actually know.
It seems to me that Obey Me is not biblically accurate in terms of religious context in the game. But hey, it’s an otome game. All of this thinking and research on the toilet has made me come to these realizations. What time period are we even in in the Obey Me universe? From my menial knowledge of the time approximation of when the angels fell, we are a couple thousand years in the future from our year of 2023. Which brings me to this question, Does religion even exist in the Obey Me universe, or is there no religion because the existence of the other realms and beings among them are real and part of basic reality, like rain and clouds are part of the rain cycle? There are so many more questions I have regarding the complexity of the reality of the Obey Me universe, but that’s only in the religious context! I haven’t even gone into the role of magic and powers and how that plays in everything. For example, Barbatos’s time powers. But I have talked enough. I hope this rant made sense and that this invokes a nice conversation in the Obey Me fandom, because I haven’t seen a conversation like this being sparked before. I gotta get going though, my legs are falling asleep.
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htfs-ranked-on · 3 months
Htfs and how they would react to seeing one of the super squirrels dying
i'm actually so obsessed with this i have to go more in depth than usual
this is a pretty open ended concept so right from the get go i'm going to establish the main idea i'll be ranking from: an accidental death, but without the typical htf resurrection. no coming back from this one :3c
now, ranked in approximate order of most upset to least upset,
if it's splendid:
toothy: toothy is splendid's biggest fan, and he's sensitive to begin with. this was his hero, and now he's just gone. he's going to be an absolute wreck about it.
sniffles: sniffles is another big splendid fan, but he's also going to be upset from a logistics standpoint. the town's down a protector, which leaves them much more vulnerable than they were before. surely splendont will try to pick up the slack, but is he a suitable replacement? it's hard to say, and that's what makes sniffles worry.
flaky: this would scare them, to put it lightly. that was splendid, a superhero. heroes aren't supposed to die like that, and if even he can be taken out, where does that leave the rest of them? is anyone safe?
splendont: surprisingly, he would take this pretty hard. sure, he and splendid were rivals, but he never wanted the guy dead. on top of that, the whole town is looking to him, either suspicious about his possible involvement in the issue (even if he had nothing to do with it), or worse, expecting him to take up the role of town hero. that's a lot of attention and responsibility on him all of a sudden, and there's very little room for error.
giggles: it may be a little selfish, but her first concern is who's going to keep her safe now. she has an unlucky tendency to get into situations that need a hero's helping hand to get her out of, and she's really not sure splendont is going be good enough for the job.
mime: he may not be the biggest splendid fan, but he liked the guy well enough! mostly, he's just sad to see how down everyone seems after the fact. town morale takes a big hit, and it seems like balloon animals and juggling aren't going to cheer anyone up this time.
russell: he's only a casual splendid fan, but he recognizes a bad omen when he sees one. he doesn't like the look of the rising tensions in town, to say the least.
flippy: flippy's never interacted with splendid, but he knows a lot of the townspeople who have, and he hates to see them hurting. he's no stranger to loss, so he's quick to go around and comfort as many people as he can.
nutty: he was never a huge fan, but the situation makes sniffles upset, and anything that upsets his friends upsets him too. he doesn't have much experience with this kind of thing, though, so he has no idea how to even begin comforting anyone about it.
petunia: to her, the whole thing is more shocking than anything. she spends a lot of time immediately afterwards just wondering how something like this could even happen.
cuddles: another casual splendid fan. more than anything else, he's upset that his friends are hurting, and he doesn't have any good way to comfort them. he's pretty rattled by such a big name just being gone, too.
mole: him and splendid weren't on good terms, but he didn't really have any ill will towards the man, he just thinks it's funny to cause problems on purpose. he certainly never wanted the hero dead, and he does feel a bit of sympathy about the situation.
lammy: she's too new to town to really understand why this guy was so important to everyone, but she can tell that he was, and that a lot of her dear friends are really upset, so she's more than willing to offer a shoulder to cry on to anyone who needs it.
handy: handy's not known for caring about other people in general, but even he can see that this is bothering people, so at the very least, he keeps his mouth shut.
lifty: he isn't upset so much as unnerved. the twins were pretty staunchly enemies with splendid, but... he was a superhero. those guys are supposed to be immune to shit like that, aren't they? splendid dying throws off what he knows to be true about the world, and he doesn't like that one bit.
disco bear: this is a major vibe killer, in his opinion. the whole town's down in the dumps and no one wants to do anything. him, he just wants things to go back to normal so he can get his groove back.
shifty: he just flat out doesn't give a shit. maybe it is a little shocking that a superhero could die like that, but he's much more willing to shrug it off than lifty is. he's more ticked that it makes it a bad time to try and rob people. hey, he may be an asshole, but even he's not going to steal from someone who's grieving, that's just tacky. he has standards.
pop: he would never say it out loud, but he always had a petty distaste for splendid. he found the guy obnoxious and show-offish, and just generally not that likable at all. the town doesn't need superheroes, in his opinion. they're better off just taking care of themselves. still, though, he has enough tact not to say anything about it.
cub: he's a baby. he's very responsive to other people's emotions, and everyone else is upset, so he is too. but in that little kid way where he'll forget about it real quick.
if it's splendont:
splendid: much to the surprise of just about everyone, splendid would take this the absolute hardest. yes, they were rivals, but splendid was so sure that with just a little bit more time, he could have reached him. he'll find a way to blame himself, even if he wasn't involved at all.
flaky: again, they're more afraid than anything. splendont might not have been the town's main superhero, but he was still superpowered. it poses the question again of where does this leave the rest of them, if even someone with superpowers can die like that?
toothy: toothy's still our sensitive soul, here. he could have disliked splendont for being splendid's rival, but he never saw it like that. he always saw someone with the potential to be incredible, if he would just put his energy towards something better, and now he'll never get the chance.
sniffles: sniffles reacts very similarly to toothy, except he did dislike splendont, to a certain extent. not for being splendid's rival, but because he also saw the potential splendont had to be amazing, and how often he squandered it on that rivalry. he's torn between being terribly frustrated that that potential will never be realized, and terribly guilty for still feeling that way towards a dead man.
lifty: you couldn't waterboard it out of him, but he kind of liked the guy. it was mostly for petty reasons (the enemy of my enemy is my friend, yeah?), but he also just... thought he was cool. and again, the super squirrels are supposed to be immune to that kind of shit, and he does not like finding out that they aren't.
cuddles: he's super bummed!! splendont was cool and edgy, and made things interesting. he was pretty fond of the guy and it sucks that he won't be around anymore.
petunia: she wouldn't go so far as to say she liked splendont, but it's disquieting to have such a major name and face just be gone, all of a sudden. she doesn't like disruptions to the status quo, and this is a major one.
russell: again, this screams bad omen to him. superheroes don't just die like that, there has to be something else going on. call him superstitious, but he's definitely got his guard up for a while.
flippy: there's less people hurting about this one, so he has more time to focus on how incredibly not right this feels. similarly to russell, he's suspicious that this is a bad omen of some sort, because superheroes aren't supposed to die.
nutty: same as before, he's mostly upset at how torn up sniffles is about this. he wants his closest friend to feel better, but he doesn't know how to go about fixing this (he can't, you can't fix death, but he'd sure love to try.)
mime: he found splendont a bit distasteful and overly aggressive, but he can see that people are upset regardless. everyone is unsettled and tense, and there's not really anything he can do about it, which he doesn't care for to say the least.
mole: he always assumed splendont was rivals with splendid for the same reason he was: for the bit. whether he was correct is debatable, but regardless, he had respect for him as a fellow intentional problem causer, and he's pretty bummed to see him go.
lammy: she has no idea who splendont is or why he would have been important (remember, she's new to town, and he doesn't exactly make regular appearances), but again, some of her dear friends are upset, and she's determined to be there for them. she doesn't need to understand.
handy: same as with splendid, he just isn't one to care about someone dying if it's not in his very limited circle of loved ones.
disco bear: once again, he simply cannot vibe while everyone is being so weird and tense about the whole situation. maybe he's being a bit callous, but jeez, he wishes things would go back to normal
shifty: he, again, doesn't give a shit. he can tell that the situation is bothering his brother, for some reason, but he can't figure out why, so he figures if he just leaves it alone it'll resolve itself. probably.
pop: he doesn't like this super squirrel either, for the same reasons he doesn't like splendid. he really does believe the town would be better off solving their own problems instead of handing them off to some superpowered jerks, but he won't say it out loud while everyone is upset.
giggles: she did not like splendont. she thought he was brutish and aggressive, and she hated how he was always at odds with splendid. she keeps her mouth shut to be polite, but pretty much everyone can tell she's not exactly sad.
cub: he's still a baby, haha. he's upset when he sees other people are, but he moves on fast.
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flannelepicurean · 1 year
Some ShuriKan headcanons, because YOU MADE ME DO THIS
Seriously, hellsite sweethearts. I did not anticipate spending this much of the first day of this Year of our Blorb 2023 thinking about this, but it turned out to be quite the ride. File this under: Does it count as "Domestic Bliss" if the domicile is actually multiple international palaces and there's a sort of "on land/underwater" element in play?
The kids have Namor absolutely wrapped around their adorable, chubby little fingers. He cannot say no to them, although he likes to pretend he can. 
Okoye also indulges them to an extent, but in a very, "Mm-hm. What does your father say? And what does your mother say?" method. (Winner is often the ruler of whichever nation they're currently in, but the balance naturally tips in Shuri's favor surprisingly often. Okoye and Namora come to be aligned in this, as practical people who realize that Namor has not one lick of goddamn sense when it comes to spoiling those precious babies.)
Shuri spends a lot of time outfoxing the entire lot of them. Things still have to get done, it can’t be all, “Oh, sorry ambassador, gotta take a three-hour break from treaty negotiations because the kids have an emergency whale-ride situation…”
She and Namor have a parenting dynamic not unlike that couple from The Emperor’s New Groove. “Oh suuure, you can stay up late! We’ll just be in here telling each other how much we love each other, [exaggerated smoochy face noises].”
But when the kids do run away, declaring them gross, Namor’s like, “...Well, since we’re here…” And then Shuri’s like, “OMG, husband, I have so many things to do.” And he gives her the sad sea-otter eyes, and she’s like, “YOU have so many things to do! We have to do the paperwork for the treaty with the UN! And don’t even get me started on Krakoa!” And he’s all, “Nooooooooo! Cara mia! [Flop] My humidifier…I feel weak…” And she’s already walking away suppressing a giggle like, “Oh, okay, I’ll have Riri take a look, maybe she can tweak the enviro settings in the office for you?” And he’s like, “NO, THAT’S OKAY, THAT’S COOL, GONNA JUST HOP IN THE SHOWER, WORK TO DO, FEELING SO PRODUCTIVE, LOVE YOU…”
Also, Riri is the one who introduced Namor to the term “thirst trap,” and initially he was like, “...thirst???...trap…???...like??? The thing you…put me in????” And of course she’s like, “OMG, no, fool, it’s…you know what, I’ll just show you, it’ll be faster.”
A couple hours and some copious notes later, he’s like, “Okay. I think…Right. I’m gonna need to move some really big mirrors around, but I think…yeah…yes. I can do this.”
He trots back in like 5 minutes later all, “Okay, explain about the selfie stick again–you know what, no. No, I can…we’ve got the spears from last years test models, or…intern! That’s it, I’ll get an intern!”
10 minutes later, “Hey, where do I get the shirts??? That go like???" [Makes a V-shaped gesture from collarbone area to approximately navel]
Namor doesn’t really “do” social media, because he’s still very private, and doesn’t want the greater world to know about his kingdom. So he pretty much only spams Shuri with thirst trap pictures.
Never dick pics, though. He’s classy.
The first time Shuri calls him “mi amor,” he’s like, “Oh. Oh noooooooooooooo! Oh, I did not think this through, ohhhhhhhhhhh…” And that’s when he goes full Gomez. Because she wouldn’t do it lightly. She would really have to have healed, A LOT, and they would both have to have grown significantly, both individually and together, and damn wouldn’t that moment really clobber him? No longer sin amor, but con amor. And still Namor. Hell of a thing.
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I taught intro literature to state uni students for a few years and my experience was absolutely that many/most of my students had basic reading comprehension issues with the amounts+types of reading i was told to assign, "liked"/"disliked" readings mostly in proportion to comprehension. but, the limited pedagogical training i got was focused a lot more on teaching me about how to manage students who didn't do the reading rather than struggled to parse it, a lot more strategies for being a hw cop than for explicitly building comprehension, etc. avg sats were "good", most students were native speakers+middle class! they did have high class hour loads and extracurricular/job schedules tho, so *some* of it was about time. but often they'd swear to me they'd done the reading and still only have a vague grasp on a bunch of details. anyway your ed blogging has been very interesting and also cathartic, it's so real
combining this with another anon i got:
your literacy education blogging has been so illuminating to me as a grad student teaching undergrads and slowly realizing that many of them do not know how to read, for my definition of read. i worked closely with a student who i gradually realized "read" by scanning texts for familiar keywords and could not actually parse the sentences and paragraphs these keywords appeared in, to the point where when asked about specific passages she often reported out their opposite meaning. and this was a straight-a student in a social science field at a “top” university! she was outperforming many of her peers! i really don’t know how to handle this stuff in the college classroom when literacy is presumed - there are no built-in opportunities to sit down with each student and figure out if they actually know how to read - trying to figure out strategies but it’s hard. your blogging has been really thought-provoking
honestly i find it very cathartic and also validating when i hear this stuff from people who work at the college level, and also really admire those at the college level who have picked up on the fact that this is an issue since my impression is that the vast majority of people in that field can spend their whole careers rolling with the assumption that students just don't care, aren't trying, are nebulously not very bright, are struggling at the level of the higher concept work demanded by the course but not because they are lacking prerequisite skills, etc.
it's really wild to me to consider and meditate on just how far a student can go in life without developing what i would consider full reading proficiency, and the fact that all high school english teacher discourse i see is about developing students' relationship to literature rather than building their actual literacy is like... lol. the fact that i work with affluent new yorkers means that even the students i personally think of as "struggling" on the reading section are doing fairly well in terms of their like, national percentile - not what very competitive schools would consider high scores, but more than adequate for the actual majority of colleges in the country. and these are kids who like, can't read an article in scientific american and summarize what it said. (this is a real example - idr if it was exactly scientific american but that was a close approximation, and his one-sentence summary was like, not only not very good but actually was just inaccurate.)
second anon also re: your student, something i have begun to think about is that i think that being generally "smart" in a lot of ways but not a natural reader can be a specifically problematic combination, because like - if you can seem like you're reading grade appropriate or even harder books early on, without actually putting in the effort you personally need to put in in order to practice & develop automaticity in decoding, because you have these other language & thinking skills that mean you are a very good guesser, then, like - reading seems like this easy thing for you that everyone thinks you're good at. and it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to convince a child, "this thing that you are used to doing quickly without much effort, actually i need you do change how you do it so it is difficult and less immediately rewarding." and then also you like keep flying under the radar in terms of even having gaps, etc. it's rough. it's all so rough!
anyway. the real like tower of terror moment for me is when i remember that all this stuff about literacy problems among college students (that mostly do not get addressed and remediated because as you both know firsthand colleges as a whole are not set up to teach skills of any kind - i actually listened to an interview with emily hanford recently where she shared that she got turned onto dyslexia as a story and then reading as a story because she was doing a story on remedial classes in college, where students would have to pay tuition to re-do high school level work and most of those students would not go on to graduate) - this is all also true of the segment of the population who, like, become teachers. so. 😬
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
it has been funny reading thru these survey results (the one referenced in this post).
full disclosure, i do not follow the blog that conducted the survey & didn’t know it was happening, i’ve just been perusing the answers on and off since seeing that post.
also gonna put this shit under a cut because nobody needs to hear my meandering thoughts on a thing that does not actually concern me asldfjasd
sooooo many of the salty responses (and these are not the majority, they are just louder than the rest), the people who are complaining complaining about writers “not doing their job” and similar sorts of things seem typically to be upset about the following:
writers not writing enough
writers not writing the specific content they want to see
writers having other interests
writers lamenting burnout and lack of engagement, which they perceive as the writer’s fault
and like.  i just want to know.
how much is someone supposed to write?  how much is enough writing?
because when i started this blog i posted almost once a day.  an utterly & totally unsustainable pace.  burnout is real.  it really happens.  even when you love something a lot, it can still weigh you down.
and it is so easy, i think, to get caught up in the feedback loop.  to think “oh people like what i am doing, therefore i shoul do more of it.”
but at a certain point that is literally not possible.  i did burn myself out.  i had to step back because what i was doing could not be maintained.
i have posted approximately 5k-10k words per week on average, over the last two-ish months.  maybe that doesn’t seem like a lot to some people, but from an objective perspective, i’m gonna go out on a limb and say it is.  (and, you know, for once i will say i actually know what i’m talking about.)
is that enough?  should i be doing more?
more than half of the writing i have posted to this blog has been based on requests received.  and you know what?  more than half of those posted this year, i have never heard from the person who requested them.  anon requests, i understand, are submitted in such a way for a variety of reasons.  and i’m not expecting someone to “out” themselves on their blog by rb’ing their smutty kakashi/reader request onto their wholesome recipe blog or whatever.
but until recently, my ask box was open.  and i still did not receive asks from the folks who requested some of these fics.  just a, “hey that was nice.  :)”
i used to, but somewhere along the way, i lost that and i don’t know what i did wrong, you know? because according to these folks, i am doing something wrong.
am i expecting too much?  i spend hours writing.  i spend hours and hours and hours creating content for other people.  i do not have a ko-fi.  i cannot offer commissions.
is hoping for some recognition of the labor that goes into writing really so much to ask?
writing as a whole is entirely devalued in our society.  there is this expectation that anyone can write.
and you know what?  i am actually one of those people.  when i lost my job as a freelance writer, i thought, “that makes sense.  i’m not that special.”
but the time it takes is still time.  the effort it takes is still effort. even if everyone can sit down and write 50k words of smutty fanfiction, most people won’t.
the idea that burnout is “not real” or that writers need to “just post consistently” in order to maintain interest in their work is absurd.
i write almost every single day, but not every day is as productive as i would like it to be.  i recently had to help care for a loved one in hospice.  it was incredibly stressful; i travelled out of state, lived on an air mattress away from my spouse for a week while being under intense emotional and physical stress (dementia is a fucking monster, y’all).  i came home, stayed a week, returned the following weekend to say my goodbyes, drove back home, learned of my loved one’s death on the drive and cried in a rest stop parking lot, spent another week at home, and then returned for the memorial service where i had to give the eulogy because no one else in my family could.
it was exhausting.  and i worked every day but one that entire time, remotely or in the office.  i took phone calls from my grandmother’s bedroom and while i signed for hospital equipment and morphine refills.
and still i posted fanfic.  still i wrote requests for people even though all i wanted to do was chuck myself over a cliff.
is that not enough?  will it ever be enough?  will anything?
is it so absurd that i would post about that?  is grief a reasonable enough excuse to post something annoying and not what people followed me for?
idk.  listen, i think i am a garbage human with no talent, lol.  the fact that people do not comment much on my work, do not reblog it, always lands on my shoulders as a cloak of, “told you you were worthless.”
and, obviously, that is my own thing.  that is its own problem.  but what else is a person supposed to think?  when you spend countless hours writing something only to post it with the highest hopes and to hear nothing in return?
what is that supposed to mean if not, “sorry, but not good enough?”
in the end, all we can control is what we ourselves do.  the energy we put out into the world.  and i just cannot imagine being so hateful or judgemental or cruel.  i cannot tell you how often i have had someone say, “i’d love a sequel to this!” without sparing just a moment to tell me why.
the why matters, you know.  if someone’s work is good enough for you to read, good enough for you to ask for.
oughtn’t it be good enough for you to say why?
i’ve not been great at keeping up with my fellow writers lately and for that i do apologize.  but i hope you all know from my past screaming comments and reblogs and recommendations how much i value the work you do.  how much i see the effort you put in.
because someone should tell you it is.  someone should tell you that it’s okay to feel burned out or sad or to stop writing for a while because you need to do something else.
i’ll tell you.  i’m not great at telling myself, yet, but maybe eventually i’ll get there.
ramble over.  ily all very much, take care of yourselves.  <3
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apex-academy · 1 year
Chapter 6: The Decay of Our Lives (#8a)
Inside the Nurse’s Office, Aidan flexes his bandaged fingers—the ones I can see clearly, at least. Not sure the hand in the sling has moved at all since I’ve seen it. Which is the point of wearing a sling, I guess.
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“Ah, Miss Kogamino! Were you looking for me?”
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“Not particularly, but I wouldn’t mind the company.”
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“That, I can certainly provide!”
I spend some time in Aidan’s company. Translated: listening to whatever part of aerospace engineering he feels like babbling about today. He’s slowed down enough now I might halfway keep up if I try, but... that's way too much effort. Not today, thanks.
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“So what was that just now?”
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“Er, the buoyancy part, or...”
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“No, before that.”
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“Whatever you and Kanagi were talking about before I walked up.”
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“Oh, that? Nothing in particular. I was just thanking her for all of her help.”
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“You can tell it’s wearing on her, but we don’t have a lot of options at this point, I’m afraid.”
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That’s true, but...
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“You act like you mean that in general. But to me it sounded like she was just telling you, specifically, not to push things too far.”
His smile tightens.
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“Her advice has been noted, yes.”
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“And discarded?”
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“I assure you I’m doing the best I can to take care of myself, given the situation in which we find ourselves. Do I need to present you with the entire argument?”
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“I really don’t understand how it’s so unintuitive to everyone, but all right.”
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“So. I think we’re all well-aware by now that I’m not in the greatest physical condition.”
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“Which technically could've been said from the beginning, but. This is an entirely different beast now.”
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“Furthermore! My current condition has yet to be evaluated by anyone remotely approximating an actual medical professional. I’m sure we can agree that that ought to be some kind of priority, yes?”
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“All right.”
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“Therefore, I believe this should logically follow: the most important thing that I can do for myself and my own health is getting us out of here as soon as possible, because only then will I be able to receive proper treatment.”
This is quickly going somewhere I won’t be happy with, but it’s awfully hard to contradict him.
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“So can everyone quit fussing over me ‘pushing myself’? My goals are in fact very well aligned with my own ultimate physical health and safety!”
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“I mean... Yes.”
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“Might be taking on too much personally, though.” 
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“Why does it need to be you who gets us out of here?”
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“I assure you I’m quite capable of delegating as many tasks as possible! It may not be as many as would make me—or most any of us—comfortable, but I’m afraid we're forced to work within our circumstances.”
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“And it doesn’t have to be me, per se. But I intend to contribute all I can, and I’m really best-suited to taking the lead. That being said, I don’t intend to ask things of anyone that I wouldn’t be willing to do myself, in better circumstances.”
Ah, so he could still ask us to kill.
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...That was a little much. At least it wasn’t out loud.
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“All right. Well...”
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“Can’t say I’m in shape to take everything on for you. Doing better, at least, but...”
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“Or, I think I’m doing better. Not sure exactly what I was up to for a couple of days there.”
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“Perfectly understandable.”
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“No one should be taken hostage, of course, but I imagine that was particularly cruel for you.”
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“If you’d prefer lighter conversation, I’m absolutely game for that...”
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“...but if it would help to discuss the more serious things, you’re always welcome to bring that to me as well.”
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“Lighter is better right now, I think.”
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“Good to know you’ll also shoulder the brunt of the emotional burdens yourself.”
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“Hearing people out isn’t that bad, goodness. A little extra listening won’t push me to the brink of total physical exhaustion.”
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“Thus why I was referring to emotional exhaustion.”
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“I think you’ll find it’s very, very difficult to get me anywhere close to that.”
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“I guess.”
Unless it’s about brain damage, germs, or suffocation. But a precision weak spot strike isn’t quite the topic at hand.
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“So! Something lighter! Hmmm...”
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“Have you read or watched anything good recently? I’ve seen you passing through the library a fair few times.”
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And with that, we’re back to plain conversation. Not hostages, not debilitating injuries, and certainly not murders.
A little sad when that’s the bar for light conversation, but we’ll take what we can get.
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ikigaitsuki · 2 years
so i usually try to keep positive on this blog (for the most part) but something has really been bothering me lately and i feel i would be stupid not to express it.
buckle up, this might get long. or leave this post, there’s no need to read if you don’t wish to!
there’s always been peoples problems with likes vs reblogs vs actually giving feedback, but it’s honestly really held me back more in my writing than i’d like to admit. i’ve wanted to give up writing for here for such a long time because of it. i was waiting for this stupid feeling to catch up to me.
however. i’m NOT going to leave, i just want to express issues and how it makes me feel
i, personally, spend such a long time working on my writing. some of my works have taken months to complete, with regular writing intervals. (see saving face, approximately 3-4 months) some have taken weeks. (besotted, room with a view) some might have taken less than an hour. (admission)
i’ve got requests that i’ve been working on for months from my inbox because i want to write substantial things that are worthwhile and enjoyable to read.
the thing that’s so sad abojt the comparison between these aforementioned fics is that people care more about writing that makes them feel horny and that they can reblog to come back to rather than anything beyond that. that’s just not what im about anymore. i love to write smut, i do, but i like to write believable characters and realistic worlds and i just feel like there’s such a niche group of people on tumblr that would actually read that. one of my most recent fics that took weeks (were abojt to lose each other and im frightened) may only be short but it took me weeks. it couldn’t even reach 50 notes. there couldn’t even be a word about what was good or bad. what’s wrong with it?
people only see the end result, never the work and tome that goes into something created.
the issue, and the reason why people are leaving, is because they just don’t know how you readers feel. they don’t know what you want to see, they don’t know what you don’t like.
i’m watching some of my favourite writers and mutuals leave this place and it’s so sad.
there’s only so long that receiving 300+ notes on a fic can incentivise you to keep going. once you realise that all people ever do is like, you quickly run out of inspiration. which is sad. i’ve written for years, and i love it, and this is one of the first times i’ve felt completely down abojt my writing and what i’m putting out. i love to write, but now i feel no reason to. i feel like i’ve really lost momentum and enjoyment in it. i put out work to receive little, as do many other writers, and they tell you this over and over and nobody ever listens.
we all do this for free. i have a job, a family, i’m a student, i live in a flat that i need to pay for. i have so little time and i spend it on writing and sometimes i hear a lot back, and i have feedback that i’ve kept to this day, but sometimes i hear so little i wonder the point. people can argue “do it for yourself, not for others” but writing takes time, takes effort, you’re making yourself vulnerable by posting things you’ve created, it’s so much more than “well you chose to do this as a hobby”. we do this for you, as much as ourselves, we do not ask for much.
i feel this offers some explanation as to why my writing has slowed. im in such a slump and im in two minds and i hate this feeling. people will probably read this and just *eye roll* because these posts are common — but that’s the point.
but a reminder: im not going anywhere, not yet! there’s just some things that have been on my mind.
anyway, i’ll probably feel embarrassed about this once i’ve slept on it and woken up but for now — i love and leave you
— gai
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—    basics.
is your muse tall/short/average?    Wanda is average height, she is approximately 5′7″
are they okay with their height? She’s more than content with her height, though Wanda does enjoy wearing high heels. 
what’s their hair like?    Wanda’s hair is mid back length, curly, chocolate brown hair.
do they spend a lot of time on their hair/grooming? Wanda takes approximately thirty minutes to care for her hair, like hair masks and treatments for her hair.
does your muse care about their appearance/what others think? Wanda does care about her looks, though she never needs to put in a lot of effort because she is incredibly beautiful nor is she too bothered by her appearance.
—    preferences
indoors or outdoors? She’s actually a bit of an outdoors person, she loves going to the forests and forage for wild plants or mushrooms. 
rain or sunshine?   She prefers sunshine, the warmth of the sun always feels good to Wanda. 
forest or beach?   The forest, it brings back memories of home, and she knows what beasts lurk in the forests.
precious metals or gems? This is a tough one, I would have to say gems. They have practical uses even outside of witchcraft as well. 
flowers or perfumes? Flowers, they can also be used for spells too. 
personality or appearance?    Personality, she knows as good as anyone that looks aren’t everything.
being alone or in a crowd?   Wanda prefers to be alone.
order or anarchy?   She likes to present order but, really, Wanda craves anarchy.
painful truths or white lies?    Wanda would much rather be honest with a person now, rather than string them along and break them down later. That isn’t to say she is not one for saying a white lie…
science or magic? That’s a no-brainer, it’s obviously magic.
peace or conflict? Conflict because it creates chaos.
night or day?    Wanda is more of a night owl and when her many children awaken.
dusk or dawn? Dawn, for Wanda, the darkness is gone for the moment and the light returns.
warmth or cold?  The cold, Wanda loves watching the freshly fallen snow. 
many acquaintances or a few close friends?    While Wanda has many acquaintances, she’s has a few close friends that she’s absolutely close with.
—    questionnaire.
what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Smoking when stressed out is one of them, bottling up emotions until a minor inconvenience makes her blow up, temperamental,
has your muse lost anyone close to them? How has it affected them? She has lost many people close to her, it has made her become depressed
what are some fond memories your muse has?  Wanda’s fondest memories are of her childhood with her adoptive parents.
is it easy for your muse to kill?   Hardly, if she were easy to kill, then that would mean the end of things.
is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Is she capable of it, yes, but she has to be extremely close to that person.
what’s your muse like when they’re in love? Wanda is a very loving towards her partners, she will shower her partner with affection and giving them gifts. She wants them to know just how special they are to her, and she will bend over backwards just to make them feel that way. 
Tagged by: @erosoftitan (thanks!! ❤️❤️)
Tagging: @fasciinating , @firefated , @fasciinating , @scndbrn​ ,@pistoiet , @anlgesic , @rgerz , @antispidcr , @dereiserne , @xstrange , @hiredassault , @isnoninja , @thesilverandjetsystem , @jensationals , @bothsidesofaquestion , @untamedtempest , and you!
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summeroffice · 29 days
Власть vs Влащенко
35:15 Do you watch the Marathon television broadcast [the government-controlled newscast "United News" ("Єдині новини") that is considered state propaganda and a form of censorship by journalists]? 
Yes, of course, I have to for work and in principle, I believe that the telethon correctly places many accents. Not everything is perfect, but nevertheless it's strange for me to hear that during the war it is necessary for the state to somehow refuse the opportunity to have a platform on which to try to correctly place accents and conduct discussions.  
35:40 What has changed in your life since the beginning of the war? Most of all?  
Everything. Everything radically. The impossibility of being with my family, the inability to spend time on what I like, books, communication with friends, and so on.  
35:57 Where would you like to meet your retirement? Well, if you imagine this distant moment when-- 
The place doesn't matter. I don't put it that way. With whom I would like, who I would like to be with. The place doesn't matter. There should be friends nearby, there should be family nearby, there should be favourite items from that life, from past life that create a feeling of existence as such. Therefore, the place never matters. What matters is only the atmosphere in which you will be.  
36:30 About items, how many pairs of shoes do you have? Well, approximately. [He used to have 9 in his office back when we could see it] 
Very-- Well, I don't know, I don't count them, I don't--- Well, enough. I'm a little scrupulous about these things.  
36:42 What do you think Nataliya Moseichuk wanted to say when she said that the SBU will knock on every door? 
She, in my opinion, absolutely has the right to say such things because she feels a great need to worry about her country. This is very important. And in this way, she says that everyone should realise what historical moment we are at, what is the price of this moment and that someone will not be able to hide behind someone else's back. Someone through fear-- Overcomes this fear, protects the country, protects the right to be themselves, and someone simply hides behind their fear.  
And accordingly, it is not that it is a threat, it is an attempt to reach people who do not want to realise the moment in which we find ourselves. And in my opinion, again, emotionally, this is correct. Perhaps logically you can use other words and so on, but emotionally I understand perfectly well, and I think that she has the right to speak quite harshly.  
37:48 Mykhailo, your favourite Ukrainian author? 
[Slight pause] Ukrainian? [Yurii] Andrukhovych.
And your favourite Western author? 
Oh, I have a lot of them. I periodically return to one or another genre literature, right now my favourite is Jean-Christophe Grangé. Well, practically his last novel that I came across, for me, is a little connected with psychiatry. "Le Passager" [2011], I recommend reading it. In principle, there are a lot of authors, I periodically resort to someone, for example, we are speaking about English-language--, the same Jo Nesbø, a very interesting author.  
And in principle, I emphasise once again, by the way, I recommend, you know, the most, if at all, the most favourite in general to which I periodically return, there are 2 of them, Richard Dawkins "Доказательства Бога" [perhaps he means "The God Delusion"], and the same, unfortunately already departed Stephen Hawking, and again, I recommend everyone to read " A Briefer History of Time", an amazing book that talks about who we are, where we are moving and everything that concerns such paradoxes as time, distance, very interesting things. So, there is no such concept as-- 
38:56 What are your favourite authors in Russian literature? Well, modern ones, for example? Pelevin, Sorokin, somebody else? 
[Vladimir] Sorokin of course, his entire cycle about the Sugar Kremlin where is the actual prediction of what we see today in Russia absolutely done. Amazingly, I like, of course, early Chkhartishvili [real name of Boris Akunin], well, Mr Akunin, right, I like it very much.
And I like Dmitry Glukhovsky who again today in my opinion, not only has the man written good fantasies, well, fantastic apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic novels, in my opinion, he very deeply accurately understands the core content of Russia and believes that this country, of course, today looks extremely ugly being a citizen of Russia.  
Also are interesting authors the same [Lyudmila] Ulitskaya, right, that is, as it were, the same [Dmitry] Bykov, by the way, there are his early novels there that are very interesting. Yes, there are enough authors. And by the way, all these authors are clearly disapproving of modern Russia.  
Foreign agents, yes.  
Yes, they are all foreign agents, disapprove Putin, they understand this worthlessness. They just correctly, uh, as highly intelligent people try not to talk about it. I can afford to give harsher assessments, due to the specialties defined there. They treat Putin like nothing, a worthless person who, unfortunately, has nullified the historical chances of the historical reputation, everything that concerns Russia. That is, this is the country of the dead today.  
40:35 When was the last time you were truly scared? 
Fear is an irrational feeling, in principle it also has useful functions and accordingly, periodically you need to be afraid not to lose the feeling of life and so on. But you need to be able to control your fears.  
40:54 For what does it makes sense to sacrifice your life? 
[Sighs] It's a complex question. There are many factors when it is not that it makes sense... When the need to sacrifice arises and many in this war showed this need, that is, they sacrificed their lives in order to have more time, well, so that their friends had more time or more opportunities and so on. It is not that for the sake of what, you don't ask such questions in a crisis at a key moment. 
It is a question of readiness for self-sacrifice, and I would say that Ukraine and as a country and many people who live in this country, the readiness for self-sacrifice is at an extremely high level. And this in principle, these 2, more than 2 years gives hope to Ukraine and accordingly, to other countries that it will be possible to get out of this war with a fair result.  
42:00 Well, in the end, maybe, what gives you the greatest pleasure in life? 
Well, everything. Everything that is a direct reflection of the essence of the human life. Book, good... good wine, good communication with friends, intellectual conversations, all this. We often forget that we live here and now and think that sometime somewhere we will get something and will be able to realise ourselves and so on. And people live their lives often without understanding that even just a short story we have read creates a feeling of richness in life. 
You need to take advantage of the moment and you need to do some things but the main thing here is not to forget that the things that you do should not be to the detriment of other people. That you need to understand that other people may look at life differently, that they may have subjective interpretations completely different from yours, and so on. But you can get pleasure from basic things, when your child looks at you well, well, with a smile. 
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