#i don't have the kind of relationship with this game or the characters or the dynamics that it would automatically make writing about them
hpalways · 3 hours
"my fate, not yours"
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Characters: Higuruma Hiromi, Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru x GN!Reader
Synopsis: Where death lurks at every corner, they push you away to protect you.
Warnings: Slight spoilers from manga.
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In the world of law, strict boundaries were set, whether on the job, in relationships, personal life, and everything that surrounded you as a core of a person. You were there during his aspirations as a defense attorney. The goodness in his heart shone the brightest among the corruption that wormed its way around the courthouse.
It was what led you to fall for him -- a boundary that should never have been crossed as a fellow colleague.
You were then there at his downward spiral, his expression growing darker at the injustice that became so obvious. The moment his curse technique awakened, he had done the deed -- murder the prosecutor and the judge.
And now, here you were, in this Culling Game with Higuruma Hiromi.
"Are you not afraid of me?" he asked you, after you watched him defeat an enemy from the corner of the deserted theater.
"Why should I be? If you were going to kill me, you would've already done so. My death would give you another extension. Besides, are we not colleagues?"
He nodded, his dark eyes softening slightly. "Yes. For the longest time now. You should leave this game, [Name]. Leave and never turn back. You don't have a technique."
"What are you sticking around for? Is it because of your feelings for me?"
Your face blossomed in heat as you fumbled with your words. "H-How? How did you know?"
"I'm a lawyer. As are you. We are quite the perceptive people."
You nodded, ashamedly averting your eyes to the dingy floor of the stage. "Well, yes. I have feelings for you. But no, that's not the reason why I'm still here."
"If it's because of this game's rule of being unable to leave, I can change it."
You shook your head. "I can't leave you here alone."
He approached you, in his suit and disheveled look. Worn out at the roots, and his passion in law failing him, you still held comfort around him. He was like a fallen angel -- the devil, simply misinterpreted and unfortunate. You wanted to save him. Wanted him to know that you were by his side, even if the world wasn't.
"Thank you for loving me," he whispered into your ear. He then curved his face, his warm breath hitting your cheek. With that, he leaned in, soft lips pressed like a kind reminder.
A kiss marked by goodbye.
"But don't love me anymore." His smile was bittersweet, but there was no regret in his eyes, for a newfound freedom had reached him. A fallen angel he was, granted by a new set of wings. "I have no place in the court anymore. You... You still have a life outside of this game."
"No one has to know what you've done!" you argued. "You can still continue!"
He shook his head. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself in a sea of lies. This... This is my path."
Your hands fell to your sides, unable to speak, because the second you would, your words failed you. He was not going to budge -- he had already made his mind a long time ago. He was going to play this damn game until the very end. With or without you.
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A destiny as dark and grim as his, many could not withstand it. Many could not deal with his thoughts on humanity and beliefs for his version of a better world. Time and time again, he was left and forgotten, a remnant of an unspoken memory that haunted jujutsu society.
Or maybe, he was the one to leave first.
He thought you were a strange sorcerer, the first time you met. Having met on the battlefield, he expected to fight you to the death, assuming you were on the other team, beliefs that were so morally safe that it made him sick to the stomach.
Instead, you threw your hands up in surrender and invited him to tea. He had never been so dumbfounded.
The more he spoke to you, with your open mind and heart, the more he wanted to understand you.
But now... it was time to let that go. It was time to wrap these silly discussions of what ifs and dive into a world of reality. His plan of action, almost after all these long, long years, was finally underway. If he had to sacrifice everything, then so be it.
"We can't meet anymore," he told you.
You blinked in surprise, nearly choking on your cup of tea. "What? Why?"
He smiled calmly, crossing his legs. "It'll be too dangerous to meet."
"And how does that concern me? I'm a sorcerer."
"You will be put in a position you'll regret. Society will be onto you... onto your relations with me," he said. "So forget about me."
You stood up, slamming your hands down on the table, nearly knocking over the cups of tea. "How could say that? After all this time, you're just going to leave?"
It was nothing new. Not the first time he left someone. He had left Gojo Satoru, Shoko Ieiri, everyone at Jujutsu High, and now, you. He shouldn't have gotten close to you in the first place, knowing that his destiny was sealed. So why did he have to go around and be selfish again? Did he miss all those old days with his former best friend? The days that could never be returned?
There was no point reliving the past.
You grabbed his hand, desperation at length. "Fine. Say you do go through with this. Come back alive."
He grinned, the corners of his creasing. "I cannot promise you anything. I am going up against the strongest sorcerer of all time."
His hand dropped to your head, feeling the rustle of your [h/c] head. Your expression darkened, stressed lining your usual carefree face. Upon seeing it, he fought tooth and nail from wanting to comfort you, to whisper you words of assurance. Instead, he pulled away, preparing himself mentally to harden himself again. If he was able to do it once, he could do it again. It would be no different.
"Forget me. And stop being a halfhearted sorcerer."
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As the most powerful sorcerer, nothing could stand in Gojo Satoru's way. If so, then why did you have this uneasy feeling at the mention of the ongoing plan for Shibuya?
Being called on deck to help out the sorcerers, he was beginning with his preparations. He was going to leave. Leave you here to your worries, like the selfish being he was. With his overconfidence that nothing could go wrong as long as he was there, he often overlooked the small things that could trigger a domino effect.
His all-seeing eyes still had a blind spot. You knew that better than anyone.
"You're staying here," he said to you. His reminiscent blues eyes stared intensely at you, swirls of storm washing at bay. They spat back at you, mocking you, for your lack of strength. A finger crept up to the blacks of his blindfold, slipping it downward to cover said hues in slumber.
"No... Let me go."
"You'll only get in the way."
You bristled, poking at his chest, which was a little too solid for your liking. "You didn't have to say it like that."
He sighed and then reached his hand out, ruffling your hair into a mess. "I'm just saying. There's a lot of non-sorcerers to deal with. Your technique won't be useful there. And you need to rest up. You just came back from a different mission."
"I'm just getting a bad gut feeling about you, Satoru."
He snorted and pointed at himself for the dramatics. "Me? We're talking about me over here. I will be fine. Aw, so cute though... my little [Name] is worrying about me!"
Pulling you into a hug, he wrapped his arms around you tightly. The familiarity of his soft cologne, earthy and sandalwood, wafted through your nose, spreading past your mind the memories you had with him. The days had flown through like quicksand, too fast for you to catch on.
You were tired of it. Of Gojo Satoru being the strongest. And the burden that came with it.
"Just sit this one out, hmm? I'll be back before you know it."
"What if you also stay out of this one? It could be a trap they had set up."
He stared at you incredulously, his smile dropping instantly. "Don't joke like that. I cannot afford to sit out. This is my responsibility. The fate of Tokyo relies on me."
You hated it.
You hated his recklessness with so called fate.
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nekropsii · 7 hours
do you still do session analysis?
I've never really done that, so no.
I appreciate the value placed in my opinion, truly, but I guarantee you it will be way more fun and satisfying to write things like that on your own than it is to get some stranger to do it for you. I don't feel good depriving someone the joy and learning experience of figuring out Character + Classpect Dynamics on your own. It's hard, for sure, but it's completely worth it. I'll give my thoughts on Individual Classes, Aspects, and Classpects now and then, if the mood strikes me, but the way that will affect a Group Dynamic is far more dependent on the individual characters involved and the narrative they're in than a lot of people seem to give credit for. Yes, the Classpect of a character says a lot about them, but it doesn't really express their Moral Alignment, the full breadth of their Personality, any specific Traumas or Neuroses that may afflict them and affect their relationship with their life, surroundings, and the people around them, et cetera, et cetera...
Basically, a Classpect says a lot, and a Group of Classpects can also say a lot, but I find it personally difficult to make very solid statements on the Viability of a Session or the Dynamics within it without having a deep understanding of not only the characters involved but also what kind of story is being aimed for. What a Classpect can mean or entail depends a lot on the Hero in question, and the specific Meta of the Session. You can keep the Meaning of all Classes and Aspects nigh completely Canon Compliant, but still have them imply and result in totally different things within a Session, purely because the Story and Character demands something that isn't, like... Just a straight up repeat of things already tread upon in source material. You could have a Seer of Light that's evil. You could have Bard of Rage that's a pretty good guy, all things considered.
For example, Sovereignstuck has a very particular Meta with its Classpects, and it's going for a very particular narrative. The characters in it are also very much so their own beasts - though their Classpects may say a lot about them, it doesn't really tell you anything about their morality, or how willing they are to hurt people or even just ascend to godhood in the first place, which is a really big deal in what is essentially a literal Deus Ex Machina Death Game Horror/Drama RPG setting especially. To use a particular example from Sovereignstuck - Bards of Mind tend to be billed as chaotic forces and, due to being a Bard, inherently bad people, with some even suggesting the best way to write a Bard of Mind is to write a straight up Bigot. We've got a Bard of Mind in the Player Session, Emeric Sargas, and while she is a complicated person - as is the truth for everyone ever - she is, generally speaking, a very child-like ball of sunshine that basically no one has beef with because she's just very sweet. Odd, yes, definitely, she does have a litany of very strange beliefs about how the world works, but overall a nice person. We have two Maids of Space, even, and they're extremely, extremely different people.
It's not as simple as saying "Princes of Void and Witches of Heart are guaranteed to not get along!", or "This Session will fail because it has an insufficient Player count!". Hell, it's difficult for me to even say a Session is doomed to fail if they have no Time and/or Space Players. Maybe the Meta of your Session simply doesn't abide by typical SBURB rules. I know my Fanventure sure doesn't, it's running on a fucking spinoff game with no Universe Building aspects to it - it's just a God-Making Machine. Maybe you don't need a Time or Space Player. Maybe you don't need a Knight, or an Heir. Maybe you can have five Pages. I literally don't know. Write whatever you want. Get creative. You truly do not have to abide by the rules set by SBURB if you don't want to write a Creation Myth. My only recommendation is that if you're breaking the mold, make that clear - explain what the purpose of your game is. Hell, explain the purpose even if it's just SBURB 2. The Characters are gonna have to learn what it is, even if the reader is aware of it already.
I could talk more, but this is already a long enough response to a pretty simple one sentence yes or no question.
TL;DR: No, I don't, sorry.
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the-nosy-neighbor · 2 days
Just So
TW: mentions of suicide related information
I thought I would look at “Just So,” based on the “Bug-A-Bye” song post, to see if I could find any information there.  I did find a few lines that could be related or seemed a bit suspicious. 
A note to start, the singing on this one is way better than the way “Bug-A-Bye” is sung. And this one is sung without accompaniment, so it would stand to reason that “Just So” would be the one that is sung poorly or off pace.  I wonder what that means?
So, the premise of the song is that Frank is tying his bow tie and Julie comes in.  He is getting ready for a croquet game with the neighbors, led by Julie.  Julie shows up in her bowling ball dress and tells Frank they are now doing hula hoop bowling ball croquet instead of just regular croquet (though I am sure there was some difference because Julie doesn’t play games the way they are designed.)
They start talking about how much Frank likes rules, and he starts singing this song about how he likes everything just so.  Wally comes in and asks if Home can play croquet, so they decide to move the game to Home’s yard so Home can play, too.  Julie goes to take care of this and tell Sally they are moving the opening ceremonies.
Wally stays with Frank and continues to talk to him about his rules thing, because he doesn’t understand.  During this conversation, Barnaby busts in and we find out he has boots on his hand, because he is planning to be a horse, because he thinks they are playing polo.  (Side note:  Barnaby rushes in is a thing.  This is a definitely crashing a conversation.  It reminds me of when Barnaby joins the talk show and completely derails the interview—which was veering to Wally’s love life, or NightMind was hitting on him, not sure.  I wonder if Barnaby is doing these things to control or disrupt what Wally says or does.)
Barnaby comes in and wrecks the song, sings a different song, and says he is off to take Wally to the game.  Frank stays to put on the proper bow tie, now that Julie is wearing the bowling ball dress.  (Something to remember for the idea that Frank and Julie are in a relationship.  Is this couple matching or just Frank’s weird idea of what is appropriate for the game? There is also mention in this of Frank helping Julie get all the leaves out of her hair after she got launched on top of Howdy’s store.  Yes,I went to see if I could find the green chalk on the map.)
Let's see now.. right over left, under and through, fold on THIS side, down, up and around, pass it through and PULL- there! A perfectly tied Croquet Tie.
When I was reading this, I wondered if this didn’t have something nefarious to it, like that these were the directions to tie a noose or something.  I’m not going to post the instructions to be doubly safe here, but it’s not incredibly off.  I think that the pass through and pull is what made me think of it.  It does match the bow tie instructions very closely through the beginning and middle, but gets kind of weird at the end, but it is hard to describe, I am sure.  I’m going to go with maybe.  Maybe it is a reference.  I was mostly thinking back to some early concept art.
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This art, which is early enough to still include Sunny, shows all the characters hanging (assumed by the feet) with Wally peering up over the bottom edge of the photo, wide eyed.  I have always found this creepy but it is also one of my favorite pieces from the project.  It’s so evocative.
I forgot an important thought here, marionettes are stored by hanging them. I don't know why that didn't occur to me before, that it could be them in storage. Still, that is interesting given the theory that maybe Frank is removing puplets from harm by some sort of death.
So, while the image is still creepy, it has a basis in puppeteering.  I did look up muppet storage, though, and it is more box based, just one muppet per box. 
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We can be on the lookout for something like this as well.  In the “Look, I made a dog”piece, there is a box in the forefront, but it looks to be a regular box, and I would assume the arrow is the important bit, as it is pointing down.  The neighbors are mostly hand rod puppets, which we explored a bit before.  Other are walkaround style muppets and they have muppets that have human hands inside the muppet hands, like Rowlf (or just have human hands like Beaker or Swedish Chef).  Generally, the type depends on what they need the muppet to do.
FRANK: I know how to tie the loop around, and exactly how to pull!
JULIE: Or like the way you keep your garden all in rows!
FRANK: Yes! That way I always know, where each plant will grow.
This one is a throw back to the line above, tie the loop around and pull, which is part of the process of tying the knot, so could be a reference to hanging.  Then, with the garden line, it makes me think of the “Bug-A-Bye” post, with multiple references to the beloved bugs being underground.  Frank always knows which plant will grow.  Is this a reference to Frank knowing exactly where his friends are stored, AKA where to find the bodies? 
There is a portion of the song where Frank uses a crayon metaphor to explain the neat and orderly thing to Wally.  We find out that Frank has a tendency to arrange people’s crayons in rainbow order.  I was definitely that kid.  I could spend a long time organizing crayons by color.  He says something that seems to have a double meaning:
FRANK: I like it best… when red goes in front of the rest.
And the colors all stay inside the lines!
When each and every hue, from orange yellow green and blue,
WALLY: …and purple?
FRANK: RIGHT! Sometimes things have an order that their context, demands-
Since this universe has a strong correlation between character and color, it always pings my radar.  There are lots of examples to use for order, and this is an attempt to relate to something that Wally might already understand, which of course he doesn’t.
“Color inside the lines” has become an idiom in the English language, meant “to think or act within generally accepted guidelines.” That really fits my theory of the neighborhood, that they are being forced by the strongest power to behave.  It sounds like something someone would say to a dictator.  (Like the Mitchell and Webb skit where the baddie tries to get his henchman to kill someone without saying it out loud.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6cake3bwnY)
Red goes first, so maybe Wally and Home come first?  If we are doing a proper order of the neighborhood, then it makes sense that they would come first. This is also backed up by the idea of Home being a panopticon in the neighborhood, centrally located and always watching.
Purple is left off of Frank’s list, though Wally’s line can be seen as an interruption and he hadn’t gotten to it yet.  If he meant to leave it off, it makes sense that he could be trying to avoid bringing Eddie to Wally/Home’s attention.  Wally/Home wants to make sure that Frank knows that he hasn’t forgotten about him.  Alternatively, if Wally/Home thinks that Frank is on his/their team, that he is asking Frank if Eddie is behaving. 
I did try to draw a line in rainbow colors through the houses in the neighborhood, but it didn't really give me anything.
After Barnaby shows up, and Frank tells them to leave, there is another section about the colors:
WALLY: Aw. I wanted to learn the colors.
FRANK: Wally, I think you already know the colors.
WALLY: …I could hear them again.
BARNABY: Yeah Frank, which one’s orange again? [sounding genuinely confused] Am I orange?
This could be cutesy Wally, for sure.  Most of this could be cutesy character development.  But with the focus on colors, maybe it means more.  Wally wants to know information about the neighbors, like he specifically asked about purple.  Frank says there isn’t more to say beyond what Wally knows, but Wally is kind of pushing the issue.  I don’t get Barnaby a lot of the time.  Is this mocking him?  Insinuating that he doesn’t know anything about colors/neighbors?
Frank kicks them out and then goes to finish his tie, and Howdy shows up and interrupts again.  He says, “On no, Howdy, not now.” I would assume this means he wasn’t going to play the game, or he would say it was moved to Home’s yard. 
I wonder if we have more interactions between Frank and Howdy, to see if there is anything going on there. 
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queenburd · 3 days
Give us all the juicy details about your Stanley! 😄
we will never be able to fully rid ourselves of projecting onto the guy. with so little to go off of (loves bucket, curator and narrator both make claims about what he wants and who he is but that doesnt have to mean anything), we aren't able to wholly separate ourselves from the guy.
and i think that means loving stanley means loving traits abt ourselves.
anyway. my Stanley is painfully self aware of his role as a character in a game whose responsibility is to make choices. he knows that his choices mean nothing for the world but everything in terms of impacting the other person who he interacts with. He knows that in terms of the world, actions have little consequence, but in terms of people and relationships, those consequences may be the only things that ever stick.
I love him simple. I love that he does genuinely have fun with buttons, even outside of the idea of Mind Control. I love making him someone who thinks about the world in very simple ways. Not that he sees the world in black and white, and not that he's naive, but I like the idea that he breaks down things that seem complex, and are to some extent complex, and looks at them as simply as he can to make his choices.
sorry that's vague as hell. but I like to write Stanley kind, if mischievous. Boring in some of the most basic ways, and yet there's something unhinged abt him sometimes. (in the real world? he collects esoteric weapons. not to use. just because he thinks they are cool.)
if none of your choices matter except for how you impact other people, then you have a sort of freedom to do stupid things, and be silly, and be free, and be even a little naughty, so long as you don't do anything cruel.
So Stanley is silly. Stanley causes trouble and works up the Narrator, but Stanley does things to try to entertain himself and learn about the world he's in, not for control or power.
He's got stubbornness to him, because Stanley does what Stanley wants, and Stanley will not be bossed around, sure. He's eager to find new things where he can, because his role as protagonist, his code itself, demands he keep moving, keep exploring, keep playing the game. don't ever stop, the end is never the end.
but there's no malice.
and when you and your counterpart become painfully aware of your situation, that you can't get out but you can still grow and still impact each other, that your needs are designed to be in conflict but you don't actually want to cause pain, then you find ways to understand each other and make it work.
i love stanley. I know so much of this is just me projecting what i know and see and feel onto stanley, but I like the idea of a quiet sense of compassion and awareness in the guy who will never be able to directly share his thoughts with the player. I want him to be capable of feeling and thinking so much, in a quiet, genuine way.
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agnesandhilda · 17 days
the key difference between kaiser and isagi as guys who boost their self-esteem by beating others is that isagi isn't satisfied by overcoming opponents who aren't a match for his skill while kaiser exclusively picks fights he thinks he can win 
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winepresswrath · 5 days
I think I would need to reread the first book to really commit to this opinion but imo some of the horror of book!claudia is that she really is a terribly inhuman monster. she was a vampire child, so she never learned to be human. she was a vampire child so she'll never grow up and fulfill that potential. companionship is a necessity for her because she can't look after herself and that makes her bitter and disdainful of people who want love for its own sake, especially in the context of Louis and Lestat, who damned her to her current state to fulfill their own emotional needs. it's a stark contrast to show Claudia, who yes, is a vicious mass murdering vampire and has fun with it, but is otherwise a lonely woman who craves companionship and understanding because she's a person. Her beef with Louis is still about his failure to prioritize her and his assorted bad idea relationship choices but the undertones are so different and I really feel like the tragedy is that he didn't put her first and not that he could never have made her happy no matter what he chose.
#tbh i think claudia in the book is perfectly capable of love she's just furious all the time#but there's definitely a particular monstrosity/eatrangement from humanity#which in terms of the other vamps. lol maybe she's just honest!#howevvver#i say again u would not catch her getting love bombed into a theatre cult#she is simply not vulnerable to that particular trap#at the same time i think it honestly was about book claudia. at least more than it's about show claudia. she engineered a situation where#louis had to choose and he did! she had the opportunity to make up with lestat basically whenever and she didn't because she was furious#and unwilling to put up with him.#valid! but imo a much less desperate situation than claudia in the show#who is also i think dealing with a much more serious betrayal#like tell me if i'm wrong but book claudia clocks that he won't give them up without a fight from the get go#in kind of a game recognizes less competent game kind of way#whereas show claudia really thought she could show up and ask louis to leave with her. and if he agreed that would be that#and i think the violence she receives and witnesses in return is what really ruptures their relationship for good. she was mad about the#diaries and the boyfriend and the general state of her existence but unlike book! claudia i genuinely don't think she'd have tried to hurt#him if he hadn't done that. whereas book claudia would gut him for funsies#maybe even a little affectionately if he didn't make her too mad first. however it's lestat he was always going to make her mad moot point#god i love show claudia but book claudia really is an absolutely singular character i should reread just for her#either way always thinking about Her#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#the vampire claudia
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seagullcharmer · 10 months
i don't think this applies to any mutuals but i've been stewing vaguely over tp fans who think link only fell for midna when he saw her true form. like. we did Not play the same game apparently
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fragmentedblade · 7 months
Screwllum watching the Aetherium Wars Tournament because of Silver Wolf's persistence, and calling her "an old Stellaron Hunter friend of mine", was really cute
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butterflieswhisper · 1 month
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hhelp wait this is so funny. didnt you follow me forever ago after a scott themed october song analysis . sorry if you dont remember that and this ask doesnt make sense but this is still funny to me
hi!!!! yeah. it was the cherri crane lives art i think and also where you made your flower husbands tag! I have never really interacted with fh outside of you (and like, seeing pretty fanart) but i am nonetheless deeply invested in your interpretation specifically!!! I honestly haven't watched jimmy outside of rats and the beginning of empires2 either i genuinely have no clue what they get up to you just seem to have a lot of fun with it
#asks#<-omg i can make that a tag now#i also am a year behind on the life series. i think the most recent one i've seen is double#like from any pov. i am a year behind. however that goes for everything on youtube#my poor watch later playlist hit the 5000 video limit forever ago and so did the second one i made to replace it. i am on my third#but seriously i don't know what goes on in fh canon but i like their blue/yellow thing they have going on. idk if that's like? intentional?#but like scott blue and canary yellow are really pretty colors together#and they are also SO close to being complimentary colors and yet. they aren't. just a little bit off#they don't quite fit quite how they should. i made that up on the spot i mostly think yellow and blue are nice colors#i think my biggest exposure to scott before you was literally the deal with destiny song in empires1#and i don't even think i acknowledged him as like a real guy ykwim.#like oh yeah. scott smajor. he's like. in that song lizzie made or something. he can sing alright i guess (plays it on loop)(plays it on lo#whisp whispers#seeing u post about Discourse(tm) is always really funny to me because i didn't realize for a while that u did not have like#the 'normal' interpretation? like i didn't realize you had a different view than other people#i was like oh yeah the relationship held in the death games is toxic. that makes sense yeah and is not surprising#and then suddenly there would be a post where you mention discourse and i went. Ohhhhh wait they're supposed to be HAPPY!!!#but i feel like this is infinitely more enjoyable i love Flawed Characters#and especially now after watching his rats. i get it. i get it i get it i see what you are saying#he doesn't interact much with jimmy hes mostly with owen and. i mean#'i've never heard someone apologize so much while putting the blame on the other person'???? i see exactly what you mean#r!scott accidentally hurting r!owen and then apologizing profusely while insisting it's because owen stood in his way. and then immediately#isolating himself in a room for like 20 minutes and refusing to interact with anyone feels like. idk#it reminds me of ur rambles and i understand them more now i think. kind of#to be clear by 'with' i mean like. in proximity of. those rats are AROMANTIC!!!!! (to me)#i'm so sorry these tags are a mess. but alas#i also think it's really funny to follow Flower Husbands guy and know nothing abt them. invested by proxy. whenever i hear abt scott giving#jimmy a flower i get excited not because like i know what's going on but because omg! that's like that thing bree talks about sometimes!!#i hope that like. any of this makes sense shdbfjk
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gloriousmonsters · 10 months
read camp dama.scus. enjoyed some stuff, really wish i didn't have the experience so often reading a book that's Good and Progressive and about Queer Affirmation etc of feeling like i'm side-eying the author like 'and you know that delineating the people that oppose you as pure evil that therefore deserves torture or death or being eliminated from society entirely is bad, right? you know that, right??'
#it's kind of funny bc the main character is a jack chick tract atheist in a way bc#she rejects her religion (REALLY quickly and easily lol) and immediately starts... conceiving of HERSELF as a prophet/god#as in. starts making up 'bible' verses that are about Her and how awesome she is#and how she's going to bring down her enemies with the righteous flaming sword of vengeance and wrath and truth etc#which i would love as a character Thing if the narrative didn't just treat this as 'super metal' with absolutely no further examination#(seriously she casually drops that she's been making up bible-style verses abt herself and her ideas#in convo with her Token Good Christian friend. by CITING ONE OF THEM#LIKE IT'S A BIBLE VERSE. and then going 'o yeah i've been making those up'#and her friend's reaction is just 'haha that's sick' and moving on)#listen i'm all for god complexes and edgy bullshit but the presentation along w the general#descriptions of the Enemy as 'cartoonishly pure evil' and implicit 'haha nice!' around the idea of THEM getting tortured forever#just leaves me ://///#i might be oversensitive to this after stuff like Sorrowland and Pet but.... just. ech. i wish i didn't have to play the game of#'do you think torture is ok if it's someone you don't like?' and 'do you consider people who do bad things as human?' in the first place#also it was just a HUGELY underwritten book lol it'd make a decent movie but viewed as a book it gets funnier the longer i think about it#was marketed as conversion camp horror. 0 conversion camp content bc IT ALREADY HAPPENED#0 relationship development bc the two people the MC connects with she ALREADY HAD RELATIONSHIPS WITH. THAT SHE FORGOT#so you can 'i'm falling for x again' all you want dr tingle that's not what's happening the work is not there#also ofc the other two people are just. The Tech Guy and The Cool Hot Nice Love Interest (2 aesthetic traits no personality)#so yeah like. some very good horror moments/concepts! but some Problems. For Sure#vic talks#book talk
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fereldanwench · 11 months
sooooooooo rhiannon is the hawke i technically ship with cullen
i'm having some strong fenris feels right now ngl
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femmeterypolka · 8 months
i don't think proseka is a very good game. It's definitely not a very good vocaloid game. but i'm addicted to the little pink diamond that says i did a good job playing and i'm normal about mizuki akiyama
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bragganhyl · 5 months
ngl i do feel a bit of an itch to write something with the newest edition of Bertalan but i know it's the devil talking especially now
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Reading the new comet event (spoilers sort of?) and I could've sworn I'd read it before, but no!! I realised that it was because MC going to Satan after he shut himself in his room reminded me of that scene in the Minecraft chapter where IK finds him on the iceberg! Just a cool thing I thought I'd share
oo funky!! i haven't done the new event myself (planning on speedrunning at some point before it ends), but it looks interesting! i like that they're trying something new, and focusing each pop quiz around particular characters should definitely make them more interesting, esp if they go for actual mini-arcs with them like it sounds like they are
#answering asks#anon asks#i'd be interested in seeing what directions they take the characters beyond the stuff they kind of re-hash or have already done#from what i've seen it seems satan's mini-arc isn't based on his relationship with lucifer which is refreshing!#i've always wanted to see canon properly handle his wrath in a more personal way rather than in relation to his inferiority complex#outside of just 'mc u make me feel more than anger' i mean#honestly i wanna see more depth to levi beel and asmo since out of the brothers they kind of get the short end of the stick#beel in particular since asmo and levi definitely have strong bases at the centre of their characters but beel's is still up in the air??#levi not so much but i'd like them to acknowledge and develop his traits outside of the self-deprecating otaku stuff more often#also he is genuinely so funny he has the best one-liners in pop quizzes in recent memory#satoshi kada's delivery during the voiced hdd events is also killer#anyway beel's got his relationship with belphie + regret from losing lilith but there's not much that's just Beel at his core on his own#not counting 'hungry'#imo his base is strength and family but they really explore it enough in-game outside of the wholesome main point#sorry this whole 'base of character' thing is entirely subjective because it's just me saying things#but i love these guys man. i know i don't say the nicest things about canon#but there is genuinely so much Good Stuff there the issue is more that they. don't develop/focus on it for some reason#whoops i talked too much
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'Kris being an outcast who likes freaking people out means they must be a Bad Person™️ and thus taking their free will and piloting them like a puppet is actually Good™️ morally speaking'
How about I eat your skin how bout that
#the lack of nuance people address Kris with makes me want to bite things every day#also they are LITERALLY A TEENAGER who as far as we know is JUST A BIT WEIRD#tho I think part of it may be a purposeful commentary on how we treat characters vs real people even in a story we buy in2 very genuinely#bc certain traits both behavioral and physical- when observed in the context of a story- set Villain Flags mentally#whereas irl the same actions or things would be considered (fairly) innocuous#or at least not judged on such a concious unabashed definite level#I think its similar with Berdly how every1 is like 'this bitch annoying can we please kill him'#and then in Snowgrave you fucking DO- wish granted#but in-universe all you've done is fucking murder a teenager whose biggest crime is being kind of obnoxious#even with a universe you're invested in and where you care a lot about the characters#your role as a player/observer taking on the identity of someone in that world- no matter how immersed you get-#is still fundamentally different from how things are viewed in-universe#because you are still reacting to things as you would a story while characters are applying the standards of what to them is real life#EVEN WHEN you buy into the fiction that the characters are meant to be concious beings who you the player r interacting with thru the game#not that this is necessarily a 'bad thing' but ut and it seems dr are works abt exploring our relationship to fiction and its characters#and about how much we think we empathize with them but also treat them in a way we'd never treat people#but yea the amount of ppl I see saying Kris is EEEEEEVIL bc they have red eyes and like knives and steal pie#and because they don't seem to want to stick to the script the story has laid out for them#and how them being EEEEEVIL or even just Not Vewy Nice :( makes taking over their body not AT LEAST morally questionable#is infuriating#maybe bc they don't want to deal w the fact that we as a player are participating directly in their suffering#if not the entire cause of it/the person its for in the first place#and like I get it that sucks and I feel bad thinking abt it too but I think thats kinda the point#the victim doesn't have to be perfect or likeable or even a good person for their suffering to matter and be fucked up#but that rationale is very commonly used in stories to dismiss/diminish/justify morally troubling actions#and tbh I think that one is used for how people treat real-life narratives as well to some degree#ok bye#Deltarune#kris dreemurr
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7-oh-ta1 · 1 year
One funny thing about the slowly resurfacing Anders discourse (and I mean by its real definition, like a debate or conversation not just yelling at each other) is that in his defense people will say, "he didn't tell Hawke what he was doing because he wanted to protect them from being his partner-in-crime" which sounds so noble on paper and in my opinion, is actually the case. Here's my problem: I don't just feel betrayed that he didn't tell Hawke what he was asking them do and making them guilty by association, I mostly feel betrayed because he was Hawke's friend and he blew up a church. Like personal betrayal aside he blew up a church. I think that's what bothers me here. It's a crazy thought, I know.
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