#i felt weird putting this in an ask it's kinda long haha
duck-in-a-spaceship · 8 months
Congrats to @tiptapricot for reaching 1k followers!!!!!!!
This is a little entry for their create this in your style challenge, using some of their OCs!!! I fucking love this little dudes, so I was happy to take the chance to write a little something for em. I hope you like it, mikey, plz tell me what I got right or wrong lol. I hope this all isn't terribly out of character
Prompt: Small things make up love languages. Intent with care, wanting with direction, and sometimes even just a reminder that one party values the other. It’s not a science, really. Everyone is different.
Story under the cut-
The flowers brush up against Romero’s knees, whisper-thin petals tickling down his palm. They reach back to his outstretched hand with rough leaves that try and fail to snare onto the fabric of his gloves as he gently pushes them aside. Instead, Romero grabs the weeds, the weeds that have thrown themselves into the edges of his garden, that grab with sharp teeth coating their stalks onto the fabric of his gloves, and he pulls them from the ground. Their roots rain down soil, arcing through the air as Romero tosses them aside.
The glow of his pumpkin head diffuses gently on the rows of flowers, leaking out into the cold darkness of the night. It lights the way for Romero as he works, yanking more weeds from the ground, brushing back the soil where he disturbs it. Bugs, startled by the uprooting of the plants, skitter across his gloves, searching for a new refuge, and he leaves them to go about their business.
The door creaks open behind him, and Romero sits up, stretching out his tense shoulders and leaning his head back, tilting it up towards the stars. Powder blue clouds drift across the sky, lazy as everything else is in the night, covering the stars so they wink in and out of existence.
Antez melts onto him, sprawling hymnself over Romero’s lap, head falling languidly over his shoulder. It tips back, following his gaze to the stars.
“Were you waiting for me?”
“___ _____ _ __,” Romero says, in words that aren’t words, that only Antez can really understand.
Antez laughs, he laughs the sound of windchimes falling but never hitting the ground, the sound of glass un-shattering, the sound of flowers brushing up against palms, of a thousand other things Romero couldn’t name. “Well, I do appreciate it,” he murmurs, wrapping the stalk of a flower around hiss finger and pulling it from the ground. Romero watches as he gathers more, and begins braiding them, twining their stalks together with one hand.
“__ __ __ ____ __ ______.”
“Well…” Antez sighs, and he feels a little heavier, all of the sudden. “I had hoped to be but I… well I suppose I got carried away this time.” There is light leaking out from hiss face, a blue glow winding cracks all around hiss head. “I think I waited a bit too long.”
Romero knew that, of course. He knew from the tension held in Antez’s shoulders, from the tired eyes, from the dizzying spin of hiss light and halos when it was just the two of them. He knew, but he doesn’t say as much.
“_ __ _____ ___?” Romero asks, tilting his head to one side.
“Oh,” Antez says in almost a sigh. The cracks of light on hiss face widen, and he lets hymnself fall apart a little, facial features drifting away from each other. They hover only vaguely tethered, like they’re held together by bits of invisible string. “Very.”
“___.” Romero runs a hand down his husband’s hair, watching as Antez drifts apart from hymnself a little more, the puzzle pieces of hiss face just beginning to shift and turn. “__ ___ _ ___.”
Antez hums hiss agreement, and the sound trails up Romero's back like chills. “Come here,” Antez murmurs, and Romero tilts his head towards hymn questioningly. Antez gathers hiss flowers, stems braided together to make tiny clusters, and slots the miniature bouquets into Romero’s eye holes. He hums to hymnself as he works, rearranging the flowers, shifting Romero’s worldview with the careful movement of hiss long, slender fingers.
Romero sits still for hymn, content to watch the petals dancing in his vision, catching glimpses of Antez as hiss facial features continue to drift apart from each other, those tenuous strings being cut as they pull away to show the gleaming light inside. Its brilliant blue falls over Romero’s own gentle orange, shining over both of their hands, illuminating the eyes and halos and mouths that orbit in slow, winding trails around Antez’s head.
Antez lets hiss hands fall, one coming to rest on Romero’s thigh. Hiss mouths, spinning around hiss face, are all smiling warmly. “You look lovely.”
Romero nods his thanks, careful not to let the flowers fall. He reaches up, brushing his fingers against their petals. They sweep against the inside of his head.
Romero grabs a flower from the dirt, breaking it just before the roots. With one thumb, he pops its head off, lets the stem fall back to the ground. He offers it to Antez, who seems to understand, who always understands.
When the flower is tipped into the whirling space of Antez’s mind, there is a moment of careful suspension. The eyes and mouths and ears churning slowly through the air tilt towards it slightly, observing as it drifts closer to the light in the center, sinking down until its broken tip touches something, some physical presence in all that blue.
And it explodes.
Petals fly outwards, more than Romero thinks there should be, speckled with seeds that have begun to glow like the starry freckles that dot Antez’s face. The petals get caught up in the halos, the eyes, winding their own orbits through the madness. They are sprays of color, arcs of nature.
“Yes,” Antez agrees softly. Some of hiss eyes flutter close, and hiss head tilts back as he leans against Romero. Melts. Together, they look down at the flowers, up at the stars. “Beautiful.”
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gloryhrs · 2 months
━━ ⟡ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝓑𝐎𝐘𝐒, various.
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ᥫ᭡ o. requested by — @normansnt. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
ᥫ᭡ i. ᧔𐓪᧓ 𝐡𝐜𝐬 𝐟𝐭 ━━ kenpachi zaraki, shūhei hisgai, ichigo kurosaki, & kisuke urahara.
ᥫ᭡ ii. ᧔𐓪᧓ trans [ ftm ] reader, fluff + comedy, modern era + everything takes in a non-soul society universe.
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Kenpachi Zaraki . . . the brutal captain of the 11th Division had a passion for all things that revolve around fighting. But you know what else he has a passion for? You, his husband, and Yachiru, his daughter. He loves his little family and would protect you both till his final breath.
Kenpachi likes what he likes, and he loves you—so he didn’t understand why you were so scared of telling him that you were trans. He will always support you, no matter what the situation is or how bad it gets. When he found out about you being trans he just shrugged his shoulders and asked what was for dinner.
“Kenny? You aren’t mad at me . . . right?” You played with the hem of your kimono sleeves. Once you told your husband about your identity he just stood there . . . No reaction or anything. It was as if his system was rebooting. After what felt like years of silence he finally spoke, “Eh, not really. There’s nothing to be mad about, seriously.” He shrugged as he put his large hands on your shoulders before placing a sweet kiss against your sweaty forehead. “Now, what’s for dinner?”
“Also, I know I shouldn’t ask you this. But is that the reason why your chest was cut off?”
“Yes, Kenny.”
“Well I could’ve save us the money and did that myself!”
When Yachiru found out about the news she was so sweet and supportive. She understood the importance of the situation perfectly and even said you’ll forever be her dad, even if you didn’t give birth to her.
“Look dad! Look at the drawing me and papa made for you!” The little girl smiled sweetly as she held up a drawing that included blue, pink, and white—the trans flag colors. It was a drawing of her and Kenpachi wearing matching shirts that said “We love you Y/n” along while holding the little pride flags in their hands. You couldn’t help but smile brightly and place a little kiss against the girl’s cheek. “Thank you, Yachi. I’m gonna hang this up on the fridge, okay? You and Kenny’s art skills are amazing.”
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Shūhei thinks of you as his safe space . . . one of the only few people he can be around without having to relax his shoulders every five seconds because he is feeling tense.
He didn’t care about the fact that you were trans, in fact, he thought you were brave. Since you didn’t hide yourself from the world, you weren’t too accepting of people like you. But that didn’t matter to him, he was going to protect you every step of the way, holding your hand without fear.
“I–I’ll still love you. No matter what, babe. Whatever you’re comfortable with, I’m comfortable with. You’re very handsome to me! Haha . . .” Hisagi laughed and nodded his head. He was so supportive in his own weird way, it was cute.
He loves snuggling into your chest like a little kitten after a long day of work. ♡ Each time he got home he would immediately throw his stuff on the ground without having a care in the world.
“Darling, I think your laptop was in there.” You spoke softly as you caressed the back of Shūhei’s head while he rested his cheek against your chest. The man had another stressful day at work and he threw his bag to the floor—you could’ve sworn you heard a slight crack. “It’ll be fine . . . it’s practically indestructible.” He muttered with his eyes closed and his breathing starting to slow down. Instead of aggravating him about it, you only smiled softly and ran your fingers through his hair.
It turns out that did end up breaking his computer and was charged on his tab at work for the incident.
“Damn it . . . (πーπ)”
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Ichigo was kinda known for taking certain subjects to heart—his family, friends, and most importantly, you. He knew about your identity since he was fifteen and he never judged you or discriminated against you for it. He would never use hurtful words or do hurtful things to you because he truly loves you with every last bone in his body.
When he’s around, he always makes sure that people use the correct pronouns on you and make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable in any shape or form. He doesn’t care who they are. They will respect you and your identity. When you would often speak up for yourself, you would always get turned down and ignored in the end. Which infuriated him to no end, he hated seeing you sad.
Ichigo's eyes glared holes into the back of the teacher’s head as she continued to refer to you as she and her. He noticed you tried to speak up for yourself but she only ignored you and continued to misgender you in the end—which made you go quiet for the rest of the class period. Once she referred to you as the wrong pronouns that’s when Ichigo decided to step in. “He said, his pronouns are he/him. Why do you keep referring to him as she and her? Did you not hear him the first time he corrected you?” Ichigo frowned while the teacher seemed a bit shocked at his words. “What the hell are you looking stupid for? Can you not hear?”
Since you’re his first boyfriend, he always tries his best to show you that he loves you—even though he can be a bit awkward at times. Good days or bad days, when he visits you, he always brings flowers and favorite snacks. He also has a habit of buying you merch of your favorite things because he just can’t help himself every time he walks by.
“Ichigo? Did you seriously buy me a set of these?” You chuckled at the sight of the jumbo plushie of your favorite animal. The plushie was so soft and fluffy that you couldn’t be upset with him that he spent so much money on it. “Yeah, when I saw it, I couldn’t help myself. It reminded me of you.” He smiled before he pulled out a cute little hairpin of your favorite animals and placed it in your head with a soft kiss to your cheek.
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Kisuke wasn’t shocked at the news about your identity. Like Kenpachi, he knows what he likes and isn’t ashamed of it. Love is love, why should he be ashamed of being married to someone who isn’t afraid to express themselves? It didn’t make sense to him—but he didn’t care.
“Oh? Hehe, I guess we’re both husbands now, yeah?” The shop owner poked at your cheek with the end of his fan before covering his red cheeks with it. It was obvious he was flustered at his joke. Instead of getting upset at him about the joke you only smiled softly and playfully punched his shoulder.
Yoruichi is tired of you two deeply. She never saw Kisuke so deeply in love with someone, since he was a bit of a pervert. Every time she sees you both being lovey dovey she can’t help but let out a loud dramatic sigh. Kisuke would often joke around and call her jealous because she didn’t have anyone in her life. And it always resorted to her flipping him off or smacking him in the back of the head because of his smart-ass mouth.
“Why hello my most beautiful, precious, loving, and gorgeous husban—”
“Get a room you freaks!”
“I didn’t even finish my sentence!”
This man was your hype man—you want to show him your new outfit? Give him a show! Did you get a new haircut? He will give you compliments until you get sick of him! This man didn’t know how to stop once he had gotten started. Most of the time, you would never get sick of him and his compliments and pickup lines. Because, unlike most people, you genuinely found him funny. He would often talk like a high-school student just to get a smile on your face.
The moment he walked in on you trying on something new with a frown on your face he just couldn’t hold himself back. The man placed the fan up against his face as he began to speak. “Hey handsome, I guess there is a rainbow today as I just found the treasure I have been searching for.” He started to fan his face in a dramatic manner, which caused a series of laughter to leave your lips. “You like it? I think I got a size too small.” You tugged at the shirt and pants that were a little too tight in certain places. Kisuke, being the pervert he is only wolf-whistled while continuing to fan his pink cheeks. “My dear husband, do you mind doing a slight 360 for me? I would like to see something.”
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© gloryhrs, 040124. | notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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stars4ni · 5 months
⊹ ࣪ ˖ kissing into the new year
pairing — bsf chan x gn reader ! 🖤
word count — 611
warnings — drinking, cussing, kissing, mention of sex.
genre — slight suggestive, friends to lovers, first kiss.
notes — happy new year loves! currently gushing over chris and i thought you guys would love a new years imagine <3 also needed to cope with being around couples during the holidays:( hope your new year starts off well!
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it was 5 minutes until 12. you were having a great night with your friends and especially your best friend chan. he was sitting next to you with his arm around your shoulder. you and your group of friends were at a big party, sitting in the backyard, you honestly didn’t even know who’s house it was. so many fucking people were here, but you were having fun. you looked over at him taking a sip of his wine, you stared at his face. he looked so perfect under the moonlight. so beautiful. “you want some?” he asked. “hmm?” you were startled and confused on what his pretty lips were asking. “do you want some of my wine?” he asked. “oh yeah sure” you said smiling taking the cup from him taking a sip. “ahh ew” you coughed. “this is why i don’t drink, that’s fucking disgusting” you said then took a sip of your soda. chan laughed, “you are so adorable haha” you blushed from his comment. “shut up” you said as you played with the grass that was beneath you.
you two were sitting away from the others, they were very loud and very drunk. you both wanted to be somewhere calm. you looked over at him, he was already looking at you. “i can’t believe it’s almost 2024, this year has felt so long but also so fast” you said. “i know, it’s weird…how many minutes is left till midnight-” he took out his phone from his pocket. “oh! it’s 12 now!” he said as he looked at you. “oh haha we missed the countdown” you said as you looked over to see the group of drunks kissing their partners, you felt low. he noticed the sudden change that you showed. “what’s wrong hm? don’t have anyone to kiss?” he said as he caressed your thigh. you looked up at him, not saying anything. “well i’m here” he said as he looked you in the eyes. he grabbed your chin and pulled you closer, he stopped, smiled, and admired your face. “can i?” he asked. you nodded. he pulled you into a sweet but powerful kiss. and just like that you were kissing your best friend of 4 years. the fireworks going off in the background, with the mix of cheers and music blasting. it was perfect. he tilted his head, getting a better angle of getting into your mouth. you were so happy, finally after years of loving him you were kissing him. no you were making out with him.
practically eating each others faces by now, he placed his hands on your waist pulling you closer. kisses getting sloppier and sloppier. feeling harder to breathe, loosing your breathe. you pulled away, smiling so big. catching your breath. he smiled at you, breathing hard. “wow” you said biting your lip. “fuck this might be kinda crazy but, im in love with you. I have been for years” he said pushing his lips together anxiously. you scooted closer to him, putting your arms around his neck. “i love you too, i’m so in love with you chan, so fucking much, it’s actually crazy” you said smiling cute. “good” he smiled. kissing you again. “happy new year uh…boyfriend?” you asked. “happy new year my love” he said caressing your cheek. you blushed. “no way this is real” you laughed. “oh baby it’s 100% real” he said as he pushed you back on the grass, kissing you. “wanna take this inside?, we can find a empty room…specifically one with a bed” he smirked. “chan…of course i want to” you laughed, you took his hand as he helped you up.
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meanbossart · 2 months
A long over-due ask compilation (Art & Music)
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It's vaguely based on a short story from the book "The Consumer" by Michael Gira, specifically "The Boss". I think it came up in conversation with a friend or something when I was picking a new username, so that's how we arrived at it - this was almost a decade ago so, my memory on it is a little hazy!
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HAHA thank you so much!!! Glad you enjoy what I do 😎🍻
I BELIEVE this little guide I put together over here might be helpful to you, also! I touched on pretty much everything you brought up.
As for reference material when it comes to facial expressions, I have a mirror next to my desk which I glance at often and make weird faces at LOL and for consistency, it's really a matter of learning to dissect and remember facial structure. It's just something you end up developing an eye for when you've done it for long enough! Naturally, if we're talking about drawing existing characters, it's always helpful to just look at some pictures of their mugs and take a minute to define what features about them make their faces recognizable - I touch on this at the link above as well!
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I do plan on making a "drowstarion" (love that, by the way LOL) playlist eventually, life's just been kicking my ass and I hardly have the time 😭and when I do, I just wanna draw.
Otherwise I don't have any other playlists floating around at the moment, BUT the one my boyfriend made for his Vellioth comic can be found here, and it might scratch a similar itch!
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Thank you! I believe this was in reference to this post. Something like that takes me about... An hour??? If we're talking just the colors, at least. Though that's a really rough estimate because I take a lot of breaks, so my sense of time when I work ends up pretty skewed. Even if the application of the colors themselves took less than 20 minutes I probably spent 2 hours just staring at it LOL.
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My friend, I have no idea. I'm in a constant battle between "I want to draw more realistically" and "I want to simplify my art so I can draw more/faster". What you see is the result of that ongoing brain-tug-of-war.
Also, just the way I assume everyone else develops theirs - they see stuff they like and emulate it until their art is Frankensteinish enough to be it's own unique thing!
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I'm far from a Type O Negative buff, BUT I'm happy to share some of my favorites with you! They're quite scattered across a couple of their albums so I'm not sure I have a favorite, but I would say October Rust is a good starting point.
In no particular order, these are my most listened tracks of theirs: -Love You to Death -Black N.01 -Haunted -She Burned Me Down -Can't Lose You -I Don't Wanna Be Me -Be My Druidess -September Sun -Tripping A Blind Man
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Alas, I was one of those people who was already drawing in kindergarten 😅 though I would say I only started taking it seriously when I was around 15-16 years old. As someone who has tried their hand at several other hobbies since reaching adulthood, I get what you're saying that it can kinda feel like... You missed the wagon? I've felt that way about all kind of things lol
That said, I've seen adults managing to develop their art skills extremely fast and effectively before. Understanding where and how you need to improve, and how to follow lessons/guides best is something that is vastly improved by maturity and knowing how to best hone your time, attention, and resources - and those are skills we completely lack as children. So, I sincerely believe that as long as you commit yourself, you can definitely get to a point that you're happy with in a couple of years if not less.
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JUST DO IT BUDDY we are all just people looking through a screen and you won't ever see, talk, or meet 99% of the folks who ever clap eyes on what you post. Whenever you start getting nervous about sharing something, take a minute to ask yourself why you're nervous, and if none of the reasons have any genuine substance besides being afraid of what people "might think", just go ahead and post it. You're no mind-reader after all, and if you are, I doubt you can hear what a guy from Argentina or wherever is thinking about the art you made.
Point is, nobody online can touch you 🤷and if someone doesn't like what you do, they can simply choose to not interact with it, and if they do you can block and move on. There are zero reasons for you to feel "bad" about putting up a doodle when our experiences on the web are so easily curated nowadays.
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inkysquelched · 3 months
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I drew my bozos and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now get ready for a long post as I talk about my headcannons for them. Feel free to ask me anything about them, I love rambling:
Agent 3: Has a major RBF, but she’s nice I promise you. She’s been enjoying her role as captain but was overwhelmed at first.
Weapon preferences: shooters, chargers
Fave Special: Splashdown
Agent 4: Just vibing honestly, she’s gotten pretty good at hacking/research over the years.
Weapon preferences: daulies, brushes
Fave Special: Boyah Bomb
Agent 8: Curses in octarian at least 5 times a day. Remarkably relaxed despite all the bs shes been through.
Weapon preferences: shooters
Fave Special: Triple Inkstrike
Neo 3: A chaotic child, will occasionally eat stuff off the floor.
Weapon preferences: tri-stringer, blasters if shes feeling spicy
Fave Special: Super Chump
Some Honorable Mentions:
3 has a major sweet tooth and she won’t apologize for it. (shes awful with spicy food tho gchfxgfz)
Neo really likes bread.
8 will eat the most criminally offensive spicy food without a reaction.
3 likes to sleep in her squidform, it’s kinda weird to others. It’s honestly more worrying if she doesn’t shift forms. (hc that people usually only do that when theyre really sick…..and then theres 3)
4 listens to her music too loud.
3 and 4 bicker all the time, but it rarely gets to a point where they’re actually upset. They especially fight about how to lead on missions (this is moot bc 3 is the captain lol) because 3 prefers the “slow and steady” approach and 4 prefers to play “fast and loose”, if that makes sense. (8s just here for the ride)
The squid sisters like to say that 3 and 4 are twins and they both hate it.
3 is a runaway, Neo is an orphan. Different circumstances, same outcome. They relate to each other a lot and I think thats awesome (and sad).
Neo (and 8) will occasionally say some out of pocket shit without realizing just how messed up it really is: “what? you’ve never had to eat out of the trash before?”
3 is very emotionally numb and has a hard time expressing any care towards others, so she ends up showing it through favors/giving advice/“are you ok?”s. She’ll tell you to put on a jacket when it’s 70 degrees out lol. (this is also why she’s a mess around 8, those are feelings she has no idea how to deal with)
3 is terrified of being sick (like bedridden sick, haha sanitization go brr) and will inwardly panic the whole time.
3 has the worst alcohol tolerance behind Marie and 4. (Callie will drink 12 shots of vodka without flinching)
Octolings have a very different view on relationships than inklings do; inklings will date/marry out of love while octolings will treat it more as a transaction (not saying they can’t, love just isn’t a priority). 8 as had and infatuation for 3 for years but doesn’t act on it because she wasn’t sure if she really felt the way she did. She knows inklings hold more weight to relationships and didn’t want to risk hurting 3 if she was wrong. (the events of side order really helped her figure it out)
After the events of Splatoon 2, 4 took a back seat on being an agent. Less frontlines and more research focused. (like Marie lol) She hated this at first, but grew to like it.
3s alter ego is DJ Sango, she uses her rapping/singing to vent. 4 and 8 play dumb and pretend they don’t know about her account. (They both listen to her music tho 😶)
8 is extremely calm, you’d have to be trying to piss her off.
Inklings are like mood rings, there tentacles will change color depending on their mood (think like streaks or spots of other colors) The more intense the emotion, the deeper the color.
8 and 3 both have to clean/replace their weapon filters more often than most but for different reasons: for eight its bc shes an octoling (their ink is more abrasive) while 3 has thicker ink than normal as the last remnant of being partially sanitized.
3 isn’t actually as stinky as the squid sisters will have you believe. She one time came back from a mission smelling particularly RANKED that day, and they’ve never let her live it down.
There’s probably more but I can’t think of any rn
k bye <3
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decepti-thots · 5 months
for so long I have felt like a weirdo for thinking that the jro pregnancy stuff is deeply unhorny. but I am going to say it now: it's only horny in the way that the alien franchise is horny: there are definitely people who are horny about it, but it's primarily about the non-sexy aspects of pregnancy. i get that it's a funny joke but a non-insignificant people genuinely act like it's "the writer's barely disguised fetish". birth is weird and scary and fascinating, even more so in robots. im probably more defensive about this than I should be but it's kind of upsetting to me that this is where the discussion always ends
I'll put this under a cut so as not to spam anyone's dash bc yeah I went off on this ask haha (positive).
I actually felt so insane about this very topic I ran a damn poll on my NSFW sideblog and the thing is: the majority of folks voting agreed no, it's not inherently, textually horny. (I would know; I know horny when I see it, ffs!) Which vindicated me! Because I agree it's so ridiculous a thing to unironically, sincerely insist is super horny, given the text, lmao.
Like, it's extremely obsessed with pregnancy, but this is not the same as 'a fetish', and tbqh I think the 'fetish' joke just shields any actually interesting discussion of what it's doing. I think the Alien comparison here is actually really telling; it's absolutely a visceral thing, a thing concerned with the body and how it functions, sometimes against our will. And it's not unconnected to sexuality or eroticism in how those things are discussed more broadly, in the sense it's talking about a thing that intersects with those elements in the abstract, but it's not. Like. It's not a "fetish" thing, and if the characters it involved weren't referred to as 'he' in text I think less people would be calling it that, and actually it kinda sucks that every time I bring it up I have to block people who see 'pregnancy mentioned' on my completely sfw posts as an excuse to go off on their personal fetishes in detail, or their desire to speculate on the imagined fetishes of the writer in equally graphic detail. (BTW, it's genuinely uncomfortable seeing people obsessively speculate on the imagined fetishes of a creator, I think. We should all do that a little less in public.)
I mean not to be a total killjoy or anything but like... treating pregnancy in itself, even in the most abstract way, as inherently fetishistic and inappropriate (the people reblogging my innocuous posts about pregnancy metaphors with fucking trigger warnings! 'mpreg trigger warning' being a normalized way to tag pictures that are just Trans Dude Who Is Pregnant!) is uh. I mean we live in a world where pregnant people are often massively marginalized by society period, and seen as somehow inappropriate for public life, and especially anyone who is remotely GNC. Like the idea that something is inherently obscene about a pregnant person is, shall we say, not apolitical. It is in fact a thing that people actually have to fight against in real life. I mean. Fandom doing this to a text that in fact is most notable for treating pregnancy weirdly neutrally in these terms is... frustrating! I think we all lose out when we refuse to engage with weird, funny texts that have things to say about these topics that fall outside our expected frameworks, like, say, 'this is A Fetish TM'. That's limiting! If we want to talk about what IDW1 phase two does with gender, we cannot do that properly if every time we talk about MTMTE we get weird about it doing sexless genderfree pregnancy metaphors, and instead make them funny mpreg jokes, tbh! IDK! Seems counter intuitive! And I genuinely think MTMTE/LL's bizarre approach to the thing is so interesting precisely because it's so odd and offputting. What if we actually examined it. I think we can find some good stuff in there, frankly.
And truly the especially frustrating thing is that the comic itself, for all it is objectively weird and hilarious and 'why the fuck is this even HERE' about it... is just never that. Like. I posted those excerpts because it IS weird and it IS wild and it IS quite funny in its way! It's alien robot body horror in a kids' cartoon franchise turned to an unexpected end! But you know what it actually manages, somehow, to never be? One: weird and misogynist about pregnancy. Two: weird and transphobic about it involving vaguely, ostensibly 'male' characters. Make all the mpreg jokes you want I guess, but MTMTE is many bizarre things but it never gives one single shit about the gender binary, and tbh I think it's genuinely kind of embarrassing the fandom saw a comic that did insane robot body horror pregnancy shit and was like. Okay well. But the mpreg tho.
Like. I've joked for years that I want to do a transmasc read of the pregnancy stuff Roberts did in TF seriously, same as I think a transmasc read of how Alien presents fears around "male pregnancy" in a trans context would be great. And for all my jokes, I genuinely would, actually. I think it's legit very interesting how Roberts manages to divorce the presentation of horror of pregnancy from gender in a way that mitigates the gendered subtext somewhat and gets at the loss of autonomy in a broader sense.
anyway it truly sucks that fandom is so fucking shitty about this. to give a little extra context, i talk about a particular transmasc humanformer AU sometimes that involves pregnancy and. i have had to Delete Some Fucking Asks about that thing, which. well that happens in normal regular real life and people talk about it like a fanfic trope (derogatory). so. i am a little sensitive to people getting Like This about the topic, aha.
sorry i went off on one anon, can you tell. i also find this frustrating. i relate. i am totally with you. god it would be so much less interesting to read it as horny so like, why is this the ONLY MODE we seem to have tbh
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remnant-verse-if · 2 months
Ahhhh.... so I read the update for before the incident....
Not that I wanted to... but I kinda had to choice because you forced me to by updating the damn thing 😑
I have aloot to say so welcome to a rant! 😏
1. I loved the update. Reluctantly so.
No seriously I really realllly reallllly enjoyed it!
2. And it was so long!
3. I loved the fact that you actually referenced A if you confessed and having guilt when it comes to picking any romance options.
4. Lots of action and The flashback with MC and A in high school was actually so great and I love the lore.
5. Love how MC and literally just be a vengeful little goblin.. it's alil scary but I like it.
6. I adore your humor in certain passages and the fact that MC doesn't just go along with everything but questions things.
7. I actually like Syo and tenth so much the dynamic between them is very sibling like.
8. Being told I'm not a rebound was tough. 🤦🏻‍♀️
9. I kinda am hugely crushing on H tho knowing you they are gonna be a villain and I'm gonna hate it 😑🙄
10. That dream about A was too sad..why the hell would you do that 😭
All in all this game is becoming a bit of me. I really do love your writing and I enjoy it more with each update. It almost makes up for the trauma you put me through losing A and then making me sad with each flashback with them.
I do have one question tho:
Is it at all a possibility to have a bit of unintentional romance? Like an obliviousish MC. Gentle touches, weird connection, very much in denial we are just friends/i dont care/antagonistic type MC. Not even noticing they are even falling inlove or care about anyone especially the MC that confessed to A. Because they aren't ready to move on, they don't intend to fall for anyone. It just happens.
I get that the shyish MC options when you aren't boldly flirting especially again if you confessed to A or they confessed to you are there. But to me that's more of an MC that just wants to move on, rebound as you said it that just wants to kind of forget. And throw themselves into someone else to help them heal leading them to actually caring for real. Some of those options like asking H out just screams let me see if I can pretend none of this happened and feeling guilty about it. Because asking out someone to dinner like right after they died seems kinda.. like it's a bit quick. Same with the Shy 💜 options with syo. Which is why it actually perfectly screams rebound vibes and where ROs would be rightly cautious to get involved with a still grieving MC that romanced A.
This is all just my opinion tho so if not I completely get it. I just had that thought. But thank you for the really great update and sorry this is so long. Like I said when I like something I tend to over analyze it 😅🤣♥️
Ooo, I'm really happy that you're invested in this IF! It shows me that it's worth working on 😁😁
It's good that you like the new characters! I'm also happy that you appreciate the extra effort I went through to add extra lines if you romanced A and then tried to flirt with someone else. It just felt right to include because it would be super jarring if the MC just moved on without acknowledging their past relationship. It was kinda satisfying writing a character calling out the MC about the rebound thing haha 😁
I'm surprised about your point 4. I thought it was minimal action since I only included one fight in the update which is much less compared to my other IF. Although, I definitely approached fights a lot more intelligently when I was writing this IF.
For your point 5, all I can say is that the journey will be as arduous as the other MC in Remnant 21 : V
For your point 6, I'm surprised you caught that. It was an additional scene I added since I wanted the MC to go to the fog, but ended up in the haunted house. At first, I planned to make the MC just go with it, but then I thought it would be nice to add a little friction with MC and Syo. Good eye!
Me reading point 9: 🌝
For your point 10, the angst has to be there 😔😔😔
As for your long question, that would be interesting to explore (Where an MC slowly realizes they are falling for someone). I would say there's a possible chance for a character to do this. Probably not all the ROs would have this option, but maybe one or two. Like a choice with [❤ ?] next to the option. That would be interesting.
As for your mention of H's date offer, I realized I should have probably changed it to lunch rather than dinner. I forgot the implications of dinner vs. lunch in that context :V I definitely will change that to lunch!
Thank you again for reading my story! Do not worry about sending long asks, it shows me that you're invested in my story which I really appreciate ❤ Not only that, it's nice that you caught all the small little details I added to the story. I hope you enjoy the next update in the future!
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homo-rashi · 8 months
oops. real life omo
I don't usually post things like this (because things like this don't usually happen to me) but this literally just happened and i'm a little freaked out so I thought I could share.
So for context i've been sick a-lot recently. I travel to the states and when I got back home, I have covid (yes I have covid in 2023 haha jokes jokes) anyways, i've not felt like 100% sense testing negative, but I wouldn't consider myself sick. Ive had pretty okay feeling all weeks.
I was just in the kitchen making lunch with my mom and she had me bend down to pick up the rice crate from the floor (fridge? its a hatch under kitchen floor keep grains cold from bugs) and when I bent down I noticed I had to pee like...oddly a lot.
I had been hiding in my room writing (yes fic) for the last few hours or so (didn't want to help put away the meat she brought home) so i figured It could be possible I had to pee very so badly...But still I thought I could wait until I was done doing the stuff I needed to do in the kitchen before going pee.
I was standing at the oven and I started to feel like a pain in my stomach? it was weird. I have been sick but not with anything stomach related, maybe it wasn't my stomach just like the lower part of my belly. (now that i'm thinking maybe it was bladder?)
Anyways, after a few seconds of standing still, wondering why the hell I was feeling pain...I started to fucking piss my pants! Now it wasn't a lot but it was enough for me to RUN out of the kitchen and into the bathroom.
When I got there, I was still peeing a little before I slung my shorts down and stood their and pissed for NOT a long time.
Like...it was not enough pee to warrent peeing my pants.
Anyways, there is a small wet spot on my shorts but thankfully, they are white so its not even visible. I kept them on because if I ran to the toilet and came back with different pants, my mom would ask me what happened and...I don't even know what happened...but yeah.
that was kinda scary but also, a little thrilling...
k bye-
slayyyyy xoxo Grayson
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slushglow · 2 years
okay okay so I’m curious, how would your emo usagi and leo like become official. Is it like they just gradually get closer and they like acknowledge it at some point and have it like that because it’s nice OR do they run around each other until one of them confesses OR do they sit down and talk about it? I really like your word vomit, gives me a good time figure out the characters! (Would it be okay if I write about them?)
okay so i have a silly idea . but it makes me giggle so just hear me out
ngl i still haven't decided who falls first . i think i might make a poll on either twitter or insta and see what everyone else thinks just bc i'm so torn like i could see literally EITHER of them falling first !!! UGH
anyways . so i think at some point in their friendship they r like flirtatious in that "haha i would so marry my best friend fr they're such a catch 🤪✌️" kind of way and it's just one of their inside jokes u know . like leo buys usagi a coffee before visiting him at work and usagi is like "god i could kiss u rn" BAHAHAHA stuff like that u know ???
and they never think anything of it bc it's just natural and some friendships roll like that !!! it was never meant to be that srs for them .
well one day i just imagine leo looking at usagi and like the guy is smiling for once and leo is like . man he has such a nice smile he should do it more often . i would so marry him. wait . OH FUCK . ITS NOT A JOKE ANYMORE !!!! WEE WOO WEE WOO !!!!!!! LMFAO
i imagine leo kind of freaking out at first bc usagi has never seemed to care about that kind of stuff and shows no interest in other people so leo always kinda assumed that usagi just didn't want a relationship ever . they never talked about relationships much and usagi just rolled with the unserious flirtatious jokes and leo's already had his freak out about being gay (or somewhere adjacent) a good while ago and things remained the same between them . but like this changes p much everything !! (except it doesn't but i'll explain that later)
leo actually cannot see himself spending his life with anyone else. he could date other people but usagi is ALWAYS going to be his person and he knows that he's usagi's without even having to ask . it's been that way for yrs at this point . they have seen each other at their worst and their best . like that's his mf HOMIE . but he's scared about how this is going to change their relationship bc he doesn't want to lose one of the best people he's ever met or have their dynamic off kilter so he sits on it for a while, and he's just falling deeper the whole time !!
well little does he know that usagi actually feels the same way, but he's fine if their relationship never goes anywhere . he doesn't think it would change much in the scheme of things but he still doesn't ask leo outright bc he's fine just being friends, but leo is the first person he's ever felt this way about (i hc him as being on the ace/aro spectrum) and he also doesn't want to lose their dynamic but he's not as freaked out bc like i said, he's never cared much for relationship stuff !!! it's not something he ever thought he would get to receive or reciprocate so he just never put it in his priority cards u know ??? but leo is just so endearing that he can't help but be like man . i would be so cool being w this guy for the rest of my life HAHAHA
well one night they're just hanging out like usual i think and leo literally cannot BEAR IT anymore bc he has been sitting on his feelings for so long, but usagi has also never made him feel stupid or like anything he says is weird or anything u know ?? like usagi just GETS HIM and it's always been easy to talk to each other (once they got past the first stages of becoming friends lol) so leo just outright asks "if i asked u to marry me would u actually" and that's not what he meant to say at all but it's already out there and usagi is looking at him and leo is like OH FUCK OH FUCK WHY DID I SAY THAT FUCK PREPARE TO JUMP OFF THIS ROOF AND PORTAL THE FUCK AWAY
and hes just expecting the worst bc usagi is silent for a sec, but then he's just like "yeah. i would." all blunt as hell and leo is like 😦 HOLY SHIT but then usagi is like "but that's a stupid thing to ask considering u haven't even asked me to be ur bf yet idiot" and he's all 🤨🤨 but inside he is . so happy
and leo is so fucking giddy he is smiling like an idiot and he grabs usagi's hands and he's like "my homie in future matrimony lmfao" and usagi LAUGHS bc leo is such a dumbass but he's endearing as fuck and leo is so happy he made usagi laugh bc he can remember a time when the guy barely even smiled and it's just crazy how much they've both changed each other for the better .
and then hes like "no balls u won't kiss me rn" and usagi rolls his eyes bc that's such moronic way to ask for a kiss but he does it anyway and boom . two idiots giggling on a rooftop kissin n shit LOL
and then it's just natural the way they fall into each other and they r still best friends that just happen to kiss and it's like nothing ever changed at all . they're still as close as before and if anything they somehow get CLOSER .
and the rest is history 😎
i'll probably clean this up a little bit one day but i think that's my overall word vomit for how i think it would go . i'm not a huge fan of miscommunication or one sided pining and stuff or them running around being miserable about each other . i just don't see it going that way cause they're already so close u know ?? these dudes deserve to be happy and be able to confide in each other !! they've both already had such shitty things happen to them (usagi's backstory will be explained in the future soonish . leo's is self explanatory LMFAO) so i wanted their get together to be sweet and earnest . LOL
okay lots of word vomit again so sorry HAHAHA
okay i hope this answered all ur questions . also SOOO sorry it took me so long to answer ur ask i had to sit on this for a while bc i wanted to give u a concrete answer . i've always had this scenario in my head for them tho i just needed a way to articulate it clearly lmao . THANKS SO MUCH FOR UR ASK 🥰🥰🥰
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threepoint14art · 4 months
Well, since you so kindly offered: I want to know about your OCs! Their names, their animals, anything you feel like sharing.
WOHOO THANKS FOR ASKING! IM HONORED IM HONORED! first of all sorry for just posting about my ocs lately I am clearly going through it </3 im gonna put all the long explanations under the cut so I don't clog anyone's feed!
But in a general not that long way: those girls were The salvaged they have a group name because we designed them around the idea of them being rivals to the nightmares! Fun fact, their names apply to the other group better than to themselves! The nightmares just like in source material all got saved or salvaged by Deuz. While the salvaged over here are a nightmare! just generally! In our AU the nightmares 1) are older and 2) Are a bit more dangerous than just school bullies (thought onnie still does that and has beef with literal children lmao), so we decided to give them mortal enemies!
This will include a bit of infodump on the nightmares too since I realized we haven't really explained the changes we made to them, and also trigger warnings for mentions of abuse, though I'll try to not get too into it it's always worth warning
Actual explanation time let's go I'm sorry for word vomiting on you multi I'm so hyped you ask it's unreal thank you so much for asking yet again:
She is the redhaired one! she is based on scrap baby! not to be confused with the normal baby animatronic! We made her as a foil to our Deuz. Just like Deuz she is the leader of her group, but unlike Deuz she isn't the "strong, takes all the burdens, looks menacing, defends the others" type of leader, but rather just the one who sort of controls the others, more of a "you wouldn't expect this one to be in charge" sort of leader. Hence the little animation I did with her saying "I know what you want" Gives the others what they want to keep them near her since they are her " strength" her "ammunition" to put it some way. Giant dangerous insanely built bear vs a silly crow who wins She is baby faced (haha word pun) and just generally looks a bit harmless, we made her a crow because we made her main strength being creepy and offputting, inducing paranoia and all that since we already made Deuz generally paranoid, crows can make some WEIRD sounds and copy voices so it felt fitting for her bother people like that. We don't have that much of her backstory figured out just yet, mostly because she feels like a pipebomb to try and make sense of, opposite to Deuz who opened up to the nightmares about most stuff, she is a complete mistery to the salvaged. She is simply creepy, always smiling, keeps people close to her by being an enabler since she doesn't think they'll stick to her and defend her otherwise, she makes Deuz feel incredibly paranoid!
I would have made her name white if that was readable! I'm going by order of how they appear in my little animation, so shes the one with white hair!
She is based on molten freddy, she has a lot of issues. The main thing she wants and needs is just constant appreciation and people near her, the reason why is really horrible we are so mean to her.
Unlike bebe, we have her backstory pretty developed. She was really sick as a child, and her hospital expenses took her parents into debt, her dad was still incredebly understanding and of course mourning his daughter was in so much pain, her mom wasn't like that. She got kinda frenzied by their financial instability and blamed Scarlet for all of it, saying that she wasn't even her real daughter anymore, that the sickness already killed her daugther so that she could just kill the sickness, and tried to literally murder her! Both her parents went to jail because even though her dad literally tried to stop her from dying, the justice system is always horrible and it counted it as assault against his wife. So sickly child in extreme chronic pain feels like no one loves her! She needs that constant reassurance a lot because she's very understandably very traumatized from that.
She parallels Maggie in the most like, mean way I could have conjured up. Scarlet is and always has been ill and in pain and it her family abandoned her because of it, while Maggie in our Au is the biological brother (we trans man beamed him) of Meg, and he abandoned them and ran away because he was tired of the abuse in the system and shitty forster families, but also tired being treated as a full time caretaker who always had to protect Meg. So they kinda parallel eachother in the abandoned and the one who abandons.
She drinks a lot because it numbs the pain she's constantly under, and it also lessens the fact that she's always constantly itchy (why she scratches herself in my animation). And she is a sheep because she was "a lamb to the slaughter" as a little kid! her mom tried to kill her! A sacrificial lamb to rid you of your burdens. Raquel The fact that there was no nightmare chica irked us two a lot so we just made one haha epic. She is a cockatiel! She used to date Onyx (How we call Oxy) but little kids in relationships do stupid shit and she cheated on him which gave him a life-long grudge since he's insane about infidelity (divorced parents, thinks that if they were still together he would still have a home since when he came out as trans he already lived only with his dad and he got kicked out, thinks his mom could have defended him if she didn't cheat and ruin everything, normal stuff)
She is incredebly annoyed by the fact that he hasn't moved on, and honestly I'm annoyed too boy you were both like prepubecent fleas. She also is really quickwitted and subtle given that she pickpockets a lot of people, while Onyx is more hardheaded (haha why hes named onyx, rock) and really blunt since he has 0 need for being subtle.
She got kicked out of her home for just being a hoarder! A kleptomaniac and a hoarder to be exact. Since birds do have that thing where they nest and get a bunch of stuff and put it on a nest we upped it to a thousand here, she just steals stuff and hoards it to the point where it was genuinly unbearable for her parents so off she goes. This also ties with the fact that she's also incredebly money hungry for the sole reason of just having money, seeing a lot of money together scratches her brain. Bebé just straight up enables this girl to keep her unhealthy habits.
Back to parallels, her parents kicked her out for her own good, trying to stop a self destructive habit. While Onyx's dad kicked him out for just being who he is. Similar yet different yada yada
Ourhghghg I've already posted art of Mar on here before, she is the snake girl (specifically now a hoop snake, she had a nother snake before but we changed it) who is incredebly normal about her mom. If you trusted me on that post I'm sorry but I lied to you shes not normal ever.
Her full name is Marisol, she shortens it to Mar to be cutesy and because her name meaning Sea matches pretty well with Avani's (next to be discussed) name meaning Earth. She is a contrast to Onnie since in here we gave them both really really bad homes. They got physically abused and they both did not come out sane out of that, but while Onnie wishes he killed his dad and takes it out on everything and everyone. Mar actually killed her mom.
Cool fact about Mar, she is related to shadows! But it's not exactly like Freddy and Fred. Summarizing incredebly hard, in our AU shadows are born from empty people, If someone who is just fundamentally empty as a person walks too close to a place where people have felt a lot, were their feelings overflew out of them, they get a shadow. Freddy has fred because the little guy was just fundamentally empty as a kid (every "freddy is bland" joke ever now has real consequences/j), But Mar is a bit different, since she is the shadow.
Think of Freddy having no personality (/j) and up it to a thousand, thats what the "original" marisol was like, literal empty kid who would not cry or scream or yell and it pissed her mom off to no end, till boom, Mar appears. Since they aren't omniscent and they too don't really understand what shadows are, Mar thinks she is the orignal, and the remainder of the other girl got renamed as lake (haha matching, bodies of water), who unlike fred or freddy, who while not in the body are people shaped, is presented as just a snake.
(if you want to ask about the shadows give us 5 business days since we are still establishing how it works/lh)
So basically, Mar was a really lonely kid thanks to alcoholic mother who was inhumane towards her, she had 2 friends for most of her life. The snake she imagined who she thought was literally just the ghost of a snake who died by the road or something, and Avani, childhood friend who was her neighbour, she is insanely attached to her.
She just like Onnie suffered a LOT because of her home situation, but unlike Onnie she at least did have moments of peace at school and with Avani (Onnie was also brutally bullied at school, woups, guy got no break ever). She kept growing up time kept passing things at home were exactly the same. She met Bébe she met the salvaged and she just started doing crazy stuff simply because "it made her happy" she had an outlet and it helped her. Sadly, things at home out of nowhere aren't the same miserable mess but just somehow turn worse and worse and worse, probably because it was obvious that she was much happier with being more and more away from home and hanging out with people. Eventually she just had enough, and with the help of insane people over here (mostly Bébe) they make a plot to literally murder the woman.
Basically, since she was an alocholic and never tended to the house ever, they just turn the stove on and close all the house down and so she dies of monoxide poisoning and they pass it off as her being negligent and leaving it on on her own.
Literally as that's happening, Mar goes to her school councelor and does some fake tears of feeling like a danger to herself to get send to a psych ward, which doesn't surprise the councelor since it was pretty obvious her home life was awful and that she's a little gone since she talks to the air sometimes, she eventually gets back from it, gets the news that she passed away, does some more fake tears, and boom, surprisingly easy. Onnie wishes he could do that.
Due to her mom dying and being sent away for a little and all of that she missed wayy too many clases and got held back a year, then they tested her to see her academic level and see that she was doing even worse than they thought so she's held back another year, and boom this derranged 18 year old is in a clasroom with the 16 year olds, she scares me. She is based on nightmare marionette which is why we wanted to give her something shadow related, and also why she has scales on her face that sort of form a tear pattern!
I'll admit. I was incredebly self indulgent with her. She's based on nightmare balloon boy, but I used Loon as reference (quien lo invitó? pinche chamaco), since our version of loon is a holed up guy who just sort of rots away in his room and doesn't intend on being a functional part of society. Avani is a prodigy who graduated way too early and is already both studying and working, literally never spends time home and is always busy.
We also made her an asian ladybeetle since they are often regarded as the "evil" counterpart of a ladybug!
That's her basis, and now for parallels, I also have to explain how I was incredebly self indulgent here: She's meant to be a parallel for Spring "but spring isn't a nightmare" I know, and she also isn't a salvaged. We made spring and the nightmares friends (insane decision I know), and so both Spring and Avani interact with their respective group out of just being friends with them instead of actually being part of the group who does insane things. Spring works at a gas station and never finished his education and doesn't feel ready to be an adult at alli(we made him 24 woups), while avani has an office job and reads like a fully functional adult (she isn't) while being incredebly young.
Like was said before she is Mar's childhood friend, And she is a prodigy in all sense of the word, she too was an incredebly lonely child and only ever got along with Mar, She was always said to be too boring and somewhat creepy for remembering seemingly inconsequent stuff. She has an insane memory and an insane brain in general, her parents realized that and just fully commited to pressuring her to do better and better and better, "Pressure makes diamonds" after all. So while at first they were in the same class, Avani kept skipping grades because she was incredebly gifted academically. She still kept contact with Mar of course since both of them are horribly attached to eachother (in the animation they have matchin jewerly! Mar with the necklace and Avani with the earrings), but she literally graduated at 14, that's crazy, girl should have been watching mlp or something.
As she grew she kinda thought about herself as only that, only a prodigy only the smart one that needs to keep getting smarter and needs to be a functional adult already since if she's not its just "a waste". Her parents also didn't help with that, treating her as if she was 100% self sufficient when she was a literal kid. And as soon as she turned 18 she got kicked out to be a full fledged adult.
She got an office job and also is studying MEDICINE and also keeps active contact with a friend. "how does she have time for that" she literally doesn't, This woman is sort of a walking zombie, her being labeled a "genius" made her think she should just shoulder ten billion things at once.
Anyways the day that Mar was getting out of being in the psych ward and already was angsty and nervous she went to visit Avani at her job to calm down a little. Woupsies! Boss is a creep! Woupsies Mar just launches herself at him and beats him up and now this girl is jobless. Awesome.
She has a bit of a crisis because without a job she can't pay for her apartment and she has nowhere to stay and Mar just tells her to go stay with them, which the others don't necesarely agree with but also can't outright refuse since they are very well aware of how important this girl is to Mar.
Basically, "functional" adult stays with insane people, and none of the others understand her. A girl who should 100% have some sense of moral superiority against them just seems way to out of mark with what they expected, she's sort of way too chill with they stuff they do, seems way too nonchallant about Mar literally killing her mom, seems way too bored of everything and only ever thinks of work and studying and work and studying and Mar, it doesn't seem like she literally has any other desire than work like an animal till the end of her days. They can't figure her out! Hence the question marks in the animation! That's,,, that's all I have. Multi if you read all of this you literally deserve like an award, tysm for asking again <3 ^^ I promise I'll do more stuff with actual canon characters soon, I just had a moment ToT, if you (or anyone else who read this) Have any other doubts about them or anyone at all always feel so free to ask!!
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
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Gaon x reader
Sk8ter Boi
Part. 2 "can I make it anymore obvious?"
"Oh it's you," you accidently said out loud.
"Pardon?" He said followed by a slight chuckle and a little shoulder bounce.
"I didn't mean it that way! It's just I don't know I didn't expect to see you still here" you explained. Wait, why were you explaining yourself to him? He doesn't care, he's probably thinking that you're extremely annoying.
"No I understand," he grinned widely. He didn't seem as mean and cruel as your friends had said he was. You couldn't help but smile a bit at his expression, he looked so genuinely happy. Then there was an awkward silence. You cleared your throat.
"Ahem, sorry my friends are waiting for me, I gotta go," you said, slipping past him. He turned to look at you as did you. You waved and he said
"Okay" he had this expression on his face like he had just realized something. You walked down the steps by the washrooms before remembering you wanted to compliment his "weird" scarf because he seemed so offended yesterday when Kayla insulted it.
"Oh and one last thing" you called out to him catching his attention. He looked over to where you were. "I think that scarf is really cute!" You smiled warmly. His lips parted in shock before forming a smile that spread across his whole face
"Thank you!" He shouted back, you then turned around again to go look for your friends, which were nowhere to be found. It didn't bother you though. You had a long day of constantly being around people and it used up a lot of energy so you had almost none left. On your walk you couldn't help but reflect on what had happened. So first off the purple and pink duo are actually rude as fuck and the scarf dude is somewhat nice? Meh, not really that much to reflect on. You shrugged your shoulders, but all you've ever heard about these punks is that they're crude. Though you don't have much proof of this. If anything they're just annoying, kinda like a fly. You keep swatting it away and hardly acknowledging it but it comes back again. So this time you wait for it to get real close to you to grab it in your fist thinking you killed it, but when you open your hand it just Flies away again. Haha, that's a perfect demonstration.
Just as you were off in your spacing out thoughts you arrived in your neighborhood. As you were walking to your house you felt your phone vibrate in your little picnic basket which had your anime pin and your duck Keychain. You set the basket on the ground and squatted down to open it. You rummaged around a bit and found your phone. There was a message from Amira.
🦭Amira● hey, we're at the mall in the city, you wanna take a bus or ask your parents to drive you?
It did sound fun but you didn't have much money on you and you were very tired so you kindly declined. You closed the basket and held your phone in your hand. You walked only a short distance before your feet met your doorstep. You opened the front door and called out "I'm home!" When you walked in there was a strong scent of spaghetti.
"In here sweetie!" You heard your mother call from the kitchen. You closed the door and took off your shoes. You took the basket with you to the kitchen and set it on the dinner table. You ranted to your mom about your picnic (leaving all the boys out of it) as you put the garbage away from your basket. You then ate dinner and did some homework before going to bed. As you laid in bed you were thinking about the boy. Wondering what his name was. Maybe one of the girls will know.
You rolled over and texted your friends
•Do any of you know what the name with the weird scarf boy is?
You asked in the group chat. You waited a couple seconds before getting a chat back
•Yeah his names Jiseok but he goes by Gaon for some reason
Cherry Replied
•Oh thanks
You said before turning your phone off then you got a buzz. You turned back over and picked up your phone. Cherry spammed you
•Did he talk to you!?
•Did you see him
She freaked out. You lied and said that he was in your science class (that bit is true) and you had just forgotten his name. You muted your phone, turned it off and plugged it in. You rolled over again thinking about him.
Gaon, jiseok. I like those names…
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aranarumei · 3 months
OH ALSO gajevy fairy tail :3
ask me about a ship and I’ll give my opinions + classify them as does / doesn’t make sense, does / doesn’t compel me
heyyy sunnfish I picked this one to answer first bc I thought it’d be the shorter answer and then it got a little bit long so let’s put this guy under the cut
gajevy’s really interesting to me out of the Big 4 (nalu, gajevy, gruvia, jerza) because I think that without a doubt, they’ve fared the best canon-wise? but out of the big 4, they’re also the ship I’ve always been least invested in, so I’m gonna say: makes sense, doesn’t compel me.
feel like I can hear some ghost screaming at me like. how the hell were u more invested in gruvia. I will get to that. nalu I’m still invested in… it’s the kind of thing where lucy and natsu just have to be best friends for me. I like other ships with natsu and lucy just fine, so long as it doesn’t demean their relationship. because I truly believe in how dear those two are to each other. for me, as fairy tail progresses, I think the characters in general… got a little worse, haha. so natsu got dumbed down a lot, and a lot of the nalu moments weren’t less genuine sincerity and more jokes or bad fanservice. I also felt like lucy as a character kind of got fumbled with the star dresses… they certainly could have worked but I just feel like it made her fights less interesting? with gray and juvia, I was obsessed with juvia as a kid, and still am… I genuinely think that the gray & juvia is really interesting in the beginning, where juvia’s this gloomy, kinda shy, kinda creepy, kinda sweet stalker. what really worked for me there was that there wasn’t a huge push for gray to be actually receptive to any of juvia’s feelings, and the first big moments juvia had were like… her friendship with lucy and that first unison raid, as well as that moment in the battle of fairy tail where she sacrifices herself for cana. I think those two moments really demonstrate juvia in her best moments… maybe she’s a little standoffish, but she just wants friends, and her love for others is evident. so I feel like something interesting could have happened with her and gray if we got these moments of her making friends and then having a real, proper transition of their relationship from blind adoration to actual friends. gray gets to realize that juvia’s weird as hell but deeply kind and actually considerate of his feelings, and juvia gets to see gray as more of a person than someone she’s mostly watching from afar. Instead, juvia’s possessiveness gets turned up to a point where it’s grating, and it feels like gray gets bullied into liking her by the plot. not great for either of them! my personal gruvia ending has them becoming like. good friends that are just a little extra-protective of each other because of the things they’ve been through. and for jellal and erza we’ve talked about this one. insanely good setup and execution, probably the one I wanted canonicity for most, and then post-timeskip I think it sucks.
and then there’s gajeel and levy! I think this works remarkably well in canon. having him be properly repentant and making it up to levy in particular does a lot in terms of integrating him into the guild. gajeel’s just one of the most solid characters in fairy tail I think. really fun guy to watch. they’re also the only ship out of the big four who really achieved canon status I think. Part of my non-investment in them does stem from that, because it’s like… well, canon treated them well enough so I’m not making giant sermons on what could have been, because I never got to a part where I was like. you know what? this SUCKS and I could do better. but what I really don’t like about canon is that I think the relationship ended up doing a real disservice to levy’s character. rather than be her own person, she ends up as just adjacent to gajeel… which is a real shame! solid script is so interesting, and she’s a good support character, so I don’t like it when she gets cast into the role of like. just the girl gajeel likes. so I actually like gajevy fic a lot when it treats them like yknow, actual people. I think my opinions on gajevy are just not too strong, which is why they don’t really compel me compel me. I want to see more of team shadowgear working as a unit, and like, gajeel and levy having interactions that don’t just sum up to gajeel protecting her and levy maybe trying to help him out. Oh man you know what was really good actually. fairy tail gaiden: rhodonite is this little spinoff bit that was written by a different author, but it’s really really good. I am obsessed with that version of gajeel and levy. actually that series is so good in general. some of my favorite members of the fairy tail ensemble. juvia’s here so we get like. gajeel-juvia friendship crumbs which I lost my mind about.
so basically my thoughts are like. I probably wouldn’t write gajevy personally as anything but lightly existing in the background in a nice way, but if it’s written well I’m so on board
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drylan · 13 days
Rylan predator/prey scenario, with predator!Dylan and prey!Ryan
"Can I touch one of your ears?" Dylan asked after a moment, staring over at Ryan who had been lounged out in the little futon Dylan had in the corner of the radio hut. It was a bold question, even if they were, well, boyfriends now. Very new boyfriends.
Ryan flipped a page in the sailing magazine (who the fuck reads magazines anymore), one of the said long, floppy ears twitching just slightly. "That's kind of a bigoted request, dude."
"W-What? I'm, I'm the only other demi-human counselor in camp, too..." Dylan mumbled in defense, his own wolf ears flattening slightly. He was a red wolf with his own sharp ears and overactive tail.
Ryan was lop bunny, long black ears hung down to his shoulders and small, bushy tail. Which yeah, Dylan thought was cute. But because he was his boyfriend. Not for any weird reason. "You're a wolf, a predator."
"Sorry. I-I didn't, um, I..." Dylan slumped in his chair. They had only been dating for a week so far and he already messed up this bad? Was his read on Ryan so off...? Shit.
Then, Ryan put the magazine down and laughed. "Don't worry. I'm just messing with you. But getting called cute constantly from people who aren't demi-humans and don't get it gets a little old."
"Yeah. I mean, I don't get exactly what you mean, but...moms will like, point at me in public and be like 'be good or the wolf man will eat you, ahh!'" He raised his hands in mock fear. "Haha, after the eighth time, um, it gets old..." He swallowed a little awkwardly. Usually he brushed it off, but it did get to him. He was a friendly guy! Why did people just think or say he would do violent things?
"That's fucked up." Ryan sit back upright, before patting the futon next to him. "C'mere."
"Sure, yeah." Dylan stepped away from where he had been fiddling with the radio equipment and an old record player, flopping down next to Ryan. Within easy touching reach, but not like, too close. "Hey there."
"Hi." Ryan almost sounded, well, shy. Which was a bit strange. Even when Dylan pulled him aside and confessed his feelings, and Ryan agreed he felt similarly, he never seemed shy.
Then the bunny boy reached a hand over, taking one of Dylan's into his own, and gently placing it over one of his ears. "W-Wow, you're...so soft."
"Y-Yeah? Um, I don't let anyone really touch them except doctors and family, so-" Ah, that made sense of why he was so shy. Dylan gently stroked the fur there with one hand, before Ryan took his other hand and placed it on his other ear. "I-It's kinda nice, you touching my ears." Way better than campers tugging on them or Sarah nibbling on them when she was teething as a baby.
"Thank you for letting me touch 'em. You do feel nice. Could fall asleep right now stroking them." He managed to not make a joke about stroking, before an idea popped in his head. "They're not, um, as soft, but if you wanna touch mine..."
Ryan perked up at that from where he had seemed to almost drift off. At least it was affirmation he was enjoying the little ear massage. "Really?"
"Yeah, it's only fair." Dylan paused for a beat. "A-And I want you to."
So Ryan did, his fingers were warm and mostly soft, with just a few callouses here and there from working hard on sailing equipment and nautical ropes. "These feel really nice, too. So warm."
"Heh, thank you."
They stayed like that for quite a bit, for probably way too long, but who cared?
Once they managed to pull apart, Ryan whispered out a "Hey, Dylan." to get his attention once more. Dylan turned to face him, and Ryan leant forward.
And thus, after thorough ear rubs, they had their first ever kiss. Neither of them would ever, ever forget it.
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🖤 TADC Dark au 🖤
A tadc au by Evan/Ronnie. (@thechaoticlittlejester)
[ This is the official story for the au! ]
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMERS: Abuse, Blood, Gore, Violence, cussing, grooming, gaslighting, mental abuse, sexual references, and Ragatha x Pomni.
It could've been fine. She could've been fine. She was innocent. She didn't do shit to deserve the type of treatment she got. Some people just enjoy to watch others suffer. They will always say that they don't, but they know damn well that's a lie! They don't give two shits about who gets hurt as long as they get what they want. Thank God, everyone found a way out. Thank God, everyone was able to leave this fucked up place behind. The mental scars will forever be with her but at least we have each other. Me and her. Hand in hand. Away from this hell.
- Years earlier-
"This game is gonna put us on top!" A tall man named Abel smiled as he exclaimed with excitement. His little brother, Caine, had a soft smile on. Abel was boasting about how this might actually be the most useful thing Caine has done. Caine was used to this and just kinda picked at his nails.
Seeing this, Able stopped boasting.
"What now, Caine?"
Caine looked up.
"I didn't do anything."
Able seems annoyed.
"Don't ruin my good mood."
Caine rolls his eyes and bites his nails but soon gets stopped by Able.
"Will you stop acting weird!?"
Caine flinched due to Able's yelling.
"I'm sorry!"
Abel rolled his eyes and wraps his arms around his younger brother.
"Chill out. This is gonna work out."
"I never said it wasn't gonna work."
Able got agitated.
Caine knew this was a sign to shut up. The brothers made their way out to many other adults and Able gave Caine a glance as he tried to talk to other people. At seeing Able's glance Caine didn't end up saying anything. It was almost as if they had a secret.
A terrible secret.
--Today's log: ....... The day she arrived--
The theme song was slow and the audience really had a chance to laugh their asses off about the pain the Ragdoll, called Ragatha, was in. She had failed numerous time to cross the tightrope enduring a huge amount of pain at the punishment for failing.
Nearby the rabbit was with the small girl made of Ribbon and a comedy mask on. The rabbit called Jax laughed to the girl called Gangle.
"Do you see her, haha!"
Gangle laughed along with the rabbit and the two had to hold onto eachother so they don't fall over laughing.
A large chess piece called Kinger approached the two and asked what was so funny. A wheezing Jax pointed to Ragatha who, with their (un)lovable Ringmaster by her side, kept falling off the tightrope. Kinger naturally started to join in on the laughing.
Suddenly, the Chaotic music gliched out and made everyone turn in the direction of their newest member. Her. Caine, the Ringmaster, was the first to get in her face.
"Oh wow! Another soul to torture!"
The new girl, who took the form of a Jester, looked around in pure terror and muttered:
"He knew what he was doing...."
Caine, not liking the face she ignored him, poked the small jester in the shoulder.
"Hey hello. Welcome to your new home!"
The jester looked at him, blinked, and then started to freak out.
"AAHHH!! What the fuck is going on!"
Caine, being angered by her sudden cuss, didn't hesitate to hit the poor girl. At seeing Caine hit her, Jax, Gangle, and Kinger started laughing loudly. The confused girl took the hit deep. She held her cheek and felt tears in her eyes. It had been so long since she was touched and the sudden hit caught her off guard.
"Chill out! This circus has to be top notch!"
The girl looked up at the Ringmaster and felt her stomach curl. She felt her insides move around as Caine practically ranted to her. Soon, he asked her for her name. She couldn't remember..
"I-I don't remember..."
Caine was about to chose a name for her when Jax chimed in.
"Let's call her Pomni!"
Caine, looked over and nodded.
"Welcome to your new home, Pomni!!!"
The jester, now called Pomni, felt her face get warm. A overheating type of warm. The Ragdoll wanted to welcome the new member but everytime she got close Jax would aggressively grab her arm and stop her. Made her wonder why.
Despite this, Ragatha still found a way to go up to her.
"H-Hey..! You're Pomni right?"
Pomni looked over at her, a scared look on her face.
She got cut off by Jax who stood behind her with his hands on his hips.
"What the fuck did I say Rag-Doll?"
Ragatha, who got caught off guard, jumped and faced Jax.
Jax chuckled and grabbed Ragatha by her neck. She struggles but he tightens his grip and gets in her face.
"If you know what's good for you I suggest you leave the newbie alone. Caine doesn't want us to talk to her. Is that understood?"
Ragatha tried to push him off but he pushed her to the ground, scaring Pomni. He then got on top of her and ,despite her fighting to get him off, pinned her down and go in her face. Nose to nose.
"Do you understand!?"
She started to breathe heavily and nod frantically. Jax got up off her but kicked her before leaving. She groaned in pain and Pomni went to her.
"A-Are you okay...?"
Ragatha breathed heavily but grabbed Pomni by her shoulder and pulled her down. She let out a shocked gasp but wanted to know what she was doing.
"K-Keep yourself safe. Don't let Jax manipulate you. He has Caine wrapped around his finger."
Pomni was worried for her and saw Jax and Gangle nearby staring at the two. Pomni, ignoring the two, helped her up and walked her to her room, scoffing as she walked by Jax and Gangle. Gangle crosses her arms and looked over at Jax.
"You gonna let that slide?"
Jax chuckled.
"Hell no, partner. She will pay for that."
He leans on her shoulder.
"She will be begging to leave when I'm done."
Oh my God! You don't know how long I've been working on this damn story!! Aaaaahhhh! I'm so excited for you losers to get into this. More chapters are coming so don't you worry your little heads! Hehe!
That's all I have to say bye!! ♡
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Maybe hank x reader x antipathy hank
Haha jk... unless
(Im mentally unstable and sorry for the trouble)
I'm mentally unstable too don't worry buddy. I also got a similar request for this in another ask so I'm just gonna kill two birds w/ one stone and bam. Let's gooo. kinda different from my usual tho. Also I might write a sequel for this? Made it a lil open ended so you knowwww. Got a couple interesting ideas ranging from body horror to reader getting revenge with new abilities >+)
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Hank J Wimbleton(s?) Drabble - Double Trouble
GENRE - Romantic
TRIGGER WARNINGS - Murder, Reader Death, stabbing, physical violence, weapon violence of all kinds, descriptions of gore and injuries
Spoilers for Madness Combat 9.5 cause this takes place during it lmao
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You'd finally gotten away from him. You'd tried so hard in life, fighting all you could but that spark slowly fizzled out as your options decreased. It left you with one way out. You don't remember how it happened: But Hank had killed you. It was a fickle detail now, fuzzy with time but you can recall him twisting the blade into you. It hurt like hell and was... weird to watch your own blood fall from your body. Not like a scrape, Slowly draining your insides out. You could compare it to pouring out a glass of water. The worst was you knew that didn't want to give you that way out but that didn't stop you from bleeding out so harshly on the cold floor. 2BDamned couldn't save you, so why could anyone else? A fact you'd taken to the grave and were thankful for. Then you you woke up here. The other place. You had been wandering around for what felt like years, Time was a fickle thing here. You never knew how much time pasted with the living but you didn't care. Here you were free from whatever Hank was doing: The man that hurt you for so long claiming he loved you and here you were. Wandering the endless plain of floating islands.
You were currently sitting on a ledge, kicking your legs as you stared into nothingness. Finally alone, Finally peace. The buzz of white noise filled your ears and nothing as a breath of fresh air filled your lungs. For the first time in a while, Things were going your way. No agents, No fighting ( most of the time ) and best of all, No Hank. Unbeknownst to you however, You were going to learn the hard way that you can't have shit in Nevada.
You turned around but stopped for a moment. Quickly picking up on the fast that strange black ooze was starting to leak out the ground. That didn't seem like a good sign. You got up from your position on the ledge and stared down at it. This hadn't happened before in your time in Purgatory. You flinched back when multiple agents piled out, Heading through the door you had previously come through: Ignoring your bewildered form completely. huh.
Part of you was curious but another part of you was screaming at you to run. You couldn't put your finger on it however, after all you had been pretty fine up until this point and you knew all to well that the man who put you here? He was hard to kill and even harder to put down permanently so why would he here now? You shook your head, brushing away your anxiety like you had your first encounter with him. A mistake you promised yourself you'd never make again. Instead of going the way you came: You decided to take a different route, just Incase. You wandered back through the building, shifting slightly as you felt it move. You gripped a beam to balance yourself, waiting for it to come to a stop and after a moment it did. A part of you paused for a moment, perking up as it came to a stop but you could hear the slashing and gunshots of a nearby fight. The bullets sounded calculated, specifically timed to deal the most damage to a target. ' Whoever's going about it, sure knew what they were doing ' you thought, Coming to turn as you walked in a different door and popped out, jumping from the ledge and platform. With a swift turn to the right, You regretted everything you had ever done.
Your heart dropped when you saw a new sight. A familiar face you swore you'd never meet again. Your stomach churned with anxiety as you met the familiar back of a bandana. Blood pouring out a wound on the side of his head as multiple agents floated in the air, controlled by a grunt sporting wild red hair. Both figures you knew well and really, REALLY, didn't want to get involved in. You scrambled to grab a weapon as you heard the spurts of bodies flying towards Hank and him bumping into you. Shit.
You stumbled over and stared up at him, trying to move away but he just stared for a moment. You could feel the gears turning, recognition as he slowly reached out to touch you: As if to confirm that you were as real as he was.
He grabbed you by the collar, pulling you out of harms way as the rocks fell down colliding with the floor as the two of you moved. He took the gun he was holding and shot at Tricky. He still unnerved you but not as much as the man who had an iron grasp on you. Struggling top get free as you attempted to reach for one of the agent's hand pistols. Tricky's face caved in as Hank shot at him, bullets flying into his skull and carving away at his tender jaw would until it was just a flat, mushy surface.
Hank grabbed a sword, letting you go and watching you for a moment. You fell back onto your ass, already putting to much weight on one side to escape which ended in you falling. Hank turned but before he could react, the body of the clown slammed into his: attempting kill Hank. You silently thanked him as you got a hold of a hand gun, checking the ammo and clicking the cartridge back. Fourteen.
You got ready to turn around and shoot, Watching as Tricky was stabbed and carved, a familiar memory popped up and you shivered remembering how it was when you were on the end of Hank's blade. Blood spilled out of him and you lined up your shot, paying no attention to the strange roaring and cracking of the ground underneath. Out on instinct you shot, the bullet whizzing past Hank's head as.... another came down at him with a chainsaw?
You blinked, fumbling with the gun for a moment. There's TWO now? You were terrified: Taking a moment to move back away from the ongoing fight. The sword and chainsaw blade crashed into each other. Both of them looked different, One sported his usual attire while the other had his jaw fully exposed. Another memory, Was... this Hank from the past. You recalled this clothing but it didn't stop you from the terror blossoming in your head and you didn't waste time in trying to leave.
Jumping and trying to grab at the edge of the door you came in but it didn't budge. One of them pushed back at the other, almost sending the chainsaw flying into you: You squealed, backing away and both stared at you for a moment. Taking you in before staring at each other. You continued to move back, aiming the hand gun at the two. You weren't afraid to shoot.
The Masked Hank came down with his blade at the other, who only tossed it to the side with ease. Continuing to attack with the blade, You started to realize that the two were evenly matched. The one with the exposed jaw picked up half a head and slammed it into the other with a crunch. Bits of brain flew out and over the other, mixing into Hank's own injuries as he dashed forward: Hoping to stab him quickly but all he got was a shove.
You growled catching both men off guard, years of frustration over the man who had killed you began to build up. You weren't even sure were it came from: Much less the slowly growing black ooze coating your body. You wasted no time in charging towards the other as he turned around, falling from the edge with a thud. Using the hand gun, you fired at the other. Your brain felt like it was on auto pilot: It was... strange and the feeling ate away at you. Any sense of anxiety disappearing as rage clouded your thoughts.
He dodged your bullets and the one sporting a large amount of bandages slammed half of the head into yours. You cursed turning around only to be met with a grab and a toss to the platform opposite you. With an oof and a small roll onto your side, Your hand gun was left behind as you landed above.
You heard punching below as you got up, the anger bubbling and boiling while said black goo got worse. You didn't even really clock it, Only a brief glance: the fury too much to deter you. After the brief cracking of bones: Soon the two joined you. You tried to tackle one but missed, landing in between the two as they punched at each other, oddly careful to avoid you. If you were so infused with hatred for the two: You would compare them to toddlers fighting over their favourite play thing which in a way, was very accurate to the situation at hand. Except said play thing was conscious and wanted a sizeable amount of revenge.
One of them eventually tossed the other, leaving space for you to run up to him and grab him by the collar. Finally: The roles were switched. You stared at him, No emotion as the goo once more fester and gurgle. A tar like substance that was now clinging to some of your skin. He didn't struggle just staring at you before reaching out to touch you face. Oh so gently, oh so soft.
Where the fuck was that softness when he shoved a knife into you gut?
As if history didn't repeat itself enough with you, a sharp pain entered your torso. Through you and into the Hank you had been holding by the collar. The other watched, trying to scramble to get you but the strange appendage didn't let him: Only squashing the two of you into the wall as a loud beeping entered your ears, getting louder by the second. A large red flame encased the two of you and all you could feel was burning: unsure of what the general fuck was going on as you felt yourself evaporate into nothingness. Yet in that same way, a jolt of life flooded through you but it didn't stop the screaming nor pain.
With that, Hank watched as you once again fade from his life completely.
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wispmotherr · 4 months
hey, hey, there’s a story time/rant/vent under the cut i just need to get this anger out of my damn system somehow haha
so there’s this girl i work with, we’ll call her N. she’s at least a decade younger than me, and she’s always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. my perception is that she has a tendency to act way too familiar way too quickly and i feel like she speaks to everyone in a weird mix of condescending and oblivious tone/manner all the time (stand out example being that she’d reply with “oh no, you’re good” when someone says “excuse me” to her in the “please move out of the way” context and then continue to stand in the way. drives me up the goddamn wall lol). but as i said, this is my perception and not really her problem so i try my best to interact with her as minimally as possible and be polite and civil at work.
things took a Turn a few months ago when she came in to work on a friday and was acting like she wasn’t feeling well. she asked to be sent home pretty early in her shift which was granted because i agreed to cover her closing shift for her, which gave me a 12+ hour day. i figured i was helping out a sick coworker and while i didn’t love having such a long day it was what it was.
when i came into work on monday, i found out that N had gone home friday night and then, a few hours later, had gone out drinking with her friends. i was furious. but as my supervisor and the facility manager knew of the situation (and were equally unimpressed) i just kinda let it go, but my general dislike of her festered exponentially.
that brings us to yesterday.
she comes over to me at my workstation and gets my attention and starts babbling that she “has an emergency” and needs to go home. i’m a little wary (once bitten twice shy, etc.) but because she caught me off guard and i don’t want to be an asshole and demand the nature of the emergency (especially if it’s something really bad or personal), i agree. it means another longer workday and it also takes a body (me) off of the workload that we are massively falling behind on.
turns out her “emergency” was that her roommate had to go to the emergency room (but was fine and didn’t need her) and N felt she needed to go home and watch the roommates dog and her approximately month old puppies.
and maybe i’m a callous bitch, but that does not constitute an emergency. at worst, put em in an enclosed room with the camera you already have for them and come back to work and monitor remote. from what i understand these dogs are in good health and haven’t needed much attention.
to compound my rage, i can’t decided how much worse it is that this girl called off today as well.
i feel incredibly taken advantage of and frustrated because this person just… doesn’t think. she doesn’t ever seem to consider how her choices are affecting her coworkers. she’s just so damn oblivious and i want to hope it’s just because she’s a little stupid and not a malicious thing but gosh help me either way she won’t be getting any more favors from me.
Add this on top of the creepy walking red flag coworker creating 4+ extra hours of work for others due to his fucking dumb errors and this week has just been… so good for my blood pressure. ha.
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