#i hope you like this!!!
bellamyblake · 5 months
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Merry Christmas, @okmcintyre!
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pearl-blue-musings · 7 months
Oo Oo!! Elle i love this idea omg 🥰 could i get maybe Zhongli for the texts and with no alcohol please if that’s alright 💖💖💖
Yes of course!!!
Sexy sexy times with the geo daddy ahead!!
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Elle’s Wine Night take two!!
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klausinamarink · 8 months
klausi!! 🤍 i wanna bombard you with all these prompts but!!
91 "Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it." and/or 12 "I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
64 "Can I hold your hand?” and/or 79 "i like being close to you. you’re warm."
am i being too demanding :/ feel free to ignore this mwah! 🫶
dio!!! omg so great to hear from you! And don’t you worry you’re not demanding! these prompts are fantastic and I hope I did them justice for you 🫡 hope you can excuse the slight length and lateness
Steve loves Eddie.
It’s a fact as obvious as the monsters underneath everyone’s feet that haunted his sleeping state for years. It’s the truth that he has since accepted as part of something under his heart and bones, but is well too aware that if released, it can be ugly for everyone else.
Even with Robin, Steve just knows that if he even mumbles a fucking vowel, her first reaction would be, “Eddie would not like you.”
Okay, that’s just disrespectful to his platonic soulmate. Her first reaction would definitely be happy gasping, begging for details, using his love advice against him and strike multiple tally marks on the YOU RULE whiteboard.
But everyone else? Yeah, Steve can already see the disgust and contempt on their faces.
It would hurt more if Eddie’s one of them.
But fuck it. Steve’s always been the ‘rip the bandaid off’ kind of guy, especially when it comes to crushes. That’s why he’s going to tell Eddie first, future heartbreak and emotional breakdown be damned.
So here he is: driving down the road to the countryside that’s more farmland than actual farmhouses to the new Munson home.
And just as if the gods are giving him pity, Eddie’s already in the long driveway, leading Lucky out of the horse trailer.
It had surprised everyone that Eddie’s new job post-Vecna was a farmhand for a nearby horse ranch. But there’s not really a lot of other positions in Hawkins that would accept a falsely accused man who now hates the town even more for the witch hunt. The ranch on the other hand hadn’t cared much about Eddie’s history and had been quick to hire him for training shortly after the move.
Steve parks on the roadside just front of the house. Eddie seems too attentive with Lucky to notice his car yet, a gloved hand always petting the horse’s snout as he gently pulls the reins to the direction of the massive yard. Eddie has a gentle smile on his face, the one where the dimples show and gives him a little glow to the face.
It makes Steve smile too.
Eddie just looks so much happier. 
He takes a deep breath and gets out of the car, the chilly November air and horse stink welcoming him. That snaps Eddie’s attention towards him, the smile breaking into a grin.
“Steve!” He cries out with a quick wave. Lucky gives a rather loud snort in greeting. 
“Hey, Eds.” Steve waves back before jerking a chin up to the golden-brown horse as he walks up. “Taking Lucky to a timeout again?”
Eddie snorts, shaking his head, “I swear this horse either likes me more or he’s being a bastard on purpose for his owners.”
Apparently, out of all of the horses in the ranch, Lucky is the more “devil’s child” (which Eddie had described with a voice of an old Texas man). Steve hasn’t witnessed the actions himself, but the stories range from nipping other horses to clomping the front of a vehicle into smithereens for no reason except for an undisclosed hatred to the human race.
So predictably, Eddie is one of the very few humans who have the privilege to be Lucky’s close friends. 
(“Honestly, I think this horse is an agent from the Upside Down. Steve, listen to me. I’ve faced a hoard of demobats but that horse scares me.” Eddie tells him one afternoon, just a week after being the new ranch hire. Steve listens to it all, but his eyes are on the ever wild gestures and lit cigarette dangerously close to burning his hair.
“If you’re afraid of it, then hasn’t it like,” Steve makes his best impression of a horse stomping someone to death.
Eddie snorts, taking a drag of his cigarette. “I guess I’m a braver motherfucker than I thought or Lucky just likes me better than the normal folk.”
I like you better too. Way more than the whole town. It’s not Steve’s first thought and it’s far from the last one he wishes to say alo.)
As Eddie leads Lucky alongside the fence of the pasture, Steve follows from behind, keeping a very safe distance from Lucky and his back legs of severe injury. Then Eddie opens the gate, letting Lucky run into the pasture. 
Steve puts his arms on the fence, watching the horse gallop around and kicking up dirt clouds. He looks over at Eddie, who’s mirroring him but his gaze is on Steve. He smiles again, making Steve’s heart do a double flip.
“What is it?” Steve asks.
Eddie doesn’t answer. He only shuffles closer until their sides are pressing to each other. Then he tucks his chin onto Steve’s shoulder, his nose brushing the cheek. “I like being close to you. You’re warm.” Eddie finally says in a hushed voice like he’s sharing a secret.
Steve almost says it.
He almost tells Eddie, “I love you.”
But the words don’t come out. They feel blocked in his mouth. Like there’s one last gate to go through and Steve can’t find the key for it. It feels like he’s back in high school, fresh faced and still navigating the brutal castle that would chew him up and spit him out.
It feels frustrating that when the perfect opportunity for the confession is literally leaning against him, he can’t say it.
He’s scared now. That he’ll spit it out like an afterthought or say something like “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified” and have Eddie push him under Lucky’s hooves of death. 
Eddie’s still looking at him. His eyes are hooded but cautious. He looks vulnerable. With the rays of sunlight still shining behind him, he looks beautiful.
Steve glances down at their hands. They hang limp over the fence, their pinkies barely touching. He swallows and says in a similar hushed voice, “Can I hold your hand?”
Eddie’s expression warms, his smile turning more tender. He takes off his gloves and slowly wraps his hand around Steve’s. His palm feels too smooth and sweaty with his pulse going wild. 
It’s honestly perfect.
“This okay?” Eddie whispers.
Steve resists the urge to pinch between his eyebrows, hoping to blink away the sudden tears. “Yeah.”
Later, he would finally tell Eddie the three blessed words.
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daboyau · 2 months
Hey, for the writing challenge, I'd be interested in seeing 38 for whichever of your AUs you prefer, if you're not overwhelmed!
Also, your latest chapter for the Hunger Games AU is so good! Donnie helping Digi and Gizmo is a little heartbreaking. He wants to be cold so bad, but no. And the descriptions were so excellent. I want to see all the designs! Especially the farmer and the corn haha. That cracked me up a bit:D Thanks for writing, I love to read it!
Sorry this took so long!! For some reason “hole” was just not wanting to cooperate with me! I had a handful of fleeting ideas (Zombie au, raph’s death in the bad timeline, shell rot, after the foot cass joins a cult that worships The Pit instead, etc) but ended up going with something for my Leave AU. I feel like I should have written you something RHG related since you gave me such a kind compliment about the last chapter. 😭 alas, my brain didn’t want to cooperate there. I hope you like this regardless!! @eb177
It’s the fifth time they’ve run through this drill, but for some reason, Three just can’t seem to wrap his head around it. There’s something in the footwork, and the transition from one flowing movement to the next that he just keeps missing. His brothers are eyeing him nervously now. Their movements slow just a little, trying to give him time to catch up, or the opportunity to see how their steady movements differ from his own clumsy ones and fix his mistakes. 
Draxum has noticed. He’s watching them, eyes narrowed, lip curling with disdain. Three knows he should be better, just like he knows that his blundering and his brothers’ trying to cover for him will mean they get punished, too. He can’t let that happen, so he needs a way to draw all the attention (and all the ire) towards himself. Draxum draws closer, fury in his expression, a look that promises punishment for their unsatisfactory performance. Three’s heart is pounding hard against his plastron, and it’s easy to see that their creator is out for blood. 
When Draxum tells them to do it again, Three waits for him to circle closer. Then, he lets his ankle twist. He lets himself fall. 
One gasps and Four covers his mouth in a futile attempt to muffle his whimper. Two freezes, expression empty but eyes gone glassy and distant. Three barely has time to hit the ground before Draxum’s hand has circled his arm with bruising force, claws digging into muscle as he hauls him to his feet and drags him from the room. His brothers try to follow, but Three frantically shakes his head at them, eyes pleading. They fall back, watching him until the door slams shut between them.
He knows where they’re going. The fear is already rising like bile in his throat, choking him. It’s hard to breathe, and Draxum is so much bigger and he’s dragging him along now because Three is too short to keep up on his own, and the mark his grip leaves on his arm is going to take forever to heal, and he knows that this is going to hurt, and all he can think is at least it’s just me. 
The lab is usually forbidden. The only time Three is taken inside it is when he’s done something wrong. Something bad. Something that will require their creator to pick him apart to discover exactly what it is that has malfunctioned inside of him this time. Three doesn’t like the lab. 
There is a pit, tucked away in the corner. Maybe it used to be used for something good. Like a well, or a place to burn trash. Now it is used to hold them until Draxum has the time he requires to run his tests. To poke and prod and rip and cut and get answers to his many questions and grievances. 
Last time, he’d spent four days down there before Draxum had deemed it convenient to begin. Three trembles despite his best efforts to hide the fear that rises within him. The waiting is almost as bad as the tests. He wishes that Draxum would just get it over with, but he knows he’ll never get that lucky. After all, he’s the one who always puts himself into this position. He should just feel grateful that none of his brothers will be down there with him.
He hovers at the edge of the hole, his position held in the balance only by his creator’s hand on his arm. He wonders how long it will be this time. Draxum’s angry gaze tells him that he won’t like the answer. 
Draxum lets go of his arm. For one terrible, stomach churning second, Three remains where he is. Heels overhanging the emptiness, balanced only on his toes, swaying slightly as he stares up at his creator’s face. Draxum sneers. He presses one finger into the center of Three’s plastron. 
He tips backwards, into the darkness.
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khaoray · 1 year
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wishing the happiest of holidays to @therukurals, from your secret santa 🎅🎁
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Full meal 🥞
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aesopsbaby · 1 month
oh okay 👀. Can I have general hcs for star x Leona?
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(s): Leona Kingscholar (TWST), Star (@startheimpactfangirl)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: General headcanons
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: GAHH sorry this took so...so long sobsobs. I really hope this can make it up for the extremely long wait!! Also,,Leona might be ooc since its been a really long time since I've played TWST,,,and I'm going to be honest, I don't remember much about alot of the characters,,(except for Sebek my beloved)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Leona being OOC </3
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✧ Leona, as arrogant and prideful as he is, would've definitely been taken aback. He hadn't thought that he would ever fall for someone.
✧ Star fell first but Leona, for sure, fell harder! Something as small as a small smile from Star can send Leona's heart into a frenzy. He'd start to scoff and look away from their direction but the burning feeling in his cheeks and the tips of his ear are evident.
✧ Leona was the first to proclaim his feelings. He hadn't thought of doing so until he started to see other students getting close to Star. Fearing the worst, and losing them to those who he deems are inferior to him is enough to make Leona's envy eat at him. He couldn't possibly stand losing!
Leona grimaced, not caring and never caring to cover up his expression. His eyes were burning holes into the person currently speaking to Star. This is annoying..why is he getting so worked up over this?
He sighed, a low and soft growl as he continued to glare at the scene before him. Deciding he had enough, Leona walked towards Star, holding onto their wrist with a firm yet gentle grasp, tugging them along with him as he walked off. "I need you for a moment." Star tilted their head at his action, but ultimately let him lead them away, leaving the other student to stand there dumbfounded.
"Leona? What are..." Star started, but shook their head slightly before continuing, "Where are we going-" Leona stopped abruptly, turning around to face them, "Listen. I.."
Leona felt his heart pounding wildly in his chest, his brain was running at a thousand miles per second as he stared at Star's confused expression. He groaned, exasperated at the situation before he brought both of Star's hands up to his face.
"I love you."
He spoke with a softness that shocked Star. Causing them to widened their eyes and feel their blood rushing to their cheeks at the sudden confession. Leona pursed his lips into a thin line, "and..I can't take it..seeing other people...you know..?" Leona mentally cursed at himself for fumbling his words.
He shook his head to clear all the thoughts clouding his ability to form a coherent sentence.
"Look. I..I just can't lose you, alright?"
✧ No matter how long Star and Leona have been together, Leona still can't stumbling over his words whenever he's around Star. He tries so hard to keep a nonchalant and snarky persona, but once Star so much as waves at him and calls him, he falls apart and goes quiet instantly.
✧ Leona only treats Star with so much softness and gentleness. He would do anything to make sure that they are safe and happy. And if making Star happy means to attend lessons instead of slacking off? Well, so be it!
✧ Star spends most of their time with Leona's head on their lap. They will card their fingers through his hair as he sleeps. Leona finds it comforting whenever Star plays with his hair, it helps him to fall asleep faster than the already does.
✧ He gets insecure whenever he is compared to his siblings. Leona always comes to Star and buries his head into their shoulder with his hands wrapped tightly around their waist, holding them close to him as he tries to get rid of all the insecure thoughts. With Star humming a soft tune while soothing him and patting his back, whispering sweet words of affirmation; "You're perfect, Leona."
✧ Leona is only soft for Star. He smiles so softly whenever he sees them. He enjoys picking Star up and doing one spin as the both of them laugh before putting them down on their feet to give them a quick peck on the forehead.
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kevjrr · 1 year
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For @karotland 💚
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another answer for @amatres bc i also wanted to do georgie<3
"Layla!" Georgie grins, "Another fellow bard!"
"Where to start! Shes so... strong. I- I respect her so much, its hard, being different, and it so much harder when its immediately visible, so much harder still when its for the sins of an another that you never knew."
He turns inward to continue, "I hope I have that strength myself, to hold joy and love in my heart despite all the hate and distrust the world aims at me,"
He smiles brightly again, "After all, those who know darkness know the true value of the light, and those who know despair know the true value of joy!"
"Its not my place, but from what I've heard of her story, she sounds like someone straight out of a folk tale! I'm glad to hear that shes got her good ending with her own prince, triumphing over those who sought to drag her down, not only by leaving and avoiding their schemes, but by holding onto kindness and joy despite her struggles. It would be understandable, but regrettable, if she let bitterness win, but she didn't! Her good heart triumphed!"
"I hope that happy ending lasts for her, and gives her everything she needs. you shouldn't have to suffer to be happy, but she deserves all the happiness in the world!"
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fandomchaosposts · 1 year
Hi local girl! (is this ok or only local girl can call local girl local girl?)
How are you?
I might have a prompt for you (it's a bit vague, I'm sorry) but my prompt is (ehy wait, may I select the pairing too? That would be Carlando for me thank you!) Anywaaay, back to the prompt: kisses, soft kisses, languid kisses, goodmorning kisses, goodnight kisses, good race kisses, bad race kisses AND intimacy. I don't mean smut I mean, just existing in each other presence and be content and glowing. If the prompt is s*it i do understand that please ignore the ask 🙈 Byeeeeee 💛
about local girl, because you asked 😌
thingy under the cut because it got a bit long, I hope I included everything!!! I had so much fun writing about those too 🤗🤗
mi alma: my soul
mi amor: my love
mi corazón: my heart
mi luz: my light
“Good morning, mi alma”
Waking up next to his boyfriend was the highlight of his day. Just watching the specks of dust dancing in the sunlight, slowly sitting on Lando’s eyelashes as he murmured in his sleep. 
“G’morning, Carlos” A huge yawn muffled his words, but the huge smile adorning his face could never be hidden. 
Carlos moved one hand to brush the other man’s hair from his face, and placed a kiss on his lips. “Come on, sleepyhead, we’re gonna be late”
“Cuddle with me first?”
Well, he couldn’t say no to those pouting lips or puppy eyes. He opened his arms and shifted, placing Lando’s head on his chest.
“You know I can’t say no to you mi luz.”
“Carlos Carlos Carlos Carlos! Baby! Congratulations!” He was practically beaming while waiting for his boyfriend to step out of the Ferrari garage. “You’re starting the race in front of me tomorrow, honey!”
Carlos could barely brace himself, before Lando came sprinting towards him and jumped in his arms. 
“I know, mi amor, you did amazingly today!” He wrapped his arms tighter around him. “I’m so proud of my little koala bear!” 
Every other word he had to stop, when Lando was peppering his face with kisses. He put him down on his feet again, before wrapping his arms lazily around his waist and bringing their faces closer. When he kissed him, he could feel time slowing down, like the universe was allowing them to have a moment of peace before they had to return to their hectic lives.
“Good night, mi corazón. I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. I can’t wait to race with you tomorrow, I’ve missed those days.”
“Me too, bae, me too.”
He placed one last kiss on Lando’s cheek before turning the lamp off and going to sleep. He really loved those small moments with him.
“I can’t believe I fucked it up so majorly! The pace was there, you saw it! I could have easily been in the top 10, if I had been more careful at the start. Ugh!”
“I know it’s frustrating mi amor, but you will have your chance again, trust me. You are an amazing driver. You’re my baby future world champion is what you are.”
“I know… You’re right, it’s just… It had so much potential, you know? The pace was there.”
He sat on the bed sulking for a few moments before turning to his boyfriend. “Cuddle time, Carlos, my love?”
“Always, mi alma”
He sat down on the bed with him and ruffled his hair. He placed a soft kiss on the top of his head and turned to envelop the other man in his arms. He really had everything he wanted in the world.
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kaaaaaaarf · 11 months
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Happy Birthday, Ceci!!! 💖💖
In honour of @melodramvs' birthday, I have created a playlist just for her!! I hope you like it.
1. Hello Sunshine by Super Furry Animals 2. Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan 3. The Good In Everyone by Sloan 4. Teeth by Mallrat 5. Closer To Me by The Cure 6. Don't Be Scared, I Love You by Bill Ryder-Jones 7. Everything Is Boring by The Beaches 8. Brazil by Declan McKenna 9. Chaise Longue by Wet Leg 10. Dandelions by Ruth B. 11. Archie, Marry Me by Alvvays 12. Sweet Happy Life by Peggy Lee
I hope you have a sweet, happy year of life.
art in image by Canadian artist Laura Dawe
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kcrabb88 · 1 year
Anidala + fast food for fic prompt pls :)
(Set in the Shoulder the Sky Verse)
Padme's apartment door comes open with a bang, and she swears to the Force if her husband wakes up their sleeping four-year-old twins, she might just kill him. For the first time in ... ages, she's got the apartment to herself, and she was supposed to be relaxing.
That didn't exactly happen.
Turns out, being Bail's second-in-command means later hours, sometimes. Sneaky later hours, because Bail would be mad if he knew she was working overtime.
"Sorry!" Anakin says in an overloud whisper, nearly tumbling inside with three bags of food at least. Greasy bags. "Sorry. Hi, babe."
Padme's irritation dissipates when she sees that big, toothy grin.
Also, he is definitely drunk.
"You didn't leave Obi-Wan tipsy in an alley did you?" she teases.
"No." Anakin's eyebrows furrow, and he turns serious, his words slurred. "I wouldn't do that. He's with Rex and Cody and Vos."
"And who of them is sober?"
That makes sense.
Anakin waltzes over with the bags in hand, dropping them on the sofa before spying the datapad in Padme's hand.
"Are you working?" he exclaims, before lowering his voice again. "You're not supposed to be working. Give me this."
"Ani," Padme protests weakly as he plucks the datapad from her hands, but she's smiling regardless.
"Tomorrow you can work." Anakin picks up a bag. "Tonight, we feast."
Padme quirks an eyebrow, leaning in to give Anakin a kiss. Force, he tastes like Corellian brandy, but she doesn't mind.
"A feast, huh?"
"A feast," Anakin echoes. "The guys at the clone bar wanted to make sure you had all the fries in the world since you helped get that bill passed for them."
Padme opens the bag, and they do smell very good, don't they?
"A thanks I can appreciate." She ruffles Anakin's hair, and he laughs, and the fries taste salty and just right on her tongue.
Sometimes, things really are perfect.
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honimello · 7 months
Peter Strahm wallpaper, please? Maybe something blue? c:
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peter strahm home and lockscreen set! like or reblog if u save :)
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true-heart0922 · 11 months
I have taken it upon myself to write this beautiful 3.2K word fic for all of you Shining Glitter x Black Lemonade shippers and fans, such as myself. This is my last treat before I go to bed tonight, so I hope you all enjoy the shipping fuel!
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20 for touching prompts :)
20. bandaging/stitching up an injury
No ship specified so I spun the wheel in my head and we're getting...
G'raha/Allir (with mentions of G'raha/Allir/Alisaie/Alphinaud)
"You really should have said something sooner," the worry in G'raha's voice undercut the way he was attempting to scold. Not that it would have worked on Allir anyway. They were pretty immune to scoldings at this point. As Alphinaud would have attested to, were he present.
"It's nothing, Raha," they said, although they didn't move from the chair he'd forced them into.
"It needs stitches, Allir! That is so far from the definition of nothing, you can't even see it anymore!" G'raha dropped into a crouch and his fingers were cool as they pressed into the freshly cleaned skin that stretched over Allirs ribs. Allir didn't need to look. They knew the criss cross of scars that marred near every inch of their skin. They were just glad that G'raha had moved past the need to make sympathetic noises each time he saw them without a shirt.
"This may sting," G'raha warned. Allir nodded, but didn't flinch as they felt the needle pass through their skin. Their breathing remained steady, their focus on how steady G'raha's fingers were, how calm he was even as he stitched skin back together. Allir turned their head, their lips upturning just the slightest bit at G'raha's face of concentration.
"Stop staring at me lovingly while I'm fixing your stupid mistake. I'm still annoyed with you," G'raha huffed the words out, and Allir snorted. As G'raha tied off the last stitch, Allir reached over to softly rub his ear.
"You," Allir rumbled the words, "are near always annoyed with me. You and Alisaie both. It's part of your charm."
"Damn you," G'raha relaxed into Allirs hand, even as he pressed the bandage over the injury, "I'll have to change this tomorrow. And I'm telling the twins."
"Great," Allir rolled their eyes, "you're so lucky I love you."
"I think that's meant to be my line."
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khaoray · 2 years
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Let’s go now.
for @clararosetyler
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