#bellarke christmas exchange
bellamyblake · 5 months
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Merry Christmas, @okmcintyre!
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heartbellamy · 5 months
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Happy New Year! For the holidays I joined in on another Bellarke gift exchange (@bellarke-events) and this is a sneak peek of an AU prompted by @superficialseer! The full thing will be posted soon but I wanted to get something up for now! Happy Holidays! ❤️💚
“I feel like I’m trapped in a Disney movie from the mid-2000s.” Bellamy comments as she settles in beside him again, definitely not glancing at how close her thigh is to his. “More like a Hallmark rom-com, complete with the snowstorm and Christmas music.” Bellamy’s not sure if he consists more of the rom or the com for her, but before he can head down that train of thought, she’s reaching over and stealing the last Christmas cookie that he was two seconds away from putting in his mouth. All he can do is watch her bite down on it with a smile. Clarke’s like that, he’s come to realize. Only a few hours of knowing each other and she’s comfortable nudging his knee with hers when she says something to get him to smile or stealing the last cookie from the cookie box he bought an hour ago from some high-end bakery chain in the food court area. She’s intriguing. (She’s dangerous.)
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
happy christmas tears
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8KEN1Tx
by whatspastisprologue
It’s Bellamy and Clarke’s first Christmas as parents! This is so utterly fluffy, you might need a dentist appointment after reading, but I regret nothing. There’s a married Bellarke, an adorable dog, and their precious, new baby. What more could you want in a quick holiday read? -Guaranteed to lift your holiday spirit & make you feel warm and bright or your money back! … Yeah, yeah, there’s no monetary exchange happening, but I guarantee a happy read!
Words: 2751, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, Lincoln (The 100), Original Blake-Griffin Child(ren)
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake/Lincoln
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Married Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Parents Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Dog Parents Bellamy/Clarke, Minor Octavia Blake/Lincoln, Holidays, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Bellarke, Bellarke Baby, Dog - Freeform, dog fluff, It’s Christmas At The Blake-Griffin’s!, It’s Baby’s First Christmas, And They Have An Adorable Dog, It’s A Modern Bellarke Holiday Fluff Fest
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8KEN1Tx
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lexinoctura · 2 years
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas guys!
This year, I have two written Christmas presents. The first one is for @klarkegriffin on Twitter in honor of this year’s Bellarke Secret Santa exchange:
The 100, Canon AU, Secret Santa, Bellarke
“Ofontaim” “First snow in Camp Delinquents, and Lincoln tells O about a tradition his people have. Jasper and Monty overhear it and decide to get Clarke and Bellamy to pick up that tradition.
Sort-of secret santa on earth and Clarke draws Bellamy; much to her dismay… but she is determine to give him a good gift anyways!“
And the second one is for the amazing @beatrixacs here on Tumblr, and is meant as a little thank you for all the times she cheered me up, patiently helped me with declinations, cases and all things related to language, lent me her brain and year with my stories and over all was a dear friend to me!
Star Wars, Canon AU, Fix-it, Reylo
“You’re not alone; not anymore!” “After Rey defeated Palpatine with the help of the Jedi, she's gone and joined the Force… Something neither Ben, nor three other people could believe
(Basically, its a fix-it for after Rey died and before our precious Ben would give his life to revive her)”
Merry Christmas everyone!
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Ho F-ing Ho (Rated M) [Memori]
Written by @thedefinitionofendgame for @sailawaymayday. The four assigned tropes were 1) Road trip, 2) Friends make a bet, 3) The characters play a game, and 4) Poorly timed confession
Summary: The friend group (consisting of Clarke, Wells, Raven, Murphy, Emori and Anya) go on a holiday road trip and celebrate the highs and lows of their lives thus far.
be my fire in the cold (Rated T) [Bellarke]
Written by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething for @queen-of-the-wallflowers15. The four assigned tropes were 1) Accidental marriage, 2) Sweater Weather, 3) Fake Dating, and 4) Only one bed
Summary: Bellamy jerks in surprise and something tightens around her wrist and forearm. A length of red cord, intricately woven around their joined wrists and up each of their arms. A cord that Clarke has grown used to seeing at Grounder ceremonies. Very specific Grounder ceremonies.
“Clarke, what is this?”
She closes her eyes, trying to ignore the way her stomach is churning. “Bellamy… I think we’re married.”
Coming Home (Rated M) [Memori]
Written by @northernxstories for @thedefinitionofendgame. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fake Not Dating, 2) Secret Santa, 3) Friendsgiving, and 4) Friends Make a Bet
Summary: Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa - Troped Style.
Ornamental Parts of Love (Rated M) [Raven/Anya]
Written by @sailawaymayday for @dylanobrienisbatman. The four assigned tropes were 1) Enemies to lovers but they didn’t know they were enemies, 2) assassin/hired gun, 3) Out of place intro, and 4) All i want for christmas is you
Summary: Raven is a modern day Robin Hood, but what happens when she is a target for a hired gun…who also happens to be the girl she is sort of dating?
We’ll Find Out in the New Morning (Rated G) [Gen Fic]
Written by @kinetic-elaboration for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. The four assigned tropes were 1) found family, 2) gift giving, 3) forehead kiss, and 4) caught in a snowstorm
Summary: Seven strangers accidentally book the same secluded cabin in the woods for Christmas. When a snowstorm strands them there overnight, without electricity or heat, they form new friendships, and new bonds that start to feel like family ties.
Stop This World (For Five Minutes) (Rated T) [Echoven]
WRITTEN by @wwjacksparrowd for @spacekrulesbians. The four assigned tropes were 1) Person A calls Person B a sweet nickname in a language Person B doesn’t understand until one day when they reveal it to them, 2) Snowed In, 3) ship making eye contact during vows at a wedding that isn’t their own, and 4) poorly timed confession
Summary: Echo’s always been better off on her own. That’s why she became a federal air marshal: specifically so she could never stay in one place long enough to make friends. She doesn’t want friends. She doesn’t want family. She just wants to be left alone.
(If she tells herself that enough times, surely she’ll believe it.)
Of course, that plan didn’t account for getting trapped in a grounded airplane for three days with six people who are already dangerously close to her and weirdly determined to get closer, and it definitely didn’t account for Raven Reyes.
i can weather the storm (Rated M) [Raven/Echo/Emori/Murphy/Bellamy]
Written by @spacekrulesbians for @northernxstories . The four assigned tropes were 1) Faking a relationship for the holidays, 2) Bed sharing, 3) Meet the family, and 4) Forehead kisses
Summary: “I’m so sorry, Rae.”
It’s only a week until Christmas. Raven’s been excited about bringing Echo home to meet her father for weeks; she even told him she was bringing her girlfriend to meet him.
And now it’s ruined.
or: Raven and Echo each take a fake date home for Christmas, but everyone seems to have a connection to Raven
hihintayin kita (Rated T) [Murven]
Written by @andthelightbulbclicks for @hopskipaway. The four assigned tropes were 1) Friends to Lovers, 2) Person A calls Person B a sweet nickname in a language Person B doesn’t understand until it is revealed, 3) Everyone knows but them, and 4) Masquerade Ball
Summary: Mahal ko. My love.
John Murphy knew he seriously messed up when he said those words to his best friend. Yes, he’s in love with her. But he doesn’t plan on telling her like that. He doesn’t plan on telling her at all.
And as a man who prides himself on little else, he’s always someone who has told the truth. But as the lies build, he finds himself at risk of losing Raven entirely.
maybe it’s much too early in the game (Rated T) [Murven]
Written by @hopskipaway for @kinetic-elaboration. The four assigned tropes were 1) Farmer's Market AU, 2) Meet the Family, 3) Christmas Tree Lighting, and 4) Band AU.
Summary: The (hopefully) up-and-coming band, Arkadia, find themselves stuck in the middle of nowhere right before Christmas.
It’s all a bit Virgin Mary for them, but luckily an old friend (with a very appealing knack for stage lighting) lives nearby.
We''ll Be Home For The Holidays (Rated E) [Octavia/Murphy]
Written by @queen-of-the-wallflowers15 for @probably-voldemort. The four assigned tropes were 1) character discovers they are not human, 2) kissing to keep a secret/cover, 3) endless winter, and 4) fakes exes.
Summary: With Christmas approaching and Bellamy and Clarke making plans to move the pack, Murphy had been instructed to find Octavia and bring her home.
A tip leads him to a snow covered, trapped in an endless winter mountain where rumor has it is not only home to an abominable snowman but to one brunette shifter- Octavia Blake.
You're the only one who makes me (Rated T) [Wells/Raven]
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @andthelightbulbclicks. The four assigned tropes were 1) Royalty AU, 2) Caught in a Snowstorm, 3) Courting, and 4) Body Painting.
Summary: Princess Raven of Sky Mountain has been searching for a match for a long time. She had rebelled, of course, but she was ready now, to try to find the right heir to marry. A promise to her father, one that she intends to keep, no matter how difficult it had proven to be. How was it possible that every suitor was someone less interesting than the last?
Maybe getting lost in a blizzard was just what she needed to solve all of her troubles.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
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The 100 Christmas / Winter Fics 2015 - 2020
By @kinetic-elaboration / elle_stone
(links are to AO3; unless stated otherwise, all are appropriate for general audiences)
Chance of Snow Increases
Bellarke, Modern AU, 3,600 words
A Bellamy-and-Clarke-are-grad-students-who-get-snowed-in AU
One of Those Couples
Bellarke, Modern AU, 6,300 words
College AU + fake dating at the end of the semester
Bellamy and Clarke and the Lack of Christmas Spirit
Bellarke, Modern AU, 12,200 words
Bellamy and Clarke try to avoid the holidays by having a sex marathon instead. It does not go according to plan. (Rated E)
Since There’s No Place To Go
Bellarke, Modern AU, 2,400 words
A post-Christmas ficlet, set in West Virginia c. 2009.
Patterns of Frost
Bellarke, Modern AU, 7,000 words
Clarke and Bellamy take a wintry walk in the woods and re-evaluate the nature of their relationship.
A Good Day to Stay In
Jonty, Modern AU, 1,000 words
A Jonty snow day.
Winter Hush
Bellarke, Modern AU, 2,900 words
A soft Bellarke Christmas in the woods.
The Party Before Christmas
Bellarke, Modern AU, 8.300 words
Bellamy's boss invites him to Christmas dinner. Bellamy's boss's daughter turns out to be a more than familiar face.
When the Map Runs Out
Clarke/Echo, Canon ‘verse, 3,500 words
In a cabin on the edge of a small Azgedan village, on the shortest day of the year, Clarke and Echo play a game of truth or dare.
Everyone Telling You Be of Good Cheer
Clarke/Murphy, Modern AU, 10,300 words
The day after Murphy, Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven return from disappointing family Christmases, Clarke wishes that they could have spent the holiday together instead. A fall down the stairs, a bout of amnesia—and suddenly it’s Christmas again. And again. And again. Reliving the day puts even Murphy into the holiday spirit, and helps him learn to open his heart to his friends, and to the possibility of love.
Ficmas 2019
Murven, Braven, Mackson, 9,000 words total
A collection of 5 winter ficlets.
An Ocean Away
Bellarke, Modern AU, 3,600 words
Clarke, struggling to enjoy the holiday season while her boyfriend, Bellamy, is studying abroad, agrees to pick up one of Raven's friends from the airport on Christmas Eve.
The Ice Princess / Turn the Radiator On
Bellarke, Modern AU, 5,700 words
Bellamy and Clarke drink hot chocolate together on a cold day in December. Or: a traveler searches for home.
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braveclxrke · 4 years
✨ Fic masterlist ✨
Ao3 - lydiamxrtin
Roswell New Mexico 👽
Malex in high school and during the Lost Decade Chapter 22/17
Kidnapped!Alex fic - Chapter 10/?
Malex week 2020 series - Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Michael Guerin week 2020 series - Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Roswell Week 2020 series - Day 1, 2, 
Merlin 🔮
Arthur knows about Merlin’s magic - Chapter 1/?
Merlin questions if magic is good -
Merlin is kidnapped and Arthur must save him Chapter - 2/?
Merthur Week 2020 - Day 1, 2/3, 4
911-Lone Star 🚒
Post S1 fic, TK struggling with his injury Chapter 10/?
TK Strand Week 2020 - Day 1, 2, 3, 4
911 Gift exchange - Tarlos Christmas fluff
The 100 🌍
Bellarke M-Cap scene - Chapter
Rewrite of the 100 series finale - Chapter
Supernatural 👻
Dean prays to Cas to come home - Chapter 1/1
Dean and Cas in purgatory during s15 -  
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thelittlefanpire · 4 years
top 5/bottom 5 kudos fics
tagged by @pawprinterfanfic ty! this was really cool to figure out.
What are your five most popular works by kudos? (in descending order)
tyflo [319 kudos, Complete (4/4, 6.9k words), Bellarke, Rated G]: All the universe is in black and white until you meet your soulmate, but as fate would have it, Clarke Griffin’s soulmate is actually colorblind. An Ark Soulmate AU.
i’ll be your remedy [281 kudos, Complete (3/3, 9.7k words), Bellarke, Rated M]: Different friends keep setting Clarke and Bellamy up on blind dates and this is the third time this has happened so now they're determined to spend the evening figuring out why their friends think they would even like each other. Modern Blind Date AU.
holy or broken, there is still hallelujah [186 kudos, Complete (OS, 2.9k words), Bellarke, Rated G]: “He...he thought you were dead, Clarke.” Echo finally looked into Clarke’s eyes with tears filling her own. The truth spilling out in slow drops. S5 Canon Spec Bellarke Reunion Angst.
Drag Me Down (I’m a diver searching for pearls) [151 kudos, Complete (OS, 6.8k words), Bellarke, Rated E]: HM3 Clarke Griffin was hoping to have a fun night out on the town with her best friends as they await an important announcement, not hook up with ND1 Bellamy Blake, or 'Sailor Jerry' as she affectionately called him, in the grimy bathroom of the Old Town cantina in San Diego. But here she is. Bellarke Military AU.
boomerang [143 kudos, Complete (986 words), Bellarke, Rated G]: just some Bellarke Fluff where Bellamy discovers why Clarke might have stolen his hoodie from him years ago.
What are your five least popular works by kudos? (in ascending order)
Killing Me Softly [7 kudos, WIP (5/7 - 9.4k+ words), Bellarke, Rated M]: Bellamy Blake and her sister go on a camping trip with their friends one weekend. It’s all fun and games until the others go missing after a hike. Chopped 1.0 Round 4 Genderswap!Bellarke Most Dangerous Game AU.
take care [17 kudos, Complete (5.5k words), Marper, Rated G]: S5 Finale Video Logs in Harper's POV.
Taste of Arkadia [24 kudos, Complete (3k words), Bellarke, Rated G]: Before Christmas, the Chancellor of Arkadia charges his son with the task of repurposing the city’s warehouse district into a cool, hip hub for commerce and camaraderie. At its opening, an impromptu competition among the many businesses in the area begin for the best spot in the ARK. Chopped Holiday Trope Exchange.
and then the earth spun [24 kudos, Complete (6.5k words), Linctavia, Rated M]: After the world went dark, Octavia Blake was tired of just surviving. She wanted to truly live, so she made her way to a place where she could do exactly that. Chopped Choice 1.0 Post-Apocalypse Linctavia.
A Ship In The Bottle Arrangement [26 kudos, Complete (2.6k words), Braven, Rated T]: As Bellamy stared out the window, down to the desolate earth, he wondered how he was supposed to keep everyone alive. The Prince of the Ark probably should have paid better attention in his Earth Skills class. Chopped 1.0 Round 3 Canonverse Braven.
tagging: @the-most-beautiful-broom @dylanobrienisbatman @kinetic-elaboration @marauders-groupie @kindclaws @thefangirlingbarista @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @teeandsnowflakes @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @probably-voldemort @captaindaddykru @hiddenpolkadots @chants-de-lune @baellamy @talistheintrovert @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @eyessharpweaponshot @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @asroarke @octannibal-blake @hopskipaway and anyone else who wants to!
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mylifeiskara · 4 years
Kara’s 2019 Fic Year in Review
2019 was the year I got back into writing after not writing for months as 2018 finished up, and going back to fanfiction was what made it enjoyable again! I’ve seen a few other people do these little masterlists, so I thought I’d do one as well, since I’m really proud of everything I’ve put out. I only wrote things for The 100 this year, and 2020 seems to be looking similar based on what I’ve mapped out (unless I get inspired by The Magicians again or something I haven’t even watched yet).
You’re Already Breaking My Heart, rated T (Bellarke) Clarke loved Finn first. She was friends with him before Raven even spared him a passing glance. But that was a secret she was going to take to the grave. Or so she thought. My To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before AU will forever be important to me because it’s what made writing fun for me again, and it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever written! I was pretty floored at the response to this one, since it was my first fic for this fandom, but I’m so glad I decided to write it, and I’m glad people have enjoyed it. And special thanks to @imunbreakabledude for all the encouragement while this one was in process!
i promise you i will learn from my mistakes, rated G (Bellarke) In the aftermath of everything that happened at Sanctum, Clarke finds a moment alone. Then Bellamy finds her, and they find a moment alone together. This was my first fic for Bellarke Bingo that I sat down and wrote in an evening when inspiration struck. Special thanks to @pawprinterfanfic and @eyessharpweaponshot for organizing a fun event that’s low pressure and doesn’t have a time limit! My bingo card has a bunch of things that are helping me get out of my comfort zone, and writing in canon setting is definitely out of my comfort zone. The tropes from my card for this one were canon setting and stargazing.
we don’t know where we’re going, but we know where we belong, rated T (Bellarke) Clarke and Bellamy have done their whole relationship long distance. They're very much happy, and very much in love. Some days it's easy, some days it's not. And it only gets harder when they start to feel pressure from people outside their relationship to take the next step. My second Bellarke Bingo fic! I knocked the tropes long distance relationship, mixtape is involved, Bellamy Blake is a history nerd, and Teacher Bellamy off of my card. I really enjoy writing fluff, and this story is no exception. I had loads of fun planning all the cute moments for this. (And stay tuned for a New Year’s addition to the story!)
Let It Snow (And I’ll Get Sentimental), rated G (Memori) All John Murphy wants for Christmas is for Emori to remember who he is. I wrote this one for the Chopped: Holiday Trope Exchange, which I had a lot of fun doing! The whole concept is great, since you have to think outside the box, so thanks to @thelittlefanpire and @dylanobrienisbatman for organizing all things Chopped. Memori is my first love when it comes to The 100, so it was nice to write a story just about them, which I hope to do again in the future!
Going into 2020, I’m signed up for Bellarke Big Bang, which I’m very excited about! And I’m working on more Bellarke Bingo ideas. I’ve already got a whole line-up, and I’m so excited to share some of them soon!
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aspeckof-stardust · 4 years
Now that the holidays are almost over I decided to write holiday themed fics... better late than never, don't they say?
I haven’t written Bellarke (or fanfic in general) in over 2 years but I got back to it because of another fandom gift exchange and wanted to give Bellarke some love too, so here I am. Very short, very fluffy, very holiday like.
I used a prompt from the list that @the-most-beautiful-broom shared for her @12-days-of-ficmas. You guys should check it out too, Lindsay and some other very lovely people are writing holiday themed The 100 fanfic there.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Happy holidays! <3 <3
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chasholidays · 5 years
Hi! Whenever I hear the song 'Christmas Wrapping' by The Waitresses I think of a Bellarke modern AU based on it, with the two of them meeting and almost getting together all through a busy year, and it never working out, and then all sorting itself out at Christmas, and would love to read your take on it. Here's the link to a youtube vid with the lyrics in case you don't know the song: youtube. com/ watch?v=ARq6uYSsUq0 Good luck with all the writing, you're awesome!
hey y’all, due to the realities of “having shit to do over the hoildays,” I’ll be taking a few days off of posting after this! we’ll be back for the last seven fills starting Saturday, 12/29. however you are spending the rest of the week, I hope you enjoy it!
“You look miserable.”
Bellamy was zoning out, plotting out the rest of his (fairly grim) evening in his head and ignoring the sounds of the lodge party around him, but the unfamiliar voice startles him out of it and looks down to see a cute blonde wearing a truly hideous sweater and smiling up at him from under a reindeer-ear headband.
“You look shockingly upbeat,” he says without thinking, and she laughs.
“Haven’t you ever heard of Christmas cheer?”
He glances between her mug and her face. “So just a bunch of alcohol?”
“95% Bailey’s, 5% hot chocolate,” she agrees. “With whipped cream on the top.”
He has to smile. “So you’re saying I should be drunker.”
“I don’t know you or your life, but you are at a Christmas party. So, yes, you should be drunker and less sad. Unless you’re a mopey drunk, in which case you should be drunker and more sad.”
He laughs. “One, I’m not really at this party.”
The woman pointedly looks around, then back at him. “Are you astral projecting?”
“My sister works here, so she got me a deal on the room, but I’m not really doing any of the guest stuff. I just wanted coffee. Non-Irish.”
“Why aren’t you doing guest stuff? Just because you got a deal doesn’t make you not a guest. And feel free to tell me to leave you alone any time, I won’t be offended.”
“I’ll just leave once I’ve got my coffee,” he says, with a smile he hopes comes across as friendly and teasing, not smug. The woman is cute and also right: in theory, he really should be taking advantage of all the facilities at the lodge. Not that he’s ever much for parties, especially ugly-sweater parties, but he could at least be learning to ski or something. “I’m in grad school,” he explains. “I’m done for the semester, but I’m trying to get ahead for next semester. And I teach too, so–free time doesn’t really exist right now.”
“What are you studying?”
“Education. It’s a licensing thing, I can teach, but I need a masters’ for–” He waves his hand. “You don’t care.”
“Professional license?” she asks, to his surprise. “Or something like that. It’s a professional license in Massachusetts.”
“That’s where I’m getting mine, yeah.”
“What do you teach?”
The woman nods, takes another sip of her drink. “I’m in Boston. I’m not a teacher, but I’m a social worker, so I talk to a lot of teachers about how the kids are doing. Are you done with grading?”
“Mostly,” he says, absent. The crowd clears enough he can get to the drinks table, and he’s glad when she follows him as he finds a mug and fills it up. “You’re in Boston?”
He laughs. “Wow, me too. What are the odds?”
“Probably not that bad. I think it’s mostly people from New England here. It’s a pain to get to Vermont.”
“I guess you’re right. What area of the city are you in?”
She’s not that close to him, but it’s not like it’s a huge city. He knows some of the schools she works with, and they have some acquaintances in common. He’s also competent enough to learn that her name is Clarke Griffin, she’s twenty-five, single, and bisexual, and she just keeps getting cuter and drunker. Which is actually kind of a problem, because in order to not feel scuzzy flirting with her, he’d have to get a lot drunker himself, and he still has stuff he really has to get done tonight.
“Are you here through the holiday?” he asks, once he’s stayed for as long as he possibly can without breaking out in anxiety hives.
“No, this is actually my last day. Our office doesn’t close except for Christmas day, so we always need coverage. My friend Raven said time is a construct, so we always go on vacation the week before Christmas to celebrate.”
He nods. “That sucks.”
“I don’t mind. The office is dead and I’m the only one around, it’s kind of nice. I catch up on paperwork and play my music really loud.”
He smiles. “I meant that you’re leaving here and I really can’t stick around tonight. Grading to finish up and papers to submit.”
“So you’re going to start having fun after I leave.”
“Probably not, but I’ll at least have maybe two hours of free time.”
“And I’m guessing it’s not any better once you get home.”
“I’m used to it.”
“Yeah, but I want to ask for your number. But if you never have free time–”
“If I get your number, I can get in touch when I do have free time.”
“Works for me.” They trade phones for the number exchange. “Good luck with the grading.”
“Good luck with not being too hungover tomorrow.”
“I’m good at not getting hungover.” She bites the corner of her mouth. “Do you think there’s any mistletoe around?”
“No idea.”
She leans up and kisses the corner of his mouth, light. “Well,just pretend. Merry Christmas, Bellamy Blake.”
He smiles. “Merry Christmas.”
Bellamy has three spring breaks, which is both better and worse than it sounds.
New England has this regional quirk where the K-12 schools have two spring breaks, one in February and one in April, which Bellamy would be fine with, except that colleges don’t do that, so he has a total of three weeks off over the course of the spring, but it’s never actually being totally off. When he’s not teaching, he’s still got grad school, and when grad school is off, he still has to teach.
Still, with teaching off his plate, he has a little more flex time, enough that he thinks he could, potentially, actually get a drink with Clarke.
There’s a part of him that thinks even asking is stupid. He liked Clarke, enjoyed talking to her and would like to do it more, but this year feels like the wrong time to attempt a new friendship, let alone a new romance. But pending getting in touch with her until after the summer semester seems risky, at best. He doesn’t want to miss out on something good just because he regularly realizes weeks have passed without his noticing.
And it’s not as if they’ve been completely out of touch. He was competent enough to text her the day after their first meeting, to make sure she’d made it home okay, and she in turn asked if he’d finished his grading. It hadn’t been a long conversation, but she’d texted him a few weeks later with a history question, and he’d checked in for advice about a student who was acting up. They’re both doing their best to keep the connection alive, tending to that small spark, and that means Bellamy can put in the effort to actually see her, now that he has some time.
Me: I sort of have a break coming up
Clarke: Sort of good for youWhat break?
Me: February break for high schoolI still have grad school stuff, but no teachingSo I probably have some amount of free time
Clarke: Shit
Me: Yeah, I hate some amount of free time too
Clarke: Not thatI’m chaperoning a trip for some of the kids at a group home over spring breakIt’s a great programReally coolI love doing itBut I’m going to be in California all week
Me: That does sound like a great programWhere in California?
Clarke explains the itinerary, where she’s most excited to go, what challenges she’s anticipating, and it’s sort of the whole Clarke problem in a nutshell. Part of him feels like he should take this as a sign it’s not meant to be, that he and Clarke will only ever be ships passing in the night and it’s pointless to fight it. But every time he talks to her, it reminds him of why he does like her, why he wants to figure out how this could work.
And, a week later, she’s texting him pictures of herself on a California vacation, so she wants to figure it out too.
It’s just a matter of time.
Me: Do you want to come to my birthday party?
Clarke: Yes, obviouslyBut I’m not going to get carried away and say I’m actually comingI think we might be cursed
Me: That would be a weird curse
Clarke: It would, but I’m not taking any chancesWhen’s your birthday?
Me: April 25
Clarke: Happy early birthdayTurning 30, right?
Me: Somehow, yeah
Clarke: I assume the party isn’t on the 25th
Me: No, on Friday
Clarke: This Friday?
Me: Yeah, I know it’s short noticeI wasn’t planning to do anything but then my friend talked me into it
Clarke: I think I can actually make it!Where and when?
Obviously, Bellamy doesn’t actually think they’re cursed, but he does have some trouble believing that Clarke will actually make it, or ]that it will actually be good if she does. Maybe she’ll show up and he’ll realize he doesn’t like her as much as he thought he did, that he’s too invested in a person he barely knows.
“Maybe you’re just scared because you haven’t had a crush in like five years,” Miller says, dry.
“It hasn’t been that long.”
“You sure?”
Bellamy frowns, trying to remember. “Gina and I dated three years ago, so–”
“Yeah, but she picked you up at a bar. It’s not like you had time to get in your head about it.”
“Clarke picked me up at a ski lodge.”
“And then left and you haven’t seen her for four months. And you’ve been in your head about it the whole time.”
This is probably both true and a large part of his problem. Bellamy’s pretty good at relationships, if he does say so himself, but actually getting intoa relationship is always rocky. Especially when he has a crush. Clarke is the worst of all worlds because it should be a slam dunk, but the universe is conspiring against them.
Right on cue, his phone buzzes with a text from her: So we might actually be cursed.
He groans. “Fuck, I think she’s canceling.”
Miller’s eyebrows shoot up. “Seriously?”
Clarke: I think I’m still going to make itBut one of my clients has a problem with her foster homeAnd I need to get her out and find somewhere else for her to goSo I’m going to be late to very lateI’ll text when I’m done to make sure you’re still thereSorry
Me: You really don’t have to apologizeGo help the kid I hope everything’s okay
Miller’s watching him. “So?”
“Work emergency. She’s delayed.” He sighs. “Honestly, if I didn’t know better, I’d say she just didn’t want to hang out, but she started it, and she keeps saying she wants to make this work.”
“Does she ever invite you to do stuff?”
“Yeah, every couple weeks, but she’s busy too. She works Tuesday to Saturday, so Fridays are usually out, and a lot of weird overtime. Or emergencies, like this.” He smiles with half his mouth, caught between amusement and weariness. “Last time she asked if I wanted to hang out, I was chaperoning a dance. The time before that, I was out of town.”
“So you two really do have the world’s shittiest luck.”
“From what I can tell, yeah. Even if she comes tonight, I have no idea when our schedules are going to work out again.”
“But you’re going to keep trying?”
He takes a drink of his beer, shoots Miller a sidelong glance. “What, you think I shouldn’t?”
“Nah, just surprised. I sort of figured you’d just give up on the whole thing. Decide this was the universe’s way of telling you that it wasn’t meant to be. I probably couldn’t even make fun of you for giving up at this point.”
“I want it to work,” he says. “Or at least give it a fair shot.”
“Huh.” Miller raises his glass. “Then I hope she shows.”
“Yeah, me too.”
She texts at 10:30 to ask if he’ll still be there in fifteen minutes, and he probably wouldn’t be staying much longer left to his own devices, but she’s worth waiting for.
It doesn’t occur to him until she sits down next to him that this is his first time seeing her in person since December. It’s a little disorienting, how rarely they’ve actually been together, relative to how much he likes her.
“Hey, happy birthday,” she says.
“Thanks. Everything okay? With the kid.”
“It’s not great. Her foster dad was making her really uncomfortable. We got her out for the night, but she’ll need a new placement, and we probably have to do an investigation into the family.”
“That sucks.”
“It does, but I’m done with it for the night, so–I’m all yours. Is anyone else still around?”
“I made them leave so they wouldn’t make fun of me.”
“For waiting around for me?”
“For being shitty at flirting.”
She grins, the brightness of it lighting up her whole face. “You don’t really need to do a lot of flirting. I’m pre-picked up.”
“I like flirting.”
“But you’re shitty at it.”
“I’m practicing.”
She laughs. “Well, at least you know it’s going to work.”
“That helps.” He leans in, his own smile huge. “So, do you come here often?”
“First time. But I’m hoping to come back.”
They stay for another two hours and make out in their Lyft, but when Clarke asks if he wants to come up to her place, he shakes his head.
“I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow, and I don’t–” He smiles, a little sheepish. “I don’t know when I’m going to see you again, and I don’t want it to be, like–”
“We sleep together and don’t see each other for another four months?”
“Pretty much.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” She leans over for one more kiss. “Happy birthday, Bellamy.”
Clarke: So, is summer less busy for you?
Me: Usually yes
Clarke: But we’re cursed?
Me: Twelve-month masters. I have one more summer term to goPlus I’m going on vacation with my sisterBut in theory next fall is going to be better
Clarke: In theory?
Me: I’ll be done with school but we might still be cursedI don’t want to jinx it
Clarke: TrueFingers crossedKeep me posted
Me: Good news/bad news
Clarke: Your vacation got canceled so you can hang out with me next week?
Me: Close The AP history teacher just quitAnd they want me to replace herWhich is awesome, I really want to be teaching that classBut she took all her materials and left with no noticeSo I’m going to be scrambling to come up with an entire APUSH curriculum
Clarke: So you’re going to be really busy next semester
Me: I’m going to be really busy next semester
Clarke: I got a promotion so Kind of similar boat thereI was going to tell you whenever or I saw youOr whenever it kept me from seeing youWhichever came first
Me: Definitely the second oneWith our luck
Clarke: Yeah, sounds rightCongrats though, that’s awesome
Me: You tooGlad everything else in our lives is going well
Clarke: It could be worseNothing could be going well
Me: YeahStill, we should at least get drinks to celebrate
Clarke: Probably sometime in October
Me: That sounds rightSee you then
Clarke: It’s a tentative date
Clarke: Am I allowed to booty call you?
Bellamy’s buried under a pile of grading, but the sound of the phone pulls his attention back, and he finds it and stares at the message for a long second, trying to do the math in his head. Clarke is at a Halloween party that he was theoretically invited to, but he was just too slammed.
No is an acceptable answer pops up and he smiles.
Me: No, you should definitely come overBooty calls are very welcomeDo you have my address?
Clarke: I actually don’tAre you easily accessible via public transportation
Me: Yeah but on the green lineSo
Clarke: That’s fineI’m in Cambridge, I’ll take the train over and sober upSee you soon
Amazingly, the knowledge that Clarke is coming over doesn’t completely break his concentration. If anything, it actually motivates him more, because he wants to be done and have his full focus on his–whatever Clarke is. His pending girlfriend, maybe. The person he’s definitely going to date when they can just get their acts together.
The person he’s spending tonight with, for sure.
Things go wrong five minutes after she gets on the red line.
Clarke: We’re standing by between Central and Harvard
Me: Did they say why?
Clarke: I assume signal problemIt’s always signal problemAnyway, I might be a while
Me: That’s fineJust let me know when you get here
In theory, it’s about forty minutes on the red line to the green line, but Clarke stands by at every station between Harvard and Park Street, and then her next train goes out of service and Symphony, so it ends up being a full two hours before she arrives, exhausted and still dressed in Hogwarts robes.
“I don’t even want to get laid anymore, I just want to pass out.”
Bellamy smiles, pulling her into his arms. “Yeah, I don’t blame you. Do you want to sleep here?”
“If you don’t mind.”
He kisses her hair. “I wanted to see you, or course I don’t want you to just leave. You want the tour?”
“I assume it’s short.”
“It is. And it ends at the bed.”
It’s nice, having Clarke in his space. He loans her a t-shirt to sleep in and she gets settled while he brushes his teeth and gets ready himself. He hasn’t had anyone sleep over since he and Gina broke up, and it’s nice, the way she curls around him and exhales like there’s nowhere else she’d rather be.
“This girl was hitting on me at the party,” she murmurs.
“Yeah? Was she cute?”
“She was. But it was like–I have someone. Or I want to have someone, I guess. I don’t know why I’d hook up with someone else when I just want to be with you.”
He pulls her closer, rubs his thumb against her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m glad you came here. I know it’s been–rough.”
“It’s not just you. I’ve been busy and held up and–” She presses her lips against his chest. “It feels like maybe this wasn’t supposed to happen, but I still want it to.”
“Me too. But I have somewhere to be early tomorrow so–”
“So we’ll catch up later.”
He smiles. “Yeah, we always do.”
The thing about Christmas is that it is, by mutual communal agreement, a big deal. It’s not one of those holidays where you just sort of celebrate it with whoever you’re with; spending Christmas with someone means something.
So Bellamy figures he’ll ask Clarke if she wants to hang out after the holiday. He knows she’s doing her usual trip with Raven and working the holiday, so he figures he can check in once the dust has settled, maybe make some plans with her for New Year’s.
He never lies about what he’s doing, but he feels weird telling her. It feels so dramatic and stupid, opting out of the holiday, and he doesn’t want her to feel like she has to hang out with him.
Which is also stupid. It’s stupid all the way down.
But somehow, it feels like next year is going to be better. After a year of playing phone tag and trying to make things work, they’re still trying. And he’s getting into the groove of teaching AP and Clarke isn’t going to work on weekends anymore and they might be able to make time to see each other more than once every few months.
It doesn’t feel like he needs to rush it now. They’re already taking their time, so they might as well do it right.
So New Year’s with Clarke. That seems doable. And he’ll relax until then.
She sends a bunch of pictures from her vacation in Florida, which means selfies in a bathing suit and sunglasses, pretty much the best Christmas present ever, and when she gets back and asks what he’s up to, he admits that he’s around and free.
His phone rings immediately. “You’re in Boston doing nothing right now?” she demands.
“I’m playing video games, it’s not nothing.”
There’s a pause. “You don’t want to see me?”
He scrambles up, even though she can’t see him. “Fuck, of course I do.”
“But you weren’t going to tell me you were here?”
“It’s Christmas Eve.”
“I thought it might be weird. I’m not even doing anything, just sitting at home alone. It’s not like–” He sighs. “I didn’t want it to be a big deal.”
“It’s not. Can I come over?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Half of him expects the train to fuck her over again, or for something else to go wrong, but he tidies up a little anyway, just in case she really does show up. He wishes he had a tree, or at least a few lights, but it’s too late for that.
It’s not like Clarke’s coming to see his (lack of) decorations anyway. He’s the big draw.
“I can’t believe it’s only been two months since I saw you,” he teases, when she arrives, but Clarke isn’t fooling around. She yanks him down by the front of his shirt, mouth crashing into his, and Bellamy laughs into the kiss. “Hi.”
“Hi. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.” He tucks her hair behind her ear. “I figured we’d just hang out after the holiday.”
“Which is a total waste of two days we could be hanging out. I thought you were hanging out with your sister again.”
“I was going to, but then I realized I don’t have anything to do for vacation.”
“And you didn’t tell me.”
“I didn’t want to ask you to come spend Christmas with me. It seemed weird. We’re not even–are we dating?”
“Not very often.”
“I think this is going to be our year. I’m finally going to have enough time to be a real person. Or at least to be your boyfriend.”
“New Year’s resolution?”
“If there’s one thing I learned this year it’s that you’re worth prioritizing.”
“I spent a whole year wishing I was seeing you. I don’t want to do that again.”
“But you wanted to wait until December 26th to see me,” she teases.
“Sorry. Do you want to spend Christmas watching Netflix on my couch and making out? I didn’t get you anything and I’m planning to have mac and cheese for dinner. It’s not going to be glamorous.”
“Am I going to see you again in the next week?”
“As much as you want, yeah. School’s out until after New Year’s, so I’ve got plenty of time.”
“Perfect. I want to get laid.”
He laughs. “I can’t believe you waited a whole year for this. Most people who have just given up by now.”
“It’s like you don’t even know how hot you are.” Her expression softens, and she leans in, giving him a soft kiss. “You’re worth waiting for, Bellamy.”
“And you’re worth making time for.” He tugs her toward the couch, and they settle in, close and warm.
Somehow, it feels like Christmas. No tree, no presents, not even any snow, but warm and happiness and–love, probably. The start of it, at least. Something growing.
“This is going to be our year,” he says, and she smiles.
“Yeah, I think so too.”
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bellamyblake · 4 months
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Fine by dusk
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Smut, Angst, A/busive Relationships, veteran Bellamy working construction, Nurse Clarke;
Words: 15,415
Bellamy and his contruction crew are hired to fix the Griffin manor's back porch and garden. Clarke's stuck in an abusive marriage with Finn who's dream is to have the perfect family life so he could rise through the ranks, become mayor, then perhaps even senator and he doesn't care what he has to do to get it. Meanwhile Clarke feel sad and uncertain of what is even happening to her anymore. That is until she lays eyes on Bellamy Blake.
Bellarke Christmas exchange, written for @dark-scape
"I love it." she admitted "Used to want to go to art school."
"Why didn't you?" she shrugged and looked down at their hands that were so close to each other that all she wanted to do was take his fingers in hers and never let go of them.
"I don't know...mom wanted me to go to medschool and I did grow to love being a nurse."
"But your true passion is drawing?" she hummed and he picked up her chin with his hand, putting their faces really close to each other again. "You should keep up with it."
"I only started drawing again recently." she didn't tell him it had all to do with him but judging by the cocky smile he got on his face, he read right through her.
"Oh yeah? Was there any reason why?"
"I got inspired again." she admitted and decided to tease him as she pushed closer and now their noses touched while her hand reached over to his middle where she put the stethoscope earlier. He reached to put his beer aside and take his leg off the table too, coming in even closer to her. Two could play this game and she was intent to show him that.
"By what?" he asked and she smiled as she snuck her hand under his shirt for a brief moment and grazing his ribs with her nails. His stomach jumped, so did his dick in his pants that were getting really thight for him.
"I have no idea." she said innocently as she pulled away and made his breath hitch again. "What about you? Any passions?" she picked up the plates from the table and went to the sink where she threw away whatever was left in them and turned the water on. Bellamy wasn't stupid-he understood the signs clearly, she wanted this as much as he did and they were simply fooling around right now, playing their game.
He got on his feet and limped to the counter where he leaned on it from behind and trapped her so that she couldn't move. He leaned into her ear and whispered.
"War. I've always been good at it." he admitted. Her breath hitched and she dropped the plate she was holding as the water kept beating on it. When he pushed a bit harder from behind her, rubbing his half-hard dick against her butt, she gasped and he reached to tuck a strand of hair fallen on her cheek, behind her ear. "That and...history. Writing. I like that."
"So you're a writer?"
"Used to be. Overtime I just got better at holding a rifle as I said. Some people may find it to be fucked up but..." he let his hand fall to her side and he quickly snuck it under her arm, so he'd be able to cup her breasto over her thin shirt and make her move on her toes and press hard against his body.
"It isn't." she looked back at him and he smiled at her as he looked down on her. With his good hand he reached out and turned the tap off, then he placed it on her lower stomach, close to her crotch and pushed her harder against his body, rubbing his dick up and down her crack a little without breaking eye-contact with her. "Maybe you should pick it up again." she offered, gasping for it. Her hand flew to his wrist, desperate to hold onto something and he just smiled devilishly again. She hadn't felt that hot and aroused in...maybe ever, she was already pathetically dripping in her panties, so bad, she just wanted to touch herself and his cock pressing against the crack of her ass made it worse despite the fact that it was all happening with their clothes on.
"I don't know...I found a new hobby lately. I think you and I share it." he whispered as his other hand worked to find her nipple and pinch it between his fingers while his other hand went lower to cup her crotch through her jeans. She wasn't sure if he could feel the wetness there already but his eyes widened a little which meant he probably could.
"What's that?"
"Undressing at the window every night and making me go crazy about you." he whispered before he finally leaned down and kissed her.
Clarke lost any ground she had and almost collapsed in his arms-this felt like nothing she's ever done. His lips were so soft against hers and his tongue didn't just move uncomfortably in her mouth, desperate to do something like Finn's did, no...he just kissed her slowly, wanted to become one with her and allowed her the chance to also take charge if she wanted, which she did.
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hawthornewhisperer · 6 years
coming home
I have written roughly a dozen “bellarke reuniting at a friend’s wedding while secretly pining” ficlets and honestly I’ll probably write a dozen more because none of you can stop me.
Clarke sensed him before he spoke.  It had been like that all day, as if her body needed to know where Bellamy was at every second.  It was disorienting, and a little bit dangerous.
It had been six years, after all.
“Wanna dance?” he asked, his breath stirring the hair behind her ear.  Clarke fought a shiver and nodded, and Bellamy laced their fingers together to tow her out onto the dance floor.  Above them, chandeliers sparkled and out in the center of the crowd, Raven swayed lightly in Roan’s arms.
“I still can’t believe they agreed to this,” Bellamy said with a nod to the happy couple.  He placed his hand on Clarke’s lower back and she said a silent prayer that he wouldn’t notice the goosebumps that insisted on breaking out across her skin at his every touch.
“Nia drives a hard bargain, but Roan and Raven drive a harder one,” Clarke said, with a valiant attempt at keeping her voice normal.  Bellamy still smelled the same, like cologne and clean clothes and something that always reminded her of home.  “A society wedding that she paid for, in exchange for the house in Tahoe, minority shares in the company, and a solemn vow to never, ever ask for grandchildren.  I think they came out ahead.”
“Plus, we all get to get sloshed on Nia’s dime,” Bellamy grinned.  Clarke risked a glance at him and then looked away, because even after all this time, his eyes got to her.
It hadn’t been like that at first.  Hell, they didn’t even like each other much at the beginning, but somehow that shifted into being allies, and then friends.  Good friends.  Close friends.  Maybe even best friends, but they were just approaching that when Bellamy got into a grad program on the opposite side of the country.  It was his dream program and she was genuinely happy for him, but as he prepared to leave she found herself withdrawing.  Not noticeably at first, but every time he excitedly talked about his advisor or the apartment he’d found, she felt prickles of sadness, followed by guilt.  And when he finally did leave, she sank into a funk so profound Raven eventually burst through her door, demanding an explanation that Clarke didn’t have.
You don’t think it’s because you’re in love with him? Raven asked, and Clarke’s world snapped into focus at the arch of Raven’s eyebrow.  Because of course she was, but he was gone and she was two years into her residency and there was nothing for it.
So she let him go.
They kept in touch, of course, emails and texts and the occasional phone call, but Clarke put it into the category of right person, wrong time and got on with her life.  She finished her residency, fell in love, fell out of love, and once or twice a year Bellamy would come back for a short visit, and it was enough.
She thought.
But this weekend, everything she had locked away in the back of her mind came rushing to the fore, like it had never gone away in the first place.  
Bellamy readjusted his hand on her waist and tugged her infinitesimally closer.  “I’ll never forgive myself for missing the real wedding,” Bellamy said, and Clarke had to focus on his words and not the warmth he was radiating into her.
“It’s not your fault your dissertation was due the only week Nia was out of the country this year,” Clarke said, but he had been missed.  Raven wore a slinky red dress and Roan didn’t bother with a tie, and Monty married them in their backyard under a canopy of white christmas lights.  It was perfect, but Clarke had still felt a little bit lost, a little bit lonely without Bellamy there.  “They understood.”
“If they’d waited a year— hell, even six months— it wouldn’t have been a problem,” Bellamy grumbled, and Clarke finally looked him in the eye.
“What?” she asked, wondering if it was her imagination or if his gaze really did drop to her lips just then.  There had been times, especially in the first year he was gone, that she’d gone over every memory she had of him, wondering if maybe he had felt the same way.  There were hints, tiny gestures that loomed large in her mind now, but nothing concrete.  Nothing to make her certain.
Bellamy gave her a half smile.  “I didn’t want to say anything, until— well, I didn’t want to get my hopes up.  But I had a campus interview here back in February, and I got it.  Just signed the paperwork this week.”
“You were in town in February and didn’t tell anyone?” Clarke asked with mock annoyance, largely to hide the way her heart was pounding.
“I was a nervous wreck,” he admitted.  “I wanted it more than anything.”
“But you got it?”
“I got it.  When I fly back tomorrow, I start packing.  I’ll have to find a place here again, probably close to campus, and—”
But the rest of his to-do list remained unnamed, because Clarke cut him off with a kiss.  She didn’t plan it, and for one heart-stopping second he didn’t respond and she pulled away, terrified she’d ruined nearly a decade of friendship with one impulsive kiss  But then he caught her face in his hands and kissed her back so thoroughly there was no doubt left in her mind.
Their friends wolf-whistled and she knew they’d get a truckload of shit from them later, but for now she wound her fingers into Bellamy’s thick, unruly hair and smiled to herself.
Because Bellamy was coming home.
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lost-n-stereo · 6 years
For granger--danger. Prompt: Bellarke + Secret Santa who keeps getting me random shit like why would i want this blender AU
She’s worked at this company for approximately five minutes and she’s already annoyed.
It has to be a record and that’s saying something considering she once worked at an ice cream shop that required them to sing every time they got a tip.
“Come on, Clarke!” Her coworker Monty holds up a hat with a bunch of names in it. “Pick a name for Secret Santa.”
Internally she’s rolling her eyes so hard they are falling out of her head but she pastes on a fake smile and reaches for a name. Raven Reyes. Well, that’s not so bad. She’s seen Raven around the office and it’s infinitely easier to buy a gift for a woman than for a man she doesn’t know. She figures some fluffy socks and a Sephora gift card will do the trick quite nicely.
Monty passes the hat around and Clarke giggles to herself with the office grump, Bellamy Blake, takes a name and audibly sighs.
“Can I switch?” He asks Monty and everyone laughs but Clarke can tell that he’s dead serious. Whoever he has is obviously not his favorite person in the office. At least she knows it’s not her because she’s barely talked to the guy let alone done anything to piss him off.
They go around the room until everyone has chosen a name. No one gives her any unusual looks so she’s not able to pin her Santa just by reading their faces. The party is over a week away so she doesn’t give it much thought.
Bellamy passes by her and she gives him a bright smile but his forehead creases as he looks down to avoid her eyes.
She doesn’t know what his deal is but she’s starting to think that she might be on his bad side after all.
Every time she sees Bellamy he’s frowning.
“The dude has resting Grinch face,” she tells her best friend Wells on the phone as she’s wrapping up a toaster she bought her mom and her stepfather.
“Maybe he’s having a shitty holiday season,” Wells says and she laughs when he utters a swear, knowing full well that he’s also wrapping presents except that he sucks at it. “Why do we even have to wrap presents for people? What a stupid fucking tradition. And anyways, why do you even care about this guy?”
“I don’t,” she says and the silence Wells gives her tells her that he knows it’s bullshit. “I don’t know, there’s just something about him that gets under my skin.”
Wells snickers. “Maybe you want him to get under your skin.”
Clarke rolls her eyes and rips off another piece of tape.
“If you were here, I’d punch you.” 
There’s a small wrapped present sitting on her desk the next morning when she comes into work and she looks around the office curiously as if the person responsible is going to just stand up and take credit.
“Ooh, who’s that from?”
Murphy, her first friend in the office and one of the only people she hangs around with in her free time, sidles up to her desk and perches on the end.
“I don’t know,” she says as she searches for the tag. Murphy spots it first and points it out to her. “From your Secret Santa. Weird, I thought we were supposed to exchange at the Christmas party?”
Murphy shrugs. “Maybe whoever it is was embarrassed by their shitty gift selection so they gave it to you early.”
Clarke laughs as she starts to unwrap it. “How do you know it’s shitty? Unless…is this from you? Are you my Santa?”
“Me? No,” Murphy shakes his head adamantly. “I got that guy Luke from the 4th floor.”
“Oh no,” Clarke giggles. “The one that always smells like…”
“Cheese? Yeah, that’s the guy.” Murphy taps his fingers on top of the present. “Hurry up, let’s see what you got.”
“It’s a…”Clarke rips the paper of with a flourish. “It’s a…box of whiskey stones?”
Murphy grabs the box from her hands. “Dude, these are legit. You freeze them and put them in your glass when you drink so your booze doesn’t get watered down.”
Clarke chews on her bottom lip. “I guess that’s thoughtful but how does this person even know that I like whiskey?”
Murphy shrugs. “Maybe they asked around about you. Or maybe they just pay attention. You order whiskey whenever we all go out for drinks after work.”
She turns the box over in hands as if it’s going to give her some kind of clue on who purchased it. It’s a nice set of stones, definitely more expensive than the twenty dollar limit they are supposed to have.
“Shame I can’t thank whoever it is,” she says before shooing Murphy away so she can get some work done.
She gets presents every day for the next five days.
A gift card to a nearby bookstore on the first day followed by a bonsai tree the next. The third day she came in and laughed out loud when she saw a wrapped umbrella lying across her desk, complete with the handle sticking out of the bottom of the paper. Day four was a coffee mug with a big C on the front.
Yesterday she got two tickets to the ballet to see The Nutcracker and she almost fainted when she saw the price of the tickets when she Googled them later.
“Whoever this person is, I think they want you,” Murphy tells her as he empties three packets of sugar into his coffee. “Why else would they be going through all this trouble?”
Clarke rolls her eyes and points to his cup. “You’re going to go into a sugar coma if you keep that up. And why do you think that? Maybe they just like giving presents.”
Murphy snorts. “No one actually likes giving presents, Griffin. It’s spending money on another person and anyone that claims to enjoy that is a fucking liar.”
She’s snickering when a deep voice that she knows belongs to Bellamy Blake sounds from behind them.
“Are you two almost done?”
“Jesus!” An old lady gives her a dirty look and she blushes, mouths “Sorry!” before turning back around to face Bellamy. “What the hell, man?”
His bored expression is getting on her nerves. What is with this guy? “There’s a whole line of people waiting for coffee. I know the whole Secret Santa thing is super exciting but the rest of us have work to get to.”
Clarke raises her eyebrows in surprise when Bellamy shoulders between her and Murphy to get to the counter.
Murphy nudges her in the arm and leans down to whisper in her ear. “I think we can rule Grinch over there out.”
“Agreed,” Clarke nods.
Bellamy Blake is a jerk and the only person so far that she can cross of her list of Santa suspects.
“Okay now this is just getting ridiculous,” Clarke says as she unwraps day nine’s present.
“What is it?”
Raven, her Secret Santa recipient, asks as she leans up against the wall of Clarke’s cubicle. News of her daily gifts traveled across the office and Clarke has made a couple of new friends because of it. Definitely a good thing because she found out Raven doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and would have hated a gift card to Sephora.
“It’s a blender?” Clarke says in confusion. “Why are these presents so random?”
Raven shrugs. “They’re like shot in the dark gifts.”
“What do you mean?”
Raven points to the bonsai tree that’s now sitting on Clarke’s desk. “None of them make sense which leads me to believe that your Santa is taking a bunch of shots in the dark, you know? Hoping something sticks.”
It makes sense, she supposes. No two gifts have been alike so far but for the most part she’s actually been happy with them all.
“The Christmas party is tomorrow,” Clarke says as she sets the blender box next to her chair. “I guess the mystery will finally be solved.”
Raven nods and looks around the office. “I’m so excited to find out who it is.”
Clarke laughs. “You and me both.”
The entire office is covered in red and green when Clarke walks in the morning of the party.
“It looks like the North Pole elves had an orgy in here,” Murphy mutters under his breath and Clarke almost chokes on her latte.
“Will you stop?” She nudges him in the arm and looks for a place to put down Raven’s gift. “Where’s the gift table at in this place?” Murphy points to the other side of the room and Clarke groans when she spots Bellamy placing a small gift on the table.
“The Grinch is here to steal Christmas,” she whispers before tossing Murphy a wink and heading towards the table.
“Merry Christmas, Bellamy.” She surprises herself by talking to him but he can’t be as bad as she’s making him out to be. Maybe he just had a bad day. Or ten.
“Merry Christmas, Clarke,” he says with a nod and she’s happy that at least he knows her name. “How are your holidays so far?”
“Good, really good. You?”
Bellamy shrugs. “I’m away from my family so that sucks but other than that, I can’t complain.”
Sure you can, you do it every time you open your mouth. She does feel bad that he’s away from his family and maybe Wells was right. Maybe that’s why he’s grumpy all the time.
“Well, it was nice to see you,” Clarke says awkwardly as she sets Raven’s present down. “Have a good vacation.”
“I’m sorry,” he says before she can leave and she gives him a confused look. “For being a dick to you,” he explains. “I’m not always great at small talk or whatever. It’s usually just easier to keep to myself.”
“You’re not a dick,” she tells him honestly. “Misunderstood, maybe. But I like this side of you. You should show it more often.”
Bellamy gives her a little smile and she walks away thinking he should show off that more often too.
Twenty minutes later everyone in the office is crowded around a giant fake Christmas tree and Monty calls out names, asking each person to come forward when they hear theirs.
“Clarke Griffin…your turn!”
Her heart is racing as she makes her way up to the front of the room. Monty holds up a little box and she freezes because she’s seen it before.
She saw it when Bellamy sat it on the gift table.
“Open it!” Monty encourages, pushing the box into her hands and she catches Bellamy’s eye as she takes off the ribbon. Inside instead of a gift there is a piece of paper, folded over once. Her forehead furrows as she glances up at Bellamy one more time before opening the note.
Dinner on me? – B
Monty reads the note over her shoulder and grins, nudging her with his elbow. “Well, Clarke? What do you say?”
Her eyes find Bellamy’s again and she grins. “I’d love to.”
It’s almost comical how fast everyone’s head turns to Bellamy when he smiles back and tells her, “I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“I still can’t believe it was you.”
Bellamy grins at her over his dinner. “I had no idea what to get you so I just got you things that I liked hoping maybe we had something in common.”
Clarke holds up her rocks glass. “The whiskey stones are my favorite so we definitely have that in common.”
Bellamy nods, holds his hand out and Clarke smiles softly as she puts hers on top of his. “I really am sorry about being a jerk to you. I’ve wanted to ask you out for awhile. I guess I’m just not great with this kind of thing. Plus I thought you were dating Murphy and it annoyed me.”
Clarke snorts. “Murphy and I are just good friends.” She smiles softly at his smirk and leans across the table to brush her lips just once quickly over his. “And I think you’re doing a pretty good job.”
She takes the bonsai tree home with her, sets it on her nightstand so she can see it before she goes to sleep. It’s a reminder of how not every present is purchased. Sometimes it comes from a silly office party game. Sometimes it comes from the person you least expect it to.
Sometimes….it’s even the person you least expect it to be.
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aadmelioraa · 7 years
For your holiday prompts - Bellarke AU co-workers, secret santa, maybe enemies to friends to lovers? (Feel free to change it up if you want) Thanks Kat! ❤️😄🎄
Thanks for the prompt, Monisha! I changed things up just a bit because ever since this ask game I’ve been wanting to write a “whoops, I slept with my new boss” teacher Bellarke fic :) 
Bellamy had to admit that it was pretty funny. First, he met (and slept with) the most beautiful, amazing woman he’d ever seen. Then, two days later, he started his new job and realized she was his boss. Finally, he drew her name in the Secret Santa raffle. It was just too perfect. Cruel, but perfect.
He had thought about trying to switch names with someone, but Murphy already had his suspicions about his relationship with Clarke and he didn’t want to give him more fuel for speculation.
They’d forgone any intimate contact since realizing their professional relationship to each other, though Bellamy couldn’t deny he’d thought about it fairly often. They hadn’t spoken of it, either, since the first day when they’d mutually acknowledged the awkwardness of the situation and resolved to keep their personal distance from each other.  Technically, as Head Teacher, Clarke wasn’t his direct supervisor, since he answered right to Principal Jaha. But that technicality wouldn’t prevent widespread scandal if the truth got out. 
Bellamy did, however, feel fairly confident that no one could tell that their relationship had ever been anything but professional. They had weekly staff meetings with the rest of the teachers, and no one but Murphy had ever made a snide comment. Murphy was surprisingly astute sometimes, but in this case he had nothing to go off of, so Bellamy tried not to worry about it.
The trouble now was the gift. Bellamy had to figure out what to get Clarke that wouldn’t make people think twice. Something impersonal would do the trick…easy enough. Unfortunately for the task at hand, Bellamy wasn’t exactly immune to her charms. He may or may not have thought about the relationship developing into something more in future, however unlikely that seemed. Truth be told, he spent a little too much time agonizing over what to buy her. In the end, he purchased a cashmere scarf—something nice, but not too personal. He did get the shade of blue that would match her eyes perfectly, but that went without saying.
The gifts were exchanged at the staff Christmas party, which was quite a festive occasion thanks to Monty’s homemade punch. It did appear Bellamy’s Secret Santa had neglected to follow through, but other than that he was having a fine time. He and Clarke were careful to great each other cooly, then spend the majority of the party on opposite sides of the room as though they’d never fucked in the backseat of his car. She accepted his gift with a graceful smile, and he tried not to blush at her pleased expression.
The food had started to run out, it was growing late, and most of the staff were drunk. Bellamy decided to skip the round of tipsy toasts and have one last drink in his classroom while he packed up for the holiday break.
He was nearly done when he heard a noise at his office door and glanced up from his seat at the desk. It was Clarke, leaning against the doorframe.
“Can I come in?”
“Of course!” 
She approached the desk slowly, and he noticed she was wearing his gift. She had the scarf draped like a shawl over her shoulders, partially obscuring the stunning navy dress she’d worn to the party.
“I was a little chilly, so…” she adjusted the fabric.
“Glad you like it,” he replied, suddenly worried that they were about to be disturbed. “Good party, by the way.”
“Great party,” she corrected him, grinning slyly.
“Are you just here to gloat?” he teased, “I know that I saw we should have gone with a DJ, but the band was a nice touch. If I had known the budget we were working with—what’s that?”
Clarke had produced a small parcel from under her scarf. It was pretty clearly a book, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with a piece of red string. She smiled and handed it to him.
“Your Secret Santa gift.”
“It was you?” Bellamy asked. “I thought for sure it was Murphy and he just forgot, or something.”
“Nope, it was me.” Clarke took a seat on a desk in the front row. “Open it.”
Bellamy slowly untied the parcel, half watching Clarke while he did so. She honestly looked as if she was the one receiving a gift, her eyes lit up with childlike anticipation. He ripped back the paper to reveal a worn leather bound volume—Homer’s Odyssey.
“It’s the Pope translation,” Bellamy said in an awed tone. “Extremely rare, how did you find this?”
“I have my sources,” Clarke shrugged. “You like it?”
“I…yeah, of course I do. I love it.” He looked up at her in confusion. “How did you know?”
“Just had a hunch you might like it. You’re not as complicated as you think you are, Bellamy Blake.”
He laughed. “I guess I’m not. I…don’t know how to repay you for this, honestly.”
“Wow, you’ve really missed the whole point of this whole gift giving thing.”
“I mean, all I got you was a lousy scarf—”
“Lovely scarf,” Clarke interjected.
“Sure, but at the end of the day it’s a scarf. This is…incredible.”
“Well, I do pride myself on my gift giving skills.” Clarke stood up and took a step towards him.
Bellamy swallowed and leaned back in his chair. He wasn’t sure exactly where this was going.
Clarke raised an eyebrow. “I take it you haven’t heard the news?”
“You mean about Murphy and Emori? I thought it was more common knowledge than news at this point.”
Clarke pursed her lips and took a step nearer. “Not that. My news.”
Bellamy shook his head. “No, sorry, I haven’t heard.”
“I’ve been given a promotion to Vice Principal at Arcadia High downtown,” she replied, moving to his side and leaning back against his desk.
“Wow, that’s amazing, Clarke!” Bellamy replied, nervously playing with his tie. “Congratulations.”
She smiled, but he had the sense there was still something she wasn’t telling him. “Thanks.”
“When do you start?”
“Well, it was supposed to be next year, but the current vice principal is leaving earlier than expected, so I’ll be transferring in January.”
Bellamy felt his face fall, but he didn’t bother trying to hide his disappointment. “Well, you’ll be missed here, that’s for sure.”
Clarke nodded. “I’ll miss it here, too.” She paused, tapping her fingers against the underside of the desk. “You know, I’ll be in a separate district there, so hypothetically if I wanted to see someone from another school, there would be no reason I couldn’t.”
Bellamy’s heart leapt in his chest. He stared at her, still not quite sure he’d gotten her intended meaning.
Clarke rolled her eyes. “I keep forgetting you teach history, not logic. I’ll spell it out for you. Any chance we could go on a real date sometime?”
In lieu of a verbal answer, Bellamy jumped from his chair and wrapped his arms round her, capturing her in a passionate kiss. Clarke laughed as he boosted her onto the desk and ran a hand down her back, kissing her all the while.
After a moment, he pulled back and caught his breath. Clarke was smiling, her hands still tangled in his hair.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she grinned.
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Chopped: Holiday Trope Exchange 2020 Masterlist!
A huge thanks to every person who signed up for our fic exchange, we got 21 really wonderful fics! We’re sorry it took us so long to get this out to you all! For anyone who isn’t sure what this was all about, this was a double blind gift exchange where each of our twenty-one (21!!!) writers were assigned four tropes from an anonymous recipient, and were tasked with writing a fic that fit our holiday theme, and included all the tropes. The only guidance from their recipient were a couple of brief notes they included during the sign up, and both the writer and recipient were revealed when we shared all the fics! A big thanks to the Tropesters who stepped up to write a second fic when we needed them! These fics, as with all our TROPED fics, were creative and unique, and found ways to utilise tropes that may seem so simple but were transformed in really spectacular ways! Please enjoy these wonderful holiday fics!
roots in my dreamland (my house of stone, your ivy grows) (Rated M) [Bellarke]
Written by @captaindaddykru for @thelittlefanpire. The four assigned tropes were 1) Doppelgängers, 2) one character is a dancer, 3) first snow, and 4) kissing to keep a cover/a secret.
Summary: Clarke really wants it to work out with Bellamy, but as an A-list Hollywood actress there’s a lot of contractual obligations she can hide behind instead of confronting her own insecurities and past mistakes. Luckily, this Christmas she’s lucked out, and her stand-in Josie is more than willing to (completely selflessly of course) take her place.
Now comes the hard part.
brighter than moonbeams (Rated T) [Memori]
Written by @the-most-beautiful-broom for @thedefinitionofendgame. The four assigned tropes were 1) The characters play a game,2) Secret Santa, 3) Exes to Lovers, and 4) Surprise kiss.
Summary: Murphy and Emori fall in love fast, and then talk themselves out of it. Years later, their paths will cross again, and they realize that their might be parts of their story that are yet to be written.
What a way to start the year (Rated T) [Bellarke]
Written by @bellarkeshoe for @bellamysgriffin. The four assigned tropes were 1) Law enforcement partners, 2) Character gets BADLY injured and they hide it somehow only to reveal later that they are mortally wounded, 3) Characters hugging after they’ve been through hell, and 4) Kissing in the snow.
Summary: It’s New Years Eve, and Bellamy and Clarke got stuck working.
It’s Alright, It’s Okay (Rated M) [Clurphy]
Written by @sailawaymayday for @wwjacksparrowd. The four assigned tropes were 1) Found Family, 2) Groundhog Day/timeloop, 3) Character gets shot/stabbed/BADLY injured and hides the wound somehow, only to accidentally (someone else touches them and their bleeding, they collapse, etc.) reveal later that they are mortally wounded, and 4) Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: Clarke makes it onto the Ring with the rest of Spacekru. What happens when New Years Eve keeps repeating itself? And what does Murphy have to do with it?
Dancing in Graveyards: An Arkadia Anthology (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Written by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething for @kinetic-elaboration. The four assigned tropes were 1) Small town gothic, 2) Christmas Lights, 3) First snow, and 4) Sneaking someone in/out of your window.
Summary: Three small town gothic stories intertwine as old friends reunite and try to make the best out of their lives. Raven returns home after her foster father’s death and is pulled like a magnet to her enigmatic highschool sweetheart. Jasper seeks solace from a tragedy and desperately attempts to outrun the ghosts of the past. Bellamy battles his inner demons and prays not to tear himself and his loved ones apart in the process. And all of them come to realize that they belong together, even if the place they call home is shadowed by sorrow.
do or die, you’ll never make me (because the world will never take my heart) (Rated T) [Bellarke]
Written by @shen-gong-oops for @probably-voldemort. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fake dating, 2) Amnesia AU, 3) Enemies to Friends to Lovers, and 4) Superhero AU.
Summary: As the youngest member of the Guard and the daughter of the Guard former leader, there are high expectations set for Clarke. The Marketing and PR teams at Ark expecting her to be prim and proper during any conferences, while simultaneously performing their well-rehearsed fight choreography to a T.
But when four unknown supes challenge the juggernaut that is Ark Industries, Clarke wonders if herodom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Merry Christmas, Lovebirds (Rated G) [Murven]
Written by @kinetic-elaboration for @shen-gong-oops. The four assigned tropes were 1) One character cautiously says “i’m going to kiss you now, okay?” or some variation of that, 2) Mutual pining, 3) A misunderstanding, and 4) Tattoos.
Summary: There’s never snow for Christmas on the beach, Murphy is a culinary genius, Raven has a boyfriend, and other presumed facts, too obvious to mention.
Once Upon Our Story (Rated G) [Bellarke]
Written by @andthelightbulbclicks for @bellamythology. The four assigned tropes were 1) break-up/make-up, 2) Did they or didn’t they, 3) Extremely biased flashbacks of the same event, and 4) Bookstore or library AU.
Summary: Bellamy returns with as much fanfare as one can imagine when driving a school bus decorated as Santa Claus through town, leaving Clarke shocked and all of their friends confused given he hasn’t been home in months.
(Or: Six months ago, Bellamy left Arkadia.
Six months ago, Clarke didn’t.
Six months ago, their friends knew the relationship ended, even came up with their own versions of what really happened. But the question that they all want to know for certain– is why?)
Dream A Little Dream of Me (Rated T) [Clurphy]
Written by @queenemori for @vmreed. The four assigned tropes were 1) One character has a child, 2) Protectiveness, 3) Only one bed, and 4) Soulmates.
Summary: It was just Murphy’s luck that right as he was starting to enjoy Earth, he had to leave. But he’d rather that than succumb to a fiery death wave. He and the other residents of the Ring remembered Clarke every year during their New Year’s Eve celebration. But even when they weren’t celebrating Clarke, Murphy couldn’t seem to get her off his mind. He wished his brain would stop playing tricks on him by making him think she was alive. Clarke was dead. Wasn’t she?
i don’t wanna burn out, so wont you please set me on fire again? (Rated M) [Murven]
Written by @kuklash for @sparklyfairymira. The four assigned tropes were 1) Protectiveness, 2) Exes and Lovers, 3) Small Town AU, and 4) Characters fall on each other and have a moment.
Summary: The wind nipped at Murphy’s nose as he stood in the doorway of the gas station on the edge of town. Work was slow, as it always was after sundown, especially in the mid-December cold, but someone had to make sure the good townsfolk of Arkadia could get their milk and gas after the small general store closed. All 800 of them. He watched the cars drive by throughout the day, recognizing each and everyone of them. Bellamy’s beat up truck he worked all highschool to afford, Clarke’s clean new sedan, even that jerk Finn’s loud ass motorcycle. He watched them all pass one by one, his old classmates returning home after another semester of college at the University of Polis. The only sign that time was passing at all.
The phone inside rang, breaking him out of his melancholy, at least for now.
“Great,” he thought, sarcastically. “A phone call 10 minutes before we close.”
He walked back inside and put on the most cheerful customer service voice he could muster.
“Dropship Gas, this is Murphy. How can I he-”
A familiar female voice cut him off, leaving him cold.
“Murphy? Thank god!”
It was his ex.
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you (Rated M) [Bellarke]
Written by @sparklyfairymira for @captaindaddykru. The four assigned tropes were 1) Celebrity AU, 2) Meet Ugly, 3) Characters must share something, and 4) Characters aren’t together but are mistaken to be.
Summary: Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are household names thanks to their music. They belong to the same label so they often work together on duets—even though they can’t stand one another. Their first meeting is disastrous and six years later they still can’t get along.
toward brighter days (Rated T) [Sea Mechanic]
Written by @reggieshamster for @/ashplana. The four assigned tropes were 1) Apocalyptic Log, 2) bed sharing, 3) road trip au, and 4) mythical creatures.
Summary: Dear Harper,
I am ridiculously out of it this morning. Last night, when we reached the campsite, Luna suggested we give Echo her own bedroll, since she gave hers up the night before.
Which meant Luna was sleeping with me.
Beside me.
Excerpts from Raven’s journal as she travels to Polis for the Winter Solstice Festival
three words, two hearts, one maybe (Rated G) [Bellarke]
Written by @bellamysgriffin for @bellarkeshoe. The four assigned tropes were 1) Youtuber AU, 2) best friend’s sibling, 3) frikdreina, and 4) miscommunication.
Summary: After an accident blinds Clarke, Octavia’s been encouraging her best friend to keep up with her artwork. In order to inspire her, she recruits the help of her older brother, Bellamy, who’s recently launched a new exhibition at his museum, to feature her work. Bellamy likes Clarke’s work, and he’s more than happy to help. But when she doesn’t show on the big day, he takes matters into his own hands. With an old video camera, he records people’s reactions to Clarke’s artwork so that she’ll know just how talented she is. But when he sends it to his sister, he doesn’t expect her to upload it to YouTube. And he definitely doesn’t expect to go viral.
Something Beautiful, Simple, and Bright (Rated T) [Clurphy]
Written by @wwjacksparrowd for @queenemori. The four assigned tropes were 1) Friends with Benefits AU, 2) Prank war, 3) characters are not together but are mistaken for a couple, and 4) Based on a Song.
Summary: Six months after Wonkru and Eligius manage to establish peace and divide Eden between themselves (with a little slice shaved off for Spacekru, of course), Clarke has a mission: plan a New Year’s Eve party for fifteen hundred people within three weeks.
Murphy’s mission? Stop her from burning out in the process. Oh, and if he could just get Monty to quit it with the freaking noisemakers, that would be great, too.
(…Okay, yeah, he’d also like to date Clarke for real instead of just sleeping with her. But that’s a pipe dream, right?)
put your faith in the devil and the deep blue sea (Rated M) [Clurphy]
Written by @probably-voldemort for @kuklash. The four assigned tropes were 1) Time Loop AU, 2) Characters fall on top of one another and have a “moment”, 3) Enemies to Lovers, and 4) Superhero AU.
Summary: Twenty years ago, when the clocks changed from 11:59pm on December 31st, 1999, to 12:00am on January 1st, 2000, the world ended, exactly as the doomsdayers had predicted. Now, there are only a few livable months left on Earth, and the privileged are evacuating for a life in space, abandoning the planet.
But not everyone has given up.
Clarke was only three when the world ended, and she’s spent most of her life in her mother’s lab. Now, as the last space ships are preparing to leave, her mother’s machine is finally ready, and Clarke and her mother are heading back in time to try to stop the apocalypse from happening in the first place.
An attack on the lab leads to Clarke heading back to 1995 on her own, and the past isn’t quite how Clarke’s vague memories from the beginning of her life paint it. Clarke soon discovers that not only did the machine do more than just send her back in time, but she wasn’t, in fact, sent back alone.
Will she be able to stop the apocalypse before the clock strikes midnight? Or are some parts of history unchangeable?
All I Want For Christmas (Rated T) [Memori]
Written by @thedefinitionofendgame for @the-most-beautiful-broom. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fake dating, 2) Joke kiss turned real kiss, 3) One character is sleeping and the other character is watching them totally in love, and 4) Blanket fort.
Summary: Tired of being single, Murphy decides to take matters into his own hands and get himself a girlfriend before the annual Christmas Day dinner with his friends. Having had bad luck in the past with girls - all twenty four of them - Murphy is determined to make the twenty-fifth, the “Christmas Day” number, his forever.
Of course, this is easier said than done. When his fellow coworker, Emori, seems to be having similar problems and suggests them being each other’s “fake dates” to their Christmas parties in December, Murphy jumps at the chance. Fake dating is better than being totally alone, right? It appears that way, at least until Murphy starts to catch feelings; the ones that make you question everything you think you know. As their “fake feelings” start to become more real, Murphy realizes that Emori’s the one he wants for Christmas. But she’s got walls up and even though his heart doesn’t stand a chance, Murphy’s determined to break them down and show her what falling in love really means, maybe with the help of a little December magic thrown in.
As long as we’re together, no I can’t get much higher (Rated T) [Murven]
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @andthelightbulbclicks. The four assigned tropes were 1) Zookeeper AU, 2) Treasure Hunt, 3) secret places, and 4) Secret Santa.
Summary: Murphy has only known Raven for a little while, but the longer he spends getting to know her, the more he realises that there’s no hope of him not falling in love with her.
So when he gets her for Secret Santa, he makes it his mission to nail it.
before i knew you (Rated G) [Clexa]
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @sailawaymayday. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Pen Pals, (2) 3+1, 4+1, 5+1, etc., (3) surprise kiss, and (4) character meets another characters ex.
Summary: What do you do when your penpal, the person you know the best in the world, who you love, turns out to be the rather rude (if also rather pretty) sales girl from downstairs? Lexa is about to find out. or - 3 times lexa and clarke meet without knowing they’ve been penpals since childhood, and the 1 time Lexa figures it out.
when life gives you shit, you make kool-aid (Rated M) [Becho]
Written by @reggieshamster for @dylanobrienisbatman. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Bodyguard AU, (2) Bed Sharing, (3) Kissing to Keep Cover/a Secret, and (4) a Character gets shot/stabbed/badly injured and they collapse, being caught by their loved one.
Summary: Bellamy used to have it all, and then one screw-up cost him his career and his fancy life. Now, working as a bodyguard for alcoholic businessmen and their families, he gets a call from his sister for a job… escorting a hitwoman to testify against a man convicted of crimes against humanity. What could possibly go wrong?
and left the secret at the grave (Rated T) [Clurphy]
Written by @probably-voldemort for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Murder Mystery, (2) Partners in Crime, (3) Exes to Lovers, and (4) Snowed In.
Summary: At 8:57 on the morning of December 23rd, eight year old Jordan Green discovered the body of Skybox Inn owner Vera Kane on the floor of the lobby. His screams woke up the other guests of the inn, as well as the live-in butler.
The discovery of the body was followed shortly by two more discoveries. The first was that the storm the night before had knocked out the phones and the internet, and the second was that the inn was completely snowed in with no hopes of escape anytime soon.
Thirteen people trapped in an inn.
Uncountable secrets.
One murderer.
One question.
Who killed Vera Kane?
what a tangled string of Christmas lights we weave (Rated T) [Linctavia]
Written by @thelittlefanpire for @reggieshamster. The four assigned tropes were: (1) Royalty AU, (2) Cyrano AU, (3) Characters fall and end up landing on top of each other and have a “moment”, and (4) Hair brushing and/or braiding.
Summary: When the royal family loses their beloved Prince Wells, the future king of Arkadia, all eyes are on them. The Queen remains as stoic as ever, the Spare grapples with his new responsibilities, the Princess drowns in her grief, and the King is threatening to abolish the monarchy forever.
At Christmastime, as tensions in the palace rise with the vicious tabloids outside, the royal family makes an escape to a castle in the mountains, hoping to find solace and reconcile with their loss.
Princess Octavia will try to mend her broken heart back together as she becomes entranced with the letters sent back and forth between herself and another. But when it’s revealed who the true penman is, will she rise above her sorrow or sink further into it?
Take a read! Leave a kudos/comment! Our Tropesters worked so hard on creating some unique, festive fun fics from all the amazing tropes that were sent in. Thanks again!
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