#i just really love books and want a collection of everyones favorite quotes
I based these on the quotes most mentioned in the notes of that post about that telegraph article (btw jkr didn't even win the vote. Dickens did)
edit to show my tags: #i just really love books and want a collection of everyones favorite quotes#feel free to mention quotes that arent in english! it did say world literature
edit 2: I made another poll with non english quotes. And obviously you can make your own version
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cooki3face · 9 months
their favorite things about you 💐
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Hey, welcome back! I recently added to my list of readings i offer on my booking site so go check that out as well as my official business hours (that are also in my pinned tarot reading info post right here), I posted them over on my Instagram and TikTok as well as my site. If you haven’t been on my Instagram today (@cookiefacetarot) I would go check it out, today I posted a mini divine masculine and divine feminine update in preparation for my in-depth one that I’ll be posting here tomorrow as well as morning message and the daily quote per usual. I’m excited for this reading today, I love to do love readings and they get such a beautiful reaction from the collective. I’m missing my own divine masculine very much right now so sometimes when I do these readings and I’m apart of one of the piles, it gives me heart ache lol, lol well anyways, enjoy! I love you, book a personal reading with me if you wish! 🤍
Your person loves how smart you are and how skilled you are. You could be good at many things or have a really broad skill set and just be overall very intelligent and your person finds this so attractive. They know you’re destined for good things and they may even brag about you to others. Like, when you finally get recognition for something that you do or when you finally reach your highest level of success within your life this person is going to be at the grocery store talking to the cash register like “I knew her/him before she/he was famous.” I’m hearing this person is really proud of you too or they want you to make them proud. They’re excited for you because they know you’re about to do big things with your life. They also like how decided you are or seemed to be, you have your mind made up about many things in your life and you won’t accept anything less than that. I feel like if you’ve known your person for a long time or you’ve been in love with your person for a long time and they know about it they also find it incredibly attractive how much you like them or love them. You could be very romantic at heart and have heavy Scorpio placements like a Scorpio Venus or Mars or even a Scorpio stellium. I’m not extremely educated on astrology but that’s what I heard a Scorpio stellium I looked it up and that’s exactly what energy I was feeling so I know what I’m talking about. You can be very selective and picky in your life as well and this person really eats that up.
You make them feel like a luxury item, like a must-have. Yes, your person loves how romantic you are too, you could be a hopeless romantic, you could really see things through a rose-tinted glass, or just overall really give off this seductive air of romance and your person loves it. I also see them saying that you’re very charming and persuasive, something about you really falls into archetypes of the girl next door, the mother, the maiden, the mystic, and the lover. You may even resonate with the high priestess card in major arcana. You’ve got it all is what this person really likes about you. You could be very versatile, you could be very sweet and gentle yet sexy and alluring. You really reel this person in. This person thinks you’re magic, this person knows your magic and they know everyone else knows it. I’m hearing the siren as well. This person knows you’re of very high value and it makes them feel very special and safe to know that you chose them, emphasis on the word chose because they know you’re not the type to need anyone. You desire them, you care for them, you comfort them. They ask, could I ask for anything more???
This person likes that you’re independent and you’ve got your own stuff, your own life, your own hobbies. With or without them you flourish, you don’t give them the energy that you want to leech off of them because you don’t have to regardless of whatever circumstances you may face in your life. It makes this person want to be a man about it and take over and take care of you. This person also likes your voice or believes you’re a beautiful speaker or communicator. Clear boundaries, clear communication. Crystal. You’re not confusing, you’re not complicated, you don’t do mix signals. What you see is what you get with you and they love that. You are who you say you are. You live an honest life. You make an honest living. This person also really likes the high-maintenance energy you give off. You’re expensive. Very pretty, trophy wife energy. “She get money. Her body tea. She super thick. She super pretty.” Lmao like you’re all that and a bag of chips. You’re this person's wish fulfillment. It’s always been you. They keep their eye on the prize and the prize has always been you.
They also like that you’re always changing, healing, and growing. You guys are resilient and strong and this person really likes that about you. No matter what life throws at you, you can catch it and turn it into light and energy. This person also really likes that you’re introverted or a bit of a lone wolf as well. This person may be the same way. They may crave social interaction or like to be around people so they attempt to put themselves in the position to be around others but in spirit, they’re truly lone wolves and they’re very different from everyone else and can’t/won’t blend in no matter how hard they try and they feel like you’re the same. They relate to you. This could be a high-level soul mate or a twin flame but for many of you, this is a twin flame connection. This person honors you the way that one honors themselves when they are in the energy of self-love. It’s unconditional, it’s irreplaceable. They have the energy of trying to stuff their heart inside of yours to keep it safe like a locket. You may own a locket or be attracted to sentimental/romantic pieces of jewelry as well.
They also like how anti-drama you are or how peaceful your energy is. You protect your peace above all else. You only invest your time and energy into good things. People may try to fight you or start things with you and you make them feel stupid and irrelevant by not entertaining them or paying them any mind.
Hearing “at your best” -Aaliyah. This person feels very safe with you their favorite thing about you is the way they feel when their around you because your energy is so calm and steady regardless of what’s going on around you or in your life. This person also feels like you’re very successful or have a lot going for yourself or have the potential to continue to be great and get so much better as time goes on, this person really believes in you and wants the best for you I’m hearing. Just even without reading the cards I can tell you mean so much to this person and you make this person feel very steady when the world around them is crashing down, this person loves you, they adore you, they genuinely care for you, all they do is care for you. That’s all they want to do all day is care for you, love you, give themselves over to you and do things for you.
This person also loves how like…(I want to say aggressive but that’s not the right word!!) and I don’t want to code switch either but that’s the only way I can say it because I don’t know how to say it any way else, you’re really about it, you pop shit lmao. This person feels very safe and protected by you. They could’ve witnessed you take control of situations and squash drama and conflict when it’s really necessary by whooping some ass and they know if they needed to be protected or if something was going on you’d be able to protect them and defend against anything that could cause them harm. You could also be very strong as well, this person admires your physical strength or is very attracted to your body/body type. I’m hearing you’ve always been this persons type. They saw you one time and everything changed.
This person also loves how emotional or sensitive you are or even compassionate and understanding with others, people with different backgrounds and experiences. You care for people and it shows. Or you’re kind and giving and you’re emotionally in tune and you’re naturally very sensitive and empathetic. You could be a water sign or have heavy water in your chart. This person loves how much heart you have especially if you’re a man. The way society criticizes a man with a heart. You’re the only living boy she knows. You’re the only living boy in the whole entire world. I think also your person may have a lot of opinions on society and the way it’s harmful views, expectations and values affect the people in it and this person admires you and loves your authenticity and your beauty and your heart. You’re a breathe of fresh air for this person. You’re one in a million.
In a world of 7 billion people, this person is only thinking of and looking at you. Imagine that. What you did to this person to make them love you this way we’ll never know but it’s deep and swampy, it’s fast. If you’re not capable you’re sinking into it. This person loves how different you are and how much you stick out like a sore thumb lol. You don’t fit in anywhere and this person loves that about you. You’re only there’s. You belong nowhere but in their embrace. You may also be someone who has a lot of fears and has a lot of worries and I think this person on a very deep level not only relates to you but loves that about you because this person understands the significance of fear, they understand to fear means that you’re trying to survive in a world that is hard to you, that’s impatient with you, and that wants to eat you up and pull you every which way and they feel that very deeply that truth resonates with them. They don’t want you to worry and be afraid but you’re the person who makes them not feel so alone in the whole big wide world.
This person loves that your grip on reality is practically non existent. You live in your own little world, in your own little bubble. They love that distant dreamy look in your eye that you have. They also love the way you love them. You and this person could share a connection or love each other and it’s known by both of you because it’s undeniable and it’s hard to miss. This person may believe they love you more than you love them but I think I’m getting that you love them more than they will ever know. More than the two of you can fathom. It’s cosmic.
This person believes that you have a very beautiful and strong souls purpose even if they aren’t spiritual or don’t use those types of terms they know that on a soul level, on a subconscious level and this person believes in you the way someone believes in a religious deity. We are all said to be created in Gods image but to this person you are the only person really truly created in Gods image. If god wasn’t said to be in the sky they would whole heartedly believe that God was down here standing right in front of them. You are a divine being. An earth angel in disguise but they see right through it.
You could have a very long intricate past with this person and this person reflects on those memories everyday. This person is very nostalgic for your entire existence. Certain smells, certain weather conditions, songs, they all remind them of you and all of your glory.
You give this person very long term commitment vibes you’re wife or husband vibes to this person, they see themselves having a family with you, they see as someone very safe,kind, and protective and they find this really attractive and beautiful. They also see you as a very lucky or fortunate person, you have a lot of skills or you know how to do something special or you have the opportunity to do something very special in life and this person really admires that. This person also sees you as someone who has nothing to lose I think as well. Or you’re someone who could quickly recover or still have the world in the palm of their hands if you did lose something or if you ever had to get rid of something. I feel like this person may feel this way about you and your personal relationships. You could be someone who carries on gracefully after a break up or after you’ve had to kick someone out of your life and this person finds this really attractive and admirable about you. You could be very secure in yourself and really able to bend and twist with your life and all of its circumstances.
This person feels as though you change with the seasons and that you’re only capable of positive transformation or blossoming even more. I think you could do no wrong in this persons eyes or this person perceives you to have a very prosperous and fulfilling life. This person feels how emotionally stable and in tune you are or at least they perceive you to be that way. You and this person could be opposites and they may come from a very hectic like or have a very hectic past and have a lot of instability and unreliable people in their lives, potentially even family members and parental figures and you’re a beacon of hope for this person you represent the possibility of stability and good energy and peace and this is this persons favorite thing about you. You’re the calm after the storm. You’re the one calm thing in the storm. You’re the smell of the wet pavement after it rains. This person could also often feel very stagnant and stuck in their lives at time and they look up to you and admire your fluid movement and ability to change and be flexible. I hear this person telling me that even if you did have a rough time growing up or if bad things did happened to you, you didn’t let the world make you hard or change the person you were.
This person may also appreciate and value the energy of self love and self respect that you exude. This person not only loves you but they admire you and you inspire them to be better or truly make them believe that there are good things to have within this world even when things are hard. You teach this person gratitude. You teach this person thankfulness. This person could also really love your work ethic or ambition. You are a wish fulfillment for this person and this person believes you’re truly made of hopes and dreams.
Hope you guys loved this reading and it was wonderful for you and gave you some much needed insight and comfort. I’ll see you guys tomorrow over on my Instagram 💋 I love you, gonna go do something else, I swear I broke my finger or gave myself arthritis last night.
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twelvemonkeyswere · 9 months
I re-read Good Omens via audiobook and I just collected my favorite details
"Crowley rather liked people" is a quote I still love so much. Even though he is a demon with the job of making people upset each other, he likes humans. The contrast between what they make him do and how he experiences Earth.
That scene with the ducks where Crowley almost drowns a duck and Aziraphale is like "I say, my dear" and Crowley is like "Oh yes I forgot myself" and allows the duck to return to the surface. Crowley is usually very polite about the most unhinged things which I just find endearing
All the times Aziraphale calls Crowley "dear boy"
The fact Aziraphale has "exquisitely manicured" hands lmao. I like to think he does go to the manicurist, same as he has a proper barber in the show
Aziraphale blushes sometimes and often gives mean looks to customers to push them out of shop
I like the on-going theme in the Good Omens universe of wanting to build a better world for loved ones, but how that drive, when taken to an extreme, is self destructive. Adam says he'll make the earth good for the Them, and will make sure the Them will be protected and happy in it. But the Them don't want it, they understand Adam is acting out and is not thinking things through. There is no point in trying to possess something and bend it to will forcefully. It wouldn't be good. It wouldn't be of free will. It would make them just another of his whims and no one, either the Them or Adam, actually want that
Aziraphale thinks Crowley is a creature of God when you "get right down to it", which is a thought both meaner and kinder than he realizes
Crowley is described to have "a voice so laid-back you could lay a carpet on it"and it's my most favorite thing ever lmaooo
"You're seducing women here!" /"I think perhaps you got the wrong shop" is always a brilliant line
Even though everything in the Bently turns into Queen's Greatest Hits, I love that Crowley actually loves music, and keeps his collection of records highly organized
Also love the fact that Crowley keeps his apartment orderly, though that's probably in big part because he doesn't really live there
I do appreciate that Crowley sleeps because he wants to, not because he needs to. Truly a relatable guy.
There's a big HOLY SHIT moment in the audiobook - the speech the American evangelist gives about the apocalypse. It's fucking incredible. The actor is amazing, delivering fire and brimstone and absolute hatred and certainty until Aziraphale pops inside of him.
Death really is Azrael, literally the angel of death
Aziraphale comes up with the solution at the end but ONLY because of Crowley, who challenged Aziraphale about the difference between the great plan and ineffable plan at the very beginning of the book
There are many moments where both Crowley and Aziraphale are thought to be a gay couple, but it really made me laugh that they are at the end of the world, telling each other it's been a pleasure to know each other all this time, and then Shadwell interrupts to call them "Nancy Boys"
Everyone in the Good Omens fandom is right, I do love that in the book, the wings of demons and angels are the same color
Crowley thinks the biggest battle will be heaven and hell vs humanity. This has got me thinking a lot. I figure this is because at some point humanity will rebel against any divine intervention, once we figure out that heaven and hell have been playing dice with us. But we'll see.
It does warm my heart that the story begins and ends with a garden and with the eating of the apple - Adam doesn't know why the old man hates people touching his apples so much, but the world would be a lot less interesting if he didn't. It's a fitting end for a fitting beginning.
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ravenrambles6229 · 10 months
Love is stored in the Zane
Have you guys ever read Wu’s journal entries in the Dark Island Trilogy? He writes one for a bunch of characters. Here’s a pic of Zane’s because it’s by far my favorite.
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Sorry for potato quality. It’s impossible to find HQ images of this book anywhere. If anyone knows where I can find it, lemme know. Anyway, here’s a translation:
Day 20
Perhaps, in this time of turmoil, it would be best to focus on the Titanium Ninja, who is always an island of calm amid troubled waters. Since the day I met him, sitting at the bottom of an icy lake in an effort to test his endurance, Zane has proven to be a constantly surprising member of the team.
Zane started out feeling like a bit of an outsider with the team, and was not sure why. He did not understand Jay’s jokes or Kai’s fiery temper. It was only later that it became clear the Zane was not human. He was a Nindroid, the first of his kind, whose memory had been turned off by his creator.
But the Titanium Ninja has grown far beyond his origins. He has formed bonds of friendship and loyalty with his teammates and others. He has gone on fighting even when logic said there was no way to win.
Most important, he was willing to sacrifice his own existence to save the world. Those are not the actions of a heartless collection of mechanical parts. Yes, Zane is stronger, faster, and more durable than a human. And yes, there are still things about how people interact that he may never understand. But if you measure humanity by a fighting spirit that never quits, no matter the odds... Zane may well be the most human of anyone I know.
I have hopes his artificial nature may help protect him from the worst effects of the Dark Island. If I am correct, he may be out secret weapon in the battle to come.
I. I love this so much, you guys. Wu loves and respects Zane so much.
“But if you measure humanity by a fighting spirit that never quits, no matter the odds... Zane may well be the most human of anyone I know,” is such a sweet quote! It’s so great getting to read Wu’s thoughts and feelings about his beloved ninja, since something like this is probably difficult to fit into the show. Wu loves his ninja so much, and the Dark Island trilogy REALLY highlights just why he loves them all so much...
Anyway, I may post the others eventually. I just want to make sure people know this exists, because I adore it so so much but it’s so hard to find. Best I could do were two low rez read-throughs on Youtube. Anyway I need everyone to see these because they were so good, and the Dark Island really gave some time for the characters to interact that I loved. For those wondering, it’s fully canon. They take place in between seasons six and seven, and even get a mural on the monastery wall.
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lambergeier · 1 year
2022 book post FINALLY
this post is six weeks late because, frankly, i was on my honeymoon over new years and its hard to get up the will to type all this shit when everyone has already posted their book lists ages ago!! but also i read a lot of good books last year and wish to gloat, so here we are. italics are rereads, bold are my favorites, asterisks denote not-prose, and reviews are interspersed throughout as i felt like it:
No One is Talking About This - Patricia Lockwood (this book made me cry so hard lmao. first part is a sickeningly true-to-life depiction of Being A Blue Check Person and then the second part makes you cry so bad.)
Sorrowland - Rivers Solomon (what the fuck happened to the last third of this book? what shit-ass x-men knock-off did it come from?)
What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France - Mary Louise Roberts (got on a whole ww2 history kick because, gotta be real, i watched all of band of brothers during winter break 2021-2022 and developed a bug up my ass. pulled this off the shelf at the library on a whim and it was STUNNING. excellently, thoroughly told history of sex, venereal disease, and race among american GIs in normany following the invasion. would read anything roberts now.)
How to Blow Up a Pipeline - Andreas Malm
Hello, Sailor: The hidden history of gay life at sea - Paul Baker and Jo Stanley
Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II - Allan Berube (another excellent ww2 book, frequently quoted on this site and for good reason. not written by a historian, so incredibly easy and engaging to read, that presents you with just this amazing overview of how modern american queer identity was totally, inextricably shaped by the us military and the experience of being part of it or even just near it lmao)
Possession - A.S. Byatt (really really lovely romance that was such a consistent pleasure to read that i got to the end basically unable to remember favorite lines or even scenes i was just like mmmmmmmm. book good.)
Uncanny Valley - Anna Wiener
Howl’s Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
The Verge: Reformation, Renaissance, and Forty Years that Shook the World - Patrick Wyman (this book sucked ass we gotta stop giving podcasters history books)
Watership Down - Richard Adams (so fucked up. loved this. love that we give this to children to read.)
Dead Collections - Isaac Fellman
The Hidden Palace - Helene Wecker (much better than its prequel, imho! resolved many pacing issues but lost no heart!)
The Vanishing Half - Britt Bennet (part of the reason i managed to read so much this year is that i had to drive a lot for work and started putting audiobooks on in the car, having never been an audiobook person before. i listened almost entirely to contemporary litfic this way, a genre i also had not previously engage with, and this was both a fascinating entry into an entire other world of books and also kinda boring sometimes lmao. vanishing half was good, certainly better than some of the other stuff i ended up listening to, but still not something i would have finished if i weren't in the car)
The Reformation - Patrick Collinson (this bitch was so funny his preface to the book was 'i didn't list any sources because i've been teaching this topic for 60 years. the source is Me.' anyways almost totally unreadable but did provide me some good context on the counter-reformation, which i want to learn more about.)
Fleischman is in Trouble - Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Home Baked - Alia Volz (soooooo good all bay area homies please read this)
River of Stars - Vanessa Hua
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki (INSANE BOOK. SO FUN.)
*Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
Book of Dust - Phillip Pullman
Gold Diggers - Sanjena Sathian
*Angels in America - Tony Kushner (disconnected me from reality for like 24 straight hours. scared to reread it.)
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (read this in high school and hated it because i was a DUMB TEENAGER!! THIS BOOK IS SO FUNNY!!)
Good Omens - Terry Pratchett
Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia (strongly eh.)
Oh the Glory of it All - Sean Wilsey (loved it but feels impossible to recommend.)
Magic for Liars - Sarah Gailey
Foundation - Isaac Asimov (absolutely fascinating as like, a history of the genre thing, even if i only "enjoyed" reading the first two or three stories lol. also, HE COULDN'T PREDICT FIAT CURRENCY?? ACTUAL PLOT POINT THAT THERE AREN'T ENOUGH METALS ON THE PLANET TO MINT COINS???? reader i lost my mind.)
All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy (all the pretty horses my insane high school problematic fave. i will never read the sequels)
Have His Carcase - Dorothy L. Sayers
The Power - Naomi Alderman (as i said on private twitter after rereading, this book makes me sick to my stomach not because of the gender shit, which is like, i know what the book's about that's what it's about it's not gonna be a different book, but christ it's so bleak. love an oral history style but i gave my copy away once i finished lmao.)
Murder Must Advertise - Dorothy L. Sayers
Such a Fun Age - Kiley Reid (great audiobook narrator, and a very funny book)
Several People are Typing - Calvin Kasulke (PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS AUDIOBOOK THEY HIRED A FULL RADIO-PLAY STYLE CAST AND SURE THE ACTUAL STORY DOESN'T STICK THE LANDING BUT IT'S SO FUNNY. i finished it on my own and immediately put it back on for emma to enjoy. so good.)
They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South - Stephanie Jones-Rogers
Hawk Mountain - Conner Habib (oughhhhouguhughuhghh the dread. great book. wretched creeping horror. queer, if that matters. gives you the Dread.)
There, There - Tommy Orange
If an Egyptian Can’t Speak English - Noor Naga (experimental fiction, i listened to it on audiobook and actually missed a lot of what it was doing in print but still incredibly good. absolute sucker punch of an ending.)
The Loneliest Americans - Jay Caspian King
Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People - Elizabeth Fenn (great clear thorough history of the mandan nation of the upper missouri river, really enjoyed this.)
An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us - Ed Yong (ed yong is the best science writer working today and this book was tremendous. i quoted like every other line of it to emma and she still went and borrowed it as soon as i was done. we immediately bought a copy for the house.)
Sheer Misery: Soldiers in Battle in WWII - Mary Louise Roberts
Black Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse (damn so much modern sff is bad)
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life - Ed Yong (not as good as the animal book but still VERY good)
Dark Rise - C.S. Pacat (unfuckingreadable. a masterclass of incoherent bullshit)
Nona the Ninth - taz lol (this should not have been its own book.)
*Ducks - Kate Beaton (cannot recommend highly enough. intense subject matter, also made me cry many times, but holy shit ms beaton you killed it with this one)
Unreleased Friend Book that I Love So Bad (soon!!)
Normal People - Sally Rooney
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger (another book i haven't reread since high school holden ilu. you are my little problems boy)
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee (read it all in one day while on various airplanes. what a BOOK)
Half of a Yellow Sun - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Foundation - Mercedes Lackey (thus begins the valdemar stage of the year)
My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Ottessa Moshfegh (uh. would not recommend.)
Devil House - John Darnielle (ur crazy for this one mr mountain goats. still don't know if it was good or bad lol.)
Arrows of the Queen - Mercedes Lackey
Arrows Flight - Mercedes Lackey
Arrows Fall - Mercedes Lackey
Magic’s Pawn - Mercedes Lackey (vanyel i love you)
Magic’s Promise - Mercedes Lackey (vanyel i'm obsessed with you)
Empire of Wild - Cherie Dimaline
Magic’s Price - Mercedes Lackey (oh misty we did NOT stick the landing here. rip to vanyel.)
Winter Counts - David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Neuromancer - William Gibson (loved so many individual sentences and, like foundation, a very interesting work for understanding the history of the genre. however in many ways, totally incomprehensible.)
total books: 66!!! nice work, me! really enjoyed how much i read in 2022 and how generally varied it was and after a long while of not reading too much at all, it's been very nice being back in the swing of it. also god non-fiction is so good. i can't read it particularly fast but every time i read a good one i enjoy it so immensely. look forward to reading more of it this year!!!
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab sucks shit.
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pacinglikeghosts · 9 months
cmq characters' signature scents (because im insufferable)
inspired by me finding out that casey assigned their book four characters signature scents back in may and i completely missed it. these are not their signature fragrances (except alex and henry and kind of shara), but rather what fragrances would smell most like them.
alex claremont-diaz (red, white, and royal blue) - canonically santal 33 by le labo but also skins x vilhelm by vilhelm parfumerie for a bit more depth
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i know what the movie said. i think santal 33 is boring and basic. skins x vilhelm feels to me like an elevated version of santal 33 with a bit more depth and dimension, so it could perhaps be his more "adult" scent once he's a lawyer or what have you.
henry fox-mountchristen-windsor (red, white, and royal blue) - bois marocain by tom ford
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also a basic take, but hear me out!! i originally had henry with tobacco vanille, but it pulls kind of vanilla-y and sweet. i think he'd lean for something classic and understated but slightly different (which is where the pink peppercorn comes in, since it has a nice balance of spicy and floral), while still being palatable for the general public. it also has a similar core as santal 33 in the virginia cedar, which may have been how he recognized it on alex. he may have worn it before and moved on, and kept the base of virginia cedar.
august landry (one last stop) - good girl glorious gold by carolina herrera
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i actually have a fragrance in the mail as we speak that really fits the pancakes aspect of august's scent, but she canonically uses lemon soap, so i had to include it! ols is my favorite of the three published novels, and august is my everything, so picking out scents for her and jane was such a labor of love for me.
reminder, this is not the scent august uses (she doesn't have time for perfume while she's solving the mysteries of her sexy subway girlfriend!), but rather what she just smells like. at the core, i wanted lots of sweet notes, because her pancake aroma never wears off, but also coffee for the long nights spent on the train and coffee tits and citrus for her soap.
jane su (one last stop) - kasbah by 19-69
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to quote august herself, "jane is spun sugar. a switchblade girl with a cotton-candy heart." so, i had to reflect that. leather and sugar, with a bit of oranges (electricity not included). finding a fragrance that had leather, orange, and sugar notes (of any variety) was near impossible, so if y'all will forgive me for using honey, i had to go with the second best option.
again, she isn't going out and buying this fragrance. kind of hard to do so when you're stuck in a time loop. this is just the essence of jane, so to speak, if it were to be bottled up into a fragrance.
chloe green (i kissed shara wheeler) - dodo (2020) by zoologist
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i wanted a weird girl dark academia perfume and it was not coming up with my existing notes so this is what i settled on. in my head for chloe i was not picturing her as wearing fragrances, but rather having a permanent scent of either coffee or tea and then some weird ass linger scent like blood or dirt or something.
obviously, this is not really that, but i think the brand zoologist itself has that very vibe (go take a look, their stuff is cool as hell). dodo is kind of in the middle of ultra weird and tame with their stuff, and i think it fits the vibe i'm sort of going for. chloe also mentions in one chapter that one of her favorite smells is when one of her moms brought home fresh cilantro, so herbal notes felt appropriate.
shara wheeler (i kissed shara wheeler) - dilis classic collection no. 21 by dilis parfum
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shara canonically wears lilac body spray and vanilla-mint lip gloss, so i took those notes and ran with it. this is like a more nuanced version of what shara would smell like, with things like pepper and cedar grounding a very floral scent. when it dries down, it's vanilla and cedar based, rather than the lilac everyone expects from shara, creating the idea and imagery that she's not exactly what everyone thinks she is.
i hope y'all enjoyed getting a look into what my brain is like on a daily basis! i love fragrance and talking about it and especially love attaching it to fictional characters since i think it says so much about them and their personality. maybe i'll fuck around and do more characters but i wanted to do the main romances? kind of? from each of the three.
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genderqueer-hippie · 6 months
I was tagged by @ineffabildaddy to fill out a get to know you doodad so here we are! Thank you for the tag, I love these things!
Real name: Jasmine - I was named after my dad's favorite flower
Nicknames & origins: In high school I was called Raph (we assigned teenage mutant ninja turtles to each other like normal ppl) and Grandma (long running joke of our friends long story) Jael was my first one online, an alias back in my days of livejournal. Jay is the most common and I enjoy it because it's gender neutral and easy to remember.
Social media: this is the only place I am active
Pets: Oscar, Grace, and Bruiser. Not pictured is Buddy, a lab/mastiff mix
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Hobbies: hiking, writing, foraging, camping, video games, reading, embroidery, cooking, other things that my noodle brain has forgotten
Personality: I tend to be more shy, especially in unfamiliar situations. I'm quick to be friends if I vibe well with someone. I tend to babble like a hamster on uppers when I talk about things I enjoy. Idk I'm just a super laid back queer stoner type (who is currently very stoned lol)
Fav holiday: I don't have a favorite, actually? I just enjoy the family time of a holiday meal together.
Fav food: edamame
Fav dessert: I'm a whore for gelato
Fav color: eggplant
Fav quotes: "But I digress..." is very relevant to my daily life
Fav books: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, The Jungle Books, Fahrenheit 451, Good Omens, Wind in the Willows, I could go on but I won't
Fav TV shows: okay in no particular order, let the list unfold- Golden Girls, Buffy, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Interview with the Vampire, Willow, Good Omens, Staged, Our Flag Means Death, A League of Their Own, Torchwood,
Fav films: Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Birdcage, But I'm a Cheerleader, Funny Face, Charade, Princess Bride, The Blue's Brothers, Eyes Without a Face, Chicago, and so many more
Fav characters: I have so many!
Fav actors: currently all about David Tennant but Audrey Hepburn is always my go-to answer
Fav songs: Rhiannon Giddens is an amazing artist and everything I've heard from her is my favorite. I highly recommend Julie
Fav genre: I listen to so many things. I guess most listened to is blues and folk, but classical is another main staple of mine.
Fav podcast: I don't really listen to them tbh
Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes. Went to a Supernatural convention back in ...2013? Osric was running around the lobby in footie pajamas hanging out with everyone. I froze when Misha sat next to me at the cocktail party. I hugged Matt and he was super sweet. Karaoke was super fun. Ah, memories 😌
Have you ever been to a concert? Quite a few! I haven't been to one in a long time though.
Do you collect anything? I like rocks, books, physical media (CDs, DVDs, VHS), teas, wax seals and stationery
Idols? Idk that I really have an idol?
Is there a real life friend you can be yourself around? For the most part, yeah
Where would you love to travel? So many places. I haven't traveled far at all.
Random fact about yourself: when I was a kid I'd spend road trips daydreaming about running off into the woods and living a hermit life in a cave
This took longer than it should have but it was fun! I tag any of my moots that want to have an excuse to do it!
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demonstars · 1 month
hii im starting to get into poetry and i trust your taste so i was wondering who your favorite authors/poets are ? if you don’t mind :)
oh my god this is so sweet WISHING YOU WELL ON YOUR JOURNEY. i'll list you my top five (english) poets here, they're really excellent so you have something to start from but what i really recommend is that once you find one poet/poem and check out their other works AND if they've worked on anthologies/shared what their favorite poems are. ok ok So
hanif abdurraqib — he has beautiful essays on living and dying and how you make your place in the world and i genuinely think on summer crushing saved my life—and his ways of webbing words together just shows its prime in poetry. heavely recomment it's not like nikola tesla knew all of those people were going to die and, if you can, listen to him read it
ada limon — LOVE HER TO DEATH. one of the first poets I ever read in my life when starting to understand english and it changed my fucking life. it, being what i didn't know before which is just like one of those poems that just hit you like a trunk. one of the most beautiful gifts i've ever received is a copy of her bright dead things (book), so i must recommend state bird. it's not even her best poem (that goes to dead stars and no it's not because i'm obsessed with them) in my opinion it's just representative of everything I love about her writing. also she is currently working on an anthology that i am so excited to read and discover new poets through that!!
richard siken — well. y'know. Like y'know. I JUST NEED EVERYONE TO MOVE ON FROM CRUSH OR GET BETTER AT JUST LOOKING AT HIM FROM DISEMBOWELED QUOTES POSTED FOR CLOUT. read poetry it made me cry. I need more people to get excited with me when he posts a new one pleaseeeeeeeeeee @RICHARDSIKEN I KNOW YOU HAVE PROBLEMATIC THOUGHTS ON AI I STILL WANT YOU.
hera lindsay bird — one of Those poets that will just let you a bit confused and fascinated. I think I've reread the entire catalogue of poems on her blog at least thrice because I really liked them and couldn't articulate exactly why!!! I still struggle!!! Gotta link I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU I WANT TO LIE DOWN cause yeah yeah we've all seen major public intersection. i want her self titled collection so bad. also pamper me to hell and back. aka all her published work. speech time changed my life when i was 16. she has a dnf poem. GREAT POET.
June Gehringer — can't even express it with words how much i love her. i get genuine rsd over her work being misinterpreted and flattened specially with fucking twitter reposters Shoutout my priv mutuals last year who supported me annoying one of those 10k fake deep accounts to give her credit. anyway. THANK GOD FOR PEACH MAG. I DO GET SO JEALOUS OF EUTHANIZED GODS. recs is The universe collapses waoo.... she has a very good one on grief and transnesss that i KNOWWWW i posted here but i can't find it should i die. ugh so frustating
and here is Others that I couldn't include because I just realized i need to be my friend's house in two hours and I am not yet ready with my assignment but you should DEFINITELY check out: . Lisel Mueller. Mahmoud Darwish, Anne Sexton. frank o'hara. gabrielle calvocoressi. Matthew Olzmann. chen chen. OKAY HOPE THIS HELPED!!!!!!!
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diagonal-queen · 8 months
hello it is i the question deliverer of ever!!!
here are a bunch of random stupid questions for you to answer. you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to, just the ones you find the silliest 💕💕
these are all just gonna be completely random questions i’m pulling out of my ass expect zero consistency
-what’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read/written?
-are you a spider girlie, a snake girlie, a beetle girlie, or a bee girlie? (this is how i classify people in my head so i have the answer already, but i want to know which one you think you are)
-what quote/lyrics/words from anything ever resonate with you the most?
-opinions on rat kings?
-what’s your favorite kind of leaf (and/or tree)?
-favorite type of cloud?
-who is the silliest person you know?
-what would someone have to offer you to get you to punch atsushi in the face?
-on the contrary, what would someone have to offer you NOT to punch fukuchi in the face?
-what are your most used emojis and why?
-of the authors represented in bsd, which one is your favorite? (keyword authors not characters, it’s very clear who your favorite character is lmao)
-orange juice or apple juice?
-what song is stuck in your head atm, and how much do you actually like it?
-if paint was edible, which color would you eat?
-if you could learn everything about any one thing in the universe instantly, what would you choose?
-what’s your favorite suit in a deck of cards?
-what’s your least favorite thing about your favorite thing?
ok that’s all i can think of rn. expect more later after my beain collects more ideas probably
have a BANGER of a day sir dialicious 💕💕💕
SEWER RATTTTTTTT BRO ALWAYS GOT MY BACK bro is so nice...bro <3 also im sorry for this long post to you and everyone else who sees it i know it's gonna be boring as fuck T-T
What’s the best fanfic you’ve ever read/written?
well i personally suck dick at writing and i haven't read any full fanfictions in ages...i really can't remember but if i find any
Are you a spider girlie, a snake girlie, a beetle girlie, or a bee girlie?
If i had to choose one of these i would say bee girlie because spiders are scary and snakes are scary and beetles aren't my style but bees r so fluffy and like flowers...jus like me... :D
What quote/lyrics/words from anything ever resonate with you the most?
They say the sun don’t shine forever But through any weather we’ll make it As long as we make it together - song lyric
"Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart." - book quote
"The head may err, but never the blood." - book quote (and yes im serious lol)
"It's because of you that I don't even wanna be here anymore. Eventually I'm gonna end up jumping off a cliff because of you." - something i was told by someone
there's gotta be more but i can't remember them at the moment lmaooooo like literally any time someone asks me something i like i suddenly forget every single thing i've ever liked ever
Opinions on rat kings?
what like when rats all get their tails tied up? or just men with rat energy that i stan? well i love that second one but the first one is sad...they're stuck... :(
What’s your favorite kind of leaf (and/or tree)?
my favourite trees are cherry blossoms and jacarandas because they're GORGEOUS (honourable mention to frangipani trees) but when it comes to leaves specifically i don't really have a favourite lol
Favorite type of cloud?
cumulus because they're super cute ^^
Who is the silliest person you know?
hmm...deadass probably you man. you are hella silly and i love it
What would someone have to offer you to get you to punch atsushi in the face?
There is literally nothing you could give me to get me to punch my husband in the face
On the contrary, what would someone have to offer you NOT to punch fukuchi in the face?
the gift of flight and the complete abolition of systemic oppression in modern society
What are your most used emojis and why?
🌸 - looks pretty and i like it and i use it as the same as a happy face 💜 - purple is my colour 💓 - usually when im talking to jaya lol 😭 - when something SUUUUPER funny hehe haha 🔫 - when i threaten people to give me their arts and writings 🤧 - when ppl r nice to me...an i cry...happy.... ✨ - to add some PIZZAZZ ❤️ - i am a loving person i love a lot of ppl a lot 😌 - i use this to pretend im dom-coded
Of the authors represented in bsd, which one is your favorite? (keyword authors not characters, it’s very clear who your favorite character is lmao)
well i'm gonna be real with you, i actually am uncultured and haven't read many of the authors' works. i've read only a few, so i'd have to say of those that i've read, i liked doppo kunikida, mykola hohol and akiko yosano. i've yet to read dazai but i really really want to :(
as for individual works, i've read and enjoyed anne of green gables and the raven. i got through about a third of the great gatsby before abandoning it because i found it boring. i am still reading crime and punishment and i like it a lot.
also you don't know who my favourite character is silly goober because i have TWO in my head rn and you couldn't guess either of them i dare you to try
Orange juice or apple juice?
orange juice 🍊
What song is stuck in your head atm, and how much do you actually like it?
punky funky love by granrodeo. i love this song sm it's so catchy and fun and it just lifts my mood so much. if you asked me to name a bad granrodeo song i would glitch out because there literally isn't one
If paint was edible, which color would you eat?
hmm probably brown because it reminds me of chocolate or beige because it'd be like caramel
funfact; whenever i eat m&ms i have this ritual where i save all the brown ones for the end, i eat all the other ones except for one of each colour, then i eat all those in one go. and then i begin eating the brown ones one at a time until there are nine left (lucky number) and then i eat all those at once. its cus the brown is more chocolatey in my head literally just because it is brown
If you could learn everything about any one thing in the universe instantly, what would you choose?
cmon i cannot possibly decide this. hmm uhh fuck um. i might like to know the entire contents of the library of alexandria, the truth behind every cold case in the history of true crime, my entire family history, the truth behind ghosts and spirits and the paranormal, and those are just some of the things i'd consider.
What’s your favorite suit in a deck of cards?
probably diamonds. i really dont know why but they fuck. i also like spades cus spades look and sound super cool
What’s your least favorite thing about your favorite thing?
i seem to give it to the world a lot more than it gives it to me
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pyrriax · 8 months
O!Krow and Oc of your choice for the head cannons?
1. It used to ask the people in clearing two a lot of questions when it first woke up in the maze because it didn't know a lot about the world 2. After the whole prison incident it has a horrible fear of enclosed spaces 3. Loves winter (yes this is because of that moment where it first experienced snow and that was a happy moment it had with Magic) 4. Oh! See also: Fear of water / drowning. Wonder why. 5. Did I hear paranoia swag? Paranoia swag 💪 6. It mimics people's speech and small phrases, kind of parrot-ish but like okay. I project a bit. 7. It once dyed its hair like. Blue. In the maze, and absolutely just vehemently hated it so much (even though it was kind of funny) 8. Once everything was like. All said and done and it was out of the maze (this is assuming STARR isn't needlessly cruel and like. yknow. it's given some flavor of freedom) it immediately delved into learning all it could about the world it's practically never experienced 9. I headcanon it listening to a lot of artists like Enon and Apes of the State (highly recommend btw) 10. Another post-maze headcanon: It kept a book where it wrote down everything, and once that book was filled out completely, it burnt it :) [Something about catharsis because good LORD it needs that] 11. It never stopped wanting to be better / be a good person, and a while later, it wound up trying to move on, starting over again (it wasn't easy, and it was still angry, so angry, but it didn't want to live in the past anymore)
aaaaaaaand an OC of my choice? OC of my choice!
Lyra (WTDS)
1. Loves quarterstaffs and pikes as weapons, does not use them because she hates close-quarters combat 2. Has trouble with emotional regulation and also has no clue what the fuck a "healthy coping mechanism" is 3. She absolutely used to collect quotes in a notebook, both from conversations she had and from books she read 4. I think she has a nasty habit of getting really close to people when she talks to them and unintentionally intimidates everyone 5. Actually has a soft spot for taking care of people, even though she hates to admit it 6. She fights before anything else! I think she'd refuse to back down even in a losing battle 7. Well versed in unconventional means of communication (e.g. flowers) 8. Loves the smell of lilacs!! 9. Favorite color is purple, absolutely 10. HATES goodbyes. Like actually hates them. She will not say goodbye to anybody eever. Ever.
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toodingo · 2 years
Howdy hello I'm dingo!
As promised a dedicated penny/jane post 🙏 a conjunction of a bunch of penny hc with some other choir members sprinkled in
In this little universe I'm imagining all the kids get resurrected from the cyclone accident and after they come back Penny goes to live with Noel, so they got a sibling dynamic going on
Penny collects stuffed animals like currency, any time Noel gets a bonus from his job he buys Penny a new stuffed animal- her favorite is a sheep squishmellow
Penny and Constance have every class together and often do projects together 🤞 they are best friends
Noel and Penny have complete opposite styles so when they go anywhere they are so polarizing- they'll be shopping and it'll be ‘Edgar allan poe enthusiast with a tortured soul’ and ‘Shops at Claires’
Speaking of which she probably does shop at Claires, she most definitely got her ears peirced there, she lives laughs loves Claires
She often will often bring the choir quotes ripped straight from books... she can't read so it's really a gamble (she can read, she's just dyslexic and jokes about not being able to read)
Adding onto the dyslexia, she loves listening to audio books, her and Noel will often listen to them together, they've finished quite a number of books and Noel is really excited to finally find a way to show Penny his favorite pieces of literature
Constance and Penny play those like old flash dress up games, like the Winx club one and the unofficial warrior cat maker that everyone used, that's their jam
Mischa and Penny is an underrated friendship holy moly- I like to imagine that they collaborated on decorating oceans ‘choir picture/memory book palooza’ yes, that is the official title, Penny and Mischa decreed it, spelling it out in fun colorful sticker letters on the front- each page is covered in an obnoxious amount of wacky stickers, some puffy, some glittery, one page just has lps stickers- its great
Ocean and Penny take the most pictures, Ocean because she wants to save the memories of her favorite times with her friends and Penny because she wants to make her friends look like fools, Ocean doesn't like the pictures Penny takes but begrudgingly puts them in the picture/memory book
-- Noel would be on the unofficial picture taking committee but he is only interested in taking shitty ‘aesthetic’ pictures of like alley ways and putting a bunch of shitty filters on them /pos
Penny wants a cat, because they are cute and also because Ricky likes cats and she wants to impress? Him- Noel's mother is allergic to cats- it's a cruel and unfair world for her
Ricky and Penny are so cute, because they both have crushes on each other, neither express it but they just silently understand their affection for each other, they never make it official until Ricky final take her on a ‘date’ and it's not him finally building up enough courage to ask her out it's more like they go bowling and they both kind of agree it was a date
Penny's favorite show is a tie between strawberry shortcake, pretty little liars, and breaking bad. Constance introduced her to strawberry shortcake, Noel and her binge pretty little liars and Ricky and her had many date nights watching breaking bad. She can't choose which one she likes more
I have a headcanon on everyone's favorite movie genre so allow me to share- Penny's is horror oddly enough, she finds it so fun to watch, Mischas is action obviously but he's also a secret fan of romance and will watch any cheesy romance movie Noel suggests, Noel obviously loves the romance genre but like- shitty drama romance, Ocean, on the other hand, prefers romcoms and documentaries, Constance likes any comedy movie but most often watches romcoms with Ocean, quite honestly Constance could just watch a stand up act and be pleased, and Ricky, of course, loves sci-fi, he lives for that shit
Penny and Ricky go as peanut butter and jelly for Halloween one year but, furrified- they got the little jars and put on cat ears in their respective colors- it's was cute, strange but cute
I could come up with these all day but this list is getting a bit too long- maybe I'll make a pt. 2 electric Boogaloo
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Can you share other smutty romance novels books??
Lol, well! Sure, always.
Since you didn't specify historical only, I'll throw in some other authors for you to consider.
Helen Hoang--Maybe my favorite contemporary romance novelist? Writes about Vietnamese and biracial characters, includes a lot of ASD rep. Her first book, The Kiss Quotient, is one of my all time favorites. It focuses on a heroine with ASD who hires a sex worker to teach her how to be good at sex (she's had partners tell her that she's frigid, basically). Very hot and very sweet. He tells her she has a porn star pussy and I? For one? Find it quote romantic. The second book in the series features a virgin hero and a single mom heroine, and essentially what is an attempted arranged marriage setup from his mom? Love it. Will advise that her latest book, The Heart Principle, does deal heavily with the illness and decline of a parent, and some have argued that it's not a romance. Idk about that, but it's definitely in a gray area.
Talia Hibbert--Talia writes black (often fat) heroines, though I do want to emphasize that she writes, as far as I know, ONLY interracial romance. Not all of her heroes are white, but I don't think any of them are black; I don't want to suggest that she's writing black romance. These are strictly interracial romances. Her books also feature other types of rep... One heroine is chronically ill, one is queer, and one has ASD (with a hero with ASD as well) from what I've read thus far. These books are super hot, and not always in a conventional~ way. Act Your Age, Eve Brown features a fabulous scene with a sparkly purple dildo.
Sierra Simone--Sierra writes kinky erotic romance in a variety of different categories. My favorite book by her is Priest, which is essentially about a Catholic priest who falls in love with a woman who comes to him for confession (the book is a solo male POV, heroine is an ex-stripper, which I love). She also wrote American Queen, which kicks off a trilogy that is like... King Arthur's court meets The Kennedys meets kinky sex, I guess? It centers on a throuple featuring the president, the first lady, and the vice president. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely smutty. I also really like her novellas in the Duke I'd Like to F... and Rake I'd Like to F... collections, which are historical romance (DILF features a m/f age gap romance from her, whereas the RILF book features a m/m kidnapping romance).
Nicola Davidson--I've as of yet only read her novellas in the DILF and RILF collections, but she's very much a known entity in smutty historical romance and I want to read more. She writes a good amount of menage historical romance, and from what I understand they always feature everyone together, which I love.
Katee Robert--But of course! Katee writes erotic romance in a wide variety of different categories... My favorite from her is still the first one I read, Desperate Measures (which is Jafar/Jasmine with a ddll dubcon kidnapping vibe--its in her Wicked Villains series, which are pro-villain Disney retellings set in a dark organized crime world). She writes a good amount of menage where swords always cross, etc, as well as some f/f. She and Jenny Nordbak (whose fiction I've yet to read, but I love her memoir about her time working for a dungeon and I highly recommend it, The Scarlett Letters) just pulled off an EXTREMELY successful Kickstarter for a paranormal romance collection they're doing with four other authors. Sounds like monsterfucking!!!
Speaking of monsterfucking--C.M. Nascosta wrote the famous Morning Glory Milking Farm, which is a short book about jacking off and falling in love with minotaurs. It's quite cute and very... explicit. I know she has a mothman book out called Sweet Berries (I haven't read it yet) and I'm pretty sure her werewolf breeding book comes out on July 28.... And I'm VERY excited about that.
If you're open to old school smut, I'd recommend Elizabeth Lowell's medieval trilogy. The descriptions are a bit flowery, yes, but it's pretty hot in my opinion. There's a lot of dubcon throughout the series, and the third book (Enchanted) does feature a heroine who was raped in the past, and that's a huge plot point throughout the book. These heroes are all alphas, at certain points they're all assholes, but they do end up laid low by these women. So that's fun.
A Caribbean Heiress by Adriana Herrera--This is the first full length novel I've read by Adriana. It was really good, and there was plenty of hot sex, including one scene that took place on the Eiffel Tower.
Of course, the usual suspects I've mentioned for historical romance: Elizabeth Hoyt, Kerrigan Byrne, Tessa Dare, Scarlett Peckham, Joanna Shupe... As for others I don't think I've mentioned in this context as much...
Sophie Jordan--She writes very smutty romances, imo. Definitely some of the hotter ones published in the mainstream market. Like.... check out This Scot of Mine.
Vivienne Lorret--I've only read one book by her (How to Steal a Scoundrel's Heart), but I found it to be pretty hot and incredibly romantic.
Stacy Reid--Again, one I've only read one from (A Matter of Temptation) but I thought it was very well done and the sex was great.
Eva Leigh--She has a couple of great novellas in the DILF and RILF collections, and A Good Girl's Guide to Rakes is one of the only recent mainstream historical books I've read that uses the word "cunt", so snaps for Eva!
Jennifer Ashley--I've only read The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie thus far, but ugh it's super hot (also the hero has ASD).
Of course, if I like the author, I enjoy the sex scenes, because sex really matters to me in these books. So like... Sarah MacLean (especially her upcoming book), Lisa Kleypas, Julie Anne Long (not quite as explicit as some but very hot), Beverly Jenkins.
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olivieblake · 1 year
Hi Olivie! I am back with some praise for “The Lovers Grim”!!! I did read this in November but life went crazy (as it always does) so I am just now sending you my praise. (spoilers included). This is a bit long but most of its length just comes from me sending quotes I loved so hopefully if you just skim those it won’t be as long, I’m sorry :( 
I keep telling people that it was a lot sexier than the preceding books in the fairytale collections so that made it super fun overall!!!
Clara and the Devil: What a fun way to start! I love stories where the devil shows up and there’s temptation so I knew I was going to love this one, and I did! I love Clara, I find her super relatable to me. I keep notes in my notes app on my phone as I read your books and I just have written “this is just sexy and everyone is horny” so many times hahah (please take that as a compliment because it is). THE ENDING TOO LIKE 🥵  MY GOD I LOVED IT. Made me want to immediately go jump the WEBTOON, which I did and am obsessed with. The female version of the devil is 🥵 and I definitely have some theories on everything. I’m really liking the bargains with the universe part, I too make bargains with the universe in the hopes it will help me. I read the new update from yesterday too and ahhh so excited to see where everything goes. THE ART OF COURSE IS BEAUTIFUL SENDING MY PRAISE TO LITTLE CHMURA. 
I loved this line from the story “I’d asked him to meet me on the beach in the middle of the night, which were terms the devil readily agreed to. He was very agreeable that way, which I hated, but which I also understood. He was reliably available for my sins.”
Both the “Apple’s a bit much don’t you think” and Devil’s food cake made me laugh hahahaha. I also really liked the line “There is more to being good than simply abstaining from vice.”
Once it Happens: OLIVIE THIS STORY!!! It’s truly a story I always dreamed of wanting and just didn’t know existed so I’m super thankful you wrote it. I also did cry as well as feel a whole range of emotions (which as an emotionally repressed person is some of the highest praise I can give you). I’m a lover of the idea of being in someone’s orbit/fate drawing people together/invisible string/soulmates so this story was exactly what I needed. I consider this (and La Petite Mort obviously which I actually reread in December as a pick me up with the audiobook-also fantastic-and loved it even more the second time around.Thanks for that book❤️) my two matches made in heaven. This story actually explains why I ship certain ships, like nicolibby for example, just because I find this type of dynamic to be a super strong and important connection so it makes it hard to fathom them being with other people (for me specifically). Even the bit where “Once it happens, it can't unhappen. It can't be undone.” made me think of  “we met, so now we can’t detach” type thing. Most of my favorite ships have this type of dynamic so it made me love this story even more. This story is one I still think about 24/7 and it just made me think a lot/it said so much in so little and left such an impact on me. I think I tabbed every paragraph in this one like I loved it and could probably just sit here and write down every one and tell you all my thoughts etc but that would waste so much of your time so I shall refrain. Just know “I LOVE THIS STORY SO FUCKING MUCH” was written in my notes on this one about 100 times. Enjoy a few of my random rambles:
All the different times they could meet/that it happens and THE ICE CREAM SHOP BEING A COMMON THEME. 
“They are children together, opening gifts. They are teenagers, discovering life. They are adults, and sad ones, and when he tilts her chin up for a kiss she breathes something into his mouth he's certain is one word: Finally. He will marry her within a year.” THIS MADE ME CRY
“They live separately and their lives never cross. His children will have her smile and her sense of humor, and neither of them will ever know it.” THEY STILL HAVE THE THREADS OF EACH OTHER IN LIVES THEY DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER (this also made me cry)
The ice cream shop closing 😭😭😭 and then figuring out they grew up in the same town and they think about how they could have met a thousand different ways and didn’t, it’s funny how they came so close and she says she’s glad it finally 
Literally thank you for this story and thank you for just writing all my favorite stories and books, much love❤️❤️❤️
Captain McIver’s Ship of Souls: This one was so funny and I loved seeing Arno just be confused about humans haha but I was so intrigued. My personal favorite thing was that the finfolk crave blood and the multiple blood sucking scenes, I don’t know what that says about me but hey it WORKS for me and made me just so very happy to see. THANK YOU QUEEN. The twist in this one was also super good, I didn’t see it coming. I have decided that Eilif from the TA6 universe is one of Arno’s cousins (it is canon in my heart and that is all that matters <3) Here’s some moments I absolutely loved. 
“Captain,” comes the voice of Eli's first mate. He's the one who was last to jump on Eli's orders, Arno notes, and dislikes him slightly, though without any particular reason.” We love when a love interest hates a person for just not respecting their love interest!!! ONE OF MY FAVS
To Make a Man: So interesting!!! I was trying to guess what type of creatures they both were the whole time and the stakes were super high so it was so hard to put down. Marcelo has some great lines like ugh THIS MAN he was down so bad. The angst in this is god tier. I just love that they each brought a little bit of peace to each other for a time, and in my head they can find their way back together in however many years.
“Lina, Lina, Lina. You are the softness of your skin, the sharpness of your mind. You are the knife-edge of your humor, which doesn't look like humor at first because, on you, joy looks like suspicion. You are the distance you so meticulously keep between us. You are the door, the latch, the key I understand now that I am an invasion; even with my best intentions, you can only trust me the way you'd trust a flood. There's no choosing which parts of me you accept or which parts of you I want. We seep in through each other's cracks, all or nothing” I LOVED THIS LIKE MY GOD I LOVED IT SO MUCH 
“He would have traded euphoria just to keep her, to make her the subject of his tedium. To live a colorless life in the shade of her bones, in the sound of her breath, knowing and eternally recounting the monotony of her details until he grinds himself down to nothing, never learning or experiencing another beautiful thing.” STOPPPP SO GOOD 
“Someday, she thought, she would remember this for all that it was, and for all that it wasn't. She would resurrect this very moment into countless perpetuity and embrace the searing pain of it; suffer the boundless joy. Because it had been real. Every moment of it. Every blessed thread.” PAIN 
Kill the Bachelor: Another dream I didn’t think to have but like two contestants on the Bachelor ditching him and falling in love??? Amazing. The TV script set up was so cool too it really made me feel like I was just watching episodes of the bachelor. All the satire in this was A+. This one also had me laughing a bunch. Anway, men suck and women are always better (but Josh’s crush on Lauren was cute too)
YAY woman in STEM!!!
“Do you ever feel like you're in this crowd of people and nobody really sees you? Like, you're there, but nobody gets you, you know what I mean?" Yes all the time 
KARA (sympathetically)
“A sad day for all Bachelor fans indeed, Craig."
CRAIG (nodding)
"Sure is, Kara! And now, Andrew with the weather."
That made me laugh out loud 
I’ll be sending my praise for YES super soon (hopefully soon at least lol I have condense my thoughts/praise to make it not a novel like I LOVED that book and CecilyPorter have joined the crowd of my beloved ships-they are up there with nicolibby, mayracal, and aldoregan for me and by now I’m sure you know how much I love those other 3-so yeah that probably says everything you need to know but I can’t wait to express more of my love of them to you later haha). I’m currently reading “Grow Your Own Optimist!” and loving it so far! 
hahaha never apologize! I'm so happy you enjoyed the stories and I'm never mad about getting to know which quotes you liked. I agree, "once it happens" is one of my favorite stories. I feel like that one might be the olivie brand in brief summation? just... about love and life and time and fate and also blowjobs and ice cream. anyway
OH I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT CLARA POSTING AGAIN. I can't wait for you guys to see the end of this season. I mean obviously you know by now I'm obsessed with chmura's art but also I'm pretty proud of how the story ends, because I never intended to keep writing in this universe and wasn't sure I could do a sequel that felt the same way, but I think (fingers crossed) I managed it. I'm really excited to show you the finished product!
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luckhissoul · 2 years
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NAME: Matrim Cauthon  NICKNAME(S): son of battles, gambler, trickster, ---- there’s more i think probably lol  AGE: 23 ( at the end of the series so  SPECIES: human
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic ||| good /  gray / evil RELIGIOUS BELIEF: n/a ( there’s no religious system in wot so -- everyone just acknowledges the creator ) VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: winning the last battle ?  LANGUAGES KNOWN: old tongue, --- english? SECRETS: he has memories of a bunch of dead guys installed in his head? he blew the horn of valere? he pretends like he doesn’t care about anyone or anything but he really cares so much. anything sentimental he feels is basically a secret lmao he live streamed a chunk of his life to the finn lol on a lighter note he loves gaudy things lol QUIRKS: sarcastic, stubborn, being rude af lol ? , his rock / feather collection lolol , he always carries dice with him , surprisingly loyal af , are these quirks ?  SAVVIES: he’s a strategic and tactical military genius --- is that a savvy ? 
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other HEIGHT: 6′ SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: covered in various battle scars, a hanging scar on his neck, his eye is missing , too ABILITIES/POWERS: he’s a military genius with centuries of experience pm downloaded into his head, he’s great with horses - he loves horses sm ok - , he’s great in combat with his ashandarei and the quarter staff , exceptional with knife throwing and fighting , he’s got ridiculous good luck , dice in his head warning him of stuff and things , --- juggling ? lol , he wants to list his charm as an ability. tf ? no.  RESTRICTIONS: his overwhelming need to want to live up to the bad expectations that are on him , lol his lowkey white knight syndrome , stubborn / defiant af , lack of regard for most authority lolol it’s a restriction he won’t admit to , COMPLAINING his complaining restricts him lmao
FAVOURITE FOOD: this boy will literally eat anything. lbr here. lol he eats things he didn’t even like, bowls of it just to eat something --- he’s the worst. FAVORITE DRINK: red wine   FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: E V E R Y T H I N G  FAVOURITE COLOR: green  FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE: folk / country rock , classic rock FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE:  L M A O he does not read FAVOURITE MOVIE GENRE: westerns, action/adventure , comedy , thrillers FAVOURITE SEASON: spring FAVOURITE BUTT TYPE: he can’t pick just one. lol FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: blood and ashes ? burn me ? buttered onions ? these are supposed to be in canon curse words that are particularly filthy lol  FAVOURITE SCENT: ocean , honey , flowers , fresh clean , expensive - that has a scent apparently lol - FAVOURITE QUOTE: "The Creator made women to please the eye, and to boggle the mind." -- idk if it’s this for real lmao but it’s what came to mind
BOTTOM OR TOP: bot --- switch - he prefers that wrong answer --  LOUD BURPER OR SOFT BURPER: loud fml SINGS IN THE SHOWER: sometimes lmao LIKES BAD PUNS: he loves them lol THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: he tolerates me
TAGGED BY: @inprometheanfire TAGGING: @caracarnn​ / @agoldenlily​ / @ofimaginarybeings​ / @inspireswar​ / @honorhearted​ / @dracharenae​
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tinkerd · 1 year
Kid Christmas……The Reviews Are In :)
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Hello friends and family.
I have lovely award news and info about exciting book signings and readings coming up in my next newsletter.
But first …
My latest book ‘Kid Christmas: Of The Claus Brothers Toy Shop’ has been out in the world for just over a month now and I have read so many of your lovely reviews. Thank you to the reviewers, bloggers, instagrammers, TikTokers etc who have been so kind about the book.
So, yes, why not? I thought I would take this opportunity to share some of lovely things said about Kid Christmas. Below are a few quotes (with links) from some of the reviews…have a read :)
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“I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this story! Offering a new version of how Father Christmas came to be, it embodies what the true spirit of the festive season should be, showing the importance of kindness, generosity of spirit, friendship and love. Children will delight in spotting the links between this story what they know of Father Christmas’s traditional customs as Nicky’s dream of sharing the toys with everyone comes true.”
Reviewed by ‘Through The Bookshelf’
“There is a special joy with books like these- it is a written story yet it feels like there is an oral quality to it, as though it is a legend that has been passed down through generations, and I think it will be a great addition to a Christmas collection, and one that can be read alongside classics like the Night Before Christmas to get children ready for Christmas, as well as teach them that whilst it is lovely to get gifts, giving gifts is just as joyful and meaningful. It is a book that I loved and can’t wait to share with other people. And It will be one that is treasured for years to come.”
Reviewed by The Book Muse
“I'm sure that "Kid Christmas" will become one of the classics of Christmas stories and will be read for a long time”
Reviewed by Mali čitači
“It may be September but I feel all Christmassy and like I’ve just read a hug in a book…..As I’ve said before, this book has been the highlight of my year and I can’t wait to read it at Christmas time! Under the dust jacket is simply stunning too…and I’ve shared my favourite page without sharing too much because if you want to see how amazing this book is you should really preorder now! It publishes on October 4th and really makes for the perfect Christmas gift to someone or yourself!”
Reviewed by SnailyCanFly
“My new favorite Christmas picture book. Filled with magic and warmth, it offers children a different twist on the story of Santa.”
Reviewed by Bliskie Czytanie
“This is such a magical book with beautiful illustrations. Perfect for under the tree this Christmas”
Reviewed by Rascals And Rainbows
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Also, you can see a load more lovely reviews, pics and videos that people have posted on my Instagram Stories and twitter.
Don’t forget, if you would like to write your own review you can on places like Amazon, Goodreads, Waterstones, etc…all are greatly appreciated and help spread the good word of book around the crazy realms of the internet.
Thanks again all. I’m as chuffed as chuffed can be with the response to the book so far.
David :)
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matrose · 2 years
two tag games today!!! 💘🫂🌲 ill put them under the readmore in one post !
tagged by @lesbianhaleth for this one !! thank you! 💞💎🍃💚🌿❣️
five movies/shows
succession. very good show very excited for season 4 and to collectively go insane again with the dash...fun times..
everything everywhere all at once. movie of all time!!! i need to watch it twenty million times!!
ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga. movie of all time two!! ive watched it many times and cried everytime ❤️
in this corner of the world. yes this one makes me cry too of course. i only like movies that make me cry
okay. wintertime is coming up basically but not really but like. i saw this movie while i was scrolling through my list on netflix because i cant remember anything and i saw it and i had to put it because its everything... drei haselnüsse für aschenbrödel!!!! THE nostalgia movie. love the silly beautiful costumes and aschenbrödel was my first crush and the music means everything to me....wah
four songs
sooo difficult to choose just four!! ill go with... long lost - lord hurin. this song.... i feel understood ❣️
shouldve been me - mitski. ive been loving her new album and i especially love the. hm. i lack the right words. i dont even know the german word for the instrument (sound?) it seems!! the one at the beginning that reappears again and again!! argh! i love it a lot
boots worn through - shayfer james. i like this one a lot and i listened to it basically on repeat during any calm alone moment, usually in the evenings while the sun was setting, when we were camping, so i get a lot of nice feeling associations with this song!!
ships - wallners. very calming...like it a lot!
three essentials (excluding food, water, phone)
hmm my portable charger... i have nearly all my books on my phone and i love love taking pictures so i want it to stay on!!
i could say something like ID here but isnt that a bit boring... i have very little in my bag unless its a special occasion!! a pen then, id say. you always need a pen! or pencil or anything. marker. ill take it
actually one thing i do always have in my bag is those reusable fruit and vegetable nets you use to avoid plastic bags !! a nice cashier gave me some for free for no discernible reason and ive had them in my bag ever since in case i spontanously decide i need to buy carrots or kiwis 💚
two books
very very mean to only have two here. how can i choose. ill just put the two im currently actively reading which areee octavia e. butlers parable of the sower which i love very much and
the giant epub of all asoiaf books....!!!
one quote
not very good at memorizing quotes i fear... one thing that i marked and that stuck with me, is what lauren olamina in parable of the sower says about her younger half-brother keith: "I hated Keith at least as much as I loved him." its a difficult relationship and i cried reading about it, because it was well written and evocative and emotional and a tragedy, and also because i have a very complicated relationship with my own younger half-brother as well. i like this book a lot 💛
the second one!! tagged by @sunlighthairs thank youuu 🥰🌿💓🌿🌲🍃💚
relationship status: single but i fall in love with atleast one person per day
favorite color(s): blue means everything to me. yes this wavelenght of light IS special it is so special. to me and everyone else. its everywhere but sooo rare!! how funny!!! i also love green and it makes me so happy. just look at my header! all my favorite colors! 🏔
favorite food: i love anything with broccoli as long as its properly seasoned....at my grandmas birthday celebration they served broccoli without even SALT!! my cousin snuck into the kitchen for us and found some salt which saved it atleast a bit...otherwise i really enjoy roasted chestnuts but theyre expensive...very special snack. this reminds me that i need to go acorn collecting to try out the perhaps prehistoric acorn recipe we talked about in one of my archaeobotanical classes...it might be very good it might be very bad it might be very bland. hm!
song stuck in my head: misty mountains................... i am a one trick pony
last thing you googled: waldmistkäfer =^)
time: while typing this it is 23:33 (11:33 pm) but by the time i post it will be a bit later i suspect 🧐
dream trip: !!!! oh! oh!!!! unrealistically unethically grandiosely i would want to go to australia...i would have to take the plane and it would take forever and i think this is a long time dream because of 1) watching h2o just add water as a child 2) not being afraid of spiders and bugs and snakes since childhood which i prided myself in and as such wanted to go to the stereotypical dangerous animals place... realistically and ecologically conciously i would want to take the train to the mountains again to go on a long very long long looong hike. i miss the mountains so much and itll be sometime until i can see them again... oh i also want to go to britain to look at some caves theres some really good caves there . sorry these are three dream trips...!
last thing you read: i finished a chapter of parable of the sower just a few minutes ago =)
last book you enjoyed reading: well...see previous answer... i enjoy reading most books, even the really bad ones because i like to be a bit of a hater...
favorite thing to cook/bake: i love making almost anything!! i really enjoy cooking chicken korma/a vegan alternative with potato and spinach because i have so much fun blending the sauce!!!! otherwise i also love making any kinds of soup..pumpkin cauliflower broccoli pea potato. put it in the soup!!!!!
favorite craft to do in your free time: !!!!! thank god its specified to craft!! i really like drawing on my tablet but i love love painting on canvases though thats sadly much more expensive for each piece but i just love getting a little crazy with it. when i was 11 i accidentally put a huge black spot on the carpet because the black paint overtook me. and this is niche but i love organizing scavenger hunts !! last time i put a wax seal hid it in one of the old books my grandparents gave me and pretended i just wanted to look at the pictures with the kids when oh!! an old burned looking letter adressed to THEM fell out!! what a surprise what a coincidence! sadly they got so excited one of them ended up falling and badly scraping her knee but after that we continued and i think they had lost of fun ❣️ putting that all together and making up all the riddles for the steps was really really fun
most niche dislike: hm. cars? is that niche? i dont like cars and i usually dont like being in one unless my mom is driving and i dont like highways...
opinion on circuses: i havent ever been to a circus 🤔 as long as the artists are properly paid and theres no animals getting mistreated (elephants and tigers and the like should not be traveling with circuses in small cages...if you want to put on a little dog show or whatever go for it but leave the elephants out of it) i see no problems with them and theyre probably really fun !
do you have a sense of direction? i think yes... not super perfect but if ive walked a path before i can retrace it no problem and being able to see the sun always helps. not good with the stars though 💔⭐️
im too shy to tag anyone!!!! if youve read this far and havent done this youre officially tagged by me 🥰❣️
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