#i just think he's insanely funny too like. depending on the situation he will a) kill god b) make a contract w god
kxllerblond · 4 months
demisexual/romantic characters are my bread and butter because it's like they go from uninterested or confused or even disgusted by the concepts to like "oh ok. wait a minute. we're cooking. but just with this specific person i've connected to"
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moe-broey · 11 months
OKAY FINAL THOUGHT FOR REAL BC I FEEL LIKE. IT'S A WORTHY ADDITION. I feel like I actually wouldn't be drawn to Lif in the first place were he not a distorted mirror of Alfonse. Like. I think about this SO much actually and I'd love to express it in some comics too, but, I literally think if Lif Wasn't Alfonse I would just think. "Oh that design FUCKS!" And I do think I'd like him, generally, as a character separate from Alfonse. If he was (for example) literally the ancestor Lif he presented himself to be. I'd think he's cool and I'd probably enjoy him. Even if he kept the asshole tendencies. Like. Understandable, you're undead. It's fine.
But I Don't think I'd be like. ANYWHERE as insane about him if he wasn't Alfonse. If there were no traces of Alfonse in him, and if there were no traces of LIF in Alfonse. LIKE. THAT'S WHAT GETS ME. Lif ISN'T just a remnant of who he used to be, of someone he wishes SO badly to bury, of someone who's still so painfully there, in every action he takes. Alfonse isn't just One Mistake from becoming Lif, either, though that's what he says (but is that what he believes?). Alfonse IS Lif. Just as much as Lif is still Alfonse. FUCKED UP‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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shima-draws · 2 years
SO I just finished binging all of Romantic Killer bc it came up in my recommended. And oh my god I loved it so much;;
There’s definitely mixed reviews about it WHICH IS FAIR bc the premise is about a girl named Anzu who isn’t interested in romantic relationships but she then gets pushed into typical dating sim situations with Really Cute Boys in an effort to like. Force her into a relationship. And obv this kinda comes off as arophobic. But the fact that she so stubbornly refuses to partake and tries so hard to veer away from those situations makes it so fucking funny, especially when she rejects the boys with faces like this
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And it turns out it’s really just a show about found family and overcoming trauma and developing healthy friendships with people and UGH. UGHHH it’s so good.
I actually adore Riri lmao they’re SUCH a little shit and I very much enjoy insanely chaotic characters like that. And we start off thinking okay wow this person’s kind of an asshole for forcing a girl to get a boyfriend by taking away her cat, her favorite hobby and her favorite snack, but then we find out OH, they’re just a cog in a corporate machine and they don’t really have much of a choice about it. And we slowly see Riri actually gain true affection for Anzu, and see how much they come to care about her as a person rather than just as a test subject, to the point of them actually breaking the rules of their contract just to make sure she’s safe. AND NOT JUST HER. They make sure the people she’s associated with are safe too, even if it risks them getting in Big Trouble with their boss. AND the fact that they canonically go by they/them pronouns but can ALSO transform into a boy or a girl depending on their preference, and they playfully flirt with Anzu in both forms?? It’s so good. Also thinking about the effort that Anzu goes through to make sure Riri gets to stick around;; like even tho she’d never admit it. She’s come to care for them too in some very strange way lol
And Junta;; the fact that Anzu is actually so concerned about him possibly being brainwashed into the position of childhood friend? Like she doesn’t immediately push him away or shut him down, she actually cares about him as a person and wants him to find happiness and wants to get him out of the situation she thinks he’s in. But then she finds out oh wait he actually IS a childhood friend. And he’s such a good boy. I love love LOVE how they handle the love triangle aspect in this, because obviously yes there’s a bit of jealousy, but not enough for things to get petty between him and Kazuki. They actually treat each other with respect and regard each other as friends and are kinda rooting for the other in their own way. Kind of “may the best man win” sort of thing. There’s no toxicity, there’s no classic “fighting over the female love interest” trope, they actually genuinely like each other after a bit of awkwardness enough to feel comfortable with living together and living with Anzu. They’re SO fucking sweet god dammit //shakes fists
(Honestly tho I really wish we got more episodes focused on Junta. Bc he really seemed like more of a background character and made the whole “love triangle” aspect not feel as prominent. Which is fine I guess?? But I felt so bad for him lmao)
And Kazuki 😭 My beloved. My poor sweet boy who deserves the world and everything in it. Just the build up. The subtle hints of his trauma that pop up every now and then. And when it all comes together you’re like oh!! Ohhh. THAT’S why he acts so aloof and cold all the time. THAT’S why he doesn’t like being the center of female attention. THAT’S why he gets distressed at things that, at first, seem so insignificant. THAT’S why he got attached to Anzu so quickly. And I love the way they handle his trauma, how they don’t make it seem any less important or alarming just because he’s a guy. And how Anzu’s there for him through everything 🤧 How she’s the person to pull him out of the darkness, how she stands up for him time and time again, how she just KNOWS when he’s uncomfortable and steps in to protect him. She ends up caring about him so much despite how they were set up to encounter initially. And he cares about her so much too. And I just 🥺 I care them
Also the fact how everyone came to help Kazuki when they found out what was going on. No judgement, no “you’re making this up”, no “isn’t this your fault to begin with?” They all just step in without even hesitating and support him through his trauma and immediately go “Okay we’ve got a problem so here’s our gameplan.” SEE. IT’S REALLY ABOUT THE FOUND FAMILY,
And one of my favorite things. Riri 🤝 Hijiri using their influence and power to protect both Anzu and Kazuki despite the risks to their reputation and social standing
OH AND I wanted to mention. I love that all of the classic romantic tropes i.e. something happening to your cute neighbor’s apartment so that they’re forced to live with you while it gets sorted out--those are generally really cheesy and make huge plot holes and don’t make ANY sense in the narrative. But that’s the thing about RK, they make it funny, yeah your cute boy neighbor’s apartment flooded bc we need him to come live with you. We did it with magic. Yes your childhood friend is living with you now bc we had a weirdo break into your apartment--with magic. So now he feels like he needs to stay with you and protect you. Yes you got hit by a car with a really rich boy inside and now he’s interested in you. We also did this with magic. Everything that would be regarded as a “coincidence” and is a badly written plot point just to push two characters together is actually explained through the hilarious concept of magic and I LOVE that it’s so fucking funny
Honestly this show is really up to interpretation too which I like a lot? Some people think hey yeah, maybe Anzu will end up with someone. Others say you know what the message here is that friendship is the most important thing and sometimes platonic relationships are better than romantic ones. The ending is pretty ambiguous so it could really go in any direction.
Anyway I have so much more to say but. Just watch Romantic Killer it’s really good thanks bye
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(Trigger warnings include sexual harassment/assault, stalking, panic attacks/PTSD, and attempted murder, so please take care while watching <3)
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ticklinglady · 1 year
The Guild's actions during the story are so insane, when you think about them properly, you know? When I first read the arc with them, this moment hasn't really occurred to me, as I was too busy going nuts over finally seeing the names of the familiar writers, but now when I think of that... I am not sure, I comprehend how they managed to achieve such a ferocious reputation. I have already made a little post about how extremely dysfunctional the DOA members are, but at least those guys have a plan, which actually makes sense more or less, even despite the gang using cheatcodes/the Book. The same cannot be said of the Guild however archghhjkn. Like, what the hell were these guys even doing??? XD
So here are just some moments, which weirded me out the most
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At first I'd like to address the entire story with everyone's favorite tsundere, Lucy Maud Montgomery. Her introduction leaves quuuuite an impression in the best way and nothing makes me happier than the fact, that she gets a chance to find happiness in the following chapters and actually becomes a reoccurring character! HOWEVER, her entire involvement with the Guild is super odd... I still can't wrap my head around her getting fired. She is a girl with a hella powerful ability, who got taken to the Guild from a terrible, terrible orphanage in order to fight for them in the war for the Book, so not only is she very strong, but she's also immensely dependant on the organisation and wouldn't do anything outside of its interests. Yet Lucy is also put under extreme pressure. As she herself puts it, the Guild doesn't tolerate failures and will kick her out the moment she screws something up.
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Later we see that this is exactly what happens, when she messes up her first mission. Fitzgerald himself confirms that, since she failed and revealed her ability to the enemies, she's no longer useful, so now a powerful esper, like Lucy works for free as a... laundress?
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Let's be real, these dudes were successful like only once or twice...
This fact not only makes Fitzgerald look like an idiot for wasting such a talented and useful worker, because of one mistake, but also as one hell of a hypocrite, cause he is more than fine with everyone else fucking up. And in case of Lovecraft and Steinbeck: fucking up twice. To add to the oddity, we later learn, that Louisa genuinely cares for Lucy and despite her social anxiety actually stood up for her during the entire story, but even that wasn't enough to change Fitzgerald's mind on the issue, though Louisa is one of the few people, whose opinion he respects. Honestly, this is such a waste of a truly useful subordinate. And speaking of which....
The Guild has never even tried to implement Edgar Allan Poe during the war...
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This man is actually rather op when you think of it. He can capture and neutralise literally any ability user in Yokohama (besides Dazai, Mori and Ranpo ofc) just by throwing a book at them. Seriously, as we see with Chuuya, they don't even have to read it, they just need to see the pages. Plus the book can be actually sent via email!!! So why has there been an absolute zero amount of strategies with the use of this ability??? They could actually try to catch Atsushi by sending him such email containing any of Poe's mystery stories and then safely carry him back to their base. And it doesn't have to be just Atsushi, it could be literally any of their enemies. Non-combatant, like Ranpo could use this pretty damn well to his advantage and it doesn't take a genius to understand the potential of the "Black Cat in Rue Morgue". But nooooo, it seems like everyone has just forgotten of Poe!!! (Tho to be honest, I can actually see this situation in a funny extra awfgbfggfjj. Not the main story however) The agency would never even learn of his existence, if he didn't personally decide to try to fuck Ranpo's life up. Like, what does Poe even do in the Guild? He's the master architect and, according to him, the third ranking man in the organization, but we never see him be of any use, so Idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lucy at least got to do something, unlike this poor man.
Then there's the entire drama with the Guild's decision to destroy Yokohama. Where do I even begin...
First of all, Fitzgerald has no way of knowing that Atsushi is going to come to Moby-Dick to fight him. Poor guy is the Guild's primary goal and has already gotten himself captured once, so it would have been safe to assume that the ADA decided to hide him somewhere and not send him on any dangerous missions for the time being. That basically means Fitzgerald could have burned down not just Yokohama, but also the only person, who could actually help him find his precious Book.
But if we're to ignore this, let's also go with Wikipedia then~
"Yokohama is the second-largest city in Japan by population and the most populous municipality of Japan. It is the capital city and the most populous city in Kanagawa Prefecture, with a 2020 population of 3.8 million. It lies on Tokyo Bay, south of Tokyo, in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshu. Yokohama is also the major economic, cultural, and commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area along the Keihin Industrial Zone."
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Good luck making up for the destruction of THIS, Fitzgerald 🖕
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And if this in itself wasn't bad enough, most people, including me, tend to forget that all Guild members are actually big shots in the American government, which I think is very sad. Because first of all, can you imagine any of the Guild members actually working as politicians?!! The sheer idea makes me hysterical avshbgj. Like, just consider Lovecraft working as a senator or something. This eldritch horror of a man leaves the ocean once in three years at best LMAO. Second of all, I have a feeling, that the destruction of Yokohama at the hands of influential politicians from a foreign country would have resulted in an international conflict or two~ Like as if random deranged rich Americans arriving in Japan, wreaking havoc over there and destroying the second largest city in the country wasn't bad enough, these Americans just HAD to be super influential businessmen and politicians. Louisa, my dear, I understand that it wasn't your intention, but it's as close to a declaration of war as it can get, you know? Fitzgerald may be ready to do anything to resurrect his dead daughter, but I'm not sure, that the execution of himself and the rest of the Guild at the hands of the Hunting Dogs is something he'd like.
(And here's another funny thing that stems from them being politicians 🤭 As @originalartblog wittily pointed out, Fitzgerald wasting all his money fighting sskk has probably resulted in a market crash and recession over in the USA)
I also have some other questions in regards to this entire plan, such as why did they have to waste Moby-Dick just to destroy Yokohama? Yes, it works in the short term, but in the long term they loose a super powerful fortress with the stealth mode and as the practice shows, you better have a safe base, unless you want another lemon freak to blow it all up. I mean, you could just ask Lovecraft to destroy everything for free. Or, if the device is the only way to stop the giant whale from crashing, why didn't Fitzgerald just take it to a far away bunker or something and waited things out there without the need to spend millions of dollars just to survive the explosion? (And it would have been extremely funny, if during the fight with sskk he just threw the device overboard) But I think I have already rambled for long enough already atxhghbgv XD
The Guild is an even bigger mess than the DOA and I think that's glorious 🙌
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simp999 · 9 months
I feel this is cringe but it itches the back of my mind like no other… since it’s late 60s early 70s in tf2, mercs reaction to there being a new recruit who is a female pilot? I’m sorry if this sounds like? Hyper specific ? But she’s like hot biker/pilot bitch who is like the epitome of Cool Girl (tm) flared ripped jeans and tight tank tops yk?
I'm so sorry about how long it took to make this and how short it is, I'm trying to do all my requests in order of what I received em ww
TF2 Mercs x Badass Fem Pilot! Reader Headcannons
Wc: 730
Themes: uhh Fluff? Romantic and platonic depends on character
A/N: Sniper bias whoop
A/N 2: okay so. I try to stray away from fem reader stuff but this THIS is a complete exception because I love the idea sm
Taglist: @emotionally-alive-sniper @moopy-milk @skeleton-stomper-xoxo @emotionallyunwellmedic @physically-robotic-medic
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-God,, he is immediately in love with your style and vibes.
-Yes, in a simpery way
-Will absolutely fumble on words and flirt miserably
-"Hey girl are you a pilot cause uh you’re really cool"
-Absolutely will find clothes that he thinks suits your style and be your #1 hypeman 
-Wants to touch all the buttons
-Does respect the effort and time you’ve put into training definetly. But is always asking you to prove yourself
-Okay you can pilot but can you do 30 pushups. Right here right now.
-Doesn’t think of you any differently if you’re female
-A new cool friend!!
-Just an adorable little goober. Okay maybe they get to sit in the front sometimes
-Loves loves loves making drawings of you and them and planes!!!! And clouds
-Protective older brother.
-He is SO overprotective of you. You remind him too much of his sisters.
-You’re strong just like them but,, it’s just scary, y’know? He misses them
-Often just kinda chills around- and won’t stand for ANY harassment or anything rude. AHEM spy AHEM
-And the clear bias for you? It’s honestly funny at times
-He definetly makes you sandviches and just. Silently takes care of you
-Rocket boosters for the planes. He’s gonna bring it up on multiple occasions
-Makes you little plane trinkets out of wood and stuff!! Pyro paints them :]
-Is so interested in infodumping about mechanical stuff with you- he’s glad he has somebody that just. GETS HIM yknow?
-If you need someplace to go chill away from the chaos that the mercs usually bring, the workshop’s your go-to. Late night convos are the best with this man
-Treats you like one of the guys
-Respectfully ofc but. You’re getting noogies
-Will be offering you beer n stuff, he treats you like a really good friend
-Lives for your vibes
-He thinks you’re so badass!! Hell yeah!!!
-Kay so. You probably had to go through lots of training right?? So!;
-Rivalry for first aid.
-Hear me out
-Everyone all of a sudden wants you to help make them feel better when they get small injuries because of the one time you mentionned you had to do a buttload of first-aid courses
-So. Lots of who can make it to the scene and get (injured person) back on their feet the quickest
-Does ask you if you’ve ever expirinenced or witnessed anything wild- such as big crashes, and how people dealt with the situations
-Loves your stories despite pretending to hate you- it’s just a friendly rivalry!
-He’s not one to really apprach you, but he does definetly admire you from a distance.
-He thinks you’re too cool for him :( 
-But eventually one day, you’ll ctach him stargazing- and you’d have the amazing idea of bringing him for a ride just the two of you so that you can see the stars
-.God maybe he just fell in love I MEAN WHAT????? ANYWAys
-He LOVES stargazing with you!!
-You get to tell eachother stories and it’s overall really calming- a nice from the hectic mercenary life
-He also happens to know a fair bit about constellations, so he’ll infodump unconsiously if you let him :) 
-Spyyyy… dislikes your ideals, and has traditional values
-Not a fan of the way you hold yourself, but will eventually warm up a bit
-Im sorry,, I just don’t like Spy aheh anyways
-You probably end up showing off your skills- not of purpose though, just- you seen a natural at what you do, and that’s when he sees that maybe there’s a reason you’re such a big deal
(Bonus!) All:
-They all fight over who gets to sit in the passenger seat. Some are more civil about it, for example Engineer or Heavy- but they still want to sit in the front for their own reasons. You may have walked into the room only to find all the mercs fighting iver who’s calling shotgun for the next ride.
“No. Heavy will sit next to pilot for protection. Is only fair.”
“Ya’ll- I have some things I’d like to see up close in the cockpit, I think I should be next.”
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avonne-writes · 2 months
headcanons about what Buck and Bucky aren't good at when it comes to sex
Oh I have thoughts. Like just because they're insanely hot doesn't equal great sex.
I don't know what the equivalent to vanilla is in gay speech but Gale is the vanilla kind of sex guy
The most adventurous he gets is having sex not in the bedroom. The kitchen or shower for 'special' occasions.
Gale likes to stick to certain days do he can prepare accordingly
Bucky would love more spontaneous encounters
they suck at communicating their needs verbally so they're always looking for clues as to what to and not to do
Bucky doesn't mind dirty sheets while Gale would love to strip them right after
I really like these, they all align with my headcanons! And I know we ended up going into fail sex during this discussion, but these headcanons are more along the lines of what I started to wonder about when I posted the question.
Yeah, Gale is pretty vanilla 😅 But he likes playful sex. So, teasing, innuendoes and tussling/wrestling as foreplay are right up his alley. Curt has an inkling about what's going on because Gale and Bucky tend to banter a bit too much before going on leave...
Gale tries to be more adventurous for Bucky, so they do try out more things as the years go by. But it's funny, because Bucky is very excitable, so depending on the situation, he'll find sex in the kitchen or shower exciting enough, and he doesn’t really mind being vanilla. He just wishes Gale was more amenable to giving him pain when he craves it.
I think they both have a domesticity kink but it manifests in different ways.
Gale wants to have regularity, not only because of the prep as you mentioned, but also because he actually enjoys the idea that, oh, Saturday night is riding Bucky night. He just likes the dependability it implies, he looks forward to it, he feels comfortable knowing he’ll be able to get ready for it.
Bucky, on the other hand, likes the idea of having someone who he can have spontaneous sex with. Someone he can always tell when he’s horny, anytime, anywhere. This still works well with Gale but with limitations, because Gale doesn’t agree to everything if it's spontaneous. But, luckily, Bucky is happy to have, for example, intercrural sex too.
Bucky is somewhat less likely to bottom because Gale likes bottoming but they do switch regularly.
They really aren't the best at talking - they sometimes skirt around what they actually want to say instead of just saying it.
Gale cannot stand sleeping in dirty sheets. He often drapes towels on the bed. Sometimes, when they don't use towels and make a wet spot on the sheets, when Bucky is too sleepy and doesn't want to strip them, Gale strips only his half of the bed. He drapes the rolled up half of the original sheets over Bucky, who just ignores him and keeps dozing.
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flightfoot · 10 months
Chat in the movie was sassier and could be annoying but consider…
1. The movie makes a point that Adrien tries to close off his heart to people. He lost his mother at a much younger age than Show Adrien who only lost her less than a year before the series starts. So he’s had more time to become a bit prickly and put up walls. Show Adrien is still desperately trying to hold onto his positivity. But Movie Adrien is more Jaded. He’s an independent catboy who don’t need no watermelon cramping his style. I think that’s why it’s easier for him to yell at his father later on too. Movie Adrien has been dealing with the broken home crap for much longer.
2. Movie Adrichat is a bit more in line with Season 1 Adrichat. He’s more likely to express negativity even if it’s just with a facial expression. Chat Noir in season 1 is more of a sassmaster. He doesn’t go as far as movie chat, but he gets some barbs in and has more bravado. He tells Theo that he’s in charge between the two heroes in Copycat and makes muscles at Marinette in Illustrator. He pushes back against Ladybug more and tells her on more than one occasion that she’s not funny when she sasses him with a joke. When Ladybug calls about his Lourve heist asking what’s going on, he tells her if she’d been there she would know, said he was handling it himself and hung up. He pokes fun at her lucky charms multiple times. He’s salty with Plagg and makes sarcastic little comments about his dad and is generally allowed more teenagery moments that aren’t necessarily the most gentlemanly but sympathetic considering his situation. Like remember when Ladybug exposed Lila’s lie about her and the first thing he says to Ladybug in French is something like “are you insane?!” before he caught himself? 😆
I liked movie Chat because he reminded me more of Season 1 (and maybe 2?) Adrien? As Adrichat progressed in the series he lacked more personality to me. He definitely lacked some of his season 1 attitude. By Season 5, he felt really wooden to me a lot of the time. Like he still has moments of negative emotion, but there was something more dynamic about his character at first. Adrichat in Season 5 is either angry enough to kill over Marinette or sad with his tail between his legs. He used to express himself more as Chat just day to day for all sorts of reasons. He used to have a bit more edge. Doesn’t mean I want him to be an edge lord. He’s always been sweet and self depreciating too but I miss his sassier moments.
All of that to say, Movie Chat reminded me of him and lately he feels a little neutered. Though Season 1 Chat is the main Chat for me, I think I prefer Movie AdriChat to Season 5 AdriChat at this point.
True, Movie!Adrien's dealing with different things. Movie!Gabriel is a way better person and parent than Show!Gabriel, having lost himself in grief but not trying to actually hurt Adrien, merely retreating... but that's also left Adrien without a parent for a lot longer. Based on the pictures we see, I'm betting it's been around five years. He's definitely more withdrawn, he says something about that in the movie, and him wearing earbuds all the time seems to be a way of symbolizing how he's closing himself off from the outside world, like how Neku uses his headphones in TWEWY. I like how you point out that he's making himself into an independent catboy who acts like he doesn't actually need other people, like he's enough on his own - that does help to explain why he's not reaching out to Ladybug as much, why he makes himself out to be a big shot more than in canon. He's been basically alone for a long time now, so he can only really depend on himself.
2. Yeah Movie!Adrien does remind me of S1!Adrien with his expression of negativity and sass. I thought that it worked better in the show than the movie though. In the show it usually seemed to me to be bravado, his imitation of a swashbuckling hero similar to Eugene's "Flynn Rider" impression in Tangled, while in the movie, I thought he came off as a little mean to Ladybug at times, especially since he didn't have as much gentle support going on as we do in the show, whenever Ladybug's struggling.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Hi! Can I req yandere salad fingers x reader headcanons? Mr fingers is so lonley theres no way he wouldn't go crazy over y/n,,
~Yandere!Sαʅαԃ Fιɳɠҽɾʂ x Reader Headcanons~
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Sαʅαԃ Fιɳɠҽɾʂ
~He's definitely not, like, violent at all.
~Probably super delusional. Thinks you're his wife/husband.
~That role can change every now and then, though, he can think you're his partner, or he'll forget and think you're just his pretty friend.
~Really it all depends on the day.
~Gives you a funny nickname based on your real name. As soon as he names you, he's attached.
~"Yes, I...I think I'll call you... (insert weird nickname for your real name)."
~He seems to get horrible flashbacks of...well. You don't know what, exactly. But you're unfortunately far too empathetic- and that's your horrible downfall.
~As soon as you're attempting to help him in any way shape or form, he decides he's elected you as his new play mate.
~But, at first, he kind of flips out. He speaks to objects, and anything that is alive, doesn't speak back to him in English.
~Hearing you speak back to him sort of set him off for a bit. You should've ran as soon as he had his little meltdown over the fact you can speak.
~But you didnt. You were too sweet. You stayed to make sure he would be alright.
~And now he has somebody who actually speaks back to him. He grows fond of having somebody who speaks back to him.
~He often wants to introduce you to his...."friends". Expects you to interact with them, because they are...alive.
~Or are they? They can't be. They're just items.
~The longer you're around him, in this wasteland, the more you follow right along in his insanity.
~He's really not that dangerous, honestly- physically, at least. He won't hurt you. But everything that happens will get right into your mind. You might because just as mentally ill as he is.
~He collects your hair.
~He likes to caress your skin.
~Claims that it's like a lovely massage for his fingers.
~"You just hold...such a wel-welcoming...texture...You're very...smooth...."
~He touches you so much it gets uncomfortable.
~He also says various things that come off as perverted or freakish to you. Doesn't really mean to sound perverted on purpose, it's more of a compliment. He's being open with you...
~You may find him in his "safety cupboard" every now and then. Crying. He can't get out of his own mind. In the back of his mind, he is aware they something is horribly wrong with him.
~Hearing your little knock on the cupboard door to make sure he is okay is the most wonderful sound he could hear. You've come to check on him! For a playdate! Ahh, he's missed you!
~...He missed you even though you've been there the whole time. Sometimes he thinks you're somebody or something else, or that you're not there at all.
~Calls you his angel.
~"My...My very own, pretty angel, has come for me."
~Mr. Fingers can tell when you're being mentally drained from it all. He just thinks you need to rest, that you need to have some tea and soup.
~Maybe he thinks you're sick.
~And in a way, he's doing it on purpose.
~Being so lonely just for you to give him attention, trying to get you to like him and feel bad for him. He doesn't really realize he's doing anything on purpose, he thinks everything is okay, and he washes all those bad thoughts away when he thinks of them....you should do the same.
~He wants you down to his level.
~You take care of him, let him take care of you.
~But he can't take care of you unless you need to be taken care of.
~He doesn't even need to do anything special. Just to be himself and getting into the situations- even if they aren't real situations, even if they're just all in his head- is enough for you to start a downward spiral.
~Once you're trapped in this hell hole of a world, you can't escape.
~You don't even remember how you got here.
~You hardly remember anything before him. Just simple flashbacks and foggy memories every now and then.
~Dislikes how he can't control you like he controls all his little friends. They're objects. He can make them do things that add onto whatever story he's creating in his head.
~And you? Oh, you have a mind of your own.
~This can lead to some arguing in the future.
~You're always the one to apologize to him. It's the same thing that always happens: You two bicker, he gets upset and mad for a while, then he gets sad and walks away to cry and be alone, you come and apologize, he forgives you, and it repeats again.
~Really, you're the only thing keeping him even SLIGHTLY sane (which isn't much because he's too far gone, unfortunately). He wants to hold onto that, even if it means pulling you into his dark hole of madness.
~You're just another of his favorite playthings. You're his favorite toy. His favorite thing to touch and stroke, his favorite thing to look at, his favorite thing to speak to, ect.
~You're trapped, and he hardly even had to do anything to get you to be trapped with him...
~He's delusional. He's manipulative without even realizing it, and he guilt trips without even thinking about it.
~You should've never even spoken to him.
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narcissiah · 2 years
Headcanon: Ready, Set, Action! [Black Noir x Actor!GN!Reader
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Warnings: super fucking long. cursing, like "fuck" and "shit" i think. idk, i didn't edit this lol.
srsly tho, supes long. like 1,135 words but written in a bulleted list.
also tried to keep it GN but if there's like hint of gender in there, tell me so i can fix it.
Being the hottest self-made shit in town, with 84.9 million subscribers on YouTube alone, you're kind-of a big deal.
Though you’re not officially on Vought’s payroll as a Seven team member, Vought calls you when they have jobs you might be interested in.
One day, Vought calls you to see if you’re interested in acting in a multi-genre superhero movie. It would focus on Black Noir as the lead, obviously. You, however, were the supporting lead, playing the love interest and villain.
Not only was this movie a huge boost to your career, but a dream come true. The plot sounded amazing, the character relatable, sympathetic, and downright fucking insane.
Also, growing up in supe-infested corporate America, you idolized the Seven—especially Black Noir. So working with a childhood role model, playing both the villain and the love interest of his?
Obviously, you didn’t say no.
On the day filming started, you ran into Noir. While you were annoyingly excited about the whole event, and downright irritating when you met your hero, you kept yourself in check. It was a struggle, but you managed.
You greeted him, "Hey, I'm [Supe Name]! Since we're filming buddies, want to run over some scenes later?"
Sure as shit, he acted like you didn't exist!
For the first couple of days after the snub, you tried your best to correct whatever first impression he had of you.
You talked to him, or to see if he will practice a certain fight scene with you that involved a lot of coordination.
When that didn’t work, you tried to make a funny joke or two when the situation called for it so he would at least lower that stand-offish barrier around him. Though the crew often laughed at your perfectly timed jokes, Noir would just stare at you or have already left the group.
Your last resort was acting like a good little secretary, offering to get him food and drinks from the communal food table. While he often took you up on your offer, that was as far as the interactions went. Once he was satisfied, ignoring you like you didn’t exist begun once again.
No matter, you got the message loud and clear: stay away.
Despite the crushing start, and understanding the old saying, “Never meet your heroes,” it was the most fun you had in a while.
You acted like your life depended on it; you’d be damned if you failed the crew and audience with mediocre acting. That, and to show Noir that you were worth the time of day.
You did your best to look sympathetic and relatable, even if your ideology of your “perfect world” was madness. You put heart and soul into your character, doing so well you had to remind yourself that you’re [Name], not the villainous [Supe Alias].
Then, you started filming the romantic scenes.
In the first two parts of the movie, it wasn’t too bad. Just longer periods of staring, playful smiles, gentle touches. Nothing too serious.
However, there were times were his muscles would tense beneath his suit when you had touched him. You’d die a little on the inside for two reasons: you’re touching him, and he hates your guts.
Though you two avoided each other like the plague off set, none of the crew were wiser about it when you acted out the beloved “Hero and Villain in love but never to be” trope on set.
Noir would stare at you the way Darcy stared at Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice. You could feel the burning gaze behind his goggles.
When you held his hand, he would grasp it like it was a lifeline and pull you closer to him. Most of that was on the spot, not in the script.
At the end, he would hold your body as you “succumbed” to your wounds because he had no choice but to “kill” your character?
One word: Swoon!
And then there were the scenes when you were the villain.
Though they were steamy but not overly sexual, the implications were obviously there.
Like when you tied him up? When you would tilt his head up so his goggles were staring at you? Gentle and not-so-gentle face holding? Barely respectable sensual touches (lol)? Your faces together, so teasingly close for a kiss (with the mask still on) but no cigar?
Two words this time: Sweet Jesus!
Filming ends on the last day. You’re shaking hands with the director, the crew, thanking them for their hard work, excited to see the final product on the silver screen soon.
When you get to Noir, you play nice and hold out your hand. While you didn’t want to relive the rejection a second time, you prepared for the inevitable. 
However, you were shell-shocked when Noir took your hand and gave it a single shake. You couldn’t help the large grin on your face, or the triumph soaring in your heart.
As you let go of his hand, he holds out his other with a folded note. Though confused, you still smile and take it. You’re about to unfold it when he gently stops your hand and shakes his head.
Now even more confused, and anxious because what could be on the note? A rant about your behavior and him denouncing you as a supe? A cartoonish picture that doesn’t paint you in a good light, resembling what he thinks of you as a person? What? What?
You put the picture in the back of your pocket and do your best to ignore it the rest of the night; if it was something negative, you wouldn’t let it bring down the best natural high you’ve had all day, though it burned a hole in your pocket.
When you finally get to your apartment, it’s past midnight. You’re too drunk on good food and a few shots to do much more than take off your shoes and plop on your bed. In your haze, you remember the note.
Not feeling so dreadfully anxious about it, you grab it and unfold it.
At first, as you stare at it, you’re not sure what you’re looking at. Or how you feel about it. Then your vision clears, and sobriety hits you hard and fast. But in a good way. A great way.
The picture is of you, hand-drawn and cartoonish, but not in a negative light. Think of those artistic drawings of people with big heads and small bodies, but ten-times better.
Every aspect of the picture was beautiful, and the longer you stared at it, the more amazing it got. Really, it belonged in a gallery.
But that led to the question: Black Noir made this for you? Why?
You flip the paper over and see written; I hope this isn’t our last goodbye ♥
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dballzposting · 6 months
Do you think Goten and Trunks ever sneak away from their families to have sex? What if their families know about it- how do they feel? Would they put a stop to it?
"Would they put a stop to it" MAKES ME FEEL LIKE .. THEY ARE UNIFYING AGAINST A COMMON ENEMY .. Like there's a new big bad coming to Earth. They all unite under a common cause. COULD THEY STOP IT? Would they be strong enough???
Okaaay honestly I do want to answer this one .... Thank you anon for your patience and persistence on the matter.
Her mortal vessel would not be enough to contain the amount of disparaging emotion that she would feel about it. She would not be able to fully accept or digest the news. No matter how she responds to it, there will be an element of denial and disassociation: She will either just flat-out deny that it's happening, or she will detach from how she feels about it and pretend that everything is okay, all the while keeping her jaw locked and never actually thinking about it much.
Remember when Future Trunks revealed who his parents were? And specifically that his mom was Bulma? Goku was all like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !??!!??! But then immediately after he went like "You know now that you mention it, that does sound like something that she would do." Well he pretty much responds the same way here. He'd be like WAAAAAAAAAH !?!??! and then "You know now that you mention it, they've always been pretty close." Same thing
Bulma is a difficult character to portray. I've heard other people say that too. It is possible that her writing has only been concrete about a few specific details, and she is not really made to exist in a variety of daily situations. But that seems really silly to say given that almost all dragon ball characters were created to only exist in the situation of battle. But that's okay. We'll do our best.
I think that her response may depend on how exactly she perceives the situation. If she's led to assume that it's some wild frat-boy-type behavior, some churlish prank, some boys-will-be-boys type of interaction, then she would probably elect to just stay out of it. She would sigh and wonder when they will ever learn.
If she was made to think that it was more committed than that, perhaps with repeated offenses or an element of romance, then she would probably feel a little torn. On one hand she loves yelling at people and telling them what to do, but on the other hand, she wants her own son to have all the freedom and self-authority that she has had. She would probably sit Trunks down and have a talk with him that ultimately amounts to her telling him to be more discreet with this sort of shit. If she knows about it, then who else does? She would have to be supportive if it turned out to be a committed relationship, but until then, she doesn't want to know about it. She wouldn't really be proud to hear it. She would think that it's ridiculous and insane - I mean honestly, honestly, you have access to the world, and you pick JUST a Goten? He's your best friend, do you really need him as a lover too? Ridiculous. Son, have some class. Have some taste.
A strictly canon intrepretation would have him be like GAH-!? WAH-? TH-THAT'S ABSURD!!! HOW VULGAR!!!!!
And well that's fine. But I also think that he wouldn't actually care at all.
He doesn't consider his children to be extensions of himself. He allows them their autonomy. He's okay with not caring.
He may feel a sort of disgust at the news, because there is an element of hedonistic indulgence that repulses him, and becasue ... He honestly just doesn't think that that's quite right. But between you and me, Vegeta doesn't know too much about love and romance. Now that he's a married man, he believes that it's right and authentic that he's a male man with a female mate whom he met post-adolescence. And that's true for him. So he honestly just assumed that his son and that Kakarot's son would follow the same pattern. But he won't try to disparage the realty before him. Like it's truly whatever. He does NOT care to think about love as a concept, so this isn't REALLY a mystery to him. It just is what it is. So be it. He never cared in the slightest anyway. And that's a fact
If he found out indirectly via gossip, he would not say anything. If he found out by overhearing a conversation, he would not interject. If he found out by someone telling it to his face, he would just not respond.
The most he would do is advise the two to get back to training.
Videl would be shocked about it but she would be able to digest it. She never would have expected that Goten and Trunks would add to their lifelong bond the passions of desire, or for them to even be able to orchestrate moments of dry but mutual relief - but she would ultimately be fascinated by their ability to overextend their platonic love into such territory, rather than being repulsed in any way. She knows them both and she trusts them to do right by themselves. She just didn't realize that the fraternal bond that they had could have ever produced or housed anything like that. She wonders if she was wrong in her assessment of their relationship, or if she has just underestimated their flexibility and creativity. Evidently they have forged chemistry with each other. Leave it to those two to surpass expectations, right?
Gohan is the only one who would maintain a disturbment actually. He's the only one who would functionally Disapprove. Hear me out ...
It's sort of similar to how when he found out that Piccolo was dating his mom, he sort of regressed and got all petulant and immature and just DIDN'T LIKE IT. He thought it was YUCKY.
Gohan generally has the open mind of a scientist and he enjoys it when other people are taking full advantage of the life that they have. But he is not an undisturbed man and there are some things that he just shuts down about. Usually it's "minor" things so you wouldn't notice the way that a front of juvenile emotions come to the forefront and lead, but it does happen. This is one of those things.
Why? Well because it's YUCKY, mainly.
But also, he has a disproportionate amount of his rocky self-image caught up in maintaining the health of his baby brother. His adolescence was all about keeping the house from falling apart and making sure that his brother would turn out happier than he did. It was a lot of self-sacrifice. Gohan didn't have the time or space to focus on himself and heal until he attended public school and started to make a social presence for himself. Before that, he was either attending to his emotionally unstable mother, his baby brother, or locking himself up in his study and ignoring his own feelings and instincts.
And Gohan really does want Goten to be happy healthy safe and free. And he really does do a lot to encourage those ends. REALLY TRULY. But becasue of all of that he kiiiind of DOES have a lot of Strong Feelings when it comes to Goten's behavior. Not necessarily always becasue he's overly worried or anxious. Or becasue he's projecting. Or becasue he's hoping vicariously for Goten to have what he didn't. Or becasue he's needing Goten to remain a perfect little angel to justify the self-sacrifice Gohan had to deploy in his adolescence (similar to how he needed to understand Piccolo to be the unequivocal hero who could do no wrong in order to uphold Gohan's inner sense of support and modeling that took a hit when he was very young, which is why he unraveled when he found out that Piccolo had a life outside of him and that he had the potential to betray him by fuckihg his mom.) Not necessarily because of any of those things but sometimes yes and sometimes no and sometimes a combination.
So like. Gohan tries very hard to keep an open mind. And in his behavior he does a lot to be a supportive and reassuring figure in Goten's life. But there are also some things that he needs to not change. For example, he is very used to and very comfortable with and very appreciative of Goten and Trunks's eternal broship. That's awesome. It's been so great for everyone. That's awesome and socially appropriate. All is right in the world
If Gohan found out that their "broship" rolled a little against the grain, then on the surface he would come to accept it at face value and respond with the appropriate amount of support or concern; but a knowing eye could see the way that his face goes flat and stiff. Videl notices for instance, the way that his words seem empty, and then how he conveniently needs to excuse himself from the conversation and disappear in his office for three days.
Especially because this ask specifically is about sex and not ambigous romance. Gohan would struggle to hear that. He would think that it's YUCKY and not be able to force maturity about it for long. He would just sort of regress, and his disapproval would become evident.
First it's the way that his face goes flat. Then it's the way that his shoulders tense up around the subject. And then it's the growing decision of his eyebrows to knit, and then the subtle words of confusion, and then eventually the outright -
"Well I just don't get it. It makes no sense. This isn't right. How could something like this happen? I mean, Videl, how could this come to be?"
And Videl would tell him, Um, "Gohan, don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answers to."
And Gohan would leave the room about it. He doesn't REALLY want answers. He's just feeling completely baffled and upset and incredulous, and he reflexively asks for answers when he really just wants the universe to say "You know what, you're right. That is weird. And it shouldn't be happening."
But that's not going to happen. This is reality buddy. And we're all just living in it.
Videl would try to tell him that it's not a big deal and that it's perfectly alright and that she was shocked too but it's not the end of the world, and he would counter with "Goten had a girlfriend just a few months ago. He's just acting out from that. He's not handling the breakup well clearly. He just feels rejected and like no girl will ever love him. It's sad. He's just rebounding. This isn't right for him. This isn't right for either of them, they're best friends, this isn't right. This is a waste of a time and a useless detour for them. And this isn't Goten's heart. This isn't good for him. We should intervene. Videl, we need to intervene."
And Videl would say "Actually, Gohan, I just spoke to them the other day, and they both seemed well-adjusted as usual. They know themselves well, and I think that I trust them to do right by themselves. And I don't think that this is the result of some insecure rebound. As I recall, it was Goten who broke up with his last girlfriend, because he wasn't feeling like it was going anywhere he liked, and he knows what he likes well enough to pursue it. They parted on fine terms. I think that this is fine for him to do, Gohan."
Actuallyyyyyyyy actually actually actually You Know What. You want to know what I REALLY think?
I Think That Goten is an emotional, spiritual fellow. I think that he is a soulchild. I think that he intuits more than he thinks and that he feels more than he contemplates. I think that the makeup of his world is just more passionate and emotional than some others'.
This ask is ambiguous on exactly the sort of relationship that Goten & Trunks are cooking up. Is it the irreverence of youth, carefree and in good humor? Is it like stags in rutting season? Is it a curiosity that dies when it's had its due? Are they committed to call each other boyfriends? Is it chemistry, bizarre in its late onset for how long they've associated, but overwhelming nonetheless?
Here's the thing. Here's. The. Thing. Gohan would respond to such news all the same no matter the details - he doesnt like it, he doesnt want to know about it, he's not happy with it, he's having a period of regression and is obstinate in his negative emotions about it. And eventually, he would show it. From a general iciness, to advice to Goten to abort the whole thing, to outright arguments in which he is firm about how much of a waste of time this whole thing is.
BUT. HEY. LISTEN. If this is really something that Goten is taking seriously, then he would seriously consider all of Gohan's points, becasue he has always given him good advice - but ultimately, he would defer to his heart, and if this was something that his heart is taking seriously, then eventually he would ARGUE BACK and eventually just STAND HIS GROUND.
Eventually he would decide and share that: Maybe Gohan is just being heartless! Has he ever actually known passion? He married the first girl he loved, and ever since they've been so diplomatic and sensible about it. Maybe Gohan just DOESN'T understand the passions of the body and soul like Goten does. Maybe he CAN'T be an authority about this - he's never found himself swept up in the fire. Gohan has always been well-composed and sensible and at times even absent. What could he really know about what's good for Goten, or for anyone?
And the thing is thissssssss would actually make Gohan think. He would actually bring it up with Videl and ask her if he's cold and if they're cold and if they ever actually got love right.
And Videl is soooo smart and intuitive and wise, she would tell him The Truth which is that: They understand love, it's just had to be in their own ways and at their own pace, and they have always respected that of each other, and they have always been patient with each other, and they have always been careful with each other and with themselves.
When they met, Gohan had been literally isolated, and Videl had been kept locked away by intangible conventions. She'd always had to be careful about whom she associates with, whom she shares her name with; and her father had always restricted her romance options. She knew she liked Gohan from the start, but she still paid herself her due and kept a slow pace, giving herself time to adjust, making sure all of her was okay with and wanting to move forward. She and Gohan were friends a while before they started dating officially.
Gohan has always been cautious by virtue of the fact that he is 100% IGNORANT about the art of courtship. So he's had to give himself time to learn and adjust to the whole thing too.
And for him, this emotional intimacy that he was forging with Videl was a big deal, because there have been very few people who have seen intimate sides of him, and he himself even tends to shy away from his dark corners and pits. This intimacy was an overwhelming thing, and he had to take it slow to process it all.
So. He and Videl absolutely got love right. They necessarily had to move at a pace respectful to themselves and to each other. They are both more rational people whose world is built on laws of universal order, so this is what was right for them.
For someone like Goten, this approach would be a soul-crusher, and it is not at all intuitive to his whimsical heart. While he does sit and meditate on a greater order to the universe, to him it's less patient and serene and much more beautiful and livid and visceral, and he wants to breathe and bleed right along with it. That's just how he's built (particularly in his youth).
So. yeah.
I mean Gohan isn't gonna be a btich about it foreevr he would come to not care like the rest. And actually I think that in the event that this is a GT-era type event and Palace is involved, and it's like a throuple thing, then I think that Gohan would be intrigued about how that sort of relationship pattern would come to be. He would take a detour from his current studies to dig a little into the various forms of romantic relationships throughout human history and their greater social purpose. Furthermore by that point he would be used to Goten being an adult and he wouldn't care what he gets up to becasue of it.
Hope that answered your question
Stay lovely <3
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lollytea · 1 year
lolly i simply must know how gilbert and harvey play into this au... is the the same situation where gilbert grew up in the magical world and gave it up for harvey, who's none the wiser? or are they both guiding willow through this journey to the best of their abilities?
Ooooooh I was thinking about this. I always thought this subplot in the show was kinda weird and it felt odd that they were hiding such a huge aspect of their life from Dad when they're all supposed to be a close knit family unit.
But even as I'm saying that, acknowledging that it's a little messed up......it's kinda really really funny and I kinda really really want to have it in this AU.
I see it as this big huge whoopsie on Gilbert's part. Like he started dating Harvey when they were teens and the latter had an irritational (or more rational that he thought) fear of the supernatural. And Gilbert, who was dumb and wanted smooches was like "I don't have to tell him, right? Like this is nothing serious, it's fine." And then the relationship just....kept escalating.....until Gilbert was like "oh no it is WAY too late to tell him." And now here they are.
In the show, the dragon gene skipped a generation so Jake did inherit his powers from his mom but she couldn't turn into a dragon herself. We could say that or we could take artistic liberties.
We could say that Gilbert wasn't that stressed about hiding the dragon thing from Harvey because it didn't relate to him at all. I see him as being rather estranged from his own family and seeing as how he didn't even have a dragon form, maybe he just assumed that it was never gonna come up anyway and they could just live their happy lives. But that also doesn't really add up. Unless Gilbert is insanely stupid, he probably wouldn't opt to have a child with Harvey, knowing what would happen. And "accidents" aren't very common with same sex couples. (Although depending on your headcanons of Gil and Harv, it's still possible.) Plus, if Gilbert has no experience with being a dragon, he certainly wouldn't know how to train Willow alone. There isn't really a grandparent in the picture to mentor her.
I think the most likely version is that we throw out the generational skip concept and say that Gilbert was originally a dragon himself, however he gave up his power/had it taken away from him before he settled down with Harvey. For some reason, he had a little himbo moment and believed that if he wasn't a dragon, his daughter wouldn't be either. Oops.
Anyway Harvey is a man of science. He doesn't believe in things like dragons and magical creatures. Doesn't stop him from having a huge phobia of them. His husband and daughter feel he will be happier and safer living in blissful ignorance. It's not the BEST decision but maybe they're a little flawed as people.
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stregoniconiconii · 1 year
steve for the the character ask <3
1: sexuality headcanon: I received a message from god in 2016 when Steve appeared on my screen. the message was that he was bisexual. and I never doubt god's good word ! anyway I dont think Steve is particularly angsty about being bisexual? like I think he was always somewhat aware of his attraction to both but knew stepping outside of the box would be dangerous . tbhh I think he prefers women most of the time and it takes a minute for him to upgrade from hooking up with men to dating men. most of all he's kind of a slut <3 matching with robin he is also a bit gender weird ! mostly cool with being a hot guy but on some level she is also a hot girl. sometimes that level is sometimes a girl, sometimes it's always a girl . depends on what im feeling <3
2: otp: I do enjoy a good steddie thank u Eddie for being a canon male character that I can actually see Steve with <3 there's also this one omc...Henry Sinclair you will always be famous. sometimes I forget that ur not canon...in my head one of his more long term girlfriends/maybe wife?? in adulthood is this really cool and hot paramedic called Lucille <3 she was his boss lol
3: brotp: now I wonder....it's robin it's always robin . platonically married he'd carry her kids if he had the equipment for it and they are everything to each other ! also I desperately want stobickie to be a fun little trio in s5 pls happen <3 ofc there are many platonic relationships for Steve that I love, his brotherly relationship with dustin and max is so <3 and he's a lil mentor to Lucas and bullied by erica <3 in my heart he is also part of the Byers-Hopper clan, particularly a fatherly relationship with hopper. I WISH stoncy actually developed a strong friendship but maybe there's still a chance in s5. also. I will forever be intrigued by his friendship with Tommy and carol I know they got up to some insane shit
4: notp: harringrove mostly I just think Steve finds racism extremely unattractive . I'd say stancy but the truth is I kinda like them in a fail marriage way. nobody gets them tho
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: mommy issues Steve my beloved <3 I think steve's relationship with his mother ended up informing so many of his future relationships. specifically I see a sort of emotional incest between them where Steve ended up kind of playing the role of husband to his mom since his dad was away being a bad husband. obviously not a good situation for a kid to be in with their parent bc it robs them of being a kid. but basically this put Steve in a position of providing even to the point of hurting himself, which ended up opening him up to being vulnerable to codependent relationships. I think elements of codependency follow Steve in a lot of his relationships, especially can see it with his friendship to Tommy and carol, a little bit with Nancy, and also a bit with robin too (I tend to exaggerate it with robin bc I think its fun lol)
6: favorite line from this character: aaaah one of my favourite Steve moments is s2 Steve with the kids at the junkyard I love him <3 also he's so funny I can't just pick one line
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I also miss a lot of stuff when ppl are speaking auditory processing disorder my beloved <3
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing he's perfect and he's earnest and he's full of love
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic fave in the sense that he's done some problematic things but cinnamon roll because actually he's done nothing wrong ever
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mixedupmojo · 2 years
Danny phantom selkie au
Danny phantom selkie au 
Ok so semi recently I have discovered that there is a selkie Danny phantom au and as someone who absolutely loves selkies my mind immediately started racing with this au and all of the different possibilities until it eventually got to the point where I had to write it all down
so here are a couple of headcanons because this concept is just too good and there needs to be more content for it
Amity would defiantly be a costal/seaside town with potentially parts of amity even build into the water similar to Venice or those houses built on stilts 
Amity undergoes a lot of flooding, especially with the increase of sea monster attacks 
Fenton works being a converted lighthouse at the edge of the town on top of a cliff and annoying all of the locals with its blearing neon lights. it having an underground underwater observatory/ lab that runs through the cliff and is partially located in the ocean so that they have an optimal view of what’s going on beneath the waves 
The Fenton assault hover boat/Vehicle I can totally imagine Maddie and jack creating some wild Thornberry’s esk hybrid Vehicle that works on both land and sea.
Also, the idea of the accidental chaos that would be created if the Vehicle was part hovercraft is insanely funny to me    
Danny’s parents would most defiantly be marine biologists/sea monster hunters possibly from a long line of sea monster hunters that way it has been drilled into them that anything that comes from the sea is a threat 
With that, I mind it could also tie in with how Danny got his pelt in the first place. As it could have belonged to his however many great grandmother who originally was a selkie until her pelt was taken and she was forced to marry into the family, the pelt being hidden away until Danny found it
Sam, Tucker and Danny finding the pelt and getting Danny to try it on then all promptly freaking out as Danny turns into a seal and doesn’t know how to change back immediately 
Wacky high jinks ensue as they try to hide seal Danny from his parents and sister until Danny can eventually figure out how to take the pelt off
I love the idea of Danny having multiple seal forms depending on how he is wearing his pelt. Let me explain when Danny puts on his pelt completely he changes into full seal form, but when he puts it half on, say around his legs he turns into a mermaid version of a seal 
Danny being able to hold his breath underwater longer than any human or seal   
Danny is also incredibly fast while swimming 
As for how the portal could fit in personally I think it could be just the case that amity park has always had a sea monster/creature problem but with Danny officially putting his foot down and trying to stop it makes it more of a challenge than before to the local merfolk. However, I could see the portal work through either some B-movie logic that the Fenton’s accidentally open an underwater cavern, deep sea rift or something of that nature that allowed access to amity park or it could just be an underwater hell mouth situation spewing out some mystical energy or something that ended up attracting all of the local mer/monsters 
When it comes to Danny’s rogues gallery and allies I could see them fitting in a number of different ways such as:
-        Skulker when it comes to skulker there are two ways I could see him fit with this au So here are some ideas for both: 
-        First is shark mer skulker how is challenging Danny for his territory i.e amity park and wants to take his pelt as a trophy 
-        Second is poacher skulker who again is hunting Danny for his pelt. With this version I also imagine him having lost a lot of body parts from the various things he’s hunted and as such has various different prosthetics the most notable being a multipurpose hook hand which he can switch out for a variety of different weapons. Another disconcerting feature is the fact that he is also missing his nose which gives him a very skull-like look.
-        Box ghost being a boxfish mermaid nuff said
-        Technus being an electric eel mermaid 
-        Kitty and Johnny both being mermaids who love to cause trouble with the local fishermen and boats. shadow could be a manta ray or some form of malevolent water spirit or even just a regular shark
-        Ember I think would totally be a siren as her whole deal is music and singing with her goal being to lure people into the ocean to drown and eat them in classic siren fashion 
-        Walker I think could actually be a ranger as I’ve hear/read some stuff about how people have mistaken him for one in the past and I could see it fitting with his character, with him being such a stickler for rules and all. I could image him being a slightly corrupt law enforcer pick and choosing which local wildlife laws he enforces, and as such him causing problems for Danny when he is in human form. He sees Danny’s seal form as a menace to society and a danger to the local eco system despite the fact that Danny isn’t doing any harm. I could also see him becoming Sam’s arch rival considering how much of a nature activist she and if walker if following the rules to such an extent that it is causing more harm than good to the local wildlife then I can see them clashing as they both fight for what they believe is right.
-        When it comes to spectra for some reason I keep thinking that she would be a kelpie. For those who are not aware kelpies are water spirits that usually appear in the form of a horse but can also take the form of a human with the goal of luring people to the water so that they can drown them. She would still be Casper high counsellor only not only is she spreading misery just for the sake of it but she is slowly convincing people to go near large bodies of water so she can drown them later. going off one piece of kelpie lore that I heard about is that she is only able to keep her form through the use of her necklace which is how Danny was able to stop her in the end as she was planning on drowning jazz during her spirit speech which was being held at the beach instead of the school. but by taking her necklace Danny gained full control over her as taking a kelpie’s bridle allows the one who took it to have control over it he then threw it into the sea where spectra was then forced to go after it or it be lost forever
-        Young blood I think would still be a ghost but basing it around the episode “pirate radio” he would be a pirate in charge of a skeleton crew. This idea could also see him taking on a peter pan, Davey Jones-inspired role where he’s trying to get people to join his crew so that he has a never ending supply of people to play with. 
-        Freakshow would still be the ringmaster of the Circus Gothica only instead of ghost the circus consists of different types of merfolk. Danny was unfortunate enough to become one of freak shows main attractions when he got caught in his merseal form and couldn’t escape without blowing his cover as such Sam and tucker and surprisingly the A-listers had to come and rescue him before he was shipped away to perform circus tricks for the rest of his life (yes freakshow totally made bounce a ball on his nose as payback after some particular savage sassing on Danny’s part)
-        GIW are not just focused on ghosts but all forms of supernatural creatures however they lean more heavily into the conspiracy theorist and cryptozoology side of things and as such tucker has managed to spread a bunch of fake cryptid sightings in order to get them off of Danny’s trail. Sam hates them as they often do a lot of damage to the local wildlife whenever they are out hunting for cryptids. Wes is constantly trying to prove to them that Danny is a selkie
-        Fright night would be a deep sea mer from the deepest darkest parts of the ocean and a such there are a lot of local legends say that seeing him will cause you to die of fright. nightmare his horse is a hippocampus.
-        Desiree being a sea witch and granting people's wishes but at a great price. 
-        Vortex being some huge kraken leviathan with control over the weather. When he first showed up in amity park he cause such terrible flooding that the entire town was pretty much underwater.
-        Undergrowth would still be a plant creature only he would be centred around underwater plants mainly kelp and seaweed with his whole look would be based around a coral reef. He is extremely mad at the pollution that amity park is causing to the ocean and it’s what cause him to emerge in the first place as he was lying dormant for a long period of time so long in fact that he was one of amity’s parks local coral reefs before he woke up and started wreaking the town.
-        Nocturne being some ancient eldritch leviathan that no one knows what he truly is. 
-        Princess Dora and prince Aragon being sea dragons with the use of the amulet and regular mermaids without it also both of them living in a deep underwater kingdom populated with other mer which could potentially be stuck in a certain time period 
-        I think Sidney poindexter would just be a regular old mer but with a deep love and fascination for human culture as such I think he’s had a number a very bad experience in regards to interacting with human and as such can be hostile towards them especially the ones who act like bullies 
-        Frostbite and the yetis of the far frozen would defiantly be selkies potentially walrus versions as it ties in with their ice and cold theme either that or they could be merorca’s 
-        Clockwork being an ancient leviathan based off of some prehistoric fish like a Dunkleosteus
-        Pandora I think would be some sea serpent leviathan monster with a Greek twist of course    
-        Wulf being modelled after a wereshark as opposed to a werewolf and as such can survive on both land and in water 
-        Cujo I could see being a product of axion labs as instead of a tech company they could specialise in bio tech instead creating the mutant dogfish that is cujo who subsequently escapes wrecking the place in the process and causing Valerie's farther the loss of his job. Or alternatively, cujo could be just a normal merdog until he gets mutated by the toxic chemicals that axion is illegally dumping into amity park waters giving him his ability to grow massive (we all known that something shady is going on with this company)
-        Speaking of axion lab and the idea of them polluting amity waters it would also account for all of the animal ghost Danny fights in show, as instead it could be that Danny is fighting bioluminescent mutated fish, sharks and other deep sea creatures that have gone rabid
Vlad is a whole other kettle of fish admittedly I had a hard time thinking about how Vlad could fit within this world as a big issue is that a key point of his character is the portal accident which turned him into a hafa in the first place and how that fuels his character’s motivation so with this in mind here are a few ideas I have for how Vlad could into this au:
-        realistically part of me thinks that Vlad would also be a selkie as it fit with his character canon of him and Danny being the same and is the leading argument to why Danny should renounce his father and join him but then that raises the question how did Vlad get his pelt in the first place, so her is my idea Vlad was a selkie long before he met Maddie and jack at collage and instead of the portal incident Maddie and jack accidentally stealing Vlad’s pelt and nearly destroying it thus cause the rift in their friendship as I doubt Vlad would be will to trust them again even if it was an accident or they actually did succeed in destroying parts of it and as such Vlad has some serious health issue because of it (alternative to the ecto acne).  
-        Another idea is that Vlad gets accidentally cursed by something jack and Maddie found on a deep sea excursion and becomes some sort of sea monster forcing him to live in the isolation for years until he can eventually get control of it.  
Danny having water powers, now I know this I kind of straying from the traditional selkie mythos but I just really like the idea of Danny having the same sort of abilities that Cleo, Rikki and Emma from the tv show H2o just add water have (if you haven’t seen it I recommend watching it especially if you like mermaids). As not only would this tie in with Danny’s ice powers but Danny would defiantly take advantage of his water powers to pull pranks on people 
An example is that there is a running gag in h2o where Cleo will use her ability to control water to spray people in the face with their own water bottle which is something I see Danny doing to dash on the regular 
Also still running with the h2o theme Danny being affected by the Luna phases the same way the tide is and on full moons becoming a bit more mystical/feral than usual and feeling a deep pull towards the ocean   
Ever since gaining his pelt, there will be moments where Danny will swim fare out to sea purely so he can star gaze as there is quite a lot of light pollution in amity especially with his home being a lighthouse 
Danny will also sometimes help the local fishermen out by herding fish into their nets
Danny developing a big craving for seafood and ends up snaking on seafood sticks a lot much to jazz’s dismay as his room now reeks of fish
Lots of beach days and lots of swimming too the trio are the ones how are most likely the ones to be out swimming were as jazz prefers to stay on the beach reading 
Danny developing a collection of random sea junk that he’s found 
Sam and tucker finding full seal Danny in the most random of places 
Sam walks into the living room to see seal Danny on the couch surrounded by seafood stick wrappers “Danny you can’t just turn into a seal when things get tough” Danny making a woeful seal sound in response
Danny weaponing his puppy dog eyes against jazz, Sam and tucker when he need to or just to mess with them as none of them are immune to the cute seal stare 
Sam occasionally pretending Danny is her pet seal to get out of situations 
I feel like once Danny started to gain some popularity as phantom the entirety of Casper high would be fawning over cute seal pics of him much to Danny’s embarrassment 
Tucker would totally be the one supplying the pictures as well 
Instead of football Casper high is extremely into water sports with swimming and surfing being the most prioritised, football is still popular though 
Sam and Tucker taking the Spectre Speeder submarine out for joyrides with Danny swimming alongside
Danny constantly being worried about where he’s leaving his pelt as you know there would be a someone who would take it and use it against him. As such I think that he will often leave it with Sam or tucker.
This is a huge testament on how much he trusts them as he is essentially leaving an important part of himself for them to look after 
After jazz finds out he also starts leaving his pelt with her too  
There was a brief period of time where he was worried that Paulina would try and steal his pelt in order to make him her boyfriend but luckily over time, this seemed unlikely to happen. 
if Danny’s parents ever got hold of his pelt, it would be a serious issue as Danny would end up land locked and his pelt destroyed. 
so yeah those are my thoughts honestly this kina evolved into a full scale mer au. If I think of any more I will be sure to add them later. P.s sorry for any spelling mistakes
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aphroditarian · 1 month
Hate words for your moon sign <3
Aries moon- i seem to attract them, which is a problem because i hate these fuckers. Immature, selfish and irresponsible, they are oblivious to the fact that they need to work on themselves ( like literally all of us ) because they perceive themselves to have some sort of moral advantage for “always being right” ( my ass ). They also love weed and probably alcohol too ( cause god forbid they actually feel their emotions ). Theyre just big babies.
Taurus moon- unmovable, unshakable, will die on the stupidest of hills out of sheer stubbornness. They know everything since they were 3 and so theres no reason for them to get out of bed. Movies? Seen them all and if they havent, they already know the one you wana take them to is no good. Music? Pfft. Do you even know who bach is?
Gemini- yall have commitment issues the size of pluto and youre not doing anything about it. You are a menace. Basically draco malfoy but if he wasnt even rich and hot so he had literally no redeeming quality.
Cancer- even i, a particularly sensitive and emotional individual, cant handle your crying ass. Mommy issues WE GET IT!! Friends with this placement will make everyone in the group baby them and partners will suck your tits FLAT. Not to mention how EMO they truly are. Like 6 pete wentzs on the emo scale.
Leo- thank god none of yall seem to like me cause i swear to god you need 15 times more attention than the average human. Your redeeming quality is that youre funny. But if you dont stop acting like rachel berry im gonna laugh at you and not with you. Did i mention theater kid?
Virgo- youre so wrecked emotionally that i actually feel bad for you instead of wanna make fun of you. Like jojo siwas career. Its like you have the meanest most insidious person in your head judging every single thing you or anyone says or does or feels or thinks. Jesus christ, we all need therapy but you neeed therapy.
Libra- i dont trust a single word that comes out of yalls mouths. Youre people pleasing, co dependents, and eeeeverything must lead to you being good and nice. Youre no fun. And when you are its for other people to think youre fun. Also youre deeply delusional and limerant ( look it up ), and i can just sense you falling in love with everyone and everything for no reason. Ew.
Scorpio- listen here you piece of shit, i know you want everyone to be scared of you but im no fool. Literally no one finds you mysterious and intimidating, your just no fun. And yes, we can tell you cry to evanescence every night. Redeeming quality is that youre hot, but looks dont last and youre gonna be one cranky old peson.
Sagittarius- every time you tell i joke i can see tears behind your eyes. Youre not fooling anyone with your pseudo esoteric shit. Also chill tf out!! Please!! Youre either angry or excited.
Capricorn- like virgo, no amount of hate words coming from me will do a capricorn moon justice, because they are already hating on themselves so hard. They are under the delusion that its everyone around them that is the problem but deep inside they know, its themselves they feel bad about. And no you dont actually enjoy being productive, its just that your self worth is entirely dependent on being useful.
Aquarius- you are literally insane. The most delusional people ive met. None of your reactions make sense. You are constantly running away from being actually vulnerable and open, coming up with either brilliant or extremely dumb excuses, and your love life is suffering the consequences of your avoidant ass. At least your social life is good, but hey, at what cost??
Pisces- thank fucking god youre a rare species. Kind of like virgo, i almost dont wanna make fun of you because i feel bad. But in your situation i also have no desire to help your overly dramatic ass. Youre not just anxious, youre something on a whole new level and you probably require huge amounts of food/alcohol/tobbacco or something to keep it all bottled up. Good fucking luck to anyone who falls in love with you!! Ps if you wanna be a poet be a poet, dont be like umm UwU can i show you my poetry UwU 👉👈
If youre mad about this post, complain to my mother.
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mukamibabe · 2 years
If the S and M boys would meet their childhood self somehow then would they say something to kids about what will happen to them in the future? Like about their mothers or about the sacrifice brides
spoiler tw??? idk? also tw’s regarding things that happened in each diaboy’s pasts idk ///// 
under the cut because it’s long. if you’re new, or don’t remember, i type a lot. i have too many words and repeat myself way too much. i also think i’m too funny for my own good so there’s that lol anyways mwah!! thank you anon for this ancient ask. this was a fun concept ❤️
it would be something like ‘don’t get attached’, i imagine. 
he really doesn’t have much to say. it’s not like he can stop his mother and father from pressuring him into doing ‘future king things’
and he also can’t stop his friend from dying,, 
which i mean. yes, he kind of can but rule 1 with time travel: don’t change fate. or something like that lol (true quote stolen from shu. i swear
anyways, he feels like the best advice he can give is to not get attached to anyone, if he hasn’t already
and if he has met edgar already.. he tells his younger self to be prepared for him to disappear one day. he has no clue how to put it nicely, as.. he’s telling a child that his best friend is going to die, but.. to at least be prepared is nice, right?
also, he might warn him about the whole schoolwork thing; unless he wants to get sent to antarctica or whatever, but i think shu wasn’t exactly young when that happened? i can’t remember honestly
anyways yeah; shu doesn’t tell his younger self about much, other than the not wanting to mess with time but also because he doesn’t really feel like anything bad happened to him? besides his friend dying and the pressure of being a future king but i think that he'd think compared to others, his past wasn't that bad but - trauma is trauma.
he might even get a little dark on him and say ‘things don’t get better.’ unless! current shu is happy, and not so depressed. idk. otherwise, he might be a little cliche and tell him to ‘be patient. in the end, things will be worth it.’
now for the perspective of a young shu: or ririe, whatever that means??
i genuinely think younger shu would take his older self’s words to consideration. no matter the age, shu is a lot smarter than how he comes off, so.. 
yeah, it definitely would be tough to hear. it would actually hurt a lot, depending on how close shu was to edgar at the time. and of course, there would be at least a little disbelief but the scenario of meeting his future self is already unbelievable as is, so.. i imagine afterwards young shu would be wary for the most part. would that stop him? no. but it’d spook him, at least.
um.. well, he’s kind of rattled about this entire situation, and he’d really rather not mess with anything from the past because he doesn’t want to hurt the present and/or future?
so if he were to talk to his younger self, not only would he feel like he’s going insane, he’d probably.. not be the nicest about it?
he’d tell the kid to study harder, and that it is useless to continue to worry about things
also, edgar doesn’t die. you don’t know who edgar is, little baby reiji? oh well, you’ll figure it out eventually. if you’re smart enough, you’ll be able to remember this.
ALSO big warning about his mother’s death. 
'for beatrix.. make sure she suffers. do not let her death be quick.’ 
he knows it’s pretty gruesome to talk about his mother’s death to a child, but.. this is reiji we’re talking about. even though he’s a child, current reiji believes that his younger self shouldn’t let things get to him and to stop being so childish
basically it’s along the lines of ‘if you don’t push yourself harder, you’ll never be good enough.’
for younger reiji’s perspective, well. ouch, honestly. young reiji is already hard enough on himself as is, so for his future self to just pop in and tell him to work harder?? .. yikes
at least they both have the same thought of : this should not be possible. please go back to your time or i’ll start thinking i’ve officially lost my mind, thanks.
also love how reiji is like : nah i don’t want to mess with different timelines but also continues to tell young!reiji how to mess with fate lol
kill the bitch as soon as possible. it’s really not that hard as you'd think.
except don’t be surprised when she comes back in some other girl’s body because your uncle removed her heart or something??
i feel like he’d be really reassuring to his younger self, and tell him that he’s already the best, and doesn’t need to worry about what anyone else thinks
i mean, look? look at what you grow up to be like!! a badass that’s what!!
ngl he kinda feels like a father figure to his younger self? or like.. the nice, cool big brother he never had. probably the latter.
also warns him about how his brothers grow up to be. don’t even bother with shu, get ready to deal with reiji being !!!mean!!!, kanato is crazy, laito...-
he actually pauses for like... a minute, before continuing. even young ayato is able to tell that something’s wrong
he doesn’t get into detail, because as horrible as ayato feels for it (”psh, pity for me? no, youre stupid”) he does feel bad for his younger self. it’s weird, and it’s complicated, but he can’t help his feelings.
so ayato tells him to either kill cordelia if he ever gets the chance, or make sure she never gets near laito. never. and once she does, stop her. never let her near your brothers.
it’ll hurt and it’ll suck, but for the sake of protecting them, and preventing them from a shitty life, it will be worth it.
basically, he kind of just tells him that life is shitty, but you are the coolest, and the greatest guy to exist, and some day, you’ll kill your piece of shit father too. yay!
now: young ayato. 
he definitely would see it as a lot to take in. because it is.
yes, young ayato isn’t like. . living in a world with sunshine and rainbows because of his mother, but she’s doing it for a reason, right?
he has to be the best, if not for her sake for his own, at least.
seeing his older self.. well, i don’t think it’d be what young ayato would expect. young ayato would 100% expect his older self to be a king already at that age, but.. he’s not.
so we have yet another awkward situation, lol
i don’t think young ayato would heed his older self’s advice then, but it would definitely stick with him, i think. especially the things regarding his brothers. 
like, do his brothers die or something? does his mother end up killing them?? why does he have to protect them?? he already does that, doesn’t he? besides, his mother barely pays attention to them, so what’s the issue??
young ayato doesn’t receive any answers, but again, he does take older ayato’s advice, considering they grew like. an instant attachment for like 10 seconds lmao 
tbh.. idk who would handle it more maturely lol
this one is genuinely hard for me to think about. i dont think anything would be very serious or deep compared to the others.
i say this because i don’t think kanato sees himself as having any issues? unlike some of the others who at least know morally some things are off (that doesn’t mean they care though) but kanato genuinely thinks nothing of it. 
if anything, i think both older kanato and young kanato would be comforted at each other's presences, as weird as it may be. 
kanato, as a child craved attention, and while his older self doesn’t necessarily yearn for that affection as much, there’s a comforting feeling to be near, and to get along with someone else who isn’t your mother and/or brothers. yea, it might literally be himself, but neither of them care.
older kanato is actually pretty nice to his younger self. there's not much to say because i dont think kanato, both old and young, would have anything to say about it
seriously, if you were to directly ask kanato like. “why didn’t you tell your younger self about anything that will happen to him?” he’d probably be like “what is there to tell?” because,,, that’s what he thinks. it’s almost like shu, where it’s like ‘oh my trauma wasn’t that bad’, except kanato doesn’t even recognize the trauma. 
if for whatever reason he was forced to share something about the current times, or young kanato’s future, it’d probably be about their mother’s death. current kanato is unbothered, though. he coped with it fine ig??
they'd get along at the very least. honestly though i think young kanato would have more feelings about older kanato, if that makes sense?
that being said, younger kanato. younger kanato loves older kanato, and feels comforted by it because despite everything, he sees that his older self is doing just fine. 
it’s a strange situation for sure, but young kanato can’t complain because he’s grateful to even have such a comforting moment. even if it’s an odd concept.
hm. ok, well honestly im stumped on this one as well-
correct me if i’m wrong but cordelia started abusing laito later in his life, right? 
so in this situation, it’d probably be before the abuse from cordelia, at least abuse that isn’t emotional/neglect. 
in that case, i think laito would probably tell his younger self something along the lines of ‘love is not real.’ or ‘don’t believe what.. your mother says to you.’ 
honestly laito is such a complex character. we know this. i’m stuck between what he’d actually tell his younger self though
because does he regret anything during his past? no. was it his fault? no, and he knows that, too, but for his younger self, there’s really nothing he could do about it.
also, i can almost see his response being similar compared to ayato’s, regarding two things: 
one, being, kill that bitch
two, being, yes yippee my younger self now has the sweet older brother he’s never had, yay
i honestly don’t know if laito talking to his younger self would do more harm than good for the young vampire.
poor younger laito would first of all be seriously confused as to why he’s seeing and interacting with himself from the future. he’s never heard of that before?? shouldn’t that be like.. impossible?
regardless, he’s excited by the idea at first. like woo! i can’t wait to see what i’m like when i’m older! you know, to give him at least something to be hopeful for.
...older laito completely blows it. perhaps it’s just his younger self’s innocence and naivety but he wasn’t expecting to hear something so.. sad. 
i mean, his mother loves him, right?? she doesn’t show it all the time, in fact, it’s closer to never showing any affection but.. she loves him. he knows this.
he does, in fact, not know this.
yeah so old laito isn’t beating around the bush or anything. he’s not throwing out details or anything but he will do his best to convince his younger self that his mother, or their mother, is no good.
also young laito be like?? oooh where can i get that fedora though fdkgjdf 
again, i don’t know if this would be better for young subaru, but current subaru would probably go over some things with his younger self, with a lot of hesitance.
subaru thinking so lowly of himself wants to tell his younger self to get used to being a monster and whatnot but he’s not entirely heartless. at least, he’s got some pity for the small child who he can barely recognize as himself, so innocent and gentle.
that being said, he’s stuck between telling him things will get better, as cliche as it is, or he will remain an awful being for the rest of his life. 
the truth is, subaru isn’t really an optimist, but!! he does feel bad for the kid, who just so happens to be him. from years ago.
he’d end up deciding to just lay it all on him explaining how his mother is broken, if young subaru hadn’t known already he did but.. it’s the thought that counts?
older subaru would like to say yet another cliche thing, being something along the lines of ‘stay strong’, and ‘some days with your mother will be tough but it’s not your fault and it’s not her fault’.
who’s fault is it, then? his father’s.
outright, i think older subaru will tell himself that karlheinz is utter garbage and that his younger self should never trust him. in fact, i can see him telling his younger self that he should seek whatever way he can in order to rid of him for good.
young subaru kind of already has a good idea of like.. how things are currently, such as his mother being a literal hot mess, to put it lightly, so it’s not much of a surprise to him compared to the fact that his future self is a time traveler???
his older self in the end does impact him in a way that no one else has, that being his only support system at the time but i imagine he wouldn’t always believe in what his older self’s words. 
that being said, like the others, seeing his older self provided a bit of comfort for him but not enough, unfortunately. 
well. this would be awkward lol
older ruki would give his younger self a lot of warnings. but, at the same, and whether you want to see this as a wise act or not, ruki wouldn’t tell his younger self about everything that happens.
i say this because .. a lot of the others have done opposite? anyways
ruki would tell his younger self first to not believe any words from his mother from that point on and to completely lose interest in her while he can.
also, probably mentions how his father doesn’t love him as much as he claims, either.
i think older ruki knows for a fact that young ruki is too much of a pompous brat to accept what his older self is saying, in fact, i bet younger ruki doesn’t even believe it but.. i mean. ruki will straight up tell him like ‘it’s up to you whether you want to believe me or not. to be clear, i don’t care whether you do or not, i’m simply providing a warning for what’s to come.’
young ruki is such a brat lmao it’s kinda funny, oops
so does this kid believe ruki? hell no. does he want to believe his older self? hell no
again, ruki knows this. after all, whatever weird timeline current ruki got thrown into, he doesn’t want to mess things up. he knows telling his younger self is really going to go through one ear and out the other, but. whatever.
pushing all the bad stuff aside, ruki will tell his younger self that everything is worth it.
does younger ruki have any idea what older ruki is talking about? no, not even the slightest idea. 
and older ruki is correct by assuming his younger self wouldn’t listen, because immediately, other than the ‘what in the world this isn’t possible??’, is like okay, liar. 
even if older ruki told him something only ruki would know? still, no, you’re a liar, and you’re wrong.
does he look nearly identical to yourself? yes. but still, the stubborn little thing he is, refuses to believe it. again, this is exactly what older ruki expected.
though after a bit of like.. shut up, i’m done talking to you, older ruki remains patient and coolheaded. probably says something like “what, you’re trying to fool me into thinking you aren’t curious?” to which young ruki is like eugh whatever spit it out, grandpa.
he does, and young ruki still doesn’t care. he’s too good for it, no offense but also like. offense 
so, before his older self is gone, he shares that he will be much happier in the future because that is : the truth. 
both kou’s don’t even know where to begin
ouch ok honestly this one is hurting me a bit HAHA 
first, getting the whole “woah this is weird” thing out of the way, it probably hurts older kou more than he’d like to admit.
while he can’t deny the fact that he was once a child and unfortunately did not have the best beginning in his life, i imagine current kou kinda wants to push all that to the side and pretend it never happened.
that, however, is easier said than done and kou knows that. so instead, he tries to just.. avoid thinking about those times. again, easier said than done.
regardless, kou meets his younger self. and it hurts him. he can’t even imagine going through his experience at the orphanage again, so to look his younger self in the eyes and just knowing what’s going to happen to him?
yeah it doesn’t feel very nice.
in fact, i think kou would be the one most likely to fuck up timelines, honestly.
the way he wants to get his poor young baby self out of the sewer (assuming he meets his younger self before all the orphanage stuff) and just take him away to see the big blue sky and all the beautiful things and to eat such wonderful things like vongole bianco?? 
honestly, either ruki, karl or some unknown being needs to remove kou from the situation before it’s too late. or, maybe he’ll have the small voice in his head that tells him he shouldn’t mess with time because he will for sure feel tempted to just.. take his little baby version of himself to somewhere safer.. ugh. 
ngl the urge to see papa!kou rn?? 😩 he’d be such a good parent when he’s at least sane
so, in a scenario where kou isn’t ruining timelines and different universes, at the very least kou would allow his younger self see the sky. and to see cats. and to eat good food, and to feel love.
he wants his younger self to know that he does have something to hope for, and that in the future, things will be perfect.
now, young kou.. sweet little thing doesn’t know how to respond. again, i don’t know if this would be one of the cases where it does more harm than good, but in this case, i think it’d work out for both of them. i’d like to think so, at least
it would give young kou something to look forward to, it’s just.. how long can one hope, really? but he holds on to it.
this one is definitely interesting but also kind of like kou’s where it just.. isn’t as deep?
also, it really depends on what younger yuma old!yuma is talking to, being edgar or bear?
either way, older yuma will tell his younger self that like.. honestly life sucks but work hard enough and you’ll be okay.
reaffirming big bro yuma? yeah
he really would be super nice and chill about it, again, once you push aside the whole ‘this is weird and impossible’ thing.
not much to say, honestly lol rip 
regardless if whether or not older yuma has a bit of recollection about his past before being ‘bear’, it doesn’t affect his words. i mean, he looks at it like well. this happened and it made me who i am today.
and at the end of the day, he’s just a simple farmer vampire dude who likes to eat. jk im sorry iknow this is my first post since being back but im on crack. always sorry
i don’t think he’d be upfront about some of his friends dying or anything but like i said, older yuma won’t sugarcoat the facts of life- it can suck. young yuma isn’t completely unaware of this, though, whether he is edgar or not.
that being said, i think yuma might be the only one, or one of the few who is actually like.. excited to share information about himself currently to his younger self.
i mean, is there really harm in telling your younger self all this stuff? idk and yuma doesn’t know either
but he’s really happy to give his younger self a nice moment of peace and quiet where it’s just . them.
in fact, young yuma please ask questions about your future because older yuma is more than happy to share.
like “yep, you’ve got a HUGE ass garden that grows the best crops, and you’ve got the best brothers, too.” you could probably hear him mutter “even though kou’s a little shit..” Fhjsdf 
young yuma’s like what?? ?? i don’t? i don’t have any brothers?? but okay i guess. 
honestly like some of the other diaboys, yuma grows a nice tight bond with his younger self, despite not knowing each other for long and despite the fact that like.. it’s unusual.
now, onto young yuma’s reactions; 
no matter who young yuma is at the time, like pre-amnesia or anything, i think, like some of the other young diaboys who meet their older selves, feel a sense of comfort and hope at the idea. 
actually, young!yuma seeing how .. lively his older self is? he really can look up to that.
there is a sense of disbelief, especially for ‘bear’ because how can things get that great?? did he strike gold at one point or something??
either way, it probably does make young yuma feel hopeful about his life. thanks big yuma youre epic i loev ou
hmm.. ok
i hate to say it but i feel like azusa’s response might be a bit like kanato’s where like.. azusa doesn’t have much to say, at least
again, like kanato, i don’t think azusa has the brightest concept of like.. hurting himself and getting hurt isn’t good but also he is at least more.. self aware compared to kanato
although, i , once again, think kanato’s and azusa’s reactions would be really similar.
i think i’m kind of stuck because azusa likes pain. and sure, i think azusa might have an idea of it being not so much of a good thing but that doesn’t stop him, nor does it convince him because for him, pain is good.
to azusa, i think he can’t help but think his younger self should get used to the pain if he hasn’t already.
other than that, i’m really not sure.
i think he’d be kind of like yuma where he’d actually be more open to sharing things about himself currently, such as how he has a nice happy family with his bros and stuff like that.
i can also see him wanting to warn his younger self about what happens to justin, christina and melissa but i don’t actually think he would.
current azusa/older azusa is pretty content with the way things are and, similarly to yuma, thinks everything he has gone through made him the person he is today, and he’s okay with that.
now, for younger azusa? well, i think he’d be curious, at least.
i also want to say younger azusa would be a bit freaked out by his older self’s appearance but i don’t really think he would. would he think it’s different? yeah, probably, but at the same time he can immediately recognize himself as. himself. 
also, i mean, his older self has clean clothes so?? that’s good? he’s also got a fancy little hat, too. 
in the end, i’m not sure if younger azusa would really consider their meeting as important as it should be, i mean i think he knows this isn’t some ordinary thing but.. should he care?? 
i don’t know if he would. but older azusa would, and would really like to interact with his younger self more if he could.
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Heyyy, if Arjune were to be summoned in the fourth or fifth holy grail war, who do you think would be the best master in each part? and the worst? I can't see him tolerating Ryuunousuke and I think he would specially hate Shinki, what with his experience of the Kauravas insulting his wife Draupadi, so I think he'd get along horribly wrong with those two but I don't know if Kiritsugu would also be a somewhat bad match for him
Oddly enough I he might actually mesh rather well with kiritsugu if he went full into his ‘I’m a tool that exists to fight for justice please don’t look any deeper than that.’ He’s very archer-emiya coded and as long as kiritsugu continued to keep the casualties minimal (ie, evacuating the hotel building before blowing it up) I think he would at least be able to manage. Not thrive, per say, but I think arjuna is able to at least justify to himself the concept of ‘sacrificing a few to save the many’ (just look at what happened to his own children and family in his origin story) and he’s able to maintain an impersonal distance that someone like kiritsugu would likewise also probably do well with. (Also tbh kiritsugu would probably prefer a servant that’s a long range fighter over a close combat unit)
I do think it would still weigh on him though-ultimately like saber it’s a situation where he can still do well as a warrior but he wouldn’t be happy bc of it’s brutality. His relationship with irisveil if he was contracted to kiritsugu could easily go either the way of being more human or cold depending on his writer mindset
Legitimately I can’t imagine a solid 90% of servants managing ryuunosuke, so that would probably come down to a matter of if his pride in being a ‘good’ servant trumps his general honor as a hero. Personally I think he’d probably go for the latter but I’m not sure? Outside of that��I don’t know. Kayneth is odd to me because diarmuid was also very subservient and eager to please with him and he still didn’t like him, but arjuna’s more ‘yeah I’m just a tool’ general vibe might make his feathers less ruffled? Unless his folklore wife stealing ability kicked in with sola-ui somehow anyway 😔.
I don’t think he’d work well w kirei because kirei is just a bad master in general. He would probably be ok with tokiomi but think the guy was kind of full of himself. He wouldnt get him murdered tho lmao.
I can’t fathom how he and kariya would work out. Kariya summons his servant in the worm basement with Zouken present like oh my god-wait it’s a berserker too. Oh my god. Can you fucking imagine arjuna alter in fate zero the man would go even more insane
Waver and arjuna would be funny tho. I don’t know how, but waver with anyone is funny. Shoutout to waver.
As for og fate….I’ve seen others say he probably wouldn’t mesh well with Sakura, as he tends to be too busy with his own sad boy hours to notice other’s issues and also would probably see dark Sakura as more of a problem to take care of, and I’m not familiar enough with her yet to really say otherwise.
shirou and arjuna sounds like a disaster waiting to happen bc imagine archer but like, not at all connected to shirou and also in the history books. He has no reason to look at shirou’s suicidal desire to save everyone and not be like ‘poggers sounds great master I’m doing that also it’s hell on earth but what can you do :)’ and then he sits in a corner for 40 days pretending he doesn’t have human emotions while shirou turns into a sword or something
If it was shinji in the routes where he isn’t actively a rapist and more annoying I could see him just being tiredly tolerant of him, but I have 0 idea how he’d handle heavens feel shinji.
Rin….lmao. I think he’d like cosplaying her butler.
Illya….he would want to cosplay her butler
Caster…yeah I don’t even know. I think he’d be like ?
I don’t even know enough about them to be really saying anything 😭
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