#i kind of have to be for my own sanity. lmao <3
Currently battling with some psychological barriers regarding posting my art on here but just know that the piece I'm working on currently is a banger and I am excited to share it w you guys
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andypantsx3 · 2 months
hi andie!
do u have any tips for corporate girlies? my friend is starting out in the corp world !! and got a lot of reality checks over how harsh and 'corporate' it is :((
Ohhhhh my god yeah corporate culture sucks!! It's just a bunch of adult babies using fancy words tbh lmao, acting like we're going to war and/or curing cancer when we're really just launching a product no one wants or needs lol.
Not sure what industry your friend is or what role she's in but here are some general tips, starting with practical project tips to more personal/sanity check tips lol.
Make sure you understand your organization's goals and success criteria. This is so basic but in order to understand what leadership cares about and how all the different project components fit in, you're going to want to learn what are all the active projects, who owns them, what success is being evaluated on, and how those performance indicators are being calculated. I work with some people who have no idea what is going on (which, fair) but it ends up creating a ton of churn and can look super bad for them if they are not in step with what our corporate overlords expect from them.
Clear communication is key. Never have I ever encountered more communication issues than working in corporate; people often have one image in their head of what a task looks like where their partner teams might have another, and if you don't outline all the key details together, you could end up delivering something unusable. If you're an individual contributor (aka a task doer), make sure you ask clarifying questions of the project leads if they haven't specified (like, what testing environment something needs to be deployed to, what are the release gating procedures, what is the expected timeline, etc). If you're a project manager, make sure you're clarifying those details with stakeholders and passing that information to your team; prompt your team to ask questions even if they seem clear, and make sure you get that info for them ASAP!!
Documentation is crucial. If you make an implementation decision, document it. If you have a delivery, document it. If you have a process for anything, make sure you document it. If you have a meeting, get those notes out. If you have an agreement with stakeholders, make sure you get it in writing and get them to sign off on it!! Information is key to helping other people understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, what the expectations were from other related parties when you started doing it, and how it can be improved if needed. If you're a project lead or manager, start a folder or repository somewhere for all project communications, keep all your emails & slacks with stakeholders (because they will come back being snotheads and you can politely whip out receipts). :3
Be proactive. Observe the kinds of questions leadership asks, understand their concerns & needs. Then proactively make sure you are addressing those things in your work and/or in your reporting. For example, if you're reporting on a release failure in a weekly business review, make sure you call out things like: 1) what you tried to do to prevent failure, 2) what the ultimate blockers or root causes of failure were, 3) what your learnings were from that failure, 4) what you are going to do to fix it, and 5) what the revised ETA is. That way, even though things didn't go your way, leadership understands you are on top of things and proactively working to solve problems.
Understand priorities & tradeoffs. There will come a time where you have conflicting demands on your time. Work with your manager or org leadership to understand what projects are higher priorities than others, and do not be afraid to escalate to your manager or above if progress is threatened or if you need to clarify. For example, Project A is high priority and Project B is medium priority, but the project manager from Project B is all up in your business asking you to deliver something or investigate something that you don't know if you have time for. Loop in your manager to determine if someone else can take Project B, or inform them that doing B will impose these anticipated risks to A; are they comfortable with that? Then you can circle back to Project B to deliver the news that you're working on A, your manager has suggested this revised timeline or other POC they can work with, and if they have concerns they can escalate. (Usually this shuts ppl up :3)
Improve processes. I cannot emphasize this enough but try to think about how to do things better the next time around, even if things went solidly to plan. Do not get defensive about your work or the quality of your work; always be thinking (or asking other people) about how time could be cut off of something, what processes could be put in place to minimize touchpoints or decrease risks. If you can, try to impose this mindset on your team & ask for project retrospectives, and take specific action items out of those retrospectives! Trust me it makes things so much clearer and easier in the long run if you work to make things better over time!!
Get a mentor. Find someone who has the job you want to have or who seems to know the things you want to know about and ask them to work with you on that! Tell them what your goal is, whether to develop a special skill set to move roles, or develop a specific understanding of a project or concept, and ask them to help you develop a plan to get there. Set up regular time together and goals to work towards in that time. This helps you learn things faster and gives you someone who can vouch for you when it comes time for yearly feedback, role changes, or promotions.
Create a personal portfolio. Keep track of all the things that you do; all the projects you are on, what your role is, what you were responsible for delivering, and what resources you created as part of that, whether it's project wikis, some script, etc. Keep your manager aware of it so they understand your value and have visibility on your work; you can leverage this when it comes time for role changes or promotions. Additionally try to make sure you're working on high viz or high value projects; this gives you even more leverage!!
Do not tie your self worth to your performance or your job title. At the end of the day capitalism sucks, corporations are evil, and none of this shit matters. Even if you don't do something well once, you can improve in the future, and even if your company doesn't see it/isn't a good match for your skills, you have value!!! They profit from keeping you underpaid, stressed out, and dejected, but you are not just a 'resource' or a cog in a machine. You are a person; you will make missteps from time to time but you bring more value to this planet and the people on it just by existing than these capitalist enterprises could ever. Do do not burn yourself out trying to please them, keep yourself open to other job options, and make sure you have a good friend/family support structure in place to reality check you!!
Idk how helpful this was but I hope there was a little something in there that your friend could use. If she has specific questions on anything I'm happy to help out too lol; that might give me more idea what specific aspect she is struggling with & how to help!
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fractured-shield · 5 days
Hiiiiii! I would like to request a rambling about your WIP. Anything you've been wanting to talk about?? Yeah, I want to hear about that!!
omg hi!!!! hm okay let me see. i've been in the middle of redrafting the entire thing for the past few months so i am full of a multitude of very disorganized thoughts. i think i'll talk about my mc's mother bc i recently had so many good ideas about her (you can see her here)
things to know about Leithe. she's 5'5". I've spelled her name about half a dozen different ways through my drafts. she's really bad at lying. she's pan. i associate her with sunflowers and yellow chrysanthemums.
she was the child of lesser nobles in Ngelorim (one of 3 kingdoms that was later abandoned) and despite socially really not needing to do anything of the sort, she was a very outspoken peace advocate and proponent of strengthening the Alliance to include non-elves. (in this setting, elves aren't really like...better in any way? they just live a long time, and humans think they're sort of cowards and unreliable, due to the whole "abandoning kingdoms after magic eco-warfare caused a mass soil degradation speedrun" thing, which is remembered with a lot less nuance by human oral retellings.)
she was coppersmith (?) by hobby. that's very specific so idk for sure but she made jewelry of some variety and was like. passably decent at it. just for fun. she was halfway decent with a sword, I'm thinking maybe like a light sabre/rapier, again just for fun and because she liked staying active and like. queer woman's fixation on swords and all that.
she met idhren at some stuffy social event, where she was speaking about a probably-unpopular political stance. at the time, he was serving on the council in Linador (one of the other 3 kingdoms) as a mediator, or...maybe he was already on the larger Alliance council I need to redo the timeline. and he was immediately just so impressed because, you know, she didn't have to be saying any of that, it wasn't popular, but she didn't care. so naturally he Did Not Fucking Talk To Her. at least not on purpose. later that night he went outside for some fresh air (introvert social battery on 0%) and ran into her. and they hit it off, kind of bonded over people seeing only surface-level things about them. she was pissed off about only being seen as a pretty face and nobody listening to her words, and he was uncomfortable with the unwanted attention of people always pointing out his foreign Fairalmin accent.
they eventually became pretty close friends. don't worry about the timeline. hundred years or so lmao. a very "he fell first, she fell harder" type thing: he kind of always saw her as like a safe person, someone he enjoyed being around and who was entirely captivating as an aside, but he was perfectly content to leave it at that and never mention it. she'd only seen him as like, very serious in a quiet melancholy sort of way, sort of demure and whatever, and vaguely knew he'd been a low-ranking military officer before a council mediator, but at some point saw him sparring and in armor and was just like. "oh. ok cool. im very normal about this. fuck." i made a post of her with the "babygirl your enormous eyebags and just barely noticeable tremor have captivated me" meme and like. yeah.
at that point he was on the Alliance war-council thing I mentioned, and in a...well I hesitate to call it a relationship, with the general/warmaster leading it all. worked closely under him, they'd both experienced similar losses they hadn't really healed from, the warmaster wanted a purely physical distraction from the stress of war/his partner's death. again, Idhren was perfectly content to ignore his own feelings of wanting something more, but finally he did have to break it off just for his own sanity. honestly, he and Leithe (who were sort of figuring out their feelings by then) would've been okay with a casual poly thing if it'd been on the table.
anyways, in the war's aftermath they became a couple in earnest. at some point Therien (my mc) was born. she's a weird little fucker lmao i love her dearly. when Therien was 12, Leithe was part of some peace convoy during a nearby kingdom's civil war, and was killed when they were attacked.
idhren was like "oh my god i am not mentally stable enough to be responsible for raising a child in a healthy environment she needs to stay with my friend for a few years while I get through this" which like, not a great option, but the guy had been launched full force back into half-healed trauma response suicidal ideation so I can't blame him. my first book begins 5 years later, when Therien meets her father again and gets the chance to come home, right on the edge of another war, and gets to learn a lot about her parents on top of the usual teenage uncertainties.
(also thank you for letting me ramble about this it was very fun lol, I'm going to spend time reading up on your wip posts so I can ask questions about them as soon as I have a chance <3)
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kyouka-supremacy · 4 months
so, kyotag, your super honest opinion about bsd characters please (aka, who is your fave and who is your least fave. i promise, i am not trying to get you 'cancelled', i am just curious!) 🎤
Ever since I've gotten this ask I've been trembling, I don't think I can ever give bsd honest opinions for the sake of my own future mental sanity LMAO. The upside is, I can talk plenty of the characters I like!!
My favourite character is Kenji! For real, ahah. I'm just always drawn to characters that are just... Good. little guys only trying to do their best and be kind. I suppose there's also a factor of “that's who I want to be” that makes me like them in particular. I don't like the direction they went for Kenji's character in chapter 100.5, but really? I wasn't particularly let down by it either, like it's so fundamentally coherent with the worldview bsd expresses, if anything it was chapter 13 that was out of the scheme. I'm a professional canon ignorer at this point and I'll keep doing just that ahah.
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↑ Saw this scene for the first time in the anime, went “Slay! Communist king!”, and he's been my favourite ever since lol.
Although, if we count in Beast, then my favourite character overall must be Beast Atsushi. I mean, have you seen him... Most fucked up guy ever. He went through unimaginable trauma and he still kept being so soft at his core. He just wants to live but everyone is making it so hard for him. He cares for Kyouka so much and he cares for Dazai so much and (to me) he cares for Akutagawa so much like little traumatized boy how did you manage to save all that love in you despite the Horrors. I can't put in words how much I love him but really he's the only character I can say I really sympathize with, like, I want good things to happen to him. I want him to spend the rest of his life coddled and adored.
I love all the female characters <3 I ADORE Kyouka, I think among the other female characters she's the most multilayered and complex character with a structured and compelling story arc. I think she's seriously nice, I really love this stark contrast between her sharp, cynical side and her side that is so sweet and kind and so utterly 14 y/o, and I love how these two sides aren't really in conflict but just come to be together and make her so authentically Kyouka. She's so dear to me. Also, she's the only female character who can compete with the s.kk / ss.kk four for the role of main character, so like, I'm rooting for her ahah.
I adore Yosano for self-explanatory reasons lmao. The chapters of her backstory may not be my absolute favourites for a mere matter of personal taste but I definitely think they make for the best written chapters in the whole manga. I really like how sensitive she is of others' suffering, I think she's amazing– I think her compassion is truly amazing. I want to read more stories of unapologetically compassionate characters. I also generally really really love “older sister” kind of characters!!
I love Kouyou with all I've got. I'm sorry, I genuinely think her story was this good on mistake, but still. I think her backstory makes her genuinely intriguing, I think she's extremely cool and powerful and a joy to see in action, I think toxic mother / daughter relationships are super fun to explore, I think she deserves so much more spotlight and should be back as soon as possible.
I love Mitchell lmao. Like I know it may not look like it but I truly think about her 24/7. I just love women that are kinda silly and over the top. She's got like four lines and every single one is a gem and I adore all of them. She's got those big evident flaws and they make her so human and likeable!!! She's my best friend. Not to mention how loyal she is and how much she cares about her family, I really like those traits of her. Oh, and gowns! I love love love gowns.
Okay but seriously I love all female characters. I didn't like Lucy in particular at the start but she's really grown on me and now I adore her with everything. Wells is spectacular and I need her back as soon as possible. Every woman I didn't mention, from Higuchi to Egawa, believe me I love with all my heart.
I went off a tangent I'm so sorry </3 I know you asked for one character, but how can I not mention the others??? It's just been so long for me in the fandom now and I just can't but grow attached. And I've got so much untapped love for women I never get to talk about on my silly blog that focuses on two men. Following up the list, would be Akutagawa. And I don't want to talk about him because I suppose there's no need to after having made one trillion posts about him but also can I just say? I like him for the same exact reasons I like Kenji. She's just a guy trying to be good. The difference is that he sucks so bad at it, and it makes him SO fun to explore as a character. I really have so much fun playing with him. Then would be Tachihara, Jouno...
... ........................ For the characters I like least, I suppose, R/anpo. I'm so sorry peoples. In R/anpo's case, it's just... Why do you have to be so mean and disrespectful all the time. Seriously, dude. Why is he always treating others as less than he is. I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't help but find it displeasant? Like it takes zero energy to treat other people with common human decency, c'mon dude. At least Akutagawa is trying to do better, but everyone treats R/anpo like he's entitled to be a jerk? Idk man.
K/unikida. In his case, I Do Get why he's the way that he is (and genuinely can relate to him to an extent), it's just... For the way I am, I consider to try and forcibly impose your own ideals on other people to be about the most insulting thing you can do. And he does that a lot, with Atsushi and Dazai and everyone else. He also has this whole forced lack of empathy thing going on like... I get why he does that, and I get what he went through that made him like he is, but that doesn't change the fact you're kinda being a dick to everyone all the time dude. Please get some therapy.
That doesn't mean there aren't moments when I've genuinely liked them both and found them seriously cool!!!! I still think K/unikida is an interesting character and I genuinely get why people like him. I love the helicopter scene, I remember when I was reading the manga for the first time, when he said “no one ruins my schedule”, I was like, whaa, I was completely in awe. For R/anpo too, the Untold Origins arc from what I could see from the anime was really nice, and I also highly enjoy that one scene of his in chapter 81, the “To tell the truth, I had absolutely no assurance they'd believe me”.
Thank you for the ask Nyusa!! I hope you could find this at least a little bit interesting (?). If anything, now you know a little more about me, ahah. Also not talking about Dazai this time because really I can't be here the whole day.
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Gojo's dynamic with Nanami and Utahime?
It seems that Gege listed some hints that Gojo may like them romantically but alas this was according to shippers themselves and it's unclear whether the official material was meant to interpreted that way or if it was just a funny thing thrown around. Regardless i just wanna add my cents here, the show really keeps denying that Gojo will ever be romantically interested in any of these characters asides from possibly Geto but at the same time it acknowledges that fans like various relationships so it feeds them these irrelevant crumbs. That's why i ask for your opinion on their dynamic, if you're comfortable answering this ofc!
Listen... not only is my blog psychology-focused, there's a reason I have not really made any shippy posts about jjk. I've gone to town gushing about seisub, soma, kurofai and asucaga before. But those ships exist in old fandoms where there is a prevalent agreement and support about and for the ship.
jjk tho... the topic of shipping in jjk is a dangerous landmine regardless of who you ship for many different reasons.
That said, apologies if this wasn't your intention, but the way you worded your ask made it smell like bait from about three miles away, and I have been debating about what I want to say to you ever since I received it. Moots told me to just drop it but I found that I didn't want to drop it precisely because it feels like bait.
So basically, because 3 our of 4 moots I have shown your ask to agree that this is bait, I am going to respond in kind and will give you the least satisfying answer ever under the cut.
You have been warned...
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jk anon, sorry for the click bait...
It's not that I'm going to give you a dissatisfying answer, it's that I don't want to participate in shipping wars 🤷‍♀️ and I feel like I am being dragged into one with this ask.
The truth is, I'm too old for shipping wars and avoid them like the plague to the best of my ability and for my own mental sanity... And one of the things that really gets under my skin is gatekeeping in shipping, which admittedly means I am probably being a hypocrite about it. Gotta work on that.
At this stage in my life tho, I am more interested in being able to both celebrate what I love instead of focusing on what I don't like, or on holding two contradictory truths at once rather than to take sides and claim one side is right and the other side is wrong.
To that point, lately I've heard a lot of people say it's not ok to be neutral. To that I say that polarized thinking is a sign of lack of experience and an unwillingness to be open to another point of view. I say this from experience, not because I'm judging anyone.
Been there, done that.
Like I was an idiot back in the day for thinking I couldn't like both Maya Sakamoto and Utada Hikaru. Like... what a clown 🤡 to think I HAD TO PICK ONE and could only like one of them lmao.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming you love stsg because of the way you frame the ask around how Geto seems to be the one person whom Gege hints at being the most likely that Gojo would be "romantically interested in".
On the other hand, you also tell me that shipping Gojo with other characters is based on what looks to you like irrelevant breadcrumbs.
Now, before I keep going, what follows is my personal opinion, and I do not claim to own the objective truth about this topic.
In fact, I am very aware that there is no right answer to your ask, and that whatever I answer can stir unnecessary shit up because, not only is this topic sensitive because that's the state of shipping in jjk fandom, but the ask itself feels like its baiting me to give an answer someone knows they aren't going to like.
Very machiuvelical of you anon 😏 I see you!
So either I'm paranoid af, or you're not very good at pretending you are genuinely confused because "it's unclear whether the official material was meant to be interpreted that way or if it was just a funny thing thrown around".
Come the fuck on... 😂
First, you sent an ask to someone who understands mind games; and second, it's perfectly ok to say you don't like the other two ships.
But again, I have also said things in a way that was misinterpreted by others, so... benefit of the doubt here.
Thing is, if you love stsg, no one can take that away from you. Trust me, no one needs anyone's opinion to love ANY ship.
So, let's start with the hard stuff up front.
I ship stsg
I don't care if they are or aren't canon.
If others want to have this conversation and pull panels to back up why they think they are canon etc etc, good. This is not a conversation I care to have any longer because I realized I don't need Gege, or anyone for that matter, to tell me it's ok to ship a pairing--more on this later.
If you do, then, yeah, that's relatable and very understandable.
I also don't care if the jjk powerscaling bros can't accept that Gege has baked ambiguity into the dynamic, and that the cursed cat has recommended bl manga TWICE--thus hinting at the idea that Gege enjoys reading bl.
AND I also respect that there are those who truly see them only as friends. That's their business, you know? Why does their opinion matter if I ship them?
But, when I put on the rose-colored fujo glasses, I see it.
It's undeniable.
stsg is the jjk version of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle's kurofai.
But to be frank... I disagree with the idea that any evidence pointing at gjhm are "irrelevant breadcrumbs" that "shippers are throwing around".
Are they breadcrumbs? Yes. There isn't a whole lot of canonical evidence. But I also don't often hear gjhm shippers say things like "they're so canon" although I could be wrong.
So, are people throwing breadcrumbs around to be funny? This frankly makes it sound like you think very lowly of how some people choose to interpret certain panels.
Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt, this kinda sounds like you see yourself as better than... ?? because to you, its "unclear" how people can interpret the text as there being any ambiguity about the dynamic.
No it isn't 😂. It's clear as day. Come ooooooon.
Its ok to not like that Gege hinted at it AND it also doesn't make stsg any less important.
So are the breadcrumbs truly irrelevant? Only if you have an agenda.
Again, I am sorry if this isn't your intention, but calling them "irrelevant breadcrumbs" makes it sounds like there's an agenda geared at denying something you don't agree with. Which is SUPER relatable.
What I'll say is that, from the "breadcrumbs" Gege gave us about gjhm, I got the sense that, if there was some sort of romantic involvement between Gojo and Utahime that Gege is hinting at in the subtext, it was very bittersweet.
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I'm totally not feeling like going and doing any research about this because there are plenty of gjhm shippers who have stated why the "breadcrumbs" make sense to them. AND I also think it's undeniable that there was something between them given the whole song lyrics related to her ct blablabla.
Denying this makes it sound like you're cherry picking what you think is and isn't subtext in the official work based on your shipping preferences.
Also, I don't personally ship gjhm but I have moots who do. As I said, I ship stsg AND I can also respect that others ship gjhm because two opposing ideas can coexist.
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Anyways, with ch 236 in mind, in retrospect, what made gjhm undeniably bittersweet, was that Gojo was emotionally stunted in his teen years. This makes Gojo emotionally unavailable to ANYONE because he was stuck longing to be understood the way Geto once understood him, while simultaneously making himself hard to understand.
I think that if Gojo and Utahime were involved behind the scenes, this doesn't mean he didn't miss Geto or stopped loving him. The way I see it, he could very well have loved both. But again, that's my interpretation. It sounds like yours is different.
To me, Utahime isn't some sort of impediment for Gojo to love Geto and viceversa. This isn't a love triangle--Geto isn't even in the picture in their adult years.
That, and, the idea that we can only ever love one person is an unrealistic byproduct of the psychology of romantic love. And yet I can also understand why Gojo felt understood by Geto the most. I mean... Geto is the first person he sees when he dies.
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This is so... beautiful.
So if you take the song lyrics hinted at in Uta's ct and put yourself in Utahime's shoes from the perspective of a gjhm shipper, you have a woman who is in a relational dynamic with someone who can't be present for her because he isn't present for himself to begin with.
I know you unironically think it's "a funny irrelevant thing being thrown around", but from how I'm interpreting this, that's not irrelevant or funny to me.
It's human tragedy, and it's sad af for all parties involved. And if you don't agree, you don't agree and that's ok. We can both agree to disagree.
Now, this is how I interpret gjhm based on that ONE specific breadcrumb. Which again, is anything but irrelevant unless your goal is to minimize someone else's perspective. For all I know, a gjhm fan reads this and doesn't agree with me.
For the record, I'm not saying you should change your mind about gjhm if you don't like the ship because you think Utahime truly hates Gojo's guts or that it's misogynistic to pair her with a man but perfectly ok to ship her with Shoko because somehow that makes it ok for her to be in a romantic relationship with someone else, or whatever reasons you might have.
I'm saying that you can love stsg AND simultaneously understand and respect that someone else would have a different opinion, even if you don't personally agree with it.
As for Nanami and Gojo... I mean... 🤷‍♀️
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I guess if I put the fujo glasses on I can sort of see it. But again, why should anyone care about whether I agree with them or not? Like... when did I become the authority on shipping? 🤷‍♀️
I don't want that responsibility.
But, the most important thing I want to get across here, is that shipping is highly personal because there is a certain degree of self-insertion happening when we "ship".
So if you, or anyone for that matter, loves stsg, it's because you can see something about the dynamic reflected back at you that rings true to you.
You might say, "it's not that deep, I just see the official text and like what I saw." Which is also fair. But if it wasn't that deep, this ask wouldn't be something I was answering right now.
So, that's why to me, for MY answer to YOUR ask with the way it feels like bait, it's irrelevant whether the ships are canon or not. All that matters is that you, as a participant in this piece of media, can relate to the dynamic. And this is not to minimize whether "the official material is meant to be interpreted one way or another".
But again, cherry picking what we want to be subtext based on an agenda is a biased take.
All I am saying is that shipping is highly personal.
Again, if you don't like the "boy picks on girl" dynamic that gjhm has, it's because it's not for you. I have read what others have to say about not liking it and, honestly, good on y'all. Makes sense.
And if someone explains to me why gjhm makes sense to them, I am no one to tell them they are wrong to self-insert into this dynamic and explore what its potential means to them.
So, anon, I would much rather hear about why you love stsg.
If you want to talk to people who want to focus on hating gjhm or gojonana, or discussing why it's "funny irrelevant breadcrumbs thrown around", for whatever reasons you might have, I simply am not the right person.
All of this said, any further comments seeking to minimize any ship shall be ignored because I am not interested in contributing to shipping wars.
Enjoy stsg. It's a beautiful ship!
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Thanks for stopping by, and sharing that bit of stsg love you did share with me. Again, sorry if I misinterpreted your intention, and if I didn't... idk.
All the love.
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hxllo-nana · 3 months
So, like I said in my previous Ask, I wanted to talk about some of ur other stuff (non-Dead Ringer) in another Ask/other Asks.  At least for the most part, and that is this Ask.
Copy and pasting from posts on ur hxllo nana YT again:
“Inkubator’s Arc: A villain Ink Sans story featuring lots of other aus (not just sanses), this and Deadringer are the two things im currently putting my time on
“Bonnytale: A flower infested story with a current focus on one original au, this will story will be posted on youtube after Deadringer”
I just wanted to say the “Inkubator’s Arc has been interesting so far (though, I do need to catch up on it some), and I am really happy u are posting it elsewhere (Tumblr), besides TikTok.  Maybe u could even post it on YouTube someday, like u do w/ Dead Ringer, Bonnytale in the future, etc.  But it is fine if u don’t.  Inkubator’s Arc seems to be done in quite the different format than Dead Ringer is and Bonnytale is being done is, which is also interesting.
I like the cast of Inkubator’s Arc so far, or at least, what we know and/or have seen it of so far.
Ok, done with talking about Inkubator’s Arc (for now at least, maybe), gonna talk about Bonnytale some now.
Bonnytale remains an awesome, interesting, and gorgeous AU to me, and I am really excited to see ur own AU’s story and stuff play out.
(This is the one Dead Ringer thing I am going to mention.  And I am mentioning it in connection to Bonnytale.  Or well, it was the one Dead Ringer thing I was going to mention in this Ask, but I had something else(s) after this).  
I remember seeing u decided to wait until u finished the pilot, instead of posting just the intro.  So you could post both the intro and pilot, and that it would maybe be early 2024 then/now?  But I can’t remember, but if u are going to be posting it after Dead Ringer, does that mean after all 7 (I think) episodes are done?  Including the intro and pilot?  If so, that is cool, just wanted to clarify.  And I am excited for then and stuff.
Also, forgot to mention this in my Dead Ringer Ask, and/or it just came to my mind now to say about ur Dead Ringer AU.  I just wanted to say, I really love and find it funny that Dead Ringer, who is the alive one, looks like the dark, kind of tired-looking “demon” child, while Chara (the dead one) looks so much happier and brighter and/or lighter.  Lmao.  Ok, that all of the other (I think) Dead Ringer stuff I wanted to mention in this Ask.  I want to talk about one other AU, but I am going to save that for the last (for now) Ask of mine, because once again, this getting long, and content-wise, I think splitting them like this makes sense.  2/3.
- Inkubator’s arc is more of a comic style and requires less effort than deadringer and bonnytale, not only would this be good for me and my schedule (and sanity), but it allows me to work on bonnytale without burning myself. I would probably animate or give visual editing on a few things(chapter parts)in Inkubator and post it on youtube maybe so let’s see!
- Bonnytale will come after all episodes of Deadringer are done. (or atleast when ep 6 is posted). There is a few things about this au I would like to tweak (in terms of plot and a few design changes) and I need all the time I can get before I release anything in case I want to make some changes. For what time in the year it would come I think it’s best I don’t say anything incase I curse myself…again
- The entire cast of deadringer has been emofied by 1000 and the only fact is…that everyone is completely aware of it lol. Chara mostly but their image is more leaning into, “i’m cute so I won’t get hurt”, but they still have the same headspace as original Chara :b
- hehehehe, i love asks *CRUNCH*
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genericpuff · 1 year
pals, holy sweet mother of-
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i was NOT expecting my asks to explode this last week after turning on anon asks
but i guess no one 'expects' explosions otherwise they wouldn't be as effective LMAO
so this is gonna be a general PSA/update to how I'm gonna be doing asks from here on out
my asks are currently a combination of LO crit, questions about Rekindled, and questions about art in general
I said a while back that I would try to start stepping away from LO crit because it just doesn't feel right to me anymore to continue discussing or giving attention to a comic that's flat out morally bankrupt. I stand by that original statement but I've been bad at actually, y'know, putting it into action LMAO Part of it is because 1.) picking apart LO is still very fun, and 2.) it's hard to talk about Rekindled without talking about LO because Rekindled was obviously built on the criticism and disappointment I've had for LO over this past year. If LO wasn't on fire right now, I wouldn't have any kindling to fuel the production of Rekindled.
That being said, as a general PSA, I also don't want people to take my opinion as some kind of Bible. Obviously a lot of people come to my blog because they share similar opinions and enjoy seeing my own takes on them and that's fine, but if you're someone who hasn't read the comic, while I'm spiteful enough to not want to see LO continue to gain attention, I still implore everyone to do their own due diligence and read the comic to come to their own conclusion and opinions, whether or not they happen to match up with my own. Because yes, sometimes even my own takes can be unfounded or easily refuted, and I don't want to be encouraging hivemind behavior from the crit side of the community either. I'll always encourage y'all to come to your own conclusions about the comic and argue my own takes if you wish, just be ready to bring proper defenses and an open mind because I don't tolerate sealioning.
Going forward, for the sake of my own sanity and fingertips, I'll be mostly prioritizing the following kinds of asks for public responses on my blog:
Questions/discussion about Rekindled
LO-related criticisms IF it's something new or interesting that hasn't been discussed before (because at this point I'm starting to repeat points that I've already made tons of times before or have been made by others that are easy to find through the hashtags or through archives)
Art-related stuff that's got a specific goal in mind. I have a few asks in my inbox right now that are along the lines of "how do you get better at art" and I can't feasibly answer that question in one blog post because that's like asking how one learns quantum mechanics. There are just too many facets of art to go over that I can't reasonably cover, and I'm one person, there are plenty of tutorials, lessons, and communities online that can give you way more varied resources besides just my own singular experience. So if you want to ask art questions, be specific, like if you want to know about shape language or how to do specific digital art tricks or something, that's fine. Just no general "how do I draw" type questions because straight up, learning how to draw is a long-term commitment and can't be covered in a single blog post LMAO
However, I don't like leaving questions unanswered for people either (many of you take much of your own time to send me these massive essays comparable to my own and I'd hate for it to feel wasted) so when it comes to questions that I do want to respond to but not pile up in my blog, I'll simply answer them privately from here on out. It just might take me a bit longer to get back to them so please be patient <3
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birthday-of-music · 1 year
1-12 FOR THE WRITING ASKS !!! hi :3333
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
uhm. i uh. write on the notes app. sometimes on word though and i just use calibri bc default
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
GOD NO I COULD NOT.. fun fact i never fixed my bad pencil grip when i was really young so i hold pens weird as shit and it hurts after a little while. english exam had me dying every five minutes shaking my wrist out and that was only like 600-700 words i think
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
another fun story i used to write about a hundred words every night on my old ipod that i kept in my room before sleeping. said ipod was kind of halfway to exploding. like uh. that one “pillow” post with the dangerous battery. iwdont do that anymore though and i threw out the ipod everything is fine
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I DONT KNOW UM. in general i have a notebook full of pretty words (ethereal, golden, eternity, that kind of like. overly fancy and poetic shit)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
uh. i dont think so im kind of basic
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
i guess that when i post something people will hate it? like. outright hate it and say its bad and stuff?
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
i suppose the opposite of the above but also sometimes ill look back at my writing from a year ago that isnt like. in my mind anymore and ill be able to read it and enjoy it as not something i wrote? bc ill forget i wrote it and then i get to enjoy stuff that is extremely catered to me lmao
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
oh dialogue definitely theres something kind of fun about writing stuff without dialogue idk what it just. is.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
uh. nope not really
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
UM. same as you all the bright places. also the fault in our stars. very clear what types of books i like isnt it. also this fic which is saying a lot because i dont care about genshin anymore but every time i think about it it hurts.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
uh. i like hurting my faves but only if there is comfort otherwise i die inside. every time i write hurt no comfort i lose a bit more of my sanity
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
i always wish for more wishes but lorem ipsum i could never… three wishes uh. one that every time i write a character i can characterise them right. two that when i proofread i never miss any typos. and three um.. the ability to have continuous motivation to write a multichaptered fic
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bobapplesimblr · 4 months
Devlog #3
I was away from my laptop for so long (battery inflated), but I'm finally back with it!!! I did not get any kind of giant amount of progress done, but I did make a small video to showcase the little animation I made for a weapon swing! :D I'm honestly really happy with it, and I got some feedback from a friend that helped me make it a little better while I was animating it.
So far I only have a down walk and a down swing for Yuna, but I'll have the rest of the orientations done quick! Not today, at the time of me writing this, but probably tomorrow! And if not tomorrow, then the day after!!
Besides that I kinda just, reworked a tiny bit of the scripting? (I feel that using the work scripting instead of coding is more fitting as what I am using for this is a visual scripting engine) And I am having a lot of fun with it.
Next up on my to do list, besides finishing up the player animations, will be to try my hand at making a start screen and menu system, and most likely some level design after that. It's been a little hard for me to plan out what honestly should be higher priority, but I will definitely take the time to sit down and organize that, for my own sanity lmao. But I also have to learn a lot more of the basics, but I will do that as I go!
Alrighty then, onto the clip!
[3 seperate swings, fade in and fade out done in editing software.]
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velkyr · 8 months
🎈, 🤍, & 🪄 for the writer ask meme!
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
I think it's fairly fixed - that's not to say it hasn't evolved over time, I've definitely noticed it... developing, for lack of a better word, now that I'm knee deep in a longfic for the first time. e.g. I enjoy messing around with dialogue a lot more than I used to :> the fundamentals remain the same though:
tons of description of the current setting and how characters are feeling about/reacting to a given situation
focusing on the sensory experience (mostly sight/sound but there's a fair amount of touch in there too these days lol)
usually a third person limited perspective where I try my hardest to narrow it down to only what that character can perceive, think and conceptualise, unless there's something mega specific I want to highlight from outside that scope. sometimes the characters are flat out wrong and we love that for them here <3
🤍 what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
hmm I guess it's not so much that people didn't "get" it per se, but at the time I wrote a season that never ends I remember being pretty happy for once about the level of introspection it had in it + being able to work with what was, for me, a kind of cathartic supportive sibling interaction that got as much of the spotlight as the ship itself did. it didn't really get the traction that the other two fics in that mini-series did, which I was mildly bummed out about at the time; I think it's partially down to the fact that the shipping isn't stemming from direct in-person interaction for them, so hey, what can you do!
🪄 what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
I do less than I perhaps should 💀 but yeah typically I just. take a flat out break from anything creative or adjacent for at least a day or two for my own sanity. especially atm when I'm trying to churn out chapters every 2-3 weeks, and those chapters in and of themselves are taking maybe 30-40+ hours of my time each. having a buffer is necessary aftercare lmao. I try not to think too much about writing at all in that gap (though it is inevitable I will, I have fixation brain (terminal)) and just focus on playing video games and, god forbid, do something to put a dent in the deathtrap pile of books I need to read sat on my dresser <3
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cyi-can-you-imagine · 6 months
Helloo! same anon here! 🤍 Just now I have time to thank you for that MASTERPIECE. I read it before work and it just played on a continuous loop in my head for the entire shift. The details, the kiss on the ear and him telling Sam to 'shut up' (I love when Dean is rude with his words and super sweet with his body language. He only does that with his lil bro <3) And now I read all the new ones you wrote and... "dark" DARK IS SOMETHING ELSE. "He can't see them. They think" YES. I love when John or Bobby are aware that there's something off going on between them but play dumb for the sake of their own sanities lmao. Thank you again!! you are keeping this hashtag alive.
AAAHHHHH you have no idea how much this fuels me! Coming back here has opened up something in me and I'm just writing a whole bunch now...I'm SO GLAD you like this! There is more to come, please - this kind of feedback literally pushes me to write more!
Thank you for being part of my revitalization :)
aahhhahahahh (runs away giggling)
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chaoxfix · 2 years
saw a post a bit ago that made me want to throw hands.
watering it down and not quoting/linking back to the post, bc i’m not here for drama i’m just annoyed at this take. don’t rb im just here to poke holes in their argument for my own sanity.
'sonic is a bad parent to tails and should be punished for it and lose custody’ is such a weird fucking take. but let's give it more consideration than it deserves, and argue it. gonna use big brothering and parenting interchangeably here bc sonic has been noted as having practically raised tails, so…..
1) its just a bad faith take. you have to literally cherrypick and misinterpret canon to come to this conclusion. truthfully they have more sweet bonding moments than many people have with irl parents or siblings.
2) its irrelevant criticism because its truly not the point of any narrative we've ever seen, and we have no goddamn clue how mobian children are even meant to be raised. as far as i can tell child abandonment is like. fucking rampant there. no one bats an eye at any of our protagonists. tbh tails’s abandonment/ fending for himself might have been semi normal and it’s sonic taking him under his wing that’s abnormal and extra kind. (we know the bullying is considered strange and extra cruel, but tails being alone isn’t treated as the issue in canon, just the bullying)
3) even if sonic was imperfect... lots of parents are? we see tails thrive and thats the most important part of any parenting strategy, your kid just needs to come out knowing they were loved, and able to care for themselves as they enter adulthood
4) why do you want to punish a 15 year old who started ‘parenting’ at 11. lol. sonic doesnt have parents either, who are you gonna punish for that one? it’s not that deep, and even if it was, stop acting like children need to be unproblematic to deserve friends
sucks for you if you don’t like it but this is how it is. an eleven year old isn’t gonna perfect when he adopts a 4 year old runaway/orphan/whatever. sorry your response to 'youth adopting youth' is so boring and conservative. i see endless potential for cute moments and unique perspectives about childhood and growing up…… and you see a flat 'no fun allowed' sign. we are not the same.
anyways tails doesn’t need parents to take him away from sonic lmao
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sweetdreamsbuck · 2 years
Different anon from before...just dropping in to say I hope you aren't feeling pressured to read fics even when you're not really in the mood to. It's your blog and you should be able to read/not read whatever you want and not be publicly called out for not reading a fic within a day of it being posted...
Sorry if I'm making a big deal of it, but it just made me a little uncomfortable. Love you <3
thank you so much 😭😭 i really appreciate this. i work 6 days a week now and between that and balancing my sanity or will to live lmao i hardly have time to read
i'm massively behind on my reading and about 6 series. it makes me feel bad when people ask if i read the last chapter because i probably haven't read the last 3 😭😭😭
if i were to read things as they're posted, id have no feedback to give and id just give a blank reblog. that's the last thing i want nor do writers deserve. i like to take my time and not feel pressured into providing feedback on something. kind of defeats the whole purpose of leaving my thoughts, doesn't it? also, I know feedback and reblogs on my own work is super low, so it makes me feel like absolute garbage when someone is asking me to hurry and read something when my own stuff isn't getting read. we have to love and try and show some understanding to each other, we are all in the same boat <3
so thank you baby, i'm trying my best 💜
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iamprobablydeadlol · 2 years
Pairing: James Potter and Regulus Black
Summary: Regulus is at Grimauld for the summer and he really misses James so he writes Jamie a letter that James will never receive.
A/n:- this is my first time ever posting anything like this and I have no idea how to use tumblr lmao so please please consider it and cut me some slack. English is my third language so if you happen to take time out of your day to read this please make sure to tell me how it is I'll really appreciate it and if you see any grammatical errors, please do tell me personally. I'll make sure to correct everything :) Anyway I love you all sm I hope you have a good day<3
Regulus was pacing around at Grimauld Place 12. He knew his mother and father weren't home but he was still feeling anxious, as if they'd barge in any minute and try to invade his mind, try to control it. He'd learnt occulomency on his own at hogwarts last year but his parents were still too powerful and experienced. As a result, he had to lock up everything in a box, a golden one that was so precious to him because it was filled with memories of James. James. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of James but it only made him more anxious. That golden box was the only thing he was guarding from his parents because that was the one thing he loved most, after James ofcourse. These days all Regulus could think of was James Fucking Potter and he was very careful while doing so. He made sure to keep a blank face at all times and not act like he was thinking of something important in order to avoid his mother trying to find out what he was up to, as if they'd let him be up to anything. He dreamt of James in his sleep which was risky because his parents could always find him but who is he to try and control his subconscious mind? Yeah the poets will disagree with what he just said but he just doesn't have access to that popular muggle book at this moment (but he is planning to nick it from Pandora after they board the train).
Regulus froze.Did he just use the word 'nick'? Potter was truly influencing him. Rolling his eyes while trying to hide his smile, Regulus tried to think of something to do; suddenly he got a risky idea but he knew he could do it just this once. He could write a letter to James. Well not really a letter but he could just write something and never send it. That would be very beneficial for his sanity, he thought. As he grabbed his muggle pens that he received from Pandora, the ones he hid at all times, he smiled, remembering his best friend. And suddenly he thought of his parents and their pureblood mania. Obviously they'd approve of Pandora being his friend since her family was a part of the sacred 28 but he didn't want the portraits getting the wrong idea and telling his mother. He would be ruining Pandora's life forever.
Like you're ruining James's, a voice sounding like his mother's hissed inside his head. He panicked, looked around the room; she wasn't home yet.
When Sirius was home, Reg felt safe and now he's, well, empty. Ignoring that thought or any other thought that had to do with his pureblood family and his rebellious brother, Regulus diverted his attention to the pens in his hand. He tried to pick a colour he'd never used before. There were only 7 pens in the pack and he'd never used the pink one before so he started writing;
I miss you, I really do. You'll never receive this that's why the ink is pink and no, this is not a funky colour, its kind of ugly in my opinion but you look good when you wear pink. The way you've got me acting like a lovesick fool is pathetic. I see you everywhere, I feel you everywhere, in the stars, the river, everywhere like I said and I hear you too, sometimes when I hear you I get so excited but mostly I just panic and I think about what they'll do to you. I'm sorry for this, James. I love you so much and I, I think about you so much but not nearly enough. They're everywhere in this house, these walls and whatever's hung up on them and whatever's beneath them, they're all dark and they're always listening. But you're this splashing tide in my life, you're this fresh breeze of wind that can sometimes not be seen but always felt. (No pun intended) Potter, you truly are my sun. You're my everything. There's nothing I love more than you in the world, universe actually. You and I, we're like a sunset, James. You're the sun and I'm- I'm nothing. The sunset is the most beautiful moment of the entire day but it only lasts a few minutes. Then, the sun sets and it's all dark. We're beautiful together, you always say but I'm what makes the sun set in your life and you're what makes the sun rise in mine. We're incompatible, you and I but you're my favourite and you'll always be, my love. You're the best thing to ever happen to me. You're the little happy moment in my life that I'll remember forever, even after it all comes to an end. I'm sorry James, I- I can't do this anymore. My mother will kill you if she finds out. I don't want to put your life in danger for selfish reasons. I don't know when I'll finally get the courage to tell you whatever I want to say but if you receive this (which you definitely won't), we're not a thing anymore but you'll always be in my heart and I hope I don't reside in yours for too long. I hope you move on and find someone that loves you as much as I do, no, more than I do if that is possible. I wish you the best. I'll always think about you right before I sleep and I'll always see your face when I close my eyes. That's something that will never change.
Always yours Yours sincerely,
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
those left behind… also i didn’t realize that other people had actual organized folders for their wips and not just a google doc lmao
I both have a chronic need to organize things in a way that enables me to find them again (it's the archivist in me) and mostly write in Microsoft Word...I think I have 3 fics total on Google Docs (and mostly only because I was sharing bits and pieces with a friend and got tired of screensharing asdfghjkl). So I keep my fics separate from all of my other various docs and separated into folders labelled by fandom for the sake of my sanity.
As for Those Left Behind...that happens to be "that one Young Justice fic I wrote when I was 16 and nearly finished when I was 18, but the last chapter isn't done yet and now I want to go back and re-write the whole thing."
Summary: "Five times the Team mourned Artemis and the one time they didn't have to."
Here's a long excerpt from the final chapter I published, which covered Artemis's faked death in "Depths":
His mind is detached, clinical in its observations. It’s like his emotions have just shut down, leaving this numb, empty feeling behind. Things are registering...but in a disconnected, impassive way that he knows instinctively is bad but can’t help but be relieved over (because he knows that if it were any different, he’d currently be throwing things in a blinding rage right now). Three things keep repeating in his mind (over and over and over). Artemis is dead. Kaldur killed her. And M’gann is crying.
Logically, he knows he couldn’t have done anything. He was on the other side of the bay when it happened. But logic doesn’t apply when one of your best friends is lying on the ground with blood on her uniform and you can’t hear her heartbeat. He remembers the growing feeling of horror within him as he watched Nightwing desperately perform CPR and he still couldn’t hear her heartbeat (no reassuring thump, thump, thump to keep his own heart from breaking). It was then that he shut down, mechanically helping Nightwing and M’gann move Artemis’s body while he dissociated himself. It was like watching his life through someone else’s eyes, or through a television screen (watching but not feeling Artemis’s cold cold so cold body cradled in his strong arms, M’gann’s warm hand half on Artemis’s arm, half on his, Nightwing slowly and solemnly leading the three of them-no, two and a body-to the zeta tube).
It’s not until much later that he realizes that he has blood on his hands (literally). It should be horrifying (he has his friend’s blood spread liberally over his hands, under his fingernails and on his shirt), but all he can think about is how Artemis was joking with him not even three hours ago about how often he ran through his shirts, and how he replied that she was perfectly welcome to make him a laser-proof, waterproof, and fireproof shirt if she wanted.
He never said blood-proof.
He’s standing against a wall with Artemis’s blood on his shirt and suddenly it’s all he can do not to throw up. And still in the background is M’gann crying, crying, crying, and now he needs the comfort and the innocence and god, he needs the old M’gann (his M’gann, back before she was hard and manipulative and misguided), because he’s not sure he can deal with this, and he wants the loving comfort of M’gann’s arms around him. He’s a living weapon, a being created to protect and destroy and take people down, and it still isn’t enough to save the lives of the people he loves.
It kind of haunts me because 5 of the 6 chapters are published and I've occasionally gotten the odd comment over the years about finishing it. I mostly have three problems keeping me from finishing it: I could never figure out what I actually wanted to do for the last chapter, I wrote it in an experimental style that's personally difficult for me to replicate now, and I haven't watched the show in a long time so my memories are a bit fuzzy. It's the only one of my YJ fics that I consider to be an active WIP even though I haven't touched it in nearly 6 years, because I do genuinely intend to finish it once I've gone back and re-watched the show for the first time since it went off-air in 2013. So...hope and pray that my creative juices to rework and finish it get sparked soon.
Ask me about one of my WIPs!
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ohnomybreadsticks · 6 months
Ao3 WIP Tag Game!
I was tagged by @itshype - thank you for including me in your tag list <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 160! Which is an absolutely wild number to think about, tbqh
2. What's your AO3 word count? 917,682, although some of those aren't mine due to some of my longest works being shared RPs I posted
3. What fandoms do you write for? I have works mostly posted for Detroit: Become Human and the Witcher Netflix, but I've written a few for others, like Transistor and LotR. And now I have 2 that are original works!
4. What are your Top 5 Fics by Kudos?
Starting with most kudos:
1) More Than Enough (Witcher, E)
2) Alike in Both the Heart and Mind (DBH, E)
3) What's It Going to Take for You to Feel Good? (DBH, E)
4) Too Tired to Ask, but Not to Receive (Witcher)
5) In Which Gavin Learns to Love an Elder God (DBH)
shocker lmao, almost all of these prominently feature smutty sections!
5. Do you respond to comments? Always! If a reader has made a comment, I'll make sure to reply, even if it's just to say 'thank you' :) It just might take me a while to get to it sometimes
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There Are No Atheists in Foxholes (DBH, E)! Can't get much more angsty than MCD lmao (altho does it count if he comes back in like 300 years?)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I am a fluffy gal usually lmao, almost all of my fics have happy sappy endings!
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully no, I've never gotten any hate on my fics. Very grateful for that, but I'm very much not afraid of the block button.
9. Do you write smut? LOL I've written my fair share. I've got 41 E rated fics on AO3, and 17 M rated fics, so that's a decent amount of the spice. Lately though I haven't been feeling that vibe as much, so much so that the last bit of smut I wrote was quite difficult!
10. Do you write cross-overs? Mmmmmm not sure if I've written a traditional crossover, where characters from both franchises interacted... But I popped some Witcher characters into a LotR setting, and some DBH characters into a Witcher setting at some point!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but I've had podfic made of my fic, which was incredibly flattering <3
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Yep, several times.
13. What is a WIP you would like to finish but doubt you ever will? Mmmm...I don't tend to abandon WIPs, even if it takes me a long time to return. The few chaptered fics that are 'unfinished' on AO3 are the only ones I'll never return to
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? I could never pick while I was in the trenches lmao, and now that I've been kind of out of my fandoms for a while I don't have an opinion either XD
15. What are you writing strengths? Folks always tell me my descriptions are engaging, which makes me happy because that's something I work very hard on. I hope my characters and their relationships are a strength as well
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Probably niche-ness lmao. I love to create a hyper-specific scenario that only I enjoy, so it doesn't reach any kind of audience. I also know I'm very bad at writing action sequences, which is why I never write them lmao
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm not a fan, tbh. Unless it's a language you're really familiar with, the chances of getting it wrong are too high. And the clunkiness of putting it in the fic makes it...oof.
18. First fandom you wrote for? For my own sanity I'll pass on this one lmao. My first AO3 fic was most certainly DBH
19. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Also hard to choose...Privately I'm very fond of Let Me In (i'll be good to you, i swear) - any of my prairie-based fics hold a special place in my heart
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day? Hard question - right now I'd have to say none! I'm very much a 'when it's done it's done' girlie
Tagging: @catoeirienind @sinclairsolutions but no pressure <3
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