#i look up how to cope with narc crash
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alostlittleriverlotus · 11 months
seeing an anti-narcissist post talking about how narcissists will believe they're good people and never realize the harm they're doing.
It is really amazing how anti-narcissist folks fit their own definition of narcissism.
Because when we even try to calmly explain, no accusatory language, to them why they are harming victims of abuse as well and why they are dehumanizing a group of people, they will instantly use their trauma and abuse as a reason for why they aren't wrong and believe they are standing up for victims of abuse.
Narcissists are victims of abuse too. My abusive mom is, I am. Like. You're demonizing a group of abuse victims as if it'll help you heal at all by acting like the narcissist is evil and self loathing. Regardless of whether your abuser has NPD or not doesn't matter. My mom's autism adds to her mistreatment of me. She takes things at face value and will neglect me even when I flat out tell her. It's not a trait of autistic abuse. Disorders do affect treatment of people, duh, because it affects their world view and how they perceived things. Like, how someone depressed may have their self image warped as well as their view of people around em. But that does not make it "disorder abuse." The disorder didn't abuse you, people with the disorder aren't more likely to be abusive or have their symptoms/traits affect others. You have a warped view because of trauma too. And people may use their disorders as a scapegoat (my ex used his depression a lot for his mistreatment of me and even blamed me for his depression), but it doesn't make it disorder abuse. It doesn't mean every person with the disorder is evil. And if you're someone who can "separate a narcissist from someone with NPD cause they are different" you fail to see how the correlation still harms people with NPD. That's why we ask you to use different terms.
We can't find solace in trauma and mental health spaces because of this anti-narcissist rhetoric and belief. That narcissists are bad and abusive and will always hurt you and can't love. Trauma victims with NPD can't even be welcomed in most trauma victim spaces because of this. People with NPD cannot look up help for their disorder without being bombarded with how to cope with the toxic narcissist. Just think about it for more than 5 seconds and try to empathize with us (since anti-narcs love using empathy, here you go.)
Empathize with us. Show us compassion. You ARE hurting victims. You're throwing trauma victims under a bus as a scapegoat and an outlet for you cause of your abuser hurting you. It IS a you problem. We are asking that you listen to us and learn and actually show us compassion and treat us like people. Honestly.
And don't even try to say "well you're a narcissist, of course you'd say that." That is literally ignoring what we say because of a bias you have with the disorder. I am saying this cause I shouldn't have to be wary of mental health spaces, I shouldn't have to go on Tumblr and find the NPD community to help me through narc crashes. I was having a narc crash and tried to find help on Google, all it did was make me suicidal instead of wanting to self harm. I could have died! And I have seen stories of other people with NPD killing themselves because of the stigma! This is a fucking real issue and me being a narcissist and affected by this ableism does not discredit what I say. Just please listen!
But if you're unwilling to, just block me. Because if you aren't willing to listen and learn and try to understand then don't even bother interacting with me, even negatively. I won't waste my time on people refusing to listen.
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Hello! While looking at your guide to NPD, the symptoms really felt like things I struggle with a lot, but when I searched around online for more info elsewhere, everything focuses heavily on symptoms of “believes theyre better than everybody else” and “inflated sense of self-importance”, instead of what you listed in that post. Is that what you meant by “prioritizing self”? /gen
Kind of! With NPD, how you view yourself is quite complicated.
We may believe we're better than others or hold ourselves to higher standards, but since that isn't based on anything substantial we also often struggle with depression and narc crashes
(if you don't know what a narc crash is, there's some informational posts you can find in the narc crash tag about them)
The reason why I said "prioritizing self" is because of the way NPD in developed, it's often a coping mechanism for abusive/neglectful parents.
Because we never got support and love from others, we build ourselves up and seek compliments and affection.
Of course, that isn't the only way NPD is developed, but it's the most common one I've seen in NPD communities.
Another reason why I didn't focus on those symptoms is most people already know about them and I wanted to highlight the other things NPD can cause, show how it isn't just Egotistical Disorder ya know?
If you relate to a lot of those symptoms, but not the inflated sense of self importance, you may have a different Cluster B PD or another trauma disorder.
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violentviolette · 1 year
As a fellow aspd haver, what questions would you ask a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to see if they’re “safe” to be honest with and what are some green flag answers. I feel like some red flag answers are obvious but overall, I need help and yet am anxious to try to get real help for some of these symptoms in case they’re ableist. I used to think I could tell when people were genuine and then someone pulled the rug out under me and now everyone looks like a villain waiting for me to slip up. (The current big brother culture is partially to blame). Tried to fix myself by myself and then ended up with more problems.
honestly for me what's worked is being very direct during intake and when choosing who to see but never actually using the words "aspd/antisocial/clusterb/narcisst/ect." personally, i like to avoid what i call "soft daycare types" or like, very overly "empathetic" and caring therapists who speak very gently and are focused more on supporting and showing care. those kinds of soft doe eyed people just Do Not work for me and actively worsen the process for me. i cant and dont take them seriously and i lie constantly to them and make no progress. these are also usually the ones most likely to deeply buy into the anti-cluster b stigma and mentalities so it kind of kills two birds with one stone so usually when i do intake i'll say something like "i dont do well with an overly empathetic or kind approach, i find im not as honest and cant be as open about my struggles. do you have someone who is more of a straight shooter who wont pull punches with me? it helps me a lot more to be challanged in my thought process than to be unconditionally supported"
i find that those therapists are the least likey to buy into that stuff and not be as overly focused on empathy. but honestly the biggest thing and my biggest advice is to just never use those exact words. cluster b shit has honestly become such buzzwords with so much baggage they're actively harmful to ur treatment if u use them but u can talk about ur symptoms and get help for them without ever using those words so i just dont. when i wanna talk about my anger, i dont say narc rage or aspd rage, i just say rage. when i want to talk about a narc crash, i just call it a self esteem spiral. when i want to talk about lacking empathy, i just describe the experience. i say "i dont understand, i cant put myself in that position, i struggle to see things from others perspective, i cant connect emotionally like that so i need to be able to connect logically and figure out how to navigate the situations when they happen"
like literally, it will honestly do u so so much more good to focus on the actual specifics of the emotions and the words ur looking for and describing them out long form than using shorthand words. and not just helpful to avoid stigma like it will genuinely help u to get used to identifying the core emotions underneath and being able to articulate them. that's called emotionally literacy and it's genuinely one of the most helpful beginning steps.
in therapy using shorthand buzzwords and pre-established stuff like "aspd rage/narc crash/splitting/ect." can actually work against u during recovery. not only are there no definitive definitions and so they're extreamly vague and everyone has a different understand of what they mean, we can also become reliant on these shorthand titles and use them to avoid looking the uncomfortable underlying emotions and specific causes in the eye, which is a negative coping strategy that will hamper progress. dissecting these feelings down to their bare bones core and having the words and language to identify them is an extreamly important part of being able to fix things, because u cant fix something until u both understand what ur looking at and know how it goes back together
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remnant-cain · 4 months
Cheyrolls University: Chapter 2
Warnings: Vague mentions of Murder
AN: Dialog fun, my eyes hurt, Let's see how Mango's coping with the new roommate!
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*Anacardiaceae has joined the call*
“Hey! Citrus boy joined!”
“Wrong family Dev.”
“Eh, they taste basically the same.”
“Annnnd I’m putting in headphones.”
“Oh right, Audio’s sleep schedule is actually halfway decent. How is he by the way?”
“...Well I mean they're alive. They’re REALLY not looking forward to repeating calc two.”
“Who would to be honest? That course was HELL"
“I'm just glad I got that shit over with in highschool.”
“I’m looking back on it positively cause now I get to help them.”
“Alright you mushy banana-”
“...Hang on, is Angel on call?”
“Nah, she doesn't like us.”
“We’re just too good for her!
“Hey, she’s decent… When we’re not in public.”
“Tch, doesn’t matter if in public or in private. She’s a dick either way. She only likes her human friends, I swear...”
“We can hang out without her, we don’t need her.”
“Only asking cause I heard a something break.”
“No, that was just me. I'm doing dishes since I have nothing better to do and may or may not have obliterated a mug.”
“...It is midnight and school starts in four days.”
“All of my courses are online or video calls this year.”
“Hush. You are also awake at this ungodly hour.”
“Shhhut up.”
“Changing the topic, how’s your new roommate? Heard from Amber you ate like eight crepes in a row when you went out with them.”
“Fucking narc.”
“For the love of- those crepes aren’t even that good!”
“Wh- You take that back right now, those crepes are the food of the gods!”
“No! Rot!”
“Bold words from a mold creature.”
“Devvie? Devvie. Buddy. I have been tolerating your existence since I was bored, but I’m about to go right back to wishing for your death.”
“As for my new roommate… Well, they’re nice. So far at least. I just… I just couldn’t. They were just so… so sweet. And I mean, kind of pathetic, but y'know in a good way. But they were terrified of me. I just… you two understand what I'm going through right?”
“Welcome to the club bestie.”
“We’ve both been there.”
“Well, I mean, I didn’t meet Amber for an entire year even after they were assigned my roommate, but, yeah. First sight, I decided they were worth the trouble.”
“Took me a bit to get attached to Audio, but once I did... I made sure they were safe.”
“I don’t know if they’ll stay nice though, I'm a bit scared of them turning out to be an asshole.” 
“Hey, hey. Don't worry. If they break your heart, I will break their legs.”
“You'd break their legs for looking at you wrong, what are you talking about?”
“Heh, thanks for the offer but I'm more than capable of dealing with them myself. They only go up to under my chest. If I have to, there shouldn't be too much of a struggle.”
“Tiny bit shorter I'd guess.”
“I… damn.”
“Oh right you got all the short roommates.”
“He's only had one roommate?”
“Hamg on, Didn’t-”
“Leave Amber alone, it's not their fault they're small enough that Luden could pick them out without any issues.”
“WOW, OK. MANGO I CAN HEAR YOU, stop laughing, you’re enabling this!”
“Assigned twink by cryptid.”
“This is bullying, I am being bullied by my own family, this is why I isolate myself.”
“I mean, you’ve been doing better lately.”
“If by better you mean them using you or Audio as a therapy dog to prevent them from doing something stupid then yes.”
“Shut up Devvie, I have been so brave lately, you could never understand you damned extrovert.”
“Ok, ok, calm down, I’ll lay off you about it.”
“Also, what I was going to say before you so RUDELY cut me off, didn’t Mango have that one roommate, I don’t know how many years it was now, they were literally less than half Angel’s height.”
“Yep, Charlotte. That would've been back in freshman year, so five years ago.”
“Yeah, you should remember her! I don’t know how you dealt with her for so long, she was a fucking bitch.”
“I mean, she was my type though. I do have a bit of a preference for dealing with the bratty type. Honestly had Mango not dealt with her? Heh, well-”
*The_Lichen_Queen2089 has left the call*
“I was NOT gonna go into detail on what I would've done, don't worry- oh shit it wasn't kidding.”
“Always count on the Asexuals to ditch you.”
“Hey, I’m asexual myself!”
“You aren’t doing yourself any favors, you know.”
“What are you- oh. Ok that was justified, shut up!”
“Nah, I got some precourse reading to finish up on before Monday, I just started, and my favorite podcast doesn’t update until next month, you're stuck with me.”
“...You are a walking disaster.”
“Thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
“I know."
“Hey, you on call with Crepe Boy?"
“AUGH- Don't jump on me like that.”
*Cough* “NOT ANYMORE.”
*Anacardiaceae has left the call*
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npdbubblygum · 2 years
Do you know if you could explain what narcissistic/ego injuries look like in NPD or in yourself? I’m wondering if they do exist and what they look like? Im asking you bc I know you post a lot of good content already and I’m trying to see what I relate to…
I can describe what they’re like for me personally! Other pwNPD feel free to add your experiences in the reblogs or replies
I’d say the feeling of the narc injury is a mix of disappointment, shame, anger, and anxiety. I have this picture of myself as someone who is Better than anything anyone could expect of a person and suddenly I am faced with the scenario that I’m not or that someone thinks I’m not and instead of being a normal little ouchie it kind of triggers my fight or flight response?
The way I experience them depends on how they happen
I’d say there are a few different stages: feeling stage; thought stage; verbal stage; action stage; post-verbal stage; and post-action stage. (They don’t necessarily happen in that order)
And a few different settings: alone; with people I don’t care what they think; with people I do care what they think; with people I care if they think negatively of me; with people I care if they think positively of me.
The narc injury happens for me when I in one of the stages realize that I didn’t reach my own standards or other people’s standards and how bad it gets depends a lot on which setting I’m in. I tend to instinctively get mad at other people for having standards in the first place as a way to avoid feelings of shame and anger towards myself
For example, if I get to the action stage and realize mid action that I did a cringe little dance in the privacy of my room I will feel a very mild narc injury and swear to take this secret to the grave so hard that I won’t even remember it myself.
Or I might feel excited about talking about a movie I like with someone and it hits me that they could disagree with me and before I have even started talking I feel unreasonably angry and defensive like I’m about to fight for my life my movie has to be interesting or I die and they’re just standing there not having any idea of the little war in my head but since I haven’t acted yet I can play it off like nothing is wrong and I am only mildly excited about this in an aloof “cool” way
Absolutely most mortifying is being in the post-action or post-verbal stage with company that I care about what they think (both positively and negatively at the same time) that is when someone has expressed not liking something you did or said and it has gone a little while and the moment has passed and you’re still sitting there absolutely screaming and dying inside because you were criticized and you can’t decide if you’re more mad at yourself for letting someone see you as a disappointment or at them for daring to look down at you like that (this is often perceived and not real btw) but you can’t bring it up again or you’d feel too vulnerable of course nothing could affect you emotionally ever..
If I get to use metaphors, it feels like a little bit of paint chips off your mask and suddenly it’s grotesque and ugly and all your flaws are on display and that is the absolute worst thing that could happen how could someone do that to you how could they how could they why would anyone do that to you??????!?!??!
It feels like an attack on your safety and sense of self and self worth
But often as I said it is often perceived not real and I am getting better at recognizing when I am way too deep in my own head and I have developed coping mechanisms to handle it and take things with nuance and be less paranoid
It is different from a crash in the sense that a narc injury is often smaller, specific, and can trigger a whole crash without being the crash itself
I often feel like I just want to poof everyone who has ever perceived me negatively out of existence because the stress of having them walk around capable of remembering cringe things about me haunts me
It’s a strange experience to be one who exaggerates my cringy weird parts to prove that they’re good and worthy and no one can bring me down, while at the same time hiding everything I can, I’m like shrödingers clown swinging violently back and forth between overcompensating with confidence and debilitating insecurity
That’s my experience!
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Gonna send these as full questions and not just emojis bc ik its annoying to keep looking back to answer them lmao :3
💛 - Let's hear an opinion that is either unpopular in the community or not talked about at all in the community!
🤍 - Do you have any other disorders or neurodivergencies? Do they affect how you experience NPD?
💝 - Tell me something interesting about yourself!
💖 - Are there any characters, shows, songs, etc that are NPD moods?
🫀 - Do you have any misdiagnoses or other disorders that therapists originally thought your NPD presented as?
🦷 - Do you have any stories about your experience with the medical field that are funny, interesting, or frustrating that you'd like to tell?
❤️‍🩹 - What coping skills, tips, tricks, or therapy techniques have you found most helpful?
ty for the ask
💛 - unpopular opinion? uhhhh fuck this is hard. i'm super conflicted on recovery for my npd. like on one hand yes this is hurting me but on the other hand "i am not giving up my superiority complex so i can live a lie" (that "lie" is that i'm *not* superior to 99% of people, lol). so would i like healthy coping mechanisms? of course. but idk if i would ever want some parts of my npd to ever go away
🤍 - yup, have 'em in my pinned post. they all affect my npd a lot, sometimes npd vs. autism vs. adhd is impossible to distinguish between eachother lol. my MaDD is super funny cuz i'll spend days on end daydreaming about being rich and famous and ect. while refusing to take care of my basic needs lol
💝 - i have so many fun facts about myself it is unreal, i'll go to my favorite one. i almost had to get jaw reconstruction surgery when i was 11. i had such an overbite that none of my teeth touched. but i ended up getting headgear instead. i still have an overbite, albeit way less noticeable, but i think it is cute
💖 - goro akechi from persona 5 is so relatable. he's like my cousin <3 there's a song i really like that i associate with npd (i wrote a fanfic with the lyrics as the title, said fanfic was my npd awakening), which is possum kingdom by the toadies, but idk if it counts as an npd mood to anyone but myself
🫀- uhhh nope. never been diagnosed with any mental disorders
🦷- when i was 11 i got therapy for social anxiety but i stopped going for 2 reasons: going to therapy triggered my anxiety and i felt like my therapist was a dumbass who couldn't understand my more superior brain. and then my social anxiety just kinda vanished when i was 12 (no idea how that happened)
❤️‍🩹- don't think i'm the best at coping tbh lol. i mean i'm very good at preventing narc crashes, if i feel one coming on i just go get some praise via discord vent channels or go through old dms with my friends (so i can remember how awesome and perfect i am lol)
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alostlittleriverlotus · 9 months
me simultaneously loving the extremely flirty sexual characters as an outlet for self love while also occasionally being reminded I'm not the beauty standard cause I'm chubby and fat and trying to not hate myself for it and having delusions that my comfort characters wouldn't want me even tho theyre fucking fictional and who says they won't like fat/chubby people. Also the struggle of being disabled and feeling unlovable for that too especially since, again, most of my comfort characters are the flirty sexual type (Asmodeus Obey Me, Ozzie Helluva Boss, Valebtino Hazbin Hotel, Angel Dust Hazbin Hotel, more that i am too brain foggy to mention) cause feels lile disability can't be sexy cause of fucking ableism and beauty standards and shit and feeling like my needs and accommodations make me less sexually attractive.
★Minor eating disorder/ED mention, internalized fatphobia and ed-based thoughts, just bullshittery about thoughts I don't like★
Like I KNOW it ain't reality and they're fictional and can like whatever, but having the reality that me simply being bigger and fat or having to have needs especially with constant fatigue and pain is exhausting. It's rare this happens cause I am pretty confident about myself and have undone a lot of that internalized shit, but sometimes it creeps up during my narc crashes and depressive episode where I'm like "fictional character will never love me!" Because I'm not some perfect person that has everything an abled person could have.
I hate the internalized shit. I've worked so hard and it STILL creeps up on me with my comfort characters since I've internalized that stuff for YEARS. Lemme be happy and sexy and cute and cuddly. It doesn't matter if I'm fat, it's still beautiful and sexy and charming. It doesn't matter if I have needs, my comfort characters would love me and love means you want to help your partner!
The worst is when my comfort character is super problematic (Valentino 💀) but they're my comfort character cause trauma and so you get reminded they're a pos and would be a pos to u. Not cause they're abusive, just cause they might be really shitty about body stuff. I like to think they wouldn't care as long as you got shit done minus the abuse, but still. Brain, forget reality, let me enjoy my fictional characters to cope with the fact I have really fucked up trauma and sexual trauma.
Also adding on top of that, being fucking delusional about it too so your comfort character IS real to u to an extent makes it ALL the more terrible when that reality of how the general public sees you hurts. Cause then you just have the comfort character in your head turning against you and it hurtssss.
And then also the disconnect between where you won't think or believe this with OTHER people, but with yourself you do which makes you feel worse cause you're aware it is just placed in you by the world but it doesn't make the feelings less real.
I dunno, I'm tired and fatigued so I'm ranting. This was all cause I saw a pic of 19 year old me when I was still gaining a lot of weight and thinking "man I looked good" and my thoughts instantly were like "Do it. Go back to it." Cause I've had an eating disorder and I DON'T want to go back to that. I hate the inherent instant thoughts of it that pester me. I'm fat and happy, I love being cared for, I am in a good place and I resent the fact these thoughts still pop up.
Also don't worry, I'm at a good place where those thoughts don't last long and I don't relapse so it's MUCH better than it used to be, I'm just ranting cause it's frustrating.
Plus this is all worsened by my NPD and HPD demanding to be attractive, absolute perfection, and a need to be alluring for attention. Having to rework/rewire that line of thinking after years of it is so difficult. I'm doing my best TvT
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violentviolette · 2 years
Hi, I am trying to understand what a narc crash is. Can you pls explain it to me? (I've been trying to look for info on it, but most of what I've seen on google doesn't explain it very well.)
a narc crash is a specific kind of extreme mood swing and period of distress that people with npd experience.
its categorized by a sudden and overwhelming drop in self worth and self esteem, deep feelings of self loathing, self hatred, and worthlessness. this can also lead to suicidal feelings and self harm behavior because we dont know how to handle or tolerate that distress and narc crashes can be incredibly overwhelming
they usually come on the heels of a "narc high" or state of extreme delusions of grandeur and feelings of powerfulness, invincibility and specialness. these emotional extremes are very fragile emotional states and since ppl with npd have difficulties with emotional regulation it is easy for extreme highs to suddenly drop and become extreme lows
theyre essentially what happens when we arent able to validate ourselves. we try to validate ourselves with the emotions of a "narc high" but since those are delusional and overcompensating emotions that are shallow and not rooted in genuine or healthy thoughts, they are very fragile and weak and when they collapse we are left with nothing and that becomes the spiraling crash
narc crashes are usually triggered by perceived or real rejection, which can come in any form. in the cases of perceived or projected rejection, this usually happens when we are feeling especially insecure and defensive, thus we read rejection in normal everyday activities from others and assume the worst of everything. things like that people just hate us and are going to abandon and reject us and we will be alone and unloved forever, even though those things are very often untrue
so they're essentially what happens when our maladaptive coping mechanisms for validation fail and we are left unable to generate positive feelings about ourselves and become swallowed up in self depreciating negativity. they can last anywhere from a few hours to weeks depending on the severity
thats the basics of it but if u have any other questions or need me to elaborate on anything just let me know
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violentviolette · 5 years
hi do u know how to cope with a narc crash? i don't know what to do. i kinda fucked up and pushed someone away who usually gives me supply. i'm gonna make amends bc i dont want him to feel bad. i hope he forgives me. what can i do until then? i currently feel like absolute shit and unable to leave my bed.
oof, that sucks anon. u have my sympathies. crashes are fucking terrible.
for me I usually like to try to remind myself that I still have value? like I look at it like a jenga tower, when I crash all the pieces fall to the floor, so one by one I try to start restacking them.
I'm the kinda person who responds well to "treats" or doing special things for myself so I usually start there. I'll light a candle that I really like to smell or go take a really long relaxing bath and treat myself really nicely to remind myself what it's like to feel good again. also eat something, idk about u but when I crash I dont eat, which only makes the negative feelings worse. so make sure ur taking care of ur bodily functions or ur gonna be fighting an uphill battle.
then once my body feels good I'll maybe do something that makes me feel smart or fun, like beating a video game or even just talking to other people who like me or will be positive with me. if u have anyone who ur honest with about ur disorders u can also ask them for help. when I feel worthless or useless I'll go to my wife and say "hey I'm feeling like a sack of shit today can u tell me I'm awesome?" or more generically "hey I'm feeling really down on myself today can u reassure me that u like me and enjoy my company?"
so I'd say start with that kinda stuff. treat urself to nice things that make u feel good because even if u did do something wrong, ur still a person which means u deserve to feel good again. we all make mistakes but a mistake never makes u worthless, so if u feel worthless u dont deserve that and that's what u gotta remember. u have value. u matter. u dont deserve to feel worthless. it's okay to do things to make urself feel good. it's okay to feel good. u never have to earn kindness from urself.
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