#i love drawing candid real moments
palilious · 2 years
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miistymemorii · 7 months
Adam Stanheight Dating HC's
A/N: Headcanons are so easy and fun for me so PLEASE send in headcanon requests hehehe enjoy!!
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I feel like he's clingy, but not in an annoying way. I think he's very particular about the people he spends time with, and he feels most comfortable in your presence, so he's always by your side.
(ofc Adam survived wdym he's dead shhhhhh-)
He's not big into PDA, but he always holds your hand when y'all are out. If he's getting stressed/overstimulated out in public, he'll give your hand a gentle squeeze, just to ground himself.
Has tried to make you breakfast in bed. Key word is tried. Bless his heart, Adam is no Gordon Ramsey.
Adam can be a romantic, though, in his own special ways. He puts together photo albums for you, somehow compiling stacks of candid photos of you. He will also leave post-it notes all around the house with little doodles or corny jokes just to make you smile.
He's a huge movie-watcher, but he talks throughout the entire thing. Eventually, you learn that shutting him up with kisses works like a charm.
LITTLE SPOON ADAM IS REAL TO ME but also he moves around so much when he sleeps but ALSO if you wake up before him, he is most likely hugging your side like a goddamn tree.
Loves scary movies, but the moment y'all get settled in bed he's like "babe I'm scared."
He secretly really loves the idea of marriage, but in a sense that he knew the two of you would stay exactly the same, but with a new title. Like how he cracked a joke when you agreed to date him, "It'll be just like being best friends, but with kissing and stuff."
He likes to spend a lot of quiet quality time together, like sitting in bed and reading next to one another, or the two of you will sit on the couch and draw each other in silence.
He always comes home with pictures he took just for you, like if he's out on a job and sees something that reminds him of you, he's snapping a pic. You keep them in a photo album.
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doodledraw · 8 months
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In the middle is what Maverick considers the best photo from the ceremony. It's a candid shot; he and Ice are sitting between dances, probably because Maverick's knee was acting up, and Ice has Maverick's leg propped up on his lap. Neither of them is wearing their jackets; Ice's tie is loose, the first two buttons of his dress shirt popped, and Maverick is in a similar state. His head is thrown back in laughter, and Ice's kippah is tilted, but instead of letting Maverick fix it, his hand outstretched to do so, Ice had tangled their fingers together instead, his face turned to watch Maverick openly with unbridled affection. It's honest and raw; no professional element keeps the lighting from hitting their aged faces or prevents the angle from being just a little off-center. But that's what Maverick loves about this photo, the realness of it, the moment within a hundred precious ones strung together. He traces a finger across his husband's besotted expression and sets the book beside his knee.
Box Of Love by @film-in-my-soul
Ever since Alex posted that fic I’ve been wanting to draw this picture. Its so so freaking cute and created such a clear image in my head….I just couldn’t get rid of it!
I’ve also been wanting to fiddle with a more painterly style, so this was the final product there too. I had fun with it, we’ll see if I use it for anything else.
Thanks for letting me draw this, Alex! And thanks for writing this super cute story :))
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midnightbrightside · 29 days
Can you please tell me what are your favorite Kristin head cannons please?
i couldnt choose a favourite so i wrote out like ten but that was too many so i've limited myself to five and now they're written down half of them are more like fic premises than headcanons BUT
phoenix was genuinely in love with kristoph at some point. it was near the beginning, before he realised any of the lies. and it took him so long to really pursue that nagging suspicious he had because every time he woke up to kristoph's sleeping, vunerable face, he felt sick to his stomach for doubting him.
and in turn kristoph was genuinely in love with phoenix too, but it was further along into the 7yg and he couldn't admit it to himself, so it manifested as a twisted posessiveness and a desire to control. he must keep phoenix under his control or else phoenix will leave just like how everyone else does.
phoenix is popular with the single mothers (and some of the dads) on the PTA at trucy's school and kristoph is Not Happy about it. he starts attending parent-teacher evenings with phoenix just to loop his arm in the crook of phoenix's elbow to not-so-subtly ward off anyone who so much as looks at his not-boyfriend
one december trucy sets up mistletoe in the doorway to trap phoenix and kristoph underneath. phoenix laughs a bit and pulls kristoph in by his waist for a brief kiss. it's soft and sweet and strangely romantic, far from the first kiss they've shared but it's the first time theyve kissed in front of trucy. in a way it almost feels like confirmation of his place in their family and he doesnt know how to feel about that. trucy, watching him closely, cant tell how hes feeling either, but she doesnt pick up on any annoyance or disgust.
phoenix gets back into drawing during the 7yg, he sits down with a couple of hb pencils and a few sheets of printer paper and starts idly sketching the people around him. one day kristoph sees him sketching and says he didnt know phoenix could draw (a lie, hes dug into every nook and cranny of wright's history) and asks to see. he's prepared to glance at the page and say something about how phoenix has a wonderful talent but he can tell his real calling was the courtroom (a jab at his artistic skills and at the disbarrment).
instead he's struck silent for a moment. the pages are filled with sketches of trucy, maya, larry, staff at the borscht bowl... and kristoph. candid sketches of kristoph working, tucking his hair behind his ear, even smiling. they're far from realistic but they contain so much character. is that what phoenix thinks he looks like? has anyone else looked at kristoph and seen this much humanity?
people should give me more excuses to talk about krisnix im so full of thoughts and feelings
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sgiandubh · 7 months
"He's actually paying those PR people? Whatever for? A drunk wombat would be better at the task." I LOL'd because my god have we been asking this very question of both Sam and Cait for years. They're PR is actually the worst. It's honestly hard to believe at times. Absolutely zero idea who either of them are trying to reach. The recalibrating after that VF disaster sent Cait into hiding, I'm not sure she's done another print interview since Belfast promo ended and if the Sam articles are going to continue on this way, he can quit too. Boring.
Dear Quit Anon,
I am flattered I managed to bring a smile or even a LOL, but I am not particularly glad about it. Unlike droves of people who think this PR shitshow is sad, I actually find it mystifying.
You are right. Goddess C went into occultation after that cursed VF interview. There are clear reasons, I think, for that. Also, please take into account the fact that, despite the illusions peddled by some fuckwits in this fandom, there are many things we simply do not know (nor should we, most probably).
As for S, I guess that ever since she went totally MIA (as I said, make-up and fash-un promo don't really compensate), he is overexposing himself. On purpose. Perhaps to protect her (I think so). Certainly to hide something. Since this is no way in hell about being gay (I will die on that hill and I know I am right), the only thing he could hide is well... I don't really need to draw it, do I?
Smoke and mirrors is always a risky strategy. S simply hasn't got what it takes to play that game long term, probably for the same reasons he was never a serious shortlist candidate for Bond. At this point in time, he'd mechanically go with whatever merde du jour is thrown by his imbecile PR on the table. Still, it's high time he'd seriously pull himself together. He can do better, as I wrote in a comment: he can do NYT and he did it very well, recently. And I was glad to see that. But Metro is just disappointing, clueless and tasteless. And it's padding up a press portfolio with amiable, meaningless bullshit that goes nowhere. Or at least nowhere near he wants to be or see himself in, let's say, five years from now.
OL is going to end. It has to. It's been both a blessing and a curse, I said that before. Then, it will be high time to end the fucking Truman Show. He (abstractly) knows that, he keeps hinting about it. “I’m ready for new challenges, but also nervous about what it’s like in the real world” - for some reason, I found this phrase very telling. But I doubt he internalized what probably still feels like a safely remote occurrence, right now.
What are his real projects? For the moment, zero. Directing? I'd love to see it, but he's got no real credentials for that. Bond? I mean, publicly gushing and insisting is not going to manifest it. He needs a real movie, a good one to break that glass ceiling. Is he going to get it? I hope so. But his personal brand awareness is still low. The PR clowns should stop talking to us, in here: we are already here and not going anywhere. All of us: antis, mommies, shippers, fencers, haters, trolls. They should talk to the people who have no clue who S is, and do it differently. He should step out of his comfort zone, ditch the leeches and refuse to discuss his personal life, for a while. There, I said it.
What are her real projects? For the moment, not much. Sure, we have The Cut, where I gather her part is minimalistic, to be kind. We also have The Amateur, of which very little is known at the moment. However, if I am correct, she is not one of the leads. Enough said. And beyond that? Crickets.
Make no mistake. The real litmus test is not now. The real litmus test is 2025. And then we'll see. And I'll still be here, taking weeping Anons because I don't know who said I don't know what I don't know where. Mark me.
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cor-lapis-candy · 1 year
So I tend to chitter with the lovely @venusandsaturnsrings about things and share fan art of the spicy kind, but the last time we spoke I had an idea.
This is mostly based off of the idea of Rabbit Hybrid Kaveh, and reader being a lamb hybrid...
So thank you Venus for giving me this idea. (It's a long one too!)
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With Al Haithem taking on the role of Acting Grand Scribe, his old role of Scribe had been vacated and thus a few others had banned together to fill in for him while he was taking on his temporary role, one of the people had even been a sage candidate once and high enough now to have their own assistant/secretary. But as they worked to fill the gap he had left said assistant had been transferred to help him, it was likely a move to try and earn the man's favour and even earn him a role as a sage, but the research he turned in was lacking for such a role, but you…
Easy to lead, aloof you, the soft ears that flicked and twitched every now and then, the way you hold back, always three steps to the left and behind him as he walked the halls, following every suggested order and easily falling into his routine with the silent dedication you showed, if only his rabbit hybrid of a roomate would have been a little less unrully and a little closer to your temperament.
He did have to talk to some of the visiting scholars about how they acted around you, especially the younger ones, the last group that he had a meeting with had almost been late trying to take a photo with the 'Sages little lamb', truly how you deal with them is up to you but that day their actions had almost ruined his schedule, and he wasn't keen on staying past his posted office hours.
But today, three of his meetings had dragged on, two matra had come with bulk late reports on knowledge capsules that had leaked beyond Sumeru and even the paperwork he had to finish had become beyond the amount acceptable to leave for the next day or even to pass off to you to stamp and file, no today he had to take this home with him, and the idea was less than appealing but until someone was good enough to take over as grand sage he would do what needed to be done.
The only thing he hadden't counted on was your offer to keep helping him after all was said and done...
The piles he helped pack away were more than enough to have him sighing out an agreement to let you come help him with this, between his folders tucked under arm and your messenger sling full of the remaining documents the only real thing left was to get home and set up before powering through everything that had been pushed back.
The walk back to his home was quiet, the streets of the city had long since gone quiet, and the few pockets of noise came from the market stalls packing down and the cafes or taverns opening their shutters and side doors to let the music and noise of patrons spill out. But there was nothing worth stopping for when all was said and done, these papers needed to be finished and he wasn't going to waste another second past what was needed to finish them. The moment he got home and had you settled in the lounge, he was quick to disappear to gather the last of his home office equipment, the few pens and such that you had in your bag wouldn't last into the mass of papers you were to work on.
The hours that had past between the start of this little overtime venture and the amount of patience Al Haithem was willing to expend were starting to outweigh each other by to large a margin, a short break was what he needed, and food was a good idea and so he left you on one of his mismatched couches as he headed off to one of the few places he would be willing to eat from.
If only he had braught you with him...
Kaveh had been endlessly sketching and re-drawing some of his smaller projects, ones that would eat up his hours till he would walk out of his room and see sunlight seeping into the main room of his shared home, Al Haithem would usually be gone by then but tonight he decided to deviate from his normal routine and made for the kitchen to grab some fresh fruit or maybe even some tea to sip on as he worked. Only instead of a stoic grey-haired man in the living room there was someone new.
The way the two of you stared at each other was like deer caught in the downlights of the city, wide-eyed and still.
The conversation between the two of you was slightly stilted and awkward as you had worked with Kaveh previously on a very small project that you had worked admin on, but it had been months since those days, and after a few more awkward moments everything seemed to settle in, as you continued to write and notate on some of the papers Kaveh was filling the air with stories and little quips from the projects he had taken on since then.
Soon enough the papers you had been given from Al Haithem had been cleared away and you had considered taking some of his and making his work easier but stopped yourself, those were likely higher priority and needed to be only signed off by him or perhaps were reports about things way above your pay-grade, and so when Kaveh offers you tea and soem more conversation you are quck to take him up, falling into the easy conversation and warm honey flavoured tea he had brewed.
If only it hadn't been a friday night, and the cafe Al Haithem had chosen hadn't been so busy he would have been hoem much earlier and would never had to have walked in on what would live burned onto the backs of thsi eyelids for the weeks to come, if only he had been faster maybe he could have been in Kavehs place.
For such a flightly hybrid species, Kaveh is quick to act when you lean back against his shoulder, sighing and lamenting over the amount of work you still have to do and how long you will have to keep working if Al Haithem dosen't get back soon, the warmth of his hand consumes your own as he squeezes your hand, assurance and a sly offer to help you relaxe before his tempermental roomate came back home, and oh how easy it was to accept that offer.
Soon enough the papers you had been given from Al Haithem had been cleared away and you had considered taking some of his and making his work easier but stopped yourself, those were a likely higher priority and needed to be only signed off by him or perhaps were reports about things way above your pay-grade, and so when Kaveh offers you tea and some more conversation you are quick to take him up, falling into the easy conversation and warm honey flavoured tea he had brewed.
If only it hadn't been a Friday night, and the cafe Al Haithem had chosen hadn't been so busy he would have been home much earlier and would never have to have walked in on what would live burned onto the backs of his eyelids for the weeks to come, if only he had been faster maybe he could have been in Kavehs place.
For such a flightly hybrid species, Kaveh is quick to act when you lean back against his shoulder, sighing and lamenting over the amount of work you still have to do and how long you will have to keep working if Al Haithem doesn't get back soon, the warmth of his hand consumes your own as he squeezes your hand, assurance and a sly offer to help you relax before his temperamental roommate came back home, and oh how easy it was to accept that offer.
The press of such long fingers against your hips is grounding against the insistent press of a certain rabbit hybrids tongue, the wet press leaving your chest heaving and legs twitching as he put his mouth to use, groaning your name as he got a chance to know how you tasted, ears flushed red as you reach back fingers tangling in the mess of blonde hair between his ears, tugging him closer as if there was any room left between his mouth and you that he was not already leaving at.
Only pulling back to watch how you whined for him to go back, to put his mouth back and replace how he had begun to use his fingers, to help you ease the building need and stop his teasing with little excuses of 'my jaw hurt' or 'I do still need to breathe sweet thing...' He was finally able to look up and see how your eyes glazed over and tongue flicked to wet your lips as your panted his name, before the hand tangled in his hair tugged, or tried to tug his head away as you squealed his roommate's name.
Al Haithem was finally home it would seem. 
Watching you stumble and stutter your way through both the realisation and rationalisation that your senior, your temporary boss, Al Haithem was something else, something that would only drive him to slip the hand he had been using to work you open down, pushing his house pants down and freeing himself, letting him wrap around hsi cock, using the spit slick fingers to lazily jack himself off, as he put his mouth back to full use, changing precise flicks of his tongue for long stripes and eager pressing as if to encourage you to fuck yourself on his face as you spoke.
And gods how he longed to move up from eating you out, to push your thighs open and sink himself home in you, to fuck you like he had imagined as you leaned against him and spoken so sweetly to him, to watch and listen as you would give up and let Al Haithem hear as he wrecked you.
God, if only you would give in soon as between the way your thighs were wrapped around his head and how his cock is throbbing in his hand there would be no stopping him from making Al Haithem watch as he fucks you, making his annoying roommate watch as he ruined one of his hideous couches and make sure the next time he tried to sit in the living room all he would think of is the sight of you bent over his couch with Kavehs face smirking from behind you as you whine his name...
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estella2707 · 3 months
Impossible Standards
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Chapter 2
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
Anthony walked into the drawing room with the mail in his hands as he tossed on it on the table, then sitting down to read the daily newspaper. Eloise immediately got up and ran over to the table as she grabbed the latest Lady Whistledown and sat down in her chair as she began reading.
"Boring...boring....oh well look at this, seems like we have our new Diamond of the season" Eloise says surprised. "Already?" Violet says. "The season has barely even started yet! Who is it my dear?" She asks as Eloise looks over the pages. "Oh my goodness it's a princess!" Eloise says excitedly. Everyone perks up interested. "A princess?" Everyone says collectively. "Yes indeed, the Princess of Spain to be exact! Gosh I wonder what she's like...it says here that she arrived a few days ago and is currently staying at the Queen's Palace." Eloise says. "It says here that her name is....y/n l/n, gosh what a unique name but I guess it's quite fitting for a princess" Eloise finishes.
Anthony felt his heart stop as his face flushed and his palms started to sweat. "y/n l/n....bloody hell" Anthony sighs. "Something wrong brother? You seem quite paler than usual" Benedict says as he chuckles. "Nothing...I'm fine" Anthony says annoyed. "Why would a princess need to find a suitor here? Surely there's tons of great men back home..." Violet says curiously. "Maybe she got sick of them constantly chasing after her" Colin says. "But that's surely still going to happen here and it'll probably be ten times worse now that she's diamond of the season!" Benedict adds.
"Brother what do you think about her?" Colin asks as he looks over at Anthony. "She sounds quite...pretentious" Anthony says annoyed. Pretentious? You don't even know her! Eloise says. "What if you run into her at a ball? This could become quite the opportunity brother!" Benedict says. "You get with her you'll become her prince and be in lined with the Spanish throne" Benedict says. "Oh nonsense Benedict, your brother needs to focus on finding a real wife not chasing after some fantasy" Violet says. "Oh come on mother think about it! Our family could become apart of royal blood! We could be of even greater status, come on brother isn't she exactly what you've been looking for?" Benedict says as he smirks.
Anthony thinks for a moment as he sighs. "Can you imagine the scandal? A lord and a princess together....but it does seem like the perfect way to boost our family name" Anthony chuckles. "But she probably wouldn't even look my way, let alone fall for me" Anthony says as he recalls their last encounter. "Oh come on brother you can swoon any girl with that charm of yours plus most of the ladies this season are already gonna be flocking after you, there's no way you'll go unnoticed!" Benedict says. Anthony sighs as he thinks for a moment. Swoon the princess? But what if she still hates me? What if she really is immune to my charm? Why did she come out here out of all places to find a suitor? A million questions run through his head as he sighs. "You know what...I'm in! I love a good challenge and the princess seems like the perfect candidate." Anthony declares as Benedict laughs. "I knew you'd come around brother! So it's settled then swoon the stuck up princess and make her fall in love with you and you'll be beside her on the throne in no time!" He says.
"Doesn't that seem a bit...wrong?" Daphne says softly. "I mean she is still just a girl...." She says. "Oh nonsense sister you need not worry it's not like she'll ever find out anyway, it'll be fine!" Benedict says.
Daphne thinks it's wrong? Anthony thinks to himself. It may be a bit dishonest but she was rude to him first! And this opportunity for him and his family name is to good to pass up on. He thinks to himself.
"Well luckily for you the Queen is hosting a ball tomorrow at her Palace and our family already received a formal invitation." Violet says. "Perfect then, the plan is officially set in motion!" Benedict and Colin chuckle as Eloise scoffs. "Bastards..." She mutters under her breath.
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 month
Dear Husband
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(GN)Durge X Gale
Mentioned of (GN) X Astarion but it's more of Astarion just following them around.
Masterlist- Here
Ao3- Here
“What did you say?” Gale finally gets out after staring a good long minute.
Durge blinks, eyeing him weirdly. “Uh…I can’t wait to see my love?” They sling their bag down at their tent, “I know it’s cheesy but is it really the worst?”
Astarion, from his place at Tav’s side as they drop off a Githyanki plate to a usually frowning Lae’zel, ha ha’s! “If you call naming your boyfriend ‘your dear husband’ not the worst, then I honestly question your tastes, darling!”
Durge freezes, the owl bear sub pawing at their hip, cooing with a tilt of his head at their pause in adoring him with hugs and cuddles. As they do just about every time they return from a long day of adventuring. “...I didn’t say that.”
“Please,” Shadowheart snorted in her passerby walk, flashing blushing Gale a look, “I believe your exact words were, “Oh where is my dear husband? I can’t wait to see him!” She mocks in a tone similar to theirs, only a touch of flowery and pouring romance. 
“No-I didn’t!” Durge steals a glance at the only wizard of the group, sees his beat red face and wide eyes, and immediately cuts contact, “I didn’t!”
Tav cuts in, waving a hand around dismissively. “Guys, guys, lay off our favorite Baalspawn, alright?”
“Thank you, Tav!”
“Just because they see Gale as a potential candidate of marriage doesn’t mean we need to tease them over it.” Durge’s expression immediately drops. Tav finishes as they smirk in their direction, “I say congratulations are more in order.”
Before Durge, or Gale for that matter, can say anything about how there is no real need for that, Lae’zel steps up to plate, head held high. 
“Exactly. While I do not understand Fae-run’s traditions here completely, I say you’ve done well to announce the wizard as your own, Durge.” She nods at the gaping couple, mostly directed at Durge. “Use him well and keep him as your own for years to pass.”
“Gods..” Gale’s palm meets his face, rubbing his beard. 
“Thank you…Lae-Bae.” They try amidst their grimacing face. It’s one thing to make jokes to their own lover about doing as they wish with him, his sly comments making him non too innocent either- but it’s another to know it’s known amongst their entire group of travel buddies. They know they aren’t quiet, but still-
Lae’zel nods dutifully, turning back to investigating the plates Tav dropped at her tent.
“Congratulations by the way-”
“Forget it, Astarion.” Gale groans.
Yet, as he glances towards the fidgeting Baalspawn of the group, for once their movements not of the Urge and the goblin butler making their annoyance presence known, but shot nerves instead, his eyes soften. As everyone finds their own entertainment elsewhere, the wizard manages to draw their attention to him.
To the unexpected counter to their worry, he smiles instead. Perking a brow up and tilting his head, longer locks falling like a small wave on his shoulder. 
Their tadpole wiggles, connecting after getting a tug from his. 
‘Husband?’ He playfully questions, as if astonished by the idea, nevermind slight teases in the past during the quietest moments. 
Their cheeks flush and a hand plays at their nape, ‘Oh hush, like you're any better.’
‘Yes, well I could very well add (husband/wife/partner) if you so wish..’ His chuckles ring through their mind, pulsing more red to their ears. 
Durge bites their cheek, glancing around before drawing back to him. A smirk crawls to their face, ‘Being called yours will do well too y’know…’ With that, they send a not so innocent image to his side, having picked up hints of his thoughts about their post-battle appearance all too easily the moment he connected tadpoles.
His own matches, ignoring the heat in his face, ‘Very well..I can work with that.’
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I love your drawing style and your poses! And your Wild West AU has lassoed me right in! Is there a written story I could read, or is it all drawn out at the moment? It's absolutely gorgeous! <3 <3 <3
Hello friend!!!
So happy to rope you into the story!
As of right now, there is no written fic to accompany my Wild West art other than the small blurbs I write that are on the art posts themselves. That said, I am in the works developing a real fic to go along with the art I’ve made. Currently, I have a small teaser-prologue that I hope to have out by the end of this month.
(Being completely candid here, the fic may just dissolve into a handful of various scenes that are just connected through the art and not be an actual full blown fully plotted fic, as I am getting ready for grad school and am currently taking care of some orphaned kittens, so my time is stretched very thin rn lol)
And thank you for the kind compliments!!! It really means the sun moon and stars to hear that people actually enjoy what I create 💖
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willel · 2 years
Hi! What do you think about theories saying that Will be the key to defeat Vecna/UD once and for all? TBH, I'm conflicted. I'd love to have more Will moments (especially with El and the Byers) and be Superspy, but at the same time I think El should be the one to finish it/him. I know the UD is stuck on the day Will went missing/is connected to it and he's very siminar to 001, but El banished Henry there years before the kidnapping and they have unfinished business as welll...
I've made a few of those theories myself.
To be clear, the theory is not that Will is gonna do all the work and completely eradicate Vecna all by himself. That's ridiculous.
The idea is that Will is an integral part in defeating him, and when he does whatever role he has to play, it will ultimately lead to Vecna's downfall.
Yes, El and Vecna go way back and have some unfinished business, but Will has been tormented by this guy for 2-3 years at this point. Vecna was literally in his mind and body for a time, the two of them were one (I feel gross saying that) and Will suffered for it.
El deserves to punch him in the face, which has twice now. I just want Will to get a lick in.
Let's go over a hypothetical game plan, a fake one I'm making up. I think I've spoke about it before, but why not again.
So from what we know, Vecna is in at least two place at once. His actual body, which is currently injured and probably hiding somewhere, and his mental body.
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In season 4, Max distracted the mental body so that the rest of them could attack the real body. El, in order to protect Max, went to fight the mind body too.
But let's switch it up. Maybe in season 5, El needs to go and find the real body to destroy that and someone else needs to go into the mind and distract him? A dangerous situation, but not else can be done because El NEEDS to destroy the body.
Not only that, even if his body is in a bad state, he's still more powerful than her usually except moments when she has high positive emotion. What can they do about that?
My theory is that Vecna is so powerful do to all the souls he has stolen this far. His mom, his sister, Chrissy, Patrick, Fred, and all the numbered children? All their pain and sorry have amplified his own pain and sorrow, making him more powerful. Unlike El, he draws strength from negative emotions.
Maybe El remembers him telling her that. That everyone is not gone, but in his head? In that case, they not only need someone to go into his mind, but they need someone to free the souls that are trapped there, thereby weakening him.
And what do you know, we have the perfect candidate, William Byers, who is still psychically connected to Vecna's mind!
So the plan is as follows:
El, the "Superhero", must find Vecna (probably with Will's help) and confront his physical form head on, psychic against psychic.
Will, the "Superspy", must sneak into Vecna's mind in the mean time and cut loose all the souls he has captured, thereby slowly giving El the upperhand.
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Of course, being in Vecna's mind is a dangerous place to be and Will won't have an easy time if he gets found out before the battle is engaged. Not to mention what trouble he'll have to deal with when Vecna realizes what he's doing in there.
Only when Will and El have both played their parts will Vecna finally be defeated.
Or something.
Will will still get his revenge for all the pain and suffering he's been through. El can finally put the nail in the coffin once and for all, ending her and Will's torment at last.
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dollarbin · 9 months
Dollar Bin #7:
Art Garfunkel's Watermark,
Special Melted Edition!
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Good news, people. I traveled to Portland and hit one of their dollar bins last week, emerging victorious with 10 or so new-to-me titles for a grand total of $32, and all of them are candidates for future posts. Everyone's been clambering for my take on Art Garfunkel and Bob "whoops, I just shaved off my eyebrows" Geldof, right? Please?
We'll get to good old Artie Funk in a moment, I promise. I'm sure he has a huge international following who gather in silent support every time his entire limo gets arrested for way too much pot smoke, but all you Garfolks need to just take a chill pill for a minute because there's some bad news to follow my good news, the kind of bad news that will leave you crying in your beer. (Stop reading right now and go get some beer to cry in if it's not already in hand.)
Dear reader, I left those Portland Dollar Bin records in my rental car during my trip, figuring it was all good because, after all, I was in Portland. But when I visited my stack three days later, I found the following Gertrude-chugging-the-poisoned-wine level tragedy had occurred:
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Take the rag away from your face friends; now's not the time for your tears. The record above is a $1 copy of a soundtrack by Luna's Dean Wareham for a Noah Baumbach movie I'd never even heard of beforehand called Mistress America starring Barbie's very own Greta Gerwig. Nice title, Noah! What's the sequel called, Senorita Canada?
I like Sideshow by the Seashore as much as the next guy and I still remember the bizarre but edgy decision to lay Street Hassle over the climax of The Squid and the Whale so I figured $1 was a very safe investment for the soundtrack. But reading just now that the Financial Times finds that a "neo-screwball" sequence in the movie "exemplifies the film's themes of love, art, and betrayal" makes me want to melt Baumbach's entire face, so I'm no longer too broken up about the record's destruction.
Having just read that previous paragraph, my famous brother, who's surely interviewed Dean, is no longer crying in his locally sourced organic sour beer; rather he is silently cursing my woeful ignorance while hitting speed dial for Greta at the Barbie Dreamcastle so as to swiftly disassociate himself from The Dollar Bin forever. Sorry bro!
But let's move now to the real tragedy in this saga. Do you know how many vinyl copies of Fairport Convention's Live at the L.A. Troubadour are currently for sale on the internet? (We are not talking about House Full here, people, we are talking about the original release.)
Two copies. Two. Total.
That's right, while there are surely 6.4 million copies of Catch Bull at Four out there to be had, there are just two copies of Live at the L.A. Troubadour available in the whole wide universe. But last weekend I found a third one in Portland, one that no one has played or even looked at in its 50 years of Dollar Bin dwelling. That third copy was good as new and it cost $12. $12! That'll buy you half a Michelada at a Dodgers game; so finding that record and getting it at that price was as lucky as picking Mike Piazza in the 498th round.
And what did I do with this coveted find? You already know.
I melted it.
Bury the rag DEEP in your face, because I basically melted Mike Piazza. What kind of shlub am I? Next time you invite me over for drinks, don't pour me the good stuff because I'll just spill it all over your birth certificates, your Picassos and your tiny children's handwritten thank you letters, complete with heart drawings, for grandma. Rather, serve me a cheap domestic and give me a bib.
This is only my second experience with music melting. How many have you had? 25 years ago I left a CD copy of Mule Variations in my Ford Tempo and returned after a full day of work to find that the whole thing had turned into a flame broiled platter of creeping destruction. What the hell was I building, you ask? Melted Music, I respond. I was bummed back then. But that was nothing in comparison to last weekend's woe.
But I promised you good news, and more good news is coming! Firstly, my famous friend Greg's frig, located outside of Portland, was full of Miller High Life, The Champagne of Beers. So I had some.
Secondly, I soon discovered that the lower down I went in the record stack from the car the less melting had occurred.
And guess what was located far enough down to still be playable without any audible disruption? Live at the Troubadour! Sure, watching it go around on my turntable is like watching my cat try to shake off her fleas but I plan to never sell a single title in my Dollar Bin and I know that when my children inherit my dumpster of a collection they will cherish it forever and probably never even notice that my Troubadour record looks as sloppy as my t-shirt collection. So what the hell do I care?
Okay, at this point the Art Garpeople who joined this blog just to hear my thoughts on Watermark, Godfunkle's 1977 third outing as a solo artist who neither wrote songs nor played an instrument, are demanding my immediate destruction. I guess I'd better talk about the record.
So let's drop the needle already!
Uh-oh. Either Watermark is a big deal, unlistenable concept record (like Pink Floyd's The Wall) about bobbing about on the deep seas of regret, troubled water all about and nary a bridge to be seen, wherein Artie shakes his famous high tenor and the whole band way down to deepest bass every fourth syllable OR my copy of Watermark was higher in the stack of Portland heated mutilation and is now warped to the point where Gargie's version of a What a Wonderful World unintentionally sounds like What a Woooooooonderfil World.
(Yes, I mean what I said just now about The Wall. Bob Geldoff shaving his brows in the film is the best thing to say about the whole thing; Roger Waters, post Animals, makes Stephen Stills sound like a reputable songwriter.)
But relax, all you Artie G fanatics. I will ease your mi-i-ind. I'm not going to judge Watermark based on my very wavy copy. So cool your jets, adjust your giant perms and trust me. I promise to buy a second, unwarped $1 copy of Watermark and write all about it, asap.
Before we go, I must sorrowfully report one final tragic occurrence from this whole sordid episode. While hunting the Dollar Bin in Portland I had my eye out for Stephen Stills records. The fact is that at some point I need to place my entire, rapidly blossoming reputation as a Dollar Bin influencer on the line by actually listening to entire Stephen Stills records. If they are good, I'm finished. So, sadly, I've got to go out and buy some.
But the Portland store I visited, ridiculously, had marked its more than a dozen copies of Stills 2 at $2 each. Memo to the store: no one wants Stills records at $2 a pop. Ever.
The tragedy here is that I did not find any of our favorite villain's records cheap enough to buy, so I did not proceed to place them on the top of the stack in my rental car, thereby melting them out of existence. Thus the world is still saddled with copies of Stills 2.
Next time I melt music I promise to do so more thoughtfully.
(P.S. If you are still reading this, please know that my school year just started and so my pace of posting here will surely slow. My goal is to write once a week and I really do appreciate you letting me ramble. Hunting in The Dollar Bin requires your patience!)
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vinbee631 · 10 months
Prologue/1 - I’m Never Gonna Not Dance Again
Prodigal Sons and Daughters Alike
"Sanders’ Academy of Arts is one of the top schools for artistically talented students. Many hopeful children spend years preparing for auditions and working on portfolios, yet few receive the acceptance letters they dream of. The amount of rejection letters distributed annually is devastating. 
Roman and Remus Malik, like many hopeful others, were attempting to not be in the unfortunate majority of rejected candidates."
Welcom in, chapter one! Title is, obviously, from the song by P!nk and yes all the chapter titles are songs, I am a music nerd and quite proud of it! :)
Art had been a crucial part of the twins’ lives since they knew what it was. Over the years, Remus’ talents in drawing and painting flourished, and Roman picked up and maintained the art of dance from just about the moment he could walk.
His first dance class, a silly thing consisting of a small bunch of confused four-year-olds, made Roman cry when it ended. Remus spent every recess in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade making art. It was only when his teachers intervened, concerned he wasn’t getting enough physical activity in the day, that he was forced to stop.
From then on, their parents put a lot of time (and money) into the boys’ dance recitals and art showcases. They found the best thrift stores for costumes and even went to real costume stores when Roman got old enough. They spent what seemed like hours debating the best kinds of oil paints and canvases, most of which they still didn’t understand. 
And after all of that, the twins still kept their motivation for the arts. The only thing stopping them from doing what they loved all the time was mandatory public school.
Remus quickly provided a solution to that problem. 
Because of his participation in a particularly prestigious art deco, he was introduced to the idea of attending a specialty arts academy. While the sponsor he’d talked to had recommended a school in the area, not two days later he did a bit of research on the idea nd stumbled across Sanders Academy in Ocala, Florida.
As soon as Remus showed his brother their website and the application criteria, they were both set on getting in.
Thankfully, their parents were more than supportive of their idea to attend a private art school. They encouraged an application to a less impossible-to-get-in school as a backup plan, but they knew the twins would be perfect for this school.
Or, well, Remus would be perfect for it. 
Not that they didn’t support Roman! He was overjoyed that they had taken the time and money to send him to just about daily dance classes, and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. It was just…
They saw Roman’s interest as more of a hobby. In Remus, they saw the potential for a career, a successful lifestyle. 
With Remus, any art project for an exhibition or just for fun was encouraged. The practice was moving him towards more and more success, after all. 
When Roman needed to pay for another dance class or put together a costume for his solo performances, there was a little more resistance.
“Still persistent about this dance thing? I figured you would have grown out of it by now.”
“For just a hobby, you seem to be very invested in this. Wouldn’t you rather spend time with your friends this weekend?
“That’s great honey, but you need to finish your homework before we go out. School takes priority over shopping.”
Ever so slowly, they began to push back on the one thing Roman loved. 
So, whenever Remus rushed into his room one night with his completed application for Roman’s approval, asking how much work he had done on his own, Roman realized this was what he needed to convince his parents about his abilities. 
It seemed like every second sped past far too quickly after that, the weeks of choreographing and re-choreographing and paperwork and categorizing all his former dance classes gone in a flash.
It had been weeks, yet it felt like a day, and it was time for his audition.
Remus and Roman spent hours, both the night before and the day of, barely sleeping in between, preparing everything they could possibly need. Backup paperwork was signed, transcripts were triple-checked, and Roman finished programming an edited version of his audition song so it matched his dance exactly.
Remus, the lucky bastard, didn’t have a true ‘audition’ but compiling one portfolio of ten pieces was no easy feat. Despite the touch of jealousy that he didn’t have to deal with a presentation, Roman admired his twin’s work, as always.
That didn’t make it any easier to stop completely stressing out when he realized they had to leave in an hour.
As they ran around the house, making sure nothing was forgotten and that everyone would be prepared to leave in order to not be late, Remus took it upon himself to oversee Keep-Roman-Calm duty.
Currently, the aforementioned brother was trying to convince himself he had definitely forgotten something, and that very something was going to be the downfall of his audition.
“Alright, enough, Ro. Look at me. You’ve checked over all this shit at least sixteen times now and made me and Pop check it again at least four more times.” Roman scoffed and averted eye contact at the reminder. “I’m serious, Ro-bro. We’ve got everything under control. It’s gonna be fine.”
“Yeah, I know, I know,” Roman huffed, “but I- maybe I should just check again. ‘Cuz, ‘cuz I gotta make sure I have all this stuff. If something happens and I’m unprepared, I’m gonna make a terrible impression!” 
“I mean, I guess first impressions are pretty important, but not checking-a-seventeenth-time kind of important. These people understand mistakes happen, and at the end of the day, if you nail the dancing shit, they’re not gonna care about that. You- do know your dance, right?” 
“Of course, I know the dance,” Roman scoffed. “I made it.”
“Exactly! Then you got nothing to worry about! C’mon, let’s go watch something mindless until we actually have to get ready. Sound good?” Roman reluctantly agreed, following as his brother tugged him excitedly downstairs and flopped on top of him on the couch to keep him there.
After half an hour of Roman staring blankly at the wall instead of watching TV with Remus, he sighed and sat up, pulling his brother up with him.
“Alright, look,” Remus started, tapping Roman’s nose to get his attention, ““this clearly isn’t working. You wanna talk about what’s really on your mind or should I get off your case and let you get ready to go?”
Roman looked conflicted for a beat, biting his lip in thought. “Do you think I’m- cut out for all this?” He blurted out after a moment.
Remus blinked at him, staring like he’d grown another set of eyes. “What? Of-fucking-course you are!! Why wouldn’t you be? Have you seen yourself dance before? It’s amazing! You’re so passionate Ro, they’d be crazy to say no.”
Roman frowned “I guess. I just… Mom and Pop don’t seem to like the idea of me doing the dance stuff full-time. They think it’s just a hobby. And… maybe they’re onto something.”
“Aw, Ro,” Remus sighed, “if that’s the case, they don’t know what they’re talking about! If I can do painting and shit for the rest of my life, you can do dance. And besides, I’m not going to this fancy school by myself, I’d die of loneliness!” 
“I’m sure you’ll be fine without me. Besides, we don’t even know if I’ve gotten in yet. There’s no guarantee I’m coming with you,” Roman pointed out.
“Uh, yeah there is,” Remus countered, “because I’m not leaving without you, that’s stupid. And if we don’t go to Sanders’ together, we’ll go somewhere else! We gotta… I can’t be famous by myself! You have to come with me! We’ll be art buddies! The- the…. The Creativitwins!!” 
Roman laughed, leaning against his brother. “The Creativitwins, huh? I guess I like the sound of that. Sounds like a plan, then, if you’re sure.
His twin grinned, flopping on top of him with a content sigh. “Uh, of course, I’m sure! Now, you feelin’ a little better about this thing? You’re gonna do awesome, by the way. Gonna fucking crush it. Cooler than anything I’ve ever done!”
Roman rolled his eyes fondly. “Maybe not that cool, but I get the point. I… thanks, for this. I guess I really needed it.”
“Yeah, well, there’s nothing wrong with needing help. And hey, when we’re both going to this fancy-pants school, we can help each other with whatever, anytime! ‘Kay? We’re gonna do great together, I’m sure of it.”
“Okay, okay, I get it, thank you. God, you’re so cheesy sometimes, it’s terrible. I dunno how I put up with you,” he joked
“Maybe a little cheesy,” Remus agreed, “but I’m not that unbearable! Why else would you hang out with me all the time?”
“Because I live with you, I’m, like, forced to be in your presence,” he deadpanned, but a giggle at the end gave him away. “D-dammit.”
Remus snickered, sitting up so he could properly tackle his brother. “Now you’re just being an ass on purpose!”
“Ree!” Roman laughed, pushing at his shoulders. “Stop it! You are terrible, I was just messing with you!”
“And so I enact my revenge! Now you really are stuck with me!” Roman continued to laugh along with his brother and eventually gave up on trying to wrestle with him, settling into being trapped again.
“So, how long you gonna hold me here?” Remus shrugged, keeping a tight hold around his waist. “Eh, however long I feel like, but I’ll let up when it’s time to leave… How much time do we have by the way?”
“Oh, about fifteen minutes,” their father interjected, seemingly amused by the two’s antics he must have seen. “That is, if you still want to leave a bit early.”
The two made frazzled eye contact before scrambling in unison off the couch, rushing to their rooms to get all the stuff they needed piled into the car. 
“Alright, alright we got my portfolio, both of our paperwork. Uhh, lemme look… here’s yours, uhh… transcript, essay, painting timelapse, and letters of recommendation. Hey, you got all your paperwork stuff?” Remus listed off. 
“Uhh, yeah, got the… transcript, essay, dance recording, score recording, and… letters! Oh, and the speaker and cords, and the CD. We’re good!”
Finally, after everything was sorted and emotional problems dealt with for the time being, they were on their way out. Ten minutes early for leaving early.
Well, it was good to be prepared, right?
Surprisingly, despite arriving nearly 20 minutes before his audition was supposed to happen, the proctor was already there. He greeted them as soon as the twins bounced out of the car.
“Hello, boys. Er, one of you is Remus and one is Roman, pleasure to meet both of you… whichever one you are,” he joked with a smile. 
Roman was already starting to feel better about this. 
He set his things up, and yes, he did end up remembering everything he needed, what a shocker! (Okay, you don’t have to pick on him! He was just being certain! This was a pretty damn prestigious school, okay? He had a lot at stake.)
Then, the dance started. 
The song was fast-paced but manageable. With the help of one of his close friends from class, he’d come up with an equal blend of hip-hop style, and a more modern interpretation of ballet moves.
In short, it was fucking awesome.
He spun across the stage, a wide grin on his face at his favorite parts. His limbs flowed with the beat, movements as sharp as the snare hits. He lost himself in the moment, there was no one else here. It was just him and the story his dance was telling.
And yet, as soon as it started, the music stopped, and Roman’s dance was done. He heard someone clapping, but as he began to climb off the stage to see how he did, Remus rushed up to him and tackled him in a hug.
“Dude! That was so sick! What the hell were ya nervous for, huh?” Remus teased with a bright smile, picking Roman up and swinging him around. “R-Re! Jesus, put me down! Thank you, I guess, but- jeez, let go!” 
Remus eventually conceded, ruffling his hair. “Alright, we’re in, right?” He turned to the proctor with a teasing smirk.
“If only it was that easy. That would save us both a significant amount of time, but you did an amazing job, Roman. And, I’m very excited to look at your artistry, Remus. We will try to let you know as soon as possible what our decision is, alright?” 
Remus grumbled a bit, but there was no arguing. Of course, there wasn’t. They would just have to wait, the hard way. 
The hard way was really fucking hard though.
Three weeks! The two boys sat around, barely paying attention in school (well, that wasn’t necessarily new), and barely having the focus to do the arts they enjoyed, their minds overtaken by the stress of the wait. 
The letters finally arrived while they were at school. 
Their parents, in their cruelty, waited until the boys were settled for dinner to present them. 
“Well, boys, something exciting happened today.” The two of them glanced at their parents, confused. “Are we getting another dog or something?” Remus piped up. “Can we get a snake instead?”
Their Pop chuckled. “No, Remus, no more pets for a while. No, the exciting news has more to do with you two than it does with us. Here.” He handed the two boys each a letter, addressed to them with a clean stamp, from-
“Holy shit, these are the audition decision letters!!” To Roman’s surprise, neither of their parents criticized his brother’s language as the two excitedly ripped the letters open. 
“Wait, wait, wait! We gotta read at the same time, okay?” Roman quickly nodded in agreement. He just wanted to see his, any previous frustration from math or his brother’s comments about it long forgotten. 
“Okay, on three! …three!!” Roman rolled his eyes at Remus’s antics, quickly flipping open the letter and reading as fast as his brain could process. 
Dear Mr. Roman Malik,
Here at Sanders’ Academy of Arts, we seek out the extraordinary, those that have worked at their talents continuously and excel at them. Through the short time we’ve known you, we’ve been able to experience a glimpse of your tenacity and talents.
That being said, we are more than pleased to accept you into our Dance and Performance Art program, beginning this coming Fall-
Roman stopped reading in favor of glancing up at his brother with a bright smile on his face. When Remus met his eyes with an identical expression, the two leaped at each other, hugging just about tightly as they could accomplish without completely falling over.
“We got in!!”
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cinnamonconi · 11 months
Is this breaking the rules? No cc he IS A real character!
KOU for the character meme~!
Watch me drop all this character lore and creation process in a single ask-
First impression
Since Kousei is my little gremlin, I'm sharing what I had in mind while creating him. You can say it's like a beta version of the final product:
I was actually going to give him a more antagonistic side. He was going to be merciless in duels, always trying to toy with his enemies to have them test new features related to the duel interface.
Like he'd be this secret boss that you encounter on your way to the final boss in the WDC arc, since he was based on the Mad Scientist trope. That being said, he was also going to use some of the duel candidates to improve the Photon Mode for Kaito to use under Faker's orders.
But he became a softie and that's canon now-
Impression now
He's a soft and caring lil guy!! He might look like he's ready to mess with anyone, but he actually loves and cares deeply for the people in his inner circle. Sure, he teases everyone around him, and usually his jokes can throw others off, but it's actually easy to get along with him.
I think that contrast between his looks and how he tends to joke around vs his caring side and willing to put others before himself, makes it easier to mischaracterize him. I think it's easy to miss his soft side.
Favorite moment
The day I started shipping him with Chris.
I made this short comic of Kousei and Chris dueling, and how he picks on V, because Dyson Sphere is so big for no reason at all. You have this massive monster that who knows how hard it is to emulate in the duel interface-
It was that comic and how silly and flirty Kousei was towards Chris that ended up with me shipping those two-
Idea for a story
Oh boy let's not touch this one. I have way too many ideas and AUs that I can't keep up with all of them!!
One of the biggest ones I have rn is the brainrot of Idol AU, where Kousei is a top idol and Chris is a closet fan of his.
IV is also an idol here! Chris and Kousei actually met at IV's dressing room, because Chris would come and pick him up every now and then. However, IV wasn't there at the time and Kousei decided to be silly and give Chris a bit of fanservice in IV's behalf... Only to find later that he's IV's brother.
That's how it all starts-
Unpopular opinion
I should share more lore of him, actually. Like I draw and think about him often, but I don't share my thoughts much. It's the fear of being too cringy about it hasdjkask
Favorite relationship
VKou, of course!! I don't even know where to start and I feel like I could talk about them all day!! But if I could sum this one up in a few words, it'd be that I love the contrast in personalities, but how good it works. The chemistry they have is so good, because it's the differences between them that complement each other. And, on a personal level, they have more in common that what it can be seen on a surface level.
Other relationships I love for him are him and Kaito (I love their friendship. I should write/draw them more often) and him with Gauche and Droite.
When he hangs around Gauche they share a single braincell and it's hilarious, while he's more calm around Droite. You bet those 3 like to go karaoke on friday nights-
Favorite headcanon (actually canon bc he's my gremlin)
His photographic memory has to be one of my favourite things. The fact that this single trait is the reason he gets involved in the story of zexal, having read so many research papers that he can replicate all the data from them.
Only a few know this, as he tries to keep it secret!
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folkdances · 2 years
this is completely unfounded btw just drawing on what i've read and seen and observed but i think the reason so many cis women love stories like acotar is because it provides the illusion of power all while providing a safety net. let me explain. feyre is from the very beginning said to be very self reliant, she knows how to hunt and is capable with weaponry, because she's been tasked with the role of housekeeping for her childish, stubborn sisters and her frail, passive father. she's a painter, but she doesn't get to indulge this hobby often out of necessity as her family lives in severe poverty after losing all their considerable wealth to forces outside of their control. feyre butchers a fae disguised as a wolf and in turn is whisked off to prythian to pay off the life debt. here is the first token: having all of your arduous responsibilities taken off your shoulders. not having to feed and care for and deal with anything mundane; feyre is taken to the spring court where she lives in relative comfort and ease, having her every need met despite putting up a fight the entire way, juggling interactions with her monstrous and attractive "captor", tamlin. tamlin is rugged and battle hardened, but sjm makes sure to show us his soft side multiple times. he plays the fiddle, he tells dirty jokes to make a pretty girl laugh. he's also hundreds of years old. but he's not dangerous enough. sjm knows she needs to take this story somewhere and that readers have mostly grown bored of the quaint, pastoral balm of the spring court, so she has feyre stuffed into a wedding gown for a wedding she doesn't want to have only to be rescued by rhysand.
rhysand is sexy, he is insanely powerful, and he is a mystery, all reasons why he was the favourable candidate to tamlin. he, too, has centuries over feyre's lifespan, centuries of life experience and knowledge. he can help feyre in every aspect of her life, and in return, all she has to do is play housekeeper to his "shattered soul". sjm thoroughly established rhysand's power, both political and magical, in book one. however, she also established him as being amarantha's consort, giving him common ground ("shared trauma") with feyre. he has a soft side, she promises the reader. rhysand emphasizes that feyre can be an active player in her own life, he teaches her to read and harness her abilities. feyre becomes the high lady of the night court, a position that's never existed before, because women are not given that sort of power in this fantasy world. here is the illusion of female power: there's nothing stopping other women in this world from accruing power, and sjm prides herself on having written a feminist narrative. however, ianthe and amarantha, two of the most powerful non-night court women, are both vile and awful people. ianthe prides herself on her 'fertility', and is in text a rapist; amarantha is a tyrant and a despot who is, in her last moments, a beggar. feyre is better than them because, unlike the other two, her power was instilled through marriage. her power was given to her by tying her name to the name of a man.
rhys draws feyre in slowly with the promise of mutual respect, a home, friends with which she can have witty banter, and of course, a monster sex life, all while letting her live her role as a powerful woman in a powerful, dangerous, seductive role. i think the core principle of acotar is that a woman can be powerful all while not having any power at all; feyre is killed and remade as a high fae but with the same personality; she wines and whinges, she tries to puzzle out problems, she is the illusion of taking control of one's own life by pretending to have ducked out from beneath the patriarchy in some clever, self-made way when in fact a man was the one who saved her and her marriage to the man was what gave her a title. her decisions are driven by love for men who apart from being able to fuck her real good and have witty banter with her, have no personality and no motivations beyond a bland sense of duty/patriotism to their countries or courts. power without power. power with the safety net of a man more powerful than yourself to catch you. limited power with an unlimited illusion. and i think the reason why real-world women love this series so much despite it being a pantomime of every way it claims to be progressive and female-focused is exactly because there's none of this in the real world. in the real world no smirking well-endowed man is going to be able to kiss your cheek and tell you your problems are fixable, your trauma is completely curable, and providing a fantasy of sexual fulfillment in an unhappy or 'tired' or just normal marriage, and acotar and media like it provide a neat escape to that reality.
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planetkiimchi · 2 years
pinterest worthy | l.mh / h.hj
summary — Hyunjin and Minho are two different types of beautiful, and their significant others are perfectly alright with that.
pairing: Hyunjin x nb!oc, Minho x fem!oc
a/n: this is my first attempt at writing anything kpop-related so far! it’s not really a fic, but i wanted to write something for my bias and bias wrecker &lt;3
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Hyunjin is Pinterest worthy.
He reminds Jae of faeries with their paper-thin wings, flitting around like butterflies do among flowers. He is a different kind of beautiful, with his long hair framing his face and the way he rolls his eyes when he’s dancing to God’s Menu.
Hyunjin walks like he’s a model posing for pictures, long legs captured perfectly as he strides across the airport. His side profile is prime for photographs, hair covering half his face, all half-smiles and hooded eyes.
When he’s gaming, Hyunjin leans forward, biting his lip in concentration, one leg crossed over the other and ears plugged.
Hyunjin is Pinterest worthy, Jae thinks. In Stray Kids, among the rowdy group of (surprisingly introverted) idols, Hyunjin and Felix are the most photogenic. Hyunjin has a face shape that attracts people’s attention, a smile to die for, and eyes that betray his emotions.
Hyunjin is like a faerie, unlike Felix’s angelic smile, because mischief lies in those eyes and on the tip of his tongue, as Jae has seen when Minho threatens to stuff toilet paper in his mouth. His art is beautiful, his beauty alluring, and attention-drawing.
Hyunjin and Jae look stunning in any and all candids captured of them, almost like they have a sixth sense for hidden cameras. Their perfect posture and newsworthy love is often commented upon, praise dropping from people’s lips.
Hyunjin’s pretty face fills Jae’s gallery at times, pictures they take of him while he’s eating, or pictures of him sleeping, sent to them by the members. Some are from news articles, the ones that they realised were better than anything they could have taken themself.
Hyunjin’s just photogenic that way. It doesn’t stop at Hyunjin—he has a feed that’s filled with nice photos of himself and Jae, all the pictures cohesive, aesthetic, and enviable.
Jae learns to live with it. They dress up to leave the house, almost regal in the way they hold themself. It begins to be a habit to linger a little too long by doorways in hopes of people catching a glimpse of their outfit, to watch the way they lift their foot to adjust their shoe, subtly letting their hair fall over their eyes.
And so, the Pinterest worthy that Jae once thought Hyunjin was, becomes the way their relationship is.
a different take
Minho’s aversion to photographs has always puzzled Leo. She thinks he’s the most handsome person she knows, and when he sits in a corner, face set in his resting bitch expression, she thinks about how lucky she is to be his significant other.
Minho cocks his head like a cat when he’s confused and rolls his eyes when he’s tired. He walks like he’s got places to be, strides long and assured, confident just like his dancing.
Minho leans on everything from the couch to the wall to his palm when he’s gaming, and takes his gaming very seriously. He hates to be interrupted, unless it’s for his cats, Leo, or dance.
He has a beauty that can’t be captured on camera, so Minho and Leo look like cryptids in most, if not all of their photos, sometimes even the ones that they are posing for.
It’s not that Minho isn’t beautiful. Minho literally fits the Korean beauty standard, almost to the letter, with a sharp nose and sleek jawline, smallish eyes and full lips. Even the arch of his eyebrows and his cheekbones look absolutely gorgeous in real life. It’s just that when Minho laughs, his eyes pull into a line, and every single moment of his laughter is blurry in photos.
Leo has tried multiple times to capture Minho’s beauty, going from camera to phone to photo booths, but all her experiments continue to prove that Minho isn’t photogenic, and his unglams fills her gallery at times, until she clears them all.
Minho’s just not photogenic that way.
His love for Leo is similar, in that they never go for Instagram-able experiences, preferring to get dirty than to take nice pictures, preferring to be active than to pose for a good shot. They have plenty of inside jokes from their hangouts, but their memory is the only thing they take away—and maybe two or three photos.
Minho isn’t the most outwardly affectionate either, though he kisses Leo back when she kisses him first, and rests his arm on her thigh, slapping her butt when it’s in reach.
It’s nothing glamorous, nothing that would get them into the tabloids, simply because it’s so uninteresting, and nobody would want to see photos of Minho gaming while Leo sips coffee from her mug and reads.
Minho’s not being Pinterest worthy, but Leo’s okay with that—after all, neither is she.
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519magazine · 10 months
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