#i love drawing her as an honest to god beast
mishacakes · 3 months
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cotton candy colored bloodborne boss. meow.
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caffedrine · 7 days
Azel Radwan - The Beast’s Love is Unstoppable - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
Azel, the Living God of Tanzanite and Emma’s lover is not an honest person. He often says, ‘I don’t love you’ and ‘I am not in love with you’ and has never said anything else. However, Emma knows that words aren’t everything when it comes to him.
As she sits on the steps of a dilapidated temple and gazes at the moon dominating the night sky, a shadow falls over her. With an exasperated expression on his face, Azel asks what Emma is doing out here.
Emma explains that she wanted to go for a walk, and Azel wonders since when has she developed the bizarre interest in walking through wastelands. Emma points out the moon, remarking that she will never grow bored of looking at the Tanaznite moon.
Azel tells her that is a stupid excuse, and worse yet, she is wasting her time out here. Scoffing, he settles down next to her, obviously not intending to leave her alone. Emma asks if he came out just to look for her.
Azel denies this, he only came out looking for fresh air. Emma asks what he was just saying about walking through wastelands, but Azel corrects her. He is going on patrol. Emma decides to drop it. She knows no matter what Azel says otherwise, he would not spend time with her if he didn’t like her.
Shifting closer to Azel, Emma apologizes and explains that she’s cold, and then snuggles up next to him. She smiles a little and remarks that he feels warm.
Azel refuses this and stands up as if he was planning on running away from her. Instead, he circles behind her and settles down, wrapping his arms around her from behind. He explains that this is more efficient at comforting her, and not to worry, he’ll collect the fee for warming her up later. Emma agrees, telling him to look forward to tomorrow’s breakfast.
With his arms wrapped around her midsection, Emma leans back against Azel, wondering why he doesn’t want to admit that this is love, no matter how close they are together. She turns her head, meeting Azel’s gaze.
God’s eyes are a mysterious color, making her think of starry skies, and draw her in. Azel asks why she’s so interested in his eyes, and Emma admits that she still hasn’t figured out what their color is.
Azel insists that it doesn’t matter what color his eyes are, but Emma is serious. She wonders if she could call it a dreamy color. Azel complains that she’s using girly names for his eyes. Emma grumbles, wondering if his eye color will ever be given a name.
Emma continues to look at Azel, who remains silent. Rather, their faces are drawing closer and closer. Suddenly Azel remarks that he has often been told that he’s strange, but when she looks at him like this . . .
The stary-sky color comes closer to Emma, and their lips touch. Emma’s eyes widen with shock, and Azel complains that the atmosphere between them was telling him to kiss her. Emma disagrees, it wasn’t that atmosphere at all. Emma turns her head away, only to hear evil laughter from behind her.
Emma asks why he kissed her all of the sudden, and Azel insists that it’s just a physical desire. Emma disagrees, but Azel insists that there are many mysteries about the human body that have yet to be unearthed.
This isn’t a mystery. It’s love.
Azel begs Emma not to mix up physical and emotional ties. Even as he denies being in love, he doesn’t stop touching Emma and pokes the back of her neck. Emma lets out a strange noise, and Azel laughs again. Emma turns around and smacks him in the chest.
Azel tells Emma to stop hitting him, otherwise he might kiss her again.
Emma asks if God has always had a flair for physical desires, and Azel reminds her that this god is a human too.
Maybe some gods only feel the physical desire, but from Azel’s expression, Emma could tell that this went far beyond a physical connection.
The longer Emma stays with Azel, the more she feels a sense of immorality, as if she’s defiling something sacred. As she stares into his eyes, Azel grabs her chin. He assures her that she can look into his eyes as long as she likes. In return, he will kiss her as much as he likes.
Maybe Azel should thank his eyes.
The kiss that starts out with them barely touching each other morphs into one full of lust. Even though Azel usually has a pure and holy expression, when he’s with her it melts away to one of base instincts.
In between kisses, Azel’s hand slides down Emma’s waist. His hand caresses her back through her nightgown, running over her shoulders, and bringing out all sorts of immoral feelings. Azel’s tongue flicks along her mouth, and Emma’s stomach grows hot. She asks Azel to hold on, it’s too intense.
Full of false sympathy, Azel asks if Emma has forgotten to breathe, which she has. Poor thing, he thought she was better at this. Just before he can dive back in, Emma covers Azel’s mouth with her hands. Nope, they need to take a break from kissing.
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(Azel just wants to kiss only Emma, spend time with only Emma, and sleep with only Emma. Totally no feels)
Emma gasps and jumps when Azel’s tongue runs along the palm of her hands. He takes the distraction to remove her hands from his mouth.
Emma grumbles that the feeling of wanting to kiss someone is considered ‘love’. Azel disagrees, he’s not thinking of something so horrible and crazy as love when he’s with her. He just feels selfish.
Seriously, he’s not in love with her.
Emma decides to leave it be, thinking that one day, she’ll have to show him a mirror so he can see the love in his reflection.
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whalefill · 2 months
I know you said Tove is Sistine’s companion but whats the vibes? Familial (A bear looking out for a cub)? Does Tove respect Sistine? How did the two meet, and was it good impressions ir bad ones?
Also! Wizard man. Points. (Ik you said it was Francis’ character but god his design is so cool I wanna know more about him). Give me the good good
hi evren! :) thank u for asking <3
to be honest i haven't developed tove and sistine's relationship as much as i want to yet, but i can tell you some things about her! she's meant to mirror sistine's backstory (a beast turned human), but sorta in reverse; years and years ago she was just a little girl whose village was demolished in a raid by hysterian soldiers, and after escaping to the forest, she trades her humanity to a fae in exchange for a new life. she's transformed into a bear, and some years later, sistine finds her (also quite young at the time.) sistine has no memory of her own past life (yet), or any knowledge of what's happened to tove. all she can see is a very, very friendly bear. she finds out about it all MUCH later, when the two join ambrose on the story's main quest, and he's able to sense that tove is a creature of magic. it's quite a sad backstory but sistine is a very complicated character and it's part of her redemption arc to see just how much her kingdom (hysteria) wreaks havoc on the world, even and especially on the lives of those she loves, despite the fact that she was raised blind to it.
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(my first concept drawing of her)
as for ambrose i'm not sure how much francis wants me to delve into him on my blog.. maybe if everyone is lucky i'll get it to talk about him itself :) but yes ambrose, is a wizard... sistines enemies-to-lovers situation eventually... kinda like if mothman was a transfem lesbian
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and here is some art i made of them just this afternoon so as not to disappoint <3
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andromedako · 3 months
the crooked, the cradle (the crane wives) & ishmael
aka can you all hear me. hello. hello. hello. hello. (EXTREMELY LONG POST INCOMING)
obligatory song link bc i need to put this somewhere
so this song strikes me as So ishmael to me. this is just screenshots with the lyrics w/ some talking and hoping you also get the idea! (technically a remake of a post i made already but i wanted it in one post instead of in a rb addition)
>theres blood in water / theres blood in the water / the quiet are restless / the silent are still >can anyone hear me? / can anyone hear me?
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[i swear to god theres another moment i feel can fit with the first lines but i'm DRAWING A BLANK. these are the ones that come to mind though.]
>im nobodys daughter / im nobodys daughter >if mercys abound / ill be safe, ill be sound
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(moby dick, epilogue)
[i'd like to believe that lcb ishmael's fate ends up the same way, with her being rescued by whatever the equivalent of the rachel may be. and i feel as though this is a little self-explanitory: nobodys daughter / another orphan, the mercy abound]
>and the devil wont know of the love / i just couldnt let go
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[i know her obsession centered around ahab and her want to get revenge by her own hands, but the "love she couldnt let go" also sticks in my brain. the fact that after all this time... she still doesnt want to let go. i dont want to let you go, not you.]
>but i pray, when its done, when its through / ill have something left for you
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[honest to god i think you could put the entire 'sketching our futures part' here. when this voyage is done, i'll have something- a future- left for you (and i).]
>this cradle still burns / like a hole in my chest
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(crawling inquisitor beast abnormality log, written by ishmael)
[in general i think her ties with fire fit here. ardor blossom star & capote too. she has some ties to fire imo and it feels like a good antithesis to her usual motif of the waters. this log just feels like a pretty ok representation of that, yeah?]
>the crooked are smiling / they know me the best
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["they know me the best" as ahab, the one who saw ishmaels obsession spawn right in front of her. she knows this the best out of everyone else- after all, she's the reason, is she not?]
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strawberry-milkbunny · 9 months
Random Tokyo Rev thoughts featuring other shows (these r gonna be hella chaotic and I have adhd):
- listen Baji playing volleyball/being with Karasuno…it suits him too well
- plus the Haitani brothers as the Miya twins 😳😳
- Mitsuya is literally Sugawara like come on
- idk y but I see Shion as Terushima
- Kazutora and Inui would be on Nekomata
- Senju and Takeomi r Daenerys and Viserys from Game of Thrones Oop- 🤷‍♀️
- would make it even spicier if Sanzu is Jon Snow but he’s very much Theon instead 🫣🫣
- tbh all of Brahman would suit Daenerys’ circle
- Kisaki is Littlefinger HOLY SHIT
- Shinchiro is so Robb Stark oh god
- Izana would lowkey be Margaery Tyrell
- Taiju and Hakkai r the Clegane brothers
- tbh I could also see Mikey and Senju as Jaime and Brienne like they very much have beauty and the beast vibes that if Wakui could write romance they would’ve been a good choice together (still a Sanzu and Mikey shipper LOL)
- Senju and Yuzuha as San and Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke (SOMEONE PLS DRAW THEM AS THIS 😭😭😭)
Kinda surprised there aren’t more Bnha and Tokyo Rev crossovers but here r some ideas:
- Himiko is one of my favs and she suits the TR universe wayyyy too well
- sis would totally be besties with Hanma and maybe Shion and would have a crush on Takemichy and Hina
- tbh I could see her joining Tenjiku and everyone seeing her as their little sister like imagine Mochi and Mucho doting on her
- they would totally annoy the Haitanis, Shigaraki, Dabi and Spinner together maybe Hawks too if they’re in the right mood
- Baji and Dabi wouldn’t get along but would set cars and Endeavour toys on fire together
- None of the TR characters would ever enter UA but if they did it they (Tenjiku let’s be honest) would bully everyone ESPECIALLY ALL MIGHT
-They would totally be hero haters/menaces and everyone would be lik: “y tf r all of u here then???” and TR cast would be lik: “for future connections?? Duh”
- Izana and Mikey in Gen Ed beating the shit out of everyone during the Sports Festival and laughing about it 😭😭
- Izana hanging out with Hawks simply bc Izana could instantly see thru his persona and Hawks genuinely being afraid of him but still wanting to hang out bc he feels like he could actually be himself for once
- Senju would be in the Hero course bc she actually wants to help, Ran would be in the Hero Course just for the fame and money. He would say it out loud too mans is shameless.
- Ironically enough: Ran would be the one to defeat Stain by throwing a BRICK at him while Rindou breaks his legs in the background LMAOOO
- Ran, Mt Lady and Midnight in the same room….that’s it.
- Rindou would be cool with Jirou, Denki and Shinso. OMG HE WOULD SO BE AN ERASERHEAD STAN TOO SJKSKSKKS
- tbh all of Bonten would totally be the MLA (or investors) and would just be staring tiredly at the League of Villains as they take over their army
- u cannot tell me Skeptic, Koko, and Re Destro wouldn’t get along (capitalists unite 😤😤)
- on the other hand I love the idea of Mikey being quirkless but still being the strongest person in the room like Mikey would totally body Re Destro and Geten for being annoying/quirkist
- Izuku would 100% be in Toman
- Draken and Mikey r Honey and Mori from Ouran High School Host Club
- Izana and Kakucho r Aki and Angel from Chainsaw Man ‼️‼️
- definition of out of touch, out of time energy (I cannot see snowball fights the same bc of these characters smhhhh)
- Bonten in a Chainsaw Man AU ✨chefs kiss✨ it’s fits the vibe and they already wear suits LOL
- OG Black Dragons would be the Cowboy Bebop crew idk everyone in that group lowkey has the same energy/nihilistic vibes as the Bebop crew (again someone pls draw this I’m not talented enough-)
- Shin is Spike, Faye is Takeomi, Benkei is Jett and Waka is Ed LOLLL
- Revy from Black Lagoon would BODY everyone in Bonten no ifs and/or buts (let’s not even start w/Roberta)
- Revy and Takeomi would have a one night stand and regret it instantly but still contact each other whenever they’re in the same area for drinks
- Balalaika would laugh at Bonten and bully Mikey (she would still lowkey respect him bc he built himself up but bully him bc he has depression and Mikey won’t do anything bc he’s lowkey afraid of her LOL 💀💀)
- Izana and Mikey r Sesshomaru and Inuyasha prove me wrong 😤😤😤
- Akatsuki would TERRORIZE Bonten simply bc their an anti-violence organization and they’re petty like that
- But Itachi and Mikey would get along purely bc Itachi looks like Shin and Mikey reminds Itachi of Sasuke (especially w/black hair). Idk I imagine Bonten!Mikey kidnapping Itachi bc he’s part of Akatsuki and looks like Shin but instead of fighting Itachi chooses to take over Bonten…..by being a good older brother to everyone. And the fic ends with Akatsuki and Bonten just fighting over Itachi LMAO
- Kakashi, Shisui and Wakasa would be friends like Wakasa would 100% be in Anbu
- Killer Bee, Benkei and South would be friends. Like Bee and South having sing offs in the middle of fights LOL
- Ino would force Draken, Mitsuya and Chifuyu to be her friends
- Sasuke would join Bonten for revenge and hate everyone except Kakucho and Mochi. This man will 100% leave once he’s reached his goal
- Someone pls write a fanfic w/Bonten entering Squid Game. Like Koko entering Bonten in Squid Game for money or Sanzu doing it for fun bc he didn’t think it was serious
- As much as I want this crossover: Realistically everyone in Assassination Classroom would HATE EVERYONE in TR. All the TR characters would just see AC cast as privileged rich kids and AC would see them as morons.
- Like Toman would DESPISE Karma Akabane (he’s my fav). I can’t even see any of the other gangs liking any of the AC cast past trying to recruit them
- MAYBE Kakucho, Rindou and Mitsuya would suit Class 3E but other than that….yeah no. I could see them getting along w/ Chiba, Kanzaki and Isogai tho simply bc they’re chill and play video games
- Koko would have an INTENSE crush on Yumeko Jabami from Kakeguri
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pinkkinoko · 2 years
Jesus christ please bless us with your kid!mungrove hcs 😩😩😩😩😩😩 i love these babies so much
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*High pitched yelling*
You’ve unleashed the beast😶
To be quite honest, I think the drawings center mostly around a three year old Billy and a five year old Eddie, which would make it a separate timeline from my foster care au (god I’m gonna illustrate some stuff for that too because😭💔) but anyway, I’m pretty sure for them to meet it would be Eddie probably going to California.
So far, I’ve thought it’d be interesting to have Eddie’s parents skip town without him, something that unfortunately happens a bit too often, and Wayne has to make a drive to Cali for work, but since he’s not about to leave Eddie to fend for himself, he decides to take him with. Eddie is a pretty energetic five year old, so the drive there is hell for him, and he’s also cranky because his parents promised they wouldn’t leave him behind next time they bailed. It’s also the middle of June, so it’s ridiculously hot, and when they finally arrive in cali, Wayne does his best to let Eddie get some time to burn off his stress by taking him to see the beach.
Eddie’s still sulking, but he’s a kid, so he’s over the moon about getting to see the beach, and he’s dumbstruck with just how big it is. He’d only ever seen stuff about it in picture books, so Eddie’s practically vibrating with anticipation and trying to wrestle out of Wayne’s grip while he tries to smear sunscreen on him so his nephew doesn’t cook in the California sun.
Once he’s looking like he’s been dipped in mayonnaise, Wayne finally lets him go and Eddie all but teleports to the shore. He’s about to run straight into the water before something tugs him from behind and has him falling flat onto the sand. He’s about to cry when he opens his eyes and stares up into these big blue orbs that are looking down at him with what looks to be stern disapproval. Eddie wants to be annoyed, but this kid looks like one of them little angels he sees when he passes by the church on Sundays. The ones with those tiny wings and pretty blonde hair.
He giggles and points a finger up into that stern face, “You look like an angel!” The other kid makes an even angrier face and bends down to smack a hand onto Eddie’s forehead. “No. Billy.” He says it in a very serious tone, like Eddie’s made some big mistake he’s gotta be told off for.
“Ow!” before he has a chance to complain, the child—the boy—is being lifted up into the air. Eddie almost thinks it’s magic before he sees the pretty lady in a white dress, her blonde hair matching his angelic little acquaintance.
“Oh my, Billy! We don’t hit people! I’m so sorry, you ok sweetie?” Billy is squirming in her arms, obviously very upset at being removed from his task of pestering Eddie. The lady is trying to help Eddie up but having a hard time due to Billy’s protests, so Eddie dusts himself off and stands up on his own—like a big kid.
“Um, I’m ok, um, I think, I think Billy should say sorry too.” Eddie purses his lips and stares up at the two with expectant eyes. Kids in Hawkins always make fun of him because of where he lives and the hand-me-down clothes he wears, even the grown ups make funny faces at him when he plays alone in the park with no shoes on. He’s made it a habit to have a big attitude and a bigger mouth. The adults are always telling him he’s rude, he just things they’re ruder for staring.
The lady blinks down at him before smiling—she has a really pretty smile, she looks like an angel too—and setting Billy down.
“You heard him Billy, think you can say ‘sorry’ for hitting him? Maybe the nice boy will play with you when you make up.” Eddie thinks Billy doesn’t like the idea at all, he has big tears threatening to fall down his cheeks and he’s looking at a spot just in front of his feet.
“Why’re you crying? You hit me!” Billy starts wailing in earnest at that, big hiccuping sobs as he walks up to Eddie and points at something behind him. Eddie turns around and looks down to see a big shard of brown glass sticking up from the sand a small ways away.
He turns back and scrunches up his nose.
“You should use words! Just say something! Sheesh, you’re awful pretty, but you don’ talk, huh?” Eddie doesn’t really think it was mean, he’s just being honest, but Billy just starts crying even louder at that as he turns betrayed eyes onto Eddie and runs back to his mom.
Wayne eventually comes down to see what the fuss is about, and the two grown ups get to talking while Billy glares dagger at Eddie from behind his mom’s legs. Eddie just squats down and stares back with fascination, he’d never seen such a pretty boy before. Even the girls in Hawkins don’t have long lashes and curly blonde hair like Billy.
Eddie really wants to be friends, even if this poor kid doesn’t know how to say much.
Billy, for what it’s worth, wants to throw sand in this weirdos face and tell him he’s stupid. He’s not really great with talking to people he doesn’t know though, so he settles for sticking out his tongue. The scrappy kid just giggles at him and sticks his own tongue out in return.
Billy thinks he hates this idiot.
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garlculean · 6 months
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@yukikorogashi Asked. HELLO MY FRIEND! ❤️ Before this year ends, I just wanna start by saying-- MAN! I'm just so, so glad that I got to meet your wonderful self??? I will say it's certainly one of my highlights during these last few months, meeting a fella as splendid as yourself!
I already mentioned all of this before to you through our IMs, but you bring so much life to my boy here, and just do him so, so much justice! And I thank you, with my hands holding yours, for giving him the love that he so long since deserved! And of course, I absolutely look forward to him and Itsuki interacting, in developing their hilarious lil' Looney Tunes relationship, overtime! It's gonna be so fun, and another thing to look forward to this coming year!
You are just such talented individual too, Mt Beast, like omgoodness??? Your writing, your art, your graphics-- not to mention the fact that you have been such a pleasant chap to get to know. You really are a marvellous bean, and again I'm so glad I found your blog when I did, and look forward to interacting with you more in the near future!
May next year treat you well, my friend. As you so rightfully deserve! Here's to you! 🍷 AUEHAUWHE!!!!
↳ 2023 is almost over! // 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆
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      𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐅𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐇. Y'know, I do not think there are even words to describe the amount of joy and gratitude I felt when reading this. I am SO VERY glad I had the pleasure and opportunity to meet you too Yuki⸺ I can say with much certainty that the feeling is absolutely mutual!
      I can't even construct my words right but just that I'm literally grinning from ear to ear! WHWUAHAHA Hearing you say that and think that for my interpretation // portrayal of Wario means so much more than you think it does for me. It's honestly an honor to hear that I am doing him justice. So thank you⸺ Thank you VERY much. I too cannot wait for Itsuki and Wario to interact. I still think about the plot in my head and the things we spoke about with their possible bond, depending on how things go in RP, but it kills me EVERY time. I may not KNOW who Itsuki is, but shoot I dont think I need to. All I know and need to know is you make her an outstanding joy of a character! You give her such personality that if she acted any other way I don't know if I'd enjoy it as much as I do when she's in your hands HWUWHAHAA!
      I appreciate you enjoying my writing and my art, I do take a great deal of time in it, especially my writing. Drawing comes more naturally for me so to speak its a lot less brain power as opposed to writing. So to know you favor both and not just one over the other is an honest to god best compliment for me to hear If I'm being honest HAHAAHAH. Also I must give credit where credit is 1000% due, @sangdelune did my graphics, I'd commissioned them to do it. They brought my ideas to life in ways I cannot describe. I do not know the floor from the ceiling when it comes to photoshop or anything remotely in that area, I cannot do that. I'm a writer and an artist--NOT a designer. Best editing I do and can do are my reaction icons. THOSE I DO edit. But that's just the most basic bare minimum knowledge one needs to know to edit the reactions; its nothing supreme or outstanding I'd say. I actually plan on bringing them up in a near future post; once I hit my 100+ follower's count ( which seems to be nearing...) give them a segment because since I was/am so new here in this RPC, I felt me doing it with not much of a following would make them go unnoticed. i.e. no on taking the time to go back to read my first post(s) I made here about them. But for anyone who DOES need anything with graphics GO TO THEM. They were a blessing to work with, I had very VERY specific ways I wanted things done and created to really emphasize how I viewed and seen Wario and I wanted my blog to really exert that. So even if you dont read my writing, you still get the FEEL // aura, per say, that Wario emits when youre on my page and they hit it all on the nail and BLEW my expectations away. Very communicative, quick with getting back to you, good with keeping you in the loop of things, and is just an INCREDIBLE designer and an amazing person to work with. I honestly am grateful and LUCKY to of found them.
      SALUTI MY FRIEND! I cannot wait to see what the year to come brings, but I hope whatever it is, it brings a lot more interactions with you!
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technicianlearner · 8 months
Kirbtober 2023 Day 21 - Fresh/Fav. Character
"Greetings, Mr. Coo! What potion are we learning today?"
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Prompts by @paintpanic and @peachsupremeart Fused list compiled by @desultory-novice (click here for the list!)
Me yesterday: "...tomorrow's Sunday and we had to go out, so I might just draw one favorite character. Ironically... I have a lot. I would have drawn more but alas."
Me now, realizing that it's Saturday, NOT Sunday: F^CK.
At the end, even with the mishap, I drew one anyways, because I realize nearly all my favorite characters were already drawn: Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Robobot Armor are very consistently in this challenge due to the AU's clause, Ribbon has her already drawn in Day 8, Shadow Kirby got his turn in Day 19, Smile/Robot Pet quite literally got drawn FREAKING YESTERDAY... and the other two I considered (Galacta Knight and Void) might as well get a full redesign. Soooooo, uh.
This is the only favorite character that I haven't drawn AND have a good enough consistent design that all I do is just change their colors. Neat, huh?
God I love this rat so I reimagined her as an alchemist. Mouthful Mode doesn't come from Kirby getting stretched to hell and back in this AU sorry sir it comes from Elfilin's silly potions he makes during his runaway phase when he gets hunted by the silly Beast Pack!!!!!!!
Anyways, by the time we see him in Season 3 (which is still a long way ahead oh my god how am I distracted by RPs so bad), he is already under Coo's tutelage! Yes the owl is also an alchemist!! Shhh-
Shame to be honest, tomorrow's entry will probably be sh^t, even if that's the prompt I've been waiting the most...
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frostbite-the-bat · 6 months
tell me about your fucked up petz creatures
I WILL GO OVER My Main Cast. alphabetically as they appear in my funny box !
Starting off with ABYSS!! i love her dearly. she's a spamton mixie! specifically a blue addison + spamton + sparkle kittling. she's got no eyes or colors (she's got blue paw pads, thought!), leading to an unsettling appearance. i love her dearly, though! she's full of cheeky personality and she loves jumping through the hoop, if she isn't knocking it out of my hand. (or doing other things... she loves to mess around)
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up next is... asshole! yes. thats his name. he's my oldest spamton i currently have! he was originally a different spamton neo, but for petzspamton creator's comfort i converted him to be dib's spamton neo. being based on a siamese - he's picky and he's mean. he's an asshole. that name stuck with him. he used to wear an iconic sweater but this spamton neo kinda breaks shirts so he has a santa hat now!
also spamton neos in petz are known for. their. uhm. Thoughtful Gaze.
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next is... BIG BOY! MY BELOVED!! he is a gift from petzspamton for me based on my mega spamton neo design! he came named bigboy and since even my mega spamton neo's nickname has been bigboy. :] he's big, he's cuddly, he's gentle and he LOVES food. he also flops. a LOT. and genuinely when i say he loves food i mean it, he's based on a persian and those love food in petz. he seems very eepy today he's flopping less than usual but probably because of how wacky the room layout is + he's too interested in buck plush
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OLD BAD ART ALERT I DONDNT DRAW LIKE THIS NOW I DREW THIS IN MY FLOP ERA but heres mega sneo design. just for context!! (ye he got swapped wings but who cares)
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if you see similarities between this hair and the way i draw high roller, no you dont. no you fucking dont.
up next is cap'n! i'll be honest i dont play with him as often since i converted everyone from petz 5 to petz 4 - losing k_k in the progress </3. he just loves starting fights with everyone its no fun </3 but ANYWAYS!! this is a hexie made by YOURS TRULY! hes goofy
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can't show off cap'n without.. SWEET! oh boy after glados this is my most complicated hex. DO YOU KNOW HOW PAINFUL IT IS. TO MAKE A CUBE. OUT OF (SPHERES) (AND LINES THAT ARE VERY FUCKY) ITS HORRIBLE. sweet sweet sweet my dearest friend sweet they start fights sometimes too but are calmer than cap'n. they like playing with plushies a lot as you can see
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next is creature! a funky little spamton mixie. seriously this thing is like generation 7 and listing everything thats In Their Blood may take a while. they've got lovely spots and neat textures + are pretty big!!! their tip ends with a pink which is a fun contrast compared to the blue/white gradient. very silly fella!!!
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next is cupcake! one out of two silly kitties i got from bad_death ! they did a thing where they gave out unique textured/patterned fellas to people on petzcord. so these guys are unique! like everyone elses. i have other petz i got from other people that are hexed, but i don't have them in the playable petz folder right now. cupcake likes to flop around, too! what a lovely fuzzball... they also get scared of everything which isnt characteristic of a persian personality but. hey. the wordl is scaresy...
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next is dragonfruit with their funky shrimp tail !! also a spamton mixie - you can defo see similarities between them and creature. i believe they're related? anyways - the main breed they take from is cubus! they have calico personality so they are very playful!!
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next is fledgeling! Bird. i dont even know whats in them .
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FROSTBITE. MADE BY PETZSPAMTON FOR ME. THIS smug-ass cursed entity. they're a little bastard beast. theyre just me but petz. smug ass. likes to 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨. friends with some but enemy to many. LOVES DANCING. PLAY MUSIC INGAME AND THIS THING WILL SHAKE TAIL. dear god even this frost made it to hr's , they will kill.
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also the iconic gif with them and spammo.
next is GLADOS! or catdos if you will. i made this with my own blood sweat and tears it was a nightmare. but look! glados !
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im getting tired and i havent eaten today yet because im autism SO. SHORTER DESCRIPTIONS.
iceshock!! silly ice spammy kitty.
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onion .
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....and i hit the image limit so...! feel free to ask for more...!
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nerdynatreads · 9 months
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book review || Rouge by Mona Awad
~Thanks to Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of *Rouge* in exchange for an honest review. ~
She does it again. So good. Fantastic.
Right from the start, we see that Mirabelle is obsessed with beauty and looking young— much like her mother before her we see in the small flashbacks Mira remembers of her mother. I was impressed at just how often beauty and style were brought up: - Mira’s mother owns a dress shop and Mira works in one as well - The constant references to Mira and her mother’s youthful appearances - The obsession Mira has with skincare products, using them as a way to calm herself, referencing what products other people could benefit from, obsessing over trying to cover the scar on her forehead - Seeing how Mira longs to be complimented by others - The “self-love” mentioned, but often is being sold by cosmetic companies who benefit from the idea. - colorism! Because Mira is half-Egyptian and was never able to see herself in those around her, particularly her mother. Mira definitely has a similar feel to Miranda in *All’s Well* and Samantha in *Bunny* — jaded, cold, and lonely, but in this we see her grief over her mother and the confusion that comes with it, especially once we see some of her memories with her mother. I was so intrigued by the maternal element of the story— seeing how the little comments and throwaway actions imprinted on Mirabelle so that she’s desperate to be seen as beautiful. She’s tied her entire value as a person to how people view her. It’s heartbreaking and hauntingly familiar for most people. Oh my god though, the way this theme in particular was wrapped up at the end? I adored it. It’s so wonderfully and terribly relatable. I loved how Awad worked in the bit about cults (and the beauty industry) somehow encouraging individuality while also making everyone as similar as possible. That desperation we all feel to conform to the ideal beauty standard, but how that also involves completely removing any sense of identity. How capitalism and the beauty industry feed on peoples’ insecurities to continue pushing products and the mirroring of that in the cult. While yes, Mira does fit into the stereotype of someone who falls victim to a cult, the beauty element shifts the perspective of it. The writing in this can only be described as surreal. It’s unsettling and dreamlike, constantly referring to the distorted view we tend to have about ourselves, but also the disorientation of grief. The atmosphere, the narrative, and the story is cinematic, so I’m simply devouring this book when I pick it up. I also loved the continuous references to numerous fairytales. Yes, it’s probably easiest to draw parallels between this and Snow White, but there’s also Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and even Hansel and Gretel, I’d argue. The blurb mentions Eyes Wide Shut (which, yeah, I can see that) but I’d also say there are definitely some bits that had me thinking of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.
4.5 / 5 stars
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quoteablebooks · 11 months
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Genre: Historical Fiction, Mythology, Retellings
Rating: 4 out of 5
Trigger Warning: Rape, Sexual assault, Pregnancy, Death
In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child--neither powerful like her father nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power: the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves. Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts, and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur, Daedalus and his doomed son Icarus, the murderous Medea, and, of course, wily Odysseus. But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians. To protect what she loves most, Circe must summon all her strength and choose, once and for all, whether she belongs with the gods she is born from or with the mortals she has come to love.
You would have had to be completely under a rock to not have heard about Circe or The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller in the past couple of years. I wanted to put some space between all the hype around the novels and reading them so that I would be able to enter it with a clear head to give a fair review. However, so many lists have Circe have it as a great stand-alone or a book that made them cry that the hype never really died down. I enjoyed my time with Circe well enough, but I have to be completely honest, I don’t get the hype.
Before you get out the pitchforks or have me lashed to a rock for my liver to be plucked out every day, I am not saying I didn’t like it. The prose was beautiful and you felt the years of loneliness and abuse that Circe faced while everyone else told her story to the world. However, this book wasn’t life-changing for me, which it seemed to be for just about everyone else. I can’t even pinpoint anything I didn’t like about it, it was just fine. I loved the retelling and reimagining of well-known Greek myths, such as how Odysseus was portrayed. However, I felt as if the story flowed over me the same way that the years flowed over Circe, ultimately not leaving a mark.
The beginning of the novel before Circe’s exile was the most interesting to me though it was the hardest to read. It isn’t as if the Greeks portrayed their gods as kind and caring, but the casual cruelty and the self-centered nature were interesting to read. Miller did a good job of showing that even early on, Circe was different, set apart from the rest even before she realized she had magic. Circe wanted to be kind and to lessen suffering. Even those that she hurt out of jealousy, Scylla and the others, she carried that guilt with her until it could be undone. The novel is about finding yourself even when the world continually tells you who you should be, and that is never clearer than Circe’s difference from her immortal family. I think that Miller showed that it is not easy to be one's self, but if you find the right people, it can become easier.
Part of the reason that I wasn’t taken with the novel is that I read The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec first. They are very similar, witches that are punished for their magic and attempting to carve their own happiness out of the world that is cruel century after century. I felt more connected with Angrboda and her story of love and loss and revenge. I can’t tell you what the difference is, and maybe the only one is that I read The Witch’s Heart first, but I was expecting the same emotional hit from Circe and I just didn’t get that.
And…that’s all I really have to say about the novel. It is beautifully written and therefore I am giving it four stars, but unless it grows in my feelings, it isn’t a book I think I’ll be buying to add to my shelves.
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june-again · 2 years
bad descriptions of genshin characters while i wait for 3.1 (a-z) [may contain spoilers]
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albedo: edward elric but his hair is actually blonde and not Yellow. and WAY quieter
aloy: who?
amber: some love her. some hate her. one thing you can be sure of: no one loves her as much as collei does. loud gang #1
arataki itto: if tanaka ryuunosuke grew out his hair and got a wacky fashion sense. and started a band? loud gang #2
barbara: if u sing one more time i swear to fucki-
beidou: hot pirate captain lady who WILL complain about being on land 99% of the time. best character
bennett: no one likes you bennett. seriously no one likes you. i am so sorry. fischl doesn't count
chongyun: looks like he just saw a ghost
collei: #1 amber stan
diluc: is it the trauma, the wine, or the shit-faced brother that made you this way?
diona: the least important character ? alcoholic catgirl minor?
dori: will scam you faster than you can say "mora"
eula: should become big sister figure to noelle.
fischl: holy SHIT girl FUCK honorary loud gang because she just talks a shit ton.
ganyu: of course i didn't forget your name! mommy - sorry -
gorou: now THAT's a crop top if i ever seen one. also what kinda fucking combo is bow & geo. shoulda given bro a slingshot
hu tao: girl put your thighs away. pinterest is bein a bit .........
jean: literally an overworked office wagey with a sword. in charge of like protecting the whole country or whatever
kaedehara kazuha: lalala poet in the breeze lalalaa his best friend Died for anarchy
kaeya: probably a lying piece of shit but we all want to date him anyways. also why half of us stuck to the game through prologue
kamisato ayaka: ⚠ WILL JUMP IN RIVER WITH SOCKS ON ⚠
kamisato ayato: who is never relevent
keqing: The cat girl. literal badass. she, like, has a sword, and like, swings it around, and like, BAM
klee: who raised this
kujou sara: if you didn't believe in tsunderes before ??
kuki shinobu: BEAST of a healer but literally kills herself to do it?? kinda questionable. good itto babysitter
lisa: *moans, through into jean's window*
mona: the CONSTELLATION DIVINATIONS BROOO let's just say the sprinting patch changed the GAME
ningguang: now why the fuck are you a 4*
noelle: BEST girl and i say this as a zhongli haver so i am allowed to
qiqi: oh dear. a zombie. who did this? hu tao? hu tao! come and get your failed sword-wielding experiment
raiden shogun: bestie's got like. a god complex
razor: bro lived with wolves give him a break
rosario: this is what goths are going for
sanganomiya kokomi: 🐬🦐🦑🐠🐟fish🐟🐟🐟 fish
shenhe: literal wine aunt except the wine is like. grass or something.
shikanoin heizou: L Lawliet lovers look no further
sucrose: absolutely irrelevent #3 ????
tartaglia: there's dangerous men and then there's attempting mass homocide. where do y'all draw the line
thoma: sweet. sweetest. sweetest best boy ever. if he were a cat i would pet him and stuff
tighnari: spoiler they never explain the ears
venti: we all know he's drunk. what we don't talk about is the. is the. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh questionable behaviour at all times ?
xiangling: she makes good food but PLEASE don't make me talk to her directly. loud gang #??? lost count
xiao: be honest, xiao. do you listen to mcr. do you listen to fall out boy
xingqiu: erudite stuck up rich kid
xinyan: what in the WORLd does the accent have to do with rock music, and why is the only character with colored skin also irrelevent #4???
yae miko: her voice will knock the wind out of you. did i just reveal something about myself by saying that
yanfei: fischl and her should make a club. except she talks a lot because she KNOWS a lot so i respect it
yelan: that's not xingqiu?????
yoimiya: beloved loud gang member
yun jin: very very very very cool addition to the game
zhongli: last and opposite of least we have the lazy geodaddy. i mean just look at the statues of the seven he is MANSPREADING like the chair was built for it. like he wants someone to SIT on him.
disclaimer that all was meant in good humour pls laugh and if u do, reblog
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
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Here is another OC of mine!
She is a variant though! She is Demon!Alex. She is a Variant of Alex, who I will make a post on later, who happened to have Demon parents. Er, at least sorta. Her Mom is a Demon-Halfling, and her Dad is the child of a Demon-Halfling and a Human.
Loving this style! Might try and draw my other more Main OCs in this style!
Btw, for anyone wondering, the text in the top right says "Well, mark me down as scared AND horny-"
Some info!
Demon!Alex always thought she was just aroace. And then she met her now boss; the one and only, the myth, the legend, Slenderman. He was just... So eye-catching. His appearance caught her off guard to be honest. In all the stories told, she would have expected him to be some sorta goofy tree-ent fea beast or something, not a sexy Eldritch Demi-God.
She was among the first Proxies Slenderman 'adopted', but she didn't really see him as a father figure as most the other Proxies did. Unlike most, she actually had a decent childhood, with loving parents, who are still alive btw. She was just... Influenced by the wrong people.. And due to the fact she opened her eyes to the kind of people they were a little too late, she lost her immediate trust of anybody she came across.
Slenderman was just lucky he found 'half-dead' and unconscious. She begrudgingly follows his orders. You could say she is a really big trouble-maker, and Slenderman finds her to be more difficult than Jeff and the Quartet: Jeff himself, Toby, BEN, and Eyeless. She just.. Really hates authority due to past experiences.. Either that or she really enjoys seeing him angry.. Nobody knows which one.
Alex uses She/Her, is a cis female. Probably straight. She is 5'7", and is a Demon-Halfling. Human Halfling to be more specific. She can control some form of flame known as the Green variant of Demon Phyr, which is lower on the scale of power, but still strong enough to ward off even Slenderman. Her wings are normally small, for convenience, but they can grow to be gigantic. Her tail too. Her Demon Half is of the specie Could Jumpers. Their wings are typically massive, with large tails to steer and jerk to make fast u-turns. Her horns were severed and couldn't grow back. Only one side of her head grew horns.
When Alex gets flustered, her eyes widen, pupils fluctuate between large and small. Her body goes rigid, her wings spike outward, her tail coils, her already melty halo drips even more.. She shakes a bit too. Probably from how tense her body just became..
She essentially made 'Operator merch' for her and the other proxies to wear. The telling detail being Slenderman's mark being on the clothing in any form: a patch, a print, anything.
She acts all stoic, and is all bark and bite, until Slenderman steps into the picture. Sure others would only notice she stops yelling and whatnot, her exterior not changing much, with that Death GlareTM being a permanent expression of her face. But when everyone else leaves is pretty much when her tail goes between her legs. Honestly, she is conflicted with her body parts. Sure, being a Demon-Halfling is cool and all, but not when your Eldritch Boss can physically see how powerless you are against him.. But it is hot tho-
If she had the balls, would probably audibly ask Slenderman to step on her, or choke her. Due to how her body registers pain, she developed a sort of pain kink, so is a machosist. Would probably drop the entire bold-face act and become a submissive lil pet if Slenderman put a collar on her. She is touch starved ngl. Been living away from her parents for a long while(still keeps in touch tho), and hasn't been in any relationships due to her immense trust issues. Probably has both a praise and a humiliation kink. Literally into BDSM. Slenderman could literally bully her while she is restrained and she would LOVE it.
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lily-of-rabanastre · 4 days
Ascilia, Chapter 16—Excerpt 02
Gods, grant me the strength to finish this fic already. At the very least I'd like to be done before Summer's end, so I can get started on something new guilt-free.
Not that I don't love writing this. I do. But I really want to pick up a new project, too.
Galbana Lily was staring up at the sky by the time Ascilia reunited with her. Though she’d been the one to suggest staking out the parade from the Quicksand’s entrance, Ascilia hadn’t been entirely honest with her reason why. It was true that the goobbue could be seen from here—Thancred had told her as much while relaying the story one day, and Lily surely wouldn’t have agreed to stay here if it wouldn’t. But her true reason for making that suggestion hardly needed to be said aloud. Even if their souls weren’t presently bonded together, Lily’s curse was self-evident. The very act of pushing herself to action was a dagger at her throat.
“Had your fill of the parade?” asked Lily as Ascilia hugged her arm. “Or did you just miss my company that badly?”
“It seems I can’t hide anything from you, now can I?” Ascilia replied. Drawing her beloved into a soft embrace, she nuzzled herself into the warmth of her bosom. “I just needed a… reminder. The past belongs in the past, and I…” Trailing off, Ascilia tried to muster up the strength to say what she wanted to feel. But her doubts had already begun to return. Clearing her throat, she instead sought a change of topic.” Has Venat graced you with her presence yet?”
“... Not yet,” Lily answered, wrapping her arm around Ascilia’s shoulders and hugging her tight. “Seems you were right—she won’t show ‘until the time is right’.” Though her long white hair flung about as she shook her head and sighed in ostentatious dismay, as Ascilia peered up she caught the faint traces of a smile adorning her face. “Gods, what is it with would-be heroes taking their sweet bloody time?”
“Now would that be a slight against many of our erstwhile allies, love, or would you happen to be speaking from personal experience?” With a quiet snicker, Ascilia moved to lean against the railing, taking care to keep a grip on her beloved’s arm even as she turned her attention to Sapphire Avenue’s gateway. “The music’s getting louder. They should be here any moment now. Remember, once we hear the horn we’re to—”
Her thoughts were scattered at the sound of the horn piercing the air. Within moments she heard the parade float crumple and crack, the panicked warking of the chocobo that had been pulling it, and the screams of terror from the crowd of fleeing onlookers. Steeling herself for what would ensue, she felt a sudden absence in the space beside her.
Lily had slipped from her grasp, vaulting over the railing to the street below.
“Lily, no!” she shouted, gritting her teeth as she hurried down after her. “You mustn't exert yourself!”
But her beloved paid no heed to her warning as she rushed away. Following after her, Ascilia heard the crunch of the float slamming down before a gateway. The goobbue had tossed the thing at its new provocateurs, Thancred and Chel, before chasing after them as they fled towards the Quicksand.
Behind it stood Niellefresne, chaser hammer in hand and a mix of fear and resolve in his eyes. That he’d joined the fray at all would’ve been a shock to Ascilia, had F’lhaminn not told her of his involvement in the weeks after the fact. But seeing him stand there, his chest heaving and legs practically bolted to the pavement, she knew there was naught he’d been able to do.
A violet aura erupted from within Lily as she charged the beast, bare hands clenched like bestial claws as she lept into the air. And just as suddenly as it had appeared the aura was snuffed out, replaced with the glow of the dark runes bound and burned into her skin. Collapsing before Thancred and Chel as they drew their respective knives, she let out a shrill gasp.
“Godsdamnit!” she cried, clutching her ribs as she doubled over. “It feels like I’m being torn apart!”
Kneeling down beside her, Ascilia reached out with one hand and began to channel her own aether into her beloved. There was no quieting the fury of her bindings, wrapped tightly round her like coiling ivy and digging deep into her as thorns, and to try would no doubt only succeed in harming Lily further. And so she instead poured herself into the bloody cracks, that she might soothe the pain instead.
Before her the goobbue let out a fearsome roar as it charged Thancred. He and Chel responded in kind, dodging and weaving through its powerful but clumsy swipes even as they bit it with their blades. Though Chel scarcely accomplished more than scratching its tough leathery hide, Thancred was far more successful, scoring and gouging the goobbue’s flesh until it collapsed in a heap upon the street.
It would get back up in a matter of seconds, Ascilia knew. Though it would mean delaying their reunion with Venat, she had no choice but to slow the flow of time within this dream that she might tend to Lily’s needs.
“What in the hells were you thinking!?” Ascilia hissed, though the answer came to her before her beloved so much as uttered a word. Lily’s shame burned within them both hotter than the sun itself, and with it was an all too familiar answer. “You can’t just… this is only a dream, Lily. Protecting those present at the expense of yourself will only get you killed.”
“I know,” Lily whispered back, lowering her head. “I just… the thought of letting you… I…” As Thancred and Chel sheathed their weapons, Lily morosely met her gaze. “Go ahead without me. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”
Silently Ascilia refused, instead slipping one hand beneath Lily’s legs and the other behind her back. As she carefully stood up and felt her beloved wrap her arms around her shoulders, a mirthful grin stretched across her face. And so, though it was hardly the time, she couldn’t help but tease her a little. “For someone so eager to be left behind, you certainly are clinging to me rather tightly, kitten.”
“Stop wasting time,” Lily sighed, resting her head against Ascilia’s shoulder. “Our guest is waiting.”
Without further ado, Ascilia resumed the flow of time. Then, watching as Thancred breathed a sigh of relief, she braced herself for what would come to pass.
“Damned thing seemed rather taken with me,” he said, flashing an empty grin at Chel. “Any idea why that might be?”
Chel gave him an odd look in return, her voice cracking as she replied. “A-Are you speaking to me?”
Before Thancred could give her a response, however, the goobbue stirred once more. Rising to its feet, it let out a pained roar before turning aside and fleeing back down Sapphire Avenue. The screams of those who yet lingered in the streets erupted once more, only driving the sorry creature’s fear and fury further.
“Ah, and now our guest requests an encore,” Thancred wryly declared before rushing after it. “Come on!”
“Gods grant me strength,” Chel muttered under her breath, following suit.
As she hurried along after them, carrying her Lily in her arms, Ascilia caught sight of her mother and Niellefresne. They and their allies were also giving chase—but they, Thancred, and Chel would all be too late to stop the beast’s rampage. And so would she be late to witness it, if she did not pick up the pace. Crouching down for a moment, she suddenly lept to the top of a nearby building, dashing across rooftop after rooftop until they reached their destination.
“Here we are, love!” she panted, stopping to set Lily down that she might catch her breath.
“You could’ve just stopped time again,” Lily groaned as she stood up, leaning over the parapet. Beneath them was the intersection the goobbue would meet its end at. The intersection where young Ascilia had been passing out flowers. Just then the rooftop beneath them began to tremble, and a loud grinding noise filled the air—the goobbue, in its panicked flailing, was demolishing the wall of a nearby building. “Oh, gods. Brace yourself!”
“Relax,” Ascilia responded, resting a hand on Lily’s shoulder. “We’ll be safe.”
Spying her younger self below, Ascilia recalled the incident from her own perspective. In the city of Ala Mhigo her father Warburton had warned her again and again to stay by his side while they were out and about. Their fellow countrymen wouldn’t think twice about hurting the child of a collaborator—his status as a double agent was a closely guarded secret, after all, and by all other appearances he was a model bootlicker for the Imperial occupation. And Gaius van Baelsar’s men, though allegedly there to keep the peace, had never failed to look the other way when the locals furiously turned on one of their own. Nor were their hands clean when it came to treating the citizenry with dignity, for that matter—often children like her would go missing, never to be seen again.
In the event that she was separated from him, he taught as much as he could about how to protect herself. Where she could hide, and whom she could trust. By the time they’d left for Ul’dah, many of the streets and alleys of Ala Mhigo were as known to her as the backs of her hands.
But this wasn’t Ala Mhigo. And though her father was but a dozen yalms away, calling to her even as he hurriedly closed the gap between them, she couldn’t hear him. Not over the screams, the shouting of the crowds as they sought shelter of their own, and the furious footfalls of the goobbue. Nor could she have budged even if she did hear him. Everything about this moment had been too sudden, too bewildering. Too terrifying.
At long last the goobbue rounded the corner, charging straight towards the young girl. It closed the distance yalm by yalm with every step, arms whipping wildly through the air with enough force to tear whole trees from the ground. And young Ascilia, her heart full of fear, was frozen in place. Before long, it was only a hair’s breadth away from her.
Then a ray of light erupted from the intersection, shining so brightly that all the world seemed dark by comparison. The din of the stampeding crowd became muted, as if silenced by some otherworldly force. In the intersection below she could hear the sound of a blade cutting through flesh. And as the light faded and she at last caught sight of what had happened, her heart soared with equal parts delight and relief.
There before them laid the body of the goobbue, cut down by the sword of a towering, angelic figure. All eyes were upon Her as She took a deep breath, Her form shining resplendent in the light of the midday sun. Dispersing Her weapon with a flick of Her wrist, She turned about and kneeled before the young Ascilia and her father with a loving smile and a gentle look in her eyes.
“Be not afeard, my children,” Hydaelyn soothed. “Thou art safe now.”
“... Wow,” said Lily, looking half-bewildered and half-starstruck as she stared at their Mother. “I thought she’d show up in the flesh.”
“Mayhap she felt the need to dress for the part?” Ascilia mused.
“Who—What are you?” Warburton croaked, pulling the young girl away. “A-Are you a… a primal?”
“I am Hydaelyn, All made one,” She answered, shaking Her head. “The very will of our star, called by thy daughter that I might safeguard thee and thine. Know that I will not—canst not—take of thee thy will and wit.” She then glanced up and away, Her gaze meeting the real Ascilia’s. “... If mine account is not enough to still thy worry, then I bid thee flee. Go, my child, and walk free.”
From behind her father, the young Ascilia glanced down at the basket of flowers. It had been crushed by her father as he’d tackled her to the ground, the petals scattering upon the wind. She then turned to look at Hydaelyn, her eyes quivering with tears.
“Th-thank you, for saving us,” she stammered. “Thank you, Miss Hydaelyn…”
As the survivors of today’s events began to disperse, whispering amongst themselves over the intervention of this godlike being, Ascilia was beside herself in bemusement. “You’d think, what with this being a recreation of past events, that everything would grind to a halt the moment it went off the rails…”
“In my experience, it never does,” Lily remarked, wincing as she rubbed at the runes on her neck. “Though admittedly, I’ve never knocked these events this far off course. But I get the feeling your father and, er, you… they’ll vanish once they’re out of sight.”
“Mh, I’ll take your word for it.” With a delighted grin, Ascilia leaned over the parapet and waved. “‘Tis good to see you again, Venat!”
“The pleasure is all mine, my brave little sparks,” Hydaelyn replied, rising to Her feet. At Her full height she stood eye level to the pair. Raising Her hands, She offered Her open palms to them. “Thy dream is rather more convoluted than I dared imagine, Galbana Lily. Might ye imagine a more private locale for us to reconvene? Mayhap the shadow of the Mothercrystal wouldst suffice?”
“I’m not much of a lucid dreamer, sorry,” Lily admitted as she crawled into Hydaelyn’s cupped hands. “... Do you have to stay like this the whole time? It’s… more intimidating than usual right now. For reasons we’ll get to soon.”
“If thou desire, I shalt assume a more pleasing form anon,” Hydaelyn promised. As Ascilia joined Lily within Her grasp, She drew Her hands close to Her heart, the warmth of Her body flowing into them both. “Though if my demesne is not available, might I trouble thee for a more suitable location?”
“I’ve one in mind,” Ascilia answered, resting her head against their Mother’s chest. “‘Tis rather close by, in fact. Would you care for a drink, my friend?”
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lov3nerdstuff · 3 years
I've got you
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*James Conrad x reader*
Parts: Oneshot/Drabble
Words: 1.7k
Prompt: "Imagine being on Skull Island (or somewhere equally as fucky) and Conrad shines a flashlight out into the darkness, only for several pairs of eyes to reflect back. His hand tightens around yours and every muscle in his lean body tenses. That deep voice gets low and quiet, warning you not to run. The second you try to bolt--because duh-- he tugs you against his firm chest and his lips are on your ear."
A.N.: This is a gift for @hopelessromanticspoonie who had this idea yesterday 💚✨ She (and her lovely anon) deserve some Conrad goodness! I hope you guys enjoy this quick little snippet 🖤 I am actually writing a longer Conrad series currently, but that will still take a while ☺️
The low growling sounds outside your tent should have been warning enough, had they already sufficed to wake you up in the first place. If not that, then at least the distant screeching that carried through the cold night air at a bone-chilling frequency, haunting echoes in your mind filling the silence in between.
You should never have left your tent, should never have come on this bloody excursion to the middle of nowhere in the first place! But of course, you just had to be curious and go check on the noise by yourself instead of waiting for one of the men with the heavy guns to take care of it. Just had to prove to them that you weren't just the frail and frightened little thing they saw in you no matter what you did. You had to prove it to him. James Conrad, the man of both your daydreams and sleepless nights. Gods, you had been falling for him from the first day of this doomed mission. Him, with his incredible blue eyes and that unforgettable voice that could put the fear of God into every soul when he bellowed commands across any battlefield, and that yet would recite Shakespeare in the softest flowing melody like he was born to do nothing else. A voice dipped in liquid sin that should not be uttering compliments like languished breaths in the dark. Not without unravelling you softly in the sweetest torture known to man.
Well, you should have gotten a grip on yourself and your pathetic insecurities and just told him how badly you'd fallen for him days ago. Now, however, you were going to die lonely and frustrated, a mere hundred yards away from the well protected camp you'd been stupid enough to leave. Great job, idiot…
The same growling that had woken you up was all around you now, louder, so much louder than before and you couldn't believe that you had been so stupid to walk into this trap of… whatever was lurking in the darkness around you now. You didn't dare to move, didn't dare to make a sound… and simply clung onto the childish belief that if you couldn't see what was stalking you right now, it couldn't see you either. Not that you would've been able to see much anyway, with the stream of tears that was running down your cheeks now.
"Y/n! Are you out of your mind?! You shouldn't be out here alone in the middle of the night!" Conrad's scolding voice behind you, in that delicious British accent nevertheless, sent an immediate shiver down your spine, but unfortunately for more than one reason this time around. Gods, he was here… you only hoped that he had come as your salvation and not a second course to the hidden predators' nightly meal.
"James… They're everywhere, in the darkness… I'm so sorry." You whispered in a tear laced voice, too far frozen in your fear to turn around to him even when you felt his radiant presence coming up right next to you. So close that his warmth was almost seething on the chilled skin of your arm and shoulder. Gods… you had been so stupid indeed; you were absolutely bloody frightened and helpless out here, who had you been trying to fool!
When Conrad finally switched on his flashlight to shed some literal light onto the darkness ahead that you were still staring at relentlessly, you barely held back your startled scream by biting down hard on your bottom lip. There were eyes, so many eyes that reflected the light right back at you from the undergrowth in a glowing hollowness that spoke of nothing but hungry fixation and thus, impending death. Conrad next to you tensed in an instant, every muscle in his lean body coiling in a display of controlled strength, preparing to fight and defend himself. Or rather to defend both of you, for not even a broken second later his hand wrapped tightly around your lower arm as if purely on instinct, and your breath caught in your throat in return. A few deafening heartbeats long you both stayed frozen like that, until slowly, painfully, deliciously slowly, his hand slid down your arm to hold your hand instead, interlacing your fingers with his in the same unfaltering, strong hold.
"Don't move…" He drawled under his breath, commanding you with the deep tone of his voice alone to surrender his will no matter what he said. Thus you could only clasp his hand in a death grip in return, breath coming out in shallow pants as your heart thundered in your chest like the storm approaching in the distance.
And yet, when another loud growl announced that these beasts were drawing closer to you still, almost up your neck already with their teeth or claws sunk deeply into your tender flesh, the sound startled you so far beyond your reason that your flight instinct grew unbearable at last. Every fibre in your body burst in panic, and you bolted without thought, without reason, but you did not get far. Fast as lightning to match the thunder in your heart, Conrad's arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you flush against his chest, holding you tightly against his strong body while your excess adrenaline merely caused you to whimper into the soft fabric of his shirt.
"Shhh... I've got you." His voice was surprisingly soft now, reassuring and calming almost as if just to soothe your fears, while the gentle brush of his lips against the shell of your ear caused you to shiver for entirely different reasons. A soaring heart and tingling exhilaration made for an odd mix combined with the prominent fear of death, but in the end it only heightened your every sense to the incredible. If you were to die now, you at least would do so wrapped up in the arms of the man you loved. La petite mort, only in the opposite direction of what you would have wanted for him and you.
"James…" You breathed into his chest, desperately trying to keep yourself from trembling too noticeably, which only made him tighten his hold on you with a sharp intake of breath.
"Shush now, darling, and listen to me…" He replied in an equally quiet tone, still staring into the hollow eyes of death with his head so closely next to yours. "I will throw the flashlight ahead into the forest as far as I can to cause a decent distraction, and then you and I will run back to camp without turning back. We should be safe behind the barriers we've set up. Do you understand?"
You nodded slowly with a shuddering breath, then turned your head ever so slightly to glance up at him with all those sharp lines of his stern features, while at the same time he dropped his arm from around you and instead took a tight hold of your hand again. Then in the matter of broken seconds, he threw the flashlight as far away from your path as he could, and finally dashed off back towards your camp while pulling you along by your hand. You were quick to comply, running as fast as you could while your lungs burned all the more, but both Conrad's death grip on your hand and the howling behind your back made for a magnificent motivation to keep running either way.
The hundred yards still were torture to your mind and body, but even without the light you could see the barriers drawing nearer and nearer. When you finally reached the gate of the improvised defenses, Conrad didn't waste any time to rush you through before it was barred off from the inside right behind you. The howling, however, remained right outside before the gates and still made your blood freeze over even now from the safety of your camp. Good gods… you really had cheated death. Again.
Panting, you finally dared to look up at Conrad once more. He was still clutching your hand as if he was afraid you would vanish if he let go, and when his burning gaze met yours in that undivided intensity, you couldn't keep your lips from trembling, nor your words from spilling over at last. "I'm so sorry, I… I really didn't mean to cause you so much trouble, I'm so sorry, I just… wanted to prove to you that I'm worth your-..."
You didn't get any further when his hand rose to cup your cheeks with a start, elegant fingers entangling in your hair as he pulled you close to him and pressed his lips to yours in every bit of passion and urgency you had been yearning for for so long. It took you but a broken second of surprise before you melted against him with a faint moan, returning everything he gave you and everything you had beyond. This was heaven… A heaven you were granted only after surviving in hell.
When you finally pulled back, both breathless far more thoroughly than just from your run, Conrad leaned his forehead against yours so very gently, and yet refused to release you from his incessant hold. "You are worth all there is and more, darling. I can bear absolutely anything for you, and with you, you must know that. All except for losing you."
"I'm so sorry." You breathed, eyes closed as you revelled in the roaring waves of unadulterated affection washing over both of you now. "You won't lose me, I… I won't let that happen. I've got you just the same."
Your words brought a smile to his face, you could feel it all around you, could feel it against your lips a second later. He wasn't a man of many words, you knew that, but the ones he spoke were always the most beautiful and honest to his soul. So you did know indeed, you both had each other and that was all you would need.
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@wegingerangelica @dreary-skies-stuff @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @theweirdlunatic @caretheunicorn @kthemarsian @lady-of-lies @strawberrysandcream @noplacelikehome77 @theoneanna @mishaandthebrits @i-am-a-mes @nonsensicalobsessions @exygon @hiddles-lobotomy @rjohnson1280 @annwhojumps @spookycatqueen @salempoe @headoverhiddleston @fanfiction-and-stress @thecreatiivecorner @themusingsofmany @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpionchild81 @crystal-28 @adefectivedetective @lokis-girl-in-mischief @booklover2929 @iamverity @lovesmesomehiddles @akk4rin @whitewolfandthefox @stuckupstucky @kassablanca13 @delightfulheartdream @hayalee8 @lemonmochitea
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Shades of You
A/N: Here’s the next in this ‘Kutte Too Deep’ series of flashbacks set in the AU of Kutte to Black! These fics can be read as standalone one shots or as part of this ‘KutteVerse’. This one is just a short ficlet of fluffy smut about you being Jax’s muse and the two of you having hot passionate sex outdoors…
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, a fuck in the park (it’s a secluded little spot of greenery – no one else is actually watching but they could be in theory)
Word Count: ~1.2k
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“Babe, can you do that again?”
You glance up from the book that you were just about to begin. In these few weeks since you and Jax became a thing, you’ve spent the better part of all day and night fucking, though you pause from time to time to take his Harley for a ride or something. Head off someplace far from all the dusty streets of Charming. Pack a picnic so that you can spend a lazy afternoon feeding each other grapes and talking. 
For today’s outing Jax also packed a notebook, as he told you that he’s recently been bursting with a surge of inspiration for the novel he’d spent years struggling to write. Apparently just finding the right muse was all it took. He wants to churn out a whole chapter sitting in this park with you, admiring the sunlit view. Promised he’ll let you read his work after he treats you to another epic fuck later tonight.
Meanwhile you’re reclining on this big plaid picnic blanket with the paperback you’d packed, to catch up on some summer reading. But your badass biker boyfriend seems determined to distract. You’re not sure what he means by what he asked—‘do that again’ when you’re not doing much of anything—you’ve literally just been breathing.
From where he’s sitting on a rock nearby with his manuscript spread across his jean-clad thighs, Jax catches the confusion in your eyes. And so he clarifies. “The way you blinked real quickly twice. It was just really nice. Your lashes looked like butterflies.”
Oh Jesus Christ. He’s so fucking adorable, it’s honestly deplorable. You swoon and giggle, playing into it a little. Batting your lashes theatrically and shooting him a sultry look. Still have no clue, just what he sees in you, and yet somehow his every move makes you believe you’re the loveliest thing in the world. “Now if I didn’t know better, Mr. Teller… I’d think you were sketching me rather than writing a book. Draw me like one of your French girls.”
He laughs sunny and bright, shaking his head at your reference to the tear-jerker the two of you just watched the other night. Never did Jax Teller think he would spend a weekend getting all sappy romantic. Asking his girl if she wanted to cuddle and stay up late watching Titanic. 
“Hey, I’d take any excuse to get you naked...” your tall blonde prince charming admits as he sets his notebook aside and strides across the grass to join you on the blanket, “but I promise I’m not a nude lady artist. Just an aspiring writer in love with his muse and everything inspiring about her because she’s the hottest.”
Jax brings his big strong body down to yours and then blesses your lips with a soft kiss to prove that he’s honest. Pulls back to adore you with his gaze of blue. “You’re in everything I do. I see the world in shades of you.”
Fuck—every word that he breathes is a sonnet. This love is a drug, and you’ll live and die riding high on it. “You’re corny as fuck and I love you.”
Grins darkly and grinds the stiff bulge of his cock against your crotch as he knows how badly you want it. “I’m horny as fuck, too.”
“Mmm, what else is new...”
Without words, with the crush of his summer-lush lips against yours, he replies though you already know this is true: Everything is shiny and new when I’m with you.
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Every damn time feels like the first. Everything blurs, present and future ever fading into past. The thrust of untold fate—the rushed soul-crushing weight, the fucking curse—compels you both to take each time like it’s the last.
The man in him loves smooth and soft and full of slow sensuous passion. But the beast in him moves rough and hard and fast. The fucking sex god that is Jackson. Barely even needs a second or a fraction, for his huge cock to get rock solid once he is at half-mast.
Moan into his mouth at the feeling of his denim-covered length. Rubbing against the flimsy fabric of your skirt, so hard it hurts. His hand caresses your cheek, giving you the strength, to take this love that makes you weak. Love beyond words. Your tongues were made to tangle up and taste the truth too big to speak.
Sometimes he says it anyway, though you both know he means more than the words could ever say. Says it a thousand times a day.
“Love you so fucking much,” he murmurs and the love tastes so delicious, in the blissful midst of kisses, as you melt beneath his touch.
Jax’s hand wanders from your face down toward your chest, shape of his grip made for your breasts. Beat of your heart rewrites the lines across the palm to which it’s pressed. His other hand is frantically unfastening his fly, then hiking up your skirt with a firm squeeze against the slick flesh of your inner thigh. So pleased yet not surprised to find that you’re already a wet mess. Both know there’s no one else nearby... no witness, other than the sky... but still out here it seems safest, to free his meat and push your panties to the side but otherwise stay dressed.
And so he does and wastes no time driving in deep until his dick hits home inside your soaking hole. So deep it hits your fucking soul. Hits every time and it’s the motherfucking best.
Something so blessed... has to be cursed. You think that way sometimes and it’s the fucking worst. Like fate is twisting you to tempt the pearly gates ahead and this is just a test. 
But when his hips are thrusting perfectly in sync with yours... his throbbing cock pounding and plowing through your pussy till it bursts... there’s nothing else on earth that matters—nothing else in all the universe... just ride this crest of pleasure, high together, as you crash the pearly gates until they shatter, and to hell with all the rest.
Sun spreads its golden heat and sheds light through the overhanging tree. So long content to shine upon this rock that orbits in its gravity—yet seething now in envy—so enraged at the eclipse, the air you’re breathing off his lips, the fire in his fingertips, so hot and heavy—heavenly. He is the only sun you’ll ever see.
The sun and shadow all at once. Heaven is here on earth yet someday hell will come claim what it wants. Can’t beat it back. But you don’t have to when he’s buried in your cunt. Beneath the shade of Jax, all else just fades to black.
You see the world in shades of him. Just as he does of you.
You love him, as he loves you, and you’ll make this love until the jealous sun burns out above you... even if it tempts the other stars to take it from you.
Hope you enjoyed this and would love to hear if you did! 🤗❤️
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