#i love this duo they're so funny. i ALMOST put them together in my duos post so consider this makeup
accirax · 1 year
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the costume design was a highlight
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sugarywishes · 9 months
In regards to the whole Gregory is GGY thing, I'm just blue screening since if that's true, Gregory is apparently what, 15 to 16 years old by the time SB starts for some reason?
Stares at the child
You telling me this eight year old looking tot is 16??
Nevermind how he even got brainwashed to begin with, or even broke free (since neither are even mentioned "at all"), I'm just...what?? XD
But as for the actual question. Cassie and Gregory friendship headcanons? Any you might have?
oh my God I GENUINELY FORGOT that people think he's actually a teen in SB 😭😭
Like sure, there are definitely teenagers who are...puberty deficient. (Aka those small ass teens who still look like they can pass as trick or treaters even at age 17) but even then at SOME point they're bound to properly hit puberty, if we are to presume he's like 15-or 16, okay. HE'S STILL SMALL! He likely doesn't have the strength of an almost grown man BECAUSE OF HIS BODY MASS! Just drop kick him I don't understand how these grown guidance counselors died 😭😭
And you raise up a good point, how DID he get brainwashed? I'm gonna also assume Fazbear Entertainment didn't let a minor beta test this game (because of legal issues or such) so how did it happen? And HOW DID HE EVEN GET OUT ACTUALLY?? Was it the power of friendship like Ruin implies is now CANON TO FNAF?? (GlamFred had to sing 'A true friend' from MLP to save Gregory trust me I know /j)
Speaking of friends, let's get into the hcs!
Cassie and Gregory Friendship Headcanons!
(I know I usually put emojis here but I couldn't think of any atm :( I'll edit this later)
- They both already didn't even have friends before they met eachother, mostly because Gregory was homeless but for Cassie it's just cause she was surrounded by some FAKE ASS BESTIES 💔💔
- So they quickly got attached to eachother lmao
- Cassie and Gregory would've totally done makeovers and nails (probably during Cassie's bday at the Glamrock Salon) (I'm sure if they older she'll start using him as a test dummy for makeup ideas 😭)
- speaking of them getting older, I know it's (probably?) A popular hc that they would get romantically involved. But I just don't see it, they will stay as a bestie unit 😎
- if they did to trick or treating together, they'd do duo costumes. But not like the fictional best friend costumes like Sonic and Tails or Mario and Luigi (sometimes yes) but they'd do the rival duo costumes!! Like Sonic and Shadow or Batman and Joker, they just think it's funny
- They'd also do candy trading (Gregory loves chocolate and Cassie loves sour candy!!)
- They would totally play fighter games in the arcades like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter just to battle eachother 😭 Cassie spams buttons and Gregory actually finds certain moves to use to win (it ends up being a 50/50 tie for them usually)
Thanks for asking! If you want more just ask!!
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sushicha · 1 year
I'm feeling very grateful for Shourtney right now! This has nothing to do with the ship, but everything to do with Shayne and Courtney and how they've helped me grow as a person!
So growing up, my parents weren't very strong influences in my personal development, so I always tell people I was practically raised by the internet and was obsessed with YouTube since I was 8 years old (I'm 24 now...). But I've spent so much of my life surfing through garbage trying to find positive influences. There were times I was almost sucked into the alt-right pipeline, and even though I was eventually guided to the left, I made it through so much shit that I'm still unpacking a lot of the bullshit I consumed...
Rediscovering Smosh and the cast was a GODSEND! Not only is Smosh non-problematic and left-leaning, it's a COMEDY GROUP? Y'all have no idea how rare that is... so many creators out there whose sense of humor is being as offensive and edgy as possible. I just like silly content, dude. And Smosh is IT, man. Their stuff was cool back when it was Ian and Anthony, but modern Smosh is just SOOOOO good 😭
I was in an extremely toxic work environment for the last 4 years (toxic masculinity, homophobia, racism, misogyny, you name it...), and I'm so glad I rediscovered Smosh around that time. I became obsessed and watched everything they put out because it was in such stark contrast to the environment I was in.
Shayne became my biggest influence because he's so outwardly not a toxic masculine man. Very respectful, very understanding, very uplifting, just trying to make everyone laugh and feel good about themselves. I know he's pretty traditionally masculine, but I'm also that way and I just can't stand how many men get sucked into this idea of never showing emotion, never being vulnerable, hating the powerless, hating anything remotely considered feminine... he's none of that. I've spent my entire adult life trying to purge all my internalized misogyny and toxic traits (it's not easy!) and he's been such a great influence in that way. And his influence over my sense of humor has been GALACTIC. His humor isn't at anyone's expense but (sometimes) himself, and that's the best way to be funny is to just be as silly and ironic of an entertainer as possible. It's everything I aspire to be. I just wish he dressed a little better sometimes, LMAO 💀
If Shayne is my yang, Courtney is my yin! Courtney represents everything I've come to love and appreciate about personal growth, self-expression, and femininity (even though I know they're NB). They're SO weird and SO not afraid to be themself, even at the risk of seeming "cringe". But I freaking love it, dude! It takes so much pressure off of trying to be perfect and fit into everyone's box, and I think that's what makes them so funny and entertaining! They're so... authentic. And Courtney's always the one to uplift the vibes, to bounce off people's energy, to bring out everyone's potential. They have this natural charisma that makes it insanely difficult not to want them to be in every video. And they've grown SO MUCH in the last 4 years! You would think 2018 Courtney vs. 2022 Courtney are completely different people! Getting to witness that change in real-time was soooo epic. And them understanding their own identity helped me reevaluate my own understanding of gender, masculinity, and femininity. I'm still cishet, but I think it's important that everyone have a thorough understanding of themselves and Courtney got me to explore those questions more than I ever would have.
Putting Shayne and Courtney in a room together makes actual magic, y'all. Everything I just said about them individually, put that TOGETHER. PLACE AN EXPONENT AT THE END OF THAT SHIT 👏 They bring out the best in each other, and it makes for some of the most entertaining shit. Like yes, I'm a Shourtney shipper, but dating or not, they are an unrivaled duo and I'm here for every minute of it.
Y'all, I was DEVASTATED when they cancelled Smoshcast. I listened to it every week at work because it was so refreshing listening to such intelligent and adorable humans talk about life vs. the sea of brainless testosterone I was drowning in 😓 AND COULD YOU IMAGINE SMOSHCAST NOW??? A BRAND NEW COURTNEY, ALL THESE NEW CAST AND CREW MEMBERS, ALL THE STORIES THEY WOULD HAVE TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME??? I get why they cancelled Smoshcast, they want to focus on other stuff, but man, it still hurts 🥺 I'M FINE
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karamatsuloverp · 1 year
Danganronpa despair time ship their list and opinions and reasons
{ before you judge me , please read my reasons , I promise I am sane , I'm just Terrible at how I word what I like and dislike}
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Opinions and reasons under read more
Spoilers up to chapter 2 episode 11
My brain itches so much when these people interact
Veronika x Arturo - their moments are just so interesting. I want to dissect them so much. I want more moments for them because of how much they bring me joy when they're together. I'm so frustrated that I can't explain this ship , it just itches my brain ◉⁠‿⁠◉
Roommates just because. People I can imagine sharing an apartment together with two dogs name lucky and bill nye
Charles x teruko x whit - explained here
Ships that made me go awww or "I can get behind this
Rose x teruko - idk their interactions in chapter two really made me ship them more than I usually did in chapter 1. The pull up scene was cute.
Nico x rose - their free time event together was really cute. But it's kind of sad that Nico used his time with rose to use something she had around to help with his murder plan with Ace. Other than that their ship hasn't gone down a peg because I still enjoy them as a ship.
Veronica x Ace - I don't know they seemed cute. Saw some other people ship them and I became kind of hooked. There interactions just make me want more.
Get character development
Interactions are funny and make me want more , but are too one dimensional for me to be like "oh yeah they'd be cute romantically" even though one hates the other and the other can't stop threatening them
Levi x Ace? - listen I don't know. There interactions just make we want more. I don't ship them but I also don't see them as a brotp. But I'm also not neutral towards them either. I don't know how to explain them because ?????. I guess I have to wait and see what their characters Intel (unless Levi is the murderer for chapter 2 or something lol )
Mixed feelings
Not ships really but dynamics I enjoy because they pick my brain in a way that's different than my romantic ships and platonic ships
Eden x Arei - I don't know if I should ship them romantically or not. What Arei did to Eden is not okay but that confession to Eden really touched my heart with water and almost drowned it. If only Arei didn't die , I would've loved to see how differently she would've treated Eden after this.
David x Hu? - somethings going on between them in the chapter two trial. I don't know kind of want Hu to strangle David lol [my sister says they read like divorced parents]
Arei x David - you can't fake a blush this one's not really one I enjoy as much as the other ones but I felt like I needed to put this here because I wonder if David actually tries to hide that he has feelings for other people.
David x Xander (xanvid)- same as above.
Should stay friends but in a ✨best friends ✨ type of way. I don't know how to explain my brotps just know they could work as roommates but not in the same way Charles , teruko and whit are.
Teruko x David - saw someone say they mirror each other and I can't get that out of my head.
Veronica x teruko - the moments in chapter 2 made me like their interactions
Eden x teruko - their chapter 2 moments and the fact that teruko basically admitted that she didn't want to hurt Eden because of her bad luck because Eden is so nice to her. (I would ship them if it wasn't for brain only seeing them as just friends , may change later on but omg I love these two together) overall very cute
Hu x Levi - dad and mom duo?. Maybe lol but like platonic because they don't read as romantic
Eden x Levi - chapter two interactions. I don't know. their scene in the kitchen was pretty cute
Don't think about these ships often enough to dislike them or fawn over as much as the ones above.
Teruko x min - I liked their interactions before her death but I never thought about the ship so their last interaction didn't have as big as an impact on me as the story made it out to be.
Teruko x Xander - same as above but their interactions had a huge affect on me to the point where imma remain neutral untill I get answers for what the heck happened at the beginning "why did you ask me to kill teruko" . Ultimate rebel my butt , taking orders from someone lol.
Arturo x Charles - don't know how this ship came to be so I remain neutral on it lol. Don't hate it as their colors match really well. Just don't see how they would act if they were "together" because they barely interact.
I don't understand these ships listed from their interactions to their characters themselves
J x Arturo - their something about 'some' obsessive x target dynamics I dislike. I don't know what it is. I'm neutral on J's character to the point where I can't hate Arturo as a character because of his actions towards J. I don't know how to explain it lol. Their interactions were interesting mostly because it was the most emotion I've seen Arturo show and J's yelling voice makes my eyes light up. (Her VA is so good). Other than I find their dynamic interesting I wouldn't like them as friends or romantic. I says friends only because it depends on how despair time frames them making up with each other because while Arturo acted creepy towards J I don't know how I feel about dog piling someone about their dead sister is the right way to get pay back. J has not obligation to forgive Arturo for his actions towards her either but I wonder where their dynamic will take them after chapter 2 (because I'm confident neither of them are the killer)
J x Arei - never seen the appeal of this ship. I don't know kind of want people to not mock J about the way she dresses or chooses to behave. (This is just my opinion though if you saw it as teasing I won't berate you about it but It personally didn't sit right with me)
Arturo x Eden - Eden accidentally triggered Arturo causing him to threaten her with a scaple because he doesn't want his secret known (not Edens fault obviously.... I just don't want to base a ship off threats to their lives)
Nico x Hu - I don't know , it feels weird to ship this.
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mcytnoodles · 2 years
Okay its been a day, still rotating morph au around in my head but tbh i'm just fucked up thinking about them all and trying to put it into something coherent dhshshsh
Like Bdubs & Cleo and Scar & Grian being so close its weird, and Impulse & Tango doing the opposite bc the crastle alliance got messy
Or even like, characters who we haven't really seen yet?? Like idk if Bdubs & Cleo are so close they basically refused to split up, then hows Ren going to cope without Martyn? Tbh hows Ren going to cope with any of it bc The Red King was a lot.
Also! Idk how u made the "being dead" part of third life work lore wise but i would like to know, because like, does Cleo know Bdubs betrayed Impulse (also i'm shaking abt that one to a point of its making me wanna try write fanfic for the first time in years), does Scar know Grian killed himself???
ALSO the 2nd and final deaths leaving a lasting mark i'm vibrating rapidly abt that one (i don't have anything coherent to say i just think thats cool as fuck)
Tldr i'm rotating morph au around in my head a lot <3
!!! yeah!! 3rd life as media had such a thing with relationships that were codependent to an unhealthy extent and it's so interesting because!! how do you go from "me and this other person need to be together at all times to protect each other or we would both actually literally die" to just. interacting with them like you do with a regular friend or even partner? it's definitely something I want to explore more in the future!
and. um. **looks over at the ren-centric chapter sitting in my google doc** funny story. the ren chapter was initially supposed to be much heavier, but I. um. had one too many breakdowns while writing it and had to make it lighter. (the Martyn oneshot is still a w.i.p but it. definitely exists. it'll hopefully be done by the time the current fic is all up!).
I don't want to talk about it too in-depth right now, since I want to elaborate on it in the future, but in my opinion ren and martyn arguably had the most codependent relationship of all the duos, so them being the only two to be separated...
no one knows what happened after their final deaths. so no, scar doesn't know and cleo doesn't know. I actually put a lot of thought into that part.
if you write anything for this au I would literally cry/pos, it sounds too good to be true almost.
ALSO, one thing I like about the scars is that for some people, they're not necessarily visible at a first glance, maybe some players would actively try to hide them, even, which just...I don't have a point, but the idea makes me feel things.
I, too, am rotating morph in my head. in the last couple of days I have actually been rotating the cursed morph timeline from when I tried to figure out how long 3rd life took. I am putting it in the microwave like a bowl of soup.
I am coping by drawing a mlp hermitcraft 8 au in my sketchbook, I am very stable as you can see\hj
LOVED this ask. thank u <3
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mmm-amba · 2 years
shout out kaytranada
for saving my ass on aux lol. i think it's funny that i always end up trying to aux even though i know my music is too low energy for pregames. now i know! i'll just play kaytranada and queue songs! and when the queue runs out it'll go back to kay who is a great default. this was a trick i learned from jf, queen of aux, whose default one night was say so by doja cat. whenever that song came on again he would start adding to queue.
i only recently got into listening to kaytranada, maybe like a month or two ago. this was spurred by two things. i thrifted his merch from goodwill awhile ago and i didn't wanna be a fake fan. but also like about a year ago a stranger and close friend both wanted me to listen to him. his sets are wilddd! his baselines are so tropical and warm which is funny because he's from montreal. en francais hon hon hon.
i love 10% with kali. cuz it's like, positive music:
You keep on takin' from me, but where's my ten percent?
Why you tryna lie for them?
Pretending who you are But baby why even pretend?
You're trying way too hard
Ego is not your friend I only speak the truth
No, I'm not trying to offend Why you tryna lie for them?
kali uchis actually embodies beauty. and kali and kay are both so lowkey, they make a great duo. kali's message here is such an important reminder like -- when you compromise, when you make a little white lie, when you opt for being convenient/agreeable, who are you doing that for? and at what costs are you doing that?
okay and here's this thing i've been thinking about. it's kind of long so that is my preface. my idea is: beauty/pretty privilege can be modeled by prisoner's dilemma!
prisoner's dilemma is this idea in game theory where two individuals are pitted against each other, and both suffer because they can't cooperate. if the two prisoners can cooperate together, their prison sentence is reduced. but the police or whatever incentivize them to rat each other out. in the end, the two people act in their own interest, rat each other out, and both suffer.
pretty privilege is social impunity. pretty privilege is when people treat you better than you treat other people. and there are many variants of pretty privilege: thin privilege, cute girl perks, hot girl perks, eurocentric girl perks, etc. the point here is that, depending on one's physical appearance, our post colonial society decides to treat people (namely women/femmes) better or worse.
example of pretty privilege (and also a counter example). whenever i ask for help -- is there a bathroom in this grocery store? can i get some free tap water instead of paying for bottled water? is this train going in the right direction? can you give me recommendations on what to order at this restaurant? -- strangers are happy to help. from my point of view, they're almost flattered that i would be willing to ask them! lmfao. the counterexample to this is the experience of Black men -- i can't speak to this personally but someone talked about how he never gets help. never!
another (counter)example of pretty privilege is when going out. like bars or dinner. i went to this chinese restaurant with a bunch of bengali grad student dudes and they seated us.... on the second floor... with all the white people! i was so incensed. but i was like, no, this makes sense. it was a big group, too.
so my idea is that. women/femmes are incentivized to make themselves as appealing as possible to reap the most amount of pretty privilege. this is the answer to kali's question, "why you tryna lie for them?". for me personally, as a chinese girl who's super short and not particularly curvy, i've noticed how i am invisible when i wear less revealing clothes. like, i actually look like i'm 13 years old. and like when i do makeup and such and glitters it does make people notice me, and sure it may bring unwanted male attention but it also establishes a certain baseline of respect. the more effort/time i put in my appearance, the more personal space i am afforded by strangers. and everyone who knows me knows that i hate being touched by strangers it generates massive ick.
misogyny and whatnot mold us to be appealing, to be agreeable. it's a wager of -- i'll look this particular way, i'll talk this particular way -- so that i can get the treatment i want. cuz sweatpants hoodie amba is not getting SHIT from anyone lol.
but then this touches on control, on entitlement, on vanity. because honestly i do feel validated when people notice me, whether it's like walking around campus or downtown or whatever. luckily it isn't the basis of my self esteem, but.. i would be lying if it wasn't at least nice you know? it makes me think about people who are very conventionally beautiful and just completely out of touch with the world because everyone is so nice to them and then the beautiful people are very mean because they don't know it's impunity. (i think my goal is to not let it get to my head. and i don't think it can get to my head too badly because i... want to live a happy life and not be caged in so i try to distance my inner self image from my physical appearance.)
(another aside: i think beauty is something that lifts people up. so i don't think the type of people i just described are beautiful. and that's why i think people like kali uchis are beautiful!)
(another aside: what about influencers and beauty? i literally grew up on youtube, but as i'm growing older, i'm realizing that influencers are like extensions of the beauty industry -- at the end of the day, they make money off of others' insecurities, usually. it makes me feel sad.)
the influencers segueway is pretty good, actually. because question -- what's so wrong about people playing the cards in their favor with pretty privilege? why can't everyone be pretty? because of inflation! and the proof of this is LA. QED! lol jk i haven't fully thought about these parts so i'm not really sure. but i do think that people out in the midwest are nicer for sure. like, everyone here just seems to have more substance. and people here are definitely less mainstream beautiful. i mean, how could you possibly be beautiful when i can't see your face and you can't see mine because we're all bundled up from the 10 degree windchill lol.
and finally let's talk about blame. blame or accountability, idk. to whom shall we point fingers for this problem? it's easy to point at the individual prisoners for being dumb and not cooperating. why can't they just agree to not rat each other out? why can't women/femmes just agree to not give into this game. but my opinion is that, the entire prisoner's dilemma set up is dumb in the first place, so at least when i think through these things, i'm not trying to blame those "beautiful" and mean people, or anyone at all. this reminds me of mina le's video about plastic surgery -- one individual person getting plastic surgery is never wrong, but the whole phenomena of plastic surgery among young, impressionable women is at least a bit troubling, right?
so yeah these are the things i think about instead of doing my problem sets! i'm going to heat up some dinner now and hopefully vacuum the apartment. i've been really happy because my roommate is out so i can finally have it as clean as i want.
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annoying-probably · 2 years
I really like AkiToya as a ship.
Why? Because they're ship name includes all of both their names-! I'm joking.
I really like this ship for two reasons,
It's held up by so much in-canon events and interactions.
They're the perfect level of "I don't want to be perfect" and "I need to be perfect."
The first one is easy enough to go over. They have so, so, so many interactions together, and when they don't, a character usually points it out that it is weird they're not together. They also have this perfect understanding of each other, in canon, with Touya's wiki talking a bit about how he finds it hard to express emotion around anyone other then Akito, since he's the only one who really understands. It's sweet.
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It's from that to swapping lunch when there's food they don't like, to being in almost every single one of each others cards, to them protecting each other to
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Pancake dates!
It's almost shocking how intertwined they are to each others character.
That leads me into my second point; they're codependent to each other- in character building and in their own story. It's impossible to take Touya away from Akito's story. It's even more impossible to take Akito from Touya.
From the way Touya frames it; Akito is almost a saviour figure! Giving him a reason to actually love music and to strive for a goal. Even in areas where it's almost nothing to do with Akito and Touya's past, Touya always manages to say something, usually about how Akito helped him. Or better yet another character mentions it. (Off memory, I believe Tsukasa mentions something about Touya smiling more and equates it to Akito? I believe?) He cares so much about Akito and his ambitions he'd go as far as breaking up the group because he didn't feel adequate enough.
Akito on the other hand- I mean come on, it's written like he fell in love the first time he heard Touya sing. It's the one thing he always goes back to, that must be a pretty moving moment, more then just "wow you can help me surpass my goal." It really seems like he trusts all of Vivid BAD with his dreams but his absolutely trusts Touya the most. Maybe it's just nitpicking, but he seems to give much softer smiles when it's just him and Touya, or more smiles in general, less tough attitude, not fully, though, that's just how he is. He knows almost everything about Touya's life, too.
Touya has always had to be perfect even if he despised it. Akito forced himself to be to fulfil his dream. They bounce off each others insecurities, strengths. They're foils that work together to form a narrative of being stronger together; of having a Partner to always be there for you.
They mean so much to each other it's honestly a bit shocking to watch everything sometimes and be like "oh yeah, you two aren't actually dating in canon." But it's really funny how everything makes it sound like they are except from the game itself. You cannot convince me any music duos call each other partner that much, that hang around that much. You'd think they'd just say best friend. Alas, it's always, always partner. I mean have you seen how they act in the Wedding Event? It's cute! Or in general area conversations. They feel like some semi-put together couple who do music together, some combination of being brains and brawn, (though they do also show the difference of street and book smarts nicely, I think.)
I'd like to add a quick shout out to
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This string of images from VBS main story 13 ( video from Project Sekai in English on YT! )
I can't explain how this feels like "how dare you be gay!!" You just have to believe me here-
Final point I think I have- their SONGS.
Who let these two sing fragile- have you seen the lyrics to fragile?! TO POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE??? ONE OF THE MOST SEXUAL SONGS IN VOCALOID HISTORY BEHIND S P I C E ? AND YOU, SEGA, SAID "well we can't give it to the other two boys because it doesn't fit their group vibe." SO YOU LET THEM SING ABOUT RIPPING EACH OTHERS SHIRT OFF?! Next it'll be Butterfly on your right shoulder.
let them cuddle. it can be platonic! Hold hands, even! They deserve it. They've been through a lot. The closest we've gotten is
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This image? Or Touya protecting Akito from a dog I'm not sure.
They're so attached to each other and dependant I stand before you today and genuinely believe they are meant to be in some form of more then friends relationship!! Maybe I'm a hopeful dreamer but it's alright!!! Everything about them. It really, absolutely, feels even pseudo-romantic.
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I think they're neat and really like their characters! :) And if I see one more goddamn "because I'm your partner." Or some variation platonically? I'm snapping. /Lh!
(sorry if I got any plot points wrong! I'm slowly going through event stories!)
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maschotch · 2 years
favorite hotch scene???
oh my god. you're killing me akdsjhgals no WAY can i think of my favorite hotch scene. i can barely even narrow it down, so im just gonna list a few (watch this is gonna be like 50 pages long):
ldsk.. what an iconic moment truly. i think what gets me the most ab that scene is how he's in control of the situation the entire time, even though he's not the one holding a weapon. sure things are tense and there's a lot at stake, but he's so put together and calm about the whole thing. even afterwards, it's like he wasn't even worried about it. he knew that he could take the guy out just with a profile and thats just sooo fuckingggggg ahhhhhhhhhhhh
washing the blood off of elle's walls: this is suuch a big moment for his character for us as the audience. we've seen him be nice and funny and respectful towards the team. by all means he's a good boss. but this is the first time we really see the way that he takes responsibility for everything that happens. he carries that with him, even if he doesn't show it
"everyone right now what's my worst quality" ONE OF MY FAV SCENES OF ALL TIIIIIIME real hotch kinnie moment right there. if i could force everyone i cared about to tell me what they thought of me i would absolutely do it akjdhgal absolutely toxic behavior im obsessed with it im obsessed with him
getting emily to come back to the bau. i like this partly for emily partly for hotch, but i just love that he's trying to keep the team together and he includes emily in that now. he absolutely trusts her and is serious enough about it to go to her apartment (not call! going to her physical apartment!) and get her to come back. like wow
the interrogation scene in seven seconds akjshgla i do love hotch interrogations but this one just takes the cake. the way that he goes from an almost mocking tone to just outright yelling in his face? fucking incredible. every time i watch this episode i have to rewind that scene at least 10 times. sick and twisted
im trying to avoid picking duo scenes with emily bc i worry i just like them for emily, but i genuinely love hotch in demonology. the whole thing. the way she walks into his office and he immediately is like "what's wrong" and saying "if you need anything" AND THEN PROVING IT BY CALLING THE VATICAN LATER. INSANITY. risked his job for sure on a case they weren't even sure existed.
in house on fire where he's been pushing garcia all episode and then at the end comes to say how much he appreciates everything she does. she gets a chance to tell him that she doesn't like doing that kind of stuff, and he takes it and respects it and says "i would never want to change [that you always see the good in people]" like fuuuuck i love them so much
i love when he's hurt when jj doesn't tell him things, like when she didn't say she was pregnant or didn't tell him about the job offer from the pentagon. because it's not like he blames her or feels entitled to that knowledge, he just wishes that he was able to convey just how much they all mean to him and that they really can tell him anything. it's just heartbreaking when he thinks its because of something he did that she doesnt trust him enough for that
literally any time he yells at an abusive father. especially in 6x07
after lauren and he takes it upon himself to bear the burden of the team's grief. he just feels so guilty about everything that happens that he needs to know exactly what they're going through he needs to feel that pain like its some sort of penance. when reid's mad at jj afterwards and hotch tries to take that anger for himself "if you're gonna be mad at anyone, be mad at me" bc he HATES that he had to lie to them all like that
when derek has to confront buford again and hotch won't let him do it alone. whether its him or jj or reid, he needs to make sure someone is there for him. derek's trying so so hard to keep it together and he tries to deal with that alone, which is something hotch understands, but he wants derek to know that they have his back. that they'll help him through this if he needs it
i love in angels and demons when they realize what's going on in the precinct and one of the cops grabs jj and he demands that he lets her go. they are in a building FULL of dirty cops and he stands his ground and looks them in the eye to defend her.
i love episodes where... he just kind of figures it all out by himself? mr scratch is the first one that comes to mind, but cases where he makes a lot of the connections and figures shit out. competent moments when you realize he's not just the boss bc he likes wearing a suit, he's the boss because he's good at his fucking job
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Haikyuu Characters as Husbands/Dads [Meian, Osamu]
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Semi will be released at a later date (because I lost his and don’t know where it went 😥)
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Meian - 2 sons
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> I'd love for this man to be my husband, no lie. He's supportive and so attractive, like there is no downside. Plus, he's funny, but can be strict when he needs to be so kids actually like him.
> Husband Meian is one of the best because while he has his own responsibilities, he always makes time to spend with you. He takes care of you (so you don't have to work) and he's a great support system. Also, you visiting him at practice? You're like the team mom because everyone loves you.
> This man, oh my gosh. His dick is big, I know it is. He's one of the few who has to prep you heavily before he gets on with the main course, but it is so delicious when he does. Sex can sometimes be spontaneous, but he usually saves some energy to get back home and please you before bath time and then bed. On his days off, morning sex is common and sometimes he just gets so horny. It's like everything you do is so unbelievably hot.
> Now, children. Children, for him, is not something he necessarily needs in his life. If you don't want kids because you don't like them or you can't, that's fine. He won't push the issue. If you want kids and can't have them, he'll look into adoption places. You want him to get you pregnant? Congratulations, you unlocked the Breeding Kink badge. Collect it once you can walk again! But for real, with the consent to finish inside you, he is in heaven.
> The pregnancy process is a normal one, surprisingly. Once more your pillar, he is there when you feel sick or are in pain. He also promises to share in the responsibilities once the child is born, since he hears you getting up constantly because of the baby. He doesn't go to every doctor visit, but he does try to go to the ones that matter. Also, MSBY loves when you come around because they can fawn over you.
> Bokuto probably fawns over you the most, but Hinata's right there with him. Sometimes, Meian has to tell them to skedaddle because they forgot they're volleyball players and not daycare workers. Atsumu also fawns over you, but he doesn't do it as much. Sakusa.. he doesn't like babies that much. They're kind of gross, in his opinion, but he seems to understand the fuss once he feels the baby moving (after he's gotten used to it).
> The due date arrives and Meian is completely calm. He is aware that it would happen today and is prepared. He seems calm, but is actually panicking. He worries about any complications, but he tries to stay positive for you. When you're squeezing his hand and cursing him for putting a baby in you, he is actually sorry. He feels so guilty, but he kisses your hand and your forehead, telling you how proud he is and how much he loves you. Once the screams of a small child fill the room, you're both crying from happiness.
> You deal with the child most of the time, but you do take your kid to practices and matches. Once the kid can be taken to practices, it's over for organized practices. Everyone's cooing and looking at the baby, telling you how proud you must be and how they're so cute. Of course, Inunaki jokes that the only reason it's cute is because you're the mother, because Meian has no good features. Anyways, everyone does extra work that day.
> Meian can't be there as much as he wants to be, so he often makes up for it by holding his promise of helping out at night. He may be exhausted from the day, but he knows you'd be even more exhausted after dealing with his spawn after the day is over. It also helps the kid get used to him, seeing dad takes care of him as much as mom, you know?
> Meian is also not against a second child, as long as you're okay with it. You might get pregnant again on accident, but he can't say he's upset about the positive pregnancy test. He'll be there with you through thick and thin, no matter what.
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Osamu - Twins, 1 boy and 1 girl
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> This man is a godsend. I love him, you love him, it all works out. He is also one of the best husbands to have because of his fantastic cooking ability. 
> The wedding was almost as chaotic as Tendo’s, not gonna lie. With his brother there, it was chaos. Suna recorded the whole thing, so get togethers involve the wedding tape being displayed. Watching Atsumu shove an entire cake slice into Osamu’s face is funny, sure, but watching Osamu practically hurl the entire cake at Atsumu is even funnier. Aran picking up Kita before he gets trampled by cake-covered twins is so sweet, it’s the sweeter than the cake (Osamu had a spare in case).
> Now this man, this man will never let you starve. Oh, you're kind of hungry? Food. He's making you Onigiri. Oh, you want something new for dinner? He's whipping out three different cookbooks and his laptop to look up new recipes. Oh, need a midnight snack? He prepared something before bed, so you'd have a midnight snack. The best husband to marry.. if you love food.
> If you are not as crazy about food as him, that's okay, but he will bring food into the bedroom. Maybe once a week if you're okay with it, but if not then once a month. He loves licking things off your body, so food play. I also feel like he loves to feed you, so feederism, but he just enjoys seeing you in the sea of pleasure and enjoying his food. It fills him with so much love.
> Speaking of love, the children. He's gonna have twins if he pops a baby into you. If there is a bun in the oven, some baby batter in the baby factory, you're gonna be seeing double. However, children are not a necessity. He doesn't find joy in raising children like some people, but he isn't heavily against it, either. If you cannot have children or simply don't want to get pregnant, but want them, he will also be okay with that. Looking through options and settling on a decision together brings you guys closer, after all.
> If you choose to get pregnant, he is one of the best to be with you. While there's Kuroo, with big bucks, Osamu can make anything to sate cravings. He's willing to take time off from the shop and focus on you, and he's good at dealing with mood swings. He's lived this long after being around Atsumu, Suna, and Kita. He can handle mood swings. He is also always with you when you go to the doctor, with questions of what he can and cannot feed you. It's his love language, after all!
> The babies, aww. You guys get a set of twins, a boy and girl, who look a lot like Osamu and Atsumu from their baby pictures. Atsumu is there and he jokes that maybe they're his kids, but one look from Kita has him apologizing almost immediately. Yes, Inarizaki alumni have gathered in the hospital to look upon the children. Well, not the hospital, they visit Osamu and you at home, where you're well rested and recovering.
> Osamu is The Man. He is waking up in the middle of the night, either with or without you. If you wake up, he'll heat up some baby formula/milk for the children and also make some food for the two of you. Since it's double the trouble, he makes sure to not leave you to take care of them by yourself. If you don't wanna get up or don't wake up, he doesn't mind. This just means he can spend more time with the kids, since he's busy during the day.
> Atsumu babysits! He babysits with Kita and Aran, but he babysits! He loves being an uncle and loves to play with the twins. He also brings/buys them little toys to chew and drool over because he enjoys them enjoying things. Aran also helps Kita make food/milk for the babies, acting like an actual married couple as they feed the small spawns. Atsumu naps around this time, eventually joined by napping babies.
> When the kids get older, they'll never feel unloved. Between you and Osamu, they have two very loving parents. But then you add in Uncle 'Tsumu, Uncle Aran, Uncle Kita, Uncle Sakusa, Uncle Bokuto, Uncle Akaashi- the list never ends. Everyone that knows you guys is an uncle. Inarizaki alumnis are uncles. MSBY Black Jackals are uncles. Akaashi is always visiting Onigiri Miya and loves to interact with the kids, to the point you've asked if he plans on ever having children because he's so good with them. (He's good at taking care of kids because he's used to taking care of Bokuto).
> I have a feeling one of the kids is going to go into the culinary business. Maybe own a bakery when they're older, showing an interest for baking at such as young age. One of them is of course going to be loving volleyball, with all the volleyball "family" members around them, it's bound to happen. Both of them probably get into volleyball, becoming the new Infamous Miya Twins Duo.
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Definitely one of my favourites: Midnight Runners
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I actually first watched this a while ago but it was so so good that I've been thinking of rewatching it recently and yeah. Here I am.
What happens in the movie basically is: we have the main two guys, Park Ki Joon (Park Seo Joon) and Kang Hee Yeol (Kang Ha Neul), training to be cops. Their beautifully funny friendship starts there when they are drawn together during the initial program. Two years into their time at Korean National Police University, they witness the kidnapping of a girl one night. Banding together, the adventure takes them from a quest to save a girl, to a mission to put a stop to something a lot bigger than they expected to stumble on when no one else will step in. Along the way, attempted heroing and general dumb-assery ensue as these two idiots learn what it is to be a cop outside of the university.
Straight up, don't hesitate to watch this. Seriously.
I think one of the reasons I found this movie so good is the underneath all the adventure and comedy, it was pretty much about two teenagers discovering what they loved and what they really wanted to do in life after basically just following the system with no clear goal. Which is pretty relatable to me right now and it was so nice to see protagnists with genuinely no clue about what they were doing and just trying their best, no matter what hitches they encountered or how many people told them to stop. The character growth was *chef's kiss*.
The plot was straightforward and interesting but what stood out the most for me was, of course, the characters and I seriously loved their dynamics so much, and that's not even taking into account the hella good acting. From the moment the main two were silently insulting each other on sight you could tell their friendship was going to be chaotically hilarious and I loved it. One is the typical 'brawns' of the duo, while the other fills in as the 'brains' and while this works well for them, they're never limited to these labels and both manage to hold their own in fights and trade ideas. Their years of friendship comes through in their ease with each other and their chemistry as friends translates into their ability to work together under pressure towards a common goal. And the two just get along really well. It feels like a real friendship, with the way they trade insults, share a sense of humour and dork moments, sticking together the entire time. They are also both socially awkward which makes it both painfully relatable and hilarious as they explore the world outside of the university.
The two actors behind the characters were of course brilliant and it was kind of hilarious to see the two handsome actors become these two lovable dorks and act so ackwardly. They killed it though and I'd love to see them act together again in something else.
The conflict of the story itself surprised me in how intense it was but it really got me invested in the story. I found it all terrifyingly real, especially with the frustration towards the inefficiently slow police system and the kidnapping of girls who it almost seemed too late for. It was also very realistic in terms of the actions scenes and when Park Ki Joon and Kang Hi Yeol got into a fight, it was clear that despite their strengths, they were still students facing experienced adults in an adult world. It's not an easy fight for them and when they win, it's just barely and something they really have to fight tooth and nail for. Of course, that makes it all the more satisfying afterwards.
In the end though, it left me smiling hard and I really loved the ending. It was a ride and I loved all of it, especially with a friendship at the forefront and the fact that it didn’t really feel the need to have romance, apart from vague implications at the end. It was just so nice, especially so because the main friendship didn’t feel lacking in any way so I didn’t need anything else, despite my weirdly romance-craving brain that usually makes me wish for stuff like that. It was also just so genuinely hilarious despite the more serious parts. So yeah. I can’t recommend this enough. I will warn that it can get a little dark at times. Especially if you’re not a fan of blood.
Except for their seemingly endless taxi funds that allowed them to travel quickly wherever they needed to go.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 7 』
· Oct. 1st → Fly! ·
Characters: (teams) Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Aoba Johsai, Shiratorizawa, (indiv.) Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Aone Takanobu
Prompts: A. free choice!
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), Among Us (video game), PG, fluff, crack, video games, video game violence/death, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: Among Us is a bit of a hot meme at the moment (great game. Go and play it/watch other people play it if you can. Get a feel for the game if you somehow haven't already.) So I thought, 'Hey, why not?' I mean, I do need to heal my heart after my Day 6 post, so...
What an amazing week it's been! Well done, everyone! All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts are SFW, but there's a little treasure trove of NSFW on my blog, too. Please peruse to your heart's content. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
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Haikyuu boys / playing Among Us
☆ Karasuno ☆
Literally the loudest games you'll ever witness
You know that grainy, electronic crackle that happens when everybody yells on Discord at the same time? Yeah. That
Kageyama can't lie for shit. It's so obvious when he's lying that it's a genuine miracle if he doesn't immediately get ejected
And he stands in all the wrong places when he's faking doing his tasks 😭😭
But he sounds super suspicious when he's telling the truth, too 😅
Noya and Tanaka buddy up no matter what, and go around trying to clear or murder people together
They also end up fuelling each other's incorrect assumptions
Asahi is way too timid to murder anyone right away, so if nobody dies in the first two rounds, you know it's him or someone trying to frame him...
Daichi is the host and tries to keep order in the lobby...tries someone help him
Hinata: Guys, please stop swearing! Natsu is watching me play!! waahhh 🙈 so cute 😇
Hinata always has to be orange. Don't touch his orange
Ennoshita is the king of self-reporting and getting away with it it just be like that
Kageyama goes around called 'Milk' 🥛
Tsukki tries to big-brain the shit out of it 🤣
He's also hella manipulative as an imposter and refuses to kill Yamaguchi 😭
Suga likes to take out the oxygen/recator and lie in wait for the people who come to fix it he will giggle adorably when it ends up working, which sounds kinda pshyco, ngl 😂
But totally screams at his screen when someone he suspected sneaks up on him and kills him
Yamaguchi low-key prefers the mini games to the actual game 😭😭
And Yachi loves being pink and wearing the little flower in her hair ngl, she nearly fainted the first time she got killed
She doesn't play with them often because it's so loud 😬
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☆ Nekoma ☆
Kenma streams the gaming sessions on Twitch, and now they kind of have a cult following 🤷‍♀️
These fans be thirsting hard, too like us
Check out my smut headcanons, y'all 🙌
Kuroo is the closest to a genius player you're ever going to see
He does his tasks fairly efficiently, he's good at remembering layouts and people's movements, he calculates the timings of his kills with terrifying accuracy, defends himself pretty well, whether he's lying or not, can gaslight the entire lobby into sussing an innocent person, and pieces together other people's lies with surprising ease
Do not cross Kuroo. He's scary at this game. He's not the Scheming Captain for nothing, y'all
Lev is the kind of person to vent right in front of someone by accident, which is so awkward, but so funny 😂
The entire team must wear the bear ears hat. Yes, that is a rule
It's the closest to cat ears they have right now....
Kenma is pretty quiet when he's playing. He doesn't normally play online games, but his streams took off on Twitch, sooo~
Kenma also has radar ears and can somehow detect when people are lying, but waits until he has proof to accuse them he smart 🤓
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☆ Fukurodani ☆
'Whoever Talks the Loudest is Right' mentality 😂
And Bokuto will defend himself at the volume of an air raid siren
Akaashi stays as quiet as possible so he doesn't give anything away
When Bokuto starts sussing people, it turns into something out of Ace Attorney like, chill tf out, man 😂
But his guesses are normally completely wrong
Akaashi sets good parameters for the games, because he's sensible
If Bokuto is given the chance to host the lobby....he will set one task each, put everyone at 4x speed, give the imposter zero cooldown time, and sit back and watch the chaos
Whenever somebody doesn't have an absolutely airtight alibi–
Bokuto: That's hella sus, bro
Lots of childish nicknames, because...well, they're all mentally six years old
Except Akaashi, who has a higher mental age than all of them combined
Let me just say that when Bokuto and Kuroo play together, shit gets so funny
When one of them is an imposter, they will literally vent in front of the other one and trust them not to out them 😂😂
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☆ Aoba Johsai ☆
Iwa-chan can always tell when Oikawa is lying, and constantly calls him out on it
Iwa: That's his lying voice. Shitty-kawa is lying. He's the imposter. Vote him off
Because Iwa's right about Oikawa when he is the imposter, it makes it easy to frame him when it's actually Iwa who's the imposter
And no-one believes Tooru 😭😭
Kyoutani has no chill as an imposter
He just murders everyone on sight, right in front of people, too
Kindaichi tends to accuse people with very little evidence, but his instincts are weirdly accurate
Oikawa gets killed almost immediately every game, so if he isn't dead two emergency meetings in, he's 100% an imposter 😭😭
He then goes around as a salty ghost when he's killed off, mumbling to himself about injustice as he refuses to do his tasks and watches the people who voted him off get murdered one by one
Not that anyone's holding a grudge 🙄😂
Oikawa refuses to be purple and always kills whoever is purple first because it reminds him of Ushijima 😭😭
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☆ Shiratorizawa ☆
Ushijima refuses to play if he can't be purple give it back. N O W
And it takes him a long time to get used to the game and the rules
'Why are the lights off? What are these tasks? Why is that one flashing at me? Where is med bay? Why can I use this vent? What's this big, red button for?' etc.
You get the idea. Toshi = big noob
He doesn't really understand the concept of lying, either...
He keeps forgetting to mute himself and ends up saying some very incriminating stuff over the mic which has everyone in literal tears from laughter
Tendou is a sneaky S.O.B, using those vents like a pro and gaslighting perfectly innocent people he's a little bloodthirsty, too 🤫
And his initial guesses about who's the imposter are almost always 100% correct Guess Monster, y'all
Goshiki goes around trying to clear people by watching them doing their tasks, especially Ushijima
But then he gets called suspicious for hanging around people too much
The first time an emergency meeting was ever called, Ushijima literally asked "Why is my name in red?" much to everyone's amusement
Everyone's scared of Ushijima when he follows them, but it normally turns out that he just doesn't know where he's going
Shirabu tends to lose his shit when people start accusing him and he's innocent, and will never EVER trust a word that comes out of Goshiki's mouth
Speaking of, Goshiki and Shirabu – boy, do they bicker like eight year-olds, wasting entire voting rounds just arguing with each other 🙄😭
So everyone else decides to vote off one, and then the other at the next meeting 😭😭
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☆ The Miya twins ☆
Atsumu puts 100% trust in Osamu not to kill him, even if he is the imposter
How could he? He's his brother. His twin. His other half. They share a unique bond–
And then he screams in betrayal when Osamu slaughters him mercilessly 😂😂
Osamu is unaffected by the sudden outburst from his brother's room
Put them together as an imposter duo, though, and you're in for some trouble
They often win by executing a perfect double kill
And they're both pretty good at lying, but Osamu will not hesitate to throw Atsumu under the bus and vote him off if he's being too suspicious or the lobby has turned against him 😂
Ah, the bond of brotherhood 😂
☆ Aone Takanobu ☆
Aone doesn't talk very much
But when he does, his voice is so low and even that nobody ever suspects he's the imposter
I'm thinking like Corpse Husband, if you've seen him playing with Pewds and the gang
It doesn't really occur to people that he could be lying. He seems so trustworthy and honest
Finds it very hard to blame anyone else, though
Is fairly decent as doing his tasks as a crewmate, but it takes him a long time to remember the layouts of the ships
Almost never gets voted off the ship
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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thatsamericano · 3 years
I've been calling your stepbro fic "Life with Savino" in my head like that old show "Life with Derek" where almost everyone shipped Derek and Casey tho most fics I saw back when I was into the show had them dating secretly before they became step siblings. Seeing your posts brings back good memories and I really like seeing how Alfred's and Savino's family members eventually figure out they're in love
LOL, thanks! I've heard a little bit about that show and there are some similarities in the fact that FrUKSpa announce their relationship and that they're all going to live together when Alfred and Savino are 16. Alfred and Savino become stepbros as teens (and knew each other for a substantially long time before that to develop feelings), so they can't just be like "yay, new stepbro!" (and even the platonic Matthew and Feliciano duo I've contrasted Romerica with in this fic see each other more as friends thrown together by circumstance, since they're 16 and 14 respectively). There's also some parts of the fic where I talk about Tolys, his stepbrother Eduard, and their shared half-brother Raivis. Their situation is completely different than the main one in the fic, since Tolys's mom married Eduard's dad when they were four, and then they had Raivis a year later. They grew up thinking of each other as brothers despite the technical titles, which is different from this guy cannot be my brother because I'm in love with him and had strong feelings I hadn't dealt with yet before our parents randomly decided to basically get poly married.
Matthew and Feliciano figured out what was going on before shortly after they all started living together (long before the actual Romerica relationship started), because they know their brothers well and since Alfred in particular was obvious as hell about his feelings. I show Matthew figuring it out the day Savino and his family move in, and Feliciano seems to just be psychic about them from Alfred's POV (since I imagine his realizations were more focused on Savino's side of things). Once they started a relationship, Matthew and Feliciano figured it out the same exact day. FrUK at this point have strong reason to believe something is going on (especially Arthur), but they're construing it more as unrelated teens in the same house doing NSFT things instead of a full-fledged relationship with actual romantic feelings. They've brought their suspicions up to their partner Antonio, but right now he doesn't believe them and comes up with alternative explanations for every suspicious thing he sees. (For comedy purposes, he might be the last to figure anything out, and it only happens when he is told or something so obvious happens that even he can't brush it off.) Marcello, who's only nine, has just figured it out, and I'm working through a plot line where he blackmails them into getting him a Vespa (that Savino will let him take many rides on) because he holds resentment towards Alfred for hurting his feelings in the Christmas card incident and is pissed off when he learns the reason why (and like FrUK, he's misconstruing it as a sex thing and not a "they're in love" thing). So far, a couple people in Savino's extended family have figured it out and think it's cute and approve of the relationship (Chiara, who is trying to protect Alfred from being too dumb and obvious, and Nonno Vargas, who keeps getting reminded of him and his late wife every time he sees them being cute together and is trying to decide when/if to talk to Alfred about the fact he's in love with Nonno Vargas's grandson). Some of the background extended family members have varying opinions (an aunt Patrizia thinking it's kind of weird and an uncle Nicodemo and his wife who mentioned something Alfred said about Savino they thought was funny and cute), but all they have are vague thoughts about them, and they're not the focus.
You didn't ask about friends, but all of their closer friends know what's going on and are okay with it because they understand how it happened and all the pining that went on before they officially got together. Kiku walked in on them making out in the library which was very awkward for him but only because he walked in on his friends, not the stepbrother thing. He knew Alfred liked Savino months before the stepbrother thing, and he feels a little guilty because he said something he thought was true at the time that delayed them being together (basically, without using that label, that Alfred is aroace and just doesn't like people in a boyfriend/girlfriend way). They decided to tell Tolys, who made it clear he was okay with Alfred's feelings months ago and had known for a while but just didn't say anything to him. Since he has a stepbrother he sees as just a brother, Alfred was worried he'd react badly but he didn't since he knew all the circumstances. Savino's ex-girlfriend Emma realized when he needed her help on an extremely detailed art project based on Romerica's first kiss (but he made it two girls in part to disguise what it was). She put the pieces together about why Savino claimed to have unresolved feelings for someone else when they broke up after their brief relationship (this was true, but at the time she thought he was just trying to make her feel better about breaking up with her boyfriend because she only likes girls). Alfred recently told his brother's girlfriend Katya who has been with Matthew for so long that she's become Alfred's friend too. She knew Alfred liked Savino for just as long as he himself knew, and she's been very worried about all the pining, Alfred running away from home and endangering himself, and then more recently Alfred acting like he has a secret that makes him happy but is extremely scared will be taken away from him. She's worried about their families reactions but is very supportive and happy for them finally being together.
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afoxysunny · 4 years
Jives as High Duke
So Jives gets a second pick and oh my G did i struggle with choosing this one. In the end I'm pretty happy with the decision to give him the Monkey Miraculous
The whole story for how he ended up with having to pick a second time is already on the post about Stingy, who gets the Turtle from Jives, so I'll try not to repeat myself too much
So here are the references for this design
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This design came out a lot simpler than it probably should be considering that it's based on the Chinese Monkey King but Jives isn't one for overly flashy and elaborate costumes in my opinion
Also, yes, again, his eyey should be blue but making colour changes to coloured pencil drawings is really hard, I'm sorry
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Again, i just did what felt natural to me and in no time this was the outcome. Conclusion: drawing Jives comes very natural to me and i appreciate him for that
Design Notes:
Chest Pattern - i wanted to make the chest pattern here resemble the one he had as Grinder Turtle, this was also a big factor that sold me on giving him this Miraculous. I just think it looks really cool and it connects the two designs in a vague sense
Beanie - my boy Jives always wears some sort of hat, this is no exception. The Monkey Miraculous is a Crown and here it blends in so it now replaces the brim section of the beanie. On second thought it might be a little basic to choose a beanie but it just really suits him, i couldn't think of a better fit. Especially because it goes along really well with the headshape of the monkey i based him on
Toque Macaque - I'll be real with you, I'm not a huge fan of monkeys which makes them one of the few animal species i don't love and also makes the biggest reason i wasn't immediately happy to give my dear Jives this Miraculous xD I'm shallow i know. Anyways. I may not know a lot about monkeys but i knew enough to pick this macaque because the colours go well enough with the Monkey Kwami Xuppu and i liked the markings it has. [coicidentally this specific kind, the Toque Macaque, happens to share its natural habitat with the peacock ;)]
Tail - on his back you see how the rope detailing from his chest and pants combine into the belt and eventually the tail. I wanted the markings to kind of resemble a harness for climbing, i don't think it comes across too well though
Hair - the little bit you can still see of his actual hair coincidentally blends in almost seamlessly with the colour of his costume, that wasn't planned but i like it a lot
At the point in time where i made the decision that Stingy would take the Turtle Miraculous from Jives i already had most Miraculous assigned to most other characters, in fact i was only really missing one for Ziggy. So spoiler alert i guess for him. I fudged around for a while between the Mouse and the Monkey, both would've worked well with either but in the end settled on the Monkey for Jives for multiple stupid timy reasons. For example the chest pattern i already mentioned, my ship-trash side going "a monkey and a peacock fit together way better aesthetically than a mouse and a peacock would", he and Xuppu would have a funny bro dynamic together etc.
I already explained why and how Jives loses the Turtle Miraculous to Stingy in my post about the latter so I'll just give a short summary here before moving on
As per usual Jives didn't eat much throughout the day and ends up fainting. This time it's a much bigger deal though. Usually he doesn't actually fully faint, just sway a little, maybe collapse but for the most parts he stays conscious just really weakened. That day the team of new heroes is fighting an important battle when he full on passes out in the middle of it. Luckily Stingy is able to step in to build their defense up again.
Obviously, instead of saying "i eat as little as possible because i have a problem" Jives just shrugs it off and goes "guess i didn't eat enough again, my bad guys, sorry" and thinks it'll be fine. He didn't expect Álfurildi, aka Sportacus, to take this very literal and announce that he planned on having them eat in his airship as a whole group anyway gor team moral and to make sure they're all healthy enough to actually handle a Miraculous. They deduce that must have been the reason Jives full on fainted this time, while going by his usual life he obviously didn't need as much energy as he now needs to be a superhero so the simple solution is to just eat more.
He makes excuses to not eat with the others as often as he can but one day he'd have to actively leave the others to do so as he already is in the airship with them when they start preparing to serve the next meal. That day he actually snaps at Sportacus that he just doesn't want to eat. Unfortunately, thanks to being such a gentle soul and also sensing Jives frustration and hunger Sportacus tries to comfort Jives with the worst thing he could've said. "heroes gotta eat well, so you can become big and strong" to which Jives absolutely loses it. He snaps at him "I'm already too big without eating anything, can't you just leave me alone!" and just jumps out of the airship. By now he already has Xuppu as his new partner so of cause he makes it down unharmed to run off into the forest. Sportacus wants to follow him but Robbie stops him. Robbie, who so far was pretty quiet and reclusive when the teens came to visit, says he will go find and talk to him taking Pixel with him as he is his best friend after all.
I'll spare you the unnecessarily details i cane up with and just say this is the moment Robbie gets to explain how the powers i gave him work and we get to see that he does really deeply care but just can't really express it. They find Jives and thanks to Robbie being able to relate to him about some of his insecurities and Pixel being a great friend he ends up confessing to them about his eating disorder. He never wanted to be the odd one out but never managed to fit in with the others. It's hard to hide you're different when you're towering over your peers so he figured if he just stopped eating he'd stop growing and though it had no positive effect on him he just couldn't stop doing it even after realizing how bad it had gotten.
Going back to the airship together once the situation calmed down a bit and with Jives' permission they let Sportacus in on this secret. As Robbie figured, the local health expert knows exactly what foods wouldn't upset such an empty stomach too badly and they start the process of finding a few good things for Jives to eat so he doesn't break down again.
Quick, something more lighthearted
When Jives gets his second pick for a Miraculous his eyes fall on the little Monkey, Xuppu. The two pretty quickly get along thanks to Xuppu being a jokester and Jives liking how bro-like they can talk and poke fun at each other. This turns out to be a great pick as this Kwami of Jubilation not only like shouting random noises around just like Jives but is also sassy and straightforward enough to remind him to eat every once in a while by poking fun at him using something Pixel once said to him "I'll not let you eat less than the Kwamis" (yes this part should've technically been in the reasoning section but you kinda need the context of the story for it so i put it here)
So Trixie explains that Xuppu's transformation and powers are based on the Chinese Monkey King (she knows that from the Guardians) but Jives really isn't one for flashy costumes and important titles so not only is his costume more basic than it probably should be but also he wamts to name himself "Duke". Stingy immediately objects "A duke is about as royal as a prince! You're completely underselling this concept. You have to trade with me! You get yoir turtle back. Let me be King!" Xuppu and Wayzz look at each other and roll their eyes, Xuppu then steps floats forward to say "well, he's not entirely wrong. Wouldn't you like to pick something higher?" so Jives chuckles and goes "High Duke". Again Stingy is outraged by this disrespect "that's ridiculous!" but Xuppu laughs and says "no, i like his style! Let's do this!" and so their new duo is established
Look, don't judge me, everyone headcanons Jives with growing not all legal things in his garden so now that he's actually a teen in my au I'm keeping it xD
Thank you so so much for reading so much of my rambling. You're so cool for taking the time to read this!
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Ep 1 Confessionals Pt 1 | "Rough With a Captial Ugh" - Stephen
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I will not be invisible this season! Okay but in all honesty I still think it’s funny I’m the only one who’s managed to snag that award. The galaxy edge alumni are acting like we have never met each other before which is really funny. I guess because for some of us it was a fever dream lol💜 I’m trying to fix any bonds I may have broken that season and start anew with people. This is redemption and I’m going to play my heart out. Xoxo Jessie
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Night 1 has been good. I’ve talked to 2/3 of the people on my team. I haven’t spoken to Isaiah yet since he is a late addition and I think at work (I just know he said he couldn’t talk until later). But I got along with him well in Sunset Rodeo, I just hope he is more active here because I would like to actively work with him. I’m really not feeling these small teams tho bc that’s scary since there are so few options so you gotta make sure you’re talking with everyone consistently. I just hope everyone on my team resists the temptations and gives all their items up so we can remain safe and get the reward. Based on the other seasons I can see the crystal kingdom team losing bc Shane was a villain and I can see him continue that. Overall this is a good cast and there are a good amount of people I want to work with, let’s just hope that they want to work with me as well. For now that’s all...stay litty.
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Hello from the mystical beyond, ooooooooooOOOooOOoOOoOOOOOOooohhhhhh... Ghost Team. Way cool. The first season of Tumblr Survivor I ever played had a similar twist and I'm geeking out over how full circle this is. Love love love it. Truly #blessed. So, night one and my team has already chatted a bit, had a call to sort out the challenge, and enough time has passed since that I feel comfortable giving point-form thoughts. Daisy: INCREDIBLY cool. Been a long while since I've clicked with anyone this naturally off the bat. We made a few dumb jokes pre-call, kept up the good vibes during, geeked out over music afterward. Not someone I see myself writing down soon. Lily: Seems pleasant, and not only happy but eager to take on the team leader role. I stepped back and let her take the reins but I have to admit that I'm very worried on this challenge because of it — more below. As a person, Lily strikes me as sweet. I'll have to make a point of discussing Sea of Thieves with her because she mentioned playing it, and I've been playing more recently with some buddies. Luke: Didn't get to chat tons, but I like what he's putting down. Seems almost happy-go-lucky, but with a definite ability to shift gears and be a pain when the situation calls for it. I like him so far and hope our conversation evolves past our respective geographies, but it's hard to fault him for it when we linked up at about 2 a.m. his time. Lydia: Aw, I love Lydia! We've got a history in games, mostly good. But she also knows I'm good and I know they're good. I suspect it won't be long before that's out and one of us needs to cut the other to get further. If Lydia cuts me, no beef no qualms. I'd hope the same in the inverse. But my intent is to run as far as we can together. Challenge: Nervous. I made a point of immediately mentioning the time tiebreaker and how it may benefit us to just dump everything. It's something I've seen before where a similar challenge happened, and only one or two people took things, making them an obvious target. So if the same pattern follows here... we're all but assured to be going to pirate council. Lily was very assertive in deciding that we should keep powers. Since then, I've heard from Lydia and Daisy suggesting they may just abandon everything, which I'd be SO happy to hear. Even if we do go, though, I THINK I'd be okay on this team? idk everyone seems chill. Ugh this is already more than I wanted to write. Sorry I promise I won't write walls of text every single time! I'm going to break that promise, I bet.
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I really enjoyed getting to know my teammates and hope we crush the other teams :))
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omg never thought i'd be coming back?? i'm rly excited to see all these important people and cause even more chaos and i'm pumped to get someone rocked out again!!!
chrispy: literally so amazing so funny and i am so ready to get to play a game with him where he doesn't go home right away hopefully asya: only ever heard of her and i'm rly pumped to maybe get to know her!!! timmy: FUCK YEAH I LOVE TIMMY WE VIBE ALL THE TIME shane: we wanted to work together SO BAD and all we did was get rocks to happen so now we're f2 so we can win giraffez: literally never heard of them so uhhh kinda liking them??? this intro is so good???? ZOE: I WOULD DIE FOR ZOE WE'RE LITERALLY COHOSTS NOW so i want to work with her pleaseeeeeee adam john: as long as he doesn't get drunk i think we'll be fine LMAO idk how far they'll make it sam l: THE CHILD im honestly ready for this it's hilarious and maybe this time we won't take him out right away stephen: i'm p sure? he got robbed in one of the games i was in? so i hope he doesn't get robbed this time LMAO jessie: QUEEN SHIT WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER and i love how she's literally invisible and i hope she makes it far lmao. we've been in a f3 together before too matt: also don't know them but probably a vibe seems cool mj: GOTTA BEAT HIM TO WIN ARI'S LOVE BACK he looks so serious jabari: LITERALLY SUCH GOOD VIBES DURING COUNCILS I WANT TO BE HER FRIEND jinx: I WILL NOT LET JINX GET IDOLED THIS TIME LMAOOOO i'm so happy they got to come back for this isaiah: i hope they are a vibe
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This 4-teams twist is Rough with a capital UGH. Nowhere to hide, no new people to really get to know. Pair that with a challenge that doesnt promot teamwork and incites drama I am concerned. However so far my team has been pretty chill, talking openly about what we want to keep. Bonus this has led to me and Matt talking a lot and I think he might have formed a duo? Still tentative, who knows if hes saying the same thing to giraffez or Chris, but hopeful. We’re considering talking the half votes, this would mean at any pirate we would have the majority. However now the questions comes up about whether we tell the others.
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Isaiah still isn't really around and I messaged him and nothing so far. We asked in the team chat if he had submitted and radio silence. I know during Sunset Rodeo he had a busy work schedule so I am assuming that is the case right now, but I hope he at least submitted for this challenge and that we are safe from pirate council. If we're not...welp I guess he is at risk.
We're safe wooo!!! But damn people took stuff. I wanted to be safe so I said here take all my shit so we get the damn points, but I guess these bitches are a bit greedy. Am I shocked though...no, because that is part of the challenge, people will take shit. Do I think it will help them...also no, because it's truly not game changing items and there still seems to be a bit left to do for the idol hunt than these items will provide.
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11 of Seth Rogen's funniest moments
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Seth Rogen is a gift from above.
The hilarious actor has been working hard to make us laugh since he was just a teen, and he's now become one of the top comedic icons in the industry.
Take a look at Seth Rogen's funniest moments on the internet. They're guaranteed to make you laugh just as hard as one of his movies.
1. Seductive Seth
This GIF of Rogen looking super seductive became an iconic meme that left supermodels all over the world shook. It comes from a parody of Kanye West's "Bound 2" that Rogan  and James Franco filmed together called "Bound 3." 
In "Bound 3," Seth parodies Kim Kardashian played in the original video, and every time he looks at the camera you can't help but crack up. Kim K beware, Rogen just might come for your spot next.
I’ll never get with the whole thing of a girl sucking on her finger in a picture... I’d look like Seth Rogen trying to look seductive ... 😂 pic.twitter.com/SRUOPQ9g2E
— ❊ alicia ❊ (@_AliciiaRenee) September 24, 2018
The always seductive, Seth Rogen as my #mcm 😂😂😂 #bound3 #parody pic.twitter.com/hfWivEpdUE
— Susan Parker (@suseparka) December 2, 2013
James Franco and Seth rogen made a parody of the Bound 2 music video called Bound 3 pic.twitter.com/rdIDySPMzI
— tam𝔸𝕝𝕖 ♔ 🍂🌧 (@aleeetamaleee) February 8, 2018
2. The way he looks at his wife ... and weed
Seth really likes his cannabis. Even his own mother knows how much he likes it. 
But you know what he loves just as much? His wife. The look he gives both of them would make any one out there envious of what he has.
I find it hilarious that Seth Rogen gives his wife the same look he gives weed pic.twitter.com/LnGxAns8Mx
— CLOUD N9NE SYRUP™ (@CloudN9neSyrup) July 31, 2018
3. The dog that Seth Rogen does not own looks like Peter Dinklage
Seth Rogen 1-0 Peter Dinklage pic.twitter.com/6FNTxIaLif
— Free Folk Memes (@FreeFolkMemes) July 25, 2018
This is a weird one. Someone's dog bears an uncanny resemblance to Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage. But someone decided to take this image of the dog and slap Seth Rogen's Twitter handle and profile picture to the meme with the caption: "Am I really stoned or does my dog actually look like Peter Dinklage." And funny enough, it still continues to circulate around the internet in this format.
Upon further research, Rogen's actual dog sadly does not look like the one in the meme, and furthermore he never made a tweet using this meme. But if you put "Seth Rogen" on anything, especially with a caption about being stoned, anyone would believe it came form the man himself.
4. This man who kept taking pictures with Seth Rogen every year
For the past four years, a guy named Ted has been taking a picture with Seth Rogen at the Hilarity for Charity benefit event. What's really funny about this photo is that Ted always carries the photo from the year before, and does the same pose each time with Rogen.
It's a pretty strange, but how can Rogen turn down such a dedicated fan? The duo also went pretty viral on Reddit when Ted first posted it on r/Pics in 2017. 
5. Every interaction he's had with his mother
Ever miss a phone call or two from your mother and got hell for it? Well, what happened to Rogen was that, and so much more. 
Seth's mom Sandy Rogen decided to take to Twitter when Seth didn't pick up his phone. When she tweeted asking for the whereabouts of her son, Seth's response was hilarious and relatable. 
When you don't answer your mom's phone calls for a day: https://t.co/qmN9wPD1hZ
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) October 10, 2017
Aside from missing her phone call, almost every interaction that they have on Twitter is comedy gold. 
@Sethrogen seth seth seth.....
— Sandy Rogen (@RogenSandy) March 22, 2015
@Sethrogen that's so great, so proud of your great abilities! Oh lord, please help me!
— Sandy Rogen (@RogenSandy) February 18, 2016
My mom is crushing it! https://t.co/bUq2ayTr8D
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 25, 2017
Awwww! pic.twitter.com/g0WzaZx9In
— Sandy Rogen (@RogenSandy) August 14, 2016
Jesus fucking Christ mom. https://t.co/KJSIlWZMhL
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) July 5, 2017
6. His hot take on Justin Bieber that went viral
When the Biebs was going through his bad boy phase in 2014, Seth Rogen had enough of the pop star's attitude and behavior. After calling Bieber "a piece of shit" in a tweet, Rogen's opinion went viral all over Twitter.
All jokes aside, Justin Bieber is a piece of shit.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 23, 2014
After being confronted by multiple media outlets about the comment, Rogen pretty much doubled down. It turns out that both Rogen and Bieber met twice in the past, and both times Bieber's entitled attitude didn't sit well with Rogen.
In Rogen's words during an interview on the Today Show, being a "grown man who doesn't like Justin Bieber" shouldn't be something that's controversial. In fact, he believes it would be weirder if he was an actual Belieber.
7. Urging Donald Trump Jr. to convince his dad to resign
Seth Rogen and Wiz Khalifa were once guests on Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart's show "Potluck Dinner Party." They all made some delicious fried chicken together, and Martha Stewart talked about how she fed a chicken vodka before she killed it. It was an interesting episode, to say the least.
But what we didn't see behind the scenes was how the three of these stars bonded backstage. In a candid photo posted on Rogen's Twitter page in honor of 420, the trio were seen rolling blunt and blazing up.
I know it’s not 4/20 anymore but I like this picture. When the three of us smoked there was this unspoken thing like “we found each other”. pic.twitter.com/Mmed2bQ5uD
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) April 21, 2018
The caption for the picture is ironically hilarious, and even Snoop Dogg responded in a similar manner. The power of friendship is strong for this trio, and we're all glad the "found each other" through a common interest.
And in that moment we were at peace.
— Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg) April 21, 2018
8. Urging Donald Trump Jr. to convince his dad to resign
No one on Twitter is safe from the wrath of Seth Rogen. In another tweet callout, Rogen noticed that Donald Trump Jr. was following him, and he used it as an opportunity to talk politics with the president's son.
Rogen told Donald Trump Jr. to ask his dad to "resign before he destroys the planet." This tweet was made last year in February, so it's safe to say Jr. never gave his dad the memo. 
Yo! @DonaldJTrumpJr! I noticed you follow me on Twitter. Please ask your dad to resign before he destroys the planet. Thanks dude.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) February 16, 2017
9. Hijacking someone's tinder
Rogen had no problem playing Cupid for Vanity Fair's "Hijacks a Stranger's Tinder" series on YouTube. A producer named Sheena was asked to offer her phone up to the comedian, and he went to town trying to find her the perfect match.
Rogen, of course, trolls a bunch of the guys that he matches with, and gets many laughs out of Sheena as she observes. To be fair though, he does have a solid douchebag detector.
10. When he gave us the facts while denouncing white nationalism
As comedian, Rogen is definitely unafraid to tread the territory of dark humor. In a retweet of a story from Raw Story, Rogen cracked a joke about a Rogen doppelgänger that was hospitalized for stab injuries in the feature photo of the piece.
The Rogen lookalike in the photo was actually a bodyguard for a white nationalist who got stabbed nine times at a pro-Trump rally—and he didn't have insurance either. Thankfully, Rogen came through to clarify that he was safe, and he was "NOT a white nationalist" and he does "have health insurance."
Just so everyone knows, I'm NOT a white nationalist, I have NOT been stabbed 9 times, and I DO have health insurance! https://t.co/XgtCWb3nJI
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) June 23, 2017
11. His response when he was accused being a part of the CIA
Apparently Seth Rogen was an important player in a plan created by the CIA, Obama, and Sony that led to "regime change in North Korea." And it goes without saying Rogen had the best response ever. 
You guys, they blew my cover. The CIA is going to be so pissed. https://t.co/7uVTypx2ER
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 7, 2017
When someone offered to help Rogen sue the site, he turned them down and said he was going to quit being a secret agent instead. 
Nah I'm just gonna quit.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 7, 2017
To be honest, this sounds like the perfect plot for another Rogen blockbuster comedy.
WATCH: Super great things you didn’t know about ‘Superbad’
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