#i love writing rare pairs
hppjmxrgosg · 1 year
to all the fanfic writers who write about small, niche tropes and random crossovers that have less than a thousand works total and rarepairs and one specific vein content so that despite the master pieces you write you only get a couple hundred hits: you are doing god's work. i am kissing you on the head. you are my lifeblood.
edit since its getting lost in the tags: the thousand works comment is not to minimize the people who write for subgenres with maybe 10 works or rairpairs with like 3 works, but to include people who, while garnering more attention than the former, may still feel disheartened for receiving less attention on their work than people who write for megafandoms or very common tropes. 1000 is more than ten, but 1000 is closer to 10 than 200,000.
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skynapple · 4 months
Midnight Dew and Promises
Pairing: Jeremiah x MC {reader}
*Tosses this out into the wind*
After a long week of strategizing with your fellow Lightseekers and finally receiving a quiet moment, you find yourself unable to sleep. With Jeremiah being your constant companion for 200 years, you've begun to see him differently.
Since @hirayaea asked, although this is expanded on something I originally wrote to pester @caisjunlis.
Jeremiah sits next to you on the grass where you're sat under the moonlight. The wet grass beneath you soaks into your skin making you shiver but you can't seem to move. In the distance you can hear critters rustling and bugs chirping, creating a soft midnight lull. You barely look over at him while he moves his hand over to yours, gently grazing his thumb over your own. In 200 years and being your constant companion, it was a familiar form of comfort whenever you got that lost look in your eyes.
"I'm tired, Jeremiah." You say after a moment.
He doesn't speak. Then a sly smirk you've grown accustomed to starts to form on the tips of his mouth and you immediately regret speaking up.
"If you ever committed to sleeping at all-" he begins, "You might not be."
Because of his proximity, you can feel him stretching forward, fingers laced together as if he's straining to soothe a muscle.
"Gracious, my shoulders could really use the weight of- oh! what's this? Yes, indeed!" He pretends to be examining your head with his fingers, framing your facing while squinting through them. "Incredible! Your head is just the correct size and weight."
You burst into a groan, but you're giggling too. "You're impossible," you say.
He chuckles. "Impossibly dashing if I do say so myself."
You indulge him, for once, leaning your head into the crook of his shoulder. For once you take in his scent. It's crisp, refreshing, but different from the scent of the dew soaked grass beaneath you. It's familiar, comforting. He pulls his arm around your shoulders to pull you a little closer.
"Ah, see here? Your head fits just so. Will you rest now?"
"Only a little. If you ever shut up."
"Shutting up."
For a while neither of you speak, so when he does, you almost think you imagine it.
"I'm tired too," he breathes, "but not of you."
It's not like him to be so earnest, but you're grateful for it. Grateful for the stability that his companionship has granted you. He's grown now, matured in ways that only war could bring. You have to admit, the light touches of humor he shares are a breath of fresh air. He knows when to hold his tongue when it counts.
"And will you ever tire of me?" You ask quietly. "What will you do?"
He's leaning his head against yours now too, pondering your question.
"Tire of you? I'm not sure that's possible. You have a way of keeping things interesting. Even if that means at my expense."
You snort. "If only you were a lesser target."
"If only? You wound me."
"You should carry a salve."
"Trust me, with your constant battering, I do."
With his free hand, he fishes through the pouches on his pockets and reveals a small vial of healing salve. "See! It says here, the instructions in fine print. Take one drop for every instance of blows received from Miss [y/n]."
You smack his arm playfully.
"Careful! For a blow such as that, I might need to administer the whole bottles' contents."
"You've made your jest, yet you neglected to provide an answer."
He places the bottle back in its pouch and lifts his head to look at you. The moonlight catches the blonde flecks of his curly hair so that it looks like he's glittering. It's not a windy night, but the coolness of the air still catches your cheeks as his warmth pulls away from you, making you keenly aware also of your wet clothes.
"[Y/n], if I ever tire of being your companion, it will be because I no longer possess a sane soul."
Satisfied with this answer, you smile and hold your hands out to catch his, rising as he lifts you to your feet. You shake the dew best you can away, but know that it's useless.
"See? Always an interesting day with you," He says, already lifting his outer coat off to wrap around you, pinning your arms against your body as he wraps you tightly. He really never had a problem with these gestures of physical closeness. "Today's occurrence of interest is," he continues, "My companion leads me to be soaked to the bone with wet and cold in the middle of the night. Will we grow ill and die a most painful death? More tomor-" Since you can't move your arms, you cut him off with a blunt headbutt to the chest. He yelps in surprise, not in pain.
"Alright, alright. I'm serious! You cannot be outside like this at your own leisure like this again."
You groan again, leaving your head where it landed on his chest.
"Well! I couldn't sleep. I wanted to see the stars."
"You and your stargazing..." He shakes his head, pulling you tighter, somehow, into him. "You leave me no choice here."
In one motion, he scoops you up in his jacket bridal style so you have to throw your arms around his neck to hold on.
"Jeremiah!" You holler in surprise, not knowing yet that he just does these things because he likes it when you say his name the way that you do.
He laughs as he begins trudging through the field with you in his arms like you bear no extra weight to him. Despite knowing his physical strength by now, knowing it and experiencing it are two different things. You can feel the strength in his arms and you feel strangely secure and relaxed.
"Apologies. It was time for bed, Miss."
"I see. You're tired of me already."
"Never. But somebody needs to keep you in check."
He carries you the whole way and for the remaining duration of it you don't speak. His footsteps and the lull of the night noises begin to make you sleepy. You suddenly realize how tired you actually are.
When he sets you on your feet at the entrance of your current military base, you thank him but don't necessarily let go of him immediately.
"Jeremiah?" You start timidly, tiredness seeping into your vocal chords.
"Hmmm?" He answers, his curls sticking to his forehead from the sweat of carrying you.
"I'll not tire of you either then."
"Is that so?" He grins, tiredly too, but looking a little too cocky. You smirk, glad for the playfulness to ease your pounding heart.
"Just one thing..." You continue, reaching up with one hand to brush the curls away from his brows. He almost leans down into you as you do.
"Another request? Free of charge I assume?"
"Fine, let's hear it then."
You pause.
"You're not allowed to leave me."
He grows serious at your words, something flashing in his eyes that settles into understanding, arms curling around your waist as if you're made of delicate glass. You can feel him breathe against you as his head draws closer. Something has changed, he is meek, yet there's a strength and confidence in his tone. He doesn't waste another second pulling you into another tight embrace.
"Consider it done."
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snackleggg · 8 months
Acelaw thoughts
Ace runs hot bc of his df, and Law runs cold cause he's a North blue boy, and when they cuddle its perfect equilibrium
Something something Ace being associated with fire and Law being associated with water, opposites attract (they both think they are undeserving of love)
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findafight · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know that I have not been able to stop thinking about your Steve/Barb au it's so good!! and so interesting to think about how that would change things!! Idk rare pairs are so fun to think about!
Forgive me if this is not where you were going with this but I'm thinking about Barb surviving the demogorgons attack because she's not in the pool with a cut hand. Barb doesn't know where she is or what happened to her, but she's scared and she knows that /something/ is hunting her. Everything smells like rot and decay and all she's focused on is survival. Her glasses are broken and gone, and she's sprained an ankle, but she's alive. Steve's sweatshirt is warm and still smells like him. It's a comfort, she thinks, as she runs and hides in the woods behind Steve's house.
Topside Steve is getting sucked into the Upside down stuff way earlier because his sort of (they haven't made it official yet) girlfriend is missing after leaving his house and she wouldn't just dissapear like that. And he's scared but he has to do /something/.
After some time in the Upside Down, God knows how long, Barb hears something. And it doesn't sound like the monster that's hunting her. So she stays silent, grabs hold of a stick or something to make herself feel safer, and peeks. And it's a boy. Alive. Human. Trapped just like her. And then for a while it's her and Will Byers, growing weaker and trying so hard to stay alive and let people know they're there.
Eventually, they get out. And she's sick and barely holding on and traumatized but she's alive and in the hospital recovering. As soon as Steve's allowed to see her he's there. He's bought flowers and a fluffy teddy bear. He calls her Barbie because he knows she'll roll her eyes fondly at him. He kisses her forehead and holds her hand.
Sorry this isn't more coherent I'm just !!!!!! Thoughts!!!!!
Are you in my brain?? Because exactly. (I have been holding on to "steve is the only one allowed to call her barbie" for way too long. not even romantically just in "barb lives au" they deserve to be annoying friends to each other haha) In the show Barb almost got away, and possibly would have it weren't for the fact she was in the pool, so I don't think it's too far of a stretch for us to say she survives in this au (there is a version where she dies and it's just. Angst. But that's not this one!)
I think the potential for Nancy to suspect Steve of doing something (even when it was Jonathan who is officially the last person to see her) would lead her to Jonathan. Similar to the show, she sort of just...brushes off the creepy pictures (it's both easier and hard for her here because it's not her in the pictures so who cares...but it's Barb [and Steve] so she cares very much, actually) and they go monster hunting without Steve and see the deer and Nancy gets pulled in through the tree etc.
Steve, who's definitely freaking out that is (basically) girlfriend is missing and her best friend is mad at him and won't talk to him, uses his ninja skills to check on her to see if she's okay, and sees her with Jonathan. Nancy isn't his girlfriend so the only thing he's mad about is her hanging out with the perv who took pictures of him and Barb and specifically a picture of her almost in her car which they know she never got into. So he knocks on the window and they jump but let him in. And that's how Steve gets into monster hunting. (idk if Tommy and Carol also join...maybe Steve waves them off through the window, maybe he gestures for them to come to...idk. much to think about. Maybe they don't join the upside down gang but they remain friends with Steve and know Something Happened, but he can't tell them what)
blah blah blah it all basically goes the same except because no cheating allegations there's no graffiti or fight, Steve 100% gives a backhanded apology for breaking Jon's camera "Hey, man. I shouldn't have broken your camera like that even if you deserved it..." or something. The trio fight the demogrogon, even if Steve is a bit, ah, weary of leaving a bunch of twelve-year-olds who have proven that they don't listen to grown ups when they say to leave well enough alone even for their own safety...but leave them he does. Fight an interdimensional monster with a nailbat he does. Dies, he doesn't.
Meanwhile, now that our girl Barb has survived he initial confrontation with the monster with no face, she's wandering, hiding, around the woods behind Steve's house except...it's not actually Steve's house. It's some twisted up version, and it's dark and creepy and oh so scary. Her glasses are cracked through one lens but it's better than not being able to see at all or not feel the comforting weight on her nose, and Steve's sweatshirt is big, comfy, and smells like him. She holds onto these tiny bits of home as she tries to figure out how to get out of...wherever she is.
At some point, she hears shuffling in the woods, but not from the monster. It's definitely smaller, and...there's a voice. Singing. She walks over quietly, and says "hi". the little boy jumps and stares, wide-eyed. They stick together, she holds him close.
When all is said and done, she and Will end up sharing a hospital room, due to Upside Down convenience. She;s older and wasn't in it for as long, but she's still weak. Her parents are besides themselves, having been told it was a gas leak that led her to be disoriented and lost in the woods, only by grace of god did she find and help Will.
Steve is behind them, with scratches on his face and a haunted look in his eye, but he smiles a little, and wiggles his fingers at her. She wiggles hers back. Her parents shuffle around, and leave the room to talk to the doctor. He sits beside her and reaches out to gently fiddle with her fingers.
"Hey," she says.
His voice is soft, when he responds, "hey," and doesn't take his eyes off her face.
She squeezes his fingers a bit. "heard you fought an interdimensional monster with, like, a lot of teeth for me."
He shrugs, squeezes back. "also to get Will Byers back."
"He's a good kid." she flicks her eyes to where little Will is being smothered by his gaggle of friends who nearly died trying to get him back.
Steve blinks rapidly, and tucks his chin to his chest. "I was so worried, Barbie." the nickname usually annoys Barb, too baby-ish, too connected to the doll, too...a lot of things. But Steve says it like it's precious, like she's precious, and she thinks letting her boyfriend (because that's what he is, isn't he? What's a boy you kiss and who would fight monsters to find you?) can call her Barbie.
"I'm back. I'm okay now."
"Yeah. But. Christ, things could have gone so much worse." He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezes his eyes shut.
"Hey." she rubs the back of his hand with her thumb. "Hey. It didn't though. The government goons will be on us, sure. But Will is safe. I'm safe. All those kids and Nancy and Jonathan are safe. You're safe. Okay? And, when I get out of here, you're taking me out for burgers and milkshakes."
He smiles, actually smiles all squinty-eyed and toothy, "Yeah. okay. It's a date."
"Yeah, it is. I've got high expectations, Harrington. Killing a monster for a girl really sets the bar high, you know."
He laughs, and presses a kiss to her cheek, smiling.
(later, he tells her everything that happened on the rightside up, and she tells Jonathan to burn the negatives and that her boyfriend has a nailbat he's pretty good with, so he better not try to trick her...)
and idk. i think they're cute. They bicker, and Steve chooses topics just to rile her up so she'll roll her eyes at him but then explain why exactly he's wrong in step-by-step detail, and he also scoops her up and twirls her around and kisses her in the halls. they're gross and in love. In s2, i think Nancy still wants to expose the lab (other people did die, those hunters? what happened to them?) and both steve and barb are like "they will kill us" (pragmatic duo) so that's why they both go to nancy's to try to talk to her about it, which is how dustin kidnaps them, etc.
s3 we get scoops troop except robin is just tallying how many times Steve sighs dreamily until his gf comes by and he turns into a golden retriever and robin is like. ew. straight people (they are not, actually. I have a coming out scene between starb (seriously i need to figure out a ship name for them haha) that involves barb telling steve she once had a crush on nancy and steve's like yes obviously everybody has crushes on their best friend of the same gender you just don't do anything about it...like buddy...do i have news for you...bi4bi starbara) anyways the five of them get stuck in the elevator, stobin still hold the door, get tortured, etc, but this time dustin and erica have Angry Protective GF on their side. They get out, steve and robin have bathroom confessionals, which involves robin asking if steve's ever been in love and then immediately realizing he's going to wax poetic about Barb and steve also being like "i wanna be your best friend sooo bad barb said i maybe have a crush on you but i don't i wanna be like, the best man at your wedding, y'know? you're so fun and make me laugh and I want you and Barb to get along because I love Barbie and omg you could be my kids' auntieeee..." and robin tells him that he doesn't know her, and if he did he wouldn't want her around any of his hypothetical future children, tells him about tammy, and they sing total eclipse of the heart when dustin erica and barb bust in, and steve is like "barbie, honey pie, robin is gonna be our kids' godmother." as though that makes any sense. everyone else is like ????
idk i just like monster fighting power couple barb/steve a lot i think theyre neat.
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fire-eyed-raven · 9 months
Usually I'm all for not treating two characters as a one inseparable unit. I'm all for exploring them separately from each other or considering some interesting rare pair options for them.
But not with Madara. I love Madara very much but I'm sorry his canon obsession with Hashirama can't be ignored by me. I can't separate it from him. Their bond with Hashirama is completely something else. It's a very integral part of who Madara is.
He wants his attention even if it will be in a fight he wants everything Hashirama can give him. He'll recognize him in any situation. He'll be happy to see him even if the last time they have seen each other Hashirama killed him. He talked about uniting Ying and Yang and clearly meant Hashirama as Yang to his Ying. He ended up merging a part of Hashirama into himself in a most literal sense. He can't shut up about Hashirama when we see him as himself and not an impersonator (obito) or through other's memories.
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iwozlegit · 1 year
|| 🍍• I want to know what happened to Knock Out after Predacons Rising.
I want to know if he did eventually gel with his new team family.
I want to know if he struggled with all the mushy Autobot rhetoric and kindness, and maybe fought against it.
I want to know if he was forced to shadow Ratchet as a sort of probation to make sure he wasn’t still “a naughtycon bad boy with the emperor of destruction on speed dial.”
I want to know if he found it morbidly insulting having been the Decepticons medical officer.
I want to know if anyone watched him stand awkwardly on the sidelines while they all caught up after a day rebuilding and working for a movie night and the like, and felt sympathetic towards him.
I want to know if anyone reached out to him on said sidelines and made sure to discreetly pay extra attention to him so he knew he was part of the group, even if he played his egotistical nonchalant character on steroids so no one would ever think he could possibly care about being alone.
I want to know if Knock Out was subconsciously grateful someone could see through him like Breakdown had.
I want to know if that made Knock Out feel guilty.
I want to know if he felt alone.
I want to know if this occasional niceness from someone new began to make him feel uncomfortable having been so long and having become so accustomed to the opposite.
I want to know if he eventually ever uncovered that it was Arachnid that killed Breakdown through accidental word-of-mouth.
I want to know if he was content with knowing, or felt a sudden need to seek revenge wherever she may have lain.
I want to know if anyone reached him in time before he did something stupid like embarking on a wayward bug hunt - that they shared a moment of painful wisdom and trauma with him that had defined their actions up until then.
I want to know if he broke down.
I want to know if anyone genuinely cared, and sat with him through it all as his nonchalant facade shattered and he mourned uncontrollably and unintentionally into their arms.
I want to know if he lashed out at them in doing so.
I want to know if, after a while of keeping his head down, and some well-earned trust, he eventually got to have some medical responsibility of his own.
I want to know if anyone held him a congratulations party for doing well with his new big job to show they cared.
I want to know if, following a successful medical stint, he moved away and went down the cosmetic surgery route again, and set up a specialised body shop.
I want to know if anyone also threw him a moving away party.
I want to know if his business’s catchphrase/tagline was: “Dedicated to turning you from a Breakdown to a Knock Out.”
I want to know if he set up a little body shop training academy which inadvertently created a new generation of mini Knock Out’s.
I want to know if one of them was known as Wildbreak.
I want to know if anyone became his regulars and spent deliberately longer with him chatting away until closing to make sure he was still doing ok.
I want to know if Knock Out came to realise he wanted them to stay longer than they did or could.
I want to know if he ever knew what said ‘Bot(s) were up to visiting him often but played coy because he didn’t know how to thank them…for believing in him and saving him when he didn’t know he needed saving…
But most importantly…I want to know if Knock Out was happy and found genuine happiness in a world without Breakdown <3
Ideas/headcanons ®️of @legitconcrusher
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yeowangies · 8 months
the dbz fandom is full of babies because they can't stand the idea of someone creating art of rare pairs, like why do you all care if someone likes goku x bulma or vegeta x chichi, like who do yall think you are istg
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merlinemrys · 10 months
sometimes u just have to write an experimental rare pair fic that no one will read besides urself just to soothe ur soul
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thevikingwoman · 3 months
saw some post earlier this month with 'finish your wip february' and I thought Nope, I'm not going to pick up old wips, I got A Plan for a bunch of Meryta stories I want to write and I'm not going to get through all of the wips for her anyway
and today I was commuting and randomly thought about the unfinished solavellan infidelity fic I was writing for a kinkybingo in 2021 and you know what
there's a few more days in february, I can do this right?
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patriciaselina · 5 months
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This is the office AU, but for obvious reasons...spoilers for LN 4. Spoilers in the summary, spoilers in the tags below, more spoilers in the end notes under the cut.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 薬屋のひとりごと - 日向夏 | Kusuriya no Hitorigoto - Hyuuga Natsu, 薬屋のひとりごと | Kusuriya no Hitorigoto | The Apothecary Diaries (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Loulan | Shisui & Maomao (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto), Loulan | Shisui/Maomao (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto) Characters: Loulan | Shisui (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto), Maomao (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto) Additional Tags: Introspection, Title from a Stray Kids Song, One-Sided Attraction, Secret Crush, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Childhood Trauma, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe, Best Friends, Loulan is doing her best, Mood Whiplash, Adrenaline, Touchy-Feely, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Tags Contain Spoilers Series: Part 5 of Ka Corporate Holdings, Inc. Summary:
The other day, Loulan had asked Xiaolan what people usually do on dates. Xiaolan had perked up, immediately assumed she had finally said yes to one of her many suitors, and drew up an entire date plan for her. She feels a bit bad for lying to her best friend in the world, but she can't really feel all that bad, not when both her arms are wrapped around one of Maomao's, her cheek leaning against her shoulder.
"I...don't think we're the correct heights for this?" Maomao wonders out loud.
Sometimes, it's better to try things once before giving up on them completely.
Or, what the hell has Loulan been thinking?
End notes:
i made the executive decision to make loulan call suirei "jiejie" for this au...it's cute. since in japanese she calls her 姉さま, she should be a bit more polite? but since there's only two of em you dont need to specify she's the firstborn thru dajie? so we go back to jiejie ha
stray kids-wise!!! i need to point out this song. these are two songs written by their member changbin: because [i like you] (the one i used for maomao tug of war), and sorry i love you, which is. yeah look at that duality.
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so yeah we were supposed to be more in the gloomy introspective dramatic state (and i guess we are because hahaha why bump into the family member you dont want on a day like this???) because look at this. look at that.
but then i saw this lyric a while after writing the...third scene of this fic, and thought, wait i know what to do with the second scene now. they can go to the movies!! thank u lyrics!!
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china apparently sells sweet popcorn more than savory (anecdotal, i cannot prove this with data evidence) but i am personally intrigued by sesame caramel popcorn, hence that being their order here. basically caramel popcorn mixed with sesame during the popping process?
back to the lyrics of this song, this is a more heart-rending version of the translation - idk much of korean to know if this is more/less correct but it just hurts, why is this my favorite song off this album again?
have to go back to work now so i'll skip ahead a bit. hong zao cha (红枣茶), jujube/red date tea. a warming tea for immunity and calming the spirit, among other things. a fun fact i saw during research was that people who lose blood/give birth/undergo surgery are also given this
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more 红枣茶 references!!! i keep writing tea into my knh fic, dont mind me shhh (as someone whose core memories are mostly in binondo i keep looking these up)
spoilers ofc for LN 4 and the GX manga equivalent (i keep saying this) but there were two things in canon that drove me to do this: maomao called shenmei くそばば (”damned/shitty old woman/hag”, refer to the attached pic)
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"why on my collar, not my hair?"
"you'll be too pretty if i do that"
so yeah i just wanted the office/modern au to have a version where maomao does get the hair stick back i am still sobbing
when i saw this line in the LN/manga in particular i slowly shifted it from a bittersweet end to an open one because LOOK, LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENS HERE??? 華美????????
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so anyway yeah maolan. i want them to be happy. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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Rare Pair Week 2023: Meet Cute
Well last week was all for Sib and Thanny and this week gets to be about Demos and Yugiri! So please have their first interaction from way back in A Realm Reborn.  no warnings. word count: 1.4k
Demos grunts as he puts the wooden crate onto the cart, pushing it to the side when Thancred comes up next to him. “Well other than the few sacks over there,” Thancred says with a small groan, “we’ve got everything loaded.” He claps his hands free of dust once pushing the crate into place, leaning against the cart with folded arms as Demos starts to make sure everything is secure. The rogue’s eyes don’t leave their mysterious guest as she talks to some of the refugees, a small smirk forming on his lips. “Do you ever wonder just what she looks like underneath that hood of hers?”
Demos glances over, shrugging, “Doesn’t seem that important.”
Thancred rolls his eyes, “Can you not humor me, Demos? She must be hiding something if she’s choosing to wear that dark of clothing and a full mask in the heat of Thanalan.”
“Well if she is then it’s none of our business to pry. You told me she just came all the way over from the East where the Empire is in full control,” Thancred nods, “Then there’s no need to try and push her to take off her mask. Wasn’t long ago the Empire had some strongholds here.”
“So you’re implying she’s a wanted woman? Which means she must be a thing of beauty underneath.”
“Really, Thancred?”
“What?” Demos lets out a heavy sigh, shaking his head, “No, tell me. What is it you’re trying to say to me?”
“Didn’t you just break things off with Siberite?”
His jaw tightens, arms folding tighter, “It didn’t just happen. That ended a long time ago.”
He huffs out a laugh, “Two and a half weeks ago isn’t a long time ago.”
“Might as well be,” he grumbles with a wave of his hand, “How do you know that any way? Didn’t think that was something you'd keep count of.”
“I don’t. Siberite does. You all still send me with her on missions just like yesterday.”
“Surprised she still talks about me,” Thancred chuckles, “Guess I just have that effect.”
Demos snorts, “Not really. I had to listen to that woman talk for three hours straight on her latest conquests.”
“Latest conquests,” he balks, scoffing with a shake of his head, “Did she happen to tell you any names?”
“I said she talked for three hours straight, didn’t say I listened for three hours.”
“Well how is that helpful to me?”
“It’s not, but you know what would be? Going and talking to her about it like you should have done.”
“She said she wanted nothing to do with me.”
Demos looks upward, with a sigh, Oh Menphina help me with these two, “Look if you’re feeling the need to get involved with someone else connected to the Scions I’d highly advise you against that. And especially not with someone that’s just had to leave her whole life behind to start anew in what pretty much feels like a new world.”
Thancred huffs, putting his hands up, “Okay, fine. I’ll leave it be for now, but not because you told me.” He looks over the cart as Demos tosses on the last sack, “Now if you don’t mind, I believe my work here is done, so I’m going to have some fun, twould seem I prefer the company of the local tavern anyway.” 
Demos shakes his head, watching as Thancred stalks off to the tavern across the way, giving one final tug on the leather straps. He turns to his patiently waiting caribou, Oisín, giving a solid pat on his neck, “Hopefully those two are the kind of people that need to be dramatic about things first. Just hope they get over it soon.” The animal gives a shake of his head, Demos giving a nice scratch between his antlers, “Yeah, probably not.” He sighs, petting the animal once more, “In the meantime Oisín we gotta get this stuff up north.” He just begins to secure Oisín to the cart when he can feel someone approaching him. 
“You are making your way to Mor Dhona, is that correct?” 
“Yep,” he turns, looking down to see the hooded woman looking up at him, “Thought you’d be on the carts with the others? Can’t have run out of room for you.”
“They haven’t no, but I am told you will be bringing up the rear of this caravan.” He nods, “Then I shall like to join you. I am told one of your best fighters is leading the way and I should like to ensure my people’s safety.”
“Mean you’re more than welcome so long as you don’t mind being in tight quarters,” he smiles gesturing to the small bench and then to the cart itself, “or ridin’ on top of crates.”
“I don’t mind at all.”
“Then after you ma’am,” he says, bending down to create a foothold for her to climb onto the bench. She doesn’t say anything, taking his assistance to settle herself, “Oh, if you want there’s a small pillow just behind you.” She gives a small tilt of her head, “People I’ve taken in this cart tend to not be as acclimated to long trips sitting on wood. And the champion says it’s uncomfortable when you have a tail.” He shrugs, giving one more check to Oisín’s straps, smiling when he’s satisfied, “Alright boy let’s get goin’.” Demos watches as the others begin to move into the tunnel leaving Vesper Bay, giving his signal to go as the two sit silently. 
They’ve just made it to the halfway point when she says, “Can I ask you something?”
“The scars on your face, how-?”
“You heard I was a healer I take it,” he finishes giving a half attempted smile.
“Forgive me. I did not know you were. I don’t mean to pry.”
He chuckles, “Ah, don’t be. Sure you got a good reason to ask, you don’t seem like the kind of person to broach a subject like that on a whim. Besides, it's nothin’ too bad. At one point we went up against this primal, she shot out feathers. Got nicked by them is all.”
“So why the scar?”
“Things got busy, moved quickly, didn’t think ‘bout it until much later and body was already doing it’s thing. So it was gonna leave some kind of mark anyway. Just had an old friend stitch it up where it needed to be.”
“Have you seen a lot of combat like that? Or are you used to a busier battlefield?”
“You trying to fill the silence?” She looks away, leaving Demos with a frown, “You’re fine to do so. Just you know, asking a lot of questions and I don’t believe we even know each other’s names.”
Her head snaps up to look at him, “No one thought to tell you my name? But you are a part of the Scions.”
“I am, but I don’t hang around much. Probably why they never told you mine.”
“I-. Hm, now that I think about it, I don’t believe I was ever formally told.”
“Then we should get on that,” Demos clears his throat, holding out a hand, “I’m Demos.”
“Yugiri,” she says with a light laugh taking his hand, “a pleasure to meet you.”
The caribou belts out a cry, making the two jump. “Oh, right. Sorry. And this guy here, Yugiri, is Oisín. You’re gonna have to pet him and give an apple when we get down to make up for the fact we can’t currently.”
She laughs, holding a hand to hide most of it, “Well it is also nice to meet you Oisín.” She turns to look at Demos, the sun hitting her covered face just right to allow for him to see through the fabric long enough to know she has a smile, one he returns in kind. “Demos, would it be alright with you, if I asked you a few more questions?”
“Can’t guarantee I’ll have a good answer but sure, just promise you’ll answer a few of mine along the way.” She nods before jumping into a line of questions that keep conversation going until they reach their destination. 
She jumps down with hardly a sound, giving a small bow, “Thank you for letting me accompany you, Demos. I hope we will have some more time in the future to talk again.”
“Same to you, Yugiri,” he says with a wave watching as she gets lost amongst the other Domans taking in the new sights, mumbling, “Same to you.”
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icedb1ackcoffee · 10 months
leverage | jared cameron x kim connweller
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The past haunts you; the present holds you down. Jared Cameron/Kim Connweller
Rating: E (18+ only please!!!)
Chapter One: crushcrushcrush
Like clockwork, Kim’s body jolted awake. 
Her heart pounded in her chest so painfully, she could barely breathe. Laying down on her side, she clutched the pillow under her head until the white dots disappeared from her eyes. She didn’t have to look at the clock on her bedside table to know it was early that morning: gray light flattened against her bedroom walls, filtering weakly through her sheer curtains. 
When her heart finally, painfully, returned to normal, she laid in bed a while longer, assessing her surroundings the way her therapist told her when she was young. Count all of your toes. Count all of your fingers. Feel your chest rise and fall. Feel the air come in and out of your nose. You are here. You are safe.
(Read More)
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dominimoonbeam · 1 year
Huxley is inviting David to a yoga class...
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teafiend · 2 months
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I always lament my drily mediocre, piss poor writing, and still fervently wish that a writer of better caliber (aside from the one other amazing KGY/CY fic around) will one day write for them. Never feeling as cringe as when I reread my scribbles of them 🥶😭😢🫠 but still often do because no other way to feed the fixation 🫥
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ACOTAR ship demographics taken from AO3 BECAUSE I'M STUPID.
Coming in at number 1, to no one's surprise, Ferye/Rhysand with almost 3000 works.
at number 2: we have Nesta/Cassian, a very strong runner-up, with 2350
number 3 Azriel/Elain with 1025
Number 4 Elain/Lucien with 836
Number 5: Azriel/Gwyneth with 689
Number 6: Azriel/Original characters with 300
Number 7: Feyre/Tamlin with 261
(IT GETS A LITTLE TRICKY AFTER THIS. Because the top 10 tags also include platonic pairings. IF YOU SORT THE FANDOM AS A WHOLE, these are the top pairings. If you sort by M/M and F/F, we get some clutter from the het pairings (because sometimes Rhys and Feyre being in a relationship still takes place in a lesbian story about Mor getting into it with Emerie. See? It's hard. We can't EXCLUDE the het pairings, because it would skew the data.)
Number 8: is Azriel/Morrigan with 216
Number 9 (OUR FIRST QUEER SHIP) Is Emerie/Morrigan with 173
Number 10: (OUR SECOND QUEER SHIP, WAY TO GO EVERYONE) is Azriel/Cassian with 143
Just for fun, here are some stats for the pairings that were included in @praetorqueenreyna's ACOTAR fandom Survey poll
Azriel/Eris - 97 works
Eris/Nesta (not inlcuded in the survey! I just thought we should showcase them) - 69 works (nice)
Lucien/Rhysand - 64 works
Azriel/Nesta - 59 works
Lucien/Azriel - 51 works
Feyre/Lucien - 39 works
Rhysand/Azriel - 29 works
Cassian/Elain - 23 works
Rhysand/Cassian - 21 works
Tamlin/Lucien - 20 works
Tamlin/Elain - 19 works
Tamlin/Rhysand - 16 works
Tamlin/Briar - 15 works
Lucien/Nesta - 10 works
Rhsyand/Nesta - 8 works
Tamlin/Nesta - 5 works
Rhysand/Elain - 4 works
Cassian/Eris - 0 works (This is the crack-iest pairing! Would love to see this number increase. I found 2 with Cassian/Nesta/Eris all together, so, perhaps that counts?)
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anonymousmink · 1 year
I got so many Padmaul shippers in my notes rn I am LIVING, the canoe still sails and I sail with it!
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