#i really feel like im missing someone tho this is agony
nonhumen · 1 year
a comprehensive list of dazai's bonds within the port mafia (because despite what dazai would have you believe, he has a lot of them)
tw for drug abuse, child abuse, self harm, and suicide
mori: i've already spoke at length about how dazai views mori here, but he is the closest thing dazai has to a father figure. he'll never admit it, mind you, and it's not a healthy relationship in the slightest. but he also cannot deny that mori is the man who pretty much raised him. dazai is essentially mori's heir since he sees a lot of himself in dazai and so has taken to teaching him how to be more like him so dazai can one day rule the port mafia. that also means that dazai committing suicide is not an option and so has made sure to keep dazai dependent on him. for starters, he is the only one to ever treat dazai's wounds and so is the one person intimately aware of his exposed body (no, i do not believe mori ever sexually assaulted him and that is not a line i am willing to cross). secondly, mori would give him uncontrolled doses of pavinal to get dazai addicted. as his doctor, mori is the only one allowed to administer the opioid to dazai which in turn keeps dazai reliant on him for the drug.
odasaku: HIS BEST FRIEND. at first curious about him because of his ideals of never killing anyone despite his bloody ledger, dazai found that oda is another person he feels he can connect with. this is mainly because oda doesn't scold him or shy away from dazai's suicidal mania. that ease of being himself around him is why dazai values oda's presence. in time, as they became drinking buddies, it turned into a friendship transcending hierarchal boundaries. though oda is older, dazai is his boss and so there is a mutual respect between them. unfortunately, dazai is unable to put words to the bonds between human beings and does not realize that he could call oda his friend until it was too late. this is a platonic love, maybe even a brotherly love on oda's side (dazai is so emotionally stunted that he does not know the nuisances of different types of love at this point).
ango: HIS OTHER BEST FRIEND. ango definitely acts as a big brother to dazai more openly than oda does despite him being the second youngest of the trio. while he is definitely one to scold dazai about his morbid antics but i think that mutual respect and interest between them softens the blow. plus, they are both agents who deal in information and so have probably worked together closely on mafia operations before. he opens up to ango initially because oda is there to mediate whenever their personalities clash. same as with oda, their relationship grows into a comfortable friendship when they become regular drinking buddies. on the flip side, ango is the first true betrayal dazai has ever felt in his life which is why he holds such a deep grudge against him compared, say, mori. but their shared pain in the loss of oda is the thread that ultimately keeps their friendship intact. ango is the only one to know where dazai was during his two years in hiding and the only one to have seen him during his opioid detox.
chuuya: i have also written at length about how important chuuya is to dazai here so i will try to keep this short. chuuya is his partner, his first friend, the first person to ever make him feel something besides the hollowness in his heart. their entire relationship is built on absolute trust, which is something dazai had to learn how to even do. because of this, chuuya is the first one dazai chose to reveal parts about himself to. whereas mori basically forces dazai to open his heart to him, dazai actively chooses to allow chuuya to see him and the depths of his despair. chuuya is also the first person dazai's age that he ever felt connected to and the first friend he ever had. he loves him, though dazai cannot pinpoint when this happened because he is so unaware of his own feelings. it is only after he leaves the port mafia that he realizes he has romantic feelings for chuuya.
akutagawa: their relationship is very similar to dazai and mori's except dazai is now in the mentor role. because of his upbringing as mori's pupil, dazai doesn't know how to be kind in his teaching methods. he is physically and mentally abusive to akutagawa and, while this doesn't condone his actions, he believes himself in the right because he warned him that he would not be kind. but i do believe it all comes from a place of caring. he sees great potential in rashomon as an ability and believes akutagawa and become a great asset for the mafia is he only learned to not attack on sight. it is why the only time dazai validates him is after he worked with atsushi against the guild. this is a one-sided love. dazai is very aware of akutagawa's fanaticism for him and uses this to his advantage to heel his subordinate when he needs to but will never return akutagawa's feelings.
yumeno / q: yumeno is dazai's first foray into taking care of a child and it goes horribly wrong. unlike akutagawa who dazai found after learning to feel more emotions, yumeno is result of a very young dazai being put in charge of another life. yumeno ends up serving as a sort of experiment for dazai about the human mind. this is around the same time mori is filling dazai's head with texts about game theory and so he tests a lot of the social science aspects out on yumeno. he analyzes the human heart by pulling theirs apart, seeing how far he can use them before their mind breaks. of course, no one stops him or tells him that his treatment of yumeno is wrong. if anything, mori actively encourages dazai to continue learning through his abuse. in the end, their mind does break and dazai is forced to seal them away. he feels no compassion for them as they were only something to be studied.
elise: this one is actually kinda cute. i see elise as a little sister to dazai, especially during his early years in the mafia when he stuck by mori's side more often. they get into arguments a lot about little things and so is also someone who brings out dazai's childish side. they bond over complaining about mori and you can't take this away from me. their relationship thins when dazai becomes an executive and gets more responsibilities.
kouyou: they know each other by association more than any meaningful connection. she is not someone dazai can connect with and is very quiet around her until she ends up taking chuuya under her wing. when his personality grows, he is familiar enough with kouyou to want to annoy her as he does with those he likes to keep at arm's length. this is where calling her ane-san comes from after hearing her distaste for the title when chuuya calls her that. when he becomes an executive, dazai does end up working more closely with her and becomes one of the few people who see both the childish and dark sides of the demon of the port mafia.
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ccbunnv · 3 months
Okii soooo— Villain!Bill x male or Gn reader who got sick with a REALLY bad fever an they are lightheaded and their like freezing and shaking sm tho their v overheated?? I just got a fever and that’s what’s going on with me rn😭😭
i have a lot of reqs but i thought i'd do urs first since ur sick n all,, rest well n hydrate pookie !
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐 villain! bill x m! reader fluff
the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the news broadcast was blaring about your boyfriend's newest achievement in somehow managing to flatten another city.
you were stuck under the sheets in writhing agony. your nose was clogged, your throat was sore, and you felt like venus in terms of temperature on the outside and uranus on the inside.
you had one of those fever patches stuck onto your forehead and you were covered in layers after layers of blankets, and you were still wearing your pyjamas due to your lack of energy.
if you even tried to turn your body, your limbs would ache like they had just been stabbed with a paper multiple times. it took you 30 minutes to even shimmy your way to the kitchen to grab the fever patch from the fridge and a glass of water.
not to mention, you hated blinking because the inside of your eyes somehow managed to feel like they're on fire.
"darling? I'm home." your boyfriend calls out as he steps into the apartment, holding a paper bag full of groceries.
his boots click down the hallway after he set the paper bag onto the kitchen counter. he stops in front of you and his shared room and slowly, he creaked the door open, letting light spill into the dark trenches of the room.
"hon? is everything okay?" he asks, walking over to you and sitting on the bed next to you.
"I don't know," you croaked out, your voice sounding like you had the sahara desert in your throat, "I think I'm sick."
"oh, dear..." he slowly pulled the blankets down and pressed the back of his hand against your neck to test your temperature. he winced when all he felt was something akin to boiling hot lava on your skin, and he said, "yeah you're definitely sick."
you were a little upset when he pulled his hand away. you missed the coldness of his skin.
"fuck," you grumbled, "sorry, Bill..."
"what are you sorry for?" he asked, smiling apologetically.
"for our date tomorrow." you sighed.
"oh, honey, you don't have to worry about that." he replied, "we can always reschedule."
he kissed your forehead and said softly, "you rest. I'll go cook something up for you and I think we have some paracetamol left in the restroom."
"okay..." you choked out, and he left the room.
you shut your eyes, trying to sleep, hoping that when you woke up, it'll be all better.
that was proven hella wrong. when you woke up, your fever just came back in full force. you were sneezing like crazy, one nostril was blocked and the other was leaking, you were shivering and the blanket made you feel like you were about to get a first degree burn.
Bill came into your room soon with a tray of warm chicken soup, and some paracetamol with warm water. he placed the tray on the nightstand next to you and said, "take the pill first."
you took it as he said, and swallowed it down with the warm water. then, you took the tray of warm chicken soup and though you couldn't smell anything, you still ate it.
though it tasted bland, you could feel better, just by a little bit. once you finished the soup, he took the tray and left the room.
you slowly scooted back into bed with the amount of strength left in your limbs, and returned to sleeping.
you heard the door creak open and someone step in, before taking a seat next to you, but you didn't have the energy to check.
before you fell asleep, you heard,
"get well soon, liebling."
and a cool kiss against your sweaty temple.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
weekly show reviews
between us - ep. 12/12. gotta be honest, any coherent thoughts i might have had just flew out of the window because of waantul. i do think their resolution was incredibly rushed, but it's hard to complain about it when tul was there saying stuff like "can you be my future?" and "i want to be your safe zone". waan never stood a chance. and you know what else never stood a chance? my sanity as soon as waan started to take off tul's clothes, but let's just not go there. it was a nice final episode, where all the pairings got their little moment to shine, but im not sure i'd call it satisfying ;;;;;; overall i think the show as a whole would have benefited from being shorter (10 episodes would have been enough imho) and from taking out at least one side pairing. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad show, i still enjoyed it a lot, but at times it felt pretty repetitive and i think the resolution between win and team got dragged along way too much. the insanely high expectations that everyone had for the show also didn't really help it. still, winteam remains one of the best pairings i've seen in BLs and im definitely gonna miss them.
candy color paradox - ep. 06/08. this is probably the first japanese BL that isn't quite doing it for me and i can't really explain why. despite the terrible things he did, during this episode i found myself being more interested in inami kei and his secret love for his friend rather than in onoe and kaburagi's relationship, which.. isn't good ;;;;;; i still hope the last two episodes will make me come around tho!!
cutie pie 2 you - ep. 04/04. THEY GAVE JAYFOEI THE MOST PERFECT HALF INTERACTION THAT IM GONNA USE TO FUEL MY CLOWNERY FOREVER SO I REALLY COULDN'T BE MORE SATISFIED WITH THIS. like it happened with the show, i still found jay, foei, and nueasyn to be the most enjoyable part of it, but i actually ended up liking this special significantly more than the last couple of episodes of the main series, maybe because there was more communication between lian and kuea, so im glad it happened, even just so i could say goodbye to the show with nicer feelings towards it!!! i also really liked the way they shot the last scene, because it suddenly felt more like a korean BL rather than a thai one, but im not an expert on this, so i could just be talking out of my ass ;;;;;;
history 5: love in the future - ep. 05/10. somewhere in this there's a plot i really like (time travels are the kind of things i tend to enjoy, just like timeloops), so it makes me incredibly sad that i can't quite click with this show. dai zhe ni and hai yi are a bit too chaotic for my taste, and there are some old tropes that i was hoping we were moving away from. im enjoying the side pairing a bit more, mainly because i find wen hsen very charming and adorable when he drops his composure as soon as huai hen isn't there to see him, but they still suffer from some questionable writing, especially in this episode.
i will knock you - ep. 11/12. PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH. CAN'T BELIEVE EVEN MY FEEL GOOD SHOW COULDN'T ESCAPE THE 11 EPISODE CURSE. of course noey doesn't really mean what he said and im pretty sure someone (maybe thiw?) said something to him to make him change his mind in the short time it took thi to talk to his mom on the phone, but IT STILL HURTS AND THEY WERE SO MEAN TO HAVE THI DANCE ALONE IN THE END CREDITS. THEY BETTER GIVE THEM THEIR HAPPY ENDING OR I WILL RIOT. im willing to forgive some of their crimes only because they gave me a hint of side lesbians AND THAT'S EVERYTHING TO ME.
individual circumstances - ep. 03+04/08. im honestly not sure how i feel about this show ;;;;;; i do spend most of the time being frustrated and yelling JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER at my screen, though, so.. maybe that's not good ;;;;;; i do like the use of the novel as a way to mirror their story and give us a glimpse into woo jae's thoughts, however most of the time i find it hard to sympathize with him. the interactions between the manager and yeon woo in ep 4 were actually far more interesting and entertaining to me ;;;;;;;
my school president - ep. 08/12. THESE KIDS CONTINUE TO BE UTTERLY DELIGHTFUL TO WATCH AND GIVE ME INSANE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN. OH TINN'S FANTASIES, HOW I'VE MISSED YOU. however, as funny as they are, i appreciate how the real moments he shares with gun always end up being better and more significant for their relationship. they really have one of the healthiest dynamic i've ever seen and are probably gonna ruin me for any other pairing because now im just gonna expect the same kind of emotional maturity from all characters in existence. win and sound also have me by the throat, but then again i always enjoy a good enemies/rivals to friends to lovers when it's done right. sound also quickly climbed up my list of favorite characters and i think his friendship with gun is really cute. GUN AND HIS MOM MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME TEAR UP EVERY TIME. i just hope tinn's mom is gonna be as understanding when she's gonna find out that tinn lied to her (which, btw, i don't blame tinn for: if a kid doesn't feel comfortable and safe talking to their mom, then that's on the parent, not the child).
never let me go - ep. 07/10(?). palmnueng is making me rabid. benchopper is making me rabid. this entire show is making me rabid in ways i can't really explain. i do understand the criticisms about the plot, but i personally don't mind the island getaway: when set roles and social classes play a big part in a relationship dynamic, having the characters being placed somewhere where those kind of rules aren't as strong is a pretty common narrative device to put them on a more equal ground and bring them together. i also think they are gonna pay the consequences for it, because im pretty sure that sadly tanya is going to die, which will make nueng reject palm, so im willing to overlook some stuff if it means letting them have some temporary happiness. or maybe im just biased because i find every single dynamic in this show incredibly compelling ;;;;;;; im pretty sure the final kiss is gonna enter my list of favorites of the year because it was SO GOOD and i absolutely loved the parallels with their first one.
the new employee - ep. 06/07(?). GROWN ASS MEN BEING CUTE AND IN LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE SUCH A WEAKNESS FOR ME. "do you want to see my cat?" is also quite possibly the best pick up line i've ever heard. im very glad it didn't turn out to be an euphemism ;;;;;; something tells me that the reason seung hyun wasn't hired is probably linked to what's making jong chan looking kinda worried when he's at work, so i wonder how they're gonna deal with it. viki is listing only 7 episodes instead of the 8 on mdl, which means the next one is gonna be the last and im not quite ready to say goodbye to them.
gap - ep. 10/12. the final boss made her move so IT'S TIME TO KILL AN OLD LADY. in an unexpected turn of the events, nop has also become the most sensible character in the show. who would have thought. i do wish mon and sam would stop defaulting on running away and getting jealous as soon as an issue arises, but im glad they actually managed to communicate this time around. and i do think they got married (however symbolical it may be) a bit too soon, if i have to be honest, but im also fully aware that there are a lot of things im willing to overlook for their sake. at 49 minutes length, this was also the shortest episode of the series up until now, so it's making me wonder if it's because they cut a lot of teeyuki scenes. im still trying to understand why they even decided to cut them out tbh, but at least we got cher and risa.
dirty laundry - ep. 03+04/06. i admit i liked the first two episodes a bit more, but the show is still insanely funny while also having a solid plot: the mystery of who took the briefcase is well done and pretty entertaining imho. the entire cast is also doing a fantastic job, but i have to admit film in particular keeps surprising me with each episode. maybe it's because the only roles i saw her in before this were eugene in not me and earn in 2gether, but i didn't expect her to be so insanely good at comedy. i love to watch her play as neon and im starting to like her and night together a lot!!!
the warp effect - ep. 07/12. i was expecting what happened to kat and yet it still was incredibly distressing to watch. i do ship her and jean quite a lot, but honestly i just hope she's gonna be okay and that they won't make her change her mind about relationships by the end of the show, because women have every right to just have fun and stay single if that's what they want. i'd actually be okay with jean ending up with tony (if he doesn't turn out to be an asshole too), but sadly i don't have much hope for it. jan and silvy have great chemistry and are doing an amazing job as nim and molly, and the same goes for fluke and thor as army and joe. im not sure if they're going down the asexual joe route, or the joe being side route, but either way it makes sense for him to not tell army about it since army seems to consider penetrative sex as more 'serious'. after what happened it's understandable that he would try to protect himself and his heart again, so i can't wait for army to surprise him (and us) positively on this!!!! a huge shout out to singh and ciize as well, they were AMAZING in that last scene, though i admit it was pretty frustrating to watch ew walking straight into disaster when he 1) knew what he was risking and that he was in the wrong, and 2) could have just talked!!!!! to liu!!!!! IM SERIOUS PLEASE JUST TALK TO YOUR PARTNER MAYBE IT WON'T SOLVE STUFF AND MAYBE YOU'LL BOTH DECIDE YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH OTHER PEOPLE BUT YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE. also there's something shady about liu's boss and i don't like it one bit.
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skitsoulmaty · 3 years
umbrella [ jjk] | part one
Tumblr media
genre(s): angst, a little bit of fluff, strangers lovers au
pairings: jeon jeongguk x reader
word count: this is the first part & it contains 900ish words 
warnings: heartbreak, hell of angst, mental illness, a bit of violence (not in this part tho but its gun be there in the upcoming parts), one sided love kinda ?? death, blood, mentions of hospitals.
synopsis: jungkook is still in luv with his ex lover but in the rain that day he meets a girl coated with stardust. 
taglist: aaa i dont really have anyone to tag :(( if u want to be added to my taglist, just send an ask or dm me ^-^
note: this is my first series & my first post on here so im quite nervous but i hope it goes well ahahah :(( english isnt my first language so i hope u can ignore grammatical errors, if u find one 🤍 u can try listening to ghosting by txt while reading this. but yes pls enjoy this it took me a lot of time to word it <3
this is a work of fiction. any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.  © sakura, 2021.
it was one of the gone-wrong picnic days. the day had brought a sky of granite-grey clouds ruffling in ripples, indicating it was about to invite a street of colourful umbrellas to blossom.
and then it did. it came with its heaven given soundtrack, as a million soul fragments in a chorus. together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum. the pearl-like drops washed every hue into a strong and soulful vibrancy.
crystal clear raindrops hit the stony ground as water seeped inside the jarred ground to mitigate the brittle dried up earth from the harshly flaring brilliant rays of that scorching sphere of fire. the droplets paused on the surface before being engulfed into the soil. it turned dark like molasses under the glossy strands of grass.
but it was not that tranquillizing for jeongguk.
the world resembled his emotions with his darkened over-clouded heart. the raindrops came falling down just like his tears. he was on the street, alone, and the only one who did not have an umbrella.
with every splash that touched the boy's skin, his jacket gave up on keeping his body dry. water began to soak the bottom of his pale blue jeans, deepening the denim to a stronger hue, and bringing his timberlands to a glossy water-shine. he breathed in the pouring rain as it dampened his dishevelled locks.
he wandered amidst a harmonious choir of raindrops. water poured over his skin so vigorously that it felt as if he was in the flow of a river rather than a rain shower. he could not seem to figure out if he had a lot of thoughts or none at all. everything looked dusky, dull and grey. a nostalgic sensation had crawled in and washed over him when he saw the rain-washed street. it gripped his emotions with might, suffocating him.
he missed her.
jeongguk was like a wilting flower. he was weak, broken, and delicate. deprived of affection and slowly crumbling down.
he studied the way water would pour down in soft cascades, the vibrant image of a summer storm and liked how the very sound could create a sense of silence without loneliness.
they had to fall, he thought. they had no alternative. they had no escape. nowhere, but down on the rugged, solid surface. they had to face their destiny, what the future had in store for them. after they descended, the drops vanished between a billion others. they were not seen anymore, like their value had dissolved after that very moment. they were gone.
maybe he should feel glad; glad that his lifeline was longer. but he wasn't. all his happiness had been sucked when she left. it had been a year, yet his heart still grieved and yearned for her.
the bitterly raw wind swooshed by, pulling him away from his thoughts. some youngsters' laughter was heard faintly from a distance. the world around him was unaffected by his suffering. untouched and unbothered by the agony that he is experiencing.
perhaps he was hallucinating, or his vision was fuzzy, but for a second he thought someone was observing him.
"hey there, boy. you look so miserable that someone might mistake you for the male version of oizys!" it was the voice of some girl. it was the kind of deep voice that is so very easy to fall in love with, that auditory caramel.
(oizys was the ancient greek goddess of grief & anxiety.)
jeongguk felt enticed to the voice as if it were a magnet. he finally looked up desirous to know who that velvety voice belonged to.
his eyes fell onto were her lips. they were coral and looked soft even in the dark rain, curved up in a smile. then the rest of her face. it would be an understatement to say that he was allured. she had extremely fine, sculpted features. her silvery grey eyes glittered in the gloom, glinting with hope and curiosity. her smile, flawless and delicate. her face was luminescent, a gentle glow. she had the appearance of soul fire sparking against the ice.
she was clad in a white hoodie reaching down till mid thigh with the hood over her touseled brunette hair. her milky appearance made her stand distinctly against the faded surroundings. in the cold mini storm she stood firm.
her innocent aura drew him in.
the mystery girl snapped closed her umbrella, releasing a gravity-defying plume of small droplets. she pulled down her hood and shook her hair to gain some life back into her flattened locks which slowly got drenched.
she noticed that he had looked at her. she pouted when there was no response from jeongguk. “oh i'm really sorry. i didn’t mean to offend you. i should not have joked about that,” she paused and opened her umbrella again, and this time put it over his head, preventing the raindrops from hitting his skin.
she tilted her head and continued, “but, joli garçon, did you really think the rain could mask your tears?”
yes that was it for the first part,,,, it certainly isnt as good as some of authors here but i tried jdhjsjhsj the second part is coming soon :) pls reblog it would mean a lot !! <3
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Scarface was too fucking boring, didn't make it past chapter 3, but that's good, because that means Baki-Dou time 😍
Time to read the fourth book in this series! Excited to see Musashi <3
Chapter 1
Baki please stop flexing
A FELLA SAYING THE SAME I SAID WHEN YUJIRO PULLED HIS SOB STORY, FR GO TRY SOMETHING ELSE! What happened with that whole "i don't care about fighting" eh Baki?!
Chapter 2
ah no :/
HOLY FUCK is this quality bad!
He wants to taste defeat i see
Oh they removed the... Egg in the back of the neck, nice
God this guy's tits so fat 🥵
Chapter 3
He doesn't even know 🐍
Oh i saw fanart of this scene
Baki, it's your fault that you are bored, you fucking teen
This shit boring ME
Chapter 4
Oh, goroukou is a title
I like how the prime minister is becoming a recurrent character
I thought he said babe for a sec-
That little "oh~" is a bit sus, are the old men... No, it can't be 😳😳😳
I'm fucking choking fuck
"yes <3"
These ppl never learn
Chapter 5
What a way to go, a la gamzee /j
This dude so weird lmao
Dude he has huge round eyes tf you talking bout?
IGDUFSUEASEUURSS he's such a freakkk 😭😭😭
This is the most wtf thing Baki has pulled, remember when this was about fighters fighting? I don't know enough about science for this shit either man
Okay so their hug wasn't Tokugawa being touchy like he is, this guy is even worse, se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer HSHAFSFG
Chapter 6
Baki's dead
Katsumi about to kill get killed by my grandpa i see
Katsumi bro don't be so happy over nearly killing him-
I love seeing him get better tho
Uwaadgsgsjdga 😍😳🤤 twisting my hair irl,,, 🥴
Finally Motobe remembered he was a character here 😐
I LOVE that they got dark lips again
Jack's scar looks cool ngl
Retsu living the good life lmao
Hana just doesn't care, smartest Baki character lmao
Idk what they talking bout but good for em <3
Cum basement
Chapter 7
Obsessed he thought his heart was failing 😭
Dude you can just hear the heart beat of your friends/opponents just like that? 🤨
Notice Gaia in the top left 🥴
Thick 🥵
Unironically built different
Chronic back pain if you ask me, that's how I stand to relieve my agony
Did. Did you just call him a femb-
I love John sm lmao
Mr Musashi has 2 (3?) dads
Chapter 8
Those things look like boobs
Bet you would know eh SHAFADB
They jerked off the mummy?
Reminds me of eye surgery
Mf came out the tube ripped af 😭
Chapter 9
Everyone is so feminine lately good ol Kureha fell behind 😭
I like his bandana tho it's cute
Fat tits 🥴
Eheojeudkshs 😖😳👉👈
You know like i understand Baki, he is at the highest he can be rn, NO ONE can defeat him, but the rest? Like c'mon y'all just beat each other up or something
Ah, the miracle of birth 😍
Chapter 10
I love how all these two do is hang out together in bars, boybosses
I love what they have
Hana thinking of getting his 4 limbs broken again i see
WOOO!! Nice cock Mr Musashi 😳
Chapter 11
I love those freaks
I just now I'm seeing the little scars on his cheeks from the fight with Spec ☺️
I love the fact that Musashi has hair in his legs BUT not his arms like ??? Okay king
Heated scientist moment
Chapter 12
UTSURAARSDFAFA sibling goals
Holy shit she's amazing
Chapter 13
And his ass is very thick too 😳
Those fucking sunglasses, obsessed
Debatable, he got struck by lightning :/
Nooo they censored the cock again 😔😔😔
"I'm exciteddddd" "ok."
Chapter 14
You just hate seeing a girlboss win
She truly is amaizing
Also i just realized spirits have been showing up since the first book so this isn't so crazy lol
Chapter 15
Glad seeing some things never change
He looks so much like Jun
Someone question if Yujiro knew how too write obsessed,,,
Chapter 16
Goddamn it you got even older in the past 3 or so chapters bro
Mouth to mouth soul transference
Some mf got turned on by this HELP 😭
Chapter 17
I love how Yujiro and Hana are still getting ready to throw hands while this happens lol
Okay yeah that was super disrespectful honestly, guy is having a chat :/
God i thought it was Hana the one grabbing some random lady for a second AFDJSJSSJS
He cute af ngl
Fsr I'm surprised he can talk, like it should be obvious but in all the fanart i saw he never said a word, also, he's so damn respectful 😍
Chapter 18
Idk he was never that clever /hj
Hehehe blood
I love how John can only sit that way
The size of his balls lmao
Coward won't even fight with his dick out smh :/
God he mad cute-
Chapter 19
Hm i think this random tiny bald man is not Tokugawa but someone that looks awfully similar to him
Apparently there was a cameo, i don't know enough about anime to know or care
Chapter 20
He's tripping balls
Tokugawa should have gone a bit slower with this poor guy, this is like a lot to process at once <:/
Nvm he's doing better than me
Oydirsusefs look at himmm
Chapter 21
Musashi be like °_°
He's just chilling, mentally killing this dude
Murder baby
Chapter 21
The way his eyes are drawn is so cool
And he jokes too! Wow I'm in love 😍
I remember a show where you would bring your own knives and swords and go thru a bunch of test, Musashi should have been one of them
Mf truly is like :]
I love how he didn't buy it
I can't wait for him to fight Yujiro 😍
Chapter 23
He truly is 😌
He was happy this time at least, 5 times he lost already btw
Tokugawa truly in unhateable lmao
Chapter 24
Oh I forgot Musashi does that
I miss when translators would add notes i don't want to google shit myself :/
"I'm hard as rock" /j
Chapter 25
Look how happy he issss
I love how Tokugawa can't believe he got it first try and it's trying to lie now sjdakdyv
This mf is actually making me insane what the actual fuck i don't know what he has but he's gonna make me act up 😳
Mf be shadow boxing too dammit /j
Baki please
Chapter 26
Look at the size of Baki's eyes holy fuck lmao
He's gonna yeet him!
Chapter 27
How little time passed? They have barely moved
Yeah you did it last book too Baki
King shit
Chapter 28
I love how he only now realized
Okay no he has a point
I love how he just calls him boy
Look at that smug face
I trust Musashi but at the same time he, really should be walking around this new world alone. Now, if i were to accompany him... 🥴/j
Baki please
Chapter 29
I love how soft the artstyle suddenly got, like if done big a big brush
Yujiro you just insulted every single anime character in history
Baby Baki's just like "Ok."
I like how Yujiro looks here
HOHO badass
Chapter 30
He died 😔
Idiot hasn't even beat he 0.5 reaction seconds lmao 🤣
HOHOOOOO?!? 👁️👁️
"my curiosity exceed my fear!!" I RESPECT THIS MAN SO MUCH??
Chapter 31
Fighter to fighter communication
He's just gone now LMAO
I honestly don't mind Baki being weak against this, he never fought against a two handed swordman, this is new territory
Chapter 32
Oh his really tripping balls now this is why he shouldn't be alone
I just now realized he's barefoot
Nice ass king
The policemen are quite nice
He's very cooperative but i can't blame the cops either
Chapter 33
Yeah no shit that must be so insane
That's kinda funny but idk man he's right i think
He's just like :3
I love how he isn't picking up a fight out of malice but rather just instinct like, he can't understand shit that is going on
Chapter 34
Don't you fucking dare shave him Itagaki
It's funny how it took 2 books and a half for Baki to start being a protagonist
Holy fuck did Baki add height or is Miyamoto that big?
Wow how perfect i ran out of space just now!! Having fun with this book ngl :]
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luvuwite · 3 years
all ov them rn
i think i hate you
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 
i love my parents wtf
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? 
03: Do you regret anything? 
04: Are you insecure? 
prOBABLY? im not too sure
05: What is your relationship status? 
06: How do you want to die? 
hopefully not in agony
07: What did you last eat? 
08: Played any sports? 
swimming ones in freshman year, floor-hockey in 6th
09: Do you bite your nails? 
when im nervous yes
10: When was your last physical fight? 
never fought before
11: Do you like someone? 
shRUGS love is a weird subject for me
i like my friends tho they’re pretty wicked..
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 
please dont do it its one of the most painful things you can ever do
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
uhhh not that i can think of no
14: Do you miss someone?
15: Have any pets? 
my sister
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? 
my heart is going doki doki and im very excited and happy rn
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? 
18: Are you scared of spiders? 
no not really i just hesitate to take action
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 
im not sure, life is goING and yknow its going ight rn and im habby with that
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 
what does snogg mean
21: What are your plans for this weekend? 
i don’t have anythign i believe
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
if my other partner wants some sur, im in between 
23: Do you have piercings? How many? 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 
no not rlly
26: What are you craving right now? 
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 
28: Have you ever been cheated on? 
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 
30: What’s irritating you right now? 
more of annoying than irritating 
31: Does somebody love you? 
i have
no idea
but q loves me im pretty positive on that
32: What is your favourite color? 
i like the COLORS OF THE RAIN- purple
33: Do you have trust issues? 
im not sure? kinda i think tho i dont wanna be like “OMG I HAVE TRUS-” you get where im coming from
34: Who/what was your last dream about? 
HMMMM one of my irl friends
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 
honestly yeah i think so
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 
easier to forgive since its always the small thigsn that come back
38: Is this year the best year of your life? 
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 
51: Favourite food? 
SOUP and strawberries
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 
i think decisions lead to consequences, have it be good or bad
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 
charge my phone LOL
54: Is cheating ever okay? 
nope and you will never change my mind with that
55: Are you mean? 
can be
tho im probably not that intimidating HAHA
56: How many people have you fist fought? 
057: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather? 
thunderstorms or snow
59: Do you like the snow?
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 
HOENSTLY i didn’t like it at first but i kinda grew into it slightly
62: What makes you happy? 
wendys, sweaaters, my sister yknow the usual
63: Would you change your name? 
no i like my name 
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 
why.. woULD I KISS THEM that kinda gay
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 
treat them as the best friend they are wtf is that gonna do
“haha u have a penis now you’re useless to me?” gtfo they are my friend
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
nO??? there’s Strange but i treat him just ask all my other friENDS??
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 
uhh omi
69: Do you believe in soulmates? 
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
my SISTER shes mine no one touch i will :knife:
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mousehole5000 · 3 years
the rest... of... book 4..... through chapter 225
i sad.
“He was lying to himself and lying to others! All nothing but deceit! No matter what, it was impossible to pretend nothing had ever happened, and it was impossible to return to before!!!” - i know :(
“Before Feng Xin went, he was afraid. Now that Feng Xin had gone, he wasn’t scared any longer. But, even though he wasn’t afraid anymore, he was in deeper agony.” - ah yes. being afraid of your friends leaving so you do things to drive them away so you can have something to point to and say that you were the one who made the choice and you dont have to fear it anymore. except that has never once worked out ever and turns out losing people just means you lost them and it still hurts. not that i would know or anything.....
“He saw upon the table there were a few plates of horrid-looking dishes that were now cold. They were what he made the queen take away without eating a single bite the night before. Now, he pulled them over absent-mindedly, and ate everything, not daring to leave behind a single leaf, afraid to miss a single grain of rice. After he ate he started puking.” - this broke me and the bad cooking isnt funny anymore :(
all this happens after they have money again. no further commentary on this chapter
i know for a lot of book 3 i just wanted hua cheng to go away but now i would give anything for wuming to come and interrupt these interactions with white no-face
“Lang Ying, a brute commoner, led an army and destroyed Xianle. With the aura of the king enveloping his body, ordinary evil wouldn’t be able to come close to his person. However, at this moment, what Xie Lian brought with him were millions of souls of those who died on the battlefield!” - interesting to think about this story from lang ying’s point of view. the bit about his wife and child... oh my god... the things we carry with us...
“Will it really be alright to leave him like this? How about, I give him a cup of water?” - cup of water motif is back... ouch
“One person. Just one. Really. Just one person was enough!” - for like 20 minutes after reading this i really was just sitting here thinking about every time a stranger did me a small a kindness and the times i did the same it just made me cry harder i love people and they really can be awful and choose to be cold and cruel but it means that when they choose to be kind..... it doesnt negate the cruelty but its still indescribable.. and being able to see that and remember that even after all the pain..... 
ugh still just thinking about the times ive gone through something that changed me and having the cold numb fear that i would never be the same as i was before that i would lose some precious part of me forever and wondering if this would be the thing that finally did it... i dont know if ive ever actually experienced a piece of media that really make me think about that tbh
“Stop thinking so highly of yourself! I don’t need you to teach me anything, I can learn on my own. If you represent heaven’s will, then something like heaven’s will should be destroyed!” - why is defying the heavens so sexy.... keep it up (edit after white no-face identity reveal: HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!)
the fact that xie lian went through what he did and got nothing out of it and in fact lost everything he had left due to the trauma,,,,, but just one person is enough for him to willingly offer to do it again, even if all he could save is one person,,,,,, crying again.... and who it is who takes it all on instead... ok...
“After all, everyone knew that Mu Qing ascended because he cleaned up all the remaining stubborn resentful spirits in the old capital of Xianle, so to understand it as “generous and kind” wasn’t unreasonable. In any case, everyone in the old capital of Xianle were all very grateful for him.” - its not unreasonable at all!!! this boy picks cherries for his mom and the neighborhood kids leave him alone
“Shaking his head, Xie Lian contemplated, then he ladled two large bowls of rice, one offered inside the Temple of Ju Yang, the other inside the Temple of Xuan Zhen. Finally, feeling that everything served its purpose, he clapped his hands close, completely satisfied.” - please i just want them to be friends again
ruoye........ xie lian bidding farewell to the tiny red flower.... ok i feel a totally normal amount about all these things
book 5 time!!!
xie lian king of taking a third option.. no one dies in the kiln at all we’re just leaving bitch
“Xie Lian didn’t know why he had to use his hands to cup Hua Cheng’s cheeks, but he did so subconsciously, probably so he could comfort him, but also because Xie Lian was afraid Hua Cheng’s face would be frostbitten by the snowstorm.” - gay people.....
“This giant stone divine statue must’ve been sculpted when Hua Cheng was trapped inside the Kiln, when he was severely beaten down and in intense suffering.” - ohhhh my god. okay. okay. look. i get it....
“The divine statue obeyed his command and took off with a gigantic, wide step, going along with the rolling current of snow. One slide was several miles, and the snow waves it created crashed around its body. Because both its arms were open, even though it was a body of a million tons, it still maintained good balance.” - HELL YEAH!! HELL YEAH LETS FUCKING GO LETS GOOOOO
the statue that requires transfers of spiritual energy... statue of make you kiss me i see how it is.....
“Hearing this, Hua Cheng raised his brows, his expression seeming to say, please have them beat each other to death, that’d be great.” - when you dont like your SO’s friends and they dont like you
“With a sharp sword in hand, Xie Lian was like a tiger with wings added, his might increasing exponentially, and he struck out!” - YES!!! GET EM!!!!
“No one could blame him for not knowing what was going on. Perhaps, he was confused the entire way: Why was he beaten? Why was he buried inside a wall? Why was he turned into a daruma doll? And why did he have to turn into a sword, too? There was not a single point where he’d figured out what was happening.” its okay qyz its okay i know honey me too
HELLO?? SQX IS BACK???? omg what a development omg omg okay okay interesting... okay so shi wudu would have rather died than lose everything but shi qingxuan is still trucking
“Hua Cheng responded lazily, “Oh? So you mean to say, beggars can’t save the world? Is it because they don’t have the ability to, or because they’re not worthy?” - KING okay i know this is a motivational tactic but also... who was it who took on all the souls for the human face disease and did in fact save the world back then hmmm?
absolutely enthralled by the fact that in chapter 207 we find out that the guoshi is in fact just. still here. and the name of the chapter is "Seeking Affection; Ghost King Fakes Displeasure” which i mean that happens too but fjasdlkfajsld
bruh okay. okay. okay. everything is happening okay. okay. chaos in the heavens okay. ling wen is still invited to kiss me on the mouth tho idc
“Indeed Yin Yu didn’t have enough confidence, and said weakly, “Chengzhu has shown me grace, he saved me…” “I know,” Jun Wu said. “He even helped you pacify and send off the resentful spirit of Jian Yu, who died during banishment, am I right?” - awww im glad they resolved that bit that whole situation was awful also give me the forbidden hua cheng ghost king lore...
“Yin Yu finally couldn’t take it anymore. He clenched his fists tight, his knuckles cracking, and he whipped around. “I DO RESENT HIM! I DO HATE HIM!!! BUT, SO WHAT??” - yin yu kiss me on the mouth right now
“Xie Lian hugged him. “It’s alright, it’s alright. These are all small matters, really. Your Highness Yin Yu, just live in this world for another few hundred years and you’ll know that none of that really matters. Either driven to madness or really wishing someone would die, whichever. Who in the world has never had such thoughts? I’ve even thought of massacring all in the world who had wronged me, it’s true, and no lie, I’d almost done it. But look at me, haven’t I shamelessly lived until now? You haven’t actually done anything in the end, and that’s the most important thing.” - he’s right im crying again
“But…in the end, I…still think…it’s so unfair,” Yin Yu sobbed. “If I was already destined to be no one remarkable, then at the very least, I…wanted to be a kind and perfect person. But…I couldn’t even do that. It’s really…so unfair. And truth to be told, even in this moment, just thinking that I’m dying for Yizhen, this little dummy, I still can’t get over it. I can’t even let go and die with a heart with no resentment and no regrets, what is that.” - YIN YU YOU CANT DIE NOOOOOOO youre the only man in this whole book i would kiss why does this always happen im actually really sad ;_;
“If the Rain Master was killed directly, and a better heavenly official couldn’t be found to replace her, the people put food above all else; if agriculture isn’t running smoothly, the world will be thrown into chaos. You don’t let people eat, people won’t give you a job. Besides being displeased with the Rain Master, the people of the world might also begin to be dissatisfied with the great god above Rain Master’s head. Which means, if he isn’t careful, the fire can burn all the way onto him. If things aren’t controlled adequately, it might incur riots to topple gods.” - rain master my friend rain master... also yes!!!!! food production!!!! critical!!!!!!! theres a lot you can get by without but food is not one of them!!!!!
“Feng Xin was Xie Lian’s servant, his good friend, but not his slave. He could’ve built his own home, had his own family. And he had actually already met those people, but the encounter just had to be during Xie Lian’s first banishment, the toughest days they suffered back then.” i am very sad about all of this
hua cheng in the palace of ling wen looking for the brocade immortal while the heavens are in complete chaos as the world turns on its head and STILL taking the time to beg for kisses is making me lose it fjalkdfjlsd
oh my god the guoshi and the cards thing..... hmmmm
delighted that mount tong’lu has such great significance beyond just being the kiln or whatever
hmmm crown prince of wuyong... its truly sad... but dude.....
the way that the heavenly capital is literally built out of previous gods... wow
the outright attempt to continue to cycle of trauma that failed simply bc 1. xie lian is his own person and 2. xie lian recieved kindness and gave it back to the world even to the people who refused to help him im ;_;
the absolute mess of xuan ji/rong guang/pei su/banyue/ke mo going down in the palace of ming guang... entertainment
okay i think im to a point where i dont have any possible spoiler knowledge in my brain about what happens next (only thing i have is theres a joke about he xuan eating that i dont understand yet and i think we might get like an emily corpse bride moment but if we do i dont know why) but oh my god things have escalated
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kyuala · 5 years
monsta x in são paulo (19.07.19)
hey y'all this post is to tell my experience during my concert and hi touch event of the we are here world tour last friday night 🤩 so buckle up bc its a LONG ONE but i divided it into categories so u dont have to read everything if u dont want to!
the concert in general: ok so the concert was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. there were about 7 songs i didn’t really listen to a lot or liked before the concert but even those were amazing and had me jumping and screaming and going crazy. they’re all SO much more beautiful irl which is like !!!!!!!!! HOW. and they’re so so SO talented all the choreos were incredible and their voices!!! sound even better irl. hyungwon asked minhyuk to sing a little bit of play it cool acapella for us and his voice 😭😭😭 so sweet it’s like honey. they brought hero back to life which was. an experience to see live tbh. i got to the venue line at 9:30am (10.5 hours before the concert) and i was about maybe 15? rows away from the stage (bc i had to go pee real quick as soon as they let us inside) but im like 158cm (5'2) tall so even tho i was standing on this little protection thingy to be taller i still couldn’t see them that well :( i dont think i saw any choreos in full bc of that but it was still amazing to see them do it irl. they all introduced themselves in portuguese during the first ment it was super 🤩 adorable! most of them only said “oi, eu sou ___” (“hi, i am ___”) but some of them had longer phrases prepared (maybe kh, jh and ck? i believe) which was so awesome to see!! during the second ment, hw talked about how some of their songs were composed by their own members and he did that to introduce “our maknae’s song” (aka mohae) and my soul left my body. after jealousy there was the first vcr which was like a youtuber au vcr and it was so!!!!! cute hyungwon, minhyuk and wonho giving us styling, skincare and exercising tips respectively, jooheon making a burrito he named "honey-to", kihyun and kyun teaching us how to make coffee and how to speak english resp and of course nunu's famous asmr mukbang 🥰🥰🥰 it was honestly superrrrr cute and funny i remember hyungwon trying to spell a word in english and just going "..........ne" after the first two letters and then kyun snickering skejdkksdk and jooheon making fun of ck for something and ck laughing the fakest laugh i ever seen in my life lmao and i also remember ki telling us to be careful about a lot of things but most of all our hearts bc he's gonna steal them 😷🤒🤕 but yes i loved it it was v cute and v funny and i loved how they were all interacting with each other even tho it was separate videos. after the unit stages, hyungwon revealed that joo had actually changed up his routine for a more samba-like beat specially for brazil 🥺 he confirmed that and we went INSANE and started showing them our own beat (a classic carioca funk "tchu tcha tcha tchu tchu tcha" that we fo with our mouths/words) and at first they were all like ??????? but then they LOVED IT and joined in on the fun. mh and kh were dancing to it the most and it was so funny. hyungwon or minhyuk then asked jooheon if he could incorporate our beat into his beatboxing and he said it was possible and then we were all just going TCHU TCHA TCHA TCHU TCHU TCHA while he was beatboxing along and he said it was difficult skdjkekddk around five or six different times they told us to take steps back and step a little bit away from each other so we wouldn't hurt ourselves or feel ill (hyungwon did it the most, he actually spotted a girl nearly fainting in the front rows and brought staff's attention to her and he only stopped talking about it/got more relaxed when they did something about it). during this same ment they talked about sn's and wh's different choice of clothing for their unit stage and said it was more daring and sexy and shownu said that kihyun actually chose those clothes for them lmao and ki said he chose them bc he knew us brazilian mbbs would love it and we were like wow. They Know we're whores love that. then someone was like "u chose that?? ur kinda conservative tho????" and ki said he's been "open-minded since birth" KDJSKFKDK rip conservative brothers but the way the lady translated it accidentally kinda made it sound that he was like. open for romantic/sexual advances and we were all like 👀👀👀 OKAY. oh also sometime during the concert one of them slipped and nearly fell doing something stupid (i think wonho or changkyun) skndkskdk the second vcr was the seven deadly sins themed and wow. the PRODUCTION. the absolute ARTISTRY of it all. wheres their oscar. it was honestly super cool but minhyuk was the only member that hadn't appeared yet and the only sin left was lust so we were all like 👁️😏 but then it said AGONY. ????????? it was kinda confusing but amazing nonetheless kyun wanted to shoot hyungwon but then he didnt bc the underlying message was that they all committed sins and blamed themselves but managed to find forgiveness by being together aw <3 a random moment that i dont remember when it happened was when kyun was speaking portuguese to us and he was trying to say "vocês querem curtir?" (which is something like "do you want to have fun?") but he messed it up a bit and accidentally said "vocês querem cu...?" which means "do you want asshole?" and we were all like BOY DKEJDKEJDIDKFKS i dont think he knows what it actually means but he corrected himself real quick and moved on to the next song 💀 for the second to last ment they tried to convince us the concert was ending (lmao) and there was only one song left, so we were all shouting "não" ("no") and they were like "we cant go??????" and we were like "no!!!!!" and they were like :/ oh well guess we gotta stay kdnskdjs they had the brazilian flag up there for some time but they also somehow got an lgbt pride flag there too for the pics??? before the ending ment kihyun said that they all have strengths, as i recall kyun's was writing cool songs/lyrics, shownu's was being fun, i think minhyuk's was having a voice like honey? and i dont recall the rest but when he got to hyungwon he just said "being very tall" and we were all like LMAO SAY SOMETHING ELSE ABOUT HIM!!!! and then he said an actual compliment lol for the actual last ment they each said goodbye to us, i specifically remember wonho telling us that the energy we had and him performing on stage for us reminded him of why he was a singer and why he had to be on stage 🥺🥺🥺 and shownu agreed 🥺 kyun(?) said even though he's going back to korea he's gonna feel incomplete bc he's leaving brazil, ki said he liked us so much he could have another 6 concerts here bc our energy would be enough to keep him going and then said something really greasy that i dont remember but obviously loved at the moment. and then they said they're coming back next year 🤩 and they told us to take care of ourselves and wait for them and come back next year (in a bigger venue, they said!) and they all had their pinky fingers up and were saying "promete" ("promise", but as in the imperative verb) to us 😭😭😭
the songs: i was going to put my videos in this post but there’s a video limit so i’m gonna post them separately later but the first song was shoot out and unfortunately i didn’t get to film any of it because i was in SHOCK that they were REAL PEOPLE and RIGHT THERE u know dkjskdkd then was hero and it was INSANE to see it live??? seeing them do the “i can be your hero i can be your man” move IN REAL LIFE????? not to be a kihyun stan but i had kihyun tunnel vision during the entirety of the song lmfao then it was trespass and the energy was INSANE everybody was going absolutely crazy to it esp during the chorus and jooheon’s “excuse my charisma"s!!! after the ment they performed party time and we had this fan project and the people in my area had yellow cellophane on their phone lights and the people in the back had green ones (brazilian colors) and we had them on during the entirety of party time bc they mention brazil in the song and it was just so 🥰🥰🥰 such a vibe! one of the only songs i actually danced to lol party time was next and also a ~vibe~ we all danced a lot to it and after it was over, during the ment, hw asked mh to sing a little of it for us and he was sooo happy to see us sing along and sing the entire chorus even after he had stopped! it was super cute to see him smile so proudly like that. and then it was the loml, my fave mx song, a booty call anthem that somehow moves my heart, miss mohae and as soon as i heard the first few beats i SCREAMED and i was the only one doing that before everybody else realized the song had already started but i didnt even have time to be embarrassed bc i was literally tearing up. honestly hearing it live was one of the best moments of my life bc i have this huge emotional attachment to the song and it was just all super special, i was screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs and dancing and jumping and yelling. seeing kyun’s rap live was amazing and you could actually SEE how proud he was seeing so many people sing a song HE composed you know? he let us rap most of his part bc he was just in awe and wanted to see us sing it back to him. and hyungwon tried to rap jooheon’s part but he got it all messed up halfway through it was SO CUTE and jooheon had an arm around him and was BEAMING WITH LOVE the entire time 😍😍😍 everyone was fonding HARD at him. and the crowd was SO loud during the "don’t kill my vibe, i be on your way, i be, i be on your way” part it was actually deafening. i only recorded one of the choruses bc i wanted to enjoy the rest of the song but here it is! the next song was one of the other lomls, miss jealousy!!! it was absolutely STUNNING!! and yes the crowd went crazy when wonho mentioned shownu and yes that hyungwon+changkyun part IS as overwhelming to experience irl as it looks. after the youtuber vcr came the unit stages and oh. my. god  mh, hw and kh came out first and it was just. so sexy and elegant. and the vocals? 10/10 LOVED that men in suit shit. then was jooheon's and changkyun's stage and HOLY. FUCKIN. SHIT. absolutely my favorite performance of the night it was EVERYTHING to me. the energy was super fuckin cool and we were all jumping around and screaming while they rapped in sexy robes over a cool ass beat it was awesome. in the middle of the performance joo tried to flip a water bottle (???) and he actually failed lol but we were so hype we didnt even notice/care we just hyped him TF up. he later apologized for it during the next ment and the real time translator lady said "desculpa" ("sorry") and changkyun said "yeah, desgupa" immediately after 🥺 then jooheon had a drum solo which ??????? i had zero fucking idea about i was just kinda standing there in shock while he absolutely murdered that drum set right in front of our eyes. AND THEN ck came back and started to rap along to his drumming and i know im saying this a lot but it was SEXY okay i have no other words they were both in muscle tees just out there being their sexiest selves UGH. and AS IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH then came wonho and shownu's stage and uhhhhhhh wow. SEXY AS WELL but also kinda angsty? idk but i loved it they absolutely killed it with the dance and they were wearing see through shirts and the crowd went insane. after that there were the songs i didn't listen to a lot or liked before the concert but they were all still amazing to me!! honestly, i do love u, white sugar and no reason were all SUPER cute!! AND THEN. miss myself came on and oh my god. it was a spiritual experience to see it live. absolutely amazing and breathtaking even though it's so simple. like it's just so elegant and moving. i had to close my eyes a couple times to feel the moment and it was an amazing sensation. also!! a few girls gave us free banners to lift after kihyun's high note and they said 주변을 돌아봐 내겐 다 너니까 꿈이 아냐 (shownu's line, "turn and look around, because you're everything to me this isn't a dream") and it was SO emotional to see a sea of these red banners showing them our love!! 
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it was amazing AND THEN. dramarama oh my god it was so freakinggggg cool! to see the performance live, jooheon milly rocking right in front of my eyes... amazing. everyone went insane during rapline's first part. one of my fave performances for sure!! next song after the ment was oh my and IT WAS AMAZING!! the choreo was just stunning and the energy!! everyone was just jumping around and screaming the lyrics, esp kihyun's line before the last chorus!! and im absolutely obsessed with the choreo, honestly. then special and fallin' were SO COOL, just like the other upbeat songs, the energy was amazing, everyone was jumping around and screaming the lyrics. fallin' was especially hype as hell and minhyuk did this funny low voice dkjskdkd then it was alligator and listen. i hated it when it came out but when they performed it i had never loved a song so much in my life. it was CLEAR it was one of the performances they were working the hardest on and their talents were really shining through 😔 i had ki and shownu tunnel vision unfortunately i missed kyun's iconic hip thrusts sksjdks but theres always next year i guess! so they had just convinced us it was their last song but after a few mins hyungwon came back out and we met H.One hehe i didnt think i would like it bc i thought it would be mostly edm and i dont really like edm but it was just some really good remixes?? he played taki taki and mi gente and everybody went fuckin insane like i remember my knee hurting super bad during this part and he was just. chilling on the stage sjejdjsk BUT THEN CAME THE TRUE GO CRAZY AAHHHH GO STUPID MOMENT OF THE CONCERT: RODEO. boy was it a fuckin ride. truly the time to fuckin wild out at an mx concert. i think it was during this song that minhyuk (?) put a brazilian flag around jooheon's shoulders so we were even more hype!! last song was by my side and it was super calm and bittersweet and like a "goodbye, ily" song :( we had these paper hearts someone gave us and we kept them up for them during the entire song, it was so lovely
the hi touch: ok so the concert ended and we waited around 50 mins for the ht event to start and we were all in a single line that went behind a curtain and THEY WERE ALREADY BEHIND THE CURTAIN SO THERE WAS NO WAY TO PREPARE FOR IT KDJDJDJD they were all standing behind a table and on the other side of the table was some of their staff on a single line to keep people from taking pictures of them and we had to go through the line of staff and the table to see them/touch their hands. it was SUPER rushed i dont think i spent 3 seconds there. my brain absolutely froze bc it was my first time at a hi touch (or first time meeting a celebrity, ever) and it was like 7 people i love and admire all at once so i couldn't manage to say more than "hi" to them and just look at them in shock and i was going faster as they (staff) told me to go faster (stupid) but they were also telling us to use only one hand and not touch their hand with both of ours but fuck that lol so in general they are all real people which is insane??? but also they ARE all SO much more beautiful in real life. like they literally glow. my friends told me they would seem taller and skinnier than i thought but i honestly didnt have the time or the brains to think about that or notice any of that. hyungwon IS tall as fuck though
kihyun: just my luck, my first bias was the first one of the line. as i walked behind the curtain there was a taller girl in front of me in line so i couldn't see much so i had like no time to process anything ksjskdks as soon as i saw it was him i went "oh my god, hi" (yes in english bc i know he understands basic english and doesn't speak portuguese lol) and he was SO sweet like it was literally half a second but his face softened and he said "hiiii" back and gave me the sweetest smile :( hes an angel on earth and i can prove it ok. hi touch aside, he's VERY confident onstage and also VERY greasy lmao he was shooting greasy stuff at us left and right and we ATE IT ALL UP. but he's also incredibly sweet and funny but like we been knew. every time he said something greasy he would expectantly wait for the lady to finish translating so he could see our reaction and afterwards he ALWAYS had that smile where he gets those dimples below his eyes :( he's one of the most talkative members!
shownu: mistre hyunwoo was second in the line and i was still in shock from seeing the loml so all i said was "hi" and he honestly seemed confused that i, a brazilian, was trying to speak english to him, a korean DJJSKDKD but he said hi very quick and had this small smile. he's taller than he seems?? i think? at least onstage and he's also very bashful no matter what he's saying lol unless it's serious stuff like him agreeing with wonho during the ending ment
wonho: ok so i dont remember the order exactly after the first two bc i started to like. have brain death but i THINK it was wonho but i saw him VERY quickly. idk if it's bc i saw him right after shownu or if he was bending forward or what but he's actually shorter than i thought he was. he had the HUGEST smile on his face and was super excited to say hi back to my dumbstruck face lol he's also?? surprisingly commanding?? like he's not imposing or anything bc he's super gentle but he told us to be quiet while he was speaking (.......lol) bc we were screaming and when he started to speak again this group of girls continued screaming and he looked at them DIRECTLY, FROM THE STAGE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MENT, POINTED AT THEM and deadass went "i have already told you to be quiet twice" and everyone was like??? in shock bc we didn't know if he was serious so we were just like 😳😳😮😮 it was very bizarre honestly a surreal moment to see wonho talk like that to any monbebe ever (for the record im not saying he was rude or anything, it was just very surprising to see that happen). i clearly remember these 3 older ladies referring to him as "primo" ("cousin") for some reason during the entire concert and idk why but that's so funny to me? it's kinda stuck in my mind now im gonna start calling him primo. he ripped his shirt off a total of two (2) different times, maybe three, one of them unprompted and unrequested, during a slow song. love that for him
hyungwon: oh boy. here we go. when my friends told me he was the most different one irl and that he was incredibly prettier i was like ok and then i saw him on the stage and was like yeah alright he's a little different but nothing too exceptional but holy. crap. he was never my type but when i saw him face to face i think my mind literally blacked out. like my body was still functioning but my mind just completely shut down when i saw him smiling at me and saying hi. like that didn't happen with kihyun, one of my ULTIMATE BIASES, but it happened when i saw HIM, that's how beautiful he is. im not using any of these words lightly, but he's beautiful, pretty, stunning, overwhelmingly handsome, an angel. he's just indescribable. his hair is so long and pretty and his face is just so soft and beautiful and he has the prettiest looking lips. has heavy vampire boyfriend vibes also. one of the quietest members, i barely have any pics of him bc he was rarely ever on the big screen bc he didnt say much. tall as hell too
minhyuk: listen i am SO SAD about this i was so overwhelmed by hyungwon's face my mind completely blanked when i got to minnie and i have no idea what i did, i don't even know if i said anything or if i just stared at him dumbfounded sjejjdjsd i have no recollection of his face at ALL like my mind was not able to process anything after hyungwon BUT i know he is pretty as hell (wbk) and he's also even sexier on stage!! like his presence and his moves are just very sensual and he is one of the most talkative ones too! we already know that but he is SUPER funny he never missed an opportunity to do something completely bizarre i just love that funky lil cowboy HE HAD A COWBOY HAT OVER HIS CAP DURING RODEO AND HE ALSO WORE THE FUNNIEST BRAZILIAN FLAG SUNGLASSES DURING HIS ENDING MENT HERE HE IS
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jooheon: yall. he is SO. so so so SOOOO much prettier irl like he doesn't LOOK any different like hyungwon does but he's just even more beautiful up close and he also looks taller than i pictured? his whole face was just lit up seeing us and he was super excited to be saying hi to me it was so sweet :( like i am actually even more in love with him now after experiencing that i even dreamed about him that night lmao and oh god I cant even describe how cute his eyesmile + dimple combo is irl 😔😔😔 he talked a lot too and he literally speaks in POUT whenever he said something most of the time it sounded like he was whining it was so cute jdjdjfjd but when he's performing he's a BEAST his stage presence is un-fucking-paralleled he definitely has the strongest one in the group. his mere being there just commands you to pay attention to him in awe it's just very inexplicable. he's just super cute and nice and an angel 
changkyun: oh god I didn't wanna write about my experience with him during the hi touch jsjsjdjs but im gonna try to keep this as neutral as possible. so after i got to jooheon he was the last in line (which was my ideal situation, my two biases - ki and him - in opposite ends so even if i did freeze when i saw one id have time to get over it before the other one) and when i got to him he didn't look at my face, he was looking at the beginning of the line (???) for some reason, so even though i grabbed his hand and said hi i dont remember if he even said it back and i didn't get to look him in the eyes like all the others, which made me really angry as soon as i walked out and then really upset bc i spent 110 reais to see them and one of my two faves didn't look at me when i was right in front of him, but u know it is what it is. i dont think he did it on purpose or that he's an asshole or anything like that, it's just something that happened and upset me. but aside from that, the thing that stuck with me the most out of the entire concert: HE IS INCREDIBLY!!! SEXIER IN REAL LIFE like all my friends who saw mx say hyungwon is the most different but for me it was kyun. he's SO MUCH MORE HANDSOME than in the internet, pictures really do not do him justice. and he has this really hot careless, cool guy attitude in general, like when they/we were hyping him up bc of mohae he was like 🤙🏼 he stared at the floor a lot while the others were talking and like. he knows he's hot thats VERY clear lmao. he's surprisingly talkative. he's very effortless with his moves when he's dancing and that's not saying he doesn't put in effort he just makes it seem so. easy and nicely flowing idk. he was wearing a cap during the hi touch and holy fucking hell he has the nicest profile ive ever seen. thats all
sidenote: PLEASE be careful when camping days before a concert or even hours. a LOT of the people who had spent too much time in line to be closer to the stage had to leave the concert halfway through bc they were literally about to pass out after having spent so much time with poor sleep and unhealthy eating/drinking. enjoy your concert but also take care of yourselves!!
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chinxino5-blog · 6 years
who are you
suckles oneshot  warnings: mentions of being drunk, coarse language. 2268 words
note: sorry this is literally so trashy. it was better in my head. really bad when i edited. i dont have the time to re-edit tho or rewrite - it’s just bad quality. but i still hope it can be of some enjoyment.
next oneshot will be better i promise.
Mason’s head was pounding. And by pounding, he meant it was splitting seven different ways and simultaneously imploding in on itself.
“Urghh.” The moan of pain slipped out of his dry mouth as he squeezed his eyes shut tighter. Light from somewhere was filling the room he laid in and it threw more kindling on the fire of his agony.
Unfortunately, his mind refused to let him resume his slumber, only becoming more and more conscious with every the moment he laid splayed out on likely Toby’s couch, if he remembered the end of his night correctly: far too late and far too drunk. Seeing as there was no possible way he’d be able to open his eyes painlessly for a number of long minutes, he allowed his senses and very broken memory to fill him in on what had happened in the previous twelve hours.
He remembered drinking with Cam until very late. It had been John’s birthday… no- it had been Smitty’s! And with his dumb friends it was tradition on someone’s birthday to get absolutely fuckin’ smashed.
So unsurprisingly, they did.
From the celebrations, the cheering, the dancing: after losing count of how many drinks he’d had, his memory only seemed to be able to catch bits and pieces of the rest of the night. Smitty was definitely sitting in John’s lap at one point, and the images of Cam downing shot after shot across the table flashed behind his eyes. He knew himself well enough to guess he had been doing exactly the same. Other than that, he recalled little to nothing: only climbing back in through Toby’s window and collapsing wherever he deemed comfortable in his drunken haze.
Trying to clear his head and sharpen out the blurry memories was steadily becoming more and more difficult so the Australian stopped himself, letting out a heavy sigh and turning his face more into the cushioning beneath his head.
As he shifted he felt the sticky skin of his back peel away from the leather couch, only to resettle in a sweaty mess of discomfort.
He’d also lost his shirt sometime during the night too, it seemed.
But since when did Toby have a leather couch?
… Mason gave this another few minutes of careless though before furrowing his brows. Toby didn’t have a leather couch. He’d spent weeks living in that house! He knew there wasn’t a single bit of leather furniture in there – so how on Earth was Mason laying on a leather couch?
He regretted opening his eyes instantly. Even just a crack. The brightness poured gasoline into his head, flames erupting outwards.
“Aw, fuck,” he groaned, throat feeling red-raw and just as agonizing as his head.
But no matter the pain, Mason did not like the idea of being not in Toby’s house. So with the limited energy he had, he lifted his hands to cover his eyes and lessened the pain of opening them. He blinked.
This was officially the worst hangover he’d ever had.
Peering through his fingers, it was very easy to confirm he was, indeed, not in Toby’s living room. He wasn’t even in Toby’s house. Had his headache not been so consuming, he probably would have been a lot more concerned. But with this level of agony, all he wanted was a glass of water and some painkillers.
He sat upright, peeling his hot skin from the sticky couch and cringing at both the feeling and the headache. A pair of black skinny jeans were laying on the floor, one leg still caught on one of his feet and he mentally thanked his intoxicated-self for having the common sense not to fall asleep in them.
In his exhaustion, he took a moment to glance around at the room he laid in.
There was a very casual, careless atmosphere to it, not that clean but also not grossly untidy. Another brown leather couch sat beside the one he occupied, both angled to face a big screen that sat on the wall above a cabinet that showed off several different consoles and a rack of coloured controllers.
There was a window either side of the screen, the left one wide open (obviously having been Mason’s entry point the night previous). He wondered for a minute what kind of idiot left their windows unlocked and unalarmed, before swinging his legs off the couch and standing up. Hands on his hips, he stretched up and yawned widely.
The little wooden coffee table had a few magazines and an empty bowl, and his toes curled in the fluffy carpet that covered the floor of the comfy room. The walls were painted a soft grey, matching the white of the carpet. But Mason could tell his attention was not gonna be able to stay with the room for much longer.
Sitting back down and kicking his foot out of his jeans, he picked them up and breathed a sigh of relief to find his phone and wallet still in the pockets.
Friday. 22:03.
john but not really john: mason come home soon and let yourself in
john but not really john: the doors unlocked
Saturday. 00:42.
john but not really john: mason youre gonna die if you keep drinking
john but not really john: you and fitz come back here
john but not really john: come on you fucking dumbass check your phone
Saturday. 00:53.
Missed call from john but not really john.
Missed call from john but not really john.
Incoming call from Missed call from john but not really john.
Saturday. 1:39.
john but not really john: mason. home. now.
zuck my ass: oksy muuuuuuuuuuuiuimm
zuck my ass: hheeheh
john but not really john: is fitz with you
zuck my ass: fitzfitzzyyy is wih dniittttyyyyyyy
john but not really john: okay are you coming now
zuck my ass: eslkinf nowee!!
zuck my ass: vlinmbing in urr wondpw!@!!@
Saturday. 2:31.
john but not really john: where the fuck are you
john but not really john: i hate you. let yourself in if you get here
john but not really john: im going to sleep
john but not really john: text me in the morning.
Toby was gonna be pissed with him. He didn’t remember answering a call at all. Well… He didn’t remember anything to do with his phone in general. He definitely remembered climbing in a window though. It just wasn’t the right window.
The pounding in his head was only getting louder and heavier and he was not ready to call Toby for help without getting some sort of medicine and some damn water. He just hoped the owner of this house was either asleep, or not home.
The second he was in the hallway, he noticed just how silent the place was. There wasn’t a single sound. No ticking of clocks, no sounds from plumbing or electricity. The lights were all off but the morning was bright enough to make things clear. Everything seemed very still and calm.
Perhaps the eeriness of it made him so cautious as he stepped down the hall, staying on the balls of his feet in fear of making any sort of sound. All he needed was water and painkillers. Fortunately, the kitchen was just at the end of the hall, a couple of dried clean dishes in a rack on the sink and a bowl of fruit on the bench.
Mason felt no regret in running the tap cold and lapping at the water like a kid. The cool liquid quietened the clanging in his ears and he sighed, standing upright and wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist.
Now painkillers…
He pulled open drawers, finding utensils, baking instruments, bags, bowls, cups and mugs; everything a kitchen would have. But he didn’t come across any sort of medicine. In his search, he forgot that he wasn’t really supposed to be in this house.
“Hey!” The shout scared Mason out of his skin, the scrawny boy jumping in fear and smacking his head on the door of the overhead cabinet.
“Shit!” he cried out, gripping his head with both hands and turning to face the man in the doorway. He took in messy brown hair, sharp dark eyes and the metal baseball bat held tightly with both hands and staggered back a few steps. “Who the fuck are you!”
“Who the fuck am I!? This is my house!” The combination of complete confusion, panic and fear smacked them both in the face as the homeowner took two steps forward and pointed the bat at Mason. “Who the fuck are you!” Mason stumbled back until he met the counter, eyes wide and fearful at the idea that this guy might actually fuck him up with the metal bat.  
The guy waited, bat still held out but making no motion of actually attacking the random stranger in his kitchen. “Uhh…” Mason glanced around the room, eyes wide and fearful. Thoughts of how exactly he’d escape the room ran through his head in the chance this guy actually tried to hit him. “Mason?” He said his own name with confusion and after another long moment, the baseball bat lowered to point to the floor and the homeowner lifted a hand to his face with a sigh.
“Mason.” The guy spoke with a tone of defeat, realising that the boy was completely harmless. “Why the fuck are you in my house?” he asked, voice far more calm and flat. It was thick with lethargy, and he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and finger.
With his heartrate lowering back to a humane level, Mason took a deep breath. Unsurprisingly, there was no explainable answer to the guy’s question and he didn’t even try to stop the dumb sounding: “Uhh…” from drifting off his tongue.
The guy blinked, brows raised. A moment passed and dark eyes dropped from Mason’s confused face to the rest of him. “Why are you naked?”
Mason’s eyes widened, falling to look at himself in surprise. “Oh fuck,” he said, the biting cold of the room suddenly making a lot more sense. When he looked back up at the guy, he ran his fingers through his hair and tried to make some resemblance of a smile. To relieve the awkwardness? Maybe to come off as friendly? He didn’t know his own intentions, but he knew his headache was getting more and more murderous by the second. “Hey, uh. Do you have any painkillers?”
Another moment. He took a step forward and Mason jumped in alarm, fearing the worst. Instead, the bat was placed on the kitchen counter and the guy ignored Mason, walking to the furthest overhead cabinet. From inside, he pulled a marker and a box of painkillers. He pulled a glass from the drawer beneath, filling it with water and placing it on the bench beside the stranger.
He didn’t give away anything with his expression, other than exhaustion in the bags beneath his eyes. Mason flinched back when a pale hand held itself open in front of him, waiting. Cautiously, he mirrored the action, trying not to react when the man took hold of the back of his wrist and easily popped two pills from the packet into the palm of his hand.
He closed his fingers around them, confusion growing when the hand slipped up further to grip his forearm, uncapping the marker. But something about the guy encouraged him to stay quiet and not bother him with questions. He just waited, soft tip inking numbers along his arm.
“Door’s out there. If I hear you banging around in my house any longer I’ll bury you.” Mason listened in surprise, hand finally released and feeling cold in contrast of the warm fingers that lifted to card through soft-looking brown hair. “Text me and tell me what happened in a few hours when I can actually process shit.”
The ten-digit number made his skin tingle and Mason blinked. The sound of the man’s voice was nice to listen to: deep and rounded. It was unlike other voices he’d heard before and he barely paid attention to what he was telling him, too focused on the sound of his voice. “Uhh, sure. Okay. Thanks.”
He took a step back. The dark eyes scanned him again.
“D’you have clothes?” Curious, still sleepy. Mason glanced down at his nudity again, mouth opening to offer an answer only to be stopped by the guy’s hand held up to face him. “Y’know what? Never mind. I don’t actually give a fuck. Just drink that and go home, uhh… Marson?”
He snorted. “Mason,” he corrected and the guy nodded, waving his hand vaguely.
“Yeah. Mason.”
With that, the homeowner nodded and walked past Mason and out into the hall. He watched him go, confused and stunned and slightly amused in his hungover. The painkillers went down his throat easy and the water helped considerably in refreshing his hot head. Rinsing the cup and sitting it in the sink, he returned to the living room, snatched up his jeans and opened up the phone app.
A sigh greeted him when he put the phone to his ear and he couldn’t help the immature grin on his face at his friend’s dissatisfaction. “Hey Toby,” he said, pinning the phone between his ear and his shoulder. He staggered, trying to yank the jeans up over his feet.
“Where are you?” Tired and already fed up.
Mason giggled. “I climbed into some guy’s house through his window.”
“For fuck’s sake, Zuckles. You’re kidding”
note: again! sorry for the trash-tier writing. ill try improve on it when i have something better plot and better planned to get out here
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scarlet-carson · 5 years
The past
It wasnt an ordinary relationship. It was something so different and thats why im so traumatised by it. I cant stop thinking about it, all the pain all the sadness, the agony, it all comes back all the time. Even tho i love someone else now i still think about him. Not in "i miss him, i still love him" kind of way because i really dont love him and i dont miss him. He made me so miserable. But no matter what i still think about him. I dont even know what i feel when i do. It feels like something in me misses being miserable and abused even tho my mind tells me i dont want that. I dont know what to do.
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