#i really like writing this sibling-esque relationship tho
dustcloak · 4 years
A Huntress, of Sorts
The cart-wheels creaked to a halt, the chocobos at its head coming to rest nervously. The road was little traveled, but since traffic on the main causeways was filling up with Ala Mhigans returning home, there were some adventurous merchants and ‘entrepreneurs’ who thought they might save some hassle and time by taking the old backwoods paths. The Hellsguard sitting above the birds narrowed his eyes, adjusted his dusty, cracked glasses, and tried to make out the time-faded lettering on his map. He jerks as his only passenger stirs behind him, knocking loudly against wood. He looks backwards as her voice cuts through the forest’s calm din.
“Lost, or just need some fresh eyes to read your cheap map?” Her voice is gravely, slow, and just slightly slurred.
“I’m not lost, Madame Du Fortemps.” His voice is like a mountain’s wind, deep and powerful, yet still quiet, breathy. He and the Elezen woman glare at one another through the canvas tarp, and share a brief chuckle. “Still can’t believe that one worked, craziest stunt we’ve pulled off yet.” He scratches at his squared, red beard, arcing his trimmed brows as his eyes focus on the memory he has set in his mind.
“Honest, had no idea you had the chops to pull of something that out there. You ever even met an Ishgardian? Let alone a noble, just one of them traveling commonfolk?” He adjusts his posture and moves to the side, grunting as the lithe, tall woman spills out from the back and orients herself at the front of the carriage.
With one hand, she snatches the glasses off the larger man’s head, and then with the other takes the old map. She has to sweep curtains of long, ice-blue hair from her face, and detangle it from the gnarled wood of the wagon. She bites her thumb as she thinks.
“I’ve improvised stranger roles,” She admits, mumbling unintelligibly as she turns the paper over in her hands, straining her eyes until her brow creases “Honestly, what I wasn’t expecting was the reaction. Mor Dhonan’s must be naive as the seven hells, going so far below the standard fair and selling price on the goods.”
They sit in silence a moment, leaning closer to one another and both glaring down at the faded paper. Her face the picture of angular, tense focus, and his the image of a man too tired to think that hard.
“Why in Nald’s good name did you insist we use this old rag? Are we here…?” She points at a faded splotch on the border between the Black Shroud and Ala Mhigo’s mountains. She peers away from the map, catching sight of the glint of dawn, but no mountains through the canopy.
“No, no, I’ve come this way before when I used to run with Tornstar’s bunch. Got some good paths through the mountains what avoid the customs at the fort.” He sighs, then runs his hand through his hair, and then again through his beard as he counts with his free hand. “First, ye go through the old poacher’s base, through the old cave they mined out and that dingy Gelmorran lowroad, third ye keep your eyes out for the spire of the Church of the Twelve and then head West a day or two on them old backroads.” He points at a clearly marked X, boldly inked in stark black against the muted browns of the ancient parchment. “We stayed at the poacher’s rest there, and then we started going north as we’re s’posed to. Should’ve been that we saw the river by now, it runs through-” Both he and his companion drop their hands to their waists as a voice interrupts. 
“The river out of the Virdjala or out of the Northern Striped Hills?” It’s smooth, like cool water slowly sloshing through your fingers.
They search for the voice, only to have to sit up, lean forward, and look just past their chocobos at a Lalafellin woman dressed in deep-blue travel wear. Along her coat, several bandoliers and belts lay full and dutifully strapped shut. Her sunlit, sandy hair cascades loosely across her shoulders and down to the back of her knees in tangled curls. Her eyes, peering out from between stray locks, are reflective pools of emerald. She’s covered, from metal sabatons to leather shoulders of her coat, in an uneven smattering of wine-red gore.
The two look between one another, before the huge man shrugs. He looks back at the sudden stranger, the long, sackcloth-wrapped pole she’s strapped to her back, the glint of armor beneath the cloth. His eyes though, they’re focused on how she’s standing. The quiet confidence there in her posture speaks louder than any of her road and battle worn gear.
“The one what comes down from the Northern Striped Hills.” He answers tentatively, remaining seated, one hand still on the gun in it’s holster on the back of his hip.
“You missed your turn. The stream which was fed by that river got blocked off during the liberation. That stream is dry now.” The Elezen’s eyes searched for weapons, but all she could easily spot was the covered rod on the little woman’s back. A staff? Maybe, but it’s nearly twice the Lala’s height, there would be no reason to wield a catalyst that large. A spear? Too long for her to take advantage of without mounting something. A sword, then. Maybe the sheath was lost in a scrap, but she still needed to be a little discreet. Still, if it was a sword, it wasn’t suited to her. Even Lominsan marauders her size just wielded weapons made for her folk. Wasn’t like the size of the weapon is what mattered.
“You from here?” The woman on the cart says. She gets her answer, a simple and curt shake of a head.
“I’m Muddy Pond.” The man says suddenly, stepping down from the wagon. He shoots a quick glance up at his partner, shares a conspiratorial wink, and then continues. “That up there is Elaine. We seem to be lost. You’re not from here, but do you know the area?” He gets a silent nod. 
“Wonderful, could we impose on you a bit? We need to get to the town of Ala Ghana, we have perishable goods aboard.” He slaps the side of the wagon, then moves closer to her with slow steps.
She doesn’t respond, just looks up at him with an odd, distant expression. He stops about five yalms away, just out of reach if she were to turn that curtain-covered rod against him.
“Time is of the essence,” He drops to one knee, trying to even the massive disparity in height. “We’re carrying medicine for the wounded being cared for there,” He lets his voice soften, years of practice and no small measure of skill taking over as he lets his instincts guide him. “Elaine is an apothecary who’s agreed to assist the Resistance for a time. With tensions rising on the border, we need every hand on deck.” His voice is nearly a whisper as he continues, since Elaine up above doesn’t need to hear this part to play along.
“Even yours could make a difference,” He holds his hand out towards her, palm upwards. He could swear that for just a moment, her expression shifted. But then, she just walks past his open hand and towards the cart. He tenses as she passes him.
“You may call me Vara. I’ll get you where you need to go.” As her back is turned, he pushes himself to his feet and turns to Elaine. Her face is a perfect mask, gratitude written all over it. In one glance from her though, he gets a shiver up his spine. Calling her an apothecary may be stretching what his partner can accomplish. He gives her an apologetic, cheeky grin while their new company can’t see. He’ll have to get her a drink once the two of them are through with this risky encounter.
“So, Miss Vara.” He says, bounding quickly to his old seat before offering her a hand up, “What do you do? I can’t help but notice you’ve gotten yourself a bit uh, messy.”
“I’m a huntress.” She ignores the offered hand, taking the nearly six feet up to the jockey box in a single, floaty jump. She lands with surprising grace, and then shifts the load on her back so she holds it in one hand off the side of the wagon.
From the cagey reply, lack of eye-contact, and then expectant silence, Muddy breathes deep and takes the hint. He turns the carriage around, and then spurs the chocobos on with a quick whistle.
Elaine lets out a huff of air, blowing a greasy strand of hair from her face. Muddy Pond was snoring louder than an earthquake in the back. It was overselling it a bit, if you’d ask her, but he wanted to make sure their ‘guide’ didn’t open the wrong boxes. Speaking of, the woman who’d introduced herself as Vara had spent the vast majority of the time on the road quietly using a rag and solvent to clear the worst of the gore off of her clothes and hair. She refused to answer questions in more than one or two words, even when giving navigational directions. Still, Elaine could now see the mountains which split the Shroud and Gyr Abania. Once they were in the mountains, they were in the clear.
Only thing was, there was now the question as to how they were going to ditch the huntress they’d tangled up in this. Best case scenario, she just agrees to leave once they reach the mountain pass Muddy knows. Worst case, she insists on sticking around and Elaine has to knock the gloomy bitch out. She doesn’t like the sound of that. Muddy and Elaine had gotten by as long as they had by knowing when to pick their fights. Given the condition in which they found her, whoever this ‘huntress’ was, it wasn’t someone Elaine wanted to dance with. So, for the moment, her plan is just to cast a simple sleep spell, spur the birds forward real hard, and hope she gives up when she wakes.
Did she seem the vengeful type? Elaine risked another curious glance, but same as the last few, all she can see is that blank, distant expression. It was unnerving. Lalafells were always such vibrant folk, even when they were cruel and fucked they were fucked in a loud and colorful way. But Vara? If it weren’t for the occasional deep breath or sudden shift in her seat, Elaine’d never have guessed she was even awake.
Then there were the scars. Hidden by the near-complete coverage afforded by her travel-wear, Elaine could only see the faded scars on her face, and a particularly nasty, pale gash across her neck. From the width and color of that scar, it was recent, and it should have been fatal.
Must have a friend who’s good with healing magic, Elaine reasons.
But even with all of that observation done and behind her, the Elezen still can’t fully put her finger on an odd sense of familiarity she has when looking at the huntress. All cleaned up now, and slowly braiding her messy hair, she looked like something out of a campfire tale. The armor was worn down, sure, but it was obviously hand-crafted. Even a common swindler could tell as much. The thick, heavy cloth covering whatever she’d been carrying was a quilt of patterns from all manner of styles and cultures. The pouches on her bandoliers and belts carried odd herbs, softly glittering and glowing tonics, all manner of small components both herbal and mineral. A huntress, she’d called herself. Idly, Elaine stopped wondering about the truth of that statement, and started thinking on what kind of huntress would need to prepare so many resources before setting after her prey.
“Smoke.” The cold voice of the Lala jerks Elaine from her thoughts, and stutters Muddy’s snores. Her emerald eyes glance to Elaine as she too begins to catch the distant scent.
“I will return.” She says quickly, leaping from the jockey box down to the ground. She shoulders her bundled rod, and then looks back. With a moment of hesitation, she pulls her jaw tight and narrows her eyes some.
“Do not wait for me. You are on the correct path. Go and clear your debts.” Without another second’s delay, she bolts off deeper into the woods away from the beaten path. The smell of smoke grows stronger, and the air vibrates as something roars. Deep and gargling, it rumbles through the branches. At first, Elaine can’t believe their luck. She whistles loud and clear, and the birds race forward. Then, she hears the roar again, and the rattle of metal and gears. Machina? Here?
Not her fucking problem. Let the little ‘huntress’ go get herself killed, all the better that no one knows they passed through here.
“What was all that ‘bout?” Muddy pokes his head through the tarp, squinting in the evening light.
“Ah, our guide just split, didn’t quite catch everything she said. Fuck if I know, or care. Better she’s out of our hair now, than before we have to ice her for knowing too much. Ain’t no one can know we’re running somnus or that’s our exit strategy fucked and done with, regardless of what we owe or don’t owe.” She snaps, the day’s tension ripping out of her throat as the cart’s wheels carreen down the dusty road.
“I mean SERIOUSLY! How the fuck did you think that was a good plan?!” She hisses through her teeth, head whipping back and forth between the road and her partner in crime. “Apothecary? Apothecary?!” She gestures at her dust and mud-stained leathers with one hand while the other holds the reins.
“Do I look like a fucking doctor right now?! Fuck! At least make something reasonable up, damnit!”
“The hell do you know?” He growls, setting his back against hers through the thin wood separating the cart interior and the jockey cab. “You see the way she was standing? She was sizin us up the moment her eyes dropped onto us. We’re lucky I pulled on her heartstrings to make sure she didn’t do to use what she did to whatever was painting her twelvesdamned coat.”
“Oh, were you scared of a 2’8 doll with a goddamned quilt and curtain rod?” She jeers, but when she doesn’t get an immediate response, she pauses. Her snarky smile fades, and she glances back for just a second. His face is all stone and shadow.
 “Wait, you had a fucking gun. If you were scared, why didn’t you just shoot her?”
“I don’t think it would have mattered.” He says, voice solemn. “You ever see a dragon, El? One of the big ones, with the wings n’ all. Not the little shit-drakes the Amaljaa have.”
“What? Fuck no. We went over this earlier, right? Ain’t neither of us been to Ishgard, let alone Dravania.” She looks out and around as they clear the treeline of the Shroud, the forest beginning to give way to underbrush and stone. Ahead, the mountains loomed dark in the evening sky.
“They don’t do much when they see you. They just wait, see-” He begins, voice low.
“Oh come off it, I don’t have the patience for your barside fairy-tales right now.” She says, eyes tracing the dimming horizon above her. They’d have to slow down near the mountains. Should be fine.
“Not a fairy-tale. But fine. She’s gone regardless. Let’s just get to the first town we can. Sooner we get to Ala Ghana, sooner we clear our debts.”
Clear your debts. The smooth, cold voice echoes in her ears a moment. Elaine’s gut drops, an uncertain and cold feeling settling deep in her ribs.
“Muds?” She asks, voice suddenly much smaller, if still hoarse from shouting. “We’re gonna be alright, yeah?”
“I think we are. Just get us to the Hills and we’ll make camp. Need me to take the reins for a bit?” She feels his hand rest on her shoulder, heavy and reassuring. Tension washes out of her jaw and shoulders.
“No, no. You get some actual fuckin rest. You’re gonna have to take a watch tonight, so you gotta be awake for that.” She pauses, “Also, we’re stopping at the Stones to get you a new fucking map.”
“What? Mine is perfectly fine.”
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aclosetfan · 4 years
Aight here’s a 16teen-esque mall au for the ppg that I’ll never write, but enjoy thinking about and have heavily outlined (its long, so most is under the cut):
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup aren’t related in this one, but you’d figure they were. Bubs/Buttercups are fraternal Twins (Mom/Dad=Keane/Prof)
Blossom’s mom is Ms. Bellum, who is dating Ms. Ima Goodwoman. Sedusa is actually a good woman in this lol, she just doesn’t vibe with blossom very well.
It also doesn’t help that Ima’s son, Butch, is now an even more permanent fixture in Blossom’s life. She had always thought school was enough. 
Later on in the story, Bellum and Ima get married and Butch&Bloss have to come to terms with being step siblings (they break up their parents and end up having to parent trap them back together)
This new relationship between Butch&Bloss works out perfectly for Brick because Brick’s bestfriends with Butch and also has a low-key crush on Bloss. They have English class together and while he very much has a goth persona that he can’t compromise (obviously) by a preppy girl like Bloss, he still enjoys fucking with her. Too bad she has that boyfriend :(
Wait what happened to the mall part?? Here we go: 
So, to preference, Bloss is a very smart young women. A real intellectual. Tons of smart extracurriculars. She’s definitely going places, but an Ivy League school costs money. So, she gets a job at the local mall in the bookstore. Bookstores in malls aren’t doing to hot financially and hers gets bought out. It’s going to be replaced by a more mainstream Barnes and Noble, but applications for employees don’t open up until after construction. She’s out a job and for some reason (maybe it’s her horribly inconsistent schedule) no one’s hiring her!! She’s worried about a gap in her resume, but her Mom ends up having the hookup. Turns out her mom’s boss (the mayor, who’s not the Mayor in this one) actually owns the lone hot dog (& pickle) stand in the mall, and it needs a new person to man it. 
(((This is a call back to when blossom, in the show, had to get a job at that hot dog stand 😂 she has to wear the same uniform with the stupid hat. )))
Her best costumer is actually Mayor, which perplexes Blossom because that can’t be a financially sound business move. His weird wisdom guides her.  
ANYWAY, she takes the job and finds out the stand (and the embarrassing uniform) is unfortunately located in front of. . .
. . .HOT TOPIC. 
Who works there??? Lol obviously Mr. Doom and Gloom himself--Brick!
So, Brick’s pretty much the manager there, right? Wrong, but he is a decent employee. He doesn’t actually need a job, but he’s a counterculture rebel, right?? And rebels go against their parents wishes, right?? And his dads (Mojo and Him) don’t want him working in a filthy mall because they’re rich and there’s better things to do. But he’s pretty anti-them so (🖕) he gets the job (Mojo also does not at all understand goth culture)
And then, because the gods favor him, not only does he end up getting to bug Bloss in English, but ALSO on his work breaks. He ends up eating more hotdogs then he ever thought he would in his life, but also, eventually, ends up becoming her study partner. Another fun and great thing for him is that as the story progresses he gets to watch her relationship with that-Jared-guy crumble right before his very eyes, which just adds fuel to his fantasy fire. 
So tbh this story actually really works out for Brick. He gets to spend time with the girl he secretly likes and has a decent shot at getting her to date him!! Blossom, on the other hand, suffers, but who’s there to help her through this suffering?
Well, obviously, Bubbles (and BC)! Bubbles works at Claire’s. She does well on the floor, but does not at all like piercing ears. She’s not good at it. She messes piercings up too frequently and blood freaks her out. Her coworker Mary often has to step up and do it for her. Still, she likes all the sparkly stuff in the store, so it’s generally a good fit. As of right now, Bubbles really just vibes in this story. Her biggest source of conflict is with Boomer, who works at the Spencer’s across from Claire’s.
Boomer is what Brick calls a shitty scene kid. He isn’t, Brick’s just mean, but Boomer rolls with it. Tbh he just likes dying his hair a shit ton of colors. He isn’t an ideal employee and is often found taking one too many breaks, but he’s charming and doesn’t make too many bad jokes about the dildos on display in the back, so they keep him around. He should honestly be on Claire’s payroll instead, because when Mary’s not available he’s the one who does the piercings (and the right way too, he might add, not with that fucked-up piercing gun) for Bubbles. And while that might make him seem like an overall helpful guy, do not be fooled. Bubbles always pays a price.
Boomer also has a shitty mom (femme fatale; she didn’t want a son), so his at-home life isn’t great, but he puts on a brave face. Brick and Butch essentially share custody of the boy. He has a room at each of their homes, which throws Blossom for a loop because not only does she have to share space with Butch later in the story, but also with Boomer (who she ends up tutoring). 
Speaking of Butch, he was fired from Spencer’s after Boomer got him a job there because he was “immature.” He was also fired from Hot Topic for basically the same reason. Then he landed a job at the Sporting Goods store, but again ended up getting fired (but this time it legitimately wasn’t his fault. His manager was just out to get him, as explained later) Now, he works for the malls arcade arena (they have go-karts and bumper cars; it’s one of those good arcades, ya feel?), so he runs a lot of kid’s bday parties. And to everyone’s surprise, he’s actually really good at it. Apparently, Butch really vibes with kids jacked up on sugar. Parents like him too because he flirts with the moms and pulls the dads into “friendly” but competitive go-kart racing betting pools. 
The person doing the actual hard labor at the arcade is Robin. She gets stuck in the chuck-e-cheese-like costume way too often. She’ a good voice of reason for everyone else, especially Butch. She’s his favorite co-worker.
Going back to the sporting goods store. Buttercup works there. She’s the best sales rep they got. It helps that she’s crazy athletic and is on track to get a pretty decent scholarship with some D1 schools. (What’s she play? Idk? Whatever your heart wants) She can’t say though that she’s the most popular amongst her coworkers. She got in a fight with Mitch, which also meant she got in a fight with the twins that follow Mitch around. She definitely didn't get along with Butch when he worked there. And she thinks her manager’s kind of creepy and he’s only gotten creepier since his partner Snake broke up with him
She doesn’t know why Snake broke up with Ace, but she’s pretty sure it has to do with Butch getting fired
Now, this one’s going to throw y’all for a loop, but the reason she gets in a fight with Mitch is because Mitch was picking on her boyfriend Elmer (THATS RIGHT IM SHAKING IT UP—but don’t worry 😏 I love the greens too much).
Elmer works at the comic/geek shop with Mike. She obviously likes her boyfriend and is big buds with Mike. Elmer’s pretty insecure tho and thinks BC’s going to break up with him all the time. This really bums her out. She doesn’t get why he thinks that (b/c she’s out of his league, but she’s oblivious) because she really likes him. Unfortunately, it gets to the point that she eventually decides she has to break up with him because she can’t convince him to trust her (still their relationship is cutesy side plot for a long bit). It’s her first big heartbreak. A heartbreak that is. . .
. . .ideal for Butch because he’s realized he has more then friendly feeling for her. See they weren’t friends AT ALL beforehand, but his new sibling relationship with Blossom has catapulted BC squarely into his life. Slowly they end up going from workplace enemies to eh to friendly to friends to (😉).
A significant turning point in their relationship happened to involve Ace. Butch was on his smoke break and saw Ace making Buttercup uncomfortable. That same night he sees Buttercup trying to leave and Ace/his gang are trying to pressure her into following them. Butch takes offense to this and ends up walking Buttercup to her car. She argues she doesn’t need him saving her, which he readily agrees to, but explains that any excuse to beat that creep Ace up is a good excuse. Afterward, anytime BC has to work close, Butch walks her to her car.
Eventually, he explains to her that he was the one who inadvertently convinced Snake to get out of their toxic-ass relationship with Ace. Ace found out and that’s why he was fired. So, now, he has real beef with the guy. Him and Ace don’t get along at all. To the point where Butch was banned from the sports store, but he sneaks in to see his friends and mess with BC. 
HAHA does the story ever end???? 
The story ends when Barnes n’ Noble opens. Blossom gets the job, ditches the old boring boyfriend, gets the goth boy, saves her mom’s relationship, and gains a sibling. 
The format of the story would be pretty episodic, with a conflict/resolution in each chapter. But what’s written above highlights the over arching plot lines
and holy shit! how could I forget the cherry on top??? Brick and Princess are cousins, and she does NOT let him forget this. 
((If you want more specific details ya gotta ask. there’s a lot more then just this.)) 
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kideternity · 3 years
For the ask game: Helena Bertinelli, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, Dinah Lance, Diana Prince & Stephanie Brown
Oh god oh yea okay hold on op this will get long (under read more)
Helena Bertinelli
How I feel about this character: I adore her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 literally my wife my muse my love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dinah, Karen, Renee
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Helena and Eel, John Henry and Zauriel ^_^ also think she and Vic Sage should have “LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!” Energy together
My unpopular opinion about this character: I love Barbara dont get me wrong but shes an AWWFUUUUUULL friend to Helena 😭😭😭 like I LITERALLY CANNOT GET OVER HOW BABS CANONICALLY BEFRIENDED HELENA SOLELY TO MANIPULATE HER ORIGINALLY... not to mention all of that unnecessary beef over dick and like OTHER PEOPLE calling Helena batgirl.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she stayed with the justice league for more time so much 😭😭😭 I have a soft spot for JLA (1997) always its my fav critically examined run but MAN helena getting fired when the first run was ending pissed me off!!!!
my OTP: Probably right now Dinahelena? Tie between Reneehelena and that one
my cross over ship: I don’t have a ton of non dc media I like but Liz sherman from hellboy maybe
a headcanon fact: She has a wine cooler in her car at all times for people to grab a drink from if needed, the only rule she has is to try not to spill it everywhere because it’s a bitch to get out of her leather seats
Selina Kyle
How I feel about this character: Admittedly idk a ton about Selina I need to haul ass on reading catwoman solos 😭 I've had a complicated relationship with her but as of right now I like her! I think she’s cool
All the people I ship romantically with this character: All i'm turning up is Zatanna bc my friend writes really good zee/selina fics wjwjajajwua stan randy!!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I am like OBSESSED w the small little friendship tidbits Helena B and Selina have....... its not suer amazing or anything but huntress year old Selina insta best friending helena made me 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: IM NOT REALLY SURE WHY SELINA IS CONSIDERED A GOTHAM CITY SIREN NGL.... like its most likely definitely me knowing nothing Abt popular characters but its just always struck me as kinda weird/the only thing ivy harley and selina have in common is like. The most well known bad women in gotham
my OTP: idk sry !
my cross over ship: Felicia hardy purely because its just really fucking funny to me
a headcanon fact: Selina fucking hates Gnort more then anything imaginable
Cassandra Cain
How I feel about this character: I like her!!!!! Definitely my second favourite batkid after Duke ^_^
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Steph
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duke! Ultimate siblings. Also just like the idea of Lonnie and Cass getting along bc they tell old men they suck
My unpopular opinion about this character: Cass should not be able to beat everybody. She should not be able to beat people of unimaginable power such as Dr Fate. Like I think she could defeat normal fighters, or maybe enhanced fighters, but actual metas and magic casters etc I don’t think she would be able to, especially since iirc she almost fucking died fighting metahuman assassins??? So
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I know we all say it but let cass be batman v_v but also let her be batman and let carrie Kelly be her batwoman so that they can absolutely hate each other I wanna see that play out
my OTP: Stephcass im basic
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: Duke introduced her to heavy metal now she cant get enough of it
Stephanie Brown
How I feel about this character: I like her! I still need to continue reading her batgirl solo and more but I like her! Good character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Cass
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lonnie ^_^ Rebirth lonnie is literally so OOC and nasty I don’t wanna hear any bs abt how its ‘better’ but I did like the idea of Steph and Lonnie being friends and I think it'd work still with Lonnie’s good characterisation
My unpopular opinion about this character: Timsteph is a bad ship its objectively bad and I hate it a lot also Steph kissing Tim knowing he was dating Arianna was shitty writing/a dick move on her part i just hate all of it its comp het the ship
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: OKAY I NEED TO READ MORE STEPH COMICS FIRST but I am perpetually haunted by my idea of steph in the future becoming huntress.... I Ponder It
my OTP: Stephcass lol
my cross over ship: Gwen Stacy and Steph could be fun :O
a headcanon fact: She doesn’t like condiments unless it’s say, syrup for waffles
Harper Row
How I feel about this character: I used to be like obseeeeeeessed with harper used to think abt her 24/7 but ive mellowed down a lot.... havent read her comics in like literally ages...... still love her a lot tho
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody 😔
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Steph and Cass being Harper’s friends was always cute to me also I like when I think both or just Steph was Harper’s roommate it was fun
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mostly nobody seems to fucking care about her 🙄 you guys cry for gay batkids 24/7 but you wont even acknowledge harper existed........ smh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she stuck around more : ( i liked how her brother cullen sorta became this like oracle esque figure so I like the idea of her being a vigilante in some place like bludhaven maybe w Cullen giving tech support
my OTP: n/a :/
my cross over ship: not really a ship but maybe Miles and Harper teaming up one time?
a headcanon fact: Would really like to own a pet snake
Dinah Lance
How I feel about this character: I love women.... I love this woman.......
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ollie, Helena
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Babs :] best friends 4ever !
My unpopular opinion about this character: Dinahs done a lot of fucked up things and like i dont even mean like in a “its bad writing way” i mean just like consistently dinah is not perfect and she shouldnt be regarded as such and i dont like when people do
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish she stayed with the JSA longer :[ I really liked her with the JSA it was fun!!!!
my OTP: Dinahelena 💜🖤🤍💛
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: She's really bad at cooking most dishes
Diana Prince
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER a very interesting character with a lot of interesting lore
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Zatanna, Natasha Teranova
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Clark and Bruce ^_^ they are her close friends and teammates and I want absolutely nothing to go on between them. Ever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Not abt diana specifically But damn yall when the fuck you guys gonna actually.... talk about diana.... like when are you going to make metaposts about her and hot takes and so on as much as you do for ppl like bruce
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: She and Natasha should have gotten married whilst in space together period it was homophobia to have Natasha just go back to russia and never show up ever again
my OTP: Wondermagics
my cross over ship: not a ship again but LET HELLBOY TEAM UP W DIANA
a headcanon fact: She's really good at pottery! Especially during the sculpting stage
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thebluelemontree · 4 years
Do you know of WORG member “Tze” is a Jonsa? I read a couple of their essays and thought some were sound and some weren’t but I never got a hint that they were suggesting a Jonsa romance but I see a lot of Jonsas say that Tze is a Jonsa. Tho I see that she sometimes advocates for Jon/Arianne. Sorry for my bad English!
Your English is perfect and beautiful!
TBH, I haven’t followed the worg boards in a really long time and I can only remember a handful of people there well. I’m guessing you mean from their essay in the PtP?  I’m just going off that, because I don’t know any of their other essays. I suppose if you already had the mindset, you could interpret some of what they said in a pro-romantic, shippy way. There were some points emphasized that could be considered J*nsa-friendly; however, I don’t think they explicitly stated anywhere their interpretation was a romantic one over a sibling one. 
For one example, I agree that some or a decent-sized part of the Alayne Stone persona is modeled off her ideas about Jon’s bastardy. I think this point is overstressed to the degree it excludes some other possibilities for other bastard influences and that there is only one possible conclusion here: that Sansa has been subconsciously channeling Jon all through AFFC. One, I think they are a little quick to dismiss Mya Stone and the impact of her story on Sansa (though to be fair that wasn’t totally in the scope of their essay). The bastard stigma isn’t the same universal experience for everyone. It can also intersect with gender and class. Female bastards seem to be slapped primarily with slut-shaming. Male bastards seem to be accused more of treachery and having a natural inclination toward criminal behavior. Two, although it was a brief encounter, Ellaria Sand also seemed to make quite an impression on Sansa. She knows that Ellaria is considered a whore by most of Westerosi society; however, she takes note of the way Ellaria carries herself with dignity and courage in an openly hostile space. She’s not afraid to look anyone in the eye, no matter what title they have. And her sexuality is not a source of shame for her. The female model of bastardy could arguably be considered way more relevant to Alayne Stone as she navigates the possibility of marrying a womanizer and a high lord-in-waiting. Hell, I even think her hair toss and wine sip while she negs on Harry to be a Cersei power move even if Cersei isn’t a bastard. Even Sansa deciding over whether or not Alayne Stone would like to dance, which they point out as very Jon-esque, but that doesn’t last but a brief moment. Alayne Stone dances and she enjoys herself on the dancefloor.  Personally, I see Jon in the initial rough sketch of who Alayne Stone is. The color and detailing comes from a specifically female model of bastardy and Sansa’s personal experience with other women.  
So I think overall their analysis brings up valid points of connection between her and Jon. It speaks well of Sansa growing out of those old prejudices that were hammered into her and being able to reforge a new and closer kind of relationship with Jon when they reconnect. I don’t think any of it intentionally screams pro-shipping, but it might seem so when just a couple of points zeroed in on Jon a little too exclusively IMO. But they were tasked with writing an essay on the Jon and Sansa relationship, so that is to be expected. If you want to know where they stand on the subject, you could always ask them directly though.     
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 years
Give us another hot take on a different bat family member!
How about the whole Bat-Family in general? Because I believe it to be a very flawed concept the way people write and talk about it. DC creators and fandom creators.
Because these are a group of people that weren’t raised together and for the most part never lived together. They are not the typical family unit of people, and that’s exactly what the charm is. Tim came into Dick Grayson’s life a naive fanboy who was trying to do something he thought was right. Dick didn’t really like him right away, I assume because of naivete of believing it would work, but after getting to know him began to consider him his little brother.
This is more or less the beginning of the modern Bat-Family unit. There was some in the silver age but the silver age wasn’t canon even by that point, and Jason and Dick didn’t have enough time to truly form a real well rounded family-esque relationship yet. So this is what I’m gonna consider the beginning.
Off of that Dick and Bruce got closer together, reviving their father/son relationship, and Babs later on considered Tim like a little brother as well. Or at least treated him as such after getting to know him better after some time.
Then came Cass who frightened Tim at first and then later on considered each other like siblings (if you ignore that OOC point people just avoid and ignore where Tim had an awkward crush on Cass).
So that gives us a family unit, some what. They still don’t live together besides Babs and Cass, who Babs kind of looks at in a similar light to a daughter I would say. The relationships don’t always add up to their ages as people would expect, but it’s a family unit. Tim’s the little brother, but one of the people he considers his big sis also dates his big brother figure. So it’s odd but it’s the Bat-Family.
Then in the early 2000s because stuff goes ape crazy it all gets muddled and confusing: Bruce officially adopts Tim, Cass gets brain-washed (I think) and goes evil, I think Dick moved to New York for a little while (could be wrong, but I’m almost certain he moved to another big city), and oh yeah, Steph (who was just sort of the close friend to the Bat-Fam at this point, I’m not sure if I would say official family member yet since she died too quickly after becoming Robin and not getting closer to anyone but Bruce and possibly Babs) was believed to be dead.
So what’s the Bat-Fam at this point? No one really interacted as much until Dick came back, and Steph came back, and Cass came back, but then it was a mess and it was hard to tell how everyone felt besides Dick and Tim who still loved each other like brothers.
Then Jason and Damian come aboard, and this is where the main problem comes in.
Jason doesn’t like Tim, he tries to kill Tim, later on tries to kill Dick and Damian. HE IS NOT THEIR BROTHER AT THIS POINT.
Damian doesn’t like Tim, he tries to kill Tim, THEY ARE NOT LIKE BROTHERS AT THIS POINT, only by relation to Bruce, but as the way the fandom portrays them as being a close brotherly relationship of teasing and picking on each other. They are not brothers like that.
and Cass is still mostly missing.
So by the end of the New 52, Tim feels mostly left aside, Damian gets along with no one but Dick, Jason barely gets along with any one at all, and Steph doesn’t really interact with anyone much but Babs and sometimes Cass.
The Bat-Family is broken. There is no real Bat-Family, it’s just Dick and Damian with occasional appearances from Bruce to other people’s series.
Then in the New 52 it gets even messier!
Because now Tim and Jason suddenly get along despite Lobdell saying in interviews he still tried to kill him.
Damian and Bruce are growing their relationship, Damian still seems to have his relationship with Dick.
But now Tim hardly interacts with anyone, along with Jason.
So now it’s just Bruce, Damian, and occasionally Dick.
No one really considers themselves brothers with one another.
Then Batman Eternal and Batman & Robin Eternal happens.
Tim and Jason still don’t quite like each other (tho nearly not as much to the point of Jason trying to murder him), by the end they seem to consider each other family despite the fact they hardly know each other personally.
Dick suddenly acts like he has a close bond to both of them when he comes back and reveals himself as Agent 37, when the heck did they ever bond in this continuity? Why do they consider each other family? NOTHING OF WORTH HAPPENED. Is it all because they’re adopted by Bruce? Why would they act like they’re close by saying family when they aren’t honestly all that close? They don’t even talk to each other.
Then in a Batburger scene during Rebirth, Dick, Duke, Damian, and Jason are all gathered together by Bruce. Damian acts like a little brother to Jason, and Jason acts like a older brother to Damian. Why would they have this relationship? Why would Damian care about action figures all of a sudden when he is not interested in kid things for the sake of his self-image and no launching pad to change that because he never once really cared? When did they ever learn to get along? At this point Damian beat the crap out of Jason and Jason later on save’s Damian during a massive fight, and Jason trying to blow him up is apparently canon still according to Lobdell. They shouldn’t really get along considering Jason tried to kill him, and Damian beat the crap out of him. One save doesn’t mean they’re brothers now.
It’s contrived, it’s broken, and no real story came out of it.
It’s flat, it’s bland, and it doesn’t work because no work into making it work anymore. The fans had this idea that they were, writers tried to pander to him, and now it’s just one big freaking mess because they didn’t bother trying to make it work.
Going off of what they DID actually do the Bat-Family is like this.
Dick and Bruce are like fathers to Damian (but not in a gay way, no incest here, thank you), Tim and Jason are only sort of like brothers, but still not very close, it’s like having a brother that moved out while the first one was still being raised, they sort of get along and consider each other family but not quite. Babs has romantic affection for both Dick and Jason.
That’s not a family at all, that’s a mess. If you ignore what they say and only focus on what they actually did it’s not a family in the slightest. They just act like it on occasion. It’s so flat and bland it’s honestly awful to me because it doesn’t feel right.
But people seem to praise it when they pander to them, “OH IT’S THE BAT-FAMILY! MY HEART OH I LOVE IT!”, but to me I’d rather read a story of them bonding and gaining that relationship.
Fans can’t always get what they want because what they want isn’t there and doesn’t work when they shove it in. They can’t get heart filled stories this way. They’re just gonna get cheap pandering for sales and tumblr posts.
If they want quality they’re going to have to wait and hope a writer does the work needed in order to make this Bat-Family a functional piece of fiction that can be fueled off of more then fan pandering.
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DO HELLE love me im trash for the ghost children
🌱- When is their birthday? Where were they born? What was the time of day?
Opal- Nov 30, 11pmBellamy and Aiden- June 12, 3am 🔠- Who named them? What does their name mean?
Opal- Hades named him after dead mother, her name means “precious stone. Bellamy- named after Belle, name means “fair friend.” Aiden- named after Hades, name means “little fire” or “ardent.”
💤- Was it difficult to get them to fall asleep at night?Opal- She’d fall asleep, but she’d wake up a lot. Bell and Aiden- both were basically nocturnal as children because they couldn’t control ghost stuff and the ghosts would bother them at night. snoozed a lot during the day. 🌀- Were they a social, giggly baby? Or were they a shy baby who did not like forced socialization?Opal- curious child. She didn’t mind getting held by others, but she like kind of looked offended if it happened like “omg mom dad wtf is this?” She also touched things a lot. You couldn’t leave her alone because she’d find her way into something.
Bell/Aiden: They were finicky kids who had bad separation anxiety I feel. Aiden was /louder/ than Bell and more demanding but both had issues with ppl ahah. 🍳- What is their favorite childhood dish?Opal- uh. Fresh. Strawberries.
Bell- icing on cupcakes
Aiden- the cake part of the cupcakes. 🐻- Did they have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal?
Opal- Opal had a blanket she carried everywhere and she sucked on the tail end of it.
Bell- he carried around his fave PICTURE BOOK started young ppl
Aiden- he was more of a lego and blocks kind of guy. 🏡- What kind of environment did they grow up in? Was it in a rural or farmlike home? Or did they grow up in the cities? Or were they a small town/suburban child?They grew up in Swynlake! In Belle’s house! So small town life, surrounded by magic. Stable household in that their parents loved each other and never like coddled their children. Unstable household in that i’m sure u know disasters erupted all the time.
👦🏻- What was preschool/kindergarten like?
Opal- she found like a few friends and honestly loved going to school. Loved bringing home her assignments to show her parents was a goodie goodie two shoes
Bell- stuck to Aiden’s side like glue. Daydreamed a lot and got into trouble for it.
Aiden- stuck to Bell’s side like glue. If he made other friends-- he probably made one or two-- he told them they had to be Bell’s friend too. Talked during class and got in trouble for it. 👧🏻- What was elementary/middle school like?Sort of in the saaaame vein, Opal still loved school and loved her homework. Aiden was warming up to it more and he was probably separated from Bell at this point so he had to make other friends which u know, he did more or less-- made one or two. He started to like getting #praised for assignments and shit so he took school more seriously.
Bell meanwhile was still a daydreamer though he excelled at literature and probably history. He was def the faves of some teachers . 👱🏻‍♀️- What was high school/college like?
At this point, Aiden became VERY competitive of Opal and hated coming up behind her since she was a fave of her teachers and /everyone/ knew Aiden as “Opal’s Little Sister.” He took school very very seriously and started getting involved. He was pretty popular though he wanted popularity for the status, not because he cared so much about what people thought of him honestly. Opal-- was a goodie two shoes ahah though by this point she probably was getting into magical hijinks that made her late or made her have to ask for an extension on her paper. Still cared about school but cared more about what she was investigating out/side/ of it. Very Hermione Granger esque as you can imagine.
Bell kept to himself, didn’t really havea  lot of friends, but was involved in those pockets of passion-- probably in a book club, probably worked in the school’s library, probably ate lunch with the librarians ahahah. He is the least interested in magical hijinks. Whereas Aiden probably uses his powers to get ahead and is interested in mediumship (it’s something that distinguishes him form Opal), Bell sees them as just another part of his... being like-- he has blue eyes, he can talk 2 ghosts so what.🌋- How often did they get caught doing something bad?
Opal- tbh-- enough. By the time she’s a teen, she’s up to her neck in magic(k) drama. Uses what I honestly think is a -puff secondary to skate by tho bc she’s a genuine hard worker. Also, people don’t expect it from Opal haha
Aiden- he’s a slippery guy so not that much. Can talk his way out of it normally.
Bell- is dragged into drama bc of his siblings ahaha but he’s no snitch. /has/ taken the fall once or twice but makes sure Aiden and Opal pay him back for it haha. 🌡- Did they get sick a lot as a child? Did they ever have to go to the hospital for any reason?
Opal- i gave her a heart tumor
Aiden- his sensitivity to ghosts means that he is cold and when he was younger, he would get headaches and got sleep deprived a lot. He feels the pain of ghosts more potently than his brother because he has worked harder to be in touch with his powers (this can mean that he can spontaneously develop an allergy if he’s channeling a ghost ahha)
Bell- same vein as Aiden but not as sensitive. deprived HIMSELF of sleep bc he reads too much. 🎀- What kinds of games/activities did they like to play?
Opal- she liked to read, write, doodle, play pretend!! probably loved charades and also she liked acting, mostly for the community more than like a, desire to be on stage or anything. Though she also always wanted to be a lil ‘special’ soooo maybe u like the stage more than u think.
Aiden- reading, writing, likes chess and puzzles like his dad. cheats at battleship. he got into student council and the like at school and was also interested in magic and the occult bc of his powers so u know demonology, ghost hunting etc
Bell- reading, reading, reading. History buff (likes talking to ghosts mostly for the /history/ he can learn). Also likes science fiction more than fantasy tbh because magic is just an ingrained part of his life so science fiction seems /more/ fantastic to him so I think he would have an interest in astronomy too. Has a telescope and like star charts on his wall. 🎏- Did they have a lot of friends? Can you describe a few?
Opal- definitely had friends, i feel like she had like 2-3 that followed her up through all those years of schooling. Made some theater buddies also
Aiden- made most of his friends in high school but they were ‘school friends’ to him and so he didn’t hang out with them that much outside of Swynlake (besides to work on school projects). I can see him having some girl best friend who he ended up dating tbh i could see him having a high school relationship the most.
Bell- friends with librarians, teachers, and his mother lmao. kidding. He definitely had one or two friends in book club or astronomy club ahah. If you asked him, he’d say Aiden and Opal are his best friends. 💢- Did they ever have a rebellious phase?
Opal- sort of? I dunno, Belle and Hades would be trusting parents who gave their kids freedom and independence. Once she was diagnosed with a HEART TUMOR maybe then she’d go wacko for a bit ahaha try to like have sex and go to parties and have a teen life crisis. She def sometimes skipped classes or didn’t tell her parents where she was going but... its fine.
Aiden- honestly, no. He /seems/ like he’d be a rebel but he’s sort of all hot air and performance. He’d get into some of those darned magical hijinks ! but Opal is usually the ring leader, not him. Ironically enough, his rebellious phase was like-- becoming a hardworking popular student in order to compete with Opal lmao. he rebelled the opposite direction.
Bell- uhhh no, not really ahah. he can have attitude problems though for sure. Probably smart-mouthed to teachers he doesnt respect or wasn’t sensitive to kids in his class and would ignore Belle and Hades about chores and stuff. Also lies for his siblings all the time. He’s not an instigator but he is an enabler.
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
YES. in their unique ways, they do! :D
🗯- How well did they get along with their siblings?
Pretty well overall! They feel like a “team” and they are like a little over a year (18 months? sure) apart. Aiden clashes with Opal the most. Bell doesnt like when Opal tries to “mother” him and Opal can feel alone sometimes when its the Aiden-and-Bellamy show which it is a lot bc ghost powers and communicating thru ghost-speak but-- overall, they always have each other’s backs and they love each other WAY more than they like other people.
#teamacheronunite 🔷- Free question! idk i love them all a lot
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kovette being happy and having a family tho can you imagine?
They have two children, a girl and a boy. The girl they have first, naturally and unplanned, named Sikudhani Tish Sauda who goes by “Tish.” The boy, they decide to adopt after some odd amount of years in which Kovu gains confidence in his ability to be a father. He’s younger than Tish but still fairly old for a foster kid, because they wanted someone troubled they could help give a better life. His name is Andrew. 
🌱- When is their birthday? Where were they born? What was the time of day?
Tish was born in November, a fall baby that was most likely the product of celebrating Valentines Day. She was born in Swynlake’s Hospital late one night during a storm, terrifying her parents. They don’t know much about Andrew’s birth circumstances besides the fact that his birthday is in July, but they got him from The Next Town Over, and he was given up due to a magical ability that centered around strength, which is what drew Kovu and Annette, two personally strong individuals, to him. 
🔠- Who named them? What does their name mean?
Kovu really expressed the importance of wanting a Swahili name for their first child, since it is a family thing, and one he wants to turn into a pleasant Sauda trait. They decided on the names together, liking that Sikudhani meant a pleasant surprise, which is exactly what she came to be, and Tish, which mean a strong will or will-power. Andrew came with his name already in tact, and they did not want to change it.
💤- Was it difficult to get them to fall asleep at night?
Luckily they didn’t have to worry much about Andrew since he was older when they got him, but Tish was a bit difficult when she was a baby. She fussed a lot and thus Kovu worried a lot, but she grew better as she got older.
🌀- Were they a social, giggly baby? Or were they a shy baby who did not like forced socialization?
Tish was such a happy baby that it made her parents light up every time the little girl smiled or tried to make contact with family and friends. It also made them a bit nervous when she’d go running off to hug a total stranger, however. Andrew was very stand-offish and didn’t like social interaction, which Kovu was surprisingly very patient and understanding with.
🍳- What is their favorite childhood dish?
Tish loved traditional English foods and despised anything with too rich or spicy of a taste, much to her father’s dismay. She always had a sweet-tooth, loving pastries the most. Andrew didn’t “care what was on his plate because it was all the same bullshit going into the same bullshit” for a long time, but they eventually learned his favorite was a simple staple - peanut butter and jelly. 
🐻- Did they have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal?
Of course, Tish inherited Kovu’s stuffed lion cub, though the thing was falling apart by the time she reached double digits. Andrew was too old for stuffed toys, but he did have a yo-yo he always played with.
🏡- What kind of environment did they grow up in? Was it in a rural or farmlike home? Or did they grow up in the cities? Or were they a small town/suburban child?
Kovu and Annette raised their kids in Swynlake, since Annette always called it home and thus Kovu learned to love it as such. (Home is where she is, always.) They probably had a fairly average home. Not too fancy, but not too shabby either. A big enough front yard for the kids to run around in and a second story for the bedrooms.
👦🏻- What was preschool/kindergarten like?
For Tish, she was pretty wild and curious. She had a hard time staying still and a habit of drumming her hands and fingers and tapping her feet. However, she was naturally eager to learn so luckily it only effected her studies when her energy was particularly high. (First thing in the morning, after recess, etc.) From what they could gather about Andrew, he had a rough time focusing and was very sullen and a loner.
👧🏻- What was elementary/middle school like?
Tish went through a roller coaster from elementary to middle school, being popular but feeling insecure every so often and beating herself up over it. (Puberty, y’know?) Still, she was a fairly good student who loved her friends. Andrew, they received when he was in middle school, and so he was very moody and angsty and, honestly, awkward.
👱🏻‍♀️- What was high school/college like?
Tish was just starting high school when they adopted Andrew, so she had a little bit of a hard time at first with the adjusting to having a brother suddenly, especially one as closed off and troubled as Andrew. She had to learn to balance school, friends, and her new addition to the family. After a few years, her friendships dwindled to a smaller yet closer circle, and she really focused in on her studies as she matured. Andrew got better when he was in high school, opening up more and starting to really make friends. He even joined in some sports teams, eventually finding a passion for basketball.
🌋- How often did they get caught doing something bad?
Tish was caught doing typical things - sneaking treats before dinner; sneaking out of the house as she got older - even though she knew these things were wrong. She learned from them, but they were just tempting at times. Andrew got caught doing the worse things - graffiti, picking on kids, etc - though grew out of it as he grew older.
🌡- Did they get sick a lot as a child? Did they ever have to go to the hospital for any reason?
Tish was pretty healthy. She had seasonal allergies and got sick about as often as the average child. She went to the hospital once for a broken wrist after injuring it during recess one day as a kid. Andrew didn’t end up sick or in the hospital so much as he ended up getting patched up by his mother after getting into fights or hurting himself skateboarding or playing sports. 
🎀- What kinds of games/activities did they like to play?
Andrew got into sports in high school, mainly basketball. Tish was never much of a sports girl. She participated during recess and tried track one year... for a few months. She was actually more of a fan of the intelligent activities, liking debate and creative writing classes.
🎏- Did they have a lot of friends? Can you describe a few? 
Growing up, Tish had a very wide, diverse friend group that included a lot of different cultures. She was popular, but not in the “snooty squad” sense of the word. She just made friends easily and they were all so very different that it made them interesting to hear about. Her best friend wound up being a hearing-impaired girl named Samantha, who taught her sign language so that they could always communicate. Andrew didn’t make friends until high school really, and then it was only two boys who he played sports and did typical guy stuff with. 
💢- Did they ever have a rebellious phase?
Andrew had the biggest one when they first adopted him. He was very moody and at war with the idea of suddenly having a family, so he acted out a lot. Eventually, he saw how much Kovu and Annette cared for him, and through the love and strict hand of this family, came around. Tish wasn’t so much rebellious as testing the limits when it came to her parents leniency. (Which basically translates to: Daddy’s Little Princess could always get him to say yes to just about anything.)
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
Andrew was always very quiet, while Tish was always asking questions. Mainly: Why? She always needed to know the ‘why’ behind everything. “Why can’t I eat ice cream before dinner? Why can’t I wear my shirt as pants? Why do birds make that noise? Why can’t animals talk? Why can’t I stay up and watch the adult tv with you? Why can’t I say that word? Why do girls have to get periods?” You get the point.
🗯- How well did they get along with their siblings?
Tish and Andrew’s relationship was weird, at first. Tish was both weirded out by the idea of suddenly having a brother not much younger than she was, and excited at having a sibling. And then Andrew came with a tough past and rough attitude and that didn’t make things easy. But eventually the fighting turned into sibling rivalry which translated to love. 
🔷- Free question!
Tish looks like Ashley Moore, which basically means she’s as beautiful as her mother with the same mysterious air as her father. She’s brave and wild and intelligent and everything good that was in her parents. Andrew is of mixed background, they believe, with mostly middle-eastern roots. He looked sort of more unapproachable and ‘emo-kid’-esque when they first took him in, but grew up to be a very handsome young man.
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ravenswood · 7 years
ed (if no one has asked), vivi, aaand leopardpool! you asked me about a cat i ask you about a cat,
as much as i call him out constantly for his creepy-ass paintings, he has actually made something of an effort on denny to tone it down, especially with lorraine around. he’s kind of gotten the feeling it might upset her after the whole valak thing, which is also the reason he’s hidden that one with the Collection after it showed up in the icc attic. silent hills may or may not completely destroy this tho
ed is the absolute 100% most lukewarm person when it comes to halloween. he gets enough of that spooky stuff on the job okay leave him alone with it for the rest of the year. he’s a total sap when it comes to handing candy out to the neighborhood kids tho
he gets really domestically into christmas tho and yall can BELIEVE its gonna be An Event on denny this year considering that he actually has people to celebrate with now. 
he’s also 100% That Husband who will just like bring home flowers or something for lorraine for no occasion other than the fact that he was just thinking about her. Disgusting
alright listen to me. listen. this is a thing i had to briefly ponder last night for his icc with volle but if u think for a second ed would be like..... anything-phobic u need to get the hell out of my christian home in jesus name ah pray. like listen there was absolutely that kinda shit going on in the 70s but have you MET this man. can you imagine him with that kind of hatred like honestly
this one’s based on a dumb inside joke but the only reason he thinks exorcist 2 is better than the original is that a) he’s never seen the original exorcist and b) i don’t....think exorcist 2 is a traditional exorcism movie? i’ve only seen reviews of it but anyway he was kind of :/ when the original exorcist came out because it felt like capitalizing on and sensationalizing what’s actually a dangerous ritual irl. i’ve put way too much thought into this for a joke wtf
he and lorraine don’t/didn’t (depending on whether we’re talking about them on denny or not) actually have too many like Close Adult Friends. neither of them are super eager to place that kind of trust in people not to be skeptical/dismissive of their work and thus, they just kind of keep to themselves and the few people they’ve managed to meet through their work. drew is a good example of this.
in that vein, ed usually tries to keep in contact with the people he and lorraine help out, especially in the wake of a case that was particularly hard on a family ie the perrons and the hodgesons. it’s usually just a phone call or something to make sure that everything’s okay and they’re not experiencing any kind of activity, but he and lorraine have been back to the perron house a couple of times for casual visits and he’ll occasionally like write a letter or something to the hodgesons. 
literally the only reason he has a normal-ish sleep schedule on denny now (even more normal than it would be at home) is that there’s like literally nothing more comforting to him now than getting to have lorraine next to him while he’s falling asleep. he may or may not be mildly clingy when it comes to curling up with her at night. 
HE’S A GRYFFINDOR im cementing this now.
she has a mild caffeine addiction and will legit get migraines if she doesn’t have her morning coffee. 
she’s dyslexic, which is a fact that tends to surprise people considering how much she likes to read. the pink tint of her glasses helps her eyes to better make sense of the words on the page in front of her, and tbh she’s really into stuff like comic books and manga, where she can follow the story through visual pictures, and also audiobooks.
this isn’t headcanon but she plays electric guitar! and acoustic too, but she prefers the Loudness of the former.
listen mystery ben can pry the fact that vivi build arthur’s prosthetic arm out of my cold dead hands. she actually has a bachelor’s in engineering, particularly robotics, but given that she’s pretty focused on her paranormal investigating, she hasn’t done very much with it.
also not headcanon: her favorite video game series is silent hill. 3 is probably her favorite of the franchise and she definitely has Opinions regarding the later games in the series. 
in that vein, she ran an cr1tikal-esque lp channel back home where she played a lot of horror games straight-facedly and rolled her eyes at a lot of them. sh4 and homecoming were definitely among these. 
she’ll take any nicknames you wanna throw at her. ‘vivi’ is actually already short for ‘vivian’ but phoebe and arthur both have occasionally called her ‘vi’ or ‘viv’ and ‘blue’ and ‘blueberry’ were both affectionate nicknames from the latter. lewis would probably also have dorky nicknames for her if he did the talking thing.
mystery is her familiar and, back home, he typically shied away from talking around random strangers. on denny, he’s way less cautious about it and just kind of openly talks to anyone. it’s v freeing, if you ask him.
she has a fondness for spicy food and one of these days she’ll remember it’s because it was a specialty of the restaurant lewis’s family ran. she’s also big into cultural food, especially japanese, given her heritage.
she’s a ravenclaw if we’re doing hogwarts house sorting for all of these.
she’s Very Gay although given that she’s staunchly against taking a mate, this isn’t very likely to come up in her life.
she has a scar running down between her shoulder blades from a kithood incident -- she and tangleclaw and dappledawn were a Trouble-making Squad when they were younger
herb-gathering is a v relaxing thing for her, particularly because her knowledge of what different herbs look like is one of the few things she’s fairly confident in re: med cat skills.
she never knew her ~biological father, harepath, and never really considered him family (he died in a border dispute before she and her siblings were both), given that she was raised by a pair of Gay Moms. she’s met him in sharing tongues with starclan, though, and their relationship is only slightly awkward. 
her main starclan guide, though, is rowanfall’s old mentor, ratnose who will prooobably be a starclan npc at some point on denny. he’s played a big part in soothing leopardpool’s insecurities and anxieties after rowanfall left and is kind of quietly disappointed in his apprentice for this nonsense. he’s fond of sagepaw too tho.
her relationship with sagepaw is.........a work in progress. she’s tried her hardest not to let memories of her mother taint their mentor/apprentice stuff, because even if it was against the warrior code and resulted in so much shit hitting the fan, it was dappledawn that kind of bluntly pointed out to her that it wasn’t sagepaw’s fault. it’s lucky that patience are some of sagepaw’s virtues tbh.
she adores dappledawn’s daughters, nettlepaw and smokepaw, and was eagerly anticipating being made an aunt again before the rifts took her -- tangleclaw’s mate was with kits at the time. 
med cats are taught a little of how to defend themselves and how to hunt, but leopardpool has never been particularly good at either of them. at best, she relies on her dark pelt and light pawsteps to get close to prey, but she has a bad habit of not paying too much attention to where she’s stepping, resulting in a lot of snapping twigs at the last second.
which is kind of a shame, since her mothers named her leopardkit in the hopes that she’d be as quick and stealthy as a leopard one day. whoops!
i’ll just finish these all off with hogwarts houses -- she’s a hufflepuff.
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ellebeebee · 7 years
ME:A Countdown: Days 20-15
I’m behind, what’s new~
20 Days: What first impressions does Ryder tend to give people? Do they have any ‘odd’ or specific mannerisms, habits or other quirks? How do they present and carry themselves?
I’d imagine Mira’s pretty shy on first impressions, so she doesn’t make much of one.  This might change, because idk, some of these questions I’m not going to be really sure about until I play the game.  But I’m sure my Ryder is like the queen of awkward meetings.
She’s left-handed, like Dad Ryder.  Her brother, Forta, is ambidextrous.  She has a hard time making decisions on her own, so she’ll consult pretty much anyone willing to listen to her waffling.  A++ procrastination skills, she will clean/go workout before sitting down to do research/write reports.  She has a habit of making arcane historical references.
19 Days: Where would Ryder fall in the classic Paragon/Renegade morality system? What would their D&D alignment be? If you know their personality type in any personality typing systems (such as MBTI and Enneagram - you can find various type descriptions and tests using Google), feel free to add and discuss them here.
Paragon.  I’m too much of a wuss to play Renegade.  Lawful/Neutral Good.  E(I)NFP (I think).
18 Days: What qualities does Ryder like and dislike in other people? Are there any things they particularly appreciate or can’t stand?
Mira dislikes it when people make snap judgments.  She feels that generally you need to understand the whole situation before deciding your opinion.  She dislikes people who are willfully without a moral compass/compassion.  She appreciates it when people are genuine and willing to break down professionalism for real connection.
Forta hates when people waste his time.  He is always ready to go, right here right now.  He dislikes people without a sense of humor, and people that take themselves too seriously.  At the same time, he loves when others share his sense of adventure and ambition, and loves when other people are just as into the Initiative’s mission he is.
17 Days: List some of Ryder’s favorite things - colors, food, music, etc. Is there anything of this nature that they hate? Do they have any hobbies or skills outside of combat?
She still has the VR files of different locations on Earth that she got once for her birthday; she uses it to chill out.  She and her brother both love spicy foods and compete with each other for who can take it the hottest (it’s usually Forta, but Mira’s too stubborn to not keep the game up).  She likes to cook.  She has a goal to become proficient in not just every human cuisine, but also every alien one.  Which has led to some interesting instances of her handling turian/quarian ingredients in a bio-suit.
Forta plays video games to destress.  Mira usually tags along as designated healer/whatever auxiliary role needs to be filled.  He’s official taste-tester of her cooking.
16 Days: How would Ryder define their sexuality?
Mira will likely be ace spectrum, perhaps gray, and panromantic.  I’m not sure about Forta.  I suspect he’s still experimenting and figuring it out.  He is Up For New Experiences™ tho.
15 Days: Delve into the Ryder family background - how is/was their relationship with their father, sibling and mother? Do they get along, hero worship, close twin connection, sibling rivalry, was it strained, was it distant, etc.
Mira had trouble feeling connected to her parents.  Her mother and father were both always looking forward to the next project, and Mira has always been looking to the past.  She feels nostalgia acutely, and doesn’t share her parents’ belief in the future.  She’s more of a feeler than her logical mother, and more of a personal person than her ever-excelling, ever-professional father.
Forta, even though he is more likely to bicker with their parents, in some ways feels closer to them.  With Alec, Forta may resent the constant high expectations and the difficulties of the N7-esque training, but he does like the results of them.  He does share his father’s vision for the Initiative, but more along the lines of an opportunity to prove himself without the looming shadow of his father’s accomplishments.
Mira and Forta are bffs.  They can complain to each other about their parents, and anything in between.  Growing up, they ran around the Citadel together, going places they most certainly shouldn’t have.  And when they were stationed apart, they kept in touch through a popular mmorpg.  They would probably wear “twin” outfits as adults for a laugh.
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