#i rewrite minecraft worlds a lot
xerith-42 · 3 months
What if we would actually include some minecraft mobs in mcd rewrites?
We talked about Endermen being called void creatures, or maybe voidlings
And then we have zombies, and skeletons.
Although creepers would prove to be difficult, and there's also the question of why are zombies a thing?
Shadowknights are undead beings, and we see ghosts. But what about zombies? Why would they exist? Maybe because of magic in the ground? Causing some area's to be infected with zombies and skeletons and the sort. With this magic possessing dead biodies. Maybe they're shadow souls attempting to possess a dead body?
Shadow souls are such an unused and overlooked part in mcd to be honest.
Either I leave out creepers, or they could be smaller creatures. Like a big bug. That explodes when it dies due to some kind of chemical reaction. (And sometimes leaves ice cream behind/J)
I've wanted to figure out how to adapt mobs into my writing for so long and you just hit the nail on the head!! Zombies could come from like a graveyard or burial sight that gets hit with magic or even fully reanimated by a necromancer type beat. Nana uses her magic to control dolls. Who's to say maybe Ivan or Zachary couldn't have the control magic to rise an army of the dead?
Obviously it isn't easy, takes a lot of training, and a lot of physical strength, but it would be so cool to see! And maybe one of the skeletons they raise gains a level of autonomy to start acting and thinking and existing on their own. And they start talking. Just saying.
As for creepers, I always like taking the og Game Theory route and saying that they're a spore. A mushroom that once only grew in maybe the Ygadrisil forest, with the unique ability to sap away at the life force of the creatures it's bonded with in order to strengthen its own hive. Infected plants or people can be severed from the connection, but they still have that life force in their body. Maybe that's why Malachi experimenting with the sampling gave him life again.
And when that along with Aphmau planting one happens, the spore starts to spread but takes on a different form. A form of a wandering creature faintly reminiscent of humans, but distinctly not. And when aggravated, they explode to damage the thing aggravating them, and to respread a reduced number of the spores. So they can either lie in wait, or reform.
And maybe one part of the hive gets really into ice cream or somethin idk
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Okay so like I’m considering just developing on demons a little bit more.
Like when Travis is around I want him to be the best he can be and that does mean developing his demon side a little too.
Current ideas I’m playing around with include things like intimidation and such, and taking some inspiration from other cultures versions of demons to play around with some demon designs. Since Travis, Micheal, Sasha, the imps and the demons of the walls are the only demons we see in my rewrite (and Zane if you count his demonic form) I only have so many designs I can make which means I need to put a lot of effort into them to make them somewhat noteworthy and different from eachother
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crystalkitty1220 · 1 year
Might have to scrap a fic idea because I thought the panic that came with time moving too slowly or too quickly was a universal thing, but now I'm realizing I probably have chronophobia and the fic might not feel the same to other people. Don't want it to drag on or feel rushed if readers won't get the same kind of anxiety the character's getting.
#it was a camp camp jasper fic centered around the whole ''ghosts walk the island on the night of the full moon'' line#*new moon#in the fic jasper would *only* be there during the new moon#he wouldn't notice it at first but when he saw the seasons change to winter he'd start to realize that camp's been over for months#and what would only be maybe a year for him would be all the way up to the canon present for everyone else#actually now that ive done more research into the fer.al blood tundra lore#if i ever continue the fic i might rewrite it for ende instead since there's a lot more canon backing behind that#of course it wouldn't have the same plot points. so maybe two different fics?#the camp camp one more centered on jasper the possibly vengeful ghost. and a fer.al one centered around time.#. noticing the connections to fer.al im starting to wonder if that was subconsciously my inspiration for the cc one#but i don't even think i ever got that interested in the lore until very recently. after starting the fic.#im pretty sure my inspiration was just being very scared of the irene dimension from minecraft diaries#cause i had a whole conversation with echos about how i thought being in a dimension where time moves slower than the outside world#was a lot scarier than being stuck in a dimension where time moves faster than the outside world#using the irene dimension as my only example.#anyway it is 3 am and i am writing this to stop stressing about how my mom gave me one two days to#apply for and get my first job completely on my own without any help.#instead i spent the whole day trying to avoid That but unfortunately there is no way to avoid a deadline#so looks like i remain without a job. yay.
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madcatlad · 18 days
Chicken Shaman
OK, so I'm not really a rewrite myself BUT I've been thinking about what a rewrite of the Chicken Shaman would look like.
I love the idea of him being comedy relief, but I feel like the approach to it would have to be different than a minecraft roleplay would portray him to be taken seriously. Plus a lot of the humor and chemistry comes from him being one of Jess' friends I feel, which wouldn't really work so well for an Avra or Aphia or Aphara- whatever.
I really like the darker approach people are taking to Minecraft Diaries. Considering it was previous a minecraft letsplay for kids. Because when you really think about the lore it is REALLY DARK. So I want to continue that approach.
This of course extends to the chicken Shaman. I want to see a portrayal of him that is funny but in an off-putting way. In that "is it funny haha or funny boohoo" kind of way. Like the guy is CLEARLY unhinged in the original, but make it less in a harmless portrayal, so that the reader feels as unnerved and cautious as the characters should be by him. Make it so no one is truly sure if he will harm them or not.
AND LET THIS GUY BE A SHAMAN!!! I want to see some wild rituals, disturbing practises, and ominous beliefs. Some true viking sh*t! It would also be fun if you threw in some ominous prophecies in there threw him as well! I love prophecy tropes, especially vague ones. I think it would really set the tone for all the underline evils that Aphmau was Blissfully unaware of in S1 but would soon come to face as her world gets bigger and scarier. Or perhaps just little comments that just so happen to come true mysteriously.
I don't know if it's because I am binge watching Vikings & Vikings Valhalla right now, but I really crave this portrayal. I want to see some Floki behavior from Castor (if you know, you know). I want his mannerisms to be impulsive and erratic, and scary for all who don't really know him. But then you do know him, and he's still crazy but he's still your homie, and you love-hate him.
If anyone IS doing this interpretation or has SEEN it please please tag, or reblog, or link, I NEED thisssss!this session!
(Also if there was a "Hold The Door!!!" Plot Twist with Irene and Castor or something that would be AAAHHH 🤯 If you know, you know)
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nvmbersix · 3 months
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lengthy hc stuff under read more <3 a lot of it is also based on my own little bit of rewriting of mcsm's story bcz lets be real its not The Greatest, but it is a fun story nonetheless and i wanna play with it,,
i'm not sure if it was ever established that they canonically live in the city where endercon takes place or they live somewhere on the outskirts of it, but for my personal hc, i imagine they live on the outskirts of endercon's city :]
axel and jesse are both orphans who grew up together, though while axel was born in their hometown, jesse just showed up out of nowhere with reuben. jesse's earliest memory is meeting his bestie by a water fall, but beyond that, he doesn't really remember anything about his own past.
the two of them met olivia when they found her getting bullied by adrien and his friends. they both stood up for her and soon after that, they all ended up being friends - she didn't hail from their hometown either, having actually moved there and was considered an outsider by most people (adrien and his friends especially), so jesse related to her a lot right off the bat
i wanna write more regarding the threes relationship with the order, petra and the ocelots, specifically lukas, but i think i'll wait until i draw them (which might take weeks. or months. we'll see..)
some character centric (cz the other one is backstory centric) hcs:
jesse thinks he's the same height as olivia. he's not. he's the shortest out of the entire group. he denies this reality with all his (tiny) being.
while jesse uses he/him pronouns he's not actually comfortable being referred to solely as a man. he doesn't have a label for it but he feels like he's a lot more flexible than that. he's honestly pretty okay with any pronouns, axel has used they/them and she/her for him in the past, which he really liked
olivia is #1 woman enjoyer worlds biggest lesbian. i loved the idea of her having a small crush on petra, and a BIG puppy crush on ellegard (which died into a normal admiration for an idol after the wither arc). i want to give olivia a girlfriend in s2,, i also think i want to make her transfem, because transfem olivia is so good and she reminds me of some of my transfem friends,,
axel never gives me the vibes that he'd care about romance or anything like that, so i thought of him being aromantic, maybe even asexual? i think he has a very queerplatonic relationship with his friends, specifically jesse and petra :] i also love the idea of him using he/they pronouns. axel's fine with being called a man, but they kinda wanna get silly with it sometimes, yakno?
again i wanna write so much more but this has already taken me like, 30 minutes?? soo i'll just end that here for now hsgjhsgse
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well hello there
here is aphmau in my au/rewrite
i tried to draw her in as many of her iconic outfits as possible but good irene she has a lot [click for better quality]
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so here are some changes and headcanons i have for aph in my au:
��she’s neurodivergent. not entirely sure what specifically, probably adhd. for sure dyslexic.
•she has sensory issues, which is why she’s usually in shorts. she feels like she can’t move properly in a dress for pants.
•so in my au she is irene just like regular canon. i gave her her markings but you might notice they’re different; here’s why: so in my au, scars and tattoos can both be used as runes to conduct magicks. scar runes amplify one’s existing magicks while tattoo runes bestow a certain magicks ability to a person (even if they already have one to begin with). though this practice is outdated and illegal in most parts of the world. because irene’s abilities existed prior to her become a divine warrior, she scarred herself to not only enhance said abilities but to also show her true dedication. nowadays no one, except maybe zoey, actually knows what they are or what they’re for exactly.
sorry that was a lot… ANYWAY
•when irene locked herself away, she tried to dress in a way she thought might help her blend in in whatever time she popped back out.
•she was wrong.
•phoenix drop gets really hot, especially in the summer, and it doesn’t snow there. aphmau uses it as an excuse to wear shorts all the time.
•when she first showed up she wasn’t as clueless as they made her seem in rebirth. she was just as aware as she was in the og beginning (except no she didn’t think she was playing minecraft) her reason for helping out the village was basically this: “oh look a village, cool i needed a place to stay. oh man these guys are in rough shape, they don’t have a lord?!? ah geez no one’s helping them, guess i gotta help them. oh shit they made me lord!” ok maybe not EXACTLY like that but yk
•she’s not a pick me in this universe :) and she doesn’t lead people on.
•when garroth first noticed how hard she was working on the village without even being asked, he bought her some gloves so she’d stop tearing up her hands. he bought some basic fingerless leather gloves but payed extra to have them dyed black and embroidered with lil purpley pink flowers. he hopes she’d like them and that his gesture wouldn’t come off as clunky or weird. she loved them and keeps them with her even when they’ve gotten too worn to wear.
•laurmau is endgame. aph and aaron never have any kind of romantic relationship. he’s more of a mentor to her. (i’m sorry garmau lovers i love y’all but laurance is my guy)
so that’s all folks, i’m sure i have more headcanons and changes for aphmau but none come to mind right now. feel free to leave suggestions tho :)
garroth is next >:)
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neos-schlond-poofa · 3 months
i need to post SOMETHING to celebrate the best minecraft series ever but i dont want to do something too big because next year is TEN YEARS I AM OLD so heres my hcs and most are. just canon in my rewrite WHICH I REALLY NEED TO ORGANIZE ONE DAY. someone should make like a google doc layout template thing for us its a hard world theres so much stuff that needs to be rewritten. anywho.
NOT the reincarnation of Irene. Or literally just Irene.
Instead I based her off of my friend's old theory from 5th grade (as a tribute, also my friend isn't dead it's not like an in memoriam tribute but its a tribute to an amazing idea) that she was a fallen angel. But. She isn't at the same time?
She doesn't have those markings from rebirth; I like them in fanart, but realistically? Why would some random girl have that? Instead, she has weird scars on her body.
Knows the basics of writing and reading... but REALLY struggles with them still. She literally just spawned on this world. She doesn't know everything.
But her natural tendency to help people is in her blood. Like. Irene's whole purpose of these "daughters" of her were to try to fix her legacy in a way. She still struggles with a lot of things though, and all those changes to the village LIKE WHERE SHE JUST BUILT HUGE THINGS obviously don't happen.
She also didn't have good combat skills until she trained with Garroth. Then Zenix. Then EVERYONE. Her combat skills are a huge melting pot of every single person she's fought against or fought with. Of course, she prefers to just use her sword.
SUPER socially awkward but doesn't even realize it. After all, she doesn't have many things to base her social interactions off of; she just got here. But, she does have manners at least.
Can't cook. AT ALL. This is actually a headcanon based off the WORST FANFIC I EVER READ (I lied it was amazing but I was so shocked by the ending like it's the best fic ever but... it SCARRED me PLEASE read it).
About like. 24 years old.
Bisexual and genderfluid and polyamorous.
Endgame is ultimately Garrancemau, but she DOES have a relationship with Katelyn and Zoey during the series. Those will be expanded upon later.
Never has a romantic relationship with Aaron. Also will be expanded upon later.
Can't tell her lefts from rights (just like me) without using her hands.
Once she found out about her relation to Irene, she just felt TERRIBLE. Like. This super cool Goddess EVERYONE loves was basically her mother and she has to live up to that.
BUT OH IT GETS WORSE WHEN SHE FINDS OUT IRENE IS A TERRIBLE PERSON. Now, she has to struggle with telling the world or not, she has to exist knowing she was just created to be a solution to the problems someone who doesn't even care much about her caused.
Has mild generalized anxiety and ADHD. And. Naturally gets a lot of trauma over the series.
Knows how Joan of Arc felt.
Kind of an idiot in a way. Like. SUPER INTELLIGENT. But never thought about changing his first name when hiding in Phoenix Drop... he just always ignored people's questions about his last name.
In his defense, Garroth became a fairly popular first name after his birth. It's like when the royals have children and the names they give them become more popular.
Azura helped him escape to Phoenix Drop; they met when he was allowed to go to knight college or whatever its called I FORGOT GUYS!! And he was not in the same class as Laurance... but there any good knight is literally put on the list of Jury of Nine canidates. Like. It's not that hard to be considered. But to be picked? They do like the biggest background checks EVER and secretly watch you to see your strengths.
Naturally a very father-like figure to those significantly younger than him as a result of caring for his brothers and protecting them from his father. I made a whole post about it before. I'd tag it but I. Don't feel like it.
LEVIN'S FATHER!! DILFROTH IS CANON GUYS. But he doesn't know he's the father until after the timeskip.
He doesn't just wear his helmet to hide his appearance from others; he can't stand his appearance. He's a splitting image of his father, the man he truly hates. He hides all the mirrors in his living quarters, he can't stand it. Aphmau is the one that truly starts helping him love himself.
Although. After the whole incident featuring a betrayal, portal, and missing 15 years, he feels scared that he is turning out evil just like his father. He hates it. It haunts him everyday.
Firstly, I just need to say, I head canon Garroth to have depression. And I spoke about this a bit before, but seeing the two people he loved the most seemingly hide a relationship behind his back, instead of being open and honest with him just hurt. He fell into a depressive episode, like it was terrible. AND ZANE BEING ZANE used that to manipulate Garroth, having Lillian use magicks and potions or whatever to mind control him. He only broke out of it once Lillian died AND LAURANCE USED THE POWER OF LOVE!
He never truly figures out everything that happens until after he escapes from the Irene Dimension.
Speaking of which, he is SUPER injured after he escaped from there. I. Um. Actually don't know the specific injuries I'm giving him but all I know is he becomes a cane user. So like. Obviously something with his back but I need to like really get the logistics down that's just how my mind works with these things.
In love with Aphmau AND Laurance. He's so silly.
Bisexual masculine non-binary he/they autistic king that also suffers from depression, PTSD, and survivor's guilt.
Like most people believe, he has a dad bod. Like obviously he's muscular, but he's also chubby.
Can't cut his own hair since he doesn't look in the mirror. When he first revealed his face to Aphmau, she helped him out with his beard and hair (and almost braided his hair).
Around 26 years old.
A good singer, but only sang for Laurance while he was recovering. It's their small little thing.
Okay so firstly, I'm not putting any Shadow Knight headcanons. That's too much.
However, as a result of being a Shadow Knight, he has poor temperature regulation. Like. He's very naturally warm, so he overheats a lot, but in the cold, it's the opposite. He's FREEZING and has to layer up a lot.
Has two gay dads. Which... is canon?? WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS. He has Hayden and Joh. They are his gay dads and they raised him. And Cadenza.
Rarely can have a nice, peaceful sleep due to night terrors. He's haunted by the memories of the Nether, and the only times when those thoughts are subdued are when he's sleeping close to Aphmau or Garroth.
Actually the father of Alina. Because it's not Aaron (ew). And he never knows about this. Because he SACRIFICES himself to save Garroth and Aphmau because he loves them, and he doesn't want either of them to hurt or for himself to hurt them due to the calling.
Just to clarify, he and Aphmau did not intend for this by the way. They just had a silly night where they drank a little bit! And then woke up like a rom-com or something and where like "Oh. My. God." LIKE IT SEEMS TO BE SILLY but then it isn't.
Only knows how to crochet a single type of bear plush. Like. NOTHING ELSE.
He had to wash his orange hair like every single day. If he didn't it literally became so greasy and so crusty. And Zoey ended up having to do that while she watched over him. She was so close to just chopping it all off for him.
Garroth was his closest company while he was blind. He often asked Garroth to describe him what he saw in the village.
Once he got cured, he only partially regained his eyesight. He struggles to see a lot, and gets headaches easily. When he goes into Shadow Knight form though, his eyesight gets a lot better; but once he gets out of that form, he experiences so much pain, and his sight goes downhill for a while.
Can braid hair.
Likes to prank his friends a lot through really elaborate scares. SUPER happy once Malachi and Levin started getting involved.
Pansexual and polyamorous and 25 years old.
Sneezes like. Really cutely. Like he has one of those sneezes.
Her true love was Jeffory. Nothing will ever change that.
When she dated Aphmau, her own grief over Jeffory held back the relationship from blossoming into something more. This applies to all her other relationships as well.
Her anger issues are just simply treated better here. Like. That's all I have to say about that.
Helped care for Aphmau the most (along with Zoey) after Garroth was freed from the Irene Dimension because of how depressed she was over everything. She became really close with Lilith Garnet during this.
Never gets drunk. It's kind of insane. She is wild at taverns and just. Never gets drunk. Her power at that is balanced out with her terrible seasickness.
Doesn't get the appeal of coffee. She hates it, like it tastes so bad to her. She's a tea girlie.
28 years old. But people never guess her age right, like ever. She's eternally youthful despite not having a single skin routine.
Okay this is actually a headcanon and it's based off of a friend I do have in real life. So like yeah I guess in modern times Katelyn is a One Directioner but I guarantee she would be a Deftones fan or something.
okay i planned to do more characters but i literally forgot all mcd characters and my hcs :( SO MAYBE JUST SUGGEST CHARACTERS AND ILL SAY THEM CAUSE THEYRE JUST NOT COMING TO MIND RN also im tired
ANYWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SHOW THAT FOREVER CHANGED MY LIFE. without you minecraft diaries, i wouldve never become the insufferable person i am today <3
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
Oh? How normal are we about Pharaoh Cub?
Okay look. You gotta understand. I've been interested in ancient Egpyt since I was a kid. It's my longest-running special interest/hyperfixation, so much so that I've been practicing ancient Egyptian religion for over twenty years. It's something that's very, very precious to me, bc it's so personal to me, and bc I'm who I am, my knowledge of this stuff is arguably higher than the average person. This makes any kind of media about ancient Egypt actually not that interesting to me bc my brain will Not shut up about inaccuracies, so I tend to avoid them bc of that.
(I could go on about my issues with ancient Egyptian themed media, but I won't, that's a whole 'nuther essay frfr.)
(Also I hope you like infodumping, anon, bc that's what I'm about to do :D)
That said, I've actually written a whole lot of Egyptian myth rewrites, as well as ancient Egyptian stories exploring all kinds of various topics. I have some published on an old blog of mine, but some I never finished for various reasons. It's a whole thing. It's been a whole thing for me for a very, very long time.
So, you're me, someone with a more than average knowledge of and interest in ancient Egypt, and you've just become a Cub fan in s8 bc that was my first Hermitcraft season. I had heard about the pyramid, and Pharaoh Cub, and I was both SO INTERESTED but also actually quite hesitant to watch Cub's s7, bc I didn't want to be disappointed if he messed it up or did something wrong that caused my brain to Disagree. Again, very irrational bc my brain do be like that, but also based on previous experiences of seeing ppl just taking the aesthetics and doing whatever with it, and screw historical accuracy.
(Honestly, this is, like, my One (1) critism with the lore TrixyBlox built into the USW map. Can we Not have evil pharaohs plz just for once. ;_;)
I wanted to trust Cub, bc I'd seen the research that went into the canyon build. He's a smart dude. He cares about getting those kinda details right. And I did genuinely want to see how he approached the pyramid build and how he was going to use it as a base. But again, SO HESITANT. bc what if my blorbo messes it up and ruins the whole thing for me bc m brain is Stupid about this sort of thing. ;_;
But I'm so glad I trusted Cub when I did get around to watching s7, bc I fell in love with the pyramid. The fact that he cared about making it as life-size as possible, but also that he took an approach of taking what works, but also making it his own, and making it fit into the minecraft world. Like, using Standard Galactic for hieroglyphs! I loved that small little detail! It makes so much sense to use it that way.
Like, my very-not-srs gripes about the Pharaoh skin and its weird sleeves aside, his approach was very much how a lot of Egyptian pagans approach things today. Take what works, or what makes sense, and adapt it to where we currently are in the world and what we have access to. And I could tell from how he talked about it throughout the season that he really had done his research. And just- The Morning and The Evening Sun/Star epithet he gave himself like!!!!
Like, it's the little things, like the lapis roof, the stars - including Sirius!, the most important one bc its rising heralds the flood of the Nile and the new year - on the ceiling in the bedroom, the statue room and the way he built those five statues to represent aspects of himself (I cannot stress enough how much I adored those statues), allll the little tunnels and sekrit passageways, and the cartouche on the wall with his name in SGA and using SGA in the museum room, the treasure room with its traps, and the tomb of the Pharaoh himself. Like. It was such a perfect blend of Cub and Egyptian stuff. 10/10. I can find no faults. Although I do want to go back and finish the oasis room at some point. Make it a healing pool room with a shrine or two in it. Something like that.
Like, I had my doubts, but I trusted Cub and his process, and I was right to do so. It cemented Cub as my favourite Hermit at that point, bc he took my special interest and did it justice. And that's why I'm Very Normal about Pharaoh Cub.
But there are also other aspects too! Pyramids were designed to be tombs, and that's where the Pharaoh was left to rest at the end of s7. Which seems very appropriate, given where Hermitcraft went after that.
The reason I fixate so much on this is that there's this Egyptian underworld book called the Book of Caverns, that describes the King's journey through the underworld. It's not as well-known as the Book of the Dead, but the reason I keep coming back to it is because of Cub's canyon in s8. Where he built everything in little caverns in the canyon itself. And with the change of skin to young Cub, my brain just cannot let go of the idea of s8 being Pharaoh Cub's journey through the underworld, culminating with the final battle against the serpent we do not name so we do not give it power (a/p/o/p/h/i/s) that is here manifested in s8 as Moon Big. It's not a perfect metaphor, and I won't pretend it is. Especially bc while Cub escapes, the world is destroyed, and that's not necessarily accurate. But! He still escapes! He uses all his knowledge and resources that he's gained through his journey through the underworld to escape. To rise again in s9 as the new sun.
AND AND AND the fact that in s9 PHARAOH CUB DID ACTUALLY RETURN. Only now, we have the Pharaoh as a distinct entity. A divine akh/ancestor, a master magician, one who is clever and wiley like Thoth and who loves playing games and playing pranks. (Thoth is a trickster, and a very smart one.) And to have the distinction between Pharaoh Cub, who is a god, and mortal Cub, who is just Cub, like.
(Cub and his possession kink is also a whole 'nuther essay frfr)
That distinction makes sense in an Egyptian theological framework. Once the Pharaoh dies, they become divine akhu/ancestors. Very few were Actually Deified in a way we would recognise, but Cub is still not wrong when he calls the Pharaoh a god. The Pharaoh was a conduit between the people and the gods. He acted as the only high priest of the religion. He became King by hosting the Kingly Ka, the divine soul of Horus that legitimises their rule. This Ka/soul, has been with every king before it, and all the kings are attached/accessed through it. Kings live forever, after all. My own personal religious work has involved various Kings and Queens and working with them. (Not the most famous ones, tho, it's mostly the Sobek ones bc I worship Sobek first and foremost.)(Sobek being a crocodile god, a strong protector, and a god who was incorporated in Horus at one stage and gained Kingship attributes from that.)
And so it makes so much sense for the Pharaoh to be a separate entity now. The old man died, bc Cub is mortal, and ba/eternal soul of Cub was reborn into a new, younger body, with a whole new ka. Everyone has a ka, it is the soul that belongs to a particular lifetime and is the one that goes through judgement after death. The ba is eternal, and can have many kau/souls throughout its existence.
And bc the Pharaoh has died and become an akh, he can be contacted and manifest in the world again through the mortal Cub. The fact that Cub never actually changed the Pharaoh skin to reflect his younger self? It still has the old man's face? Like. This helps the distinction work. They're two different souls. This is theologically sound. And honestly I never imagined the Pharaoh lore would get to that point. But here we are, in s9, and we have the Pharaoh and mortal Cub, and I am Just So Normal about this bc I thought I'd missed my chance at Pharaoh Cub bc I only started watching in s8. BUT NO. s9 came along and is like, would you like some more Pharaoh Cub? and it's eating my brain like. oh my gods.
And also like, the Vex Magic Grimoire I've been working on? Canonically (to me), it's being written by Pharaoh Cub. Once the ConVex and ConCorp shenanigans settled down, and Cub had space to really focus on his magic, that's when he starts working on the grimoire. bc almost all Pharaohs were also master magicians. They had to be! It was part of their work as high priest and conduit for the gods. So Cub has Pharaoh magic on top of Vex magic, and in working through his new powers, decides to start recording down all he knows about Vex magic. Scar does some as well, but it is intended to be mostly Cub.
(I have an ask I STILL have not got around to about the Pharaoh's magic, and I will save a longer discussion for that there. I will get to it, I promise, anon! It's just taken a while to get my thoughts in order. <3)
It's like, in Pharaoh Cub, I can combine my love of writing about Egyptian things with my current hyperfixation on Cub, and it's so much fun omg. Cub doesn't do deep lore the way someone like Sausage does (again, whole 'nuther essay lol), but there's enough there to make a really good story, and build up these aspects of his character and make a really coherent story out of it.
And with Pharaoh Cub, I can explore all kinds of things that maybe don't work with other characters. Like death! In a way that doesn't really happen in minecraft bc players just respawn. Permanent death is something I've really only encountered on Empires, not Hermitcraft. But with the Pharaoh dying and being laid to rest in his pyramid? Like. That's something to work with. There's lore there to explore. Old Man Cub coming to terms with dying and what happens afterwards. and bc like. idk if anyone has actually ever written Old Man Cub as an actual Old Man. But as someone who's approaching 40, and has their own chronic pain stuff to deal with, like? Maybe I see it differently. Maybe I want to approach Old Man Cub as an old man. And maybe the Old Man dying as Pharaoh, and being reborn into a younger body is one way to do that.
Sure, it may not be the most popular fics for ppl. Maybe ppl are more interested in my other works. But I don't care. It's all my special interests in one place and I'm having the time of my life. :D
Even if I STILL don't know what to do with the journey through the afterlife!s8 caverns idea. Maybe one day I will find the right spark to do that idea justice. <3
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corvid-case · 3 months
hello everyone :) I'm Corvid/Icarus/Shark, pronouns they/them!! Tone tags appreciated!!! Artist and writer, working on fics :D I don't have one main fandom I have FOUR do you like plastic ninja and turtle ninja and Minecraft block men because boy I do (Ninjago, ROTTMNT (I don't really know any other version I'm sorry guys), Life Series, Hermitcraft) I also really like Dreamzzz but I've just started that series so I have less feelings about it /lh Do YOU like silly little aus about Ninjago and Rise because I have many if you're interested I have a list I'll put them under the read more with their name, tags, and a short description :) ITS LONG IM SORRY LMAO Also yes there is shipping in some of these, not really in any of the Rise aus but in the Ninjago aus there's some, most of the time it doesn't really affect most of the story but I'll mention if it does
Initium Novum (#inau) Told from the perspective of an OC (lost turtle sibling called Masaccio (Acie)), takes place during the show and has a lot of other OCs in it if that's not your jam
What Do You Do When You Fall Into Heaven? (#fihau) Told from multiple perspectives, takes place during/after the movie and is a hurt/comfort. The same cast as Initium Novum, with some additions :) I really wanted to write the future guys man they all show up at some point
Who's That Hamato? (#wthau) Kind of an au of Initium Novum, it's what if Acie was also taken in by Splinter. Explores a different facet of them, explores how their relationships would be different in a different situation.
We Have Got To Stop Meeting New People Like This (#snpau) Another Initium Novum/WDYDWYFIH au but this one's Ninjago :) Similar to House of the Rising Sun (Shells) in that the Merge caused their world to join the Merged Realms, they all explore this new world and Acie gets to go nuts.
Boys of Summer (#bosau) Non-OC au, it's another separated au throw the confetti throw the sparkles- Leo focused, he's still with Splinter but Draxum is there as well and has been redeemed, the others found their own ways out of the lab and ended up in different places.
Rise from the Dead (#rftdau) Non-OC au, puts a ghostly spin on the story. The turtles are all ghosts that only April can see. There's no yokai and no mystics, but multiple yokai characters are still in the story, just as humans.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Critters (#tmncau) Sort of Minecraft au but not really, I just really really love the fanon Minecraft hybrids so I made the turtles into them :). They're mutants still but they've got distinctly Minecraft hybrid traits I've put sooo much thought into the traits for all the different hybrids it's so fun
Shell From Another Realm (#sfarau) A Rise/Ninjago crossover au, takes place post-Rise movie and post-Crystalized pre-Dragon's Rising. The turtles, April, and Casey end up in the world of Ninjago and try to find their way home while also trying to figure out this new world.
House of the Rising Sun (Shells) (#hotrsau) Another Rise/Ninjago crossover au, completely separate from the previous one in that this takes place during Dragon's Rising instead. When the Merge caused all the Realms to collide, Earth was one of them, and everyone ended up scattered across the Merged Realms. The Hamatos decide to settle in the Crossroads and meet some young faces.
Some Assembly Required (#sarau) Completely rewrites the entire thing, based on the question "what if the bite from the Devourer didn't turn Garmadon evil and instead made him sick?" Garmadon is good and raising his children, the kids aren't really as in tune with their elemental powers, and I made a bunch of lore for it around the dragons and the other elemental masters please ask me about it please please /lh (has a couple ocs but not very many) (pretty shippy, a lot of poly relationships)
Web of Destiny (#wodau) Spiderman au, all six main ninja are a group of heroes, with Pixal as a vigilante. Other characters from the series feature as villains. The Dragons Rising cast also features.
The Dragon's Samurai (#tdsau) Crystalized ending rewrite, Pixal focused. Asking "what if their golden powers went haywire after they sent them to Lloyd, causing them to lose themselves? Also what if Nya got a golden form I'm so sad she didn't get one" Basically they get taken over by their powers and Pixal has to go talk some sense into them I lOVE PIXAL SO MUCH DO YOU UNDERST
Abnormal Reaction (#arau) DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE BIZARROS BECAUSE I DO this is entirely me wanting to have a Bizarro au they don't die after getting dusted they just regroup somewhere else and decide to go do their own thing after Garmadon gets defeated
A Different Vision of the Future (#advotfau) I'm lowkey embarrassed about this one lmAO it's a Genshin au,,,,, I probably won't write a fic for it like I will with the others but I wanted to draw it and explore the concept I don't even play Genshin anymore I'm crying
Ready Your Triforce, It's About To Have More Sides (#rytau) Do you guys like Breath of the Wild :) I like Breath of the Wild :) BotW/Ninjago crossover au besties they all end up in different points in time and get to interact with different pEOPLE lots of me messing around with dynamics
staring up at the sky (and hoping to see your face) (#suatsau) Veeeeery self indulgent self discovery au. Everyone but Lloyd is this almost godlike ruler of different concepts and they give him the chance to leave everything to come join them, and he has to make that decision.
Ninjas & Normies (#nanau) They're all just normal college students who like to play D&D, they each get a chance to run a campaign once they're taught how to play. Each campaign is based off a plot point or season from the show.
Departed and Service (#dasau) BASED ON Five Nights at Freddys NOT ACTUALLY A FNAF AU I don't know NEARLY enough about the fnaf lore to make an actual au with it but they're all animatronic characters from a very popular kid's TV show and Morro and Pixal are employees at their party place :) A bunch of side characters show up in this (Dragon's Rising cast also appears)
SPINJITZOON! (#spinau) It's a Splatoon au they're all having fun Ronin is basically Grizz he messes with their weapons and makes them more powerful (Dragon's Rising cast appears)
Pokemon Spin and Pokemon Whip (#pspwau) Pokemon au!!! There's two different parts to this, the first one starring Kai Nya and Lloyd, and the second starring Arin Sora Wyldfyre and Euphrasia! They all go on their adventures and in the second part Kai Nya and Lloyd see themselves in these kids and want to help them go farther
Adventures of the Dragon (#aotdau) Another D&D au but this one is them just living in a D&D fantasy style world :) silly things ensue this one's more just art than fully written story
Shapes and Colors (#sacau) Minecraft au! They're a group of friends who play on a server together and some of them are streamers and youtubers who record these sessions and put it out there for their fans, some of them do lore while some of them have no idea what's going on any of the time. Other elemental masters and Dragons Rising characters appear. (shippy, but mostly with their little characters that they made for the lore)
Lights, Camera, Action! (#lcaau) Silly actor au! Not much else to it
Song of the Sirens (#sotsau) Mermaid au, some of them are pirates and others are mermaids. Just some fun dynamics with some human/nonhuman shipping :)
Mobs of a Feather Flock Together (#moafftau) Another,, another Minecraft au this one is like Adventures of the Dragon in that they live in this world and also they're all different Minecraft hybrids I got really really into Minecraft hybrids man I just really like to draw them,,,, Dragons Rising cast is included
Ninjagoing Going Gone (#gggau) Sort of Scooby Doo-esque mystery au, kind of a blend between movieverse and showverse. Starring Arin, Sora, Wyldfyre, and Euphrasia, they're looking for the old heroes they used to hear about as kids who completely disappeared years ago. They find Lloyd and force him convince him to help them, even though he's not so sure he can.
These Problems Are Multi-Faceted (#tpamfau) Gem au! Like from Steven Universe! Except it's not a Steven Universe au, it doesn't follow the plot of the show at all. Super quick synopsis is Pink Diamond grew tired of the way things were on Homeworld and so rebelled, escaping with his fellow rebels to a planet already under his control. After lots of fighting and the establishment of a shaky truce, an Emerald and his crew are sent to the planet to try and bring Pink back.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
ps becky i completely forgot about my plan for chapter two until i was one scene away from finishing...so let's just say this can be an au and it will happen at one point 😭🙏 for now tho this is just a rewrite of chapter one but with a LOT more content :]
(read the og fic here ! ao3 link to this fic !)
shroud, you...savior?
words: 4590 (LENGTHH!)
cw: panic, description of a panic attack (-ish? idrk how to write panic attacks), spiders, swearing
Trust. It was a vulnerable thing to play around with, he knew that. Yet still, Wilbur continued to show up behind the “Ranboo” plushie on Tommy’s bookshelf. Day after day. 
It had been almost a month since he and Tommy had met, and already his mind had already sworn the kid to be trustworthy. But logically, he knew that the risk factor of revealing himself went up and far beyond the skyline he’d grown to know as Tommy’s ceiling.
True as that may be, though, a part of Wilbur still liked thinking of Tommy as a gentle human, rare as they may be…and never as young as Tommy. He had all the doubts in the world that this human wouldn’t be just like the stories. It only made sense. 
He wonders how much Tommy really cared about his situation, because he knew that so much of his life’s curtain had been lifted, but for some reason the human only sympathised with him. It frustrated him to not understand such a massive thing.
Wilbur knew it wasn't worth it to dig deeper, because all it took was one unthought sentence to tip the boat and send Tommy off. His entire world would clatter around him, every minute he spent making sure he wouldn’t be seen, finding the right way to borrow food without any trace, to make his own tools and his own home—just like a borrower should. Every delicacy he’d been trained to follow. It was exhausting, but that’s how it has been, and Wilbur doesn’t hope to change the fact just yet. 
Instead, he followed through with offering up a system that he explicitly said he expected Tommy to follow; a simple “keep your hands and eyes to yourself”.
It had been a risky card to lay on the table, but Tommy respected it.
So far. 
And he enjoyed their talks, for the most part. Occasionally his voice would run dry when Tommy would ask a question that made the hair on his neck stand, and he never misses the awkward pauses between their responses when Wilbur trails off as he thinks he’s talking too much or revealing too much or about to reveal something important.
All in all, other than that insecurity, it was nice to have a responding voice to relax with. 
Settling down against the wood of the bookshelf was a rewarding thing, something like a gift for his hard work. And a good fifty percent of the times he’d done it, Wilbur avoided thinking about how convenient it would be to get Tommy’s help with what he spent unnecessary time on.
Unfortunately for him, this time was the calm before the storm.
That was impossible to tell at that point, though. 
It was quiet as he approached from the hole he’d carved in the back of the bookshelf, save for Tommy wrapping his stream up with drawling out his goodbyes. Stars danced in the sky from what he could see without the glare from the warm fairy lights that Tommy had lit. He can just barely see between the plushie without risking being spotted. And from what he could see, Tommy had ended the stream by now and was only sitting with himself in the camera view.
He closed down the camera and returned to Minecraft. He barely knew what it was, though it seemed Tommy enjoyed it a lot. And it seemed nice, like…clean? Smooth? Wilbur can’t exactly find the words to describe something out of his range of knowledge. 
“Wilbur?” Tommy calls out, voice raised. 
“Hi, Tommy,” Wilbur replies softly—though he keeps his volume up for the sake of Tommy. It echoes around the closed off shelf just slightly, repeating back to him twice. “Was your stream good?” he asks, crouching down and shuffling his legs so he’s leaning against the same wooden wall he’s always on, head turned to watch Tommy’s fingers tap against the rectangular thing he always uses. He used to know the name of it, but it’s vanished in his head for the time being.
It’s lulling to listen to. 
“I think it was? I don’t know the word for it, it was fuckin’ weird, Tubbo wouldn’t stop punching me the entire time.”
“I don’t expect you to know the word, you’re too young to know big words,” Wilbur hums.
It was risky, but the sound of Tommy’s huffed laughter let his nails stop digging into his palm. 
“Piss off, you don’t even know what a keyboard is, ya’ dick. Don’t make fun of my lack of vocabulary, I have more important things to do than learn fucking English—like attend to my many many women, yeah?”
Wilbur bites at the inside of his cheek, combing desperately through the tone of Tommy’s voice, how it spilled into lilting syllables at some points and how his voice raised at other times. He seemed sarcastic…but he could never be sure. And it made his voice run dry. He closed his eyes and pushed the side of his forefinger against his temple, sighing in regret. Or maybe relief of the tease in part of his reply. 
The silence drew out awkwardly, Wilbur sat with his eyes closed and only the sound of the keyboard clicking. Before the rubber band could snap back on the both of them, Tommy chimed in. “Hey, Wil, y’know I was just joking about that, right? I’m not mad at you,” he reassures. It soothes him so quickly.
He opens his eyes again and returns his hands to his lap, ready to reply when he sees something shift in the shadows. Jumping, his hands instinctively reaching to his side for a needle, where he finds himself defenceless against whatever was there. The scent of rot runs in his senses. He wrinkles his nose at it, chest already heaving. 
“Wilbur?” Tommy cuts in, but he can barely hear it over his head spinning
Wilbur stays still, moving slowly. He can barely get halfway to his feet before something pushes on his chest and he slumps back against the wall, his head pushed down awkwardly. He pushes his vision up the best he can, what little light that floods in from Tommy’s room displaying a creature he could just faintly recognize.
A spider. 
Stories of the beings come to a slamming halt in his head. It pins another leg onto him, and he bites his tongue hard, saliva pooling in the bottom of the mouth he struggled to keep from screaming. He keeps his hands to himself, one pressed flat against the sleek wood and the other clamped over his mouth. 
Spiders…shouldn’t be that big. He’s never met one before, but it screams unnatural. It screams monster. Fittingly, Wilbur screams for a monster.
“Tommy—oh fuck—Tommy!” Wilbur yells out, his rules clambering to the ground with an inaudible shatter. The spider above him hisses in reply, the red glint in its many, many eyes making his blood run cold. It doesn’t do anything, it sits there, while Wilbur is defenceless. The predator has his prey, so again, in a last ditch effort, he calls for its predator. “Tommy!” again he yells, as if somehow the human could be able to help him.
Fuck his rules! Why was hiding one of them?
Why does he never plan for the worst?
Tears that fall to his agape expression, making his strained eyes stinging and his throat run dry. He swallows, shuddering at the lump he can't find a way to get rid of, and  if somehow it was possible, the spider pushes down harder, hissing at him again. Its eyes burn into his head. Wilbur huffs nervously and sinks further down the bookshelf wall.
Whatever Tommy’s reply is goes in one ear and pours right out the other, his senses a garbled pit of smog.
The spider above him twitches, vibrating through it's body where Wilbur can feel it in his core.
And before he can call once more for the human, the warm lights that look like orange spots in his teary vision are pushed into view as the contents on the shelf are shoved to the side to fix a problem Wilbur should've been able to get himself out of.
—— — ——
Tommy shoved everything to the side of the middlemost shelf, not bothering to acknowledge the bits and pieces that fell to the hardwood floor with a clatter. The only thing his instincts care about is the tiny thing that lay in front of him, barely the size of his finger, crumpled near the edge of the shelf with Shroud standing proudly on him. Wilbur’s curls barely obscure his wet cheeks that only get worse by the second.
Tommy stands for a moment, hands making useless efforts to find a way to get the spider off of Wilbur without startling the tiny. He doesn’t deserve that.
Eventually, he pinches the sides of his body and brings his other hand underneath, barely grazing Wilbur’s torso in the process. Tommy’s heart twists when he steps away with Shroud and more importantly his raging head which makes him feel awful for breaking the second of Wilbur’s couple of simple rules. 
“Shroud, fuckin’ dickhead, don’t do Wilbur like that,” he scolds the arachnid, slipping him into his cage and sealing it off.
He’d been completely mindless to let it be on the shelf.
He runs a hand down his face and returns back to the bookshelf, where Wilbur still was, chest still heaving from the scare and eyes absolutely fixed on him. They never left him, and he felt awful. It got worse with every step he took closer to the tiny, no matter how slow he approached and no matter how high he raised his hands in defence.
Tommy couldn’t blame him. He had lied to Wilbur. Let him sit in faux comfort.
Wilbur coughs, choking on the tears that don’t stop rolling down his flushed cheeks. Tommy’s expression twists, plummeting deeper in concern. He swallows, nervous.
“Hey, uhm, Wil?” he asks. Wilbur flinches at it, shuffling away from the edge of the shelf and further and further into the corner until his body is pressed up against the fold of the two wooden boards. “Hey, nonono—it’s okay, you’re fine,” he tries. “It’s—you’re fine. Shroud’s gone, yeah? He’s in his cage.”
There is the daintiest moment of silence before Wilbur bursts,
“Had you known? Did you know that entire fucking time?” Wilbur demands, his voice shaky, and not only because of his uncertainty.
Tommy had always hated how unsure he felt around him, even in the safety of the bookshelf, a place that he, at the time, had felt safe at. But he has bigger problems to address head-on than Wilbur’s wavering trust with him. Like, how heavy his chest was. 
“Wilbur, breathe in,” he says, ignoring the question. Wilbur obliges startlingly quickly, taking in a deep, quivering breath. “Okay, uhm, breathe out. And then in again—out,” he demonstrates, watching as Wilbur takes what he says to heart, not without a scowl on his face however.
Tommy stands back quietly as Wilbur sorts through his emotions. He watches with his breath held, and when tiny eyes connect with his own he releases it. Wilbur’s lips curl in on themself, then open like he’s going to say something.
Tommy listens. 
“Answer me,” Wilbur says. 
Tommy swallows and stays quiet, guilt pecking at him like a crow.
Finally, “Yeah, yeah I did. But trust me when I say I didn’t want anything to do with you! I—I mean I like talking to you ‘n all, but I respected your personal space, y’know?”
Wilbur considers it for a moment, eyes staring beyond Tommy, down at his hands, then back to Tommy. “I wasn’t safe, and you let me think I was! You’ve gone and what, let me go weeks thinking I was safe?”
“You were safe!” Tommy argues, brows furrowed, shallow in thought as to why Wilbur refused to believe what he said. Maybe he needed to be more convincing. “Seriously, Wil. Think about it, man: I knew where you were pretty much every day, and I didn’t make one move for you. I let you think you were safe, because you were. I literally own a spider, people hate those fuckin’ things, I’d never hurt him, let alone you.”
Wilbur stays quiet. Tommy can’t exactly say that he looks convinced or is even processing anything Tommy said to him, so Tommy lends him the time to. The borrower intertwines his fingers around his legs, nails tugging up his skin as he tightens his grasp.
Tommy’s hands twitch.
Slowly, attention never leaving the tiny, he inches his hand up and moves it closer to Wilbur, knuckle extended just barely so he can nudge the man. Tommy’s finger rubs against the soft material of a shirt that was once his as he tries to soothe Wilbur, grazing barely at his impossibly small and fragile torso.
Instantly, borrower startles, hands unlinking and rushing to his side, only for his tense shoulders to slump for some reason. Then Wilbur’s face twists into a deeper scowl and his hands, each barely the size of his fingertip, push at his knuckle. The feeling makes the fan in his mind whir loudly and his eyes go noticeably wide, the feeling of an entire hand against centimetres of his finger plays with his head. 
“Sorry,” Tommy murmurs above his crowded thoughts. 
“Don’t fucking touch me, yeah? You’ve done enough, you don’t get to fucking—" Wilbur pauses suddenly, his brows furrowing as he silently negotiates something, which ends with a quippy: "get the hell away from me, actually! I don’t want to see you right now.”
Tommy’s face, somehow, falls even further. 
—— — —— 
Wilbur watches with bated breath as Tommy walks off without sparing another glance at him. A part of him is rewarded at the sight of the human taking his demand, while the other worries for what might be to come.
Perhaps something awful that Tommy wanted to keep a secret by playing along. He doubts that fact, because in the back of his mind he knows Tommy, amusingly enough, would never compare with the mercilessness (or, respectively, the brains) of someone who could torture such a conscious being.
When the door to Tommy’s bedroom finally closes softly, he feels like he can breathe again; his muscles ease and the smog in his mind wipes away slowly. It still stands, but he doesn’t have it revving at every little insignificant movement Tommy had to offer.
Wilbur sighs and drags his hands along his face, sore eyes and tear-dried cheeks making his skin scratchy. He shuffles up, standing in the place that just moments ago he would’ve considered his safe haven. But dwelling on it didn’t appeal to Wilbur, so he found his way out of the stream of soft lighting and back into the shadows, the fairy lights covered by the thing Tommy had shoved to the side.
He steps carefully along the small board installed between the back of the bookshelf and the wall, ducking as he approaches the small hole. It’s equally as dark inside, and without the usual chatter as Tommy streamed or talked to friends it felt suffocatingly quiet and isolating. Contrastingly, at the very same time, he thinks the sound of it would make him sick.
Call him dramatic, but he has every right to be right back at square one with Tommy. 
Wilbur walks silently towards the lit part of the walls, where he’d hung a piece of excess cloth to section off his living quarters with the rest of the tunnel systems. He ducks under it, and instantly a matchstick-box bed with a portioned sponge as his mattress calls to him to rest his sore eyes.
He slumps on the makeshift bed. It sinks just slightly after it gets used to his weight, and a notable rarity of physical tire creeps along his aching body.
He eases his muscles to the best of his ability as he drifts, flexing his fingers and rolling his wrists. Wilbur can’t recall a time where his hands had been that tight or when they’d dug into his skin like that.
To put it simply, he felt betrayed. And maybe he shouldn’t, but he did.
Wilbur’s eyelids hung heavy over his eyes as mentality seeped into physicality. He shuffles his position, laying the length of the makeshift bed with hands crossed over his chest while he stared up at the almost endless ceiling. It climbed higher and higher until it was too engulfed in shadows to see properly.
He imagines Tommy’s ceiling, white and smooth. He wondered what it would be like to fall asleep under that roof instead of…well, truthfully, he doesn’t know if he considered the abyss to be a roof.
Sure, in most aspects it was. It sheltered him from the rain and kept him away from the blazing sun, and the walls around him made the temperature bearable, but he can’t say it’s exactly the most…relaxing thing.
Wilbur can mark many occasions where he’s walked past a motionless Tommy who stared up at his ceiling. At the time he’d assumed the kid to be asleep, but now he reconsiders. So, he supposes he wished to have a place to think. Because staring up at the same towering wooden panels that shoot beyond his vision is never calming. It’s effortless to imagine a thin, woolly, pitch-black leg creeping out of the shadow, then another one, and another, and another as eight beady red eyes blink simultaneously blink, and the hiss of it echoes through the caverno—Wilbur squirms uncomfortably and tries to blink away the vision. It fades as he tosses to his side and grabs aimlessly for the crumpled clump of sloppily sewn together pieces of cloth, something he thought would look appealing, but really looked untidy. Finally, his fingers grab at it, pulling the weight up to toss over himself.
His overheated body is cooled by the cold feeling of it having rested on the dusty floor. It feels nice, it almost distracts him from the impending doom that his mind can’t shake the feeling of. 
Wilbur's fingers curl into the cloth.
Minutes pass, the lulling sound of something being on a raging absence for such a peculiar and melancholy evening. 
Maybe an hour passes, perhaps three or six. There was one constant during his wakeful period: Wilbur could barely sleep. No matter if he shifted his body just barely or assumed a million different positions, if he kept his makeshift lights on or off, or if to soothe his restless mind he hit himself in the head.
Every time, he’d end up on his back, staring up at an abyss. Something in him wanted to seek out Tommy. It was an abrupt thought, and frankly a startling one, and he certainly weighed the possibilities of it for a long while. 
Somewhere along the way of deciding, his head stopped buzzing and he found a means to sleep.
Wilbur isn’t entirely positive it was morning as he wakes up to a thump! that rattles the fragile insides of his nook.
He jolts up, anxiety scaling his spine and foraging his bed-ruffled curls, and right down to his eyes, which flicker with the same uncertainty that was in his limbs when he shoved his bedding off of himself and stood to his rickety feet. 
Wilbur jumps, the noise sounding strangely close—oh.
For a split second, it had just been him in the universe. He had forgotten about Tommy’s piss-poor scheme of letting him bathe in the lie, fermenting it just right until it was inevitable that the betrayal would sting just a little bit more.
“Wil?” Tommy calls out, tapping at the outside of the walls again. “I’m not gonna try anything, I actually don’t even want you to come out. It’d be nice to physically make up with you, but words are good too. Just tell me you haven’t gone and left,” Tommy says. His voice echoes down the hallway, and Wilbur can imagine how close he must be. How far he’s leaning over the bookshelf just to get a shot at his crumpled trust. Bullshit.
He considers it, standing in the middle of the hall. It’s tempting, he can’t say he doesn’t still yearn for the feeling of just sitting with Tommy, being with another person instead of alone.
But, then again, he knew the risk, and it skyrocketed.
So, Wilbur stayed quiet until he could get his shit together. 
Tommy disagreed. 
“Wilbur,” Tommy drawled sourly, “come on, man, I don’t want to make this a bigger deal than it already is, but just–” his voice is cut off as he stops talking. There’s a pause, a pleasing one, but it’s cut off with an abrupt “sorry”. 
The borrower sighs. “Are you trying to make me feel bad?” he asks. 
“Not really.” Tommy pauses shortly. “Maybe.”
Wilbur huffs, amused. “Well it’s not really working.” It is.
Barely, there’s the echo of a sigh. 
Through the weight of their silence, Wilbur considers his options: life over Tommy.
 It’s not exactly apparent to him, yet still he chooses something and throws all of his cares away to walk down the hall and closer to Tommy. 
“Well then I’m not trying to make you feel bad, because you know me, I never fail,” Tommy jokes, laughing at his own attempt at humour. Wilbur snickers quietly, trying to remind himself that Tommy is an absolute traitor. But he doesn’t have it in him to care.
“That is presumptuous of you to say,” Wilbur muses, a grin appearing as he imagines Tommy’s face as he reacts to Wilbur’s comment. 
By now, the borrower is moments away from the bookshelf opening.
He pauses, standing in the middle of the hall as he contemplates going any further.
Tommy, now sounding closer than ever, where Wilbur can hear every shuffle of his sleeve against the polished shelf, inhales sharply. He lets it out in a slow sigh, and Wilbur anticipates their witty conversation to halt.
“I gotta apologise, man,” Tommy confesses.
Wilbur perks, folding his arms over his chest to hear what Tommy has to say. 
“Go on,” he urges.
He can hear Tommy swallow thickly and sigh again. “I know I broke your trust, or whatever,” Tommy says, his voice muffled like he’s cupping his hands, “and I moved too quickly when you needed help—which in my defence I wasn’t thinking, but it still isn’t a proper excuse. I don’t…apologise for saving you or knowing where you were in case you did need my help, but I apologise for just fuckin’ not telling you so you could re-whatever yourself to feel safer.”
Wilbur blinks, tightening his fingers around the fabric of his sleeve and curling into his skin. Guilt clawed at him. He hadn’t known Tommy for very long, but he’s gathered enough to know he didn’t apologise very often—or so he’s heard. 
Before Wilbur could comprehend what just happened or even start to reply, he heard Tommy walk off.
So now, the only thing left in the air was Tommy’s echoing apology and the lingering product taste of Wilbur’s dramatised overreacting,
Wilbur spent the rest of the day taking care of the things he didn’t have time to do before. He fixed the bulk of his weapons—sharpened the lead of a pencil and swept the remnants of it up, then went to hell and back trying to clean the deep grey off of his palm and fingertips.
He hadn’t left the walls though. Tommy leaving had made him feel beyond awkward, and no response he could think of portrayed how he felt or conveyed a proper response to an apology from the non-apologist.
And by the time he could hear Tommy pile into his room for the night, Wilbur decided to give up on his fake conversation and simply face his fears. Mental or physical ones, he hadn't decided yet.
He shuffles up from his bed and starts down the hall. As he does, he listens intently for Tommy’s boisterous streaming voice. He hoped he could catch the human before he started his daily streams.
Thankfully, it seemed like an easy task, because although Tommy had already situated himself at his desk and booted up a game, he made no move to his streaming gear.
Wilbur wonders intrusively while drifting down a rope he’d installed to the bookshelf if perhaps the skip in his schedule was because of him. 
The borrower, swiftly, moves onto the lower shelf and disappears back into the walls, the only difference being that he's travelling down the path to Tommy’s desk, which he’d made the opening a while ago when he’d considered visiting Tommy once. (It was a futile attempt.)
He travels down the walls, and when he gets to the abandoned opening, he finds it unblocked, completely visible unlike how he distinctly remembers leaving it.
His eyes narrow at Tommy.
The human notices him quickly, eyes prying away from the screen to catch sight of the unsure borrower. 
Wilbur tenses. 
“Hey, man,” Tommy greets smoothly, “I didn’t think you used that tunnel—opening–…thing.”
Taking a deep breath, Wilbur shakes his head. “I don’t. I made it a few weeks ago and left it alone, I found no use for it. I do distinctly remember covering it up, though,” Wilbur points out. Tommy shrinks back a bit. 
“Yeahh,” he drawls. “Sorry.”
Wilbur shakes his head. “I don’t give a shit anymore.”
“Fair, fair,” Tommy says, glancing at his game and back down to the borrower. “Well, uh, did you need anything, then?”
Wilbur shrugs. “Well—I couldn’t sleep,” he lies. It wasn’t entirely a lie—although he hadn’t really been trying…oh well, Tommy’ll believe it.
“Did’cyu want to have a chat then?”
Wilbur eyes Tommy’s hoodie pocket, knowing he wouldn’t get over his fear if he didn’t try. “Actually–uh, could I just try to fall asleep in your pocket instead? Would you mind?” he asks.
Tommy frowns. “Really? You trust me for that?”
“I want to,” Wilbur admits, shifting from the cutout in the wall and down onto the desk, following along the wooden surface cautiously. He stares up at Tommy, who in return stares back down at him. 
“Yeah, sure, then, just—come here,” Tommy says, moving his hands from his mouse to the table, laid flat only an inch from him. Wilbur stares at the intricacies in it, each line that is spread taut and each colossal finger laid steady for him.
Sighing, Wilbur places an unsure hand to Tommy’s skin, the contact being the first human contact he has ever had. Wilbur can’t even describe the feeling, something faint of a spark or a fan whirring. His eyes narrow as he concentrates on continuing on, pulling himself onto Tommy’s hand until he’s sat in the middle.
Tommy curls his fingers just slightly and lifts it off the table. His gut churns with a new sensation as he watches the ground extend from him as he’s lowered to Tommy’s abdomen, the red cloth of his hoodie’s pocket soon encasing him when Tommy tilts him just slightly inside. He tumbles off and onto the unstable surface. 
At this moment, he is infinitely close to Tommy. He can hear the subtle churning of his gut, which had startled him, but held a strange comfort. 
He’s resting with a traitor, who in his mind posed as more of a saviour at the moment. 
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ereborne · 5 months
Hello, happy holidays! For the End of the year ask meme if you'll like to answer any of the following: 8 (game of the year), 25 (a character you created), 14 (fav book), or 18 (a memorable meal)
Happy holidays! I hope they've treated you well <3
8: I don't play many games myself (only Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and silly seek-and-find puzzle games) and my laptop was too tuckered for games for most of the year, but even if I'd been farming nonstop I think the game of the year would still be Final Fantasy VII Remake. Pretty sure it'll be the game of every year until it's all out, and then maybe a couple years more for good measure. I am having such an incredible time following the game as it comes out and @kaylithographica plays through it, and I can't wait to see how Square Enix keeps going with the meta and story changes.
25: Some of the more complex edits I've been trying to work on this week actually revolve around a particular OC, so we'll talk about her. Her name is Mercy, and she was not supposed to be important (folks who have lived with me may be familiar with this refrain). She was supposed to be a filler character! She's an archetype! Her name is Mercy and she has none! Grr rar tragic backstory vengeance quest knife collection! But nooo now she's got layers. She's got depth. We're emotionally invested in her character arc. Damn it. Anyway she befriends her local main characters to use them as pawns in her revenge plot, spends a lot of time with them waiting for them to vouch for her to her target, gives up her first chance at revenge because she has to go save them instead (in a scene so terribly close to the classic 'stand at crossroad, look longingly at selfish goal down the left, turn back fully on goal to run to friends down the right path' that I may rewrite it to avoid cliche shame), and then eventually gives up her scheming entirely because it would be too much of a betrayal of her very best friends the main characters. She was supposed to die in the first rescue, and then the whole story locked up and I had to go back through trying to find the writer's block instigation point, and I realized I've made too optimistic a world to kill her off without friends or redemption. She's (big sigh) thematically significant now. At least she's also very cool.
14: I'm going with my favorite book that came out this year, to help narrow things down: "The Innocent Sleep", by Seanan McGuire. Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite authors and this is my favorite of her ongoing serieses, and usually we get one a year (usually just in time to be my birthday present to myself! a joyous coincidence) but this year we got two. "Sleep No More" and "The Innocent Sleep", paired stories, one from Toby's point of view and one from Tybalt's. The current state of their world means that these two POVs of the same happenings are wildly different, and it's fascinating (a little heart-wrenching sometimes) to see. Also, Tybalt and his friends dimension-door into Costco in the dead of night and steal all their catfood. It's amazing.
18: The vegeble man had a special on collard greens one time, and I bought a 'bundle' thinking it was your standard grocery-store greens bundle, a generous handful at most. It was more like an armful. Apparently the special was because they'd been sold a literal truckload of greens (perfectly good but disqualified as 'organic' by some neighbor shenanigans) and needed to offload them quickly because the fridge wasn't ready for such a bumper crop. I cooked them in batches with andouille sausage and bacon and just a touch of this amazing miso ghost-pepper hot sauce Duncan has, and we ate them for our next four meals (with grits, with cornbread and grilled tomatoes, with fried eggs and beer bread, and then the last of them mixed into red beans and rice). I really miss not just Southern food but access to Southern ingredients (the 'andouille' sausage I get here is pitiful, and bacon is no substitute for a proper salt-ham, and neither is beer bread always a good alternative to a buttermilk biscuit or quickbread) and it was so nice to have a proper mess of greens again.
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xerith-42 · 5 months
What is, in your opinion, the best and the worst moments of the entire series and why? If you haven't already made a post about that
[cracks knuckles]
It's hard to put a finger on what I would say are best moments because through my rewatch I've actually discovered a lot of good moments early on that I think are overlooked because they don't play into the larger story later on. I talked about one of them in the context of a rewrite on my side blog, but I want to talk about a smaller moment that I actually don't think needs to be rewritten. (this isn't me saying this is the best moment in mcd, just that I think it deserves appreciation)
It's the entire opening sequence of episode 11. Like the whole thing is just really good. It opens with Aph finding out that Donna has gained sentience building that idea into the world, and she gets the story started right away by telling Aph about how Brendan got injured at the end of last episode. Aph instantly rushes in to help, finds out what she has to do from Garroth, and then takes off to do it. Earlier episodes have a problem of being kind of nothing a lot of the time, or Jess will get distracted and take way too long to get to the story, but that just isn't a problem here.
At this point Brendan has been established as a character with gripes, ambitions, wants, love for hamsters, and has an emotional connection to another character in the cast. So both the audience and Aph are invested in his safety, and it's great to see how seriously she can take these situations when circumstances demand it. Furthermore once she gets the medicine Garroth needs, it's Garroth who actually treats Brendan's wounds as this is before Zoey entered the series and became the resident healer.
I really like this aspect of Garroth's character and think it has a ton of potential! Garroth learning battle medicine during the year Phoenix Drop didn't have their lord because he failed to protect his lord before? Maybe he learned it even earlier, like in the guard academy shortly after the death of his brother to ensure that he doesn't lose someone again. As far as I'm aware this is never expanded on outside of this episode but I think it was a really solid piece of character work with Garroth.
And Zenix in this scene?? On point. He is playing up the whole scared guard who's a rookie and new to everything aspect so well, and the way he talks about the whole ordeal is just fantastic. He's so good at playing on Aph's trusting nature and when you learn that he knew the arrow was meant for him and put Brendan in the way? It makes the entire scene all the more heartbreaking. Overall a really great showing from one of the earlier episodes of the series.
And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we have one of the much later episodes in the series run that if you ask me, is one of the worst scenes in anything I have ever witnessed. Season 2 Episode 95 of Minecraft Diaries is perhaps the best example of character assassination happening in real time I have ever seen. The rot upon Laurance's character has been creeping in for some time during season 2, but this is when it hits it's crescendo.
I can and will do an entire post breaking down this entire episode minute by minute one of these days because it's failures are something I take personally. For those of you who aren't actually going insane over the block show, Season 2 Episode 95 is titled "Shadows of the Past", and this is the episode where everything with Laurance hits it's breaking point. In this episode while Aph is just having a fun day playing with Dante, Leona, and the other child who is there, she sees an imp in the forest disguised as Aaron. (Keep in mind Aaron died in episode 81 so the wound is still sort of fresh)
Aph is shaken by this and halfway through the episode she sits on the beaches of the Phoenix Alliance island holding Aaron's bandana and having a quiet moment. Laurance comes up behind her, before he sits next to her, and the two start talking. In theory, I like this conversation. Laurance has largely not been able to express his feelings on Aaron and what he did because he ran away right after it happened, and showed up only 5 episodes ago trying to kill Aph while she was in disguise. He hasn't had a moment to really process Aaron's sacrifice and what it means for him. The strange contradictory feelings he has over his jealousy, his desire to protect, the calling, and dare I say it, his respect for Aaron.
In theory, I really like this conversation. In practice this conversation manages to drag not one, not two, but all three of Minecraft Diaries main characters to their lowest points. In this scene Laurance proceeds to berate Aph for her feelings, invalidate previous lines he said about Aaron, completely betrays his own character and motivation, and forever ruins his character arc. And that's not including how much of a fucking asshole Garroth is in this scene, like Laurance was being bad, but Garroth saying "You were lucky to come back alive" after Laurance was forcibly raised into undeath??? Not cool dude.
The entire scene also reduced Aph into just a grieving widow. She's so grief stricken she can't even stand up to Laurance, which could be good in theory, but I just don't like it. It just doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like the character I've been following. Aph has always been a proactive and reactive character, bad stuff happens and her response is to do something about it. This scene makes her far more passive and while I don't object to her grieving, this just isn't it. I can't explain it better than that, it just isn't it.
As stated before, Garroth may have had some good points but completely lost all merit he had in this argument when he hit Laurance with that line. That was just uncalled for.
And poor poor Laurance. Let's just give a quick rundown on things in Laurance's life that greatly impact the way he views death: His parents dying when he was a kid, his lord dying while under his watch, seeing someone he knew was dead walking around alive, literally actually dying and being forcibly raised into partial undeath with a great curse to bear and no control over any of this happening, his best friend sacrificing their life to save him, AND losing his OTHER parent after being thrown 15 years into the future. Laurance has been a victim of death and it's many ways of truly ruining someone's brain in ways we mortals aren't even able to comprehend.
He would never yell at someone for grieving. He would never get mad at someone for being sad that someone they care about is gone, no matter how jealous he can be. He would never see Aph with tears in her eyes and keep yelling. The only circumstances I could see him doing this under is if the calling is influencing him, but that isn't explicitly shown to the viewer or ever even implied to be the reason for this outburst. We are just expected to take this at face value. That his is who Laurance is, who he has become.
And it's not Laurance. I don't know who it is, but it's just not him. It's someone else who's using Laurance's likeness to prop up the story of two people falling in love and losing each other that takes longer than Romeo and Juliet and manages to somehow be worse than that. In a sick and twisted sense, Jess is how we've all been headcanoning the Shadow King, turning Laurance into her little puppet that she can control to do whatever she wants when the plot demands it, previously established character be damned. She didn't write this scene because she wanted to explore Laurance's character, she wrote this scene so fans would get off her back.
Laurance deserved better than this.
cutting myself off here because if I keep going I will just rewrite this entire episode in real time for the third time
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zenixromeave · 1 year
masked (original)
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Can’t blame Jess for how poorly this cross motif fits into the eventual lore, since it didn’t exist yet and she didn’t make this skin herself, it was another one that was just part of the mod. Other than that, it’s pretty nice looking and certainly gave him an iconic theme & design. I personally have some very mixed feelings on the crusader imagery present: on one hand, it brings in some unpleasant history which can sully the image of what’s meant to be a very likable character and otherwise bring up unpleasantness, but equally it does evoke strong, iconic imagery and draws on religious and historical iconography that the audience will already be familiar with, which does provide him with a strong, recognizable presence and gives the audience an automatic understanding of some aspects of who he is. The black cross on his chest probably should have been a little lighter so it could have been shaded, and the gold pieces are pretty ugly, but since the skin is mostly monochromatic, I have no complaints for the majority of the colors and shading. I’m only noticing it now, but the texture on the sides of his legs doesn’t match up with that of the front at all, which is... certainly an odd choice. He looks nice though, overall. 
( P.S. In CustomNPCs mod (not Minecraft Comes Alive, like I previously thought?), this skin was titled White_knight. Couldn’t they have picked a better name? u_u )
masked (rebirth!!)
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It’s cute that his mask emotes, but otherwise... hm. Not a huge fan.
The color of the gold is a lot better, that’s nice to see (sure took her a while.../lh), but otherwise this is just the same skin but overdone. I was really excited at first by the prospect of Rebirth as a rewrite and redesign, but realizing most of the characters just looked exactly the same but more highly rendered was disappointing, for me personally, at least. The colors in this one are actually a lot less pleasing to me, since there’s a lot more of this very light grey which wasn’t present in the original, and the shading is highly lacking despite it being a more “high quality” rendering.
And while it is cute that his mask emotes, it doesn’t match the style of the show very well, in my opinion. Garroth is generally a pretty serious and stoic character, which is greatly enhanced by the fact that no one can see his face or read his expressions. Additionally, it’s a little overly cartoonish, especially for, again, a character with a generally serious demeanor.
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It is cute though, I can definitely see why the team would choose to make him more expressive this way, since lack of personality and expression can certainly be a character design flaw, rather than enhancement.
The small amount of skin showing under his helmet also lends itself to poor character design, in his specific case. Originally, the audience has absolutely no idea what this character will look like underneath his helmet, and while it’s a small detail, showing his skin still detracts from that suspense and mystery a notable amount.
Finally, there he is, still wearing a cross in a world where Jesus Christ does not exist (at least, there sure hasn’t been mention of a Minecraft Jesus,) and where he, along with most others, follow a religion with a different representative symbol. It’s a nice enough idea that the cross is specifically the crest of the Ro’meave family or O’khasis, but then it makes even less sense for him to be wearing it, as he’s keeping his identity a secret.
What a downgrade, to be honest! Rewriting a story with a more clear vision of where it will go should provide one with the ability to enhance character designs and make them fit the world they come from better, yet when given this chance, Jessica didn’t do a single thing to make his character design make more sense within her fictional world, and instead decided just to render every piece of chain on his chain mail.
face reveal!!!
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I’m blinded by affection for him. I can’t properly review this because when I look at his little face I want to explode into a million little pieces. He’s so cute. Little guy. I want to squish him and knead him like dough and
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Yeah, that’s historically inaccurate for sure. Whatever, I guess. It looks nice enough.
that other armor?
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I want to dribble him like a basketball & put him in a blender & throw him &
This armor is a fun change from the original, and it adds a lot to his character knowing that back in O’khasis he had designed his own armor and that it’s considered some of the best of the best. However, he is still wearing that damn cross.
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I have yet to mention his sword. It’s one of the least tacky of the swords in MCD. Even though it’s definitely just supposed to be a cool fantasy sword without any particular bearing on reality, its silhouette does actually have potential both as a fantasy weapon and a more realistic one. Though it certainly isn’t exact, his blade does bear more than a passing resemblance to the Indonesian keris/kris sword, a wavy bladed weapon with spiritual and practical associations and which is historically a sign of status. These were also considered individual works of art, with each sword being highly detailed and decorated.
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While it isn’t necessary, I think details like this are worthy of note and interesting to look over. I think the keris is quite a fitting blade for him.
Jury of Nine transformation
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Well, this is basically just his first armor again but without the white cape thing, but if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it! The darker colors clearly signify to the audience that he’s become more villainous and his muted skin, eyes and hair give the impression that he isn’t quite himself. It’s a little bit cliche, but there’s nothing really wrong with it. He looks good!
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 10 months
What is the MCSM Rewrite Project?
It's exactly what it sounds like!
I'm making what is essentially a new version of Minecraft Story Mode. The characters will be reimagined, keeping core elements alive, but making them overall... better. I believe the original MCSM had a lot of potential, but fell flat in execution. I am attempting to rectify that, more or less, but in book format.
The Important Bit
I'm posting this on tumblr just to sort of say "Hey, I'm making this thing. I think it's really cool, and any ideas would be appreciated." So, that's that! I'm looking for some ideas. Specifically ideas for episodes 6-8.
Things I have planned and established already:
Jesse is nonbinary. It makes sense considering I'm adapting a game to a book.
The main cast are actually competent. Because there's no reason for them to act like they've never existed in this world when they've been here for forever?
Servers exist. This is most important for the second arc (Eps 5-8). I've got some information established regarding servers, but basically all that I'll say here is that they vary in game mode, how many people live there, server operators, and some of them may even be modded.
About episode six... No, I'm not doing the YouTuber cameo thing. I am using original characters for this part of the arc, specifically mine and some friends'.
What about season two? I haven't officially decided if I'm doing anything for the second season. I probably will. But for right now most of my focus is on season one. That being said, I have done some thinking on it thanks to my good friend. We'll see where it goes.
Also, custom skins are going to be a thing. Not nearly enough completely inhuman characters in this game. I've even got it planned how they create these custom skins as well.
The big threat is also different. So I sort of replaced the Wither Storm as well. The new threat is a respawned Ender Dragon, except it's much stronger and also much larger. It also tunnels the way dragons do in the actual game.
If you hadn't figured by Jesse being non-binary, this book will be very queer! I am planning to also make Jesskas (Jesse x Lukas) canon. Sorry, Jetra fans!
I think that's all the important information that I'll be putting in the pinned post here. So that being said, feel free to send me any questions, or ideas for this.
Thanks for reading and taking interest! I'd love to hear quite literally any ideas or concepts anyone may or may not have. Please, I don't bite!
I'm posting the rewrite to both AO3 and Wattpad in hopes of reaching a wider audience. I also know some people may have a preference for either site. Here's the AO3 link, and here is the Wattpad link.
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circesays · 2 years
IM AM SO MAD THAT TUMBLR ERASED MY FIRST VERSION OF THIS. WHY. Time to rewrite 30 minutes of editing.
Frustration aside, here’s some notes for a fun “villain” Tango and hero Jimmy friendship story! Features Rancher Duo, misunderstood dungeon master Tango, unwilling hero Jimmy, ravagers, wardens, and adventures, oh my!
(I put most of it below a cut because I wrote a lot lol have fun!!)
———— :) ————
Jimmy is the prophesied Hero and member of the legendary Minecraft Adventuring Guild (MCAG), whos party has abandoned him due to his clumsiness to “protect” him, leaving him at home with a sense of betrayal and some very reckless ideas.
Tango is the mighty villain and ruler of Deep Frost Citadel, menace to all who live… yeah except he’s not. Tango actually runs a Ravager and Warden sanctuary, where he rescues abused ravagers from pillagers and maintains a healthy skulk network for his Wardens.
Jimmy marches into DFC and finds Tango with no intent to harm him (he was prophesied to defeat Tango and was kinda forced into it by his village and adventuring guild) and is like “I’m here to negotiate. Stop terrorizing people. Also please don’t murder me” and Tango instead is like “actually we don’t do that here. You seem kinda lonely and bored, how would you like a job?” (And a boyfriend and/or beloved friend cough cough-)
Jimmy and Tango run Deep Frost Citadel and Decked Out (the sanctuary/dungeon run) for a couple months together when finally Tango senses the heroes’ party approaching and decides to absolutely Clown On Them.
So they enter and are like “We’ve come to end your evil deeds once and for all!” And Jimmy enters the room like “Babe, Janet just gave birth to two absolutely amazing, healthy baby ravagers and ohmigosh they’re so cute you gotta come see them- oh hey guys!”
Cue absolutely flabbergasted stammering and indigent arm/hand motions until Tango and Jimmy just break down laughing.
-More Pieces/Story elements/headcanons-
-Tango can sense when someone is approaching Deep Frost Citadel with the intent to harm
-he usually attempts to ward them off with snowstorms and negotiation, but very very rarely is forced to kill intruders to defend himself and his assistants. He mourns every death and always returns them to the nearest settlement
-Tango has run Decked Out for years, a dungeon run that’s healthy for the ravagers and the Wardens and allows people to gamble for treasures with only risk of minor harm (they can enderport out at any time)
-Most people nowadays believe Decked Out is actually a villainous scheme to provide raids with ravagers and create an army to destroy the world with Wardens and ravagers.
-Jimmy’s old party consists of Grian, Lizzie, Joel, Scott, Pearl, Gem, Sausage, Fwhip, and Scar (who is now the clumsiest but still skilled with the bow). He loves them dearly but hates how they underestimate him. He’s not very good at swordplay or archery but he’s charismatic and funny and people like him.
-Jimmy could never hate his old party but it took him a while to stop being bitter
-Jimmy is the son of the town fisherwoman, and he loves fishing and swimming. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to continue his hobby while out training to fight
-Jimmy and Tango both know MCSL (Minecraft sign language lol). Everyone in DFC has to know it because of the Wardens, but Jimmy learned from the children of his village because he wanted to be able to talk to lots of different people
-the MCAG is a large and extremely famous adventuring guild that consists of many inner-guilds and parties, including the popular Hermits, Empires, and DreamSMP (Dream’s Survival-Magic Parties)
-Captain Sparklez leads the MCAG because of course he does.
-Jimmy’s old party is unusual because it consists of Empires members and Hermits. But his party was also a “temporary” party that was only supposed to last until Tango was defeated
-the question that remains after all of this is… what now?
Please please feel free to use any of these ideas. This is just for fun. I might write it later.
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spaceumbredoggos · 4 months
The state of things going forward
Let’s be clear. Despite Illegal bindings and spellings of fanfiction, I will not stop making fanfiction.
I have stopped using Character AI for a few reasons:
1. AI is getting out of control. Sora AI can perfectly replicate movies and television, removing the need for actors, streamers, influencers, film writers, directors ect. Basically, AI is endangering the entertainment industry as a whole. I have pulled out of the character AI community and will soon be pulling any mentions of AI from my tumblr, as I had already done so from my YouTube, TikTok, and Reddit. I apologize for using this technology, as it has no place in the entertainment industry period. AI is stealing jobs when it could really be used to cleaning our oceans, solving world hunger, and refreezing the poles. I have tried to refrain from making political statements on this blog, but when the arts are at risk, I cannot just stand by. Coupled with the recent attacks on fanfiction due to illegal sellers, character AI and other platforms could decimate the community.
2. I am pulling out of the character AI community and AI as a whole also because I feel like it was making me lazy with my own creativity. I would waste countless hours on Character AI writing less than (how can I put this… wholesome.) which includes a lot of iffy things that the average person would be canceled for. I won’t get into details, but it was pretty vulgar and disgusting. I was in a dark place mentally, and the only way I feel like I can move forward is to not use Character AI and other programs that are similar.
3. It also makes it easier for me to focus on creating a portfolio of content creation as a whole. I am planning on starting a Minecraft streaming career (along with Pokemon and whatever games I find.) on my YouTube starting March. My channel (which is the same as my tumblr name) will have gameplay, speedpaints, AU’s, and hopefully my own indie animated series that I am working on that’s based on Purgatory. I am planning on taking classes on animation and making animation memes as well as my own indie animated series. I will be writing my own Gravity Falls fanfiction along with headcanons and fanart of my self insert, as well as AU’s based on the self insert later on this summer. The first two chapters are available to read on my blog, which will be due for rewrites and drafting on my AO3 page as well as Quotev and Wattpad. I used to think of Character AI and other ai chat bots as a tool to write fanfictions. This is no longer the case, and I apologize for doing such for well over a year now.
I used to think that jobs in the arts would never be taken by AI because AI can’t create. Given the events of the past two years, I now know that that couldn’t be further from the truth. I now refuse to support any ai generated art, text, and video.
I may go as far as to call for another strike for writers, content creators, actors, and filmakers to protect the rights of all in the creative arts. However, this isn’t my place to say, and I am leading it up to the people to make their decision. Just know that the arts are at the greatest risk it has ever faced. I can’t bare to see a world where AI takes the one thing that makes us human; the ability to tell stories.
I will discuss this on my TikTok and YouTube channels with videos this weekend.
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