#i stand by the other anons
oifaaa · 9 months
Duke should be able to beef with Dick and dick should be able to do like nothing about it, there should be no resolution or mediation he can pull off to end it
It would be so funny
Dick keeps trying to fix his relationship with Duke but I don't think Dukes interested
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pianokantzart · 3 months
Luigi knows mario would never hurt him. He probably doesn't argue because he doesn't want mario to feel alone or like he doesnt need him or like mario is too much and also their dad is pretty hard on him already
Oh, I lean hard into the "Mario was Luigi's hero before he became the word's hero" angle.
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Charlie Day described Luigi as "die-hard loyal" to Mario, but I do believe that loyalty was earned. Ever since they were little kids Mario's been firmly on his brother's side, which no doubt means the world to a soft spoken guy who isn't even safe from his own relatives when it comes to being pushed around.
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And of course, like you said, Mario would never ever intentionally get Luigi hurt, but at the same time he respects him enough to not coddle him. As a result he accidentally drags him into dangerous situations, but responds to these mistakes with a strong sense of guilt and responsibility.
Luigi, by not arguing and having full faith in his brother, is merely returning the respect and love that Mario gave him first. Mario has more faith in Luigi than Luigi has in himself, so Lu responds in kind.
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k4pp4-8 · 6 days
Least favorite ok ko character??
At first I was gonna say none BUT I actually do have two least favorite characters and it's these two assholes
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Not only I dislike their designs I also HATE their personalities even more. I don't like being so negative but they have literally ZERO redeeming quality. They're just annoying judgy asshats. Plus they were absolutely awful friends to Rad for years!!! They made him become super insecure bc they kept insulting and belitting everything he liked, they're the reason why he started acting like a narcissistic jerk with Enid and then KO
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In conclusion they're lame, stupid, and crappy people and I can't stand seeing them on screen
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How do you feel about Jack Drake?? What are your thoughts on him and Tim’s relationship?
Anon, I hope you were interested in a novel, because look, I am fascinated by Jack Drake.  He’s key to a whole lot of what I find compelling about Tim as a character, and if I were in charge of DC, I’d bring him back to life.  This would make Tim unhappy but would IMO make for good plotlines.
Jack and Tim’s relationship is Complicated (TM)...
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Jack and Tim hug in Nightwing 20 / Jack impulsively yanks a TV out of the wall in Robin 45 / Tim grieves in Identity Crisis
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“I could tell the truth.  But I don’t.” - Robin 66
...and it involves a whole lot of Tim lying, and feeling guilty about lying, and thinking about telling the truth, and choosing again and again to keep lying.
And I think that’s great.
Below the cut:
Shorter version - key points about Jack
Really long version - my gentler take (vigilantism is choir and Jack loves sports) vs. my harsher take (Jack has some major flaws)
Final thoughts
Shorter version - key points about Jack:
He’s a bad parent.  He’s self-centered, he consistently prioritizes his own comfort and interests over his son’s, and when upset, he does things like order Tim off to boarding school.
But he’s never a bad parent in an actionable way.  He’s not like David Cain or Arthur Brown, who are abusive monsters.  Jack’s not a monster!  He just...kinda sucks.
He genuinely loves Tim. If Jack’s aware that Tim’s disappeared or is in trouble, he’s always worried and upset.  He periodically resolves to be a better dad, and IMO he’s always sincere.
And Tim loves him, a lot.  Tim’s protective of him and worries about him when he’s kidnapped or in danger, and when they’re reunited, Tim’s really relieved and usually hugs him (and Jack hugs back!). 
...But they have very little in common, and that’s a problem. Jack doesn’t value the things that Tim values, or respect the people that Tim admires, or care about the things that Tim’s interested in.  Tim lies to him a lot, but that’s partly because he correctly guesses Jack wouldn’t respond well if he knew the truth of what Tim’s up to.
The Batfamily is a surrogate family that Tim’s drawn to because of the ways his real family doesn’t meet his emotional needs…but also he feels guilty about that and disloyal. (And to the extent that his dad recognizes what’s going on, he's jealous and resentful!)
Very long version:
Okay!  So first: Jack’s a character who IMO is pretty up for interpretation.  You can interpret him very charitably, and make excuses for the bad behavior, and fill in the blanks sympathetically when situations are ambiguous; or you can interpret him uncharitably, and emphasize the bad behavior. I don’t think either approach is invalid - it depends on what kind of story you’re interested in!  I have enjoyed Bad Dad stories and also stories that redeem Jack.
My personal take on canon is that Jack and Tim’s relationship is in a gray area.  Jack's definitely neglectful, and he does prioritize other things over Tim, but he’s never so bad that Tim can easily reject him, and he's never so bad that Bruce could justify taking Tim away.  He's just...not great.  Tim loves him, and feels loyal to him, but it’s a very mixed-up complicated love.
I have a gentler take and a harsher one which I switch between as the spirit moves me. xD
My Gentler Take (tl;dr: vigilantism is choir and Jack loves sports)
Here’s the core conflict: Jack and Tim are very different people with different values.  Tim idolizes Bruce and Dick and vigilantism, and secretly gets involved, knowing his dad will hate it. He gets increasingly wrapped up in his secret world and lies to his dad...because if his dad finds out, he’ll make Tim quit.
This is a great setup for an ongoing comic.  It’s practical, because it provides endless potential for plotlines, and it’s nicely thematic, because it maps closely onto relatable real-life situations with extracurricular activities:
Tim the drama nerd whose dad thinks he’s playing football and not in the school play; 
Tim the closeted-queer kid secretly getting involved in his school’s politically-active Gay-Straight Alliance; 
Tim the choir kid whose dad only values making money and wants him to go into the family business (and Tim keeps promising himself he'll give up choir soon, definitely soon, but maybe he'll stay in just a liiiittle longer, because they need him, you see, the last tenor left town, so...); 
Tim the computer geek with the sports-obsessed dad (this one’s just canon);
etc. etc.  
The extracurricular metaphor works pretty well for Tim’s relationship to vigilantism.  Tim's involved in his "extracurricular" because he genuinely thinks it's important and fulfilling, and he values it and wants to be good at it. He idolizes Bruce and Dick because they're good at it. He's been collecting information about it since he was a little kid, and hiding it from his parents because he knows they wouldn't approve. And mayyyybe there's also an element of low-key rebellion against his dad, and maybe that's secretly part of the appeal. And yet also as Tim gets more and more invested, he starts to daydream: maybe I could tell my dad and he'd be proud of me and supportive. But he doesn't, because actually he knows his dad would be upset and angry and make him quit.
And - again, just like with lonely kids and extracurricular hobbies - one of the things that happens is that Tim starts getting his unfilled emotional needs met ... by people he knows through this secret hobby. And people like Bruce and Dick start turning into a surrogate family. Which Tim feels guilty about. And also as Tim gets more and more wrapped up in their world, he has to lie to his dad even more, which means the distance between Tim and his dad gets bigger and bigger and more and more unfixable.
I love this dilemma. It's simple, it's recognizable, it provides endless sources for conflict, and there's no obvious solution! Tim can't tell Jack: he'll make Tim quit! And Tim doesn't want to quit, because he loves choir / art / theater / whatever.  Yeah, it’s difficult, and there are challenges, and sometimes he has doubts...but at the end of the day, he cares about it a lot.  And everything he values is there, and all the people he admires and cares about are there, and all he wants in the world is to feel like he's one of them and belongs there. So he has to lie, even though he doesn't want to lie, and he feels guilty about it...
...but also he ends up lying more and more.
(Sidenote: I think it's important that Tim chooses to keep lying - Tim's narration often glosses this as "I have to lie to my dad," and that's certainly how it feels to Tim, but this... isn't quite true. He has to lie to his dad, because if he doesn't, his dad will get mad at him and try to stop him, not because he literally has no choice about it.)
Other Reasons Why I Like The "Secret Extracurricular" Interpretation
(tl;dr it complicates not just Tim's relationship with his dad, but also all his other relationships)
Tim's problems have some obvious parallels to Steph and Cass, who both become vigilantes while rejecting their evil supervillain dads. But Jack isn't evil. And that means the Tim-and-Jack relationship is ambiguous and complicated in ways that I like. Steph and Cass can just leave their Bad Dads in prison, and say good riddance, and feel very righteous and triumphant about it! Tim’s more complicated. Tim gets into vigilantism ostensibly out of duty and altruism, but secretly, he's also involved for straight-up selfish self-fulfillment reasons. He's lonely, and bored, and his life feels pointless, but he thinks that Bruce and Dick are cool and amazing and he wants to be a part of the things that they do.  When his dad gets jealous of Tim’s relationship to Bruce, and feels like Tim’s looking for a surrogate family, he’s... not wrong.
And the ways in which Jack is not Actionably Bad complicate things from Bruce's POV.  If Jack was a straight-up villain, it’d be an easy call to keep in touch when Jack finds out and makes Tim quit...but he’s not a villain, not really.  So what do you do?  Do you try to surreptitiously stay in touch with Tim even though you’re ignoring his dad’s express wishes and thus forcing Tim to sneak around?  Do you respect his dad’s wishes and stay away from Tim even though you have a years-long relationship at this point?  
Again: a bit similar to the extracurricular analogy.  Say you’re the choir director and you’ve built this whole relationship with a kid in the choir, and you’re an important mentor to him and you care about him etc. etc. etc.... and then right before a big performance, his dad finds out he’s been secretly involved, and yanks him out.  How would you react?  Well, maybe kind of in some of the ways Bruce reacts.  You replace him. You’re annoyed with him. You miss him. You want him to come back. You’re also worried about him.  You’re upset with his dad.  But also... what should you do, exactly?
Bruce and Alfred and Dick care about Tim as if he were part of their family, but he’s not part of their family, and there’s a lot of interesting tension there.
My Harsher Take
Jack never hits his son.  But his temper is a big deal.
In his worst moments, he takes out his anger on Tim’s stuff - wrecking his room, or ripping his TV out of the wall and confiscating it.  When he’s worried about Tim, he usually expresses that fear by yelling at him / punishing him / sending him away - threatening to send him to boarding school in Metropolis in Robin III, or threatening to send him to military school abroad in Robin 92, or actually forcing him to go to an all-boys' boarding school post-NML.  
This is bad behavior!  It is Not Good!  
And you can easily connect the dots to a bunch of Tim’s terrible coping mechanisms, like the constant lying and or the fact that Tim’s go-to methods for dealing with interpersonal conflict are 1) repress it and pretend it never happened (most of his fights with Bruce), 2) withdraw from the relationship until he can pretend the conflict doesn’t exist (when his friends get mad at him in YJ, he quits the team for a while), or 3) literally run away from home.
Also, Jack is a Manly Man with firm opinions about how men behave vs. how women behave, and he thinks boys shouldn’t be scared and thinks Tim should date hot girls and pushes Tim to work out and wants him to play football and expresses period-typical sexism, etc. etc. etc. ... and though obviously this wasn’t what the writers had in mind at the time, all of that is certainly interesting to read backwards in the light of Tim as a queer character.
More Disorganized Thoughts on Jack Drake
Tim’s our hero, so we’re naturally more sympathetic to him, but it’s also true that relationships are a two-way street, and Tim doesn’t value any of the things his dad values, either.  Jack at various points is shown to care about grades, business, money, boarding schools, archeology, football, a kind of macho bragging-about-dating-hot-women ethos, and a very public and performative kind of caring. Tim tends to respond with discomfort or disinterest or even disgust.  When Jack gets on TV to try to rally the government to save his son from No Man’s Land, Tim isn’t touched—he’s mortified.  When Jack makes some bad investments and loses money, Jack’s deeply upset and his self-image is majorly impacted, and far from being sympathetic, Tim’s annoyed and kind of contemptuous of the idea that this is a problem.  Jack thinks fishing in the early morning and going to tennis matches is a fun father-son activity; Tim finds it exhausting and tedious.  And so on.
This means that Tim often longs to be closer to his dad in theory, but this longing is more tied to fantasy than to reality. He rarely seems to enjoy spending time with His-Dad-The-Actual-Person.  So for example, when Tim’s deadly ill with the Clench, he has an extremely poignant fever dream about telling his dad the truth and getting hugged…even as he insists in real-life to Alfred and Dick that he does not want them to tell his dad what’s going on.
The same is true of Jack, who IMO genuinely wants to be closer to his son and is continually declaring that he’s going to turn over a new leaf and get closer to his son…and just as continually backs out of activities or loses his temper when faced with spending time with his actual son.
Tim and his dad sadly get along best—by far—in Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder situations.  When Jack gets kidnapped or is in danger, Tim worries for him (and Tim grieves him deeply when he dies).  When Tim disappears or runs away, Jack’s genuinely worried about him.  So e.g. they have a really moving emotional reunion and hug when the earthquake hits Gotham, and Tim panics about his dad’s safety and comes running home (and meanwhile Jack’s been panicked about Tim’s safety!).  It’s the day-to-day, regular life stuff where they don’t connect.
Jack's written quite differently by different writers. Mostly, Tim's parents are at their least likable in his early appearances and early miniseries (this is where you get, for example, Jack and Janet being nasty at each other while a pained employee looks on, and Tim disappointed to once again get news of where his parents are via postcard - "I guess that sums them up! Never know where they’re going to be–or when–or even how long!” - and Tim alone on school break, and Bruce and Alfred thinking there's something weird going on with Tim's parents, etc. etc.). Jack's more sympathetic but still often unlikable in most of Tim's Robin solo, and he's almost invisible (but positively treated if he does show up) in Tim's team books.
For obvious reasons, Jack's remembered way more sympathetically after his death. Tim's completely devastated by Jack's murder, which he arrives moments too late to prevent, and he basically never gets over it. We see him grieving Jack again and again in Robin, and also in Teen Titans, and also in Resurrection, and again in the Halloween Special, and again in Batman: Blackest Night, and all the way up to the end of Red Robin. Tim also grieves for an extended time over Janet - he hallucinates a happy reunion with her when he's feverish in Contagion, and hallucinates her in the final issue of Robin, and the reveal-your-buried-emotions song in Robin 102 brings up his grief for her too (meanwhile, other characters dance or laugh or otherwise get giddy).  Tim’s grief over his parents’ deaths is intense and long-lasting.
I'm not going to clip comic panels because this is long enough, but if you're curious, here's a nice and fairly lengthy compilation of comic panels with Tim and Jack.
If you're interested in a Jack-centric story with a softer-but-still-recognizably-canon take on Jack, I really like the way Jack’s narration is written in the one-shots Heart Humble (set shortly before Jack dies) and Never a Hero (Ra's resurrects him during Brucequest, and Jack's archeology skills turn out to be unexpectedly useful).
#tim drake#jack drake#ask tag#i wrote this ages ago and now i can't remember what i was going to add to it so oh well draft amnesty? sorry for the long wait anon!! <333#anyway i kept this carefully on topic and virtuously did not derail into talking about the other blorbo but tags are for disorganization SO#for me this kinda half-in half-out place where tim is with the batfamily is SUCH an interesting part of his relationship with dick#and i never stop turning it over in my head#he's kiiiinda replaced dick in that he's robin - but in a very real way he *hasn't* - he's NOT bruce's new son the way jason was#and early!tim makes a BIG POINT of how bruce is not his dad#and i think this relative distance from bruce is a huge factor in why dick is able to build a close relationship with tim at all#(because dick's still pretty estranged from bruce!)#and there's such interesting tension there when dick starts jokingly calling tim ''little brother'' or when villains call them brothers#because they're NOT. increasingly they would both LIKE to be brothers! but dick has zero official standing in tim's life#if tim got hit by a car in his civilian identity bruce and dick wouldn't even be able to visit him without his dad's permission#which jack would be pretty unlikely to give! jack doesn't like or trust bruce!#or like. this is morbid. but if tim died. dick wouldn't even be invited to the funeral you know?#and there's such interesting tension there for me in the contrast between this vigilante relationship that's very very close#but in their civilian lives no one would assume they're anything in particular to each other#anyway the 1st half of tim's robin solo has this thread of tension between tim's family life vs. his vigilante life (plus his mom's death)#and then the second half + red robin has the thread of struggling with grief in a world that's not fair + feeling lost/alone#and these two threads are a big part of my interest in tim as a character! jack's the backdrop that makes a lot of stories possible
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just-bendy · 6 months
A green accessory you say, Oliver? Here! Since you have something akin to hair(?) I think this should work!
Holds out a hair clip with a small green felted flower on it
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I am forever grateful to you two kind strangers~! Thank you so much!
Don't I look elegant? Green is definitely my color! Perhaps I should adorn myself in all sorts of lovely green accessories from now on~!
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
There was an article from Marie Claire that showed Alycia's 5 items in her list. You'll never guess what was #2 and #3
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Girl is never beating the allegations
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simmyfrobby · 10 months
Every single sidgeno poem has brought me to my KNEES. I've come here to beg for one more.
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― A Self-Portrait in Letters, Anne Sexton
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shinidamachu · 25 days
As an InuKag creator that came into the fandom late, it feels discouraging to say there's a drought in content when we're still here trying our best.
It's good that you sent me this because I realize now how my wording could be interpreted this way and it's not what I mean at all.
I'm an Inukag creator too and the last thing I want is to discourage anybody. Especially because I do my best to always stalk the Inuyasha tag and reblog and comment as much content as I can. I know how important that is.
My post was just an observation slash vent. I'm sorry we didn't have you in the fandom earlier but if we had, maybe the difference between then and now would probably hit you as hard as it hits me.
And the "drought" isn't limited to content, I wasn't clear about that before so that's my bad. The "drought" is due to the fact that Yashahime pushed a lot of great people away, other artists saw their engagement numbers decrease because of it and left as well (which is completely valid) and then it got to the point where we barely even talk about Inuyasha anymore.
This is not exclusively a Tumblr issue because I've noticed the same thing on Twitter. It just feels like everybody is moving on and while I understand that (I myself haven't been as active here as I used to be because I have a huge test coming up) I can't help but feel sad about it and just miss the way things were.
I know everybody is trying their best, I'm not trying to undermine that. I actually rely on it. So please forgive me for indirectly discouraging you (and potentially others). It was not the intention. I'm trying my best as well.
I just needed to rant a little.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 1 month
The JoJoStands Matchup
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sleepanonymous · 21 days
mother token hear my prayer, what colour is iii's hair now?? it's so hard to tell in all the stage lighting gifs/videos so far and i am losing my mind
(ps. you're a gem i am feral for both the boys AND you xoxo)
Hello Anon 🖤🖤🖤 I literally don't know what to say except thank you so much 😳 I feel like I've never made anyone feral before so I'm screaming and kicking my feet 🥰
As for III's hair? I'm gonna say I am 100% sure it's straight up black. I agree that the lighting was very dim for most of the ritual, and that definitely contributed to a lot of the confusion around his hair color.
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He also has an undercut now and I'm so 👀👀👀🖤🖤🖤 I'm hoping we get more clear photos of him with these upcoming rituals in Australia because damn!
TBH black is the easiest to do if he wanted to switch it up from the red he had at Wembley, if you take into account the fading color + root regrowth. He probably didn't want to go through the hassle of bleaching his roots right before an insane flight to Australia so he just went with black, which covers everything (I say this as someone who dyed her hair black for 6 years straight as a teenager/young adult).
As a side note: I would also bet money that he used boxed permanent hair dye. I can't see him re-dying it with semipermanent color every 3 weeks while on tour the next two months, unless he's literally gonna be rinsing the dye out with water bottles in alleyways behind venues 🤣
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dykevanny · 17 days
had a really funny idea for an ask blog ft. Vanny and another plex employee oc,,
#Get this right. 2 pizzaplex employees accidentally get tumblr famous bc someone has been leaving weird graffiti everywhere and#Getting up to other shenanigans and sends asks abt it to this one like urban exploration blog. Who later gets an ask basically like#Hey I work at the plex?? This is some insider info only another employee would know????#The two anons are constantly back and forth in this persons inbox and are eventually assigned nicknames#‘Pix’ for the mystery vandalism employee because she shows up as nothing but weird pixels and glitches on cameras#The other employee is ‘Cam’ because they have been monitoring all this on the cameras#One day they get each others blogs and keep sending each other death threats and shit jokingly but one day pix warns cam not to go to a#Weird late staff meeting#The next night it is literally just the two of them and they think this is so funny they start a blog trying to uncover why everyone else#Just isn’t coming in. At first they are like well layoffs duhhhh#But then ppl send asks and messages like ‘hey have u seen this employee it’s my brother/friend/etc’ and they realize shit is actually going#On in here#One night cam is live-blogging their shift and sees a weird intruder in a costume with a knife and runs around eventually escaping and find#Pix lying at the bottom of a stairwell unconscious with a bloody nose later#Takes pix to the hospital. Only to be alone in the plex the next night and suddenly get a phone call saying that pix left the hospital. Bc#Pix left cam as the emergency contact because ‘she didn’t have anyone else’.#Cam has to survive the masked intruder#eventually starts recording everything but when the intruder gets closer the footage gets glitchier#Eventually there’s just one fuzzy image of the intruder with Roxy and Monty standing on either side and that’s the last we hear of cam. Nex#Post is pix saying hehe thanks for following our little story aha !! Bye now it’s over!! And that’s it…..heheheheh#Killer rab blog has become a little boring for me so… might start this soon….#I’d have to make like 2 blogs plus some fake dms too probably . Damn
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hannagoldworthy · 5 months
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Looks like Someone stole her mommy’s phone to circumvent my IP block lol. You need some attention, Domina? You getting bored under your bridge? Get used to it, because now this IP is blocked too.
Still, I have to laugh, because once again you are utilizing big words to try and intimidate me, but because you’re about as literate as a rock at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, you’re doing it wrong. Female chauvinism is an entirely different beast from plain chauvinism (also called MALE chauvinism, for reasons that should be clear to you). Next time, just cut out the word ‘female’ and call me a misogynistic sow again - we both know that’s what you wanted to call me in the first place.
Also, it’s amazing how someone who’s trying to accuse ME of misogyny just referred to two prominent female characters as objects that were readily interchangeable, with their only impact on the story being their effects on their male love interests. This is tragicfantasy-girl, folks! Voice of downtrodden women EVERYWHERE!
I love it, you completely disregard Padmé’s and Satine’s feelings on this matter. As much as I may joke about how Obi-Wan is the objectively more attractive man, I sincerely doubt Padmé would be more than passingly interested in dating him - Natalie Portman specifically said that Padmé liked Anakin because he helped her escape from her adult life into a romantic fantasy she hadn’t had the opportunity to indulge during her short childhood. Obi-Wan was not in the business of escapism, so she never really thought of him as more than a friend or a coworker.
And Satine? Satine would have ripped Anakin a new asshole, let’s be honest. She would have started gently, hinting strongly that she still thought of him as a child, wearing the dowdiest clothes in her wardrobe, maintaining a minimum distance between them, setting up a cover story as a brother and sister traveling rather than a married couple. Then, she would have firmly denied his advances, tried to set him up with her younger sister (and her nephew, when that fell through), had him sit and watch her do paperwork all day, and when he broke out the amateur-night Shakespeare monologue, she’d haul out the big guns and say “oh, Obi-Wan used to say the same things to me when we were young.” And, when she heard that he committed the war crime of collective punishment by killing Tusken Children for the crimes of their parents, she’d have reported him to the Council immediately upon seeing them, middle of a battle or no. Anatine as a concept is DOA.
But don’t let that stop you! If you really want to write that fanfic, you go on right ahead, Domina! I know you’re probably blonde in real life because you have this weird fixation on blonde female characters that makes you take any slight against them too personally! Why don’t you turn that energy into writing the Anatine fic nobody except you has ever asked for? Project your rancid personality on Satine and bone Anakin in effigy as much as you want! It’s what fanfic was MADE for!
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Current thoughts on Neuvillette and Furina?
the moment i saw them on screen together i was overcome with fantasies of the Most Austic Threesome ever penned to the hollowed halls of ao3. i have been been plagued with visions ever since.
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theheightofdishonor · 2 months
I love reading your kagehina posts!! Sometimes I see stuff like they aren't even friends 😭 and probably drifted apart and partner in sports is different from actual friendship lmao
Thank you!
dfghhjkl yeah i've seen those claims and I firmly believe that anyone who's saying any of that needs to take reading comprehension 101. I've talked about this claim a little bit here but to reiterate, kageyama and hinata's bond- their unique connection, the meaningfulness of it, the way that they support and teach and learn from each other- is one of the core aspects of the series. Like, there were so many instances of people commenting about how special their relationship was that I made a list. This post here I think are also relevant to addressing this. (if you couldn't tell, i talk about this a lot lol. But I don't mind talking about it some more)
Point is, they mean a lot to each other. And yes, haikyuu does make a point of showing how volleyball isn't always a 1 v 1 comparison to irl and how volleyball doesn't have to mean everything to be meaningful but at the same time, that's inapplicable to hinata and kageyama because the other side of that coin is that sometimes, volleyball is everything. It could not possibly be more in your face that Kageyama and Hinata formed an instantaneous connection and became a duo to be feared like overnight because they recognized that the other person is exactly like them- someone who will give everything for volleyball, who will never give up, a person who complements them. and understands them. Kageyama's little backstory moment that changed everything (and fucked me up permanently) is that he's been waiting for (someone like) Hinata his entire life. So what if they're not be hanging out 24/7 outside of volleyball? (which they do hang out outside of matches btw later on in life, kageyama asked hinata to play beach vb with kunimi and kindaichi) They already have a mutual understanding about the importance of volleyball in their lives. Also like, even in the last chapter/panel of haikyuu literally just reiterates that for the two of them, volleyball and each other and intrinsically intertwined elements and that they intend on revolving around each other as partner/rivals for the rest of their lives.
If we're looking only at the anime, that list i linked above is entirely taken from season. Like, the the sheer weight of kageyama "i can spike, toss, etc by myself" tobio saying the words "as long as you're with me, you're invincible" like 1-2 episodes later?? This bullshit where kageyama extracts a promise from hinata to follow him to the top of the world still happens in the anime too. That bit in the first Seijoh match where Kageyama says that Oikawa's going to set to Iwaizumi, not because it's the most logical move but because he trusts him so innately that it's the most natural move to make and then going on to make the exact same set to Hinata in the same match?? The extra animated linger on Kageyama and Hinata's fingers touching as they stop the Miya's quick? Oikawa and Atsumu both saying that Kageyama's "wrapped around Hinata's finger"?
Like come on now, does this look like two people who are going to drift apart? Be for real. They're too obsessed with each other to do that.
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thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"I feel like people need to remember that Right doesn't hate Henry in every single route, especially in the TK route ( remember that in the beginning of that Right was only glaring towards Ellie because of her "woah what happened to that guy" line ( don't blame him tbh ) )"
"Especially because that same route has Right entrusting Henry to protect Reginald, later knowing that Henry would come to help him and they not one but two moments together ( sure style on them was a fail but Right was very much styling with Henry still )"
"There are routes where Right does hate Henry for good reasons ( the Reg arrested routes and R and TCW ) but TK and in extension T4L ( Right didn't even need a second thought to give his approval on Henry's leadership unlike Reg ) are not those routes." submitted by anon
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Reader who can’t touch Foul Legacy, searing pain shooting up their body if they even so much as bump into FL,,,Thinking about if they met Ajax first, confused why he would have small burns and cuts near wherever you would touch him, unaware it’s from his connections to the Abyss.
First time you saw Foul Legacy you wanted to cradle his face, gently press his forehead to yours, and you tried! Oh you tried so hard, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you hold Foul Legacy’s face, biting your tongue in an attempt to mask the burning pain shooting down your arms, Foul Legacy trying so hard to leave your grasp, not wanting to hurt you.
even better if Ajax can't touch you, and you can't touch Foul Legacy. like Rex Lapis, you enjoy taking a human form to stroll around Liyue Harbor, being one of the few gods who view mortals as equals. you meet Ajax on one of these walks and become close, both of you eagerly waiting for the hour or so he gets after work each day so you can spend it together... although, for some odd reason, he can't touch you. his skin reacts harshly when met with yours, blistering and burning a bit, so you're both careful to touch each other as little as possible- but that's alright! you're perfectly content to simply sit next to each other on a bench and chat about everything and nothing
then you encounter Foul Legacy, and suddenly everything makes sense. as a Celestial deity, you're supposed to kill any Abyss creatures you come across- but you've always been a softhearted god, so when you see him collapsed in a field you immediately rush to help. but your eyes widen when you get closer, familiarity washing over you as the Abyss creature stares up, whining softly and curling in on himself. you simply smile, reaching to hold your Ajax's masked cheeks
pain sears your fingertips as they brush against his face and you draw back in alarm. Foul Legacy yelps as you jerk away, trying to nuzzle closer until he sees the blood dripping from your hand, the skin there completely melted and burned, and he balks in horror. he cries out sharply and hunches over in shame- of course this would happen, he's from the Abyss and you're from Celestia, how could he be so foolish? but then he feels your arms wrap around him, squeezing him gently, comforting him, and he wants to cry, attempting to struggle out of your grip. it's been so long since he was held like he was something precious, so eventually he weakens and just allows you to hug him, holding him tightly despite the awful pain that burns your flesh
the next time Ajax sees you, your hands are covered in bandages
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